# ruff: noqa: F405, F403, F401 """ Custom evaluation tasks for lighteval. Copy this file and complete it with the info for your task. This file generally create just a TASKS_TABLE and TASKS_GROUPS which are then imported by LightEval. Author: """ from src.custom_tasks.heq_task import * from src.custom_tasks.sentiment_task import * from src.custom_tasks.winograd_task import * from src.custom_tasks.translation_task import * from src.custom_tasks.snli_task import * from src.custom_tasks.ilfacts_task import * ## MODULE LOGIC # You should not need to touch this # Convert to dict for lighteval TASKS_TABLE = [task.as_dict() for task in [heq_task, sentiment_task, winograd_task, translation_task, snli_task, ilfacts_task]] if __name__ == "__main__": print(t["name"] for t in TASKS_TABLE) print(len(TASKS_TABLE))