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Unsupervised Occupancy Learning from Sparse Point Cloud
Amine Ouasfi, Adnane Boukhayma
Implicit Neural Representations have gained prominence as a powerful framework for capturing complex data modalities encompassing a wide range from 3D shapes to images and audio. Within the realm of 3D shape representation Neural Signed Distance Functions (SDF) have demonstrated remarkable potential in faithfully encoding intricate shape geometry. However learning SDFs from 3D point clouds in the absence of ground truth supervision remains a very challenging task. In this paper we propose a method to infer occupancy fields instead of SDFs as they are easier to learn from sparse inputs. We leverage a margin-based uncertainty measure to differentiably sample from the decision boundary of the occupancy function and supervise the sampled boundary points using the input point cloud. We further stabilise the optimization process at the early stages of the training by biasing the occupancy function towards minimal entropy fields while maximizing its entropy at the input point cloud. Through extensive experiments and evaluations we illustrate the efficacy of our proposed method highlighting its capacity to improve implicit shape inference with respect to baselines and the state-of-the-art using synthetic and real data.
Extreme Point Supervised Instance Segmentation
Hyeonjun Lee, Sehyun Hwang, Suha Kwak
This paper introduces a novel approach to learning instance segmentation using extreme points i.e. the topmost leftmost bottommost and rightmost points of each object. These points are readily available in the modern bounding box annotation process while offering strong clues for precise segmentation and thus allows to improve performance at the same annotation cost with box-supervised methods. Our work considers extreme points as a part of the true instance mask and propagates them to identify potential foreground and background points which are all together used for training a pseudo label generator. Then pseudo labels given by the generator are in turn used for supervised learning of our final model. On three public benchmarks our method significantly outperforms existing box-supervised methods further narrowing the gap with its fully supervised counterpart. In particular our model generates high-quality masks when a target object is separated into multiple parts where previous box-supervised methods often fail.
3DInAction: Understanding Human Actions in 3D Point Clouds
Yizhak Ben-Shabat, Oren Shrout, Stephen Gould
We propose a novel method for 3D point cloud action recognition. Understanding human actions in RGB videos has been widely studied in recent years however its 3D point cloud counterpart remains under-explored despite the clear value that 3D information may bring. This is mostly due to the inherent limitation of the point cloud data modality---lack of structure permutation invariance and varying number of points---which makes it difficult to learn a spatio-temporal representation. To address this limitation we propose the 3DinAction pipeline that first estimates patches moving in time (t-patches) as a key building block alongside a hierarchical architecture that learns an informative spatio-temporal representation. We show that our method achieves improved performance on existing datasets including DFAUST and IKEA ASM. Code is publicly available at https://github.com/sitzikbs/3dincaction
Cache Me if You Can: Accelerating Diffusion Models through Block Caching
Felix Wimbauer, Bichen Wu, Edgar Schoenfeld, Xiaoliang Dai, Ji Hou, Zijian He, Artsiom Sanakoyeu, Peizhao Zhang, Sam Tsai, Jonas Kohler, Christian Rupprecht, Daniel Cremers, Peter Vajda, Jialiang Wang
Diffusion models have recently revolutionized the field of image synthesis due to their ability to generate photorealistic images. However one of the major drawbacks of diffusion models is that the image generation process is costly. A large image-to-image network has to be applied many times to iteratively refine an image from random noise. While many recent works propose techniques to reduce the number of required steps they generally treat the underlying denoising network as a black box. In this work we investigate the behavior of the layers within the network and find that 1) the layers' output changes smoothly over time 2) the layers show distinct patterns of change and 3) the change from step to step is often very small. We hypothesize that many layer computations in the denoising network are redundant. Leveraging this we introduce Block Caching in which we reuse outputs from layer blocks of previous steps to speed up inference. Furthermore we propose a technique to automatically determine caching schedules based on each block's changes over timesteps. In our experiments we show through FID human evaluation and qualitative analysis that Block Caching allows to generate images with higher visual quality at the same computational cost. We demonstrate this for different state-of-the-art models (LDM and EMU) and solvers (DDIM and DPM).
MedM2G: Unifying Medical Multi-Modal Generation via Cross-Guided Diffusion with Visual Invariant
Chenlu Zhan, Yu Lin, Gaoang Wang, Hongwei Wang, Jian Wu
Medical generative models acknowledged for their high-quality sample generation ability have accelerated the fast growth of medical applications. However recent works concentrate on separate medical generation models for distinct medical tasks and are restricted to inadequate medical multi-modal knowledge constraining medical comprehensive diagnosis. In this paper we propose MedM2G a Medical Multi-Modal Generative framework with the key innovation to align extract and generate medical multi-modal within a unified model. Extending beyond single or two medical modalities we efficiently align medical multi-modal through the central alignment approach in the unified space. Significantly our framework extracts valuable clinical knowledge by preserving the medical visual invariant of each imaging modal thereby enhancing specific medical information for multi-modal generation. By conditioning the adaptive cross-guided parameters into the multi-flow diffusion framework our model promotes flexible interactions among medical multi-modal for generation. MedM2G is the first medical generative model that unifies medical generation tasks of text-to-image image-to-text and unified generation of medical modalities (CT MRI X-ray). It performs 5 medical generation tasks across 10 datasets consistently outperforming various state-of-the-art works.
SDDGR: Stable Diffusion-based Deep Generative Replay for Class Incremental Object Detection
Junsu Kim, Hoseong Cho, Jihyeon Kim, Yihalem Yimolal Tiruneh, Seungryul Baek
In the field of class incremental learning (CIL) generative replay has become increasingly prominent as a method to mitigate the catastrophic forgetting alongside the continuous improvements in generative models. However its application in class incremental object detection (CIOD) has been significantly limited primarily due to the complexities of scenes involving multiple labels. In this paper we propose a novel approach called stable diffusion deep generative replay (SDDGR) for CIOD. Our method utilizes a diffusion-based generative model with pre-trained text-to-image diffusion networks to generate realistic and diverse synthetic images. SDDGR incorporates an iterative refinement strategy to produce high-quality images encompassing old classes. Additionally we adopt an L2 knowledge distillation technique to improve the retention of prior knowledge in synthetic images. Furthermore our approach includes pseudo-labeling for old objects within new task images preventing misclassification as background elements. Extensive experiments on the COCO 2017 dataset demonstrate that SDDGR significantly outperforms existing algorithms achieving a new state-of-the-art in various CIOD scenarios.
Neural Parametric Gaussians for Monocular Non-Rigid Object Reconstruction
Devikalyan Das, Christopher Wewer, Raza Yunus, Eddy Ilg, Jan Eric Lenssen
Reconstructing dynamic objects from monocular videos is a severely underconstrained and challenging problem and recent work has approached it in various directions. However owing to the ill-posed nature of this problem there has been no solution that can provide consistent high-quality novel views from camera positions that are significantly different from the training views. In this work we introduce Neural Parametric Gaussians (NPGs) to take on this challenge by imposing a two-stage approach: first we fit a low-rank neural deformation model which then is used as regularization for non-rigid reconstruction in the second stage. The first stage learns the object's deformations such that it preserves consistency in novel views. The second stage obtains high reconstruction quality by optimizing 3D Gaussians that are driven by the coarse model. To this end we introduce a local 3D Gaussian representation where temporally shared Gaussians are anchored in and deformed by local oriented volumes. The resulting combined model can be rendered as radiance fields resulting in high-quality photo-realistic reconstructions of the non-rigidly deforming objects. We demonstrate that NPGs achieve superior results compared to previous works especially in challenging scenarios with few multi-view cues.
Physical 3D Adversarial Attacks against Monocular Depth Estimation in Autonomous Driving
Junhao Zheng, Chenhao Lin, Jiahao Sun, Zhengyu Zhao, Qian Li, Chao Shen
Deep learning-based monocular depth estimation (MDE) extensively applied in autonomous driving is known to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Previous physical attacks against MDE models rely on 2D adversarial patches so they only affect a small localized region in the MDE map but fail under various viewpoints. To address these limitations we propose 3D Depth Fool (3D^2Fool) the first 3D texture-based adversarial attack against MDE models. 3D^2Fool is specifically optimized to generate 3D adversarial textures agnostic to model types of vehicles and to have improved robustness in bad weather conditions such as rain and fog. Experimental results validate the superior performance of our 3D^2Fool across various scenarios including vehicles MDE models weather conditions and viewpoints. Real-world experiments with printed 3D textures on physical vehicle models further demonstrate that our 3D^2Fool can cause an MDE error of over 10 meters.
Adaptive Random Feature Regularization on Fine-tuning Deep Neural Networks
Shin'ya Yamaguchi, Sekitoshi Kanai, Kazuki Adachi, Daiki Chijiwa
While fine-tuning is a de facto standard method for training deep neural networks it still suffers from overfitting when using small target datasets. Previous methods improve fine-tuning performance by maintaining knowledge of the source datasets or introducing regularization terms such as contrastive loss. However these methods require auxiliary source information (e.g. source labels or datasets) or heavy additional computations. In this paper we propose a simple method called adaptive random feature regularization (AdaRand). AdaRand helps the feature extractors of training models to adaptively change the distribution of feature vectors for downstream classification tasks without auxiliary source information and with reasonable computation costs. To this end AdaRand minimizes the gap between feature vectors and random reference vectors that are sampled from class conditional Gaussian distributions. Furthermore AdaRand dynamically updates the conditional distribution to follow the currently updated feature extractors and balance the distance between classes in feature spaces. Our experiments show that AdaRand outperforms the other fine-tuning regularization requiring auxiliary source information and heavy computation costs.
PH-Net: Semi-Supervised Breast Lesion Segmentation via Patch-wise Hardness
Siyao Jiang, Huisi Wu, Junyang Chen, Qin Zhang, Jing Qin
We present a novel semi-supervised framework for breast ultrasound (BUS) image segmentation which is a very challenging task owing to (1) large scale and shape variations of breast lesions and (2) extremely ambiguous boundaries caused by massive speckle noise and artifacts in BUS images. While existing models achieved certain progress in this task we believe the main bottleneck nowadays for further improvement is that we still cannot deal with hard cases well. Our framework aims to break through this bottleneck which includes two innovative components: an adaptive patch augmentation scheme and a hard-patch contrastive learning module. We first identify hard patches by computing the average entropy of each patch and then shield hard patches to prevent them from being cropped out while performing random patch cutmix. Such a scheme is able to prevent hard regions from being inadequately trained under strong augmentation. We further develop a new hard-patch contrastive learning algorithm to direct model attention to hard regions by applying extra contrast to pixels in hard patches further improving segmentation performance on hard cases. We demonstrate the superiority of our framework to state-of-the-art approaches on two famous BUS datasets achieving better performance under different labeling conditions. The code is available at https://github.com/jjjsyyy/PH-Net.
Multimodal Prompt Perceiver: Empower Adaptiveness Generalizability and Fidelity for All-in-One Image Restoration
Yuang Ai, Huaibo Huang, Xiaoqiang Zhou, Jiexiang Wang, Ran He
Despite substantial progress all-in-one image restoration (IR) grapples with persistent challenges in handling intricate real-world degradations. This paper introduces MPerceiver: a novel multimodal prompt learning approach that harnesses Stable Diffusion (SD) priors to enhance adaptiveness generalizability and fidelity for all-in-one image restoration. Specifically we develop a dual-branch module to master two types of SD prompts: textual for holistic representation and visual for multiscale detail representation. Both prompts are dynamically adjusted by degradation predictions from the CLIP image encoder enabling adaptive responses to diverse unknown degradations. Moreover a plug-in detail refinement module improves restoration fidelity via direct encoder-to-decoder information transformation. To assess our method MPerceiver is trained on 9 tasks for all-in-one IR and outperforms state-of-the-art task-specific methods across many tasks. Post multitask pre-training MPerceiver attains a generalized representation in low-level vision exhibiting remarkable zero-shot and few-shot capabilities in unseen tasks. Extensive experiments on 16 IR tasks underscore the superiority of MPerceiver in terms of adaptiveness generalizability and fidelity.
ExACT: Language-guided Conceptual Reasoning and Uncertainty Estimation for Event-based Action Recognition and More
Jiazhou Zhou, Xu Zheng, Yuanhuiyi Lyu, Lin Wang
Event cameras have recently been shown beneficial for practical vision tasks such as action recognition thanks to their high temporal resolution power efficiency and reduced privacy concerns. However current research is hindered by 1) the difficulty in processing events because of their prolonged duration and dynamic actions with complex and ambiguous semantics and 2) the redundant action depiction of the event frame representation with fixed stacks. We find language naturally conveys abundant semantic information rendering it stunningly superior in reducing semantic uncertainty. In light of this we propose ExACT a novel approach that for the first time tackles event-based action recognition from a cross-modal conceptualizing perspective. Our ExACT brings two technical contributions. Firstly we propose an adaptive fine-grained event (AFE) representation to adaptively filter out the repeated events for the stationary objects while preserving dynamic ones. This subtly enhances the performance of ExACT without extra computational cost. Then we propose a conceptual reasoning-based uncertainty estimation module which simulates the recognition process to enrich the semantic representation. In particular conceptual reasoning builds the temporal relation based on the action semantics and uncertainty estimation tackles the semantic uncertainty of actions based on the distributional representation. Experiments show that our ExACT achieves superior recognition accuracy of 94.83%(+2.23%) 90.10%(+37.47%) and 67.24% on PAF HARDVS and our SeAct datasets respectively.
Color Shift Estimation-and-Correction for Image Enhancement
Yiyu Li, Ke Xu, Gerhard Petrus Hancke, Rynson W.H. Lau
Images captured under sub-optimal illumination conditions may contain both over- and under-exposures. We observe that over- and over-exposed regions display opposite color tone distribution shifts which may not be easily normalized in joint modeling as they usually do not have "normal-exposed" regions/pixels as reference. In this paper we propose a novel method to enhance images with both over- and under-exposures by learning to estimate and correct such color shifts. Specifically we first derive the color feature maps of the brightened and darkened versions of the input image via a UNet-based network followed by a pseudo-normal feature generator to produce pseudo-normal color feature maps. We then propose a novel COlor Shift Estimation (COSE) module to estimate the color shifts between the derived brightened (or darkened) color feature maps and the pseudo-normal color feature maps. The COSE module corrects the estimated color shifts of the over- and under-exposed regions separately. We further propose a novel COlor MOdulation (COMO) module to modulate the separately corrected colors in the over- and under-exposed regions to produce the enhanced image. Comprehensive experiments show that our method outperforms existing approaches.
Improving Visual Recognition with Hyperbolical Visual Hierarchy Mapping
Hyeongjun Kwon, Jinhyun Jang, Jin Kim, Kwonyoung Kim, Kwanghoon Sohn
Visual scenes are naturally organized in a hierarchy where a coarse semantic is recursively comprised of several fine details. Exploring such a visual hierarchy is crucial to recognize the complex relations of visual elements leading to a comprehensive scene understanding. In this paper we propose a Visual Hierarchy Mapper (Hi-Mapper) a novel approach for enhancing the structured understanding of the pre-trained Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Hi-Mapper investigates the hierarchical organization of the visual scene by 1) pre-defining a hierarchy tree through the encapsulation of probability densities; and 2) learning the hierarchical relations in hyperbolic space with a novel hierarchical contrastive loss. The pre-defined hierarchy tree recursively interacts with the visual features of the pre-trained DNNs through hierarchy decomposition and encoding procedures thereby effectively identifying the visual hierarchy and enhancing the recognition of an entire scene. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Hi-Mapper significantly enhances the representation capability of DNNs leading to an improved performance on various tasks including image classification and dense prediction tasks.
ParameterNet: Parameters Are All You Need for Large-scale Visual Pretraining of Mobile Networks
Kai Han, Yunhe Wang, Jianyuan Guo, Enhua Wu
The large-scale visual pretraining has significantly improve the performance of large vision models. However we observe the low FLOPs pitfall that the existing low-FLOPs models cannot benefit from large-scale pretraining. In this paper we introduce a novel design principle termed ParameterNet aimed at augmenting the number of parameters in large-scale visual pretraining models while minimizing the increase in FLOPs. We leverage dynamic convolutions to incorporate additional parameters into the networks with only a marginal rise in FLOPs. The ParameterNet approach allows low-FLOPs networks to take advantage of large-scale visual pretraining. Furthermore we extend the ParameterNet concept to the language domain to enhance inference results while preserving inference speed. Experiments on the large-scale ImageNet-22K have shown the superiority of our ParameterNet scheme. For example ParameterNet-600M can achieve higher accuracy than the widely-used Swin Transformer (81.6% vs. 80.9%) and has much lower FLOPs (0.6G vs. 4.5G). The code will be released at https://parameternet.github.io/.
Repurposing Diffusion-Based Image Generators for Monocular Depth Estimation
Bingxin Ke, Anton Obukhov, Shengyu Huang, Nando Metzger, Rodrigo Caye Daudt, Konrad Schindler
Monocular depth estimation is a fundamental computer vision task. Recovering 3D depth from a single image is geometrically ill-posed and requires scene understanding so it is not surprising that the rise of deep learning has led to a breakthrough. The impressive progress of monocular depth estimators has mirrored the growth in model capacity from relatively modest CNNs to large Transformer architectures. Still monocular depth estimators tend to struggle when presented with images with unfamiliar content and layout since their knowledge of the visual world is restricted by the data seen during training and challenged by zero-shot generalization to new domains. This motivates us to explore whether the extensive priors captured in recent generative diffusion models can enable better more generalizable depth estimation. We introduce Marigold a method for affine-invariant monocular depth estimation that is derived from Stable Diffusion and retains its rich prior knowledge. The estimator can be fine-tuned in a couple of days on a single GPU using only synthetic training data. It delivers state-of-the-art performance across a wide range of datasets including over 20% performance gains in specific cases. Project page: https://marigoldmonodepth.github.io.
Identifying Important Group of Pixels using Interactions
Kosuke Sumiyasu, Kazuhiko Kawamoto, Hiroshi Kera
To better understand the behavior of image classifiers it is useful to visualize the contribution of individual pixels to the model prediction. In this study we propose a method MoXI(Model eXplanation by Interactions) that efficiently and accurately identifies a group of pixels with high prediction confidence. The proposed method employs game-theoretic concepts Shapley values and interactions taking into account the effects of individual pixels and the cooperative influence of pixels on model confidence. Theoretical analysis and experiments demonstrate that our method better identifies the pixels that are highly contributing to the model outputs than widely-used by Grad-CAM Attention rollout and Shapley value. While prior studies have suffered from the exponential computational cost in the computation of Shapley value and interactions we show that this can be reduced to quadratic cost for our task. The code is available at https://github.com/KosukeSumiyasu/MoXI.
Towards Scalable 3D Anomaly Detection and Localization: A Benchmark via 3D Anomaly Synthesis and A Self-Supervised Learning Network
Wenqiao Li, Xiaohao Xu, Yao Gu, Bozhong Zheng, Shenghua Gao, Yingna Wu
Recently 3D anomaly detection a crucial problem involving fine-grained geometry discrimination is getting more attention. However the lack of abundant real 3D anomaly data limits the scalability of current models. To enable scalable anomaly data collection we propose a 3D anomaly synthesis pipeline to adapt existing large-scale 3D models for 3D anomaly detection. Specifically we construct a synthetic dataset i.e. Anomaly-ShapeNet based on ShapeNet. Anomaly-ShapeNet consists of 1600 point cloud samples under 40 categories which provides a rich and varied collection of data enabling efficient training and enhancing adaptability to industrial scenarios. Meanwhile to enable scalable representation learning for 3D anomaly localization we propose a self-supervised method i.e. Iterative Mask Reconstruction Network (IMRNet). During training we propose a geometry-aware sample module to preserve potentially anomalous local regions during point cloud down-sampling. Then we randomly mask out point patches and sent the visible patches to a transformer for reconstruction-based self-supervision. During testing the point cloud repeatedly goes through the Mask Reconstruction Network with each iteration's output becoming the next input. By merging and contrasting the final reconstructed point cloud with the initial input our method successfully locates anomalies. Experiments show that IMRNet outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods achieving 66.1% in I-AUC on our Anomaly-ShapeNet dataset and 72.5% in I-AUC on Real3D-AD dataset. Our benchmark will be released at https://github.com/Chopper233/Anomaly-ShapeNet.
Cam4DOcc: Benchmark for Camera-Only 4D Occupancy Forecasting in Autonomous Driving Applications
Junyi Ma, Xieyuanli Chen, Jiawei Huang, Jingyi Xu, Zhen Luo, Jintao Xu, Weihao Gu, Rui Ai, Hesheng Wang
Understanding how the surrounding environment changes is crucial for performing downstream tasks safely and reliably in autonomous driving applications. Recent occupancy estimation techniques using only camera images as input can provide dense occupancy representations of large-scale scenes based on the current observation. However they are mostly limited to representing the current 3D space and do not consider the future state of surrounding objects along the time axis. To extend camera-only occupancy estimation into spatiotemporal prediction we propose Cam4DOcc a new benchmark for camera-only 4D occupancy forecasting evaluating the surrounding scene changes in a near future. We build our benchmark based on multiple publicly available datasets including nuScenes nuScenes-Occupancy and Lyft-Level5 which provides sequential occupancy states of general movable and static objects as well as their 3D backward centripetal flow. To establish this benchmark for future research with comprehensive comparisons we introduce four baseline types from diverse camera-based perception and prediction implementations including a static-world occupancy model voxelization of point cloud prediction 2D-3D instance-based prediction and our proposed novel end-to-end 4D occupancy forecasting network. Furthermore the standardized evaluation protocol for preset multiple tasks is also provided to compare the performance of all the proposed baselines on present and future occupancy estimation with respect to objects of interest in autonomous driving scenarios. The dataset and our implementation of all four baselines in the proposed Cam4DOcc benchmark are released as open source at https://github.com/haomo-ai/Cam4DOcc.
DIOD: Self-Distillation Meets Object Discovery
Sandra Kara, Hejer Ammar, Julien Denize, Florian Chabot, Quoc-Cuong Pham
Instance segmentation demands substantial labeling resources. This has prompted increased interest to explore the object discovery task as an unsupervised alternative. In particular promising results were achieved in localizing instances using motion supervision only. However the motion signal introduces complexities due to its inherent noise and sparsity which constrains the effectiveness of current methodologies. In the present paper we propose DIOD (self DIstillation meets Object Discovery) the first method that places the motion-guided object discovery within a framework of continuous improvement through knowledge distillation providing solutions to existing limitations (i) DIOD robustly eliminates the noise present in the exploited motion maps providing accurate motion-supervision (ii) DIOD leverages the discovered objects within an iterative pseudo-labeling framework enriching the initial motion-supervision with static objects which results in a cost-efficient increase in performance. Through experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets we demonstrate the benefits of bridging the gap between object discovery and distillation by significantly improving the state-of-the-art. This enhancement is also sustained across other demanding metrics so far reserved for supervised tasks.
GoMAvatar: Efficient Animatable Human Modeling from Monocular Video Using Gaussians-on-Mesh
Jing Wen, Xiaoming Zhao, Zhongzheng Ren, Alexander G. Schwing, Shenlong Wang
We introduce GoMAvatar a novel approach for real-time memory-efficient high-quality animatable human modeling. GoMAvatar takes as input a single monocular video to create a digital avatar capable of re-articulation in new poses and real-time rendering from novel viewpoints while seamlessly integrating with rasterization-based graphics pipelines. Central to our method is the Gaussians-on-Mesh (GoM) representation a hybrid 3D model combining rendering quality and speed of Gaussian splatting with geometry modeling and compatibility of deformable meshes. We assess GoMAvatar on ZJU-MoCap PeopleSnapshot and various YouTube videos. GoMAvatar matches or surpasses current monocular human modeling algorithms in rendering quality and significantly outperforms them in computational efficiency (43 FPS) while being memory-efficient (3.63 MB per subject).
Neural Redshift: Random Networks are not Random Functions
Damien Teney, Armand Mihai Nicolicioiu, Valentin Hartmann, Ehsan Abbasnejad
Our understanding of the generalization capabilities of neural networks NNs is still incomplete. Prevailing explanations are based on implicit biases of gradient descent GD but they cannot account for the capabilities of models from gradientfree methods nor the simplicity bias recently observed in untrained networks This paper seeks other sources of generalization in NNs. To understand the inductive biases provided by architectures independently from GD we examine untrained randomweight networks Even simple MLPs show strong inductive biases uniform sampling in weight space yields a very biased distribution of functions in terms of complexity But unlike common wisdom NNs do not have an inherent simplicity bias This property depends on components such as ReLUs residual connections and layer normalizations Alternative architectures can be built with a bias for any level of complexity. Transformers also inherit all these properties from their building blocks. We provide a fresh explanation for the success of deep learning independent from gradientbased training It points at promising avenues for controlling the solutions implemented by trained models.
HumanGaussian: Text-Driven 3D Human Generation with Gaussian Splatting
Xian Liu, Xiaohang Zhan, Jiaxiang Tang, Ying Shan, Gang Zeng, Dahua Lin, Xihui Liu, Ziwei Liu
Realistic 3D human generation from text prompts is a desirable yet challenging task. Existing methods optimize 3D representations like mesh or neural fields via score distillation sampling (SDS) which suffers from inadequate fine details or excessive training time. In this paper we propose an efficient yet effective framework HumanGaussian that generates high-quality 3D humans with fine-grained geometry and realistic appearance. Our key insight is that 3D Gaussian Splatting is an efficient renderer with periodic Gaussian shrinkage or growing where such adaptive density control can be naturally guided by intrinsic human structures. Specifically 1) we first propose a Structure-Aware SDS that simultaneously optimizes human appearance and geometry. The multi-modal score function from both RGB and depth space is leveraged to distill the Gaussian densification and pruning process. 2) Moreover we devise an Annealed Negative Prompt Guidance by decomposing SDS into a noisier generative score and a cleaner classifier score which well addresses the over-saturation issue. The floating artifacts are further eliminated based on Gaussian size in a prune-only phase to enhance generation smoothness. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior efficiency and competitive quality of our framework rendering vivid 3D humans under diverse scenarios.
DIEM: Decomposition-Integration Enhancing Multimodal Insights
Xinyi Jiang, Guoming Wang, Junhao Guo, Juncheng Li, Wenqiao Zhang, Rongxing Lu, Siliang Tang
In image question answering due to the abundant and sometimes redundant information precisely matching and integrating the information from both text and images is a challenge. In this paper we propose the Decomposition-Integration Enhancing Multimodal Insight (DIEM) which initially decomposes the given question and image into multiple subquestions and several sub-images aiming to isolate specific elements for more focused analysis. We then integrate these sub-elements by matching each subquestion with its relevant sub-images while also retaining the original image to construct a comprehensive answer to the original question without losing sight of the overall context. This strategy mirrors the human cognitive process of simplifying complex problems into smaller components for individual analysis followed by an integration of these insights. We implement DIEM on the LLaVA-v1.5 model and evaluate its performance on ScienceQA and MM-Vet. Experimental results indicate that our method boosts accuracy in most question classes of the ScienceQA (+2.03% in average) especially in the image modality (+3.40%). On MM-Vet our method achieves an improvement in MM-Vet scores increasing from 31.1 to 32.4. These findings highlight DIEM's effectiveness in harmonizing the complexities of multimodal data demonstrating its ability to enhance accuracy and depth in image question answering through its decomposition-integration process.
CosmicMan: A Text-to-Image Foundation Model for Humans
Shikai Li, Jianglin Fu, Kaiyuan Liu, Wentao Wang, Kwan-Yee Lin, Wayne Wu
We present CosmicMan a text-to-image foundation model specialized for generating high-fidelity human images. Unlike current general-purpose foundation models that are stuck in the dilemma of inferior quality and text-image misalignment for humans CosmicMan enables generating photo-realistic human images with meticulous appearance reasonable structure and precise text-image alignment with detailed dense descriptions. At the heart of CosmicMan's success are the new reflections and perspectives on data and models: (1) We found that data quality and a scalable data production flow are essential for the final results from trained models. Hence we propose a new data production paradigm Annotate Anyone which serves as a perpetual data flywheel to produce high-quality data with accurate yet cost-effective annotations over time. Based on this we constructed a large-scale dataset CosmicMan-HQ 1.0 with 6 Million high-quality real-world human images in a mean resolution of 1488x1255 and attached with precise text annotations deriving from 115 Million attributes in diverse granularities. (2) We argue that a text-to-image foundation model specialized for humans must be pragmatic - easy to integrate into down-streaming tasks while effective in producing high-quality human images. Hence we propose to model the relationship between dense text descriptions and image pixels in a decomposed manner and present Decomposed-Attention-Refocusing (Daring) training framework. It seamlessly decomposes the cross-attention features in existing text-to-image diffusion model and enforces attention refocusing without adding extra modules. Through Daring we show that explicitly discretizing continuous text space into several basic groups that align with human body structure is the key to tackling the misalignment problem in a breeze. Project page: https://cosmicman-cvpr2024.github.io/.
LLMs are Good Sign Language Translators
Jia Gong, Lin Geng Foo, Yixuan He, Hossein Rahmani, Jun Liu
Sign Language Translation (SLT) is a challenging task that aims to translate sign videos into spoken language. Inspired by the strong translation capabilities of large language models (LLMs) that are trained on extensive multilingual text corpora we aim to harness off-the-shelf LLMs to handle SLT. In this paper we regularize the sign videos to embody linguistic characteristics of spoken language and propose a novel SignLLM framework to transform sign videos into a language-like representation for improved readability by off-the-shelf LLMs. SignLLM comprises two key modules: (1) The Vector-Quantized Visual Sign module converts sign videos into a sequence of discrete character-level sign tokens and (2) the Codebook Reconstruction and Alignment module converts these character-level tokens into word-level sign representations using an optimal transport formulation. A sign-text alignment loss further bridges the gap between sign and text tokens enhancing semantic compatibility. We achieve state-of-the-art gloss-free results on two widely-used SLT benchmarks.
Contrastive Pre-Training with Multi-View Fusion for No-Reference Point Cloud Quality Assessment
Ziyu Shan, Yujie Zhang, Qi Yang, Haichen Yang, Yiling Xu, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Xiaozhong Xu, Shan Liu
No-reference point cloud quality assessment (NR-PCQA) aims to automatically evaluate the perceptual quality of distorted point clouds without available reference which have achieved tremendous improvements due to the utilization of deep neural networks. However learning-based NR-PCQA methods suffer from the scarcity of labeled data and usually perform suboptimally in terms of generalization. To solve the problem we propose a novel contrastive pre-training framework tailored for PCQA (CoPA) which enables the pre-trained model to learn quality-aware representations from unlabeled data. To obtain anchors in the representation space we project point clouds with different distortions into images and randomly mix their local patches to form mixed images with multiple distortions. Utilizing the generated anchors we constrain the pre-training process via a quality-aware contrastive loss following the philosophy that perceptual quality is closely related to both content and distortion. Furthermore in the model fine-tuning stage we propose a semantic-guided multi-view fusion module to effectively integrate the features of projected images from multiple perspectives. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art PCQA methods on popular benchmarks. Further investigations demonstrate that CoPA can also benefit existing learning-based PCQA models.
JDEC: JPEG Decoding via Enhanced Continuous Cosine Coefficients
Woo Kyoung Han, Sunghoon Im, Jaedeok Kim, Kyong Hwan Jin
We propose a practical approach to JPEG image decoding utilizing a local implicit neural representation with continuous cosine formulation. The JPEG algorithm significantly quantizes discrete cosine transform (DCT) spectra to achieve a high compression rate inevitably resulting in quality degradation while encoding an image. We have designed a continuous cosine spectrum estimator to address the quality degradation issue that restores the distorted spectrum. By leveraging local DCT formulations our network has the privilege to exploit dequantization and upsampling simultaneously. Our proposed model enables decoding compressed images directly across different quality factors using a single pre-trained model without relying on a conventional JPEG decoder. As a result our proposed network achieves state-of-the-art performance in flexible color image JPEG artifact removal tasks. Our source code is available at https://github.com/WooKyoungHan/JDEC
Revisiting the Domain Shift and Sample Uncertainty in Multi-source Active Domain Transfer
Wenqiao Zhang, Zheqi Lv, Hao Zhou, Jia-Wei Liu, Juncheng Li, Mengze Li, Yunfei Li, Dongping Zhang, Yueting Zhuang, Siliang Tang
Active Domain Adaptation (ADA) aims to maximally boost model adaptation in a new target domain by actively selecting a limited number of target data to annotate. This setting neglects the more practical scenario where training data are collected from multiple sources. This motivates us to extend ADA from a single source domain to multiple source domains termed Multi-source Active Domain Adaptation (MADA). Not surprisingly we find that most traditional ADA methods cannot work directly in such a setting mainly due to the excessive domain gap introduced by all the source domains. Considering this we propose a Detective framework that comprehensively considers the domain shift between multi-source domains and target domains to detect the informative target samples. Specifically the Detective leverages a dynamic Domain Adaptation (DA) model that learns how to adapt the model's parameters to fit the union of multi-source domains. This enables an approximate single-source domain modeling by the dynamic model. We then comprehensively measure both domain uncertainty and predictive uncertainty in the target domain to detect informative target samples using evidential deep learning thereby mitigating uncertainty miscalibration. Experiments demonstrate that our solution outperforms existing methods by a considerable margin on three domain adaptation benchmarks.
Learning Continual Compatible Representation for Re-indexing Free Lifelong Person Re-identification
Zhenyu Cui, Jiahuan Zhou, Xun Wang, Manyu Zhu, Yuxin Peng
Lifelong Person Re-identification (L-ReID) aims to learn from sequentially collected data to match a person across different scenes. Once an L-ReID model is updated using new data all historical images in the gallery are required to be re-calculated to obtain new features for testing known as "re-indexing". However it is infeasible when raw images in the gallery are unavailable due to data privacy concerns resulting in incompatible retrieval between the query and the gallery features calculated by different models which causes significant performance degradation. In this paper we focus on a new task called Re-indexing Free Lifelong Person Re-identification (RFL-ReID) which requires achieving effective L-ReID without re-indexing raw images in the gallery. To this end we propose a Continual Compatible Representation (C2R) method which facilitates the query feature calculated by the continuously updated model to effectively retrieve the gallery feature calculated by the old model in a compatible manner. Specifically we design a Continual Compatible Transfer (CCT) network to continuously transfer and consolidate the old gallery feature into the new feature space. Besides a Balanced Compatible Distillation module is introduced to achieve compatibility by aligning the transferred feature space with the new feature space. Finally a Balanced Anti-forgetting Distillation module is proposed to eliminate the accumulated forgetting of old knowledge during the continual compatible transfer. Extensive experiments on several benchmark L-ReID datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method against state-of-the-art methods for both RFL-ReID and L-ReID tasks. The source code of this paper is available at https://github.com/PKU-ICST-MIPL/C2R_CVPR2024.
Revisiting Spatial-Frequency Information Integration from a Hierarchical Perspective for Panchromatic and Multi-Spectral Image Fusion
Jiangtong Tan, Jie Huang, Naishan Zheng, Man Zhou, Keyu Yan, Danfeng Hong, Feng Zhao
Pan-sharpening is a super-resolution problem that essentially relies on spectra fusion of panchromatic (PAN) images and low-resolution multi-spectral (LRMS) images. The previous methods have validated the effectiveness of information fusion in the Fourier space of the whole image. However they haven't fully explored the Fourier relationships at different hierarchies between PAN and LRMS images. To this end we propose a Hierarchical Frequency Integration Network (HFIN) to facilitate hierarchical Fourier information integration for pan-sharpening. Specifically our network consists of two designs: information stratification and information integration. For information stratification we hierarchically decompose PAN and LRMS information into spatial global Fourier and local Fourier information and fuse them independently. For information integration the above hierarchical fused information is processed to further enhance their relationships and undergo comprehensive integration. Our method extend a new space for exploring the relationships of PAN and LRMS images enhancing the integration of spatial-frequency information. Extensive experiments robustly validate the effectiveness of the proposed network showcasing its superior performance compared to other state-of-the-art methods and generalization in real-world scenes and other fusion tasks as a general image fusion framework. Code is available at https://github.com/JosephTiTan/HFIN.
BSNet: Box-Supervised Simulation-assisted Mean Teacher for 3D Instance Segmentation
Jiahao Lu, Jiacheng Deng, Tianzhu Zhang
3D instance segmentation (3DIS) is a crucial task but point-level annotations are tedious in fully supervised settings. Thus using bounding boxes (bboxes) as annotations has shown great potential. The current mainstream approach is a two-step process involving the generation of pseudo-labels from box annotations and the training of a 3DIS network with the pseudo-labels. However due to the presence of intersections among bboxes not every point has a determined instance label especially in overlapping areas. To generate higher quality pseudo-labels and achieve more precise weakly supervised 3DIS results we propose the Box-Supervised Simulation-assisted Mean Teacher for 3D Instance Segmentation (BSNet) which devises a novel pseudo-labeler called Simulation-assisted Transformer. The labeler consists of two main components. The first is Simulation-assisted Mean Teacher which introduces Mean Teacher for the first time in this task and constructs simulated samples to assist the labeler in acquiring prior knowledge about overlapping areas. To better model local-global structure we also propose Local-Global Aware Attention as the decoder for teacher and student labelers. Extensive experiments conducted on the ScanNetV2 and S3DIS datasets verify the superiority of our designs.
Adaptive Slot Attention: Object Discovery with Dynamic Slot Number
Ke Fan, Zechen Bai, Tianjun Xiao, Tong He, Max Horn, Yanwei Fu, Francesco Locatello, Zheng Zhang
Object-centric learning (OCL) extracts the representation of objects with slots offering an exceptional blend of flexibility and interpretability for abstracting low-level perceptual features. A widely adopted method within OCL is slot attention which utilizes attention mechanisms to iteratively refine slot representations. However a major drawback of most object-centric models including slot attention is their reliance on predefining the number of slots. This not only necessitates prior knowledge of the dataset but also overlooks the inherent variability in the number of objects present in each instance. To overcome this fundamental limitation we present a novel complexity-aware object auto-encoder framework. Within this framework we introduce an adaptive slot attention (AdaSlot) mechanism that dynamically determines the optimal number of slots based on the content of the data. This is achieved by proposing a discrete slot sampling module that is responsible for selecting an appropriate number of slots from a candidate list. Furthermore we introduce a masked slot decoder that suppresses unselected slots during the decoding process. Our framework tested extensively on object discovery tasks with various datasets shows performance matching or exceeding top fixed-slot models. Moreover our analysis substantiates that our method exhibits the capability to dynamically adapt the slot number according to each instance's complexity offering the potential for further exploration in slot attention research. Project will be available at https://kfan21.github.io/AdaSlot/
CORES: Convolutional Response-based Score for Out-of-distribution Detection
Keke Tang, Chao Hou, Weilong Peng, Runnan Chen, Peican Zhu, Wenping Wang, Zhihong Tian
Deep neural networks (DNNs) often display overconfidence when encountering out-of-distribution (OOD) samples posing significant challenges in real-world applications. Capitalizing on the observation that responses on convolutional kernels are generally more pronounced for in-distribution (ID) samples than for OOD ones this paper proposes the COnvolutional REsponse-based Score (CORES) to exploit these discrepancies for OOD detection. Initially CORES delves into the extremities of convolutional responses by considering both their magnitude and the frequency of significant values. Moreover through backtracking from the most prominent predictions CORES effectively pinpoints sample-relevant kernels across different layers. These kernels which exhibit a strong correlation to input samples are integral to CORES's OOD detection capability. Comprehensive experiments across various ID and OOD settings demonstrate CORES's effectiveness in OOD detection and its superiority to the state-of-the-art methods.
Task-Driven Wavelets using Constrained Empirical Risk Minimization
Eric Marcus, Ray Sheombarsing, Jan-Jakob Sonke, Jonas Teuwen
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are widely used for their ability to effectively approximate large classes of functions. This flexibility however makes the strict enforcement of constraints on DNNs a difficult problem. In contexts where it is critical to limit the function space to which certain network components belong such as wavelets employed in Multi-Resolution Analysis (MRA) naive constraints via additional terms in the loss function are inadequate. To address this we introduce a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) wherein the convolutional filters are strictly constrained to be wavelets. This allows the filters to update to task-optimized wavelets during the training procedure. Our primary contribution lies in the rigorous formulation of these filters via a constrained empirical risk minimization framework thereby providing an exact mechanism to enforce these structural constraints. While our work is grounded in theory we investigate our approach empirically through applications in medical imaging particularly in the task of contour prediction around various organs achieving superior performance compared to baseline methods.
HOI-M^3: Capture Multiple Humans and Objects Interaction within Contextual Environment
Juze Zhang, Jingyan Zhang, Zining Song, Zhanhe Shi, Chengfeng Zhao, Ye Shi, Jingyi Yu, Lan Xu, Jingya Wang
Humans naturally interact with both others and the surrounding multiple objects engaging in various social activities. However recent advances in modeling human-object interactions mostly focus on perceiving isolated individuals and objects due to fundamental data scarcity. In this paper we introduce HOI-M^3 a novel large-scale dataset for modeling the interactions of Multiple huMans and Multiple objects. Notably it provides accurate 3D tracking for both humans and objects from dense RGB and object-mounted IMU inputs covering 199 sequences and 181M frames of diverse humans and objects under rich activities. With the unique HOI-M^3 dataset we introduce two novel data-driven tasks with companion strong baselines: monocular capture and unstructured generation of multiple human-object interactions. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our dataset is challenging and worthy of further research about multiple human-object interactions and behavior analysis. Our HOI-M^3 dataset corresponding codes and pre-trained models will be disseminated to the community for future research.
Interactive3D: Create What You Want by Interactive 3D Generation
Shaocong Dong, Lihe Ding, Zhanpeng Huang, Zibin Wang, Tianfan Xue, Dan Xu
3D object generation has undergone significant advancements yielding high-quality results. However fall short in achieving precise user control often yielding results that do not align with user expectations thus limiting their applicability. User-envisioning 3D object generation faces significant challenges in realizing its concepts using current generative models due to limited interaction capabilities. Existing methods mainly offer two approaches: (i) interpreting textual instructions with constrained controllability or (ii) reconstructing 3D objects from 2D images. Both of them limit customization to the confines of the 2D reference and potentially introduce undesirable artifacts during the 3D lifting process restricting the scope for direct and versatile 3D modifications. In this work we introduce Interactive3D an innovative framework for interactive 3D generation that grants users precise control over the generative process through extensive 3D interaction capabilities. Interactive3D is constructed in two cascading stages utilizing distinct 3D representations. The first stage employs Gaussian Splatting for direct user interaction allowing modifications and guidance of the generative direction at any intermediate step through (i) Adding and Removing components (ii) Deformable and Rigid Dragging (iii) Geometric Transformations and (iv) Semantic Editing. Subsequently the Gaussian splats are transformed into InstantNGP. We introduce a novel (v) Interactive Hash Refinement module to further add details and extract the geometry in the second stage. Our experiments demonstrate that proposed Interactive3D markedly improves the controllability and quality of 3D generation. Our project webpage is available at https://interactive-3d.github.io/.
DeiT-LT: Distillation Strikes Back for Vision Transformer Training on Long-Tailed Datasets
Harsh Rangwani, Pradipto Mondal, Mayank Mishra, Ashish Ramayee Asokan, R. Venkatesh Babu
Vision Transformer (ViT) has emerged as a prominent architecture for various computer vision tasks. In ViT we divide the input image into patch tokens and process them through a stack of self-attention blocks. However unlike Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) ViT's simple architecture has no informative inductive bias (e.g. locality etc.). Due to this ViT requires a large amount of data for pre-training. Various data-efficient approaches (DeiT) have been proposed to train ViT on balanced datasets effectively. However limited literature discusses the use of ViT for datasets with long-tailed imbalances. In this work we introduce DeiT-LT to tackle the problem of training ViTs from scratch on long-tailed datasets. In DeiT-LT we introduce an efficient and effective way of distillation from CNN via distillation \texttt DIST token by using out-of-distribution images and re-weighting the distillation loss to enhance focus on tail classes. This leads to the learning of local CNN-like features in early ViT blocks improving generalization for tail classes. Further to mitigate overfitting we propose distilling from a flat CNN teacher which leads to learning low-rank generalizable features for DIST tokens across all ViT blocks. With the proposed DeiT-LT scheme the distillation DIST token becomes an expert on the tail classes and the classifier CLS token becomes an expert on the head classes. The experts help to effectively learn features corresponding to both the majority and minority classes using a distinct set of tokens within the same ViT architecture. We show the effectiveness of DeiT-LT for training ViT from scratch on datasets ranging from small-scale CIFAR-10 LT to large-scale iNaturalist-2018. Project Page: https://rangwani-harsh.github.io/DeiT-LT.
Accurate Spatial Gene Expression Prediction by Integrating Multi-Resolution Features
Youngmin Chung, Ji Hun Ha, Kyeong Chan Im, Joo Sang Lee
Recent advancements in Spatial Transcriptomics (ST) technology have facilitated detailed gene expression analysis within tissue contexts. However the high costs and methodological limitations of ST necessitate a more robust predictive model. In response this paper introduces TRIPLEX a novel deep learning framework designed to predict spatial gene expression from Whole Slide Images (WSIs). TRIPLEX uniquely harnesses multi-resolution features capturing cellular morphology at individual spots the local context around these spots and the global tissue organization. By integrating these features through an effective fusion strategy TRIPLEX achieves accurate gene expression prediction. Our comprehensive benchmark study conducted on three public ST datasets and supplemented with Visium data from 10X Genomics demonstrates that TRIPLEX outperforms current state-of-the-art models in Mean Squared Error (MSE) Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC). The model's predictions align closely with ground truth gene expression profiles and tumor annotations underscoring TRIPLEX's potential in advancing cancer diagnosis and treatment.
FCS: Feature Calibration and Separation for Non-Exemplar Class Incremental Learning
Qiwei Li, Yuxin Peng, Jiahuan Zhou
Non-Exemplar Class Incremental Learning (NECIL) involves learning a classification model on a sequence of data without access to exemplars from previously encountered old classes. Such a stringent constraint always leads to catastrophic forgetting of the learned knowledge. Currently existing methods either employ knowledge distillation techniques or preserved class prototypes to sustain prior knowledge. However two critical issues still persist. On the one hand as the model is continually updated the preserved prototypes of old classes will inevitably derive from the suitable location in the feature space of the new model. On the other hand due to the lack of exemplars the features of new classes will take the place of similar old classes which breaks the classification boundary. To address these challenges we propose a Feature Calibration and Separation (FCS) method for NECIL. Our approach comprises a Feature Calibration Network (FCN) that adapts prototypes of old classes to the new model via optimal transport learning approximating the drift of prototypes caused by model evolution. Additionally we also propose a Prototype-Involved Contrastive Loss (PIC) that enhances feature separation among different classes. Specifically to mitigate the boundary distortion arising from the interplay of classes from different learning stages prototypes are involved in pushing the feature of new classes away from the old classes. Extensive experiments on three datasets with different settings have demonstrated the superiority of our FCS method against the state-of-the-art class incremental learning approaches. Code is available at https://github.com/zhoujiahuan1991/CVPR2024-FCS.
Task2Box: Box Embeddings for Modeling Asymmetric Task Relationships
Rangel Daroya, Aaron Sun, Subhransu Maji
Modeling and visualizing relationships between tasks or datasets is an important step towards solving various meta-tasks such as dataset discovery multi-tasking and transfer learning. However many relationships such as containment and transferability are naturally asymmetric and current approaches for representation and visualization (e.g. t-SNE) do not readily support this. We propose Task2Box an approach to represent tasks using box embeddings---axis-aligned hyperrectangles in low dimensional spaces---that can capture asymmetric relationships between them through volumetric overlaps. We show that Task2Box accurately predicts unseen hierarchical relationships between nodes in ImageNet and iNaturalist datasets as well as transferability between tasks in the Taskonomy benchmark. We also show that box embeddings estimated from task representations (e.g. CLIP Task2Vec or attribute based) can be used to predict relationships between unseen tasks more accurately than classifiers trained on the same representations as well as handcrafted asymmetric distances (e.g. KL divergence). This suggests that low-dimensional box embeddings can effectively capture these task relationships and have the added advantage of being interpretable. We use the approach to visualize relationships among publicly available image classification datasets on popular dataset hosting platform called Hugging Face.
Behind the Veil: Enhanced Indoor 3D Scene Reconstruction with Occluded Surfaces Completion
Su Sun, Cheng Zhao, Yuliang Guo, Ruoyu Wang, Xinyu Huang, Yingjie Victor Chen, Liu Ren
In this paper we present a novel indoor 3D reconstruction method with occluded surface completion given a sequence of depth readings. Prior state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods only focus on the reconstruction of the visible areas in a scene neglecting the invisible areas due to the occlusions e.g. the contact surface between furniture occluded wall and floor. Our method tackles the task of completing the occluded scene surfaces resulting in a complete 3D scene mesh. The core idea of our method is learning 3D geometry prior from various complete scenes to infer the occluded geometry of an unseen scene from solely depth measurements. We design a coarse-fine hierarchical octree representation coupled with a dual-decoder architecture i.e. Geo-decoder and 3D Inpainter which jointly reconstructs the complete 3D scene geometry. The Geo-decoder with detailed representation at fine levels is optimized online for each scene to reconstruct visible surfaces. The 3D Inpainter with abstract representation at coarse levels is trained offline using various scenes to complete occluded surfaces. As a result while the Geo-decoder is specialized for an individual scene the 3D Inpainter can be generally applied across different scenes. We evaluate the proposed method on the 3D Completed Room Scene (3D-CRS) and iTHOR datasets significantly outperforming the SOTA methods by a gain of 16.8% and 24.2% in terms of the completeness of 3D reconstruction. 3D-CRS dataset including a complete 3D mesh of each scene is provided at project webpage.
VideoGrounding-DINO: Towards Open-Vocabulary Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding
Syed Talal Wasim, Muzammal Naseer, Salman Khan, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Fahad Shahbaz Khan
Video grounding aims to localize a spatio-temporal section in a video corresponding to an input text query. This paper addresses a critical limitation in current video grounding methodologies by introducing an Open-Vocabulary Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding task. Unlike prevalent closed-set approaches that struggle with open-vocabulary scenarios due to limited training data and predefined vocabularies our model leverages pre-trained representations from foundational spatial grounding models. This empowers it to effectively bridge the semantic gap between natural language and diverse visual content achieving strong performance in closed-set and open-vocabulary settings. Our contributions include a novel spatio-temporal video grounding model surpassing state-of-the-art results in closed-set evaluations on multiple datasets and demonstrating superior performance in open-vocabulary scenarios. Notably the proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art methods in closed-set settings on VidSTG (Declarative and Interrogative) and HC-STVG (V1 and V2) datasets. Furthermore in open-vocabulary evaluations on HC-STVG V1 and YouCook-Interactions our model surpasses the recent best-performing models by 4.88 m_vIoU and 1.83 accuracy demonstrating its efficacy in handling diverse linguistic and visual concepts for improved video understanding. Our codes will be publicly released.
OmniLocalRF: Omnidirectional Local Radiance Fields from Dynamic Videos
Dongyoung Choi, Hyeonjoong Jang, Min H. Kim
Omnidirectional cameras are extensively used in various applications to provide a wide field of vision. However they face a challenge in synthesizing novel views due to the inevitable presence of dynamic objects including the photographer in their wide field of view. In this paper we introduce a new approach called Omnidirectional Local Radiance Fields (OmniLocalRF) that can render static-only scene views removing and inpainting dynamic objects simultaneously. Our approach combines the principles of local radiance fields with the bidirectional optimization of omnidirectional rays. Our input is an omnidirectional video and we evaluate the mutual observations of the entire angle between the previous and current frames. To reduce ghosting artifacts of dynamic objects and inpaint occlusions we devise a multi-resolution motion mask prediction module. Unlike existing methods that primarily separate dynamic components through the temporal domain our method uses multi-resolution neural feature planes for precise segmentation which is more suitable for long 360-degree videos. Our experiments validate that OmniLocalRF outperforms existing methods in both qualitative and quantitative metrics especially in scenarios with complex real-world scenes. In particular our approach eliminates the need for manual interaction such as drawing motion masks by hand and additional pose estimation making it a highly effective and efficient solution.
LoS: Local Structure-Guided Stereo Matching
Kunhong Li, Longguang Wang, Ye Zhang, Kaiwen Xue, Shunbo Zhou, Yulan Guo
Estimating disparities in challenging areas is difficult and limits the performance of stereo matching models. In this paper we exploit local structure information (LSI) to enhance stereo matching. Specifically our LSI comprises a series of key elements including the slant plane (parameterised by disparity gradients) disparity offset details and neighbouring relations. This LSI empowers our method to effectively handle intricate structures including object boundaries and curved surfaces. We bootstrap the LSI from monocular depth and subsequently iteratively refine it to better capture the underlying scene geometry constraints. Building upon the LSI we introduce the Local Structure-Guided Propagation (LSGP) which enhances the disparity initialization optimization and refinement processes. By combining LSGP with a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) we present our novel stereo matching method referred to as Local Structure-guided stereo matching (LoS). Remarkably LoS achieves top-ranking results on four widely recognized public benchmark datasets (ETH3D Middlebury KITTI 15 & 12) demonstrating the superior capabilities of our proposed model.
Semantic Human Mesh Reconstruction with Textures
Xiaoyu Zhan, Jianxin Yang, Yuanqi Li, Jie Guo, Yanwen Guo, Wenping Wang
The field of 3D detailed human mesh reconstruction has made significant progress in recent years. However current methods still face challenges when used in industrial applications due to unstable results low-quality meshes and a lack of UV unwrapping and skinning weights. In this paper we present SHERT a novel pipeline that can reconstruct semantic human meshes with textures and high-precision details. SHERT applies semantic- and normal-based sampling between the detailed surface (e.g. mesh and SDF) and the corresponding SMPL-X model to obtain a partially sampled semantic mesh and then generates the complete semantic mesh by our specifically designed self-supervised completion and refinement networks. Using the complete semantic mesh as a basis we employ a texture diffusion model to create human textures that are driven by both images and texts. Our reconstructed meshes have stable UV unwrapping high-quality triangle meshes and consistent semantic information. The given SMPL-X model provides semantic information and shape priors allowing SHERT to perform well even with incorrect and incomplete inputs. The semantic information also makes it easy to substitute and animate different body parts such as the face body and hands. Quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate that SHERT is capable of producing high-fidelity and robust semantic meshes that outperform state-of-the-art methods.
Think Twice Before Selection: Federated Evidential Active Learning for Medical Image Analysis with Domain Shifts
Jiayi Chen, Benteng Ma, Hengfei Cui, Yong Xia
Federated learning facilitates the collaborative learning of a global model across multiple distributed medical institutions without centralizing data. Nevertheless the expensive cost of annotation on local clients remains an obstacle to effectively utilizing local data. To mitigate this issue federated active learning methods suggest leveraging local and global model predictions to select a relatively small amount of informative local data for annotation. However existing methods mainly focus on all local data sampled from the same domain making them unreliable in realistic medical scenarios with domain shifts among different clients. In this paper we make the first attempt to assess the informativeness of local data derived from diverse domains and propose a novel methodology termed Federated Evidential Active Learning (FEAL) to calibrate the data evaluation under domain shift. Specifically we introduce a Dirichlet prior distribution in both local and global models to treat the prediction as a distribution over the probability simplex and capture both aleatoric and epistemic uncertainties by using the Dirichlet-based evidential model. Then we employ the epistemic uncertainty to calibrate the aleatoric uncertainty. Afterward we design a diversity relaxation strategy to reduce data redundancy and maintain data diversity. Extensive experiments and analysis on five real multi-center medical image datasets demonstrate the superiority of FEAL over the state-of-the-art active learning methods in federated scenarios with domain shifts. The code will be available at https://github.com/JiayiChen815/FEAL.
Probing the 3D Awareness of Visual Foundation Models
Mohamed El Banani, Amit Raj, Kevis-Kokitsi Maninis, Abhishek Kar, Yuanzhen Li, Michael Rubinstein, Deqing Sun, Leonidas Guibas, Justin Johnson, Varun Jampani
Recent advances in large-scale pretraining have yielded visual foundation models with strong capabilities. Not only can recent models generalize to arbitrary images for their training task their intermediate representations are useful for other visual tasks such as detection and segmentation. Given that such models can classify delineate and localize objects in 2D we ask whether they also represent their 3D structure? In this work we analyze the 3D awareness of visual foundation models. We posit that 3D awareness implies that representations (1) encode the 3D structure of the scene and (2) consistently represent the surface across views. We conduct a series of experiments using task-specific probes and zero-shot inference procedures on frozen features. Our experiments reveal several limitations of the current models. Our code and analysis can be found at https://github.com/mbanani/probe3d.
PIA: Your Personalized Image Animator via Plug-and-Play Modules in Text-to-Image Models
Yiming Zhang, Zhening Xing, Yanhong Zeng, Youqing Fang, Kai Chen
Recent advancements in personalized text-to-image (T2I) models have revolutionized content creation empowering non-experts to generate stunning images with unique styles. While promising animating these personalized images with realistic motions poses significant challenges in preserving distinct styles high-fidelity details and achieving motion controllability by text. In this paper we present PIA a Personalized Image Animator that excels in aligning with condition images achieving motion controllability by text and the compatibility with various personalized T2I models without specific tuning. To achieve these goals PIA builds upon a base T2I model with well-trained temporal alignment layers allowing for the seamless transformation of any personalized T2I model into an image animation model. A key component of PIA is the introduction of the condition module which takes as inputs the condition frame and inter-frame affinity. This module leverages the affinity hint to transfer appearance information from the condition frame to individual frames in the latent space. This design mitigates the challenges of appearance-related frame alignment within PIA and allows for a stronger focus on aligning with motion-related guidance. To address the lack of a benchmark for this field we introduce AnimateBench a comprehensive benchmark comprising diverse personalized T2I models curated images and motion-related prompts. We show extensive evaluations and applications on AnimateBench to verify the superiority of PIA.
When Visual Grounding Meets Gigapixel-level Large-scale Scenes: Benchmark and Approach
Tao Ma, Bing Bai, Haozhe Lin, Heyuan Wang, Yu Wang, Lin Luo, Lu Fang
Visual grounding refers to the process of associating natural language expressions with corresponding regions within an image. Existing benchmarks for visual grounding primarily operate within small-scale scenes with a few objects. Nevertheless recent advances in imaging technology have enabled the acquisition of gigapixel-level images providing high-resolution details in large-scale scenes containing numerous objects. To bridge this gap between imaging and computer vision benchmarks and make grounding more practically valuable we introduce a novel dataset named GigaGrounding designed to challenge visual grounding models in gigapixel-level large-scale scenes. We extensively analyze and compare the dataset with existing benchmarks demonstrating that GigaGrounding presents unique challenges such as large-scale scene understanding gigapixel-level resolution significant variations in object scales and the "multi-hop expressions". Furthermore we introduced a simple yet effective grounding approach which employs a "glance-to-zoom-in" paradigm and exhibits enhanced capabilities for addressing the GigaGrounding task. The dataset is available at www.gigavision.ai.
NeRF Analogies: Example-Based Visual Attribute Transfer for NeRFs
Michael Fischer, Zhengqin Li, Thu Nguyen-Phuoc, Aljaz Bozic, Zhao Dong, Carl Marshall, Tobias Ritschel
A Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) encodes the specific relation of 3D geometry and appearance of a scene. We here ask the question whether we can transfer the appearance from a source NeRF onto a target 3D geometry in a semantically meaningful way such that the resulting new NeRF retains the target geometry but has an appearance that is an analogy to the source NeRF. To this end we generalize classic image analogies from 2D images to NeRFs. We leverage correspondence transfer along semantic affinity that is driven by semantic features from large pre-trained 2D image models to achieve multi-view consistent appearance transfer. Our method allows exploring the mix-and-match product space of 3D geometry and appearance. We show that our method outperforms traditional stylization-based methods and that a large majority of users prefer our method over several typical baselines. Project page: https://mfischer-ucl.github.io/nerf_analogies
Mind Artist: Creating Artistic Snapshots with Human Thought
Jiaxuan Chen, Yu Qi, Yueming Wang, Gang Pan
We introduce Mind Artist (MindArt) a novel and efficient neural decoding architecture to snap artistic photographs from our mind in a controllable manner. Recently progress has been made in image reconstruction with non-invasive brain recordings but it's still difficult to generate realistic images with high semantic fidelity due to the scarcity of data annotations. Unlike previous methods this work casts the neural decoding into optimal transport (OT) and representation decoupling problems. Specifically under discrete OT theory we design a graph matching-guided neural representation learning framework to seek the underlying correspondences between conceptual semantics and neural signals which yields a natural and meaningful self-supervisory task. Moreover the proposed MindArt structured with multiple stand-alone modal branches enables the seamless incorporation of semantic representation into any visual style information thus leaving it to have multi-modal reconstruction and training-free semantic editing capabilities. By doing so the reconstructed images of MindArt have phenomenal realism both in terms of semantics and appearance. We compare our MindArt with leading alternatives and achieve SOTA performance in different decoding tasks. Importantly our approach can directly generate a series of stylized "mind snapshots" w/o extra optimizations which may open up more potential applications. Code is available at https://github.com/JxuanC/MindArt.
ViTamin: Designing Scalable Vision Models in the Vision-Language Era
Jieneng Chen, Qihang Yu, Xiaohui Shen, Alan Yuille, Liang-Chieh Chen
Recent breakthroughs in vision-language models (VLMs) start a new page in the vision community. The VLMs provide stronger and more generalizable feature embeddings compared to those from ImageNet-pretrained models thanks to the training on the large-scale Internet image-text pairs. However despite the amazing achievement from the VLMs vanilla Vision Transformers (ViTs) remain the default choice for the image encoder. Although pure transformer proves its effectiveness in the text encoding area it remains questionable whether it is also the case for image encoding especially considering that various types of networks are proposed on the ImageNet benchmark which unfortunately are rarely studied in VLMs. Due to small data/model scale the original conclusions of model design on ImageNet can be limited and biased. In this paper we aim at building an evaluation protocol of vision models in the vision-language era under the contrastive language-image pretraining (CLIP) framework. We provide a comprehensive way to benchmark different vision models covering their zero-shot performance and scalability in both model and training data sizes. To this end we introduce ViTamin a new vision models tailored for VLMs. ViTamin-L significantly outperforms ViT-L by 2.0% ImageNet zero-shot accuracy when using the same publicly available DataComp-1B dataset and the same OpenCLIP training scheme. ViTamin-L presents promising results on 60 diverse benchmarks including classification retrieval open-vocabulary detection and segmentation and large multi-modal models. When further scaling up the model size our ViTamin-XL with only 436M parameters attains 82.9% ImageNet zero-shot accuracy surpassing 82.0% achieved by EVA-E that has ten times more parameters (4.4B).
Accept the Modality Gap: An Exploration in the Hyperbolic Space
Sameera Ramasinghe, Violetta Shevchenko, Gil Avraham, Ajanthan Thalaiyasingam
Recent advancements in machine learning have spotlighted the potential of hyperbolic spaces as they effectively learn hierarchical feature representations. While there has been progress in leveraging hyperbolic spaces in single-modality contexts its exploration in multimodal settings remains under explored. Some recent efforts have sought to transpose Euclidean multimodal learning techniques to hyperbolic spaces by adopting geodesic distance based contrastive losses. However we show both theoretically and empirically that such spatial proximity based contrastive loss significantly disrupts hierarchies in the latent space. To remedy this we advocate that the cross-modal representations should accept the inherent modality gap between text and images and introduce a novel approach to measure cross-modal similarity that does not enforce spatial proximity. Our approach show remarkable capabilities in preserving unimodal hierarchies while aligning the two modalities. Our experiments on a series of downstream tasks demonstrate that better latent structure emerges with our objective function while being superior in text-to-image and image-to-text retrieval tasks.
Unraveling Instance Associations: A Closer Look for Audio-Visual Segmentation
Yuanhong Chen, Yuyuan Liu, Hu Wang, Fengbei Liu, Chong Wang, Helen Frazer, Gustavo Carneiro
Audio-visual segmentation (AVS) is a challenging task that involves accurately segmenting sounding objects based on audio-visual cues. The effectiveness of audio-visual learning critically depends on achieving accurate cross-modal alignment between sound and visual objects. Successful audio-visual learning requires two essential components: 1) a challenging dataset with high-quality pixel-level multi-class annotated images associated with audio files and 2) a model that can establish strong links between audio information and its corresponding visual object. However these requirements are only partially addressed by current methods with training sets containing biased audio-visual data and models that generalise poorly beyond this biased training set. In this work we propose a new cost-effective strategy to build challenging and relatively unbiased high-quality audio-visual segmentation benchmarks. We also propose a new informative sample mining method for audio-visual supervised contrastive learning to leverage discriminative contrastive samples to enforce cross-modal understanding. We show empirical results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our benchmark. Furthermore experiments conducted on existing AVS datasets and on our new benchmark show that our method achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) segmentation accuracy.
Few-Shot Object Detection with Foundation Models
Guangxing Han, Ser-Nam Lim
Few-shot object detection (FSOD) aims to detect objects with only a few training examples. Visual feature extraction and query-support similarity learning are the two critical components. Existing works are usually developed based on ImageNet pre-trained vision backbones and design sophisticated metric-learning networks for few-shot learning but still have inferior accuracy. In this work we study few-shot object detection using modern foundation models. First vision-only contrastive pre-trained DINOv2 model is used for the vision backbone which shows strong transferable performance without tuning the parameters. Second Large Language Model (LLM) is employed for contextualized few-shot learning with the input of all classes and query image proposals. Language instructions are carefully designed to prompt the LLM to classify each proposal in context. The contextual information include proposal-proposal relations proposal-class relations and class-class relations which can largely promote few-shot learning. We comprehensively evaluate the proposed model (FM-FSOD) in multiple FSOD benchmarks achieving state-of-the-arts performance.
FedMef: Towards Memory-efficient Federated Dynamic Pruning
Hong Huang, Weiming Zhuang, Chen Chen, Lingjuan Lyu
Federated learning (FL) promotes decentralized training while prioritizing data confidentiality. However its application on resource-constrained devices is challenging due to the high demand for computation and memory resources to train deep learning models. Neural network pruning techniques such as dynamic pruning could enhance model efficiency but directly adopting them in FL still poses substantial challenges including post-pruning performance degradation high activation memory usage etc. To address these challenges we propose FedMef a novel and memory-efficient federated dynamic pruning framework. FedMef comprises two key components. First we introduce the budget-aware extrusion that maintains pruning efficiency while preserving post-pruning performance by salvaging crucial information from parameters marked for pruning within a given budget. Second we propose scaled activation pruning to effectively reduce activation memory footprints which is particularly beneficial for deploying FL to memory-limited devices. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed FedMef. In particular it achieves a significant reduction of 28.5% in memory footprint compared to state-of-the-art methods while obtaining superior accuracy.
Seeing the Unseen: Visual Common Sense for Semantic Placement
Ram Ramrakhya, Aniruddha Kembhavi, Dhruv Batra, Zsolt Kira, Kuo-Hao Zeng, Luca Weihs
Computer vision tasks typically involve describing what is visible in an image (e.g. classification detection segmentation and captioning). We study a visual common sense task that requires understanding 'what is not visible'. Specifically given an image (e.g. of a living room) and a name of an object ("cushion") a vision system is asked to predict semantically-meaningful regions (masks or bounding boxes) in the image where that object could be placed or is likely be placed by humans (e.g. on the sofa). We call this task: Semantic Placement (SP) and believe that such common-sense visual understanding is critical for assitive robots (tidying a house) AR devices (automatically rendering an object in the user's space) and visually-grounded chatbots with common sense. Studying the invisible is hard. Datasets for image description are typically constructed by curating relevant images (e.g. via image search with object names) and asking humans to annotate the contents of the image; neither of those two steps are straightforward for objects not present in the image. We overcome this challenge by operating in the opposite direction: we start with an image of an object in context (which is easy to find online) and remove that object from the image via inpainting. This automated pipeline converts unstructured web data into a paired with/without object dataset. With this proposed data generation pipeline we collect a novel dataset containing 1.3M images across 9 object categories. We then train a SP prediction model called CLIP-UNet on our dataset. The CLIP-UNet outperforms existing VLMs and baselines that combine semantic priors with object detectors generalizes well to real-world and simulated images exhibits semantics-aware reasoning for object placement and enables downstream applications like tidying robots in indoor environments.
Texture-Preserving Diffusion Models for High-Fidelity Virtual Try-On
Xu Yang, Changxing Ding, Zhibin Hong, Junhao Huang, Jin Tao, Xiangmin Xu
Image-based virtual try-on is an increasingly important task for online shopping. It aims to synthesize images of a specific person wearing a specified garment. Diffusion model-based approaches have recently become popular as they are excellent at image synthesis tasks. However these approaches usually employ additional image encoders and rely on the cross-attention mechanism for texture transfer from the garment to the person image which affects the try-on's efficiency and fidelity. To address these issues we propose an Texture-Preserving Diffusion (TPD) model for virtual try-on which enhances the fidelity of the results and introduces no additional image encoders. Accordingly we make contributions from two aspects. First we propose to concatenate the masked person and reference garment images along the spatial dimension and utilize the resulting image as the input for the diffusion model's denoising UNet. This enables the original self-attention layers contained in the diffusion model to achieve efficient and accurate texture transfer. Second we propose a novel diffusion-based method that predicts a precise inpainting mask based on the person and reference garment images further enhancing the reliability of the try-on results. In addition we integrate mask prediction and image synthesis into a single compact model. The experimental results show that our approach can be applied to various try-on tasks e.g. garment-to-person and person-to-person try-ons and significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on popular VITON VITON-HD databases. Code is available at https://github.com/Gal4way/TPD.
PracticalDG: Perturbation Distillation on Vision-Language Models for Hybrid Domain Generalization
Zining Chen, Weiqiu Wang, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su, Aidong Men, Hongying Meng
Domain Generalization (DG) aims to resolve distribution shifts between source and target domains and current DG methods are default to the setting that data from source and target domains share identical categories. Nevertheless there exists unseen classes from target domains in practical scenarios. To address this issue Open Set Domain Generalization (OSDG) has emerged and several methods have been exclusively proposed. However most existing methods adopt complex architectures with slight improvement compared with DG methods. Recently vision-language models (VLMs) have been introduced in DG following the fine-tuning paradigm but consume huge training overhead with large vision models. Therefore in this paper we innovate to transfer knowledge from VLMs to lightweight vision models and improve the robustness by introducing Perturbation Distillation (PD) from three perspectives including Score Class and Instance (SCI) named SCI-PD. Moreover previous methods are oriented by the benchmarks with identical and fixed splits ignoring the divergence between source domains. These methods are revealed to suffer from sharp performance decay with our proposed new benchmark Hybrid Domain Generalization (HDG) and a novel metric H^ 2 -CV which construct various splits to comprehensively assess the robustness of algorithms. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms on multiple datasets especially improving the robustness when confronting data scarcity.
SODA: Bottleneck Diffusion Models for Representation Learning
Drew A. Hudson, Daniel Zoran, Mateusz Malinowski, Andrew K. Lampinen, Andrew Jaegle, James L. McClelland, Loic Matthey, Felix Hill, Alexander Lerchner
We introduce SODA a self-supervised diffusion model designed for representation learning. The model incorporates an image encoder which distills a source view into a compact representation that in turn guides the generation of related novel views. We show that by imposing a tight bottleneck between the encoder and a denoising decoder and leveraging novel view synthesis as a self-supervised objective we can turn diffusion models into strong representation learners capable of capturing visual semantics in an unsupervised manner. To the best of our knowledge SODA is the first diffusion model to succeed at ImageNet linear-probe classification and at the same time it accomplishes reconstruction editing and synthesis tasks across a wide range of datasets. Further investigation reveals the disentangled nature of its emergent latent space that serves as an effective interface to control and manipulate the produced images. All in all we aim to shed light on the exciting and promising potential of diffusion models not only for image generation but also for learning rich and robust representations. See our website at soda-diffusion.github.io.
Towards Robust Event-guided Low-Light Image Enhancement: A Large-Scale Real-World Event-Image Dataset and Novel Approach
Guoqiang Liang, Kanghao Chen, Hangyu Li, Yunfan Lu, Lin Wang
Event camera has recently received much attention for low-light image enhancement (LIE) thanks to their distinct advantages such as high dynamic range. However current research is prohibitively restricted by the lack of large-scale real-world and spatial-temporally aligned event-image datasets. To this end we propose a real-world (indoor and outdoor) dataset comprising over 30K pairs of images and events under both low and normal illumination conditions. To achieve this we utilize a robotic arm that traces a consistent non-linear trajectory to curate the dataset with spatial alignment precision under 0.03mm. We then introduce a matching alignment strategy rendering 90% of our dataset with errors less than 0.01s. Based on the dataset we propose a novel event-guided LIE approach called EvLight towards robust performance in real-world low-light scenes. Specifically we first design the multi-scale holistic fusion branch to extract holistic structural and textural information from both events and images. To ensure robustness against variations in the regional illumination and noise we then introduce a Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR)-guided regional feature selection to selectively fuse features of images from regions with high SNR and enhance those with low SNR by extracting regional structural information from events. our EvLight significantly surpasses the frame-based methods e.g. Retinexformer by 1.14 dB and 2.62 dB respectively. Code and datasets are available at https://vlislab22.github.io/eg-lowlight/.
Zero-Reference Low-Light Enhancement via Physical Quadruple Priors
Wenjing Wang, Huan Yang, Jianlong Fu, Jiaying Liu
Understanding illumination and reducing the need for supervision pose a significant challenge in low-light enhancement. Current approaches are highly sensitive to data usage during training and illumination-specific hyper-parameters limiting their ability to handle unseen scenarios. In this paper we propose a new zero-reference low-light enhancement framework trainable solely with normal light images. To accomplish this we devise an illumination-invariant prior inspired by the theory of physical light transfer. This prior serves as the bridge between normal and low-light images. Then we develop a prior-to-image framework trained without low-light data. During testing this framework is able to restore our illumination-invariant prior back to images automatically achieving low-light enhancement. Within this framework we leverage a pretrained generative diffusion model for model ability introduce a bypass decoder to handle detail distortion as well as offer a lightweight version for practicality. Extensive experiments demonstrate our framework's superiority in various scenarios as well as good interpretability robustness and efficiency. Code is available on our project homepage: http://daooshee.github.io/QuadPrior-Website/
LLaMA-Excitor: General Instruction Tuning via Indirect Feature Interaction
Bo Zou, Chao Yang, Yu Qiao, Chengbin Quan, Youjian Zhao
Existing methods to fine-tune LLMs like Adapter Prefix-tuning and LoRA which introduce extra modules or additional input sequences to inject new skills or knowledge may compromise the innate abilities of LLMs. In this paper we propose LLaMA-Excitor a lightweight method that stimulates the LLMs' potential to better follow instructions by gradually paying more attention to worthwhile information. Specifically the LLaMA-Excitor does not directly change the intermediate hidden state during the self-attention calculation of the transformer structure. We designed the Excitor block as a bypass module for the similarity score computation in LLMs' self-attention to reconstruct keys and change the importance of values by learnable prompts. LLaMA-Excitor ensures a self-adaptive allocation of additional attention to input instructions thus effectively preserving LLMs' pre-trained knowledge when fine-tuning LLMs on low-quality instruction-following datasets. Furthermore we unify the modeling of multi-modal tuning and language-only tuning extending LLaMA-Excitor to a powerful visual instruction follower without the need for complex multi-modal alignment. Our proposed approach is evaluated in language-only and multi-modal tuning experimental scenarios. Notably LLaMA-Excitor is the only method that maintains basic capabilities while achieving a significant improvement (+6%) on the MMLU benchmark. In the visual instruction tuning we achieve a new state-of-the-art image captioning performance of 157.5 CIDEr on MSCOCO and a comparable performance (88.39%) on ScienceQA to cutting-edge models with more parameters and extensive vision-language pertaining.
NeRFCodec: Neural Feature Compression Meets Neural Radiance Fields for Memory-Efficient Scene Representation
Sicheng Li, Hao Li, Yiyi Liao, Lu Yu
The emergence of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) has greatly impacted 3D scene modeling and novel-view synthesis. As a kind of visual media for 3D scene representation compression with high rate-distortion performance is an eternal target. Motivated by advances in neural compression and neural field representation we propose NeRFCodec an end-to-end NeRF compression framework that integrates non-linear transform quantization and entropy coding for memory-efficient scene representation. Since training a non-linear transform directly on a large scale of NeRF feature planes is impractical we discover that pre-trained neural 2D image codec can be utilized for compressing the features when adding content-specific parameters. Specifically we reuse neural 2D image codec but modify its encoder and decoder heads while keeping the other parts of the pre-trained decoder frozen. This allows us to train the full pipeline via supervision of rendering loss and entropy loss yielding the rate-distortion balance by updating the content-specific parameters. At test time the bitstreams containing latent code feature decoder head and other side information are transmitted for communication. Experimental results demonstrate our method outperforms existing NeRF compression methods enabling high-quality novel view synthesis with a memory budget of 0.5 MB.
From a Bird's Eye View to See: Joint Camera and Subject Registration without the Camera Calibration
Zekun Qian, Ruize Han, Wei Feng, Song Wang
We tackle a new problem of multi-view camera and subject registration in the bird's eye view (BEV) without pre-given camera calibration which promotes the multi-view subject registration problem to a new calibration-free stage. This greatly alleviates the limitation in many practical applications. However this is a very challenging problem since its only input is several RGB images from different first-person views (FPVs) without the BEV image and the calibration of the FPVs while the output is a unified plane aggregated from all views with the positions and orientations of both the subjects and cameras in a BEV. For this purpose we propose an end-to-end framework solving camera and subject registration together by taking advantage of their mutual dependence whose main idea is as below: i) creating a subject view-transform module (VTM) to project each pedestrian from FPV to a virtual BEV ii) deriving a multi-view geometry-based spatial alignment module (SAM) to estimate the relative camera pose in a unified BEV iii) selecting and refining the subject and camera registration results within the unified BEV. We collect a new large-scale synthetic dataset with rich annotations for training and evaluation. Additionally we also collect a real dataset for cross-domain evaluation. The experimental results show the remarkable effectiveness of our method. The code and proposed datasets are available at https://github.com/zekunqian/BEVSee.
Steerers: A Framework for Rotation Equivariant Keypoint Descriptors
Georg Bökman, Johan Edstedt, Michael Felsberg, Fredrik Kahl
Image keypoint descriptions that are discriminative and matchable over large changes in viewpoint are vital for 3D reconstruction. However descriptions output by learned descriptors are typically not robust to camera rotation. While they can be made more robust by e.g. data aug-mentation this degrades performance on upright images. Another approach is test-time augmentation which incurs a significant increase in runtime. Instead we learn a lin-ear transform in description space that encodes rotations of the input image. We call this linear transform a steerer since it allows us to transform the descriptions as if the im-age was rotated. From representation theory we know all possible steerers for the rotation group. Steerers can be optimized (A) given a fixed descriptor (B) jointly with a de-scriptor or (C) we can optimize a descriptor given a fixed steerer. We perform experiments in these three settings and obtain state-of-the-art results on the rotation invariant im-age matching benchmarks AIMS and Roto-360.
Efficient Dataset Distillation via Minimax Diffusion
Jianyang Gu, Saeed Vahidian, Vyacheslav Kungurtsev, Haonan Wang, Wei Jiang, Yang You, Yiran Chen
Dataset distillation reduces the storage and computational consumption of training a network by generating a small surrogate dataset that encapsulates rich information of the original large-scale one. However previous distillation methods heavily rely on the sample-wise iterative optimization scheme. As the images-per-class (IPC) setting or image resolution grows larger the necessary computation will demand overwhelming time and resources. In this work we intend to incorporate generative diffusion techniques for computing the surrogate dataset. Observing that key factors for constructing an effective surrogate dataset are representativeness and diversity we design additional minimax criteria in the generative training to enhance these facets for the generated images of diffusion models. We present a theoretical model of the process as hierarchical diffusion control demonstrating the flexibility of the diffusion process to target these criteria without jeopardizing the faithfulness of the sample to the desired distribution. The proposed method achieves state-of-the-art validation performance while demanding much less computational resources. Under the 100-IPC setting on ImageWoof our method requires less than one-twentieth the distillation time of previous methods yet yields even better performance. Source code and generated data are available in https://github.com/vimar-gu/MinimaxDiffusion.
Posterior Distillation Sampling
Juil Koo, Chanho Park, Minhyuk Sung
We introduce Posterior Distillation Sampling (PDS) a novel optimization method for parametric image editing based on diffusion models. Existing optimization-based methods which leverage the powerful 2D prior of diffusion models to handle various parametric images have mainly focused on generation. Unlike generation editing requires a balance between conforming to the target attribute and preserving the identity of the source content. Recent 2D image editing methods have achieved this balance by leveraging the stochastic latent encoded in the generative process of diffusion models. To extend the editing capabilities of diffusion models shown in pixel space to parameter space we reformulate the 2D image editing method into an optimization form named PDS. PDS matches the stochastic latents of the source and the target enabling the sampling of targets in diverse parameter spaces that align with a desired attribute while maintaining the source's identity. We demonstrate that this optimization resembles running a generative process with the target attribute but aligning this process with the trajectory of the source's generative process. Extensive editing results in Neural Radiance Fields and Scalable Vector Graphics representations demonstrate that PDS is capable of sampling targets to fulfill the aforementioned balance across various parameter spaces.
HOISDF: Constraining 3D Hand-Object Pose Estimation with Global Signed Distance Fields
Haozhe Qi, Chen Zhao, Mathieu Salzmann, Alexander Mathis
Human hands are highly articulated and versatile at handling objects. Jointly estimating the 3D poses of a hand and the object it manipulates from a monocular camera is challenging due to frequent occlusions. Thus existing methods often rely on intermediate 3D shape representations to increase performance. These representations are typically explicit such as 3D point clouds or meshes and thus provide information in the direct surroundings of the intermediate hand pose estimate. To address this we introduce HOISDF a Signed Distance Field (SDF) guided hand-object pose estimation network which jointly exploits hand and object SDFs to provide a global implicit representation over the complete reconstruction volume. Specifically the role of the SDFs is threefold: equip the visual encoder with implicit shape information help to encode hand-object interactions and guide the hand and object pose regression via SDF-based sampling and by augmenting the feature representations. We show that HOISDF achieves state-of-the-art results on hand-object pose estimation benchmarks (DexYCB and HO3Dv2). Code is available https://github.com/amathislab/HOISDF.
Enhancing Video Super-Resolution via Implicit Resampling-based Alignment
Kai Xu, Ziwei Yu, Xin Wang, Michael Bi Mi, Angela Yao
In video super-resolution it is common to use a frame-wise alignment to support the propagation of information over time. The role of alignment is well-studied for low-level enhancement in video but existing works overlook a critical step -- resampling. We show through extensive experiments that for alignment to be effective the resampling should preserve the reference frequency spectrum while minimizing spatial distortions. However most existing works simply use a default choice of bilinear interpolation for resampling even though bilinear interpolation has a smoothing effect and hinders super-resolution. From these observations we propose an implicit resampling-based alignment. The sampling positions are encoded by a sinusoidal positional encoding while the value is estimated with a coordinate network and a window-based cross-attention. We show that bilinear interpolation inherently attenuates high-frequency information while an MLP-based coordinate network can approximate more frequencies. Experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets show that alignment with our proposed implicit resampling enhances the performance of state-of-the-art frameworks with minimal impact on both compute and parameters.
DiffPortrait3D: Controllable Diffusion for Zero-Shot Portrait View Synthesis
Yuming Gu, Hongyi Xu, You Xie, Guoxian Song, Yichun Shi, Di Chang, Jing Yang, Linjie Luo
We present DiffPortrait3D a conditional diffusion model that is capable of synthesizing 3D-consistent photo-realistic novel views from as few as a single in-the-wild portrait. Specifically given a single RGB input we aim to synthesize plausible but consistent facial details rendered from novel camera views with retained both identity and facial expression. In lieu of time-consuming optimization and fine-tuning our zero-shot method generalizes well to arbitrary face portraits with unposed camera views extreme facial expressions and diverse artistic depictions. At its core we leverage the generative prior of 2D diffusion models pre-trained on large-scale image datasets as our rendering backbone while the denoising is guided with disentangled attentive control of appearance and camera pose. To achieve this we first inject the appearance context from the reference image into the self-attention layers of the frozen UNets. The rendering view is then manipulated with a novel conditional control module that interprets the camera pose by watching a condition image of a crossed subject from the same view. Furthermore we insert a trainable cross-view attention module to enhance view consistency which is further strengthened with a novel 3D-aware noise generation process during inference. We demonstrate state-of-the-art results both qualitatively and quantitatively on our challenging in-the-wild and multi-view benchmarks.
Rethinking Transformers Pre-training for Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery
Mubashir Noman, Muzammal Naseer, Hisham Cholakkal, Rao Muhammad Anwer, Salman Khan, Fahad Shahbaz Khan
Recent advances in unsupervised learning have demonstrated the ability of large vision models to achieve promising results on downstream tasks by pre-training on large amount of unlabelled data. Such pre-training techniques have also been explored recently in the remote sensing domain due to the availability of large amount of unlabelled data. Different from standard natural image datasets remote sensing data is acquired from various sensor technologies and exhibit diverse range of scale variations as well as modalities. Existing satellite image pre-training methods either ignore the scale information present in the remote sensing imagery or restrict themselves to use only a single type of data modality. In this paper we re-visit transformers pre-training and leverage multi-scale information that is effectively utilized with multiple modalities. Our proposed approach named SatMAE++ performs multi-scale pre-training and utilizes convolution based upsampling blocks to reconstruct the image at higher scales making it extensible to include more scales. Compared to existing works the proposed SatMAE++ with multi-scale pre-training is equally effective for both optical as well as multi-spectral imagery. Extensive experiments on six datasets reveal the merits of proposed contributions leading to state-of-the-art performance on all datasets. SatMAE++ achieves mean average precision (mAP) gain of 2.5% for multi-label classification task on BigEarthNet dataset.
LLM4SGG: Large Language Models for Weakly Supervised Scene Graph Generation
Kibum Kim, Kanghoon Yoon, Jaehyeong Jeon, Yeonjun In, Jinyoung Moon, Donghyun Kim, Chanyoung Park
Weakly-Supervised Scene Graph Generation (WSSGG) research has recently emerged as an alternative to the fully-supervised approach that heavily relies on costly annotations. In this regard studies on WSSGG have utilized image captions to obtain unlocalized triplets while primarily focusing on grounding the unlocalized triplets over image regions. However they have overlooked the two issues involved in the triplet formation process from the captions: 1) Semantic over-simplification issue arises when extracting triplets from captions where fine-grained predicates in captions are undesirably converted into coarse-grained predicates resulting in a long-tailed predicate distribution and 2) Low-density scene graph issue arises when aligning the triplets in the caption with entity/predicate classes of interest where many triplets are discarded and not used in training leading to insufficient supervision. To tackle the two issues we propose a new approach i.e. Large Language Model for weakly-supervised SGG (LLM4SGG) where we mitigate the two issues by leveraging the LLM's in-depth understanding of language and reasoning ability during the extraction of triplets from captions and alignment of entity/predicate classes with target data. To further engage the LLM in these processes we adopt the idea of Chain-of-Thought and the in-context few-shot learning strategy. To validate the effectiveness of LLM4SGG we conduct extensive experiments on Visual Genome and GQA datasets showing significant improvements in both Recall@K and mean Recall@K compared to the state-of-the-art WSSGG methods. A further appeal is that LLM4SGG is data-efficient enabling effective model training with a small amount of training images.
Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning via Cross Block Orchestration for Segment Anything Model
Zelin Peng, Zhengqin Xu, Zhilin Zeng, Lingxi Xie, Qi Tian, Wei Shen
Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) is an effective methodology to unleash the potential of large foundation models in novel scenarios with limited training data. In the computer vision community PEFT has shown effectiveness in image classification but little research has studied its ability for image segmentation. Fine-tuning segmentation models usually require a heavier adjustment of parameters to align the proper projection directions in the parameter space for new scenarios. This raises a challenge to existing PEFT algorithms as they often inject a limited number of individual parameters into each block which prevents substantial adjustment of the projection direction of the parameter space due to the limitation of Hidden Markov Chain along blocks. In this paper we equip PEFT with a cross-block orchestration mechanism to enable the adaptation of the Segment Anything Model (SAM) to various downstream scenarios. We introduce a novel inter-block communication module which integrates a learnable relation matrix to facilitate communication among different coefficient sets of each PEFT block's parameter space. Moreover we propose an intra-block enhancement module which introduces a linear projection head whose weights are generated from a hyper-complex layer further enhancing the impact of the adjustment of projection directions on the entire parameter space. Extensive experiments on diverse benchmarks demonstrate that our proposed approach consistently improves the segmentation performance significantly on novel scenarios with only around 1K additional parameters.
Neural Directional Encoding for Efficient and Accurate View-Dependent Appearance Modeling
Liwen Wu, Sai Bi, Zexiang Xu, Fujun Luan, Kai Zhang, Iliyan Georgiev, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Ravi Ramamoorthi
Novel-view synthesis of specular objects like shiny metals or glossy paints remains a significant challenge. Not only the glossy appearance but also global illumination effects including reflections of other objects in the environment are critical components to faithfully reproduce a scene. In this paper we present Neural Directional Encoding (NDE) a view-dependent appearance encoding of neural radiance fields (NeRF) for rendering specular objects. NDE transfers the concept of feature-grid-based spatial encoding to the angular domain significantly improving the ability to model high-frequency angular signals. In contrast to previous methods that use encoding functions with only angular input we additionally cone-trace spatial features to obtain a spatially varying directional encoding which addresses the challenging interreflection effects. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real datasets show that a NeRF model with NDE (1) outperforms the state of the art on view synthesis of specular objects and (2) works with small networks to allow fast (real-time) inference. The source code is available at: https://github.com/lwwu2/nde
Masked and Shuffled Blind Spot Denoising for Real-World Images
Hamadi Chihaoui, Paolo Favaro
We introduce a novel approach to single image denoising based on the Blind Spot Denoising principle which we call MAsked and SHuffled Blind Spot Denoising (MASH). We focus on the case of correlated noise which often plagues real images. MASH is the result of a careful analysis to determine the relationships between the level of blindness (masking) of the input and the (unknown) noise correlation. Moreover we introduce a shuffling technique to weaken the local correlation of noise which in turn yields an additional denoising performance improvement. We evaluate MASH via extensive experiments on real-world noisy image datasets. We demonstrate state-of-the-art results compared to existing self-supervised denoising methods.
Label Propagation for Zero-shot Classification with Vision-Language Models
Vladan Stojni?, Yannis Kalantidis, Giorgos Tolias
Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance on zero-shot classification i.e. classification when provided merely with a list of class names. In this paper we tackle the case of zero-shot classification in the presence of unlabeled data. We leverage the graph structure of the unlabeled data and introduce ZLaP a method based on label propagation (LP) that utilizes geodesic distances for classification. We tailor LP to graphs containing both text and image features and further propose an efficient method for performing inductive inference based on a dual solution and a sparsification step. We perform extensive experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of our method on 14 common datasets and show that ZLaP outperforms the latest related works. Code: https://github.com/vladan-stojnic/ZLaP
DiffusionAvatars: Deferred Diffusion for High-fidelity 3D Head Avatars
Tobias Kirschstein, Simon Giebenhain, Matthias Nießner
DiffusionAvatars synthesizes a high-fidelity 3D head avatar of a person offering intuitive control over both pose and expression. We propose a diffusion-based neural renderer that leverages generic 2D priors to produce compelling images of faces. For coarse guidance of the expression and head pose we render a neural parametric head model (NPHM) from the target viewpoint which acts as a proxy geometry of the person. Additionally to enhance the modeling of intricate facial expressions we condition DiffusionAvatars directly on the expression codes obtained from NPHM via cross-attention. Finally to synthesize consistent surface details across different viewpoints and expressions we rig learnable spatial features to the head's surface via TriPlane lookup in NPHM's canonical space. We train DiffusionAvatars on RGB videos and corresponding fitted NPHM meshes of a person and test the obtained avatars in both self-reenactment and animation scenarios. Our experiments demonstrate that DiffusionAvatars generates temporally consistent and visually appealing videos for novel poses and expressions of a person outperforming existing approaches.
Data-Free Quantization via Pseudo-label Filtering
Chunxiao Fan, Ziqi Wang, Dan Guo, Meng Wang
Quantization for model compression can efficiently reduce the network complexity and storage requirement but the original training data is necessary to remedy the performance loss caused by quantization. The Data-Free Quantization (DFQ) methods have been proposed to handle the absence of original training data with synthetic data. However there are differences between the synthetic and original training data which affects the performance of the quantized network but none of the existing methods considers the differences. In this paper we propose an efficient data-free quantization via pseudo-label filtering which is the first to evaluate the synthetic data before quantization. We design a new metric for evaluating synthetic data using self-entropy which indicates the reliability of synthetic data. The synthetic data can be categorized with the metric into high- and low-reliable datasets for the following training process. Besides the multiple pseudo-labels are designed to label the synthetic data with different reliability which can provide valuable supervision information and avoid misleading training by low-reliable samples. Extensive experiments are implemented on several datasets including CIFAR-10 CIFAR-100 and ImageNet with various models. The experimental results show that our method can perform excellently and outperform existing methods in accuracy.
Revisiting Global Translation Estimation with Feature Tracks
Peilin Tao, Hainan Cui, Mengqi Rong, Shuhan Shen
Global translation estimation is a highly challenging step in the global structure from motion (SfM) algorithm. Many existing methods depend solely on relative translations leading to inaccuracies in low parallax scenes and degradation under collinear camera motion. While recent approaches aim to address these issues by incorporating feature tracks into objective functions they are often sensitive to outliers. In this paper we first revisit global translation estimation methods with feature tracks and categorize them into explicit and implicit methods. Then we highlight the superiority of the objective function based on the cross-product distance metric and propose a novel explicit global translation estimation framework that integrates both relative translations and feature tracks as input. To enhance the accuracy of input observations we re-estimate relative translations with the coplanarity constraint of the epipolar plane and propose a simple yet effective strategy to select reliable feature tracks. Finally the effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated through experiments on urban image sequences and unordered Internet images showcasing its superior accuracy and robustness compared to many state-of-the-art techniques.
Open-Set Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
Seun-An Choe, Ah-Hyung Shin, Keon-Hee Park, Jinwoo Choi, Gyeong-Moon Park
Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) for semantic segmentation aims to transfer the pixel-wise knowledge from the labeled source domain to the unlabeled target domain. However current UDA methods typically assume a shared label space between source and target limiting their applicability in real-world scenarios where novel categories may emerge in the target domain. In this paper we introduce Open-Set Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation (OSDA-SS) for the first time where the target domain includes unknown classes. We identify two major problems in the OSDA-SS scenario as follows: 1) the existing UDA methods struggle to predict the exact boundary of the unknown classes and 2) they fail to accurately predict the shape of the unknown classes. To address these issues we propose Boundary and Unknown Shape-Aware open-set domain adaptation coined BUS. Our BUS can accurately discern the boundaries between known and unknown classes in a contrastive manner using a novel dilation-erosion-based contrastive loss. In addition we propose OpenReMix a new domain mixing augmentation method that guides our model to effectively learn domain and size-invariant features for improving the shape detection of the known and unknown classes. Through extensive experiments we demonstrate that our proposed BUS effectively detects unknown classes in the challenging OSDA-SS scenario compared to the previous methods by a large margin.
Generative Powers of Ten
Xiaojuan Wang, Janne Kontkanen, Brian Curless, Steven M. Seitz, Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, Ben Mildenhall, Pratul Srinivasan, Dor Verbin, Aleksander Holynski
We present a method that uses a text-to-image model to generate consistent content across multiple image scales enabling extreme semantic zooms into a scene e.g. ranging from a wide-angle landscape view of a forest to a macro shot of an insect sitting on one of the tree branches. We achieve this through a joint multi-scale diffusion sampling approach that encourages consistency across different scales while preserving the integrity of each individual sampling process. Since each generated scale is guided by a different text prompt our method enables deeper levels of zoom than traditional super-resolution methods that may struggle to create new contextual structure at vastly different scales. We compare our method qualitatively with alternative techniques in image super-resolution and outpainting and show that our method is most effective at generating consistent multi-scale content.
H-ViT: A Hierarchical Vision Transformer for Deformable Image Registration
Morteza Ghahremani, Mohammad Khateri, Bailiang Jian, Benedikt Wiestler, Ehsan Adeli, Christian Wachinger
This paper introduces a novel top-down representation approach for deformable image registration which estimates the deformation field by capturing various short- and long-range flow features at different scale levels. As a Hierarchical Vision Transformer (H-ViT) we propose a dual self-attention and cross-attention mechanism that uses high-level features in the deformation field to represent low-level ones enabling information streams in the deformation field across all voxel patch embeddings irrespective of their spatial proximity. Since high-level features contain abstract flow patterns such patterns are expected to effectively contribute to the representation of the deformation field in lower scales. When the self-attention module utilizes within-scale short-range patterns for representation the cross-attention modules dynamically look for the key tokens across different scales to further interact with the local query voxel patches. Our method shows superior accuracy and visual quality over the state-of-the-art registration methods in five publicly available datasets highlighting a substantial enhancement in the performance of medical imaging registration. The project link is available at https://mogvision.github.io/hvit.
Sculpting Holistic 3D Representation in Contrastive Language-Image-3D Pre-training
Yipeng Gao, Zeyu Wang, Wei-Shi Zheng, Cihang Xie, Yuyin Zhou
Contrastive learning has emerged as a promising paradigm for 3D open-world understanding i.e. aligning point cloud representation to image and text embedding space individually. In this paper we introduce MixCon3D a simple yet effective method aiming to sculpt holistic 3D representation in contrastive language-image-3D pre-training. In contrast to point cloud only we develop the 3D object-level representation from complementary perspectives e.g. multi-view rendered images with the point cloud. Then MixCon3D performs language-3D contrastive learning comprehensively depicting real-world 3D objects and bolstering text alignment. Additionally we pioneer the first thorough investigation of various training recipes for the 3D contrastive learning paradigm building a solid baseline with improved performance. Extensive experiments conducted on three representative benchmarks reveal that our method significantly improves over the baseline surpassing the previous state-of-the-art performance on the challenging 1156-category Objaverse-LVIS dataset by 5.7%. The versatility of MixCon3D is showcased in applications such as text-to-3D retrieval and point cloud captioning further evidencing its efficacy in diverse scenarios. The code is available at https://github.com/UCSC-VLAA/MixCon3D.
Probing Synergistic High-Order Interaction in Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
Naishan Zheng, Man Zhou, Jie Huang, Junming Hou, Haoying Li, Yuan Xu, Feng Zhao
Infrared and visible image fusion aims to generate a fused image by integrating and distinguishing complementary information from multiple sources. While the cross-attention mechanism with global spatial interactions appears promising it only capture second-order spatial interactions neglecting higher-order interactions in both spatial and channel dimensions. This limitation hampers the exploitation of synergies between multi-modalities. To bridge this gap we introduce a Synergistic High-order Interaction Paradigm (SHIP) designed to systematically investigate spatial fine-grained and global statistics collaborations between infrared and visible images across two fundamental dimensions: 1) Spatial dimension: we construct spatial fine-grained interactions through element-wise multiplication mathematically equivalent to global interactions and then foster high-order formats by iteratively aggregating and evolving complementary information enhancing both efficiency and flexibility. 2) Channel dimension: expanding on channel interactions with first-order statistics (mean) we devise high-order channel interactions to facilitate the discernment of inter-dependencies between source images based on global statistics. Harnessing high-order interactions significantly enhances our model's ability to exploit multi-modal synergies leading in superior performance over state-of-the-art alternatives as shown through comprehensive experiments across various benchmarks.
VideoLLM-online: Online Video Large Language Model for Streaming Video
Joya Chen, Zhaoyang Lv, Shiwei Wu, Kevin Qinghong Lin, Chenan Song, Difei Gao, Jia-Wei Liu, Ziteng Gao, Dongxing Mao, Mike Zheng Shou
Large Language Models (LLMs) have been enhanced with vision capabilities enabling them to comprehend images videos and interleaved vision-language content. However the learning methods of these large multimodal models (LMMs) typically treat videos as predetermined clips rendering them less effective and efficient at handling streaming video inputs. In this paper we propose a novel Learning-In-Video-Stream (LIVE) framework which enables temporally aligned long-context and real-time dialogue within a continuous video stream. Our LIVE framework comprises comprehensive approaches to achieve video streaming dialogue encompassing: (1) a training objective designed to perform language modeling for continuous streaming inputs (2) a data generation scheme that converts offline temporal annotations into a streaming dialogue format and (3) an optimized inference pipeline to speed up interactive chat in real-world video streams. With our LIVE framework we develop a simplified model called VideoLLM-online and demonstrate its significant advantages in processing streaming videos. For instance our VideoLLM-online-7B model can operate at over 10 FPS on an A100 GPU for a 5-minute video clip from Ego4D narration. Moreover VideoLLM-online also showcases state-of-the-art performance on public offline video benchmarks such as recognition captioning and forecasting. The code model data and demo have been made available at showlab.github.io/videollm-online.
Text-conditional Attribute Alignment across Latent Spaces for 3D Controllable Face Image Synthesis
Feifan Xu, Rui Li, Si Wu, Yong Xu, Hau San Wong
With the advent of generative models and vision language pretraining significant improvement has been made in text-driven face manipulation. The text embedding can be used as target supervision for expression control.However it is non-trivial to associate with its 3D attributesi.e. pose and illumination. To address these issues we propose a Text-conditional Attribute aLignment approach for 3D controllable face image synthesis and our model is referred to as TcALign. Specifically since the 3D rendered image can be precisely controlled with the 3D face representation we first propose a Text-conditional 3D Editor to produce the target face representation to realize text-driven manipulation in the 3D space. An attribute embedding space spanned by the target-related attributes embeddings is also introduced to infer the disentangled task-specific direction. Next we train a cross-modal latent mapping network conditioned on the derived difference of 3D representation to infer a correct vector in the latent space of StyleGAN.Thiscorrection vector learning design can accurately transfer the attribute manipulation on 3D images to 2D images. We show that the proposed method delivers more precise text-driven multi-attribute manipulation for 3D controllable face image synthesis. Extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments verify the effectiveness and superiority of our method over the other competing methods.
ESCAPE: Encoding Super-keypoints for Category-Agnostic Pose Estimation
Khoi Duc Nguyen, Chen Li, Gim Hee Lee
In this paper we tackle the task of category-agnostic pose estimation (CAPE) which aims to predict poses for objects of any category with few annotated samples. Previous works either rely on local matching between features of support and query samples or require support keypoint identifier. The former is prone to overfitting due to its sensitivity to sparse samples while the latter is impractical for the open-world nature of the task. To overcome these limitations we propose ESCAPE - a Bayesian framework that learns a prior over the features of keypoints. The prior can be expressed as a mixture of super-keypoints each being a high-level abstract keypoint that captures the statistics of semantically related keypoints from different categories. We estimate the super-keypoints from base categories and use them in adaptation to novel categories. The adaptation to an unseen category involves two steps: first we match each novel keypoint to a related super-keypoint; and second we transfer the knowledge encoded in the matched super-keypoints to the novel keypoints. For the first step we propose a learnable matching network to capture the relationship between the novel keypoints and the super-keypoints resulting in a more reliable matching. ESCAPE mitigates overfitting by directly transferring learned knowledge to novel categories while it does not use keypoint identifiers. We achieve state-of-the-art performance on the standard MP-100 benchmark.
Correcting Diffusion Generation through Resampling
Yujian Liu, Yang Zhang, Tommi Jaakkola, Shiyu Chang
Despite diffusion models' superior capabilities in modeling complex distributions there are still non-trivial distributional discrepancies between generated and ground-truth images which has resulted in several notable problems in image generation including missing object errors in text-to-image generation and low image quality. Existing methods that attempt to address these problems mostly do not tend to address the fundamental cause behind these problems which is the distributional discrepancies and hence achieve sub-optimal results. In this paper we propose a particle filtering framework that can effectively address both problems by explicitly reducing the distributional discrepancies. Specifically our method relies on a set of external guidance including a small set of real images and a pre-trained object detector to gauge the distribution gap and then design the resampling weight accordingly to correct the gap. Experiments show that our methods can effectively correct missing object errors and improve image quality in various image generation tasks. Notably our method outperforms the existing strongest baseline by 5% in object occurrence and 1.0 in FID on MS-COCO. Our code is available at https://github.com/UCSB-NLP-Chang/diffusion_resampling.git.
Towards Better Vision-Inspired Vision-Language Models
Yun-Hao Cao, Kaixiang Ji, Ziyuan Huang, Chuanyang Zheng, Jiajia Liu, Jian Wang, Jingdong Chen, Ming Yang
Vision-language (VL) models have achieved unprecedented success recently in which the connection module is the key to bridge the modality gap. Nevertheless the abundant visual clues are not sufficiently exploited in most existing methods. On the vision side most existing approaches only use the last feature of the vision tower without using the low-level features. On the language side most existing methods only introduce shallow vision-language interactions. In this paper we present a vision-inspired vision-language connection module dubbed as VIVL which efficiently exploits the vision cue for VL models. To take advantage of the lowerlevel information from the vision tower a feature pyramid extractor (FPE) is introduced to combine features from different intermediate layers which enriches the visual cue with negligible parameters and computation overhead. To enhance VL interactions we propose deep vision-conditioned prompts (DVCP) that allows deep interactions of vision and language features efficiently. Our VIVL exceeds the previous state-of-the-art method by 18.1 CIDEr when training from scratch on the COCO caption task which greatly improves the data efficiency. When used as a plug-in module VIVL consistently improves the performance for various backbones and VL frameworks delivering new state-of-the-art results on multiple benchmarks e.g. NoCaps and VQAv2.
VSRD: Instance-Aware Volumetric Silhouette Rendering for Weakly Supervised 3D Object Detection
Zihua Liu, Hiroki Sakuma, Masatoshi Okutomi
Monocular 3D object detection poses a significant challenge in 3D scene understanding due to its inherently ill-posed nature in monocular depth estimation. Existing methods heavily rely on supervised learning using abundant 3D labels typically obtained through expensive and labor-intensive annotation on LiDAR point clouds. To tackle this problem we propose a novel weakly supervised 3D object detection framework named VSRD (Volumetric Silhouette Rendering for Detection) to train 3D object detectors without any 3D supervision but only weak 2D supervision. VSRD consists of multi-view 3D auto-labeling and subsequent training of monocular 3D object detectors using the pseudo labels generated in the auto-labeling stage. In the auto-labeling stage we represent the surface of each instance as a signed distance field (SDF) and render its silhouette as an instance mask through our proposed instance-aware volumetric silhouette rendering. To directly optimize the 3D bounding boxes through rendering we decompose the SDF of each instance into the SDF of a cuboid and the residual distance field (RDF) that represents the residual from the cuboid. This mechanism enables us to optimize the 3D bounding boxes in an end-to-end manner by comparing the rendered instance masks with the ground truth instance masks. The optimized 3D bounding boxes serve as effective training data for 3D object detection. We conduct extensive experiments on the KITTI-360 dataset demonstrating that our method outperforms the existing weakly supervised 3D object detection methods. The code is available at https://github.com/skmhrk1209/VSRD.
RILA: Reflective and Imaginative Language Agent for Zero-Shot Semantic Audio-Visual Navigation
Zeyuan Yang, Jiageng Liu, Peihao Chen, Anoop Cherian, Tim K. Marks, Jonathan Le Roux, Chuang Gan
We leverage Large Language Models (LLM) for zeroshot Semantic Audio Visual Navigation (SAVN). Existing methods utilize extensive training demonstrations for reinforcement learning yet achieve relatively low success rates and lack generalizability. The intermittent nature of auditory signals further poses additional obstacles to inferring the goal information. To address this challenge we present the Reflective and Imaginative Language Agent (RILA). By employing multi-modal models to process sensory data we instruct an LLM-based planner to actively explore the environment. During the exploration our agent adaptively evaluates and dismisses inaccurate perceptual descriptions. Additionally we introduce an auxiliary LLMbased assistant to enhance global environmental comprehension by mapping room layouts and providing strategic insights. Through comprehensive experiments and analysis we show that our method outperforms relevant baselines without training demonstrations from the environment and complementary semantic information.
Endow SAM with Keen Eyes: Temporal-spatial Prompt Learning for Video Camouflaged Object Detection
Wenjun Hui, Zhenfeng Zhu, Shuai Zheng, Yao Zhao
The Segment Anything Model (SAM) a prompt-driven foundational model has demonstrated remarkable performance in natural image segmentation. However its application in video camouflaged object detection (VCOD) encounters challenges chiefly stemming from the overlooked temporal-spatial associations and the unreliability of user-provided prompts for camouflaged objects that are difficult to discern with the naked eye. To tackle the above issues we endow SAM with keen eyes and propose the Temporal-spatial Prompt SAM (TSP-SAM) a novel approach tailored for VCOD via an ingenious prompted learning scheme. Firstly motion-driven self-prompt learning is employed to capture the camouflaged object thereby bypassing the need for user-provided prompts. With the detected subtle motion cues across consecutive video frames the overall movement of the camouflaged object is captured for more precise spatial localization. Subsequently to eliminate the prompt bias resulting from inter-frame discontinuities the long-range consistency within the video sequences is taken into account to promote the robustness of the self-prompts. It is also injected into the encoder of SAM to enhance the representational capabilities. Extensive experimental results on two benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed TSP-SAM achieves a significant improvement over the state-of-the-art methods. With the mIoU metric increasing by 7.8% and 9.6% TSP-SAM emerges as a groundbreaking step forward in the field of VCOD.
TULIP: Multi-camera 3D Precision Assessment of Parkinson's Disease
Kyungdo Kim, Sihan Lyu, Sneha Mantri, Timothy W. Dunn
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a devastating movement disorder accelerating in global prevalence but a lack of precision symptom measurement has made the development of effective therapies challenging. The Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) is the gold-standard for assessing motor symptom severity yet its manual scoring criteria are vague and subjective resulting in coarse and noisy clinical assessments. Machine learning approaches have the potential to modernize PD symptom assessments by making them more quantitative objective and scalable. However the lack of benchmark video datasets for PD motor exams hinders model development. Here we introduce the TULIP dataset to bridge this gap. TULIP emphasizes precision and comprehensiveness comprising multi-view video recordings (6 cameras) of all 25 UPDRS motor exam components together with ratings by 3 clinical experts in a cohort of Parkinson's patients and healthy controls. The multi-view recordings enable 3D reconstructions of body movement that better capture disease signatures than more conventional 2D methods. Using the dataset we establish a baseline model for predicting UPDRS scores from 3D poses illustrating how existing diagnostics could be automated. Looking ahead TULIP could aid the development of new precision diagnostics that transcend UPDRS scores providing a deeper understanding of PD and its potential treatments.
HybridNeRF: Efficient Neural Rendering via Adaptive Volumetric Surfaces
Haithem Turki, Vasu Agrawal, Samuel Rota Bulò, Lorenzo Porzi, Peter Kontschieder, Deva Ramanan, Michael Zollhöfer, Christian Richardt
Neural radiance fields provide state-of-the-art view synthesis quality but tend to be slow to render. One reason is that they make use of volume rendering thus requiring many samples (and model queries) per ray at render time. Although this representation is flexible and easy to optimize most real-world objects can be modeled more efficiently with surfaces instead of volumes requiring far fewer samples per ray. This observation has spurred considerable progress in surface representations such as signed distance functions but these may struggle to model semi-opaque and thin structures. We propose a method HybridNeRF that leverages the strengths of both representations by rendering most objects as surfaces while modeling the (typically) small fraction of challenging regions volumetrically. We evaluate HybridNeRF against the challenging Eyeful Tower dataset along with other commonly used view synthesis datasets. When comparing to state-of-the-art baselines including recent rasterization-based approaches we improve error rates by 15-30% while achieving real-time framerates (at least 36 FPS) for virtual-reality resolutions (2K x 2K).
AirPlanes: Accurate Plane Estimation via 3D-Consistent Embeddings
Jamie Watson, Filippo Aleotti, Mohamed Sayed, Zawar Qureshi, Oisin Mac Aodha, Gabriel Brostow, Michael Firman, Sara Vicente
Extracting planes from a 3D scene is useful for downstream tasks in robotics and augmented reality. In this paper we tackle the problem of estimating the planar surfaces in a scene from posed images. Our first finding is that a surprisingly competitive baseline results from combining popular clustering algorithms with recent improvements in 3D geometry estimation. However such purely geometric methods are understandably oblivious to plane semantics which are crucial to discerning distinct planes. To overcome this limitation we propose a method that predicts multi-view consistent plane embeddings that complement geometry when clustering points into planes. We show through extensive evaluation on the ScanNetV2 dataset that our new method outperforms existing approaches and our strong geometric baseline for the task of plane estimation.
Forgery-aware Adaptive Transformer for Generalizable Synthetic Image Detection
Huan Liu, Zichang Tan, Chuangchuang Tan, Yunchao Wei, Jingdong Wang, Yao Zhao
In this paper we study the problem of generalizable synthetic image detection aiming to detect forgery images from diverse generative methods e.g. GANs and diffusion models. Cutting-edge solutions start to explore the benefits of pre-trained models and mainly follow the fixed paradigm of solely training an attached classifier e.g. combining frozen CLIP-ViT with a learnable linear layer in UniFD. However our analysis shows that such a fixed paradigm is prone to yield detectors with insufficient learning regarding forgery representations. We attribute the key challenge to the lack of forgery adaptation and present a novel forgery-aware adaptive transformer approach namely FatFormer. Based on the pre-trained vision-language spaces of CLIP FatFormer introduces two core designs for the adaption to build generalized forgery representations. First motivated by the fact that both image and frequency analysis are essential for synthetic image detection we develop a forgery-aware adapter to adapt image features to discern and integrate local forgery traces within image and frequency domains. Second we find that considering the contrastive objectives between adapted image features and text prompt embeddings a previously overlooked aspect results in a nontrivial generalization improvement. Accordingly we introduce language-guided alignment to supervise the forgery adaptation with image and text prompts in FatFormer. Experiments show that by coupling these two designs our approach tuned on 4-class ProGAN data attains a remarkable detection performance achieving an average of 98% accuracy to unseen GANs and surprisingly generalizes to unseen diffusion models with 95% accuracy.
PostureHMR: Posture Transformation for 3D Human Mesh Recovery
Yu-Pei Song, Xiao Wu, Zhaoquan Yuan, Jian-Jun Qiao, Qiang Peng
Human Mesh Recovery (HMR) aims to estimate the 3D human body from 2D images which is a challenging task due to inherent ambiguities in translating 2D observations to 3D space. A novel approach called PostureHMR is proposed to leverage a multi-step diffusion-style process which converts this task into a posture transformation from an SMPL T-pose mesh to the target mesh. To inject the learning process of posture transformation with the physical structure of the human body model a kinematics-based forward process is proposed to interpolate the intermediate state with pose and shape decomposition. Moreover a mesh-to-posture (M2P) decoder is designed by combining the input of 3D and 2D mesh constraints estimated from the image to model the posture changes in the reverse process. It mitigates the difficulties of posture change learning directly from RGB pixels. To overcome the limitation of pixel-level misalignment of modeling results with the input image a new trimap-based rendering loss is designed to highlight the areas with poor recognition. Experiments conducted on three widely used datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.
Blur2Blur: Blur Conversion for Unsupervised Image Deblurring on Unknown Domains
Bang-Dang Pham, Phong Tran, Anh Tran, Cuong Pham, Rang Nguyen, Minh Hoai
This paper presents an innovative framework designed to train an image deblurring algorithm tailored to a specific camera device. This algorithm works by transforming a blurry input image which is challenging to deblur into another blurry image that is more amenable to deblurring. The transformation process from one blurry state to another leverages unpaired data consisting of sharp and blurry images captured by the target camera device. Learning this blur-to-blur transformation is inherently simpler than direct blur-to-sharp conversion as it primarily involves modifying blur patterns rather than the intricate task of reconstructing fine image details. The efficacy of the proposed approach has been demonstrated through comprehensive experiments on various benchmarks where it significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods both quantitatively and qualitatively. Our code and data are available at https://github.com/VinAIResearch/Blur2Blur