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import os
import re
import json
import shutil
import logging
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
SKIP_PATTERNS = [r'\{', r'\}', r'[\[\]]', r'\\begin\{.*?\}', r'\\end\{.*?\}', r'\^', r'\_', r'\\.*rule.*', r'\\.*line.*', r'\[[\-.0-9]+[epm][xtm]\]']
SKIP_Tokens = ['\\', '\\\\', '\\index', '\\a', '&', '$', '\\multirow', '\\def', '\\raggedright', '\\url', '\\cr', '\\ensuremath', '\\left', '\\right',
'\\mathchoice', '\\scriptstyle', '\\displaystyle', '\\qquad', '\\quad', '\\,', '\\!', '~', '\\boldmath']
PHANTOM_Tokens = ['\\fontfamily', '\\vphantom', '\\phantom', '\\rowcolor', '\\ref']
TWO_Tail_Tokens = ['\\frac', '\\binom']
AB_Tail_Tokens = ['\\xrightarrow', '\\xleftarrow', '\\sqrt'] # special token \xxx [] {}
TWO_Tail_Invisb_Tokens = ['\\overset', '\\underset', '\\stackrel']
ONE_Tail_Tokens = ['\\widetilde', '\\overline', '\\hat', '\\widehat', '\\tilde', '\\Tilde', '\\dot', '\\bar', '\\vec', '\\underline', '\\underbrace', '\\check',
'\\breve', '\\Bar', '\\Vec', '\\mathring', '\\ddot']
ONE_Tail_Invisb_Tokens = ['\\boldsymbol', '\\pmb', '\\textbf', '\\mathrm', '\\mathbf', '\\mathbb', '\\mathcal', '\\textmd', '\\texttt', '\\textnormal',
'\\text', '\\textit', '\\textup', '\\mathop', '\\mathbin', '\\smash', '\\operatorname', '\\textrm', '\\mathfrak', '\\emph',
'\\textsf', '\\textsc']
def flatten_multiline(latex):
brace_map = {
"\\left(": "\\right)",
"\\left[": "\\right]",
"\\left{": "\\right}",
l_split = latex.split(' ')
if l_split[0] == "\\begin{array}":
if l_split[-1] == "\\end{array}":
l_split = l_split[2:-1]
l_split = l_split[2:]
idx = 0
while idx < len(l_split):
token = l_split[idx]
if token.startswith("\\left") and token in brace_map.keys():
end_idx = find_matching_brace(l_split, idx, brace=[token, brace_map[token]])
if end_idx != -1:
idx = end_idx
elif token in ["\\\\", "~", "\\qquad"]:
l_split = l_split[0:idx] + l_split[idx+1:]
idx -= 1
idx += 1
latex = ' '.join(l_split)
return "$ "+latex+" $"
def clean_latex(text):
# TODO 让GPT写的去空格函数, 初步测了是没问题的, 不确定是否完全没有bug
cleaned_text = re.sub(r'(?<=[^\\])\s+(?=[^\\])', '', text)
# TODO 有一些不能去掉的空格给补充回来
for item in ["\\hline", "\\midrule", "\\times", "\\bf", "\\footnotesize", "\\cr", '\\log']:
cleaned_text = cleaned_text.replace(item, item+" ")
cleaned_text = cleaned_text.replace(" \\mathcolor{black}", "\\mathcolor{black}")
return cleaned_text
def remove_trailing_latex(formula):
pattern = r'(\\(hspace\*?\{[^{}]*?\}|vspace\*?\{[^{}]*?\}|smallskip|medskip|quad|qquad|bigskip|[;,])|\~|\.)*$'
# Replace the matched pattern with an empty string
cleaned_formula = re.sub(pattern, '', formula, count=1)
return cleaned_formula
def find_matching_brace(sequence, start_index, brace=['{', '}']):
# Finds the index of the matching brace for the one at start_index
left_brace, right_brace = brace
depth = 0
for i, char in enumerate(sequence[start_index:], start=start_index):
if char == left_brace:
depth += 1
elif char == right_brace:
depth -= 1
if depth == 0:
return i
if depth > 0:
error_info = "Warning! found no matching brace in sequence !"
raise ValueError(error_info)
return -1
def normalize_latex(l, rm_trail=False):
if "tabular" in l:
latex_type = "tabular"
latex_type = "formula"
if rm_trail:
l = remove_trailing_latex(l)
l = l.strip().replace(r'\pmatrix', r'\mypmatrix').replace(r'\matrix', r'\mymatrix')
# TODO \raggedright \arraybackslash, these align method, difficult to handle, remove it.
for item in ['\\raggedright', '\\arraybackslash']:
l = l.replace(item, "")
for item in ['\\lowercase', '\\uppercase']:
l = l.replace(item, "")
# TODO \hspace {1 . 5 cm}, for formula, change to \hspace{1.5cm}, for table, remove it.
pattern = r'\\[hv]space { [.0-9a-z ]+ }'
old_token = re.findall(pattern, l, re.DOTALL)
if latex_type == "tabular":
new_token = ["" for item in old_token]
new_token = [item.replace(" ", "") for item in old_token]
for bef, aft in zip(old_token, new_token):
l = l.replace(bef, aft)
# TODO take \begin {tabular} {} as one token
# TODO there are \begin{array} in table too,so the process should run in both formula and table.
if latex_type == "tabular":
l = l.replace("\\begin {tabular}", "\\begin{tabular}")
l = l.replace("\\end {tabular}", "\\end{tabular}")
l = l.replace("\\begin {array}", "\\begin{array}")
l = l.replace("\\end {array}", "\\end{array}")
l_split = l.split(' ')
idx = 0
while idx < len(l_split):
token = l_split[idx]
if token == "\\begin{tabular}":
sub_idx = idx + 1
end_idx = find_matching_brace(l_split, sub_idx)
new_token = "".join(l_split[idx: end_idx+1])
l_split = l_split[0:idx] + [new_token] + l_split[end_idx+1:]
idx += 1
l = ' '.join(l_split)
# TODO some complex format, hart to deal with re.match, so using brace match, such as:\cmidrule ( l { 3 p t } r { 3 p t } ) { 1 - 1 }
l_split = l.split(' ')
idx = 0
while idx < len(l_split):
token = l_split[idx]
if token in ["\\cmidrule", "\\cline"]:
sub_idx = idx + 1
if l_split[sub_idx] == "(":
mid_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, sub_idx, brace=['(', ')'])
end_idx = find_matching_brace(l_split, mid_end+1)
end_idx = find_matching_brace(l_split, sub_idx)
new_token = "".join(l_split[idx: end_idx+1])
l_split = l_split[0:idx] + [new_token] + l_split[end_idx+1:]
idx += 1
l = ' '.join(l_split)
pattern = r'\\begin{array} { [lrc ]+ }'
old_token = re.findall(pattern, l, re.DOTALL)
new_token = [item.replace("\\begin{array} ", "<s>").replace(" ", "").replace("<s>", "\\begin{array} ") for item in old_token]
for bef, aft in zip(old_token, new_token):
l = l.replace(bef, aft)
# TODO token such \not= should be one token
pattern = r'\\not [<>+=\-]'
old_token = re.findall(pattern, l, re.DOTALL)
new_token = [item.replace(" ", "") for item in old_token]
for bef, aft in zip(old_token, new_token):
l = l.replace(bef, aft)
# TODO tokens such as \dots \exp \sinh, split them to parts, so the bbox match will be easier.
l = " "+l+" "
l = l.replace(" \\ldots ", " . . . ")
l = l.replace(" \\cdots ", " . . . ")
l = l.replace(" \\dots ", " . . . ")
l = l.replace(" \\dotsb ", " . . . ")
l = l.replace(" \\log ", " \\mathrm { l o g } ")
l = l.replace(" \\exp ", " \\mathrm { e x p } ")
l = l.replace(" \\sin ", " \\mathrm { s i n } ")
l = l.replace(" \\cos ", " \\mathrm { c o s } ")
l = l.replace(" \\tan ", " \\mathrm { t a n } ")
l = l.replace(" \\tanh ", " \\mathrm { t a n h } ")
l = l.replace(" \\cosh ", " \\mathrm { c o s h } ")
l = l.replace(" \\sinh ", " \\mathrm { s i n h } ")
# ** token such as \big( should be one token
pattern = r'\\[Bb]ig[g]?[glrm]? [(){}|\[\]] '
old_token = re.findall(pattern, l, re.DOTALL)
new_token = [item.replace(" ", "") for item in old_token]
for bef, aft in zip(old_token, new_token):
l = l.replace(bef, aft+" ")
pattern = r'\\[Bb]ig[g]?[glrm]? \\.*? '
old_token = re.findall(pattern, l, re.DOTALL)
new_token = [item.replace(" ", "") for item in old_token]
for bef, aft in zip(old_token, new_token):
l = l.replace(bef, aft+" ")
# TODO when \operatorname * meets mathcolor it comes error, yet the * is useless, so we simply remove it bynow.
pattern = r'\\operatorname \*'
old_token = re.findall(pattern, l, re.DOTALL)
new_token = ["\\operatorname" for item in old_token]
for bef, aft in zip(old_token, new_token):
l = l.replace(bef, aft)
# TODO \lefteqn will lead to letter overlap, it's harmfull for render, so simply remove it.
l = l.replace("\\lefteqn", "")
# TODO \footnote can not seem as ONE_Tail_Invisb_Tokens(usually this type token add color by \mathrm {\color(x)}, yet \footnode should be \color{\footnote{x}}), so we simple change it to "^".
l = l.replace("\\footnote ", "^ ")
# TODO \' can not be rendered separately(cause to different visulize performence), so we take these tokens as one token such as \' e -> \'e, on the other hand, if { after \' then render them separately.
pattern = r'\\\' [^{] '
old_token = re.findall(pattern, l, re.DOTALL)
new_token = [item.replace(" ", "") for item in old_token]
for bef, aft in zip(old_token, new_token):
l = l.replace(bef, aft+" ")
# TODO [ -1.5ex ] [ 1.5pt ] [ 3 mm ] some layout adjustment, no need to render. combine them as one token.
if latex_type == "tabular":
pattern = r'\[ [\-.0-9 ]+[exptcm ]+ \]'
old_token = re.findall(pattern, l, re.DOTALL)
new_token = [item.replace(" ", "") for item in old_token]
for bef, aft in zip(old_token, new_token):
l = l.replace(bef, aft)
# ** \parbox { 3cm } {} shoudle be combined as one token
pattern = r'\\parbox {[^{]+}'
old_token = re.findall(pattern, l, re.DOTALL)
new_token = [item.replace(" ", "") for item in old_token]
for bef, aft in zip(old_token, new_token):
l = l.replace(bef, aft)
# ** \raisebox{<lift>}[<height>][<depth>] {} shoudle be combined as one token, \raisebox{-1.5ex}[0pt]
pattern = r'\\raisebox {[^{]+} [\[\]0-9 exptcm]+{'
old_token = re.findall(pattern, l, re.DOTALL)
new_token = [item.replace(" ", "") for item in old_token]
for bef, aft in zip(old_token, new_token):
l = l.replace(bef, aft[0:-1]+" {")
# ** \char shoudle be combined as one token
pattern = r'{ \\char[0-9\' ]+}'
old_token = re.findall(pattern, l, re.DOTALL)
new_token = [item.replace(" ", "") for item in old_token]
for bef, aft in zip(old_token, new_token):
l = l.replace(bef, "{ "+aft[1:-1]+" }")
# ** \not xx shoudle be combined as one token
pattern = r'\\not [\\=\<\>][^ ]+ '
old_token = re.findall(pattern, l, re.DOTALL)
new_token = [item.replace(" ", "") for item in old_token]
for bef, aft in zip(old_token, new_token):
l = l.replace(bef, aft+" ")
# ** \specialrule{1pt}{2pt}{2pt}, special lines, shoudle be combined as one token
pattern = r'\\specialrule {[ .0-9a-z]+} {[ .0-9a-z]+} {[ .0-9a-z]+}'
old_token = re.findall(pattern, l, re.DOTALL)
new_token = [item.replace(" ", "") for item in old_token]
for bef, aft in zip(old_token, new_token):
l = l.replace(bef, aft)
# ** for easier add color, the original color should be removed, there are two type of color for now: \color[rgb]{0, 1, 0} and \color{red}
pattern = r'\\colorbox[ \[\]RGBrgb]+{ [A-Za-z 0-9,!]+ } |\\color[ \[\]RGBrgb]+{ [A-Za-z 0-9,!]+ } |\\textcolor[ \[\]RGBrgb]+{ [A-Za-z 0-9,!]+ } |\\cellcolor[ \[\]RGBrgb]+{ [A-Za-z 0-9,!]+ } '
old_token = re.findall(pattern, l, re.DOTALL)
for bef in old_token:
l = l.replace(bef, "")
# ** filling the missing brace [] and {} according to token.
l_split = l.split(' ')
idx = 0
while idx < len(l_split):
token = l_split[idx]
if token in ONE_Tail_Tokens + ONE_Tail_Invisb_Tokens:
# ** normalize tokens such as \hat, fill missing the {}, such as \hat \lambda -> \hat {\lambda}
sub_idx = idx + 1
while sub_idx < len(l_split) and l_split[sub_idx] in ONE_Tail_Tokens+ONE_Tail_Invisb_Tokens:
sub_idx += 1
new_split = l_split[0:idx]
for ii in range(idx, sub_idx):
new_split = new_split + [l_split[ii], "{"]
if l_split[sub_idx] != "{":
new_split = new_split + [l_split[sub_idx]] + ["}"]*(sub_idx-idx)
l_split = new_split + l_split[sub_idx+1:]
end_idx = find_matching_brace(l_split, sub_idx)
new_split = new_split + l_split[sub_idx+1:end_idx] + ["}"]*(sub_idx-idx)
l_split = new_split + l_split[end_idx+1:]
elif token in AB_Tail_Tokens:
# ** normalize special tokens such as \sqrt, fill the missing [] {} in \sqrt [] {}, yet the [] is optional, for example: \sqrt A B -> \sqrt {A} B and \sqrt [A] B -> \sqrt [A] {B}
if l_split[idx + 1] != "[" and l_split[idx + 1] != "{":
l_split = l_split[0:idx+1] + ["{"] + [l_split[idx+1]] + ["}"] + l_split[idx+2:]
if l_split[idx + 1] == "[":
end1 = find_matching_brace(l_split, idx+1, brace=['[', ']'])
end1 = idx
if l_split[end1 + 1] != "{":
l_split = l_split[0:end1+1] + ["{"] + [l_split[end1+1]] + ["}"] + l_split[end1+2:]
elif token in TWO_Tail_Tokens + TWO_Tail_Invisb_Tokens:
# ** normalize special tokens such as \frac, add missing brace in \frac {A} {B} for example: \frac {\lambda} 2 -> \frac {\lambda} {2}
if l_split[idx + 1] != "{":
l_split = l_split[0:idx+1] + ["{"] + [l_split[idx+1]] + ["}"] + l_split[idx+2:]
end1 = find_matching_brace(l_split, idx+1)
if l_split[end1 + 1] != "{":
l_split = l_split[0:end1+1] + ["{"] + [l_split[end1+1]] + ["}"] + l_split[end1+2:]
idx += 1
l = ' '.join(l_split)
return l
def token_add_color(l_split, idx, render_dict):
token = l_split[idx]
if token in PHANTOM_Tokens:
# ** special tokens that do not need render, skip it
if l_split[idx + 1] == '{':
brace_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, idx + 1)
brace_end = idx + 1
next_idx = brace_end + 1
elif token in TWO_Tail_Tokens:
# ** tokens such as \frac A B, and the token needs render too.
num_start = idx + 1
num_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, num_start)
den_start = num_end + 1
den_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, den_start)
l_split_copy = l_split[:idx] + [r'\mathcolor{black}{'+token+'{'] + \
[r'\mathcolor{gray}{'] + l_split[num_start + 1:num_end] + \
['}'] + [r'}{'] + [r'\mathcolor{gray}{'] + l_split[den_start + 1:den_end] + \
['}'] + ['}'] + ['}'] + l_split[den_end + 1:]
l_new = ' '.join(l_split_copy)
l_new = r'\mathcolor{gray}{ ' + l_new + ' }'
render_dict[str(idx)] = l_new, token
next_idx = idx + 1
elif token in ONE_Tail_Tokens:
# ** tokens such as \hat A, and the token needs render too.
num_start = idx + 1
num_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, num_start)
l_split_copy = l_split[:idx] + [r'\mathcolor{black}{'] + l_split[idx: num_start+1] + \
[r'\mathcolor{gray}{'] + l_split[num_start+1: num_end] + \
['}'] + l_split[num_end: num_end+1] + ['}'] + l_split[num_end+1:]
l_new = ' '.join(l_split_copy)
l_new = r'\mathcolor{gray}{ ' + l_new + ' }'
render_dict[str(idx)] = l_new, token
next_idx = idx + 1
elif token in ONE_Tail_Invisb_Tokens:
# ** tokens such as \text A B, and the token does not need render.
num_start = idx + 1
num_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, num_start)
sub_idx = num_start+1
if num_end-num_start == 2:
l_split_copy = l_split.copy()
l_split_copy[sub_idx] = r'{\mathcolor{black}{' + l_split_copy[sub_idx] + '}}'
l_new = ' '.join(l_split_copy)
l_new = r'\mathcolor{gray}{ ' + l_new + ' }'
render_dict[str(idx)] = l_new, l_split[sub_idx]
next_idx = num_end
while sub_idx < num_end:
l_split, sub_idx, render_dict = token_add_color(l_split, sub_idx, render_dict)
next_idx = num_end + 1
elif token in AB_Tail_Tokens:
# ** special token \xrightarrow, could be \xrightarrow [] {} or \xrightarrow {}, process method are different.
if l_split[idx+1] == '{':
num_start = idx + 1
num_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, num_start)
l_split_copy = l_split[:idx] + [r'\mathcolor{black}{'] + l_split[idx: idx+2] \
+ [r'\mathcolor{gray}{'] + l_split[num_start+1: num_end] + ['}}'] + l_split[num_end:]
l_new = ' '.join(l_split_copy)
l_new = r'\mathcolor{gray}{ ' + l_new + ' }'
render_dict[str(idx)] = l_new, token
sub_idx = num_start+1
while sub_idx < num_end:
l_split, sub_idx, render_dict = token_add_color(l_split, sub_idx, render_dict)
next_idx = num_end + 1
elif l_split[idx+1] == '[':
num_start = idx + 1
num_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, num_start, brace=['[', ']'])
den_start = num_end + 1
den_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, den_start)
l_split_copy = l_split[:idx] + [r'{\mathcolor{black}{'] + l_split[idx: idx+2] \
+ [r'\mathcolor{gray}{'] + l_split[idx+2: num_end] + ['}'] + l_split[num_end:den_start+1] \
+ [r'\mathcolor{gray}{'] + l_split[den_start+1: den_end] + ['}'] + l_split[den_end: den_end+1] \
+ ['}}'] + l_split[den_end+1:]
l_new = ' '.join(l_split_copy)
l_new = r'\mathcolor{gray}{ ' + l_new + ' }'
render_dict[str(idx)] = l_new, token
sub_idx = num_start + 1
while sub_idx < num_end:
l_split, sub_idx, render_dict = token_add_color(l_split, sub_idx, render_dict)
sub_idx = den_start + 1
while sub_idx < den_end:
l_split, sub_idx, render_dict = token_add_color(l_split, sub_idx, render_dict)
next_idx = den_end + 1
elif token in ["\\multicolumn", "\\multirow"]:
# ** tokens with three {}, such as \multicolumn {} {} {}, the text in third {} need be rendered.
first_start = idx + 1
first_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, first_start)
second_start = first_end + 1
second_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, second_start)
third_start = second_end + 1
third_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, third_start)
sub_idx = third_start+1
while sub_idx < third_end:
l_split, sub_idx, render_dict = token_add_color(l_split, sub_idx, render_dict)
next_idx = third_end + 1
elif token in SKIP_Tokens+TWO_Tail_Invisb_Tokens or any(re.match(pattern, token) for pattern in SKIP_PATTERNS):
# ** tokens no need render, just skip
# print('skip', idx, token)
# TODO special case :[], could be single, or in \sqrt[]{}.
if (token == "[" and l_split[idx-1]!="\\sqrt") or (token == "]" and idx>=3 and l_split[idx-3]!="\\sqrt"):
l_split_copy = l_split.copy()
l_split_copy[idx] = r'\mathcolor{black}{ ' + l_split_copy[idx] + ' }'
l_new = ' '.join(l_split_copy)
l_new = r'\mathcolor{gray}{ ' + l_new + ' }'
render_dict[str(idx)] = l_new, token
next_idx = idx + 1
next_idx = idx + 1
# ** nomal token
l_split_copy = l_split.copy()
# TODO sometimes there is translation after add color, the exp prove that \mathcolor{black}{ A } is better than \mathcolor{black}{A}
l_split_copy[idx] = r'\mathcolor{black}{ ' + l_split_copy[idx] + ' }'
l_new = ' '.join(l_split_copy)
l_new = r'\mathcolor{gray}{ ' + l_new + ' }'
render_dict[str(idx)] = l_new, token
next_idx = idx + 1
return l_split, next_idx, render_dict
def token_add_color_RGB(l_split, idx, token_list, brace_color=False):
"""using \mathcolor[RGB]{r,g,b} to render latex.
token = l_split[idx]
if not token:
next_idx = idx + 1
elif token in PHANTOM_Tokens:
# ** special tokens that do not need render, skip it
if l_split[idx + 1] == '{':
brace_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, idx + 1)
brace_end = idx + 1
next_idx = brace_end + 1
elif token in TWO_Tail_Tokens:
# ** tokens such as \frac A B, and the token needs render too.
num_start = idx + 1
num_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, num_start)
den_start = num_end + 1
den_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, den_start)
color_token = "\\mathcolor[RGB]{<color_<idx>>}{".replace("<idx>", str(len(token_list)))
l_split = l_split[:idx] + [color_token+token] + l_split[idx+1: den_end+1] + ["}"] + l_split[den_end+1:]
next_idx = idx + 1
elif token in ONE_Tail_Tokens:
# ** tokens such as \hat A, and the token needs render too.
num_start = idx + 1
num_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, num_start)
color_token = "\\mathcolor[RGB]{<color_<idx>>}{".replace("<idx>", str(len(token_list)))
if token != "\\underbrace" and num_end+1 < len(l_split) and l_split[num_end+1] == "_":
l_split = l_split[:idx] + ["{"+color_token+token] + l_split[idx+1: num_end+1] + ["}}"] + l_split[num_end+1:]
l_split = l_split[:idx] + [color_token+token] + l_split[idx+1: num_end+1] + ["}"] + l_split[num_end+1:]
next_idx = idx + 1
elif token in ONE_Tail_Invisb_Tokens:
# ** tokens such as \text A B, and the token does not need render.
num_start = idx + 1
num_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, num_start)
sub_idx = num_start+1
if num_end-num_start == 2:
color_token = "\\mathcolor[RGB]{<color_<idx>>}{".replace("<idx>", str(len(token_list)))
l_split = l_split[:num_start+1] + [color_token+l_split[num_start+1]+"}"] + l_split[num_end:]
while sub_idx < num_end:
l_split, sub_idx, token_list = token_add_color_RGB(l_split, sub_idx, token_list)
next_idx = num_end + 1
elif token in AB_Tail_Tokens:
# ** special token \xrightarrow, could be \xrightarrow [] {} or \xrightarrow {}, process method are different.
if l_split[idx+1] == '{':
num_start = idx + 1
num_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, num_start)
color_token = "\\mathcolor[RGB]{<color_<idx>>}{".replace("<idx>", str(len(token_list)))
l_split = l_split[:idx] + [color_token+token] + l_split[idx+1: num_end+1] + ["}"] + l_split[num_end+1:]
sub_idx = num_start+1
while sub_idx < num_end:
l_split, sub_idx, token_list = token_add_color_RGB(l_split, sub_idx, token_list)
next_idx = num_end + 1
elif l_split[idx+1] == '[':
num_start = idx + 1
num_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, num_start, brace=['[', ']'])
den_start = num_end + 1
den_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, den_start)
color_token = "\\mathcolor[RGB]{<color_<idx>>}{".replace("<idx>", str(len(token_list)))
l_split = l_split[:idx] + [color_token+token] + l_split[idx+1: den_end+1] + ["}"] + l_split[den_end+1:]
sub_idx = num_start + 1
while sub_idx < num_end:
l_split, sub_idx, token_list = token_add_color_RGB(l_split, sub_idx, token_list, brace_color=True)
sub_idx = den_start + 1
while sub_idx < den_end:
l_split, sub_idx, token_list = token_add_color_RGB(l_split, sub_idx, token_list)
next_idx = den_end + 1
elif token in ["\\multicolumn", "\\multirow"]:
# ** tokens with three {}, such as \multicolumn {} {} {}, the text in third {} need be rendered.
first_start = idx + 1
first_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, first_start)
second_start = first_end + 1
second_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, second_start)
third_start = second_end + 1
third_end = find_matching_brace(l_split, third_start)
sub_idx = third_start+1
while sub_idx < third_end:
l_split, sub_idx, token_list = token_add_color_RGB(l_split, sub_idx, token_list)
next_idx = third_end + 1
elif token in SKIP_Tokens+TWO_Tail_Invisb_Tokens or any(re.match(pattern, token) for pattern in SKIP_PATTERNS):
# ** tokens no need render, just skip
# print('skip', idx, token)
# TODO special case :[], could be single, or in \sqrt[]{}.
if (token == "[" and l_split[idx-1]!="\\sqrt") or (token == "]" and idx>=3 and l_split[idx-3]!="\\sqrt"):
color_token = "\\mathcolor[RGB]{<color_<idx>>}{".replace("<idx>", str(len(token_list)))
l_split = l_split[:idx] + [color_token + l_split[idx] + "}"] + l_split[idx+1:]
next_idx = idx + 1
next_idx = idx + 1
# ** nomal token
if brace_color or (idx > 1 and l_split[idx-1] == "_"):
color_token = "\\mathcolor[RGB]{<color_<idx>>}{".replace("<idx>", str(len(token_list)))
l_split = l_split[:idx] + ["{" + color_token + l_split[idx] + "}}"] + l_split[idx+1:]
next_idx = idx + 1
color_token = "\\mathcolor[RGB]{<color_<idx>>}{".replace("<idx>", str(len(token_list)))
l_split = l_split[:idx] + [color_token + l_split[idx] + "}"] + l_split[idx+1:]
next_idx = idx + 1
return l_split, next_idx, token_list