=== genii is now known as genii-core [08:11] installation question: in which package is the `rsync -aHAXr --filter=-x trusted.overlay.* --exclude /proc --e-gress /tmp ..` (or whatever) that writes the ISO to disk during installation found (if anyone knows off the top of their head) [08:15] [telegram] That would be in the Calamares code. Calamares takes the squashfs and copies it to the destination. [08:35] thanks kc2bez ; i thought i found it in calamares-settings-lubuntu/calamares-log-helper but then what i found didn't match.. [08:37] yeah /calamares- looks a little better so thanks :) [08:38] Sure thing. Yeah the log helper only copies the installation log over. [08:40] yeah i guessed that (slowly... ignoring the name it has!) === genii-core is now known as genii === genii is now known as genii-core