import streamlit as st |
import folium |
from streamlit_folium import folium_static |
import requests |
import tempfile |
import os |
import shutil |
import zipfile |
from PIL import Image |
import numpy as np |
import io |
import gdown |
import pandas as pd |
import time |
from folium import plugins |
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download |
from ultralytics.utils.plotting import Annotator |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
from ultralytics import YOLO |
import tensorflow as tf |
import matplotlib |
from tensorflow import keras |
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import img_to_array, array_to_img |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import simplekml |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide") |
if 'button1' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.button1=False |
if 'zoomed_in' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.zoomed_in=True |
if 'num_bk' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.num_bk = 0 |
if 'box_lat1' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.box_lat1 = 26.42 |
if 'box_lon1' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.box_lon1 = 79.57 |
if 'box_lat2' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.box_lat2 = 26.39 |
if 'box_lon2' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.box_lon2 = 79.59 |
def callback(): |
st.session_state.button1=True |
def callback_map(): |
st.session_state.button1=False |
st.session_state.india_map = create_map(12) |
if 'box_lat1' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.box_lat1 = 26.42 |
if 'box_lon1' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.box_lon1 = 79.57 |
if 'box_lat2' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.box_lat2 = 26.39 |
if 'box_lon2' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.box_lon2 = 79.59 |
st.session_state.india_map.location = [(st.session_state.box_lat1+st.session_state.box_lat2)/2,(st.session_state.box_lon1+st.session_state.box_lon2)/2] |
st.session_state.zoomed_in=True |
st.session_state.num_bk = 0 |
plugins.MousePosition().add_to(st.session_state.india_map) |
@st.cache_resource(show_spinner=False) |
def load_model(): |
model_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id="Vannsh/v8x-obb", filename="obb3.pt") |
model = YOLO(model_path,task='obb') |
return model |
mapbox_token = 'pk.eyJ1IjoiYWRpdGktMTgiLCJhIjoiY2xsZ2dlcm9zMHRiMzNkcWF2MmFjZTc3biJ9.axO4l5PRwHHn2H3wEE-cEg' |
def get_static_map_image(latitude, longitude, api): |
base_url = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap' |
params = { |
'center': f'{latitude},{longitude}', |
'zoom': 16, |
'size': '640x640', |
'maptype': 'satellite', |
'key': api, |
'scale': 2, |
} |
response = requests.get(base_url, params=params) |
return response.content |
def create_map(zoom_level,location = [20.5937, 78.9629]): |
india_map = folium.Map( |
location=location, |
zoom_start=zoom_level, |
control_scale=True, |
) |
folium.TileLayer( |
tiles=f"https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/satellite-streets-v12/tiles/{{z}}/{{x}}/{{y}}?access_token={mapbox_token}", |
attr="Mapbox Satellite", |
name="Mapbox Satellite" |
).add_to(india_map) |
plugins.MousePosition().add_to(india_map) |
return india_map |
def add_locations(lat,lon,india_map): |
india_map.location = [lat, lon] |
folium.Marker( |
location=[lat, lon], |
popup=f"Latitude: {lat}, Longitude: {lon}", |
icon=folium.Icon(color='blue') |
).add_to(india_map) |
def generate_kml_content(longs, lats): |
kml = simplekml.Kml() |
for lon, lat in zip(longs, lats): |
kml.newpoint(name="Brick-kiln", coords=[(lon, lat)]) |
return kml.kml() |
def project(lat,long): |
lat = np.radians(lat) |
long = np.radians(long) |
x = (128/np.pi)*(2**17)*(long + np.pi) |
y = (128/np.pi)*(2**17)*(np.pi - np.log(np.tan(np.pi/4 + lat/2))) |
return x,y |
def inverse_project(x,y): |
F = 128 / np.pi * 2 ** 17 |
lng = (x / F) - np.pi |
lat = (2 * np.arctan(np.exp(np.pi - y/F)) - np.pi / 2) |
lng = lng * 180 / np.pi |
lat = lat * 180 / np.pi |
return lat, lng |
def add_box_to_map(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2,lat3,lon3,lat4,lon4,cls,map): |
tooltip_text = "Zigzag" if cls == 1 else "FCBK" |
color = "blue" if cls == 1 else "red" |
folium.Polygon( |
locations=[(lat1, lon1), (lat2, lon2), (lat3, lon3), (lat4, lon4)], |
color=color, |
weight=2, |
fill=False, |
fill_opacity=0, |
tooltip=tooltip_text |
).add_to(map) |
def main(): |
hide_st_style = """ |
<style> |
body { |
background-color: black; |
color: white; |
} |
#MainMenu {visibility: hidden;} |
footer {visibility: hidden;} |
header {visibility: hidden;} |
</style> |
""" |
st.markdown(hide_st_style, unsafe_allow_html=True) |
model = load_model() |
st.title("Brick Kiln Detector") |
st.write("This app uses a deep learning model to detect brick kilns in satellite images. The app allows you to select certain area on a map and download the images of brick kilns and non-brick kilns in that region.") |
drawn_polygons = [] |
st.header("Bounding Box") |
col1, col2, col3,col4 = st.columns(4) |
prev_lat1 = st.session_state.box_lat1 |
prev_lat2 = st.session_state.box_lat2 |
prev_lon1 = st.session_state.box_lon1 |
prev_lon2 = st.session_state.box_lon2 |
with col1: |
st.session_state.box_lat1 = st.number_input("Lat of top-left corner:", value=26.42, step=0.01,format='%f',on_change=callback_map) |
with col2: |
st.session_state.box_lon1 = st.number_input("Lon of top-left corner:", value=79.57, step=0.01,on_change=callback_map) |
with col3: |
st.session_state.box_lat2 = st.number_input("Lat of bottom-right corner:", value=26.39, step=0.01,on_change=callback_map) |
with col4: |
st.session_state.box_lon2 = st.number_input("Lon of bottom-right corner:", value=79.59, step=0.01,on_change=callback_map) |
if prev_lat1 != st.session_state.box_lat1 or prev_lat2!=st.session_state.box_lat2 or prev_lon1 != st.session_state.box_lon1 or prev_lon2!=st.session_state.box_lon2: |
callback_map() |
area = np.abs(st.session_state.box_lat2-st.session_state.box_lat1)*np.abs(st.session_state.box_lon2-st.session_state.box_lon1) |
area = round(area,5) |
st.write(f"Area of the bounding box is {area} sq units.") |
mid_lat = (st.session_state.box_lat1+st.session_state.box_lat2)/2 |
mid_lon = (st.session_state.box_lon1+st.session_state.box_lon2)/2 |
if 'india_map' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.india_map = create_map(12) |
st.session_state.india_map.location = [mid_lat,mid_lon] |
if area<=0.005: |
submit_button = st.button("Submit",on_click=callback) |
bounding_box_polygon = folium.Rectangle( |
bounds=[[st.session_state.box_lat2, st.session_state.box_lon2], [st.session_state.box_lat1, st.session_state.box_lon1]], |
color='red', |
fill=True, |
fill_opacity=0, |
) |
bounding_box_polygon.add_to(st.session_state.india_map) |
drawn_polygons.append(bounding_box_polygon.get_bounds()) |
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Sr.No','Latitude', 'Longitude','Confidence']) |
folium_static(st.session_state.india_map,width=1200,height=800) |
ab = os.environ.get("GMS_API_KEY") |
if ab and (submit_button or st.session_state.button1): |
@st.cache_resource(show_spinner = False) |
def done_before(df,drawn_polygons): |
st.session_state.ab = ab |
image_list = [] |
latitudes = [] |
longitudes = [] |
idx = 0 |
delta_lat = 0.011 |
delta_lon = 0.013 |
latitude = st.session_state.box_lat2 |
longitude = st.session_state.box_lon1 |
lat_ones = [] |
lon_ones = [] |
nlat=0 |
nlong=0 |
while latitude<=st.session_state.box_lat1: |
nlat+=1 |
latitude+=delta_lat |
while longitude<=st.session_state.box_lon2: |
nlong+=1 |
longitude+=delta_lon |
latitude=st.session_state.box_lat2 |
longitude=st.session_state.box_lon1 |
progress_text = 'Please wait while we process your request...' |
my_bar = st.progress(0, text=progress_text) |
indices_of_zeros = [] |
indices_of_ones = [] |
prob_flat_list = [] |
results = [] |
i=0 |
while round(latitude,2)<=st.session_state.box_lat1: |
while round(longitude,2)<=st.session_state.box_lon2: |
image_data = get_static_map_image(latitude, longitude, ab) |
image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image_data)) |
image = image.convert('RGB') |
temp_result = model.predict(image) |
r = temp_result[0] |
if len(r.obb.cls)==0: |
indices_of_zeros.append(i) |
elif len(r.obb.cls)==1: |
indices_of_ones.append(i) |
prob_flat_list.append(r.obb.conf.item()) |
lat_ones.append(latitude) |
lon_ones.append(longitude) |
else: |
indices_of_ones.append(i) |
prob_flat_list.append(r.obb.conf) |
lat_ones.append(latitude) |
lon_ones.append(longitude) |
i += 1 |
results.append(temp_result[0]) |
image_list.append(image) |
latitudes.append(latitude) |
longitudes.append(longitude) |
if idx >1: |
idx = 0.95 |
longitude += delta_lon |
my_bar.progress(idx , text=progress_text) |
idx+=(3/(4*nlat*nlong)) |
latitude += delta_lat |
longitude = st.session_state.box_lon1 |
return indices_of_ones,latitudes,longitudes,image_list,indices_of_zeros,my_bar,results,prob_flat_list,lat_ones,lon_ones |
indices_of_ones,latitudes,longitudes,image_list,indices_of_zeros,my_bar,results,prob_flat_list,lat_ones,lon_ones=done_before(df,drawn_polygons) |
mid_lat = (st.session_state.box_lat1+st.session_state.box_lat2)/2 |
mid_lon = (st.session_state.box_lon1+st.session_state.box_lon2)/2 |
reset = st.button("Reset view") |
if reset: |
st.session_state.india_map.location = [mid_lat,mid_lon] |
count_ones = [] |
count_zeros = [] |
for r in results: |
if len(r.obb.cls)==0: |
count_ones.append(0) |
count_zeros.append(1) |
else: |
count_ones.append(len(r.obb.cls)) |
count_zeros.append(0) |
n_count_ones = sum(count_ones) |
n_count_zeros = sum(count_zeros) |
my_bar.progress(0.99 , text='Please wait while we process your request...') |
time.sleep(1) |
my_bar.empty() |
bk_lats = [] |
bk_lons = [] |
new_lats = [] |
new_lons = [] |
conf_list = [] |
conf_new = [] |
class_list = [] |
class_new = [] |
n_zig = 0 |
n_fcbk = 0 |
dictionary = {} |
boxes_to_take = {} |
lat_x1 = [] |
lon_y1 = [] |
lat_x2 = [] |
lon_y2 = [] |
lat_x3 = [] |
lon_y3 = [] |
lat_x4 = [] |
lon_y4 = [] |
lat_x1_new = [] |
lon_y1_new = [] |
lat_x2_new = [] |
lon_y2_new = [] |
lat_x3_new = [] |
lon_y3_new = [] |
lat_x4_new = [] |
lon_y4_new = [] |
ind = 0 |
for i in indices_of_ones: |
r = results[i] |
boxes = r.obb |
boxes_to_take[i] = [] |
lat_images = [] |
lon_images = [] |
conf_images = [] |
class_images = [] |
lat1_images = [] |
lon1_images = [] |
lat2_images = [] |
lon2_images = [] |
lat3_images = [] |
lon3_images = [] |
lat4_images = [] |
lon4_images = [] |
for box in boxes: |
x_c,y_c,w,h,r = box.xywhr[0] |
x_c = x_c.item() |
y_c = y_c.item() |
result = project(lat_ones[ind], lon_ones[ind]) |
delta_y = y_c - 640 |
delta_x = x_c - 640 |
lat_value,lng_value = inverse_project(result[0]+delta_x,result[1]+delta_y) |
x1_b,y1_b,x2_b,y2_b,x3_b,y3_b,x4_b,y4_b = box.xyxyxyxy[0][0][0],box.xyxyxyxy[0][0][1],box.xyxyxyxy[0][1][0],box.xyxyxyxy[0][1][1],box.xyxyxyxy[0][2][0],box.xyxyxyxy[0][2][1],box.xyxyxyxy[0][3][0],box.xyxyxyxy[0][3][1] |
x1_b,y1_b,x2_b,y2_b,x3_b,y3_b,x4_b,y4_b = x1_b.item(),y1_b.item(),x2_b.item(),y2_b.item(),x3_b.item(),y3_b.item(),x4_b.item(),y4_b.item() |
delta_x1 = x1_b - 640 |
delta_y1 = y1_b - 640 |
delta_x2 = x2_b - 640 |
delta_y2 = y2_b - 640 |
delta_x3 = x3_b - 640 |
delta_y3 = y3_b - 640 |
delta_x4 = x4_b - 640 |
delta_y4 = y4_b - 640 |
lat1,lon1 = inverse_project(result[0]+delta_x1,result[1]+delta_y1) |
lat2,lon2 = inverse_project(result[0]+delta_x2,result[1]+delta_y2) |
lat3,lon3 = inverse_project(result[0]+delta_x3,result[1]+delta_y3) |
lat4,lon4 = inverse_project(result[0]+delta_x4,result[1]+delta_y4) |
to_add = True |
if len(boxes_to_take[i]) > 0: |
for j in range(len(boxes_to_take[i])): |
if np.abs(lat_value-lat_images[j]) < 0.0001 and np.abs(lng_value-lon_images[j]) < 0.0001: |
to_add = False |
if conf_images[j] < box.conf.item(): |
lat_images[j] = lat_value |
lon_images[j] = lng_value |
conf_images[j] = box.conf |
class_images[j] = box.cls |
boxes_to_take[j].append(box) |
lat1_images[j] = lat1 |
lon1_images[j] = lon1 |
lat2_images[j] = lat2 |
lon2_images[j] = lon2 |
lat3_images[j] = lat3 |
lon3_images[j] = lon3 |
lat4_images[j] = lat4 |
lon4_images[j] = lon4 |
break |
if to_add: |
lat_images.append(lat_value) |
lon_images.append(lng_value) |
conf_images.append(box.conf) |
class_images.append(box.cls) |
boxes_to_take[i].append(box) |
lat1_images.append(lat1) |
lon1_images.append(lon1) |
lat2_images.append(lat2) |
lon2_images.append(lon2) |
lat3_images.append(lat3) |
lon3_images.append(lon3) |
lat4_images.append(lat4) |
lon4_images.append(lon4) |
bk_lats.extend(lat_images) |
bk_lons.extend(lon_images) |
conf_list.extend(conf_images) |
class_list.extend(class_images) |
lat_x1.extend(lat1_images) |
lon_y1.extend(lon1_images) |
lat_x2.extend(lat2_images) |
lon_y2.extend(lon2_images) |
lat_x3.extend(lat3_images) |
lon_y3.extend(lon3_images) |
lat_x4.extend(lat4_images) |
lon_y4.extend(lon4_images) |
ind += 1 |
n_counts_ones_mod = n_count_ones |
for i in range(len(bk_lats)): |
if bk_lats[i]>=st.session_state.box_lat2 and bk_lats[i]<=st.session_state.box_lat1 and bk_lons[i]>=st.session_state.box_lon1 and bk_lons[i]<=st.session_state.box_lon2: |
new_lats.append(bk_lats[i]) |
new_lons.append(bk_lons[i]) |
conf_new.append(conf_list[i]) |
class_new.append(class_list[i]) |
lat_x1_new.append(lat_x1[i]) |
lon_y1_new.append(lon_y1[i]) |
lat_x2_new.append(lat_x2[i]) |
lon_y2_new.append(lon_y2[i]) |
lat_x3_new.append(lat_x3[i]) |
lon_y3_new.append(lon_y3[i]) |
lat_x4_new.append(lat_x4[i]) |
lon_y4_new.append(lon_y4[i]) |
continue |
else: |
n_counts_ones_mod -= 1 |
assert len(new_lats) == len(lat_x1_new) |
if n_counts_ones_mod!=0: |
for i in range(len(class_new)): |
if len(class_new[i])==1: |
if class_new[i].item()==0: |
n_fcbk += 1 |
else: |
n_zig += 1 |
else: |
for j in range(len(class_new[i])): |
if class_new[i][j].item()==0: |
n_fcbk += 1 |
else: |
n_zig += 1 |
dictionary["ZIGZAG"] = n_zig |
dictionary["FCBK"] = n_fcbk |
dictionary["Total"] = n_zig+n_fcbk |
df2 = pd.DataFrame(dictionary,index=[0]) |
df2 = df2.T |
df2.columns = ['Count'] |
st.write(":red[Red] bounding boxes represent :red[FCBK] and :blue[Blue] bounding boxes represent :blue[Zigzag].") |
st.write(df2,use_container_width=True) |
s_no =1 |
indexs = 0 |
for i in range(len(new_lats)): |
c_var = {0:"FCBK",1:"Zigzag"} |
if isinstance(conf_new[indexs], torch.Tensor): |
for z in range(len(conf_new[indexs])): |
truncated_float = int(conf_new[indexs][z] * 100) / 100 |
temp_df = pd.DataFrame({'Sr.No':[s_no],'Latitude': [new_lats[i]], 'Longitude': [new_lons[i]],'Confidence':[truncated_float],"Class":[c_var[int(class_new[i][z].item())]]}) |
s_no+=1 |
df = pd.concat([df, temp_df], ignore_index=True) |
else: |
truncated_float = int(conf_new[indexs] * 100) / 100 |
temp_df = pd.DataFrame({'Sr.No':[s_no],'Latitude': [new_lats[i]], 'Longitude': [new_lons[i]],'Confidence':[truncated_float],"Class":[c_var[int(class_new[i].item())]]}) |
s_no+=1 |
df = pd.concat([df, temp_df], ignore_index=True) |
indexs += 1 |
csv = df.to_csv(index=False).encode('utf-8') |
if st.session_state.zoomed_in: |
st.session_state.india_map=create_map(15,location = [mid_lat,mid_lon]) |
poly_fg = folium.FeatureGroup() |
for Idx in range(len(new_lats)): |
lat = new_lats[Idx] |
lon = new_lons[Idx] |
if lat>=st.session_state.box_lat2 and lat<=st.session_state.box_lat1 and lon>=st.session_state.box_lon1 and lon<=st.session_state.box_lon2: |
st.session_state.num_bk += 1 |
add_box_to_map(lat_x1_new[Idx],lon_y1_new[Idx],lat_x2_new[Idx],lon_y2_new[Idx],lat_x3_new[Idx],lon_y3_new[Idx],lat_x4_new[Idx],lon_y4_new[Idx],class_new[Idx],poly_fg) |
st.session_state.india_map.add_child(poly_fg) |
st.session_state.zoomed_in = False |
st.rerun() |
st.markdown("### Download options") |
st.download_button(label = |
"Download CSV of latitude and longitude of brick kilns", |
data = csv, |
file_name = "lat_long.csv", |
mime = "text/csv" |
) |
kml_content = generate_kml_content(new_lons, new_lats) |
st.download_button(label = |
"Download KML of latitude and longitude of brick kilns", |
data = kml_content, |
file_name = "points.kml", |
mime = 'application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml' |
) |
else: |
st.write("No Brick Kilns detected in the selected region!") |
else: |
st.write(":red[The bounding box area is too big. The area should be less than or equal to 0.005 sq units]") |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |