import os import cv2 import torch from gfpgan import GFPGANer from tqdm import tqdm from basicsr.archs.rrdbnet_arch import RRDBNet from realesrgan import RealESRGANer def load_video_to_cv2(input_path): video_stream = cv2.VideoCapture(input_path) fps = video_stream.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) full_frames = [] while True: still_reading, frame = if not still_reading: video_stream.release() break full_frames.append(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) return full_frames, fps def save_frames_to_video(frames, output_path, fps): if len(frames) == 0: raise ValueError("No frames to write to video.") height, width, _ = frames[0].shape fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(output_path, fourcc, fps, (width, height)) for frame in frames: video_writer.write(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) video_writer.release() def process_video_with_gfpgan(input_video_path, output_video_path, model_path='gfpgan/weights/GFPGANv1.4.pth'): # Load video and convert to frames frames, fps = load_video_to_cv2(input_video_path) realesrgan_model = RRDBNet(num_in_ch=3, num_out_ch=3, num_feat=64, num_block=23, num_grow_ch=32, scale=2) bg_upsampler = RealESRGANer( scale=2, model_path="gfpgan/weights/RealESRGAN_x2plus.pth", model=realesrgan_model, tile=400, tile_pad=10, pre_pad=0, half=True) # Set up GFPGAN restorer arch = 'clean' channel_multiplier = 2 restorer = GFPGANer( model_path=model_path, upscale=2, arch=arch, channel_multiplier=channel_multiplier, bg_upsampler=bg_upsampler ) # Enhance each frame enhanced_frames = [] print("Enhancing frames...") for frame in tqdm(frames, desc='Processing Frames'): # Enhance face in the frame img = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) _, _, enhanced_img = restorer.enhance(img, has_aligned=False, only_center_face=False, paste_back=True) enhanced_frames.append(cv2.cvtColor(enhanced_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) # Save the enhanced frames to a video save_frames_to_video(enhanced_frames, output_video_path, fps) print(f'Enhanced video saved at {output_video_path}')