import re, os, subprocess, openai, random, regex, shutil, requests, datetime import pandas as pd import numpy as np import streamlit as st from streamlit_chat import message # some helper vars and functions thispath = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) if 'displayChat' not in st.session_state: with st.spinner('Setting up plugins...'): os.system('mkdir files') thishour = str( if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(thispath, 'timestamp.txt')): with open(os.path.join(thispath, 'timestamp.txt')) as f: stampHour = f.readline().strip('\n') if thishour != stampHour: os.system('rm -rf files/*') os.system('echo '+thishour+' > timestamp.txt') else: os.system('echo '+thishour+' > timestamp.txt') os.system('mkdir plugins') googleS = requests.get('').content googlePath = os.path.join(thispath, 'plugins', '') with open(googlePath, 'wb') as f: f.write(googleS) blipS = requests.get('').content blipPath = os.path.join(thispath, 'plugins', '') with open(blipPath, 'wb') as f: f.write(blipS) st.session_state['running'] = False # Triggers main GPT loop st.session_state['followup'] = False # Follow flag for the main loop st.session_state['prompt'] = '' st.session_state['command'] = '' #command to be run locally st.session_state['acceptreject'] = False #shows accept/reject buttons for when commands are called st.session_state['history'] = [] #OpenAI convrsation history stored here st.session_state['displayChat'] = False st.session_state['displayCost'] = False st.session_state['download'] = False #display download button st.session_state['totalCost'] = 0 # total cost of API calls regx = [r"([A-Z]+\(((?:[^()\"']|(?:\"[^\"]*\")|(?:'[^']*')|\((?1)*\))*)\))", r'''(?:"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"|'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*'|\b[^,]+)'''] #parsing commands, parsing arguments (thanks GPT-4) #system message sysPrompt = 'You now have access to some commands to help complete the user\'s request. ' \ 'You are able to access the user\'s machine with these commands. In every message you send, ' \ 'include "COMMAND: " with your command at the end. Here is a list of commands with ' \ 'explanations of how they are used:\n{}\n When you use a command, the user will respond ' \ 'with "Response: " followed by the output of the commmand. Use this output to help the ' \ 'user complete their request.' #format command table for GPT-4 def formatTable(table): lines = '' for x, i in enumerate(table['GPT Commands']): lines += '{} - {}\n'.format(table['GPT Commands'][x],table['GPT Explanations'][x]) return(lines) #Ask GPT a prompt, update history and total cost, return a response def askGPT(input, version): st.session_state['history'].append({'role': 'user', 'content': input}) with st.spinner('Talking to OpenAI...'): r = openai.ChatCompletion.create(model=version, messages=st.session_state['history']) resp = r['choices'][0]['message']['content'] costFactor = [0.03, 0.06] if version == 'gpt-4' else [0.002, 0.002] st.session_state['totalCost'] += r['usage']['prompt_tokens']/1000*costFactor[0]+r['usage']['completion_tokens']/1000*costFactor[1] st.session_state['history'].append({'role': 'assistant', 'content': resp}) return resp #restart main loop with followup flag def followup(): st.session_state['followup'], st.session_state['running'] = True, True st.experimental_rerun() #run a GPT command or reject it def runCmd(flag): if flag: with st.spinner('Running command \'' + st.session_state['command'] + '\''): try: p = subprocess.Popen(st.session_state['command'], shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p.wait() st.session_state['prompt'] = 'Response: ' + p.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: st.session_state['prompt'] = 'Response: ' + e.output.decode("utf-8") else: st.session_state['prompt'] = "Response: User rejected this command" followup() # WEB APP st.markdown('# GPT-4 UNLIMITED PLUGINS') st.markdown('Made by [d3nt]( to give GPT-4 access to any commands/scripts you want via the command line. This unlocks the ability for GPT-4 to interact with the internet, APIs, and any applications that you could with a CLI. Basically it\'s open source, flexible, plugins for GPT-4.') #User inputs st.markdown('### OpenAI Settings') openaikey = st.text_input('OpenAI API Key', type='password') replicatekey = st.text_input('(OPTIONAL) Replicate API Key', type='password') modelV = st.selectbox('Model', ('GPT-4', 'GPT-3.5-Turbo')) st.markdown('### Editable Knowledge Base\nDelete any commands will not need to save tokens and increase accuracy.\n\nBe careful with the Raw Translation column. This is code that gets executed by your machine.') d = {'GPT Commands': ['GOOGLE("question")', 'PYTHON(', 'MAKEFILE("content\\nhere", filename.txt)', 'READFILE(filename.txt)', 'LISTFILES()', 'BLIP("What\'s in this image?", img1.jpg)'], 'GPT Explanations': ['Search Google with the given text and return the results', 'Run a python script with the given file name. Do not use quotes for the filename argument.', 'Make a file with the given content and file name.', 'Read the content of a given filename', 'List the files you have access to', 'Ask BLIP-2, a vision model, a given question about a given image'], 'Raw Translation': ['python plugins/ {}', 'cd files && python {} && cd ../', 'echo {} > files/{}', 'cat files/{}', 'ls files', 'python plugins/ {} {}'] } df = pd.DataFrame(data=d, dtype='string') commandTable = st.experimental_data_editor(df, use_container_width=True, num_rows='dynamic') st.markdown('### Upload/Download Files') uploadFile = st.file_uploader('') cola, colb, colc = st.columns(3) with cola: if st.button('Upload'): if uploadFile: fname = st.markdown(fname) with open(os.path.join(thispath, 'files', fname), 'wb') as f: f.write(uploadFile.getbuffer()) st.write('Success') with colb: if st.button('Download'): shutil.make_archive(os.path.join(thispath, 'files'), 'zip', os.path.join(thispath, 'files')) st.session_state['download'] = True with colc: if st.session_state['download']: with open(os.path.join(thispath, ''), 'rb') as f: st.download_button('Download Zip', f, file_name='', key='filezip') st.markdown('### Chat') prompt = st.text_input('Message') col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4) #this button triggers main loop with col1: if st.button('Send'): st.session_state['running'] = True with col2: newSession = st.checkbox('New Session', True) with col3: showAll = st.checkbox('Show Commands And Outputs', False) with col4: manualApproval = st.checkbox('Require Manual Approval', True) #MAIN GPT LOOP if st.session_state['running']: st.session_state['running'] = False #reset running flag #get user prompt if not st.session_state['followup']: st.session_state['prompt'] = prompt os.environ['REPLICATE_API_TOKEN'] = replicatekey if openaikey != '': #set system prompt or update system prompt if (newSession or st.session_state['history'] == []) and (not st.session_state['followup']): st.session_state['history'] = [{'role': 'system', 'content': sysPrompt.format(formatTable(commandTable))}] else: st.session_state['history'][0] = {'role': 'system', 'content': sysPrompt.format(formatTable(commandTable))} st.session_state['followup'] = False #reset followup flag #turn on display for chat and cost if it's not already on if not st.session_state['displayChat']: st.session_state['displayChat'] = True if not st.session_state['displayCost']: st.session_state['displayCost'] = True #ask GPT-4 openai.api_key = openaikey response = askGPT(st.session_state['prompt'], modelV.lower()) #parse GPT commands, possibly trigger this loop again if len(regex.findall(regx[0], response)) >= 1: cmd = regex.findall(regx[0], response)[0][0] stem = '' rawArgs = '' cmdId = -1 #seperate command into stem and arguments for x, i in enumerate(cmd): if i == '(': stem = cmd[:x] rawArgs = cmd[x+1:][:-1] break #identify command for x, i in enumerate(commandTable['GPT Commands']): if stem in i: cmdId = x break #Handle incorrect command usage, or run the command rawArgs.replace('\n', '\\n') rawArgs.replace('\\\n', '\\n') if cmdId == -1: st.session_state['prompt'] = 'Response: Unrecognized command' followup() elif "'''" in rawArgs: st.session_state['prompt'] = 'Response: Error parsing multi-line string (\'\'\') Use a single line with escaped newlines instead (")' followup() elif '"""' in rawArgs: st.session_state['prompt'] = 'Response: Error parsing multi-line string (\"\"\") Use a single line with escaped newlines instead (")' followup() else: # Fetch command, turn raw argument string into a list of arguments, and format command st.session_state['command'] = commandTable['Raw Translation'][cmdId] args = [] if rawArgs != '': args = re.findall(regx[1], rawArgs) st.session_state['command'] = st.session_state['command'].format(*args) # No single quote arguments allowed. Messes up MAKEFILE() and probably other commands. singleQuotes = False for i in args: if i.startswith("'"): singleQuotes = True st.session_state['prompt'] = "Response: Error parsing argument in single quotes. Use double quotes around the argument instead" followup() break #If none of the above was a problem, run the command if not singleQuotes: if manualApproval: st.session_state['acceptreject'] = True else: runCmd(1) else: st.warning('Make sure OpenAI key is entered', icon='⚠️') #UI for accepting/rejecting commands col5, col6 = st.columns(2) if st.session_state['acceptreject']: st.warning('GPT is trying to run the following command: ' + st.session_state['command'] + '\nPlease accept or reject this request.') with col5: if st.button('Accept'): st.session_state['acceptreject'] = False runCmd(1) with col6: if st.button('Reject'): st.session_state['acceptreject'] = False runCmd(0) #display cost for the user if st.session_state['displayCost']:'Total OpenAI cost: $'+str(round(st.session_state['totalCost'],2)), icon='💸') #display chat for the user if st.session_state['displayChat']: for i in st.session_state['history']: if i['role'] == 'user': if not showAll: if 'Response:' not in i['content']: message(i['content'], is_user=True, key=random.randint(1,9999)) else: message(i['content'], is_user=True, key=random.randint(1,9999)) elif i['role'] == 'assistant': if not showAll: if 'COMMAND' not in i['content']: message(i['content'], key=random.randint(1,9999)) else: message(i['content'], key=random.randint(1,9999))