Christy Moore
Among The Wicklow Hills
The autumn evenings filled with copper shades I see the birds' neck in the frame A figure walks into the sunset Someone goes past suspended from the sky Takes more imagination When everything's remote control For me it's just a case of What's on the far side of the road Tell everybody I'm going away for ten years I'm going to wander Among the Wicklow hills The travelling children in their Sunday clothes Lost on the corner of the Street Fat gypsy lady smacks the windowpane A farm dog gets out on the motorway Takes more imagination When everything's remote control For me it's just a case of What's on the far side of the road Tell everybody I'm going away for ten years I'm going to wander Among the Wicklow hills
Christy Moore
Anne Lovett
Everybody knew, nobody said. A week ago last Tuesday. She was just fifteen years. When she reached her full term. She went to a grotto. Just a field, In The Middle of The Island. To deliver herself. Her Baby died, She died A week ago last Tuesday. It was a sad slow stupid death for them both. Everybody knew, nobody said. At a Grotto In a Field In The Middle Of The Island
Christy Moore
Oh have you been to Avondale and lingered in her lovely Vale Where tall trees whisper low the tale of avondale's proud Eagle Where pride and ancient glory fade Such was the land where he was laid Like Christ was thirty pieces paid For Avondale's proud eagle Oh have you been to Avondale and lingered in her lovely Vale Where tall trees whisper low the tale of avondale's proud Eagle Long years that green and lovely glade Have lost for now our grandest Gael And Cursed the land that has betrayed Our Avondale's proud eagle
Christy Moore
Back Home In Derry
In 1803 we sailed out to sea Out from the sweet town of Derry For Australia bound if we didn't all drown And the marks of our fetters we carried In our rusty iron chains we cried for our weans Our good women we left in sorrow As the mainsails unfurled, our curses we hurled On the English, and thoughts of tomorrow At the mouth of the Foyle, bid farewell to the soil As down below decks we were lying O'Doherty screamed, woken out of a dream By a vision of bold Robert dying The sun burned cruel as we dished out the gruel Dan O'Connor was down with a fever Sixty rebels today bound for Botany Bay How many will meet their reciever Chorus Oh... I wish I was back home in Derry Oh... I wish I was back home in Derry I cursed them to hell as her bow fought the swell Our ship danced like a moth in the firelight White horses rode high as the devil passed by Taking souls to Hades by twilight Five weeks out to sea, we were now forty-three We buried our comrades each morning In our own slime we were lost in a time Of endless night without dawning Chorus Van Diemen's land is a hell for a man To end out his whole life in slavery Where the climate is raw and the gun makes the law Neither wind nor rain care for bravery Twenty years have gone by, I've ended my bond My comrades ghosts walk behind me A rebel I came - I'm still the same On the cold winters night you will find me Chorus
Christy Moore
Bright Blue Rose
I skimmed across black water, without once submerging Onto the banks of an urban morning That hungers the first light, much much more Than mountains ever do And she like a ghost beside me goes down with the ease of a dolphin And emerges unlearned, unshamed, unharmed For she is the perfect creature, natural in every feature And I am the geek with the alchemists stone For all of you who must discover, for all who seek to understand For having left the path of others, you find a very special hand And it is a holy thing, and it is a precious time And it is the only way Forget-me-nots among the snow, it's always been and so it goes To ponder his death and his life eternally For all of you who must discover for all who seek to understand For having left the path of others, you find a very special hand And it is a holy thing, and it is a precious time And it is the only way Forget-me-nots among the snow, it's always been and so it goes To ponder his death and his life eternally One bright blue rose outlives all those Two thousand years and still it goes To ponder his death and his life eternally
Christy Moore
Burning Times
In the cool of the evening, they used to gather. Neath the stars in the meadow circling an old oak tree. At the times appointed... By the seasons... Of the earth and the phases of the moon. In the center stood a woman, Equal with the others and respected for her worth. One of the many we call the witches, The healers and the teachers of the wisdom of the earth. And the people grew through the knowledge she gave them, Herbs to heal their bodies, spells to make their spirits whole. Can't ya hear them chanting healing incantations, Calling forth the wise ones, celebrating in dance and song... (... Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali... Inanna...) There were those who came to power through domination. And they bonded in the worship of a dead man on a cross. They sought control of the common people By demanding allegiance to the church of Rome. And the Pope declared an inquisition It was war against the women, whose powers they feared. In this holocaust against The Nature People Nine million European women died. And the tale is told of those who by the hundreds, Holding together, chose their death in the sea. While chanting the praises of the Mother Goddess, A refusal of betrayal, women were dying to be free. (... Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali... Inanna...) Now the earth is a witch and the men still burn her, Stripping her down with mining and the poisons of their wars. Still to us the earth is a healer, a teacher, a mother. A weaver of a web of light that keeps us all alive. She gives us the vision to see through the chaos. She gives us the courage, it is our will to survive.
Christy Moore
Cold Blow
My cap is frozen to my head My heart is like a lump of lead My shoes are frozen to my feet With standing at your window Let me in the soldier cried Cold blow the rainy night Oh let me in the soldier cried I'll not go back again - O My father's walking on the street My mother the chamber keys do keep The doors and windows, they do creak I dare not let you in - O Let me in the soldier cried Cold blow and the rainy night O let me in the soldier cried For I'll not go back again - O Oh then she rose and let him in And kissed his ruby lips and chin And then they went to bed again And soon he gained her favor Then she blessed the rainy night She rose and let him in - O Now since you had your will of me Soldier will you marry me? No such thing can ever be So fare you well for ever Then she cursed the rainy night Cold blow and the rainy night O then she cursed the rainy night That ever she let him in - O Then he jumped out of the bed He put his cap upon his head And she had lost her maidenhead And her mother heard the din - O Then she cursed the rainy night Cold blow and the rainy night O then she cursed the rainy night That ever she let him in - O
Christy Moore
Every time I go to London I think about Giuseppe Conlon Who left his home in Belfast And travelled over to his son As he said goodbye to Sarah And took the boat to Heysham Little did Giuseppe know He'd never see that place again. Giuseppe was an ailing man And every breath he drew Into his tired lungs He used to maintain his innocence Behind those walls Behind those bars For everyday remaining in his life Maintaining his innocence Giuseppe Conlon, Giuseppe.
Christy Moore
The Lark In The Morning
The lark in the morning she rises off her nest She goes off in the air with the dew all on her breast And like the jolly ploughboy she whistles and she sings She goes off in the air with the dew all on her wings Oh Roger the ploughboy he is a dashing blade He goes whistling and singing over yonder leafy shade He met with dark haired Susan, she's handsome I declare And she is far more enticing than the birds up in the Air The lark in the morning... One evening when they're coming from the rakes of the Town The meadows bein' all mown and the grass had been cut Down As she should chance to stumble all on the new mown hay Oh it's kiss me now or never, then this bonnie lass did Say The lark in the morning... When twenty long weeks, they were over and were past Her mammy asked the reason why she thickened round the Waist It was the jolly ploughboy, this bonnie lass did say He caused me for to tumble all on the new mown hay The lark in the morning... Here's a health to you ploughboys wherever you may be That like to have a bonnie lass a-sitting on each knee With a pint of good strong porter, you'll whistle and You'll sing And the ploughboy is as happy as a bird upon the wing The lark in the morning...
Christy Moore
The Night Visit
Who are you, me pretty fair maid Who are you, me honey? Who are you, me pretty fair maid Who are you, me honey? She answered me modestly, "Well I am me mammy's darling." Chorus With your too-ry-ah Fol-de-diddle-dah Me Day-re fol-de-diddle Dai-rie oh. And will you come to me mammy's house When the moon is shining clearly. And will you come to me mammy's house When the moon is shining clearly. I'll open the door and I'll let you in And divil the one will hear us. Chorus So I went to her house in the middle of the night When the moon was shining clarely. So I went to her house in the middle of the night When the moon was shining clarely. Shc opened the door and she let me in And divil the one did hear us. Chorus She took me horse by the bridle and the bit And she led him to the stable She took me horse by the bridle and the bit And she led him to the stable Saying "There's plenty of oats for a soldier's horse, To eat it if he's able. " Chorus She took me by the lily-white hand And she led me to the table She took me by the lily-white hand And she led me to the table Saying "There's plenty of wine for a soldier boy, Drink it if you're able. " Chorus She got up and she made the bed And she made it nice and aisy She got up and she made the bed And she made it nice and aisy Then she took me by the hand Saying "Blow out the candle!" Chorus There we lay till the break of the day And divil the one did hear us There we lay till the break of the day And divil the one did hear us She arose and put on her clothes Saying "Darling, you must leave me." Chorus When will I return again When will we get married When will I return again When will we get married When broken shells make Christmas bells We might well get married.
Christy Moore
The People's Own M.p.
How many more must die now how many must we lose Before the island people their own destiny can choose From immortal Robert Emmet to Bobby Sands mp Who was given thirty thousand votes while in captivity No more he'll hear the lark's sweet notes upon the Ulster Air Or gaze upon the snowflake to calm his deep despair Before he went on hunger strike young Bobby did compose The Rhythm of Time, The Weeping Wind and The Sleeping Rose He was a poet and a soldier he died courageously And we gave him thirty thousand votes he was the peoples Own mp Thomas Ashe gave everything in 1917 The Lord Mayor of Cork Mcswiney died freedom to obtain Never a one of all our dead died more courageously Than Bobby Sands from Twinbrook the people's own mp Forever we'll remember him that man who died in pain That his country north and south be united once again To mourn him is to organise and build a movement strong With ballot box and armalite with music and with song
Christy Moore
In the broad daylight of a Summer's day, On the Cork to Dublin motorway. Suddenly the singing birds, Were startled in their song. In the quiet of that moment, Our world went out of kilter. In that split second, Veronica was gone. But you will never silence her, Your story will be written, Her spirit won't rest easy, Until her job is done. With fists and boots you broke her bones, You gunned her down at home, But as soon as she was able, She faced you once again. You who made the phone call, And you who took the message down, You who hired the hit men, And you who hatched the plan, You who drew the money down, And you who paid it over, You who remain silent, You are guilty, every one. Chorus Veronica, Veronica, Veronica, warrior woman, Veronica, Veronica, Veronica, I offer you this song.
Chuck Berry
Aimlessly Drifting
I guess I'll go to California Seems like I'm always on the run Nobody ever needs a loser We just exist under the sun But someday, somehow, someone may need me When my drifting days are done Well, I'm aimlessly drifting Looks like I live from day to day Hard as I try to make a showing Something is always in my way Even the one I truly love now Deals in the games that people play Every time I love I always lose Seems like I'll never ever win Each I hear them lonesome blues I'm all alone at home again Seems like I'm just existing Aimlessly drifting to no end All that I ask of this old world Is just to have a happy home All that I ask of one little girl Is just to be my very own It seems just like I'm just existing Aimlessly drifting along Yes, I'll go to California Seems like I'm always on the run Nobody ever needs a loser I just exist under the sun But someday, somehow, someone may need me But my drifting days be done
Chuck Berry
Bordeaux In My Pirough
So long, Jean, got a little show, thanks for the Bordeaux I got to go, push my pirough way down the bayou They got a band up on the stand and a beautiful light show Au revoir, Jean, dig the show from up on the plateau In my pirough, with my Bordeaux, out on the bayou Creeping along, singing a song, see'est, see'est bon, bon Playing the music on my acoustic Spanish guitaro Having a duet with my coquette out on the bayou It's growing night, we've got no lights out on the bayou Beautiful trip, think we'll sip some of my Bordeaux Two more miles going wild to play my acoustic See them stand to clap their hands to hear my music One more mile, we rested awhile and sipped on some Bordeaux While we's grooving, a fog was moving in on the bayou On my knee, just couldn't see the front of my pirough We didn't mind, we just reclined and sipped some more Bordeaux Ay-ay, Jean, I missed the show up on the plateau Si vous plait, push my pirough back up the bayou No see the band, no see the stand, no see the light show Ahh, Jean, we had a show out on the bayou
Chuck Berry
Bound To Lose
Looks like I'll go on through my life bound in sorrow I'm a loser right from the start Now I've lost the only one I really loved And I'm bound to this pain in my heart I am bound because I am so much in love with you And I know that this love's all in vain When you let anyone have the love you say is mine It proves to me I'm a loser again I am bound with so many sweet memories of you What more can a poor loser do ? I can't change your ways, I can't make you love me more I am bound to this crave I have for you I was bound to lose you when I first fell in love with you I thought I'd try and love again Oh, I lost, but kept my chin up and I would pull through every time But losing you has laid my head in my hands
Chuck Berry
Oh Carol, don't let him steal your heart away I'm gonna learn to dance if it takes me all night and day Climb into my machine so we can cruise on out I know a swingin' little joint where we can jump and shout It's not too far back off the highway, not so long a ride You park your car out in the open, you can walk inside A little cutie takes your hat and you can thank her, ma'am Every time you make the scene you find the joint is jammed Oh Carol, don't let him steal your heart away I'm gonna learn to dance if it takes me all night and day And if you want to hear some music like the boys are playin' Hold tight, pat your foot, don't let 'em carry it away Don't let the heat overcome you when they play so loud Oh, don't the music intrigue you when they get a crowd You can't dance, I know you wish you could I got my eyes on you baby, 'cause you dance so good Oh Carol, don't let him steal your heart away I'm gonna learn to dance if it takes me all night and day Don't let him steal your heart away I've got to learn to dance if it takes you all night and day Oh Carol
Chuck Berry
Childhood Sweetheart
Last night, I had a beautiful dream Last night, in the wee wee hours, oh yes Had a beautiful dream Ain't about my childhood sweetheart How true and real it seemed I had dreamt we was walkin' Hand in hand, home from school Yeah, I dreamt we was walkin' together Hand in hand, home from school Yeah, if it hadn't be for you darling I'd broke my mother's rule Yeah, you was only sixteen So young and yet so fine Yeah, you was only sixteen So young, yet so fine You said when you'd finish school You'd let me take and make you mine Oh yeah Yeah, you had those same pretty eyes Same sweet little smile You had those same pretty eyes Same sweet little smile I had dreamt about the sweet things We used to do, when you was a child You were my childhood sweetheart Love you now, and loved you then You were my childhood sweetheart I love you now and I loved you then And when I'll leave you down the twilight I'll go to sleep and dream again
Chuck Berry
Down The Road Apiece
Now if you wanna hear some boogie like I'm gonna play It's just an old piano and a knockout bass The drummer man's a cat they call Kickin' McCoy You know, remember that rubber-legged boy? Mama's cookin' chicken fried and bacon grease Come on along boys it's just down the road apiece Well, there's a place you really get your kicks It's open every night about twelve to six Now if you wanna hear some boogie you can get your fill And shove and sting like an old steam drill Come on along you can lose your lead Down the road, down the road, down the road apiece There's a place you really get your kicks It's open every night about twelve to six Now if you wanna hear some boogie you can get your fill And shove and sting like an old steam drill Come on along you can lose your lead Down the road, down the road, down the road apiece
Chuck Berry
Driftin' Blues
Well I'm drifting and drifting, Like a ship out on the sea. Well I'm drifting and drifting, Like a ship out on the sea. Well I ain't got nobody In this world to care for me. If my baby would only take me back again If my baby would only take me back again. Well you know I ain't good for nothin' baby Well I haven't got no friends. I give you all of my money, Tell me what more can I do. I give you all my money, Tell me what more can I do. Well you just a good little girl But you just won't be true. Bye-bye baby, baby bye-bye bye-bye, It's gonna be too late baby I'll be so far away.
Chuck Berry
Earth Angel
Earth Angel, Earth Angel, Will you be mine? My darling dear, Love you all the time. I'm just a fool, A fool in love with you. Earth Angel, Earth Angel, The one I adore, Love you forever And evermore. I'm just a fool, A fool in love with you. I fell for you And I knew The vision of your love, loveliness. I hope and I pray That someday I'll be the vision of your hap, happiness. Oh, Earth Angel, Earth Angel, Please be mine? My darling dear, Love you all the time. I'm just a fool, A fool in love with you. I fell for you And I knew The vision of your loveliness. I hope and pray That someday That I'll be the vision of your happiness. Oh, Earth Angel, Earth Angel, Please be mine? My darling dear, Love you all the time. I'm just a fool, A fool in love with you.
Chuck Berry
Got It And Gone
When he was a child, just a baby boy He wanted to play rock music and sing some songs of joy When he started school, he just could pat his feet The first song he ever learned had a strong boogie beat Come on now Rock it, rock it, rock it along Roll it, roll it, roll it on Git it, git it, git it on Got it, got it, got it and gone Then one day it happened, they hauled him off to war Way over there in no man's land, just him and his guitar Nobody near to love him, nobody ever sent him news What could a poor boy do at night, but to sit down and sing them blues Early one morning they called him, oh, what a beautiful day They packed him in an old army plane and flew him back home to stay He landed in Clark Air base, but didn't have no place to go So he sit down with his guitar in the middle of the street and gave everybody a free show.
Chuck Berry
Havana Moon
Havana moon, Havana moon Me all alone with jug of rum Me stand and wait for boat to come It's long the night, it's quiet the dock The boat she late since 12 o'clock Me watch the tide easin' in Is low the moon, but high the wind Havana moon, Havana moon Me all alone, me open the rum It's long the wait for boat to come American girl come back to me We'll sail away across the sea We'll dock in New York, the buildings high We'll find a home up in the sky Havana moon, Havana moon Me still alone, me sip on the rum Me wonder where the boat she come To bring me love, ow! Sweet little thing She rock and roll, she dance and sing She hold me tight, she touch me lips Me eyes they close, me heart she flip Havana moon, Havana moon But still alone, me drinkin' the rum Begin to think the boat no come American girl, she tell a lie She say till then, she mean goodbye Havana moon, Havana moon Me lay down alone, was good the rum Me fall asleep, the boat she come The girl she look till come the dawn She weep and cry, "Return for home" The whistle blow, me open me eyes Was bright the sun, was blue the sky Me grab me shoes, me jump and run Me see the boat head for horizon Havana moon, is gone the rum The boat she sail, me love she gone Havana moon, Havana moon
Chuck Berry
Have Mercy Judge
Have mercy, I'm in a world of trouble now I'm being held by the State Patrol I am charged with traffic of the forbidden And I almost finished doing my parole Now, I'm on my way back down town Somebody help me, have mercy on my soul I go to court tomorrow morning And I got the same judge I had before Lord, I know he won't have no mercy on me 'Cause he told me not to come back no more He'll send me away to some stoney mansion In a lonely room and lock the door Ow! Have mercy on my little Tulane She's too alive to try to live alone And I know her needs And although she loves me She's gonna try to make it While the poor boy's gone Somebody should tell her to live And I'll understand it And even love her more When I come back home
Chuck Berry
Hello Little Girl Goodbye
Hello, little girl, I got a little talk for you About something you led me to believe you'd do But I know now you had no intentions to It has come to me that we been together too long I been holding out, I believe I'll be gone 'Cause I don't have to hang around while you do me wrong Your heart's full of rock and you reel like a rolling stone You don't really need me, you'd do better on your own So go find somebody else and leave me alone I'm leaving you now although I love you still I loved you then and I guess I always will So, goodbye, little girl, I'm gone this time for real Your heart's full of rock and you reel like a rolling stone You don't really need me, you'd do better on your own So go find somebody else and leave me alone Honey, I'm leaving you although I love you still You I loved you then and I guess I always will So, goodbye, little girl, I'm gone this time for real Bye. bye, little girl, bye, bye, little girl Bye. bye, little girl, bye, bye, little girl Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, little girl
Chuck Berry
His Daughter Caroline
So few years ago her daddy held her in his arms Snugged the blanket around her feet to help and keep 'em warm When he kissed her tender cheek, oh, how her eyes would shine His ev'ry dream was built around his daughter Caroline He remembered ev'ry time she'd turn another year And, at the birthday parties, when he'd shed a happy tear Thinking of the wedding dress that she would wear someday When he'd have to give his daughter Caroline away He thought of what he saw the night they called her from the roll A silver graduation ring and engagement ring of gold It seems as tho' twas yesterday he met her valentine And now she's grown and here to wed his daughter Caroline Maarching on his arm she whispered, "Pa, I still love you" Those words remained within his ears when she vowed, "I do" Cheer was sparkling from his eyes, but tears were in behind When he gave his heart away, his daughter Caroline
Chuck Berry
House Lights
Hey! Ev'rybody, let's get it on You got one more chance 'fore the lights come on Don't let nobody turn you 'round. go 'head on Do your thing, come on, get down! I want to know, can you hear me ? Does it sound alright ? Am I comin' through clearly, gettin' down tonight ? Well, go on, do your thing, till I call for the lights Well, is ev'rybody happy ? I wanna hear you say "Yes" I wanna know, are you happy ? I wanna hear you confess Come on, are you happy ? Let me hear you say "Yes" Turn the house lights on Let the clock tick on Turn the house lights on While I'm playing my song Let the night roll on Ev'rybody, rock on! Do you want us to stop ? Do you want us to play ? Do you want us to go ? Do you want us to stay ? Just diggin' this boogie All night and all day Well, hold your hand up higher So the drummer won't tire Hold it up a little higher Set the building on fire My throat is gettin' drier So you gotta get higher (Get on down there now and get it!) We gotta go now Yeah, we gotta split Gotta go get a little bit No, no, no, no, we gotta quit I'll go sit by my old git in the pit Bye, bye, bye, this is it Now you know we gotta go now Got to leave the show now The police at the door now Gotta close this show now We really gon' go now Raise your hand once more now Get that hand up higher Well, a little bit higher I got to see your hand Yeah, a little bit higher Well, a little bit higher Higher, higher (Get it up there now, get it up there) Higher, higher, higher, higher, higher Higher, higher, higher, higher, higher Higher, bye, bye
Chuck Berry
I Can't Believe
I can't believe, I can't believe That you are gone and we are through Oh, but I miss those happy hours Cuddle all alone with you Snuggled tightly in your arms, darling And doing things that lovers do Oh, if I only knew where to write you Or where to call you on the phone To let you know how much I need you And miss your love since you been gone I want to tell you you were right, doll And I see now that I was wrong I want you back, won't somebody help me I need your love, honest I do To relive those happy hours I used to spend alone with you Snuggled tightly in your arms, darling And doing things that lovers do
Chuck Berry
I Do Really Love You
It's you I'm in love with It's not what you are It's not how you treat me Or your fancy car But there's something about you I keep yearning for I, I do really love you Just thinking about you Gives me such a thrill Let alone to be with you or know that I will And know that I'll tremble When I should be still Um, um, I, I do really love you Give me what I live for Your sweet lips pressed to me And transform this yearning into ecstasy And send me, oh, send me - most humbly Um, um, I, I do really love you
Chuck Berry
I Don't Take But A Few Minutes
When I see those big brown eyes is when I take my queue It don't take me but a few minutes to get a message through I talked to you, and you talked to me and we talked to one another It don't take us but a few minutes to understand each other If I was twenty-three years old and you were twenty-two I bet no one would try to run our lives the way they do We take a chance and try romance, be true to one another It don't take us but a few minutes, when we want each other If I was in San Diego and you were in Portland, Maine I'd fly to you lock, stock and bone in hail and pouring rain Over the mountains, through the valleys, coming home to each other It don't take us but a few minutes to get to one another You would write a love song and play on my guitar And if you should, in Hollywood, become a movie star Would you let your heart forget, I loved you and you only It don't take but a few minutes, when you're feeling lonely
Chuck Berry
I Got A Booking
I got a booking with the airlines Pack up and going to go I'm gonna leave here by plane, darling Because railway is much too slow I'm goin' back to my hometown Where I'm better known 'Cause you haven't done nothing, darling But ruin a happy home Now, when the sun sinks in the hillside The one you love will be gone And I know I will be blue darling But somehow I'll just travel on Now, would you rather care to kiss me Or would you prefer to just say goodbye 'Cause I will turn and leave you darling I don't want to see you cry
Chuck Berry
I Got T Find My Baby
I'm gonna search this town From door to door The love I crave I can't find no more I got to find my baby I declare I wouldn't no lie I ain't had no real good loving Since that girl said goodbye. You know I hate to see the sun Hurry to the west 'Cos I know my whole life's Will be one solid mess. I got to find my baby I declare that ain't no lie I ain't had no real good loving Since that girl said goodbye. Yesl, ever since the day That she said we were through I've been nervous And shook up too. I got to find my baby I declare I wouldn't no lie I ain't had no real good loving Since that girl said goodbye. Yesl, I don't care if it's the last thing I ever do in my life I'm gonna find that little girl Make her my wife. I got to find my baby I declare I wouldn't no lie I ain't had no real good loving Since that girl said goodbye.
Chuck Berry
I Love Her I Love Her
I love her, I love her I love her, I'm in love with her There's no other problem As big as the one living without her Ah! Mama, we'll make it With her I can take it, I love her I'm so happy when I'm about her And so lonely without her I love her, I love her I love her, oh, I love her His mother tried to tell him That kinda wedlock could bring strife So many are against it I offer you peace and joy and life Why risk all the problems That may come with her being your wife Ah! He looked up with tears in his eyes Saying, "Mother, don't you realize I love her, I love her I love her, I love her, I love her" Father advised her That so many wouldn't understand They'd more or less resent you If they even saw you holding his hand Why choose the problems that may face you now In this man? She looked up with tears in her eyes Said, "Father, do you realize That I love him, I love him I love him, I love him, I love him" That's why I love her I love her, I love her, I love her There's no other problem As big as the one living without her Mama, we'll make it With her I can take it, I love her I'm so happy when I'm about her I love her, I love her I love her, I love her, I love her
Chuck Berry
I Love You
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you Love you, I love you, I love you At the beach, in a pool In a lunchroom at school In a drive-in, child, in a car It don't matter, darlin', where you are I don't know how to show How I feel, but it's real Ain't no way I can say Just how real that I feel, but I wanna show you how I can please you 'Cause I want you and I need you Gotta have you, gotta know you Let me love you and let me show you that
Chuck Berry
I Need You Baby
Please, listen, baby, try and understand As sure as a woman needs a man I need you baby, I just wanted you then But I'm in love with you now I walk the floor sprinkled with tears since you've been gone Oh, it'd seem like a thousand years I need you baby, I just wanted you then But I'm in love with you now True love like yours is so hard to find If you don't come back baby, Lord knows I'll lose my mind I need you baby, I just wanted you then But I'm in love with you now He loved other women and I love only you But you fall on him, Lord, like the morning dew I need you baby, I just wanted you then But I'm in love with you now Do you care for me less than you did before ? Or don't you love me at all anymore ? I need you baby, I just wanted you then But I do love you now
Chuck Berry
I Never Thought
You know I never really thought some things would ever really come to be 'Cause I don't bother nobody and don't nobody bother me I went down in Mississippi, I asked Mister Charlie about my roots He said, "Turn around, bend over, boy, they're right here in my boots" You know I never thought a thing like that would ever really come to be 'Cause I don't bother nobody and don't nobody bother me I asked a policeman the time, he swung and crowned me with his stock I managed to walk away so glad it weren't twelve o'clock You know I never thought a thing like that would ever really come to be 'Cause I don't bother nobody and don't nobody bother me My girl friend's datin' this here guy who's goin' out with some man's wife I lost my girl, the wife her husband, the guy he lost his life You know I never thought a thing like that would ever really come to be 'Cause I don't bother nobody and don't nobody bother me I used to have a Ford Torino and at that time I had a chick She used to get her kicks just askin' me to flick my Bic You know I never thought a thing like that would ever really come to be 'Cause I don't bother nobody and don't nobody bother me My grandpa drove a horse and buggy but my father used the train I worked and bought a Cadillac but my son, he drives a plane You know I never thought a thing like that would ever really come to be 'Cause I don't bother nobody and don't nobody bother me
Chuck Berry
I Want To Be Your Driver
I want to be your driver, I want to be your driver I would love to ride you, I would love to ride you around We'll be ready when you want me to drive you on downtown Yeah I want to drive your, your long and beautiful Your rounded-body, wheel-to-roll limousine I've never had the thrill of riding such a wonderful machine We'll roll 'round the mountain, drive down in the valley I would drive it all over, I would ride you home with ease You will enjoy every journey, it will be my aim to please So let me be your driver, let me be your driver I would love to ride you, I would love to ride you downtown Drive you so slow and easy you won't want to put me down
Chuck Berry
I Will Not Let You Go
I will not let you go, I will not let you go, I will not let you go You know I love you and I want you and I need you more and more No, I can't, I just can't let you go Lord knows we were born to be with each other and I ain't gonna let you go We're s'posed to spend our lives together and I just can't let you go Because I love you and I want you and I need you more and more No, I can't darling, I just can't let you go I know I love you in vain, little girl, but I still can't let you go I'm tied to you with chains of love, but I just can't let you go Because I love you and I want you and I need you more and more No, I can't, I just can't let you go (Somebody tell me) How can my heart withstand so much pain And still keep on beating and loving you in vain ? Because I love you and I want you and I need you more and more Lord, I just can't, I just can't let you go (Well, that is why) I will not, I will not let you go Li'l darling, I will not, no, no, I will not, I will not let you go Because I love you and I want you and I got to have you more and more No, darling, I will not, I will not let you go
Chuck Berry
If I Were
If I were a pendulum swing and you were the bird in the cuckoo clock Ev'ry time you cucko-cooed I would double tick another tick tock I'd double my swing ev'ry time you'd sing we'd make good time with each other Oh, but that would be just so much fun cooin' and swingin' together If I were a little bitty boy and I had just a little bit o' credit I would make a loan for an ice cream cone and I'd go right away and get it You would lick a little and I would lick a little, we surely could lick with each other Oh, but that would be just so much fun, eating it all together And if I were a little honey bee and you were a little butterfly I would be waiting at the garden gate until you came fluttering by Maybe you'd stop on a red rose top and then we could talk to each other Oh, but we cou'd flutter up so much fun being in the garden together But I'm just an ordinary guy and I love all the things you do You seem such a talented, beautiful girl and I'm afraid to even talk to you If I were as bold like some guys, hearin' them talk to each other I'd come over and ask you if we could go out together But if you were a Mercedes-Benz, I'd have to be a Fleetwood Brougham And ev'ry time I saw you rollin' on the freeway I think I'd have to follow you home You could let me lodge in your double garage, bumper to bumper out of the weather Nobody home but the Benz and the Brougham, really rarin' to roll off together
Chuck Berry
I'm Just A Lucky So And So
As I walked down the street Seems everyone I meet Gives me a friendly Hello! Guess I'm just a lucky so and so Birds in every tree Seem all so near to me They sing wherever I go Guess I'm just a lucky so and so [Chorus] If you should ask me the amount In my bank account I would have to confess That I'm slipping But, that don't worry me Confidentially, I got a dream that I'm tip in And when the days through Each night, I hurry to Home where love ways I know Guess, I'm just a lucky so and so [Chorus] And when the days through Each night, I hurry to Home where love ways I know Guess, I'm just a lucky so and so Woo! Just a lucky so and so.
Chuck Berry
I'm Just A Name
Hello, I'm just a fan who had to call you on the phone Someone you won't remember of the many that you own I'm just a name within your past you met while all alone Someone who shared a love with you and stayed behind unknown I know I'm only someone else in love with you in vain I wish I could have helped myself, but love is so much pain It makes me feel that there is still a chance that may remain That you will someday surely come and give me love again I knew your love would never be as deep as mine for you And I knew that these many nights I'd be alone and blue And lie awake while you forsake the only love I knew And never learn that you'll return and we would live it through Each time I dream a dream, I dream we're cuddled arm in arm It seems you're looking straight at me, when I see you perform Sometimes I think you see my face become so shy and warm I often wonder if you know the power in your charms Please, let me say I still love you before you hang the phone And I am proud to once have shared the beauty that you own I'm just a name within your past you met while all alone Someone who shared a love with you and stayed behind unknown
Chuck Berry
I'm Talking About You
This is not the Chuck Berry song of the same title. This is the Ray Charles song as covered by The Animals So there is a whole song to be replaced! Ah, ha, ha, ha, da, dah-um-dah Ah, ha, ha, dah-um-dah, da Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha Ah, ha, ha-um-ha da Who knows how to love me (talkin' about you) In my way (talkin' about you) Nobody but you (talkin' about you) Talkin' about you (talkin' about you) You know how to love me In my way Nobody but you I do mean you, you, you! Know how to love me In my way You're always there Every night and day Nobody but you I do mean you Talkin' 'bout you Whoa-oh yeah I'm gonna talk Talk about you Every day Every night You know on Monday I'm gonna talk On Tuesday I'm gonna talk All day Wednesday I'm gonna talk Every day (hey-ay-ay-ay) Every night (hey-ay-ay-ay) It's alright (hey-ay-ay-ay) Gonna talk (hey-ay-ay-ay) Talkin' 'bout (hey-ay-ay-ay) Tell my brother (hey-ay-ay-ay) Tell my mother (hey-ay-ay-ay) Tell my sister (hey-ay-ay-ay) Tell my father (hey-ay-ay-ay) Come on (shout) You make me (shout) You make me (shout) You're makin' me (shout) Feel like I wanna (shout) Jump up now (shout) Come on now (shout) Everybody (shout) Everybody (shout) I'm feelin' (shout) That I wanna (shout)
Chuck Berry
It's My Own Business
I am tired of you telling me what I ought to do Stickin' your nose in my business and it don't concern you It's my own business, it's my own business Seems like the ones that want to tell you They don't ever know as much as you If I go buy a Cadillac convertible coupe And all I got at home to eat is just onion soup It's my own business, it's my own business If I would rather ride around In my own Cadillac convertible coupe If I's a dignatary on Capitol Hill And up and married me a waitress in a hot dog grill It's my own business, it's my own business Because I am not a juvenile And I can go out at my own free wil After workin' on my job and then drawin' my pay If I want to go out and have a ball and throw it all away It's my own business, it's my own business 'Cause I don't wait until tomorrow To do something I could do today
Chuck Berry
It's Too Dark In Here
I went to pick this little girl up I met last night She's ready, waitin' for me under the front porch light She said, "Ain't it dark out there, ooh, it's so dark out there I hope your car got bright lights, ooh, it's so dark out there" We went to a house party, it was really outta sight It was about forty people dancin' under one dim light "Ain't it dark in there, ooh, it's too dark in there Will you take me somewhere else, darlin', 'cause it's too dark in there" So I drove her out the freeway into the country air She said, "I hope you ain't gonna park around here nowhere It's too dark out there, so dark out there Let's go back into town and do something 'cause it's too dark out there" So I asked her just where she had in mind to go She said, "Maybe to a scary movie picture show" I said, "It's too dark in there" I said, "It's too dark in there I've seen that movie before, baby, it's too dark in there" So it was nothing left for me to do but take her back home 'Twas no one there, the lights was out and the fuse was blown And it was dark in there, yes, it was dark in there And we finally got the fuse in Ooh, it was dark in there
Chuck Berry
I've Changed
I have changed, nothing like I used to be I have changed, darling, nothing like I used to be When I cared so much for you, was love blinded and I couldn't see I sat down a many evening with my mind in a total ruin Wondering where on earth you were and what you might be doing But I've changed, nothing like I used to be When I cared so much for you was love blinded and I couldn't see I have waited for you at morning, right behind a sleepless night But now my eyes are wide open and I see you wasn't right Yes, I've changed, nothing like I used to be When I cared so much for you, I was love blinded and I couldn't see If you still love me baby, you gonna have to come across We will tear off together so there will be no loving lost 'Cause I've changed, nothing like I used to be When I cared so much for you, was love blinded and I couldn't see
Chuck Berry
Jaguar And Thunderbird
Chorus: Slow down, little Jaguar Keep cool, little Thunderbird Ford Ten miles stretch on an Indiana road T'was a sky blue Jaguar and a Thunderbird Ford Jaguar setting on ninety nine Tryin' to beat the Bird to the county line Just a half-a-mile from Newtonville There had a speed sign sitting at the top of the hill It said : "35 miles, and stay in line" But the Jaguar and Thunderbird never read the sign Chorus Ludenville was a real small town Had a hundred and two And nine acres of ground Some stool pigeon put the sheriff wise Told him "Park down in Newtonville And catch 'em guys" Sheriff laid down, half hid in the weeds Parked for eight days, didn't nobody speed All of a sudden, dust rose on the road Said "Here come the Jaguar and Thunderbird Ford" Chorus Sheriff doubled clutched second, put it in third Took right after the Jaguar and Thunderbird He knew he'd get a bonus and a big fat fine If he caught 'em 'fore they crossed that county line Sheriff never drove his car a hundred and flat But if he aimed to get 'em He'd have to do more than that Crest of the hill, he's about a mile behind There wasn't but two mor miles to the county line Chorus Old Sheiff was countin' on the downward grade With the tall wind pushin', he had it made Thunderbird saw the Jaguar gainin' speed And waved "Goodbye, Jaguar" and pulled in the lead Jaguar said "You ain't won the race yet" And pulled back around the Bird like a sabre jet Sheriff's front bumper was a yard behind When the T-Bird, Jaguar crossed the line Slow down little Jaguar, Keep cool little Thunderbird Ford (repeat and fade)
Chuck Berry
Jamaica Farewell Song
Down the way where the nights are gay, And the sun shines brightly on the mountaintop, I took a trip on a sailing ship, And when I reached Jamaica I made a stop. But I'm sad to say, I'm on my way, Won't be back for many a day, My heart is down, my head is turning around, I miss all my friends in Kingston town. Down at the market you can hear, All the ladies cry out while on their heads they bear, Akie rice, salt fish are nice, And the sun is fine any time of the year. [CHORUS But I'm sad to say, I'm on my way, Won't be back for many a day, My heart is down, my head is turning around, I miss all my friends in Kingston town.] Sounds of laughter everywhere, And the children sway to and fro, I must declare that my heart is there, Though I've been from Maine to Mexico. [CHORUS (twice) But I'm sad to say, I'm on my way, Won't be back for many a day, My heart is down, my head is turning around, I miss all my friends in Kingston town.]
Chuck Berry
Jo Jo Gunne
It was in ancient history, four thousand B.C. Back up in the jungle in a coconut tree Hanging on a branch up under the sun Was a meddlesome monkey named Jo Jo Gunne Old Leo the lion came down from the mountain To get a drink of water from the jungle fountain Jo Jo the monkey started tellin' him jive About the elephant who was gonna skin him alive Leo tried to reach and grab Jo Jo's tail Got mad and went roarin' through the jungle trail He ran upon an elephant beneath a tree And said, put up your dukes you gotta tussle with me An ol' eagle from Asia made a non stop flight Tryin' to make it in time, just to see them fight A crocodile phoned and reversed the charge Coming all the way from India on a local barge Ol' gorilla heard 'em talking in the lion's den But Jo Jo bet him three bucks the elephant wins Jo Jo yelled at Leo, Go on, knock him down He don't outweigh you but a thousand pounds Leo left wailin' with a left upper cut The elephant took his snoot and grabbed a coconut Leo fired a beautiful short back cross That's when the coconut landed up against his jaw Leo grew tired, but he wouldn't give in The elephant all loose, beat his jawbone in The buzzard said, they fought furious all day He couldn't understand how Leo got away Jo Jo runnin' everywhere, spreadin' the news To the zebras and the leopards and the kangaroos A hoot owl reported everything he saw Had his eyes wide open, they called it a draw Leo limping back with his jawbone bruised Jo Jo in the trees started singin' the blues Laughin', meddling, jumpin' up and down Till his foot missed a limb and he fell to the ground Just like a bolt of thunder and a streak of heat Leo covered Jo Jo with all four feet Jo Jo was screamin' with tears in his eyes Said, please mister Leo, I apologize Said, if you let my feet upon solid ground I'll fight you close range, fifteen rounds Leo got back to the square of the fight Jo Jo took a leap and jumped... out of sight
Chuck Berry
Johnny B. Goode
Deep down Louisiana close to New Orleans Way back up in the woods among the evergreens There stood a log cabin made of earth and wood Where lived a country boy named Johnny B. Goode Who never ever learned to read or write so well But he could play the guitar just like a ringing a bell Go go Go Johnny go Go Go Johnny go Go Go Johnny go Go Go Johnny go Go Johnny B. Goode He used to carry his guitar in a gunny sack Go sit beneath the tree by the railroad track Oh, the engineers would see him sitting in the shade Strumming with the rhythm that the drivers made People passing by they would stop and say Oh my that little country boy could play Go go Go Johnny go Go Go Johnny go Go Go Johnny go Go Go Johnny go Go Johnny B. Goode His mother told him "Someday you will be a man, And you will be the leader of a big old band. Many people coming from miles around To hear you play your music when the sun go down Maybe someday your name will be in lights Saying Johnny B. Goode tonight." Go go Go Johnny go Go go go Johnny go Go go go Johnny go Go go go Johnny go Go Johnny B. Goode
Chuck Berry
La Jaunda
In Baya California Down in Tijuana La senorita come to me She say "Mi nombre es La Jaunda" I asked her would she care to dance She looked at me and said "Como esta?" I say "Hablo solo en Ingles Y no comprendo Espanol" I speak only the language of English I don't understand Espanol For a moment I took a notion Then I went into a dancing motion She nodded her head "Yo mucho gusto" she said And she danced with more devotion When her cheek came close to mine I could hear her softly whisper She said "Habla solo la langua de Ingles Y no comprenda Espanol" I speak only the language of English I don't understand Espanol She placed her hand before my heart And she whispered "Yo te amora" With half - closed eyes She raised her lips And she said "Besame ahora" She hold me close and she squeeze me tight And she whispered " Yo quiero ahora" I say "Hablo solo la langua de Ingles No comprendo Espanol" I speak only the language of English I don't understand Espanol
Chuck Berry
Let It Rock
In the heat of the day down in Mobile Alabama Working on the railroad with the steel driving hammer Gotta make some money to buy some brand new shoes Tryin' to find somebody to take away these blues "She don't love me" hear them singing in the sun Payday's coming and my work is all done Later in the evening when the sun is sinking low All day I been waiting for the whistle to blow Sitting in a tee pee built right on the tracks Rolling them bones until the foreman comes back Pick up you belongings boys and scatter about We've got an off-schedule train comin' two miles about Everybody's scrambling, running around Picking up their money, tearing the tee pee down Foreman wants to panic, 'bout to go insane Trying to get the workers out the way of the train Engineer blows the whistle loud and long Can't stop the train, gotta let it roll on
Chuck Berry
Let's Boogie
Come on over here, baby Girl, I'm gonna give you a little kiss You're gonna feel my hands all around you Not a finger will you miss After I turn you on, baby I'm gonna blow your mind with some of this Squeezed in that mauved dress you showed me Child, that hemline's out of sight With that foxy frame you're flaunting It ain't no way it won't fit you right We're going to a rock and roll revival You know we're sure 'nuff gonna boogie tonight They'd be playing them old and golden goodies Used to blow my mind when I was a child Back when I'd got my head together I wouldn't walk a block, but I'd dance a mile Girl, you better be in good shape tonight 'Cause we sure e'nuff gonna ball awhile It's been a long, long time Since I let me backbone bend Oh, for them same sweet memories When we didn't have nothing but time to spend We'd boogie and ball all Saturday mornin' Right back that night and ball again
Chuck Berry
Let's Do Our Thing Together
I don't need no fields of whiskey Don't indulge in beer or wine But baby, you turn me on And blow my ever-lovin' mind Now, let's do our thing together Go out and have a balling time You know I dig you doing your thing And I'll turn you on when I do mine I'm not a blue-blood or a scholar Just a hard-workin' boy And after five long days My body needs a little joy Now, let's do our thing together Go out and have a balling time You know I dig you doing your thing And I'll turn you on when I do mine I am solid, sane and sober And I'm over twenty-one What I see is what I want And what I want is you right on Now, let's do our thing together Go out and have a balling time You know I dig you doing your thing And I'll turn you on when I do mine I'm in the mood for a little rockin' You got to shake it up and shout You been a little uptight lately I'm goin' let it all hang out Let's do our thing together Go out and have a balling time You know I dig you doing your thing
Chuck Berry
Little Queenie
I got lumps in my throat When I saw her comin' down the aisle I got the wiggles in my knees When she looked at me and sweetly smiled Well there she is again Standin' over by the record machine Well she looks like a model On the cover of a magazine But she's too cute To be a minute over seventeen Meanwhile I was thinkin' Well if she's in the mood No need to break it I got the chance and I oughta take it If she can dance we can make it C'mon queenie let's shake it I said go, go, go, little queenie I said go, go, go, little queenie I said go, go, go, little queenie Won't someone tell me Who's the queen standin over by the record machine Well she looks like a model On the cover of a magazine But she's too cute To be a minute over seventeen I said go, go, go, little queenie I said go, go, go, little queenie I said go, go, go, little queenie Meanwhile, I was still thinkin', hmmmm, Well if it's a slow one We'll omit it If it's a rocker, then we'll get it If it's a good one, she'll admit it C'mon queenie, let's get with it I said go, go, go, little queenie I said go, go, go, little queenie I said go, go, go, little queenie I said go, go, go, little queenie I said go, go, go, little queenie I said go, go, go, little queenie
Chuck Berry
Lonely School Days
I saw you when you came in this morning All chummy with somebody new And I was all alone this morning In sorrrow still loving you I know it shows, I'm broken hearted This feelin' just won't go away I've been so lonesome since we parted And I'll be blue again in school today Lonely school days do I have when you Come to school with someone new In my deepest sorrow over losing you Lonely school days keep me blue I saw you eating in the lunch room Right where we used to sit and dine With someone snugged up close beside you Enjoying pleasures that were mine You talk to them along the hallways You walk with them to classes too You leave and go with them of evenings And I go home alone and blue
Chuck Berry
Louis To Frisco
I'm as free as a bird now As flighty as a Bumble Bee I'm here today and gone tomorrow Foot loose child and fancy free I'm absolutely independent Nothin' at all is gonna worry me I believe I was born to travel The open road is gonna bring me close You come to know some way-out people To say the least, I dig the most Who live and love across both borders Trip, East and West from coast to coast I only have one cradle to rock now I'm gonna rock it everywhere I go From St. Louis to San Francisco Ah! From Canada to Mexico I'm gonna let my cradle rock now 'Till it just won't rock no more
Chuck Berry
Ma' Dear Ma' Dear
Ma' dear, Ma' dear, she told me one day That I'd meet my true love and take her away She said I'd be happy and to be good and true I'd never be lonely, broken hearted or blue Ma' dear, Ma' dear, just like you said I met my true love one and we are to wed Ma' dear, she's an angel and I'm goin' to be true Or else I may lose her, I don't want to lose her to somebody new Ma' dear, Ma' dear, I was not untrue I tried hard to please her, but she's gone and I'm blue Ma' dear, I'm so lonesome, broken hearted, too Ma' dear, Ma' dear, oh, Ma' dear, what must I do?
Chuck Berry
Maybellene Maybellene, why can't you be true? Oh Maybellene, why can't you be true? You've started back doing the things you used to do. As I was motivatin' over the hill I saw Maybellene in a coup de ville. A Cadillac a-rollin' on the open road, Nothin' will outrun my V8 Ford. The Cadillac doin' 'bout ninety-five, She's bumper to bumper rollin' side by side. Maybellene, why can't you be true? Oh Maybellene, why can't you be true? You've started back doing the things you used to do. Pink in the mirror on top of the hill, It's just like swallowin' up a medicine pill. First thing I saw that Cadillac grille Doin' a hundred and ten gallopin' over that hill. Offhill curve, a downhill stretch, Me and that Cadillac neck by neck. Maybellene, why can't you be true? Oh Maybellene, why can't you be true? You've started back doing the things you used to do. The Cadillac pulled up ahead of the Ford, The Ford got hot and wouldn't do no more. It then got clody and it started to rain, I tooted my horn for a passin' lead The rain water blowin' all under my hood, I knew that was doin' my motor good. Maybellene, why can't you be true? Oh Maybellene, why can't you be true? You've started back doing the things you used to do. The motor cooled down, the heat went down And that's when I heard that highway sound. The Cadillac a-sittin' like a ton of lead A hundred and ten a half a mile ahead. The Cadillac lookin' like it's sittin' still And I caught Maybellene at the top of the hill. Maybellene, why can't you be true? Oh Maybellene, why can't you be true? You've started back doing the things you used to do.
Chuck Berry
Long distance information, give me Memphis Tennessee Help me find the party trying to get in touch with me She could not leave her number, but I know who placed the call 'Cause my uncle took the message and he wrote it on the wall Help me, information, get in touch with my Marie She's the only one who'd phone me here from Memphis Tennessee Her home is on the south side, high up on a ridge Just a half a mile from the Mississippi Bridge Help me, information, more than that I cannot add Only that I miss her and all the fun we had But we were pulled apart because her mom did not agree And tore apart our happy home in Memphis Tennessee Last time I saw Marie she's waving me good-bye With hurry home drops on her cheek that trickled from her eye Marie is only six years old, information please Try to put me through to her in Memphis Tennessee
Chuck Berry
Merry Christmas Baby
Merry Christmas, baby, you really did treat me nice Merry Christmas, baby, you really did treat me nice Bought me a hi-fi for Christmas, now I'm living in paradise Well, I'm feelin', mighty fine, I got good music on my radio Well, I feel so fine, I got good music on my radio Yes, I want to hug and kiss you baby While you're standing beneath the mistletoe. Santa came down the chimney, 'bout a half past three Left all these pretty presents that you see before me Merry Christmas baby, you really been good to me. I will always love you baby Now I'm happy as I can be.
Chuck Berry
Sit down her by me, baby, let me hold your hand Listen to me, baby, try and understand I'm in misery, I'm in misery I'm all upset and I'm shook up as I can be Ya say you were out shakin', doin' the Go Go Go Sometimes I really wonder if you know I'm in misery, I'm in misery I'm all upser and I'm shook up as I can be You make me think you've got something up your sleeve You shake me up a little, then you up and leave me in Misery, I'm in misery I'm all upser and I'm shook up as I can be Now, let me tell you something that I learned in school You reap just what you sow, so, baby, someday you'll be in Misery, you'll be in misery You'll be all upser and shook up over losing me
Chuck Berry
Move It
Fifty-five Ford died right on the road Drove for the curb, raised up the hood Couldn't see nothing wrong, line o' cars long Traffic bogged down, tryin' to drive around Officer Lamar, walkin' toward the car: "Move it!", "Come along move it", "You cannot stop it here, now move it", "Move it" "Get out of there, move it" Three and two the count, bases loaded down Slugger at the plate, known to hit 'em straight Tension from the fans, shoutin' in the stands Signal from the catch, pitcher's in the stretch Bat 'n' ball crack, pitcher's backin' back: "Move it!", "Move it!", "Get along, move it!" "The ball is droppin' past, now" "Move it!" "Let the ball, now, let's go home, now, move it!" She drives a Mustang, she lets her hair hang She dresses like a fish, makes you look and wish Puts you in a trance, body built to dance Disco queen, twistin' in between Play a super song, watch her get it on Pretty, wow! "Get hip, move it!" "Move it"
Chuck Berry
Mum's The Word
Mum's the word, don't start a ruckus, it's best Aunt Sue don't know ''cause she's so proud, so if she finds out I reckon we ought alert Uncle Joe Mum's the word, don't start a ruckus, Aunt Sue don't know Uncle Joe If rumour starts 'bout what she's been doin', I reckon we ought alert Uncle Joe Mum's the word, don't start a ruckus, Aunt Sue's been doing it, too They tell Uncle Joe everything they know, reckon we ought alert Aunt Sue ''cause Uncle Joe's liable to hurt Aunt Sue Mum's the word, un-huh, she done heard, Aunt Sue started to turn him on Say I heard some talk, you ain't got no squawk, been checkin' out stone to stone Just pack up and leave me alone
Chuck Berry
My Blue Christmas
If I could only have an hour of this holiday with you We could sit and rap together, spinning records old and new Have a little cake and a bit o' coke now and do the things we used to do Jingle bells will all be ringing and little kids' eyes all aglow Children strolling, singing carols, makin' tracks out in the snow Oh, but I'll be with you this Christmas, maybe yes and maybe no Christmas time is really joyful, oh, but it's a lonely season, too Many people are so cheerful and some are alone and blue What would make my Christmas happy if I could have it all alone with you But if I just can't be with you, let me call you on the phone I wanna tell you I still love you and how it feels to be alone Wanna wish you a merry Christmas as the old year passes on.
Chuck Berry
My Ding A Ling
My ding-a-ling-a-ling When I was a little biddy boy My grandma bought me a cute little toy Two silver bells on a string She told me it was my ding-a-ling-a-ling My ding-a-ling my ding-a-ling won't you play with my ding-a-ling My ding-a-ling my ding-a-ling won't you play with my ding-a-ling When I was little boy in grammar school Always went by the very best rule But every time the bell would ring You'd catch me playing with my ding-a-ling Once while climbing the garden wall, Slipped and fell had a very bad fall I fell so hard I heard birds sing, But I held on to my ding-a-ling Once while swimming cross turtle creek Man them snappers right at my feet Sure was hard swimming cross that thing With both hands holding my ding-a-ling Now this here song it ain't so bad Prettiest little song that you ever had And those of you who will not sing Must be playing with your on ding-a-ling
Chuck Berry
My Woman
Last night as I lay me down in bed Over and over I heard the last words my woman said Take me with you, I'm so lonesome But I choose to leave instead Yesterday, she came to me and held my hand Said she was blue and oh so lonesome And would I try to understand I didn't know till this morning How much my woman means to me This morning when I got home, she was not there I noticed her clothes were gone And a little note lay on my shelf Said as you read this, I love you still But I'll be gone, I don't know where Today I got the blues and I got 'em bad Last night as I lay sleeping My conscious will not go to rest Yesterday I lost the best woman I ever had One of these days, can't say where and I don't know when It may be in time, it may be soon It may be in a place I've never been But I'm gonna find that fine woman And together with her again
Chuck Berry
Nadine (Is It You?)
I got on a city bus and found a vacant seat, I thought I saw my future bride walking up the street, I shouted to the driver hey conductor, you must slow down. I think I see her please let me off this bus Nadine, honey is that you? Oh, Nadine. Honey, is that you? Seems like every time I see you Darling you got something else to do I saw her from the corner when she turned and doubled back And started walkin' toward a coffee colored cadillac I was pushin' through the crowd to get to where she's at And I was campaign shouting like a southern diplomat Downtown searching for her, looking all around. Saw her getting in a yellow cab heading up town. I caught a loaded taxi, paid up everybody's tab. With a twenty dollar bill, told him 'catch that yellow cab.' She move around like a wave of summer breeze, Go, driver, go, go, catch her balmy breeze. Moving through the traffic like a mounted cavalier. Leaning out the taxi window trying to make her hear.
Chuck Berry
No Money Down
As I was motivatin' Back in town I saw a Cadillac sign Sayin' "No Money Down" So I eased on my brakes And I pulled in the drive Gunned my motor twice Then I walked inside Dealer came to me Said "Trade in you Ford And I'll put you in a car That'll eat up the road Just tell me what you want And then sign on that line And I'll have it brought down to you In a hour's time" I'm gonna get me a car And I'll be headed on down the road Then I won't have to worry About that broken - down, raggedy Ford "Well Mister I want a yellow convertible Four - door de Ville With a Continental spare And a wide chrome wheel I want power steering And power brakes I want a powerful motor With a jet off - take I want air condition I want automatic heat And I want a full Murphy bed In my back seat I want short - wave radio I want TV and a phone You know I gotta talk to my baby When I'm ridin' alone" Yes I'm gonna get that car And I'm gonna head on down the road Yeah, then I won't have to worry About that broken - down, raggedy Ford "I want four carburetors And two straight exhausts I'm burnin' aviation fuel No matter what the cost I want railroad air horns And a military spark And I want a five - year guarantee On everything I got I want ten - dollar deductible I want twenty dollar notes I want thirty thousand liability" That's all she wrote I got me a car And I'm headed on down the road No money down I don't have to worry About that broken - down, raggedy Ford
Chuck Berry
Old Time Rock N Roll
Just take those old records off the shelf I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself Today's music ain't got the same soul I like that old time rock 'n' roll Don't try to take me to a disco You'll never even get me out on the floor In ten minutes I'll be late for the door I like that old time rock 'n' roll Still like that old time rock 'n' roll That kind of music just soothes the soul I reminisce about the days of old With that old time rock 'n' roll Won't go to hear them play a tango I'd rather hear some blues or funky old soul There's only one sure way to get me to go Start playing old time rock 'n' roll Call me a relic, call me what you will Say I'm old-fashioned, say I'm over the hill Today's music ain't got the same soul I like that old time rock 'n' roll Repeat Chorus x3 I like the Old time Rock 'n' Rock
Chuck Berry
Our Little Rendezvous
Hello little Suzie, hello little Suzie Can I walk home with, can I walk home with you ? To see will your mother and your father Let us have a rendezvous 'Cause I want you to be my, be my little loved one I will be true to you, to you my love, in every way And in our little rendezvous we'll have A beautiful wedding day Then I'll build a spaceship with a heavy payload We'll go 'bip-bip-bip' way out in the wide open blue Where we can love one another In our little rendezvous We'll take a basket, a short wave radio A-tunin' on the record shows all over the whole wide world And in our little rendezvous there'll be A happy boy and girl We'll kiss the moon, my love, go around the world We'll send a signal back to mom and dad from me and you Tell them they'll soon have a grandson In our little rendezvous Bip-bip-bip, bip-bip-bip Bip-bip, bip-bip...
Chuck Berry
Rain Eyes
Rain eyes that blur the rays of sunshine When all you see is seen through tears The whole world seems as though it's crying Rain eyes, that's how my world appears One sunny day in Lou'siana The clouds began to hover low And darkness came in early evening And brought a rain that would not go I's just a child when mother told me It seems your father's gone away It's not his fault, my child, forgive him I should have known he would not stay You're so much like him and he loves you But now his love's for only you Although he forced himself to leave you Forgiving me he could not do Rain eyes that cloud the hope of sunshine When everything is seen through tears The whole world seems as though it's crying Rain eyes, that's how my world appears It rains all evening into nighttime Then rains all night and through the day My mother's eyes are weak from crying Forgive her, she just lost her way Since you've been gone her eyes have clouded And darkness reigns her weary view She'd see again from your returning That God knows she's in love with you One rainy day in Louisiana The trade winds blew the clouds away A mother heard her boy shout, "Father" My God, 'tis him, he's come to stay
Chuck Berry
Rip It Up
Well it's Saturday night and I just got paid I'm a fool away my money, don't try to save My heart says, "Go go, have a time" 'cause Saturday night bar and I'm feelin' fine I'm gonna rock it up, I'll rip it up I'm gonna shake it up, I'm gonna ball it up I'm gonna rock it, ball tonight I got a date and I won't be late Pickin' her up in my '88 Cruise on down 'bout the union hall John starts jumpin', we'll have a ball Gonna rock it up, yes, I'm gonna rip it up I'm gonna shake it up, I'm gonna ball it up I'm gonna rock it and ball tonight 'Long about ten and I'm swingin' high Me and my baby, rocking up in the sky Don't care if I spend my dollar 'Cause tonight I'm gonna be one happy soul I'm gonna rock it up, I'll rip it up I'm gonna shake it up, I'm gonna ball it up I'm gonna rock it and ball tonight
Chuck Berry
Roll Away
Oh, well, look-a here what a good day we got today Why don't we get in the car, baby, and find some game to play Just let the top down now and get in and let us roll away Hey diddle, diddle, the dude told a riddle And the chick jumped over the seat So he kept her laughing, just to see such sport Because the dude thought the jump was neat Oh, well, look-a here what a good day we got today Why don't we jump in the car, baby, and go find some place to play Come on let the top down, get in and let's roll away A little country boy came to blow his horn The dude was in the meadow and the chick was in the corn Where was the dude that was driving the car Underneath the corn stalk playing guitar Oh, well, look-a there what a good day they got today Hey, djumping in the car and going to find some place to play And let the top down, baby, get in and let's roll away The little boy peeped and saw a big heap But he couldn't tell hide nor hair So he left the crack and they finally came back But they forgot and left the guitar there Oh, well, well, well, what a good day we got today Why don't we get back in the car, baby, and talk about the games we play Let's just let the top up, put her in and just roll away
Chuck Berry
Roll Over Beethoven
I'm gonna write a little letter, Gonna mail it to my local DJ It's a rockin' rhythm record I want my jockey to play Roll Over Beethoven, I gotta hear it again today You know, my temperature's risin' And the jukebox blows a fuse My heart's beatin' rhythm And my soul keeps on singin' the blues Roll Over Beethoven and tell Tchaikovsky the news I got the rockin' pneumonia, I need a shot of rhythm and blues I think I'm rollin' arthritis Sittin' down by the rhythm review Roll Over Beethoven rockin' in two by two Well, if you feel you like it Go get your lover, then reel and rock it Roll it over and move on up just A trifle further and reel and rock it, Roll it over, Roll Over Beethoven rockin' in two by two Well, early in the mornin' I'm a-givin' you a warnin' Don't you step on my blue suede shoes Hey diddle diddle, I am playin' my fiddle, Ain't got nothin' to lose Roll Over Beethoven and tell Tschaikowsky the news You know she wiggles like a glow worm, Dance like a spinnin' top She got a crazy partner, Oughta see 'em reel and rock Long as she got a dime the music will never stop Roll Over Beethoven, Roll Over Beethoven, Roll Over Beethoven, Roll Over Beethoven, Roll Over Beethoven and dig these rhythm and blues
Chuck Berry
Route 66
Well if you ever plan to motor west Just take my way that's the highway that's the best Get your kicks on Route 66 Well it winds from Chicago to L.A. More than 2000 miles all the way Get your kicks on Route 66 Well it goes from St Louis, down to Missouri Oklahoma city looks oh so pretty You'll see Amarillo and Gallup, New Mexico Flagstaff, Arizona don't forget Winona Kingsman, Barstaw, San Bernadino Would you get hip to this kindly trip And go take that California trip Get your kick on Route 66 Well it goes from St. Louis, down to Missouri Oklahoma city looks oh so pretty You'll see Amarillo and Gallup, New Mexico Flagstaff, Arizona don't forget Winona Kingsman, Barstaw, San Bernadino Would you get hip to this kindly trip And go take that California trip Get your kick on Route 66 Get your kick on Route 66
Chuck Berry
Run Around
Lord knows that I love you, why can't we get along ? Lord knows that I love you, why can't we get along ? You don't have to run around, doin' things you know is wrong I'll do anything in this world to please you, but I won't let you run around I'll do anything to please you darlin', but I won't let you run around Last time I held on to you, this time I might put you down So long, so long baby, there's no future for me and you So long pretty baby, no future for me and you I love you too much to let you run around the way you do
Chuck Berry
Run Rudolph Run
Out of all the reindeers you know you're the mastermind Run, run Rudolph, Randalph ain't too far behind Run, run Rudolph, Santa's got to make it to town Santa make him hurry, tell him he can take the freeway down Run, run Rudolph 'cause I'm reelin' like a merry-go-round Said Santa to a boy child "What have you been longing for?" "All I want for Christmas is a Rock and Roll electric guitar" And then away went Rudolph a whizzing like a shooting star Run, run Rudolph, Santa's got to make it to town, come on Santa make him hurry, tell him he can take the freeway down Run, run Rudolph, reeling like a merry-go-round Said Santa to a girl child "What would please you most to get?" "A little baby doll that can cry, sleep, and wet" And then away went Rudolph a whizzing like a Saber jet Run, run Rudolph, Santa's got to make it to town Santa make him hurry, tell him he can take the freeway down Run, run Rudolph 'cause I'm reelin' like a merry-go-round
Chuck Berry
School Days
Up in the mornin' and out to school The teacher is teachin' the Golden Rule American history and practical math You studyin' hard and hopin' to pass Workin' your fingers right down to the bone And the guy behind you won't leave you alone Ring, ring goes the bell The cook in the lunch room's ready to sell You're lucky if you can find a seat You're fortunate if you have time to eat Back in the classroom, open your books Keep up the teacher don't know how mean she looks Soon as three o'clock rolls around You finally lay your burden down Close up your books, get out of your seat Down the halls and into the street Up to the corner and 'round the bend Right to the juke joint, you go in Drop the coin right into the slot You're gotta hear somethin' that's really hot With the one you love, you're makin' romance All day long you been wantin' to dance, Feeling the music from head to toe Round and round and round we go Hail, hail rock and roll Deliver me from the days of old Long live rock and roll The beat of the drums, loud and bold Rock, rock, rock and roll The feelin' is there, body and soul.
Chuck Berry
Some People
Some people live each week in fun and play From sweat by you and by me While we must toil so long each day Just to stay alive and free Some people live in homes, so content and reposed Unrushed through all the woe While we share that woe With those who have no woe at all Some people live with much and care the least If war should end or stay While we, with less, pay more for peace Uum, why should it be this way ? Oh, the day's sure to come When we would have to live In love and peace and happiness And we will have the will to love And to give to those who do have less
Chuck Berry
Soul Rocking
Moving out to California, I've been living in Missouri too long When the sun sets tomorrow your soul rocking love'll be gone And I really doubt that I'll be back because I'm taking everything that I own Bright lights, big city, I am ready, ready, ready for you Bye-bye, Alma Mater, I've got to see what I can do Just tell the folks back home I'm on a soul rocking rendezvous No more yak-a-ty yak-a-ty, farewell, my best to you You know you kept on teasing me just to see what I would do Now, I've got a soul rocker baby, see if you can get yourself one, too Oh, soul rocking, baby, you know you make my head act up Oh, send me, send me, deliver me into your world Let me loose, let me live, let me love a soul rocking girl
Chuck Berry
Stop And Listen
Stop and listen, I hear my baby call my name Stop and listen, I hear my baby call my name She don't call too loud, but she calls, ooh, nice and plain Stop and listen, before you make a start Stop and listen, before you make a start Because if you fall in love, it may break your heart I love my baby, I'll tell the world I do I love you, baby, I'll tell the world I do And they'll just have to stop and listen to everything for you
Chuck Berry
Sweet Little Sixteen
They're really rockin' Boston In Pittsburgh, P. A. Deep in the heart of Texas And 'round the Frisco Bay All over St. Louis And down in New Orleans All the cats want to dance with Sweet little sixteen Sweet little sixteen She's just got to have About half a million Framed autographs Her wallet filled with pictures She gets 'em one by one Become so excited Watch her, look at her run Oh mommy mommy Please may I go It's such a sight to see Somebody steal the show Oh daddy daddy I beg of you Whisper to mommy It's all right with you 'Cause they'll be rockin' on Bandstand In Philadelphia P.A. Deep in the heart of Texas And 'round the Frisco Bay All over St. Louis Way down in New Orleans All the cats want to dance with Sweet little sixteen 'Cause they'll be rockin' on Bandstand Philadelphia P.A. Deep in the heart of Texas And 'round the Frisco Bay All over St. Louis Way down in New Orleans All the cats want to dance with Sweet little sixteen Sweet little sixteen She's got the grown up blues Tight dresses and lipstick She's sportin' high heel shoes Oh, but tomorrow morning She'll have to change her trend And be sweet sixteen And back in class again Well they'll be rockin' Boston Pittsburgh, P. A. Deep in the heart of Texas And 'round the Frisco Bay Way out in St. Louis Way down to New Orleans All the cats want to dance with Sweet little sixteen
Chuck Berry
Tell You About My Buddy
I'm goin' tell you about my buddy But I'm not goin' reveal his name 'Cause it's his life to live and he's livin' it Claim it to fame or a game of shame To each his own let nim live it But there are those who may not agree But I goin' tell you about my buddy Ev'ry thing like he told it to me A woman's the most peculiar creature And so few has missed his hand And out of all the ones that he's been with You know, not one wouldn't take him again Before you really know a sensuous woman You have to be with her when she's alone She could say no and then want you to leave her And call you right back home after you're gone You never can tell until after you've tried her And then you might still be way off the track Because it's the red and the white and the yellow Has exactly what's packed in the black One was a co-ed from Pennsylvania One from Toronto who dug him the most One was a rich widow in Houston And one was a freak from the western coast One was a teacher out of Chicago And one had plans to become a nun And one was the last one I thought he'd cling to But she was tahe one who gave him a son So people, I'll tell you 'bout my buddy And like I say, I just can't reveal his name It's his life and he's gonna live it Claim it to fame or game or shame Claim it fame or game or shame Just a game or fame or shame Fame or game or shame Fame or game or shame Fame or game or shame Claim it fame or game or shame
Chuck Berry
The Little Girl From Central
The little girl from Central The little girl from Central that all the boys acclaim, The way she sings and dances, she's gonna build a name. She turns down romances, but then who could blame, The little girl from Central, she's got her heart on fame. The little girl's a scholar and a beauty too, The sweet ways about her will take effect on you. She's got a world of talent, knows just what to do, The little girl from Central, a tweedle dee dee doo. The little girl's creative, a repertoire that rings, And Hollywood is waiting, to see the way she swings. She'll be graduating, goin' on to higher things, The little girl from Central is gonna take on wings. The little girl's a scholar and a beauty too, The sweet ways about her will take effect on you. She's got a world of talent, knows just what to do, The little girl from Central, a tweedle dee dee doo.
Chuck Berry
Too Much Monkey Business
Runnin' to-and-fro - hard workin' at the mill. Never fail in the mail - yeah, come a rotten bill! Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business for me to be involved in! Salesman talkin' to me - tryin' to run me up a creek. Says you can buy now, gone try - you can pay me next week, ahh! Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business for me to be involved in! Blond have good looks - tryin' to get me hooked. Want me to marry - get a home - settle down - write a book! Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business for me to be involved in! Same thing every day - gettin' up, goin' to school. No need for me to complain - my objection's overruled, ahh! Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business for me to be involved in! Pay phone - something wrong - dime gone - will hold I ought to sue the operator for spinning me a tale- ahh! Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business for me to be involved in! Been to Yokohama - been fightin' in the war. Army bunk - Army chow - Army clothes - Army car, aah! Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business for me to be involved in! Workin' in the fillin' station - too many tasks. Wipe the windows - check the tires - check the oil - dollar gas! Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business. Don't want your botheration, get away, leave me! TOO MUCH MONKEY BUSINESS FOR ME!!
Chuck Berry
Trick Or Treat
Trick or treat Trick or treat, baby, on a night like this, Trick or treat, wo, wo, an d that means a kiss. Trick or treat, baby, and don't let me miss A sweet kiss from you on a night like this. Trick or treat, baby, by the light of the moon, Trick or treat, wo, wo, don't leave me so soon. Trick or treat, baby, I go in a swoon From the sweet way you kiss me by the light of the moon. Trick or treat, baby, oh, what a night, Trick or treat, wo, wo, what a sweet delight. Trick or treat, baby, and hold me tight, And keep kissin' me sweetly, oh, what a night. Trick or treat, baby, in your own sweet way, Trick or treat, wo, wo, anything you say. Trick or treat, wo, wo, wo, wo, I just love for you to kiss me in your own sweet way.
Chuck Berry
Tulane and Johnny opened a novelty shop, Back under the counter, was the cream of the crop, Ev'rything was clickin, and the business was good, 'Till one day, lo and behold an officer stood. Johnny jumped the counter but he stumbled and fell, But Tulane made it over Johnny fell as he yelled, Chorus: Go head on, Tulane, he can't catch up with you. Go Tulane, he ain't man enough for you. Go Tulane, use all the speed you got. Go Tulane, you know you need a lot. Go Tulane, he's laggin behind. Go 'head on, Tulane. Go by your father's house and tell him business is slow And see if he will loan us something, soon as he hits the dough. Put the cat out in the hall and rumple up the room Go by Doctor Keller's, tell him you swallowed some perfume Tell him we need him quick, 'cuz he may have to testify That you been sick all day and that's a perfect alibi Chorus: Go,let Daddy drive in case you run into the Man Back by the shop and get the stuff and hide it in the van. Go back by your father's, get the money for the bail. And bring it down and bail me out this rotten, funky jail. We gotta get a lawyer in the clique of politics Somebody who can win the thing or get the thing fixed. Chorus: Go 'head on, Tulane.
Chuck Berry
Viva Viva Rock 'n' Roll
Rock it, g'on jerk it, child, work it Rock it, g'on take it, child, shake it Rock it, singing the song Viva, viva, rockin' along Grandma and Grandpa did the Charleston Rug Aunt Mary and Uncle Joe, they did the Jitterbug My sister used to do the Twist and Shout But I'm with the Go-Go, I'm workin' out Rock on, g'on jerk it, child, work it Rock on, go 'head and shake it I can take it Rock on, oh, my soul Viva, viva, Rock and Roll Rock and Roll My mother had my sister learning Bach and Strauss For years it was the only music in our house But I got my guitar and I rearranged Bach And came up with some good old folk and country rock Rock on, go 'head and jerk it, child, work it Rock on, go 'head and take it I can shake it Rock on, oh, my soul Viva, viva, Rock and Roll
Chuck Berry
Welcome Back Pretty Baby
Hello, pretty baby How did your vacation go ? You know I long to be with you Because I really missed you so You must have many things to tell me But only one I yearn to know Shall we dance, pretty baby And does your love for me remain ? It's been a long hot summer With no one to entertain Ah, it's really boss to hold your hand, baby Dance and talk with you again Bye, bye for now But I shall call you on the phone I want to tell you how boss it was To have been your chaperone And if you choose me for your steady Darling, you'll never walk alone
Chuck Berry
Worried Life Blues
Oh lordy Lord, oh lordy Lord It hurts me so bad for us to part But someday, baby, I ain't gonna worry my life anymore So many nights since you've been gone I've had to worry my life along But someday, baby, I ain't gonna worry my life anymore How many times, how many times since you went away Have I set and cried and cried both night and day Someday, baby, I ain't gonna worry my life anymore You're on my mind, baby, every place I go How much I love you, nobody knows But someday, baby, I ain't gonna worry my life anymore So that's my story, baby, this is all I got to say to you Bye-bye, baby, I don't care what you do Someday, baby, I ain't gonna worry my life anymore
Chuck Berry
Wuden't Me
Old boy he ran a little stop sign in the south And he got in deeper trouble with his mouth They wouldn't let him phone or make a bail Just let him sit there in that Delford County jail It wudn't me, it wudn't me I'm so glad it wudn't me No phone, no bail, no plea Oh, I'm so glad it wudn't me He had to break out of that Delford County jail They put a Grand Dragon posse on his trail And seven Alabama bloodhounds in a line Buckin' and barkin' for a bite of his behind It wudn't me, it wudn't me I'm so glad it wudn't me Hung posses ain't my cup o'tea Oh, I'm so glad it wudn't me He was streakin' through the Delta double three But them hungry hounds was gainin'on his lee His feet was playin' "Louisiana Bound" Lord, you help me pick 'em up, I'll put 'em down (Amen) It wudn't me, it wudn't me I'm so glad it wudn't me Prayin' ain't no sure guarantee Oh, I'm so glad it wudn't me He was streakin' through the Delta, stridin' wide But that leadin' hound was meters from his hide Lord, bless my feet, don't let 'em go corrupt I'll lay 'em down as fast as you can pick 'em up It wudn't me, it wudn't me I'm so glad it wudn't me Just meters from a canine jubilee Oh, I'm so glad it wudn't me He reached a highway through the ticket on the side And a trucker came along and let him ride But as he settled down to thank him for no harm He saw a swasti-KKK band on his arm That's when he knew he had to get on help his self 'Stead if sittin' pinnin' it on somebody else He hung a left into that thicket 'cross the fence And ain't nobody ever sawed or seen him since It wudn't me, it wudn't me I'm so glad it wudn't me It ain't quite my kinda cup o'tea Jeez, I'm glad it wudn't me It wudn't me, it was not me I'm so glad it wudn't me It just ain't my kinda cup o'tea Jeez, am I glad it wudn't me
Chuck Berry
You Never Can Tell
It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them well You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle And now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell, "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell They furnished off an apartment with a two room Roebuck sale The coolerator was crammed with TV dinners and ginger ale, But when Pierre found work, the little money comin' worked out well "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell They had a hi-fi phono, boy, did they let it blast Seven hundred little records, all rock, rhythm and jazz But when the sun went down, the rapid tempo of the music fell "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell They bought a souped-up jitney, 'twas a cherry red '53, They drove it down to Orleans to celebrate the anniversary It was there that Pierre was married to the lovely mademoiselle "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell
Bad Attitude Shuffle
When I get up in the morning Got a world of trouble on my mind And nothin' seems too easy When your clock's tickin' quarter to five Make my way down to the door Can't put my troubles on no shelf Cause when nobody worries for you You got to worry for yourself Cruisin' in my four wheels It's got everything I need inside Think I'll stop and fill it up for the ride Man said that be twenty dollars Mister, by the way how's your health I said mister here's your money Now you keep your questions for yourself And it's my life that I'm livin' Wouldn't want to be no one else So if you don't like how I dot it Ya better keep it to yourself Kick it in When I get up in the morning Got a world of trouble on my mind And nothin' seems too easy When your clock's tickin' quarter to nine Make my way down to the door Can't put my troubles on no shelf Cause when nobody worries for you You got to worry for yourself And it's my life that I'm livin' Wouldn't want to be no one else So if you don't like how I do it Ya better keep it to yourself And it's my life that I'm livin' Wouldn't want to be no one else So if you don't like how I do it Fuckin' keep it to yourself
Dead Man's Road
When I was young, old man sat me on his knee He told me if I had a dream, I could be what I want to be Now life goes on a voice echoes in the wind It's telling me to carry on, now I know that it's him [Chorus] He said whoa, watch out boy Don't go messing with your life cause it ain't no toy Lord help ya to carry life's load It could all pass you by down on dead man's road Now I got a good woman Ya know she's looking out for me And if I get a little blind ya know she helps me to see But I gotta keep running because they're catching up to me I think I hear that voice again, this time it says to me [Chorus] When I was young old man sat me on his knee He told me if I had a dream I could be what I want to be Now life goes on a voice echoes in the wind It's telling me to carry on now I know that it's him [Chorus x2]
Electric Love
When I was down An angel came to me And she touched me inside That woman set me free Turned on the light So I could see That there was fire inside And I could feel the heat She's got the power, she gets me high She can take a storm and make it shine She keeps the spark burning over time That woman's got electric love Ooo, electric love There ain't no medicine That makes me fly Like when I'm with my sweet woman She keeps me so satisfied And if we had no money We'd still get by And if the world should stop turnin' Our love would be alive She's got the power, she gets me high She can take a storm and make it shine She keeps the spark burning over time That woman's got electric love Look out She's got the power, she's gets me high She can take a storm and make it shine She keeps the spark burning over time That woman's got electric love Whoa yeah She gets me high, so high Ooo yeah, she makes the stars shine Burning all the time That woman's got electric love Electric love Electric love She's got the fire She's got the fire Electric love Electric love Electric love
Fallin' Apart At The Seams (Live)
Old man looks much younger now He lost his strength, respect somehow Look in the mirror at what I found It's just the past and it's over now Ooh, it's over now Ooh, it's over now My heart's like a wheel Head's just a stone I got my memories Ain't got no home (Fallin') Ooh, fallin' apart at the seams (Fallin') Ooh, yeah, fallin' apart at the seams Old friends seem much closer now They stand the test of time somehow Look at the winner who hit the ground It comes around and then it goes back down Ooh, it's over now Ooh, it's over now My heart's like a wheel Head's just a stone I got no memories Ain't got no home (Fallin') Ooh, fallin' apart at the seams (Fallin') Ooh, yeah, fallin' apart at the seams My heart's like a wheel Head's just a stone I got my memories Ain't got no home (Fallin') Ooh, fallin' apart at the seams (Fallin') Ooh, yeah, fallin' apart at the seams (Fallin') I'm fallin' fallin' (Fallin') Ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah
Fire And Ice
And do ya feel like I feel When I want you baby Inside can't ya hide Cause it's scratchin' right through Come on And take it easy, nowhere to go She'll take ya fast and she'll take ya slow Like fire and ice She'll take your heart away Fire and ice She'll take your breath away And when ya shake for me, shake for me Shake for me ooo yea Ya take me down and around When ya do what ya do Come on And take it easy, nowhere to go She'll take ya fast and she'll take ya slow Like fire and ice She'll take your heart away Fire and ice She'll take your breath away Don't let me down I couldn't take it this time Don't kick me round I'll kick you out of my mind Take it Fire and ice Fire and ice Fire and ice She'll take your heart away Fire and ice She'll take your breath away Fire and ice She'll take your heart away Fire and ice She'll take your breath away fire and ice She'll leave ya breathless Fire and ice
You say I get around but I'm gonna hit the ground I don't hear a word you're sayin' Going out of my head and The world's turnin' red Don't think I'll be stayin' You got your fancy pants now Wear 'em to the dance All I got is what I'm playin' But the trouble with you is there ain't just a few Don't take the ride unless you're payin' Like a hot burnin' fire Blazin' out of control I couldn't get much higher, I'm Freewheelin Nothin' gets in my way When I'm freewheelin I'm free yea Take a look around cause it's all fallin' down Fallin' from the dream that we created I'm lookin' up at the sky and I'm wondering why Why it's all deflated You got a million and one ways to have fun Everything I've done is over-rated So take a step back cause I don't need the flack I can see your promises a fadin' Like a hot burnin' fire Blazin' out of control I couldn't get much higher, I'm Freewheelin Nothin' gets in my way When I'm freewheelin I'm free yea Like a hot burnin' fire Blazin' out of control I couldn't get much higher, I'm Freewheelin Nothin' gets in my way When I'm freewheelin I'm free yea Freewheelin Nothing get in my way When I'm freewheelin I'm free yea Freewheelin When I'm freewheelin I'm free yea
Gypsy Road
I used to be not what you see now, lord I try And now it seems all those dreams have come true, but they're passing me by Some fast talkin' mama goin down to put a smile on my face I'm drivin' all night I end up in the same old place My gypsy road can't take me home I drive all night just to see the light My gypsy road can't take me home I keep on pushin' cause it feels alright And who's to care if I grow my hair to the sky I'll take a wish and a prayer cross my fingers cause I always get by Some fast talkin' jerk wiped the smile off my face I'm drivin all night Just to keep the rat in the race My gypsy road can't take me home I drive all night just to see the light My gypsy road can't take me home I keep on pushin' cause it feels alright Sometimes I feel so old Got my lights burnin' bright But I'm lookin' pretty sold Sometimes I feel so cold So cold Lets go Got to get on home My gypsy road can't take me home My gypsy road can't take me home, t-t-take me My gypsy road can't take me home I drive all night just to see the light My gypsy road can't take me home I keep on pushin' cause it feels alright My gypsy road can't take me home I drive all night just to see the light My gypsy road can't take me home I keep on p-p-pushin' My gypsy road My gypsy road My gypsy road My gypsy road My gypsy road
Hard To Find The Words
Mama sometimes I feel inside There's nothing I can say Nothing I can do Could ever match the love you gave You taught me how to live Told me walk before you run And you were always there to pick me up Everytime I'd have a fall And mama I know there's been times When I didn't always understrand By and by we do some growing up And it makes just a little more sense But sometimes it's hard to find the words But I'll do the best that I can Thank you for the love mama It's what made this boy a man I know the road's been long And I know you've seen some rain Making the best of what we had I never heard you complain When I look in the mirror today Wondering could I be as strong Could I give as much to someone else As you gave to your son And mama I know there's been times When we didn't see eye to eye By and by we do some growing up And we understand the reasons why But sometimes it's hard to find the words But I'll do the best I can Thank you for the love mama It's what made this boy a man, yea Many years have gone by And I've been living them the best I can And mama I know there's been times When I didn't always understand By and by we do some growing up And it makes just a little more sense But sometimes it's hard to find the words But I'll do the best I can Thank you for the love mama It's what made this boy a man, yea
Heartbreak Station
Waiting at the station Tears filling up my eyes Sometimes the pain you hide Burns like a fire inside Look out my window Sometimes it's hard to see The things you want in life Come and go so easily She took the last train out of my heart oh, oh She took the last train And now I think I'll make a brand new start She took the last train out of my heart Watching the days go by Thinking 'bout the plans we made The days turn into years Funny how they fade away Sometimes I think of those days Sometimes I just hide away Waiting on that 9:20 train Waiting on a memory She took the last train out of my heart oh, oh She took the last train And now I think I'll make a brand new start She took the last train out of my heart My lady's on the fly and she's never coming back My love is like a steam train rolling down the tracks yea, yea She took the last train out of my heart oh oh She took the last train And now I think I'll make a brand new start She took the last train out of my heart She took the last train oh, out of my heart She took the last train And now I think I'll make a new start Last train out of my heart