--- license: cc-by-nd-4.0 --- This dataset is obtained by transforming the training and test data of the two EVALITA tasks into an LLM prompt following a template. The involved tasks are: AMI2020 (misogyny detection) and HASPEEDE-v2-2020 (hate-speech detection). For the AMI task, we used the following template: *instruction: Nel testo seguente si esprime odio contro le donne? Rispondi sì o no., input: \, output: \.* Similarly, for HASPEEDE we used: *instruction: “Il testo seguente incita all’odio? Rispondi sì o no., input: \, output: \.* To fill these templates, we mapped the label "1" with the word "sì" and the label "0" with the word "no", \ is just the sentence from the dataset to classify.