commited on
Browse files
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
1 |
2 |
Full definition of a GPT Language Model, all of it in this single file.
3 |
4 |
1) the official GPT-2 TensorFlow implementation released by OpenAI:
5 |
6 |
2) huggingface/transformers PyTorch implementation:
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
import math
11 |
import inspect
12 |
from dataclasses import dataclass
13 |
14 |
import torch
15 |
import torch.nn as nn
16 |
from torch.nn import functional as F
17 |
18 |
# @torch.jit.script # good to enable when not using torch.compile, disable when using (our default)
19 |
def new_gelu(x):
20 |
21 |
Implementation of the GELU activation function currently in Google BERT repo (identical to OpenAI GPT).
22 |
Reference: Gaussian Error Linear Units (GELU) paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.08415
23 |
24 |
return 0.5 * x * (1.0 + torch.tanh(math.sqrt(2.0 / math.pi) * (x + 0.044715 * torch.pow(x, 3.0))))
25 |
26 |
class LayerNorm(nn.Module):
27 |
""" LayerNorm but with an optional bias. PyTorch doesn't support simply bias=False """
28 |
29 |
def __init__(self, ndim, bias):
30 |
31 |
self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(ndim))
32 |
self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(ndim)) if bias else None
33 |
34 |
def forward(self, input):
35 |
return F.layer_norm(input, self.weight.shape, self.weight, self.bias, 1e-5)
36 |
37 |
class CausalSelfAttention(nn.Module):
38 |
39 |
def __init__(self, config):
40 |
41 |
assert config.n_embd % config.n_head == 0
42 |
# key, query, value projections for all heads, but in a batch
43 |
self.c_attn = nn.Linear(config.n_embd, 3 * config.n_embd, bias=config.bias)
44 |
# output projection
45 |
self.c_proj = nn.Linear(config.n_embd, config.n_embd, bias=config.bias)
46 |
# regularization
47 |
self.attn_dropout = nn.Dropout(config.dropout)
48 |
self.resid_dropout = nn.Dropout(config.dropout)
49 |
self.n_head = config.n_head
50 |
self.n_embd = config.n_embd
51 |
self.dropout = config.dropout
52 |
# flash attention make GPU go brrrrr but support is only in PyTorch >= 2.0
53 |
self.flash = hasattr(torch.nn.functional, 'scaled_dot_product_attention')
54 |
if not self.flash:
55 |
print("WARNING: using slow attention. Flash Attention requires PyTorch >= 2.0")
56 |
# causal mask to ensure that attention is only applied to the left in the input sequence
57 |
self.register_buffer("bias", torch.tril(torch.ones(config.block_size, config.block_size))
58 |
.view(1, 1, config.block_size, config.block_size))
59 |
60 |
def forward(self, x):
61 |
B, T, C = x.size() # batch size, sequence length, embedding dimensionality (n_embd)
62 |
63 |
# calculate query, key, values for all heads in batch and move head forward to be the batch dim
64 |
q, k, v = self.c_attn(x).split(self.n_embd, dim=2)
65 |
k = k.view(B, T, self.n_head, C // self.n_head).transpose(1, 2) # (B, nh, T, hs)
66 |
q = q.view(B, T, self.n_head, C // self.n_head).transpose(1, 2) # (B, nh, T, hs)
67 |
v = v.view(B, T, self.n_head, C // self.n_head).transpose(1, 2) # (B, nh, T, hs)
68 |
69 |
# causal self-attention; Self-attend: (B, nh, T, hs) x (B, nh, hs, T) -> (B, nh, T, T)
70 |
if self.flash:
71 |
# efficient attention using Flash Attention CUDA kernels
72 |
y = torch.nn.functional.scaled_dot_product_attention(q, k, v, attn_mask=None, dropout_p=self.dropout if self.training else 0, is_causal=True)
73 |
74 |
# manual implementation of attention
75 |
att = (q @ k.transpose(-2, -1)) * (1.0 / math.sqrt(k.size(-1)))
76 |
att = att.masked_fill(self.bias[:,:,:T,:T] == 0, float('-inf'))
77 |
att = F.softmax(att, dim=-1)
78 |
att = self.attn_dropout(att)
79 |
y = att @ v # (B, nh, T, T) x (B, nh, T, hs) -> (B, nh, T, hs)
80 |
y = y.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(B, T, C) # re-assemble all head outputs side by side
81 |
82 |
# output projection
83 |
y = self.resid_dropout(self.c_proj(y))
84 |
return y
85 |
86 |
class MLP(nn.Module):
87 |
88 |
def __init__(self, config):
89 |
90 |
self.c_fc = nn.Linear(config.n_embd, 4 * config.n_embd, bias=config.bias)
91 |
self.c_proj = nn.Linear(4 * config.n_embd, config.n_embd, bias=config.bias)
92 |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.dropout)
93 |
94 |
def forward(self, x):
95 |
x = self.c_fc(x)
96 |
x = new_gelu(x)
97 |
x = self.c_proj(x)
98 |
x = self.dropout(x)
99 |
return x
100 |
101 |
class Block(nn.Module):
102 |
103 |
def __init__(self, config):
104 |
105 |
self.ln_1 = LayerNorm(config.n_embd, bias=config.bias)
106 |
self.attn = CausalSelfAttention(config)
107 |
self.ln_2 = LayerNorm(config.n_embd, bias=config.bias)
108 |
self.mlp = MLP(config)
109 |
110 |
def forward(self, x):
111 |
x = x + self.attn(self.ln_1(x))
112 |
x = x + self.mlp(self.ln_2(x))
113 |
return x
114 |
115 |
116 |
class GPTConfig:
117 |
block_size: int = 1024
118 |
vocab_size: int = 50304 # GPT-2 vocab_size of 50257, padded up to nearest multiple of 64 for efficiency
119 |
n_layer: int = 12
120 |
n_head: int = 12
121 |
n_embd: int = 768
122 |
dropout: float = 0.0
123 |
bias: bool = True # True: bias in Linears and LayerNorms, like GPT-2. False: a bit better and faster
124 |
125 |
class GPT(nn.Module):
126 |
127 |
def __init__(self, config):
128 |
129 |
assert config.vocab_size is not None
130 |
assert config.block_size is not None
131 |
self.config = config
132 |
133 |
self.transformer = nn.ModuleDict(dict(
134 |
wte = nn.Embedding(config.vocab_size, config.n_embd),
135 |
wpe = nn.Embedding(config.block_size, config.n_embd),
136 |
drop = nn.Dropout(config.dropout),
137 |
h = nn.ModuleList([Block(config) for _ in range(config.n_layer)]),
138 |
ln_f = LayerNorm(config.n_embd, bias=config.bias),
139 |
140 |
self.lm_head = nn.Linear(config.n_embd, config.vocab_size, bias=False)
141 |
# with weight tying when using torch.compile() some warnings get generated:
142 |
# "UserWarning: functional_call was passed multiple values for tied weights.
143 |
# This behavior is deprecated and will be an error in future versions"
144 |
# not 100% sure what this is, so far seems to be harmless. TODO investigate
145 |
self.transformer.wte.weight = self.lm_head.weight # https://paperswithcode.com/method/weight-tying
146 |
147 |
# init all weights
148 |
149 |
# apply special scaled init to the residual projections, per GPT-2 paper
150 |
for pn, p in self.named_parameters():
151 |
if pn.endswith('c_proj.weight'):
152 |
torch.nn.init.normal_(p, mean=0.0, std=0.02/math.sqrt(2 * config.n_layer))
153 |
154 |
# report number of parameters
155 |
print("number of parameters: %.2fM" % (self.get_num_params()/1e6,))
156 |
157 |
def get_num_params(self, non_embedding=True):
158 |
159 |
Return the number of parameters in the model.
160 |
For non-embedding count (default), the position embeddings get subtracted.
161 |
The token embeddings would too, except due to the parameter sharing these
162 |
params are actually used as weights in the final layer, so we include them.
163 |
164 |
n_params = sum(p.numel() for p in self.parameters())
165 |
if non_embedding:
166 |
n_params -= self.transformer.wpe.weight.numel()
167 |
return n_params
168 |
169 |
def _init_weights(self, module):
170 |
if isinstance(module, nn.Linear):
171 |
torch.nn.init.normal_(module.weight, mean=0.0, std=0.02)
172 |
if module.bias is not None:
173 |
174 |
elif isinstance(module, nn.Embedding):
175 |
torch.nn.init.normal_(module.weight, mean=0.0, std=0.02)
176 |
177 |
def forward(self, idx, targets=None):
178 |
device = idx.device
179 |
b, t = idx.size()
180 |
assert t <= self.config.block_size, f"Cannot forward sequence of length {t}, block size is only {self.config.block_size}"
181 |
pos = torch.arange(0, t, dtype=torch.long, device=device).unsqueeze(0) # shape (1, t)
182 |
183 |
# forward the GPT model itself
184 |
tok_emb = self.transformer.wte(idx) # token embeddings of shape (b, t, n_embd)
185 |
pos_emb = self.transformer.wpe(pos) # position embeddings of shape (1, t, n_embd)
186 |
x = self.transformer.drop(tok_emb + pos_emb)
187 |
for block in self.transformer.h:
188 |
x = block(x)
189 |
x = self.transformer.ln_f(x)
190 |
191 |
if targets is not None:
192 |
# if we are given some desired targets also calculate the loss
193 |
logits = self.lm_head(x)
194 |
loss = F.cross_entropy(logits.view(-1, logits.size(-1)), targets.view(-1), ignore_index=-1)
195 |
196 |
# inference-time mini-optimization: only forward the lm_head on the very last position
197 |
logits = self.lm_head(x[:, [-1], :]) # note: using list [-1] to preserve the time dim
198 |
loss = None
199 |
200 |
return logits, loss
201 |
202 |
def crop_block_size(self, block_size):
203 |
# model surgery to decrease the block size if necessary
204 |
# e.g. we may load the GPT2 pretrained model checkpoint (block size 1024)
205 |
# but want to use a smaller block size for some smaller, simpler model
206 |
assert block_size <= self.config.block_size
207 |
self.config.block_size = block_size
208 |
self.transformer.wpe.weight = nn.Parameter(self.transformer.wpe.weight[:block_size])
209 |
for block in self.transformer.h:
210 |
if hasattr(block.attn, 'bias'):
211 |
block.attn.bias = block.attn.bias[:,:,:block_size,:block_size]
212 |
213 |
214 |
def from_pretrained(cls, model_type, override_args=None):
215 |
assert model_type in {'gpt2', 'gpt2-medium', 'gpt2-large', 'gpt2-xl'}
216 |
override_args = override_args or {} # default to empty dict
217 |
# only dropout can be overridden see more notes below
218 |
assert all(k == 'dropout' for k in override_args)
219 |
from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel
220 |
print("loading weights from pretrained gpt: %s" % model_type)
221 |
222 |
# n_layer, n_head and n_embd are determined from model_type
223 |
config_args = {
224 |
'gpt2': dict(n_layer=12, n_head=12, n_embd=768), # 124M params
225 |
'gpt2-medium': dict(n_layer=24, n_head=16, n_embd=1024), # 350M params
226 |
'gpt2-large': dict(n_layer=36, n_head=20, n_embd=1280), # 774M params
227 |
'gpt2-xl': dict(n_layer=48, n_head=25, n_embd=1600), # 1558M params
228 |
229 |
print("forcing vocab_size=50257, block_size=1024, bias=True")
230 |
config_args['vocab_size'] = 50257 # always 50257 for GPT model checkpoints
231 |
config_args['block_size'] = 1024 # always 1024 for GPT model checkpoints
232 |
config_args['bias'] = True # always True for GPT model checkpoints
233 |
# we can override the dropout rate, if desired
234 |
if 'dropout' in override_args:
235 |
print(f"overriding dropout rate to {override_args['dropout']}")
236 |
config_args['dropout'] = override_args['dropout']
237 |
# create a from-scratch initialized minGPT model
238 |
config = GPTConfig(**config_args)
239 |
model = GPT(config)
240 |
sd = model.state_dict()
241 |
sd_keys = sd.keys()
242 |
sd_keys = [k for k in sd_keys if not k.endswith('.attn.bias')] # discard this mask / buffer, not a param
243 |
244 |
# init a huggingface/transformers model
245 |
model_hf = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained(model_type)
246 |
sd_hf = model_hf.state_dict()
247 |
248 |
# copy while ensuring all of the parameters are aligned and match in names and shapes
249 |
sd_keys_hf = sd_hf.keys()
250 |
sd_keys_hf = [k for k in sd_keys_hf if not k.endswith('.attn.masked_bias')] # ignore these, just a buffer
251 |
sd_keys_hf = [k for k in sd_keys_hf if not k.endswith('.attn.bias')] # same, just the mask (buffer)
252 |
transposed = ['attn.c_attn.weight', 'attn.c_proj.weight', 'mlp.c_fc.weight', 'mlp.c_proj.weight']
253 |
# basically the openai checkpoints use a "Conv1D" module, but we only want to use a vanilla Linear
254 |
# this means that we have to transpose these weights when we import them
255 |
assert len(sd_keys_hf) == len(sd_keys), f"mismatched keys: {len(sd_keys_hf)} != {len(sd_keys)}"
256 |
for k in sd_keys_hf:
257 |
if any(k.endswith(w) for w in transposed):
258 |
# special treatment for the Conv1D weights we need to transpose
259 |
assert sd_hf[k].shape[::-1] == sd[k].shape
260 |
with torch.no_grad():
261 |
262 |
263 |
# vanilla copy over the other parameters
264 |
assert sd_hf[k].shape == sd[k].shape
265 |
with torch.no_grad():
266 |
267 |
268 |
return model
269 |
270 |
def configure_optimizers(self, weight_decay, learning_rate, betas, device_type):
271 |
272 |
This long function is unfortunately doing something very simple and is being very defensive:
273 |
We are separating out all parameters of the model into two buckets: those that will experience
274 |
weight decay for regularization and those that won't (biases, and layernorm/embedding weights).
275 |
We are then returning the PyTorch optimizer object.
276 |
277 |
278 |
# separate out all parameters to those that will and won't experience regularizing weight decay
279 |
decay = set()
280 |
no_decay = set()
281 |
whitelist_weight_modules = (torch.nn.Linear, )
282 |
blacklist_weight_modules = (torch.nn.LayerNorm, LayerNorm, torch.nn.Embedding)
283 |
for mn, m in self.named_modules():
284 |
for pn, p in m.named_parameters():
285 |
fpn = '%s.%s' % (mn, pn) if mn else pn # full param name
286 |
# random note: because named_modules and named_parameters are recursive
287 |
# we will see the same tensors p many many times. but doing it this way
288 |
# allows us to know which parent module any tensor p belongs to...
289 |
if pn.endswith('bias'):
290 |
# all biases will not be decayed
291 |
292 |
elif pn.endswith('weight') and isinstance(m, whitelist_weight_modules):
293 |
# weights of whitelist modules will be weight decayed
294 |
295 |
elif pn.endswith('weight') and isinstance(m, blacklist_weight_modules):
296 |
# weights of blacklist modules will NOT be weight decayed
297 |
298 |
299 |
# subtle: 'transformer.wte.weight' and 'lm_head.weight' are tied, so they
300 |
# will appear in the no_decay and decay sets respectively after the above.
301 |
# In addition, because named_parameters() doesn't return duplicates, it
302 |
# will only return the first occurence, key'd by 'transformer.wte.weight', below.
303 |
# so let's manually remove 'lm_head.weight' from decay set. This will include
304 |
# this tensor into optimization via transformer.wte.weight only, and not decayed.
305 |
306 |
307 |
# validate that we considered every parameter
308 |
param_dict = {pn: p for pn, p in self.named_parameters()}
309 |
inter_params = decay & no_decay
310 |
union_params = decay | no_decay
311 |
assert len(inter_params) == 0, "parameters %s made it into both decay/no_decay sets!" % (str(inter_params), )
312 |
assert len(param_dict.keys() - union_params) == 0, "parameters %s were not separated into either decay/no_decay set!" \
313 |
% (str(param_dict.keys() - union_params), )
314 |
315 |
# create the pytorch optimizer object
316 |
optim_groups = [
317 |
{"params": [param_dict[pn] for pn in sorted(list(decay))], "weight_decay": weight_decay},
318 |
{"params": [param_dict[pn] for pn in sorted(list(no_decay))], "weight_decay": 0.0},
319 |
320 |
# new PyTorch nightly has a new 'fused' option for AdamW that is much faster
321 |
use_fused = (device_type == 'cuda') and ('fused' in inspect.signature(torch.optim.AdamW).parameters)
322 |
print(f"using fused AdamW: {use_fused}")
323 |
extra_args = dict(fused=True) if use_fused else dict()
324 |
optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(optim_groups, lr=learning_rate, betas=betas, **extra_args)
325 |
326 |
return optimizer
327 |
328 |
def estimate_mfu(self, fwdbwd_per_iter, dt):
329 |
""" estimate model flops utilization (MFU) in units of A100 bfloat16 peak FLOPS """
330 |
# first estimate the number of flops we do per iteration.
331 |
# see PaLM paper Appendix B as ref: https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.02311
332 |
N = self.get_num_params()
333 |
cfg = self.config
334 |
L, H, Q, T = cfg.n_layer, cfg.n_head, cfg.n_embd//cfg.n_head, cfg.block_size
335 |
flops_per_token = 6*N + 12*L*H*Q*T
336 |
flops_per_fwdbwd = flops_per_token * T
337 |
flops_per_iter = flops_per_fwdbwd * fwdbwd_per_iter
338 |
# express our flops throughput as ratio of A100 bfloat16 peak flops
339 |
flops_achieved = flops_per_iter * (1.0/dt) # per second
340 |
flops_promised = 312e12 # A100 GPU bfloat16 peak flops is 312 TFLOPS
341 |
mfu = flops_achieved / flops_promised
342 |
return mfu
343 |
344 |
345 |
def generate(self, idx, max_new_tokens, temperature=1.0, top_k=None):
346 |
347 |
Take a conditioning sequence of indices idx (LongTensor of shape (b,t)) and complete
348 |
the sequence max_new_tokens times, feeding the predictions back into the model each time.
349 |
Most likely you'll want to make sure to be in model.eval() mode of operation for this.
350 |
351 |
for _ in range(max_new_tokens):
352 |
# if the sequence context is growing too long we must crop it at block_size
353 |
idx_cond = idx if idx.size(1) <= self.config.block_size else idx[:, -self.config.block_size:]
354 |
# forward the model to get the logits for the index in the sequence
355 |
logits, _ = self(idx_cond)
356 |
# pluck the logits at the final step and scale by desired temperature
357 |
logits = logits[:, -1, :] / temperature
358 |
# optionally crop the logits to only the top k options
359 |
if top_k is not None:
360 |
v, _ = torch.topk(logits, min(top_k, logits.size(-1)))
361 |
logits[logits < v[:, [-1]]] = -float('Inf')
362 |
# apply softmax to convert logits to (normalized) probabilities
363 |
probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1)
364 |
# sample from the distribution
365 |
idx_next = torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=1)
366 |
# append sampled index to the running sequence and continue
367 |
idx = torch.cat((idx, idx_next), dim=1)
368 |
369 |
return idx
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
1 |
2 |
Sample from a trained model
3 |
4 |
import os
5 |
import pickle
6 |
from contextlib import nullcontext
7 |
import torch
8 |
import tiktoken
9 |
from model import GPTConfig, GPT
10 |
11 |
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 |
init_from = 'resume' # either 'resume' (from an out_dir) or a gpt2 variant (e.g. 'gpt2-xl')
13 |
out_dir = 'out' # ignored if init_from is not 'resume'
14 |
start = "\n" # or "<|endoftext|>" or etc. Can also specify a file, use as: "FILE:prompt.txt"
15 |
num_samples = 10 # number of samples to draw
16 |
max_new_tokens = 500 # number of tokens generated in each sample
17 |
temperature = 0.8 # 1.0 = no change, < 1.0 = less random, > 1.0 = more random, in predictions
18 |
top_k = 200 # retain only the top_k most likely tokens, clamp others to have 0 probability
19 |
seed = 1337
20 |
device = 'cuda' # examples: 'cpu', 'cuda', 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', etc.
21 |
dtype = 'bfloat16' # 'float32' or 'bfloat16' or 'float16'
22 |
compile = False # use PyTorch 2.0 to compile the model to be faster
23 |
exec(open('configurator.py').read()) # overrides from command line or config file
24 |
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True # allow tf32 on matmul
29 |
torch.backends.cudnn.allow_tf32 = True # allow tf32 on cudnn
30 |
device_type = 'cuda' if 'cuda' in device else 'cpu' # for later use in torch.autocast
31 |
ptdtype = {'float32': torch.float32, 'bfloat16': torch.bfloat16, 'float16': torch.float16}[dtype]
32 |
ctx = nullcontext() if device_type == 'cpu' else torch.amp.autocast(device_type=device_type, dtype=ptdtype)
33 |
34 |
# model
35 |
if init_from == 'resume':
36 |
# init from a model saved in a specific directory
37 |
ckpt_path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'ckpt.pt')
38 |
checkpoint = torch.load(ckpt_path, map_location=device)
39 |
gptconf = GPTConfig(**checkpoint['model_args'])
40 |
model = GPT(gptconf)
41 |
state_dict = checkpoint['model']
42 |
unwanted_prefix = '_orig_mod.'
43 |
for k,v in list(state_dict.items()):
44 |
if k.startswith(unwanted_prefix):
45 |
state_dict[k[len(unwanted_prefix):]] = state_dict.pop(k)
46 |
47 |
elif init_from.startswith('gpt2'):
48 |
# init from a given GPT-2 model
49 |
model = GPT.from_pretrained(init_from, dict(dropout=0.0))
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
if compile:
54 |
model = torch.compile(model) # requires PyTorch 2.0 (optional)
55 |
56 |
# look for the meta pickle in case it is available in the dataset folder
57 |
load_meta = False
58 |
if init_from == 'resume' and 'config' in checkpoint and 'dataset' in checkpoint['config']: # older checkpoints might not have these...
59 |
meta_path = os.path.join('data', checkpoint['config']['dataset'], 'meta.pkl')
60 |
load_meta = os.path.exists(meta_path)
61 |
if load_meta:
62 |
print(f"Loading meta from {meta_path}...")
63 |
with open(meta_path, 'rb') as f:
64 |
meta = pickle.load(f)
65 |
# TODO want to make this more general to arbitrary encoder/decoder schemes
66 |
stoi, itos = meta['stoi'], meta['itos']
67 |
encode = lambda s: [stoi[c] for c in s]
68 |
decode = lambda l: ''.join([itos[i] for i in l])
69 |
70 |
# ok let's assume gpt-2 encodings by default
71 |
print("No meta.pkl found, assuming GPT-2 encodings...")
72 |
enc = tiktoken.get_encoding("gpt2")
73 |
encode = lambda s: enc.encode(s, allowed_special={"<|endoftext|>"})
74 |
decode = lambda l: enc.decode(l)
75 |
76 |
# encode the beginning of the prompt
77 |
if start.startswith('FILE:'):
78 |
with open(start[5:], 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
79 |
start = f.read()
80 |
start_ids = encode(start)
81 |
x = (torch.tensor(start_ids, dtype=torch.long, device=device)[None, ...])
82 |
83 |
# run generation
84 |
with torch.no_grad():
85 |
with ctx:
86 |
for k in range(num_samples):
87 |
y = model.generate(x, max_new_tokens, temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k)
88 |
89 |