1 value
audioduration (s)
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 1, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Mary and her family were moving to another city.", "read_text": "Mary and her family were moving to another city" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 4, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "On the way to their destination, they drove past a hill that overlooked vast fields of sunflowers.", "read_text": "on the way to their destination they drove past a hill that overlooked vast fields of sunflower" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 5, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Enthusiastically, they got out of the car and took a lot of pictures as they hiked up a gentle slope towards the top of the hill.", "read_text": "enthusiastically they got out of the car and took a lot of pictures as they hiked up a gentle slope towards the top of the hill" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 7, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "They fed their hungry stomachs with the egg and ham sandwiches that Mary’s mother had made.", "read_text": "they fed their hungry stomachs with the egg and ham sandwiches that Mary's mother had made" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 8, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "After their satisfying lunch, the family took a nap with the grass as their bed.", "read_text": "after their satisfying lunch the family took a nap with the grass as their bed" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 10, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "As they walked back, they were shocked to see a pack of stray dogs circling around the car.", "read_text": "as they walked back they were shocked to see a pack of stray dogs circling around the car" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 11, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "It seemed that they had smelt the food that were left in the boot.", "read_text": "it seemed that they had smelt the food that were left in the boot" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 12, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Just as they were trying to find a tool or two that they could use to fend off the dogs, one of the dogs spotted them.", "read_text": "just as they were trying to find a tool or two that they could use to fend off the dogs one of the dogs spotted them" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 13, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Soon, the menacing pack began to approach the poor outnumbered family.", "read_text": "soon the menacing pack began to approach the poor outnumbered family" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 14, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Afraid of getting bitten, Mary hid behind her father and screamed, while he threw rocks in an attempt to scare them away.", "read_text": "afraid of getting bitten Mary hide behind her father and screamed while he threw rocks in an attempt to scare them away" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 15, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Suddenly, a gun shot was fired from a distance, which sent the dogs fleeing in an instant.", "read_text": "suddenly a gun shot was fired from a distance which sent the dogs ** fleeing in an instant" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 16, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "An old man who was putting down his gun appeared from the sunflower fields and hurried the shaken family to be on their way before the dogs return.", "read_text": "an old man who was putting down his gun appeared from the sunflower fields and hurried the shaken family to be on their way before the dogs return" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 17, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "He told them that it was rare for tourists to make a stop at this area.", "read_text": "he told them that it was rare for tourists to make a stop at this area" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 18, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Mary’s father thanked the old man and passed him an untouched box of sandwiches.", "read_text": "Mary's father thanked the old man and passed him an untouched box of sandwiches" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 19, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Finally, they went back to their car and their hearts ached upon seeing the visible scratches and bite marks that had been inflicted.", "read_text": "finally they went back to their car and their hearts ached upon seeing the visible scratches and bite marks that had been inflicted" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 20, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Mary fell asleep on her mother’s lap, beat from the whole ordeal.", "read_text": "Mary fell asleep on her mother's lap beat from the whole ordeal" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 21, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "I was the third one to perform.", "read_text": "I was the third one to perform" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 22, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "We watched the drama unfold before our eyes.", "read_text": "we watched the drama unfold before our eyes" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 23, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "I felt happy upon hearing the good news from my parents.", "read_text": "I felt happy upon hearing the good news from my parents" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 24, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Flourless cakes are not always better for health.", "read_text": "flourless cakes are not always better for health" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 25, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "You can bake shortbread cookies just with sugar, butter, and flour.", "read_text": "you can bake shortbread cookies just with ** sugar butter and flour" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 27, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "I attached a mirror to my closet door.", "read_text": "I attached a mirror to my closet door" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 28, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Something seems to be bothering him.", "read_text": "something seems to be bothering him" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 29, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "He was the president of the dance club in my school.", "read_text": "he was the president of the dance club in my school" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 30, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "After a hot day, all I want to do is take a bath.", "read_text": "after a hot day all I want to do is the take a bath" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 31, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "The thief was careful to not leave his tracks in the snow.", "read_text": "the thief was careful not to leave his tracks in the snow" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 32, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "She browsed through the catalogues while waiting for her turn.", "read_text": "she browsed through the catalogues while waiting for her turn" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 33, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "It’s a little cruel to be so blunt but that’s the working world for you.", "read_text": "it's a little cruel to be so blunt but that's the working world for you" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 34, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "He thought he’s brave for saying the truth but he’s actually just adding fuel to the fire.", "read_text": "he thought he's brave for saying the truth but he's actually just adding fuel to the fire" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 35, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "I think I’ll make a move first.", "read_text": "I think I'll make a move first" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 36, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "I believe that visitation hours are over.", "read_text": "I believe that visitation hours are over" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 37, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "We now have to walk twenty minutes farther just to get a cup of coffee.", "read_text": "we now have to walk twenty minutes farther just to get a cup of coffee" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 38, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "This is your last chance to join the lucky draw!", "read_text": "this is your last chance to join the lucky draw" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 39, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Everyone’s hoping to find the cure for cancer.", "read_text": "everyone's hoping to find the cure for cancer" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 40, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "He became very fit ever since his break-up last year.", "read_text": "he became very fit ever since his break up last year" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 41, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "I need your help.", "read_text": "I need your help" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 43, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "She always keeps her desk neat and tidy.", "read_text": "she always keeps her desk neat and tidy" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 44, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "The pot calls the kettle black.", "read_text": "the pot calls the kettle black" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 45, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "She is a deep sleeper.", "read_text": "she is a deep sleeper" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 46, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "He is a real nit-picker.", "read_text": "he is a real nit picker" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 47, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "The watermelon has ripened.", "read_text": "the watermelon has ripened" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 48, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "After driving for ten years, her car is still in tip-top condition.", "read_text": "after driving for ten years her car is still in tip top condition" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 49, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "My father fired the star worker.", "read_text": "my father fired the star worker" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 50, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "The children wipe their noses on the towel.", "read_text": "the children wipe their noses on the towel" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 51, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Water drips from the cracks.", "read_text": "water drips from the cracks" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 52, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Our sports teams have achieved remarkable feats this year.", "read_text": "our sports teams have achieved remarkable feats this year" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 53, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Tell him to zip his lip.", "read_text": "tell him to zip his lip" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 54, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "I like listening to rap.", "read_text": "I like listening to rap" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 55, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Mozart composed great music pieces.", "read_text": "Mozart composed great music pieces" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 56, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "We know more about space than the seasons and the seas.", "read_text": "we know more about space than the seasons and the seas" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 57, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "The witch put a spell on the prince, but it was the wrong one.", "read_text": "the witch put a spell on the prince but it was the wrong one" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 58, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "A murder had already been plotted a month ago.", "read_text": "a murder had already been plotted a month ago" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 59, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "I had a lot of questions about the assignment.", "read_text": "I had a lot of questions about the assignment" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 60, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Hold your bat steady and focus your eyes on the ball.", "read_text": "hold your bat steady and focus your eyes on the ball" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 61, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Polar bears are on the brink of extinction.", "read_text": "polar bears are on the brink of extinction" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 62, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Sakura flowers bloom around April.", "read_text": "sakura flowers bloom around April" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 64, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "The butler poured the guest a glass of water.", "read_text": "the butler poured the guest a glass of water" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 65, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "The criminal paid a heavy price for his crime.", "read_text": "the criminal paid a heavy price for his crime" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 66, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "You can’t compare apples to oranges.", "read_text": "you can't compare apples to oranges" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 67, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Let’s dissect this problem part by part.", "read_text": "let's dissect this problem part by part" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 68, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "There’s something about hotel beds that makes them extra cosy.", "read_text": "there's something about hotel beds that makes them extra cosy" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 69, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Birds have been found to be our modern-day dinosaurs.", "read_text": "birds have been found to be our modern day dinosaurs" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 70, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "She scooped herself a big bowl of corn soup.", "read_text": "she scooped herself a big bowl of corn soup" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 71, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "The fly was caught in the spider’s web.", "read_text": "the fly was caught in the spider's web" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 72, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Fresh graduates are always anxious about their first job.", "read_text": "fresh graduates are always anxious about their first job" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 73, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "There is speculation that a housing bubble may occur.", "read_text": "there is speculation ** that a housing bubble may occur" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 74, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Rising college debt has been a widely discussed matter.", "read_text": "rising college debt has been a widely discussed matter" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 75, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Chilli crab is a famous dish in Singapore.", "read_text": "Chilli Crab is a famous dish in Singapore" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 76, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "His flexible thinking led him to solve a number of the world’s hardest math problems.", "read_text": "his flexible thinking led him to solve a number of the world's hardest math problems" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 77, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "To get better at maths, practise more.", "read_text": "to get better at maths practise more" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 78, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "A child prodigy, James eventually became a respected judge.", "read_text": "a child prodigy James eventually became a respected judge" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 79, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Many beautiful dresses were showcased at the gala.", "read_text": "many beautiful dresses were showcased at the gala" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 80, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Some cuddling could cheer her up.", "read_text": "some cuddling would cheer her up" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 81, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "The land’s deed was sold to the old lady.", "read_text": "the land's deed was sold to the old lady" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 82, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "The coach trained the young gymnast twice as hard as the competition neared.", "read_text": "the coach trained the young gymnast twice as hard as the competition neared" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 83, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "I dreamt of becoming a doctor when I was a child.", "read_text": "I dreamt of becoming a doctor when I was a child" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 84, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Twins often have a unique chemistry with each other.", "read_text": "twins often have a unique chemistry with each other" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 85, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "It is more important to study smart than to study hard.", "read_text": "it is more important to study smart than to study hard" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 86, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "The oak tree stood strong against the test of time.", "read_text": "the oak tree stood strong against the ** test of time" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 87, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "The baker used a whole block of butter for this recipe.", "read_text": "the baker used a whole block of butter for this recipe" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 88, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "He did not have much, but he had a kind and loving heart.", "read_text": "he did not have much but he had a kind and loving heart" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 89, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "The clever and amazing use of lighting made the musical performance a truly magical one.", "read_text": "the clever and amazing use of lighting made the musical performance a truly magical one" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 90, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "It was a miracle that he recovered from his life-threatening accident.", "read_text": "it was a miracle that he recovered from his life threatening ** accident" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 91, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "They tried to keep it a secret, but he was able to figure everything out.", "read_text": "they tried to keep it a secret but he was able to figure everything out" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 92, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "In this game, you must escape from ghosts and zombies while finding the way out from the foggy maze.", "read_text": "in this game you must escape from ghosts and zombies while finding the way out from the foggy maze" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 93, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "She lazed her whole morning away on a deck chair by the beach.", "read_text": "she lazed her whole morning away on a deck chair by the beach" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 94, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "There was a switch in the venue for the football match.", "read_text": "there was a switch in the venue for the football match" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 95, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Most youths today think that their future is uncertain.", "read_text": "most youths today think that their future is uncertain" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 96, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "The couple went on an enriching adventure together.", "read_text": "the couple went on an enriching adventure together" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 97, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "The butcher was also a skilled cook in the kitchen.", "read_text": "the butcher was also a skilled cook in the kitchen" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 98, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "The girl’s experiences gave her an edge over her peers of the same age.", "read_text": "the girl's experiences gave her an edge over her peers of the same age" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 99, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "This kind of packaging can pose a danger to animals.", "read_text": "this kind of packaging can pose a danger to animals" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 100, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "The student skated onto the stage to receive his certificate", "read_text": "the student skated onto the stage to receive his certificate" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 101, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "I agree that mother tongue language is important, and when it comes to language, starting early helps.", "read_text": "I agree that mother tongue language is important and when it comes to language starting early helps" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 102, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Casualties were decontaminated using water to minimise the effects of the chemical release.", "read_text": "casualties were ** decontaminated using water to minimise the effects of the chemical release" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 103, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Households here are materially better off than before, going by their material possessions and consumption patterns.", "read_text": "households here are materially better off than before going by their material possessions and consumption patterns" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 104, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "As such, this immersion programme is a good way for us to scout for future talent in the industry.", "read_text": "as such this immersion programme is a good way for us to scout for future talent in the industry" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 105, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "I was back for a while and I really wanted to catch it before it closed.", "read_text": "I was back for a while and I really wanted to catch it before it closed" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 106, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "Despite the many blows life handed to her, she never complained.", "read_text": "despite the many blows life handed to her she never complained" }
hf://datasets/recursal/reprocessed_singapore_national_speech_corpus@5e8294c3fb5f2634fd1d7004f7c0264969fe6687/Part 1/Channel_0-00.tar
{ "ChannelID": 0, "RecordingID": 107, "SessionID": 0, "SpeakerID": 402, "original_text": "I think it is easier to make money from begging than working.", "read_text": "I think it is easier to make money from begging than working" }