# BoScenes BoScenes: random: - "__scenes/settings/*__ {1-4$$__scenes/features*__}" random-Landscape: - "__scenes/settings/Landscapes__ {1-4$$__scenes/features*__}" random-city: - "__scenes/settings/UrbanBuiltEnvironments__ {1-4$$__scenes/features*__}" scenes: settings: Landscapes: - Forest - Woodland - Jungle - Rainforest - Desert - Oasis - Dunes - Canyon - Mountains - Valleys - Glaciers - Waterfalls - Volcano - Caves - Plains - Prairie - Tundra - Wetland - Marsh - Swamp - Ocean - Beach - Coastline - Underwater - Coral Reef - Deep Sea - Cliffs - Islands - Archipelago - Plateau - Crater Lake - Meadows - Fields - Vineyard - Farmland UrbanBuiltEnvironments: - Rural Landscape - Urban Landscape - Skyscrapers - City Park - Alleyway - Suburbia - Village - Town - Marketplace - Harbor - Port - Space Station - Alien Planet - Lunar Landscape - Spaceport - Futuristic City - Post-apocalyptic Wasteland - Steampunk City - Cyberpunk Metropolis - Floating Islands - Crystal Caves - Enchanted Forest - Wonderland - Hidden Valley - Lost City - Magical Realm - Underworld - Celestial Landscape - Dream World - Night Sky - Star Cluster - Nebula - Supernova - Aurora Borealis - Dystopian Cityscape - Mythical Landscapes - Alternate Dimensions - Time-Travel Scenarios - Utopian City - Ruined Kingdom - Gothic Architecture - Haunted Forest - Cloud City - Rainbow Valley - Crystal Canyon features-nature: - Mountain - Hill - Valley - River - Lake - Waterfall - Forest - Woodland - Jungle - Desert - Oasis - Dune - Canyon - Meadow - Field - Prairie - Marsh - Swamp - Wetland - Island - Coral Reef - Underwater Cave - Volcano - Geyser - Glacier - Rock Formation - Sand Dune - Tundra - Iceberg - Fjord - Lagoon - Oasis - Hot Spring - Gorge - Ravine - Plateau - Bog - Flora and Fauna - Sunrise - Sunset - Moonlit Night - Starry Sky - Rainbow - Cloud Formation - Wind-swept Landscape - Reflection on Water - Mist - Fog - Bird in Flight - Animal Track - Changing Season - Blossoming Flower - Falling Leaf - Snow-covered Scene - Rustling Leaf - Babbling Brook - Serene Pond - Roaring Waterfall - Whispering Breeze - Rustling Grass - Lush Vegetation - Diversity of Insect - Wildlife Camouflage - Echoing Mountain - Serene Tranquility - Cacophony of Birdsong - Gentle Ripple on Water - Dancing Firefly - Majestic Forest Canopy - Play of Light and Shadow - Vibrant Coral Ecosystem - Dramatic Cliffs - Verdant Valley features-urban: - Skyscraper - Office Building - Residential Tower - City Park - Shopping District - Pedestrian Walkway - Sidewalk - Bridge - Overpass - Underground Tunnel - Street - Avenue - Boulevard - Alleyway - Plaza - Town Square - Public Transit Station - Bus Stop - Subway Entrance - Train Station - Airport - Highway - Freeway - Street Sign - Traffic Light - Pedestrian Crossing - Public Bench - Street Art - Mural - Graffiti - Building Facade - Neon Sign - Billboard - Storefront - Restaurant - Cafe - Bar - Theatre - Museum - Gallery - Skyscraper Window - Rooftop Garden - Outdoor Seating Area - Water Fountain - Public Art Installation - Historical Landmark - City Hall - Civic Center - Urban Landscaping - Pedestrian-friendly Zone - Bike Lane - Public Transportation - Pedestrian Bridge - Cultural Festival - Urban Murmur - City Light - Commuter - Traffic Jam - Noise Pollution - City Siren - Skyline View - Reflection on Glass - Hectic Street Life - Nighttime Illumination - Urban Wildlife - Alley Cat - Reflection on Puddle - Modern Architecture - Mixed-use Building - Rooftop Bar - Waterfront Promenade features-nautic: - Ocean - Beach - Coastline - Coral Reef - Seabed - Tidal Pool - Seashell - Tide - Wave - Current - Seagull - Pelican - Dolphin - Shark - Whale - Jellyfish - Octopus - Seagrass - Kelp - Algae - Tidepool - Tide - Undertow - Buoy - Lighthouse - Sailboat - Shipwreck - Submarine - Deep - Abyss - Bioluminescence - Underwater Cave - Sunken Treasure - Shipwreck - Seafloor - Sand Dollar - Starfish - Coral Polyp - Manta Ray - Anemone - Tidal Flat - Tsunami - Marine Life - Reef Fish - Trench - Diving Suit - Snorkel - Scuba Gear - Sea Turtle - Seahorse - School of Fish - Underwater Volcano - Mariana Trench - Abyssal Plain - Oceanic Rift - Sunlight Penetration - Coral Bleaching - Saltwater - Ocean Breeze - Marine Conservation - Tide Cycle - Submersible - Biome - Plankton - Microorganism - Coral Atoll - Pufferfish - Manatee - Angelfish - Lionfish - Eel - Ship's Hull - Captain's Quarters - Seaside Cliffs - Marine Sanctuary - Sea Cucumber - Sea Anemone - Sea Slug - Salt Marsh - Tidal Estuary - Oceanographer - Sea Salt features-mountain: - Mountain - Summit - Peak - Slope - Ridge - Valley - Pass - Glacier - Waterfall - Stream - Brook - River - Lake - Forest - Meadow - Alpine Flower - Boulder - Rock Formation - Cliff - Ledge - Trail - Hiking Path - Mountain Goat - Marmot - Eagle - Hawk - Condor - Avalanche - Crevasse - Icefall - Snowfield - Scree - Mountain Hut - Alpine Plant - Mountain Range - Geological Formation - Snowcapped Peak - Crater Lake - Volcanic Mountain - Alpine Tundra - Mountain Breeze - Mountain Stream - Mountain Pass - Hiker - Climber - Mountaineer - Summit View - Pine Forest - Mountain Silence - Mountain Erosion - Subalpine Zone - Mountain Pine - Mountain Larch - Mountain Cedar - Mountain Ash - Mountain Ecosystem - Mountain Air - Mountain Sunset - Mountain Sunrise - Mountain Adventure - Mountain Expedition features-Architecture: - Column - Pillar - Arch - Dome - Vault - Buttress - Balcony - Terrace - Atrium - Portico - Porte-Cochère - Spire - Minaret - Tower - Turret - Parapet - Gargoyle - Cupola - Cornice - Sill - Eave - Pediment - Keystone - Facade - Portico - Porch - Entryway - Foyer - Rotunda - Niche - Staircase - Ramp - Elevator - Escalator - Corridor - Hallway - Corbel - Corbel - Belfry - Bell Tower - Finial - Mansard Roof - Gambrel Roof - A-Frame Roof - Skylight - Window - Door - Sash Window - Bay Window - Dormer Window - Casement Window - Transom Window - Sliding Window - Fixed Window - French Window - Louvered Window - Stained Glass Window - Oriel Window - Mullion Window - Soffit - Balustrade - Railing - Newel Post - Baluster - Spindle - Fascia - Corbel - Corbel - Wainscoting - Crown Molding - Chair Rail - Baseboard - Casing - Pedestal - Foundation - Pilaster - Stanchion - Transom - Jamb - Niche - Cupboard - Hearth - Chimney - Mantel - Fireplace - Mantelshelf - Chimney Flue - Chimney Pot - Flue Pipe - Roof Vent - Dado - Skylight features-cave: - Cave - Entrance - Stalactite - Stalagmite - Column - Rock Formation - Chamber - Passage - Gallery - Grotto - Underground Stream - Pictograph - Petroglyph - Speleothem - Dripstone - Flowstone - Cave Pearl - Helictite - Drapery - Soda Straw - Bacon Strip - Rimstone Pool - Cave Coral - Cave Pool - Cave Bacon - Cave Ribbon - Moonmilk - Curtain - Shield - Cave Spider - Cave Cricket - Cave Beetle - Cave Fish - Troglodyte - Guano - Subterranean Lake - Underground River - Chandelier - Fossil - Concretion - Sinter - Travertine - Trogloxene - Stalagnate - Darkness - Echo - Cavern - Abyss - Alcove - Rimstone Dam - Subterranean Gallery - Underground Landscape - Nocturnal Creatures - Calcite Deposit - Rock Ceiling - Bat Colony - Dripping Water - Underground World - Speleology - Caving - Subterranean Ecosystem - Cave Air - Cave Exploration - Caving Helmet - Cave Passage - Cave Resonance - Cave Diver - Underground Crystals - Chert - Chalk - Karst Landscape - Sump - Underground Cavern - Tectonic Caves - Hydrothermal Caves - Lava Tube Caves - Solution Caves - Ice Caves - Sea Caves - Wind Cave - Limestone Cave features-fictional: - Magic - Enchantment - Teleportation - Time Travel - Elemental Control - Flight - Super Strength - Regeneration - Immortality - Force Field - Energy Beam - Warp Drive - Hyperspace - Wormhole - Laser Sword - Force Lightning - Mind Control - Holodeck - Hologram - Cyberspace - Virtual Reality - Nanobots - Genetic Engineering - Galactic Empire - Rebel Alliance - Dark Matter - Alternate Reality - Dystopia - Utopia - Parallel Universe - Apocalyptic Event - Alternate History - Magical Artefact - Prophecy - Secret Society - Hidden Treasure - Mythical Artefact - Sorcerer's Tower - Forbidden Knowledge - Multiverse - Quantum Entanglement - Exoplanet - Interdimensional Portal - Cosmic Forces - Warp Gate - Dark Magic - Lost Civilization - Time Paradox - Biohazard Outbreak - Post-Apocalyptic Ruins features-swamp: - Swamp - Marshland - Wetland - Bog - Mire - Fen - Quagmire - Slough - Bayou - Lagoon - Algae - Reed - Cattail - Water Lily - Mangrove - Cypress - Mosquito - Alligator - Crocodile - Frog - Toad - Turtle - Snail - Marsh Grass - Peat - Silt - Plankton - Waterfowl - Heron - Egret - Frog Croak - Mud Suction - Amphibian - Insect Chorus - Muddy Waters - Waterlogged Soil - Tangle of Roots - Shallow Water - Decomposing Matter - Quicksand - Aquatic Plants - Swamp Gas - Misty Air - Wet Mud - Murky Waters - Dragonfly - Bog Flowers - Blackwater - Muddy Trails - Quicksand Pits - Waterlogged Vegetation - Reflective Surface - Hidden Pools - Marsh Birds - Canopy of Trees - Moss-Covered Logs - Reptilian Eyes - Placid Waters - Cypress Knees - Muddy Footprints - Frog Eggs - Biofilm - Miasma - Submerged Roots - Murmuring Streams - Frogs Croaking - Wetland Wildlife - Waterlogged Path - Bubbling Mud - Marsh Mists - Decomposition - Quagmire - Bog Orchids - Wetland Ecosystem - Leeches - Water Snakes - Murky Reflections - Frogs Leaping - Heron's Call - Ducklings features-sky: - Sky - Night Sky - Cloud - Star - Moon - Sun - Planet - Constellation - Nebula - Galaxy - Aurora - Shooting Star - Comet - Meteor - Celestial Body - Twilight - Horizon - Dusk - Dawn - Crescent Moon - Full Moon - New Moon - Blue Sky - Clear Sky - Overcast Sky - Rainbow - Solar Eclipse - Lunar Eclipse - Milky Way - Stargazing - Astronomer - Astronomy - Telescope - Observatory - Nightfall - Astral Plane - Celestial Event - Night Owl - Moonlight - Starlight - Planetary Alignment - Celestial Phenomenon - Dark Sky Reserve - Astronomical Observatory - Stellar Cluster - Space Dust - Celestial Navigation - Night Vision - Twinkling Stars - Shooting Star Trail - Crescent Moon Phase - Starry Sky - Perseid Meteor Shower - Solar Flare - Lunar Crater - Venusian Evening Star - Auroral Display - Zodiac - Celestial Sphere - Astral Projection - Cosmic Rays - Meteor Shower Peak - Celestial Bodies - Nocturnal Beauty - Lunar Surface - Solar Wind - Celestial Mechanics - Nighttime Wonder - Nighttime Silence - Lunar Landscape - Sky Watcher - Star Formation - Space Exploration - Celestial Harmony - Astronomical Phenomenon - Celestial Harmony - Celestial Orbits - Moon Phases - Starry Canopy - Cosmic Mysteries