Getting HTTP Error Code: 422 when using Inference API

by mzattera - opened

I am trying to use bigscience/bloom through Inference API, but I keep receiving HTTP Error Code: 422 (unfortunately, no more informative messages).

If I use the very same request for gpt2 (just changing the model), it works, therefore I assume it is not a badly formed request.

The request is shown below:

  "inputs" : [ "How high is Mt. Everest?" ],
  "options" : { },
  "parameters" : {
    "max_new_tokens" : 15,
    "return_full_text" : false

Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.

+1, I get this all the time

Same, Does anyone know a fix for this?

I use this code and it works for me (albeit for Bloomz-3b):

import json
import requests as r

ENDPOINT_URL=""# url of your endpoint

payload samples

regular_payload = { "inputs": "translate English to German: The weather is nice today." }
parameter_payload = {
"inputs": "translate English to French: Hello my name is Philipp and I am a Technical Leader at Hugging Face",
"parameters" : {
"max_length": 40,

HTTP headers for authorization

headers= {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {HF_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json"

send request

response =, headers=headers, json=parameter_payload)
generated_text = response.json()


For those who have the same problem, on my side it came from a change in the API, the output format had changed so the max_new_token had to be decreased. Most of the time, a 422 error comes from a problem in the parameters.

christopher changed discussion status to closed

Also, faced this issue in huggingface_hub==0.23.2 but huggingface-hub==0.22.2 did not give this 422 error!

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