Summer Nights
[Danny] Summer lovin' had me a blast [Sandy] Summer lovin' happened so fast [Danny] I met a girl crazy for me [Sandy] Met a boy cute as can be [Both] Summer days driftin' away, to uh-oh those summer nights [Everyone] Uh Well-a well-a well-a huh [Thunderbirds] Tell me more, tell me more [Doody] Did you get very far? [Pink Ladies] Tell me more, tell me more [Marty] Like does he have a car? [Everyone] Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh [Danny] She swam by me, she got a cramp [Sandy] He ran by me, got my suit damp [Danny] I saved her life, she nearly drowned [Sandy] He showed off, splashing around [Both] Summer sun, something's begun, but uh-oh those summer nights [Everyone] Uh well-a well-a well-a huh [Pink Ladies] Tell me more, tell me more [Frenchy] Was it love at first sight? [Thunderbirds] Tell me more, tell me more [Kenickie] Did she put up a fight? [Everyone] Uh-huh-uh-huh-uh-huh-uh-huh [Danny] Took her bowling in the arcade [Sandy] We went strolling, drank lemonade [Danny] We made out under the dock [Sandy] We stayed out 'till ten o'clock [Both] Summer fling, don't mean a thing, but uh-oh those summer nights [Everyone] Uh well-a well-a well-a huh [Thunderbirds] Tell me more, tell me more [Putzie] But you don't gotta brag [Pink Ladies] Tell me more, tell me more [Rizzo] Cause he sounds like a drag [Everyone] Shoo-bop bop, shoo-bop bop, shoo-bop bop, shoo-bop bop, shoo-bop bop, shoo-bop bop, shoo-bop bop, YEH [Sandy] He got friendly, holding my hand [Danny] While she got friendly down in the sand [Sandy] He was sweet, just turned eighteen [Danny] Well she was good you know what I mean [Everyone] Woah! [Both] Summer heat, boy and girl meet, but uh-oh those summer nights [Everyone] Woo, woo, woo [Pink Ladies] Tell me more, tell me more [ Jan] How much dough did he spend? [Thunderbirds] Tell me more, tell me more [Sonny] Could she get me a friend? [Sandy] It turned colder - that's where it ends [Danny] So I told her we'd still be friends [Sandy] Then we made our true love vow [Danny] Wonder what she's doing now [Both] Summer dreams ripped at the seams, Bu-ut oh, those su-ummer nights... [Everyone] Tell me more, tell me more!
We'll Be Together
Verse 1: You were the one, the one in my dreams, but I never knew it I wanted to tell you, time and again, but I couldn't do it All that you, are is all that I need, no more predending Now I can be me, you can be you, and we never ending Chorus: We'll be together, always together, like birds of a feather Forever and ever, we'll be together Verse 2: I like what you got, I guess it's okay if you want to show it I am what I am, and I'm over you, just want you to know it Will I ever score? There's is nothing wrong with just liking each other We all had our doubts, but it"s working out with one and other Chorus 2x Like birds of a feather, forever and ever We'll be together, always together We'll be together, always together
Great Big Sea
Barque In The Harbour
From a barge in the harbor I went roaming on shore And stepped into a pub where I was oft times before And as I was sitting and enjoying my glass Who chanced to walk in but a young Spanish lass She sat down beside me and kept squeezing my hand Saying 'Sir you're a stranger not long to this land' Will you roam, Johnny Sailor, would you roam along with me To some lonesome spot where nobody can see [Chorus] Don't you leave me Johnny Sailor' were the words she did cry Waving and weeping and wiping her eyes When you reach home in your own Newfoundland Think of the young Spaniard who kept squeezing your hand I quickly consented with her for to roam She lived by herself in a neat little home She was brisk, plump and jolly and her age scare 19 And the name of that maiden I think was Irene One fine summer's morning our ship, she set sail And down by the seashore lovely Irene she came Waving her pocket handkerchief and wiping her eyes Don't leave me Johnny Sailor' were the words she did cry [Chorus] I'll give you farewell love on a fine summer's breeze But love don't forget me when you're crossing the sea And when you are married and enjoying your bride Think on the young maiden who lay by your side [Chorus]
Great Big Sea
Beat The Drum
I still hear the snares in the square Colors ablaze in the evening The air was still down the stormy hills It's good to be young and daring She was the pride of the summer that year She was my sweetheart, my lady We walked to Black Rock and stopped by the Loch It's good to be young and daring [Chorus] Beat the drum, Beat the drum Like a heartbeat, Lonely and Strong Beat the Drum Across the bay I can still hear the strains The two step loud and blaring We walked hand and hand to the beat of the band It's good to be young and daring I still hear the snares in the square Colors ablaze in the evening She was the pride of the summer that year It's good to be young and daring
Great Big Sea
Berry Picking Time
Well I spied a berry bush as I was strolling home one day And somehow it brought back the bygone days Of when you and I were berry picking many years ago In a little county not so far away How well I do remember the day when we first met It leaves a picture in my mind I never can forget [Chorus] We were picking berries at Old Aunt Mary's When I picked a blushing bride As we strolled home together, I just wondered whether I could win you forever if I tried Then at love's suggestion, I popped the question And asked you to be mine By your kisses I knew, you'd picked me and I'd picked you At berry picking time [Chorus] Well how sweet you were that day, in your simple gingham gown To me you were as lovely as a Queen When from underneath your bonnet popped a pair of golden curls And the bluest eyes that I have ever seen Your lips were red as cherries, the taste was twice as sweet It only took one kiss to make my happiness complete [Chorus]
Great Big Sea
Billy Peddle
Billy Peddle Billy Peddle did you see Tom White? Billy Peddle Billy Peddle did you see Tom White? Billy Peddle Billy Peddle did you see Tom White? Gone around the harbour gonna stay all night Gone around the harbour gonna get a dose of beer Gone around the harbour gonna get away from here Gone around the harbour gonna have a cup of tea If you see a Billy Peddle tell him I wants he! Repeat
Great Big Sea
Boston And St. John's
Girl, don't tell me that it's morning Can we keep the curtains drawn I haven't given you fair warning But our ship, she sails at dawn [Chorus] It's true I must be going but I swear I won't be long There isn't that much ocean between Boston and St. John's I'm a rover and I'm bound to sail away I'm a rover. Can you love me anyway? And if some suitor comes approaching Will you let him through your door And what if I return half broken Will you still want me anymore? [Chorus] Close your eyes and dream Tell me what you see Tell me what you want Just tell me that you'll wait for me Girl, don't tell me that it's morning Can we keep the curtains drawn I haven't given you fair warning But our ship, she sails at dawn [Chorus]
Great Big Sea
Buying Time
I stayed awake for hours again last night Searchin' for a reasoning to keep up the fight I've made choices I'll regret I've got problems I don't get I didn't wanna carry the heavier load You can't always take the middle road There comes a time when you make up your mind And the point gets left behind [Chorus] Let's wait one more day for the conversation One more day to make it right Let's get away from the confrontation One more day just buying time For years and years you can drift along And write another verse to an endless song Wait one more day til the time is right Hopin' that you both see the light You won't see the light [Chorus] I'm not afraid to be alone I'm not afraid to be alone I stayed awake for hours again last night Searchin' for a reasoning to keep up the fight I've made choices I don't regret I've got problems and problems and problems [Chorus] Just buying time [Repeat x2]
Great Big Sea
Can't Stop Falling
I wasn't looking for a lover, I wasn't looking for a friend I wasn't working undercover, I wasn't trying to pretend But when you walked across the dance floor, just like the moon across the sky I knew that I would have to see more, I knew that I would have to try I look into your eyes and I realize Oh no, I can't stop falling My heart betrays me And I know, I'll start to feel it all again Won't someone save me? She jumped aboard the brown line, I accidentally caught her eye She told me she was born a Libra, and I told her I was Gemini She made suggestive conversation, then she lightly brushed my hand Overcome by her temptation, we jumped off down by the strand And in the English night, oh I realize it again Oh no, I can't stop falling My heart betrays me And I know, I'll start to feel it all again Won't someone save me? She asks me to come inside, we could just talk for a while I wonder if I should, but her touch, her touch, it feels so good. I look into your eyes, and I realize it again. Oh no, I can't stop falling My heart betrays me And I know, I'll start to feel it all again Won't someone save me?
Great Big Sea
Captain Kidd
[Chorus] My name is Captain Kidd As I sailed, as I sailed Oh my name is Captain Kidd as I sailed My name is Captain Kidd And God's laws I did forbid And most wickedly I did as I sailed My father taught me well To shun the gates of hell But against him I rebelled as I sailed He shoved a bible in my hand But I left it in the sand And I pulled away from land As I sailed [Chorus] I murdered William Moore And I left him in his gore Twenty leagues away from shore As I sailed And being crueler still, the gunner did I kill All his precious blood did spill As I sailed [Chorus] I was sick and nigh to death And I vowed at every breath Oh to walk in wisdom's path As I sailed But my repentance lasted not My vows I soon forgot Oh damnation is my lot As I sailed [Chorus] To the execution dock Lay my head upon the block Laws no more I'll mock as I sail So take warning here and heed To shun bad company Or you'll wind up just like me As I sailed
Great Big Sea
Demasduit's Dream
I dreamt I saw a woman Standing by the strand Waiting for her people To come in from the land Waiting there for seven days She built a fire in the sand Waiting for her people To come in from the land She had the look of a refugee Hiding in her eyes And when I tried to talk to her She answered with a cry And pointed to the water Out beyond the harbour line Where a thousand ships lay waiting They lay waiting for my sign Chorus: I remember days of sunlight With my father by my side And the children, ran before us Like the foam upon the tide We ran like frightened partridge When the strangers came to talk Bringing sickness 'round them And the thunder in their walk We ran into the valleys And we ran into the hills They only ran before us, Driven by the strangers' will Chorus I'm waiting by the landwash Giant standing near I see them coming always Children in their fear I'm waiting on my blanket And the giant waits with me And I will wait here always As they fill the endless sea Chorus Repeat
Great Big Sea
Dream To Live
Set off for America far across the ragin' sea From the frozen coves of my island home To the land of liberty I have to leave my girl behind Until I make my way Oh Molly dear please wait for me I'll come back for you some day We landed hard in Boston And I'd never seen the like A small boat boy from around the bay In this sea of shining lights Two days in I got a job Building towers of high steel I had to learn, to not look down And I quickly learned to kneel All I need is one good nights sleep In your loving arms, to mend We sleep to dream And we dream to live Will I live to love you again I saved every cent I could But the months turned into years Then a letter came from Molly And confirmed my deepest fears She would no longer wait for me, She'd found a better man I might have been in America, But my heart was broken In Newfoundland My working days are over now And my children have all grown I did the best with what I had But some days I feel alone I often wonder where you are Do you still know my name Deep inside this old man's heart There's a love that still remains
Great Big Sea
We were far from the shores of England Far from our children and wives To play our hand in the Newfoundland Where the wind cuts like a knife We were far from the shores of England We shipped on board the Maryanne To find a better life And we walked across the water When she broke up on the ice We came ashore in Carbonear With nothing but our rights And I wondered if I e'er again Would see my London lights We were far from the shores of England Far from our children and wives To play our hand in the Newfoundland Where the wind cuts like a knife We were far from the shores of England We spend our days amid the waves Working water, hook and twine We would go for weeks with blistered cheeks Waiting for the sun to shine But as long as the sky hold over us We will not taste the brine And we'll curse the cod With the fear of God As we haul in every line We were far from the shores of England Far from our children and wives To play our hand in the Newfoundland Where the wind cuts like a knife We were far from the shores of England Far from our native soil To chase a wish and hunt the Fish And on the rocks to toil We were far from the shores of England Should we find Fortune's Favor And be spared from the gale We will live off honest labor With our hearts as big as sails But if I should die don't bury me Or leave me to the sea Send my bones back to my home Where my spirit can be free We were far from the shores of England Far from our children and wives To play our hand in the Newfoundland Where the wind cuts like a knife We were far from the shores of England Far from our native soil To chase a wish and hunt the Fish And on the rocks to toil We were far from the shores of England
Great Big Sea
Fast As I Can
From the first hello you gave to me I've done nothing else but smile And I know you're in a hurry, but it's gonna take a while So forgive me if we go slow, but there's something I think you should know I'm going fast as I can, please don't make me rush This feeling's coming on way too fast I'll tell you all of the things that you'll never forget But I'm not ready say, "I love you" yet I'm not ready to say "I love you" yet Don't push me in too deep, I've always been the fool who rushes in You've got to take the pieces one by one before you've got everything So forgive me if we go slow but there's something I think you should know There'll be times when I'm mistaken, there'll be times when we're gonna fight But you needn't doubt we can work it out and in time we'll get it right So forgive me if we go slow but there's something I think you should know From the first hello
Great Big Sea
Ferryland Sealer
Oh, our schooner and our sloop in Ferryland they do lie They are already rigged to be bound for the ice All you lads of the Southern we will have you to beware She is going to the ice in the Spring of the year [Chorus:] Laddie whack fall the laddie, laddie whack fall the day Our course be east-north-east for two days and two nights Our captain he cried out "Boys, look ahead for the ice!" He hove her about standing in for the land, And 'twas in a few hours we were firm in the jam. Oh our captain he cried out, "Come on boys and lend a hand!" Our cook he gets the breakfast and each man takes a dram. With their hats in their hands it was earlye for to go, Every man showed his action 'thout the missing of a blow Some were killing some were scalping, some were hauling on board, Some more they were firing and a-missing of their loads. In the dusk of the evening all h
Great Big Sea
French Perfume
It's of a bold young smuggler From Fortune he did sail He rode the waves from St. Pierre And never saw the jail He filled her up with contraband Perfume, smokes and rum He hoped the fog was thick enough To make another run [Chorus] You can still see the sight On a winter's night Of his wake in the light of the moon If the wind turns right If you don't take fright You can smell that French perfume But the Mountie boat was waiting As he crawled up Fordger Bay And when they hit the spotlight It was like the light of day He didn't bring her head round When they told him to heave to He opened up the engines And he ran for Spanish Room [Chorus] They said they heard him laughing With the Mounties closing in His engines screaming murder And his face set in a grin The seagulls started lifting Like an angry banshee choir He hit the rocks at fifty clicks And the sky lit up with fire It's of of a bold young smuggler From Fortune he did sail He rode the waves from St. Pierre And he never saw the jail And when it's cold and foggy On the rocks near Spanish Room They say you hear him laughing And you smell that French perfume [Chorus:Repeat x2]
Great Big Sea
French Shore
When I was a young man, just barely fourteen Craving adventure and lore I boarded a clipper, me dad was the skipper And sailed it along the French Shore, yeah We sailed all along the French Shore What beautiful vessels were sailing back then All bound for the North Labrador And so for that reason they came here that season To sail all along the French Shore, yeah To sail all along the French Shore On each ship a maiden was hired to cook A beautiful girl to adore So young and cavorting, all ready for courting While sailing along the French Shore, yeah While sailing along the French Shore Being too young for courting I soon did decide To spy on the lovers on shore I spied on a couple so loving and supple While sailing along the French Shore, yeah While sailing along the French Shore They're actions peculiar appeared to me then But now they're not funny no more They were hugging and kissing Oh what I've been missing While sailing along the French Shore, yeah While sailing along, sailing along Sailing along the French Shore That couple has children now married I know You see they're not young anymore Still yet they don't know How I witnessed the show that they played All along the French Shore, yeah They played along the French Shore That ends the story of my bonny days Would that I could live them once more And this much I know, I'd produce my own show And I'd stage it along the French Shore, yeah While sailing along, sailing along While sailing along, sailing along While sailing along the French Shore
Great Big Sea
General Taylor
Well General Taylor gained the day Walk him along, John, Carry him along Well General Taylor he gained the day Carry him to his bury'n ground [Chorus] Tell me where you're stormy Walk him along, John, carry him along Tell me where you're stormy Carry him to his bury'n ground We'll dig his grave with a silver spade Walk him along, John, Carry him along His shroud of the finest silk will be made Carry him to his bury'n ground [Chorus] We'll lower him down on a golden chain Walk him along, John, Carry him along On every inch we'll carve his name Carry him to his bury'n ground [Chorus] General Taylor he's all the go Walk him along, John, Carry him along He's gone where the stormy winds won't blow Carry him to his bury'n ground [Chorus] General Taylor he's dead and he's gone Walk him along, John, Carry him along Well General Taylor he's long dead and gone Carry him to his bury'n ground [Chorus:Repeat x2]
Great Big Sea
Goin Up
Well come gather all around me There is something you should know There's no place quite like this place If we get it on the go So, pile your boots up in the corner Hang your jacket from the door There's thirty people in the kitchen And there's always room for more [Chorus] Oh-oh-oh, come on now Let's lock the world outside Oh-oh-oh, come on I tell you now She's goin' up tonight Well there'll be music all around you You should see the way it feels Come on off we go now Heel and toe now To the jigs and reels Cause somebody's got a fiddle And someone else bought a guitar And we got Bobby on the squeezebox Grab a chair and mason jar [Chorus] Well there'll be smilin', there'll be laughin' Well that's good enough for me There'll be dancing all around you This is where you want to be So pile your boots up in the corner Hang your jacket from the door There's thirty people in the kitchen And there's always room, yes there's always room
Great Big Sea
Hard Case
She goes down fast and comes up slow Gets in high and goes out low Turns up late or doesn't show She spends all her cash on letting go I'm never early I'm never late I'm in at 5 and out at 8 Running just to keep the pace When I'm tired I put on my bravest face The sign said "Go Slow" And lord knows how I tried to follow Such a hard case with a soft face You gave me one taste, Now look at the shape I'm in I love her but I like you too My worst nightmare just came true We might be done but we're not through So drag me down just like you used to do Hold me down under the sea Drag me back to where we used to be With the morning comes the the sun The light of day just had to come Now I know you're not the one Should feel bad but baby we had fun
Great Big Sea
Heart Of Stone
If the last thing I see is your face If the last thing I feel is your embrace Then I would not be afraid I would go to a happy grave If the last thing I see is you Should I suddenly disappear Or linger on for 100 years I would know no fear I would taste no bitter tears If the last thing I see is you Old heart of stone, help me forget it Old heart of stone, Do you think she meant it Old heart of stone, Somehow I've always known That I'd regret it If I could have one wish It would be that you remember this Know that I did not stray For you were there to guide my way You and your beautiful face If I should fall would you give chase Would you follow me Or find someone to fill my space And keep you company If the sun refused to shine If it called for rain till the end of time I would not lose faith I'd sail my soul to a warmer place For you and your beautiful face
Great Big Sea
Here And Now
The sun must set to rise The light will leave your eyes again Then breaking like morning's dawn Does summer feel the winter come The hardest part of life Is to live while you're alive my friend So sing an unwritten song Or repent for the deeds you left undone This is Here This is Now It's the moment that we live for And we just can't live without It's all clear to me now We've already started dying And our time is running out Oh, Right Now Time is ours to steal She's a secret to reveal my friend And when your children have all grown You'll wait by the window And wish them all back home Walk a little further off the beaten path And we'll drive on even if we get there last Our backs against the wall And we will lunge and bite And we'll rage, rage, rage Against the dying of the light
Great Big Sea
Home For A Rest
You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best I've been gone for a month I've been drunk since I left. These so-called vacations will Soon be my death I'm so sick from the drink I need home for a rest.... We arrived in December And London was cold, We stayed in the bars Along Jarring cross road. We never saw nothing But brass-tops and nook. Kept a shine on the bar With the sleeves of our coats. You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best I've been gone for a week I've been drunk since I left. These so-called vacations will Soon be my death I'm so sick from the drink I need home for a rest.... Take me home! Houston station The train's heading North, In the bucket car We looked back and forth. I stole crooked dice Through Yorkshire's green fields We were flung into dance As the train jigged and reeled. You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best I've been gone for a week I've been drunk since I left. These so-called vacations will Soon be my death I'm so sick from the drink I need home for a rest.... Take me home! By the light of the moon, She drift through the streets, A rare old perfume So seductive and sweet She teases and flirts As the pubs all close down, Then walk us on home And deny us a round. You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best I've been gone for a month I've been drunk since I left. These so-called vacations will Soon be my death I'm so sick from the drink I need home for a rest.... Take me home! The gas heat is empty It's damn past two The spirits we drank Left ghosts in the room I'm asking again Come on, please take me soon, And don't lift my head Til the twelve bells at noon! You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best I've been gone for a week I've been drunk since I left. These so-called vacations will Soon be my death I'm so sick from the drink I need home for a rest.... Take me home!
Great Big Sea
I'se The B'y
I'se The be'why that builds the boat and I'se The be'why that sails her and I'se The be'why that catches the fish and Brings 'em home to Liza [Chorus] Hip-yer-partner Sally Tibbo Hip-yer-partner Sally Brown Fogo, Twillingate, Morton's Harbour, All around the circle Sods and rinds to cover your flake, Cake and tea for supper Cod fish in the spring of the year, Fried in maggoty butter [Chorus] I don't want your maggoty fish They're no good for winter Well I can buy as good as that, Way down in Bonavista! [Chorus] I took Liza to a dance, As fast as she can travel, And every step that she could take, Was up to her knees in gravel [Chorus] Susan White she's outta sight, Her petticoat wants a border, Well old Sam Oliver in the dark, He kissed her in the corner! [Chorus] I'se The be'why that builds the boat and I'se The be'why that sails her and I'se The be'why that catches the fish and Brings 'em home to Liza [Chorus]
Great Big Sea
Jack Hinks
Ah, when Jack comes ashore He's got money galore And he's seldom cut short of a job He can dress now as well As any can tell With a good silver watch in his fob Poor Jack in his life Was ne'er plagued with a wife Though sometimes with lasses he links He's a seafaring sailmaking gamboling capering Grog drinking hero, Jack Hinks Oh, Jack Hinks When inclined for to spend He walks in with a friend And with pleasure he sits himself down He tips off his glass And he winks at the lass And he smiles if she happens to frown And like a rattlin' true blue When the reckoning comes due On the table the money he clinks He's a seafaring sailmaking gamboling capering Grog drinking hero, Jack Hinks Bound home the other fall We fell into a squall Near the northernmost head of Cape Freels We were washed away Without further delay At the thought how my spirit it chills We were bashed on the rocks Like a hard hunted fox (Then) of death and destruction he thinks He's a seafaring sailmaking gamboling capering Grog drinking hero, Jack Hinks Oh, Jack Hinks Jack without fail Was out in that same gale Having drove across Bonavist Bay Oh Neptune did rail As he handled all sail And he had his two spars cut away Oh, but Providence kind Who so eases the wind And on sailors so constantly thinks He saved that seafaring sailmaking gamboling capering Seafaring sailmaking gamboling capering Seafaring sailmaking gamboling capering Grog drinking hero, Jack Hinks
Great Big Sea
Jakey's Gin
When I was a young man I was let astray I met with a body down in Logy Bay We went out in a weather We wore out our shoes, And up Kingsway road for a drink or two [Chorus] Drink 'er up boys its well after ten Drink 'er up boys its well after ten. [Repeat] Some people say that the pinky is fine Others will swear by a drop of moonshine But as for myself I'm a bottle of each, Mixed in with a gallon of dipper or screech [Chorus] Its the old shavin' lotion that's made me this way Sweeter than Pepsi and stronger than tea And when in the evening when we're feeling fine We'll stop into Jakey's for icon and shine [Chorus] Its the old shavin' lotion that's made me this way Sweeter than Pepsi and stronger than tea And when in the morning when I'm feeling rough I curse, ol' Jakey who sold me this stuff [Chorus:Repeat x2]
Great Big Sea
John Barbour
What ails you, my daughter dear? Your eyes, they look so dim, Have you had any sore sickness, Or yet been sleeping with a man? No I haven't had any sore sickness, But I know what's ailing me, I am thinking of my own true love Who ploughs the raging sea. Is he a Lord or a Duke or a knight Or a man of wealth and fame? Or is he one of our sailor lads Come tell me now his name. He is no Lord nor Duke nor knight Nor a man of wealth or fame. He is one of your sailor lads John Barbour is his name. Now if John Barbour is his name, A lowly sailor man is he, If John Barbour is his name, Then hanged he shall be. Then he called his sailors all By one, by two, by three John Barbour was the first he called But the last came down was he. When he came a dancing down, He was clothed all in white His cheeks were like the roses red And his teeth were ivory bright. He paid their wages with a smile And to John Barbour he did say If I was a woman as I am a man My bed fellow you would be. And will you marry my daughter Jane? And take her by the hand And will you come and dine with me Take charge of all my lands. Yes I will marry your daughter Jane And take her by the hand And I will come and dine with you, But to hell with all your land. For if you can give her one gold piece, Then I can give her three. For they call me young John Barbour And I plough the raging sea.
Great Big Sea
Long Lost Love
I'd walk a thousand miles for you honey I'd walk a thousand miles in the sun I'd give up both my eyes if I could Make you realize So why can't you see that I'm the one Wish I could buy a limosine I'd fill it up and pick you up and Drive you to your dreams But when you get out on the highway Life is seldom as it seems And if the car broke down You'd start blaming me Moonshine bleeds into the dawn Who am I to say for you what's right And what is wrong When your gone gone gone The world will carry on You're like a song song song Who's melody is wrong But its so so hard to say so long to you My long lost love Many a man has sold his soul for silver Silver ain't worth nothing next to gold Some believe that diamonds shine forever But they offer little comfort when you're old Can't take it with you when you're gone Its the same end for the weak as for the strong And if beauty is skin deep Then why don't it come more cheap And why can't you and I just get along
Great Big Sea
Lucky Me
He was born a sailors son Nothing came easy or free He suffered the squalls all the rises and falls And everything else in between But he says storms always fade after they've had their way They're never as bad as they seem as long as the rivers still run to the seas Hey lucky you, lucky me who'd ever thought for a moment She'd have to grow up so fast School beauty queen with a child at sixteen Swore that her fortunes had passed But blessings can hide in the strangest disguise I know that she would agree Hey look at me in the spotlight Ripped jeans and rock and roll hair Feeling so cool but I'd be such a fool Singing to no one out there So hey take a bow every band needs a crowd And I've got a song we can sing
Great Big Sea
Well oh, Lukey's boat is painted green, Ha, me boys! Lukey's boat is painted green, The prettiest boat that you've ever seen, A-ha, me boys a-riddle-i-day! A-ha, me boys a-riddle-i-day! Well oh, Lukey's boat's got a fine fore cuddy, Ha, me boys! Lukey's boat's got a fine fore cuddy, And every seam is chinked with putty, A-ha, me boys a-riddle-i-day! A-ha, me boys a-riddle-i-day! Well I says "Lukey the blinds are down" Ha, me boys! I says "Lukey the blinds are down" "Me wife is dead and she's underground" A-ha, me boys a-riddle-i-day! A-ha, me boys a-riddle-i-day Well I says Lukey "I don't care" Ha, me boys! I says Lukey "I don't care" "I'll get me another in the spring of the year" A-ha, me boys a-riddle-i-day! A-ha, me boys a-riddle-i-day! Oh, Lukey's rolling out his grub, Ha, me boys! Lukey's rolling out his grub, One split pea, and a ten pound tub, A-ha, me boys a-riddle-i-day! A-ha, me boys a-riddle-i-day! Well, Lukey's boat's got high-topped sails, Ha, me boys! Lukey's boat's got high-topped sails The sheet was planted with copper nails, A-ha, me boys a-riddle-i-day! A-ha, me boys a-riddle-i-day! Lukey's boat is painted green, Ha, me boys! Lukey's boat is painted green, It's the prettiest boat that you've ever seen, A-ha, me boys a-riddle-i-day! A-ha, me boys a-riddle-i-day! A-ha, me boys a-riddle-i-day!
Great Big Sea
Oh, Yeah
I'm gone You can't get ahold of me So long It's coming over me I fly by And shatter the speed of sound Sky High And I never wanna come down Oh Yeah I'm a six gun I'm fully loaded There's a Love Bomb I'm about to explode it I'm a bonfire I'm burning through the night Bye Bye I'm an arrow in flight Oh Yeah I'm not gonna be a crucifix pin cushion I'm not gonna be a voodoo doll I fly with military precision This is my holy ground Oh Yeah
Great Big Sea
Shines Right Through Me
These days I feel a change, All the patterns rearranged Though I can't explain, I know I'm not afraid Now I realize all good things can be supplied And they come from you It's all brand new, and it shines right through Shines Right Through Me I look at you and you, and it shines right through Shines Right Through Me This feeling that I've found, like sleeping on a cloud Smiling at the sky, Not even knowing why Strange how things work out, I know without a doubt That it comes from you Break me out of emptiness, Lead me to your light Anything worth having is worth some sacrifice Laid too long in loneliness, This world was made to change Half an hour of sunshine is worth a week of rain Air is flowing free, it's a little easier to breathe This soul unbound, was lost and found No reason left to hide, I feel a light inside and it comes from you
Great Big Sea
Someday Soon
They keep talking of the things they'd do if we'd only vote them in One more dollar and all the bickering and suffering would end. If you'd sign your 'X' in favour it's three jobs for every man You can burn your boats, that's what they said, It seemed they had it planned. And I hope they haven't forgotten, the promises they made [Chorus] 'Cause they said they'd stop the fighting And they said they would bring peace And they said they'd find a serum that can cure all our disease. And they said they'd house the homeless And put black and white in tune And they said they'd feed a hungry child And I hope it's someday soon Saw a man sleep in an alley lane with a paper for a bed And the headline shown beneath the man and this is what they read, "If elected there would be no persons living in the street" But the paper couldn't even provide shelter for his freezing feet. And I hope they haven't forgotten, The promises they made [Chorus] Well they said it would be so different, if we'd would only play their games And I've been playing for so long and I swear its still the same! [Chorus: x2]
Great Big Sea
Some days I feel sad and lonely Some days I feel fine Some days the clock just ticks too slowly And I wish away my time But when you come to me I realize how wonderful this life can be With you, you and me Some days I get so psychotic And some days I am blue Some days I sip my gin and tonic And I wonder what the world will do [chorus] Some days I think I just fell from the sky Some days I see a child and start to cry But everyday I try Some days I am virtuous More days I am bad Some days I just can't get enough Of the sweetest thing I've ever had [Chorus]
Great Big Sea
Something Beautiful
[Chorus:] Hey You, you lost your only friend You can't believe you're broken heart will ever mend But every mountain has its faces that'd make you want to stop On this so unwelcome journey from the bottom to the top Move along I believe there's Something Beautiful to see Move along I believe there's Something Beautiful Just waiting for you and me I know you'll never count the tears you've cried Though you've asked a million questions No one could tell you why A single soul is chosen to be the one put to the test But there will be some consolation for a heart that never rests The years will make us older The winters make us colder And there's one more thing I've come to know for sure There's no bitterness that smolders, no chip on any shoulder That a random act of kindness couldn't cure [Chorus]
Great Big Sea
Straight To Hell
Love me now while we're alive It's the best thing we can do We'll have no time upon Cloud Nine So Heaven on Earth will have to do I can sing like a bird And dance like a demon And I do it all so well 'Cause I made a deal with the Devil And when I die I'm going Straight to Hell Oh Yeah I'm going Straight to Hell Standing at the Crossroads He offered wine women and song Riches, Fame and Fortune In my hands from that day on I was granted there and then A life of Rock and Roll It seemed like such a bargain For just one eternal soul I know I'll curse this damned decision And I'll regret it the moment I fall But I'll be making the most Of a bad situation Till my number is called Sometimes I swear I've come out on top In this ill conceived contract There's nights I say It's a small price to pay For the life and times I've had I think "Here's to the Gents and Ladies And the foolish times we spent They cost me Afterlife in Paradise And they were worth every single cent" So have a dance With the walking damned Before my time is done A deal is a deal and I really doubt Fire and Brimstone will be much fun I have every expectation That my final prayers will go unheard And my veiled death bed confession Will not move the Mighty Lord I'm sure that I'll be sorry When he slams St. Peter's Gate But I'll dive right into damnation With a smile across my face
Great Big Sea
She doesn't see the coming fall She doesn't show no fear at all Bring on autumn moon or the driving rain I only hope I see her face again [Chorus] Everything is gonna be alright when summer comes The darkest stars will burn so bright when summer comes We will open up our bodies to the warming of the sun When summer comes I will wait in the silence until she returns To melt the frozen prison round this fool who never learns Every living thing that's born must have its end What winter takes away, spring brings back again [Chorus] Summer doesn't feel the coming frost And she doesn't yield to pain or loss Death where is thy victory where is thy string When every year we hear the birds of summer sing [Chorus]
Great Big Sea
When I Am King
Wake up Without a care Your head's not heavy, your conscience clear Sins are all forgiven here Yours and mine Fear is gone without a trace It's the perfect time in the perfect place Nothing's hurting, nothing's sore No one suffers anymore The doctor found a simple cure Just in time All these things if I were king Would all appear around me The world will sing when I am king The world will sing when I am king Oh, she walks right in She don't even knock It's the girl you lost to the high school jock She shuts the door, turns the lock And she takes your hand She says she always felt a fool For picking the captain over you She wonders if you missed her Said she always told her sister Oh, that you're the best damn kisser That she's ever had All these things if I were king Would appear around me The world will sing when I am king The world will sing when I am king Daylight waits to shine until the moment you awaken So you never miss the dawn No question now, you know which road you're taking Lights all green, the radio plays just the perfect song Well, the war's been won All the fights are fought You find yourself in just the spot It's a place where everybody's got a song to sing Just like the final movie scene The prince will find his perfect queen The hero always saves the world The villains get what they deserve The boy will always get the girl When I am king
Great Big Sea
Yarmouth Town
In Yarmouth town there lived a man He had a little tavern by the strand And the landlord had a daughter fair Pretty little thing with golden hair [Chorus] Won't you come down Won't you come down Won't you come down to Yarmouth town One night there came a sailor man He asked the daughter for her hand Well I won't marry you she said I have all I want without being wed But if with me you'd like to linger I'll tie some string all around my finger As you walk by, pull on my string I'll come down and let you right in [Chorus: x2] Well the very next day at closing time The sailor man goes off to the strand And as he walks by pulls on that string And she came down and let him right in Well he's never seen such a sight before A string on her finger was all she wore [Chorus: x2] So all you men who to Yarmouth go If ya see those girls with their hair hung low All ya gotta do is pull their strings And they'll come down and let you right in [Chorus: x4]
Green Day
2000 Light Years Away
I sit alone in my bedroom Staring at the walls I've been up all damn night long My pulse is speeding My love is yearning [Chorus] I hold my breath and close my eyes and Dream about her 'Cause she's two thousand light years away She holds my malakite so tight so Never let go Cause she's two thousand light years away Years Away! I sit outside and watch the sunrise Lookout as far as I can I can't see her, but in the distance I hear some laughter, We laugh together [Chorus] I sit alone in my bedroom Staring at the walls I've been up all damn night long My pulse is speeding My love is yearning I hold my breath and close my eyes and Dream about her 'Cause she's two thousand light years away She holds my malakite so tight so Never let go 'Cause she's two thousand light years away
Green Day
All The Time
All the time, every time I need it. What's the time? I'd say the time is right. Here's to me. Let's find another reason. Down the hatch and a bad attitude. Salud. Wasting time down a bum fuck road. And I don't know where the hell it'll go. Heirlooms and huffing fumes, And I'm picking up the pace And I'm gonna smash straight into a wall. All the time. A "New Year's Resolution" How soon that we forget. Doing time. Loving every minute. Live it up on another let down. Salud. Promises, promises, it was all set in stone, Cross my heart and hope to die. Sugar fix, dirty tricks and a trick question. Guess I should have read between the lines. Having the time of my life, watching the clock tick. All the time, where did all the time go? It's too late to say goodnight. Time flies when you're having fun. Time's up when you work like a dog. Salud.
Green Day
Amanda don't you know That I still walk around This foggy round about When I get back in town. I was a different man From five seconds ago And you're a different woman, That's for certain, I don't know a thing about. Is this some kind of love That only hate would understand? Amanda, I couldn't be your man. Amanda don't you know I wasn't strong enough And in your wild mind I wasn't smart enough. I was a different kid From fifteen years ago And you're a different woman, That's for certain, I wanna know about. Is this some kind of love That only hate would understand? Amanda, I couldn't be your man. I'm not playin' with your mind Unless you think I am. 'Cause you're crushing my heart Like a battering ram. Is this some kind of love That only hate would understand? Amanda, I couldn't be your man.
Green Day
American Idiot
Don't want to be an American idiot. Don't want a nation under the new media. And can you hear the sound of hysteria? The subliminal mind-fuck America. Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alien nation. Where everything isn't meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. We're not the ones who're meant to follow. For that's enough to argue. Well maybe I'm the faggot America. I'm not a part of a redneck agenda. Now everybody do the propaganda. And sing along to the age of paranoia. Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alien nation. Where everything isn't meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. We're not the ones who're meant to follow. For that's enough to argue. Don't want to be an American idiot. One nation controlled by the media. Information Age of hysteria. It's calling out to idiot America. Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alien nation. Where everything isn't meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. We're not the ones who're meant to follow. For that's enough to argue.
Green Day
Are We The Waiting
Starry nights city lights Coming down over me Skyscrapers and stargazers In my head Are we we are, are we we are The waiting unknown This dirty town was burning down in my dreams Lost and found, city bound in my dreams And screaming Are we we are, are we we are the waiting And screaming Are we we are, are we we are the waiting Forget me nots and second thoughts Live in isolation Heads or tails and fairy tales in my mind Are we we are, are we we are the waiting unknown The rage and love, the story of my life The Jesus of suburbia is a lie And screaming Are we we are, are we we are the waiting And screaming Are we we are, are we we are the waiting And screaming Are we we are, are we we are the waiting And screaming Are we we are, are we we are the waiting Ohh Are we we are, are we we are the waiting Ohh Are we we are, are we we are the waiting
Green Day
Best Thing In Town
Come with me and let's go for a ride Follow me to the other side As I sit around and watch you pout Cause I know that you're the Best thing in town -- Best thing around Best thing in town -- Best thing around Running wild and always running free Doing things that I have never seen Eerie colors and all I see are sounds Now I know that you're the Best thing in town -- Best thing around Best thing in town -- Best thing around I'm seeing faces... Of mystery's of the earth I am not one ... To the aspersions of my birth Or go to stance... Of hallucinations I can't find A missing piece... Of a thought that's in my mind Come with me and let's go for a ride Follow me to the other side As I sit around and watch you pout Cause I know that you're the Best thing in town -- Best thing around Best thing in town -- Best thing around Running wild and always running free Doing things that I have never seen Eerie colors and all I see are sounds Now I know that you're the Best thing in town -- Best thing around Best thing in town -- Best thing around (Billie mumbling:) Sick and tired of all this wild SHIT!!
Green Day
Bouncing Off The Wall
[Verse 1] Concrete dream - hey I'm gonna make a scene: radio Caught burning gasoline, sleeping in reverse And everybody's bouncing off the walls [Verse 2] Bombs away - hey It's just another day And I don't tread The secret of the day I wouldn't sweat it And everybody's bouncing off the walls Im bouncing off the walls! Alright! [Verse 3] Concrete kiss - hey Come on and do the twist: radio My little exorcist, we're all getting pissed And everybody's bouncing off the walls [Chorus 1 - 2x] 'cause it's all that I want And I want to be free I got Satan riding next to me 'cause we're all bloody freaks And we'll give you the creeps Chasing fireflies and zeroes
Green Day
Clenching my teeth tight My head is like a sponge Give it to me free I want to get ripped off And drown in the airwaves Another fatal wreck On the information highway So go ahead and kill yourselves It all amuses me For I'll be damned to spend my life in hell Another wise ingrate Bring me blood and pain Of a stranger's fate Give it all away Give it to me now I'm desensitized I want to watch the bomb Blow the masses high I want to get ripped off And drown in the airwaves Another fatal wreck On the information highway So go ahead and kill yourselves It all amuses me For I'll be damned to spend my life in hell Another wise ingrate Bring me blood and pain Of a stranger's fate Give it all away I want to get ripped off And drown in the airwaves Another fatal wreck On the information highway So go ahead and kill yourselves It all amuses me For I'll be damned to spend my life in hell Another wise ingrate
Green Day
Disappearing Boy
Now you see me, now you don't Don't ask me where I'm at 'Cause I'm a million miles away Treated like a forbidden heel Don't say my thoughts are not for real Or you won't see me again Am I here or am I there Or am I playing on the stairs? Am I in my room with my toys? I am the disappearing boy When I walk in crowded rooms I feel as if it is my doom I know that I don't belong In that room I see her I see her, and she's with him I turn, and then I'm gone Don't call me up 'cause I'm not home My whereabouts are now unknown I vanished from all your joy I'm the disappearing boy I have my doubts Of where I belong It's something to think about Don't call me up 'cause I'm not home My whereabouts are now unknown I vanished from all your joy I'm the disappearing boy
Green Day
Do Da Da
Every time I'm falling down You take the repercussions Headaches and anxieties Advancing my frustrations Rush into my depression Sacrifice everything Waste with me into nothing Well now you're stuck with me Hand up your soul to my wrist And I'll vow my trust to you Moving on and I always thought I realized you've imagined You take the repercussions Headaches and anxieties Advancing my frustrations Rush into my depression Sacrifice everything Waste with me into nothing Well now you're stuck with me Hand up your soul to my wrist And I'll vow my trust to you Moving on and I always thought I realized you've imagined
Green Day
Don't Leave Me
I'll go for miles Till I find you You say you want to leave me But you can't choose I've gone through pain Every day and night I feel my mind is going insane Something I can't fight Don't leave me Don't leave me A blank expression Covering your face I'm looking for directions For out of this place I start to wonder If you'll come back I feel the rain storming after thunder I can't hold back Don't leave me I'll go for miles Till I find you You say you want to leave me But you can't choose I've gone through pain Every day and night I feel my mind is going insane Something I can't fight Don't leave me
Green Day
Fashion Victim
He's a fashion victim of his own time In his "vintage suit" and tie He's a casualty dressed to the teeth In the latest genocide The new seasons come and go At the dog and pony show Gonna sit and beg and fetch the names And follow the dress codes What's in a name?...Hey! She's a scented magazine Looking sharp and living clean Living well and dressed to kill But she looks like hell to me So when you're dancing through your wardrobe Do the anorex-a go-go Cloaked with style For pedophiles as the credit card explodes You auctioned off your life For the "most" expensive price Going once... Going twice... Now it's gone You auctioned off your life For the "most" expensive price Going once... Going twice... Now it's gone What's in a name, hey? What's in a name, hey? What's in a name?
Green Day
Favorite Son
He hit the ground running, At the speed of light. The star was brightly shining, Like a neon light. It's your favorite son. It's your favorite son. A fixture on the talk shows, To the silver screen. From here to Colorado, He's a sex machine. It's your favorite son. It's your favorite son. But isn't it a drag? Isn't it a drag? Isn't it a drag? It's pretty bloody sad, But isn't it a drag? A clean-cut All-American, Really ain't so clean. His royal auditorium, Is a murder scene. It's your favorite son. It's your favorite son. Oh, isn't it a drag? Isn't it a drag? Isn't it a drag? It's pretty bloody sad, But isn't it a drag? Well no one says it's fair. Turn a teenage lush, To a millionaire. Now where's your fuckin' champion? On a bed you laid. He's not the All-American, That you thought you paid. It's your favorite son. It's your favorite son. But isn't it a drag?
Green Day
Geek Stink Breath
I'm on a mission I made my decision To lead a path of self destruction A slow progression Killing my complexion And it's rotting out my teeth I'm on a roll No self control I'm blowing off steam with methamphetamine Don't know what I want That's all that I've got And I'm picking scabs off my face Every hour my blood is turning sour And my pulse is beating out of time I found a treasure filled with sick pleasure And it sits on a thick white line I'm on a roll No self control I'm blowing off steam with methamphetamine Don't know what I want That's all that I've got And I'm picking scabs off my face I'm on a mission I've got no decision Like a cripple running the rat race Wish in one hand shit in the other And see which one gets filled first I'm on a roll No self control I'm blowing off steam with methamphetamine Don't know what I want That's all that I've got And I'm picking scabs off my face
Green Day
Hold On
As I stepped to the edge Beyond the shadow of a doubt With my conscience beating Like the pulse of a drum That hammers on and on Until I reach the break of day As the sun beats down on The halfway house Has my conscience beating The sound in my ear The will to persevere As I reach the break of day [Chorus] When you lost all hope and excuses And the cheapskates and the losers Nothings left to cling onto You got to hold on to yourself A cry of hope A plea for peace And my conscience beating It's not what I want for Its all that I need To reach the break of day So I run to the edge Beyond the shadow of a doubt With my conscience bleeding Here lies the truth The lost treasures of my youth As I hold on to the break of day [Chorus: x2]
Green Day
Hybrid Moments
1, 2 1, 2, 3, 4! If you're gonna scream, scream with me Moments like this never last When do creatures rape your face? Hybrids opened up the door Ooh baby when you cry Your face is momentary You hide your looks behind these scars In hybrid moments Give me a moment Give me a moment Give me a moment Ooh baby when you cry Your face is momentary You hide your looks behind these scars In hybrid moments Give me your moment Give me a moment Give me a moment Give me a moment Give me a moment Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you 30 years of Metallica
Green Day
I Don't Care
I don't care if you don't I don't care if you don't I don't care if you don't care I don't care if you don't care I don't care if you don't care I don't care if you don't care I don't care Everyone's so full of shit Born and raised by hypocrites Hearts recycled but never saved From the cradle to the grave We are the kids of war and peace From Anaheim to the Middle East We are the stories and disciples of The Jesus of Suburbia Land of make believe And it don't believe in me Land of make believe And I don't believe And I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care
Green Day
I Fought The Law
[Originally by Bobby Fuller] Breakin' rocks in the hot sun I fought the law and the law won I fought the law and the law won I needed the money 'cause I had none I fought the law and the law won I fought the law and the law won I miss my baby and I feel so sad I guess my race is run Well she's the best girl that I ever had I fought the law and the law won I fought the law and the Robin' people with a six gun I fought the law and the law won I fought the law and the law won I miss my baby and I miss my fun I fought the law and the law won I fought the law and the law won I miss my baby and I feel so sad I guess my race is run Well she's the best girl that I ever had I fought the law and the law won I fought the law and the I fought the law and the law won [x7] I fought the law and the
Green Day
I Want To Be Alone
[Chorus] I lock myself inside my room I want to be alone With you around, you'll only add on I want to be alone It's been disturbed by my thoughts I want to be alone With you around, you'll only add on I want to be alone Please don't think I'm crazy I don't want you to understand My mind is growing hazy To heck with your helping hand Why don't you just leave me alone? This conflict is my own Keep your sources away from me That's all [Chorus] Please don't think I'm crazy I don't want you to understand My mind is growing hazy To heck with your helping hand Why don't you just leave me alone? This conflict is my own Keep your sources away from me That's all [Chorus] Please don't think I'm crazy I don't want you to understand My mind is growing hazy To heck with your helping hand Why don't you just leave me alone? This conflict is my own Keep your sources away from me That's all
Green Day
I Want To Be On Tv
Want to be a pretty boy Want to go on Solid Gold Want to date a millionaire Want to make people stare I want to be on T.V. Want people to know me I want to be on T.V. Started out in sixty four Gonna be an omnivore Want to make people dance Gonna take off my pants On a magazine Gonna have some free cocaine Want to wear my Calvin Kleins Then the world will be all mine
Green Day
I Was There
Looking back upon my life And the places that I've been Pictures, faces, girls I've loved I try to remember when Faded memories on the wall Some names I have forgotten But each one is a memory I Look back on so often [Chorus x2] I look into the past I want to make it last I was there Looking back what I have done There's lots more life to live At times I feel overwhelmed I question what I can give But I don't let it get me down Or cause me too much sorrow There's no doubt about who I am I always have tomorrow [Chorus x2] Looking back upon my life Faded memories on the wall Looking now at who I am I don't let it get me down Looking back upon my life And the places that I've been Pictures, faces, girls I've loved I try to remember when But I don't let it get me down Or cause me too much sorrow There's no doubt about who I am I always have tomorrow [Chorus x2]
Green Day
Let Yourself Go
Shut your mouth 'cause you're talking too much And I don't give a damn anyway You always seem to be stepping in shit And all you really do is complain Hitch a ride, tell 'em all you like Small minds tend to think a like Shut your mouth 'cause you're talking too much And I don't give a fuck anyway Let yourself go, let yourself go, let yourself go Let yourself go, let yourself go, let yourself go Let yourself go, let yourself go, let yourself go Let yourself go, let yourself go, let yourself go Gotta let me go, gotta let it go Gotta let me go, gotta let it go Cut the crap 'cause you're screaming in my ear And you're taking up all of the space You're really testing my patience again And I'd rather get punched in the face You're getting on my every last nerve Everything you've said I've already heard I'm sick to death of your every last breath And I don't give a fuck anyway Let yourself go, let yourself go, let yourself go Let yourself go, let yourself go, let yourself go Let yourself go, let yourself go, let yourself go Let yourself go, let yourself go, let yourself go Gotta let me go, gotta let it go Gotta let me go, gotta let it go Gotta let me go, gotta let it go Gotta let me go, gotta let it go Always fuck fuckin' with my head now Always fuck fuckin' with my head now Always fuck fuckin' with my head now Always fucking with my head and I gotta let it go! Let yourself go, let yourself go, let yourself go Let yourself go, let yourself go, let yourself go Let yourself go, let yourself go, let yourself go Let yourself go, let yourself go, let yourself go Gotta let me go, gotta let it go Gotta let me go, gotta let it go Gotta let me go, gotta let it go Gotta let me go, gotta let it go
Green Day
Nobody likes you Everyone left you They're all out without you Having fun Where have all the bastards gone? The underbelly stacks up ten high The dummy failed the crash test Collecting unemployment checks Like a flunkie along for the ride Where have all the riots gone? As your city's motto gets pulverized "What's in love is now in debt" On your birth certificate So strike the fucking match to light this fuse The town bishop is an extortionist And he don't even know that you exist Standing still when it's do or die You better run for your fucking life It's not over 'till you're underground It's not over before it's too late This city's burnin' "It's not my burden" It's not over before it's too late There's nothing left to analyze Where will all the martyrs go when the virus cures itself? And where will we all go when it's too late? And don't look back You're not the Jesus of Suburbia The St. Jimmy is a figment of Your father's rage and your mother's love Made me the idiot America It's not over 'till you're underground It's not over before it's too late This city's burnin' "It's not my burden" It's not over before it's too late She said "I can't take this place, I'm leaving it behind" Well she said "I can't take this town, I'm leaving you tonight"
Green Day
Modern World
I don't want to live in the modern world I don't want to live in the modern world I don't want to live in the modern world I don't want to live in the modern world I'm the class of 13 In the era of dissent A hostage of the soul On a strike to pay the rent The last of the rebels Without a common ground I'm gonna light a fire Into the ground I don't want to live in the modern world I don't want to live in the modern world I don't want to live in the modern world I don't want to live in the modern world I'm a nation Without bureaucratic ties Deny the allegation as it's written I want to take a ride to the great divide Beyond the "up to date" And the neo-gentrified The high definition or the low resident Where the value of your mind It's not held in contempt I can hear the sound of A beating heart And bleeds beyond a system That's falling apart With money to burn On a minimum wage 'Cause I don't give a shit About the modern age I don't want to live in the modern world I don't want to live in the modern world I don't want to live in the modern world I don't want to live in the modern world I don't want to live in the modern world Mass hysteria I don't want to live in the modern world Mass hysteria I don't want to live in the modern world Mass hysteria I don't want to live in the modern world Mass hysteria
Green Day
Nobody Likes You
I fell asleep While watching Spike tv After 10 cups of coffee And you're still not here Dreaming of a song But something went wrong And you can't tell anyone Cuz no one's here Left me here alone When I should have stayed home After 10 cups of coffee I'm thinking Where'd you go? Nobody likes you Everyone left you (where'd you go?) They're all out without you Having fun (where'd you go?) Everyone left you Nobody likes you (where'd you go?) They're all out without you Having fun Where'd you go?
Green Day
Rise and fall, back up against the wall What goes around is coming back and haunting you It's time to quit 'cause you ain't worth the shit Under my shoes or the piss on the ground No one loves you and you know it Don't pretend that you enjoy it and you don't care 'Cause now I wouldn't lie or tell you all the things you want to hear 'Cause I hate you 'cause I hate you 'cause I hate you 'cause I hate you I heard your sick sucked on that cancer stick A throbbing tumor and a radiation high Shit out of luck and now your time is up It brings me pleasure just to know your gonna to die No one loves you and you know it Don't pretend that you enjoy it and you don't care 'Cause now I wouldn't lie or tell you all the things you want to hear 'Cause I hate you, 'cause I hate you, 'cause I hate you, 'cause I hate you Dickhead, fuckface Cock-smoking, mother-fucking Asshole, dirty twat Waste of semen, I hope you die, hey Red eye, code blue I'd like to strangle you And watch your eyes bulge right out of your skull When you go down head first into the ground I'll stand above you just to piss on your grave And no one loves you and you know it Don't pretend that you enjoy it and you don't care 'Cause now I wouldn't lie or tell you all the things you want to hear 'Cause I hate you, 'cause I hate you, 'cause I hate you, 'cause I hate you
Green Day
I'm rotting inside My flesh turns to dust Whisper, are you dying in my ear? I'm so sick to death Tumors in my head Whisper, are you dying in my ear? Black rose of death In my fist I clutch Thorns shred my finger tips And drips toxic blood Kiss me one last time Wipe off my sweat Whisper,are you dying in my ear? As my bones they rust20lbs of trust Whisper, are you dying in my ear? Black rose of death In my fast like lunch Thorns shred my finger tips And drips toxic blood I'm rotting inside My flesh turns to dust Whisper,are you dying in my ear? Kiss me one last time Wipe off my sweat Whisper, are you dying in my ear? Whisper, are you dying in my ear?
Green Day
Rusty James
This whiskey sour, amateur hour Raise your glass and toast your friends Some day we will fight again, well Your enemies, your tragedies Pocket knifes and rusty chains Where in the hell is the old gang, yeah? And all the losers Can't even win for losing And the beginners Don't even know what song they're singing Well there's no one left around And you're the last gang in town And your heart can't even break When it doesn't even pound Well there's no one left around And you're the last gang in town And your heart can't even break When it doesn't even pound This broken scene is turning green Brass knuckles left in the rain Death wish kids among the living I want to ride on the divided Anything but the mainstream Where the fuck is your old gang, man? Well there's no one left around And you're the last gang in town And your heart can't even break When it doesn't even pound Well there's no one left around And you're the last gang in town And your heart can't even break When it doesn't even pound So long Didn't even say goodnight So long There's nowhere to go When you're hiding in plain sight Well there's no one left around And you're the last gang in town And your heart can't even break When it doesn't even pound Well there's no one left around And you're the last gang in town And your heart can't even break When it doesn't even pound Well there's no one left around And you're the last gang in town And your heart can't even break When it doesn't even pound
Green Day
I've got some scattered pictures lying on my bedroom floor. Reminds me of the times we shared. Makes me wish that you were here. Now it seems I've forgotten my purpose in this life. All the songs have been erased. Guess I've learned from my mistakes. Open the past and present. Now and we are there. Story to tell and I am listening. Open the past and present. And the future too. It's all I've got and I'm giving it up to you. Loose ends tied in knots. Leaving a lump down in my throat. Gagging on a souvenir. Lodged to fill another year. Drag it on and on until my skin is ripped to shreds. Leaving myself open wide. Living out a sacrifice. If you got no one and I've got no place to go, would it be alright? Could it be alright?
Green Day
Well, you know you make me wanna (Shout) Throw my hand up (Shout) Kick my heels back (Shout) Throw my head back (Shout) Come on now (Shout) Don't forget to say you will (Shout, Shout) Don't forget to say (Shout) Yeah yeah yeah yeah, come on (Say you will) Say it right now, baby (Say you will) Come on, come on (Say you will) Say it right now, baby (Say you will) I still remember When you used to be nine years old yeah, yeah An' now that you're grown up You're old enough to know An' you wanna leave me You wanna let me go I want you to know I said I want you to know right now You've been good to me, baby Better than I've been to myself And if you ever leave me I don't want nobody else I said I want you to know I said I want you to know right no You know you make me wanna (Shout) Kick my shoes off (Shout) Throw my hands up (Shout) Take my pants off (Shout) Come on now (Shout) Don't forget to say you will (Shout, Shout) Don't forget to say (Shout) Yeah yeah yeah yeah, come on (Say you will) Say it right now, baby (Say you will) (Say) Say that you love me (Say) Say that you need me (Say) Say that you want me (Say) Don't ever leave me (Shout) Come on now (Shout) Come on now (Shout) Come on now (Shout) Come on now (Shout) A little bit softer now (Shout) A little bit louder now Hey (Hey) Hey (Hey) Yeah (Yeah) Yeah (Yeah) Shout now A little shout now Jump up and shout now A little shout now Come on (Shout now) Come on now (Shout now) Come on now (Shout now) Come on now (Shout now) Come on jump up and shout now A little shout now Jump up and shout now A little shout now Jump up and shout now A little shout now Jump up and shout now A little shout now, yeah, Hey! Ho! Go! Hey!
Green Day
Still Breathing
[Verse 1] I'm like a child looking off in the horizon I'm like an ambulance that's turning on the sirens Oh, I'm still alive I'm like a soldier coming home for the first time I dodged a bullet and I walked across a landmine Oh, I'm still alive [Pre-Chorus] Am I bleeding? Am I bleeding from the storm? Just shine a light into the wreckage, so far away, away [Chorus] Cause I'm still breathing Cause I'm still breathing on my own My head's above the rain and roses Making my way, my way Cause I'm still breathing Cause I'm still breathing on my own My head's above the rain and roses Making my way, my way My way to you [Verse 2] I'm like a junkie tying off for the last time I'm like a loser that's betting on his last dime Oh, I'm still alive I'm like a son that was raised without a father I'm like a mother barely keeping it together Oh, I'm still alive [Pre-Chorus] Am I bleeding? Am I bleeding from the storm? Just shine a line into the wreckage, so far away, away [Chorus] Cause I'm still breathing Cause I'm still breathing on my own My head's above the rain and roses Making my way, my way Cause I'm still breathing Cause I'm still breathing on my own My head's above the rain and roses Making my way, my way, my way... [Bridge] As I walked out on the ledge Are you scared to death to live? I been running all my life Just to find a home that's for the restless And the truth that's in the message Making my way, away, away [Chorus] Cause I'm still breathing Cause I'm still breathing on my own My head's above the rain and roses Making my way, my way Cause I'm still breathing Cause I'm still breathing on my own My head's above the rain and roses Making my way, my way, my way... Cause I'm still breathing Cause I'm still breathing on my own My head's above the rain and roses Making my way, my way My way to you
Green Day
Stop When The Red Lights Flash
Uncomfortable silence I'll kill it if you want me to I'm like ultra-violence I'll kill it if you want me to Out of sight, out of mind I'm not the hurting kind I'll make you surrender, I'll make you surrender I'll make you surrender, I'll make you surrender Stop when the red lights flash I'll trade you blood for dirty cash Life in the catacombs You make me feel like I'm at home Out of sight, out of mind I'm not the hurting kind I'll make you surrender, I'll make you surrender I'll make you surrender, I'll make you surrender Out of sight, out of mind Just give in one more time I'll make you surrender, I'll make you surrender I'll make you surrender, I'll make you surrender I'll make you surrender, I'll make you surrender I'll make you surrender, I'll make you surrender
Green Day
Stuart And The Ave
Standing on the corner of Stuart and the Avenue Ripping up my transfer And a photograph of you You're a blur of my dead past and rotting existance As I stand laughing on the corner of insignificance Well, destiny is dead In the hands of bad luck Before it might have made some sense But now it's all fucked up Seasons change as well as minds And I'm a two faced clown You're mommy's little nightmare Driving daddy's car around I'm beat down and half brain dead The long lost king of fools I may be dumb But I'm not stupid enough to stay with you [Repeat x2] Well, destiny is dead In the hands of bad luck Before it might have made some sense But now it's all fucked up All fucked up All fucked up
Green Day
Its 3 a.m. I'm drunk again My head is standing underneath my puke So make it stop I'm getting off Make it stop I'm getting off Sedatives and dizzy smells And spillin' my guts out all day And make a piddle Make it stop I'm getting off Make it stop I"m getting off I slipped into a comma once again Where's my organ donor? Lend a hand So when you think you're all alone No one's left to come around Drop like flies and empathize And I know now that I will someday And I know that I will suffocate Suffocate, suffocate, suffocate One night stands and cheap regrets I take another drag off of my cigarette So stop I'm getting off Make it stop I'm getting off One last stop for one-track, mind ya Just gimme shelter,gimme Gimme something Make it stop I'm getting off Make it stop I'm getting off I slipped into a comma once again Where's my organ? Don't know, lend a hand So when you think you're all alone No one's help to come around Drop like flies and improvise And I know now that I will someday And I know that I will suffocate Suffocate, suffocate, suffocate So when you think you're all alone No one's help to come around Drop like flies and improvise And I know now that I will someday And I know that I will suffocate And I know now that I will someday And I know that I will suffocate Suffocate, suffocate, suffocate
Green Day
Sweet 16
Bring me back to an hour ago Time stands still as the years go by Brown-eyed girl that's throwing down a bottle of Old English Back in the warehouse Old days are fine, but are left so far behind From California to Jane Street Kids alright, alright as they'll ever be 'Cause you will always be my Well, you will always by my You will always be my sweet 16 Sleep on the floor on cardboard Stab out my heart like a dartboard Brown-skinned girl, I had a dream about a long, long time now From the Midwest to the beach Old days are fine, but are left so far behind From California to Jane Street Kids alright, alright as they'll ever be 'Cause you will always be my Well, you will always by my You will always be my sweet 16 Old days are fine, but are left so far behind From California to Jane Street Kids alright, alright as they'll ever be 'Cause you will always be my Well, you will always by my You will always be my sweet 16
Green Day
Take Back
You pushed me once too far again I'd like to break you fucking teeth. Stick a knife in the center of your back. You better grow some eyes in the back of your Head. I fight dirty, just like your looks. Can't take, can't take, can't take anymore. Take back, take back, take. The taste of bad blood on the tip of my tongue. An eye for an eye. Gun for a gun. Cold-cocked and I'm taking back what's mine. Expect it when you're least expecting it. No loss of love, the smell of regret. Lights out Can't take anymore Shit
Green Day
The Grouch
I was a young boy that had big plans Now I'm just another shitty old man I don't have fun and I hate everything The world owes me, so fuck you Glory days don't Mean shit to me I drank a six pack of apathy Life's a bitch and so am I The world owes me, so fuck you Wasted youth and a fistful of ideals I had a young and optimistic point of view Wasted youth and a fistful of ideals I had a young and optimistic point of view I've decomposed, yet my gut's getting fat Oh my god I'm turning out like my dad I'm always rude I've got a bad attitude The world owes me, so fuck you The wife's a nag and the kid's fucking up I don't have sex 'cause I can't get it up I'm just a grouch sitting on the couch The world owes me, so fuck you
Gucci Mane
Birds Of A Feather
Two times, it's gucci, Two times Zugi Zugi Burr burr burr burr, burr burr burr burr, yeaaa It's two times gucci And I don't give excuses I use to drive a hooptie, but now my life a movie A genius like Confucius, but please do not confuse me Don't think cuz I do music, I won't pull up with Uzi They want me just like Tookie, But Gucci Mane survive Don't ask me nuthin stupid, they bury me alive Right now I'm on that new shit, my struggle I embrace it Forever live in diamonds, like ancient kings in Asia Big ballin is my major, I still got my lil trap house A condo flip a Florida, I'm ballin on you stakehouse I'm in and out the trap house, but this ain't what you wanted I put my shooters on ya, you think your house was haunted, Fool Pounds in the bathtub, keys on the dresser My money in a great place that I can never tell ya A cinderella story call me Cinder-fella I make it rain so much the strippers gotta bring umbrellas I double spike the punch, Skip breakfast and lunch I sell a thang, and whip a plain, and eat some captain crunch I smoke a blunt then go to brunch, and babe I don't do dutch I let ha order what she wants, order what you must, it's Gucci A they don't think I would be back I told them wait and watch All you waiting watching kick back and factor this O maker ain't no coming after this We the realist niggas coming from Atlanta streets Yall thought Atlanta rap was all novelty, Where you was at? I was sit N trenches trying to escape the poverty Probably out sellin sacs, Or what? Or probably trying figure out where the fk you and your sacs... At And way before I was sellin sacs, What? 5th avenue, what were you doing? I was on the avenue pitching quarters, taking orders But now nigga the consumer, I'm a Zone 4 nigga I hit the yams up in my pum's These nigga grew up with a silver spoon, I had to dust the vault Had to learn to wiggle up had to get it up Nigga playing cards in the hood, but I ain't playing Hell I'll throw in ya hands if I had yall hands Got niggas that will cut off their hands just to have my hands I'm that nigga now, look at you, you doop dealin 100 percent legitimate yea, I'm doop dealing My name O weight, I carry my own weight
Gucci Mane
(Intro: Gucci Mane) I wanna thank God For opportunity, success Wealth and health (Verse 1: Gucci Mane) My daddy name Gucci, he the Gucci Mane Honestly he turned me on to the ice game He fed the fam with 3 tops, that's the current game Well fuck you, who are you? You ain't God mane I fell out with my right hand man, he tried to top on me I guess it's clear we ain't homies like I think we homies I'm at the top and I swear to God, it's really lonely But I'm not coming down, no stoopin' down, I keep it movin' These young nigga's got no respect who make music Broke ass nigga never can get used to it And the bottom of some valley don't do it like the top do it Roll the crisp we hear ak's more than church music [Hook:] I hit this car, horse on the car, with the top off it Topless broads drivin, Gucci chargin' with no problem Hit shot dead in the bushes with his head off Head cut off, those slick blood knocked off Decapitated (Huh?) Decapitated Decapitated (Bang), bow down Decapitated (It's Gucci) [Verse 2: Gucci Mane) I know African's that cut off legs Jamaican's that cut off heads (What's up bumbaclot) This millionaire still in the feds You in the county and you can't get outta jail nigga? Damn, that's so sad That's so bad You played out, jj bad Mob ties put a head in your bed (horse head) You touch Guwop and they goin' mine and wrap yo head I got so much overhead, I gave him diamond bricks instead And I chumm without a charm, diamond chain and watch instead Team some team My grandad in house and I stay next door to Ned Cooking dope instead of eggs Hundred pt's in my fridge [Hook:] I hit this car, horse on the car, with the top off it Topless broads drivin, Gucci chargin' with no problem Hit shot dead in the bushes with his head off Head cut off, those slick blood knocked off Decapitated (Huh?) Decapitated Decapitated, goddamn Decapitated
Gucci Mane
Deuces Lyrics
(Dj drama) You know when you drive fast cars? You feeling easy and throw the peace sign up Shawty full of drama like gansta grizz-iles (x3) (Gucci) She on my pimp c, I'm pouring dueces We had a boy b but shawty screwed this. Don't try to fix this because it's usless I surely aint broke, I need a new bitch I got a main chick and a mistress They think they fancy, very expensive I'm like some new money, told my extra trade me Perferably in my A flexing south beach I'm corriside front row waitin chris bosch Bron and gucci mane diamonds match her lip gloss I know my ex can see me and she pissed off. I told her keep the memories bitch get lost Bitch kick rocks, I got them sick rocks Throw them dueces up just to show my show wrist watch (Bling blow)just to show my wrist watch Throw them dueces up just to show my six watch (Chirs brown) I'm on some new shit I'm chuckin my deuces up to her I'm moving on to something better, better, better No more tryin to make it work You made me wanna say bye bye, say bye bye, say bye bye to her [x2]
Gucci Mane
Deuces (Remix)
All That Bullsh-- For the birds you aint nothin but a vulture always hopin for the worst waiting for me to fu-- up you'll regret the day when I find another girl, yeah, who knows just what I need she knows just what I mean when I tell her keep it drama free, ohohohohohohohoh... (Chuck chuckin up them (deuces) Ohohohohohohohoh I told you that I'm leaving (deuces) ohohohohohohohoh I know you mad but so what? I wish you best of luck and now I'm feelin to throw them dueces up, I'm On some new sh-- I'm chuckin my dueces up to her I'm movin on to something better, better, better no more trying to make it work you made me wanna say bye bye, say bye bye, say bye bye to her (x2) Uh, use to be valentines together all the time thought it was true love but you know woman lie it's like I sent my love with a text two times call cause I care but I aint get no reply tryna see eye to eye but it's like we both blind Fu-- it let's hit the club, I rarely sip but pour me some, Cause when it's all said and done, I aint gone be the one that she can always run to, I hate liars, Fu-- love I'm tired of tryin my heart big but it beat quiet I don't never feel like we vibin Cause everytime we alone it's a awkward silence So leave your keys on the kitchen counter and gimme back that ruby ring with the big diamond sh-- is over, whatchu trippin for? I don't wanna have to let you go but baby I think it's better if I let you know, I'm on some new sh-- I'm chuckin my dueces up to her I'm moving on to something better, better, better no more tryin to make it work you made me wanna say bye bye, say bye bye, say bye bye to her (x2) Look, my shorty always on some bull---- like chicago so I flip that middle finger and the index finger follow, Dueces, we aint got no future in tomorrow I'm a dick, so it shouldn't be that hard to swallow, The other chick I'm with never complain she make wanna leave the one I'm with Usher Raymond probably didn't register, don't trip, later on it will shorty full of drama like gangsta grizzles, I finally noticed it, it finally hit me like Tina did like in the limo, it finally hit me, I got a new chick, and she aint you she Paula Patton thick she give me Deja vu And all that attitude, I don't care about it but all that Sh-- I do for her, you gon hear about it Breezy rep two up, Two down but I'm just puttin two up, Chuckin up the duece now, I'm on some new sh-- I'm chuckin my dueces up to her I'm movin on to something better, better, better no more tryin to make it work you made me wanna say bye bye, say bye bye, say bye bye to her (x2)
Gucci Mane
Do It
Why you painted that motherfucker? You didn't have to do it Why you flood yo wife? You know that you didn't have to do it It was clean fore you did it, you didn't have to do it It was a 2013 car, man you didn't have to do it It's Gucci Mane izay, you know we overdo it They back in the Lamborghini man, they didn't have to do it They got so much, man it's so much, influence didn't have to do it They know that Gucci Mane stay fresh and he didn't have to do it Don't need no stylist, I'm so fresh, I didn't even have to do it My car cost half a million dollars and I didn't have to do it I paint that bitch instantly and put them Forgies to it I merk a nigga instantly, this shit here more than music As far as me, them niggas phony, that's balony music These niggas so corny I'd be baloney if I listened to it I paint my car soon as I get it, bitch I gotta do it And get how many, can even a man take car paint that's on a Buick I make a bitch feel insecure but she still listen to it She in the car, don't know what it is but ain't like she knew You with a nigga with a check, this a Rari not a Vette This ain't that same little lick that he got, man this Bentley cost 3-20 man It's Gucci, I got plenty, me in city, we be killin shit Soon as you take drop man it's gon be trinity and it's have her 50 I have my mind on a V, I'm trappin out abandoned buildings They say the rims on my Charger bitch are bigger than they children Why you painted that motherfucker? You didn't have to do it Why you flood yo wife? You know that you didn't have to do it It was clean fore you did it, you didn't have to do it It was a 2013 car, man you didn't have to do it It's Gucci Mane izay, you know we overdo it They back in the Lamborghini man, they didn't have to do it They got so much, man it's so much, influence didn't have to do it They know that Gucci Mane stay fresh and he didn't have to do it I didn't have to do it but I did it, man I did it Yo I do it when I do it, drop top Rari, yea we stupid Got that Rollie, flooded it out with Cuban diamonds, man they ready blew this Groupies I don't give a fuck, I'm flippin! I pour lean and some blue Kool-Aid and now I'm feelin like lipsy Took my car service to Slawson, bought 10 Patriot from the 60's Why you pass that blunt to me? Baby you know that shit too skinny I stick my blunt and stuff my safe, I can't even close at all em 20's Why you painted that motherfucker? You didn't have to do it Why you flood yo wife? You know that you didn't have to do it It was clean fore you did it, you didn't have to do it It was a 2013 car, man you didn't have to do it It's Gucci Mane izay, you know we overdo it They back in the Lamborghini man, they didn't have to do it They got so much, man it's so much, influence didn't have to do it They know that Gucci Mane stay fresh and he didn't have to do it
Gucci Mane
Dope Boys
Verse 1 All I Need Is One Mic All I Need Is One Stove Homie Got A Nice Flow But Gucci Got That White Coke You Ain't Gettin The Right Dope, You Knockin On The Wrong Door Last Nigga Tried Me Let's Just Callem John Doe And Since You Short A Dime Homie Then Park Me A Old School I Fronted You, You Ran Off That's Not What You're Supposed To Do I'm Gettin My Tip Fade Cut Pour The Chris And Flat Show Wish A Nigga Would Run Up On Me Like I'm Bristol Yeaaaaa Gucci Mans A Live Wire Try Me Like I'm Yung Berg And Imma Make Yo Eyes Cry Gucci Like To Drank And Gucci Like To Smoke And Gucci On A Rise While Ya'll Niggas Goin Broke Gucci! Gucci Mans A G, Tell Me Sumthin I Don't Know I Got Court In Early Mornin I Don't Really Wanna Go I Do This For The People Cause I'm My Brothers Keeper I Don't Fear You Cause I'm Parrapalegic, Wheres My Parralegal Chorus See That House Right There Yea Make A Lot A Money Whos That Knockin At The Door Probably A Couple Junkies That Coupe Ova There Yea Cost A Couple Hundreds See My Neighborhood Is Buckin Tell My Plug To Keep It Comin Dopeboys, Dopeboys With The Dopeboys X2 What You Wanna Get Homie Hurry Up And Buy It Dopeboys don't Die Homie We Just Multiply Verse 2 I'm In My M6 Beemer This Is No 645 Like A Pigeon In The Sky, I Just Shitted On Your Ride So Much Weight Off In My House, You Would Think It Was A Gym Plus My Nikes Match My Necklace And My Necklace Match My Rims I Got Court In Early Mornin I Don't Really Wana Go Say I Violated Probation Just Because I Blew My Nose Blew 300 On My Rolce 200 More On The Lamb Million Dollars On The Crib Car Note, Don't Know What That Is Gucci, You Don't Know Who That Is Mama That's Just Gucci Man That's My Boy That's My Partna I'm Gucci Man Biggest Fan Plus She Don't Know What That Is I'm With That I Don't Give A Damn If You Think I Give A Fuck You Must Do Not Know Who I am, Gucci Chorus Verse 3 Mirror Mirror Mirror Whos The Realest In The Game Why You Ask That Stupid Question Boy You Know That's Gucci Mane East Atlanta 6 You Know How We Roll I Just Bought Anotha Chevy Got It Right Back Out The Bowl Tall Stacks Up In My Closet I Can't Even See My Clothes And My Belly Get So Big I Can Hardly See My Toes Got A Car In My Garage I Have Never Ever Drove It's A Door Black On Black Phantom I Call That Bitch Dorrough If She Going To The Ladies Room I Guess I'll Let Her Know I Got Powder In My Living Room, So She Don't Have To Stroll A Year Ago Today, I Was Sitting In My Cell Where You See Yoself In 5 Years A So Icey Billionare Gucci Chorus
Gucci Mane
G-Love (You Don't Love Me)
[Chorus] And you want me to give you all of my heart All of my love But you don't love me (yeah!) And you keep on sayin' that's how you are But that ain't good enough Cause you don't love me (gucci!) And you want me to think that were gonna pass So I keep coming back (LeToya Luckett what's happenin') You say it might be But baby that ain't Gonna be good enough So there ain't no us Cause you don't love me I'm a zone six nigga so it ain't nothin' to it Yo man won't beat it up but guess what (i'll do it) Yo man won't beat it up but guess what (i'll do it) Yo man won't beat it up but guess what (i'll do it) Yo man won't beat it up but guess what (i'll do it) I'll beat that thing like I'm performin' Ya hate me now but you gon' love me in the mornin' (yeah) Flash flood warning I'm in the club stormin' (go go go go, stop!) Girls choosing shawty but I'll come and getcha toy friend High than a martian I'm round the wheel of fortune (its Gucci) You my vandal right and even rich hoes thank u gorgeous (well damn!) The way you put it down you remind me of my porsche (wow) And I'm not bein' arrogant I'm just tryin' being cautious (wow) I'm so scared of coming admit it make me nauseous I don't love ya girl but I still think ya gorgeous (yeah) [Repeat: x2] G love baby all I'll give ya Cause u don't fell in love With a real street nigga (Gucci!) [chorus] One day you gonna find me (go!) And I wanna regiment (go!) Find some other guy friend That meet all ya requirements (stop) I can even lie damn a dime you a diamond (bling) And if I laced up to ya you give it to hides man Rubbin' on ya thighs and I'm lookin' in ya eyes and It's hard to decide man love's so hard to find man Gucci not a blind man but Gucci still a bachelor Get me off a substance give him all the extra Gucci man I bless ya love to caress ya One thing I'll never do put you under pressure Gucci man done bless ya I love to caress ya One thing I would never do is put you under pressure [Repeat: x2] G love baby all I'll give ya Cause u don't fell in love With a real street nigga (say it again) (say it again) (Gucci!) [Chorus] [Repeat: x2] G love baby all I'll give ya Cause u don't fell in love With a real street nigga (Gucci!) (Yeah) Baby tell me why Why ya don't love me Why ya don't love me Oh no!
Gucci Mane
Gingerbread Man
Its money mane, n' juice man, n' Gucci mane, Gucci mane, I'm a keep droppin' verses, Hotta' den tha' hottest summa', Eat rappers like Jeffrey Domer, Dope color Shanay O Conner?, Should I name another woman, Russian like president Obama, Wanna buy two extra commas, All my shoes are Fara Gomma? Lightning actually hittin' thunda', Even Stevie Wonder wonder, Why yo girl get home on time so much I had to change my numba', Sarcasm, these bitches need to ride 'em while I pass 'em, I wouldn't even give that bitch a orgasm, Miraculously my niggas stand beside, not in back of me, So disrespect my faculty, how dare you have audacity, The compact to capacity I cash out automatically, I spit these rhymes so radically, sporadically, fatality. [Chorus] I got the green, drank, pills, blow, Runnin' round the town gettin' money I suppose, I'm the gingerbread man I'm the gingerbread man I'm the gingerbread man I'm the gingerbread man I got the green, drank, pills, blow, I Cant get up, sleep, jus' keep knockin' on my door, I'm the gingerbread man I'm the gingerbread man I'm the gingerbread man I'm the gingerbread man Gingerbread man, I got white, I got white, Trap house bunkin' up all night, take flight, Droppin' 10 bases? its jumpin' that white? Trees to that paper so I'm something like a kite, Loud stanky kush and it tellin' me to light, Extra loud diamonds and its lookin' like a light, Rolli'n stay money and my pockets just glide, Everyday diamonds cause they don't like to hide, V-V-S light yea so you block yo eyes, Burnt color diamonds like a sweet potato pie, Hit ya color diamonds and get ratchet like a fly? The brick man, the bread man I don't tell no lies. [Chorus] Money Mane gettin' it in, I'm only in it to win I ain't come to say I'm the champ, I get bored and do it again If I ev'red across a tranny, I ain't asked her for a twin cause its number time, done came to gather up all my inns it's fifteen minutes to ten, eighth in and I'm drinkin' gin I could act like we were fiends, but I dont like to pretend I got 30 stacks new Ajax, it's the future price of my air max I'm addicted to abllin' I hear Lennox Mall and I relapse Your slimfast, little bankroll, my stash getting way to fat No push-up, just cook-ups, I'm booked up, I don't wanna lapse There's Money Mane, and Juice Mane, and Gucci Mane and ol' Brickman I got juice all in my kitchen so my house smell like cocaine [Chorus]
Gucci Mane
Gucci, Gucci Whats up Corey Back in the trap! Heavy, real heavy, its so heavy, heavy, real heavy Gucci, Gucci, Gucci, Gucci Heavy, real heavy, it feels heavy, Somebody help me, My neck hurt, my chain heavy, Heavy, door heavy, flow heavy, Gucci bag full of cash, its so heavy, Listen, I cant land it, I go get it, My ego gettin' too big, its too heavy, My head gettin' too big, its so heavy, Somebody help me, to tote this cash its too heavy. My bitch say every time she look up I'm bout to do a cook up, I told he if she know like I know she will shut the fuck up, Introduce color the soda and I said y'all need to hook up, I pimp that white girl like a motherfuckin' hooker, I took 300 out my stash and I went and bought a phantom, I need some toilet paper, I'm the shit in east Atlanta, On a 90 day tour so my niggas really miss me, I couldn't kick it with them so I took my whole hood with me, And I just got out of jail, ya they tried to Michael Vick me, I gave my lawyer half a mill and told him come and get me, I'm not wit G-unit but this drum here cost me 50, This chain another 50 plus a hundred of you snitches. Heavy, real heavy, it feels heavy, Somebody help me, My neck hurt, my chain heavy, Heavy, door heavy, flow heavy, Gucci bag full of cash, its so heavy, Listen, I cant land it, I go get it, My ego gettin' too big, its too heavy, My head gettin' too big, its so heavy, Somebody help me, to tote this cash its too heavy. I'm so confused, don't have a clue, man, what to do. Should I rob him, or should I serve him, you know the rules, I keep Miami heat, got more strap then a gun show, Run up on the kid, I have you morning like Alonzo, Try me if you want to, I send my shooters pronto, I know you die, but hell I don't know where you gotta go, Run up on me wrong, try your luck, cause I don't think so, This four four that I told a libra, whole size of a pot hole. Yeah I got amigo, but they don't bring me taco, Only bring me kilos, but keep that on the d lo. I'm getting my tip fade cut, Bouldercrest, and Flat Shoals, Wish a nigga would run up on me like I'm Brisco. Heavy, real heavy, it feels heavy, Somebody help me, My neck hurt, my chain heavy, Heavy, door heavy, flow heavy, Gucci bag full of cash, its so heavy, Listen, I cant land it, I go get it, My ego gettin' too big, its too heavy, My head gettin' too big, its so heavy, Somebody help me, to tote this cash its too heavy. Uh well I think I need a hundred pack, and I ain't even finished, I'm I'm in this duplex in the 6, I only use the kitchen, I'm the same with my grinder post, yeah I got big bags of smoke, You fuck niggas don't call my phone unless you wanna buy some dro', I got birds like Atlanta zoo, bitch who are you, I got goons like a scary movie, yeah that is true, And I change cars like a rich white girl change shoes, Gotta go, go get get them the money, little cause wanna deuce, And I was holdin' under thirty two, 2002 you know its true, Bought 'em a sun valley Jacob, me and juice, you know the crue. I got money stacks credential, now still ain't spent old bred, If you wanna gladly pour some change on your own head. Heavy, real heavy, it feels heavy, Somebody help me, My neck hurt, my chain heavy, Heavy, door heavy, flow heavy, Gucci bag full of cash, its so heavy, Listen, I cant land it, I go get it, My ego gettin' too big, its too heavy, My head gettin' too big, its so heavy, Somebody help me, to tote this cash its too heavy. Heavy!
Gucci Mane
Gucci Gucci Gucci Gucci Gucci Gucci Gucci Verse 1 Gucci got a warrant how da fuck I get subpoenaed? Objection what's the objection your honor I'm a genius 13 years old got my jordans in da cleaners Like lil scrappy rockin fila's In the club showin off like tila (Gucci) Black and white chain in da libra like a zebra This not your everday ordinary fuckin beemer This is no part of da seven this a moss one cost a mean one got my top back for my grandma got my beater for aaliyah It's me and my money and my diamonds man we a trio And no disrespect to neyo But this gucci mane da sosa And my albino testarossa Bout da color of the ocean It's gucci mane la flare And my bank account is rollin is you rollin Chorus House game Thursday Two days early Plug showin love so my nigga count lovely 12 dollar cursin momma don't worry me my plug showin love so it's gone in a hurry yea yea it's gone in a hurry mr. White bottle same color as my jewerly(yea well damn) yea it's gone in a hurry plug showin love man twelve's don't discourage me Verse 2 911 emergency gucci makin currency Somebody call the ambulance I think my flow been burgulary This track has been murderin Who you calling murder The only thang I'm killing is yo mutherfuckin girl jaw Smoking on dat fruity dro Girl you look like keyshia cole I know you a dick pulla But can't fuck you Blood Raw Damn I like dem kinky flows 28 I'm young bitch All white diamond vvs white diamond bricks Get back boy ole national Two unrashnal hood hoez Two ducesz with two koolist It's gucci gucci gucci stupid Spent 280 for my hula hoop 0 8 with out the juices Wanna steal it he can keep he can keep I don't need Chorus x2 Back like I never left Left like I never slept Check out this stupid check
Gucci Mane
[Chorus] Since you can't get right Imma show you how to hustle, Show you how to hustle show you how to hustle. Make a grind all night, Imma show you how to hustle, Show you how to hustle, show you how to hustle.. Put ya game down tight I'ma show you how to hustle, Show you how to hustle, show you how to hustle. It's an all night flight, I'ma show you how to hustle, Show you hustle, show you how to hustle (Yeah) I let my hater be my motivator, I got 20 pounds of purp, in my refrigerator So damn an investergator, when I re-up they bring it in a tractor trailer. I'm the king of Decatur man, got that fruity dro any kinda flavor man, Good cush or that purple thrax, white rhino you ain't never heard of that. I got them sevens fr the buck fifty, 125 if an nigga fuck wit me, You doing bad buying 50 slabs, I'm in Texico buying out sandwich bags Niggas churpin' on my Nextel, Gucci what it look like nigga fish scales(ughh) I use to hold down the Hotel, now I'm a member of the Sign Yourself Cartel [Chorus] Verse 2: (ughh0 I use to be the nigga wit the dimes, now I'm on the grind wit the 4's and the 9's. They say it's Gucci time to shine, a young black entrepreneur in his prime A nigga got a get the whole thing, 19.5 every time my phone rang I got so much clientele, black tee, black Gat and a pocket scale So I can't go broke man, niggas know me as the Dope man's dope man I made this one for my folks man, for the J's that be smoking outta coke cans And they asking for a wake up, you wanna a brick I gotcha covered like make- up. So want you holla at you boy, you drop a couple dollars, I'll get your coke, I'll get your boy [Chorus] I got them pounds and the Q.P.'s, I move units, I ain't talking bout cd's I'm talking bout HB's, a hundred pounds nigga holla at HB Nigga I can get an Escalade off a hundred slab and a razor blade When I cut it wit the rich band 2 flips nigga I'ma be a rich man. And these robbers trying to plot up, get his car shot up trying take a nigga product These niggas ain't harming me,plus I sell more drugs than a pharmacy. I'ma mix it wit the Isatol, ten thousand pills and these bitches ain't no Tylenol Big nuts like bowling balls, 30 though and dollar charm and a hole in the wall. [Chorus]
Gucci Mane
I Might Be
Is you rollin? [x4] Bitch I might be [x2] Girl he geeked up Girl he geeked up Bitch I might be [x4] [Verse 1] East Atlanta slum man is where I come from Pass that bubble thrax and put this bean on your tongue Now everything was gravy 'til your bitch came in Bout the same time that that thang kicked in Now she ain't really pretty but she got a nice body I'm geeked up thinkin' this Buffie The Body Ain't your name 'lil Trina cause you look like Janet Jackson I'm off three double stacks and I'm lookin' for that action Gucci Mane you stupid man I love the way you flowin' Ridin' in my drop but I don't know where I'm goin' On two eighty five I keep ridin' in a circle The inside of my ride smellin' like a pound of purple Gucci is your time give me five more minutes And a cold orange juice cause I'm really really trippin' Went to the strip club and request that I'm da man The next thing you know I was throwin' rubberbands [Chorus] [Verse 2] Shawty tellin' me she ain't neva suck no dick Neva took a pill or neva ate a bitch You a lie but I ain't gonna get upset right now But I wish I had a lie detector test right now You say you marry well bitch you might be But I bet your husband ain't Icy like me She stand on B.C. in my ashy black tee When dem dope man nikes and dem jore ass jeans-Jordache Jeans I don't pay her but I still keep that thrax on me I'm a the shit in East Atlanta baby ask about me Pop one pop two two halves that's three Ain't no waffle house baby hell I can't eat Gucci hood like your hoodman hes so extreme Wearin' doces in the club cause you kno the boy geeked Top the top on that thang let you see my seats We've been rollin' rollin' rollin' we ain't slept in weeks [Chorus] [Verse 3] Gucci Mane the fly nigga get your mind right Or a cries by the twelve like a case of budlight Sell a cush by a bell so you kno might shit tight See I'm 30 in the morning on a all night flight I'm high like Fabo hood like Shawty So tell me when to go like my name E-40 A rich rock star nigga I'm gonna party Got a party pack of pillz that's at least bout 40 I'll pour dem in your hand like a bag of jelly beans Take two of these pillz call me in the morning Fifty thousand pillz man I'm so real Three dollars for a pill that's a damn good deal [Chorus] Ay wassup Gucci Mane Why you sweatin' so hard? Is you rollin' or somethin' Shit well baby I might be But got damn what is you doin' You jockin' a playa. You ch-Chewy ova here right Look I ain't (K-Reilly) K-Rab baby You know what I mean I'm not a piece of Bubblegum What I'm doin is not your business But matta of fact while you ova here is you a waitress or somethin? Cause the shit you got on make you look like you a waitress So do what you do aight I'm a give you this hundred dollars Go get you what ever you drankin' Bring me and click about ten of dem orange juices, Five crunk juices nd we'll be straight how bout that And is you straight is you single or is you marry Cause I might be, Bitch I might be, Bitch I might be, Bitch I might be
Gucci Mane
I Move Chickens
I'm moving chickens I move chickens shawty I'm moving chickens I move chickens shawty I'm moving chickens I move chickens In the kitchen cookin chicken tryin to pay my rent I'm moving chickens I move chickens shawty I'm moving chickens I move chickens shawty I'm moving chickens I move chickens In the kitchen cookin chicken tryin to pay my rent Shawty rap about gucci stay strapped with a uzi Murder 1 platinum eatin justice by Tuesday It's gucci mane excuse me dawg I'm makin my music For facin me a nigga fight about what a toothpick? I did 6 months incident with a pool stick They found a nigga guilty still say ain't do shit Major league minor league was independent I moved on shawty gucci handled his business And I ain't goin back to jail god is my witness I'm grinnin so hard it look like it's a picnic So icey entertainment in atlantic I'm trapped in spanish for slayin them dragons Nigga I'm moving chickens I move chickens shawty I'm moving chickens I move chickens shawty I'm moving chickens I move chickens In the kitchen cookin chicken tryin to pay my rent I'm moving chickens I move chickens shawty I'm moving chickens I move chickens shawty I'm moving chickens I move chickens In the kitchen cookin chicken tryin to pay my rent I'm chef boy ardee and I'm cookin a QB I'm whippin up the gravy the feins say that it's tasty I'm up 980 soulja strapped like the navy It's fuck you pay me bitch what you done lately I growed up crazy boy 1980 A true trapy babybitch this ok maybe The streets raised me I drove my kinfolks crazy Rather buy purp then pleasure Gucci won't mean lazy Nigga I'm moving chickens I move chickens shawty I'm moving chickens I move chickens shawty I'm moving chickens I move chickens In the kitchen cookin chicken tryin to pay my rent I'm moving chickens I move chickens shawty I'm moving chickens I move chickens shawty I'm moving chickens I move chickens In the kitchen cookin chicken tryin to pay my rent Shawty From start to the finish gucci mane the apprentice So every word letter I had lived every sentence This perfectly place created an indention I'm trappin and cursin for rappin the chinese Down south finest it's gucci your hinus Crazy color diamonds they got me shinin (TRUE!) Bitch arms up climbin up a cut like tyson I'm big cruz diamond but got no license Lanes talk senseless G's you silence And you can these dog but I use violence I'm trappin like a house over trap house cloudy Your stones cloudy so your not balling My down south swag got the fine hoes callin My swag so norm and my grill so gnawless My down south swag got the fine hoes callin My swag so norm and my grill so gnawless I'm moving chickens I move chickens shawty I'm moving chickens I move chickens shawty I'm moving chickens I move chickens In the kitchen cookin chicken tryin to pay my rent I'm moving chickens I move chickens shawty I'm moving chickens I move chickens shawty I'm moving chickens I move chickens In the kitchen cookin chicken tryin to pay my rent Shawty
Gucci Mane
I Shook Them Haters Off
[Chorus:] I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, [Verse:] I'm the type a guy hit the studio smokin dro And your the type a guy in the O wit nan to smoke Now I'm the type a guy hit the club and I make it rain And your the type a guy like Cat buy me a chain I'm the type a hit park and drop my top And your the type a guy baby mamma at da bus stop Now I'm the type a guy swing on you soon as I see you, You got on dem dickies I got on dem evisu's I'm the type a guy keep money cuz I be hustlin Your the type a guy I use to pay to tow my luggage, And your the type a guy hit the mall but window shoppin, Gucci can I be yo hype man hell naw you Garbage, [Chorus:] I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, [Verse 2:] Your the type a bitch old as hell still tryna rap, And I'm the type a nigga young as hell an I run the trap, Now your the type a freak say lick your Georgia peach, You married to a lame and dat lame don't wont no beef, Now he the type a nigga that a old lame ass bitch a want, Aint never drank no beer aint Never rolled no Blunt Now she the type a gurl aint got no ass on her back No kurt aint got no money I heard she fuckin cat Now japes the kinda guy go both ways think I don't know I heard he fuckin kurt in ass on the D-Lo Now japes the kinda guy tell you, you gon make millions But he's a petifile on the low he fuck his children [Chorus:] I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, [Verse 3:] Now your the type of guy put a soldier rag on yo stuff But let a nigga black yo eye nigga at yo prom Now your the type a guy rap about it but you don't live it And I'm the type of guy catchin charges bout to go to prison Your the type of guy and find your old jersey You say you got money but your ones are dirty Now your the type I look at like my lil sister A nigga black yo eye n you, you had a pistol Your the type all ways talkin bout pimpin You claim you from bankhead but really yo ass from griffin Your the type of guy who never gon be shit If I gave you 3 dollars I know you'd suck that dick [Chorus:] I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off, I shook dem haters off,
Gucci Mane
I Smoke Kush
Chorus 2x I smoke kush and I pop bean And I don't give a damn how you feel about me I sip lean pure codeine And I don't give a damn what you say about me I'm so iced up feel me up I'm so kushed up dog I'm stuck Sumbody help me I can't get up I bought a whole pound And I smoked da shit up No more purp lets restore Call da cush man tell him bring much more We ask anotha 2 litter We gon do four I'm so drowzy I might snore Chain so bright that you got a eye sore If yu aint wanna fuck what yu spend the night for Pulled all da ho's Dats what I got da ice for To win all da money Is what I shot da dice for Leaned to myself Damn I'm high I rolled anotha swisha I'm lookin for some fire I'm dui we so drunk Yo girl manned up Wen she seen my trunk Pussy nigga it's gucci Chorus 2x I smoke kush and I pop bean And I don't give a damn how you feel about me I sip lean pure codeine And I don't give a damn what you say about me While yall sell ounces Nigga I blow pounds Pussy ass fuck nigga Get tha fuck from round Gucci class clown Nigga you can laugh now Neva back down east a-town Boulder crest my stompin ground I make sun valley proud Me and throwback what it do blood We showin hood love Nigga we some hood thugs I'm hot I'm cold hood I'm street So iced out check my new piece Heart shaped diamonds baby heart aint sweet Gucci frames on so I can't see Gucci mvp, I bring dat heat In my all white dump Wit tha all chrome seats Yeeeeaaa I'm on fire Catch me in da hood Drag racin for tires Chorus 2x I smoke kush and I pop bean And I don't give a damn how you feel about me I sip lean pure codeine And I don't give a damn what you say about me
Gucci Mane
I'm A Dog
I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog Every dog has it's day man, every dog And you know I'm da only dog (Gucci) So icey entertainment (Gucci), so icey(Gucci)(yeeaa) Yola da Great, baby (yeeaa) Yo yo(yeeaa) I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog I'm a treat ha like a dog Feed ha like a dog(Gucci) Beat ha like a dog Then pass ha to my dog [x2] See my neck is very dumb And my girlfriend 21, and I know that's kinda young and I only feed her crumbs My jacob rides the short bus, man that's special ed Cause the girls be droolin, everytime they see the VVS Got a drop top vette and that thang so stupid The rims are off the set Girls be jumping bed I'm a a dog, I say Bernard And that dick get hard as hell We can leave the bed made up I can fuck you on the chair A boss bro, with dogs, man I don't fuck hoes with flees Hundred fifty thousand dollar dog collars for the team I'm a a boss bro, run with dogs, and I don't fuck hoes with flees (Go) Hundred fifty thousand dollar dog collars for the team I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog I'm a treat ha like a dog Feed ha like a dog(Gucci) Beat ha like a dog Then pass ha to my dog [x2] [Yola:] A, I got every kind of bytches droolin On a nigha style Cause my pockets fat, I smoke that thrax, while dey blow black n milds I hit the club with Zay, we in the front All these nighaz bytches chosen Gucci got em rollin so I know dey down to shoot a movie Nighaz balla blockin hatin on a nigha movement Out the bed to grits and eggs head and sum booty I'm young doing numbers And all the women love me Because I'm gutta blak, got a bank and I'm thuggin I neva love a broad cause I'm a motha fukin dog You can ask a couple about me bet dey tell you I'm off the wall I got doctors, lawyers, dealers, even strippers, on my team N I neva show favortism everyone's treated the same I'm a boss of all bytches, so they neva complain They respect this gangsta shyt, cause I got so much game You ain't gotta ask about me, nigha you know who I be I'm a motha fukin dog, can you understand me I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog I'm a treat ha like a dog Feed ha like a dog(Gucci) Beat ha like a dog Then pass ha to my dog [x2] Chasin cats, chasin rats Gucci got them power packs Got to them straight from the 6 East Atlanta, proud of that This fine broads looking at me Damn I see ha puddy cat And I like them freaky girls(very freaky girl) Dey know how to throw it bak Push or shine, I throw it bak Throw Bak please roll up the thrax Throw Bak get sum jaw while I'm killin this hoe from da bak Frosho shine I throw it bak Throw Bak please roll up the thrax Throw Bak get sum jaw while I'm killin this hoe from da bak I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog I'm a treat ha like a dog Feed ha like a dog(Gucci) Beat ha like a dog Then pass ha to my dog [x2]
Gucci Mane
(hook) please let me floss my jewelry So much ice make ya eye sight blury Jewelry, have on too much jewelry Neva too much neva too much so much Jewelry, this ant even half my jewelry It's gettin kinda cold n here I'm serious Jewelry, please let me rock my jewelry Everybody starring 'cause we rockin' big jewelry (verse one) Jewelry,people see me rock big jewelry My jewelry talk 4 me baby girl don't you hear it? Serious, this ain't even half my jewelry Red dimond charm's on it's period Fear it, so many people it's very very slight flaws in my necklace Put my dawg on it, put me on hard 4 seconds Tell my auntie to bring all my bracelets Nu piece coming its gone hurt dey faces OJ flexin wid da blue n white Jacob Jacob, how you think we got da boy a bank up So Icey CEO is covered like make-up,Gucci, uhh (hook) (verse 2) Say,Gucci Mane please can I have it or wear it Don't touch it, baby look, but don't grab it Flash it,kodak moment boo cath it, guard it, hope she treat it like its important, rollin, ill rush ya 4 taylor lil shawty Homie over there is holding down a glock 40 Party, everybody in here balling Blanging,everybody chain in here swanging Hanging, damn I wish I had 9 pankies(pinky fingers) Twankies,popping pills and rolling up stankies Dis corner over here ant nuttn but iced out gangstas Iced out ears,chest,wrist and finggaz Finggaz,why you think we holding our bangaz We gangstas,why you think we twisting Fingaz, fingaz,why you think we holding our bangaz We gangstaz,why you think we twistin our finggaz, So Icey (hook) (verse 3) Jewelers,brightlens,Jacobs,mulers My jewelers known to over do us Floridaz,white diamonds and cuttaz He's an arrogant muthafucka If you swang dis boy you gotz ta hustle Cocaine da box wid da hamma n da muscle 300,000 rubbaz n da dresser Snitches,bitches,fakes n bustaz Ketchup diamonds,yellow mustard Gotta jewelry box man I gotta jewelry dresser VPS rocks all n my bezzas VPS rocks all n her bank up All black jacob look like a panther When you iced up you can't talk to strangers VPS rocks all in my finggaz I'm so iced out I can't talk to strangers, So Icey
Gucci Mane
I'mma thug. Even though I wan' change my life then get it right City judge, I'm always gonna be a thug. Like hold on, many of society that wanna see me underground. But I just bought a plane Sky is the limit (sky) My judge just took off the round now, Ain't nobody gonna stop my destiny (destiny). Ladies like, pop a bottle now ("it's gucci") 'Cause their man just came home now, Doing time in the penitentiary. (Gucci "yeah") And if come from the ghetto and you feel like a champion, Lemme see you put your hands up (Gucci "put your hands up")
Gucci Mane
On Deck
[Chorus:] Is ya iced out check is ya thugged out check got them shooters on deck got them goons on deck so icey entertainement big jewels on deck baby look at our neck we rock vvs. Is ya iced out check is ya thugged out check got them shooters on deck got them goons on deck big jewels on deck baby we on deck so icey vvs we rock vvs. Good cush burner nigga in the kitchen good cookin and I know I might be ugly but my car is good lookin, a star so I shine like the sun in mississippi, a show in mississippi so I love to sit with fifty, bands, ya gamblin ass I'm from birmingham shot ya boy down fifty grand and I shook lil buddy hand, until the feds get me nigga spend ya bread with me, you prety boy niggas know the kid get filthy, fizzy haters know the kid stay distant get ya ass whooped bus came you just missed it, so icey boys four niggas eight bitches two girls for every nigga that's how we kick it. [Chorus:] Supercalifragilisticespianadocious, that's some supaer fruity cali cush he super smokin doce, doce and the gabana frames I'm gucci half the time think that it's my clothing line, do it like la kitchen show me yours I'll show you mine, I'm high up out my mind don't think I'm lyin cause I ain't lyin, if smokin is a crime then that's a cryin shame, mary jane mary jane I love the mary jane it's underrated underappreciated highly decorated damn I been hella patient but I'm losing all my patience many wanna duplicate, generate, penatrate innovative bachelor, gucci mane the bachelor. [Chorus:] It's a pity how these inner city bitches fuck these niggas just for riches flashing like they rich but shop at jc pennys, a gimme you say gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme I'm a go and get it type of nigga I ain't with the beggin, so icey boys baby got it on my necklace on my neck and on my wrist on my face because I flax it I'm a chef I can make a hit I can make a brick used to steal rob and take a brick I ain't fake a bit, if a bitch talk bout gucci mane that she on gucci dick I'm a soldier and a ceo so icy we da shit, if a bitch talk bout so icey she on our dick I'm a soldier and a ceo so icey we the shit. [Chorus:]
Gucci Mane
Hey yea I'm tatted up and they know knowin' that I hit sax so much that I ain't going back I drop stack up, after stack, after stack, after stack, At the rac' everyday and they knowin' that Well I'm blowing that and I'm doing this and my reg flag got the haters pissed I'm goin' reckless, this not a diss, this not a threat, this real shit Don't mean that, I'm stopping me, and no topping me and no robbing me Cause the robbers out I brought the goons out we reckless, we OG On activists they taxing us but who gives a fuck who gives a damn I'm blood in and blood out on flash shows with big sound And wack flocka say flocka wacka 2 times commit 2 crimes 2 bloods and 2 rise with four knives and gang signs So what's up, lil' Price T I'm icy as Ice T On the king of diamonds at the prince is shining and all mine behind me Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless I'm in beast mode hell yeah I'm reckless If you don't like a pussy nigger come check this, respect this And let meet your death wish South team burn on my necklace, I fuck with them and they fuck with me Gonna fuck with us, get the fuck from 'round Cause I lollipop and we sucker free Reckless, reckless, everybody goin' ham Don't test this, cause if you do, that smith and wess' is goin' blam, down Look what the fuck done happen Just cause you heard that a nigga started rapping That I'm worried bout the ass pulled dark No talking I'm clapping Clear the whole scene I'm smashing boy, gone Boy you better catch up nigger get hit from your neck up nigger Nobody gon' fess up Get your block wet up Leave the whole scene full of ketchup nigga Hey I'm wildin' I'm wildin' I'm ballin', they fallin' I got the little man syndrome Catch me in the end zone signing autographs I'm stylin' Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Vacation in Miami, they say I'm swag surfing Your girl with ya she ain't looking but her ass flirtin' See I'm a classy nigger a thousand dollar curtains And I just made your nigger mad cause his pocket hurting And I don't mean I'm jacking off when I say I'm choking chickens I mean when we rap 'em up, we call that choking chickens I got her talking code for all he these nosy folks Two buck to be on probation too rich to be on parole My dog love me on I'm on the mic talking reckless Stunting, balling million dollar flexing My doll love me on I'm on the mike talking reckless Stunting, balling millionaire flexing Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless Let's get reckless, let's get reckless
Gucci Mane
Remember When
Do you remember when (remember when) Do you Do you remember when (remember when) [Chorus] Do you remember when I met you girl everything was alright Do you remember when We got a room we was fucking all night Do you remember the time girl Like I remember the time girl Girl you my type you just right That blouse on you fit just right Them jeans she got on skin tight Shes sexy cool but still shy I'm colder than a Klondike Bipolar I got dumb ice We know each other we go together Like hamburgers and french fries Everything's all right We'll never have a fist fight But last night we had a sex fight Then told her have blessed night I'm leaning I'm meanin' I fall asleep might have dreams in it Did the club thing, brought my team in it Last night I bring my queen in it I go get it you bullshitter's I hit it, damn right the kid did it You hood critters and hood chickens Please stay out my business From south France to south Philly A.T.L. to north Memphis From my city to your city Think you got more swag but not really [Chorus] Yo yo yo I'ma put it down so Gucci gon' wake up sore Ironic its gon' hurt But when I'm gone It'll make you want more Scented aura candles I pull up in my Lambo The best sex that you never had Two bad streets off the main road You had her but she left so That's just the way the game go No one on my level So please get up out on my lane holmes I met a girl so real no need to bring no game home Reminisce of Gucci every time they play my same song I'm on her like a long john Short skirt with no thongs on Sexy naked sunbathing outside my house with frames on I took her from some busters? And that boy ain't gon' shit bout it Its alright we can tell that sucka to forget about it [Chorus] Girls to my right Ladies to my left The weathers so hot Snows on my chest When I see this fly girl Tried to get her number Then she tells me I already smashed last summer Mile high club G 5 planes Remember back rubs and pink champagne Mile high club G 5 planes Remember back rubs and pink champagne Do you remember when I met you girl everything was alright Do you remember when We got a room we was fucking all night Do you remember the time girl Like I remember the time girl Do you remember when (remember when) Do you Do you remember when (remember when)
Gucci Mane
Ridiculous, it's hilarious How your girl gon stare at kid at all the frozen karots, dig it? Ain't no comparison, the clarity is excellent Brightlin cost your budget, bitch. That's why a nigga flexin it. Coulda bought a mini mansion, but I bought a necklace Coulda bought a Bentley, but instead I bought a chevorlet Donk is still ridiculous, it's sittin on switches bitch. Naw, don't make no switches, bitch. It's chrome lipstick 26's. Trap house with bout 20 kitchens, 20 chickens, 20 minutes 20 chickens, 20 minutes and I'm gon scratch out every penny 2'll make a 3 and that 1 will break another 20 I was gettin it, I'll admit it But right now I extra get it Mvp Champ, my statistics I jus scored a triple double Cocaine, kush, and ecstacy, my trap is guaranteed to bubble. Cocaine, kush, and ecstacy, my trap is guaranteed to bubble. 150 grand on both wrists' This shit ridiculous Rims cost a whole chicken This shit ridiculous Chain cost a whole ticket This shit ridiculous Hummer truck on 30 inches This shit ridiculous 16 for a whole chicken This shit ridiculous Powder round the whole kitchen This shit ridiculous Watch your mouth cus the feds listenin This shit ridiculous Watch your boy, cus that nigga's snitchin This shit ridiculous New paint, that bitch ridiculous Vitamin water paint job, and I ain't 50 cent Big bird, yellow d's, no Seasame street Cookie Monster of the hood, cus I love to eat Ridiculous watch, ridiculous chain Ridiculous bitch, and she got ridiculous brain She ridiculous thick, I don't remember her name Ridiculous dog, gotta treat these hoes the same Might take her to Lennox, I might buy her a purse She gon fuck all my niggas, she gon ride wit that work Ridiculous whip, ridiculous crib Ridiculous life, bitch this is the way that I live You a hater, dick in the ass taker Fake ass gangster, wit a fake ass Jacob Not scared nigga, look at the shit you make up Cocaine cowboy, look at the shit I shake up 150 grand on both wrists This shit ridiculous Rims cost a whole chicken This shit ridiculous Chain cost a whole ticket This shit ridiculous Hummer truck on 30 inches This shit ridiculous 16 for a whole chicken This shit ridiculous Powder round the whole kitchen This shit ridiculous Watch your mouth cus the feds listenin This shit ridiculous Watch your boy, cus that nigga's snitchin This shit ridiculous
Gucci Mane
Running Back
[Chorus]: Running 6acc jus like I'm a run it 6acc, While my diamonds doin jumpin jaccs, my poccets gettin fat, I'm gettin fat, o6ese, I won't stop man I jus keep eatin, Deer meat, let's feast, Dear lord thank you for this 6eef, Deer Meat, let's feast, Oh lord thank you for this 6eef, [Verse 1]: It's no sweat but I keep good keef, That strong loud kush they call it irene, 16 wat a6out 10 G's, And Spike Lee was screamin do the right thing, Not us, not me, got 49 cent in my guess jeans, And my chain, is 1 mill, That's 1 mill more than your deal, I'm so trill, I'm sittin tall come from paul wall, Coke-i-ina shawty yea I keep the paul wall, The Lil Wyte, The Eminem, you know the 8 mile, GUCCI! [Chorus]: [Verse 2]: Now it don't stop 'til the fat girls sings, When it's over hit em wit the violins, Do you like the violins, Matta fact drop the 6eat and play the strings, 6ring the 6eat 6acc, 6eat so hard I ain't gotta say a thing, 1 mane, 2 chains, 3 knots, and 4 rings, 8 please excuse me, that's 4 on 6oth hands, I'm perfect run mane buy dat Gucci Mane GUCCI! [Chorus]: [Verse 3]: This for my lil 6rother nate, he ain't even 13, Tell megan uncle gucci C good and stay sweet, Like my children and my auntie, my niece is pretty, Love my momma more than my hummer on ashanti's, Love my 6rother 50 and I know that nigga love me, Love walker wood warren, R.I.P. to raliegh, Shoutout to uncle joe, and my uncle 6entley, Speedy 6eat6ox on the tracc, take us to jamica queens, (DJ mothafuccin rell) (Roccs) go, go, go head drop the strings, GUCCI! Running 6acc jus like I'm a run it 6acc, While my diamonds doin jumpin jaccs, my poccests gettin fat, I'm gettin fat, o6ese, I won't stop man I jus keep eatin, Jus keep eatin,
Guided By Voices
Amorphous Surprise
Take me closer to you, Push you in your finite, Smoke in big pic session, Lurched in broken promise. Silence is pretty, finding the city. Know your disguise above the surprise. Cheap line flights and jet sky, Pitch like the royal bastard, Closed present, I may taste it, Closer than I may wasted. Silence is pretty, finding the city. Know your disguise above the surprise. Silence is pretty, finding the city. Know your disguise above the Surprise your eyes Above the surprise your eyes Above the surprise.