Business Model Scamvas


AI & ML interests

None defined yet.

The current page appears to be a template for a README file for a project named "ScamvasCOM" on Hugging Face Spaces. Here are the key elements from the page:

  • Title & Emoji: The title of the README is simply "README" and it is associated with a globe emoji 🌍.
  • Color Scheme: The color scheme for the UI is set to transition from blue to red.
  • SDK: It specifies that the SDK used is 'static'.
  • Description: There is a prompt to add a short description for the Space, which is limited to 60 characters.
  • Editing: Instructions are provided on how to edit the file, with options to commit directly to the main branch or open as a pull request.

This template serves as a starting point for authoring an organization card for the project. It's a markdown file that can be customized to include more detailed information about the project, such as an extended description, images, audio, and videos.


None public yet


None public yet