from __future__ import annotations import time from ast import List import openai from colorama import Fore, Style from openai.error import APIError, RateLimitError from autogpt.config import Config from autogpt.logs import logger CFG = Config() openai.api_key = CFG.openai_api_key def call_ai_function( function: str, args: list, description: str, model: str | None = None ) -> str: """Call an AI function This is a magic function that can do anything with no-code. See for more info. Args: function (str): The function to call args (list): The arguments to pass to the function description (str): The description of the function model (str, optional): The model to use. Defaults to None. Returns: str: The response from the function """ if model is None: model = CFG.smart_llm_model # For each arg, if any are None, convert to "None": args = [str(arg) if arg is not None else "None" for arg in args] # parse args to comma separated string args = ", ".join(args) messages = [ { "role": "system", "content": f"You are now the following python function: ```# {description}" f"\n{function}```\n\nOnly respond with your `return` value.", }, {"role": "user", "content": args}, ] return create_chat_completion(model=model, messages=messages, temperature=0) # Overly simple abstraction until we create something better # simple retry mechanism when getting a rate error or a bad gateway def create_chat_completion( messages: list, # type: ignore model: str | None = None, temperature: float = CFG.temperature, max_tokens: int | None = None, ) -> str: """Create a chat completion using the OpenAI API Args: messages (list[dict[str, str]]): The messages to send to the chat completion model (str, optional): The model to use. Defaults to None. temperature (float, optional): The temperature to use. Defaults to 0.9. max_tokens (int, optional): The max tokens to use. Defaults to None. Returns: str: The response from the chat completion """ response = None num_retries = 10 warned_user = False if CFG.debug_mode: print( Fore.GREEN + f"Creating chat completion with model {model}, temperature {temperature}," f" max_tokens {max_tokens}" + Fore.RESET ) for attempt in range(num_retries): backoff = 2 ** (attempt + 2) try: if CFG.use_azure: response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( deployment_id=CFG.get_azure_deployment_id_for_model(model), model=model, messages=messages, temperature=temperature, max_tokens=max_tokens, ) else: response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model=model, messages=messages, temperature=temperature, max_tokens=max_tokens, ) break except RateLimitError: if CFG.debug_mode: print( Fore.RED + "Error: ", f"Reached rate limit, passing..." + Fore.RESET, ) if not warned_user: logger.double_check( f"Please double check that you have setup a {Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT}PAID{Style.RESET_ALL} OpenAI API Account. " + f"You can read more here: {Fore.CYAN}{Fore.RESET}" ) warned_user = True except APIError as e: if e.http_status == 502: pass else: raise if attempt == num_retries - 1: raise if CFG.debug_mode: print( Fore.RED + "Error: ", f"API Bad gateway. Waiting {backoff} seconds..." + Fore.RESET, ) time.sleep(backoff) if response is None: logger.typewriter_log( "FAILED TO GET RESPONSE FROM OPENAI", Fore.RED, "Auto-GPT has failed to get a response from OpenAI's services. " + f"Try running Auto-GPT again, and if the problem the persists try running it with `{Fore.CYAN}--debug{Fore.RESET}`.", ) logger.double_check() if CFG.debug_mode: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to get response after {num_retries} retries") else: quit(1) return response.choices[0].message["content"] def create_embedding_with_ada(text) -> list: """Create an embedding with text-ada-002 using the OpenAI SDK""" num_retries = 10 for attempt in range(num_retries): backoff = 2 ** (attempt + 2) try: if CFG.use_azure: return openai.Embedding.create( input=[text], engine=CFG.get_azure_deployment_id_for_model( "text-embedding-ada-002" ), )["data"][0]["embedding"] else: return openai.Embedding.create( input=[text], model="text-embedding-ada-002" )["data"][0]["embedding"] except RateLimitError: pass except APIError as e: if e.http_status == 502: pass else: raise if attempt == num_retries - 1: raise if CFG.debug_mode: print( Fore.RED + "Error: ", f"API Bad gateway. Waiting {backoff} seconds..." + Fore.RESET, ) time.sleep(backoff)