Nerfed with people

by spawn99 - opened

they seemed to have overcooked the 'safety' layer. You can't even get the model to say a woman or man, it's always an 'individual'. Hope v2.5 fixes this as it's unusable with people.
Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 16.52.35.png

snort I think you mean "nerfed with individuals" you bigot! 🤣

Just give it prompting to refer to people as man/woman. The Instruction following on this model is quite good (especially for a 7B) and it can be include that information, reply in a certain style, change its verbosity, etc... additionally, the 7B seems quite easy to SFT/DPO fine-tune without many examples using Llama-Factory. This is by far my favorite small vision-capable LLM. I'm really looking forward to the 72B as open weights.

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