Bill really loved to bowl.
After he retired he made it to the Pro Bowlers Hall of Fame.
Bill practiced to become a pro.
[ "Bill practiced to become a pro." ]
Misses Sky walked into her math class.
Only Misses Sky was excited on the topic of percentages.
Misses Sky had a room full of bored students.
[ "Misses Sky had a room full of bored students." ]
I went to the casino with some friends.
I still do not know how to play poker.
I struggled to learn how to play with them.
[ "I struggled to learn how to play with them." ]
My car broke down one day, and I had to walk to work.
I finally made it to work and felt traumatized the whole day.
it was raining and it was a long walk.
[ "it was raining and it was a long walk." ]
Two kids were playing ball outside school.
The ball landed on the school roof and the game had to end.
One of them hit the ball really hard.
[ "One of them hit the ball really hard." ]
Neil bicycled into the city of Perth, Australia.
The reef was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen!
Neil went to go to the sea shore.
[ "Neil went to go to the sea shore." ]
Ophelia attends a Thanksgiving party thrown by her friends.
She feels better after helping out with the dishes.
Ophelia felt bad because she didn't bring a dish.
[ "Ophelia felt bad because she didn't bring a dish." ]
Jack went on a trip to the store.
The clerk told him where the bacon was located.
Jack asked for thin sliced bacon.
[ "Jack asked for thin sliced bacon." ]
Jill was a sales woman in a department store.
She won a 3 day trip to Hawaii.
Her department was having a competition to see who could sell the most pairs of underwear, with the main prize being a trip.
[ "Her department was having a competition to see who could sell the most pairs of underwear, with the main prize being a trip." ]
Charles barely knew his biological father.
His father moved Charles into his house and said to get it together.
Charles needed help with a place to stay.
[ "Charles needed help with a place to stay." ]
James likes to run marathons.
James established a new personal record marathon time.
James runs a few miles daily.
[ "James runs a few miles daily." ]
Tim was tired one evening.
But he wasn't able to fall asleep until 6 AM.
Tim tried very hard to go to sleep.
[ "Tim tried very hard to go to sleep." ]
Joey and his mom like visiting the park.
They finally have to go home, but they are excited for next week!
Joey played for hours and hours on the swings.
[ "Joey played for hours and hours on the swings." ]
Neil was writing an article about Shenzhen, China.
He found that Shenzhen was a bustling metropolitan hub!
Before his research, Neil though Shenzhen was a dusty rural village.
[ "Before his research, Neil though Shenzhen was a dusty rural village." ]
Kelsi went to the local animal shelter to help out.
Kelsi named the cat marshmallow.
She fell in love with a white fluffy cat.
[ "She fell in love with a white fluffy cat." ]
My family has a halloween night tradition.
Then we go to bed and wait to celebrate again the next year.
My family never misses Halloween parties.
[ "My family never misses Halloween parties." ]
Katie was meeting her boyfriend's parents for the first time.
Katie was subjected to the spaghetti sauce for years thereafter!
His mother taught her how to make her boyfriend's favorite sauce.
[ "His mother taught her how to make her boyfriend's favorite sauce." ]
Jason had a job interview.
A combination of good work ethics and qualifications won him the job.
Jason updated his resume and made sure to list his good accomplishments.
[ "Jason updated his resume and made sure to list his good accomplishments." ]
Ted is the first of his friends to own a car.
Ted has made a nice little side business while driving to school.
ted always makes the best out of life.
[ "ted always makes the best out of life." ]
Sam was very worried.
She had been pregnant, and now had eight kittens!
Sam's cat was very fat.
[ "Sam's cat was very fat." ]
Stephen went to Time square
He was amazed the entire time.
Stephen saw all of the people and lights.
[ "Stephen saw all of the people and lights." ]
Tom was on vacation in Mexico.
This made the guards pay extra attention to him.
Tom had some suspicios bottles.
[ "Tom had some suspicios bottles." ]
I've always been a big fan of Jethro Tull.
This has done little to quell my interest in a concert.
Jethro Tull rarely makes a stop in my town's concert hall.
[ "Jethro Tull rarely makes a stop in my town's concert hall." ]
I was driving to my friends house one day.
They gave me a warning and then let me go.
I found a police roadblock.
[ "I found a police roadblock." ]
Tom decided to buy a motorcycle.
He began to love the bike very much.
He had a lot of fun riding around.
[ "He had a lot of fun riding around." ]
Glenda was an unfeeling little brute.
She died of hypothermia after many excruciating hours.
Glenda broke through the ice when winter fishing, and nobody was around.
[ "Glenda broke through the ice when winter fishing, and nobody was around." ]
Kimmy liked to listen to the radio.
She was a very happy listener.
Kimmy found an amazing radio station.
[ "Kimmy found an amazing radio station." ]
Lily's elderly aunt always wore a flowered bonnet on Easter.
Happy tears welled in old eyes as Lily's aunt accepted the hat.
Lily decided to make her aunt a new hat.
[ "Lily decided to make her aunt a new hat." ]
Lynn and her friends were in her room laughing hard.
She decided she would do it again tomorrow.
Lynn can do really funny impersonations of people.
[ "Lynn can do really funny impersonations of people." ]
Katie just moved into a new apartment.
The neighbors moved out and Katie got to sleep.
Katie's neighbors were noisy and partied a lot and she was tired.
[ "Katie's neighbors were noisy and partied a lot and she was tired." ]
Chris wanted to make his girlfriend a cake.
She loved the cake that Chris made for her.
Chris spent hours making a cake.
[ "Chris spent hours making a cake." ]
Al sneezed in his office one morning quite loudly.
Al's co-workers yelled at Al and the other man to cut it out.
Al's and a friend took turns sneezing and coughing.
[ "Al's and a friend took turns sneezing and coughing." ]
I was at school waiting for the day to be over.
I ended up slipping and breaking my foot.
I was walking in the hall and stepped in some water.
[ "I was walking in the hall and stepped in some water." ]
Laurie is going to her first formal dance tonight.
Laurie ended the night by kissing her date.
Laurie danced the night away with her date.
[ "Laurie danced the night away with her date." ]
Tyler was traveling on a bus.
Luckily, he got off at the next stop.
He had fallen asleep and woke up in a strange part of the city.
[ "He had fallen asleep and woke up in a strange part of the city." ]
Jess hated egg salad.
The dog happily ate the salad.
Jess gave her egg salad to the dog.
[ "Jess gave her egg salad to the dog." ]
I bought my girlfriend a hat for her birthday.
But it was obvious that she hated it and I failed her.
She didn't really smile.
[ "She didn't really smile." ]
Mary asked George to drive her to the apple orchard.
They left the horse apple orchard before George figured it out.
Mary bought more apples than she originally told George.
[ "Mary bought more apples than she originally told George." ]
Philip loved pretzels.
He determined it was the worst Christmas ever.
Philip's grandma usually baked pretzels but couldn't this Christmas.
[ "Philip's grandma usually baked pretzels but couldn't this Christmas." ]
Jane lost her card at the store.
They replaced her card as well.
Jane immediately called the bank about her lost card.
[ "Jane immediately called the bank about her lost card." ]
Gina and her friend Tami were walking to their classroom.
Tami told the bully to get lost, and he looked intimidated.
Someone walked up to Gina and started bullying her.
[ "Someone walked up to Gina and started bullying her." ]
Kelly decided to release a new song.
Kelly was thrilled.
Kelly was offered a record deal for her song.
[ "Kelly was offered a record deal for her song." ]
A game was brought back from vacation.
The games headsets were all destroyed.
They were in the checked luggage.
[ "They were in the checked luggage." ]
Alfie is my greywing parakeet.
He lays on the bottom, opens one eye to check and pops up!
Alfie likes to play dead if he thinks the dog is around.
[ "Alfie likes to play dead if he thinks the dog is around." ]
The Thomas family likes to go to the Cape every summer.
Despite the outage, the Thomases still had fun.
One day after they got there, a tropical storm hit the Cape. There was a lot of damage and the power went out for two days.
[ "One day after they got there, a tropical storm hit the Cape. There was a lot of damage and the power went out for two days." ]
It was hot in Tim's room.
But its air quality became worse.
Tim decided to close the window.
[ "Tim decided to close the window." ]
Cynthia was looking for some money for extra luxuries.
She took the gold to a gold dealer and got a large check.
Cynthia went through her old jewelry and found some gold pieces to sell.
[ "Cynthia went through her old jewelry and found some gold pieces to sell." ]
Philip loved pretzels.
He determined it was the worst Christmas ever.
Philip did not get any pretzel.
[ "Philip did not get any pretzel." ]
Yesterday I had the day off from work.
I regret nothing though my wife was annoyed.
I was happy when I reached home but.
[ "I was happy when I reached home but." ]
The inventor couldn't come up with anymore ideas.
He gave it to his boss and got an instant raise.
The inventor spend weeks trying to come up with a new concept.
[ "The inventor spend weeks trying to come up with a new concept." ]
Today was Ellie's birthday.
She had always wanted a dog.
Her parents got her a puppy for her birthday.
[ "Her parents got her a puppy for her birthday." ]
Mark kept putting off doing his chores around the house.
His parents were happy he'd realized responsibility goes both ways.
Mark then never got allowance money.
[ "Mark then never got allowance money." ]
Charles didn't want to be an exchange student.
But his contact showed up and took him to campus.
Exchange students are all new to town.Charles is lost and waiting for a new contact to show him to his class.
[ "Exchange students are all new to town.Charles is lost and waiting for a new contact to show him to his class." ]
Allie wanted to ride her bike.
He was able to fix them up like new.
Alex allowed it if Allie can fix it.
[ "Alex allowed it if Allie can fix it." ]
I left my cell phone at work and drove home.
No one at the workplace picked up.
I called it when I realized it was missing.
[ "I called it when I realized it was missing." ]
Jay looked out the window in November.
Since he smelled no fire, he thought it was snow.
Jay saw what appeared to be smoke falling.
[ "Jay saw what appeared to be smoke falling." ]
It was almost lunch time.
She chickened out and let her grandma do the frying.
She wanted fries but heard the oil was dangerous.
[ "She wanted fries but heard the oil was dangerous." ]
Jason was terrified of spiders.
Jason took a hot shower.
When Jason was in his backyard he saw a spider crawling on him.
[ "When Jason was in his backyard he saw a spider crawling on him." ]
Bob and Jane really enjoyed their last vacation at Cabo San Lucas.
Bob and Jane now take frequent trips to their vacation home in Cabo.
Bob and Jane decided to buy a home there.
[ "Bob and Jane decided to buy a home there." ]
Ben was digging in the sand at the beach.
But he was told it was only pyrite, fool's gold!
Ben found some gold.
[ "Ben found some gold." ]
Jake was upset at his girlfriend.
Jake asked to break up.
Jake sat down to talk to his girlfriend.
[ "Jake sat down to talk to his girlfriend." ]
Emily is looking for a job.
Emily finished the tests for the jobs she wanted the most.
Emily found a website that would let her test her skills.
[ "Emily found a website that would let her test her skills." ]
When I was five or six, I ran into a busy street.
The driver and my parents were both terrified and distraught.
I almost got hit by a car, but it was just a close call.
[ "I almost got hit by a car, but it was just a close call." ]
Jessica enjoyed Mcdonald's breakfast food.
She realized that it was true the next time she went.
Jessica was told how unhealthy it is.
[ "Jessica was told how unhealthy it is." ]
Katie needed to cross the street by herself.
She crossed the street successfully and was full of pride.
Katie followed her parents rules and looked both ways.
[ "Katie followed her parents rules and looked both ways." ]
Tyson had a new puppy.
He decided he needed to pay better attention to his pets.
When Tyson wasn't paying attention, his puppy chewed up his toy train.
[ "When Tyson wasn't paying attention, his puppy chewed up his toy train." ]
Amanda was taking an advanced reading class.
Amanda stayed up all night and finished the novel on time.
Amanda was assigned to read a novel.
[ "Amanda was assigned to read a novel." ]
Everyone told Matt he ate too much red meat.
He stayed heart attack free for the rest of his life.
Matt decided to eat healthier.
[ "Matt decided to eat healthier." ]
Whitney was meeting her friend at a Mexican restaurant for dinner.
Whitney was at the wrong restaurant.
Whitney drove to the closest place.
[ "Whitney drove to the closest place." ]
Francis decided to do some baking.
They burned!
Francis set the oven to the wrong temperature.
[ "Francis set the oven to the wrong temperature." ]
Amy was going to graduate from high school.
After a day she decided not to join the Army.
Amy researched the demands of joining the Army as an alternate option to college.
[ "Amy researched the demands of joining the Army as an alternate option to college." ]
I invited a friend to meet me at the theater to see Star Wars.
I called my buddy to learn I was waiting at the wrong theater!
After waiting for a long time, I became worried when my friend didnt arrive.
[ "After waiting for a long time, I became worried when my friend didnt arrive." ]
I was travelling along the road one day alone.
Despite my best efforts I couldn't move it and had to leave it behind.
My car broke down and I tried moving it.
[ "My car broke down and I tried moving it." ]
Ali was in the third grade.
Ali decided she would find out who this girl was at lunch.
Ali saw there was a new girl in her class.
[ "Ali saw there was a new girl in her class." ]
Three students were asked to write a short play for class.
Finally, the students agreed that the play would be about a puppy.
The students had a hard time deciding what to write the play about.
[ "The students had a hard time deciding what to write the play about." ]
I needed to take my dog for a walk.
I regretted not pausing the movie and taking the dog earlier.
I was watching a movie and decided to go later.
[ "I was watching a movie and decided to go later." ]
As Gina left the principal's office she saw classes were letting out.
She ignored her and grabbed her things to leave.
The principal told her to stay put until her parents arrived.
[ "The principal told her to stay put until her parents arrived." ]
Casey decided to bake a cake.
Her cake was finally complete.
It took a long time to mix and bake the cake.
[ "It took a long time to mix and bake the cake." ]
Greg wanted to try out a pound burger.
He then got his name on the wall for doing so.
Greg ate tons of the burgers.
[ "Greg ate tons of the burgers." ]
There is a huge tree in my backyard.
To my dismay, someone cut that tree down.
I love the huge tree very much.
[ "I love the huge tree very much." ]
Jean stopped for coffee on her way to work.
It hurt a bit but it wasn't serious.
Jean inadvertently spilled coffee on her thigh.
[ "Jean inadvertently spilled coffee on her thigh." ]
Joss's family was hosting an exchange student.
Joss considered the exchange student to be like a sister.
She was very sweet and came from Australia.
[ "She was very sweet and came from Australia." ]
Larry had a very hectic week at work.
Larry decided that today would be his lazy day.
Larry needed a break from work.
[ "Larry needed a break from work." ]
It was Kelly's first day of school tomorrow and she needed clothes.
She was sure no one would have what she had.
Kelly made her own hot pink pair of pants for herself.
[ "Kelly made her own hot pink pair of pants for herself." ]
Laura was great at softball.
Laura wanted to be captain again next year.
Laura was chosen as captain by the coach.
[ "Laura was chosen as captain by the coach." ]
The library down the road was full of books.
The little boy grew up to be the librarian.
It was visited by a little boy almost every day because he loved books.
[ "It was visited by a little boy almost every day because he loved books." ]
Timmy hated to eat his vegetables.
Timmy loved the taste of the smoothie and drank it all down.
His mom tried putting them in a fruit smoothie instead.
[ "His mom tried putting them in a fruit smoothie instead." ]
Ida was on a trip to the beach.
On the way home, she saw the glasses had been in her visor all along!
Ida left early because she thought she left her glasses at home.
[ "Ida left early because she thought she left her glasses at home." ]
Kyle was leaving the grocery store with lots of food.
He happily went home with only half his groceries!
Kyle decided to give some of the groceries to a needy family he saw.
[ "Kyle decided to give some of the groceries to a needy family he saw." ]
Lonnie was trying to figure out what majors to take in college.
Lonnie finally decided to go into education.
Lonnie knew getting a degree is important.
[ "Lonnie knew getting a degree is important." ]
Maggie liked to let her cat roam outside.
She scolded the cat in the hopes that it wouldn't do that again.
One day Maggie's cat brought a dead bird into the home.
[ "One day Maggie's cat brought a dead bird into the home." ]
The boy had a project.
But, the teacher said it looked unrealistic and failed him.
He worked hard but couldn't afford some of the materials needed.
[ "He worked hard but couldn't afford some of the materials needed." ]
My son bought us a Roku a few years ago.
Now we are happy to use our phones to operate the Roku.
The Roku was hard to use at first, but we soon learned.
[ "The Roku was hard to use at first, but we soon learned." ]
Joe won the fourth grade spelling bee.
That make it look much more important.
Joe received a framed certificate.
[ "Joe received a framed certificate." ]
Joe was on the beach with some friends.
Joe started to throw sand on the fire, people joined in and stopped it.
Joe decided to put the fire out.
[ "Joe decided to put the fire out." ]
Linda and Gina went to a craft show.
They did not buy anything.
Linda and Gina did not see anything they liked.
[ "Linda and Gina did not see anything they liked." ]
Terry people watched from the corner of the room at a party.
He walked away as the woman's husband began scowling at him.
Terry started talking to a woman that looked lonely.
[ "Terry started talking to a woman that looked lonely." ]
Matt brought Jamie to see the sunset on the beach.
Jamie refused to see Matt again.
Matt tried to kiss Jamie to soon.
[ "Matt tried to kiss Jamie to soon." ]
Max had just brought his tree in for Christmas.
He just tossed the tree bottom into the trash pile.
All of the needles turned brown and fell out.
[ "All of the needles turned brown and fell out." ]
Tony took his nephew and two friends on a ski trip.
Next, their tour guide pointed out an avalanche.
The tour guide took them up the ski lift.
[ "The tour guide took them up the ski lift." ]