--- tags: - vision - 3D - 3D object detection datasets: - omni3d metrics: - AP --- # 3D Object Detection with Cube R-CNN 3D Object Detection with Cube R-CNN is described in [**Omni3D: A Large Benchmark and Model for 3D Object Detection in the Wild**](https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.10660) and released in this [repository](https://github.com/facebookresearch/omni3d) ## Overview A description of the model and its architecture are shown below ## Training Data Cube R-CNN was trained on Omni3D, a large benchmark for 3D object detection in the wild. ## Demo: Inference on Any Image The model detects objects in 3D from a single image. There are 50 distinct object categories including *car, truck, chair, table, cabinet, books, and many more*. The model assumes known focal length for the image in order to predict the right metric scale. However, users can provide any focal length and will get predictions on a "relative" scale. For example, we can predict 3D objects from COCO images with a user-defined focal length of 4.0, as shown below The above output is produced by our demo ```bash python demo/demo.py \ --config cubercnn://omni3d/cubercnn_DLA34_FPN.yaml \ --input-folder "datasets/image_inputs" \ --threshold 0.25 --focal 4.0 --display \ MODEL.WEIGHTS cubercnn://omni3d/cubercnn_DLA34_FPN.pth \ OUTPUT_DIR output/demo ``` ## Checkpoints You can find model checkpoints in the original [model zoo](https://github.com/facebookresearch/omni3d/blob/main/MODEL_ZOO.md). ## Intended Use and Limitations Cube R-CNN is a data-driven method trained on an annotated dataset, Omni3D. The purpose of the project is to advance 3D computer vision and 3D object recognition. The dataset contains a *pedestrian* category, which we acknowledge as a potential issue in the case of unethical applications of our model. The limitations of our approach are: erroneous predictions especially for far away objects, mistakes in predicting rotations and depth. Our evaluation reports an analysis for various depths and object sizes to better understand performance.