import os import gradio as gr from imgutils.detect import detect_person, detect_halfbody, detect_heads, detection_visualize def _split_image(image, head_scale: float): retval = [] all_detects = [] for i, (px, _, score) in enumerate(detect_person(image), start=1): person_image = image.crop(px) person_label = f'Person #{i} ({score * 100.0:.1f}%)' retval.append((person_image, person_label)) all_detects.append((px, 'person', score)) px0, py0, _, _ = px half_detects = detect_halfbody(person_image) if half_detects: halfbody_image = person_image.crop(half_detects[0][0]) halfbody_label = f'Person #{i} - Half Body' retval.append((halfbody_image, halfbody_label)) bx0, by0, bx1, by1 = half_detects[0][0] all_detects.append(((bx0 + px0, by0 + py0, bx1 + px0, by1 + py0), 'halfbody', half_detects[0][2])) head_detects = detect_heads(person_image) if head_detects: (hx0, hy0, hx1, hy1), _, head_score = head_detects[0] cx, cy = (hx0 + hx1) / 2, (hy0 + hy1) / 2 width, height = hx1 - hx0, hy1 - hy0 width = height = max(width, height) * head_scale x0, y0 = int(max(cx - width / 2, 0)), int(max(cy - height / 2, 0)) x1, y1 = int(min(cx + width / 2, person_image.width)), int(min(cy + height / 2, person_image.height)) head_image = person_image.crop((x0, y0, x1, y1)) head_label = f'Person #{i} - Head' retval.append((head_image, head_label)) all_detects.append(((x0 + px0, y0 + py0, x1 + px0, y1 + py0), 'head', head_score)) return detection_visualize(image, all_detects), retval if __name__ == '__main__': with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): gr_input = gr.Image(type='pil', label='Original Image') gr_head_scale = gr.Slider(0.8, 2.5, 1.5, label='Head Scale') gr_button = gr.Button(value='Crop', variant='primary') with gr.Column(): with gr.Tabs(): with gr.Tab('Detected'): gr_detected = gr.Image(type='pil', label='Detection') with gr.Tab('Cropped'): gr_gallery = gr.Gallery(label='Cropped Images') _split_image, inputs=[gr_input, gr_head_scale], outputs=[gr_detected, gr_gallery], ) demo.queue(os.cpu_count()).launch()