diff --git "a/all_ml_ideas.csv" "b/all_ml_ideas.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/all_ml_ideas.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,2592 @@ +Predicting Freeway Congestion +Supervised Learning of Query Term Relevant Product Recommendations +Robotic Arm Control +Network Intrusion Detection +Multi-Website Name Coreference Resolution +Probabilistic Independent Component Analysis for fMRI Data and Validating the Components using Learning Methods +Machine learning algorithms for musical instrument recognition +Classification of Network Flows +Vision and Learning for Quadruped Robot +Selection of Relevant Sites in Single Nucleotide Polymorphism +Grammar Acquisition in Natural Languages +Neural Network Approach to Option Pricing +Unsupervised Learning for DNA Transcription Factors +A System for Segmenting Video of Juggling +An EigenFace based approach to classify cell-signaling profiles +Motor Skill Learning +Reinforced Genre Classification and Vocal Segmentation of Popular Music +Feature Selection based on Maximizing the Separability in Gauss Mixture Models +A Study on Aging Patterns of NBA Players +Chunking based learning of Associative Markov Networks for Segmentation of 3D Scan Data +Document Retrieval using Syntactic Analysis of Queries +Nonlinear Dimension Reduction Technique for Branching Structure +Applying Sentiment Classification Techniques to the Personalization Problem +Stock Trading Learner +Dance, Dance Classification +Probabilistic Models for Identifying Genetic Basis of Gene Expression Variation +This Sentence is Not a Question, or Is It? +Learning Capital Structure Arbitrage +Using unlabelled data for Adaptation of Named-Entity Recognition Systems +Automated Failure Detection in Web Applications via Changes in User Behavior +Using Unsupervised Learning to Build Image Feature Index Databases +Semantic Context Classification +Control parameter optimization for autonomous driving on rough terrain +Machine Learning of Arm Dynamics for Collision Detection +Probabilistic Group Scheduling For Chaotic People +Data driven approach to generate dirt textures +Simulating Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner using Particle Filters and PCA +Separating Format and Content in Hypertext Documents +Shape completion of nonrigid articulated objects +K-Means Heuristics and Other Approaches to Clustering +Learning to Focus Reasoning in a Reactive Agent +Quadrotor aircraft autonomous flight above ground effect using reinforcement learning control +Spam Classification +Clustering Methods for Reference Resolution +Using Statistical Shape with Intensity and Texture Information for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Segmentation +Snake robot motion planning for climbing obstacles +An Empirical Study of Public Education Spending and Student Performance +Sheet Music +Stock Market Prediction +Most Probable Ground Edge Explanation in an Image +Learning an Event Model for Financial News and Stock Prices +Bootstrapping +Localization using Unsynchronized Ultrasonic Sensor Network with Unknown Node Locations +Classification of remote sensing images with SVM +Image Segmentation for Desert Road Following +De-Obfuscation for Spam Emails +Learning to Manipulate Objects from Simulated Images +Music Alignment Discovery +User authentication based on behavioral mouse dynamics biometrics +Reordering Attachment Candidates in the CSLI Dialogue Systems +Decoding Cognitive States from fMRI Timeseries +Semantic Extensions to Syntactic Analysis of Queries +Learning To Pick Up a Novel Object +Controlling Devices by Using Robot Arm +Metrics for a Mastoidectomy Simulator +Using Embedding Algorithms to Find a Low Dimensional Representation of Neural Activity During Motor Planning +Multicore Learning Algorithm +Gaussian PRM Samplers for Dynamic Configuration Spaces +NER Adapatation +Beat CAL: Machine Learning in Football Play-calling +Door Handle Detection for Stair +Machine Learning for Controlled Slides of a RC Car +Sentence Unit Detection Without an Audio Signal +Identification of Heterozygous Mutations +GroupTime Probabilistic Scheduling +Learning to Classify Terrain +How's Your Golf Game? +Chest Pain in the Emergency Department: Use of Asymmetric Penalties in Sequential Minimal Optimization with Feature Selection to Improve Clinical Decision Making Accuracy +Distributed Random Forests +Explicit Image Filter +MLB Prediction and Analysis +Tracking a Ground Vehicle from an Autonomous Helicopter +Clustering News Feeds with Flock +Simultaneous learning of a robot's gait and its body dimensions and compliances +Smart Text Input System +A Discriminative Learning Model for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction +Removing Ionospheric Corruption from Low Frequency Radio Arrays +Human Vision based Object Recognition +Prostate Detection Using PCA +Aircraft Collision Avoidance. +Machine Learning for Patent Classification +Factor Analysis Using pPCA +Re-Learning to Walk: Learning the Optimal Force Feedback Controller for aQuadruped Robot +Handwritten Digit Recognition: Investigation and Improvement of theInferred Motor Program Algorithm +Machine Learning for Auto-Dynamic Difficulty in a 2-D Space Shooter +Query Optimization +Segmentation of Music Into Notes Using Mixture of Gaussians +Statistical clustering and Mineral Spectral Unmixing in Aviris HyperspectralImage of Cuprite, NV +Music Tempo Classification +L1 Regularized Logistic Regression +Localization in Ad-Hoc Sensor Network +Predicting political trends from news text +Applying Synthetic Images to Learning Grasping Orientation from Single Monocular Images +Distributed Compression of Stereoscopic Images With Unsupervised Learning of Disparity +Assessing Opinion of Product Reviews +Query By Humming +Splice Site Recognition Using Multiple Sequence Alignment +Combining Monocular and Stereo Depth Cues +Applying Machine Learning to Astronaut Robotic Assistants +Learning to Automatically Discover Meronyms +A Novel Approach to User Authentication Through Machine Learning of Keyboard Acoustic Emanations +Learning Techniques for Computer Aided Diagnosis in Chest Radiography +Application of Clustering for Unsupervised Language Learning +Predicting Win/Loss Probabilities and Score Distributions in Competitive Games +Hierarchical Learning from Natural Images +Named Entity Recognition +Learning Depth in Lightfield Images +Dual Tree KDE +Clustering and Segmentation of Probabilistic Interaction Networks +Protein Structure Classification +Automated Extraction of Even Details from Text Snippets +A Hierarchical Application of ICA-based Feature Extraction to Image Classification +Football Ranking System +Machine Learning of Expressive Microtiming in Brazilian and Reggae Drumming +Learning Traffic Light Control Policies +Fraud Detection for Online Retail Using Random Forests +Failure Diagnosis for Configuration Problem in Storage System +Incipient Hydraulic Pump Fault Detection using One-Class Support Vector Machines +Learning to Rank Wine +Conversation Closings: Creating a Boredom Detector +Maximizing Pinball Scores Through MDP Algorithms +Entity Resolution of Structured Soccer Data +Learning Scoring Functions for Question Answering +Robust Logistic Regression +Snake robot locomotion +Learning Traffic Light Control Policies +Prediction of Content Quality and Perspective +Machine Learning Algorithms for the Design of Novel Photonic Crystals +Automatic Calendar Management +Learning Maps for 3-D Combat Games +The Brainwaves of Imaginary Events +Using a Kalman Filter with an Information-Form Data Association Filter +Learning Snake Gaits +Learning Life and Death in Go + Exploring machine learning techniques for recommending advertising keywords +Predicting Outcomes of Baseball At-Bats +Gene Recognition +Learning how to Classify Ventricular Tachicardia in ICDs +Diversity Classification for Futures Contracts +Kernels for Classification Based on Associations +Face Detection with Random Forests +Finding Gene Pairs With Disjoint Expression In Cancer Cells +Driving an RC car using computer vision +Using Atomic Actions to Control Snake Robot Locomotion +Minimizing System Correlation in SVM Training +Dimensionality Reduction using Noisy Distance Data +Temporal Ordering of Event Descriptions +Training Log Linear Models Using Smoothed Hamming Loss +Just Keep Flying: Machine Learning for UAV Gust Soaring +Learning Planar Geometric Scene Context Using Stereo Vision +KNN for Netflix +Object Identification in Images +Intelligent Rankings +"Combination of Experts" Approach to Image Boundary Detection +Auto-Tagging the Facebook +Segmenting Descending Aorta Using Machine Learning +Structure-Informed RNA Sequence Alignment using Discriminative Models +Musical Instrument Detection +Breaking it Down: The World as Legos +Learning 3-D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image +Language Classification in Multilingual Documents +Rotation-Invariant Sparse Coding +Knowledge Based Reconstruction of the Transcriptional Regulatory Network in Yeast +4-D Interest Maps for Direct Fovea Attention-Based Systems + System Identification of DragonFly UAV via Bayesian Estimation +Dimensionality-Reduction of Neural Data +Image processing of wildtype and mutant bacterial cells +Dimension Reduction of Image Manifolds +Learning Techniques to aid Pose Estimation via SIFT +Classifying fMRI Data +Investigating Copy Number Variation in Cancer +Computational Beauty Analysis +Programming-By-Example Gesture Recognition +Teaching STAIR to Identify and Manipulate Tools +Netflix Prize Project +Pose Estimation From Occluded Images +Predicting how Netflix users will rate movies using logistic regression and probabilistic modelling +Hierarchical Sparse Coding +Mining Feelings +Market Making With Machine Learning +Beat Induction +Predicting Visual Saliency and Saccade Probability +Extracting Meeting Topics Using Speech And Documents +Detecting Corporate Fraud: An Application of Machine Learning +Matrix Factorization for Collaborative Prediction +Face Orientation Estimation in Smart Camera Networks +Super-resolution +Optical Illusion +Object Recognition from 3D Point Clouds +Use of KNN and K-Means for the Netflix Prize +Factor-analysis with partially observed training data +A Machine Learning Approach to Opponent Modeling in General Game Playing +Sparse Coding Invariance +Automatically clustering WordNet senses +SQUINT: Identifying Relevant Sections of a Web page for a Web Search Query +Detecting Digital Forgeries Using SVMs and Lighting Inconsistencies +Waveform-based Musical Genre Classification +Machine Learning Based Botnet Detection +Machine Learning applied to Building Performance Metrics +Automatic Identification of Red-Eye in Photos +Machine Learning with a Lego Mindstorms Robot +Applying sparse coding to speech +Determining the Information Value Of Tags +Computational Identification and Prediction of Tissue-Specific Alternative Splicing +Predicting connection quality in peer-to-peer real-time video streaming systems +Predicting 3D Arm Trajectories +Are You Hot Or Not? +Explaining Preference Learning +Rotten Tomatoes: Sentiment Classification in Movie Reviews +NFL Project (Predicting the outcome of NFL games) +Learning to Test +Predicting Movie Preferences +Learning Bayesian Networks in Presence of Missing Data +Understanding Civil War and Economic Growth +Stock Trading with Recurrent Reinforcement Learning (RRL) +Emotion Detection from Speech +Data Mining from Digital Image +Audio Segmentation +Learning to Select a Good Grasp +Localizing a Guidewire in Three Dimensions during Endovascular Interventions Using Single-view Fluoroscopy and a Stereo Roadmap: Method and Feasibility Study +Improving Estimation of the Nearest Neighbor in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks +Ascertaining the relevance model of a web search-engine +Solving the Damage Localization Problem in Structural Health Monitoring Using Techniques in Pattern Classification +Learning V2 basis for sparse RBM +Object Recognition using Large Datasets +HMM Analysis and Synthesis of Acoustic Drum Signals +Multiple Object Detection with Optimized Spatial Weighting +How to Win at the Track +Learning to recognize people +Autonomous Flight / Kalman Filtering for Full-Size Helicopter +Face Detection Using ICA +Authorship of Hebrews +Exploring Image Clustering Algorithm for Wall and Floor Identification +A Gait Library for Rapid Quadruped Locomotion +Tls, using Learning to Speculate +Semantic Website Clustering +Robust Building Identification for Mobile Augmented Reality +Structural Edge Learning For 3-D Reconstruction From a Single Still Image +Facebook Friend Suggestion +Who's in Charge Here?: Using Clustering Algorithms to Infer Association of Putative Regulatory Elements and Genes +FIDA: Face Recognition using Descriptive Input Semantics +Motion Planning for the ATHLETE Rover with Reinforcement Learning +Image Processing for Bubble Detection in Microfluidics +Neighborhood based methods for Collaborative Filtering +Computationally Efficient Evolutionary Algorithms: Enhanced by On-Line Machine Learning +Robot Motion for Obstacle Negotiation +Automatic Detection of Character Encoding and Language +Seeing Invisible Properties of Subsurface Oil and Gas Reservoir through Extensive Uses of Machine Learning Algorithms +Corporate Valuation Using Machine Learning +Maximum Divergence in Speech Recognition +A travel time prediction with machine learning algorithms +3D reconstruction of brain tissue +Semi-Supervised Learning with Sparse Distributed Representations +Robot Grasping +Cave Exploring With 3D Pointclouds +Automated photo tagging in Facebook +Semantic Taxonomy Induction from Semi-Structured Text +Enabling a Robot to Open Doors +Extending WordNet using Generalized Automated Relationship Induction +Inferring 3D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image +Predicting New Search-Query Cluster Volume +Volatility Forecasting using SVM +Using Machine Learning to Improve in Silico Enhancer Prediction Specificity +Identification of copy number variation in cancer genomes +Compact Representation of Protein Surface Patches +Using WordNet and Clustering for Semantic Role Labeling +Morphological Galaxy Classification Using Machine Learning +Sparse Coding of Point Cloud Data +Adaptive optimization of hyperparameters in L2-regularised logistic regression +Object Tracking in a Video Sequence +System Identification of Cessna 182 Model UAV +Multiple hyperparameter learning in L1 regularized models using a Bayesian approach +Automatic Construction of Cell Genealogical Histories +Customer Review Feature Extraction +Machine Learning Applied to Texas Hold 'Em Poker +3D reconstruction of brain tissue +Multi-Class Object Recognition Using Shared SIFT Features +Topic Correlations over Time +Combinatorail Laplacian and Rank Aggregation +Classifying Press Releases and Companies Relationships Based on Stock Performance +Online feedback for human learning +A Non-Parametric EM Algorithm for Hybrid Sampling in Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) PLanning +Machine Learning Applied to 3-D Reservoir Simulation +Self-Calibration of a Pair of Webcams for Stereo Vision +Control of an autonomous helicopter in autorotation +Automatically Detecting Banner Ads in Web Pages +Patent Cases Docket Classification +Forecasting Purchasing Behavior using fMRI Data +Sound Design Learning for Frequency Modulation Synthesis Parameters +State Indexed Policy Search by Dynamic Programming +Getting the Position and the Pose Using Stereo Vision +Fault-Tolerant Architecture for Machine Learning Applications +A Machine Learning Approach to Developing Rigid-body Dynamics Simulators for Quadruped Trot Gaits +A Model of Perceptual Decision Making in Lateral Intraparietal Area +A Predictive Model of Gene Expression in E. Coli +Accurate and Cheap Robot Range Finder +Adaptive AI for Fighting Games +Location Based Adaptive Routing Protocol(LBAR) using Reinforcement Learning +Airline Departure Delay Prediction +Audio Query by Gesture +Automated Microsurgery for High-Throughput Fly Brain Imaging +Automatic Calibration of 2D and 3D Point Correspondences +Automatic Index Generation for Religious Texts +Automatic robotic arm calibration using parameter optimization techniques +Autonomous Interpretation of Elevator Panels for Robot Navigation +Bagging for One-Class Learning +GoodReads Recommendations +Channel Selection for Cognitive Radio Terminals +Character Set Encoding Detection using a Support Vector Machine +Classification Of Heirarchical Activation In Visual Cortex +Classifying Musical Scores By Composer +Computational Gambling +Cracking CAPTCHAs +Creating Models of Performers of Chopin Mazurkas +Classifying Handshapes on a Multitouch Device +DDR +Restoring Focus in Photographs +Detection and Extraction of Events From Emails +Detection of Atrial Fibrillation in ECGs +Predicting 3D Geometric Shapes of Objects From a Single Image +OCR for Mobile Phones +Exploiting a database to predict the in-flight stability of the F-16 +Face Detection using LBP features +Content-Based Features in the Composer Identification Problem +Finding Common Opinions in User-Generated Reviews +Flickr Tag Recommendation +Robust Realignment of fMRI Time Series Data +Uncertainties estimation and compensation on a robot manipulator: Application on Barrett robotic arm +Genotype Prediction with SVMs +Grasping Obects Using High-Density, High-Accuracy Point Cloud Data +Grouping Photos by Face +Portfolio Replication with Sparse Regression +Holey Ship! Bilging by reinforcement learning +Identifying Epilepsy Using MRIs of the Hippocampus +Identifying protein-protein interactions +Image Segmentation +Improving Search Engine for a Digital Library +Incentives and Machine Learning +Internet Article Comment Classifier +Learning To Predict A Student's Performance On Problem sets +Learning and Predicting Flow Duration and Rate +Ray density Learning +Machine Learning Classification Of Malicious Network Traffic +Machine Learning Methods Application in Moving Average Trading Rules +Machine Learning for Gene Behavior Classification +Machine Learning for the Frequency Control of MEMS Resonators +Modern Intelligent Tutoring System +Movie Recommendations Using Social Networks +Music Search Engine +Musical Hit Detection +Netflix Movie Rating Prediction using Enriched Movie Metadata +Object Recognition using Template Matching +Optical character recognition with an unsupervised hidden layer +Predicting Candidate Responses in Presidential Debates +Predicting Mode of Transport from iPhone Accelerometer Data +Predicting Protein Interactions with Motifs +Learning Business Article Sentiment Based on Stock Market Performance +Predicting Tastes from Friend Relationships +Prediction from Blog Data +Prediction of gene interaction measurements +Noise vs Feature: Probabilistic Denoising of Range Data +Absolute Range Detection System for STAIR +Protein Secondary Structure Prediction based on Neural Network Models and Support Vector Machines +Query Segmentation using Supervised Learning +Recognition of Door Handles to Enable a Robot to Open Doors +Recognizing People in Video Sequences +Recommendation System based on Collaborative Filtering +Reconstruction of Ca2+ dynamics from low frame rate Ca2+ imaging data +Recovering the Multitrack: Semi-Supervised Separation of Polyphonic Recorded Music +Robot Grasping with Optical Proximity Sensors +Scalable Object Recognition Using Support Vector Machines +Scientific Authorship, Collaboration, Interdisciplinarity, and Productivity +Object Removal +Self Lane Assignment Using Smart Mobile Camera For Intelligent GPS Navigation and Traffic Interpretation +Semantic Classification of Emails +Sentiment Classification Judging Attractiveness of People through Textual Descriptions from Online Reviewers +Single Vehicle Job Scheduling Problem Using Learning Algorithm +Synthesizing Object-background Data for Large 3-D Datasets +Teleo-Reactive Planner On ROS +Textured Object Detection in Stereo Images using Visual Features +The Application of SVM to Algorithmic Trading +The Netflix Challenge +Time Series Prediction of US Swap Rates +Topological Classification of Data Sets without an Explicit Metric +Train your TV +Chinese (Restaurant) Menu Translation +Trying Out Machine Learning Tricks In A Tactical Game +Unsupervised Learning of Hierarchical Dependency Parsing +Using GPUs to Speedup Sparse Coding Algorithms Applied to Self-taught Learning Problems +Vertex Classification for Segmented Images +Video Montage +Video Montage-Video Abstraction +Vision-Controlled Autonomous Indoor Helicopter +Weblog Analysis and Classification using Machine Learning +A Framework for Stock Prediction +A Generalized Method to Solve Text-Based CAPTCHAs +A Machine Learning Approach to Stroke Risk Prediction +A Novel Authentication Mechanism Using Mobile Virtual Signatures +A SVM approach to stock trading +Adaptive Execution with Online Price Impact Learning +AI Mahjong +Algorithm Trading using Q-Learning and Recurrent Reinforcement Learning +An Adaptive Agent for No-Limit Texas Hold 'em Poker +An Empirical Study of Machine Learning Techniques used for Enhancer Classification +Applying Machine Learning in Game AI Design +Automatic Beat Alignment of Rap Lyrics +Automatic Fatigue Detection System +Automatic Graph Classification +Automatic identification of glomerulus in the antenna lobe of Drosophila +Automatic Ranking of Images on the Web +Automatic Recognition of Satire in Web Content +Automatic Segmentation of Clothing for the Identification of Fashion Trends Using K-Means Clustering +Automatic Segmentation using Learning Algorithms for High Resolution MRI of the Larynx +Automatic Transcription of Solo Piano Music +Bot Detection via Mouse Mapping +Bubble Clustering: Set Covering via Union of Ellipses +Chinese Sentence Tokenization Using a Word Classifier +Classification of Amazon Reviews +Classification of Genes Using Codon Usage +Classification of Hyperspectral Breast Images for Cancer Detection +Classification of Synapses Using Spatial Protein Data +Classifying Relationships Between Nouns +Click Prediction and Preference Ranking of RSS Feeds +Clustering Blogs Based on Stylistic Characteristics +Collaborative Filtering on Sparse Rating Data for Yelp.com +Controller Design For a Wall Landing Airplane +Convolutional Restricted Boltzmann Machine Features for TD Learning in Go +Deep Networks on the GPU +Detecting Chronic Pain with Structural MRI +Detection of faults in Antenna Array using SVM +Discovering Visual Hierarchy through Unsupervised Learning +Document Retrieval by Similarity +Does This Shirt Go With This Tie? +EigenHot or EigenNot +Enabling intelligent traffic flow management in Wireless LAN's using Markov Decision Process tools +Estimating Human Pose in Images +Estimating Missing Temporal Attributes In Genealogical Data +Face tracking in video +Favorites-Based Search Result Ordering +Feature Selection Methods for SVM Classification of Microarray Data +Finding a Basis for the Neural State +Finding Optimal Hardware Configurations For C Code +Finding the Augmented Neural Pathways to Math Processing +Force Feedback Learning Applied to Robot Object Handling +Formation Flight +Functional Connectivity and Distributed Classification of the Human Brain +Generalized Neutral Portfolio +Grant Prediction with Network Features +Hedging and Pricing Options using Machine Learning +Identification of Cancer-relevant Variations in a Novel Human Genome Sequence +Identification of nano-particle absoption by circulating macrophage +Identification of Neuroimaging Biomarkers +Identifying Hand Configurations with Low Resolution Depth Sensor Data +Inferring Passenger Boarding and Alighting Preferences for Marguerite +Integrated Analysis of Breast Cancer Gene Expression, Morphology, and Patient Survival +Intuition +Investigation of error tolerant nature of machine learning algorithms +Learning 3D Point Cloud Histograms +Learning and Visualizing Political Issues from Voting Records +Learning Stereo Features with Stacked Autoencoders +Learning the Statistics of Wireless Links +Learning to Grasp Objects: A Novel Approach for Localizing Objects Using Depth Based Segmentation +Learning to Splash +Lifetracker +Machine Learning for PreEmptive Identification of Unix Servers with Performance Problems +Machine Learning for Well Testing +Machine Learning In Statistical Arbitrage +Mapping geometry in heart rate data +Markov Decision Process Social Recommender +Mean Variance Optimization and Beyond +Mining Sentiment from Form 10K +Mood Detection: Implementing a facial expression recognition system +MRI Based Machine Learning For The Identification of Novel Subtypes in Autism. +Multi-touch Multi-robot Interface +Multiclass SVM's for Olfactory Classification +Musical Instrument Signal Separation from Popular Songs +N-gram-based Text Attribution +Online Learning for URL Classification +Online Parameter Estimation for the Adaptive Control of UAVs +Opponent Modelling in Heads-up NL Holdem +Person Following on STAIR +Playing Strong Poker +Portfolio Optimization Under Time-Varying Economic Regimes +Practical Option Pricing with Support Vector Regression and MART +Predicting Age Using Biomarkers and Physiological Measurements +Predictions and Rankings in College Football +Question Classification +Rapid Natural Scene Text Selection +Recognizing Informed Option Trading +Region of Interest Identification in Breast MRI ImageRegion of Interest Identification in Breast MRI Images +Relational RSS Clustering Techniques +RISK: A Case Study In Applying Learning Algorithms To Strategy Board Games +RoboChef: Automatic Recipe Generation +Sentiment Analysis of Microblogs +Server Load Prediction +Single Image Depth Estimation from Predicted Semantic Labels +SNPrints: Defining SDP signatures for prediction of onset in complex diseases +Spoken Language Identification With Hierarchical Temporal Memories +Starcraft Map Imbalance Prediction Based on Chosen Build Order +Static Positional Evaluation of Chess Positions +Stock Forecasting using hidden markov processes +Structural Motif detection in high-throughput structural probing of RNA +Supervised Entity and Relation Extraction +Supervised Learning in Genre Classification +Tag Recommendation for Photos +Toward a NIRS Brain Computer Interface +Transcription start site description +Unsupervised Clustering with Axis-aligned Rectangular Regions +Value Iteration and DDP for an Inverted Pendulum +Variants of Pegasos +Video Presentation Slide Alignment +Video Restoration using Multichannel-Morphological Component Analysis Inpainting +4-Way-Stop Wait-Time Prediction +A Better BCS +A Framework for Assessing the Feasibility of Learning Algorithms in Power-Constrained ASICs +A Framework for Recognizing Hand Gestures +A Machine Learning Approach for Future Career Planning +A Machine Learning Approach to Address the Issue of False Positives and False Negatives in Active Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) +A Machine Learning Framework for Biochemical Reaction Matching +A Novel Machine Learning Based Prediction Model for Energy Expenditure in relation to Varying Load, Incline, and Body Composition +A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Pricing Derivatives +A Spam Classifier For Biology: Removing Noise from Small RNA Datasets +A Step-by-Step Approach to Footstep Detection +A Survey of Document Clustering Techniques & Comparison of LDA and moVMF +Accent Classification +Action Recognition in Video +Across-Subject Classification of Single EEG Trials +Adult Website Classifier +An Unsupervised Approach to Email Label Suggestions +Applying Entropy Encoding to High Frequency Trading +Assessing the Value of eBay Listing Features +Audio Source Separation Using Probabilistic Latent Component Analysis +Autism +Automated Agent for the Game RoShamBoFu +Automated Classification of Galaxy Zoo Images +Automated Parameterization of the Joint Space Dynamics of a Robotic System +Automatic Virtual Camera View Generation for Lecture Videos +Autonomous Generation of Bounding Boxes for Image Sets of the Same Object +Battery Management in Datacenter Using Machine Learning +Beating Elo +Beating the NCAA Football Point Spread +Caloric and Nutritional Information Using Image Classification +Classification and Quantification of Matrix Micro-cracks in Composite Structures +Classification of Book Titles +Classification of Fast Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction Using Matching Pursuit Family Algorithm +Classification of handwritten digits by the set of partial linear and quadratic models +Classification of RNA splice junctions based on genomic signals +Classification of Road Images for Lane Detection +Classifying Parts Of Songs +Classifying Structural MRI Scans of Patients with Major Depressive Disorder +Comparison of Supervised & Unsupervised Learning in Estimation between Stocks and the S&P500 +Diagnosis of Fragile X and Turner's Syndrome +Domain Adaptation for Relation Extraction +Emotion Recognition with Deep-Belief Networks +Enhancing Automated Question Classification +EPiC: Earthquake Prediction in California +Extracting Latent User Preferences Using "Sticky" Sliders +Fast Detection of Risk Signals in Post-marketing Drug Surveillance Using Costs in Claims Data: A Machine Learning Approach +Feature selection and dimensionality reduction of neural data to model adaptation in the retina +Forecasting Avalanches in the Pacific Northwest +Geometric Understanding of Indoor Scenes +Graduate School Application Evaluation Based on SVM +Handwritten Character Recognition +Hearst Challenge : A Framework to Learn Magazine Sales Volume +Hessian Free Deep Learning +Human Accuracy Analysis on the Amazon Mechanical Turk +Identifying Keywords in Random Texts +Identifying Looping Components of Audio Mixtures +Identifying Morphological Markers for Differential Diagnosis of Liver Lesion +Information Flows on Twitter +Innocent Until Proven Guilty: Linguistic Predictors of Court Verdicts +Janitor Bot - Detecting Light Switches +JIT Compilation of Common Kernels in Sequoia using Supervised Learning +Joint Supervised Learning of Ratings and Rankings +Learning the Genetic Causes for Schizophrenia through Copy-Number Variations +Learning the Structures and Predicting Behavoir of Potential Function Based Multi-Agent Formations +Local Image Histograms for Learning Exposure Fusion +Low-Cost Localization of Mobile Robots Through Probabilistic Sensor Fusion +Machine Learning Approaches to Automatic BI-RADS Classification of Mammography Reports +Machine Learning for Sentiment Analysis on the Experience Project +MAUL: Machine Agent User Learning +Measuring Occlusion Invariances in Deep Networks +Modeling Activity Patterns +Multiclass Clustering using a Semidefinite Relaxation +Multiple Experts with Binary Features +Musical Pitch Identification +Neuro-Fuzzy Inverse Forward Models +Neural Prediction Challenge: Primary Auditory Cortex +Object Detection with Partial Occlusion Based on a Deformable Parts-Based Model +Object Identification in Dynamic Environments +Online Dynamics Estimator for Adaptive UAV Control with Uncertain Model +Online learning of control policies for dynamical systems based on input/output data recorded on the fly +Optical Character Recognition for Handwritten Hindi +Optimizing Leakage Power using Machine Learning +OS fingerprint classification using a support vector machine +Parallel Unsupervised Feature Learning with Sparse AutoEncoder +Parallelizing Machine Learning Algorithms +Parallelizing the Sparse Autoencoder +Parking Spot Detection from Aerial Images +Particle classification +Predicting and Understanding Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Premature Infants +Predicting Magazine Sales Using Machine Learning +Predicting Market Fluctuations via Machine Learning +Predicting the Success of a Retirement Plan Based on Early Performance of Investments +Predicting Course Grades +Predicting Tags for URLs Based on Delicious Data +Predicting Wireless Channel Utilization at the PHY +Prediction of outcome for two team games +Rating Modules on cnx.org: Using Network Structure as a Feature in Regression +Automated Energy Distribution In Smart Grids +Recognizing facial expressions from videos using Deep Belief Networks +Recognizing Hand Gestures with a 3D Camera +Recommending Accounts to Twitter Users +Recycler Bot +Reinforcement Learning with Deep Architectures +Reinforcement Learning for Scheduling Threads on a Multi-Core Processor +Reservoir Uncertainty Assessment Using Machine Learning Techniques +RSS Feed Recommendation +Scene Text Understanding +Semi-Supervised Learning of Named Entity Substructure +Sentiment Analysis for Market Movements +Short-Term Electricity Demand Forecasting Using Independent Component Analysis +Short Term Load Forecasting With Dynamic Pricing +Signature Recognition on Multitouch Computers +Soft Co-clustering via Extension of PLSA +Storage Efficient NL-Means Burst Denoising for Programmable Cameras +Subspace Clustering with Applications to Dynamical Vision +Task Recommendation on Wikipedia +Textbaxed Soccer Simulator +Topic Modeling in Financial Documents +Toward Mechanized Music Pedagogy +Transferring Learning in Large Scale Datasets +Travel Time Estimation Using Floating Car Data +Twitter Hash Tag Prediction Algorithm +Twitter Relevance Filtering via Joint Bayes Classifiers from User Clustering +Twitter Spammer Profile Detection +Unsupervised Multi-factor Risk Models for US Equities +Unsupervised Learning of Multi-modal Features: Images and Text +Unsupervised learning technique for audience privacy protection in video lectures +Using AdaBoost for Real-Time Object Detection on Programmable Graphics Hardware +Using the Deformable Part Model with Autoencoded Feature Descriptors for Object Detection +Using Local Steering Kernels to Detect People in Videos +Using Machine Learning for Identification of Art Paintings +Using Social Networks to Improve Movie Ratings Predictions +Using Two Lenses for Depth Estimation and Simulation of Low Depth-of-Field Lenses +VC Robot +Vocal-based Musical Genre Classification +3D Kinect Object Recognition +A Hard Science Is Good to Find +A Learned Approach for Lump Identification in Soft Tissue via Palpation +A multi-task feature learning approach to human detection +A Stock-Purchasing Agent from Sentiment Analysis of Twitter +Accent Recognition +Acoustic Features for Multimedia Classification +Analysis of gene expression time series +Applying Machine Learning to Product Categorization +Attentional Based Multiple-Object Tracking +Audio Source Separation +Automated Market Sentiment Analysis of Twitter for Options Trading +Automated Patent Classification +Automatic genres classification of movies +Automatically Identifying Valid Web Form Inputs +Box Office Prediction for Upcoming Films +Breast Tumour Imaging and Drug Trials: Prediction of Response to Treatment +Building fast proxies for optimization of thermal reservoir simulation +Can a machine learn to teach? +Characterizing Densities from Semi-Analytical Models of Galaxy Formation +Classification of Malicious Network Activity +Classification of Video Game User Reviews +Classifying Galaxy Morphology using Machine Learning Techniques +Classifying Private Data +Complex Sentiment Analysis using Deep Learning +Creating a Better Above-the-Fold Experience: Predicting News Article Preferences +Creating a Guided Water Rocket +CRF Based Point Cloud Segmentation +Decoding Neural Stop State +Decoding visual stimuli from neural responses +Design Space Characterization in Micro-Architecture Design and Implementation +Detecting Audio Video Misalignment +Detecting Emotion in Human Speech +Detection of Whistler Waves +"Dinner table object segmentation +Directed Learning WiFi SLAM Applications +Early defect identification of semiconductor processes using machine learning +Electricity Demand Prediction in California +Empirically Verifying and Innovations on Several Machine Learning Theorems and Techniques +Estimating Road Friction for Autonomous Vehicles +Final Approach +Finding Answers to Non-factoid Questions Using a Recursive Neural Network +Finding the Best Photo +Flame War detector +Football Futures +Forecasting Stock Market Behavior based on Public Sentiment +Forecasting Video Analytics +Forecasting with Expert Opinions +Foreign Accent Classification +Groundwater level prediction with linear regression +Identifying leaders in group movement of cows using proximity information +Identifying Optical Trap +Identifying Transcription Factor Binding by the DNase Hypersensitivity Assay +Image Segmentation from Point Cloud Data using Fully Connected CRFs with Gaussian Kernel for Autonomous Driving +Improving Accuracy of Inertial Measurement Units using Supervised Machine Learning +Improving Grad Student Romantic Life +Improving Response Modeling with Facebook engagement data +Improving Tictoc With Machine Learning +Incorporating Gryroscope Information in 3D Gesture Recognition +Indoor scene recognition +Inference of Structured Cell Populations from CyTOF Data +Interpreter aided salt boundary segmentation using SVM regression shape deformation technique +Interpreting American Sign Language With Kinect +Kinect Object Recognition +KLearn: Simulated Robot Actions using Model-Based Reinforcement Learning +Learning Analytics in Education +Learning from High Dimensional Data +Learning Invariant Features for Action Recognition +Learning Market Performance Using Keyword Search Volume +Learning Unsupervised Features from Objects +Local Structure and Evolution for Cascade Prediction +Machine Learning for Baseball Statistics +Machine LearnNG Wikipedia: Recommending Interesting Articles +Measuring Student Confusion with Proof Helper +Modeling the Stock Market Using Twitter Sentiment Analysis +Modeling the Stock Market Using Twitter Sentiment Analysis +Multi-Level Automatic Music Classification +Multiple Feature Learning for Action Classification +Music Mood Classification +Musical Signal Separation +Neuron Detection In Fluorescence Microscopy +News Feed Prediction +News Recommendation +Node Classification in Multirelational Information Networks +Nonlinear Extensions of Reconstruction ICA +Object Classification Using SURF Descriptors +Occupation Classifier +OCR for Telugu Script +Optical Character Recogntion +Optimization Algorithms for Non-smooth ML Problems +People Detection with DSIFT and SVM Algorithms +Predicting Borrow's Chances of Defaulting on their Loans +Predicting Controversial Wikipedia Articles Using Edit History +Predicting Couchsurfing Experiences +Predicting differential drug response using clinical informatics +Predicting Disease States From Genetics +Predicting Gene Expression Using CAGE Data +Predicting glance appeal for web sites +Predicting Movie Rating based on Text Reviews +Predicting Movie Revenue +Predicting Movie Revenues using IMDb Data +Predicting Movie Success +Predicting News Preference +Predicting News Preferences +Predicting News Preferences +Predicting Outcomes of NFL Games +Predicting Preferences: Analyzing Reading Behavior and News Preferences +Predicting probability of Loan default +Predicting Rating Satisfaction based on Text Reviews with Sentiment Analysis +Predicting socio-economic factors with traffic data +Predicting the Dow Jones using Twitter +Predicting the immediate future with Recurrent Neural Networks +Predicting Tourism Trends with Google Insights +Prediction of Price Movement in the Foreign Exchange Market +Promoting Student Success in Online Courses +Pulse News Prediction +Pulse Project +Real-time object detection and recognition +Reddit Recommendation System +Reduced Rank Regression +Resampling Detection for Digital Image Forensics +Sentiment Analysis of Occupy Wall Street Tweets +Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Feeds for the Prediction of Stock Market Movement +Sentiment-based model for reputation systems in Amazon +Sign Language Gesture Recognition with Unsupervised Feature Learning +Stock Trend Classifier +Structured Completion Predictors Applied to Image Segmentation +Supervised Link Prediction through Social Group Attributes and Geographic Data +Supplementing Checkers AI Evolution with Game Classification +Support Vector Machine Classification of Snow Radar Interface Layers +Tactical and Strategic Game Play in Doppelkopf +Unsupervised Morphological Segmentation with Recursive Neural Network +Using NYC Big Data to Predict Housing Prices in NYC +Using spatiotemporally distributed patterns of intracranial encephalographic activity to classify previously encountered versus novel stimuli +Using Twitter to Estimate and Predict the Trends and Opinions +Using Twitter to Predict Stock Market Movement +Webcam Sign Language Recognition +Website Classifer +What It Took To Win: Predicting College Football Wins from the Box Score +What Makes for a Hit Pop Song? +Yelp - Star Ranking Prediction and Snippet Extraction using Sentiment Analysis +Yelp++: 10 Times More Information per View +A Facebook Profile-Based TV Recommender System +A Flexible System for Hand Gesture Recognition +A New Rival To Predator And ALIEN +A Risky Proposal: Designing a Risk Game Playing Agent +A Supervised Learning Method for Seismic Data Quality Control +A Wind Power Forecasting Problem +Acoustic Detection: Identifying Train Events +Action Recognition in Tennis +An application of machine learning to the board game pentago +Analysis for Association between Genomic Information and Survival Rate of Glioblastoma Multiforme +Analyzing and Predicting Tags to Build an Error-Resistant Music Recommendation System +Analyzing CS 229 Projects +Applying machine learning algorithms to oil reservoir production optimization +Applying Reinforcement Learning to Competitive Tetris +Assigning B cell Maturity in Leukemia +Association of enhancers and genes they regulate +Author Identification on Twitter +Authorship Identification of Movie Reviews +Automated analysis of calcium imaging data +Automated detection and repair of visual distortion in data graphics +Automated Essay Grading Using Machine Learning +Automated hand recognition as a human-computer interface +Automated Segmentation of Breast Density +Automated Stock Trading Using Machine Learning Algorithms +Automated Transcription of Guitar Music +Automatic detection and cropping of dipoles in large area SQUID magnetometry scans of individual nano magnets. +Automatic Detection of Dark Matter via Weak Gravitational Lensing +Automatic Tag Generation for Music Files +Beer recommendation engine +Bestbuy Recommendation System +Biomedical Research Topics Trends +Breast Cancer Prognosis +Broadcast news story boundary detection using visual, audio and text features +Cancerous Tissue Classication Using Microarray and RNASeq Gene Expression +Characterizing Dark Matter Concentrations Through Magnitude Distortions due to Gravitational Lensing +City Clustering from Craigslist Posts +Classification of Honest and Deceitful Memory Using fMRI Data +Classification of Induction Signals for the EXO-200 Double Beta Decay Experiment +Classifying applications based on API consumption +Classifying Chess Positions +Classifying the subjective: Can music genres be reliably determined from lyrics? +Clustering by topological methods +Composer Identification of Digital Audio Modeling Content Specific Features Through Markov Models. +Creating a Texas Hold'Em Bot +Predicting Wallpaper Preferences +Crystal Ball through the Lens of Facebook +Dark Matter Detection +Deep Learning for Wireless Interference Segmentation and Prediction +Deep Learning for Time Series Modelling +Time Series analysis: the effect of adding an unsupervised layer to NN time series prediction +Deep Understanding of Financial Knowledge through Unsupervised Learning +Detecting Absorption of Solar Radiation By Clouds with Satellite Imagery Processing +Detecting Bad Wikipedia Edits +Detecting Dark Matter Halos +Detecting Peer-to-Peer Insults +Detecting vandalisms in Wikipedia edits +Detecting Wikipedia Vandalism +Detection of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator via Text Based Computer-Mediated Communication +Determining Behavior of Bid-Ask Prices Following Liquidity Shocks +Developing Fingerprints to Computationally Define Functional Brain Networks and Noise +Dining Scene Recognition Using Related Object Detection +Discovering Elite Users In Question and Answering Communities +Distinguishing Opinion From News +E-Commerce Product Categorization +Earthquake Waveform Recognition +Electronic Devices Products Sales Prediction Using Social Media Sentiment Analysis +Smart and Fast Email Sorting +Content aware email multi-class classification - Categorize emails according to senders +Emote-Cat +Employer Health Insurance Premium Prediction +Estimating Convergence Probability for the Hartree-Fock Algorithm for Calculating Electronic Wavefunctions for Molecules +Stochastic Control of Electric Vehicle Charging +Evaluating Classified Ad Effectiveness +Evaluation of Credit Risk +Event Extraction Using Distant Supervision +Evolution of Movie Topics over Time +Expected wind turbine load estimation based on the wind field joint pdf constructed using the mixture Gaussian-EM algorithm +Extracting Vocal Sources From Master Audio Recordings +Family History Detection from Clinical Text +Fast and Low-power OCR for the Blind +Financial Market Time Series Prediction with Recurrent Neural Networks +Stock Option Price Prediction +Good Cell, Bad Cell: Classification of Segmented Images for Suitable Quantification and Analysis +Handwritten Character Recognition in Ancient Manuscripts +How a Bill Becomes a Law - Predicting Votes from Legislation Text +How We Build +How well do people learn? +Human Activity Recognition in Videos +iDec: Real-time eye state classification via web cam +Identification and Compensation for Corrupt Sensor Data in Robotic Grasping +Applying Feature Selection to Gene Expression Data +Identifying Dark Matter Halos +Identifying External Vulnerability +Identifying Important Communications +Identifying Low-Quality YouTube Comments +Signal denoising via non linear manifolds +Imaggle Project - 3D Human Modelling +Incorporating Global Information into Local Upscaling of Fluid Flow in Porous Media +Intelligent Technology for Innovation in Urban Disasters +Interpolating images using non-linear dimensionality reduction +Song genre classification via training on segment chromas and MFCCs +Improvement of an automatic speech recognition toolkit +Kicked Car Prediction +Kinect gesture recognition and classification +Kinect Gesture Recognition for Interactive System +Topic Modeling using LDA with Feedback Mechanism +Lasso in Categorical Data +Learning Analytics for Learning to Program +Learning and Modeling Singer Error for QbH +Learning Descriptors for Shape Mapping +Learning Stochastic Inverses +The Learning Keyboard +Learning Static Parameters in Stochastic Processes +Learning to Decode Cognitive States of Rat using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Time Series +Learning to Detect Information Outbreaks in Social Networks +Learning to Play 2D Video Games +Learning to Predict Flight Delay +Learning to Recognize Objects in Images +Machine Learning an American Pastime +Machine Learning and Capri, a Commuter Incentive Program +Machine learning application on detecting nudity in images +Machine Learning Applied to Human Brain - Machine Interfaces +Jazz Melody Generation and Recognition +Magic: The Gathering Deck Performance Prediction +Malicious URL Detection +Maximizing Return on Direct Marketing Campaigns in Commercial Banking +Million Song Dataset Challenge +MindMouse +Movie rating estimation and recommendation +Movie Trailer Project +Multi Agent Learning in Simulated Bot-War +Music Preference Prediction +Music Recommender System +Music Classification by Composer +Negative News No More : Classifying News Article Headlines +Networks and Noise +Non-homogenous Swarms vs MDP's +Non-Stationary Covariance Models for Discontinuous Functions as Applied to Aircraft Design Problems +Observing Dark Worlds +Observing Dark Worlds +Observing Dark Worlds +Observing Dark Worlds +On and Off Pathways of Ganglion Cells in the Salamander Retina +Optimal Vehicle to Grid Regulation Service Scheduling +Optimal VTOL of SpaceX's Grasshopper +Forecasting trade direction and size of future contracts using deep belief network +Parallel learning of content recommendations using map-reduce +A Comparison of Keypoint Descriptors in the Context of Pedestrian Detection : FREAK vs SURF vs BRISK +Phishing Email Detection Using Neural Network +Predicting the 85th Academy Awards +Predicting Acceptance of Github Pull Requests +Predicting Airfare Prices +Identifying dementia in MRI scans using machine learning +Predicting Arm Movements in Virtual Environments +Predicting Bank Default from the Quarterly report +Predicting Congressional Bill Outcomes +Predicting Country of Origin from Genetic Data +Predicting Cycles in the Foreign Exchange Market +Predicting Epitopes for MHC Molecules +Predicting Fantasy Football Performance with Machine Learning Techniques +Predicting Fantasy Football Results +Predicting Flight Delays +Predicting Flight Delays +Predicting floods and droughts in India +Predicting Future Energy Consumption. +Predicting IMDB Movie Ratings Using Google Trends +Predicting Microfinance Participation in Indian Villages +Predicting Movie and TV Preferences from Facebook Profiles +Predicting NBA Player Performance +Predicting NSF Award Money from Abstracts +Predicting Patients with Diabetes Type II from EHR Data +Predicting Popular Xbox games based on Search Queries of Users +Predicting Reddit Post Popularity +Predicting retail website anomalies using Twitter data +Finding Meaning in New York City Public School Data +Predicting Career Paths of NBA Players +Predicting the Daily Liquidity of Corporate Bonds +Predicting the Odds of Getting Retweeted +Predicting the Outcome of Baseball Games +Predicting the Popularity of Social News Posts +Predicting the US Presidential Election using Twitter data +Predicting Transcription Factor Binding +Predicting U.S. president election result based on Google Insights +Predicting User Ratings Using Graphical Status Models on Amazon.com +Predicting Wine Prices from Wine Labels +Prediction of High-Cost Hospital Patients +Predictive Validity Of a Robotic-surgery Simulator +QWOP learning +Real-time reinforcement learning in traffic signal system +Recognizing Chatting Style +Recommendation of TV shows and Movies based on Facebook data +Recommendation System for HCD Connect +Recommendations for Reddit users +Recommending Movies and TV shows based on Facebook profile data +Reconstructing Broadcasts on Trees +Reinforcement Learning to Play Mario +Restaurant Recommendation for Facebook Users +Road Network Reconstruction Based on Taxi GPS Data +Road Sign Detection and Recognition +Sentiment Analysis of Users' Reviews and Comments +Separating Speech From Noise Challenge +Separation of speech from noise challenge. +Side Channel Cryptanalysis Using Machine Learning +Machine Learning in Pairs Trading Strategies +Simultaneous coclustering and learning with dimension reduction +Smart Music Rating Predictor +Speaker Recognition Using Deep Belief Networks +Speech And Noise Separation +Stay Alert! The Ford Challenge +Stay Alert! The Ford Challenge +Stock Market Forecasting Using Machine Learning Algorithms +Structural Learning for Web Design +Structural Health Monitoring Using Guided Ultrasonic Waves to Detect Damage in Composite Panels +Structure and Trends in a Selection of Academic Literature +Stylometry for Online Forums +Classifying Substance Abuse among young Teens +Reinforcement Learning of Taxi Driver Passenger-seeking Strategies +TB Treatment-Seeking Behavior +Text Detection And Recognition in Natural Images +Text Mining to Detect Insults in Online Discussion +That's Hot: Predicting Daily Temperature for Different Locations +The Perfect IHUM Essay +The Quest for Dark Matter +Thumbnail Extraction From Slide-Based Instructional Videos +Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster +Training Intelligent Stoplights +Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Classification +Understanding The Effectiveness Of Bank Direct Marketing +Unsupervised detection of bad cloud nodes +User Review Rating Prediction +Can Song Lyrics Predict Genre? +Using Twitter Data to Predict Box Office Revenues +Using Twitter to Predict Voting Behavior +Verification and Classification of Law School Outlines +Voxel selection algorithms for fMRI +Wafer Spatial Signature Analysis +When Machine Learning Meets AI and Game Theory +Who got style?: Learning to recognize literary styles +Spoken Language Classification +Use of Machine Learning in Petroleum Production Optimization under Geological Uncertainty +Using Newspaper Sentiments to Predict Stock Movements +Creating TV/Movie Recommendations from Facebook Profile Information +Using Chemical Data to predict Wine Ratings +Accelerating Neuronal Genetic Research in C. elegans with Computer vision and Machine Learning +Pattern Recognition and Prediction in Equity Market +#jazz: Automatic Music Genre Detection +2D Visualization of High-Dimensional Molecular Data from Single-Cell Mass Cytometry +2D Visualization of Immune System Cellular Protein Data by Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction +Application of Classification Algorithms to Renaissance Music Attribution +An Adaptive Intelligence For Heads-Up No-Limit Texas Hold'em +A Kernel of Truth +An Ensemble Classifier for Rectifying Classification Error +Autonomous Hydrofoil Sailboat +Applying Machine Learning to Stock Market Trading +Astronomical Point Source Classication through Machine Learning +Applications of Machine Learning on Keyword Extraction of Large Datasets +Auto-associative Memory: The First Step in Solving Cocktail Party Problem +Author Gender Identification of English Novels +A Prediction System For Conversation Likeability On Anonymous Chat Networks +Automatic Product Classification and Clustering Solutions in a Retail Context +Analysis and Clustering of Musical Compositions using Melody-based Features +Astronomical Implications of Machine Learning +A Novel Method for Predicting the End-Price of eBay Auctions +A Predictor for Movie Success +Automated Human Gait Recognition +Auto-Tagging Piazza Posts +An SVM Based Analysis of US Dollar Strength +Assessing Opinion Mining in Stock Trading +Arctic Sea Ice Extent Prediction +Algorithmic Trading Using Machine Learning Techniques +Automated Essay Scoring Using Machine Learning +Applying Deep Learning to Enhance Momentum Trading Strategies in Stocks +A Machine Learning Approach to Webpage Content Exraction +Automated Recommendation Systems: Collaborative Filtering through Recommendation +Activity Classification with Smartphone Data +Alternate Equivalent Substitutes: Recognition of Synonyms Using Word Vectors +Accurate Redshift Estimation form Photometric Colors +Automatic Grouping for Social Networks +A Supervised Approach To Musical Chord Recognition +Automatic Colorization of Grayscale Images +Application of Graph Clustering on Scientific Papers Subject Classification +A Prediction Reference Model for Air Conditioning Systems in Commercial Buildings +Articles Tagging +Automatic Aesthetic Photo-Rating System +A Computational Model for Multi-Instrument Music Transcription +Above the Din: Identification of Human Voice in Noisy Signals +Attribution of Musical Works to Josquin des Prez +A Case for iPCA in Financial Forecasting +An Integrative Analysis of Anti-Cancer Drug Response +Beating the Streak: Predicting the MLB Players Most Likely to Get a Hit Each Day +Biometric ID, based on Phone Accelerometer usage +Better Diagnosing Narcolepsy +Bilingual Continuous Space Language Model +Building Fast Performance Models for x86 Code Sequences +Bartok: Music Time Period Classification +Building an Image-Based Shoe Recommendation System +Building Fast Performance Models for Loop-Free 64-bit x86 Code Sequences +Classifying Ephemeral vs Evergreen Content on the Web +Classifying Search Advertisers +Collaborative Filter Pre-processing for Improved Corrupted Image Classification +Classification of Fine Art Oil Paintings by Semantic Category +Clustering of State Vectors from CFD Simulations for Construction of Local Reduced-Order Models +Context based Re-ranking of Web Documents (CReWD) +Composer Style Attribution +Classification of Procedurally Generated Textures +Characterizing and Diagnosing Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy from ECG Data +Classification of Alzheimer's Patients Using Structural MRI Data +Classification of News Articles Using Named Entities with Named Entity Recognition by Neural Network +Composer Style Attribution +Cointerpretation of Flow Rate-Pressure-Temperature Data from Permanent Downhole Gauges +Classification of Mobile Device Accelerometer Data for Unique Activity Identification +Clustering Methods without Given Number of Clusters +Classification of Hand-Written Numeric Digits +Classifying News for Topic and Sentiment +Chess Game Result Prediction System +Chatous - Predicting the Quality of Users in Anonymous Chat +Crime Prediction using Businesses and Housing Values in San Francisco +Classification of Dengue fever outcomes from early transcriptional patterns +Classifying Identity Theft based on Victim Profiles +Classification of Electrocardiogram Anomalies +Counting Trees in Deforested Areas from Aerial Photographs +Does MMA Math Work? A Study on Sports Prediction Applied to Mixed Martial Arts +Determining Appliance Use From Power Draw Decomposition +Discriminative Ensemble Averaging for Accelerated Denoising +Distinguishing pathogenic vs. neutral nucleotide variants in Cystic Fibrosis and the CFTR gene +Determining the Gender of Shakespeare'™s Characters +Dynamic Feature Extraction from Molecular Mechanics Trajectories +Detection of Insults in Social Commentary +Detection of Landable Areas for Aerial Vehicles +Driver Identification by Driving Style +Detecting Web Pages with Events +Detecting Network Intrusions +Deep Learning Lane Detection for Autonomous Vehicle Localization +Decoding the Human Motor Cortex +Discovery of the Source of Contaminant Release +Discovering Evergreen Content on the Web +Decoding Neural Signals of Memory Reinstatement and Affective State +Deep Learning for Depth Learning +Deep Learning Benchmarks +Driving Behavior Improvement and Driver Recognition Based on Real-Time Driving Information +Dense Stereo Matching Using Machine Learning +Distinguishing Hard Instances of an NP-Hard Problem using Machine Learning +Detection of a Single Hand Shape in the Foreground of Still Images +Express Recognition Exploring Methods of Emotion Detection +Evaluating and Classifying NBA Free Agents +Ensemble Optical Character Recognition Systems via Machine Learning +Exploring Potential for Machine Learning on Dataset about K-12 Teacher Professional Development +Estimation of Inertial Parameters in Simulation +Extracting Emotions from News Headlines +Electrical Energy Modeling In Y2E2 Building Based On Distributed Sensors Information +Extracting vital signs from video +E-Commerce Transaction Anomaly Classification +Extending Cancer Cell Drug Response Models +Fusion arc treatment planning strategy by adaptive learning cost function based beam selection +Feature Investigation for Stock market Prediction +Finding economic groupings over time +Feature Selection In Biological Models +Feature Reduction for Unsupervised Learning +Forecasting the Direction and Strength of Stock Market Movement +Generating Load Profiles from Building Characteristics +Gaussian Process Based Image Segmentation and Object Detection in Pathology Slides +Generative Models of Music +Guiding Wind Farm Optimization with Machine Learning +Generating Sheet Music From Audio Files +Genome-Wide Predictions of Transcription Factor Binding Events using Multi- Dimensional Genomic and Epigenomic Features +Game ON! Predicting English Premier League Match Outcomes +HapBeer: A Beer Recommendation Engine +How Does He Saw Me? A Recommendation Engine for Picking Heroes in Dota 2 +Hit or Flop: Box Office Prediction for Feature Films +How to prevent another financial crisis on Wall Street: Predicting the riskiness of real estate loans +Human Mobility Pattern Prediction Algorithm using Mobile Device Location and Time Data +Hong Kong Stock Index Forecasting +How To Prevent Another Financial Crisis On Wall Street +Identifying Phishing Attacks +Identifying Over-Valued Players in Fantasy Football +Identifying Tags from millions of text question +Improving Differential Diagnosis of Pathologically Similar Dermatological Conditions to Minimize Invasive Procedures +Is This A Joke? +Identifying Threats in Diplomatic Correspondence +Intensionality of Adjectives +Image Object Classification +Investigating the Variables that Influence Online Learning +Identify Keywords for Stack Exchange Questions +Identify a Car'€™s Driver from Driving Behavior +Identifying Demonstrative Lovers in Tango Texting App +Inheritance Relationships in Vernacular Hip Hop Music +Identify a Vehicle and its Driver from the Vehicle's Maneuver Data +Image Classification +Incorporating Known Pathways into Gene Clustering Algorithms for Genetic Expression Data +Identifying Gas Savings from Driver Behavior +Identifying Thyroid Carcinoma Subtypes and Outcomes through Gene Expression Data +Identification of Parameters Predictive of Chromosomally Normal Embryos +Keyword Extraction and Semantic Tag Prediction +Keystroke Rhythm and Intensity as Biometrics for User ID +Keyword Extraction for Stack Exchange Questions +Learning Systems Based Automated Proposal Evaluation +Learning How to Pick Singles for Pop Stardom +Large-scale Social Tag Prediction +Learning Predictive Filters +Large-Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition with Linguistic Features for Deep Learning +Learning to identify antonyms +Learning to Predict Disengagement in Educational iPad Application +Learning Game Playing Strategy for Durak +Live Handwriting Recognition Using Language Semantics +Listen to Your Heart: Stress Prediction Using Consumer Heart Rate Sensors +Learning to Predict Image Affects in Social Networks +Learning Convention Propagation in BeerAdvocate Reviews from a Network Perspective +Literature Search Made Easy +Learning to Play like an Othello Master +Learning to Identify Winning Stocks +Learning Dow Jones From Twitter Sentiment +Learning Multi-Label Topic Classification of News Articles +Learning Characteristics of Smartphone Users from Accelerometer and Gyroscope Data +Lane Markings From Satellite +Movie Recommendations from User Ratings +Model reconnaissance: discretization, naive Bayes and maximum-entropy +Max-Margin Models for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction +Modeling Strategic Information Sharing in Indian Villages +Machine Learning Final Report Identifying Driving Behavior from Data +Musical Instrument Extraction through Timbre Classification +Machine-Assisted Performance Optimization of Legion Applications +Multi-label Classification and Prediction of Tags for Online Platform Questions +Multitask clustering of genes in different tissue types using Sparse PCA +Measuring Tissue Contact Force for Continuum Robot +Multitask Clustering of Genes in Different Cell Types +Musical Instrument Modeling and Classification +Machine Learning in Stock Price Trend Forecasting +Music Genre Classification and Variance Comparison on Number of Genres +Machine Learning Techniques for Quantifying Characteristic Geological Feature Difference +Maximizing Precision of Hit Predictions in Baseball +Machine Learning Techniques for Optimal Sampling-Based Motion Planning +Method to Suggest Similar API Calls Across Languages and Frameworks +Music Genre Classification +Mapping Text Phrases to Complex Logical Forms for Semantic Parsing: Exploring Named Entity Recognition +Move Ranking in Arimaa +Machine Learning Classification of Kidney and Lung Cancer Types +Modeling Function word errors in DNN-HMM based LVCSR systems +Machine Learning as a Tool for MicroRNA Analysis +Musical Structure in Irish Traditional Tunes +Network models to improve drug-ADE prediction +Occlusion robust pose and model estimation using Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model on GPU +Optimizing Public Transit +Object Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks +Optimizer for Floating-Point Unit Generator +Optimizing Hotel Ranking for Higher Purchase Rates +Predicting Recessions: Forecasting US GDP Growth through Supervised Learning +Personalized Web Search Ranking +Predictions on Kaggle +Probabilistic Record Matching +Predicting housing price +Parity and Predictability in the National Football League +Predicting Stack Exchange Tags +Predicting Gold Prices +Predicting SeeClickFix Issue Importance +Predicting How Many Citations an Academic Paper Will Receive +Performance of Different Algorithms on Clustering Molecular Dynamics Trajectories +Prediction of outcomes in mild TBI in the NTDB +Prediction of NYC Restaurant Health Inspection Results +Predicting Virtual Markets +Predicting semantic features from CT images of liver lesions using deep learning +Predicting User Quality in Anonymous Chat Networks +Polyphonic Piano Transcription +Prediction of User Intent to Reply to Incoming Emails +Prediction of Cell Line Sensitivity to Cancer Drugs +Predict Foreground Object in Still Image +Predicting daily incoming solar energy from weather data +Prediction of total daily incoming solar energy based on weather models +Pedestrian Detection Using Structured SVM +Predicting Gene Function and Localization +Predicting Corporate 8-K Content Using Machine Learning Techniques +Predicting Short Term Stock Returns +Personalized Web Search Re-ranking +Physical model improvement through support vector regression +Predicting gas usage as a function of driving behavior +Predicting Movie Box Office Gross +Predicting the Betting Line in NBA Games +Predicting Malicious Users on Anonymous Chat Networks +Party Predictor: Predicting Political Affiliation +Predicting Answer Quality Using Post and Domain-Based User Information +Predicting Texas Holdem Hand Strength +Probabilistic Token Selection via Fisher's Method in Text Classification +Predicting Societal and Economic Impact of Future Natural Disasters +Predicting Property Loan Spread Using Segmented Linear Model +Predicting the Major League Baseball Season +Predicting Conversational Likability On Anonymous Chat Networks +Predicting flight on-time performance +Predicting x86 Program Runtime for Intel Processor +Predicting Tags for StackOverflow Questions +Parsing Domain WhoIs Information with Different Patterns Using One Generic Parser +Personalized Expedia Hotel Searches +Phonation Detection System +Predicting Time Spent with Physician +Prediction using Prospect Theory +Reconstructing non-intrusively collected keystroke data using cellphone sensors +Real-World Material Recognition for Scene Understanding +Regressing Loan Spread for Properties in the New York Metropolitan Area +Reminiscing Through Personal Email +Relevanseek: Determining relevant images from HTML source +Recognition of Handwritten Mathematical Symbols with PHOG Features +Ranking Web Search Results Using Personal Preferences +Rank-Restricted Full Configuration Interaction +Recognition and Classification of human Embryonic Stem (hES) Cells€™ Differentiation Level +Reinforcement learning for bicycle control +Relative Permeability Measurement in Rock Fractures +Reveal Hidden Information in the Music Scores: Composer Attribution +Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Routing of Autonomous Vehicles in Congested Networks +Rank Hotels on Expedia.com to Maximize Purchases +Reconstruction of human voice for impersonation +Sorting Forum Responses by Relevance to Original Post +String Regularization +Sentiment Analysis of App Store Reviews +SMS Spam Detection using Machine Learning Approach +Sentiment Analysis on Email Archives using Deep Learning +Sentiment Analysis of Tweets: Baselines and Neural Network Models +Scalable Deep Learning for Image Classification with K-Means and SVM +Speech Recognition Using Deep Learning Algorithms +Should Monetary Policy Target Bubbles? - A Machine Learning Perspective +See Click Predict Fix +Solving differential equations using neural networks +Structural Patterns in Translation +Strategies for Better Sleep Spindle Detection +Sentiment Causation Extraction +Supervised Learning Methods for Vision Based Road Detection +Safe Path Recommender: Using Crime Statistics +StumbleUpon Evergreen Classification Challenge +Supervised classification-based stock prediction and portfolio optimization +Synthesizing images with out-of-plane transformations using stereo images +Subhalo Prediction for Dark Matter Halos +Tracing Trends in Academic Interests +TapDynamics: Strengthening User Authentication on Mobile Phones with Keystroke Dynamics +Transgene flow risk analysis +The Use of Smart Meter Data to Forecast Electricity Demand +The Recipe Learner +Twitter's Effectiveness on Blackout Detection during Hurricane Sandy +TF-IDF Chat User Clustering +Twitter Sentiment Analysis +TCF21 Binding Sites Characterization using Latent Dirichlet Allocation +Towards Urban Vehicle Autonomy: Estimating Urban Congestion from Taxi Pickups and Deliveries +The Next Generation's Personal File System Management +Using Undirected Graphs to Guide Mutli-label Text Classification +Using machine learning to enhance a collaborative filtering recommendation system for Yelp +Using Twitter To Gauge News Effect on Stock Market Moves +Use of Texture Classification To Quantify Stem Cell Differentiation During Time Lapse Imaging +Unsupervised Corpus Partitioning of a Large Scale Search Engine +Upset Prediction in College Football +Using Low-Cost Remote Sensing Data to Detect Building Collapse in Post-Earthquake Environments +Unsupervised Approaches to Detecting Anomalous Behavior in the Bitcoin Transaction Network +Using Tweets to Predict the Stock Market +Using Machine Learning to Teach a Computer to Play Backgammon +Validity of User Reports in a Chat Network +Validating User Spam Reports in Chat Networks +W vs. QCD Jet Tagging at the Large Hadron Collider +Whisky Recommender +What Will Be Your Favorite Song? Let Me Tell You! +Waiting for a Sign: An Unsupervised Pipeline for Sign Language Recognition +Web Content Extraction Through Machine Learning +Whose Book is it Anyway? Using Machine Learning to Identify the Author of Unknown Texts +Yelp Food Recommendation System +€œI'm different, yeah I'm different: Classifying Rap Lyrics by Artist +Nonlinear Reconstruction of Genetic Networks Implicated in AML +Can Machines Learn Genres +Identifying Gender FromFacial Features +Equation to LaTeX +Intensity prediction using DYFI +Artificial Intelligence on the Final Frontier - Using Machine Learning to Find New Earths +Life Expectancy Post Thoracic Surgery +Making Sense of the Mayhem- Machine Learning and March Madness +Better Reading Levels through Machine Learning +What are People Saying about Net Neutrality +Bird Species Identification from an Image +Stay Alert +A bigram extension to word vector representation +Mining for Confusion - Classifying Affect in MOOC Learners' Discussion Forum Posts +Cardiac Arrhythmias Patients +Prediction of Average and Perceived Polarity in Online Journalism +Cardiac Dysrhythmia Detection with GPU-Accelerated Neural Networks +Nicolas Sanchez Ruck Those Stats! +Classifying Wikipedia People Into Occupations +Classification of Soil Contamination +Automated Essay Grading +Relative and absolute equity return prediction using supervised learning +Seizure Prediction from Intracranial EEG Recordings +Predicting Seizure Onset with Intracranial Electroencephalogram(EEG) Data +Classifying Complex Legal Documents +Machine Learning Applied to the Detection of Retinal Blood Vessels +Survival Outcome Prediction for Cancer Patients +Predicting Cellular Link Failures to Improve User Experience on Smartphones +Yelp Personalized Reviews +KMeansSL +Strength in numbers_ Modelling the impact of businesses on each other +Correlation Based Multi-Label Classification +Landmark Recognition Using Machine Learning +CarveML an application of machine learning to file fragment classification +rClassifier +Using Vector Representations to Augment Sentiment Analysis Training Data +What Project Should I Choose +Analyzing Vocal Patterns to Determine Emotion +Predicting the Commercial Success of Songs Based on Lyrics and Other Metrics +Application Of Machine Learning To Aircraft Conceptual Design +Extracting Word Relationships from Unstructured Data +Machine Learning for Predicting Delayed Onset Trauma Following Ischemic Stroke +Classifying Online User Behavior Using Contextual Data +Real Time Flight Path Optimization Under Constraints Using Surrogate Flutter Function +Real-Time Dense Map Matching with Naive Hidden Markov Models Delay versus Accuracy +Prediction Function from Sequence in Venom Peptide Families +Restaurant Recommendation System +Home Electricity Load Forecasting +Learning Dota 2 Team Compositions +Applying Deep Learning to derive insights about non-coding regions of the genome +Classification of Higgs Jets as Decay Products of a Randall-Sundrum Graviton at the ATLAS Experiment +SemenFertilityPrediction +Sentiment Analysis Using Semi-Supervised Recursive Autoencoders and Support Vector Machines +Classifying Syllables in Imagined Speech using EEG Data +Abraham Starosta-Typeguess +Predicting Usefulness of Yelp Reviews +Predicting Soccer Results in the English Premier League +Detecting Heart Abnormality using ECG with CART +Down and Dirty with Data +Hierarchical Classification of Amazon Products +Predicting high-risk countries for political instability and conflict +Machine Learning Implementation in live-cell tracking +Any Given Sunday +P300 Error Detection +Automated Canvas Analysis for Painting Conservation +Office Appliance Classification +Sentiment Analysis on Movie Reviews +Predicting Mobile Application Success +Modeling Activity Recognition Using Physiological Data Collected from Wearable Technology +Neural Network Joint Language Model +Yelp Recommendation System Using Advanced Collaborative Filtering +Prediction of Yelp Review Star Rating using Sentiment Analysis +Classification of Bad Accounts in Credit Card Industry +Classification Of Musical Playing Styles +Email Filtering By Response Required +Forecasting Utilization in City Bike-Share Program +Recommender +Predicting Cell Type-Specific Chromatin States from Genetic Regulatory Networks +Pose Estimation Based on 3D Models +Visual Localization and POMDP for Autonomous Indoor Navigation +Contours and Kernels-The Art of Sketching +Indoor Positioning System Using Wifi Fingerprint +Predicting air pollution level in a specific city +Prediction of Transcription Factors that Regulate Common Binding Motifs +Multi-class motif discovery in keratinocyte differentiation +Defensive Unit Performance Analysis +Diagnosing Malignant versus Benign Breast Tumours via Machine Learning Techniques in High Dimensions +Hacking the Hivemind +Diagnosing Parkinson's from Gait +Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms on GPUs for Real-Time Traffic Sign Classification +Vignette +Machine Learning In JavaScript +Searching for exoplanets in the Kepler public data +Model Clustering via Group Lasso +Improving Positron Emission Tomography Imaging with Machine Learning +Algorithmic Trading of Futures via Machine Learning +Topic based comments exploration for online articles +Personal Legal Counsellor and Interpreter of the Law via Machine Learning +Personalized Web Search +Detecting Ads in a Machine Learning Approach +Predicting Mitochondrial tRNA Modification +Collaborative Neighborhoods +Estimation of Causal Effects from Observational Study of Job Training Program +Deep Learning Architecture for Univariate Time Series Forecasting +Solomon +Automatic detection of nanoparticles in tissue sections +Implementation of Deep Convolutional NeuralNet on a DSP +Evergreen or Ephemeral - Predicting Webpage Longevity Through Relevancy Features +MacMalware +Extractive Fiction Summarization Using Sentence Significance Scoring Models +Identifying And Predicting Market Reactions To Information Shocks In Commodity Markets +An EM-Derived Approach to Blind HRTF Estimation +The Many Dimensions of Net Neutrality +Learning To Predict Dental Caries For Preschool Children +Information based feature selection +Identifying Elephant Vocalizations +Predicting Protein Fragment Binding +Bike Share Usage Prediction in London +Localized Explicit Semantic Analysis +Robo Brain Massive Knowledge Base for Robots +Understanding Music Genre Similarity +Correlated Feature Selection for Single-Cell Phenotyping +Activity Recognition in Construction Sites Using 3D Accelerometer and Gyrometer +Event-based stock market prediction +Recommendation Based On User Experience +Spectrum Adaptation in Multicarrier Interference Channels +Exploring Potential for Machine Learning on Data About K-12 Teacher Professional Development +Player Behavior and Optimal Team Compositions for Online Multiplayer Games +Algorithmic Trading Strategy Based On Massive Data Mining +Face Detection And Recognition Of Drawn Characters +Gene Expression Analysis Of HCMV Latent Infection +A New Kalman Filter Method +Using Tweets for single stock price prediction +Classification of Human Posture and Movement Using Accelerometer Data +Naïve Bayes Classifier And Profitability of Options Gamma Trading +Vector-based Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews +A General-Purpose Sentence-Level Nonsense Detector +Characterizing Genetic Variation in Three Southeast Asian Populations +Machine Learning for the Smart Grid +Predicting Africa Soil Properties +Automated Bitcoin Trading via Machine Learning Algorithms +SkatBot +Tradeshift Text Classification +New York City Bike Share +Predicting Seizure Onset in Epileptic Patients Using Intercranial EEG Recordings +Predicting Foster Care Exit +Yelp Recommendation System +Predicting National Basketball Association Game Winners +Predicting Yelp Ratings From Business and User Characteristics +Predicting Popularity of Pornography Videos +Accurate Campaign Targeting Using Classification Algorithms +Forecasting Bike Rental Demand +Predicting User Following Behavior On Tencent Weibo +Improving Taxi Revenue With Reinforcement Learning +Learning Facial Expressions From an Image +All Your Base Are Belong To Us English Texts Written by Non-Native Speakers +Identifying Regions High Turbidity +A Comparison of Classification Methods for Expression Quantitative Trait Loci +Predicting Mobile Users Future Location +Machine Learning Madness +Semi-Supervised Learning For Sentiment Analysis +Legal Issue Spotting +A novel way to Soccer Match Prediction +Morphological Galaxy Classification +Predicting Helpfulness Ratings of Amazon Product Reviews +Predicting Course Completions For Online Courses +An Adaptive System For Standardized Test Preparation +Single Molecule Biophysics Machine Learning For Automated Data Processing +Understanding Comments Submitted to FCC on Net Neutrality +Direct Data-Driven Methods for Decision Making under Uncertainty +From Food To Wine +Classifying Legal Questions into Topic Areas Using Machine Learning +Predicting Hit Songs with MIDI Musical Features +Machine Learning Methods for Biological Data Curation +Classifying Forest Cover Type using Cartographic Features +Peer Lending Risk Predictor +Learning Distributed Representations of Phrases +Estimation Of Word Representations Using Recurrent Neural Networks And Its Application In Generating Business Fingerprints +Gender Identification by Voice +Applications Of Machine Learning To Predict Yelp Ratings +Methodology for Sparse Classification Learning Arrhythmia +Predicting March Madness +Net Neutrality Language Analysis +Characterizing Atrial Fibrillation Burden for Stroke Prevention +Predict Seizures in Intracranial EEG Recordings +Automated Music Track Generation +Characterizing Overlapping Galaxies +Understanding Player Positions in the NBA +Cross-Domain Product Classification with Deep Learning +Predicting Heart Attacks +Prediction of Bike Sharing Demand for Casual and Registered Users +Classification Of Arrhythmia Using ECG Data +What Can You Learn From Accelerometer Data +Speaker Recognition for Multi-Source Single-Channel Recordings +Prediction of consumer credit risk +Machine Learning for Network Intrusion Detection +Predicting Paper Counts in the Biological Sciences +Prediction of Price Increase for MTG Cards +Twitter Classification into the Amazon Browse Node Hierarchy +Determining Mood From Facial Expressions +Visualizing Personalized Cancer Risk Prediction +Predicting the Total Number of Points Scored in NFL Games +Short Term Power Forecasting Of Solar PV Systems Using Machine Learning Techniques +Star-Galaxy Separation in the Era of Precision Cosmology +Artist Attribution via Song Lyrics +Accelerometer Gesture Recognition +Arrythmia Classification for Heart Attack Prediction +#ML#NLP-Autonomous Tagging Of Stack Overflow Posts +Scheduling Tasks Under Constraints +Classification Of Beatles Authorship +Classification of Accents of English Speakers by Native Language +Exposing commercial value in social networks matching online communities and businesses +Hacking the genome +How Hot Will It Get Modeling Scientific Discourse About Literature +Permeability Prediction of 3-D Binary Segmented Images Using Neural Networks +Automated Identification of Artist Given Unknown Paintings and Quantification of Artistic Style +Predicting Lecture Video Complexity +Result Prediction of Wikipedia Administrator Elections based ondNetwork Features +Predicting The Treatment Status +Error Detection based on neural signals +Speech Similarity +Data-Driven Modeling and Control of an Autonomous Race Car +Predicting the Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes Using Electronic Medical Records +A Novel Approach to Predicting the Results of NBA Matches +Automatically Generating Musical Playlists +Solar Flare Prediction +Application of machine learning techniques for well pad identification inathe Bakken oil fielda +Anomaly Detection in Bitcoin Network Using Unsupervised Learning Methods +Two-step Semi-supervised Approach for Music Structural Classificiation +Domain specific sentiment analysis using cross-domain data +Instrumental Solo Generator +Cross-Domain Text Understanding in Online SocialData +From Paragraphs to Vectors and Back Again +HandwritingRecognition +Chemical Identification with Chemical Sensor Arrays +Genre Classification Using Graph Representations of Music +Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems +Detecting The Direction Of Sound With A Compact Microphone Array +Finding Undervalued Stocks With Machine Learning +Multilevel Local Search Algorithms for Modularity Clustering +Automated Detection and Classification of Cardiac Arrhythmias +Predicting Kidney Cancer Survival From Genomic Data +Multiclass Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews +Classification and Regression Approaches to Predicting US Senate Elections +Learning from Quantified Self Data +Predict Influencers in the Social Network +Bias Detector +Constructing Personal Networks Through Communication History +Modeling Protein Interactions Using Bayesian Networks +Topic Analysis of the FCC's Public Comments on Net Neutrality +Predicting Hospital Readmissions +Analyzing Positional Play in Chess Using Machine Learning +Yelp Restaurants' Open Hours +Identifying Arrhythmia from Electrocardiogram Data +Diagnosing and Segmenting Brain Tumors and Phenotypes using MRI Scans +Exploring the Genetic Basis of Congenital Heart Defects +Attribution of Contested and Anonymous Ancient Greek Works +Object Detection for Semantic SLAM using Convolutional Neural Networks +Sentiment as a Predictor of Wikipedia Editor Activity +Blowing Up The Twittersphere- Predicting the Optimal Time to Tweet +Evergreen Classification_ Exploring New Features +Detecting Lane Departures Using Weak Visual Features +Re-clustering of Constellations through Machine Learning +Application of Neural Network In Handwriting Recognition +Recognition and Classification of Fast Food Images +Reduced Order Greenhouse Gas Flaring Estimation +Blood Pressure Detection from PPG +Predicting Low Voltage Events on Rural Micro-Grids in Tanzania +Amazon Employee Access Control System_Updated_Version +Prediction Onset Epileptic +Evaluating Pinch Quality of Underactuated Robotic Hands +Reinforcement Learning With Deeping Learning in Pacman +Language identification and accent variation detection in spoken language recordings +Enhancing Cortana User Experience Using Machine Learning +Who Matters +Predicting Heart Attacks +Predicting Seizures in Intracranial EEG Recordings +Structural Health Monitoring in Extreme Events from Machine Learning Perspective +On-line Kernel Learning for Active Sensor Networks +ECommerce Sales Prediction Using Listing Keywords +Review Scheduling for Maximum Long-Term Retention of Knowledge +Adaptive Spaced Repetition +Do a Barrel Roll +Oil Field Production using Machine Learning +Predicting Success for Musical Artists through Network and Quantitative Data +Better Models for Prediction of Bond Prices +Classifying the Brain 27s Motor Activity via Deep Learning +Prediction of Bike Rentals +Classification of Alzheimer's Disease Based on White Matter Attributes +MoralMachines- Developing a Crowdsourced Moral Framework for Autonomous Vehicle Decisions +Context Specific Sequence Preference Of DNA Binding Proteins +Predicting Reddit Post Popularity ViaInitial Commentary +Machine Learning for Continuous Human Action Recognition +Predicting Pace Based on Previous Training Runs +Probabilistic Driving Models and Lane Change Prediction +Multiple Sensor Indoor Mapping Using a Mobile Robot +Bone Segmentation MRI Scans +#Rechorder Anticipating Music Motifs In Real Time +Prediction and Classification of Cardiac Arrhythmia +Predicting DJIA Movements from the Fluctuation of a Subset of Stocks +Sentiment Analysis for Hotel Reviews +Mood Detection with Tweets +Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis +Object Recognition in Images +3D Scene Retrieval from Text +Predicting Breast Cancer Survival Using Treatment and Patient Factors +Parking Occupancy Prediction and Pattern Analysis +Supervised DeepLearning For MultiClass Image Classification +User Behaviors Across Domains +Seizure forecasting +Stock Trend Prediction with Technical Indicators using SVM +Predicting Usefulness of Yelp Reviews +Obstacles Avoidance with Machine Learning Control Methods in Flappy Birds Setting +Yelp User Rating Prediction +Demand Prediction of Bicycle Sharing Systems +Facial Keypoints Detection +Is Beauty Really In The Eye Of The Beholder +Sentiment Analysis of Yelp's Ratings Based on Text Reviews +Multiclass Classifier Building with Amazon Data to Classify Customer Reviews into Product Categories +An Energy Efficient Seizure Prediction Algorithm +Classifier Comparisons On Credit Approval Prediction +Appliance Based Model for Energy Consumption Segmentation +analysis on 1s1r array +Your Next Personal Trainer +Sign Language Recognition using Temporal Classification +Blind Audio Source Separation Pipeline and Algorithm Evaluation +Smart Adaptive Sampling for Photorealistic Rendering: Learning Samplers for Monte Carlo Ray Tracing +Prediction of Post-Collegiate Earnings +Playing Tetris with Genetic Algorithms +Learning with Difference of Gaussian Features in the 3D Segmentation of Glioblastoma Brain Tumors +Improved Search for Explore Courses +Landslides Susceptibility Mapping In Nepal Using Spatial Feature Vectors +Deep Reinforcement Learning for Flappy Bird +Activity Recognition Using Cell Phones +College Football Bowl Predictor +Condition Monitoring Using Accelerometer Readings +Draft Kings and Queens +Finding the Optimal Fantasy Football Team +Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Devices Sensor Data +Human Activity Recognition: Accelerometers Unveil Your Actions +Identifying injury-inducing factors in baseball pitchers +Localization Through Wireless Access Point Channel State Information +Machine Learning for Daily Fantasy Football Quarterback Selection +Predicting Final Scores of Major League Baseball Games +Predicting Momentum Streaks in the NBA +Predicting Optimal Game Day Fantasy Football Teams +Predicting Short-Range Displacements From Sensor Data +Predicting Win Percentage and Winning Features of NBA Teams +Sign Language Recognition using Temporal Classification +Using Pre-NBA Data to Predict Early NBA Career Success +Win Some, Learn Some +A Soundhound for the sound of hounds +Acoustic Texture Classification +Automatic Playlist Generation +Automatic Rhythmic Notation from Single-Voice Audio Sources +Blind Audio Source Separation Pipeline and Algorithm Evaluation +Classification of Irish and Scandinavian Folk Music by Dance Type +Clustering Bach chorale melodies +Clustering Music by Genres +Electric Guitar Pickups Recognition +Experimenting with Algorithmic Composition Techniques +For-TUNE teller +How Fire is Your Mixtape? +Intelligent Rapid Voice Recognition Using Neural Tensor Networks, Support Vector Machines, and Reinforcement Learning +Learning Instrument Identification +Machine Learning in Automatic Music Chords Generation +Melody Extraction from Generic Audio Clips +Offline Music Recommendation +Predicting Musical Eras of Songs +Predicting Song Popularity +Predicting a Song's Path and Success Through the Billboard Hot 100 +SpeakerTagger: a Speaker Diarization System +Spectral Transition-Based Playlist Prediction +Speech to Song Classification +Spoken Character Recognition +Top 100 Song Classifier +3D model classification using convolutional neural network +Automated Image Artifact Identification in Dark Energy Survey CCD Exposures +Automatic Image Colorization +Calorie Estimation from Food Images +Classification of Novel Genres by Cover and Title +Classification of photographic images based on perceived aesthetic quality +Classifying Non-Manual Markers in American Sign Language +Dynamic Eye Gaze Tracking and Prediction for Foveated Rendering and Retinal Blur +Emotion Calssification on Face Images +Eyes around the world - Learning to alert and cluster live webcams +Facial Keypoint Detection +FarmX: Leaf based disease identification in farms +Finding Poverty in Satellite Images +From Grayscale to Color: Digital Image Colorization using Machine Learning +Generating Motion Capture Animation for Arbitrary Rigs +Handwritten Digit Recognition through Unsupervised Learning +Learning of visualization of object recognition features and image reconstruction +Learning to recognize English sentence +Matching Handwriting With Its Author +Object Classification Using RGB-D Data for Vision Aids +Object classification for autonomous vehicle navigation of Stanford campus +Pedestrian Detection with RCNN +Photo aesthetics evaluation system: an application of CNN and SVM +Planet Labels - How do we use our earth? +Smart Adaptive Sampling for Photorealistic Rendering: Learning Samplers for Monte Carlo Ray Tracing +Spacecraft Navigation in Cluttered, Dynamic Environments Using 3D Lidar +User Demographics and Profile Pictures as a Predictor of Attractiveness in AI Meets Online Dating Online Dating Profiles +Using CNNs to Estimate Depth from Stereo Imagery +Vision-Based Hand Hygiene Monitoring in Hospitals +Whale Detection & Identification from Aerial Photography +What can we learn from a movie's color? +What's your Type? Personalized Predictions of Facial Attractiveness +Your Next Personal Trainer +A pairs trading strategy for GS/MS using machine learning +Anonymous Marketplace Vendor Exit Scam Detection +Are you open? +Credit Estimation for Chinese Construction Companies +Discriminative market price model for Magic: The Gathering cards based on card mechanics +Examining Long-Term Trends in Company Fundamentals Data +Exploring Commodity and Stock Volatility using Topic Modeling on Historical News Articles -- Application to Crude Oil Prices +Exploring the Structure of Private Foundations +Financial Magic +Forecast sales using store, promotion, and competitor data +Forecasting Drug Store Sales Using Machine Learning Techniques +Forecasting Rossmann Store sales using store, promotion, and competitor data in machine learning techniques +Gradient Boosting Trees to Predict Store Sales +How can machine learning help stock investment? +KPI-Driven Predictive ML Models Approach Towards Municipal Budgeting Optimization +Long-Short Strategy Using Bank Analysts Recommendations +Multifaceted Predictive Algorithms in Commodity Markets +Portfolio Recommendation System +Predicting Default Rate of a Lending Club User +Predicting Financial Market Stability Using News and Google Trends Data +Predicting Future Employment, Productivity, and Income +Predicting Intraday Market Volatility Using Macroeconomic Headline News +Predicting Movie Revenue from Pre-Release Data +Predicting Rossman Store Sales +Predicting Short-term Market Response to Liquidity Shocks +Predicting Stock Prices through Textual Analysis of Web News +Predicting Student Earnings After College +Predicting Valuations of Venture Capital-backed Private Companies +Predicting business ratings on Yelp +Predicting political ideology using campaign finance data +Prediction of Airline Ticket Price +Prediction of Post-Collegiate Earnings +Prediction of Time of Peak Exchange Rate +Rossman Store Sales Prediction +Rossmann Store Sales Prediction +Rossmann Time Series +Rossmann store sales quantity prediction +Sales Prediction for Rossmann Drug Stores +Sales Prediction with Time Series Modeling +Short Term Price Prediction in Financial Markets +Using Decision Tree to predict repeat customers +Using machine learning for medium frequency derivative portfolio trading +A Personalized Company Recommender System for Job Seekers +A study of ensemble methods in machine learning +An Application of Machine Learning to Native Advertisements +Analyzing Donations to 2016 Presidential Candidates +Bitcoin UTXO Lifespan Prediction +Can Machines Recognize Expertise? +Crime classification and prediction in San Francisco city +Gimme Food by The Yelping Stones +Incorporating Nesterov Momentum into Adam +ML in Network Intrusion Detection +Machine Hound: Following an olfactory trail +Machine Learning Applied to Visual Odometry +Machine Learning Equalization Techniques for High Speed PAM4 Fiber Optic Communication Systems +MasterChef +Modeling MOOC Dropouts +Neighborhood and Review Score Prediction for Airbnb Listings +Online Detection of Code Reuse Attacks +Playing Tetris with Genetic Algorithms +Plead or Pitch? Predicting the Performance of Kickstarter Campaigns +Predict Employees' Computer Access Needs in Company +Predicting A Student's Performance +Predicting Bill Passage +Predicting Bill Votes in the House of Representatives +Predicting Congressional Bill Outcomes +Predicting Recidivism +Predicting Roles in "The Resistance" Board Game +Predicting Running Ability from Race History +Predicting Wine Varietals from Reviews +Predicting a Happier Place +Predicting quality of wine based on chemical attributes +Predicting winning rate of DotA2 games +Prediction algorithm for crime recidivism +Quantifying decision impact in MOBA games +Recognizing network traces of various web services +Recommendation System Leveraging Heterogeneity of Relationsin a Social Network +RoboCop: Crime Classification and Prediction in San Francisco +Robust Streaming Video Traffic Classification +Service Capacity Estimation Through Telemetry Analysis +SocialSense: Quantifying Social Media Linkage and Malicious Intent Across the Web +Top-Rated Series Characterization and Audience Rating Prediction +Using Facebook Profiles to Predict Sexual Orientation +What makes a good muffin? +Advanced machine learning techniques for thyroid cancer diagnosis +Advanced machine learning techniques for thyroid cancer diagnosis +Automated Pathology through Machine Learning +Automating Neurological Disease Diagnosis Using Structural MR Brain Scan Features +Biomarker identification for early-stage diabetes diagnosis in mice liver cells +Classication of Behavioral Decision using Pre-decision Neural Activity +Classification of High Grade vs Low Grade GBM Tumor +Classifications of Subject Motion for Improved Reconstruction of Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging +Computer aided detection of endolymphatic hydrops to aid the diagnosis of Meniere’s disease +Data fusion for predicting cancer survival +Detecting gene-by-environment interaction in coronary artery disease +Determination of cell types in Chicken utricle +Diagnosing Type II Diabetes +Doctor Bayes +ECG R-R Interval Estimation +Identifying Cardiomyocytes from Acoustic Measurements +Kernel learning framework for cancer subtype analysiswith multi-omics data integration +Learning the topology of the genome from protein-DNA interactions +Learning with Difference of Gaussian Features in the 3D Segmentation of Glioblastoma Brain Tumors +Machine Learning Classifier for Preoperative Diagnosis of Benign Thyroid Nodules +Medical Record Understanding +Medical image retrieval from 3D lesion content +Methods for Prediction of Type 2 Diabetes +Needle Tumor Puncture Detection Using a Force and Position Sensor +Predicting Corporate Influence Cascades In Health Care Communities +Predicting ecological traits from fungal genomes +Predicting the progression of the ALS disease in Patients +Prediction of clinical outcomes in breast invasive carcinoma using omics data +Reducing False Arrhythmia Alarms in the Intensive Care Unit +Scanning probe microscopy based on reinforcement learning +Techniques for Local Ancestry Inference in Admixed Populations +The Price is Right? Estimating Medical Costs with Machine Learning +Thyroid Dysfunction: Prediction and Diagnostics +Tracing SPN dendritic branches and classifying their neuronal inputs +Unsupervised Learning for Analyzing Brain Tumors +Unsupervised learning of emergent structure in simulated neural data +Using DNA methylation to predict white blood cells frequencies in tumor tissue samples +Using Spectral Clustering to Sample Molecular States and Pathways +A Movie Recommender System from Tweets Data +A Personal Conversational Model +Algorithmic Trading of Cryptocurrency Based on Twitter Sentiment Analysis +Analysis on Yelp User Preference +Anomaly Detection in Lengthy Legal Documents +Application of Deep Learning in Yelp Review Analysis +Application of Unsupervised Learning For Business Segmentation, Using Yelp Data +Applying adversarial examples to text classification of natural language +Assessing and Implementing Automated News Classification Algorithms +Autoranking Amazon Reviews +Autotagging and Evaluating Text Relevance +Building an AI for the Wikipedia Game +Clustering a Customer Base Using Twitter Data +Contextual Code Completion +Cuisine Classification from Ingredients +Detecting Sarcasm In Text: An Obvious Solution to a Trivial Problem +Divergent Recommendations for Yelp Users +Don't Feed the Trolls: Insult Detection on Online Communities +Drug and Chemical Compound Named Entity Recognition using Convolutional Networks +Extracting keywords from emails using distributed word vectors +Fast Tree-Structured Recursive Neural Networks +Feature Engineering on Machine Comprehension +Finding Influencers within Fuzzy Topics on Twitter +How well does language-based community detection work for Reddit? +Improved Search for Explore Courses +Language Identification from Text Documents +Learning to Rank Comments Within Subreddit Submissions +Machine Learning Methods for News Popularity Prediction +Multiclass Emotion Analysis of Social Media Posts +Named Entity Recognition and Classification using Word Vectors +Predicting Answer Quality on Community Q&A Websites +Predicting Yelp Star Ratings Based on Text Analysis of User Reviews +Predicting and Evaluating the Popularity of Online News +Predicting and Identifying Hyperlinks in Wikipedia Articles +Prediction of Yelp Ratings Based on Reviewer Comments Segmented by Business Type +Question Answering on the bAbI Dataset using LSTMs +Rating the Raters: Bias Analysis on Yelp Reviews for Improved Star Rating System +Similar language detection +The Lowest Form of Wit: Identifying Sarcasm in Social Media +User review sentiment classification and aggregation +A Clustering Algorithm for Reduced Order Modeling of Shock Waves +Analyze Rainfall Frequency and Deriving IDF Curve Automatically +Data-Driven Discovery and Design of Superionic Lithium Conductors for High Performance Solid-State Lithium Ion Batteries +Data-driven fatigue crack evaluation based on wave propagation data +Declassification of the D-Wave One Quantum Machine +Design of Optical Reflection Spectrum using Machine Learning +Earthquake-Induced Structural Damage Classification Algorithm +Energy Consumption Prediction for Optimum Storage Utilization +Estimating the Effect of Climate Change on Sea Level Rise +Event Identification in Continuous Seismic Data +Gaussian Process Regression with K-means Clustering for Very Short-Term Load Forecasting of Individual Buildings at Stanford +Identifying Volcanoes from Elevation Profile +Identifying the Higgs Boson +Jet Charge Characterization at the LHC +Landslides Susceptibility Mapping In Nepal Using Spatial Feature Vectors +Learning Chemical Trends in Heterogeneous Catalysis +Model reductions in quantum optical devices +On the relation between solar flares and corona mass ejections, from a machine learning view +Pile up subtraction and jet energy measurement in particle physics using machine learning +Predicting Contrast Performance for the Gemini Planet Imager +Pulse-type classification for the Large Underground Xenon dark matter search +Reliability of seismic data for hydrocarbon reservoir characterization +The classification of Higgs Boson Tau-Tau decay in the presence of severe background noise through neural networks +Deep Reinforcement Learning for Flappy Bird +Deep Reinforcement Learning with POMDPs +Estimating Jumping Heights of a Small Legged Robot based on Terrain Properties, Control Efforts, and Tactile Sensor Measurements +Feature Cost Sensitive Random Forest +Generalized Newton-Stein Method +Learning Summary Statistics for Approximate Bayesian Computation +Learning to Play Atari Games +Memory Neural Networks +Parameter Estimation with MOCK algorithm +Reinforcement Learning For Adaptive Traffic Signal Control +Subspace Clustering +Swing Copters AI +Training Minesweeper +UAV Coordination Tables via Learning from Various Logic Tables +Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis on Hotel Reviews +Assigning Style Grade and Providing Style Feedback by k-means Clustering and Softmax Regression +Automatic Segmentation and Diagnosis of Mass Lesions in Mammograms +Building on existing Bayesian learning for Safe High Speed Planning in Partially Observable Environments +Campus Location Recognition using Audio Signals +Characterizing United States Presidential Candidates' Speech Patterns +Classification of Abdominal Tissues by k-Means Clustering for 3D Acoustic and Shear-Wave Modeling +Classification of Hand Gestures using Surface Electromyography Signals For Upper-Limb Amputees +Classification of Transcription Start Sites in the Human Genome +Demystifying the workings of Lending Club +Discovery of Transcription Factor Binding Sites with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks +Dynamic Throttle Estimation by Machine Learning from Professionals +Energy Measurement in EXO-200 using Boosted Regression Trees +Exploration of Reinforcement Learning to SNAKE +Exploring review quality and social network influence in the Yelp Academic Dataset +Exploring the Efficacy of Machine Learning in General Game Playing +Exploring Video Game Recommendation Techniques +Finding Your Way, Courtesy of Machine Learning +Have You Met The 1? A Machine’s Approach to Human Relationships +Hotel Recommendation Based on Hybrid Model +Household Energy Disaggregation based on Difference Hidden Markov Model +How Much Is My House Worth? Predicting Housing Prices in McKinney, Texas +Human Action Recognition Using CNN and BoW Methods +Humanities Research Recommendations via Collaborative Topic Modeling +Initial Steps Toward Automating Legal Document Editing +Learn To Rate Fine Food +Learning hypernymy in distributed word vectors via a stacked LSTM network +Learning online dating preferences from neuroimaging data +Machine Learning for Autonomous Jellyfish Orientation Determination and Tracking +Machine Recognition of Squiggles in SETI Signal Data +Material decomposition using neural network for photon counting detector +Modeling HLA ligands for binding prediction of new peptides +Modeling Malicious Network Packets with Generative Probabilistic Graphical Models +Modeling Political Identity +Non-stationary autoregressive filters for prediction of subsurface geological structure +Online Active Trajectory Classi cation for Motion-based Communication of Robots +Optimised Prediction of Stock Prices with Newspaper Articles +Playing Chinese Checkers with Reinforcement Learning +Predicting an Aptamer's Target Binding Autumnnity Using its Nucleotide Sequence +Predicting Expedia Hotel Cluster Groupings with User Search Queries +Predicting International Restaurant Success with Yelp +Predicting Life Expectancy of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Patients Based on Gene Expression of Cancer Cells +Predicting Media Bias in Online News +Predicting Medicare Costs Using Non-Traditional Metrics +Predicting Perfume Rate and Popularity +Predicting Stock Prices and Analyst Recommendations +Prediction of Stock Price Movements Using Options Data +Question Answering with Neural Networks +Recognizing Emotion from Static Images +Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Optimization +Shale Gas Production Decline Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms +Social Network Circle Discovery Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation +Structure Prediction of Optical Functional Devices with Deep Learning +Supervised Learning to Predict Human Driver Merging Behavior +The Automated Travel Agent: Hotel Recommendations Using Machine Learning +To what extent are color percepts and motor choice represented in dorsal premotor cortex? +Topic Retrieval and Articles Recommendation +Twitter US Airline Recommendation Prediction +Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Perform Classification on State Farm Insurance Driver Images +Using Spatio-Temporal Data To Create A Shot Probability Model +Visual Attention Models of Object Counting +Will our new robot overlords play Hearthstone with us? +Beating Daily Fantasy Football +Beating the Bookies: Predicting the Outcome of Soccer Games +Beating the Odds, Learning to Bet on Soccer Matches Using Historical Data +Building an NFL performance metric +Cuff-Less Blood Pressure Monitoring using ECG and PPG Signals +Data-Driven Insights into Football Match Results +Do you even lift, bro? +Embodied Music Meditation: A Real-time Interactive Audio-Visual System for Buddhist Mudras Exploration +GNSS Pseudorange Classification and Satellite Selection +GPS Trace Modality Classification +Human Activity Recognition +Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphone Data +Human Activity Recognition using Smartphone Sensors +Predicting Fantasy Football Production for Daily Fantasy Leagues +Predicting Future NBA Scores from Play-by-Play Data +Predicting Pitchers' Early Career Value From Rookie Year Performance +Predicting Point Spread in NFL Games +Predicting Run vs. Pass Plays in the NFL +Predicting the Trajectory of an NBA Player's Career +Remote Surface Classification for Robotic Platforms +Sensor-based Semantic-level Human Activity Recognition using Temporal Classification +Applying Machine Learning to Music Classification +Classifying an Artist's Genre Based on Song Features +Conditioning WaveNet on Learned Formant Characterizations for Speech Audio Enhancement +Detecting Musical Key with Supervised Learning +Keyword Spotting in Arabic Speech +Music Composition with RNN +Music-Speech Discrimination +Neural Network for Music Instrument Identification +Predicting Imagined Meters in Musical Patterns from MEG Data +Recurrent Neural Networks with Attention for Genre Classification and Music Compositon +Video Game Genre Classification by Soundtrack +3D Point Estimation Using Recursive Networks +ASL Fingerspelling Interpretation +AdversarialAttack on Image Recognition +Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Steering Angle Prediction in Self-Driving Cars +Are Anime Cartoons? +Artistic Style Transfer for Face Portraits +Automated Image-based Detection of State of Construction Progress +Automated Restyling of Human Portrait Based onFacial Expression Recognition and 3D Reconstruction +Chinese Calligraphy Font Classi cation and Transformation +Classification of Driver Distraction +Classification of Garbage Into Different Waste Classes +ColoRNN Book: A Recurrent Deep Learning Approach to Consistent Video Colorization +Create your own Chinese calligraphy artwork +Deep Learning Approach to Planogram Compliance in Retail Stores +Deep Learning Based Food Recognition +DeepCrop: Whole Object Auto-Cropping with Deep Learning +Denoising Low Light Images +Detect Distracted Driver +Detecting Diabetic Retinopathy with Convolutional Neural Networks +Driving a car with low dimensional input features +End-to-End Driving Controls Prediction from Images +Example-Based Image Super-Resolution Techniques +Generative adversarial network based adversarial examples generation and defense +GoGoGo: Improving Deep Neural Network Based Go Playing AI with Residual Networks +Guqin Notation and Music Style Recognition +Is He Chinese, Korean or Japanese? +Machine Learning for Different Calligraphers Style Recognition +Machine Learning for Human Activity Recognition +Measuring Aristic Similarity of Paintings +Monitoring Illegal Fishing through Image Classification +Neural Networks for Video Frame Interpolation +Out-of-focus: Learning Depth from Image Bokeh for Robotic Perception +PDF Table Extractor +Pain free LaTeX with Optical Character Recognition and Machine Learning +Plant Leaf Recognition +Predicting Gentrification with Satellite Imagery +Real-time Object Detection +Recognition of Tourist Attractions Using Convolutional Neural Networks +Seeing Beyond Seeing with Enhanced Deep Tracking +Single RGB Image Depth Estimation in Indoor and Outdoor Scenes +Socially Aware Neural Nets for Effective Crowd Navigation +Study Impact of Architectural Style and Partial View on Landmark Recognition +Target Tracking with Particle Filtering and Recurrent Neural Nets +Viewpoint Invariant Person Detection in RGB-D Data +YOLOFlow +Beer Sales Forecasting +Comparative Automated Bitcoin Trading Strategies +House Price Predictions with Advanced Regression and Classification Techniques +NLP Analysis of Company Earnings Releases +Portfolio Management using Reinforcement Learning +Predicting Flight Delays Using Weather Data +Predicting News Sharing on Social Media +Predicting Stock Price Movement Using Crowd Sentiment Analysis +Predicting Success of Restaurants in Las Vegas +Predicting film box office in the United States +Stock Market Trends Prediction after Earning Release +Unstructured Document Recognition on Business Invoice +Wind Power and Electric Load Forecasting +A Personalized Recommendation System for Yelp Users +AI Plays 2048 +Achieving Better Predictions with Collaborative Neighborhood +Adversarial Machine Learning against Keystroke Dynamics +Allocating aid to right people +American Immigrants Classification and Naturalization Time Prediction of Different Groups +Applying machine learning to the board game Pylos +Automatic Recognition of Pick and Roll Plays +Autonomous Super Mario Agent +Bayseian Knowledge Tracing +Bias In Wikipedia: Different Links, Different Stories +Binary Multi-layer Neural Network Implemented with Non-volatile Memory Crossbar for Efficient Neuromorphic Computing +Click Recommendation +Complementary Venue Recommendation Model for Yelp +Creating a Dominion AI using Genetic Algorithms +Deep Q-learning on Atari Assault +Developing a Regression Algorithm for Predicting Magic: The Gathering Card Efficiency in Draft Format +Distance Correlation +Ensembling and Other Defenses Against Adversarial Examples +Fingerprint Identification using SVM +Generating Ad-Hoc Curricula +Hacking AES-128 +High-Speed Autonomous Driving through Unknown Map +League of Legends Match Outcome Prediction +Learning Long Term Dependencies with Deep Logarithmic Residual LSTMs +Learning Multiagent Congestion Control Schemes +Learning To Cook +Learning a Double Dummy Bridge Solver +Learning from Yelp +Learning the Network Structure of Heterogeneous Data +Machine Learning for Aircraft System Identification +Machine Learning with Insufficient Data Amount +Making Our Cities Safer: A Study of Neighborhood Crime Patterns +Minority Report: ML Fairness in Criminality Prediction +Modeling Flight Delays +Motion Planning in Unknown Environments +Movie Recommendation: Aggregation of Collaborative Filtering and Low-rank Matrix Recovery +New York City Cab Pricing +Outbrain Click Prediction +Predict Commercial Promoted Contents Will Be Clicked By User +Predicting Compensation for Job Seekers +Predicting Emergency Incidents in San Diego +Predicting Freeway Traffic in the Bay area +Predicting K-5 School Enrolment for the New York City Department of Education +Predicting Median Income from Yelp Review Language +Predicting Movie Popularities Using Their Genomes +Predicting NFL Score Differences using Markov Models +Predicting Popularity of Posts on Hacker News +Predicting Sexual Orientation Based on Facebook Status Updates +Predicting Which Recommended Content Users Click +Predicting Yelp Users Rating Based on Previous Reviews +Prediction of Research Impact : A Case Study for Nanotechnology +Predictive analysis on Multivariate, Time Series Datasets using Shapelets +Real-time learning and prediction of public transit bus arrival times +Reviving our infrastructure to save lives +San Francisco Crime Classification +Sensitivity of Jury Trial Outcomes to Trial Factors +Sparse Estimation of Movie Preferences via Constrained Optimization +Spectral Learning of General Latent-Variable Probabilistic Graphical Models: A Supervised Learning Approach +Sports Data Mining: Predicting Results for Professional Basketball Games +Use of unstructured learning to detect gerrymandering across school districts +Using Machine Learning Algorithms to Identify Undervalued Baseball Players +Using Yelp Reviews to Improve Businesses +Where Can Clean Technology Help? Machine Learning to Identify Environmentally At-Risk Communities in the United States +ZSY Playing +Annotating pathogenicity of genetic variants +Applying Boosting Algorithm for Improving Diagnosis of Interstitial Lung Diseases +Applying LSTM Deep Networks for Human Seizure Prediction +Applying Machine Learning to Predict and Explain Primate Consortship +Automatically Quantifying Radiographic Knee Osteoarthritis Severity +Bianca: Mouse behavior tracking +Building a Better Risk Prediction Model for ASCVD +CNNs for Segmenting Confluent Cell Culture +Classification of Neonatal Brain Ultrasound Scans Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks +Computational prediction of clinical outcome of sepsis from critical care database +Data driven prediction of Material Bandgap +DeepEyes: Extraocular Disease Classification +Determining Disinfection Byproduct Formation during Disinfection using Treatment Parameters +Diabetic Retinopathy Identification and Severity Classification +Encoding the natural response of primate retina +Ensemble Prediction of Intrinsically Disordered Regions in Proteins +Generative models for the trajectories of slow-progressing mobility diseases following medical interventions +Genome Dreaming +Independent Component Analysis (ICA) of functional MRI (fMRI) data +Investigating Autism and The Human Microbiome +Models of Neuron Coding in Retinal Ganglion Cells and Clustering by Receptive Field +Predicting Energy Usage of School Buildings +Predicting Image Categories using Brain Decoding +Predicting prokaryotic incubation timesfrom genomic features +Segmentation of Medical Ultrasound Images using Convolutional Neural Networks with Noisy Activation Functions +Separation of MR multiband images using complex independent component analysis +Using Genomic Data to Identify Co-Variation Patterns and Predict Outcomes in Human Cancers +Automatic Generation of Lyrics in Bob Dylan's Style +Classifying Social Unrest through Twitter Sentiment +Detecting Temporal Relations of Events in Short Narratives +Disentangling Multiple Narratives through Natural Language Processing +Improving Yelp Restaurant Recommendations +Key-sentence extraction with Neural Networks +Language Models for US Presidential Candidates +Language Recognition and using Speech Recordings +Multiclass Classification of Tweets and Twitter Users Based on Kindness Analysis +Paragraph Topic Categorization +Predicting Mass Movements with Google Trends Data +Predicting the Likelihood of Response in a Messaging Application +Prediction of the crude oil price thanks to natural language processing applied to newspapers +Removing Bias from Word Embeddings +Semantic Analysis of Political Speeches +Sentiment Classification and Opinion Mining on Airline Reviews +Stack Overflow Query Outcome Prediction +Tracking the relevance of conferecens +Visual-Tex +A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Motion Planning of Hopping Rovers +Beam Detection Based on Machine Learning Algorithms +Classification of River Delta Channel Bifurcation Points in Remote Sensing Imagery +Data classification for diffraction images +Data-Driven Earthquake Location Method +Determining Aircraft Sizing Parameters through Machine Learning +Digital Predistortion Using Machine Learning Algorithms +Facies Characterization of a Reservoir in the North Sea Using Machine Learning Techniques +Galaxy Morphology Classificatoin +Human Fall Detection in Indoor Environments Using Channel State Information ofWi-Fi Signals +I Know Where You Are: Indoor WiFi Localization Using Neural Networks +Implementing Machine Learning to Earthquake Engineering +Improving efficient collapse intensity measures using machine learning +Learning Catalysts, One Piece at a Time +Machine Learning The Optimal Power Flow Problem +Markov Model in Time for Transport in Porous Media +Neural Networks for calibrating ATLAS jets +Predicting Earthquake Characteristics from a Single Seismic Station +Quark-gluon tagging in the forward region of ATLAS at the LHC +Rainfall Prediction in California +Reduced order modeling approach for cardiovascular stent design +Reimaging Shallow Structure +Temperature predictions for the Y2E2 building +Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis of reservoir forecasts with machine learning +Weather Forecasting +X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Enhanced by Machine Learning +AI for Chrome Offline Dinosaur Game +Aerobatics Aircraft Controller with Reinforcement Learning +Algorithms for Learning Good Heuristics +Application of Machine Learning to Link Prediction +Control of Inverted Double Pendulum using Reinforcement Learning +Deep Q-Learning with Recurrent Neural Networks +Deep Reinforcement Learning for Atari games aided with human guidance +Deep Reinforcement Learning for General Game Playing +Deep learning based motor control unit +Implementing Q-Learning for Breakout +Killing Zombies in Minecraft Using Deep Q-Learning +Predicting users' political support from their Reddit comment history +Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Racing in Simulation +Reinforcement Learning for Dam Control +Reinforcement Learning for Feature Selection in Affective Speech Classification +Reinforcement Learning for Rapid Roll +The Applicability of Machine Learning Concepts to Game Artificial Intelligence +Using Reinforcement Learning to Play Othello +When does stochastic gradient descent work without variance reduction? +Weakly Supervised Classifiers with Adversarial Training +Characterizing Data-Driven Disease Phenotypes in Mental Health +Bikeshare demand prediction +Predicting Grocery Sales with Deep Residual Nets and Embedding +DeepFire - AI Synthesized Rap +Music Genre Classification via Machine Learning +Recommendation System and Retail Investors' Trading Behavior +Automated Curriculum Learning +Identification of the correct hard-scatter vertex at the Large Hadron Collider +Using Capsule Networks to Disarm Adversarial Attacks +Disease Protein Prediction using Network Embeddings and the Gene Ontology +Understanding City Demographics from Local Business Activity +Using Bitcoin Pricing Data to Create a Profitable Algorithmic Trading Strategy +Machine Learning Prediction of Molecular Structure Given Corresponding Spectra +Optimized Recurrent Neural Network Story Generator +Sleep Prediction Using Consumer Wearable Devices +Abnormal Combustion Detection in a Compression Ignition Engine +An AI Approach to Automatic Natural Music Transcription +Pri-Matrix Factorization: Automated Species Tagging in Video Clips +Extracting Tactics from Cybersecurity Articles +Unsupervised Face Recognition in Television News Media +Predicting Sequence-Activity Relationships Among Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs) +Semi-supervised Learning for Multi-label Classification +Finding Sarcasm in Reddit Postings:A Deep Learning Approach +Fake News Detection +Predicting Diabetes Readmittance +EmotiGAN +Identification of the correct hard-scatter vertex at the Large Hadron Collider +Questions of Bias and Fairness in Using Machine learning for risk assessment +Understanding the mechanical stability of wellbores using machine learning +Deep Imitation Learning for Playing Real Time Strategy Games +Time Series Sales Forecasting +Predicting Restaurants€™ Rating and Popularity based on Yelp Dataset +Balancing Classifier Fairness with Public Safety in Traffic Stops +Using Convolutional Embeddings of Large Graphs to Improve Category Classification for Amazon Items +Predicting CS106 Office Hours Queuing Times +Music Composition Using Classification Algorithms +Adversarial Touch Dynamics +Automated Semantic Segmentation of Volumetric Cardiovascular Features and Disease Assessment +A neural network approach for predicting urban building energy consumption +Modeling approaches for time series forecasting and anomaly detection +Weather-driven predictions of solar energy +Old Image De-nosing and Auto-colorization Using Linear Regression and Multilayer Perceptron Models +Real-time Image Style Transfer +Cardiovascular disease prediction: a novel risk stratification tool +Predictive Analytics for Demand forecasting in Retail +Forage: Machine Learning Generated Recipes +Clustering the Ethereum Blockchain Address Space +Deep Learning Approach to Accent Recognition +Vid2speed +Controllable text generation +Automated identification of crystal system from XRD pattern +Learning the Language of Wine +Building Effective Goal-Oriented Dialogue Agents +When to Book: Predicting Flight Pricing +Defeating the Invaders with Deep Reinforcement Learning +Machine Translation from Inuktitut to English: Parsing Strategy +Generating Groove: Predicting Jazz Harmonization +Voice Commands Recognition with Convolution Neural Network +Predicting Cellular Networks +Topological data analysis of convolutional neural networks' weights on images +Predicting Insurance Risk in Brazil +Sentiment Classification on Steam Reviews +Fake News Stance Detection +Ship Classification Using an Image Dataset +Rise and Fall: An Autoregressive Approach to Pairs Trading +Iceberg/ship classifier using satellite data +Multilabel Tagging System for Yelp Restaurant +Modeling and Understanding the evolution of innovation in academia +Direction Decoder for Brain Computer Interfaces +Reproduce and Explore Variations of SNAPSHOT ENSEMBLES +Appliance Specific Power Usage Classification & Disaggregation +Automatic Melody Transcription +Deep Reinforcement Learning for Games with Sparse Rewards +Temporal Poverty Prediction in Developing Countries Using Satellite Imagery +Predicting Oil Prices +Predicting Ethereum Price Changes +To stay or not to stay? Predicting music subscription cancellations +Applying Minimal Effort Backpropagation to Sparsify Different Neural Networks +Crop Classification with Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery +Explaining and Predicting Price-Spikes in Real-Time Electricity Markets +What does change in US food prices tell us about the economics of the food market from 2002 to 2006? +Detecting Thoracic Diseases from Chest X-Ray Images +Real Time Tennis Match Prediction Using Machine Learning +Wildfire Prediction +Subject Measures Prediction from Human fMRI Imaging +Satellite images segmentation for building detection usingU-net +From Zero to Hero with F-Zero +Supervised Learning for Autonomous Driving +Position Estimation for Control of a Partially Observable Linear Actuator +Translating a Picture of Math to LaTeX +Affordable Self Driving Cars and Robots with Pixel by Pixel Segmentation +Real-time Emotion Recognition From Facial Expressions +Terrain Classification for Off-Road Driving +Modelling Student Performance in Massive Online Classes. +Visual question answering with attention +Exploring Predictors of Team Success in Ultimate Frisbee: An Analysis of Game Statistics for Stanford Women's Ultimate +Predicting the movie popularity using user-identified tropes +Predicting Clinical Parameters For Recognition Of Gait Disorder +Application of Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Flight-Delay +Classification of single-crystal diffuse scattering images +Predicting County Level Cost Differences for Treating Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease +Tracking #metoo on Twitter to predict engagement +Music transcription using deep learning +Grapheme to phoneme conversion for Dutch +Genre Classification of Spotify Songs using Lyrics, Audio Previews, and Album Artwork +End-to-End Models for Task-Oriented Gameplay in Minecraft with Deep Reinforcement Learning +Clustering and Classifying Autism to Improve Diagnosis and Research +Optum: Investigating Links between the Immune System and the Brain +Reinforcement Learning for Neural Network Architecture +Survey Analysis of Machine Learning Methods for Natural Language Processing for MBTI Personality Type Prediction +Mooc Dropout Prediction +Run. Reward. Repeat. +Unwrapping Multi-Passed Images +Does Your Phone Know Your Touch? +Applying Different Machine Learning Models to Predict Breast Cancer Risk +Automatic colorization for line arts +Automated Playlist Generation +Machine Learning to Inform Breast Cancer Post-Recovery Surveillance +Predicting global gene expression from chromatin accessibility in the developing mammalian forebrain +Machine Learning for Professional Tennis Match Prediction and Betting +Generative Modeling of Aggregated Musical Preferences +Digital Image Denoising +Music Genre Classification +Automated Transcript Generation for Video Conferences +Predicting Hard Disk Drive Failures +Proactive Storage Management to Reduce Data Center Downtime +DISCo: Detecting Insults in Social Commentary +Prediction of microscale droplet instability in concentrated emulsion +Search for Informative Coding in Neural Activity Correlations +Predict the Likelihood of Responding to Direct Mail Campaign in Consumer Lending Industry +Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Locomotion +Understanding Travel to Airports in NYC +Clustering Startups Based on Customer-Value Proposition +Convex Optimization For Machine Learning (cvx4ml) +Improving Human-in-the-Loop Optimization Algorithms using Machine Learning Techniques +Feature Extraction in Satellite Imagery€‹ Using Support Vector ​Machines +Allstate Insurance Claims Severity: A Machine Learning Approach +Clustering-Based Diversification in Financial Portfolios +When to Stop-and-Frisk +Authorship Attribution with Limited Text +Smart Recipe Measurements with Learned Volume Prediction +Crafting Adversarial Attacks on RNNs +Generate Adversarial Attacks +Functional Data Analysis for Rain Rate Statistics +Learning to drive in a basic OpenAI simulator +Efficient and accurate time-integration of combustion chemical kinetics using artificial neural networks +Price Prediction Evolution: from Economic Model to Machine Learning +Predicting Song Genre from Lyrics and Fast Fournier Transforms +Short time horizon solar power forecasting +Adaptive Multi-Agent Path Planning for Distributed UAV Systems +When Was it Written? +Playing CHIP-8 Game with Reinforcement Learning +Classification Models of Driving Distraction: Analysis and Comparison +Converting Handwritten Mathematical Expressions into LATEX +Unsupervised Cross-Domain Image Generation +Predicting Politician NRA Ratings from Campaign Speeches +Semantic Segmentation of 3D Particle Interaction Data Using Fully Convolutional DenseNet +Image Control of the Inverted Pendulum +AKI Prediction +Reinforcement learning for PACMAN +Application of Deep Learning to Algorithmic Trading +Multi-class classification via proximal mirror descent +I Spot A Bot +Optimizing Downsampling in Variable Density Experimental Data: Predicting Metallic Glasses +Exploring 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Lung Cancer Detection in 3D CT Volumes +What's for Dinner? Recommendations in Online Grocery Shopping +Bilateral Trade Flow Prediction +Pathological Lymph Node Classification +Learning How People Respond to Changes in Energy Prices +Recipe for Success +Dynamic Portfolio Optimization Using Evolution Strategy +Classifying Entorhinal Cortex Neuronal Cell Types in Virtual Reality +Auto Generation of Arabic News Headlines +Language Identification Using Neural Networks +Inverted Pendulum on a Quadcopter: A Reinforcement Learning Approach +Machine Learning Models for Inverse Power Flow in the Electricity Grid +Fast or Furious? - User analysis of SF Express Inc +Fire Prediction in Southeast Asia Using Remote Sensing +Breaking CAPTCHA Using Deep Learning +Numerical Optimization on a Perturbed Cost Function +Black Lives Matter: Clustering As a Way of Analyzing Online Discussions Around Race +Face Generation with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks +Playing DOOM with Deep Reinforcement Learning +Multiview Human Synthesis From a Singleview +"Do I Hear 3NT?": Learning a Bridge Bidder +Techniques for Optimizing Information Exchange in Educational Settings: Stackexchange as Case Study +Voice Transmogrifier: Spoofing My Girlfriend's Voice +Speech Accent Identification +Prediction of Cellular Service Quality +Projecting 3-point shooting for NBA draft prospects +3D Pose Estimation in ICUs using Depth and Thermal Sensors +PACCAR: Predicting Time to Repair with Minimal Data +Object Detection Using Machine Learning for Autonomous Larvacean Tracking +Reliable neural networks via abstention +Predicting Agricultural Yields with ML +Instagram Hashtag Prediction, With and Without Data +Image Mosaic +Co-Citation for PubMed +Predicting tech stock prices based on previous prices and news +The Price Is Right: Predicting Prices Using Product Images +Cryptocurrency Price Prediction based on News and Social Media Sentiment +Revisiting the Netflix Prize: Probabilistic Extensions to KNN and Other Techniques +Prediction of Pedestrian Trajectories +Multi-Modal Information Extraction (Question-Answer Framework) +A machine learning based stock trading framework using technical and economic analysis +Supervised learning methods for biometric authentication on mobile devices +Predicting Chemical Reaction Type and Reaction Products with Recurrent Neural Networks +Scalable Deep Learning for Image Classification with K-Means and Logistic Regression +Weighted Alternating Least Squares (WALS) for Movie Recommendations +Deep RL For Starcraft 2 +Grammatical Error Correction using Neural Networks +Real Time Monitoring of CCTV Camera Images Using Object Detectors and Scene Classification for Retail and Surveillance Applications +Content Analysis of YouTube Data +Computer Vision for Card Games +iTalk +Classification of Alzheimer's Disease using Patients' MRI and Related Features +Learning Optical Flow from Real Robot Data +Heart Disease Prediction using Ensemble Learning +Predicting Outcomes of Professional DotA2 games +An Automatically Generated Large Scale Corpus for NLI +Speaker Identification with VoxCeleb DataSet +Predict Effect of Trump's Tweets on Market Movements +Machine Learning approaches for Identifying & Characterizing Faults in Logic Simulation for Silicon Development Processes +Mutation Profile to Predict Tumour Stage in Lung Adenocarcinoma +A Neural Network Based ElectroMagnetic Solver +Depositional Environment Classification from Satellite Imagery +Using Machine Learning to Make a Likely Voter Model +Automatic Music Transcription for Monophonic Piano Music +Machine Learning Techniques for Climbing Route Classification +Application of Variational Autoencoders for Aircraft Turbomachinery Design +Split-Complex Convolutional Neural Networks +Cryptocurrency Pumping Predictions: A Novel Approach to Identifying Pump And Dump Schemes +Clickbait ; Don't Read +Rage Against the Machine Learning: Learning to Predict Song Popularity +​Forecasting ​of ​Arctic ​phytoplankton ​abundance ​using ​remotely sensed ​data ​and ​machine ​learning +The Art of Human Movement +Detecting Pneumonia from Chest X-Rays +Predicting NBA Game Outcomes +Projecting NFL Quarterback Readiness +Predicting Outcomes in Chatbot-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy +Rock or Not? This sure does. +Machine Learning Techniques for Network Intrusion Detection +Automated analysis of temperature data in fractured wells +Line shape fitting of iodine spectra near 532 nm +Predicting Bike Rental Duration +Calibrate Time Series by LSTM +Recommender Systems: Comparison Analysis between Traditional Techniques and Neural Embedding +Towards Mitigating Bias in Online Reviews: An Application to Amazon.com +How Much Is the Mona Lisa Really Worth? +Fake Review Detection on Yelp +Predicting Which Stocks Will Beat the Market +Inference of subsurface properties by machine learning +Predicting MTA Bus Arrival Times in New York City +Using Bitcoin Ledger Network Data to Predict the Price of Bitcoin +Predicting Loan Defaults with Machine Learning +General Adversarial Privacy +Grapevine +Predicting habitable exoplanets from NASA's Kepler mission data using Machine Learning +Finding Natural S&P 500 Sectors Based on 10K Reports +Local Degree of Freedom Ductility +Message in a bottle: learning dynamics in the information plane +Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Heart Sound Recording Classification +Smart Trash Net: Waste Localization and Classification +Unruffling Feathers: Customer Response Prioritization Using Machine Learning +Optimization of the Syngas Combustion Chemistry Model +Modeling language games +Using Bitcoin Ledger Network Data to Predict the Price of Bitcoin +Automatic earthquake detection from distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) array data +Generating personalized chat messages +Interpreting impact of metadata tagging on thoracic disease classification +Predicting Expected Email Response Times +Algorithmic Trading using Sentiment Analysis and Reinforcement Learning +Potayto or potahto, jagaimo or bareisho? Japanese dialect classification +Generating Place Recommendations for Travelers +Reinforcing safety, with style: exploring reward shaping through human feedback +Detecting Fraud in Financial Payments +Word Games: Coherent Document Reconstruction +Robust Human Activity Detection with Smartphones +Predicting cryptocurrency price +Ensembling Approaches to Hierarchical Electric Load Forecasting +Optimizing Traffic Light Behavior in Real-World Environments +RainbowNet: Color Extrapolation from Grayscale Images +Computing Song Similarity Using Deep Unsupervised Learning +Nothing but Neural Net: Projecting NBA Basketball Shot Trajectories +Predicting Sovereign Default +Exploring Feature Embeddings using Feedback Networks +PC game play time estimation based on Steam data and reviews +Wine Rating Prediction +Understanding Career Progression in Baseball Through Machine Learning +Reinforcement Learning Applied to a Game of Deceit +"Because It's the Cup": Predicting the Stanley Cup Playoffs +Using AI to Make Predictions andDecisions on Stock Market +Predicting Baseball Postseason Results from Regular Season Data +Generating Dark Matter Halo Catalogs For Cosmological Simulations +Two Machine Learning Approaches to Understand the NBA Data +Estimation of Reservoir Simulation Response for Different Relative Permeability Curves Using Machine Learning +GPS Multipath Detection and Mitigation +Predicting the Outcome of H-1B Visa Applications +Do Android Dream of Explosive Sheep? Building a Hearthstone AI +Commercial Building Electricity Load Forecasting Using Linear Regression and Neural Networks +Lane Changing Prediction Modeling on Highway Ramps:Approaches and Analysis +Grammatical Error Classification for Non-native English Writers +Whose Rap is it Anyways? - Determining Hip-Hop Artists from their Lyrics +Dynamic loan default prediction +Artistic Image Colorization with Visual Generative Networks +Personal Identification through Keystroke Dynamics +A Net Over Your Head: A Neural Network Approach to Home Price Predictions +Learning an Optimal Policy for Police Resource Allocation on Freeways +Discouraging Cyberbullying using SVMs +Speeding up ResNet training +Toward Automatic Icon Design Using Machine Learning +Dimensionality Reduction for Bag-of-words Models: LSA vs PCA +Sentimental Analysis with Amazon Review Data +Bird Classification and Feature Recognition +Human or Robot +Predicting NBA shots +Poverty Prediction by Selected Remote Sensing CNN Features