import streamlit as st from pdf_loader import load_btyes_io from core import pipeline # Developer Details developer_details = { "Sudhir Sharma": { "Education": "B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bhilai, 2024", "Email": "", "GitHub": "[GitHub Profile](", "LinkedIn": "[LinkedIn Profile](" } } def inference(query, files, embedding_type): # pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(files[0]) # text = '' # for page in pdfReader.pages: # text += page.extract_text() # st.write(text) results, _ = pipeline(query, load_btyes_io(files), embedding_type=embedding_type) prob_per_documents = {result['name']: result['similarity'] for result in results} return prob_per_documents st.sidebar.header("Developer Details") selected_developer = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select a developer", list(developer_details.keys())) st.sidebar.markdown(developer_details[selected_developer]["Education"]) st.sidebar.markdown(developer_details[selected_developer]["Email"]) st.sidebar.markdown(developer_details[selected_developer]["GitHub"]) st.sidebar.markdown(developer_details[selected_developer]["LinkedIn"]) sample_files = [ "documents/business.pdf", "documents/data_science.pdf", ] sample_job_descriptions = { "Software Engineer": """We are looking for a software engineer with experience in Python and web development. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in building scalable and robust applications. Knowledge of frameworks such as Flask and Django is a plus. Experience with front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is desirable. The candidate should also have a good understanding of databases and SQL. Strong problem-solving and communication skills are required for this role. """, "Data Scientist": """We are seeking a data scientist with expertise in machine learning and statistical analysis. The candidate should have a solid understanding of data manipulation, feature engineering, and model development. Proficiency in Python and popular data science libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn is required. Experience with deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch is a plus. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills are essential for this position. """ } st.sidebar.header("Sample Files") for sample_file in sample_files: st.sidebar.markdown(f"[{sample_file}](./sample_files/{sample_file})") st.sidebar.header("Sample Job Descriptions") selected_job = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select a job description", list(sample_job_descriptions.keys())) st.sidebar.markdown("```") st.sidebar.code(sample_job_descriptions[selected_job]) st.title("👨🏼‍🎓Resume Ranker ") query = st.text_area("Job Description", height=200, value=sample_job_descriptions[selected_job]) uploaded_files = st.file_uploader("Upload Resume", accept_multiple_files=True, type=["txt", "pdf"]) embedding_type = st.selectbox("Embedding Type", ["bert", "minilm", "tfidf"]) if st.button("Submit"): if not query: st.warning("Please enter a job description.") elif not uploaded_files: st.warning("Please upload one or more resumes.") else: with st.spinner("Processing..."): results = inference(query, uploaded_files,embedding_type) st.subheader("Results") for document, similarity in results.items(): # make similiarty round to 2 decimal place if similarity >= 1: similarity = round(similarity, 2) st.write(f"- {document}:") st.progress(similarity, text=f"{similarity:.2%}")