from crewai import Task import streamlit as st from utils import rnd_id, fix_columns_width from streamlit import session_state as ss from db_utils import save_task, delete_task from datetime import datetime class MyTask: def __init__(self, id=None, description=None, expected_output=None, agent=None, async_execution=None, created_at=None, context_from_async_tasks_ids=None, context_from_sync_tasks_ids=None, **kwargs): = id or "T_" + rnd_id() self.description = description or "Identify the next big trend in AI. Focus on identifying pros and cons and the overall narrative." self.expected_output = expected_output or "A comprehensive 3 paragraphs long report on the latest AI trends." self.agent = agent or ss.agents[0] if ss.agents else None self.async_execution = async_execution or False self.context_from_async_tasks_ids = context_from_async_tasks_ids or None self.context_from_sync_tasks_ids = context_from_sync_tasks_ids or None self.created_at = created_at or self.edit_key = f'edit_{}' if self.edit_key not in ss: ss[self.edit_key] = False @property def edit(self): return ss[self.edit_key] @edit.setter def edit(self, value): ss[self.edit_key] = value def get_crewai_task(self, context_from_async_tasks=None, context_from_sync_tasks=None) -> Task: context = [] if context_from_async_tasks: context.extend(context_from_async_tasks) if context_from_sync_tasks: context.extend(context_from_sync_tasks) if context: return Task(description=self.description, expected_output=self.expected_output, async_execution=self.async_execution, agent=self.agent.get_crewai_agent(), context=context) else: return Task(description=self.description, expected_output=self.expected_output, async_execution=self.async_execution, agent=self.agent.get_crewai_agent()) def delete(self): ss.tasks = [task for task in ss.tasks if !=] delete_task( def is_valid(self, show_warning=False): if not self.agent: if show_warning: st.warning(f"Task {self.description} has no agent") return False if not self.agent.is_valid(show_warning): return False return True def draw(self, key=None): agent_options = [agent.role for agent in ss.agents] expander_title = f"({self.agent.role if self.agent else 'unassigned'}) - {self.description}" if self.is_valid() else f"❗ ({self.agent.role if self.agent else 'unassigned'}) - {self.description}" if self.edit: with st.expander(expander_title, expanded=True): with st.form(key=f'form_{}' if key is None else key): self.description = st.text_area("Description", value=self.description) self.expected_output = st.text_area("Expected output", value=self.expected_output) self.agent = st.selectbox("Agent", options=ss.agents, format_func=lambda x: x.role, index=0 if self.agent is None else agent_options.index(self.agent.role)) self.async_execution = st.checkbox("Async execution", value=self.async_execution) self.context_from_async_tasks_ids = st.multiselect("Context from async tasks", options=[ for task in ss.tasks if task.async_execution], default=self.context_from_async_tasks_ids, format_func=lambda x: [task.description[:120] for task in ss.tasks if == x][0]) self.context_from_sync_tasks_ids = st.multiselect("Context from sync tasks", options=[ for task in ss.tasks if not task.async_execution], default=self.context_from_sync_tasks_ids, format_func=lambda x: [task.description[:120] for task in ss.tasks if == x][0]) submitted = st.form_submit_button("Save") if submitted: self.set_editable(False) else: fix_columns_width() with st.expander(expander_title): st.markdown(f"**Description:** {self.description}") st.markdown(f"**Expected output:** {self.expected_output}") st.markdown(f"**Agent:** {self.agent.role if self.agent else 'None'}") st.markdown(f"**Async execution:** {self.async_execution}") st.markdown(f"**Context from async tasks:** {', '.join([task.description[:120] for task in ss.tasks if in self.context_from_async_tasks_ids]) if self.context_from_async_tasks_ids else 'None'}") st.markdown(f"**Context from sync tasks:** {', '.join([task.description[:120] for task in ss.tasks if in self.context_from_sync_tasks_ids]) if self.context_from_sync_tasks_ids else 'None'}") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.button("Edit", on_click=self.set_editable, args=(True,), key=rnd_id()) with col2: st.button("Delete", on_click=self.delete, key=rnd_id()) self.is_valid(show_warning=True) def set_editable(self, edit): self.edit = edit save_task(self) if not edit: st.rerun()