In this demo, we use the RoBERTa language model (optimized for masked language modelling and finetuned for sentiment analysis). The model predicts for a given sentences whether it expresses a positive, negative or neutral sentiment. But how does it arrive at its classification? This is, surprisingly perhaps, very difficult to determine. A range of so-called "attribution methods" have been developed that attempt to determine the importance of the words in the input for the final prediction; they provide a very limited form of "explanation" -- and often disagree -- but sometimes provide good initial hypotheses nevertheless that can be further explored with other methods. Abnar & Zuidema (2020) proposed a method for Transformers called "Attention Rollout", which was further refined by Chefer et al. (2021) into Gradient-weighted Rollout. Here we compare it to another popular method called Integrated Gradient. * Gradient-weighted attention rollout, as defined by [Hila Chefer]( [(Transformer-MM_explainability)](, with rollout recursion upto selected layer * Layer IG, as implemented in [Captum](, based on gradient w.r.t. selected layer.