Chapter 6 - Itsuka Kendo & Setsuna Tokage (& Others)
The skyline of Musutafu was beautiful at night. From the right vantage point, one could see the expansive city stretch from the coast with the Pacific all the way to the illustrious UA High School to even Mount Fuji, one of the jewels of Japan, silhouetted in the background. At night, the multitude of hues, made from the light of all the buildings and vehicles as people went home to eager families, created a beautiful ocean of colour. And one of the best ways to appreciate a view like this was in one of the tall apartment complexes dotted around the metropolis. While most people either lived in modest residences on the city’s outskirts or possibly in a larger house closer to the forest park, those who could lived closer in the city. Because when there’s a growing economy, high security from a significant number of top rank heroes patrolling your region, and you’re located within cycling distance of one of the best hero schools in the world, prime property was in high demand, with most top floor penthouses having a price tag in the millions. Your residence was symbolic of your place in society, and the higher up you lived, the more people you had to look down upon. Most of these penthouses provided their owners with the idea of maximum safety and security. Their vantage point meant that you were difficult to reach, even by people with aviation quirks. And even then, management prided itself on providing the most up-to-date safety measures and surveillance they could afford, from cameras to guards to emergency lockdowns in the cases of attacks. These weren’t just homes, they were also strongholds. But even the most tightly-monitored and secured fortresses could not stop the occasional rat from slipping through. In one of these homes, dark and empty, completely devoid of any inhabitants, a scuttling could be heard. If anyone was there, they wouldn’t have seen anything, but would have sworn that it was coming from above their heads. This mysterious sound clanged and ringed all across the ceiling, effectively tracing a path above the entire structure, before finally halting, having found its opening. *Clang* *Clang* *Clun-crrsh!!!* The room echoed with the sound of a falling grate as the cover of the air vent was knocked out, bouncing on the ground. Then, in a disturbing sight, two disembodied hands and, more macabre, a single eye floated out of the vent and surveyed the room. The eye somehow squinted, searching around in the dark, before it finally spotted the main door. Floating over, the limbs made quick work of undoing the few locks and bolts and opening the door, allowing two figures to enter. “I’m still not sure about this,” the first one said, keeping their voice to a whisper. “We should have brought back-up.” “It’ll be fine,” replied the other softly as the hands and eye reattached to their person. “Any more and it would have been too obvious.” “I know that, but… are you sure you wanted me? Stealth isn’t exactly my forte.” “You complain too much. Besides, you’re more than sneaky, you bring the ‘pow!’” They exclaimed, gesturing a punching fist in the dark. “Now, where is… aha!” With a flick, the main lights turned on, revealing the two interlopers. The first was a young woman of slightly tall height, dressed in a turquoise qipao that clung tightly around her fit form. As a teenager, she was certainly more muscular than most girls in her grade, but her fitness had only improved over the past few years of working professionally, as seen by the lean muscles developed in her arms and thick, muscular thighs exposed by the slits in her dress. Her most noticeable feature however, other than the turquoise domino mask she wore, was her distinctive orange hair she wore in a high side ponytail. But despite her impressive form, she gave off an air of uncertainty, no doubt anxious about their current situation. Her partner, however, was the exact opposite. Standing shorter than the redhead, the other woman seemed much more relaxed as her dusky green eyes roamed keenly around the room. Instead of a dress, she wore a much more scandalous skin-tight purple bodysuit, emphasising all of the curves of her mature body; both it and the mask were designed with a unique scaled pattern. Combined with her sharp teeth and moss-green hair, she gave off an especially reptilian flair. “I still think Reiko or Shihai would have been better for this,” Itsuka Kendo complained. “Well, it’s a bit late now, isn’t it? So quit your whining,” Setsuna Tokage snapped back, still trying to keep her voice low, before walking into the apartment. “We’ve got an evil lair to pillage.” It seemed that, despite his many unpleasant memories here, Izuku Midoriya simply couldn’t leave the city he called home for good. “Can’t believe I’m doing this,” the ginger muttered to herself. Honestly, Kendo still wanted to bail out on the mission. Her instincts were telling her that this was a horrible idea. Even though she was no longer Class Rep, she was still someone who took charge and trusted her gut more often than not. But Setsuna was smart. Her strategies had paid off more often than not and had helped them out of many difficult situations with a win. That was the only reason she agreed to go along with this. “Remind me again what we’re looking for.” “You know, any piece of information that we can pass along to others. A laptop, a USB, some files. Anything that the Resistance might find useful to give the HRD a kick in their balls.” “And you think you’ll find it between the couch cushions?” “Hey,” Setsuna clapped back as she started unzipping pillows. “I don’t see you doing anything. Give me a hand, will ya?” Kendo rolled her eyes at the obvious pun, but nonetheless joined her friend in searching. The sooner they found something, the sooner they could get out of there. “Fuck, this place is fancy,” the lizard-hero exclaimed, her dislocated head lying around the room searching for every nook and cranny she could find. Despite the hut, she couldn’t help but admire all of the expensive furniture and artwork that made up the villain’s home. “It’s nicer than most of the Top Ranked heroes’ places I’ve been to. You think he got all this on a government salary?” “Doubt it,” Kendo responded, who by now was searching through the kitchen, almost fruitlessly. “We always wondered where the League was getting their funding when they were hiding. Now that they’re out in the open, guess he’s got money to burn.” She sighed as she examined some of the high-tech appliances she wished she could afford. “And they say crime doesn’t pay.” Eventually, the two heroines had scoured the entire living room-kitchen area top to bottom, going through every drawer, cupboard, pillow, pot, corner; anywhere that something might be able to hide something no one wanted found. Soon, one of them was losing their patience. “Damnit, this is getting us nowhere!” Kendo whisper-shouted. “Setsuna, I don’t like this. We should get out of here while we still can.” “I told you, we’ll be fine,” the floating head tried to reassure. “The guards at the front desk will still be knocked out and the virus Mei made for us has the cameras and the rest of the security scrambled for the next 10 hours.” Internally, Setsuna thanked the gods for Mei Hatsume. Every explosion or occasion where she forced her to try a new prototype ‘baby’ was forgiven when she agreed to make the pair that miracle device. She didn’t even care that what she was making them was highly, highly illegal. She just saw it as a challenge. “Besides, we might never get an opportunity like this again!” “Oh come on. We still don’t know when he’s getting back. Admit it, this is a badly thought out plan. We should have gotten more info than just relying on what your cousin’s boyfriend told you.” “Hey, cousin’s fiance's brother,” Setsuna clarified. “He’s the only one I know who works directly for the HRD. That’s more reliable than most others have.” “And he swears that he heard Shigaraki say that Deku had something planned for his 21st birthday, right?” “Yup. He didn’t know what the specifics were, but he said that it was going to be big. And we already know he’s not spending it at home. So if we’re lucky, he might just be busy the entire night having whatever dumb celebration those villains have and not even come back.” Setsuna saw that Kendo wasn’t entirely convinced and sighed. “Fine, fine. But let’s check one more room and then we can go, okay?” Kendo stood there for a moment, looking as if she was considering her options, before sighing. She always had a hard time saying no to one of her oldest friends. Setsuna let out a silent cheer as the two made their way over to a closed door. “You’ll see, this will all be worth it. We’ll be faster than Iida with a rocket up his-huh?” Whatever witty remark she was about to make quickly fizzled as she pushed down on the handle and, much to her annoyance, nothing happened. “What gives? Why won’t this…?” Frustrated, the lizard hero turned to her companion. “Kendo, do you think you could give this door the ‘Monoma’ treatment?” Kendo just rolled her eyes. “The whole point is that no one knows we were here. I’m pretty sure a broken-in door is going to be a dead give-away.” “Fine,” Setsuna huffed. “I’ll try and find another way in. Anyone who decides to lock a door when they’re away is no doubt hiding something. Let me see if there’s any openings I can spot.” And with that, she made her way over to one of the large windows and yanked it open, stumbling slightly as an intense gust of wind pushed her back. Soon, her levitating head floated off of her shoulders and through the narrow space. Setsuna had to admit, the view from up here was definitely beautiful. She just had to make sure that she didn’t look down. Despite having done stuff like this with her quirk for years, the thought of being so many storeys high made her a bit nauseous. ‘Come on, Setsuna. No time to enjoy the view. Now let’s see what we have-that’s interesting,’ she thought to herself, as she saw that not only was the curtain open in the next room, but the light was unmistakably on. ‘Okay then. Nothing suspicious about that at all. Maybe this’ll be easier. Now let’s see what we have-what the fuck?!’ When Setsuna had first come up with the plan to break in, she had tried thinking about all of the possible things that they could possibly find in the home of Japan’s biggest and most powerful villain: an office filled with notes and a map detailing a plot for world domination, a secret lab with a new generation of Nomus growing in vats, a vault filled with stolen treasure and artwork from all around the globe. Heck, she was even half expecting a marble statue of the man himself, considering the size of his ego. But she never could have predicted this. The first thing she realised was that she was wrong about the place being empty. She was very, very wrong. Because right in front of her was the back of a man with an unmistakable head of dark-green hair. Her stomach plummeted as she instantly recognised who that behind profile belonged to. Setsuna cursed herself as she realised that he was not alone as he was talking next to another man who… looked the exact same from behind… What?! As Setsuna’s mind rushed to make sense of the situation, she soon realised that the two were not alone. Far from it as the room was filled with people. Many sweaty, naked people. And all of them were engaged in some act of… Oh. Oh God! But more than that, it was who was involved that rendered her speechless. All around the bedroom (a fact she was quickly able to realise), multiple Midoriyas were occupied in some capacity, each one of them were in various stages of undress. Some seemed to be dressed in his usual semi-formal outfit whereas others were completely naked. And each one of them were either sitting, crouching, standing, lying on the ground, etc. They were either alone or in groups with one another, like a series of vignettes from an intense porno, with women all over the room. But what was worse was that she recognised most of them: To the side of the room, a dark-haired woman and a blonde were dressed in frilly lingerie, panties shifted to the side as they squatted over two Dekus lying on the ground with their arms supporting the back of their heads, each one grinning smugly. The women’s backs were facing the window, but Setsuna had spent enough time staring at those large asses on the news or in the classroom to recognise their owners. It seems that she caught Mt Lady and Midnight in the middle of a perverse competition as the pair squatted up and down, hands on their heads, as they moved at a regular tempo. Nearby, she saw Mandalay and Pixie-Bob being held up in the arms of two men; their legs splayed out in a lewd display. Both of them were wearing fur-lined underwear matching the colours of their uniforms along with fake cat ears and claw gloves in an obscene erotic parody of their hero costumes . They were each held aloft with the men’s hands hooked underneath the crux of their legs, each forming a W-shape as each was powerlessly fucked, facing one another as if they were on display. And even though the thick glass muffled all sound, Setsuna could see from their rolled-back eyes and tongues sticking out of slack jaws that the two were lost in the pleasurable experience. But just when she was wondering where the third member of their team was, Lizardy didn’t have to look long before she spotted Ragdoll’s sea-green hair as she was surrounded by three Dekus all to herself, kneeling as they surrounded her. Down there, the bubbly-butted Pussycat was doing her best to please all three of them at the same time, wrapping her lips tightly around the cock of the middle one while jerking off the other two with her free hands. There was no view of her face, but based on how quickly and enthusiastically she was bobbing her head and working their shafts, she was just as into it as her teammates. Forcing herself to look away, Setsuna turned her direction to the right, hoping for something different, less depraved, but no such luck as, on the bed, a blonde woman she didn’t recognise was on her hands and knees being double-teamed by two Dekus, one thrusting into her mouth while the other ravaged her pussy from behind. It was enough that it seemed the poor blonde had to grab hold of the one Deku’s firm butts just for some stability. She wasn’t sure if she was getting a good look but it seemed that the poor girl was wearing what she thought was an American flag bikini, but she couldn’t be sure as her tits were jiggling wildly in their confines like a pair of waving udders. Behind the bed, Setsuna could see a large crowd of around 5 naked men gathered around one person, however the mass of bodies meant that she couldn’t get a good view of just who they were surrounding. All she could do was pray for the poor woman Turning away from them, at the back of the room, the heroine saw a fawn-haired girl dancing on a table for the viewing pleasure of another Deku, fully dressed this time. Setsuna could make out she was wearing a maid’s uniform but, even from the outside, she could see that there was no way that outfit was made for cleaning. On the incredibly curvy woman, it looked way too small to the point of pure indecency. Her roaming hands as she danced drew the viewer’s eye to her plunging cleavage, showing off her big, fat titties, or the too-short skirt that constantly exposed the bottom half of her luscious ass and her lovely long legs. Even with the headband and lacy white stockings, there was no illusion that this wasn’t an outfit made for a stripper (seriously, Setsuna had belts that were wider than that fucking skirt). The accidental voyeur could have sworn that she recognised that girl from Shiketsu or somewhere. But it seems that they weren’t the only ones busy with the couch as, sitting next to the man whose eyes were glued to the slutty maid, a woman was sitting on a naked Deku’s lap. Even though her view was obstructed by her long black hair, Setsuna could easily infer that the woman’s tongue was jammed forcefully down the man’s throat as his hands were making their way underneath her skirt. It seems that she was just as eager to feel his hands grope her, as she rotated around in his lap and… oh. Oh no… There had been reports that Momo Yaoyorozu had been captured by the HRC a few months back and, even worse, rumours that she was seen working for the enemy as his assistant. Now, most of her UA year refused to believe these stories, as there was no way that someone as moral, dignified and strong as the class representative of Class 3-A would betray everything her and her friends held sacred. But the evidence was right there, as Setsuna could only stare, slack-jawed, as Momo fiercely kissed the man who was undoubtedly their enemy. She kissed him over her shoulder, hands moving up to bring his face in closer and locking it in place. Meanwhile, his hands were snaking their way up her pencil skirt and to her white button down which he nimbly undid, causing her massive breasts to pop out, barely being contained in a black bra that seemed to strain under their sheer mass. The young man she was kissing didn’t hesitate to take advantage, instantly moving to grope and squeeze the marshmallowy flesh, an action Momo seemed to enjoy, evidenced in how she forced his head in closer. Setsuna could only stare dumbfounded. ‘Oh, Itsuka isn’t going to like this.’ *SLAM!* Lizardy’s head jerked back as something solid smacked into the window panel, causing the thick material to shudder. Her head swivelled back to the window from where it came from, quick to hide her presence, like a rat scurrying away from potential predators. Eventually her curiosity got the better of her and she finally had the courage to go back. Carefully peeking over the side, she quickly wished she hadn’t as she got a front row view of Himiko Toga’s face squished firmly against the glass, completely naked, as a Deku railed into her again and again, grabbing hold of her wrists to give him the most leverage. Most people would find the position to be comfortable if not painful. But Setsuna could see from the way her eyes rolled back and the massive grin on her face that Toga was loving every second of it. ‘I need to bleach my eyes. We’ve gotta get out of here!’ Flying through the open window, Setsuna reattached her head and called out to her companion. “Itsuka, I fucked up. Deku’s here. We’ve gotta bounce, so grab your shit and-“ The heroine’s warning to her friend was cut short as she backed up into something firm and humanoid behind her. Slowly turning around, she found herself not looking back at her fellow partner in crime waiting for her, but rather into the dark-green eyes of Deku. “Good evening, snake.” That was all the warning Setsuna got as, before she could even react, a fist slammed itself into her stomach, causing her to keel over and wheeze, all of the air leaving her body. Deku, not wasting a second, quickly moved to incapacitate her. However, someone with a quirk as tricky as Lizard Tail Splitter was not easy to pin down, so he did his best to swiftly move behind and wrap his arm around her neck while grabbing hold of one of her wrists with his free hand, forcing her to face a specific direction. “I wouldn’t struggle so much if I were you,” he whispered, his raspy voice sending chills down the verdanette’s spine. “Not unless you want us to punish your friend.” Before Setsuna could ask what he meant, her eyes landed on exactly what he wanted her to see. “Itsuka!” Her fellow hero was currently stuck in her own struggle, but it was very clear that she was in a much worse situation, as not one but two Dekus were restraining her actions, bending her arms in ways that wouldn’t allow her to utilise her quirk at all; wrapping their limbs around her to hold her head and legs in place. One even had an arm wrapped around her mouth, restricting her voice. As much as the ginger woman tried to struggle and push against them, she just couldn’t break their iron grip on her, a fact which she voiced in muffled grunts of anger. Setsuna cursed to herself. This was all her fault. She should have at least left an ear behind in case something went wrong, but because of her arrogance, she allowed three of them to take her off-guard. This was literally the nightmare scenario. She turned back to her captor, staring daggers at him. “Let us go, you bastard!” “Hmm…” the Deku hummed, considering the demand. “No.” He looked down at her, meeting he gaze head on, before busting out a laugh. “Oh come now, don’t look so mad. You can’t really expect me to allow a couple of party-crashers off scot-free now, can we?” He directed his question towards his copies, who both nodded in agreement with him. Setsuna felt a cold sweat begin to drip down her back. “Oh, here’s an idea,” the main Deku continued. “Since it is my birthday, I’m in a generous mood. And because you put in so much effort just to get here…” With his free hand, he snapped his fingers and gestured towards the bedroom door. The other two, understanding the meaning, yanked Itsuka towards it, ignoring their struggling captive. “Why don’t you join us?” He, meanwhile, pushed Setsuna forwards after them. She would have fought back, but just before, she saw the shift in his eyes; it was hungry, predatory. Her heart seemed to stop as it pinned her in place, unable to fight back. Assessing the situation told her that such resistance would only land them in more trouble. With each step, she felt her heart rate increase. And as she went through the door, the very air around them seemed to change. The moment her foot stepped through, every one of her senses were assaulted. The first thing that hit her was the smell, as the air was filled with the scent of sweat, alcohol, perfume, and something else that reminded her of very private moments alone at home with the things hidden underneath her bed. It overpowered her olfactory senses. Then there were the sounds. All over the room, the sound of moans, cries and grunts of pleasure echoed around them combined with the rhythmic sound of flesh slapping on soft flesh, either from hips slamming against one another or a hand coming down to spank a juicy fat ass. Every now and then, a sharp gasp and a cry of ‘cumming!’ joined in. The noise was inescapable as each one only seemed to egg on the rest, creating a cacophony of bliss. And then there were the sights. Everywhere she looked, women were being penetrated by the same man in so many different ways, being bent over or thrusting their bodies towards them, hands roaming and squeezing all over, it was hard to believe. Seeing it from outside was one thing, but to witness it in person, mere feet away that they were close enough to touch, was a different experience entirely. It was all too much. Her mouth felt dry, her breathing increased and her pupils dilated at the feeling of adrenaline coursing through her. Suddenly her tight-skin uniform felt a bit too tight and she needed to loosen it slightly. Parts of her body felt more sensitive and the only way to solve it would be to grab and massage the feeling away. Oh God, just the thought of it made it feel like a fire was lit deep inside her core. Her heart beat so hard she could hear it in her ears. She just wanted someone to reach down and… and…! “Yaah!” Setsuna didn’t get to finish the thought as she was suddenly pulled away by three Dekus. But while the young heroine was getting lost in the sights, there was a pair of more mature women who were focused on more… important things. “Eighty five. Eighty six. E-Eighty-seven. Eighty-ei-ei-eiiii!!!~” “Seventy nine. Eighty. Eighty o-o-ooohh I’m cumming!!!~” Near the window, Midnight and Mt Lady felt their legs buckle slightly as they both climaxed, having to pause just so that they didn’t collapse. Both of their bodies were starting to sweat heavily as their chests heaved, even their masks were slightly askew. However, as soon as they made eye contact with the other and saw that their rival hadn’t collapsed, a newfound sense of competition and determination filled them and thus continued their contest, increasing the speed of their squats. Beneath them, the two Izukus grinned. “Come on, Yu. Don’t fall behind that old cow.” “Remember, ladies, it doesn’t count if you don’t go all the way to the base.” In this corner of the room, the two heroines were challenged to see who could do the most cock-squats over Izuku. Each clone had to lie on the ground quite comfortably as the ladies forced themselves to pierce themselves on the fat cocks again and again. It only counted when their hips slammed together, meaning the women had to endure the pleasure of having their cervixes rammed against constantly. The Izukus, meanwhile, just had to lie back and enjoy it, feeling their tight pussies clamp down each time they came. They had a beautiful sight as, with their hands behind their heads, their shoulders were then forced back, making them arc their backs and thrust their bountiful milky mountains forwards. With each squat, the ladies’ massive titties bounced up and down, jiggling wildly either together or separately, much to the men’s viewing pleasure. “Ninety-one. Ninety-two. Ninety-thr-” *SMACK!* “Kya!!!” And each time they didn’t go all the way, they would receive ‘encouragement’ in the form of a hand spanking them on the bottom, as seen in how Mt Lady gasped at the sharp contact with her ass. “Yu, you can do better than that. Shake those hips more, slut!” “Ha-ha-how many more until I – ahha – win?” she forced out. “Only 100… no, 150 more. Keep it up.” He smacked her shapely rump, causing her to speed up her bouncing. “You too, Nemuri.” *SMACK* “Oooh~!~” And so they went, moving like pistons in a continual fuck-machine. Truthfully, the two Izukus weren’t really keeping score or abiding by the rules, being willing to change them as they saw fit. That also included their encouragement, slapping those fine asses whenever they wanted. Why wouldn’t they, as each time they did, they could feel the ladies squeeze down tighter. And one certainly enjoyed it more than the other, as Mt Lady’s massive shelf of an ass was covered in more red hand prints than Midnight’s. “Huh, I can’t believe they’re making them do all the work,” one Deku said. “Where’s the fun in that?” “I know, right?” another responded, grunting from his own efforts. “I much prefer actually taking action. And they like it a lot, right Pixie-Bob?” he asked the woman in his arms. “Ye-ah. Ah! Ahha!” the blonde cooed, unable to utter a proper word. “Good girl.” With that, he raised her higher, pulling out until only the tip remained, before ramming her down completely, causing her eyes to widen and her mouth form an O-shape as she gushed furiously down his cock in a powerful orgasm. She could never hold back when her fit body was used as a toy. She would have liked to voice her approval, but couldn’t. The other Deku seemed to nod in agreement, but was busy nibbling at Mandalay’s neck as he screwed her, causing her to arch her back further and wriggle in his grasp at the sensation, mewling enjoyably. The third Pussycat, meanwhile, was unaware of the erotic situation of her teammates as she was still busy at work pleasuring the three men in front of her. She eagerly sucked, licked, rubbed, and fondled each of their dicks, shifting her mouth between them so that none ever felt neglected. Whenever there was a thick dollop of precum, Ragdoll would move to lap it, savouring the strong taste. “Fuck, she’s gotten really good at this,” the left Izuku noted, moaning as he felt her massage his testicles. “I know. All of those hours underneath our desk seemed to have - mmph - paid off,” groaned the right as she nuzzled his cock, wrapping her eel-like tongue around the rim. “She’s a good little pet, aren’t you, Ragdoll?” commented the middle rubbing his hand in her green locks. “I think she’s earned a treat, don’t you guys agree?” At those words, Ragdoll’s big yellow eyes lit up. She pulled out the fat cock out of her mouth to nod, staring up at them adoringly. “Yes, Master. I’ve been very good.” “Does Kitty want some cream?” he asked her, stroking himself off as his cock throbbed in his hand. He grinned wolfishly as her nodding became more furious. “Good, now open wide.” With that, his stroking began to increase as the other two beside him followed. Ragdoll opened her mouth as wide as she could, lolling out her tongue in anticipation, as three bursts of hot, sticky spunk burst across her pretty face and boobs in a messy money shot. The musky smell hit her like a truck, making her nostrils flare and sending overwhelming signals to her brain. She quickly moved to capture as much in her mouth as possible, but with how much there was it simply wasn’t possible. Soon she was licking her reward off of her body, scooping it off with a finger and sucking the appendage. “Mmmh,” she purred happily. “Thank you, Masters.” “That was fun,” said the middle Izuku, by now seemingly leading this little intimate action, “Now, men, I think it’s time we should move on to some ‘team-building,’ wouldn’t you agree?” Realising his meaning, the two other copies smirked. The centre one then whistled towards the Izukus hold-fucking the rest of the Pussycats. “Hey, you two, your time is up. Now hand them over.” “What?” complained Mandalay’s partner. “We’re in the middle of something.” “Yeah,” agreed Pixie-Bob’s. “We haven’t even come in them yet.” “A deal’s a deal. Your turn is up.” The two Dekus rolled their eyes, but nonetheless obliged. They carried the struggling woman over to the others, bouncing them along the way, before slowly laying them on the ground. Pixie-Bob groaned at the loss of contact, reaching back up for her partner, whereas her large-chested leader seemed grateful for an opportunity to catch her breath. Her relief, however, didn’t last long, as they were soon surrounded by three silhouettes. “Come, Kitty,” the first said. The greenette, having finished cleaning herself, eagerly crawled over, beckoning his call. She positioned herself between her two tired teammates. While her friends were lying on their backs, Ragdoll desirously shimmied her hips from side to side, causing her lovely pert buttcheeks to jiggle. She giggled as she could feel their eyes staring right at it, enjoying them being charmed. “W-W-Wait a minute,” Mandalay stammered nervously, as she felt being forced apart once again and something long, thick and very, very hard press against her slightly gaping entrance. “This isn’t fair.” Looking to the side, she saw that the other Pussycats were in a similar position, although they seemed to be much more receptive, as Pixie-Bob was openly spreading her glistening nether lips while Ragdoll had her wide hips gripped and grinding against the crotch of another. “Don’t worry, Shino,” her yellow cat compatriot reassured her. “I know that you only got one while I had three to myself, but I’m sure Master will fix that. We just need to be good kitties for them.” “T-That’s not what I’m saying, Tomoko!” she yelled. It was obvious that her friend completely missed the point. She was always like this when she got incredibly horny. She turned to the man leering above her. “Please, I just need a break. If you do it again so soon, I’m gonna go ma-aaAAHH!!~” “Oooh~!~” “Oh Fuuuuck~!!!” Quickly, all three Pussycats squealed out in pleasure as they were all rammed powerfully, Izuku’s cock spearing all the way to their cervixes. It was one way to shut Mandalay’s complaints up, as she was too busy crying out in euphoric bliss to protest. The sudden penetration was too much for the heroines as they all orgasmed simultaneously, their cries creating a beautiful harmony that only inflamed the clones’ passions, making them rut all the more. It was a veritable display of animalistic mating. And for those three cats, they wanted nothing less. The two Izukus from earlier, however, stared at the scene, frustrated at the sight of their partners being dicked by other men, even if they all looked exactly alike. But just as quick as that annoyance bloomed, it faded as they went to a different part of the room. After all, there were plenty of beautiful women to choose from. “So, are you enjoying the festivities, Lizardy?” The young woman closed her dropped jaw, but didn’t say anything. She was still trying to process the sight in front of her. Five heroes that she grew up knowing and respecting, one of whom was her goddamn teacher, were copulating to the demands of the biggest villain in Japan, degrading themselves for his pleasure. Just the sight of it made her blood boil; how else would it explain the heat coursing through her whole body or the way her heart pounded in her chest? “Now what’s with the scary face?” Setsuna bit back a snarl as the Deku who captured her turned her around to face him. He had been there the entire time, forcing her to watch and whispering huskily in her ear like commentary. He was so close that, even through his formal clothing, she could feel the firmness of his muscles through it all as his body pressed close to hers. From what she saw and felt, she was sure this guy had a body fat percentage in the low single digits. “You know, Setsuna,” he said, tilting her head up so that her slitted-green eyes met his glowing ones. She hated that he was using her name. “You don’t have to force yourself to be left out. Look how much fun your fellow heroes are having.” His words only seemed to incense her more. “Fun? I don’t know what sick thing you’ve done to them, but there’s no way they’d ever consider this ‘fun,’ you piece of shit!” His infuriating smirk seemed to grow at her defiance. “Oh, someone has a mouth on them. No doubt because you’re feeling pent up. But don’t worry, we can help with that.” With that, he whistled to someone over her shoulder, not that she could see since he held her in place so tightly, but she didn’t have to guess for long as she felt the presence of two others behind her. She felt her disgust brewing inside her. “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of you. But first…” He moved his hand so that it was cupping her chin. “Remove your head.” It took a second to understand what he said. For a moment, she just stared at him dumbfounded. But then her brain processed it. “What?!” The man remained unfazed. “Remove your head. Detach it. I know exactly what your quirk is, Lizardy, so don’t act surprised.” Setsuna glared at him. She wanted to spit at him, cuss him out further, anything to defy his odd request, but she couldn’t. She could feel the other two begin to grab hold of her shoulder and arm. She was surrounded and couldn’t escape. And she didn’t want to think about what would happen if she annoyed them further. To her or to the other women. She continued to stare daggers at him, their gazes unwavering, before eventually she acquiesced, feeling her head begin to float just slightly above her collar. “Hey, what are you doing?” She struggled as she felt the other two begin to pull her body away. “Don’t worry, you’re in good hands,” the main Deku said, smiling at her. He raised her head up higher so that it was on level with his. “Alas, poor Setsuna…” This earned him a well-deserved eye roll. That particular joke had been made more than a few dozen times in her life and it was just as unfunny as the last time she heard it. Now she had one more thing to add to the list of ‘Reasons to hate Deku.’ “You know, for someone so pretty, you sure have an angry face. Are you always like this?” “What did you say, you bastard?” her eyes swivelled back to him. “Why don’t you say that a little closer and I’ll bite that smart mouth of yours off!” Emphasising her point, she snarled at him, baring her pointed teeth and clacking them together as if to bite at him. Deku let out a breath of air, then a slight chuckle, then broke into a full laugh. “What’s so funny, asshole?” “I’m sorry, but I just realised how cute you are when you’re so riled up. Don’t worry, we’ll help you with that.” “Wha-” the head blushed at the sudden compliments. “Don’t you fucking call me cute. I don’t want to hear that from- Hey, hands off!” She yelled as she suddenly felt hands begin to caress her disconnected body. Although she couldn't see them, she could feel as their strong paws moved down her arms and waist, rubbing her shoulders and squeezing her hips, tracing every curve of her body. Despite the strength they possessed, their touches were gentle, warm. She hated how, even through her skin-tight costume, each graze sent tingles coursing through her skin, making her pulse quicken. The fact that this man made her feel any positive emotion only fouled her mood further. “Relax, Setsuna, they won’t hurt you. We just want you to unwind a little.” Izuku cocked his head to the side. “Besides, it’s true, you are very cute.” Despite trying her best to stay angry at the man, Setsuna couldn’t help but become slightly flustered at his words. The reason for that is that she never got many compliments while at UA. Despite having a few hookups, she was never anyone's first choice when it came to looks, not when her competition was the likes of Momo, Itsuka, Mina, Ochako and others. She didn’t have the biggest boobs or the tightest ass and most guys weren’t quick to hit on her. The reason for this was that, despite her intellect, most people usually found something about her to be off-putting, whether it be her abrasive personality, her jokes, or her quirk which some labelled too creepy. So to receive the attention of an admittedly hot guy like Deku, she couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. And it wasn’t as if Izuku was lying to her either, for in his eyes the reptilian hero was more than attractive. He knew just how smart she was from getting his hands on her teachers’ reports (something he did for all UA students of her year, especially the recommended ones) and was thoroughly impressed by her strategic and lateral thinking. Furthermore, her quirk was fascinating to him, as the first time he read about it, his mind went into overdrive theorising about all of its possibilities, uses, and weaknesses. But it was also true that, in his opinion, she was very pretty, with her animalistic eyes, sharp teeth and messy moss-green hair (which kind of reminded him of his own). But that was to say nothing about her body. While she was not as developed as some of the other women in the room, Setsuna had an amazingly fit and curvy body, which was only emphasised by the skin-tight nature of her purple costume, which practically hid nothing. Her more modest bust was perfectly round and firm, while still having a slight bounce, more than enough to fill a handful. Similarly, her body was rather slender and seductive compared to most women’s, from her flat stomach to her narrow waist, before puffing out with wide hips and a lovely globe-shaped ass that was perfectly soft and fun to squeeze, before ending with a pair of lovely long legs. It’s no wonder the two others were having a hard time not ripping off her garment and groping her naked flesh right then and there. Setsuna Tokage was one sexy serpent. “Why is it that all you heroes have to be so hostile to me all the time? Am I doing something wrong?” “Doing something-? Are you fucking insane? You’re a fucking villain!” “Oh, come now, just because I’m the Bad Guy doesn’t mean I’m a bad guy,” he responded, pouting. He was actually fucking pouting at her! She was sure that everything he did was designed to piss her off. “Is that what you tell yourself? After everything you’ve done? The things you’ve stolen, the destruction you’ve caused, the lives you have ruined?! Do you know how many classmates lost their jobs because of you?!” Deku looked at her intensely, saying nothing. For a moment it looked as if Setsuna had succeeded in shutting him up. But then he opened his mouth. “Of the 39 graduating students of your class, nine of you had your licence suspended while three had them outright revoked. Of those nine, four decided not to undergo the review and found employment elsewhere, putting what they learnt at UA to good use.” His gaze suddenly hardened. “So yes, Setsuna, I do know.” Lizardy opened her mouth to respond, but no proper words were formed as she stammered to produce a clever response to him. She was hoping to trip him up. It was rhetorical, so how the hell was he able to pull that statistic off the top of his head? It would help if there wasn’t a hand dangerously close to her ass! “Of the 27 members who passed, I expected better from you, Setsuna. I paid very close attention to your year, considering the number of run-ins we had with you all over the years. And you were actually one of the better years,” he began to chuckle. “You should have seen what Ketsubutsu let some of their students get away with.” “Oh, and that makes it so much bette- Mph! Stop it!” It seems that while she was talking, the two clones in charge of her body had moved on from touching her and were now getting her to reciprocate. Even without sight, her fingers made out the impressively defined and strong lines of their muscles, the undersides of their developed pectorals, the grooves of their abdominals, the softness of the occasional scar tissue. It felt like she was groping two stateus carved out of warm marble. Growing up around heroes, she was no stranger to impressive physiques, but there was no denying that touching this man made her feel things that her fellow heroes didn’t. She swallowed nervously as she realised that her fingers were moving completely on their own, wanting to feel as much of them as possible and, even worse, she couldn’t stop them. “Furthermore,” the verdanette continued, “Of those 27, twelve gave up their licences voluntarily. I’m a fair man. It’s not my fault if they decided to return to ordinary life. Or to scurry around the underground like rats.” A twinkle shone in his eyes. “Or snakes.” “Y-You think you’re so morally righteous, don’t you? Just because you’re in the p-public eye and work in government doesn’t mean y-you’ve changed.” Damnit, why was she now stuttering? She didn’t know why, but she could feel something was wrong with her physiology. Her breath was getting heavy and her body was too warm. She could feel herself writhe in place, inadvertently rubbing against the hard torsos. Had they moved in closer to her? “You’re still a piece of shit who g-gets off on hurting othe- Hey!” She cut herself off as she felt a hand squeeze around one of her boobs. “Oh please, It’s not like I torture people. I just make sure that their punishment for breaking the law fits their crime.” He then brought her head towards his and- Oh God, too close! She could literally smell him. It was a mixture of smoked wood, petrichor, natural musk and something she couldn’t quite pin down. She always thought of villains as gross, dirty delinquents who didn’t care about hygiene, but she had to admit Izuku Midoriya smelt quite good. It kind of made her mouth water- Wait, what the hell was she thinking? She shook her head violently, trying to clear such thoughts away. There was no way she would ever recognise him as being even the tiniest bit attractive. “Besides, I don’t think your colleagues are complaining,” he whispered to her. It was quite ironic that, despite her persona, he sounded more like a viper. “Didn’t you see how happy they are?” “I-I don’t know what you did to them, but I know you gave them something. That’s the only way anyone would enjoy that sad, pencil-dick of yours.” Despite the situation, Setsuna forced herself to stare into his eyes, even as they suddenly became more intense. She felt quite smug at being to get at least one more jab out at him. “What? You compensating for being so lack-mmph!” Unfortunately, she was shut up as she felt a finger begin to trace in a very particular spot just between her legs. “Huh, you know you’re not the first to make a comment like that,” he said, his voice getting dangerously low. “And you’re not the first I’ve had the pleasure proving wrong.” Before the young woman could respond back, she felt her wrists being taken hold and moved downwards, slowly, from the space between their pectorals to the middle line of their… begrudgingly mouth-watering abs to even lower until she was touching-what the fuck? At first, her mind wasn’t comprehending what her hands were feeling. They were two long rods, each one hot to the touch. Then there were the sizes. She could already tell she couldn’t wrap her fingers around them entirely. It was thicker than her arm! Heck, she wasn’t even sure if her small hands went halfway. And they were hard, so hard that she at first thought they were iron that had come out of a forge. But they weren’t iron. She knew this as she squeezed both nervously and felt they were flesh. This… this couldn’t be… “So do you take it back?” he whispered. “Or do you have nothing to say?” Setsuna wanted to snipe back, but her mind was too busy feeling out whatever it was were in her delicate hands. There was no way this could be their dicks. It was true that, during this entire time here, she never actually saw what he was packing as she was more trying to get over the shock of seeing her fellow heroines being screwed to notice what they were being screwed with, but she had enough experience in school and in her social life to recognise a normal cock. And this wasn’t one! “Wha-? Bu-? I don’t-?” “Ah, I see I’ve found something that shut you up.” Even though his grin had returned, the look in his eyes were no less intense. “There’s no way…” Her eyes widened as she felt the things throb powerfully in her grasp; it was if they had their own heart beats with how she felt them pulse rhythmically. “Oh, it’s been a while since someone’s had this reaction. So, now do you think they’re happy?” Setsuna wanted to say something, anything, but couldn’t as she felt her head begin to swim. A fog seemed to cover her brain as she tried to look behind her, to turn around and make sense of the situation, but couldn’t as the veritable Hamlet held her struggling top tighter. “Oh, has something caught your interest? Can you feel its weight? It’s girth?“ She couldn’t help but release a tiny squeal as he said that, nor when he brought her head so close his lips were almost touching her ear. She could feel her body shudder as she felt his warm breath blow across her skin. “But seeing is believing, after all. So tell me, Setsuna…” “Do you want to see it?” The verdanette’s mouth went dry, meaning she couldn’t sputter out a response. So Izuku made the choice for her. Slowly, he pushed her head away from his and then began to lower her until she was staring directly at the space between his legs. To Setsuna, the massive bulge he was pitching was almost ridiculous as it seemed to throb even down the length of his trousers. And the smell! Whatever was permeating through the air earlier, it was no doubt more potent in this area. She just couldn’t look away. Then, at a torturous pace, he began to undo his trousers. The pace was agonising as, even though he only had one free hand, it was still so leisurely. She was about to yell at him to hurry up when… *FWAP!!* “Ooh!” Lizardy couldn’t help but coo in shock as she felt something swing out of his trousers and slap her on the face. She could only gape dumbly at the piece of meat as it rested on her face, practically blocking her vision in one eye as it rested on her. The last tiny bit of denial died within her as her green eyes ran wildly across its veiny shaft. She now knew that feeling it did not do it justice at all, even as her hands jerked faster in response. As she felt the heat radiating off of it, she could also sense the drool that was now escaping her mouth. “Do you like it?” Deku asked, smug as can be considering he already knew that answer. “H-How are you so fucking big?” she asked, never taking her eyes off the massive weapon in front of her. This actually got a laugh out of the hung stud. “Well, not all of us are lucky enough to be blessed with a quirk,” he said, “but that doesn’t mean we aren’t gifted in other ways, as plenty would attest.” For a moment, Setsuna wanted to disagree; that the man wasn’t born quirkless. The evidence was right before her. How could a quirk not be responsible for the obscene growth in front of her? Did the Midoriyas have an animal quirk gene inherent in the family that they didn’t know about? Because the cock in front of her was more suitable for a horse than a man! “You know, you look so cute with that dumb look on your face and your mouth stuck open for me, Setsuna,” he snided, not that the woman had any sense to care about that. “But you’ve been so patient.” With those words, he moved her head back until she was positioned juuust before the tip of his cock, where the bulbous red bell-end was leaking a bit of thick precum. Instinctively, Setsuna opened her mouth wider. “You know, I haven’t had any action this entire night. So you better feel honoured to have the first taste!” “MMMPH!!!” Despite her best efforts, nothing Setsuna could have done could have prepared her as Izuku shoved her head down on his cock, forcing inch after inch of thick dickmeat down her throat. Her neck bulged as her lips wrapped as her jaw stretched to its limit to accommodate his sheer bulk, but even that didn’t seem to be enough. Izuku never let go of his grip in her moss-green locks and pushed past the tight seal of her small lips, humming pleasurably as he felt her noticeably sharp teeth graze across the skin. Eventually, he decided to be merciful, as he stopped halfway down his length, but even that was enough to make the poor woman splutter and choke on his dick, her cries being muffled almost entirely. “So how do you like it, Setsuna” “Mmmph! Mnngh! MMMnghk!!” For once, Setsuna was actually glad that he proved to be so well-endowed as she was worried she might say something she would regret. Because as soon as his precum and sweat touched her tongue, which was wringing around his shaft like a serpent, she could feel her mind slowly cloud and the warmth in her nethers spread throughout her entire body as her arousal grew. Izuku forced the floating head back and forth across his fat rod, thrusting forward in synergy with her, each time forcing more of his meat down her gullet. With each pull out, more of his cock was covered in her spittle as she spluttered all over it. Izuku was surprised that he didn’t see the tip begin to poke out the end of her neck. ‘Oh fuck, he’s too big. He’s using me like a flesh light. He’s going to break my jaw. But… why does it feel so good?! I don’t want it to stop!’ As Izuku continued to mercilessly facefuck the poor heroine, he could see how she was beginning to give in, as he saw her hollow out her cheeks and increase the suction of her lips, tightening the seal around him. He wasn’t the only one, as to the side, her headless body continued to writhe and shimmy in place, being supported by the other two clones. While she was no longer able to jerk them off, that didn’t preclude them from having fun, as they wasted no time. Having been given the green light, they went to work on her sexy body with everything they had, hands moving to cup and massage her boobs, rub over her stomach, reach down and squeeze her lovely butt and thick thighs, all the while their mouths left love bites on her shoulders and arms, even biting through the scaly material to make sure she felt their teeth. They were having a blast exploring her body and finding every way to make her wetter. And as her body squirming in pleasure from the molestation, she felt herself rub up against their tight muscles, especially the two extra legs that were pressing against her thighs. Meanwhile, the main Deku had managed to force her head all the way to the base of his cock, his balls slapping against her chin and drumming all around the room, which only made her chokes and muffled screams louder. “MMMPH! MMNGH! MMWAH!!” ‘Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck! This feels so fucking good! I can’t remember the last time I ever - ooh - felt like this. If this continues - mmhm - I’ll… I’ll…’ Setsuna couldn’t even finish the thought as she felt a finger make its way between her legs and begin to rub, making her head go blank, which only made her squirm and wiggle faster. Finally, her break would come as Izuku felt his balls churn powerfully, begging for release. He had reached his limit. With a final grunt of effort, he sheathed himself entirely down her oesophagus and blew his load into her. An entire night’s worth of built-up spunk was finally released like a dam. The texture was thick and the taste was incredibly potent, enough that it completely overpowered her senses. And just as the first drop landed on her tongue, the two Dekus used that exact moment to pinch both her clit and her nipples, triggering her own orgasm, which created a large wet stain on the front of her hero costume. For a few minutes, they stood like this as Izuku finished pumping his cum inside her. He was lucky that his theory that her disconnected body parts created self-contained portals to one another (how else would she not bleed to death when using it?) thus not a single drop was wasted as it was poured directly into her stomach. Finally, he pushed the head off his cock, which was released from the tight seal of her lips with an audible *pop.* “Phew, now wasn’t that good, right Setsuna?” The dazed look in her eyes told him she wasn’t fully all there at the moment as she quietly mumbled ‘muh, muh moore.’ “See,” he chuckled, reattaching the stupefied head back to its body. “I told you you’d enjoy yourself.” He looked down as he noticed the stain between her legs. “Damn, you’ve really made a mess of yourself. Come on, why don’t we help you take care of that? But first we have to get this uniform off of you, understand?” Despite her state of oxygen-deprivation, the lizard girl still was able to weakly nod as she was led away by the three men, where a ruthless fucking by three fat cocks awaited her. “You know, that could be you if you just accept.” Throughout the entirety of Setsuna’s affair and introduction to the party, the group were being watched fixated by two pairs of eyes, one in enjoyment and the other in silent horror. Across the other side of the room in one of the chairs, an Izuku was sitting down with a highly uncomfortable Itsuka poised on his lap. Throughout her entire time here, the ginger heroine had remained silent. While her friend had mouthed off at the first opportunity, spitting out expletives like they were needles, Itsuka chose to remain silent, believing it would be better to maintain some form of composed dignity instead of reacting vehemently against them (even though she really, really wanted to). She wanted to show them that they wouldn’t get a rise out of her. And one had taken that as a challenge. “Come on, now. Surely part of you is somewhat curious to know what it feels like.” This Deku moved closer until his mouth was right next to her ear. “I can tell you’re excited.” The feeling of his breath formed goosebumps on Itsuka’s skin, making her shiver, but still she said nothing. She wanted nothing more than to punch him, to beat the crap out of every one of these smug bastard copies, but she couldn’t. Not when it could put her and everyone else at risk of his wrath. Instead, her eyes roamed around the room, trying to formulate a plan of escape. “You know,” he carried on, his fingers trailing down her arms, gentle and soft like spider legs. “Despite the facade you're putting up, I always know when they secretly enjoy it. Your body is at least honest.” With that, the hand he had resting on her knee began to move upwards along her muscular thigh, getting closer to her nethers and making her shudder all the more. “See?” Now she really wanted to punch him. She turned around to look at him, staring death in his eyes. “Don’t you ever shut up?” “Oh, so she can speak,” Deku said with mock amazement, completely unfazed by her glare. “Well, my dear, one of us has to fill the silence.” At that moment, a loud *SMACK* and a cry of ‘fuck, I’m cumming!’ courtesy of a squatting masochist sounded from nearby. “Metaphorically speaking, of course.” “Well, maybe I was hoping you’d take the hint that the last person I’d want to talk to is an egotistical, low-life, evil piece of gutter scum like you who has his head shoved so far up his ass I’m surprised he hasn’t been smothered by his own bullshit!” For a moment, the Deku actually paused, his body halting in complete shock as he tried to process her words. But then, just as Itsuka thought she had won a small victory, he leaned his head back, roaring with laughter. “Oh God, and here I thought you were going to be one of those prissy, no-fun, stuck up sorts, but I was dead wrong, Itsuka.” Using her real name earned him a low growl. “But it seems I’ve managed to put a crack in that mask of yours.” He leaned back with a sigh. “That’s what I love about UA girls, I always have to peel back a few layers to expose your true selves, but it’s all worth it in the end.” “Is that so?” she asked defiantly. She knew she shouldn’t egg him on, but at this point she couldn’t resist it any more. Izuku was glad to see that her temper was as fiery as her hair. “Oh, I know,” he purred. “And part of that fun is how I do it. We can either go slow and tender or…” he leaned so close that their noses almost touched. “I can do it the way we taught Setsuna over there.” A tense silence existed between the two as they both stared at one another, challenging the other to respond. But Deku could see he had gotten to her from the flames in her eyes. “I would never break so easily.” “Oh, what makes you think that?” he asked, cocking his head to the side as he lifted a hand to cup her chin. Now it was Itsuka’s turn to smile. “Because I’m Battle-Fist, third in my year, I already have 300 confirmed arrests on my record, I’ve defeated much scarier villains than you; Beast Master, Nightmare,” with each word, she could feel her confidence grow, “I led the charge in breaking up the Osaka gun smuggling ring and I was the first person to be recognised by and intern under Mirko.” “Mirko?” Deku asked, actually looking surprised. “The Rabbit Hero? The most stubborn, hot-headed and cocky hero outside of Endeavour? The one who threatened to break every bone in my body in an interview when I first announced the HRD? You mean…” And with a flick of his hand, he forced Itsuka’s head to the side towards the crowd of clones near the bed. For a moment, Itsuka was about to question why he was doing that, but then she saw a gap between the two of them, and her heart plummeted. When she first came into this carnal hellhole, she never was able to see what had garnered such attention. But then she saw a figure between them all. Crouched down, she was towered by the men around her, but Itsuka could still make out her muscular back, her dark skin gleaming with sweat and complemented by her long mane of straight white hair, now messy and clinging to her form. It flowed down to the bass of her spine, where it then curved out into a huge, perfectly formed caramel bubble butt that slammed up and down hypnotically. Any doubt to who the owner of that ass was was quickly destroyed by the pair of iconic bunny ears resting on her head. “...that Mirko?” Itsuka’s words died in her throat as, undeniably, there was the Rabbit Hero, Mirko, another victim of this hedonistic orgy. Itsuka could only stare as she saw Rumi Usagiyama, her mentor, continued to bounce her hips up and down. She couldn’t see it before, but she was busy squatting over a lying down clone, plunging herself down on his tower of a cock again and again ferociously, those massive globes of flesh clapping against his muscular thighs with every bounce, causing them to wobble deliciously. Itsuka couldn’t see her face, but she can tell from the sweat and speed that Mirko was exerting a lot of effort to take so much up her cunt each and every time. “It’s a lovely sight,” the Deku she was sitting on commented. “I could watch that bunny butt bounce for hours. That small cotton tail of hers is especially cute.” As if it could sense his words, Itsuka watched as the tail twitched slightly. “Though, I must say, Itsuka,” she could feel his hand begin to trace up her thigh, then shot up past the opening of her dress and grabbed a handful of her own perky behind. “You’ve got a nice bum as well. So lovely and firm~” Itsuka couldn’t help but squeak as she felt him squeeze. By pure reflex, she swung her fist around, aiming for his face. But before it could make contact, Deku grabbed hold of her wrist and pinned it behind her back, trapping her. “Now that wasn’t very nice,” his raspy voice entered her ear, causing a sense of bile to grow in her stomach. “Well, why don’t you let go of me,” she growled, “and I’ll show you just how ‘nice’ I can be.” Izuku raised an eyebrow at this sudden display of confident aggression. “Is that a threat, Battle Fist” “It’s a promise, you useless, quirkless Deku.” With just a few words, the villain’s entire demeanour changed from extreme cockiness to something dark and rageful. She felt a chill go down her spine as his eyes lit up in anger, completely swallowing her bravado. She felt like a small dog who had pissed off a much bigger wolf with its yapping. Kendo swore that she could even see some traces of purple aura floating off of him. From what Bakugou had told her, those words were sure to have an effect. But now she realised she may have seriously fucked up. “You know, I was forgiving before, but I think I’ve reached my limit.” Looking over her shoulder, the martial artist gulped as she saw his eyes light up, seemingly glowing in their sockets with a mischievous glint. “I think you finally deserve punishment.” Midoriya stood upward, effectively pushing the woman off of him, but still held onto her like a leash. With that, he forced her towards the bed, paying no heed to how she struggled in his grasp. Instead, more and more of Pheromones secreted from him, pushing it more and more around him. With each step, another cry of ecstasy filled the room. It seems even the fiery redhead was not immune as her knees began to buckle beneath her and her thighs rubbed together as her heart beat so fast, she thought it may explode. It was an agonising few moments until finally, they reached their destination. The two Dekus stopped pounding and looked at them, still sheathed completely in the blonde woman’s pussy and mouth, giving her an opportunity to rest for a moment. “Move.” The two said nothing, but eventually relented, pulling out of the sweaty blonde completely, making her weakly moan from the loss of sensation. Itsuka could see that her milky jugs had leapt free from the confines of her patriotic underwear and were hanging out freely, shining in the light. Carefully, she was lifted from the bed and carried to another part of the room, her rest no doubt being very temporary. Itsuka had to wonder, was there a hierarchy in this debauched place? Did some copies have more authority than others? Or was it out of fairness to their still-clothed brother who hadn’t had any action up until now? Itsuka wasn’t able to get an answer, as she was flung down onto the bed, cringing as they felt wet. She highly doubted sweat was the only bodily fluid that soaked the sheets. “Asshole,” she growled over her shoulder, her eyes raging like hot coals. But the man was unperturbed, meeting them with his own fire. “It’s quite adorable: you, trying to act all tough and angry with your ass sticking up in the air like that,” Izuku replied, amusement dripping from his voice. The trim of the heroine's qipao had been flipped up when she was tossed down, thus exposing her beautiful peach to his eyes, hiding nothing. His mouth watered as he thought about sinking his hands into that pliant soft flesh and kneading it to his heart’s content. “Huh, tell me, are thongs a requirement for all heroes, or do you just like the danger of showing off your ass when you fight?” As if to emphasise his point, he reached forward and tugged back the dark-green material that was nestled so comfortably in the space between her cheeks, before letting it go, enjoying the satisfying *snap* of the material against her skin and the yelp he earned from the woman. “J-Just get it over with,” the redhead groaned, shoving her head into the sheets. SHe was too embarrassed to look at the man any further. She didn’t want to admit that she wore such revealing underwear as she wanted to not have any parts of her panties poking out of her outfit. And if she was going to get fucked, then it was better that the torment ended. “No.” …What? “You’re not ready,” he continued, sensing her question. “I like my girls properly ready and wanting before sex. But don’t worry, we can fix that.” He whistled to someone across the room. Before Itsuka could turn around and see just what he had summoned, another person lay down on the bed behind her. And Itsuka’s heart skipped a beat. Kendo could tell that the person next to her was a woman, from how soft her body and skin was and how softly she breathed. But the most telling aspect was the two lumps of flesh pushing against her back. Two big lumps that she was very, very familiar with. ‘No… please… don’t let it be be-’ “Itsuka~” The voice purred in her ear and the woman’s heart dropped. Slowly she rolled over and starred in the beautiful brown eyes of the woman she loved. “Momo?” As soon as the martial artist saw her old lover, memories flashed before her eyes. The two class reps had become quite close friends after their first internship, with Itsuka being quick to notice Momo’s beauty and charm. She knew that she had liked both men and women early in life, so it wasn’t long before she began to develop feelings for the rich woman. As their friendship grew closer, Momo started to realise that her feelings for her fellow class leader were more than platonic and, after spending a good chunk of her first year coming to terms with her sexuality, the two eventually began to date at the beginning of their second year. Their relationship was a solid one, built on friendship, mutual respect, and love of the other’s company. It carried on into their final year and even into their first year of professional hero work. Their friends gossiped and joked about the sound of wedding bells in the near future, but they waved it off, although it wasn’t not thought about. However, the demands of their careers meant that there was little time to spend with one another and so the two lovebirds agreed to put their relationship on hold, waiting until they had progressed further in their careers before they would start up again. It was a day that both of them were looking forward to. But that all changed when the villains took over. Due to their exemplary records, neither Creati or Battle Fist were affected. In fact, the two were praised by the HRD as being model heroes of their generation. But both knew that they couldn’t stand idly by and allow the League of Villains to do as they pleased. But Itsuka wasn’t prepared for when Momo told her she was going underground. At first, the redhead had tried to convince her otherwise, to not throw her whole career away, but the buxom beauty was adamant. She then tried begging Momo to take her with her and to form a vigilante partnership together, but Momo had other plans. She needed Itsuka to keep her hero licence and stay out of trouble. She even said that, if she wanted to help, Itsuka could try to smuggle information to them that Momo could pass on to the rest of the Resistance. It was a tense exchange, filled with not an insignificant amount of yelling, but eventually the redhead agreed. For months, Itsuka didn’t see her lover, the only form of contact being messages passed whenever Itsuka met with one of Creati’s people or the occasional letter dropped in Battle Fist’s mailbox, unsigned but in very neat and distinct handwriting. When rumours spread that Creati’s cell had been captured, Itsuka had refused to believe it, knowing that Momo was way too smart to be caught. It was even more inconceivable that she would also ever work for the enemy. But now the proof was staring her in the face. “M-Momo…” “Itsuka! I’ve missed you so much!” Momo pushed her head in and locked lips with the other woman, moaning sensually into her mouth. The action stunned Itsuka, who didn’t resist as her tongue invaded her mouth. Furthermore, as she was only dressed in lacy black underwear and stockings, her lean, soft body grinded against Itsuka’s firmer one. The heat and passion was so familiar that Kendo couldn’t help but moan in response, her body seeming to melt. God, how she missed the taste of Momo’s plump, luscious lips! But just as quickly, her senses returned to her and she pushed the lustful raven away, earring a grunt of disappointment. “What's wrong, baby? Didn't you miss me too?” “Momo, please tell me this isn’t you. Tell me you’re just an illusion. O-or a quirk.” As hard as she tried, she couldn’t hide the fear in her voice. She didn’t want to believe it was true! Her beautiful smile was both playful and pitiful, which only cemented the heroine’s fears. “What do you mean? Of course I’m real. Why wouldn’t I be- ooooh.” A mischievous glint shone in her eyes as she realised what her lover meant. She leaned forward and pushed Itsuka around onto her back, their breasts squishing and flattering against one another. “You’re wondering why I’m here. It’s because Izuku invited me, of course.” “But why? Why the fuck are you working with him?” “Because he’s right.” That felt like a hit to the head to the martial artist. “I know it sounds preposterous, Itsuka, but Izuku is right about it all. Heroes, villains, the system we upheld. We weren’t trained to save people, we were made to control. We were pawns in a quirk-centred hierarchy that abandoned those who needed our help the most. For us, morality and righteousness took a back seat to endorsements, rankings and fame.” She could see from Itsuka’s face that the words hadn’t pierced through yet. “Don’t worry, I’ll explain it to you in-depth another time. Just like Izuku did with me.” “Is that why you’re working for him?” Itsuka spat out. “Because he brainwashed you with his bullshit?!” “I work with him because he helped me find my true potential,” Momo clarified as she leaned back and wrapped her arms around the neck of the naked clone she was with earlier, looking up at him. Kendo could see the intensity they shared between them. “He really is incredible. I actually feel like I’m making this country better.” One of her hands slid down his body, tracing his sweaty muscles, until she found what she was looking for. “Also his dick is fucking huge! It’s bigger than the toys I made for you to fuck me with.” With a cheeky grin, Momo leaned forward until their noses touched, making the redhead’s heart beat so fast she could hear it in her skull. “I can’t wait for you to try it with me, now that we’ll have so much time together.” And with that, Momo lunged in for another steamy kiss, wrapping her hands around Itsuka’s head tightly, trapping her. She forced her tongue back into the ginger’s moist cavern easily, exploring it like someone visiting a childhood home after a long time. Itsuka tried to fight back with her own tongue, but that only seemed to incense Momo more, deepening the kiss, wanting to taste every part of her lover. She felt a sense of satisfaction as she heard Itsuka groan into her mouth. But while Itsuka struggled in the lip-lock, Momo’s hands were busy elsewhere. With one kept in place securing the head in place, gripping onto the orange side ponytail, the other was busy trailing down her body, tracing the uniform with her digits gracefully. Even through the material of her costume, Momo could make out Itsuka’s fine firm body, from her strong arms to her tight core. It may not have been as developed and muscular as her Master’s, but it was still very impressive; a testament to the effort the martial artist put into keeping fit. Many memories were made of tracing her tongue along this body and Momo was excited to relive them. “M-Momo, wait,” Ituska gasped, as the darkette broke the kiss, a string of messy saliva dripping from her lips. “I-I don’t want to- aah!” She cried out as Momo moved onto her neck, leaving soft kisses until she bit down softly on juuust the right spot where she was most sensitive. Meanwhile, her free hand had moved from caressing her thick thighs to rub along her clothed mound. Itsuka inhaled sharply and her back arched as two fingers slid inside her walls, rubbing in a clockwise rotation, just as she liked it. Damnit, was she always so sensitive?! “You’re so wet, baby,” Momo giggled, feeling Itsuka’s sick walls clamp down on her fingers. “I knew you missed me. But you’re still so tense.” She rubbed a particular spot, earning an adorable ‘aaha’ from the redhead. “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of that.” And with that, she continued to assault Itsuka’s mouth with her own, all the while pumping her fingers in and out repeatedly, finding each of the poor woman’s weak spots. The two Izukus watched on as Yaoyorozu turned Kendo’s body into putty. “Is there anything more beautiful than two women kissing?” the naked one asked the clothed one. “Hmm,” the other Izuku thought, but his attention was fixed almost completely on the pair, as Momo grabbed the opening hem of Itsuka’s qipao and yanked it open, causing her boobs to burst out, finally free from their confines. It seems that Itsuka was hiding quite the big pair of boobies, each one more than enough to fill a hand, which bounced wildly from the forceful action. Momo seized on the opportunity and clamped her lips around one of the hardening red nipples, causing the busty redhead to cry out louder in pleasure, her muscles tensing and body writhing in pleasure. All the while, Momo’s fat smooth ass wiggled side to side like a very happy puppy. “How about two naked women kissing?” “Agreed,” chirped the first one. His eyes were fixed firmly on Momo’s massive globes of flesh, resisting the urge to reach forward and sink his fingers into them. “Momo has gotten better with her fingers. Her lessons with Midnight have paid off.” “She has,” concurred the second. “But our guest is holding out well. Let’s see if she lasts longer than her mentor.” Over to the side, an angry little bunny was continuing to bounce and ride wildly on top of a clone, her juicy brown buttcheeks clapping against his tree trunk-like quads. The man beneath her was smiling. “What’s wrong, bunny? Feeling tired?” “Fuck. You. Fuck. You. Fuck! You!” Gritting her teeth, Mirko’s face twisted into a snarl as she felt his absolute beast of a dick pound against her cervix again and again, stretching her pussy more than anything ever had before. “You bastard! Once I get out of here, I’m gonna… gonna… ah fuck~!” Her cursing was cut short as her body tensed and spasmed as she suffered another orgasm right in front of them all, her slick juices dripping down his shaft and making a mess of his waist. The man beneath her laughed at her humiliation, which only angered her more. “Keep shaking those hips, slut. I haven’t come yet, and you’ve still got, I don’t know, three or four of us to service, so keep hopping.” He emphasised this point with a firm slap on her beautiful fat rump, leaving a red handprint and making her jump slightly. Rumi growled at them, rage adorning her lovely features, but whatever menace she was exuding was nullified by her flushed face, so instead she continued to fuck herself for their amusement. Mirko did not know how long she had been doing this for. She had lost track of time ever since she stepped foot in this pervert’s hellscape, having been victim to these clones’ jeers, groping hands and massive cocks. They had been running a train on her, forcing her to ride one after the other, constantly thrusting her hips up and down, slamming down on their girths relentlessly, fighting through her own pleasure and orgasms, until they came, filling her cunt with their thick, viscous seed. The only relief she got was when they changed over, but that never lasted for long before she was back to the bounce. But it would be okay. It would all be worth it once she tired them all out and broke out of there. Then she’d kick all these assholes all in their smug, little faces and snap their cocks in two and- “Ahha!” Fuck, she came again! Mirko stopped for a moment to catch her breath, letting the pleasure run its course through her body. Sweat poured down her caramel skin as she thought about how she ended up in this situation, cursing herself for her carelessness. A year ago, Mirko was flying high as one of the most successful and admired heroes in the country. As the Fourth Ranked hero, she was pumped at the opportunity of breaking Top Three for the first time. It was because of her position that, once the new regime entered, maintaining her licence was guaranteed, unlike so many others. The only thing was: there was no way in fucking hell that she would ever work for a villain! She made this quite explicit when, in an interview during the first month, she told the HRD just where exactly they could stick their regulations, threatening the green-haired prick live on National TV with violence before storming off-stage and going home. There, she packed up all of her belongings and stored them somewhere else. The last time anyone saw her in public was when she kicked a soccer ball straight through Deku’s office window of the tentative HRD building and implanted it in a concrete wall with her ripped-up licence taped to the side. The police might have caught her if she hadn’t punted the ball from five blocks away! As one of the first Resistance vigilantes, Rumi felt quite smug about how many others had followed her example. And she was damn good at her job: kicking the crap out of thugs, villains and HRD agents, breaking into offices and snatching classified documents, running all across the island and being an absolute pain in their bureaucratic asses. It was nostalgic. It was exhilarating. It was fun! Throughout it all, she maintained her policy of solo work. She may have collaborated in a break-in and brawl every now and then and helped in the couriering and distribution of intel, but for the most part she was a lone wolf, allowing her to hit hard and hit fast. There were some close calls, but in the end she always came out the winner. She felt unstoppable. Unfortunately, even her luck had to eventually run out. It was during a meeting with her main source, a fellow heroine and close friend that was still licenced, the Dragon Hero Ryukyu, when they caught her. They had agreed to meet up in an abandoned warehouse where Ryukyu was going to hand over the logistics of an upcoming PR event the HRD was organising with the heroes. It was in the middle of the discussion when the ceiling collapsed above them. And down on them dropped the Elites. Dabi. Spinner. Stain. Toga. Geten. Prince Harlequin. Shachihoko. Several High-Ends. And Deku. The two heroines were taken completely off-guard by the sudden ambush, their instincts going into overdrive. It was Ryukyu who reacted first. Shifting into her dragon form, she screamed for Rumi to run away, valuing the rabbit over herself. At first Rumi wanted to argue, to stay and fight. It went against all her beliefs to run like a coward, but when she saw how fiercely the dragon hero was fighting and how scared she looked, she swallowed her pride and fled. But she wasn’t fast enough. And now she was here. Another spank on her ass pulled her out of her memories. This time, she was able to stop herself from crying out. She quickly turned around to glare at whoever did that, but it was pointless as every one of them was eager to get their hands on her fit body. “Has anyone ever told you how sexy you look when you’re angry, Mirko?” Rumi’s head snapped back to the man she was on top of, who looked up at her with a half-lidden smug face. God, she wanted to punch him! But there was undeniable truth in his words. Mirko, one of the top heroes in all of Japan, was also one of the most desirable, being compared to the likes of Midnight and Mt Lady when it came to raw sex appeal. She was objectively beautiful, even if her face was sharp and she looked like she would happily kick you in the teeth for looking at her funny. But where those two ladies had soft fuckable bodies, Rumi’s body was the product of hours of fitness and training to look that good. After all, she was the only one in the room to have abs as toned as Izuku’s. Despite only standing at five foot two, her skin-tight outfit drew attention to all the right places. Her large bouncing breasts, once contained, were now free and exposed in all their glory, jiggling wildly in tandem with her, but it was nothing compared to her ass! Fat, firm, perfectly sculpted and round, and always jiggly, those caramel buns of hers drew the eye of everyone she walked past. How could they not, when they practically devoured her leotard in the crack? If any man told you they hadn’t fantasised about gripping those wide, child-bearing hips and slamming into it from behind, they were lying. So it was no wonder that her amazing ass was the first thing the clones got their hands on when she entered the room, spanking, pinching and grabbing massive handfuls of her chocolate cake to their heart’s delight, making even their large hands seem small in comparison. Even now it glistened as it was covered in sweat. “Ha, don’t you, ha, ever shut up!” she panted. She couldn’t stand their stares, as she slowly began to bounce again, gradually increasing the pace. She pushed down on his hard chest, as if to shove him through the ground, trying to recover some sense of power and authority. She couldn’t show weakness, not in front of him. And she was going to prove she would never be beaten! The Izuku looked slightly upset, even if his eyes didn’t. “Why can’t you be more like Ryukyu? At least she’s having fun.” The name of her friend caused another jolt of anger and disgust to course through her. She resisted the urge to look over her shoulder to the side of the room, where another group of three was positioned. SHe knew what was there, she had been hearing it the entire night and she hated it! Instead she forced herself to keep looking down as she squatted down, fighting every slew of raw pleasure that coursed through her. She could feel her mind lose itself. She knew that he had a quirk and was causing this strange feeling of sensitivity and lust over all of them, making everyone around her act and sound like lewd whores. She could feel its tentacles worm their way into her, making her body hot and more sensitive and instilling a desire, a need, to breed. But she had to hold on. And the only way she could do so was with rage. “Keep her name out of your filthy mouth!” With that, she dropped her hips down on his with so much power, it looked like she would break his pelvis. “You piece of shit! I’ll show you just what I’ll do to you.” She rolled her hips around, squeezing down on him until she saw his face contort. Finally, she was breaking his cocky facade. “Once I’m done with you, bastard, I’ll show all of you! I wring you all dry and then break every bone in your body! I’ll make you fuckers unable to crawl out of here! I’ll…” Meanwhile, two of the more idle Izukus watched on as their compatriot was dominated, his muscles and jaw clenching and his face scrunched up, trying not to release his own moans of euphoria. The sight would have been more amusing, if it wasn't for the especially-vulgar bunny on top of him. “She sure has a mouth on her.” “Agreed. It was cute at first, but now it’s getting annoying. Maybe we should get her a muffle” The first Izuku’s eyes lit up as a devilish grin adorned his features. “You know, I think I’ve got just the idea.” He approached the rutting pair, careful not to draw any attention to himself as he moved to the bouncing woman’s face. Rumi didn’t seem to notice his presence at all, too fixated on the young man below her. She ignored all of the pleasurable sensation of her womb being battered with every thrust. She was too focused on being angry at him, wanting to see him break and cry out for mercy. She was letting him have it, just as he deserved. “Come on, you fuck! Isn’t this what you wanted? How do you like it? How do you-Glllmpkk?!?” Her tirade was cut short as, in the middle of yelling, a large, fat cock jammed itself in her open maw and down her throat. Her red eyes seemingly bulged out as inch after inch of musky meat forced itself down her gullet and towards her stomach. “Come on, bunny. Put that pretty mouth of yours to better use.” Mirko tried to look up at him, but couldn’t as he held her head in place to his crotch, his dark pube hairs tickling her nose. “Now, now. You’re not allowed to stop. Keep going, slut.” Not giving her a moment to respond, Izuku pulled his hips back and thrust forward again and again, causing her entire body to quake and shudder. Mirko gawped and spluttered in response, trying to jerk her head away, but was unable to, his fingers entangled in her silvery locks. She could feel her jaw and throat stretch beyond their limits. She was certain that, from an outside perspective, her large bulge could be seen going down her gullet just from the immense girth she was compelled to inhale. All the while, she tried not to acknowledge the musky taste of it and if she’d enjoy it, no matter how much the voice inside her head told her to. It wasn’t long before the entire length of his shaft was covered in her glistening spittle. At the same time, her hips began to move on their own. She didn’t know why, but she could feel her pussy pound against the equally large cock that had been stuffed inside her for what almost felt like an hour. But try as she might, she couldn’t get them to stop, not as her face was currently being used as a fleshlight. Her body had a mind of its own, and that mind had a single thought: fuck♥️ “MMnhgh! Mnnmgll! MMPPHM~!~” “God, she’s so - mmh - fucking tight!” groaned the standing Deku, his own hips pistoning out of her warm, wet orifice. “I-I don’t think I can - ahh - last much longer!” the one lying down replied, his own pelvis moving to meet hers on the descent, feeling more of his cock be swallowed up. Time passed slowly for them, as they became so enraptured by the feeling of each other. They moved together like a mobile piece of erotic artwork, sweat and juices being flung all over the space as their moans and sound of flesh slapping together echoed around them. Then, with a bestial cry, Izuku deepthoated the sexy rabbit hero, forcing the entirety of his manhood inside her and came, all of his muscles tensing as he poured all of his built-up hot cum down her oesophagus, not letting go of her head for an instant. The sensation and salty taste of his spunk flooded the pleasure centres of Mirko’s brain, causing her to squirt on the man beneath her. The sudden pressure of her walls, in turn, pushed him past his limit, triggering the third member to release his own orgasm, filling her womb with his sperm completely. All Mirko could do was release a muffled shriek of ecstasy as both her stomach and her pussy were painted white. The trio just stood there for a moment, riding out their collective orgasm and shared experience, before the standing Midoriya pulled out of mouth with a fat, wet *pop,* the lips of her small mouth having formed a tight seal around his meat. This lack of support caused the rabbit to effectively collapse to the side, just barely catching herself from falling on her face. She slid off the other man’s cock with an equally lewd sound, as effectively a gallon of viscous, thick cum began to pour out of her gaping snatch, her legs too tired and hurt to stay together. But despite her tiredness, she still felt a strong sense of victory and deep satisfaction. She had taken their cocks and survived with her sanity intact. “Ha, haah, there” she panted, grinning as she saw the lying-down Deku be dragged away by two others, looking to be completely catatonic from the experience. She wiped the drool that was dripping down her chin. “How’d you… like… that? I beat you… fuckers. I… win!” She tried to raise a fist up in triumph, but only got it up half-way. “Win?” a voice behind her asked. At the sound of it, her ears stiffened upwards “Who said you won?” Turning around slowly, Mirko felt a terrible sense of dread in her stomach as she came face-to-face with six, seven, eight more Midoriyas! Each one of them were naked, their equally massive cocks stiff as hot metal, some even rubbing them in anticipation, and staring down at her with fox-like smiles. “Oh no, sexy bunny, you haven’t won yet.” Slowly they began to crowd around her. She tried to move away, but for the first time her impressively muscular legs failed her, too tired to move at all. “You’ve only done two of us. You only get to win when all of us are satisfied.” The only thing the rabbit-themed heroine could do was give out a cry of anger and hatred as the clones swarmed around her, forcing her into an inescapable gangbang. While Mirko was having her rabbit holes stuffed full, to the side of the room she refused to acknowledge, another pair of Izukus were conversing, sitting down on the floor. “She’s stubborn, isn’t she?” “Definitely. But I actually want to see just how long she lasts. They’re adorable like this, trying to maintain their pride, before they give in. She shouldn’t-.” He was cut off by a low groan, produced by a third body in between the two. “Sorry, sorry. That’s not to say you’re not also cute, Ryukyu.” Sitting between the two, legs akimbo, a very nude Ryukyu was struggling to keep upright, her face flush and completely dazed. She leaned against one of the two as her chest heaved, causing her delicious dragon Double Ds to jiggle slightly with each breath. To an outsider, it looked like she had run a marathon with how sweaty she was and how red her face was, but the most wet part was the area between her legs, pretty much forming a puddle on the floor. One could hardly recognise the noble dignity of the heroine. In fact, the only remaining part of her uniform was the headband, which had miraculously stayed in place. One of her slender hands made its way towards her nether lips, but was grabbed by the wrist and wrenched away. “Hey, now. Remember the rules. No touching yourself, Ryukyu.” This made the Dragoon Hero give a disappointed whine. “Please,” she moaned lowly, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. “Please let me cum.” “I don’t know,” the other Izuku kidded. “I don’t think you’ve earned it.” On that point, he placed his finger at the bottom of her lips and slowly ran it upwards, gliding across her puffy labia, making her breath hitch, and stopping just before her erect clit. She tried to hump her hips towards it, but the finger quickly darted away, denying her her release. “Nooooooo…” she mewled pathetically, like a disappointed kitten. This is what she had been subjected to the entire night. For the past couple hours, Ryuko Tatsuma had been designated as a toy for two of the Dekus, used as a doll for them to practise on to improve their technique. Her body was used to their hearts’ delight for all manner of perverted things: their mouths ran along her face and long neck, kissing her and leaving love bites all over her collar, finding every sensitive area; her boobs were squeezed and massaged while her firm scarlet bud nipples were pinched, sucked, twisted, nibbled, and played with. She still had goosebumps from how they traced their tongues in circles around her red areolas. And their hands! No crevice of her body was safe from their busy digits as they explored all over her, finding each and every one of her erogenous zones along her long legs that seemed to stretch forever, her smooth arms, her taut stomach, her firm and perky bum, and her lovely tight pussy, as hot as a dragon’s cavern. Every single spot that turned her on, they found. She was an instrument and they were maestros. But throughout it, she did not cum. They didn’t allow it. No matter how close they brought her, they swiftly denied her release. Even when they jammed and fingered the most sensitive parts of her snatch and ass, they stopped just before, torturing her and driving her into a slobbering, needy mess, tears and drool dripping down her beautiful features as she begged them. There was no decorum to uphold, no pride as a top 10 heroine, just a primal need in the presence of these incubi! “Come on, I think we’ve tormented her enough. I think she deserves a treat. What do you say? Would you like that, Ryukyu?” With her slanted yellow eyes fogged over, one would have thought she couldn’t hear anything, but eventually she nodded her head weakly. The Izuku beamed at her, like a proud owner does to a well-behaved pet. “Good, now roll over.” Sluggishly, Ryuko obeyed the man’s command, effectively turning her body around so that she landed on her front, presenting her ass to the villain. Eagerly, the Deku reached forward and pulled her butt cheeks apart. He licked his lips as he caught a glimpse of her dripping snatch, so delectable and tender in his eyes. Leaning his head forward, he ran his tongue across it, making the poor woman croon at the sensation. It was a sound so beautiful that it made both of their cocks harden. “Fuck,” he purred, “you taste good, Ryukyu.” The low huskiness of his voice triggered something primal deep within the hero, making her whole body shudder at his words. This had the benefit of causing her hips to wiggle side to side enticingly, which only increased his desire. Faster than a viper, Izuku’s head lunged forward and launched his tongue deep within her. “Ooohhh~!~” The blonde woman’s mouth broke into a lewd O-shape as the verdanette’s tongue wriggled inside her, the electric sensations coursing over her brain being much stronger and more pleasurable than she thought. She may have been wanting this, but she wasn’t prepared for how damn good it felt! Ryukyu gasped over and over again as Izuku’s tongue lavished her silky insides, tasting every part of her. There were many things that Ryukyu knew about Izuku Midoriya: he was intelligent, cunning, a brilliant quirk analyst and someone who could not be underestimated under any circumstance. He was the greatest villain in Japan, rivalling the legacy of his teacher, All for One. He was her hated enemy. And now she had something else to add to the list: he knew how to eat cunt. His slippery appendage was like an eel, attacking every single spot that he had discovered earlier with his fingers, only a hundred times better. He devoured her like a parched man in the desert who had just found the most beautiful oasis, licking and sucking, her juices dripping down his chin. But at no point did he stop his feast. “You like that, don’t you, Ryukyu?” he asked, his breath warm on her pussy. “Ye… ye… yeeesssss~~” she squealed happily. Her erotic noises got louder as his tongue moved more furiously, practically arching her back to push her butt into his face, enveloping his head and willing him to go deeper. “Don’t stop. I’m - ah - s-so close.” She tried to raise a leg in order to hook behind his neck, locking him in place as his free hadd movevd up to rub her swollen clit. “Oh God, I’m gonna… gonna… aaahhhh~!!~” Ryukyu moaned salaciously as she climaxed, her pussy juices squirting all over her legs and the man’s face, her body spasming and quaking in response. Izuku, surprised at how much she squirted, sat back as he watched it pour out of her, slightly saddened at the stain forming underneath the pair. “Aw,” he pouted. “I like this carpet. Now I’m going to have to get it cleaned.” The other Midoriya snorted. As if that wasn’t the plan already. With how much bodily fluid was being flung and released everywhere, this entire bedroom was going to have to be deep-cleaned by professionals. “We can’t have you making a mess, Ryuko,” the first continued. “Let’s get you cleaned.” And just like before, he began licking up the feminine juices trailing down her legs, making her shudder at the ticklish sensation. Not that she cared, as the blissful smile and tears of euphoria pouring down her face were any indication, after finally, finally being allowed her sweet climax. “Hey now, your reward is over, Ryukyu,” the second said, pulling her head up to meet him. “You have to get back to work, and you can start by using your pretty mouth.” Deku reached down and grabbed hold of his throbbing member, its red head staring angrily at her as if it felt neglected. As if by some instinct, Ryukyu opened her mouth as wide as possible, tongue lolling out, ready to accept his girth, her nostrils flaring at the musky scent. The slightest bit of clarity returned to her eyes as they fixated on the shaft in front of her. As soon as the tip was placed in her mouth, her tongue moved, swishing and lavishing it, as if trying to replicate the way it was done in her pussy. There was absolutely no resistance, the beautiful blonde having submitted to her new owner long ago. The second Izuku groaned as he pushed forward, feeling the Dragoon Hero’s sharp teeth graze along the flesh of his shaft. For having a reptilian quirk, her mouth and throat were hot! Oh yes, this new pet would do nicely. “Not cool. That should be - mmh - me doing that.” Over on a couch, a sitting Deku pulled his head out from a massive set of breasts and looked up at the girl straddling his waist. He looked over to where she was staring. “What? Be spitroasted? Don’t worry, you’ll definitely get your turn.” “Not - ah - that,” the girl gasped as he dived back into her cleavage. “I should be polishing your cock. I’m your - ahn - maid, babe.” “Yyrr dnnn nnm yrr mmhh fh thh.” “W-what?” she asked, his words muffled by the mass of boobflesh in his mouth. “I said,” he said, raising his face to speak to her but still lodged between her mounds. “You don’t need your mouth for that. Or your hands. Or your tits. You've got plenty right here!” *SMACK!* “Kyaa!~” Camie released a high-pitched squeal as Izuku’s hands clapped down hard on her ass, grabbing massive handfuls of the plump creamy flesh, then she giggled. “Naughty boy. You’re obsessed with my booty, aren’t you?” “Not just your ass,” he said. “I love your face and the way it lights up when you dance. I love your hair and how silky it is. I love your lips and how soft they are.” To emphasise his point, he gave them a kiss, which she reciprocated. “But I love how you care.” The woman’s heart skipped a beat as his voice suddenly became more serious, more heartfelt. “How patient and playful you are when it comes to children or someone else in need. How you use your quirk to lighten up a stranger’s day. Or how your eyes look when you talk about music and artists. Or have to explain modern slang to me.” He stared intensely into her eyes, not once breaking that contact. It made her heart flutter like a schoolgirl. “When you’re not at the club and out there, being a hero, Camie, I can’t imagine a more beautiful sight.” “Mmh,” she hummed. “You softie, you’re just saying that so I please you.” Izuku shrugged. “Two things can be true at once.” This earned him another cute giggle. “Okay, babe, that’s enough. Now let me do my thing.” Reaching down, the faux-maid grabbed hold of the waist of her panties and slowly pulled them down, enjoying the feeling of lace grazing her naked skin. Then she shimmied her hips lower until she came into contact with what she was looking for. “There you are~” she purred as she felt it throb warmly against her cheeks. Reaching back, Camie pulled the two globes apart until it nestled the engorged cock comfortably, hotdogging the beast between them. Even with how big her rear was, it still wasn’t enough to cover his girth, but she didn’t seem fazed as she tightened her glutes and began to swing her hips up and down, making the verdanette roll his head back and groan. “F-Fuck, Camie. Has Yu been teaching you more of her - ngh - tricks?” “Only the basics,” she replied, her breathing increasing as she felt him pulse between her doughy buns. “She still has much to teach me. But - ah - I’m a fast learner.” She bit down on her lower lip at the delicious feeling of friction. “Mmh, so biiig~” The comment came from how she was having to raise her hips higher and higher with each bounce, trying to grind and envelope as much of his shaft as possible. Even after taking that fat dong up her ass, she didn’t think her body’d ever get used to its sheer mass. Not that that was a bad thing, as it meant she was able to enjoy the biggest fucking cock she’d ever lay eyes upon again and again. “OOh~!” she moaned as she felt him rub against the rim of her asshole, making her feel tingly. “You like this PAWG ass, don’t you? Miss it?” her questions were answered as she shimmied her hips side to side while periodically tensing her glute muscles, earning her another groan of pleasure while a dollop of precum leaked down, lubricating his length. “You wanna fuck this - ahha - tight ass again, don’t you, Izuku - nnh - babe? Well first you gotta cum!” “Is that - ghg - so?” Deku asked, gritting his teeth. She gave him a sultry smile as her answer, which only seemed to peeve him more. “In that case, I’ll just have to - grr - make you first!” With that, he lunged his head first and continued his assault on her jiggly F-cups, increasing the ferocity as he bit and sucked on her nipples like a baby. The attack on her sensitive jugs took Camie by surprise, causing her to whine while making an embarrassing face, her cheeks completely flush. In order to stabilise, she wrapped her arms around his broad muscular shoulders, but that only pushed him further into the milky valley of her cleavage. “Oh Liiiit!!” she cried, feeling her arousal grow, making her legs flex reactively and increasing the speed of her twerking. The sound of her amazing ass clapping against his thighs emanated from the pair with a loud SLAPSLAPTHWAP! Looking over his shoulder, something caught her attention for a moment. “How you… doin, Melissa?” A few feet away, the busty blonde inventor was being held up by Izuku’s strong arms as her legs were hooked over his shoulders, thrusting her up and down his cock. The position also spread her own incredibly fat bum, allowing the second Deku to spear up into her ass, forcing her to be sandwiched between their ripped bodies as she was savagely DP-ed. “Please! Too big! You two are too fucking big!” she squealed, her mouth wide open in distress as her eyes rolled upwards into her skull. “Fuck, fuck, fuuuuck~!!~” “Yeah, sounds about… right.” It wasn’t long before the fawn-haired woman felt his throbbing increase powerfully, giving him all the warning she needed. Grinning like a cat, she raised her hips as high as possible, practically standing on the sofa, as she slammed her hips down with a crash, squeezing her cheeks as tight as possible once she came down. Choosing power over speed, she did it a few times, feeling his load travel up his shaft until it spurted from his cockhead like a white, thick geyser. She cooed as she felt it reach her behind, the viscous warm liquid pouring onto her lower back and running down between the middle of her ass liked a canyon. “I knew you loved my booty,” she beamed, wiggling her hips side to side, enjoying the feeling of her own wanting pussy rub against his delicious lower abs. “So many guys do. You should see how many likes my Insta gets.” “Can you… blame them?” Izuku groaned. He may not have been happy to have lost, but he couldn’t deny the relief and pleasure of shooting his load after being built up all night. “Those gym photos… your spandex hides nothing.” “Yup,” she giggled. She intentionally bought leggings made of the stretchiest material out there, but also a size smaller so that all of her curves were emphasised, especially her under ass. Her heart-shaped butt was practically on full display with how they pretty much devoured the material. “They’re, like, such simps. They’re thirsty, but they only get to look, not touch. Unlike someone~” she purred that last word, looking over her shoulder at the mess they made. “Aw, my uniform got all dirty.” “Then maybe you should take it off.” “Mmm, you’d like that, wouldn’t you, you perv?” But even with the chastisement, Camie reached and slowly unbuttoned the rest of her maid outfit, slowly popping open each button, until she was nearly completely naked, the only things remaining being the headband and the white stockings. Even though she had stripped so many times already, it was always a different feeling when it was her Babe’s eyes watching her. Reaching up, she squeezed her boobs between her arms, pushing them outward as she jiggled her large funbags left and right, her stiff pink nipples rubbing against his chiselled chest. “Now what?” “Now I think someone’s gotten a little cocky,” Midoriya snarled. “I think a bad maid needs to be punished for being such a cocktease.” “Oh?” Camie’s brown eyes seemed to light up with arousal at his words, his aggressive tone making her feel excited. She couldn’t resist getting one more in. “How will you punish her?” In a flash, Izuku pushed his hips up and rolled over. WIth a yelp, the slutty maid was pushed along with him with her chest on the cushions and ass in the air. She could feel his swollen bell end prod against the openings of her nether lips, ready to ram deep inside her sexy body. Izuku leaned forward, his larger body completely covering hers, until his mouth was placed against her ear. His voice was so low and dominating, she could swear she could come just by listening to his dulcet tones “By breaking you…” “Break me? Is that what you said?” Over by the window, a naked Toga had her back pushed against the glass of the window, having not left that position from where she had been pounded half an hour ago. Her legs were wrapped around the waist of an Izuku, who was thrusting up into her, but from the sight of things, he wasn’t getting the reaction he was hoping for. “Come on, you can do better than that.” Gritting his teeth, Izuku increased the speed of his waist, reaching deeper inside of the blonde. Toga, however, smiled amusedly as she grinded her hips and clenched down on his impressive cock, squeezing on it with her inner walls so hard that he gasped dumbly. She almost pitied him. “I see. You’re not like the others.” “So… you noticed.” He panted. “Uh huh. I know my Izu too well. His good sides and bad ones. I know people. People are like paintings, each one made of different colours and Izu is a masterpiece. He deserves to be in a museum.” Her yellow eyes seemed to shine at the thought, like a cat seeing the biggest fish in front of her. “But I’ve noticed something about Twice’s clones that most don’t and that’s that they’re different. When you look past the surface, they’re not exact copies, as they embody more of the parts of a person’s personality. They’re more like the pigments that make up the picture. For example…” She turned her head to the side to look at something, and the clone followed with. “Some of you are more gentle, more caring and loving…” As if to illustrate her point, she looked towards Midnight, who was currently sitting in a cowgirl position with the Izuku she had been squatting. Her arms were wrapped around his neck as she pulled him in for an intense liplock, the two’s tongues duelling against the other, all the while she bounced and grinded her pelvis against his, still completely sheathing him within her pussy. The Izuku, meanwhile, was reciprocating, thrusting upwards to meet her descent. All the while, his hands grazed over her incredible mature body, massaging her back and shoulders, rubbing her massive melons, and using his fit body to stimulate hers. He was more than willing to do anything to please the curvy woman, making her release happy coos in his mouth. “Whereas others…” “Oh fuck, please, please, slow, fuck, doooown~!!!~” Next to the passionate couple, in complete contrast, Mt Lady was howling in anguish. Having lost her competition to Midnight, the sexy blonde woman was receiving her due punishment, as her Midoriya had pushed her knees up to her head and was subjecting her to a brutal mating press, his body crashing into hers with so much force, it was a surprise the floor didn’t crack. THWAPTHWAPCLAPTHWAP!!! “I’m sorry! Please! My pussy! My pussy! Fuck! It’s gonna! AhhA! Break!!” But if anything, her cries only seemed to stir the beast inside him more, as he increased his thrusts. The only thing protecting her was her pillowy-soft body, cushioning her from the blows. From behind, one could see the clone’s massive grapefruit-sized balls clap against her fat bubble butt, making it ripple and jiggle wildly while leaving a red implant. It was pure animalism, as it looked less like Mt Lady was having sex with a man and more like she was being bred by a bull! “Oh God! Oh FUck! I’m cumming again! I’m… I’m… OOOOHHH-MMPH~♥️~?!” As she squirted on the massive rod, her cry of ecstasy was cut off as the man on top of her shoved his tongue down her throat as he bottomed out inside her, pouring gallon upon gallon of hot spunk into her needy cunt, as her smooth legs kicked and flailed pathetically in the air. The once-haughty blonde heroine could only groan weakly as her eyes rolled back into her skull, hearts borne in her pupils as tears of pure rapture leaked down her cheeks. Her fuckable hero body was completely dominated. “...are a bit more aggressive.” She turned her attention back to the man holding her up. “And I know that you’re not that. Not compared to the last four copies who took me.” “Oh yeah?” he replied, trying not to look hurt. “Then what am I?” Toga smirked, She could see that, despite his composed expression, her words had gotten to him. But she didn’t like seeing her Izu-baby upset, even if it was a cone wearing his face. “I know you too well,” she said, cupping his cheek and staring into his green orbs. “You’re Izuku’s cute, softer side. The one he tries to hide behind being tough, but I know is still there. The one that geeks out on quirks and heroes, even to this day. The one that made him believe in creating a better world by helping people.” Her gaze suddenly turned softer. “The one that doesn’t like to hurt people unnecessarily. The one that was willing to give a crazy, blood-obsessed girl from the street a home, a sense of belonging and became her first friend, even when Shigaraki wanted to throw me out the first time he could.” Her eyes shifted in intensity from burning passion to a much more soothing, beautiful shade of affection. Across his shoulders, one of her fingers traced a large scar earned years ago. “The one who saw me at my darkest moments and still reached out to save me. The one who showed me his most vulnerable parts and shed both blood and tears every time he failed.” Her other hand came up and cupped his other cheek, ensuring that she, only she, was what possessed his full attention. “You’re the Izu I felt in love with.” Despite being a clone and having the memory of this exact speech engraved in him from his progenitor, Izuku’s heart still skipped a beat at the confession. “H-Himi…” Toga smiled at him, warmly and devotedly, before it gained a bit of mischief. “You’re also the Deku I know who loves it when I do this.” Then, like a fierce tiger, Himiko lunged forward and bit down on a spot on the crook of his neck. This wasn’t a simple love bite that would leave just a simple hickey. No, this was a full-on, full jaw munch, her sharp fangs sinking deep into his skin. The effect was instant, as Izuku’s entire body jolted, like an electric current ran through him top to toe. His every muscle tightened as his fingers curled into her legs. Toga smiled into his shoulder, feeling his cock throb and swell wildly inside her. She could feel, he was so close… Again, she sank her teeth into him, this time going further until the delicious iron taste of his blood dripped onto her tongue. The bitten man gasped loudly, unable to help himself as his body spasmed from the pain. Quickly, he pushed his body into hers in order to support himself as he released his load inside her. Himiko hummed, pleased at the sensation as she felt his batter splatter her insides once again. She watched as he eventually lowered her down onto the ground slowly, only to turn around and sit down against the window himself, positioned just below the sweaty imprint of the woman plastered against it from their cavorting. Himiko admired her handiwork, feeling a smug sense of satisfaction from dominating her lover for once this night, as opposed to how it usually went. Only she was aware of that secret spot on his shoulder. It was like a button that made him docile like a good boy, combining and maximising their shared enjoyment of pleasure and pain. And it was a secret she wasn’t quick to share But now that she was finally done with being screwed by five clones continuously, Himiko figured she had deserved a much needed rest. So she took the time to take in the surrounding events. Now, most people would have thought that Himiko Toga would be a jealous woman and hiss at any woman who even dared to look at her precious Izu. But that was far from the truth. The truth was Himiko just loved to watch Izuku fuck other women. Now it wasn’t a cuckold fetish, oh no. Instead, it was watching as he completely dominated, taking these once-proud heroines who thought they were so above it all and ruining their bodies; women who were given so many opportunities in life and were more than happy to beat up people like Himiko breaking, willingly to give up their haughty pride and bodies and degrade themselves just for the opportunity to be fucked by her Izu!!! Oh, it was so hot! But despite the plentiful number of curvaceous beauties around the room, Himiko had nothing to fear: she knew that Izuku would always love her. And vice versa, as she had her own lovers on the side that she frequented. But the best was still her wicked green bean. Walking past the mewling Pussycats, who were now all being taken from behind like dogs in heat (ironically) and lined up side-by-side like a true litter, Himiko made her way to the area that had caught her cat-like eye. Here, she had a special interest. “How you doing, Floppy?” In front of her, an exhausted, sweat-drenched Mirko wiped her mouth of white cum as a slightly softening cock pulled out of her orifice. Despite her haggard, messy appearance, Himiko was impressed that she could still see the fire in her eyes as she glared up at the villainess. “Bitch.” “Huh, seems Floppy’s still got a temper,” Himiko commented, quite impressed by the heroine’s tenacity. “I’m surprised you can still spit out something that isn’t cum considering how many cocks you’ve swallowed.” “Yeah, well… why don’t you come closer… I’ll show what else… I can do, you… fuckin psycho!” “Hmmmmmm…,” she pondered, placing a hand underneath her chin contemplatively. “Nah, I’m good. I prefer looking at you like this. It’s funny.” “Grr, smug cunt.” “Namecalling isn’t very nice,” Himiko faux-pouted. “Honestly, this is what you deserve. You knocked out both me and Mr Stain. And you broke my Izu’s ribs. Those took a long time to heal!” “Yeah, and I’d do it all again,” Mirko bit back. “Honestly wish I kicked harder… Should’ve sunk my foot in your face… would’ve been an improvement over your ugly mug.” Something inside of Toga ticked, as her eyes narrowed and blood pressure suddenly skyrocketed. This woman, this so-called hero, was still acting so cocky, looking down at her the same way they always did, despite her current position. Oh, this bunny bitch was going to have to be taught a lesson. A more… firm form of discipline was in order. Suppressing her anger, she turned around and made a beeline over to a side console, where a shirtless Izuku was pouring himself something to drink. “Izuuuuuu…” Himiiko whined, glomping herself against his broad back. “Yes, Himi?” he acknowledged, looking over his shoulder at his girlfriend. “The rabbit is being mean.” She stood up on her tiptoes, just so she could reach her ear. A cheshire grin adorned her features. “I think you need to teach her to behave.” She purred that last line, giving a quick nip on his ear lobe. Turning around halfway, Izuku looked over to where she was referencing. As Himiko’s words settled in, he couldn’t help but smile as he realised what she meant. “Don’t worry, darling,” he said, rubbing her head affectionately. “I’ll make her play nice.” And with that, he walked off into another room. Himiko watched him as he left, her slanted yellow eyes never leaving his form. That’s what she loved about her Izu-baby, he was always willing to help her in any way. Their connection was special. After all, she was the only one here who could ever find the original in this crowd so easily. She could smell him. Over by the group, Mirko was moving ferociously. She might not have been able to feel her legs, but she could still twist her torso around, staring down the different clones. “Come on, you bastards. Who’s next?” She was like a cornered predator, moving to take in all potential threats. For some reason, no clone had moved in on her yet, all of them just standing to the side. Not that she was complaining as she was grateful for the much needed reprieve. “What’s wrong? Scared? Where’s all that bravado from earlier, huh? Yeah, that’s what I thought, you cowardly, weak, son of a-!” Ba-dump! The Rabbit Hero’s entire body stiffened as her heart beat like a drum, long and heavy. Every instinct in her body flared up in an instant as she felt an overwhelming force behind her. It was evil, heavy, all-devouring! She couldn’t help as her muscles tensed, ready to explode into action at a moment’s notice, but were too worn out to work. She hated the feeling as a cold sweat dripped down her brow, like a scared prey. But she wasn’t about to become a coward so soon. Slowly, she turned around over her shoulder to face the source of her anxiety. Standing behind her, an Izuku stood, his entire upper body surrounded in a burning violet aura, producing and swallowing light simultaneously in a wicked hew. He was still topless, but she could see all of his muscles seemed to flex and his veins bulge. He also had adorned two strange armguards with faint green lights humming in the grooves. But what fixated her the most was his eyes as, even with the black sclera, they still glowed like toxic gems. She could feel them bore into her, piercing through her every defence. The devil could feel her fear. And it smiled. “So,” he drawled out, savouring her disturbed look. “I’ve heard you’ve been misbehaving. Are you forgetting what I warned you?” The rabbit lady said nothing, not wanting her voice to betray just what she was feeling at that moment. She felt as if her self had done a 180 just a few moments ago. “I warned you,” he continued, “that if you couldn’t be good, I would have to teach you a lesson. I might have let you off with just a warning, but not this time. Besides I haven’t paid you back for putting a ball through my window and wall. Or for fracturing my ribs.” His face turned into a wolfish snarl “Do you know what a pain it was to recover and still have to do my job? With all those shitty bureaucrats breathing down my neck, observing my every move?” “It’s what you deserve,” Rumi sputtered out. “Asshole.” Deku’s grimace shifted, turning into an amused expression. “No, of course you don’t. But I’ll give you some idea.” Reaching down, he unzipped his expensive trousers and pulled out… THWAP! An audible clap filled the room as Mirko felt something big, thick and heavy land on her asscheeks. Slowly trailing downwards, her red eyes practically bulged out of her head as she saw just what she was feeling. Rumi was used to Deku’s cock by now (at least, as used as a woman could be) after having fucked and sucked a number of them, but the one laid on top of her like a display put them all to shame. It was larger, denser, more angry than any of the other dicks she had experienced before. Its red colour burnt like a log that had been pulled out of a fire as its veins bulged from how much blood was being pumped into it. No humanoid alive should have a cock like that, not something that would put the entire male species to shame. It was no longer a man’s penis, an organ made for sexual reproduction. No, this was a weapon. And it was made to ruin a woman, all women, including her. And from the glint in his eyes told her he realised she knew that too. “Now then,” he resumed, “shall we begin?” Reaching forward, he grabbed two massive handfuls of her caramel fat ass, his fingers sinking deep into her doughy behind as the flesh splayed between his fingers, and he pulled them apart, exposing her untouched puckered hole to him. Completely frozen, the unshakeable Mirko couldn’t will her body to move at all, only able to let out a fearful yelp as she felt his head rub against her virgin asshole. “D-Don’t” she stuttered out. She would have hated to hear how weak her voice and resolve sounded, her body betraying her yet again, but in that moment she didn’t care. All she wanted to do was not get fucked by his massive cock. Izuku smiled at her, the last look of virtue and pity he had. “No.” WHAM! “Oh fuuuUCK~!!!~” The athletic woman screamed out as he rammed his entire huge cock into her ass, not stopping until he was completely sheathed inside of her! Rumi gasped as she felt his heavy swollen balls slap against her abused pussy lips, craning her head up to the ceiling as her jaw went slack and her eyes bugged out, struggling to contain herself and the strain on her body as something bigger than her arm was shoved inside her. “Oh-Oh God!!” she cried as she felt him inside her. Even though Midoriya wasn’t moving his hips, each time his cock pulsed and jolted she felt it resonate throughout her entire body, like waves, but each shock triggered all of the pleasure centres in her brain, causing another orgasm to ripple through her, squirting all over the man’s waist and thighs. “Fuck, you’re so fucking tight, you bunny whore,” Izuku growled, his teeth clenching together as her ass clenched down on his shaft like it would never let go. He watched as she tried to crawl away off of him, but he wouldn't allow that, grabbing hold of her waist and dragging her back down, causing her to cream herself again. “But this ass hasn’t been punished nearly enough,” he swiped his hands on her shelf-like buttcheeks, making the beautiful flesh wobble and jiggle deliciously, “so then…” “Let’s make you behave.” Grabbing hold of her wrists, Izuku pulled Mirko’s arms behind her back as he thrust into her with complete abandon, holding nothing back against the short-stacked coney, leaving her helpless to only gasping and moaning. Every thrust brought her to near-orgasm as her entire body became sensitive to his touch. She yelped and cried out as she came over and over again, completely unable to hold in her euphoria. He slammed into her fit body. “Oh! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! I’m c-coming again! Please! My ass! You’re splitting my - ah-ass in half!!!~” The Demon Prince of Japan chuckled as the stubborn heroine’s voice went up in pitch. Reaching forward, he grabbed a handful of her silky white hair and tugged her backwards, even as his thrusts pushed her body away from his, forcing her to look into his eyes. “You - mmngh - like that, don’t you, you - gah - bunny slut?” Mirko tried to spit something back, but couldn’t get a single word out from all of her wanton moans. It was bad enough that she was cumming her brain out as he fucked her relentlessly, but it was absolutely humiliating for him to see her expression in such a state, eyes wide and tongue lolled out, saliva pouring down her jaw in a perfect ahegao. “Yeah, you do.” She didn’t know how long he pounded her in that position, her mind blanking over and completely lost to the overwhelming perverted pleasure, before he let go, making her face fall flat on the pillow in front of her. But it didn’t take long before he reached down and grabbed hold of her legs, pulling them until they were locked in the crux of his arms and his fingers linked behind her head, putting her in a full nelson. He pulled out until only his engorged head remained sheathed in her rectum letting the entire room see her in this embarrassing position. Oh shit, if he fucked her like this, then there was no way she would hold on. She would… she would…. “Oh fffffuuuck yoouuuu!!” The truth was, it was actually worse, as Izuku’s pistoned in and out of her with such brutality, she was feeling him slam so hard into her that she was sure her organs were being shifted. Rumi howled in bliss as her ass was completely wrecked, throwing her head back into his shoulder as she practically spouted like a fountain for all to see. Each thrust upwards made her luscious breasts bounce so hard, she was sure they would slap her chin. SLAM! SLAM! SLAM! “Ah! Ahha! Nnhh! Oh GOD!” It seemed that Midoriya had found a weak spot that the anal virgin didn’t even know she had, as he hammered against it intentionally, making her mind go blank and see spots. She could hear her thick bum smack and bounce against his waist with an audible clap each time, her fat ass probably being the only reason her hips hadn’t broken already. “Fuck, you’re - mmgh - incredible, Mirko,” Izuku groaned loudly, grabbing hold of her thighs, appreciating just how big and strong they were, no doubt capable of squeezing a watermelon until it broke. “I always wanted - ngh - to do this.” It was true, the absolute lock her ass had around his cock was indescribable, easily up there with some of his best girls. He wasn’t sure he could stop even if he wanted to. “Don’t… Don’t…” Midoriya’s ears perked up. “What’s that?” “Don’t stop!” And there it was. The final facade, the very last wall of defence she had, shattered. The sensation was too much to fight, even for her. Her body was on fire. And she could no longer deny it. “Fuck! Yes! Yes! Fuck me - ahhn - harder! You’re making me cum so - fuuuuucking much!” “Harder? Is that what you - nngh! - want?” “God yes! It’s too good! I love your - oh fuck - fat dick!” “You like that you, you little - ggrn - butt slut?” “Yes! I do! I love it! Ah! Aah! I’m your bunny butt slut! Ahn! So don’t you - dare - stop!!~❤️~” Her words were like music to his ears. Feeling his already-inflated ego swell even bigger than before, Izuku decided to obey the ex-Pro Hero, going balls deep into her ass again and again and again, turning her into a depraved, submissive toy for his pleasure who moaned as his heavy balls slapped against her pussy like a drum. THWAPTHWAPCLAPTHWAPCLAP!!! The rutting pair were so lost in their sexual embrace, they completely lost track of how much time had passed, Izuku having lost himself completely to the effects of his own enhanced quirk. But even he couldn’t continue forever as he felt his cock swell and his testicles churn. With a deep-throated growl, he released a deluge of hot, virile spunk, coming deep inside the fit woman’s ass, effectively painting her guts a different colour. All Mirko could do was moan and squeal uncharacteristically, loving the feeling of him filling her up with his jizz. No doubt about it, if he had instead decided to release that all in her womb, she would undoubtedly fall pregnant, not that she would have minded. After holding that position for a full minute, riding out the high as he finished pumping her, the villain lay the fucked-out heroine back on the ground, resting her head on the pillow beneath her. However, the position left her ass up - face down as her gaping asshole leaked down her thigh. “Holy… Holy… shit,” the verdanette panted, barely able to stand still. “It’s been a… long time since I’ve… gone all out like that on… one person. You truly are in a league… above others, Rumi.” All he got from the Rabbit Hero was an incomprehensible gurgling, as the woman was too fucked silly to give a proper response. But despite the lack of words, he could tell that using her actual name made her happy. “I need a breather,” he sighed. “You should get one too.” “So then,” a similar voice spoke up. “Still think you can hold out?” Over on the bed, those words were spoken to the very last person in the room who wasn’t openly enjoying themselves. Itsuka Kendo was laid down on her side, having gotten the full viewing experience of seeing her mentor and one of the people she looked up to most in the world, someone who she thought was unbreakable, succumbed to her lust, turning into a mammal in heat. But that wasn’t all, as it was impossible to maintain her own stoic resolve for two reasons. Stripped of her entire heroic attire, she had to deal with two people who wouldn’t leave her body alone for an instant. Behind her, the man she loathed most was kissing and nibbling at her neck and shoulders while his hands played across her body, one hand having slid underneath her body and was kneading and squeezing her sizeable bust, his fingers sinking into the soft flesh as he held on tight. However, that wasn't the worst, as between her legs, the beautiful ravenette was attacking her pussy with indecent abandon, her tongue gracefully tracing her puffy labia while her fingers worked their magic, pumping in and out of her with the skill one would come to expect of the heroine Creati. Only she knew all of Itsuka’s weak spots, knowing just where to touch her, where to curl her fingers and at what tempo to make the redhead squirm. And Momo was more than eager to make up for lost time. As a result, the indomitable Itsuka felt herself turning into putty in their care, her body shifting and writhing at the slightest touch. She bit down hard on her lower lip to muffle the high-pitch grunts and moans exuding from her, but that wasn’t a success. Especially not as she felt herself grind up against Deku’s broad-shouldered and chiselled form. Even from this position she could feel just how easily his body could overshadow and dominate over her own. This was especially true as she felt his huge cock being rubbed between her thighs. “Mmn, I've missed this,” Momo said, giving another lick of her long tongue. “You taste sho good~” “Momo, s-stop-” “And smell it, too,” Deku added, taking a long whiff of her beautiful ginger hair. “Smells very floral. And expensive. Did she buy this for you?” Whatever it was, he could feel it make his dick stiffen even more, raising it so that it began to prod her pussy from below. He could feel her shiver against him as he rubbed the length of it against her folds. “D-Don’t say thaaat,” Itsuka said, hating how her words seemed to slur. She couldn’t help it, as every touch against her seemed to make her body hotter and hotter, wanting to give in. She couldn’t deny that she was getting massively turned on from the experience. “Aw, I almost forgot how cute you are when you get like this,” Momo said, raising her head up to look at them, her mouth covered in Itsuka’s juices. “There’s no need to be so embarrassed. I know you like it.” She raised an elegant finger to her mouth and sucked on it. “Look how soaked you are.” “That’s only w-when you say them, not h-him.” Although the martial artist could feel her vision begin to blur, she did her best to meet her old flame’s eyes. “W-Why are you helping him like thi-iiiiss?” Momo merely smiled. “Because we want to make you feel good, baby,” she said, rubbing her thumb along the other woman’s firm clit, earning her a shudder. “Believe me. You’ve never felt anything like this.” Reaching down, she grabbed hold of her lover’s huge length and smacked it lightly against Itsuka’s lower lips, creating a light slapping sound. “T-There’s no possible way that can be tru-uuueeee!” Kendo’s voice suddenly jumped in pitch as Izuku sneakily twisted one of her stiff pink nipples. “Stop that!” The Deku grinned at her, enjoying the obvious lie. Despite her words and impressive composure, she had already orgasmed a few times. “Well, Kendo, if you don’t believe us, how about a little game?” “A game?” ‘Seriously, what the hell is this - mmph - bastard thinking?’ “Uh-huh,” he nodded. “The rule is simple. Hold on. If you can make it through the entire night without breaking, you can go home and your break-in will be forgiven. I’ll even let Momo leave with you.” At that, Itsuka perked up. Could… Could he be telling the truth? She had heard stories from moles in the underworld that, despite his ruthlessness, Izuku Midoriya had a noble streak. That he still tried to act like a gentleman (a fact she called bullshit on), but nonetheless… She looked down at the bestial cock between her thighs, gulping as it throbbed against her. “It won’t fit.” “Don’t worry, it will.” The verdanette said that fact so matter-of-factly, she couldn’t help but take it as truth. “A lot of women had that same thought, but they all took it in the end. Right, Momo?” Momo, who had been suckling against his bulbous head, nodded, a hum from her mouth full signalling her affirmation. Looking up, Itsuka scanned the room; to the virtuous and brave heroines whom she both looked up to and was proud to stand alongside against evil. Now all ten of them (plus an inventor) had been reduced to moaning, sensuous creatures in a heat of lust and desire, addicted to a villain and willing to do anything for his and their own pleasure. Even Setsuna, who was the most vocally-antagonistic towards Deku and the HRD, was now stripped naked of her scaly purple costume and bent over the side of a desk, her firm butt covered in red hand marks as another clone of the young man hammered into her. But even as she was taken from behind, she used her quirk to twist her torso around 180 degrees, allowing her to wrap her arms around his broad shoulders as she shoved her tongue down his throat. ‘It’s a trap. It’s a trap. It’s a trap!’ Itsuka chanted to herself. ‘Come on, Kendo. Don’t be a fucking idiot.’ But even as she thought it, she looked and the sight of her lover diligently and loving shoved more of that obscene dick down her throat, it hurt her heart. She couldn’t let this continue. “...Fine.” Itsuka couldn’t see it, but she could feel it, as Izuku’s aura suddenly flared up excitedly behind her. An instinctual part of her knew that she had just made a mistake by gambling with the devil, but it was too late to Reaching down, Izuku hooked a hand underneath Itsuka’s knee and pulled her leg upwards into the air, making her gasp as her raw pussy was completely exposed. “Don’t worry, Itsuka,” he said, positioning his cock so that it was just before her dripping entrance. “We’re going to have a lot of fun together.” Itsuka gritted her teeth, preparing herself to be painfully penetrated, but stopped as she felt movement nearby as Momo lay down next to her. Behind her, another Deku copy yanked her leg up as he sawed his own dick across her needy pussy. “Momo, what-?” “Sorry, Itsuka, but I - mmph - just realised I - reeeaaaally - wanted to share this moment with you,” the beautiful ravenette cooed. “Also I haven’t had sex yet and I need it badly, right Master?” “Of course, Moo-Moo,” the man behind her said, reaching upwards and sinking his hand into one of her massive milky tits, the funbag too large to fit in his hand. “I swear, I need to get you into a sexy cow bikini soon. Both you and Mel.” Hearing that idea, Momo signalled her approval by excitedly rubbing her fat rump against his pelvis. Itsuka could feel her patience waning. “Just… just get it over with, you fuck-aaaAAHHHH!!” “OOOOHHHH!!!❤️~” Both women threw their heads back and screamed as the men slammed into them, creating a mixed sound of pain and pleasure! Itsuka felt her vision darken slightly from the sudden penetration, as if her mind couldn’t comprehend the sensation. But she didn’t have time to comprehend it at all, as her Midoriya pounded her from behind, plunging deep inside of her wildly. “Oh! Oh! Oh fUcK!!” ‘H-How the hell is he - ah! - doing this?’ she thought to herself. She bit down hard on her bottom lip as her cunt stretched out more than she ever thought possible. ‘My body’s on fire! It fucking hurts but - ooh - it just feels too good! I don’t think I can - gah, cumming!’ The confused woman’s body seized up as an orgasm rippled through her, causing her eyes to leak just as much as her pussy. She didn’t want to admit to him or herself just how good it felt, or that she felt she was close to another one so soon afterwards. After all, she had been exposed to Pheromones the longest without a proper dicking, and now it was all hitting her. Hard. “Oh! Oh fuck! Yes! Ah! Harder! Please, fuck me harder!!” But where Itsuka was trying her best to keep her composure, Momo was the complete opposite. In a mirrored position to her old lover, she was giving in to her depravity, her entire body bouncing as Izuku pounded her roughly, the force causing her large melons to jiggle wildly. Her mouth was open in an erotic O-shape as her tongue lolled out and her eyes rolled back in her head. No one would have ever thought that the daughter of the dignified daughter of the Yaoyorozu family could ever behave in such a way, but Momo didn’t care at all. It had been a long time for her since she last got a taste of her Master’s cock and she wasn’t about to hold back any longer. “Yes! Right there! Don’t stop! It feels - ahh! - so good! Keep going, Izuku!! I gonna… gonna… AhhAA!!” Momo shrieked as she orgasmed openly, throwing her head back into his pecs as her fingers clenched and unclenched the bedsheets, her eyes rolling backwards in an outright shameless display. Her pussy squirted around his dick, as if she was a backed-up dam waiting for release, as Izuku continued to thrust sideways into her. “Fuck, you’re tight!” Izuku growled, feeling her lovely silky inner walls clamp down hard as she came. “Your pussy always feels so nice. Good girl, Moo-Moo.” Momo said nothing, still overwhelmed from such a powerful orgasm after so long, but languidly nodded in response, letting out a low moan in relief as her lover slowed down his thrusts, letting her ride out her high. “Huh… huhh… so… so biiig.” Next to her, a sweaty Itsuka was panting, looking completely dishevelled as if she had just run a marathon. But internally she was even worse. Throughout the entire night, she could feel his quirk work its way into her, like tentacles creeping through her entire system. She felt that her will was barely being held together, as if a single thread was tying an island to the shore. And that thread was at its limit. Just like Momo, she was gracefully given an opportunity to recover, but she wasn’t sure how much that would help. ‘H-How is this - mmh - possible? I should be stronger than this! But… But he’s just too much! Holy shit, how is he still this - ooh - hard?’ “I know, right?” At that soft voice, Itsuka tiredly looked towards the more contented Momo. “He’s just so incredible, Itsuka. I’ve missed this feeling so much.” She scooted over closer to the redhead, her Izuku still clinging onto her, until the two women were face-to-face. From this close up, Itsuka could see the love and lust in Momo’s beautiful dark eyes. She wasn’t sure if it was the lack of oxygen, but she could swear she saw tiny hearts in Momo’s irises. “That’s why I wanted to - nngh - share this experience with you.” Her voice was practically a purr. “And now that you’re here, there’s so much I’ve got planned~❤~” And with those words, Momo grabbed Itsuka by her side ponytail and pulled her head in, crashing their soft lips in another heated embrace, her tongue darting in and claiming ownership over Kendo’s moist cavern. At the same time, the heroine’s Deku used that exact moment to plough into her, deeper than ever before, that his cock smashed through all defences and slammed against her cervix, stuffing her entire tight cunt in one go. With these two moves, the fire raged, the dam burst, and the thread snapped. “OOOooohhh!!!~♥~!” In a loud, throaty tone, Itsuka’s moan of absolute euphoria echoed across the room as she practically orgasmed instantly. But this time, she didn’t fight it, instead revelling in the sensation. Long, powerful thrusts penetrated the martial artist’s cunt, finding her sweet spot and slamming into it again and again and again. Itsuka was completely defenceless to him, her mind going blank from each successive orgasm as she was fucked raw by the villainous stud. Itsuka Kendo knew that she was acting like a lewd bitch in heat, moaning and squealing as her pussy was ravaged, the audible sound of Izuku’s hips clapping against her redding firm bum filling the room. She knew what a humiliating spectacle this was for her. But there was just one thing: She. Didn’t. Care. “Ah! Ahh! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me! It’s so - fucking - good!” Momo giggled at the display, leaning closer to her lover. She hooked a finger underneath the broken-in heroine’s chin and lifted it up so their eyes met. Yaoyorozu’s dark eyes stared deeply into Kendo’s glazed over green ones. “Do you like that, you little slut?~” “Yes! Momo! I love it! I love you! He’s so biiiigg!!” “I’m so glad to hear that! I love you too, Itsuka. Just like I love Izuku. And now, the three of us can have so much fun!” And with that, Momo lunged her head forward, continuing their heated liplock. Only this time, Itsuka didn’t fight it, instead reciprocating with the passionate ferocity that had been building inside of her the entire night as well as since the last time they had kissed. She rammed her tongue into Momo’s mouth, savouring her sweet taste as much as possible. The two sexy women moaned into each other, their tongues weaving and dancing like a pair of slippery eels, each one trying to overpower the other. At the pair’s french kiss, as if they shared the same mind, the two Izukus took this as a sign and thrust into their women simultaneously, ploughing into their fit and tantalising bodies at a steady yet intense rhythm “Fuuuck, she’s tight!” grunted Momo’s Deku, lifting her leg up higher so that he could reach even deeper. “You’re telling me,” the other responded, “This one’s clamping down so hard, I think she - mmh - wants to milk me dry.” “Well then,” the first grinned. “Let’s give them what they want.” And with that, they held nothing back, slamming in and out of the two slutty heroines with as much power as they could. The two, who had been so absorbed with the other’s mouth, broke into a cacophony of moans and squeals as they’re poor ussies were mercilessly ravaged. The two had tears pouring down their faces as they were stretched to their absolute limit, their organs feeling as if they were shifting from just how much cock meat they were having to take. All around them, sweat, drool and bodily fluids were flung from them in a perverse, sloppy exhibit that no decent person could imagine. It was as if they were trying to enact a scene from the Circle of Lust itself. The two clones were less men and more unstoppable beasts whose desire and appetite for feminine flesh could not be satisfied. Lurching forward, they rammed the two with such intensity, their bodies pushed forward and pressed against each other, the only thing cushioning them was Momo’s massive milkers pressed against them. All over, hands roamed to squeeze and grope any part of a body that bounced or jiggled wildly. And through it all, the sound of flesh slapping against sweaty flesh reverberated as the bed shuddered so much, some thought it would break underneath the strain. THWAPTHWAPTWAPCLAPTHWAP!!! But, like all things, it had to end eventually. “Fuck, I can’t - ggah - take much more!” groaned Itsuka’s Deku, feeling his balls churn and dick throb painfully. “Same,” the other cried. “Gonna - ahhn - cum!” With that, the two sheathed themselves entirely within their women, slamming against the opening of their wombs, before releasing their entire loads, stuffing their pussies filled with hot cum. Both Itsuka and Momo’s eyes rolled back as their bodies shuddered at the sensation. Every one of their muscles tensed and their toes curled in pleasure, holding onto bed sheets for dear life. This continued for a full minute, before the two clones pulled out of them with an wet *plop* “God, that was… that was…” the first Izuku panted, completely lost for words. “Yeah… it was…” “So gooood…” Momo moaned, reaching down and rubbing her stomach, feeling all of his essence inside her. “Mmmhhh. I feel… so full…” Itsuka whined, her head lolling all over the place, staring at nothing in particular. Anyone could see that the veneer of the righteous Battle Fist had been completely wiped away, leaving only a fucked-silly ginger. That was all she was able to do before she rolled over onto her side, passing out completely, but with a happy smile. Off to the side, an Izuku, the original Izuku, looked on, smiling as the last holdout finally succumbed to her desire. He would let her rest, for now. Seated in a chair at the side of the room, glass of water in hand, he looked on at the hedonistic evince before him, whether it was Mt Lady and Midnight in another gangbang-off, Camie being pulled over a lap and spanked like a naughty schoolgirl, Pixie-Bob pinning down a copy and riding him in a ferocious cowgirl, Ragdoll displaying her lewdest ahegao as she was taking it up the backdoor for the first time, Melissa trying her best to give a tittyfuck as her poor pussy and ass were given a break, Rumi now taking five cocks at once, Ryukyu’s back being pressed against the glass, or Setsuna being fucked in a full nelson and exhibited for all to see. He could even hear the sounds of the shower turned on in the bathroom mixed with Mandalay’s howls. For a moment, Izuku revelled in it, having stopped releasing Pheromones a long time ago and instead allowing everyone to act on their primal urges. In this room, this sanctum, he had found nirvana. But for a moment, he was pulled out of this as a pair of arms wrapped around him. He didn’t need to turn around to see who it was as the sharp sensation of their fangs on his ear was a dead giveaway. Leaning closer, he felt Himiko’s hot breath on him as she huskily whispered, “Happy birthday, Izuku~” ----------------------------------------------------------------------—--------------------------------------------- Damn, this was a long one. I hope you all enjoyed it. I’m planning to write a shorter continuation of this chapter, just some special vignettes now that everyone is in one room, but first I want to write the next chapter of my other story. So I’ll see you all next time
Chapter 2 - Spilled Ink
 It was an incredible thing, how only a few words and images could taint everything. Like people that spent their whole lives guided by a few lines from sacred texts that they knew by heart, so Eiji constantly thought back to Aimi getting felt up by Saburo and begging for his silence. Had she even begged? The scene looped in Eiji’s mental theatre nonstop, but at times it felt like it shifted depending on mood, with Aimi going pained and desperate if he felt sad and hopeless, to her seeming rough and dismissive in the moments he wanted to think it was all nothing and that she just didn’t want to give Saburo the pleasure of messing around.   One thing that stood out was just how sweet she acted towards him since it happened. Aimi never acted out with him, but now she played up her cuteness and affection to such a degree that it became entirely disarming. She wanted to hold his hand as they walked at all times, leaned into him when they waited for the bus or went up the elevator, and slept against his shoulder as they commuted. And most importantly, she stopped drinking and smoking, at least when Eiji was present.   The crashing waves sprayed up their faces as they walked along the waterfront at the edge of town, dark clouds gathering past the shores. Aimi was zipped all the way up and had the hood drawn tightly over her head so that only her nose and eyes showed through the opening. “They say tomorrow it’s going to start getting warm again.”  Eiji shivered. White froth dripped off the jagged stones below. I should ask her about Saburo, he thought again, and wondered how to go about it. But what if she reacted badly? What if she got sad or angry… What if she just left him altogether for thinking him too nosy? “Hey!” Eiji glanced over and felt her arms wrapping around his neck. She got up on her toes to reach up to him, bringing the tip of her nose against his. “We should go somewhere nice this week. A trip. How about it?”   Eiji imagined all the different ways this could have gone. He thought of American music videos and how he could have grabbed her right now and lifted her up, pressing her against his chest as they made out against the cold metal of the railing. Instead, he only felt an icy, numbing chill going up his spine as a realization took shape: Somebody has already done that with her, and probably much more.    Her mouth opened in a gush of emotion and her breath smoked between them. Then she smiled, a smile that would have been too much even on a lottery winner, the kind of smile that let him know she was standing on thin ice and about to go under at the slightest touch, a smile that was really the lowest form of begging. Don’t bring up anything, it begged. Don’t break the spell. Just let me enjoy this while I can.    They walked back together arm in arm, Eiji listening quietly to Aimi as she told him all the places they would go on their trip. Apparently she knew all the sights and attractions in the nearby towns. “I can’t wait to show you, it’s going to be so fun!” How did a high school girl know so much about areas in places more than two hours away? Who did she go there with, and why?  Just as they were about to leave the waterfront completely, a tattooed guy swaggered into view, wearing a sleeveless shirt and sunglasses despite the bad weather. “Oh, God…” Aimi whispered, and she buried her face in Eiji’s neck. What? Was this another person she knew?   He looked like he was about to pass them by without a word when he stopped short and grinned. “Aimi?” He lifted the sunglasses and narrowed his eyes. “Is that you, Aimi-chan?”   She reluctantly looked over. “H-Hello…”   The thug seemed on edge even as he made casual conversation, his forearms bulging with thick veins that distorted his colorful tattoos. He reached and pulled her hood back unceremoniously. “I’ve got the eyes of a fucking eagle, man. An eagle. I’d tattoo an eagle if I still had room for it.” The tattoos even came up past his neck and ran down to his fingernails.   Aimi smiled awkwardly and tried not to make eye contact. The thug finally acknowledged Eiji and shook his hand. “I’m Jonu. You know, like John in America?”  “I got it,” said Eiji politely. The thug seemed proud of his moniker.   “So what are you guys doing? You want to hang out or something?” He took Aimi by the hand and got closer to her. “We haven’t seen each other in ages,” he whispered suggestively, twining her small and pale fingers around his dark tattooed ones. “What do you say?”  “I can’t, sorry… We have to get home.”   He took his hand away, all offended. “I see. You got a real boyfriend now, huh? You must be a real humanitarian.” He chuckled at Eiji. “Dating used trash like this.”   Eiji could feel his heart fire up again. Aimi was pulling him away, whispering for them to go, but he just couldn’t let it go this time. What kind of man would? I’m not spineless… I can’t be. “You’re the real trash. Just look at you,” he said. “You look like shit.” “What did you say to me, you little shit?” Jonu shoved Aimi aside and went straight for him, lifting him up by the front of his jacket. The power in his arms was no joke - he probably could’ve hurled Eiji away with the ease with which kids threw stones. “You think it’s worth getting the shit kicked out of you for this slut?”  Aimi raised her hands to her face in shock. “Let him go! Please! Jonu, I’ll go with you, just let him go!”  “You hear that? What loyalty.”   Eiji could feel his heart break from her quick change in attitude but the adrenaline still rushed through his system. “You’re still trash, man.”   Jonu grinned in total disbelief. “Dumb kid.” He slammed his fist into Eiji’s stomach hard enough that it made him reel and puke his guts out. He tottered unsteadily, reaching out for something to hold onto, until he folded and collapsed to the ground. The pain spiked through his whole body without any real source, the world spinning around with a bright light at the center. How could a single punch do this?...  “And you,” Eiji could hear Jonu say. “You fucking bitch. How many times have you come begging to me for cash? And what, now you’re too good for me or something? Don’t let me catch you here again. I see either one of you in my territory and I’ll send you into the fucking depths.”   By the time he regained enough composure to see straight, Jonu had walked off into the darkening horizon. Aimi crouched next to him, running her hands over his torso in a desperate attempt to get him to feel better, as if she were some sort of MMO healer. “Fuck! I’m so sorry about that.” There was a real panic in her voice, an ugly terror like that of a witch whose bewitching disguise failed, as if she thought this chance she would get to defend herself.   Eiji wasn’t sure what to say, so he said nothing. He put a hand over the part of his belly where he had been hit and rose slowly, drawing in his breath sharply and yelping as the pain arched through him whenever he moved too fast.   By the time he was up, Aimi was crying. “Fuck, I’m so sorry… I’m so bad for you. Oh my God. I’m such a fucking piece of shit. How could I let him do that to you? I’m going to fucking kill him. I’m going to…” By now she was speaking to herself deliriously, her gaping eyes wandering all over as if scanning for a nearby weapon.   Eiji was just disappointed. Even when he stood for her she still… she still wanted to go with that guy. That was where her instincts took her. She would be there with him right now if he wanted her there, he thought glumly. And yet her affection for him was written in the intensity of her tears and frustration, and that, too, was undeniable. She was just trying to help. Unfortunately her ideas all lead in the wrong direction.  Eiji tried to smile and suppressed a groan of pain as he lifted his hand to her shoulder. “I’m okay. I feel better already. Let’s just forget about this.”   As soon as the word forget connected with her brain, it worked as a kind of stabilizer and sedative. Forgetting. It was all she wanted to do. But I can’t forget, thought Eiji, knowing he would have to add this thug next to Saburo in a series of mysteries. She bobbed her head and wiped the tears and mucus with her sleeve. “I’m so gross.” She laughed darkly. “God.”   It took everything in him to walk the rest of the way to the bus station without tearing up from the pain. It was so bad. Every pharmacy he saw that promised the potential of a painkiller seemed like the most beautiful thing in the world, but he wouldn’t get one until they went their separate ways. “I promise, I’ll make this up to you” Aimi insisted. “No matter what. You’ll see… It will be worth it.”   She gave him a kiss on the cheek as he turned to climb into the bus, and that, too, annoyed him. How many guys has she fucked? And all I get is a kiss on the cheek… It was humiliating. Aimi waved to him energetically as the bus took off, and he pressed his palm against the window in turn. Why am I doing this? It would have been so much easier to jump down to those cliffs. That cunt should have thrown me.  By nightfall, the painkillers took their effect and Eiji felt okay again. He was too embarrassed to tell his mother about what happened, and as they had dinner they talked about their show and how the character arcs had been going instead.   Eiji even ignored his phone as it buzzed, thinking he was getting spammed by his friends. As a rule, Aimi called, but she almost never texted. So when he lifted it up to see that he had not only several messages from her but an image as well, he frowned. What was it this time?   He opened the chat to read an apology that must have been at least a thousand words in which she said how she wished she could erase her past and how sorry she was that it kept coming up. [No one should have made this many mistakes this early, but at least now I can be the best I can without any :).] He could almost see that smile of hers for real, and it made him tremble with dread.  “What are you reading so intently, hmm?” his mom asked, wrapping more noodles around her chopsticks. “Do your friends need you to help them in your game again?”  “No… It’s Aimi.” “Oh! How nice, tell her I said hello!”   The image loaded and his hand nearly dropped the phone when it finished. It was a picture of her butt taken in the bathroom, completely naked, turned halfway to the camera. It curved away beautifully from the arch of her lower back, the shadowy dimples above it decorating it like some high work of art, each group of muscle and plane inked out by the dim bathroom lighting.  Eiji gulped emptily and tried to show no arousal despite getting fired it up immediately. [I hope you like it…] the caption said. He certainly did. In fact, he could barely talk or breathe from how much he liked it.  “Give me a second,” he told his mom abruptly, then got up and went straight to his room.   He got in bed and held the phone in front of him, zooming in and caressing the Aimi on screen as if it were the real thing. He wanted to run his fingers down her warm skin and feel the curve of her ass filling out his palm. Just like others have, his mind shot back immediately.   His eyes closed and tried to bring the sight to life, but instead of him touching Aimi it was the thug they bumped into today. Jonu. The tattooed hands handling her caressly as she cooed, as helpless as a slave. As he touched himself Eiji could actually feel the pained area of his stomach spreading out, bringing back the realness of it all. That he jerked off to Aimi getting used by the guy that humiliated him. That the same guy must have had his way with his girlfriend countless times. That the hand that knocked him out must have explored every inch of Aimi’s tight and sporty body. After all, wasn’t she willing to give herself to him again today?   As the image of her brutalized ass crystallized in his head, he came incredibly hard, moaning weakly as the hot jizz overflowed and came down his fingers and pooled over his stomach.  Fuck, he finally thought, quickly bringing his pants back up and staring at the ceiling. All of a sudden he felt incredibly depressed and disgusted with himself. With what he came to. He wasn’t even able to help it… It just took hold of him and wouldn’t let go.   As for Aimi… he wasn’t even sure what to say anymore. The picture excited him when he first saw it but now it felt dirty and wrong. Their relationship had never been like this, yet now she was doing stuff to try and compensate for all the misery. Offering her body must have seemed like the only real tangible thing she had to trade, and so that’s what she put up to try and earn his forgiveness.   That’s just how a slut thinks, he thought, and the first real tears of sadness formed in his eyes. It would’ve been easier if she didn’t love him, but that’s precisely what made it all so difficult. She did love him. He did love her. But Saburo was right As was Jonu. She was used goods. Beyond helping...  No! I just need to talk to her, he told himself a second later, trying to stay hopeful, grasping at anything that he could. Burying the past is never going to help her get over it. It needed to be unburied, exhumed, and set alight. Then we can move on...
Chapter 5 - Melissa Shield (Part 2)
Stepping out of the black mist, Izuku strode into the living room of his abode, glad to be home already. That was one of the benefits to Kurogiri’s warp, you could travel to almost any reasonable distance and still make it home easily enough, despite how much energy Kurogiri complained about having to use each time. It was lucky that I-Island had moved to the middle of the Pacific. Any further and it might not have been a viable means of transport.   He stretched his arms up over his head and clicked his neck to the side, grunting in relief. Despite how cordial and relaxed he had appeared, Izuku came in expecting a fight. These types of situations always carried some risk of violence breaking out due to some unforeseen circumstance, such as a hero arriving or possibly even Wolfram deciding to betray him, therefore it was always best to be on guard.   Making his way over to the table in the centre of the room, he placed the case down flat. He stared at it hungrily, eager to break it open, like a child receiving a huge present on Christmas Day, but a shimmer of movement in his periphery caught his attention.   Oh yes, his guest.   “Please, make yourself comfortable.”   Turning on his heel, he addressed the blonde woman, who was clutching a large ornament in her hands as an improv weapon while also standing behind the couch, putting it between her and her abductor, trying to give him her angriest, defiant glare. Izuku wasn’t amused.   “Please put that down. That’s my favourite vase.”   Melissa didn’t respond, only putting herself in a more solid battle stance. But despite her attempt at appearing brave, Izuku could see her body shaking. He doubted she had ever fought in her life. He also saw her eyes shift towards the door, but he wasn’t too worried about that. Seeing that she wasn’t going to do what he asked, he sighed.   “So, are you going to be like that all night, or can we be civil?” His snide comment only seemed to make her angry.   “Civil? You kidnap me, threaten Papa, and then expect me to be civil, you monster?”   Monster, he chuckled. Like he hadn’t been called that before. “Oh please, Melissa – may I call you Melissa?” “No!” “-Melissa, you can’t be too angry at me. You and your father only have yourselves to blame. I wouldn’t have done this if you two didn’t interfere. But you did.”   “And so you think kidnapping a powerless woman means you still have the moral high ground?” Melissa figured that if this villain had the intellect his ego let him believe he had, it may be possible to appeal to his sense of reason, despite how twisted it was. It wasn’t guaranteed to work, but it was something.   The verdanette merely raised an eyebrow. “’Powerless?’ Please, Melissa, give yourself some credit. Despite how this world looks down on people like us, we both know you’re not powerless. Your skills and mind are more capable and versatile than most quirks could ever hope to be.”   Despite his honeyed words, Melissa felt some sense of disgust and defiance at his cordial attempt at some form of solidarity with her.   “Don’t try and find a connection between us. I’m nothing like you. I didn’t want to become a villain just because I didn’t have a quirk.” By now, it was well-known that the head of the League had been born quirkless. It was one of the first things that had been reported about him upon the creation of the HRD.   Izuku felt some anger at her words. “You’re right, we’re not alike. At all. Where you were given a father who would do anything to support you, I was born with nothing, only constant scorn or apologies. Where you had laws which protected you from discrimination, I had a government that was more than willing to leave me in the dirt and pretend I didn’t exist.” An unspoken anger that had been held back for too long that he didn’t know existed bubbled rapidly to the surface. “And where you sat back comfortably in your little workshop and worked to help the very heroes who would never allow you to stand at their side as an equal, helping to maintain their quirk-based aristocracy, I had to fight every day of my life just to keep on living and actually bring change! And you would help them destroy it all!”   For a moment, the two of them said nothing, reeling from his irate outburst. Even he surprised himself with his anger. Then, taking a deep breath and running a hand through his messy hair, Izuku composed himself. “We are not alike. Unlike you, I help the people who actually need it.”   Melissa, momentarily stunned at his words and eruption, soon recovered and restored her glare, raising the vase up higher. “You won’t get away with this.”   Izuku only smiled. “Oh, darling, I already have. No one at I-Island is going to be too concerned with the Shields, not after it’s revealed that you used I-Island’s facilities to aid in an international affair you had no affiliation with, breaking their laws and regulations concerning diplomatic neutrality. And when it’s leaked to the public that one of their top scientists instigated two acts of terrorism, one of which they helped cover up, it’s going to be a PR nightmare. A missing civilian and a stolen piece of tech, well…” he chuckled, “those will be the last of their priorities.” Noticing how his words seemed to be affecting the blonde, making her lose spirit as a sense of hopelessness grew inside her, he decided to give her some consolation. “But, if you’re a good girl and behave yourself, I might not hold you here too long if you don’t want to. Speaking of tech, however…”   With that, he turned back round to the prize on his table, leaving the young woman to stare at him in confusion. Eyeing the case, he saw that it was only closed by two simple latches, a fact that made Izuku tsk. ‘The greatest scientists in the world, and they’ve never heard of a combination lock.’ Thus, with two quick flicks, he opened the suitcase.   Laying inside were what looked like two simple, sleek arm bracers, each one made up of three pieces of overlapping black metal. Lifting one up, he saw that, in between, there was an array of large LED lights. On the underside, a number of small perforations spread across the length of it. While it may have looked unimpressive to the ignorant eye, Izuku knew that what he held in his hand was worth every risk he took.   “Now aren’t you two beauties,” he commented, already rolling up his sleeves to get them on. “Now how do I… Oh, they included an instruction manual. That’s nice of them.” Although he may have been analysing the technological apparatuses, he didn’t fail to notice the blonde slowly shift around the couch from the corner of his eye.   “Ah, here we go.” Attaching the bracers around his forearms, he placed them together, activating them, as seen with how green light shone in between the gaps of the metal plates. He heard the mechanisms click and whirr into place as the metal adjusted and tightened to fit him best. He couldn’t help but hiss as a number of small needles pierced into his skin. But already he could begin to feel the effects.   Raising an arm, he activated Dark Aura. But where the energy usually appeared as a form of simmering indigo plasma at this output, instead it burst out as a form of burning violet flame! Relishing the feeling of it, he let out more, allowing his entire body to be surrounded in an aura of hellish power. Even the blonde, who had put down her improvised weapon and was trying to sneak away, stopped what she was doing in awe of its might. God, he’d never felt so strong!   “I know David Shield is a genius, but this is truly his magnum opus,” he praised as he brought down the aura until it dissipated completely. With this device, no one would be able to stop him. Any Resistance hero who tried to go against him and the HRD would tremble at the power of the Quirk Amplification Device V2. ‘Now let’s see what else it can do.’   Then, with barely any effort, he activated Pheromones.    Melissa Shield, who by now was directly behind the villain and halfway to the door, felt her entire body go stiff. Her heartbeat began to rapidly increase, making it hard to breathe. Suddenly, she felt much hotter, especially in her lower regions, as sweat slowly trickling down her face. Had her clothing always felt this tight? This uncomfortable? Why was it suddenly so warm?!   “Are you alright, Melissa?” Izuku turned around, faux-concern etched across his face.   The blonde beauty felt her heart race even faster as the man approached her. She didn’t know why, but there was something happening to her, as her eyes began to run over him, as if seeing him differently for the first time. Whether it was his sharp, handsome features, his messy verdant locks, the air of confidence an authority around him, or the way his clothing stretched tightly against his frame, implying the strong muscles hidden underneath. She couldn’t help but wonder how he would look with less clothing on, exposing all of his firm muscles, glistening with sweat under the moonlight-No! What the hell was she thinking?! She couldn’t have those type of fantasies about him. She mustn’t think about how nice he smelled or what his lips may taste like against hers-No!   With every slow step he took towards her, she took on step back, until she felt herself press up against the cold wall surface. Before she could duck to the side, Izuku slammed his hand next to her head, blocking off any escape, making her ‘eep’ in surprise. Her face heated up as she realised how close he was.   “Now, now, I can’t let you leave yet.” With his other hand, he gently placed it on her hip, slowly rubbing it up and down her thigh. Each touch sent a shiver running up her spine. “I don’t want you to feel… uncomfortable,” he whispered huskily close to her ear. “You’re my guest. I want you to have a pleasant time.” Despite how magnanimous and polite his words were, Melissa could see a predatory, mischievous glint in his eyes. She was a doe stuck in a trap. This was supported as she felt his wandering hand travel up higher, past her waist and up her shoulder. When it reached her neck, she shuddered, even though his touch was as light as anything, barely grazing her skin.   “You’re a beautiful, intelligent woman. And I want to enjoy your company.”   He leaned in closer until their noses were almost touching. Still, she couldn’t move away, transfixed even as his hand rested behind her head, holding her ponytail.   A wolfish grin slowly grew across his face.   “So why don’t we… enjoy each other.”   And with that, he pulled her head in closer to his, forcing his lips against hers. As her eyes widened in shock, not fully processing what was happening, she gasped, allowing him to force his tongue past her lips and into her own, relishing in the blonde’s sweet taste.   Melissa didn’t even know what just happened, but couldn’t prevent his viperous tongue from clashing with her own. She tried to struggle against it, but couldn’t, as she felt her mouth be dominated by his dexterous own. It was a battle, and she was clearly losing. It was clear he was skilled with his tongue, sliding in and out, finding each and every corner of her moist cavern. She wanted to do more to stop this fervent make out session, but couldn’t. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone had ever kissed her so forcefully, and that was lighting something inside her. Both his taste and smell were almost intoxicating! Before she could stop herself, she moaned into the kiss.   Izuku broke the liplock, a cocky grin plastered on his face. “Oh, did you like that now?” Melissa, realising what she just did, tried to embarrassingly stammer out a response, but he interrupted. “Don’t worry. There will be plenty more.” Then he dived back in, more intense than before.   The busty blonde felt her legs quiver and knees buckle, as if he was devouring her strength to stand. Wait, when did she lose her lab coat? As he deepened the kiss, his tongue dominating her own, his hands grabbed hold of her hips, before beginning to caress along her sides. The first hand slowly slid behind her back, until it managed to squeeze itself into her white trousers, fingers sinking into the doughy flesh of her ass. He delighted in discovering just how tight it was to squeeze his hand between the fabric and her butt.   His other hand, however, began to make its way up under her shirt, trailing along her smooth stomach. Melissa shivered in Izuku’s grasp, as his touch felt like fire against her skin, sending shocks coursing through her body. Why was she suddenly so sensitive? The burning inside her core only intensified, making it harder to breath. Her thighs instinctively began rubbing against each other.  It felt like she was turning into putty in his hands.   ‘Not good,’ she thought. ‘If he keeps this up, I’ll… I’ll…’   Finally, his wandering hand found its target and gave her clothed boob a firm squeeze.   “~Ahha!!! ~”   Izuku pulled back at the woman’s sudden reaction, as he felt her body spasm. As she was gasping for breath, face completely red, he noticed that the front of her white pants had a large stain growing on it.   “Did… Did you just come?” he asked, both amazed, yet amused. His eyes lit up hungrily. Oh, she was going to be fun. “Well, aren’t you a naughty slut, Ms Shield; cumming just from having your tit squeezed.”   Melissa didn’t know how to react, shocked at her own body’s reaction. She couldn’t believe she had just cum from such a small thing; that this man would make her feel any sensual pleasure at all. Mortified, she had to get out of here, because if he continued, it would only get worse from there. He may pin her under him, fuck her tits, make her suck him off, pull her hair, spank her ass, tease her until she begged him to let her cum-No! Why was she having these thoughts?!   With a sudden burst of adrenaline, she ducked  under his arm and slid past him, out of his grasp, not realising he didn’t react to her at all. She quickly rushed to the door and, relieved to find it unlocked, ran through it, only to slam against a firm object. Dazed, she looked up, only to find herself locking eyes with… Deku.   “Going somewhere?”   “Huh? Wha…? How-?” Before she could get a question out, the other Deku quickly grabbed hold of her and pushed her back into the room, kicking the door shut behind him with the back of his foot.   “You almost let her get away,” the other Deku told Izuku, who by now had unbuttoned his shirt during the commotion.   “I thought Twice was supposed to create two of you,” he said, ignoring his copy’s remark.   “He did. But Momo came by looking pretty pent up. She saw the two of us and, after telling her we were waiting for you, pulled the other one away with her; no doubt to go sit on his face.”   Izuku smirked at that comment, thinking of Momo’s usual ‘coping method’ for her new job. “Well, at least you’re here. Thank you for taking care of our guest”   Deku mirrored his expression with his own smile. “No doubt she tried running away from those creepy eyes of yours. You might want to get those looked at.”   Izuku raised an eyebrow in confusion. What was wrong with his eyes? Turing to a large mirror, he saw, to his surprise, that his sclera were completely black, making the contrast with his glowing emerald colour more pronounced. Most likely a side effect of the device. He knew that some people, in hushed whispers, referred to him as the ‘Demon Prince of Japan.’ Now that title felt a bit more appropriate.   ‘Hmm,’ he thought. ‘Sexy.’   Pulling himself out of his own musings and self-indulgence, he turned back towards the struggling blonde who, he noted, was trying not to look at his exposed torso. “Now, where were we?”   Finding herself sandwiched in between two masculine bodies, Melissa couldn’t do anything, as her body froze in their presence. Her only method of escape had been cut off. Whatever she was feeling before suddenly doubled, as she felt an intoxicating mix of fear, suspense, and, as much as she didn’t want to acknowledge it, excitement. It was due to this sudden feeling that she didn’t know how to react when she felt herself being kissed once again, questioning why she found she enjoyed the taste so much.   The clone however, seemingly not wanting to be left out of the fun, began nuzzling against her soft neck, trailing kisses and bites along each part of her pale skin. She let out a low moan as she felt her mind go blank and her body shudder as he sucked on a particularly sensitive spot, a fact that he certainly picked up as he grinned, sucking and nibbling on it harder. All the while, two firm pairs of hands had been traveling across her curvy body, groping and caressing every part they could find. She was so lost in the sensation, she didn’t even notice when her ponytail had been undone, nor even when she had been stripped, leaving her exposed in her underwear.   “Damn, Melissa, are you related to Cow Lady in some way? Because you have a lovely fucking pair of milk jugs.”   Melissa blushed at his comment, then gasped as she felt Izuku’s hands reach up and grab a firm hold of her breasts, his long digits sinking into the pillowy-soft flesh, the sudden fondling almost causing her to cum again. She had always taken a certain pride in her chest, especially since they had grown again as she got older. Right now, they looked as if they threatened to spill right out of the tight confines of her white frilly, floral bra with even the slightest movement. Even now, Izuku could feel her hard nipples poke his hands through the fabric, the lovely pink shade of her areolas peeking just over the top as he got a great view down the valley of her milky cleavage. They were roughly the same size as Momo’s, but where Momo had a firm, perky pair, Melissa’s were much softer and more pliant.   “Oh, I agree. After all, take a look at her ‘rump.’”   *SMACK*   “Kya! ~”   The busty blonde’s squeal filled the room as Deku reached down below her and gave her curvy ass a slap, making the bubbly flesh ripple and wobble. Clearly it had been wonderfully sculpted from doing a lot of squats in the gym. From behind, her heart-shaped globes looked heavenly as her matching pair of panties were practically devoured in between the two pale cheeks. With how wide her hips were and how thick her thighs were, she would make the perfect breeding sow, Deku thought. His cock throbbed painfully within his trousers as he imagined what it would feel like nestled between those perfectly round cheeks. Though he wouldn’t have to imagine for long.   Melissa Shield was definitely, as the Americans would say, thicc!   Unable to keep his mouth off her soft skin, Izuku latched himself onto the other side of her neck, the sensation causing the blonde to squirm harder in their grasp. She could feel herself become light-headed as she inadvertently began to grind against the both of them, the delicious friction sent ripples of pleasure as she felt two large, firm objects pressed against her crotch and rear, only getting harder. It got worse as Izuku’s hands slid underneath the coverings of her bra to grab hold of her breasts directly, squeezing and bouncing them like large balloons, experimenting with their softness; the skin puffing out around his fingers.   With a devilish smirk, Izuku flicked his wrists outward, causing the floral underwear to rip straight off her body, exposing her naked chest to him. The sudden action made her large titties bounce around.   Boing. Boing.   Izuku licked his lips. It truly was a beautiful sight.   Melissa gasped, mortified by what he just did, and tried to cover up with her arms, but was having trouble as her girls seemed to spill out of their confines. Suddenly, her attempt at modesty was interrupted as Deku gripped hold of her arms and held them above her head.   “Now, now. We can’t have that,” he whispered, the cold feeling of his breath against the shell of her ear making tremble. The hungry, salacious look in both pairs of emerald eyes only made her feel hotter.   Izuku, now unobstructed, quickly latched forward onto her exposed right nipple, sucking and biting against the pink bud with such intensity, rolling it around his mouth while his tongue licked circles around it. At the same time, his hand played with its twin, his fingers teasing the hardened nipple, pinching and tugging it in almost every direction. With such a sudden attack and violation of her sensitive body, Melissa couldn’t prevent herself from releasing a high-pitched squeal of intense pleasure as she came again almost instantly, soaking the material of her panties.   “Did you like that, Melissa?” Izuku asked, the grin audible on his face.   Melissa shook her head, trying at all to deny it, but all that came out were soft moans and gasps. “N-No, I do-ooOOOHHH!~” Whatever she was about to say was cut off in a throaty howl as Izuku resumed assaulting her rack with his mouth. He seemed to know just where to touch her and just how hard to do it to increase her arousal. God, how could he make her feel so weak from just her tits? Her nipples had always been sensitive, but were they more so now? It only got worse as she felt Deku’s talented hands sink back into the soft fat of her ass from behind, shifting his kneading between soft and firm.   “You’re such a naughty girl, Melissa,” he said, “getting off with a man you just met. How many times have you come just from barely being touched?”   “What would your papa say if he knew he raised such a slutty daughter?” Izuku asked, mouth detaching from her nipple, but grabbing both breasts and giving them a firm squeeze.   *SMACK*   Before the busty blonde could answer, Deku spanked her bubbly rear again hard, leaving a red hand mark. The harsh impact combined with the stimulation of her chest was like lightning shooting to her brain. “Oh, fuck!” Her back curved in an arch, pushing her body further against the strong forms off both men, as she couldn’t hold back another powerful orgasm. Her breathing was quick and shallow, her eyes feeling as if they were losing focus. The fact that she had been driven to climax so many times without having to do much, having her body played with like she didn’t own it, it was so… so… hot.   “Whoa, there.” Both Izuku and Deku quickly grabbed hold of the inventor as her legs buckled and wobbled, unable to support her weight any longer in her dazed state. Now, she was entirely held up within their arms, something she was surprised to find she didn’t mind too much.   “I don’t think we can keep going like this.”   “You’re right,” Izuku agreed with his copy. He looked around the living room for a moment, before he felt an idea pop in his head. “Here, help me take her over to the couch. Our guest will be much more comfortable there.”   The two of them carried her over, which was barely a problem. With their combined strength, she weighed almost nothing at all. Carefully, they laid her on the couch on her back, with Izuku near her legs whereas Deku still held her arms above her. The inventor was doing her best to recover quickly. Her chest was rising with every breath while the sweat across her exposed body provided a lovely sheen to her erotic form.   “Do you think she’s had enough?” Deku asked, eyes wandering across the tired woman. He began to unbutton his shirt as Izuku tossed his own across the room.   ‘Yes… please… just let me rest,’ Melissa thought to herself tiredly, the idea of a break sounded lovely. She had already been through enough of this embarrassing ordeal. Plus, it may be just enough to allow her to figure out a way to escape.   But Izuku must have seen something akin to hope in her expression at the suggestion, because a mischievous, wicked shine shone in his blackened eyes. “Oh, I don’t know.” He placed his hands on both of her ankles and slowly, achingly slowly, trailed them upwards across her long, smooth legs, the gentle touch of his hands sending tingles across the pale flesh. “I think she can hold out for longer.” His lips soon followed the same path, kissing upwards and savouring the taste.   “Besides…” His mouth began to nibble along the porcelain of her pliable thigh, leaving small marks. Soon, he reached his target, and Melissa’s eyes widened as she realised what he was about to do.   “…we’ve only just begun.”   Izuku pushed his head forward and, never breaking firm eye contact with the blonde, took hold of her sopping panties with his teeth, looking almost like a dog. With how much she had come already, the white material was practically see-through and clung tightly to her skin. The villain, not dissuaded in the least, decided to take a direct approach and ripped the offending garment off, leaving her completely naked before the two men! To Melissa, such an act of dominance and disregard for her modesty made her give off a humiliated yell and struggle to try to cover herself with her thighs, which wasn’t possible as the verdanette pushed them apart, but at the same time she felt something primal burn brighter inside her, making her heart pound and feel a shameful sense of excitement and anticipation.   Izuku spat the ruined panties out of his mouth and licked his lips as he stared at her smooth, hairless pussy, glistening from her own arousal. His finger traced slowly around her labia, making her whimper, before quickly shoving two fingers into his needy snatch, rubbing eagerly against her tight walls.   “How does that feel, Melissa? Enjoying yourself?”   “I-I’m no – oh god!” The blonde gasped; she couldn’t give a clear answer, as Izuku’s fingers curled in just the right spot, making her see stars and her back arch further.   “Uh uh uh, no lying,” Deku chided mockingly, staring down at her from directly above. Deciding to be a bit more cruel, he reached forward and pinched one of her firm buds, making her hips buckle.   Izuku, meanwhile, increased his finger fucking of her hungry pussy, forcing three fingers in. One of the skills he prided himself on was his analysis. One of his favourite pastimes was discovering the weak points in a person, whether it be their quirks, outfits, support items or, in this case, their bodies. He loved discovering just where each girl liked to be touched, how long and how hard they wanted it until they were left begging for more. And right now, he was enjoying discovering Melissa Shield’s weak points. He relished the feeling of her hot walls clamping down on his digits. They were tight; too tight, in his opinion. He couldn’t understand why, until, after coming across some form of resistance, a thought formulated in his mind.   “Tell me, Melissa,” he asked, testing his hypothesis, “are you a virgin?”   At his words, Melissa instantly seized up, a look of outright embarrassment on her face. Her face, if at all possible, seemed to glow even redder. “What-? Ah! How could you-? I wouldn’t-?!”   Both Izuku and Deku laughed at her floundering and stuttering, finding her decomposed disposition adorable. And it was all the answer they needed.   “You are, aren’t you?” pressed Izuku, already knowing the answer. A wolfish smile adorning his face as his altered eyes lit up with a new fervent fire.   Realising she couldn’t fool him, Melissa could only meekly nod. It was true. Despite having had a couple boyfriends in her teenage years, they never became serious enough to turn sexual, especially once they lost interest in her upon discovering her quirklessness. After graduating, all of her attention shifted towards her work, meaning she didn’t have time for a relationship. This was the most she had ever been touched in a long time and it-oooooh!   Melissa felt here breath hitch and her eyes role back in their sockets as she felt something long and wet slowly lick along the outside of her folds. Her entire body shuddered as she felt the tip of his tongue prod against her needy swollen clit, almost having a mini-orgasm from the sensation.   “You taste so nice, Melissa,” murmured Izuku, licking his lips and savouring her sweet flavour, already wanting more. He noticed how his warm breath just above her entrance made her squirm slightly. He then shoved his head back in between her shapely thighs as he ate out her tasty-looking pussy, wriggling his tongue around in each little crevice he could find, attacking every sweet spot she had. His grin, even as he was firmly sucking, grew as her mewls and gasps were like music to his ears. He was a firm believer in giving a woman as much pleasure as he got from her, enough that he enjoyed going down on one. After all, it was only fair to treat pleasure with pleasure.   “Mmmph! Ahh!” The blonde was trying to bite down on her bottom lip in a futile attempt to muffle any sound from escaping. She didn’t want this man to know how he was making her feel; she didn’t even want to acknowledge it herself. But every time his expert tongue touched her right there or his nose brushed up against her clit, she could feel herself closer to another climax. Even worse, unlike how quick and rough he had been with her breasts, here he was going at a slower, more sensual pace, almost as if he was making love passionately to her nether lips. For her, this felt even better. It was too- “Ooohh ffuckk!”   Deku watched from below as the curvy inventor suffered another release, her wide hips bucking against the original’s face. He figured her body was finally being truthful to itself, finally giving in to ecstasy, albeit subconsciously, as he noticed Melissa’s thighs squeeze around Izuku’s head, pushing him in even closer, an invitation he gladly accepted as he increased the pace of his fervent licking his tongue dexterously penetrating her tight inner walls. Her whole body responded to this change, her muscles tensing, her toes clenching as her fingers wrapped around his wrists and gripped hard as she got more into it.   Deku’s emerald eyes were drawn towards her chest as her big tits jiggled slightly as her body twitched. Tired of being left out, he let go of her arms and traced his hands along her sides as he leaned forward, giving the voluptuous blonde a full view of his delicious-looking abdominals and pectorals that made both her mouths water, before sinking his fingers into her large mounds, fondling and groping the pillowy flesh with delight. They were so wonderfully soft, even now after all the abuse. No wonder Izuku loved them so much.   With this added stimulus, Melissa could feel herself begin to lose herself to it all. ‘God! This – ahha – feels so good! It’s hard to even – hnngh – think! How’s he so good at this? Ohhh! His tongue’s even better than his fingers.’ She could feel her eyes begin to water from the erotic bliss. ‘I can’t let him win! If I do, it’s ooooover.’ She let out a coo as her head rolled back as Izuku added a finger back into her heated cunt. ‘I-I can’t give up! He’s a villain. He’s evil. And he’s… he’s…’ “Cumming!” Her body spasmed again and the beauty forgot what she was just thinking, her mind fogging over in the process.   Izuku looked up from his feast. “Are you finally enjoying yourself, Melissa?”   “Nooooo…” Despite her attempt at trying to still appear defiant, her feelings were betrayed by the slurring of her words and the sloppy, drunk expression on her face.   Izuku’s expression suddenly turned serious. “What did we say about lying?” His eyes turned upwards towards his clone. “I think we need to punish our misbehaving guest.” Deku’s eyes seemed to glow as a malicious sneer appeared on his mask, indicating his approval. Melissa looked between the two’s silent communication, fear stirring inside her. ‘What… What are they doing?’ Then, as if the two knew exactly what the other was thinking, Izuku reached forward, his fingers tugging firmly on her swollen clit while his other hand’s digits rammed against a particular spot inside her. At the same time, Deku grabbed hold of both of her nipples and tugged them painfully, squeezing and twisting them in his calloused hands.   “Hnn…Gghhaa!!~” The effects were instant, as Melissa gave out a loud, ecstasy-filled shriek, blue eyes wide, her back arcing to its absolute limit as suffered an explosive orgasm, her pussy gushing all over Izuku’s chiselled torso. This lasted for a good, long moment, before she eventually collapsed, body completely worn. She had never felt something so amazing in her life!   The verdanette villain wiped the juices off of his body and onto the nearby couch cushion. Then, looking like a particularly smug cat that got some fine cream, he addressed his conquest. “Now then, have you learned your lesson?”   Melissa, panting so heavily from before, could only just moan out an exhausted ‘yes.’ Both men chuckled at this.   “Good girl. And do you want to feel even better?”   “God… yes… please…” The American’s brain had seemed to have overloaded from the sexual euphoria, enough that she didn’t fully realise what she was saying, her body naturally providing its instinctual answer. While her rationale wanted to deny it, her body was telling the truth.   Izuku began to move, eager to indulge her, when he was stopped by Deku holding out his hand. “What?”   “Stop,” he said, his voice carrying a cautious tone. He gestured with his head downwards.  “We can’t go too far too quickly. Just look at her.” Izuku, irked at being stopped, begrudgingly acquiesced, and had to concede the point.   The blonde inventor beneath both of them looked a mess, far from the dignified photos of her in newspapers and online at award shows. Her long hair was a mess, sticking to her body by all the sweat, her arms and legs quivered in response to her many orgasmic episodes as her chest heaved heavily, a slight layer of drool covered her lips as she tried to make words that her brain was unable to process. Lastly, her eyes, usually bright, inquisitive and focused, looked slightly fogged over, staring off into nothing, while her glasses sat askew on her face, somehow not having fallen off. She looked almost mindless.   Izuku knew instinctively that she wasn’t his yet, but if he pushed too quickly to the main event, she wouldn’t be able to handle it all and might break in the process. He didn’t want to go that far on her, not when she had much better uses.   Deku placed a hand on his shoulder. “Let her recover for now,” he said. “Get her mind back together. And then after that…” he licked his lips slowly, as a perverse image formed in his head. “…then it’s her turn to return the favour.”   Izuku nodded, smiling as he knew just what his clone was implying. They had the same mind, after all. With that, the two Midoriyas got up and walked off, leaving their busty guest to regain her strength.    Melissa Shield didn’t know how long she lay there as she recuperated. She didn’t want to move, the bliss-high she was experiencing was too enjoyable to interrupt. Eventually, she felt her mind begin to clear up and control return to her body. Slowly, she pushed herself up from the couch into a sitting position. She took in a deep breath, realising how relaxed her body felt, before she looked down at the couch she was on. Just like that, she remembered what had happened.   “Oh God, no…” she groaned, covering her rapidly-blushing face with her hands. She couldn’t believe she did that! The things he did, the sounds she made, the way he made her feel! She tried not thinking about it, but that only made those feelings more intense. She yelled in frustration because she didn’t want to admit it, but she could feel her body ache with need as the ghost of the man’s touch trailed over her.   “Sleeping Beauty’s up,” a condescending chuckle drew her attention to the kitchen where both Izukus stood, finishing off their wine glasses. The lighting in the room was dim, but she could still make out the firm figures of the shirtless Adonis-like bodies, the mere sight of them made the butterflies in her stomach flutter about rapidly.   “Good. I was worried we’d need a different source of entertainment tonight.” Slowly, the two men made their way back over and began to circle around her, the hungry look in their eyes, one black and one white, captivating her, making her feel like she was being surrounded by predators, ready to leap out at any moment.   “But now, Melissa, it’s your turn.” They gently guided her off the couch until she was kneeling in between them.   “It’s only fair, after all.”   For a moment, the blonde was confused, not understanding what they were implying. But then… oh. Oh. It quickly dawned on her as she saw them begin to reach for their waistbands. She was going to have to… to…   She shook her head, the answer too embarrassing to think about. It was okay, though, she reassured herself. Maybe it would turn out that all his posturing was for show, to hide his insecurity. Maybe his unarguably… impressively desirable body and skills were to compensate for his actual growth. After one or two shots, he should be over. Sure, she may not have any experience, but from the videos she watched, how hard could it be? It would be over quickly and once he got too tired to stop her, she could escape. She would be fine! She-   Zi-iiiiip   …she was fucked.   Melissa could only gape as her eyes widened at the sight before her. Two large cocks, perfect mirrors of each other, both bigger than any she had ever seen in any video or image before. She estimated that both of them had to be at least 12 inches in length, already protruding rigidly outwards. Carefully, as if she was testing if what she was seeing was real, she reached forward and gripped both fat columns in her delicate grasp, gasping as she realised she couldn’t wrap her hands around either one of them. They were both thicker than her arms! Her initial plan of escape lay in tatters, but she didn’t seem to care, too enamoured by the feeling of how hot and heavy they felt, like bars of heated iron.   “You’re… so huge…” she mumbled numbly, not caring if they heard her. The girthy rods seemed to respond to her touch, throbbing lightly in her palms. Just that simple act caused her to gingerly pump her hands up and down their lengths, feeling the thick veins pulsating underneath her touch. Although the men she was jerking off remained silent, looking down at her with their conceited grins, their bodies were much more responsive, as the busty blonde was rewarded as short spurts of precum began to leak from their red, bulbous heads.   As soon as the smell of it hit her, Melissa felt her mouth begin to drool, both of them. Despite it only being what might be a little drop for them, if their sizeable testicles were any suggestion, it was still much more than any normal man should be able to produce. She could feel her thoughts become hazy as she took it all in, the smell of his sweat, his musk… his intoxicating arousal…   ‘No. I have to fight it! I need to get them away… frommm…’ “Mmmmph.” She wasn’t able to finish her thought as she found her wrapping her lips against one of the cocks, nuzzling against the cockhead.   “That’s a good girl,” Izuku groaned, relishing in the sensation of her hot, wet mouth. Deku merely grunted in approval.   Melissa seemed receptive to their sounds, feeling encouraged, but that didn’t quell the nervousness she felt. This was the first time she had ever sucked a man off, not to mention that there were two of them she had to satisfy at the same time. Sure, if her incognito mode had a search history, it would have ‘one chick, two dicks’ pop up more than once, but none of them had ever been this massive! Still, she had to try…   Thinking of what she knew, Melissa stretched her mouth open wider, trying to wrap her lips around more of his girth as she could, licking lewdly on his underside as she slowly tried to get more of his meat into her mouth. Her sultry moans and warm breath sent pleasant tingles running through the man. At the same time, the blonde was simultaneously using both of her hands on what she hadn’t been able to swallow as well as the other expecting phallus hovering near her face, rubbing back and forth in opposing directions, wanting to please them as much as they had done for her.   “Mnnh! Mmmmh! MMMNNPH!!!”   ‘Oh God, he tastes good! I-I can’t stop myself. I sound like a complete nympho!’   Loudly slurping, Melissa tried to force more down her throat, but struggled as she felt his head prod against the back of her mouth, even though her brain subconsciously egged her on to swallow more. But maybe that was for the best, she rationalised, as she could see that she only was able to suck less than half of his meat. As she bobbed her head up and down Izuku’s shaft, her lips a suction seal around it, she could feel her jaw begin to ache being stretched so wide.   Eventually, she found it hard to breathe and, although unfinished, pulled her head back, creating a loud ‘pop’ as drool and spittle leaked from her mouth, coating his cock. The blonde beauty, heaving already as if having done some intense workout, felt some disappointment and  frustration at being unable to make either man come. She was never one to let a project end unfinished! It didn’t help that the hot, potent feeling inside her was not quelled, instead it only seemed to burn brighter, demanding she continue her lavish activity. The lustful hunger made her thighs rub together, preparing her to dive back in.   ‘You can do this, Melissa. These villains won’t beat you!’   Taking a deep breath, a new sense of determination instilled within her, she pushed herself forward and began sucking and licking, moaning naughtily on the massive phallus being massaged in the moist cavern of her mouth. Only this one was not as lubricated, belonging to the body of Deku, Melissa having decided to change it up a little and give some much deserved attention to the clone cock. All the while, she continued with her handjob on the dick she was servicing earlier, running her hand up and down while trying to massage his large testicles.   Back and forth, back and forth, the inventor moved between the two obstacles in front of her, swapping between sucking, squeezing, licking, rubbing, kissing, and massaging, trying to give each one equal attention. And the more she did it, the more she felt herself enjoying the carnal bliss. More than once she had felt her hand absently trail down to the burning between her legs, before she remembered she had a task to do. What she lacked in experience, she more than hoped to make up for it in enthusiasm!   But as the woman indulged, the two men she was pleasing didn’t seem to share her same enthusiasm. Time went by, five, ten, twenty minutes passing, and neither one of them had come yet. That wasn’t to say they weren’t feeling anything, as they called feel their cocks throb powerfully. It was just that their guest hadn’t done enough to drive them over to release yet. Izuku was used to much more talented tongues and hands from his other women, making the blonde’s blowjob performance amateurish at best. She hadn’t even thought to use her fat cow tits, which were now slightly covered in her own saliva.   It seemed he would have to take matters into his own hands once again.   As Melissa wrapped her plump lips around Izuku’s crown, pleasantly savouring the taste of his  precum on her tongue as she trailed circles around it, her blue eyes widened as she felt his fingers weave themselves between her golden locks and, without any warning, shoved his cock down her throat as far as it could go!   Melissa’s blue eyes bulged wide open as she felt his fat cock stretch her soft neck as she made wet, choking noises around his girth. She didn’t even get a moment to adjust as his hips pulled back, resting only his cockhead in her mouth, before violently jerking her face back and forth, back and forth. It was like a hot rod of iron was being plunged down her oesophagus! But despite the intense facefucking, she couldn’t stop her muffled moans and gags.   “NMMPH!?! MMMHGH!!-MMMnghk!”   Despite how perverse the whole display was, she was doing her best just to hold on as she was treated like a toy. Her face turned more red as she felt his balls slap against her chin. But as he railed in and out of her throat, she was ashamed at how much enjoyed the feeling of euphoria such an act of dominance and defilement brought her.   She didn’t know how long the two of them stayed like this as he pounded her face. But eventually, Izuku stopped as he pushed her head down all the way to the base of his crotch, making the blonde deep-throat him as far as possible. A rough grunt of ‘Shit, I’m coming’ was all the warning she got as she felt all of his thick, burning spunk pour its way into her stomach, making her gag. She didn’t know how much he had released, only that it made her entire body shudder as it awoke something within her. She sucked on his dick sloppily, not wanting to lose a single drop.   Slowly, Izuku pulled out of her abused hole, letting Melissa take a deep breath of precious air, a look of satisfaction and arrogance plastered on his face. It was a great pleasure, especially compared to her less-than-adequate work before. But if Melissa thought she was to be given a break, she was sorely mistaken.   The busty blonde had barely taken in a few breaths before her head was grabbed again and, mid-gasp, another equally fat cock rammed itself down her throat, sheathing itself completely! It seems Deku had grown impatient from having to sit out and was more than ready to take his turn. He groaned loudly as she felt her throat muscles wrap tightly around his shaft, as if they were already trying to milk him.   Deku grabbed hold of her hair in a ponytail behind her head for stability as, where Izuku had used her head, Deku was thrusting slowly but powerfully into her, savouring the experience. In about the same amount of time as his original, he felt his balls clench and tighten, making him release his own heavy load.   He was only halfway through unloading as he pulled out, making a few of his shots all over the girl’s delicate features. Melissa gasped at the feeling of jizz plastering her face in such a perverted, embarrassing display, but she was too blissed to care, as her tongue lolled out of her mouth and her eyes rolled back in their sockets, her arms falling slack to her sides. Whether it was from the lack of oxygen or the sensual rapture that made her mind fog over, she didn’t know.   ‘It’s… so much. So thick… he has to be…’ Melissa’s breath shuddered as she looked over and saw both phalluses standing boldly stiff and strong, as if they hadn’t just unloaded a quart of semen each. she gulped in both fear and nervous excitement as realisation dawned on her. ‘If he released this much inside… and I didn’t have it two days ago… I’d get pregnant for sure!’   The blonde’s focus wasn’t lost on the two verdanettes. They could both see the hungry look in her eyes as she looked almost in awe. Izuku and Deku shared a knowing smirk with each other.   “I think she’s ready,” Izuku said, his black eyes flashing. Deku merely gestured towards the kneeling woman below them.   “Go right ahead.”   Nodding in appreciation, Izuku stepped forward and pulled the busty inventor to her knees. Melissa didn’t seem to fully comprehend what was going on but, before she even realised it, she found herself positioned on her hands and knees on the couch, her legs slightly apart exposing her dripping mound. And a villain kneeling right behind her with his fingers gripping her hips.   Izuku could see the understanding finally dawn on her as she squirmed slightly in his grasp, causing her hips to shimmy from side to side. He gave a low whistle as he watched her beautiful fat rump wiggle and jiggle delightfully. He couldn’t help himself as a hand snaked down and gave her ass a spank, making the girl yelp as her creamy flesh rippled. Her cute cry was like music to his ears. Damn, he had a lot of fun planned for them in the future! But for now…   Melissa shivered as she felt him slide the entire length of his shaft across her nether lips, from base to tip, the torturously slow action driving her crazy. She muffled a moan in her arm as she felt him lightly prod against her entrance, never enough to penetrate, but strong enough that her body inadvertently rocked backwards to try and meet him, only to be met with bitter disappointment as he moved away. Craning her neck, she made eye contact with the man, trying to convey a message. But all she got was his signature smirk, which only seemed to incense her even more.   But then she saw that look in his eldritch eyes, one that glinted with mischievous malice. He wasn’t doing anything because he didn’t feel like it. No, he was waiting. He wanted her to beg for it, for her to give him approval before he fucked her, to lower her last barrier and give herself to him. If this was anyone else, she would have run for it, but she knew her body desperately wanted to feel his dick inside her. And he knew it as well.   “please… do it…”   Izuku cocked his head to the side, almost innocently.   “I’m sorry, Melissa, did you say something. You’re going to have to speak up.”   She groaned in protest. God, this was so humiliating!   “Please fuck me, you monster!”   The villain grinned wider. There it was. And who was he to turn down such a polite request from his guest?   “Just stop teasing meeEEEEE-!”   Blue eyes widened as Melissa felt her pussy suddenly stretch as Izuku rammed itself into her tight honeypot. She felt herself stretch more than she ever thought possible. she almost collapsed as her arms shook. “Oh God, you’re so big!” She clamped a palm over her mouth to stifle crying out as she felt him thrust forward, piercing deeper. Looking behind her, she blushed as she saw he was only about halfway in. Izuku must have seen her staring, as he merely cocked his head to the side and, pulling back slightly, thrust himself fully into her, making her squeal as she felt him deep within her, the head of his cock almost kissing her cervix.   “Fuck, you feels nice,” the verdanette groaned, enjoying the feeling of her velvety walls clamping down on his shaft. “I wish I had met you sooner, Melissa.”   Before the blonde could even respond, she let out a muffled groan as she felt him slowly pull out again, only to pound back in, again and again and again. Muffled sounds quickly turned into erotic squeals and throaty moans as Izuku pumped into her at a steady pace, his large rod rubbing in all of her sweet spots. It was enough to make her body convulse as…   “No! I’m… I’m~! AAHh!”   She couldn’t even get the words out as her body suffered another mind-numbing orgasm. So strong and so sudden was it that she felt all of her senses overload with pleasure. Her slick walls gripped onto Izuku’s dicku forcibly, enough that he almost struggle to maintain his pace. But he didn’t seem to care, instead he saw it as a challenge. Now he could get serious.   Gripping both sides of her wide hips, he pulled back all the way until only his head remained, before slamming back inside her, powerfully, as if he was trying to split her into two every time he went balls-deep.   CLAPCLAPTHWAPCLAP!!!   The room echoed with the sound of sweaty flesh slapping against one another, as Izuku pounded into her mercilessly. He was sure that it would have been a lot worse if it wasn’t for that fat bum of her cushioning the impacts. His eyes delighted in watching as her thick rump wobbled and rippled with every blow.   “MmmpH! AAHH!! OHH!!~”   “You – hah! – like that, don’t you? It’s okay, you can – mmh – tell me.”   “I… I dooOOOOHHH!!!”   Melissa couldn’t even give a straight answer as his cock hit a sensitive spot deep inside her. In and out, in and out, he rammed it, making her suffer a mini orgasm with every thrust. To make it worse, he never let her adjust, always changing his tempo and technique. Sometimes he went slow and powerful, like he was massaging her insides. Sometimes he went quickly, like they were a pair of dogs in heat, panting in ecstasy. Then he would stop momentarily, as if he would give her a break, only to pump into her at full speed. It was torture. She didn’t even know when her hips began to wiggle and meet his own, only that she had to bite down on her bottom lip to stop her sounds of bliss as his heavy sack smacked against her clit, her eyes rolling back in their sockets.   “Despite being a virgin, you’re – gnh – loving this, aren’t you? What a dirty slut.”   “HAAAH! MMnnngh!! Oh God, Cumming!”   At this point, she could no longer hold back. Like a dam breaking, every bump and knock against her womb let forth a deluge of lewd and lustful cries from the woman. The smell of musk and sweat filled the room.   “You’re! Mngh! Too! Ooh! BIG!!!~”   She squealed louder as she felt one of his hands reach down to her magnificent breasts and palm one, squeezing and groping the soft flesh hard.   Meanwhile, Deku watched on as the two went at it like animals. It was amusing at first, to see the girl experience a first time she would never forget, but now he was getting impatient.   “She sure is a loud one, isn’t she?”   Izuku, having registered his clone’s words, turned to him with an unamused look. He slowed down his humping, but didn’t stop completely.   “Well, if you want to keep her quiet, be my guest.”   Deku’s eyes lit up at the invitation and he made his way over to her front. Reaching forward, Izuku grabbed hold of both of her arms and pulled them backwards, like the reins of a horse, making the busty blonde’s back arch and her head raise up. With this new position, Izuku rammed harder into her shaking body than before, pulling the poor girl backwards to meet his every thrust, slamming against the entrance of her womb. And for Melissa’s part, she could only endure it.   ‘Oh God, it’s too much! Aah! So strong! I can’t get enough of-’ “MMMpgh?!”   The rutted inventor didn’t have a chance to finish her thought as, with her constant loud moaning, her open lips provided the perfect opening as she felt a familiarly-large rod suddenly plunge down her oesophagus, clogging her windpipe.   The two men stopped their effortful undertaking, sweat dripping off all three of them from both their fucking and the warm humid air thick with musk; a moment of silence permeating the room as the sound of flesh clapping on flesh halted. The two held their position as they spit roast their guest. Deku looked up and stared at Izuku and, with a shared look of understanding, they both plunged back in at double-speed.   “MMMPGH!! MMNNH!!! AAAHMMHPH!!!~”   Back and forth, again and again, Melissa moaned loudly as she was spit roasted like an animal, taking both large cocks at the same time. Being just as cruel as they normally were, they gave her no opportunity to get used to their fucking. At one point, they move simultaneously with one thrusting in and the other going out, then they may move in co-ordination, both ramming so that she was double-stuffed. One might go slow but hard, making sure she felt every movement, while the other shoved his cock in with wanton abandon, not caring at all how she felt. At some point, Izuku let go of her hands to grab onto her hips like a pair of thick handlebars, which was a welcome blessing as it gave her the chance to grab hold of Deku’s muscular thighs and ass, just so she could have some sort of stability. They were like players in a game, with two of them constantly changing the rules to suit them while she was completely helpless to resist.   And all the while, all she could do was cum again and again and again, her eyes rolling up inn their sockets as she saw stars in an expression of complete sexual bliss.   “Fuuuck, she’s good!”   “I know. Who knew that such a – mph – daddy’s girl could be such a – haah – perverted minx?”   At one point, they both planted themselves deep within her, before stopping. The busty blonde didn’t even realise as she found herself still in the momentum of it all, realising it wasn’t them that were fucking her, but her own body impaling itself against their hot massive lengths, not wanting to stop at all. She only begun to realise this as she felt Izuku’s hands paw into her fat ass, before giving it a few hard spanks to make the bubbly behind wobble, instructing her to move faster, something she was more than eager to do.   God knows how long the three of them stayed like this, the two villains using the poor American like a toy for their own amusement and pleasure, a role she was more than happy to fulfil. The sound of hips slapping against flesh and groans of gratification echoed around the room like a cacophony of carnal sin.   In the end, both men couldn’t hold back any longer, the buildup inside being too much for too long. Once more sharing a knowing look, they both planted themselves deep inside of the inventor, holding their guest steady, as they released a deluge of thick, warm spunk, filling her on both sides. The sensation made Melissa’s entire body tense, then shudder, as she unconsciously tried to milk their phalluses for everything they had.   With a exerted grunt, both Izukus pulled themselves out, breathing a sigh as they too could catch a breath for their efforts.   “Damn, that was… fun…”   “Agreed. Didn’t even know… I had it in me.”   Deku looked down at the blonde between them, his eyebrows raising to see that she was still conscious.   “Huh, I was sure that… that would be too much for… her. How much do you think… she can take?”   “Good question.” At his clone’s words, Izuku roamed his dark eyes along her sweaty, nude body. But he saw the gleam in her eyes; although fogged and tired, there was a glint of excitement in them. Already he could feel something stir within himself, a beast that had not had its full, and he felt himself begin to harden once again.   “For a virgin like her… only one way to find out!”   Before Melissa even knew what was happening, she felt a pair of hands grab hold of her legs and pull her backwards to the other side of the couch. Quickly, she felt her ankles being pinned to the side of her head as a muscular body leered over her. She didn’t have a moment to even prepare herself as, just as it had seemed it was over…   “~Oooh, Gooood!!~”   …she was back in it again.   Like a demon, Izuku got back to work screwing the beauty’s brains out, relishing the feeling of her soft fuckable body. With every cry and moan of pleasure that escaped her needy lips, he could feel her fingers grip tighter into his back muscles, almost to the point where it hurt, which only seemed to incense him all the more, his hips slamming into hers harder and harder, trying to reach deeper into her core.   All the while, Deku watched as his progenitor pounded the girl in a brutal mating press, completely uncaring about the world around him. It was almost as if he was testing to see what would break first: her body or the couch. It was actually a bit impressive.   But that admiration quickly settled into boredom and annoyance.   “Seriously, does he really have to be so selfish right now,” he thought to himself. “He does know I’m still here, right?” But he knew better than to interrupt their animalistic mating.   “Well, I guess I might as well find something to do before my time runs out. Who knows how long that will be. Twice’s quirk control and quality have certainly improved, but I don’t know how long these bodies last now. Hmm, maybe I can finish reading that biography on Star and Stripe. I’ve been meaning to-”   But just as was about to leave the room, he spied something peeking out of the trouser pocket: his cell phone. Pulling it up and seeing the screen say ‘unlocked,’ he grinned as he opened it and typed out a quick message to a certain someone. Perhaps tonight didn’t have to end so boringly after all.   The clone didn’t have to wait long before he heard a rhythmic knock on the door. Anticipating, he opened it and…   *THWACK*   …braced himself as he felt a body glomped onto his own, a pair of arms and legs wrapping around his waist and neck respectively as soft, glossy lips pushed themselves onto his, not that he was complaining. He fervently returned the heated kiss, his tongue forcing itself into her mouth, as his hands went down to grab hold of thick thighs, pulling the woman in closer. Like before, he shut the door with a kick before returning all of his loving attention to the woman attached to him, lustful moans emitting from both of them. His cock, previously slightly flaccid, began to harden again between the crevice of her two cheeks, currently stretching against their leather constraints.   The two finally broke apart, panting slightly, but an eager energy surrounded them. Slowly, the woman crawled down from her perch, but never broke contact as she gave Deku a sultry smile, her flushed face framed by her faun hair.   “I was wondering when you’d call, babe,” Camie Utsushimi exclaimed. “It’s been, like, too long. Not cool.”   “I’m sorry, Camie,” Deku said, cupping her cheek gently. “Work’s just got me so busy lately, what with preparing for the first year report, public relations, and not to mention ‘international affairs.’ But that’s mostly done, so now I have more free time.”   Camie smiled at his words, and her doe-eyes glistening as she noticed his naked, sweaty form, but quickly put on a mask of coldness. “And this isn’t just a booty call, is it?” But her façade quickly broke as she felt him lean in close to her ear, his hot breath radiating against her skin.   “As if you wouldn’t mind,” he growled, feral enough that it made her body shiver in excitement. “I can practically smell it off you.”   Camie gulped, before giggling and pushing him gently away. She skipped further into the room.   “So tell me, like, what’s up? What’s been going o-oooonnn~…!”   Before she knew it, she felt her knees buckle, as if they were about to give up beneath her. Her mouth went dry and her heartbeat skyrocketed as an overwhelming heat was quickly building up inside her. She was just able to catch herself on Deku’s solid form, something she wasn’t going to complain about.   “WTF? What was tha-?” she began to ask, only to finally take notice of the loud sounds emanating from the couch. Looking over, she face took on an expression of surprise of as she saw two figures: one an attractive blonde being thoroughly fucked by a larger man with dark green hair, his massive cock plunging deep into her cunt again and again; a cock she was familiar with.   Raising an eyebrow, Camie turned back to the naked man. “So, like, what’s the sitch?”   “I’m a clone,” Deku answered casually. “He’s the original. But I am a perfect copy.” Leaning closer, he placed his mouth dangerously close to her ear, the warmth and musk of his body radiating off of him. “and I am more than capable of doing everything he can.” With those words, he bit lightly on her earlobe while a hand reached down and sunk its fingers into her leather-bound booty.   Moaning shamelessly, Camie’s eyes lit up with a familiar lustful glint. She shared one look with the clone, before once again springing onto him in the same position as she greeted him, long arms and legs clinging tightly around his body as her mouth hungrily latched onto his.   Deku was quick to reciprocate, intensely matching her. She was sucking on him like she was a wanderer in a desert and he was a cool, refreshing oasis. His hands gripped and squeezed her thick buns as he carried her over to the couch, sitting down in it without once losing his balance. The two moaned into each other as she grinded her hips into his, creating a delicious friction that soon brought him back to full mast.   Camie felt the hard rod prod and throb against her buttocks, making her smirk in satisfaction as she shimmied her hips slightly. Detaching from the villain’s lips, she slowly slinked down his perfectly-muscled torso, her fingers running along the lines of his abs as she planted kisses down his chest, leaving behind glossy lipstick stains in the process. His sweat made them seem even more defined in the light and, combined with the heavy musky smell in the air, made her feel all the more aroused.   Reaching her destination, the fawn-haired woman grabbed a hold of his thick phallus, trying to wrap her fingers around as much of his girth as she was able to, giggling as she felt him throb in her hand. God, she could feel the heat radiating off of it!   “Did you miss me?” she cooed, making Deku groan at the teasing. “Because I‘ve missed you.” Leaning forward, she kissed the engorged head of his cock before engulfing it in her hot mouth, tongue lapping up and savouring the salty taste of his cum. The taste made her moan, which sent pleasurable vibrations through her lover.   Deku, however, growled as frustration began to build up inside of him. He had had enough of soft foreplay already, of teasing and slowly building up to the act. A part of him was tempted to grab her head and shove it straight down into his lap, face-fucking her until she went cross-eyed, but this was overshadowed by the rest of him that wolfishly hungered for something different, something more.   He usually preferred his partners were just as ready as he was, but he didn’t care. Besides, with Amplified Pheromones doing its work, he knew that would be a problem.   “Fuuuck, I don’t want to play, Camie,” he said, making her stop sucking him and give him a confused expression. “Strip.”   The aggressive, authoritative tone in his voice made the woman shudder and, although reluctantly, removed herself from him, leaving behind a ring of lipstick around the middle of his dick. She pouted at him, before her mask quickly broke into a cheeky grin.   “Fine,” she said, “You’re totes lucky I’m so wet right now. All those thirsty men tonight looking at this thicc booty, but they couldn’t touch, it got me, like, soooo hot~.”   Getting up from her position, Camie slowly shimmied her hips from side to side as she pulled down the zipper of her catsuit. Just as her huge titties were about to pop out, she quickly turned around, hiding them from her bae’s eyes, earning her another growl. She didn’t mind frustrating him, as this was revenge for ignoring her for so long. Plus, she knew that he would ‘give her what she deserved.’   She let the top part of her costume flop down to the sides, exposing the length of her smooth, sexy back, before reaching down and, slowly, slowly, peeling off the rest of it,; her sweat making the tight leather clutch like a second skin to her and adding a sheen to her skin. She leaned down as she finally exposed her thong-covered peach to the clone, a sight he took in deeply, before he noticed something… interesting.   “Glitter?”   “Yup,” answered the girl. “Midnight’s idea. She said that it would make my ass pop out more.” With that, she shook her hips, making her fat cheeks jiggle slightly.   “She was right,” Deku said, nodding in agreement as his eyes stayed transfixed at the swaying buns. In the soft light, the thin layer of glitter helped to emphasise their perfect, round shape, all the way from where they began to jut out of her back like a shelf and curved down until they reached her tender, thick thighs. Every now and then, just for a second, he could see the material of her jet-black thong peek out from between her creamy behind.   Unable to hold back, the verdanette reached forward and pulled the sexy ex-heroine into his lap, making her squeal playfully with a “Kya~!”. One of his hands reached up and grabbed a handful of her tits, squeezing and flicking over the hardened bud, while its twin reached down and yanked the offending garment off, leaving her just as nude as he was.   Not wanting to give up control, Camie turned around until she was resting on his thighs in a reverse cowgirl position, wiggling her hips as she felt his huge cock hotdog her rump, earning her a low groan from the man in front of her. She raised her hips upwards and grabbed hold of it, positioning it just before her needy cunt, before impaling herself on his pillar!   “Nnnmmmph!~” she moaned, biting on her lower lip but still creating a loud noise, eyes rolling up in pleasure as she felt his thick piece of meat stretch her pussy in a way only it could. She rolled her hips, pushing herself down more and more, inch by large inch, until she felt that she had fully sheathed his cock completely. She was glad she was so wet, otherwise she didn’t think she could get him all in in one go. Deku shut his eyes as he felt her walls clamp down hard on him.   “Oooooh, baby, yeeees~!~” she cooed as she began to bounce up and down on his lap, a rhythmic clapping sound echoing around them. Deku placed his hands on her hips and thrust upwards, meeting her every time she came down. Her body trembled with every slam, driving her to her knees splayed on either side of him. With every movement, she could feel her insides get wrecked, making her cry out in euphoria.   “You like that, don’t – mmh – you, you naughty slut?” Deku growled, feeling her squeeze him tighter with his dirty talk. His glowing green irises moved between her pleasure-filled face and her juicy jugs, which bounced in front of him with each thrust.   “Aaah, yes! ~ You’re so – ohh! – fucking huge, babe!” Reaching down, Camie instinctually grabbed hold of her massive mammaries, squeezing her girls as she took all of him again and again. The lewd site incensed the villain more as he began to increase the power of his thrusts, ramming into her from below as she let out a long moan of bliss, unable to put together a coherent word.   THWAP-THWAP-THWAP-THWAP!!   “Aaahha! Haaa! OOOooh, fuuuck~!!” She could feel his swollen cockhead slam against her cervix, sending pleasure signals coursing throughout her entire body! She rolled her hips like she had been trained in order to make him fit all the more and rub against all of her aching core. She was bouncing up and down on his cock so hard that she thought that the couch might break from the force of their rutting. They had just started and she could already feel herself reaching the brink. “You feel so – ahha – good, babe! Fuck me! Fuck me harder!”   *Smack!*   Deku’s firm hand came crashing down on her shining ass, leaving a red handprint and causing the girl to yelp. The pain mixed with sexual delight was just enough, causing her body to tense up as- “Cumming! I’m already cumming!~❤️~” -she climaxed in a powerful orgasm, her juices dripping down his veiny pillar. But this didn’t seem to hamper either of them at all as they kept rutting.   While the two of them were busy with their own fuckfest, the other rutting pair in the room were still going at it, unperturbed by the new arrival into their den of debauchery. While stripper and clone were going at it, Izuku had continued to plunge balls-deep into the sexy blonde beneath him, pumping her once-sanctified womb with copious amounts of thick baby-batter, his heavy testicles slamming against her like a drum.   “Oooh! Ohhh! MMHHAA!!!”   Melissa, meanwhile, had her arms wrapped around his broad shoulders for some sese of stability, her legs alternating between clinging around his waist and flailing helplessly in the air. She could feel her mind going blank as her boy was ravaged mercilessly. She knew that she was supposed to hate this man. He was a villain, the very thing she was bought up to despise. She had worked hard with her father to support the Resistance with their tech against this very person, and now she was being hammered by his cock ruthlessly, but she just couldn’t find the energy to even care.   At long last, even she had her limits. The strength in her limbs faded and finally went slack, she just couldn’t keep up as she finally let go. This wasn’t lost on the man, who stopped his thrusts. Looking down, he couldn’t help but smile at how cute she looked: her face completely red and covered in sweat, tongue hanging out of her mouth as she panted for air. Even her glasses were slightly ajar and fogging up slightly.   Carefully, he pulled out of her with an audible pop, allowing his seed to drip out of her abused snatch. He didn’t want to leave her here, he realised. There was a better place to let her recuperate. What’s more, he thought that something else deserved a break.   “We’re moving this to the bedroom,” he declared, speaking more to the other couple. Camie didn’t seem to be paying attention as she was lost in her own blissful world, while his clone gave him a questioning eye whilst his face was pressed firmly into her jiggly cleavage, sucking on one of her buds. It was almost as if he was challenging him.   “Listen, asshole, I like this couch and I don’t want to see it ruined,” he explained, gently lifting the blonde in a bridal carry. “And I know you do too. So let’s take this somewhere better. It’s going to be a nightmare to clean up all the stains.”   He saw Deku roll his exposed eye, but acquiesced. Flexing his muscles, he pushed himself up off of the couch, all while the fox on top of him kept her pace. Together, they walked over to the bedroom, Deku holding her up in his arms as her ass continued jouncing into his crotch. It felt like she was being supported by his dick, as if she was a toy.   Entering, Izuku placed the girl on one of his chaise lounge, while the others landed on the bed, Deku lying on his back as Camie continued to ride him like a beast. She was definitely making up for lost time, not wanting to waste a single moment. By now they had slowed down their rhythm, with Deku’s thrusts being slow but intense, savouring the feeling of moist insides as he kissed her womb with push. His hands held onto her wide child-bearing hips to help support their ride. To Camie, this slow humping was much more intimate and careful, allowing her to savour the feeling of stretching and fullness his cock provided.   “MMh! Yeah! Right there, babe! Fuck me right – ahha – there!” She could see stars as he rubbed up against a particularly sensitive spot deep in her pussy. Each time she could feel herself getting closer and closer until…l “I’m… I’m… Ahha~!~”… she couldn't even get her words out as she suffered another climax, drool leaking down her chin. The sensation was too much for the clone, as he felt himself bottom out straight into her womb, a feeling that had the bombshell croon. But if either of them were tired, they didn’t show it.   This went on for a good, long while as both were enraptured in their passionate love-making, as that is what it was. Throughout it all, Izuku watched while his partner recovered, standing silently as he watched Camie’s fat buttocks clap against his burly thighs, seeing the large pillar disappear and reappear inside her snatch.   Now, part of him had told him to be patient, to let his clone have his fun. But the other part of him, his id, told him to hell with waiting. He was still hard and horny as hell. Why shouldn’t he get some more fun, especially considering this night was his idea? Decidedly, he came to a compromise in his head and approached the couple.   “Kya!”   The ex-heroine squealed as she felt another pair of calloused hands reach around her and cup her jugs, squeezing and pinching her nipples in between his digits, as a hot mouth latched onto a ticklish side of her neck.   Deku glared at the man behind her.   “You better not-” he practically snarled.   Izuku just chuckled, his dark sclera showing a hint of mirth.   “Don't worry, I won’t steal her from you,” he assured, giving her boobs a firm honk. “I just want her to not feel neglected.” With those words, he yanked hard on her buds, driving her into a series of mini-orgasms. She gave a soundless cry as her back arched, pushing her into the villain’s chiselled torso.   Not looking convinced, Deku nonetheless consented and, with a bit of rearing, thrust his hips powerfully upward, making the woman continue her sensual dance.   As the minutes ticked by, over and over into the long night, a certain blonde finally felt some semblance of cognizance return. Her vision blurry, she realised she didn’t know where she was, only that it was very comfortable. She also knew she couldn’t feel her legs properly. That’s when she heard something behind her; a couple of voices moaning in bliss, a cry of ecstasy, and the repetitive slapping of flesh. Grasping at anything, she finally found the headboard of the object and, mustering up whatever strength she had left, and pulled herself upwards to look at the source. And as her vision returned to her, her breath halted in her lungs before her heart rate raced.   It was a highly erotic sight. She watched as some voluptuous woman whom she had never met was being pleasured by the Izukus. Their hands roamed her curvy body, gently caressing and massaging it, exploring each and every inch of her. One was beneath her thrusting upwards while the other was behind, kissing her neck and whispering sweet nothings in her ear. But it wasn’t aggressive; it was intimate, passionate, loving, titillating. Whatever remnants of flame lay inside her, she could feel them begin to stir again.   But the thing that stood out the most was her face. Her beautiful features were morphed into an expression of pure euphoria. Her eyes were half-lidden and unfocused, despite rolling backwards, her tongue lolled out of her mouth as it drooled, despite releasing incoherent moans. It was no wonder she was putty in their hands. She looked completely fucked silly.   Melissa remembered the feeling earlier that night, of having those two studs dominate her in such a way. “Did-Did I… look like that?” She couldn’t look away at the site, as her hands unconsciously drifted downwards.   But the more she watched as the woman continued, she began to feel something else: jealousy. She thought back to the feeling of those big, fat cocks and how much they stretched and filled her up like nothing before. Their musky taste, the sensation of their throbbing as they poured so much potent spunk in her. The two powerful men who used her body as if it belonged to them, to be used solely for their pleasure. Just the thought of it made her wet. Oh God, she wanted that. She needed that! There was a aching emptiness inside her that only he could fix. She didn’t care he was a villain, an enemy, the man she despised. She just needed him to fuck her!   A loud moan filled the room. However, only the original verdanette seemed to register it. Turning away from the brunette in front of him, he turned to his other guest and saw how her fingers were flying in and out of her nether lips, already moist again. And he knew exactly what was getting her so excited.   “Oh, finally being honest with yourself, Melissa?” he asked. The woman paused, before meekly nodding her head. “Would you care to join us? There’s plenty of space here for another.” With those words, he gave Camie’s chest another squeeze. “You just have to come and get it yourself.”   Melissa hesitated, thinking about the situation. She knew that if she were to go to him, she would be his. They both knew it. There was no going back. Could she really do that?   She was on the bed before she even realised it.   Sitting perpendicularly on Izuku’s lap, she moaned into his mouth as she kissed him ferociously, wrapping her arms around his neck. She felt his muscular arms wrap around her, delighting in how securer they made her feel. She let him guide her, lead her. She felt like she belonged here.   “Good girl,” he whispered, sending shivers down her spine. She wanted him to speak to her more like this.   The verdanette could see that look in her eyes. Now he just had to see how far it went. “I think we can take this up to the next level,” he said, turning to his clone and giving him a knowing smirk. Deku met his gaze and, after a moment, his eyes widened before returning that same smile, catching on to what his progenitor was suggesting.   Working in unison, both Izukus positioned their fuck buddies next to each other on their hands and knees, their thick asses sticking out like they wanted to be bred. It was a lovely sight. As one, both men got behind them, ready to give them what they so desperately craved.   Melissa hummed happily as she felt her lover’s throbbing cock slowly rub against her entrance, feeling every part of it trace the outside folds. Her fingers clenched tightly into the blankets and her toes curled as she waited in yearning anticipation for him to impale her on him, filling her completely and make her forget everything.   That’s why she became confused when she felt him move away and instead felt his fingers sink into the flesh of her buns, spreading them apart. This confusion turned into alarm as she felt the bulbous head begin to prod at her back entrance. She turned her head around and her eyes widened as she saw the other Izuku doing the same thing to the other girl, who looked much more excited about it.   “W-Wait, Izuku. Y-You’re too big. It won’t fit! Please, wai-aaaiiiee!!!~!~” Her pleas quickly turned into a squeal as Izuku rammed himself into her tiny asshole, forcing inch after agonising inch of his bestial tool, giving a cry of fury as he pushed himself further inside the extremely tight squeeze.   Deku was about the same, trying not to cum already from how tightly the brunette’s booty was pressing down on him. It was amazing! The woman was making a similar sound to her blonde contemporary as she felt her anus be stretched further than she could have ever imagined. Only hers sounded more ecstatic, a big dumb smile planted on her face as she held nothing back.   The two squeals filled the air, one of pain and the other of pleasure, as both men were able to force all of their massive dicks inside them. To them, it felt like someone had shoved their arms up their backsides with how much they were warped.   “Oh God, you’re splitting me in two! Oh fuuuucck!”   “Fuck yeah, babe! Fuck this ass! Fuck it so hard!~❤️~”   Incensed, both men slowly, agonisingly slowly, pulled out, savouring the sensation of claiming both of their last virginities and being careful not to break them. It was already difficult to do so as it felt like the girls didn’t want to let go of them. They pulled their hips back until only their heads remained and, as if sharing one mind, slammed back all the way inside them, the clap of hips on hips cracking like thunder.   Again and again, the two ploughed in sync into the two women’s asses, making them jiggle and moan with every thrust. Sweat flew off of their bodies as they indulged in their hedonistic delight as another room filled with the scent of sex and lust. The bed shook with the force of it all, but they weren’t concerned, as they knew perfectly well how much it could endure, as had been tested. One girl was fully into it, as she kept thrusting backwards to meet her partner’s thrusts, cooing as it felt like her organs were being reshaped as she felt him reach deeper into her insides than she thought possible.   “You like that, you – ah – horny slut?”   “Yes, babe, You’re so – fucking – good! You’re so much better than – ah fuck – Katsuki!”   Hearing the name of his rival being degraded in such a way brought a feeling of immense pride to the man, which he rewarded by clenching his muscles and slamming even harder than before, something that made the lucky girl go cross-eyed.   The other, however, was just barely keeping it together, her teeth clenched tightly as she endured the pain of her ass being ripped open. It was just too much, too soon, as even though his cock was slick from her juices no amount of lube would have been able to prepare her for his sheer mass. She could feel herself tear up from it all.   Izuku seemed to have taken notice, as he seemed to slow down the rate of his assault.   “Your one seems to be taking to this much better than mine,” he remarked to his clone.   “She certainly – mmhf – has.” Deku looked over at the blonde and her pained expression. He then turned his gaze to the back of the head of girl he was railing. “Camie, help our new friend out, would you?”   Melissa, eyes and teeth clenched tight, suddenly opened them as she felt a soft, feminine hand cup her cheek and move her head to the right. There, she found herself looking into the dark brown eyes of the ex-heroine next to her. Up close, she could see just how red her face was as sweat dripped down her brow. But it didn’t look as if she was struggling or tired at all. In fact, she could swear she saw mini hearts in her pupils.   “Don’t worry babe, it gets – ahha – better soon. This is, like, - mmh – the best fuck ever. No  cap. It fucking slaps!” To emphasise her point, Deku used it as an opportunity to spank her juicy behind once again. “Here, I’ll help you take your mind off it”   And before the blonde even realised what was happening, she felt the other woman push her lips onto her own. She gasped in shock, which seemed to be the wrong or right thing to do as it gave the stripper more access to her moist cavern, her velvety tongue forcing its way into her mouth and coiling with her own. The sight of the two beauties swapping spit made both Izuku and Deku grin in delight, cementing the site in their minds. It was like pouring a huge amount of fuel on the pyre of their animalistic lust and, spurned on, began rutting the two like never before.   With the combination of both sudden sensations, Melissa felt her mind be overwhelmed with it all as its circuits seemed to overload.   “I… I can’t believe – ah – it! My ass is getting pounded as - mmf – a girl I’ve never met is kissing me. it hurts but – OHH –“ Just as predicted, she slowly felt the pain fade away into something else, something almost indescribable. Whether it was the kiss, the feeling of heavy testicles slapping against her clit, the natural sensation of her behind being reamed, or just the act of embracing all three, she had no idea. But she did know one thing. “I… I don’t want it to stop. It f-feels too good! I love it!”   With that, the blonde returned the kiss, the two busty babes moaning into each other's mouths sloppily as they were both reamed mercilessly from behind, which only made them cry out for more, something the men were happy to provide. It was an endless cycle of primal, euphoric turn-ons.   “It’s so good! I can’t handle it! He’s too – GAH – huge! At this rate, I’m… I’m…”   “CUMMING!~❤️~”   Like a perfectly orchestrated duet, the two women released the most explosive climaxes of the night, their juices spraying out, dripping down their legs and staining the bed covers. Their orgasm made their entire bodies shudder and clench which, in turn, made them squeeze down tighter on the two studs’ members than ever before. It was just the thing they needed to push them both over the edge. With a bestial cry, both men slammed deep into them as far as they could go, filling both of their bowels with as much of their cocks as possible and blasting heavy amounts of viscous, hot spunk inside them, effectively painting their inner walls white. For this, they both earned low moans of pleasure from their girls.   For a long while, the four of them stayed like this, staying in the moment, catching their breaths and regaining their senses, before the two Izukus pulled out of their holes with an audible sphllurt noise, cum leaking out of their gaping assholes. The fucked-silly maidens were lying on their backs, eyes not staring at anything as their chests heaved up and down, heartbeats racing faster than if they had just sprinted, as they tried to make sense of their surroundings. All that they knew was that they were happy.   “That… was fun,” Deku said, reaching over to the bedside and pulling out a few bottles of water that he knew were kept there. Izuku always remembered the importance of hydration, so he kept a few there. It had become a necessity due to… recent activities. He handed one to all of them, as all eager parties accepted it greedily.   “I know… Not every day… I let myself loose… like this.”   “She did very well… considering it was her first.” Deku cocked his head to the tired inventor, who was trying her best to drink without spilling too much precious water. It proved to be quite difficult with how much her arms were shaking. The sight made Izuku laugh lightly   “Couldn’t agree more. Must have had… a lot build up, being alone… on that island for so long. You know how repressed girls like her arm. And American girls are the best of that kind.”   “Mmhmm,” Deku nodded. A few minutes passed as they recovered, before he finally turned to his original. “So… think they’re ready for the next round.”   His words seemed to trigger something in all of them. Each person turned to their fuck partners, an eager expression clear on all of their faces. Green eyes shared with brown eyes and black eyes shared with blue lascivious gazes of excitement. Without a word, Izuku released another amplified wave of Pheromones.   “Only one way to find out.”   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Izuku couldn’t feel his body.   Literally. It was as if all of the energy had been drained from him in its entirety.   He didn’t know how long he had been laying there. Hell, he didn’t even know what time it was. The curtains were completely closed, so he couldn’t see any sunlight. There was a clock on his bedside, but that would involve pushing himself up and rolling, which he just was not capable of. Even looking at his watch seemed like too much effort.   Oh well, at least it was the weekend. He didn’t have anything scheduled for the day.   “Honestly, I can think of worse places to be right now,” he thought to himself, as he felt two soft bodies push against his sides, sleeping soundly next to him.   Think back to that last night, he surprised himself with just how much they did. Their intense fuckfest just did not end, as it seemed that Amplified Pheromones affected all of them, even himself, giving them a seemingly-endless pool of stamina and enthusiasm to keep them going again and again and again. Even his own rationale, which he was very proud of, tok a back seat to his overpowering id. They tried so many new positions, whether it was them as couples, a two-on-one, or all four of them at once. Even when his clone’s time finally ended, the three of them kept on going. By the end of it, he only barely had enough energy left to put the device back in its case before he collapsed into bed where the women were already asleep, passing out as soon as his back touched fabric. As soon as he turned it off, all of their tiredness caught up with them.   For them, last night probably felt like heaven. But he didn’t envy how their legs would feel upon waking. Or if they would even be able to walk at all.   But as he lay there silently, wondering if he should try to get up at all, a different thought crossed his mind. The clones and the Quirk Device, this was just a trial run. He wanted to test not only his limits, but those of his lovers as well as the effects that boosting the potency of his quirk would have.   And it was a perfect success. Now it was on to the main show.   He smiled as he pictured what he had planned for the future. The anticipation was getting him excited. He would have to get things ready and prepare himself for it. Of course, this would involve asking Twice for another favour, even bigger than this one, but that shouldn’t be too much of a problem. It would be worth it in the end.   After all, it was going to be his birthday. And he planned to go big.
Chapter 1 - Shared Bed
Author’s note: If you’re wondering why she’s referred to as Ai-chan throughout rather than just Ai outside of conversations, that’s just the way her name is listed everywhere, from merchandise to the wiki, so I saw no good reason to mess with it.  — ❤ — ❤— ❤— ❤— ❤— ❤— ❤— ❤— ❤— ❤— ❤— ❤— ❤— ❤— ❤— ❤— ❤— ❤— ❤— ❤—   The nights were coming quickly, and the winds blew colder down the streets. Winter was upon them.   Ai-chan could never tolerate suffering, no of herself, but certainly not that of others - just the sight of her mother swatting a fly was enough to ruin her day, to make her feel like a cold-blooded killer. The sight of stray dogs and the homeless was even worse, and Ai-chan had shown up with a lost pupper at home more than once as a kid, and every single time it ended disastrously.   They were walking back from the grocery store, all three of them, including her mother and sister, when Ai-chan spotted the man sitting in the alley on a carton, feeding a small puppy. Ai-chan’s mom noticed her gaze and quickly said, “You can’t help them.”  “Just some—“ “No.” The tone was frosty and unyielding. “Let’s go.”   This is so unfair!  Ai-chan stood for a few more moments under the streetlights as her mother and sister crossed the street, her eyes unable to break sight with the old man with the puppy. Why did things have to be so bad to some people? And how could her mother be so heartless? Surely we can help them somehow… Oh, senpai, I wish you were here. “Ai-chan, come on!” her sister cried. “It’s going to change soon.”   The angry shortstack blinked away the tears and steeled herself with a deep breath. They’ll be okay, she told herself. I’m not much help anyway.   But she was still thinking about them during dinner and went to bed unable to get her mind off. The decision was made unanimously in her mind. Tomorrow, we shall go and help those poor souls!!   Ai-chan grabbed the limited funds from her drawer before she left for the day, then, once classes were over, went and bought them some food: soda and sandwiches for the old man, and some cans of dog food for the puppy.    she found them in the same place as the day before and approached shyly. “Uhm, excuse me…” The puppy ran under a box as soon as he saw her, but the old man got up and bowed repeatedly. “Miss.”   The man looked much worse than she had realized the day before from a distance. His emaciated body was nothing but skin and bones, crossed all over by the deep wrinkles of his leathery skin. He took off his cap to be polite, and Ai-chan saw that there were only a few wisps of white hair dangling from his liver-spotted scalp. He was as short and frail as a child…   This man needs to be in a shelter, she thought. Not in the streets like this! A deep desire to slap a middle-aged man or woman responsible for this injustice filled her heart, but she was too silly and ignorant to summon the image of either the mayor or the prime minister.  “I am sorry, miss, my puppy is very scared of people…”   Ai-chan shook her head happily. “Well, some people are bad, so I’m glad he’s not too trusting. Uhm” - she handed the bag, too embarrassed to look him in the eye - “these are for you, sir… I’m sorry, it’s all I knew to buy.”  “Aaaa!! Aaaa!!” The old man looked into the bag and beamed with impossible happiness, though there were only a few teeth left in his gums. “Miss, this is a real treasure! You’re too kind. Too kind!” Tears of happiness came to his eyes. “Nobody else thinks of us, miss, not even our families, thank you so much…”   He took her hand and knelt before her, shaking it as if she were some sort of savior. God, they’re so desperate… The sight just broke her heart. I should have gotten them more things… Tomorrow, maybe.   The puppy came out to eat once the old man set some food for him, and as soon as Ai-chan started petting his tiny head he wagged its cute tail with great excitement. “He’s so cute…”   The old man chewed at the bit of sandwich in his mouth as if he were trying to melt it. Ai-chan felt bad for him. I shouldn’t get hard food again. “He’s a good boy. You don’t want him, miss, do you?” “What?! No, no, no, he’s yours…”   His eyes blinked hard. “He is, but… I can’t bear to think of him starving here with me. I hope some family takes him. He has the most chances now while he’s a cute puppy. Nobody wants you when you’re old.”   Ai-chan put on a brave smile and let a hand rest on the old man’s shoulder, only to think, God, he’s so skinny. “Don’t worry, Ojii-san, I’ll bring you food as often as I can. I promise. And whatever else you need! Please, don’t be afraid to ask!”   The visits continued over the week, her mother none the wiser, until one day she came and found a group of young schoolgirls playing with the puppy. “He’s so cute!! “ they made a circle around him, trying to shake hands with his paw. “Ojii-san, is he yours?”  “Oh, no, no, no… He has no home yet… If one of you kind girls could give him a home for the holidays, that would be incredible…”   Ai-chan wanted to cry hearing that. He’s doing what’s best for him even though it’s killing him. This man really deserved better. They both did. She hoped that the girls wouldn’t take him on the offer, but one of them said she would talk to her parents. Ai-chan sat with the old man after they left, feeding the puppy and chatting.  “Do you think she’ll come after him?” he asked her. “I don’t know, Ojii-san… I hope not…”  “I hope so.” He reached and ran his deathly-white fingers along puppy’s fuzzy back. “He needs better.”   Ai-chan was about to leave for the day when a handsome man showed up, holding the hands of one of the girls from before. He was dressed in a suit and smelled nice, and introduced himself as a doctor. After playing with the puppy for a few minutes they decided to take him, but insisted on paying.  The old man shook his head. “No, I can’t accept…”   They thanked him instead and left, the puppy wagging his tail happily as the girl carried him in her arms, as if she had been his owner all along. Goodbye, little buddy, thought Ai-chan, and wiped away the tears. A snowflake drifted in front of her eyes and made a sudden shift to land on her nose and where it quickly melted.  First snow.  Ai-glanced at the old man. “Ojii-san…”   He was choking back his tears. “Thank god…” he kept saying. “Thank god he found a home.”  “What about you, Ojii-san?... What will you do? It’s snowing, I think.”   He waved her away. “Get out of here! I’ll be fine.”   Over the weekend, Ai-chan searched for all sorts of homeless shelters nearby, but none were available that could take Ojii-san. She even considered renting a place within her budget, but it was a sky-high price with her current savings, and not even getting a part-time job would be enough to pay it…   Both her mother and sister noticed her behavior had changed. “Why don’t you leave your room anymore?” Ai-chan’s mom asked. “Getting the winter blues?”   On Monday she saw her senpai on the train and asked him for advice. “What could I do, senpai?”   He shrugged and sighed wearily. “There’s nothing you can do, Ai-chan. You did your best.”   She was reluctant to ask him, but there was no other choice. She pushed her breasts out for effect and fluttered her lashes. “Senpai… Don’t you think you could take him to live with you?”   His face went from blushing to white and shocked. “W-What?” he stammered. “I can’t have some homeless man living with me!! Are you nuts?!” He took a calming breath. “Ai-chan, you did plenty. Now you just need to leave it to the authorities.”   Another week passed by, though this time the old man was getting worse as the nightly snows stopped melting and the cold settled in properly. He kept coughing and shaking. He barely spoke even when Ai-chan came, and she soon noticed he wasn’t even eating the food she brought. “Ojii-san,” she said, giving him an infectious smile. “Wanna go to a restaurant with me?”   The old man gave her a look and shook his head. There was a world-weary hopeless in his eyes. “Ai-chan, please don’t come here again. It makes me feel bad.”  It would’ve better if he had just slapped her. “What? Why not?...” Her beautiful face contorted into one of pure sadness. Had she not done enough? She just wanted to help... “Because… I don’t want you to find me any different than I am today. Anyway, how is my boy?”   He meant the puppy. She had saved the pictures off of that girl’s Twitter and showed him the puppy in his new home. The old man looked very pleased. “My prayers were answered. That’s all I could’ve hoped for.”   God, he’s just waiting to die, she realized. That was why he wanted her gone. This wasn’t something she could allow… What the hell am I going to do?   On that Wednesday, her mother said that she would be late from having to meet some old friends, and Ai-chan’s sister needed to stay at work and finish up a group project. Ai-chan saw an opportunity to do something nice for the old man.   She rushed to the alley after school and greeted him, then helped him up. “Come with me.”   Ojii-san barely managed to follow along, his feet struggling to keep up with her as they left the alley into the streets in daylight. “Where are we going?...”   Ai-chan dragged him along at a brisk pace, ignoring the passersby that stared at them. She managed to smuggle him into her building without the neighbors noticing, then ushered him swiftly into the apartment. She sighed with relief and leaned against the door. “Finally.”  The old man looked confused to be in their hallway, just standing there in his ragged clothing, snow melting off his torn jacket. “Ai-chan… Why are we here?”  “Because! I am going to make you a nice lunch, Ojii-san.”   Ai-chan went and changed out of her uniform and put on some house clothes, a loose pair of sweatpants coupled with a shirt that was far too tight for her current bust and left the better part of an inch of her tummy uncovered.   Her feet padded into the kitchen where the old man waited with great reservation, and started preparing the ingredients. “See, Ojii-san? Maybe we can do this from time to time… There’s no reason to despair…”   Ai-chan washed a couple of the vegetables needed and poured water in the pot. She realized Ojii-san was being very quiet and glanced at him to see his eyes glued to her breasts, which were swinging around with the movements of her arms. Ai-chan tried to cover her boobs up (the handbra did very little) and laughed at the awkwardness of it all. “Ojii-san! Eyes up here!”   He nodded shyly. “Sorry, Ai-chan… I didn’t know you were so…”  “Cursed?” Ai glanced down at her boobs that stuck out so much from her chest she needed to tilt her head forward to see what she was cutting. “Look, I can barely see below me. What a pain.”  Though she could sense his eyes sliding to her chest from time to time, it didn’t really bother her enough to put on a sweater. He was too old and too harmless for it to matter - if anything, it struck her as cute and funny. Oh, senpai, why aren’t you here right now? He was probably at work.   “Ojii-san, you know what I’m making you here? A special recipe. My lil’ sis and I were charged to make soup once, but we botched the recipe and made this instead. As it happens, it’s much better.”   The old man nodded thoughtfully. “Isn’t that how it always happens?” “What do you mean?”  “I mean, how do you think sushi was invented? Probably by mistake. Or that kind of stale cheese the French eat. It’s all a mistake.”   Ai-chan’s brows furrowed as she cut some tomatoes. “I suppose you’re right. I never thought about it like that.”  “It’s really—”   The keys jingled outside the main door and her heart stopped. She slammed her hand over the old man’s face to shut him up and whispered harshly in his ear. “COME WITH ME!” She held him low and made the journey out of the kitchen and down the hallway in a rush that could’ve been out of a war movie.  The door slammed closed. “Ai-chan? Are you home? Sweetheart?”  “Just a second, Mom!!!”   God, out of all the times she could have showed up. I’m so screwed!!   Ai-chan took the old man into her bedroom and shut the door. “Wait here…” she explained. “My mom CANNOT know you are here, okay? If you hear us coming, hide under the bed or in the closet.”   The old man laughed. “You can’t be serious.”  “OJII-SAN, THIS IS VERY SERIOUS!!!”  She ran out to greet her mom, who was just putting her coat in the hanger. “Wow, you’re warm,” she said, jerking her head to the tight top. “Something smells nice.”  “I’m making some soup…”  “Perfect!” Her mother lifted a paper bag full of bread. “I’ll help you!!”   This was a nightmare. Her room was right at the end of the hall, which meant that there was no way to take Ojii-san out without her mother noticing. I am so dead. Meanwhile, the old man was probably starving in her room, wondering what the hell was going on.  “M-Mom…” Ai-chan stammered trying to speak, her voice cracking under the pressure. “D-Do you think I could eat in my room?”  “Sure thing. Is something wrong?”  “I just feel a bit under the weather.”   A hand ruffled her hair lovingly. “Just go rest, I’ll bring you some when it’s done.”  “Oh, no, just call me, I’ll come take it…”   She went back to her room and found Ojii-san sitting almost exactly as she had left him. “I told you to hide!! What if it was my mom?”  “Oh.”   Ai-chan clicked her tongue. “Ojii-san, you’re killing me.” She searched her drawer with maddening haste for the key to her bedroom door. She hadn’t locked it in years, but now was a good time…  Ojii-san was admiring the family pictures on her night desk with her mother and sister, the pop groups and anime posters on the wall, the pink walls that were as girly as could be and cute sheets patterned with hearts. “This is a welcoming room.”   For a second, Ai-chan was annoyed. Then she remembered it wasn’t his fault that she was in this predicament, and that he mustn’t have entered a real home in decades. “Ojii-san… Why don’t you lie down and take a nap? Hmmm?”   His eyes bulged. “Truly? But no, I can’t… Your bed is so nice and I’m so dirty. I wouldn’t.”   He did have a point. Not only were his clothes ragged, but he smelled, and probably hadn’t washed in a long time. It would have been nice if she had her own bathroom, but she didn’t.   The key turned out to be in an old jewelry box, and Ai-chan breathed with total relief to hear the mechanism click into place as she locked her door. “Ahhh! We’re safe…”   She crashed at the edge of the bed next to the old man, her boobs bouncing between her small arms. “Ojii-san… Later, if we get a chance, we have to make a run for it. To take you out…”  “Oh, yes, I understand. Thank you, Ai-chan.”   For what? she wondered. I only got you trapped in here. It was so offensive that he needed to be made to feel like this… like scum. He was just a human being. A nice guy, at that. Why was her mother so difficult? Senpai, it would have been so much easier if you just took Ojii-san instead.   Ai-chan took out her laptop and played some videos for the two of them, and the old man seemed delighted with it. “I’ve never seen one of these up close…” She taught him how to use it, and then the old man started searching all sorts of things for the hell of it.   It was getting cold and dark out, though, and her mother still wasn’t done cooking. How am I supposed to send him out like this? She thought of her senpai and what he might say. Surely senpai wouldn’t be heartless enough to do this, either…  “Ojii-san. Come with me.”   She made sure her mom was trapped in the kitchen, then quickly took him into the bathroom that was just next to her bedroom. She locked that too, then helped him undress. “Here, Ojii-san, wash up quickly…”   Standing there only in some grey shorts, the lights came down over his skeletal frame and the ribs that poked out of his chest, his arms as thin as toothpicks. The poor thing must not get a lot of food... But the old man was taking off everything, including his boxers. “Ojii-san, you can keep those on!” “Sorry… I forgot I’m around a young lady.”  Ai-chan turned and let him wash up. No one was bothering them. He finished up and closed the shower. “I’m ready.” She handed him some clothes she had brought along.   There was a pause. “These are yours.”  “Ojii-san!!! They’re the only clean ones we’ve got!! We’re all girls here.”   They ran out together back into the bedroom, Ojii-san now clean and dressed entirely in pink, with some loose pants that sported a floral pattern. Ai-chan kept trying not to laugh when she glanced at him.  “Listen, Ojii-san… Tonight, you can stay here.”  “What do you mean?”  “You can take my bed, and I’ll find some excuse to sleep with my sister. Then, tomorrow, we can go out after they leave.”   Dinner soon came and Ojii-san practically licked the bowl four times and went through two breads. “This is the best thing I’ve tasted.”   The only thing left was to get him tucked in for the night and find herself a place to sleep. Unfortunately, she brought up the matter too casually to her sister, which wasn’t having any of it. “What do you mean, sleep together for fun? I don’t like to sleep with you, you kick everywhere. Ai-chan, please, you have your own room…”   It was 11:21pm and she still hadn’t found a solution. Meanwhile, the old man was in her bed, watching cat videos on YouTube. Her eyes were closing by themselves with how tired she was and she kept yawning. Would it be so bad if she just got in there next to him? He’s only an old man…   The image of her senpai came unbidden to mind, but… senpai isn’t here. And I need to sleep. And he doesn’t understand that Ojii-san is harmless.  “Ojii-san… Would you mind if we slept in the same bed?”   The old man gave her a long look. “Oh, no, no, no, Ai-chan, please, I can sleep on the floor! It’s a big improvement over my usual…”   In the end, he agreed to share the bed with her, and Ai-chan went to say goodbye to her family. She changed into her pajamas in the bathroom, but this time kept her bra on. There was no need to give the old man a show like that…   He was already under the covers when she came in. Ai-chan locked the door and turned off the lights. There was enough moonlight streaming through the window. She went and crawled into bed next to him, the two struggling to fit into the single-sized bed. It all would’ve been much easier if they slept on futons, but her mother insisted on the Western-style beds…  They twisted and turned until they found a halfway decent position. Ai-chan kept her head on the upper part of the pillow, while the old man slept with his hard back to her, his head pressing into her chest. Against her breasts…   It was a little awkward, but… It wasn’t necessarily sexual.   They were like that for a while, until he whispered, “Ai-chan… Can I ask you a favor?” “Sure, Ojii-san.”  “No matter how I move, that bra keeps poking into me. Do you think you could just get it out of the way?”   How could she get it out of the way without taking it off? Was that what he… wanted? Fore sure, the bra was one of the worst that she had, and even she felt uncomfortable wearing it for long periods of time. She felt around the front of her chest and realized that he wasn’t just making things up, and that a wire was actually sticking out. Damn it…   She reached back and unhooked the bra, then pulled it off. She could only imagine what her senpai would say, knowing another man was sleeping against her chest like this… I’m sorry, senpai, it’s just a bad situation…   With the bra gone, Ojii-san kept pushing his head against her soft boobs, rubbing against them with complete delight as her firm little nipples gently brushed his scalp. “Ahhh, they’re so soft and warm, Ai-chan… These are the best pillows in the world…”   Ai-chan laughed uncomfortably. “Uhm, thanks~ Try to sleep, Ojii-san…”   Through the window she could see the falling snow, but inside it was nice and warm, especially under the covers. But the old man was restless, and he soon turned the other way. Ai-chan could feel his face against her boobies now, his nose and mouth rubbing against them.  “Ojii-san…” she said breathlessly. “What are you doing?” “Ai-chan, they’re just so nice and soft… I’ve never felt anything like it…”  “Please, Ojii-san, just sleep.”   His bony hands came up and handled her breasts with care, outlining their round shape in the darkness. “Ai-chan, please, just a little longer…” There was real desperation in his voice. “I… I need this so much…” “Ojii-san…” Her own determination was faltering. It was just one time…. One time. If it meant this much to him…   The fingers smoothly kneaded her breasts with great care, sending fast waves of pleasure down to her melting tummy. “Just grant this old man this one favor, Ai-chan…”   Ai-chan closed her eyes and sighed helplessly. She could feel the gnarled hands massaging her big tiddies and it felt nice to have someone touch them in such a lewd way. Senpai, I’m sorry… The guilt got to her, but… It’s just one time, senpai. Out the window, it was still snowing. Our good deed for the holidays.   Ojii-san reached under the shirt and let his fingertips slide directly over her delicate skin, seeking out her sensitive little nipples. The tips made contact and the nipples were flicked backwards gently, but it was more than enough to make her back arch and toes curl. Ai-chan bit her lip and blushed. It shouldn’t have felt good, but it did… Why does it feel so good, senpai? He’s such an old man… But his hands are so nice...  Her senpai might have forgiven her for getting into this predicament, but how could he ever forgive her for enjoying herself so much… for giving herself to this wrinkly old man?  “Ai-chan?” The old man’s head popped up. “Are you okay?”   Her wet mouth shone in the moonlight. “Do… your thing, Ojii-san.”   She prepared for his fingers again, but it was his harmless, toothless mouth that latched onto her nub of a nipple and started sucking like a baby, stroking the undersides of her boobs at the same time.   Ai-chan kicked away the covers and wiped her brow. She was heating up way too much. It feels good… Her arms wrapped around Ojii-san and held him affectionately as he fed on her breasts, the softest moans escaping her lewd schoolgirl mouth. This old man is making me feel so good… Who could have guessed… Given the way her senpai longer after her huge boobs and always stared at them on the train, Ai-chan just figured he would be the first to get to touch them and stir these feelings of pure lust in her. But senpai never made a move...  Ai-chan felt the toothless gums nibbling on her hardened nipples and her pussy tingled, warm juices running down her smooth thighs. I’m so sorry, senpai. Tonight my breasts belong to Ojii-san~ ❤  The old man went on sucking, making her burn up inside, until Ai-chan could no longer resist. She brought her fingers and touched herself shamelessly as he pleasured and massaged her young breasts, kissing the top of his bald head in appreciation for his hard work. It was so relaxed and cozy in their bed that she could feel every pull on her nipple, every stroke of his tongue, every old finger that sank into her pillowy flesh…  “Ojii-san ❤… You dirty old man, you’re going to make me come… You’re going to make this schoolgirl come just from using your mouth~ ❤”  His bit down hard on her right nipple, while the left got tweaked and yanked by his fingers. Ai-chan came early and unexpectedly, the bite acting as a match to the tinderbox that was her twitching and desperate curvy body. She screamed and fingerfucked herself hard, not caring who might hear her, the sweet juices squirting wildly from her overheated pussy.  She could hear loud footsteps and a hand pushing down the handle of her door, and her heart stopped for a second, until she remembered the door was locked. Her mother knocked. “Ai-chan? What’s wrong? I could hear you screaming!!”   Her legs were flailing under the sheets and the waterworks were still in full flow. This homeless old man… made me come. Ojii-san went on sucking on her, undisturbed by the commotion, massaging her breasts with an expertise that made her want to go all over again.  Ai-chan laughed in amazement and ran her fingers along his liver-spotted scalp. It shone in the moonlight, and the spots looked like some lost archipelago.  “Ai-chan!! Are you okay?”   She took a deep breath and tried to sound normal. “Sorry, Mom, it was just a nightmare! I’m okay now.”  “Why is your door locked?” “Because… Because it helps me with the nightmares. I’m afraid someone might come in.” Genius. Ojii-san flicked her nipple just right and she shivered and flexed her toes again.  “Okay… Just… Sleep well.”   Finally, she left. Relief. Ai-chan sighed and closed her eyes. Ojii-san was still going at it, and the comforting feeling of his warm mouth around her breast combined with the exhaustion of the day sent her drifting off into slumberland.   Right before she passed out, she thought her senpai again, almost seeing him standing over her in judgment besides the bed. I’m sorry, senpai. It just felt too good ❤. My young breasts and sensitive nipples aren’t used to this sort of stuff. This old man just made such a mess of me, senpai ❤...
Chapter 1 - A Favor
 The master stood at his desk doing homework and occasionally turned to see Mashu Kyrielight as she read in bed, feet moving in the air. She flipped through his history textbook for fun’s sake, trying to keep up with the studies so she could help him out if need be. Every so often, she would brush the pink strands out of her eyes and catch him staring at her plump butt as it rose out of the arch of her back.   God, she’s so beautiful and so hot, the master thought. Just looking at her made his breath catch. “Master?” she said with a bashful smile, knowing she was the center of his universe and that her ass was a focal point of attention. “Is something wrong?”  “Not at all...”   She blushed and averted her gaze. “I love you, Master ❤…” Every time she said the words his heart melted. The syrupy tone combined with the shy way she hid her head right after made him go crazy for her. And, if he was being totally honest, it made him crazy horny as well. But though they had been sleeping in the same bed for months, Mashu seemed reluctant to engage in anything physical without him ordering it outright.   Maybe today could be different? “I love you too.” The master went to the bed and picked her up in his arms, as Mashu giggled. They kissed playfully, barely using any tongue, more amusement happening than any real making out session. He dared to slide his hand from her waist down to her butt.  Mashu pulled away. “M-Master? What are you d-doing?”  “I’m so sorry…” He sighed and lowered his gaze. I shouldn’t have done that.   Her soft hand came up and stroked his face. “Don’t be sorry, Master…” Her bright eyes held him tenderly. “You can do whatever you want with me. I’m your servant.” There was no edge in the statement, no indignancy, no sadness - only a fact.   I could give her any order and she would do it. His shaft stirred at the thought, though there was no way he could do that to her. It needed to be out of love and nothing else. “You’re not my servant anymore.” He brushed back her hair and kissed her forehead. “You’re my girlfriend.”   Mashu trembled breathlessly, her body welling up with overwhelming love and gushing with raw emotion. “M-Master ❤…”  He kissed her again and felt her fingers stroking the back of his head when the apartment door slammed. “Hello? Anybody home?” the annoyed voice boomed, the words ringing through the apartment. “Where are you, my wonderful son?” There was a biting sarcasm in the words.   Dad.  The master sighed. “Wait for me. I’ll go deal with him. Don’t come out.”   Mashu placed a hand on his chest that lingered until he went out of reach. “Master… Please take care of yourself.”   Ever since his mom passed away the year before, the master had dealt with his father’s broken heart that slowly rotted away into pure rage. In the past he would come home and cry while drinking; now he a storm that tore apart everything that crossed his path.  The master left his bedroom and found his father in the middle of the living room. His huge body seemed out of proportion to the stylish and reserved look of their home… that his mother had put together. His father had always been fat, even when the master was little, but now he had let go of himself completely, to the point that rolls of fat were hanging from his undersized shirt. “Where the hell were you?” His gigantic belly heaved as he spoke and made a threatening step forward. “Studying.”   The fat man jerked his head to the surroundings, to the garbage on the floor and dusty TV. “I told you to tell that bitch to clean up. Mashu! Mashu, where the hell are you?” “You can’t tell her to do stuff like that,” the master snapped. His father just couldn’t understand how this worked... “She’s not a slave!”   Despite his instructions that she stay put, Mashu showed up and stood meekly before his father. “Sir?”   He pointed to the beer cans strewn all over the coffee table and floor and all the empty pizza boxes that had been piling up as the week went on. “I want you to clean this shit up spotless. Do you understand?”  The harsh tone made Mashu jump, her chest trembling, though she tried to put on a smile. “Yes, sir…”   The master shot her a furious look. “No! Mashu, what are you doing? This is his mess.”  “Shhh, please don’t get in the way, Master… I don’t want you to get in trouble. This will only take me half an hour or so. Please, just let me do it and continue your studies...”  The master crossed gazes with his father’s baleful eyes and acquiesced in spite of his reservations. “Fine. Next time you clean after yourself.”  The old man took the six pack out of the fridge and dropped down on the sofa in the same sweaty pillows that hadn’t dried since he last got off from there. He cracked a beer can open and took a sip, sighing with satisfaction, as if it were the last good thing left in life. The master watched him, unable to decide whether he should feel grossed out or saddened by the sight. It was his father, after all… Mom, why did you have to die on us?  Mashu returned from the kitchen with a garbage bag in hand and went around the room, picking up everything she could find. As she bent down to pick up the cans from under the table, the pink shorts stretched lewdly and rose high enough that it left a good part of her ass hanging out. The master noticed his father staring at it.  “How was work?” he asked quickly, trying to distract him.  The old man drank the last sip of beer from the can and crumpled it in his fist. He threw it to the other side of the room where she had just cleaned. “Go pick that up, bitch. Crawl.”    Mashu’s head rose for a moment, then she did as told, going after the can on all four. The loose crop top dangled close to the floor, the undersides of her breasts jiggling in sight of the old man as she crawled over like an obedient dog. Watching his father watching her made the master’s stomach knot.   His downed another beer and placed the can on the table before him. “And this.”  Mashu blushed but crawled over to it again. You don’t have to do this, Mashu… thought the master. Just as she reached it, the old man kicked it to the other side and pressed her flat against the table, her ass wiggling helplessly just inches away from his hands.   Mashu froze with terror. “S-Sir?...”   The fingers stroked her thighs, their dark coarse hair tickling her smooth skin. “You’ve got such a beautiful fucking ass. Nice wide hips too. Perfect for making babies.”   His father pulled her up and turned her around, gazing at her waist and the way the tight shorts wrapped around her thick lower body. Her thighs were curvy and soft, but they curved and left the perfect thigh gap between them. “Mhm.” The hands came up and passed along her inner thigh, making their way up towards her crotch. “You were made for breeding, girl.”   The master stood speechless, not knowing how to respond to any of it. If it was anyone else he would have cracked their head open, but this was his father… The man that raised him and did everything for him. How could I hurt him? Please, just stop already… It’s not funny.  Mashu breathed rapidly, her toned tummy flexing as the air went in and out. The old man leaned forward and kissed it with deep reverence, placing his fat lips on every inch. His tongue came out and traced a slimy path over her well-defined muscles, licking them as if they were a rare treat.  He’s enjoying her skin... But he can’t do that, I haven’t done that… He can’t touch her in this way. Mashu was as freaked out and as stunned as he was, and she stared back with growing dismay, waiting for him to intervene in some way and save her from the desecration enacted upon her perfect body. Wasn’t her body only for the master?...   Mashu’s bright eyes went down and locked with his father’s. “S-Sir?...” she said again, her voice shaking, a last desperate smile curving her lips. “The master is—“  He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her juicy butt into his lap. The dark fingers dug into the plump young flesh, kneading it ruthlessly as she squirmed and yelped in his grip. “You can’t cook. You can’t clean. You can’t do anything. But can you fuck?” A savage yank on her hair brought her teary eyes before him. “Tell me, girl, can you fuck?”  “DAD!” the master yelled desperately. “Stop it!”   Tears ran down her face but she looked at her master and smiled sadly, seeming to understand what was going on and what needed to happen to keep the peace. “Don’t worry, Master. It’s all right. I have a duty to make your father happy. I’ll do a good job for you~”  You don’t need to do this… He’s not your master… I am.  But the words weren’t coming out in time. His father groaned as he lowered her to the floor and spread his legs, reaching under his belly to unzip his pants. The sound alone made the master jump with horror, but Mashu only gazed bravely ahead, ready to serve, as he pulled out his dick.   It was a gnarled and sweaty man meat, with branching veins that went around it like spindly blue fingers and bumps near the head as big as zits. It was also big, much bigger than any dick the master had ever seen, and certainly much bigger than his own. My… My dad’s dick is like that? Even Mashu blinked herself to reality and exhaled sharply upon seeing it. It twitched, half-hardened already, and cum dripped from the glistening head that emerged.  “Well?” The old man stomped his foot. “The hell are you waiting for? Suck it.”   She can’t suck his cock, the master thought nervously, even as he watched her hands coming down to wrap around the shaft. Mashu stroked it slowly, though her grip barely reached up half of its length, and it was getting worse as it flexed and grew from the touch of tender hands. It came up to tower over her, filling up the reflection of her eyes. “It’s so big...” she whispered, and there was real wonder in that voice. “Get to it,” his father snapped.  Her tongue came out and gave the shaft a curious lick, then another, her virgin mouth adjusting to the taste and feel of raw cock. The old man reached and put a comforting hand on her head, pushing her lower. “That’s it, don’t stop…” A lot of frothy precum had built up along the edge of the foreskin and the old man was intent on feeding it to her. Mashu closed her eyes and slurped it into her mouth, careful not to let any of it spill, bringing her tongue around to clean up the rest of the head.  His dad groaned and leaned back, happy with her performance. Mashu pulled back the foreskin the rest of the way, revealing an underside bursting with tasty dick cheese. She scooped some into her mouth, then licked her lips and tried bringing the whole head into her tiny mouth. As her tongue scraped all the smegma off, her eyes flashed as she saw her master watching her, drool trickling from her mouth.   The master dropped to his knees, heartbroken. Mashu… What are you doing?... Tears came to his own eyes. I told you to stay in your room, and now… Now you’re his slut…  Mashu slobbered all over the dick till she made it spotless, then dived with her tongue under the wrinkled foreskin and massaged it there, too, the whole dickhead bulging powerfully and dripping with her spit.  “You did good,” said the old man, and patted her head as if she were a real dog. He got up and stepped out of his pants, then struggled to pull off the tight shirt, till she got up and helped him. Then he stood before Mashu, sweaty and topless, the sweat gleaming off his mantits.   Mashu knew what he wanted now. She slid out of her shorts, looking shy reveal the tiny panties that barely covered her sweet little pussy. His father plucked off her flimsy crop top. He stroked her arms suggestively, and the pale globes of her breasts trembled in the fancy lace of her bra. “Take it all off,” he ordered.  The master hadn’t seen Mashu naked before, not ever. And now she was showing her lewd body off to his father?...  Her quick fingers undid the bra, but she lacked the courage to take it off. His hand spanked her ass and she jumped in fright, and so the bra fluttered to the ground, revealing the most perfect pair of big tits that were both round and perky, topped off with two inverted ghost nipples. His father’s fat fingers brushed their undersides, relishing their smoothness and warmth, pushing up to test test their youthful bounciness. Those monstrous old hands were playing her tender boobs for the first time.... Mashu seemed to be enjoying it as well, beaming with happiness each time she glanced up at his father and saw the satisfaction in his eyes.   A furtive smile passed over her lips as she let the panties drop and stood entirely naked before the old man own grotesque nude physique. She placed her arms behind her back and let him appraise her curvy young body, looking away as shyly as she did when she told the master she loved him. His hardened cock curved towards her stomach, so stiff and ready that it his potent seed was dripping to the floor. How could they do this to me? the master kept wondering, sobbing in his hands. How?   Like a husband that’s preparing to claim his wife for the first time, his father just took Mashu into his arms and carried her off, his heavy feet slapping against the floor. The master followed them into the bedroom, where the old man placed her soft and jiggling curves onto the bed and climbed on top of her. The beefy arms came to either side of her as he positioned himself and brought the gnarled shaft to her pussy’s lips.   The master stood in the doorway. “Dad, please…”   His father chuckled darkly and stared down into Mashu’s eyes. “Maybe she isn’t so useless after all, huh?” He slapped at the perfect titties and watched them bounce from side to side, then dropped down and wrapped his fat lips around each in turn, turning them mercilessly between his fingers and leaving hard red marks behind to mark the flesh as his.   He slurped over her nipples and stroked them with his huge tongue until they emerged, pink and small and far too sensitive to the touch. His teeth bit into them, pulling them this way and that, ravaging them like a hungry animal, the old man laughing with delight as Mashu began to squeal and fear for her safety.   Then he was done with her boobs and struggled to lift his hairy gut and angle the dripping head of his dick against her lips. Mashu tilted her head backwards and stared at her master, terrified out of her mind at what was to come, all bravery and desire to please suddenly gone, her hands reaching towards him. The master took a step forward and grabbed her hands to give comfort, feeling her fingers twine with his, their love coming together even in such desperate times.   The old man’s groaned like a bull at the height of pleasure as his head made it past the tight lips and entered her pussy proper. Mashu shook wildly as she struggled to accept that huge thing ripping through her virgin pussy, through the pussy that should have belonged to the master’s normal dick but which was now being destroyed by his father’s monster cock. There was no way she could have imagined her first being anyone but her master - an old man was out of the question, and that it could be the master’s own father was absurd… But her entire body arched as the rough shaft buried itself into her deepest corner, grinding against the sensitive walls of her young and unbroken cunt. “Aaahhh~” shrieked Mashu, her nails tearing into her master’s hands, no longer able to suppress the pain. “I can’t— It’s too—“   The old man smacked her hard enough to make her ear ring and leave the side of her face red with his touch. Tears were running constantly from her eyes. “Master, please…” she begged in horror, seeing the old man’s head bulging through her toned tummy. “Stop—”   His slapped her again, harder, and made her bawl. “Control your girl, boy!”   There was no way the master could stop his father now. His gigantic bullish body was entirely worked up, the sweat dripping from his huge head down to her crying face and open mouth. Instead, he squeezed Mashu’s hands and knelt to whisper into her ears: “It will be fine, soon it will be over…” He didn’t believe it himself, but he needed her to. ”You’re doing so well, my love…”  “M-Master,” she whimpered helplessly, her small cries breaking through each word. “Stop him… Please… It hurts… I thought I could take it, but he’s too big!...”   He nuzzled up against her, crying as well. “I can’t… I can’t… He’s my father… I’m sorry, please just take it...”   The old man grunted like an animal as he stopped his push into her and began to thrust in and out instead, starting to fuck her in earnest. Mashu howled, at the end of her rope with the pain, trying to fight what must have felt like her entire body being torn asunder. His father laughed grimly as she flailed helplessly and kicked her legs against his impossibly fat body.  “This servant of yours is so cute,” he said, then dropped down and kissed her deeply. The master’s face was right next to them, and he could hear and see their mouths connecting, his father slurping and sucking at her tongue masterfully as his dick ruined what remained of her pussy pussy.  When he came up again she was silent, placated, numbingly accepting the pain of the monster dick slamming into her as his hairy and wrinkled balls slapped wetly against her pussy. Her toes curled and her legs wrapped around his huge sides, barely reaching his back. The old man went faster and deeper, forcing his shaft into her messy insides while the sweat flew off her wildly swinging tits.  “Hold her steady,” said his father, “she’s about to blow.”   What? That wasn’t possible… Surely he couldn’t have meant that she would come? Not from this… Not from him…   Mashu’s body stopped moving and her mouth opened soundlessly; then a scream ripped through the air. The old man didn’t even flinch, but grinned and went on pounding her as she came, as her entire body melted under him from the perfect thrusts of his experienced cock… “Mashu…” The master pulled away in disgust, barely able to breathe. “You’re enjoying this?!”   A giggle came from her tilted back head. “Master… I am sorry…” she cooed, seeming very distant all of a sudden, like she spoke from somewhere else, from some pleasure pit that held no way out. “Of course she’s enjoying this,” his father said. “Her slut body was made for breeding.”  The master stepped back and watched the two kiss, her slender arms wrapping around his father’s neck, fingers lovingly going over the bristling hair that covered his fat flesh. This time they stayed in that position, making out audibly, and all that he could see was his father’s body covering her up.  “Mmmmm ❤…” Mashu cooed.   His father laughed. “Feels good, huh?”  “I just feel warm ❤…” said Mashu weakly. “But it feels so nice…”  The master went around them and watched the gigantic shaft moving in and out of his servant’s pussy, their mixed raw hot juices dripping from around the stretched out pussy. The balls dangled low, heavy with ready seed, dripping with sweat.  “Take my cock, you fucking slut.” His father slapped her again, as hard as before.   The master expected Mashu to sob, but she only moaned lovingly squeezed him with her limbs like a teddy bear. “I love your huge cock, sir ❤…” She giggled with genuine amusement. “It feels so good now… I was so afraid… Where is Master?”   The gigantic cock slammed into her again and the nutsack followed, spraying the master’s hand with their sweat and juices. He shivered, ashamed, not knowing what to say or do… Mashu, you were supposed to be mine. He tried to keep from crying, but it wouldn’t work. What has he done to you? “AaaaAaaaaAaaaa~!” screamed Mashu as the head pushed in deep, ready to release and fill her up with his father’s strong old seed. “Deeper, please, sir ❤… Ruin me with your old dick ❤!!”  The master’s eyes were set on his father’s cock as it left her pussy again, inch after glistening inch of strong cock throbbing like a hard muscle… until the head accidentally came out and hit the bed. “Shit,” his father said. “Son, are you there?”  The master’s heart nearly gave in. “W-What?” he stammered.  “Help me out… I got out accidentally. Just grab it and put it back in.”   Mashu slapped his father’s back impatiently, losing her mind. “Please, Master!!! ❤ I need it!!”   There was no more difficult task he had ever performed, and none more humiliating. With his fingers shaking so bad he could barely take hold of their movements, he reached out and grabbed his father’s amazing cock, feeling its slick juices going over his palm.   I’m… I’m touching Dad’s dick…   He struggled to wrap his finger around its insane girth just as Mashu had. The whole thing throbbed in his grip, dribbling cum, and he could feel inch after inch rolling past his fingers until it was halfway inside her again.  His father laughed bitterly. “Thanks!”  “Master ❤… Where are you?”   The master padded over to the other side and looked down. He could see her face coming out between his father’s head and shoulder, a face in the throes of pleasure, with a slightly drooling mouth and heart-shaped pupils burning in her eyes. Her hand no longer reached out to him. “Master… Am I good? Are you proud of me? ❤”   He wiped the tears quickly and straightened. For her sake, if not his own. Perhaps they could still make it out of this... “I’m very proud of p-proud of you…”  “Thank you for not stopping it and believing in me… I can take his whole cock, Master ❤… I’m finally good at something. Making your father happy~ ❤”   His father cackled grimly. “I wouldn’t say happy. But your pussy is fucking great.”   Mashu kissed the side of his head tenderly, but then his father responded by kissing her mouth, and they were making out again, like a real couple intent on making love.   The master smiled sadly. “I’ll… I’ll go finish studying.”   Even from his own bed with all the doors closed, he could still hear the creaking bed, and their laughter, and sometimes the pleasured shrieks of Mashu as his father doubtlessly made her come over and over. He waited for her to return to him deep into the night, but her side of the bed remained cold and empty, and he stroked it as he wept, knowing his own servant was lost to him forever.   With barely two hours of sleep he got up for school, but thought to go check on them first. He peered through a crack in the door, looking at the bed, where he saw them... cuddling in the predawn gloom. His father was on his back like a beached whale, his huge gut blocking out any sign of his face. Mashu straddled his huge belly with one leg and nuzzled against his chest like a puppy, while a hand stayed protectively around her fat ass. Her legs were split, just enough to allow a view of her pussy, and the master could see the thick seed that still bubbled and oozed into the pool beneath it.  He felt cold and dead inside as he stepped away and went towards the exit. As he pressed down the handle to go, he heard a voice. “Master?”  “Mashu…”   She padded over to him shyly and blushing. He hadn’t even seen her naked before all this, and despite the fact that he just watched her getting fucked raw by her father, she still seemed a little embarrassed. His seed still dripped down her leg, and a trail had been left over the floor…  “Good luck at school, Master ❤,” she said, and kissed his cheek gently, as if to say, This is all you can expect from me from now on. I belong to him now and only to him.   I belong to your father now.  The master nodded curtly. “Thank you.”  “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure everything is cleaned up by the time you’re back and make us all some nice food~”   He gave her one last look in the doorway. “Okay. See you.”   The master started going down the stairs, but she called out to him. “Master! One last thing…” “Hmmm?”  “Thank you for yesterday.” She pushed back the sweaty strands of hair from her face and smiled happier than he had ever seen her in his life. “For putting it back inside.”   He shivered breathlessly and grabbed the railing to keep from falling. “My pleasure.”  “See you back soon, Master ❤, we’ll be waiting~”   And with that, she closed the door on him. 
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Chapter 3 - Night Life
 The night lights of the shopping district left Eiji as confused as a wild animal. He just wasn’t used to the big city life, not to mention the night life. The bright neon, the flashing signs, the fast crowds, the food vendors, the drunks, the entertainers…   Aimi held his hand firmly as they walked past a huge Pikachu selling cheap beer. “Isn’t it nice?” “It’s… interesting.”   She was certainly happier than he had seen her in ages. The city at night was her element, and she wanted a bite out of every type of street food available, especially the foreign dishes neither of them could recognize at first glance.  They stood and ate Thai food together at one of the stands, Aimi sipping from her coke as Eiji reluctantly chewed what must have been duck. “You are bad at this,” she said with an amused shake of her head. It was all natural, and Eiji missed seeing her like this. “I could eat all night and all day. And I’d eat everything. I want to try every sort of food before I die.”  “Well, you have plenty of time.”   There was no disagreement from her, and she chewed happily as a bunch of girls in frilly skirts and brightly-dyed hair passed by handing out flyers. It was for nearby club that looked to have aquariums and fancy drinks. “Oh my god… Do you wanna go here?”  “Won’t you be tempted to drink?”   Aimi shook her head. “Not at all. I’m with you, so I’m on my best behavior.”   And what happens when I’m not around? Eiji wanted to ask, but pushed it back as always.   Aimi had dressed up for their outing and guys were staring at her as they went by. Eiji wasn’t sure if she didn’t notice them or just pretended not to, but his heart beat in his chest the entire night thinking they might come over and cause trouble. She wore a pair of white shorts that were loose around the legs but were tight enough around her cheeks to outline their hard, round shape.   The bar in question was impressive, there was no doubt about it. Most of the low mood-lighting came from aquariums that were fit elegantly around the interior, including one that stretched the full length of the bar, and all the waitresses wore some kind of uniform jacked to a battery that kept their collars and the hems of their skirts glowing. Despite it all, the place was surprisingly empty, and there were only two other guys at the bar that looked to be about their age.  Just seeing two guys around was enough to make Eiji nervous. Who was to say who knew Aimi and what they might do? The pain that Jonu had inflicted on him was gone, but he could still remember how Aimi suggested going with the thug to put an end to the conflict. So what, if a crew of these school boys gang up on me, is she going to fuck them all? he wondered with maddening fury.   He kept flip-flopping from thinking she was the best thing that ever happened to him and a good soul that had a troubled past and needed to be helped along, to thinking she was worst kind of whore that only put on a good face when she was around him and did god knows what else when they were apart. Really, the whole thing started getting to him and making him feel miserable, since he felt like this other part of him was a horrible secret that he was keeping from her. Despite her many flaws, it felt like he couldn’t have any, or reveal any, since she made him out to be perfect.   In the end, he just didn’t trust her. Not only with her conduct, but even with her feelings towards him. Maybe she’s just expecting me to be a dumb sap that agrees to everything.  “Honey,” said Aimi. “Is something wrong?”   Eiji forced a smile. “Not at all. What makes you say that?”   Her hand reached out and went into his hair, gently caressing it. “You’re so wonderful and I love you so much. I’m so grateful that you… that you stick with me through everything.”   And it was just that easy to make his heart melt all over again. How? How could she be bad for him when she felt so right? When they were like soulmates? When the smallest touch from her could make his heart burst and take away any pain and doubt?  “I always will. Do you feel the same?”   Aimi giggled in disbelief and leaned into her elbows on the bartop. “Are you kidding? I would be with you if I found out you were Hitler. I don’t care. I love you. That’s all.”   It was a comforting thought. To be loved no matter what… I owe her that, too. Of course, it was a lot easier for her to say this given his total innocence in most matters. Apart from his misgivings about their relationship, there was nothing he hadn’t told her, and no secrets to uncovered. I am just so boring.   Since it was a new place, the bartender insisted the first two drinks were to be on the house. They were sweet and colorful, only a little alcoholic, and as Eiji drank it through the straw and looked at the exotic fish in the aquarium, he wondered if any of them were used to give them the bright colors. What a stupid thought, he realized. “It must be so easy to be a fish,” said Aimi dreamily, gazing inside the tank. She tapped her finger against the glass at her knees and got the attention of some orange beauty streaked with white. “You don’t think, you don’t worry, you just live.”   To a man that had always been introspective, that sounded incredibly depressing. “Or you get stuck in an aquarium. Or fished out and eaten.”   She smiled and put a hand on his leg, her eyes narrowing suggestively. “I’d want you to fish me out.”   It was a provocative move, one that no one had ever done to him, and he could feel his dick twitching in his pants in response. He felt nothing from the drink, but was it possible that Aimi was a little tipsy? Or was she just having some fun? She rarely touched him like this...  Just a few moments past, an elderly, skinny-looking man had sat down between them and the younger guys. He ordered himself a drink and rubbed thoughtfully at his forehead, studying all the bottles on display behind the bartender. As his eyes wandered to the right, they met the couple and went wide. “Aimi? Aimi, is that you?!”   Not again, thought Eiji, his mind veering backwards just as fast as before. This guy? Are you serious? Finally, they were having a good moment. Finally, they were enjoying themselves. And again her fucking past was here to ruin it all. Her hand went away, too, and so did whatever was happening.  But unlike the other times, Aimi perked up with joy. “Tanaka-san! I didn’t even see you!” She jumped off the stool and ran over to hug him, then quickly grabbed Eiji and brought him over for introductions. “My boyfriend,” she said proudly.   The feeble old man shook his hand with both of his. “What a strong young man you are! To think that I would bump into you here, Aimi. It must have been months.”  “Yeah…” Only now did a reluctant expression hit her face. “It has.” “Well, I’m glad you stopped hanging out with those guys. Now you look nice and sober and you’ve got a handsome boyfriend to boot! Good for you.”   Eiji wondered who those guys were supposed to be, especially since she avoided looking at him as they were mentioned. Indeed, he had been wondering how exactly Aimi knew the nightlife in other cities so well when he could barely make his way home at night in the same streets he walked during the day. Just who are you? he wondered, trying to find her avoidant gaze. No doubt, this old man seemed to know. Maybe there was something he could share.  “Why don’t we all get a table?” suggested Tanaka. “It’s much better than to sit up here like some storks.”   As he grabbed his drink and got down, Aimi whispered: “Don’t worry about Tanaka-san, he’s a really good guy. He saved my ass more than a couple of times. Like the grandpa I never had.”   That was nice. But Eiji tried picturing bumping into his grandfather at a random bar and drinking together - it wouldn’t happen.  They sat down at the booth in the corner, Eiji and Aimi on one side with the old man on the other. The waitress came over and took their order, which Tanaka made before asking the couple what they might want.  Aimi leaned in furtively, clearly recognizing the names of the drinks that were alien to him. “Tanaka-san, I really shouldn’t have heavy stuff like that.”  “Oh, nonsense! We should celebrate. Come on, tell me about your lives, you two. Regale an old man with something to think about other than death.”   Aimi was the one that did the talking, though she spoke almost entirely about Eiji, repeating the same information that he had told her over time. Really, it was an impressive, almost encyclopedic knowledge of things even he had forgotten, like the name of a great-grandfather he had seen on a photo one time, told her about in the morning, and forgot existed until the present.  The drinks came.   All three tinkled their glasses and started to drink. The taste was so strong and repellent to Eiji that he stopped at once and spat it out, coughing his guts out. Tanaka poured it down his gullet with a satisfying sigh at the end, and Aimi sipped half of hers, calmly, as if she were drinking soda, smiling at him naughtily, like some big brother laughing at a little brother. “You’re not used to it yet.”  “I’m not sure I’ll ever be…” And why are you?  Aimi savored the last half of the glass and kept her eyes closed near the end. “So good.”  “Don’t take it too far,” Eiji warned.  A grim look came over her. “Don’t worry. It takes a lot to get me drunk. A lot. Do you mind if I finish yours?”  Eiji thought she was kidding, until he pushed it an inch and watched her guzzle it down like a man in the desert. “Dee-lish.”     The next round he got a soda, though Aimi insisted she was doing just fine holding her alcohol. Knowing absolutely nothing about it, Eiji couldn’t say one way or the other, though he kept making suggestive comments that went ignored. And though both Aimi and the old man tried to pull him into the conversation and make it a threeway one, the truth was that he knew none of the people they gossiped about. How was he supposed to know old Mitsuhide from the flower shop? What did that even mean?  After their fourth round, Aimi excused herself and got up to go to the bathroom. Eiji watched her go, and noticed the old man’s eyes lingering after her as well, focusing on the tight butt as the muscles worked under the shorts. “Don’t you worry,” said Tanaka. “I’m forty years too old for that.”  “I wasn’t worried.”   Tanaka didn’t even seem to hear him as he slurped some more from his glass. “You should thank me. I’m warming her up for you. A few more drinks and you can take her home, no questions asked.”   What the fuck was he saying? He wanted to reach out and punch Tanaka in the face over the implication, but Aimi was already walking back to the table. So this was the quality of her friends? Would-be rapists? “Sorry, boys,” said Aimi as she got back in the booth. “I needed to freshen up a little.” Though she pretended to be energetic, her movements seemed sluggish, and her voice slurred the words as they came out, one at a time. “We should go soon,” said Eiji. “It’s getting late.”   Aimi gave him a confused look, but nodded. “Sure thing, sweetie. Whenever you want.”   Just then, he could hear his phone buzzing in her purse. Aimi took it out and made a face, reading the name of his mother.   Eiji sighed and answered. “Mom? Hello?” What she said was practically inaudible. Eiji excused himself and went outside. “Mom, can you hear me now?”  “Eiji, where the hell are you? Have you seen the time?”   He clicked his tongue. “I’m coming soon, Mom.”  “How soon is soon?... Are you drunk?”  “Do I sound drunk?”   The inane conversation went on for another ten minutes until he agreed that he would be back in two hours at most. Eiji headed back into the club, to find that Aimi had switched places and was in the same booth as the old man, who kept showing her pictures on the phone that made her laugh hysterically, with tears in her eyes.   The old man flashed the screen at Eiji, but the boomer meme was just tasteless and unfunny, something about a pig talking to a politician. “That’s nice. I think we should go. My mom called.”  “Just one more round and then we all go,” Tanaka said.   Aimi gave him a pleading look and reached towards him with trembling fingers, though they couldn’t reach him. “Just ten more minutes, honey? Please?”   Eiji bit his tongue and sighed quietly. “All right.”   By the time the drinks came, Aimi already looked pretty out of it. Her lids kept closing by themselves in a way that made Eiji nervous, and her body leaned against the seat like dead weight.    Tanaka put an arm around her. “What’s wrong? Are you dozing off on us?”  Aimi only half-smiled. Fuck, she was too tired to even smile? How drunk was she? “Only a little.”   The waitress showed up with the drinks just then, and Tanaka brought one up to Aimi’s lips as soon as they hit the table. “Here you go. This should energize you.”   Eiji knew he should have intervened, but it all just happened so fast. Before he even processed what was going down, the old man had tilted the glass in her mouth the whole way. Aimi was so gone mentally that a little bit of it at the end just drooled out of her mouth.   Then Eiji noticed him grab the other drink and his heart stopped.“What are you doing?” he said, but his voice came out as a desperate whimper.  Tanaka brought the second drink to her mouth and poured it in. “Her you go, sweetheart. You just have a little left in the glass. Don’t let it go to waste.” And just like that, in a few seconds, everything in the second glass went into her, too. “How’s that, good?”   Aimi’s eyes didn’t open, but her mouth moved as if she were talking from a dream. “Good…”  “That’s my girl.” Tanaka brought his face close to hers, dramatically close, like a would-be kiss in old movies. “I’m so proud of you of you, Aimi-chan. Even after all this time you can still hold your liquor.”   There was no response from her.  “Such a cute little girl you are,” said Tanaka, and rubbed his nose against hers. A moment later he brought his lips up to kiss the tip of her nose. “So beautiful… You’ve always been so beautiful…” His eyes went down to the long and muscular legs that stretched right next to him, ghostly pale in the low light of the club, the shorts pulled up enough to reveal the thick and rounded thighs, silken smooth and all so warm. “You look so good, all the time, no matter what…” With every word he seemed to be losing control of himself. He eyed her glossy lips and sleeping beauty face, then came up and kissed her for real, his cracked lips pushing against hers violently.  At first Aimi showed no reaction at all, as if she were nothing more than clay in his hands. But as he kept forcing the kiss on her and reached down to hold her waist, she responded in turn, lifting her arm and wrapping it around his neck instinctively.   Eiji doubted she knew what she was doing. These were just the natural responses of her body. Of the mouth that had made out with god knows how many others. Somehow, he was less mad than he suspected he would be. All the times he had imagined it happening left him somewhat numbed, and tonight was yet another clear example of her inability to judge a situation.   I am done with her, he thought, feeling confident that this was the last straw. It didn’t even matter to him that Tanaka made out with her. That he was touching her tummy. Stroking her legs. Caressing her face. She’s not my girlfriend.   And yet, his knees shook fiercely, and tears ran from his eyes.   The old man just made out with her without any sort of qualms about what he was doing, his gnarled hand exploring every inch of tomboy body, now addicted to the feel of her inner thighs and the heat that came from what was between them. He brushed back her short brown hair and opened her eyes, watching them stare lifelessly back at him. He sucked her tongue into his crooked-tooth mouth, bringing his fingers to her ass, and moved her over into his lap until her legs were resting over his, her ass lifted to stand sideways and grant ease of access.   Tanaka took a deep breath and wiped at his forehead as if this had been a grand exertion of physical prowess, then reached for the glass that he found empty. His eyes locked with Eiji and he grinned. “Sorry, kid. You know that saying, first come, first served? No hard feelings.”   Eiji’s eyes went to the round ass of his girlfriend that was now being touched by yet another man. He had never touched her ass. And now, just like with Saburo, he watched this old creep reach down and feel it up at leisure, as if were his natural right or something. She’s not my girlfriend, he went on saying to himself. I don’t feel sad… I don’t feel sad at all.   But even as he thought that, his vision blurred from the tears and sobs he could no longer suppress broke out. She said she loves me, so why does she do this to me?! Why?! What a sick joke! What a sick fucking joke! I’m never going to be her first anything. She doesn’t even try anything with me. It’s all so stupid. So stupid!  “Kid,” said Tanaka.   Eiji wiped away the tears and looked up, trying to get ahold of himself. “What?”  “Kid, I…” He seemed to be torn between feeling guilty and being too drunk to act morally. His palm was still on her bubble butt, enjoying itself way too much to stop feeling that those sweet schoolgirl buns. “What were you expecting from her, really? Don’t you know she’s just a drunk? I mean you think this is bad… Can you imagine what she’s done with all those guys she hung out with?”  “What guys!?” screamed Eiji. “Tell me.” He grabbed one of the empty glasses and pressed it ready in his hand. “Tell me or I’ll throw this right against your fucking HEAD!”   He hoped the old man would get mad, but instead he sniggered with dark amusement. “This is what happens to sad men that don’t drink. You should learn to drink. I’m sure Aimi here can teach you a thing or two.” He slapped her ass hard enough that Eiji jumped, as if she were some pack animal. “Ain’t that right, Aimi-chan?”  “Tell me,” Eiji repeated, but he was practically begging. “Look.” Again the old man tapped her ass, delighted with his achievement of getting to feel it up like this. “Aimi here is a good girl. But she’s not girlfriend material. Or any sort of material. Where do you see her in a few years from now? Either dead, or homeless, or working some deadend job while feeling sorry for herself and making some poor guy miserable. That’s all there is.”   The old man raised his finger to stop Eiji from interrupting. “When I met her she was always hanging out with these guys. You know, thugs. Not like Yakuza or anything, but just your usual high school pieces of shit. I’d always see her in one guy’s lap or another, and it was clear she wasn’t anyone’s girlfriend. She was just the girl they dragged along because everyone knew they could have fun with her without any problems. The one that would drop down and suck their dicks at command. You know the type, the no self-esteem, ready-to-please young slut. “Anyway, one time those guys tried to beat my ass and Aimi stood up for me. After that, whenever I’d catch her around and she needed help, I’d do it. One time I let her sleep over, another time I paid for her bus fare, and so on. Each and every time she told me she wouldn’t be back with those guys, and then I’d see her at it again a few days later, drinking booze in some guy’s lap and getting talked to like a dog.”  “And?”   Tanaka shrugged. “And what? That’s the story. I don’t have some happy ending for you. I lost a lot of money trying to give this bitch a second chance, and another, and another. I should’ve told her to suck me off, too. I guess I still can.”   Eiji clenched his fists in rage. He wanted to be sucked off, was that it? “When did you stop seeing her?”  “Hell if I know. A few months ago. She was fucked up and I helped her get on the train, and that was that. I genuinely thought she was fucking dead until tonight.”   A few months ago, that was when… That was when we met, he thought. She stopped because of me? Aimi had always said so but he thought that just covered her smoking and drinking less. She stopped coming back to those guys, because she wanted to be with me… The realization burned through him and made him ashamed. She was trying. In her way, her limited way, she was trying to pull out of this mess…   And I’ve done nothing to help.   As he stared at the old man caressing her ass and holding her like some stuffed doll, a thing inside of Eiji, a thing deep inside, like the glass of an EMERGENCY ONLY hammer you see on buses. What kind of man am I to let this happen? She was right in front of me. I was right here. How did I let him do this? What’s wrong with me?  “Get away from her,” he ordered Tanaka. “Kid, calm down.” He yanked her head up and stared at the open-mouth, so similar to that of the fish in the aquarium. “Let’s just have some fun with her and call this a lesson learned, eh?”   Eiji said nothing. He got up slowly and went over, though the old man wasn’t showing any sign of hostility. “Calm down now. You wanted me to stop, okay, I’ll stop. I’ll go.” He started moving away from her. “Goddamn it, I’ll go, okay? I’m going…”  He let him get up from the booth and smile apologetically. Then Eiji grabbed him by the shirt and slammed him hard against the table. He put his forearm against his neck and pushed, using his other hand to beat down into his face as if he were stabbing him, though there was no knife. He could hear parts of him breaking. “You come near her again, and I am going to break the little that’s left of you.”   It all happened in a matter of seconds, and no one noticed anything. The old man went dead quiet. He was only bleeding from his nose, thankfully. Eiji pushed his limp body in the seat that he had risen from, then grabbed Aimi and lifted her up. “Come on, time to go.”   As he walked out a waitress passed them by, and he gave her a smile, “My friends, they had too much to drink…”   He got out of there as fast as he could, pulling her along like a corpse, and got into the first cab he saw. “Train station,” he said breathlessly. “Now.”   The driver glanced at him and Aimi in the rearview mirror. “I hope that’s your girlfriend or sister…”   Eiji looked down at her passed out face and adjusted her in his lap so she was more comfortable. “My girlfriend,” he said firmly. The one and only.   Was that old imbecile dead? He sure hoped not. And in the end, nobody had seen him do anything, and there were no cameras in there to speak of. Not to mention, there was a really good reason to do what he did.   And anyway, I just don’t care anymore.   Aimi shifted a little in his arms and said weakly, “Are we going home?”  “Yes.” He rubbed her back and felt her shiver. “We’re going home.”  “I didn’t say bye to Tanaka-san…”  “Don’t worry.” Eiji smiled and kissed her forehead. “I said goodbye for you.”   She was soon out again, but not before her fingers sought his and twined with them in the dark. 
Chapter 2 - Getting to know you
After her first run-in with Cardin, the next few days were rather calm. The next few fights that involved Cardin resulted in losses for him. That meant that Pyrrha didn’t have to adhere to the contract. This also got her time to get in contact with her legal team, who sadly could not find a way out of this for her. She was stuck in this contract until the time limit for the contract was over, which was also the end of the Vytal Festival.  So for most of the semester, she was always in danger of falling to Cardin’s clutches.  Outside of the normal classes, every Monday and Wednesday Atlas has done something to help ease the schools get to know each other. General Ironwood has admitted that the idea came from Ozpin, who had thought over his mistakes from the last festival. With only having the dance, they did not let the students get to know each other better.  So Atlas implemented Team Mash-Up Days, group activities that mix up the teams with different people. This helped raise up camaraderie between the schools and people.  The first one was simple. Just a simple game of icebreakers to let the people speak to one another before rejoining their teams. Overall, it was fun and easy.  Wednesday had new groups and a new challenge! “All right! Video games!” Ruby and Nora cheered as they walked into the ballroom with numerous TV and consoles for people to play! “That’s right kids!” a volunteer professor known as Clover said over the mic. “Today we are having a Mega Melee Maidens Tournament! We’re using regular tournament rules: last stop stages, no items, and no last blasts. Three stocks best two out of three. Winners from each group gets a nice prize at the end!” Each group had eight people each and would be elimination style. Everyone had been separated so no one from the same team was in the same console. Pyrrha was matched up against Sky Lark, Neon Kat, Arslan Altan, Fox Alistar, May Zedong, and Ciel Soleil.  The redhead had chosen her best character. After having been taught by Jaune, Ruby, and Nora how to play, Pyrrha found a character she liked very much. Cipher Suit Sasha. Quick, had neat tricks up her sleeves, and was easy to control for Pyrrha.  The tournament began and everyone was having fun. Sure some got more competitive than others, like Nora and Ruby, but overall everyone had fun. Clover even announced the games like it was an actual tournament.  In the end, Pyrrha won from her group, not dispatching everyone so easily. She may have been good in real life but she wasn’t the best at fighting in video games. As a reward, she was given an all-day pass to a museum in Atlas.  Everyone had started to finish up and mingle and came to watch the last duo that was still fighting.  “We’re here in the third and final round between Cardin Winchester using Rod from Flame Insignia vs Yang Xiao Long using Tiny Mike from Duke Out!” Clover announced excitedly. “Both have won one round each. Let’s see who wins!” “You’re going down!” Yang stated as she rushed him.  “Fat chance you bimbo,” Cardin replied. As the two clashed people cheered for who they want to win. RWB cheered for their team member as did JNPR. All were watching excited as they saw a man with a flaming sword dueled against a boxer.  It was close, both had managed to deplete a stock each and it was quiet while Cardin and Yang fought for that last life until… “No!” Yang shouted as Cardin threw her off the arena and spiked her character down for endurance.  “Got ya!” Cardin laughed as Clover declares him the winner. Some cheered, others groaned, but that had brought the tournament and the Team Mash-Up Day to the end.  As they were going to leave Pyrrha’s hand was grabbed by Cardin. “What do you want?” Pyrrha asked. Jaune glared at his former bully and the rest of his team did too. The other members of CRDL have already walked off and RWBY was just at the door watching the situation.  “My prize,” Cardin replied. “I’m sure you got your museum ticket too so why are you asking Pyrrha for hers,” Ren asked.  “Oh, I’m not talking about that green boy. I’m talking about this.” Cardin gave Pyrrha’s ass a spank over her jeans surprising team JNPR.  “Oh hell no,” Nora growled. “You didn’t beat anyone in a fight. This is a breach of contract! I can break your legs because of it!” And that made the bomber grin. Cardin only laughed and wagged his finger.  “No. It’s well within the contract. I won a fight, numerous in fact.” The burly boy grinned and motioned to the console with his win still on it. “Not only did I win, but it was also overseen by an official. So I can get my prize from Pyrrha, as the contract said.” The mounting horror in Pyrrha’s face grew as it clicked in her mind what he meant. In the contract, it just said fights won during the Vytal Festival with an overseer. It never said it had to be an actual spar or fight like she thought.  “Got to thank my lawyer for showing me that loophole,” Cardin laughed as he gave Pyrrha’s ass a squeeze, eliciting a growl from Jaune. He wanted to punch Cardin in the face so bad right now.  “Guys. Tell my legal team what happened,” Pyrrha said with a frown as Cardin didn’t let go of her ass at all. “Tell them to look it over carefully and write up an addendum to get out of this situation.” She gulped. “But for now, I have to do this.” The two teams glared at Cardin as he leads Pyrrha out. Since she was following willingly, he didn’t have to drag her. “Oh and I brought a body cam for this. People will see if you attack me or not,” Cardin told Pyrrha.  “You’re awfully competent all of a sudden,” she responded as she glared at him. That made the bully snort as they actually stepped out of the school, and towards Mantle proper. “Where are we going?” “First off, we’re going to a hotel. Far more private than those damned dorms here. And you know I’m not that smart. Everyone knows it. I wouldn’t have gotten this far without some help you know. All thanks to my lawyer for pointing out the best way to get the most out of this deal.” Cardin knew he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but he would make use of everything to help him become a little sharper. Pyrrha made sure to remember what he said and probably look up who the Winchester family lawyer was. They would have to be a smart person to be able to make Cardin at least look competent outside the battlefield.  After a short walk to a hotel known as the Triple Tree, Cardin rented a room for the night and they went up. It was on the sixth floor, had a single bed, a large window that gave a nice look at Atlas Academy, a small table with two chairs, a dresser, TV and a bathroom with the usual amenities. All in all a standard room.  Pyrrha looked around for a moment more before Cardin comes up from behind her and wraps his arms around her waist. He pulls her against his chest and grins at their reflection in the window. “I’m going to enjoy today much more than our first time.” “You mean where you came so quickly,” Pyrrha insultingly said to him. She’d mock him sure. After all, there was nothing stopping her from doing that. “I have to say I’m surprised. Your cock was smaller than Jaune’s. I mean I didn’t even cum.” “One, I was trying,” Cardin said, not seeming to be insulted. “I just wanted to do that to show you I wasn’t kidding. And second, I’m going to fix that.” He pulls away from her and nods to the bathroom. “Go take a shower first. I’d like you to be clean this time around. Then I’ll go after you. Oh and leave your clothes out here. I’ll have the staff clean them, so they’re nice to be worn tomorrow.” “You’ve put more thought into tonight than you do most fights,” Pyrrha said with a scowl and Cardin just returned her look with a grin on his face.  “What can I say. I really want to enjoy tonight. So go on and get naked. Or would you rather wait until the bellhop comes to take your clothes?” The perverted smile on his face made Pyrrha gag in disgust and shook her head. Walking into the bathroom, she stripped off her clothes and tossed them out the door. The champion made sure to keep her Scroll and wallet with her just in case.  She heard a whistle and rolled her eyes as Cardin mumbled something on the other side of the door. The redhead slowly undid her braid and looked at herself in the mirror. Pyrrha did not like what she saw. A version of her that was under the thumb of a person she disliked. “I should have not run my mouth that day,” Pyrrha said to herself before going to take a shower.  She was sure to take her time here. Maybe if she took too long he’d get annoyed and leave? Well that was what Pyrrha hoped would happen. Soaping, shampooing, the huntress-in-training made sure to take it slow. Maybe even become like a prune when she was done. Would that turn him off? By the end of it, Pyrrha checked her Scroll and thirty minutes had passed. She wiped herself off and put on one of the provided robes before exiting. Her hair was all mussed up as she exited, and Pyrrha hoped that Cardin would be asleep or something with how long she took.  He wasn’t. The bully sat on the bed naked watching some TV and had ordered a few snacks apparently since the table had some chips, candies and a couple of energy drinks. This was also the first time Pyrrha got to see him naked.  He was far more built than Jaune, more muscles but that didn’t mean much to her. His shoulders were broader and had a little bit of chest hair. Outside of that, he seemed to be hairless from the chest down, except for some pubic hair he had. Standing proudly was his cock, which Pyrrha assumed to be 7 to 8 inches long.  “You are definitely smaller than Jaune,” Pyrrha commented, happy that her boyfriend was bigger than Cardin. “He’s 10.5 inches.” Hearing that made Cardin roll his eyes. He stood up and walked to the bathroom to take his own shower. Stopping next to Pyrrha, he did say something. “I’ll show you that size matters in a different way than you think.” And with that he entered the shower, leaving Pyrrha alone for a few minutes. During this time she texted her team about any updates from her own lawyers. Jaune had called back saying that they can’t do anything about it right now since the office is closed but they’ll get to it at once in the morning.  “Okay put down the Scroll,” Cardin said as he exited the bathroom. “Take off the robe and put on your choker and tiara. I always liked them on you.” Pyrrha grumbled but stopped texting and placed her Scroll on the nightstand. She grabbed her choker and put it on as well as the tiara and looked at Cardin. He was examining her body and nodded. “What’s with the look?” She asked petulantly.  “I just thought of how exactly we’re going to spend the night,” he responded. He moved over to the king-sized bed and sat down on the edge. He patted his lap and motioned her to come over. “Come, sit. We’re going to get to know each other rather well tonight.” Pyrrha hesitated before walking over and carefully sitting down onto his lap. She was sure to avoid having his cock penetrate her, which had the member pressing against her buttcheeks. Cardin placed his hands on her hips and fixed her position. This way her knees were resting on the bed on either side of his own legs. That and it let his cock pressed right in between those cheeks. This caused Pyrrha to blush. This hasn’t happened to her before. Looking behind her, she thought it would be an interesting sight to see with her boyfriend. “I should let Jaune try it…” she thought to herself.  Before she could ponder on it more, Cardin forced her to look at him. “So today I’m going to be nice. I’ll only put my cock inside you once.” That surprised Pyrrha. “But before that, I am going to, as I said earlier, get to know you better.” “What do you mean?” Pyrrha asked. The bully didn’t respond verbally. Instead, he leaned in and kissed her. It was hard and had plenty of sloppy tongue. Pyrrha felt a little more violated with this than the previous session of sex. The way he was just swirling his tongue within her mouth was disgusting. Like he had no experience at all! The kiss breaks and Cardin gave a frown. “Hey now. I can’t kiss you right if you don’t kiss back.” “Do I have to?” Pyrrha asked. “Do you want to test that?” Cardin said threateningly. The redhead grimaced. She could get sued and that would inconvenience her family and friends rather badly. Pyrrha sighed and nodded.  “Fine. Fine. I get it, I’ll put effort into it,” she replied. Hearing her reply, Cardin went back for a kiss. This time the difference was immediately noticeable. Pyrrha hadn’t even begun to kiss him yet and she already felt that Cardin was kissing her better. How his tongue coaxed her own to move. So when she began to kiss back, Pyrrha felt a tiny bit uncomfortable. Not because she didn’t like the kiss. No, in fact, it was because she found it quite good. While her hands rested on his shoulders, Cardin’s weren’t idle. Instead of going to the normal parts where Jaune would usually go (breasts, ass, or pussy), Cardin was exploring other parts of her body. His slightly calloused hands went up her sides, avoiding her D cup tits, to her back and shoulders. Moving up higher and light grazing her shoulder blades. It ended up going to the nape of her neck, scratching lightly. That made her gasp into the kiss. Cardin suddenly stopped and moved away from her face. “Turn around,” he commanded her. “Don’t leave my lap but turn around.” Pyrrha was slightly out of breath, not having broken the kiss for air the entire time they were making out. “W-What?” she stutters. He gave her ass a light spank, this snapped her back into place. “Turn around,” Cardin repeated. This time Pyrrha did as she was told. However, she still made sure to not have the cock inside of her. When she looked up, she was able to see her reflection in the window. It made for such a disgusting sight, in her mind. The way she sat on his lap.  Cardin brushed her hair out of the way, parting it so it was all on her front side. “You’re not going to put it in me yet?” Pyrrha asked. Not that she wasn’t thankful for that but this was odd. “Not yet,” he replied. “All you have to do for now is not cover yourself. We’re going to have fun.” The bully dragged his right hand down her stomach, right onto her pussy.  His left hand went around her center and held her still. “What is going o-OH!” Pyrrha gasped as he pushed a finger into her slit, and then another. He began to finger her, pushing in and out quickly. But instead of doing what Jaune would do, Cardin seemed to poke and prod gently inside of her. Sometimes it hurt, others it felt good, and then there were some that felt wonderful. “Wait...ah...stop…” she tried to speak but Cardin just kept moving his fingers. He ignored her words as he began to do something else. The brunet placed a kiss on her neck, over and over again. Moving from side to side, the kisses grew in intensity. Sometimes he would nip at spots that made her squirm in his lap. All the while his fingers were pumping into her, teasing her relentlessly. “C-Cardin wait...I’m not…” Pyrrha tried to say something in the lines of she was not ready to cum. Not ready to feel that release, but her voice got lost in her throat. Cardin bit on a particularly nice spot on the back of her neck, while his fingers crooked inside of her pussy. The woman on his lap gave a guttural moan. Her body shook as she came from the attention she was being given. Cardin just chuckled as she was heaving against his chest, fingers drenched from her orgasm. Raising the digits up to his lips, the bully licked them. “You don’t taste half bad,” he complimented her. He put her onto the bed and got up. Going to the bathroom, he washed his hands quickly while Pyrrha laid there recovering. “So how did you like it Pyrrha?” “Shut up,” she said, sitting up on the bed. Cardin came back and saw her glaring at him. “Aw, don’t be like that. You did cum after all.” “I would rather not have.” Pyrrha spat out. “So are we done here or…” “We are not done. Not by a long shot.” Cardin swaggered back and sat in the middle of the bed this time. Back against the headboard, he patted his lap again. “Get back on.” “Again? Facing you?” Cardin nodded his head. Pyrrha looked confused. Why would he do this again? The redhead carefully crawled on the bed and got on his lap again. As she settled down, Cardin once again shifted her so his cock was in between her asscheeks. “Yes again. I told you, I was going to get to know you. Now, kiss me Pyrrha.” The redhead rolled her eyes and huffed. She noticed that Cardin didn’t move his hands from her hips at all. Turning to face her current partner, Pyrrha frowned but this time initiated the kiss. It started out relatively innocent. She didn’t want to make it more sensual until necessary- “Ow!” Pyrrha yelped slightly.  “Did you just pinch my-AH!”  “I did. I said for you to put more effort into it.” Indigo met green as their eyes connected. Pyrrha frowned before she reengaged the kiss. She put more passion into it, more tongue as if she were doing this with Jaune. This had caused Cardin to return it with the same fervor. Pyrrha was feeling a little lightheaded from all this kissing and she could feel his large hands moving once more from their spot on her hips. Going up higher, he caressed her body as if trying to find something again. They went higher and higher until they got to her ears. After lightly dragging a fingernail along its arc, Pyrrha gave a light moan. “Turn around,” Cardin commanded again. “We’re going to do what we did last time.” “You’re going to finger me?” Pyrrha asked as she turned around. Sitting on his lap again, the bully pulled her so she was once more pressed against his chest. His cock resting right between her thighs, flat against her pussy. “Yup.” There was really no way around that answer. It was very blunt and so honest that it caught her off guard. So once more the fingers plunged into her pussy, toying and teasing with her folds. Like the first time, his fingers were probing inside her vagina for something. And once again Pyrrha had to endure against the feelings of discomfort, pleasure, and ecstasy as he rubbed in various places. To help add to that, Cardin had brushed her hair out of the way. Instead of kissing her neck this time, he was kissing on her ear. “Eww, what are you doing?” Pyrrha asked.  “Something I think you’ll like,” Cardin whispered into her ear before blowing against the part that he licked. She shivered, only to moan as the fingering got more intense. The sounds of his fingers going in and out of her, mixed with the gentle teasing of her ear was a new feeling. She was about to ask again what he was doing, only for him to switch sides and nibble on her other ear. “Oh brothers,” the redhead gasped as she cummed again. It wasn’t as intense as the first one, but Pyrrha still found herself clenching on his fingers, drenching them with her fluids as she was overcome with pleasure. Resting against her torturer, since the thing he was doing was akin to torture, she looked at the reflection once more. “Why did you do that?” “I told you already,” Cardin answered nipping at her neck. This elicited a pleased mewl from her lips.  “I’m getting to know you. I’m going to find all the spots that make you tick and make you cum Pyrrha. It seems your neck and ears are sensitive, with your neck more so.” That was news to her. Pyrrha didn’t know that she had those as erogenous zones. She only thought they were her nipples and clit! Then again, Jaune never did this to her. “I also found one that surprised me as I was feeling you up.” Pyrrha was panting. She had another place that was like that? This was far more informative than she had thought. Maybe this wasn’t as much a waste of time as she thought. Sharing this info with Jaune afterward is what she planned to do. It’s not like Cardin will know that she had sex with him right? He’s not watching their room twenty-four-seven. “I guess you’re going to show me aren’t you?” The question came out a little too quickly. “I will but I’m pretty sure it’s not your fetish and it definitely isn’t mine.” Cardin lifted up her right arm, before placing his index finger on her underarm. Ever so slowly, it was dragged down slowly and made circles near her armpit. That made Pyrrha squirm. “That tickles but...I’m shocked that it actually feels good.” “Yeah, you reacted well when I brushed past it. Nothing as strong as your neck yet but this got a reaction from you. It was small and I actually won’t do shit like this. That’s too weird for me.” Cardin gave a light nibble on her ear again, distracting Pyrrha. Instead of taking her off of him and flipping her once again, he just let his hands roam in this position. This time they didn’t go up her sides completely. They actually went to her breasts and groped them. He pinched her nipples, eliciting another moan from her. “Very nice, but let’s not go this way for now. I’m sure you and Jauney know this one already.” “Y-Yeah we do,” Pyrrha replied. She was ashamed to say that she felt not as disgusted as a few minutes prior to sitting on his lap. The redhead was going to blame the blood rushing to her head. Cardin chuckled a little bit and begins to slide his hands down Pyrrha once again. The brunet watches her face as he goes with a teasing pace, seeing if the rest of her torso had anything interesting. But when that didn’t do much, one hand goes further down. It was a familiar motion. Jaune had done it a few times when behind her, a little like this. The champion herself had acted this out quite frequently herself. However, this dumb bastard was…not doing the same? While his hand went over Pyrrha’s pussy lips again, he didn’t go in them. Cardin chose to go somewhere else, which was at the same time plush and strong. Indigo eyes turn down as he starts to push Pyrrha’s legs apart with her thigh. The other hand stays on her stomach for now while Cardin starts to rubs at her skin. Not just that, she found, as he begins to knead like her gams were dough. It became apparent to them both that this was another zone quickly, as the redhead let loose a breathy noise again. Cardin grins as he brings his other hand down. He could start fingering this girl again, but as her emerald eyes close for a moment, that is an action he holds off on for now. “I don’t think I’ve ever met a pair of legs like these before. So sensitive…” If he kept up that kind of commentary, Pyrrha would hit him over the head… wait the camera. Dammit. Still, she had to admit his basic skills at massaging were doing more than she’d anticipated in this area. Had Jaune ever touched here while they’d gone at it? The memories were hard to recall as he worked her over. The slick sensation of a tongue at her neck brings out a squeal as the brunet manhandles her, beginning to leave some more marks under her jaw. His teeth were quite insistent upon her skin. Pyrrha didn’t know if she’d be able to stay strong under this kind of assault. Cardin’s finger probing her pussy and finding one of those spots that felt absolutely heavenly again? That broke her resolve. It got Pyrrha to buck against him harder than she had all night so far. The brunet laughs a bit as she rests bonelessly against him. “Ho-how’d you… that?” The attempt to get words out was harder than she’d thought, but it seemed Cardin understood as he pats her thigh. “Like I said, this isn’t my first go at something like this. I decided to take a couple of classes…The teacher thought I took things a little too far though.” The whole point of it was to make people relax and be calm. What was so bad about fingering someone when he had the reach? “And there’s one last place I want to pleasure you in before we get to the main event.” This time, Cardin did take her off his lap and onto the bed. “Get on all fours.” “I’m not going to do that! It’s weird!” Pyrrha stated. Cardin paused after hearing that. “Wait, you’re meaning to tell me...he never took you from behind?” The brunet gave the redhead on the bed the most ridiculous look. “Wait. Don’t tell me when I did it to you that time was the first time you were taken from behind.” Her silence spoke volumes. “Holy shit. Well, aren’t I lucky? I should have taken my time but oh well.” So, like their first time, he had to position Pyrrha for this. Cardin had her on her hands and knees, brushing away her long red hair. “Ah, one second. I forgot something in my pockets.” Pyrrha looked over her shoulder to see him bring out some lube and instantly knew what he wanted. She turned around so quickly and away from him that it almost looked like magic. “No.” “What?” Cardin demanded.  “No. We are not doing that,” Pyrrha glared. There was an intensity there that inspired no comeback. “I’m invoking the part of the contract that says you can’t hurt me. You aren’t going to touch my butt, Cardin.” Everything was still as they stared at one another. Pyrrha wasn’t going to budge and Cardin look unimpressed. With a huff, he threw the lube onto the table.  “Fine. Whatever,” he replied sounding disappointed. “I guess we’ll go with what I was planning. You’re going to suck my dick.” Pyrrha happily sighed. He gave up on the idea of playing with her butt, at least for now. Fixing herself, she nodded her head. “I can do that. And we’re done after this.” “Yeah. I was hoping to make it go longer but you said no to butt stuff,” Cardin answered. Joining her on the bed, the bully laid his head on a pillow. “Also park your pretty ass right here. I want to taste you directly this time. We’re not done until I cum.” Now that stood out to Pyrrha. Why would Cardin say that? But seeing as they were almost done and she could go back to her team, the champion thoughtlessly straddled his face. To be honest, she’s never done this with Jaune before either. They didn’t really get to do much since they were rather...well vanilla in their sex lives. Sure he may have held her from behind and groped her, but that was the farthest both Jaune and Pyrrha went.  Lowering herself down, her breasts were resting on his pelvis as she now was face to face with his cock. Like it was mentioned earlier, Jaune was far bigger than Cardin. So this wasn’t as scary. Gathering some spit, she lubricated the cock with it and spread it using her right hand.  “This feels different than Jaune’s. Not as big nor as thick. Like I can hold it perfectly on my hand,” Pyrrha thought to herself. She stroked it and a little precum came out. The fact that Cardin didn’t cum yet from what they did was a surprising afterthought.  “Task at hand Pyrrha. Finish this and you’re free to go.” Reminding herself of her objective, Pyrrha wrapped her lips around his cock and slowly went down the shaft. Inch by inch disappeared into her mouth and throat until all of it was inside of her mouth.  Something about this bothered Pyrrha. But what is it? Pondering about it would have to wait as a wave of pleasure courses through her body. And then another. Pyrrha was being stimulated far too much. Popping the cock out of her mouth she looked behind her to see why.  Not only was Cardin licking at her pussy like it were a lollipop, but the bastard was also kneading her inner thighs again. The soft ministrations added to the invasion of her pussy was making it hard to focus.  “Fuck…” Pyrrha groaned before she turned back to her task. The redhead began sucking again, hoping that she could focus enough to get him to cum! She bobbed her head up and down for a few moments before she locked up, moaning around the cock. Cardin’s tongue had hit one of those spots again in her pussy that made her feel so damned good. Mixed with the caress, it was too much.  The sound of licking got louder as was lip-smacking. Pyrrha tried to recover from the orgasm. “Hey. I thought you wanted to finish quickly. Well come on, just make me cum and you’re free to go.” Cardin taunted.  “This asshole,” Pyrrha thought to herself. She started to move again, freezing once more as she felt one of his hands leave her thigh and began fingering her. His tongue going to her clit, flicking the nub over and over again. Cardin’s left hand stayed on her thigh, caressing it even more.  Pyrrha’s sucking came to a halt as Cardin continued his assault. All she could do was moan helplessly against his body as he brought her to orgasm over and over again for the next hour. His tongue and hands driving her to the edge constantly, not letting her time to rest as he did earlier. Every so often, Pyrrha would try to go for the goal, only to stop as Cardin had her cumming again.  In the end, she was lying on the bed with Cardin kneeling right next to her. Pyrrha was tuckered out from all her orgasms, mentally and physically exhausted. She barely registered as Cardin grunted and had cum all over her face, breasts, and hair. Just before she fell asleep, Pyrrha saw his grin again. God, she wanted to wipe it off his face.  By the time she woke up from her unexpected nap, it was ten. Half an hour had passed since their little escapade ended. “Cardin?” Pyrrha called out. As she got up, Pyrrha gagged. The stench of Cardin’s cum-coated the young woman’s nose. Rushing to the bathroom, she washed her face twice before checking the mirror. “I need to take a shower.” All that cum on her chest and hair was not a good sight to see.  One quick shower later and Pyrrha was sure Cardin was nowhere to be found. Scanning the room again, her eyes land upon a note on the table. Walking over to it, she quickly scanned the contents. It said Cardin paid for the room and that room service would be there with her clothes up once she’s called them.  “He just used me like a cheap whore,” she spat in anger. Of course, he would! Cardin was an asshole of a large caliber. Why wouldn’t he treat her like a cheap whore? Twenty minutes later Pyrrha left the hotel and headed back to the dorms. The walk was only fifteen minutes and the curfew was at eleven. She had more than enough time to get back.  And hey, she could teach Jaune what she had learned. On the walk back, the thought she had sucking Cardin’s cock reappeared in her head once more. The reason it felt strange was…”It didn’t hurt my mouth or throat.” Jaune’s always hurt her even when he was trying to be gentle. But Cardin’s didn’t, probably because his cock is smaller. That’s going to be something she’ll have to get used too.  Meanwhile, back at the hotel, Cardin was sitting in the cafe in the lobby drinking some coffee. He had seen Pyrrha leave in such a rush that she didn’t notice him. It didn’t matter though, he was busy speaking to his lawyer.  “Hey yeah, it’s me. You’re right It worked out great...no, she didn’t fight back much. She only complained when I tried to tease her ass but I can understand that...yeah. It seems like she hasn’t gotten in contact with her team just yet. You still bribing them? Good. While they’ll fix stuff for the contract we can slow them down...haha. Yeah, I know. She doesn’t have to listen to what I say and just lay there like a dead fish but she’s following my commands because of an implied threat. It’s going so well. I’ll tell my dad to give you a raise. Goodbye.” Rather than going back to the academy right now, Cardin decided to stay in the room. He had it to himself after all.
Chapter 1 - Victory
 From the first row of benches in the hall, Eiji got a perfect view of Aimi and the rest of the team fighting for their spot at the championship. Their tight-fitting volleyball uniforms were black streaked with red, with some brutal white stating their names at the back, giving them a rather militaristic, almost fascistic appearance. As they played, Aimi would scream harshly at her other teammates as a commander, stomping her strong legs to the ground. But as soon as she turned back towards him her eyes widened as if she stepped out of a trance, and she would either grin or wink at him disarmingly, occasionally reaching down to pull on the tight legs of the shorts that went further and further up her toned thighs until they had the appearance of boyshorts.   During the break, she came over, sweat dripping from her boyish face. “We’re not going to win this one.” She unscrewed the cap from the water bottle and sloshed some water around her mouth before gulping it down audibly. “I hate my team.”   Eiji knew so little about volleyball that he couldn’t even tell who was doing what wrong. “I’ll keep my fingers crossed.”  “You do that.” Aimi reached down and ran her fingers through his hair, and a pregnant silence settled in. Though they both knew they were together, the relationship itself had never been discussed out loud, and the few moments that turned physical were rare and far between. In truth, it was always Aimi who touched him out of the blue, as if she were standing at the edge of an abyss and contact with his body was one thing that could bring her back to reality. “Well.” She smiled again. “I better go try and save this mess.”   The brunette passed the water bottle to him and ran back on the court, the soles of her sneakers squeaking over the polished floor. Eiji held the water between his hands reverentially, feeling the lingering warmth of her spindly fingers, then took the cap off and ran his fingers along the rim where her full lips had been, bringing it up his own lips to connect them for a moment, and the thought of their two warmths meeting was enough to make him shiver.   Eiji grew up being told that he had the sentimentality of a poet, but in truth he rarely felt much of anything at all. He was not a brooding type that struggled to make sense of his feelings, he was simply a confused soul that was honest enough to admit that he knew nothing about anything. To him, life was a mystery, but a boring one that could never be solved, like an unfinished manga with an author turned lazy otaku. He did things that needed doing, but very rarely did it occur to him to try harder than that.   It was only when Aimi came screeching into his life like an out of control train that he could say that he got a real interest in something for the first time. He had seen her in class plenty of times, but then she was only the tomboy that came in late so that the teacher to point out the scent of booze that hung around her. Under pressure she would always crack jokes, very bad ones that made the whole class laugh at her rather than with her, a pitiless cackle that made him cringe even before he knew her by name.   One day Eiji was coming home from a short shift at the convenience store and went to the bus stop when he saw a shadowy, solitary figure sitting on the bench, a beer warming up between her thighs, while a cigarette was placed on the other side of the bench, almost like a companion, smoke curling from its tip into the wintry night. He had looked away then as he always did from any potential conflict, though she soon stood up and came to stand next to the edge of the platform. “You’re from my class,” she stated, taking a drag from her cigarette.  “That’s true. Eiji.”   She bobbed her head. “I remember. Do you remember my name?”   He blushed and tried to shake off the embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I’m very bad with names.”  “Not like it matters.” She let the smoke drift from her open mouth as she looked up expressionless at the powerlines. “I’m drunk.”  “Well, you should probably go home…”   Aimi snorted. “I would.” A sad smile followed. “Only problem is, I don’t have one. A home, I mean.”  “Well, you can always share mine,” he offered instinctively. It was almost a thoughtless comment, but one that made her give him a look as if she had seen a ghost.  “Do you mean that?”   Did he? Probably not. At least not at that time. Now, though, Aimi was his home, and he was hers. As he sat by and watched her play with the other girls, he couldn’t help but feel that one day soon they would be far away from all this, in a nice house in the middle of nowhere.  One of the girls on her team struck the ball and sent it flying over the net, though the referee whistled and called it out. A conflict erupted, but the few people in the stands, mostly friends and relatives, looked relieved to get a break from a game they neither knew or cared about. Their coach Saburo went up to the referee, trying to smooth things over.    Eiji put little energy into disliking anyone, but he deeply disliked that fat man old man. There was a spiritual grease that dripped from him at all times, and his slimy appearance with the slicked-back strands of hair on his head and the sweaty shirts truly brought it home. To make it worse, Aimi told him that rather bluntly that the creep loved to come in accidentally when the girls were changing and offer massages to them. Even as the game unfolded tonight, Eiji would see him staring at the girls as they bent over, shamelessly ogling the the stretched shorts.   Just the thought of those dark eyes lingering on Aimi’s behind made Eiji feel murderous. That people like this guy could be in a position like this around school girls was an offense to society itself. To kill him in the most brutal manner would have been an honorable act.   The matter with the referee got settled and the game went on, and the tide was switching to their side. He could see the glimmering beads of sweat flying off of Aimi’s body as she sprinted all over, jumping high up in the air to hit the ball in a fierce manner that left the other team stunned. They were so amazed by her performance that it left them dispirited, and after Aimi had helped her team catch up, they all grew in confidence and played well enough to end the game with a considerable lead.   A few of the parents in the crowd got up to clap at the amazing deed once the game ended, as did Eiji. She did it. She did it!! I’m so proud of her… Aimi hugged with the other girls and laughed, but waved over to him happily. She doesn’t have a reason to drink tonight, he thought innocently. Today is a happy day.   The girls went back to their lockers to change. Eiji waited outside by the door, scrolling through Twitter on his phone and liking pictures retweeted by his favorite mangakas as the players left. Many of them knew him from school, but especially now that he was with Aimi, and greeted him with a solemn nod before they went on their way.   When they were all gone, Aimi opened the door and popped her head out. “Hey, don’t stand there, come in!” She left the door ajar and Eiji followed her inside. “Well…” she said impatiently. “What did you think?” “It was an amazing performance.”  “Hell yes. I won that shit,” she said, beyond satisfied with herself, the happiness practically oozing off of her. “I did it.”  “You did. Maybe we should celebrate.”   Her eyebrow rose. “Celebrate? And how do we do that?”  “I don’t know… Go somewhere nice, maybe.”  “I’d like that.”   Her fingers worked the laces of the sneakers, and Eiji stared for a moment at the chipped black paint of her nails and the bitten ends. “So.” She glanced up to smile through the dark hair that draped over her face. “Where are you taking me?”   The door creaked open and heavy footfalls echoed through the windowless room. “There’s my superstar,” said Saburo. He came and put his arm around her shoulder and brought her close to his chest sweaty. It was a boyish gesture that could’ve been taken as cute and funny, but the clear discomfort on her face took away any possibility of that. “You destroyed them. You crucified them,” he said in a bad English accent, and felt happy he had somehow remembered that from somewhere.   Aimi kept her eyes and voice low. “Thanks…”  “How about I take you out for a drink, huh? You’ve earned it.”   Though he stood right next to them, Eiji was being completely ignored. The question made his blood boil, as did the sight of this human toad having his arm around his sweetheart. And even then, the idea that a coach would suggest to a school girl to go out for a drink with him went beyond the pale.  “Sorry, I can’t. I have plans.”  “Oh? What plans?”   Aimi jerked her head in Eiji’s direction. “He’s taking me somewhere.”   Saburo’s eyes fell on him as if he were spotting Eiji for the first time. “Is that so?” He smirked and bobbed his jowled head. “So you’re the boyfriend, then?” A pause came but neither Aimi nor Eiji said a word. “Isn’t that something? I suppose even girls like her can find people willing to date them.”   Girls like what? What was he trying to say? “She’s the best girl.” Eiji wanted to say that as a gotcha, but it came out half-hearted and edged with a prepubescent crack in his voice.  Saburo laughed darkly and glanced at Aimi. “Is this true? What did you tell this poor kid, huh? Can’t you see how dense he is?”   She sniffed weakly. “Leave him alone…” “I think you should be fucking saying that to yourself,” he barked harshly. “Does he even know?”   Do I know what? thought Eiji, suddenly paralyzed in the space of pure possibility. Did he mean about the smoking and drinking? Of course he knew about that…   Aimi closed her eyes and a pained look came over her. “Sabu, please…”   Saburo laughed a little more and licked his fat lips. “Right. Right.” He went on holding her against his chest, though by now his palm had come down to the small of her back, the fingertips resting just over the waistband of the shorts. “Well, either way, you played great tonight.” The old hand suddenly smacked her ass. Aimi yelped and buried her head in his chest in shame. “Was that too hard? Sorry. My lil’ bro always said I can’t control my strength.” His fingers came down and kneaded her tortured cheeks, passing the young flesh between them with what looked like years of experience.  Eiji watched in total horror, unsure of what to say or do. He’s… He’s touching her ass… Why was Aimi not doing anything? And how could a coach do this? He must have been thirty years older than her. This wasn’t acceptable! STOP! He wished he could scream. STOP TOUCHING HER!! Instead, he only watched helplessly as the old man played with his girlfriend’s shapely and toned volleyball butt, caressing it like a peach on display at the market.   Aimi began to shake and cooed softly against him, one leg lifting up in a feminine fashion behind. Saburo winked at Eiji confidently and lowered the other hand down to grip the second cheek. “I can tell your ass has missed me.” His shameless gaze stayed with Eiji, challenging him. “Did you know the most important part of any volleyball player is the ass?” He tittered by himself as his calloused and hairy fingers played with her worked-out glutes. “It’s true. It’s why Aimi over here is such a great player - it’s all in her ass.”   He gave it another bitter smack and stepped away, leaving Aimi shaken and motionless. It took a few seconds for her to snap out of it and lower her arms from the guarded position that she took, though she continued to look down and avoid eye contact with Eiji.   Aimi… He stared at her, unsure of what to do. His instincts said to protect her, but how could she allow this pig to touch her in that way? And with me standing right beside them. Not to mention the part where she begged Saburo not to tell him. Tell me what?   The fat man headed out but grabbed Eiji by the wrist and dragged him along. “Come with me, kid.”   Once they were out, Saburo let go. He took out a cigarette and lit it, then stared at a nearby vending machine thoughtfully. “What’s the last grade you got in math?”   Eiji swallowed hard and shifted the balance of his feet. He couldn’t even stand properly anymore. Just what was going on? “W-What?” The simple reply came out as a painful stammer.  “Math. Your last score. What was it?”  “Uhm… A 9, I think.”  “A 9. Not bad. You know, I was a lot like you when I was little. Scared and sheltered, but a good student and above all, a good kid. Unloved and miserable, but still. And just like you I met a broken girl that I thought would make all my dreams come true. She came over to my house every day, we watched movies, we cuddled, we fucked, and life seemed perfect. My grades were falling apart, but what did that matter? I did everything for her. I even sold this gold watch my father had inherited from my grandfather because her dirtbag of a father couldn’t make rent and they were about to be evicted.”  Saburo took a long drag on the smoke and the cigarette flared in the cool neon lights of the school hallway. “Point being, you do a lot of stupid shit when you’re in love. Especially when it’s the first time. I did everything for that girl, and you know what it got me? A failed school year and a job working as a fucking garbage man. All while she whored around, always telling me it wasn’t true, always apologizing and telling me it would change. People don’t change, kid. And as harsh as it may sound, some people aren’t real people. They’re kinda just there. To be fucked and used and let go of once they’re done - and they will be. Because there’s nothing under the skin. Just like disposable plates, you got disposable people. You use them more than once and they start to break and leave you fucked. Disposable people. Do you feel me? “Aimi’s got a nice body and a great ass. Have your fun. But watch your grades and keep your eyes out for a good girl to start a family with. Don’t be like me, kid. Because one day” - he put out the half-smoked cigarette against the cartoon bear of the vending machine - “you’ll wake up a disposable person yourself.”   Saburo took off without another word, his heavy feet thundering down the hallway as he waddled into the distance. Disposable people? What the hell was that? And why was Aimi so bad? Eiji suddenly realized he hadn’t asked about what she didn’t want him to know, and it was a little too late to run after the old man. His hairs were standing on their ends, and he struggled to breathe normally.   I’m scared, he realized dispassionately.    The door opened behind him and Aimi stepped out, dressed to go, the checkered-coat buttoned up to her chin. “Is he gone?”  “Yeah.” His heart thrummed hard in his chest. “He’s gone.”   Visible relief washed over her. A breath that looked like it had been held forever came out of her. “Thank god.”  “Aimi…” He wondered how to phrase it. “Do you want to tell me something?”   Her eyes held him and she smiled broadly, almost comically forced. “Not really? He’s a creep. What more is there to say?”   What could he possibly reply to that? “All right.”   She stepped forward and took him by the arm arm. “Come on, let’s go have some bubble tea and hamburgers. Let’s celebrate!” 
Chapter 4 - Training
 Eiji said nothing to Aimi of what happened that night at the club, nor had there been any police calling his home. The old man’s probably fine, he told himself. The real problem was what to do with all this rage he’d been feeling ever since. He was the sort of person that bottled up everything his entire life; but now that dam broke completely, the boiling waters were cascading in a ceaseless torrent.   Strangely, Aimi hadn’t noticed anything, thought admittedly were talking a little less over the last few days. Since they (Aimi’s team) had qualified for their regional tournament, that meant after-school workouts and training with all the girls, led by Saburo, no doubt, since they hadn’t taken any measures to get themselves another coach and likely wouldn’t, since according to Aimi the fat bastard knew what he was doing when it came to volleyball and coaching - it just happened that he was a shit person besides.  Eiji still thought about the way his hands groped at his girlfriend’s ass that night in the locker room, and the words of the fat asshole kept coming back to haunt him. Disposable people, he said they were called, referring to Aimi. People to be used once and thrown away. Ironic, since if he left right now, he still wouldn’t have used Aimi a single time. That’s only for others to do, I suppose.  On Friday the girls were even granted a leave from the final classes so they could start practicing early to prepare for the match on Tuesday. Aimi said she would probably be staying there until the evening, and possibly going out with the girls (did that imply Saburo as well?) to get a few drinks (were they going to be non-alcoholic?).   Basically the whole thing put a knot in his stomach, and though Eiji was no stalker, he couldn’t help himself from wanting to show up unexpectedly and see just what went on in his absence. He needed to see what was actually going on over there and how Saburo was behaving around Aimi. When final class ended he grabbed his back and furtively made his way into the sports hall. The sky already darkened and the lights were only turned on for the court itself, so he snuck in through the entry at the top and chose a seat in the back of the spectator rows where no one could see him.  Down below, he could see the girls split off into two different teams that played against one another, with Saburo waddling along the sidelines giving pointers. Aimi was playing well and looked very happy, though she appeared to be very worked up. The strands of her short dark hair were clumped together from the perspiration that kept dampening her forehead, dangling over her face, and her legs had a slight sheen of sweat that reflected light as she ran across the floor. Out of all the girls there she was definitely the hottest, and not just because she happened to be his girlfriend. Every so often she reached back and pulled at the tight shorts that kept coming between her buns and rose up to reveal the lower part of her ass. And yet the fabric was flimsy enough that Eiji could spot the clear pantylines even from where he sat, especially when she leaned over suggestively and pitched her ass up behind her suggestively.   Eiji shifted uncomfortably, a little turned on, but mostly angry that Saburo was getting a firsthand look at all that, and that other guys watching the games did as well. The shorts of this uniform were small on all the players, but they were especially obscene on a girl with an ass as round and big as Aimi’s that needed far more fabric to be covered up in full.    The ball went back and forth a couple of times, picking up in speed, until one of the girls on the other side did her best to hurl it past Aimi’s defenses. For a brief second it seemed to be out of her reach. But then Eiji heard Aimi’s cry as she jumped as high up as she could and sent it back flying to the other side, smashing past their defenses.   Despite the amazing performance, the other side seemed bored and annoyed, and so did Aimi’s own teammates from her side of the net. Only Saburo clapped and whistled at the display, then came forward and patted her ass proudly, and there was something uncomfortably fatherly and familiar about the way he did it. Aimi showed no reaction, neither did any other girl, as if this were completely normal. So this is what happens at training?  He was angry, though this was to be expected on some level. To be fair, Aimi had told him that Saburo was a pervert, but she never mentioned anything about this specifically, never implied that she was groping meat for his fat hands on a daily basis.  Eiji kept to the shadows and went on watching, dying to see if any more of that would happen. She must think I’m such a retard, he thought glumly. That I will never figure any of this out and will instead go on with it.   And, of course, it did happen more.   Every time Aimi outperformed some other player, that fat sleaze would come over and rub her round butt like some good luck charm. Close to an hour later she was so overworked and dripping with so much sweat that it literally pooled at her feet and left a glittering trail behind her steps. Saburo pulled her out for a short break and gave her a water bottle, then Aimi stood next to him, drinking and watching others play. He said something then teasingly slapped her on the back of the head. Aimi hit him in the arm in return, then leaned against it as she drank her water.   Leaning against him, her face touching his bare skin.   His hairy arm supported her from behind, his fingers resting just over her hips. “Come on, girls!” he yelled loudly. “We got a big match coming up. Put some muscle into it, damn it!” As much as they tried, though, none of them could compete with Aimi’s sheer ferocity or the natural athleticism of her super tight and strong body. Strange, to think she was surviving on just smokes and beer a few months ago. She wouldn’t even be here without me, he thought unhappily. And this is how she repays me.  She lifted her head to speak to Saburo, turning it until he was gripping her with both arms and her face nuzzled against his chest, eyes smiling up at him. Both of his hands came down over her ass for a brief period, and this time Eiji could see a few teammates glaring over at the two of them. They’re acting like they’re a couple! Aimi stamped her feet, then punched him in the chest and sprinted out of the place. She came back only a few seconds later, phone in hand, texting something.   Eiji’s phone buzzed.  Her message read: <I love you.>   He stared at the screen for some time, wondering if he should text back or not. Aimi moved back to stand next to Saburo, who moved her to the front of him and wrapped his huge arms around her slender waist.  <How’s training?>  <Not bad! How are you? I miss you…>   Eiji glanced at her where she stood, only a hundred meters away from him or so, her ass no doubt touching the old man’s crotch as he held her, her tight ass grinding against his wrinkled dick. She misses me, huh? <I miss you too. When are you coming home?> <Later, I think… The coach isn’t letting us go until we drop dead.>   Is that fucking so? Eiji ran his tongue along his teeth and exhaled with frustration as he watched her. <That sucks. I hope he isn’t causing you any trouble. I’m worried.>  <Oh, no, no, no! Everything is okay! Don’t worry about me!! Anyway, I have to go, I LOVE YOU. I’ll tell you as soon as I’m out.>   She gave her phone to Saburo and went back on the court, laughing as the ball came her way. Eiji could see the asshole holding her phone and wondered if he should text back. Well, why not? <I love you too, Aimi… I can’t wait for you to be out. I’m sorry you have to deal with that retarded piece of shit of a coach. Though I’ve been hearing his days here are numbered, thankfully.>   Saburo felt the phone buzz and lifted it up, glancing at the message. It turned into a long look, then he pocketed it. You fucking moron, thought Eiji, grinning with some satisfaction. Let him simmer on that for a while.   Aimi went back into the game with full force, going even harder against the other team and stealing every shot that came to her side. Sweat was flying off her body just ten minutes later, while the moves she made to toss the ball back at them were getting less graceful (if that was even possible) and more extreme. One time she just threw herself face down to the floor so she could hit the ball. Are you crazy? Eiji was thinking.   The other girls were starting to look annoyed, and one of them, Sakura, a shortstack with green hair and a pink highlight that was too thick to be playing any real sport, even walked off the court. Saburo called her back angrily, but she lifted her hands up in despair. “What’s the point?” Eiji could hear her say. “She’s better and for that you give her special treatment and act all lovey dovey. Well, I’m done. I’m not going to be humiliated by the likes of you.”   She sounded mad. Understandably so, since the training did have the feeling of a whole host of girls just being there to serve as fodder for Aimi’s own personal development and exercise. Saburo went after Sakura trying to get her back, but she wouldn’t hear of it. “Well, there goes our second best player,” he cried. “Aimi! Go get her back here.”   Aimi’s only played it dumb and shrugged. Saburo got closer to talk to her, and when she appeared unresponsive grabbed her wrist. She pushed him back hard, then threw the ball right at his fat head. “Get back here, you ingrate!” Saburo yelled after her as she, too, left the premise. “I swear to god, Aimi, I’ll kick you out of this team.”   The other girls were just standing there, dumbfounded, until Saburo barked at them to go on playing and chased after Aimi.   At least fifteen minutes passed, and they still hadn’t come back.   Eiji took his phone out to check for the time again when a call from his mother came through at the exact moment. “Shit,” he whispered.   He went as far back as he could and answered the phone. “Mom?” “Eiji!” she snapped. “Where the hell are you? I’m worried sick.” “I’m… just at school.” “At school? You missed your school. Mrs. Kobayashi called and she said you didn’t show up and you didn’t call. They waited for you for almost half an hour. What the hell are you doing?”   Fuck, he thought. Somehow, he completely forgot that he needed to go to cram school. “It’s my bad. I forgot.” “How do you forget?” she went on, no less angry. “Eiji-kun, I’m worried about you. You’ve been acting so strange lately. What’s going on with you?” “Nothing, Mom, nothing…”  “It’s because of that girl, isn’t it?”   You bet. “No, I swear it’s unrelated.”  “I doubt that. Anyway, you better be home soon, or I swear I’ll lock you out.”   His mother hung up on him. Great, he thought. As if his life wasn’t bad enough without having her hounding him.    Aimi and Saburo still weren’t back.   He couldn’t stay there any longer. And he needed to know what the hell was going on. There was no way to go to the locker room directly from where he was without being seen, but there was a long way around it if he entered the building from the other side.   He grabbed his bag and moved quickly, trying to avoid attention, though the few students walking down the halls that were late because of their clubs paid him little mind. Eiji went into the other building, his heart beating wildly. What am I going to say if she sees me? I guess I’ll say I wanted to surprise her.   His hands were shaking when he reached the door. The hall was empty and the door was closed, but he put his ear against it to listen. “... know this depends on you,” he heard Saburo saying.  “Why should I play if everyone hates me?” Aimi snapped back, far louder. “Because you need them to get seen out there. You can’t play volleyball alone.” “I already am.”   Was it just a normal conversation, then? A little pep talk? At this point he expected to hear her slurping on his dick or something. God, I’ve become so grim. Nevertheless, he wasn’t entirely satisfied. He pressed down lightly on the latch. He felt the pressure in his hand as it went all the way down, then let it rise without a sound and stepped into the brief corridor. This is insane, he thought, even as he took the first step inside.   Thankfully, that little corridor that led from the door to the locker room proper blocked any view of the entrance from the inside. He tiptoed until he reached its end, then tried to get a glimpse of what was going on inside.  He could see Saburo’s massive and sweat-stained back and one of the low wooden benches bending under him. From his thigh dangled Aimi’s feet, while her head rested on his shoulder with the eyes closed. “I’m just so done with everything,” she said.  “Now, now, calm down…” he told her, tenderly stroking her leg with his hand all the way down her calf. “Everything’s going to be okay.” Then he hugged her close and let Aimi bury her head in his chest instead.  Just what the hell was this?   For a second he thought Aimi was about to lift her head towards him and he scrammed, heart about to explode in his chest. She’s in his arms… he thought furiously. That bitch. How could I ever have bought her shit? A part of him wanted to go back in there and scream in her face, but the other was wondering what she would do in the future. Was she going to continue lying about her relationship to Saburo? That bitch! THAT FUCKING BITCH! I TRUSTED YOU!  He slammed the door on his way out of the school and storm off to the bus stop. I am done with her for good after this, he promised himself. No more; only revenge.  If she thought she could humiliate him in this way, then he could humiliate her, too. Pretend that he knew nothing about this and test out her loyalty.   And why not, after everything she was doing?   To think that she would be… so cozy with that guy when she whined about him as a pervert the whole time. You fucking liar! At some point he couldn’t take it anymore. He started weeping, filled with rage and frustration. I almost killed someone to defend you… I…  “Hey, are you all right?”   As he leaned against the cold building in the alley, a female voice addressed him. It was rough and lacked the syrupy edge of his girlfriend’s. Sakura from her team stood in front of him, wearing a leather jacket that was zipped all the way up. “I know you. You’re from the other class.”   Eiji tried to control his tears. “I know.”   Her eyes narrowed. “You’re the bitch’s girlfriend.”   The vitriol in her voice made him chuckle. “Yes.” “Well, I suddenly don’t want to feel bad for you anymore, but I still do. Are you okay?”  “I just need to get home.”  “Are you drunk?” “No.”  “Do you have cash?” “Yes.” Tears were coming to his eyes again. How could you lie to me like that? I believed you. Starting a life together? What a sick joke…    Sakura slapped his arm. It was only a light tap, really, but it was enough to make him lose balance. “You can make it home, I believe in you. Believe in the you that believes in yourself.”   For the first time that night, Eiji smiled in spite of himself. “Gurren Lagann.”   She winked. “You betcha’.”   They separated with a simple bye, and Eiji was miserable to be alone again.   Somehow, no matter how much he planned to take revenge on Aimi, it wasn’t making him feel better. Just as he reached the bus, his phone buzzed and there was a new message from her. <I MISS YOU SO MUCH AND I LOVE YOU EVEN MORE!> it said. All caps for emphasis, huh?  The sight of it just made him disgusted. Either way, he wasn’t going to do this now. He just wanted to sleep. <I love you too. How are you?> he sent back numbly.   There was no response.   He sat down in his seat and hid his face from the other passengers as he began to sob, knowing that whoever was outside could look in and see him perfectly. I’ve become an embarrassment because of her.   It was almost bedtime and she still hadn’t responded to him asking how she is. He kept glancing at the clock, telling himself not to message her, but broke at 11:21pm and sent one more text. <Baby, are you okay?>   It was 3:17am and there was still nothing when he finally passed out. 
Chapter 2 - Development
            ‘Come on. Everyone’s asleep. What could happen?’ Hinata’s cheeks were pinking. She activated her Byakugan and did another sweep of the area, trying to distract herself.             ‘I’m on lookout. I have to stay alert.’ Somehow, she felt Mina’s frown through the mind link. It was a remarkably strange sensation.             ‘Nobody was out there the last fifty times you looked. If enemies are in the area, you can’t see them, which makes your attention pointless. Besides, you’re tense like a damn suspension cable. A little release will do you good.’ “I’m not –!” Hinata gritted her teeth, and managed to stop herself from shouting her response out loud. ‘I am not masturbating while I’m supposed to be protecting my friends!’ Mina guffawed through the mind link, and Hinata’s blush surged with embarrassment.             ‘I’m sorry, it’s just hilarious that you actually said that.’ Hinata didn’t respond. ‘Okay, look at it this way, princess. Your little session in the cave two days ago barely took the edge off. You’re still giving off arousal like a damn geyser. If you won’t do it for your own sake, do it to protect your teammates.’             Hinata didn’t really have a retort for that. Mina was the expert on her newfound powers, and the forest did seem quiet. She took a moment to flash her Byakugan one last time. The coast was clear, and everyone on both teams was asleep, whether in the small camp they had set up on the ground, or in the trees above. ‘You’re sure it’ll be okay?’ She didn’t really know why she was asking the other succubus, but she did it anyway. Mina’s response was soft and supportive, in her own way.             ‘Kid, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Go nuts.’ Hinata nodded tentatively. With one last glance at her sleeping friends, she stood up and began to walk. She quickly found a large tree and hid behind it. Just because she knew everyone was asleep didn’t mean she was any less shy about what she was about to do.             She didn’t take off her seals; she would be combat-ready at a moment’s notice if she had to be. Instead, she took her right hand and slipped it down the front of her pants. Her pussy was warm and slightly slick with anticipation. Slowly, cautiously, she began to rub along her lips, shuddering at the feel of her cold fingers on the soft flesh. After a few moments, she slid them to the apex of it and began to rub gently at her clit. A soft moan rose from her throat before being abruptly cut off by her left hand; she couldn’t afford to wake her teammates up.             She continued like that for several minutes, alternating between her labia and her clit. Finally, her fingers pushed in and found her entrance. She paused with her index finger poised less than a millimeter from its goal. She stayed that way for a full five seconds before Mina commented.             ‘So… are you gonna start fingering or what?’ Hinata didn’t respond, at least not with words. Her apprehension filtered back through the mind link. She had never been penetrated before. Her hymen had broken years ago during some particularly rough training, and it was unlikely she would have done so even if it were still in one piece, but the action of going inside herself felt somewhat terrifying nonetheless.             ‘Oooooh, I gotcha. Look kid, some people don’t even break their hymen when they have sex. Usually it happens ‘cause someone doesn’t know what they’re doing. Sure it’d probably hurt regardless if you were a normal girl, but we’re a bit more malleable than most. Something small like fingers’ll go in easy.’ Hinata frowned, swallowing nervously. Blunt and coarse as she could be, Mina had yet to lead her wrong.             She pushed forward without further preamble and was forced to stifle another loud moan. She pushed further, moving her fingers, exploring her insides. Who ever knew she had so much space inside of her? Her mewling was muffled behind her hand, but in the near-silence of the midnight forest, it seemed as loud as cannon-fire. Hinata was only peripherally aware of it; the sensations going through her were different from before; more intense than simply touching the surface, but not quite as sharp as touching her clitoris. A sense of fullness came as she pushed her finger to the hilt inside of her. It wasn’t really better or worse than the other sexual feelings she had experienced, just… different, and very pleasant.             A minute of fingering brought her close, and a few seconds of using her thumb to stimulate her engorged clit soon brought an orgasm rushing over her. She practically had to bite down on her arm to keep from screaming as the pleasure hit. A wet spot on her pants soon joined her panties; she’d soaked right through her clothes.             ‘Well, that was fun. Welcome to the wide world of self-pleasure, kid.’ Hinata wasn’t in any shape to respond with anything more than a vague sense of gratitude. She was panting heavily, leaning on the tree, and still rubbing herself as she came down from her orgasm. She felt… lighter somehow. Like a heavy pack had been taken off of her shoulders.             ‘How… How long was I?’ She looked up through the canopy and spotted the moon, comparing it to its previous position. She’d been masturbating for…             ‘Almost an hour?’ Terror coursed through her and she immediately activated her Byakugan, scanning the forest for enemies. She found them quickly. A group of five was moving through the trees toward the campsite. Luckily, they seemed to have missed Ino, Kiba, and Sakura up in the branches, but her other friends were still in danger!             She moved without hesitation, the pleasure and embarrassment of a moment earlier gone. Within five seconds, she had woken Shikamaru, and by the time the enemies arrived, Temari and Chouji were both awake.             One man stepped forward out of the shadows, eyeing the squad carefully. “Konoha shinobi. Surrender.” He was tall and utterly bald. It would have been difficult to make out his face in the dim forest light, but her Byakugan revealed deep-set eyes, and strong features. A cloak covered his body, along with countless small weapons. Hinata adjusted into a defensive stance. He sighed. “Alright then.”             Shuriken flew from the bushes, and the village shinobi scattered. Shikamaru jumped onto a low branch and began weaving seals for his shadow jutsu, but the tall man targeted his hands with a senbon, which managed to nick his shoulder even as he jumped aside. Chouji’s arms inflated and he rushed the man, swinging a powerful blow at his… well, everything. His enemy jumped aside, and he shifted his expansion to a leg, bringing it down in a brutal axe kick, and giving chase as the man shot off into the trees.             The remaining team members were left to face the rest of the enemy squad. She saw three in the bushes: one for each of them. Temari, who had blocked the earlier shuriken assault with her war-fan, grinned and let off a powerful blast of bladed wind into the surroundings. The enemies were forced to jump away to avoid it, and Hinata shot forward, taking advantage of their midair position to land a glancing blow on the closest one. He was covered completely in black-blue cloth, save for a narrow slit to see through. The way he twisted out of the way of her attack in mid-air spoke of high taijutsu skill.             The battle lasted about ten minutes all told. Hinata managed to finish off her opponent once she got a feel for his fighting style, and Temari caved in another’s head with her fan when he tried to fight her at close range. By the time Chouji landed back in the clearing, the last enemy – a small woman with black hair and angry eyes – was too worn out to keep fighting. Shikamaru was breathing hard, but he was still the jounin of the squad, so he got his report.             “Did he lose you?” Chouji shook his head.             “I think we convinced him he did. Ino, Sakura, and Kiba are following him.” Shikamaru smiled appreciatively, though his friend thought he looked a bit paler than usual.             “Nice job. Now, we should – ” He was cut off by a loud groan and fell to his knees, obviously in pain. “Ah, fucking hell!” Temari was at his side in a second, supporting him.             “What’s wrong with him?” Hinata focused her vision, searching for any abnormalities in his body until she came across…             “Oh. Ah, um…” Temari glared.             “Spit it out, dammit. What’s happening?” Hinata collected herself.             “His, ah, that is, several of his organs and glands are, ah, swelling.” Temari’s eyes widened, and she took him over to a tree, leaning him against it. He nodded in thanks, wincing.             “Which ones?” Hinata hadn’t even realized she was blushing, but she felt her face burn red as she tried to explain.             “His seminal vesicles, ah, bulbourethral glands, a-and prostate mostly.” Chouji looked at her uncomprehendingly, but Temari’s eyes narrowed dangerously. Shikamaru let out a loud groan.             “You’re telling me he’s…?” She looked down at the Nara disbelievingly only to find that a large bulge had appeared in his pants, along with a large wet spot. “How the hell are we supposed to fix that?” She turned back to the other two, and found Chouji looking as though he had no idea what to think, and Hinata’s face working on tomato shades. “Oh gods, you’re thinking it too, aren’t you?”            A loud laugh came from the center of the clearing, and they all whirled on their prisoner. “It’s over, he might as well be dead already!” Chouji lifted her up by her collar, practically growling.            “Tell us how we can fix this, or you won’t see the sunrise.” She laughed in his face, eyes manic.            “It doesn’t matter! There’s no way you can drain him long or fast enough to counteract the poison. He’s fucked!” Temari’s eyes hardened at the word ‘drain.’ Her hands curled into fists. The woman laughed for another half a second before Chouji broke her nose and let her crumple to the ground, unconscious.            “You two take her and leave. I got him into this, so I’ll get him out.” Temari sounded terrified, but resolved. Hinata looked at the blonde helplessly, wishing there was something she could do.            ‘Actually…’ Mina’s voice popped in seemingly out of nowhere.            ‘You can help him?’ The older succubus hummed to herself for a second, deep in thought.            ‘Well, not me really, but you can. You remember that connection between them, the one you saw earlier?’ Hinata sent confirmation back and Mina pressed on.            ‘I need you to focus on that. Remember how it looked, how it felt. And then I need you to touch her, take hold of that connection, and push as much of your chakra into it as possible.’           Hinata’s eyes widened ‘But that sounds so dangerous. Pushing foreign chakra into something like that –.’           ‘Kid, do you trust me?’ Hinata took a moment to think; to really go through everything that she knew about this woman, and everything about this situation.           ‘No, but I don’t have much of a choice, do I?’ She took a step forward, put a hand on Temari’s shoulder, and focused.               As Hinata and Chouji ran off in pursuit of the tracking team, Temari looked down at Shikamaru with new eyes. She felt warm. Warm all over in a way she never had before. It was like she was next to a space heater.           And that heater’s name was Shikamaru Nara.           His bulge had grown even more since she’d last looked. Unconsciously, she licked her lips, partly because she was nervous, and partly because she felt a strange need to do something with her mouth. She finally managed to gather her thoughts enough to kneel down and take hold of his pants and underwear. With a solid yank, she managed to pull them down, and Shikamaru’s cock sprang forth.            It was the largest she’d ever seen, larger than any she had ever imagined. She wasn’t one to make estimates, but it was at least a foot long, if not more. It was shiny with precum, more than any normal person should have been able to produce. The balls hanging beneath it looked as big as tangerines. Tentatively, she reached forward and found that the pulsating shaft was too thick to get her fingers around. That strange heat inside of her spiked, and she felt wetness trailing down her legs.            “‘Mari… You don’t… have to do this.” She looked down at him, this idiotic, lazy, self-absorbed genius, moaning out her name and telling her to leave him for the sake of her pride. Her other hand joined the first, and she started stroking him, watching pulses of thick liquid flow out from the tip. The enemy kunoichi had said that she would never drain him in time. She had to speed things up, or Shikamaru would die. She wasn’t going to let that happen.              “Well, I guess you owe me, then.” She began to rub faster, drawing closer to the shaft to get better leverage. The smell of it invaded her senses, and she felt light-headed, euphoric. It was intoxicating, the smell, impossible to describe, but so utterly… him. Her strokes made small squelching sounds as she ran her hands through what was quickly becoming a small fountain of proto-jizz. Something in the back of her mind thought offhandedly that it seemed a waste to let it all drip away like that. She leaned forward, stuck out her tongue, and took a long lick down the side of him.              Something inside of her mind clicked into place, and before she even knew what was happening, she had licked her way back up the shaft, and stretched her lips around his cockhead. It barely fit into her mouth, but somehow, against all logic, she felt like she could take it. Something inside her was telling her she could do anything. One of her hands drifted down and slipped under her waistband, beginning to rub her pussy as she pushed forward, and felt the tip – still letting out a steady flow of precum – hit the back of her throat. Wasn’t that supposed to make you gag?              She pushed onward, and the shaft distended her throat as she swallowed and sucked herself further and further down on it, filling her inch by thick, delicious inch as he fingers began to thrust gently inside of her. Her mind was going fuzzy; nothing seemed real except the rod she was going down on and the pulses of pleasure and heat emanating from her sex. She could feel precum flowing down her throat into her stomach in periodic waves. The taste of it was all over her tongue. She moaned, and Shikamaru cursed loudly.              Somehow, after several minutes of effort, she managed to push the thing all the way into her throat. Her nose was pressed against his pelvis, and she looked up at his face. He was staring at her in utter shock, his jaw tensed. Running on that same instinct she had been listening to since this whole bizarre situation had begun, she looked him right in the eyes, and moaned, swallowing hard.              Apparently, that was the last straw for him. His eyes shot wide, and he let out a loud groan as he felt everything from his waist down tense up. It was like someone had set off a hose inside of her. Cum rushed into her stomach, and she moaned around the cock still buried balls deep in her throat as she felt herself distending to accommodate the load. For a second it crossed her mind that all of this was physically impossible, but that was quickly overridden by the fact that she wanted to taste it, but the head was too far down. She pulled back, letting out a wet sucking sound as her prize came closer and closer to her tongue. Finally, Shikamaru’s cockhead popped back into her mouth, which was promptly flooded with jizz. She came on the spot.              She tried to swallow it, but between the sheer volume, and the ecstasy of her orgasm, it was impossible to save it all. White cream dripped from her mouth like a waterfall as Shikamaru continued to unload wave after overwhelming wave of semen. Before long, her entire front was soaked, clothes and all. As the stream finally abated and she let his cock go with a loud, wet pop, she felt an unexplainable euphoria. Her tongue played with the cum still coating her mouth, enjoying the flavor for a few seconds as her fingers slid in and out of her pussy, drawing out her own climax.              ‘Well… That was interesting.’ She looked down and found that her favorite clothes were soaked in white fluid, her mouth was filled with even more, and her belly was bulging underneath said clothes. She swallowed, though the taste stayed heavy on her tongue. Shikamaru was passed out with his eyes rolled into the back of his head, and his slowly deflating cock covered in cum and saliva, but he was breathing evenly, alive.              Through the white mask covering her face, Temari smiled.                 ‘What exactly did we do to her?’ Hinata was honestly worried for both of the people they’d left behind. Mina seemed preoccupied, though she doubted it was on account of her teammates.             ‘Gave ‘em both a minor boost to libido, made her body a bit more malleable. She needed it with the kind of equipment he was packing.’ Hinata frowned; the euphemism had been delivered with almost none of the usual enthusiasm. Then her eyes widened in horror as she really processed what had been said.             ‘Wait, so we aroused her against her will?’ She felt Mina’s full attention return to her, defensive, and winced as she tensed involuntarily. Experiencing emotions through the mind link was going to take some getting used to.             ‘Well, I guess. But she had to do it whether she enjoyed it or not, and you saw how gaga they were for each other. If anything, we sped up the inevitable.’ Hinata’s frown only abated a small bit at the rationale.             ‘I suppose, but it still feels… wrong. Like we forced her to do something.’ Mina sighed.             ‘She volunteered, kid. We just made it easier on her. Trust me, what you did back there was a kindness.’ She still wasn’t convinced, but she decided to drop the subject. Right or wrong, she had done it and now she had to deal with the consequences.             ‘Are the effects permanent?’ Mina hummed to herself thoughtfully.             ‘Well, the aphrodisiac effect should wear off once she climaxes, and the bodily changes will mostly fade away over the next few days. She’ll be a bit more flexible for the rest of her life, but for the most part, she’ll be normal.’ Hinata breathed a sigh of relief as a weight was lifted from her shoulders.             A few minutes later, the rest of the team finally came in range of her Byakugan. “Chouji, up ahead.” The larger boy nodded, adjusting their prisoner’s limp body on his shoulder. Hinata could see Sakura, Ino, and Kiba, and as they drew up, Naruto flew low into her field of vision, coming up alongside her and Chouji. He made for an impressive sight, glowing golden as he wove around the trees.             “Hey, Hinata, Chouji, we found ‘em yet?” Chouji looked expectantly at Hinata, and she nodded tentatively.             “The others have stopped, but I can’t see anything around them. But… Well, now that I’m looking, the area below them seems strangely simple. Like a part of a drawing with less detail than the rest.” She frowned to herself. She’d never seen anything like this, and her metaphor was nowhere near sufficient to communicate that.             ‘Hey, kid. He’s right there. You haven’t looked in three years. Take a peak.’ Hinata blushed scarlet, going lightheaded.             ‘I… I shouldn’t. Besides, h-he was sixteen last time. What could have changed in the last three years?’ Mina didn’t answer that. She didn’t have to. Hinata could feel her holding in knowing cackles as though she were watching it happen.             ‘I shouldn’t… I really shouldn’t.’ She hopped to a new branch, only peripherally aware of what she was doing. ‘I… Oh, whatever.’             She turned her gaze on Naruto’s crotch, and only had time for her eyes to widen before she tripped and ran headfirst into a tree branch. As she fell to the ground, attempting to right herself, she managed to utter a single word.             “How?” She felt arms close around her barely a moment before she would have hit the ground and felt the comforting warmth of Naruto’s chakra hugging her close. She looked up into his eyes, so openly worried for her, so unaware of what she had just seen.             She passed out right there in his arms.
Chapter 4 - Decisions
The edge of a sword caught a ray of sunlight on its downswing, and Kiba blinked furiously as it reflected right into his eyes. He adjusted his grip on the young man they had pulled out of the other pod. He was the sort of person with no obvious origin. His skin was neither truly dark nor very light. There wasn’t a single hair on his body, though thankfully for his carrier, that fact was now concealed by some loose-fitting training clothes that Naruto had brought with him. His features were handsome, but nondescript. All in all, he looked… well, normal. “Did you have to take the sword?” Naruto grinned at Sakura, who just continued to look exasperated as he did another practice whirl of the blade he had procured from the underground bunker’s armory.         “Hey, Sasuke’s got a sword, and it’s not like I don’t know how to use it. Why not? It’s cool.” Sakura sighed, but let the matter drop. Hinata regarded the interaction coolly, still thinking about the strange assumption Kiba had made. Obviously, Naruto wanted Sakura, so why would he think the blond was in a relationship with her?         ‘Maybe because Sakura’s fucking the tall dark amputee?’ Hinata blinked, surprised.         ‘Wait, that panned out? Didn’t he try to kill her?’ Mina’s shrug almost made Hinata shrug. The mind link was weird like that.         ‘Hell if I know; not like I was there. See for yourself; they’re the worst yet. Well, except for you anyway.’ Hinata did just that, flashing her Byakugan and finding that the purple tether between Sakura and Sasuke was somehow stronger than the one between Shikamaru and Temari. Which was saying something considering that when they got back to camp it had doubled in size.         The whole return had been strange. Temari had changed clothes, Shikamaru appeared to be back to normal, and they had set up a rather large fire, which smelled absolutely dreadful. Both of them were throwing glances of varying kinds to each other. Jacquelyn had burst out laughing the moment she saw them. Speaking of Jackie, the woman had refused to wear any sort of shirt, and used rather colorful language to do so. The only clothes she had elected to wear were Kurenai’s sweatpants, which Hinata had still had in her travel pack. The elastic cloth hugged the woman so tightly that she might as well not have been wearing them at all. Walking into the village with her in tow was going to be one of the most embarrassing things Hinata had ever done.         ‘Hey, go easy on Jacky. She just spent half a year being starved and experimented on. I think she deserves to show off a little.’ Hinata heaved a heavy sigh, but sent grudging agreement back along the link. Kiba gave her an odd look, but left it alone.         “Alright, we still need to get Temari back to Suna, but with that base taken care of, I don’t think we need the full team anymore.” Sakura frowned thoughtfully, looking her team over. “Naruto, Hinata, Ino, Sai, Shikamaru, you guys head back to the village and report to Hokage-sama. The rest of us will keep going to Sunagakure.” All five nodded assent, and with a few lingering glances, they went their separate ways.         In the end, the heiress needn’t have worried about embarrassment. By the time they finally trudged back into the village, she was too tired to really notice the stares being thrown their way, or the muttered conversation Ino was having with Sai. She hadn’t slept the night before, at all. Between that and her fitful dreams, she was running on empty. All she wanted was to get home, and collapse onto her bed.        Ino Yamanaka was not a particularly quiet person. Not to say she couldn’t be so when she had to be, but on the whole, she didn’t keep her mouth shut. She voiced her opinions. It was for this reason that Sai now found himself thankful that the walls of her room were soundproofed.        “AH FUCK YES!” He pulled back and thrust forward hard, spearing himself into the hot wetness of her sex and groaning. Ino just kept screaming.         “FUCK MY FUCKING PUSSY! YES! FUCK SAI, RIGHT THERE!” She was bent over her bed, her ass sticking out over the side as she grasped at her sheets, her cheek pressed hard into the mattress by the impact of Sai’s hips. They both smelled like sweat, and dirt, and the forest road. They were both exhausted. He wasn’t actually sure how they had even ended up like this. One moment he’d been stripping down to take a shower, and the next she’d been feeling him up from behind. Not that he was complaining, he just didn’t understand her thought process in the slightest. She squeezed down on him for a moment, and his nails bit into her waist. She let out an unintelligible cry. He increased his tempo. “FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK…!” She cursed in time with his thrusts, each one seeming to reach somewhere new. Sai gritted his teeth and adjusted his grip. He wouldn’t last long like this, and much as he loved his girlfriend, he doubted she would appreciate him knocking her up. He looked down. She was shiny with perspiration, and her ass jiggled slightly with every impact.         That was just about all he could take. Reluctantly, he pulled back and out, breathing heavily. Ino moaned in protest at the sudden lack of sex, but it quickly turned into a high pitched yelp as he knelt down and pushed his tongue into her, lapping up her juices. His right hand rose up to pinch her clit a bit more roughly than he probably should have, eliciting another yelp. It wasn’t long before she went limp and came all over his tongue, panting.         Sai stumbled back, and she turned her head to look at him, eyes curious. “Why’d you…?” She found him breathing heavily, leaning up against the wall. His cock was still erect, visibly throbbing. She pushed herself off of the bed, and stood before him. The midday sun filtered through the window onto her rumpled hair, glowing around her head like a travel-worn halo.         Her eyes lit up in understanding, and she blinked. “Oh…” She took a step forward, swaying her hips in a way he could never decide was intentional or not. “Seems a shame to just leave that so close.” She was taunting him. He could tell by the little smirk on her full pink lips, the way she put a hand on her hip and shifted her weight to her left foot. “All that cum with nowhere to go…”      His cock ached, and he let out an involuntary groan. She took another step toward him, running a finger over his chest, her eyes hooded as she continued to tease him. “You want me to take care of that for you…?” He nodded emphatically, his legs weak from sheer need. Her hand trailed down his abdomen to his crotch and circled the base of his cock before cupping his balls and fondling lightly. She knelt down; licking her lips, and took hold of his shaft, fingers gliding smoothly up to the head, and back down to the base.      “You’re close. I can feel it all, pulsing, just waiting to get out…” He held back a groan, leaning heavily against the wall as she jacked him off, looking up into his eyes. “Just let go. Cum. Spray your jizz all over my fucking tits. Let me taste it. Give me your fucking load!”      Sai never was one to disobey orders. He did as he was told.      It hit her face first, a rope of cum running from her eyes down her left cheek. The next went from her nose down into her open mouth, hitting her tongue dead center. She groaned at the taste. More hit her breasts, and she quickly took to scooping it up, licking it from her fingers. With her eyes cleared, she looked back up at him, her pale blue irises reflecting the light of the sun. She made a show of the cum she’d gathered in her mouth, holding it on her tongue for him to see before swallowing. He stood all the while, enraptured by the sight of such a beautiful person so obviously enjoying his essence.      She smiled up at him, and he looked back, enraptured. It was barely fifteen seconds before he was just as hard as before, looking askance into her eyes.      On these, and many other counts, Sai was a very lucky man.         Hinata mewled happily as another jolt of pleasure shot through her. She felt the warm wetness of his tongue pushing into her, the gentle, firm grip of his hands on her ass, her own fingers kneading the breathtaking softness of her breasts. He pulled away, and she groaned in protest, only to yelp as he leaned forward to suck at her clit.         She looked down at herself, her enormous tits sitting round and smooth on her chest, her nipples standing prominently erect. She leaned forward, bringing one to her mouth. She could feel pressure building, an impending release. When it finally hit, she went limp, her head lolling to the side.         But it wasn’t over. Even as aftershocks rolled through her, she felt a pressure on her lips and found herself face to face with another cock. Just like that it was as though she’d never cum at all. She engulfed its head greedily, meaning and sucking loudly, rolling her tongue around it and lapping up precum like the nectar of the gods. She pushed forward, and felt it hit her throat, hesitating. Apparently he wasn’t in the mood to wait. His hips speared forward, and he started to fuck her throat, stretching her lips to their limit. She could feel the head scraping down, every pulsating vein sending vibrations through her body.      Without really realizing it, she found herself holding another in each hand. A weight settled on her chest and out the corner of her eye, she saw another man take hold of her breasts and started to fuck them. His head rubbed against her cheek with every thrust, leaving a trail of precum. It ran over her hands, filled her mouth. There were so many cocks, so much cum ready to spray all over her!      She moaned loudly and moved her hands faster. Soon she would have it. The man in her throat picked up his pace, and she swallowed hard as he plunged balls deep into her throat.      They came in unison, as if on cue. Cum shot in waves over her face and body from seemingly all sides, soaking her hair and covering her face in hot cream. She felt it pulsing down her throat, filling her stomach. She pulled back, sucking as she went, and finally tasted it, completely indescribable. It seemed like an eternity before it was all over, and she collapsed again.      But apparently they weren’t done with her yet. She felt hands grasping her legs, hoisting them up. Something enormous – impossibly so – was pressed against her entrance. There was no way it could fit! He pushed forward.      She blinked into the world of the waking, and felt tears at the corners of her eyes. She didn’t need to look to know that she had cum all over the bed again; she could feel it on her thighs.      It hadn’t even been Naruto that time. Not that it had been anyone else in particular – the men’s identities hadn’t really been the focus of the dream – but the loss of an emotional connection to the act…      It scared her. Her sticky hands balled into fists at her sides, and she felt the tears trailing down. She hated this. Hated the obligation this had turned into. If she’d just been allowed to discover all of this naturally, without the peril of her friends hanging over her…      Angrily, she threw her covers aside and ran to the bathroom, slamming her hands down on the sink and starring herself in the face. Despite just having gotten up, there wasn’t a single tangle in her hair. Her skin was the same smooth porcelain it had always been, her lips fuller and redder by the day. Her lavender eyes stared back out of an impossibly perfect visage, panicked, desperate.      Because even now, hating this so much, she could feel it in the back of her mind. She had never really paid attention to it before. Back when her family had detested her, she had thought it was just another manifestation of her own self-hatred. But now, knowing what she knew, she could see it for what it was.      It was a hunger, nipping at her heels like some sultry monster, telling her to let go. That she could have anything she wanted if she would just ask. No one would be able to say no. It had been one thing for Mina to tell her she might affect her friends with her built-up lust, but it was only now really sinking in. If she didn’t do something soon, everyone she cared for was at risk.      And much as she hated to think of him in such a way, Naruto was the perfect candidate to help. She already cared for him, and thanks to her confession all those years ago, he already knew. With the fox sealed in him, he was more likely to be able to control himself if she stopped tamping down on her emotions. And that wasn’t even mentioning his physical qualifications…      She shook her head. She would not reduce the man she loved to some dehumanized object for her use. She would talk to him privately, explain the situation if necessary. The world had finally forced her hand.      The Konoha guard detail walked with purpose up the stairs of the Kazekage’s tower. They were all travel-worn and ready to settle in for the night, but they had a job to finish. Temari was to be delivered directly to Gaara, no exceptions. It was a matter of pride as much as anything else.      But before even that, Shikamaru had been dropped off at the hospital. Sakura might have found him relatively clear of danger, but he was still exhausted, and there were some tests that she simply didn’t have the resources to do in the field. She’d be by later to double-check their work, but for the moment, he was in the capable hands of Suna’s medic-nins. Sharp words drifted down the steps to their ears, and they rounded the final corner of the stairway.      They came out on a large landing. A young dark-haired man in simple civilian attire was sitting behind a desk, chewing gum. There was a woman in front of him, her hands planted firmly on the desk. It quickly became apparent that she was the source of the yelling.      “The hell do you mean he won’t see me? I have an urgent message from the ambassador, and I trudged all the way across this damn village to deliver it! It’s fucking windy out there! I’ve got sand in places you don’t even know exist! I didn’t go to all that trouble just for you to tell me the Kazekage is busy!” She was red-haired, and dark-skinned, wearing the pale, asymmetrical flak jacket typical of Kumogakure. Her build seemed modest, toned by her profession. As the group neared the desk and got a better look at her, Sakura recognized her. It was B’s old student: the girl who had beaten Naruto for information all those years ago.      The secretary sighed loudly, pausing in his chewing to do so. “Oh. Lady Temari. These guys your security detail?” The girl turned to regard the newcomers, and her striking amber eyes sparked in recognition as she looked over the delegation. Chouji in particular seemed momentarily transfixed by them.      “Yeah. They insisted on delivering me here for my report.” The guy shrugged, taking a second to chew before he responded.      “Well, go on in.” He spared a glance for the woman still standing in front of his desk, preempting the angry protest she was already preparing to throw at him. “Yeah, I guess if I’m letting them in you should go in too.” She glared at him in futile anger  for a second before growling something uncomplimentary under her breath and following the newcomers through the double doors of the office. Gaara was sitting behind a very large desk, piled high with papers and scrolls, none of which he was actually looking at.      “Temari. How was it?” Sakura regarded the Kazekage strangely. He looked...well, on anyone else it would have been absolutely deadpan, but even knowing him as little as she did, Sakura thought he looked almost flustered. If his sister noticed it, she gave nothing away.      “It was… interesting. We tracked the disappearances to a large research base. And some... other issues were resolved.” Her cheeks actually got a bit red when she said it. Gaara raised an eyebrow at the vagueness of the statement, but didn’t press her. He opened his mouth as if to speak, but ended up wincing instead. Karui chose that moment to jump into the conversation.      “Kazekage-sama, the ambassador needs to see you. He said it was urgent.” Gaara looked at her and nodded, thought from the hard set of his jaw, He was a bit more focused on whatever discomfort he was experiencing. Sakura took a step forward, searching his face for symptoms.      “Are you alright?” The red-haired man nodded stiffly, swallowing and finally working up the resolve to speak again.      “I am fine, Sakura-san. Karui-san, please inform the ambassador that I will meet him in his hotel room at the nearest possible time.” Karui nodded and walked out of the room purposefully. Chouji watched her go, then immediately flicked his forehead, as though he were punishing himself.      “I’m sorry to cut this meeting short, but I really do have a lot of work to do. Temari, you can debrief me more fully after you’ve rested.” It was a sudden dismissal, but at that point nobody was keen to stay in the room. The Konoha delegation left with a few courtesies, and Temari was left standing with her arms crossed.      “Are you sure you’re alright? You seem pretty out of it.” Her brother nodded, the action stiff and purposefully controlled. He was hiding something, but Temari probably wouldn’t be able to get it out of him, as tired as she was. She left as well, and as soon as the door shut, setting seals back into place, Gaara leaned back in his chair and groaned.      “You’re going to be the death of me.” Matsuri got out from under the desk and frowned at him, wiping a bit of cum off her chin.      “Gaara, you’re the one who refuses to leave the office. We could do this literally anywhere private.” The man frowned right back, adjusting himself back into his pants and grabbing a brush.      “I have duties that need to be tended to. Leaving the office would take too long.” She smiled slightly down at him.      “Well, if you ever decide to come up for air, I managed to get my hands on some good sake, and some mood music. I’m heading out tomorrow for border patrol, so show up on time.” She planted a quick kiss on his forehead and left the room by way of the side window.
Chapter 1 - chapter one
Naru is in class waiting for her name to be called, fiddleing with her pencil. She was the worst ninja in the class, this being her third attempt to pass the ninja exam. "Naru Uzumaki!" She perked up at Iruka-sensei calling her name. "Your turn." She stood up, and followed Iruka to the exam room, talking to herself along the way. "Yes. This time. This time for sure!" She enters the exam room, eyeing the exam judges. Iruka-Sensei is just returning to his seat, with Mizuki-sensei on his left. "The exam this year is chakra control. To demonstrate it, you need to create a clone." said Iruka. 'Crap, that's thats the one thing I suck at!' She thought. "Here goes!" exclaims Naru as she makes the hand sign. "Aaaahh!" *poof* He creates a clone, however it looks extremely pale and pathetic. "What the hell is that!?" Yelled Iruka. "You fail!" "Now, now, Iruka. He did produce a clone." said Mizuki calmly. "I say we should pass him." "Everyone else was able to make at least 3 clones. He can't even make one that looks half-way decent. No chance" Explained Iruka. "But..." pleaded Naru. "I'm sorry Naru, but, not this year..." -------------------------After School-------------------- Naru is sitting on the swing just outside of the school, looking enviously at all the students who passed. And their parents, congratulating them. Meanwhile, she sits alone, no one even looking her way, thinking to herself. 'Why? Why again this year!? Why!!? Why can't I pass this damn test!!!?' She thought. 'If only there was a shortcut, some way to-' "That was rough." "Aaaaahh!!" screamed Naru as she fell off the swing. "Mizuki-sensei! Don't do sneak up on me like that!" "You say to a ninja?" "Good point. Did you want something, sensei?" "Well, this is your third fail. Must suck!" "Yeah..." Said Naru dejectedly. "There is a way to still pass, but it's kinda risky..." Naru looked at him, eyes full of hope. "Really?! How!!?" "You sure? You could die." "Absolutely! I'll become Hokage, no matter what!" "Alright, here's what you do..." ---------------------3 hours later----------------------------- Alarms sound. Ninja gather in the square on top of the Hokage's building. Hokage Sarutobe awaits them. "The vault has been breached!" Barked Sarutobe. "A scroll of forbidden techniques has been stolen. Find the thief, find the scroll, and bring the culprit back to me! I wish to take care of him myself!" The ninja scatter. Some scout the town, others follow the roads. Iruka, who is among the crowd, heads tward the forest. After searching for a while he hears a familiar voice. "Shadow clone Jutsu!" He heads tward the voice, finding Naru, practicing a jutsu. She looks compleatly wiped out, and can barely stand. "Once more!" She encourages herself. "Just one more time!" "Naru!" Yelled Iruka. Naru froze, and slowly turned to Iruka. "Oh, Iruka-sensei! Hi..." "Hi!? You steal a forbidden scroll, the entire Anbu is looking for you, and Sarutobi-sama is ready to tear open a new one in whoever stole it, and all you can say is hi!!? What on earth possessed you to steal it!??" Naru looks down sheepishly. "Well, Mizuka, sensei said if I could learn one of the techniqes on this scroll, I could finally pass..." *sigh* "Naru..." "Good job, Naru." Suddenly, several shuriken flew out of the trees, aimed at Naru. Iruka quickly jumped in the way, allowing them to hit him in the back. "Arrg. You ok Naru?" "Iruka, sensei.." "Ever the bleeding heart Iruka." Mizuki jumps into view on a tree branch. "The kid's a flop. He'll never get anywhere. He is easy to manipulate, though. Just tell him it will help him become hokage, and he's putty in your hands." "Mizuki, you traitor!" "Yep. I wanted the scroll, but there was no way I could get to it. Naru, however, was just small enough to fit." Mizuki said with a smirk. "However, Naru. You can't trust Iruka, either. After all, he blames you for his parent's death." "What?? Why, I never..." Don't you dare, Mizuki. Don't you DARE!!" warned Iruka. "12 years ago, there was a giant fox demon destroying the whole fire nation. The forth hokage was only able to stop it by sacrificing his life to seal it in a baby. You. You ARE the demon fox!" "Wha..." "Naru, run. Get the scroll out of here! I'll take care of-" While Iruka was distracted, Mizuki took a super shuriken off his back, and threw it at him, hitting him square in his back. "Ack!" Iruka fainted. It's Super Effective! Naru catches Iruka, and lets him down slowly, and chexks his pulse. "Whew, he's still alive." "Now..." Mizuki says as he removes the other super shuriken. "Hand over the scroll, and you can walk away." Naru sets down the scroll, which is as long as his arm, and as big as his head. She then procedes through hand signs, preparing her new jutsu. "There is a reason you can't pass the exam, you know. It's because your not fIT TO BE A NINJA!!" He exclaims as he throws his super shuriken. "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!!" Suddenly 1000 copies of Naru appear, one in the path of the shuriken, taking the blow. "Whaa... how did you!???" "Turns out, all it took was practice. And being kinda pissed!" Naru says. "AAAAAARG" All 1000 Narus attack Mizuki at once, more than overwhelming him. 20 minutes later, Mizuki is laying on the ground, a bloody mess. "That'll teach you to make fun of the future hokage!" Says Naru as she disbands her clones. She hurries over to Iruka and carefully takes the shuriken out of his back. "Arg!" Iruka, breathing hard, crawls to the nearest tree, and uses it to sit up. "Naru, I told you to-" He stops when he sees Mizuki. "Holy crap! Naru, did you do that!?" "Yep, and watch this!" Naru focuses her chakra and... "Shadow clone Jutsu!" Another 9 Narus appear. "So, Sensei, do I pass!?" Iruka chuckles. "Yea, Naru. You pass. Here." He offers Naru his own ninja headband "Your symbol of status as a ninja. come to class 105 Next monday for teams. Now, help me up. we need to take Mizuki and myself to the hospital." Unknown to anyone, the entire scene was being watched by girl with long blond hair. "Chachamaru, do you copy? over." She says into her headset as she watches them leave. "Yes mistress, I read you, over." "Tell hubby, we found our target. over." she says with a grin. "Very well, mistress. Shall I tell Neji as well?" "FOR THE LAST TIME NO. I FINALLY GOT RID OF HIM, I DON'T WANT TO SEE HIM AGAIN, YOU STUPID ROBOT!!" "I'm sorry mistress." 'Maybe I can change her mind tomorrow...' Chachamaru thinks. -------------------------------3 days later, Monday------------------------------ Naru's alarm goes off...again. For the third time, she reaches to hit the snooze, only to fall out of bed. "owchie. What time is it?" The clock reads 9:55 "Oh shit! I've only got 5 minutes!" She grabs her clothes, a black tracksuit with an orange collar, and runs out the door, dressing as she goes. "Shit! Shit!! SHIT! I'm gonna be late!!" She exclaimes as she finally puts her pant on. Still running while she puts on her shirt, she runs right into someone. "Ow! Sorry, I was in a rush and..." She stops, as she sees who she ran into. A girl with long pink hair, held back by her headband. She wears a red half-dress, and green shorts. She's in the middle of getting up, when she responds. "It's ok. I wasn't looking where I was going either. But I don't have time to talk. I've got to go! See ya!" She runs off. 'Too bad too, she was really cute. Oh well, probably not my type anyway!' She thought as she ran. Naru gets back up, and as she hurries to the classroom, she thinks 'What was that about? Sure was cute, though! Too bad. I'm probably not her type anyway.' She runs through the door, just as the bell rings, but can't stop before she runs straight into the Iruka's desk. "Naru, just in time! Take you seat, and we will begin." "Why no sympathy, sensei?" whines Naru, still holding her head. Suddenly a hand came into her field of vision. She looks up, and sees the pink-haired girl from earlier. "Look like we're in the same class! My name is Sakura, what's yours?" "Get seated you two. You can introduce yourselves later" says an annoyed Iruka. "There's an empty seat next to mine!" said Sakura with a smile. Naru got up, and followed her to their seats. "All right! Everyone will be assigned to teams of 3 genin and an instructor. I'll call out your names, and your instructor's name. Team one..." While waiting for Iruka to call their names, Naru and Sakura sized each other up. Naru had fair skin, long, bright blond hair, toned legs, and fairly large breasts, E cups. Sakura, as mentioned, has long pink hair, slightly pale skin, her most prominent feature being her forehead. 'Holy crap, she's cute!' they both thought. "Team 7: Uzumaki, Naru; Haruno, Sakura; Uchiha, Sasuke." "Forget it." Said a dark haired boy with a scary serious face. "I'm not gonna be in a team with a couple of bimbos." "What did you just say!!?" Yelled Sakura. "Come here and say it to my face!!" "Please settle down, Sakura. Fine, If you feel that strongly, I guess someone I can choose someone else." He says as he looks down at his chart. "Hyuga, Hinata, you're on team 7. Your instructor is... huh. That's unusual. You have two: one who focuses on taijutsu and one who focuses on other jutsus. Anyway, your instructor's names are Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez and Evangeline McDowell. Team 8..." After all the teams were made, each were told to go to a place each, 7:00 in the morning the next day. ---------------------------after class------------------------ Team 7 was walking out of the building, talking. "I can't believe I get to train with my cousin!" said Sakura. "Cousin? I thought the Hyuga clan kept "purity of the blood" or something like that." said Naru. "Well," started Hinata, "I'm not really supposed to know this, but one of the branch families' sons fell in love with a woman named Sakeri, Sakura's grandmother. The clan banished him for it, and had a daughter, Sakura's mom. So, while not really being of the same clan, we are very distant cousins." "And unfortunately, my mother and I are mostly non-Hyugan." "What do you mean "Mostly"?" asked Naru. "Play your cards right, and you'll find out, cutie!" said Sakura, blushing slightly, though Naru blushed deeply. "Th-thanks. you're pretty cute too." Responded Naru, making Sakura blush as deeply as her. Hinata was blushing too, not only because she is unused to hearing such things, but because she thought Naru was cute too. "Well, this is my house!" Says Hinata, as they are passing a mansion. Naru stops and her jaw drops to the ground. "H-Hinata, your in the main branch family!?" Exclaimed Naru. Hinata nods shyly. "Awesome. You're so lucky, Hinata! you must be waited on hand and foot!" "It-it's not really all that special. I mean, um, I've got to go before father scolds me for being late! Excuse me!" Hinata runs inside the gates and for the front door. "Nice going Naru!" "What?" "You just scared her off! I can't believe you. *sigh* She's pretty cute though, eh?" "Eh!!? What about me? You said I was cute!" "Relax, I'm entitled to my opinion, besides, it's not like we're going out yet or anything!" "Yet?" Sakura starts blushing again. "Well, I mean, that is... oh, look! My house! See you tomorrow!" Naru chuckles "Yeah, see ya!" Then his stomache growls. "Oooh, I haven't eaten all day! Time to stop by Ichiraku's!" She detours from home and heads tward their stand. As she comes close, she began to smell the ramen. Her stomach rumbled again. She sprinted the last few yards, and slid to a stop in front, and entered. "Oh, Naru welcome! Your ramen will be ready in a sec!" said Ayame "But, I just got here..." "We heard about your graduation, and were expecting you to come, as always. Here!" She sets an extra large bowl down in front of her. "Graduation Special! Made just for you, on the house!" Ayame winks, and returns to cooking. "Aaaah! Thanks so much Ayame!" Says Naru, just before she starts eating. Naru can usually down an entire bown within 5 minutes, but this one was big, and took her a whole 30! When she finished, she thanked Ayame, and headed home, not realising just how her intructors were gonna change her life." ------------------------Tuesday, 7:09--------------------------------- "I can't believe they're late!" Naru, Sakura, and Hinata were waiting on a bridge, waiting for their instructors. "Allright, munchkins! Listen up!!" They hear a voice coming from the arc above the bridge. They look up to see a wiry man with short blue hair, blue eyes, wearing a white shirt, pants, and open coat, with a black belt. Attached to the belt is a sword. "I'm your instructor! You will call me Grimmjow-sensei or Grimm-sensei. Are we clear." Sakura made the first mistake. "Your the one who's late! why are you yelling at us!?" she yelled. Before anyone could even blink, he had her by the throat, writhing in the air. "LIsten, little girl. I don't care how you treat your comrads, but I am your superior! And you will respect me as such. Understood?" Grimm said coldly. Sakura slowly nods. "Good." He releases her; she drops to the ground, gasping for air. "Come, we're going to the training field. Eva is already waiting." "Eva, Grimm-sensei?" asks Naru as they walk. "Evangeline. Call her Eva-sensei, or you'll wish I were as merciful as I was with Sakura." explained Grimm. "Also, by any means, DO NOT call her Kitty. You may not live if you do, understand?" All three genin nod, and walk the rest of the way in silence. ---------------------------later, at the training grounds------------------------- As they reach the training ground, a blond blur comes at them, stopping at Grimmjow. "Oh, hubby! You're finally back! Chachamaru is such boring company!" She looks at the genin, as if noticing them for the first time. Each are staring questioning at her, wonder what's happening. They see she has long blond hair, blue eyes, and is wearing a thin, black, knee-length dress, the top ending just under her armpits.  "So, these are this years students?" "Yeah. Should we do the usual?" "Of course. Our most powerful students always come from it." "Very well. Alright, shrimps. Before we do any real training, a trust exercise. You two, get directly behind Naru, and I mean close!" They do as they are told, nearly touching each other. Naru could swear she feels something hard in Sakura's pocket. "Now, close your eyes!" They do. "Eva here is behind you now. on the count of 3, I want you to fall back, and the person behind you will catch you. Ready? 1...2..." A 6th sense kicked in Naru, and she opened her eyes, just as Grimmjow said "3!!" She saw him just in time to see his blade go right through her chest to the hilt, piercing the other 2 as well. Grimm notices this. See you in a sec, assuming you live." He sais with a smirk. Everything starts looking fuzzy, until, finally, Naru passes out.
Chapter 1 - Goblins
"After them! Rape them! Breed them! Make them cocksleeves for our cum! Send however many to their deaths as needed to tear down the humans and take their breeders as our own!" - Unknown Goblin Chieftain Welcome class to today's primer on the goblins, the primary aggressor of the war. I'm sure their infamous reputation largely speaks for them. The manyfold crimes against humanity and other races carried out by the goblins could fill entire history books with ease. As the number of nations that have been torn down and raped into ruin is truly massive, with countless millions of women throughout history being captured, enslaved, and gang-raped by cocks repeatably until their minds broke under the pleasure and aphrodisiacs, and their bellies bulged obscenely with litters of goblins. turned into breeders used for nothing but sexual relief and churning out the vast hordes of goblins with which to overwhelm and tear down the next state. Indeed, goblins as a species are seemingly designed for hostility towards all other races. There is of course the goblin personality which is what you can imagine. Selfish, scheming, petty, and predisposed to sociopathic behaviour. A goblin universally cares not for even their fellow goblins, obsessed only with briefly satiating their desires through wonton treachery, cruelty, and exploitation of those around them. A goblin will give precisely zero fucks about throwing countless goblins to their deaths so that they may walk to victory over the mountains of corpses. And then there's the goblin’s infamous means of reproduction. You see the goblins have a massive gender imbalance. Of course they are not the only species with such an imbalance. In the world of goblin wars humanity itself has a bit of a gender imbalance with there being more women than men on average, though this does vary between nations. The goblin population however is approximately 95% men and only 5% women. On average for every 100 goblins born, only one will be a woman.  Which gets even worse when you consider that goblin men tend to die in considerable quantities.  Even at peace, a combination of constant infighting and health and safety standards that would make a third world sweatshop look rosy, kill off a truly frightening amount of goblin men. This means that on their own, even if every single goblinette was being bred contantly, which they pretty much already are, goblins would struggle to even just maintain their population numbers let alone grow them. However, the goblins possess a rather infamous reproductive system. You see goblins have the ability to impregnate females of damn near any species and force the reproductive systems of women to produce goblins. This ability is rightly infamous as combined with goblins tendency to enslave and rape any women they find, has resulted in entire civilizations being raped into ruin. Exactly how this ability and even the goblins themselves came to be is unknown. It is suggested by some scientists that goblins might be a sub species of orcs. Although this theory has come under significant criticism in recent years. I mean they're both green, but that's where the similarities stop, and I don't just mean the obvious physical differences. The mental differences are pretty substantial. They might both be fond of looting, pillaging, and good ol' raping, the methods are rather different. A savage orc will happily bash his brain into a wall until either the wall or his skull caves in. A goblin however will prefer methods less likely to result in their own deaths. such as stabbing a person in the back or zerg rushing their enemies, avoiding fair fights at all costs.  But whereas the goblins seem to have a biological compulsion towards these behaviours, as in a goblin raised in captivity will always act like a goblin no matter what, the orcs however don't seem to have any such biological compulsions. In fact, there are a growing number of "civilised orcs" these days that sternly and absolutely reject such savage behaviour. Meanwhile in gender balance and reproduction the two species are also very different. Whilst savage orcs do a lot of rapes, they do not have to because there is a lot more orc women then goblin women. And whilst the offspring of a goblin raping a woman of another species will always be a full goblin, the offspring of a orc and a woman of another species will be a half-orc. This is how ethnic groups like the Neko-orcs came to be. As a result, this theory has mostly been discarded. How ever this a modern fantasy world and as such magic and myth are often real. In fact, there is a myth that might explain the origins of the goblins. Now this myth has many different variants which makes pinning down where this myth came from and what the original version was, practically impossible. However, the rough overlap of the myths is that long ago there lived a kingdom ruled over by a lustful queen and a magical king. This Kingdom was prosperous and strong, its people happy and rich. Food was plentiful. Crime was rare. And peace was assured. The problem was the queen's lust was such that she began to tire of her husband, busy as he was ruling a kingdom and experimenting with his magic. And so she began to cheat on him. At first this was merely with the palace servants or prestigious nobles, but her lust knew no ends, and soon human men could no longer sate her. And so she began to search for progressively larger monsters to ravish her. When the king found out, he was understandably absolutely livid. However instead of just executing her, or locking her in his basement and turning her into his personal sex slave or something, he decided to create a race of lustful and ugly monsters to drag the queen far into the woods out of his sight and rape her till the day she died. No doubt he figured this to be an ironic punishment and promptly moved on with his life. Unfortunately for him and his kingdom, the monsters did not merely rape the cheating queen, they bred her. And when, decades later, she died. That left an entire army of lustful and violent monsters without an outlet for their lust. And so they went looking for a replacement. And they found the kingdom that created them. Thus the kingdom fell to tide of raping and pillaging monsters, creating the first goblin wasteland. And so because one mage got cucked he created an entire race of monsters that proceeded to cuck and murder countless men across the ages. We tend to forget that common sense did actually have to be invented, we didn't just start out smart. Regardless of how the goblins were created, they have since spread across the globe, creating many goblin wastelands, the term for any area in which a large number of goblins live. The goblins don't have anything that could be considered a nation or a state. The closest thing to organization that goblins have is a "tribe". A goblin tribe can number anywhere between a dozen odd goblins, to millions of goblins. However, a tribe will always have one singular ruler, the "chieftain". The chieftain is also the ruler of the largest and most heavily armed "warband" the loose term for a goblin army. Below him is essentially a racial hierarchy. which is where we discuss goblin subspecies. At the top of this racial hierarchy is the Goblin champion. Standing roughly as tall as human, in some cases taller then a human, and with very muscled bodies. They are also relatively smart compared to other goblins, they are almost but not quite as smart as your average human. This makes them natural rulers of the goblins as they are usually smart or strong enough to bludgeon any other goblin out of the way on their road to power. They are the alpha males of goblin civilization and often make up the chieftains of tribes. And in larger tribes, goblin champion chieftains will often use other goblin champions as lieutenants and officers to oversee important factories or secondary Warbands. However their intelligence also possess a problem for chieftains, mainly that goblin champions all consider themselves born to rule and will universally, if not constantly placated, attempt to overthrow their masters and install themselves as rulers. And since most Goblin Chieftains are Goblin champions who got their position by overthrowing their former masters, they are well and truly aware of just how treacherous they can be. which is why in most cases, unless a champion can prove himself valuable or too indispensable, they will usually just be culled at the slightest hint of treachery. in wartime this results in the creation of units of Goblin champions, who act as a combination of personal guard (the "loyal" ones at least), special forces, and a suicide squad. On the one hand, they are given some of the best weapons and armour the goblins have and their basic intelligence and training makes them very deadly, on the other, it is because of the threat they pose that they are often sent on the most dangerous missions possible. Being the rulers of the Goblins, they naturally get first pick of the captured women to take as their personal breeders, which at least means the women won't get passed around like a fleshlight. But that’s where the good news ends as the women will constantly raped and bred by a sadistic power hungry monster with violent abandon, until her sons overthrow their father and win the right to breed their mother. Below the Champions are the Goblin Shamans, who are a combination of barely trained mage and mad engineer/scientist. They're basically Clan Skryre Skaven without the fur. They are the ones who design goblin technology and create some of the more complex machinery. The problem is that goblins tend to struggle with concepts like quality control, precision engineering, lean supply chain management, and complex technology. Which means that whilst a goblin could make a decent smg that only blows up in the face of its user occasionally, making something like a radar, or a fire control system, or accurate missiles, or reliable engines, is a struggle. And since quality control is "poor" to put it mildly, a goblin jet engine for example could vary from barely decent, to barely getting the jet off the ground, and turning being optional, but ill advised. As the Goblin Shaman tinkers with his creations again and again, for better or worse.  To make matters worse, the genetic narcissism of goblins mean that goblin shamans will often consider the mere suggestion that something might be wrong with their creations to be deeply offensive. And if something is actually wrong with their creations, as it often is, well then clearly it must be the fault of another, stupider, goblin that broke it. If there is any good news here is that a goblin shaman is probably the best bet for any women unlucky enough to be captured by goblins. As goblin shamans are high ranking enough to not have to share their breeders with others, and often spend their days tinkering with machines rather then raping women, however they often like to experiment on their breeders, trying to "improve" them. This could be "good" for the woman, if they survive and actually somehow benefit from the modifications. Or the women could die horribly as she is ripped apart by mutations and mutilations. Common goblins, often just referred to as goblins, are the most common subspecies. short, weak, with the average intelligence of a child, but with a penchant for treachery and infighting. They are the expendable cannon fodder. Whether that be used in goblin wave attacks against humanity, or ground to dust in factories with health and safety standards horrific to even goblins. Where ever the goblins have need of bodies, the common goblin will be thrown, barely equipped, barely if at all trained, in huge numbers at any problem, so that their betters will be able to march over the mountain of bodies to victory, or more likely another meat grinder. Born in breeding camps to captured and enslaved women and sent swiftly into industry or war asap, they live short, brutal lives, only briefly improved by the opportunity to rape a woman and breed. Unless a common goblin is lucky enough to capture a women, the only chance a common goblin will ever get at breeding a women is by paying extortionist prices to the owner of a breeding camp just for a single chance to breed one of the enslaved women within. Thus many goblins who cant afford such a steep price will happily sign up for service in a warband for the slightest chance at capturing a women, dragging her down, tearing her clothes off, and raping her endlessly. Hobgoblins are the heavy muscle of the goblins. Immensely strong but even stupider than a common goblin, they are often used as manual labour as pack mules. In war however they are either used as berserkers, drugged up to just shy of an overdose until they can take entire magazines of small arms fire without stopping their charge. Or as heavy gunners, equipped with heavy weapons such as machine guns or recoilless rifles, usually chained to the hobgoblin to prevent them from dropping it. And used as organic squad or platoon level heavy fire support. Outside of war they are often used for the more dangerous manual labour in factories as their strength, durability, and being too stupid to question orders, enable them to do the work of many common goblins or even act as enforcers. Given the harsh conditions, goblin factories are often plagued with "strikes”, or I suppose riots would be a more accurate term. Thus, factory overseers will often use Hobgoblins to beat the common goblins back into submission with clubs, hammers, or just eating the rebellious workers, as hobgoblins are actually among the most loyal of goblin subspecies. Not out of any actual devotion no, but rather just because the hobgoblins are often too stupid to conspire against their masters. And even if a hobgoblin does consider betrayal, his master’s can usually just trick the hobgoblin back into loyalty. Hobgoblin rapes however are no laughing matter. The strength, stupidity, and not to mention the often huge manhoods of hobgoblins, mean that they are known to occasionally rape women to death. As whilst the hobgoblin might instinctually know to ram his cock into a woman's holes, he might not know that if you don't remove your cock from her mouth, she might choke to death. Even if a woman survives a hobgoblin rape, she is likely to be in rough shape. Her holes gaped, womb stretched to its limits and bulged by gallons of cum, and her hips so battered that she will often struggle to walk. Which doesn't concern the hobgoblin as he will just impale the woman on his cock and tie her to him, using her as a personal cocksleeve. Then there are the goblin females, or goblinettes. a small minority of the goblin population, they are both highly valued commodities with their shortstack bodies complete with huge breasts and thick hips and treated as little more then breeders. A goblinette will often never leave the breeding camps they are born in, being repeatably raped and bred the moment they come of age. They live lives of pure lust and carnal pleasure, only broken up by pregnancies. As a result, their personality is radically different then other goblins. A goblinette seeks only more pleasure and happily jump on any cock they can find, be it goblin, beast, or human. Unlike other goblins they won't betray or plot against their rulers, at most they will only scheme to increase their chances of sucking their master’s cock and filling their wombs with his cum. Goblinettes are greatly valued in goblin society, though more as valued property then as individuals. However, goblin females are also sometimes valued by humans as prized trophies slash sex slaves. As for a human, goblinettes are the perfect shortstacks, and whilst male goblins are biologically treacherous and savage by nature, goblinettes are so addicted to lust that they will happily serve anyone for the chance of sex. they are the definition of submissive and breedable. And as bonus when impregnated by a human, a goblinette will never produce male goblins, only male humans or goblinettes.   Thus, its no surprise that history is often full of accounts of humans bringing home goblinettes as trophies of conflicts with the goblins. And even today goblinettes are still traded on the black market, either captured from goblin lands or rarely sold by goblins themselves in exchange for usually substantial quantities of weapons, making such trades shortsighted to put it mildly. Bleaching of goblins aside the goblins themselves remain a constant threat to humanity. And whilst individual goblins might be little threat to a biologically superior human, when a powerful, cunning, or just crazy Chieftain can rise to power and forcibly unite the tribes into invading human nations, the unending tide of green savages can overwhelm an unprepared nation in short order, and history is full of naive and foolish human nations that found themselves overwhelmed, their men enslaved or killed, and their women reduced to mind broken sluts repeatably bred by goblins alongside their daughters, their swollen tits filled with milk and bellies pregnant with litters of goblins, impregnated by their own "sons" until they pass, and are replaced by a new crop of young women, eyes pouring tears as they scream for help until the goblins pin them down pour load after load of cum into them until its all they can think of.
Chapter 0 - The Northern Union
"O Northern Union Land of our ancestors Your brow is adorned with glorious jewels For your arm knows how to bear the sword As it knows how to bear the flag Your history is a saga Of the most brilliant exploits And your valor, made out of hardened faith, Will protect our homes and our rights, Will protect our homes and our rights!"  -section of Northern Union national anthem.   Welcome to the Northern Union. An idyllic land of snowy mountains, endless prairies, beaver tails (the pastry), polite people in peacetime, and very violent in wartime. Whether it be the immense expanses of untouched wilderness or the kind, well-off people spread out in remote communities governed by a government famed for not being a absolute mess one prick away from tyranny, the Northern Union is a very successful nation of international renown for its steady economic growth, plentiful rights and freedoms, and a large, well-funded, and very capable armed forces ready to defend the nation at the drop of a hat. That and the Incredibly sexy women, but fitting international sex-appeal into the defence white paper is usually frowned upon unfortunately. But it wasn't always so grand. For the origins of the Northern Union can be found in a small state in the mountainous, cold north of the continent called the Tundran Confederacy.  The Tundran Confederacy had an interesting strategic situation. For one, whilst metallic ores were plentiful in the north, allowing for very well equipped armies and later an easy transition to an industrial age, arable land and food were rather more scarce especially as mountains greatly limited travel making large scale trade and transportation in an age before the internal combustion engine very difficult. And whilst the tall mountain chains that surrounded them protected them by limiting pathways for invading armies to a handful of mountain passes and valleys that could be easily fortified, this also went true with all the countries that surrounded the Tundran Confederacy making wars of conquest a bloody and frustrating back and forth. Where since geography rendered maneuver warfare a practical rarity and encircling and starving out fortresses often impossible, meaning sieges could often only be won either by massed overwhelming direct assaults, something fortresses are explicitly designed to defend against, or a long and painfully slow process of slowly reducing the enemies defences with siege craft and later cannons piece by piece. And often by the time the Tundran Confederacy managed to raise their flag over the blood stained ruins of one castle, often at enormous cost in either time or lives, either the enemy would've just built another fortress behind the first one, or another enemy would take advantage of the situation and attack the Tundran Confederacy while they were busy elsewhere. resulting a constant back and forth of take a castle, march all the way across the country to take back one of your own castles that had fallen to the enemy, before then marching all the way back to take back the castle you first captured, again and again. Throw in all the day to day threats you'd expect in a fantasy world like bandits, cults, undead, orc warbands, magical monsters, or literally man-eating wendigos coming down from the north to rape and cannablise as they wished, and you have the worlds most annoying and bloody game of whack a mole, where a noble could barely stop to make love to his huge breasted milf of a wife before a steward dragged him out of bed because some orcs are trying to raid a nearby village. That was until a young man named Connor Green was made King after his father died of an old-age related heart attack in the middle of a battle, leaving him with three things. A crown and a throne. A harem of political lobbyists <cough> I mean concubines. And a court full of angry nobles conspiring to overthrow him and place one of them on the throne. This was an unfortunate situation to put it mildly. However, as it happened Connor Green was rather fond of "asymmetric solutions". So instead of playing a life-or-death game of courtly intrigue for the rest of his life, he decided on the radical idea of disbanding the throne and replacing it with a people's parliament made up of democratically elected representatives, on condition that he be made the first prime minster of the Tundran Confederacy of course. He wasn’t doing this just out of the kindness of his own heart. The nobles were, let’s just say, not happy with this, and immediately tried to overthrow the parliament and restore the monarchy with them in control. The people however were rather less pleased with the nobles. The liberals were quite fond of their new democracy and were not content to go back to being serfs. Whilst the conservatives looked at the nobles, and their foreign mercenaries, trying to overthrow their effectively king, and immediatly went full nationalist. One short civil war later the nobility was effectively destroyed, except for a handful of nobles who saw where the wind was blowing and positioned themselves on the winning side. Like that one vampire countess who became the democratically elected ruler of a municipality by humans but that's a story for another time. After that Prime Minister Connor Green would go on to be one of the most successful leaders in Tundran history. In part due to his unique and highly successful means of expanding the nation, using soft-power as opposed to hard-power. Utilizing diplomacy, trade and cultural exchange, he would slowly annex nations into the Tundran Confederacy, convincing them to willfully become provinces, peacefully integrating them via progressive alliances. For example the Tundrans might sign a defensive alliance with another country, vowing to defend each other from mutual enemies. Later the Tundrans would expand on this treaty by for example requesting that Tundran troops be garrisoned inside the allied nation for additional security. Then later this would be expanded again, by offering to allow the allied nation’s officers to be trained in Tundran officer schools. And then later a shared chain of command, one dominated by Tundran officers of course, would be implemented. Etc, etc, etc. similar efforts at integration would be carried out in other areas such as economics and culture. Such as subsidizing Tundran merchant guilds to outcompete and buy out foreign merchant guilds, a state-backed international corporate takeover of sorts. Or religious missions to preach religious unity between the two nations, saying “hey look at one of our deities. Isn’t he rather similar to one of your deities. What a coincidence. Could it perhaps be possible that we worship the same deity?”. Until eventually the two nations would be near completely integrated militarily, economically, and culturally. By which time the annexation of the other country into the Tundran Confederacy as a province would be practically a formality. And then this process would simply be repeated with the next nation. Of course this was not a painless process. This was a long and difficult process of slowly convincing the nation to sign away its sovereignty in exchange for a higher standard of life and liberty under Tundran rule. Even in the best case, that requires a delicate touch and a charismatic diplomat. And lest we forget, this was a fantasy world. All those defensive agreements had to be backed up with actual military action against attacking enemies on more than one occasion. And in order to make that soft-power so valuable, considerable hard-power had to be accumulated in order to back up and secure that soft-power. Meaning that the Tundran Confederacy was essentially in a near constant state of militarization. However, the strategy did work, as the Tundran Confederacy gradually grew bit by bit. And as more and more nations signed up for the new confederacy, this began to snowball, as the Tundran confederacy could thus provide new entrees with a lot more benefits. Of course there were setbacks. An orc invasion here, a goblin invasion there, kobold dragon cults raping the neighbouring dwarves into extinction and digging in like avvdivka ticks next door, you know, “Minor” setbacks. Like a goblin invasion that got beaten back by the famous Tundran berserker hero Fendrix Ironbringer. Or that one time the political elite got a bit too extreme with their harems and polygamy to the point where a rebellion of pro-monogamy men turned into a civil war that ended with the capital being burned to the ground. But hey, details. Until the Tundran confederacy met one nation in particular. The Xiu Queendom to the south of them. The Xiu was rather different to the Tundrans. The Tundrans were a republic of Caucasian descent with great emphasis on individuality and militarism. The Xiu were a monarchy ruled by an unbroken line of magical queens. They were an Asian collectivist people with an agrarian economy and an immense focus on culture, art, and beauty. The Tundrans were the iron gauntlet, the Xiu the velvet glove. You’d think the two nations would be at each other’s throats but instead they were practically lovers. Traders frequently travelled between the two countries, trading Tundran industrial products for Xiu produce and luxury goods. Tundran men frequented Xiu red light districts, entranced by Xiu’s buxom women. Tundran Industrialists built huge sections of Xiu’s modern infrastructure. And the Xiu Royal Family was beloved by the Tundran People. The two nations got on famously well, until one day when the goblins invaded. The Great War against the goblins from 1916-1922 was a massive conflict that would push the Xiu and the Tundrans to the brink. The Xiu had always had problems with the goblins to the south ever since the goblins had crossed the ocean and raped the neighboring Kingdom of Corral into ruin. However whilst the Tundran confederacy had always been a militaristic nation by necessity, the Xiu queendom had been more uninterested in war, content to rely on the same peasant levies led by nobles they had always relied on. However, the goblins that invaded Xiu were not the barely organized savages Xiu had previously fought over the centuries. Under the (possibly human) lord Ferrok, the goblin wasteland to the south of Xiu would be unified and led to an Industrial Revolution, giving the goblins the technology to stand up to the humans, and the ruthless leadership to use it. Making the situation even worse for the humans, the goblins opening offensives captured huge numbers of human women, and supported by goblin slavers sending slaves from abroad, the goblins had ample women to rape and breed, resulting in a steady stream of new goblin hordes to throw at the humans and capture more women. To give you an idea of how bad this was. The Mothers, aunts, sisters, daughters that were dragged into goblin breeding camps, stripped of any and all clothing and routinely raped until their bellies bulged sizeably with goblin cum, used as breeding slaves for the rest of their natural lives, would give birth to 1-3 goblins every 3-4 months. Form there it would take 4-5 months for the “children” to grow into adult goblins, all while the women would be swiftly raped once again and impregnated by goblins yet again. So if we were to assume that with nearly half the queendom captured, the number of adult, fertile women captured would be in the hundreds of thousands at the very least. And every wave of births would spawn hundreds of thousands of goblins, followed by hundreds of thousands more every few months. We are talking entire armies of goblin rapists being spawned every few months. And any women that the goblins then captured would be swiftly raped, bred, and thrown in with the rest of the breeders. Meaning that if the goblins weren’t stopped, they could theoretically snowball the entire continent. Millions upon millions of women reduced to little more then mind broken cumsluts, living as nothing more then breeding sows. Mothers raped and bred, unable to do more then moan and beg for cum and to be bred endlessly even as their own daughters were similarly raped right next to them. The Tundran confederacy thus stepped in to support their allies and stem the goblin tide, their large professional and modern army stabilizing the front. But the war quickly became a stalemate. The humans had their biological superiority, better tactics and leadership, and a larger industry. But the goblins had inexhaustible numbers and a rapidly growing industry. Whilst a human factory requires things like safety, training, and reliable equipment, the goblin shamans couldn’t care less about these things. If a common goblin got mulched by moving machinery, they’d just throw another in. There were plenty of new goblins to go around after all. The war would thus devolve into a WW1 nightmare of attritional trench warfare, where horde after horde of goblins were mowed down by machine guns and artillery before the humans counterattack would then be bogged down in trenches and tunnels that rapidly clogged with corpses. Add in the first wide spread deployment of chemical weapons on both sides of the conflict, and you have a war straight out a nightmare. Countless heroes of humanity would sacrifice everything, slaying goblins by the hundreds until they were knee deep in the blood of their monstrous foe, and then hundreds more goblins would arrive to slay the weakened hero. The war however would eventually come to a ceasefire after the Tundrans and Xiu launched an all or nothing raid on lord Ferrok’s iron tower, where the worlds first [Redacted by order of her Majesty the Queen of the Northern Union] would destroy the Iron tower, Killing lord Ferrok and gutting the Goblin army, giving the humans just enough of an advantage to force the goblins into a ceasefire. Whilst all sides had suffered in the war, the Xiu got the worst of it, with nearly half of their country occupied by goblins at wars end. The loss of so much territory, the refugee crisis as people fled the goblins, and the huge casualties Xiu had taken during the war, caused an economic collapse of apocalyptic proportions. Even worse was the nobles. Losing half the country meant that half the country's land-owning nobles were now out of a job. Entire once mighty noble families now with not a speck of land to their name. And what dear audience do you think unemployed nobles get up to? Coups! that’s what, as the country's nobility fought amongst each other over the remaining land, bringing the war torn nation to the brink of civil war. In particular several dispossessed nobles began plotting to overthrow the queen herself, a unthinkable act in any other time. However, the Queen had an ace up her sleeve, the Tundran confederacy. The idea of integrating the Xiu Queendom into the Tundran Confederacy had come up before as a continuation of the Tundran Confederacy’s foreign policy, but had been rejected. The Xiu before had been large, proud, and wealthy. They saw no reason to become mere provinces of another nation. Now however with the Queen in a desperate position and the country in fiery shambles, the idea was suddenly a lot more popular. Xiu needed assistance, considerable assistance too if it was ever to rebuild. And with the goblins to the south larger and stronger then ever before, security for the weakened state was vital. However, the Queen rejected having the Xiu Queendom merely become a bunch of provinces. Instead, the Tundran Confederacy and the Xiu Queendom would unify into The Northern Union as a constitutional monarchy, and whilst the queen would lose a lot of her power, being reduced to a mere figurehead with control over cultural and magical affairs, she and her descendants reign would be forever secured. And thus, the Northern Union was born. Of course the next century would have its own problems and trials but this history is long enough as it is. So moving onto the modern day. The Northern Union is a large but sparsely populated nation of some 7 million square kilometers and 45 million people. Whilst the place is technically ruled by a queen, almost all power resides with the parliament made up of democratically elected representatives from each of the provinces, who themselves have considerable independence as while the country is practically a federal republic, the northern union is still technically as laid out in the constitution a confederacy of sovereign provinces united in governance, trade, arms, and representation. This means that not only do provinces have their own provincial governments, but also possess the right to vote for independence at any time. although, despite several attempts, none have yet done so, unless you count that time during the Harem Civil War where several provinces declared independence before figuring that seceding and running away was boring, and that overthrowing the government was way more fun. Nonetheless the constant threat of secession and historical need to justify the integration of the provinces into the state has forced the Northern Union government to continuously improve and avoid the traditional pitfalls of complacent corrupt governance. Making the Northern Union Government renowned for providing effective and efficient governance at a low cost in taxes.  The northern Union itself is a rather diverse place. The national language is English, although provinces might also have own secondary languages. Whilst most of the population is either Tundran (Caucasian) or Xiu (Asian), in any given place you can find minorities like the Pashtali (Arabic) centered around the city of Rukiaghar. Or non-human groups like the neko-orcs, a race of half-orc, half-cat people, that combine the strength and independence of orcs with the discipline and love of honour of the cat people. word of advice though, don't piss them off. Those thighs very much do crush skulls. Or the kobolds, an interesting race with a history deserving of another time, but to summarize are the definition of submissive and breedable short stacks, at least until a dragon shows up. So plow that ass and cumflate that belly to your hearts content, just be prepared for your kobold cocksleeve to turn around and stab you in the knee the moment a dragon tells her to. And then there's the Wendigos, which are definitely getting their own history as whilst I would love to go into the details of Northern Union courts sentencing pedophiles to be chopped up and eaten alive by cannibal super humans this chapter is not long enough to cover the entire history of the Wendigo tribes. So trust me when I say that if you somehow get lucky enough to nab a wendigo girlfriend, prepare to be, unless you are very lucky, sterilized by the government as that is the one ass you do not want to breed and trust me when I say it will make sense in time. That and make sure you're ready for long pork Thursday. Word is it goes really well in a quesadilla. And that's not to say that vanilla is lacking, quite the opposite. Xiu women in particular are famed for their beauty and sex appeal, with the majority of women proudly showing off their huge tits and wide fertile hips, all accentuated by smooth skin and long flowing hair, with a seeming genetic predisposition to photogenic appearances. It’s no surprise therefore that Xiu society is notably sexualized. With everything from clothes, art, entertainment, culture, and religion going out of their way to show off their beauty. In fact, almost every town and city within Xiu will usually have a strip club, brothel, or red-light district of some sorts. Some of these red-light districts have gotten so popular that it has started rivalries between municipalities. Yes, in Xiu, municipal governments will literally subsidize and promote their available sexual services in fierce competition with their neighbors. And in case you think its just horniness, I'd like to remind you that there have been literal riots over attempts by groups and individuals to de-sexualise parts of society.Such as when one feminist attempted to have the iconic and very busty statue of the fertility kami Aoyama Tari removed from its public space, it started a three day long series of riots that included nationalist paramilitary groups forming a perimeter around the statue to defend it from puritans. Because when sex is ingrained into your culture to the extent it is in Xiu, it very frequently finds itself enmeshed with the politics of conservatism and nationalism. The Tundrans might not be as horny as the Xiu but they are no less sexy. Though Tundran women are notably less buxom then their southern counterparts, centuries of harsh frigid survival have formed a breed of women that is both tough and fiercely independent, but still traditionally feminine. And they are most assuredly not flat chests. They might not be carrying around the melons of Xiu but their mammaries are still more then sufficient for any fine purveyor of feminine assets. Combined with lithe, athletic bodies, and they are more then equipped for both throwing hands at the local pub and being the girl of your dreams in bed. It's thus no surprise that the bulk of women who join the Northern Union Armed forces are of Tundran stock, which the Northern Union encourages even if they had redesign women’s plate carriers and tactical vests to accommodate the generous busts of northern Union women. Cause who says boob armour can't be tacticool. Which is important since whilst nearly a hundred years have passed since the great war, the Northern Union still finds itself in regular conflict with the goblins, including several small wars, cross-border raids, skirmishes and frequent air and missile strikes. As a result, the Northern Union armed forces have consistently been well-funded, well-equipped, and very well motivated to defend their homes and their women against the goblins that would enslave and rape all the women in the world if they got the chance. And even though the armed forces are primarily geared towards the defence of the homeland, that hasn't stopped the troops from deploying overseas in various expeditionary conflicts in order to protect and restore peace to war torn lands, earning the Northern Union both a proud reputation as peacekeepers and peacemakers if necessary, and a vicious hatred of the United nations.  As the UN's frequent use of peacekeepers as cannon fodder all whilst saddling them with rules of engagement so divorced from the reality on the ground so as to give a man high on LSD a newfound comparative confidence in his perception of reality, has greatly angered the Northern Union on more then one occasion. Such as the Botsian war where the UN forced upon peacekeepers Rules of Engagement that required soldiers engaged by enemy war criminals to request explicit permission from UN officials in order to just return fire and defend themselves and the civilians they were supposed to protect. UN officials who I remind you, were stationed on literally the other side of the planet and either busy with office politics or snorting cocaine off a stripper’s tits. And who took weekends off, meaning that if you got shot at on a Friday night, you would have to wait until Monday morning to maybe possibly potentially get permission to defend yourself and what remained of your unit. Long story short, et ta valeur, and fuck the UN.
Chapter 1 - Research
Hinata stood in the firelight, trembling. She was in a small cave near the outskirts of the village, apparently a place her sensei had met with Asuma before he died. A small stream ran along the floor, but otherwise it was quite dry inside. Sighing, she placed her lamp and umbrella on the floor, steeling herself for what was to come.  She slowly began to take off her jacket, folding it neatly and placing it at the base of a rock column. Kurenai hadn’t had any spare shirts in her size, so a sweater and a pair of tight, stretchy pants she apparently used for something called yoga came next, folded just as neatly and placed on top of the jacket. Her hands trembled, and she pulled them close to her chest, trying to steady them. She was actually going to do it. She hadn’t had her natural body outside of the compound for… Gods, it had been more than ten years now. Holding her hands steady by sheer force of will, she took hold of her sports bra and pulled it over her head. Her breasts instantly regained their natural size as the seals left her skin, and she sighed in relief as the tightness faded from her chest. A cool breeze wafted through the cave and Hinata quivered as it rolled over her unprotected nipples. Pulling off her panties was easier, and her ass joined her breasts in sweet freedom. She rubbed it lightly, attempting to ease some of the soreness it always felt after being so confined. Another breeze rolled by and her bare body shivered all over at the raw sensation it brought. For all the dread it had caused her a moment ago, being naked outside felt… well, nice. Hinata shook her head and tried to regain her businesslike mindset. She was here to protect her village, not enjoy herself. She wasn’t that sort of girl, she wasn’t! With her face set in grim determination, she looked down at her body and nodded. ‘Kurenai-senei said the fastest way to orgasm was to stimulate the clitoris.’ Her course set, Hinata reached down and pressed down on the small mound at the crown of her vagina. Pleasure so intense it was almost painful shot through her. Quite against her own wishes, she sank to her knees and moaned loudly, sending echoes through the tunnel. Without even realizing what she was doing, her other hand rose to her breast, gently massaging its underside as she kept rubbing her engorged clit. Feeling the weight of her own breast in her hand, and the wetness of her pussy as her arousal soared to new heights was amazing. It filled her with a sense of rightness and elation that she’d never experienced before. It felt almost like pride. Pent up as she was after years of denied release, Hinata didn’t last long. Her orgasm hit like a freight train and left her on the ground, shivering and panting as wave after wave of ecstasy pulsed through her veins. Her finger kept rubbing as she slowly came down from the high of endorphins and smiled for the first time that day. That had been quite possibly the best experience of her life. Slowly getting on her knees, and then standing, Hinata looked down at her body in wonder, glistening in the flickering lamplight. Her thighs were soaked in her own sweet juices. Had her skin always looked so soft and shiny? Curious, she brought her fingers to her nose and inhaled her own scent. It was intoxicating. She leaned forward, opening her mouth to – ‘What am I doing?’ Just like that the magic was gone. She stared horrified at her hand, soiled by the dirty act it had just perpetrated. The wetness at her thighs suddenly seemed slimy and uncomfortable. ‘Am I really that weak? That perverted?’ She felt lightheaded, flushing bright red as her mind went to war with itself. ‘I wasn’t supposed to enjoy it. But it felt so good.’ As if on cue, an aftershock hit her and she let out a moan. Fresh wetness trailed down Hinata’s inner thigh and she fought desperately to keep her hands away from her pussy, on the verge of tears from fear, anger, and sensation. A breeze rushed past and she shivered in the cold. ‘Enough. I’ve had enough of all of this.’ She walked over to her clothes and retrieved a pack of wet wipes from her pocket. She quickly went to work washing her fingers, and then cleaned off her thighs, ignoring the little pulses of happiness she felt as the wet cloth trailed over her bare skin. She would not give in. She was strong. Strong like Naruto. It took her a bit longer than usual to pull her underwear on, fumbling with the fabric in her haste to get back into it. She was so distracted by her own thoughts that she just barely managed to catch the sound of approaching footsteps and laughter in time to whirl on Ino and Sai as they entered the lamplight. They stared back at her, dumbfounded, their own lamp held loosely in Sai’s hand. Hinata’s bra was still not completely on, and her seals were definitely not activated. “Uh, Hinata… Hi. What are you…?” Ino’s eyes were drawn inexorably down to her friend’s markedly increased proportions. “Whoa! When did that happen?” Before Hinata could get in a word edgewise, her friend had come within a foot of her, staring at her breasts as though they were the most fascinating objects in existence. “Sweet merciful Sage, look at these things! You’re bigger than Tsunade-sama! What the hell have you been eating?” Hinata wasn’t entirely sure why Ino seemed so happy about this, but she was pretty sure if she blushed any harder, she’d pass out. Her hands shot up, trying desperately to pull the second strap of her sports bra into place and cover herself. The later was a lost cause, but it made her feel better. “I, uh, have no – no idea what y-you mean.” Ino stared at her as though she’d grown a second head, watching as the Hyuuga girl tried desperately to pull on her clothes without drawing attention to any part of her figure. “Are you kidding me? Where have you been hiding this? Come on, tell me your secret. I won’t spread it around, I swear.” She paused, realization dawning in her eyes before turning to Sai and sauntering up to him, trailing a finger down his exposed midriff and smiling. “Would you mind waiting at the cave entrance while we sort this out? I’ll make it worth your while…” She let her voice trail off huskily, her finger drifting dangerously close to the waist of his pants. Sai’s eyes flicked between his girlfriend and Hinata as she tried and failed to pull her borrowed pants over the swell of her rear. Finally settling on Ino, he nodded, and for once was tactful enough to keep his mouth shut. “Good, I shouldn’t be too long.” Ino planted a kiss on his lips and turned him back toward the cave entrance, watching him appreciatively from behind as he hurried down the tunnel. “So anyway, as I was saying, how did you get that body? It’s amazing!” The girl in question glanced incredulously at her friend, taking in every inch of the physical masterwork that was Yamanaka Ino: her silky platinum hair, crystalline blue eyes, smooth creamy skin, perfectly proportioned, perky breasts, smooth stomach, and endless legs, all wrapped up in clothes that were either form-fitting or non-existent and rendered dramatically mysterious by the flickering light of the lamp. The contrast to her own perceived inadequacies only made her denials more vehement. “It-It’s not amazing, it’s… weird and… and disgusting.” She spat the last word like a curse. Ino blinked behind her bangs, completely uncomprehending. “Who… the hell… told you that?” Hinata finished forcing her sweater over her nipples, realized with exasperation that it wasn’t going to stretch any further in her current state, and looked back up at Ino. Her friend was strangely serious-looking compared to a second ago. “What?” “I’m serious, Hinata.” Ino’s eyes were now locked tightly with hers, filled with righteous anger. “Whoever has been telling you that is a complete asshole, and you shouldn’t be listening to them.” Hinata fidgeted with her hands, her pants left below her ass, forgotten. “No-nobody told me, I just… It’s just true.” Ino’s thunderous look became a sad smile almost faster than she could follow. There was a bit of a laugh in her voice as she continued.             “Hinata, I can tell you right now, that I would kill for tits like those.” Hinata looked down, somehow even more embarrassed at the sincerely delivered compliment, pushing her fingers together the way she had as a genin.             “I don’t know, they can be, ah, kind of painful, for my back.” Ino nodded sagely, crossing her arms and regarding the breasts in question like a scientist over their latest sample.             “Yeah, I always kind of wondered how Tsunade-sama got around that. Anyway, what did you do? Special diet? Some new justsu?” Hinata shook her head, desperately racking her brain for an excuse to leave, or for the sudden growth.             “I, uh, just woke up one day, and, and they were, ah, like this.” Ino regarded her with raised eyebrows and squinted eyes, pouting. “You know if you don’t want to tell me, you can just say so.” Hinata sighed, leaning heavily back against the column behind her only to be very rudely reminded by the rough stone that her pants didn’t fit anymore. Ino looked pointedly at the giant creamy pillows at the base of her friend’s spine, then back to her face. “I don’t suppose you want to tell me how that happened either?” Hinata shook her head. “Well, do you have any way to get those on? Because something tells me you don’t want to stroll through the village with your panties on display.” Her blush deepened, if possible. Hinata begrudgingly brought her hands together and activated her seals. Ino blinked curiously as she adjusted the sweater and pulled her pants the rest of the way up, wondering momentarily what this yoga thing was if it needed clothes that hugged your body this tightly. She didn’t have to look to realize that little was being left to the imagination. “Huh… How long have you been doing that for?” The dark-haired girl looked down and away, frowning. “Since I was eleven. The seals have, ah, gotten less effective as I’ve grown.” Ino frowned. “Well I understand why you would want to use them on missions and whatnot, but… Well, have you ever considered just not using them?” Hinata looked at Ino as though she’d just suggested she take up alligator wrestling. “No, no, I couldn’t. People would see me!” Ino smiled, her sincere expression rendered dramatic by the flickering light of the lamp. “Yeah, that’s kind of the point. You should take pride in your figure.”             She hadn’t had a response for that. Now, sitting against the wall on her stripped mattress, Hinata thought about how ridiculous the day had been, how much had changed. The rain had stopped hours earlier and the sun was just dipping below the horizon. She sighed, hugging her knees to her chin and staring blankly out the window. Pride. When had she ever allowed herself any of it? Not in her training, not in her service to the village, not in her body, or her intelligence. It had been years since anybody she cared for had said an unkind word to her, but she still remembered: the fear of not being good enough for the elders; the guilt of knowing that her weakness caused her father pain; the shame of knowing that her body was something to hide. ‘Isn’t it?’ She hadn’t believed it when Kurenai told her she was beautiful all those years ago. She had been fourteen, and the woman was obligated to say those things. But Ino, a known gossip, one of the most beautiful and blunt people she knew, had been even more vehement. For the first time in years, Hinata doubted her own inadequacy. Not much happened on Sunday. She made some cinnamon rolls to help her thoughts alng, and the day passed quickly. Monday arrived with clear blue skies and as she emerged from her bathroom to greet the new week, Hinata took a moment to regard herself in her mirror. She was naked. Her eyes trailed over her body: her large eyes, her high cheekbones, her defined abdominals and calves. She was unsealed, but she didn’t feel as much of a need to focus on that as she had two days ago. As she stood there, hair unfixed, and body unclothed, she felt… content. And a few minutes later when she sealed herself away, it was almost regretful. Ino’s words had been echoing in her head since their encounter in the cave. The idea of going out unsealed – of walking the streets as she really was – kept surfacing no matter how hard she tamped down on it. It was a terrifying prospect after hiding for so long, but it would not leave her alone. As her eyes wandered over her reflection, Hinata realized that they seemed very dry. “Lady Hinata?” There was a knock at her door, and she was suddenly very conscious of her nakedness. “Your father wished me to inform you that if you delay much longer, you will be late for mission assignments.” She took a moment to slow her breathing and rub at her eyes before answering. “Thank you, Ko. Tell him I will be along shortly.”     Elsewhere in Konoha, two of her former classmates were engaged in rather different, though not entirely unrelated activities. Both were sweat-slicked and flushed, though more from excitement than any sort of actual exertion. Another wave of pleasure hit Sakura, and she closed her eyes, physically restraining them from rolling into the back of her head, but failing to contain the loud moan bubbling up in her throat. Sasuke seemed to appreciate it; his grip on her ass tightened considerably for a second and he grunted something unintelligible that might have been a curse. They’d been at this for a good two hours now, give or take some time for foreplay. Sasuke was leaning up against the headboard of Sakura’s bed with his girlfriend straddling him, fucking herself onto his cock with remarkable enthusiasm. Every time her hips descended and coated him in liquid silk, his own jerked up to meet them. At this point it was basically involuntary for both of them. She let out another loud moan as he buried himself particularly deep, clenching around him and eliciting a heavy pant from the man under her. “Sasuke…” Her voice was hoarse; she could barely concentrate enough to form the second word. “Close.” “Hn.” His hand slid its way up from her perfectly sculpted, round marvel of an ass to rub lightly over the small of her back, and he leaned forward, pulling her down into a kiss. She nipped enthusiastically at his lip, and he felt something in his groin clench. He managed to fight it for a solid five seconds, pulling back and looking her dead in the eye. “Sakura, you have to – ” It was too late. She came hard, mouth falling open, eyes flying wide as though the heavens had parted and shown her the secrets of the universe. She clenched up almost painfully around Sasuke’s shaft, and no amount of self-control could save him. His hips bucked, and he came right into her womb. Wave after wave of reciprocal ecstasy pulsed through them both, and for a little while, everything but them seemed to dissolve away. A low, purring moan escaped Sakura’s lips as she slowly came down from the high of her orgasm. Sasuke was still cumming, buried as far into her as he could go, releasing load after load of warm jizz directly into her womb. It was a strangely comforting feeling, like some sort of internal cream massage… Well, that metaphor didn’t really do it justice, but regardless, it felt amazing. She wriggled as the flow began to abate, feeling the cum that filled every spare space in her pussy squelch around, and letting out a conscious, aggressive noise, somewhere between a growl and a laugh. Still rolling her hips, she leaned forward and recaptured Sasuke’s lips. It was a shallow, lingering sort of kiss, more sweet and teasing than anything else. “Look what you did, Sasuke-kun. You got cum all over my innocent little pussy.” He chuckled – actually chuckled – just the slightest bit, and she relished it, planting another small kiss on him. It had taken four years of her life to get the first real laugh out of him, and even two years later, the novelty had yet to wear off. She was never letting it go now that it was hers. “You know, that might actually cause problems later on.” She glanced down at the slight bulge in her abdomen and the cock still stuffed all but a few inches into her, frowning. He had a point. “I’ll talk to sensei about precautions later… I’m sorry, I should have let you go out and get some condoms.” Sasuke shrugged, tracing circles just above her sex, then around her abs and up between her small, round breasts to her collarbone. “I should have thought ahead. I know how you get when I’m gone for a while.” She blushed furiously, matching her hair nicely. “Besides. It takes a little while to find them in my size.” For anyone else, it might have sounded like an empty boast, but he said it with the indifference of a simple fact, and she had the slowly softening proof buried up to the entrance of her cum-drenched womb. He sat up a bit, and Sakura’s eyes briefly closed at the sudden movement inside her. She leaned forward, hands on his chest, frowning as a thought parted the happy haze over her mind. “Hey, what time is it?” Sasuke frowned, and glanced over her shoulder at the wall clock. “About quarter-to-eight.” Sakura’s eyes widened. “Ah, hell.” She spared one last regretful glance down before lifting herself off of Sasuke, grimacing. “I’m gonna be late.” He came free with a wet sucking noise, and a large trickle of cum began working its way down her inner thighs, mingling with her own juices and sweat. “Come on, we’ll save water and time if we shower together. No funny business though; I gotta move.” Sasuke stretched a bit and sat up, nodding. The barest hint of a smile crossed his features as he got to his feet and followed Sakura to the bathroom. It was gonna be a good day.                 The Hokage’s office had been far more crowded than usual that morning. A number of people were arrayed about the room, leaning on the wall, sitting, or standing, but most of their eyes were trained on the same man.             “So, Kakashi-sensei, ya got a mission for us?” Hinata was the most egregious exception: she couldn’t seem to decide whether she should be staring at Naruto or desperately looking anywhere else. Sakura and Sai were next to him in front of the desk, with Ino flanking her boyfriend. Sasuke and Shikamaru had taken up positions on the edge of the room, calmly observing the proceedings. Kiba and Chouji had ended up next to Hinata somewhere in between. Technically, most of them weren’t teams any longer. Asuma had died years ago and Shikamaru’s reluctant promotion to Jounin had been four months earlier, so Team Ten rarely worked together anymore. Team Kurenai was much the same, with their eponymous sensei retired to desk duty, and Shino pursuing a career as an academy teacher. Team Kakashi was the only one still more or less intact, though they usually worked under Yamato, or alone, what with their namesake being Hokage. “Several missions, actually. Technically they’re separate, but they all deal with the same threat, so I thought I could brief you all at once.” He leaned forward over the desk. “A week ago, one of our ANBU patrols went after what we thought was a simple bandit group northeast of the village. The merchants were initially tight-lipped about what they had lost and we had no reason to think it was in any way strange, but after that, we had a Yamanaka interrogation conducted. We found out several frightening things. “The first is that these bandits are chakra-users. And judging by the way our ANBU have disappeared, likely of some strength. The second is that they only ever stole food and people. No other goods were touched.” Shikamaru nodded gravely, crossing his arms. “If they didn’t take any other goods, it’s doubtful they’re slavers. Maybe an Orochimaru fan gathering people for experiments?” Kakashi returned the nod. “Regardless, we’ve sealed off the road between Suna and Konoha. Sai, Sasuke, and Naruto will be running air-sweeps of the area, trying to pinpoint any base of operations they might have. Shikamaru, Chouji and Hinata will be providing guards for Suna’s ambassador as she returns home. Ino and Kiba will follow the guard team from the shadows. If they are attacked, you two are to follow any enemies that might escape the battle and pinpoint their base that way.” As they walked casually down the road, Hinata took a moment to flash the surrounding area with her Byakugan. There was nothing especially interesting; the dense trees of the Land of Fire spread out in every direction, small animals moved in the underbrush, the odd bird could be seen high above. ‘Hey, you know what would be interesting?’ Hinata stiffened minutely at the sudden voice in her head. That she recognized it immediately was the only reason she didn’t immediately wonder if she was going crazy. Shikamaru noticed the momentary pause, the expression of surprise, but said nothing. ‘You can communicate telepathically? Is this because we’re both succubi?’ Mina’s chuckle echoed through Hinata’s head. ‘It’d be harder if you weren’t a giant flashing beacon of repressed lust, but basically, yeah. But seriously, take a look at your teammates. I think you’ll be interested.’ Hinata contemplated just saying no and being done with it, but she didn’t really have anything to do, and she was curious. She turned her Byakugan on Shikamaru first. He was about as she remembered: same height, same defined runner’s build, same large chakra pool. But… There was something strange about his chakra. It seemed to almost trail off to his side. Was it turning purple? She followed the trail tentatively and found that it led straight to Temari. The girl had changed some things cosmetically since last Hinata had seen her. She only had two ponytails, and her hair fell in well-kept bangs over a face with slightly more makeup on it than before. Her chakra pool, a bit larger than Shikamaru’s, was tugging in his direction in much the same way. Hinata had never seen anything like it; it unnerved her. ‘Oh, they are just frothing over each other. Can’t wait to see how that ends.’ Hinata shut off her Byakugan and frowned. ‘What exactly is that?’ ‘It’s an ocular power of us succubi. Basically, if someone wants to fuck someone else, we can see it. Usually not as pronounced as that, though; I’m surprised they aren’t screwing in the mud right now.’ Hinata blinked; that ability had more than a few applications she could think of off the top of her head. ‘What other powers do we have?’ Mina hummed, as though deep in thought. ‘Well, we’ve got the eye powers, so lust-spotting, general chakra-seeing and increased reaction time, but your Byakugan already takes care of those two. We can do a sort of hypnosis thing, but you need to be really comfortable with yourself to do it, and they have to be at least a bit attracted to you for it to work. ‘Physically, we tend to be curvier than the average, and we can modify our bodies a bit, but that one takes a lot of practice. We can… accommodate large object better than the average person.’ Hinata blushed furiously, and Shikamaru took notice. She was acting very strangely, eyes darting all over the place. Every now and then, she opened her mouth as though she were about to say something. ‘Oh yeah, and we can make more of us if we have a person drink about half a cup of our blood, but the full power-set won’t happen for them. They might get a bit, but only their kids will be full-on succubi.’ Hinata frowned. ‘Wait, how does that –?’ “Oy, Hinata.” Her eyes snapped to Shikamaru at the sound of his voice, and she did her best to look casual. It didn’t work. “Are you okay?” She didn’t really trust herself to speak, so she just nodded and kept walking. Even so, her thoughts were caught up in her new predicaments. She had powers she had never known of before, and most of them seemed to be based in sex of all things. She had a lust demon talking in her head, and apparently she was one too. This was going to be a long mission.
Chapter 1 - Home
 My mom was born Soon-ok, but here in the US everyone called her Sun or Sunny. She was pregnant with only one year of high school under her belt when she left South Korea with my dad to avoid troubles at home with her austere family. I knew that she was hot ever since I was a kid, since men never stopped staring or flirting with her wherever we went, and that always brought endless conflict between my parents.   Most Asian girls are supposed to have cute faces, but my mother had never been that sort of anime tier cute thot. Her face was naturally expressionless (or should I say cunty?), with dark liquid eyes and full red lips, framed by lacquered black locks that reached down to her thinspo waist. The power of her resting bitch face got her stopped at airport security whenever we went. The few times she tried to smile in thanks always backfired and came across as condescending to everyone else, including her own family. Just a mega ice queen.  “I’m just not that type of girl,” she told me once as she drove me to school, explaining how she had never been the happy-go-lucky type her parents expected her to be.   No, my mom was a long-legged doll with honeyed skin, with hips that made her silhouette unmistakable even from afar, and a pair of breasts that may have been big on an American girl, but which were positively obscene on a slender-limbed Korean that weighed under a hundred pounds.  We weren’t that close growing up (she was too young to even conceptualize me as her own) until I got to a dating age, at which point she started to question me relentlessly about the girls in my class and advised me on how to ask each one of them out. It made me sad, because it was so clear she wanted to live the school life she never had through me. Life had been good to her in America - she drove a sports car, lived in a mansion, and carried a credit card she never had to worry about - but at the end of the day she was still a housewife that spent all day by herself except the occasional phone call back home.  It took her a few years, but she soon figured out that not only could I not score with a girl, but that all the “friends” I went out with were made up, and that I only walked outside aimlessly for an allotted amount of time to please her. Our neighbors told her, probably because they were worried I might be mentally ill walking in that way all by myself. One night after a long conversation on the topic I could see her total disappointment, and later I heard her sobbing in the upstairs bathroom, speaking hush-hush in Korean to my aunt, saying, “I don’t know what to do with him anymore.”   Ironic, I wasn’t the cute boy my parents wanted either.  Then Kyle happened.   Kyle was one of the guys from my class, a total douche that enjoyed making others feel stupid, especially the teachers that he loved to correct - they ended up loathing him. He was a strange bully, in that he was fat as fuck, with mantits flapping under his shirt, sporting the same ankle-length camo pants all year round, but he was also the best in our class, and seemingly effortlessly so.  We had zero contact, until one day when we ended up arguing about whether Team Fortress 2 or Overwatch was better and he beat the living shit out of me after class. He was in awful shape and seemed ready to collapse after it ended, sputtering around out of breath, but I was just a skinny Asian guy that weighed a third of what he did. I got bruised pretty bad, and Mom freaked out as soon as she saw me, insisting that she would go and get him kicked out the next day.   Oh, she went all right, though nothing of the sort happened. We sat in the principal’s office until Kyle got pulled out of class, at which point the old woman reprimanded him some more as my mother watched, no doubt struggling a little to make out the finer points of the conversation as it went down in English.  “Look at this fat bastard,” she told me in Korean, studying Kyle. Her legs were crossed elegantly as if she were some business down, her ringed fingers anxiously moving over the armrests. “He’s like a pancake. You couldn’t beat him up? I could beat him up.” Suddenly, I was the one being reprimanded instead. Why don’t you beat him up? I wondered. Maybe then she’d shut the fuck up. Clearly, I wasn’t man enough for her tastes.   Anyway, it ended quickly and we got up to go, though my mom stayed back to talk to the principal. Kyle (who got off, just as predicted by yours truly) stood in the doorway next to me, clearly ogling my mother’s figure. She wore a fancy pair of high-waisted and a little see-through pants with stiletto heels, and enough perfume that I could still smell it in the hallway the day after.  “That’s your sister or your mom?” Kyle asked me, no doubt trying to make a point. His “ironic” vintage Star Wars shirt was sweaty.    But really, people always made that mistake. She just had me at such a young age and took such good care of herself that I figured after I hit twenty they would think I’m the older one. I ate like shit and never exercised, while she was up until 1am applying lotions and creams to her body. Self-care, my mom’s life was all about self-care. “My mom.”  “She’s hot as fuck.”   I gazed at the fattie, wondering what I was supposed to say to that.   Mom came and closed the door behind her, and noticed Kyle was hanging around. “What does he want?” “I don’t know.”   Kyle frowned, intrigued by what he thought we might have been saying. For as smart as he may have been, he was the same sort of dumbshit white American that only spoke English and three words of anything else.   Then he looked at me. “Hey, I’m sorry about beating you up. Maybe we can be friends?” His chubby hand reached out, but the last thing I wanted was to shake it. I knew he only did it because he wanted to make a good impression with Mom.   She kept nudging me to shake it, until she finally forced me to do it awkwardly. “You’re so fucking rude!” she snapped to me in Korean. “Is this how I raised you? No wonder you have no friends!” I could almost hear it in the tone, No wonder he beat you up.   These were very big words from a woman that at most spoke to maybe three people a day: me, Dad, and Auntie.  For some reason she took it one step forward and apologized to Kyle, saying that I had told her about how good he is in school, and how she hoped we could patch things up. Somehow, he managed to butt his way into our life, and Mom was now inviting him to have lunch.  “Classes aren’t over,” I told her.   Kyle was already going after his bag, and my mom waved away the notion like it was nothing.   He got into her white leather interior Porsche, all giddy, and I cursed Mom in English under my breath. Why the hell was she bringing this cretin into our life?   At home we sat down in the living room while she cooked us lunch, though Kyle kept repeating how hot she is. “I have a strange feeling, my friend.”  “What’s that?” I asked him.  “I have a feeling that your mom and I are going to end up very good friends. Very good.”   The thought made me upset but I kept my mouth shut. My dad wasn’t home and he probably wouldn’t be coming for hours. He only ever got home in the evening, after long hours at the office. “Keep dreaming.” He was mistaking beauty for socializing skills. Sure, my mom was hot, but she was about as bad as me at socializing, which made all her criticisms so poignantly ironic, something I came to realize more and more over time.   Kyle went into the kitchen and offered to help her cook, though my mom was only standing and cutting some vegetables, an apron wrapped around her front. He stood and chatted her up, even getting her to laugh a few times, glancing down at the round ass that blatantly curved away from her body.   Go ahead, I thought to myself. Touch it. Do it and you’ll be out of our fucking lives. Why did my mom even invite this fat loser in the first place?  Another annoying thing is that he called her by her first name. Like, where did he get off. “Sun, you’re so beautiful,” he suddenly told her.   Mom’s face remained in control as she cut the tomatoes, though a soft blush spread over her cheeks. “Don’t say things like this. You should say this to girls at school.” Her English was more imperfect than usual all of a sudden. I was pretty sure my mom spoke better English than that. “They aren’t nearly as gorgeous as you,” he insisted. “I wish you were my mom.”   The last comment was just fucked up. How would it help if she was his mom?   Her head turned, the light refracting beautifully along her dark hair as it whipped around with it.“Where’s your mom?”   The question only got a simple shrug out of him. “Dunno. Getting high somewhere, probably.”   Her dark eyes narrowed. “What’s high?”   “You know—drugs?” “Oh.” Mom’s brows went up, then she nodded solemnly. Any other person would have put a sorry in there, but not my mother. She just acknowledged the misfortunes of others like a phone bill and moved on.   Kyle kept eyeing her ass as the toned cheeks flexed against white linen and the fabric rustled with her movements. Then he just raised his hand to her lower back, and casually lowered it until it rested over her ass. “You’ve got an incredible body, Miss Sun.”   Mom stopped cutting but that was all she did. The blush erupted even further and she blinked rapidly. After a few moments, she breathlessly responded with a simple, “Thank you.”    His palm kept running over her tight buns, as if appraising their peachy roundness and comfy warmth. “You must go to the gym a lot to get glutes like these.”   Why wasn’t my mom doing anything? It made no sense. I stood there in the doorway, frozen, my heart thrumming in my chest, wondering how much longer she would put up with it until she slapped his shit and sent him home.   The knife cut down into a carrot. “I go every morning.”  Kyle glanced at me as he felt up my mom’s butt and grinned with satisfaction. “It’s worth it. You can tell this took years and years of hard work.” He raised his hand to her waist and got behind her, pressing into her back like some sweetheart that just got home.   Finally, Mom reacted with a little more vigor, though just as uncertain as before. “W-What are you doing?!” There just wasn’t enough anger and indignancy in her tone for what he was doing!  The hairy arms wrapped around my mom’s wispy body and held her as if she were his girlfriend. Though she was almost double his age, the size discrepancy between them favored him, as it still looked natural despite it all. My mom was tall for a Korean, but Kyle was tall for a white guy, and he still towered over her. “Will you go out with me, Miss Sun? Please?” It sounded joky, but not entirely. “Kyle…” The knife fell from her hand and she kept banging the counter with the ends of her hands nervously. “What are you saying?” This was truly getting to her. “I love you, Miss Sun.”   Like that moment when you realize your mouse stopped moving and that nothing else works on the computer either and it’s fucked, my mom just froze, not knowing how to respond to any of this. God knows where the difficulty came from for her, but she just didn’t seem to have an answer for him. They stood there for a long time, him holding her from behind and cuddling her against his fat body, my mom panicking silently, until the doorbell rang. She took that opportunity and ran away from him to take a package that had just arrived.   Left alone, Kyle gave me a smug look, “You were saying?”   Mom came back walking on eggshells, doing her best to stay out of his reach and keeping the box against her chest as a separator. “Honey… Why don’t you take Kyle in your room and play some games?” Before, she wanted us to be far away from the “damned games,” which she blamed for everything bad in my life. “I’ll come get you when food is done.”   From her tone alone you could tell that she was off, and I couldn’t understand why she wasn’t just sending him home for this clear breach of trust. “Just tell him to go!” I snapped.  “Just let him eat and then he’ll go,” she said, trying not to look at Kyle, as if that was some kind of final mercy toward him. I guess she invited him for lunch and had yet to serve it, and my mom could be autistic about such things.   As soon as we got into the bedroom, Kyle noticed my waifu figurine display under glass, containing some fifty different girls. I was very proud of it. “Dude, what the fuck? You’re such a perverted little weeb.” He tapped the glass like dumb people do with aquariums, looking for a way to open it. Thank Christ, the glass door was locked, and he didn’t even know how to pop it open anyway. “Get this thing open,” he told me. “No.”   He stormed towards me and grabbed me by the shirt. “You want me to beat you up, dude? Do you seriously think I’m going to break them, or something?” The notion offended him. “I’ll break you first.” “Please!” I begged him. Then I could be rid of him. “Go ahead! Do it!”    He pushed into the bed in disgust, not knowing how else to respond. “Stupid little Asian faggot.”   I sat at the edge and watched him, making sure he wouldn’t break anything as he went around the room inspecting things. “You have all three consoles? And a computer? And an iPad?” He lifted up my Breath of the Wild copy. “Can I play this?” “I guess.”   In a way, I almost felt bad for him. Almost. Like all bullies, he clearly came from some sort of broken home, even if he was the best in class. If not for the shit with my mom, maybe I would’ve tried to look past our previous interactions and made friends and gotten to the bottom of his real troubles and helped him. My dad knew some top shrinks. After all, having a meathead like this on my side would’ve been a good thing, especially if I could reason with him past caveman speech. But all I could think was that he had pawed at my mom’s ass. And that was unforgivable.  Almost an hour passed, during which we talked about games. “I wish I had a Switch, man,” he told. “I miss playing Zelda. I used to have a Wii, but my mom fucking sold it. Sucks.”   I knew I shouldn’t have said it. He was such a fucking retard, but my heart just wasn’t made to accept things like these. I didn’t want to live in a world where people couldn’t even afford to play a game, fuckheads or no. “If you want, I can loan it to you to play it.”   His head snapped back. “For real?” “Sure.”   He seemed confused about his own feelings. “Dude... I’m sorry I hit you. You’re cool. Never again.”   Sorry that he hit me? “You need to leave my mom alone, though.”   At that, he just laughed and grinned. “That’s a different story, dude. Your mom’s a big lady. She can make her own choices. What’s it to you, anyway? If you wanted to fuck my mom, I’d let you.”  “Is she hot?”  “No. My sister is. Look her up on Facebook.”   I almost did it, though thankfully I first wondered what the hell was wrong with me. “I’m not negotiating. Leave my mom alone. Then you can have the Switch or whatever you want.” I knew it was a bad deal on my end, but I just needed it to stop.   The door opened and my mom peeked in. “Food’s ready.”  “Hey, Miss Sun…” Kyle paused the game and got up. “I wanted to apologize for before.”   My mom listened, eager to hear words that might put an end to this charade. No doubt it was embarrassing for her as well. After all, she had just been groped by her son’s friend in her own home. And by a white guy no less…   My father would likely have killed them both.  And maybe me too for just watching. “Okay…”   The door opened and she stepped inside, ready to hear him out. He started slowly, saying he just doesn’t didn’t any better, that he’s an awful guy from a broken home, all sad puppy eyes, but then… “I just find it hard to control myself around you, Miss Sun,” he said, taking her by the hand.   Oh, no… This fucking guy was at it again with his Miss Sun shit.   Mom blushed all over again and her eyelashes fluttered like butterflies about to take off. “Uhm… I’m sorry.”  “No, I’m sorry,” Kyle insisted, unabated. “I just don’t know how to act around such a beautiful woman. Especially a Korean beauty such as yourself. I never knew anything could be this fucking beautiful,” he said with extreme emphasis.   “Oh.”   She just stared at him, overwhelmed by the words pouring out of his fat mouth. Maybe if English was her first language she would’ve known how to handle the situation a little better and fine-tune her responses; but she seemed stuck between being flattered by his words to the extreme and also wanting to be an understandable and kind host.   As he talked, he slowly, ever so slowly, pulled her along until they were right next to the bed. Mom was too focused on his praises to pay much attention to any of it. Even as he dropped down in bed and pulled her along with him, he was still saying how sorry he was for what he had done before.   And he was doing worse things now.  My mom’s eyes opened in horror as she fell into my bed, right next to him. She immediately tried to rise but Kyle held her down, which wasn’t very hard given how much lighter she was. “What are you doing?...” Her voice was shaky and weak, petering out quickly.  “Shhh, it’s okay, Miss Sun.” He threw a leg over hers to hold her down and he might as well have put a log there. If she wasn’t going anywhere before, she definitely wasn’t going anywhere now. Even so, her hands kept going up in the air as if she were trying to get a hold of a handle to pull herself up, though the fattie patiently grabbed one at a time and brought them back down, doing his best to soothe her.  “Calm down, Miss Sun, calm down…” he whispered.   Calm down? How can she calm down you piece of shit? You’re holding her down in bed!! I couldn’t believe this… This… This fucking white trash was toying with my mom in our own home… Getting down with her into our own bed…  Mom just gaped at him, clueless and mesmerized. Not by his beauty or strength, but just by his outstanding daring in doing what could have gotten him killed. No doubt back home they would have murdered this fat fuck for trying something like this, or worse. For daring to touch a married woman in this way, a married high-class Korean lady.   Kyle reached up and stroked her cheek. “Miss Sun?”   Mom jumped and let out a shuddering breath. “Kyle…”  “Shhh, it’s alright… I won’t hurt you, I promise. I would kill anyone that hurt you, you’re a princess. A goddess.” He went on caressing her cheek with the back of his hand, slowly bringing his fingers down towards her wet mouth and its glossy red lips. His thumb touched the lower one, then followed it as it curved all the way to the other side. “You’re so hot… I seriously can’t help myself around you, Miss Sun. I’m sorry. You must think I’m so awful.”   He was. He wasn’t just awful, he was committing a crime… This was rape, wasn’t it? Close to it, at least. As close to it as I could imagine. I just wanted Mom to say something, anything. She didn’t have to throw him off, she just needed to scream and slap him, or even tell me to call the police. Instead, she just accepted his bullshit and took it… And with me there, watching it all, it was too awkward in my position to even speak or acknowledge what was happening. This is my mother… was the only thought that echoed through my mind, as if the nature of the world were meant to stop this from happening.   I admit, the fact that he was white did bother me a great deal. Every other Asian girl I knew in middle-school and high-school all ended up with white guys… though none of them were as beautiful as my mom. Which sounds weird, I know, but it’s true, and it gave me comfort. And Mom never responded to any advances despite my father’s endless paranoia, and most certainly never looked twice at white guys over here in America… “I don’t think… This is normal…” she said, arching her back away from the bed, and getting her bouncy boobs to sway at the same time. Seriously, that’s all she could come up with?  “No, it isn’t. I know. It’s my bad. I’m sorry, Miss Sun.” And with that his fat face slowly came down and planted a kiss on her lips.   I could see my tiny Korean doll of a mother tremble as this fat fucker dared made contact with her mouth, but once he drew back she only went on staring at him, breathing hard, her face entirely red, a film of sweat brimming across her forehead.   As he came back down to give her another kiss, I thought that would be her breaking point, but she let it happen again… Spurred on by her lack of defense, Kyle kissed her harder, bringing his hand under her head to better control her. “You’re so fucking hot…” he whispered.   This time as they separated a momentary flash of light caught my eye. Was… Was there spit involved? Had it been a wet kiss? Just thinking about it made me go crazy. This was my home, my mom, my bedroom, my bed… Stop, I begged them. Please.   Kyle grinned at her and again stroked her face as if she were some regal, purring cat. “Oh, Miss Sun, you taste amazing… I love you so much. Does your husband ever tell you how beautiful you are?”   Mom opened her mouth to speak, then looked inwardly for a second. “No,” she admitted plainly.  “Well, you are beautiful. I’d kill for you. Even just for your face. And your body is… insane.” Kyle’s hand came hovering down across her lewd body, pausing momentarily over her heaving chest, less than half an inch away from making direct contact with it. It settled down on her stomach first, testing the waters, then made its way up… up… up… until his palm came to rest over the curve of her breast.  “I bet these are real,” he said, not entirely sure.  The movement of my mother’s face was infinitesimally small. I was all the way across the room at my desk, so maybe it was all in my head. But despite it all, I thought I saw… My mother’s lips and eyes coming together to make a tiny, restrained smile, that for the first time in her life looked sincere. “Very real.”  “Miss Sun, do you know how there used to be slaves in America? Like, how black people were enslaved here?”    The question confused her. It took her a second to think back and say, “Yes.” Then after three more seconds she added, as if remembering it was socially required, “Sad.”  “Well, I’ll be your slave if you let me make love to you just once, Miss Sun. I’ll do whatever you want. Anything.” His fingers pressed gently into her breast as he came down for another kiss. Her mouth was open as he started moving and stayed open as he reached her, and his hand dug into her breast as the kiss began.   I watched helplessly from my chair as this white guy groped my mom’s tits and made out with her, as he had slowly withered away her resistance and now claimed her for his pleasure. My beautiful and pure and innocent Korean mom that never did anything with anyone…   His hand was moving again, this time going past her stomach until it reached her crotch. His fingers lightly caressed the area. I heard what sounded like a low moan.  My mom broke the kiss and looked away from him. Finally!   She looked pale and determined.  Finally, it was over! He had taken it way too far!! “Son,” she said in clear Korean.  I got up immediately, ready to call the police. “Y-Yeah?”   Her little teeth bit her lip and her eyes closed. “Get out.”   There was no way I heard that right. “What?”  A pained exhalation left her trembling lips. “Please leave.”   I stared at her, at them both lying there on my bed, and an icy chill crept up my spine. She wanted me to… go? And leave her with him?  “Now.”   I padded away silently and got to the hallway, then closed the door behind me.   Now I could hear hushed whispers from the other side and Kyle’s voice victoriously proclaiming, “Miss Sun…”   And then she moaned.
Chapter 5 - Culmination
             Naruto awoke that fine, sunny morning to an insistent, sharp knocking sound. He blinked and rolled over to look at his clock. It was nine, about an hour earlier than he liked to wake up on his days off. He groaned, stretching a few aches into his stiff muscles in an attempt to wake himself more thoroughly. Blood began to flow freely, and he threw his covers aside. There was still that sharp knocking, coming in regimented bursts of five every ten seconds or so. He walked out into his kitchen/living area, scratching at the back of his head. “Alright, I’m coming!” The knocking cut out abruptly, and a few seconds later, he opened the door.             The man standing before him was a Hyuuga; his eyes and facial structure were proof enough of that. His forehead was covered by a modified hitai-ate, much the same as Neji had worn when Naruto first met him. His clothes were simple robes and pants, white and unadorned.             “Greetings, Uzumaki-sama. I am Ko.” He bowed briefly, and Naruto inclined his own head, feeling supremely awkward. He hadn’t thought about it until he’d opened the door, but the only thing between him and nakedness was an old pair of boxers, which even reduced as he was did very little to hide him. “I come with a message from Lady Hinata.” Naruto blinked in surprise, the fog in his mind beginning to clear more rapidly. He couldn’t remember Hinata ever seeking him out. Plus, why not just come herself?             “Oh, ah, okay. What does she want?” Ko straightened up, looking Naruto in the eye.             “Hinata-sama requests that you meet her at some time today, or at your earliest convenience should you have any previous engagements. She has left the venue and time at your discretion.” Naruto blinked again, unsure how to respond to this. It was all very… sudden. What could she want to talk about?             “Oh, ah, okay, sure, today, uh, yeah, today sounds good. Tell her maybe noonish at Ichiraku Ramen?” It occurred to him suddenly that he had never seen Hinata anywhere near the stand and in fact had no reason to believe she even knew it existed, let alone where is was. “1236 West Sandaime Street.”             “Certainly, Uzumaki-sama. I shall pass the message along.” He dipped into another bow, and Naruto actually had the presence of mind to do the same this time, though it was far less professional a movement. “Good day.”             “Yeah, you too.” And with that, Ko walked down the hall and out of sight. Naruto closed his door and walked over to his couch, sinking heavily into it and frowning.             ‘Well… This is weird.’ Hyuuga Hinata, one of the most reserved people he knew, had asked to meet with him, through a messenger no less. They were friends, maybe not the closest, but she had been at his back more than a few times since they’d graduated the academy; they were certainly more than acquaintances or comrades…             So why not just come herself? Why go to all this trouble? He thought of all their more notable interactions. The first time they had really talked was during the chunin exams. In the first phase she had offered to let him copy her test. In the third she had offered him ointment after his fight with Kiba. He’d cheered her on when she fought Neji, and made that vow to avenge her defeat.             And when he had been on his way to follow through on that promise, verging on panic at just how in over his head he was, she had reminded him that his strength didn’t matter so long as he kept getting up.             Then it was pretty much a blank space until Nagato’s invasion.             He still didn’t remember much of the lead-up to it, but the image had been seared behind his eyes for months after the fact. Pain driving a metal pole through Hinata’s prone body. Someone who had tried to protect him killed while he was powerless to help. At the time, it was probably the most traumatic thing he’d seen in his life, and it was still up there, even though she had turned out all right.             Then the war, and Neji’s death: another moment of doubt, despair really. And again, it was Hinata who pulled his mind out of the muck and got him to keep going. Starting by slapping him in the face, too. He let out a breathy little chuckle at the memory, not really happy, but still humorous.             Not much had happened between them since then. They had seen each other on the street, at parties, and gone on a few missions together, but it was all just small talk and the job.             ‘Must be something about the mission… Yeah, gotta be.’ Without further ado, Naruto stood and walked back to his room to prepare for the day.               “So… are we gonna talk about what happened, or are you going to keep pretending to be asleep?” Shikamaru groaned, and turned a half-lidded eye on Temari. He’d been dutifully ignoring her for the past hour as she sat in a chair next to his hospital bed making little whirlwinds on her palm. Apparently the jig was up.             “How did you know?” She frowned back at him, eyebrow raised in disbelief.             “I didn’t, actually. You sure there wasn’t any brain damage?” He closed his eyes for a second and sighed. How had he fallen for that? “Really, though. How are you feeling?”             “Like shit.” She huffed under her breath, frowning at him.             “Who’d have fucking guessed?” He turned away, staring intently out the window at nothing. “Look, Shikamaru, we should talk about what happened.” He sighed heavily, expression unreadable.             “Yeah, we probably should…” He paused, eyeing her indirectly. “So, talk as in…” Temari huffed, stood up, stepped toward the bed, and pulled him by his collar into a simple but forceful kiss, which he melted into eagerly. A few seconds later, she dropped him back onto his pillow and sat back down, smoothing her hair out, and looking out the window.             “Talk as in you’re an idiot, and I have no idea why I like you so much.” He chuckled and finally met her eyes, smiling wider than she’d ever seen him.             “Heh, yeah. I love you too.”               Noon. ‘It’s noon, he said he’d be here by noon, why isn’t he here?’ Hinata took a deep breath and calmed herself. Naruto would arrive soon. Perfect punctuality was hardly a requirement for an informal meeting like this. She’d put this off in as many ways as she could; sending Ko instead of going herself, leaving the time and place up to Naruto, both had been attempts to delay the conversation she was about to have, justified by a million different excuses that even she didn’t really believe.             Her eyes drifted back to the clock. Not even half a minute had passed. Her fingers drummed on the table, and she wrestled with the instinct to activate her Byakugan and see if he was close yet. ‘He’s on his way, it’s fine, he’s probably just-’             “Ah, ma’am?” She jumped at the sudden voice, and found herself face-to-face with a woman perhaps five years older than she was, brown-haired, with a pretty smile, wearing an apron. “Would you maybe like to order something?”             Hinata took a second to respond, casting a glance at the menu display to her right, and attempting to think fast for a second before giving up. “No, ah, not at the moment. I’m, ah, waiting for a friend, and it might be best if I just wait, for, ah, for him to get here…” She trailed off, turning her gaze down to the countertop, stilling her drumming fingers. “No, thank you.” The girl looked at her customer, raised an eyebrow, and offering her an understanding little smile.             “Alright… And hey, for what it’s worth, you look great. I’d definitely go for you.” Hinata blinked quizzically, taking a moment to process the complement and its implications before deciding to just nod and look back down. Ayame Ichiraku chuckled a little under her breath and leaned onto the counter. “So… What’s he like?”             Hinata sighed, interlacing her fingers and squeezing in an attempt to let off tension. “Well, ah, you probably know him, he’s -” She was interrupted as a shadow passed over her, and a new person entered the stand. Ayame’s eyes lit up.             “Naruto! You here for lunch?” The man grinned back, taking a seat right next to Hinata.             “Yep!” Ayame glanced at his choice of seat and frowned.             “You know, she’s expecting someone soon, maybe you should sit a little over, or…?” She trailed off as Naruto looked back at her in confusion, and Hinata’s face grew pink.             “Oh, yeah, that’s me.” He turned to her and smiled. “Hi, Hinata.” Her blush deepened further.             “Hello, Naruto-kun.” Her hands clenched harder. Now that she was here, the full truth of her objective was settling in, and she wasn’t sure how to feel about it. In concept it was simple, but now, with him right next to her, smiling and just sitting like she wasn’t about to try to convince him to have sex with her…             Well, it was messing with her already nervous and lust-addled mind. She couldn’t meet his eyes. As her stress rose, her Byakugan activated of its own accord and she got an eyeful of her prize.             ‘Enough talking. Rip off his clothes and take him, right here in the street. Throw him on the ground and ride his prick until he fills you with jizz.’ She didn’t know where the voice came from. It wasn’t even a voice per se. It was an urge, a powerful one. It took a physical effort not to do what it asked.             “So… You wanted to talk about something?” She nodded hurriedly, welcoming the distraction, although her thoughts had barely taken a second.             “Yes, I, ah, have a problem, that I think you could maybe, ah, help me with.” Naruto nodded, suddenly looking concerned.             “Really? What’s wrong?” Hinata let out a heavy breath and gathered her thoughts, intent on not screwing this up.             “I recently found out about some… details of my family heritage, on my mother’s side. These details came with certain requirements that I have not been able to fulfill yet. In particular, there is a... a ritual that I need to perform; otherwise I might eventually pose a danger to the people around me. The problem is, it requires two people…” Naruto nodded sagely, leaning on the counter.             “Right, so you need my help to do it… What exactly is the ritual? And why me? Why not one of your teammates, or someone in your family?” Hinata’s blush deepened, entering tomato territory.             “I can’t tell you what exactly it is, not here…” She finally worked up the courage to turn and look him in the eye, smiling slightly despite her obvious discomfort. “But there is no one else I would want to help me with something like this, especially not my family.” She actively shuddered at the thought, and Naruto nodded, looking positively grim.             “Okay. I don’t know how well I’ll actually be able to help, but I’ll do what I can.” Naruto was paying attention, really, but he was a bit distracted by his sage sense. There was something off about Hinata’s chakra. It seemed twisted in a weird way. The strange abnormality was all over her, but seemed to concentrate at the base of her spine and junction of her collarbone. His eyes narrowed. “Hey, are you feeling alright?”             She fidgeted a bit with her hands, not meeting his eyes. “To be honest… No. But that is why I need your help.”             Naruto turned back into the stand and cupped a hand to his mouth. “Hey, Ayame! Better make those orders to go!”               “So… You hang out in caves often?” Hinata blushed and adjusted her grip on their lamp.             “No, ah, not usually. We just can’t do this back at the compound.” Naruto frowned.             “So why not at my apartment or something?” Suddenly, Hinata’s whole face was red.             ‘Kid, she is giving off some really interesting feelings right now.’ Naruto glanced angrily at his forehead.             ‘Kurama, this really isn’t the time.’ He got a booming laugh in response.             ‘Interesting choice of words.’ Naruto shook his head and sighed, then very nearly ran into Hinata, in the process realizing she had stopped. Her face was in her hand, the lamp held slack at her side.             “Naruto-kun, I, ah… Well, I’m not really sure how I should explain this…” Naruto walked forward, took the hand gently and pulled it down to her side.             “Think about it, then. I’ve got something I should take care of. Try to relax.” Then, with a frown of concentration, he reached back and shoved his hand through her chest.             Of course, there was no great explosion of blood or anything; her sweater weren’t even ripped. It was as though a glowing golden hole had opened up in her. For her part, Hinata seemed paralyzed, stuck with her eyes wide, and her mouth falling open. After a few seconds of digging around, Naruto finally grinned victoriously and pulled back, the hole closing behind him as though it had never been there.             In his hand were four sealing tags, each dripping red goop that seemed to evaporate a few seconds after contact with the cold cave air. It was strangely beautiful in the dancing firelight. Hinata looked down at them, and her eyes widened. “Oh no…”             Her sweater managed to survive the veritable explosion inside it by stretching outward and hiking up over her stomach. Her pants on the other hand were shredded. They had been simple civilian things, not at all up to the task before them. Naruto watched in confusion and worry as she sank to the floor, tears beginning to form in her eyes, the creamy flesh of her positively enormous ass pushing out to the sides like a cushion. A big, smooth, jiggly cushion…             No. Bad Naruto. No ogling the girl you possibly just mutated. “Wait, wait, I can fix this!” He dove forward, and put his hand exactly where he had before, doing his best to ignore the endless cleavage resting under his palm. His brow furrowed in consternation. “There’s nothing to heal. What the hell?”             A hand came up and gripped his wrist in a vice. He could have broken it, but not without, well, breaking it. And this was Hinata, one of the nicest people he had ever met. She wouldn’t hurt him. Her eyes rose slowly to meet his and he saw far too many emotions there to really make sense of. ‘Uh… Kid. You might want to move away. That or prepare yourself.’             ‘Prepare for what?’ Kurama didn’t have to answer him. Hinata did it all on her own by grabbing his waist.             “I’m sorry, Naruto-kun…” She lingered on the last syllable like a delicacy. She leaned forward, pressing her breasts against him harder than could ever be practically necessary. “I can’t hold it back any more.” Her eyes pulsed with chakra, and her Byakugan activated. “I can see it right there…” Her tongue actually came out and licked her lips. They were so full and red, plump, resting in a pouty ‘O’. His whole body felt unnaturally hot in the clammy cave air.             Apparently she felt the same. She was visibly glowing with chakra, her thumb tracing little circles on the back of his hand. Her eyes seemed to pull at his, demanding his attention. Wouldn’t it be better if he just stayed here and did what she asked? Nothing bad could come of that…               “You… Idiot…” Naruto stared at the sewer ceiling of his mindscape and tried to get his bearings. When had he gotten here? Hell, come to think of it, when was the last time he’d bothered to come here considering he and Kurama could just talk freely whenever they wanted without-             “She’s a fucking SUCCUBUS, you DOLT!” He jumped lying down somehow, found himself momentarily submerged in water, and came sputtering up, clambering to his feet and willing the liquid out of his clothes.             “Wait, wait, hold on. Hinata? Hinata ‘I can’t speak in complete sentences half the time’ Hyuuga, the girl who blushes every time she sees someone even half naked, who walks around in bulky jackets and never wears makeup, is…”             “A sex demon, yes. And she is as we speak fucking your brains out.” Naruto blinked.             “Hold on, what? Like, fucking me up, as in beating me, or…?” Kurama growled to himself, closing his eyes, and inching between his eyes.             “NO, Naruto. As in she somehow used her chakra to pull your junk out of whatever trans-dimensional bullshit lets my chakra disregard the law of conservation of mass, and she is now spearing herself onto it while moaning incessantly!” Naruto blinked up at the fox, realization dawning on his face very, very slowly.             “I… Well… Holy shit, wow, it’s at full size?”             “Yeah.”             “I mean; how durable is she that it’s not killing her?”             “Succubi are like that, kid. Although I’m guessing you’re near the upper limit, even for one as pent up as she is. I told you she was giving off weird feelings.” Naruto glared at him for a second until he finally just sighed and resolved to deal with the situation.             “Well okay, get me back out there so I can stop this.” Kurama raised what passed for an eyebrow.             “What, you mean you’re gonna kill her, or…?”             “No, furball. I know her. Obviously she’s not in her right mind if she’s raping me in a cave. I’m going to find whatever’s wrong with her and stop it.”             “Kid, there’s nothing wrong with her. From what little I remember of them, when people like her go without sex for too long it screws with their minds. The only way to deal with this is to let it run its course.” Naruto was really glaring now.             “I don’t care, Kurama. Let. Me. Out.”               ‘It’s not working. Why isn’t it working?’ Hinata had been at it for a good hour now. On the outside, she had fucked herself stupid. Her tongue was lolling out from her mouth under eyes that had rolled into the back of her head. She was straddling Naruto’s hips, slamming herself down onto his quite frankly ridiculous cock with wild abandon.             Internally, she was panicking. This was hardly the way she had planned for this to go. She knew she had to have sex with someone, and she wanted that someone to be Naruto, without a doubt. But when he’d removed her seals and whatever else he’d found inside her, something in her mind had snapped, and she’d lost all control. Now he was passed out under her, utterly limp except of course for the part of him she was currently hammering into herself.  Whatever the sex was supposed to do for her, it wasn’t doing it, and that terrified her. The world was a gaping pit of need that she couldn’t hope to satisfy. It consumed everything, everything, everything…             ‘Yeah, you kind of fucked this one up, huh?’ Mina’s interjection was sudden, and remarkably nonchalant. ‘I knew it’d be trouble when you told me you didn’t know the Rite. Gods, look at you two. Your bodies may be reacting, but you aren’t actually feeling a thing. You can’t just fuck some passed-out boy and expect it to make this go away, hell, the physical component isn’t even that important.’             She could feel Mina’s pity through the link. There was a familiar ache there, like she’d been through this before and it hadn’t turned out well. There wasn’t enough of a conscious person left to formulate a real response, just an agonizing scream of terror because everything was GONE.             ‘Real sex, the stuff that really gives us power, is about reciprocity: people who care about each other expressing it physically. You can’t just mash your junk into someone else’s and expect for that to happen. You need him awake and you need him to care, or else your buildup won’t have any way to vent into him and create a bond. The Rite is the first time you manage to find that. More than all the repression and bullshit you’ve put yourself through, that’s what’s driving you insane and what might fuck over your friends if you can’t get past it. Now get a hold of yourself, get off of him, and let him make some fucking life decisions.’             She had to stop. She had to STOP. Se HAD TO STOP.               Naruto blinked into wakefulness and was immediately hit by several realizations.             1: Hinata was on top of him, naked.             2: She was crying.             3: He was still buried up to the hilt in her pussy, which was quite frankly so impressive that for a solid few seconds he was utterly speechless.             “Naruto… I- I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to, you have to believe me I didn’t mean to do this.” He raised an eyebrow. Bringing his hand up from the floor confirmed what he’d felt: the ground under them was pulverized. If she could do this without trying…             He looked into her eyes, seeing all of the guilt and terror and affection there, and realized he couldn’t bring himself to be scared, or even angry. He gave her the best smile he could manage under the circumstances and trying to ignore how fucking amazing it felt being buried in her. “Hinata, it’s fine. I know what its like to lose control, and I don’t hold it against you. I mean, seriously, I’ve forgiven people for worse things than this. It’s not like you actually managed to hurt me.” And she hadn’t. He couldn’t feel a single bruise or anything on his body despite how obviously violent she’d been. She sighed in relief and wiped away her tears. He saw for a moment just how beautiful she really was. Her lips were curved into an apologetic smile that really accentuated just how plump and bright red they were in the lamplight. Her eyes were soft and kind. Her enormous, plump breasts heaved with every deep breath, and her body glistened with sweat. Her dark hair framed it all, trailing down to defined abs, pushed out by the visible bulge of his cock inside her. “So… You think maybe you could get off so we can talk about this?”              She blushed bright red. “Yes, oh, I-” She started to stand and Naruto lost track of the world for a second. He’d never had sex before, so it had already been a struggle to concentrate just being inside her, but movement took one of the best things he had ever felt and just about blew his brains out with it. He felt something soft pressing against his chest and opened his eyes to find Hinata panting heavily, steadying herself with her hands on either side of him.              “Wow… So this is what you needed me for.”              “Well, I suppose so, I mean, obviously I did it wrong, but well, I knew I had to have se-” She stumbled over the word, finally looking down in mixed apprehension and wonder at where they were joined together. Or at least she tried to; her breasts were obscuring the view “I will understand if you no longer wish to help me. I violated your trust, and apparently an emotional connection is necessary for this Rite. I had hoped for it to be you, but-”              “Why?” Hinata blinked at the unexpected question, so Naruto pushed on. “Why me? When I asked you before you didn’t want to explain, but now all our cards are on the table. So why come specifically to me?” If at all possible, her blush deepened.              “Well, you see… I have… admired you for some time. When we were in the academy, you were so much stronger than I was, and just as kind as I wished to be. You were inspiring, and when I began to grow up, it just… grew into something more.” Her mouth made a hard line, which her lips somehow managed to make sexy anyway. “It’s like I said when we fought Pain. I love you, Naruto-kun. That is why I wanted to do this with you...” Naruto blinked.              “You… said that? I mean… I’ll be honest, I don’t remember a whole lot before him killing you.” Her hand moved unconsciously for a second, as though attempting to find the scar through her abdomen where Nagato had stabbed her.              “Yes… And it is still true. I want your help with this… if you will let me have it.”Naruto tried to shift awkwardly and was forcefully reminded of exactly what position he was in.              “Well, we’re kind of already here, aren’t we?” They just sat there for a few seconds, neither of them knowing quite what to say until the barest hint of a laugh escaped Hinata’s lips. She held it in with a visible effort, but it was a lost cause. Naruto felt his own chuckles bubbling up inside him and before long they were both laid out on the cave floor, laughing uproariously at the sheer ridiculous nature of their situation. Hinata leaned forward, resting her forehead against Naruto’s and smiling despite the fresh tears dripping down her cheeks. The feeling of her breasts against his chest, and his cock engulfed in coiling liquid ecstasy only made her look better. Gently, doing his best to keep his head this time, he pushed his hips up.             She bucked back into him, mewling little nothings into his ear as he slowly built up to a steady rhythm. His hands found purchase in the vast smoothness of her ass, fingers gripping tightly on the pillowy expanse. He didn’t bother holding in his own moans as Hinata leaned forward and awkwardly captured his tongue with her own, as her hands left his chest and fisted in his hair. It all just felt right, natural. Sure, their movements were jerky and rough. Neither of them really knew what they were doing, but that put them on a sort of even ground.            Naruto’s fingernails dug a bit too deeply, and Hinata reared back, yelping in pain and pleasure as she shifted the friction of their whole interaction. Naruto’s eyes were drawn back to where her belly, well muscled though it was, was distending visibly around him. He was doing that. Noticing his fascination, Hinata rested a hand on the bulge, eyes widening as she finally understood what she hadn’t been able to see.            She clamped up around him, her eyes closing tight as she fell forward onto his chest, and Naruto realized he’d just made her orgasm. Between that realization, and the convulsions around his cock, he finally tipped over the edge into his own climax.             When Hinata finally came, it wasn’t quite as hard as her time in the woods. Even so, it was mind-blowing, and all the more special for how it had happened.           When Naruto came a second later, she realized that no dream could possibly do it justice.           It was a flood of liquid warmth in the deepest core of her physical being, powerful and yet comforting. It filled her faster than she even realized it was happening, jetting into her womb. The waves of her own orgasm worked in tandem with the seemingly endless shots of thick jizz, dragging out every last dreg of ecstasy into a little eternity. She could hear Naruto moaning loudly, and wondered if she was doing the same.           It was a long while before they both finally stopped, panting like they’d run several marathons. She looked down at Naruto, and saw wonder in his eyes. She hadn’t seen that look in so long. She leaned forward, and kissed him again, feeling the warmth of his seed inside her, and despite every kind of logic she possessed, hoped it would take root.           It was a simple thought, but far more consequential than she could have known.
Chapter 3 - Exposition
            Kiba Inuzuka was not an especially complex person. That’s not to say he was stupid; his intelligence was, if anything, above average, and he was far from naïve after living through a world war on the front lines. But he was not a great thinker. His approach to life was straightforward: watch out for his friends, work for his village, eat, sleep, occasionally have sex, ordered generally by priority though the last three tended to switch places a lot.             So when Hinata had shown up passed out bridal style in Naruto’s arms with a bandage around her forehead, he’d been worried. And even as he’d been assured that Naruto had checked and she was fine, he went to the trouble of checking her for strange smells and the like, and what he found was strange to say the least.             Hinata was a reserved girl, she always had been. But as he took in her scent, he found that she smelled of nothing so much as… well, sex. As she stirred back into consciousness, and found herself positioned like some helpless damsel out of a bad movie, her face went cherry red. Before she could do anything, her eyes flickered downward. Nobody else seemed to notice it, but as Naruto set her down, and she got her balance back, his thoughts turned down some interesting roads.             Hinata smelled like sex. She’d arrived with Naruto. Enemies had managed to get within a mile of their camp before she raised the alarm. It seemed impossible that after so many years of pining she’d finally gotten up her courage, but…             As Sakura began discussing their plan of action, Kiba allowed himself a private, toothy smile and a quiet chuckle. ‘Yeah, Hinata! Get that dick!’             Hinata herself was blissfully unaware of her old teammates thoughts, as she was rather lost in her own. They were simple: she’d elected to pick up where she left off.             ‘How. How? How? When? HOW?’ Mina was laughing somewhere in the background, as her mind went in circles, trying to understand the things she had seen when she –             “Hinata!” The Hyuuga heiress blinked back into attentiveness and focused on Sakura.             “I’m, ah, sorry, Sakura-san. What were you saying?” The pink-haired woman frowned, stepping forward and running green hands over her forehead for the third time since she had arrived.             “Are you alright? I can’t find anything wrong, but…” Hinata stepped back hurriedly, holding out her hands to ward the other girl off.             “I-I’m fine.” Sakura looked at her doubtfully, but dropped the subject.             “Alright, fine. Chouji says you thought the area below us looked weird?” Hinata nodded vigorously; glad to change the subject.             “Y-yes! I couldn’t find any sort of entrance, but judging by the distortions below us, I’d assume there is some kind of compound here.” Sakura nodded.             “Right then, if none of our sensors can find a way in, I suppose we’ll have to make one. Kiba, you’re up!” The young man in question nodded, walking forward along with his dog and taking up a stance on all fours.             “Let’s go, Akamaru. Gatsuga!” He and the horse-sized canine he was bonded to twisted in unison and soon blurred beyond recognition, slamming into the ground and grinding away at it like an enormous two-part drill. They bored on for a few minutes until a loud crash went up, and both jumped back out of the hole they’d created. Kiba grinned.             “We’re in.”                 Naruto glanced around another corner into another empty hallway. That particular sight was starting to get extremely annoying, though not nearly so much as the fox in his head refusing to shut up. ‘I’m telling you gaki; I’ve never seen a person as infatuated as she is. It’s like she’s screaming her feelings through a loudspeaker.’             Naruto felt ahead with his Sage sense, but it was just as distorted and weird as ever; the whole compound seemed to be designed to throw off sensors. ‘Kurama, this really isn’t the best time.’ The fox scoffed derisively.             ‘Please. Like anything we find down here would be an honest threat to us. In case you hadn’t noticed, you and the Uchiha brat are in your own league now.’ Naruto frowned at the reminder of his own freakish strength. On the one hand it was awesome being one of the most OP things alive, but sometimes it could get really boring. He hadn’t had a good fight in almost a year what with Sasuke being busy his last few visits.             ‘Oh yeah, busy screwing the pink banshee into a damn coma. Come on, you don’t need me to figure that one out.’ Naruto shuddered as well-suppressed memories threatened to resurface. Suffice it to say that his old teammates were not the most discrete people he knew.             ‘I thought we agreed never to talk about that again.’ Shaking away echoes of past horror, he walked up to the first door on the left and opened it slowly, wary of traps.             He found what looked like some sort of armory: swords of various styles lined the walls, and crates marked with kunai and shuriken decals were stacked in a corner. He lifted a heavy broadsword from its display stands and tested its weight in his hand. It was remarkably well balanced. He gave a few experimental swings and seriously considered taking the thing. ‘What do you think? I mean, the sheath’s a bit tacky, but – ’             “Naruto Uzumaki.” Naruto jumped and whirled to find the doorway occupied by a man with white hair, wearing a white robe. His eyes were flat and blue: utterly lifeless. Had he really been so deep in his thoughts that he’d completely missed this guy’s approach? He had to get out on more missions: obviously he was going soft.             The strange man continued in a flat monotone, scanning Naruto’s body. “Jinchuriki of Kyubi, Transmigrant. Threat classification: A. Potential for experimentation: negligible. Elimination recommended.” Naruto raised an eyebrow at the mention of elimination. Assuming he planned to do it personally, this guy was either ridiculously confident or suicidal. Maybe both.             “Look, man, you seem to know who I am, so how about –” The man’s mouth opened and a ball of yellow light began to coalesce in front of it. Naruto’s senses might have been fuzzy, but he could tell the thing was close to charged already; even at his speed, he wouldn’t be able to dodge all of it. So with a thought, he pushed as much chakra into his front as possible, and crossed his arms to tank the thing.                  Hinata and Kiba were having a bit more luck. They’d stumbled across a large metal door that just about screamed: “I am important, smash me open.”             So they did just that, and found themselves in probably the most stereotypically evil-looking lab possible. The grey metal walls were lined with opaque glass cases, glowing a deep purple. A desk covered in papers was pushed into a corner. An operating table sat in the middle, along with a counter covered with small test tubes, most of them a similar purple to the larger cases. The whole place smelled like antiseptic and – strangely enough – cinnamon.             “Sooo…” Hinata tore her eyes away from the glowing objects to look at her old teammate. “How long have you and Naruto been a thing?”             Hinata fought off lightheadedness as she thought about the blonde man, barely reigning herself in from another repetitious episode of ‘how’s. “I… I, ah don’t…” Kiba raised an eyebrow, smirking.             “Hinata, you’ve known me for years. My nose doesn’t lie.” Her eyes widened, and darted down to her pants. It was faint, almost imperceptible, but there was still a stain there from her… stress-relief in the woods.             “Ah… I…” She swallowed, trying to get control of herself. ‘Don’tfaintdon’tfaintdon’tfaint…’             “Alright, fine, if you don’t want to talk about it, I’ll back off. Good job, though.” He was still smirking to himself. Hinata turned away and busied herself by walking to the desk and looking over the notes. She couldn’t make heads or tails of the chemical formulas and jargon on them, but once she sorted through, she found a small leather-bound notebook. She flipped it open to the first page.   We’ve successfully managed to recreate some of the chakra oddities we observed in subjects one and five, but unfortunately the process killed them. Upon further observation, we found that working from latent genes seems to result in greater potential. Applying these findings to subject three produced better results, but again, death upon unlocking advanced powers. We’ve decided to keep subject zero on standard treatments until we find a safer way to unlock later-stage abilities, but I’m not sure how much longer we can get away with so little progress. Toneri isn’t known for his patience.              The entry ended there. She flipped a few pages ahead, eyes narrowing. Clearly their experiments were genetic in nature, and they seemed to be discussing unlocking bloodline abilities. Work like this was always dangerous.   Major breakthrough yesterday: subject ten managed to get in and out of his final form without severely damaging any of his organs. For so long, it seemed like the succubus chakra was completely incompatible with male systems, but if this is any indication, we might have subject zero up to full capability by year’s end. Toneri should be happy with that. On a slightly more morbid note, subject nine got loose the other day, went completely nuts. Managed to kill Mai before we brought him down. Still, this is progress too. Nine was one of our oldest survivors. It seems prolonged abstinence can lead to violent insanity in the strain we’ve created. We’ll be ready next time, and hopefully we can mitigate the effects on zero.               Hinata finished the second entry, staring blankly down at the paper. ‘Mina… Do you know anything about this?’ The older succubus hissed to herself.             ‘They’re trying to make Incubi, the insane bastards.’ She sighed. ‘Hypothetically, they’re a male version of a succubus. Our abilities don’t transfer to sons. Every attempt to change that has led to exactly what they’re describing: death and insanity.’ Hinata frowned.             ‘Could that poison they used on Shikamaru be derived from our abilities?’ Mina sent thoughtful confirmation back along the link.             ‘That’s what I was thinking. Couple questions, though: where did the researchers go, where did they get the info to even conduct these experiments, who’s Toneri, and what’s in those glass things along the wall?’             “Hey, Hinata.” She blinked back to attentiveness and turned to Kiba. He was standing with his palm against one of the tubes, wide-eyed. “Are there guys floating in the ones near you?” She walked quickly to the closest one and peered through the glass. It was misted to the point she couldn’t see anything, but as her hand trailed over the cold glass, she found herself face-to-face with a naked woman about her own age. She was bald, and modestly figured, with pale skin; though it was difficult to tell with the purple glow of the liquid she was floating in. Dark lines played over her skin, from just above her sex up her torso, but she couldn’t make out the exact patterns.             She moved to the next tube, rubbing the glass and peering through. The rest were the same, empty but for the strange purple liquid. Kiba approached the woman’s capsule, gazing through the rapidly fogging glass.             “We should let them out.” Hinata frowned. It did seem wrong to just leave them there.             “I suppose so… Look for a release mechanism.” He nodded, and started feeling around the sides of the pod, brow furrowed in concentration. Hinata walked hesitantly over to the occupied pod on the other side of the room and did the same. Kiba found his before she did.             “Got it!” There was a sharp clicking sound, and the liquid drained from the pod in a matter of seconds. With a loud hiss, and a pop of decompression, the front swung open, and the woman fell forward into Kiba’s arms, clutching at his shoulders and coughing up purple. She groaned, blinking her eyes open and looking up into his. For just a second, Hinata thought her irises flashed bright lavender.             “Hey, it’s okay. You’re safe n –” Kiba didn’t get a chance to finish; she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulled herself flush with him, and slammed her lips into his. Hinata looked on with swiftly reddening features as the very, very naked woman deepened the kiss, visibly slipping her tongue into his mouth, and bringing her leg up to rub against his crotch. Despite a few initial efforts to push her off, her grip was strong, and before long, his common sense seemed to fly away.             It was at that moment, just as Hinata was about to go over and pry her off, that Naruto came crashing through the wall, smashing pods and sending purple liquid everywhere as he tumbled ass over teakettle. He quickly rolled to a stop, and picked himself off the ground, wiping his face off with his sleeve. He took stock of the room and raised an eyebrow.             “So either I got hit harder than I thought I did, or Kiba’s making out with a naked chick.” He spat something that might have been blood onto the floor. “What’d I miss?”            Hinata rubbed pod juice out of her eyes, peered back through the hole he’d made in the wall, and saw that it was only the last of four or five he had demolished on his way to the room. “We found some, ah, notes. We think they were conducting some sort of genetic research here. She was in one of the pods. There’s another man over there.”            The tap of footsteps drifted through the hole, and she turned back only to come face to face with a man with glowing blue eyes and a white robe. Naruto glared at him, hands curling into fists.            “Hinata Hyuuga. Clan Heiress. Succubus. Threat classification: C. Potential for experimentation: high. Capture recomme –” He didn’t get to finish. Naruto disappeared from next to Hinata and reappeared in front of him, slamming an uppercut into his chin so hard that he smashed through the ceiling and out of the compound.            “I’ll deal with him. You get the other guy out of his pod…” He stopped to look at the other two people in the room, the female of whom had begun fondling the other’s junk through his clothes. Naruto sighed. “And get her off of Kiba.” For a second he glowed like a miniature sun, and then he was gone, shooting through the hole in the ceiling and leaving Hinata alone.            Alone with one of her oldest friends, and a woman who was now unbuckling his belt. The wet sucking sound of their continued lip-lock wasn’t making it any less awkward. “Ah, excuse me, would you, ah, mind maybe –”            ‘Keep your panties on, whelp, I saw him first.’ The voice echoing in Hinata’s mind was definitely not Mina. It was too rough, too straightforward. As she processed this newest development, the woman finally broke her kiss, and in the same smooth motion, pulled Kiba’s cock free, stroking it lightly. Hinata had seen it before, and she supposed by normal standards it was very impressive, but her scale was a bit skewed at this point.            “What are you –?” Any protest he might have formed was silenced as she knelt down and engulfed his dick with her mouth like it was nothing. There was no preamble, or effort, she just dropped down, and made it disappear. Kiba meanwhile, went cross-eyed.            ‘I’ll be done in a second. You can get your turn then. Fuck if you don’t need it.’ Hinata pinked, rooted firmly to the spot by the raw ridiculousness of the situation. Loud wet sucking sounds dominated the room as the bald woman continued to effortlessly deepthroat all wrist-thick ten inches of Kiba’s dick, as if it were a cocktail sword.            ‘Hey kid, I’m back, what’d I –? Oh wow!’ The sudden return of Mina’s voice snapped her out of her stupor. ‘Is that Jaquelin? I haven’t seen her in years! Hey, Jacky!’ Hinata wondered for a second if all succubi had such strange names. Meanwhile, Jacquelyn’s tongue snaked out much farther than it should have been able to and wrapped around Kiba’s balls. He groaned at the sudden contact, and she just kept choking him down.            ‘Mina? Shit, screw a year; it’s been at least a few decades. Is Tits McGee here one of yours?’ Kiba gave out one last groan, and speared his hips forward, burying himself balls deep in her mouth. A visible bulge traveled down her throat as he came. ‘Ah, fuck yeah, that’s the stuff. I haven’t gotten a single drop for five fucking months.’ And not a single drop escaped her lips as she swallowed on his pulsating shaft.            ‘Gods, that sounds horrible. Hinata’s not one of mine, I’m just staying with her dad for a while. I guess you haven’t changed much.’ Jaquelin began to slowly pull back, sucking loudly as she went. Finally, she let Kiba’s cockhead go with a loud pop, letting the last few strands of his orgasm cover her face. Her tongue snaked out languidly and scooped it up, holding it in her mouth for a moment before she swallowed it as well. A slight bulge had developed in her abdomen.            “Ah, fuck, that was good.” Kiba stumbled back against the wall, breathing hard, and blinking as though he’d just woken up. She stood proudly, licking her plump lips with what looked like euphoria. One of her hands reached down and cupped her round ass. “Ah, good, I was afraid I’d atrophy after that kind of dry spell. Hey whelp; you want a go? I think he’s got another load in him.” Hinata looked away, face just as bright red as ever. It seemed she would be spending the entire mission in a state of embarrassment.            “N-no thank you, Jacquelyn-san.” Mina stifled a laugh.            ‘Don’t bother, Jacky, she’s got her eyes on bigger game.’ If possible, Hinata got redder, though this time it was with anger.            “Naruto-kun is not some beast to hunt!” Mina just laughed harder. Jacquelyn raised an eyebrow.            “Well, cute as all that commitment is, you’re gonna need to take care of yourself soon.” She looked down at her tattooed body, still both dripping with purple, and utterly naked. “You got a towel? Maybe some spare pants?”                 ‘This guy just doesn’t fucking quit!’ Naruto blocked another chakra blast with a Truth-Seeking Ball and shot forward, charging a Rasengan in his right hand.             The thing tried to dodge around his arm at the last second, but out of nowhere, a sword impaled its leg, and Naruto drove his jutsu home, right into its chest cavity. There was a hideous grinding noise, like ripping sheet metal, and it exploded. As parts of what Naruto now realized was a puppet went flying in all directions, Sasuke swooped down on a hawk summon, landing with simple grace, and retrieving his chokuto. “So. What’s with the robot?”             Naruto shrugged. “Dunno. It seemed to know a lot about me, though.” As if on cue, the thing’s head – miraculously still intact – began speaking, though its voice was distorted now; obviously artificial.             “Sasuke Uchiha. Sole surviving clan member. Transmigrant. Threat classification: A. Potential for experimentation: minimal. Elimination recommended.” The man in question walked forward, eyes cold under the shadow of his dark hair. His remaining hand moved out from under his cloak and leveled his blade at the thing’s eyes.             “Tell me, puppet. Does your master see what you see?” The thing seemed to contemplate this for a moment.             “Toneri-sama knows all that is within the power of this unit to communicate.” A sadistic smirk curled Sasuke’s lips, and he leaned forward, bringing the tip of his blade to within an inch of the thing’s left eye.             “Then he should know this. We will find him. And when we do, my blade will be the last thing that he sees.” Then he drove his chokuto out the back of the decapitated head, and sent a surge of ration chakra into it. Without further preamble, it exploded.             Naruto blinked for a second, frowning. “Did you really have to be so melodramatic? I mean, we don’t even know what the guy wants.” Sasuke shrugged, any trace of ill intent gone from his face as he sheathed his sword.             “An advance puppet he sent gave you enough trouble to warrant you glowing up. I don’t know about you, but the idea of a good fight sounds amazing to me.” Naruto considered this for a second then shrugged, grinning.             “Yeah, actually. Spars don’t really cut it, huh?” Sasuke hn’d, and they lapsed into comfortable silence as they started back toward the closest opening. Sorry for the shorter chapter, and the general lack of sex. It just felt weird to cut it anywhere else. Hopefully next chapter can make up for it.
Chapter 1 - The Attic
Willos returned after a long day’s work at the smithy and entered his two-storey wooden house by the river to find Erea sitting by herself in the kitchen, ashen-faced. The slanted rays of the sun coming through the window hit her right on the head, making her green eyes light up, but she showed no sign of discomfort.  “Erea? Erea, are you all right?”   Her beautiful little face swung over, though for a few moments it remained impassive. “Father?” At once, the floodgates of emotion opened and she ran to him, burying her head against his chest. “Father, it was so awful! We need to go, we need to leave here, now!”   Willos moved his fingers through her soft nut-brown hair and couldn’t help but chuckle. He wasn’t used to these kinds of displays. Ever since his wife passed away, Erea had turned rather distant. “Calm down, sweetheart, just tell me what’s wrong.”  “Father…” She looked up, tears flowing down her rosy cheeks. She was trembling. As he held her, Willos suddenly realized that he could feel her chest pushing against his, the soft young breasts brushing up and down against his ribcage. He could feel his dick hardening instinctively and he did his best to suppress it, gently pushing his daughter away.  “Uhm…” He ran a hand over his head, trying to collect his thoughts. “What were you saying?” A father should not have feelings like these about his daughter. Well, I have no feelings! he shot back angrily. It was just a bodily reaction, that’s all… Though a moment later, still avoiding to look her in the eyes out of shame, he thought: I should’ve gone with the boys down to the whorehouse. With his wife’s birthday being so close he had avoided it, but clearly this was far worse than any blemish he could bring to her.  “Father, you’re not listening to me!”  “I’m listening!” he snapped, a little too harshly. Her mother had been a fighter, even when she was plain wrong, but Erea had been a soft child and grew up into a total push-over. He hadn’t thought much of it until he his own brother feeling up her breasts over the summer when he visited her. That fucking Karas. Thankfully it was through the clothes, but Erea total lack of emotion at the time shocked him.  “Tell me, darling,” he said, trying to sound calm. “What’s the matter?”  “Upstairs there was… this thing. I was looking for some books and I suddenly heard it, but I thought it was only my imagination. It wasn’t the first time that I heard something.”  “Heard something? Why didn’t you tell me? When?” “Just… at night… when I can’t sleep… I mean I never saw anything so I figured it was just my imagination, but… Today I heard it again and I thought it was me again when I…” Her eyes narrowed as if she were seeing it again and she struggled to breathe. “Until I saw it again.”   Willos wasn’t sure what to think of this. He had neither seen nor heard anything in the house apart from a few rats scurrying in the basement that the cat took care of. Her mother had started seeing things near the end as well, but he hoped this wasn’t like that… “What did you see?” “It was like a big… like a big cockroach.” Her lips trembled as she spoke of it, a film of sweat building on her forehead. “It had this dark brown body and I could see the hairs on its legs.”  “And what did you do?”  “I saw it moving towards me, so I ran away and locked the door.”   Well, cockroaches could certainly grow to be big crunchy bastards. But Willos hadn’t seen one bigger than his thumb, and he sure as hell hadn’t spotted one larger than his fist - which would still be smaller than the one Erea insisted she had seen. Her mother had been raving about seeing all sorts of things right before her death as well, including cockroaches… I pray to God she hasn’t gotten this idea from there.  He went up the stairs into the attic to inspect it for himself, but apart from thick clouds of dust and the occasional spider so thin it seemed see-through there was nothing to be seen. Tired and hungry, Willos went back down and found her waiting by the landing. “Did you find it?”   What to say? That he took care of it? That it wasn’t real? Better to just play it safe. “I found it, all right. I drove my heel into its head and it exploded underfoot.”  “Oh God…” Erea brought the cross from under her blouse and clutched it. “Praise Him.”   Damn him, more like, thought Willos dismissively. He hadn’t even taken the commission of the priests that came by the other day at the smithy. He was done with them and done with their impotent god. He reached and took the big golden cross in his hand, feeling it between his rough fingers. A warmth emanated from it, and he realized it still carried the incredible heat of her bosom where it nestled. The heat from her breasts passing into his fingertips... “Let’s go eat,” he said, letting his thumb move over the young Christ one last time. What would it be like to touch those supple young breasts? he wondered idly. Her mother’s had been so much smaller, and she was already a proper woman by the time they married...  They ate dinner slowly, with Erea telling him about another one of the books she had read during the morning. “And then the prince went and--” “What about you?” Willos tore some more crust off the bread and soaked it in the soup in his bowl. “Have you been anywhere?” “N-No, Father… I’ve been right here.”  “What happened to your friends? You used to play with them all the time.”   Erea shrugged. “I don’t know… I don’t want to leave home. I’m scared.”  “Shouldn’t you be more scared of that thing upstairs?” “I thought you killed it…”   Willos nodded sagely. “I did. Nevertheless.”   That night, he got in bed and tried to think of the whores from town, but only Erea’s popped into his mind. He kept thinking of her big eyes and her growing chest. To think that that fat bastard Karas had touched it. I should’ve killed him. The image of his brother’s fat fingers bristling with hair digging into her soft chest as Erea stood by calmly made him both aroused and angry. Only sluts took that kind of thing lightly, though perhaps she found no enjoyment. She was likely just afraid. What would she do if I tried it instead?   And why not? What exactly stood in the way? Erea was young and fertile. It was only natural to want her. God stood in the way before, but now… There was no more God to stand in the way of anything. He is unworthy of any worship.   But despite his commitment to drop any notion of holiness out of his life and adherence to scripture, Willos still found himself unable to do anything thinking of her. He knew that it was a door that once opened, could not be closed ever again. And Erea, for all her mishaps, deserved much better than that. His wife, too, despite the ravings she tormented him with near the end, did not deserve to have her daughter defiled by her own husband.   The last time he had caught a glimpse of her naked was months ago, bathing in the wooden tub in summer, the droplets catching the light as they came down the round and dimpled tush…   As he tossed and turned in the creaking bed, he could hear the door opening in the pitch blackness. “Erea?”  “Father, are you sure you killed it?”   He reached out and lit a match, and caught the ghostly shape of his daughter’s face in the gloom. He used it to light the lamp, then saw that she stood in the doorway, petrified, her white nightgown hanging about her decaden body. “I am sure.”  “But it wasn’t there,” she said coolly. “What?” “You said you killed it, but the body wasn’t there.”   He sighed. “Erea.”   Again, her composed appearance suddenly gave way to tears and gentle sobs. “You lied to me, didn’t you? You never found it.” “It’s not real, girl!” he snapped. “It’s all in your fucking head. You haven’t left this house in weeks, it’s no wonder you’re going as crazy as your damned mother. Tomorrow I’m going to lock you out when I go to the smithy. You can go to your grandmother’s.”  “No, Father, please! Father!”   Willos would hear nothing of it. He went and shoved her brutally out of the room, then slammed the door closed and dragged the nightstand against it. “Father, please…” Erea’s soft sobs could be heard from the other side of the door, though they soon gave way to proper crying.   He felt guilty, but there was nothing to do about it. He had been weak when it first started happening to his wife and indulged her flights of fantasy, only to end up allowing her to get sicker and sicker. Until she died. Because I was too much of a coward to oppose her.   After a little more weeping, she went away and he fell asleep. The next morning, though, he went to her room to find the door blockaded. Not even his strength could get the door to budge. “Erea, let me in,” he said firmly. There was no response.  “Very well, then!” he yelled. “Don’t expect me back early when you behave this way!”   After he finished his work at the smithy, Willos went out to the whorehouse with his pals and got hammered. He fucked one of the newest girls that in truth couldn’t have been that much older than his daughter, and found himself whispering, “Erea,” over and over as he pumped into her.   Feeling small and worthless, he returned home deep into the night. “Erea?” he cried out. “Erea, are you asleep?” He went and knocked on her door but there was no response. He was too tired to try anything, and collapsed into a deep sleep on his bed instead.   It was noon the next day when he finally came to after a dreamless sleep, and he found his daughter reading in the kitchen once more. “Good morning, Father,” she said, smiling politely. “And to you,” he answered suspiciously. “How are you feeling?” “Good… Good…”   He sensed no desire to argue in her, but her mood seemed strange somehow. “Is something the matter?”  “No!... I’m perfectly happy. I’ve just found a new book to read.”  “Where did you find it? Upstairs?”  “Yes.” She blinked and bobbed her head. “It was one in the stacks.”  “I thought you were afraid of going up there now. What about that thing?” “Oh… I think it was all in my head after all…”   Willos grinned. “That’s good to hear. You’re getting better, then. I should leave you alone more often.”   Erea forced a smile of her own and looked down to the yellowed pages.   That day went by uneventfully until evening came. They both went to their beds to sleep, but Willos found himself unable to doze off after sleeping in for so long. He considered that he could read a book himself to pass the time, and went up to the attic with the lamp to search through the collection of novels his wife had both inherited and built upon herself.   He could feel the floorboards creaking under his weight as he entered and his skin itching from the heavy dust and occasional dangling cobweb that brushed against his skin. He placed the lamp down in the corner and crouched down to pick through the books, using the limited light to read their embossed covers.   The Dark Tales of Lady Maria, one of them read. Another was, Elias Meizit, Riches to Rags Prince. He went through each one trying to find the best pick for his literary-averse ways, when he heard something that made his hairs stand on end. In fact, he wasn’t sure he had heard anything at all, it was more of a feeling that he should have heard something. “Erea?” he asked. “Is that you?”   He stood up warily with a book in hand, waiting to see the suspect that plagued his daughter’s thoughts. Maybe there was some real villainous cockroach up here? He pressed the book hard between his strong fingers as he looked around the room for the culprit. Empty shadowy corners and dusty recesses. There was nothing.   He went back to the book search and happened to crouch with his back to the lamp when something cast shadows and made the lamplight dance. Willos could feel his heart thump in his chest. He turned immediately, half-hoping it would disappear, but he saw it there, right before the lamp…   It was a cockroach, or at least it resembled one. And just like poor Erea said, the thing was at least ten times what its normal size should’ve been. By no means a threat to any man, but sufficiently out of the ordinary to play upon the sanity of any priest or knight.   “You little shit,” said Willos with a playful, but breathless smile. “You’re actually real.”   The dark head clicked gently, the antennae raising themselves in his direction. “Don’t you worry, friend, it’s good that we’ve met. I’ve got a new home just for you. A special place. Very special.” Willos inched closer to it, preparing his muscles to hurl the heavy door stopper. “IN HELL!”  The equally terrifying 1300p book made contact with the thing, but the damage wasn’t enough to render it to goo as Willos had hoped. The cockroach dashed to the side and started skittering away into the blackness.  “Oh, no, you aren’t going anywhere!” Willos jumped in front of it and blocked its way, causing it to turn back into the lamplight. He grabbed a few more books and hurled them after the stupid thing, till at last its came to a stop and so did its clicks, its mangled body twitching among the dozen or so books strewn over the floor.   The man took a deep breath. “Finally. Praise Him,” he said, not catching his momentary lapse. He went over to the cockroach slowly, still ready to have it rise at any moment. Its twitching came to an end. Its jointed legs stood in the air motionlessly, though two of the six looked broken and damaged. As he got closer Willos could see the spines and long black hairs that ran down their length. What in the world? As a child he had thought bugs might have been less disgusting if they were as big as pets, but this put an end to that. He could barely suppress the desire to vomit.   The lamp began to sputter.   Willos took the lamp in hand and crouched down for a closer look, his eyes going over the gleaming underside of the thing. Oddly elegant, in a way only a craftsman could understand. On second thought, he should have let it go and tried to capture it separately. This thing must be worth a fortune, he thought. Maybe it still is…   His index finger came down to the underside and made its way up, practically sliding over the glassy surface. “Incredible,” he whispered, and an almost childlike grin erupted on his face. The sensation was so pleasant that he made his way up the whole rest of the way, to the small dark-eyed head with its antennae.   He feared that it might bite him out of nowhere, but it thankfully stayed very dead. He felt around the area of the mouth and the eyes, then reached up to touch the antennae only to see a small twitch in its legs.   In the spell that it took him to react, the head snapped forwards and bit his thumb. Terrified and screaming with anger, Willos grabbed a nearby book and slammed it into the cockroach before running off, a few juices flying from its body to splatter his face.   His thumb showed red marks, but the lamp soon went out completely. I do not wish to look at you again, he thought.  Willos thought to wake Erea and tell her the good news, but he figured it could wait till morning. He shuffled back to bed, happy to have fought his enemy and won, and fell into sleep again. This time, he dreamed of his wife, of her body as it lay in the cold earth, and the way insects must have eaten it entirely.   The morning light woke him, but as Willos sat up in bed he felt oddly powerless. He swung his feet to the side of the bed and struggled to rise, as if his entire body were made of lead. He made a few steps out of the room when he suddenly felt dizzy and vomited. “Father!” said Erea, running over to him. “What’s happened?”  “Nothing…” Could it have been the bite? “Last night, I killed that thing. I fought it. I…”   Rather than looking relieved, her eyes stared at him in disbelief. “Father…”  “Why are you looking at me like that? I killed it, didn’t you hear?! You should be happy! You were right all along. Anyway, it bit me, so… Could you go fetch the doctor? Or even the priest.” He chuckled grimly. “To think that it was real…”  “Let’s get you back to bed…” she suggested.   Erea helped him get back under the covers and stood over him, her chest rising and falling rapidly only inches away from his eyes, like the softest pillow in the world. “Go fetch him.”   She left and Willos fell asleep again, though he soon woke up to several figures standing by the bedside. There was Erea, the doctor, his assistant, but also his Karas. “I heard you were sick, brother.”   Willos did not wish to make a scene with the doctor present. “You say you’ve been bitten by something?” “Yes.” He showed the doctor his thumb and watched him nod.   Erea looked most worried. “I think you should rest for now,” the doctor concluded.  “What if it’s poisonous?” asked Willos.   He smiled. “I wouldn’t be too worried.”  “Have you looked at that thing? Go upstairs and see for yourself.”  “Yes, we’ve seen it, brother,” said Karas bleakly.   Did they not believe him? “It was there, wasn’t it? I know it was. I killed it myself.” “Yes, it was…”  “Just rest for now,” the assistant insisted, pulling the covers up forcefully. “This episode will pass.”  Episode? This was no episode. “Erea, did you tell them? That you saw it?” “Yes, Father... ” The way she spoke... it was almost as if she were ashamed. “Don’t worry.”   Karas took her by the hand and looked down at Willos. “Get well soon, brother. I’ll take care of her and the expenses while you’re ill.”   You son of a bitch! thought Willos. But he felt too exhausted to even scream. He knew what he saw. He had killed it, damn it. It wasn’t in his head. Why would he be so sick if it were all some kind of demented night vision?   Later, Erea came and got him with the help of his brother and they carried him to the kitchen, though they refused to carry him all the way up to the attic. “It’s all been cleaned up, Father.” There, in their cramped little kitchen, she cooked for the three of them while Karas watched him from across the table, his greasy paws rubbing against one another. Willos could see his brother gazing at his daughter as she passed, at her plump behind and the breasts that swayed under the thin fabric of the blouse, eyes lingering shamelessly even after she noticed him.  “You need to go,” Willos insisted. “Go? I’m not going anywhere. You two need help.”  “We don’t.” Willos tried to stand up, but lost his footing and almost fell down once more. Erea rushed to help him and Karas only laughed. “Look at you, brother. You’re losing your mind. Just take a few days to get better.”  “I will. And then, I’ll kill you.”   Karas waved the threat off. “I’ve heard that plenty.”   They ate together, though Karas kept Erea close to him the entire night. He kept reaching for her, touching her hand, brushing his disgusting fingers over her face while he complimented her beauty. I’m going to kill him, thought Willos.   She never smiled, but dared not push him away, not even when his thumb came up to wipe her full lips and stood to enter her mouth. “We should go to bed,” Willos spat as fast as he could. “It’s late.”  Karas nodded. He carried him back to bed while Erea tucked him in. “You will sleep here tonight,” ordered Willos. “You want her to sleep with you? With her father? That’s sick. And so are you. You want to get her sick too?” Karas wrapped his thick arm around her waist, and pulled her in. “No, I’ll help her clean up and you get some rest.”  “No! Erea! Come back here, girl!” Tears of frustration came to his face. He was going to fuck her. His brother was going to fuck his daughter in his own home. He needed to get up and stop it, but his muscles were like melted butter. I need to go… he thought, even as he slipped back into sleep.   Whether it happened or not, he had no courage to ask the next day. He sat wordlessly during breakfast thinking of how the perfect young daughter he had raised had been defiled by this fat buffoon. All because of that damned cockroach. Why did I have to touch it? Why was I so stupid?...   The next morning, Karas came to eat with them again and brought some groceries. “Well, I suppose it’s time for work,” said his brother happily. He got up and patted Willos on the head as if he were a dog. “Feel better, baby brother.”   Erea waved him goodbye, but Karas went over to her instead. “Thank you for breakfast,” he said, wrapping his arms around her.  “My pleasure…” said Erea weakly, her trembling arms wrapping around his huge neck in return.  Fight him, you fucking fool! Fight him! Thought Willos, but already his eyes were closing, as heavy as the weight of the world...  The fat man put a finger under her chin and lifted it up, then gently kissed her lips. Her eyes closed with aversion, but he insisted until she kissed him back. No, Erea… My little girl… Her sweet wet lips opened and sucked his fifty-year-old tongue inside while his calloused hands went down to knead her fat ass.   No… You fucking whore! I raised you to be better than this! Willos screamed in his head. How can you allow this?  “You taste so sweet,” said Karas, licking his toad lips. He cleaned up some of the spit that trickled down the sides of her face with his thumb and brought it into her mouth. Her sad eyes stayed locked with his but faltered submissively; the teenage mouth closed around his thumb, sucking on it gently, her pale throat gulping down audibly.  “That’s my girl,” said Karas. “I’ll come check on you again.”  Willos could not bear to look at her. His daughter, his little princess, used by his own brother and turned into a whore. It was better for a man to lose his life than to witness a thing like this. When would he feel better again? He needed to punish him. And her as well… He was going to undress her and spank her. He would make her ass bleed for allowing his brother to touch it.   Once his brother left, Willos turned to her with disdain. “You should take that cross down from your neck. You don’t deserve it, you miserable whore.” “Father…”  “You are a whore.” The tears caught a glimmer of light from the window before they went down his cheeks. “How can you do this to me?”    He slept badly until noon once more, but Erea wasn’t there to wake him up. Where is she now? Has Karas come for her? The image of his hairy pig of a brother being on top of her motivated him enough to get out of bed, sick or not. He fumbled his way to his feet and shuffled down the hallway holding onto whatever he could.   At her door, he could hear her steaming moans from the other side. She was being fucked like a whore in their own home, indifferent to the fact that he might overhear it. “Erea, open up,” he wanted to yell, but the demand only came out as a whisper. “Open…” he begged her.   His hands slipped powerlessly along the polished wood as he collapsed to his knees. With his ear pressed against the door, he could hear the restrained sounds coming from within. The guttural but still sweet and feminine cries of pleasure. She sounded so satisfied. No whore had ever sounded like this at the brothel, no matter how much money Willos paid them. How could she be pleasured by that hairy monster? How? He could almost picture the young pale body melting away like snow as his brother used it as he pleased… Bringing her candy nipples up to his blackened and rotten teeth to suck on greedily...  This is my daughter, he realized with despair. My daughter…   Blackness swallowed him again.  The same familiar ceiling of his room was there to meet him, though this time his shoes were gone. The doctor came in with Erea and began to speak: “Willos, I don’t want you getting up anymore. Your daughter told me that she found you wandering around, and you need a rest.”  “How long?” “I don’t know, boy. As long as it takes.”  “I’m poisoned. The co--” “You’re delirious, Willos. Nothing has bitten you. You have no marks. There is nothing.”  “There is!” he snapped. What were they talking about? “I know there is. Erea, tell him.”  His daughter stood far away from the bed, her head lowered. “Father, you know there was nothing… It was all in my head, and now it’s in yours…”  “What? That’s not true! It bit me! It bit me, for fuck’s sake!”  “From a cockroach the size of my fist?” the doctor asked, looking from under his spectacles. “Please, get some rest, man. Your daughter has enough troubles as it is.”   They made him completely bedridden. Erea came in every so often to feed him, but Willos refused to speak to her. She would not admit to having seen the cockroach and would not take him up to the attic. Meanwhile, her brother was doing whatever he wanted to her and she was too weak to protect either one of them. Please, God, take us now, he prayed. I’m sorry that I doubted you. Just kill us now. Let us rejoin her mother.  The more he questioned her the more she refused to respond and became colder. “Your belly is growing,” Willos insisted. How many days had it even been? How long had he been in bed for? That damned cockroach! It ruined everything. Tears came to his eyes but Erea quickly wiped them away and shoved more food down his throat.  “Eat, Father.”   Her breasts seemed bigger than ever as they dangled and swayed over his supine body. He was too weak to reach… Too weak… “Feed me from those.”   Her green eyes snapped as if awake out of a daze. “What?”  “Your breasts. Feed me.”   Pure disgust came over her face. “You’ve gone mad.”  “My brother can feed from them, but I can’t? I raised you, you stupid bitch! I did! I deserve it!” Tears were flowing out of his bloodshot eyes. “How dare you… How dare you--”  Erea shoved the spoon in his mouth again. “Be quiet, old man.”   Willos sobbed, and he did so until the blackness came again. How long had passed until he was awake again he had no idea, but he found Karas sitting at the edge of his bed, making the whole thing bend to that end. “What’s wrong with you, brother?” asked Karas, sounding concerned. “What are you saying to Erea?”  “You fucked my daughter.”  “Are you out of your mind?” snapped Karas. “I’ve teased her always, that’s true, but that’s where I stop.” “I’ve seen her belly, you fat pig! I’ve seen it.” He began to cry again. Why couldn’t he move? Why was he so weak? “You impregnated her. You took my daughter away from me…”  “You’re rambling.”  “I can hear you there every day.”  “I haven’t been here in two weeks, imbecile. I was away with my family. I Just came here to bring you two money.”  “I don’t care…” Willos repeated. Such a naked lie, he had heard them even last night as he lay in bed, their moans echoing through the house. It sounded like a pleasure palace led by Erea, the whore queen that could not get enough. All night they were at it. “I don’t care…”   Blackness. Karas was gone.   I am not crazy, he thought to himself. He was dying, that much he was sure of. But he would not die a fool. He would not let these two deceive him until the end. I’m going to find that damned cockroach, he told himself, though he could not decide if he meant the real one or his brother.   He waited until it was dark and clambered out of bed, sucking all the energy he could out of his weakened flesh sack. But he made a mental plan of what furniture to grip and how to move his feet, and he advanced slowly into the darkened hallway.   Somewhere, he could hear her. He made the terrifying journey all the way to her room but could hear nothing from within. She’s not here? Then when… Where did you take her, you bastard?   As he stood by the staircase, he could hear the cooing sounds of endless pleasure echoing all the way down. The stairs were not a part of his plan, and Willos did not deceive himself in thinking he could climb them standing. He dropped to all fours and made his way, taking breaks, listening to her getting fucked the entire time. His body trembled with rage, but there was nothing to be done but crawl on, crawl on and prove them all wrong….   I’m not crazy.   He made it to the horrible door that stood ajar and saw the light that spilled from within. He pushed it open, ready to see Karas’ hairy back as he pumped her from behind. Instead, he saw her soft body resting over her mother’s ancient books, her plump ass and dripping slit angled towards the warm lamplight.   And on top of her…   Oh god, he thought. He wanted to look away, but he could not look away. Oh God, no… Praise be to God!...  The same large cockroach from before was on his daughter. The top of its segmented body gleamed as its back end thrust inside between her soaked lips. The hairy legs were planted firmly in her plump thighs, while the head tilted from side to side in response to her rich and beastial growls and moans.   Her soft breasts pressing into books, she continued to take it, eyes rolling backwards in heavenly pleasure and small hands gripping whatever they could as the cockroach fucked her senselessly, its insect body dominating her despite the size difference. Her back arched and sweat dripped from her hanging breasts as waves of boundless pleasure crashed against the little sanity she must have had left.  The cockroach’s body moved in return, the segments grinding against one another as a lump seemed to pass between them down towards its lower half, and the movements went on until it squeezed it inside of her.   Erea giggled happily and reached down to feel her round belly. “Thank you, my love.”   Her green eyes came back and noticed Willos crawling in the darkness. “Why, look at that. My dear father has come out his eternal slumber.” The edge of her voice sent a chill down his spine. “No…” he said, trying to push himself away. “This is but a dream…”   Its claws digging into her soft body, the cockroach came around till it was at the front and its mouth latched to one of her hardened little nipples. Erea first cried out in pain, then bit her lip, her mouth slowly curling into a smile until she laughed with pure delight. “Oh, that’s so wonderful…” She stroked its lacquered black body as it fed on her, a shiver of boundless pleasure rippling through her soft curves and trickling down her thighs.  My daughter… What has happened to her? Willos saw the shine of the cross that hung between her breasts and he cursed. “You bastard…”   Holding the twitching cockroach as it she breastfed it and stroked its underside affectionately, Erea padded towards him. “Father…”   Willos opened his mouth to speak but her foot pressed over his mouth and silenced him. “You are such a cockroach,” she said with a wicked smile, and once again a deep cry of pleasure left her wet mouth. The cockroach’s legs fluttered in the air as it fed on her, her fingers twining around them with pure love.   Something dripped against his forehead. Willos looked up and saw the shadow between her legs, and realized what it was. A few more droplets fell… Until a moment later, something smacked against his forehead. It was light, but it fell right next to him.  “Look.”   Her cold foot directed his face to the side, and there he could see a small and wet thing. It was dark and twitchy, and as he watched in horror it unfolded and came to stand on its own six legs. “My baby,” whispered Erea. “One of many…”  “No!...” Willos screamed with his remaining energy. “My angel, no!”  “Oh, yes… I love them so much.”   She reached down and picked it up, then brought it gingerly to her other breast, hugging both father and son against her warm and heavenly chest. “I have a family that loves me at last, father. Not like you and mother.”  “Erea… Darling… You must--” “Shhh. Shush. You’re bothering them.” Her eyes locked with him as she stroked their hard backs and a genuine smile played over her lips. “I hate cockroaches…”  At last! “Yes!” Willos tried to crawl over to his daughter. “Throw them away, and let us run away from this place! All can be forgiven, my love. All can be fixed.”   Erea bobbed her head and smiled. But she did not put aside her child and beloved. She rose instead and brought her foot as high up as she could above his face then slammed it down with all the force she had built over the years.   Over and over, until the red juices of the cockroach left her leg slick and smooth. 
Chapter 2 - chapter two
Hinata opens her eyes, and finds herself in the ruins of a city. The buildings are made of stone, most 2 stories tall, the remains of what she presumed were fruit stands every few blocks on each side of the street. "Hello! Is anyone there!?" She yelled, desperatly hoping for an answer. None came. She began to walk, then jog, then run through the streets, still calling for someone, anyone. "Hello!! Please, anybody!!!" But to no avail. Finally she stopped, out of breath, and looked around. A door, different than the others, caught her eye. Above it read Mic---an---o, most of the lettering being worn out. She knocks, and opens the door. "Hello? Is anyone here?" Still no one answered. She walked in, and examined the room. It was mostly bare, just a table, a counter at the back, and be hind the counter, innumeral scrolls. She takes one down, and opened it. It was blueprints for some kind of vehicle. It had wings and pedals, but she couldn't make heads or tails of it. "He truly was a great man." The sudden voice from behind her made her jump, and give out a squeek. "I'm so sorry! Is this yours!? I didn't mean to, I-" Hinata started to ramble. "Clam down, it's quite all right, just be careful with them. they are quite old." Responded the stranger. Hinata, calming down, studied him, as he did her. He wore a large cloke, with the hood designed so you couldn't see his face. A black belt cinches it at the waist, with a rapier hanging off the side. "Hello, Hinata. Nice to finally meet you." Hinata starts to fidget "How, How do you know my name? Who are you?" She looks away nervously. "I'm your zanpakuto. Your inner spirit. I am your true power." "My true power? I don't understand. Who are you?? Where are we, anyway???" "This is you. Your inner world. This room is my part of you. As for who I am, you already know. Calm yourself, feel my name." "I don't know you! And this can't be me!! it's so depressing, broken..." "It is, and that is because of you." Hinata's eyes shoot wide. "This world is your psyche, your emotions, your attitude. If you lack or have too much of something, it starts to become unbalanced. It could flood, sink into the earth, buildings floating. Do you know why this wrold looks as it is?" Hinata shakes her head. "You lack confidence. You have never asserted yourself, all your life. And you are currently too far gon that way to know me as you should. I will give you some of my power, but only if you promise to assert yourself more. Agreed? "Well, I, um. I suppose so..." "Agreed!?" "Yes, I agree!" "Good. It's about time for you to go. Ask your teacher how to come back, and we can talk some more. Think of it as your first lesson from me. See ya!" Suddenly, Hinata felt light headed and unbalanced. She started to stumble, and fell; She passed out before she even hit the ground. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sakura awakes to find herself on a plain. She sees nothing but grasslands for miles, except a figure in the distance. She tries to get up, but can't move her limbs. She looks to see the grass has grown around her legs and arms. She tries again, struggling to get free. Slowly, she loosens the grass, until an arm bursts loose. She is facedown, however, and cannot reach her other arm, so she starts removing the grass from her leg. She can't reach much, but pulls enough off to break her leg free as well. She then uses her free arm and leg to vault over herself, her leg and arm turning in their grass bindings. She lands hard, loosing her breath for a bit. Once she regains her breath, she uses her free arm to remove the rest of the grass. She finally stands, brushing herself off, only to realise the figure is onlt 10 ft away. "Impressive. I honestly didn't think you would get free." Said the woman. She is medium height, with a runner's build. She is wearing a shrine priestess uniform, with an over-the-shoulder strap for a sword. She has ass-long hair, tied into two big ponytails. Behind her glasses are delicate brown eyes. "You did this to me!?" Sakura yelled angrilly. Just as she yelled, a huge gust of wind blew, nearly knocking her over. "Where'd the wind come from??" "It came from you! Please let me explain. This is your inner world, normally very open and easy-going. But, whenever you get mad, a huge gust of wind blows. It can be quite bothersome sometimes." "If this is my world, the who are you?" Sakura questioned accusingly. "Oh, I'm you! or at least a part of you. How rude, I haven't introduced My name is _____" "What was that last part? I didn't quite catch it?" "I was afraid of this. I'm afraid you're not yet strong enough to warrent my true power." "Can we try this explanation thing again? Cause you lost me" Sakura said impatiently. "I'm so sorry, I don't mean to be rude. I am your zanpakuto." "My what!!?" "I am a sword bound to you. Your instructor, Grimm-sensei, stabbed you three-" "He stabbed us!!? Am I dead!!???" "No, no. You are quite alive. In order to awaken us, he had to transfer some of his power to you three, the most effective method is thrusting his sword into you. Though, I think he enjoys hurting people anyways." "Your telling me." Says Sakura as she rubs her neck, remembering only minutes earlier. "So, if you're my sword, how come you look like a person?" "This is my physical manifestation, usually I can only appear like this to you in here. In the real world, I'm naught but a sword, for now." "For now? What do you mean? Tell me!" Sakura demanded. "I'm afraid we're out of time. Be sure to ask your sensei how to contact us. Bye-bye!" Sakura was about to rebuttal, but then she suddenly felt very sleepy, and fell forward, embracing the soft grass. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naru had been running through a forest, for what felt like ages. She heard rustling coming from behind her. Her legs were about ready to give out, and she was completely out of breath. 'Damn, this thing is stubborn. No matter how far I run, it's just a few steps behind me! And from the sound of it, it's a pretty big animal! C'mon. Just a little further!' Which is when she trips on a root. 'Shit!' she thinks as she lands face-first into a nearby tree. she falls back, twitching. "owchieeee!" she says painfully. "Hey kid, you ok?" Naru turns around, preparing for the worst, eyes closed in fear. "Who are you? what do you want? please don't eat me!" "Settle down! I'm not gonna eat ya!" Naru finally opened her eyes to see a man with long white hair, gold eyes, and wearing a red kimono. The most unusual aspect, though, was his ears. Naru points at his ears. "Wolf?" "No, I'm not a wolf, you stupid kid! who do you think is writing this, Moka!!? I'm a dog-demon." "Wait, I remember you! I can't quite place it though..." "Heh, I knew I was famous!" he says, rubbing his nose with his finger. "No, that's not it. You look familiar, and they made a big deal about you being a Half-Demon." He falls forward, then quickly gets back up. "C'mon! I'm trying to look cool here, you know. Be the badass demon! Besides, You can't even remember where you read that, you nosy brat!!" "Sure I can, it was...um...is you name Ishida?!" "What!!? That's not even long enough, not to mention the wrong anime!!" He lets out a long sigh. "Ok, lets cut to the chase. This place is you. Your inner world. As you can see, it is wild, feral. You work completely off instinct. I think we'll get along great!" Naru looks at him dumbly. He lets out another sigh. "Ok, rock for brains, this place is the what you soul look like, got it!?" Naru eyes light up. "Oh, I get it! But, if this is mine, the who are you?" "Thats the question, isn't it. Eh, you'll figure it out eventually. but as to WHAT I am, I am your zanpakuto, a sword that is of you." "but, if your a sword, then why...?" "Do you really think this will ever make sense to you?" After a moment, Naru slowly shakes her head. "Then just go with it. Put simply, you just got an awesome sword." "Awesome. Where is it. I've got to start training with it!" "Just a minute. Your gonna return to the real world soon." It's Naru's turn to sigh. "Ok.." she said dejectedly. "By the waym why were you chasing me? Why didn't call out?" She leans against the tree, feeling sleepy. The last thing she hears him say is "It was fun!" ----------------------One hour after stabbing--------------------------------------- Naru finally wake up, seeing Sakura and Hinata above her. "Thank goodness!" Said Sakura. "For a minute there, we thought you wouldn't wake up." Naru sits up groggily. "What happened? Where's the guy in the kimono?" Sakura giggles, and Hinata responds. "Grimm-sensei used his zanpakuto to unleash ours!" "Yeah, and you brats are lucky too!" Naru turns her head, see him not too far away, laying down with his head in Eva's lap. "Usually, only one survives that! Hell, the only reason the Hokage hasn't sent the Anbu after me is results." He slowly sits up, like he was weak. "Some of the strongest shinobi in the world are a result of my training. Like I said though, you brats are damn lucky. You only have roughly a 10% chance of surviving." "Sensei!" Started Sakura, "Why would you use such a dangerous method!? Don't you care about your students!!?" "There are only three things I care about: My beautiful Eva here, a strong opponent, and those with the potential to be strong. None of you would have stood a chance in my squad if you didn't survive my test." He slowly gets to his feet, leaning heavily against the tree. Hinata gave him a concerned look. "Sensei, are you alright?" Grimm gave Hinata a look that made her cower a little. "I may be a little weak, but I can still kick your ass!" Hinata was now on the verge of tears. "Arg, damn. I can't stand to see a brat cry. All right, calm down, kid." Hinata is actually soothed somewaht by this change of demeanor. "The reason I'm so weak is the blond brat. You see that sword on her back?" For the first time, the genin noticed not only Naru's giant sword, going diagonally across her back, but a rapier at Hinata's waist, and a katana horizontally across the small of her back. "The more powerful the person, the bigger the sword. The little bitch took most of my energy! I tell ya, kid, you better prove yourself tomorrow when I'm stronger, or I'll kill you myself for all the hell you put me through!" Sakura stood in front of Naru protectively. "You'd have to get through me first!" Hinata meekly walked behind he. "Me- Me too." She utters, barely above a whisper. Grimm starts to laugh loudly. "Hahahaha! Good! I was hoping for that! A squad is strongest when they are close. And I see you've become fast friends!" "Alright! Alright!!" Eva finally speaks. "Let get things going before it gets all mushy. Normally, whoever is left would train with Grimm-honey, but seeing as he's currently incapacitated-" "Hey, I could train them if I really wanted to!" "-I will be training you today." Continued Eva, ignoring Grimm. "Shadow clone Jutsu!" In a puff of smoke, 2 more of her appeared. "Wow, Eva-sensei! You know that jutsu too?" Naru exclaimed Eva smiled smugly. "Of course I know it! Just who the hell do you think I am!? Now, we split up. Hinata, you go left, Sakura, you go right. My clones will follow you." They did as they were told, the clones following close behind. The real Eva turned to Naru. "Alright, Naru! I read all your profiles, and you have trouble controlling you chakra." "Nuh-uh!" Naru said, irritated. "Oh really? Chachamaru!" Eva called. Chachamaru had just returned from town, bringing bento boxes. She sat one down next to Grimm, who started to scarf it down. "I'm here mistress. I brought lunch as ordered." "Good. I need you to scan Naru's chakra levels?" "Scan levels?" questioned Naru. "She is a robot, and therefore is able to do such things. Chachamaru, chop-chop!" "Yes, mistress." Chachamaru's eyes turn red for a moment, with an intent star at Naru. Naru shivered slightly under the gaze. *Click* "Chakra levels scan complete." "And?" asked Eva. "I'm not sure how to put this. Her natural max is about 2.47 times yours, but it also fluctuates constantly, and there is a mass of chakra in her. There is a 97% chance this mass is the cause of the fluctuation." "Can you identify the mass?" "No, I believe it can detect my sensors, because each time I focused on it, it moved." "Eva, try again. Naru, focus your chakra!" Again, Chachamaru's eye's turn red. It takes a few seconds longer, but then- *click* "Analysis of mass complete." "And?" "I cannot detect it's source, but it is a dark energy. Very powerful, at least twice as strong as normal chakra." "You mean I have a hidden power in me??!" "Yes, Miss Naru. However, it is very difficult to pinpoint, even while you concentrated. I believe it will take years of training to master, perhaps even specialised training from one of a similar case. In the meantime, it appears to have sentience, and will assist you in a life or death situation, out of self preservation." Naru looks at her blankly. "Basically, numbskull, unless you take special training from someone like you, you probably can't use it unless you life is in danger! Got it?" explained Eve iritably. "Yes! So, sensei, what is my training!?" said Naru eagerly. "Simple!" Eva starts running tward a nearby tree. She steps on the tree, then places another foot on the tree. She runs up the tree, all the way up to the top branch, makes a scratch with a kunai, and backflips, and falls to land on her feet. "you are to match that, and you arn't to stop until you make it!" "But, how did you...?" Naru said, dumbstruck at what he saw. "You focus your chakra on the soles of your feet. You have to keep a constant and precise flow, or you'll fall. Get going!" Naru grabs a kunai, and runs tward the nearest tree. --------------------------------Hinata----------------------------------------- Hinata and the Eva clone make thier way to some test dummies at the edge of the field. "Our training will consist of making use of your byakugan." Saad Eva. "Ye-yes Evangeline-sensei!" Hinata said coyly. Eva cocked her eyebrow at the use of her full name, but said nothing of it. "I've read up on you and your families' profiles, and came across an interesting technique. It will take a lot of training, and quite frankly, I'm not sure you can actually do it!" "Then why, sensei?" Hinata asked. "It'll be fun to watch you constantly fuck up! Now, I'm sure you'veheard of the technique: the 64 Palms technique." "No, you can't!" Exclaimed Hinata. She quickly shyed away quickly, and added. "I'm sorry, sensei, but my father is supposed to teach me that. It's tradition!" "Not to worry, he gave his approval." "But, he would never!" "Everyone has their weakness." Suddenly, they hear echos of screams, moans, and moving gears. She gives Hinata a hard stare. "I'm teaching you, got it!?" At the sound of the echos, she pales and simply nods. "Right, now turn around, and practice on the dummy. the rhythm is 2, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32. To do it properly, the technique should take only 15-20 seconds." "So many! It's not possible!" "Well then, we'll be here a while, huh? Begin!" ----------------------------------Sakura------------------------------------- "Listen up, princess!" Eva suddenly started yelling at Sakura after they got a distance into the forest. "I'm not gonna let you be useless like the real one!" "Real one?" "DON'T INTERRUPT ME!" Sakura shyed away a bit, suddenly quite scared. "You are going to help the team! You are gonna learn some useful techniques that will do so BEFORE Shippuden! YOU GOT THAT!!? "Yes, sensei!" "I said, YOU GOT THAT!!!!?" "YES, SENSEI!!" "Good! Now, I'm gonna teach you one of Tsunade's favorite techniques!" Sakura gasps. "A technique of a legendary Sannin!?" "Indeed. However, this technique requires almost absolute chakra control! Even you will have difficulty with this!" "Yes, sensei! I will do my best!" "Good to hear. Now, go smash that rock." ".......eh!!!!? That can't be done! not by me!" "Oh, really?" Eva casually swings her arm at a nearby tree. It suddenly splits in half where she hit it, falling to the ground behind her. Sakura just stares wide-eyed, not believing what she saw. "It's all about timing. Send a surge of chakra, of just the right amount, just as you hit the object." "So, basically, I'm gonna be hitting a rock until either my hands break or the rock does." Says Sakura, with a depressed look in her eye. "Pretty much. Have at it!" ---------------------------------5 hours later--------------------------- "All right, that's enough training for today!" Said all 3 Eva's simultaniously. Hinata returns first, completely drained from the workout. Sakura is just behind her, holding her fists in her armpits. "Oooh. My hands hurt so much, I can't even feel them anymore. They're just stumps of pain..." "You should see Naru" said Eva. All three look at her, upside-down, next to the tree, laying on his neck. "He just kept going until his body gave out, and then some. Kept muttering something about "becoming Hokage". She's stubborn, I'll give her that." "Is she alright!?" Hinata and Sakura simultaniously ask. "Yea, she's fine. or not, I dunno, I'm no medic. All I know is she had a pulse when I last checked." "How long ago was that?" asked Hinata. Eva puts a fingr to her forehead. "I dunno, an hour ago?" "Mistress," said Chachamaru "It was 1 hour, 5 minutes, and 36 seconds ago." As she spoke, Sakura was running over to Naru. "Eh, close enough!" Said Eva as Sakura layed Naru down and checked his vitals and limbs. "Lots of bruises, probably a concussion, nothing serious though. Eva-sensei. Just what were you doing to her to injure her so!?" "I didn't do anything. I was just having him climb a tree." "That doesn't seem so hard!"said Hinata. "With only her feet." Responded Eva, with more than a little laughter in her voice. "You think this is funny!!!? You little-" Sakura said angrily. Eva started to send out an evil aura, making Sakura stop in mid speech. "You DON'T want to finish that." she said in a calm, scary, threatening voice. "And yes, it does amuse me, so what!!?" Sakura had the sense to not speak. "Damn, you put me in a bad mood. Get going before I have you train all night!!" They picked up Naru and ran like their lives depended on it. It just might have too! "Damn brats! Said Eva, soon after they left. "They're so much trouble! I wish we could just kill those two and be done with it." "Eva, you know we can't do that." Grimm said, finally awaken from his food coma, after having eaten all the boxes meant for the genin. "We're on the hokage's short list as it is. Senseless killing will definitly get us arrested." "I know, I know. Kids just piss me off. We've been waiting 12 years for her, we can't fuck up now..." Said Eva dejectedly. *sigh* "I guess the best we can do is train the other two as well, so they can protect her as well..." Grimm got up and gave her a hug. "Not to worry, Kitty. She's strong, tough, and a little dumb, but a survivor. We may have to be hard on her, on them, but it's for their own good." "I know, I know. I just wish we didn't. But, we can't coddle her, or play favorites. By the way..." She grabs him by the crotch, hard enough for him to squeak a little. "If you EVER call me "Kitty" again, I'll make your defeat from Ichigo feel like a misquito bite!" She squeases slightly harder. "Understand!??" Grimm nods enthusiastically, knowing full well she can keep that promise. ---------------meanwhile, at Ichiraku Ramen, our heros are enjoying a well deserved meal!----------------------- Naru was downing bowl after bowl of ramen, having woken up when she smelled the shop. "Naru, slow down! You're gonna choke!" scolded Sakura, nursing her broth after finishing her noodles. "Not to worry! I do this all the time!" Responds Naru, taking a break between bowls. "It's true!" Chimes in Ayame "It's not unusual for her to eat 5 at a time!" "Naru, you really like this place, huh?" asks Hinata. "Yep, best ramen in town! I wouldn't eat anywhere else!" Hinata suddenly thought back to earlier, when she met the hooded man in her inner world. "Na-Naru? I-I was wondering..." Hinata started nervously, developing a heavy blush. "...would you like t-to do something later?" Naru, being born without tact, said "What's up with you, Hinata? You're acting weird!" "Nothing! Never mind! I should be getting home! See you tomorrow!" She says as she hurries out of the shop. 'Stupid, stupid, STUPID! I should have stuck with it! Oh, I'll never gain the confidence I need at this rate!' she thinks to herself on the way home. Meanwhile, bakc in the shop, Naru is taking another break from eating, as Sakura pounds his head like a mallet hammers a nail. "You idiot! She was asking you out, and you just made her too nervous to even stay! You stupid, moronic, idiotic, addlebrained, foolish..." ----------------------------------30 minutes later---------------------------------- "...Rockheaded, Knuckleheaded excuse of a ninja!!!!!" "Owie, owie, owie! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I've said it a hundred times!" Sakura finally stops, lumps upon lumps on Naru's head. "You had better make it up to her! She was barely able to ask a first time, I don't think she'll ask a second time!" "I'll, I'll..." Naru started, thinking of what she COULD do. Finally, she had an idea. "I'll ask HER out!" "Tomorrow, after training, assuming we arn't dead." "Why would tomorrow be any worse?" "Remember? Eva-Sensei said Grimm-sensei usually trains the first day! But you wiped him out! So, we will probably train with him tomorrow." She put a hand to her neck. "Who knows whah he has in store" She finishes with a shiver. She gets up, and starts to leave. "Well, it's getting late, and I'll need my rest for tomorrow. You'll handle the bill, right?" "Sure thing...wait... Hey, come back here!" but it's too late, she ran for it as soon as she got out the door. *sigh* She pulles out her froggie wallet, nearly emptied it to pay for the meal, and headed home, both scared and excited by what tomorrow might bring.
Chapter 3 - ch 3
Naru woke up, feeling sore all over. "Owie!!" She complained, rubbing her joints. "I got pretty far last time (about halfway up), and today, I'll do even better!" she said, psyching her self up. 'Now, what do i have for breakfast.' She thinks to herself as she opens her fridge to find nothing but old milk and scraps of old food. 'Blech. I'll stop by Ichiraku's instead!' She gets dressed, remembering her new sword, and heads to Ichiraku's. "Yo, Asane! One of the usual, please!" "Just one!?" exclaimed a surprised Ayame. "Well, thanks to Sakura, I kinda got cleaned out yesterday!" Chuckled Naru sheepishly. "Your such a good customer, I think I can through you a freeby once in a while!" "Really!? Thanks so much!!" "No problem for our number 1 customer!" In a few moments, Naru is inhaling her bowl. "Say, Naru?" "Huh?" She grunts through a full mouth. "Isn't it past time for training?" Naru looks at the clock, and nearly chokes. 'It's 7:08!? I was supposed to be there 8 minutes ago!!' She finishes off her ramen, says a quick thank you and dashes off to the training ground, dreading her inevitable punishment. --------------------------------Training Ground---------------------------------- When Naru gets close to the grounds, she hears the sounds of clashing metal. Soon, she sees Hinata and Sakura fighting each other with their swords. She stops in her tracks, as she suddenly feels an evil presence behind her. she slowly turns her head, to see Grimm, with an evil aura visibly pouring off him. His left eye twitches from anger. "Naru! Why exactly were you late?" He asks in an earilly calm voice. "I-I was ju-just get-ting b-breakfast?" She answered nervously. "Well, guess what you get for being late. I'll give you a hint." He puts his hand on his sword. "Today is sword training, and there is only one other here with one." Naru pauses for a minute, the it dawns on her. "Oh no. I have to train against..." She finishes her sentance by pointing at Grimm. "Bingo. Draw your sword." "But, but sensei!!" "Draw your sword." Grimm repeated as he drew his own. "Or you WILL die." Naru quickly draws her sword, just in time to block Grimm's. "Impressive speed! Try and keep up!" Grimmjow starts swinging wildly, Naru just managing to block most of the swings. Some she can't, and starts getting cuts all over her body. "You can't win if you only defend, c'mon, attack!" Yells grim, still swinging. After an hour, Naru has obtained innumeral cuts, has even managed to find openings to attack, but never even got close to scoring a single hit. "You're weak!" "I'm not." responds Naru. "You're pathetic!" "I'm not!" She yells. "You'll never become hokage!" This struck several nerves. "I WILLLL!!!" 'Call my name' She is surprised by this, and lets her guard down, resulting in a bad gash on her left arm. "Gah! Who?" 'C'mon! You want to show this bozo a thing or two? Call my name!!" And she did. A name came unbidden to her lips, before she even realised it. "In-u-ya-sha..." "Wha..?" Is all Grimmjow has time to say before he is thrown back by a surge of power. He looks at Naru, to find she had unlocked her shikai. "So soon! This shouldn't happen so soon!!" Naru is now clad in a red kimono vest, with equally red sleeves, which bell near the hands, black string tied around the arm, near the armpits, to keep them in place. A white shirt is clearly seen through the gaps. A sash holds up the the pants. Her sword has grown over a foot, with the hilt gaining a decent amount of dog fur. What's most interesting is that her features are more dog-like: her hands are clawed, she has an overbite, and her human ears were replaced with dog ears. "But still, this should be a lot more fun!" "Yea, it will!" Said Naru, just before she charges. Grimm this time is on the defencive. Naru swings the sword with suprising speed and strength, Grimm is barely matching her speed, taking a few nicks and scratches himself. "C'mon. Sensei. You have to attack!" "Bad choice of words, kid. You want me to get serious?" Naru hesitantly nods. "Alright, then!!" He blocks an attack and pushes back forcefully, pushing Naru back a ways. He then takes a stance, holding his sword horizontally, then slides his other hand across the flat of the blade. "Grind, Pantera!" A massive rush of energy knock Naru on her back. When she looks up, she sees his shikai. He is no longer wearing clothes, instead he has a white plate-looking armor covering his lowerbody, to just over his waist. (nothing is showing) His entire arms are covered in the same armor, up to his shoulders. His hands have become black, razor sharp claws. "Now we're talking!!" He takes a moment to revel in his power. "It's been too long since I did this, now-!" "What the HELL are you doing!!?" "I'm training this brat, Eva. Don't get in the way." *SMACK* Grimm sunddenly has a red handmark on his cheek. "First of all, NEVER dismiss me like that, Got it!?" Grimm nods. "And second, why are you using this form on an untrained child!?? You know that it overloads Chacharmaru's sensors! Do you know how long she take to reboot!?" 'Sure, nevermind the fact he was about to kill me' thought Naru, a sweatdrop the size of her head dropping. "Um, sensei?" "What!!?" they both barked. "Nevermind. I'll be over here with Sakura." "Yea, fine. We'll be with you in a minute!" Naru ran over to where Sakura and Hinata were waiting, going faster than she expected. As she tried to stop, she slipped, falling right in front of them, making them laugh. "Hahaha! Naru, you can be so clumsy!" Commented Sakura. "But, you've gotten so powerful in such a short time! I'm a little jealous!" Hinata nods in agreement. "I'm not really sure what happened, myself. All I know is I was fighting, he was pissing me off, then i heard a voice in my head." "A voice?" questioned Sakura. "Yeah!. It kept telling me to say it's name, then I guess I did! Hehehe" she chuckled. "Do you remember it?" Asked Hinata. "Um, I think it was Inuyasha? Yes, it was definitely Inuyasha!" Confirmed Naru. "by the way, how di you two end up training together?" "Well..." Started Sakura. ----------------------------2 hours earlier--------------------------------------- Grimm was shaking with anger, Sakura and Hinata cowering in front of him. Eva was lazing underneath a nearby tree, while Chachamaru fed her grapes. "So, brats..." started Grimm, a blood vessel visible on his forehead. "Where exactly IS Naru?" They hesitated, not sure whether it was safer to stay silent, or take a guess. Sakura chose the latter. "Well, Sensei." Said Sakura, in her sweetest voice. "She most probably either slept in late, or stopped at Ichiraku's for breakfast..." Realising at the end that, while she may have saved her own hide, she just threw Naru under the bus. Grimm's blood vessel got bigger. "Breakfast? She thinks breakfast is more important then training!??" "Oh, no sir!" Said Hinata, much to her own suprise. "She most probably just doesn't relise the time." There was a long pause after she talked, Hinata hoping she didn't say anything wrong. "Start training with each other. Naru's mine!" Grimm said with malice in his voice. Just happy to get away from the danger zone, they moved to the middle of the field. Hinata drew her rapier, while Sakura drew her katana. "Ready?" asked Sakura. "Ready." responded Hinata. Sakura charged, attacking with an overhead swing. Hinata blocked horizontally, a hand on both ends. She pushes back and counterattacks, jabbing at Sakura's arm. Sakura swings her blade, knocking Hinata's away from the arm, into open air. Sakura then kicks Hinata in the chest, tossing her back several feet, but she manages to stay on her feet.  Hinata charged, aiming for the leg. Sakura swung to counter, like before, but it was a feint. Hinata kicked Sakura's side, using Sakura's sword's momentum to throw her off balance. She jabbed again, aiming for the leg, and scored a hit, going a few inches in before she pulled it out. "Sakura, I'm so sorry!! Are you alright!?" Said Hinata with concern. "Yeah, it's nothing serious." She returns to her battle stance. "Let's continue!" "You sure?" Said Hinata, still worried. Sakura nodded. Hinata returned to her stance as well, and waited for Sakura to act. Sakura charged, then took a sweep at Hinata's legs. Hinata swung at her blade, and blocked it. Sakura quickly pulled back, and aimed ate her arm. Hinata pulled her blade up in time to block, but was thrown sideways by the force of the blow. Hinata fliped in the air, and landed on her foot and knee, sliding a few feet.By the time she looked up, Sakura was already on her, with another swing to the arm. She ducked under, and swung her leg, cutting Sakura's legs out from under her. Hinata was on her in an instant, the tip of her blade at Sakura's throat. "I win this round!" Said Hinata, with more confidence than ever before. "Shall we go again?" asked Sakura. Hinata nodded, and helped Sakura up. They walked away from each other a few paces, turned, and got into position to spar again. -----------------------------------A short time later------------------------------- Hinata was about to elbow Sakura in the gut, whe she heard,"You'll never become hokage!" "I WILLLL!!!" Hinata and sakura stop just in time to see Naru release his shikai. When the power wave reached them, they guarded their face from the wind. Eva looked over in annoiance when her kite string broke and it flew away. 'Such power! Is this Naru!!?' thought Sakura. From then on they watched as Naru finally gained the upper hand, blow after blow pushing Grimm back, then they heard what should have been his last words. "C'mon. Sensei. You have to attack!" 'Really Naru? Did you actually get DUMBER with all that power!!?' thought Sakura, facepalming. Soon, they heard what they shouldn't have for many years. "Grind, Pantera!" The resulting power wave knocked them both on their butt, and a nearby Chachamaru started to twitch oddly, and then fell over, unmoving. Eva, fuming, stomped over to Grimm. "What the HELL are you doing!!?" Grimm muttered something they couldn't hear, but it obviously a poor choice of words. *SMACK* Eva started to rant at him, while Naru slunk away, clearly happy for being alive, but frightened from her teachers. She ran over to Hinata and Naru. ----------------------------------current----------------------------------------- "So, who won?" Naru asked. "Huh?" Niether Sakura or Hinata knew what she meant. "Who got who the most times?!" Naru tried to explain. "Oh, who won the most matches!" Said Sakura. Naru nodded eagerly. Hianta and Sakura look at each other and responded simultaniously," It's a tie." Hinata noticed Grimm and Eva coming tward them, Grimmjow having turned back to normal. "Uh, guys?" She says, pointing to her instructors. The others look, and wait for them to come. When they got near, Eva started talking. "Alright, kiddies. We've got an announcement!" 'You guys are getting married, and making the world's most evil couple?' Thought Naru. 'You know, I can read minds if I focus, right?' responded Eva, with an amused look. Naru paled, and quickly apologised. "I'm sorry sensei, I'm sure you'd make a cute couple!" She said as she bowed repeatedly. Everyone gave a questioning look, but said nothing. 'Besides, we ARE a couple!' Eva thinks before she makes her announcement. "Starting tomorrow, after training,  in order to prevent any more tardies,!" she said, staring at Naru, who slunks under her gaze. "You all will be living with us from then on!" "Eeeeh!!!?" say all three genin. "That's right. Pack your bags tonight, cause you move tomorrow! Grimm here will go with Sakura to talk to her mother, I will go with Hinata. Chachamaru.." Eva looks sideways ate her. "Well, once she's rebooted, will stay with naru tonight to make sure she ON TIME!" "What do you think of this, Grimm-sensei?" asks Naru. "I think.." He looks sideways ate eva, who is staring back in a similar manner. "I dare you." herlook said. "..I'm in enough trouble as it is." he finally finishes, his body hanging down at the waist. "Right answer, honey!" Said Eva. "Now, sence Chachamaru is down for the moment, lunch will be late today. She should finish rebooting in about 2 hours. So, we will continue yesterday's training!" "But my arms are tired!" complained Hinata. "But my hands still hurt!" whined Sakura. "But I still hurt!" reasoned Naru. "Fine, anyone who doesn't want my training, can go train with Grimm." responded Eva. Grimm is right behind her, giving demon eyes and cracking his knuckles. Everyone immediately returned to their training spots from yesterday. "I though so!" She created 3 clones to watch over her students, then went to lay under a tree, passing a dejected Grimm. "Grimm, honey! We have a few moments alone. don't want to waste that!" She said seductivly as she passed. They went under the tree, and cuddled until the end of training. -----------------------------3 hours later---------------------------------------- Naru finally made it to the top of the tree. she jumped down, branch by branch, back to the ground. "EVa-sensei! I finally did it!!" She said full of pride. "Great! Level 2 of chakra control training. Follow me." Naru followed her, into the forest, not too far from Sakura, to a stream. "This is the next stage." "Water?" questioned Naru. "Close." She makes a hand sign, and steps on the water, and another, and another, leaving her in the middle of the stream, standing on the water. "You gotta walk on it!" "Walk on the water? I can do that!" She exclaimes as she makes her own hand sign, and jump in the middle. She sinks to her waist in ice cold water. "Eeep!!" She yells, jumping most of the way back, wading the rest of the way. "Wait for instruction, dummy!" Said Eva with a huge grin, clearly enjoying the display. "It works the same as tree climbing, but you have to constantly change the force of chakra to repel the water." "Right!" Naru responds, focusing her chakra, and stepping on the water. Her foot holds, so she takes another step, this one falling through, causing her to lose her balance, and fall into the stream. "Hahahahahaha!!!" Eva is laughing uncontrollably. "This is priceless! This is even better than when you beaned your crotch on a branch earlier!! Hahahaha!!" "grrr" Naru growls. 'I can't let her get the last laugh! I'll do this!!' Naru focuses her chakra to try again. -------------------------------Hinata, meanwhile----------------------------------- *thunk, thunk. thunk, thunk. thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk. thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, crack!* Hinata nearly made it through the set of 8, when she missed, and fell forward, hitting her head on the training dummy, with a loud crack. "Damn!" Said Hinata, surprising herself with the foul language. "So, little lady has a mouth on her!" Taunted the Eva clone. "Quiet!" yelled Hinata, focusing on her next set. Before she could start, Eva pulled her by the hair so she was bending backwards. Eva's eyes radiated anger. "What did you say?" Demanded Eva, staring Hinata straight in the eye. Hinata quickly looked away, embarassed and scared. "Sorry, sensei. It won't happen again." Hinata murmured. "Better not! And because of that bout of disrespect, if you can't finish at least 32 today, next time you'll have to wear 15 pound weights on your arms!" Said Eva sadistically. Hinata, arms throbing with pain and exaustion as it is, immediately returned to practice, trying her hardest to avoid punishment. -------------------------------Sakura, meanwhile----------------------------------- "Hrra! Rah! Haaa!" grunts Sakura as she punches the boulder. she's created a few cracks, but has made no significant damage. "C'm-on! Break, dammit!" She rages, punching with bandaged fists. "Getting mad isn't gonna help." Said the Eva clone; bored and reading a book. "Sensei, isn't there any other pointers you can give me!!?" Gasped Sakura, taking a short break. "I've barely scratched it, and I've been at this for two days!" "This is a technique that the Sannin didn't even come across until she was Jonin! An inexperienced genin can't possibly master this technique at you level." "Then what's the point!!?" "Look at the damage you've done." Sakura looks at the boulder, and the biggest crack is only an inch wide, 5 inches long. "So, I managed to crack it, and you could destroy it with your pinky!" "And how many other people, even Chunin or Jonin, that can do that with their bare fists." This silenced Sakura. "While nowhere near mastering the technique, you are getting the timing down, and can increase the strength of you attacks significantly. You can probably even break the average person's bones!" Sakura looked down at her hand, wondering how strong she had gotten in such a short time. Eva grins widely, still staring at her book. "There is a method to our madness. Now get back to training! Still got another 3 hours left!" Sakura groans, but does as she's told. ---------------------------------3 more hours later-------------------------------- The genin return to their senseis, battered and tired. "Sensei, we're back..." Said an exausted Sakura. EVa and Grimm were resting under a tree, cuddled together, with Chachamaru fanning them with a large leaf. "You 3 surprise me!" Responded Eva. "Not only do most students quit buy this point, but you are doing even better than expected." She pulls out a $50 bill and hands it to Chachamaru. "Serves me to bet against a machine." "I only worked with porbability, mistress. Both Naru and Sakura are too stubborn to ever quit, and Hinata is use to subjucation, so I found it unlikely for her to leave either." explained Chachamaru. "Yeah, yeah. Who asked you!?" Snapped Eva. "allright, brats. You have 4 hours of personal time, to do with as you wish. I expect you here at 7:00. If you're not..." She looks directly at Naru "...I won't stop Grimm-honey next time." she says with a smile. Naru gulps. "Alright, I'm done with ya, get goin." the three genin left in a hurry, eager to have some time to themselves. "So," said Grimm. "You really think they are worth the hassle?" "Naru's trining is going better than hoped, and the other two are far stronger than their profiles made them out to be. This is a definitly the team we want." responded Eva seriously. "It better be. I hate wasting my time." said Grimm, "I just hope they're ready in time!" ---------------------------------the genin, nearing town---------------------------- The three didn't speak most of the way there, too tired and thinking about what to do. "Say, Hinata." Finally spoke Naru. "Do you...want  to go do something?" This causes Hinata to blush madly. "...um, uh, I..." stammered Hinata. Naru, remembering Sakura's words from last night, said nothing and waited. Hinata continued to stammer for a moment, then just shut her mouth, and finally nodded. "Great, then! Let see, what to do..." said Naru eagerly. 'Naru, you asked her out without even knowing what to do?' thought Sakura with a sigh. "Oh! I know! They have that new Gurren Lagaan movie at the theater! Is that good Hinata!?" asked Naru excitedly. Hinata nodded again, a bit more eagerly than before. She had been wanting to see it too. "Right! We're off!" She grabbed Hinata by her arm and started to pull her, running, to the theater. Sakura is left standing there, her eye twitching in disbelief. 'Is she for real? You have to be gentle with tha kind of girl. What an idiot! Oh, well, I think I'll go take a bath.' She heads home. ---------------------------------1.5 hours later----------------------------------- "That was an awesome movie, huh Hinata!?" asked Naru, just leaving the theater with Hinata, still reliving the movie in her head. "It was!" Exclaimed Hinata, still pumped. They both suddenly got into the stance from the movie: feet should-width apart, arms crossed, with a smug expression. "Just who the hell do you think I am!!!?" They yelled simultaniously, laughing uproariously afterward, attracting quite a bit of attention. They ignored everyone staring, and walked off. "Thanks for taking me out to this movie!" said Hinata. "Ah, it was no big deal!" responded Naru modestly. "But it was! That movie filled me with such confidence! I think I can stand Sensei with ease now!" Exclaimed Hinata with an energy she didn't even know she had. "I actually can't wait for practice tomorrow! In fact, I'm gonna put in some last minute training right now! See you at the training field!" Before she left, however, she gave Naru a peck on the cheek, and ran off. Naru just stood there in a daze, hand to her cheek. 'Hinata...' she thought, daydreaming. She shook her head and snaped out of it. 'I can't sit here daydreaming! Hinata has the right idea!' she heads straight for the forest, heading for the stream she was at earlier. ----------------------------2.5 hours later--------------------------------------- Everyone gathered in front of Grimm and Eva-sensei again, all on time this time. Hinata's palms are battered, and she look exausted; Naru is soaking wet, and Sakura looks clean and rested. "Why are you guys so exausted? Didn't you go see a movie?" asked Sakura. "Well, you see, the thing is..." started Naru. "After the movie, we just got pumped, and decided to train some more!" Finished Hinata, clearly being more open than usual. "It also helped me build some confidence too!" "If we're done yammering!" said Grommjow impatiently. "Sorry, sensei!" all three genin respond at once. "Change in plans. We decided to get off our butts and..."Talk" to your parents." Said Eva. "Pack your bags, you're coming tonight!"
Chapter 2 - Chemical attack
The sound of mortars landing around them filled the morning air. Daxton watched through a basement window as the goblin artillery fired at suspected northern Union forces. After a failed river crossing in the early morning the goblins had resorted to trying to dig out Sanctuary’s defenders with artillery. However goblin artillery was notoriously bad. Low calibre, low range, low accuracy, and a staggering amount of duds made for a poor combo. The worst part of a goblin bombardment it was often half-joked, was cleaning up the piles of unexploded ordinance. It wasn’t harmless though as Daxton watched the three story building they had occupied yesterday get hammered with shells and rockets. The third story had already collapsed as the goblins let out their pent up frustration on the building. Daxton wasn’t worried though as he sipped his coffee from safety of a concrete basement, keeping a careful eye out through a window for any goblins that might try and sneak across the river just 200 meters away. The rest of Daxton’s squad was similarly calm. Su sat on a chair nursing her sore legs after last nights round of rough sex. Three other women, all almost as sexy as Su, sat around a table playing poker with bullets substituting for poker chips. First was Sasha, a native Tundran woman with long blonde hair and a mean temperament. Daxton didn't know a lot about Sasha, only that she swore like a drunken sailor and was possessed of an almost murderous energy. Her bright green eyes often looked ready to kill and her mouth always seemed to bet set in a sadistic grin. She was at least honest though, she didn't have much of a poker face and she wore her emotions on her sleeve. (Sasha)   Then there was Ryu, a short Xiu girl fresh out of school but possessed of curves in all the right places. She was also full of energy and boundless optimism. She was the squad medic responsible for keeping all in fighting condition. Once she heard the war had started she was eager to get in and help people affected. Ryu had a spring in her step and her wide smile was infectious. Daxton felt lucky to have her in his squad. (Ryu)   Finally was Myomi. Myomi was a rich girl that had joined the army out of a desire for glory and a fast track through life. Daxton sometimes wondered if she was soldier material and privately thought that she must’ve pulled some string’s somewhere to get in. Still she was sexy beautiful and had the thickest ass in the company. Oh how he would love to plow that ass. To see it bounce up and down on his cock. (Myomi) Coincidentally Myomi caught his gaze and flinched whilst blushing like a cherry. She had been blushing the whole morning every time she looked at Daxton. Then there were the two other men in their little squad. John was the old sergeant of the squad. He was a calm old man with a love of rum and coke. Daxton quite liked John as it had been John who had brought Daxton into the squad and taught him the ropes. The basement shook as a mortar round landed close to the house they were in. John: “Heh, if this goes on they might hit us by accident. Hehe” Daxton: “Har Har.” John: “Who do you think’s gonna win the poker game? My bets on Myomi.” Daxton: “What about Ryu or Sasha?” They win a lot more than Myomi ever does.” John: “Well I get the feeling that Myomi has learned a lot of valuable skills and-“ Daxton: “You taught her how to cheat didn’t you.” John: “Ok fine I taught her how to cheat at poker. I mean the girl needed the help anyway.” Daxton: *shakes his head* The game went on. The girls winning and losing back and forth, though Myomi was at least holding her own now with a few tricks and cheats. Terry meanwhile was cleaning his machine gun for the second time today. Terry was a gun nut to put it mildly. He loved guns more then he loved women. He loved guns so much he had gotten into trouble occasionally by stealing guns he thought were interesting from other units. Forcing John and Daxton to bail him out. A fact that had gotten the stuffing kicked out of Daxton on more then one occasion. A knock at the cellar door broke the revelry. Daxton: "Who the blazes could be knocking in an artillery barrage?" John: "Nothing good." John said now very serious as he lifted his rifle. Daxton grabbed his C8 carbine and started moving up the stairs with his rifle pointed at the door. John was behind him covering him with his rifle. John: "Girls grab your rifles just in case. Terry stop molesting that machine gun and get ready." Terry: "I'm not mole-. I just started cleaning." Daxton: "Good then you'll clean up quickly. Now let me focus." Terry: "Why would goblins even be knocking, let alone in artillery barrage." John: "You're attributing intelligence to creatures with brains smaller then apples." Daxton carefully approached the door, checked that his rifle was loaded and ready to fire. and opened the door. Only to find Captain Cartwright there in the doorway, standing straight and proud as artillery shells and mortar rounds landed nearby and sipping a coffee to boot. Cartwright: "Morning Corporal. pleasant day out there." Daxton: "Captain Cartwright?!" Daxton swiftly lowered his rifle and saluted at once. Cartwright: "Yes that is me. Just checking in on all the squads. Everyone okay down there?" Daxton: "Yes sir, we're fine sir." Cartwright: "Great news." John: "What the bugger are you doing outside captain? Don't you know there's a bombardment going on!" Cartwright: "Oh please. A little rain like this could barely get a man wet." He said as a mortar round landed 100 meters away from him. Close enough that Daxton could feel the house flex from the blast wave. Cartwright meanwhile barely cared as he hardly even swayed from the shockwave. Cartwright: "Well glad you're all okay chaps. I'm off to check on the rest of the company. Tally Ho." With that Cartwright was off, casually walking from house to house chatting with squads and checking up on them. Daxton: "So its true that officers don't duck." John: "Eh, they do. It's mostly just Cartwright that doesn't duck if he can avoid it. That foreigner has a few screws loose. Call yourself lucky your uniform is clean. That guy would chew you out for getting mud on your boots in a trench." Daxton Closed the door, locking it just to be sure, and walked back down the stairs. Daxton: "Really? Seems like a nice guy to me." John: "Trust me he can be a real tight ass when he wants to." Ryu: "What was that?" Daxton: "That was Captain Cartwright." Ryu: "What? The Captain himself?!" Daxton: "Yep, came to check in with all the squads." Su: "And he's fine?" Daxton: "Yes, he walked into artillery fire and mortar fire. I think he would be fine walking into a tornado and shouting 'Awe my tea!" Sasha: “Heh, what a fucking moron. Ten loonies he bites it.” Daxton: “Yeah no. We aren’t betting on our own deaths.” A sense of ease returned to the basement as everyone resumed their activities. Terry: "Well I'm going back to cleaning my beautiful gun if you don't mind." Daxton: "Given how much you clean that thing I can only imagine your search history Terry." Terry: "Fuck you Daxton." Daxton: "Hehe. Right John? ...John?" John was hyper focused on the ceiling, all jovialness gone from the normally cheerful man. His expression was hardened, and his eyes were narrowed and menacing. Daxton recognized that John was listening for something, as he slowly turned his head about listening for something. John: "Disassemble that machine gun terry and I'll plant my foot up your ass." Daxton: "What's up John?" John: "Artillery rounds are landing but they aren’t exploding." Daxton noticed. The once constant sound of artillery shells exploding was gone. It could’ve just been goblin's shoddy engineering causing an above average round of duds. But something seemed off. It wasn't just more duds. The rounds landed as usual, and then didn't explode, not one. Gazing through the window, Daxton saw rounds land 100 meters away. They didn’t explode however, instead they began hissing as a light green gas began to seep out off the rounds. Goblin poison gas. Daxton: “It’s poison gas! They’re gassing us!” John: “Gas masks everyone!” Everyone scrambled to pull gasmasks out of backpacks and put them on. John went around helping to make sure everyone had theirs on properly before he put his on. Daxton felt the tightness round his face and the sound of his own breathing filled his ears. Su and Myomi were having trouble getting their masks fitted right, but Daxton was able to help them get it on right. Chemical weapons were a notable strategy of goblin doctrine. Given the biological inferiority of goblins, they had sought to make up for this with unconventional tactics, such as performance enhancing drugs and chemical weapons. Goblin chemical weapons were infamous. ranging from basic mustard gas to more devious creations. The most infamous of these weapons was the toxic aphrodisiac gas known as "green kiss" a gas that would reduce woman to lust crazed sluts barely able to stand or think about anything other then sex, whilst any men exposed to the gas would be poisoned and killed. That was probably the gas they were being bombarded with. John: "Everyone up the stairs, that gas is probably heavier then air." Grabbing everything they could carry, the squad moved up the stairs into the building above so as not to be trapped in what would rapidly become a pool of toxic gas. Daxton jogged over to the nearest window and peered out through the cracked glass with the scope on his rifle. Through his scope he saw groups of goblins in improvised gasmasks and crude hazmat suits swarming towards the river, carrying what looked to be small boats. More goblins hauled barrels full of even more gas which where promptly thrown open allowing even more gas to fill the air. As Daxton processed this, the crack of gunfire rang out, followed by a snap of rounds landing close to Daxton's position. Daxton: "Fuck!" Daxton fired off a few rushed semi auto shots through the window, probably hitting nothing. Terry took up Asher's position and began sweeping the opposing bank with automatic fire. John Got on the radio to call up the squad's LAV-3 from its hull down position for fire support and just in case they needed to rapidly retreat. Daxton, Su and Myomi, headed outside to have room for the Carl Gustav. Green gas filled the air around them. Gunfire filled their ears as the company poured every ounce of firepower on the incoming goblins. Daxton carefully peered around the corner, watching as Goblins loaded into boats and began swimming across. Daxton: "Myomi Cover me. Su hand me an HE.” Su gingerly handed Daxton the round and helped him load it. Su: “Myomi you’re gonna want to stand clear of the back blast. Lest it pulp your organs.” Myomi: “Oh uh sure.” Daxton made sure neither was in the back blast before he fired. Given the aphrodisiac gas around them, even a small crack in their gas masks would be reduce them to mewling sluts. Though the thought of taking advantage of their helpless states to release a few loads in them certainly brought life to his family jewels. It would however probably be counterproductive to have two squad mates knocked out in a battle. Peering through his scope Daxton targeted a small boat overflowing with goblins, carefully aimed, and fired. Being essentially a small cannon, the Carl Gustav round did not take long to reach its target and even less time to violently disassemble the boat and all the goblins in it. He always had been a good shot with the Carl Gustav. Su quickly loaded another round, and Daxton selected another boat for destruction. The explosion shredded the wooden boat and sent flaming shrapnel through the goblins. Goblin limbs and torsos went flying into the air as goblins were splattered against the waves. Daxton blew up two more boats before running out of HE rounds. Daxton didn’t like the idea of throwing anti-tank rounds at wooden boats, so Su went to grab more HE rounds from the nearby LAV-3 which was already laying down a withering hail of 25mm chain gun rounds. Daxton paused to get a feel of the battle. In this section of the town the goblins were having a hard time crossing the river. At least two platoons were raining hell down on the goblins. Snipers, chain guns, machine guns and mortars raked the opposing bank of the river. Whilst any boat that wasn’t blown up with recoilless rifles were hosed down with accurate fire from C7s and C8s. And the few lucky goblins that made it across became stuck on barbed wire and were exterminated with fully automatic grenade launchers. All in all, this section of the frontline was in good hands Daxton thought. He wasn’t a veteran but things seemed okay enough for now. Meanwhile the right flank relative to Daxton’s position was notably quieter with only the occasional burst of fire as the goblins seemed to ignore the area. The left flank however sounded like an Afghan wedding celebration. With so much gunfire and explosions it was impossible to tell one from another. Daxton: "They're getting pushed hard over there." Daxton pulled out his radio. "John, this is Daxton. what’s going on with our left flank?" John: "They're getting pushed hard. That's where the bulk of the goblins are landing. Wait... shit they're pulling back!" Daxton: "What?! What's going on?" Before John could get an accurate view of the situation Daxton was treated to the sight of soldiers running from the on coming goblins under the covering fire of LAV-3s. Cartwright was visible in amongst the troops, making sure no soldiers were left behind. Daxton: "Su, make it quick with that ammo we're going to need it.!" Myomi: "What? shouldn't we be retreating too” Daxton: “No we’ve got to cover their retreat or else they’ll get run down.” Myomi was visibly nervous even through her gas mask. Su arrived with the ammunition and tried to comfort her, but Daxton was too busy focusing on the new threat. As troops fell back to secondary defensive positions Daxton saw what had caused the rout. Hobgoblin berserkers, tall, meaty creatures carrying shotguns and melee weapons, and hopped up on so much goblin drugs and painkillers as to be ignorant any pain received. Daxton already saw several bleeding fiercely from bullet and shrapnel wounds and yet they still kept going. Daxton fired a HE round into a cluster of hobgoblins. Hobgoblins were tough but they fell from pulped organs and shredded limbs just as any other goblin. Several hobgoblins came charging out of an alleyway straight for Daxton, his C8 didn’t have the power to quickly stop the charging berserkers so Daxton instead loaded his one flechette round into his Carl Gustav, essentially turning it into a massive shotgun. Daxton didn’t have time for carefully aiming, so his shot was a rushed one. The hundreds of flechettes shredded most of the hobgoblins. Even in their drugged up states, the sheer shredding of the flechettes sent most to their deaths as limbs were ripped off, torsos disemboweled, and organs mulched. But the rushed shot nearly cost Daxton his life as the back blast bounced off a nearby wall and into his back. It felt like a sledgehammer as the wind was knocked out of his lungs and he was pushed face first into the mud. Luckily his gas mask came out unscathed, otherwise he’d be dead from the gas. But as he rose Daxton heard Myomi scream and looked over to see a blood soaked hobgoblin wrap a meaty hand around her throat as her rifle clicked empty. The hobgoblin was severely wounded from his flechette round. Strips of skin hanged from bloody, shredded wounds and half the creature’s face was shredded into an unrecognizable mess, and yet the cocktail of drugs oozing from its wounds somehow kept it going. Su was busy accurately mag dumping a mag into another hobgoblin’s head. Whilst the rest of the squad was busy focusing fire on the remaining berserkers, bringing them down with concentrated fire one by one. Myomi kicked and punched at the hobgoblin pinning her, but her punches might as well’ve been pillows. The hobgoblin however wasted no time in trying to forcefully strip Myomi, ripping off her chest rig and shirt with its drug enhanced strength. Myomi’s decently large breasts were only held in by her lingerie bra. The hobgoblin knew it had a female in its grasp and was evidently intent on raping and breeding Myomi. Daxton tried to rise but the pain in his back and pounding in his head stopped him. The hobgoblin began rubbing its erection against Myomi. Humping her as if she was a sex toy. Daxton however was able to raise his C8 and fire several bursts right into the filthy creature’s side, mauling its left arm and causing it to drop Myomi to ground. As the creature stumbled back Terry was able to aim through a window and fire a burst of 7.62 NATO right into the creature’s head, killing it instantly. Su was fine as she dead checked the hobgoblin corpses to make sure none got back up. John: “Get in the LAV! We’re falling back! Captain's order's!” Myomi however sat there in shock covering her breasts with her hands and being completely zoned out, oblivious to the battle raging around her. Daxton: “Myomi we’ve got to move!” Myomi: “They… almost raped me. I almost got raped.” Goblins began pouring onto the beaches firing wildly at any humans in their sight. A goblin rounded a corner and fired a burst from its smg squarly at Daxton. His life was spared however as the goblins terrible accuracy caused the rounds to go high, impacting the wall behind Daxton. Su however didn’t miss as she gunned the foul creature down with laser precision. Daxton didn’t have time for Myomi’s panic attack and grabbed her by her arms to drag her over to the LAV. Daxton: "Get in!" He tossed her into the back of the LAV and pulled the ramp up as Su and Sasha entered. John checked that everyone was inside before giving the green light to the LAV commander. The LAV driver threw it in reverse and began driving back to the secondary defensive position, a line of hills outside the town. Daxton: "Shit they're swarming across the town.” John: "Command is preparing the counter attack right now. Just need to stand by until further orders.” Daxton looked back at the small town through the LAVs built-in cameras. Across the river a box barrage was in place. Where the goblins were trapped in a “box” of artillery, where then more artillery walked rounds from one end to another until every thing inside was dead. On this side of the river mortars and danger close air strikes were holding back the goblins and preventing them from chasing down the retreating troops of the 8th line brigade. Inside the LAV, Myomi was still doing her best to cover up her exposed breasts to little avail. Su took off her own shirt to give it to Myomi, Su’s larger breasts only being hidden her chest rig and military issue bra. Su: "Myomi here, wear this." Myomi: "Oh uh thanks." Myomi pulled the shirt on. It was a little too large to make up Su’s huge tits but at least it covered her. Daxton: “It’s okay Myomi. Terry blew that thing's face to smithereens.” Terry: "Ya I don't think there's any coming back from that face." Myomi: "I almost got raped!” Sasha: “Yeah and Daxton and Terry shot the thing. If it weren’t from them you’d be a goblin incubator, so thank your fuckin stars miss Richie.” John: “Sasha mind your fuckin manners.” Sasha: "Yes sir. Sorry Mr. sir." She said sarcastically. Daxton: "It's okay Myomi, you're safe now." Daxton wasn't sure if she felt that way though, but at least she had something to cover herself with now. Myomi looked like she was in shock still. John and Daxton exchanged looks, knowing that Myomi was in no condition to fight. John spoke into his radio. John: “This is sergeant John. We have soldier in shock. We need a medic when we arrive.” As they arrived at the secondary defensive line in the hills over looking the town, Daxton spotted the C2 mexas tanks and Apache attack helicopters already firing at targets within the village. Helped that the goblin gas was beginning to dissipate leaving the goblins exposed in the open. Daxton: “Light em the fuck up boys." The LAV-3 inched to a halt. Medics were swiftly on hand to take Myomi to the rear lines to recover, whilst Su went to find a new shirt for herself. Daxton: “Hope she’s gonna be okay.” Sasha: “She'll get over it. I mean this was to be expected. I mean really, sending women to fight goblins. Marching breeders to their breeding. What dumbass thought up that.” Daxton: “Shut up Sasha, we’re here willingly” Ryu: “If you ladies are done bickering, pick up some ammo. We’ve got a town to liberate.” Sasha ceased her bickering for now, Walking off to reload her magazines. John: “Cartwright. Glad to see you’re alive.” Cartwright walked confidently towards them. Cartwright: "Good to see you lads. how was the trip?" John: "Bumpy but quick Sir." Cartwright: "Glad you're ok. Get your troops ready John, Command wants us to counterattack right away before the enemy can get dug in.” John: "Yes sir." Cartwright: “Start is 9:50am. I want you guys going door to door, make sure every room is clear. We don’t want any goblins hiding in cabinets.” Cartwright laid out the plan in detail before hurrying off to personally inform the other squads under his command. John radioed his squad back and issued orders. Daxton sat next to Su in the LAV, trying his best not look at Su’s tits as the half-shirt she found and put on in a hurry was too tight for her chest result in her breasts being pushed up and most of her cleavage exposed. She didn't seem to mind though. Su: "Keep staring at my tits and people are gonna think you’re a pervert.” Daxton: “This coming from a woman who asked me to fuck her with my “giant bitch breaking cock” and hoped I’d fuck the fuck the commissar into a stupor. Besides your tits are practically spilling out of that half-shirt." Su: "Never said I ain't a pervert, and I thought you'd like the view." Daxton: "Trust me, I love it. And I'd love to get a closer look later." Su: "ooh, stop. People are going to hear us." Daxton: “Who? John’s only fetish is rum and jokes and Terry has guns for waifus. Meanwhile Sasha needs a good dicking down to help with her attitude. Ryu would be fun to bed and fuck senseless. And Myomi…” Su: “Yeah about Myomi, I might’ve told her about the sex we had last night.” Daxton: “How’d she react?” Su: “By blushing like a cherry. I mean I don’t that rich girl has even seen a man and a woman going at. So when I told her about you fucking me senseless she was thirsting on every word.” Daxton “That explains why she kept blushing whenever I looked at her this morning. Shame her first foreplay was with a goblin. Hope she doesn’t get to shaken up about that.” Su: "I’ll keep an eye on her in meantime.” *** 9:50 came with a sharp whistle and commencement over the radio. Tanks and attack helicopters lead the way, blasting anything in the open. The LAV-3s followed behind firing chain guns at every bit of movement from the houses. The moment they reached the town ramps dropped and the infantry came rushing out. Daxton had his C8 carbine ready but the Carl Gustav slung on his back was loaded just in case. The first building they reached had been the one Daxton and Su had fucked in last night. Now Sasha threw a grenade in threw the window and the squad breached the door. One goblin was laying face down in a pool of its own blood from its severed legs. John wasted no time in dead checking the goblin with bullet to the had to make sure. Another goblin came staggering out off a bedroom only to be shot by both Ryu and Daxton. Room by room they searched the place. As Daxton approached they room where he and Su had fucked previously, rounds from a goblin smg came flying into the hallway. Perhaps the goblins were drawn to the lingering smell of sex, Daxton thought.  The rounds missed but Daxton saw the angle the rounds had come from and began firing through the drywall at the spot he guessed the goblin to be. His guesstimate was rewarded with the sound of a goblin screeching in pain. Another goblin in the room revealed himself by bellowing out a challenge in its guttural tongue. Su took the opportunity while it was busy yelling to round the corner and put a burst of fire into the creatures mouth followed by another burst as it fell to the floor. Daxton entered after Su, two goblins lay dead on the floor. Meanwhile the bed Daxton and Su had slept in was covered in goblin blood. Su: “That bed will never be clean again.” With one house clear they moved onto the next. However as they approached, a machine gun opened fire, narrowly missing Sasha and forcing everyone to duck for cover. Terry suppressed the machine gun nest with his own and the moment the goblin stopped firing Daxton stood up, shouldered his Carl Gustav and fired the loaded HE round into the window the goblins were in. The whole room exploded outward in a cloud of dust, debris, and small green limbs. More goblins continued to fire out off windows. A tank behind Daxton’s squad saw the firefight and with John's guidance, fired a 105mm HE round into the building the goblins were in, causing a section of the house to cave in. Sasha: "Cover me!" Finally Sasha was able to rush forward under covering fire and throw a bundle of grenades in through an opening. the room she threw grenades into exploded once and then twice from the goblin's ammunition cooking off. The building was left in ruins and the weight of explosives used against them caused the surviving goblins to run out of the building to try and flee for their lives across the street. No mercy was shown as the squad opened fire on the retreating goblins, cutting them to ribbons. A last gamble by the goblins saw the few remaining hobgoblins charge Daxton’s position, but this time they were ready as the C2 mexas fired a canister shot and Daxton a flechette round into the hobgoblins. A LAV-3 and rest of the squad focused fire on the few survivors. In the end not a single hobgoblin made to their position. *** The town was cleared of every last goblin in it. By the end of the day the situation was back to what it had been in the morning, albeit with considerable more damage and goblin corpses in the streets. The Daxton was now sitting a concrete pumphouse that had survived the battle. It wasn’t large but it was surprisingly sound proof. Myomi had regained her composure and met up with Daxton alone in the impromptu bunker. Myomi: "Hey, you ok?" Daxton: "Could ask the same of you." Myomi: "I'm fine... It's just... I never thought it would ever happen to me. getting raped by a goblin." Daxton: "And it didn't. That hobgoblin is rotting in a crater right now." Myomi: "I guess you're right... but... I mean... I can't stop thinking about it... the thought of getting captured by those goblins, dragged into some cave and raped and bred until I die." she was obviously still a little shooken up. Daxton: "Don't think of that, negative thoughts like that just fester and worm until they drive you mad." Myomi: "I know, I know I should focus on other stuff. Its just... have you ever heard of the Huang family?" Daxton: "Aren't they a rich family of business owners and influencers?" Myomi: "Yes, incredibly rich. I ask because my full name is Myomi Huang. My father is the head of their family. He has more money than you can imagine." Daxton: "Ok. why are you telling me this?" Myomi: "I want to pay you do something for me. I can pay you handsomely, more than you can imagine." Daxton: "I can imagine a lot. what numbers we talking here? and what do you want me to do?" Myomi: "I will pay you $100,000 to put a baby in me." Daxton had to do a double check when he heard that. A hundred thousand dollars to breed some rich girl. an unimaginable dream for any man. And yet here was the daughter of one of the richest families in the country offering Daxton a hundred thousand dollars to knock her up. Daxton: "What? did I hear that right? You want me to impregnate you and you'll give me $100,000 dollars. Why? Why would you want that." It wasn't that Daxton was opposed, just suspicious of the reason. Impregnating a squad mate could bring the commissar and MPs down on his head. And the prospect of a jail cell and a dishonourable discharge was hardly worth $100,000. Myomi: "I never even wanted to be part of the army. It was daddy that pressured me to sign up. He thought it would help my career once I got out. He's the only reason I even got past basic training. but after today. I don't want to be some goblin's whore if something goes wrong. I want to go home. And getting pregnant will let me get out with a medical discharge. Plus, Su told me how good you were in bed and it was either you or that drunk john. So, congrats Daxton you get to breed me." Daxton had two thoughts. One: hell yeah, as he got a chance to breed the fat assed princess. The thought of her bouncing up and down on his cock was already beginning to bring it to its foot long length. The second thought was the more reasonable. if the MPs found out it would be his head on a figurative platter. Daxton: "Alright I'll fuck a baby into you. but you also cover any fines I get and the responsibility for this all falls on you. You also have to take care of the kid. Deal?" Myomi: "You have a deal Daxton" Daxton smiled and sat back in a chair he had found earlier. Myomi: "Well are we going to do it or?" Daxton: "Oh princess. if you want me to knock you up, you're going to have to work for it. you can start by warming up my cock with those lips of yours." Myomi was hesitant but either through fear of another sexual assault by a goblin like today or growing sexual arousal, she walked over to Daxton, gingerly got her knees in front of Daxton's crotch, and began to remove his dick from its confinement. the Moment Daxton's erect cock sprung free, Myomi was taken aback. Myomi: "It's so big... will it even fit?" Daxton: "Oh it will. You just got to lube it up a little." Myomi returned to Daxton's massive cock. With a soft pedicured hand she grabbed it by its shaft and brought it to her lips. But she seemed confused as to what to do next. Daxton: "Well go on. Suck it like a lollipop." Myomi slowly swallowed the cock, beginning to bob her head up and down on the cock in front of her. Daxton: "That's it. That's it princess. Suck it all the way to the back. You'll have to deepthroat me if you want it in your pussy." Myomi swallowed as much as she could but couldn't cover all of Daxton’s cock and seemed unwilling to deepthroat it. Daxton: "Fine, I'll do it myself. Prepare your throat Myomi." Myomi could barely register Daxton’s statement before he grabbed the back of her head, stood up and began fucking Myomi's throat with a bestial savagry. Daxton felt his cock push into her throat, causing it to bulge every time he thrust. Myomi could only brace herself on Daxton’s thighs and try to breath through her nose as her throat was savagely fucked. Myomi: "mmmmm!" Daxton: "Yeah that's it princess. Take my cock deep in your throat" Myomi's eyes watered as the cock ravaged her throat. Daxton could tell she wasn't used to being throat fucked and was slowly getting rougher with each thrust. Soon Daxton was fucking Myomi's throat so hard she was getting lightheaded. Daxton was loving this. The tightness of her throat, the noises of her gagging, the sight of her face being pushed up and down on his cock. All these factors brought Daxton closer to climaxing and soon he pulled out of her throat to let her breath and left his cock pointed at her face. Myomi: "<gasp> I can't take that in my mouth." Daxton: "Too bad. you might quit on the army but you ain't quitting on this." Daxton quickly rammed his cock back in her throat and resumed fucking her face. It wasn't long before Daxton felt his balls tighten. Mascara ran down from Myomi's eyes as she struggled to breath. Finally Daxton felt a fire burn in his groin and with a mighty thrust of his hips, pushed his cock all the way into Myomi's throat and unloaded a massive load of cum straight down her throat. Myomi was forced to swallow it all to avoid choking. finally Daxton pulled out leaving globlets of cum on Myomi's lips as she coughed up some of the cum. Daxton: "So you've had a taste of my cum. like the taste?" Myomi: "<cough> its... salty and gooey. But it tastes... good." Myomi didn't know why but she enjoyed it. The taste of Daxton's cock, the way her mouth and throat stretched around his grith, and the taste of his seed on her lips. And most surprisingly she found the feeling of being used most enjoyable. Daxton: "Do you want to continue? Cause if we do this cock is going in your pussy." Myomi: "Yeah. I can take it." Daxton: "Good. Then strip off those clothes and bend over." Myomi did so, shrugging off the shirt she was wearing and taking off her lingerie bra to show her still sizable breasts. Finally she took off her pants and panties. Now that she was completely nude Daxton got a good look at the princess. she was beautiful to a fault and though her breasts were still smaller than Su's, they were still pretty large. and Su had nothing on Myomi's thicc thighs, hips, and ass. Daxton Gave a firm slap to Myomi's butt as she undressed and bent over. Daxton took a look at Myomi's shaved pussy and it was inviting. Daxton ran finger along her pussy, feeling her wetness. Daxton: "It seems like you can't wait for this. you're already dripping wet. that means your body is ready to take my cock." Daxton lined up his cock with Myomi's pussy and began pushing it in. Myomi gasped as she felt the tip of Daxton’s cock push into her pussy. Myomi: "Wait... its too big..." Daxton: "You said you could handle it. Now take it all." Daxton grabbed onto Myomi's hips and pulled it back as he began to plow her pussy. Myomi's hym broke as her virginity was taken in a bunker in a warzone surrounded by goblin corpses. Her breasts began to bounce up and down with Daxton’s thrusts, and soon the squishing of her pussy as Daxton’s cock slammed into it filled the room. Myomi: "Its so big! You're splitting me open." Daxton: "the pain will fade in time and be replaced with pleasure. you'll learn to love it." Daxton continued to slam Myomi's pussy, fucking her as hard as he could. Myomi: "I-I-I'm cumming!" Daxton: "That was quick. doesn't matter though, I wont be." Daxton began slamming his cock into her so fast Myomi began to feel dizzy, falling face first leaving her ass hanging in the air like a bitch in heat. Daxton continued fucking the rich girl into a stupor. From this position he was banging at her very womb, the womb he we would soon be breeding. Daxton would be a father, he thought. a significant fact to be sure, but Myomi had agreed to take care of the kid, and Daxton was too horny to really care about the long term implications of breeding the sexy girl in front of him. All he cared about right now was that he was getting paid $100,000 dollars to fuck a fine piece of ass and knock a rich girl up. And he was more than happy to comply. Daxton took his hands off of Myomi's hips, and gave her ass a firm spank. Watching her ass bounce from both his thrusts and his slaps. finally the cum Daxton had been holding back began to rise in his cock. Daxton grabbed hold of Myomi's hips and strengthen his thrusts. Towering over her, Daxton put the full weight of his thrusts into ramming the full length of his cock into Myomi's womb. Daxton: "Fuck your pussy is so tight. you ready to have a baby princess?" Myomi: "Yes! give it to me." Finally the lust overtakes Myomi and she begin to bounce her hips against Daxton's cock. As the lust overcame Myomi, Daxton felt his cock break through the doors to her womb as she finally relented and opened up to his cock. Daxton thrust one last time and emptied his seed straight into Myomi's womb, where he hoped to breed this girl. He stood pouring more and more baby batter into Myomi's womb. so much jettisoned out from his balls that, with his cock filling the entrance to her womb, the cum rapidly filled her womb, causing it to bulge out and expand as it struggled to contain it all. Daxton pulled out, and watched as his seed fountained from her pussy. Daxton admired the sight before him. Myomi collapsed on the ground, exhausted from the intense sex. with the amount of cum forced into her womb it would be a miracle if she wasn't pregnant. And yet Daxton was still hard. Myomi: "Alright… so we’re done here? Right?” Daxton: “Nope. That was just one load and I’ve got to put a few more in just to be sure. Besides you looked like you're enjoying yourself there. So why stop now.” Myomi: “But there’s already so much. My womb won't fit anymore.” Daxton: “Oh it'll fit more in, Afterall you're paying me to knock you up. and I intend to make sure." Before Myomi could resist Daxton was on top of Myomi and lined his cock up with her soaking pussy. Daxton began fucking her once more, intent on giving her a nice belly full of his sperm. Daxton rammed his cock into Myomi's womb again and again and again. Between his cum and Myomi’s juices it was already plenty lubricated for his cock. Myomi, exhausted as she was, could only brace herself as she was once more violated by this cock. Daxton Slammed his cock into Myomi over and over again with the ferocity of an animal in heat. Myomi's tits were bouncing like crazy from Daxton's thrusts. Daxton: "Once I put a brat in your womb, those titties of yours will grow and start leaking milk when you squeeze them. I can't wait to see them." Myomi meanwhile was beginning to break down from the lust. for a girl's first time, Daxton's foot long cock and savage breeding was too much her mind to handle. Myomi: "ah, ah its... too much. I'm losing my mind with lust." Her eyes had rolled up into her skull. Myomi: “Yes… yes fuck me. Fuck me peasant. Fuck me with your big… huge peasant cock.” Daxton: “Oh I will. Take my huge cock and get bred.” Myomi: "Yes. Breed me like I'm your bitch." Finally Daxton felt his balls tighten again, and like before, he aimed his cock right at Myomi's womb and unloaded a second time. He watched as his seed pushed its way into her womb. It bulged again, even more so now that he had given her two loads already. This time he didn't pull out, keeping his cock stuffed in her pussy. Daxton wasn’t done. He fucked Myomi’s pussy raw many more times. Pumping load after load into Myomi until she passed out from the pleasure and her belly already looked months pregnant. Su: “Fuck that was hot!” There in the doorway Su stood, her face flush with excitement, as she fondled her exposed clit and breasts. Su: “That was hot. The way you bred that girl like you were a wild animal. I’m so jealous honey.” Daxton: “you ain’t mad?” Su: “what? No. By the contrary I want you to fuck me like that.” Daxton looked at his still hard cock, and immediately felt a smile creep across his face. *** (Bonus) (lore) The goblin badlands are not a nation in the traditional sense. Instead the term simply refers to any area of world taken over by the goblin tribes. The goblin badlands south of the Northern Union is one of the larger pieces of goblin territory. The goblins within live in tribes. Goblin tribes live in constant conflict with one another, only capable of being united by a powerful goblin chieftain. Goblins only have three goals, conquer new land, plunder to their hearts content, and reproduce by raping females. Goblins prefer to breed females of other races despite the presence of short stacked goblin females. Goblins will often raid into foreign land to enslave new females who are often used as breeding stock until the day they die. *** (author's note) Hi there. this took a little longer to get then I planned but I think its finally ready for delivery. I might make a few alterations in the coming days but its mostly finished.  Let me know what you think in the comments below. seriously, I'm interested in what you guys or gals think. as for The war against Goblins as a whole story, well I'm probably making several writer mistakes as I have no ending for this series thought out, no timeline for releases, or general layout for the whole story. I'm mostly writing this "book" for my own entertainment. I have a few ideas for stories I want to write with this book but aside from that this book will more or less be "organic" as some might say, in that I'll mostly be making it up as I go. In the meanwhile I'm going to take a break from the 8th line brigade for the next chapter, as fun as writing Daxton breeding his female squadmates is. I have another idea (and some more waifu's) I want to build upon.   In the meanwhile have nice wank.
Chapter 5 - ch.5
Naru just stood there, staring at them, not yet noticed. 'They, they have dicks!!?' Though Naru, thoroughly mindfucked. Finally Hinata and Sakura notice her, and blood rushes from their faces. Naru silently leaves, headed for her room. Hinata and Sakura quickly get dressed, intending to follow. "I though you said she was done already!!" exclaimed Sakura as she pulled her shirt over her head. "I checked a while before we came, it was empty, so I thought..." said Hinata, returning to her hesitant demeanor. "You know we can't let anyone know about that until they are ready! You should have looked closer!" said Sakura, extremely agitated. When they were finally fully dressed, they ran to Naru's door, only to find it locked. "Naru, please open! We can explain!!" Sakura pleaded. Her pleas, however, fell on deaf ears as Naru was laying on her bed, in shock, staring at the wall. "Naru, please, open up!" She continued for a hour, beforeshe and Hinata finally gave up, and heading to their rooms. Naru finally fell asleep after some time, troubled by twisted dreams, the worst kind that only make sense while it happens, where you have no memory of it, but still the fear and dispair lingers after you wake... ------------------------------next morning, 7:30------------------------------ Naru can't focus. While Hianta and Sakura duel each other, she faces Grimm. Even though she's in shikai, she is barely fending off his attacks. Grimm actually stops attacking for a moment, and Naru doesn't even notice. "Hey, brat! Focus!" Naru spans out of her daze. "Sorry, sensei." Grimm sheathes his sword. "Look, you keep it up like this, I may actually kill you. I don't know what's on your mind, but tell me when you've got it undercontrol." He said as he walks over to Eva next to the pool. "Something's wrong with Naru." Said Grimm to Eva, looking back, seeing Naru is in a daze again. "What is it?" asked Eva. "She can't focus. I don't know what, but something must have happened last night that freaked her out." "I see..." said Eva knowingly. *sigh* "Troublesome child. I'll talk to her." Eva got up from her lounge chair, and walked over to Naru. "Naru." She looks at Eva, eyes half-glazed. "You can't focus. Why?" she demanded. "It, it's nothing" she said, which resulted in getting punched hard enough to fly back a foot. She landed on the ground with a groan. "Sensei, why did you?" "I won't tolerate lies. Now, spit it out while I feel sympathetic." said Eva. "I- *sigh* I saw Hinata and Sakura in the bath yesterday," started Naru hesitantly. Eva waited for her to finish. "They, they weren't girls, and I like them so much, and..." she trailed off. "I see. Hinata! Sakura! Come here!" called Eva. The two came, and Naru started to fidget nervously. "I think you owe this girl an explanation." "We're so sorry!" they both exclaimed, bowing deeply. Sakura spoke first. "We meant to tell you, just not yet. We didn't think you were prepared enough..." "Prepared for what? My teamates being trannys?" Naru mumbled. "Um, actually..." Hinata started to explain. "We're not trannys. The Hyouga clan has a genetic abnormality that helps our clan flourish. Most women are born with BOTH organs. As she said, we meant to tell you, but we wanted to ease you into it, so you didn't freak out, like you did. We're so sorry!!" Hinata bows again, quickly followed by Sakura. "So, wait you're not guys?" They nod hopefully. "But not quite girls either" They shake their heads shamefully. "I can live with that." Both girls and Eva stare dumbfounded at Naru's sudden acceptance. "How, How can you accept them so easily, when moments ago, your mind was breaking!!?" asked Eva incredulously. "They explained the situation, they apologised, and they're not guys. Why wouldn't I?" explained Naru. Eva had no comeback for such simple reasoning. She walked a few paces away, so Grimm as in view. "Grimm-sensei!! I'm all better now!! Let's go!!" She called in her usual pep. The other three girls looked at each other quizically, then just shrugged and sighed. "I admit, sometimes I wish I had such a simple state of mind!" said Eva. She looks at the two genin. "Well, what are waiting for? Break's over." "Yes, sensei!" They both say, returning to their duel. After that morning, Naru started to look at them in a different light, like new possiblities. During the rest of the week, Naru was caught peeping at them several times, getting beatings from Sakura each time. Their training progressed slowly, Hinata managing to master 32 Palms, but still having trouble getting to 64. Sakura impact training improved as well, though only slightly. She could easily crush a small rock in her hands. Naru's status didn't change. She still could not manage to get the balloon to pop. Then, finally, Saturday, their first job... -------------------------Front court yard------------------------------------ It was early in the morning, the genin were out, dressed, but sleepy-eyed. Grimm was there, waiting. "Sensei, why are we up so early again?" asked Naru. "Dummy. Did you forget we get our first mission today!?" asked Sakura. Naru suddenly was energetic. "Oh yeah! What mission is it!?" "Dumbass! We have to go see what's available first!" responded Grimm. "Let's go." "But, what about EVa-sensei?" asked Hinata as they started walking. "She'll look after the house. It'll just be us." said Grimm. ----------------------------Hokage's office----------------------------------- "I see you want to go straight for the C rank missions like usual, eh Grimm?" asked the Hokage. He was alone with Grimm in his office, debating on approving them for the mission or not. "Are you sure they're ready. It's only been a week, and Sakura, while testing high, is not strong. Hinata is always selfdoubting, which leads to hesitation on the field. and Naru, well, is Naru." "Yeah. Sakura's been doing impact training, Hinata has gained confidence, probably from being around Naru so much, and Naru herself has be undergoing chakra control training. On top of that, they all passed my "trust exercise"" "They all passed!!?" asked Sarutobi, amazed. "Well, they may very well be strong enough! Very well. You are approved! Here are the mission details." He hands over a sheet of paper. "Bodyguard for a construction worker to land of waves... Sounds simple enough" Grimm said, totally jinxing himself. "Right. Thank you, Hokage" He leaves, finding the genin on just the other side, waiting eagerly. "It's approved!" "Yeah!!! What's the job, what's the job!!?" Asked Naru excited. "We're escorting a visiting constuction forman to the land of waves. Should be easy." Grimm said, causing a double jinx. "You guys go Wait at the gate. I'll grab some supplies and the client and meet you at there." He says, starting to walk off halfway through. "So, you guys want to get Ichiraku's real quick before we leave?" asked Naruas they headed out of the building. "How can you think of food now? We're about to go on our first mission! We don't have time!" scolded Sakura. "But I'm hungry!" complained Naru. "I could eat a little too." said Hinata "Fine, fine. We'll pick up some instant ramen on the way!" "Yes! Make mine ham!" Exclaimed Naru, eager for it, eventhough it was just instant. "I'll get chicken." said Hinata, also a little eager. "I hate to quote Shikamaru, but, what a pain! I suppose we should get some for the other two as well" said Sakura with a sigh, annoyed. Behind her, Naru gave Hinata a thumbs up, and Hinata winked in response. On the way, they bought one for each, 3 for them, 2 for Grimm and the client. Hinata and Sakura were halfway through their ramen (Naru finished long ago) when Grimm showed up with 4 backpacks, a bag, and an old man. "This is our client, Tazuna." Grimm introduced, noticing their ramen. "Hey! You better have one for me." "Of course, sensei! We've learned better by now." Tossing him the cup of ramen, along with chopsticks. "Good. That means your skulls stay intact. did you get on for him?" Sakura nods, searching her bag for it. She finds it, and tosses it tward Tazuna, only for Grimm to catch it instead. "Thanks, I missed supper last night." "So these brats are supposed to be guarding me? You sure their up to snuff?" asked the old man. Naru rebutted. "So, we're protecting this old geezer?" "Who are you calling a geezer!?" exclaimed Tazuna angrily. "Who are you calling a brat!?" You could see the tension between them. "If we're quite done with the 2-man show, we should be going." interupted Grimm, having eaten the ramen in record time. He handed them each a backpack, wearing one himself, with the bag tied to the backpack. He started to walk, with the others following, Tazuna in the middle. After a short time he started to pale. "I, I think on of those were bad!" He turns and throws up in a nearby puddle. "Serves you right, taking my food!" Tazuna replied, laughing. His laughing slows when Grimm is still throwing up, a very unnatural amount. Two ninja come crawling out of the puddle, retching. "What is wrong with you!? That's disgusting!" Said one, with a claw on his left. "Yeah, man. What did you eat!?" said the other; he has a claw on his right, their claws are chained together, with spikes on the chain. "Idiots." Saif Grimm, now standing up, his sword drawn. "It hasn't rained in days. There wouldn't be a puddle around; I saw you coming, literally, a mile away." "Hehehe. Just what I would expect from a Junin of the Leaf! Now prepare to-" He tries to move his arm, but feels resistance. He looks to see the chain turning brown. "-How!?" "Please. You think I threw up on you for fun!? That's only half of it! I ate a special food pill with the ramen, making my stomach acid highly oxidized. Metal+water+oxygen=?" "Rust!? Damn you!" He breaks the chain with a kunai, and charges Grimm. He effortlessly dodges the attack, grabbing him by his back, and redirecting him to his partner, who had begun to charge as well. They fell back in clump. "One more thing." Grimm makes a series of signs. "Oxygen is VERY flamable. Fire style: Fireball Justu!!" It hits, the enemy ninja going up in flame like fireworks. They burn for a minute, before the fire goes out, revealing that it was water clones. "If you mangaged that, you must be at least chunin. Girls, protect Tazuna!" They gather around him, covering all sides, each with their weapons drawn. 'Now, where are you?' though Grimm, looking around. The left-clawed one appeared from behind a tree, aiming for Tazuna. Naru, the closest, swung her sword at it, only for another water clone. "Shoot!" Suddenly, dozens of water clones came out from behind the trees. The genin took them out within a few swings, Naru hitting the most with the shear size of her sword. Suddenly, a claw comes out of the puddle that the clones made, aiming for the biggest genin threat: Naru. She didn't have time to swing her sword to block, and dropped it to block with her arm. The claw caught her in the back of her hand. Grimm was on him within the second, decapitating him. The other clawed ninja came at him from behind, but Grimm anticipated this. He put his sword over his shoulder, and propelled it using his chakra, sending it straight into the ninja's eye. He sidesteped the still moving body, avoiding the claw. "We did it!!" Exclaimed Naru, pumping her fist in victory. "Don't move, Naru!!!" Yelled Grimm. Naru immediatly froze in place. He eyed the claws. "They claws are poisoned. We need to remove it immediately. We have to head back. While we're at it, we'll get an appropriate job." He looks at Tazuna. "This is no c-rank mission. Someone, put Naru over your shoulder and-" "No!! We have to continue! We accepted the mission, we sould see it through!" "Dumbass! I admire your persistance, but your opinion doesn't matter if you die. We need to get that poison out NOW!" Said Grimmjow, somewhat desperate. Then, Naru surprises everyone by pulling out a kunai, and making a deep gash in his hand. "The poison's being let out. We continue the mission." Said Naru, stubborn and determined. Grimm looked at the other genin, see they were just as determined. "Fine, but you'll pay when we finish." He said, going to Naru to bandage her wound. "I know, but this is my first mission. I will complete it without fail!" acknowledged Naru, a determined glint in her eye. "Let's go." ---------------------------Land of Waves-------------------------------------- After several days journey south, they finally reached the edge of the land of waves. A heavy mist hung in the air, limiting visibility, and drenching their clothes. Suddenly, Grimm stopped, looking around. "Someone's here. Guard Tazuna." The three immediatly got around him, in the same formation as before. A giant sword came flying out of nowhere, nearly cutting them in half before they ducked and forced Tazuna down. They quickly go up, and looked at the sword, lodged halfway into a tree. A man is standing on the hilt. He is wearing a black sleeveless shirt, striped, baggy pants, and bandages cover the bottom of his face. His headband is on sideways, with the symbol of rain. "Grimmjow Jaggerjaques. The famed Arrancar of the Leaf. What are you doing with those brats? I heard you never took students so young." "Special conditions, Zabuza. These are the strongest I've seen. What do you want?" questioned Grimm. "I'm here for him." he says as he points to Tazuna. "My employer wishes him dead. So..." He and his sword vanishes, reappearing between the three genin and Tazuna. "Die." He swings his blade. None have time to draw their zanpakuto, so Naru pulls a kunai, and blocks, being sent flying, almost hitting the trees. Hinata ducks, and Sakura pushes Tazuna down, saving him. Before he could swing again, Grimm cut through his gut, only to reveal a water clone. "Impressive. However..." Zabuza appears out of nowhere, kicking Grimm, sending him flying into a nearby river. "You are a nuisance." He disappears again. Grimm was swimming to the surface, only to notice the water felt odd. 'This water feels heavy. Wait!!' Zabuza appeared next to him, finishing a hand sign. "Water style: Water prison jutsu!" Grimm goes wide-eye as he is trapped in a sphere of water. Zabuza's arm is inside, elbow deep. He can barely move, only his head moved normally. "Girls, run! You're no match! Go!" He yells desperately. "Ho, has the infamous heartless Grimm become soft?" Said Zabuza mockingly, making a sign with one hand. "Water clone Jutsu." A clone appears in midair from the mist. "As long as I don't move, you're trapped. These small fry can't possible win." he said, taking a page from Grimms book and jinxing himself. "Water prison jutsu." Started Sakura. "A powerful containment jutsu, but with a flaw. He must keep his arm inside that sphere." "So, we make him move, and Grimm-sensei's free?" asked Naru. "Simple enough!" She drew her sword, allowing to come to full size. 'What's with that sword!?' thought Zabuza, surprised. "Hey kid, don't you know swords are dangerous?" Said the Zabuza clone. He started to run at her. "You might get hurt!" He swings, only to have Naru block effortlessly. "That all you got?" Said Naru, a smug grin on her face. The clone looks at her in surprise. 'What strength!' "Now," Said Naru, pushing him back with her sword to get some space. then she got into a fighting stance. "Ready?"
Chapter 1 - The Opening Day
Prime Minister of the Northern Union Asher Declan read the report, and then read it again, and again, and again. Asher Declan Around his opulent desk sat many army officers, politicians, corporate business owners, all waiting standing ram-rod straight and tense. Eager, some would even say desperate, for his response. The report responsible for all this tension sat in front of Asher, a few small pages of black and white ink. What it said though was damning. It read that goblin tribes from the south had invaded and were ransacking and looting entire towns. It also read that goblins were raping whole swaths of women, turning them into breeders and sex slaves. Thousands of men and children were enslaved and were currently being marched south. Even worse was that insane groups of dissident humans were protesting in city streets espousing the supposed superiority of goblin men to human men. Some were even moving south to sell themselves to the goblins. On a nearby TV screen, next to another screen showing security camera footage of the blood soaked streets of Wonsan, Asher saw a news commentator go on television and actually claim that the women being raped right now by the goblin invaders were all willing participants and no rape was in fact taking place, before the feed cut out. Silenced by the Northern Union Board of Broadcasting. Adding to the crisis was the silence coming from the nations of Froyce, Stoaten, and the Sholian Commune. The Northern Union had signed a defensive alliance with the nations that collectivly made up the eastern front of the goblin wasteland to the south of the Northern Union. The agreement was that if the goblins invaded anyone of the nations, then every country bordering the goblins would declare war on the goblins in order to stretch the goblins to a breaking point. And yet today as the Northern Union was invaded, the report showed no fighting along the goblin's border with these nations. And the nations themselves had as of yet made no statements at all, either official or unofficial. But for Asher the worst part was the betrayal. In the report, mention was given of co-conspirators, overwhelmingly women who had sold out their country to the goblins. Among a list of known co-conspirators was Sung Seong, Asher's secret love interest. Sung Seong That fact left Asher particularly stunned. For 2 years they had been dating in secret, and now intelligence suggested she was among those aiding and abetting the enemy as they raped and pillaged his country and her homeland. The silence was broken by a phone ringing. The phone in question was a private line from the Secretary General of the UN, Fritz Halder. Asher quickly reached for the phone, the hope of international assistance lending urgency to his movement. But that hope was quickly dashed. Asher: "Hello Secretary General, I trust this is about the invasion?" Fritz: "Yes I am indeed calling about that. It's a truly tragic state of affairs and rest assured we here at the United Nations will be providing substantial humanitarian aid in the near future." Asher: "Thank you very much. I and the Northern Union are grateful for the support. In fact we are looking to protect the people by launching a counterattack right away. And if we could receive some military supp-" Fritz: "Oh I would advise against that Asher." Asher paused, confused, wondering, hoping, if he had misheard the Secretary General. Asher: "I… I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" Fritz: "I would advise against escalating things any further with any attacks. How soon do you think you can agree to a ceasefire with the goblin tribes?" Asher's brain struggled to react to the words he was hearing, not beliving any sane human could possibly have uttered those words. Asher: "...A ceasefire?! ...What? They are invading us right now! We are the ones under attack!” Fritz: “Yes and we both seek a peaceful resolution to this crisis, that will minimize the pain and suffering of all parties. In the meanwhile, it is important that we manage emotions and avoid further escalation by taking any irrational actions.” Asher: “They are the one's escalating by invading us! I am right now seeing missiles landing on my cities live on television right now!” he said pointing to television showing live feed as a goblin rocket the size of a ballistic missle slammed into the side of a skyscraper. In what alone would've been a national tragedy were similar scenes not playing out accross the country. Fritz: "Listen. Further escalation will only result in more death and destruction. We here at the UN are working at top speed to establish a peace agreement that will meet the needs of both sides." Asher: "I want the Goblins to fuck off out of my country!" Fritz: "Asher, Asher, That is the kind of rhetoric that started this War Asher. After all the goblins have certain "urges" and for all we know discrimination of those urges might have contributed to starting this whole ordeal. Now for peace to be made some sacrifices might have to be made yes, but we will provide humanitarian aid and considerable "financial assistance" to make up for it. Now what do you say Asher?" Asher put the phone down, hands shaking with rage, and stepped away for a second as outwardly calm as he could barely manage whilst feeling his fists clench and blood boil. On a nearby TV screen footage the front showed a goblin herding chained up, bruised and naked women woman into a building filled with half naked goblins. The terror on these women’s faces was haunting. Most cried in silence, desperate for any kind of salvation, a few pleaded with the goblins to spare them and their families. Mothers offered themselves in the place of their children. But the goblins just grabbed the women indiscriminately, threw them to the ground and began to rape them. These were Asher’s people, people who had elected him to lead them and now they were going to be turned into a goblin’s breeding toy until they died.  Asher looked at a nearby coffee table, upon which was a kitchen knife for peeling fruit. Asher picked up the knife, felt its weight, got a feel for it, and promptly shot putted it straight into the TV at the Goblins, shattering the screen sending glass flying as the TV fell back onto the floor. Many guests in the room were visibly taken aback at the aggression, and an aide hurriedly set about replacing the TV. Asher didn't care and quickly returned to his desk, grabbing the phone and rushing it to his ear. Fritz: "Well buddy, what do you say?" Asher: "<long breath in> ...I say I'm going to build a pile of flensed goblin skulls in my front yard, right below my window so I can piss on their skulls when I'm done with my morning coffee. and when that's done, I'm going to roll tanks over the border and burn every last goblin village, town and city to the ground and drive those savages into the seas." Fritz: "But that would result in unparalleled death and destruction!" Asher: "Yes, unparalleled death and destruction is the plan. And if the goblins didn't want to be ground to dust then they should never've even stepped foot in my country in the first fuckin place. And furthermore! If the UN should make any effort that would undermine the capabilities of the Northern Union, then I would like to remind the General Secretary that day-to-day life can be remarkably hazardous under the right conditions. And I would implore him to avoid setting those conditions for himself." Before Fritz could even attempt a response Asher slammed the phone down and immediately grabbed the Minister of the interior, Aarav Clarke, who was also head of the secret police, by the jacket. Asher: "I'm officially unshackling the secret police. I want officers out on the streets eliminating dissidents immediately. Anyone who sides with these goblins I want off the streets. Do you understand me Aarav?" Many in the room instantly raised an eyebrow or two at the news of the infamous secret police being unshackled. For years the secret police had been restricted and worn down by budget cuts for a reason. Aarav just smiled. Aarav: "Yes sir! I'll have the Secret Police deployed at once. We'll have the streets cleaned right up." Asher: "Good." Next was Dawson Gill, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Asher: “Dawson I want you to round up as many allies as you can find, even if they just harass the UN. Any help is welcome.” Dawson: “I’ll see what I can round up. But with the UN against us, a lot of people will be hesitant to openly defy the General Secretary.” Asher: “Do what you can.” Finally was Field Marshal Arthur Hohen, Commander of the armed forces of the Northern Union. Arthur: “Your orders Prime Minister?” Asher: “Ready a counterattack. I want the goblin savages wiped from our lands before they inflict anymore atrocities on our people. As of this moment we're officially at defcon 1. I’ll call a general mobilization this evening, in the meanwhile I want you to take what troops you can, put a stop to this invasion, and get some revenge. Think you can do it?” Arthur: “Sir I skull fucked Kommani. I think I can fuck some midgets in loincloths and technicals.” Asher: “Good man.” Asher patted Arthur on the shoulder and set about giving orders to other officers, aides, and officials. A new atmosphere gripped the room. The fear and anxiety were murdered and in its place purpose and a lust for revenge took hold. In thirty minutes, the room was empty but for Asher and some guards. Asher quickly found a pair of scissors and cut the phone line with the UN. If Fritz was going to make anymore talk about “sacrifices” then he would have to do it publicly for the whole world to hear and judge. Asher pulled out a long cigar, affectionately called a stogie by people of the Northern Union and had himself a quick smoke. the day had certainly been a nightmare made manifest, but it was now filled with a new kind of resolve. Afterall, Asher thought, Vengeance is a hell of a drug. *** Dawson: “This invasion is but the latest in a long line of assaults and atrocities against the human race by the goblins in last several hundred years!” Dawson stood on a podium in public before a small sea of cameras, imploring the nations of the world to rally behind the Northern Union in its time of need. Dawson: “The goblin tribes have no notion of statehood! No respect for international rules or customs! No recognition of the basic rights and freedoms due all humans! The goblins will not be content to enslave the Northern Union! They will turn their cruelty upon the rest of the world, until all of humanity is enslaved, dead, or worse! It our species moral duty to stand against this barbarism and cast it back into the shadows!” *** In the dark halls of the secret police headquarters, officers checked their gear and memorized their lists, even as new prisoners were dragged off the streets and into soundproof cells to be interrogated. New lists full of new dissidents were brought in by the hour. Aarav: “New lists. Clean house.” Secret Police Officer 1: “You sure sir? We pulled in some awe fully sweet looking dissidents and I’m sure the men would like to “interrogate” them some more.” Aarav: “Fair point. Make sure you set aside a few for my personal education. Let’s teach these race traitors the might of human cock.” Secret Police Officer 1: "What about the men sir? Should we ship them off to the wendigos?" Aarav: "No we don't want them infecting the wendigos with any ideas." Secret Police Officer 1: "Yes sir." He said, saluting as Aarav handed him a new list. “New lists! All but the sexy ones go.” “New lists!” <bang> “New lists!” <bang> <bang> “New lists!” “New lists!” “New lists!” <bang> <bang> <bang> <bang> *** The Central Operation center was a massive underground space filled with computers, screens, Officers in sharply dressed uniforms giving order or receiving reports, and their sexy looking aids. The Moment Field Marshal Arthur stepped foot inside the entire room fell silent and swiftly saluted their commanding officer. Arthur: “Right ladies, Premier’s given us a job to do and I intend to make him hard. Plan Alpha is now officially in effect and force. We should all know that plan inside out or so help me I'll put my boot up your ass so far you can floss with the laces. General Fraser I want the Air Force out in force. Primary objective is the destruction of goblin air assets. second is hitting the spear tips of the advancing goblins. Slow em down if you get a chance. Admiral Hardin have any goblin fleets set sail?" Hardin: "Nothing's left port so far. As a result we're moving ahead with several planned port strikes targeting warships with long range anti-ship missles and carrier launched air strikes." Arthur: "Excellent. General Malcom, I want first army moving south at once. If it ain’t mobile leave it behind, second army’ll bring it with. But I want the 4th on standby just in case those UN pricks try something.” *** The town of sanctuary was living up to its name alright with crowds of refugees flooding through looking for safety. Daxton was taken aback at the scale of the tragedy unfolding before him. He and his battalion had been sent to the frontline ASAP but it still took time to organize and get a move on. Even now the rest of the 8th line regiment was trickling in as they pushed through traffic and throngs of refugees clogging the roads. Daxton: “Damn the UN for not letting us garrison the border. We could’ve stopped all this.” He said gesturing to the crowd of refugees flooding the streets. Daxton Merrit Su: "Yeah. "Oh don't fortify the border. That would ratchet up tensions. The police can handle it."" Su said in a mockery of UN general secretary Fritz's accent. Daxton was a gunner for the Carl Gustav 84mm recoilless rifle, and Su was his female assistant gunner. She was instantly recognizable from her beautiful Xiu features, long black hair, and tits the size of cannon balls. Su Seong Daxton’s Captain Cartwright gripped Daxton by the shoulder. Captain Cartwright Cartwright: “Nothing we can do ‘bout that now. All we can do is make sure that not one gobo crosses this river while the 8th line get ready . I want you and Su up on the roof where your Carl Gustav has a clear back blast. If any gobo vehicles come over that bridge before I get up there, blast them.” Daxton: “Yes sir. What about the ATGM teams sir? Shouldn’t they be on the roof too?” Cartwright: “Heavy weapons platoon isn’t here yet. They’re stuck in traffic. So for now recoilless rifles are all we got for anti tank weapons.” With that Cartwright was off to organize the rest of the company. Daxton: “Cartwright wants us on the roof Su, overlooking the bridge.” Su: “Alright, at least we’ll have plenty of sightlines. I don’t see Heavy weapons platoon, they here yet?” Daxton: “Captain cartwright says they're still stuck in traffic. Not surprising with all the refugees crowding the roads." Su: “Dammit. Think we have enough ammo by our selves?" Daxton: "No clue. we've got 8 rounds with us. another 20 in the LAVs. Plus several dozen more with the support company. But we ain't got a clue what’s coming for us." They and three other recoilless rifle teams made their way up the stairwell and took up position on the roof with their heavy weapons. From here they could get a good look at their surroundings. Sanctuary was a small Xiu town with a raging river making up its southern border. There was only one bridge over the river and they had a clear view and range of it. It was a clear day but for a few clouds and the occasional split second figures of AMRAAM air-to-air missles launched from CF-18 "Super Hornets" at distant Goblin aircraft. GMLRS missles fired from Himars meanwhile struck at precision targets in the oncoming goblin horde. The refugees on the other hand had only what they could take with them in their flight. Some soldiers were throwing water or rations at the refugees to try and help. Daxton considered throwing some water but figured that throwing metal canteens at refugees from the third story of a building wasn't the greatest of ideas. A comotion in the crowd of refugees drew Daxton’s attention. In the middle of the crowd a half naked woman dressed only in a skirt and a lingerie bra was yelling at some refugee women. Protester: “What are you running from? The goblins bring liberation from the toxic men of humanity. Or are you all sluts for tyranny?” Refugee woman 1: “Are you crazy? Those goblins you love are raping us!” Protester: “Not raping. Liberating! Don’t you see. If only you’d open your eyes.” Several muscular men intersected themselves into the argument. Refugee man 1: “This crazy broad starting something honey?” Refugee woman 1: “The nut job wants me to get raped by goblins.” A look of pure rage filled the man’s face. Refugee man 1: “If you or your green freaks lay a finger on my wife I will have you swinging from a lamp post. Do you understand me!” He said jutting a finger in the protesters face. Protester: “I don’t take orders from you pig. And your toxic regime is in its final days. So you better start praying for mercy from the real men.” Refugee man 2: “seems like this dame is need of a reminder of what real men are. Drag her out back boys.” Several men grabbed the protestor and began to drag her off the street while the crowd cheered. The useful ediot woman kicked and shouted insults at the men as they dragged her into a house the military hadn't occupied, far from the column of refugees. From his Vantage point Daxton could see through a window as the woman was gagged, stripped, and fucked by men that had likely lost  their homes and/or wifes to the advancing goblins. Daxton: “Should we do something about that?” Su: “The MPs are stuck in traffic. So no reason for us to get involved. Besides, fuck that crazy bitch.” Hour’s passed and the refugee's moved on as the sounds of battle grew closer. whilst Daxton and Su were relatively comfortable now, Daxton only had to look up at the sky to see the battle ongoing already. MQ-9 Reaper drones circled overhead, their gorgon eye pods giving commanders a bird's eye view of the battlefield. AH-64 Apaches flew back and forth harrasing the goblins with Hellfire ATGMs and Zuni rocket pods. Meanwhile CF-18 fighter jets struck the small numbers of goblin aircraft from the sky with AMRAAMs and Sidewinders before dropping cluster bombs on the advancing goblin convoys. The heavy thump, thump, of artillery also played its part as 120mm mortars and 155mm M109 SPGs hammered enemy columns as DPICM rounds were guided in by helicopters and drones. Daxton watched the fires draw closer and closer. He double checked his Carl Gustav, making sure it was loaded with anti tank rounds for when the fight arrived. Su meanwhile was peering through binoculars looking for targets. As much as Daxton wanted to ogle Su's sexy body, and it was sexy. he could tell she was on edge. Daxton knew what the goblins did to captured women. And the thought of what they could do to her boiled his blood. Daxton: "It's gonna be okay Su. The 8th line regiment is almost fully here and we outgun anything that could cross that bridge. Plus we've got the LAV-3s ready to pull us out at a moments notice." Su: "yeah I know. It’s just my sister lives south of here and I haven’t heard from her. And I've seen what the gobos do to women like me and her. Promise me that if things go bad you'll put me down before they rape me." Daxton: "It ain't gonna come to that… I promise." A sudden burst of gunfire cut their conversation short as a firefight broke out. Daxton turned his Carl Gustav towards the noise. the noise was the low rumble of an engine. But there were no friendly vehicles on the other side of the river. Daxton peered through the scope on his Carl Gustav. In the distance Daxton saw goblin tanks, specifically light Scorpion tanks, racing across the plains. Ramshackle things built in goblin workshops, a scorpion tank wasn’t much of a threat, especially compared to the Northern Union tanks. But a tank is still a tank. Luckily for Daxton, he had a weapon that could kill them. Cartwright: “Hold fire gents. Wait for my order to fire. We’re suckering them into a choke point.” He said smiling. Northern Union 120mm mortars landed around the advancing tanks. Not to kill the tanks, as the shrapnel bounced off the light armour of the tanks, with only a direct hit having a chance of a kill. But it served to separate the infantry from the tanks which raced on ahead without escort. meanwhile the foolhardy goblins riding on top of some tanks in desant tactics were on the wrong side of that armour and were subsequently ripped to pieces, leaving tanks covered in goblin blood and trailing the guts of their comrades. The scorpion tanks raced onward, racing against each other and firing wildly, hitting nothing. The two lead tanks grinding into each other as they raced for the bridge. Cartwright: “wait for it… wait.” The tanks reached the bridge, grinding into each other and blocking the bridge. A stray shot from a Scorpion tank landed just short of the building Daxton was on top of. Cartwright: “Fire!” Daxton pulled the trigger, feeling the immense pressure of the recoilless rifle fire a rocket-assisted HEAT round right into the front of one tank. Two rounds struck each tank. The light armour of the scorpion was useless as the rounds punched through and set off ammunition scattered around the inside of the tanks. The two tanks exploded, their fiery wrecks blocking the bridge and preventing the following tanks from crossing. Another Scorpion tried to ram the burning tanks out of the way only become stuck and itself blown up from a HEAT round. A turret hatch flew open and a burning goblin tried to climb out and get away only for a burst of bullets from a C7A2 to put the goblin tanker down, its body falling back into the tank as the ammunition cooked off. Daxton: “Light those green fuckers up!” Behind him Daxton could hear the ATGM teams finally arrive and begin setting up TOW 2s. Not that it mattered to him as Su was already loading another round, And Daxton was aiming at another tank. Cartwright: "ATGMs eliminate the tanks in the rear, trap them in. Carl Gustavs hit the closest ones, blast them back." Daxton: "Yes sir!" What followed was a massacre. The remaining scorpion tanks were without infantry support and stuck in front of an increasing number of anti tank weapons as the regiment filtered in. Carl Gustavs, Tow 2s and LAV-3 ATs picked off tanks with ease. It didn’t help that the main gun on a scorpion tank was a small 75mm cannon that was both inaccurate (due to no fire control system or stabilizer and goblins generally terrible accuracy) and short range, and so the scorpions struggled to respond effectively. One by one the goblin tanks were brewed up, their weapons ineffective against the dug-in troops of the 8th line regiment. A Scorpion HE round hit the building and bullets pinged off the concrete harmlessly. Daxton heard a cry from lower floors for a medic to help a wounded man but he and Su were completely unharmed. With the tanks blocked and brewed up, the technicals and battle buses following behind them became trapped on the road. Artillery guided in by helicopters and forward observers walked artillery up and down the roads, blasting the transports and their occupants to fiery pieces. The rest of the goblins found themselves advancing into Machine gun and auto cannon fire. Su switched to loading HE rounds, which happily blew apart tightly packed goblin squads. The rest of the company lit up the goblins with machine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, and automatic grenade launchers. The LAV-3 ATs pulled back to reload and the company's LAV-3s moved up to add their 25mm chain guns to the battle. Goblins were gunned down, ripped apart or blown to pieces by the hundreds. Daxton and Su worked together like a well-oiled machine loading and accurately firing rounds as fast as targets appeared. When they ran out of rounds, logistics personnel were already running up the stairs with new rounds ready to fire. Cartwright ran back and forth throughout the building checking on his troops and adjusting orders as needed. No mercy was given to the goblins. Those that bailed out of tanks were shot as they bailed out, those that survived bailing out and ran were sniped by marksmen, C14 "Timberwolf" rifles blowing off limbs with .338 lapua magnum. As the goblin horde of infantry grouped up in front of the river, unable to cross the bridge now blocked with destroyed vehicles and burning oil, but were constantly pushed forward by goblin commisars and the constant flow of goblins into the battlefield. Artillery and air strikes were called into thin the horde. Mortars, howitzers, rockets and cluster bomblets killed hundreds, and caused what little organization the goblins had to break down. Some goblins tried to run, other tried to swim. Some tried to clamber over the burning tanks blocking the bridge only to get burned or shot for their effort. Some goblins tried to swim across the river but struggled in the white water currents and often drowned. The few who did manage to make it across struggled to climb the high river banks lined with barbed wire and were universally fragged out. *** The day had been a long one but a successful one. The line had held against the goblin assault. Though the war had only just begun, Daxton felt good to have inflicted so many losses on the enemy and to’ve kept Su safe. Across the river, dozens of burning scorpion tanks and technicals accompanied almost a thousand goblin corpses. Eventually replacements came and Daxton and Su were allowed some rest in the rear lines. Which is how they found themselves alone in an abandoned house eating some MREs and cleaning their kit. Though Daxton was somewhat distracted the whole time by Su’s sexy body. Her smooth clear skin, her jet black hair that fell down her back, her shining blue eyes. And of course her massive tits and thicc ass. Sexual relations between troops were officially discouraged in the Northern Union army, but with a third of the army being made up of women, there was really nothing done about it. Which was why found himself railing that tight little pussy with his thick white cock. Daxton loved to fuck, especially when his partner was so eager and so hot. His thick white cock split that tight little pussy wide open as he fucked her from behind. Su: "Fuck Daxton! Fuck me harder!” Daxton: “We fuck any louder the MP attache is going to hear us.” Su: “Let the fat assed bitch hear, she hasn’t been laid in a while and she probably will just get horny herself. Then you can fuck her with your giant bitch breaking cock!” Daxton: “You do love my white cock do you.” She wasn’t alone. The Northern Union had been made from a union between two nations. The Tundran Territory (an ethnic European nation) and the Xiu principality (an ethnic asian nation). Tundran men breeding Xiu women was hardly uncommon. Su: “Yes! I love the way your thick cock batters the entrance to my womb.” Su turned over and laid on her back so Daxton could watch her massive tits bounce up and down. Daxton was already nearing his peak and the sight of Su’s massive boobs flapping out with every thrust pushed him overboard. He pulled out just long enough to blow his load all over her massive tits, smearing them white with his white seed. Su: “Mmmh! Why don’t you cum inside?” Daxton: “You know the MPs would haul me by my ankles if you got pregnant. Besides we’re in a war, not in peace time anymore.” Su: “Oh relax. I swear a third of the girls going into army these days are looking to get knocked up. Have you seen the ladies of third rifle squad? Sluts one and all. Besides my folks would love you.” Daxton: "Yeah your mom wants me to marry you right?" Su: "No my dad wants me to marry you. He’s an army guy like you. Mom just wants me to get bred like a good little bitch in heat. Just like her” Daxton: "Yeah she does seem like a horny lady. Last time I saw her I think she was flirting with me.” Su: “Oh she probably was, but if the noises I heard coming from their bedroom my whole childhood are anything to go by, dad fucks her hard enough to keep her faithful.” Daxton: "Damn that is hot. But for sure the moment we get out of the army I’m going to pump that little womb of yours full so much you’ll look months pregnant from the cum alone.” Su: “Oh you’ve got me hot in the right ways. Come on stud, make me your honey.” Daxton didn’t think twice. He slammed his cock back into that pussy and went back to fucking her brains out. The bed was creaking and cracking under their combined weight and his thrusts. Their moans filled the room as they fucked. With his hands he began kneading and playing with her huge tits. Su: “Mmmh. I… love… mmmh… you!” Daxton: “I love you too. Now take my cock!” Daxton accelerated his thrusts, using Su’s tits as handle bars he fucked his girlfriend with brutal force. His balls slapped against her fat ass as he pounded her pussy. Daxton: "Your pussy is so tight around my cock. You feel so tight. I love the way you look on my dick. I love fucking you. I love fucking your slutty tight Xiu pussy. I love the way you squeal when you cum." Su: "I'm cumming! I’m cumming my brains out!” Su squirted love juices all over Daxton’s cock as her eyes rolled back into her head. Su went completely limp as Daxton savagely fucked Su like she was a piece of slut meat. It was all she could do to reflexively clench around his cock and suck it dry. He couldn't get her pregnant but he could fuck her senseless, and was determined to try. Again and again he rammed his foot long cock in and out of Su's pussy, battering her folds into submission and slamming against her womb, until finally her womb relented and Daxton felt his cock slam into that most sacred of places. Su was by this point a quivering mess, her eyes rolled into her head and her limbs limp as her mind was overwhelmed with pleasure. "How easy it would be to breed her' Daxton thought. How easy, sexy, and pleasurable it would be to pump load after load into her womb until it was bloated with his seed and she was his breeder. Maybe it would even be best to get her away from danger. Have her sit safe at home nursing her growing belly while Daxton risked his life. But reason and fear of the MPs still clung on stubbornly. And so, feeling his own load bubbling to the surface, Daxton pulled out and thrust into Su’s mouth. His thick white cream flooded her mouth and bulged out her cheeks. But Su was an experienced slut and swallowed every last drop before he pulled out. She even licked up what he had left on her lips in a sensual display of lust. Daxton fell back onto the bed and let out a satisfied moan. He didn't know when they would be allowed to fuck again, so he savoured the feeling of his spent cock, and her cum covered tits. Su: "Come on big boy, you should get some sleep. I bet the gobos will attack again tomorrow and we'll need our strength." Daxton: "Yeah, I swear no harm will come to you. I’ll keep you safe my love.” Su: "You better my love. Cause when we get from this war, you’re going to breed me like your bitch.” *** Asher sat in his office into the night. Orders had been given, bills passed, and mobilization officially enacted. By government standards it had been a blitz of a day. Parliament had only absconded at 10:45PM. Even still near midnight Asher still sat at his desk with a nightlamp rereading reports. Armed guards sat just outside his office and outside the windows on the balcony overlooking the parliamentary gardens, just in case a assassin, be it goblin or human, took a crack at him. So Asher wasn’t concerned for his safety. But it was still an emotional day. From shock and horror this morning, to rage and vengeance by noon, and an afternoon of determined patriotic effort. Now however he sat in his office alone. His thought ended up on Sung. Sweet, innocent, and happy Sung. Why did she betray him? and even past that, why did she betray her country and her species, selling herself and her fellow country men to the goblins? Asher reread the report. Included was a picture taken from a CCTV camera, showing a naked Sung, fresh goblin tattoos covering her body, bowing down to a goblin chieftain who seemed to be leading this invasion. Asher studied the goblin that had taken his woman. Large for a goblin, maybe taller than a human, and muscled to boot. Asher looked into the goblin’s eyes and saw nothing but perverse glee and madness. Asher felt his blood boiling in his veins. Asher: “I will murder you.” He growled to the silent image. Then Asher noticed something else in the image. Following behind the goblin chieftain, were several small, ‘bout human waist height, green creatures with huge breasts relative to their size, and thicc, in the most literal terms, thighs. Female Goblins. Female Goblins were rare, only a minority of the goblin population were female. But they were famous for their short stack bodies and insatiable sex drives. Inside the Goblin Wastelands, female goblins were often used as breeders when human or other female slaves weren’t available. Asher looked them over and got an idea. The goblins had come to rape and enslave human females, and so what better way to get revenge then to do unto the goblins what they had tried to do to the humans. Asher Pulled out a blank paper and began to write down ideas. If Sung had betrayed humanity because of some mistaken lust for goblins, then Asher would just have to rape the female goblins into submission until Sung saw reason and came back to him. After all Humans have big cocks, Northern Union men more so then most. While goblin cocks are small by comparison. Asher: “Look out Goblins, I am going to cuck your whole species. Heheheh.” <Ring, Ring. Ring, Ring.> Asher picked up the internal phone used for inter-government communication and brought it to his ear. Asher: “This is Declan. Go ahead.” The screams of a small creature came through the other end. Asher recognized it as the screams of a goblin. ???: “good evening Prime Minister. Terrible day ain’t it.” Asher: “Who is this? How did you get this number!?” Quietly Asher picked up another phone and secretly dialed Aarav, setting the phone down so that he would be able to overhear the conversation. ???: “In time friend, but you would be surprised what a tech-savvy teenager can do with a laptop today. But a phone number is hardly the thing you’re interested in right now is it.” Asher: “And what would that be?” ???: “How your girlfriend started fucking greenskins behind your back.” Asher felt one of his nails snap as he instinctively clawed at his desk. Sung’s relationship to Asher and her betrayal were state secrets at this point, known only to him, his advisers, and the secret police. Asher lowered his voice into a low growling tone. Asher: “Explain how you know this. Now.” ???: “Oh you’d be surprised what a goblin will tell you once you start hammering nails into his dick with a fubar.” As if to reinforce the point, the sound of metal hitting metal and more screams filled Asher’s ear. That got his attention. Asher: "Who are you?" ???: "do you really care about my name? right now your people are being conquered by an invading army of goblins. Men, killed. Women, raped. And children enslaved. What you care about prime minister is putting a stop to these atrocities, and as it happens me and my associates specialize in solving problems just like yours." Asher thought about that. The day had been filled with reports of the atrocities being carried out by the advancing goblin hordes. Asher had forced himself to read them and it was haunting. The rape of women and girls, the kidnapping and enslavement of men, the murder of children, all things the goblin hordes were known to do. The UN decree banning the Northern Union from stationing military forces along the border was costing the lives of countless people. His people. Asher: "What do you want?" ???: "Simply allow me and my associates to help save your people and solve your problem for you." Asher's gaze returned to the image of the goblin chieftain just as another wailing scream echoed over the phone as if the goblin cheiftain himself was screaming in pain. Asher: "Give me your names and I might consider your offer." ???: "Good sir, I am Hendrix Sevatar, Prime Minister of the international freedom fighter group known as Avalanche. At your service." *** Hendrix happily closed the flip phone. A sadistic grin spreading accross his face as he turned to face his men. In a loose semi-circle stood a ragged asortment of men kitted in a wide variety of equipment they had bought, looted, or stolen over the years. In the center of the semi-circle knelt a heavily bruised, emaciated, and tortuterd goblin. The savage creature shivered in pain. Its dick had been nailed and hammered into to the wooden floor with so many nails that it was little more then a bloody mess, more metal nails then flesh. Hendrix: "Pack your bags boys we're going to the Northern Union! Prime Minister Asher Declan has a slight pest problem and we are more then eagre to help!" Around him men smiled and cheered, some even licking their lips in anticipation of the bloodshed they would unleash. ???: "what do you want us to do with this thing here boss?" one of his men asked whilst poking the goblin in the head with a fubar. Hendrix: "Put it down. We have no more use for it." With perverse glee two men grabed the goblin and forced its head against a cinder block, in the process ripping off the bloody mess of the goblin's dick. The creature weakly tried to resist but could do nothing to avoid its fate, as a giant of a man stood to the side of the creature, raised his fubar high, and swung with all his might. The hammerhead of the fubar crushing the goblin's head with a wet crunch as blood, gore, and bone smeared the wall. The man and all those around him simply laughed as if the execution was the funniest thing they had seen all day. *** (Bonus) (Lore) The Northern Union is a small but heavily militarized nation of 25 million souls. Formed by a union between the Xiu Royal Family and the Tundran Parliament. The Tundran Frontier was a small but heavily militarized nation with a long history of successful warfighting, that over time came to oversee Xiu as a protectorate. Over time growing trade and military cooperation saw the two states closer together, until a marriage between a Xiu princess and a Premier of the Tundran territories result in a personal union of those two old nations. The Northern Union has a long history of conflict with goblins. From the Great berserker hero, Fendrix Ironbringer, to the brutal wars of attrition of the early 20th century. As a result, the Northern Union is highly militarized with its own domestic defence industry and a large army designed to protect the homeland. The North is based on industry and mining and is ethnically Tundran. The south however is based on agriculture and entertainment and is ethnically Xiu. *** Hi everyone. It's me the author. This is my first story on hentai foundry (technically second but the first was an overwhelmingly ambitious fantasy of a stellaris playthrough that I could not hope to keep up with and so deleted). Let me know what you all think of this story in the comments below. I'm interested to hear any feedback.  This story came out of a burning question I've had for a long time. Mainly where are they stories about humans breeding goblins? oh sure there are plenty of stories about goblins raping and breeding human women. But what about human men breeding goblin females?  After all it is us humans who posses the superiour intellect, muscled bodies, and many times larger cocks. And yet somehow its always the goblins getting the girls pregnant and cucking the human guys.  So after a string of particularly lust hazed nights, I set about rectifying this. And if the little male goblins got blown apart for their attempts to cuck the superiour human race, so much the better. Also if you're wondering where the descriptions of the characters are, I initially didn't write any character descriptions, instead I used AI art generators to create reference images and planned to include them in the chapter. Since afterall there's only so many ways I can describe a characters huge tits, so I figured a reference image would be a more efficient way of showing off the characters. However Hentai foundry's formating is not great to put it milidly. I will try to include the images if possible. If not I'll jus post them on deviantart or somewhere else and include a link. Have a nice wank.
Chapter 14 - ch.14
Naru is on her hands an knees as she finishes throwing up, tears mixing with the bile. "You, you don't remember me?" She says, Hinata and Sakura barely able to hear. "YOU DON"T REMEMBER US!!!?" She flat-out yells. They are slightly startled by her out burst. "N-no. We don't remember anything. A scary medic with blond hair, what was her name?" Hinata speaks, then asks Sakura. "Evangli- something? Anyway, she said we were in some near-death state for so long, and so malnourished, the parts of our brain shutdown. She said it shouldn't be permanant, there's no telling how long this will last." Just then Eva appeared behind Naru. "I tried to tell you, they-" She saw the bile, and immediately bent over her protectivly. "Are you alright?" Naru couldn't answer, so filled with counterdicting feelings. 'They're alive! But they don't even remember me... But they should recover! But...' "Naru!!" Eva yelled, snapping Naru out of her daze. she looks at her. Then Eva does something Naru never expected possible. She smiled, reasuringly. "They will be fine, they just need some time, ok?" Naru's tears started to flow freely again, this time in relief. "Evangeline, sensei!" She started crying into her shoulder, so glad that they were alive. "There, there. come on, you need to be checked to." she led her to a bed across from Sakura and Hinata, there being four to a room. "Now hold out your arm." She directed in her best nurse's voice. Naru held it out as Eva began taking her blood pressure, then drawing blood. Then handed her a bedpan. "I'm gonna run some blood tests, it will take a few hours. I want you to rest until then, and if you feel like throwing up, use the bedpan." Naru immediately started to get up to go to her lovers, but Eva pushed her back down. "Stay!" She said sternly, her eyes saying there was no room for question. Naru allowed herself to lie in the bed. Eva left to run the tests. "So..." Started Sakura, sitting up and looking at Naru. She sat up too, so she could speak to her properly. "How do you know us? Are we comrads, friends?" "Well, you're my girlfriends! If you remember anything, it should be how much I love you!" "Nothing. I wouldn't even know my own name if it wasn't for her." refering to Eva. Naru looks down. "I see... Well, then, I just have to prove it!" Fhe looks up in determination. "I'll visit you every day, and talk with you, and tell you about us!" Sakura and Hinata smiled. "I'm not sure why, but I'd like that!" Sakura said with a smile. Hinata nodded. also smiling. Naru sighed in relief, and dropped back in the bed, finally able to sleep properly for the first time in nearly two weeks. -----------------------------------Several hours later------------------------------------- Eva was looking over the blood test results. "Well, she seems perfectly healthy, but what is this anomoly?" She examined it more closely. "It looks like she's pregnant, but that can't be. Even if Hinata or Sakura did actually develop an intimate relationship, their sperm count is so low, the chances are over 5000-1. I'll have to check more directly." She gets up, and heads for the genin's hospital room. She opens the door to find Sakura and Hianta idly chatting, and Naru sleeping. Eva smiled. amused. She walked over, and bumped Naru's head, just enough to wake her. "When I said rest, I didn't quite mean that." "Oh, sorry, sensei." "No matter. I need you to lift your shirt." Naru looked at her quizically, but did as she was told. Eva put her hand on her belly, and it started glowing green. "let's see..." she talks to herself. "this is your stomach, so a little lower.." "Sensei, what are you doing it feels wierd." "I'm using my chakra to feel inside you. I'm looking for anomolies." "Anomo-what?" "Things that are there that shouldn't." As she says this, she finally zeros in on her womb. "Here it is. let's see..." she checked the ducts on each side, leading to her eggs. "This, this can't be!" Naru started to panic. "What, what's wrong! Am I poisoned!? Is it a parasite!? Is it aliens!!?" Eva gave her a flat look. "Aliens? Really?" "Hey, you never know!" "Technically, it is a parasite. One you willingly allowed into your body, and always surrounds you." "So it IS aliens!" "I'm say you're pregnant, stupid! What with you're fasination with aliens. And why would WANT an alien parasite!?" "It's not so much a fasination as- Wait, I'm pregnant!!?" "Yep. looks like both their DNA and chakra linger in each, too. What the hell Have you three been doing the last month!?" "Well..." And, much to Hinata and Sakura's embarassment, they relearned almost all of their nightly "training", as Sakura once refered to it, through Naru's synopsis. All but Naru was blushing madly by the end. Eva, though figiting from the sexual recap, managed to think properly and straight. "I see. That time, with your clones, probably did it. That much being forced in would almost definitely work. And since you three continued afterward, the eggs continued to absorb DNA and chakra from whoever came." She took a deep breath, and quickly stood up. "Now, if you don't mind, I have some duties to attend to. I will meet you back at the manor." She left quickly, taking the emergency phone out of her pocket. She calls the assigned number. "Chachamaru, get Grimm, to my office, NOW!" "May I-" "Just DO IT!!" She hangs up, and hurrying to her office, silently thanking Naru for all the kinky ideas now  flowing through her head. ---------------------------------9 months later--------------------------------------------- PSYCH! --------------------------------------2 weeks later----------------------------------------- Naru had kept her promise, and visited Hinata and Sakura every day, regaling them of the short history they have had together. Their memory started to come back in short bursts, but nothing particularly of concequence. In time, they were able to return to the manor, their bodies having, for the most part, recovered. They began light training: basic hand to hand combat with each other, and simple jutsus. "Sensei!" exclaimed Sakura, when she heard this. "We may not remember much, but we remember our jutsu! Why can't we just pick up where we left off!?" "Because your bodies are not yet up to par." Responded the Eva clone, stuck at the office, but still wanting to keep a close eye on them. "You may feel fine, but according to Chachamaru's readings, your body mass index still reads very little muscle mass. And your chakra reading is still less than half from before. Your physical and mental trauma drastically reduced your maximum potential, and it will take work to regain it. Be patient." Sakura, still frustrated, nodded in understanding. She took her place across from Hianta, who was already in battle stance. She charged, and threw a series of swings and kicks at Hinata, each of them being diverted, as was the norm of the gentle fist style. 'She's right. From what I remember, we were both much faster, and my hits should be heavier.' She thinks. Hinata took this distraction to place a hit directly on her chest, knocking her backward. Sakura started breathing hard, holding her chest in pain. "Hinata!!" Eva yelled, walking toward her. She started to panic and fidget, not sure if she should stay still, or go help Sakura. "This is a SPARING match! To retrain you! Why the HELL did you use chakra!" Hianta cowered a bit, away from the slightly smaller, yet intimidating woman. "I, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I just..." "You had better be glad you're not only weak, but also you didn't use your Byakugan. If that had been a direct hit, even in your weakened state, you could have KILLED her with a chest blow, do you understand!!?" "I'm sorry..." Hinata was on the verge of tears. Eva decided to back off. "Once Sakura catches her breath, we continue, WITHOUT chakra, understood." Hinata nodded, and Eva walked away, allowing them to recover. -------------------------------------Naru------------------------------------------------- While Hinata and Sakura were regaining their lost strength, Naru was continuing her training, though with some restriction. "Dumbass!" Yelled Grimm as he found Naru nearly exausted of chakra yet again, sitting against a tree. "You can't push yourself so hard anymore, you're gonna be a mother! Eva told you to not let you chakra get under half, didn't she!?" "But I have to get stronger, so they won't get hurt again!" "And unless you want your children to die before they live, you'll take it easy!!" Naru was sombered by this, looking down with slight regret. "Listen, kid. I hate you less than most, so listen up." He sat down next to her. "You can't always protect them. Sometimes they will be on a different team. Others, you may be completely helpless. So, if something does happen, you want something to remember them by, right." She nodded, still looking down. Grimm pointed to her belly, which was starting to bulge with pregnancy, only by a few millimeters. "Those two will not only be a reminder, but living pieces of them, like you are of your parents." Naru looked up, smiling lightly. "So take care, and take it easy." Naru nods, understanding. ---------------------------------After training--------------------------------------------- "Man, I hurt all over! Is everyday like this?" complained Sakura, laying sprawled on the couch in the library, one of Sakura's old hangouts. Naru was lying in another couch, reading Inuyasha. "You get used to it. Your entire body used to be pretty calloused, before..." she trailed off. "Say, Hinata, you've been pretty quiet. What's up?" asked Sakura. "Um..well..." Hianta muttered, rather nervous. "Oh, she was like this in the beginning before too, though maybe not to this extent. Let's see, what broke her out of her shell...?" "Why is she like this? What's she got to be nervous about?" "I, I am right here....you know.." she said indignantly, though trailing off at the end. "Yeah, but you never talk!" Sakura laughs, making Hinata grow more red, now in anger. "But, if you insist, why DON"T you talk very often?" Hinata was caught off guard, and grew redder still, eyes darting from Naru to the floor. "Um, well, I, that is..." "She likes me. Love at first sight, or something like that." Sakura grinned slyly at Hinata, while she went so red, it was a miracle her head didn't pop. "Oh, so you want to.." Sakura puckered her lips and made kissing sounds. "No! I mean, thats not, um..." Even more flustered than before. "It's ok Hinata." Hinata looks at Naru as she finally looks out of her book back at her. "I like you too." Ding, ding, ding. That comment was the KO punch for Hinata, as she keeled over, fainting. Sakura rushed to her side, worried. "Hianta!" "Don't worry, she's fine! This happens when we mess with her." "So do you like her or don't you!!?" Clearly angry by the treatment. Naru sat up, setting aside her manga. "Hell, yeah, I love her!! But she's just so cute when she faints like that!" Naru responds calmly with a playful smile. Sakura look down, Hinata's face still redder than a beet, long, slow breaths showing she had gone from a faint to a deep sleep. Sakura's features softened, the she giggled. "Yeah, I guess she is!" She looks at Naru again. "Help me take her to her room. I'm not strong enough to do it alone yet." She asks with an embarrassed grin. Naru just chuckles, and moves to squat down in front of Hianta. "I got her, just put her on my back." Sakura did as instructed, Hianta's arms around Naru's neck while she held her legs, holding her piggyback. Hianta unconsiously snuggled closer to Naru, wrapping her arms lovingly around her neck. Naru giggled, heading for their rooms, with Sakura in tow. "If we were laying down, I could swear Hinata was back to normal." commented Naru, savoring her feel, which she hod gone without for seemingly forever. "Say, Naru..." Sakura started, hesitantly. "Yeah?" "You said we were both your girlfriends, right?" "Yeah. I love you both. If anyone even thinks of hurting you.." Naru looks over her shoulder, her pupils slitted, just for a second. "..I'll fucking kill'em." Sakura stopped, staring at Naru. 'What was that? Her eyes... and her chakra felt so cold, almost evil! Was she always this dark, this protective!!?' Naru noticed she stopped a few steps later, and turned to look at her. "Hey, something wrong?" She snapped out her daze, shaking her head. "No, it's nothing!" Naru shrugs her shoulders, and continues on, Sakura following again. 'I don't remember much, but I can FEEL this is new. There's something wrong, and Eva and Grimm sensei need to know. "You go on ahead, I'm gonna go back and grab a book to read in bed!" She lies, Naru taking it at face value like the simpleton she is, taking Hinata to her room. AS soon as Naru was out of sight, she ran to her senseis' room, knocking urgently. Grimm opens the door, half naked, a large scars crisscrossing his body. Sakura looked at these in slight awe, until Grimm spoke. "What is it, kid? I"m tired." "Grimm-sensei, there is something wrong with Naru! I'm not sure what exactly, but.." She explained what happened a minute age. "Please, sensei, you have to help her, or..." She trailed off, not exactly sure how to finish. "I know. Don't worry, she's in no immediate danger." "Immediate!? Sensei, you have to help her before she is!!" "Just listen for a sec!!" Grimm roars, making Sakura cower a step. He took a deep breath to calm down. "Look, I know exactly what it is, but she doesn't. She may have an inkling, but she's not all that bright, so I'm not worried about her figuring it out. It's not my place to tell anyone but her, and not even before the time is right." "But sensei!!" exclaimed Sakura, regaining her courage. "You're not gonna take no for an answer on this one, even if I threaten you, huh?" Sakura shakes her head vigorously. "Man, you kids a starting to be a lot of trouble." He complains, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Fine, if you'll let me get to sleep, I'll tell you, on one condition: tell no one. I find out you do, I'll kill you myself." Sakura gulps, twice, but nods. "*sigh* Man, Eva's gonna kill me when she finds out. That may be literal this time, too... Alright. She already know this much, but doesn't know it's chakra is leaking." "Knows what?" "The day she graduated, some asshole tried to trick her into stealing a valuable scroll. Before he tried to take it from her, he told her...She is the 9-tailed fox's jinchuriki."
Chapter 4 - ch 4
"Eeeeh!!?" Each genin exclaimed. They were expecting one more day at home before having to move intp their sensei's house. "Chachamaru, the bags." Commanded Eva. "Yes mistress." responded Chachamaru. she went behind the bushes and pulled out three large bags, each about twice the size of the average backpack. "Here you are, miss'" she said as she gave each Naru, Hinata, and Sakura a bag. "We three will come help you pack. I'll go with you, Hinata. Hubby here will go with Sakura, and Chachamaru will oversee Naru. We wil each guide you to our house after you are done. Pack anything ya want, but you'll want many changes of clothes." explained Eva, clearly planning to get them dirty, if not worse. Of course, They weren't helping out of the goodness of their heart. They wanted a close peek at their personal lives. "Let's go!" ---------------------------- Sakura's house---------------------------------------- Grimm was packing Sakura's dresses while Sakura packed her underwear, refusing to let him even come close. "There are limits to even you influence, sensei!" She said with a dangerous glint when he started on the closest drawer. Even he hesitated to deny her when she's like this, and he really didn't care. As he was putting the dresses in the bag, he found nothing unusual, except she had 20 copies of the same dress, until he saw a red ribbon fall on the floor. "Sakura." said Grimm, getting her attention, She stopped packing and turned around. "What's with the ribbon? And why is it your only one.?" He looked at Sakura, having been staring at the ribbon the whole time. She was looking down, as if remembering a apinful memory. "It was my best friend's before she moved away. She gave it to me when were real little." She puts a hand to her forehead. "Everyone made fun of me because of my large forehead, so I hid it with my bangs. But she gave me that ribbon and tied them back, saying I shouldn't hide my cute face, just because some jerks made fun of me. And, everytime they did, she came to help, but..." she puts her hand down limply. "She moved, just before I went to the academy. she didn't tell me where she was going, or even get a chance to say goodbye!" She was on the verge of tears, clearly upset. 'Damn it! You girls and your fragile emotions' Grimm thought. He took the ribbon over to her, and tied it loosely around her neck. "Friends... are hard to find. Even when they leave, try and keep them close." He said in an uncharacteristic gesture. They went back to packing, neither of them wanting to break the silence. -----------------------------------Hinata's house---------------------------------- After navigating the maze of a mansion, they finally made it to Hinata's room. It was a very average room, considering the mansion. "I was kinda expecting more, being from the main branch!" remarked Eva "I'm mot actually very valued. They focus more on Neji than anyone else." remarked Hinata. "Neji?" "He's my older cousin, and considered a genius. He's so much stonger than me, that they don't even care about me much anymore..." said Hinata, but then she remembered the movie. "But, that won't stop me! If they decide to ignore me, then I will surpass him in his shadow, and stab him from there!!" She continued, with fire in her eyes. 'My, my, that Naru is something. Only one date, and she already is like a different person!' thought Eva, impressed by her new confidence. "Heh, you're just like Guy!" Eva said, beginning to pack. "Guy?" "Yeah, taijutsu master, always going on a about "the power of youth!"" explained Eva, irritably, clearly not liking this guy. "Has a bowl cut, believes effort can overcome genius, I think he's recently taken a student that may as well be his own clone!" Hinata froze for a second, before speaking. "I know him." Eva grunted questioningly. "I've seen him around here. He's Neji's teacher as well." Eva grinned. "Well, well. Interesting. Effort over talent teacher's student is a genius. That would be fun to watch!" "You don't care about anyone else, do you?" asked Hinata. Eva hesitated, a little too long to be convincing. "No one but myself, Grimm-honey, and... one certain other." she trailed off at the end. Hinata looked at her questioningly, but didn't pry further. ----------------------------------Naru's house-------------------------------------- Laundry everywhere, spoiling food in the fridge, and a messy bed. "Miss Naru, you really should take better care of yourself!" said Chachamaru, some concern in her voice. "Eh, why. I'm doing just fine!" Chachamaru take out the container of milk, ejects a small knife from an index finger, and cuts along the boxes corners. The box falls away, leaving a jiggling whiteish-yellow mass, standing on it's own. "OK, so I've forgotten to clean out the fridge..." she says. chachamaru picks up a pile of clothes, to find a family of mice living in it. "Do you mind!? You're letting in a draft!" said one of the mice, for some reason in an english accent. Chachamaru nods her head, and puts the clothes back down. "Nothing here will simply do! You will be given new clothes at the house." chachamaru turns to leave. "Wait! There is one thing!" chachamaru stops and looks back to see Naru going to the closet. He pulls out a set of PJs, pitch black, with the image of a black dog as a night cap. "I've had this pajama cap ever since I was little, and the PJs go with it, and are somewhat clean!" Chachamaru nods, and gestures to put them in the bag. They leave the apartment, Naru never realising she will never come back. -------------------------------------Town gate------------------------------------- Naru was the first one there, with Chachamaru, who stopped suddenly. Naru stopped a few steps a ahead and turned. "What's wrong?" "We wait." "Huh, why? Didn't they say to meet at your house?" "We wait" repeated Chachamaru. Seeing it pointless to argue, Naru sits and waits. Only minutes later, She saw Sakura, Hinata, and her teachers. "We are ready to go, mistress." "Good, follow me!" Said Eva, without stopping or looking back. They followed. After about a half mile, just far enough that the town was out of view, she turned sharply right, into the forest. They walked for an indeterminable time; the trees got to thick to see the sun. Eventually, just at dusk, they reached the house. It was a mansion, that put Hinata's to shame. Could easily hold over 50 rooms, and had 2 floors, the roof just reached the treeline. "This is now your home for the foreseeable future. Breakfast will be served at 5:00. There is a training ground in back, you are expected there every morning at 7:00. NO EXCUSES." glancing at Naru when she said this, who nodded. "Before lunch will be sword practice, after is jutsu training until 7:00 P.M." "Sensei, what about missions?" asked Sakura. "Training is all good, but we must gain experience on missions." "Your first mission is on Saterday. We'll stop by the Hokage's, and pick up a C level mission." "C level?!" asked Naru, excited. "Yahooo! We get to skip the boring missions!" Eva can't help but smile at this, though only a ghost of one. "Two more things before you go to bed." Eva took out some pieces of paper. "First, until further notice, you are not allowed to leave the grounds unless one of us accompany you." refering to herself, Grimm and Chachamaru. "Second, take this paper." They each take one. "These are special papers which can determine your chakra affinity." "Chakra affinity?" asked Naru with a confuse look. "Sakura, want to take this one?" Asked Eva. "Actually, I never learned about this either." *sigh* "Fine!" said Eva, irritated. "Each person has an affinity to one or more elements: fire, water, wind, ground, or lightning. By flowing chakra into the paper, it responds depending on your affinity. Now, one at a time, starting with Naru." Naru focuses her chakra on the paper. It tears, several times. "Wind affinity. and a stong one at that!" observed Eva. "Next, Hinata." When Hinata channels her chakra, it slices, then burns. "Two types, as I expected from the hyuga clan. Wind and fire it is! finally, Sakura! I heard you were distantly related to the Hyuga clan!" Sakura nods. "Let's see how deeply the blood runs!" Eva thinks, licking her lips a little. Sakura focuses. Her paper burns, then becomes sopping wet. "How unusual! Two counterdicting affinities!" She exclaimed. "Is, is that bad?" said Sakura, unsure. For once, Eva gives Sakura a genuine smile. "No. That is quite good!" Sakura looked quite proud. "Alright, everyone, time for bed! Get up nice and early if you want breakfast warm!" ------------------------------Next morning, 7:30------------------------------------ "Naru, keep those arms in! Hinata, keep you balance loose, never ground yourself. Sakura, use two hands when blocking!" Grimm instructed, watching the three battle each other. Eva was nearby, lounging by the pool in a bikini. Chachamaru was holing a sun umbrella over her, making sure she didn't burn. "Sensei, when do we start formal sword training!?" asked Sakura. "You don't need that practiced, hypothetical shit! Combat is always the best teacher!. Now shut up and focus! Hinata's right behind you!" He responds, just in time for Sakura to dodge. "Sensei, that wasn't fair!" complained Hinata. "Hinata, you're the one with the unfair advantage. You think I don't see you useing that Byakugan of yours!? Besides, we're ninja. Leave playing fair to the samurai!" Retaliated Grimm. "And why can't I use my shikai?" asked Naru. "Bacause I'm the only one who stands a chance! I don't want you killing the other two on accident!" explained Grimm. "Now focus! I expect you to win!" He said to put pressure in her. -----------------------------------4 hours later------------------------------------ "Alright! You can put your swords away! Time for lunch." Said Grimm, heading for a nearby table, big enough to fit 10, while Chachamaru brought out the food. "Say, sensei." said Naru. "How come my sword is so much bigger than the others?" "Chakra control." Chimed in Eva, grabbing a sandwich. "Sakura and Hinata have relativly good control, so they're swords are more focused. You have very little control, hence our training. Even if you do gain good control, though, it's too late. The swords can't spontaniously change size. It's no problem, though. You have such good stamina, and a monsterous amount of chakra. Even in Shikai, you could last much longer than Grimmy here!!" "HEY!" "You might even be able to hold it indefinitly!" Then she got an idea. "In fact, I think you will. Sorry, Grimm, honey, but it will help his training!" "Damn. Can't be helped, I guess. I've been getting rusty anyways." Complains Grimm. Naru looks questioningly between them. "Naru, Activate your shikai, and hold it as long as you can." said Grimm uncaringly. "Right!" agreed Naru, excited to show off her power. She took a few steps back from the table, pulled out her zanpakuto, and exclaimed, "Protect, Inuyasha!" and her red kimono uniform came back in a surge of power. She looked at the sword, and could no long feel the sheath on her back. "But, where do i put the sword?" "Isn't that the sheath on you sash?" noticed Hinata. Naru looked down at it. I was about the same size as Sakura's. "There's no way me sword can fit in that!" "Try it!" encouraged Hinata. Naru place the tip at the sheath's opening, and pushed. It slid in a bit with a flash of light. She stared in amazement as a quarter of her sword was in the too small sheath. She pushed it further, and further, until it hit the hilt with a sound *snick*. Even Eva and Grimm were impressed by this. "That sword is even more impressive than I thought!" Remarked Grimm, much to Naru's pleasure. "Now come finish eating, and start your afternoon training!" -------------------------------2:00 P.M.--------------------------------------- "Hey, hey! Eva, sensei!" Called Naru from on top of the middle of the pool. "I did it!" 'Astounding! It took me two weeks to do it properly, and I have much better control, and she did it in two days!!' though Eva. "Well, then. You're strong enough for level 3 of chakra control training." "Yeah!!" exclaimed Naru, doing a little twisting jump in the air. she runs up to Eva. "So, what's the next level!? Is it walking on air!!?" This comment resulted in a knock on the head. "Stupid!! You can't walk on air!" Eva yells. Naru immediately sits, holding her head, waiting for instruction. *sigh* "Wait here a minute." said Eva on her way bakc to the house. A few minutes later, she came back out with water balloons. "The next level is shaping the chakra. This particular training is actually a technique in of itself: Rasengan!" "You mean this training not only helps control, but can help me fight directly!? Awesome!!" "Calm down and focus!" Says Eva as she tosses a balloon to Naru. "What you want to do is this..." She takes a balloon herself and concentrates. The water inside slowly starts to rotate, gaining momentum, until the balloon bursts. "you need to rotate your chakra in multiple directions, until it pops. Got it?" "I think so!" says Naru, holding the balloon with both hands. She concentrates, the water gains momentum. It looks nothing like Eva's, though. Eva's was smooth, until a sudden burst. Naru's pushes the rubber, making it bulge for a moment, before receding, all around her hands. "No good, no good! It needs to be controlled, use less power in your spins.!" she instruct Naru, knowing, in spite of his recent achievement, this will take quite a while. --------------------------------------Hinata--------------------------------------- The ground is drenched in sweat and blood. Having failed even 32 before, her punishment was to wear 15 pound weights. That, added to her new enthusiasm, hs caused her palms to split open earlier. They were quickly bandaged, but still bled heavily. Even so, she refused to quit. 'Her persistance really is incredible. Even I would have taken a break after that injury' thought the Eva clone. "Stop, take a break." Eva commanded. "I can't! I have to get-" Eva was next to her in an instant, holding her arm from continuing. "Just as important as training is resting. Your chakra, your arms, and your hands NEED a rest!" Eva said. "I admire your new-found will, but you cannot push yourself too far, or you will be useless when you are needed." Hinata realise the wisdom in her words, and slumped into a sitting position, resting her arms. "Lift your arms." demanded Eva. "I will change your bandages." Hinata did as she was told, holding her arms waist-high to Eva as she changed the bandages. As she took them off, she realised the damage had gotten worse. "You won't be training this tomorrow." Hinata looked up confused. "The damage is becoming extensive. It is a risk to allow it for the rest of the day, but I know you won't change. Take off the weights. You need less stress on your arms today. I will think of something tomorrow." 'I can't help but think...she's starting to care.' thought Hinata as she took off the weights. "I heard that." Said Eva. Hinata looked up to see Eva with a neutral face. "Tell no one" Hinata was suprised by this, expecting to be berated again. ---------------------------------Sakura-------------------------------------------- Sakura continued her impact training. She had managed to put similar cracks in the current boulder to the last one, in only a few hours, while the last took days. "I'm getting better! C'mon! Chaaa!" exclaimed Sakura, pounding it like Naru a few days at the ramen stand. "My, you're really getting into training today!" commented the Eva clone. "I heard Naru and Hinata put in extra training yesterday, while I was lazing in the bath! So I have to work extra hard to make up! Chaaaaaaaaa!" He last punch made a large crack, big enough for her hand to fit in. "Yeah!" She exclaimed, even more fired up by the success. Eva chuckled at this. "You realise that this training is more than hitting, right?" Sakura smiled as she trained. "Of course! I finish top of my class! Training this way, I can run faster, jump higher, and do just about anything else that uses chakra in short bursts!" She said excitedly, having been able to prove her knowledge as well as skill. Eva chuckled again. "That's all true, but there is one more." Sakura stopped, and looked over, interest on her face. "Using chakra is like working a muscle, and this kind of training is like lifting dumbells. The more you do it, the more chakra you have. the more chakra you have, the more you can realease with each blow, and so the cycle repeats until you're chakra levels are at their peak. Keep doing this for another 4 years or so, and you will probably max out." "So, I could get more chakra than Naru!?" "Sure, if he doesn't train another day in his life!" she chuckled once more at this. "Well, enough babble. Get back to training." ------------------------------------7:00 P.M.-------------------------------------- Everyone was gathering in the back courtyard. "Man, I'm tired!" Said all three genin at the same time, which made them laugh a little. "Alright, everyone. You actually did good work today, so keep it up!" "Wah! That's it!? We do well, and all we get is acknowledgement!?" Asked Naru. "What? You were expecting different? Get washed up, you three. You smell worse then Grimm in the rain." said Eva. "Man, your harsh! If you weren't so good in the sack..." Grimm complained. Eva looked at him playfully. "You want to finish that thought?" Grimm looked down. "No maam." He submited. "Good boy! Now, since you mentioned it, meet me in the bedroom. And don't forget the eggs!" Eva said as she walked inside. "Well, I'm off to take a nice hot bath!" said Naru, heading to her room for her PJs. Hinata agreed, as well as Sakura. They followed after her. They had any choice of rooms when they moved in, and they all chose the same wing. Naru was between Hinata an Sakura, each two doors away. Naru couldn't find her PJ cap, until she remembered she left it under her pillow. "Man, I can't believe I forgot I put it there!" she said to herself as she walked toward the baths. She opened the door. Then closed the door, and headed to a different room. 'What, what did I just see? Did, Sakura and Hinata have a... No, it must have been a trick of the light.' she thought desperately. She ran back and opened the door again. She saw right, and this time couldn't help but stare. They each had dicks.
Chapter 0 - Revelations
     By her own standards, Hinata should have been in hell. She was utterly naked, every inch of her body on display, squatted with her knees flung wide, and moaning around the cocks in her mouth. They were enormous, pushing her cheeks to the limit and not even in past their heads. Every moment, they pumped out wave after wave of precum for her to greedily guzzle down, pulsing in her hands as she jacked them off. She loved them. They were Naruto’s, and as far as she was concerned that made them perfect. With a loud moan, she swallowed another mouthful of pseudo-jizz and saliva, her tongue wrapping around and over both dicks as she massaged their bulbous heads with her soft lips.      Both clones let out simultaneous grunts and suddenly her mouth was being hosed down with cum so thick it could have passed for pudding. She tried to swallow it all, contain it, but it was a losing battle. A deluge of cream flooded out of her mouth onto her enormous, heaving breasts. Before long she was forced to let go of her toys, leaning back and letting the clones cover her face and chest in hot cum.      Her hands grasped at the thick sludge flowing down her skin, trying to save it, bring it to her mouth, but there was simply too much to swallow, let alone catch. It dripped from her hard nipples and her chin, pooling on the floor. Desperate to save as much as possible, she began lathering her body with it, mewling sweet nothings as she bathed in her favorite substance. Her hands rubbed over her lower back, her shoulders and arms, her cum-swollen belly, then finally her legs, and the twin pillows of her ass. After five long minutes, the flow slowed, and she took great care to catch the last shots in her hands, rubbing them over the soaked entrance of her pussy and beginning to finger herself, shoving the sperm-packed cum as far in as she could.      “Naruto-kuuuun, you’ve made me such a sluuuut,” She moaned through the thick layer still coating the inside of her mouth. “More cum. My slutty body wants more of your cuuum.” Her tongue snaked out around her lips, catching more of the thing she craved and eliciting a moan at the taste, even as she rubbed her bulging belly and fingered her pussy with jizz-stained hands.      The clones took her by the arms and gently pulled her over to a bed, easing her legs open. Then he walked forward. He smiled that kind way she adored, lovingly stroking her cum-covered entrance as he looked into her eyes. “Do you want it, Hinata?”      She moaned, and spread her legs as far apart as possible, reaching down to do the same with her labia. “Yes, yes, I want it!”      He smiled indulgently, grasping his enormous cock and leaning over her, brushing away a strand of her cum-slicked hair. She felt him line up with her entrance and embraced him, pulling him into a deep, sloppy kiss. He began to push forward. In a moment he would be inside!      Hinata’s eyes shot open and she heard the distinct sounds of her alarm blaring, and rain falling softly on the roof above. Her breasts were heaving with each laborious breath she took, and her bed was soaked with sweat as well as her – She blushed a deep crimson. Her vagina, and its immediate surroundings were… well lubricated.      She turned off her alarm and stared blankly at the ceiling. The dream had seemed so real, felt so amazing, but it was ridiculous. Naruto would never love a woman like that. He wouldn’t want some slutty, semen addicted harlot. And… and that wasn’t what she was… Right?      She threw her covers aside with more force than was strictly necessary and practically jumped out of the filthy bed before running to the bathroom. Her normally reserved-looking nightclothes had been rendered skin-tight by her perspiration, and she was forced to peel them away. Of course, reserved was relative on a figure such as hers, but the thought made her feel better. She turned the shower nozzle hurriedly, eager to get under the water. When it was finally warm enough, she stepped in and leaned heavily against the wall, hugging herself. She wasn’t crying. Good kunoichi did not cry, and that was what she was. Naruto wanted a strong, heroic woman, someone who could take this in stride. Someone like Sakura, with her titanic strength, and endless determination.      And her ass. Her perfect, tight, round little ass.      Hinata sighed, looking down at her body. Her breasts were enormous, each markedly larger than her head, and crowned with puffy pink nipples and large areolae. Her ass was even larger, more like two beach balls squished together than anything else, with thighs to match. The rest of her body was leanly muscled, particularly her legs.      As far as she was concerned, she was hideous: a monstrosity, neither soft and womanly, nor strong and athletic. She was some strange thing in between, with sickly pale skin and blank, creepy eyes. What business did she have with dreams like that anyway? She’d never even seen a man naked, let alone had sex!      Well, not without her Byakugan that is. If nothing else, she knew the measurements in the dream were real.      There was a wet SMACK as she hit herself across the face. “Stop it! Stop thinking about it!”      After a few minutes of that sort of self-pity, she finally got around to washing her body, going over every crevice with soap and washing her hair thoroughly, just the way her mother had taught her. She continued to soak for a few more minutes before sighing and shutting the water off. It was just a dream. Today would be a normal Saturday. Everything was fine.      She stopped in front of her sink, and regarded her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was soaked, clinging to every curve and dip of her upper body, down to her lower back. For the umpteenth time she considered cutting it, but decided against it. Naruto liked long hair. She’d heard him complement Sakura on it more than once back in the academy. She set about combing the long strands, sloughing off water and thinking. She felt it dripping down over her body, the steam from the hot shower condensing on her skin. It felt so insubstantial, compared to the dream. Compared to two Narutos, showering her waiting body with gallons and gallons of delicious, thick-      “NO!” She yanked, almost involuntarily, and yelped as her comb snagged on a tangle in her locks. She didn’t take her time after that. She finished combing, dried her body with a towel, and went back into her room, busying herself with finding clothes. Once she had picked out a loose long-sleeved shirt and a fresh set of navy sweatpants, she reached into the back of her closet and fished around until she found them.      She regarded the four sealing tags for a moment before forcing herself into an unassuming pair of blue panties and a matching sports bra, each of which struggled mightily to contain her assets. Quickly, she placed each sealing tag – one on each breast and one on each buttock – and brought her hands together, channeling chakra to the seals the same way she had for years.      In a puff of smoke, the pain of elastic bands cutting her circulation was relieved, though a certain uncomfortable tension remained in her chest and at the base of her spine. Her revised figure was still generous, but not nearly so much as it had been. Her breasts were large handfuls, and her butt only flared half an inch or so beyond her hips. She gave momentary thanks for her mother’s foresight. The physical attributes she had inherited from that side of the family tended to skip generations, and at the first sign of abnormally early growth, the Hyuuga matriarch had taken action. It did wonders for Hinata’s back, and made fighting infinitely easier.      Without further ado, she pulled on her clothes and walked across the compound to the dining room for breakfast.      The sight that greeted her as she walked through the door was strange, maybe not to the average observer, but definitely to her. Hanabi was seated cross-legged across from her father, leaning her elbow on the table and eating with a look of satisfied euphoria on her smiling face. She waved offhandedly to Hinata and swallowed a bite of food. “Morning, oneesan!”      Hanabi was smiling in the morning. That was weird, but far from the strangest thing going on. Her father was eating quite comfortably next to a woman Hinata had never seen before. Her skin was a dark tan, her eyes an unassuming golden-brown, and her spiky green hair was pulled up in something that tried to be a bun and a ponytail simultaneously, and failed at both. Her clothes were fairly basic: a wrinkled tunic of plain white cotton with a neckline more than deep enough to show she wasn’t wearing a bra, and tight fitting pants of the same material.      Somehow, despite how disheveled she looked, she was absolutely gorgeous. She was talking casually to Hiashi, who seemed quite content to nod and smile back at her. The woman’s gaze turned to Hinata as the door closed and she grinned.      “Ah, you must be Hinata-chan!” She stood – adjusting the bottom of the tunic as she went – and Hinata absentmindedly noticed that the woman’s figure outstripped her own by a small but noticeable margin, at least with the seals on. The green-haired woman walked right up to her and pulled her into a hug. “Your father has told me quite a lot about you.” Her smile was coy: not mocking, but it gave the impression she knew something you didn’t. Her eyes shot to Hinata’s chest and she frowned, but the moment passed too fast for the girl to feel much about it.      “My name is Mina. I’m a friend of your father’s. I’ll be staying with you for the next while.” Hinata blinked, her thoughts only getting as far as wondering what kind of name Mina was before the woman’s grin turned downright predatory. “Would you mind coming with me for a second. I have something I want to discuss with you… in private.”      Hinata’s mouth opened, but apparently Mina wasn’t interested in her response. “Wonderful!” She grabbed the younger woman by the waist and steered her out the door, waving happily to the clan-members they passed until they reached the practice dojo, and the doors locked behind them.      “Ah, I’m sor-sorry Mina-san, but I’m a bit confused. Why? – ” The woman stared pointedly at her breasts and Hinata blushed bright pink. “I… Uh…”      “Okay, so here’s the deal, Tits. You need to get laid. Like, now.” Hinata was left dumbfounded at the matter-of-fact pronouncement. “The amount of pent up urges you’re giving off, I’m surprised you haven’t sent the whole village into a goddamn frenzy.” Mina licked her lips, as though that were a good thing. Her violet eyes were still trained on Hinata’s breasts.      “I… I don’t…” The woman rolled her eyes and walked closer, finally meeting Hinatas’ eyes.      “Oh, come on, I can’t imagine it’ll be very hard what with the treasure you’re hiding.” Mina waggled a finger at her own chest, grinning. “Why are you doing that anyway, trying to blend with the locals?” She looked askance into her subject’s eyes, but found only speechless bewilderment.      “Alright, I’ll make this simple. I’m a succubus like you, met your dad a few years back, a little after your mom died. I need a place to stay for a while, so I’m cashing in a favor he owes me, and crashing here.” Hinata continued to stand stock still, only catching so many words. “Oy. OY!” She snapped out of her reverie, trying her best to focus on Mina.      “Ah, sorry, sorry.” Mina raised an eyebrow, blowing a loose strand of hair away from her face and crossing her arms under her breasts.      “Seriously, kid, did you never get the rites or something?” Hinata blinked quizzically back at the strange woman she had met just a few short minutes ago, and Mina sighed heavily. “Do you even know what I’m talking about?”      Hinata shook her head. Mina closed her eyes for a second as though gathering strength, and put a hand on her shoulder. “Okay, you may want to sit down for a second, we’re gonna be a while in here.”      They returned to the dining room about an hour later, Hinata blushing like an overripe tomato and Mina looking dour. She perked up immediately when she saw Hiashi, sauntering over and whispering something in his… ‘Did… Did she just lick his ear?’ His eyes widened for a second before he managed to get his mask back on.      “Hanabi, I have some important – ” His younger daughter waved him off with her chopsticks; still smiling that dreamy little smile she’d had an hour earlier.      “Yeah, yeah dad. Go have fun.” Hinata’s blush got – if possible – worse, and the man followed their guest out the door, giving her a belated nod of greeting as he went. To anyone else he would have looked just as calm as ever, but Hinata could tell he was in a hurry. She walked over to the table and sat down, looking over all the delicious food that had been prepared for her family, and completely lacking an appetite for any of it. “You okay, Oneesan?” Hanabi was eyeing her worriedly, the glow gone from her eyes. Hinata looked closer at those pale white orbs and almost found herself jealous. Her sister was normal. Her sister didn’t have to deal with any of this.      “Yes, I-I’m fine, I… Yes.” She reached across the table and picked up a cinnamon roll. Hanabi didn’t look convinced.      “You know, if you have a problem, you can tell – ” Hinata cut across her in an uncharacteristic fit of anger.      “I’m fine, Hanabi!” The younger girl’s eyes narrowed, but she dropped the subject.      “Okay, fine. You know, I had the most amazing dream last night. I went camping with Konohamaru-kun and we found this little pond. It was a full moon, and we went swimming…” She trailed off, smiling as though she were still there and lingering on the word “swimming” a bit too long for comfort. Hinata knew her sister was fifteen now, but it still felt strange to know she was so openly interested in Naruto’s protégé.      ‘Maybe I’m doing it to her. I might be corrupting her just by sitting here.’ Hinata’s eyes widened and she stood up very abruptly, hitting her knee on the table and wincing. “I, ah, I should… go train, i-in my bedroom. I will, ah, see you later, Hanabi.” She rushed out of the room, ignoring the pain in her knee, and leaving Hanabi dumbfounded at the table with nothing but the sound of the rain for company. “What’s up with her?”          A few minutes later, Hinata burst into her room. Her first instinct was to curl up on her bed and hyperventilate for a little while, but she realized immediately that the sheets were still soaked with sweat and juices. Instead, she settled for curling up in the corner and rocking back and forth, trying very hard not to cry because that wasn’t what Naruto would do.      Naruto. Narutonarutonaruto. What would he think of her if he found out what she was? Before, she’d been a talentless kunoichi with no confidence, and a disgusting, useless figure. Now, she was a real monster. He’d never love her. Never.      As her stress rose, her Byakugan activated quite by accident, and before she even had a chance to think about turning it off, she got an eyeful of what was going on in her father’s room.      Mina and he were naked, not that clothes would have made any great difference with her doujutsu activated. Her father’s tongue was buried deep in his guest’s pussy, and she looked to be in heaven.  Usually this sort of thing wouldn’t have happened. Hyuuga were only supposed to have sex outside the compound, but after an hour-long lecture from her, Hinata knew that Mina had little respect for any rules but her own.      Hinata cut the flow of chakra to her eyes so fast that she was momentarily blinded. Trying desperately to rub some feeling back into her lavender orbs, she finally let the tears come. They were warm and wet, and as they left her, she felt a bit of the tension drain from her. She sank down against the wall and let her legs go, just resting for a moment.      ‘I need to tell someone. Someone I can trust. Someone who won’t judge me for…’      Kurenai. Kurenai had never judged her in her entire life. It was Kurenai who’d given her the talk when the time came. Aside from her father, she was the only other person who knew about the seals, and the only person she’d confessed to regarding Naruto, at least before the whole Pain fiasco. She would know what to do.      Her course decided, Hinata got to her feet, grabbed a pair of sandals, and threw open her window. The grey sky greeted her and a light breeze blew drops of rain onto her face and hair. Without another thought, she jumped onto her windowsill, and took off for her sensei’s apartment.           “Kurenai-sensei!” The woman in question blinked her eyes open and frowned. It was the weekend. Her daughter was supposed to be sleeping in. Who would be at her door at this hour?      “Sensei, please, I need to talk to you!” The last dregs of sleep left her as she recognized the voice. Hinata.      “I’m coming!” Groaning as her body followed her mind into reluctant wakefulness, Kurenai slipped out from under her blankets and got to her feet. She made her way to the door and opened it slightly to make sure it was who she thought it was. Years of Jounin caution didn’t disappear just because of a few years of parental leave and desk jobs.      “Morning, Hinata.” Kurenai yawned into her hand and pulled her door fully open. “You want some coffee?” The bluenette shook her head, and Kurenai took a second to really look at her student. She was utterly soaked from the rain, and blushing, which meant a lot more now than it had a few years before.  She was fiddling with the hem of her blouse, and her eyes were downcast behind a wet mop of hair. It didn’t take a genius to figure out she was worried about something.      “Alright, what’s wrong?” The girl she’d known for eight years, who had faced down enemy ninja, and giant bees, and even the Juubi itself looked into Yuuhi Kurenai’s red eyes and started to weep.      The woman’s motherly instincts kicked in immediately, and she pulled her student into a hug, ignoring the squelching sound her clothes made under pressure. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. Everything will be alright. How about you just come inside and we can talk about what’s bothering you, okay?” Hinata nodded into her shoulder and followed her teacher inside. It took dry clothes, a warm blanket, and five solid minutes on the couch before she finally stopped crying.      “I-I’m sorry Kurenai-sensei. I-I know it-it’s very early and I don’t want to be a bother.” Kurenai shook her head, smiling slightly to herself.      “It’s perfectly alright, Hinata. Now, what’s wrong?” Hinata toyed with a strand of her hair for a moment, biting her lip and clearly in deep thought.      “My, ah, my father is… seeing someone. A woman named Mina.” She sighed, relaxing a bit into the couch and looking blankly at a lamp on the other side of the room. “She told me… She told me that she’s a succubus, and that I am too.” Kurenai’s eyes widened, her eyebrows shooting up into her bangs.      “Well, that’s… interesting. Do you think she was lying?” Hinata shook her head.      “I thought the same thing. She told me to check, and… She never once had any change in heart rate. No hitches in her breathing, nothing… She has the same eyes as me.” Kurenai frowned.      “You mean the Byakugan?” Hinata shook her head.      “No. I mean the same color. At first they were brown, but when she molded chakra… I’ve never met anyone else with lavender eyes, sensei. And… And she told me that if I don’t have s-sex w-with someone soon, that I might start to, uh, um, well…” She struggled with herself for a moment and Kurenai stayed silent. It was best to let her figure herself out on her own when she got like this.      “She said I would eventually begin to drive the people around me insane. And that I might need release so badly that I would just grab some stranger and… and…” She looked on the verge of tears again, so Kurenai took her into another hug.      “Shhhh, it’s okay. Everything will be okay.”  She ran her fingers through her student’s damp blue hair and tried desperately to think of a way to make this better.      “Did this woman tell you any way to delay the problem?” Hinata nodded.      “She said I could, ah, that I could touch m-myself. But I-I’m not that s-sort of girl, sensei, I don’t want to – ” Kurenai sat back and looked her student in the eye.      “Hinata, I have told you before and I will tell you again. There is nothing wrong with masturbating. It’s perfectly natural, and more importantly, it could be the line between insanity and everyone around you.”      Hinata blushed crimson, and started toying with her shirt again. “But I can’t do it at the compound. I-I can’t.” Kurenai smiled indulgently and put a comforting hand on the girl’s shoulder.      “It’s fine. I can show you some private places I know. You’ll get through this, Hinata. Don’t worry.” And coming from Kurenai, Hinata actually believed it.
Chapter 12 - ch.12
------------------------------------2 week overview---------------------------------------- Due to redundancy, most of the next two weeks will be skipped. When Naru woke, most of the bulge was gone, having either leaked out or been digested. Over the next 2 weeks, they trained duting the day, and "slept" at night, getting stronger and stronger at an improbable rate. Until, finally... ----------------------------aproximately 2 weeks from that night---------------------------- Grimmjow had sent a clone to overlook Naru's progress, at Naru's request. He was currently looking bored, and staring at the sky. "*sigh* Too early to sleep, and nothing to do. So Bored!" he says to himself, lids halfclosed. Suddenly, he hears a sharp pop. He looks over to Naru, pieces of rubber at her feet. "Damn! That clone technique really is effective, huh?" "You bet! And, I popped sooner than you said!" She said, her voice full of pride. "So, sensei, what's the next step?" Grimm looks over her carefully. She's hunched over in exaustion, favoring her left arm. Her right has been slightly damaged from overuse of chakra, during training. She was sweating bullets, and breathing heavily. In spite of all of this, she had a look in her eye that said "This is nothing! Give me more!!" A ghost of a smile passed Grimms lips of pride. 'Stubborn bastard! Just like me when I was young. Might as well tell him, he won't stop pestering me if I try to make him rest...' He thinks as he stands, walking over to her, pulling a balloon out of his pocket. He blows it up until it's about 6 inches in diameter. He holds it up in the palm of his hand, showing it to Naru. "This is the next step." "But, nothing's happening. You're just holding it." remarked Naru. Grimm hit her on the head. "Dumbass! do you think I would show you just an ordinary balloon? *Sigh* Fine, I'll show you with both hands." He holds up both hands, one with the balloon like before, the other with blue wisps of chakra starting to spin, until it is a proper rasengan. "See? My chakra is rotating at extraordinary speed, yet is maintaining a perfect sphere. Done properly, you can hold one in a balloon, like this." He glances at the balloon before looking back. "Understand?" Naru nodded. "I need to maximize the spin, while maintaning control, and NOT pop the balloon!" "Well, well. For once you caught on quick. Well, I'm going back to cloudgazing. Tell me if you need anything." He walks away to a shady tree, and lay there again after giving Naru a bag of balloons. Naru inflates one to the size Grimm showed, then placed it in her right hand. She started her usual technique of send bursts of chakra in with the palm of her left hand. Soon, it was bulging everywhere, Naru clearly not being able to contol it, until it burst, send her flying a short ways from the explosion of chakra. "Owie!" She exclaimes, rubbing her sore but. "Man, this is gonna be a lot harder than I thought!" She says as she gets up again, and starts blowing up another balloon. ---------------------------------------Hinata--------------------------------------------- "Two, four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four palms!" Hinata roared as she made the combo, actually cracking the tree with the force of her chakra. She stands for a second, breathing heavily, before jumping for joy. "I did it! I did it! I perfected the 64 palms!" "Good." Grimm comes out from behind a nearby tree. "One of my clones was near, and heard you shout." "Grimm sensei, I did it! What's next!? What's next!!?" "Settle down, kid. You're annoying me. Truth be told, I haven't the foggiest. Neither me or Eva expected you to finish it anytime soon. I guess, get creative! Use you're skills to make your own jutsu. Maybe you'll stumble on something useful. "Hey. Are you implying that I can't do anything useful!?" "No, I'm staight-out saying without us to train you, you'd barely pass as a shinobi. Now get thinking, and start training." He leaves, heading in the direction of Naru. Hinata clenches her teeth and growls, angrily staring at where he was. "So that's how it is, huh? Just because I'm usually nice doesn't mean I'm useless. I'll show you!" She sits, and starts thinking how she can use her gentle fist more effectively. Grimm, behind a tree, just out of her sight, grinned. "That's what I'm hoping for. Sometimes you brats just need a push to further yourself. You don't always need others." He looks up, reminicing, his smile dropping. "Though, it is nice to have company, too, ya know?" He sighs, and jumps away, making sure Hinata never knew he was still there. ---------------------------------------Sakura----------------------------------------------- While he was up and about, Grimm decided to check on Sakura's progress. He finally found her surrounded by trees, half smashed, but still standing. "Grimm sensei!" He looks down a her as she sits against an unblemished tree, panting hard, grinning wide. "I did it." "You certainly have! I think that's enough power control for now. I think it's time you learn how to sustain it." "Sustain it? Like superstrength?" Grimm nods. "Yeah. What you've been doing is impact training, like an imprecise but far more powerful gentle fist that relies on strength. Honestly, I shouldn't train you in this for some time now, but..." he looks around at the smashed trees. "You can't really do much more in this environment. Come with me." He starts waking away, Sakura following as he expected. He soon reached the beginning of the part of the forest that was little more than fallen trees. He goes to the nearest stump. "I want you to lift this out of the ground." "Do what!? Is that even possible!?" "We'll find out. I don't actually use this technique, so I'm fuzzy on the specifics, but I think you need to use your chakra to augment your muscles, causing even a scrawny little slut like you to wield significant strength. Even if you fail in lifting the stump, just using it should give you enough training to use is better and more often. You will run out of chakra fast, so rest often. I don't want you dying on me out here just because you pushed to hard, got it?" "I think so... Hey, wait a minute. I'm no slut!" "Based on what you girls have been doing every night, I beg to differ. Anyway, I'm off. Come get me if you need anything." He walks off, Sakura ginding her teeth in frustration. 'I'll admit, that one was just for fun!' He thinks to himself as he walks. ----------------------------------That night------------------------------------------------ Sakura just finished cuming into Naru's pussy, Hinata in her ass. This has been the favored position, giving everyone maximum pleasure without overdoing it. Again. After a relativly tame session, they settled down to cuddle, enjoying each other. Then, Naru has a thought. "Say, is it just me, or do you guys feel more energized in the morning, even though we are usually up half the night." Sakura chuckles. "You're ignorance is so cute, Naru!" Naru gave her a blank stare, not amused. Sakura just smiles at it and procedes to explain. "Sex is invigorating and rejuvinating. It releases a bunch of chemicals that are good for the body, exersizes all the brain, and promotes chakra flow. In fact, regular intercourse can actually increase your total chakra!" So, what we've been doing..." Hinata manages some words, always reverting to her nervous self when naked. "Yep! This can actually be considered training! I'd say we are actually stronger because of this, than if we hadn't had our "Nightly fun"!" "Well, I don't quite understand, but I think you said i we do it often, we get stronger?" Asked Naru, not quite understanding. "Pretty much!" responds Sakura, mentally kicking herself for not simplifying it for her. Naru pulls them closer to her, being in her usual place in the middle. "Thanks guys. I couldn't ask for better girlfriends!" Both their eyes shoot open, having started to snuggle close to sleep. "Girlfriends!?" They both exclaim. "Well, yeah. After all we've done, I though it was obvious! Besides.." she hugs them closer. "I love you guys too much to think anything less!" "Leave it to you to make your own stupid sense, and make the world perfectly simple." Sakura says with a sigh. "But, but she is..." Hinata trails off, unable to finish. "Yeah, she's right! She certainly has a knack for simplifying things." "Hey, girls. I'm right here!" "Sorry, sorry! We've had a long day, so we should rest. Good night." She scoots closer to Naru, as does Hianta, each being overcome by a profound sense of peace before slumbering. ------------------------several days later, near the bridge's completion-------------------- Grimm is there waiting for them when they come down for breakfast. "Yo, brats." "Morning sensei" They all say. "Training's been put on hold for the next couple days. Not even one attack on the bridge, and no sighting of this crime boss. I'm a little anxious, and want the extra hands. After breakfast, you're to follow me to the bridge, and are to be on guard duty until it's finished. Bring your rations, cause we arn't coming back until it's done." They all nodded, agreeing. ------------------------------------------bridge-------------------------------------------- It's been two days, and the bridge is jsut hours from completion. Everyone is standing guard and being watchful, when a chill crept into the air. Naru put her arms around her sides in a futile attempt to warm up. "Man, it just got chilly. Hey, Tazuna! Is this normal?" The old man set down a squared log, and looked around. "No, no. This is very strange." "Everyone on guard!" Said Grimm, scanning the area. The genin pulled out their zanpakuto, and got ready. A mist suddenly appeared, dousing them and making them even colder. Some of the mist parted to reveal a small man with improbably spiky hair, sunglasses, and holding a cane. Next to him is mist shinobi with a mask, red swirls covering the mouth. "That quite far enough." Said the small man. "Who the hell are you? Gato?" asked Grimm, still scanning the area in case of a sneak attack. "Oh, so you've heard of me! Then this will be simple. Leave now, and I spare your lives. The builders will die, obviously, but that's no concern of you leaf. A most gracious offer, eh?" "Fuck off!" Yelled Naru, starting to get pissed. "The land of Wave's hopes and dreams ride on this bridge! Like hell we're gonna just leave and let you destroy it for your own profit!" "Yeah. Leave, before we kick you're ass!" Yelled Sakura, Hinata nodding in agreement. Gato chuckles. "Cocky little brats." He pointed his cane at Grimm. "I'm assuming you're the leader." Grimm nodded. "Kindly remove your subordinants before they're killed." "I would, but..." He glances to them each in turn as he talks. "They're stubborn little assholes. I couldn't get them to leave if I wanted to. Besides, I don't quite like your attitude, and am feeling quite contrary today." Gato simply looks down and smiles. "Very well, more fun for me. GET'EM BOYS!!" Suddenly, hundreds of Gato's men burst through the mist behind him before it closed again, leaving everyone nearly blind. "Freaking lunatic! His own men won't be able to tell each other apart! They're just gonna attack whatever's in front of them." analized Grimm. "But, isn't that good? Won't they lose numbers quickly?" asked Sakura. "That's true. However, remember they have a ninja with them. She may be able to guide them to us! Stay sharp!" Grimm says as he runs forward, relying on sound to hear them coming. The genin form a triangle, backs against each other, watching, listening for an enemy. They didn't wait long. The mist shinobi appeared near them. "Crystal Ice Mirrors." Before they knew what was happening, the mist lifted around them, but the were surrounded by ice mirrors, all of which showed the shinobi. "My name is Haku, and you killed my master." "Master?" asked Naru, truly confused. Sakura gasps, and eyes widen. "Zabuza?" "Indeed. You all will die slow, painful deaths as penance!" The Hakus ready senbon needles, and throw, all three of them getting hit from the sudden attack. "Senbon needles? You have to have exceptional aim to kill with these, even for a ninja." commented Sakura, bulling a particularly painful one out of her leg. "Yes, but don't worry. I won't be killing you...yet." She readies more needles. "look out!" exclaimes Hinata, watching the Hakus closely. They are sprayed with needles again, but are ready this time, and are able to dodge or block a good number of them, but not all. 'I need to figure this out!' she thinks. "Byakugan!" she sees all the mirrors are filled with chakra, and can't quite tell which is the real Haku. She also sees something stange in the air near the mirrors. "Non of them, or all of them are Haku. I can't pinpoint her!" 'That girl with the eyes is troublesome. I need to take her out soon.' Haku thinks, eyeing her vital spots. She readies her needles again, and fires. With most of the needles aimed for Hinata, she had no way to dodge. She managed to fend of many, but one finally hit her in the neck. Her byakugan jutsu released, and she fell forward with a hard thud. "Hinata!!" They both yell, running over to her, having been separated by dodging the needles. Sakura put an ear to her mouth and chest. Her eyes are wide. "I, I don't hear a breath, or a pulse..." Naru's eyes go wide, and her pupils turn to slits. she looks in anger at the mirrors. "Damn it!!!" She exclaimes under her breath. She sticks her sword in the gound and focuses chakra in her hand, as it starts to make a sphere. It still proves to be too much, though, and sheis sent flying from the feedback. "Damn it!!" she yells in frustration, the justu failing at such a critical time. "Naru, get your sword! She's about to attack again!" Naru heeds her words, but barely has time to draw it out of the ground before the assault begins anew. They are less successful at dodging the needles this time, as they are all focused on two instead of three. By the end of the wave, they are covered in scratches, and breathing heavily from their attempts to dodge. Naru is attempting a Rasengan again, but with just as little luck. "Damn, we're completely outmatched!" "I'm not done yet! Multi-shadow clone jutsu!" He creates a hundred clones who go to attack the mirrors. Haku does nothing as they punch the mirrors. All the clones fall back, nursing their hands. "Damn, it's hard!" Sakura is struck by inspiration. "Naru, quick, why can't you do the Rasengan!?" "Is this really the time to be instructing me!?" "Just tell me!!!" "It's hard enough to create the power! I can't focus enough to make the form as well." "Then divie up the task!" Naru looked are her, confused. "Use one of your clones to control form while you control power!" Naru grinned. "Great idea, but not yet!" Haku readies her needles again. 'That bitch. She may be able to make a plan if she lives as well. She must go now!!' She throws, this time aiming all of them at Sakura. Naru sees this, and runs to guard her. She manages to get there in time, blocking nearly half with her huge sword. "You OK, Sakura?" She hears a thump behind her, and sees Sakura has fallen as well. She turns back to Haku. "Damn you! Damn you to Hell!!!" She yells, unleashing all her rage. "That's right! Suffer! Suffer like I did when you killed Zabuza!" Yelled Haku, gloating. 'Finally, after this brat, I just need to-" Suddenly she felt an evil chakra radiating from the blond. She started radiating with a red chakra, her features slightly changing to be more canine, feral. Her hair spiked up slightly, her eyes turned red, and her canines became more pronounced. "Damn you!" She drops her sword, falling onto all fours. "You Will pay for this! Die!" Naru charges a mirror, fist pulled back. Haku hastily threw her needles, but to little effect. The chakra was altering their course, and missed vitals. 'Shit!' she thought as Naru punched the mirror, breaking it, but missing Haku. 'Damn, that was close.' She can't even think anything else before Naru charges again, letting out a feral yell. She breaks another mirror, panicing Haku. 'Is she even human!? I've got to choice!' Haku starts making signs, and manages to finish before Naru hits another mirror. "Ice style: Crystal Ice Prison!" Her remaining mirrors start to meld together, and form a dome around Naru, 6 in diameter, in a perfect half-sphere. "Ever since that day, I've trained, and pushed, and developed! Now you will see the fruits of my effort!" She readied her needles and threw. Author's note: For those who don't know, Haku's justu allows her to move between her mirrors at high speeds, throwing needles meanwhile, mking it seem as though each reflection is throwing them. In this enhanced version, the Crystal Ice Prison, she can move almost instantaniously from one end to the other, not only because of the smaller space, but because she can move freely in the dome, instead of moving between mirrors. The needles seem to come from everywhere at once, practically making her a human quiver. She began to growl, and jumped up and punched the top of the dome. The impact barely cracked it, and it almost immediately resealed. "It's no use. It is dozens of times stronger than-" Haku stopped in mid sentence as Naru picked up her sword. Chakra started flowing through it, gathering along the outside of the blade, spinning at high speed, and looping around, until it looked like a blue swirling chainsaw was spinning around her blade. She looks up at the top of the dome again, and readies her attack. Panicing, Haku throws her needles, but Naru pays them no mind. "Rasengan.." Naru began before she jumped and swung at the dome, a crazed look in her eye. "Slicer!" The blade cut straight through the dome, breaking the jutsu. Haku fell away as the chakra on the blade exploded from lack of control, having only been able to control it for a few seconds. Naru got back up, and turned to walk to the weakened Haku. Haku started backing away, managing to make it to her feet. Naru was slightly faster, though. "Please, I, I'm sorry. I was just so angry! Zabuza was my only friend, he-" "Don't care." Haku looked into her eyes, and say pure bloodlust. "Wh, what? I thought you leaf were kind! Forgiving!" "Sorry. That wasn't what I was taught." Her eyes gained a glimmer of evil. "I was taught, if my comrads, my friends, my family is hurt, to pummel them by any means necessary." Naru was right next to her now, blade readied at her throat, looking down at her. "You killed my only two friends, The only people I've ever loved. You can't be forgiven." She spins, and swings her sword in a 360 degree arc, lopping off her head.
Chapter 23 - ch.23
A month had passed since Hinata met Serah. Over time, here body began to adapt to the new chakra, her hair slowly whitening into a greyish hue, her eyes were darkened, almost black. She was already enrolled at the academy, and insisted on extra training. So, here she was after school, preparing to face Blackstar as Stein watched. "Remember Blackstar, she's still getting used to 3-sword style, so you are only to defend." Instructed Stein, even though this is the tenth time they've spared. "I know, teach, I know. Tsubaki, ninja sword mode!" "Right!" she turned into a small blade, more like a knife than a sword. "Serah." "Yeah, yeah." Serah turned into a sword which appeared in Hinata's left hand. She placed the blade in her mouth, and held out her hand for another one to appear. Then she drew her zanpakuto, giving her 3 blades. She ran at Blackstar, who readied Tsubaki. She swung her left sword, and pushed forward with the one in her mouth against the first. Blackstar had trouble blocking it, her new chakra giving her incedible strength, and the second blade adding half as much force as the first. He slid back a few inches from her attack, but kept his balance. With a sudden surge of energy, he pushed her off, and rethought his strategy. "Tsubaki, kakiri mode!" She instantly changed into what looked like two hand-held scythes held together by a chain. Hinata wasted no time attacking again, taking swing after swing at him with all three swords. He manages to block or dodge most of them, the very reason why he's her main sparing partner, but still manages to get cut several times. Blackstar manages to wrap a chain around her hand-held swords and pull them together, breaking her combo. She pulls back, she swords sliding easily away, and retreats a few steps. "Oi, Hinata! We should try that technique we've been developing!" Hinata just grins at Blackstar, who gets a bad feeling as she appears to ready all her swords. He focuses his chakra on Tsubaki, then throws her out. "Defence Star!" Tsubaki's chain stretches and turns until both ends meet at the tip an a large star made of the chain, glowing slightly. and it was just in time too. "Chaos Wave!" She spins, unleashing all the chakra in her blades. The combination of her tainted chakra, and Serah's purifying effects makes a huge wave of chakra in the shape of an arc. As it sped at Blackstar, it crackled with energy, the two forces inside it fighting for dominance. It hit his barrier, stretching it dangerously. Tsubaki could clearly be heard grunting in pain as she attempted to protect Blackstar. Blackstar moved out of the way so Tsubaki could release the barrier, and he was just far enough. After Tsubaki returned to normal size, the wave continued until it hit the ground just behind where blackstar was, creating a large implosion which Blackstar was nearly sucked into. Stein noted the unique effect calmly, analizing it. Soon, it dissapeared, leaving a small crater in the ground. He looked at Hinata, who was panting from exertion. "Hinata, Serah, did you know that was going to happen?" "Hell no! Every other time, it blew up in our face, literally. How were we to know it would nearly kill with one blow!?" "It seems you two have discovered an extremely powerful attack. Mixing Hinata's tainted chakra, while having it battle out with you own purifying chakra in a single stroke. The result is a complete loss of stability, and it implodes upon itself on impact. A very good tool in you belt, but definitely not an attack to spar with. Understood?" "Yes sir!" Hinata puts her hand up in a mock salute. "Reserve special attack only to kill!" "Cut out the smartass talk, Hinata!" Blackstar was on his feet again. "Time for payback!" Stein just lets out a sigh as Blackstar attacks Hinata, who blockes both of his blades with each sword. He saw this coming, though, and leaned forward and gave her a head bash. Hinata stumbled backward, holding her head in a daze. "Damn!" She mumbles as she tries to focus her eyes. Blackstar, however, had no trouble recovering, and was already going for another attack. He swung both ends at the same time, aiming for her head. She blocked, turning her head just enough to block with her third sword. She looks at him, pissed, before swinging both her swords at the sides of his chest, self control keeping the sharp ends away. Her attack hits home, and Blackstar immediately coughs up some spit as the air was knocked out of him. He hits the ground hard, trying to recover. "Blackstar! Are you OK!?" Tsubaki cried out in worry. It took him a moment to respond. "Yeah, I'm OK! Ya can't keep a star like me down!" He hops back to his feet. "Stop. That's enough for today." Stein called out, walking over to them. "What!? But we barely got started!" "And she managed to beat you twice already. If you hadn't dodged her first attack, you would be dead, and if she had wanted to, you would have died this time too." "What'r ya talkin about, teach? I got her on the ropes!" "Blackstar, you do realise she used the dull side of her blade? If she had used the sharp end, you'd be cut in half." His own bravado HAD prevented him from realising it. He gulps, and feels his side where he was bruised from her attack. "Fine. Then I just have to train harder, and beat you next time! Enjoy the spotlight while you can!" He went off immediately to somewhere, presumably to train. "That boy, always so full of himself, and can never sit still." "It's not like you to complain, Prof. Stein." commented Hinata. "I'm not. It's just a simple fact, and may very well be why he's so strong." "What'cha mean?" Serah became human again. "How does being a pigheaded egotist have to do with getting stronger!?" "Put simply, he hates to lose. And he always takes it as a personal failure when he does. So he trains harder. And no matter the foe, his bravado keeps him coming back. "There's no stage to big for me. I can do it if I want!" He probably doesn't realise it himself, but he motivates himself to always do better, be stronger, be, as he calls himself, the big man." "I think I see..." Serah says, amrs crossed as she thinks. "C'mon, Hinata! We got to train too, and rub his face in!" Hinata grins deviously. "Alright." The run off to a nearby training court. Stein lets out a sigh as he scratches his head. "How can a girl with purifying chakra have such a corrupt personality...?" --------------------------------------------Next day---------------------------------------- Hinata and Serah were heading out some random town. "Yeah! Our first mission! Arn't you hyped!?" Hinata just looks sideways at her and smiles as she drives. "Hinata, what's wrong? You've been awful quiet the past few days." "Nothing." The inflection in her voice, indeed indicated nothing. Still, she persisted. "You're thinking about Naru, arn't you?" Hinata didn't react. "Nah, I'm over her! Bitch left me, and there's nothing I can do about it. No point in dwelling on the past." "Yes, but I remember Kid telling me about how heartbroken you were. Can you really just give her up?" "I didn't, she gave me up." She put the car in park. "We're here." It was a lively town, with what apperared to be a festival going on. She got out, waited for Serah, and the started to walk through. "What's the target again?" "Some lowlife with pink hair and braces. Not big enough to warrent a title, but enough that the DWMA noticed him. Figures we get the small fry!" "Well, this is our first meister/weapon mission." She looks through the crowd, occasionally seeing pink, only to find it's cotton candy. The passed an old man with long white hair chaparoning a 12 year old with short spiky hair wearing a jumpsuit. "Perv." She said after she passed, as he was clearly staring at her chest until they passed each other. "Oi, I think I see him!" She pointed to a man that appeared to be hiding between stalls, witing for a chance to strike. He soon took some ladies purse and ran off with it. "Let's go!" Hinata started to run, chasing him from the shadows, following until he was alone. They sat on the roof on a back alley, watching count his score. "*sigh* Too easy. Hey, asshole!" He turned around to see them. "Hey, Serah, look at that. He responded to asshole!" Serah giggled a bit. He pulls out a gun from each side of his waist. "Don't fuck with me! Get the hell out of here before I pump you full of lead!" They look at each other and laugh. "Those little things? What are they, 9mm? We regularly spar against someone who uses glocks!" "I said don't fuck with me!" He starts shooting. Within seconds, he's on the ground, barely conscious. "We get a picture with the profile?" asks Hinata, hovering a sword centimeters away from his neck. "Uh, yeah, just a sec!" She starts rummageing through her pack before handing it to Hinata. Hinata looked at it, to the guy, and back and forth a couple more times. "This just isn't your day, huh? Serah, if you would be so kind." She holds out her hand, dropping the picture. "Yes, my first kill!" She turns into a blade, and appears in her hand. Hinata replaces the zanpakuto at his throat with her at his eye, just as he's coming back to his sense. "Wait, please! I can make you rich! That lady had nearly 500 dollars in cash! Imagine her credit card!" "Dude, you have a moment left to live, and you think we care about your damn money? Tsk, tsk, for shame." Responded Hinata before piercing him through the eye, Serah's special weapon powers making his chakra condense just above his stomach. He died, and a glowing red sphere hovered over his corpse. "There you go, Serah, eat up!" Serah reverts to human, and takes the corrupt soul and swallows it whole. "Whew. That's hard to swallow!" "How'd it taste?" Serah started heading out. "Didn't really have a taste. Felt real smooth going down though, like a good bottle of scotch." Hianta followed. "Would I find a rap sheet on you if I looked in the academy dossier?" "Yeah, but nothing serious! Just graffiti, underage drinking, driving without a license, sexual assault..." Hinata facepalmed. "I'm partnered with an ex-con!" "Nah, never went. Juvie was fun though! Though when I turned 16, I was given an ultimatum: join the DWMA, or some stupid bootcamp for quote, unquote troubled youth, or actually get sent to jail." Hianta just chuckled. "You are one crazy bastard!" "And my partner has to be just as crazy if she wants to keep up with me! Which I why I have such picky taste!" She said as she started picking her nose with her pinky. "You just don't care about appearances, do you?" She says with a chuckle. "Not in the least." She flicks the booger away, and watches it as something catches her eye. "Oi, how soon do we have to be back?" She asks as she stops. "They won't expect us till tomorrow, why?" She sees what she's looking at: a love hotel. "Are you kidding!? Who the hell is gonna randomly sleep with us unless they're drunk off their ass!? "Well, then we just need you drunk!" She said with a devious sparkle in her eye. "Wait, what..? She didn't have time to say more than that before Serah pulled her into a nearby tavern, setting themselves at the bar. "I.D.?" Asked the barkeep. Serah flashed some fake I.D.s, one of her and one od Hianta, indicationg them both to be 21. He inspects them, then hands them back. "So, what can I get ya?" "6 shots, a bottle of you sweetest wine, and rum and coke." "That'll be $50.54." Serah hands him the money, and he starts making the drinks. "Serah, what the hell?" Hinata whispered. "Relax. Our bodies are mature enough, the government is just stupid. Now..." She picks up one of their shots, filled with a clear, pungent liquid. "Drink up!" Before she can react, Serah opens Hinata's mouth, and pours it in as she swallows by reflex. She gasps a bit from the feel of it going down her throat. Her mind begins to fog up slightly. "Good, right?" She asks before taking her own shot. Hinata wasn't sure. Her throat burned slightly, but her mind was pleasently addled. "Ish it supposed to feel like this?" She asked, her speech starting to slur. "Not yet! Damn, you're a lightweight!" She drinks two more shots in rapid succession. She watches as Hinata drnks a second one on her own, already beginning to sway in her seat. Serah rolls her eyes. She snaps her fingers, and yells "Garcon!" The bartender comes, if a little irritated. "Pretzals, Asap!" He walks into the kitchen, and brings out a basket of large, fluffy prezals. She paid him, and handed on to Hinata. "Here, eat this." She obediantly eats it, and starts to regain some motor control after a couple bites. "Wow, ish the shome speshial ingredient or shomfin?" She asks, still drunk. "Nah, bread just soaks up some of the alcohol." She downs the fourth shot, and sips on the rum. "Oh, my head. It feels like the whole room is spinning..." She looks directly (as she can) at Serah. "You're my besht friend, you know that? Helping me with this shadow bitch, and staying by my side." She was somewhat caught off guard. "Well, thanks!" "No, no, no! I'm serious! In fact, I want to show you something. Something only my beshtest besh friends know about." She grabs her and tries to leave, but only manages to pull her down with her as she fell flat on her face, the rume spilling on the ground next to her. "Hinata, what the-" She's inturupted by Hinata snoring. She sighs in exaperation. "Fucking lightweight. Can't even hold two shots!" She grabbed the bottle, and hoisted Hinata up on her shoulder. "C'mon, sleeping beauty, lets get you a bed." She walked next door, where there was a convinient inn, and paid for a room. She took her up, and lay her in the bed with a grunt. "Damn, girl. Who'd have thought you were so heavy!?" She noted that Hinata's clothes were coated in muck and grime from the long trip there. "Damn, you are a handful." She said as she started to disrobe her to wash the clothes. She pulled up her shirt, revealing her large breast held by a pink bra. "Ha! Given your attitude, I would have thought black, not pink." She pulled down her pants, noticing a well-concealed bulge in her pants. "What the..." She breathed as she looked closer. She pulled her panties down slightly to show a large cock, bigger than she's ever seen. "Holy shit!" Shje jumps back like it was about to bite.
Chapter 7 - ch.7
----------------About an hour before end of last chapter----------------------- Sakura woke to find that Hinata was not on the floor mat beside her. 'Must have got up early' she thinks, unaware of what happened last night. She gets dressed, and heads downstairs to eat the breakfast she got from their provisions. She finishes eating, and cleans her dishes, setting them on a dish rack to dry. 'That's strange. There's no dishes drying...' She leaves the house looking for Grimm. "Grimm-sensei!" she calls out. No response. She looks around the backyard. It's relatively small, bordered by forests. It's grassy and bare. She moves forward tward the trees, planning to search the forest. "Summoning jutsu!" Sakura hears from behind her. She sees Grimm a few steps behind her, with an adorable kitten in his hand. "It's dangerous to go alone. Here, take this!" A sweat drops on Sakura's head. "Um, How's a kitten gonna help? Besides, I was looking for you..." She says with a look that says "are you serious...?" "What, I can't have a snese of humor? Anyway, what were you looking for me for? Training doesn't start for another hour." "Well, first, Hinata wasn't in my room when I woke, and I don't see her out here." said Sakura, looking around the backyard. "Oh, she's still in Naru's room." "Wha... Why did she spend the night in her room!?" Exclaimed Sakura. "I wonder..." Said Grimm ominously. Fire lights in Sakura's eyes. "Cha!!! If she did ANYTHING to Hinata...!!!!" Sakura exclaimed, stomping tward the house. 'I better stop her' thinks Grimm with a sigh. "Sakura, you mentioned something else you wanted?" Sakura stops for a second, and takes a deep breath to calm down. "I was hoping to start training early!" She said with an obviously fake smile. 'Well, at least it distracted her' he thought thankfully. 'Can't have my genin killing each other.' "Since swordtraining is out of the question in a backwoods town like this, I'm gonna teach you to properly communicate with you're sword. Get into a comfortable position, and draw your sword." Sakura does as he says, sitting against a nearby tree, allowing the hilt to rest on the ground, with the flat of her blade resting on her shoulder. "Now, relax your mind, allow it to slip. Your zanpakuto's spirit will pull you in, and you will find yourself in your mindscape. Afterward, we will train using the trees, since there are no boulders around. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have creeper stuff to do." He started to stroll back to the house. Sakura stares at him questioningly, but shrugs it off. She closes her eyes, concentrating. Her mind feels like it's being pulled from her; her natural resistance fighting for a second, but she takes a deep breath, and another, until her mind relaxes again, and she enters.. ----------------------------Sakura's mindscape-------------------------------- She opens her eyes to find herself in the same situation as last time: the grass is tied around her limbs, and she can barely move. "Oh please, this shit again?" She focuses her chakra, and uses her training, expelling a good portion through her arm as she pulled it up. It came free immediately. She used her free hand to pull the rest off with ease. "Huh, I thinks she's getting weaker!" "No, you're just stronger!" Sakura turned around to see the long-haired girl again. " "Oh, it's you..." said Sakura, a little disgruntled. "Are you okay? What's upsetting you?" the girl asks caringly. "It's Naru and Hinata. I think something happened last night, but I'm not sure what!" "What makes you say that?" "Hinata spent the night in Naru's room! She could have..." but, she couldn't actually think of anything harmful that Naru would do. "I don't know, but still, she's my cousin, and we've become pretty close in the last 2 weeks!" "I'm sure everything is just fine! I bet they'll be right there when you leave!" assured the girl. "Now, shall we get to business?" "Business?" Sakura asked quizically. Then she heard the sound of metal scraping metal as the girl unsheathed her sword. "You're here to train, right? This is the best way to learn technique, because it doesn't exaust the muscles. In here, your strength is your will. Nor can you suffer permanant damage! So, shall we get started?" She gets into fighting position. Sakura does the same, noting that their weapon and stance are the same. "This should be fun!" Said the girl, just before charging. The girl took a note from Naru, and started with an overhead jump swing. Sakura blocks easily, but is still pushed down, nearly to her knees. 'There's not much weight behind it, but damn, she's strong!' she thinks ans she pushes back with all her might, barely able to stay up. The girl looks at her, and Sakura sees her eyes have turned red. "This is an impossible match. If I were intent to kill you, you would have died the first stroke!" Sakura's eyes widen with a gasp. The girl's eyes squint, their entire focus on Sakura's stunned face. "You are safe here, but always know when you are outmatched, got it? That's lesson one." The girls entire demeanor has changed from warm and caring to cold and ruthless. "Enough talk, we should continue." She relieves the pressure from Sakura's sword, and swiftly kicks her in the side, throwing her off balance and skidding a few feet. The girl appeared right behind her, Sakura realising this a moment too late. she gets kicked in the crotch, causing her to double up in pain. "Lesson 2: take advantage of any weakness." She says, standing over Sakura possessivly. Sakura manages to stand back up again, groaning in pain. "That-that was a cheap shot!" "Aren't you supposed to be a ninja? Of course it was a cheap shot! ALWAYS relveal and exploit you're opponent's weaknesses. Even if it means fighting dirty. Now, come at me, and do be faster!" Sakura looks at her and growls in anger, causing the wind to pick up. She charged the girl, swinging from the side, aiming high, then feinting low. the girls blocks with a smirk. Sakura strikes again, same result. No matter how she attacks, she can't seem to land a hit. "Are you really trying? No wonder You never got an important role until shippuden!" This pissed her off to no end, the wind nearly strong enough to pick her up. Then she gets an idea. Sakura runs a short ways away, into the wind. 'What is she doing?' wondered the girl. Sakura stops a few yards away, then turns. She again charges, the wind boosting her speed. The girl grins. 'I see...' Sakura is aiming staight for her chest, intending to stab her with her sword. The girl doesn't even move, allowing the attack to hit. The blade barely pierced the skin. In spite of the speed, she only managed to sink it in an inch or so. The girl just chuckles, and grabs the sword by the blade. "Lesson 3. In battles between zanpakuto and their master, you must have enough chakra to even pierce the skin. You're reserves are still too weak!" She then rams Sakura's chest the her own sword hilt, then follows up with a spin kick, sending her several yards away, groaning in pain. "You know, we don't have to-" "Shut...up..." The girl stops in mid sentence. She grins again. "If you push yourself too hard-" "I said shut up! I know I'm not worth you yet! Do you even realise how badly you outpace me!?" She started ranting, venting frustration. "Even Grimm-sensei isn't this fast!" She struggles to her knees. "But, I can't stop, even in this impossible battle." She manages to stand, steady and strong, with a look of determination. "If I can't beat you, I'll never have the strength to protect what I love! So... even if you beat me, even if you abuse me, and especially if you piss me off, I will continue to get back up, and fight!!!" She charges again, repeating her last move. "I told you, you arn't stro-" She stops when Sakura's sword pierces her straight through. She looks down in amazement at the blade, then back at Sakura, who's eyes shine with an inner fire. It's Sakura's turn to grin. "How's that!? I'm never gonna be useless like that original. And I'll keep coming back, each time you knock me down." The girl smiles widely. "Good. That's how you get strong; by pushing yourself past your limits. Call that an extra lesson! Now then.." She grabs Sakura by the shoulder and pushes, moving her and her sword several inches away. "Let's continue..." She kicks her in the collarbone, sending her flying up, still holding her sword. She flips, and lands on her feet. "...Until you are indeed worthy of me!" She charges Sakura again, continuing training. Only 5 minutes have passed since the start. -------------------------------later, Hinata's mindscape------------------------- Last time Hinata was here, all the buildings were dilapidated and in ruins. As she observes her surroundings, she sees they are in much better repair, though it looks as though a battle took place. 'It looks much better, but... I think I still need to gain more confidence.' She starts to wander, looking for the man from before. As she wanders, she get's the feeling of being followed, but everytime she turns, she sees nothing new. "I know you're around here somewhere! Come on out!" she called out. "Just as I expected of a ninja." He said coming out of a pile of straw. "Sorry I didn't come sooner..." She said shyly, still not quite comfortable around him. "Don't sweat it. I never really expected you to ask. But, you have been growing very well! All of this.." He gestures the area, refering to all of it. "..It has been getting better. Keep this up, and it will look like a town, again!" Hinata was flustered at the compliment. "Well, um, I don't really know why I'm here, I was just told to come by Grimm-sensei." "Well, we can either talk, or..." He pulls his rapier out. "We can train.  Which would you prefer?" Hinata draws her rapier as well. "Why not both?" She quickly closes the distance, and delivers a series of jabs. He dodges them easily. "Who are you anyway? What's your name?" she asks. He chuckles. "You know my name, you just don't know it yet." He says, still avoiding her. He snaps his sword into hers, sending it to the side, then starts to twirl it, taking Hinata's sword with it. The spinning makes it hard to hold on, until with a sudden burst of speed, he knocks it away, and points his sword at her throat. "You need to learn technique before hoping to fight me proper. Grab you sword, and try to duplicate what I did." Hinata runs over, wondering why she is even taking instruction from a stranger, and begins practicing a new move. ------------------------------Naru's Mindscape---------------------------------- Naru again appears in a dense forest, and begins to wander, looking for Inuyasha. "Hey, dog-boy! where are you!?" He appears from a tree above, hanging upside down with his feet. "Hey, who you callin "dog-boy"? I'm centuries older than you!? "And yet you act like a kid! Why are you in the trees!?" She says with a teasing grin. "It's faster than walking, alright? So, what'er ya here for?" He said, annoyed. "To train, I guess. Are there any clearings nearby? I could be difficult to fight  here." Inuyasha grins, drawing his sword. "I'll make a clearing!" Before Naru can ask him how, he swings his sword, chakra flowing through. "Windscar!" he exclaimes. A giant beam of energy comes out of the blade, leveling a few dozen yards of forest. "That's better. Naru is staring at him in awe. "How did you do that!? I didn't know our sword could do that!!" "Not yet, pipsqueak. You're still a bit young." He sais, walking into the newly made clearing. "Tell me!" "NO." "Tell me, Tell me, Tell me, Tell me, Tell me, Tell me, Tell me, Tell me, Tell me, TELL ME!!!" She yells obstinantly. "Jeez, no need to yell!" responded Inuyasha, his fingers in his ears. "Listen, you little brat, the windscar is an advanced technique. I didn't even know about it for a couple years, and it still took me months to master! You have only just gotten you're sword, and now you want to learn this? You don't have the strength." Inuyasha said dismissivly. "I've got to try!" Said Naru stubbornly. "Why!? Why is it so important to learn such a dangerous skill. you could hurt someone you care about if you're not careful!" "Because.." Naru starts, staring at the ground. "Because, I have to get stronger, no matter what! No one in the village cared for me growing up. I never knew my parents, and no one was my friend. They did all they could to avoid me, ignore me. So, I made a promise to myself. I promised myself.."  She looks up and stares straight at him, her eyes' pupils slit like a cats. "..That I would get strong, so strong that everyone would be forced to aknowledge me. I promised to become hokage! Even if you say it's impossible, even if I have to risk my life, I will become stronger." Inuyasha's face softened, remembering his childhood, having to fend for himself, hid mother dying when he was young, never knowing his father, and no one accepting him because he was a half-demon. He, too, simply wanted, if not a friend, for someone to recognize him. He puts on a serious look, with a small grin. "Fine. I'll teach ya." Naru's face lights up, her eyes back to normal. "However, you can't use this technique outside here until I say so, got it!?" "Right!" Naru agrees, saluting him. "This is a tricky technique. There are 3 levels to it. First, is the basic windscar. You have to find the point in the air where you and another's chakra meet. Then you have to release a ton of chakra into the blade, and swing at the point." He walks a few yards away, and turns to her. "Draw your sword, and hit me with a windscar." "Right" she says as she draws her sword. She focuses on the air between them,, but sees nothing but, well, air. "Well? I don't have all day!" "Sorry!" She says, still not seeing the point. 'Best not to let him wait. Maybe just swing and hope for the best?' she thinks. She takes a swing, only for her blade to get stuck in the ground. "What was that! Were you even trying!?" "It's not as easy as you make it look, you know!" She exclaimes, dislodging her sword. "Well, since you were so insistant, we're gonna keep goin until you get it right!" 'What have I got myself into?' Naru thinks, tears flowing down in selfpity. --------------------------------noon------------------------------------------------ Everyone exited their mindscapes, and got up to stretch. Sakura looked around for Grimm, who was not there yet, and saw Naru and Hinata. Then remembers this morning. "Naru!!" She stomped over to her, an angry tick on her temple. "What EXACTLY happened between you two last night!!" She grabs Naru by her collar and pulls her so their faces almost touch. "You better have a good answer!!!" Naru hesitates, looking at Sakura in fear. She gulps, and responds. "We, we, uh had, had..." She attempts to explain. "It was my fault!!" Hinata interjected. "I was trying to show Naru how to use the shadow clones, and well, one thing led to another..." "One thing led to another?" asked Sakura. "Well..." Hinata's face was bright red. "We...fucked..." She whispered. Sakura's face went red as well. "You, you..." She dropped Naru, and dropped herself, weak at the knees. "So, you made your choice, huh? I guess I didn't have a chance anyway, with my flat chest. i wish you two the best!" She said, tearing up, about to cry. Naru reaches her arm over her comfortingly. "Sakura, I haven't chosen anyone. We had fun last night, but I see no reason we can't ALL have fun, tonight, maybe?" Sakura wiped her eyes, smiling slightly. "Okay, but I get to punish you, agreed?" "Agreed." said Hinata and Naru at the same time. "If you're done planning your orgy, it's time for lunch." Said Grimm, standing on a limb above them. He's holding a bag in each hand, one of which is bulging quite a bit. He drops down and pulls instant ramen cups out of one,  and sets the others on the ground. "Naru, you like pork, you little cannible, you." He says as he tosses him a cup. Naru pouts. "Are you calling me a pig?" "Yep. Chicken for Sakura, beef for Hinata, and extra spicy for me!" He broke the seal and waited for the chemicals to heat it up, the genin following suit. "So, how was training?" They all drop their heads in failure. "She's so strong!" noted Sakura "He too fast!" added Hinata "He's just mean..." said Naru, trailing off, making the others wonder what exactly happened. The ramen was soon done, and they ate. After lunch, it weas time for jutsu practice. "Alright, you each have your instruction. Naru, I brought a bag full of water balloons. I doubt you'll need more than one, but better safe than sorry." He turns to leave. "I'll be at the bridge, should something come up." He jumps away, leaving at a high speed. "Right! time to use that trick you showed me. Hinata!" Exclaimed Naru, ready to train as always. "Shadow clone jutsu!" About 20 other Narus appeared, each grabbing a balloon, starting practice. "Good luck, Naru!" said hinata and Sakura. Hinata went to a nearby tree, and started her training. "Get into stance, and...2, 4, 8, 16, 32, sixty-" She almost had it, but was moving faster than she was used to, and missed the target, slipping forward and hitting her head. "Damn! Gotta try again!" Sakura, not too far away, was attempting to create small craters in trees, without smashing them. Easy enough, since trees have more give than rocks, it can actually take more strength to knock one down. she hits with all her might, but only makes a dent the size of her fist. "Man, that should be bigger! Again! Again!" She continues, not making much progress against the tree, in spite of her timing becoming perfect. ------------------------------7 pm---------------------------------- All three girls were wiped out from their training, happy to just rest, laying on the ground, looking at the stars. After a while, Sakura spoke up. "So, who started it last night anyway?" "Well..."Started Hinata. This time, Naru came to HER rescue. "Hinata started by kissing me, but I'm the one who got serious." She said with a nervous laugh. Sakura was on him in a second. "Like this?" Sah asked just before she kissed him, jamming her tongue in Naru's mouth. Naru went wide-eye in surprise, but then reciprocated the gesture. Hinata just sat there, looking incredibly embarrased and a little horny. Sakura realeased Naru, taking a deep breath before scooting back a few paces. "Alright, girls. I'm too fucking turned on to wait for the bed." She says as she takes off her belt and starts undressing. "Both of you are about to recieve your punishment." she says too calmly, with a sadistic glint in her eye.
Chapter 10 - ch.10
"Hinata!" Sakura called out after her, just after training was done for the day. Both Hinata and Naru, who was walking next to her, turned. "Could I talk to you?" Hinata nodded, and started walking twards her, leaving Naru to shrug and continue inside. As Hinata came close, she noticed Sakura was somewhat nervous, which was unusual for her. "H-Hinata, could you possibly forgive me...for last night...if I treated you properly?" Hinata's eyes went wide in surprise, and her cheeks went red in embarrassment, not needing her byakugan to see the subtext. Hinata looks away, poking her fingers together in a nervous gesture. "I, I don't know. You did me in pretty well last time. I'm, I'm a bit hesitant..." "Please!!" Sakura said pleadingly. Hinata still looked away, silent. Sakura stepped up to her, and started to rub on her, grinding on her leg, her knee slightly rubbing Hinata's dick. "Pleeeease!" Hinata tries to push her away, failing, and was starting to get aroused. "No, no fair! You know I have trouble controling myself when I get like this!" "So, is that a yes?" "F-Fine! Just wait for Naru to go to sleep so she doesn't get jealouse like you did!" Sakura stepped back, just as Hinata let out a moan. "Damn, I hope I can last that long..." She muttered to herself, now fully erect. "I, I need to take a cold shower. Excuse me!" She begins to run to the house, doing her best to stay in control. Sakura giggles. "Looks like I have a stronger mind than you, Hinata. Even with all that training!" Noted Sakura, barely even half hard. ------------------------------------later that night---------------------------------------- Sakura waited outside Naru's room, waiting for her to fall asleep. Instead of the even breathing of rest she expected, she hears loud snoring, and a few thumps as she fights invisible enemies in her dreams. Sakura giggles a bit, keeping it quiet. 'I'll have to remember that sex keeps her calm at night!' She thinks to herself cheerily, strolling into her and Hinata's room. "Naru's asleep. Hard too. Then, she always does, I guess!" Hinata nodded, and procceded to undress. Sakura smiled at her. "What's the hurry?" "But, you said..." started Hinata, embarrassed, only just turned on enough to actually go through with this. Sakura continued to smile as she walked tward Hinata, swaying her hips as she walked. "I said I would treat you properly.." Sakura is right in front of Hinata now, eyes full of love. "And that...includes..this.." She kissed her. Deeply. Hinata resisted for a moment before her instincts took over and returned it. After a few minutes, they came up for air, looking at each other passionately. "We're gonna take tonight nice and slow, and you're gonna enjoy every moment of it!" She kissed her again, and this time Hinata responded in spades, using an amount of tongue she didn't even knew she had. Sakura slowly started undressing, taking minute after lustful minute to shed her clothes. After her bra and panties finally hit the floor, she started on Hinata, undressing her even slower. Hinata could barely contain herself by the time Sakura finally finished and lead her tward the bed, lips staying locked the whole time. She finally releases the kiss, and smiles again, leaning down to look past her cock to her moist pussy, already dripping. She slowly starts rubbing around it, careful not to touch the inside folds. Hinata shivers at the touch, trying her hardest to not buck her hips into Sakura's face. After a minute of the excruciatingly sweet teasing, she used her index and ring finger to spread them, and poked her middle finger in. Hinata sqeaked at the sudden intrusion, nearly cuming right there, but managed to hold back. "OH, you're so sensitive! Could it be you neglect your womanly side?" "Don't say things like that!" Hinata exclaims, Sakura's words both embarrassing and arousing. Sakura just grins bigger, and sticks another finger in, slowly. Hinata tenses around it, squeezing tighter as Sakura pushes it in. When that finger is fully in, she starts on a third. By the time all three are in, it takes a visible effort to move them. She pushes them in further until she meets a resistance, just before her last knuckle. "Wow, it really is neglected! It's still a virgin! Well, I'll leave it as is. I know how special a gift that can be." Hinata turned beet red at this, to embarrassed to say anything. "Although, we can still have plenty of fun with it!" Sakura pulls out her fingers to the second knuckle, and puts her palm on her, allowing her to rub her clit while fingering her. She proceeds to thrust her fingers in and out as fast as Hinata's pussy would allow. It wasn't long before pressure started building. Hinata, already near her limit, and panting in effort and arrousal, couldn't hold back anymore. She came, hard, her pussy pulverising Sakura's fingers, and expelling her cum hard enough to send it across the room, nearly hitting the wall. Hinata was gasping at the strength of her orgasm. "Wow." She managed to say between breaths. "That *gasp* was *gasp* amazing!" Sakura took her fingers out, and started licking the fem-cum off her fingers. "Oh, we're not done yet! You taste quite nice, and I've got to get a full helping!" She layed Hinata on the bed, and got on her hands an knees, fer face just inches from Hianta's still soaked pussy. She pryed open the lips, admiring it for a moment, before giving it a lick, slowing around her clit, and started circling her tongue around it. Hinata started moaning again, still sensitive from before. Then, Sakura started sucking, making Hinata gasp again, moaning between. Then she finally went for the main course, and started tongue-fucking her, still stimulating her clit with her nose. Her tongue nearly reached as far as her fingers, but was far more flexible, and rubbed against every part of her folds. Hinata didn't take long to cum again, releasing a huge wad into her mouth, and onto her back. Sakura reached back, and brought a dollop of her cum to her mouth, tasting her sperm as well. "well, well. This taste just as good! Time for the second course!" Hinata went wide-eyed in surprise. 'I can't last much longer! Those last two really tired me out!' Hinata thought, still rock hard, thanks to her genes. Sakura smiled wide as her head moved from next to Hinata's pussy, to right next to her dick's head. She opened her mouth, making a cute little "ahh" sound before glomping on her head. Hinata gave a deep, throaty groan, her over-sensitized dick sending electricity through her. Sakura proceded to gently suck her head, while teasing her urethra with her tongue. Hinata wriggled under her in pleasure, and started bucking her hips, though Sakura simply chuckled, and made her head follow her rhythm, keeping her mouth over only the head. "Sakura, no fair! It feels so good, but...!" Hinata yelled, doing her best to fuck Sakura's mouth. After teasing her for a few more minutes, Sakura finally let her have her way, allowing Hinata to use her head as a fuck toy. Hinata's long dick nearly blocked her airway, and could be seen bulging her throat. Hianta continued to buck wildly, until she finally came, making Sakura's stomach radiate with warmth. Sakura's mouth gave a wet pop as she removed it from Hinata's finally softening dick. But she has other plans. "Hinata!" Sakura said in her most seductive voice. Hinata looked up to see Sakura laying on her chest, her ass in the air, and her hands reaching back to spread her cheeks, showing off her inviting ass. "Your. Not. Done. Yet!" Hinata went hard again. She started stroking her cock, using the pre to lube it, getting it ready. Meanwhile, she started licking around her anus, sometimes poking her tongue in, attempting to lube it up as well. When she was finally satisfied, she placed her cock at Sakura's entrance, and did as Sakura did before, started to slowly prod it and stretch it until she finally managed to pop her head in. She then started to gently thrust, allowing her dick to slowly stretch her ass, keeping the discomfort to a minimum until she was used the her large length. Once Hinata started rubbing against her prostate, Sakura's misused dick started throbing violently; each of Hinata's thrusts threatening Sakura's cock to explode. She manages to hold on, however, and Hinata finally had all 9 inches in. She managed to stop long enough to ask Sakura. "You ready? I, I won't be able to hold back when I start for real!" "I'm ready. go ahead and let loose! Don't hold anything back!" Hinata took this cue, and started slowly, nearly pulling it out, before plunging it back in. Her pace quickly accelerated, hips smacking against Sakura's ass with near bruiseing force. Sakura couldn't help but cum at this rough treatment, unable to do anything but gasp for air. She kept cuming too, her orgasm being prolonged by her massaged prostate. Hinata leaned forward, wrapping her arms under and grabbing Sakura's shoulders, getting more leverage. She also started to suck and lightly bite the nape of Sakura's neck, causing her to finally let out a long throaty moan. Hianta finally reached her limit, and came with scream. Sakura merely laid there in contentment as her belly was filled with warmth again, eyes glazed over. Hinata let Sakura lay fully, and laid on top of her, her dick still in her ass. "That was great!" whispered Hianta, fully satisfied. Sakura was already fast asleep, a content look on her face. Hianta hugs her tightly. "You're forgiven" Are the last words she mutters before she lets exaustion take her over and fall into a deep sleep. -------------------------------------Next morning------------------------------------------- Sakura wakes up, feeling fully rested, with a large weight on her back. She turns her head to see Hinata laying on top of her, droolin a little, and with a wide, open-mouth grin from some pleasent dream. Smiling, she reaches her arm up, and gently slaps Hinata's thigh. "Time to wake up, sleepy-head!" She says gently. Hianta stirs, and opens her eyes. "Good morning, Sakura..." She says, still half asleep, before she realises she's still in Sakura. She goes wide-eyed, and crawls to the other end of the bed, and turns to Sakura, sitting on her legs. Her face is red in embarrassment. "I'm, I'm not sure what to do...in this situation...what do I say?" Sakura just continues to smile, crawling toward Hinata. "Just what you said! "Good morning!" But, you forgot one thing." Sakura was inches away from Hinata's face, which was both red and flushed ath the same time. Sakura gave her a gentle kiss, then backed off. "That's what you do in the morning, after a night like that!" Sakura got out of bed, and looked at the clock, noticing it was still a little early. "We have some time. We should change these bedings and take a shower." Hinata nodded in agreement, taking off the beding while Sakura got some fresh ones from a nearby closet. After changing the bedings, they took turns in the bath, being a small one, Hinata going first. "Now, I just need to satisfy Naru." Said Sakura to herself, waiting for Hinata to finish. "She really seemed to like my cock when it was in her pussy.." she trailed off, thinking. Finally, she came up with a plan. "Yes, that should do it! I just need to get her to agree.!" At that moment, Hinata walked in. "Get who to agree?" Sakura's face paled, and she started waving her arms frantically. "Nothing, nothing! Well, betted get clean!" she rushed to the bath, plainly suspicious. ------------------------------------Afternoon training-------------------------------------- Author's note: I'm not gonna describe every little thing every time, so let's assume they just did usual training without some kind of power boost or revalation, k? Naru had finally done it, and sent a shadow clone to tell Grimm. Grimm's own appeared shortly. "So, you finally did it, huh? Show me." Naru took a water balloon, and started tapping with her opposite palm, sending chakra spinning in every direction, until she finally had to hold it with both hands, still pouring chakra into the balloon. Finally, it popped. Grimm looked at her approvingly. "Right. To the next step." Grimm pulls out a bag of small rubber balls. He takes one, and proceeds to pop it, like Naru just did with the balloon. "This is the next step! It's 10 times harder, and requires much more chakra. Here, show me your hand." Naru held out her hand. Grimm took it, and flipped it palm up, stabbing it lightly with a kunai right in the middle, just enough to draw blood. "Owchie! Grimm-sensei! What was that for!" Exclaimed Naru, nursing her hand. "A focal point. This jutsu works best if you send your chakra through a single point, not your whole hand. Also, I want you to redo that "focal point" each time the pain wears off." Naru nodded her head solemly, knowing not to argue. She took the rubber ball, and using the focal point to surge her chakra, Started to do the same as she did for the balloon. She made it move around alot, but no pop. "This should take longer, so no need to rush. Call me if anything important happens." Grimm breaks his justu, leaving Naru there with the bag. Naru took a deep breath before casting "Multi-shadow clone jutsu!" Where before there was only a few dozen, this time she made a full hundred, each carrying their own bag of balls. They all grin. "We'll show him!" "We'll do this in less time!" "We get this down in no time!" They get back to training, though make no significant improvement that day, already rather tired. -----------------------------------Hinata------------------------------------------------- Hinata was panting heavily, partially croutched, leaning hands leaning heavily on her knees. Yet, she was staring at her target with a grin. "I *gasp* I finally did it!" she exclaimed. 'It's still a little slow, and imprecise, but I finally managed every hit!' she thought excitedly. Her breathing finally slowed after a few minutes, she got back into her stance. 'Now, I just need to perfect it!' She attacks her target, confident in her technique. ----------------------------------Sakura--------------------------------------------------- She is standing around a pile of fallen trees, also breathing heavily, before falling back and landing on her butt. "Man, this training is harder than Naru's looks!" She manages between gasps. 'This amount of chakra control is insane! Even a little too much, and the tree snaps like a twig! but too little, and I bruise my fist! It's like balancing a needle on a razor!!' Sakura thinks, looking toward her next tree aprehensively. 'I'm also almost out of chakra. I don't know how much longer I can last!' She closed her eyes and started focusing. 'But!' Her eyes shoot open, determination still burning bright. 'I won't, I can't give up!' She charges the tree, and punches. The impact nearly takes up half the tree, but it still stands. 'Did I do it?' After a few seconds, the tree's trunk can't support itself anymore, and another tree falls. "Damn, so close!" She eyes her next tree, which proptly drops a sweatdrop. --------------------------------------after training-------------------------------------- Like the other night, they lay out, looking at the stars, recuperating. "Stars sure are pretty tonight!" remarks Naru. Sakura grunts in approval. "Yeah. It's easier to see out here in the country. Even in our village, it's hard to see them properly, because of the lights. But here, there's barely any unnatural light, so the stars come out!" Sakura said knowingly. "Is that so?" replied Naru, not understanding half of what she said, but taking her word for it. "I've had a hard day. I think I'll go to bed early. Good night!" Sakura says, standin up, and walking toward the house. Hinata and Naru watch her until she closes the door, then go back to stargazing. -------------------------------------------inside------------------------------------------- "I hope this works!" Sakura says to her self, taking an empty balloon and a kunai into Naru's room. -----------------------------rejoining the other two---------------------------------------- "I noticed Grimm-sensei came back. Did something happen?" Hinata asked, concerned. Naru looked at her and grinned. "I popped it!" Hinata sat up and put her hands together, looking at Naru. "You popped it!? Congradualtions!! So, what are you doing now!?" "More of the same, but with rubber balls." "My, that sounds much more difficult!" "It is, Grimm-sensei said it should take even longer than the first step! But, thanks to you, Hinata, I can blow his expectations out of the water?" "Me? How did I help?" "Remember that night we spent together?" Hinata blushed slightly, nodding. "Don't forget, that night was caused by you showing me how my clones work!" "Oh, yeah! I've been so preoccupied, I completely forgot!" "Thank you, Hinata. I never did say that." "OH! Anytime, Naru." Hinata muttered, not used to being praised. "Well, it's about time to go in!" Says Naru as she stands. "I'll stay out here for a little longer.." "Suit yourself. Good night!" Naru makes her way to the house, Hinata watching her until she was out of sight. 'Naru...' She thinks, blushing again. -----------------------------------inside, again------------------------------------------- Naru made her way to her room, and when she opened her door she was greeted by Sakura, and promptly stared, jaw practically hitting the floor.
Chapter 19 - ch.19
They arrived in the village of Sendly, and found it to nearly be a ghost town. "Where is everyone?" asked Naru, observing the few people on the street stalls. "Probably hiding. The last 3 murders happened here, and in small towns, that's a big deal. C'mon." She heads to the nearest stall, a fake smile on her face. "Hi, we're new to town, and looking for a friend! Has you seen him?" She hand him the picture. "Nope, sorry, can't help ya!" "Damn. Thanks anyway!" "Let us show you how it's done. Hinata, you're up!" He commands. "R-right!" She focuses her chakra. "Byakugan!" She begins exploring the city with her sight, until she finds an empty tavern, with 2 people in a corner, both of their chakra looked...off. "I think I found her, and she has an accomplice! In that tavern, over there!" She pointed at a rather large tavern near the center of town. It looked slightly rundown, with paint peeling of the sides and a broken window. "Wow!" She exclaimes, impressed at her skills. "So this is the renound Leaf's Hyuga clan in action, huh?" Hinata blushes. Well, better get them before the run again! She hurries to the tavern, bursting through the doors, to see them in the corner. "Soul!" "Right." He transforms, and Maka walks over to them, pointing her scythe at him. "Butcher! You're streak end here. Your soul is mine!" "Madam Medusa.." Hes says quietly. "..She just started yelling at me. I don't know how to deal with that!" "It's very simple.." She said in a calm and sickly-sweet voice. "You kill them." Maka turned her gaze at Medusa. she was a moderately built woman, wearing a hooded sleeveless bodysuit, showing tattoos shaped like snakes, their bodies being composed of dots. The hood was down, obscuring most of her face. Her long blond hair comes over her shoulders, and twists around itself in front of her chest. "Medusa!!" Grimm yells before, in the blink of an eye, pinning her to the wall behind her by her throat. "Tell me where Orochimaru is!" "Oh my. Someone has done their homework!" she said, still unnaturally calm. "Oh, he threatening her, but so strong. How do I deal with this...?" "I'll take care of him, you deal with the others." she said before kicking her foot back and breaking the wall, sending them both into the next room. "Yes, Madam Medusa! Ragnorok, time to fight!" As she says this, a slit appears in her palm, her blood flowing from it. But, intead of pooling on the floor, it flowed up, before solidifying into a black blade, with a white line down the middle. A mouth appeared several inches above the hilt. "What is wrong with you!? I was having such a nice nap!" "I can't help it. Medusa's orders..." "You big baby! When are gonna grow you a backbone!? I swear I'm the one holding your body up! If I weren't here, you'd just be a puddle of flesh!" "Don't say disgusting things like that. I don't know how to deal with it..." "Whatever, let's jusk kill these guys so I can go back to sleep!" With that, he attacked Maka, swinging quickly. Maka blocked, and smiled confidently. "Ragnorok, Scream Resonance" The mouth on the sword created a supersonic screech, which caused everyong to cup their ears, except make, who had to put up with it to keep her defence up. while Ragnorok distraced her, he swung again, swinging underhanded. Maka swung her blade, knocking his attack away, and swung around and sliced him. 'What the hell!? It's like slicing through syrup!' She thought as she pulled her blade away, the wound closing immediately, but not before spilling a few drops of blood. He seemed to daydream for a moment. "My blood is black, you know..." Indeed, when she looked, the blood was pitch black, not even a trace of red hue. "Crona, this is no time for random facts! Just killem, of you don't get supper!" "What? No way! You can't do that again! I'm too thin as it is. "I don't know how to deal with being any thiner!" "Then you better fight!" it responds with a cackle. Authors Note: In Soul Eater, she was able to sense souls and their general condition. In this, I'm allowing her to do the same, but using chakra. He attacks again, Maka easily blocks again. And feels something in her attack. 'What's this? Dispair? No...Lonelyness! She feels all alone, and has pulled back from reality. THAT'S why kills so easily!' She thinks, before forcing her back. "Naru, Sakura, Hinata, I need you to hold her still! Soul, get ready to take over!" As the others rush Crona to do as she asked, Soul responded. "Maka, you can't be serious! We haven't mastered that yet! And I barely able to block Blackstar's attacks, and he was unarmed!" "Yes, but he excels at hand to hand, and you have 3 allies here. Not to worry, I won't be gone long!" He chuckles lightly. "Alright, you've convinced me! Maka..." She looks at the blade for a moment, where his voice emenates. "After this, we'll go to your favorite resturant. My treat!" Maka could almost see his smile as he said this. "Yeah!" Maka returned her attention to Crona, seeing the having trouble keeping him still, his blood being weapon in its own right. Everyone was covered in scratches, including Crona, but most of the blood was theirs. "You know you can't hurt me, right? but you keep trying... Ragnorok, how do I deal with stubborn people? I can't get them to stop!" He whines. "You keep fighting till they're dead, you big baby!" "Right! Screach wave alpha!" She swings her sword, unleashing a purple energy wave that they blocked, but sent them flying back. "Damn, she has some good techniques!" Comments Naru. "Sakura, you go low, Hinata, behind! I come from above!" "K!!" They attack again, Hinata working her way behind her, while Naru jumps and swings Inuyasha down, and Sakura attempts to cut her down from below. Crona blocks Naru, and takes a shot in the leg, making her wince, but it barely went a centimeter in before Ragnorok hardened the blood too much to go any further. "Damn!" She pulls it out, and retreats before just in time to avoid the the blood droplets which became spikes aimed for her head. While Naru contined to distract her, Hianta snuck up and grabbed her arms, pulling them back. "Maka, now!" She yells as Maka runs toward them, before stopping several feet away, and making a looking through the triangle she mad with her hands. "Mind Transfer Jutsu!" Her body goes limp. -------------------------------------Crona's Mindscape-------------------------------------- Sand. That's all Maka saw in her mind. Just an endless beach without water. She wandered a while before finding Crona leaning against a particularly steep dune that looks man made. He had his eyes closed, with a troubled expression, that looked as if she were being tortured, but had accepted it. As Maka came close, she opened her eyes, and looked where her feet were making noise, and started to panic. "H-how are you here! Get out, this is my private spot!" "Calm down. I just wanna talk!" "No, this isn't right! I don't know how to deal with you here!" "Crona, it's OK. You don't have to be lonely anymore!" "W-what are you talking about!? I'm not..." "Crona, look around. This is your inner world. It's just an empty beach, no water or anything. Isn't a beach meant to be enjoyed by everyone?" "Well..." "You're so lonely, that you didn't see any need for the water, and it all dried up. Am I right?" Crona turns away from her. "Just leave! You shouldn't be here!" "You know, if people came, the water would too. Imagine, an ocean. Vast, endless, in the sunset. Wouldn't that be nice?" She starts crying and turns her head. "But, how do people come here? And how would I deal with them playing on my beach?" "You make friends, and only those who you allow can be here. Including me." "No, you forced your way in! I can't trust you!" "I may have entered your mind, but I couldn't reach here without you! Trust me Crona, I can help!" He turned to her again, tears still flowing. "But, what about Madam Medusa?" "Who, that witch you were with? Tell me, do you WANT to kill people? Or is it just her orders?" "Well..." She looks away, her expression saying it all. "Come with us, and you'll never have to answer to her again!" His eyes stared darting around as he thought. "But, she said I'd go back to the dark room if I didn't follow her orders..." "Where we are, there is no dark room, and no people like her. You'll be safe from her. I promise. So, will you come with us, and be our friend?" She holds her hand out, being as inviting as possible. "Well..." She looked away, still unsure. suddenly, she got a glint of determination in her eyes, and touched Maka's hand, letting hers rest lightly on her fingertips. "OK!" She said with the most confidence so far. Maka grins, glad at her decision. "Great! Pretty soon, you'll be able to see the sunset from here!" She said, looking at the horizon where the sun was rising. ----------------------------------------reality-------------------------------------------- Ragnorok had been manipulating Crona's body, just as Soul was Maka's. Suddenly, she snapped back to her body, rattling Soul a little. "So, how'd it go?" "Great! Everyone, stop fighting!" The genin jump away, weapons still ready, while Crona blinked as her focus returned. Ragnorok had returned inside to better control her, using her blood directly to attack with instead. "Maka, what are you doing!? Where were you!?" "We can stop now Ragnorok. They're friends!" The genin were confused by this comment. "WHAT!!!!?" Suddenly a fountain of blood came out of her back at the base of her neck, becoming a small being made of the blood, with a white X for the face, and two white eyes under the upper lines, who's pupils were also X's. It starts whacking her in the head. "What do you mean, they're friends!? Didn't Medusa tell you friends are useless!?" He stops for a second to examine his body, before returning to his pounding. "And why am i so small!? I used to be twice this size! Change me back!" "I don't know how! and you're embarassing me in fron of my new friends! I don't know how to deal with that!" Grimm walks in, to see this unusual sight. "Damn, she got away. And I suppose we're not killing her?" He noticed everyone was sheathing their weapons and Soul reverting while the poor kid was being pummeled. "I was right! She was misguided and confused, like I thought!" responded Maka. "So, I guess she's coming back with us?" Maka nodded. He shrugged. "Whatever mission just said to find her. What you do is your business. Let's not waste any time." He turns to leave, and they follow, Crona keeping close to Maka. "Vector arrow!" "Shit!" Exclaimed Grimm, but he didn't have time to react before Hinata was impailed by an arrow-like black projectile, before it receded to Medusa again, who was standing on a nearby roof. Hinata falls limply, Naru catching her. "Hinata!!" Naru and Sakura exclaim, doing their best to keep her awake. "You try and take mine, I take yours. Crona, come!" Crona shuffled her feet, and tried to hide behind Maka and Soul. "You insolent child! Come now, or it's another week in the dark-" She cuts off midway to avoid Grimm's cero, which takes off a good portion of the house she was on. "You guys get Hinata back, I'll handle her!" "But-" Sakura started to protest. "GET YOUR ASS OUT OF HERE!!!" He said as he looked at them, his eyes wild and terrifying. They began carrying Hinata to the truck, while he stared her down on another roof. "You shouldn't have done that..." "Oh, I'm so scared! Is kitty gonna scratch?" An angry tick appears on his forehead. "I was gonna let you live, I just wanted info on that serpentine bastard, But you had to hurt my student, huh?" He drew his sword, holding it horizontally. "You're gonna die, bitch. No one hurts my family! Grind, Pantera!!!" The force of his power increase practically destroys the roof he was on. "If you wanna live, run." He said in an earilly calm voice before darting at her, almost too fast to see.
Chapter 11 - ch.11
Naru stared at Sakura, not believing what she was seeing. Sakura was wearing her usual dress, but was cut to show every curve, while still covering much of her skin, making the eye look over every inch, and leaves much to the imagination. What REALLY makes Naru stare is not only that she somehow tied herself up in a way to show off her dick, while being nearly unable to move, but the narrow opening of a balloon has been cut off, and was used as an impromptu cock-ring. It's not quite as tight as Hinata's was, precum leaking out in large globs. Her mind is already overcome with lust, clearly having been there for a while. Just in front of her is a scroll, open with writing on it. Naru manages to notice it, is spite of the spectacular display in front of her, and reads it. "I'm sorry for the other night. I shouldn't have lied, and never should have taken advantage of Hinata. As way of apology, you may do with me as you wish, as I will probably be out of control by the time you read this. I have already made amends with Hinata, and hope you forgive me as well." Naru finishes reading, and looks at Sakura again, then gets an idea, grinning greatly. She left the room, and returned outside. She walks over to Hinata, still watching the stars. When Naru's shadow covers Hinata in the pale starlight, she turns her head to see her grinning. "Wha, What's going on?" Hinata asks nervously, a little surprised at her sudden appearance. "Hinata. You've GOT to see this!" Hinata's curiosity was piqued, and she nodded, and got up to follow. Naru leads her to her room, stopping just before the door, and makes a gesture for her to continue. Hinata walks arounf Naru to see Sakura, still tied up on the floor, futilely humping the air. "Sakura! Who did this to her!?" Hinata demanded of Naru, who answered by passing her, and picking up the scroll again, and showing it to her. As she read, Hinata's expression softened, from one of anger, to one of understanding, knowing she thought she had to do something extreme for Naru. She wrapped the scroll back up, and looked to Naru. "So, what are you gonna do?" "Release her." Hinata's eyes shot wide in surprise. Naru read her question before she even asked it. "I know this is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of her, and get even at her for before, but..." Naru looks at Hinata, and smiles widely. "That's just not me! If she want to do this, it should be because she wants to enjoy it fully, not as some perverted punishment." Naru takes the nearby discarded kunai, and sat on Sakura's stomach, holding her still. She is about to cut it when Hinata speaks up. "Naru, wait!" She stops and looks at Hianta. "I understand your sentiments, and mine are usually the same, but with a cock-ring like that, she will cum properly, and return to normal, it will just take a little longer. We SHOULD take advantage of this!" "You've been spending a lot of time with Eva-sensei, havn't you?" "Well, yes, but that's besides the point! She wants this, and, hell, I can see you dripping!" Hinata was right. She was quite wet, a bead running down her leg. "Besides, I can barely contain myself as it is. If you don't fuck her, I will!!" She exclaimes, her emotions running high from the sexual tension and stress of surpressing it. Naru gets up off Sakura, and looks at Hinata, inches away, Naru's eyes cat-like slits. Her mouth grins almost evilly. "Fine. But this time you fuck MY ass, not hers!" Hinata stares at her eyes, and gulps. She nods slowly, intimidated by her new dominate aura. Naru moves over and positions herself over Sakura's over-engorged dick, over 50% bigger than normal. She licks her lips as she lowers herself, teasing herself slightly on the tip, before pushing it in her well-lubed pussy, causing her to gasp in pleasure. She slowly impales herself, shuddering in pleasure at the shear size of her. She gulps down mouthfulls of saliva as her mouth waters as though she were about to eat a banquet. She finally reaches the hilt, and lets out a long, shuddering breath. "OH FUCK YEAH! That hits the Fucking spot!!" Naru all but yells into the ceiling, eyes closed to savor the feel. Her tummy bulges obviously with Sakura's girth. She opens her eyes, and looks over at Hinata, her head still pointing toward the ceiling. Hinata was already starting to jerk off, pre coming easily and lubing her cock. "Well, what are you waiting for? Come fuck me like the slut I am!!" Hinata gave out a startled squeak, forgetting she was there in her lust. Her cock pulsated stronger at this dirty talk, so hard it was lamost painful. She rushed over, and spent no time on foreplay as she slammed her full 9 inches into Naru's waiting ass. Naru squeals in delight, her tongue haning out. she starts gyrating on Sakura's cock, getting her pussy a good feel of every inch, and allowing it to properly stretch. Hinata hadn't yet moved, still intimidated by Naru's commanding demeanor. Naru noticed this, and squeezed her ass muscles as hard as she could, causing Hinata to groan. "I thought I told you to fuck me!!" "I'm, I"m sorry!" Hinata replies, and slowly starts to pull out, and push in, being hesitant at first, but soon started picking up speed. "Oh, fuck yeah! It feels so fucking good to be double-stuffed!" Naru exclaimes, starting to ride Hinata's rhythm on Sakura's dick. Sakura's cock-ring was only just holding off her orgasm, large dollops of pre flooding Naru's pussy, and flowing out, slicking their crotches. Their pace soon quickens to a blur, Naru reaching down to kiss Sakura, their tongues wrestling for dominance. After a few moments, Naru releases the kiss, and bites her neck, hard enough to leave teeth marks, and starts sucking hard. This finally pushed Sakura over the edge, the balloon cockring snapping from stress, and cuming into Naru. "Oh, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!" Naru yells in pleasure, Sakura's release causing her to orgasm. Hinata grunts as her dick is practically milked, and cums herself, completeing the chain. Hinata falls on Naru, who falls on Sakura, all three spent. Naru is the first to recover from the afterglow, blinking rapidly as her eyes return to normal. She feels Hinata's weight on her, and is laying on something unusually warm and soft. She turns her head to see she's laying on Sakura. Hinata stirs, and rolls off of Naru, allowing her to sit up, Sakura's dick actually still in her. She holds a hand to her head, trying to remember the last few minutes. "Urg. What happened?" Hinata turns her head and looks at her. "You don't remember?" "Kimda. I remember you insisting I take advantage of her, but can't remember you ever ending that sentence. after that..." Naru smiles dumbly, remembering. "just pure ecstacy. Next thing I know, I'm sandwhiched between you two. I wonder what did happen..." Naru said ponderously, looking up and tilting her head. "All I know is you sure acted different." Hianta and Naru turned their heads as Sakura spoke, surprised she was still conscious. "You girls gonna untie me or what?" They both blushed, realising they had forgotten that crucial part. After Naru finally got off her lap, they proceded to untie her, careful not to break the cloth (appenantly, she used the leftover bits of her dress) so it could be used again. Sakura sat up, after her bindings were undone. "You're terrible, Hinata. I would have been free in just a moment, but then you pushed Naru over the edge herself!" "I wasn't that bad, was I?" They both asked simultaniously. "Well, Hinata, apparently, I wasn't COMPLETELY forgiven if you had that impulse." Hianta looked down, slightly ashamed. "And you, Naru, were speaking and moaning like a total slut." "I, I did not!" Naru exclaimed indignantly, though it was still all fuzzy. "Yeah, sure, sure." She started to giggle, the full out laugh. It was contagious, and soon Hinata and Naru were laughing as well, tears starting to come to their eyes. When they finally settled down, Sakura sits up, and looks at Naru, a serious expression. "Well, am I forgiven?" she asks. Naru blushes and scratches the back of her head. "Truth is, I'm not the kind to hold grudges! If you never mentioned it again, I probably would have forgot!" Sakura falls over, twitching. She quickly got back up, and yelled. "You mean I went through all of this for nothing!!" "Hehehe, um, kinda?" Sakura proceded to pound him, careful, though, not to put much chakra into her punches. much. "Owie! Stop it!" "Do you know how hard it is to tie yourself up like that!?" Sakura exclaimes, still pounding Naru's head. "Not to mention the focus I needed to ignore my needs! Do you realise how horny you made me!!?" "But, but, but, you had fun, didn't you. I mean, isn't that the important thing!" Sakura stops pounding her, and crosses her arms. "Yeah, I guess." she agreed begrudgingly. Hinata giggles loudly, causing them to look at her. "What's so funny?!" "Oh, nothing! It's just you two make a cute couple!" "Eh!!?" they both say, looking at each other. Naru then gets another idea. Sha grins and makes a sign. "Shadow clone jutsu!" A clone appears next to Hinata, and puts an arm around her before she can even react. Hinata blushes severly, her head looking like it would pop from the blood rush. "You know Hinata, we make a pretty cute couple too!" That finally did it. She faints from Naru's words, her clone catching her before she hit the ground. "And your even cuter when you do that!" Naru chuckles, getting yet another idea, and letting Sakura in on it. ----------------------------------sometime later------------------------------------------ Hinata woke to a pleasureable sensation, without even bothering opening her eyes. savoring it for a moment, before remembering why she was unconsious. Her eyes snap open and look down to see the two Naru clones tit-fuck her, as well as Sakura's pink hair bobbing up and down as she lightly licks Hinata's folds. "Well, look who's finally up!" Says the real Naru, both her and her clone looking directly at her. "Wh-, what..oooooooh" she moans as Naru squishes her breasts tighter around her dick. "Now, now. Don't worry about that!" Said Sakura, pulling her head up to look her in the eye. She smiles lightly. "Just know you're being serviced." She puts her head back down and gently parts the folds, sticking her tongue in deeper. Hinata started to wriggle around a little, letting out cute moans. Naru suddenly stopped, and gently pushed Sakura away from Hinata's pussy, and next to her. "Naru, what are you-?" Naru puts a finger to Sakura's lips. "Now, now. Don't you worry about that." She said, copying Sakura, word for word, but in a slower, more seductive voice. "Just know.." She gave Sakura's dick a slow lick, from base to tip, making Sakura sudder. "..just know you're being serviced." Finished her clone, still tit-fucking Hinata. Sakura released herself to the pleasure, moaning just like Hinata. Naru came away from her dick, licking her lips, savoring the taste. "Shadow clone jutsu." Naru said, before 6 more clones show up. "Time to get to work!" They all look at each other and nod. 4 clones position themselves on either side of Hianta and Sakura's breasts, and start to lightly knead them, each focusing on a single breast, causing them to squirm in the teasing pleasure. Another clone takes Sakura's old place, and a second clone mimics her in front of Sakura. They both start licking lightly around the pussy, making them squirm even more in anticipation. Meanwhile, The real Naru and the last clone sat on their laps, and on their dicks, pushing them against their respective stomachs and grinded against them. "Y-y-y-you tease!" exclaimes Sakura, panting heavily between moans, sweat covering her body from exertion, though she was laying still as possible. "J-Just fuck me already!" yelled Hinata, humping against Naru, trying her best to climax, but only increasing her pleasure. The Naru's on their dicks lean down toward them, their faces only inches away from Hinata's and Sakura's. "ah ah ah. It's time I gave you both proper attention." Said the Naru on Hinata. "So, we're gonna keep up this teasing, and show you just how much we love you." Said the other. "Both!" The say simultaniously, positioning to lean on their arms so they can't move. The Narus redouble their efforts, causing them both to pant and sweat even harder, and moan even louder. Slowly, Naru's own will faded, wanting more and more to just be stuffed by them. This manifested itself by the breast Narus kneading them even harder, and starting to suck on them. Sakura goes crosseyed from the intense pleasure, and Hinata's roll back in her head. They are begging for release between each breath, the pleasure incredible, but the gradual rise of the pleasure, and lack of intense stimulation, prevents it. The Narus grinding their dicks reach back and very slowly, very gently, start to tickle their clits. This pushes them right to the edge, but not quite over, and both are bucking their hips violently, desperate beyond words. They babble incoherently, completely lost in pleasure. Naru finally lost her self control. The two Narus on top raised their asses and plunged the dicks in, one analy, the other in her pussy. Simultaniously, The Narus messaging their breasts started to suck hard, with enough force to nearly bruise their nipples, and the Narus tending the pussies begin fingering and sucking their clits, hard. They came immediately, pumping more and more into Naru and her clone, their faces stuck in a silent scream from the overflow of pleasure, barely conscious. The Narus start to climax as well, milking even more out of their cum hoses. With Hinata's length piercing her cervix, and into her womb, and with Sakura's unusually wide girth, most of the cum stayed in, causing her to bloat slightly. And they were still cuming. "Maybe, this wasn't my best idea!" Naru says, the amount of cum starting to become uncomfortable. The flow finally started to wane, and Naru let out a sigh. "Whew, I thought I was gonna pop!" Their bellys were visibly bulging, giving them small potbellys from all the cum sprayed in them. Naru looked down, and saw that Hinata and Sakura were out cold. Naru grinned at her handiwork. "HA! When i do something, I don't hold back! Now, I just need to release this justu." Author's note: Bad idea! Naru makes a sign, and the shadow clones dissapear in a puff of smoke, and she goes to lay down between them, when her belly started to rumble, and swell again, as well as some semen dripping out of her ass. "Ah, what the hell!!?" She exclaimes, before exaustion overcomes her, and she falls asleep between them, her belly now nearly twice as big as before. Author's note: There won't be a proper chance to explain in story, so I'll do it. After releasing the justu, not only do all of their experience become hers, which is why she fainted, have climaxed twice at the same time, but everything IN the clones, that wasn't the result of an attack, which would cause them to dissapear without consequence, would transfer as well. So, since she had pussy sex, and her clone anal, all the cum in the clone transfered to her as well.
Chapter 9 - ch.9
Naru awoke the next morning, to find Hinata and Sakura had already left. she started to sit up, and flinched when her abused ass started to throb. "Owchie!! Really can't let her take me back there again!" She said to herself with a groan. She slowly got to her feet, rubbing her but in a futile effort to relieve the pain. by the time she got dressed in her usual red garb provided by her shikai (she had yet to turn it off since she was told not to), she was more or less used to the pain. She left the room, and headed downstairs, to find Hinata and Sakura eating breakfast, and having a loud discussion. "Hinata, I said I was sorry!" "Sorry doesn't change the fact that you damn near broke me last night! What would you have done if I never woke!?" "Hinata, I-" She stopped mid-sentence feeling a terrible aura behind her. She slowly looked behind her to find Naru giving her the evil eye. "so.." Naru started, walking tward the frightened Sakura, cracking her knuckles. "..Not only hurt my ass, but you lied to me, and nearly broke Hinata?" She asked, reminding Sakura of how she sounded last night before the "fun" began, making her cower a little more. "W-well, when you put it like that..." She chuckles nervously. Naru grins evilly. "You relise karma will get you someday soon, right?" She said, a sadistic glint in her eye. After staring her down for a few minutes, Naru's demeaner changes back to her usual cheery self. "But not tonight, right Hinata? We need to rest!" Hinata nods in agreement, clearly on board to go with anything Naru has planned. Sakura sighed, both in relief that her own punishment would be postponed, and that she could never know them like they know each other. Naru went to make herself breakfast, when Grimm came in the door. "Oh, your actually up! so, how was last night?" Hinata gave him a look of pure anger, Sakura's face slamed into the table in depression, and Naru rubbed her ass again. "Oooook, never mind. Training in 15 minutes. you know the drill!" "Yes, sensei." They all responded. After Naru finished her meal, they went and started their morning training. ------------------------Naru's mindscape---------------------------- Inuyasha was right in front of her when she opened her eyes. "Hey, brat. Have a good stretchi last night?" "At least I'm getting some action, dog-boy. When's the las time you got any?" Inuyasha's face went red with anger and embaressment. "Oh, just shut up! C'mon, we're heading to the clearing!" He started walking away in a huff, Naru following close behind. 'Naru: 1, Sword: 0' She thoughm grinning widely. When they reached the center of the clearing, Inuyasha stopped and turned. "Alright, since we wasted all of yesterday trying to teach you Windscar, today we spar." "But I want to learn the move!" Naru whined. "And I want you to live long enough to use it, now get ready!" He drew his sword, and got into a fighting stance. Naru did likewise, still pouting. "Look kid, I'll teach you the damn move." Naru's eyes lit up. "on one condition. You gotta hit me." "Just one hit?" "Just one hit, and I'll spend as much time as you need teaching ya." Naru grins widely. "You'll regret that offer!" She charged, and started with her usual jumping overhead swing. "you're too predictable." comments Inuyasha, stepping back two steps, just outside the range. Her sword becomes stuck in the ground, and as she tries to pull it out, she's kicked. she goes flying into a tree, several meters away. He grabs her sword, duel wielding the massive blades. "You lost your weapon, and jutsu doesn't work here. So, what's you next move?" He taunts. "Give me back my sword!" Naru roars, charging him. Inuyash just scoffs. As Naru draws near, he swings both blades at her, smashing her between the massive flat sides. Holding her like this, he swings her up, and releases her, making her fly headfirst into another tree. "You can't just charge in headfirst, you need a strategy. That's why you lost to Zabuza." Naru turned around, indignant, and with a large red spot oh her forehead. "No, I only got hurt! Besides, I had him until he cast that fog jutsu!" "Exactly! That fog jutsu allowed him to destroy you, and if Hinata hadn't stepped in, you would be dead." Naru's eyes grow wide in relization, she drops her head and stares at the ground. "I...almost died..." "That's right! And if you want to survive, you'll listen to me!" He walks over, his sword leaning on his shoulder, hers hanging down, nearly touching the ground. When he is next to her, he jams her sword in the ground, and crouches in front of her. "Listen, kid. Our battle styles are exactly the same. Hell, you're probably stronger! So, you know why you lost?" Naru shakes her head, still staring at the ground. "The first is experience, which I am trying to give you. The second is you don't plan ahead. I'm not talking about some elaborate strategy like Ino-Shika-Cho.." "Who?" Naru looked up quizically, never having heard of this before. "Not important. Put simply, you need a plan of action. What is the opponent's weaknesses, and how do you use them? What are their strengths, and how do defend against them? And, you also need to think about YOUR weaknesses and strengths. How can you disguise your weakness, or use it to your advantage? How can your stengths over come your opponent's, or even cover up your weakness? You need to think of all of this, and be able to do it automatically, in battle." "But, that's so much to think about! No way I could do that!" "You can, and you know how?" Naru shakes her head slowly, the speach still sinking in. "You train, you fight, you gain experience. I'm not expecting you to get a handle on this right away, I'm just saying, always TRY, and be careful until you get the hang of it." He gets up, and starts strolling away. "Deal still stands! Hit me, and you can take all the time you need to learn the windscar." Halfway through the clearing, he stops, turns, and faces Naru. "Get up, it's time for round two." --------------------------Hinata's mindscape------------------------- "No, no, you're not spinning fast enough!" instructed the hooded man, trying to teach Hinata how to rid of an opponents weapon. "You need to let the sword reach half-way down the length of yours, the spin quickly!" "I'm trying!" Exclaimed Hinata between gasps, this feeling like the millionth time she's tried. Her arms and lungs burned with exertion. "but, you grip your's too hard!" "You think the enemy is gonna just let you take their weapon away!? No excuses. Now, try again!" Hinata groaned. 'Man, he's worse than Eva-sensei!' She thinks, before taking up her stance again. ------------------------Sakura's mindscape--------------------------- Sakura just barely avoided the girl's sword, only to take a kick to the stomach, knocking the wind out of her. She manages to land, kneeling down, attempting to regain her breath. "You're too slow." Says the girl. "How you managed to get me for a zanpakuto, I'll never know! You're so weak." "Take that back." Mutters Sakura, managing to regain her breath. "Huh? What's that? You're voice is weak too!?" "Take it back!" She exclaims. "Oh, little puppy have some bite left?" she taunts further. Sakura's eyes are burning with rage. "You take that back and shut the HELL UP!!!" She yells at the top of her lungs, before charging, going faster than she thought possible. "I'M NOT WEAK! I'M NOT USELESS, AND I WILL PUMMEL YOU!!!" She swings, so fast the girl can barly block. The girl grins, as Sakura continues her onslaught, keeping up with her attacks, but only just, until  Sakura swings down, only to be blocked by the girl's sword. Sakura then steps on the girls sword, and pushes it down, while giving her leverage to stand on it. she then releases a hand from her sword, and punches the girl straight in the face. She goes flying, even farther than the girl's kick had thrown her. Sakura lands on her feet, and stared her down, panting. The girl slowly stood up. 'Damn, and she can't even use chakra here. Her strength is monsterous!' When she finally gets to her feet, she rubs her cheek, which took the brunt of the damage. "You realise what you've done?" Sakura, finally snapped out of her berzerking, stares wide-eyes, not sure what happened. "Wha... How did... Did I... hit you!?" "Indeed!" "Oh, I'm so sorry!" This made the girl put on a quizical face. "What are you sorry for? That's the point of this training." "I...I don't know...I just felt I should..." "And why are you acting so meek? That's not like you." "Well, um..." The girl smiles. "I think I know." Sakura jumps slightly at this, staring at her, eagerly awaiting the answer. "When you went berzerk, you had an unnatural amount of adrenaline pouring through your body, increasing your strength, speed, and probably increases chakra output too. However, in order to compensate, you have an almost complete lack of it afterward, reducing your natural aggression and probably strength." "But, how long...will it take..?" "Who knows, but we best time it, and when you're normal do it again. Not only can we find out how long it lasts, but how long recovery is, and practice triggering it manually." "Until then...can we...talk?" The girl grins, her eyes returning to their normal color, sheathing her sword. "Of course, though it seem I may do most of the talking!" She says in a warm, cheery voice. "So, what do you want to talk about?" "Well, I'm fellin pretty bad about...last night. I was wondering...if you had any ideas on how I could...make it up to them?" They were sitting next to each other now, Sakura unable to keep her eyes up, darting to the girls before droppin back down for several seconds. She thinks on this for a few minutes, before responding. "Well..." she says, finger touching her chin. "You could always offer yourself to them as you treated them..." This idea results in Sakura twitching back in fear, her hair standing on end. The girl giggles a little at this. "Or, take each in private, and in return for their forgiveness, make love to them. Not just sex, but a feeling of intimacy. Making them feel like you and them are the only ones in the world that matter, if only for a while." Sakura stares wide-eyed at her. 'So wise!' she thinks before responding. "Right, that just might work!" "Well, you seem back to normal! How long did that take?" "Oh, lets see, it took about 8 minutes." "And your rage lasted about 1 minute, 20 seconds. So, for every 10 seconds you rage, you have to rest for a minute afterward." She stands up, and walks a few paces away, drawing her sword. When she turns around, her eyes are blazing red again. "Shall we try it again." Sakura smiles, standing up, getting into fighting position, never having sheathed her sword. "Everyone need an ace up their sleeve. This will be mine!" She declares, just before charging again. ----------------------------------------real world------------------------------------------ "Man, I'll never get used to staying still so long!" exclaims Naru, stretching. "You're telling me! I think my but cramped!" responded Sakura, gaining a chuckle from Naru. Suddenly, a kunai falls right in front of her, coming out of the blue. she jumps back and yells, "What the hell!!?" Hinata reaches over and grabs it. "There's a note on the handle." She unwraps the note, and reads it aloud. "Too busy at bridge, fend for yourselves." "It's a good thing I don't need any more balloons yet, otherwise my training would be screwed!" another kunai falls in front of her, scaring her too. "What the fuck!!?" Hianta came and read the note on this kunai too. "There are balloons in your bag's front pocket, and the house has running water. No excuses." "Scary..." Comments Naru. the others nod their heads in agreement. "Well, Who want's rice balls?" asks Sakura, offering to cook. "That sounds good!" Sakura exclaims, famished. "Yeah!" agrees Naru. "I want a really big one! big as my head!" Sakura stifles a sigh. "Right, wait just a minute!" ----------------------------------------several minute later------------------------------- "See, the key to the shadow clones is-" explains Naru, describing how to use the shadow clone jutsu. "Lunch is ready!" yelled Sakura across the yard. Naru immediatly dropped what he was saying, sprinting for the door, with Hianta shortly behind. "Here you go, Naru!" Sakura places a giant riceball in fromt of her. "And Hianta!" She got a dozen regular sized ones. Sakura had 8. They ate quickly, not only eager to get on with training, but they tasted delicious. "They, Thakura!" said Naru with her mouth full. "How'd you geth tho good ath cooking?" "Naru, don't talk with you're mouth full! And I often helped mom cook, so I had a good teacher!" Naru swallowed, and took a big drink of water. "You're mom must be a great cook, if you can cook this well!" "Well, she was a ninja chef when they were popular!" Sakura explained, full of pride. She saw that everyone was just abiut done. "Well, time to train!" Naru and Hianta agreed, tossing the last few bites into their mouths, and following her out the door. ------------------------------------------7:00 pm------------------------------------------- Training went well, but was uneventful, and they were soon done for the day. As they were walking back Sakura called out...
Chapter 17 - ch.17
"The village hidden by death?" Asks Naru, her face blanching. "Don't worry, he's a nice guy, if a bit goofy." Reassured Soul, still grinning. "You'll stay at our place tonight, and we head out in the morning. Hope you don't mind, but we have a cat." Sakura squeals in delight. "I love cats! They're so soft and cuddly and warm. Soul got a nosebleed for soem reason. "Uh, you're bleeding." "Yeah, it's alright." He says, putting tissues in his nose. "Even cool guys get nosebleeds from the desert. Anyway, we're to meet Death, Prof. Stein, and Spirit at the DWMA." They all just look at him with blank looks. "Right, sorry. I forgot you guys don't know anything about it. The DWMA, or Death Weapon Meister Acadamy, is like your schools in the leaf, training us and teaching us. The professors teach us in group, like in a typical school. Prof. Stein is our homeroom teacher, and is, well, a little psycho, but one of the strongest meisters at the academy, aside from Lord Death. Spirit is a Deathscythe, and when not by Death's side, is a weapon for Stein." "You use people as weapons!? That's awful!" Said Hinata, horrified by the idea. "Not quite. Some people in our village have a Kekkei Genkai, usually a mix of earth and spiritual energy. It allows us to transform into a weapon, and give our meister our chakra, allowing feats they would normally be unable to do. But to wield a weapon, you have to be compatable, your chakra has to be able to match theirs." "Uhhh..." Naru is utterly confused. "I'll show ya." He suddenly is enveloped in light as his form changes from a person to a scythe. "Go ahead, try to pick me up." He said from an invisible mouth. Hinata tries first, gripping his handle and pulling up as hard as she could. But she couldn't budge him an inch. She returned defeated, her head low. Naru tried next, a huge grin on her face. "I got this!" She grips the handle and lifts. She manages to raise it, but it looked like it weighed a ton; she was straining every muscle just to lift it to her waist. She drops him, and he lands with a thud, though not nearly as heavily as she made him look. "Damn! Sakura tries next, apprehensive from the other's failures. She grabs it, and pulls as hard as she can, falling off balance as she picked it up like it were a feather. She lands on her ass with an "Oof!" "Impressive! No one's ever picked me up so easily, besides Maka." He shines again and returns to human form again. "Well, we should be arriving soon, in fact..." A sudden flash of dark passes them with a chill. "W-what was that!?" Asked Hinata, holding herself from the sudden chill. "A barrier. It makes the village unnoticable, and alerts Lord Death of who's entering. Normally, we would stop, and be verified, but we've been expected." After another minute or so, they stop. "Here we are." He gets out, and walks to the front of the truck, with the others following. "Welcome to Death City!" And city was right. You couldn't properly call it a village, it was far too big. It had to be at least three times bigger than the leaf village, all leading up to a rather fancy building decorated with skulls and spikes. "That building in the middle is the DWMA. Lord Death's personal quarters are at the top. That's where we're headed." Said Maka, coming out of the truck. "C'mon. Everyone's waiting!" She waits for everyone to catch up before leading the way with Soul at her side. They get a good look at the city on the way. It seemed both dreery and cheerful at the same time, like someone was putting a good humour on death. "Very...interesting city." Commented Grimm, actually kinda liking it. "Maybe we should get a vacation home here." "That could be cool. I would like to get to know you three better." He said, subtly hinting. "Dream on. You're not our type!" responded Naru. "Harsh, man. Not cool." "Behave yourself, Soul!" Said Maka, staring at him sternly. "Yeah, yeah." he responds. They reach the stairs, they hear a voice from above. "YAAAHOOO!! Look at me! Don't you wish you were as big a star as me!!? Well too bad! There's only enough room on the stage for me: Blackstar!" He's standing on the edge of one of the spikes coming out of the building. He continued to ramble for some time. "Uuum, is this normal?" Asks Naru. "It is for him!" Responds Soul, seeing his best friend at it again. "He's always pumping himself up! You wanna know the sad part?" The genin blink in anticipation. "This loudmouth is supposed to be an assassin." They just look at him blankly. "Really?" Blackstar finally ends his tyrade. "Hey, are those... Yes, new recruits! C'mon Tsubaki! Yaahoo!" He jumps off the spike, and lands heavily in front of them. "Hey, welcome. And don't worry. If you run into trouble, ol' Blackstar is here to help!" "Blackstar, they arn't new recruits. They are the assistance from the leaf. They're here to help find the Butcher." Corrected Maka. "Ha! That Butcher doesn't stand a chance! Just find him, and I'll crack his skull!" "You tried that and he got away! Twice!" Commented Soul. "He got lucky! He doesn't stand a chance next time.!" "It's our turn, Blackstar. Go find your own mission!" Maka says, getting annoyed. "Fine, but don't come running to me when you get your but kicked!" Tsubaki finally appeared from inside. "Blackstar! You know I can't jump from a building like that!" She said between gasps. He chuckled, embarrassed. "Sorry, Tsubaki! But you gotta be fast when the big man take the stage!" "Allow me to introduce Tsubaki, Deathstar's weapon." Introduced Maka. "Oh, hello! You must be the help from the leaf! Thank you so much for your assistance!" Said Tsubaki. "Let's go Tsubaki! These guys are small fry. Not even worth my time." He starts walking back inside. "I'm so sorry for Blackstar. It's just how he is!" She apologized before running after him. "Blackstar! Wait up!" "Can't say they're boring, that's for sure!" commented Sakura, a sweat dropping. "You can say that again. Anyway, we should head for Lord Death's chambers. We're late." Said Soul, starting to walk inside, followed by Maka and the Leaf. The walk to Death's chamber was uneventful. As they walked, the hall gradually fell away to reveal a massive graveyard on both sides, the walls becoming poles holding up guilatines. "Creepy..." Noted Naru, the others agreeing. They soon reached a platform, with naugt but a mirror and three people waiting. "Hello, hello, hello! What up!?" Said a cloaked figure with a high, squeaky voice, and a cartoonish skull for a face. To his left, was a man in a labcoat with stitching all over it. His face had stitches too, topped off with silvery-grey hair and round glasses. To his right was a red-haired man wearing a suit and matching pants with a green tie. "Greeting Lord Death, Prof. Stein!" She bows cheerily to them, before turning to Spirit. "Papa." She said disdainfully, bowing just enough to stay in the realm of politeness. Spirit drops his head in depression. "Maka, you're so cold!" He says to himself. "Lord Death, these are the allies form the leaf. This is Naru, Hinata, Sakura, and their teacher, Sensei Grimm." She introduced, pointing to each in turn. They bow in respect. "Yo, thanks for coming!" He says as they rise. "Normally, we would let our students handle htis themselves, but even I am having diffuculty tracking this one! He's been running around killing people and eating their souls, only to dissapear without a trace!" "Souls? How is that possible?" Asks Hinata, somewhat horrified. "It is an inborn ability of weapons. In order to gain strength, they must eat the souls of the wicked. In essence, when they kill, the victim's chakra is condensed into an orb, who's color depends on the person. Innocents are blue, with the exception of powerful people, like ninja. Wicked are red, scabbed over, and looks overall unpleasent. WE call these Kishen Eggs. This skill can be learned, however, eating an innocent's soul corrupts your own. This is how Kishen Eggs are made." "Eggs!? Do you mean...!!?" exclaimed Sakura. "Yes. People who's eggs become Kishen Eggs can become Kishens. Kishens are extraordinarily powerful, and their very presence can drive one mad!" "But, why would someone do something so horrible!? demanded Naru. "Power. Whether to surpass an opponent, or belief that such power will banish their fear, they seek power. However, while this can indeed increase one's power, it's cost is high. You lose yourself to the power, slowly going mad. Those deep in the madness have souls that become Kishen Eggs. Left unchecked, they will eventually become Kishens." "And we are here to help locate such a person?" Asks Grimm. "Indeed. I don't require you to fight, only search. That's why I was able to commission the job for so little!" "So, know what this guy looks like?" "Of course! Here's a photo." He hands the picture to Spirit, who takes it to Grimm. He looks like a very young boy, covered in a black, thin dress. He is unable to see his face under his pink hair. Soul takes the picture after him, the girls looking ast ot over his shoulder. "This is the butcher? He looks as threatening as Maka." He instantly regretted that as Maka clocked him over the head with a thick book, sending him to the ground. "S-sorry..." He says weakly from the ground." "Do you know his last location?" Asks Maka, acting like nothing happened. "Yes." Stein finally piped up. "He was last seen in a village north of here called Sendly. There's nothing in particular to note about it, but there have been deaths there that fit his MO. You'll start there." "Be careful. He may not be strong yet, but he's fast, and reports say he's difficult to hurt. He may yet make a difficult opponent." Added Spirit. "Thank you Lord Death, Prof. Stein. We'll head out in the morning." Said Maka before bowing and turning to leave. "Maka, just one second." Said Death. Maka turns around, curious. "While your grades are superb, your recent efforts have been lacking. Fail this assignment, and you AND Soul will be expelled. Am I clear?" "Yes, Lord Death! We'll do our best!" "Good! Now off you go! Time to rest up for tomorrow!" And she did, quickly, before anyone else could call her out. "You got that, Soul? We can't lose!" "Yeah. Expulsion? Not cool! I don't do uncool." "Don't worry! We're here to help! We don't let our friends down!" Exclaimed Naru, hanging on their necks with her elbows around each. "We'll get this guy! No worries!" Maka smiles, reassured. "Thanks! C'mon, our house is only a few blocks away." She leads them out of the school, and to their house. "Here it is, home sweet home!" She showed them their home. It was simple, quaint, and spacious. "Our friends stay here a lot, so we have plenty of guest rooms. Help yourselves! And Soul!" She catches him trying to sneak away. "It's your turn to cook!" 'Damn' He thinks. "Yeah, alright!" He heads to the kitchen to prepare supper. Just as everyone gets settled in, and are hanging out in the living room, the doorbell goes off. "Wonder who that is?" Maka says to herself as she opens the door. "Oh, Kid! come on in!" "Hello Maka. I heard you had an important mission, and thought I might be able to help." Said a boy, about their age, wearing a black suit and tie. His hair was also pitch black, except for 3 white lines going along the left side. Behind him were two girls. One was tall and breathtaking: mile long legs and perfect hourglass figure ending with a beautiful face and long dirty blond hair. Next to her is a shorter, more curvatious girl, with short dirty blond hair and a grin plastered on her cute face. They both wore matching cowgirl outfits, complete with make-shift hats, though the shorter girl's clothes hugged her curves closer, while the other's fell loose. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had company." "No, it's OK. Everyone, this is Death the Kid, or just kid. He's Lord Death's son, and part of my team. Behind him is Liz.." She gestures to the taller girl. "..and Pattie." The shorter one. "Kid, this is the help from the leaf." "Nice to make your accuaintence. I suppose it would be best for you to hear what I've scrounged up as well, then." "We should wait until Soul is done with dinner. Soul!" "5 minutes!" He calls out. "Very well. Mind if we relax?" Asks Kid. "Of course! Come on in!" -------------------------------------5 minutes later--------------------------------------- "Oh, so that's how shadow clones work!" exclaimed Hinata after Naru's explanation. "Dinner's ready!" Soul calls out as he procedes to bring out a huge pan of rice and 3 pots full of curry. "Got extra spicy, spicy, and sweet. Help yourself!" He piles rice on his plate, and adds extra spicy. "So, I overheard you, Kid. What you got?" "Yes." He went for the regular. "I managed to interrogate some witnesses left after the suspect escaped. His power was subpar, however, on one was able to deal any significant damage to him. It appears that his blood hardened itself as he was hit. Cutting him will probable be ineffective. You may need some help." "So, how do I hurt him!?" she exclaimes. "Um, I think I can help..." Hinata says softly. "My jutsu interupts the chakra in my opponent's body. I should be able to hurt him. "Great! I'll distract her, while you go in for the kill!" "K-kill!? But, I've never..." "Grow some balls!" said Grimm, surprisingly eating the sweet curry. Hinata looked down in shame. "Don't worry, Hinata! Maka and Soul are supposed to hit the final blow, right?" She said reassuringly, looking expectantly at her. "True. I need his soul, so I have to kill him." "There's more. His weapon...well is his blood!" Kid says dramatically.
Chapter 18 - ch.18
"His weapon is his blood!!? What the hell does that mean!!?" Exclaimed Soul. "Just as I said. I don't know how or why, but it would appear he was somehow merged with his own weapon. His blood has a mind of it's own, hardening where hit, coming out of his palm and becoming a sword, and one even said that a giant being came out of her back and talked to her, rather rudely I might add." "Jeez, sounds like we're fighting some kind of monster!" commented Soul. "Maka Chop!!" Souls head is nearly split in half, the imprint of the book more than obvious as he lies on the floor. "W-why...?" "Soul, he's our age, and living in the streets! What do you think we would be like if we weren't here!?" Soul looks down, somewhat understanding. Maka becomes solomn. "I think, maybe, if we can talk to him, maybe we can help. Maybe all he needs is a friend." Soul got up, and sat back in his seat. "You realise we may be expelled if we do that." "I don't care! If we can help him, it would be worth it!" Soul grins. "Alright. We're partner's all the way. Whatever you think is best, I got your back!" "You guys are so cute together!" exclaimed Naru. They started to blush madly. "W-we're not like that!" said Maka, looking away. "Really?" She asks tauntingly, not beleiving them. "But you have at least thought of it, right?" She could see right through them. "W-w-well..." She blushes harder. "hahahahah!!" Naru starts laughing, followed by the other girls, even Hinata giving a giggle. "I'm just kidding! You should see your faces!!" "I-I think I'll take a shower now!" She leaves her empty plate and heads for her room. "Hey, Kid, Liz, Patty. Wanna play some basketball?" "I'm sorry, I'm not much for sports." "Yeah! I'll play, I'll play!!" exclaimed Patty, raising her hand. "Sure, why not?" Liz said nonchalantly. "But we're gonna need a forth so the teams are even." "I'll play!" exclaimed Naru, jumping from her seat, before her face goes blank. "Umm, what's basketball again?" Everyone falls over. Soul is the first to get back up. "If you don't know what it is, so get so excited over it!" "Could you please keep it down! You woke me from my nap!" They turn to the voice, only to see a black cat wearing a jagged pointy hat that curled into a spiral and collar with a stone with a jack-o-lantern etched in it. "Oh, hey. sorry Blair." "Oh, it's all right. I probably should have been getting up anyway." She says as she stretches. she looks and sees the newcomers. "So, who are these cuties?" She says, walking to the genin, and jumping on Hinata's lap. "Ahh, a cute kitty!" Hinata smiles, and starts petting her, making her purr. "I'm Hinata! And these are my friends: Naru and Sakura. And our Sensei..." She looks around, but doesn't see him. "Where's sensei?" Everyone looked around, not even noticing he left. "Oh, nice to meet you...Oh, that feels good. Around the ears, don't forget the ears!" Hinata used her other hand and did as instructed, only for Blair to melt in her lap. "Ohhh, yes..." "We'll leave you guys with Blair. C'mon, lets go play." Soul start heading out, followed by the three girls. "I should leave to. I need double check something at home. I can't remember if I folded the toilet paper properly, and it must be attended to immediately." He left promptly, not even giving them enough time to question him. Blair looks at their stupified faces. "Don't worry, that normal. He's obsessed with order and symmetry. Call it a quirk. Now, I think maybe since we're alone, I can pet you..." She jumped off her lap onto the floor, and turned to them with a sly look, before transforming in a puff of smoke into a woman. She had short purple hair, with long strands on each side of her face, which curled like her hat. She had a beautiful face, her cat ears hidden by her hat, and her eyes yellow and slitted like a cat's. She wore a skin-tight black tube-top, the bottom jagged, accentuating her ample breasts. Around her waist was a loose pair of black jeans, showing exactly how wide they are. Hinata and Sakura screamed in surprise at this transformation. Hinata's face went red at the scantily-clan catgirl, while Sakura stuttered out, "B-b-b-but I thought you were a cat!!" "I am, i just have a LOT of chakra, and living in a town full of transforming people, it wasn't hard to figure out!" She rubs the side of her head with a hand, like a cat would. "Now, which of you would like to be petted first?" she crawls forward to the unsuspecting genin. -----------------------------meanwhile, at a nearby basketball court------------------------ Naru had just mad her third slam-dunk, partnered with Soul. "Jeez, You're good. We can't even keep up!" commented Liz after her last score. "Yes, we're winning 5-2!" Exclaimed Naru proudly. "You're good, Naru. If you ever stop by again, we should play again." He says just before Pattie gets the ball and starts rushing toward them. "Count on it!" She ran to block her, both stopping in about the middle of the court. She watches the ball, and her, trying to predict her. She slams the ball down, and over their heads. While Naru was distracted by the ball, Patty reached out and hopped, grabbing Naru by her shoulders, and propelling herself up, grabbing the ball in midair, before landing behind her, and continuing. This all took only 3 seconds. After passing Naru, who was hot on her heels, she saw the Liz was completely blocked. She shoots, and it bounces off the backboard, falling through the net. "Yes! 5-3" The sticks their tongue out at them. "Patty, you know we're not winning, right?" retorted Liz. "Hey, a victory is a victory!" Said Patty, ever the optomist. "Hey, it's our ball!" Said Soul, spinning it on his finger. "Get ready!" They take their positions, and Soul starts running. Liz blocks, but Soul simply bounced it between her legs, sidestepped her, and continued. He saw Naru beeing blocked by Patty, and darted his eyes to the left, a system they started to signal where to pass. Naru faked left, and ran past her on the right as Soul passes the ball. she catches it, and takes a sharp turn, throwing Patty off, and slowing her down. She nears the hoop, and jumps. Halfway, though, Liz manages to grab her legs, pulling her down. Naru tosses the ball the last foot, and it bounces off the backboard, and around the rim, until it falls in. "Cool. Our game!" He declares with a wide grin. "Man, we didn't stand a chance against you two!" Liz remarked, breathing slightly heavy. "I can't wait to see how you go against Blackstar!" "Not this time! I'm tired, and gotta leave in the morning. Maybe next time!" She yawns. "It's time to call it a night." "Yeah. You put up a good game, though." Said Soul, extending his hand. Liz takes it. "You too. C'mon Patty. Let's head home. I need to fix my hair." "Right!!" She follows after her, skipping. Naru follows Soul home. "So, what IS the story between you and Maka?" Naru asks, still curious. "We're friends. I'm her weapon, and she's my meister. That's all there is to it." "Oh? How she acted, she seems to think otherwise." "In spite of her confident exterior, Maka's pretty sensitive. It doesn't take much on that subject to get her riled up. Truth is though, she hasn't even-" "Maka Chop!!!" As he opened the door, he was hit with a book, caving his head and knocking him out. "Damn it, Soul! That's not for you to talk about!" "No, no, it's my fault! Sorry, I was just curious!" "Well, you should be. You're asking too personal questions. C'mon, I've got your bed ready." She angrily walks away, dragging Soul with her. "Blair, show them to their rooms when you're done, will you?" Naru looks over to see the table moved, and Hinata and Sakura on the floor, Blair on top of them, using an arm and leg on each of them to massage them. "Righto, darling!" She mewls, as the other two girls lay there, clearly content. "Ug, who am I kidding, they'll all probably lay there all night!" Maka muttered to herself. She threw Soul onto his bed, before showing Naru her's. "Here it is." she said, still a little pissed. She entered the room, not even getting time to take it in before slaming the door. Naru dropped a sweat. 'I should be extra nice tomorrow...' She thinks, before examining the room. A bed and a desk. That was all. A queensize bed covered in white sheets and blanket, and a writing desk that looked cheaply made. "Well, still better than a sleeping bag." She puts on her PJs, and goes to sleep. -------------------------------------Next morning------------------------------------------ Naru woke up, and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She got up, still half asleep, and went to the showers. She opened the door to see Maka in it. Maka just froze. "Occupied..." Naru closed the door, and went to the next bathroom. It wasn't until she was drying herself off that she realized what she saw. 'Huh, she was pretty cute, if a bit flat.' She thinks as she puts on her clothes, and takes her PJs back to her room, passing Maka on the way. "Listen, Naru..." "I've seen better." she comments, competely forgetting her thoughts last night. Not even a warning. A book goes into her head, sprawling her on the floor. "Better not happen again!" She stomps away. "Right, sorry..." She lays the for a second before returning to her room, and dropping off her clothes before returning to the living room. She saw Soul eating poptarts, with blood running sown his nose. Hinata and Sakura still on the floor, eating eggs and ham. "Got comfortable, huh?" "Oh, she's better than a spa!" Sakura praised, Hinata blushing and nodding in agreement. "Oh, you're too kind!" Blair responded, coming out of the kitchen with nothing but an apron and a smile, holding a plate similar to the genins', only uneaten. "Breakfast, Naru!" She leans over Soul, purposly rubbing her breasts over him. He tries not to react, but a fress splurt of blood rushes out of his nose. She takes the plate, seeing Soul starting to space. "This is nothing new. Cool guys have boobs rubbed in their face all the time..." Maka came out dressed in her usual attire. "Everyone ready?" "Pretty much!" Sakura got on her knees and stretched. "Arn't you gonna eat?" "Got it covered!" exclaimed Blair, giving Maka a burrito. "Good luck!" "Thank's Blair. Take care of the dishes please! C'mon guys!" She heads out, with the others following behind. They reached the truck, Maka taking the wheel again, and the others find Grimm in the back. "Where have you been?" Asks Naru. "None of your business. Let's get going." Author's note: Since little will happen during the trip, how about a flashback as to what Grimm WAS doing. ------------------------------------last night---------------------------------------------- Seeing nothing of importance was going to happen, he decided to leave, and everyone was so engulfed by Kid's info, they didn't even see him leave. He wandered the town, until he found a hostess bar. "Why not." He said to himself, walking toward it. "It's been a while since I had a drink!" He enters, and sees Spirit directly in front of him, on a couch that appears to be a VIP area, with a purple-haired woman on his arm, holding a bottle. "So, Death Weapons get paid well, huh?" He jumped at his voice. "Oh, Grimmjow! I didn't expect to see you here! W-what are you doing here!?" He was sweating, clearly hiding something. "I'm just here for a drink. Mind if I join you?" "Um, well..." "Oh, come on spirit, honey! Let your handsome friend join!" Pleaded the woman, cat ears twitching and tail swaying behind her. "Well, OK.." He plops down next to him, grabbing a glass and holding it out to her. She promptly filled the glass with a sweet-smelling purple drink. "So, you seem like a regular here..." "Yeah, I've been coming here for as long as I can remember! Though, I always did have to sneak out. My ex never liked me coming here!" Grimm gave him a dangerous gaze. "You came to a hostess bar while you were married?" He started sweating again. "W-well, that is..." 'Crap! Figures the crazy basterd would be married!' Grimm took a long drink. "Whatever. You're the idiot that screwed yourself. But that does explain why Maka hate you." Spirit's head dropped in depression. "Maka...!" He downs the rest of the glass, and holds it out to be filled. "Why won't you love daddy, Maka!!!?" Tears were clearly running down his face. Grimm turned to the hostess. "Is this normal?" "Yeah. Everytime someone mentions Maka after afew drinks, he just breaks down! It's kinda sad, really..." "Just pathetic. At least he can be near his daughter." He takes another drink. She blinks. "What do you mean?" He hold up a half-empty glass. "I'll have to be a lot more drunk." He shakes the glass. She get's the hint, and tops it off. "Though, of course, since I couldn't be around, and she thought she was an orphan, she never came to hate me." "Maka!!!!" Spirit runs to the front, pays for his drinks, and runs out to god know where. "You're so mean!" She said with a giggle. A small smiled crossed his lips. "So, you service him alot?" "Oh yeah! He ask for me everytime!" "So, has he said anything about the Butcher mission?" "Um, I don't think I should say..." Her ears and tail twitched in anxiety. "Only reason I ask is because my students are assisting on the mission." "Well, if that's the case, there is one thing!" Grimm looked at her sideways, not turning his head, and took a drink. "This boy that they are hunting... He's the son of a rouge ninja!" This piqued his full interest, and he turned to her. "He said that he's the son of a very powerful shinobi called Madusa!" "Madusa?" "Yeah, as you can tell, she is a snake user, but specialises in shadow manipulation. She's even developed a few new jutsu of her own!!" "Sound's powerful. And if she's making her son kill for souls, then he may not be evil at all. Good to know." "It get's worse. She kidnapped a student from here, took his chakra, and synthesized it onto some kind of black blood!" "Black blood?" She nodded. "She replaced her son's blood with it, making her both weapon and meister!" "She sound's pretty intelligent, but how has she stayed hidden for so long?" He takes a drink. "I heard she found someone like her: cast out from her village and vying for power! I only heard his name once, and he's hasn't been seen in over 20 years! His name was... Orochimaru?" He spit out his drink. "Orochimaru!!?" She gasps. "You know him!?" That bastard nearly killed me and my family 18 years ago!!" "Oh my! What happened!?" "I can't get into it. Village secrets and all that. Suffice it to say that the next time I see him, he's a dead man." The look in his eyes told her he'd do even more if it were possible. He finished his drink, and offered his glass to be refilled. She tried, but only a few drops came out. "Oh. Looks like we're out! Let me get another bottle!" "Don't bother. I don't feel like drinking anymore." He set the glass on the table, and headed out the door, Spirit having paid for the whole bottle earlier. He starts to head back, when yawns. "Damn, alcohol always makes me so sleepy." He stops to regain his bearings, and turns left instead of going straight. "fuck it. I don't even care." He reached the front gate, and headed for the truck from earlier, and lay down in the spacious bed, and slept until his sleep by Naru's typically annoying question.
Chapter 15 - ch.15
"Jinchuriki?" asked Sakura, her eyebrow raised. "Man, I knew this was gonna be a long explanation..." grumble Grimm before talling Sakura the story. -------------------------------flashback, 18 years ago-------------------------------------- "c'mon! We can't let it reach the town!" Yelled a ninja leader, prepping his squad. "If we don't stop it here, our families are in danger! So, give it everything you got!" They all grunted loudly in affirmation before jumping into the trees toward their target. As they reached it, they jumped out above the trees, and see it. A giant, red, 9-tailed fox causing massive damage to everything in it's path. A blond-haired man stands apart, surveying the area, and looking for weakspots. "It's strong. It's legs hit hard, but it's biggest threat is that beam attack." He looked at the location of the last blast. It created a crater several miles in diameter. "We have to get rid of it before one of those hit the village." He looks down in irritance and anger. "Damn, I have to use it, huh?" He charges into battle. He throws his kunai at it's eyes. It blinks and stop them from truely hurting it, but it got it's attention. It starts to focus it's attacks on him, but he is ready. He continues to throw kunai while dodging, Knowing it's pattern and being extremely fast. He managed to put kunais all along it, most nearly invisible under it's fur. "Here we go!" He made his chakra rush, and teleported from kunai to kunai until he was on it's back, where it couldn't reach. He made a long series of signs, and activated a most forbidden jutsu. "Grim Reaper Death Seal." An intangible, invisible demon appears behind him, holding a dagger in his mouth, an astral projection of the man hovering in front of him. "This may be our only shot!" The demon's hand reaches through the projection, and pushes through his stomach, and grabs the fox. It begins to draw in the fox's chakra and soul, making it shrink in size. But he soon relizes something. "It's not enough." Indeed, they absorbsion was slowing, as the jutsu was designed to be used on humans, not such a great beast. "Damn, so close, if only..." Then, he has one last idea. "That could work! It will be risky, but there is no other choice. He focuses his chakra again, and he and the beast teleported, confusing the nearby shinobi fighting it. He appears just outside the town, near a house in the forest. "I'm sure they won't mind too much." He joked as he actually kidnapped his friend's newborn baby, Naru, from a nearby window. The fox was still struggling against the reaper jutsu, unable to act yet. "Almost out, gotta make it count!" He makes signs, and a ritual bed appears nearby, the size of the baby. He places the the baby on the alter, and continues to make a very long series of signs. When he finally ended, he gently placed his hand on the baby. "8 Trigrams Seal." The rest of the fox started to be sealed inside the Naru, a swirl spinning on his belly while it absorbed the great chakra and spirit of the beast. After several minutes, the fox is finally gone, the man panting in effort, and the demon behind him taking the blade out of it's mouth. "Good luck, kid." He says, as he keels over and dies, his soul eaten by the demon. ------------------------------------------several hours later------------------------------- Eva and Grimm return from the battlefield, their first mission as husband and wife too! They arrive to find half their yard a mess, the other half flattened by something increadibly heavy. Upon further inspection the see Naru on an alter, with the man nearby. "What the hell!? Minato?" He walks over and kicks him, then checks his vitals. "Yep, he's dead. How's Naru?" "This isn't good. The fox was sealed in her. We can't hide this for long. The hokage may order her exile, if not death." "Close, but not quite." They turned to see Sarutobi, with a squad of Anbu. Grimm got in front of Naru, pulling his blade. "Well, what are you gonna do? You know you're the only one a match for me, and even then, it'll be close." "Don't worry, I have intention of harming her. However, I'm afraid she can;t live with you." "What!? Fuck that shit. My daughter ain't goin anywhere!" "Please, Grimmjow, I wish to avoid futher bloodshed today, but while you and Evangeline are the village's greatest Jonin, you also harbor much anger. The fox feeds on anger, hate, and other such emotions. Even living alone would be preferable to you raising her." Grimm's head dropped, along with a sweatdrop. "Really, Sarutobi, you could have held back a little bit..." He murmurs. "And what makes you think we can't handle the fox? You yourself said we are the strongest Jonin?" Asks Eva, anger building. "Because it CAN'T be killed. The only way is to subdue it, and it will only grow in power the longer it is with you, or any significant source. Only if she can control it, then she can return to this house. Now, if you please, hand over the child." "Grrrr." Grimm growls, furrowing his brows. "And what will happen to her should the fox escape?" asked Eva. "Any jinchuriki that loses it's beast dies. Whether the beast takes them over, or they are focibly removed." "I see." EVa responds. "Fine, take her." "Eva, you can't be serious!!!" Grimm yells, looking back in surprise. "He's right, Grimm." Her fist clenches tightly, even drawing a little blood as her nails broke the skin. "She can't stay with us. If she does, she will die before she has the chance to control it." She looks at him, eyes full of selfloathing. "I don't like it either, not one bit, but this is no time to be selfish!" Tears start streaming down her eyes. Grimm's eyes grow wide, this being the first time he ever saw her become truely emotional. "Please, Grimm, just let her go." She all but whispers. Grimm clenches his eyes, mouth, his entire body in anger, before relenting. "Fine, but only for her, and you." He says, just as audiblely as her, as he moves out of the way. Sarutobi nods to anbu next to him, who walks over, and takes the baby Naru from the shrine. "I'm sorry to put you throught this. I can appreciate how painful this is, but I must keep the village in mind." He expalins as the anbu returns to him. "I will personally ensure she is properly taken care of." He takes the baby. "Remind me, what was her name again?" "Naru. Naru McDowell." Eva responded, recovering some composure. ---------------------------------------------Present--------------------------------------- "So, Naru is... and she..." Sakura stuttered out, amazed. "Yep. My daughter, and she holds amazing and uncontrolled power. That's what you felt earlier. That battle on the bridge must have weakened the seal." "Oh yeah, she told me about that...I think I even remember a little of the training and..." her face goes red. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Now, remember. Tell ANYONE that I even told you this, and you even be safe in hell, you got that!?" Her face blanches almost pure white, before nodding. "Good. Now get your ass to bed." He shuts his door, and heads to bed to have fitful dreams, reliving that day. Sakura walks away toward her room, in a daze. 'I never realized!' She thought, still amazed. 'I could have guessed that she was their child, though the guess would have been farfetched, but such a beast inside her! I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't experienced it myself.' When she finally reached her room, Naru was waiting for her. "Yo, Sakura! Took you long enough!" Sakura snapped out of her daze when she heard her voice. She did her best to act natural. "O-oh hey Naru! I thought you would be asleep by now!" Sakura said with a fake smile. Naru went slightly red at this, and scratched her chin. "Well, I decided to wait up for you." She notices Sakura doesn't have a book. "Say, didn't you say you went back to get a book?" Sakura started to panic. "Well, I looked them over, and didn't find any I liked!" She laughed nervously. Naru raised an eyebrow in suspicion, but shrugged her shoulders and disregarded it. "Sure. Well, good night!" She went to her room, and closed the door, only to break down crying. ---------------------------------------25 minutes earlier----------------------------------- Naru thought Sakura was acting suspicious, so after puting Hinata to bed, she decided to follow her. She found her heading for Grimm and Eva's room, though Eva was still at the office. She heard every word, and was holding her mouth to prevent herself from making much noise as she cried at the story. 'They are..my parents? That chakra is his? And they gave me up....to..save my life!!!?' It was all she could do to run back to their rooms when Sakura started walking back. She made it there with plenty of time to compose herself, and waited for Sakura, trying to act as normal as possible. ------------------------------------present------------------------------------------------ Naru was sitting against the door, sobbing quietly. 'W-W-What is going on? First that power, then I'm their daughter!? And Grimm-sensei was so serious! There was no way he was lying, right?' She thinks, not really sure what to think. 'He said I was a jinchuriki? Of the 9-tailed fox? I've heard that before, but where?' She closed her eyes, falling asleep where she sat. --------------------------------------deep in her mindscape--------------------------------- Naru opens her eyes to find herself laying in shallow water in what appeared to be an underground tunnel. She looks around as she gets up, seeing tree roots haphazadly falling from the ceiling. "Must be underneath a forest." She says to herself. Then, seemingly in response to her, she hears a deep, though faint, growl coming from ahead. Curious, she follows the sound until she finds herself at a giant gate, doors held together by a piece of paper with the word 'seal' on it. "A seal? Don't tell me...!" The fox appears, seemingly out of nowhere. It turns a giant eye toward her, and to her amazement, speaks. "So, you've finally found your way here. Open the door so I can tear you, that damned village and the entire world apart!" Naru backs a step from his intimidating, sinister aura, before stepping forward again. She looks it in the eye. "So, you're the power I felt on the bridge." It laughs. "Oh yes, it felt so good to release some pent up energy at last! Wasn't it fun killing that girl!?" "So, that was your influence, that decision." "Very little, you fool. Very little. I can see into your heart, and I know what you know. You were BORN to kill. I can feel it in your blood. Now release me, and allow me to lay waste to the world." "No." "No? Not even gonna argue?" She looks down."What you say may be true. My parent's can hardly be qualified as good people, however." She looks back up, with a steely determination. "They did what they thought they should, and even went through great pain just so you couldn't take me over." She swings her arm and points at the fox. "So I'm not gonna let them down! I'll kill who I want, if I want, and you will give me your power to do so if I ask, is the understood, you pathetic excuse for a cat!" The fox stares at him for a moment, before laughing. "Hahaha! Such guts, talking to ME like that! Very well, you may borrow my power, but if you show ANY sign of weakness, your body is mine!" "I know." she turns to leave. ---------------------------------next morning----------------------------------------------- Naru wakes up on the floor next to the door, having fallen over at some point while sleeping. She yawns loudly, and gets up and stretches, her back hurting a little from sleeping on the floor. "Last night..." She says to herself, remembering not only Grimm's story and his dream. "That fox... Did I really meet him las night?" She shook her head, chuckling to herself. "I'll find out soon enough. And as for, Grimm and Eva-sensei, they did what they thought was best." she smiles, knowing how much the love her. "I love tou too, mom, dad." She goes to get dressed and take a bath, getting ready for another day of training.
Chapter 6 - ch.6
Naru got into a fighting stance, standing before the Zabuza clone. "Ready?" She asks with a grin. 'this time, I don't need to hold back. We're fighting for our lives!' she thinks, as she gets ready to attack. She jumps and swings down, aiming for his head. He blocks, and pushes her up, resulting in her somersaulting behind him. Just after she lands, she swings behind her, cutting down the clone. She looks at Zabuza. "You're next." Zabuza stares wide-eyed. 'This kid! She's monsterous! no one has ever matched my blade!' thought Zabuza 'Alright, take this!' "Water clone jutsu!" He exclaimes, making a dozen water clones. 'Let's see her beat this!' She looks at the clones. "Heh, I got a trick too!" 'What!?' She makes a sign, holding her blade with only two fingers. "Shadow Clone jutsu!" 11 Naru clones appear, perfectly countering each water clone, with Naru taking the last. "Here we go!!" Yelled all 12 Naru's at once, coming into a brawl with the water clones. "I got no choice." said Zabuza as he motioned through hand signs single-handed. "Water style: Hidden Mist jutsu!" Suddenly, the mist became thick, Naru and her clones couldn't even see in front of her. "Shoot! I can't see anything!" Said Naru, futily looking for the next attack. A sound came from her right, and she swung her swod to block his sword. Then a pircing pain came from her back as a Zabuza clone sliced her back open. "Shit!" She said through gritted teeth. "Everyone, gather!" she called her clones. Only 2 came. "Damn, only 2?" She growls, returning her focus to her surroundings. Three more water clones attacked, each clone blocking. then a fourth appeared in the middle of the three, and swung his sword, catching the first shadow clone by the legs, it disappeared in a puff of smoke. The second disappeared when it's waist was cut. the real Naru was cut along her arm, resulting a a long gash the spread from elbow to just below the shoulder. "Gah!!" yelled Naru, nearly dropping her sword, holding it in her left hand. Blood flowed from the wound freely. "Damn you!" exclaimed Naru, dropping her sword and holding her arm to slow the bleeding. Zabuza chuckles. "You're strength surprised me, but a genin is till a genin." "Oh yeah!?" said Hinata, right behind the real Zabuza. His eyes widen in surpise again. 'When!?' "You got distracted!" exclaimed Hianta as she attempted to hit his arm. He quickly kicked at her before she could hit, but his kick went right through. "A clone!?" he exclaimes. "That's right!" Said Hinata, above him. She landed on his arm, hands first, and started to move along it, shutting chakra points. Soon, he lost feeling in his arm, and it dropped from the sphere. Hinata jumped back before it fell, landing on her feet a few yards away. "You're up sensei!" Grimm pounced him, and held him down. Suddenly, a red light appeared at his palm, aiming for his head. "Cero." A beam shot out, creating a crater beneath and kicking up dust. Grimm walked out of the dustcloud a second later. "Good work, girls." said Grimm as he walked to Naru, who was laying down, still holding her arm. Grimm took some gauze and a medicinal paste out of his bag, and started to wrap her arm. By now, the dust had finally cleared, showing Zabuza's head, and a portion of his upper body, gone. When Grimm finished patching up Naru, he got up and looked at Sakura and Hinata. "Let's go. Only more will come if we wait." said Grimm, already walking off. Sakura offered a shoulder for Naru to lean on, which she accepted greatfully, leaning heavily on her until they got to the boat leading to town. What no one saw on they way, though, was Grimm's wide smile, full of pride of his students. -----------------a short time after they leave the area----------------------- A woman appears at Zabuza'a body. She is wearing a kimono which only reaches her knees; a sash holds it together at the waist, the extra cloth of it flowing behind her. Her long hair was tied into a bun, except fo two locks which framed her masked face, metal cuffs binding them on the ends. Her mask had diagonal slits, a red wavy mark where her mouth would be, and the symbol of rain. "Zabuza-sensei." She said, her voice choked up. "I will avenge you. Those Leaf basterds will pay!" She bends over to pick up his body. "After your burial..." she walks a few steps to pick up his sword, dragging it because of the weight. "...I'll train, and KILL those leaf!" She dragged the body, eyes full of determination and murderous intent. "Especially, tha yellow-haired monster who matched his blade!" -------------------------On the boat to the Land of waves---------------------- "So..." started Grimm. "Why would a top-rate assassin like Zabuza want to kill a random construction foreman?" Grimm asked, as they were ferried across the misty fjord. "I suppose you deserve to know, seeing as you intend stay. I'm in charge of building a bridge between Waves and Fire. The land of waves is small, and weak. Barely any shinobi, and little commerce. Our only chance is to build a bridge, to make trading easy. But a crime boss known as Gato would lose power, with new people coming and going. So, he's doing all he can to stop the construction." "That's why you commissioned for a C-rank, when this is an A rank mission. Truth be told, if it weren't for these three.." Grimm getured to the genin, "I would have taken you back after the first encounter. But, since we're so far already, we may as well make sure you finish..." Tazuna started to smile hopefully. "Of course, though, I WILL be telling the Hokage, and you will be debted the full amount!" finished Grimm with a sadistic smile. Tazuna dropped his head, tears streaming down his face. "Understood..." he muttered. "Quiet down, please. we are nearly there, and I don't want to be caught." hissed the boatman. They disembarked on a beach near the town. "Right, everyone. Keep your head down and blend in. We don't need anymore trouble than necessary." Ordered Grimm as they walked into town. They went to Tazuna's house, near the edge of town. They arrived near dusk. "So, the rooms are upstairs?" "Hey, you can't just invite yourself like that!!" exclaimed Tazuna. Grimm headed for the stairs. "You can if you are protecting someone already in debt to you. Girls, come upstairs and rest. Especially you, Naru. You need to rest the arm until it's healed. No rigorous training, got it?" "Yes, sensei..." Said Naru, dejected. she was eager to start training again, but knew Grimm was right. Grimm stayed at the bottom of the stairs, watching the girls go up. After they went up, he turned to Tazuna. "Show me the bridge." commanded Grimm. Tazuna nodded, and headed out, with Grimm following closely. -------------------------------bridge---------------------------------------- The bridge was sturdy, made of stone and steel. It was only about halfdone, though. "Impressiive bridge. It would make a good battlefield." commented Grimm. "Don't even joke about that!" responded Tazuna. "All joking aside, this bridge should be don in about 4 weeks." "A month? Looks like we'll be here a while. Say, since we're out, you wanna..?" Grimm makes a drinking motion. "Hahaha!" Tazuna laughs. "I was hoping you would ask! Come, I know the best bar in town!" --------------------------meanwhile, Tazuna's house---------------------------- There were few rooms, so Hianta and Sakura had to share one. Their room was right across from Naru's, with two other rooms down the hall. Naru was trying to sleep, but she often moved in her sleep, and her arm kept waking her. She looked at a nearby clock. "Nearly midnight, huh? Damn, I can't sleep at all like this..." There was a knock at her door. She sat up, using her good left hand. "Come in!" she called. Hinata walked in, looking like her nervous self. "I'm sorry to wake you..." she said hesitantly, poking her fingers together. "It's ok. I can't really sleep properly with my arm like this, anyway." said Naru. "So, what did you need, Hinata?" "Well, I couldn't sleep either, and I remembered a trick to learn jutsu faster." "Really!? What is it!?" exclaimed Naru, excited by the shortcut. "Well, I read once in one of my family scrolls that when you use the shadow clone jutsu, the experiences of all the clones is accumulated with the caster when you cancel the jutsu." "Eh? Ak-ume-you-late?" asked Naru, thouroughly confused. "I'll show you. Make a clone, please." instructed Hinata. Naru nodded and made one. Hinata grabbed the clones hand, and took her into the hallway, shutting the door. She looked at Naru, blushing deeply. Then, mustering up her courage, she kissed her, right on the lips. Naru blushed as well, returning the kiss. After a minute, they broke apart. "now, break the jutsu.." said Hinata, still redder than a beet. The shadow clone made a hand sign, and vanished. Hinata reentered the room, looking at Naru. Naru stared back, amazed, not only at what she learned, but at what Hinata did. "Hinata..." said Naru, gesturing for her to come closer. Hinata came closer, expecting to be scolded or yelled at. Naru, turned, letting her feet down off the bed. She stands up, and walks a few paces to Hinata, until she is less than an inch away. Hinata had her eyes closed, expecting the worst. Naru leaned in, and kissed her again, catching Hinata by surprise, her eyes wide open is surprise. Then she feels more, a tongue pressing against her teeth. She resists at first, then opens her mouth, allowing the intruder in. She then counters with her own tongue. They slowly made their way back tward the bed, as Naru started to take her PJ bottoms off. She sat on the bed, in nothing but panties and a shirt, and started on Hinata's pants. When they were off, she found a pair of panties with a distinct bulge, getting bigger by the second. She pulled them down to find her dick, still hardening. Naru starts licking it and sucking the tip, quickly bringing it to the full 9 inches. She pulls back a bit, staring in amazement. "So big!" she says, before taking the tip again. Hinata started to moan, the feeling was overwhelming. Then Naru started to take in more, 3 inches, 4, up to 6 inches until she couldn't fit anymore in, she couldn't even breath. she began to pump, breathing every time she reached the tip. "Naru, your, your mouth, it feels, it feels, I'm, I'm gonna" she stammered, until, she came, right in Naru's mouth. Naru's eyes went wide in surprise as the sticky, salty stuff came out. she instinctivly swallowed it. "You suprised me, Hinata." Said Naru, pulling back again. "Sorry, but it felt so good. That being said, though." She looks down at her still throbbing member. "I'm still..." Naru took off her shirt, and did the same for Hinata, revealing their breasts. Then Naru set her on the bed, and walked into the middle of the room, and started to, slowly, inch her panties down. Hinata stared at the sight, even more blood rushing to her dick, making it harder than ever before. By the time Naru was done, it was throbbing almost violently, never keeping still. Naru walks over, gently pushing Hinata down on the bed so that she lays. Naru stradles her, teasing her cock with her pussy. "How's that?" she asks seductivly. "Naru, please..." "Please what?" "Please, put it in..." With that, Naru lifted up, and started to impale herself in it. She groans in pain as a little blood trickles down. "You, you haven't..?" "Nope, you're my first!" she responds frankly. She continues down slowly, stopping every inch or so, getting used to the massive invader. She bottomed out a 7 inches. "Let me just rest a second." She says, panting. "Are you alright?" asks Hinata, barely able to think straight. Naru doesn't answer for a few seconds. "Yeah, just had to catch my breath. Ready?" Hinata nods. Naru starts moving slowly, and they both soon begin to moan. Naru started picking up speed, thrusting more forcibly; Hinata place her hands on Naru's hips and started to help her push, her body bucking in time With Naru. 'I, I think it's going in further, in my...!' Naru thought, as she continued to pound on Hinata's meat. Slowly, but surely, her cervix was being stretched and opened until... "Uuuaahh!" She moans loud as her cervix is pushed open, and the rest of Hinata's shaft enter's her womb. "Ah, that feels so good! Too good!! I'm, I'm about to cum!!" she yells, fucking her as hard as she can. "I'm at my limit too!" Groaned Hinata, feeling the pressure welling up at her base. "Naru, I'm about to!!" But Naru is too far gone in ecstasy to care. She continues to ride Hinata until she comes ot orgasm. He convulsing pussy is too much for Hinata, and she cums as well, even harder than before. They lay together in the afterglow, cuddling, and falling into a deep sleep. -------------------------------Next morning------------------------------------ Naru woke the next morning, to find Grimm standing over her and Hinata. "Sensei, that's just creepy." "You're late for training. Get dressed and get your ass outside." Grimm turned and left. Naru looked down at Hinata, and remembered what had happened. she gently nudged Hinata. "Hinata, wake up. It's time to go." She mumbled, still half asleep herself. She sits up and rubs her eyes. She turned and gor out of bed, starting to dress when Hinata finally woke. "Naru...!...Naru, I'm so sorry, I had no idea that last night would happen, I'm so sorry!" She's kneeling on the bed, bow so far her face hits it. "Hinata." She stops and looks at Naru. "Don't worry about it, it was fun! Besides, I'm the one who started the serious stuff." She says with a huge grin on her face. "Besides, you helped me finally get to sleep!" Naru chuckled at this, shortly followed by Hinata. "You should get dressed, Grimm-sensei was in here when I woke, and was a bit ticked that we were late." "Grimm-sensei saw us?!?" Exclaimed Hinata, more embarrassed than ever. "Yeah, but there's no way to tell what he's thinking, so weather he knows about last night, I don't know." By this point Naru was fully dressed. "Well, hurry and get dressed! Remember the last time I was late!" Naru paled at the thought. she walked to the door and opened it, turning to Hinata before she left, A brave smile on her face. "I'll try to distract him from you, k?" She left to face her intructor. Hinata got up, and started to her room to dress. Sakura had already gone down, so she had the room to herself. 'Naru..' she though, thinking back to last night. She shook her head as she started to get hard again. 'Not now, I have to go!' She went to her bag, and pulled out fresh clothes. -------------------------------outside---------------------------------------- Sakura was sitting next to a tree, her sword drawn, the flat of the blade resting on her shoulder, hilt on the ground. She seemed to be in intense concentration. Naru came outside and noticed this, with Grimm waiting right beside the door. "Well, what's you excuse this time?" "Well, I..." Grimm turned to stare at her flatly. "I was up training with Hinata!" ""Training" huh? I thought as much. I'll let it slide, for now, But you better believe you are in for hell week when we get back!" Naru gulped, and nodded. "Now, we can't practice swordplay around here, it would draw too much attention. So, I'm gonna teach you how to enter your mindscape and talk with your sword properly." "You can do that!?" asked Naru. "Of course! I might be an ass, but even I will admit you need a certain amount of trust to work together. How can you build trust if you don't communicate?" Hinata appeared in the still open doorway. "Ah, Hinata. You and Naru have fun "training" last night?" Grimm asked sadistically with a chuckle. 'He knows!' Thought Hinata, turning deep red. "All right. As I just told Naru, A majority of your sword training while we're here will be communicating with it. C'mon." Grimm starts walking tward the treeline, as Hinata and Naru followed. "Schedule is the same. Morning training with the sword, afternoon with your jutsu. Naru, I'll bring some water balloons later." He commented, looking back without turning his head. "Sakura, if you can't find a rock, try hitting a tree to make an impact on it, without knocking it down. Hinata, you will also use a tree." They made it to the treeline just as he finished talking. "Alright. Draw your swords. Then settle down in a comfortable position." The did as instructed, Naru sitting crossleged, her sword in her lap. Hinata kneeled and leaned against a tree, her sword held to her shoulder, gripping the hilt. "Now close your eyes and clear you mind. That should be easy for you, Naru." Grimm teased. "Hey!" Naru exclaimed, staring angrily before calming down and closing her eyes. "Now, you need to focus on your sword. You will feel your mind literally wander. That means you're doing it right. Let it wander, and you find yourself with your sword, like the first day. I'll be back at noon to snap you out of it. See ya." Naru and Hinata focused on their swords, and as Grimm had said, felt their conciousness slipping elsewhere. They fought the feeling initially, as a natural reflex, but soon relaxed, allowing their minds to enter their swords once again.
Chapter 8 - ch.8
Naru and Hinata suddered in fear and anticipation. They were still sitting in the backyard, under the night sky, with a naked Sakura standing over them, with an evil glint in her eye. She had no chest, so if it weren't for her girly face and snatch hidden behind her dick, she could be mistaken for a guy. Her dick was already standing erect, little over 6 inches, but easily more than twice Hinata's girth. "Both of you are about to recieve you're punishment." She declared, grabbing her belt, and pulling it tight enough to hear it groan. Naru and Hinata gulp. "First, lose the clothes." They did as commanded, as quickly as possible, as though it may help their situation. "Come here, Naru, you're first." Sakura said with a grin, beconing her with a single finger. Naru hesitantly moves forward, walking slowly. When Naru is only inches from her, she pushes her down to her knees. "suck it." Naru inches her face closer, and gives her dick a hesitant lick. She finds the taste to her liking, and starts licking in earnest, going all the way up and down the shaft. After an especially slow lick from underneath, she starts sucking on the tip, making Sakura squeal in delight, followed bt a moan. Naru starts taking in more, centimeter by centimeter, tormenting her soon-to-be tormentor. She stops halfway, her mouth unable to stretch any further around. At this point Naru starts pumping, and Sakura wordlessly points her finger at Hinata, and curls it, beckoning her. Hinata walks forward even slower than Naru, worried at her fate. When she comes close enough, Sakura grabs her already hard dick roughly, making Hinata gasp in surprise and pleasure. Then, she takes her belt, and makes a makeshift cockring at Hinata's base with it, pulling it tight. Hinata gasps again, this time from the pain of such restriction, though her dick continued throbbing, gaining a little more girth and length and a lot more sensitivity. Sakura grined at the results. "Your punishment is not being able to cum until I say so. Take off the belt, and you'll get more punishment, k?" She said in a sickly sweet voice. For good measure, she stroked Hinata's dick a few times, causing her to throw her head backa and moan at the treatment. Unable to resist herself, she starts mastubating, pumping her sizeable tool with vigor, moaning all the while. She can't usse her pre as lube, like she usually does, so she constantly drools on it to lubricate it. She even manages to contort herself so she can suck the tip, her hands still furiously pumping the length. This causes her to come to orgasm quickly. The pressure building, however has nowhere to go, causing some discomfort, and magnifying her sensitivity even more. Meanwhile, Naru was still giving Sakura her best blowjob yet. She was only able to handle about have her length, but more than made up for it with a powerful suction. She tried to hold on as long as possible, but still came shortly after Hinata. Her spunk filled Naru's mouth, coating her own cock. She pulled Naru off before she sucked it all off again, and positioned her on the ground, with her ass in the air. "Now for your punishment." Said Sakura, stoking her dick back to full size; Naru wondering what exactly she had in mind. 'What's her plan!? Sticking in me could be it, it;s pretty big, but that's too easy. What is she-" Naru thoughts were interrupted when Sakura's thick trunk poked her "other" hole. 'She's not!!" is all she had time to think before Sakura tarted pushing. She gave a few gentle thrusts, slowly stretching her asshole. Soon, she managed to push the tip in, just beyond the ring, making Naru squeal in pain. "Don't worry. It won't hurt for long!" Said Sakura, half soothing, half teasing. she started pumping slowly, allowing her member to go in slowly, as to not hurt her, too much. While she focused on this, she turned to Hinata, still masturbating furiously, much to her own regret. 'There's so much pressure, but it feels TOO GOOD!' This was her last concious though before Sakura called her. "Hinata!" said Sakura, a musical lilt in her voice. "Don't you want this?" She asked, pushing herself on her toes to show off her butt as much as possible. All reasoning in Hinata's mind was lost at that; she nearly charges Sakura over, aiming for her pussy, but missing. But, she still entered a hole. Sakura let out a long groan as Hinata's full 10 inches enter her, nearly causing her to force Naru open too quickly. She managed to push it in halfway before Hinata's minstrations and Naru's tight ass make her lose control. She pushes her full length in at once, and Naru groans/screams in painful pleasure. Hinata, still desparate to cum, rammed Sakura's ass at high speed, combined with the sensitivity, causing her to experience a near constant orgasm. Sakura was forced to match her pace, though having come once already, was able to stave off coming, for now. Naru, whos stomach was being slightly distended by Sakura's sheer size, was nearing a climax, in spite of herself. She leaned her entire body on the soft grass as she started to finger herself and flick her clit. With the exception of Hinata, who was almost contantly cuming, Sakura was the first to cum, filling Naru's belly with warmth. This caused Naru to groan from the unusual pressure, and climax as well, her pussy juices soaking her hand and the grass beneath. sakura, in spite of having just came, Hinata's dick constantly rubbing her prostate made her instantly hard again, not breaking the pace. 'Man, I, I just came, but I can't stop! I need to release her, or we may not stop!' thinks Sakura, trying to reach back to undo the belt, but failing to reach behind her ass. 'Damn, can't reach! OH,  THESE SENSATIONS!' "I'M COMING AGAIN!" Sakura yells as she unloads another spurt of cum into her ass. Naru groans again, her stomach starting to swell. 'Enough of this!' Thinks Sakura, just as she finishes cuming. She pushes Hinata backward, taking Naru with her, being practically stuck on her, and lands on her. Then turns to the side, pulling out of Hinata, then pulling herslef out of Naru's abused ass. As Sakura turned to Hinata, she sees she's masturbating again, even harder than before. Naru is just laying there, recouperating. Then, Sakura get's another wicked idea. She grabs Naru, and lifts her up, taking her to Hinata. "This is what happens when you hurt my feelings!" She exclaimed, before ploping Naru's pussy on Hinata's dick, the weight of her forcing the dick straight through her cervix and into her womb. Sakura sceamed in extream extasy as she came. Hinata was bucking her hips, trying to force more into Naru, only to extend Naru's climax, her eyes wide open, unseeing. Her mouth open in a silent scream. Suddenly, Sakura removed the belt, allowing all Hinata's pent up seed to flood into her womb. Her belly started to expand, her opening being plugged up with the monsterous member. This went on for nearly a minute, Naru's belly looking several months pregnant. Soon after Hinata's lenthy climax ended, she passed out from shear exaustion. Naru was barly concious herself, drowning in her afterglow. Sakura looked down on them, admiring her work. "Maybe that will teach them to include my from now on!" She says over their prone forms. But then she relises something, drooping her head. "I can't just leave them, huh? Well, best start workin'!" Sakura moves to pick up Naru, putting her on her back, Naru's full pussy leaking Hinata's seed, dripping down her back. 'Damn, getting hard again! Gotta get these two in before I lose control again!' She manages to take Naru up the stairs, and into the bathroom. She sets her on the floor, next to the bathtub, and starts the water, getting it ready to clean them. While the bath ran, she hurried out and grabbed thier clothes, and took them to Her room, not wanting to bother taking them to different rooms. She ran out and grabbed Hinata, and hefted her on her back, and headed the bathroom with her as well. When she finally made it back, Naru was already in the bath,  washing herself. "So, you're actually up?" asked Sakura, surprised. "I thought you were down for the count!" "So did I, but a few minutes of rest, and I could stand again. Thanks for preparing the bath, by the way!" Naru thanked with a smile. Sakura's eyes slit, and grins evilly. "Well then, if you're ready for round 2..." "Wait a minute!" Is all she has time to say before Sakura leaps into the bath with her, sending water splashing onto the floor. "You know, all that cum pouring out of you, while I carried you, got me all hot again." She said, inching closer and closer to Naru. "I was just gonna ignore it, but since you're awake..." she licks her lips, her face inches away from Naru's. Her hand reached down, and she spread Naru's pussy lips, letting some of the warm bathwater in her, mixing with the semen still inside. "You pussy didn't get much love yet, huh?" Sakura asked, fondling Naru's snatch, making her unable to respond. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle." She stops fondling her just long enough to start teasing her with the tip of her dick. "I'll stretch you properly this time, so relax." Sakura soothed as Naru started to tense up at the feel, remembering what happened with her ass. Sakura slowly inserted the tip, which was wider than the thickest of Hinata's dick. The tip fully inserted, making Naru shiver. Sakura slowly started pumping, pushing a little more in each time. Naru feels the water still inside being pushed and stired, the pressure building with every thrust. Sakura was too big for it to leave, so it went into the only hole left: into her womb. Her stomach started bulging again, with the pressure of the water. By the time Sakura finally reached her hilt, Naru looked like she had eaten a melon whole. Sakura waited a few seconds for Naru to adjust to her size. "Are you ready?" She asks, eager to start fucking for real. "Just a second." Naru gasps. Her vaginal muscles started massaging Sakura's dick, trying to adjust to her great width, making her moan, and start bucking. "Not yet!" exclaimed Naru, still adjusting. "You're pussy feels too good. I can't! Oh god, oh god!" Sakura started moaning. Her last two climaxes made her sensitive, but slow to come. She started to pick up her pace, making the water wave in tempo with her, splashing out every time it splashes against the wall. Naru soon climaxes, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. She loses all muscle contol, her fingers and toes spasming in pleasure. Her pussy clamps down as tight as she possible could on Sakura's dick, milking it for all she's worth. Sakura can't hold back anymore, and releases a huge load in her, stretching her pussy to it's limit. Her belly bulged even further, making her moan. Sakura fell back, Giving Naru some room to breath and relax, sitting on the opposite side of the tub. "Sakura, that felt AMAZING!" Naru exclaimed after several minutes. "You're so thick! Even my womb didn't feel that good before. I can't wait for tomorrow night!" "Tomorrow night!?" Sakura exclaimed, amazed by her labido. She grins, looking at her knowingly. "You're a nympho, huh?" "Nymph...? Don't know! I just like sex!" Sakura just sighs and shakes her head. 'Man, she's dumb, though.' "C'mon, Naru. We need to clean up, then tend to Hinata." She looks sideways at Hinata, still sittin there against the wall where she left her. After cleaning and drying themselves and Hinata, doing their best not to get turned on again, they the carried her to their room, and tucked her in. "Say, Sakura." Sakura stopped, halfway into her own mat. "Why did Hinata go crazy like that? She's usally a lot more composed, even when confident." Sakura smiles, reminicing while answering. "As I said, these are a genetic trait of the Hyuga clan. However, it's not the only one. Along with learning the gentle fist technique, they are trained to control their hormones with mental excersizes as well." Sakura got into a more comfortable position, and lay on her side. "However, if they get to worked up, like not being able to cum, or denying themselves any release of sexual tension, their hormones get out of control, and they lose control of themselves. Come to think of it, she's masturebated every night I've spent with her. She must really like you, most only have to once a week!" "But, why doesn't she just do it with you? You're both obviously open enough!" "But that's the thing, she's not. " Sakura looks down at Hinata, who is sleeping soundly. "Remember those few moments before I strapped her?" Naru nodded, thinking back to what little she remembered of her during that time, as she was currently face-fucking Sakura. "Yeah, she was shy, and even more hesitant than me..." "Exactly. She is too shy to even ask subtly about sex, much less even masturbate in from of me. I've heard her calling your name in the baths back home, while I was waiting for her just outside the door." Sakura starts to giggle. "She doesn't even know I know! But, back to the subject, when I placed my belt around her, she got super sensitive, and it was magnfied every time she came. I would imagine her mind nearly broke from the pleasure! It may have been a little too much for me to do." she giggles again, this time in embarassement, scratching the back of her head. "Sakura, you're exagerating...right?" Sakura nervously laughs again. "Yea, exagerate. Of course I am!" 'You sure as hell better wake uo in the morning, Hinata. Who knows what Grimm-Sensei would do if I actually broke you.' she thinks, desperately hoping that she does, indeed, wake up. Naru stifles a yawn, and looks at the clock. "It's pretty late. We should get some sleep." The clock read 12:27. "But you know!" Naru started, getting comfotable in her mat. "Tomorrow! I bet I'll pop that...damn.....balloo...." She falls asleep mid-sentence. "I'm sure you will." said Sakura, amused, before turning over an falling asleep herself.
Chapter 21 - ch.21
The doctor came out, with a grim face, her forearms still covered in blood. "I-is she...?" asked Naru, fearing the worst. The doctor put on a sad smile. "She'll live." Naru smiled at this new. "So, she's alright!!?" She said, suddenly excited. The doctor's head dropped, clearly even she was in pain from this news. "We did all we could, but the wound was well placed. Her survival rate was less than 5%. If your friend here hadn't put in such effort, there is no way she would have lived. However, the wound was placed at the worst possible spot. It competely severed her chakra line from her pool. There's no way to fix it." "W-w-what do you mean?" "I'm afraid...she can no longer build up any but the smallest amount of chakra. Even her eyes are as useless as ours now. She most probably can no long be a shinobi." The news hit Naru like a ton of bricks; she was visibly shaking, sweating, and her eyes darted erratically, unfocused. "No, no it can't be. She'll be disowned. she'll be miserable. She'll..." She was crying even harder, knowing that death may have been a preferable alternative. "I'm sorry. There was nothing we could do, the damage was too severe. I suggest you go home. There is nothing more you can do here. Get some rest, and I will call you when she is fit for visitors." "No." Naru said flatly. "Please. You should rest." The doctor pleaded. She looks at the doctor with a look that told her she may kill her if touched, her eyes slitted and red with the fox's influence. "Me and Sakura are staying." She managed to say calmly, even through her tears. The doctor retreated a step before turning and moving on to other duties. Grimm gets up, and shows a rare moment of compassion, putting a hand on her shoulder, with a gentle(er) expression on his face. "Stay as long as you need. I need to tell Eva about this." Naru nods in understanding, and is thankful for his kindness. Soul, Maka, and Crona, basically being dragged, passed her next. "This is so uncool. Tell her I wish her the best, and I'll visit her asap, k?" she nods again. "If you even need to talk, me and Soul are always there for you. That goes for Sakura too." Naru nods a third time, her eyes unfocused. They walk away, Crona actually glad to get away, muttering something about not knowing how to deal with Naru when she's like that. Naru got up, and walked to Sakura, and sat next to her, causing enough movement of the cushions to finally wake her. "Where...? *gasp* Hinata! Where's Hinata!?" Naru, in a flat tone, explained that she save Hinata's life, and the cost of living. Sakura covered her mouth with both hands as tears began to flow. "No! But then her family...!" Naru nods, knowing exactly what she meant. The Hyugas were well known to be incredibly inflexible. Hinata losing her jutsus would probably have her disowned, no more a Hyuga than Sakura was. And Sakura knew the pain her grandmother went through for her love. Sakura buried her head in Naru's shoulder, sobbing loudly. Naru just sat there with a depressed face, stroking her hair. After nearly an hour, she finally lifted her head, staring at Naru with tearful eyes. "Please! Please tell me that the one who did this at least paid for what she's done!" Naru nodded, seeing the beam sent into the sky by Grimm, that she hadn't, so focused on Hinata. Sakura gave her a sad smile. "At least we have that much." She said with a slight sense of relief as she leans on Naru again and falls asleep again. Naru stays awake, too shocked to sleep until she sees Hinata. --------------------------------------Deathroom-------------------------------------------- Maka was figiting nervously, and Soul was sweating slightly. They had brought Crona to Death, explaining their reasoning. Still, they couldn't tell what he was thinking as he closely observed the clearly frightened boy. "Well!" Everyone jumped at his voice. "Maka, you sure have put me in a pickle! I sent you to kill the butcher and collect his soul, instead you bring him here, almost untainted. What on earth happened out there?" "W-well.." Maka scratches her head nervously before describing the events after they arrived in the town, including what happened in Crona's mindscape. Death listens intently through the end. "So, that's what happened, huh?" Maka nods. "well, Maka, for disregarding instructions, endangering your teammates, and especially your weapon, you shall be..." he paused for dramatic effect. 'Man, here it comes! Goodbye, DWMA!' 'I cna't be kicked out! Cool guys arn't kicked out of school!' "Rewarded." they both responded with a dumbfounded "Huh?" "We arn't training soldiers who only follow instruction! We raising meisters who know the right course of action, even if it counterdicts orders. You trusted your teammates, and they trusted you back, even though you have only known each other a short while, and what's more.." he turned to Crona, who was still cowering. "..You saved an otherwise innocent soul from a terrible fate. So, you are to be rewarded!" "Yes! you hear that Soul!? We're no being kicked out!" She hugs him as he stands there with a huge grin, and hangs an arm around her. "Well, that's not entirely true. You still broke school rules for bringing and potentially dangerous threat into the city, so you are suspended until further notice!" Their jaws drop. "Suspended!? What about all that not training soldiers crap!?" Yelled Soul. "Calm down, calm down. Technically, that IS what it will say on your transcript, but in truth you are getting a very secret mission. I've heard Medusa has ties to Orochimaru, and fiend even more dangerous and twisted than Medusa ever was. I've also heard he came from the leaf, so I'm sending you in to investigate. Let me be clear, I don't suspect the village in the least, but it is our only lead!" Just as he finished, Grimm walks in, rather annoyed. "What do ya want? I've got places to be!" "I am entrusting Maka and Soul into your custody for training!" "Like hell you are! I'm not gonna just replace Hinata like that!" So what will you do? One is permanently incapacitated, and the other soon will be to heavy to safely train, much less take on missions. While they do work best together, they can work independantly if needed, giving you a three-man team to work under you. It seems the best choice!" "Can't I at least get something better than these beanpoles?" "I'm afraid Blackstar would be too much for any single person to handle, even you or me! and Kid never parts with his weapons. They are a package deal." "What about all the others roaming the halls?" "They are extras with no significant importance. Quite frankly, I don't even know most of their names!" "Damn, I guess I got no choice. Man, am I in for it when I get home. Fine! We'll leave as soon as Hinata's able." "Oh, one more thing! Hinata will be staying here. Think of it as a student exchange!" "WHAT!! Why the hell would I let you do that!!!?" "Because, while she is unable to perform jutsu, she still has potential to be a meister. There is nothing wrong with her chakra network, it simply has no power to draw on! A weapon could replace this source! She could yet be a powerful shinobi, but she must stay here." "Arg, dammit! You always have the plan, huh. Fine. I don't like it, but I don't have any choice. I really hate you, you know that?" "Yes, yes. I figured that out the first time! Maka, Soul, go with Grimmjow. He's you sensei now." "Right!" they respond in unison. "Wait!!" the voice came from Crona, who had listened to every word. "My best friend can't leave! I wouldn't know how to deal with that!" "And you are adamant on this?" Asks Death. Crona cowers from him again, but nods. Death sighs. "Very well. Grimmjow, Crona will be placed under your custody as well!" "You know what, I don't even care anymore. C'mon, scaredy-cat. I got word just before that Hinata's awake." He walks away, his three new students following him. "Quite the pickle, indeed." Death says after they are gone. -------------------------------------hospital---------------------------------------------- Hinata moans weakly, and opens her eyes slightly, only to snap the shut from the bright light. She tries again, adjusting to the light. She tries to move, but only manages to tilt her head. She forces her self to push herself up to sit, but is met with searing, blinding, mind-numbing pain after lifting only an inch. she drops again, her eyes full of tears from the pain, still feeling her entire abdomine throb in pain. She groans, a little stronger than before from the pain. A nearby nurse heard her, and came in. "My, you didn't try to sit up, did you!?" Hinata nodded. "Oh my, I have to check your stitches!" She pulls down the sheet, showing Hinata was all but naked, wearing only her panties, which felt cold and sticky. After checking the front ones, she carefully lifted her, making her groan in pain. "Sorry, honey, but I gotta check! I'll make it quick!" She sees that all the stiches are still in place, and quickly but gently layed her back down. "Just one moment." She leaves, and several minutes, Naru walks in, clearly depressed. "Hey, Hinata. Not in too much pain, I hope..." "Naru.." Her voice sounded slightly hoarse. "What's wrong. I'm alive! Soon enough, I'll get out of here, and we'll kick her ass! We'll-" Naru lifted her hand to stop her. "I got some bad news, Hinata. I told the nurses not to tell you, that is would be best from me..." Hinata's face scrunched up in worry. "Sakura's safe, right!?" "Sakura's fine. Sensei Killed her before anyone else was hurt. but..." Hinata could see it hurt her just to think of it. "Naru, what happened. you can tell me!" Again, her tears began to run. "You-your chakra, you can't use it anymore! The injury cut you off from your chakra pool!" Hinata's eyes went wide in shock, as her pupils shrank in fear, and she started to tear as well. "Naru...you mean..." A look of utter dispair shrouded her face. Naru nodded. "You-you-you can't be a ninja anymore!" Naru started sobbing and crying, as though it were her burden and fault. "N-Naru, calm down. It's OK." her face was somewhat serene, though the tears continued to flow. "B-but your family, and you jutsu!" She blubbered between sobs, grabbing the sheets next to her, and sobbing into her side. She looked down at her, as best she could. "Yes, I am likely to be disowned, and may not be a shinobi anymore, but as long as I have you, I can handle it." She put her hand on Naru's head. Naru liftes her head. "I love you, Naru. As long as I have you and Sakura, nothing else matters." Naru's heart was overfilled with emotion, and her tears redoubled. "but..." She hugged Hinata by her neck, crying in her shoulder. "Hinata! I love you too! I don't know what I would do without you!" Hinata hugged har back lightly, not wanting to use too much strength. After a few moments, They came apart. "Is Sakura here? I want to see her too." Naru nodded. "Yeah, she's just outside; the nurse said one at a time for now. I'll go get her." She wipes her tears away, glad the Hinata was so strong. Several minutes passed before Sakura came in, rushing to Hinata, hugging her as Naru just had. "Naru told me everything! I'm so glad!" She was crying even more than Naru. Hinata hugged her too. "I don't know what I would do with myself if I lost you two. I wouldn't know how to handle it!" Sakura gave a choked chuckle at her reference, hugging her tighter. "You don't have to worry! We arn't going anywhere!" Several minutes passed before Hinata let her arms fall. "Sakura, I'm feeling a bit tired." Sakura jumped back, her tears dried up. "O-of course. I'll be back to visit tomorrow!" Hinata nodded before closing her eyes, falling fast asleep. Sakura closed the door quietly as she left, seeing Grimm talking with Naru, who looked in slightly better spirits. Sakura approached them. "What's up?" "Hinata still has a chance at being a shinobi." Said Grimm. Sakura looked at him increadulously. "She has no chakra, and therefore, no jutsu. But, remember how weapons work?" Sakura's eyes went wide in realization. "They share their chakra with their meister! So if we find a weapon fo Hinata...! "She can still fight." He said with a slight grin. "She's one lucky bastard. If it were any other village, she would be screwed. Of course, she still has extreme limitations." Sakura looked at him curiously. "Limitations." "First, she will only be as strong as her partner and zanpakuto. She can never reach her full potential. Second, she will have to always have one or both on hand to even protect herself, otherwise, she may have trouble standing, much less fighting. And last..." He looked apprehensive. Naru's drooped her head drooped in dispair. "We have to leave her here to train..." He looks away, clearly not approving the idea, but seeing no other choice. "But- but for how long!?" Ask Sakura before looking over her shoulder at Hinata's room. "Who knows. A year, a decade? We may never see her again." "No." Naru speaks defiantly. "Even if she were on the other side of the world, I would find her. No matter where she was, or when it is, if she called, I would come, without fail. Count on it. Until then..." she looks up at Grimm. "I gotta get stronger! I refuse to let anymore of my loved ones get hurt ever again!!" He sees her eyes slit and grow red again. Grimm grins. "Soon, kid. As soon as those lumps of flesh fall out of ya, I'll put you in a training regimine that'll make you regret those words." "I wouldn't expect any less from you." Naru responds. Sakura backs away before their chilly auras. "W-well, exactly how are we gonna break this to Hinata?" "We're not. We're leaving as soon as Maka comes back, leaving a letter explaining everything." "W-what!? We can't do that to her! Tell him, Naru!" "I agree. I'm no good at goodbyes, and it'll hurt less if we leave as soon as possible. I'll right the letter now." She starts taking off her pack to search through it as she walks to a nearby table. "But, but, but you two can't do this. It's wrong! She deserves better!" "don't you think I know that!!!!" roars Naru. She finally broke, and released all her emotions, far more than she had in Hinata's room. Frustration, anger, love, joy, hate, and so many other emotions from the last few days flooded her. "I know she deserves better! She deserves more than she had ever gotten. She's nearly died twice! She...she.." Naru quiets down."She doesn't deserve me...I couldn't even protect her when she needed me. That's why I'm leaving. I can't handle it anymore." She finished writing the letter, barely legible through her tears. She snuck into Hinata's room, placed the letter in her hand, and gave her a tear-ridden kiss. "I'm so sorry..." She leaves just as quietly. She leaves, heading for the entrance, with Grimm behind her, dragging Sakura behind him, who refused to leave. They met Soul at the entrance. "Ready?" He asks. "No." Naru responds, walking past him. He drops his head and respect, and followed, quickly taking the lead, and heading for the truck. He stops her just before she get on. "Are you sure about this? You can turn back at anytime." He asked in a stern voice, ensuring he's being absolutly serious. She looks at him with a cold stare. "I'm sure." He sighs, and lowers his arm, allowing her on board. Grimm tosses Sakura in, having knocked her unconsious from sheer irritance. Naru caught her, and layed her down in the back, sitting next to her, her head in her knees as she pulled the close. She broke down again, already regretting her decision, but to stubborn to say so.
Chapter 20 - ch.20
----------------------------------------Several minutes ago-------------------------------- Medusa had just kicked the wall out from behind her, causing them to both fall through into an empty bedroom. They tumbled several feet; he loses his grip, and landed several feet away, balancing on his knees. "Tell me where Orochimaru is!!" Grimm demanded, getting ready to beat her to a pulp. "Oh, now why would I betray Orochi like that? We have so many interests!" "Bitch!" He attacks again, avoiding his wild swings and punches with a sly smile. "Oh my, are you angry? A man your age should control your temper!" She taunts, infuriating him. "You'll tell me, even if it kills you!" He started to focus his attacks a little, becomeing faster and less wild, finally scoring some hits. She jumps back when she sees the opportunity, and makes an unusual sign. "Shadow style: Vector Arrow!" Suddenly, her shadow bent behind her, and split into a dozen arrows, each turning left and right erratically, but still coming quickly at him. He dodges left, and his leg gets several deep cuts, and he clutches his leg in pain. "Damn!" she smiles. "You're good, but no match for me!" He takes a deep breath, not only to calm down, but to try to ignore the pain, "I'm just starting!" He pulls his sword, feeling it's power flow through him. "Warm-up's over!" He jumps at her, far quicker than before, surprising her. She still managed to dodge the attack, but not without losing a lock of hair and her hood being cut. She still smiles. "So, you were holding back? Interesting...Maybe I should subdue and study you..." She says with and evil glint in her eyes. "LIKE HELL!! He swings at her again, scoring small nicks here and there, but never landing a solid blow. After a few swings, she makes a quick sign. "shadow style" Vector Plate!" Her shadow splits, and a portion instantly reaches under him, becoming an arrow pointing away from her. He suddenly goes flying just as the arrow flashes. She then runs through a series of signs, and finishes just before he reaches her again. "Shadow Style: Vector Blade!" Her palm was covered by shadow, before extending several feet, creating a large arrow with a hilt, and blocked his sword. "This is gonna be fun!" she said, her wide grin never leaving her face. "You little... YOUR TOYING WITH ME!!" He swings again and again, she blocks each blow easily. He finally had enough, and just after a swing, he spun quickly and kicked her in the side, sending her through the wall, into the alley. He rushes after her, only to find her gone. He roars in rage before punching the next houses's wall, making half of it collapse. "No, no, no, no, no, no, aag!" A black man in a bathtub falls nearby, the tub smashing on the ground. "C'mon! This is the exact reason I left Quohog!" Grimm just rolls his eyes and returns inside, going through both holes in the walls back to the main room, to see the boy being pummeled by what her could only assume was his own weapon coming out of his back, and everyone's weapons were sheathed. "Damn, she got away. And I suppose we're not killing her?" He asked ponderously, pretty sure this was gonna be a simple assassination. "I was right! She was misguided and confused, like I thought!" responded Maka with a small smile. "So, I guess she's coming back with us?" Maka nodded, obviously happy about the outcome. He shrugs, not really caring. "Whatever mission just said to find her. What you do is your business. Let's not waste any time." He walks out with the rest in tow, until he hears Medusa again: "Vector arrow!" "Shit!" He turns just in time to see Hinata impaled. Naru catches her, and Sakura quickly rushes to her, both calling her name, and doing all they can to keep her awake. "You try and take mine, I take yours. Crona, come!" He looks at her, seeing her beckoning the boy. His brow furrows, and his eyes grow sharp and dangerous. He lets out a cero, but she dodges, and he takes out a good portion of the roof. "You guys get Hinata back, I'll handle her!" He followed her, watching her movements. "But-" The instant he hears her talk back, he turns, his lethal gaze falling on them. "GET YOUR ASS OUT OF HERE!!!" Any thought of protest was intantly destroyed, and they carried Hinata to the truck while he jumped onto the roof near her. "You shouldn't have done that..." He said with barely controlled rage. "Oh, I'm so scared! Is kitty gonna scratch?" That did it. That little taunt pushed him over the edge. He was gonna kill this bitch here and now. "I was gonna let you live, I just wanted info on that serpentine bastard, But you had to hurt my student, huh?" He drew his sword, holding it horizontally. "You're gonna die, bitch. No one hurts my family! Grind, Pantera!!!" The force of his power increase practically destroys the roof he was on. "If you wanna live, run." He jumped, nearly horizontally, at her, aiming for her head. He would have succeeded too, if it weren't for the blade she still had. 'Shit! He's far stonger than before! I have to take this seriously!' She thinks, focusing her chakra. "Vector Arrow!" She activates it again, weaving the sign one handed. 3 dozen arrow came out from behind her, aiming at him. He jumps back, several times, as the go through the roof while the attack him. She pulls them back, holding them behind her like so many snakes waiting to strike. 'Damn! With that many, shadow clones are useless. Best go with the direct approach." He starts charging a cero, and charges as the arrow start coming. The middle was the last place they aimed, converging in the center, and he easily made his way past them and swung his sword, and as expected, it was blocked. He puts the energy built in his hand at her chest. "Cero!!" She saw this coming, though, and intantly dropped, her clothes' tail holding her off the ground as the cero passed just overhead. She kicked him directly between legs as hard as possible, makingh im double over in pain. She sees he's incapacitated. "If you'll excuse me, I have a child to recover." She jumped away, toward where the young group went, before she was sent flying down through the building from Grimm's kick. Grimm jumps down, seeing her finally properly injured. "Please. A kick to the balls? That's foreplay to me!" He swung his sword down, she managed to put her blade in the way, not really blocking, as a good portion of his tip cut into her shoulder, but stoping him from cutting her in half. He used this to his advantage, changing the angle, and pulling toward him, cutting off her arm. He grins as she screams in pain. He aims for her other arm as well, the pain weakening her too much to mover her sword, and losing both arms. He lifted her by her hair, looking as she pants, barely conscious. "No one, and I mean no one, hurts my family. I will find Orochimaru, I will tear him a new one, and pull his heart out through it. And I'll kill ANYONE who gets in my way." All the while, he was building power in his palm, building a cero. "And you're first." He throws her up, and waits until she is at the highest point of the throw, well outside the building, before cutting his palm, his blood mixing with his chakra, and amplifying it tremendously. He aimed his arm up. "Gran Rey Cero." A huge ray burst forth, the very force of the shot destroying half the building, and completely eliminating her. He releases his form and sheathes his sword. "I hope Hinata will be OK." He walks away, not seeing her arms becoming a large snake, and slithering away. He run through the city, to the truck, only to find it gone. "Just my luck!" He follows the tracks in the desert at max speed, which is significantly less with the desert terrain. After nearly an hour, he finally sees it, but takes another 20 minutes to reach it, Naru and Soul grabbing him as he jumped in, panting with effort. "How's Hinata?" He asks between breaths. Naru's face darkened. "She's barely alive. Sakura's doing all she can, but has no experience with medical jutsu, and can barely provide enough blood." He turns to her, seeing her in extreme concentration, sweating and panting. "If she stops, even for a second, Hinata could die." "Damn..." Grimm breaths. "If only Eva were here." He muttered. Naru nodded in agreement. "She's the best, second only to Tsunade." Grimm chuckled lightly. "Don't let her hear you say that. You may find yourself with extra arms just to prove you wrong." Naru gave a single chuckle at his humour, but focused again on Hinata, her chest barely moving, her face pale. "C'mon Hinata. I can't lose you again. You gotta live!" He said to himself more than to her. The rest of the ride was spent in silence. -------------------------------------a while later, near town------------------------------- They were met partway by Death City's paramedics, who took over, transfering Hinata to their vehicle, and sped away faster than their car could possible go. Naru watched it dissapears into the roads of the nearby city. "Get in, kid." Naru does as his teacher says, and sees Sakura is already out cold, having used too much chakra. Naru looks at her with concern. "She's alright, just passed out. She put everything she had into that. For having no experience in medical jutsu, she did well. She seems to have a talent for it." Naru barely acknowledged his comment with a slight grunt. "Naru." She looks up, tears in her eyes. "There's nothing you could do. If anything, it's my fault. I let her get away..." He looks down, regret clear on his face. Naru crawled to him, crying into his chest. He didn't move, which was enough invitation to Naru to stay. "This is so uncool. This mission was over, and someone still got hurt. This isn't right..." The truck came to a stop. The three got out the back, Grimm carried Sakura, as Maka got out of the cab and Crona got out of the passenger side.. "She'll be in the hospital. I'll show you where it is." She lead them through the streets, and took them through the quickest path to it. They came inside, and asked of him. The nurse said to head up to the OR on the 3rd floor, and wait. And they did. They sat in that waiting room for 5 hours. Naru couldn't stop sniffling, the occasional tear falling down her cheek. Maka was sitting next to Naru, doing her best to comfort her. Sakura was still passed out, layed down on a couch. Soul was leaning against a wall near the OR doors. Crona was sitting in a corner, still unused to the company. Grimm was laying on another couch, seemingly asleep.
Chapter 16 - ch.16
Naru almost had it. "C'mon! C'mon!" She was using a clone to divide the tasks, which made the jutsu far easier, but still, making a sphere of pure chakra, spinning like a tornado, was still difficult. "Just a little more!" She almost had it. The form and spin were right, but it was still unstable. Finally, it settled into a proper ball. "Yes! YES YES!" She runs at a nearby tree, and hits it with her new jutsu. "Rasengan!" It tears through the tree like it was nothing. She stands there, panting, the top part of the tree collapsing. "Hell yeah!" She runs back to the house. "Grimm-sensei! Grimm-sensei! I finally did it!" "Huh?" He was laying in the grass beside the pool. He opened his eyes and yawned. "What was that?" "I finally completed the Rasengan!" She said full of pride. "Oh? Show me." She made a sign. "Shadow clone jutsu!" A clone appeared, and she put her hand out, allowing chakra to pour out. Her clone was forcing the chakra down, using her own chakra to spin it, slowing making a sphere. Soon, the rasengan was spinning in her palm. "Impressive! You've learned change in chakra form. Time to learn change in nature." "Change in chakra nature?" "Just a second." He makes a sign, and 2 shadow clones appear, running off. "If I'm gonna give a proper explanation, I want all three of you here." He explained. Naru nodded, letting her rasengan dissapate, and sitting to wait. Soon, Hinata and Sakura arrived. "What's up?" Askes Sakura, the first to get there. "We're waiting for Hianta first." Naru said, looking up. Sakura gave her a quizical look. "What's going on?" Just after she said that, Hinata appeared from around the house. "Girls, sit. This could take a while." Sakura and Hinata sat next to Naru, both of them sitting less than an inch away from her, invading her personal space. Naru hugged them both closer, Sakura smiling, and Hinata blushing harder than usual when around her. Grimm almost grined at the sight. 'Even with amnesia, they're inseperable.' He thinks before he start talking. "Alright. I'm gonna tell you about chakra natures. Each person is born with at least one nature they eccel at. You girls remember yours?" They thought back to their first day. "Mine was wind!" Naru yelled proudly. "Fire and water!" Sakura said happily. "Fire and wind." Hinata mumbled. "Good. There are 5 in total. Earth, water, fire, wind, and thunder. It takes years of training to even master one you're good at. Once mastered, you can add it to most offencive jutsu, including weapons. Some, like earth style, also excels at defence. There are some who can combine 2 types to create a new one. This ability is called a kekkei genkai. I have it in the form of a cero, which is a a mixture of lightning and fire. That shinobi on the bridge-" Naru's fox chakra flashed at her mention. "-used Ice style, mixing wind and water. There is an ever rarer version called kekkei tota, where one mixes 3 elements. The only living person know to have this is the Tsuchikage, of the village hidden in the stone. There is also another element: yin-yang. Balance. Yin is mental energy. Yang is physical. These combined properly, create jutsues that aren't elemental, like shadow, expansion, and healing." He stopped for a moment to examine them. Sakura, of course, was staring at him, understanding and drinking in the knowledge. Hinata didn't quite understand completely, but got the gist. Naru's eyes had turned to swirls, utterly confused. "Yin-wha?" "Don't worry about it, I'll give you the highlights you need later, Naru. Now, you all will start elemental training starting today. You will begin after normal training. Sakura, Hinata, what do you want to start with?" "Hard choice! Water, I guess!" Sakura says. "Wind..." Says Hianta, glancing over at Naru. "Right. Naru, You will get extra training, cause it was planned, and with you're shadow clone jutsu, you should be able to do it in record time!" "That's not fair! How come she gets to train it so much more!?" "Two reasons: 1. The rasengan was designed to be the ultimate jutsu: quick, no handsigns, and maximum form and nature. This jutsu, if mastered, is beyond S-class. Even the inventor, the fourth Hokage, never finished it. However.." He points at Naru. "..This brat here has the will, chakra, and determination needed to finish it. Even with shadow clones accounted for, the time it will take to train this jutsu is a LEAST a month. Then you have to take into account her condition. She can't spend too much chakra, or the baby will suffer. In fact, she won't be allowed to do much of anything in a month or so." "And 2: there is no point in slowing her down. She would do it on her own time anyway, so I may as well be there to supervise. Hianta." She jumped as her name was suddenly called. "How much of the gentle fist do you remember?" "Um, most of it, I think." She says gently. "Good. I need you to hit Naru." "What!!?" The all yelled at once. "Don't have to be so loud, jeez." He says as he rubs his pinkie in his ear. "Relax, I just want Hinata to cut off Naru's chakra a bit, and have it focus on the baby instead of jutsus. Can you do that, Hinata?" "Well, probably, but..." "woah, woah, woah! Don't I get a say in this!?" Asked Naru, enraged. "No." He responds. "And you'll let her hit you. Otherwise, I'll hit you first. And you won't get back up for a while." Naru gulps, knowing full well he'd do it too. "Hinata, I need you to cut his chakra flow in half to everywhere except her womb." "I-I'll try. Byakugan!" She looks at Naru, seeing her chakra points. She rapidly taps multiple points around Naru's body, avoiding any that reach the womb. She finishes shortly, wiping her brow, which had begun to sweat with effort. "Done." "How long will the limiter's last?" "About 3 days." "Then I need you to do that every three days until I say otherwise. Alright! Instructions on change of nature." He walks to a nearby tree, and takes a leaf. "This will be your training tool." "A leaf? Sensei, even I don't get it." "Maybe this will help." He focuses his chakra on his palm, and the leaf begins to smolder, then burn. "Naru, Hianta, you will attempt to cut it with only chakra. Sakura, same thing, but you want it wet." "Right, sensei!" They said, even Naru understanding such a simple instruction. "Spend the rest of today practicing this. *yawn* I'm going back to sleep." He lays down under the tree, and closes his eyes. Sakura looks at Hianta. "Race to see who does it first?" Hinata finally regained her old confidence, if only for a moment. "You're on!" "Hey, what about me!?" complains Naru. "You'll use the Shadow clones. It's not a fair match!" Naru blushes slightly and scratches the back of her head, knowing she wouldn't be able to hold back. Over the next few hours, they all trained, but no one managed to do alter the leaf. ----------------------------------2 weeks later------------------------------------------- They were called in to the Hokage's office. "Here's you're new assignment. A C-rank mission, commissioned by someone called Maka. She want's you to assist her in taking down her target, a serial killer known as the Butcher. It seems he's not that stong, but is very elusive, hence the low rank. You are to meet her at the border of the land of wind. Her village is hidden deep in the desert; It's true location is only known by those of the village. Listen!" They were all starting to lax, but stood at attention at her shout. "You should know that this will be the last mission your team will take for a while." "Wh-why!? Do you think we are that weak!?" Yells Sakura angrily. Naru was about to pipe up too, before she spoke. "Don't you DARE take that tome with me." She says calmly, he eyes cold and dangerous. Sakura flinches, and Naru gulps while Hinata side-steps behind Sakura. "Naru will be unable to take anymore missions after this, due to her pregnancy. You two will be set on reserve to be used whenever needed. Understood?" "Y-yes sensei." They say, still frightened. "You are to leave immediately. Dismissed." She watched as they left. "I wonder how he has managed to kill so many people without getting caught, though..." They quickly made it to the village gate, meeting Grimm. "So, what's the mission?" "Something about tracking down a killer in a hidden hidden village." Naru says nonchalantly. Supposed to meet the client at the edge of the land of wind." He starts walking. "Land of wind, huh? So it's in the desert. So who're we meeting?" "Some girl named Maka." Said Sakura. "Never got a last name or description." "Eh, we'll know her when we meet her." "How can you be sure, Grimm-sensei?" Asks Hianta. "Gut feeling." The gave him an "are you serious!?" look. He notices this. "What, you don't trust my gut?" The shake their head. He just sighs and leaves it at that. ----------------------------------------4 days later---------------------------------------- They finally reach the edge of the desert and the border between the lands. "So, where is she?" asked Naru impatiently. "Relax, kid. There we still got time." As he finishes, he hears a low roar. "In fact, that sound like her!" He says, staring into the desert. Soon a covered truck appears and quickly approaches. It slows to a stop several yards away, as the driver and a passanger get out. The driver is a young woman, about the same age as Naru and her group. He hair is a light brown, in pig tails. Her modest body is covered in a schoolgirl outfit, topped off with an open trnchcoat. Around her arm is a headband, with a symbol that looks like a teardrop, but the top is jagged, in a zigzag. "Hi, you must be the leaf ninja. I'm Maka, and this is my partner, Soul." She introduces herself. "Yo." He has white spiky hair, held back by a headband with the same emblem. His red eyes are framed by an expressive face, currently looking disinterested. He wears a jacket that is black around the torso, and with yellow sleeves. His pants are black, and his shoes match his coat. "C'mon. Soul will explain the details in the back." she enters the driver's side again. "Sensei, what's that?" asks Naru, pointing at the truck. "It's a truck." Responds Soul, opening the back hatch. "I thought we didn't have vehicles." "It was between this or the author explaining how preggo here got through a desert in her condition. Now shut up and get in." They got in, the inside air-conditioned. Soul followed, and knocked on the wall, signalling her to go. "Alright, first, we're headed to our village To stock up on supplies, then we head to the town he was last seen." "What village is it?" asks Sakura curiously. He grins widely, showing his sharp teeth. "The village hidden by Death."
Chapter 22 - ch.22
Hinata was sitting up, crying as she held the letter to her chest. It had been a week since Naru and the others left, and she was devestated when she read the letter. Ever since, she's been an emotional wreck, barely able to respond to her visitors, which Maka made sure she had. Blackstar and Tsubaki came every other day, Kid and his weapons on the others. They did their best to cheer her up, but to no avail. Stein visited once too, but stayed back, and didn't say anything. Kid questioned him on this. "There's nothing I can say that will help heal her heart, only time and friendship can. We must be patient." He walks away, turning the screw in his head until it clicked. what he didn't tell kid was that he was there studying her chakra, what little flowed through her. He also saw a similar chakra flowing through her sword. "Zanpakuto, huh. I have to find a weapon that's suitable for both of them." He started turning the screw again, thinking hard on which student could be a good match. Still weeping, Hinata opened the folded paper, attenpting to read it. She could barely see through her teary vision, but she already knew it by heart. "I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you when you needed me, and couldn't help when you needed it most. I don't deserve you. Death said you should stay here, that you still have a chance as a meister for them, since you have no chance as a ninja with us. So, I'm leaving, for your best interest, before either of us can change our minds. You have no idea how much this hurts, though I'm sure it's tearing you up too. I'm so sorry, Hinata. I love you. Sakura loves you. Goodbye.                                     -Naru Hinata was holding to her chest again, when Blackstar and Tsubaki made their visit. "Yahoo! Blackstar's here! There ain't nothin I can't do!" He snaps his fingers. "I know. I'll regale you with my latest exploits! Everyone loves hearing about the big man!" Tsubaki can't help but giggle at his overconfidence, though he ignores it. "So, this guy, Al Capone, and a bunch of his lackies were having some fancy dinner, pretending to be civilized while eating innocent souls, when no other than I, Blackstar, appear out of nowhere, stunning them all with my majesty! I started taking them out, a punch here, a slash there! I toyed with them, making think the got me cornered, when I call out for Tsubaki to change into ninja sword mode! Reliable as always, she does as I ask, and-" Tsubaki grabs his shoulder, turning his attention away from his story, to Hinata again, who didn't pay the least bit of attention. Blackstar sighs. "Listen, Hinata. I guess there's enough room on this stage for the both of us. Tell us what's wrong! you've barely spoken in a week!" Said Blackstar, breaking character and showing concern. Hinata shook her head. "C'mon Hinata! If you don't talk, we can't help!" "What do you care?" They flinched from the venom pouring out of her words. "You're only here cause Maka asked you..." She never looked up, her face looking down at her lap. "Hinata, that's not true! Me, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz, Patty, we all visit because we care! Maka only told us what happened, she never asked anything of us! She's not the kind to make us do stuff we don't want to anyway!" "Why should I believe you! The person I trusted, I LOVED the most abandoned me! Like fucking garbage..." "No, that's not true!" Tsubaki couldn't take it anymore. "Maka contacted us yesterday. she said she can't often, it's too difficult and expensive. Anyway, she told us about Naru! She a complete wreck! She barely eats, can't sleep, she even turned down Ichiraku's, whatever that means...My point is, she feels miserable without you, but she made you stay so you could have a chance to fight again! Isn't that what you want to? To fight and protect your friends?" "It doesn't matter. I don't care anymore. *sigh* I should bave died from that attack." "Don't say that! Don't you realise how hard Sakura worked to keep you alive!? She faught for your life with eveything she had! She fell unconsious after the medics came, from the exaustion of keeping you alive! To say something like that, it's like spitting in her face!" countered Blackstar. "So, I'm just a burden: weak..useless....pathetic..." "No one thinks of you that way! You just got a bad shot from a rogue ninja! I could have happened to anyone!" "Not Naru...She sould have dodged it, or a clone would have blocked it, or her zanpakuto. But me, I can't even call it's name, much less use it's true power. I'm so pathetic..." Blackstar finally had enough. He jumps up, straddles her, and grabs her collar, pulling her inches from his face. "Listen you! I've had just about enough of you whinning, weeping, and depression. Sitting here feeling sorry for yourself isn't gonna solve anything. Regardless of what you do, the first thing you need to do is move forward! Dwelling in the past accoplishes nothing. You need to move forward one step at a time! Get a damn grip!!" "B-Blackstar! Tsunade exclaimes, worried he might accidentlly hurt her further. He looks over at her, then at Hinata stunned face, before setting her down and getting off. "I'll be back in a couple days. Make sure your mood improves by then." He strolls out, Tsubaki soon following after apologizing profusely. Hinata sat there for several hours, letting what Blackstar sink in. Over that time, she started to gain some confidence, not much, but some, and managed to stop her tears. 'She abandoned you' A voice came in her head. She shook her head in dissagreement. 'No, she did what she thought was best!' 'She ditched you like yesterday's trash without so much as a goodbye.' 'She left the letter, she-' 'Face it! She abandoned you! Left you to your own devices in an unfamiliar city!!' 'No, no, she wouldn't!' She began to cry again. 'but she did. So, what should you do now?' 'I...I don't know.' 'I do.' Hinata begins to see a figure in her closed eyes. She sees a blurred silver figure, slowly coming into focus. 'You need to get stong.' Her hair was long and flowing. 'You need to find her.' He clothes were pitch black, looking like they actually absorb light, giving her an sinister etheral look. 'You need to make her pay!' She finally can see her face. It was her's. She realised what this was. Just as the 9-tailed foxes chakra came from nowhere, so did this, but with a much more sinister feel. 'I can help you get strong. Just submit yourself to me...' "NOOOO" She screamed, pushing away her shadow. "I don't need your kind of help! I've told you before: I don't need you!!" The nurses suddenly rush in in a panic over her screaming. "S-sorry. Just a dream! I'm alright!" The nurses cast her worried glances, but leave. "She's back...I can't believe she's back." ---------------------------------flashback, 10 years ago------------------------------------ Young neji and Hinata were sparring under the watchful eye of her father. Neji was clearly superior, and always took her down quickly. "Hinata, your stance is sloppy! Stay calm and keep balanced!" "Yes, father." She took a fighting stance again, and charged Neji, jabbing her palms at him, but her dodges each attack. "Too slow, cousin." He says in his usual smug arrogance. Hinata tries her best, but simply can't land a blow. Neji suddenly smacks her back as her arm returns, knocking her off balance, before landing a sharp blow on her chest, knocking her back. "C'mon, get up. We're not done yet!" Hinata does, her anger building, holding her chest where he hit her. Suddenly, her anger peaked, and her whole body pulsed, and she cluched her chest with both hands, and doubled over in pain. "Hinata, are you alright!?" Her father calls out in concern, taking a set forward. The voice that responds is no that of an 8 year old girl. "Never better, father." Said a cold, mature voice, laced with resentment and hate. Hinata's eyes had turned black, and she returned to her fighting stance. "Ready, cousin?" Her voice mocked him, like she was always superior. "Don't screw with me!" He charged her. "Neji, wait!" But too late. As he attacked, she moved with unnatural grace, deftly avoiding his attack, and countering before he even knew he missed. He flew into a beam holding the terrace up, nearly splitting it in half. The ten year old tries to stand, but only gets to his knees before he spits up blood. Her father rushes over to Neji, and calls for a medic, before eyeing his daughter with no small amount of fear. Just as suddenly as it came, it went, as she held her chest in pain again, before returning to her previous self. "W-what happened? Did Neji knock me out again?" She turns and sees him leaning against her father. "Neji!" She started to run to him. "Stay the hell away from me!" He yelled, half in anger, half in fear. She stopped, confused and hurt. "I don't know what jutsu you just pulled, but you better not use it again!" "W-what? I-I don't understand! What happened!?" "Figure it out!" He said just before the medic corps took him away, her father following in concern. 'That was fun!' Said a laughing voice in her head. "W-wha? W-who are you? Where are you!?" 'Who, me? I don't have a name.' "Where are you!? What are you!?" she was looking everywhere, panicking. 'I'm you, or at least the best part of you.' "What do you mean, you're me!?" 'I'm you dark throughts, you innermost desires, your worst nightmares. I am you're true essence!' "No! No, that can't be! No!" She yells as she clutches her head. She laughs crazily. 'You're so easy to scare! It's so much fun!' "Stop it!" 'Didn't it feel good, finally showing up that asshole of a cousin!?' "Stop it, Stop it, Stop it, Stop it!" She screams, truly afraid. 'Oh, are you scared? Good. Embrace your fear!' "STOP IIIIIIIIT!!" "Hianta!!" She opens her eyes to see she's lying in bed, her father over her with a concerned look. "Finally! Hinata, are you alright?" Hianta was panting heavily, her heart racing. "Wh-what just..." "A dream, honey. Nothing but a dream." He hugs her, and she soon calms down. "Oh, father, it was so scary! This dark thing made me hurt Neji, and kept teasing me, and taunting me! I was so afraid!" "It's alright honey, you're safe now." 'Or are you?' She hears it again, and screams. Over the next several years, she managed to avoid another outburst, but could always feel it, lurking, waiting for the right moment. She became very quiet, doing her best to avoid attention, while surpressing the shadow. It continued to taunt and tempt her with dark thoughts. She nearly gave in several times, especially when she was angered, or lustful. Finally, one day when she was 14, it finally silenced. She thought she was rid of it, but... -----------------------------------------present-------------------------------------------- 'Ya didn't think I'd be gone forever, did ya? Nah, I just got bored, you little goody twoshoes.' 'Go away! I can't even stand your presence!' 'Oh, you've gotten feisty over the years! That Naru was a good influence, huh?' 'DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK OF HER!!' 'Or what? You would have rid of me before if you could! Besides, how can you STILL love her? she just up and left ya.' 'She did what she though was best!' '"She did what she thought was best!" Do you know how pathetic you sound? Making excuses for her...I pity you.' 'Stop, please...' She began to cry again, never really ever able to win against her. 'So pathetic, I'm not even real, and you cower before me.' 'Just...stop...please!' 'Only if you submit. Let me take control, and all your worries will disappear.' Her will was beginning to waver, and the shadow knew it. 'N-no, I can't. You're dangerous!' 'Don't worry, I'll behave! I won't hurt anyone unless the piss me off!' 'W-well...' 'Do you really have any other choice? You are so weak alone, you can't even walk without help. I can supply you with chakra like you've never felt! Just submit...' 'W-well, I suppose...' That was all the invitation needed, She felt the dark chakra of the shadow flow through her, empowering her like never before with terrible energy. Surprisingly, while she felt tainted, she stayed in control. 'Now, let's see how you use it. I'll sit back and watch the show.' "What have I done!!" She exclaims shakily, fearful of her own power. ----------------------------------------leaf village---------------------------------------- Naru was being dragged by Sakura through town. "C'mon Naru! I'm pulling you out of this funk!" The last week had been torturous for her. Riddled with guilt and depression, she's stuck herself in her room all week. Sakura made several vain attempts to pull her out, and finally succeeded, though still pretty much dragged her like a doll. Naru mumbled something incoherent, but clearly negative. Sakura stopped, turned araound, and held her up to eye level by her collar. "Listen. I miss Hinata just as much as you! But you don't see me moping all day! You know why? Because I'm bettering myself, so if such a thing happens again, I'll be ready! You should train your jutsus while you can, and practice with you zanpakuto when you can't! Got it!" She nodded, signaling she was listening, but made no other movement. Sakura sighs. "Fine! Let's see..." She looks around at the nearby shops, and sees a clothing store. "There we go! A makeover!" She drags her in. As she starts selecting dresses for Naru to try on, Naru gets up from the seat Sakura set her in, much to her surprise, and walks directly to a clothesrack, and pulls out a top/bottom set. The top was black leather, with a single orange stripe going down the spine, and had many hidden pockets, perfect for shuriken. The bottom was a similar design, pitch black leather with an orange stripe that met with the top's, and split going down her legs. It also had several hidden pockets, designed for kunai. She takes it to the dressing room without saying a word. 'She's right.' She thinks as she undresses. 'No more moping.' She pulls on the pants, hugging her snugly. 'No more regrets.' She pulls on the top, zipping it up with a zipper that was far on the left side, inches from her arm. It also hugged her frame, the chest slightly tight. 'I need to get stronger, no matter what.' She puts her headband on, and looks at herself on the mirror, and is pleasently shocked at waht she sees. The leather forms together seemlessly, looking like a full bodysuit. It hugged her every curve, but left her flexible enough to do anything she could naked. Whas really surprised her, though, was her eyes. Gone was the joyful warmth, and the inviting look. Now they were cold, sharp, and just scary. she grinned, making her look like she had a very evil idea. "This will do just fine." She said, pleased with herself. "Oh, let me see!" Sakura had no idea what Naru took in, and was utterly shocked at the transformation. A shiver of both fear and pleasure rand down her spine as she took in her revealing form. 'Those eyes! She thought, looking her up and down, but always stopping to stare at her face. 'Those eyes...are eye's of someone...dangerous!' She shivered again at the thought. "N-Naru. What happened to you? You're scaring me." Naru looked her up and down, her hands to her mouth from her transformation. Her eyes showed fear, and a hint of lust? Naru closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. When she opened them, they were less critical, thought still no where near what they used to be. "Sorry, Sakura. You were right. A makeover was just what I needed! I do feel...a little better!" "Oh, Naru!" She wraps her arms around him. "I'm so glad! I was so worried! YOu never slept, you barely ate...I thought you were gonna waste away!" She cries as she buries her face in her collarbone. "Thank you, Sakura. For showing me how much you love me." Naru took her chin and brought it up for a kiss. Sakura was surprised at first, and gave in, and deepened it. Naru grabbed her head, keeping her close, as she walked backward, back into the dressing room, locking the door. She broke the kiss, and set Sakura on the nearby bench. She grabs her crotch, causing her to gasp sharply; her dick already hard. "Now, let me show you how much I love you." She said as she pulled Sakura's pants down, making Sakura's thick member spring up, directly in her face. "N-Naru! Not here! It's wrong! Someone might-" He words are broken with a gasp as Naru licked the sensitive underside. "It's alright, Sakura. You need to loosen up!" She said as she grabbed it and gave it a light twist, making Sakura gasp again. "B-but if someone finds us...!" She panting now, as Naru procedes to work her shaft, occasionally dribbling on it for lube. "Well, then we just have to quiet, huh?" She starts to suck the tip, making Sakura cover her mouth as she moaned. "N-not fair!" she looks down at her, face turning new shades of red from embaressment and arousal. The situation was too kinky, and she was getting harder than she thought possible. She puts both hands to cover her mouth when Naru placed the entire head in her mouth, trying not to be loud. 'We shouldn't be doing this, but it feels so good!' She thought, as she watched her bob up and down, getting a little futher every time. She was gasping for breath, sweating for the effort to hold back, but knew she couldn't last much longer. Naru was waiting for this. In a single motion, she got off her, and grabbed her arms, placing the behind her. "N-Naru! What are you doing!?" "Just making sure you enjoy this as long as possible!" Holding her arms with one hand, she took Sakura's headband, and tied it around her arms, holding them behind her. "Naru, stop, please!" She pleaded, not sure she would like where this was going. Naru took some of her old clothes, and ripped a bit off, forming it in to a ball. She took off her own headband, and stuffed the ball of cloth in her mouth as she continued to protest, before covering it with her headband, and tieing it so she couldn't spit it out. Sakura muffled some protest, but grunted when Naru went down on her once more, immediately taking her to the hilt. She continued to cycle between a blowjob and stopping just as she came close, driving her insane. She was shivering, sweating, and obviously in pure, blissful torture. After the sixth time Naru's jaw was getting sore, so she started jacking her instead. "We can finish this." She managed to roll her eyes from the back of her head to look at Naru. "I can become you mistress. You service me however I want, and accept you punishments if you fail. In turn, I swear to protect you with my life. Deal?" What Sakura's sex-addled mind didn't realize is that she would have anyway. She nods in agreement, unable to take it anymore. "Good, just wait here a sec." Sakura's eyes went wide as she left, grumbling in protest through her gag. Naru soon returned with a choker, made of the same leather as her new outfit. It was plain, but the latch in the back had a tiny padlock on it, and a ring hanging in the front. "This will be your symbol as being mine." She closes it around her neck snugly, though not enough to restrict aitflow, the ring in front of her throat, and locks it, putting the key in one of her many pockets. She then returns to the front, and rubs her shaft again. Her eyes returned to her skull, and she was breathing heavily through her nose. She was just about to climax when Naru swallowed her shaft in a single gulp. Sakura finally had the blessed release, her body seizing, her breathing all but stopped. Naru took wave after wave of the salty cream, coating her throat, and fill her stomach. When Sakura finally finished, she felt like she swallowed a bowling ball. She untied the gag first, pulling out the drool-soaked ball as she started to pant. "Low *gasp* blow!" She gasps. Naru, about to untie her arms, instead put a finger suddenly in her ass. "You will address me properly, unless you want the whole store to hear you." She begins fumbling around inside, lookin for her prostate. "I-I'm sorry..." she mumbles, beyond embarrassed. Found it. She began rubbing it, sending jolts through her, back to her slowly hardening dick. "Sorry, what?" "I'm sorry, mistress!" she all but yelled, and didn't realise it until after. She thought she just might die of shame. She gave another sharp gasp as Naru suddenly pulled her finger out, leaving her achingly hollow. She untied her hands, an retied her headband herself, knowing just how she liked it. She then kissed her, deeply, before Sakura coukd react, and left just as quickly, making her want more. "I love you, Sakura." She looked into Sakura's eyes. Some of the warmth had come back, though she suspected it would not last. "I love you too, Naru." She hugged her, knowing this may be one of the few times from now on that her feeling were reciprocated. As she hoped, Naru hugged back. They stood there for a minute, before Sakura realized her pants were still around her ankles. "uh, Naru?" Naru cleared her thoat, and pulled away, looking at her sternly. "Sorry, mistress." Naru's gaze sotenes in approval. "Can I pull my pants back up now?" ---------------------------------------home------------------------------------------------- Eva watched with curiosity as Naru and Sakura came home, and came directly toward her. Well, it wan't really Eva, but a clone she used to keep her sanity at the end of the day. Having at least one part of her able to just relax all day helped her de-stress and not rampage and probably kill people. She noted that how they both carried themselves was different than how they left. Naru was standing straighter than ever before, her eyes sharp and cold. Sakura, however, seemed to slouch more, and always stayed within a foot or two of Naru. They soon reached her, standing in front of her on the porch. "Nice threads." "I want to train." Naru said flatly. Eva stared at him hard. "Are you willing to do as I say? Even if that means holding back?" "Why would I hold back when I need to get stonger?" She asks, surprisingly calmly. Eva mearly points at her belly. Naru understood. "Fine. What do you want me to do?" Eve stands, makes a hand sign, and makes two clones. "Each of you follow one. They will explain." she sits back down, and pulls a black sunhat out from under her chair, and places it on her face, clearly intending to sleep. Sakura looked to Naru, who nodded, and they each followed a clone. Sakura had started training in medical jutsus, as she had a talent for it. Today, she had to fix a bird's wing. she focused her chakra, and held her hands over the it, focusing on the bones mending, the ligaments healing, and the muscles rekniting themselves together. After a slight crack, the bird's wing came back into place. It moved it experimentally, and proceded to fly away. "Good. Now let's try something bigger!" She pulled the summoning scroll down a ways until she found the right one, and summoned the animal. This time it an eagle, also with a broken wing. "Be careful. Eagles have a nasty tendancy to-" She takes a sharp intake as it attacked Sakura. "Scratch!" Chachamaru was nearby, a medkit ready for just such occasions. ---------------------------------------Naru------------------------------------------------- 5 Naru's were holding leaves, attempting to cut them with chakra. Occasionally, one would get a small cut in it, but no where hear cut it in half. Naru's determination would not be swayed, however, and she kept at it, hour after hour, until Eva called her off. "OK, that's enough for today." Said Eva, standing. Naru let the leaves drop, and tok a deep breath before breaking her jutsu. As usual, the flood of their experience washes over her, making her light-headed. Eva just sighs. "Even now, you push yourself too hard! You know you can't do this once your pregnancy start's showing, right?" Naru nods. "Maybe, but that's all the more reason to do more now." "Yeah, whatever. It's getting late. Time to rest." Suddenly she perked up. "Naru, you may want to hide. The real one just came home, and took out her own relaxing clone. Safe to say she's pissed." She dissappeared in a puff of smoke, and Naru ran for the trees, the only safe place from her. -------------------------------------------Eva--------------------------------------------- As usual, paperwork had piled up, and she had a downright shitty week. While the elders disagreed, she insisted on getting the weekend off, and this weekend, she HAD to let off steam. She charged for home as soon as the clock struck 6, and was more pissed than ever before. "Grimmjow!!" She yelled as she charged to the house. In a blind fury, she punched her own clone through the gut, causing it to dissappear. "GRIMMJOW!!! GET OUT HERE!!" ------------------------------------------Grimm-------------------------------------------- "Fuck that shit." He mumbles, hearing her roar. Maka and Crona were dueling nearby, Crona being an excellent partner, and Maka being the only one Crona trusts. "OK, guys, funtimes over. Better hide before she finds you." "Why, what's going on?" Asks Maka innocently. "You'll see in a minute. Just trust me." He pulls out his Zanpakuto. "Grind, Pantera!" His resulting power wave knocked the meisters back, and they quickly ran, knowing things were about to get ugly. -----------------------------------------Eva----------------------------------------------- Her attention is drawn towards Grimm's chakra, and she pulls her own blade, a small dagger hidden in her clothes. "Burn them with frost, Freineia!" Little about her garb changes, but each nail became a frozen dagger blade in it's own right. She jumped right over the building, aiming for Grimm. "Grimmjow!!!!" She roared as she fell, her attacked blocked. "C'mon, Eva, let's talk about this..." "What is there to talk about!? You left her! You abandoned her When we were needed most! You don't deserve the luxury of conversation!" She swung her bladded leg, only for Grimm to catch it. "At least calm down. We could hurt the others if we keep this up!" This caught her attention, seeing Maka and Crona behind Grimm in the treeline, even noticing rustling from further down the yard as Naru watched. She released her Shikai, but still stood there, adamant. "You will pay for this." "Yeah, I know. Just don't make them pay for my mistakes." "Wait!" Naru came out of the trees nearby. 'She isn't that stupid, right?' Thought Grimm. "It..*sigh* it was my idea." He facepalms. 'so she is...' "What do you mean?" Asked Eva, eyeing her with barely contained anger. Naru gulped, but continued. "Death had told Grimm Sensei to do so, but never really considered it until I agreed. Hinata... Hinata would be miserable here! Her family has already disowned her, she can barely move with her own power, and there, she has a shot at becoming great! It was all we could do for her..." Tears began to well up again, but she managed to choke them back. Eva turned away, "Fine." She said in a emotionless voice. What no one, not even Grimm knew, was she was on the verge of tears herself, knowing exactly how painful it can be not only to be an outcast, but to leave someone you love. She headed back into the house. "Go rest. It's getting late." Her voice still expressionless as she walks in. "Grimm sensei, what just happened? I thought she was gonna tear me to shreds a moment ago!" "I don't know, kid. Even after all these years, I still don't know!" -----------------------------------------Hinata--------------------------------------------- 'A little gift from me to you!' She heard echo in her head as she woke to find her stomach was completely healed, even the stiches were popped out. "I didn't know you could do that!" 'Never know if you don't try! Anyway, staying up all night fixing your ass made me tired. I'm gonna sleep for a while! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!' 'One day! One fucking day and she thinks she owns me!' She got out of bed, noticing her belly and back pull a bit as the scar stretched, and grabbed her sword, which was leaning net to the bed. she walked out, only to be stopped by her doctor. "Hinata, you shouldn't be out of bed! The stitches-" She just lifted her shirt to show her healed belly. He was dumbfounded, and held her no further as she left. Near the entrance, she met Blackstar, Kid, and their respective weapons. "Hinata! Should you be up!? You seemed so weak yesterday!" exclaimed Blackstar. "Blackstar!" Tsubaki scolded. "Well, she was!" "Indeed. You should be recouperating for several more weeks. How are you so much as standing?" "Fuck off!" She said, surprising not only them, but herself. "Sorry, I guess I don't quite feel like myself! I don't really know how, it just healed overnight!" 'Well, at least I'm only half-lying!' She thought to herself at the blatent coverup. "Well, whatever the case may be, me, Liz and Patty are Housesitting for Maka and Soul until they return. I'm sure they wouldn't mind you using the guestroom again. Your stuff is still there anyway." "Right, thank. Has Stein made any headway on my weapon partner?" "No, it seems that sword of yours, this zanpakuto, is making the matchup very difficult, as he needs to take both your chakra into consideration." "Why? It's chakra gets along with me just fine! Wouldn't someone else compatible work just as easily?" "It's not so simple. Your sword gives you chakra as long as you are near it, making a consistent balanced flow. Adding a third, who swaps in and out of your chakra flow, needs to not only resonate with both your chakras, but also be able to either create a large enough output to balance between all three, or be flexible enough to allow your chakra to flow through him, and his to follow your pace. Pairs are hard enough as it is, but 3! That's nearly unheard of!" "But, don't you have two weapons?" noted Blackstar. "I'm a reaper. I'm the exception to the rule. Besides, Liz and Patty are twin sisters. Their chakra is so similar, even Stein can't tell who's who without looking directly at them." "Maybe we should visit him. Maybe a second look will help." Hinata said, thinking out loud to herself. "Couldn't hurt to try, but You'll have to go alone." A look of disgust crosses his face. "His house is so unsymmetrical!" Hinata drops a sweat. "Blackstar?" His knees were visibly shaking. "I'd love to come, but I got workouts to do this morning! Right, Tsubaki?" "Right!" She responds, though knowing Blackstar was terrified of him. "Oook. Where do I find him?" "His house in the cemetary. Trust me, you can't miss it!" responded Liz. ----------------------------------------10 minutes later------------------------------------ "Can't miss it is right!" she says with a "are you serious?" face. In the middle of the cemetary was a 3-story house that literally looked like it was stitched together. She ran the doorbell, which intead of a chime, said. "You rang?" in a deep spooky voice. Suddenly, the door opened. "Come in! I'm in my study!" she heard from beyond the door. She walked in, shutting the door behind her. "Last door on the left!" She follows the instructions and his voice to an open door at the end of a hall. He turns on a swivel chair. "Oh, Hinata! Impressive recovery time! Mind if I examine you later?" She had a bad feeling about how he said examine. "No, that's alright. I just wanted to see if double-checking my chakra would help!" "Sure. Couldn't hurt." He focuses on her, and sees it's black in stead of the usual blue, and is flowing when it shouldn't. "Hinata, what happened?" "Wh-what do you you mean?" "Don't play dumb. Someone or something is mixing with your chakra, and manipulating it. It's full of dark desires and evil intentions. This chakra will destroy you in time. So, I'll ask again: what happened?" Hinata gave in, and told Stein everything she knew. "I'm not sure what it is, but there's some sort of shadow in me. For years, it's been trying to wrestle control, and, well... I guess I got desparate..." "I see. Left unchecked, you will lose yourself to it. However, if we can counter its negative influence, it can be your best weapon. In fact..." He turns and pushes the chair, making roll and slam ito a cabinet. He turns and opens it. "Let's see, O, P, Q, R, Sara, Seth, Selena, ah! Here we are! Weapon: Name: Serah (long e), she has been known to be a bit picky, and not many know what her weapon form is! But her chakra does have healing and purifying properties. She's allowed me to experiment with it a few times, and I even managed to bring on of the teachers back from the dead!" Hinata looked at him, horrified. "It was a failed experiment. He only came half back. at least it was the half with a brain!" He chuckled at his own joke, but Hinata didn't find it so funny. "Anyway, I need to double check, but I think her chakra matches yours pretty well." "Why do you consider her now, and not before?" Hinata asks. "Well, she is a good candidate, but she has this wierd kink about troubled girls. You didn't seem like one, but the recent events, along with your chakra, may intrigue her. I'll contact her later today, and you can meet her tomorrow. For now, try not to use too much chakra. It will only increase its influence." "I'll do whatever the fuck I want!" Hinata yelled, instantly regretting it. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean...!" "It's fine. I was expecting it sooner or later. Just try to control it. Some people may not be so forgiving." "Right! Thank you Prof. Stein!" "No problem. See you in class on monday. Kid should show you around. Now, if you would excuse me, I was in the middle on an experiment." "Right. Thanks again!" Hinata left, leaving Stein to work on whatever crazy thing he was doing. ----------------------------------------Next day-------------------------------------------- Hinata was still asleep when Kid heard the phone ring. He got down from the ladder he brought, organizing Maka's shelves (she's not gonna be happy) And answered. "Hello? Ah, Prof. Stein! Already? She's still asleep. Alright, she'll meet you there." He docked the phone and went and knocked on Hinata's room. "Hinata! Wake up!" No answer. "Oh my..." He opens the door, and is graced by her sleeping form, tucked into the covers. "Whew..." he sighed in relief, glad to see she was at least covered. He walked over to her, and gently shook her. "Hinata, time to get up!" *whack* She backhanded him in her sleep, turning to her side in the process. "That does it!" He flips the bed, giving her a rude awakening on the hard floor. "Ow! What the hell!?" "Sorry, but you wouldn't wake and you punched me in your sleep." Hinata was on him in seconds, but stopped before she noticed her hand pulled back for a punch. She sighed, and got off him and helped him up. "Sorry." "Me too." He started dusting himself off. "Anyway, Prof. Stein called. He said to meet in front of the academy once you're ready." "Right. Ow..." She holds her head, and grabs her clothes for the day, and heads to the showers. 20 Minutes later, she was marching up the steps of the academy, to see Stein. "Hello Hinata!" "Hello, Prof. Stein. Where is she? I thought you said..." "She has a bit of a flair for the dramatic." He looked to his left, and from behind a pillar she jumped, striking a pose. She had shoulder length blond hair, tied into a short ponytail. Her face was tomboyish, with a tiny nose and red and blue eyes. She wore a grey halfcoat over a red skintight top, showing offf what little curves she had. Her pants appeared to be made of the same material, but was a light blue instead. She wore black knee-high boots that appeared to be steel-toed. And her pose...let's not get into that. The Ginyu force would laugh at it, as did Hinata. "mmph hahahaha!! What the hell!? Hahahahehe!" "Oi! Stop laughing! Do you know how long it took to choreograph that pose!? Hours! And my time is very precious!" She yell, having an accent somwhere between australian and english. "I'm sorry, but, it was terrible! OH MAN! If you saw yourself, you couldn't help but laugh too!" Serah sighs and looks at Stein. "Is this barrel of laughs REALLY my new partner?" Stein was grinning to, seeing them making good chemistry already. He waited for Hinata to calm down before introducing each other. "Hinata, this is Serah Serenia, your new weapon. Cerah, this is Hinata, your new meister. "What, just Hinata!? She too cool to have a last name?" Hinata looked down as Stein answered. "A recent wound left her almost without her own natural chakra, and her clan is very pretentious and strict. She was disowned as soon as they found out." Serah was regretting her question. "And, this may interest you, but her best friend recently up and left her hear, for her own good, of course." "Th-that's terrible! Why would she do something like that!?" "Dunno. Her reason's are her own. One more thing, and it's the reason you need to pair with her: She has some kind of shadow or something festering within her, and she recently accepted its chakra. Frankly, it was a dumb move, but she seemed desperate. Anyway, I need you to actively purify the chakra whenever possible." "We, she's just a whole mess of trouble, eh? Alright, I'm in!" She walks over to Hinata, who is a little depressed from the summary of the last few days. "Yo, call me Serah! I hope we get along well!" She puts out her hand to shake, and Hinata takes it gratefully, glad to make a new friend.
Chapter 25 - ch.25
Serah was panting from the strength of her scream and pure surprise as her partner's dick fell out of her panties, hanging limply over her thigh. It was a good 6 or 7 long, unaroused. She blushed madly as the surprise wore off. "Damn, you're lucky I don't screw people AFTER they pass out." She took a shuddering sigh as she stared. "Damn, though, if you don't make me want to..." She ruefully recovered her dick and pulled the blanket over her. "I hope you realise I HAVE to fuck you at some point now." Serah left her to sleep, puting Hinata's clothes with her bag, and went to wash up herself, still feeling the punk's blood on her. She got in the shower, letting the hot water roll over her and relax her muscles. Hard as she tried, her mind kept wandering to Hinata, imagining her naked body. The thought of her firm breasts, ass tight from years of training, her dick, hard and pulsing got her heart racing, and soon the water wasn't the only thing dripping from her. She raised a hand to her breast, and began fondling it, imagining Hinata teasing her from behind. The can practically feel the hard flesh pressing against her back as she closes her eyes. "You're so naughty. You're already dripping!" She thinks of her saying as her other hand finds her snatch, teasing her clit. "What AM i gonna do with you?" She rubs her folds, imagining her teasing her further. Her breath was becoming ragged with need as she teased herself. "Please, Hinata, please..." She gasped between breaths desperately. "Please what?" She taunted as she tweaked her nipple, making her gasp in painful pleasure. "Please, please fuck me!" She exclaimes, unable to take it any longer. She feels her dick push against her snatch, and heard Hinata giggling as she teased her further, driving her mad. She felt it push into her folds, stretching her further than ever before with it's girth. She squealed with delight as if thrust in and out, starting at a leasurely slow pace, and slowly escalated, thrusting her up with each stroke. She started panting hard and moaning loudly as the pace quickened, thrusting back toward her in response. She was quickly brought to climax after the pace reached full speed. She yelled in pleasure as she orgasmed, her dick never slowing and the hand around her breast tightened, mashing her breasts against her and twisting her nipple hard enough to jerk tears from her. When she finally came down from the hight of pleasure, she remembered she was alone, and found her hand deep in her snatch and her finger around a bruised nipple. She chuckled, and dropped her hands to her sides as the luke-warm water continued to wash over her. She turned it off before it got cold, and grabbed her towel to dry off before wrapping it around her. She went to bed, doing her best to avoid staring at Hinata again. ----------------------------------------Next morning---------------------------------------- Hinata awoke with a pounding headache, and she didn't even want to move, much less get up. She started to open her eyes, only to close them shut again as the feeble light blinded her. 'What the fuck happened last night?' she thought as she tried to block out the pain. She groaned in pain, turning to her side. Serah awoke to her sounds of pain, seeing her turn a bit in bed. She smiled, and whispered. "Hangover." Hinata groaned again, even the slight sound of her voice sounding like nails on a chalkboard. Serah got up as quietly as possible. "Sorry to tell you, but only time can help you. Trust me, I've tried. You should be fine in a couple hours, and mobile in a few minutes." She began to dress, and looked at her, the covers over her head. "I'll be waiting downstairs when you're ready." She left, taking her pack and the still unopened bottle of wine with her. Hinata slowly sat up, the room spinning. She waited for it to stop before attempting to stand, though had to sit again before she fell over as it span again. She tried again, and stood, unsteady, but she kept her footing. She gripped her head in a futile attempt to relieve the headache as she stumbled to the bathroom to shower. Her head pounded as the water hit it, but slowly receded. By time she left, she could function with some semblance of normalcy. She put on her clothes, knowing she would have to talk to Serah soon, as she undoubtably noticed her bulging panties. She grabbed her pack and walked downstairs, finding her talking up several people at once, 2 women and a man. "I didn't know you could do that with a shadow clone!" One woman states before Serah noticed Hinata. "Oh, hey!" She pulled herself away from the small group she had gathered and came up to her. "So, you ready!?" "Not so loud!" Was her only response as she gripped her head again. She walked past her, trying to walk straight, and headed out, where the sun was shining full. She had to close her eyes for a few minutes as she got used to it. Serah waited patiently, knowing full well how bad a hangover can be. "Ready now?" She asked quieter this time as Hinata opened her eyes just enough to see. She nods, and the head to the car. -----------------------------------Later, death room---------------------------------------- "Hey, hey hey! Welcome back! So, how'd it go? Get it done?" "Piece of cake, lord Death!" Serah said proudly, puffing up her chest. "OK, OK, don't let it get to your head! He was weak, even by normal standards. I didn't expect you to have any trouble." "Yeah,yeah we figured it was a small fry. When do we get to catch a big fish!?" "Well, there is that one that just came in, but no...you're too inexperienced." He knew they would take the bait, he just liked toying with people from time to time. "Well, c'mon! Whoever it is, we can handle it! Don't keep us waiting!" "Well, if you insist. Your next target is..." there was a long pause. "No one." "WHAAA!?" "Your next target is powerful, and you need to be at tip-top shape. I see Hinata is still working off last night." She blushed as she was found out. "Report back in three days, and be well rested!" Serah sighed loudly. "Yes, Lord Death..." She said, quite annoyed but knowing there was no point in arguing. "Right then, see you two later! Bye-bye now!" He watched them walk away. As they left, Spirit came out from behind the mirror at the end of the platform. "So, you think they stand a chance?" "Dunno. If Stein's analysis is right their special attack can take out nearly anyone in a single blow. However, this guy specialises in stealing chakra. What exactly would happen is anyone's guess. Regardless, he's strong, fast, and is a double SS in the bingo book. It's a long shot, to say the least." "True, but the very reason he's dangerous is the reason we must take care of him. And Hinata is our best chance. You and Stein better prepare too. They will need help." "Right. Leave it to us!" The mirror pinged. Death walked to it, and tapped it, revealing Maka and Soul on a screen the same size as the mirror they were using, which wasn't big. "Oh, Hello Maka. What's up, what's up?" "Just reporting in! Not much is really happening here. A few missions, all of which more or less went as expected, and training with Crona and Sakura. But Naru..." She trailed off, not sure how to continue. "Take your time. Has something happened to her?" "Well, kinda. She took Hinata's injury pretty hard.  She's...changed. She's not lost her confidence, or strength, but her personality has turned cold." "Yeah, she's turned into a bit of a bitch. It's actually kinda cool, though. She seems more determined to get stronger than ever!" "Soul! BE more respectful! She's our friend!" "Sorry, sorry. Just tellin the truth." "Oh my, that sounds unpleasent. How is Sakura taking this? I understand she was quite close to them both too." "Well, she's gaining confidence and strength, but whenever she talks to Naru, she seems subservient. I'm not sure how to explain it..." "I understand. I expect regular reports every month. Remember you are still a meister, so don't forget to collect souls!" "You can count on us, Lord Death! Maka out!" The screen went out, and returned to his reflection. "Spirit, you were awfully quiet. Is something..." He turns to him and facepalms. Spirit is Sitting on the ground, in the fetal position, sucking his thumb. "She didn't even notice me! Not even when I held the sign!" Nearby was a sign reading "Go, Maka, GO!" In bold red letters. ----------------------------------Maka's house--------------------------------------- Hinata was relaxing in a bath. Well, trying to, but her mind kept going back to that morning. She hadn't really thought of it, or cared, but realised Serah had stripped her, and she must have seen her bulging panties. "What the hell am I going to do? Is she OK with it? Do I confront her, or wait for her to ask?" She sighs, unable to make a decision. In another room, Serah is training, holding her sword form in her own hands, slashing a very thick wooden dummy. The room is small, only just big enough to hold two dummies side by side. It was where Soul most often trained alone, being too small for him in full scyth mode to wield. Currently, Serah was hacking at it, though it was dense enough to be able to withstand her blows. She was doing this for three reasons. 1. She made sure to keep herself trained so she could protect herself, if need be. 2. She was pissed that her next mission was delayed. She was a woman of action, and easily got restless. 3. She was doing everything she could to ignore the memories of last night, to little avail. She finally ran out of steam after nearly an hour straight of powerful hacks, and falls on her back, panting heavily. The sword dissapears as she sits up, pulling up a knee to lean agianst. "Last night... Should i confront her, or forget it Nah, that second can't happen. It's too frigging awesome! But, still, what should I do? She the best partner I've had! The last two left after the first week! Here it's been a month and we actually get along! What to do, what to do..." She sat there for several minutes, silently contemplating. "Fuck it. All or nothing!" She gets up and walks to her room, only to meet her in the hall with only a towel on. "OH! H-hi Serah! I thought you were training!" She said, startled. "Yeah, i just finished. Listen, I need to talk about...last night.." She was uncharacteristically shy. This made Sakura nervous. "W-what about... nevermind, I know what you mean. Let's talk where Kid and the others won't hear." She lead her to her room, locking the door. She sat on her bed and began to explain. (Do I really have to go over it again?) After she finished, Serah was leaning against a desk across the room. "So, you have both? That's unbelievable! That's not normal! That's..." Hinata looked away. 'Here it comes...she's gonna call me a freak...' "Fucking hot!!" Hinata snapped her head to her. 'Did she just-' She couldn't finish the thought before Serah already made it across the small room and kissed her. Hinata's eyes shot wide before they half closed as she gave in to her. "Hinata, I can't get that big dick out of my mind! I've gotta have it!"
Chapter 13 - ch.13
----------------------Just before Naru unleashed red chakra--------------------------------- In spite of being nearly blind by the mist, he was easily able to hear the clumsy (by ninja standard) bandits coming at him from any side, and dispatched any foolish enough to come close with ease. "That's right, keep it coming! It's been so long since I've been able to let loose!" He exclaimes, decapitating one and lodging his sword in another in the same stroke. He was about to unleash a cero to a particularly noisy bunch when he stopped. Everyone stopped. They turned to look toward where a great, sinister energy was radiating. Of everyone, on Grimm knew exactly what was going on. "So, it's finally awake. About time." Everyone but Grimm was frozen in fear, so he took advantage of this, cutting down half of the remaining force in seconds. Then he hears Naru's yell. "Well, sounds like she's really getting into it! I'll actually have to be careful when fighting her from now on." Soon after, the mist started to lift, revealing all the rest of the bandits, the bandits who had fallen, and a large dome made of ice where his genin used to be. "It seems..." He started, clearing talking to the bandits, while his eyes never left the dome. "Your shinobi friend has pulled his ace. (He doesn't know it's a girl.) After that jutsu, he won't have any chakra left, seeing as he can't even sustain the mist jutsu from earlier. Look around you..." The bandits looks, seeing only 3 dozen or sol left out of about 2 hundred. "You have to the count of three to get out of my sight, before I kill you. That include's you, Gato." His gaze turns and lands directly on Gato, who is panicing at the loss of his force, and prepares a cero. "1." The bandits turn to run, some jumping off the bridge. "2." Gato turns to run, but the short little guy just doesn't have enough leg. "3." He fires his cero directly at gato, tearing through a few less inteligent bandits along the way. By the time the cero hit Gato, it had coned out bigger than he was, and completely annihilating him. Grimm turns back to the dome, his battle over. He doesn't have to wait long before Naru breaks out, his blade looking like it was surrounded by a rasengan, before it broke, sending Naru flying a short ways, and landed hard, but got up quickly. Grimm noted that her body was practically covered in needles, though she seemed to pay them no mind. She started to walk quickly to the shinobi, who was slowly backing away, drained of chakra. "Heh, she must be pleading for her life." He looked to where the dome was, and saw Hinata and Sakura on the ground, unmoving. "I see. Killing her friends, huh? That would do it!" He looked back just in time to see Naru spin, and decapitate the enemy. "Well, about time we get the hell out Mist." He walks over to her, and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Time to go." She turned and swung at him, he manages to block, and can see her eyes. They are filled with pain and hate, red with slited pupils. "Naru, snap out of it!" She swings again, obviously not listening. After he blocks the next hit, he gives her a sharp jab in the gut. "I said, snap out of it." Naru's eyes go wide with pain before she passes out, falling limp into Grimm's arm. He sheathes his sword, and hefts her up, taking her to the other genin, and setting her against the side of the bridges, sitting up. He went over to the fallen genin, and checked their pulse. "Nothing." He states, hearing Naru stir. She wakes up, her eyes back to normal. "What happened?" She looked up and sees Hinata ans Sakura, and suddenly remembers. "Hinata, Sakura!!!" She cries, crawling over. "No, please, please be alive!" Naru looked over at Grimm, who sent a cat, a scroll in it's mouth. "We'll leave this to the Anbu. We'll take them back to Tazuna's, who will watch over them until they arrive." "No, I, I can't leave them!" "Dumbass! Who will it help for us to drag them back!" Naru's head dropped, beginning to understand. "The anbu can make sure their death is completely secret from other nations, who would want Hinata for her Byakugan. C'mon, let's get going." Grimm placed Sakura on his shoulder, being careful of the needles. Naru picked up Sakura by her armpits, carrying her with her heels dragging on the ground. They draged them in silence, the workers, ignored, staying out of thier way and returning to work. They finally reached Tazuna's house, and placed them in their room, side by side. Naru looked down at them sadly, and put their hands together, so they were holding each others. She backed away, and started crying. Grimm left her, giving her a moment alone. After 5 minutes, her returned, Naru still just standing there, her tears having dried long ago, though looked like she still was. "Time to go." She simply nodded, and left. After leaving, they walked along the bridge, now close enough that the workers put wood between the gap between the bridge and the land. They crossed, and were back in the land of Fire, only a week's walk away from the Leaf village. Once the bridge was out of view, Naru asked, "What do I do now, that my best friends..." She trailed off. Grimm looked at her for a while before responding. "Dunno. There's only two people I've ever been that close to, and neither of them have died. You have to figure this one out on your own, kid." They walk the rest of the way in silence, Naru unnaturally depressed, and thinking deeply. 'What SHOULD I do? What!?' -------------------------------------one week later---------------------------------------- Naru and Grimmjow finally made it back to town, being greeted by the door guards. "Oh, you're in trouble!" "Yeah, yeah, I know." "Not yet, you don't!" Said the guard knowingly. Grimm raised an eyebrow in curiosity, but let it drop, figuring he'd find out sooner or later. They finally reached the Hokage's office and Grimm knocked. "Hokage, we're back." He opened the door, to be greeted by a kick to the chin, sending him flying through the roof, and into the air. "Damn him, leaving me like that!" exclaimed Eva, looking up at the hole she made. She then looked at Naru. "You have the written report?" "Yeah." Said Naru, not looking from the ground as she dug through her bag and pulled out a scroll and handed it to her. "What happened?" Eva demanded. Naru just shook her head, and sat down in a nearby chair. Eva, face actually showing concern, immediately began to read the report. As she reached the end, her eyes shot open as she saw the results of Naru's battle. As she finished reading, her eyes narrowed in concern and anger. "I see." She looks at Naru, still not looking away from the ground. "There was a report on some fallen shinobi, but I never thought..." A scream was heard from above, and Eva held her leg out, only for Grimm to land on it, audible cracking his back. she looks at him, anger only a fraction of what she was feeling. "Do you have any idea what you've done!" She said before dropping him on the floor. "OW, damn. Hey, I didn't think that they would die from her! Besides, I had thought the dangerous part was over!" Eva hit him on the head. "That's not what I'm talking about! Not only did you drug my evening tea and leave without me, but now I'm the fucking Hokage!!" "What!!? How the hell did that happen!!?" "Well, when the strongest leaf are either doing "research" or gambling, who knows where, they didn't give me much choice!" "How the hell did the geezer die?" "He had a massive stroke, and was babbling something about evil paperwork and fire-breathing squirrels. Anyway, he is in no shape to walk, much less act Hokage, and the elders forced me to step in." Her features softened as she turned her attention to Naru. "That aside, Naru.." she barely made a movement to the mention of her name. "..take off as much time as you need. But I do want you back to training as soon as possible." Naru nodded, and left, going for a walk, to no where in particular. "I suppose I should get her home." Grimm started to leave. "Hold it!!" Grimm stopped in his tracks, and slowly turned his head, a paniced look over his face. "You still own me!" He gulped, and turned around. "Fine, you can take them next time!" He says, deserately trying to avoid punishment. "Oh no I can't. I'm Hokage! So, both the reason I can't go, and me being Hokage is entirely your fault!!" She walks up to him, popping her hips, sending him mixed signals, as her face radiated pure anger. "So, you're gonna have'ta make it up to me." He was sweating bullets now. She pulls his head down and whispers something in his ear. His face immediately pales, his pupils become pinpoints in fear. He tries to run, but she has already blocked the exits in ice. "No, no, please god, no!!!" She simply smiles, and nods, walking toward him. -----------------------------------cut to outside--------------------------------------- "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" ---------------------------------several days later---------------------------------------- The anbu finally arrived at Tazuna's house, having used a circuitous route to avoid detection. The knock. "Coming!" Tazuna opens the door, and looks at their masks. "Who're you?" He asks, clearly drunk. "You are Tazuna, correct?" He nods. "We are here for the young shinobi. His face becomes solomn. "Right this way." He showed them upstairs, and took them to the girl's room. "They're in here." "Have you checked on them recently?" "Hell no. Two young girls, dead before their time; it's just too depressing..." The anbu understood, and opened the door, and say the girls, but not waht the expected. Instead of them being in the first stages of decomposition, the were mearly thin, as though starving. The lead anbu turns to another. "Blane, I need you to check these girls. It appears the report was not entirely accurate." The named anbu, an expert medic, entered the room and examined them. "You're right. They aren't dead, but in a near death state. Anyone without formal medical training wouldn't be able to tell." "We need to get them back to the leaf immediately! You two carry them, I'll send a message to the Hokage." His subordinates follow his orders, as he exits the house, and summons a hawk. "An urgent message for the Hokage. Be quick." It blinked in understanding, and left as soon as the note was tied under it's collar. -----------------------------------------the next day--------------------------------------- A hawk appeared at Eva's window, interupting her paperwork. She stretches, turning toward the window. "I could use a break, anyway." She takes the paper out of it's collar, and reads it. Her brow raises as she reads. "Well, this is fortunate news." She pulls out a CB radio from her desk. "Chachamaru, come in, over." "I copy mistress, over." "Tell Grimm to bring Naru in tomorrow. I have some good news." ---------------------------------the next day, yet again----------------------------------- Naru stood in front of Eva, not even Grimm was told of the news yet. "Naru, I have good news, bad news, and worse news." Naru didn't react. "The good news is, your friends are alive." She ran to Eva and grabbed her collar. "Are you lying!? Don't mess with me, cause if you are, I will KILL YOU!" "It's true." Continued Eva unpreterbed. "They got lucky. The needles narrowly missed their vitals, but put them in a state of near-death. Only a med-nin could tell they were still alive." Naru's eyes went wide in surprise, and glee. "They're, they're alive?" She whispers. She lets go of Eva's collar. "Where are they!" she demands. "They're in the hospital, they came in this morning. I did the examination myself." That little bit of self-praise distracted her. When she finished, Naru was already at the window. "Wait! I'm not done!" "Tell me later!" Naru said, her voice cheery again. She ran as fast as possible, jumping from building to building toward the hospital. She slowed part-way there. "I feel weird... What's happening?" she says to herself, on the way, but the feeling passes, and she picks up speed again. She makes it to the hospital, and runs to the front desk. "Hinata and Sakura, where are they?" She asks, barely stopping in time. "Well, room 141, in recovery, but-" "Thanks!" She runs off, looking for the door. "Wait, they're not ready for guests!" Naru runs to the door, and slams it open, to see Sakura and Hinata. Her eyes grow wide, as she sees them. They are gaunt, thin, malnourished. But then she really gets a surprise as they both look up in curiosity, unable to muster any stronger emotion in their weakened state. "Who are you?" Naru begins to tear up, before she loses her lunch.
Chapter 27 - ch 27
-------------------------------Time skip! 8 1/2 months later-------------------------------- Naru was sparing against Maka, glad to finally be back on her feet. She was forced to saty in bed for several weeks after she gave birth. While she was less adept at fighting due to her pregnancy, her technique was near flawless, giving Maka and Soul a tough time. The battle soon ended in a draw, both Maka and Naru too tired to continue. Naru heard laughter and, smiling, looked over at her children, to whom Chachamaru was designated nanny. One was a girl named Naruka who had blond hair like hers, and Hinata's eyes, though she looked more like Sakura otherwise. The other, a boy named Hanata, had Sakura's pink hair, Naru's eyes, and looked almost exactly like Hinata, hence her namesake. She noted it was near feeding time, and walked over as Maka rested, Soul reverting back to normal to help her to a chair. Chachamaru noticed her approach. "You have such good intincts, Miss Naru! They only just started to complain of empty bellies." "I am their mother, after all!" She opened her top to reveal her braless breasts. She had decided it was just easier to go without until they were weaned off. She gently picked each of them up with an arm and placed them to her nipples. They began suckling hungrilly immediately. As always, she felt a gentle tingle of pleasure she knew she shouldn't, at least with them. "The Chunin Exam is tomorrow. Are you nervous, Miss Naru?" "Hell no! Bring'em on! Nothin's gonna stop my climb to the top, and these Exams are my next big step!" She exclaimed, though keeping her voice soft to not startle the children. "That's quite a bit of confidence you got there!" She heard a familiar voice, bringing up painful feelings. She looked over to see Hinata, closely followed by Serah. Just behind her was Blackstar and Tsubaki, and Kid with the twins. Liz, being her usual bubbly self, was oblivious the the tension in the air. "Hi! Long time no see! What brings you here!?" Her sister looked at her harshly. "This is their house!" "Oh yeah! My bad!" She just giggles it off like she never made the faux pas. Blackstar walked over to Soul, who got up from sitting next to Maka, and the banged their arms against each others. "Long time, no see!" "Yeah, good to see ya!" Responded Soul. Soon after, they disolved into their usual groups: Soul and Blackstar drag Kid with them before he starts reorganizing everything, Liz, Patty, Tsubaki and Maka head of to relax in the bath, Leaving just Naru, her lover, her ex-lover, Chachamaru, and her two children still suckling her. The babies soon finish, and Chachamaru takes them to burp them and put them to bed. Naru got up and walked toward Hinata. "Listen, I'm-" She wasn't able to finish her sentence as she was sluged hard enough to fly several feet, landing at Sakura's feet. "OK, I deserve that." She finally looked Hinata in the face to see how much she had changed, just as Hinata got her first good look at Naru. Hinata's hair had gone from being nearly pitch black to white as snow, and her skin had followed suit, paling even more than it was before, making it look like porcelian. Conversely, her eyes had gon from a dull grey to deeper than pitch black, like they actually absorbed the light around them. The whole package gave her a beautiful, yet haunting look. She wore a flowing black cloak over a black and pink bodysuit that accentuates her features and allowed complete freedom of movement. Meanwhile, Naru's hair had grown longer and denied any attempt to be managed, spiking out as it ran down her back like a long mane. Her face was more angular, even a passive look seemed vicious, as her canines were clearly pronounced, her eyes angled down, and her eyes were still that bright red. She still wore the black leather suit she bought months before. "Y-you've changed." Said Naru as she got up, wiping dust of her ass. "At least I still look human! You give 'foxy lady' a whole new term!" "Well, at least I can still hide from people! You stick out like a sore thumb with that hair!"   As they continued bickering, Serah went over to Sakura. "Yo! Name's Serah!" She held out a hand. "Sakura." She shook her hand. "Has she been like this ever since we left?" "More or less. She has some shadow or something that's supplying her with chakra, so she can fight without me, but it'll corrupt her. What about her? She looks more like a wild animal than a ninja." "Yeah, it's kinda similar. She's jinchuriki to the 9-tailed fox, and she's allowed it to give her chakra. It's changed her, though only physically. Mentally, she's been brooding ever since we left. She's also kinda subjucated me! It can be hard, but she never hurts me, and will always protect me, so I guess I'm happy with it." "That's good. Me and her have a partnership, so we both have a say. It's really hard to fuck her, though." Sakura blushed at her complete shamelessness. "H-how do you mean...?" "Ever since the first time, she has absolutely refused me. I guess I was a little rough..." Sakura's face blanched at the thought. There was very little Hinata would deny. "W-what exactly did you do?" She asked, almost afraid of the answer. "Dry fucked her ass amd fisted her meanwhile. She came like nothin, but has denied me ever since. I dunno, she keeps pretty quiet." Sakura laughs. "Yeah, that's Hinata! So, should we stop them?" Thet were wrestling on the ground, still insulting each other. "Nah. She still has feelings for her, even if she won't admit it. Best to let them sort it out." "yeah, I guess you're right. Girls, we're going inside. Don't fight too long!" "K!" They both respond before returning to fighting. Sakura and Serah just roll their eyes as they head inside. They continued to wrestle and roll around, insulting each other and pulling each other's hair. They eventually got tired and ended up lying next to each other. "Naru...why..Why did you just leave me like that?" Naru looked away, full of regret. "We thought it was best..." "I'm not asking why you left, I just...Why didn't you ask me?" "It...it was too painful..." "More painful than how we feel now? We...we used to love each other..." "I do still love you-" "Well, I don't love you! Not anymore...Not after you left me without even saying a proper goodbye. It's getting dark, I should head in." She left Naru with a saddened expression. Naru's heart broke at her words. She had hoped that if they ever met again, they could patch things up, but now... She slowly got up, all energy gone, and headed inside herself to cry herself to sleep. ------------------------------------next morning--------------------------------------- The exams were about to start, and Naru was running late. "Why didn't anyone wake me up!?" She was dashing through town to the school where the first test, the written exam, was, when she bumped into someone. She fell on her assand rubbed her head. "Watch where you're going, pipsqueak!" "Who you calling..." She looks up...and up... and up at her. She was tall, at least 6 foot, with her hair pulled back in 4 ponytails. Naru had run directly into a giant foldup fan strapped to her back. She wore a white short dress cinched together with a purple sash. A mesh clothing was under it, and she wore her headband as a collar. It had the symbol for the sand. "I don't have time for this!" She decided to take the quick route, and opened her fan, got on and flew off on it. "Cool." She noted before running after her, to the school. She managed to make it with a few minutes to spare, meeting with her team: Sakura, Maka, and Soul. "Hey, why didn't you wake me!?" "Hinata said you were already on the way." Responded Maka. "Dammit Hinata!" She looked for her, seeing her with her own team: Blackstar and Tsubaki, and Kid and the sisters. She saw Naru looking and flashed a mischevious grin. Naru growled. She looked around at the rest of the competition, seeing a bunch of people she never even seen before, though most were from the leaf. She saw the blonde haired girl with 2 men: one had a slightly animalistic hood and facepaint with a large bandaged up thing on his back, with what looked like hair jutting out from the top. His hood was attached to a black coat and matching black pants. The other was a redhead, with a solemn expression, wearing a large gourd on his back. He was wearing a dusty red coat, strapped with a black belt, and black pants underneath. "The genin from the sand." Naru turned around to find a man with grey hair pulled back in a ponytail reaching his upper back. His black eyes were slightly obscured by his round glasses. He wore a purple shirt, shorts, and fingerless gloves all the same color. "Hi, my name's Kabuto. And no, I'm not a pokemon in disguise." Everyone in earshot dropped a sweat from the terrible joke. "Hi, I'm Naru, this is Sakura, and Maka and Soul." "Would you like to know a bit about them?" He pulls out some cards out of his shirt, revealing their profile on them. "Let's see... The blond is Temari. She's a wind user, madew even more potent with that fan. The guy with face paint is Kankuro. He uses puppets connected with strings of chakra. The last...is Gaara. Not much is known, but he uses sand as a weapon, which he carries in the goard." "Do you have profiles on all of them?" Asked Soul. "Most, but nothing on you, Maka, or those groups over there with Hinata." "How do you know so much?" "This is my fifth time." "Wow, you suck!" Noted Naruto with her usual arrogance. "Thanks for that... Well, I should meet back up with my team. Good luck!" "That was random." said Naru. "He gives me the creeps." replied Maka, grabbing herself. "Alright, Pissants! Time for the test! Follow me.!" A large man with a scarred face turned and lead them to a huge classroom. "Take your seats." Everyone does as told, finding seats with their names. The class was lined with shinobi, each obviously at least junin. "Here are the rules. You will be given a paper with 9 questions." He nods to the junin who start passing them out, facedown. "The final question will be given at the end. You have ten points. Each question wrong, you lose a point. Each time you are caught cheating, you lose 2 points. If anyones points go to 0, they and their team are disqualified until next year." There was a ruckus at this. He slammed his hand on the podium at the end of the class. "QUIET! This is my class, and my rules. If you don't like it, you can leave now, and disqualify your team as well!" No one moved. "Right. BEGIN!!"
Chapter 1 - Sonic's X B4 X-Mas
Sonic's Sex Before X-Mas Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right? "'Twas The Night Before Christmas" is a story that was written long ago. I'm sure everyone knows that. 'Twas the night before Christmas, and through Sonic's home, Not a creature was stirring. Sadly, Sonic was alone. His sneakers were sitting by the chimney with his socks, And he hoped that St. Nick wouldn't catch him stroking his cock. He laid on the couch, dreading the loneliness of his bed, While visions of hot catgirls danced in his head. With his gloves on the floor, and his hands in his lap, Perhaps he'd choke his chicken before taking a nap. When up on the roof Sonic heard such a clatter, Sonic jumped from his couch to see what was the matter! Out the front door he flew like a flash, And realizing he was barefoot, to his shoes he did dash! The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow, Allowed the one on the roof to spot Sonic below. When, what did his wondering eyes happen to see, But a sexy silhouette slipping down his chimney! Sonic dashed into his house so incredibly quick, Hoping what was coming was a present for his dick! Quicker than a wink, he locked his front door, And waited for his visitor to land on the floor. "C'mon Amy, or Rouge, or Shade and Tikal! Please, Vanilla, or Marine, even Cream, though she's small! Geez, why is this taking so much goddamn time! And why in the hell am I speaking in rhyme!" As a bright fireball lit up the fireplace flue, The identity of his visitor Sonic instantly knew! There could be only one about to meet Sonic's gaze. He was filled with great joy, for he knew this was Blaze! He peeked into the chimney to see he was right. When his eyes were met with a dazzling sight! As he drew in his head, and grasped his rod with desire, Down came Blaze landing right in the fire! She stepped out, dressed in a skimpy Santa suit, Which Sonic thought sexy and flirty and cute. An assortment of sex toys she pulled from her pocket, And straight to her side, Sonic did rocket! "You don't need those, hot stuff. My dick'll make you merry! Too bad I'm quite sure someone already popped your cherry!" She dropped all her toys, except for a collar. Slipping it on, "Take me!" she did holler! Sonic kissed her lips hard, his tongue darting in. He pulled off her coat quickly, eager to begin. Her breasts, they did jiggle. Her skirt came off next. And she knew in a moment, she would be sexed. Sonic pinned her to the couch, and penetrated her himself, And she yelped when she felt him, in spite of herself. A thrust of his rod and a squeeze of her tits, Made them both gasp in pleasure. They were loving this! Sonic spoke few words, and continued his work. He screwed her long and hard, he wasn't a jerk! And thrusting his penis deep into her pussy, And giving a yell, he cummed hard and messy! She climaxed as well, gasping heavy with tiredness. They'd both fall asleep soon, they each needed rest. But Sonic heard Blaze whisper, as they gazed at the fire's light, "We'll have a sexy Christmas tomorrow. And maybe once more tonight!" Merry Christmas
Chapter 31 - ch. 31
The board flipped randomly through names before landing on two. "Misumi Vs Tenten." Misumi, whose face was all but covered by a mask and headband, leaving only his eyes, over shich he wore round glasses, looked at his opponent, ans she at him. She wore a pink sleaveless blouse, and green pants. Her hair and eyes were equally dark brown, her hair tied up into two buns atop her head. The combatants went to the center of the arena, while the rest went up the stairs, giving them a chance to rest as they watched. Naru and company was met by Grimmjow. He said nothing as he scanned the crowd, looking for Orochimaru. Hinata and her group were met by Stein and Spirit. Serah walked up to them, both leaning on the safty rail. "Oi, where have you two been!? You just ran off as soon as we came to the gates, and left us to find our own way!" "We had some important business with the Hokage." Stated Stein, readjusting his glasses. "Yeah, she wanted to meet us ASAP!" Spirit added. Serah looked at them angilly, not believing a word. --------------------------------------Last night----------------------------------- They really did meet the Hokage, it was just a matter of where. "It's good to be king!" Eva exclaimed as she downed her 3rd nearly free bottle of sake. "Maybe you should slow down. Don't we have somewhere to be tomorrow?" Spirit instantly regretted saying anything as she slammed her glass down. "HEY! I only get one night off a week! And with these damn Chunin Exams, it's gonna be hell all next month!" She slumoed onto the table. "Freaking paperwork for foreign participants, deciding who actually WILL be chunin, and worst of all, dealing with the damn representatives and all that political bullshit. So I gotta act "Nice and polite!" Just to avoid some international incident. So, you tell me! HAVE I HAD ENOUGH!?" She pushes herself up on her hands, leaning over the table, staring at Spirit with glazed, angry eyes. Spirit quickly shook his head. "Another bottle over here, please!" "That's what I thought. So, more to the point, how has Hinata been?" She asked as she relaxed back in her seat. It was Steins turn to speak. "She seems...stable. The dark being in her, supplying her with chakra, continuously tries to taint her mind, and has succeeded somewhat. However, her weapon partner, Serah, has a purifying effect, so they slow the corruption. I hate to think what would happen is they were separated for too long..." He downed a cup of sake. "She could become uncontrolable, and her power would only grow. She could be as dangerous as a tailed beast." "This is worrying. Can't let the elders know of this, else they'll never get of my back." She swallows a cup of sake. "They are already against Naru even BEING in the Exams, if they heard of her, they would both be pulled." "And that is the worst thing that could be done." Stated Spirit. "Indeed. Those with such...problems need acceptance more than ever, but are the last ones to get it. I just hope they can maintain control..." She was beginning to pass out, trying to stay awake, but failing. "And that IS enough." Spirit said, taking her bottle as she fell on the table, snoring. "Well, better get her home..." He said, taking one last drink before getting up and grabbing her, putting her over his shoulder. "You go ahead. There is something I need to check." "Alright. Don't take too long." -------------------------------------present-------------------------------------- "Fine, don't tell me! But you better help us practice later!" She turned angilly toward the stadium to watch the fight. "This is the battle between Mizumi and Tenten. The fight will end when either participant is either unable to fight, or forfiets. Anyone attack after an opponent forfeits will be disqualified. Understood?" Eva was standing between them as she explained the rules. They nod. "Right, then! Begin!!!" She jumped back out of the way. Tenten immediately pulled a scroll out of her sleeve and summoned some weapons from it, brabing and throwing them in the same motion. Her eyes went wide as his body contorted and bent in inhuman ways, avoiding each projectile. "Is that all you got, little girl?" He asked before returning his body to normal and running at her. She quickly got over his unusual jutsu and pulled out an overly large kunai, wielded with both hands. She swung at him, only for him to duck and pop up next to her. He wrapped his arms around her, more than should be possible, encompassing her legs and arms, one of his hands around her neck. "Forfeit, or you die!" "You think so, huh?" She released the jutsu placed on the kunai, making it normal sized, and stabbed him in the armpit, ripping through the muscles. He released her, the kunai still in, holding his arm. "You bitch!" "Give up yet?" "I'll fucking kill you!!" He charged, his good arm flailing around behind him as he pulled his shoulder back. He flung his arm forward, acting like a whip. She ducked under it, and looked up to see he was already preparing another. 'Damn! He's not giving me any time to prepare!' She thinks as his arm whips at her again and again. She attempted to make her way to the fallen weapons, but was blocked each time as she had to jump back to avoid getting hit. 'Let's see...No weapons, no time to prepare anymore, and he's out for blood...guess I got no choice but to chance it!' She stops, even as his arm aims at her again. She grabbed it, and held it tight. "Alright, let's see who's stronger!" She began to pull, trying to flip him around her. He held his ground, pulling back, but couldn't hold long as he weakened from blood loss. After several minutes of playing tug of war, he started to slide forward, losing his grip. Tenten made one more almighty heave, and he went flying over her head, landing hard on his back. She saw that he still refused to give up, and decided to finish it. She pulled two scrolls off her back, each the size of her arm. She held them by the edge of the paper, letting them roll onto the ground. She jumped, spinning, holding the scrolls, making them spiral with her. When her jump reached about ten feet, she stopped, holding herself aloft with the chakra infused scroll. She let them go as she and the scrolls hovered, and started summoning weapon after weapon, and throwing them just as fast, raining him with all kinds of lethal blades. Mizumi had managed to get back on his feet, only to see her floating in midair and a hail of every weapon he could think of coming at him. "Fuck me-" He was hit with blade after blade, even his bending unable to protect him from the onslaught. After about 100 weapons, Tenten released the jutsu, dropping back down with her scrolls. She looked at him, seeing little more than a bloody mess. "Winner, Tenten!" Announced Eva as medics came to collect the body. "We will now have a brief intermission to clean up. Everyone, take 5!" Tenten returned to her team, smiling wide. "That was a little close!" "He didn't stand a chance against the power of youth!" Exclaimed her sensei, Might Guy, giving her a thumbs up before turning to another student that looked almost like him. "Lee, take note of her attitude! A never say die attitude, and humble afterward!" "Right, sensei!" He pulls out a tiny notebook, and started to take notes. "Remember, a bad attitude is the best way to lose! Believe in yourself, and there is nothing you can't do!" "Right! Now that the floor is cleaned, it's time for the next round! Let's see who's next!" Eva calls out before turning to the screen, where two dice with everyone's names on them were being rolled.
Chapter 1 - I am a MILF sex doll from Spain
[font=宋体]www.[/font][font=宋体]24buydoll.com es un minorista líder de muñecas sexuales y tiene una amplia gama de muñecas sexuales de tamaño real[/font][font=宋体] en españa[/font][font=宋体], muñecas sexuales de silicona, muñecas sexuales TPE, muñecas de amor realistas, muñecas japonesas de amor y mucho más.[/font]
Chapter 24 - ch.24
A month had passed since Eva's blowup. Naru was forbidden from any jutsu or intense physical training after last week, when threw up in the middle of practice, which left her spending most of her time in her inner world dueling Inuyasha. Sakura, Maka, and Crona occasionally left on missions, leaving Naru alone, with only one way to vent her anger. "Aaarg!" She swung her blade at Inuyasha, letting go a little anger, guilt, and sadness with each swing. Her eyes showed murderous intent, even though she couldn't kill him if her wanted her to. He was being pushed to his limit, her rage powering her attacks. He had blocked her attack, but she was using every limb in order to take him out, kicking him in the side, before following up, using the momentum from her kick to spin and slash at him, slicing him deeply, rendering him immobile. She points the sword at his head, a crazed look in her eyes. "Naru!" inuyasha yelled, breaking her out of her trance. Naru backed down, and backstepped a few paces as Inuyasha stuck his sword in the ground, leaning heavily against it. "You did well, kid. I think you're ready to learn the windscar." Naru's eyes shined dimly in delight, never having returned to their previous luster. "Really?" She asked. "Well, you might be ready to learn it, but I'm in no condition to teach it!" He admits with a chuckle. Naru sheathes her sword, the giant thing shrinking to accomidate the sheath all the way to the hilt, which gives an audible click. "So, we're done for today?" Inyuasha nods. "Yeah. Give me tomorrow to rest too. Then I'll teach ya." Naru nods, and leaves, opening her real eyes, seeing Sakura and Crona sparing, Maka and Soul being on a mission. Grimm was watching from the trees, pretending to sleep, while an Eva clone was nearby, really sleeping. Naru got up, resheathed her sword, and went inside. Before she got more than 10 steps, Grimm was at the doorway. "Where do you think you're going?" "Bed." "Oh no you don't. There's still another two hours left. Get back to training." "There's no point. He's too injured to continue." "Say that again..." "Inuyasha can't fight for a while. He needs rest." "You can't be that strong already. It took me a year to be on par with mine, and even longer to finally surpass him." "Well, I am. Remember, I have this demon inside me. I own it's power." Grimm's face changed subtly. Naru knew him long enough to know he was making concern. "I think you may be mistaken. You seem to belong to him." "What does that mean?" "Your attitude the last month. You've only gotten more and more introverted, like your keeping everything bottled up. He tends to feed on such things. Not to mention he made his mark on you." Over the last month, as Naru let her old self go, her face became more and more wolflike: her canines we pronounced, her eyes randomly changed from red to blue, but always stayed slitted, and her long hair seemed almost constantly standing on end, giving her an extreamly feral look. "So? He's giving me power. As long as I don't lose sight of the reason for it, I don't care." Grimm let his face relax, plainly showing his concern. "Naru, don't beat yourself up over Hinata-" "It's not like that!!" Naru almost yelled, the sudden outburst surprising Grimm. She looked at her hand, and made a fist. "I wan't able to protect her, or help her when she was injured. Thats why I made a promise to myself and Sakura. That I would gain the power to protect her, Hinata, and all my loved ones, no matter the cost. This damn demon fox want's a piece of me? He can have it, as long as he returns the favor with more power. And, when I become Hokage, I can use this power to crush anyone who dares threaten the leaf." He looks at Grimm with adamantine determination. "I won't let anyone else I care for get hurt." "You stupid kid. Even I know that kind of power will destroy you in the end." "I won't let it. I will master his power, and keep training to become the strongest." The steel in her eyes and voice leave little debate. "Alright, alright. It's your life. Just be sure you don't mess up theirs." He points at her midrift, her apparent pot-belly holding the twin babies. Naru's features finally soften as she rubs her slight belly. "Don't worry. They are the last two I would ever put in harms way." Grimm nodded, and left, as the only condoned training she had left was light exersize to stay in shape, and her sword. She headed to her bedroom, and sat on her bed. "Now, lets see if we can't get this to work..." She concentrated her chakra, continuing her self-imposed training. -----------------------------------little over two hours later------------------------------ Sakura had just finished her shower, cleaning her new wounds and washing away the muck of the day. She entered her bedroom, and sat on the bed across from Naru, who seemed to be in deep concentration. she laid down, hoping to get to sleep early tonight. "Welcome, pet." Said Naru. She had heard her come in, and was waiting for her to get comfortable before starting for the evening. "I hope you weren't about to rest before you tend to me!" "O-of course not, mistress!" Sakura jumped out of bed, awaiting her orders. "I-I was just..." "Oh, now that won't do..." Naru got up and walked forward, until her face was only an inch away from Sakura's, her eyes glowing red with lust. "Not only do you try to sleep before I'm satisfied, but you lie too? You're going to have to be punished!" Sakura looked at her with apprehesion, even as her cock started to stiffen. "What shall we do...? Back you up? No, you lose yourself; I want you consious. Orgasm denial? No, no, you enjoy that far too much!" Sakura was shivering in both fear and anticipation as Naru cupped her dick through her clothes, gently stroking it with her hand. "Please, mistress. I'm sorry!" Sakura began to squirm. "well then, why don't you show me just how sorry you are!" She stripped, revealing her sizable breasts and shaved pussy. She pushed Sakura down gently, and sat on her, her gleaming pussy not an inch away from from her face. Sakura took the hint and started licking her, using all her experience from the last month. Naru shivered with pleasure as she was eaten out. She begins to grind her cunt into her face, revaling in how good she had gotten. "That's good, pet. Lick that pussy clean!" Sakura was more than a little turned on, and it was getting difficult to contain herself. She started moving her hands to her waist to undo her pants, but Naru grabbed her hands and brought them to her own waist, making her hold her. "No, no, no!" She scolded playfully. "You don't get to play, not until I say so!" She dug her cunt deeper into her face, nearly smothering her. "C'mon, pet. You can make me cum, can't you? You can't play until I cum!" Sakura's dick was pulsing madly with need, uncomfotably tight in her pants. She redoubled her efforts, sucking Naru's clit and sticking her tongue in as far as it goes. Naru began to moan and grind her sensitive folds on Sakura's chin. "That's it! You're doing good Pet!" She says as she starts kneeding her breasts, adding to the stimulation. After several minutes, she was close to climax. "Yes! Almost there, pet. Just..a little...bit.. further..!" She came, her juices drenching the bottom of Sakura's face as she gulped down as much as she could. As she finally came down from her orgasm, she got off Sakura, and immediate;y grabbed her hands which had gone straight to unleashing her needy member. "Ah, ah, ah! Allow me!" She let go of Sakura's hands, which fell to her sides, and began unbuttoning her pants, dropping them quickly. Her dick sprang up and nearly hit Naru in the face, engorged and slightly bigger than usual. "You naughty girl! So ready and eager just after licking me?" She teased, making Sakura blush in embarassment and further arousal. Naru steps back and leans over her own bed, her ass invtingly shaking. " C'mon, fuck my ass!" Sakura didn't hesitate for a second before she jammed her thick rod into Naru's ass. She began fucking her madly, before Naru raised her legs and drew her nin close. Sakura was unable to pull back, her entire member hilted inside. "Sakura, how could you!? I offer you my ass, and all you care about is spurting your load. Now I KNOW I've taught you better than that! Now, I'm going to release you, and you had better go slow!" She let her go, and she did go slow at first, but she couldn't control herself and quickly picked up the pace. "Naughty pet!" Naru exclaims before flexing ever muscle in her ass, clenching Sakura's dick olike a vice all the way in. "I see ypu need stricter training!" She loosened up just enough to quickly flip over onto her back, and squeezed again, Sakura only pulling out half an inch during the time. Naru put her legs behind Sakura, andreleased her grip, pulling her in. "Thsi is how you fuck someone." She pulled her in, and let her go out back to the half inch mark, before pulling her in again. She kept this rythm slow, a mixture of a tortured look and pure bliss on Sakura's face. Naru leans up, and whispers gently. "You're mine, Sakura. Just as I promised to protect you, you promised to pleasure me. You are a most precious pet, here to serve me." She felt Sakura's dick throb and buck even more during her talk. "And you like being my pet, so why do you misbehave? Come and fuck me properly, and I will allow you to cum, but keep being naughty and selfish, and tonight will be a long and unfulfilling night." she then kissed her, deeply and passionately. Sakura responded with equal passion, and as Naru's legs let her go, she kept the same pace, if taking longer strokes because she had more room. Naru was in bliss as Sakura's huge dick violated her insides. She gripped the sheets, her knuckles going white, and began pushing back against each thrust. She increased the pace herself, Sakura following her lead. "M-mistress, I'm gonna cum!!" Sakura grunted as their fucking went faster and faster. "No! You are not allowed to cum! Not before me!" She yelled even as she felt Sakura's dick pulse strongly within her and a pleasent warmth flow through her belly. This managed to just send her to her own orgasm, though far less powerful than Sakura's. After she finished filling Naru, Sakura fell back, basking in the afterglow. This didn't last long as she felt a hand run over her sensitive dick, making her flinch. She looked down to see Naru stroking it, keeping semi-hard. "Bad pet, disobaying mistress. You have to be punished." "Please, mistress, I'm sorry!" She managed to exclaime before stifling a moan. "Please, it's so sensitive!" Her hands scrambled at the floor, finding no purchase as she writhed under her. She began to yell as Naru took her into her mouth, her head the most sensitive if all. "Please, mistress! It feels TOO good! I can't take it!" Her vision was spinning as the overwhelming feeling of pleasure overwhelmed her senses. She was already about to cum again when Naru removed her mouth and hand, only to pin her down so she couldn't jack off that last bit. "As punishment for disobaying me, we are going to do that 20 times. then maybe next time you can hold your load a little longer." She was looking her in the eyes, daring her to question her. Sakura looked away in defeat, and Naru let her arms go, and they stayed. "Good pet." She purred just before taking Sakura into her mouth again. Naru proved to be quite the tease, bringing her so close to climax time and time again, but stopping before she can ever cum. Until the twenty-first time, when she actually started sucking harder. Sakura yelled as she orgasmed, filling Naru's mouth with her spunk time and time again. When Sakura finally finished, she passed out from the long and arduous night. She carried her to her bed and lay her down gently, and lay next to her, stroking her hair lovingly. "Sleep well, my pet. Tomorrow is another day." She continued stroking until she fell asleep, her hand falling and resting gently on Sakura's neck.
Chapter 28 - ch. 28
Naru was panicking. The first question seemed impossible, so she skipped it, hoping the next would be easier. It wasn't. If fact, they got more and more difficult and complicated as they went along. The last question she couldn't even read. "Man, oh man! What do I do!?" She thought, staring at her paper, as though wishing for the answers to appear by themselves before just letting her head thump onto the desk. Soul was having just as tough a time. He got the first two answered (probably wrong) but was completely stumped by the third, and stubbornly refused to skip it. He tapped his pencil in frustration as he unknowingly mimicked Naru by staring. Maka was flying through, being the top of her class at the DWMA. She slowed by the time she reached the fith question, but was confident in her answers. She grinned as she reached the last question, relishing the challenge. Sakura Was having a relatively easy time too, though she started getting challenge by question 4. She focused intently on the test, almost completely ignoring everything around her. Hinata was getting frustrated. She managed the first question, but was stumped by every other one. She furiously drug her pencil back and forth on a blank spot on the page, leaving a deep dent of graphite in the paper before it ripped. She immediately stopped, even more annoyed. Serah was, apparently, rather smart, as she finished the test within 20 minutes, while most were still on the 6th question...assuming they were smart enough to actually finish the test. Kid never got past his name. He could have gotten the test done easily, but his severe OCD forced him to make his name perfect. Liz was chewing on the eraser as she attempted to figure out the questions. She started losing focus, and soon her head hit the desk as she fell asleep. Pattie was making various origami animals with her paper. She was surprisingly good, but...it was the test... Blackstar was focusing too much on not yelling out to concentrate properly on the test. He was shaking with excitement for the more practical parts of the exams. Tsubaki focused even on the test, occasionally managing to answer a question in a flash of inspiration. Throughout the test, many people were disqualified. By the end, only 60 teams remained out of 150. "Right, only 10 minutes left! Time for the last question!" He paused dramatically. "However, if you get this question wrong, you will forever be a genin. If you drop out, you and your team can take the test again next year. Who is willing to risk their career?" 'Forever a genin...!?' This was along the lines many of them thought, nearly frozen in fear. Several people lost their will and left, making their team leave with them. 38 teams were left afterward. "Right. All you are prepared for the final question?" Many were still scared, but held their ground. "Right. Question 10! What....is.....2+2!" Everyone fell over in surprise (except for Liz, who was still sleeping). "What the hell!? Why all the buildup for the easiest question in the book!?" Yelled Soul. "Well, since you're still here, I may as well tell you. The question was not for the answer, but your nerve. As a shinobi, you have to put your life on the line with each mission. If you couldn't stay for the question, you have no right to become a chunin. Now, five minutes left. Finish your test." Everyone instantly placed the answer under #9. Soon, the bell rang. "The written test is over. Pencils down." The Junin began taking the tests, and grading them. The few who were caught cheating a few times and scored too low were escorted out, leaving 32 teams. "Well, we dwindled you down well. next is the survival test." Suddenly, a woman crashes through the window, tumbling onto the desk while hanging a banner attached to several kunai. She wore her hair in a spiky fan-like ponytail and had grey eyes. She wore little more under her tan trenchcoat than a mesh see-through shirt and a long strip of brown cloth wrapped around her waist that acted like a skirt. The banner read "Welcome to round two!" She posed cooly infront of it. "You're a little early." The instructor poked his head out from behind the banner. "Yeah, whatever. You've tortured these kids enough. Let me have a go!" This did not inspire confidence in anyone. "Everyone, to the forest of death!" ----------------------------------scene change------------------------------------------ Everyone was suddenly right outside a fenced forest. "What just happened?" Asked Naru. "It's easier to not think about it, especially you. Now, everyone, head to the booth.." She motions to a nearby booth, covered by a black cloth. "One team at a time." Naru's team was in first. They were handed papers. "Waivers. Signing this means you agree that any injury or death in in no way the fault of anyone but yourself." Said the lady behind the counter. "Death!?" exclaimed Maka "Well, it is the forest of death. It's kinda implied." She said bluntly. "Live a little! It's not like this is the first time I've put my life on the line." Naru exclaimed as she signed without a second thought. Maka looked unsure, but signed, followed by Sakura and Soul. After they all signed, they were given a scroll with "Earth" written on it, along with a piece of paper with a number. "What's this?" Asked Naru just before she hid it in her sleeve. "It will be explain in just a few moments. Please exit so the others can come in." She answered bruskly. They left, giving her a dirty look for her lack of niceties. They saw Hinata and her group enter. Naru sat and leaned against a tree, the others deciding to follow suit, waiting for everyone to finish. Anko watched as the last team exited, and spoke up. "Alright! Now that everyone has their scrolls, time to explain the rules! You were each given a number! The corresponding door into the forest is your starting point! You need to make it through the forest to the tower in the center! However, you also need 4 scrolls: Wind, Water, Earth, and Fire! Each of you is carrying one of the four! Which means no more than 8 teams can pass." There was muted chatter at this. "A few more things! The forest is crawling with beasts, carnivorous insects, and some mutants! Be wary of your surroundings. Also, while it is not encouraged, you are allowed to kill if you feel it necessary. Once you have the four scrolls, and enter the tower, you will have a moment to relax. Once all 8 teams enter, or your 3 day time limit has passed, we will start the preliminaries, and all others will be disqualified! Lastly, all weapons from the village of souls MUST stay in weapon form at all times! Any questions!?" "Can I use them bathroom before we start!?" "No! Either hold it or shit yourself for all I care! Any not stupid questions!?" silence. "Good! Head to your gate! You may enter as soon as the gate opens. I wish you all luck! Whether it's good or bad will depend on you..." Everyone gulped and rushed to their gate. They went to gate 69, which got a good chuckle out of Sakura, a smirk out of Naru, and a confused look from Maka as she watched them. After a few seconds, the gate opened, and they rushed in.
Chapter 26 - ch. 26
Serah ripped off Hinata's towel, revealing her nude form, still glistening from the recent shower. Serah eyed her hungrily as she attempted to recover herself. Serah started to strip, slowly taking off the her top first, revealing her lithe and muscled body. She pulled off her pants, revealing that she didn't wear any panties under them. Hinata blushed heavily, her newly replaced towel starting to tent. "Like what you see?" "Serah, I...I don't..." She puts her hands down, trying to cover it. "You don't what? I know how high your libido is. I hear you in the shower. You have to let it out every day, huh?" "W-well, yes, but..." Serah ripped the towel away, and quickly pinned her arms to the side. "Now, I'm horny, you have a fucking amazing dick, and I'm not taking no for an answer!" She moves and rubs her ass on the big member. "It looks like you don't want to either!" "O-OK... but just this once..." She's already panting, making an effort to hold back. Serah places her ass at the dick, pushing slightly. "W-wait! You're not gonna...!" "I like it dry." She said before piercing herself on her, screaming at the top of her lungs from the combination of pain and pleasure she loved. She rode her hard, Serah screaming with each thrust and Hinata grunting from the rough treatment. Serah let go, confident Hinata was now under her control, to reach back and start playing with her pussy while she rode her. "S-Serah! That's too much!" She started tearing from the pleasure overload, never even thought of using both at once before. Serah stuck a finger in, making Hinata gasp. "Serah. M-more! No, no more! no, I want more! I don't know!" She was in utter bliss, but was being overpowered by her pleasure. "Can't make up your mind? Let me do it for you!" She didn't even have to work at it anymore. Hinata's hips were moving on their own as Serah rode her. She put another finger in, Making her buck harder. Hinata was soon beyond words as the pleasure built. Her face was contorted by pleasure, her eyes starting to roll up into her head. She reached a fevored pitch as orgasm drew near, pummping her as fast as she could until she finally blew. Squirt upon squirt came into her, making Serah moan loudly as her bowels were stuffed with hot spunk. Hinata finished, and lay back, panting, from the hardest orgasm she'd ever felt. Serah felt her start to go limp, and put a third finger in her sensitive pussy, instantly making her reharden. "Oh no you don't!" She looked at her with a devious smile. "We're just starting!" "Wha!? B-but...!" "I haven't cum yet. And I never leave unsatisfied!!" She redoubles her efforts, puting a fourth finger in and pounding on her as hard as she could. Hinata was quickly rendered speachless again as her extra sensitive organs were ravaged again by her. Serah pushed her legs underneath Hinata as she bucked again, pulling her close, making her thrust in quick, short bursts. "Yes! Come on! Just a bit more!" Her own breathing became labored as she apporached climax. Hinata was beyond thought, simply reacting to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through her. Once Serah forced her thumb and hand into her, she unleashed a torrent of cum unlike never before as her tongue fell out of her mouth. As soon as the hot seed filled her to mix with the old, she came, milking Hinata as her body convulsed, a look a pure glee on her face. Her stomach bloated to a underinflated basketball before Hinata stopped. She fell on her, giving a satisfied sigh. "Just as good as I thought it would be. You have fun?" She asked, before looking at her, seeing she had passout. She laughed lightly, and decided to sleep right there with her, her dick still in her ass. ------------------------------------Leaf village-------------------------------------------- "You can count on us, Lord Death! Maka out!" She screen dissapeared from the shop window. It was late at night, and Maka and Soul had snuck out to town to make their report. Unfortunate for them, Grimmjow had heard them, and followed them. As soon as they signed off, he jumped down and grabbed them both by their hair. "And just WHAT do you think you are doing!?" He snarled, his teeth showing enlonged canines. "We're reporting to Lord Death, like always!" Growled Soul, which resulted him in severe pain in the back of his head after he was slammed into the wall. "This isn't like always. You know sensitive information of the village, and the only reason you two are ALIVE is I heard every word, and know you didn't pass any along! Now, you two are already were on thin ice, but now, you are not to leave the house without my personal supervision. is that clear?" "Will you at least let us explain before you bite out head off!?" Demanded Maka. He dropped them, each landing hard. "Fine. Explain." "We already talked to Eva sensei, and she agreed this was a good idea, giving at least the illusion that the leaf and us can trust each other. She also told us to try and do it on secret because she knew this is how you would react." He stared at them long and hard before responding. "Fine. but from now on, I or Eva are to attend these meetings, understood?" They nodded, conceding to this stipulation. "C'mon. You two out here alone might raise unneeded suspicion." He started walking back, with them both in tow. ----------------------------------Next morning, maka's house------------------------------- Hianta awoke, her dick slightly sore and chafed, her pussy gaping uncomfortably. She opened her eyes to see Serah on top of her, snoring. Whe briefly wondered how she slept through such noise before unceremoniously pushing her off onto the bed beside her. "Man, last night... Not sure if that was the best or worst sex I've ever had, but it sure was intense! Can't let her do that too often, especially on a mission." She got up, walking to the shower, planning to take onther despite showering just last night. She exited to meet Serah much the same way as last night, though she had a towel, clearly intent on taking one herself. "We gotta talk." "Sure! Watcha thinkin?" "Last night... I'm not sure if we should do it again..." "What? You didn't like it? I've never heard any complaints before, then again, most of them were shitfaced..." "I'm not sure, but that's not the problem. It just feels...wrong, for some reason." Serah grinned. "So, you DO still have feeling for her!" "W-wha!? N-no! That bitch left me! I don't give a shit about her!" "Whatever. Have fun in the Amazon, cause you're pretty deep in denial!" She retorted before slaming the door shut behind her. Hianta tried to respond, but she was too quick, besides, something of what she said rang true in her. She ignored this, shaking her head, and returning to her room. -------------------------------two days later, death room----------------------------------- Serah and Hinata were standing in front of Death, Stein, and Spirit. "So, you ready for your assingment? All healed and relaxed?" "I'm always relaxed, and I was BORN ready!" Replyed Serah confidently. Hinata dropped a sweat but nodded in agreement. "Very well." He places a file on a nearby table. "He is a powerful enemy, exceling in fighting chakra users. He often takes their chakra and makes it his own, making him very difficult to beat, especially in a drawn out battle. His primary weapon is a giant sword, a size not unlike Cloud's Buster Blade, that is wrapped in bandages. It is said by those who survived an encounter it was a pale blue and covered in razor sharp spikes, designed to cut easily, but not cleanly, essentially rending the flesh in two. Beyond that, we can assume he also has extremely powerful jutsus, and no small amount of chakra to use them with." "Damn! This guy sounds like a beast! Isn't this the kind of guy I should be hunting after the first 99?" "Normally, yes, but he is a major threat, and you're special technique Stein told me about may be our best bet on taking him down. Additionally, He and Spirit will accompany you as backup. They are strong with melee attacks, and should be able to help you hit him with it." "Really, Lord Death!? A babysitter!?" "I know you dislike teaming up with anyone other than your partner, Serah, but in this case, it is non negotiable. Either they come with, or you get a new assignment." Serah crossed her arms and pouted. "Fiiine! I guess I have no choice. So, who is he and where can we find him?" "Yes, about that...we actually don't know where he is..." "Are you freaking kidding me!? We're going on a wild goose chase!?" Death drops a sweat. "Yes, you could say that... this could be a long journey! You will go many places, meet many people, maybe even collect a few more souls along the way! Sound like fun to me!" "You make it sound exiting, alright!" She gives a sigh of exasperation. "Who is it, and what does he look like!?" "Well, he's hard to miss if you so see him. He wears a black cloak covered in red clouds. He looks like a blue humanoid fish underneath! He is known as the Monster of the Mist. His name is Kisame Hoshigaki." "Kisame Hoshigaki..." Muttered Hinata, remembering the name and description. "You can count on us, Lord Death! We'll find him ASAP!" "Very good. One more thing before I dismiss you. In about 9 months time will be the Chunin Exams in Konoha village. I wish you to attend, so be there around that time." Hinata cringed, knowing that going there would mean meeting Naru again. "Is there any way we could avoid that?" "Afraid not! I already promised Hokage Evangeline a short while back that you would participate. Even if you were able to avoid it, you would have to answer to both her and me!" Hinata shuddered at the prospect of Eva's wrath, even more so than the immensly powerful figure in front of her. She nodded in submission, knowing there was no way around it. "Great! Well, have fun you two, good luck! And be sure to watch them carefully, Stein, Spirit." "Leave it to us!" Replied Spirit with a confident grin. "Don't get too cocky. This guy could easily be stronger than us. Keep your guard up at all times." "Yeah, yeah, I know!" He grumbled. They followed after the girls.
Chapter 29 - ch. 29
-------------------------------------Naru's team-------------------------------------------- They had been running for half an hour, looking for someone to steal from, but with no luck. They stopped, and decided to take a strategy meeting. "So, Maka, Sakura, what do we do? You're the brains of us." "First, let's go over what we know. There are currently 32 teams, each with a three man squad. There only 8 of each scroll, and need all four to gain entrance. Also, we know of two teams for sure, and their abilities. Hinata, and her team all have various weapons, each of which are sure to be a challenge. Then there is those from the sand: Kankuro the puppet master, Temari the wind witch, and Gaara of the Funk, I mean sand. We have no idea how strong any of them are, even Kid, Blackstar, and their weapons, because we've been away for so long. and then there are the other 29 teams we know almost nothing about. It might be best to err on the safe side, and have a passcode in case we get separated." Maka summarised. "Why's that?" Asked Naru, never able to think things through like they can. "Because if we split, someone can come back disguised as you, and we might not know it until our scroll is missing." Sakura in a sickly sweet tone she has come accustomed to using when Naru began pissing her off, but didn't want "punished" for it. "Ooooh, so, what should it be?" "I'm only saying it once, so pay attention. 'Under veil of darkness, when the night is silent; that is a shinobi's world, the shinobi's way.'" "Under veil of darkness, when the... what was it again?" "I told you I wouldn't repeat myself!" Maka raised her voice, irritated. "*sigh* Alright. Let me use the bathroom before we continue." She was gone for only a minute, and was ambushed by Sakura and Maka. "Password?" Muttered Maka. "Under the veil of darkness, when the...time is silent?-" "Wrong!" Sakura took a swing at her with her sword. Naru dodged just in time, seeing the blade rebound off the ground. She found this strange, but had no time to ponder it as Maka attacked him too. She was...clumsy, as though she never used a scyth before. Naru was sure something was wrong, but had to be certain. After dodging several scyth swings, she ran over to Sakura, who readied herself, expecting an attack. What she didn't expect was to be groped just after Naru dodged her swing, spinning around her and fondling her breasts from behind. Sakura immediately jumed away with a yelp. "What the hell are you doing!?" "That settles it. You two are the fakes. You can't fight worth crap, and my Sakura would never run from me!" "W-what are you-" "Maka" started to blurt out as their ruse fell apart. She drew her sword. "Protect, Inuyasha!" The resulting shockwave sent them flying back. When they looked up, they gawked at her new form. Her shikai had developed over the last few months, when she was unable to use it. It matched har perfectly: a pitch black color that resembled the red garb before, but hung closer to her, accentuating her curves. It seemed tatered and battleworn, with ragged edges and occasional holes. A small thread cam out from the back and wrapped around her feral hair, managing to tie it and hold it to her back, though it still spike around the impromptu ponytail. Her blade had a black edge around the blade, but was otherwise unchanged. "W-what are you!?" "Your worst nightmare." She closed the distance in a second, and sliced at the fake Maka, who blocked with her scyth, which was immediately cleaved in half, letting her sword fall into her head. The illusion broke, revealing a man in a tan bodysuit, and a gasmask concealing his face. The other became enraged and attacked her from behind, swinging at her, only for her to duck at the last second and kick upward, sending him flying up and breaking his jaw. he landed with a thud behind her, passed out and bleeding from his swelling mouth. His own genjutsu broke, revealing a man in similar garb, but both eyes visible. "Well? Where are you!? I know there's a third around here!!" Maka and Sakura walk out from the trees, carrying the unconscious man, with only one eye revealed. "Bastards jumped us from behind! They are experts at genjutsu, so we never saw them coming." She tossed him on top of the one Naru kicked. "How'd you get away?" "Simple." --------------------------------------a few minutes ago------------------------------------- "Wow, she's willing to pee out here??" Said Maka a little disgusted. "Get used to it, there aren't any outhouses out here, and you have to go at some time or another." An out of place shadow moved behind them, the shape of a man. Maka shuddered at the thought. "I might just hold it until we get to the tower." The shadow crept closer, unnoticed. "Man, city girl! You need some survival training, badly!" The shadow was right behind them. He released a gas that made them both lightheaded, before fainting. When they came to, they were almost completely immobile. They could still look down, seeing they were trees. They tried to scream, but were silent. They futilly tried yelling more, before giving up. They looked around, seeing a man with gasmask and tan bodysuit facing away, watching something. They knew what when they heard Naru release her shikai. They knew she would fight without holding back, and decided they couldn't give up. "Let's see..." Sakura focused, well versed in chakra manipulation. "..To break a genjutsu, you had to build up chakra and release when it's power is more than the jutsu..." She began building up, finding out it wouldn't take much. Not even a quarter her potential, she released it, and was able to move again. She snuck up behind the man, who was now shaking in fear of Naru, and used her impact jutsu to chop him in the neck. It made a sickening crack before he fell into a heap. She turned back to Maka, and almost laughed as Soul became an odd-looking branch, but held it back and released them. "C'mon. Naru's probably already-" "Where are you!? I know there's a third around here!!" "That's our signal!" Maka chuckled as grabbed his collar and drug him out into the clearing with them. ---------------------------------------------fin-------------------------------------------- Naru chuckled. "If this is the hardest there is, we got Chunin in the bag!" Naru bragged, shouldering her sword. Sakura searched through their belongings, and found a fire scroll. "Bingo! 1 down, 2 to go!" "Lucky!" Said Naru as she reverted back to normal, sheathing her sword. "Let's go. People are bound to notice my release." The others nodded, and followed her into the wood. ----------------------------------------tomorrow-------------------------------------------- They were, by Sakura's estimations, nearly at the tower, but had not found anyone else yet. Strangely enough, they hadn't even met an animal either...until then. A giant white snake reared up for out of nowhere and struck, swallowing Sakura. "Sakura!" Naru headed after the snake, but was stopped by an older woman. She looked very feminine, but her looks were average. She wore a tan tunic, black pants, and had a large woven hat concealing her eyes. "Not so fast. I have a few things to discuss with you." She lifted the hat slightly, revealing yellow eyes which more that seemed like a snake's. Her very gaze chilled Naru to the core, the woman's bloodlust and murderous intent obvious from even this distance. She looked over at Maka, partly to avert her gaze, partly to get some reasurrance. She got none, however, as both she and Soul were speachless with fear, Maka having fallen, nearly losing grip on Soul. Naru looked back, starting to shake herself even as she drew her sword. "W-what do you want." "Simply, I want to test your mettle as my vessle." She said before she flung her arm at Naru, multitudes of snakes coming out. Naru didn't have time to release her Shikai, and was forced to dodge them. She attempted to chase the snake again, but was blocked by more snakes. "Your friend is on her own. And so are you, by the looks of it..." Mocking Maka subtly. She continued sending snakes out like whips, not giving Naru time to rest, or and opening to get close. 'Dammit! Sorry, Sakura, you're on your own...' She thought as she ran for her life. ------------------------------------------Sakura-------------------------------------------- Slimy, warm, constricting. This surrounded her as she slid down it's throat. "Dammit! What now!?" She asked, barely able to stave of panic from the subtle stomach acids started eating through her clothes and exposed flesh. She pulled at her sword, but couldn't find the room to draw it. She continued trying, as it was her only chance. As she tried she unconsciously started using her impact jutsu, stretching the stomach with each pull, until somwhow she got it free. She focused for a moment, determining where down was, and sliced to the side, cutting open the stomach into the muscle. Given a little breathing room, but knowing she could drown in the blood filling the area, she quickly sliced again, even wider, and could she light just beyond the length of her arc, beyond the flexing muscles. She Pushed hard against the opposite end of it's stomach, and jumped out of the snake, which had already lost too much blood to react. "Damn. I've never needed a shower more!" She began running back, knowing that if Naru hadn't come to help, someone must have stopped her. And to stop her, they had to be strong. Possibly stronger than a genin should... ----------------------------------------Naru------------------------------------------------ She had formulated a plan, but hadn't want to pull out that ace yet, but was more and more sure as she had no choice as she dodged the snake-whips, each one getting closer. She hid behind a tree, and came out again, charging for her. She smirks and sends the snakes at her, entangling her, pulling her close. "You dissapoint me. I thought you would be more of a fight." Naru grins. "Who said the fights over?" Suddenly a huge wave of power came from behind the tree. The clone took it a sign and dissappeared in a puff of smoke. Naru stepped from behind the tree, wielding Inuyasha in shikai form. "Now the fight really begins." The woman smirks, and opens her mouth wide, looking up, as a sword comes out. She grips it, pulling it out of the sheath still in her mouth. She looks back down at a disgusted Naru. "Shall we?" She was on him in the blink of an eye, and she barely blocked, hearing a scream of pain in her head as the sword made contact. "Be careful! That sword hurts!!" "Well, you can't die as long as I don't, so suffer through it." She said as she blocked another blow, hearing Inuyasha scream in his mind again. She had barely a moment to recover between blows before the next came, not even able to dodge if she wanted to. Inuyasha was in constant agony as Naru was forced to block with him again and again, starting to nick her blade. She swung hard, and cut halfway through, making Naru's eyes widen in fear. She jumped back just as the woman added the little force needed to cut it clean in half. She looked at her now stumpy blade, less than a foot long, before looking back at her with fear. "W-who are you..." She grins, and lifts her free hand to her face, grabbed it, and pulled it off, revealing her, actually his, true face. It was ghostly white with purple marks leading from under the eyes to the side of his head. He reached his head up and resheathed his sword before making a sign, and answering. "You will find out soon enough." His head stretched and bit his neck. She was in unbearable pain as his jutsu worked it's way into her, making three marks on her neck just above the bite. "You will seek me out, I'm sure." "Dynamic Entry!!" Sakura finally returned, kicking him with both her legs only for him to turn to goo, leaving his pack behind. "That was anticlimactic." She looked around and saw Maka, who finally began moving again, and saw the whole thing, rush over to Naru, who was clutching her neck in agony, and staring at her broken sword. "N-Naru?" She turned her attention to Sakura. "Sorry." She uttered before collapsing. "NARU!!!" Sakura cried as she fell, unable to remain conscious any longer. "Naru, wake up! Naru!!" Maka put a hand on her shoulder, shaking her head. "The guy had the other two scrolls we need. Our best bet is to take her to the tower." Sakura, teary-eyed, nodded in agreement, putting Naru's sword in its scabbard, and put the broken piece in her pack before hefing up Naru. "Let's go." She had a determined scowl on her face. ----------------------------------------6 hours later--------------------------------------- They arrived at the entrance, seeing it was a puzzle. They had no time for it, and figured it out quickly, each scroll being unrolled and placed on a corresponding color. The door clicked, and they rushed in, being meeted by Grimm. "I knew you girls would... What happened?" "She was bitten." said Maka,looking away. "What bit her?" He asked as he took her from Sakura, who begrudgingly complied. "Not what, who..." She looked at her feet as they walked to the infirmary. "Who? How did that happen?" "She fought him, but didn't stand a chance. He was too fast, too strong, he was no genin." "What did he look like?" They reached the infirmary, and handed her to a nurse who took him to a bed to be examined. "He was masked at first, and I never got a close look..." "I did!" Sakura piped up. "He had really white skin, with purple marks around his eyes." Grimm grabbed her by the collar, and lifted her up. "His eyes! Were his eyes yellow, snake-like!?" "Y-yeah." Sakura muttered, surprised at his sudden reaction. He drops her, and stumbles back. "He's here. He's here..." "Sensei?" Sakura asked, concerned. "I'm alright. Just let me be for a minute." He walks away, leaving them with Naru. A doctor soon appears, asking them to leave. The next day passed agonizingly slow as they waited for Naru to awaken. The doctor had said she had been under tremendous strain, and her body was attempting to compensate. Whether she would pull through was 50/50. They were on either side of her, including Soul, who was allowed in his human form again. "C'mon Naru, wake up..." They each had said at some point. After a full day, she finally woke. "Oh, owie. Man, everything hurts!" "NARU!! You're awake!" Exclaimed Sakura "Ohhh. What happened?" "That guy bit you, and you just collapsed!" "You think you'll be ok to fight?" Asked Soul. Maka slammed his face with a book. "Is that all you can think about!?" "Actually, I think I will. How long until the prelims?" "About 4 hours." Said Maka "Yeah, just let me rest, and I should be fine. First, could I have some food?" Sakura begins laughing. "What's so funny?" "Nothing, just you ask for something so ordinary after nearly dying." She said, simmering down to a chuckle. "I'll go get you something."
Chapter 30 - ch 30
------------------------------------------Hinata-------------------------------------------- Hinata and company had successfully aquired a second scroll from a nameless group that is barely important enough to mention. They were rushing through the forest they heard a cry of pain, followed by a loud squishing sound. Hinata was curious, and they others reluctantly followed. "Great idea, let's walk TOWARD the omenous noise!" Whispered Liz as they moved silently to the source. "If nothing else, we can know what their jutsu is!" Countered Hinata as she peered through the bush to see team sand across a clearing from two very scared shinobi, wielding umbrellas of all things, begging for their lives. The sand on the ground, which Hinata just noticed was soaked in blood, traveled to them. Even as they began to run, it caught them, tripping them before encasing their bodies in huge heaps of sand. "Sand coffin." Said the red-haired boy, staring at them with eyes somehow both murderous and uninterested. They rose in the air, struggling and calling for help. The boy leisurely walked forward and picked up an umbrella, presumably belonging to the previous victem. He held out an open fist, like a claw, slowly closing it, making them scream in pain. "Sand burial." He suddenly clenched his fist, and the sam squishing noise from before came again, louder and up close as their bodies were squashed to bursting, making blood fly everywhere. The kid held up the umbrella, protecting himself from the blood, before simply dropping it. Kid nearly screamed as the blood ruined his suit, and even blackstar was speachless at his act, his eyes wide in terror. Not one of them moved a muscle as the sand returned to the goard on his back, and he restoppered a cork on it. He turned to leave, but was stopped by the guy with a huge bandaged thing on his back. They were too far to hear, but the kid obviously didn't like what he said as some sand started leaking out of the corked vessle. He backed off, quick, holding his arms up in a peaceful gesture, obviously appologizing. The kid just walked past him, with the mand and woman with a giant fan in tow, picking up a scroll along the way. The group waited a half hour, making sure it was safe, before letting out a collective sigh and falling on their asses. "What kind of monster is he!?" Exclaimed Blackstar, rattled by the sight. "I don't know. I've never seen a jutsu like that before! No handsigns, such power, it was as if he were controlling the sand as one would contol an arm!" Responded Kid calmly as took off his jacket and proceeded to clean it. Hinata sighed, but knew arguing with him about cleaning in the middle of the forest would just make things take longer. "Whoever they are, we don't want to mess with them, especially that kid. Only problem is, though, they will most likely make it to the prelims." Everyone suddered at the thought. "Well, no use worrying about it now." Kid had finished and put it back on. "It won't matter if there are or not if WE arn't." "Right, let's go." ---------------------------------------later-------------------------------------------- They were running along when the ground had started heaving like an earthquake, and they had lost balance. By the time the were untangled from each other, their enemy had appeared. One was a man with spiky hair looking smug. Another wore a huge coat, which was far too big for him, hunched over with most of his face covered except for an eye. The last was a pretty woman with a haughty expression. "Who are you?" Asked Hinata, drawing her blades, leaving her mouth free for now. "Who we are doesn't concern you. Lord Orochimaru sees you as a threat, and demands you are taken out." Said the one in the coat. "Does he now?" She said as the others drew their weapons. "Bring it!" She said before puting Serah in her mouth and grasping the new blade that appeared. 'Orochimaru...that names sounds familiar...' She thought as she readied herself. "To make this simpler for the readers and easier for the writer, let's do this saiyen arc style: Each of us send out one and keep going until one party is down. Agreed?" Team Hinata nodded, though still stood ready. "I'll go first." Said the man wih spiky hair. "So, who's my opponent?" "I'll take care of him." Kid said, walking forward. "But first, please tell me your name." "It's Zaku, but what the hell does it matter. You're gonna be dead in a few minutes." ------------------------------------Kid vs. Zaku...FIGHT!!--------------------------------- Kid loosed a barrage of bullets. Zaku looked at them, smug as ever, and held up his hands. They shots went right around him, surprising Kid. "How did you...?" He holds out a palm, showing a tube coming out of the center. "I can blow wind out of this." "Is that all?" asked Kid, smirking himself. "All I need!" He slapped his hands on the ground, and the ground shook again. The ground was being upraised with sharp edges as a line of air traveled underground to Kid. He barely managed to dodge out of the way before the ground below him exploded, hitting him with large, sharp clumps of dirt. He landed on his back, groaning in pain. He sits up and looks down at his shirt, then back up. "You! Do you relize what you have done?" Zaku remains silent as Kid gets up. "Look at this!" He said, referring to his now dirty clothes. "Not only am I a mess, but look! This side has three dirt spots and 1 cut! This has 5 cuts, and 2 dirt marks! IT'S ENTIRELY UNSYMMETRICAL!!" "What...? You're getting this pissed off about clothes?" Zaku responded, giving a WTF face. "Liz, Patty, Resonance!" "Right!" They responded as they synched perfectly with Kid. The started to glow, and suddenly expanded from pistols to two full sized cannons on each of his arms. "Resonance stable. Noise at 0.4%." Stated Liz. "Black Needle chakra fully charged." Announced Pattie. "Feedback stable, preparing to fire." "5" "Ch, bring it on!" He said, preparing to blow at max force. "4" "You idiot, get out of the way!" Called The man in the coat. "3" "Please, this kid is all talk. I bet it's as weak as it is big," "2" "Hey, I'm the big man around here!" Called Blackstar from the sidelines. "1" "Been nice knowing ya..." Said the woman. "Ready to fire!" said pattie, bracing herself for the recoil. "Death Cannon." Chakra built at the tips, shining from inside, until it finally fired a huge bullet, pushing Kid back a few inches from the recoil. Zaku blew from both hands with all his strength, but only managed to slow it down. He saw it coming, closer and closer, and a low enough speed for him to start panicking. Kid had already reverted Liz and Pattie to normal, and was walking over to this group. "Never mess with a reaper." He said as he pulled on a new suit coat and the bullet reached him, exploding and sending him flying through the trees. "Well, that takes care of that. Who's next?" Asked Kid, looking at them evenly with a slight smile. "My turn." The girl walks out. "You're up, Blackstar." Said Hinata. "What! But I can't fight a girl! Big men are gentlemen.!" "Oh, you scared of a girl? Well, Who scare you more, me or her!?" She asked, letting some of her chakra to wash over him. He shivered. "Alright, but you better win against that guy!" Blackstar conceded, walking out. "I'm Blackstar!" He started, grinning. "You think he was strong, wait till you get a load of me! With my partner, Tsubaki, There's no way I can lose!" He pulled out a dagger, her current form. "Big talker. Call me Kin, and someone will have to call yours when I'm through with you!" "That supposed to scare me? I'm the man who will surpass god! You ain't gonna stop me!" --------------------------------Kin vs. Blackstar...FIGHT!!!-------------------------------- "Tsubaki, shuriken mode!" She turned into a giant shuriken. (Duh) He threw it at her, making her jump to dodge. She threw senbon needles with bells attached, Kid dodging them easily. She landed again, looking confident. But, so was Blackstar. Tsubaki had come back around, aiming for her from the back. she dodged to the side, getting a deep cut in her arm in the process. Blackstar caught his weapon, and it changed into karakuri. "Had enough?" She laughs. "I've already won!" She exclaimes, making Blackstar look confused. She pulled her arm, and the bells on the senbon rang, again and again. Suddenly, Blackstar was incredibly disorientated, seeing dozens of her, and unable to move correctly. "Those bells are designed to mess with your nervous system. Your eyes can't focus, your muscles won't work right, and you're virtually helpless." She began walking to him, near invisible strings in one hand ringing the bells, a kunai in the other. "It's over." "You think so? Tsubaki, Smoke bomb!" His surrounding area became encased in thick smoke, effectively blinding anyone in it. She was just out of its range, and so looked inside to try and find him. After several minutes of failure, she jumped back as a sickle like blade nearly lopped her head off. "How's that!" Blackstar yelled as exited the smoke cloud. "How the hell...How are you moving!?" "What? I Can't hear you! I stuffed my ears!" She noticed on of his sleaves was ripped, and shorter than the other. "But I don't need to hear you to beat you!" He charges forward with astounding speed, getting to her before she can react. Each blade goes into her shoulders as he jumps on her, landing on her stomach with both feet as she fell back. He twisted his blades, pulling her arms out of joint, before walking away, taking out the cloth from his ears. "I told you I was too big a guy for you to handle." "Dammit..." He looked down at her, incapacitated, bleeding, but alive, before looking back at them. from Kid, who sent one flying, to Blackstar, who took out his most tactful ally with brute force, and to Hinata, who was staring at him, waiting for him to come up to fight, even from there, he could see her chakra was dark and more powerful than the other two. "Guess we have to try later..." He grabbs his ally and heads in the direction Zaku flew. "Well, that was easy enough." Blackstar stated. "Don't get cocky! If you hadn't used my idea, you'd have lost, and probably died!" Tsubaki scolded. "Yeah, I know! Thanks, Tsubaki!" "Let's get going." -----------------------later, after two more unimportant teams lose to them----------------- "Alright, we got all four, now what?" Asked Blackstar. "We head to the center. Let's see, we've been out here for about a day, so we have two left..." "Or we could take that shortcut. Would only take a few hours rather than a day." Hinata spoke up, pointing to a sign, saying "Bridge of Death!!" below, in small lettering, it also said "This is totally not a knockoff from Monty Python and the Holy Grail! Really, truly, seriously, we swear!...Ok we lied." "Well, worth a shot, I suppose." Agreed Kid. The followed the short path to the bridge, seeing an old man in front of it. "Stop! Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, and the other side ye see!" "I got this!" Announced Blackstar, stepping up. "Whhhat is your name?" He asked, putting emphassis on the H. "Blackstar, the big man, can't you tell!?" "Whhhhhat is your quest?" "To surpass god!" "Whhhhat is your favorite color!?" "Blue, like my hair." "Right, then. Off you go!" "Sweet!" He crosses the rickety bridge to the other side. "My turn." said Kid, walking up. "Whhhhat is YOUR name?" "Death the Kid." "Whhhhat is your quest?" "Knowledge and perfect symmetry in all things." "Whhhhat is the airspeed velocity of an unladen pidgey? "What do you mean? EV trained or wild?" "I don't know-" He gets sent flying into the chasm under the bridge. "How do you know so much about pokemon?" "When you live with my father, you tend to know these things..." ---------------------------------village of souls--------------------------------------- Death was waiting outside a Gamestop, early in the morning, the instant he heard Pokemon X and Y were available for preorder. "Just another 3 days." He said to himself as he was warmed by a crank-powered heater. -----------------------------------back to the bridge--------------------------------------- They crossed without a problem, and made it to the tower in 7 hours. They were led by Iruka (remember him?) to the waiting area, where they stayed for the rest of the time as more and more teams appeared. At the end of the 3rd day, all 8 had shown up. Iruka announced to the room that they were to follow him, heading to a stadium, with a large screen between two shinobi statues. The Hokage was already there. They were to stand in a line, one per team, with the leaders/teachers in front. "Good job! You managed to prove you're a bit stronger or stealthier than the other teams. But now it comes down to raw power." Evangeline McDowwel began her speech. "Two, however, will be unable to compete. One from the village of sound. Her Shoulder blades were smashed, arms dislocated and has much internal bleeding." Blackstar whistled innocently. "The other is Sasuke, who had an unfortunate accident." "Wait, I'm OK!" He was pulled away from the door by orderlies. "Yes, indeed, he will take quite a while to recover..." "W-w-wait! What are you...!!?" "But not to worry! My stepsister, Moka, is taking good care of him!" "That doesn't go there!! WAIT, STOP!!!" There was a loud scream accompanied by a sickening crunch. "So, without further ado, the preliminary battle will commence. Let's see who goes first!" She looks at the electronic board.
Chapter 3 - The Rape of Wonsan
May 3rd, 2016 / invasion day -1 Recruiter: "Your application has been rejected." It took Nash a moment to register the words he had just heard. As if his brain was reluctant to acknowledge the terrible truth. But like a great leviathan weight, those words drove into his brain and etched themselves into his very psyche. Nash felt his heart stop, his throat sink, and eyes begin to water. Nash: "bu... but I want to serve my country. I can-" Recruiter: "Its not about patriotism kid. Its about capability. Being in the army is no easy feat and if you don't have the strength to keep up you can and will place yourself and your comrades in danger." Nash fought back tears as he sat before the desk of the army recruiter. Remembering to remain calm he breathed in and out, focusing on the contraction of his lungs instead of the despair tightening in his chest. He had taken the army's entrance exam this morning hoping to finally become a soldier. he had done so for many reasons. the army paid better then his current job as a retail store clerk. He wanted to get out of college and finally get a full time job. and above all, he wanted to accomplish something. He wanted to achieve something with his life, something that he could take pride in. instead of sitting at home pursuing a college degree he had no interest in. He had tried as hard as he could, pushing through the pain as his limbs threatened to give out on him, focusing on the grueling tests in front of him more so then anything previously in his life. and yet it still had not been enough. he had been slower and weaker then most of the other recruits. Nash knew this was why he had failed, that was the worst part. the logical part of his brain listed out all the reasons for his failure and why the army couldn't allow him to pass for the safety and security of the armed forces of the Northern Union, and the safety of the Northern Union by extension. But it still stung. And no amount of logic could make up for the growing sorrow in his chest. Recruiter: "Do you understand me kid?" Nash: "Yes sir. I understand sir." The recruiter looked Nash in the eye, a pained expression filling his handsome face. Recruiter: "Look kid. You ain't the first kid I've had to fail today. And it doesn't get any easier having to send patriots down the walk of shame back home. It's probably the worst part of my job." The recruiter pulled out a brochure for a nearby gym and handed to Nash. Recruiter: "Take this. Give it a few years of exercise and you might just make it kid." The recruiter stood up and walked over to the door. Gesturing that the meeting was over. Nash meekly saluted the recruiter, even though he didn't have to. Not that it mattered, the recruiter didn't return the salute. Instead opening the door and ushering Nash out into the hallway. this was the worst part of all. As Nash walked into the hallway past the remaining lined up recruits, most of them having passed their tests and would be welcomed into the proud Northern Union army. Recruit 1: "Better luck next time munchkin!" Recruit 2: "Maybe try eating a steak next time!" Recruit 3: "Or lifting a weight any time in your life. Ha!" Similar mocking barbs rained down on Nash as he walked past the line of recruits. Insults and mockery filled Nash's ears and drowned out his thoughts. All because he had tried. He could've stayed home and spent the day wanking off, but instead he tried to rise above his lot in life and failed to pull himself up. As the next, actually successful recruit was called in, Nash pulled out his sunglasses and put them over his eyes even though he was still inside. Not because he thought it cool or classy, but to hide the tears welling up in his eyes despite his fight to keep them down. *** Nash pulled into the driveway of his home, a simple two story house he had spent most of his life in. He pulled the car into the garage. As the engine turned off, the hum of the vehicle's AC stopped and Nash felt the unbearable heat of the day filling the air around him. The oppressive heat of the Xiu summer made itself known as sweat stained his clothes from the long car ride. He sat in the car as the automatic light went out, blankly looking at the garage door and debating what to do next. Nash: "What the hell do I do now?" It would be another year before he could apply again. In the meantime he was still stuck with a dead-end job and college courses that were rapidly coming to an end. What was he supposed to do now? A dripping wetness broke him out of his thoughts. Wiping his brow with back of his hand he found it dripping with sweat. At the same time a growing dampness in his joints and back showed just how much he was sweating from the heat just driving home. Nash: 'Get inside Nash. Get a shower. Focus on the present. Deal with the future once you aren't sweating like a pig in a sauna' Nash stepped foot in his empty house and locked the door behind him. His parents were up north for a ski vacation, so it was just him alone with the shattered remains of his hopes and dreams. Nash's home wasn't much. It was basically the standard middle class home with Xiu architecture typical of most buildings in the southern parts of the Northern Union.  It sat a while off the main road and was a decent drive from the nearby City of Wonsan. Close enough to work and access, but far enough away that the city folks stayed away. Aside from a few nearby neighbors Nash's home was surrounded by grassland marked by only a few clusters of trees.  Nash was ethically Tundran, with characteristic pale skin, blue eyes, tall height and an a aversion to heat. Despite that Nash's parents had moved south for work and ended up staying, becoming "snowbirds" as the locals called them. Nash never quite fit in with other local boys growing up but on the bright side he was surrounded by plenty of sexy Xiu women. which for a young boy growing up was plenty. It seemed like Xiu had a genetic disposition for sexually attractive women. Nash knew many attractive women, but his luck at a relationship was minimal. a skinny guy in a dead end job living in his parents house wasn't exactly great picking and so Nash has simply never tried to even chat up most of the women he met. Still the view offered by women like the Gyaru girl of his classroom was attractive. Konya Ao. Konya was regarded as the sexiest girl in high school. With her tan skin and blonde hair she was a classic Gyaru. Her tight fitting school uniform could barely hold her assets in. From her large breasts large enough to pop out the top of the simple white school uniform shirt. While her ample hips and thicc ass strained even the sturdiest of skirts. several more prudish teachers and parents had tried to force her to cover up, but as the most popular girl in school and favourite of several teachers for reasons that Nash could quickly imagine, she was given preferential treatment. Nash had the luck of being a class mate of her, and he would be lying if images of her didn't fuel his occasional masturbatory sessions. Filling his mind with images of her in skimpy lingerie bowing before him and servicing his cock with her pillowy tits before begging for Nash to breed her like a bitch. But that was all imagination. kyona Ao Then there was Amai Ryoui, Nash's neighbor.  A milf if there ever was one, Amai was an adult women in her early 30s. Nash's parents liked her for her easy going and gentle personality. Nash however knew her for her massive tits that often seemed to be nanometers away from tearing through her shirt. It didn't help that she seemingly didn't wear any bra, and were it not for decency Nash would've pointed out how her nipples were often all too obvious, especially when then hot Xiu summers stained her shirts with sweat. Not that Nash was complaining, she was undeniably sexy. And though their houses were hundreds of meters apart in the rural countryside, Nash had as a child found that her bathroom window faced his bedroom window and with the aid a pair of binoculars, he could peer upon her naked form as she bathed, seemingly oblivious to his attention. Though in his fantasies Nash imagined that she did know of him and was providing him a show.  Amai Ryoui Nash finished his internal reflection as he buttoned up a flannel t-shirt, throwing his sweat soaked shirt in a laundry bin. The sorrow of his rejection had begun to fade, his mind now full of sexual deviancy, causing his manhood to grow in size. It wasn't the largest cock, hell it was barely average for a Tundran male at 7 inches. Yet another thing waying down on his already frayed ego. Still it stood erect, uncaring of its size, eager to please.  Nash: 'How fucked up is this. My dreams just got dashed and now I have a fucking erection. For fucks sake. Why does it even hope. I'm an introverted nerd who can't even pass the fitness test of the army. What chance do I have to get a girlfriend much less have sex.' The sound of the front door being unlocked snapped him out of his misery. His parents weren't due to be back from vacation for two weeks. so who was unlocking his front door? Nash grabbed the carbon fibre knuckles from his desk just in case. They weren't much but they were better then nothing. Slowly he inched his way down the stairs, taking care to avoid the creaking step he had known about since he was a kid. Nash clenched his knuckles tightly until a faint humming was heard. the sound of the washing machine opening and closing, peaking Nash's curiosity. As Nash reached the bottom of the stairs he saw who had entered his house. Amai Ryoui stood in the laundry room with an empty laundry basket, having apparently filled up the washing machine with some laundry she had brought over. that wasn't the most notable thing however. Her clothes consisted of a pair of short shorts that did nothing cover her creamy thighs, and a black tank top that left both her belly and a vast amount of cleavage visible. even more, her journey had left her drenched with sweat, making her nipples visible through her top.  Nash quickly hid his knuckles as she turned around. Amai: "Oh Nash. Great see you. My laundry machine is broken and your parents let me know I could do laundry here while I get it fixed. Also your parents asked me to look after you while they're gone." Nash: "Oh. Thanks for that. It's great to see you." Amai: "Yeah. It's great seeing you too. And you've gotten so big to." For a moment Nash worried she had noticed the growing erection in his pants, but it soon became clear she was just referencing his height. Amai: "I remember when you were just a little kid. Always into your action books. And now you're a young man." Nash blushed as Amai walked towards him. The two stood face to face. Nash smelt her lavender perfume mixed with sweat. Amai: "Do you think you could hold this laundry basket for me? Thanks." Nash: "... of course Amai." Nash was embarrassed as he held the empty laundry basket, Amai's voluminous breasts pressing against the side of his arm as she loaded the empty basket. Nash didn't know if it was the oppressive heat or just the lavender in Amai's scent but his cock had begun to harden even more then before. Amai: "So how are you?" Nash: "Great... just been really busy with work and school." Nash didn't want to say anything else, but Amai pushed forward. Amai: "You're studying business administration right?" Nash: "Yeah. With a major in supply chain management." Amai: "That's amazing Nash. Good for you." Nash didn't feel good about it. He was in his third year and he still had no idea what he was going to do once he got out. Especially after getting rejected from the army. Amai: "Ah I remember when I went to college. the friends, the drinks, the parties, the se-. We'll talk about that when your older." Nash: "I'm 21." Amai: "Anyway! Since your parents are away and I'm to look after you, maybe you could come over tomorrow for dinner. What do you think of that?" Nash: "Uh yeah. that sounds great. I'll see you then Amai." Amai: "Alright see you then Nash." Amai quickly gathered her laundry and departed back home. Nash watched her walk home for bit. Watching her huge breasts and bubble butt sway as she walked. Back inside Nash felt the erection in his pants. Pulling out his phone and pulling up some images of Amai bathing that Nash had secretly taken, Nash sat down in his bed and began to relax. *** Several hours and one pick me up later Nash was standing in the kitchen cooking himself a simple dinner of pasta and chicken strips, nothing fancy but affordable. Nash Found himself thinking about tomorrow nights dinner. Amai had been a friend of Nash's parents since he was a kid. She often babysat him while his parents were out. When puberty hit she was the image he used to masturbate to. Any fantasies of this being his lucky break though were gradually crushed under the inevitable weight of reality and fear. Nash wasn't really good with girls or dating. He often failed to get dates in high school or even interact with girls and not look like a weirdo in the process. As a result of his self-imposed isolation from other people, Nash's ability to flirt with and even interact with people had been forced into near oblivion. Nash served himself his dinner, throwing together a simple mix of cheese and sauce over his pasta as he sat at his kitchen table. as he listened as the TV droned on and on. Nash flipped through channels intermittently as he ate, eventually settling on a news station. News presenter: "Tensions between Northern Union and the Goblin Wastelands have heated up recently in the light of several border skirmishes between the Special border patrol taskforce and bands of goblin infiltrators." Nash paused, a little startled by the news. His house wasn't all that far from the border, and if the goblins ever did invade, Nash's home would quickly become a battleground. But still there was some reason for calm. There hadn't been a major invasion in over a decade and the special border patrol taskforce was just short of a military formation itself. And if a war did break out surely he would have some warning? Nash went back to eating his pasta and chicken. News presenter: "Now back to-... what's that?... are you serious?" Nash turned up the volume to hear what was being said. as he did, a faint roaring filled the air, growing until... <BOOOOM> Fire and splinters filled the air of Nash's house. Cabinets full of cutlery and ceramic dinnerware were launched from the wall. Nash could barely throw up his hands to shield his face against the storm of wood, glass, metal and ceramics, before wall studs gave out and were thrown into Nash. Slamming him against the floor and bouncing his head off the floor so hard he blacked out. *** May 6th Invasion day +2 The battle for the city of Wonsan lasted barely a day. With the UN having barred the Northern Union army from stationing near the border, only the Special Border Patrol Task Force, the city police, and the 1st Aircav regiment were available to defend to city. But against the armoured and mobile hordes of goblins streaming across the border and missiles raining down upon the city, it was all the Northern Union could do to put up a fighting withdrawal. Refugee's were evacuated as fast as possible, but the speed of the goblin's advance left many trapped behind enemy lines.  Wonsan become a city of savagery and barbarism under the occupation of goblins. Men were enslaved or killed, while woman were gang raped by countless goblins, reduced to little more then sex slaves and breeders. In a ditch by the side of a road, corpses were thrown and piled high. Flood flowed in stream down hill. Amongst it all Nash hid among the dead as goblins passed by. The rumbling of the ground as Goblin Marauder heavy tanks drove past the blood soaked ditch made the concussion in Nash's head hurt even more. A stinging pain in his leg spoke to the shrapnel buried in his when from when a goblin missile had struck his house and left him unconscious. His own blood leaked through dirty bandages to mix with the blood of dozens of human men. For days Nash had wandered through the ruined city, looking for some sign of resistance. Trapped behind goblin lines, Nash had hoped to link up with some resistance group and fight back against the invaders. A small part of him was even happy. Rejected from the army, he would find pride in resistance against invaders, he thought. But the goblins were thorough and numerous. Any resistance that did exist was either running for friendly lines or were being brutally hunted down by goblins. More human corpses rained down into the ditch, landing in front of Nash’s hiding spot. The dry ground was unable to absorb the blood fast enough, causing blood to wash by Nash, staining his clothes red. finally the sound of goblins began to pass, allowing Nash to push and crawl his way out of the hiding spot. Nash apologized as he pushed corpses out of the way. Nash: "Fuck, my head hurts. Everything hurts. Is anyone still alive?... no.... of course not." Nash knelt down and pressed his hand against his bloody wounds. His leg burned and his head rang. A dozen scrapes and bruises spreading the pain across his whole body. Nash: "It hurts so much. Fuck. Keep moving Nash. Just keep moving." Slowly he pulled his bloody body from the ditch into the ruined streets. the road was cracked and damaged from countless tanks driving over roads never designed to hold their weight. The once clean and good looking buildings around were now looted.  Blood dripped from his clothes, mixing with the trails of blood where goblins had dragged corpses into the ditch. Nash began to limp towards the nearest houses. The sound of gun fire and screaming creeping louder to mix with all the other screams and noises of the occupied city. He needed to find a weapon. Currently all he had was a kitchen knife he had recovered from the remains of his home. If he was going to put a fight he would need a gun, an unfortunate rarity in Wonsan. Even more so after the goblins had looted most of the homes. The front door of the first tiny house he reached was unlocked courtesy of the lock already being smashed in sometime ago. Bullet holes covered the front of the house from some previous fire fight. With the lock smashed, he had to drag a couch in front of it to keep it closed. he didn't want any goblins up from behind him. Nash: 'Yet again there might be goblins inside the house and I just announced myself by dragging this heavy couch along floor. Great job Nash. Didn't even check the house for occupants before making a ruckus.' However no other sounds filled the house and when no goblins came rushing down the stairs to fill him full of lead he concluded that the house must be luckily empty. The house was small but compact with a kitchen, laundry room, and dining/living room filling the first floor with a bedroom upstairs. A broken fridge and dirty dishes covered the kitchen floor. As did several broken pieces of cutlery. The living room had a table and a couple of sofas in a semi circle around a powerless TV. A bookcase lay broken on the floor. And a shattered lamp lay near a coffee table which had a scorch mark on it from some previous fire fight. Nash slowly noticed the smell of rotting corpses. A smell he had reluctantly gotten used to in the last few days as the oppressive summer heat worked to rot new bodies as quickly as possible. Nash determined that smell was coming from upstairs and begrudgingly climbed the stairs to investigate. Upon stepping foot in the bedroom Nash was greeted by the grizzly sight of two rotting corpses. Dried blood covered the floor, though a few flies still fluttered about licking up as much as possible. An older woman lay down in the bed, face covered, and with a gun shot wound neatly to the head. And an older man lay face down in his own dried blood by the smashed in window. Dead from several gunshot wounds. Most importantly he fiercely gripped a gun, an SKS pattern rifle specifically. the old man had a bag full of ammunition next to him as well. Nash was happy to see a gun he could use, but he could quickly figure what had happened here. Nash: "Looks like a murder-suicide, or resistance suicide I suppose in this case. The husband gives his wife a mercy killing then goes down fighting the goblins. Don't worry sir. I got it from here." Nash gently pried the SKS from the man's hands. The old man's stiff fingers and cold hands making Nash shudder a bit. Nash: "Sorry sir." He then grabbed the bag full of ammunition and slung it over his shoulder, filling his pockets with as much ammunition as they could fit. Nash left the bedroom and locked the door behind them, respectfully providing the dead couple a degree of privacy and hopefully protecting their corpses from the mutilation of any passing goblins. Stepping foot in a bathroom Nash tried the light, finding that it and the water still somehow worked. Nash was grateful for the running water as for the first time in days. Nash washed away some of the blood and sweat and grime he had built up in the ditch earlier. Nash examined his wounds in the mirror, noting the bruise on his temple and the multiple cuts along his arms and face. Most worrisome was the gnarly cut along his left leg from shrapnel still embedded in his leg as a result of the missile that had destroyed his house. The bandages that covered the wound were soaked through with blood. Nash winced as he pulled the bandages off, dried blood flaking off, the slightest touch sending pangs of pain lancing through his leg. Nash: "Alright. Need to clean it and get a bandage. Some alcohol and gauze should work. I'll be fine." Nash slowly cleaned the wound and put some gauze over it, trying to wrap it in a way that would cover the wound without irritating it. The wound was quite bad, but he couldn't do much more then clean it and treat it with what he had on hand. Nash: 'Ok. So what now? I’ve got a gun, a bag of ammo, and a knife. What next Nash?” Nash racked his brain trying to figure out the next step. As he thought about the future, he found his mind turning more and more to the past. All those years passing through life, never achieving anything of note, never striving for anything beyond him, a life of self inflicted mediocrity. *** ???: "pass it here! Over here!" In the field below Nash watched a dozen boys play soccer. The fact that they had no soccer ball and were instead playing with a foot ball didn't seem to matter one bit to them. Nash sat under a nearby tree, reading a book. He wasn't interested in joining them, despite their calls for him to join. ???: "Hey Nash, come play soccer." Nash didn't bother to answer. He continued to read. Immersed as he was in the exploits of a fictional army commander leading his troops to battle in a far off land Nash couldn't even hope to pronounce. Amai sat next to him, being the sitter hired by Nash's parents it was her job to look after him, though Nash tried not to stare at her massive tits slowly rising and falling as she gently breathed the crisp summer air. Amai: "Hey Nash why don't give playing with them a try? they seem to want you to play with you." Nash: "I'm not really good at sports. Besides, this book is way more interesting." Amai: "Alright if you insist." As she talked, a breeze blew through the field, shaking the branches and rustling the leaves. One leaf landed in Amai's cleavage and Nash watched her chest shake as she plucked it from her cleavage. *** Reality returned to Nash as the memory faded. ‘What an ediot’ he thought of his younger self. He couldn’t even remember the name of the book he was reading much less anything interesting. He had blown both a chance to grow his muscles and an opportunity to impress the sexy neighbour. Nash punched the mirror in front hard enough to send a crack slithering across its surface like a jagged web. For a moment he felt guilty for damaging another person’s property, but he remembered that they were dead in the bedroom down the hall. Nash: "Keep going Nash. Keep moving forward. You must be better. You must do better for once in your life. Do something that you can be proud of.” He told the cracked reflection of himself in the mirror. ???: “HELP! SOMEBODY HELP US!” Nash heard someone, likely a woman, screaming for help, outside. Adrenaline kicked in. A fight or flight response was triggered in his head. Would he run from danger or face it? For a moment his brain betrayed him and theorized how he could escape from this, but with a slap to the face Nash silenced his brain’s instinctual cowardice and resolved himself to face the danger. Grabbing his SKS, he made sure the bag was securely tied to him so that he would not lose it and stepped from the bathroom towards his fate. Creeping through the house so as not to be heard Nash arrived at an open window overlooking a basketball court where nearly a dozen goblins had gathered around something. ???: “Please stop! -mmgh” Nash quickly found the source of the screams, being two buxom women. One with bright blonde hair and tanned skin. Her school girl uniform tattered to reveal tattoos and lingerie beneath. The other a black haired older woman with massive tits that hung free from a torn tank top and a nonexistent bra. The tan girl lay curled up against the fence, her face a look of abject terror. The goblins paid her little attention, trapped as she was with no means of escape. Instead the goblins focused most of their attention on the more fertile woman with the huge tits. The woman in question was currently being raped by the goblins. Her mouth was already full as a goblin brutally face fucked the woman’s mouth, using her long dark black hair as handle bars to force her onto his cock. Two more goblins were busy molesting her huge breasts, seemingly fascinated by their immense size. A fourth carefully used a knife to cut away the woman’s pants and panties. The moment her cunt was exposed to open hair the goblin wasted not a second in ramming his cock into her sweet folds. The woman tried screamed, but the goblin fucking her mouth reduced any sound she made to a gurgle. She tried to push it away but there were more goblins on hand to pin her down and hold her still. The goblin with his cock in her vagina, taking his cue, began to savagely fuck her.  Another goblin jumped on top of her and began to forcefully tit fuck the woman, massaging his cock between the fat pillowy folds of the woman’s boobs. The woman's body rocked back and forth like a ship on a stormy sea, forced to move with the thrusts of the goblin atop her. Nash stood there in horror at the scene. The goblin rapes were brutal. Nash had seen a few rapes before he found a weapon and he wouldn’t be forgetting them anytime soon. Goblins didn’t have very large balls, but there were a lot of goblins. Nash had seen women gang raped by dozens or hundreds of goblins until their bellies bulged to obscene sizes with cum, their minds irrevocably shattered by the degrading experience. The lucky ones were then dragged off to impromptu goblin nests to be bred in captivity for the rest of their lives. Others weren’t so lucky. Nash vividly remembered a pregnant woman who had been gang raped by dozens of drug filled hobgoblins until her pregnant womb burst in spray of blood and cum. The hobgoblins simply responded by eating the dead woman and her fetus. But now Nash was armed, now he could do something. Nash watched the scene below him. Carefully counting how many goblins there were, eleven. What weapons they had, short range smgs. And if there were any goblins nearby, none that he could hear of. He looked back at the women and then he realized who they were. The tan girl was his sexy Gyaru classmate Kyona Ao. The other was his neighbour Amai Ryoui. The woman Nash had fantasied about his whole childhood was being raped before his very eyes. Briefly Nash wanted to immediately shoot every goblin in sight. But reason held his hand. Nash had no combat training, no experience shooting guns, and he was outnumbered eleven to one, whilst he only had ten rounds in the SKS's magazine. Complicating matters was the several goblins on top of Amai. If he wasn’t careful he could shoot Amai by mistake. The 7.62 rounds of the SKS might go through the small bodies of the goblins and strike Amai. Plus there was the possibility that the moment he started shooting nearby goblins might head towards the sound of gunfire. He had to pick his shots carefully, but every second he waited meant more goblins might stumble upon the scene and add to the rape. Or else Nash might be discovered by an eagle eyed goblin. And of course if he waited too long then a lucky goblin would succeed in pumping Amati’s fertile womb full of cum and impregnate her. That possibility, of her belly bloated with goblin pups, enraged Nash to no end, but he had to be careful and think before he acted. Looking back at the rape scene Nash saw the goblins continue their violation. Some how for their small size the goblins had accelerated their thrusts, using strength beyond their size to violently piston into Amai again and again. Her whole body shook back and forth from the onslaught. Nash watched as one of the goblins molesting Amai’s breasts used its small fingers to pry open the nipple of one of her breasts just large enough to force his cock into the new tight hole. The goblin laughed in sadistic glee at the new found violation even as tears flowed from Amai’s eyes down onto the concrete below. The goblin continued nipple fucking Amai, joined by another goblin doing the same to her other breast. Amai: “mmmgh *glurk* mmmmmmgh!” Her muffled protests were barely audible over the groans and moans of the goblin violating her throat. Her eyes were wide and filled with tears. Nash didn't know if Amai knew he was watching or not. but her eyes, her beautiful eyes, made his heart ache and his stomach twist into knots. Suddenly the goblins nearly as one raised their heads into the air and bellowed with sadistic glee as they came together. Green goblin cum covered Amai’s face and tits. At the same time goblets of cum filled Amai’s mouth, breast, and pussy. Amai wildly struggled against her tormentors, but the goblins held her down and forced every once of cum into her. Eventually the creatures pulled out, jets of white cum spraying all over her body. Amai shook, coughing up cum and trying to free herself. but the goblins who had been forced to wait to breed to big tittied cow would not let her. they flipped her over, pushing her onto all fours like a bitch in heat they swiftly filled every hole they could. Two goblins spit roasted her, fucking her in the mouth and ass. whilst one wormed its way under her, ramming its cock into her cunt and burying its head in her breasts. They fucked her hard, fully intent on breeding the sow in front of them. Amai could even cry out, the cock and cum in her mouth reducing any speech to gurgling. in desperation she bit down on the cock, causing the goblin to scream and hit her in the head until she released it. the goblin lurched back, screaming in pain as it clutched its bleeding cock. the other goblins simply laughed at his misfortune before returning their focus to thrust as hard and fast as possible into Amai's holes. Amai: "Kyona please help me. they're about to cuuu- aaaggghh!"  she screamed as the goblins came once again, painting her insides white with their seed. Amai's body betrayed her as the hot sticky cum flooding her vagina pushed her into an orgasm. She fell face first into a pool of cum, her ass held aloft. Nash took aim with the SKS, steadying himself. This was it, the goblins raping Amai were backing off to recover their strength for the next round of rape, and the goblins hadn't yet reached Konya. Now was the chance to strike. Nash carefully aimed his weapon at the goblin closest to Amai. He steadied his breathing and tried to relax. The gun was already loaded and chambered. He only needed to pull the trigger and the gun would fire. Pointing the iron sights straight at the goblin He slowly squeezed the trigger. *BANG* the SKS kicked, sending a 7.62mm round flying down range... and missing. The round streaked the air only to barely graze the top of the goblins helmet. Nash was confused, before realizing that he hadn't checked the zeroing of the sights prior to shooting and so the aiming was slightly off. Panicking, Nash swiftly adjusted his aim and fired a second shot, this time the round hit the goblin square in the head, penetrating its flimsy sheet metal helmet and instantly killing the goblin. One down, ten to go. Nash shifted his aim and fired again, striking the next goblin somewhere in the lungs. The other goblins were stunned for a moment, their lust driven brains struggling to understand what had just happened. But with bullets flying and two dead goblins hitting the ground, it didn't take long for the goblins to draw their weapons and begin fighting back. The remaining goblins began running for cover whilst blindly firing their submachine guns in the rough direction of Nash's position. Nash fired at another goblin whilst it was still in the open. However hitting a moving target was not something he was used to and so his first attempt to lead the target missed. The second adjusted shot did hit its target, sending the goblin collapsing to the ground, but mortally wounding it. As the creature still attempted to drag itself to cover, Nash fired another round into its neck, putting the creature down for good. By now the other goblins had all taken cover and were firing at the house, the thin wooden walls offering little resistance. Nash ducked as bullets penetrated the walls around him, sending glass and splinters flying. With trembling hands he felt himself down, checking for any wounds to see if he had been hit. Remarkably by sheer luck he hadn't been hit. The riot of gunfire surrounding him began to peter off, Nash peeked over the windowsill and saw a goblin standing in the open, clumsily trying to reload his weapon. Braving the bullets still whizzing around him, Nash peeked over the window, hastily aimed his gun, pulled the trigger and sent a bullet into its chest, sending the goblin collapsing to the ground. Nash: '3 shots remaining in the clip, 4 goblins down. gotta keep track of that.' he thought. Through the corner of the window Nash saw a naked Konya dragging Amai away from the fighting, the goblins too focused on Nash to stop their rape victims from escaping. For a second Nash was distracted by Konya's fat heavy tits swaying with every movement as she helped Amai to her feet and led her out of sight. Where to Nash had no idea. All he could do was hope they would be safe. Nash: 'What I would've given to fuck those pillows.' Nash's thoughts were interrupted by searing pain as a goblin bullet skinned his left arm. Blood began to trickle from the open wound, sending a jolt of pain through Nash. Instinctively Nash fell back behind the window sill, his hand tightly covering the wound. Despite his mind's best effort his body still let out a string of curse words as he tried to push past the pain. Despite the pain he gripped his rifle, forcing himself to ignore the pain and carry on. Nash: 'Pain is just your brain telling you something is wrong Nash. Nothing is wrong. Nothing is wrong. Everything is great." Getting shot did have one benefit though. The goblins, hearing Nash's cry of pain and receiving no return fire led the goblins to think they had killed whatever human had interrupted their breeding of the human sows. One goblin, evidently the leader by its armour, began laughing. It began turning to surviving goblin nearby to order it to retrieve the human sows when Nash, still alive, rose from the window, sighted to exposed goblin leader and fired his three remaining rounds in quick, accurate succession, striking the goblin leader in the leg, the chest, and finally its exposed unarmoured throat. The 7.62mm round tore through the creatures soft flesh, sliced its arteries, and ripped its way out through the back of its neck. Blood fountained from entry and exit wounds. A nearby goblin was blinded as a spurt of blood landed right in its eyes. dropping its weapon, it feebly attempted to clear its eyes with its grubby dirt stained hands. Nash, hearing his weapon click dry on an empty clip, threw himself to the ground to avoid the return fire, which now that the window and wall had been reduced to the same consistency of Swiss cheese, began to pepper the rest of the room, shredding paintings, decorations, and furniture. Nash, smiling despite the pain in his arm and leg, fished a fresh clip of ammo from his bag and began to reload his rifle. With five goblins dead, the return fire had noticeably slackened and his saving of both his neighbor and classmate brought pride to Nash. Pride. A feeling he had longed for so long, now burned in his chest, overriding the pain. This was what he had wanted. He was doing good. He was a hero who had defended his home and his loved ones. And so as he racked the bolt on his SKS, he eagerly leapt to his feet, gun aimed, as he searched for targets. Only for despair to instantly override his pride as he spotted a Goblin heavy Marauder tank driving into the courtyard, its 105mm cannon aimed squarely at Nash. Nash had been so preoccupied with his gun fight that he had forgotten to listen for vehicles or other goblins. And he had also forgotten to reposition. An amateur mistake he now regretted and cursed himself for as the tank fired. A single HE shell struck the window sill, exploding with terrifying force. The blast wave threw Nash out of the room into the hallway. Pain returned with vigor as shrapnel and splinters covered Nash's body. It was only luck that prevented him from being killed or crippled, or his weapon from being damaged. Through dazed confusion Nash could just make out the noise of goblins breaking down the front door. Counting his blessings that he had the foresight to drag the couch in front of the door, Nash staggered to his feet, only to be thrown back down by another explosive tank shell striking the house. He wasn't wounded by the second shell, but the severity of his situation became all too clear. Killing five goblins was one thing, killing a heavy tank was beyond his ability. Luckily Nash's life had been a steady diet of humble pie to that point and so it wasn't hard for Nash to decide to retreat. Nash: 'Time to leave!" Doing his best to ignore the pain Nash stumbled to his feet, only to nearly fall again as he found that standing up straight was damn near impossible with all the pain. His already wounded left leg was peppered with tiny shrapnel and splinters, and his right leg wasn't very much better. It was all he could do to half stagger, half drag his body through the hallway into a storage room on the other side of the house. There he made his way to a window and with a blood stained hands tried to pry the window open, as the sound of the goblins smashing down the front door got louder and louder. switching tact he grabbed the barrel of his rifle and swung the stock at the window, smashing it open in a shower of glass. Swiping away what glass he could Nash began clambering out, aiming to jump into a nearby bush to cushion his fall. Instead the house shook once more with another tank shell, the violent shaking causing Nash to lose his grip on the blood stained window sill. He fell right onto the paved stone bellow, and right onto his right arm. Instantly it went numb and refused any signals Nash’s brain frantically sent it. Nash: "FUCK! FUCK!" Nash was forced to crawl on the ground, unable to stand. His rifle luckily remained bound to him by its sling. Nash: 'What to do? What to do?' The pain was nearly unbearable, the blood loss made him dizzy and light headed, and his vision began to swim. Forcing his eyes open Nash scanned the surrounding area for any hope of escape, until he spotted an open sewer grate. Having no other hope of escape, Nash began to crawl with what strength he had left. He didn’t care if he left a trail of blood behind, his entire focus narrowed to just reaching the sewer grate. With his last ounce of strength, Nash reached the open sewer and threw himself inside. Landing on his back against the solid concrete floor, the pain and the blood loss began to overwhelm him. The last of his strength spent, his vision blurred and began to fade. The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was a tall humanoid creature with glowing electric blue eyes standing over him. ???: “Hmph. Just what could you be up to little human?” *** May 7th, Invasion day +3 Bright white light stung his eyes. Reflexively he closed, opened and closed his eyes until they slowly began to adjust. When he could finally see Nash saw that he was in some kind of combination of a clinic, workshop and laboratory. Devices whose purpose Nash could only guess littered the strange room. And he himself was laying on an operating table. Nash: ‘Where am I? Did I get captured? No, this place is too clean for goblins. And I don’t hurt at all. How’d that happen?’ ???: “Ah you’re awake.” An unknown individual announced. Nash turned his head toward the source of the voice. And found himself face to face with a strange person. He was a tall pale skinned humanoid with long pointed ears. An elf, Nash thought, but then he noticed that each of the elf’s limbs were replaced by metallic cybernetics so intricate and detailed as to be works of art. The elf’s eyes also glowed a bright electrical blue. And he wore clothes straight out of some eleven equivalent of cyberpunk. Nash: “A Metal Elf.” Nash had only heard of metal elves, never having seen one before now. Metal elves were a subset of elves that instead of worshipping nature spirits and living in the elf’s dimension of Tir Na Nog, they relentlessly pursued the advancement of science and augmented their bodies with magitech cybernetics implants. ???: “Correct. But my name is Kesrow not metal elf. It would be nice if you called me that. Now then, what is your name? Or should I call you sewer human.” Nash: “My name is Nash. Not sewer human. It would be nice if you called me by my name.” Kesrow: “quite. Now if you would tell me what you were doing in that sewer now?” Nash was hesitant. He didn’t even know where he was, Let alone if he could trust this stranger. He sat up from the operating table, spotting his gun laying on a nearby table. Nash: “How can I trust you?” Kesrow: “If you must know, I was the one who found you and brought you back to health.” Nash: “How’d you do that, with your “ancient elven magic” perhaps?” Kesrow: “What? Do you take me for some tree fucking Luddite. If you must know I healed you with experimental healing magic and just a pinch of necromancy.” The mention of necromancy got Nash’s attention. Just how badly was he wounded? And if even experimental healing magic alone couldn’t save him then… Nash: “<gulp> ...so you saved my life? Sorry it’s just been a rough few days.” Kesrow: “I know. Ever since those goblins showed up my research activities have been somewhat halted against my will.” Nash told Kesrow the story of the past few days since the start of the invasion. Kesrow: “hmmm… How did you live long enough to arrive at my feet? You survived a missile attack on your home, went three days in a hostile city without cleaning your wounds. And your first unplanned, unprepared, amateur attempt at an ambush resulted in yourself being nearly blown up by a tank and falling out of a second story window. The odds of your survival are… statistically improbable.” Nash: “Don’t know what to tell you. Sheer luck.” Kesrow: “Cute. Anyway now that you’re all healed up I suggest you drag yourself out of my operating room and go meet the others.” Nash: “Others?” Kesrow: “Yes, you are not the first human I’ve picked up over the last few days. It’s becoming a bother. My whole laboratory is filled with them. Only a matter of time till they break something valuable.” Nash: "Thank you Kesrow. Is my gun okay?" Kesrow: "Your SKS-45 is by odds similar to your own survival , somehow intact. Minus a few scratches. I even took the liberty to clean it up for you." Nash: "Thank you." Kesrow: "Don't mention it." Kesrow went back to his work, fiddling with strange machines and instruments Nash didn't have a hope of understanding. Instead he simply collected his gun and ammo and left the room. Whatever building they were in it was definitely unique. This wasn't like any normal Wonsan construction, instead the building appeared some combination of ornate royalty and cyberpunk. There were no plants, only artistic metal imitations of plants. The walls were lined with detailed metal cut out pictures, usually of a violent nature. The metal posters often featured scenes of elves murdering different elves. The depictions of battles, and death got more and more gruesome as Nash walked down the brightly lit hall until one metal poster simply showed what appeared to be Kesrow smashing in the head of a wood elf with a rock. Nash: 'Remind me not to piss him off.' Nash thought. Nash rounded a corner, still transfixed by the art around him, he walked right into somebody. Nash: "Sorry 'bout that I was just-" ???: "Watch it runt." The person Nash walked into was the seeming personification of "human sports jock". A tall muscular and handsome human dressed in a football jacket and sweat pants looked down at Nash like he had just stumbled onto a revolting insect. Nash: "Sorry. I was just looking around." ???: "Oh does baby miss his mommy? Is that why you can't see straight." Nash: "Dude don't bust my balls just let me pass and I'll be on my way." ???: "Aw the shrimp thinks he's tough. Oh hey, you're that Nash nerd from school. You get tired of thinking of chicks you'll never have and decide to play hero." For a moment Nash was tempted to remind the jock in front of him that he was armed, whilst the jock was seemingly unarmed. And whilst Nash's clothes were covered in blood and holes, the jock looked as if he had spent the past few days in a gym changing room as if he was preparing for his big game. But Nash thought better then to provoke the bully with questions of what he had been up to while Wonsan was becoming a nightmare made reality. Instead he kept his mouth shut as the bully continued getting in his face and insulting him, until a deep stern voice made the bully stop dead. ???: "Clancy, Clancy, Clancy. If I find you harassing one more person I'll throw you outside myself. and we'll see how you fair alone against the goblins." If Clancy the jock was tall and muscular, then the man chewing him out was even taller and more muscular. his height only shortened by his slightly hunched back and shoulders, like a predator stalking its prey. The man was dressed in the kit and CADPAT clothes of an army soldier, and the C8 carbine hanging from his hip showed that he was more then equipped to back up any threat he made. Clancy: "I wasn't harassing him Smith, we were just having a friendly chat." Nash: "Friendly chat my ass." Smith: "That's Sergeant Smith to you Clancy. And if you think those muscles make you strong, they don't. They make you goblin steak. You're dismissed Clancy." Clancy took the hint and walked off, muttering something below his breath. Sergeant Smith turned toward Nash. Smith: "You look like you've been through some shit kid, haven't you?" Nash did his best imitation of a salute as he responded. Nash: "Yes Sergeant." Smith: "You know how to use that rifle kid?" Nash: " Yes Sergeant, and I have, Sergeant." Smith: "Well then come along, you'll find the rest of the survivors down this hallway. We'll get you a shower, and some food. Now come along, no point dawdling." Smith marched off down the hall, Nash following behind him. Nash was ecstatic. Not only had he found other survivors but he had also found soldiers. The resistance he had been looking for days had now been found. But the slowly growing rumbling in his stomach betrayed a more immediate need. For three days he had been wandering around a hostile city. Aside from some snacks and a few water bottles, Nash had eaten little. He was thirsty and starving. Adrenalin had kept the worst at bay but now in the safety of Kesrow's place, the mention of food brought it all crashing home. They reached the end of the hallway, the sound of chatter grew louder as Nash approached. Smith pushed open the ornate double doors leading into the large dining room and Nash was met with the sight of dozens of people, all humans, scattered about the place. Most of the people were civilians. The rest, gathered in a corner around the only table in the room, were a mix of soldiers, militarized border police, and Wonsan city police. Smith: "Kitchen's that way. Help yourself." Smith motioned toward door leading to the kitchen before walking over to the other soldiers. Nash took his que and began creeping his way through the crowd of people on his way to the kitchen. there wasn't enough tables and furniture available and so most people just sat and ate on the floor in small groups. Nash saw people of every stripe and in every condition. Some lay flat on the ground, injured from a variety of wounds, tended to by the few nurses and doctors. Students, some still in their school uniforms, sat in groups talking about every topic under the sun as they tried to fend off boredom and the reality of their traumatic circumstances. Families sat in their own groups, mothers comforting children while fathers stood guard. The lonely ones with no friends or family around found companionship in the other loners, and so everyone from rich businessmen to trade workers to store clerks sat together, passing around plates of food as their differences were ground away at by circumstance. It didn't take long for Nash to reach the kitchen, and when he did he was hit with a wave of hunger and the smell of cooking meat. the kitchen was full of middle age woman. All busy preparing or cooking meals from Kesrow's supplies. How Kesrow had so much food available Nash couldn't even guess. For all he knew the fridges were magic or something. One of the older women spotted Nash standing in the doorway, and approached him. ???: "Well don't just stand there young man, go get a plate and a seat. there's plenty of food." The woman motioned for him to get a move on, and he did. Nash grabbed a plate, a cup, a fork, and a knife. He got in line and waited his turn as the line slowly made its way up to the counter. The others in line kept their distance from him, his blood stained clothes awarding him a degree of fearful respect he had never enjoyed before in his life. There was a variety of food to chose from, a veritable buffet. Roasted chickens, fried rice, pork chops, fish, and so much more. Nash wasted no time in filling his plate with chicken, fries, and rice liberally coated with salt. His cup he filled with hot chocolate. With his meal ready, Nash made his way through the crowded kitchen, careful not to spill his cup or drop his plate, and back into the dining room. Nash looked for an open spot where he could sit in peace. Unfortunately sitting room was scarce, and Nash didn't want to find out how Kesrow would react to people eating outside the dining room. Looking around he spotted a familiar duo sitting in the corner of the room. Kyona Ao and Amai Ryoui had made it to safety, and here they were. Instantly Nash perked up as his ambush had in fact saved them. Both of the girls were lightly dressed, their clothes having been destroyed in the goblins sexual assault. both were now dressed in short shorts and bandeaus. Kyona was eating some bacon whilst Amai was just staring into the distance. Her rape had obviously shooken her up. Amai spotted Nash and waved him over. Amai: "Nash you're alive! There's a spot over here- holy fuck are you okay?! You're covered in blood." Nash: "I'm fine. Kesrow patched me up. How are you doing?" he asked hesitantly. Amai: "...Well my house is destroyed, my life is in ruins. and I got... got... raped." Tears began to well up and she began visibly shaking. Nash had no clue what to do. it wasn't like he had any training in rape counselling. Kyona: "Calm down Amai. It's okay. the goblins are dead remember? Somebody splattered their brains out on that court. And we're safe now." Nash saw a chance to help an took it. Nash: "Wait were you those two girls in that basketball court? I was the one who shot those goblins. With this rifle here." Kyona: "Wait you were there. Meaning you saw us being-" Kyona's face turned bright red, whether from blushing or rage Nash had no clue. Amai stopped shaking, turning towards Nash. Amai: "You, you saved me?" Nash: "Yeah, I guess I did save you." Amai leaped for him, wrapping her arms around him as she began crying into his shoulder. Setting his food down, he returned the hug. Nash: "shh, shh, it's okay. I've got you." In any other circumstance all Nash would've cared about was how sexy the woman in his arms was, the way here huge breasts rested against his chest, her thick thighs laying against his knee, and just how good she smelled despite the past few days of horror. And how an equally hot woman was just feet away, obviously blushing at his heroism. But now, he only cared that Amai was safe, and that he had done well. He stayed there who knows how long. Amai crying into his shoulder, him holding her tight and safe. Kyona munching her food. Slowly Amai calmed down, regaining her composure as she pulled away from him. Amai: "Thanks, for saving me." Nash: “It was nothing. Just glad you're safe.” It was obvious that Amai was still in a rough shape, But all Nash could do was comfort her until they got back to friendly lines, whenever that happened. Amai: "Well come on, aren't you going to eat. You've got to be hungry after your adventures." Nash and Amai began eating, Nash relished the food and drink. For a few minutes it seemed like the world was normal. Nash, Amai, and Kyona just having lunch together. Two beautiful women inquiring about his past few days while he munched on delicious food. Suddenly Nash felt a tapping on his shoulder. Turning around Nash saw sergeant Smith standing over him. Smith: "Hey kid. You still got ammo for that SKS?" he asked. Nash: "Yes sir." Smith: "Good, then follow me." Amai: "Where are you taking him?" Smith: "Don't worry ma'am, we won't be long." Amai looked like she wanted to argue, but Nash interjected. Nash: "No, its alright Amai. I'll be back." And with that Nash and Smith left the dining room. Smith lead him through the halls of Kesrow's residence. Nash did his best to match the rapid pace Smith had, before they came to a large open room filled with soldiers, border police, Wonsan police, armed citizens and Kesrow, arranged around a huge central table with a map of Wonsan City atop it. Smith: "Find a spot and pay attention." Nash squeezed past several men to get a view of the table where several  armed men were already in fierce debate about something. over the next few minutes several more people, all armed, filtered in. Eventually dozens of men fill the room. Smith: "Alright, now that we're all here, I think its time we had a little chat about what's next. We're all aware of what its like above our heads. How the goblins have taken over the city. And once the goblins are done Raping Wonsan they'll begin moving onto the next city. And as it stands now there is very little to stop them. The Militarized border Police have been bled white. And the 1st Air Cav regiment and other military forces are stretched thin fighting holding actions across the front. The bulk of the Northern Union army is still being mobilized and moving south." Smith announced in a loud clear and commanding voice. ???: "So what do we do now?" someone loudly asked. ???: "We should fight them. The metal elf has guns galore!" another shouted. Kesrow: "Despite what you humans might think I do not have infinite resources available. And I further do not wish my home to become a battleground." Smith: "Besides we only have so much ammunition and even now more and more goblin armies are moving north. Soon Wonsan will be a Goblin tourist hotspot, crawling with even more enemies drawn by the "loot". So unless we want to be eventually cornered and killed, We'll have to breakout and evacuate north." ???: "What are we waiting for then?" Smith: "Civvies." Smith cursed under his breath before resuming his speech. "We can't just rush out in broad daylight and expect to get very far before being run down.  So in order to buy time for the evacuees to make it to safety we'll need a distraction. Something to draw the goblins attention while the evacuees make it out. Me and my men have identified a target of interest at the Wonsan Fuel refinery plant just outside the city. Unfortunately the damn goblins are crawling all over it. If we allow it to remain operational the goblins will be able to use the refinery and the large quantities of gas already stored there to fuel their vehicles as they advance north onto more cities." Nash knew just how important that refinery was. Before the war the Wonsan Fuel Refinery had brought immense wealth to Wonsan. It was the largest employer in the city. How however the infrastructure that fueled Wonsan would now be used by the Goblins to fuel their invasion of the Northern Union. The refinery not only had immense production capability, but it was also home to giant circular fuel storage tanks. Even if the workers had sabotaged the refinery itself, the tanks alone could fuel the Goblin army for a while. And it would certainly have enough fuel to enable the goblin vehicles to run down a bunch of surviving humans trying to escape on foot. Smith: "If that refinery remains operational it will be a huge boon for the goblins. It hasn't been bombed yet cause the Northern Union Airforce is probably worried about civilian casualties, even if it would be a fucking mercy. So its up to us to blow it up. And the ensuing fireball should be bright enough to grab the attention of every green bastard in the city. We'll split everyone here into two groups. I'll lead a team of volunteers to destroy this refinery and buy time for the civilians to escape. the rest will escort the civilians to safety with the help of some of my own men and Kesrow here. Now, do I have any volunteers?" Silence filled the room as the occupants processed the information. a few looked eager for a chance at revenge regardless of the risk to themselves. Most were however worried about the odds of their survival on such a mission. ???: "What’s the chance of us surviving this mission?" asked a man dressed in the kit of the militarized border police. Smith: "Assuming the refinery can be destroyed, the evacuees should have a pretty good chance of escape. The Volunteers who go with me to attack the refinery... I'll be honest, we'll be going up against who knows how many goblins equipped with technicals and tanks. The odds of survival are not in our favour gentlemen." Silence returned. Many in the crowd shifted uneasily. Eventually the Militarized border police who had asked the question stood up and spoke. ???: "I volunteer. I swore to defend my country to the death and I intend to do so." His announcement was quickly met by over a dozen and a half others. every single member of the Militarized border police present volunteered. Many Wonsan Police Officers also volunteered. One police private tried to volunteer but was ordered by his police sergeant to go with the evacuees and ensure the Wonsan Police Department lived on. Several Civilians also volunteered. Nash himself was quick to volunteer. Raising his SKS and loudly announcing his volunteering for the suicide mission. Cheers filled the air as those who didn't volunteer, either to stay with their families or just because they wanted out of this nightmare after days of horror, patted those who did volunteer on the back or congratulated them. Many were quick to begin handing guns, ammunition, knifes, or snacks over to the volunteers. Several men larger then Nash patted Nash on the back for his bravery and offered him cigarettes which he politely accepted and pocketed despite not being a smoker. Smith: "Alright. Now we have our volunteers. those who aren't volunteering, Kesrow will take you into the next room and brief you on your part in the plan. The Volunteers can stay here for their briefing." Dozens of men began to follow Kesrow out of the room. Kesrow: "Now if you would please follow me." Slowly the last stragglers followed after the elf. Leaving just Smith, the volunteers, and Nash. Smith: "Alright listen up. I have a plan, and if it works we might actually pull this off. The refinery is going to be crawling with goblins. Even with the element of surprise we’ll be outnumbered and out gunned within minutes. So our only hope of making it out alive is stealth.” Smith laid a large municipal map of the refinery on the table. Smith: “If we can place explosives on these fuel tanks and the main control Center, we’ll hopefully destroy most of the fuel and the electronics to control the refinery. We'll sneak in and once the explosives are placed we’ll try and sneak out so we can detonate the explosives from a safe distance. That’s the best case scenario.” Nash: “How much explosives will we need?” Smith: “Depends how much fuel the goblins have siphoned off. So I’ve no fucking clue.“ Smith continued to brief the room on the plan. If everything went well, once night fell, the group would approach the refinery via the sewers. Then they would hopefully sneak into the refinery, remaining hidden for as long as possible. There they would split into two groups. Group A, of which Nash was apart of, would make for the central control of the refinery and destroy the complex electronics there to prevent the goblins from operating the place. The other Group B would place explosives on several fuel tanks. Once complete they would link up and exfiltrate the refinery. ???: "How do we know where the control room is?" Smith: "That's where John here comes into the picture. John, want to introduce yourself." A man in jeans and a Wonsan refinery jacket stepped out of the crowd towards Smith. his face looked rough, covered in stubble and eyes bloodshot and  ringed black with exhaustion. He nervously stepped in front of the crowd and introduced himself, obvious inexperience with public speaking mixing with sleep deprivation kept at bay only by caffeine and duty showing through. John: "Hi everyone. I'm John. I'm an employee at the fuel refinery... former now I guess. and I worked in the control room we're looking for years, so I'll be able to guide us there even in the dark. In case I don't make it, the control room is on the second floor on the east edge of the building. We should be able to make it by going through the south lobby, past twelve rooms, up the stairs and to the left." Smith: "Thank you John. Please take your seat." John: "Thank you." John returned to his seat, slumping down into it and downing a third cup of coffee as Smith continued discussing the plan. There was one other detail, several members of the team would be equipped with body cameras that would upload a continuous live feed to the internet. This was done for propaganda purposes, so that regardless of how the mission turned out people would be able to see their resistance and hopefully inspire the Northern Union to continue resistance against the goblins. With the plan formalized and the roles assigned Smith released everyone. The mission was scheduled for 9pm, giving everyone an afternoon, quite possibly their last afternoon, to get their affairs in order. As Nash was about to leave he was stopped by the two other civilians who volunteered for the mission. John: “Hey kid you sure you’re up for this? This isn’t some video game. We’re possibly going to die doing this.” Nash: “I know, and I don’t care what anyone says, I’m coming with.” John: “Hm, look kid, I’m John, this is Connor, you don’t have to do this. Let us older folk handle this. I don’t know if my family is alive or dead and Connor knows for sure his family is passed on. You’ve still got a life ahead of you, don’t waste it.” Nash: “I ain’t wasting my life. I’ve got friends in those survivors. People I care about. If this mission succeeds, they’ll have their whole lives ahead of them. That’s what matters. Plus this is the one chance I have to do something worthwhile with my  life. If I don't go through with this I'll never be able to live with myself. My mind is set, I'm not backing out now." John: “<sigh>...If you’ve got folks to protect, fair enough. Just don’t get yourself killed kid.” John ruffled Nash’s hair and walked off. *** Nash returned to the dining hall, the whole while thinking of his life up to this point. The mission was practically suicidal. The chances of Nash dying were high. But that didn’t deter him. He barely even considered it in fact. His whole life had been one apathetic lazy shuffle to the next day, never achieving much beyond mediocrity. But now he had a chance to do good. He had the chance to achieve something with his life. As he entered the dining hall, looking upon all the people who he would help save. The crowds had thinned since lunch but many still hung about talking with each other. Nash saw Amai and Kyona where he had left them, along side Clancy. Nash hadn’t seen Clancy in any of the briefings leading Nash to guess that Clancy hadn’t volunteered for anything. Still Clancy was here chatting up Kyona, looking irritable. Amai spotted him first. Amai: “You're back. Where'd they take you?" Nash: "Don't worry. It was just a briefing for how we’re going to get out of this mess.” Nash retold the plan for the escape. Amai grew pale when she heard Nash had volunteered for the suicide mission. Clancy however barely paid attention. Clancy: “Congratulations, you get to be the big ol’ hero little nerd. I bet you’ll chicken out at the last second. Cause that’s all you are. A limp dick beta male nerd. Don't think I haven't seen you eyeing up my girlfriend. I should pound your pervert arse to paste right here and now." Amai: "Leave him alone!" Clancy: "Oh and who are you? the babysitter. Why don't you ditch the shrimp dick here and come with a real man girl and put those tits to good use." Kyona instantly shot him a glare, annoyed with her boyfriend trying to seduce another woman in front of her. Amai flinched back in disgust, wanting nothing to do with the narcissistic athlete. Nash shot to his feet, fists clenched in rage. Nash: "Leave her alone fuckwad." Clancy: "Big talk for a tiny man. What are you going to do little man? Pretend to be soldier. oh I'm so scar-" Nash's fist cut off Clancy as he punched the jock square in the nose while he was busy talking. Clancy: "oh you fucker!" Clancy swung his own punch, striking Nash's arm as he raised it to protect his head. despite that the blow from the physically larger man sent Nash's head ringing with pain, but he held his ground, rage blotting out the pain. Nash began to reach for the kitchen knife hanging from his belt as Clancy prepared another heavy punch. The blow would never land however as a metal chair swung into view, striking Clancy in the side of the head. Clancy crashed to the ground, clutching his head. Kyona reached for Clancy, checking his wound, whilst Amai did the same for Nash. Nash pulled his hand away from the knife as he saw John holding the solid metal chair in hands, as he towered over the writhing Clancy. John: "Nash might not have the biggest dick, I ain't checking. but he's almost certainly got a bigger pair of balls then you Clancy. He's got the balls to actually risk his life protecting his loved ones, while you sit and shit talk those braver then you. So either shut up, or you find a new hole to breathe from." Connor, John's friend, came to his side, crossing his muscled arms and staring down the injured Clancy. Connor: "You heard the man, what'll it be." he said in a deep baritone voice. Clancy said nothing as he staggered to his feet with Kyona's help. Clancy: "I'll show you dipshits, I'll show you." he muttered under his breath. Kyona: "You can be an ediot sometimes, you know that Clancy. Lets get you out of here." The two then left, leaving the 4 of them standing. Amai: "You okay Nash?" Nash: "My head hurts a little, but I’m alright." John: "Good to hear kid. But I told you not to get yourself killed." John gave Nash a slap on the back regardless. John: "At least I know my life's in brave hands out there." Amai: "Do you really have to go Nash, on the mission?" Nash: "Its my choice to make, and I’ve made it. There's no turning back now." Amai nodded somberly before pulling him into a tight hug. John: "Don't worry ma'am. We'll do our best to keep him safe." Connor looked over Nash. Connor: "You'll have a bit of a bruise but nothing that'll stop a kid like you I suspect. A little rest should do it. There's bedrooms on the floor below." Nash: "Thanks guys. See you in a few hours." With their advice in mind Nash headed for the bedrooms, Amai accompanying him. She stuck close to him, holding his arm tightly. They didn't exchange a word but Nash knew Amai wanted to tell him something. *** Most of the guest rooms were already taken by other survivors. Exactly why Kesrow had so many guest rooms when he seemingly lived alone Nash had no idea. How Kesrow had even managed to build such a large home underground without anyone noticing was another question Nash had no answer to. Many things about the strange metal elf seemed a mystery to Nash. Nash and Amai were lucky, they had managed to find a room that had not yet been claimed. Inside was a double bed and a small bathroom. Nash: "Thanks for the help Amai. I'll get some rest now. I'll say goodbye before I head out." Amai: "Uhm, actually I would like to stay with you if that's okay... I want to talk with you." Nash grew uneasy, sensing that something was up, now that he was alone with Amai. Nash: "Alright. But I ain't changing my mind about the mission. I've made up my mind." Amai: "No it isn't about that. I know I can't change your mind. But that's not what I want to talk about. it's about something else." Nash: “Okay. What do you want to talk about.” Amai: “You remember when… you saved me, the other day?” Nash: “Yeah. What’s that got to do with this?” Amai seemed scared, like a mask had been dropped, a look of trauma painted her face. She began to shake as she struggled to speak. Amai: “When the goblins… raped … me, they came inside. They came inside. I… I cleaned myself as best I could. But… but Kesrow doesn’t have any medicine for… this.” Nash remembered what happened to Amai. How the goblins had pinned her down, tore off her clothes, raped her, and … came in her. Goblins reproduced differently from other species. Whilst goblin females did exist, they were too few in number for the goblins to sustain their species. So the goblins mostly reproduced by capturing and raping females from other species, turning them into broodmares used only for sexual relief and reproduction until they died. Goblins were able to impregnate almost any woman. And so if they had cummed in Amai then that meant… Nash: “fuuu-dge.” the realization hit Nash hard. Even though he had killed the goblin that had impregnated her, fury still demanded vengeance. Amai: “I don’t know if I’m already pregnant. But I don’t want to give birth to a goblin. I don’t want to give birth to a monster. So I have a request to make of you Nash. The goblin cum won’t set if I’m already pregnant with a human child.” Nash: “Wha-t. What are you asking?” Amai: “… Nash… I need you to impregnate me.” Nash sat, his jaw hanging loose in disbelief. Nash: "Whaaaaa-." Amai: "I know it’s a lot to ask, but please Nash. Your my only hope. I don't want a monster growing inside me. So please, just for one night. Please impregnate me." Nash's heart pounded like a war drum, the heat in his face felt like a furnace. Rage at the goblins gave way to embarrassment as the beautiful sexy woman offered, no, begged to sleep with him. Amai’s request echoed in his mind, bouncing around his skull, leaving him in a stunned silence. Nash: "Uhm. I uh-I, but, I’m.” Embarrassment filled Nash. One of the hottest woman he had ever known was asking him to breed her, but he only had a 7 inch dick, its comparative small size for Northern Union men a point of shame for him. And he had no experience when it came to pleasing a woman. His only knowledge of sex came from the library of smut, lemons, and hentai he had consumed in his life. But faced with the real thing, ignorance gave way to uncertainty, and fear of failure. Instinctively Nash felt himself backing away, until Amai kept forward, grabbing him and pushing him to the ground. Amai: “Please Nash. I need this.” Amai threw away her bandeau, letting her huge boobs hang mere centimetres from Nash’s face. Nash: “But Amai I’m not an alpha male, my dick’s only 7 inches and I’m not good at this. I've never slept with a woman before.” The reveal of Nash's secrets caused both to blush, but Amai steadied herself, taking hold of Nash's hands and pulling him up. Amai: “It doesn’t matter if you're a virgin Nash.” Amai led Nash by the hand toward the bed. Amai: “Allow me to take your virginity and I'll show you what you can do with a 7 inch cock.” After removing Nash’s cock from his pants she grabbed one of her nipples and began to pry it open with her fingers. Amai: “Don’t worry, the goblins only gaped it with their tiny dicks so it should still be plenty tight for you. How would you like a once in a lifetime opportunity Nash?” Nash couldn't believe his eyes. Throughout his life he had read all kinds of smut but now the real thing was literally begging to be bred by him. And reality most assuredly trumped fiction in this case. Everything from Amai’s pleasant lemon citrus smell, her soft skin, and the way her body moved, combined to push his erect cock to its very limits. The deepest parts of his brain railed against his civility, demanding to give into the lust. with every doubt or worry that rose, his lust would animalistically snap it aside and claw into his brain. A single word pushed its way to the front of Nash's mind as the lust overtook the fear and reasoning and doubt. Breed. With gusto Nash thrust for her open nipple, unfortunately his first wild thrust missed but he wasted no time in readjusting his aim and the second thrust hit home. The soft flesh of Amai's breast absorbed most of the impact, causing his thrust to push rather then pierce her boob. Amai: "Heh, its okay Nash. you don't have to be afraid. Just let loose and enjoy yourself." Nash grabbed hold of her tit, squeezing it to give better leverage for his thrusts. His next thrust got deeper, burying his cock in the tightness of her boob. It was warm and wet inside her nipple, and his dick could feel the soft flesh all around it, giving him more pleasure than his hand ever had. He thrust harder, forcing his cock deeper. With every thrust his cock pushed further, urging him to be more forceful in hopes of reaching deeper. With every thrust Amai would moan softly. Amai: "That's it Nash. You're doing good. keep going, a little more." He thrust faster, harder, until every thrust sent Amai's breast bouncing like a wave. Amai was gently moaning and gasping, her face a bright red blush. Nash could feel his climax building. Every thrust sent more blood rushing to his penis, the heat growing hotter and hotter, the pressure building. Then at last, it broke free, a geyser of semen erupting from his cock, filling Amai's tit. He kept thrusting, the pleasure driving him to pump more and more semen into her. Finally Nash pulled out as his cock let out one final shot of semen. Standing back he watched Amai's nipple contract, in the process squeezing out cum as if it were milk. The cum dribbled down her breast and onto the bed. Amai: "Hehehe, that was pretty good for a virgin. Got pretty aggressive there. But I guess we can't say you're a virgin now, can we?" Nash: "Guess not. so now I-" Amai: "Yep." Amai laid back on the bed and spread her legs, giving Nash a clear and uninterrupted view of the wet pink folds of Amai's pussy, which Amai slowly pried apart with two fingers to reveal the fleshy canal Nash would soon fuck. Amai: "Come on Nash. Don't leave me waiting." Nash approached, climbing on top of her, his erection rubbing against her thighs as he positioned himself. Then with one motion he thrust. Instantly his cock became buried in Amai’s moist cunt. The pleasure was immense, and he quickly started thrusting, his pelvis slapping against her clit. His cock was swallowed up by the fleshy walls. Each time he pushed it deeper and deeper inside, feeling the warmth of her vagina. He began to moan, the sensations overwhelming him, making his mind blank, leaving only a bestial desire to breed, driving him to thrust harder and harder, forcing his dick deeper inside her. Grabbing a hold of Amai’s thicc thighs Nash thrust harder. ramming his cock in and out of her pussy. Her vagina was like a vice, squeezing his dick and sucking him deeper. He kept going, thrusting, moaning, losing himself to the pleasure. Amai wrapped her arms and legs around Nash, holding him close as she matched Nash's thrusts. Nash bent down and kissed Amai, passionately and deeply. Then suddenly, the tension exploded and Nash felt his cock erupt, pumping his semen into her. As his cum filled her, the contractions of her orgasm pushed his semen deeper inside her. Amai's womb hungrily sucking up every last once of seed it could. Amai threw her head back as she hit her own orgasm. Amai: "Fffuucckk yes." She let out a long moan as the orgasm wracked her body. Nash felt his dick twitch again and his cock fired off another shot of semen into Amai. He pulled his still erect dick out, his cock still twitching and shooting off more cum. Amai: “Ah that was amazing. You can be a real beast. Got any more loads in you?” Nash looked at his dick, feeling it rapidly regain its vigor. Without hesitation Nash went right back to fucking her, repeatedly ramming his cock into Amai’s vagina and cumming multiple times. *** Clancy got up from his bed, putting on his clothes. As he left the room he took one last look at his girlfriend Kyona. She was completely nude, covered only by a blanket that completely failed to cover her massive boobs. Clancy’s cum leaked from her thoroughly fucked pussy. Their rough fucking had left Kyona completely spent, leaving her unconscious. Clancy left the room quietly and began creeping through the dark halls, one hand clutching the swollen side of his head where John had hit him in the head with a chair. Clancy whispered obscenities and curses. Clancy: "You and that shrimp dicked bastard will be sorry. Oh they'll be sorry." Kesrow's home was deathly silent as night began to fall. Even the lights seemed to dim to a kind of moonlight, simulating night inside the building. That only made Clancy's mission easier as no one was around to question him. Eventually he arrived at a massive hydraulic door. *** Kesrow sat in his chamber fiddling with an experimental railgun. Having humans scattered around his house made him uneasy in the same way an older brother worries when his younger siblings start messing with his stuff. It took a concentrated effort on his part to not constantly obsess over whether or not some human was breaking something valuable. Still he couldn't be too hard on the humans, they had lost their home in the most gruesome manner possible, and though it had been almost a hundred years since he had lost his own home, he could still remember the tragedy of losing a home. Memories of burning homes and brothers strangling brothers, of Tir Na Nog, the homeland of the elves, being stained with the blood of elves killing elves over the future of their nation, popped to mind. Besides, all things considered this group of humans weren't too- Kesrow caught a glimpse of movement on one of his hidden security cameras. On the monitor showing the front door to Kesrow's home the human known as Clancy was fiddling with the door controls. Kesrow: "Oh that Mother fucker!" *** Clancy continued fiddling with the controls. Clancy: "Fuckin dammit. why couldn't the knife ear just have a door knob." Eventually a random series of pulled levers and pressed buttons saw the hydraulic door begin to swing open. As it did, the moonlight revealed a horde of goblins waiting behind a goblin chieftain. Clancy: "Alright I did my end of the bargain. Now let me and Kyona go as you-" The Goblin chieftain lunged forward sliding a blade the size of a man's arm right through Clancy's chest and out his back. Clancy collapsed as his spine was cut in two, falling to the floor at the goblin's feet. As Clancy lay dying the chieftain stepped forward, looking at the dying man with contempt. goblin: "Stupid human. Did you really think I would let you and your breeder go? Especially after you showed me a picture of your breeder? In fact I think I'll take your breeder as my own personal cumdumpster. We'll see if she even remembers you after birthing a few litters of my spawn." The goblin chieftain began to laugh a guttural rumbling laugh. The last thing Clancy every saw was the goblins rushing over his soon-to-be corpse, flooding into Kesrow's home intent on breeding the few remaining unenslaved women in the city, until a young goblin smashed his skull in with a club. *** The bed creaked under the repeated thrusts as Nash fucked Amai's vagina with all the bestial strength he could. Amai lay on all fours, slapping her thicc ass back against Nash's pelvis as she was driven into yet another climax. Her breasts swung with every thrust, cum from nipple fuckings leaking out like milk. Nash could feel his climax getting close, and from the way her pussy was contracting around his cock, she was getting close too. With a final thrust Nash came. Nash: "Oh fuuck, take it all." Cum erupted from Nash's dick, painting the walls of Amai's womb white. The warmth of Nash's semen, mixed with the force of her climax, caused Amai's vision to turn white as she orgasmed again. Amai: "Yes yes yes. Breed me!" Nash collapsed onto the bed, his cock still twitching inside Amai's womb, letting loose a few more shots. Nash: "Ohh fuck. How many times have we cummed now?" Amai: "Too many to count. How long have we been at it?" Nash checked the clock finding that they had been fucking for hours with only the occasional break. Amai: "oh, that was the best sex I've ever had." Amai pulled herself off of Nash's dick, lying beside him and kissing him once more. Nash lay amongst his sweat, slowly regaining his strength as he put his clothes back on. Amai: "Think you're ready to be a parent?" Nash's post nut clarity hammered into him as the possible consequences of breeding his neighbor set in. Nash: "How are we gonna explain this to my parents?" Amai: "I'm sure they'll understand." Nash: "Yeah, I'm sure they will." Nash sat on the edge of the bed, clothed and carefully checking his gear. His SKS was in remarkably good condition, his knife was sharp, and he was as ready for the upcoming mission as he could be. The mission where he could possibly die and never see his child. For the first time, a tinge of regret began to seep in. But he knew that if he backed out now, he would never being able to look in the mirror. Amai lay in the bed undressed, bathing in the afterglow of sex. Amai: "You're really going?" Nash: "Yeah. It's the best plan we've got, and it'll give you the best chance of getting out alive. Besides... its just something I've got to do." Amai: "Nash... I-" Gunshots filled the air. Instantly Nash was on his feet, clutching His SKS tight. Nash: "Amai get dressed and head for the escape route. Kesrow will look after you from there." Amai: "Nash I-" Her declaration of love was cut short by a kiss on the lips. Nash: "I love you too." With that Nash was out the door and off for a meeting with destiny. *** Running past fleeing civilians Nash charged towards the sound of gunfire. Gunshots mixed with screams both human and goblin. But Nash had no fear, though this was only his second fight, he was ready for whatever awaited him. Rounding a corner Nash came across a makeshift barricade of furniture. Smith and a few soldiers were holding the line against a horde of goblins charging down the wide hallway. A soldier fired a C9A2 light machine gun into the horde, killing the goblins as easily as one cut grass. Smith: "Nash! Get your ass over here and return fire! We've got to hold here while people evacuate!" Nash was all too happy to comply. Bracing against a turned over table Nash steadied his rifle, aimed for the closest goblin, and fired. the round immediately struck the goblin in the head. With experience under his belt, The act of killing goblins was now a familiar practiced motion for Nash. Smith and the other soldiers continued firing, laying down a withering hail of gunfire that cut goblins to bloody ribbons. Goblins tried to charge the barricade only to be gunned down. The goblin’s return fire meanwhile bounced off of the surprisingly durable metal furniture barricade. Soon goblins were advancing over the corpses of their own kind before themselves getting cut down until a speed bump of corpses became a barricade of corpses the goblins took cover behind and fired pot shots from. Despite how serious the situation was, Nash was ecstatic. The kick of his rifle, the sound of gunfire, and the sight of goblins dying to his marksmanship was an experience that rivaled sex with Amai. For here he could be proud. A mighty roar filled the hallway as hobgoblin bezerkers began charging, bashing smaller goblins out of the way as they advanced. Nash aimed for the head of one such monstrosity only to be temporarily blinded by a bright blue light. When Nash forced open his eyes he saw the entire hallway engulfed in burning blue plasma. The hobgoblins collapsed to ground, their drug enhanced strength failing as their muscles were incinerated and disintegrated by the plasma. Within seconds the entire hall had been cleansed of goblins, their corpses reduced to ash covering the floor. From out of the darkness walked Kesrow, balls of plasma held within his bare hands even as cybernetic mantis blades protruded from his wrists. Behind him came several civilians who rushed to safety the moment they saw the way was clear. Among their numbers was Kyona, who immediately spotted Nash. Kyona: “Nash! Where’s Clancy? Have you seen him?” She begged. Kesrow: “That mother fucking traitor is dead. Ran through by the very goblins he sold us out to.” Kyona: "Wha- no, no. He couldn’t have. He wouldn’t.” Smith: “Well that explains how the goblins got in. Looks like we’re moving up the schedule.” Kesrow: “You’re still going through with the plan?” Smith: “Not like we got a choice. Now that the goblins know we’re here they ain’t gonna stop flooding in. Think you can hold the goblins back while we fall back to the start point?” Kesrow cracked his neck and spit on the ashes of the invaders. Kesrow: “Oh I’ll do more then hold. I’m gonna clean out my whole house! And then hang that Clancy fucker from the rafters!” Nash: “Come on Kyona. Head to the evacuation point. We’ll take of the rest.” Kyona paused, looking at Nash. Gone was the introverted nerd, now here was a hero standing tall against evil. With nervous legs, Kyona rose to her feet and ran off towards the evacuation point. Smith: “You’re with me Nash, let’s go!” Nash joined Smith as they ran towards the start point of their mission, leaving Kesrow behind to deal with the goblins. Kesrow watched the next wave of goblins approach. With practiced ease he drew in the magic around him, focusing it into his hands and letting loose with his patented plasma thrower spell. Gouts of burning plasma streamed from his hand, instantly incinerating any goblin in its path. A hobgoblin staggered through the plasma only to have its head instantly separated from its shoulders by a single slash of Kesrow’s mantis blades. The moment the plasma cooled Kesrow took off in a sprint. With elven grace and cybernetic speed Kesrow ran through the war zone of his house, burning, slicing, stabbing and disintegrating any goblin he ran into. *** Nash hopped through the hidden hydraulic door way into the sewers beneath Wonsan. nothing moved in the darkness and he couldn't hear anything. It seems that the goblins only knew about the one entrance to Kesrow's house, probably because of Clancy. The rest of the volunteers came behind him, carrying explosives and belts of ammunition over their shoulders. The last man paused only to through a thermite grenade into the door mechanism before closing it behind them. The thermite grenade melted the door controls shut behind them, leaving them no way back, but also no way for the goblins to creep up on them. Smith: "Roll call! state your names!" Everybody present stated their name, letting Smith know was alive and who by their absence was probably dead. Fortunately everyone who had volunteered for the suicide mission was present and alive. Smith: "Good, then let's get started. Corporal get the cameras." A soldier began fitting go pro cameras to several members of the team, including one to Nash's shirt. Soldier: "Alright. Smile you're live. Those cameras are uploading a live feed to a military server. Once we're done, regardless of how this turns out, footage of our mission will be used to inspire resistance. So don't fuck up." Smith: "Now that's taken care of let's get moving. That refinery's gotta blow before the civilians can escape." The group quickly moved through the tunnels, making their way toward the target. *** Amai stepped down the old stone stairs leading down into the evacuation tunnel. The tunnel itself was barebones compared to the rest of the metal elf's home, being little more then an old mining tunnel burrowed deep underground, far below the city. Amai stuck close to Kyona, the only person in the group she had any familiarity with. Kyona herself was obviously shooken up but Amai decided to not press, with her own trauma she could sympathise with whatever Kyona was going through. Soldiers and armed civilians directed the crowd down the tunnel, trying their best to maintain order. As they went deeper into the tunnel the sounds of gunfire and explosions faded away until Amai and the others could almost believe that they had escaped the nightmare of Wonsan. A sudden grinding sound alerted everybody. Families began running as soldier raised their rifles. The very roof of the tunnel began to split, pulled open by sophisticated machines. A platform began to descend down into the tunnel, spilling ash as it did. Standing atop a five tonne truck being lowered on the platform was Kesrow himself. Kesrow: “Well let’s get a move on humans. This tunnel will take us a few kilometres North of the city and we don’t want to be wandering around during daylight.” *** Nash and the other members of the suicide mission continued their march through the Wonsan sewers towards their target. Only the soldiers had night vision so those without had to follow based on moonlight leaking through sewer grates and the sound of liquid slushing around their legs as the walked. John: “Ugh, can’t believe I’m walking ankle deep in piss.” Smith: “It ain’t piss. It’s blood.” Nash finally noticed how the expected smell of a sewer was absent. Looking down he could just about make out the dark red liquid flowing around his ankles. As if to reinforce the point blood dripped down from corpses through sewer grates onto the party as if it was raining blood. John: “Well… that’s ominous.” Adding to the grim atmosphere was the noise. The party had to remain silent lest the goblins mere feet above them hear them. The goblins above them meanwhile cackled and conversed in their incomprehensible tongue, randomly firing off gunshots seemingly for entertainment. Occasionally the sewer would vibrate as a tank passed over head on roads never designed to hold the weight of such war machines. Even more haunting was when the sound of human screams filled the sewers as human woman were brutally raped just above them. ???: “Somebody please help me! Ghhgh-“ ???: "Mom, mommy! Please mom make it stop! aghhh!" ???: "Please no! Its too large! You'll kill me with it!" Nash filtered out the screams as best he could. The logical part of his brain told him those woman were as good as dead. That he had a mission to do and people that could be saved, to save. Nash was getting real tired of his logical brain being the explainer of bad news. Mercifully the sounds of horror eventually faded as they got farther from the city. Leaving the party to march, blood soaked, through the darkness towards their meeting with destiny. Smith: "Alright we're here." The party gathered around a service ladder that opened up to just outside the refinery. Smith: “Alright people. Split into your groups. Its go time." John: “Well Nash. You ready?” Nash: “As ready as I’ll ever be. You?” John: “Nervous, but I know my wife would be proud of me, is proud of me assuming she’s still alive. Guess I’ll find out one way or another.” Nash: “Yeah. You know the day before this all started I applied to join the army. But I got rejected cause I wasn’t strong enough. Now here I am, fighting alongside soldiers." John: "Well the army may have rejected you, but it looks like fate accepted you." Nash: "Thanks." With the final words of encouragement, the party began climbing the ladder out of the blood soaked sewer. Nash climbed out, offering a hand to those who came after him. In the distance the refinery loamed large. Countless thousands of lights lit it up against the night sky, silhouetting the refinery and the countless goblin vehicles gathered around the fuel tanks. Nash saw goblin vehicles of every type. Everything from hordes of technicals and battlewagons with metal plating and machine guns bolted haphazardly anywhere the goblins could fit. To packs of Scorpion light tanks of so many different variants and modifications. Some were the "stock" model, others replaced the turret with a casemate mounting huge cannons or rocket pods, or variants with autocannons serving as crude SHORAD. Then there were the heavier tanks. The dangerous marauder tanks, with their long guns and semi-modern hulls. to a massive battle station bristling with guns of every size and caliber, and heavy armour covered in crude symbols and flags. Nash’s resolve fluttered in the face of some many armoured vehicles. the group had a few carl Gustav recoilless rifles, but no where near enough ammunition to fight through an entire tank division. Smith: "Relax folks. Those vehicles are empty. The goblins are fueling them up right now. Which makes our mission all the more important." Smith whispered. Nash looked back at the vehicles in the distance. All of them were silent, with their engines off. Hoses ran all over the place pumping fuel into the vehicles. Nash knew that if they didn't complete their mission, not only would Amai and Kyona be at the mercy of the goblins, but the goblins that had conquered and raped Wonsan would be able to advance onto some other city. Smith: "Group A you're with me. Group B best of luck. If we make it through this, beer's on me." Nash fist bumped John and wished him best of luck. With one final goodbye Group A and B parted for their parts of the mission. Group A, of which Nash was a part of, was tasked with destroying the control systems in the main building so that the goblins could no longer operate the complex machinery and systems of the refinery. Smith led the group as they snuck through brush and trees towards the building. Stealth was of paramount importance. If they were discovered it would only be a matter of time before thousands of goblins and armoured vehicles bore down on them. Nash didn't need a lengthy explanation to know how fucked they would be if that happened. So the group moved slowly and carefully. moving from concealment to concealment, Nash carefully watching his every step to ensure he didn't step on a branch or anything else that could produce noise. For now it seemed that luck was on their side, the goblins didn't at first seem to have posted guards or set up patrols, more focused on looting and raping the city with reckless abandon. ???: “Truck! Hit the deck!” Someone urgently whispered. Nash glanced back to see headlights coming down the road towards them. An armoured technical with a machine gun mounted on top was headed right for them. Nash threw himself to the ground, hiding his body as best he could behind a dense bush. The rest of the group did likewise, hiding behind foliage and rocks. Nash resisted the urge to peek out and observe the truck as it passed, instead gauging how close it was by ear. He clutched his rifle tightly as the rumbling engine got closer and closer. The technical slowed meters away from Nash’s hiding spot. He willed that he would not be seen and that the technical would move on. A tense moment passed before the technical began to gain speed again, taking off into the city with its cargo of goblins looking to resume their rape of Wonsan. Nash listened to it get farther away, until its engine noise disappeared. Around him men began to rise from hiding spots, giving Nash confidence to rise from his own. Smith: "Let's get a move on." The party rose from hiding and resumed their march towards the refinery. But their path was again blocked. this time by patrolling goblins. several goblins armed with submachine guns wandered about lazily, obviously bored and resentful of being assigned guard duty. The goblins didn't even look in the direction of the bush Nash and the others had been hiding in. the goblins had not even bothered to secure their position, standing exposed and unprotected, their submachine guns hanging lazily from their hands. however it would only take one goblin raising the alarm to spell the potential for disaster. and the group had no suppressors on them. The only silent weapons they had on them were knifes, such as the foot long M1 bayonets used by the soldiers of the Northern Union. All Nash had was the bayonet built into his SKS. Smith gathered up two other soldiers and began sneaking up towards the goblins. Nash and the rest of the group stayed behind to keep watch. Nash could admire the soldiers of the 1st Aircav Regiment as they carefully snuck towards the goblin. Smith moved first, the veteran soldier slithering towards a lone goblin. When the goblin wasn't looking Smith sprang from the ground, bayonet held like a dagger. Smith drove the bayonet into the side of the goblins neck and ripped it out the front, blood spurting from the wound. The goblin died silently, his body crumpling to the ground as Smith removed his bayonet. Nash saw the other soldiers make quick work of the remaining goblins, quickly killing them with a quick stab to the throat followed by ripping the blade outwards. Nash watched, hidden behind bushes until a faint sound of bending branches and rustling leaves caught his attention. Glancing to his side Nash spotted a short green humanoid creature walking through the bushes towards him. The goblin walked, oblivious to Nash’s presence, a few more steps until it met Nash eyes contact. Nash stabbed the goblin with his rifle’s bayonet, aiming for its throat. Sharp, razor edged steel cut through flesh and veins, the pointed tip exiting out the back of the goblin’s throat even as the barrel hammered into the creature’s jaw, pushing it into the ground. Nash leaned atop the monster, wrenching his bayonet from its throat as it clawed at the wound. He raised his rifle and stabbed down into the goblin’s chest, piercing its flimsy cloth shirt and impaling its heart. The goblin fumbled around for its life as its blood spurted onto Nash’s face, before its body gave out and fell limp. Nash stood, panting and wiping the blood from his face, only to hear the click of a safety being undone. In the thicket Nash saw another goblin, previously unseen. In slow motion Nash watched it raise its rifle, its mouth opening to reveal jagged dirty teeth as it prepared to roar its warning to its brethren. Nash moved on instinct, thought and worry losing the mental race to survival. He raised his own SKS and fired at the same time as the goblin. BANG BANG The gunshots echoed out through the forest, drawing the attention of everyone around. Nash saw The goblin slump dead from a bullet to the head. Silence reigned. Nash breathed heavily from the near death encounter, with his sleeve he wiped the goblin blood from his face. only for more wetness to take its place, followed by a liquid dripping into his eye. slowly pain began to make itself known on the top of Nash's head. He prodded it with his fingers, recoiling at the stinging pain. A medic came up to him and examined his head with a small tactical flashlight. Medic: "Stay still. let me have a look... Don't worry its just a grazing. You're lucky." he said spraying disinfectant and slapping a bandage on the spot where the bullet grazed Nash's head. Smith came over, wiping the blade of his bayonet on his leg. Nash: "I'm sorry sir. I didn't see him and I panicked and I'm sor-" Smith: "Forget it. You're alive, he's dead. Thats what matters. Now let's get a move on. If we're lucky the goblins will just think its infighting and won't-" S shrill siren began to blare out across the refinery as the alarm was raised. Smith: "Ah fuck. Move! move! move!" The group made a mad dash towards the refinery, now abandoning all pretense of stealth. the group crashed through bushes and branches out of the woods into a parking lot right before the admin and control building. Goblins instantly began firing on them from windows, including a heavy machine gun firing tracers from the lobby. The group scattered for cover behind abandoned cars in the parking lot. Nash dove for cover, taking a knee behind a SUV. A second later a burst of bullets whizzed over his head, forcing him to duck further down. The goblins continued their relentless fire, shattering windows and tearing up the cars aluminum frames. men ducked behind engine blocks and wheel frames. the soldiers of the 1st AirCav were well trained and equipped with night vision goggles. whilst police officers and civilians like Nash could only take potshots at muzzle flashes and goblins stupid enough to wave flashlights around, the soldiers fired back with accurate bursts of fire with their C8A3s and C9A2 light machine guns. Goblins died slowly but surely as 5.56mm tore their diminutive frames apart. But the heavy machine gun continued to suppress the group. Nash tried taking potshots at it but was forced back into cover before he could make an accurate shot. Soldier: “Should we frag it sir!” Smith: “We don’t have time! Hit it with the Carl Gustav! HE!” Soldier: “Yes sir!” The soldier shouldered the recoilless rifle, another loaded the high explosive shell. The moment the machine gun fire slackened, the soldier rose from the shredded car and fired the 88mm HE round straight into the admin building lobby. Glass and wood were thrown in all directions as the explosion instantly killed the goblins manning the machine gun. Nash: "Fuck yeah!" With the machine gun silenced the group was freed from the greatest source of suppression. Some goblins began to break and run from their improvised barricades, only to be shot in the back as they ran, either from the accurate rifle fire from the humans or shot by goblin commissars. Which started a chain reaction as goblins saw their fellows gunned down, and being the cowardly creatures they are, began to flee themselves, only to be shot themselves and spur others to try their luck at fleeing into the dark hallways of the admin building. Smith: "Grenades out! Charge on my signal!" Soldiers, covered by machine guns, threw grenades over their cover and into windows. The grenades blew, throwing shattered debris, glass and body parts out into the night air. At Smith's command, the group surged towards the building, smashing through the broken doors and windows into the lobby, shooting down any surviving goblins in the lobbies or in the hallways. Several wounded goblins, with limbs blown off from grenades or bleeding from gunshots, crawled pitifully away from the humans. Their twisted, grotesque faces full of honest fear at humanity's retribution. Nash, having had to crawl through the blood soaked nightmare of Wonsan for 2 days, wasted no time in stabbing a dying goblin through the neck with his bayonet and then shooting another goblin through the head as it tried to limp away whilst clutching its mauled arm. The rest of the group equally showed no mercy to the hated goblins. They didn't waste any precious ammo, instead stabbing those goblins, made defenceless by wounds and blown off limbs, to death with knifes and bayonets. One soldier, the largest of the group, simply stomped a goblin’s head in, crushing its skull under his boot, before wiping the blood off on a nearby welcome mat with all the significance of kicking slush off one's winter boots. The lobby and surrounding rooms were left painted with goblin blood and the black soot marks of explosions. Bullet holes covered the walls and ceilings. Not a glass window nor lightbulb remained unshattered. the only flickering light available came from electric sparks given off from snapped wires. Nash struggled to get the bearing on his surroundings in the darkness and figure out where to go to reach the control room. Fortunately he didn't have to. Smith: "John lead the way! Come on! Everyone check your corners and mind your six!" John began leading the group down the various hallways towards the control room, pausing only to check corners and help the soldiers clear rooms when needed. Nash and the others followed, carefully checking their corners and keeping an eye pointed behind them in case the goblins ambushed them. The goblins had only been in the refinery for two days but the building already bore the marks of goblin occupation. Crude graffiti covered the walls. Goblin sized holes had been knocked in walls. and traps, thankfully rare they were, slowed the group's progress. As the group reached the staircase to the second floor, three Militarized Border police officers stopped against a wall of drywall, having heard the sound of goblins massing on the other side, preparing for a counter attack. In unison, the officers pulled out frag grenades, pulled the pin, holding the lever tightly. Then with one hand, fired short barreled breaching Remington 870 shotguns into the drywall. Goblins hit by the buckshot screamed as a prelude to the officers accurately throwing the grenades through the new holes in the wall before sprinting for cover. SMG rounds chased after them in the second before the grenades exploded, shredding the goblins and sending shrapnel flying through the drywall. A 1st Aircav soldier then began spraying the wall with his C9 LMG, scything down surviving goblins. Several goblins staggered out of a doorway in front of the group. Close range gunfire cut them to pieces, spraying blood and viscera all over the hallway. As the group passed by, Nash saw the inside of the room. What was once a conference room was now a blood painted charnel pit as close to two dozen goblins lay shredded by shrapnel and bullets. He smiled. The goblins from the lobby had fled deeper into the building, forcing the group to fight their way through multiple barricades and fortified rooms. Their rapidly dwindling grenades and  short barreled breaching shotguns became the group's favourite tools. Multiple times the soldiers of the 1st Aircav would blast the hinges off a locked door, the goblins within desperately firing through the door, until frag grenades would be thrown into the room and the moment the shrapnel settled, the door kicked open, allowing the soldiers to pour in and mop up with point blank gunfire. Eventually they arrived at the hallway leading to the control room. No goblins blocked their path, though several of their corpses, stripped of loot and covered in dried cracking blood, lay before a makeshift barricade. Lockers, tables, and chairs had been stacked together into a barrier before explosives had obviously been used to blow it apart. Stepping over the debris into the control room Nash saw close to a dozen human bodies, dressed in the uniforms of refinery workers. John: “Terry, Smith, Carl.” Nash: “I take it you knew ‘em?” John: “Knew ‘em, they were my coworkers. I worked alongside them for years. Was working with them the night this all started. I was on my break when the alarms sounded. But I didn’t spare them even a single thought. All I could think about was my family. I hopped in my car and drove away. And this is what happened to them.” Though any guns had long since been looted, bullet casings covered the ground. The controls for the refinery had also been sabotaged already, consoles and computers smashed and wiring pulled out and cut as though the workers had tried to prevent the goblins from gaining control over the refinery, but lacked the time and resources to completely destroy the refinery. Combined with the barricades, it painted a picture of brave refinery workers and managers holed up in the control room, fending off goblins with whatever guns they had, whilst doing whatever they could to sabotage their former place of work. Nash: "They went down fighting. And did most of our work for us." John: "Yeah." Smith: "Then lets finish the job." The assigned members of the group began pulling out explosives and attaching them to key equipment. The rest of the group kept watch for any goblins. Thankfully if any goblins still remained in the dark halls of the office building, they were too disorganized or too afraid to attempt a counter attack. John knelt down beside each of his fallen friends and closed their eyes. Taking a moment to gather up cherished trinkets close to each of them and placing them securely within his coat so that if he made it out alive then at least some part of his friends would be able to be buried in peace. Smith: "Group B, this is Group A. We've planted our explosives. what's your status? Over." The sound of gunfire and explosions could be heard through the radio. Smith: "Group B report!" Group B soldier: "Fuck! It didn't work. We're under heavy fire. It's a fuckin hornets nest!" Smith: "Have you planted your explosives. Over." Group B soldier: "We managed to place our charges on some tanks but the goblins had already drained them. We're out of explosives sir should we bail? Over." Smith: "Fuck." he said to himself. "We need more explosives." Smith began tapping his head, trying to figure out where he could potentially get more explosives to destroy the fuel tanks. The destruction of the control room alone wouldn't be enough to distract the goblins and prevent them from running down the escaping survivors. Let alone continuing their advance. Nash looked over the refinery through a window. Gunfire and smoke rose from the firefight group B was right now in. No armoured vehicles yet moved, the goblins perhaps caught unprepared for a fight. Though the small figures of goblins could be seen moving in small groups or individually in amongst the field of circular storage tanks. But in the Center of the field, surrounded by fuel tanks, was a large rectangular warehouse, itself surrounded by goblin trucks and crates. Nash observed the warehouse, feeling his education in supply chain management and hobby of studying all things military come in handy. Nash: “John how big is that warehouse?” John: “Oh, uh it’s huge it’s where we store spare capital equipment. Why do you ask?” Nash: “Any army this size on the offensive will need a huge amount of supplies. And with the Northern Union Airforce bombing the goblin supply chains, it’s likely they’ll try and bring along as much supplies as possible.” Nash turned to Smith. Nash: “If I had to guess, that warehouse is probably being used as a supply depot. It should have all the explosives we need to blow that depot sky high and cook off the refinery in the process.” Smith: “You sure about this kid?” Nash: “As sure as I can be sir." Smith was silent for a time. Pondering Nash's suggestion. Then finally spoke up again. Smith: "Group B, there should be a goblin supply depot in the centre of the refinery will all the explosives we'll need. We'll rendezvous with you and fight our way there. Over." "Alright lets move out people!" With that the group left the control room and made their way to the fire escape, heading down the stairs onto the ground floor. Once on the ground it didn't take long for the goblins to begin shooting at them as they ran through the fuel tanks. Goblins fired at the group from sides, including above as the goblins fired down on the group from the top of fuel tanks, forcing the group to sprint between cover under covering fire. The cover in this case was the countless parked tanks and trucks. Nash thanked the spirits that the vehicles were uncrewed as he ducked between cover, trying not to trip on the tangled spiders web of bulging fuel lines going to and fro, firing and reloading frequently. Though not every vehicle was empty. As Nash backed up against a scorpion tank he heard a hatch open. Looking up, he saw a goblin, rubbing its eyes as if it had just woken up, seemingly oblivious to the firefight going on around him. Without hesitation Nash shot the goblin in the face and watched it slump dead into the tank’s turret. Unfortunately the tank began to awaken, shocked into action by the death of one of its crew. Nash had to skip backwards to avoid having his pant leg caught by the tank's tracks as it rolled forward. Fuel lines were pulled off, fuel spraying everywhere as the tank blindly advanced until a soldier hit it in the engine with a Carl Gustav. The tank burst into flames, smoke billowing out of hatches as the burning crew bailed out only to succumb to the flames. The group was advancing, but it wasn’t without cost. On the way to group B a police officer caught a grenade blast, a border police took a bullet to the throat as he charged a group of goblins, bleeding fiercely, he managed to kill the goblins before bleeding out. A soldier was killed after being rammed by a technical. Group B wasn’t much better. By the time they reached them, half their number were already dead. The goblins were picking them off one by one. The addition of group B added to their firepower, but the goblins were getting organized, charging into battle better equipped with metal armour and larger guns and assaulting the intruders in ever larger groups. Worse, the tanks were beginning to be rolled out. Nash watched a man get shredded by a canister shot, his entire upper torso disappearing in the blink of an eye. An entire existence reduced to a pair of legs and a wet red smear slowly drying in the dirt. Down the path a marauder tank, barrel smoking, lumbered into view, crushing a technical and coming to rest next to a fuel truck with a perfect firing line of the entire group. Nash thought back to his last encounter with a marauder tank and how badly it had ended for him. This time would be different. He looked around, trying to find a means of dealing with the tank until his eyes fell on a goblin Geballte Ladung style grenade. Smith fired a HEAT round from his Carl Gustav at the marauder, the round flying the short distance only to fail to penetrate the tank's frontal armour. Smith: "Damn its an A3. Everyone fallback! We'll try and out maneuver it. Nash what are you doing?!" Nash grabbed the grenade and charged towards the tank. Bullets whizzed past him as goblins fired barely aimed potshots at the humans. Memories of Nash's failure to pass the army's fitness trials flashed in his mind as he ran as fast as he could. Pushing his legs as hard as possible. Ignoring the bullets flying around him and the marauder tank slowly aiming its coaxial machine gun, spraying bullets as it inched closer to hitting him, he pulled the pin off the grenade and threw it at the fuel truck. The moment the grenade left his hand, Nash dove to the ground. The grenade rolled under the fuel truck and exploded. As the explosion penetrated the hull of the fuel truck, the fuel within ignited, combusting in milliseconds until the tank could no longer hold the fiery explosion. A small rupture turned into a massive explosion. Burning fuel flew in every direction. Nash had to roll away to avoid being drenched in fire. The marauder tank was not so lucky, instantly becoming swallowed in a wave of burning gas. Pushing past the pain, Nash slowly rose to his feet, grabbing his SKS and looking at the wall of fire where the tank was. Chaos reigned around him. Goblins caught in the blast crawled along the ground and the flames consumed them. Others were turned into ovens as burning fuel dripped into their metal armour and ignited their clothes, causing them to run about, flames licking out from gaps in their armour, unable to be removed as the crude jagged metal heated up, burning their tiny hands as they feebly pulled at the armour. still the firefight raged as the humans advanced towards Nash, stepping over the armoured corpses, gunning down the remaining goblins. Gunfire mixed with goblin screams and crackling fire and... engines. The Marauder tank charged out of the fire, burning fuel pooling all over the tank and being thrown up by the tracks. Nash barely managed to dodge out of the way as the tank rammed into the scorpion tank he had just been standing in front of, the lighter tank's armour buckling under the force under the larger heavy tank. Nash crawled away from it, under a technical that itself was crushed under treads as the burning tank pursued the perpetrator of its destruction. Backing away as fast as possible Nash watched with terrified eyes as the tank grew and closer, towering over him like an infernal engine of death, until an explosion blew out the back of the tank's turret, followed shortly by an even larger explosion that ripped the tank's turret off and knocked the tank firmly out of action, its treads stopping just meters from him. Burning fuel dripped off the turret like scorching rain until the turret smashed into a nearby truck. Smith: "You alive Nash?" Nash: "...Yeah! <panting> I'm Alive!" Smith: "Then get moving we're almost there!" Nash again rose to his feet, patting down embers as they singed his flannel shirt, his trusty SKS still tied to his shoulder. The fighting had died down as the goblins fled the fire and explosions but Nash was sure the goblins would be back with another wave and hurried back to the group. It wasn't a pretty sight. Barely half their original number remained, some were just walking wounded. John greeted him as he joined their rush to the warehouse. John: "That was some stupid movie stunt you pulled there kid. I'm sure Smith would like a word with you once this is over." Nash: "Hey tank's dead and I lived didn't I." he laughed. "Hey where's Connor?" The mood instantly darkened. John: "...With his family... He went down swinging." Nash: "I'm sorry... we'll avenge him." He said unsure of what to say. John: "I know we will. That's why we're here." The group reached the warehouse, itself seemingly devoid of goblins. Trucks filled with crates surrounded the warehouse, leading inside where huge stacks of crates brimming with weapons and ammunition lay exposed. Smith immediately directed his men to begin breaking open crates in search of explosives. Eventually finding some. Breaking open a crate to find it packed with C4 charges. ???: "Sweet. Got a whole lot of C4 here. Goblin gits must've looted it off the border police." A surviving member of the militarized border police smacked the soldier on the back of the head before helping himself to several charges. Smith: "Alright grab the charges and start placing them around the warehouse. Nash and terry, you're with me.” Nash, Smith and a police officer began moving into the warehouse when fierce gunfire began landing around them. The goblins launched yet another assault. Technicals sprayed the area with machine gun fire, ripping apart wooden boxes as men dove for cover. John fired back with his C7 against the advancing goblins when a high calibre round struck him in the chest, puncturing his lungs and knocking him to ground. Nash yelled out to john, firing back at the goblins himself. John pushed his upper body up, sitting against the door of the warehouse. John: "Go Nash! You've got a job to do. I'll hold the rear. Take care of yourself." Tears welled in Nash's eyes as Smith pulled him inside. John smiled, reflecting on the life he'd lived. The job he had enjoyed. The beautiful wife he married. The daughter he loved more then anything else. He raised his rifle. John: "See you soon Honey. Just wait a little longer. Got something I gotta do." He fired his rifle at the oncoming horde. He and the rest of the rearguard defiant, jousting bullets with bullets as they bought time for the rest of the group . John: "Come on you sons of bitches! I got a bullet for each of you! That's for Connor! That's for my daughter! That's for my wife! That's for everyone of you fucking bastards! Welcome to the Northern Union fuckers! Welcome to your graves!" *** Nash, Smith and the police officer ran through the warehouse, itself a maze of crates extending high above their heads, near the edge of the building, placing C4 as they went. The police officer rounded a corner only for his head to be blown open with a shotgun. Nash leaned round the corner, emptying his clip of ammunition into an armoured goblin. Some shots glanced off the metal plates, others punctured and killed the goblin where it stood. A second goblin forced Nash back with a burst of fire from its SMG until it jammed. The moment it did, Smith rounded the corner and mag dumped the goblin in the face. Smith: "Come on Nash. Cover me while I place a charge here-" Light and fire filled Nash's vision, replaced swiftly by darkness and pain. When he opened his eyes he found his left eye didn't work, distorting his vision. He lay on the ground, his SKS layed visibly bent a short distance away. Smith lay in bloody pile, missing an arm, his legs broken as he tried to crawl. A deep cruel laughter drew Nash's attention to the massive hole in the destroyed metal wall. outside, in front of a fuel tank, a goblin battle station super heavy tank loomed, surrounded by goblin champions and tanks. Atop the battle station a goblin chieftain stood tall. Easily taller then a human and muscled like a body builder the chieftain laughed at the humans bleeding out in front of him. Smith: "<cough> Nash... Carl Gustav... loaded with HEAT <cough> fire." Nash looked at the carl Gustav laying remarkably intact, previously held by Smith before the explosion, now a short distance from him. Nash crawled through his own blood. Dragging his body over to the recoilless rifle. A HEAT round was already loaded, all he had to do was aim and fire. The chieftain ceased laughing as Nash picked up the heavy recoilless rifle and staggered to his feet. Nash shouldered the weapon and aimed it toward the chieftain responsible for the rape of Wonsan. The chieftain, utterly confident, simply extended his arms out, daring Nash to hit him. Nash looked through the sights of the weapon aiming toward the chieftain. His legs wobbled, his arms hurt, and blood dripped down his face onto the ground below. Nash aimed, and then fired. The shell flew... and soared past the chieftain. The chieftain and the goblins around him laughed, until the HEAT round struck the fuel tank behind him. The shaped charged shot a jet of white hot molten metal through the thin metal exterior of the fuel tank and into the fuel within. Within seconds a massive explosion engulfed the area as the fuel tank exploded, throwing a literal wave of burning fuel against the goblins towards Nash. The chieftain paled in fear, screaming in shock as the wave of fire engulfed him, instantly incinerating the goblin responsible for all the horror and death inflicted upon Wonsan. Nash dropped the carl Gustav, all remaining strength leaving him as he accepted his fate. His life flashed before his eyes as the fiery wave approached. A life of apathy and insignificance, sloth and regret played out, until finally coming to the last few days where memories of him fighting back against the invaders, saving Amai and Kyona, finding the resistance, breeding Amai and the mission to destroy the refinery filled his heart with pride it had never before felt in such quantities. He smiled. He had done well. The wave of fire overcame him, quickly and painlessly incinerating Nash as the burning fuel flooded into the warehouse. Within seconds the first cook-offs began as ammunition and explosives went off, adding to the inferno until the entire warehouse and everything within exploded. Goblins surrounding the building tried to run but could not outrun the fireball as it reached the first fuel tanks around it. A chain reaction began, fuel tanks exploding, causing the fuel tanks next to them to also explode. Pipelines ruptured and burst as the fuel within ignited. In less then a minute the entire field of fuel tanks was ablaze, adding to an explosion so large it shattered every window in Wonsan and turned night to day for but the briefest of moments. Goblins across the city paused their gang rapes of women to look up at the massive fireball, consuming their full attention. When word of the death of the chieftain in charge of the army reached the city, a miniature civil war broke out as rival goblin leaders fought amongst each other for the position of chieftain. Adding to the destruction was the self destruction of Kesrow's home, causing building and streets above to collapse. such was the chaos of the city that no goblin noticed a band of humans, led by a metal elf emerging from tunnels a few kilometers away from the city. Guided by the Northern Union Airforce they travelled by night, staying concealed as jets and helicopters bombed any obstacle in their path until they finally reached the safety of Northern Union Lines. *** Lore (The fall of Wonsan) The rape of Wonsan was one of the bloodiest days for the northern union of the entire war. In a day a city with a pre-war population of almost 98,000 people was captured with barely a fight. With only approximately some 32,000 people being lucky enough to escape the city before it fell. It did not take long before stories and sights of the horrors of Wonsan began flooding Union Internet. Videos of women being gang raped by hundreds of goblins circulated the internet and images of ditches filled with dead men and blood-soaked streets became infamous. Meanwhile the government found itself with yet more problems on its plate. With the fall of the city and the mass rape and enslavement of its women, over 23,000 adult women were captured by the goblins and would swiftly raped, bred, and turned into breeders churning out yet more goblins. A goblin can go from conception to sexual maturity in about 7-8 months. And incidents of goblin twins and triplets are very common. Meaning that if those women weren't recovered, then in a few months, tens of thousands of goblin soldiers would be sent to the frontlines to attack the Northern Union, followed by tens of thousands more every few months. Naturally questions immediately began to be raised about just how such a disaster could've happened. there are many factors for why the disaster happened, starting with, the UN. After the Battle of Mariko Point in 2007, the UN intervened and forced upon both sides the Mariko Accords. This agreement officially barred both sides from stationing military forces within 40km of the border, and limited how many forces could be stationed within 100km of the border. The stated goal of this was to create a demilitarized zone that would hopefully prevent any incidents from escalating into an all-out war. The problem was this is the UN we're talking about. Meaning that the accord was biased and selectively enforced. The Northern Union had UN observers thrust upon them to prevent any violations of the accord. The goblins on the other hand, had no such observers and were simply trusted to keep their troops away from the border. Naturally the Northern Union was not happy with this arrangement, but under threat of massive sanctions, there wasn't much they could do. The Special Border Patrol Taskforce, also unofficially known as the Militarized Border Police or just border police, were created as a loophole to garrison the border, since whilst the accord banned military forces from the border, it didn't ban police forces. And the border police have police in their name, and therefore despite being essentially motorized infantry battalions, were technically allowed on the border. But the militarized border police was not expected to be able to stop a goblin army. And whilst the full-time contingent of the Northern Union Armed Forces was readied for rapid movement in case a war broke out, populations centers within the 40km demilitarized zone and therefore were vulnerable to a rapid goblin assault. Thus, a massive, and expensive evacuation effort was launched to both evacuate people from the areas closest to the border, and also preventing any ediots from moving close to the border, by buying up every last piece of private land within 40km of the border. This proved to be incredibly expensive. You see the Northern Union Charter of Rights and Freedoms grants pretty strong property rights, meaning that the government can not just seize a person's land. Instead, if the government wants someone's land, they have to pay that person a "fair compensation". And according to the supreme court of the Northern union, fair compensation means basically whatever the owner of that property says its worth. An owner of a small shack could say the shack is worth multiple millions of dollars and the government, if they really want that shack for some reason, has no choice but to pay. Which meant that evacuating people from within just a few dozen kilometers of a literally monstrous race that wants to enslave and rape every single woman in the world, cost literally billions of dollars. Evacuating an entire city and its surrounding area would be even more expensive. However, population centers like Wonsan were still uncomfortably close to the border. Wonsan is only 45km from the border, which in modern warfare terms is precisely fuck all distance. thus, some within the Government wanted to extend the range of the evacuation, which the people of Wonsan bitterly resisted. When the Northern Union government tried to tax people away from the border, Wonsan sued the federal government for violating its private property rights and won. When the federal government mandated that every population center close to the border have an evacuation plan ready and practiced, Wonsan refused to even create such a plan as a kind of political statement. They figured that if they just refused to evacuate, then the government would have no choice but to defend them. Making matters worse was that the city itself was rather lightly defended. You see due to ancient laws on the books from when the Northern Union was the Tundran Territories, municipalities are allowed to create their own municipal militias of armed citizens, and many municipalities near the border did just that. Wonsan however, did not create such a militia. In addition, Wonsan was one of the more pro-gun control areas of the Northern Union, meaning that both guns and gun owners were rare within the city. This meant that if an invasion did occur, Wonsan would only be able to count on the city police, the border police (assuming they weren't wiped out before reaching the city), and the 1st Aircav regiment. The Wonsan city police were just that. Police. They would be armed with little more then small arms at best. Its not like the criminals of the Northern Union are running around with artillery and APCs now. The Militarized Border Police would be considerably better equipped, with ATGMS, APCs, and a small number of towed howitzers. But they would also be the frontline first responders against a massive, combined arms goblin invasion. And thus, their contribution to the defence of Wonsan would depend on just how hard they got hit on that first day. The 1st Aircav regiment would be the most capable unit, however they would have their own problems. Aircav after all tends to be rather lightly equipped. Meaning a large, armoured spear tip would prove very difficult for the Aircav to deal with. Which brings us to May 4th, the invasion. Which opened with a massive goblin rocket barrage against targets across the southern parts of the Northern Union, Wonsan being one such target. However, the goblins rocketeers targeting Wonsan were evidently a fair bit more disciplined then most other goblins, as instead of just firing off all of their rockets at once, they staggered their fire. Such that on average Wonsan and its surrounding area was hit by about 1-4 rockets a minute, for 6 hours. Its here that a what if question has often been asked. What if the people of Wonsan had just gotten into their cars and drove through the rocket barrage? Goblin rockets after all are not very accurate, their ability to hit precision targets like roads or bridges would be entirely up to luck, and with only 1-4 rockets hitting a minute, people could've just driven away with only "minor" casualties. We are talking statistics here so a fair few civvies would probably be blasted apart. Plus, can you imagine getting bombarded with rockets and your local counciler telling you to “just drive through the rockets”? But most could've made it. As evident by the approximately 20,000 people who escaped Wonsan by ignoring shelter in place orders and bravely driving through the rocket barrage to safety. This however is where training and practice come into play. The Wonsan city council however had no such practice and as already mentioned, they hadn't even drafted an evacuation plan. Meaning they were flying by the seat of their pants. And so instead of just telling people to get in their cars and drive, and accepting that a few wouldn't make it, the city council instead decided to order the city to shelter in place until the rocket barrage ended. This made logical sense. It would reduce the amount of people killed by rockets and as a bonus, it would give the city council time to write that evacuation plan they had been putting off. Unfortunately, this meant that the city was effectively suppressed for 6 hours. And by the time the rockets ceased, the goblins were almost upon the city. And that evacuation plan? well after 6 hours of rockets, it was essentially pointless. Roads and bridges were blocked by craters and rubble. Entrances to subways and basements had collapsed. Fires raged unchallenged throughout the city. And with the goblins almost atop the city, there was very little that could be done. The 1st Aircav regiment did what it could, but there was only so much they could do against the mass armoured assault launched against them. They would evacuate who they could, and a handful of soldiers even stayed behind to save who they could. But the city was figuratively, and literally, fucked. *** Author's note Hi everyone. It's been a very long while I know. Life has of course been busy with me graduating from college and looking for a job, but the primary reason why this took so long to make was just my own laziness. That and this one chapter is larger then the first two chapters combined. Suffice to say I'll be trying to keep the chapters more concise going forward. I also want to take the oppurtunity to both thank everyone who has favourited and liked this story, while also imploring you to please let me know what you think in the comments down below and if you have any suggestions. I'm an ameture writer and I can tell there is alot that could be improved, especially the sex scences. Whats that? A virgin sucks at writing sex scences, you don't say. so if anyone has any suggestions for how I can improve this series. Please let me know. I'm also considering adding some more stories to my account. This will obviously remain the primary focus of my spare writing time for the forseeable future. but I was thinking about adding two new stories. One for the lore of this world I'm writing. That way people will have some knowledge about the background context. Cause that is one problem I've noticed when writing. I know all the lore and context because i've thought it up, but the audience reading the chapters doesn't know what i'm thinking and so details or significance can get lost. The second will be a collection of one-shot lemons, both cannon and non-cannon. That way I can get some more experience writing smut, plus I know that people on this site generally tend to be looking for the porn right away and often don't want to read thousands of words just to get to the good stuff. Thank you very much for reading my chapter, I wish you all a very nice day and an almost as good wank.
Chapter 1 - Sonic Sleeps Over
GeneXXX Chapter 1 - Sonic Sleeps Over Pairing - M/F, vaginal Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right? GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. Note: This story takes place after GeneX - Soleanna Struggle, and shares the same history to that point as the main GeneX series, including the adult version of GeneX - A New Beginning. GeneX Prime and GeneX Necros are but two of many incarnations of a similar realities inhabited by genetic experiments and a familiar blue blur named Sonic the Hedgehog. Another such reality, GeneX Heat, is very similar to GeneX Prime, even sharing some of its history. However, the focus in GeneX Heat is a bit more recreational. Feelings of lust run high in this reality, and those feelings are about to reach a point where they can no longer be contained. This will lead to adult situations, and why shouldn't it? In animal years, the furries of GeneX Heat are plenty old enough. Still, if you have issues with that sort of thing, let this be as far as you delve into this universe. If not, sit back, relax, and enjoy the fun. Heck, if you're feeling artistic, maybe these stories will inspire you to draw something. If so, go for it, I'm sure fellow readers would be thrilled to see what you make. OK, fourth wall breaking time is over. Now is the time for Sonic to see just how different this reality is... It was late at night. Most residents of Station Square were sound asleep, or at least indoors. However, there was one resident who was out and about. Rainbow the echidna found herself wandering the city alone this night, just killing time until she got sleepy. Her friends, Copter and Punchy, were both currently out of town. Punchy was off trying to pilfer the Master Emerald once again, this time making a solo attempt in hopes of sneaking up on the shrine easier. Copter's whereabouts were unknown, as usual. It was the first time in a while that Rainbow had found herself alone, and even though she grew up alone, she found herself feeling unusually lonely. However, despite what she was feeling, she was not alone. As she wandered the seemingly deserted city, a sinister presence watched her every move, following her every step. She was wandering near a shopping mall, but at this time of the night, the mall was closed, and the area she was walking past would normally be deserted. As she walked, she heard what sounded like voices nearby. She glanced around somewhat skittishly. "H-hello? Anyone there?" she asked nervously. There was no response at first, so Rainbow began walking away. As the voices began whispering again, Rainbow started walking faster. "Just the wind... Just the wind..." Rainbow whispered nervously. The voices were growing louder, and Rainbow could make out a hissed word. "Losssss.... Losssss..." Rainbow realized that this couldn't be good. "Uh... Gotta go!" she said, making a break for it! As she did, slimy Losol creatures began emerging from all around her! In moments, she was surrounded! "Omigosh-it's-a-buncha-slimy-sludge-mutants-somebody-HELP-MEEEEEE!!!" she screamed in panic! Just as the slime creatures were about to pounce on her, the wind began blowing more fiercely! Out of nowhere, a blue gust blew into the area, then sped to the Losol and knocked them all away before they knew what was happening! The Losol quickly fled the scene as they saw the cause of the wind emerge: Sonic the Hedgehog! "Weird! I saw those monsters before, but not out in the city like this! I wonder how they got here?" Sonic said to himself as the creatures fled. Sonic turned to Rainbow and squinted at her as he tried to remember who she was. "I've seen you before... At Eggman's base. You were with that clone of Knuckles!" he realized. Rainbow threw her arms around Sonic and started sobbing. "Ahh! Why do I have that effect on girls?" Sonic groaned. Rainbow was babbling at first, but soon started talking more coherently. "Oh, thank you, Speedy! I thought I was done for! By the way, my name's Rainbow! Thank you again!" she said before releasing Sonic. "Uh... OK.... You're welcome, I guess. Bye!" Sonic said, preparing to run away. Before he could move, though, Rainbow grabbed him again. "Wait! Wait! Wait!! Don't leave me alone like this! Those monsters could come back! Please, walk me back to my house!" she pleaded. Sonic looked at her nervously. "W-walk? But... walking's slow! Besides, um, it's past my bedtime!" he protested. Rainbow refused to let him go. "We can RUN! And you can stay at my place! I DON'T WANNA BE ALONE NOW!!!" she cried. Sonic realized that the choice was pretty much out of his hands. "OK, I'll take you home..." he groaned. It wasn't long before Rainbow led Sonic into the sewer tunnel and through the secret passage she used to reach the Hidden Ruins. Sonic gazed in awe at the underground city. "Th-this is incredible! I didn't know a city existed down here!" he gasped. Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, it's pretty secret. In fact, only me, my sister, and my friends know about it." she said. Sonic started walking ahead of Rainbow, eager to explore. "I gotta check this place out a bit!" he said. Rainbow grabbed him again. "Wait! Don't leave me!" she insisted. Sonic rolled his eyes. "Doesn't anyone else live down here?" he asked. Rainbow shook her head. "No, well, One lives here sometimes, but he's not here now and I'm lonely and scared!" she said. Sonic sighed sleepily. "Aw, all right. I guess I'll sleep at your place tonight..." he said. Rainbow released him and ran towards her home. "OK! Follow me, Speedy!" she said. After getting over the initial shock of seeing Rainbow's massive home, which was formerly a temple, Sonic found himself left alone to explore the temple while Rainbow washed up. He ran through the halls as he explored, trying to burn off the rest of his energy so he could get to sleep. Normally, he wandered where he pleased and slept when and wherever he wanted, but Rainbow had made such a pathetic face earlier and he just couldn't refuse her. He wasn't much watching where he was running, and eventually, he came to the hallway leading to the fountain Rainbow was bathing at. Rainbow was stepping out of the room containing the fountain, and Sonic had to stop quickly to avoid running into her! As he skidded to a halt, Sonic jumped backward with alarm as he saw Rainbow, who was dripping wet and completely naked! Though Rainbow appears similar to Amy with her dress on, Sonic quickly realized by looking at her that she was older than Amy! Her furry yellow body shimmered in the dim light, due to being wet, and her decently curvy figure was a feast for Sonic's eyes. He enjoyed the view so much, he spaced out and forgot to look away! Rainbow didn't care though, for she knew no reason why she should care. "Hey, Speedy! You know, you should slow down a little! You almost hit me!" she said. Sonic blushed as he realized he was still staring at her. "Oh, uh... S-sorry! I was... Um..." It was hopeless, Sonic couldn't say anything coherent. Rainbow laughed at his gibberish. "You're always in such a rush, you can't even slow down enough to talk right! That's OK, though. I think I get it! From the looks of things, I'd say you wanna play!" she said. Sonic glanced down and saw that he'd become erect, and this made him blush even more. "You... huh? Play? You mean...." Sonic moved his hips a bit to illustrate his point, and Rainbow nodded. "Yeah! That's loads of fun! Since I dragged you down here, we might as well have some fun!" she said. Never had Sonic suspected that Rainbow would be this sort of girl. If she knew better, she probably wouldn't be, but Sonic had no reason to believe she didn't know better. "Are you sure, though? What about... what's his name... Punchy?" Sonic asked. Rainbow shrugged. "What about him? He's not here. I'll play with him a bit when he comes back, probably." she replied. This was enough for Sonic, especially since he was too horny to refuse at this point. Sonic was always one for doing things fast, and he wasted no time getting started with Rainbow. He reached for her hips and held her steady, aiming his dick for her vagina. Rainbow giggled at how quickly Sonic had grabbed her. "I'm not going anywhere, Speedy!" she said. Sonic grinned. "I know. Hope you're ready, 'cuz I'm goin' in!" he said, carefully pushing his way into Rainbow's flower with his cock. Rainbow squealed with delight as he pushed deeper and deeper, finally stopping once his cock was as deep as it could go! Sonic then stopped to get a feel for his partner, moving his hands up from her hips and across her chest before finally resting his hands on her breasts, which he squeezed lightly. Rainbow smiled playfully and reached for his head, pulling him closer until her lips met his! Sonic opened his mouth first, then pushed her mouth open with his tongue. Rainbow accepted the kiss, and pet Sonic's quills as Sonic explored her mouth with his tongue, all while his penis was still plunged deep inside Rainbow's pussy. Sonic squeezed her boobs tighter, and Rainbow responded by lowering her hands and squeezing Sonic's back. Sonic had been with other women before, but this was the most romantic moment of his life. As Sonic broke the kiss, Rainbow gasped for breath. "Ah.... That was good! See how much better it can be to slow down a little?" she said. Sonic smiled. "Yeah, I guess so, but I think we can stand to take this a little faster!" he suggested. Rainbow nodded in reply, then pulled Sonic down to the ground, so that he was lying on top of her! Sonic paused a moment once they were on the floor. This was the furthest he'd gone with anyone he actually knew somewhat. He avoided doing Amy, because she would probably demand they get married afterwards, and Sonic wasn't ready to settle down yet. Would going further with Rainbow complicate things? Rainbow stroked his back spikes a bit, and it drove such questions out of his mind. Now wasn't the time for logic. Now was the time to screw! Pressing his arms to the ground for support, Sonic began pulling his manhood out of Rainbow's pussy, stopping just before pulling out completely, then dove his rod into her again fast! Rainbow gasped with pleasure as he did, and this encouraged Sonic to do it again! Before they knew it, they were both moving their hips in unison, gasping and shouting with excitement all the while! Sonic was desperately trying to hold back his speed, for it would be painful for Rainbow if he went as fast as he could go, but he was still going pretty fast. Rainbow didn't mind, though, she savored every move Sonic made! "Ah!! Oh!! Th-that's.... incredible!! Ohhhh.... Ahhhhh.... S-speedy!! Oh!" she gasped, unable to say much else. Sonic was loving this, too, but his cock didn't have the endurance to hold out at his high speed. "Ohhh... Ahh! R-rainbow!! Hahhh... I'm.... g-gonna...." he gasped, not sure if he'd be able to pull out in time. Rainbow was asked by Punchy whether she wanted him to cum in her before, and she understood that Sonic wanted to ask as well. "Ah ha... G-go for it... Speedy!! Ahhh!!" she said. It was too late to stop Sonic, anyway. One thrust, then another, and Sonic unleashed his load deep into Rainbow's flower! He continued to push into her a couple more times, and then Rainbow reached her orgasm! They gasped and shouted excitedly as their climaxes occurred, and once Rainbow came, Sonic collapsed into her arms. He'd gotten himself pretty tired while he was running before this started, so now he found himself drifting towards sleep. Rainbow held him tightly, knowing that she, too, would be sleeping in that position tonight, mainly because Sonic was on top of her. "Thank you... For everything..." she whispered, though Sonic was too drowsy to really hear. The night had ended up being much better than either of them had expected, and they were content to fall asleep now in each other's arms... The End for now.
Chapter 0 - Ch.1 The chase in the Outpost Ruins
[font=system-ui,]Zelda is completely worn out from the extended run and deeply distraught by the unwelcome lewd touching she experienced. However, a considerate stranger who had invited her to join his bonfire shows great hospitality and suggests she take a rest. What are his intentions?[/font]
Chapter 2 - A Lesson For Cream
GeneXXX Chapter 2 - A Lesson For Cream Pairing - M/F, vaginal Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right? GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: In the universe of GeneX Heat, a new tale has begun. One night, while wandering the city, Rainbow the Echidna was attacked by the Lost Ones! Sonic the Hedgehog arrived in time to rescue her, but she was so scared by the ordeal that she wouldn't leave Sonic's side! She brought Sonic back to her underground home, where Sonic ended up seeng her naked! One thing led to another, and Sonic ended up fucking Rainbow! Now, on to the next chapter! It was an average morning at Tails's Workshop in the Mystic Ruins. He'd gotten up and eaten breakfast, and now it was time to truly start the day. As he was pulling his tools out of his closet so he could do some repair work, there was a knock at his door! Tails dropped his tools and rushed to the door, hoping that Sonic or one of his other friends had come to visit. Instead, he found a stranger when he opened the door. It was a dark gray she-wolf, wearing a black uniform with a red, thirteen-pointed star on it. Her right eye was covered by overgrown hair. "Good morning. My name is Fera. May I come in?" the wolf asked. Tails hesitated to invite her in. "What do you want?" he asked. "Why, I want you..... to consider joining our organization." she said, walking past Tails and sitting down on a chair in the room. Tails hadn't told her she could come in, but he didn't protest. Her uniform looked so tight on her, leaving little to the imagination, and Tails was having trouble taking his eyes off her. "I'm here representing the Covenant of Despair. You've seen how humans run our world, haven't you? It's disgusting. Their wars, pollution, and general hateful nature are threatening to destroy our world. We are going to take a stand against them, and reclaim the world for ourselves. I am seeking recruits to join our battle. What do you say?" she asked. Tails barely paid enough attention to her words, as he was too fixated on her body. "Join you? Um... No, I don't think so." he said quietly. Fera stood up and stretched. It was early in the morning, and she was apparently a little drowsy. Her stretching didn't do anything to help Tails get a grip on himself. "Listen, Tails. I know you're just a kid, but you've seen a lot of human atrocities firsthand. You know, Dr. Eggman? How would you like to stop him once and for all?" she asked. Tails shrugged. "We don't have to worry about Eggman. Sonic always stops him..." he said. Fera crossed her arms. "Sonic, hm? Well, maybe I'll see if I can persuade Sonic to join our cause. If he joins, will you join?" she asked. Tails still wasn't paying a whole lot of attention. "Sure, I guess..." he said. Fera smiled. "Good..." Meanwhile, in the Hidden Ruins, Rainbow had woken up to find that Sonic was gone. Some of his seed still stuck to her fur, so she went into the fountain room to bathe again. As she started washing herself, there was a knock at the door. "Come on in, the water's fine!" she said. The door opened and Copter entered the room. Seeing Rainbow bathing, Copter instinctively shut the door behind him. "Don't you usually wash up at night?" he asked, growing horny as he watched her scrubbing herself. "Yeah, I know, Two. But I had some messy fun last night, and I need to wash up again." she explained. Copter nodded. "Ah... I get it. So, where IS Punchy?" he asked, making no effort to hide his growing erection. Rainbow sat down in the fountain and started washing her legs before answering. "Beats me. One left to try getting that big gem again yesterday, and he hasn't come back yet." she said. Copter scratched his head. "Wait... Punchy wasn't here last night?" he said. Rainbow handed her rag to Copter. "Could you wash my back, Two? It's kinda hard to reach." she asked. Copter took the rag and started washing her, though it was more like a massage. "So.... If it wasn't Punchy you were having fun with last night... Then who?" he wondered. Rainbow sighed, enjoying the massage. "Ah... Last night? I was out last night when those slime monsters came after me. Speedy saved me, and took me home. Then he wanted to have some fun, so we did." she explained. Copter dropped the rag upon hearing this. "Huh? Speedy...? You... you mean, Sonic!?" he gasped. Rainbow picked up the rag and resumed washing herself. "Yeah, you know, Speedy. That fast hedgehog." she said. Copter frowned. "Great... He knows where this place is. And he knows about her. He'll probably be back..." he said, darting his eyes back and forth as he wondered if he should do something about this. Suddenly, his eyes looked down as he felt his penis being pulled out of his pants! Rainbow pulled his pants down and started washing his cock. "You're pretty dirty, Two. Maybe you should get cleaned up!" she suggested. Copter smiled devilishly. "Sure... But I think we'll just get dirty all over again!" he said. Shortly after Fera left his workshop, Tails heard another knock at the door. He once again left his tools at the closet and headed for the door, which was unlocked, so the visitor opened it herself. It was Cream, who for some strange reason, was alone. "Hey, Cream! Where's Cheese?" Tails asked when he saw her. Cream frowned. "He's visiting his friends at the Chao Garden." she said, smiling as she looked at Tails. "So I decided to visit one of my friends today! How are you, Tails?" SPOT, Tails's robotic puppy, wandered into the room. "Need maintenance..." the robot said in a robotic voice. Tails sighed. "Yeah, I'll get to it, SPOT. See, I was gonna fix some damage SPOT took the last time we fought with Eggman." he explained. "Oh, then I guess you don't want any more interruptions. I saw that wolf walking away when I got here." Cream said sadly. Fera's image appeared in Tails's mind again, and would make him horny if he let it, so he tried to take her off his mind. "Don't worry about it, Cream! We can hang out!" he said. Cream was curious now, though. "Who was that wolf?" she asked. Tails found himself picturing Fera's hot body more vividly, and had to hurry to change the subject. "She's nobody! Just a visitor." he said. "You seem jumpy. Is she your girlfriend?" Cream asked. Tails forced Fera out of his mind by looking at Cream more directly. This was no help, as Cream had grown since he'd last seen her, and was pretty attractive herself. "No way. I only just met her. She's not my girlfriend!" Tails said, looking over Cream's body, which was coming along nicely. He was getting a bit too horny now, and his penis soon became erect! When Cream saw his penis, she gasped in shock! Tails, realizing what had happened, tried to hide it. "Oh, I'm so, so sorry, Cream! I don't know what's been coming over me!" he said too fast for Cream to really hear. Cream glanced at his cock curiously. "Wh-what is it?" she asked. Tails's eyes widened. "Huh? You mean... You don't know?" he asked. Cream shook her head. "But I... I'm pretty curious. Will you teach me about it?" she asked. Tails began to calm down a little, but not completely. "Uh... Sure. While I'm at it, I guess I should teach you about sex..." he blurted out. Having said the word "sex" without thinking, Tails now found Cream more curious than ever. He didn't want to take advantage of her, so he tried to simply explain it without doing it. "Well... OK... First off, this big hard thing between my legs is my penis." he began. Cream slowly reached out to touch it, hesitating for Tails's permission. "Uh... Don't touch, Cream. And, uh, this sack here is my scrotum." he said, holding his balls. "And... what's sex?" Cream asked innocently. So innocently that Tails hesitated to answer. "Um... sex? That... um... When a boy and a girl are very close... They, um... they get naked and..." he trailed off, unable to finish what he was saying. It was so embarrassing, and he couldn't bring himself to finish the explanation. SPOT approached Tails and Cream, displaying information on his monitor. "Sensors indicate that you wish to mate. Do you require condoms?" Tails face turned red as he and Cream read SPOT's monitor. "Mate... Does that mean sex?" Cream asked. Before Tails could say anything, SPOT answered her question. "Affirmative." Tails quickly pointed to the next room. "Go away, SPOT!!" he ordered. As SPOT left, Cream looked at Tails gratefully. "I see... You want to show me how to do sex instead of just talking about it! OK! I'll get undressed!" Tails was utterly speechless, and couldn't manage to say anything while Cream got undressed. Once she was fully naked, however, all the shame left his mind at once. "Whoa... You're beautiful!" he said. Cream had indeed come a long way. Her breasts were still a little small, and she was obviously a virgin. When she compared their two bodies, Cream figured out what was supposed to happen next. "I get it! You put your penis in my vagina!" she said. Tails nodded. Since they were both first timers, and Tails didn't want to hurt Cream, Tails lied down on his back, his penis pointing up at Cream. "You can be on top, Cream. Just go slow, since its your first time." he said. Cream obeyed, slowly lowering herself until her flower tickled the head of Tails's cock. "Are you ready, Tails?" she asked. Tails nodded. "Don't move until YOU'RE ready, though." he said. Cream was a little bit nervous, so she attempted to lower her pussy over Tails's dick fast. However, she was a virgin, and it wouldn't be so easy. "Hmm... Is this how it's supposed to work?" she asked. Tails gasped slightly, and realized what needed to be done. "It's your first time! There's, like, a thing blocking the way that has to be broken through. It'll hurt, but only for a second." he said. Cream nodded. "Only for a second? Then I better just get it over with..." she said, pushing herself over Tails harder, while Tails thrusted his cock to help break through her barrier! She screamed briefly, pulling away. Tails's penis now had blood on it, and Cream looked worried. "It'll be OK! Just keep going!" he said. Cream trusted him, and lowered herself over his cock again, this time accepting his whole length into her pussy. Tails now began thrusting his hips, pushing in and out of her as Cream hopped along during the ride! Her pain was soon replaced with pleasure beyond belief, and Tails was highly enjoying this, too. As she rode his cock, her small breasts jiggled up and down, and Tails wanted to reach out and touch them, but he couldn't quite reach, so he just held on to her hips as she hopped on his member! They made much noise, but said little. Soon, Tails felt a strange feeling in his penis. "Oh... I'm gonna.... Ahhhhhh!!!" His inexperiance made him realize this too late, and in less than a second, his cum was shot into Cream's pussy! The sudden blast shocked her, and she quickly climbed off of him! "Did... Did you just pee in me!?" she gasped. Tails panted heavily, unable to answer right away. Cream's face turned red, believing he had peed in her. She quickly picked up her clothes and got dressed before running for the door, crying somewhat. "Wai... wait! Cream!! I didn't..." Tails started to say. Cream left before he could finish, so he quickly climbed to his feet and headed for his closet to find pants. "I can't believe I did this! I gotta catch up with her, quick!" After all, he didn't want her crying to her mother that he'd peed in her! The End for now.
Chapter 4 - Passion Reborn
GeneXXX Chapter 4 - Passion Reborn Situation - tit fucking Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right? GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: After rescuing Amy from one of Dr. Eggman's robots yet again, Sonic found that Amy's clothes had been torn during the rescue. Amy was embarrassed at first, but a little oral love from Sonic calmed her down, and they fucked afterwards, not noticing Eggman's robot was still spying on them. Earlier, Tails had attempted to teach Cream about sex, resulting in Cream being scared off. Meanwhile, Eggman Nega captured Blaze the Cat and sent her to Sonic's world - without her clothes! Now, on to the next chapter! Cream was running through the woods, crying. She had no idea what to do. The situation was so strange. It started with such excitement, such pleasure. Yet, in the end, Tails had failed to explain everything to her before they finished. This left her confused, and scared. As she continued wandering the woods, a familiar voice called out to her. "Cream... Over here!" Looking around, Cream saw someone peering out from behind some bushes. This person poked her head out more, so Cream could see who it was. "Blaze! How did you get here? And why are you hiding?" Cream asked. Blaze hesitated a moment. "It's... complicated..." Cream wiped some tears from her eyes and stepped a little closer to Blaze. "Were you... crying?" Blaze asked. Cream didn't answer, and Blaze took that as a yes. "What's wrong? What happened?" she asked. After hesitating a moment, Cream explained what had happened to Blaze, omitting no detail. Blaze thought of stopping her once the explanation got naughty, but Cream was talking too fast for her to get a word in edgewise. Once she was finished, she burst into tears again. "What should I do? This whole thing seems so strange..." she sobbed. Blaze frowned. "Sounds like we're both in a predicament. I don't know what that fox was thinking, but I can tell you he probably wasn't... peeing..." she said. Cream looked up at her, calming down slightly. "What was he doing then? Wait... We're both? What happened to you?" she asked. Blaze frowned, and reluctantly stepped out of the bushes, revealing that she was completely naked! Cream gasped upon seeing her body. "D-did someone have sex with you, too?" she asked. Blaze blushed heavily at the notion. "N-not exactly..." Cream grabbed Blaze by the arm and started leading her somewhere. "Come on! We should find you some clothes!" she said. Blaze found herself smiling a little. "Thank you... Now, about what that fox was doing. I can explain that for you." she said as they started running for the edge of the woods. Copter was strutting along the streets of Station Square in the best of moods. He and Rainbow had had lots of "fun" earlier, and nothing could ruin his day now. Not even the occasional citizen who shouted "Experiment!!" at him and fled into their homes. Nope, nothing was going to get to this black fox today. In fact, his day was about to get even better. As he was walking down a fairly quiet street, he soon saw an old friend walking in his direction. It was a red phoenix, wearing a black coat with orange stripes, and loosely fitting yellow pants. She had orange eyes, and sneakers with a flaming pattern on them. It was someone Copter hadn't seen for some time, Heather the Phoenix! The last time he'd seen her, she appeared to be sacrificing herself to destroy Mephiles, but now here she was! Their eyes soon met, and each gazed at the other with a sense of shocked wonder. "Y...you're... alive!" Copter gasped, slowly moving closer, as though unsure of what to expect. Heather smiled lovingly at her old friend. Her memories of the other timeline, which had been magically restored, were still intact. Though this wasn't the same Copter from that timeline, who she'd come to love, she still couldn't help feeling something for him. "It's about time I found you. Why didn't you look for me?" she asked. Copter stopped in his tracks. "Well... I thought you were dead! Everyone else sure seemed to think so..." he said. Copter did not have the memories from the other timeline, and was really just surprised to see her, but Heather didn't care. She threw her arms around him, pressing her beak against his mouth for what would be her first kiss! Copter thought to resist this, since he didn't have those kinds of feelings for her, but her tongue entering his mouth quickly chased away those thoughts. He accepted her kiss, removing all thoughts of others from his mind. Such thoughts were useless right now. Once Heather broke the kiss, she backed away and looked at him apologetically. "Sorry... I really missed... Him. You. Or... Whoever..." Copter looked at her and smiled. She WAS pretty sexy, and clearly had the hots for him. "Hey, it's fine. Technically, I AM him. And I have to say he missed you, too." There was a hint of lust in Copter's voice, and it sent shivers down Heather's spine, in a good way. Copter could see in the way she was looking at him that they were on the same page. So, he grabbed her by the arm and started pulling her to a dark, secluded alley. An alley in the middle of a city may not be the most private place, but Copter and Heather were too in the moment to care. In the darkness of the alley, they were confident that they wouldn't be disturbed, and so they each began undressing themselves. Copter quickly pulled off his pants, revealing his already-erect cock. Heather slowly unzipped her coat, and left it on like a vest while she gazed at Copter's foxhood. She stood there seductively, with only a small part of her breasts showing. Her coat and pants were given to her right after her creation, and were still the only clothes she had. Copter had removed his gloves, and now walked over to Heather and slipped his hands into her coat, feeling her good-sized breasts against his palms. Heather let out a pleasant sigh as he felt her, and reached her arms down to her pants so she could work on taking them off. Copter began massaging her breasts as she pushed down her pants, inching them down her waist slowly until they dropped on their own. Now, Copter's cock was hovering near her uncovered vagina, twitching with anticipation at the idea of exploring her flower. However, Heather now nudged Copter away from her, backing away so he could see her. She then gripped the sides of her jacket, grinning seductively at Copter before pulling off her coat! As the coat dropped to the floor, Copter could now see her entire body, clear as day, despite the darkness of the alley. Her gorgeous boobs were slightly larger than Rainbow's, and her fiery red body was a real sight to behold. Though he had at first been excited to penetrate her flower, however, he now found himself inexplicably fixated on her breasts. They had felt so warm against his hands, like a fire burned within. Probably because a fire WAS burning within, but either way, Copter had to feel this again. He stepped back towards Heather and reached for her breasts, but she soon dropped below his reach. She lowered herself to the floor, gazing up at him longingly as she awaited what he'd do with her. He was still fixated on her breasts, but now a different part of him seemed interested in them. The way Heather was lying there, gazing up at him, it seemed her boobs were calling out to his cock. This settled it. Copter walked over her, kneeling down until his penis was hovering just above her breasts. "What are you going to do?" Heather asked curiously. Copter answered by taking her breasts in his hands and pushing them aside, creating an opening between them for his cock to slip through! Once his penis was in place, Copter pressed Heather's big, warm breasts against it, and began pushing his cock back and forth between them, grabbing her tits between his thumb and forefinger. The heat generated from within Heather made this a feeling unlike any Copter had ever felt, and he made sure she knew it. "Ahhh!! Ohhh.... Heather! Th-this.... Ahhhh!!" His excited cries pleased Heather as much as the feeling from her breasts, but this didn't stop her from wanting more. She reached her right arm down between her legs, feeling the neglected flower between her legs. As Copter's wagging tails brushed against her arm, she had an idea. Reaching up, she grabbed one of Copter's tails and brushed the tip against her pussy. The sensation of his tail fur tickling her pussy was unusual, but strangely pleasant. Meanwhile, Copter picked up speed, tit fucking her faster and harder, testing the limits of his cock as the heat from her breasts pleasured him in a way he never imagined possible. As Copter's shouts of excitement grew louder, Heather pushed his tail in harder as well, causing it to enter her slightly. As their respective experiments grew bolder, their excitement skyrocketed. "Oh... Ah... C-copter! Your tail... Ah!! Ohhh!!" Heather was gasping. "Ahhhh!! I... So good.... Uhhhhh!! Can't... hold on... Aaaaaaahhhh!!!" Copter had gotten carried away with this, and in a few moments, he released Heather's breasts and fired his load into her face! The cum falling onto her beak and neck startled her into releasing Copter's tail, which popped out of her pussy quickly! While Copter and Heather were gasping and panting after this abrupt end to their fun, Copter sat against the wall of the alley and gazed at Heather's yet unsatisfied body. She glanced over at him, slightly upset, as she expected their lovemaking was over, but Copter smiled reassuringly at her. "Up for some more?" he asked. Unfortunately, they wouldn't get the chance right now. As Copter began crawling over to Heather, a blunt object hit him over the head from the shadows! "Aaaa-ugh!" Copter fell over, unconscious! Heather quickly attempted to get up and confront their attacker, but the same blunt object knocked her out before she could! Stepping out of the shadows, their attacker looked down on them smugly. It was a green gargoyle, and the object he'd hit them with was the blunt end of his scythe. It was Guard. "Grrrr... Experiments, I'm placing you both under arrest!" To be continued...
Chapter 3 - Rescuing Amy
GeneXXX Chapter 3 - Rescuing Amy Situation - M/F, oral, vaginal Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right? GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: One night, Rainbow was attacked by the Lost Ones. Sonic arrived in time to save her, and was ultimately rewarded with the chance to have sex with her! The next day, Fera the wolf appeared at Tails's Workshop, hoping to recruit him to the Covenant of Despair. She was unsuccessful, but her hot body got Tails horny. When Cream paid Tails a visit moments later, it wasn't long before Tails was teaching Cream about sex through experience! But in the end, Tails's cumshot startled Cream and scared her away! Now, on to the next chapter! "Hee hee hee hee! At last, I've done it!" Eggman Nega had achieved the unthinkable. He had captured his long-time adversary, Blaze the Cat, who was trapped within a strange capsule machine. She peered out at her captor with fearful eyes. Eggman Nega was a twisted mind, and there was no telling what he'd do with her. They were within Nega's secret base in the universe of Sol Heat, and Eggman Nega was gloating over his hard fought victory. "With you out of my way, conquering this world will be a breeze! Hee hee hee! All I need do is make sure you can never interfere in my plans again! A simple matter." he said, a sinister grin creeping across his lips. Blaze sighed sadly. She had fought hard, and failed. Now, she prepared to accept her fate. "Just get it over with, Nega. Having to listen to you gloat isn't as bad as death..." she said grimly. Eggman Nega shook his head. "Death? Oh, no, no, no! Death is too good for you. My final vengeance upon you should not be something so quick. No, something more... lasting is called for here!" he said, hovering his fingers over the buttons on the side of the capsule Blaze was trapped in. "I'll send you somewhere... Where you will be powerless to put a stop to my plans! I imagine the feeling of helplessness will be a fate worse than death for you. Knowing what's in store for your people and all... But where to send you...?" Blaze watched as Eggman Nega tapped a few buttons on the side of his capsule. "Wherever you send me, I'll escape. I will come back and stop you!" she warned him. Eggman Nega grinned devilishly. "I almost hope you do make it back. By the time you do, I'll be quite ready, with an even greater endgame for you. Despite what I said earlier, it would do my heart good to be the one to finally kill you... But for today, this will be enough. You're going on a little trip, Blaze... Far, far away! Hold on to your lunch!" With the push of one final button, the capsule covered Blaze's body in a beam of bright light! She screamed as it converted her body into molecules and began transmitting her to the destination Eggman Nega had chosen! "Safe journey, princess..." he said, laughing manically! Today, Sonic found himself speeding through the familiar landscape of Green Hill Zone. Zooming in front of him, slowly losing its lead, was one of Eggman's robots, Zero. The green robot was carrying Amy in its enormous hand, once again trying to deliver her to Eggman as a hostage. Zero had been destroyed in the past, but this robot had been such a relentless one, so Eggman rebuilt it. Amy, who once again had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, shouted desperately for Sonic to save her. Sonic steadily increased his speed, closing in on the robot with each second. Zero was capable of relatively high speeds, but wasn't even a contender in a race with Sonic. So, in an attempt to escape, Zero began gaining altitude. "Sonic! Don't let him fly away with me!!" Amy screamed, struggling to escape Zero's grip without success. "Hang on, Amy!" Sonic shouted, picking up his pace. Zero rose higher and higher, and was nearing the point where Sonic wouldn't be able to catch him! It was now or never, so Sonic jumped with all his might, rolling into a ball as he did. He managed to hit the hand that held Amy, and she was released from its grip! As Sonic and Amy dropped back towards the ground, Zero attempted to grab Amy again! As his fist closed around her skirt, a ripping sound was heard! Amy continued to fall, but Zero had slowed her descent, so Sonic was able to land with enough time to catch her in his arms! He then sped far away from Zero, carrying Amy with him! As Zero watched them go, he held up the torn cloth he was holding and scanned it. "Target has escaped. Must pursue..." Sonic stopped running once he was confident that Zero was left in the dust, and placed Amy on her feet. She immediately dashed behind a tree, her face bright red. "Ohmigosh! I'm so embarrassed!" she cried. Sonic scratched his head. While he was running, he hadn't noticed any reason for her to be embarrassed. "What's the matter?" he asked, peering around the tree at Amy. Now that he was paying attention, he instantly saw that Zero had torn her skirt and panties off! She was completely naked from the waist down! Once Sonic looked, Amy pounded him over the head with her hammer! "Don't look at me! I don't want you to see me like this!" she yelled frantically. Sonic backed away, rubbing his head. "Owww... I didn't know that robot did this to you! I was a bit preoccupied trying to rescue you!" hew groaned. Sonic could hear Amy crying from behind the tree. He had no idea what he was supposed to do, so he decided to do what he could to make her feel better. He walked back around the tree to find Amy on her knees, sobbing. He leaned down and put his hand on her shoulder, which prompted her to look up at him. "Hey, don't worry about it, Amy. It's not like anyone did this on purpose. Here, let me try to make you feel better..." he said, gently shifting Amy's body so that she was sitting on the ground. He then pushed her legs apart and gazed at her lovely flower. "W-what are you doing? S-sonic...?" Amy began shaking, but didn't try to stop him. Sonic hesitated for a moment, unsure how to proceed. Once he made his decision, he leaned in close to her pussy. As his lips neared her vagina, he slowly slid out his tongue. Amy shivered nervously as she realized what he was doing. "S-sonic... Take it slow, please?" she requested. Sonic then slowly licked her entrance with his tongue, coating it with his saliva before slowly pushing his tongue into her... Meanwhile, in the Mystic Ruins, Punchy was walking through the jungle, making his way to the train station. His left arm was sore, and he was rubbing it with his other hand. "Almost had it that time... Stupid weak tree branches..." he muttered. It would be a long walk back to the train station, so he decided to rest on the steps of the ancient, Mayan-esque pyramid nearby. As he neared the steps, he noticed a bright flash of light erupt from around the corner! "What the heck is that!?" he thought, peering around the corner to see what was happening. Some sort of "hole" had opened up in the air a short distance away from the pyramid! Punchy couldn't see into the hole due to the light shining from it. In a moment, however, something fell out of the hole! After that, the hole closed up with one last flash of light. Punchy glanced over at what had fallen out of the hole. It was a lavender colored cat. It was Blaze! As she climbed to her feet, Punchy's eyes went wide at what he saw! Blaze was completely and totally naked! Her clothes had most likely been lost during the transport, but whether Eggman Nega intended this or not was anyone's guess. Punchy didn't think much about why, though. He was too busy looking over the hot body of this fiery feline. She had grown somewhat since she'd last visited this dimension, and her breasts had matured at the perfect size. Her sexy curves filled Punchy with excitement, but the feeling wouldn't last. It didn't take Blaze long to realize she was naked, and she immediately covered herself with her hands, though she didn't know anyone was there. She started looking around in a panicky fashion, so Punchy backed away out of sight. "I guess no one's here..." Punchy heard Blaze say. He peered around the corner again to see Blaze run off into the jungle, probably looking for something she could use as clothes. Punchy began slowly walking in the direction she'd gone. "I wonder who she is, and how she got here..." he muttered. Regardless of these questions, Punchy made a decision right away. "Bah, who cares where she came from? It was awesome luck that led me here now. I gotta do her!" he decided. Sonic had been slurping and sucking on Amy's pussy for a while now. She was now very wet down there, and Sonic decided it was time to move on. While he had been pleasuring her, Amy had taken off the tattered remains of her shirt, and was rubbing her tits excitedly. Now, Sonic actually saw her breasts for the first time. They were quite lovely, and Sonic couldn't help reaching out and squeezing one. Amy giggled at his touch. "Why don't you take off those gloves?" she suggested. Sonic stood up and removed his gloves, while Amy noticed his erection. "S-sonic... Are we gonna...?" she asked, her voice a mix of fear and excitement. Sonic grinned as he kneeled down and held her breasts with his bare hands. "We can't very well just go home at this point... Besides, I'm pretty sure you want this." he said softly. Amy did not hesitate to agree. "Yes... I definitely want this! Please, take me, Sonic! I'm yours, body and soul!" she said. Sonic gently moved Amy onto her back, and then pressed his lips to hers. Amy accepted his kiss hungrily, as though she'd been waiting a lifetime for this. As the kiss ended, Sonic began maneuvering his hips so that his dick neared her waiting pussy. "No need to hold back, Sonic." Amy whispered, hinting that she may have done this before. Sonic nodded, and without further delay, thrusted his penis into her vagina! "SONIC!!" she screamed his name excitedly, somewhat disbelieving that this was really happening! Another thrust and Sonic banished that disbelief, replacing it with a feeling of pure ecstasy. It didn't take long for Sonic to start speeding this up, and Amy began thrusting her hips along with him. They quickly began gasping and shouting in the excitement, and the noise soon drew an audience. Zero had caught up with them, but rather than rushing in and capturing the lovers, the robot kept out of sight, watching them instead. Its robotic eyes sent this scene through the airwaves, and soon another was watching as Sonic continued pushing in and out of Amy's pussy. Dr. Eggman stroked his moustache nervously as he watched what Zero was sending him. "Sonic, you dirty little hedgehog... Enjoy this while you can. For this is a weakness that will be all too easy to exploit..." he said to himself as he watched Sonic cum deep into Amy's pussy. It had been a fast fuck, but Sonic wasn't through. He lied on top of Amy, squeezing her breasts in his hands as he did. "Well, that was a nice start. What shall we do next, Amy?" he grinned. Amy giggled at his question before accepting another, even more passionate kiss from her hero. They didn't know what the future had in store, and in this blissful ignorance, they were happier together than ever before. To be continued...
Chapter 9 - On Guard
GeneXXX Chapter 9 - On Guard Situation - M/F, blowjob, titfuck Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right? GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: Sonic followed Rainbow and Silver to Darkegg Fortress. They were looking for Dr. Eggman, and Silver was disappointed when they couldn't find him. To cheer him up, Rainbow had sex with him, and Sonic watched from the next room. Afterwards, the three of them were captured by Zero, who caught them off guard and knocked them all unconscious. On his way to take the captives to Dr. Eggman, Zero was attacked by Guard, who took the prisoners for GUN! Meanwhile, Tails found Illusi, who had been injured attempting to protect Cream from Zipp. The two set out to rescue Cream from Shadow Arc, the most likely place Zipp took her. Now, on to the next chapter! The area around Shadow Arc was covered by a dense fog. Tails and Illusi moved cautiously through the fog until they reached the entrance to the lab. "A word of caution, Tails. This is the stronghold of the experiments. If things get dicey in there, you're on your own. I am merely an illusionist, I cannot protect you." Illusi warned. Tails pulled open the door to the lab. "Cream is in trouble, and it's my fault. I have to help her, no matter what!" he insisted. Illusi nodded. "Very well. Let's get going." So, Tails and Illusi entered Shadow Arc. Hopefully, they were not too late. Meanwhile, Sonic, Silver, and Rainbow had been dumped in the same cell as Copter and Heather at the Death Row prison facility. They had endured some light questioning from Spy, who was very ineffective at it, and then Rainbow was given a small GUN uniform to wear, since her clothes had been left at Darkegg Fortress. Once GUN's agents left them alone in their cell, Copter looked impatiently at Sonic. "So, what's the escape plan? I mean, you don't seriously think Gunner's gonna let you get a lawyer and a trial and all that, do ya?" he said. Heather grinned to herself. "I'd like to see the look on their faces when they try to execute me, but death does hurt..." she said. Rainbow looked the most worried. "Death!? But I didn't do anything! I want my phone call! We're supposed to get one phone call!" she whined. Silver shushed them. "No one's going to die. I'll get us all out of here." he insisted. Sonic grinned at him. "I was waiting to hear you say that! Do your thing, Silver!" As everyone gathered around him, Silver concentrated on the bars and used his psychokinesis to bend them aside! Copter clapped his hands. "Cool, but you could've made more noise. This'll be so easy, it'll be boring." he said. As everyone exited the cell, alarms began flashing throughout the facility. "Prison break! Prison break!" the announcement system screeched. "You and your big mouth..." Heather groaned. "Motion sensor... That's new..." Copter observed. Sonic shook his head in annoyance. "Well, let's get moving! I don't want to cause TOO much damage in one of GUN's prisons!" he said. Of course, Guard the Gargoyle was immediately sent to recapture the escaping prisoners. As he rushed on his way to catch them, he encountered someone unexpected heading for the outside balcony. The person was already halfway outside when he spotted her, but he recognized the silhouette. "Grrr... An intruder. Potentially dangerous. Grrr... This should take priority over the escapees." he reasoned, following her to the balcony. No one else was out there, as the intruder probably planned. They were busy inside the base, looking for the escapees. Guard called out to her, confident that he could handle whatever her reaction might be. "Grrr... Freeze, Fera! You're under arrest for treason and terrorism. I am authorized to use deadly force to bring you down." he warned. Fera the wolf turned around, and upon seeing him, her good eye went wide. "A fur... Working for Gunner!? Preposterous. Why on Earth are you here? Could you really hate yourself that much?" she asked. Guard pointed his scythe at her. "Grrrr... Surrender, now!" he warned. Fera shook her head. "Can't do it. I have a mission." she said. So, without wasting any more time, Guard flew at her, swinging his scythe! She took a single step to the side, dodging his attack with ease. Guard quickly turned around and tried again, but she dodged him just as easily without even looking. "You're noisy for an agent. Growling and snarling. Is this the best you can do?" she asked. Guard faced her and started firing beams from his scythe, which Fera nimbly jumped between without straying far from where she stood. Frustrated, Guard flew over two her and began swinging his scythe directly at her, which she dodged time after time with great skill. "Not bad. A lesser Despair agent would be at your mercy. With training, you could be lethal." she said. Guard lunged his scythe forward, forcing Fera to backflip away. She landed gracefully on her feet and grinned at him. "Playtime's over." she said. She began throwing balls of dark energy at Guard, which he was able to dodge easily enough, but Fera was forcing him further away from her. "That's it... Back up... A little more... Now!" Once he was a good distance away, Fera began charging another attack. Guard flew to try and stop her... A beam of dark energy erupted from Fera's hands, knocking Guard onto his back! He let go of his scythe upon hitting the ground, and Fera quickly ran over and picked it up. It crossed her mind to kill him with it, but instead, she tossed it aside. "Such an intriguing specimen. It would be a waste to have to kill you. I wonder if it might be possible for you to join the Covenant of Despair. Tough to say..." she said, sitting on his chest to keep him pinned to the floor. She looked him over for a moment. He was fairly muscular and well built, and all in all was rather attractive. A mischievous smile crossed Fera's lips. "Perhaps a test of your endurance is in order..." she said. Guard let out a sort of confused growl. Fera began pulling off her uniform shirt, and Guard's eyes went wide as her firm, round breasts were exposed. "Grr? I... don't understand..." Guard muttered. Fera touched her breasts, rubbing her hands all over them. "Want some of this? I bet you do... Well, you might just have a shot as an agent of Despair." she teased. The display quickly coaxed Guard into becoming erect, and Fera looked at his hardened rod with excitement. "So, how about a sample?" she grinned. She got up off of Guard's chest and knelt down between his legs. He leaned up slightly to see what she was doing, mesmerized by her boobs. "So, let's see how long you can hold out..." Fera said, lowering her head towards his dick. She stuck out her tongue as she neared the tip, and gently tasted the head. A shiver went through Guard's body. His android programming told him to put a stop to this, but something else inside him yearned to let it proceed. Fera retracted her tongue and moved her lips to the base of his penis, then licked it again, moving her tongue all the way up the shaft. "You taste pretty good... I want more..." she purred. Guard remained still and silent as she continued tasting his cock. Fera caressed it with her tongue, tasting every inch. She took some of it into her mouth from the side, sucking on it. She took it in her hand and stroked it as she continued licking. Guard made little noise in response, but his programming conflict was done. He enjoyed every bit of this, and anxiously awaited the moment when Fera would take this up a notch. After a few minutes of licking, that time came. "Pretty good, I see you DO have some self control. Let's see how long it lasts..." Fera said. She then brought the tip of his rod to her mouth, and slowly took it in, careful not to take on too much to avoid choking. Guard's usual growls were replaced by a slight purring sound, and that encouraged Fera to continue. Back and forth, she moved his dick along her tongue in her mouth. While one hand kept it steady, she grabbed her breasts with the other, rubbing her tits in excitement. She moved her mouth along his cock faster and faster, and Guard sensed that she was a real pro at this, but he continued to "hold his fire." "Mmmm.... Mmmm.... Ahhh..." Fera was going wild for his taste. She wanted it, bad. She wanted to taste his seed. Fera continued giving Guard a blowjob for a while, yet Guard never cummed. His endurance proved beyond her expectations, and soon she gave it up and released his cock from her mouth. "Impressive..." she gasped, catching her breath. "Your endurance is perfect. But I'm not through with you..." Guard breathed heavily, anxiously awaiting what Fera was going to do. If his boss could see him now, Guard knew they'd both be gunned down, but he simply didn't care. Nor did Fera. She was determined to make Guard cum. She clutched her boobs in her hands, and knelt down until they were close to Guard's throbbing penis. "Now, let's try this another way..." she said, pressing her boobs against Guard's dick, so that it fit between them. The touch of her breasts against his rod was like nothing he'd ever felt before, and Guard purred softly as they covered it. Fera knelt down and tasted the tip of his cock with her tongue again. "I so rarely do this... Enjoy it." she said. Next, she began moving her breasts, shaking them along the length of Guard's penis. She held them tight in her hands, so that his dick wouldn't slip away. Slowly at first, but she moved steadily faster, occasionally licking at the tip of his cock as it peeked out from between her cleavage. Guard grew more excited, and soon bolder. He began to thrust his hips along with Fera's breasts, pushing his rod closer to her mouth so she could lick it more frequently. Fera squeezed her breasts as she went, and moaned in pleasure as Guard titfucked her faster. "Ahh... Ohhh... Grr..." Guard had begun making short sounds of pleasure as well, which really wasn't in his nature. Her breasts moving up and down his length, her tongue teasing his cock, it filled him with a feeling he hadn't felt for some time. Still, he couldn't help yearning for more. "Ahhhhh... Yes... That's it.... Cum for me..." Fera gasped, growing more and more excited as Guard neared his climax. With each thrust, Guard grew closer to losing control. Soon, he could hold it back no longer. "GRRRRRrrrraaaaaahhhh!!!" As his rod poked out of Fera's cleavage, a powerful blast of cum pelted her face, covering her nose and her muzzle before coating the top of her boobs. Fera smiled contentedly as she licked her lips. "Perfect..." she whispered before running her tongue over his dick, lapping up as much of his cum as she could. "Your taste is just to die for... You must consider joining the Covenant of Despair. We could... get better acquainted..." she said, standing up and fetching her shirt. Guard gazed up at her breasts, sparkling in the light with his cum coating them. "Grrrr.... I'll think about it." Guard said, glancing longingly between her legs. Fera smiled at him. "I bet... Well, I think I'll call it a day. Got to wash up..." she said, leaving Guard alone on his back, incapacitated for now. Meanwhile, Sonic, Silver, Copter, Heather, and Rainbow managed to escape from Death Row. As they made it outside, Copter and Rainbow turned to Silver. "Thanks for that. It'd be a shame to have to wait until Eggman needs me again." Copter said. "You really saved us, Shiny!" Rainbow added. Silver nodded. "Yeah, speaking of Eggman, do any of you know where I might find him?" he asked. Sonic shrugged. "Not really. Why, is he up to something again?" he asked. Silver looked thoughtful. "Well, most likely. Our history says that the disaster I'm here to prevent was caused by a scientist, but it doesn't say Eggman exactly..." he explained. "Sounds like Eggman." Sonic replied. Copter looked thoughtful. "Tails could probably find Eggman. I bet he's got an Eggman radar or something for emergencies!" he suggested. Sonic agreed. "Off to Tails' Workshop, then! Rainbow, you should probably come, too. Maybe Tails has some emergency clothes or something." he said. "I'll go wherever Copter goes." Heather added. With their destination decided, the group began searching for a way off the island so they could reach Tails' Workshop. To be continued...
Chapter 8 - Punchy's Training
GeneXXX Chapter 8 - Punchy's Training Situation - M/F, fingering, oral, vaginal Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right? GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: Cream and Blaze found Knuckles raping Rouge, too late to do anything about it. Cream escaped, but Blaze's confrontation with Knuckles led her to be knocked out by Punchy! The two echidnas started a fight over who should fuck Blaze, but Illusi knocked them both out. Meanwhile, Sonic, Silver and Rainbow were captured by Zero after Sonic spied on Silver doing Rainbow. Then, Rouge awoke only to be found by Shadow, who took advantage of her weakness to fuck her. At the same time, Illusi heard a gunshot and found Zipp kidnapping Cream. Zipp knocked out Illusi and escaped with his captive. Moments later, Punchy came to, and carried the still unconscious Blaze away. Now, on to the next chapter! Blaze slowly opened her eyes. Before she noticed any of her surroundings, her most recent memories flooded back to her. "Wh-wha? I was running from Knuckles... What happened?" she thought to herself as she glanced around. It was dark in the room, but not too dark to see. She appeared to be in some sort of ancient temple, a place she'd never been to. She tried to move, but quickly found she couldn't. She could feel the ropes around her wrists and ankles. Her arms were tied behind her back. Looking around the immediate area, she finally noticed the green echidna standing over her. Punchy grinned as Blaze looked him over, her eyes settling on his exposed dick. "Bout time you woke up. This wouldn't be as much fun with you unconscious." Punchy said. Blaze struggled against the ropes. "Don't bother. I tied them pretty darn tight." Punchy bragged. Blaze glared at him furiously. "Thought of everything, did you?" she asked. Punchy smiled and reached for her breasts, excited to finally begin screwing the hot kitty. Blaze, however, had other plans. Her body burst into flames, startling Punchy and incinerating the ropes at the same time! Punchy stumbled backwards and landed on his ass. Blaze quickly rose to her feet and spun towards Punchy, kicking him onto his back! "Owww!! What the hell?!" Punchy groaned. "Looks like you didn't think of everything!" Blaze said smugly, "Why do you pigs think I'm just going to let you dominate me and do whatever you like?" Punchy was too busy cursing himself for not taking better precautions to stand up. "Are you listening?" Blaze yelled. Punchy glanced up at her. "What? You won, you're free to go. Obviously you're too dangerous for me to just force myself on... Without a plan." he said. Blaze couldn't believe what she'd heard. "You don't get it at all! I'm not some object to be taken! Maybe a suitable punishment will make you understand..." Blaze knelt over Punchy and created a fireball in her hand. "So, where do you want it? Your face or your... lower regions?" she asked. Punchy looked nervous. "Y-you bitch! Try it and I'll kick your ass!" he warned. Blaze hesitated for a moment, studying Punchy's expression. She extinguished her fireball and shook her head. "Zero respect... A beating would be counter productive." She stood up and backed away from Punchy a little. "Get up. I'm gonna teach you some respect." she ordered. Punchy climbed to his feet and raised his fists, believing a fight was coming. Blaze crossed her arms, covering up her breasts. "Relax, I just said I wasn't going to beat you." she said. Punchy calmed himself a little. "Then what are you gonna do?" he asked. Blaze looked him in the eye and stared questioningly. "Tell me... And be honest. Exactly what were you going to do? How were you going to do it?" she asked. Punchy looked at her with wide eyes. "Are you telling me you don't know?" he wondered. Blaze rolled her eyes. "I know the mechanics... I just want to know how you were going to go about it." she said. Punchy looked thoughtful. "Well, if you must know... I was gonna start by grabbing your boobs. I'd squeeze 'em a bit, then start on your pussy. Or maybe make you suck my... Well, I was planning on fucking all your holes. Fill 'em all up." he explained. Blaze sighed. "At least you're honest. Seriously, though, just the sort of thing I'd expect. Selfish attitude. You weren't even going to think of making it more enjoyable for me?" The question took Punchy by surprise. "What do you mean? You'd enjoy it, don't fool with me." he said. Blaze shook her head. "You, slamming your rod into me, violently penetrating? Oh, how lovely. You know, you could've got me started first..." she told him. Punchy looked at her quizzically. "What are you saying?" he asked. Blaze groaned and walked over to the wall she was next to when she woke up. "You need training. Otherwise, you'll never learn." she realized. Punchy watched as Blaze sat down against the wall and spread out her legs before beckoning him over. "You're gonna let me do you?" Punchy asked. Blaze shook her head. "I'm gonna train you. Lesson one, I want you to try pleasing me instead of yourself!" she said. Punchy cautiously walked over to her and knelt down in front of her. "All right. I'll humor you. How do I start?" he asked. Blaze rolled her eyes. "Don't humor me. Please me. Think of me as a lover, a partner, not an enemy or an object. Start by touching. Feel my pussy... With your fingers." she instructed. Punchy didn't think much of her command, but decided to play along and see where it leads. He touched his index finger to the top of her pussy, and slowly traced it along her lips. He stroked the fur around it, then the entrance itself. Blaze shivered a little at his touch. "That's it... But don't just brush, explore. Get to know me." she said. Punchy inserted his thumb and forefinger into her and pushed her pussy open. It didn't look like much to him. He slipped the index and middle finger of his other hand into the opening, feeling around. Blaze gasped quietly as she felt him poking around inside her. Punchy soon stopped holding the entrance open and began moving his fingers inside her more rapidly, coaxing more gasps from Blaze. "Th-that's good... You're pleasing me... And are you learning something about me, too?" she asked. Punchy grinned. "Well... You seem to like it when I move like this..." He shoved his fingers into a spot that he noticed she gasped more upon hitting. Blaze inhaled sharply and moaned a little. "Great... You're actually a quick learner... I think it's time for lesson 2..." she said. Punchy pulled his fingers out of her and looked up at her face. She was holding back a smile, trying to remain serious. "OK, lesson 2. Your girl needs lubrication; otherwise your thrusts into her might hurt. Get my pussy wet." she ordered. Punchy looked down at her pussy. It was already getting a little wet. "You mean eat it?" Punchy asked. Blaze frowned slightly. "Crude wording, but yeah. Eat my pussy..." With her blessing, Punchy moved his mouth close to her entrance. He slowly and gently touched his tongue to her lips, and began coating her exterior with his saliva. Blaze quivered with anticipation as he prepared to taste her inside. A few licks, and Punchy felt he was ready. He darted his tongue into her opening, sending a shock of pleasure through Blaze's body. "Aaaah... Not too fast, now..." she said. Punchy heeded her words at first, slowly moving his tongue around where he could, tasting Blaze's juices as she became increasingly more wet. Punchy soon closed his mouth around her pussy, and started sucking at her while darting his tongue back and forth within her. Blaze began moaning more loudly, acknowledging that Punchy was doing well. "K-keep it up! I... I think you're getting it!" she gasped. Punchy continued to pleasure her, becoming further aroused by her excited shouts in the process. Meanwhile, Tails was busy searching the Mystic Ruins for Cream. A pair of jeans concealed his penis, still erect from his sex with Cream. The fact that his boner wasn't going away worried him, but he was soon distracted from his worry as he found someone unconscious beneath a pile of branches. It was Illusi, who began to stir as Tails worked to remove the branches covering him. "Are you all right? What happened?" Tails asked as he helped him up. Illusi rubbed his head and looked around. "Let me think... Right, right... That hornet! And the rabbit... The hornet must have taken the rabbit!" he realized. Tails thought about what he said. "Wait, hornet? Rabbit? ...Zipp kidnapped Cream!?" he concluded. Illusi began walking away, but stumbled forwards a bit. "Darn it... I have no time to recover... I have to help her..." he muttered. Tails ran to his side. "You can't go alone! I'll go with you!" he offered. Illusi nodded. "Yes, I fear there is no other choice. There's no telling what he plans to do with her..." he said. Thus, Tails and Illusi started heading for the place where they'd last seen Shadow Arc in the Mystic Ruins. "I sure hope that lab is still there..." Tails said worriedly. Punchy sucked and licked at Blaze's pussy for some time, and Blaze continued to become increasingly more aroused. "He's... pretty good. With a little practice, he could be quite a stud..." she thought. Her gasps and moans made Punchy excited, too. "I never thought... I'd enjoy this so much. I gotta try this with Rainbow..." he thought, savoring the taste as his tongue lapped up more of Blaze's fluids. Blaze felt herself nearing her climax. "All... all right! That's enough!" she said. Punchy hesitated with his tongue in her pussy for a moment before moving away from her pussy. The extra stimulation caused Blaze to cum, just a little bit, but enough that Punchy could see his success. "You liked that?" he grinned, as Blaze sat there, panting. "V-very good... I like your enthusiasm..." she said. Punchy looked her over, and felt himself grow bolder. He knelt close to her, gazing at her breasts with desire. Blaze, however, wasn't out of commission. She jumped from her seat and kicked Punchy in the chest, knocking him on his back! "Aaaaah!! You crazy..." Punchy groaned. "Sorry... Too close for comfort. But I think I at least got through to you a little... I should reward such obedience..." Blaze said, gazing down at Punchy's throbbing rod. For the first time since she lost her clothes, she actually felt horny now, and she wished to relieve this desire, but on her own terms. Punchy started to rise, but Blaze stopped him. "Stay down... You did all the work thus far. Now, I'll show you how respect is rewarded..." Blaze stood over Punchy's penis, and slowly lowered herself over it. Her pussy inched closer and closer, soon brushing against the tip of his cock. Punchy was too stunned to move. "Score! I get to do her after all... She's something else!" he thought. Blaze moved her hips against the length of his dick, rubbing her entrance against his rod. The wetness of her pussy coated Punchy's dick somewhat. "You tease..." Punchy found himself muttering. Finally, Blaze positioned her pussy over his penis, ready to take it in. She covered it slowly, keeping the penetration controlled. She fit Punchy like a glove, even better than Rainbow. Punchy breathed heavily, mainly from the excitement. Blaze accepted a good bit of Punchy's length into her pussy before stopping. "It's time... Are you ready?" she asked. Punchy smirked at her. "I was born ready." he said, though the truth of that statement was lost on Blaze. The cat began moving up and down Punchy's echidnahood, slowly at first, but sped up steadily. His rod inside her felt great, and she found herself allowing it to penetrate her deeper over time. "Such... potential... If only he used it less selfishly..." she thought. Soon, Punchy began thrusting his hips along with Blaze, aiming for the spot he discovered while fingering her. "Ahhh... Yeah... Cat! You're so... ahh... good at this!" he gasped. It occurred to Blaze that they still hadn't been properly introduced. "My.... ahhh.... My name is Blaze! Oooooh..." She struggled to say it, she found herself gasping and moaning uncontrollably. She shouted with ecstasy as Punchy hit his target. He laughed at her reaction. "Ahhh... Gotcha. Blaze, is it? Ohhh... Appropriate. I'm... ahhh... Punchy!" The pleasure was getting more and more intense for Punchy. He gasped louder and louder as he grew closer to orgasm. Their voices mingled, they shouted words of encouragement. They had become as one, a team. Blaze soon reached her climax, covering Punchy's dick in her juices. Punchy was almost there as well. "I'm... Gonna... aaaaahhh!!" Hearing him say this, Blaze quickly pulled away from his cock, tumbling to the ground beside him as Punchy's cum shot out into the air, splattering on the ground. "Thanks for the warning..." Blaze gasped upon catching her breath. Punchy looked over at her. "What? Why...?" he muttered. Blaze rose to her feet and started walking to the exit of the temple. "You did good... But you're not quite ready yet. Get some practice in, and keep thinking of your girl as a partner. Then, maybe someday, you'll be worthy to plant your seed inside me. I look forward to that day, Punchy the echidna..." Punchy sensed a longing in her voice, as though she regretted not accepting his load. He rose to his feet and gazed at the door Blaze exited through. "You really are something else... I'll fill you up one of these days. That's a promise!" he said. Zero was making his way to Eggman's base, carrying the unconscious Sonic, Silver, and Rainbow in the nets he caught them with. It was tough carrying three of them, but he managed to reach Station Square anyway. People watched helplessly as he carried them, knowing there was no way they'd be able to free the captives. Zero's lack of stealth soon led to his discovery. Guard watched the robot from a rooftop, wondering what he should do. "Grrrr... I have no orders regarding the other two... But the boss would like Sonic captured. And the echidna knows the whereabouts of Experiment 1... Grrrr... Right. I must claim those captives for GUN..." Without letting Zero spot him, Guard dropped down to the streets and ran towards the robot. He swung his scythe in Zero's direction, firing an energy beam which knocked the robot over! While the robot was dazed, Guard swooped over and cut the nets from Zero's grip, then grabbed them and flew off while Zero was still looking around in confusion. "Grrrr... Good thing that robot is stupid. Errrrrgggggrrrr!! But three captives are heavy..." he muttered as he flew towards the train station. "Luckily, I have clearance to use GUN's train line. Grrrrr... This should please the boss, if that's actually possible..." With the three of them passed out, it was certain that now they would fall into the hands of Sergeant Gunner! Guard frowned at the thought. "Pity. They probably would have been better off in the hands of Dr. Eggman..." he thought, knowing the fate Gunner would have in store for them. To be continued...
Chapter 5 - Beating the Bat
GeneXXX Chapter 5 - Beating the Bat Situation - vaginal, oral, anal, rape Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right? GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: One night, Sonic fucked Rainbow the echidna. The next morning, Tails taught Cream about sex through experience, which ultimately scared her off. Meanwhile, Blaze the cat was teleported to Sonic's world without her clothes! Punchy caught a glimpse of her hot body and resolved to catch her and screw her! Elsewhere, Sonic rescued Amy from the robot Zero, and then had sex with her. Zero recorded this scene without their knowledge. Soon, Cream found Blaze, and after talking, she decided to find Blaze some clothes. In Station Square, Copter found Heather, alive and well, and soon brought her to an alley and titfucked her! Unfortunately, Guard found them and captured them shortly afterwards! Now, having seen Sonic fuck Amy, Dr. Eggman plots a way to turn this to his advantage... Now, on to the next chapter! Dr. Eggman had replayed the recording of Sonic fucking Amy over and over. He derived a bit of perverse pleasure from it, watching his archenemy have sex with his frequent captive. He was now pondering over how to use this to help him take over the world. "Sonic has become an... active hedgehog. There must be a way to exploit this... And if there is a way, I know just what might help me accomplish this!" he said to himself as a revelation came to him. He tapped a button on his control panel, which summoned Metal Sonic into the room. The robot saluted his master and awaited his instructions. "I've got the itch to do some experiments! But to do it, I'll need some power. Metal Sonic, I want you to go and find me a Chaos Emerald!" The robot made a few beeping noises before turning and running out of the room to embark on this mission. Next, Eggman turned to Zero, who had been plugged into Eggman's monitor to transfer the recording to his computer. "In the meantime, I'm curious as to how Sonic's personal life is going now. I want you to go out and observe Sonic's activities. I'll send some other robots to spy on his furry friends as well. If it's looking like 'mating season' out there, I may be able to make a true masterpiece of a plan!" Having received his orders, Zero unplugged himself from the monitor and took off in search of Sonic. Once the robots were gone, Eggman pushed a play button to watch the recording again. "I can't believe this, but I think I'm developing a furry fetish..." he muttered ashamedly. Knuckles was working his way back to Angel Island, carrying the Master Emerald along with him. Punchy had once again attempted to steal it earlier, and once again Knuckles managed to get it back, but Punchy had gotten a bit farther from the island than usual today, and Knuckles was highly irritated. "One of these days I've gotta try to get Punchy arrested..." he growled as he entered a clearing in the jungle. Suddenly, a voice called out to Knuckles from the treetops! "Hey, there. Brought me a present today, Knuxie?" Rouge was hanging upside down from a tree branch! Knuckles placed the Master Emerald on the ground and glared up at Rouge threateningly. "Go on home, bat girl! I'm in no mood for you today!" he growled. Rouge smirked defiantly at him before dropping out of the tree and landing beside the Master Emerald! As she reached for it, Knuckles smacked her hand away. "I MEAN it, Rouge! I will NOT tolerate this today!" he threatened. Rouge frowned at him. "Don't take that tone with me! I'll do whatever I please!" she said, reaching for the emerald again. Knuckles smacked her arm aside, but she tried for it again and again. Every time, Knuckles smacked her hand away. Soon, this exchange became more violent, until the two of them were having a fist fight over the emerald! Soon, Rouge began losing, so she instinctively tried to kick Knuckles, since her kicks were stronger. However, she had forgotten where the Master Emerald was, and kicked it instead! The emerald shattered into several pieces, which immediately scattered into the distance! The two of them stood there, gazing at the spot where the emerald was with stupefied expressions. "Um... Whoops..." Rouge muttered at last. This caused Knuckles to snap. "WHOOPS!? You idiot!! You just smashed the Master Emerald!! Now I gotta find the pieces again... You, you'll PAY for this!!" he yelled. He wasn't just blowing steam this time either, he really and truly meant it, and Rouge could tell. "Humph! That's no way to talk to a lady! I say YOU'LL pay for THAT!" Knuckles and Rouge instantly began fighting. It was a violent struggle, as years of pent up rage and frustration surfaced between both of them! For every punch, Rouge countered with a kick, and for every kick, Knuckles fought back with another punch. Though ordinarily the two of them are evenly matched, Knuckles had roughed Rouge up a bit beforehand, and was quickly gaining the upper hand! Rouge was growing tired, and while she had no visible signs of injury on herself, her suit was battered by Knuckles's pointy knuckles. Rouge was realizing that she'd pissed Knuckles off a bit too much this time, and it was pointless to fight with him, as she'd only get beat, so she finally decided to retreat. "Nuts to this! I'll just go find the Master Emerald pieces!" she said, starting to fly away. "Oh, no you don't!!" Knuckles yelled, determined to make her pay dearly for what she'd done. Before Rouge could get high into the air, Knuckles jumped up and grabbed her by the waist, dragging her back down! "Hey! Stop it! You fresh son of a..." Before Rouge could finish, a loud ripping sound was heard. Knuckles was gripping Rouge by her clothes, which were too weak to hold him up, and had begun to tear! Knuckles attempted to climb higher to prevent himself from falling alone, and this caused them both to plummet to the ground! Knuckles tumbled off of Rouge, and found himself holding the heart-shaped part of her suit, which normally covered her breasts. Knuckles blushed a little when he saw he was holding it, then tossed it aside as he stood back up. As Rouge stood up, the tattered remnants of her clothes slid off her body, revealing her gorgeous, mature body! "Now you've done it, you pig..." Rouge groaned, too exhausted to yell. Staring at her huge boobs, Knuckles quickly got an erection. "Well, this is an interesting turn of events... Maybe I've just found the perfect punishment!" Knuckles said, grinning deviously. Rouge backed away from him slowly. "H-hey! My eyes are up here!" she stammered. Knuckles charged at the bare bat, seizing her in his grip before she could flee. "Your big mouth's up there, too! Let's see if I can't shut it up for a minute!" Quickly and decisively, Knuckles forced Rouge to her knees, and maneuvered her head towards his throbbing dick. "Open wide, Rouge!" Knuckles ordered. Rouge tried to fight him, but was too exhausted to do much. "Y-you can't be seri--" Opening her mouth to speak was just what Knuckles wanted, and he seized the chance to force his penis into her mouth! He stopped with the head of his cock over her tongue at first, letting her taste his meat for a moment. "Ah, yeah, the perfect gag! How's it taste, batty?" Rouge muttered something that was probably vulgar, but was muffled by Knux's cock. "Didn't your mother tell you not to talk with your mouth full? Well, maybe it needs to be filled up more!" Knuckles grinned, pushing his cock further into her mouth! Soon, his dick reached Rouge's throat, causing her to gag on it. Knuckles mercifully pulled back a little to allow her to breathe, which Rouge rewarded by biting down on his penis! "OWWW!!!" Knuckles howled, pulling out of her mouth quickly and grabbing his injured dick. "Serves you right, you ass!" Rouge yelled. Knuckles examined his injury for a moment. Rouge hadn't broken the skin, and the pain was fading quickly. Rouge was rising to her feet quickly, too, but Knuckles wasn't going to let her off easy after that! He once again grabbed her before she could escape, squeezing her arms forcefully as he struggled with her. "Bite me, will ya, bitch!? I think a larger punishment's in order now!" he yelled, forcing Rouge onto her back! Pinned to the ground, Rouge gasped in shock as Knuckles pulled his gloves off one at a time and then squeezed her breasts in his bare hands! "Yeah, these melons are plenty ripe, but are they real?" Knuckles wondered. As one hand continued to grope Rouge's breasts, Knuckles moved his other hand to her pussy. He pushed two fingers into her slit, feeling her flower's wetness inside and out. "Hmmm, I'd say you're more than ready. Excited are you? Well, that's fine, too. This is payback more than punishment." he said, inching his cock closer and closer to Rouge's pussy. "W-wait! I'm not... No! D-don't!!" Rouge tried to protest, but it was no use. Knuckles's penis soon came into contact with the lips of her pussy, and from there, Knuckles slowly penetrated her, savoring the moment as he entered Rouge for the first time. Rouge's cries of protest faded into heavy breathing as the full length of Knuckles's member pushed its way into her accommodating vagina. Knuckles let out a contented sigh as he completed his first penetration. "So satisfying... And this has only just begun. Ready? I'm fuckin ya, bitch!" Knuckles now began moving a little faster, pulling out of Rouge's pussy, and then pushing back in! Rouge gasped and moaned, all the while futily trying to free herself from Knuckles. "You c-can't.... Aaaa! Do th.... Ohhh!! Nooooo... Stop!!" Rouge protested. Knuckles responded by speeding up his movements a bit more, thrusting back and forth inside Rouge more forcefully. As he held her in place and continued fucking her, he began licking her tits, giving her body even more unwanted pleasure. Rouges shouts of protest soon silenced, gasps and groans of pleasure escaping her lips in their place. Knuckles smiled victoriously at the sounds, and continued pushing in and out of her pussy without restraint. "Ohhhh... Yes! Take this, bat girl! Aaaaaahhh..." This was the greatest moment of Knuckles's life, though one of the worst for Rouge. He wasn't going to stop until he'd milked this opportunity for all it was worth! Meanwhile, Cream and Blaze were still making their way out of the jungle. Blaze was shivering, since she'd been naked now for longer than she was ever used to. They'd covered a fair bit of distance when suddenly Cream tripped over something! "Whoa!" While Blaze helped her up, they both glanced at what she'd tripped over. It was a glittering green gem, a Chaos Emerald! "Wow! This is a surprise! Maybe our luck's starting to change!" Cream said hopefully while Blaze picked up the emerald. "We should definitely hold on to this..." Blaze said. Suddenly, the two of them heard a scream in the distance! "AAAAAAAHHHH!! You... bastard!! You'll p-pay for thaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!" Cream's eyes went wide upon hearing this. "That sounds like Rouge..." she said. Blaze looked in the direction of the scream. "Another woman in trouble? What's in the air today..." she muttered. While Blaze and Cream were distracted, a metallic fist struck Blaze in the back hard! "Aaaaahhh! Wh-what the...?!" Blaze turned to face her attacked, only to find herself struck in the belly. "Gaaahh!! How dare..." While Cream watched helplessly, Metal Sonic wrestled the Chaos Emerald from Blaze's hands! Once the emerald was in the robot's possession, it promptly sped away! "Blaze! Are you all right?" Cream asked. Blaze held her belly for a moment before standing back up as though nothing had happened. "I... I'm fine. It's more important that we help the woman who was screaming. Let's go!" While Cream and Blaze ran off to help Rouge, a pair of eyes watched them from the shadows... Rouge's loud scream was the result of the current turn of events in her rape. Knuckles, once satisfied with her pussy, forced Rouge onto her hands and knees, and was now forcing his cock into Rouge's tight ass. Rouge was now attempting to crawl away, but Knuckles had a tight grip on her hips, and was not going to let her go for anything! As his rod pushed deeper into her rear, the pain of the penetration made it impossible for her to fight any longer. She was at last forced to give up her struggling. Her only remaining recourse was to yell and scream. "Aaaagh!! Knuckles, you sick, twisted fuck! Ooo...ooowwwww!! I-I'll k-kill you!" Knuckles ignored her threats and began moving his cock back and forth within her ass. There wasn't as much freedom for his dick to move, but Rouge's agonized screams were a good trade for that loss of mobility, at least to Knuckles. As his cock drilled a tunnel through her anus, Knuckles smacked her ass lightly, laughing at his captive. "I love watching you squirm! Ohhh... I can do this all day!" he said happily. Rouge tried to drown out some of the pain through pleasure, using one of her hands to rub her tits while the other held her up. Between screams and groans, Rouge continued to shout at Knuckles. "S-seriously, Knuckles! If... aaaa! If you think I won't get back at you for thi- uuuuuuuhhh!! Damn it!!" Her angry, vengeful threats seemed to only turn Knuckles on more. "Yes, Rough.... Ahhhh.... Fight me. Struggle! Oooohhhhh... I'm screwing you, and you can't.... Uuuuuuungh!! Can't stop me!" His cock had by this time started moving much more freely inside Rouge, and since it didn't take as much effort to fuck her now, Knuckles began fingering her pussy with one hand while the other kept Rouge in place. Rouge was feeling a great wave of pleasure in place of the pain now, but rather than acknowledge it, she continued threatening Knuckles. As he listened to her enraged screams, he began pushing into her harder. Faster. All his power was being brought down on her. Finally, her arms could no longer support her, and she collapsed onto her breasts. All she had energy for now was a few grunts and moans, but the silence didn't deter Knuckles. His assault on her rear continued. Pounding her ass. Fingering her flower. Thrust in. Pull out. Thrust in. Pull out. Soon, Rouge's vagina showered his hand in juices as she reached her orgasm. Soon, Knuckles would cum as well! Blaze and Cream peered into the clearing in time to see Rouge cum. "That's Knuckles... Why is he doing that to Rouge?" Cream whispered with fear. Blaze sneered at the scene with disgust. "Look away, Cream. This is not what should come to mind when you think of sex." she said. Cream tried, but she couldn't look away. "What should we do?" she asked. Blaze glanced at Cream with concern. "WE shouldn't do anything. This is too despicable for you to get caught up in. You should get yourself out of here. I'll help that bat." she ordered. Cream backed away from the clearing slowly. "Be careful, Blaze. I don't know what Knuckles will do if you go in there..." she said. Blaze shooed her away. "Don't worry about me! Run to safety! Go!" Cream took Blaze's instruction to heart, and immediately ran off as though she was being chased. Little did she or Blaze know that she was being chased. While Cream ran off through the jungle, the one who was watching them zipped along behind her. "That girl... She's perfect! Just what Bucky needs for his little experiment!" thought Zipp as he followed Cream. "Too bad they split up. I'd have liked to take that cat as a bonus. Oh, well." He grinned devilishly as he thought of what he was about to do. Knuckles was nearly finished with Rouge. He slammed his penis into Rouge's ass a few more times. One thrust. Another. Then another. Still another. Now, the time had come. Knuckles shouted triumphantly as he made one final, powerful push, and unleashed his load of cum deep into Rouge's sore ass! With his vengeance complete, Knuckles rested a moment with his cock still inserted in Rouge's rear. "Stop this at once!" shouted Blaze as she stormed into the clearing. As Knuckles pulled out of Rouge, the bat glanced up at Blaze weakly. "Too late... idiot..." Rouge said before shutting her eyes and passing out. Blaze frowned sadly at the realization that Knuckles was finished with Rouge. "So... I failed. But I can still teach you a lesson! Are we women just toys to you!? How dare you do such a... such a.... Grrrrrrr!!" As Blaze fumbled over her words, Knuckles looked over her sexy feline body. It seemed as though Blaze had forgotten she was naked. Though Knuckles was exhausted for now, he quickly decided that he HAD to do her next. "No... You're not toys... You're better. And judging by your 'attire,' I'd say you shouldn't be talking to me like that. I guess I'll have to teach you some manners!" The thought of fucking this hot, feline beauty seemed to fill Knuckles with a renewed energy, and before Blaze could say anything more, Knuckles had grabbed her by the arm! Blaze wrestled her arm free, and then backed away shakily. Metal Sonic had hit her hard earlier, and her weakened status was apparent to Knuckles. "Man, I'm lucky. Looks like you're in no shape to fight. Rouge was fun, but you're gonna be awesome! Here I come!" Blaze backed away slowly as Knuckles approached her. "N-now hold it... You wouldn't... Shit!" Realizing that there'd be no reasoning with Knuckles, Blaze sped off into the jungle, desperately trying to escape as Knuckles chased after her! Blaze was looking behind her as she fled into the jungle. Knuckles was a bit tired, but somehow he was still gaining on her! She was so busy worrying about the echidna behind her, she didn't see the person in front of her! A fist smacked into her head hard, and Blaze dropped to the ground, passed out! "Yes! Got her!" said her attacker, who was none other than Punchy the echidna! Knuckles arrived on the scene seconds later, and instantly raised his fists to Punchy. "Back off, you! She's mine!" Knuckles warned. Punchy frowned at him. "What? No way! I saw her first! I've been following her for a good while! Besides, you look like you've already had your fun for the day!" he argued. Knuckles growled at him. "So what? All my problems today are your fault! I'm not letting you take her!" Realizing the argument would be futile, Knuckles and Punchy immediately began duking it out. The echidnas may have been equally matched, but one thing about this fight was certain. No matter who was going to win, Blaze was going to lose... To be continued...
Chapter 7 - Shadowy Lust
GeneXXX Chapter 7 - Shadowy Lust Situation - M/F, rape, vaginal Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right? GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: After running away from Tails, who was teaching her about sex, Cream ran into a nude Blaze in the Mystic Ruins jungle. It wasn't long before the pair found Knuckles raping Rouge! Cream ran off to safety while Blaze confronted Knuckles, only to end up chased by Knuckles and knocked out by Punchy! As Knuckles and Punchy began fighting for the right to fuck Blaze, Illusi appeared and knocked them both out! However, a gunshot drew Illusi's attention before he could wake up Blaze. Meanwhile, Copter & Heather have been captured by Guard, while Sonic, Silver, and Rainbow have been captured by Eggman's robot, Zero! Now, on to the next chapter! Shadow the hedgehog was wandering the Mystic Ruins. He was searching for something, but he wasn't quite sure where to look. "Where is it? It's got to be around here somewhere..." he told himself, glancing around the sea of trees. There was no sign of anything nearby, so he ran through the woods, hoping to stumble across something along the way. What he soon found was Rouge, still naked and passed out in the clearing where Knuckles had raped her. Upon seeing her like this, Shadow rushed to her side. His first instinct was to check her vital signs, but he didn't have to. Rouge was finally regaining consciousness. As she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Shadow's face, which actually looked slightly concerned. "So, you're alive. What happened to you?" Shadow asked, helping Rouge to stand up. She still seemed pretty worn out, but otherwise fine. "Where is he...? I'll... kill him..." Rouge said dizzily. Shadow crossed his arms and frowned at her. "Kill who? What's going on?" he asked. As Rouge fully regained her senses, she turned away from Shadow to hide both her nudity and her tears from him. "Oh, Shadow... It was awful... I... I tried to take the Master Emerald from Knuckles again. Of course, that led to a fight, and since Knuckles was so stubborn, the Master Emerald got shattered! So, I was going to go look for the pieces... But then, Knuckles..." As Rouge explained this, Shadow could hear her sniffling, and could tell she was struggling to keep from breaking down and crying. It was easy to guess what had happened next. "He... raped you?" Shadow said, eyes widening in surprise. Rouge quickly regained her composure and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I don't need your pity! I just need clothes... And a chance to make him pay." she said, trying to sound tough despite everything. Shadow stood in silence for a few seconds, considering everything that he'd seen and heard. Then, an impressed smile spread across his lips. "Knuckles... Overpowered and raped you? Hmph! I must congratulate him! I never imagined he had it in him!" he said, seeming to actually enjoy this! Rouge turned around and glared at Shadow, making no effort to hide her body. "I should have known! You're such an insensitive pig! Just like Knuckles!" she snapped. Seeing Rouge's amazing figure, Shadow quickly got an erection. "You know, Rouge, this is not the time for you to be mouthing off. Maybe I'd best remind you what sort of situation you're in now!" he said. Rouge backed away from Shadow slowly, his fiery gaze filling her with dread. She didn't have the strength to fend off another sexual assault, and they both knew it. Shadow licked his lips hungrily, staring at Rouge's lovely, curvaceous body. Knowing what was coming, Rouge looked down at Shadow's anxiously waiting cock. "Well... This could be worse. At least Shadow's well equipped..." Rouge thought. Shadow approached Rouge slowly, and reached for her waist. There was no need to rush, no reason to overexert himself. Rouge was no match for him, even when she wasn't exhausted. Rouge recoiled at the dark hedgehog's touch at first, but didn't bother trying to fight him. Instead, she tried to reason with him. "Shadow... please. You don't want to do this... do me. Not like this." she said hurriedly, not having time to think of a truly good argument. She was shaking as she spoke, and Shadow grinned at her. "Yes I do. And I think you want me to as well. You're not shaking with fear. You're shaking with anticipation! You'll enjoy this just as much as I will..." As Shadow finished speaking, he pulled Rouge closer to him. Heat seemed to emanate from his body, warming Rouge as she was pulled closer. As she felt his warmth, she wondered if he might be right. "He IS dark and handsome... No! I can't give in to this! He's being an ass, and I won't give him the satisfaction!" she thought, weakly attempting to pull away from Shadow. Her efforts did nothing to slow him down, and soon Shadow was moving her into place, drawing her flower towards his erection. "No... Please... Stop..." Rouge muttered in a voice that seemed more inviting than protesting. Shadow simply continued to pull Rouge to him. She attempted to close her legs in order to block him, but he used his own legs to push hers apart. Rouge watched helplessly as his penis inched closer, and closer, and still closer, until the tip of his rod brushed against her entrance. "Ready or not... Here I come!" Shadow bellowed. Shadow's entry was slow and controlled. He pushed his way into Rouge's flower gently, savoring the feeling of his dick being covered by her. As his head entered her, Rouge held back a moan, desperate to keep herself from enjoying this. She couldn't stand to give him the satisfaction, but she did anyway. Shadow could see it in her eyes. All he needed to do was make her admit it. He pushed his penis in just a little further, then pulled it back out almost completely. "Don't need to go too fast... I'm not Sonic." Shadow whispered. Rouge could tell what he was doing, and fought to keep her cool. "I won't... give in to this..." she told him. Shadow slowly pushed back in, moving his cock a little further this time. He hesitated with only a quarter of his length inside her, and took a moment to taste her tits. "Mmmm... Nice... You were worth Knuckles's trouble..." he cooed. Rouge held back anything that might suggest she was enjoying this, only grunting and growling as Shadow moved his member in and out of her pussy, slowly, going just a tiny bit deeper each time. As he did, he felt her breasts, stroked her wings, and brought his lips close to hers, leaving only a little distance between them, bridged by their mingling breaths. All the while, his plan was working. His slow, gentle movements. His soft fur tickling her skin. His red eyes, gazing at her like fireballs of passion. She could feel her desire growing stronger, overpowering her. Soon, Shadow stopped with his penis pulled most of the way out. "You know you want it... Just ask. Beg me, Rouge. Beg me to fuck you..." he whispered into her ears. It was driving her batty. She wanted to give in, but she couldn't let him win. "Stop it..." she moaned. Shadow caught a hint of desire in her voice. She was slipping, and he knew it wouldn't be long now. He moved his rod into her again, very slowly, but taking it further than he had so far. Deeper and deeper, until almost his entire cock had entered her. Then, slowly, he pulled out. It seemed to take forever, too slow for Rouge's taste. Shadow pulled her closer as he slowly pulled out. She could now feel his heartbeat against her chest. His lips drew closer to hers, daring her to bridge the gap. The desire was intense. She opened her mouth to protest. "Sto... Sto-ooooOOOOOOHHHH....." A lustful moan escaped her mouth. Shadow pushed back into her and pulled out again, still slow, but slightly faster. As he prepared to enter her again, he mouthed the words "Beg me..." Rouge stared into Shadow's eyes, frightened at first, but looking at his expression more carefully, she noticed a key difference from Knuckles. With Knuckles, his eyes were full of rage, and a vengeful hate. Not so with Shadow. All she could see in his eyes was excitement, desire, and passion. The same feelings that were rapidly overcoming her. Finally, Rouge couldn't stand it anymore. She opened her mouth to speak... "Please... Sh-shadow! D-d-do..." She struggled to say it, so Shadow encouraged her. "C'mon, Rouge... Say it... Give in... to your true desire!" he said. "Do... Do me! Shadow! Please, stop hesitating! Please, fuck me, with all your might!" At last, Rouge had given in, so Shadow ceased holding back. He plunged his penis deep into Rouge, quickly and fully! He then began pushing back and forth into Rouge's pussy, at a pace that quickly got faster and faster. Rouge cried out, begging for more, shouting Shadow's name. The dark hedgehog obliged, finally pulling Rouge to the ground, positioning himself on top of her so he could move as fast as possible. "Ooooooooh... Shadow.... Yes! Th-thank you!! Ahhh!!" Shadow smiled down at her as she pulled him closer, grasping his quills in her hands. Shadow's lips neared hers once again, his mouth hanging open as he panted from the effort of fucking her. Rouge's protests had completely left her mind by now, so she grabbed his head and pulled his lips to hers, opening her mouth as well to accept his kiss. The kiss was quick, but full of passion, mutual passion. Rouge had never fully realized it before, but now she knew. She'd wanted this for a long time. When the kiss ended, Shadow began fucking her faster and more forcefully than ever, and Rouge loved every bit of it. "Ahh!! Ahh!! Yes! Shadow! Such... speed!! Ohhh!! Such... power!!" Rouge was amazed at how awesome this felt. "Ah... Mmmm... Rouge! Get ready!" Shadow said, his movements continuing at a fevered pace. At this rate, it wouldn't be much longer. "Do it, Shadow! Cum!! I want your seed... Fill me with your seed!!" Rouge found herself saying. Shadow grinned at her victoriously. "Very well... Here it comes!" he shouted, making a few final thrusts into Rouge's pussy. In a moment, his hot cum blasted deep into her, filling her so powerfully that she quickly reached her climax as well! "Ooooohhh... Sh-shadow..." she sighed as their lovemaking came to a close. "Feeling more satisfied, Rouge?" Shadow asked. She nodded sleepily. "Shadow, I... Um.... Thanks, Shadow." She didn't need to say what was truly on her mind, Shadow could tell what it was. The two lay peacefully there in the middle of the jungle, and drifted off to sleep... Elsewhere in the jungle, Illusi had gone off to investigate the gunshot he'd heard. When he arrived on the scene, he found Cream backing away from Zipp nervously. A tree next to her had apparently been shot, most likely a warning shot. "What's going on here?" Illusi gasped. Zipp pointed his gun at Illusi. "Buzz off, cape boy. This rabbit's coming with me, and that's all there is to it!" he said. "Oh, yeah?" Illusi said threateningly. Zipp smiled as he aimed for Illusi's head. "C'mon, stop me. I dare you!" he said. Cream quickly ran in front of Illusi to block Zipp's shot. "Don't! Don't shoot anyone! I... I'll go with you!" she cried. Zipp frowned at this. "You're no fun. Well, fine, I won't shoot anyBODY..." he said, pointing his gun at something higher up. He fired a few shots into the treetops, which caused several branches to fall down on top of Illusi, knocking him out! Cream screamed and ran from the falling branches, right into Zipp's clutches! "Well, off we go! You DID say you'd go with me. Be a good girl and keep your word!" he said, pulling her away by the arm. Cream glanced back at Illusi as she was being led to what would likely be a terrible fate. "I'm sorry, Mr. shrew..." she thought, more concerned about him than herself. Not far away, Knuckles, Punchy, and Blaze were all unconscious. Blaze had been knocked out by Punchy while fleeing from Knuckles, and both echidnas were knocked out by Illusi soon after. Illusi intended to rescue Blaze, but Zipp's gunshot had distracted him. Now, it was too late. Punchy was already beginning to stir. "What in the heck..." he muttered as he opened his eyes. He slowly rose to his feet and looked around. "Oh, right... I was fighting Knuckles over that cat... What happened anyway? Well, I guess it doesn't matter." he grinned, walking over to the hot, naked feline nearby. He grabbed Blaze in his arms and started running off. "Gotta find a more private place before we start the fun!" he thought excitedly. To be continued...
Chapter 11 - Enter Gemini
GeneXXX Chapter 11 - Enter Gemini Situation - M/F, vaginal Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right? GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: After being unable to control their urges and fucking Rainbow and Heather, Sonic, Copter and Silver realized that something had affected their sexual desire. They have come to the conclusion that Dr. Eggman is behind this. Meanwhile, Bucky performed an experiment on Cream, causing her to age past puberty. To test the results of his experiment, Bucky had Vortex rape Cream. As this happened, Tails and Illusi arrived to rescue her, but were quickly defeated by Bucky, who has now captured Tails! All this time, Knuckles remains unconscious due to a surprise attack that occurred while he was fighting Punchy. He should be awakening soon... Now, on to the next chapter! Gemini the Fennec had been having a fairly boring day. As always, she was searching for any signs of the Lost Ones, so that she could try to defeat them. Today, she found herself searching the Mystic Ruins again. The search was generally uneventful, until she heard a sound coming from nearby. "Ugh... Oh..." Gemini quickly pulled out her wand and looked around. "Who's there?" she called. After investigating the area the noise had come from, Gemini was shocked to find Knuckles on the ground! He was finally regaining consciousness, but he wasn't moving much. "Knuckles! What happened? Never mind, I'll fix you up! Recoveration!" A soft, blue light came from Gemini's wand, and in a moment, Knuckles began to move. He sat up and looked around in a daze. "Huh... What? What happened? Where'd Punchy and Blaze go?" he muttered. "So, Punchy did this to you?" Gemini asked. Knuckles slowly rose to his feet. "I don't think so... I don't know. Man, I still feel so..." His voice trailed off. Despite having been out for a while, he still felt that same urge that caused him to fight with Punchy before. Turning around, he finally saw Gemini standing there. She was as beautiful as he remembered from the moment when he first saw her true form. She was no Blaze, but she'd do nicely. He looked at her hungrily, and it made her nervous. "A-are you feeling all right, Knuckles?" she asked. "Yes... I feel great..." he muttered, fixated on Gemini's body. She was fairly slim, and had an overall average figure. Her breasts weren't huge, but it was obvious enough that she was female; in fact she was quite a bit more feminine and delicate than Rouge. He knew he probably shouldn't, but the desire within him was overpowering, as it had been with Blaze. He had to do it. He had to fuck Gemini! However, this decision made him begin to get hard, and his erection made it obvious to Gemini what was on his mind. "Wh-what the!? Knuckles! You're not like that! Stop it!" she shouted. "How would you know what I'm like?" Knuckles replied, slowly stepping toward her. Gemini pointed her wand at him nervously. "Knuckles... I'm a student of Divine magic! I'm meant to be pure! Besides that, I'm not that sort of girl. I know we're good friends and all, but I won't let you do this!" she insisted. Knuckles understood, but something was wrong. He couldn't control his desire! He found himself attempting to grab her, but Gemini wouldn't allow it. "Blastrotall!" she shouted, knocking Knuckles back with a blast from her wand! Ordinarily, since Gemini was a friend, Knuckles would have dropped it there. He didn't know why, but his mind simply wasn't operating normally. Sex was the only thing on his mind. So he would keep trying, but with a different approach. "Y-you're right, Gemini. I'm sorry. Something just... came over me. It must be that you helped me just now. To be healed by one... so beautiful..." he said, taking another step towards her. She didn't lower her wand, but she didn't shoot him, either. "Really? You think... You think I'm beautiful? But I can't have sex. With anyone. It's a sort of rule. If the Divine masters found out, they'd take my magic away. Please don't take it personally." she explained. Knuckles gave her an understanding smile. He did understand, but his desire was stronger for some reason. "That's too bad... It's sort of a waste. You're so nice, and so pretty. Answer me this, then. Would there be anything wrong... with a kiss?" he asked, stepping a bit closer. Gemini lowered her wand slightly and blushed. "A... kiss? I, uh... I don't know. You want a kiss? I'm so... flattered..." she was quite flustered. No one had ever asked her a thing like that before. The surprise was the perfect distraction. Knuckles was close enough now, and he took advantage of the opportunity to smack Gemini's wand out of her hand, leaving her defenseless. "Sorry, Gemini, but I gotta do it! I just... can't stop myself!" Knuckles said, grabbing her by the arms tightly! She tried to pull away, but he was far too strong for her! "No! Please! I'm begging you! I need to be pure! I'm nothing without my magic... Please!" she pleaded. It was no use. Knuckles held her wrist in one hand and tugged at her pants with the other, soon making them drop, exposing her light pink panties. Gemini grabbed at them to keep them on, but Knuckles was stronger than she anticipated. He tore her panties off, and she shivered as a wind blew by, right into her bare pussy. "Please, no! No one's ever even seen that before! Stop it!" Gemini begged. Though she was struggling, Knuckles easily managed to pull off her pink sweater, revealing the bra matching her panties. He gently grabbed it by the center, his index finger resting over her cleavage. This was the moment of truth. Gemini tried desperately to hold it on, but Knuckles powerfully ripped her bra off of her body, exposing her full glory to the world! "NO!! I-I'm naked... How could you!? No... I-it can't be..." Gemini cried. She was even more beautiful with her clothes off, and though her breasts were not exactly large, they did seem perfectly sized for her. Much like the first time he'd seen her true form, Knuckles was stunned. "You really are beautiful..." he said, grinning at what he was about to do. Tears were coming to Gemini's eyes. She couldn't believe what was happening, and who was doing it. Though Knuckles was determined to do her, seeing her starting to cry was something he couldn't stand. He took her in his arms, embracing her gently. "Maybe if she thinks I love her, she'll calm down..." he thought. He really didn't think he was in love with anyone, but truth be told, if he had to pick, Gemini would be high on his list. Not necessarily the one he'd choose, but a good candidate. "Don't cry, Gemini. If it helps, I won't tell anyone about this. You're just... So beautiful. So kind. I... I have to make you mine. I... love you." he said as sweetly as he could manage. Gemini's tears slowed. She detected the lie in his voice, but the way he was holding her, she felt unsure what to believe. "You... love me? R-really?" she asked. Knuckles nodded. "Of course..." he said. Gemini blushed, looking into his eyes shyly. His gaze was intense. "I... I don't think there would be anything wrong... with a kiss..." she said. Knuckles pulled her closer, bringing his lips to hers slowly. Gemini was shivering. She was frightened, yet she opened her mouth to accept the kiss anyway. His lips met hers, and he gently slid his tongue into her mouth, cradling her head in his hands as he kissed her. It was a loving kiss, almost like an apology for what he was going to do. He did feel sorry, but he also couldn't stop himself. Soon, the kiss ended, and he held her in his arms tightly. Looking in her eyes, Knuckles could see the conflict within her. She wanted to believe he loved her, but part of her knew it was a lie. Still, it was clear that there was no way out of this. She had to believe him, it would make the feelings she was having less wrong, at least to her. "I... I sure hope the masters don't find out about this... Knuckles... I'll let you do it. You can take me, but please don't tell anyone about it..." she said. Knuckles smiled, a bit relieved that this wasn't going to be rape. "All right... I won't tell." he promised. Gemini nodded, and slowly laid down on the ground. She was very nervous, but she parted her legs to let Knuckles in anyway. He'd won her over, and part of her did want this, very badly. Knuckles knelt down between her legs, slowly bringing his penis towards her waiting vagina. Gemini shut her eyes, scared to look. "Please... Be gentle..." she asked. Knuckles looked a little nervous himself. COULD he be gentle? He'd do his best to try. He pushed the tip of his cock against her entrance, sending shivers through Gemini's body. "This is it..." she whispered, biting her lower lip in her nervousness. Knuckles glanced at her scared face, and made a conscious effort to proceed slowly. He entered her gently, carefully, making sure not to hurt her. He moved his entire length into her effortlessly, which confused him a little. Was this not her first time? Gemini sighed softly once she was fully penetrated. "Odd... Isn't it supposed to hurt the first time?" she whispered. Knuckles shrugged. It had to have something to do with her magic. Still, it mattered little. It just made this that much easier. "All right, Gemini. I'm gonna fuck you now. I might get a little rough, but I'll try not to hurt you." he said. Gemini opened her eyes and glanced down. It was really happening. He'd really penetrated her! She blushed at the thought, and then noticed her wand. It was close, and perhaps she could reach it. "If I can get my wand, I can cast a spell for protection. Then, I won't get pregnant, and no one has to know about this..." she thought. However, Knuckles started moving before she could reach for it! He moved his dick back and forth, a bit faster than his first penetration. It shocked Gemini. She yelped at the feeling, but it didn't hurt. It felt good. His penis, thrusting back and forth inside her, filled her with a feeling she couldn't believe. "Oh... oh my... I gave this up... to learn magic? Ahh!! Oh, Knuckles!" she gasped. Knuckles chuckled softly, pleased to see her enjoying it. He lowered himself on top of her as he continued to thrust into her pussy. This way, he could feel her breasts. He held them in his hands gently, and she gasped at his touch. "Oh... Please, don't squeeze them. I... Just don't..." she begged. Knuckles released them, but couldn't ignore them. "Then let me taste them..." he said, brushing his tongue against one of her tits. Gemini squealed softly, her face turning red. "Ah... S-stop... Or don't stop... I don't... ahhhh!!" She moaned in pleasure as Knuckles picked up speed, moving his cock more roughly in her pussy. It felt good, but dirty. Gemini briefly remembered her wand, but forgot again as Knuckles continued licking at her breasts. Knuckles continued fucking her, growing more passionate as he did. She was a great friend, and he wanted to give her a first time worthy of her. When he finished with her breasts, he proceeded to kiss her, starting at her neck. She held him in her arms, moaning happily as he returned the embrace. He continued moving his cock at a steady pace, and soon began nearing his climax. He kissed her lips, passionately, enjoying this more than his time with Rouge. Rape could never be as good as this. As he released her from the kiss, Gemini was blushing again. "It's... ohh... so good, Knuckles. I... wow... Knuckles, I love you!" she said, panting heavily as she did. Knuckles wasn't sure what to make of her love, but he did have to tell her something. "Gemini... Ahhh... I'm gonna... Ohhh... I'm gonna cum soon..." he warned her. Gemini panicked. She hadn't grabbed her wand and cast the spell yet! "Oh, no! Please, not yet! Hold it, just a moment!" she gasped, reaching for her wand. It was just out of reach, and she desperately tried to stretch her arm to grab it. All the while, Knuckles was getting closer. "I don't think I can hold it... Ahhh... Sorry, Gemini!" he said. Gemini reached harder, nearly touching the wand. "Don't cum inside me! Pull out!" she pleaded. Knuckles shook his head. "I'm goin... all the way! I can't... ahh... stop!" he told her. Gemini grew desperate. She wasn't ready to have children yet. She had to reach that wand! "Just a little... Farther... Please, hold on!" she gasped. Knuckles couldn't speak any more, he could only gasp and pant and shout as he neared his orgasm. Gemini stretched her arm as far as she could. She touched her wand, and struggled to roll it into her hand. Knuckles let out a shout. She reached harder, and finally took her wand into her hand. "Now, what's that spe-eeeeeeelll!! AaaaaaaaaAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" She'd suddenly reached her orgasm, and her vagina's sudden movements pushed Knuckles over the edge. "Ohhhh, Geminiiiiii!!! Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" His penis was all the way inside her as he cummed. It was a powerful blast, and it kept coming until some spilled out of her pussy. "Ohhh! It's so warm! So deep! Oh... no...." Gemini yelped, horrified that she was too late. "I... I'll probably get pregnant..." she whimpered. Knuckles nodded. "Yeah... I bet our babies will be beautiful." he said, kissing her. She returned the kiss, and smiled as it ended. "I guess I'll be losing my magic... But it's OK. We'll raise our children together, my love..." she said. Knuckles looked a little nervous. A Master Emerald Guardian couldn't be tied down by a family. For both their sakes, he hoped that he somehow didn't get her pregnant. Gemini touched his cheek gently, sensing his concern. "Don't worry... I'm sure it'll all be OK..." she said. Unfortunately, she was probably wrong. It seemed very likely that she was now carrying Knuckles's child... Back at Tails's Workshop, Sonic, Copter, and Silver had searched around, and finally decided to see if SPOT could find Dr. Eggman. They stopped to let the girls know they were leaving, avoiding looking at them as much as possible. "Uh... We gotta go after Eggman, now." Sonic said. "You girls don't have to stay here, but don't follow us." Copter added. "If we see you, we'll probably get... sidetracked again." Silver explained. Heather and Rainbow looked a little upset. "Since we seem to be unaffected, maybe WE should go instead!" Heather suggested. Copter shook his head. "Too dangerous. Just get somewhere safe!" he ordered. "Aw, I feel safe with you!" Rainbow argued. "This is getting us nowhere... Explain it to her, Heather!" Sonic said, running out the door. "Hey, wait for us!" Silver shouted before he and Copter ran out as well. Rainbow turned to Heather. "Want to explain it to me again?" she asked. Heather shook her head. "No way. You won't get it. Anyway, I'd much rather follow them anyway! We'll show them 'too dangerous!'" she said, sneaking out the door. Rainbow followed her. "Wait for me! I wanna go, too!" she said. So, Sonic's quest had now begun, but danger now lurked behind as well as ahead! To be continued...
Chapter 14 - Bat Trap
GeneXXX Chapter 14 - Bat Trap Situation - M/F, vaginal, titfuck Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right' GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: Sonic, Silver, Copter, Amy, Rouge, Heather, Rainbow, and Shadow are loose in Dr. Eggman's base. They each arrive for different reasons and explore in different directions. A mysterious force is driving male furries into a horny frenzy, and Silver had traveled back in time to stop it. However, as he explored Eggman's base, he came across Shadow, who was insane with lust. Shadow defeated Silver and sucked his cock, driving him horny as well. Silver submitted to Shadow's lust, allowing himself to be fucked anally. Afterward, Heather and Rainbow, who had been watching, asked for "their turn." Meanwhile, Dr. Eggman communicated with Rouge the bat, who he has made a deal with involving Sonic! Does Sonic stand a chance with his mind hell bent on screwing anything that moves' Now, on to the next chapter! Sonic ran through Eggman's base at a relatively low speed, for him at least. It was a huge base, and he didn't have much of an idea where to go. There weren't even a lot of robot guards around. "Either Eggman REALLY wasn't expecting me... or he's waiting to spring a trap." Sonic thought, rolling his eyes, "Here we go again..." It had to be a trap. It simply had to be. Sonic cautiously explored the base, keeping his eyes and ears open for any sign of hostility. Soon, he arrived at a storage room, filled with Eggman's various gadgets and robots not currently being used for something or other. There were a few other doors leading into the room, and Sonic was startled as one of the doors suddenly slid open! "Aha!! Here it comes!!" he shouted, expecting a horde of robots. Instead, it was a lone figure. "It' Ugh, all men think alike..." Rouge the bat was standing in the doorway, hands on her hips and eyes locked in Sonic's direction. Sonic gulped. At a time when sexual desire had turned into a major weakness, Rouge appears. He tried to look away from her. "Sorry... I thought you were Eggman!" he joked. Rouge rolled her eyes and grinned. "I had a chat with Amy... Seems she gives you a five star rating, if you know what I'm talking about." she said in a flirty voice. Sonic blushed, and was finding it hard to keep his eyes from wandering back to the sexy bat girl. "Hm, that's a new outfit..." he observed. Rouge was wearing the tight-fitting clothes she'd gotten from Tails' Workshop, some simple jeans and a tee shirt. "These things are so uncomfortable... Hmmm... I do wonder if you live up to all your hype, Sonic. Not just Amy, but ALL the ladies talk about you all the time..." she said, her eyes sweeping up and down his sleek, blue body. Sonic caught her looking him over and shook his head, trying to keep erotic thoughts out of his mind. "You know... I can't possibly live up to the hype! Bye!" He turned to run away, but Rouge grabbed his shoulder to stop him. "Give yourself some credit! You ARE pretty sexy..." she grinned, turning him around to face her. "Heh, you're all mine, Sonic... And you'll be all Eggman's once his robot gets here..." she thought. Her deal with Eggman was driving her actions, but she had to admit, Sonic was pretty cute. There were probably other ways to detain him, but she liked her idea. She slowly, sexily started to slip out of her clothes, giving Sonic a show he couldn't look away from. Eggman's trap was sprung, and while Sonic stood, mesmerized by Rouge's incredible rack, his cock emerged from its hiding place, hard and throbbing. "R-rouge... I..." Sonic started to speak, but Rouge placed a finger over his mouth to silence him. "No one will ever know... So, why don't we test you out a bit before the real fun begins'" She knelt down in front of him and pointed to her cleavage. "Titty fuck for me, pet!" she commanded. Sonic rolled his eyes and smiled. He couldn't stop this now, so he might as well enjoy it... But this was just one half of the trap. Hiding behind some of the junk in the room, Zero watched as Sonic slid his cock between her breasts. "Recording..." he muttered, getting some footage for Eggman's recently developed furry fetish. Meanwhile, Copter was exploring in the area of the base Sonic and Silver didn't go to. It was a pretty uneventful exploration, until he found a room serving as Eggman's prison! Several cells lined the walls, and there was someone in most of them. Copter looked into the cells as he passed them. "Hmmm... Eggman must be using our... condition... to capture us easily..." he muttered as he passed a cell containing Knuckles. "Hey! Let me outta here!!" the echidna shouted. Copter hesitated. If his hunch was right, Eggman would have captured TWO prisoners every time. "Hey, red Punchy, who was with you when you got caught'" he asked. Knuckles crossed his arms. "Not that it's any of your business, but I was with Gemini. Had a heck of a time keeping her from getting captured, too." he explained. Copter shrugged and kept walking. "I'll get you out when I can figure out how..." he muttered. Most cells contained furries that were strangers to Copter, and he found a couple empty ones, but they each had names attached to them. One empty cell had Shadow's name on it. One had Tails' name as well. "Hmm... I wonder if Eggman hasn't captured these guys yet..." Copter wondered aloud. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice in a nearby cell. "Mr. Copter, is that you'" Running to the source of the voice, Copter found Cream inside one of the cells! She seemed older, or perhaps just better endowed, but he still recognized her. "Whoa, what did Eggman do to you'" he asked. "P-please... get me out..." she begged. Copter nodded. "Stand back..." he said, approaching the bars. "Chaos Blast!!" Creating a powerful chaotic explosion, Copter managed to smash the cell door wide open! Cream ran out and wrapped her arms around him very quickly, and more than gratefully. "Oh, thank you... You're so brave and... sexy." she grinned. Copter was shocked. "Wha... huh' Are you OK'" he asked. Cream released him and nodded. "Better than okay, now that you're here... I was thinking about you while I was locked up. I... I really..." she winked seductively at him, and he started to wonder if this was really Cream. "You don't act like this..." he said, though he was already finding his own desire starting to affect his mind. Cream wrapped her arms around him and started begging him to do her, and while that was happening, Amy stepped into the room. Copter and Cream were so focused on each other that they didn't notice her, and she hid inside an open cell to watch without being spotted. "Cream... What's Eggman done to her'" she thought. Copter was thinking the same thing as Cream started rubbing her crotch against his, coaxing him until a bulge emerged in his pants. "I knew you'd save me, Copter... Now, take me please... I wanna have your baby!" she pleaded. Something had clearly been done to her, but it was too late for Copter. He was too turned on to refuse her. "Well... Then let's make my baby..." he grinned. In no time, Copter and Cream's clothes were scattered over the floor. Copter looked over Cream's new body with awe. She looked just like her mother, only younger and sexier. Cream was pleased with the view from her end as well. "Oh! Your penis! Just like Tails..." she grinned, though Copter took it the wrong way. "C'mon, I gotta be bigger than..." before he could finish that sentence, Cream locked lips with him, kissing him with intense passion! Copter's rod tickled her slit, eager to plunge into her depths. Amy watched them nervously. "What are they thinking'! They'll get caught!" she thought. However, the scene was so shocking to her, she couldn't bring herself to do anything about it. After all, Cream came on to HIM. For the moment, the world was upside down to her. When their kiss ended, Copter gazed into her eyes, smirking. "You've really grown... I love it!" Cream moved her legs apart, inviting Copter to enter her. "Do your best, Copter!" she said, winking. Copter nodded and slid his way inside her swiftly and smoothly. Cream giggled as she felt him inside her. "It feels... so nice..." she murmured. Amy clenched her teeth nervously as she watched Copter begin to move inside her. Back and forth, slowly and sensually, he was taking it easy on Cream, and she started kissing and licking at him, purring and sighing in pleasure. "Oh... Cop...ter..." Cream sighed lustfully, and Copter decided to take it up a notch. He started to speed up, groping her big bunny breasts as he went. Cream squealed excitedly and started thrusting her hips along, enjoying it every bit as much as he was. Amy whimpered quietly. She felt her hands touch her crotch. "Omigosh... It's making me hot..." she thought, part of her wanting to join them. Copter went faster and faster, and Cream panted hard as he went. "Aaaahhh... More! More!! Aaaaa... Copter!!" she cried, soon splashing Copter's crotch with her juices as she hit her orgasm. Copter kept going, as fast as he could, losing himself in his pleasure. "Aaaaahhh!! YES!! Cream... I'm gonna cum... Aaaaahhh!!" Amy couldn't take it anymore. She ran up to them and screamed. "STOP IT!!!" However, her scream was drowned out by theirs as Copter planted his seed deep inside Cream! They panted heavily, ignoring Amy while gazing into each others' eyes. Suddenly, they heard some robotic clicks and looked around. Eggman's robots had them surrounded! Amy groaned and raised her hands. "At least Sonic's here... somewhere..." she said, certain that he would rescue her. Sonic was thrusting his cock between Rouge's massive breasts, squeezing them with his hands as she moaned quietly. It wasn't long before she was satisfied with his "skills." "All right, Sonic... You pass. Lay down and I'll give you your reward..." she ordered. Sonic climbed off of her and dropped onto his back, looking up at her with a smirk. Rouge leaned down and brought her breasts close to his face. "Care for a taste, handsome'" she asked. Sonic licked at her tits ravenously, taking one into his mouth to suck on before switching. "Mmm... ahhh... Always wanted to do this..." he said between sucks. Rouge nodded. "Everyone does... it seems." She moved back, her wet pussy hovering over his rod. She had a wide smile. For once, she was in control. "You take orders well... I'm impressed." she said. Sonic shrugged. "Your 'orders' have been easy to follow." he winked. Rouge slowly lowered her flower over Sonic's cock, taking it in and mentally comparing it to Shadow and Knuckles. It was similar to Shadow's, so much so that she was unsure who was actually bigger. She held on to Sonic's shoulders and started moving her hips slowly. Sonic wrapped his arms around her, stroking her bat wings a bit while watching her boobs bounce slightly while she moved. "You're surprisingly gentle... You aren't going easy on me, are you'" he asked. Rouge chuckled. "What about you' Aren't you gonna try to fuck my brains out'" she wondered, noting how differently Sonic was behaving compared to Shadow and Knuckles. Sonic pulled her closer. "I'm tempted..." he admitted. She stroked his chest flirtatiously. "You know I can handle it... Just don't make this TOO fast, I like to take my time and enjoy myself..." she said. He chuckled. "Are you sure you can handle it' I guess we'll see!" With that, Sonic started thrusting his hips against hers, pushing deeper inside her and making her yelp. "Ahh... Good... Let's see how you REALLY compare to Shadow..." she sighed. Sonic held on to her hips and pulled her down over his cock roughly, fucking her harder now that he knew he was competing with Shadow. Rouge thought that would get him going. He fucked her fast and rough, and she moaned and gasped in pleasure as she held on to him, enjoying the ride. It lasted for quite a while; Sonic had plenty of stamina to go with his speed. Rouge found herself quite impressed, and let out a delighted moan every time Sonic managed to strike her weak spot, which was more than a few times. He sucked on her tits, never once slowing his pace, and she slipped her arms around him, gradually reaching for his ass. As Sonic released her tits, she slipped a couple fingers into his tail hole, making him groan and shiver, a cute look of surprise on his face. Rouge chuckled to herself and fingered his hole while he fucked her flower. She was having so much fun, and though she hated to admit Amy was right, Sonic certainly seemed to live up to his fame. She began to feel guilty as she felt herself getting close. "S-sonic... ahhh.... Oh, my... You're so good... I have to... say something..." she panted, wondering what was the matter with her. After all, she'd lose her reward if she let Sonic go! "You... want me to cum outside, Rouge'" Sonic panted, expecting that to be what she wanted to say. If it was, she only had a little longer to say it. Rouge shook her head. "No... Go on and fill me up! Aaaahhh... But... Uuuuuhhhh!! T-trap!! AAAAAAAaaaaaaahhhhh!!" she screamed suddenly as her climax occurred, her cum splashing all over his crotch. Sonic was about to cum, too, but he'd heard her warning. "Trap' Oooohhh... I know! AAAAAAaaaaaaa!!" His cum erupted from his rod and flowed deep into Rouge's depths, but there wasn't time to rest. Zero burst out of his hiding place and came at them, determined to capture Sonic! Rouge grabbed Sonic and turned them over, so she was on top of him. "I got him, I got him..." she said to the robot, winking at Sonic. He held on to her, and she started flapping her wings, taking to the air with Sonic! Zero fired lasers at them, but Rouge evaded them and dropped Sonic on to his feet! They took off in different directions and exited the room, leaving Zero confused as to who to chase, and left in the dust! Eggman pounded the armrests on his seat furiously as he watched Sonic escape from his monitors. "Curse you, Sonic! You can't get away forever!! I'll get you!!" he yelled. Gemini the fennec found herself standing outside the entrance to Eggman's base. After getting screwed by Knuckles, she was nearly captured by Eggman's robots along with him. Knuckles, however, had defended her and sacrificed his own freedom to allow her to escape. Now, she had to rescue him! As she approached the door leading inside the base, it slid open, and Fera the wolf came out! The two stared at each other for a moment before Gemini shrugged and started to head inside. "I wouldn't go in there..." Fera warned. Gemini glanced back at her. "Why not'" she asked. Fera smirked. "That base is gonna blow. I rigged explosives all over. The clock's already ticking..." she said, "Eggman won't oppress any more animals in his robots!" Gemini gasped upon hearing this. "No!! My friend is locked up in there!" she cried. Fera shrugged. "That's a price we'll have to pay." she said coldly. Gemini stomped her foot angrily. "You can't do that! Stop the countdown and let me save him!" she shouted. Fera shook her head. "Can't do it. Can't give Eggman a chance to escape." she insisted. Gemini held up her wand threateningly. "You stop that countdown NOW!" she growled. Fera created balls of dark energy in her hands and prepared to toss them. "Make me!" she snarled. Gemini had to do something fast, before everyone got killed in the explosion, but was she already too late' To be continued...
Chapter 13 - Silver & Black
GeneXXX Chapter 13 - Silver & Black Situation - M/F, vaginal, M/M, rape, oral, anal Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right' GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: Sonic, Copter, and Silver have realized a startling truth: The minds of all males in the vicinity of the Mystic Ruins are being manipulated, raising their desire for sex to unbearable levels when in the presence of a female. Leaving Rainbow and Heather behind, they go to confront Dr. Eggman, their prime suspect. Heather and Rainbow follow them in secret. Later, Shadow was captured after discovering an odd satellite dish. Meanwhile, Amy found Rouge in the jungle and decided to help her find clothes, since Knuckles tore hers off earlier. Soon, Rouge coaxed Amy into some lesbian action, but Amy couldn't stop thinking of Sonic, so they both left in search of him. Now, Blaze has gone to Cream's house with the purpose of checking on her, but discovered Vanilla having sex with Chet instead! Finally too horny to ignore her desires, Blaze opens the door and declares that it's her turn! Now, on to the next chapter! Blaze was on her back, lying on Vanilla's couch. She gasped and moaned in pleasure as Chet was pushing in and out of her pussy. Despite her reluctancy, despite all her resistance, Blaze had now given in to her urges. Without so much as waiting for Vanilla's permission, she had hurled herself onto the couch, begging for Chet to take her. Vanilla watched her reactions to getting fucked by Chet, and could tell that she'd been wanting release for some time. Chet licked her tits, holding her breasts in his hands as she purred happily. "Ahhh... Ohhh... Yes! I... needed this! Ahh!!" she gasped. Chet kissed her hungrily and picked up his pace, eager to please this beautiful feline. Blaze shuddered and her vaginal walls clamped down on Chet's cock as she came. She blushed with embarrassment at how easily he made her cum. Chet chuckled and pulled out of her. "I'm next, kitten... Where do ya want it'" he asked. Blaze almost said pussy, but stopped herself. She was a princess, she couldn't allow just anyone the chance to impregnate her. "My rear... Please..." she sighed, blushing even more. Chet chuckled. "Whatever you say..." he grinned. He slowly pushed into Blaze's ass hole, a tight fit that made Blaze groan in pain a little. It seemed to Chet that this might be her first anal penetration, so he took it slow at first, giving her a chance to get used to the feeling. "F-faster..." Blaze grunted after a moment. Chet obliged, and began ramming her tail hole with all his might, making Blaze scream part from pain and part from pleasure. After a moment, the pain vanished, and Blaze began panting and moaning in pleasure. Chet grunted and gasped as he neared his climax. "Uhhh!! Oooooooooohhhhh!! Blaze!!" he shouted as his cum sprayed into her ass, making her yelp in surprise. It was an odd feeling, but she liked it. "Ahhhh!! Oh, Chet... Thank you..." she sighed, feeling much better than she did before arriving at Vanilla's house. Vanilla clapped as the two of them were finishing up. "Good for you, Blaze! I can tell it's been a long time for you." she smiled. Blaze nodded. "I... I'm usually not like this..." she blushed. "It's all right, Blaze. It's perfectly natural to have certain urges. Life is more fun if you give in to them once in a while, though." Vanilla told her, winking. Blaze smiled at her, and then looked up at Chet. "She... has a point. Let's do this again sometime..." she grinned. Sonic, Copter, and Silver soon arrived at Eggman's new base, built on top of the ruins of his old Mystic Ruins base. SPOT had led them there, but stayed outside since he still needed repairs. Upon entering the base, they found three hallways going off in different directions. "It looks like a pretty big base. We should probably split up." Copter suggested. Silver looked unsure. "I wish we had a plan... If Eggman's really behind this, he could make us insane..." he worried. Sonic shrugged. "In that case, it'd be better if we weren't together. I don't want to find out if he can drive us to homosexuality..." he said. "Not that there's anything wrong with that." Copter added, glancing at Silver with a smirk. "What' Why are you grinning at me'" he wondered. "Never mind that. Let's hurry before Eggman catches us!" Sonic suggested. They each went down a different hall, and soon after they were gone, the girls arrived at the entrance room. Rainbow and Heather had met up with Amy and Rouge outside, and the four of them were looking at the three halls, wondering where to go. Amy looked thoughtful. "Hmmm... My intuition says that Sonic went this way!" she said, running off to the path on the left. Rouge didn't follow her. "You have fun with your intuition. I'm going to find Sonic my own way." she grinned sneakily. Rainbow pointed to the path on the right. "I think we should go that way! Follow me, seven!" she said, leading Heather to the hall. "Wait, Rainbow! Don't rush in!" Heather shouted. Now alone, Rouge strode to the path in the middle, a crafty smirk on her face. "Let's see your intuition beat me to Sonic. And when I'm through with him, he'll be ruined for other women... Heheheh." Silver worked his way through the base, his ESP making it a breeze to get past the robot guards. Soon, in a room resembling a laboratory, he found a familiar face. Shadow the hedgehog was sitting on a lab bench, a distant look in his eyes. "Shadow' What are you doing here'" Silver asked. Shadow glanced at Silver, his expression remaining the same. "Silver... You have good timing..." he said, licking his lips. Silver backed away slowly. "Wh-what's wrong with you' Are you feeling OK'" he stammered. Shadow hopped down from the lab bench, staring intently at the silvery hedgehog in front of him. Silver attempted to grab Shadow with his powers, feeling disturbed by his behavior, but Shadow simply held up a blue Chaos Emerald and said, "Chaos Control!" He warped close to Silver, dodging his ESP, and kicked him to the floor! Silver got up and pushed Shadow back with his ESP. "Don't get in my way, Shadow! I need to change the future!" he insisted. Shadow chuckled at him. "Nice plan, but maybe you should consider taking a break from it." he said. Silver picked up some robot parts in the room with his ESP and hurled them at Shadow. "Chaos Control!" Once again, Shadow warped away from Silver's attack. He emerged behind Silver and wrapped his arms around his armpits, trapping him in his grip! "Sh-shadow! What are you doing!'" Silver cried. Shadow smirked deviously. "I'm going to fuck you, Silver. Try to enjoy it." Rainbow peered into the room from the hall, and was about to enter, when Heather pulled her back. "Wait! Let's watch and see what they're doing..." she suggested. Rainbow nodded. "OK. For a little bit..." she muttered, wanting to rush in and say hi to Shadow. Unaware of the audience in the doorway, Shadow shoved Silver to the ground. Silver hastily turned himself to face Shadow, who was now sporting a throbbing erection! "W-wait, Shadow! You don't want this! Your mind is being controlled!" he said desperately. Shadow got down on his knees and placed his hand on Silver's crotch, slowly rubbing at it. "You know you want it... Don't deny it!" he whispered, smiling as Silver moaned nervously, trying not to let Shadow arouse him. But it was no use, soon Silver's pure white dick emerged, and Shadow licked his lips hungrily. "Too easy... I knew you would be." he taunted, wrapping his hand around Silver's rod and moving it up and down his shaft, coaxing panicked gasps from the silver hedgehog. Heather smirked as she watched this. "Totally knew he was bi." she whispered. Soon, Shadow stopped stroking Silver's cock and brought his lips close to it. "Hmmm... You'll be begging for it after this..." he said, swishing his tongue over the head swiftly. "D-don't..." Silver moaned feebly. Shadow ignored him and began moving his tongue along his length, covering every inch in his saliva. Sighs of pleasure escaped Silver's mouth. He wanted to fight this, but how could he when it felt so good' Soon, Shadow slid his mouth over Silver's cock, taking most of it in easily. He sucked on it, swirled his tongue over it, and began moving his lips back and forth, coaxing all sorts of sounds from Silver, none of which were unpleasant. "S-shadow..." Silver moaned, his self control almost gone. Shadow moved a bit faster, bringing Silver close to bursting. Finally, Silver's seed splashed over Shadow's tongue, and Shadow accepted all of it, soon swallowing the load and releasing Silver's cock. "Mmmm... Not bad. But I'm not through with you yet!" Silver panted and sighed. He wanted to say he didn't enjoy it, but he'd be lying, which would also make him uncomfortable. "That was... Amazing... You're good at this, Shadow..." he admitted. Shadow snickered at him. "Flattery will get you nowhere. But it seems you're ready now..." he said. Silver blushed. He couldn't believe he was going to allow this. He turned himself so he was on all fours, presenting his rear to Shadow. "Now I'm curious... Shadow, please... Fuck me." he whimpered. Heather and Rainbow held their mouths to avoid making any noise as they watched Shadow poke his penis into Silver's butt. "Now you'll learn why I'm called the Ultimate Life Form!" he bragged, pushing his way into Silver's ass. He started slowly, smirking as Silver made some pathetic whimpers. His ass was virgin, and it felt strange and painful to feel something going in. Shadow kept going until most of his length was stuffed into him. "Ready' I'm not going to hold back now." he warned. Silver braced himself, knowing it was going to hurt at first. Shadow wasted no time, and started ramming his rod into him with all his might! He held on to Silver's ass tight as he plunged his cock into him hard and deep, coaxing pained screams from him. "Aaaahh!! Oh, god!! No, slow down!! S-shadow!!" he cried, the pain being worse than he'd expected. Shadow kept up the pace, grunting and gasping with the effort. Silver's cries of protest faded shortly, and began to turn into moans of pleasure. "Ohh.... Aaaaaa... Incredible! Oh, Shadow... Wow!!" he gasped. He found himself reaching down to stroke his own cock, losing himself in his lust. Shadow's pace quickened, his orgasm building, getting him closer and closer. "Haa!! Yes! You're MINE, Silver! I'm gonna pump you full of my cum!" he yelled, only a few thrusts away from his climax. Amidst all the pleasure and lust, a few other thoughts came to Silver's mind. "I've failed... I've already given in... It feels... too good!" he thought. Soon, Shadow's load burst forth, and both of them screamed loudly as cum flooded into Silver's tight rear! The lighter hedgehog collapsed, and Shadow fell on top of him, holding him on the ground triumphantly. "So, now that I've broken you, what do you have to say'" he smirked. Silver moaned softly, acknowledging his enjoyment of the encounter. "Is it my turn yet'" said Rainbow, who approached the two hedgehogs while holding her crotch. Heather strode into the room as well, grinning. "I'd like a turn, too... If you don't mind giving girls a shot." she winked. Shadow looked up at them and grinned. "You asked for it." he said. Silver glanced up at them with regret. "Oh, no... You followed us. Now we REALLY won't be able to control ourselves..." he feared. Still, the girls didn't seem to care. This was most likely going to be fun... Dr. Eggman sat in a room full of monitors, each one displaying a different room of his base. He grinned as he saw what Shadow and Silver were up to. "My plan is coming full circle! Why I never thought to take advantage of my enemies' animal instincts is beyond me. With all of them so preoccupied, victory will be all but assured!" he said to himself. He focused his attention to a monitor showing Rouge the Bat, and picked up a communicator on a control panel in front of him. "Hello, Rouge! I suppose you're ready to put our deal to work'" he asked. Rouge held her own communicator and glanced towards the camera in the hall she was in. "Why, yes, doctor. Just be sure to keep your end of the bargain." she replied. Eggman nodded. "Of course. Now, keep heading in that direction. I'll update you on Sonic's location as needed." he told her, hanging up his communicator. "Poor hedgehog. You and your friends have no idea what's in store for you. My base is full of surprises, and each of you will be ensnared in my trap! Ha ha ha ha ha!!" he laughed, glancing behind himself at a pair of glowing red robot eyes in the room. His trap was set. Did Sonic and his friends stand a chance now' To be continued...
Chapter 6 - Rainbow Rides Again
GeneXXX Chapter 6 - Rainbow Rides Again Situation - M/F, vaginal, cowgirl Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right? GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: One night, Sonic fucked Rainbow. The next morning, Tails taught Cream about sex through experience, which ultimately scared her off. Meanwhile, Blaze the cat was teleported to Sonic's world without her clothes! Elsewhere, Sonic rescued Amy, and then had sex with her. Soon, Cream found Blaze, and after talking, she decided to find Blaze some clothes. In Station Square, Copter found Heather, alive and well, and soon titfucked her, only to be captured by Guard moments later! Back at the Mystic Ruins, Knuckles and Rouge fought over the Master Emerald, resulting in it being shattered again! For revenge, Knuckles began to violently rape Rouge. Meanwhile, Blaze and Cream found a Chaos Emerald, only to have it stolen by Metal Sonic! Soon after, they found Knuckles raping Rouge. Blaze sent Cream away and confronted Knuckles, who decided to catch Blaze and fuck her next! Blaze attempted to escape, but was knocked out by Punchy, who is now fighting Knuckles to decide who gets to fuck her! Now, on to the next chapter! Illusi the shrew hurried through the jungle, a look of concern on his face. He had learned something quite troubling, and was hoping to do something about it. As he headed deeper into the woods, he passed Cream the rabbit. Hoping to get some information, he stopped to chat with her. "Hello, young one. What's the matter?" he asked her. Cream backed away from him, clearly disturbed by recent events. "It's all so terrible... Knuckles was hurting Rouge..." she whimpered. Illusi frowned at this. "I was afraid of that. Listen, be careful out here. I have a bad feeling..." he said, walking away hurriedly. Zipp, who had been watching from the treetops, chuckled to himself. "Yes... be very careful... I've been known to get violent..." he thought. Meanwhile, Knuckles and Punchy were fighting near the passed-out Blaze, each wanting to take the cat for himself. But, as usual, the two of them were evenly matched. Punchy did have a slight advantage, since Knuckles was a bit worn out from raping Rouge, but he simply refused to be defeated easily. The fight was playing out like a boxing match, with each of them throwing punches without much trying to dodge each other. "Beat it, Punchy! Why don't you go on home and get your own life, and quit messing up mine!" Knuckles yelled after a while. "I've got my own life, and I saw this cat first! Buzz off!" Punchy replied. "ENOUGH!!" This third voice belonged to Illusi, who had just arrived on the scene and had sent a pair of Wrongos hurtling towards Knuckles and Punchy, striking them both in the head hard! The two echidnas were both knocked out, and Illusi now turned to Blaze. "I've got to wake her up and get her out of here. I have a feeling she's an important player in these events..." he said to himself. Using his powers of illusion, he tried splashing her with conjured water, but it didn't do anything. "I shouldn't have expected an illusion to work here... Now what do I do...?" As he pondered this, he heard a loud noise in the distance! "A gunshot... The rabbit!" Illusi gasped, fearing the worst. While dramatic events were unfolding in the Mystic Ruins, Silver the Hedgehog had arrived in Station Square. He had come from the future on a mission, and was determined to succeed. "Hmmm... Where do I start..." he thought, not quite sure if he was in the right area. He began wandering the city, hoping an idea would come to him. Soon, he came across Rainbow, who was out for a walk near the shore. She was smiling pleasantly, and Silver decided to see if this friendly citizen might help him. "Excuse me, miss? I was wondering if you could help me..." he said. Rainbow waved at him casually. "Sure. My name's Rainbow. What can I do for you, Shiny?" she asked. Silver took on a very serious expression as he thought about his mission. "Do you know where I might find Dr. Eggman? It's important that I find him. The future depends on it!" he said. Rainbow seemed surprised by his seriousness. "Wow, that sounds bad. Did he start being bad again? Well, don't worry! I know where Tubby's base is!" she said. Silver frowned at her manner of speaking. "This is serious! He's a dangerous person. Don't make fun of him!" he said. Rainbow ignored him and pointed out to see. "There! He has a big tower on an island!" she said. "An island? How do we get there?" Silver asked. Rainbow looked thoughtful for a moment. "I guess we have to rent a boat..." she said. After Silver paid the rings to rent a motorboat, he and Rainbow were preparing to go. As they were, Sonic the hedgehog passed by their boat. He was in town hoping to drop in on Rainbow again, and immediately recognized her and Silver on the boat. "Hey... Where are they off to?" he wondered. Before he could ask them, the boat began to leave the shore! Sonic watched it speed away for a bit before deciding to follow them. He ran back a bit, then sped towards the water, speeding up as much as he could before dashing right over the water in the direction the boat was going! Rainbow had directed Silver to Darkegg Fortress, the base Eggman had been using when she and Punchy were working for him. The two of them searched the tower for a while, but Eggman had deserted the fortress some time ago. Sonic had entered the base as well, but lost track of them after they went up an elevator, leaving him to take the stairs in an attempt to catch up. Now, Silver and Rainbow were in the control room of the tower, which was growing dusty since Eggman left. Realizing that Eggman clearly had not been there for some time, Silver let out a disappointed sigh. "He's not using this base anymore... And I doubt the computers here could tell us where he's gone..." he said. Rainbow looked at him apologetically. "I'm sorry, Shiny. I never imagined Tubby would ditch such a cool base..." she said. "That's okay... At least this was a start. Maybe I can find some sort of clue here... Then again, I wouldn't know what to look for. Maybe I should have researched the cause of my world's problems a bit more thoroughly before I came here... How could I be so stupid..." Silver said dejectedly. Rainbow patted him on the back comfortingly. "Now, now, don't beat yourself up, Shiny! You need to take your mind off all this... I know! I'll cheer you up!" she decided. Silver opened his mouth to say something, but hesitated as Rainbow stepped back and started untying the ribbon she wore around her neck. As she pulled it off and tossed it aside, Silver was overcome by curiosity. "What are you doing?" he asked. Rainbow slowly started pulling off her skirt. "C'mon, Shiny! Let's have a little fun!" she said. Silver's eyes went wide as he realized what was going on. "What!? But you hardly know me! This... this isn't right!" he protested. Rainbow tossed her shirt on Silver's head after she finished undressing. "Ha ha! You're silly, Shiny! C'mon, it'll be fun!" Silver tossed the shirt off his head, only to see Rainbow standing in front of him in all her glory, her pussy already starting to get wet with anticipation. "I... you... what... huh?" Silver stuttered, finding himself shocked at the situation he'd somehow gotten into. Rainbow stepped towards him, looking ready to pounce, and this startled Silver into stepping backward. This caused him to trip over some clutter and fall onto his back! "Omigosh! Are you OK!?" Rainbow asked. Silver looked up at her and nodded. "Good..." Rainbow smiled, kneeling down beside him. Silver watched her with shock and wonder, and soon his body gave in to the moment and let his cock out to greet her... Rainbow gazed at Silver's erect penis, and grinned playfully. "That's more like it!" she said, climbing onto Silver and positioning her pussy over his penis. While the two of them were distracted, the door to the control room began to open! Sonic peered into the room, and then quickly and quietly pulled the door shut in front of him! "Wh.... whoa.... Did I see what I saw just now?" he thought, reopening the door a crack so he could peer into the room again. It was true, and he could see it plain as day, even though the room was a bit dark. Rainbow was kneeling over Silver, naked, and in position to start riding him! "She's somethin' else! I guess I'd better be goin', then..." Sonic thought. However, he found himself unable to turn away. "She really is hot... Damn, Silver's lucky right now... And... I can't even look away!" he thought. While Sonic silently watched, Rainbow reached down and took Silver's cock in her hand in order to guide it into her vagina. "Ready, Shiny?" she asked. Silver was too stunned to speak, but found himself nodding anyway. Rainbow giggled excitedly. "OK... Here we go!" she said, slowly lowering herself onto Silver's waiting rod. As her pussy began to cover his dick, Silver let out a soft, uncertain moan. He still wondered if he should be stopping this, but his conscience soon grew quiet, allowing his instincts to take over as Rainbow began moving over his cock, hopping up and down its length! Silver gasped and moaned as he started to allow himself to enjoy the moment. He looked up at Rainbow, and watched her breasts bounce as she rode him. Rainbow laughed playfully between gasps as she let herself be penetrated deeper and deeper. Nearby, a third voice was quietly moaning as he watched these events. Sonic had begun rubbing his hands over his own hardened cock, watching Rainbow and wishing it was him underneath her. Soon, Silver began to participate more in Rainbow's ride, moving his hips in time with Rainbow's movements! "Ha ha! That... ahhh... That's it, Shiny! Haaaa... This is getting really fun!" she said. Silver smiled at her reaction, and reached up to touch her beautiful boobs. As he started caressing her tits, she grabbed his arms to steady herself as she started to speed up. The sounds of passion coming from them grew louder, and likewise, so did Sonic's! But the blue hedgehog wasn't the only one watching. Overhead, a camera was looking down over Eggman's control room. Though at first it seemed to be deactivated, it had now moved, and was pointed straight at Silver and Rainbow... Unaware that they were being watched, Silver and Rainbow continued to fuck. Rainbow continued riding his cock, moving up and down, over and over, playfully giggling all the while! Soon, Silver ceased playing with her breasts and moved his hands down to her hips, keeping her steady as they continued to speed up! "Ahhhh.... R-rainbow!! I... I'm gonna..." Silver was rapidly nearing his climax, but of course, Rainbow didn't care. "S-shiny!! Ohhh... Go ahead!" Rainbow continued moving along Silver's dick, approaching her own orgasm as well. Silver watched her breasts bouncing wildly as she rode him as fast as she could. Soon, Silver couldn't hold himself back anymore. "Aaaa... R-Raaaaaainbooooow!!!" He cummed into her pussy as Rainbow dropped herself down, allowing his seed to be planted deep into her! Rainbow reached her orgasm seconds later, and laid herself down on top of Silver to rest once her juices finished soaking his crotch. Silver smiled and hugged her as she rested atop him. "See? That was fun, wasn't it, Shiny?" she said, breathing heavily. "Yes... Thank you, Rainbow... Thanks for cheering me up." Silver said. He suddenly found himself filled with conflict as he lay there with Rainbow. "Oh, man... I... I think I love her, now. But... She lives in the past. This would never work..." he thought sadly. Meanwhile, Sonic had cummed onto the floor, and decided that it was about time to leave. "Lucky dude... Then again, I think that echidna might do it with anyone..." he muttered, turning to leave. As he started to go, a nearby elevator slid open, and the robot Zero came out! Sonic was caught off guard by the robot, and it punched him hard, knocking him backward and through the door to the control room! Silver and Rainbow hurriedly stood up to see what was going on. "Sonic!? Uh, this isn't what it looks like!" Silver shouted, standing in front of the nude Rainbow to keep her out of sight. Sonic stood up slowly. "Yes it is... But we've got bigger problems right now..." he said, pointing to the door. Zero burst into the room and shot nets out of his hands, catching everyone in the two nets! "Stand back, I'll handle this!" Silver said, but it was too late. An electric current ran through the special nets and shocked all three of them, knocking them out! Eggman could be heard laughing over the PA system. "Hooo ho ho ho! Got 'em! Now, Zero, bring them to the holding cells! The fun's just beginning! Ho ho ho ho ho!!" To be continued...
Chapter 10 - Losing Control
GeneXXX Chapter 10 - Losing Control Situation - M/F, rape, vaginal; M/M/F, vaginal, anal, group Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right? GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: After Silver fucked Rainbow, the two of them were captured along with Sonic, and ultimately found themselves in the same cell as Copter and Heather. Silver enabled their escape with his powers. Meanwhile, Guard found Fera sneaking around Death Row, and was quickly defeated by her. Finding him attractive, Fera sucked his cock. Upon escaping the prison, Sonic, Copter, Silver, Heather, and Rainbow decided to head for Tails' Workshop, hoping he could help Silver locate Dr. Eggman. Meanwhile, Tails and Illusi went after Zipp, who had kidnapped Cream, and found themselves at Shadow Arc. They must now search the dark laboratory and rescue Cream before it's too late! Now, on to the next chapter! Upon arriving at Tails' Workshop, Sonic and company found the door open. Looking around inside, however, they found the building deserted, except for SPOT. The robot walked over to Copter. "Need maintenance..." it said. Copter crossed his arms. "Don't look at me, I'm not Tails!" he snapped. "SPOT, where'd Tails go?" Sonic asked. "Tails detected in near vicinity." said the text on SPOT's monitor. "I think he thinks Two is Tails." Rainbow pointed out. Silver scratched his head. "Strange robot. But maybe Tails is still here somewhere. There's a door on the upper balcony upstairs, I'll check it out." he said. Heather glanced at Rainbow. She was still wearing the GUN uniform she'd recieved at Death Row. "I'll fly up there with him and see if I can find you some clothes... Though I doubt I'll find anything." she said, exiting the building with Silver. Meanwhile, Sonic, Copter, and Rainbow looked around the main floor of Tails' Workshop. The main door led into the garage, where another door led to the actual workshop, which also had elements of a living room. Tails never did get to start repairs on SPOT, and the room was fairly tidy. Though their minds should have been set to the task of finding anything Tails owned that might help find Eggman, Sonic and Copter found themselves unable to concentrate. Sonic kept thinking back to the moments before he was captured, watching Silver and Rainbow. Copter, on the other hand, was busy thinking about how he never got to finish with Heather. Soon, Sonic shut the door to the garage, locking it. "I can't take it... I'm so... so horny!" he found himself saying. Copter looked at Sonic with shock, and Sonic looked equally shocked. "What's with you? You can't just blurt that out in front of people! Damn, but I AM horny, too..." Copter said, covering his mouth. "What the hell..." he muttered. Rainbow looked confused. "Why are you two yelling?" she asked. Sonic and Copter both looked at her, and stepped close to each other so they could whisper amongst themselves. "So, Copter..." Sonic whispered. "Yeah, I know. Well, let's fuck her!" Copter replied. "You sure it's all right?" Sonic asked. They glanced over at Rainbow, who had figured out what was happening and already started removing the GUN uniform. "Yeah, it's cool with her." Copter said. Deep within Shadow Arc, Bucky had been busy in the laboratory. When Zipp had brought young Cream back, the lab rat couldn't contain his enthusiasm for his latest experiment. Now, his work was complete. "Feast your eyes, my experiments. I've done it!" Bucky announced, getting the attention of Vortex, Zipp, and Crash. The experiments gathered around Bucky's lab table as Cream slowly and nervously stood up. Her body had gone through some modifications. Before, she had just barely hit puberty, but now she stood before the group a full grown rabbit! She was now a bit taller, and a bit curvier, too. Her breasts had become at least the same size as her mother's, and possibly bigger. Bucky's experiments clapped enthusiastically at the apparent success of the experiment. "Nicely done, boss. So, you can accelerate growth perfectly now?" Crash asked. Bucky scratched his head. "Visually, she is perfect. But as a scientist, I must find out just how functional her fully grown parts are. I feel a test of her reproductive system is in order!" he said. Cream continued to look very nervous. "A test... But I didn't study..." she whimpered, secretly hoping that it would in fact be that sort of test. Of course, they all knew it was not. "Oh, yeah! If someone's gotta take her for a test drive, sign me up! I caught her, so it's only fitting!" Zipp insisted. Bucky shook his head. "You are too small to adequately test her out, Zipp. But if Vortex should fail to impregnate her, I may need you to take a turn." he said. Vortex looked surprised. "Me, ssssir? Really?" he asked. Bucky nodded. "I feel you are the right build for her. Are you ready?" he said. "Yesss, ssssir. Thank you, ssssir! I will do my bessst to impregnate her." Vortex declared somewhat excitedly. "Now, don't go nuts. I want a turn!" Zipp snapped. Cream backed away fearfully, but bumped into the lab table. She was trapped! "No... Don't hurt me!" she pleaded. Vortex approached her, grinning. "Asss long asss you cooperate. Let'sss ssssee if you can produce my child..." he hissed, reaching for Cream's hips. Bucky walked over to a nearby computer. "Hold on, one second... Let me begin scanning her. I must record all changes that occur in her body..." he said, pressing buttons. "All right. Ready.... Go!" Back at Tails' Workshop, Rainbow was ready to go. As Sonic and Copter looked her over, they both began to get hard. Rainbow giggled at their simultanious erections. "I guess you're both ready to have fun! Hmmm... Looks like yours is a little bigger than Two's, Speedy!" she said. Actually, Sonic and Copter's cocks were about the same size, and it was difficult to really tell who's was actually larger, but Sonic still cracked a superior smirk. Copter ignored this and walked over to Rainbow, gently cupping her breasts in his hands. "I've been wanting to do this ever since you arrived at our cell..." Copter grinned, squeezing Rainbow's boobs tightly. Rainbow let out a happy sigh. She loved having her breasts squeezed, especially by Copter. Sonic approached next, looking at Rainbow's content expression with interest. Copter knew how to pleasure her, and it became clear to Sonic that this was not their first, or even second time together. As Copter was playing with Rainbow's breasts, Sonic positioned himself behind her, and glanced down at her cute, round ass. He'd never tried anal sex before, but the thought of trying filled him with excitement. Rainbow giggled as Copter started rubbing her tits, while Sonic moved his penis against her ass hole. "Mind if I enter through here?" Sonic asked. "Oh... Yes, please..." Rainbow gasped. Sonic smiled and slowly started pushing into her rear. It was tighter than Sonic had imagined, but he didn't mind. As he slowly dug his way inside Rainbow, Copter began licking her tits. "I wonder what your milk tastes like..." he muttered, drawing a tit into his mouth to suck on it. All the while, Sonic pushed deeper into Rainbow. She yelped a little, but it really didn't hurt much. She'd done this before. Soon, Sonic had gone as far into her rear as he could go, and he slowly started moving back and forth, unable to move quickly due to the tightness of her ass. "Ahh... Speedy... That's nice..." Rainbow sighed, the pain already fading. Copter released Rainbow's tit from his mouth, licking his lips a little before kissing her. She returned the kiss, moaning excitedly as Sonic continued thrusting into her rear. Copter slowly pushed his penis lengthwise against her pussy, rubbing against it, eager to enter. As their kiss ended, Rainbow smiled at Copter. "I guess you're ready, huh, Two?" she said. Sonic laid down on the ground with Rainbow on top of him, still penetrating her ass. As he thrusted back and forth inside her rear, Copter approached from the front. He knelt down between their legs, holding on to Rainbow's knees for balance. He moved his hips toward hers, soon touching her entrance with the tip of his cock. She gasped as Sonic pushed into her again. "Ahhh... C'mon, Two! Push it in!" she said excitedly. Copter wore a devilish smile as he entered Rainbow's pussy. He savored these moments, they made his friendship with the often irritating echidna worthwhile. Rainbow moaned lustfully as Copter joined Sonic in thrusting inside her. Copter sped up his motions quickly, as though trying to "catch up" with Sonic. The three were soon panting and moaning in unison, caring little if Silver or Heather would hear them. Sonic reached around Rainbow and grabbed at her breasts, feeling them in his hands. They were a bit bigger than Amy's, though just a little. Sonic felt her tits between his fingers, then squeezed them, much like Copter had done earlier. Rainbow moaned in pleasure. "Ahhh... You're really getting good at this, Speedy!" she said. Copter responded by fucking her faster, trying to get her attention. She yelped in ecstasy. "Ohhh!! Two, you're really good, too! Ahhh... Yeah! This is great!" she shouted, grabbing Sonic's hands as he continued to massage her boobs. "Seems like... we make a good team... Copter..." Sonic gasped. Copter chuckled at his remark. "Team, nothin... This... is all me!" he panted. Sonic chuckled and began thrusting into Rainbow's ass faster. It was almost competitive, but not quite. Soon, Copter crawled atop Rainbow, keeping his penis inside her pussy, and kissed Rainbow again, much more passionately this time. Rainbow laughed into his mouth, and he backed off slightly. "You know, we'll crush Speedy like this, Two!" she joked. "No, it'll take more than this... to crush me!" Sonic grunted, though he actually was feeling a little crushed. For his sake, Copter moved back into his previous position. It wouldn't be much longer now, anyway. As Sonic and Copter fucked her harder again, Rainbow already cummed. "Aaaaahhh!!! So much... ahhh... fun! Don't stop!" she shouted. Sonic and Copter obliged; In fact, they felt they couldn't stop if they wanted to. Meanwhile, Vortex was ready to fuck the now grown up Cream. He had already become hard, and now he reached for Cream's breasts. She tried to back away, but stumbled back onto the table, a position that would make it hard to escape. Vortex attempted to climb on top of her, but Cream began kicking at him, refusing to give in to his advance. Vortex hissed angrily. "Hold ssstill! You'll only make it rough on yourssself!" he warned. "We can't have that..." Bucky said, "Zipp, Crash, hold her down. Don't let her struggle!" Crash approached the end of the table and grabbed her arms, holding them down, while Zipp grabbed one of her legs. Now, she could only kick with one leg, which Vortex grabbed and shoved aside. "You're goin' nowhere, girl!" Crash grunted as she struggled against him. "Just wait for my turn..." Zipp added. With the way opened to him, Vortex climbed onto the table and aimed his penis at her pussy. "Thissss sssshould be fun..." he grinned, moving his hips closer to hers. "No! Stop! Don't do it! I don't want you... inside me!" Cream protested. Vortex grinned excitedly, her cries fueling his lust. Without waiting another moment, Vortex violently thrusted his cock into her, making her scream as he penetrated deep inside her. He hissed lustfully, staring into her terrified eyes. "Doesss it hurt? Keep sssstruggling, then. I want to hear your criessss asss I fill you with my sssseed." he said. And struggle she did, but it was useless. Vortex began pushing back and forth, pounding her pussy without restraint. As fast as he could, as hard as he could, while Cream cried desperately, wishing it were merely a dream. It quickly became apparent to her that she couldn't break free, but she continued to struggle weakly. Crash released her arms and reached for her breasts, squeezing them in his hands. "They feel... Big..." Crash muttered, not quite sure what else to say. "My experiment should have filled them with milk. We'll have to test them as well." Bucky said. In response, Vortex extended his long chameleon tongue, wrapping it around her right tit. "Cool trick, Tex, I don't know whether to be amazed or disgusted." Zipp grinned. Vortex's tongue quickly snapped back to his mouth, and he licked his lips as he continued pushing into her. "Nice... But I tassste no milk..." he said. Vortex lowered himself on top of Cream, keeping her unable to struggle much under his weight. As he continued to force his way in and out of her pussy, Bucky scanned them both with his devices. "Hmmm... It may be some time yet before she can secrete milk. But if my calculations are right, Vortex should have the same chances of impregnating her as he'd have with a naturally grown adult..." he said to himself. Vortex grasped Cream's boobs tightly as he fucked her, coaxing moans out of her amidst all the cries. "Sssseemsss you are ssstarting to enjoy thisss after all..." he hissed before sticking out his long tongue again, extending it into her mouth. Cream shivered at this experience, and bit down on his tongue to stop it. "Ooow!! Ssssshit... You little bitch!" he yelled, violently grasping her breasts. He released them before causing Cream any real pain, but also began fucking her faster. "Aaaahhh!! Ohhh... No, stop!! Please!! Aaaaaahhhh!!" Cream yelled, gasping and moaning as she tried to protest. The screams only fed Vortex's lust, making him go harder and faster. Though the pleasure drowned out most of the pain, the emotional pain was becoming unbearable. Cream screamed desperately for help, and soon, help did arrive. Tails and Illusi burst into the room, but were instantly stunned by what they saw. "What's he done to her?" Tails gasped, seeing the changes in Cream's body. "This goes beyond even my worst fears... We must stop them!" Illusi shouted. Bucky sneered at them as they stepped further into the room. "You picked the wrong time, Prower..." he said. Copter thrusted into Rainbow's pussy. Sonic pushed into her ass. Rainbow had cummed again while Sonic and Copter had been fucking her, and she felt she might do so yet again soon. They shouted together in passion, Sonic and Copter's minds consumed by lust. "Aw... YES! You're such a slut! Gotta go faster... Faster!" Sonic yelled. "Yeah... I'm fuckin' you hard! I'm gonna fill you up to the brim! Yeah!!" Copter screamed. Rainbow couldn't really make out what they were saying, for it was mixed with her own voice. "Ha ha!! Yeah!! So... good! Speedy!! Two!! AAAAAAAHHHH!!!" They kept fucking and yelling for a few minutes more, untill at last, they started cumming, one by one. "AaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Their screams were definetely heard by Silver and Heather as Sonic and Copter filled Rainbow with cum. As Copter pulled out, he continued cumming, covering Rainbow's chest with his seed. He fell backward on to the floor, all three of them panting heavily as they rested. "Whoa... That was intense..." Copter muttered. "I called her... Such names. It was like I was another person..." Sonic gasped, shocked with himself. As they rested on the floor of the workshop, they heard a faint noise upstairs, getting louder and louder. "Ohhh... Ahhhh.... Uhhhh... Yes!! Aaaaaaaaaahhh!!!" Copter sat up quickly, glancing upward. "Is that Heather!?" he gasped. Sonic and Rainbow quickly got up and joined Copter as he unlocked the door and ran outside, eager to see what was going on. They made their way to the upper floor of the workshop, and barged into Tails's bedroom. Their jaws dropped at what they saw. Heather was naked on the bed, shouting excitedly as Silver was fucking her pussy, also shouting, like he'd lost his mind! Within seconds, Silver cummed deep inside Heather, and as he pulled out of her pussy and collapsed on the bed, their shouts quieted. Copter cleared his throat to get their attention. "Is that bed... comfy?" he said awkwardly. Silver and Heather glanced over and saw the three of them naked, with Rainbow covered in cum. "I was... so horny..." Silver muttered. Heather sighed with guilt. "I wasn't... but I let him get me there..." she said. Rainbow sighed dissappointedly. "You should have sent him to us. I woulda loved to try it with three guys..." she said. Sonic raised an eyebrow. "She IS a slut... Did I just say that again!?" he gasped. Silver and Heather got off the bed, and Silver looked very worried. "It's like I feared... It's happening. We're all hornier than usual..." he realized. "Except the girls..." Copter noted. Sonic glanced out the door angrily. "Eggman must be behind this. He's trying to stop me by driving me mad with desire..." he said. "We've gotta stop him before we lose it completely!" Silver reasoned. "But if Tails is going nuts, too, he won't be back for a long time, probably." Rainbow pointed out. "Then we'll have to find another way to locate him... Maybe Tails does have some sort of radar... But probably not in here..." Copter pointed out. Sonic, Copter, and Silver began to head out of the room, when Silver stopped to talk to the girls. "Stay here. It's best you don't hang out near us, so we won't be tempted to do that again." he suggested before leaving. "Yeah... Sure..." Heather muttered. Rainbow scratched her head a bit after the guys were gone. "So, uh... What's going on?" she asked, confused. Tails and Illusi's arrival was a little late, however. With only a couple more powerful thrusts, Vortex unleashed his cum into Cream's fully grown pussy, planting his seed deep inside her! Cream reacted by passing out, something that Bucky hadn't expected. "I shall have to examine her thouroughly in a moment, but not before dealing with you meddlers!" he growled. Before Tails or Illusi could act, Bucky jumped from his seat and shot powerful bolts of electricity from his fingers, knocking them both into the wall behind them! "Infantile fools..." he muttered. Illusi stood up quickly and glanced at Tails. Unfortunately, the young fox had been knocked unconscious. "This couldn't have gone worse... I'd better go..." he realized, teleporting away in a puff of smoke. Bucky walked over to the unconscious Tails and looked over his body, lost in thought. "Are you planning to try the growth experiment on him next?" Crash asked. Bucky crossed his arms and looked thoughtful. "Don't have to... But maybe I can use him after all. He does look about perfect for another experiment I have in mind..." Zipp examined Bucky's data on the computer screen. "Is she pregnant? How do we tell?" he asked. Bucky rolled his eyes. "Wait nine months. For now, I have work to do..." To be continued...
Chapter 17 - Knuckles Dominates
GeneXXX Chapter 17 - Knuckles Dominates Situation - M/F, M/M, anal, vaginal, rape Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right' GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: Sonic finally caught up with Dr. Eggman, who revealed that the signal causing male furries to go sex-crazed was actually part of Bucky the Rat's scheme! Before Sonic could learn much more, he learned that Eggman's base was about to explode! He acted fast, and helped Amy, Rouge, and the now-female Tails escape the base before it exploded, collapsing and trapping several people inside. Bucky's experiments have set to work capturing some on the people trapped in the rubble, including Guard and Heather. Meanwhile, Illusi the Shrew helped Silver and Blaze escape. Now, Sonic is looking for other survivors while Tails is busy attempting to reverse what Bucky did to her, and turn herself back into a boy. Now, on to the next chapter! Tails was busy tinkering with a few gadgets in her workshop, trying to fashion a device to change her back into a male. Amy was sitting nearby. She sighed miserably in her boredom. "A whole base full of sex-crazed lunatics, and Cream got more action than me... Of course, I only wanted Sonic, but as usual, as soon as I find him he has to run off and save someone..." she muttered. Tails made a few thoughtful murmurs and then chuckled to herself. "I think I've done it! I'm no expert on sex changes, but I think this should work. Help me out here, Amy!" she said, turning around and handing the pink hedgehog a goofy looking laser device. "What's this'" she asked. Tails backed away and raised her arms. "It's a gender-changing laser. Shoot me with it." she said. Amy looked at her a little awkwardly. "Shoot you'! But what if it doesn't work right'" she asked. "It shouldn't be dangerous. Just do it!" Tails insisted. Amy shrugged. "All right... You asked for it..." She fired the laser at Tails, and when it hit, a blinding light covered everything! Amy shielded her eyes and gasped in horror. "Oh-my-god! Tails! Are you OK' Are you dead' Don't be dead!" she shouted as she slowly opened her eyes. Tails was still standing, and in fact, was no longer a girl! His device had been a success! As he slowly opened his eyes, he saw Amy blushing heavily. "See, I told you I'd be all ri.... ohhh..." Tails gasped as he realized where Amy was looking. His device had worked perfectly, and his penis was out to prove it. Tails started blushing as well. "Ummm... S-sorry about that, A-amy..." he stammered. Amy tried to get a hold of herself, but she was shocked at how well endowed Tails was. She slowly started to smile. "Very nice, Tails. I'm impressed." she said. Tails continued blushing, but slowly started to relax. "Oh, well... Thanks, I guess..." he said with a goofy smile. Amy slowly walked over, setting the laser down on Tails' work bench before getting a closer look at his cock. "You know, Tails... I feel bad about seeing you naked like that. I guess the only thing to do is to let you see me naked, too..." she whispered. Tails gulped. "A-are you sure' What about..." he stammered. Amy shushed him. "Just this once... It'll be our secret..." she said. Bucky was pacing in the newly added prison area of his lab. There were a few captives in the cells already, and as he looked in at Heather, Team GeneX arrived with another captive in tow. Crash was carrying Cream the Rabbit in his arms, with Vortex and Zipp following behind him. "We have another one, boss." Crash said. "Not here again! Let me go!!" Cream whimpered. Bucky chuckled. "All in good time, but not until I'm ready. Lock her in an empty cell." he ordered. Crash and Zipp went off to lock up Cream, but Vortex remained with Bucky. "If I may asssk, sssir... What isss the purpossse of thessse experimentsss'" he asked. Bucky sighed. "You wouldn't understand. Suffice it to say that my goal has always been to create life. Project GeneX-X-X should have a high yield. That is all you need to know." he said. Vortex shrugged. "Asss long asss there issss a purpossse to it." he muttered. Bucky looked thoughtful. "Rounding up our test subjects is taking longer than I would like. I suppose it is because of the destruction of the doctor's base. Have you thought to turn on the backup sex drive inducer signals yet' I imagine it would make rounding up the rest of them easier." he said. "Already done, ssssir. We'll head back out right away." Vortex replied. Bucky nodded and started walking away. "Keep the males and females separated for now. I'll be in my lab getting ready for the main event. This may very well be my greatest experiment..." he said. Zipp and Crash soon joined Vortex. "He'sss crazy, you know." he hissed. Zipp chuckled. "I know. That's why I'm enjoying this so much!" he said. Crash shrugged. "Crazy or not, I think he's mostly harmless. We'll see where this experiment of his goes, and decide what to do from there." he said. Vortex slapped him. "Don't be insssubordinate! We mussst obey the massster! No matter what..." he hissed before leading them both out. "Vortex is crazy, too..." Zipp whispered. "You would know." Crash replied. Sonic was running around the rubble of Eggman's base, looking for any sign of survivors. So far, he hadn't had any luck, but now, he came upon a section of rubble that was shifting. He stopped to check it out, and soon a fist burst out from under the rubble! With a little more digging, Knuckles finally managed to escape from the base. Sonic waved to him. "Yo, Knuckles. I didn't know you were paying Eggman a visit." he said. "It's a long story, Sonic." Knuckles grumbled. "Well, tell it somewhere with more stable ground!" Sonic said, grabbing Knuckles and carrying him away from the remains of the base. Once they were on the stable ground of the Mystic Ruins jungle, Knuckles related parts of his story to Sonic, leaving out as many unflattering parts as he could, but he couldn't get around telling Sonic about how he'd been captured. "Oh, gee, I was running around the base trying to save everyone and you were chilling out in a cell!" Sonic teased. Knuckles growled at him. "Knock it off, Sonic. It's not like you've never been caught before!" he said. Sonic chuckled. "You mean Prison Island' I came quietly so I could find out about Shadow. YOU just got dragged into Eggman's base kicking and screaming!" he joked. Knuckles was in no mood for this. "Shut up, Sonic! I didn't take any crap from Rouge today and I'm not taking it from you!" he warned. Sonic rolled his eyes. "You're right. I'm sure you didn't get your butt kicked. Eggman probably TRICKED you into the cell!" he said. This was the last straw. "You asked for it!!" Knuckles yelled, socking him in the gut! "Ooof!! Hey!!" Sonic growled, only to have Knuckles push him to the ground! "I'm fed up with your jokes! Maybe I oughta teach you a lesson the way I taught Rouge a lesson!" Knuckles yelled. Sonic raised an eyebrow. Knuckles had left out this part of his story. "And how's that'" he asked. Knuckles jumped on top of Sonic, pinning him to the ground! There was a certain madness in his eyes that told Sonic he may not entirely be in his right mind. "First off, I'm gonna overpower you. Which I guess I just did, 'cuz I AM stronger! So next... I'm gonna rape your sorry ass!" he yelled. Sonic looked up at him with a nervous smile. "Um... Did I happen to tell you about the weird signal that's making everyone sex crazed'" he asked. Knuckles got up and flipped Sonic over so that he was on his stomach, but before he was turned, Sonic briefly got a glimpse of Knuckles' hard, throbbing cock. "Like I'm gonna just LET you do this'" he said, attempting to crawl away. Knuckles seized him by the legs and started pulling him back as he grunted and growled. Sonic was tough, but Knuckles was in a much more advantageous position at the moment. "Struggle and scream all you want, Sonic... I'm gonna enjoy this, big time!" Knuckles grinned, lowering his cock towards Sonic's ass. Sonic struggled a bit more, but came to realize that it was too late. "Oh... Shit... Knuckles is really gonna fuck me! No!!" he thought, clawing at the ground desperately. Knuckles wore an evil smile. "Take this, Sonic!" With that, Knuckles slammed his cock into Sonic's rear, penetrating him with all his might! Sonic howled in pain, filling Knuckles with a sense of satisfaction. "Brace yourself, I'm just getting started!" he said. Amy was standing with her back against the wall. She was fully naked and beckoning Tails to approach her. Tails stared at her with his mouth hanging open. She was hot, and her sexy curves mesmerized him. "A-amy... We're gonna... have sex, aren't we'" he asked. Amy grinned seductively. "I think we are. Look how wet you made me, Tails... Besides... Don't you think you ought to test your boy parts' To make sure you changed back right'" she reasoned. Tails shivered. "You think Sonic will buy that'" he asked. Amy winked. "I bet Sonic owes me one. He can't try to tell me he didn't fall to temptation once with that crazy signal going on." she said. Tails nodded. "It's probably affecting us right now..." he realized, slowly walking towards her. "I don't think I care..." Amy sighed, grabbing one of her breasts, "Take me, Tails..." He reached out and held her waist, eagerly inching his foxhood towards her flower. "I'll do my best, Amy..." he said, suddenly pressing his lips against hers in a surprise kiss! His tongue slid into her mouth and met hers, and as they kissed, he pushed his cock slowly into her tight passage. Amy moaned into his mouth, and when the kiss ended, she looked into his eyes affectionately. "That was so cute... Here I thought you'd be all shy." she said. Tails slowly started to move inside her, slowly moving his hands up her body to feel her wonderful curves. "Um... Thanks, Amy..." Actually, he was feeling a bit shy, but he kept going anyway. He wondered if it was his own doing, or the signal, but he didn't waste too much time questioning it. "Mmmm... So gentle... So soft..." Amy sighed, holding on to Tails and nuzzling his chest. He sped up gradually and carefully, to make sure Amy was comfortable the entire time. He slowly moved his hands towards her breasts. "May I... touch them'" he asked almost bashfully. Amy blushed and nodded. "Why don't you give 'em a good squeeze'" she smirked. He slowly took them in his hands, brushing his fingers over her tits, making her sigh. He then grinned and squeezed them tight! "Aaaah!! Ha ha!! That's it, Tails!" she chuckled. He chuckled as well and started pushing his cock into her even faster. He was still pretty gentle with her, but he was holding back less as he got closer to his climax. Amy thrusted her hips along, eagerly urging him to finish inside her! "Aaaahhh... Yes!! That's it, Tails!! You're so good!! Ohhh!! Ahhh!! T-taaaails!!" Amy shouted, feeling herself nearing her peak. Tails kept it up, his tails spinning as his excitement was building. "Ahh... Yeah... Amy!! This is... Aaaahhh!! Whoa!!" They continued moaning and shouting as they went, holding on to each other as their pleasure built up. Finally, they both made one final thrust, shouting each other's name as they came! Tails pushed his cock as deep as it would go, planting his seed deep inside her as her cum trickled down their legs! When it was over, Tails slowly pulled out of her, and they stood side by side, panting. Amy took his hand. "Tails... That was amazing... If I ever leave Sonic, which I won't, maybe I'll consider you next..." she said, smiling. Tails nodded. "I'd like that. Maybe..." he said. Amy sighed and glanced towards the door. "Sonic's not back yet..." she realized. Tails chuckled nervously. "I'm kinda glad, but maybe we better see if he needs any help. After we wash up, of course!" It was a safe bet that Sonic could use a bit of help, but whether he'd actually want said help to see him in the situation he was in could be debated. Knuckles had him pinned face down on the ground, and was ravaging the helpless hedgehog's ass with his cock! Sonic screamed and protested, but Knuckles kept banging again and again. "Ahhh... Uhhh, Sonic, your ass is so tight! Heh, I like it!" he said, enjoying his current dominance over his frequent rival. Sonic grunted and groaned, trying to suppress any further screaming, since it only seemed to encourage him. It hurt like hell, he wasn't used to being fucked like this, and Knuckles certainly wasn't going easy on him. Knuckles made a few more thrusts, and then stopped for a moment. "Well, now that you're softened up... Let's switch to a more entertaining position!" He pulled out of Sonic's ass and flipped him over again, so that Sonic was now on his back. Sonic thought about trying to get away now that Knuckles had pulled out, but he was pretty banged up, and he didn't expect he'd get far anyway. No, for now, Knuckles had won. The red echidna smirked at Sonic's defiant expression, and then noticed that his cock had been coaxed out as well. "Enjoying your beating Sonic, hmm'" he said, closing his fist over Sonic's cock and squeezing it for a moment. Sonic scowled at him. "Suck it, Knux." he snapped. Knuckles released Sonic's cock from his grip. "I'm tempted to kick it, but why should I' I've already got you pinned..." he said, grabbing Sonic's rear and positioning him so that his cock could re-enter, "...And from this vantage point, I can see the look on your face when I blast your insides with my cum!" Without further ado, Knuckles plunged his cock back into Sonic's ass hole, watching Sonic wince as he was penetrated once again! Sonic knew it was probably the strange signal driving Knuckles over the edge, but he still felt Knuckles was enjoying this way too much. "Aaaahhh... S-stop it, Knux!! You're startin' to seem gay!" he shouted. Knuckles snickered at him and started thrusting his cock inside him again, holding on to Sonic's waist as he went! "C'mon, Sonic' Can't you force me off, tough guy' Ha ha ha!" he laughed, grabbing Sonic's cock and pumping it in his hand as he kept fucking his rival. Sonic squirmed and groaned. He attempted to grab at Knuckles and push him away, but he couldn't get a grip on him. He didn't want to admit defeat, but there was little else he could do. Knuckles kept fucking him harder and faster, panting and laughing and taunting him all the while. He kept playing with Sonic's penis, quickly causing precum to sprout from it. Sonic gasped as the pain was fading and began to be replaced with pleasure. "Aaaahhh... Aaaahhhh... N-nooo!! K-knucklessss!! St-stooooaaaaahhh!!" he moaned, unable to hide the pleasure he was feeling. Knuckles laughed. "Ready, Sonic' As much as I've enjoyed watching you squirm and all that, I think it's time for me to finish this! HERE IT COMES!!" He released Sonic's cock and pushed his own as hard as he could, slamming Sonic with everything he had! Sonic screamed and yelled, but not quite what either of them expected. "Ohhh... Aaaahhh... Y-yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!" Knuckles let out a similar, but more triumphant yell as his cum flooded into Sonic's butt, even leaking out a bit due to the amount! Knuckles chuckled and pulled out before he was done, letting the last of his load fall over Sonic's chest! Sonic laid there, breathing heavily, battered and beaten. Knuckles had sure won this "argument." He smiled as he admired his handiwork. "About time I won a round. Maybe now you'll respect me a little more." he said. Sonic stared up at him with a look of defeat. "I... can't believe... you did that. I guess I should be impressed with that sucker-punch of yours." he grinned. Knuckles sighed, and was about to say something, when he was struck from behind hard! He fell over, unconscious, and Sonic saw Vortex, Crash, and Zipp standing over them! "Two more prissssonerssss... Let'ssss take them away..." Vortex said. Sonic whimpered nervously. "Can this day get any worse'" he groaned. In another area just outside the base was Gemini the Fennec and Punchy the Echidna. They hadn't gotten far into the base before it exploded, but they'd at least managed to find Gemini's wand, which Metal Sonic had discarded, assuming it to be worthless. They escaped the explosion, but were feeling bad about everyone who was still inside. "I feel like such a failure..." Gemini said. Punchy sighed. "There wasn't much you could do. I mean, you got knocked out for who knows how long..." he reasoned. Gemini looked at the massive pile of rubble where the base used to be. "Maybe there are still people alive inside there. With my magic, maybe I can help them..." she figured. Punchy suddenly felt a stirring between his legs. "Um... Gemini... You know that weird thing you told me about where Knuckles couldn't control his urge to screw you'" he whimpered. Gemini glanced at him and shivered. "Oh, thanks for the warning. I'm afraid I don't have time for that now. Abra-ka-warpra!" she said, using her magic to teleport away. Punchy frowned once she was gone. "Why did I tell her that...' Am I goin' soft'" he muttered. Suddenly, Illusi, Blaze, and Silver appeared nearby! Punchy jumped in surprise. "Gah! It's bad enough when you do that alone, Illusi! Now you gotta bring backup!' Wait, Blaze!'" he said, feeling his crotch stir again. Illusi rolled his eyes. "Sorry, Dark One. No time to chat. I have to look for more survivors." he said, disappearing again. Silver took off on his own. "No more time! I must save the future!" he said. Blaze looked at Punchy awkwardly. "Nothing happened... Not that it's any of your business. Well, I should be going!" she said, running off in the direction of the destroyed base, probably hoping to find a clue as to where to find Eggman now. Punchy growled in frustration. "Oh, no you don't! Wait up!" he muttered, chasing after her. To be continued...
Chapter 16 - Trapped
GeneXXX Chapter 16 - Trapped Situation - M/F, oral, vaginal Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right' GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: After defeating Gemini, Fera was caught by Metal Sonic. Using "rape torture," Metal Sonic learned from her that bombs had been planted in Eggman's base! Fera was taken away by Alpha. Metal Sonic then found Gemini, and decided to interrogate her as well. Punchy happened upon them, and decided to "help" Metal Sonic. The two fucked Gemini together, and once finished, Metal Sonic left Gemini with Punchy, who promised to "take care of her." In actuality, he decided to help her. Meanwhile, Shadow found Tails in the base. He had been altered by an experiment, and was now female! Unable to stop himself, Shadow started to violently rape Tails while Eggman watched. Suddenly, Sonic arrived and attacked Shadow, snapping him out of it! As Sonic, Tails, and Shadow confronted Eggman, he revealed that the entire scheme was actually Bucky's idea! Just then, Metal Sonic arrived and told them about the bombs, and that they had no time to stop them! The base had to be evacuated! Now, on to the next chapter! Guard the Gargoyle had arrived at Eggman's base. He had to recapture the fugitives who had escaped from GUN, specifically the experiments. After a bit of exploring, he located Heather the Phoenix, who had wandered off alone after having sex with Shadow and Silver. "Grrr... You! I am here to return you to GUN custody!" Guard growled as he approached her. Heather glanced at him and frowned. "You again... Seems like you're ALWAYS trying to capture me." she complained. Guard looked a little confused. "This is only our second meeting..." he muttered. Heather shrugged. "Right, he doesn't remember. I wonder why I remember'" she said to herself. For some reason, she could recall events in Soleanna that the others couldn't. Guard raised his scythe and moved closer to her. "Grrr... Give yourself up! Right now!" he snarled. Suddenly, the entire building was rocked by an explosion! "Whoa!! What the'" Heather ran behind Guard as the hallway behind her exploded as well! The entire base was blowing up! Guard let out a nervous growl. "The entire base is exploding! We must escape, now!" he shouted. Heather suddenly got an idea, and lunged into Guard from behind, pinning him to the ground! "Grrrr!!! What are you doing!'" he yelled. "We'll never escape! We have to stay down and wait it out!" she said. "You're insane!! Get off me!! Grrrrrrr!!!" Try as he might, Guard was unable to push her off of him. As the area around them was exploding, he shut his eyes and awaited what he expected would be the end. The room collapsed around them, and fire swept across their bodies, but somehow, Guard found he wasn't being burned. Heather was absorbing the flames! In just a few moments, the chaos had ended, and Heather climbed off of Guard. Rubble was covering everything, but there was a small pocket of space that the two of them were now sitting in. There appeared to be no way out, but at least Heather had absorbed all the fire in the area so they wouldn't burn to death. Guard, however, was not feeling grateful. "Grrrr! You fool! Now we're trapped in here!" he growled. Heather looked around sheepishly. "Hadn't thought of that..." she said. They weren't the only ones trapped inside. Silver the Hedgehog had been informed of the base's fate by Sonic as he was rushing to get everyone he could out. He took it upon himself to search for any stragglers who didn't know the base was going to explode. He found Blaze the Cat, who was searching for any kind of device that might transport her home. As the base started exploding, Silver used his psychic powers to block flames and debris, protecting them both, but in the end they found themselves trapped together. Now, they were both sitting in the cramped space, upset about their fate. They were sitting across from each other. There was barely enough room for them both to fit comfortably. Blaze was looking at him with mixed feelings. She was glad he'd saved her, but upset that they seemed to be doomed anyway. Still, if she had to be trapped somewhere, awaiting death, she could think of worse people to be trapped with. "Well, there's no way out. Thanks for trying to save me, though." she said, looking into his eyes. Silver sighed. "If only I could lift this rubble, but if I did, I might cause this spot to cave in and kill us. I can't hold everything up..." he said. Blaze nodded. "You know... It's probably best not to think about it..." she said. Silver looked at her and felt very sad. "I wish it didn't have to end this way..." he sighed. Blaze didn't like how sad he looked. "Hey, cheer up. At least we don't have to go through this alone." she said, inching herself closer to him, gazing into his eyes. Silver shivered as he met her gaze. "Y-yeah... At least I can keep you company..." he muttered. Blaze smiled. "We can do better than that. We should make the most of the time we have left." she purred, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Silver blushed and took her hand. "You want... to have sex' Here'" he stammered. Blaze giggled. "You know how, don't you'" she asked. Silver nodded. "Well... you are very beautiful... I'd be glad to..." he said quickly and awkwardly. Blaze grinned at him. He seemed so cute to her. She pressed her lips to his and shared a loving, passionate kiss with him. "Take me..." she whispered. "You think someone will rescue us'" asked Heather, breaking an awkward silence while she and Guard sat in the rubble of the base. Guard nodded. "If GUN misses me, they can find me. Grrr... But we should conserve oxygen." he said. Heather sighed. "GUN' Forget it, we're doomed..." she said. With that, another awkward silence began, until Guard decided to speak. "Grrr... Why did you try to save me'" he asked. Heather shrugged. "Why not' Besides, you're kinda sexy..." she said, looking him over with a smirk. Guard glanced at her and blushed. "Gr... Well... So are you." he said. Heather smiled and took off her coat, letting Guard see her lovely red breasts. "Might as well wait out the end in comfort. It's hot in here, and besides, you've already seen it." she said mischievously. Guard stared at her in surprise, and then licked his lips. "Grrrr... You know, we're probably the last people either of us will see. Perhaps we should..." he said, trailing off. Heather nodded. "I'm way ahead of ya." she said, pulling off her pants so that she was fully nude. Guard let out a pleased growl as he began to get erect. "Grrr... Now, allow me to repay you for saving my life..." he said, crawling over to her. She watched him with a sexy grin on her face, and spread out her legs to grant him access to her flower. He held on to her thighs and brought his lips closer and closer to her slit, growling hungrily. He gave her pussy a quick lick and glanced up at her. She nodded. "Go on, and take your time... We'll be here a while, after all." she said. Guard slipped his tongue into her passage and started moving it around, exploring her entrance. She sighed happily as his tongue swirled around inside her, giving her a little massage. Guard purred as he enjoyed her taste, and soon he opened his mouth and started sucking, thrusting his tongue back and forth as he did. Heather moaned, softly at first, but she got louder and louder as Guard feasted on her pussy! It wasn't long before she came, her juices spilling into his mouth as she cried out in pleasure! Guard slurped up her juices happily, licking his lips once finished. "Grrrr... Very nice... I guess we both know what's next'" he asked. Heather smiled and winked. "I'm sure I do. Show me what you got!" she said. Silver took a moment to admire Blaze, who was lying on the floor, legs spread and waiting for him to take her. She was still naked when he found her, but this was the first time he really looked at her. He'd never seen anything more beautiful in his life, her lovely curves dazzled him, while the lusty gaze of her beautiful yellow eyes excited him. In no time, his cock emerged from its hiding place, erect and ready. Blaze blushed when she saw it. "Not bad... So, you like what you see' Come and get me, then! I'm ready." she smiled. Silver crawled on top of her, gazing into her eyes as he held her. "You're so... um... n-never mind!" he said nervously. Blaze smiled. "It's OK, you can say whatever you want. What happens in the caved in building stays here." she told him. Silver didn't want things to be TOO awkward if they somehow managed to escape, so he avoided saying anything too mushy. "Oh, uh... Warm. You're very warm." he said. Blaze nodded, and wrapped her arms around him. "And things are only going to heat up!" she said. Silver smiled and began moving his hands over her body, caressing her sexy curves, holding her close in his embrace. She purred and kissed his neck, stroking his back gently as she waited for him to take the next step. His hands soon found her breasts, and he massaged them gently while inching his rod closer and closer to her entrance. As the head poked at her lips, he gulped. "Here goes nothing..." he whispered. Blaze let out a playful meow and licked his nose. "You tease... Don't be so shy!" she said. He nodded and gently slid his shaft into her wet passage. She moaned and kissed him, encouraging him to proceed. He slowly and gently began moving inside her, sliding his cock back and forth, sighing happily as he went. He held on to her, and she returned his embrace, kissing him repeatedly as he went. Soon, she started moving her hips along, urging him to go faster. He started to feel more confident, and pushed his cock a bit faster. "Ahh... Yes... That's good... Keep it up!" Blaze gasped, starting to really enjoy herself. Silver smiled confidently, his nervousness finally gone. "Ha ha... This is so great! And it's only gonna get better!" he said. Heather was now on her hands and knees, while Guard was knelt down behind her, fucking her doggy style! His cock was thrusting back and forth inside her pussy, making her yell and scream with lust. Her breasts were bouncing as he screwed her, and he reached around to give them a good squeeze. "Grrrr... Seems I've finally captured you..." he joked. "Ahhhh, yes... Punish me, Agent Guard, I've been so bad..." Heather chuckled, loving every minute of it. He moved faster and faster, harder and harder, and got closer and closer to cumming. "Ahhh... Ahhh... AAAAAaaaaahhhh!! YES!!" Heather cried as she came first. "Grrrrrr!! H-heatherrrr!!" With just a couple more thrusts, Guard came as well, letting out blissful growls as he pumped his seed into her. They remained in this position, panting for a few moments. "So... What now'" Heather asked. Guard climbed off of her and sat down. "Grrr... We rest. It's all we really can do." he said. Suddenly, they heard some loud, crashing noises. "What's that!'" Heather wondered. Guard backed away from the direction of the sound. "Grrr... It's coming this way..." he realized. In a moment, some of the rubble was smashed out of the way, and Crash the Rhino was standing in a tunnel his powerful horn had apparently created! "There's two more!" he shouted. Vortex the Chameleon was right behind him. "Guard' What on earth are you doing here' Well, good newsss. You're sssaved." he hissed. Zipp the Hornet flew out from behind him and pointed a gun at Heather and Guard. "Bucky's looking to throw a little party. So, consider this your invitation!" he grinned. Guard growled angrily. "I don't think I like where this is going..." he said. Vortex scoffed at him. "We sssave your life, and thisss isss how you talk to usss. Don't worry, I'm ssssure you'll like it more than you think..." he grinned, motioning for everyone to follow him as he went back into the tunnel. Silver had really gotten into the spirit of things now. His cock was thrusting into Blaze's pussy swiftly, making her purr and moan with delight. He held on to her and kissed her neck, continuing to kiss her repeatedly until he reached her face. She hugged him and kissed him back, her tongue mingling with his. "Aaaaahhh.... Oooohhh... So good..." Blaze gasped, feeling herself getting close. Silver kept up his pace, panting and moaning as he went. "I... I... Ohhh... This is.... W-whoa..." He was loving every moment. She shouted out as her pussy tensed around his rod. "I-I'm cumming!!" she cheered as her juices sprayed his crotch. He smiled, quite pleased with himself. "Ahh... I guess now... it's my turn! Right'" he said, slowly speeding himself up. Blaze gave him a quick kiss and nodded. "Kitty's gotta have her milk, after all..." she winked. So, Silver fucked her harder. His cock plunged into her hard and deep, and she thrusted her hips along. "Yes... Go.... Fuck me! Aaaahhh!!" she moaned, holding on to him tightly. "Ahhh!! Just... a little more... Aaaahhh!!" he panted as he neared his orgasm. They looked into each other's eyes and felt something stir in their hearts. A certain familiarity, like they shared a connection deeper than they were aware of. It was a powerful feeling, but brief. As it faded, Silver let out a loud shout as his cum erupted from his cock! Blaze hugged him tightly and yelled in ecstasy as he filled her with his seed! In a moment, they were both resting in each others' arms, happy for the moment, but realizing that they would have to face the reality of their situation sooner or later. "I'm glad we were trapped together. Instead of alone, I mean." Silver said, stroking her fur gently. Blaze smiled. "Me too. Instead of just sitting in desperation, we were able to enjoy ourselves a bit." she said. They were silent for a bit after that, until someone suddenly appeared next to them in a puff of smoke! "Aaaaahhh!! Who in the!'" Silver gasped, rolling off of Blaze to get a look at the newcomer. It was Illusi the Shrew. "Oh... Sorry, was I interrupting something' Maybe you'll thank me later. I came to rescue any survivors I could." he said. Blaze sat up and waved. "Well, I guess introductions can wait. Get us out of here, then!" she said. Sonic, Tails, Amy and Rouge were all standing outside the remains of Eggman's base. Sonic had managed to get them out, but so many were left unaccounted for. "I've got to see if I can help any survivors still trapped in there!" Sonic said. Rouge shrugged. "Shadow's safe. That's enough for me. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna KILL Bucky for arranging all this nonsense!" she said, getting ready to fly off. Tails tried to stop her. "Wait! That's way too dangerous!" she warned. Rouge chuckled. "Sorry, Tails. You just don't sound as smart as a girl for some reason. Darned if I know why. See ya!" As Rouge took off, Amy patted Tails on the back. "She's just jealous because now you're smarter AND prettier than she is." she said. Sonic tapped his foot impatiently. "Well, I gotta go..." he said. Tails nodded. "I'm gonna go to my workshop and see if I can reverse my little... uh... transformation. Be careful, Sonic. Just because Eggman's base is down doesn't mean the weird sex-signal is stopped." she said. Sonic nodded. "Amy, keep an eye on Tails. I don't like him... her... doing experiments on him... her...self." he said before taking off to check out the remains of Eggman's base. Amy shrugged and followed Tails. "So... any guys you like now that you're a girl'" she asked. Tails had a dreamy expression. "Ah, Sonic..." she sighed. Amy growled and grabbed her wrist, dragging her towards her workshop. "Come on, we're changing you back if I have to go to medical school!!" she grumbled. To be continued...
Chapter 12 - Conquering Loneliness
GeneXXX Chapter 12 - Conquering Loneliness Situation - F/F, 69, M/F, vaginal Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right' GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: After getting raped by Knuckles, Rouge encountered Shadow the Hedgehog, who was searching for something. Upon learning of Knuckles's rape of Rouge, Shadow decided to fuck her himself. After fucking her, Shadow left to resume his search, leaving Rouge alone. Meanwhile, Amy has also been left alone after having sex with Sonic. Is this the end of Amy and Rouge's story' Seriously, why would this paragraph mention them if it was' Now, on to the next chapter! Shadow had been searching for some time, and at last, he'd found what he was looking for. "Here... This has to be it..." Shadow had found a satellite dish concealed in a cluster of vines atop a cliff. "It's too small to be working alone. There must be more of them..." he said to himself. Suddenly, he heard a rustling in a dense cluster of vines nearby. "Is someone there' Never mind. I'd better trash this thing before it causes more trouble..." A quick Chaos Spear attack, and the satellite dish became nothing but a sparking heap. The rustling in the vines resumed. "All right. Who's hiding over there'" Shadow asked, reaching into the vines. Suddenly, a powerful electric shock jolted through his entire body! He fell backward, panting heavily as a sinister laugh caught his attention. "Nice try, Shadow, but I knew what you were up to. And now... You're all mine...." Meanwhile, the train pulled in to the Mystic Ruins train station. Among the few people exiting the train was Amy Rose, dressed in a new red skirt identical to the one damaged when Sonic rescued her before. She had grown lonely hanging around the city by herself, and hoped to find someone to hang out with. However, she soon found Tails's Workshop empty and Knuckles away from his post at the Master Emerald shrine. (Which really bugged her considering the fact that she had to find a way up to Angel Island to visit him!) She soon found herself heading through the jungle to visit Big, though he wasn't really the best conversationalist. Halfway to Big's dwelling, however, a familiar voice called out to her. "Hey! Amy! Over here!" Amy frowned upon recognizing the voice. "Rouge... Where are you and what do you want'!" she growled. Rouge timidly peeked her head out from behind a tree. Her face looked like a lost kitten, and Amy couldn't help wondering why. "Are you OK'" she asked. "I... uh... I need..." Rouge struggled to find a delicate way to explain her situation, and quickly gave up. "Oh, screw it. Just don't laugh at me or mock me..." She stepped out from behind the tree, and Amy saw everything. "Ah!! Why are you NAKED!'" Amy gasped. Rouge glanced down. There was still a little cum dripping from her vagina. Amy quickly figured it out. "So... You FINALLY got raped' I always knew dressing in that getup of yours was just asking for trouble." she remarked. Rouge's face turned bright red. "Shut up! Are you gonna help me or not!' I need clothes, and a place to wash up that isn't... the jungle." she said. Amy nodded. "Fine, fine. I'll take you to Tails's place. I happen to know he's not home. C'mon..." she said, starting in the direction she'd come from. Rouge sighed with relief. "Thanks..." she muttered. She couldn't believe that Amy was the one to help her, though. "I still can't believe Shadow ditched me after he fucked me... Left me alone like that..." she thought. Amy was surprised to find herself relieved to have found Rouge, too. "I REALLY must be lonely..." she muttered. Soon, they arrived at Tails's Workshop. Rouge immediately went in search of a shower, while Amy went looking for clothes. There wasn't much, but Amy was satisfied to find a T-shirt and some pants. She brought them to the bathroom, where Rouge was showering, and left them sitting on the toilet seat. "This is pretty much all the clothes I can find. And I doubt they'll fit..." Amy said. Rouge peeked out from behind the shower curtain and frowned. "Well... They'll have to do..." she muttered, glancing at Amy as she turned to exit the bathroom. Rouge suddenly wore a mischievous smirk. "In a way, it's nice that you saw me naked. Got a chance to see what a REAL woman looks like..." she teased. Amy turned around and glared. "What's that supposed to mean!'" she snapped. Rouge shrugged. "Well, let's face it, you're not quite as... curvy as I am..." she pointed out. Amy crossed her arms angrily. "I'll have you know that I was good enough for Sonic! And what trash do you attract' Knuckles' Shadow'" she yelled. Rouge chuckled at her. "A little extreme, calling them trash, isn't it' Well, if it bothers you, we could have a little comparison, right here, right now." she suggested. Amy was at first taken aback, but quickly decided to try to put Rouge in her place. "Fine! I'll show YOU!!" she said, hurriedly undressing herself. Rouge turned off the shower and got out, grabbing a towel to dry herself. Soon, the two girls were naked together, and Rouge stood next to Amy to compare their breasts. Rouge's were clearly larger, and Amy's heart sank a little. "Well... Yours are probably not real!" she stammered. Rouge chuckled, and then did something Amy REALLY didn't expect. She grabbed Amy's breasts and gently started massaging them! "Don't feel bad, girl. These are perfect for you..." she said. Amy opened her mouth to speak, but gasped in pleasure instead! "Oh, god..." she muttered. Rouge chuckled to herself again. "It's fine, nobody has to know about this... Come on, I want to see what you've got." she said. Amy sighed a little before grinning at Rouge. "Well, why not'" she said. The two of them went into Tails's bedroom, and Amy laid down on the bed, allowing Rouge to climb on top of her. Rouge lowered herself over Amy upside down, so that her pussy was over Amy's lips and Amy's pussy was within reach of her mouth. "Ever tried 69ing before'" she asked. Amy reached up and took Rouge's ass in her hands. "Nope, but I think I get the gist of it..." she replied. Rouge reached for Amy's clit and held it open with her fingers, allowing her tongue to slip in easily. "Hmm... You taste like strawberries..." Rouge said after getting a good taste. Amy licked at Rouge's pussy, coating the entrance with her saliva. She proceeded slowly, but Rouge had no interest in taking it slow. She closed her mouth over Amy's pussy and began sucking hard, periodically thrusting her tongue inside! Amy moaned in reply, and began to slide her own tongue into Rouge's entrance. She shivered as Rouge continued to feast on her pussy, enjoying the taste of her juices. Amy gasped and moaned, stunned at how skilled Rouge apparently was. Amy grabbed at her own breast, playing with it as Rouge brought her closer and closer to her climax. She found herself gasping and moaning too much to eat Rouge's pussy, and started fingering it instead. It wasn't much longer before Amy came, and Rouge hungrily lapped up the juices with her tongue. "Ahhh... Ahhh... Have you done this... with a girl... before'" Amy asked, convinced that Rouge had to have. "That's my secret..." Rouge replied. They soon got up and sat on the edge of the bed. Amy slid two fingers into Rouge's pussy, and began fingering her in order to make her cum, too. Rouge sighed and moaned a little, but Amy wasn't quite as skilled at she was. "If only Tails had a strap-on in here... But I guess he'd have little use for that..." Rouge said. Amy started fingering Rouge faster. "I wish Sonic was here. He's way better than a strap-on." she said. Rouge moaned a little and grabbed Amy's breasts, keeping herself busy by playing with them. "Sonic, Sonic, Sonic. That's all you ever talk about..." she said. Amy nodded, and started thrusting her fingers into Rouge's pussy even faster, trying to mimic Sonic's speed. "He's amazing. Why, he's so fast, he could probably have sex with us both at once and keep us both satisfied the whole time!" she bragged. Rouge started moaning louder, but was too intrigued to end the conversation. "Ahh... You'd... let Sonic have sex with me... too'" she asked. Amy pulled her fingers out of Rouge's pussy and hopped off the bed. "Well... You know what' Maybe I would. He's too cool to keep all to myself." she said as she knelt down in front of Rouge. She brought her mouth to Rouge's pussy and started eating her out, but Rouge soon stopped her by gently pushing her head back. "Now, wait a second! If Sonic's really as 'cool' as you say, let's go find him." she suggested. Amy looked a little confused. "Find him...'" she asked. Rouge nodded. "Yeah, together. I want to see if he's really as great as you say..." she said. Amy looked thoughtful for a moment, then smiled and nodded at her. "You won't be disappointed! Let's get going!" With that, they started getting dressed. After all, Sonic was waiting... Meanwhile, Blaze the cat also found herself alone again. Despite still being nude and needing to find a way back home, she was more concerned about someone else. She was reasonably sure Cream was OK, but she had to make sure, so she'd traveled to Cream's house, which she had visited on her first visit to Sonic's world. As she approached the door, she heard an odd sound. Voices. Some of it was laughter, but some of it was more... labored. "Oh, God... What's happening in there'" Blaze wondered, peering in through the window. There was no sign of Cream, and based on what she saw, her first reaction to Cream's absence was relief. Cream's mother, Vanilla the rabbit, was inside, "entertaining" a guest. The guest was Chet the cheetah, a resident of Station Square, and apparently a friend of Vanilla. A close friend, since they were having sex! They were both fully nude, and Vanilla was sprawled out on the floor as Chet was pounding her pussy with his cock! Vanilla was squeezing her breasts, and moans of lust escaped her mouth, loud enough for Blaze to hear outside. Chet leaned in closer and grabbed her breasts as well, using her hands to massage them. Blaze was stunned at first, and couldn't look away. Chet was fucking her wildly, and they both seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely. Blaze soon caught herself fingering her pussy. "Crap... I've gotten horny myself..." she realized. Apparently, Chet and Vanilla had been at it for a while, because Chet soon started to cum. He quickly pulled out his cock and let his cum fall on Vanilla's body, a white shower falling over her breasts and stomach. Blaze was leaning on the doorknob to see into the window, and suddenly stumbled on it, discovering it was unlocked. She quickly came to a decision, and pushed open the door! "I hope you're not too worn out, because now it's my turn!" she declared. To be continued...
Chapter 18 - Fun & Kidnapping
GeneXXX Chapter 18 - Fun & Kidnapping Situation - F/F, M/F, oral, dildo, vaginal Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right' GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: Dr. Eggman's base exploded, burying several under a pile of rubble. While Sonic took off to check for survivors, Tails and Amy returned to Tails' Workshop, hoping to find a way to change Tails back into a boy. After a little work, they succeeded, and Amy ended up seeing his foxhood. Possibly because of the arousal-inducing signal that was still being broadcast over the Mystic Ruins, Tails and Amy ended up having sex. Meanwhile, Sonic found Knuckles, and teased him a bit over getting captured. Not in the mood for Sonic's jokes, and affected by the signal, Knuckles pinned Sonic down and viciously raped him. Once he was finished dominating the poor hedgehog, he was sneak attacked by Team GeneX, who captured them both! Elsewhere, Punchy and Gemini escaped the base and retrieved Gemini's wand. Gemini warped away, and then Silver, Blaze, and Illusi appeared in front of Punchy! Without much explanation, the three of them went their separate ways, but Punchy was determined not to be left behind, and started to follow Blaze. Now, on to the next chapter! Punchy was following Blaze across the ruins of Eggman's base. "Hey! Can't we talk or something' What's the rush'" he asked. Blaze ignored him. She needed to think. With the base in ruins, she had no idea how she was going to get back to her home dimension. As they walked, they soon came across Team GeneX. Crash was carrying an unconscious Knuckles in his arms, while Vortex was dragging Sonic behind him! Blaze growled. "That looks like a kidnapping." she said. Punchy glanced at them and then at her. "So... Want me to help you rescue them'" he asked. Blaze raised an eyebrow. "Really' You're not just doing this to get into my pussy, are you'" she asked. Punchy groaned. "Well, if I save Knuckles, you owe me SOMETHING." he said. Blaze nodded and ran after Vortex. "Hey! Drop the hedgehog, right now!" she warned. Punchy ran over to Crash and raised his fists. "Um... Hand him over. I guess..." he grumbled. Zipp flew out from behind Crash and chuckled at him. "You can't be serious! Just keep going, Crash. I'll shoot him if he gets outta line!" he said. Crash nodded and took off, followed by Zipp. "H-hey!! Grrrr, Blaze, you're gonna owe me BIG time!!" Punchy shouted, chasing after them. Vortex dropped Sonic on the ground and took a moment to admire Blaze's still-naked body. "Hmmm... Ssssexy. I could consssider letting Ssssonic go if you agree to take hisss place." he smirked. Blaze shook her head. "No way! And quit staring at me like that!" she yelled. Suddenly, Sonic started groaning. He was starting to come around! Vortex glanced down at Sonic and then at Blaze, grinning devilishly. "Oh well. I sssuppossse I'll jussst leave you two alone for a bit. I'll let Ssssonic take care of you for me! Then, once you're both exhausssted, we'll drag you both back to Ssssshadow Arc. Hehehe..." As he ran off, Blaze ran over to Sonic and checked to see that he was OK. He didn't look so bad, considering he was being dragged around when she found him. Sonic slowly opened his eyes and saw Blaze standing over him. "I am SO glad Knuckles isn't the first thing I'm seeing..." he muttered. Using her magic, Gemini managed to search the rubble and locate Rainbow the echidna, and got her out safely. Rainbow was alone, and still naked from the last bit of "fun" she had earlier. They started to walk into the Mystic Ruins jungle. "Thanks for saving me, Wanda. That explosion was crazy! I sure hope everyone else got out OK." Rainbow said. Gemini sighed. "My magic couldn't seem to find anyone else. Looks like you had it rough in there, though. Did they hurt you'" she asked. Rainbow looked at her in confusion. "Hurt me' Who hurt me' Why'" she wondered. Gemini scratched her head. "Well... I mean... You're naked. And it seems that the guys have been going nuts. Sex-crazed... You know'" she said. Rainbow shook her head. "I don't know what you're bent out of shape about. I was just having a little fun earlier. So were the guys." she said. Gemini stared at her. "B-but... That... They..." She wasn't sure what to say to her. Rainbow chuckled. "You seem tense. I think you need to loosen up and have a little fun, too. Hey! Why don't we try doing it with each other'" she gasped, excited about the idea. Gemini's eyes went wide. "Wai-wai....WHaaaaaat'! Did... did you just ask to have sex with ME!' But... we're both girls!" she stammered. Rainbow only seemed more excited by this. "It'll be neat, won't it' I've never done it without a boy before! Yes, I insist! You need this! First, we gotta get you outta these clothes!" Rainbow said giddily, grabbing at Gemini's sweater and pulling it off before she could protest! "R-rainbow!! Stop it! What if someone sees us!'" Gemini gasped, hiding her bare breasts. Rainbow looked at her curiously. "Is this your first time, Wanda'" she asked. Gemini blinked a couple times. "Umm... No... Err... With a girl, yes." she said, blushing. Rainbow smiled. "Me too! Don't be shy, though. I'm sure it'll be fun!" she said, leaning down and pulling off Gemini's pants. Gemini watched nervously. "Y-you're crazy..." she muttered. Rainbow stared at Gemini's pussy for a moment, and then licked her lips. "Let's see..." she said, slowly sliding her tongue over Gemini's entrance! Gemini gasped, staring in disbelief, but didn't resist. It didn't feel bad, and no one was watching. "Rainbow... I don't..." She wasn't sure how she intended to finish that sentence, and as Rainbow slid her tongue into her pussy, she realized it probably didn't matter. She moaned as Rainbow tasted her juices, and Rainbow giggled. "See' It's not so bad." she said, slowly rising, licking at Gemini's breasts before bringing her lips to hers and sliding her tongue into her mouth. Gemini accepted the kiss, holding her gently, their breasts pressing together as they pulled each other closer. Soon, Gemini broke the kiss and glanced at her clothes on the floor. "All right... I have just the thing." she said. Gemini reached into her pants pocket and pulled out something. She blushed as she showed it to Rainbow. It was a pink, two ended dildo! "I... I found this... in the rubble of Eggman's base. I don't know why I... picked it up. Oh..." She looked away in embarrassment, her face turning bright red. Rainbow looked at the object curiously. "It looks like... Oh! That's neat! Let's try it out!" she said, snatching it from Gemini's hands! "Um... Well, I... OK, but... don't tell anyone..." Gemini replied nervously. Rainbow shrugged. "Suit yourself. C'mere, nice and close..." she said, holding the dildo between their pussies. As Gemini shyly approached her, she slowly slid one end of the dildo into her vagina, moaning as it entered. "Ahh... Not bad... You gotta try this, Wanda!" she said. Gemini shivered. "This is so weird... Well, here goes..." she murmured. However, before she could move, Rainbow seized her waist and thrusted the dildo in herself, with the other end still inserted in her own pussy! "Aaaahh!! R-rainbow!!" Gemini gasped, utterly shocked, but Rainbow simply giggled. "That was cool! Um, you OK, Wanda'" she asked. Gemini panted a bit, but then smiled a little. "I guess... That wasn't so bad." she said. Rainbow smiled back, and in no time, they began moving their hips against each other, feeling the dildo against their insides. As they gasped and moaned, Rainbow reached over and grabbed Gemini's breasts, making her blush. "H-hey..." she muttered, only to gasp as Rainbow gave them a light squeeze! "Tee hee! That's kinda fun. Go ahead, you can feel mine, too." she offered. Gemini stared at Rainbow's melons. They were a bit bigger than hers, but she WAS a bit older after all. She growled softly, and then seized Rainbow's tits in an act of "vengeance!" She squeezed them, rubbed them, and boldly moved in close to lick them a little, all while Rainbow giggled uncontrollably. "Hee hee! Ha ha! That's it, Wanda! Now we're having fun!" she cheered. They played with the dildo for a while longer, and soon, they both came, Gemini first and Rainbow seconds later. They collapsed with Rainbow on top of her, panting and laughing. "See, Wanda' You needed that, didn't you." Rainbow said. Gemini seemed almost willing to concede, but didn't get the chance. "Up and at 'em. You're coming with me." The two girls looked up to see Zipp hovering over them, pointing a gun at them. "This... can't be good..." Gemini muttered. Blaze helped Sonic to his feet. "Whew... Well, thanks for the rescue. This sure has been a... rough day." Sonic said, gulping as he noticed that Blaze was naked. Blaze blushed as she noticed that he wasn't exactly covered either. His cock was still out, and his current view of her wasn't exactly a turn off. "Well, would you care to reward me for helping you, Sonic'" Blaze asked, batting her eyes playfully. Sonic backed away nervously, stumbling over some rubble. "Whoa!! Kinda dangerous here, don't you think' But you sure deserve a reward..." he smirked. Blaze purred. Maybe her libido was a little higher than usual because of her situation, having been naked for so long, but that blue hedgehog was looking mighty sexy at the moment. "Go ahead, Sonic. Take me out of this dump... and then take me... Sound good'" she grinned. Sonic smiled back and lifted her into his arms. "Crazy signal or not, I don't think I'll pass this up. Hold on, Blaze!" he said, running off to find a more stable place to fuck. Sonic soon laid Blaze on the soft grass of the Mystic Ruins, just outside the remains of Eggman's base. He dropped down on all fours and crawled over her, smirking down at her. "Me-ow... I only wish we weren't a dimension apart most of the time, because I could get used to this..." he said. Blaze blushed. "Well, we'll just have to make the most of it while we're together." she purred. Sonic nodded, taking off his gloves and setting them aside, then stroking the fur on her belly. She sighed contentedly. "Perhaps being sent here without my clothes was more of a blessing than a misfortune after all..." she whispered. Sonic, wasting no time, slid his cock towards her entrance and eagerly penetrated her! "Aahhh, yeah... Perfect fit!" he sighed. Blaze slowly slid her arms around him and smiled. "Don't make this too fast. Relax and enjoy it." she said. "Oh, I plan to." Sonic replied, slowly sliding his rod back and forth inside Blaze's pussy. She sighed happily and gently stroked his quills, enjoying the gentle, easy moment while it lasted. Sonic moved his hands up her body and wrapped them around her breasts. "Very nice..." he whispered, giving her tits a quick lick. Blaze moaned a little. "Go on, Sonic... Don't be shy..." she said. He grinned and opened his mouth, taking one of her tits inside. He licked and sucked at it, making her gasp and sigh louder. "Ahhh... Sonic... More!" she sighed. Sonic released her tit and brought his lips to hers, sharing a quick kiss with her. He then sped up his thrusts a bit, pushing his cock deeper and harder, coaxing louder, more intense moans out of Blaze. She held on to him tight and gazed into his emerald eyes, lost in the heat of the moment. She soon started thrusting her hips along with him, gasping excitedly, calling his name. Sonic kept his pace, oddly not feeling his usual desire to speed up. He wanted to savor this moment. "Oooh... Blaze... Yeah...." he moaned. "Yes.... Aaaaahh... I don't want this to end..." Blaze sighed. In her heart, she really didn't, and it surprised her. Did she truly have feelings for him' Sonic kissed her cheek as he started to speed up. Amy be damned, he could feel something for Blaze, too. Fortunately, there was nothing complicated about this. Blaze lived in another world, so she could not be his. It wasn't much longer before they both reached their climax, her juices meeting his seed, but not stopping it from shooting deep, closing in on her womb. As simple as Sonic thought this was, Blaze was hoping a child would not be the result of this forbidden meeting, for that would surely complicate it. They rested for a while in each other's arms. Despite his threat, Vortex didn't seem to appear. Soon, Sonic got up and stretched. "I hate to say it, but I better go. Someone's gotta rescue the people those experiments are kidnapping." he said. Blaze sighed. "I know. Be careful." she said. Sonic took off on his own, and Blaze started resting comfortably, but while she did, Vortex emerged. "I'm not asss good asss that ninja, but I am a chameleon.... Heh heh..." he thought, sneaking up on Blaze. Shadow the Hedgehog and Copter the Fox had both managed to escape Eggman's base, and had now arrived at Shadow Arc together. They each had their own agenda, but found themselves headed in the same direction. "So... What is it you want with Bucky'" Copter asked. Shadow glanced at him grouchily. "No one messes with my head. He's going to get what's coming to him!" he said. Copter shrugged. "Fine. I'm here to get anyone he kidnapped out of this mess." he explained. Soon, they ended up at the new prison area inside Shadow Arc. Looking around, they saw a number of faces both familiar and unfamiliar to both of them. Vanilla the Rabbit and Rouge the Bat were locked up together. "Shadow! Get me out of here!" Rouge called out. Shadow walked over to her. "You're really slipping, Rouge." he said. Copter saw Chet the Cheetah locked up with Fera the Wolf in another cell. "Well, well... What are you doing here'" he asked. Chet shrugged. "I was... With a friend when she got caught." he said, glancing at Vanilla and blushing. Copter nodded. "That a fact. Well today's your lucky day. I'm here to spring everyone, regardless of whether I think they stink." There were a bunch of others locked up as well, but before they could do anything to help them, they both felt jolts of electricity searing through their bodies, causing them both to collapse! As they passed out, Bucky the Rat emerged, carrying Blaze the Cat in his arms, who was also unconscious! "You're all mine, for now... But don't fret. You'll be freed in due time. You'll all thank me once my experiment is finished... If you aren't to preoccupied, that is." he said, grinning. Fera grabbed her bars and snarled at him. "You bastard! What are you planning!'" she yelled. Bucky glanced at her. "Honestly, something you should all enjoy immensely... If you'll stop being so stubborn and just accept it. I'm almost ready to begin. Relax and rest up. You'll all be very busy soon..." To be continued...
Chapter 15 - Metal Interrogation
GeneXXX Chapter 15 - Metal Interrogation Situation - M/F, M/M/F, rule 63, rape, vaginal, anal Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right' GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: Sonic, Silver, Copter, Amy, Rouge, Heather, Rainbow, and Shadow are loose in Dr. Eggman's base. They each arrive for different reasons and explore in different directions. A mysterious force is driving male furries into a horny frenzy, and Silver had traveled back in time to stop it. However, as he explored Eggman's base, he came across Shadow, who was insane with lust. Shadow defeated Silver and sucked his cock, driving him horny as well. Silver submitted to Shadow's lust, allowing himself to be fucked anally. Afterward, Heather and Rainbow, who had been watching, asked for "their turn." Meanwhile, Dr. Eggman communicated with Rouge the bat, sending her on a mission to seduce Sonic so he could capture him! She did so, but came to enjoy her sex with Sonic so much that she helped him escape. At the same time, Copter found Cream, who was overcome with lust! He fucked her, not knowing Amy was watching, and all three were soon captured! Things went from bad to worse as Gemini found Fera outside the base, saying she's set up bombs and plans to blow the base up! With Knuckles held captive inside the base, Gemini must stop the bombs quickly! Now, on to the next chapter! Gemini and Fera each attacked with their own brand of magic, blasts of light coming from Gemini's wand while Fera tossed balls of darkness. The fight didn't last long, because Fera quickly became frustrated and hit Gemini with bolts of black lightning! She was caught off guard, and Fera kept shocking her until she collapsed, unconscious! "Good night, bitch! Enjoy the explosion!" Fera growled, ready to leave Eggman's base far behind. However, before she could get far, she felt a metallic hand on her shoulder. It was Metal Sonic! Fera tried to pull away, but Metal Sonic grabbed her other shoulder and held on to her tight. "Intruder! Explain your presence!" the robot said. Fera growled at it. "I don't have to explain anything. Tell you what, I'll see you in hell!" she shouted, pulling away and attempting to run! Metal Sonic was much faster, however, and tackled her to the ground! The robot had her pinned down. Fera struggled, but she couldn't get up. "I will ask once more. Why are you here'" Metal Sonic asked. Fera elbowed the robot, though it hurt her more than it, and tried to claw her way out from under it. Metal Sonic would not let her escape, but it did turn her over so that she was facing him. "Intruder has resisted questioning. Entering interrogation mode!" it said. Fera heard some mechanical noises, like a hatch opened somewhere on the robot. Looking up and down the robot, she soon noticed a mechanical rod between his legs. A mechanical penis! Fera's one good eye went wide. "You can't be serious!" she growled. Metal Sonic grabbed at her uniform with his clawed hands. "Rape torture commencing. It will cease only when you talk." he said, tearing her uniform off! Fera tried to stop him, but her clothes were soon torn to shreds, exposing her breasts and her pussy! She thought about using her dark magic to fight back, but something Metal Sonic had said made her hold off. "You think you can make me talk like this' Try me. I think you'll find I'm not so easily broken!" she said, struggling, but not using her magic. Metal Sonic pinned her down and took aim. "Interrogation commencing!" he said, plunging his metallic cock deep into Fera's flower! Shadow had been having a great time. After raping Silver, he'd encountered Rainbow and Heather, who were eager to screw them both! However, after a while, Shadow managed to regain his senses. He was more or less done with them, so he took off into the base. He had to stop this madness, before Eggman could use it to conquer the world! He headed for a room at the back of the base, an elaborate throne room filled with monuments to the "great" Dr. Eggman. The bad doctor himself, however, was not there. Shadow saw someone else laid out over the throne, almost like the person had been left there for him to find. It appeared to be Tails! He ran over to the passed out fox to make sure he was okay. A close look, however, revealed something different about Tails. The fox's figure had undergone some changes, and now featured some round, white-furred orbs on the chest. There was a wet slit between the legs, too. Shadow gasped with alarm. "He... he turned Tails into a girl!'" he said. Suddenly, the female Tails started moving around. It seemed she was merely sleeping, and Shadow's alarmed words had woken her up. "Huh... Now where am I' Oh, no... That experiment wasn't a dream..." she muttered, holding her breasts and looking at them insecurely. "I gotta be careful who sees me like this... Bwa!! Shadow!!" she yelped upon seeing him. Shadow gulped and backed away. Already, the urge to screw her was building inside him. "Sorry... I didn't know you weren't decent..." he said. Tails crossed her arms, covering up her lovely new melons. "Uh... I guess it's an honest mistake. You wouldn't believe what I've been through today..." she sighed. Shadow tried to look away, tried to keep his mind off screwing her, but it was hopeless. There was no way he could resist. "Tails... I'm afraid I have to fuck you..." he groaned, his self control failing him. Tails gasped and watched in terror as Shadow's dick made itself known! "Wa-wait! I-I'm still a boy! I mean, well, inside' Don't do it, Shadow!" she begged. Shadow pinned her against the throne, sliding his cock against her crotch. "It's not up to me... Maybe I'll get to explain later. For now... Why don't we just try to enjoy this'" he grinned. Tails did look hot as a girl, after all! Fera's "torture" had begun! Metal Sonic was thrusting his robotic rod into her depths roughly, though not unpleasantly. His cock had been designed to release lubricants from small holes along the sides, too tiny to see from afar, but the lubricant kept the metal from rubbing her insides raw. Fera gasped and groaned, trying to resist the pleasure. "I won't talk... I won't..." she growled, while Metal Sonic let out a few mechanical noises in place of panting or moaning. He grabbed her breasts in his clawed hands, and they started to vibrate, massaging her tits and making her moan like a slut. She grabbed at his arms and tried to pull them away, but he only clutched her boobs tighter. "Stop... You can't... make me talk..." Fera moaned. Metal Sonic did some calculations in his robotic mind and adjusted his movements. His cock slammed into Fera's sweet spot, and she howled in pleasure! "Weakness located. Continuing aggressive interrogations." Metal Sonic said, pounding her pussy with his rod like a jackhammer! Fera tried desperately to resist the pleasure, but she didn't seem to stand a chance. "Ohhh.... Ahhhh!! Im-impossible!! A robot... aaaahhh!! ...can't be so... good!!" she cried, feeling herself getting close to her climax. She did not want to let that happen. "St-stop!! I give!! I planted... ahhh... bombs... oh! ...in the base!!" she confessed, tears falling from her good eye in her defeat. "Acknowledged." said Metal Sonic, who continued screwing her anyway! "This is for the Eggman Empire!" he declared as he thrusted his cock into her a few more times, making Fera scream as she came! "N-NOOOOO!!!" she yelled. A couple more thrusts and Metal Sonic fired a blast of his own specially made robot cum deep inside her! Fera let out a horrified shriek, and then passed out. Metal Sonic pulled out of her and rose to his feet. While his robotic brain processed what he should do next, E-2X Alpha emerged from within the base. "Hey, what's up, pally'" Alpha asked in a cheerful manner. Metal Sonic pointed to Fera. "Take this prisoner to her cell." he ordered. Alpha picked up Fera and returned to the base, humming a silly song. Metal Sonic soon walked over to Gemini. His robotic eyes scanned her body. "Subject may awaken soon..." he said. Suddenly, Metal Sonic's sensors detected someone heading his way. He turned and faced the next intruder, and found Punchy the echidna! Punchy gave the robot a friendly wave and glanced at Gemini. "Heeey... What's goin' on here'" he asked. Metal Sonic was still programmed to treat Punchy as an ally, so he responded promptly. "Intruder located. Must interrogate." he said. Punchy saw Metal Sonic's robotic cock, which had not been retracted yet, and quickly got the idea. "So, I guess some of Eggman's robots know how to have fun... Hmmm..." He thought back to his encounter with Blaze. "This could be a good opportunity for me to do a little 'training,' so I'll be ready the next time I see Blaze." he muttered. A sleepy sigh came from Gemini, and her eyes slowly began to open. Metal Sonic pulled her to her feet and quickly confiscated her wand! "Intruder! State your business!" he said. Gemini looked from him to Punchy, a confused look on her face. "Um... What'" she mumbled. Metal Sonic seemed to glare at her. "Invalid response. Prepare for rape torture interrogation!" he said. Gemini quickly woke up upon hearing that. "Wh-what!' No!! Punchy, help!" she pleaded. Punchy shrugged. "OK, whatever." he said, grabbing Gemini's sweater! She stared at him in shock as Metal Sonic reached for her jeans. "No!! Don't help the robot! Help me!!" she cried desperately. Punchy chuckled and lifted her sweater up and off, revealing her nice pair of light blue boobs! "No bra' Tsk tsk tsk, Gemini..." he teased. Gemini blushed. "My... my bra was torn off! Please, stop it!!" she begged. Metal Sonic pulled down her pants, and Punchy licked his lips as he admired her body. "Mmmm... Not bad... I'm REALLY gonna enjoy this..." he grinned. Gemini decided there was just one thing left that might get her out of this. "Listen! A bomb is gonna go off and kill everyone in that base! We have to stop it!" she said. Metal Sonic nodded. "It will be stopped. But perhaps you have more information..." he said, lining his metal dick up with her flower from behind. "You will tell me all you know..." he declared. Shadow plunged his rod deep inside the female Tails' pussy, and as he started fucking her, Dr. Eggman stepped into the room, a perverted smile forming on his face as he saw what was happening. "Don't mind me... Not that either of you can stop this. Heh heh heh..." he said, watching happily. Tails struggled against Shadow, trying to force him off, but she simply wasn't strong enough! Shadow pinned her to the throne and started thrusting into her fast and rough, moaning and chuckling as he did. Tails gasped and grunted as she fought for a few seconds more, but she soon realized the futility of it and gave up. "F-fine, Shadow... You go-got me... Just m-make it fast..." she said, holding on to his shoulders. Shadow scoffed at her. "Like I said, I'm going to let myself enjoy this. I always thought you looked a bit... feminine. This is my chance to live out a little fantasy of mine..." he smirked, holding her down and sliding his tongue over her breasts, tasting them one at a time. Tails moaned a little, blushing. "Y-you fantasized about me...' Heh... Well... I did fantasize about Sonic before myself. Only, Sonic was the girl." she admitted, giving Shadow a small peck on the cheek. Eggman let out a sinister laugh as Tails started to enjoy being fucked. "Not only is there no escape, but you don't even want to escape! My plan is perfect! I will control everyone's erotic urges, and in so doing, I will control the world! Ha ha ha ha ha!!" Shadow and Tails ignored his speech, both of them bucking their hips against each other, panting and moaning in pleasure! Shadow's cock pushed deeper and deeper inside Tails, and her twin tails wagged excitedly as they went. Shadow pressed his lips against hers, slipping his tongue into her mouth eagerly! She pulled him close, her breasts pressing against his chest. "Ahhh... This feels... so amazing!" Tails panted, lying back in the chair and letting Shadow do the work. He grinned, looking almost sinister. "When I'm through with you, you'll ditch Sonic and start following ME everywhere!" he shouted, his pace quickening! "Let's kick this up a notch! Ha ha ha ha!!" he laughed. Metal Sonic seized Gemini's thighs from behind and lifted her up, bringing her pussy closer and closer to his robo-penis. She tried to struggle, but Punchy grabbed her arms and held her still. "Take it easy! Relax..." he said, whispering in her ear, "I'll make this enjoyable for you... You seem like you need to relieve some stress, anyway..." Gemini stopped struggling, but still looked upset. "Y-you're right, I do, but..." Suddenly, Metal Sonic slammed her down over his cock hard, his rod sliding deep into her pussy as she yelped in surprise! As Metal Sonic started moving around inside her, Gemini moaned in pleasure, and then smiled at Punchy. "OK... If you want to..." she said. Punchy whispered in her ear again. "Make it look good. If the robot knows you're enjoying it, he might go psycho on us..." he warned. Gemini nodded and let out a shriek, overacting perhaps a little bit. "NOOO!! Don't! Stop it, please!! AAAAAHHH!!" she cried. Punchy covered his ears a bit before motioning for her to tone it down. She did so, and Punchy took her breasts in his hands, grinning. "We'll make you talk, you bitch. We'll make you sing like a canary..." he said, licking her tits and winking. He began sucking her breasts, one at a time, while Metal Sonic heaved her up and down over his metal cock, invading her depths roughly. Gemini gasped and moaned, shouting "No!" every few moments to hide how much she was really enjoying this. Punchy lightly squeezed her boobs as he licked all over them with great enthusiasm. "Mmmm... Sweet melons... Keep refusing to talk, I'm enjoying this." he said, grinning. Gemini looked down and saw his bulging pants. "Ahhh... I don't know anything! I swear..." she said, trying to disguise an aroused moan. Metal Sonic pushed himself harder, determined to screw everything she might know out of her! The pleasure started building up too high for her to hide, and Gemini started to gasp and sigh erotically. Thinking fast, Punchy pressed his lips to hers, kissing her forcefully mask her sounds of pleasure. Still, moans continued to come from her as she felt her orgasm coming. It wasn't long before Gemini came, and Metal Sonic wasn't long behind her! His seed was pumped deep inside her, making her scream a bit. It was a shocked scream that was open to interpretation, and Metal Sonic interpreted it as her spirit beginning to break! The robot lowered her to her feet, removing his cock, and let out a triumphant laugh. "You cannot resist much longer! You will break!" he said. Now that Gemini's pussy was free, Punchy tossed aside his gloves and slipped some fingers into her flower. "Yeah... She'll REALLY break once I really get started here..." he grinned. Gemini held on to his shoulders as his fingers explored her passage, searching out her weak spots the way Blaze had trained him to do. While she moaned from the pleasure, Metal Sonic poked her rear entrance with the tip of his rod, making her shiver. "Interrogation entering phase 2!" he said, slowly pushing his cock into her ass hole! She inhaled sharply. Her tail hole was virgin, and this was a bit uncomfortable. She cried out in pain, looking at Punchy with a scared expression. He met her gaze and kissed her on the cheek. "Hang in there. You might get to like it..." he whispered. While he continued fingering her and Metal Sonic pounded her rear, someone was cautiously approaching, drawn to the noise. It was Blaze the cat, and she hid behind a tree to watch the scene unfolding safely. Gemini had a nervous expression, but one that suggested that she could go either way, enjoying this or not. Blaze watched curiously. "There he is, and judging by that robot, I wonder if that guy's learned anything at all' Well, he IS fingering her. I wonder if he can get her to enjoy it'" she thought, keeping a silent watch as Punchy removed his fingers from Gemini's crotch and started moving his echidnahood into position. He grabbed on to her tightly and penetrated her with a swift, powerful thrust! "Ohh!! P-punchy!!" she cried, holding on as he began pushing his dick back and forth inside her. Metal Sonic was fucking her ass at a faster pace now, but the initial pain had subsided. Now, Gemini's pleasure was building higher than she'd ever felt before! As Shadow fucked Tails harder and harder, it was starting to seem like he was losing his control even further. He held her down and pounded her pussy roughly, holding nothing back! "Aaaaahhh!! Sh-shadow!! What are you doing!'" Tails cried as the pleasure was starting to turn to pain! The gold rings on Shadow's wrist suddenly flashed brightly and flew off, unleashing his true power! Eggman chuckled a bit and shook his head. "Poor Tails. Without his restraint rings, Shadow is a true terror. I'm afraid this is the end for you! Shadow will literally rape you to death! And he can't stop himself!! All I have to do now is to turn this power on Sonic! Ha ha ha ha ha!!" he laughed triumphantly. Shadow let out a mighty roar as he ravaged Tails' pussy, thrusting harder and harder, moving faster and faster! Tails held on and screamed loudly. She started to struggle again, now that this had become dangerous, but she couldn't hope to overpower Shadow, especially not now. "P-p-please, Shadow!! Y-you h-have to... AAAAHHH!! ...control yourself! Y-you'll... you'll kill me!" she pleaded desperately. Shadow groaned and gasped as he tried to get a hold of himself. Whatever was making him fuck Tails had grown stronger, and was so powerful now that he wasn't sure he could do anything about it. Tails covered her breasts in her arms, hoping to lessen Shadow's arousal. He had been driven so wild, though, that he simply pulled her arms away and squeezed her melons tight in his hands! "AAAAAAHHH!! No, Shadow! Stop! You're hurting me!! P-please!! I beg you, don't do this!!" she sobbed. Shadow gasped as Tails' plea triggered a recurring memory. "Shadow, I beg of you... Give them a chance..." He felt tears forming in his eyes, and a new determination began to fill him. "M-maria!! M-my promise... Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!!" His movements suddenly stopped, and he and Tails both began panting heavily, taking a much needed rest. Eggman stood there scratching his head for a moment. "What gives' Did the signal get disrupted'" he wondered. However, Shadow soon wrapped his arms around Tails and slowly started again. "I can slow down, but... I... can't stop!" he growled. Tails hugged him and cried into his black fur. "I understand..." she said. Gemini was holding on to Punchy as Metal Sonic was roughly pounding her ass. Punchy's cock was sliding back and forth in her vagina, making her moan and sigh in bliss. Metal Sonic was a bit painful, but Punchy was indeed making things enjoyable for her. She squealed in ecstasy as he struck her sweet spot, and she gave him a soft kiss in thanks as their odd little threesome continued. Blaze smiled as she watched them. "He's doing well... He may just be ready the next time we meet, after all...IF we ever meet again..." she thought, sneaking towards the entrance to Eggman's base, careful not to draw their attention. "My kingdom needs me. If Eggman Nega had a way to send me here, this world's Eggman should have a way to send me back..." As she slipped into the base, Gemini screamed in pleasure. She came hard, nearly pushing Punchy over the edge as well. She was starting to grow concerned about what would happen when this was over, though. "Aaaahh... Seriously, I don't know anything! I only came here to rescue a friend!!" she shouted, hoping Metal Sonic would finally believe her. The robot let out some mechanical noises and started fucking her harder. The noise he was making sounded like angry growling! Punchy sped up his pace as well, wanting to make sure he came before Metal Sonic decided to change tactics or something. Gemini cried out, her voice a mix of fear and joy. "Aaaahhh... It's so good!! No!! Don't cum inside me!! Ohhh... I don't want to get pregnant!" she yelled. Punchy ignored her. He might have been more friendly than Metal Sonic, but he needed this, regardless of how she felt. He wasn't sure why, he just did. A few more thrusts, a few more protests from Gemini, and both robot and echidna blew their loads deep inside her! "N-nooooooo!!!" Gemini cried. Metal Sonic quickly pulled out of her. "Interrogation complete. Results inconclusive. Must incarcerate." he said. Punchy pulled out of her and lifted her into his arms. "I'll handle that. You got bombs to deal with, don't you'" he said. Metal Sonic nodded. "The Eggman Empire thanks you." he said before taking off. Gemini rested in his arms, crying. "Why... If I get pregnant, I'll lose my magic..." she sniffed. Punchy shushed her. "I'll make it up to you. Get your stuff. We'll rescue that friend of yours." he said, putting her down. She took the opportunity to sock him in the face. "Owww!! Not sure I deserve that..." he groaned. Gemini crossed her arms. "I'll apologize when you earn it... And you'll like the apology." she winked, grabbing her clothes. Suddenly, she realized something. "Gaaaah!! That robot ran off with my wand!!" she yelped. Shadow continued to fuck the helpless Tails, and it wasn't long before he came. He came hard, pumping her full of his hot seed and making her yelp in response. "Ohhh... It feels so... strange..." she said, panting as Shadow continued to fuck her. He was beginning to lose control once again! Eggman started laughing, feeling that his plans were back on track, but his laughs were soon interrupted. "Hands... off... my... pal!!" Sonic came speeding into the room, eyes burning with rage! He went into a spin dash and circled around, slamming into Shadow from the side and knocking him away from Tails! Shadow stumbled to the floor, but quickly returned to his feet. "T-thanks... I needed that..." he said, looking away from Tails and focusing his attention on Eggman, who was backing away nervously as Sonic and Tails were approaching him. "Now, now... Let's not be hasty. Honestly, this wasn't even my fault!" he stammered. Sonic scoffed. "So, it's all a coincidence that Tails turns up in your base as a girl'" he growled. Eggman whimpered. "OK, I admit I took advantage, but it's Bucky! Bucky's the real mastermind here!" he shouted. Sonic growled louder. "I've heard enough!" Suddenly, Tails and Shadow both held him back! "Stop! He's telling the truth!" Tails said. Sonic looked at them in shock. "Wha'" he muttered. Shadow nodded. "It was Bucky who originally captured me. He's been performing strange experiments. I'd wager he's the one who turned Tails into a girl." he said. Eggman nodded. "Yes! Yes! It was all part of our deal. I supplied the technology, he got to perform his twisted experiments, and I got to take advantage of the fruits of his labor! But I tell you, I think he's got a secret master plan of his own... Still, it can't beat mine! Now, watch as you lose your minds and rape each other to..." before he could finish, Metal Sonic's voice filled the room. "Doctor!!" the robot ran in, his eyes glowing brightly, like a warning light. "Bombs have been planted in the base! There is no time to stop them! We must evacuate!" he said. "WHAT!'" shouted all four of them. Eggman sniffled a little and started to cry. "It's not fair!! I was so close!! I was going to have the ultimate harem... Errr, I mean, conquer the world!" he whined. Sonic shrugged and lifted Tails into his arms. "We gotta move, fast!" he said. Shadow nodded. "Let's get everyone out that we can! Good luck, Sonic!" As the two hedgehogs sped out of the room, Eggman sat on the throne and pressed a hidden button. "Enough harem talk. I'm going to see a shrink, and then, I will CONQUER THE WORLD!! HA HA HA HA HA!!" he cackled as his chair carried him down to the floor below... To be continued...
Chapter 0 - What Is Kamagra Oral Jelly?
What Is Kamagra Oral Jelly? Kamagra oral jelly 100mg belongs to a group of drugs called PDE5 inhibitors. It works by relaxing the blood vessels in your penis. This allows blood to flow into the penis and produce an erection when you are sexually aroused. This medicine will only help you get an erection if you are sexually stimulated. It is very effective but should be taken at least 30 minutes before sexual intercourse. Kamagra Oral Jelly is intended for use by patients with erectile dysfunction who have difficulty with the usual oral pill/tablet form and who are unable to swallow medications properly. The product is also a good alternative to the traditional Sildenafil citrate forms, as Ajanta Pharma produces the oral jelly in a number of fruit flavours. How Does Kamagra Oral Jelly Work? The super Kamagra oral jelly line belongs to the family of Sildenafil citrate, which was the first discovered PDE5 inhibitor. Regardless of the type, the effect of these medicines is the same. The drugs are so named because of their specific inhibitory effect on the enzyme PDE5, which is present in the tissues of the penis. PDE5 (phosphodiesterase type 5) inhibitor specifically inhibits the enzyme PDE5 responsible for preventing an erection from being achieved or maintained. Kamagra blocks the activity of the phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor in the breakdown of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which is responsible for controlling blood flow to the penis via the relaxation of smooth muscles that mediate the erection response in patients. Since there is no phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor that blocks the action of cGMP in the patients, the cGMP level sufficient to elicit the erectile response is maintained. Why Must Kamagra, Or Other PDE5 Inhibitors, Inhibit PDE5? The inhibitory action of these drugs is essential to ensure that an erection occurs. The enzyme PDE5 blocks the presence of cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate), which is actually not good because cGMP is responsible for relaxing the smooth muscles of the penis, increasing blood volume in the spongy corpus cavernosum. The increased blood volume in the penile tissue drives the erection response, so the presence of cGMP must be maintained to get and maintain the erection. PDE5 inhibitors such as Kamagra Oral Jelly help maintain the presence of cGMP in the penile tissue for up to 4 hours by preventing the breakdown of cGMP by PDE5. Who Makes Kamagra Oral Jelly? The manufacturer of Kamagra Oral Jelly is India-based multinational company Ajanta Pharma. The company was founded in 1973 and is engaged in the production, marketing and distribution of pharmaceutical products in the form of tablets, capsules, dry powders, liquid formulations, jellies, and others. Ajanta Pharma is also a manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and has one factory dedicated to the production of APIs and raw materials. The therapeutic segments on which the Company focuses are Ophthalmology, Diabetes, Men's Health, Gynecology, Pediatrics, Respiratory, Malaria, Bacterial Infections, and many others. Side Effects Kamagra Oral Jelly 100mg Ildenafil Citrate-containing products also have side effects, so users of Kamagra Effervescent can also expect a few side effects with their use (although not everyone experiences side effects): back pain, dyspepsia, headache, diarrhea, facial flushing or redness, runny nose, nasopharyngitis. The side effects mentioned are all temporary and should disappear once the effect of the medicine wears off. But if symptoms persist, patients should contact their doctor immediately. Kamagra 100mg in jelly form or Sildenafil Citrate Oral Jelly is used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. We offer online medicines in the Netherlands. When Does Erectile Dysfunction Occur? Erectile dysfunction becomes more common as men get older. It is also associated with certain medical conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes. In fact, men with diabetes are four times more likely to have erectile dysfunction than men without diabetes. They also tend to develop erectile dysfunction ten to fifteen years earlier and tend to have more severe cases.                                                                                What Causes Erectile Dysfunction? Kamagra Oral Jelly 100mg least one in ten men sometimes has trouble getting or keeping an erection. There may be physical or psychological causes, or a combination of both. Whatever the cause, due to changes in the muscles and blood vessels, not enough blood stays in the penis to make it hard and keep it hard. Here are some possible causes: hormonal problems; Nerve damage. When a man is sexually aroused, his brain sends messages to his penis to initiate the erection process. But if there is nerve damage, these messages cannot be passed on properly; Poor blood supply to the penis; Medication side effects; Peyronie's disease. Peyronie's disease is a wound healing disorder characterized by marked penile curvature. Many men with Peyronie's disease develop erectile dysfunction, although experts aren't exactly sure why; psychological and emotional problems; Lifestyle. Smoking, obesity, drug and alcohol abuse, an unhealthy diet, and poor exercise habits can contribute to other health problems associated with erectile dysfunction.
Chapter 1 - Latex Seduction
It was a typical Friday night at Titans Tower. Beast Boy and Cyborg were Cy’s room, playing video games obsessively, Raven was meditating in her room, and Starfire and Robin were sitting by the fire, drinking hot chocolate and enjoying each others company. They had been dating for almost a month, and everything in their relationship was going perfectly. Well, almost perfectly. “Star?” said Robin softly, feeling her warm body cuddling against him. “What is it, Robin?” she replied, looking up. Robin let out a long breath, and then he did something he had never done before in the presence of another Titan: He removed his mask. Starfire smiled and held her hands to her mouth to stifle a gasp. Robin finally trusted her enough to show her his eyes! They were very dark brown with flecks of white in the irises. Starfire stopped grinning, however, when she saw the sadness in Robin’s eyes. “Star,” he said softly, “I’ve done something, that I’m bitterly ashamed of. Something that I wish I had never done, but I did.” “Whatever you have done, Robin,” said Starfire, “you can tell me. I love you, and will always forgive you.” At this, Robin’s eyes started to gather moisture around the edges, and he said, with his voice on the verge of cracking, “I’m scum. I don’t deserve a girlfriend like you.” Cupping his face in her hands, Starfire look into Robin’s eyes and calmly said, “Tell me what happened, Robin.” Taking a slowly, somewhat halting breath, Robin said, “Okay. Starfire, do you remember last week when your sister, Blackfire, came to visit?” “Yes,” she replied, “but what -” “I slept with her.” Robin blurted out. Starfire gave him a confused look, and said, “Robin, I’m afraid that I do not see why you should be so terribly ashamed that you slept in close proximity to my sister. I did the same when I was very young on cold nights.” Sighing, Robin said, “On earth, saying that you ‘slept’ with someone is a euphemism for saying that you and that person . . . engaged in sexual intercourse.” A look of deep pain passed over Starfire’s beautiful face as she said, “You and Blackfire . . .” “Yes,” said Robin, his voice finally cracking. He turned away from her, as if unworthy to look into her eyes. “I don’t know why I did it,” he said, starting to tear, “and I wish I could take back what I’ve done, but I can’t.” For a while, both of them were silent, the only noise coming from the crackling of the fireplace. Finally, Star said, in a stoic voice, “Tell me what happened, Robin.” “What?” Robin looked up, not quite understanding. “Tell me everything,” said Starfire, “You are my boyfriend, and you have betrayed me. I think I am entitled to know EXACTLY what happened between you and my sister.” She spoke the last word with a great deal of venom. Again, they both fell silent. Finally Robin rubbed the back of his neck and said, “It’s very hard to talk about.” “If you love me,” said Starfire darkly, “you will try.” “Okay,” replied Robin, “here goes.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TWO WEEKS AGO Blackfire had come to visit, having been rehabilitated by the Centauri police and cleared to visit her sister, whom she was eager to fix her relationship with. One little monkey wrench was currently thrown into that plan, however: She desperately wanted to fuck Robin, who was Starfire’s boyfriend. Eventually (about 5 days later to be exact), her lust grew to the point where she began watching and waiting for a chance to seduce Robin. Finally, after about a week’s visit, her chance came: “Hello?” Robin called out to the apparently empty Tower. Everyone (or so it appeared) was gone, leaving Robin all alone for the first time in . . . he could remember how long. Walking through the hall, he happened to pass the guest room where Blackfire was staying, and he heard the sound the sound of a vacuum running. Robin knocked gently on the door and said, “Blackfire? Is that you?” Not getting an answer, Robin opened the door and found something that he definitely wasn’t expecting; namely, Blackfire dressed in latex clothing and rubbing the handle of the vacuum cleaner along her pussy as she pushed it along. “Hello, Robin,” she said in a sultry voice. For a minute, Robin was frozen to the spot. She was wearing a black latex bra, an extremely short, lavender-colored latex skirt that didn’t even cover her vagina and butt, purple latex stockings that were held to her skirt by straps, dark purple latex gloves that went from her wrists to her upper elbow (but strangely, did not cover her hands), and was topped off with a pair of black shoes with sexy, black fasteners and stiletto heels made of transparent plastic. “Uh, um, I-huh, I’ll just be going now,” stuttered Robin as he attempted to close the door. But just as he did, Blackfire held it open and said, “Robin, there’s no need to be embarrassed. So I was masturbating. We all do it.” Robin wasn’t really paying attention, because his was focused on Blackfire’s (and he hated to admit it to himself) incredible body. To him, it seemed that someone had carved it out of some perfect orange marble. Blackfire noticed that he was checking her out, and with a seductive smile, said, “Come inside, Robin. I put on a much better show when I have an audience.” Without giving him any time to reply, she pulled him in by his collar and sat him on the couch. Picking up the vacuum and turning it on, Blackfire began to pleasure herself again, making it into a slow, erotic dance, making sure every now and then to rub her finely-toned ass against Robin’s manhood. Robin was becoming more and more aroused by the second. He loved Starfire, he truly did, but Blackfire was the most sexually arousing creature he could ever had imagined, capable of generating fantasies in him that Star never could. Finally, he began to lose his self-control. The next time Blackfire rubbed her ass against him, he began to stroke it softly. Sensing her chance, Blackfire dropped the vacuum and sat down next to Robin. Grabbing his head, she pulled him into a passionate kiss. Robin began moving downward, kissing along her neck, her chest, and finally reaching her breasts with his lips. Blackfire removed her tight bra, freeing her ample bust, and held Robin’s head against it. He began sucking her breasts, making her groan with pleasure. “Oh, Robin, Oh,” Blackfire moaned, “Lick my body!” Robin obeyed, allowing his tongue to slither down her flat stomach, across her curvy hip, and up her shapely left leg, even going so far as to suck on her toes (which only served to further excite her). Robin then decided to be a little naughty. Positioning himself between her legs, he stuck his tongue inside her pretty pussy. As he maneuvered the slippery organ back and forth, in and out, Blackfire gently caressed his hair while screaming out his name. Finally, she decided that Robin had done enough, and now it was her turn. Allowing Robin just enough time to stand and hurry out of his clothes, Blackfire held him down on the couch and gently stroked his iron-hard erection before finally taking it in her mouth. Now, it was Robin’s turn to pant, growl, and moan with pleasure as Blackfire’s head bobbed up and down, her tongue expertly massaging his dick. But just before he came, she stopped. “What’s - what’s wrong, Blackfire?” panted Robin, slightly annoyed and desperate for orgasm. “Nothing’s wrong,” she replied in a sexy contralto, “I just think we’ve had enough foreplay.” With that, she opened his legs wide, flied above him, and eased herself down onto his waiting member. Both became instantly short of breath as Robin penetrated her. Robin began thrusting his lower abdomen upward, as Black moved up and down against the grain, increasing the sexual pleasure for both of them. After doing this for a while, she jumped off of him and situated herself on her hands and knees on the other side of the couch, her rear facing Robin. Getting the idea, he shoved himself inside her tight anal hole and began anew. Finally, Blackfire panted, “Let’s finish this, Robin. I want to feel you cum inside me.” Rolling over and opening her legs, Blackfire positioned Robin on top of her as he placed himself inside her pussy once more. Blackfire grinded her hips vigorously as Robin pounded harder and harder. Finally, they both came to orgasm at the same and came hard, screaming each others’ names with almost-unbearable ecstasy. Their wet, warm love oozed from between Blackfire’s legs as they allowed the post-orgasmic haze to fill their minds. Sitting up, Robin allowed Blackfire to slowly lick their fluids off his member before laying his head on her breasts and they both fell into a deep sleep, spooning each other. When Robin awoke the next day (Blackfire had placed him in his own room), he realized the full consequences of what he had done. The other Titans had returned only hours ago from some sort cheese festival that Cyborg had dragged them to. They didn’t bother to invite Robin because he was lactose intolerant, or Blackfire because she claimed to have been too tired from her long trip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robin told his story as dispassionately as he could. It took him less than an hour, but to Starfire, it seemed to take years, listening to the story of her boyfriend’s sexual escapade with her sister. Finally, when he finished, he got down on his knees and said, “I’ve no right to beg your forgiveness, but I love you with all my heart, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to set things right and fix our relationship.” Starfire did not initially reply. Finally, she knelt down to Robin’s level and held up his chin with her hands. “Are you truly sorry, Robin?” she asked. “Yes,” said Robin soberly and without hesitation. “And do you swear that you will never again so much as look at another woman as if to have her instead, or besides?” “I swear by everything I believe in.” Then,” said Starfire, “I forgive you.” Robin’s heart fluttered with elation and a wide grin spread across his lips. He and Starfire embraced like lovers and melted against each other. Starfire felt herself become light-headed as she removed Robin’s shirt for him. A minute later, their clothes were off and they were making love right there in the living room by the glow of the firelight. Robin had felt sexual pleasure before, but this was much more beautiful. When he and Star called out each others’ names, there was true love and passion in their voices. And when it was long over, and Starfire cried in his arms, he was not ashamed to cry with her. Robin and Starfire were truly together now, and nothing would ever tear them apart.
Chapter 0 - Surprise
You're sitting at your desk, naked except for your shorts, organizing your favorite Denise Milani sets. Suddenly you're startled by the sweetest voice you're ever heard. "Don't move," you hear her whisper softly, yet with a hint of dominance. Ignoring the command, more out of reflex than disobedience, you turn your head. Before you can get a look at your visitor a hand slides over your cheek and firmly grabs you by your jaw. "Do you like her?" she asks, pointing one finger at the monitor as another trails over your lips. "Y-yes," you stammer, hands hovering akwardly over your mouse and keyboard. Her giggle of approval sends a tingle through your body, specifially your already semi-hard dick. "Then it's your lucky day..." You gasp as your chair is swiftly turned around and find yourself staring right at Denise Milani's impressive cleavage. The edge of a dark red bra is visible as she's leaning forward slightly, her silk satin robe failing to cover up her amazing breasts. "Eyes up here, love," she demands, and you find yourself blushing as you look her in the eye. Her stern expression has you holding your breath but you sigh in relief as she smiles broadly at you. "Just relax, for now," she coos and takes a step back to let you view all of her divine beauty. Like a model on a catwalk, she presents herself in full glory for your viewing pleasure. She directs your gaze downwards by leaning to the side, one of her legs slipping out from the long, black robe. You gulp as you take in the sight of her stocking-clad leg and blush even more fiercely as you catch a glimpse of a red thong. Slowly she turns around, her high heels helping to present her lovely ass to you and she moves her hand under the robe, revealing her butt to you as she caresses it. She throws a look over her shoulder and winks before slapping her cheek and your dick twitches at the sight of it. Continuing her exhibition, Denise bends over, presenting even more of her ass as she wiggles the robe to the side. You see the thong disappear between her firm cheeks, only to appear again further down. You swallow hard as you stare at her panty-covered pussy and firm ass. Denise gives you no time to fantasize, instead swirling around on her toes until she's facing you once more. Her robe has now parted completely and you find it hard to focus on just one part of her amazing body. Your gaze shifts every second, going from her dark red bra to the thong and her beautiful legs. Finally she closes her robe again and you look up at her, disappointed and slightly worried that this is all you're getting. Her cute smile puts you at ease, however, and she strides forward. In one swift motion she straddles you and you feel the warmth of her thighs wrap around your waist. Her tits are at eye level now and you stare at them, your mind still trying to come to terms with the situation. "Go on, cutie, take it off." Your trembling hands move towards the cute, lace ribbon of her bra but you look up expectantly as she slaps your hands aside. "No," she murmurs. "Use your teeth." You move forward, slowly, and press your face between her heavenly tits. She wraps her arms around you and presses her tits together, smothering you in her bosom. Your cock is stiffening like never before and you wonder how long you'll last if she keeps this up. It takes some effort, but you manage to move your head around slightly and feel the ribbon against your lips. You carefully take the bow between your teeth and tug, to no avail. Trying again, you press deeper into her cleavage to grab a better hold of the ribbon with your teeth, then sharply tug to the side. Slowly she pulls you back, arms still pressed against her body to keep her bra from slipping off. Her hands find your cheeks and you can't withold a moan as her fingers start caressing your face. After what feels like minutes she finally lets the straps of the bra slide down her shoulders, revealing her breats in all their glory and she moves her hands to cup them, inches from your face. You can't resist moving your own hands up to knead her tits, and she lets you. A moan escapes her lips as you pinch one of her nipples, which in turn makes your dick throb harder. One hand again grabs your head and slowly pulls you towards the stiff nipple. You try to lean forward but she keeps you firmly in check. Not giving up so easily, you swiftly flick your tongue over the nipple, causing her to gasp. Allowing you this minor victory, she releases her grip and lets you at it. You kiss and lick at one breast while your hands take care of the other. Taking one of her nipples between your fingers, you tease her with kisses around the other. After a few seconds you tug sharply while simultaneously taking the second nipple between your teeth. Her moans of pleasure spur you on and you take a moment to kiss up to her neck. Denise, in turn, starts moving her hands over your body and you shudder as her fingers go lower and lower, fiddling at the edge of your shorts. Suddenly, she firmly grabs your dick through your shorts and you yelp, startled out of your trance-like admiration of her breasts. She lifts your chin up with one finger and looks you in the eye. You stare breathlessly into her eyes, which you fail to notice are coming closer and closer. It takes a moment for you to register her warm breath washing over your face. She winks at you and the corners of her mouth arch in a smile for a split second when she feels your dick twitch. Even when the hand holding your chin up lets go, you don't avert your gaze. Denise smiles shyly as her hand comes into view and you look slack-jawed at the red thong danging from her fingers. At the same time, she lowers into your lap and you feel her pussylips against your throbbing cock, seperated only by your shorts. She moves your shorts down in one tug, freeing your hard shaft from it's confines. Knowing you probably can't hold on much longer, she finally gives you what you so desire. Inch by inch, she lowers down and at the same time brings her panties closer to your face. You can smell her essence clearly and close your eyes to enjoy it even more. She lets you enjoy her fragrance for a minute, holding the wet thong barely an inch in front of you, and you don't even bother trying anything other than taking in her erotic smell. Your eyes open wide when she suddenly lowers onto your dick. You fight back your orgasm with all your might as her wet pussylips take in your cockhead. Eyes locked, you're unable to do anything but revel in the feel of her warm, slick pussy slowly taking in your hard cock. It takes almost half a minute before she has you hilted inside and by that time you're biting your lip, trying to delay your imminent orgasm. Her eyes narrow, almost as if disappointed that you didn't cum on the spot, but then your whole body tenses as she suddenly leans in and kisses you deeply. The moment her lips touch yours, you shudder and surrender to the strongest, most mindblowing orgasm of your life. Your dick twitches and you buck widly against her as you actually try to break the kiss so you can catch a breath. Denise firmly keeps you in place and you moan into her mouth as you feel her vaginal muscles grip your dick tightly. It takes a good minute before your orgasm subsides and only when you're finally spent does she break the kiss. Unable to even lift your hands to caress her beautiful body, you simply lie back in the chair as she dismounts you. You fight back the urge to close your eyes, not wanting to miss even a second of looking at your gift from heaven, but slowly find your eyes dropping and you doze off into a deep, satisfied sleep.
Chapter 19 - The GeneXXX Experiment pt 1
GeneXXX Chapter 19 - The GeneXXX Experiment - Part 1 Situation - Huge Orgy, M/F, M/M/F, vaginal, oral, bondage Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right' GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: After Dr. Eggman's base exploded, Bucky the Rat reactivated the signal causing Sonic and the others' to desire sex more, which he was the mastermind behind all along! During the distraction, he sent Team GeneX to capture Sonic's friends one by one, locking them up in Shadow Arc with the intention to use them for some experiment. Now, Sonic is on his way to attempt to rescue everyone, but with the signal affecting his mind, does he stand any chance of doing anything other than mating with the first female he sees' Now, on to the next chapter! Sonic met up with Tails and Amy at Shadow Arc, and together they began searching for everyone who had been captured. Despite Amy being with them, they weren't affected by a desire to screw her, which seemed like good news at first, but Tails realized that they might be walking into a trap. As they reached a large room deep inside Shadow Arc, Tails's gut feeling seemed likely to be true. This large room was littered with sex toys, and there were beds here and there as well! Cages were at the back of the room, where a large number of people were locked up! Vortex the Chameleon, Zipp the Hornet, and Crash the Rhino were waiting beside the cages with the keys. "You wouldn't be considering letting everyone go, would you'" Sonic asked, expecting a fight. "Actually... Yesss." Vortex hissed, surprising Sonic, Tails and Amy. Behind Team GeneX, in an observation area overlooking the room, was Bucky the Rat. "Sonic! And you've brought guests. Excellent. That brings our total to twenty four. Perfect for my experiment. Why don't you say hello to your fellow test subjects'" he said. In the cages were many of Sonic's friends, acquaintances, and some who Sonic didn't even know. They included Knuckles the Echidna, Shadow the Hedgehog, Silver the Hedgehog, Copter the Fox, Punchy the Echidna, Chet the Cheetah, Guard the Gargoyle, Cream the Rabbit, Rouge the Bat, Blaze the Cat, Vanilla the Rabbit, Rainbow the Echidna, Gemini the Fennec, Heather the Phoenix, Fera the Wolf, Whisk the Divine, Katie the Coyote, and Mia the Cat. With Team GeneX and those Sonic brought with him, there were indeed 24. "Why are we all here, Bucky'" Sonic asked. Bucky held his hands behind his back and began to pace back and forth. "As you know, my life's work is dedicated to the creation of life. However, there is one thing that makes this very... distressing. The insistence of life forms on taking lives." he began, "So I've devised a plan to put a stop to it. Today, you will be part of an experiment to control the hearts and wills of living things. The signal I created, called the GeneXXX Wave, influences the GeneX energy within a life form. I discovered that it has connections to... libido, you might say. Furthermore, the signal can be modified, so I have been able to prevent it from affecting my experiments that I choose by species. It doesn't work on me at all, though; my electric powers shield me from its influence somehow. But I digress... My ultimate plan is to use the Chaos Emeralds that I've collected, the final ones recently obtained from a few of these... guests, to amplify the signal and cover the world in it! All I need is to get the world having sex for a few hours every day for a while. Imagine it. People will form bonds with those they have done the deed with. Love will spread, instead of hate. The desire to kill will be replaced with the desire to live! I will have saved our world, and in return, our world will allow me and my experiments to live in peace." he declared. Everyone stared in disbelief. "That's nuts. You can't expect that to work! People will only resent being forced into this!" Sonic shouted. Bucky shrugged. "Perhaps at first, which is why I will wait until it has been accepted before revealing the truth." he said. Tails shook his head. "You have no right to mess with peoples' heads like this!" he shouted. Bucky sighed. "At the moment I can't. The machine requires fine tuning. I can't even figure out how to control humans yet. But anyway, perhaps you'll change your tune after my experiment is over. Enjoy the orgy..." The doors to the exit slammed shut, sealing everyone in, and Team GeneX set about unlocking and opening the cages, while Bucky went to activate the signal. "I'm setting it to maximum power using a Chaos Emerald! None of you will be able to resist. You're all about to join my experiment... And you'll love it..." As soon as the cages were open, everyone rushed out and ran in different directions, looking for a way out, but there was none! Vortex chuckled. "Jussst accept it. It'll be more enjoyable that way. Hisss plan may have sssseemed insssane at firssst, but I rather like it..." he hissed, glancing at the women around the room, licking his lips as he thought about who to take as his first mate. Rainbow scratched her head. "The only thing I'm worried about is if you creeps are planning to hurt us after!" she said. Crash shook his head. "Of course not. That goes against everything the master hopes to achieve." he said. The signal had been activated by now, and most of them were struggling with all their might to resist its spell. Sonic held his head, dropping to his knees. "Too... much... We're not... gonna be able... to fight it..." he moaned, feeling himself becoming erect rapidly without even looking at anyone in the room! Some continued attempting to resist, but most were failing. Those wearing clothes began to practically tear their garments off, hurling them to the floor in their lust! Bucky watched from his safe observation deck and chuckled. "With so many of them in there, resistance was impossible. Now, let's see how they pair up..." he mused. Everyone was gasping and screaming in frustration, but those who accepted the situation fastest started to seek partners. Sonic gulped as everyone gradually started to pair up. Amy had tried to reach him, but she was already snapped up by Chet, who seemed to be really into the idea of this super orgy, thrusting his cock into her pussy while licking her breasts with great enthusiasm. Sonic tried to find Blaze next, but he couldn't spot her in the crowd. Looking around, he saw Vanilla without a partner at the moment. She wasn't his first choice, but she was a hot mom, and with his mind controlled by the signal, that was good enough for him! He sped over and threw his arms around her, as if to say "Mine!" Vanilla gasped, then chuckled. "Hello, Sonic... I'm sorry about all this. I know it's not your fault." she said, her mother's instinct consoling him. He loosened his grip on her and shot her a smile. "Well, we're stuck for now. I'll think of something, but until then, we might as well enjoy ourselves, right'" he winked. Vanilla nodded. "I just hope Cream's doing OK with this... As far as I know, she's a virgin..." she said nervously. Sonic shrugged and slid his hedgehood into Vanilla's accommodating pussy, making her moan softly. "You feel nice inside me... Maybe we should do this more often'" she said, smiling. Sonic grinned and started pushing back and forth slowly, taking her massive breasts in his hands as he went. "Cream's father was lucky... Whatever happened to him'" he asked. Vanilla pulled him close and thrusted her hips against his. "Just go, Sonic..." she moaned. Sonic obeyed, it seemed he'd touched on a sensitive subject, and he decided not to bother her with it. Sonic kept thrusting, faster and faster, coaxing gasps and cries of excitement from Cream's mother as he got closer to his climax. "Ohhh... oh!! S-sonic!! More!! Ahhh!!" Soon, Vanilla came, her walls clamping around Sonic's cock hard! "Ahhh!! All right, you hot momma! Brace yourself!!" Sonic groaned as he came as well, shooting his hot seed deep into his friend's mother! Vanilla gasped and panted, then embraced Sonic gently. "If anyone happens to make a baby with me here today, I hope it's you..." she whispered into his ear. Sonic's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped, but he quickly composed himself as Vanilla released him from the embrace. "Well, er... Th-thanks... I guess..." he said, turning around and shivering. "I gotta stop Bucky before I become a dad tenfold..." he thought. The action continued. Rainbow had found herself tackled onto a bed by Knuckles at the beginning. He thought it would be a way to get some payback on Punchy for always trying to steal the Master Emerald, but he soon found himself being ridden by an extremely eager Rainbow. "Yee-haw! Hee hee, you feel as good as One, Knucklehead!" she said, moaning as her pussy slid up and down over his length. Knuckles moaned, but also groaned. "Can't you call me 'Red' like Punchy does'" he grumbled, though he couldn't help but smile a little as he watched her breasts bounce. Meanwhile, Cream found herself in the powerful grip of Crash the Rhino, one of Team GeneX. However, he was being surprisingly gentle with her, holding her on top of him and easing her back and forth over his cock. "I saw how scared you were all this time. I want you to try to relax... No one wants to hurt you..." he said calmly as he fucked her gently. She cooed and sighed, his rod might have been a little big for her, but she couldn't say she wasn't enjoying it. "Why are you being so kind to me' You're the bad guy..." she whimpered. Crash patted her head. "We're not so bad. Just let us prove it to you..." he said, planting a kiss on her cheek. Amidst the mish mash of chaos, romance, and rape, was Tails. He was trying his hardest to avoid the action, and had resisted the urge better than the rest, though he, too had become erect. However, his hiding soon came to an end when someone sought him out. "Hello, handsome..." It was Fera the Wolf, and she was looking quite stunning without her tight uniform on. Tails stared at her with wide eyes. "I thought this would be a good time to repeat my offer to you... About joining the Covenant of Despair'" she said, licking her lips and staring at his penis with her good eye. Tails stared at her amazing body and found his self control faltering. "I... don't think this is such a good time!" he whimpered. Fera chuckled. "What happens here, stays here you know... My body could be all yours... Why don't you just consider my offer for a little bit, hm'" she said, holding her breasts seductively. Tails shivered and shook. This was the limit. There was no way he could deny his urges any longer. "A-ALL RIIIIGHT!! Let's do it!" he shouted, prompting Fera to jump over and pin him to the ground! "Errr, sorry... I'm a feral wolf. I get carried away." she remarked, "Let me make it better..." she said, moving to his crotch and bringing her lips to his rod, slowly moving her tongue along his length. He moaned quietly, and then a bit louder as she brought his cock into her mouth! She moved her head back and forth, giving him a quick blowjob while he made various pleased sounds, but it didn't last long. She soon released his cock and laid down beside him, glancing at him and smirking. "OK, now... I'm all yours. Take me nice and hard. Show me what you've got. It'll help me gauge your worthiness to join the Covenant of Despair." she said. Tails scratched his head. "I don't want to join, you know... But I do want to do this!" he admitted, rolling over so that he was on top of her. He held on to her shoulders as she opened her legs for him. "Destroy me, fox boy... And I'll listen to anything you say." she said, purring. Tails looked a bit nervous at first, but then a flash of determination came across his eyes. "Destroy you... Got it." he said, plowing his cock into her pussy as hard as he could! Her eye opened wide as Tails started fucking her wildly, like a fox possessed! "Ahhh... What!' Ohhh, my god!! A-amazing!!" she gasped as Tails thrusted his foxhood into her with all his might, smirking as he went. He grabbed at Fera's boobs, giving them a light squeeze before licking her tits and then giving her a passionate kiss, which she returned in her impressed state! As he fucked her, he started hitting her g-spot, making her scream with delight! "Aaaaaaahhh!! No!! No way you could be this good!!! AAAAAhhhh!!" she yelled, cumming hard and fast! Tails laughed victoriously as he cummed inside her, and then collapsed on top of her, panting heavily. Fera panted as well, but had to ask, "H-how'd you learn to fuck like that'" Tails chuckled and shrugged. "Been on the receiving end before. Took notes..." he said, recalling when Shadow fucked him as a girl. Bucky took notes as he watched. So far, the pairings had been anything but obvious. Though some had attempted to reach familiar bodies, they often were snatched up by others first, like Amy, who was still at Chet's mercy, though her moans didn't exactly make her seem unwilling. He now had her down on all fours, and was screwing her anally. Meanwhile, Knuckles had managed to get on top of Rainbow, and was giving her a good titfuck while she laughed playfully. "Don't be afraid to muss my face! Ahhh, yeah! Keep it up, Red!" she cheered. Knuckles smiled and obeyed, soon covering her face with a shower of white! He was pretty pleased with himself. At least he'd managed to get her to call him something other than Knucklehead. "Ahh, not bad. Let's do this again sometime." he smirked. Of course, Team GeneX had been quick to claim their females, and Zipp was busy with Katie the Coyote, someone he'd probably chosen for her fame as a news reporter. He handcuffed her to a bedpost, since handcuffs were among the toys scattered in the room, and started nailing her pussy, without bothering to even remove his helmet. "Aahh!! Ohh, my god!! No! You won't get away with this!!" Katie squealed, concealing her enjoyment of the activity. Zipp kept pounding away at her pussy, nibbling at her tits a bit before answering her. "Try to punish me... I dare you..." he teased, licking her breasts playfully. "Besides, according to my helmet's reading's, you're havin' an excellent time..." he said. Katie moaned and held on to him. "Damn you..." she sighed. Zipp chuckled. "Busted! My helmet can't tell me that!" he said, fucking her faster as she groaned in frustration. Copter didn't bother trying to resist the signal. Truth be told, he didn't much care if he was forced into this. He didn't really have a "special someone," and the idea of being able to have sex with anyone in the room he wanted actually excited him more than he would openly admit. For his first choice, he started heading straight for Rouge the Bat, someone he'd thought about screwing each time he'd seen, but he wasn't the only one who'd had this idea. To his annoyance, Guard the Gargoyle arrived at the same time. Rouge saw them both approach her and smirked. "Now, how did I know I'd be getting so much attention'" she said sarcastically. Copter scoffed. "I was here first, Guard. Buzz off!" he said. Guard growled at him. "I know her better..." he argued. Rouge rolled her eyes. "Boys... Ever heard of sharing'" she said, "Way I see it, I'm gonna get passed around anyway. Might as well have some fun." Copter glanced at Guard and then at Rouge. Whether he liked the idea of being with Guard or not, the signal wasn't going to give him a choice in the matter at this point, so he shrugged and grabbed Rouge by the waist. "OK, you got it. At least for once GUN's not trying to kill me." he joked, easing his foxhood into her pussy slowly, savoring the penetration. Guard moved to her rear and chuckled. "Just don't let your guard down, Copter..." he teased, forcefully thrusting his cock into Rouge's tail hole! Rouge gasped at his forceful entry, but smiled. "Kill each other on your own time, OK. You've got me between you right now." she said. Copter rubbed his hands over her breasts and started moving his hips back and forth. "Believe me, I know. You're not something a guy could ignore..." he said. Guard growled softly as he started thrusting his rod into her rear, wrapping his arms around her belly. "Grrrr... Prisoner or not, I must thank my creator... I've always wanted to do this..." he whispered into her ear. Rouge sighed and moaned blissfully as they continued to fuck her, gradually speeding up until both of them came, nearly at the same time! "Aaahh!! Oooh, boys, that was nice... A good start for this party." Rouge panted, smiling. Copter smirked at her. "Who says we're done with you'" he said. Guard nodded. "Grrr... Even without this signal, experiments have great endurance. Besides, I'd like to switch places." he pointed out. Rouge gulped. "Oh boy... I could've used a rest between rounds..." she muttered. The boys pulled out, and Copter laid down, allowing Guard to lower Rouge so that her rear hole slid onto his cock. "Aaaah... Looks like he loosened you up..." Copter remarked. Once Rouge was laid on top of Copter, Guard thrusted his cock into her pussy, making her yelp, and soon start moaning again as their threesome resumed! "Aaaahh... Ohhh... Yes! Guard... Ahh... C-copter... Mmm... Keep going..." she cried, loving every moment as the experiments rapidly thrusted their cocks! Copter stroked her wings and kissed her cheek occasionally, while Guard squeezed her large breasts roughly, occasionally licking them, having a blast playing with them. Rouge soon let out an ecstatic scream as she came. "Aaaaaaaahhhh!!! YEESSS!!" It wasn't much longer before Copter and Guard came again as well, filling her from both ends with their hot, white seed! "Grrrrraaaaaahhh!! Ooooohhh.... R-rouge..." Guard murmured, purring happily. Copter tapped her shoulder and cleared his throat. "I just wanna say... What happens here stays here, right'" he asked. Rouge rolled her eyes. "Don't worry. I wouldn't want to admit to anything." she remarked. "Whew..." Copter sighed. Chet had finally finished with Amy. From there, she tried to find Sonic. Unfortunately, she came upon Shadow instead. He seemed to relish the idea of taking "Sonic's girlfriend," so he pinned her down and started screwing her. To his surprise, however, Amy wasn't too upset by this, and quickly started making pleased noises. "Go on, Shadow... Do me hard and fast..." she smirked as he stared at her in surprise. "I'll catch Sonic sooner or later. Until then... I hope I'm lucky enough to run into more dark and handsome types like you." she said seductively. Shadow grinned back and resumed his work, going harder and faster as she moaned his name. Elsewhere, Rainbow had bid Knuckles goodbye and quickly found a new partner: Tails. She was allowing him to fuck her doggy style, penetrating her pussy the way his species would naturally. She laughed and gasped excitedly as her breasts swayed back and forth from his thrusts. "Yeah, Tails! You're so good! Ohhh!!" she yelled, glancing back at him. Tails panted excitedly and sped up his thrusts, hoping to really impress her. After all, she got Copter and Punchy on a regular basis. "Your... quills are... neat..." he observed, watching them sway around as he fucked her, wondering if she was born with them in all those colors, or if she dyed them that way. Bucky continued to observe the activity, grinning as nearly everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves now. His plan, it seemed, would be a complete success. The boys might have been the ones doing most of the partner choosing, but they weren't doing all of it. Gemini's wand had been confiscated upon her capture, and knowing that she had no way out, she decided to grab on to someone she trusted as quickly as she could. That person was Silver, someone who was from the same future time as her. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest, crying. "Wh-what'll I do' Everyone will know I've had sex... The Divine masters might find out, and they'll take my magic away..." she sobbed. Silver stroked her head and sighed. "I... I'll talk to them. I'll tell them you had no way out of it. Maybe they'll forgive you." he said, lifting her chin up and drying her tears with his glove. She smiled nervously. "It's better if we try to convince everyone to keep this a secret... But thank you, Silver. Will you be gentle with me'" she asked. Silver nodded. "But get yourself prepared. I can't protect you long in here, and the others might not be so nice..." he warned her. She smiled a little. "I guess I should try to enjoy it, then... I might not have sex again for a long time." she said. Silver smiled back and slowly slid his dick into her flower, penetrating her gently as she embraced him. She sighed happily as his cock slid all the way in, and kissed his cheek. "Ah... It feels good..." she cooed. Silver started to push his rod back and forth at an easy pace, taking care not to make Gemini uncomfortable in any way. She eased Silver on to his back as he went, taking advantage of what may be her only chance to be on top. He slid his hands over her body, caressing her gently. They rested over her breasts, rubbing them softly, and she moaned a little. "Oh, Silver... You're so sweet..." she sighed, slowly moving her hips up and down over his cock to add to his pleasure. He sighed a little, and then began to speed up his movements gradually. "We can't go too slow Gemini... I... don't think the signal will even let me." he realized, seeing a flicker of fear in Gemini's eyes as he went faster. She gasped loudly and nodded. "I... understand... I think I was going to let you go pretty fast eventually anyway, just not right away. Please, just be as gentle as you can!" she pleaded. Silver nodded and kept going, his thrusts making Gemini moan and gasp louder and louder, quickly making her orgasm as well! "Aaaaaaahhh!! Ohh, yesss!!" she cried, throwing her arms around Silver happily. He panted and moaned, nearing his own climax. "G-gemini!! Ahhh... Thanks for choosing me..." he grinned, letting out a loud shout as he came, giving her a big blast of his seed! They rested in each others arms for a big, catching their breath and complimenting each other on their performance, but with the signal affecting everyone, their rest surely wouldn't last long. Crash might have been giving Cream a gentle start, but once she left him, she quickly ended up with Vortex, the same Team GeneX member who "tested" her the last time Bucky experimented on her body. Once again, he had her pinned down and was roughly fucking her pussy, making her scream and gasp as he chuckled at her. "Don't give me that. You mussst have been enjoying your new body quite a bit..." he hissed. Cream looked away from him. "Th-that's... besides the point..." she sighed. Even as polite as she was, she didn't want to acknowledge that she was enjoying what HE was doing to her. Elsewhere, Sonic had moved on. He didn't exactly seek out Amy or anyone specific, as he was more intent on finding a way out of this mess so he could stop Bucky. However, he still had no ideas, and now he had run into Heather the Phoenix, who was quite willing to pair up with him. She was soon riding his cock, her breasts bouncing to the rhythm as she went! Sonic held on to her waist and watched her work, moaning in pleasure. "Ahhh... yeah... You're really good... But I can't shake the feeling that there's something wrong about you..." he muttered, trying to remember who she was. Heather winked. "Just forget the bad times and stay in the moment... Ohhh... Your cock feels so good... It's great to be alive..." she moaned, as Sonic shrugged and nodded, not once remembering her death. Not far away, Vanilla was approached by Guard. "Oh, my... Who might you be'" she asked, having never seen a gargoyle before. There wasn't much more talk before Guard had her tied to a bed with some rope left in the room as a "toy" by Bucky, her arms bound to the posts, but her legs free. He then started screwing her hard, squeezing her breasts and growling like a feral beast while she screamed. "Aaaaahhh!! Oooohhh!! Dear me!!" she cried, struggling to move her arms uselessly. However, as Guard continued, her screams changed in nature. "Ohhhh!! Don't be afraid to go harder, dear!" she moaned, enjoying Guard's little game. He grunted and flapped his wings excitedly. "Grrr... Yes, ma'am..." he said. It hadn't been long before Knuckles managed to find a new partner, either. He came across Mia the Cat, a sexy blue feline who was a friend of Copter's, and who was particularly enjoying this "party." In no time at all, they were on the ground, Knuckles on top, but both of them thrusting their hips together like wild animals! Mia held his hands against her breasts, encouraging him to squeeze and squish them all he liked. "Yeah, you bad boy, ravage me... Ahhhh... Aaaahhh... Yesss..." she moaned. Knuckles grinned and kept going. "Wow... Can I get your number when this is over'" he whispered, imagining she'd be great for lonely nights on Angel Island. When the signal started up, Punchy didn't try to fight it. He sought someone out immediately, and he knew exactly who he wanted. He soon found Blaze, and took her hand. "Hey there... I've been waiting for this..." he said. Blaze nodded. "I know. I've seen some of the progress you've made since we first met." she said. Punchy smirked. "And'" he asked. Blaze sighed. "Whether I give you permission or not, it looks like it's happening here. But I've grown a bit, too. I think I can accept it and enjoy it... So, show me what you've learned, deal'" she winked. Punchy smiled at her. "All right... Deal!" he said, immediately grabbing her and pinning her to the ground! Rather than start ravaging her violently, however, he turned himself over and moved his mouth to her pussy, while his cock hovered over her mouth. "It's all about fair and equal pleasure, right' Then I think this is just the position to try..." he said before slowly sliding his tongue into her entrance, getting in deep. Blaze shivered, then moaned. "Y-yes... Exactly... You've learned a lot, Punchy..." she sighed before opening her mouth to accept his throbbing dick, slowly taking it all the way to the hilt! They continued 69ing for a while, tasting each others' pleasure fluids and moaning as they worked each other up. Soon, however, Punchy lifted his head from Blaze's crotch. "Think that's enough foreplay'" he asked. Blaze released his cock and sighed with satisfaction. "You've done well. You have earned the right to take me... Make it good." she purred. Punchy climbed off her and turned again, grinning as he lined up his cock with her pussy. He slowly slid his way inside her, savoring the moment. "Ahhh... Finally... But I'd say you're worth the wait." he smirked, cupping her breasts in his hands. She purred as he began thrusting into her, taking care not to go too roughly. He had certainly learned his lesson since trying to rape her before. He massaged her breasts, and she held on to him, moaning in pleasure. "Very good... I'm enjoying this..." she sighed, licking his cheek. He grinned and sucked at her breasts as he sped up his thrusts, coaxing louder sounds out of the feline below him. "Mmmm... yeah!! Ooooh, Blaze...!!" he moaned, loving every moment. They continued for a while, and Blaze was impressed with how he'd changed since they'd met. "Aaaaahhh!! Punchy!! All right... Uhhh... Do it!! Fill me up...!!" she cried, feeling ready to burst. Punchy chuckled and let out a roar of triumph as he gave her a few more thrusts, pushing himself over the edge! They both began to cum, and Punchy pushed his rod in deep to allow his seed to flow as far inside her as it could, not that he was seeking to impregnate her. It was an action of instinct, possibly encouraged by the signal. They moaned loudly and collapsed into each others' arms, gazing into each others' eyes as they rested. "Well, this was a great way to start this crazy orgy..." Punchy grinned. Blaze nodded. "Oh, dear... I wonder what's in store next... I hope I don't end up bearing a child..." she muttered. Punchy frowned. "Oh... Y-yeah..." he stammered. Meanwhile, Bucky watched all the action from above. The orgy was well underway, and as he took notes, he felt himself getting hard as well. He felt his boner, stroking it a little. "Hmmm... Perhaps I'll have to choose someone to scratch my little itch once I'm finished collecting my data... But for now... I can see that things are certainly going exactly as I planned. Excellent..." he grinned. The orgy was going strong, and it was showing no signs of slowing down any time soon. To be continued...
Chapter 0 - About Dulata-30 Tablet 10's
Dulata-30 Tablet 10's belongs to a group of medicines known as Antidepressants. It is primarily used for the treatment of depression and anxiety. Besides this, it is also used to treat neuropathic pain such as fibromyalgia associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy and can be used to treat stress urinary incontinence in women. Depression is a mental illness or disorder characterised by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life. Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. Fibromyalgia, also called fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), is a long-term condition that causes pain all over the body. Urinary incontinence is the unintentional passing of urine. It's a common problem thought to affect millions of people. Dulata-30 Tablet 10's contains Duloxetine. It works by enhancing the amount of mood-enhancing chemicals serotonin and noradrenaline in the brain. This action of Dulata-30 Tablet 10's balances out negative emotions, improves mood, sleep, and makes a person live a better life. In this way, Dulata-30 Tablet 10's relieves depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, and many more. Common side effects of the medicine include feeling sick, a dry mouth, headache, constipation and feeling sleepy. Most of these side effects of Dulata-30 Tablet 10's do not require medical attention and gradually resolve over time. However, if the side effects are persistent, reach out to your doctor. A person taking this drug is not allowed to stop or reduce the dosage even if they start noticing an improvement in their condition without asking their doctor, as it may cause unpleasant symptoms including vomiting, agitation, confusion, etc. Before taking the Dulata-30 Tablet 10's, let your doctor know about all your allergic or hypersensitivity reactions to medicines or food. Inform your doctor if you are suffering from kidney, liver, or heart disease. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, please tell your doctor so that your doctor will weigh the benefits and any potential risks before prescribing it to you. Keep your doctor informed about your health condition and all the medicines you are taking before taking the Dulata-30 Tablet 10's to rule out any side effects. Uses of Dulata-30 Tablet 10's Depression, anxiety disorder, neuropathic pain associated with diabetes, chronic muscle or joint pain, fibromyalgia. Medicinal Benefits Dulata-30 Tablet 10's is used in the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. This medicine is also used to relieve nerve pain associated with diabetic neuropathy or chronic pain associated with arthritis or back pain. This medicine acts by restoring the balance of serotonin and norepinephrine, a natural chemical present in the brain. In this way, this drug improves mood, appetite, sleep, and energy levels in patients and gives a sense of calmness in the body. Besides this, it can be used to treat stress urinary incontinence in women. Directions for Use Dulata Tablet/capsule: Swallow it as a whole with water; do not crush, break or chew it. Storage Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight Side Effects of Dulata-30 Tablet 10's Difficulty sleeping Headaches Feeling dizzy Blurred vision Constipation Diarrhoea Feeling sick (nausea) Being sick (vomiting) Dry mouth Sweating Tiredness Less appetite Weight loss Feeling less interested in sex Erection issues.
Chapter 2 - A submissive mother
As the family ate at the dinner table, two family members were mostly avoiding eye contact, Maria was still thinking about what happened earlier today, the fact that not only did she possibly cheat on her wife, but also had sex with her son, it worried her, how will her family react to this if they ever found out, will they accept it? Will they leave her? What does her son feel about this? She hopes that whatever happens, her family will still be together. John, meanwhile, was looking across the scores his family had, from youngest to oldest. Maria Miller, score: -76 Adriana Pena, score: 48 Alex Miller, score: 42 Jessica Pena, score: 63 Clare Miller, score: 54 Ana Pena, score: 79 Susan Pena, score: 46 Melissa Pena, score: 51 Tiffany Miller, score: 39 Leslie Miller, score: 38 "Hmmm, do these abilities only affect women with negative scores, or does it work regardless of the score," John thought to himself. "Best not to test it right now." "So," Adriana, his step-mom said, "how was everyone's day?" "It was alright," responded Alex, "nothing all that exciting." "I had to fix a bug on the website," Ana said, "it was annoying." "School was fun," chimed the twins, " we got to talk with one of the authors of our favorite books!" "That's nice sweetie," Maria responded As the family finished dinner, Maria, Alex, and John stayed in the kitchen to clean up. Alex cleaned the table, while Maria and John washed the dishes. "Man, the trash can is getting full, I'll throw this out, be right back." Alex said, leaving the two alone in the kitchen. As the two finished up with the dishes, John looked around to make sure no one was watching. Then, as the coast was clear, he slid his hand into his mom's top, grabbing onto one of her massive boobs, Maria squeaked at the sudden molestation of her chest. "I'm gonna miss these when I'm gone." John whispered as he tightened his grip on the soft creamy flesh of his mom. Maria blushed heavily before she responded, "please baby, not when everyone is home." "Oh, so you don't mind if it's just us?" John asked as he pinched her hard nipple. Maria didn't respond, nor did she resist, she merely stood there, allowing her son to molest her as he pleased. Upon hearing the front door open he relinquished his grip and left the kitchen, heading back into his room. Maria, on the other hand, lightly held the breast that her son grabbed as if longing for the feeling again. "Is that everything, mom?" Alex asked, snapping her mom out of her stupor. "Yes dear, let's head to bed." Maria responded As everyone headed to bed, each to their rooms, Maria laid down beside her wife Adriana. The two milfs shared a king-sized bed, big enough to comfortably fit both of their well-endowed bodies. "Maria, what's the matter," Adriana asked, looking at her wife, "you have this look on your face." "Should I tell her?" Maria thought, "how will she react if she found out I had sex with our son?" "W-well…um…" Maria stammered, blushing immensely. "I had…sex…with… John." "Hmmm, I couldn't quite hear what you said." Adriana said. "I think I heard you say you had sex with someone." "I…I did" Maria said shamefully. "With who?" Adriana asked, a hint of seriousness dripped from her voice. Maria blushed crimson red, covering her face with a pillow. "With John…" she whispered. "Huh…" Adriana said, her face getting a soft blush of its own. An awkward silence echoed across the room as the two mothers stared into each other's eyes, waiting for some sort of response. "Well then," Adriana said, breaking the silence, "can't really blame him for wanting a piece of your ass." "Adri!" Maria softly shouted, embarrassed at what her wife just said. "This is serious, I had sex with my own- our son." "To be honest, with him being surrounded by women, I am surprised he didn't try anything earlier." Adriana said Adriana then got up from the bed, her naked form revealing itself in the bedroom, her fine legs shined in the moonlight, and her curvy ass and hefty breasts bounced as she walked to the closet. "I think you need to distress yourself," Adriana said as she rummaged through a shelf, "and I know exactly how to do that." Maria blushed at what her wife had planned, she knew exactly what she was going to do. But that didn't stop her worries, not yet at least. "Are you sure this is an appropriate time to do this?" Maria questioned. "Of course, it is," her wife cheerfully responded as she carried a rope, a blindfold, a pair of rolled-up stockings, a handkerchief, and a ribbon and placed them on the bed, "I don't have any work tomorrow, don't you worry." "Yeah but everyone's home right now," Maria said as she felt her wife take her arms and bound them behind her back with the rope. "I said don't worry about it." Adriana reassured her wife as she went to tie the ribbon on Maria's feet, binding her legs together. "I just don't want to- mmfff" Maria was gagged before she could finish speaking, she felt her wife tie the handkerchief over her mouth, sealing it to prevent her from speaking. "I'll take care of everything tonight." Adriana sensually said as she tied the blindfold, cutting off Maria's vision. Maria lightly struggled in her bonds, getting a feel at how secured they were, she knew she was helpless in this state, her beloved wife could do whatever she wished to her, and she would be unable to do anything to stop her. Adriana stared at her naked wife, bound tightly and wiggling on the bed, deciding to take things to the next level, she picked up and slung Maria over her shoulder, carrying her lovely wife to the connected bathroom. Maria felt her tits sway as her wife carried her, she felt her hands dig into her ass, holding her still, she enjoyed how exposed she was at the moment, utterly vulnerable to her wife's devious ideas. Adriana walked past the shower to the massage table and laid down her wife's body on it, she then got a bottle of oil and rubbed her hands in it, she then began to coat Maria's vulnerable body with it. "That's it." Adriana whispered as she heard Maria moan at her touches, "just relax and let me take care of you." - Meanwhile, at the Jones' house, Ashley was quietly fingering herself to orgasm, she only wore a simple t-shirt and a pair of panties.  "Mmhhh, hah!" Ashley moaned as she came, when she calmed down, she thought about the events that happened today, particularly with John, and how he reacted to her advances. "First shot at a romantic relationship and you blew it, good job Ashley." She said to herself. She then remembered what John said as she dropped him off at his house, "we're friends after all." "Fucking, stupid stupid stupid." Ashley said as she smacked her head. "How am I gonna fix this?" Ashley thought about what she could do to make a good first impression on a date, perhaps cooking would be a good skill to learn. - John was awoken by his alarm clock, he rubbed his eyes from drowsiness and checked the time, 9:25 am, great. He got up and got ready for another day away from college. As he headed down and had breakfast, he decided to check his watch on how many points he had. 68 points He should probably check what sort of info the app had, best to check the limits of this before any mistakes happen. He checked the score chart and what sort of info it had. Score chart 151 to 200: superior (actively discourages sexual advances ) 101 to 150: stranger (dismisses sexual advances) 51 to 100: associate (avoids sexual advances) 1 to 50: friend (unsure of sexual advances) 0: indifferent to any sexual scenarios -1 to -50: crush (will do simple sexual activities) -51 to -100: partner (will perform sexual intercourse) -101 to -150: lover (willing to try fetishes) -151 to -200: consort (will be submissive to any sexual advances) "Hmmm, so Jessica, Claire, Ana, and Melissa will probably avoid anything I'll try, while everyone else will be unsure about it." John quietly thought to himself, "and based on the info, mom will still be down for sex." As John walked to his room, he wondered what he should do today, Ashley is currently at work, and three of his step-sisters are home right now, so fucking mom to pass the time is a no go. "Hey Johnny…" his mom said, getting his attention. "Yeah?" He responded "Can we talk in private?" She asked "Sure, let's head to my room, it's closer." John pulled down the ladder to the attic and the two climbed up, where Maria sat on his bed as he lifted the ladder back up and closed the trap door. "So what did you want to talk about?" John asked as he looked at her, he checked her score to see it was still the same. "Well, it's about what happened yesterday, where we…" Maria blushed nervously, "...had sex." John sat beside her on the bed, getting a little nervous as well. "Yeah?" "I told…your step-mom about it." She finally said, "she knows." Shit… "Does she…" John asked, getting a little worried. "No no, she seems to be… reasonable about it." Maria said, calming him down. "But that doesn't mean it's okay." John breathed a sigh of relief, at least he wasn't getting kicked out. Though he did wonder if he could lower his step-mom's score to have sex with her as well, then he can have two lovely milfs to sleep with. Maria was getting nervous, she had just admitted to the fact that her wife wasn't angry with his actions, but she hoped this didn't encourage him. Her heartbeat began to increase just by thinking about it, her son, her baby boy, fucking Adriana while she was tied up, forced to watch her son dominate her wife, it made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  Meanwhile, John decided to go in for another kiss, taking the opportunity of his mother being distracted by her own thoughts. He felt her soft lips connect to his, he slipped his tongue inside his mom's mouth, and at that moment did she realize what had just happened. Maria gazed, dumbfounded by the kiss,  she wanted to push him away, to scold him for not respecting her, but she couldn't. She understood that she was powerless to stop him, he was going to take her, whether she liked it or not, yet that thought no longer bothered her. She felt her son push her down onto the bed, his hands u buttoning her pants and pulling them down with her panties, she laid there with her wet cunt exposed. Maria waited for the fucking to start, but instead of a hard dick, she felt a soft tongue, John began to lick and finger his mom to orgasm, she held her hands over her mouth, silencing her squeals as she felt her son eat her out. He did this for several minutes, bringing his mom to orgasm twice before he stopped. "Mmmm, I didn't know you taste so good, mom." John said as he licked her cunt of its nectar. Maria was too embarrassed to say anything, even averting her gaze from him. John then grabbed her hand to lead her off the bed, with her pants and panties still on her knees. He sat on his desk chair as he made her sit under his desk. Maria knew what he wanted her to do, so she unzipped his pants and took out his hard cock, giving him a blow job as he used his computer. John basked in the feeling of his mom's lips around his dick, so he decided to play some porn games to get in the mood. As minutes passed by, John held his mom's head down as he came inside of her mouth, she swallowed it down and let go of his now soft cock, but she didn't stop, she continued by planting kisses across its surface, in the intent of hardening the dick again. As an hour passed, this cycle continued, with sucking when it was hard and kissing when it was soft, and she always made sure to swallow down every load that came out. "Mom!" A voice rang out across the house, calling out to her. They both realized it was probably Ana calling for her. "Mom, where are you?!"  Maria attempted to get up, but John, once again, held down her head, keeping her from getting up and making her continue her oral service.  "MOM!?" Ana shouted again, but Maria couldn't answer her call, despite not being bonded, she felt she was tired under the desk, where the only thing she could do was please her son and herself. So she continued, sucking on that wonderful cock as she fingered herself. Then John's phone began to ring, he paused what he was doing to answer it, Maria also stopped, not wanting to disturb him as he made the call. "Yeah… oh hey sis." John said as he kept a firm grip on his mom's soft hair.  "I think mom went out somewhere." Maria listened to her son talks to Ana, she started the blow job again as their conversation continued. "Yeah…yeah…ok I'll let her know when she gets back." John said as he patted her head. Maria heard him hang up, her last hope of getting out of this humiliating situation was gone, she knew her only options left were either John allowing her to leave or John having to leave himself. She felt her chest burn up, this was the same scenario that happened to her and her wife on their honeymoon, where she was bound by rope, absolutely helpless for hours as her wife did what she desired to her, with a few breaks and stretches in between sessions. She decided at that very moment that she was her son's bitch, and she wouldn't have it any other way. John received a notification on his watch. "Congratulations, you manage to get a woman past the -100 mark, as a bonus, you get 100 extra points to spend on new abilities as soon as possible!" John looked down and saw his mother's score was now at -102, that was interesting, he should probably check if there was a profile system on this, to check what sort of fetishes did his mom have or was at least willing to try, but for now, he just enjoyed his mom pleasuring his cock with her warm mouth. After what felt like another hour had passed, he finally let his mom out of the bottom of his desk. Maria crawled out from under the desk, her pants still near her knees, as he watched his mom crawl on the floor, he decided to give that fine ass a good spank, getting a yelp from her. She held up her ass while her son gave her a good spanking, she saw it as an appropriate punishment for submitting to him, after getting some good ones in, John grabbed a cheek in each of his hands and pulled them apart, revealing his mom's asshole, he lined himself up and pushed in.  "Haaahhh!" Maria squealed as she felt her son push inside her ass. "Mmm, fuck." John said as he felt his dick enter inside, he began thrusting, pushing his mom against the floor but was doing so gently, not going full-on hardcore, this was just to relish his mother's body. Maria simply let it happen, she had already accepted to be his bitch, might as well he get some use out of her. The anal fucking was short but sweet, at least for John, Maria, on the other hand, was drooling all over herself, she started to enjoy her son's treatment of her body. She knew she couldn't go back from this, either he takes her as his personal fucktoy, or someone else takes her place. John came deep into her ass and as he pulled out, he pulled her panties and pants back on and left the room, Maria laid there, relishing in her submission to her son. John then realized he got a text from Ashley from a few minutes ago, asking if he wanted to hang out, so he responded with sure, he then walked outside and saw Ashley pull up to his driveway. "Yo, what's up?" Ashley called out. "Wanna hang out for a while." "Uhh… sure, it's not like I got anything better to do." John said as he hopped in the car. The two then drove off, heading to who knows where. As John sat on the passenger side, he checked the app list, since he had 194 points now. Enjoy the view: 20 points (unlocked) Watch a woman and not worry about looking inappropriate, you can stare as long as you like. Give a sniff: 50 points Sniffing a girl, or her clothes isn't weird, no matter where you are. Good kisser: 70 points (unlocked) Any kiss you give will be pleasurable to any woman Ask and you shall receive: 120 points Asking for simple non-essentials is easy, just ask for a pen or some cash and she will listen. Give it a feel: 150 points (unlocked) Want to feel those tits, go right ahead, squeeze as hard as you like, she won't mind. Aggressive exhibition: 150 points Want to see what's under those clothes? Just tear them right off, who cares how expensive they are. Public interaction: 170 points Don't worry what others will think, you can do whatever you wish, no one will judge. Casual conundrum: 200 points Do you just need to let it out? With this, girls will treat anything like it's Tuesday. Sexual needs: 220 points Want to fuck a cunt without issue? Just ask, she'll understand. "Hmmm, there seems to be some extra stuff now." John thought as he scrolled through the list. He could try to save up for the more expensive abilities, or spend some points now on the cheaper abilities to earn more points with other women, such a hard choice. He would like to get that Sexual needs ability, that would be nice, he could ask out some hotties to fuck, but the Aggressive exhibitionist and Public interaction abilities would be a good combo, he could essentially strip and grope any woman in public, and no one will bat an eye. He looked toward Ashley, her score was still at -57, he would just need 26 more points for the Sexual needs ability, and if he managed to get it, he can pretty much ask for sex from most women that at least are interested in him. "Hey John, you wanna grab some lunch?" Ashley asked "Probably later, wanna go to check out the mall again?" John responded "Sure, why not." Ashley said.   The two friends parked at the mall and began to explore the mall, as they walked around, John was reminded that he was the only guy around, as several of the clothing stores weren't advertised for men and women, but just what they are, with usual men's clothes being advertised as practicality and durability, and women's clothes for their beauty and comfort. Also, the fact that there are so many women, in all shapes and sizes, from drop-dead gorgeous and curvy to the timid and petite to towering Amazons to the short stacks, to the reserved to the bombastic, and he could look and grope any of them to his pleasure, well most of them.  Meanwhile, back at the Miller/Pena household, Maria was busily cleaning the house when her wife, Adriana came back from the grocery store with Alex. "We're home!" Adriana shouted as she carried several bags of groceries in her arms. "Welcome back, just put them over there." Maria said calmly as she cleaned. As the family unloaded groceries and began to put them away, Adriana went to her wife and kissed her. "So, how'd it go?" She asked. Maria blushed, knowing what she was asking about. "Let's talk about it in the bedroom." She whispered back. Adriana nodded and began to finish putting away the groceries, Maria, on the other hand, went to their bedroom and waited at the bedside for her wife, after a while, Adriana came in and closed and locked the door. The two parents were now alone in the bedroom, Adriana looked towards Maria as if she is waiting for her to speak. "Well…it was…fine." Maria said as she already began to blush red. "Erm…we came to an understanding of sorts." "What kind of understanding?" Adriana asked as she leaned in closer to her wife. "A…um…uh" Maria was now stuttering, clearly embarrassed to fully express everything, Adriana took notice of this and knew exactly what to say. "He fucked you didn't he." She said with a smirk. Maria blushed madly and covered her face with her hands, but Adriana wasn't done teasing her wife. "I think I know how it went down." Adriana whispered to her. "Really?" Maria whimpered  "Yeah." Adriana responded, and before Maria could react, she was pushed down on the bed, turned over, and had her pants pulled down, revealing her fine ass to her wife. "He bent you over…" she smacked her hand across one of those soft cheeks, getting a squeak from Maria. "Forced himself into your sweet little hole…" she put two fingers up her butt, getting a moan this time. "And began to fuck you like this!" Adriana began to fist her wife as she steamed in pleasure, she held onto those soft asscheeks as she stuffed her hand up into that warm hole, enjoying her wife's cry of pleasure. After one welcomed orgasm, Maria was laying across Adriana's lap, with her bare ass prepared for her. "Now, as a punishment for having sex with your son, you shall receive 15 spanks to this ass." She said as she grabbed and shook her cheeks. "What would you consider appropriate for your spanking?" "The paddle, please use the paddle!" Maria moaned to her wife. Adriana lifted the plastic paddle from the bed, it was red with holes across its surface, she laid it on Maria's ass, getting a squeak. Maria was excited at how dominant her wife was getting, she couldn't get enough, and soon enough, Adriana leaned in and whispered. "Count for me, bitch." *SMACK!*  "AH, One!"  *SMACK!*  "T-two!"  *SMACK!*  "FUCK, Three!"  *SMACK!*  "Four!"  *SMACK!*  "F-five!"  *SMACK!*  "Six!"  *SMACK!*  "Hah, Seven!"  *SMACK!*  "Fuck, Eight!"  *SMACK!*  "Nine!"  *SMACK!* "OW, Ten!"  *SMACK!*  "Nhh, Eleven!"  *SMACK!*  "Twelve, FUCK!"  *SMACK!*  "Thirteen!"  *SMACK!*  "AH, Fourteen!"  *SMACK!*  "FIFTEEN!" "Good girl." Adriana said as she placed the paddle back and grabbed a bottle of skin balm and began applying it on Maria's red cheeks. "Good girl…" Maria basked in the soothing voice and the care of her wife, she knew she wouldn't put her in serious harm, she even had a safe word to use if things go too far. But even so, she enjoyed it when her wife was in control when she wouldn't be able to do anything. Adriana began massaging those soft and smooth cheeks, she squeezed her hands in between them, watched her hands sink in their fat, and enjoyed how they bounced back when she pulled them apart. After a while, Adriana snuck her hand in between those equally soft thighs and began to finger her wife to another orgasm. "You are such a good girl." Adriana whispered to Maria as she gently stroked her pussy.
Chapter 5 - Getting to know you
"So this is just a sexual thing?" John asked Roxanne, motioning towards her choice of clothing. "Yeah, I kinda wanna know what it feels like to love, so I dress like this, kinda like those sexy-looking women in the magazines." Roxanne said without realizing the problem with that type of thought process. "You do realize you are dressed like a whore, essentially." John responded "You didn't seem to mind, based on how long you were ogling me." Roxanne retorted as she lay down on her bed. John, not wanting to continue this discussion, decided to drop the subject. Then again, based on her reaction when he kissed and groped her, she could be a good test subject to see the limits of the app, or at the very least, let him feel her up. Sitting beside her bed, he placed his hand on her thigh, seeing that she didn't react, he moved his hand up and grabbed her ass, as he massaged those soft cheeks he waited to see if she gave any sort of reaction, still nothing.  "So you're aromantic?" John asked as he got bolder with his hands. "What does that exactly mean?" "It means that I tend to not have any romantic relationships or feel much love towards others." She responded, not caring that she was being felt up.  "So… do you feel any pleasure from sex?" He asked as his fingers rubbed between her legs, where he felt the soft texture of her panties. "I mean, I still do, though some girls are often disappointed that I tend to not feel the same way as them after a one-night stand." John, deciding to take this as far as he thinks he can take it, grabbed Roxanne's panties and slowly began pulling them off.  "I understand that love is an important and strong emotion, but it can be a bit awkward trying to explain to someone you are not into them, without it sounding negative, you know?" She explained, still seemingly ignoring John's advances. As John pulled away the panties, he spread her legs and took a look at her pussy, to his surprise, it was quite big, like up to his hand, big. At least he knew why those girls were disappointed. Taking his curiosity to the next level, he slipped two fingers into the sizable cunt and felt around the warm entrance. "Damn, you have quite a large cunt you know." Said John as he held on to her ass to steady himself as he fisted her pussy, feeling her warm juices flow all over his hand. "Yeah, people are quite surprised when they first see it." Despite her seemingly ignoring her cunt being fisted by John, he felt it getting wet as if her body knew it was being pleasured. The two roommates continued their impromptu sexual experience, with Roxanne fully nude, with her hefty rack swinging underneath her as she had her pussy pounded by John, who still was fully clothed with a boner. Despite John having his sexual needs fulfilled by his mom earlier, seeing his busty roommate seemingly ignore his sexual actions in front of her got him hard again. Taking advantage of the sexual tension of the situation he got in position and unbuttoned his pants and lined himself up with Roxanne's dripping cunt, grabbing onto her soft ass he pushed his hard dick into Roxanne's large cunt. "Oh fuck, you feel amazing!" He moaned as his dick slid inside her, he grabbed her ass and began pumping her cunt, enjoying the sensation. Roxanne didn't seem to mind her roommate currently raping her, she simply looked at her phone and continued as if nothing was happening. John already had an orgasm earlier, so he didn't last very long, shooting his load inside Roxanne. Satisfied, he pulled out and got dressed, giving Roxanne a nice slap on the ass as he left. He checked Roxy's profile on the app again, and still zero, he wondered if her aromatic sexuality was interfering with the app, or because she can't create a romantic relationship, the app translated her profile differently, perhaps that's why she ignored him, the app made her do that, probably. He decided to look around campus, for now, perhaps check out the library, or head to the Starbucks on campus, either way, he hoped to see some interesting women roaming about.  - The soccer team returned to their locker room after a day of practice, and several women had dirt and grass stains on their clothes. "Hey Kim, are you gonna come to the party?" Said a black woman with brown braided hair. "Yeah, I'll be sure to get the drinks!" Kim shouted back as she placed her sports gear in her bag and made sure her clothes fit properly, while her curves were alright, with a-cups and a nice butt, her most prominent features were her legs, thick muscular thighs trained to perfection, a great benefit for one of the best kickers in the team. As Kim finished getting dressed, she walked out and saw the head cheerleader, Jocelyn Hicks, a redhead with more tits than ass, close to D-cups, and yet she was somehow just as flexible as the other cheerleaders, she was also her girlfriend. "Hey, Kimmy." Jocelyn said with a small wave. "Hey, babe." Kim wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Are you coming to the party?" "Only if you promise to fuck me while you are there." She gave Kim a sultry smirk, the two shared a kiss and walked out, but not before the rest of the team hollered out to the lovebirds, with Kim giving them the middle finger as they left. - In the college library, a small group of three friends was whispering to each other, one of them seemed quite familiar. "It's true." Whispered Wendy to her friends "I actually got to kiss someone." She looked back at the moment John kissed her at the game store, it made her feel so warm. "Well, did you get her number?" Asked her blonde friend. "Y-yeah." She said  "Oh, did you two go on a date yet?" "Sandra." A white hair girl said, "Please don't ask about things she is not comfortable with yet." "Oh come on, I was just asking." The blonde, who was named Sandra, said back.  "We should probably head back, it's almost 5 pm." Wendy said as she packed up her stuff. "Yeah alright, let's head on back." The white-haired girl said. The three friends packed up their stuff and began walking back to their dorm room, despite the question being dropped, Wendy did wonder if she will ever date John, it was a little early for that, as she only kissed him, but a girl can dream. She can still picture him, his nice face, soft hands, and gentle kiss were burned into her memory, and she didn't want to forget that moment. As they walked, she saw someone who reminded her of John, the hair, that physic, he even had the same face as…wait! "John!?" Wendy shouted "Hmmm?" "Wha-" John turned around after hearing someone call out to him, as he turned, he saw a trio of girls, one of which he immediately recognized, totally by himself, not because of the nametag on top of her head that said "Wendy Marshall." "Wendy!" He called back and ran up to her.  Wendy looked at John with surprise, she never knew he was enrolled in this college, so it was a genuine surprise to see him here. As the two exchanged greetings, John checked her score, it was still at -49, not too hard to push her lower, but he was curious about her two other friends. "So Wendy, is this the person you were telling us about?" Asked Sandra "Oh um…yeah." Wendy said, slightly embarrassed.  "So, who are your friends?" John asked "Oh, this is Sandra and Eda." She said motioning to her friends. John shook their hands and looked above their heads. Sandra McFarlane, score: 32 Eda Dalton, score: -11 Not bad, at least this Eda girl saw him as attractive, and she didn't have a bad figure either, short white hair, C-cup breasts, and a nice ass. Sandra, the long-haired blonde, on the other hand, seemed more bottom-heavy, with curvy thighs, a fat ass, and a meager set of A-cup tits.  "So, where are you ladies heading to?" John hoped to make a stronger connection with these girls, it would be nice to have some friends to hang out with.  "We are gonna go get some lunch, wanna come?" Sandra said as they began walking away. "Sure, sounds nice." - As the small group entered the restaurant, John asked who would be paying, after a short discussion, they decided to split the bill into fourths. John ordered a cheeseburger with no mustard, a side of fries, and a large drink, Sandra asked for a chicken burger with zucchini fries and a smoothie, and Wendy got nachos and a small drink, Eda simply ordered a double cheeseburger with a medium drink. As the group sat down with their drinks, they began discussing what they are learning, John learned that Sandra is learning photography and journalism, Eda is learning coding and computer engineering, and Wendy is in Art and English class.  "So, what are you here for?" Sandra asked John  "Oh, just learning about economics and engineering." He responded as he sipped his drink. "Interesting, do you have any other college plans?" Sandra said John, trying to change the subject of the conversation, leaned over to Eda. "Hey Eda, since our classes are a bit similar, how about we share notes?"  "Sure." Eda said without taking her eyes off her phone. "She's not much of a talker, you can pretty much make fun of her and she wouldn't care." Sandra said dismissively. "She usually keeps to herself around strangers." While that was probably true, he could tell with this strange app that Eda does have some feelings for him, even if they're small. This would spark some arguments about consent, but we already passed that. John put his arm around Eda's shoulder as he continued their conversation, and then Wendy went to go fetch their food, with Sandra heading to the bathroom, leaving him and Eda alone, at least for a while. His arm was still on her shoulder, and he decided to make his move, but as soon as he looked at her, he noticed she had a light pink blush on her face, looking at her score told him exactly what was happening. Eda Dalton, score: -27 She definitely liked him at least. "Hey Eda, I was wondering…" he waited to see if she responded, but nothing. "Do you…like me?" As soon as he said that, he heard a squeak as she turned her head away from him, before hearing her whisper something. Deciding to try and take the initiative, he put his hand under her chin and lifted her face, she still tried to avert her gaze, but it was clear she was embarrassed.  "M…maybe…" she mumbled He leaned in closer, his warm breath washing over her face. "Would you…like to…" Eda looks at John, as she slowly realizes what he was asking for, fumbling over her words, she doesn't know how to respond, but luckily for her, John answers for her. Eda's heart skips a beat when she feels his lips touch hers, is this true love? Is this a dream? Eda didn't know what to believe. John separated from the kiss, Eda seemingly blind as she processed what had just happened, as she finally calmed down, the two looked to their side and saw Wendy standing there with their food on a tray, with her own pink blush across her face.  "Uh…hey Wendy…" Eda said embarrassingly before quickly trying to defend herself. "It's not what it looks like! He kissed me first and-"  Wendy didn't know how to react, she just saw John kiss Eda, EDA! She never showed deep affection for others, let alone romantic affection.   John meanwhile, was checking on their scores, which had increased after the kiss. Eda Dalton, score: -34 Wendy Marshall, score: -52 That left him with 116 points to spend on new abilities, though he didn't know what to get, aggressive exhibition and public interaction seemed nice and he was a few points away from getting it. But sexual endurance would be nice to get for future plans, but it was expensive. So far he wasn't having much difficulty getting points, but then again he wasn't exactly looking for women with higher scores, like Sandra. Speaking of which. "Hey guys, what did I miss?" Sandra said as she walked back from the bathroom.  "Oh, nothing, let's start eating." Wendy placed the food on the table. - Ashley sat on her bed, playing Dark Souls 3 by herself. After playing for a while, she got better, but she still had a lot to learn. After reaching a bonfire she decided to quit for now, as she turned off her console, she wondered if she should ever visit John sometime in the future. As she lay on her bed she thought back to the first time she had sex with him, as she recalled the memories she slid a hand down her panties to her already dripping pussy and began to finger herself, she quietly moaned to herself as she imagined John taking her again, bending her over and giving her a good fucking with his hard dick, she whispered his name as she felt herself getting wetter and wetter. It wasn't long until she was moaning as she came, breathing heavily as she pictured herself and John naked, holding each other in a loving embrace.  - "Hey John, you wanna come with us back to our dorm?" Wendy asked "Um, I don't know, I would still like to explore the college a little more." "Oh okay, do you want to do that together, if you don't mind that is!" She exclaimed It's honestly cute seeing Wendy stutter with her words, he would not mind having a bit of company, and with her score being above 50, he wants to try something. "I don't mind at all, wanna head out?"  "Yeah, just let me tell my friends!" She ran to her friends and explained everything, they said their goodbyes and left, John and Wendy went back to the college. As the two walked around the campus, especially in the new areas that opened once construction was finished, they talked as several other students hung out or studied nearby. After walking for a bit John found a quiet little spot to sit and rest for a bit, they continued their conversation when John noticed that they seemed to be alone, as he hadn't seen anyone else walk by for a bit. John decided to make his move. "Hey, Wendy." He places a hand on her shoulder. "Yeah?"  "I was wondering, how did you feel watching me kiss Eda?" Wendy played with her hands for a bit before giving her response. "Well uh…I kinda felt surprised." "Just surprised?" "I mean, there was more than just surprise, but I don't know how to…put it into words." He slips his hand down her shirt, groping her warm, soft breast, a faint blush dashed across Wendy's face. "It felt like…something." "Wendy." "Yeah…" "Do you…love me?" The faint pink blush immediately turned crimson red as Wendy once again stuttered with her words.  "I mean I-it's like a um, I don't…" "Wendy" John turned her head to face him, her face completely flustered. "John?" He leaned in close, and she closed her eyes in anticipation, as seconds passed she felt it, the warmth of his lips against hers, it was a rush, and her heart began to beat faster, she didn't want it to end, she wanted to stay like this for as long as possible. Minutes dragged on as the two kissed uninterrupted, eventually, the two separated, both breathing heavily from the experience.  "Wow…" was the only way she could describe it. The two stared into each other's eyes as if looking for something. "Wendy." Let's see if this works. "Yes?" Her score is -60 "Do you…want to have sex with me?" She felt her head lighten from hearing that. "Is there anywhere…more private?" At least she didn't say no, the two went up and went to a nearby bush, the idea of doing it in public turned on Wendy, she had never done this, but the idea did send a thrill of excitement through her body. She knelt down and began to unbutton her jeans and pull them down, John got behind her and did the same. The two got into position and John guided his hard member to her entrance, at first he rubbed her lips with the tip, getting a soft moan from Wendy, after her pussy was sufficiently wet, he pushed in gently. Wendy stifled a moan as John held onto her ass to keep balance, he pushed himself deeper inside her warm snatch and soon he began to fuck her right cunt, the two did their best to keep quiet as John kept a lookout for anyone passing by, Wendy meanwhile was enjoying the thrill and pleasure of getting fucked in public. As John continued his rhythm, he felt Wendy clench down on his dick as she bit into her shirt to hold back her moans. "Keep going…" she moaned out He obliged and continued, and soon he felt himself getting close, he began to speed up, much to Wendy's pleasure. As he pumped faster and faster, Wendy could hold her moans back and a few managed to escape her mouth. When he felt that his orgasm was very close, he pulled out, but he did feel Wendy clench down one last time as he did, luckily he pulled out in time and his cum was sprayed across her ass.  "Hah, hah, that was…amazing…hah" Wendy was in total bliss, after those two orgasms, she didn't think she could stand. John stuffed his softening member back into his pants, pulled out his phone, turned off flash, and took a pic for safekeeping. After Wendy calmed down she pulled up her panties and jeans and the two lovebirds walked back to their dorms, hand in hand.  Wendy Marshall, score: -68
Chapter 3 - From best friend to girlfriend
As John walked across the isles of the clothing store, he thought about which ability to get, even after some consideration, it still was a tough choice to pick. "I'm telling ya, it's somewhere here." He heard one girl say "Yeah, whatever." He heard other one said As he looked over where those voices were coming from, he saw a buxom woman in tight jeans and a bra, pretty much showing off her double D cup breasts. The moment he saw her he went straight over to her, and as he got there he also saw two other girls with her, though they were more covered up. He smoothly walked beside her and slipped his hand into her bra, giving those fine melons the attention they deserve. "Hey beautiful, what's your name?" He said The woman looked at him, completely unaware of his hand groping her tits.  "Names Martha, Martha Stewart." She responded, he looked up and saw that her score was 44, just enough. Without hesitation or request, he pushed his lips against hers and began to kiss, the moment he did, Martha was startled, not sure what exactly she should do, after he broke the kiss, her score went down to 17.  "Holy shit… you better warn me next time when you do that again." She said with a smile. "I believe you wouldn't mind the surprise." John responded as he squeezed her fine breasts together. "Oh hey, who is the handsome hunk?" Said an equally curvy ebony beauty, she was holding some shirts. "Oh hey, Emily this he is…"  "John, John Miller." He responded  "Emily Dickinson." He looked up to see her score and was quite surprised, -67 already huh, she's probably a slut, or is really into him. "Well, Martha and Emily, would you like to go somewhere more private?" John asked the two beauties. Erm, I don't know…" Martha said "Sure, why not!" Emily eagerly said "You sure Emily, I mean we just met him."  "Oh come on, look at him, are you gonna say no to that?" Hearing that, John blushed a bit, he didn't expect another woman to be that into him. "...alright fine, but if we get kidnapped, it's all your fault." Martha said as the three began walking. "I'm sure I won't disappoint." John said as he slipped one hand into Martha's bra and the other into Emily's pants, groping their soft skin. Ashley, meanwhile, was at a tech store, looking at the computer products available in stock. She was looking for some new parts to upgrade her PC, especially a new keyboard, but she wished John was with her, sadly he wasn't very interested in PC building, mainly due to budget constraints. "I should try to look into what he likes." She said, "Though I should not try to push myself onto him, besides I doubt that he would want that kind of pressure." As she gazed through several different products, she wondered how she could try to get closer to John as if they weren't already close enough, they're best friends for crying out loud. Perhaps a waterpark could be a good start, she could wear a nice bathing suit to tempt him or something, while he can just wear a pair of swimming trunks. Even though summer was still a while away, she was already picturing the scenarios in her head, where she will show off her lovely curves, John showing off his well defined upper body as he holds her in his arms, gently as a lover as he gropes her soft skin and she feels up his sturdy muscles, the thought excited her. She still remembered how big his dick was when she gave him that blowjob, along with its texture and taste, she wondered how that cock would feel inside her, the thought was getting her horny. "Excuse me, ma'am, do you have any questions?" Asked an employee, snapping Ashley out of her fantasy. "Oh um no… I'm just looking." She quickly responded back "Okay, if you have any questions, just let me know." "Alright then, thanks." Ashley said as the employee left. "Fucking bitch" Ashley quietly whispered to herself as she tried to continue her daydream with John at the waterpark. As Ashley was busy in the computer store, John was led to a corner bathroom by the two women. Upon entering the bathroom, it was clear people rarely used this one, due to how clean and pristine it was, with no graffiti, no broken parts, nothing.  "Well, here we are." Emily exclaimed as the trio entered. John was busy looking at his watch, has decided to pick the sexual needs ability, reducing his points down to 41 points. Now he was ready to enact his sexual plan. "So, what is it that you wanted to show us?" Martha questioned John, still unsure of his intentions. "Oh nothing all that bad, but first," he said as he undid his pants and took out his dick, showing the impressive package to the women. "Who wants to ride this cock?" "The fuck why the hell would I-" Martha said as her face blushed red at seeing this bold display before she was interrupted. "Hell yeah!" Emily shouted as she also began to remove her pants and raise her ass in the air. John took his position behind her getting on his knees and lining himself up. "Emily, are you seriously going to let this stranger fuck you in a public bathroom!?" Martha questioned her friend. "Well yeah, he's got a nice-looking dick." She said as she felt the tip rub against her wet cunt. "Besides, the scenario kinda turns me on." "I can't believe you are such a slut." Martha said as she sat on the toilet lid. "We went here for new bras, not to get fucked in a bathroom." You're loss, I'll let you know how good his dick is when I'm dooaaahhh! Fuck!" Emily moaned as she felt John stretch her cunt open as he entered her.  The two began to quickly get a rhythm going, with Emily pushing back and John thrusting forward. Martha simply watched her friend get fucked from behind in front of her, while she was annoyed with John, she couldn't help but get excited by this. Meanwhile, John was enjoying Emily's tight pussy and fat ass, often holding onto those thick ass cheeks as he slammed into her wet cunt, he knew at that moment that he made the right choice. "Fuck, fuck yeah, right there!" Emily moaned. "Just like that, you feel so fucking good!" "Holy shit, you're tight!" John said as he continued the pace. - *knock* *knock*  "Hey mom? are you gonna cook lunch or are we getting take out?" Alex said as she stood by the parent's door.  Adriana answered the door, allowing the sound of the private shower to be audible. "Yeah, she said she's going to cook dinner, don't worry." Adriana said as she left the room, "I'm gonna go pick up the twins, I'll be right back." Alex looked into the room as Adriana left and as she entered, she looked at the bed. Sitting on the soft covers she thought back to the first year her step-mom entered her life, how she was cautious around her, how long it took for Adriana to gain her trust, and how she, as the older sister, had to set an example on how to be a good sister to her younger siblings, especially with Johnny. She has always been worried about him and how he might feel being the only man in the house and how it might have affected him. As she sat at the bedside, she was at least thankful that Adriana was such a kind-hearted woman to her mom, and even if there were disputes with her little siblings and step-siblings, she was always ready to diffuse the tension between the two. Maria was busily showering and cleaning her hair, as she did so she thought about her wife's response to the news of what happened. Perhaps her worries about her family being torn apart from this may not be true. However, she also knew she couldn't resist her baby Johnny, even if she was his mom, she was a submissive bitch, and she will simply let him fuck mommy whenever he felt like it. Sure, she was given a punishment for her actions, her hands grasping her soft cheeks, remembering the sting of the paddle that bore down on them, but that's what was so exciting about it. While she knew this was forbidden love between a mother and her son, she can't see herself withstanding his sexual advances. A sudden shiver coarse across her body, what if…he started going after other members of the family, his step-mom, sisters, and step-sisters, the thought would have worried her if it didn't turn her on so much. As she continued showering the thought of John fucking Adriana on the very bed where they had their fun, played in her mind. - "Oh fuck, holy shit!" Emily moaned as she came. "Getting…close!" John said as he began thrusting faster. "Let me…fuck, let me suck that dick!" Emily managed to say as she tried to turn around. As the fuck duo got into position, Emily bobbed her head up and down, quickly bringing John to orgasm.  "Fuck, here it comes!"  Emily held her position as John released ropes of cum inside of her mouth, she swallowed it all. Eventually, the two separated, enjoying the afterglow of sex.  "At least you didn't get pregnant." Martha said as she stepped up to her naked friend. "Come on, get dressed, I don't wanna wait in a bathroom that smells like sex." "You know you could have just waited outside, right?" John said as he recovered. "You didn't have to wait with us." "Yeah, why did you stay anyways?" Emily piped in as she got up. "Did you enjoy what you were watching?" "N-no, why would… I mean I didn't… I was making sure you weren't going to get kidnapped." Martha managed to say, but before she could continue, John cut her off with a kiss. As soon as the kiss started, Martha's reluctance immediately melted away. The two kissed for a while before separating, leaving Martha with a crimson blush across her face. "You didn't warn me..." She whispered to him with a bit of annoyance in her voice. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind too much." John said with a smirk. "Are you two going to fuck or Nah." Emily said as she put her bra back on. "Nah, I am satisfied enough, besides I don't want to keep my friend waiting." John responded as he buttoned up his pants and headed to the door. "Oh right, I nearly forgot." "Oh? What did you forget?" Emily asked as John walked up to her as took something out of his pocket. "Your number of course." John answered as he held out his phone. Emily looked at him, took the phone, and put in her number, she then took off her bra and took a selfie, saving it as her profile picture on his contacts. "Thanks." He said as he walked toward Martha. "Would you give me your number as well?" Martha simply took the phone and saved her number in it before giving it back, without taking a profile pic, but he didn't mind too much. So he took his leave and went to find Ashley. As he exited the restroom, he looked at his contacts. In just under a week, he already got three girls' numbers, back then, he would kill to even have two, and now he seems to be getting them almost as easy as picking and choosing any girl he likes. As he continued walking across the mall, he texted Ashley to meet him at the food court. As he found an empty table and sat to wait for Ashley, he looked around the area once again, taking in the alien scene.  A sea of women as far as the eye can see, several women of a variety of ages, colors, shapes, and sizes. He watched a chubby mother hold her daughter's hand as they held bags of clothes, a group of girls who were dressed in school uniforms chatting with each other as they sipped on smoothies, some had skirts, and others had pants. He often thought he would feel lonely, being the only man around, just like back at home, but he couldn't have been happier, he could do things that he would normally only dream about. Even his best friend Ashley still made him feel at home, even if she is now a woman, they still had that same fun energy between them, he remembered that her score was -57, and he wondered if she would like to have a relationship with him, perhaps he could try to sneak her into his college, he would probably have to get a dorm room and a roommate, but he wouldn't mind having her around. As he waited, Ashley came up to him with a few bags in her hands "Hey, how was your shopping?" She asked as she sat beside him. "Somewhat interesting, I didn't buy anything though." He responded, "what did you buy?" "Oh, just some computer parts, that's all."Ashely said as she looked around, "Do you want to go get some pizza?" "Sure, I'm in the mood for pizza," John said as he got up. "Do you want your pepperoni and mushroom pizza, or just pepperoni?" "Pepperoni mushroom, please." "Alright, I'll be right back." As John went to a nearby pizza stand, Ashley made sure to save their spots. Arriving at the stand, he looked over the available pizzas on display. "Hello, do you know what you want to order?" Asked one of the employees, she had a red hat with the pizza stand logo, a redshirt, and a white apron. She also had brown hair and a few freckles across her face. "Yeah, I would like four slices, two pepperoni and two pepperoni with mushrooms." He responded, "man she looks cute." He thought to himself, "but I should probably keep my dick in my pants, don't want to get too much attention." "Here you go!" Said the cute girl, "Hopefully you enjoy your meal." "Thanks." As he returned to their table, they sat and ate their meal, talking about their day. Eventually, they decided to head to Ashley's house to play dark souls 3 again, and as they got into Ashley's car and began driving off, John wondered if he can take his friend's relationship to the next level, but how is he going to do this without making it awkward. The drive was mostly uneventful as they got to the house. "Okay, I'll head to the bathroom, you go start the game, okay." Ashley said as she walked off. "Okay." John responded as he began to walk up to Ashley's room, entering it, he saw the console already set up, he turned it on and checked to see if the game was still inside, it was. As he waited for Ashley to come back he decided to explore the surrounding area for anything.  As Ashley was in the bathroom, she began to think about how she was going to admit her feelings toward him, and when she should say it.  "What if he rejects me?" She quietly said to herself, while it was an unpleasant thought, it was a possibility. "What if he just wants to be friends?" As she quietly sat on her porcelain throne, she pondered on the possibilities of what might happen if she were to go through with this.  "No," she said as she stood up. "I either admit them now and face rejection than never admit them and wonder what could have been." She then exited the bathroom with renewed confidence and was ready to admit her deepest feelings for John. Probably… As John entered the Firelink Shrine, Ashley came back from the bathroom. "Hey, how's the game?" She asked as she sat down on the bed beside John. "So far it's been uneventful, I found this church place." He answered, but as he looked toward Ashley, he noticed that her score went down to -71. "So…I was wondering…" Ashley began to blush. "Yeah…" he paused the game, unaware that Dark Souls 3 can't be paused. Ashley began fiddling with her hands as she tried to find the right words to say. John anxiously waited for what she was about to say. "...erm…you know when…we um…" she managed to squeak out. "When we…kissed?" He asked "Uh yeah…I was thinking if you…wanted to do that…again…" John stayed silent and thought about what he should exactly do with this, despite the obvious. "W-well… we don't have to if…you don't wanna…" she began to say, trying to not embarrass herself, her face getting as red as a tomato. John began to move closer to Ashley, deciding to calm her down in the only way he could think of. As Ashley fidgeted in her place, John reached up to her face and held her head steady, they both stared into each other's eyes, and both silently waited, and then they both closed into a kiss. This kiss was very different from the others John has experienced, he couldn't explain why, but it felt…different. Ashley grew lightheaded as her mind tried to register this kiss, she was blinded by the experience. The two held for hours, even though only minutes passed by. As they broke the kiss, they knew it was the time was right, they both laid down on the bed and began to remove their clothes, and as they removed every last article of clothing they embraced each other and began to have sex, John pushed his cock into Ashley's virgin pussy. She moaned as she felt John push open her cunt and took her virginity, and she was all too happy to give it to him. "Oh fuck." She moaned "You okay?"  "Yeah, keep going."  John moved on top and pushed the rest of the way in, fully sheathing himself inside. Ashley groped her breasts as John began to make a steady paste, pushing in and out of her wet cunt, he held her hips to keep himself steady. They kept it up for a while, but John began to experience that familiar feeling of orgasm. "I'm getting close." He said. Ashley merely responded by locking her legs behind him, preventing him from pulling out, he looked at her to see if she was sure she wanted this. "Do it." She whispered as she stared back at him. Getting all the confirmation he needed, he began to pick up the pace, quickly bringing not only himself but also Ashley to orgasm. "Oh fuck, fuck, fuck." Ashley began to say as she was getting closer "I'm gonna!" John said as he repeatedly trusted in and out of Ashley's wet cunt. "Oh fuck!" They both held each other tightly as they orgasmed, John laid down on top of Ashley as he came inside her, and Ashley felt her insides get warm as John filled her up. They both lay there, embraced by each other and panting from the sexual experience that they both had. It was at this moment that John knew he had a keeper.
Chapter 6 - A little more
"Holy shit, Holy shit, Holy shit!" Claire's mind was racing as she hid from the exhibitionists who seemed to be having sex. She didn't know what to think, who would do such a bold action out in public, on campus no less?! She peaked behind the corner where she hid, the vivid sexual act was clear as day for her. She saw the stranger thrust into and out of his partner, their backs to her. A faint blush covered her face as the deaf silence was occasionally broken by the wet smacks of skin and stifled moans, she tore herself away from the sight, only now realizing how fast her heart was beating. What is she going to do, she can't just walk over to them and stop them. What if someone sees her together with them?   After calming herself down, she looked back at the scene. Only to see the two leave. She still didn't know how she felt about this. On one hand, it was scandalous, but on the other hand, a small part of her mind secretly enjoyed the view. A forbidden kind of pleasure, one with the risk of- "no, no, no, focus!" she said as she lightly slapped her face to get rid of her blushed look. "I got to…um…let's just head to my room, need to clear my mind…yeah." She got up and quickly made her way back to her dorm room. - John and Wendy walked on back, with Wendy still lightly blushing at the lewd act they'd just done not a few minutes ago. Meanwhile, John got a safe confirmation that someone has to be at least -50 for other effects to be usable. While he would enjoy the occasional casual sex, having an actual relationship would also be nice, sure he might have recently fucked his mom but having a stranger who loves him, like Wendy and… … Wait, how is he gonna tell this to Ashley? Looking at his watch he decided to see if the app had anything for this. "Hmmm? Are you checking the time?" Wendy asked  "Uh yeah, it's 6:12 right now, just need to check on something." John responded as he opened the app.  As he opened the app, a display page opened up for Wendy, revealing her height, age, three sizes, and hair and eye colors, as well as her score. Upon seeing this, John quietly panicked, hoping that Wendy didn't see that. Luckily Wendy didn't seem to have noticed anything, she just snuggled up his arm.  "Hey John, do you want to go grab some milkshakes?" Wendy asked "Sure, I am quite hungry actually, especially after that." John teased Wendy blushed more vividly, she didn't know what she exactly saw in John, but he always knew how to make her feel all fuzzy inside. It embarrassed her how easily she found herself wrapped around his finger, yet she never felt any safer. She felt that even if he carried her around in public completely naked, she wouldn't feel the slightest bit of regret or discomfort.  As the two love birds headed off to find a fast food restaurant to grab some drinks, Claire managed to reach her dorm room. Quickly rushing to her side of the dorm, she took out her diary and began to write out what she had just seen today. Honestly, this was probably one of the most interesting things she has in this diary, right behind that one fight she saw. But as she wrote more and more of the erotic scenes she saw, she started to find herself getting more and more horny; after a while it became unbearable and she got up and locked the door to finally relieve herself. As she laid back down on her bed, she slowly pulled her shorts down, revealing a pair of light blue panties covering a cute little peachy butt. Claire then slipped a hand into her panties and felt her pussy was a bit wet already and as she slipped a finger inside, she let out a soft moan.  Claire gripped her soft covers as she fingered herself. Why, why out of everything that could have happened today, she ran into an exhibitionist couple out in public. But that wasn't what upset her, nor was the moaning pleasure the woman seemingly tried to silence. What truly rustled her was that guy she was with, something about him just clicked with her. She didn't get a good look at his face, but the simple thought of him taking her like that sent a shiver down her spine and cunt.  She turned to her side, rubbing her chest through her shirt. Claire reached for her pillow and placed it between her legs, gently rubbing and humping its soft texture. She quickly mounted the pillow, her ass in the air as she lustfully imagined scenarios with that stranger. It was a forbidden kind of pleasure, something she would realistically never do, but it was erotic to think about. She felt herself getting close. Her mind dived deeper into depravity as she imagined a variety of sexual scenarios in her head. She rubbed herself faster as she buried her face into the pillow.  She moaned deep into her pillow as she came. Clear liquid squirted out of her quivering pussy as she gripped the covers and pillow. Claire lay on top of her pillow as she caught her breath.  - In the morning, at the Jones family household, Jessica was teaching her daughter Ashley how to cook. She decided cooking breakfast should be easy enough. A good egg to start, nothing too hard.  “Fucking piece of- aah!” Ashley cried out as the oil seared her skin “Now now, I told you to be careful dear.” her mom said as she pointed a spatula at her daughter. “You told me you wanted to learn how to cook.” “I know. It's just that, you make it look so easy.” Ashley replied as she tried to cook the fried egg in the pan. “Ow, I swear if this egg burns me again-” “Honey, calm down. It's just an egg.” Jessica said, her daughter seemingly determined to fight the fried egg with how she looked at it.  Ashley calmed down before continuing to cook the egg. If she wanted to be with John, she should at least be able to cook breakfast for him. She could picture it now, her and John buying their own house, raising a beautiful family together. She could see their children running down the halls as she made breakfast for the family. How she would take care of the house while John worked. Whenever he wanted to fuck her, he would just pull down her pants right there. Not a care in the world- “Ashley, are you going to put the egg on the plate or are you going to let it burn?” Jessica said as she snapped her daughter out of her thoughts. “Oh right, sorry about that.” Ashley quickly lifted the finished egg off the pan and placed it on a nearby plate. - John woke up as the alarm blared out. He fumbled for a bit before putting it on snooze. He stretched out as he took a look around the room, and immediately realized he was not in his room at all. A sudden shuffling of the covers on the other side of the bed gave him his answer. Wendy emerged completely naked from the blanket, her small figure looked cute with how she snuggled on the pillow. With a yawn, she said good morning. “Morning, hey Wendy, did we do anything last night?” John asked as he looked at the watch on Wendy’s score as well as his points. Wendy Marshal, score: -68 Points: 107 “Other than what happened outside on campus?” Wendy responded, referring to their public fucking. “Yeah, other than that.” “No, not really, we just snuggled together to sleep. Why?” Wendy got up, revealing her nude body out in the open. “Just wanted to know so I can repay you.” John said as he also got up and pushed her to a wall, pinning her as he lined himself with her ass. Wendy let out a little squeak as she felt him hold her. She couldn't help but shake her butt against his dick before she felt him push inside. She let out a soft moan as she felt him fuck her ass just the way she liked it. John moved his hands to her chest as he casually groped and fucked Ashley, giving her small boobs some love. At that moment, she let John have her, she didn't care what happened next, as long as she was with him.  Hearing her moans and squeaks always got John giddy. Wendy was always adorable ever since he first saw her. He just wanted to dress her up and snuggle with her, while also making her squirm. He felt Wendy clench her ass, he moved a hand to her pussy and started fingering her, she grabbed his arm and he felt her gush over his fingers easily.  “Haah, harder… please.” Wendy moaned as she came. John simply obliged to her demands and began to fuck her harder. Every time he thrust into her, he forced her hips to smack the wall, and she loved it. John was about to cum, but he didn't bother telling Wendy and just continued to fuck her. Wendy bit her lip as she felt him cum inside her, a new warmth flooded inside her before she felt him pull out. She just stood there, by the wall as she just basked in this new warmth. “Sorry, but I better get going.” John said as he fetched his clothes. Even as Wendy heard John getting dressed and leaving, she was still standing there. “Wow..” was all she had to say before lying down on the ground. - Wendy Marshall, score: -97 Points: 136 - John felt a little bad ditching Wendy like that, but he didn't want to be caught in someone else’s dorm. Much less with anyone naked. He continued to walk to his dorm, despite it barely being a week, he had already fucked three women. John decided to check on the app list to see if he could buy anything new. - Enjoy the view: 20 points (unlocked) Watch a woman and not worry about looking inappropriate, you can stare as long as you like. Give a sniff: 50 points Sniffing a girl, or her clothes isn't weird, no matter where you are. Good kisser: 70 points (unlocked) Any kiss you give will be pleasurable to any woman Ask and you shall receive: 120 points Asking for simple non-essentials is easy, just ask for a pen or some cash and she will listen. Give it a feel: 150 points (unlocked) Want to feel those tits, go right ahead, squeeze as hard as you like, she won't mind. Aggressive exhibition: 150 points Want to see what's under those clothes? Just tear them right off, who cares how expensive they are. Public interaction: 170 points Don't worry what others will think, you can do whatever you wish, no one will judge. Casual conundrum: 200 points Do you just need to let it out? With this, girls will treat anything like it's Tuesday. Sexual needs: 220 points(unlocked) Want to fuck a cunt without issue? Just ask, she'll understand. Tasty treat: 220 points Don't want to have an awful taste? No worries that'll have you covered. Sexual endurance: 230 points Don't want to get tired before getting to the good part? This will make sure you can keep up with numerous women. - He was just 14 points away from the aggressive exhibitionist trait. That would definitely be a good investment. Although Public Interaction was a little more expensive, at 34 points away, it was also really good. What to choose, what to choose. John decided to think about it for a bit longer. Perhaps if he runs into another slut, he could get the latter, but he could get the former pretty easily. Maybe Eda could help him out, she probably wouldn't even mind.
Chapter 1 - Still-alive update
Hey, what's up, internet people? I'm back! Well, kind of. These (how long was it) last months have been a stressful run, mostly due to college. Homework, unending study guides, practical works, group works, exams... and this is just the admission course! damn, I just want to throw everything related away, getting out of this train that takes away all my energy and time T_T And because of that loss, my only patron unsuscribed from their pledge, and I don't blame them. Who would pay for someone who barely posts? Which leads to me telling you that I'll be changing some stuff in my patreon, because I want to post NSFW together with SFW stuff there. As for commissions, I AM DEEPLY SORRY for all this delay. I almost forgot that I said to one of my commissioners that their picture should be done between 1 week and 1 month, but I never expected this second quarter of college would be so overwhelming. But don't worry, I won't disappoint you. I've got the 5 requests sketched, 2 are ready to go, 1 is half-done, and the other 2 are waiting for digitalization. I'll contact those who got them done. To the rest, I'm begging you a little more of patience, please >.< I don't count with so much free time in the week, and I've lost energies to even sketch something little. I barely get online, but just mobile browsing. So, then again, thanks you for reading and for your patience!
Chapter 4 - College and Bondage
Time sure does fly by fast, it's only been a few days, but he now has to head back to college, while he did have fun, especially with his mom and former friend now girlfriend, it's now time to head back and complete his studies. John lay on his bed, most of his stuff has been packed up to allow him to move into a dorm, he'll probably have to find a roommate to help with the cost, but overall, he should mostly be fine. Now that he thinks about it, what else has changed? Are any of his old professors now different, what sort of sports are there now, and what form of education is now popular? And how many new women will he get to meet and fuck.  As he got up and began to take his stuff downstairs, his mom came by to help out. "Do you need any help with carrying your stuff to the van?" His mom asked "Yeah, could you go get my spare clothes," he said, "it's in a white bag." For several minutes, they packed up the back trunk with his stuff, from clothes to electronics, to school supplies.  In the middle of it, Ashley stopped by. "Hey, are you leaving already?" She asked as she saw the bags. "Yeah, time sure does fly by, huh?" John responded as he placed a bag inside. "I'll go get the rest of the bags sweetie, I'll be right back." His mom said as she walked to the house. When his mom went inside to get the rest of the stuff, John and Ashley locked into one more kiss, as they made out, John slid his hands under Ashley's shirt and groped her decent-sized boobs, giving her hard nipples some playful pinches.  "Goddess, I'm gonna miss this." Ashley said as they broke the kiss. "Well, while I would like for you to come with me, I doubt the college would like to have strangers on campus." He said They both looked at the front door as his mom came with the rest of the stuff, they both departed as John went to pack in the rest of the stuff. Ashley, meanwhile, had a thought, a mischievous little idea that might work, if John is willing to cooperate that is.  After they finished, the two family members got in and began to drive off to the college he will be staying in for a few years. Most of the ride was uneventful, with not much happening as they drove away, though John did notice that there was a lot of advertising that would be considered explicit back in his world, from half-naked women to taboo concepts being used as normal. As they pulled up to the college, they saw several other cars already parked there, after a bit of navigation and asking for directions, they found the building with his dorm room. He remembered his roommate said she will be out for today, so he would still need his mom's help to carry all the stuff up to his new room. "Alright, we're here!" John said as they entered a room with a small kitchen, living room, bathroom, and two bedrooms. "It sure does look cozy." His mom said as she dropped off the bags. "That should be everything." John looked around the room, seeing that he already had a bed inside. "Whew, I need to sit down for a bit." He heard his mom say as she sat down on the couch. "Hey mom." John said as he sat down beside her. "Yes, sweetie."  "Could we…do it one more time." He said, "since I don't know when I will have enough time to meet up again, so can we." Martha looked at her son, her big boy wanted to fuck her one last time before she leaves. She couldn't say no to him before, and she can't say no to him now, if he wants to fuck mommy, he can fuck mommy. "Okay, but promise me that you- keep!" She squeaked as her son grabbed her pants and pushed her on her back on the couch, she then helped him unbutton her pants as he took out his dick and lined it up with his mom's cunt. She felt him enter her as he pinned her in a mating press position. While she still had most of her clothes on, she still enjoyed her son fucking her wet cunt, John also enjoyed it as much as he could, enjoying the distinct feeling his mom had. The two went at it for several minutes, risking getting caught in the living room, but at the moment, they didn't care, all that mattered to them was getting one last fuck out before they departed. "Fuck fuck fuck, cum in mommy again sweetie, please!" She moaned John obliged, driving himself deep into her and cumming inside. "Fuck, I'm cumming!" He howled. "Yes sweetie! Fill mommy up! Hah!" She said as her own orgasm washed over her. The mother-son pair collapsed onto each other, basking in the afterglow of their shared orgasm. "Okay sweetie, mommy needs to get going now." She said after relaxing for a few minutes. But instead of getting up, John began to fuck her again, keeping her pinned in her current position. "Sweetie, mommy needs to leave, and we don't want anyone catching us like this." But despite her vocal protests, she was still getting wet at the thought of it. Eventually, after some pounding in her pussy, she relented, and they continued their sexual intercourse for about another hour before Maria was allowed to leave.  - Maria walked to her car, trying to avoid anyone noticing her hard nipples poking through her shirt; she didn't have any underwear on, as it was in her purse at her son's request. As she entered the car and sat in the driver's seat, she looked around to make sure no one was around, after checking the area and seeing she was alone, she quickly unbuttoned her pants and frantically fingered her wet cunt, trying to relieve herself as she sat there. John, meanwhile, was unpacking his stuff and setting up his side of the dorm, such as posters, clothes, and his computer. As he finished up, he decided to explore the college and see all the changes that occurred in this new world, and how his classmates and professors will look. For now, though, he should probably wait for his roommate to return to give him a runup on things. - After what felt like hours of unpacking and setting up his stuff, he laid down on the bed to rest, the only thing that kept him awake was the front door opening and hearing someone enter the room. "Holy shit, was I reversed robbed? I don't remember any of this being here?" He heard a feminine voice say out loud. "No, it was just me." John said aloud as he slowly got up from his bed. "Your new roommate." As he walked toward where he assumed where his roommate was, the two immediately locked into each other's eyes. He definitely was expecting a nice, curvy-looking woman to be his roommate, but the woman standing before him blew away his unfamiliar expectations, a pale white figure, with thick thighs, a trimmed tummy, and H-cup tits. Any of those by themselves would be impressive, but what really caught his eye was how she was dressed, a yellow tube top that showed a lot of her cleavage, a mini skirt that just barely covered her butt, he wouldn't be surprised if he could see her ass if she bent over, and a simple pair of slippers, which was probably the tamest part of her dress code. Though he couldn't tell if she was wearing panties, however, based on those bumps on her top, she definitely wasn't wearing a bra. "Uh…hi, um… I'm John, what's your name." He said as he tried and failed to tear his gaze away from her massive tits. "Roxanne, Roxanne Ray." She said as she stretched out her hand for a handshake. He shook her hand and felt how soft her skin was, it was akin to marshmallows. Looking up to see her score, as he had done with several other women, he saw her score was 0, not positive, not negative, just zero, he just entered college and he already had a great target for his lust. While as much as he wanted to dick down his hot roommate, his mom had already sexually satisfied him, though he wasn't going to let those tits walk away without copping a feel first. Using the handshake as leverage, he stepped forward and gently tugged Roxanne towards him. "Woah, what are-" Roxanne was cut off by John as he locked their lips together, it wasn't long when she felt a hand slip inside her top and groped her left breast. It didn't surprise her as she knew how nice her tits were, but he should at least warn her next time when he kissed her. The two roommates broke the kiss after a while and started into each other's eyes again, with John still groping the soft boob in his hand. "At least you're not a bad kisser." She said with a smile as if ignoring the fact that John was currently massaging her breast. "You're not bad yourself." John said back as he let go of the soft orb. "So, what else do you enjoy doing, besides kissing?" Roxanne asked as the two walked into their shared bedroom. "Well, I enjoy playing games on my computer, as well as listening to music on my phone." He responded as he checked Roxanne's new score was at… zero…what!? How was her score still at zero!? Does she have some kind of resistance to the watch's effects? Did he do something wrong? Was the watch…broken? No. There has to be some other reason for this odd phenomenon with Roxxy and the watch. Perhaps he just needs to kiss her again and it'll work this time. "Hey, are you listening?" Roxanne said as she leaned in front of John, showing off a lot of her cleavage in the process. "Uh…yeah, what were you saying?" John said as he tried to compose himself. "As I was saying, I enjoy reading, masturbating, watching anime, and juggling." She said as she sat on her bed on the other side of the room. "And if you want to know how I learned to juggle, it was a bet at middle school, turns out I was pretty good at it." "Okay," John said, still curious with a few other questions. "May I ask, why are you dressed like…a-" "Whore?" Roxanne said, cutting him off "No, not like-" "It's alright, this is intentional." She said as she lifted off her top, revealing her wonderfully soft tits. "I don't even wear a bra." John gawked at his topless roommate, staring at those bouncy breasts, even if he had held them in his hands just moments earlier, the sight was still amazing. He looked down at her mini skirt, wondering if the same was true down there. "So, are you wearing any…panties?" He asked, slightly embarrassed at the fact that his roommate is essentially stripping in front of him, despite her score not being in the negative. "Hmm, yeah I got panties down there, y'know, the dress code and all." She said as her tits swayed with her motions. John sat there, nodding away, despite being in this world for a few days now, there still seems to be a lot of new stuff for him to learn. - Maria pulled up on her driveway, parking her car as she got out to greet her lovely wife waiting for her at the front door. The two milf embraced each other, sharing a deep, lovely kiss between them, however, as Adriana felt up Maria's chest, she broke the kiss to reveal a cheeky smirk. "No bra?" She asked, clearly enjoying the situation her wife was in. "Let's head inside." Maria said, embarrassed at being caught by her wife. But despite the suggestion, the couple didn't move, Adriana held her there before moving her hands to the front of Maria's shirt and was beginning to unbutton it. "Adriana!" Maria mumbled, attempting to cover her exposed cleavage. "Oh come on, you are so submissive, it's adorable." Adriana said as she continued to reveal those lovely tits out in the open, and despite Maria's protests, she hardly struggled against her wife's actions. "There they are." Adriana groped Maria's soft globes. "Aaahh!" Maria squeaked as she felt her wife pinch and twist her nipples, she squirmed from her wife's touch, getting a smile from Adriana. "Alright that's enough teasing for now, let's head inside." Adriana said as she released those gorgeous boobs. Maria, not wanting to be left behind, especially after that salacious experience, raced inside the house, not even bothering to cover up her chest. As Maria closed the door she was met with a quiet house, with the windows covered up, and Adriana waiting for her in the living room. "Oh my!" Adriana said as seductively sat on the couch, stretching out her body to show off her curves. "It seems we have the house to ourselves, no one to bother us." Maria immediately got the hint and began to walk toward Adriana, stripping off her clothes as she got closer. "Now, if you are a good girl, we can -oof!" Adriana was cut off before she could finish, getting tackled onto the couch by Maria, with her horny wife attempting to strip off her own clothes as well. Adriana put in a bit of a playful struggle, as the dom in her didn't desire the bottom position, not that she minded her wife currently tearing apart her clothes to get to her body, in fact, that's why she loved her, so submissive, yet so determined in her lust to get what she desired. The two shared a brief kiss as they got into position, Maria got on top and positioned her ass above Adriana's face, before lowering that thick ass down on top of her, her luscious cheeks covering most of her head alone showed its lovely size. Adriana got to work and began pleasuring her wife's wet pussy, Maria began to rock her hips back and forth, getting a rhythm with that experienced, yet lovely tongue of hers, but she didn't forget Adriana's pleasure as she reached forth and began fingering her cunt, as well as massaged her breasts, this got a lovely response from her wife with a spank on her fine ass. When Maria felt herself getting close, she started to double her efforts to bring Adriana to orgasm. As the two came, they moved from their erotic position and sat beside each other on the couch. Adriana then kissed Maria on the lips, as their tongues swirled together, Maria tasted something familiar, her son's cum.  "Such a naughty girl." Adriana said as she looked at her wife's shocked and embarrassed face. "Letting your son use you like a sex toy." "Well…you know…um…" she tried to say something before being pushed with another kiss. "Mmhhh, I do." She said seductively "now, how about we take this up in our room, where we can discuss an appropriate punishment." Adriana got up and began to walk to the stairs, ensuring her ass shook hypnotically as she did so. Maria was compelled to follow. As the couple entered the master bedroom, Adriana brought out some rope, a blindfold, and a strap-on. "So, how would you like your punishment honey?" Adriana said with a lustful smirk. Maria got wet at the thought of being tied up and dominated by her wife, but she knew this was meant to be a punishment. "I would like the strap-on." Maria said Adriana smiled at that, then she placed the blindfold on herself before handing her wife the rope and strap-on. "You know what to do." Maria took the rope and strap-on and began to tie up her would-be dom wife, as the last knot was tied, with her arms bound behind her back, her legs tied together with her fine ass raised in the air, ready for a good pounding. Maria had fitted the strap-on on her waist and aimed the erect piece of plastic towards her wife's dripping cunt. "Do it." Adriana ordered. "Fuck me." Maria grabbed her ass and plunged the strap-on into her wife, getting a nice moan out of her. "Yes, fuck me, fuck me till I am a moaning little bitch!" Adriana said as she felt Maria thrust repeatedly into her. "Oh fuck yes!" Despite Adriana getting most of the pleasure from this experience, Maria was also enjoying it, getting a giddy feeling at being the dominant one for once. "Oh fuck, I'm close." Adriana moaned out. "Keep going!"  Maria continued her thrusting, she even fingered Adriana's butt as well, just to make sure her wife got the most pleasure she could give her. "Yes, yes, yes, I'm gonna cum!" Maria began pounding faster and faster as she heard her wife's moans of pleasure, leading up to the crescendo of her orgasm. "Oh fuck!" Adriana shouted as she came, her cunt poured out femcum, and clenched the strap-on tightly as her orgasm rushed across her body, Maria relented her sexual assault to allow her wife a break. "Holy shit, that was amazing…" Adrian said as her orgasm died down. "It sure was." Maria said before getting off the bed. "Okay honey, you can untie me now…honey?" Adriana said as she heard her wife rummage through some stuff. After a while, she stopped hearing anything. "You better not leave me here like this!" She shouted as she struggled against her bonds, silently cursing herself for teaching Maria how to tie a good knot. "If you do you'll-" *SMACK!*  "KYA!" Adriana squeezed as she felt a firm piece of cold plastic smack her on her ass. "Don't worry, I didn't leave you" Maria said as she laid the paddle on Adriana's asscheeks. "Now, how many spanks do you give me again?" "Come on honey, you know I wouldn't hurt you, right?" Adriana said, testing her wife to see if she was serious with this. "I mean you could just use the safe word and-" *SMACK!* "Ah!" "You can too, just say it and you're free, now, how many was it again?" Maria quietly whispered into Adriana's ear. "Fifteen…" Adriana finally squeaked out. "Good." Maria said as she lifted the paddle. "Let's start at three."
Chapter 3 - Room for a bug job
"Living arrangements, what the fuck are you talking about?" She tilted her head again and her body morphed back to the mantis, "I'm hungry, meat, now!" she put her sickles to my throat. Well, I suppose I'll have to comply or be eaten, that's how male manti survive after mating. "Fine, I can grab You someth-" she slices through my clothes but there's not a scratch on me. Before I can defend myself there's a claw the on my throat and wet sticky mandibles on my cock. "What in the hell are you doing?" Her mouth takes my tip in her mouth while tapping the shaft gently with her mandibles. Some oddly textured saliva drips down my cock as her head bobs down taking my shaft deep in her mouth. It's so strange and sloppy but it doesn't feel half bad, unexpected from an insect, even a half human freak like this. She stops sucking for a moment but her mandibles keep striking my dick presumably to keep it erect, "Not a bad taste, you're already dripping some tasty liquids, meat." "Why is this happening?" She ignores me and just shoves my dick back into her weird squishy mouth. I'm getting close but this feels strange, unnatural even. Hardly matters though I guess, I'm a man of science after all, unconventional sex is hardly s matter of concern to me. My cock starts pulsing more intensely and I finally cum in her mouth. She doesn't have lips or cheeks and is a bit slow to swallow my seed and a good half of it drips out. She drops down one last time to get the remnants. "Alright I'm done here, blondie can have you now." Her body is back to human form, but one of her arms is still in mantis form. She strips out of her blood stained yellow dress and straddles me, rubbing her cunt along my dick.  "First time fucking a girl you piece of shit? Might be your last too." I take no offense to this comment, most everyone in my line of study do it in private and without any social interaction. "Yeah it is, don't really care-" she shoves my cock in her pussy.  Her skin is soft and her insides feel great but this is getting out of control. Her body slams against mine in carnal desire our bodies meld. She seems, in pain. It's strange though, I see no blood. "Not a virgin yourself?" Her face shows it all, she's pissed. "No, but not by choice." Taken aback I look away a minute. "Sorry."  She stops bouncing on my rod and chuckles for a moment, "It wasn't exactly my decision at the time, we didn't have this dynamic down at the time. A male mantis took her when I was still being absorbed, we ate his head though so I guess it's some form of justice if you could call it that." She resumes slamming her body against mine until, "I'm about to-" and we both cum.  "~mmmm, that's filling.~ Let's hope I don't get pregnant from this." She lays down on top of me and licks my cheek. "By the way you're kind of my concubine now." Getting a bit cocky now, how annoying. "Whatever gets you off lady, now if you'll excuse me I have a date with some bane spiders to-" her sickle is back against my throat and her face turns green. "What Insectoid whores are you seeing? I'll kill them and you!!"  Possessive hmm, I suppose this could have advantages. "It's ok. They are just small bugs I'm extracting venom from. They mean nothing to me and that is all I do with them." She huffs angrily trying to calm down. "That wasn't me. It was the mantis." It seems her emotions have also melded with the mantis, her sexual desire and affections have been corrupted by the mantis' instinct to kill her mate, the most she can make of it is I'm her possession, and she's defensive of me as well, though willing to kill me if I mate with other women. "I'm sure we'll figure these things out together, whether we like it or not. For now let's go back to my room so we can hide you." She nods, and leads me to a prison chamber with a skeleton on its chest facing the wall. He must have been digging an escape tunnel, there's a broken spoon near his neck, probably lost hope and ended himself so he didn't starve to death. She goes first keeping an eye on me as we emerge through the other end. "My room is in that tower, we should hurry before we're seen."
Chapter 20 - The GeneXXX Experiment pt 2
GeneXXX Chapter 19 - The GeneXXX Experiment - Part 2 Situation - Huge Orgy, M/F, M/F/F, vaginal, oral, anal, titfuck, bondage Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and Sonic Team. You knew that, right' GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author. The story thus far: After Dr. Eggman's base exploded, Bucky the Rat reactivated the signal causing Sonic and the others' to desire sex more, which he was the mastermind behind all along! During the distraction, he sent Team GeneX to capture Sonic's friends one by one, locking them up in Shadow Arc with the intention to use them for an experiment. When Sonic arrived, he put his plan into action, locking him in with the captives and Team GeneX and turning on the signal at full power. His plan: to test the full potential of his GeneXXX Wave, which he then planned to unleash on the entire world, hoping that it would make the people of the world feel love for each other instead of hate and end senseless violence, and in their gratitude, his team would be granted their freedom. However, Sonic and his friends have now lost their freedom, and are trapped in a continuous orgy that they are powerless to resist participating in. Can they escape' Do they even want to, or will they keep fucking until they collapse from exhaustion' Now, on to part 2! The orgy was well under way. None could resist the power of Bucky's GeneXXX Wave, and it was making them all extremely horny. Having enjoyed some early fun with more random partners, Copter and Heather now bumped into each other, and were eager to finish what they started in an alley a while back before Guard had captured them. This time, Copter wasted no time in penetrating her pussy, and moaned excitedly as he felt the intense warmth of her passage. "Ahhh... Heather, you're like a furnace!" he grunted as he kept thrusting, his tails spinning playfully as he went. "I'm burning for you... Just for you, my love..." she sighed, still having displaced feelings for this version of Copter, when it was really most likely Dimentime her heart longed for. As they fucked with burning passion, another passionate lover finally caught the object of her affections. Amy had found her way to Sonic, who had wrapped up with Heather himself a little bit ago. She tackled him to the ground. "Mine!!" she shouted, "I'll wait out the rest of this with him!" she insisted. Sonic gulped. If that happened, he'd surely get Amy pregnant, and then he'd HAVE to settle down. He wouldn't mind going a round with her, but he'd have to escape, somehow. Amy wrapped her arms around him and gave him a passionate kiss, which he found himself returning. At least she was pleasant to be with. "All right, Amy... Let's get this started, then..." he smirked. Amy beamed at him, and then thrusted her pussy down over his cock, taking it all in with a quick thrust! Sonic gasped as she took control, moving up and down over his length, riding him like a wild bull! He watched her breasts bounce as she went, and moaned loudly. "Oh boy... How am I gonna get outta this one'" he thought. Not far away, Chet had moved on as well. He'd encountered Fera the wolf, who's head was still spinning after her round with Tails. Chet could see she was resting, but thanks to the signal, he didn't much care. He picked her up and dropped her on a bed, climbing on top of her and thrusting his cock deep into her vagina! Fera howled at the sudden penetration, grabbing at his waist and snarling at him. "Do you know who you're raping right now!'" she growled. Chet stroked her head gently and eased up his thrusts. "Relax... I was simply captivated by your beauty... Plus, the signal." he said. Fera frowned, though she let out a soft moan. "Liar... I am not beautiful..." she sighed. Chet rubbed her tits and chuckled. "Would it convince you if I gave it my all'" he grinned. She glanced at him with her good eye. "Hmm... Why don't you show me what you've got anyway..." she purred. As he held her down and started ramming his rod into her at a frenzied pace, Fera's howls of pleasure could be heard from halfway across the rather large and noisy room. With Amy having moved on, Shadow quickly found someone new to occupy his time: Katie the Coyote. She was more than willing to accept his advance, and let herself be pulled down on top of him, her wet pussy quickly sliding over his hard hedgehood. "Ah... So big... So good, but... I'm just curious... Why me, out of everyone' Hm'" she asked as they began moving their hips together. Shadow grunted. "Hmph... No reason. I'm being manipulated, and I don't like it. But since there's nothing I can do about it right now, I'm going to wait it out with whoever I end up with... So don't read anything into it." he said, barely looking at her as his cock pushed back and forth into her passage. Katie moaned, enjoying herself. "Don't be a party pooper, Shadow... You've got me for a while... So feel free to have fun with me..." she purred, winking at him. He blushed a little but looked away. "It's all mind control. Nothing about this is real." he said. Katie giggled. "Exactly why it can be fun... Why regret what we couldn't stop'" she reasoned, pressing her breasts against his furry chest as she kissed his cheek. He glanced at her thoughtfully as she started to ride him, her breasts bouncing up and down as she hopped along his length! He groaned softly, enjoying what she was doing, and thought about what he would want to do himself. Soon, he sat up and seized her, lowering her onto her back! "Whoa! What now'" she gasped. "Maybe I think you were right... I'm going to try having a little fun..." he smirked, pulling out his cock and climbing over her, positioning his rod between her breasts! "Oh, here we go..." Katie chuckled, bracing herself as Shadow grabbed her boobs and began to trust his dick between them, giving her a rough titfucking for the fun of it! She leaned her head forward, licking at his cock as it poked between her breasts, and he grunted and moaned as he quickly got close to his climax, thanks to the work Katie had already done riding him. He blew his load all over her face, her black fur being painted white with his seed! She chuckled and licked some of it off. "Have a good time, pal'" she asked. Shadow climbed off her rack and smirked. "Maybe I should have another go in your pussy... for good measure." he remarked. Unfortunately for Gemini, she had left the safety of Silver's arms and was now up for grabs by anyone who wanted a piece of her. To her dismay, she quickly found herself pinned down by Vortex the Chameleon, who spotted her from a distance and sped over to claim her as his next partner. "Well, you're a ssssexy one... I do believe I'm going to enjoy thissss..." he hissed, pinning her down and sliding his length along her entrance! Gemini gasped and struggled. "No! Lemme go! I... I'll turn back into a dragon and smoke you when I get my wand back!" she threatened. Vortex's eyes went wide. "Wait... You're the dragon...' Well, then you owe me thisss... I helped sssave you from the Losssst Onesss, remember'" he said, thrusting his cock into her slick passage! Gemini yelped and shed a tear. "Ohhhh... You're right, but..." she sighed, still bent on resisting. Vortex hissed at her and grabbed a nearby ball gag, forcing it into her mouth! "Sssshut up, bitch! I don't care about your ssssob sssstory! You're mine now, sssso hold ssstill!" he said, holding her down and taking her roughly, thrusting his cock as she let out muffled screams, powerless to escape his grip! Meanwhile, Chet was still going to town on Fera, though now he had her on her back, and was pounding her tail hole! Fera moaned and groaned, her tail swishing back and forth across his chest as he kept screwing her. "Ahhh... Very good... The covenant could have a use for a guy as strong as you..." she whispered as he let out a loud groan, his cock throbbing as his load exploded into her rear! Fera gasped, but smiled. "Oh well... Time to move on, I guess..." she said. Chet smirked. "Call me..." he panted, blushing. Not far away, Silver had found Rouge, who was hanging upside down from the ceiling, recuperating after being double teamed by Copter and Guard. With a flick of his psychokinesis, he brought her back down to the ground! "Oh... Hey there." she said from her position on her back, winking at him, "I guess it's time I got back in the game, eh'" Silver shrugged. "Sorry... I couldn't help myself..." he said. "Of course you couldn't. But at least you have good taste..." she remarked, beckoning him to her. He lifted her up with his psychokinesis, carrying her to him and dropping her on her feet in front of him. "Let me know if I make you uncomfortable in any way..." he told her. "Aw, you're such a gentleman, Silvy." Rouge smirked, spreading her legs and licking her lips. She was vastly different from Gemini, so Silver adjusted his response accordingly. He grabbed her by the sides and shoved his cock into her pussy deep, making her moan excitedly. "There we go... I hoped you wouldn't be ALL boy scout..." she sighed, resting her arms along his shoulders as he began screwing her nice and hard. He grabbed at her breasts as he went, licking them a bit as she moaned. "Nice... Pick up the pace, Silvy..." she sighed, enjoying herself as Silver did whatever she wished, almost as though he could read her mind. Almost. Zipp the Hornet had flown around the room for a short time before finding someone he wanted next. He grabbed Cream the Rabbit from behind, reaching around and squeezing her breasts roughly! "Oooh, the boss's experiment on you was a big success wasn't it' These feel ripe enough to eat!" he smirked. Cream screamed, again finding herself in the clutches someone she'd rather not be with. "P-please... Let me go..." she whimpered. Zipp growled at her. "No way! I didn't get the chance last time you were here, so I'm gonna show you what you missed..." he said, licking her cheek from behind. "As if you could resist if you wanted to. Thanks to the signal, you can't help but stick around." he grinned, flying around to the front of her and staring into her eyes through his helmet. His stare intimidated her, especially since she couldn't see his eyes through his visor. "D-don't hurt me, Mr. hornet..." she whined. He chuckled and gripped her waist, forcing his cock into her pussy roughly! "Oh, yeah! That felt great! Now, let's get started..." he said, holding on to her tightly as he began to thrust wildly inside her! She squealed and fell backward, gasping and moaning as he took advantage of her inability to resist him. He groped her breasts, chuckling as he played with her tits. "Having fun yet' I'll pick up the pace..." He began thrusting faster and faster, his wings buzzing loudly as he went. Cream watched him helplessly, and grabbed on to his sides just for the sake of holding on to something. She wailed as she felt wave after wave of pleasure from his thrusts. "Ooohh!! M-mister hornet! P-pleeeease!! Aaaah!!" she cried as she reached orgasm, her juices splashing Zipp's crotch and making him laugh. "Ah, sweet nectar! But I'm not through with your flower yet!" he smirked, continuing his efforts. A few more thrusts, and Zipp let out a shout and a laugh as he started to cum inside her! Cream squealed as she felt his hot sperm flow into her depths. "Eeek!! Ohh... It... it feels so... So good..." she sighed, even smiling a little. Zipp scratched his head, but smiled back. "Um... Yeah. That's right!" he said smugly. Cream moaned softly as he pulled out of her. "I'm sorry I was scared, Mr. Hornet..." she sighed. "Uh... No problem..." Zipp replied awkwardly, not expecting the sudden change from her. Cream had gotten over the shock of the situation, and was now apparently ready to enjoy herself. After leaving Shadow, Katie came across Punchy next. "Hey, you're Copter's friend, aren't you...'" she asked. Punchy nodded. "You must be Katie... No wonder Copter had the hots for you..." he smirked, taking her by the hand. In a moment, Punchy had her on the ground, and was eating her out while she moaned in bliss. "Ahhh, yeah, right there... That's great..." she sighed. Punchy soon raised his head, licking his lips. "Ready yet'" he asked. Katie chuckled. "Take me nice and hard!" she winked. He grinned and climbed over her, lining up his cock before plunging it all the way in! She gasped, then wrapped her arms around him as he started pushing back and forth into her pussy. "Ahhh!! Not bad at all..." she purred. Punchy chuckled as he started moving more and more roughly. "Now, I'm gonna teach you a lesson for hurting Copter!" he smirked. Katie gasped at first, but then moaned like a slut. "Ahhh, yeah... Punish me, Punchy... I've been a bad girl..." she said. Meanwhile, Gemini was still enduring punishment from Vortex. With a ball gag in her mouth, she couldn't even protest as he ravaged her pussy, thrusting his cock back and forth, fast and hard. Tears streamed down her face as he taunted her, calling her a slut and a bitch as he raped her. Soon, his cock began to throb, and she knew he was about to cum. She wailed through her gag, and he removed the gag to let her screams out. "That'sss right... Here comesss my sssseed!!" Vortex hissed as his load began to flood deep inside her! "N-NOOOO!!" Gemini screeched, though she couldn't fight the signal, and therefore could not strike back against her rapist. Vortex kissed her forcefully, his long chameleon tongue playing around in her mouth for a moment before it ended. "That wasss fun... I don't think I want it to end yet..." he smirked, pulling out of her pussy only to line up his rod with her rear entrance! Gemini gasped and shook her head. "No! Please, no!!" She cried, then shrieked as his rod penetrated her rear! "I'll leave the gag off thisss time... Your ssscreamsss might be enjoyable..." Vortex hissed. Bucky watched all the action from above, and by this time had found it impossible to resist stroking his own cock a bit as he watched. As expected, most of the participants were quite willingly joining the orgy by now, though he was a bit surprised by how many were still resisting full cooperation and were being raped. His eyes now turned to Knuckles, who was being approached by Rouge the bat next. She appeared somewhat agitated with him. "Hello, Knux..." she growled. "Uhhh, Rouge! Hi... You here to go a round with me'" Knuckles asked a bit nervously, sensing her tension. Despite the signal's anti-violence settings, Rouge jumped at Knuckles and kicked him to the ground! "You son of a bitch! You tore off my clothes, raped me, and left me to be raped again later! You bastard! I'm gonna teach you a lesson you'll never forget!!" she yelled. Knuckles chuckled softly. "Yeah, but... That was probably the signal making me crazy..." he protested. Rouge growled. "As if! You've probably always wanted to do that! Well, maybe I'll kill you!! Grrrr..." She tried to attack him again, but the signal was affecting her again, her rage no longer strong enough to break through its influence. She had gotten a shot in, and apparently, that made her feel better. "Aaah... No! I can't hurt you anymore... Damn Bucky... Fine, looks like we're having sex again, but it'll be on my terms this time!" she said, smirking a little. She lowered herself over Knuckles, and as her pussy neared his cock, she made a switch, easing his cock into her tail hole! Knuckles grunted. "Errrgh! It's so tight...." he growled. Rouge shuddered. "This position is no picnic for me, either..." she sighed, carefully moving up and down, attempting to ride him with her ass hole. She finally pulled out and lowered her pussy over his cock instead. "Fuck it... But this is gonna be ROUGH!" she sneered, and started riding his cock wildly, making him shout loudly from the intensity. One way or another, Rouge would have her revenge! After an incredible round with Heather, Copter next found himself approached by Mia the Cat, the cab driver who was friends with Katie. She had a great body, and Copter couldn't help grinning as she neared him. "Hey... What's up'" he smirked. Mia purred seductively as she strode around him, her tail brushing against his body. "Nothing much... Having a really good day, though. Care to make it even better'" she said, whispering the last part into his ear. He shivered in anticipation. Under normal circumstances, her advances might make him uncomfortable, but right now, all he was thinking about were her lovely curves. "All right, kitty cat, let's play..." he sighed, taking her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, sliding her tongue almost down his throat! He groaned a little and rubbed his dick against her crotch, chuckling as their kiss ended. "You want it bad, huh'" he grinned. Mia smirked and pulled him close. "Oooh, yeah, give it to me..." she purred. Copter nodded and obeyed, thrusting his cock deep into her pussy without delay! She moaned loudly, kissing and licking his face excitedly as he began to move inside her. He held on to her and thrusted fast and rough, panting as he went. "Aaaaahhh, yeah... Copter... That's it... Keep going... I want your hot fox cum... bursting inside me!!" Mia sighed, encouraging him. Copter's tails wagged excitedly as he went, and he found himself pinning her to a nearby wall, using it to hold her weight while he intensified his pace, thrusting deeper into her than before, making her moan louder! He grabbed her breasts and squeezed them tightly as he went, grinning evilly. "Almost there... I can't hold it... You ready'" he panted. Mia purred loudly as she felt his cock throbbing, ready to blow. "Yes, YESSS!! Do it! Cum!!" she shouted, grabbing onto him tightly. Copter thrusted in deep, and then could no longer hold it back. His load burst forth, filling the feline with hot white seed and making her squeal loudly with delight! They rested for a moment, panting in each other's arms, until Mia smirked at him and said "OK, you had your fun... Now it's my turn to cum. On your back!" She had an evil grin as she pinned Copter to the floor, and he gulped hard as he began to wonder what he was in for next. Vortex had finally allowed Gemini to go, and she was desperate for someone safer to hide with for a while. Sonic was feeling much the same way, as he'd finally gotten away from Amy. As they were walking around, Fera was once again on the prowl, hunting for "new recruits," as she was rationalizing her activities. She and Gemini laid eyes on Sonic at the same time, and they both ran up to him, then immediately glared at each other and prepared to start a shoving match. "I was here first!" Fera growled. "No you weren't!" Gemini protested. Sonic whimpered. This was exactly the kind of thing he'd been hoping to avoid. He wanted to stop the orgy, not get everyone ganging up on him so he might get all the girls pregnant. Ideally, he'd let them fight so he could slip away, but the signal had other ideas. Plus, he didn't really want anyone to get hurt, either. "Girls, please... Don't fight... I can handle both of you, really!" he said hastily, unable to stop himself due to the signal's effect on his mind. Gemini and Fera both stared at him. "A-are you sure...'" Gemini asked. "It's not like you have two dicks... On the other hand, I'll be glad to test your stamina..." Fera mused. Sonic nodded, although he'd begun to sweat in his nervousness a little. He HAD to find a way to stop Bucky... somehow. Before he knew what was happening, Sonic was on his back, and Fera was lowering herself over his cock! Gemini sat herself on his chest, and slowly began to inch her pussy toward his mouth. "I-is this how... you wanted to do this'" she asked. Sonic glanced around, somewhat wondering how this had happened, but shrugged and opened his mouth to accept the incoming treat. Meanwhile, his cock was engulfed by Fera's snatch, penetrating deep into her depths! She growled playfully and grinned as she started moving up and down his length. "Don't let it end TOO fast, OK, hedgehog'" she teased. Sonic ignored her and darted his tongue into Gemini's folds, making her shiver and gasp as he started tasting her. Fera slid her pussy back and forth over his shaft at a quick pace, moving faster and faster, eager to see how much it would take to make him cum. She moaned and purred, enjoying herself. Sonic thrusted his tongue deeper into Gemini's pussy, sucking and slurping quickly to try to finish before Fera could make him cum. Gemini gasped and yelped, quickly cumming since she really wasn't used to being stimulated in this way! Sonic licked the juices off his face, but couldn't savor the taste, as his own orgasm was coming too quickly. "Aaaaah!! I...I'm... Ooooh..." he groaned as he came hard, and Fera howled with delight. "Not bad... Though a little quicker than I'd like..." she panted. In a moment, the three of them had changed positions. Gemini was now on her back, giving Sonic a chance to be on top. Fera was through with Sonic for now, and turned her attention to Gemini. "Argue with me, will you' I need to exact a little payback..." she growled. Gemini stared up nervously, but Sonic quickly held her down and began sliding his rod into her flower! She yelped, and Sonic blushed. "S-sorry if I'm too rough... It's gettin' tough to hold back..." he said. Fera leaned down and squeezed Gemini's breasts roughly, smirking at her. "You're not going anywhere... You're all ours now..." she grunted. Gemini whimpered as Sonic started thrusting his cock at a fast pace, unable to really hold himself back! Fera played with the helpless fennec's breasts roughly, squeezing and mashing them, chuckling as she did. "Enjoying yourself, dear'" she grinned. Gemini gasped and whined, but Sonic wouldn't stop. He couldn't stop. Not that he particularly wanted to, the pleasure he was feeling was simply too much to let him think clearly. "Ahhhh... oh, yeah... So good.... aaaahhhh!!" Before long, his cum shot deep inside Gemini's depths, both of them shouting as Gemini came a second later! Fera chuckled and walked off as the two of them rested. "I don't want to get pregnant..." Gemini whimpered. Sonic kissed her gently and sighed. "We gotta stop this, then... Don't worry, I'm workin' on it..." he said, though he frowned, as he still had no clue what exactly he could do about it. Bucky watched the orgy with interest. All kinds of pairings, and even groupings, were taking place. The occasional bout of rape bothered him a little, but the more consensual pairings made him feel that his project was, more or less, a success. He was having a hard time not touching himself as he watched the hot, sexy action going on below, but he had to focus on his notes. He glanced around the room at some of the pairs going at it. He found Crash, who had paired up with Blaze at this moment. It was an odd pairing, a cat and a rhino who really didn't know each other at all, but they had somehow been drawn to each other by the GeneXXX signal. Now, Crash had her on one of the beds, and was thrusting his huge cock wildly in her pussy. "Ahhhh... oooohhh... s-so b-big...!!" Blaze gasped. Crash wore a look of concern. "I could slow down..." he offered. Blaze held up a fireball and smirked at him. "Don't even think about it!" she said. Elsewhere, Tails had wandered into Vanilla's waiting arms. They'd both been with a few people, and each needed a little breather. They cuddled together on the ground, Tails blushing as he looked into the face of the mother of the girl whose virginity he'd taken earlier. He felt a wave of guilt, but Vanilla simply stroked his head. "It'll all be okay, Miles..." she said. Tails couldn't stand it. "I... I got Cream mixed up in all this... I didn't mean to... I..." he wanted to explain everything, but Vanilla stopped him. "Don't worry about it, honey... I understand." she said. "Huh...' Y-you do'" Tails murmured. Vanilla nodded. "You're young. You make mistakes. Sometimes you like to blame yourself for things you can't control, too. Calm down, dear..." she sighed, hugging Tails close to her, allowing his young cock to find its way inside her mature vagina. Tails's eyes went wide, but Vanilla just smiled and let it start happening. "You know what's being done to us. It's not either of our faults... Just relax, sweetie..." she said, kissing him. Tails began to make love to Cream's mother, promising himself that he'd never bring this up again. Meanwhile, Punchy had left Katie and found his way to Rainbow, or she had found her way to him. They tended to have sex on a regular basis, so this wasn't really anything new for them, except for having a crowd in the room with them. "Hey, One! Where have you been all day'" Rainbow asked. "What are you, my keeper' I... um..." There was a brief, awkward silence, and then they were all over each other, kissing passionately and moving their hands all over each other. There could be no doubt, they had missed one another. Punchy soon pinned Rainbow to the floor and penetrated her pussy, thrusting fast and hard, despite all he'd done to impress Blaze before. He was with Rainbow now, and she didn't mind it rough. She laughed and moaned, hugging him tight as he fucked her. "Ahhhh!! One...!! You're the best! Ahhhh... yes!!" she cheered, making Punchy smile a little. Bucky smiled as well, observing these scenes. "This couldn't be going much better..." he thought. Vortex had now left Gemini, and was feeling pretty good about himself, but he was still looking for someone in particular in the crowd. One person who had been evading getting caught up in the sex thus far: Whisk the Divine. She was teleporting around to avoid getting caught, but the signal was keeping her from venturing too far from a male presence, so she couldn't exit the room. Finally, the signal's influence had become too great for her to keep fighting, and she stopped moving long enough for Vortex to approach her. "What'ssss the matter' Don't you remember that you agreed to take part in the masssster'ssss experiment'" he asked. Whisk glanced at him nervously, blushing as she also realized she had teleported out of her clothes at some point, due to the signal's influence. "I-I did no such... experiment' What experiment' What's even going on here'" she cried, her terrible memory leaving her with no recollection of Bucky's explanations mere moments ago. Vortex smiled and slid his arms around her. "Don't worry about it... and don't be sssshy... You'll enjoy it." he said, pulling her close and giving her a deep, passionate kiss! She shivered and moaned, feeling somewhat uncomfortable, but also turned on. "I don't... I dunno what that was for... but I sorta liked it... I think." she said, looking away from him shyly. Vortex grinned and slid his dick against her folds slowly. "Whissssk... I've alwaysss liked you..." he whispered, stroking one of her angelic wings with his hand softly. She was slightly creeped out by him normally, but at the moment, she was easily forgetting that. "Ohhh... R-really'" she cooed. Vortex nodded, and slowly began to enter her, not wanting to startle her and cause her to teleport away. "Eassssy... I'm going to make you feel very good now, okay, Whisssk'" he said softly. Whisk sighed happily at the gentle penetration, and smiled at him. "Okay... just don't freak out if I get confused and teleport away..." she said. "You won't..." he replied, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to the ground on top of him! She yelped and grabbed hold of him, not teleporting away despite being startled. There was no way she would now, she was completely brainwashed by the GeneXXX signal, whether she knew it or not. Vortex began moving his hips, thrusting his cock inside her passage, making her moan loudly as he went! He extended his long tongue and used it to lick her playfully, giving her breasts and tits a taste in the process. She gasped and moaned, and soon started thrusting her own hips along with his. "Aaaahh... ohhhh... This is awesome!! I don't even care why it's happening..." she groaned, having already forgotten what was going on and who she was with, but her mind choosing instead to focus on the incredible feeling going on in her loins. Vortex hissed excitedly and started going faster, not minding if she didn't know who he was at the moment. "Yessss... Thissss issss heavenly....!!" he cried, pulling her into another kiss. It wasn't long before Whisk's walls tightened around his cock, and she let out a loud scream as she reached her climax! "AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaahhhh!! Ohhhh... What... ahh..." She panted and whimpered as she collapsed onto him, but he wasn't done yet. He gave a few more thrusts, trying to get in nice and deep. "Planting my sssseed... in you... at lasssst..." he panted, holding her tight as he came inside her! He filled her up as much as he could, but the hot seed flowing inside her seemed to finally startle her. "Yikes!!" she yelped, teleporting away as Vortex was still cumming, leaving his remaining seed to fly into the air and land randomly on the ground. Vortex blinked a couple times and sighed. "Sssshe'sss... sssso sssshy.... Ahh, Whissssk..." he blushed. As Bucky watched the action from above, he could tell that the orgy still had plenty of life left in it. Of course, it would continue as long as he left the signal on, but the stamina of those participating was far beyond his expectations. Seeing that no one seemed to really be getting tired, Bucky sat back and let his scanning devices continue their work as he simply watched. He had to see just how long this could go on... To be continued...
Chapter 0 - About PENCLAV 625MG TABLET
PENCLAV 625MG TABLET belongs to a group of antibiotics known as penicillin antibiotics. It is generally prescribed to prevent middle ear and sinus infections, throat or lung respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, skin infections, soft tissue infections, dental infections, and joint and bone infections. PENCLAV 625MG TABLET consists of two medicines: Amoxycillin and Clavulanic acid. Amoxycillin acts by destroying the outer protein layer, thereby killing the bacteria (bactericidal action). Clavulanic acid inhibits the enzyme beta-lactamase, which prevents bacteria from destroying the efficacy of amoxycillin. As a result, the action of Clavulanic acid allows Amoxycillin to work better and kill the bacteria. PENCLAV 625MG TABLET does not work against infections caused by viruses, including colds and flu. The dose of PENCLAV 625MG TABLET can vary depending on your condition and the severity of the infection. Also, it is recommended to complete the course of medicine even if you feel better as it is an antibiotic, and leaving it in between may lead to even severe infection that will, in fact, stop responding to the antibiotic as well (antibiotic resistance). The common side effects of PENCLAV 625MG TABLET include vomiting, nausea, and diarrhoea. Everyone may not experience the above side effects. In case of any discomfort, speak with a doctor. Before starting PENCLAV 625MG TABLET, please inform your doctor if you have any allergy (against any antibiotic) or kidney or liver problems. Do not take PENCLAV 625MG TABLET on your own as self-medication since it may lead to antibiotic resistance in which antibiotics fail to act against specific bacterial infections. PENCLAV 625MG TABLET is safe for children if prescribed by a doctor; the dose and duration may vary depending on the child’s weight and the severity of the infection. Inform your doctor about all the medicines you are taking and about your health condition to rule out any unpleasant side effects. Uses of PENCLAV 625MG TABLET Bacterial Infections (Ear infections (acute otitis media), Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Urinary tract infections, skin infections, etc.) Medicinal Benefits PENCLAV 625MG TABLET is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that covers a very wide range of bacterial infections. PENCLAV 625MG TABLET has Clavulanic acid, which protects amoxycillin from getting destroyed by the bacterial enzyme, thus increasing its efficacy. Besides this, it helps overcome antibiotic resistance in bacteria that is caused by the enzyme beta-lactamase. This makes the drug effective in multiple infections like ear infections (acute otitis media), bronchitis, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, skin infections, etc. Directions for Use Tablet/Capsule: Swallow it as a whole with water; do not crush, break or chew it.Syrup/Suspension/Drops: Shake the bottle well before use. Take the prescribed dose by mouth using the measuring cup/dosing syringe/dropper provided by the pack. Storage Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight Side Effects of PENCLAV 625MG TABLET Vomiting Diarrhea Indigestion.  
Chapter 2 - The Rescue
Chapter 2[br] Its been a long time since I have refused the ritual of Halloween. The ritual that has countless species to come out at night. This Halloween I would do something about it. I was climbing out of my window in a dark blue vest with a black undershirt, black jeans, and a dark blue scarf wrapped around my face.[br] “And just where do you think you’re going young man?” my mother asked. I had nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard her, but I relaxed knowing it was her and not my father. I wasn’t worried about my brother. He was out looking for another mate. His human mate died while they were having sex, told you humans weren’t worth the time.[br] “I w-was…. ummmmmmmmm,” I stammered. I wasn’t sure if she would approve of what I was doing so I tried to just jump out the window. She grabbed me and told me, “Be careful and don’t do anything reckless.”[br] I smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek. “Don’t worry about me mom. I’ll be fine,” I reassured her. Before she could say anything, I jumped and sped off into the darkness of the night.[br] October 31, always an ominous night. There was even a full moon tonight. That means the were-creatures would be out this year. I sighed quietly as I moved quickly and quietly through the forests.[br] I spotted my brother not far in away from my current position. He had a human girl in his clutches, probably trying to change her into a vampire. I could hear her beg him to stop. I could see him laugh at her efforts to get away. I saw him lean down to bite her and lost it. I charged at him with a flying kick, one of my favorite techniques. He flew through a couple of trees before he hit a huge bolder with a thud. I glanced at him and saw he wasn’t unconscious.[br] He looked up, his dark red eyes glowing and hissed at me. Then he recognized me. “Isaiah, what the hell are you doing?” he hissed at me. [br] “Well, I’m out looking for a mate,” I said. He looked at me and burst into a fit of laughter.[br] “You! You couldn’t even force a human child to go to bed, let alone force a woman to be your mate. Do you really expect me to believe that you, the virtuous vampire, to actually be looking for a mate?” he asked.[br] ‘Well you caught me there, Jasper. I actually came to stop some of this stuff that happens on Halloween.”[br] “Oh really. You couldn’t even stop me from killing that elven girl dad brought home with him on Halloween 50 years ago.”[br] Just remembering that event from fifty years ago made me mad. I had been unable to help that girl. My dad held me down as I was forced to watch Jasper continuously bite and stab her with a knife. That was one of the things that motivated me to do what I’m doing tonight.[br] “You shouldn’t have even brought that up, Jasper. You just signed your own death warrant,” I said in so cold a voice that even I shivered from the sound of it.[br] All while we were talking, the human girl had not moved an inch. I looked back and yelled at her to run. But Jasper just laughed.[br] “Right when you kicked me I had put her under my complete control. You know you can’t do anything now. A vampires control cannot be broken unless that vampire who put the control on their victim releases the control,” he taunted.[br] “Then I’ll just have to make you release your control over her!” I yelled as I charged at him faster than he could see. He knew I was stronger and more skilled than he was, he just wouldn’t accept the fact that he couldn’t win.[br] I tripped him and punched him in the chest multiple times before he fell to the ground. When he finally land, I quickly jumped into the air and came down with a heel drop. He coughed up blood. He pathetically tried to get up and charge at me. I side stepped and kicked him in the chin. He fell to the ground.[br] “Are you gonna kill me? Your own brother! Over a human girl?” he asked, his mouth bloody.[br] “I will if you don’t release your control over her,” I told him.[br] “Fine you bastard, I hope she seals you away,” he said as he muttered the counter control spell. As soon as he said it, the girl started moving again. She looked at my brother and then at me. I still had my scarf on so she couldn’t see anything except my pointed ears. She ran into me and cried. I was startled. While she was crying into my chest, my brother ran off into the forests.[br] I’ll get you next time Jasper, I thought. Then I looked at the girl. She was still crying into my chest. But instead of repulsion as I thought I would feel, I found that I actually liked how she looked. I shook my head. I will not fall for a human, I thought fiercely.[br] “Look miss, I don-” I started.[br] “My name is Cassie Rose,” she said interrupting me.[br] “Look Cassie, I am not what you think I am. Its best for you to leave and go home now.”[br] “But you’re an elf who goes around saving people on Halloween right? I just want to show you my appreciation before I leave.” Saying that she slowly started undressing. I was startled by what she was doing. I mean I was a virgin still. She stripped down to nothing but a bra and panties. She came close to me and rapped her arms around my head and pulled my scarf off. Once she saw my eyes and my fangs she stopped.[br] “You- You’re a… Vampire!” she screamed.[br] I looked at her almost naked body and said, “Well I tried to tell you.”[br] “Well you sure did a good job at that,” she replied.[br] “How was I supposed to know that you would strip right in front of me, showing off those assets,” I retorted. When I said that she tried to cover herself up.[br] “Why did you save me anyway?” she asked.[br] “Because I hate the idea of forcing someone to love you.”[br] She looked thoughtful for a minute and then said, “Well, I still owe you for rescuing me.”[br] She then walked over to me and kissed me. I was a bit reluctant at first, but as her tongue moved in my mouth all my resistance melted away. I kissed her back, letting my tongue flow in her mouth. My hand rose to her bra strap and unhooked it, letting her bra fall to the floor. Then I started playing with her tits, massaging them slowly. Then I pinched her nipples causing her to moan with pleasure.[br] Still kissing her and massaging her tit with one hand, my other hand went into her panties, which were already wet. I rubbed up and down her slit while she moaned more loudly. Her moaning had my dick harder than it had ever been in my life. She looked down and saw how big my rod had gotten in my pants. Then she pulled it out and rubbed her hand up and down it. The sensation sent chills down my spine. I stuck two of my fingers into her very wet cunt and she gasped in surprise. She giggled and moved her hand on my cock faster.[br] I pulled my fingers out of her and pulled her hand off of my dick. I then pushed he onto her knees and pushed my cock into her mouth. The feel of Cassie's mouth on my dick was electric as she first started to suck, and I moaned softly in pleasure, my fingers sliding into her hair and rubbing her scalp gently. This feels way better than I thought it would, I thought.[br] Soon my hips were moving and I was pumping my cock in and out of her mouth. She tried her best to suck me off. Twirling her tongue around the head of my dick and every time he pulled it out, she would gently bite the head. Oh my god this is fucking incredible, he thought. [br] “I’m about to cum,” I told her.[br] “Go right ahead,” she said. As I climaxed, she drank every once of sperm I shot out. She swallowed all of it. Then she sucked my dick dry. She got up and kissed me again and I could taste my own cum in her mouth.[br] “That’s your reward,” she said. Then I watched her put on her clothes and rush away. Wow, I thought, that was incredible. I sat down and reflected on what happened that night.[br] “I can never go home again,” I thought aloud. I accepted this fate and rushed into the woods. I’ll return when I’m strong enough to free my mother, I thought. And I vanished in brush and trees.[br] [br]
Chapter 1 - Hospital
You wake up to the clicking sound of heels on the floor. As you try to rise a searing pain shoots through your entire body and you immediately fall back into bed. You close your eyes and take a few quick breaths, waiting for the worst of the pain to pass. As you lie there, it all starts coming back to you. First the mystery encounter with Denise Milani, who disappeared without a trace, and then the car accident. Eyes still closed, you try to calm your breathing and get used to the tingling sensation in your body. You carefully wiggle your toes and fingers and sigh in relief. You're still alive and mostly intact. A smile forms on your face as images of Denise swarm your mind and feel your dick slowly starting to stiffen. You try to suppress the pleasant thoughts, afraid you'll be lying there with a hard-on when the nurse walks in, but the more you try to think of other things the more vividly you recall Denise. Her beautiful, warm smile. Her amazing breasts as your face was pressed between them. The feel of her wet pussy clamping around your dick as you came deep inside her. Your cock is already rock hard and you doubt it will go away anytime soon. You roll your head to the side, cursing yourself. A very familiar voice startles you to attention and your eyes widen in awe. "Someone's having naughty thoughts," she giggles. Your heart skips a beat and you're oblivious to the searing pain as you sit up straight to admire the woman who fucked you in your room last night. "Denise?!" you stammer, somehow still finding it hard to believe, despite last night's surprise. "What, who else did you expect?" she laughs, teasingly bending forward to reveal her breasts. "You remember these, don't you?" You remember those all too well. In fact, you're sure it's the thought of them that got you into the car crash. Just then the pain returns and you fall back, groaning, though not daring to close your eyes and lose sight of her again. "Aww, is my little plaything hurt?" she coos and steps closer to the bed. You try to look around, as hard as it is to avert your gaze, and notice you're in a hospital. Denise's outfit almost plays the part, if not for the fact that it's about as revealing as her outfit of last night. She's wearing a typical naughty nurse roleplay dress, complete with the silly little hat. It's white with bright red linings and a cute ruffle trim at the bottom, which is so short you can almost look under it from your position. Much like any outfit for a woman like Denise, the top part struggles to keep her heavenly breasts at bay. As she bends over, gravity joins the good fight and her breasts almost fall free from the minidress. With her tits so close to your face, you can almost kiss them like you did before, but she teasingly keeps them out of range and instead focuses on sliding her hands down your body, taking the bedsheets off as she goes along. There is no point in hiding your stiff dick, it's rather obviously raising the covers as it is, and you hope she's here for another round anyway. "You disappointed me last night," she whispers as her fingers find your shaft, tapping it a few times as she speaks. "You dozed off right after the deed, not caring about my feelings." You gulp as her expression becomes stern, almost angry, and her fingers wrap around your cock tightly. Before you can protest, or apoligize, she notices your worry and smiles broadly. "Good, you understand. Today, I come first," she murmurs, emphasising the word come. She lets go of your cock and in one smooth motion jumps on the bed, straddling your chest. The short surge of pain in your chest is easy to ignore and your quickened breath is more due to the great view than the tingling pressure in your chest. Denise smiles at you from above and leans forward, hands coming to rest next to your head. Her large tits take up almost your entire view and, not wasting much time on teasing this time around, she lowers down to press them in your face. You need no further enticement and immediately start kissing and licking her tits, wiggling your face so you're engulfed in her cleavage. She moans in appreciation and simply lies down over you, the pressure pushing you firmly into the pillow, with her own pillows covering you completely. It becomes harder to breathe but you intent to keep going until you pass out, even moreso when she pulls down the top of her nurse dress to present one of her nipples. You immediately shift your attention to it, flicking your tongue over the pert nipple and kissing just around it. You're content just lying there, worshipping her lovely tits. After a few minutes she frees the other nipple from the dress and you assault it just as eagerly. Every now and then she presses down firmly, smothering you between her tits for a few seconds, and your dick twitches everytime she moans softly when you gently bite her nipples. Your cock is almost painfully hard after a good fifteen minutes of worshipping the most amazing tits you've ever seen. When she finally sits up straight she simply looks you in the eye for a few moments, contemplating her next course of action. Your body bucks on it's own accord, trying to grind your dick towards her rear, but she holds you down effortlessly. She finally moves and you're slightly disappointed that she's shifting upwards rather than towards your throbbing dick, but that feeling is swiftly replaced by lust as you vaguely take in the smell of her arousal. Remembering it all too well from last night, your mouth practically waters as she moves forward inch by inch. By now her face is blocked by her large tits, the most lovely sight you've ever seen, and you wish she would remain in this position just a little while longer. She, however, has other plans for you and without warning suddenly shuffles forward so her thighs are on either side of your face and a cute thong, matching her nurse dress, comes into view. A small part of the thong is damp and you can't help but stick your tongue out to lap at it. You hear her giggle above you and the damp spot immediately increases in size. You can taste her arousal on your tongue and try to lift your head to better lap at it. The pain in your neck makes it hard to keep this up and while the taste of her is worth it, you let your head fall back with a groan. Denise takes this opportunity to undo the ties of her thong, letting it fall over your face. Her fragrance increases and the sight of her naked pussy is almost as good as her erect nipples - maybe even better. As if she read your mind, she moves forward slightly so her cunt is right above your eyes, then lowers while moving backwards, moving the thong away as her pussylips slide just around the tip of your nose. You feel her wetness on your nose and revel in the taste of it as you manage to lick the tip of your tongue. It's so much more potent than the dampness of her thong and you can't wait to taste her directly. She repeats her movements, moving forward slightly before lowering her pussy on your nose and moving backwards. This time your nose parts her lips and both the wetness and smell assault you even more. Just when you try to lick and kiss at her pussy, she lifts up slightly and you groan. Once more she uses your nose as a little toy, but this time she doesn't lift up when she arrives at your mouth. Instead, she presses downward slightly and you find yourself kissing her on her lips. She bobs up and down a few times while wiggling around, as if to imitate a normal kiss on the lips and you simply play along with it. After a minute of planting kisses on and around her pussy she again parts her lips with your nose, then presses down roughly, covering your mouth with her spread pussy. Although it's impossible to breathe like this, you feel no worry and take the opportunity to explore her moist tunnel with your tongue. Your mouth fills with her juices in a matter of seconds and you take a moment to savor the taste before swallowing and continuing to lap the juices from her pussy. You curse your need for air as your body starts to struggle slightly, but Denise quickly acknowledges it and lets you take in a few breaths. Before your breathing has fully calmed, she has her pussy over your mouth again. You alternate between sticking your tongue deep inside, like she used your nose as a small dildo, and moving up to curl your tongue against her clit. She presses firmly against your face and you increase your attention at her clit, but after a few moments she moves up and more of her juices coat your tongue. Without pause you continue to wiggle your tongue around inside her until she lowers down again, wanting more of what you have to offer. For what feels like hours you lie there, constantly on the brink of breathlessness, lapping at the pussy that just doesn't stop getting wetter and wetter. You have to swallow every other minute to keep yourself from choking on her juices and wonder how anyone can taste so divine. Finally, she starts shaking uncontrollably and presses her thighs against the sides of your head tighter than before, almost painfully so. Her clit is resting firmly against your nose and without any way to reach it with your tongue, you try to wiggle around to stimulate it. This sends her over the edge and you almost cum yourself as you hear her scream, the sound of it muffled by her legs against your ears. Her gushing juices almost catch you by surprise, but you immediately force yourself to relax and take in her lovely offering. You don't swallow her nectar just yet, instead savoring the taste of it, but eventually have no choice but to gulp it down. It takes her a minute or two to finally come down from her orgasm and only then do her legs let go of your face. You take in a few deep breaths, heavily affected by her aroma, and feel at peace just staring at her glistening pussylips. One final drop of her juices dangles from her lips and you stick your tongue out to catch it. You savor it as it rolls down the center of your tongue. But Denise is far from done with you. After a short pause she shifts around until she's facing downwards, her legs again beside your face. You're now looking at her large, firm butt, and are so awestruck you forget to blink. Her demands become clear when her hands reach to slightly part her cheeks, revealing her puckered hole. There's no time to even consider your opinion on the matter as she practically slams down on your face, her asshole resting right on your mouth. She lets go of her cheeks, covering most of your face with her amazing butt, and the minidress falls down, engulfing you in a remarkably comfortable darkness. You can breathe through your nose just barely enough, though the air is heavy and you quickly become drowsy. The puckered hole right above your mouth demands attention, however, and you force yourself to focus. Tentatively you lick just around her hole, finding the taste to be rather neutral, but can't resist also planting a kiss right on her backdoor. The darkness and muffled sound only amplifies the sensation of taste and feel of her body and as your tongue meets the center of her asshole you feel her arch slightly. Her feet find the back of your head, locking you in place as she adjust herself slightly. The pressure on your face increases and you feel slightly worried as her cheeks now prevent you from breathing through your nose. Not wanting to give up your place under her admirable ass, you try not to struggle and focus on the task at hand. You again press your tongue against her asshole and feel a strange sensation as her muscles unclench to welcome you in. Your tongue slips an inch inside and immediately her sphincter tightens, holding your tongue firmly inside. Instinctively you try to pull back but her muscles don't give up. Only when you attempt to move further in does she relax her muscles and you adjust your head ever so slightly to stick your tongue deeper inside. Once it's as far as it goes she clamps down on you again, holding you deep inside her for a few seconds. Just as you start to struggle in discomfort you feel her ass forcefully push your tongue back out. You're getting more weary with the lack of oxygen but know your purpose as her asshole again lowers against your lips. Her asshole invites your tongue more easily this time and you try your best to go even deeper this time. Although that doesn't work, you do feel her body jerk slightly as you start to wiggle your tongue. She doesn't give you much to play with, however, and expels your tongue again. Regretfully, she moves her ass away from your face, but that feeling quickly dissipates as her pussy hoves inches above you once more. You lift your head to go in for round two but gasp in unexpected pleasure when a pair of soft lips touch your cockhead. Precum immediately oozes from your dick and you feel her tongue lap around your shaft, licking it up and placing kisses all over. You close your eyes and try to think of terrible things to hold back, but the mere feeling of her breath on your dick has you explode into orgasm. The pleasure increases tenfold when you feel her lips slide around your dick and the warmth of her mouth surround your cock as you start cumming. She fondles your balls with one hand as the other jerks the base, while her mouth takes care of the top. You feel her lips tighten around the head and suck tightly, as if to drain more cum from your dick. An almost shameful amount of cum shoots from your dick and you wonder just how full her mouth must be getting. Her lips stay sealed around your dick until finally you're spent. You simply lie there as the grinds her pussy over your face, too tired to lick at her moist lips. By the time you manage to open your eyes, you find yourself alone in the hospital bed, with no sign of Denise Milani. You sigh, close your eyes again and let your head fall to the side. Just before you doze off, the strong smell of Denise's arousal hits you and you open one eye to find yourself staring at the damp crotch of her white thong.
Chapter 1 - Under the wife.
When i popped a boner she knew she had total control over me. ^Are you getting excited honey?^  I was still frozen, "yeah, im uh, excited, and scared as all hell."  ^Aww sweetie you don't have to be afraid of me, I'm your new wife ;).^ 'Hey I'm going to be his wife too.' I could hear the jealousy in her voice. I'm kinda flattered. I could see her blushing, 'I am not! I'm just stating the fact that I'm his new mating partner as well.'  Me and the squid girl giggle. "H-hey what are you girls' names?" The squid girl smirks more, she pushes her dark purple hair from her face to behind her ears. Her chest moves further up against mine and i feel her giant breasts against my neck and i see a glimpse of her dark blue eyes as she whispers in my ear, ^189908, but you can call me jiglet. ;)^ Jiglet? huh that sounds funny, and cute. And a little sexy. 'Good then, your attraction levels to her are increasing.' "Yeah, i didn't need a machine to tell me i have a boner for this sexy lady. (I need to learn to shut my fucking mouth!) The shark lady seemed to get even more jealous, oh crap i think she heard that. She walked toward me and got in my face and said, "MY NAME IS 80088008, BUT YOU WILL CALL ME.(she put her hand in my mouth and then began to rub her vag. "I-i'm not sure i can say that correctly." 'You don't have to say it hows about you make the noise happen, and give my lips a kiss rubbing her  breasts and licking her lips. I start to get red, "Im new to this, I'm a virgin, and I've never even dated a girl, how do i do this?." I'll teach you how my sweet little 132512519, My husband, My love.
Chapter 0 - A day under the beach.
Hello my name is Zan massons, and I'm in alot of trouble. I have been kidnapped by a bunch of fish monsters. Well I guess it could be worse. Like they could be dude aliens, hell for all i know I could be getting lucky tonight! Wow I'm such a perv, I've been captured and all i can think about is banging my captors.  Well, let's just start this thing already. I just having been taken (i don't know how far) under the sea, have been strapped to a table by a shark lady. She has dark blue skin with a white belly ending in the middle of each of  her gigantic breasts, her nipples are hard, Im guessing because of the cold water, we must be pretty far down. I look around and see i am in some sort of submarine or ship, I wonder why fish monsters need a boat. I can move a little bit, but not enough to help me. Besides when i tried to move around she turned around and presses her sharp teeth(and boobs!) on my neck and whispered loudly, "If you move again i will not hesitate to rip out your throat and eat it. UNDERSTAND!?"  'y-yes ma'am' She smiles and licks my neck, "Don't worry I'm going to have lots of fun with you." I smiled a little bit and chuckled awkwardly. This is probably going to be bad. She goes over to a little podium with a keyboard, she types on it and a hologram of me pops up. It starts to show all of my, i don't know exactly, it's all in some weird language. But from what i can see it has something to do with my DNA. Holy Shit! These are fuckin aliens! "Brilliant deduction, I can also read your mind with this, genius."  I think I'm just fucked at this point, I'm probably going to die.  "Well you're 2 3rds right, you will be fucked and you might die. Also we have to inject you with a little something." 'we? as in you and me or,...' Then all of s sudden i feel a warm slimy mass of tentacles rubbing all over my body. ^no as in her, and me, and you.^  I feel her body sling around pressed against my chest, she kisses me and i just freeze up, Ive never been kissed before. All this shit and a kiss is what makes me freeze up. I think she could tell before i realized it but now I'm feeling a little stiff in more than one way.
Chapter 5 - Whale of a problem
Zan grows(In more ways than one) His gills start to show, and the tentacles are growing larger to the size of his arms. Along with his pulsating cock already pressed against Felicity's face. He grinned as she got scared "You know, I'm not to sure I'm going to do this, after all you do seem like a bitch, and I already have a backdoor loving lady, he winks to Olivia. So I guess I really don't need another in my harem. (Holy crap! I'm so fucking confident! Must be Olivia's blood.) He smacks her across the face with his cock. |Awwww!|  ^Looks like Onē San isn't joining us.^ Olivia grins, 'More for us!' They drop her and they drop down and spread their legs for him. He moved through instinct. His giant shark cock drilled into Olivias pussy with a tentacle in her ass. He then picked up Silvia and put her on top of Olivia. He put a tentacle on her breasts and the back of them massaged Olivia's  breasts aswell. I started to Change up who's Pussy I was fucking. It was too good to stop. Their wet slimy tight clits made me harder and harder! They got wetter and wetter, until,'^IM CUMMING!'^ " ME TOO!" We all came at the same time. I was in Olivia but I pulled out and gave Silvia half. ^mmm Thank you Zaaan!^ We all panted but then I noticed something familiar, either somebody was calling Olivia again or Somebody was touching themselves. I look over to see Felicity fingering herself to us. But then the Ship was hit by something huge. Little did I know I was going to meet the woman behind all this weird crap. ^Oh shit!^ |We're dead!| 'I'm still horny Zan~' I felt some movement coming from behind a door. A beeping sound is made and in walks a huge, chubby, beautiful whale woman. Her breasts were bigger than the other girls combined. Her ass was too and she was 6 foot 7! Her skin was mostly black but a large part of her belly up to her nipples and finally her lips were white. She had beautiful long jet black hair. Her lips were so alluring. But when she spoke She had the voice of a siren! \Daughters?/Even though she was chubby I had only one thought, ( I want MILF and I want it now!)
Chapter 0 - A little tale
Thursday, April the 28th, a few minutes before 5:30 P.M. College's males bathroom at 2nd floor. I was in a stall, you know, pooping, checking stuff in my phone... the regular thing. I was about to leave, when suddenly, I heard voices of a couple, a guy and a girl, approaching. First, I didn't pay attention, after all, it's a college. One hears any kind of conversationts from any people there. As the voices felt more and more inside the bathroom, I realized "wait, this is a men bathroom.  What's a girl doing here?... Oh no... don't tell me they both are about to do something dirty-!". Right in that moment, I heard that they both got in together in the stall RIGHT NEXT ME. I was "ooooohhhhh nooooo theeey wiiiiiiill..." But then I put attention in what they said (I don't remember it exactly, it's quite vague) As they both approached to the stall... GIRL: are you sure? What about if there is somebody? GUY: C'mon, there won't be anybody. (That's right. By that time, there are almost no subjects on 2nd floor's classrooms, so no need to be there) While they got in the stall... GUY: Okay, there you go. GIRL: Ugh, don't you hate when you have to resist the urge? (For the way she said that, I assumed she meant having sex) (Then, I heard a pee. A long and lousy pee) (Ooohh... she meant holding the pee... probably the women bathroom was closed or something. Right, what other reason to go to men bath? [SEX, YOU IDIOT!] oh yeah) Then, I heard some noises that I couldn't tell, but in that little instant, a twister of ideas got in my head. "what about if they have sex? Should I masturbate and cum while I get excited by their noises? Should I join them? Should I fap and cum and then join them? It's not a bad idea to join, nobody around, the place is quiet, a cramped threesome, we could make it more passionate... [yeah, or maybe they'll get scared, they cease and leave, leaving you like a fool. No, don't interrupt them!] But sex in college! What a better place to do it-?" In that instant, I hear the lock of their stall getting unlocked. And just like that, they left. They said something, I don't remember, they talked in an undertone. The best I could think of to do after seeing there were no sex, was coughing. Quite a loud one, just so they find out there WERE somebody, but apparently, they didn't hear it. And that was all. Very frustrating, but man, how intense and exciting. That day, I left the college and went to bed with some many hot thoughts.
Chapter 2 - Kiss of possible death
"Sure, I'll try my best." She then instead of licking the air like a moron, grabs Jiglet puts her on my lap, and starts to go down on her. And as the sloppy wet sounds get louder, she moans so cute and seductively. And I'm just sitting there getting harder. I couldn't see it at first but four of Jisweetieglet's tentacles were slithering down to her breasts, her pussy and her ass. Then Jiglet says, ^Ok my turn^ Then she picked her up by skidding her tentacle into her vag and puts her face to face on top of me. She's blushing. 'Do you like watching us?'  I turned redder and said, "yeah i do." She smiled, 'Glad to hear and feel it my love. Now i know you are eager to learn how to kiss my pretty pussy lips, but i need to teach you how to kiss up here first. Then she moved closer and just made out with me and our tounges were slidding all over one another. 'See? It's not so hard. And now you can do it to my-' And then Jiglet began to thrust her wide little tentacle into wet noise's butt. She was so hot, noot just sexy but she was getting warmer. She was gasping and moaning in pleasure. 'Sorry Zan, I'm kind of a back door slut i can't control myself.' And i lifted my head and began to make out with her. "It's alright, I'm certainly enjoying the show." She smiled, ' Jiglet, I'm being selfish, please attend to Zan aswell.'  Jiglet smiled a devious smile and said, ^my pleasure!^ Then she slid off my pants, my underwear and my shirt and began to fiddle wth my cock with her slimy tentacle. And then She slid her slimmy body under wet noise and  she mounted me and All three of us were having an orgy of fun.  J: Oh yes my love, i feel your nice long cock in my sticky little pussy, oh! oooh!. This is the best day of my life!  I could still hear wet noise's ass being penetrated by Jiglet's tentacle. Her ass was starting to sound like her name. Then Jiglet un strapped me and i flipped her and wet noise so i saw both of their holes and i just thrusted myself repeatedly inside of Jiglet. "oh yeah, you're so fucking slimy and tight!" And i could hear her gasping faster, and faster, ^Oh, yes my love, I I I can ffeel it pulsating my love, please, please blow your load! Fill me with your white love.^ So then i felt it build up and i blasted my load all inside of her and some of it began to drip and i saw that wet noise turned around and licked it up and then i stopped her and pinned her down. "I know you're more than just a dirty girl, and you're not gonna be reduced to licking it off the floor!" I then put my cock inside of her ass along with Jiglet's tentacle and i could feel it so slimmy and wet noises ass was so tight that in no time a all i was filling her ass with my semen. And when i saw her gasping i took her head and forced my cock in her mouth and the second wave of semen came out so fast a little came out of her nose.
Chapter 2 - Too late to pologize
A loud knocking on my door grabbed my attention this morning. It hadn't woken me up as I was already awake collecting venom from some bane spiders. Little black and green bastards with a nasty burning venom. I hid my work and answered the door, “Oh hello ma'am, I was just about to head downstairs to start my duties.” She stood a few inches shorter than me 5’9 around I suppose. Honey brown hair, yellow eyes, a yellow summer dress with a red pattern to it, not sure how she got a dress like that, patterned clothing is very expensive. “Hello, we actually have a different issue you need to attend to, please follow me.” She lead me to the dungeon. Down a long hallway was a hidden trap door under a long rug. She lifted the hatch “Down here. Watch your step.” A cold air surrounded the door. "What's  down there?” She stared at me for a moment. I felt something was wrong, she wasn't acting right and barely any emotion to her words. “I need to get something from my room.” I turned and saw three Manti ready to strike. I turned back towards her. Her beautiful skin tore away and turned green growing into a full grown Mantis. She strikes forward with her claws. I have nothing this time, I hadn't even taken any venom with me. I guess this is the end. Entrails splattered over the walls, blood not far behind and I'm on the floor.  I don't feel any pain, I don't see any blood red stains anywhere, just a giant Mantis with yellow blood on it's mandibles. I can't stick around to analyze. I get up into running position. I need to, and then I was grabbed and thrown against the wall. She gnashes her mandibles at me. I hear some people running towards us. When they turned the corner all they found was dead Manti and their innards on the wall. In a dark damp section of the dungeon seemingly forgotten lay a human man and a mantis female. "It's about time they left, don't you think?....Oh you probably can't see much. Let me fix that, I want you to see me." A flame lights a lantern on the wall. The corners of the caged rooms had been partially lit, but in the empty chamber of the forgotten dungeon was what appeared to be a mantis female wearing the corpse of a human woman. "Surprised to see me again? You smug little bastard?!" She strikes at my neck and scrapes it just enough to tear skin but no blood pours out.  "This feels oddly personal for an insect attack, I kill your brother or something?" She grabs me by the collar and throws me down to the floor coming face to face, "No, nothing so meaningless as that, not that it would've mattered to me if you did. I'm not too sure what you did actually." Well that sounds ominous as fuck. Let's prod the freak. "Surprise surprise, bug women are as testy as normal ones. So I'd have to assume to mean the mist I threw in your face?" She nods with a strange disturbing fleshy smile. "Well in basic terms it was a combination of insect pheromones and human blood to create a fine chum like attraction for your kind, which is what attracted your kind to our party in the jungle. However it seems to be having unforseen side effects on you." Her mandibles chitter and her large eyes are fixated on me. "Hmm, I suppose that's why she's still in here then. Human blood. She's in here and she's fucking furious!" Who the fuck is she talking about? "Who the fuck are you talking about?" Her sickles pulled back,mandibles retracted, eyes shrank, and skin reformed. It was one of the women from our party, the first girl killed, or so it seemed. Her face smug yet sad, possibly mournful. She takes a step towards me and punches as hard as she can. "While we can't both talk at the same time, I can hear everything she hears and even peak into her simple little bug brain. But to answer your earlier question, yes you did kill my brother, and my father, and my mother."  It didn't really hurt too bad though, she wasn't exactly muscular. She seemed the bookworm type, suppose she was highly sheltered by her family. "I'd say I'm sorry but we both know I don't mean it." She tilted her head to the side like a curious puppy and had an emotionless frown. "Well I'm not looking for an apology, I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for but I suppose we can work on that later. For now I think we need to discuss living arrangements."
Chapter 1 - Stranger in a new city
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Chapter 3 - Injection for a better erection
Wet noise coughed and sat up. She had one big gulp and my jizz was in her stomach. She grinned and pinned me 'You know, for a human boy, you sure like being on top. However I do need to.....edit you to fit our needs.' He turns a bit pale and quivers " What kind of "edit"?"  She moved to the console and displayed my body again. She started to upload a bit of her DNA and Jiglet's. Soon enough I had Razor sharp teeth. Webbed hands and feet with claws, gills, four tentacles around my waist, but I doubt those were ordinary from the way they were shaped, I've seen enough tentacle porn to know where that was going. I also had pale blue skin and dark blue eyes and my cock was, well. Let's just say Jared Foggles foot long looks like an Lego piece in comparison. " Uh.... Not that I'm complaining but I'm not sure I'd be able to put on pants ever again." He chuckled awkwardly. ^Who said you were ever going to wear pants again?^ She laughs and jiggles. 'It is necessary for reproduction' Wet noise was licking her luscious lips. 'Mmm when we get back to our planet, we'll spend the rest of our lives with your cock inside of us!' (Oh Sweet Satan! This is like the best wet dream ever or my worst nightmare.) Suddenly Wet noise left the room. Jiglet left with her. I was alone but then the table grabbed me and strapped me down. When I opened my eyes again, all I saw were huge bouncy breasts in nurse's outfits so tight if one breast jiggled the button itself could've busted a hole in the ship. But my stone hard erection quickly fell limp when the needle they were carrying was bigger than my future tentacles!
Chapter 4 - Sister's new mister
'No need to worry 1321, we'll make sure nothing bad happens, after all we did have to donate quite a bit for our patient.' Jiglet stuck her tongue out. ^It hurt a bit but it's gonna be OK Zan!^ "I'll uh, I'll try to hold still." (Might as well not complicate this.) They pierced my skin with one tube on my left arm and the needle on the right. One taking half my blood out and having it be replaced with theirs. I passed out. A monitor beeps. I can't move. I start to force my eyes open. I see the girls starting at me. 'I don't understand. Why isn't he....' ^Does that mean we can't take him home?^ I see a mirror and I look the same. 'Mother told us this would....' |Yes she did and it was hilarious to watch!| A woman popped up in a hologram head. It was a red headed woman with short hair and what appeared to be lobster eyes on the top of her head. Next thing I know a new door opens. A sexy looking crab woman walks in. Her hands have claws around them. Unlike Wet noise and Jiglet she has little to no breasts. Her ass is pretty huge and her face is okay, though her body is mostly red. |So this is your little toy?| She walks close to me and gropes my cock. |Ha! Barely average| "You're one to talk A-Cup!" She squeezes my dick and I groan. |Human. You are a petty toy and you are now nothing to them now that you can't reproduce with them!| She walks towards them and turns her back to me and smacks them to the ground Wet noise growls as Jiglet hides behind her. |By the way, Wet noise and Jiglet? Really? Olivia and Silvia are there real names.| She faces him |And I am Felicity their older sister.| She faces them and continued to scold them but.... I couldn't hear her. All I could think of and see was her giant....juicy....ass! Suddenly he broke free of the table and charged at Felicity. His erect cock was flying into her giant ass. Before she knew it she was in the doggy position, and he fucked her hard! She moaned and that's all he heard. |Human! Please! No, no!! I can't... Not...not to a weakling like you!!!| She squirted from anal and he didn't stop there. He pulled her arms back and fucked her intensely in her tight little red pussy. "For a girl with no breasts, your pussy is extremely pleasurable!" She submits |Y-yes I do! Please please use my tight clit and fuck me more!| His cock pulsates and he releases so much it over flows out of her slick pussy. ^Sister likes our hubby?^ Olivia stops growling, 'She is where I got my fetish for anal.' They giggle. "So, would you mind apologizing to your sisters?" She turns around and jumps to pin him. Instead he moves back and greabs her hands. "Hey Sexy nurses, help me restrain the patient!" The girls smirk and hold their sister down. |Let me go! I will not be....| She stops as she watches his skin change color, his cock gets bigger and his teeth get pointed. |Holy!|