Bobo was a clown who was very tall.
But now he makes a living with his odd physique.
Bobo was made fun of by other kids when he was a child.
[ "Bobo was made fun of by other kids when he was a child." ]
Kyle lost his job.
Kyle found a new job quickly due to his diligence.
Kyle went to numerous interviews.
[ "Kyle went to numerous interviews." ]
The other day I was at the gym
He apologized and I thanked him for doing so.
A man at the gym bumped into me accidentally.
[ "A man at the gym bumped into me accidentally." ]
Lilith loved fish tacos.
Unfortunately, the meat was bad and they got sick.
Lillith went to the fast food restaurant and ate three tacos.
[ "Lillith went to the fast food restaurant and ate three tacos." ]
Anna went to a fancy dinner.
And at dessert, Anna had two helpings of pie!
she ate a huge dinner.
[ "she ate a huge dinner." ]
I found out that my friend had been lying to me.
We are no longer friends.
They had been lying for months.
[ "They had been lying for months." ]
Josh really wanted to get into law school.
Josh finally got accepted into law school the next year.
Josh worked hard and studied for his test.
[ "Josh worked hard and studied for his test." ]
Sean was walking home from his girlfriend's house.
Luckily, the coyotes didn't bother him.
As Sean was walking, he saw a pack of coyotes.
[ "As Sean was walking, he saw a pack of coyotes." ]
Nestor went to Big Bear in California with his friends.
They had to wait a couple hours before they got they keys and left.
The cabin that Nestor had rented was not yet ready when they arrived.
[ "The cabin that Nestor had rented was not yet ready when they arrived." ]
Gertrude was liked by no one at school.
She punched Gertrude right in the nose!
One of the girls bullies Gertrude.
[ "One of the girls bullies Gertrude." ]
The gas station I frequent to buy coffee was robbed.
The man was a thief, and he was caught and arrested.
The gas station was robbed by one of my neighbors.
[ "The gas station was robbed by one of my neighbors." ]
I wanted to surprise my girlfriend last week
I special ordered them and loved the look on her face when she got the
I surprised my girlfriend with a present last weekend and loved the look on her face.
[ "I surprised my girlfriend with a present last weekend and loved the look on her face." ]
Terry hated heating the soup up for her restaurant.
She is now free to do other things while her soups heat up.
Terry asked one of her coworkers to take over soup heating.
[ "Terry asked one of her coworkers to take over soup heating." ]
Ryan was called by his friend to skip work one day.
Ryan got fired.
Ryan decided to listen to his friend and skipped work.
[ "Ryan decided to listen to his friend and skipped work." ]
The little boy was failing math.
He ended up with an A on his report card.
He decided to try his best and started to do homework every night.
[ "He decided to try his best and started to do homework every night." ]
Jim loved jogging.
He has a much better time jogging.
Jim has met a coworker that likes to jog with him.
[ "Jim has met a coworker that likes to jog with him." ]
Kelly needed new shoes.
She loved them.
She took her time at the store and found the perfect pair.
[ "She took her time at the store and found the perfect pair." ]
Julie was looking for some extra spending money.
At the end of the day she made 100 dollars.
Julie decided to do some freelancing job.
[ "Julie decided to do some freelancing job." ]
Tim wanted to be on a professional basketball team.
Tim was asked by a NBA team to play for them, and he happily accepted.
Tim worked hard to become a good basketball player.
[ "Tim worked hard to become a good basketball player." ]
Vikkie was part of the junior color guard.
She is now the leader of the color guard.
She worked hard for many years.
[ "She worked hard for many years." ]
Dan was excited to claim his prize in the cereal box.
Dan was so upset he gave the toy to his brother.
Dan hated the toy.
[ "Dan hated the toy." ]
I was driving to the sports bar.
He said that our reservations are declined since there's a full house.
I made reservations late,.
[ "I made reservations late,." ]
Ava got her navel pierced.
Ava had to tell her mom so her mom could help her.
Avas naval became infected.
[ "Avas naval became infected." ]
Hannah is really desperate for money.
Now she's even more poor.
Hannah went gambling at the casino, trying to make more money.
[ "Hannah went gambling at the casino, trying to make more money." ]
Kelsey was about to go surfing.
Luckily, it didn't get in the way of her surfing.
In the distance she could see storm clouds.
[ "In the distance she could see storm clouds." ]
Cam went to the beach to relax.
He squinted hard but didn't see anything.
Cam's vision was damaged by the bright sun.
[ "Cam's vision was damaged by the bright sun." ]
Tina's water broke one night.
And after sixteen hours, Tina became a mommy!
The hospital told her she was in labor.
[ "The hospital told her she was in labor." ]
When I was little I had a dog named Cozy.
After hours he found Cozy a few blocks over and brought her home.
The night I brought him home he ran away.
[ "The night I brought him home he ran away." ]
Gina's sister Kim had come to visit their grandmother.
Gina sat with the girls, but she felt miles away,
gina never felt close in the family.
[ "gina never felt close in the family." ]
Juan worked out in the fields.
He got there just it time and now has a new pet.
John rescued a kitten that was abandoned in the field.
[ "John rescued a kitten that was abandoned in the field." ]
I went to my closest to pick up some cleaning supplies.
Before my family came home, the house was completely clean.
I cleaned the house all day long.
[ "I cleaned the house all day long." ]
My daughter went to her first birthday party for a friend.
When she came home she fell asleep immediately, exhausted.
While there, my daughter jumped in a bounce house, played birthday tag, and participated in a scavenger hunt.
[ "While there, my daughter jumped in a bounce house, played birthday tag, and participated in a scavenger hunt." ]
Amy's high school had 2 building connected on the 2nd floor.
When she got inside she slipped and fell because her shoes were wet.
It started to rain outside.
[ "It started to rain outside." ]
A lady made a jewelry box and decided to paint it.
Then she realized she meant to make a bird house.
Halfway through the project, the lady thought about making something else.
[ "Halfway through the project, the lady thought about making something else." ]
I have starting to golf on the weekends.
I decided not to enter any more tournaments.
My children need me more and more on the weekends.
[ "My children need me more and more on the weekends." ]
Bud went to a foreclosure auction.
Bud was now a homeowner!
Bud bid on a house,.
[ "Bud bid on a house,." ]
When the Anthony reunion invitations went out, everyone came.
They remained there for the rest of the day and told stories at night.
The clan gathered at the ancestral homestead.
[ "The clan gathered at the ancestral homestead." ]
Nate started to write stories for ROC-NLP-Research.
Then, Nate realized he had created a paradox!
Nate thought his stories were clever puzzles.
[ "Nate thought his stories were clever puzzles." ]
I found a few termites one day the kitchen.
I have never seen a termite in the house again.
I immediately called an exterminator.
[ "I immediately called an exterminator." ]
Yesterday I was cleaning up after a party.
I felt terrible.
i got a little sick.
[ "i got a little sick." ]
Melinda had always wanted a dog.
She took the dog home that very day.
Melinda saw a dog she loved at the local animal shelter.
[ "Melinda saw a dog she loved at the local animal shelter." ]
The sun was out and it was finally a warm day to go to the beach.
The all had the best day at the beach and will plan to go again.
They all headed to the beach.
[ "They all headed to the beach." ]
Dan was sure that he was over his ex girlfriend.
Dan decided to call his old girlfriend.
Dan found pictures of happy times with his ex girlfriend.
[ "Dan found pictures of happy times with his ex girlfriend." ]
My friends tried to fly out for a wedding last weekend.
They were almost late to that one as well.
They where always late.
[ "They where always late." ]
Julio really wanted chrome rims for his car.
They made his car look cool and he got a girlfriend.
He got a second job and made enough to buy the rims.
[ "He got a second job and made enough to buy the rims." ]
Alan took his clothes to a laundry service.
They had to reimburse him for the cost of his clothes.
They damaged his clothes.
[ "They damaged his clothes." ]
I had a slow car.
My car was able to beat many other racers at the local club.
So I bought a new engine and parts to make it faster.
[ "So I bought a new engine and parts to make it faster." ]
Jason wants to see a good movie.
Jason enjoys the movie that he picked out to see.
He decides to watch Star Wars.
[ "He decides to watch Star Wars." ]
Beth and Joe went to their cabin retreat for a short break.
Joe got upset at Beth and went for a dip in the lake.
Beth was being rude to Joe.
[ "Beth was being rude to Joe." ]
Mike was bored one summer.
Mike stayed inside all summer.
Mike bought a new computer game to play.
[ "Mike bought a new computer game to play." ]
I bought a new color of nailpolish recently.
Now, there's a big purple stain on my floor.
I spilled it when I was putting it on my nails.
[ "I spilled it when I was putting it on my nails." ]
Jeff i booking a flight to Cancun.
Turns out it was only enough to knock the price down half!
I found a coupon code and used it.
[ "I found a coupon code and used it." ]
Bob needed a new pair of socks.
Bob really enjoyed his shopping trip.
Bob decided to shop for socks at a factory outlet.
[ "Bob decided to shop for socks at a factory outlet." ]
There is a reason why my X is my X.
I hope I did the right thing.
I did see that he is doing quite well though.
[ "I did see that he is doing quite well though." ]
A man desired to be smarter.
He eventually felt mentally quicker and smarter.
The man studied and worked hard to gain knowledge.
[ "The man studied and worked hard to gain knowledge." ]
A man decided to buy a jump rope to add to his exercise regime.
He drastically increased his fitness in large thanks to the music.
The man jumped daily to his favorite pop tunes.
[ "The man jumped daily to his favorite pop tunes." ]
Amy was in trouble.
Amy went to her room, closed the door, and went to sleep.
Amy ran out of her anti-depressants, and couldn't get them refilled.
[ "Amy ran out of her anti-depressants, and couldn't get them refilled." ]
Niall wandered through the streets at night trying to sell his wares.
The man showed Niall his badge, he was a policeman.
Niall didn't have a permit to sell items on the street.
[ "Niall didn't have a permit to sell items on the street." ]
Charles heard a while back, the secret to life was letting go.
He had to let go or he would never get over it.
His dog died recently.
[ "His dog died recently." ]
Kelly and Fred had been together for four Year's.
He put the ring on her finger and it glistened.
Kelly gladly accepted Fred's proposal. A long awaited moment for her.
[ "Kelly gladly accepted Fred's proposal. A long awaited moment for her." ]
Bill buys a bunch of old comics at a yard sale and forgets about them.
He tells Bill that the book is worth 100k!
Bill takes the comic books to get appraised.
[ "Bill takes the comic books to get appraised." ]
Zoe just turned 18.
When she was done, she had no regrets.
She got a tattoo with her friend.
[ "She got a tattoo with her friend." ]
The class was talking at a high volume.
Everyone was late to their next class.
It was so loud they didn't hear the bell ring.
[ "It was so loud they didn't hear the bell ring." ]
Ashley wanted to be a ballerina.
She did a great job.
Ashley trained for a competition.
[ "Ashley trained for a competition." ]
Sally forgot to each breakfast before she left the house yesterday.
Sally then bought a large breakfast.
Since Sally was hungry she had to find a solution.
[ "Since Sally was hungry she had to find a solution." ]
John and his dad were going fishing.
His dad bought the boat.
Jack had a boat.
[ "Jack had a boat." ]
I collect original comic strip and page art.
I intend to frame and hang some pieces on the wall.
I found out some pieces were highly prized.
[ "I found out some pieces were highly prized." ]
Gordon found he was out of milk.
The tires of the car coming the opposite way squealed to a stop.
Gordon was hit by a car on his way to get the milk.
[ "Gordon was hit by a car on his way to get the milk." ]
Miranda and her boyfriend were seeing a movie.
Unfortunately, halfway through she was so scared that she left.
Miranda's boyfriend convinced her to see a horror movie.
[ "Miranda's boyfriend convinced her to see a horror movie." ]
Olivier was nervous.
Finally when he showcased it everyone loved it.
Olivier made a painting.
[ "Olivier made a painting." ]
Rudy was ostracized by his peers.
All his peers praised and accepted him.
Rudy then became a star basketball player.
[ "Rudy then became a star basketball player." ]
Last Friday I ate lunch with my niece.
The restaurant was just too cold.
My niece and I had a runny nose.
[ "My niece and I had a runny nose." ]
Amy was waiting on a guy from school to call her.
Amy sat in her room brooding the whole night.
Amy's friends wanted her to go out to the movies with them.
[ "Amy's friends wanted her to go out to the movies with them." ]
Tim needed a bank.
He went in and made an account.
Tim researched online and found one near him.
[ "Tim researched online and found one near him." ]
Mark was running late to work.
Mark was early for work.
Mark rushed and made up time skipping part of his long morning routine.
[ "Mark rushed and made up time skipping part of his long morning routine." ]
Kurtis decided to go camping.
Kurtis trembled with fright.
Kurtis heard noises coming from the dark.
[ "Kurtis heard noises coming from the dark." ]
Trina wanted to move into a new apartment.
Trina paid the security deposit the very next day.
Trina withdrew deposit money from the bank.
[ "Trina withdrew deposit money from the bank." ]
Joshua woke up with a bad hangover.
It was the old woman who lived next door.
Joshua went outside to see who was playing loud music.
[ "Joshua went outside to see who was playing loud music." ]
Julia baked a cake.
After finishing, her cake looked very tasty.
Julia was really excited about what she was doing.
[ "Julia was really excited about what she was doing." ]
Jenna had made rolls for the holiday dinner.
The new batch came out much fluffier.
She messed up a few times.
[ "She messed up a few times." ]
Susan wasn't enjoying her honeymoon in Las Vegas.
They had room service and spent a romantic night in the hotel room.
Susan's boyfriend got them an amazing hotel room.
[ "Susan's boyfriend got them an amazing hotel room." ]
Rebekah missed her friend Kate who moved away last summer.
She smiled when she saw that Kate had sent her a letter!
They promised to write each other.
[ "They promised to write each other." ]
We are trying to buy girl scout cookies.
I cannot wait for the cookies to arrive.
We successfully ordered them from our neighbor.
[ "We successfully ordered them from our neighbor." ]
Johnny wanted to meet new people.
He had a great time meeting and interacting with good people.
Johnny decided to go to a meet up in his neighborhood.
[ "Johnny decided to go to a meet up in his neighborhood." ]
Kate had a fierce craving for chocolate.
As she ate her treat she decided to hide the rest better next time.
Kate ate a lot of chocolate,.
[ "Kate ate a lot of chocolate,." ]
Mike always loved to go fishing.
He was so excited to show his friends his catch!
Mike caught a big fish.
[ "Mike caught a big fish." ]
Darlene loved to play guitar.
Darlene put the new strings on her guitar and continued playing.
Darlene played her guitar so much that her old strings ended up breaking.
[ "Darlene played her guitar so much that her old strings ended up breaking." ]
Ciana thought the other girls at the dorm were bullies.
The other girls don't bully her anymore.
so she bullied them.
[ "so she bullied them." ]
Fernando is tired of the simple colors his apartment is painted.
He is very happy how his bedroom looks with gray walls.
Fernando repainted everything but the bedroom.
[ "Fernando repainted everything but the bedroom." ]
The server placed everyone's orders on the table.
The server didn't bother to charge me for the replacement.
My food was cold.
[ "My food was cold." ]
Nikki was at the library.
Nikki got to know her and the girl taught her sign language.
Nikki met a deaf girl in the fantasy section.
[ "Nikki met a deaf girl in the fantasy section." ]
Jane loved to go horseback riding.
After she recovered, Jane got right back to riding.
Jane was thrown off a horse and paralyzed.
[ "Jane was thrown off a horse and paralyzed." ]
Hannah bought some boxed pasta.
When she was done, she ate her pasta.
She cooked it in some hot water.
[ "She cooked it in some hot water." ]
I had to draw sketches for work.
Sure enough, after a nap I felt creative and had more sketching ideas!
after a while my creativity seemed to dry up.
[ "after a while my creativity seemed to dry up." ]
Kelly was a skateboarder on her first visit to California.
Kelly could surf the waves as well as she could skate the sidewalks!
Kelly wanted to try her skill at surf boarding too.
[ "Kelly wanted to try her skill at surf boarding too." ]
I have been training to qualify for the swim team.
I am ready to tryout for the team and very excited.
I spent a lot of time improving my swimming.
[ "I spent a lot of time improving my swimming." ]
Sara had just turned thirteen.
Sara's friends thought the hijab made her face look great!
Sara now started wearing a hijab.
[ "Sara now started wearing a hijab." ]
One afternoon I was sitting in my chair writing stories.
That's how my dogs cured my writer's block.
The dogs started playing together.
[ "The dogs started playing together." ]
Jenny was tossing pieces of bread to the fish in the lake.
She ran from it in a zigzag pattern like her grandpa had taught her.
Jenny saw a snake.
[ "Jenny saw a snake." ]
Gordon found he was out of milk.
The tires of the car coming the opposite way squealed to a stop.
he decided to go to the grocery store and had to swerve to avoid hitting a deer.
[ "he decided to go to the grocery store and had to swerve to avoid hitting a deer." ]