output_dir: "checkpoints" pretrained_model_path: "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1-base" noise_scheduler_kwargs: num_train_timesteps: 1000 beta_start: 0.00085 beta_end: 0.012 beta_schedule: "linear" steps_offset: 1 clip_sample: false rescale_betas_zero_snr: false # true if using zero terminal snr timestep_spacing: "leading" # "trailing" if using zero terminal snr prediction_type: "epsilon" # "v_prediction" if using zero terminal snr train_data: dataset: "joint" pexels_config: enable: false json_path: null caption_json_path: null video_folder: null webvid_config: enable: true json_path: "/path/to/webvid/annotation" video_folder: "/path/to/webvid/data" sample_size: 256 sample_duration: null sample_fps: null sample_stride: [1, 5] sample_n_frames: 16 validation_data: prompts: - "timelapse at the snow land with aurora in the sky." - "fireworks." - "clown fish swimming through the coral reef." - "melting ice cream dripping down the cone." path_to_first_frames: - "assets/example/example_01.jpg" - "assets/example/example_02.jpg" - "assets/example/example_03.jpg" - "assets/example/example_04.jpg" num_inference_steps: 50 ddim_eta: 0.0 guidance_scale_txt: 7.5 guidance_scale_img: 1.0 guidance_rescale: 0.0 frame_stride: 3 trainable_modules: - "all" # - "conv3ds." # - "tempo_attns." resume_from_checkpoint: null unet_additional_kwargs: variant: null n_temp_heads: 8 augment_temporal_attention: true temp_pos_embedding: "rotary" # "rotary" or "sinusoidal" first_frame_condition_mode: "concat" use_frame_stride_condition: true noise_sampling_method: "pyoco_mixed" # "vanilla" or "pyoco_mixed" or "pyoco_progressive" noise_alpha: 1.0 cfg_random_null_text_ratio: 0.1 cfg_random_null_img_ratio: 0.1 use_ema: false ema_decay: 0.9999 learning_rate: 5.e-5 train_batch_size: 3 gradient_accumulation_steps: 1 max_grad_norm: 0.5 max_train_epoch: -1 max_train_steps: 200000 checkpointing_epochs: -1 checkpointing_steps: 2000 validation_steps: 1000 seed: 42 mixed_precision: "bf16" num_workers: 32 enable_xformers_memory_efficient_attention: true is_image: false is_debug: false