--- tags: - BERT - Cebuano --- ## Model Description As part of the ITANONG project's 10 billion-token Tagalog dataset, we have introduced our initial pre-trained language models for Philippine languages. Our model suite encompasses various BERT-based, GPT-based, and Sentence Transformers tailored for Tagalog,Taglish and Cebuano. ## Training Details This model was trained using an Nvidia V100-32GB GPU on DOST-ASTI Computing and Archiving Research Environment (COARE) - https://asti.dost.gov.ph/projects/coare/ ### Training Data The training dataset was compiled from both formal and informal sources, consisting of 194,001 instances from formal channels and 1,816,735 from informal sources. More information on pre-processing and training parameters on our paper ## Citation Paper : iTANONG-DS : A Collection of Benchmark Datasets for Downstream Natural Language Processing Tasks on Select Philippine Language Bibtex: ``` @inproceedings{visperas-etal-2023-itanong, title = "i{TANONG}-{DS} : A Collection of Benchmark Datasets for Downstream Natural Language Processing Tasks on Select {P}hilippine Languages", author = "Visperas, Moses L. and Borjal, Christalline Joie and Adoptante, Aunhel John M and Abacial, Danielle Shine R. and Decano, Ma. Miciella and Peramo, Elmer C", editor = "Abbas, Mourad and Freihat, Abed Alhakim", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing (ICNLSP 2023)", month = dec, year = "2023", address = "Online", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "https://aclanthology.org/2023.icnlsp-1.34", pages = "316--323", } ```