
AI & ML interests

I do things that interest me.


Delta-Vector's activity

New activity in anthracite-org/magnum-v3-27b-kto 6 days ago

Context length

#1 opened 6 days ago by SporkySporkness
New activity in NewEden/Claude-Instruct-5k 23 days ago
New activity in NewEden/HolyGigaClaude 27 days ago
New activity in SillyTilly/google-gemma-2-9b 27 days ago
New activity in anthracite-org/magnum-v2-4b 28 days ago

Update README.md

#1 opened 28 days ago by Delta-Vector
New activity in NewEden/Gryphe-Opus-Sharegpt about 1 month ago

[bot] Conversion to Parquet

#1 opened about 1 month ago by parquet-converter