quote from the girl that said we were cheating : " congratulations to community and its fans for a good and fair win . what a wild race to the finish ! " she tells us . " i truly hope that all the shows in the save one show poll make it to the fall schedule as they clearly have such impassioned followers . as for the body of proof fans who voted from all over the world , thank you . i am so proud of your consistent enthusiasm and kindness . fingers crossed for season three ! "
yea , i ' m away from ucla now , so i don ' t get the day to day , but most of what i have been reading has been good . he has done a really good job of bringing in assistants , his new offensive coordinator has been killing it in recruiting .
trick question ! don ' t buy a mixer for your studio . automate all parameters from your daw . save your money for what really counts ( transducers and preamps . . not having a crappy converter is nice too ) . when people say they use their board because of the sound it confuses me greatly as a board ' s primary function is to route signals and adjust levels .
politics is not black and white , just because i don ' t support modi doesn ' t mean that i am automatically aligned to support congress or the ghandhi clan . i support neither , i am just pointing out the short comings of somebody who you take pride in . i don ' t just blame him but also the government which he is a part of . modi is just another symbol who is paraded around when gujarat has a good financial year . i can ' t stand people giving into such puppet figures in the name of development . take pride in gujarat as a state and not in some political figure .
it really hits the spot . comedown is variable - but as long as you don ' t cross the 0 . 5g mark , have valium , and keep it to once a month , it ' s the bee ' s knees . my favorite part is that you still get elements of the mdma empathy , but not overwhelmingly so , and it doesn ' t leave you feeling too profound and emotional in the days after . it ' s just good for partying down . i can tell it ' s very hard on the body though . no other drug has given me pins and needles in my face .
three topics here - projecting , hypocrisy , and context . i ' ll address each in turn . projecting : you are projecting because you are ascribing your own opinions onto me . for one i had not criticized mitchellonfire . you assumed , you - projected - that i was . you did it a second time by assuming that because i commented here that i had a problem with the comments . that ' s okay ( because i do ) , but because they were not appropriate to that context . i ' ll address that when we get to context . hypocrisy - there is none . i didn ' t post to / r / funny . i was never hypocritical . as far as i can tell nobody that posted there has posted here . so nobody has been hypocritical . perhaps you meant another word . finally context - his comments were posted to / r / funny . if i had posted a vicious bile - filled anti - feminist rant to / r / funny , i would likely be downvoted there as well . context matters . you won ' t see me going to / r / lego and talking about the disgusting nature of circumcision . similarly you won ' t see me going to / r / funny trying to be a big downer either . that ' s why he was downvoted . i ' ve seen plenty of times where critics of / r / mensrights were upvoted , because they were in a reddit conducive to it . to clarify here - i ' m perfectly okay with people looking at feminism and mensrights and saying they have the same sins . that ' s progress . one of my major fights is to make people realize that feminism is not a holy religion where to speak out against it makes you a sinning misogynistic demon , it is just another ideology and it has an equally legitimate counter .
a person having the beauty and body that she has , but not getting into it is not unlike a person who owns a supercar but drives under the speed limit . she should be at least a little more of a pornstar , especially if she is going to do a damn sextape .
no , you ' re challenging the church ' s defintion of what qualified as heresy in the 17th century , and that included things that contradicted scripture . you ' re confusing the messenger with the message . galileo was being tried because his research contradicted scripture . i didnt call him a heretic , the church did .
i am pretty sure the models are not final . i leveled armorsmithing to level 94 myself , and all the icons were bugged . many icons were wrong , chests , gloves , helmets , all these armors had a shoulder image .
original submission ( 100 % ) : [ scumbag microsoft office ' 07 ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / adviceanimals / comments / t0adp ) [ [ d ] ] ( http : / / qkme . me / 3p1q79 ? id = 223469541 ) [ popular ] posted : 3h before this post by [ jbishop5 ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / user / jbishop5 ) ( fixed by [ goodstnero ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / user / goodstnero ) ) [ this comment generated by an automated bot . ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / originalfinder / faq ) [ is this match wrong ? ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / message / compose / ? to = original - finder & message = % 2a % 2aincorrect + match % 3a % 2a % 2a + http % 3a % 2f % 2fwww . reddit . com % 2fr % 2fadviceanimals % 2fcomments % 2ft0n6w % 0a % 0a % 2a % 2acorrect + match % 3a % 2a % 2a & subject = error % 3a + t0n6w )
the accounts likely have no knowledge of whether the email address is valid . they will each send mail to the address and it will be rejected / filtered . a few services might be smart enough to pick up on this but without another way to contact you they won ' t do anything different . if you don ' t change the email account you used for steam or other services you won ' t be able to recover your password or receive email about your account .
uh , hrm . i was ready to pish - posh the official warnings as overblown , but this guy actually makes me more wary . blunt and utilitarian repression against everyone who intends to take the difficult and less traveled road away from the rituals of useless procession . on may 1st , let ' s create something no one has seen before . um , what are you planning to do on that less travelled road , mister ? the vagueness leaves a lot of room for things i don ' t want to be downtown for .
i agree about the droy . the raw power and agility that pass rushers have coming out of college gives them instant impact . corners have to gain savy and experience before they can really come into their own .
orly ? i did not know that . til . but even still . just because you have the lowest elo doesnt mean that you should have to play support . what happens if the higher elo players were carried to that elo and really have no business being there ?
i give u dap for making a nice video and breakdown . but it is pretty clear you don ' t know x ' s and o ' s . . . this is something you could use to learn more http : / / www . xsosfootball . com / football - strategies /
the problem with something like this is that a lot of people who are asking these problems are new and probably dont even know there is a format for things they should be submitting . i think a much better solution would be forcing people to read some kind of brew book before being allowed to post on reddit ( i ' m being facetiousness ) . there are too many questions posted that could be easily answered from a homebrewing book or simple google . if this works then i am all for using it , i am just doubtful that people will follow along .
feels like both . . . on the bone up front and in the muscle on the back . its a really deep pain . . not like a muscle soreness from lifting . fitness background : i ' ve been a weight lifter for years and also ran , but not as often as i ' m trying to do now . trying to get better at long distance .
here is the text from this meme pic for anybody who needs it : title : realized this while watching surgery yesterday . . . meme : sudden clarity clarence everything inside your body works perfectly in total darkness ^ [ [ translate ] ( http : / / translate . google . com / # auto | | everything + inside + your + body + - + works + perfectly + in + total + darkness ) ] this is helpful for people who can ' t reach quickmeme because of work / school firewalls or site downtime , and many other reasons ( [ faq ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / qkme _ transcriber / comments / o426k / faq _ for _ the _ qkme _ transcriber _ bot / ) ) . more info is available [ here ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / qkme _ transcriber / ) .
i was once doing a deuce in a cubicle in a public toilet , and written on the wall was " want to see yourself shitting ? visit www . claphamtoilet . com " . i looked up and the ceiling panel above my cubicle was missing ( none of the others were ) . couldn ' t see a camera , but it was dark up there . the domain name is redundant now , but this experience was some years ago and i didn ' t want to look it up on my parents ' computer because it was before the days of user accounts and it would have appeared in my history . my dad already thought i was a pervert .
well if we ' re assuming china ' s no - first - use policy holds ( which is a pretty safe assumption given how few nukes it has ) , then it becomes very different . " tens to hundreds of millions " of us citizens is more than enough to deter any strike by the us , even if we had the ability to take out every single bit of china . i think that ' s the whole point .
there ' s a huge problem with source in that it actually doesn ' t support valve ' s method of level design very well . it ' s strange because source isn ' t good at rendering environments with a large horizontal expanse - it only works well for worlds that are more vertical . count the number of loading screens in portal 2 ( with boxy environments ) and half life 2 ' s expansive environments . the difference is significant . half life 2 ' s level design has to be this way because a lot of its majesty comes from its massive and gorgeous setpieces . my prediction ? the theme of gordon ' s autonomy ( or lack thereof ) has been constant throughout the series . it ' s been consistent with the linear ( not necessarily bad ) style of storytelling . valve needs a new engine that only requires a few load screens instead of dozen ' s . gordon needs to break free of the g - man ' s shackles and valve needs to deviate from their linear gameplay style . they can ' t hold out for another revolutionary weapon like the grav gun or the portal launcher . both of those will make hl3 a massive success . it ' s not necessarily a question of an imaginary penis size . . . valve needs to eliminate a primary weakness of the amazing immersion they ' re capable of making .
i wrote that quickly and off the cuff so i definitely agree it is lacking and incomplete . i myself was not handing down the pronouncement that justine was flighty but wrote it in the sense that others in her world would give her that title or something similar as " normal " people are want to give out rubber stamped titles to depressed people . i completely agree with your thoughts on the weeding . people often see depressed people as selfish but i think that shows that even though justine doesn ' t have her shit together as the other people would see it , she still very much cares for those around her . to me at least i thought the gist of the movie was about depressed people vs . those that are not and trying to bridge that gap about how they see the world and the utility of those different viewpoints . some people say of course homosexuality is unnatural , how could it arise from an evolutionary perspective if one isn ' t going to procreate ? the problem with that , besides it being jackasses ' opinions , is that it isn ' t about the individual ' s genes being passed on but the increase in [ fitness ] ( http : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / fitness _ % 28biology % 29 ) of the individual ' s relatives who mostly have the same genes . i see a corollary with depression . the movie ' s situation is the most extreme possibility because there is no hope of survival for anybody but in cases of extreme tumult where there is a chance of survival for some , claire ' s being overwhelmed by it all and not being able to transition from a state of everything is hunky - dory to a shit hit the fan state is not as helpful as justine accepting the situation and doing what needs to be done . in the case of the movie the only thing that really matters is how you go out and justine made that a lot easier for the child .
it ' s only funny until someone gets hurt . it was funny in this case , because the only entities hurt were fences and plants , and the car of course . obviously , they did not have their licenses afterward .
i did that for about 2 months one summer , living ( mostly ) off the land in the boundary waters . it would have been almost impossible to cut all contact , but i kept it to a minimum . i camped near a portage that was 2 days in , and traded fresh fish for other things like beer , salt , and tobacco with the people who passed through . i did go several days at a time without contact , but it was nice to see and talk to people on occasion .
sindrome - - haha , awesome . s . a . slayer . . . how did i know of this band . . . awesome too . xyster , it ' s all right . actually , i didn ' t enjoy it very much . witchkiller , beautiful butt rock . thanks . insanity - - " vengeance sheds your guts " . i like it , but i could not listen to it for fun , just for historical education . so i could say i know who insanity is . dvc - at first i thought , " i know this melody . . . hmmm " and then it was so obvious that i felt embarrassed . scarab . . . these guys sound like should have been more popular .
the thing is , if they do the free transfers first , it gives people a choice as to where they want to go . with merges , you ' re stuck on a server that you may not have wanted to be on . my 1 hope is that they merge unbalanced servers together .
typically , i ' m the one in the center of the cringe - inducing moments . one time i was eating in the basement of the student union with this guy i liked . as we were walking out i started feeling sick . trying to play it cool , i told him i needed to use the bathroom . he points to one all the way down the hall and i immediately hurry off towards it , kind of walk - running , still trying to act like nothing ' s wrong . when i ' m halfway to the bathroom , i start to throw up a little but clamp my hand over my mouth to stop the vomit from coming out . when i finally get to the end of the hall i see that the sign he thought was for the bathroom , was actually for the elevator . i then have to walk back up the hallway past him towards the bathroom , which i can see is actually on the other end where we started out , with my hand still clamped over my mouth and vomit dribbling out through my fingers . he still ending up dating me for the last five years though . so , it obviously wasn ' t too traumatic for either of us .
what a fucking waste , stop wasting our damn money on this shit . you want to spend money gubberment ? fix out roads ! create american jobs ! invest in technology ! anything beats blowing all this money on these primitive apes that will still be blowing themselves up 100 years from now .
prince laurent of belgium ; - wrote a book about dogs - renovated his house with money of the marine forces - got busted for speeding so many times even the palace pr - department had to release statements regarding it in name of the king , also for driving on service - lanes and got busted not wearing his seatbelt on national television - wanted to have an iranian sjah as godfather for his kid in 2004 - wanted to sell baby pictures to the highest bidding media in 2006 . . . - recently came into the news with him having diplomatic meetings with congolese and lybian ( rebel ) officials without government knowledge and with a testimony of a woman from nobility who got beaten by him when she was his girlfriend .
sorry , it ' s actually referring to [ [ this ] ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / guns / comments / sz0c4 / i _ love _ my _ new _ p6 _ but _ this _ bugs _ the _ shit _ of _ out _ me / ) , a previous post of mine .
was the macbook plugged into power when it shut off ? i have 3 mac laptops from this generation ( 2 mbs , 1 mbp ) and the batteries are all shot to a point where it doesn ' t matter how much time / % is being reported as remaining on the battery , it ' s just going to shut down when it feels like it .
most of the jobs i ' ve had were because i knew people . the one exception is when i worked for sears . i filled out the online app and over the next few days i physically went in to the store to see if they went over the application yet . i did this until they interviewed me , and got the job . tl : dr bug the hell out of the employers after you fill out an app . aka show interest in the job you are applying for
i feel that i have a poor short term memory for syntax . it ' s never stopped me from programming . another thing that helps me retain while learning is writing . in the past i would read , and try to remember what i read . taking notes and writing code on paper helps to solidify the information in my memory . how do you enjoy technical writing ? i found this post interesting , because i was recently looking at a technical writing position . it asks for 5 - 7 years of experience , which i don ' t have , but i do have a cs degree .
i don ' t mind that so much as i mind the fact that it ' s placed in very specific fighting styles rather than treated as a function of supernatural speed . if they thought celerity was a problem in masquerade , i don ' t see a problem changing it for requiem , but to then add the same general mechanic into the rules seems counter - intuitive ( why not just keep celerity as it was ? ) . i guess what really irks me though is that the mechanic was expressed in the rules in such a random way . i can understand two weapon fighting , that makes sense , but why kung - fu ? did the write - up in the sourcebook actually come from a study of the fighting style ? or just was one of the writers knew from watching chinese action cinema ? i guess it ' s a personal pet peeve here , i think they dropped the ball completely on fighting styles . the fact that it adds extra attacks while celerity ' s extra actions got nixed just smacks , to me , of too many writers not coordinating their ideas . as far as mortals getting them , i don ' t mind that at all . there was a special advantage in ascension ' s right hand that gave you extra actions , i would let my mortal players take stuff like that if it fit their backstory .
[ checkmate . ] ( http : / / steamcommunity . com / id / ragorism / screenshot / 486625304097652208 / ? ) [ . . . checkmate again . ] ( http : / / steamcommunity . com / id / ragorism / screenshot / 486625304098098898 / ? )
i can ' t assure you of that , because i don ' t have the ability to look at your specific user data . they shouldn ' t be , though , because aiui content isn ' t really deleted as part of deactivation , it ' s just hidden ; that ' s consistent with others who ' ve had this or similar problems around reactivation . i ' m chasing it all down as i get spare moments , hope to have good news for you in the next little while .
if you can find it in your area , try using lump charcoal instead of briquettes . it is made with solid wood instead of pressed sawdust and binders , so it burns more cleanly and with fewer off - flavors . it used to be pretty hard to find in much of north america , but it ' s getting easier with the foodie movement spreading to outdoor cooking .
did non - ron paul supporters become moderators ? ron paul advocates free speech . most ron paul supporters are intelligent enough to decide what they want to read . those that truly understand ron paul ' s ideology would not begin by telling others what they can and cannot talk about a subject . this subreddit is called ronpaul . it seems anything ron paul would be suitable here . freedom of speech was not created to protect the mob . it was created to protect the unpopular voice . http : / / i . imgur . com / cu8ej . jpg i love when people want to apply free speech like it was meant to protect any private or privately owned space . / r / ronpaul delivers . " if you remove memes you don ' t support ron paul ! "
it may be both - i asked my roommates who ' ve also shot it , and they say it kicks pretty bad . i could be immune to it , since i usually shoot my 12 gauge , and when we go out i tend to put at least 100 shells through it . definitely leaves a bruise .
what does the gender of the abuser have to do with the fact that the majority of the victims are male ? if , for example , i told you that every day : 15 men kill 15 men and 5 women . 10 women kill 10 men . does the fact that more men ( 15 compared to 10 ) are murderers have any bearing on the fact that more men ( 25 compared to 5 ) are victims of murder ? i ' ll see if i can find you some statistics ( the above were made up ) - but i repeat , there is no justifiable correlation between the two , much less one that could be used to explain away why men have pretty much non - existent support groups , especially when compared to women ' s support groups .
depends on how you ' re defining alien life . sentient , highly evolved , single - cell organism , fit our classification of life , a collection of intelligences . . . basically , what are we dealing with here ?
i agree that it is good and even essential for them to change things up a bit . i loved the idea of an image of an angel becoming an angel and staring into there eyes . . . the twist of all the statues being angels was great . i didn ' t like that they were killing people but that is easily overlooked . what i didn ' t like was them changing the rules in regard to angels looking at angels and also that we saw them move . that really bugged me .
dat shaman was pretty silly , i found most huge fights pretty silly really . they seem to scale up by just adding more and more mobs , which meant you ' d get trampled by a swarm or 1 shot from time to time . event scaling needs some work imo .
if you base your actions on knowing that you have no idea what ' s next and govern according to your morals and judgement i believe you will personally lead a life truer to the desires of your being . my . 02
i totally agree this is a douchey position for paul to take . it is embarrassing to me to live a country where we cannot even take care of are own . however , i find our foreign intervention more horrendous .
that sort of thing doesn ' t work anyhow . when i was in high school , a buddy of mine ' s sister got beaten up by her boyfriend ( she actually said she ' d " fallen down the stairs " - - she wasn ' t overly creative ) . being idiots , a few of us decided to throw him a blanket party after a party we knew he ' d be at . we didn ' t kick his ass nearly as much as he deserved - - black eye , split lip and some bruises . left it with " if you ever touch so - and - so again , we ' ll be back " . felt really bad - ass at the time . backfired incredibly . he played the sympathy card with the sister , who immediately fell into a weird mix of stockholm syndrome and nightingale syndrome , fussing over this jackhole ' s little bumps and bruises . the guy played it up for weeks , and of course by then everybody figured it was us who ' d done it so we couldn ' t possibly get away with a repeat performance . anyhow , as is so often the case , the feel - good solution only made the problem worse .
i would withdraw £100 , 000 ( is this even possible ) and create 50 stacks of £2000 . i would then proceed to give these away at random while wandering around town . the next day would be more of the same .
fuck . fuckitty fuck fuck fuck . i ' ve been sitting here for the better part of an hour , trying to find some words to express the sorrow that i feel for your loss . i also know ( in my opinion ) that your mom ' s decision to end her life , and her suffering was not an easy one to make . as a person that has also been living with a chronic condition and the depression that seems to tag along , i ' ve been at that point too many times to account for here . sufficed to say , it is a hellish place to be , and not one i ' d wish on any person . the best thing that you can do is what you ' ve already planned to do : live your life to its absolute fullness , and carry the good memories of your mom with you . let your success be a tribute to yourself , but also to the woman that bore you into this world . wherever you are , raise a glass and enjoy one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite [ atheists ] ( http : / / www . youtube . com / watch ? v = _ rbndwy4ujw )
" courtesy copy " field took me a minute to figure out that he meant " cc " . this does not mean " courtesy copy " , it means carbon copy , as in the old days when things were made in duplicate with carbon paper . i ' m not even old , i just know random old facts that old people know ( like how to bleed a radiator , i ' ve told two landlords that i already did it when they turned on the heat for the winter when they were going to call someone in . they both looked at me like i had two heads )
i ' m sorry but account less than 90 days old are not allowed to make monetary requests . we have to enforce this rule because of people create multiple account to game the system . may i suggest [ / r / charity ] ( / r / charity ) instead .
https : / / m . twitter . com / arielhelwani / status / 197112285179822081 this alternate link will work without requiring javascript . this comment generated by an [ automated bot ] ( / r / link _ unscripter ) .
the real solution ? stop dating . seriously . so many people act as if dating is something that they have to do . it ' s not . if like me , you ' re not a big fan of the dating scene and the hoop jumping and pua faggotry , just don ' t bother ! you get so much more free time .
short answer : you ' re sort of wrong and you ' re letting preconceived notions about oxford and the south in general affect your opinion . longer answer : oxford is a fairly liberal place for mississippi . of course there are the booze worshippers and the sex players around , but i imagine you ' ll find that at many colleges in the sec . oxford is quite a drinking town , i ' ll give you that . but if you ' re not interested in that atmosphere it ' s easy to avoid . same goes for the unprotected sex - honestly , i ' m not even sure what point you ' re making with that comment . as far as the bible - thumping conservatism you seem to be so afraid of is concerned , ole miss is where i accepted and embraced atheism , and i came from a fairly religious family . i guess how much you ' re exposed to that depends on your major field ( i was a biology major ) . i ' m a fairly liberal guy but i really enjoyed my time at ole miss . i graduated last may and i still have a few friends there . i go against the majority opinion when it comes to social issues , ( mississippi is a highly conservative state ) , but i never felt like that affected my college experience negatively . plus there are a lot of liberally minded people you will meet . that all depends on what groups you try to be a part of . it ' s very important to find something to do with your time other than sleep / stay in your dorm . go out and meet people . the last piece of advice i have for you is to approach college with an open mind . if you start at ole miss thinking that you ' ll hate it , don ' t be surprised if it turns out to be that way . i feel like that could apply anywhere .
that ' s bullshit , why should someone have to sue to get their stuff from a house that they could reasonably assume they had access to . you don ' t own their crap just because you own where it is placed . what kind of moronic logic did canadian lawmakers use when making this rubbish ?
did you really just say that people with open relationships haven ' t matured and / or have a little sense of worth ? who has the money , time and energy ? who has the money , time and energy to watch movies ? do people have nothing better to do than to just watch movies out of boredom ? i just like to read books as they make me feel safe . but those people that watch movies obviously are looking for some sort of cultural validation . how does this statement or your statement make much sense at all ? i ' m not bashing on monogamy at all , but you are painting some very large strokes over guys that hook up . slut shaming isn ' t cool .
although i would never suggest shopping at best buy again , had you purchased a samsung or sony instead , this wouldn ' t ' ve happened . just call them directly , and they ' ll send a tech to your house . this may be true of other manufacturers as well .
no games on fsc anymore . they lost the contract this year to nbc / nbc - sports . national mls broadcasts are on nbc / nbc - sports , espn2 , and galavision ( en espanol ) . it ' s a good thing . fsc never treated mls as anything more than a bastard step child that they had to put up with every once in a while . nbc at least gives the league the kind of treatment it deserves .
this is what happens when you let your kids be insufferable little brats , don ' t discipline them , and constantly tell them they ' re a precious little snowflake . they don ' t learn any respect for other people or their property , and can ' t distinguish a toilet from an apple product . i ' m just thankful that , for once , the school didn ' t start screaming about " safety " and have him arrested . it sucks that the school ' s out 30 computers , and i think the brat ' s parents should pay for them but i ' m not going to hold my breath .
it kind of feels like the school thinks that way too . i always approach faculty members to discuss how things are done and what could be done to improve things or make them more efficient so we can free up time and facilities to actually do practical things . engineering study and concepts are actually really easy , it ' s just that everyone ' s so inefficient at disseminating it . i firmly believe that every class i ' ve had could be pared down so that lecture / homework / testing / projects could be completed in 3 - 4 hours a day for an average - full load with no spill over , given our current level of available technology and advances in teaching methods . i also believe that workload can be made completely time - independent so that studies can mold around more practical work . i ' d like to see more schools make practical experience as much of a priority as study , such that every student entering a program is automatically assigned a job in the department ( with the option to decline , naturally ) starting with basic work that helps repair / maintain the facilities , calibrate / maintain the engineering tools in the building , and working their way up through various experiences until junior senior years where they are assisting professors and grads on research projects or possibly even working on projects that companies can outsource to universities like basic cad design , machining / fabrication , apprenticeships , etc . at graduation you ' d have 4 years of relevant work experience in addition to your studies . all of this exists in some limited form or another , but i still would love to see engineering schools ( or others ) shift from studies , and whatever you may or may not have time for , to very clear curriculum of both work and study that progress through parallel tracks .
it is super frustrating when someone starts shooting at me and i whip around , drop prone and then proceed to miss 100 % of my perfectly aimed shots while they take the rest of their clip to realize i ' m not standing anymore . thanks supression .
well those are the exact words they used according to my gf , and i can ' t confirm or deny it because i have not met them . as for the errand , i ' m in the middle of my senior year finals and i work two jobs . the errand would require me to drive 1hr each way and that ' s simply impossibly right now .
another issue that is relevant is your right to film . - [ in the us , the constitution protects your right to film and photograph on public space . ] ( http : / / blogs . phillymag . com / the _ philly _ post / 2012 / 03 / 29 / photograph - cops - public - first - amendment / ) - for stuff like state law , [ double check on this site ] ( http : / / www . citmedialaw . org / legal - guide ) . - [ filming a revolution a tutorial - your camera is your weapon . occupy ] ( https : / / www . youtube . com / watch ? v = vumpssup0bc & feature = my _ liked _ videos & list = llinb4vjqk5k - o9vmsm8pvcw ) - [ quantitative analysis of online social media in phase one of occupy wall street ( ows analytics ) ] ( https : / / docs . google . com / presentation / d / 1spxu _ uusjxtykvywr _ mpwxgxw3lcd7 _ q1htk4acus1m / edit # slide = id . p14 )
no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . no . this is not the kinds of content reddit needs . go share this on facebook .
also , it ' s not independent . perfect , no justification for any actions against third parties . it describes the result of intellectual effort so i find it useful . if that is how you want to use the term , you go right ahead . when most people describe " intellectual property " they describe the pattern and not just the physical media . they assert there is some ownership over the pattern . if that is not your view , what is your justification for any actions against third parties copying , sharing , selling " your " particular pattern ? i can freely download any of your " intellectual " property over the internet without violating property rights . i said as much several hours ago . i didn ' t scan the entire thread looking somewhere for you to present something besides begging the question . and i ' m not going to . it preserves rights in an area where certain people are inclined to disregard them . wait a second , you said there is no independent right in intellectual property . only the property right of the media it is contained in . now you seem to imply differently . what conclusions " no such thing as ip . " " there is ip , you theives . " " aggression / theft / blah , blah . " i don ' t get where you see any " shouting . " the usage of rhetoric to communicate something more , or less , than literal meaning is lost on you i guess . edit : the point of the usage of the word " shouting " is to communicate the discussion is as unproductive as actual shouting . no one even down voted anyone i don ' t think , and the only insults i noted were exchanged between you and i where did i insult you ? you mean when i characterized your arguments with " duh " ? if your arguments are bad , i ' m going to present them as such . giving me a vague " you ' re begging the question " is hardly the same as asking a direct question i guess i expected you to do more thinking . i didn ' t think i had to type out the error . looks like that is a typically mistaken assumption of mine . you were just playing passive aggressive games with the snide remarks , the vague comments , and the " duh " bullshit do not imply insults where they are not explicit and grow some skin . pointing out the errors in your statements and arguments are not the same as " passive aggressive games " or " snide remarks . " hypersensitivity is always fun . you can have the last word on how your feelings were hurt , etc . , i ' ll ignore that from now on ( i don ' t care ) . edit : after reading more in the thread , around four people have told you that you are begging the question .
image rehosted on to imgur from dropbox . ( beta - [ why ? ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / dropboxmirror / comments / njpab / about _ dropbox _ mirror _ reddit _ bot / ) ) new image : [ http : / / i . imgur . com / nvhsy . png ] ( http : / / i . imgur . com / nvhsy . png ) was this a mistake , or is there a bug ? message [ yetanotherx ] ( http : / / reddit . com / user / yetanotherx ) !
" every atom you possess has almost certainly passed through several stars and been part of millions of organisms on its way to becoming you . we are each so atomically numerous and so vigorously recycled at death that a significant number of our atoms - - up to a billion for each of us , it has been suggested - - once belonged to shakespeare . a billion more each came from buddha and genghis khan and beethoven , and any other historical figure you care to name . so we are all reincarnations - - though short - lived ones . when we die our atoms will disassemble and move off to find new uses elsewhere - - as part of a leaf or other human being or drop of dew . " - - bill bryson , ' a short history of nearly everything . ' this quote made me feel better after my grandma died ; hope it helps you too .
scarring is usually a surgical procedure , depending on severity . are they just red marks ? those will go away on their own , but it ' ll take several months . it ' s just hyper - pigmentation . pit scarring is fixed using heavy glycolic acid stripping treatments , excise punching the skin , derma - filling , etc . . . pretty costly . red marks though , fuck ' em , they go away .
hmm , how long have you had the g35s ? i ' ve had mine break twice in the warranty period : a snap where the plastic joint holds the earcup to the headband . if you rotate the cup around that point you can generally hear the creaking , even on a new set . ended up getting a refund the second time .
the problem i have - as someone smaller than the average us woman , judging by that infographic , but larger than the main sizes sold - is that there ' s a gap in the middle as well . many ranges ( here in australia ) only go up to uk / aus size 14 ( us10 ) some go up to 16 ( us12 ) , but not always generously so . as soon as you want a clothing range that embraces 16 ( us12 ) and 18 ( us14 ) you face two problems : - you ' re pushed onto a range that starts at that size - all the clothes in that range are for fat women , rather than big women , or specifically women who are big in certain places ( bust , or hips ) a huge part of the problem is that most designs just don ' t account for the fact that women are getting bigger , not just fatter . height isn ' t such an issue because so many women tend to wear heels , therefore even an average - to - tall - height woman who doesn ' t wear heels will tend to find trousers that are long enough and even too long , since designers accommodate heels . but whereas bra manufacturers have finally realised that bigger cup sizes are needed , not just bigger back sizes , clothing manufacturers still assume that someone with a 34f bust must have waist - girth slightly larger than the titanic . that ' s why i really appreciate brands like [ pepperberry ] ( http : / / www . bravissimo . com / pepperberry ) which allow someone to buy a clothing size that relates to a specific part of their body .
i ' ve been a pretty solid keto - er for the past 2 weeks . ( feeling great , down 10 lbs from 291 . 6 ) i was thinking about having a lazy sunday cheat day yesterday . my girlfriend wanted panera , and i really miss the broccoli - cheese bread bowl . well i looked online to see the nutritional info , turns out that not only does the soup have 21g of carbs per serving , the little loaf of bread for the bread bowl has like 118g of carbs . nope . at that point , i thought about a panini but i chose the salad that had 5g of carbs . rock on keto .
oh , i thought you meant an app that warned you when you were near areas known for prostitution or drug dealers and other such " unethical " behaviours . " warning : there ' s some hookers nearby , you might want to leave lest someone may see you . . . or just be discreet about it "
way to fucking go op ! keep rocking out with your cock not out ! their is a special lady out there for you , i hope that you gain all that you have set out for your self ! congrats again and take care .
i am 24 , my best friend and i met when we were in kindgergarten and we even lived together for a while and still live like two blocks apart and talk and chill all the time , i have probably a half dozen friends i have known for over half my life , you clearly don ' t know shit about me and suck at analysis .
language , the spoken , written kind , is weak sauce compared to mathematical language . you limit yourself , in a way which is tragic and sad , if you believe that physics and mathematics is just boring numbers . there are whole vistas of abstraction out there for the intrepid of mind . people are interesting , sure , but so is the _ structure _ of quantum mechanics , for instance , quite apart from whether quantum mechanics _ means something _ in a pragmatic sense . from my perspective someone who claims to want to understand things but denigrates formal approaches is like someone who claims to want to run somewhere but denigrates legs .
no , i never adjust settings , outside of resolution . why ? because all modern games are designed to run on 6 year old hardware . my computer was top - of - the - line 7 years ago . thanks , microsoft ! you ' ve saved me a ton on upgrades .
alright , i think i ' ve responded to much of that , albeit not directly , but i will take a shot at it here : we ' re left dealing with the consequences via " charity , " another human invention which is by nature inefficient and wasteful . the most efficient form of charity is through friends and family . and they will often help you out if you get into trouble . the more local the charity , the better the results . soup kitchens , homeless shelters , etc . are much better than sending money across the country or world . perfection is impossible , but we can do much better if we are smart about it . further , much of the problems that people get into are due to government interference . healthcare and higher education is expensive because of government subsidies and financial aid schemes . homes are more expensive in many areas because of government controls . jobs are more unavailable because of government limitations on competition and onerous / expensive taxes and regulations . a business will try to submit false evidence , or keep behavior secret , rather than admit to having harmed a human being . they would do the same thing in government courts . private arbitration can take the same measures as government courts . if they don ' t agree to private arbitration , the community would ostracize them ( boycotts , social pressure , etc . ) for not treating others like human beings . as human beings ( not economic creatures ) , there is a moral mandate to somehow artificially increase the economic value of economically valueless people just barely enough to " keep them in business , " meaning to artificially protect their basic health , survival , and opportunity to become a " better business " in the future . yes , we ought to help out those that are stuck in dangerous circumstances , if we can . but we have no right or authority to make others do the same , even if we know they should . here , [ this short video makes the point pretty well ] ( http : / / www . youtube . com / watch ? v = pgmqzeixbms ) .
my parents were too overwhelmed by the time i came along to really give a fuck , but i will say that i am actually really grateful that i was exposed to " r " movies at such a young age . i honestly think it helped educate me about life and death and sex , especially because my parents weren ' t there to talk to me about these things .
original submission ( 100 % ) : [ good guy gamer greg ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / adviceanimals / comments / szqqs ) [ [ d ] ] ( http : / / qkme . me / 3p1kcj ? id = 223461955 ) posted : 9h before this post by [ thefuckswasthat ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / user / thefuckswasthat ) ( fixed by [ lezzzllieee ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / user / lezzzllieee ) ) [ this comment generated by an automated bot . ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / originalfinder / faq ) [ is this match wrong ? ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / message / compose / ? to = original - finder & message = % 2a % 2aincorrect + match % 3a % 2a % 2a + http % 3a % 2f % 2fwww . reddit . com % 2fr % 2fadviceanimals % 2fcomments % 2ft0n4q % 0a % 0a % 2a % 2acorrect + match % 3a % 2a % 2a & subject = error % 3a + t0n4q )
you know wuts cool ? go in for handshake ( right hand ) with someone and then at the last second turn your hand clockwise 90 degrees and catch their thumb between your thumb and index finger with your index higher on the one side than the thumb is on the other side . then just continue turning clockwise and crank their thumb . fun ! !
i suggest using something like dropbox . com or google documents for sharing files then if someone chooses not to have them on their acct they don ' t take them away from everyone . pm me if you have questions about how the programs work pm me i can walk you through step by step and this way you can still share the joy with your parents
statistically speaking you are at most 107 miles from a mcdonald ' s . that ' s a good starting point . http : / / blog . dagoosh . com / post / 2009 / 09 / 22 / furthest - point - from - mcdonalds . aspx
i ' m so glad i don ' t pay for parking . why did they waste money on these things and kept people fat when they could have purchased high quality bikes for a fraction of the cost and made people lose weight ?
sexual activity beginning at physical sexual maturity is actually quite logical , and has been used by many civilizations throughout history as a guideline . modern western society seems to be one of the few examples in human history of people being allowed to maintain a child - like maturity level past puberty . it is this low level of maturity that leads to the problems related to sexual activity at that age - whether it ' s regret turning to rape accusations , an older person taking advantage of a younger , or any of the other issues that can arise . that said , i am neither an advocate of teen sexuality nor of necessarily lowering the age of consent ( although some regions have laws that don ' t seem to make sense ) . i am , however , an advocate of promoting a higher level of maturity among our youth .
please , tell me more of how some people like to " drive big guns " . if you also really , truly think that the killing of these animals , which he certainly didn ' t need to do for its meat to survive or its furs to keep warm , is justified , i would encourage you to read " the lowest of animals " by mark twain . don ' t get me wrong , i love a good steak , but man too often kills for sport with complete disregard for the survival of the species being hunted .
it really does . it bugs me that people just hear " mp in god of war " and make all these negative assumptions . but those who actually give the game a chance and watch the videos and read the info think it looks great .
that ' s an important point ! many people say something similar , sometimes followed by " i ' m not a feminist , i ' m a human rights activist " or something . i believe that is kind of missing the point : feminism does not mean " feminine rights " or " women ' s rights " , it means to acknowledge that there is a division between genders when it comes to rights and opportunities , ^ and that that division should be removed , in law as well as in practice . it doesn ' t mean you can ' t also fight for men ' s rights or poc ' s rights or whatever , but a label is necessary simply to signal to the world that you are in fact fighting ( however you are ) . saying people should have equal rights should not have a label , because this is something everyone should say , seems to be your reasoning . however , this does not seem to be the case ( there are people who very much oppose equal rights , even in law ) , so people label themselves to actively show this is what they belive . ^ i noticed you didn ' t include the " and opportunities " part , so i just wanted to point out that equal rights does not necessarily give people equal opportunities . most self - labeled feminists believe equal opportunity can only be reality if the way people think about gender and opportunity throughout society is changed .
as an implant north carolinian ( stationed here ) , and a most definite " atheist in a foxhole " , i find this appalling . freedom isn ' t free , and it saddens me to see this bigotry . we fight hard to ensure everyone gets their chance to pursue happiness . this kind of legislature takes away that very thing i bleed for to preserve . just my 2 cents
i assumed that the dragonborn had to use dragonborn - y weapons . and besides , it said the courier could use fallout weaponry . the draugr hordes aren ' t so tough with a plasma caster and power armor .
here ' s the thing - from the way you ' re wording things i can ' t tell if you ' re trying to troll me or not . this is why i ' m a bit defensive right now . i ' m not sure what to expect from this forum . i intend no offense .
north carolinian here . many of the people voting for the amendment wouldn ' t lose a step if you accused them of homophobia or racism . whenever i want to raise my blood pressure , i pop on over to wral . com and read some of the comments after an article regarding the amendment ( or trayvon martin , for that matter ) .
this post confuses me . are you saying a single application of might always increases your power stat by 1 % ? because i am fairly certain that is not true . and furthermore , i think it is also wrong to say that 1 % more power increases your damage done by 1 % .
heh , i agree , but that wasn ' t the case . we were alone in his apartment . i handed him a wad of bills and he sighed and said " jesus , can ' t you face the bills before you give them to me ? ! " as in he wanted them all heads up and facing the same direction .
i started to write about it , but i realized the pose with your arms behind your back distorted the look of the jacket , which is all we can see . can you do a full body shot with your arms at your sides , and your pants in view ? also , a rented tux probably will not even be close to taking this to the tailor , which shouldn ' t be so costly . and undo that bottom button , man !
but he pointed out it is a repost . a repost man ! think of the children . anybody that has never read the story is clearly a bad redditor and does not deserve to read the story . ( that is my long sarcastic version of saying , " this . " )
i ' ve been on / b / on and off for years . i was just wondering if the generally consensus is that / b / made them think photoshopping a bbc in a open dead body is funny or if they have always thought that way . because i have always thought it was funny and wanted to know if / how weird i am .
if it can be detected by a piss test then i don ' t see a problem . pacquiao ' s camp agreed to a piss test at any time but the blood test only up to a month away from the fight . i think if they really wanted to fight each other , it will happen .
while i can ' t say that fish oil has any weight loss benefits , it certainly has tons of health benefits : reduces inflammation , reduces risk of heart disease , encourages neural development , and likely reduces risk of cancer . as for the vitamin d , well , i ' ve got a deficiency , and the doc says i need to take it . : p
i have never attempted suicide , but my brain sure does like to tell me it ' s a good idea . seriously , what the fuck is that ? why is the thing that makes me think , giving me ideas and desires , that would result in it not being able to think any longer . there is no god .
good idea and good video but i do think you muddled your message a bit by going off on the tac light . annoying though it may be , the tac light has been balanced since the games release to be much more reasonable to the point where saying it straight up shouldn ' t be in the game is much more of a personal opinion than the need for a more responsive dev team . overall though , good idea , way to unite some community leaders . your move , dice .
" i didn ' t know what to do . i was bleeding out , poisoned and out of stimpacks miles into the wasteland . luckily i decided to steal doctor mitchells crutch earlier and i still had it in my pack . " " but how did you not bleed out or succumb to the poison ? " " cram . lots and lots of cram . "