conda create --name llnl_actici_env python=3.9 conda activate llnl_actici_env conda install pytorch=1.10 torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch # For DiT python -m pip install detectron2 -f # For DiT pip install opencv-python pip install timm pip install pdfminer.six conda install -c conda-forge poppler pip install pdf2image pip install pypdf2 pip install spacy # pytesseract, in case we need in future pip install pytesseract # For Retrieval & QA pip install transformers==4.20 pip install sentence-transformers # For Demo pip install gradio # If Jupyter is allowed pip install jupyter # (Optional, adding this custom env to the base environment's jupyter) python -m ipykernel install --user --name llnl_actici_env --display-name "Python (llnl_actici_env)"