# Use the official Python image as a base FROM python:3.9.13 # Set environment variables ENV HOME=/home/user ENV PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH # Create a non-root user and set ownership for HOME directory RUN useradd -m -u 1000 user RUN chown -R user:user $HOME # Set the working directory WORKDIR $HOME/app # Clone the shap-e repository from GitHub (optional based on your needs) RUN git clone https://github.com/openai/shap-e . # Copy the local app files into the container COPY --chown=user . . # Create a requirements.txt file with specified dependencies RUN echo "-e ." > requirements.txt \ && echo "flask" >> requirements.txt \ && echo "flask_cors" >> requirements.txt \ && echo "PyYAML" >> requirements.txt \ && echo "ipywidgets" >> requirements.txt \ && echo "gunicorn" >> requirements.txt # Create a directory for model cache with appropriate permissions RUN mkdir -p $HOME/app/shap_e_model_cache RUN chown -R user:user $HOME/app/shap_e_model_cache # Install Python dependencies RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt # Set Numba cache directory (optional) ENV NUMBA_CACHE_DIR=/tmp/numba_cache # Default command to run the application CMD ["gunicorn", "-b", "", "app:app"]