92 values
There are some things that have names that are so scary they're funny, like acid rain. Acid rain is real and bad, but it won't burn you alive or anything. What is your favorite example of that?
how about armageddon
what exactly is a joke?
a bit of unexpected ridiculousness
you tend to sing about clothing alot, is there a reason for that?
it's a fun thing that most people are familiar with. also good for analogies, if the shoe fits
why do people still make albums even tho records and disks arent popular anymore? is it just intertia or something else?
inertia seems like not the worst way to describe it honestly
Can you tell a truth in 5 words
yes i believe i could
You wake up and realize that you have become Jesus Christ. How do you proceed?
pretend i'm not. nothing good ever happens to anyone who openly admits to being Jesus Christ
How do you enjoy the world when everything feels like it's going wrong?
think of some things you'd like to do right
Are you mad at me
How much salami do you think is too much salami?
Sometimes, I look back and wonder if I have done anything worthwhile with my life. Do you ever look back at what you've accomplished?
Do you feel super weird around other people? Like does it feel so odd, and anxiety-inducing? Asking for someone who's an acquaintance
people being around each other is ridiculous and very complex, but i welcome this ridiculousness, with curiosity
Is it only black you see when you join the deceased?
So, I work out. I don't necessarily like working out, but the benefits like staying in shape make me kinda like it and want to do it right? So if I wanna choose a career, one is something that makes a lot of money and I don't think I hate it, one is something that I like, but doesn't necessarily make that much money, which one should I choose? Can a career be like working out? It might not be your favorite but as long as it has the benefits you kinda enjoy doing it cause it's rewarding?
it can be that way, or it can be another way. it can be many ways at the same time actually
what was the last thing you invoked
a piano-roll diagram, for the purpose of clarity in musical notation
i hate when people say that "Time goes faster as you get older." its scary and ridiculous thought and i dont believe it exist, here's why; i remember i saw a community talk show of someone whom like 31, he talked about that he didnt know what to do in his 20s but once he hits 27 his mind sort starts running in panic mode cus he is almost 30 and didnt know what to do, so he quit his job and took a long extended vacation somewhere in asia for 6 months, what interests me is, he said; it feels like a life time maybe years since he stays in there because when youwere a kid you dont think about time you just get curious about everythingand stays in the present to do whatever you want, time is fair and will always stays the same, the reason why we think its faster, cus a lot of us dont try new routines or skills for example going to the same job,doing the same thing etc...' i remember when i had a new job, i stays there for 4 months but it feels like 2 years cus its new experience for me or learning programming, mostly im making new memories for myself. sorry, another thought i would like to share, do you agree with this?
i think you've made an important observation that more new experiences make your life seem longer
i really enjoy your 2 friends on the beach video. the combination of the animation, the calm vibe, the music, and the dialogue makes my brain just kinda shut up for a bit (in a good way). plus, you have a very comforting voice. are you aware of the calming effect your voice has?
i think you will enjoy my next 10 videos or so
I accidentally filled my car with captain crunch again. Any advice?
sell it, for a higher price than a car without captain crunch in it
What's the deal with college fraternities and sororities?
very difficult to get into, or out of
yo bill can you make your next song in 5/4 just to dab on the haters
i don't see why that would accomplish that. but it might be in 5/4 anyway, although that is statistically unlikely
do you remember the chords at the end of more than a dream? the "today i woke up" part. i'm relatively certain "up" is an fmaj7 voicing of some sort, but i can't tell how you arrived there.
how will you be?
pretty good
how do you answer so many questions?
one at a time
Have you ever wished to be a bird?
envious of their personal flying abilities, at least
would you mind sharing the chords to just did a bad thing? if not the whole song, how about just for "i've let the things i ruined ruin me"?
for that line, to get the job done you'll want something like Asus2, Bsus2, F#sus2maj7
thoughts on linguistics?
I was going to ask you what your opinion on mashed potatoes was but then I realized I literally can't picture you eating. Do you just melt into the Forest over meal times and appear recharged
yes i do
in the chorus of call me maybe, why does she preface telling this person to call her with "I just met you and this is crazy?" isn't giving someone your number what you do if you want to further interact with them socially? that's not crazy. now, what's crazy is if I said "hey, you're a really interesting person, and I want to talk more" then saying "so i'm not going to give you any way to directly connect with me when we are not occupying the same space" like you just walk through downtown calling their name or something
i think the crazy part was not about the number giving, it was about wanting to make further contact so soon after first meeting the person
any advice on dealing with people who are nice but don't know how to shut up?
how about not dealing with them at all
Hello, Mr. Wurtz, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night when you read this. Whats your favorite dish or cuisine?
how about a cashew
On a scale of things to stuff what would you rate pots and pans? Not as individual items, as one big collective of panned pots or potted pots
pretty good
are you mentally ill
not quite
How many things are in the universe?
how many do you want
when driving, do you always come to a complete stop at stop signs or do you sometimes just slow down
i stop and wait for a go sign to appear
Is the will really free?
some of it
what was something that absolutely fascinated you as a kid?
music, for example
are you sane? am I sane? are any of us sane?
a little bit
Thoughts on instrumental music?
it usually finds itself attached to something. for example it may be a soundtrack to a game, or film scene
Is life stupid?
yes, and smart
How many 5 year olds could you take in a fight?
not interested
What should I do if I forget that air exists?
anything you would normally do
the first thing I did when I went down to Toronto was I ordered myself a Double Big Mac. what about you?
i stared deep into the eys of the honorable Joseph Bloor
do you think that people should be allowed to write fanfiction about anything they want? should it be restricted?
i don't think there are any rules against writing anything. however there may be some rules about where to publish certain things
Why does time feel like it's going wayyy too fast?
sometimes when people realize that they are just getting older and older and older and older and then pretty soon they will just be old permanently, or at the very least not young per se
What kind of person are you when something goes wrong? a "we ball" person or a "it's over" person?
i wonder if there are some other options
Are we friends?
we might be
How did music affect you that made you realize it was magical? Was it the feeling it evokes from you?
all kinds of feelings
Was there a specific song that triggered this revelation?
it happens all the time
hey bill, been doing anything interesting (i understand interesting things are very subjective but my definition of interesting within the context of this message is something interesting to specifically you) if not, damn, hope you do something interesting. if you are, cool.
thank you for checking, yes i am doing something interesting. hopefully you are also
Why does the Froot Loops mascot stare into my soul?
he's actually looking through you, to the soul of the person behind you
hi bill, so yesterday i wrote something and i felt pretty good about it but now i feel like i wrote a bunch of bullshit. i always do this when i write and then i self-loathe and get confused about whether i am a good or a terrible writer. IT CONFUSES THE HELL OUT OF ME what should i do
relax... everyone is both
I'm free!!! What should i do first??
just realized i don't really care about the thing i'm working on any more.  what do i do next?  options: 1. try to finish it up anyway 2. try to change it so i care about it again 3. show it to other people as a half baked object and move on 4. shelve it for later and move on 5. other?
all those options are fine, and hopefully at some point you will get a chance to try each one. which order you try them in almost doesn't matter
Is time passing by too slowly, or at the right speed?
at the right speed
I have to take a lot of phone calls and listen toa lot of voicemails for my work... and I think it's really funny that whenpeople leave a voicemail, almost everybody starts off by saying 'Yes' or 'Yeah'... like, every voicemail is always "Yes, hello, my name is John and I'm calling about...", or "Yeah, hi, my name is Jane and I was calling to ask if..."... I think it's something about leaving a voicemail that just compels people to start off with "yes" or "yeah" subconsciously??? I can't imagine I'd ever write that in a text message, "Yes, hi, what's going on? Wanna meet up for dinner later?"... Or even saying that in-person would feel silly... like being in the line at the grocery store and saying to the cashier "Yes, hi, have a nice day". Sorry, I don't really have a question. But I just noticed that this was a thing (I think I probably do it too if ever I leave a voicemail), and something about this I find to be very amusing... and I am using this questions page here just to write about my amusement.
the rabbit hole of speaking mannerisms, or for that matter written mannerisms, is perhaps deeper than you ever thought possible
oftentimes i'll check this place for updates and it'll seem to have been updated after midnight. do you enjoy staying up late or does it just kinda happen? i find the hours from about 1am to 4am to be rather peaceful.
i should point out that the clock is circular. furthermore, all times can be considered after midnight. specifically, the times you mentioned are in fact early
Have you broken into Area 51?
not that i recall
Have you ever flown a bird?
i was wondering if there are any genres you've considered writing in but haven't gotten to yet, or do you prefer to write without genre in mind?
the genres melted. they were apparently never un-melted, in fact they were pre-melted. the un-melted genre theory always seems to turn out to be a myth, the more you study the past, the future, or the present. i'm sorry to say
Why is it called the land of 2 letter words instead of "th la of 2 le wo" ?
like most things, it was named from the outside
Do you ever read poetry?
If yes, what is the most recent poem that you liked?
Do you enjoy thinking inside of a box or outside of a box better?
i like switching, not switching, and therefore, of course, switching between switching and not switching
What do you think makes something that you create art. Is simply creating it and putting "soul" into it enough ?
i can't think of a reason why you need to know whether it qualifies or not as art. in fact, it seems like it would be more fun to not be entirely sure
i wasn't good for a long time. then i became good through a revolution, for a good while. and now i'm kinda starting to be not good again .. not as bad as the beginning tho maybe, but still. I hoped the revolution would be it...
did you really never want the joy of doing another revolution
Is the grass ever greener?
what do I do if I can't whistle?
how about singing
is life just over?
What makes the guitar a guitar ?
the reflexive property of equality. but if that fails then you may have to do it yourself
You're already an official featured artist in Osu, but are you planning on or wanting to put yourself in other games?
yes i was thinking of putting myself in smash brothers
How does this work? What's the magic behind this website?
existence itself, in whose footsteps this site follows dilligently
How to make a tutorial
first you must make a tutorial tutorial
How to fight back that feeling that everything is fucked when nothing's even happened yet?
.......... do something
Hypothetically, if we were at a party, would you protect my drink? I feel like i could trust you with my life.
i would protect any drink that is reasonably within my sphere of influence
When did you learn to play the klak pak?
before it was called that
at what point does graffiti become vandalism? like how can it be super cool art while defacing someone's property? and i know it's an art style that isn't required to be painted illegally on public or private property, but that's what makes it super cool. i'm struggling to draw the line between cool thoughtful graffiti and public-nuisance vandalism, what do you think?
suddenly i am curious how you feel about tattoos, in a way, vandalizing yourself
i'm trying to make my own music but sometimes i fear that it sounds too much like another song. do you have any tips?
you might have to make it more ridiculous
do you dislike the idea of having a favorite thing in a category of whatever?
as long as the field itself is not something i specialize in, i probably wouldn't mind belittling it so
if you discovered a new element what would you name it
what's your favorite substitution for a curse word
how about sound design
Why do I constantly have the looming suspicion that I'm fucked?
this is to prepare you for the eventual spectacular realization that you might not be
So wait you mean there's ACTUALLY nothing wrong with me? But it's still ok if I think there IS something wrong with me, at least some of the time?
it's ok to think that sometimes
are you ethan hawke's son? you look JUST like him!
i am his parents
What's your favourite fruit?
how about blobs
in the beatle's "drive my car" does the line go "beep beep'm beep beep, yeah" or "beep beep, m'beep beep yeah"?
neither. it's sung, not typed
Why does my brain get scrambled when I try to sing and play guitar at the same time
because you haven't been doing it for long enough. i assume walking with both feet was a similar mindfuck at first
im stuck on endless cycle and i seriously dont know what i want to do, for example i want to do everything i want to be the best at everything its unrealistic tho and thats the best thing about it, part of my brain saying "your personality isnt good enough for you to do that" or no one will like your personality, while its true i have to accept that no one is perfect, but if i HAVE HAVE SO MANY VIDEO IDEAS ASO MANY TO THE POINT IM DYING INSIDE IF I DIDNT DO THEM, but the moment that i do, its worthless cus "is these videos gonna be my identify?' thats the question i asked everyday, not only i want to do videos but i also want to make games, but then my brain says "if you spent 3 or 2 years making a game well no onewill play it anyway or it wont be popular enough" i dont care about it butdeeply i do??? mpart of me REALLY wants to combine them both. releasing the videos as for training myself how to model and making music for the videos to train myself, and then if IF i have a community then maybe maybe they gonna like my video game? thats the best i could do, but again my brain says "identify" no one is gonna like yourself, am i perfect? do i have to do alot to push myself and be someone whom im not? as they fake it until you make it. sorry bill this is long rant but its attacking me.
ah yes, you have one of the self-melting brains. if only you knew how many people actually wish they had one of those. they think it would 1000x their prodoctivity. which it probably can, if you could only find a way to just keep it cool enough to survive
y'know how people say,"do whatever you want to do" and I think it's right but I'm so scared to do what I want to do because what if I fail and never achieve all that I wanted to because the success rate in that particular field I am interested is so....low. y'know what I mean? I don't want to just do what I want to do and achieve nothing...I want to make myself proud and my parents proud, sometimes.
nature tells us that there ought to be a unique solution to all this that will make you unmistakeably proud to be who you are
how does one start the content creation process?
you're going through life and then you suddenly think of something cool (or not cool, whatever floats your boat), then you clamour to quickly make a brief note of such, and store it away for later access. here is where the process stops, for now. the next part of the process needs its own, totally separate, start. you have to have some kind of system whereby you decide how to decide which things, and when, to select, from the inventory of lightningbolts you've collected, and then of course once a thing is selected then you can get to work, and, like a doctor, sensibly nurture it and develop it into what it originally deserved to be, at the moment it struck
I was going to ask a question but I decided that I wouldn't and instead just tell you that I was going to. Sometimes the real question is the friends we made along the way
i understand
If a new month was added to the calendar, what would you name it?
Would you ever make your own school?
hi how do i become less annoying
you'll have to start being annoyed by somebody else
Can you remember any dreams you had recently?
someone was asking me what my favorite ice creap shop was in africa before they closed down cairo
Do you have any tips for hand independence on the piano?
no, i actually think, for best musical results, your hands should have a very deep dependence on each other
what are some book recommendations
take a look at how the book is physically constructed
were you home schooled?
i was schooled in the work place
Do people actually read these?
yes, except not you
When will the counterpart to the ground plane, the beloved sky train, appear in your work?
that is not the counterpart to the ground plane, i have no such song and if i did it would not be the counterpart to the ground plane song. there are 2 accidental counterparts to the ground plane song, and that would be "i'm scared" in which the chorus has a sort of similar climactic method to finish the chorus, because they were written around the same time, and the other is an alternate version of the "goodbye" section of "where i've been", which accidentally sounded too similar to the Ab and Db stretch of ground plane
would you join the freemasonry?
maybe just so i could quit
studying all the music these musicians make makes me feel like an ant among giants, how do i overcome this feeling
i don't know, but they are not really giants. i personally have never had this feeling, so this is probably not very convincing advice