""" This file contains the text content for the leaderboard client. """ HEADER_MARKDOWN = """ # ![Czech Republic Flag](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yammadev/flag-icons/bd4bcf4f4829002cd10416029e05ba89a7554af4/png/CZ.png) BenCzechMark [Beta Preview] Welcome to the leaderboard! Here you can submit your model and compare it with the existing models. """ LEADERBOARD_TAB_TITLE_MARKDOWN = """ ## Leaderboard """ SUBMISSION_TAB_TITLE_MARKDOWN = """ ## Submission To submit your model, please fill in the form below. - *Team name:* The name of your team, as it will appear on the leaderboard' - *Submission ID:* Results json file to submit - *Description:* Short description of your submission (optional) - *Link to model:* Link to the model's repository or documentation After filling in the form, click the **Pre-submit model** button. This will run a comparison of your model with the existing leaderboard models. After the tournament is complete, you will be able to submit your model to the leaderboard. """ RANKING_AFTER_SUBMISSION_MARKDOWN = """ This is how will ranking look like after your submission: """ SUBMISSION_DETAILS_MARKDOWN = """ Do you really want to submit a model? This action is irreversible. """ MORE_DETAILS_MARKDOWN = """ ## Model details: """ MODAL_SUBMIT_MARKDOWN = """ Are you sure you want to submit your model? """