{ "events": { "event": { "event_number": 1, "name": "conflict_start", "description": "Tensions escalate between Iran and Israel", "probability": 70, "duration_days": 30, "subevents": { "event": { "event_number": 2, "name": "diplomatic_failure", "description": "Diplomatic negotiations fail", "probability": 60, "duration_days": 15, "subevents": { "event": { "event_number": 3, "name": "military_clash", "description": "Initial military clash at the border", "probability": 50, "duration_days": 10, "subevents": { "event": [ { "event_number": 4, "name": "escalation", "description": "Conflict escalates into full-scale war", "probability": 40, "duration_days": 180, "subevents": { "event": [ { "event_number": 5, "name": "regional_involvement", "description": "Other Middle Eastern countries get involved", "probability": 30, "duration_days": 365, "subevents": { "event": [ { "event_number": 6, "name": "ceasefire", "description": "International powers broker a ceasefire", "probability": 20, "duration_days": 30 }, { "event_number": 7, "name": "prolonged_conflict", "description": "Conflict continues for over a year", "probability": 50, "duration_days": 365 } ] } }, { "event_number": 8, "name": "international_intervention", "description": "UN or other international organizations intervene", "probability": 25, "duration_days": 60 } ] } }, { "event_number": 9, "name": "containment", "description": "Conflict is contained and doesn't escalate", "probability": 30, "duration_days": 90 } ] } }, "event": { "event_number": 10, "name": "sanctions", "description": "Increased sanctions on Iran", "probability": 70, "duration_days": 180, "subevents": { "event": [ { "event_number": 11, "name": "iran_retaliates", "description": "Iran retaliates with cyberattacks", "probability": 40, "duration_days": 60 }, { "event_number": 12, "name": "israel_response", "description": "Israel responds with targeted airstrikes", "probability": 50, "duration_days": 60 } ] } } } }, "event": { "event_number": 13, "name": "diplomatic_success", "description": "Successful diplomatic negotiations", "probability": 40, "duration_days": 30, "subevents": { "event": [ { "event_number": 14, "name": "peace_agreement", "description": "Iran and Israel sign a peace agreement", "probability": 20, "duration_days": 60 }, { "event_number": 15, "name": "temporary_truce", "description": "A temporary truce is established", "probability": 30, "duration_days": 30 } ] } } } } } }