import gradio as gr import argparse import os import torch import soundfile as sf import numpy as np from models.tts.naturalspeech2.ns2 import NaturalSpeech2 from encodec import EncodecModel from encodec.utils import convert_audio from utils.util import load_config from text import text_to_sequence from text.cmudict import valid_symbols from text.g2p import preprocess_english, read_lexicon import torchaudio def build_codec(device): encodec_model = EncodecModel.encodec_model_24khz() encodec_model = encodec_model.set_target_bandwidth(12.0) return encodec_model def build_model(cfg, device): model = NaturalSpeech2(cfg.model) model.load_state_dict( torch.load( "ckpts/ns2/pytorch_model.bin", map_location="cpu", ) ) model = return model def ns2_inference( prmopt_audio_path, text, diffusion_steps=100, ): try: import nltk'cmudict') except: pass device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') os.environ["WORK_DIR"] = "./" cfg = load_config("egs/tts/NaturalSpeech2/exp_config.json") model = build_model(cfg, device) codec = build_codec(device) ref_wav_path = prmopt_audio_path ref_wav, sr = torchaudio.load(ref_wav_path) ref_wav = convert_audio( ref_wav, sr, codec.sample_rate, codec.channels ) ref_wav = ref_wav.unsqueeze(0).to(device=device) with torch.no_grad(): encoded_frames = codec.encode(ref_wav) ref_code =[encoded[0] for encoded in encoded_frames], dim=-1) ref_mask = torch.ones(ref_code.shape[0], ref_code.shape[-1]).to(ref_code.device) symbols = valid_symbols + ["sp", "spn", "sil"] + ["", ""] phone2id = {s: i for i, s in enumerate(symbols)} id2phone = {i: s for s, i in phone2id.items()} lexicon = read_lexicon(cfg.preprocess.lexicon_path) phone_seq = preprocess_english(text, lexicon) phone_id = np.array( [ *map( phone2id.get, phone_seq.replace("{", "").replace("}", "").split(), ) ] ) phone_id = torch.from_numpy(phone_id).unsqueeze(0).to(device=device) x0, prior_out = model.inference( ref_code, phone_id, ref_mask, diffusion_steps ) latent_ref = codec.quantizer.vq.decode(ref_code.transpose(0, 1)) rec_wav = codec.decoder(x0) os.makedirs("result", exist_ok=True) sf.write( "result/{}.wav".format(prmopt_audio_path.split("/")[-1][:-4] + "_zero_shot_result"), rec_wav[0, 0].detach().cpu().numpy(), samplerate=24000, ) result_file = "result/{}.wav".format(prmopt_audio_path.split("/")[-1][:-4] + "_zero_shot_result") return result_file demo_inputs = [ gr.Audio( sources=["upload", "microphone"], label="Upload a reference speech you want to clone timbre", type="filepath", ), gr.Textbox( value="Amphion is a toolkit that can speak, make sounds, and sing.", label="Text you want to generate", type="text", ), gr.Slider( 10, 1000, value=200, step=1, label="Diffusion Inference Steps", info="As the step number increases, the synthesis quality will be better while the inference speed will be lower", ), ] demo_outputs = gr.Audio(label="") demo = gr.Interface( fn=ns2_inference, inputs=demo_inputs, outputs=demo_outputs, title="Amphion Zero-Shot TTS NaturalSpeech2", description="Note that the current model is only trained on libritts, and the amount of training data is much less than the 5.5w hours of the original paper. We will soon introduce models trained on large-scale data. Please stay tuned." ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()