Unnamed: 0
How does their model learn using mostly raw data?
by exploiting discourse relations to propagate polarity from seed predicates to final sentiment polarity
Recognizing affective events that trigger positive or negative sentiment has a wide range of natural language processing applications but remains a challenging problem mainly because the polarity of an event is not necessarily predictable from its constituent words. In this paper, we propose to propagate affective polarity using discourse relations. Our method is simple and only requires a very small seed lexicon and a large raw corpus. Our experiments using Japanese data show that our method learns affective events effectively without manually labeled data. It also improves supervised learning results when labeled data are small.
Affective events BIBREF0 are events that typically affect people in positive or negative ways. For example, getting money and playing sports are usually positive to the experiencers; catching cold and losing one's wallet are negative. Understanding affective events is important to various natural language processing (NLP) applications such as dialogue systems BIBREF1, question-answering systems BIBREF2, and humor recognition BIBREF3. In this paper, we work on recognizing the polarity of an affective event that is represented by a score ranging from $-1$ (negative) to 1 (positive). Learning affective events is challenging because, as the examples above suggest, the polarity of an event is not necessarily predictable from its constituent words. Combined with the unbounded combinatorial nature of language, the non-compositionality of affective polarity entails the need for large amounts of world knowledge, which can hardly be learned from small annotated data. In this paper, we propose a simple and effective method for learning affective events that only requires a very small seed lexicon and a large raw corpus. As illustrated in Figure FIGREF1, our key idea is that we can exploit discourse relations BIBREF4 to efficiently propagate polarity from seed predicates that directly report one's emotions (e.g., “to be glad” is positive). Suppose that events $x_1$ are $x_2$ are in the discourse relation of Cause (i.e., $x_1$ causes $x_2$). If the seed lexicon suggests $x_2$ is positive, $x_1$ is also likely to be positive because it triggers the positive emotion. The fact that $x_2$ is known to be negative indicates the negative polarity of $x_1$. Similarly, if $x_1$ and $x_2$ are in the discourse relation of Concession (i.e., $x_2$ in spite of $x_1$), the reverse of $x_2$'s polarity can be propagated to $x_1$. Even if $x_2$'s polarity is not known in advance, we can exploit the tendency of $x_1$ and $x_2$ to be of the same polarity (for Cause) or of the reverse polarity (for Concession) although the heuristic is not exempt from counterexamples. We transform this idea into objective functions and train neural network models that predict the polarity of a given event. We trained the models using a Japanese web corpus. Given the minimum amount of supervision, they performed well. In addition, the combination of annotated and unannotated data yielded a gain over a purely supervised baseline when labeled data were small.
How did the select the 300 Reddit communities for comparison?
They selected all the subreddits from January 2013 to December 2014 with at least 500 words in the vocabulary and at least 4 months of the subreddit's history. They also removed communities with the bulk of the contributions are in foreign language.
A community's identity defines and shapes its internal dynamics. Our current understanding of this interplay is mostly limited to glimpses gathered from isolated studies of individual communities. In this work we provide a systematic exploration of the nature of this relation across a wide variety of online communities. To this end we introduce a quantitative, language-based typology reflecting two key aspects of a community's identity: how distinctive, and how temporally dynamic it is. By mapping almost 300 Reddit communities into the landscape induced by this typology, we reveal regularities in how patterns of user engagement vary with the characteristics of a community. Our results suggest that the way new and existing users engage with a community depends strongly and systematically on the nature of the collective identity it fosters, in ways that are highly consequential to community maintainers. For example, communities with distinctive and highly dynamic identities are more likely to retain their users. However, such niche communities also exhibit much larger acculturation gaps between existing users and newcomers, which potentially hinder the integration of the latter. More generally, our methodology reveals differences in how various social phenomena manifest across communities, and shows that structuring the multi-community landscape can lead to a better understanding of the systematic nature of this diversity.
“If each city is like a game of chess, the day when I have learned the rules, I shall finally possess my empire, even if I shall never succeed in knowing all the cities it contains.” — Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities A community's identity—defined through the common interests and shared experiences of its users—shapes various facets of the social dynamics within it BIBREF0 , BIBREF1 , BIBREF2 . Numerous instances of this interplay between a community's identity and social dynamics have been extensively studied in the context of individual online communities BIBREF3 , BIBREF4 , BIBREF5 . However, the sheer variety of online platforms complicates the task of generalizing insights beyond these isolated, single-community glimpses. A new way to reason about the variation across multiple communities is needed in order to systematically characterize the relationship between properties of a community and the dynamics taking place within. One especially important component of community dynamics is user engagement. We can aim to understand why users join certain communities BIBREF6 , what factors influence user retention BIBREF7 , and how users react to innovation BIBREF5 . While striking patterns of user engagement have been uncovered in prior case studies of individual communities BIBREF8 , BIBREF9 , BIBREF10 , BIBREF11 , BIBREF12 , we do not know whether these observations hold beyond these cases, or when we can draw analogies between different communities. Are there certain types of communities where we can expect similar or contrasting engagement patterns? To address such questions quantitatively we need to provide structure to the diverse and complex space of online communities. Organizing the multi-community landscape would allow us to both characterize individual points within this space, and reason about systematic variations in patterns of user engagement across the space. Present work: Structuring the multi-community space. In order to systematically understand the relationship between community identityand user engagement we introduce a quantitative typology of online communities. Our typology is based on two key aspects of community identity: how distinctive—or niche—a community's interests are relative to other communities, and how dynamic—or volatile—these interests are over time. These axes aim to capture the salience of a community's identity and dynamics of its temporal evolution. Our main insight in implementing this typology automatically and at scale is that the language used within a community can simultaneously capture how distinctive and dynamic its interests are. This language-based approach draws on a wealth of literature characterizing linguistic variation in online communities and its relationship to community and user identity BIBREF16 , BIBREF5 , BIBREF17 , BIBREF18 , BIBREF19 . Basing our typology on language is also convenient since it renders our framework immediately applicable to a wide variety of online communities, where communication is primarily recorded in a textual format. Using our framework, we map almost 300 Reddit communities onto the landscape defined by the two axes of our typology (Section SECREF2 ). We find that this mapping induces conceptually sound categorizations that effectively capture key aspects of community-level social dynamics. In particular, we quantitatively validate the effectiveness of our mapping by showing that our two-dimensional typology encodes signals that are predictive of community-level rates of user retention, complementing strong activity-based features. Engagement and community identity. We apply our framework to understand how two important aspects of user engagement in a community—the community's propensity to retain its users (Section SECREF3 ), and its permeability to new members (Section SECREF4 )—vary according to the type of collective identity it fosters. We find that communities that are characterized by specialized, constantly-updating content have higher user retention rates, but also exhibit larger linguistic gaps that separate newcomers from established members. More closely examining factors that could contribute to this linguistic gap, we find that especially within distinctive communities, established users have an increased propensity to engage with the community's specialized content, compared to newcomers (Section SECREF5 ). Interestingly, while established members of distinctive communities more avidly respond to temporal updates than newcomers, in more generic communities it is the outsiders who engage more with volatile content, perhaps suggesting that such content may serve as an entry-point to the community (but not necessarily a reason to stay). Such insights into the relation between collective identity and user engagement can be informative to community maintainers seeking to better understand growth patterns within their online communities. More generally, our methodology stands as an example of how sociological questions can be addressed in a multi-community setting. In performing our analyses across a rich variety of communities, we reveal both the diversity of phenomena that can occur, as well as the systematic nature of this diversity.
Is all text in this dataset a question, or are there unrelated sentences in between questions?
the dataset consists of pathology reports including sentences and questions and answers about tumor size and resection margins so it does include additional sentences
Clinical text structuring is a critical and fundamental task for clinical research. Traditional methods such as taskspecific end-to-end models and pipeline models usually suffer from the lack of dataset and error propagation. In this paper, we present a question answering based clinical text structuring (QA-CTS) task to unify different specific tasks and make dataset shareable. A novel model that aims to introduce domain-specific features (e.g., clinical named entity information) into pre-trained language model is also proposed for QA-CTS task. Experimental results on Chinese pathology reports collected from Ruijing Hospital demonstrate our presented QA-CTS task is very effective to improve the performance on specific tasks. Our proposed model also competes favorably with strong baseline models in specific tasks.
Clinical text structuring (CTS) is a critical task for fetching medical research data from electronic health records (EHRs), where structural patient medical data, such as whether the patient has specific symptoms, diseases, or what the tumor size is, how far from the tumor is cut at during the surgery, or what the specific laboratory test result is, are obtained. It is important to extract structured data from clinical text because bio-medical systems or bio-medical researches greatly rely on structured data but they cannot obtain them directly. In addition, clinical text often contains abundant healthcare information. CTS is able to provide large-scale extracted structured data for enormous down-stream clinical researches. However, end-to-end CTS is a very challenging task. Different CTS tasks often have non-uniform output formats, such as specific-class classifications (e.g. tumor stage), strings in the original text (e.g. result for a laboratory test) and inferred values from part of the original text (e.g. calculated tumor size). Researchers have to construct different models for it, which is already costly, and hence it calls for a lot of labeled data for each model. Moreover, labeling necessary amount of data for training neural network requires expensive labor cost. To handle it, researchers turn to some rule-based structuring methods which often have lower labor cost. Traditionally, CTS tasks can be addressed by rule and dictionary based methods BIBREF0, BIBREF1, BIBREF2, task-specific end-to-end methods BIBREF3, BIBREF4, BIBREF5, BIBREF6 and pipeline methods BIBREF7, BIBREF8, BIBREF9. Rule and dictionary based methods suffer from costly human-designed extraction rules, while task-specific end-to-end methods have non-uniform output formats and require task-specific training dataset. Pipeline methods break down the entire process into several pieces which improves the performance and generality. However, when the pipeline depth grows, error propagation will have a greater impact on the performance. To reduce the pipeline depth and break the barrier of non-uniform output formats, we present a question answering based clinical text structuring (QA-CTS) task (see Fig. FIGREF1). Unlike the traditional CTS task, our QA-CTS task aims to discover the most related text from original paragraph text. For some cases, it is already the final answer in deed (e.g., extracting sub-string). While for other cases, it needs several steps to obtain the final answer, such as entity names conversion and negative words recognition. Our presented QA-CTS task unifies the output format of the traditional CTS task and make the training data shareable, thus enriching the training data. The main contributions of this work can be summarized as follows. We first present a question answering based clinical text structuring (QA-CTS) task, which unifies different specific tasks and make dataset shareable. We also propose an effective model to integrate clinical named entity information into pre-trained language model. Experimental results show that QA-CTS task leads to significant improvement due to shared dataset. Our proposed model also achieves significantly better performance than the strong baseline methods. In addition, we also show that two-stage training mechanism has a great improvement on QA-CTS task. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We briefly review the related work on clinical text structuring in Section SECREF2. Then, we present question answer based clinical text structuring task in Section SECREF3. In Section SECREF4, we present an effective model for this task. Section SECREF5 is devoted to computational studies and several investigations on the key issues of our proposed model. Finally, conclusions are given in Section SECREF6.
What aspects have been compared between various language models?
Quality measures using perplexity and recall, and performance measured using latency and energy usage.
In recent years, we have witnessed a dramatic shift towards techniques driven by neural networks for a variety of NLP tasks. Undoubtedly, neural language models (NLMs) have reduced perplexity by impressive amounts. This progress, however, comes at a substantial cost in performance, in terms of inference latency and energy consumption, which is particularly of concern in deployments on mobile devices. This paper, which examines the quality-performance tradeoff of various language modeling techniques, represents to our knowledge the first to make this observation. We compare state-of-the-art NLMs with"classic"Kneser-Ney (KN) LMs in terms of energy usage, latency, perplexity, and prediction accuracy using two standard benchmarks. On a Raspberry Pi, we find that orders of increase in latency and energy usage correspond to less change in perplexity, while the difference is much less pronounced on a desktop.
Deep learning has unquestionably advanced the state of the art in many natural language processing tasks, from syntactic dependency parsing BIBREF0 to named-entity recognition BIBREF1 to machine translation BIBREF2 . The same certainly applies to language modeling, where recent advances in neural language models (NLMs) have led to dramatically better approaches as measured using standard metrics such as perplexity BIBREF3 , BIBREF4 . Specifically focused on language modeling, this paper examines an issue that to our knowledge has not been explored: advances in neural language models have come at a significant cost in terms of increased computational complexity. Computing the probability of a token sequence using non-neural techniques requires a number of phrase lookups and perhaps a few arithmetic operations, whereas model inference with NLMs require large matrix multiplications consuming perhaps millions of floating point operations (FLOPs). These performance tradeoffs are worth discussing. In truth, language models exist in a quality–performance tradeoff space. As model quality increases (e.g., lower perplexity), performance as measured in terms of energy consumption, query latency, etc. tends to decrease. For applications primarily running in the cloud—say, machine translation—practitioners often solely optimize for the lowest perplexity. This is because such applications are embarrassingly parallel and hence trivial to scale in a data center environment. There are, however, applications of NLMs that require less one-sided optimizations. On mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, for example, NLMs may be integrated into software keyboards for next-word prediction, allowing much faster text entry. Popular Android apps that enthusiastically tout this technology include SwiftKey and Swype. The greater computational costs of NLMs lead to higher energy usage in model inference, translating into shorter battery life. In this paper, we examine the quality–performance tradeoff in the shift from non-neural to neural language models. In particular, we compare Kneser–Ney smoothing, widely accepted as the state of the art prior to NLMs, to the best NLMs today. The decrease in perplexity on standard datasets has been well documented BIBREF3 , but to our knowledge no one has examined the performances tradeoffs. With deployment on a mobile device in mind, we evaluate energy usage and inference latency on a Raspberry Pi (which shares the same ARM architecture as nearly all smartphones today). We find that a 2.5 $\times $ reduction in perplexity on PTB comes at a staggering cost in terms of performance: inference with NLMs takes 49 $\times $ longer and requires 32 $\times $ more energy. Furthermore, we find that impressive reductions in perplexity translate into at best modest improvements in next-word prediction, which is arguable a better metric for evaluating software keyboards on a smartphone. The contribution of this paper is the first known elucidation of this quality–performance tradeoff. Note that we refrain from prescriptive recommendations: whether or not a tradeoff is worthwhile depends on the application. Nevertheless, NLP engineers should arguably keep these tradeoffs in mind when selecting a particular operating point.
How many attention layers are there in their model?
Saliency map generation techniques are at the forefront of explainable AI literature for a broad range of machine learning applications. Our goal is to question the limits of these approaches on more complex tasks. In this paper we apply Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) to a sequence-to-sequence attention model trained on a text summarization dataset. We obtain unexpected saliency maps and discuss the rightfulness of these"explanations". We argue that we need a quantitative way of testing the counterfactual case to judge the truthfulness of the saliency maps. We suggest a protocol to check the validity of the importance attributed to the input and show that the saliency maps obtained sometimes capture the real use of the input features by the network, and sometimes do not. We use this example to discuss how careful we need to be when accepting them as explanation.
Ever since the LIME algorithm BIBREF0 , "explanation" techniques focusing on finding the importance of input features in regard of a specific prediction have soared and we now have many ways of finding saliency maps (also called heat-maps because of the way we like to visualize them). We are interested in this paper by the use of such a technique in an extreme task that highlights questions about the validity and evaluation of the approach. We would like to first set the vocabulary we will use. We agree that saliency maps are not explanations in themselves and that they are more similar to attribution, which is only one part of the human explanation process BIBREF1 . We will prefer to call this importance mapping of the input an attribution rather than an explanation. We will talk about the importance of the input relevance score in regard to the model's computation and not make allusion to any human understanding of the model as a result. There exist multiple ways to generate saliency maps over the input for non-linear classifiers BIBREF2 , BIBREF3 , BIBREF4 . We refer the reader to BIBREF5 for a survey of explainable AI in general. We use in this paper Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) BIBREF2 which aims at redistributing the value of the classifying function on the input to obtain the importance attribution. It was first created to “explain" the classification of neural networks on image recognition tasks. It was later successfully applied to text using convolutional neural networks (CNN) BIBREF6 and then Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) networks for sentiment analysis BIBREF7 . Our goal in this paper is to test the limits of the use of such a technique for more complex tasks, where the notion of input importance might not be as simple as in topic classification or sentiment analysis. We changed from a classification task to a generative task and chose a more complex one than text translation (in which we can easily find a word to word correspondence/importance between input and output). We chose text summarization. We consider abstractive and informative text summarization, meaning that we write a summary “in our own words" and retain the important information of the original text. We refer the reader to BIBREF8 for more details on the task and the different variants that exist. Since the success of deep sequence-to-sequence models for text translation BIBREF9 , the same approaches have been applied to text summarization tasks BIBREF10 , BIBREF11 , BIBREF12 which use architectures on which we can apply LRP. We obtain one saliency map for each word in the generated summaries, supposed to represent the use of the input features for each element of the output sequence. We observe that all the saliency maps for a text are nearly identical and decorrelated with the attention distribution. We propose a way to check their validity by creating what could be seen as a counterfactual experiment from a synthesis of the saliency maps, using the same technique as in Arras et al. Arras2017. We show that in some but not all cases they help identify the important input features and that we need to rigorously check importance attributions before trusting them, regardless of whether or not the mapping “makes sense" to us. We finally argue that in the process of identifying the important input features, verifying the saliency maps is as important as the generation step, if not more.
What are the three measures of bias which are reduced in experiments?
RIPA, Neighborhood Metric, WEAT
It has been shown that word embeddings derived from large corpora tend to incorporate biases present in their training data. Various methods for mitigating these biases have been proposed, but recent work has demonstrated that these methods hide but fail to truly remove the biases, which can still be observed in word nearest-neighbor statistics. In this work we propose a probabilistic view of word embedding bias. We leverage this framework to present a novel method for mitigating bias which relies on probabilistic observations to yield a more robust bias mitigation algorithm. We demonstrate that this method effectively reduces bias according to three separate measures of bias while maintaining embedding quality across various popular benchmark semantic tasks
Word embeddings, or vector representations of words, are an important component of Natural Language Processing (NLP) models and necessary for many downstream tasks. However, word embeddings, including embeddings commonly deployed for public use, have been shown to exhibit unwanted societal stereotypes and biases, raising concerns about disparate impact on axes of gender, race, ethnicity, and religion BIBREF0, BIBREF1. The impact of this bias has manifested in a range of downstream tasks, ranging from autocomplete suggestions BIBREF2 to advertisement delivery BIBREF3, increasing the likelihood of amplifying harmful biases through the use of these models. The most well-established method thus far for mitigating bias relies on projecting target words onto a bias subspace (such as a gender subspace) and subtracting out the difference between the resulting distances BIBREF0. On the other hand, the most popular metric for measuring bias is the WEAT statistic BIBREF1, which compares the cosine similarities between groups of words. However, WEAT has been recently shown to overestimate bias as a result of implicitly relying on similar frequencies for the target words BIBREF4, and BIBREF5 demonstrated that evidence of bias can still be recovered after geometric bias mitigation by examining the neighborhood of a target word among socially-biased words. In response to this, we propose an alternative framework for bias mitigation in word embeddings that approaches this problem from a probabilistic perspective. The motivation for this approach is two-fold. First, most popular word embedding algorithms are probabilistic at their core – i.e., they are trained (explicitly or implicitly BIBREF6) to minimize some form of word co-occurrence probabilities. Thus, we argue that a framework for measuring and treating bias in these embeddings should take into account, in addition to their geometric aspect, their probabilistic nature too. On the other hand, the issue of bias has also been approached (albeit in different contexts) in the fairness literature, where various intuitive notions of equity such as equalized odds have been formalized through probabilistic criteria. By considering analogous criteria for the word embedding setting, we seek to draw connections between these two bodies of work. We present experiments on various bias mitigation benchmarks and show that our framework is comparable to state-of-the-art alternatives according to measures of geometric bias mitigation and that it performs far better according to measures of neighborhood bias. For fair comparison, we focus on mitigating a binary gender bias in pre-trained word embeddings using SGNS (skip-gram with negative-sampling), though we note that this framework and methods could be extended to other types of bias and word embedding algorithms.
How big is the dataset?
903019 references
In this paper, we introduce the citation data of the Czech apex courts (Supreme Court, Supreme Administrative Court and Constitutional Court). This dataset was automatically extracted from the corpus of texts of Czech court decisions - CzCDC 1.0. We obtained the citation data by building the natural language processing pipeline for extraction of the court decision identifiers. The pipeline included the (i) document segmentation model and the (ii) reference recognition model. Furthermore, the dataset was manually processed to achieve high-quality citation data as a base for subsequent qualitative and quantitative analyses. The dataset will be made available to the general public.
Analysis of the way court decisions refer to each other provides us with important insights into the decision-making process at courts. This is true both for the common law courts and for their counterparts in the countries belonging to the continental legal system. Citation data can be used for both qualitative and quantitative studies, casting light in the behavior of specific judges through document analysis or allowing complex studies into changing the nature of courts in transforming countries. That being said, it is still difficult to create sufficiently large citation datasets to allow a complex research. In the case of the Czech Republic, it was difficult to obtain a relevant dataset of the court decisions of the apex courts (Supreme Court, Supreme Administrative Court and Constitutional Court). Due to its size, it is nearly impossible to extract the references manually. One has to reach out for an automation of such task. However, study of court decisions displayed many different ways that courts use to cite even decisions of their own, not to mention the decisions of other courts.The great diversity in citations led us to the use of means of the natural language processing for the recognition and the extraction of the citation data from court decisions of the Czech apex courts. In this paper, we describe the tool ultimately used for the extraction of the references from the court decisions, together with a subsequent way of manual processing of the raw data to achieve a higher-quality dataset. Section SECREF2 maps the related work in the area of legal citation analysis (SectionSECREF1), reference recognition (Section SECREF2), text segmentation (Section SECREF4), and data availability (Section SECREF3). Section SECREF3 describes the method we used for the citation extraction, listing the individual models and the way we have combined these models into the NLP pipeline. Section SECREF4 presents results in the terms of evaluation of the performance of our pipeline, the statistics of the raw data, further manual processing and statistics of the final citation dataset. Section SECREF5 discusses limitations of our work and outlines the possible future development. Section SECREF6 concludes this paper.
How is the intensity of the PTSD established?
Given we have four intensity, No PTSD, Low Risk PTSD, Moderate Risk PTSD and High Risk PTSD with a score of 0, 1, 2 and 3 respectively, the estimated intensity is established as mean squared error.
Veteran mental health is a significant national problem as large number of veterans are returning from the recent war in Iraq and continued military presence in Afghanistan. While significant existing works have investigated twitter posts-based Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) assessment using blackbox machine learning techniques, these frameworks cannot be trusted by the clinicians due to the lack of clinical explainability. To obtain the trust of clinicians, we explore the big question, can twitter posts provide enough information to fill up clinical PTSD assessment surveys that have been traditionally trusted by clinicians? To answer the above question, we propose, LAXARY (Linguistic Analysis-based Exaplainable Inquiry) model, a novel Explainable Artificial Intelligent (XAI) model to detect and represent PTSD assessment of twitter users using a modified Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) analysis. First, we employ clinically validated survey tools for collecting clinical PTSD assessment data from real twitter users and develop a PTSD Linguistic Dictionary using the PTSD assessment survey results. Then, we use the PTSD Linguistic Dictionary along with machine learning model to fill up the survey tools towards detecting PTSD status and its intensity of corresponding twitter users. Our experimental evaluation on 210 clinically validated veteran twitter users provides promising accuracies of both PTSD classification and its intensity estimation. We also evaluate our developed PTSD Linguistic Dictionary's reliability and validity.
Combat veterans diagnosed with PTSD are substantially more likely to engage in a number of high risk activities including engaging in interpersonal violence, attempting suicide, committing suicide, binge drinking, and drug abuse BIBREF0. Despite improved diagnostic screening, outpatient mental health and inpatient treatment for PTSD, the syndrome remains treatment resistant, is typically chronic, and is associated with numerous negative health effects and higher treatment costs BIBREF1. As a result, the Veteran Administration's National Center for PTSD (NCPTSD) suggests to reconceptualize PTSD not just in terms of a psychiatric symptom cluster, but focusing instead on the specific high risk behaviors associated with it, as these may be directly addressed though behavioral change efforts BIBREF0. Consensus prevalence estimates suggest that PTSD impacts between 15-20% of the veteran population which is typically chronic and treatment resistant BIBREF0. The PTSD patients support programs organized by different veterans peer support organization use a set of surveys for local weekly assessment to detect the intensity of PTSD among the returning veterans. However, recent advanced evidence-based care for PTSD sufferers surveys have showed that veterans, suffered with chronic PTSD are reluctant in participating assessments to the professionals which is another significant symptom of war returning veterans with PTSD. Several existing researches showed that, twitter posts of war veterans could be a significant indicator of their mental health and could be utilized to predict PTSD sufferers in time before going out of control BIBREF2, BIBREF3, BIBREF4, BIBREF5, BIBREF6, BIBREF7, BIBREF8. However, all of the proposed methods relied on either blackbox machine learning methods or language models based sentiments extraction of posted texts which failed to obtain acceptability and trust of clinicians due to the lack of their explainability. In the context of the above research problem, we aim to answer the following research questions Given clinicians have trust on clinically validated PTSD assessment surveys, can we fill out PTSD assessment surveys using twitter posts analysis of war-veterans? If possible, what sort of analysis and approach are needed to develop such XAI model to detect the prevalence and intensity of PTSD among war-veterans only using the social media (twitter) analysis where users are free to share their everyday mental and social conditions? How much quantitative improvement do we observe in our model's ability to explain both detection and intensity estimation of PTSD? In this paper, we propose LAXARY, an explainable and trustworthy representation of PTSD classification and its intensity for clinicians. The key contributions of our work are summarized below, The novelty of LAXARY lies on the proposed clinical surveys-based PTSD Linguistic dictionary creation with words/aspects which represents the instantaneous perturbation of twitter-based sentiments as a specific pattern and help calculate the possible scores of each survey question. LAXARY includes a modified LIWC model to calculate the possible scores of each survey question using PTSD Linguistic Dictionary to fill out the PTSD assessment surveys which provides a practical way not only to determine fine-grained discrimination of physiological and psychological health markers of PTSD without incurring the expensive and laborious in-situ laboratory testing or surveys, but also obtain trusts of clinicians who are expected to see traditional survey results of the PTSD assessment. Finally, we evaluate the accuracy of LAXARY model performance and reliability-validity of generated PTSD Linguistic Dictionary using real twitter users' posts. Our results show that, given normal weekly messages posted in twitter, LAXARY can provide very high accuracy in filling up surveys towards identifying PTSD ($\approx 96\%$) and its intensity ($\approx 1.2$ mean squared error).
how is quality measured?
Accuracy and the macro-F1 (averaged F1 over positive and negative classes) are used as a measure of quality.
In this paper, we introduce UniSent a universal sentiment lexica for 1000 languages created using an English sentiment lexicon and a massively parallel corpus in the Bible domain. To the best of our knowledge, UniSent is the largest sentiment resource to date in terms of number of covered languages, including many low resource languages. To create UniSent, we propose Adapted Sentiment Pivot, a novel method that combines annotation projection, vocabulary expansion, and unsupervised domain adaptation. We evaluate the quality of UniSent for Macedonian, Czech, German, Spanish, and French and show that its quality is comparable to manually or semi-manually created sentiment resources. With the publication of this paper, we release UniSent lexica as well as Adapted Sentiment Pivot related codes. method.
Sentiment classification is an important task which requires either word level or document level sentiment annotations. Such resources are available for at most 136 languages BIBREF0 , preventing accurate sentiment classification in a low resource setup. Recent research efforts on cross-lingual transfer learning enable to train models in high resource languages and transfer this information into other, low resource languages using minimal bilingual supervision BIBREF1 , BIBREF2 , BIBREF3 . Besides that, little effort has been spent on the creation of sentiment lexica for low resource languages (e.g., BIBREF0 , BIBREF4 , BIBREF5 ). We create and release Unisent, the first massively cross-lingual sentiment lexicon in more than 1000 languages. An extensive evaluation across several languages shows that the quality of Unisent is close to manually created resources. Our method is inspired by BIBREF6 with a novel combination of vocabulary expansion and domain adaptation using embedding spaces. Similar to our work, BIBREF7 also use massively parallel corpora to project POS tags and dependency relations across languages. However, their approach is based on assignment of the most probable label according to the alignment model from the source to the target language and does not include any vocabulary expansion or domain adaptation and do not use the embedding graphs.
What is the accuracy reported by state-of-the-art methods?
Answer with content missing: (Table 1) Previous state-of-the art on same dataset: ResNet50 89% (6 languages), SVM-HMM 70% (4 languages)
Language Identification (LI) is an important first step in several speech processing systems. With a growing number of voice-based assistants, speech LI has emerged as a widely researched field. To approach the problem of identifying languages, we can either adopt an implicit approach where only the speech for a language is present or an explicit one where text is available with its corresponding transcript. This paper focuses on an implicit approach due to the absence of transcriptive data. This paper benchmarks existing models and proposes a new attention based model for language identification which uses log-Mel spectrogram images as input. We also present the effectiveness of raw waveforms as features to neural network models for LI tasks. For training and evaluation of models, we classified six languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Russian and Italian) with an accuracy of 95.4% and four languages (English, French, German, Spanish) with an accuracy of 96.3% obtained from the VoxForge dataset. This approach can further be scaled to incorporate more languages.
Language Identification (LI) is a problem which involves classifying the language being spoken by a speaker. LI systems can be used in call centers to route international calls to an operator who is fluent in that identified language BIBREF0. In speech-based assistants, LI acts as the first step which chooses the corresponding grammar from a list of available languages for its further semantic analysis BIBREF1. It can also be used in multi-lingual voice-controlled information retrieval systems, for example, Apple Siri and Amazon Alexa. Over the years, studies have utilized many prosodic and acoustic features to construct machine learning models for LI systems BIBREF2. Every language is composed of phonemes, which are distinct unit of sounds in that language, such as b of black and g of green. Several prosodic and acoustic features are based on phonemes, which become the underlying features on whom the performance of the statistical model depends BIBREF3, BIBREF4. If two languages have many overlapping phonemes, then identifying them becomes a challenging task for a classifier. For example, the word cat in English, kat in Dutch, katze in German have different consonants but when used in a speech they all would sound quite similar. Due to such drawbacks several studies have switched over to using Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) to harness their novel auto-extraction techniques BIBREF1, BIBREF5. This work follows an implicit approach for identifying six languages with overlapping phonemes on the VoxForge BIBREF6 dataset and achieves 95.4% overall accuracy. In previous studies BIBREF1, BIBREF7, BIBREF5, authors use log-Mel spectrum of a raw audio as inputs to their models. One of our contributions is to enhance the performance of this approach by utilising recent techniques like Mixup augmentation of inputs and exploring the effectiveness of Attention mechanism in enhancing performance of neural network. As log-Mel spectrum needs to be computed for each raw audio input and processing time for generating log-Mel spectrum increases linearly with length of audio, this acts as a bottleneck for these models. Hence, we propose the use of raw audio waveforms as inputs to deep neural network which boosts performance by avoiding additional overhead of computing log-Mel spectrum for each audio. Our 1D-ConvNet architecture auto-extracts and classifies features from this raw audio input. The structure of the work is as follows. In Section 2 we discuss about the previous related studies in this field. The model architecture for both the raw waveforms and log-Mel spectrogram images is discussed in Section 3 along with the a discussion on hyperparameter space exploration. In Section 4 we present the experimental results. Finally, in Section 5 we discuss the conclusions drawn from the experiment and future work.
How do the authors define or exemplify 'incorrect words'?
typos in spellings or ungrammatical words
In this paper, we propose Stacked DeBERT, short for Stacked Denoising Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. This novel model improves robustness in incomplete data, when compared to existing systems, by designing a novel encoding scheme in BERT, a powerful language representation model solely based on attention mechanisms. Incomplete data in natural language processing refer to text with missing or incorrect words, and its presence can hinder the performance of current models that were not implemented to withstand such noises, but must still perform well even under duress. This is due to the fact that current approaches are built for and trained with clean and complete data, and thus are not able to extract features that can adequately represent incomplete data. Our proposed approach consists of obtaining intermediate input representations by applying an embedding layer to the input tokens followed by vanilla transformers. These intermediate features are given as input to novel denoising transformers which are responsible for obtaining richer input representations. The proposed approach takes advantage of stacks of multilayer perceptrons for the reconstruction of missing words' embeddings by extracting more abstract and meaningful hidden feature vectors, and bidirectional transformers for improved embedding representation. We consider two datasets for training and evaluation: the Chatbot Natural Language Understanding Evaluation Corpus and Kaggle's Twitter Sentiment Corpus. Our model shows improved F1-scores and better robustness in informal/incorrect texts present in tweets and in texts with Speech-to-Text error in the sentiment and intent classification tasks.
Understanding a user's intent and sentiment is of utmost importance for current intelligent chatbots to respond appropriately to human requests. However, current systems are not able to perform to their best capacity when presented with incomplete data, meaning sentences with missing or incorrect words. This scenario is likely to happen when one considers human error done in writing. In fact, it is rather naive to assume that users will always type fully grammatically correct sentences. Panko BIBREF0 goes as far as claiming that human accuracy regarding research paper writing is none when considering the entire document. This has been aggravated with the advent of internet and social networks, which allowed language and modern communication to be been rapidly transformed BIBREF1, BIBREF2. Take Twitter for instance, where information is expected to be readily communicated in short and concise sentences with little to no regard to correct sentence grammar or word spelling BIBREF3. Further motivation can be found in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) applications, where high error rates prevail and pose an enormous hurdle in the broad adoption of speech technology by users worldwide BIBREF4. This is an important issue to tackle because, in addition to more widespread user adoption, improving Speech-to-Text (STT) accuracy diminishes error propagation to modules using the recognized text. With that in mind, in order for current systems to improve the quality of their services, there is a need for development of robust intelligent systems that are able to understand a user even when faced with incomplete representation in language. The advancement of deep neural networks have immensely aided in the development of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) domain. Tasks such as text generation, sentence correction, image captioning and text classification, have been possible via models such as Convolutional Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks BIBREF5, BIBREF6, BIBREF7. More recently, state-of-the-art results have been achieved with attention models, more specifically Transformers BIBREF8. Surprisingly, however, there is currently no research on incomplete text classification in the NLP community. Realizing the need of research in that area, we make it the focus of this paper. In this novel task, the model aims to identify the user's intent or sentiment by analyzing a sentence with missing and/or incorrect words. In the sentiment classification task, the model aims to identify the user's sentiment given a tweet, written in informal language and without regards for sentence correctness. Current approaches for Text Classification tasks focus on efficient embedding representations. Kim et al. BIBREF9 use semantically enriched word embeddings to make synonym and antonym word vectors respectively more and less similar in order to improve intent classification performance. Devlin et al. BIBREF10 propose Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), a powerful bidirectional language representation model based on Transformers, achieving state-of-the-art results on eleven NLP tasks BIBREF11, including sentiment text classification. Concurrently, Shridhar et al. BIBREF12 also reach state of the art in the intent recognition task using Semantic Hashing for feature representation followed by a neural classifier. All aforementioned approaches are, however, applied to datasets based solely on complete data. The incomplete data problem is usually approached as a reconstruction or imputation task and is most often related to missing numbers imputation BIBREF13. Vincent et al. BIBREF14, BIBREF15 propose to reconstruct clean data from its noisy version by mapping the input to meaningful representations. This approach has also been shown to outperform other models, such as predictive mean matching, random forest, Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Multiple imputation by Chained Equations (MICE), at missing data imputation tasks BIBREF16, BIBREF17. Researchers in those two areas have shown that meaningful feature representation of data is of utter importance for high performance achieving methods. We propose a model that combines the power of BERT in the NLP domain and the strength of denoising strategies in incomplete data reconstruction to tackle the tasks of incomplete intent and sentiment classification. This enables the implementation of a novel encoding scheme, more robust to incomplete data, called Stacked Denoising BERT or Stacked DeBERT. Our approach consists of obtaining richer input representations from input tokens by stacking denoising transformers on an embedding layer with vanilla transformers. The embedding layer and vanilla transformers extract intermediate input features from the input tokens, and the denoising transformers are responsible for obtaining richer input representations from them. By improving BERT with stronger denoising abilities, we are able to reconstruct missing and incorrect words' embeddings and improve classification accuracy. To summarize, our contribution is two-fold: Novel model architecture that is more robust to incomplete data, including missing or incorrect words in text. Proposal of the novel tasks of incomplete intent and sentiment classification from incorrect sentences, and release of corpora related with these tasks. The remainder of this paper is organized in four sections, with Section SECREF2 explaining the proposed model. This is followed by Section SECREF3 which includes a detailed description of the dataset used for training and evaluation purposes and how it was obtained. Section SECREF4 covers the baseline models used for comparison, training specifications and experimental results. Finally, Section SECREF5 wraps up this paper with conclusion and future works.
Which experiments are perfomed?
They used BERT-based models to detect subjective language in the WNC corpus
Subjective bias detection is critical for applications like propaganda detection, content recommendation, sentiment analysis, and bias neutralization. This bias is introduced in natural language via inflammatory words and phrases, casting doubt over facts, and presupposing the truth. In this work, we perform comprehensive experiments for detecting subjective bias using BERT-based models on the Wiki Neutrality Corpus(WNC). The dataset consists of $360k$ labeled instances, from Wikipedia edits that remove various instances of the bias. We further propose BERT-based ensembles that outperform state-of-the-art methods like $BERT_{large}$ by a margin of $5.6$ F1 score.
In natural language, subjectivity refers to the aspects of communication used to express opinions, evaluations, and speculationsBIBREF0, often influenced by one's emotional state and viewpoints. Writers and editors of texts like news and textbooks try to avoid the use of biased language, yet subjective bias is pervasive in these texts. More than $56\%$ of Americans believe that news sources do not report the news objectively , thus implying the prevalence of the bias. Therefore, when presenting factual information, it becomes necessary to differentiate subjective language from objective language. There has been considerable work on capturing subjectivity using text-classification models ranging from linguistic-feature-based modelsBIBREF1 to finetuned pre-trained word embeddings like BERTBIBREF2. The detection of bias-inducing words in a Wikipedia statement was explored in BIBREF1. The authors propose the "Neutral Point of View" (NPOV) corpus made using Wikipedia revision history, containing Wikipedia edits that are specifically designed to remove subjective bias. They use logistic regression with linguistic features, including factive verbs, hedges, and subjective intensifiers to detect bias-inducing words. In BIBREF2, the authors extend this work by mitigating subjective bias after detecting bias-inducing words using a BERT-based model. However, they primarily focused on detecting and mitigating subjective bias for single-word edits. We extend their work by incorporating multi-word edits by detecting bias at the sentence level. We further use their version of the NPOV corpus called Wiki Neutrality Corpus(WNC) for this work. The task of detecting sentences containing subjective bias rather than individual words inducing the bias has been explored in BIBREF3. However, they conduct majority of their experiments in controlled settings, limiting the type of articles from which the revisions were extracted. Their attempt to test their models in a general setting is dwarfed by the fact that they used revisions from a single Wikipedia article resulting in just 100 instances to evaluate their proposed models robustly. Consequently, we perform our experiments in the complete WNC corpus, which consists of $423,823$ revisions in Wikipedia marked by its editors over a period of 15 years, to simulate a more general setting for the bias. In this work, we investigate the application of BERT-based models for the task of subjective language detection. We explore various BERT-based models, including BERT, RoBERTa, ALBERT, with their base and large specifications along with their native classifiers. We propose an ensemble model exploiting predictions from these models using multiple ensembling techniques. We show that our model outperforms the baselines by a margin of $5.6$ of F1 score and $5.95\%$ of Accuracy.
Is ROUGE their only baseline?
No, other baseline metrics they use besides ROUGE-L are n-gram overlap, negative cross-entropy, perplexity, and BLEU.
Motivated by recent findings on the probabilistic modeling of acceptability judgments, we propose syntactic log-odds ratio (SLOR), a normalized language model score, as a metric for referenceless fluency evaluation of natural language generation output at the sentence level. We further introduce WPSLOR, a novel WordPiece-based version, which harnesses a more compact language model. Even though word-overlap metrics like ROUGE are computed with the help of hand-written references, our referenceless methods obtain a significantly higher correlation with human fluency scores on a benchmark dataset of compressed sentences. Finally, we present ROUGE-LM, a reference-based metric which is a natural extension of WPSLOR to the case of available references. We show that ROUGE-LM yields a significantly higher correlation with human judgments than all baseline metrics, including WPSLOR on its own.
Producing sentences which are perceived as natural by a human addressee—a property which we will denote as fluency throughout this paper —is a crucial goal of all natural language generation (NLG) systems: it makes interactions more natural, avoids misunderstandings and, overall, leads to higher user satisfaction and user trust BIBREF0 . Thus, fluency evaluation is important, e.g., during system development, or for filtering unacceptable generations at application time. However, fluency evaluation of NLG systems constitutes a hard challenge: systems are often not limited to reusing words from the input, but can generate in an abstractive way. Hence, it is not guaranteed that a correct output will match any of a finite number of given references. This results in difficulties for current reference-based evaluation, especially of fluency, causing word-overlap metrics like ROUGE BIBREF1 to correlate only weakly with human judgments BIBREF2 . As a result, fluency evaluation of NLG is often done manually, which is costly and time-consuming. Evaluating sentences on their fluency, on the other hand, is a linguistic ability of humans which has been the subject of a decade-long debate in cognitive science. In particular, the question has been raised whether the grammatical knowledge that underlies this ability is probabilistic or categorical in nature BIBREF3 , BIBREF4 , BIBREF5 . Within this context, lau2017grammaticality have recently shown that neural language models (LMs) can be used for modeling human ratings of acceptability. Namely, they found SLOR BIBREF6 —sentence log-probability which is normalized by unigram log-probability and sentence length—to correlate well with acceptability judgments at the sentence level. However, to the best of our knowledge, these insights have so far gone disregarded by the natural language processing (NLP) community. In this paper, we investigate the practical implications of lau2017grammaticality's findings for fluency evaluation of NLG, using the task of automatic compression BIBREF7 , BIBREF8 as an example (cf. Table 1 ). Specifically, we test our hypothesis that SLOR should be a suitable metric for evaluation of compression fluency which (i) does not rely on references; (ii) can naturally be applied at the sentence level (in contrast to the system level); and (iii) does not need human fluency annotations of any kind. In particular the first aspect, i.e., SLOR not needing references, makes it a promising candidate for automatic evaluation. Getting rid of human references has practical importance in a variety of settings, e.g., if references are unavailable due to a lack of resources for annotation, or if obtaining references is impracticable. The latter would be the case, for instance, when filtering system outputs at application time. We further introduce WPSLOR, a novel, WordPiece BIBREF9 -based version of SLOR, which drastically reduces model size and training time. Our experiments show that both approaches correlate better with human judgments than traditional word-overlap metrics, even though the latter do rely on reference compressions. Finally, investigating the case of available references and how to incorporate them, we combine WPSLOR and ROUGE to ROUGE-LM, a novel reference-based metric, and increase the correlation with human fluency ratings even further.
By how much does their system outperform the lexicon-based models?
Under the retrieval evaluation setting, their proposed model + IR2 had better MRR than NVDM by 0.3769, better MR by 4.6, and better Recall@10 by 20 . Under the generative evaluation setting the proposed model + IR2 had better BLEU by 0.044 , better CIDEr by 0.033, better ROUGE by 0.032, and better METEOR by 0.029
Article comments can provide supplementary opinions and facts for readers, thereby increase the attraction and engagement of articles. Therefore, automatically commenting is helpful in improving the activeness of the community, such as online forums and news websites. Previous work shows that training an automatic commenting system requires large parallel corpora. Although part of articles are naturally paired with the comments on some websites, most articles and comments are unpaired on the Internet. To fully exploit the unpaired data, we completely remove the need for parallel data and propose a novel unsupervised approach to train an automatic article commenting model, relying on nothing but unpaired articles and comments. Our model is based on a retrieval-based commenting framework, which uses news to retrieve comments based on the similarity of their topics. The topic representation is obtained from a neural variational topic model, which is trained in an unsupervised manner. We evaluate our model on a news comment dataset. Experiments show that our proposed topic-based approach significantly outperforms previous lexicon-based models. The model also profits from paired corpora and achieves state-of-the-art performance under semi-supervised scenarios.
Making article comments is a fundamental ability for an intelligent machine to understand the article and interact with humans. It provides more challenges because commenting requires the abilities of comprehending the article, summarizing the main ideas, mining the opinions, and generating the natural language. Therefore, machine commenting is an important problem faced in building an intelligent and interactive agent. Machine commenting is also useful in improving the activeness of communities, including online forums and news websites. Article comments can provide extended information and external opinions for the readers to have a more comprehensive understanding of the article. Therefore, an article with more informative and interesting comments will attract more attention from readers. Moreover, machine commenting can kick off the discussion about an article or a topic, which helps increase user engagement and interaction between the readers and authors. Because of the advantage and importance described above, more recent studies have focused on building a machine commenting system with neural models BIBREF0 . One bottleneck of neural machine commenting models is the requirement of a large parallel dataset. However, the naturally paired commenting dataset is loosely paired. Qin et al. QinEA2018 were the first to propose the article commenting task and an article-comment dataset. The dataset is crawled from a news website, and they sample 1,610 article-comment pairs to annotate the relevance score between articles and comments. The relevance score ranges from 1 to 5, and we find that only 6.8% of the pairs have an average score greater than 4. It indicates that the naturally paired article-comment dataset contains a lot of loose pairs, which is a potential harm to the supervised models. Besides, most articles and comments are unpaired on the Internet. For example, a lot of articles do not have the corresponding comments on the news websites, and the comments regarding the news are more likely to appear on social media like Twitter. Since comments on social media are more various and recent, it is important to exploit these unpaired data. Another issue is that there is a semantic gap between articles and comments. In machine translation and text summarization, the target output mainly shares the same points with the source input. However, in article commenting, the comment does not always tell the same thing as the corresponding article. Table TABREF1 shows an example of an article and several corresponding comments. The comments do not directly tell what happened in the news, but talk about the underlying topics (e.g. NBA Christmas Day games, LeBron James). However, existing methods for machine commenting do not model the topics of articles, which is a potential harm to the generated comments. To this end, we propose an unsupervised neural topic model to address both problems. For the first problem, we completely remove the need of parallel data and propose a novel unsupervised approach to train a machine commenting system, relying on nothing but unpaired articles and comments. For the second issue, we bridge the articles and comments with their topics. Our model is based on a retrieval-based commenting framework, which uses the news as the query to retrieve the comments by the similarity of their topics. The topic is represented with a variational topic, which is trained in an unsupervised manner. The contributions of this work are as follows:
How are the main international development topics that states raise identified?
They focus on exclusivity and semantic coherence measures: Highly frequent words in a given topic that do not appear very often in other topics are viewed as making that topic exclusive. They select select the 16-topic model, which has the largest positive residual in the regression fit, and provides higher exclusivity at the same level of semantic coherence.
There is surprisingly little known about agenda setting for international development in the United Nations (UN) despite it having a significant influence on the process and outcomes of development efforts. This paper addresses this shortcoming using a novel approach that applies natural language processing techniques to countries' annual statements in the UN General Debate. Every year UN member states deliver statements during the General Debate on their governments' perspective on major issues in world politics. These speeches provide invaluable information on state preferences on a wide range of issues, including international development, but have largely been overlooked in the study of global politics. This paper identifies the main international development topics that states raise in these speeches between 1970 and 2016, and examine the country-specific drivers of international development rhetoric.
Decisions made in international organisations are fundamental to international development efforts and initiatives. It is in these global governance arenas that the rules of the global economic system, which have a huge impact on development outcomes are agreed on; decisions are made about large-scale funding for development issues, such as health and infrastructure; and key development goals and targets are agreed on, as can be seen with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). More generally, international organisations have a profound influence on the ideas that shape international development efforts BIBREF0 . Yet surprisingly little is known about the agenda-setting process for international development in global governance institutions. This is perhaps best demonstrated by the lack of information on how the different goals and targets of the MDGs were decided, which led to much criticism and concern about the global governance of development BIBREF1 . More generally, we know little about the types of development issues that different countries prioritise, or whether country-specific factors such as wealth or democracy make countries more likely to push for specific development issues to be put on the global political agenda. The lack of knowledge about the agenda setting process in the global governance of development is in large part due to the absence of obvious data sources on states' preferences about international development issues. To address this gap we employ a novel approach based on the application of natural language processing (NLP) to countries' speeches in the UN. Every September, the heads of state and other high-level country representatives gather in New York at the start of a new session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and address the Assembly in the General Debate. The General Debate (GD) provides the governments of the almost two hundred UN member states with an opportunity to present their views on key issues in international politics – including international development. As such, the statements made during GD are an invaluable and, largely untapped, source of information on governments' policy preferences on international development over time. An important feature of these annual country statements is that they are not institutionally connected to decision-making in the UN. This means that governments face few external constraints when delivering these speeches, enabling them to raise the issues that they consider the most important. Therefore, the General Debate acts “as a barometer of international opinion on important issues, even those not on the agenda for that particular session” BIBREF2 . In fact, the GD is usually the first item for each new session of the UNGA, and as such it provides a forum for governments to identify like-minded members, and to put on the record the issues they feel the UNGA should address. Therefore, the GD can be viewed as a key forum for governments to put different policy issues on international agenda. We use a new dataset of GD statements from 1970 to 2016, the UN General Debate Corpus (UNGDC), to examine the international development agenda in the UN BIBREF3 . Our application of NLP to these statements focuses in particular on structural topic models (STMs) BIBREF4 . The paper makes two contributions using this approach: (1) It sheds light on the main international development issues that governments prioritise in the UN; and (2) It identifies the key country-specific factors associated with governments discussing development issues in their GD statements.
Is the model evaluated?
the English version is evaluated. The German version evaluation is in progress
We introduce DisSim, a discourse-aware sentence splitting framework for English and German whose goal is to transform syntactically complex sentences into an intermediate representation that presents a simple and more regular structure which is easier to process for downstream semantic applications. For this purpose, we turn input sentences into a two-layered semantic hierarchy in the form of core facts and accompanying contexts, while identifying the rhetorical relations that hold between them. In that way, we preserve the coherence structure of the input and, hence, its interpretability for downstream tasks.
We developed a syntactic text simplification (TS) approach that can be used as a preprocessing step to facilitate and improve the performance of a wide range of artificial intelligence (AI) tasks, such as Machine Translation, Information Extraction (IE) or Text Summarization. Since shorter sentences are generally better processed by natural language processing (NLP) systems BIBREF0, the goal of our approach is to break down a complex source sentence into a set of minimal propositions, i.e. a sequence of sound, self-contained utterances, with each of them presenting a minimal semantic unit that cannot be further decomposed into meaningful propositions BIBREF1. However, any sound and coherent text is not simply a loose arrangement of self-contained units, but rather a logical structure of utterances that are semantically connected BIBREF2. Consequently, when carrying out syntactic simplification operations without considering discourse implications, the rewriting may easily result in a disconnected sequence of simplified sentences that lack important contextual information, making the text harder to interpret. Thus, in order to preserve the coherence structure and, hence, the interpretability of the input, we developed a discourse-aware TS approach based on Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) BIBREF3. It establishes a contextual hierarchy between the split components, and identifies and classifies the semantic relationship that holds between them. In that way, a complex source sentence is turned into a so-called discourse tree, consisting of a set of hierarchically ordered and semantically interconnected sentences that present a simplified syntax which is easier to process for downstream semantic applications and may support a faster generalization in machine learning tasks.
How better is accuracy of new model compared to previously reported models?
Average accuracy of proposed model vs best prevous result: Single-task Training: 57.57 vs 55.06 Multi-task Training: 50.17 vs 50.59
This paper addresses the problem of comprehending procedural commonsense knowledge. This is a challenging task as it requires identifying key entities, keeping track of their state changes, and understanding temporal and causal relations. Contrary to most of the previous work, in this study, we do not rely on strong inductive bias and explore the question of how multimodality can be exploited to provide a complementary semantic signal. Towards this end, we introduce a new entity-aware neural comprehension model augmented with external relational memory units. Our model learns to dynamically update entity states in relation to each other while reading the text instructions. Our experimental analysis on the visual reasoning tasks in the recently proposed RecipeQA dataset reveals that our approach improves the accuracy of the previously reported models by a large margin. Moreover, we find that our model learns effective dynamic representations of entities even though we do not use any supervision at the level of entity states.
A great deal of commonsense knowledge about the world we live is procedural in nature and involves steps that show ways to achieve specific goals. Understanding and reasoning about procedural texts (e.g. cooking recipes, how-to guides, scientific processes) are very hard for machines as it demands modeling the intrinsic dynamics of the procedures BIBREF0, BIBREF1, BIBREF2. That is, one must be aware of the entities present in the text, infer relations among them and even anticipate changes in the states of the entities after each action. For example, consider the cheeseburger recipe presented in Fig. FIGREF2. The instruction “salt and pepper each patty and cook for 2 to 3 minutes on the first side” in Step 5 entails mixing three basic ingredients, the ground beef, salt and pepper, together and then applying heat to the mix, which in turn causes chemical changes that alter both the appearance and the taste. From a natural language understanding perspective, the main difficulty arises when a model sees the word patty again at a later stage of the recipe. It still corresponds to the same entity, but its form is totally different. Over the past few years, many new datasets and approaches have been proposed that address this inherently hard problem BIBREF0, BIBREF1, BIBREF3, BIBREF4. To mitigate the aforementioned challenges, the existing works rely mostly on heavy supervision and focus on predicting the individual state changes of entities at each step. Although these models can accurately learn to make local predictions, they may lack global consistency BIBREF3, BIBREF4, not to mention that building such annotated corpora is very labor-intensive. In this work, we take a different direction and explore the problem from a multimodal standpoint. Our basic motivation, as illustrated in Fig. FIGREF2, is that accompanying images provide complementary cues about causal effects and state changes. For instance, it is quite easy to distinguish raw meat from cooked one in visual domain. In particular, we take advantage of recently proposed RecipeQA dataset BIBREF2, a dataset for multimodal comprehension of cooking recipes, and ask whether it is possible to have a model which employs dynamic representations of entities in answering questions that require multimodal understanding of procedures. To this end, inspired from BIBREF5, we propose Procedural Reasoning Networks (PRN) that incorporates entities into the comprehension process and allows to keep track of entities, understand their interactions and accordingly update their states across time. We report that our proposed approach significantly improves upon previously published results on visual reasoning tasks in RecipeQA, which test understanding causal and temporal relations from images and text. We further show that the dynamic entity representations can capture semantics of the state information in the corresponding steps.
How does the active learning model work?
Active learning methods has a learning engine (mainly used for training of classification problems) and the selection engine (which chooses samples that need to be relabeled by annotators from unlabeled data). Then, relabeled samples are added to training set for classifier to re-train, thus continuously improving the accuracy of the classifier. In this paper, CRF-based segmenter and a scoring model are employed as learning engine and selection engine, respectively.
Electronic health records (EHRs) stored in hospital information systems completely reflect the patients' diagnosis and treatment processes, which are essential to clinical data mining. Chinese word segmentation (CWS) is a fundamental and important task for Chinese natural language processing. Currently, most state-of-the-art CWS methods greatly depend on large-scale manually-annotated data, which is a very time-consuming and expensive work, specially for the annotation in medical field. In this paper, we present an active learning method for CWS in medical text. To effectively utilize complete segmentation history, a new scoring model in sampling strategy is proposed, which combines information entropy with neural network. Besides, to capture interactions between adjacent characters, K-means clustering features are additionally added in word segmenter. We experimentally evaluate our proposed CWS method in medical text, experimental results based on EHRs collected from the Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine show that our proposed method outperforms other reference methods, which can effectively save the cost of manual annotation.
Electronic health records (EHRs) systematically collect patients' clinical information, such as health profiles, histories of present illness, past medical histories, examination results and treatment plans BIBREF0 . By analyzing EHRs, many useful information, closely related to patients, can be discovered BIBREF1 . Since Chinese EHRs are recorded without explicit word delimiters (e.g., “UTF8gkai糖尿病酮症酸中毒” (diabetic ketoacidosis)), Chinese word segmentation (CWS) is a prerequisite for processing EHRs. Currently, state-of-the-art CWS methods usually require large amounts of manually-labeled data to reach their full potential. However, there are many challenges inherent in labeling EHRs. First, EHRs have many medical terminologies, such as “UTF8gkai高血压性心脏病” (hypertensive heart disease) and “UTF8gkai罗氏芬” (Rocephin), so only annotators with medical backgrounds can be qualified to label EHRs. Second, EHRs may involve personal privacies of patients. Therefore, they cannot be openly published on a large scale for labeling. The above two problems lead to the high annotation cost and insufficient training corpus in the research of CWS in medical text. CWS was usually formulated as a sequence labeling task BIBREF2 , which can be solved by supervised learning approaches, such as hidden markov model (HMM) BIBREF3 and conditional random field (CRF) BIBREF4 . However, these methods rely heavily on handcrafted features. To relieve the efforts of feature engineering, neural network-based methods are beginning to thrive BIBREF5 , BIBREF6 , BIBREF7 . However, due to insufficient annotated training data, conventional models for CWS trained on open corpus often suffer from significant performance degradation when transferred to a domain-specific text. Moreover, the task in medical domain is rarely dabbled, and only one related work on transfer learning is found in recent literatures BIBREF8 . However, researches related to transfer learning mostly remain in general domains, causing a major problem that a considerable amount of manually annotated data is required, when introducing the models into specific domains. One of the solutions for this obstacle is to use active learning, where only a small scale of samples are selected and labeled in an active manner. Active learning methods are favored by the researchers in many natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as text classification BIBREF9 and named entity recognition (NER) BIBREF10 . However, only a handful of works are conducted on CWS BIBREF2 , and few focuses on medical domain tasks. Given the aforementioned challenges and current researches, we propose a word segmentation method based on active learning. To model the segmentation history, we incorporate a sampling strategy consisting of word score, link score and sequence score, which effectively evaluates the segmentation decisions. Specifically, we combine information branch and gated neural network to determine if the segment is a legal word, i.e., word score. Meanwhile, we use the hidden layer output of the long short-term memory (LSTM) BIBREF11 to find out how the word is linked to its surroundings, i.e., link score. The final decision on the selection of labeling samples is made by calculating the average of word and link scores on the whole segmented sentence, i.e., sequence score. Besides, to capture coherence over characters, we additionally add K-means clustering features to the input of CRF-based word segmenter. To sum up, the main contributions of our work are summarized as follows: The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section SECREF2 briefly reviews the related work on CWS and active learning. Section SECREF3 presents an active learning method for CWS. We experimentally evaluate our proposed method in Section SECREF4 . Finally, Section SECREF5 concludes the paper and envisions on future work.
Did the annotators agreed and how much?
For event types and participant types, there was a moderate to substantial level of agreement using the Fleiss' Kappa. For coreference chain annotation, there was average agreement of 90.5%.
This paper presents the InScript corpus (Narrative Texts Instantiating Script structure). InScript is a corpus of 1,000 stories centered around 10 different scenarios. Verbs and noun phrases are annotated with event and participant types, respectively. Additionally, the text is annotated with coreference information. The corpus shows rich lexical variation and will serve as a unique resource for the study of the role of script knowledge in natural language processing.
A script is “a standardized sequence of events that describes some stereotypical human activity such as going to a restaurant or visiting a doctor” BIBREF0 . Script events describe an action/activity along with the involved participants. For example, in the script describing a visit to a restaurant, typical events are entering the restaurant, ordering food or eating. Participants in this scenario can include animate objects like the waiter and the customer, as well as inanimate objects such as cutlery or food. Script knowledge has been shown to play an important role in text understanding (cullingford1978script, miikkulainen1995script, mueller2004understanding, Chambers2008, Chambers2009, modi2014inducing, rudinger2015learning). It guides the expectation of the reader, supports coreference resolution as well as common-sense knowledge inference and enables the appropriate embedding of the current sentence into the larger context. Figure 1 shows the first few sentences of a story describing the scenario taking a bath. Once the taking a bath scenario is evoked by the noun phrase (NP) “a bath”, the reader can effortlessly interpret the definite NP “the faucet” as an implicitly present standard participant of the taking a bath script. Although in this story, “entering the bath room”, “turning on the water” and “filling the tub” are explicitly mentioned, a reader could nevertheless have inferred the “turning on the water” event, even if it was not explicitly mentioned in the text. Table 1 gives an example of typical events and participants for the script describing the scenario taking a bath. A systematic study of the influence of script knowledge in texts is far from trivial. Typically, text documents (e.g. narrative texts) describing various scenarios evoke many different scripts, making it difficult to study the effect of a single script. Efforts have been made to collect scenario-specific script knowledge via crowdsourcing, for example the OMICS and SMILE corpora (singh2002open, Regneri:2010, Regneri2013), but these corpora describe script events in a pointwise telegram style rather than in full texts. This paper presents the InScript corpus (Narrative Texts Instantiating Script structure). It is a corpus of simple narrative texts in the form of stories, wherein each story is centered around a specific scenario. The stories have been collected via Amazon Mechanical Turk (M-Turk). In this experiment, turkers were asked to write down a concrete experience about a bus ride, a grocery shopping event etc. We concentrated on 10 scenarios and collected 100 stories per scenario, giving a total of 1,000 stories with about 200,000 words. Relevant verbs and noun phrases in all stories are annotated with event types and participant types respectively. Additionally, the texts have been annotated with coreference information in order to facilitate the study of the interdependence between script structure and coreference. The InScript corpus is a unique resource that provides a basis for studying various aspects of the role of script knowledge in language processing by humans. The acquisition of this corpus is part of a larger research effort that aims at using script knowledge to model the surprisal and information density in written text. Besides InScript, this project also released a corpus of generic descriptions of script activities called DeScript (for Describing Script Structure, Wanzare2016). DeScript contains a range of short and textually simple phrases that describe script events in the style of OMICS or SMILE (singh2002open, Regneri:2010). These generic telegram-style descriptions are called Event Descriptions (EDs); a sequence of such descriptions that cover a complete script is called an Event Sequence Description (ESD). Figure 2 shows an excerpt of a script in the baking a cake scenario. The figure shows event descriptions for 3 different events in the DeScript corpus (left) and fragments of a story in the InScript corpus (right) that instantiate the same event type.
What datasets are used to evaluate this approach?
Kinship and Nations knowledge graphs, YAGO3-10 and WN18KGs knowledge graphs
Representing entities and relations in an embedding space is a well-studied approach for machine learning on relational data. Existing approaches, however, primarily focus on improving accuracy and overlook other aspects such as robustness and interpretability. In this paper, we propose adversarial modifications for link prediction models: identifying the fact to add into or remove from the knowledge graph that changes the prediction for a target fact after the model is retrained. Using these single modifications of the graph, we identify the most influential fact for a predicted link and evaluate the sensitivity of the model to the addition of fake facts. We introduce an efficient approach to estimate the effect of such modifications by approximating the change in the embeddings when the knowledge graph changes. To avoid the combinatorial search over all possible facts, we train a network to decode embeddings to their corresponding graph components, allowing the use of gradient-based optimization to identify the adversarial modification. We use these techniques to evaluate the robustness of link prediction models (by measuring sensitivity to additional facts), study interpretability through the facts most responsible for predictions (by identifying the most influential neighbors), and detect incorrect facts in the knowledge base.
Knowledge graphs (KG) play a critical role in many real-world applications such as search, structured data management, recommendations, and question answering. Since KGs often suffer from incompleteness and noise in their facts (links), a number of recent techniques have proposed models that embed each entity and relation into a vector space, and use these embeddings to predict facts. These dense representation models for link prediction include tensor factorization BIBREF0 , BIBREF1 , BIBREF2 , algebraic operations BIBREF3 , BIBREF4 , BIBREF5 , multiple embeddings BIBREF6 , BIBREF7 , BIBREF8 , BIBREF9 , and complex neural models BIBREF10 , BIBREF11 . However, there are only a few studies BIBREF12 , BIBREF13 that investigate the quality of the different KG models. There is a need to go beyond just the accuracy on link prediction, and instead focus on whether these representations are robust and stable, and what facts they make use of for their predictions. In this paper, our goal is to design approaches that minimally change the graph structure such that the prediction of a target fact changes the most after the embeddings are relearned, which we collectively call Completion Robustness and Interpretability via Adversarial Graph Edits (). First, we consider perturbations that red!50!blackremove a neighboring link for the target fact, thus identifying the most influential related fact, providing an explanation for the model's prediction. As an example, consider the excerpt from a KG in Figure 1 with two observed facts, and a target predicted fact that Princes Henriette is the parent of Violante Bavaria. Our proposed graph perturbation, shown in Figure 1 , identifies the existing fact that Ferdinal Maria is the father of Violante Bavaria as the one when removed and model retrained, will change the prediction of Princes Henriette's child. We also study attacks that green!50!blackadd a new, fake fact into the KG to evaluate the robustness and sensitivity of link prediction models to small additions to the graph. An example attack for the original graph in Figure 1 , is depicted in Figure 1 . Such perturbations to the the training data are from a family of adversarial modifications that have been applied to other machine learning tasks, known as poisoning BIBREF14 , BIBREF15 , BIBREF16 , BIBREF17 . Since the setting is quite different from traditional adversarial attacks, search for link prediction adversaries brings up unique challenges. To find these minimal changes for a target link, we need to identify the fact that, when added into or removed from the graph, will have the biggest impact on the predicted score of the target fact. Unfortunately, computing this change in the score is expensive since it involves retraining the model to recompute the embeddings. We propose an efficient estimate of this score change by approximating the change in the embeddings using Taylor expansion. The other challenge in identifying adversarial modifications for link prediction, especially when considering addition of fake facts, is the combinatorial search space over possible facts, which is intractable to enumerate. We introduce an inverter of the original embedding model, to decode the embeddings to their corresponding graph components, making the search of facts tractable by performing efficient gradient-based continuous optimization. We evaluate our proposed methods through following experiments. First, on relatively small KGs, we show that our approximations are accurate compared to the true change in the score. Second, we show that our additive attacks can effectively reduce the performance of state of the art models BIBREF2 , BIBREF10 up to $27.3\%$ and $50.7\%$ in Hits@1 for two large KGs: WN18 and YAGO3-10. We also explore the utility of adversarial modifications in explaining the model predictions by presenting rule-like descriptions of the most influential neighbors. Finally, we use adversaries to detect errors in the KG, obtaining up to $55\%$ accuracy in detecting errors.
How was the dataset collected?
They crawled travel information from the Web to build a database, created a multi-domain goal generator from the database, collected dialogue between workers an automatically annotated dialogue acts.
To advance multi-domain (cross-domain) dialogue modeling as well as alleviate the shortage of Chinese task-oriented datasets, we propose CrossWOZ, the first large-scale Chinese Cross-Domain Wizard-of-Oz task-oriented dataset. It contains 6K dialogue sessions and 102K utterances for 5 domains, including hotel, restaurant, attraction, metro, and taxi. Moreover, the corpus contains rich annotation of dialogue states and dialogue acts at both user and system sides. About 60% of the dialogues have cross-domain user goals that favor inter-domain dependency and encourage natural transition across domains in conversation. We also provide a user simulator and several benchmark models for pipelined task-oriented dialogue systems, which will facilitate researchers to compare and evaluate their models on this corpus. The large size and rich annotation of CrossWOZ make it suitable to investigate a variety of tasks in cross-domain dialogue modeling, such as dialogue state tracking, policy learning, user simulation, etc.
Recently, there have been a variety of task-oriented dialogue models thanks to the prosperity of neural architectures BIBREF0, BIBREF1, BIBREF2, BIBREF3, BIBREF4, BIBREF5. However, the research is still largely limited by the availability of large-scale high-quality dialogue data. Many corpora have advanced the research of task-oriented dialogue systems, most of which are single domain conversations, including ATIS BIBREF6, DSTC 2 BIBREF7, Frames BIBREF8, KVRET BIBREF9, WOZ 2.0 BIBREF10 and M2M BIBREF11. Despite the significant contributions to the community, these datasets are still limited in size, language variation, or task complexity. Furthermore, there is a gap between existing dialogue corpora and real-life human dialogue data. In real-life conversations, it is natural for humans to transition between different domains or scenarios while still maintaining coherent contexts. Thus, real-life dialogues are much more complicated than those dialogues that are only simulated within a single domain. To address this issue, some multi-domain corpora have been proposed BIBREF12, BIBREF13. The most notable corpus is MultiWOZ BIBREF12, a large-scale multi-domain dataset which consists of crowdsourced human-to-human dialogues. It contains 10K dialogue sessions and 143K utterances for 7 domains, with annotation of system-side dialogue states and dialogue acts. However, the state annotations are noisy BIBREF14, and user-side dialogue acts are missing. The dependency across domains is simply embodied in imposing the same pre-specified constraints on different domains, such as requiring both a hotel and an attraction to locate in the center of the town. In comparison to the abundance of English dialogue data, surprisingly, there is still no widely recognized Chinese task-oriented dialogue corpus. In this paper, we propose CrossWOZ, a large-scale Chinese multi-domain (cross-domain) task-oriented dialogue dataset. An dialogue example is shown in Figure FIGREF1. We compare CrossWOZ to other corpora in Table TABREF5 and TABREF6. Our dataset has the following features comparing to other corpora (particularly MultiWOZ BIBREF12): The dependency between domains is more challenging because the choice in one domain will affect the choices in related domains in CrossWOZ. As shown in Figure FIGREF1 and Table TABREF6, the hotel must be near the attraction chosen by the user in previous turns, which requires more accurate context understanding. It is the first Chinese corpus that contains large-scale multi-domain task-oriented dialogues, consisting of 6K sessions and 102K utterances for 5 domains (attraction, restaurant, hotel, metro, and taxi). Annotation of dialogue states and dialogue acts is provided for both the system side and user side. The annotation of user states enables us to track the conversation from the user's perspective and can empower the development of more elaborate user simulators. In this paper, we present the process of dialogue collection and provide detailed data analysis of the corpus. Statistics show that our cross-domain dialogues are complicated. To facilitate model comparison, benchmark models are provided for different modules in pipelined task-oriented dialogue systems, including natural language understanding, dialogue state tracking, dialogue policy learning, and natural language generation. We also provide a user simulator, which will facilitate the development and evaluation of dialogue models on this corpus. The corpus and the benchmark models are publicly available at https://github.com/thu-coai/CrossWOZ.
What models other than standalone BERT is new model compared to?
Only Bert base and Bert large are compared to proposed approach.
Pretraining deep contextualized representations using an unsupervised language modeling objective has led to large performance gains for a variety of NLP tasks. Despite this success, recent work by Schick and Schutze (2019) suggests that these architectures struggle to understand rare words. For context-independent word embeddings, this problem can be addressed by separately learning representations for infrequent words. In this work, we show that the same idea can also be applied to contextualized models and clearly improves their downstream task performance. Most approaches for inducing word embeddings into existing embedding spaces are based on simple bag-of-words models; hence they are not a suitable counterpart for deep neural network language models. To overcome this problem, we introduce BERTRAM, a powerful architecture based on a pretrained BERT language model and capable of inferring high-quality representations for rare words. In BERTRAM, surface form and contexts of a word directly interact with each other in a deep architecture. Both on a rare word probing task and on three downstream task datasets, BERTRAM considerably improves representations for rare and medium frequency words compared to both a standalone BERT model and previous work.
As traditional word embedding algorithms BIBREF1 are known to struggle with rare words, several techniques for improving their representations have been proposed over the last few years. These approaches exploit either the contexts in which rare words occur BIBREF2, BIBREF3, BIBREF4, BIBREF5, their surface-form BIBREF6, BIBREF7, BIBREF8, or both BIBREF9, BIBREF10. However, all of these approaches are designed for and evaluated on uncontextualized word embeddings. With the recent shift towards contextualized representations obtained from pretrained deep language models BIBREF11, BIBREF12, BIBREF13, BIBREF14, the question naturally arises whether these approaches are facing the same problem. As all of them already handle rare words implicitly – using methods such as byte-pair encoding BIBREF15 and WordPiece embeddings BIBREF16, or even character-level CNNs BIBREF17 –, it is unclear whether these models even require special treatment of rare words. However, the listed methods only make use of surface-form information, whereas BIBREF9 found that for covering a wide range of rare words, it is crucial to consider both surface-form and contexts. Consistently, BIBREF0 recently showed that for BERT BIBREF13, a popular pretrained language model based on a Transformer architecture BIBREF18, performance on a rare word probing task can significantly be improve by relearning representations of rare words using Attentive Mimicking BIBREF19. However, their proposed model is limited in two important respects: For processing contexts, it uses a simple bag-of-words model, throwing away much of the available information. It combines form and context only in a shallow fashion, thus preventing both input signals from sharing information in any sophisticated manner. Importantly, this limitation applies not only to their model, but to all previous work on obtaining representations for rare words by leveraging form and context. While using bag-of-words models is a reasonable choice for uncontextualized embeddings, which are often themselves based on such models BIBREF1, BIBREF7, it stands to reason that they are suboptimal for contextualized embeddings based on position-aware deep neural architectures. To overcome these limitations, we introduce Bertram (BERT for Attentive Mimicking), a novel architecture for understanding rare words that combines a pretrained BERT language model with Attentive Mimicking BIBREF19. Unlike previous approaches making use of language models BIBREF5, our approach integrates BERT in an end-to-end fashion and directly makes use of its hidden states. By giving Bertram access to both surface form and context information already at its very lowest layer, we allow for a deep connection and exchange of information between both input signals. For various reasons, assessing the effectiveness of methods like Bertram in a contextualized setting poses a huge difficulty: While most previous work on rare words was evaluated on datasets explicitly focusing on such words BIBREF6, BIBREF3, BIBREF4, BIBREF5, BIBREF10, all of these datasets are tailored towards context-independent embeddings and thus not suitable for evaluating our proposed model. Furthermore, understanding rare words is of negligible importance for most commonly used downstream task datasets. To evaluate our proposed model, we therefore introduce a novel procedure that allows us to automatically turn arbitrary text classification datasets into ones where rare words are guaranteed to be important. This is achieved by replacing classification-relevant frequent words with rare synonyms obtained using semantic resources such as WordNet BIBREF20. Using this procedure, we extract rare word datasets from three commonly used text (or text pair) classification datasets: MNLI BIBREF21, AG's News BIBREF22 and DBPedia BIBREF23. On both the WNLaMPro dataset of BIBREF0 and all three so-obtained datasets, our proposed Bertram model outperforms previous work by a large margin. In summary, our contributions are as follows: We show that a pretrained BERT instance can be integrated into Attentive Mimicking, resulting in much better context representations and a deeper connection of form and context. We design a procedure that allows us to automatically transform text classification datasets into datasets for which rare words are guaranteed to be important. We show that Bertram achieves a new state-of-the-art on the WNLaMPro probing task BIBREF0 and beats all baselines on rare word instances of AG's News, MNLI and DBPedia, resulting in an absolute improvement of up to 24% over a BERT baseline.
How big is the performance difference between this method and the baseline?
Comparing with the highest performing baseline: 1.3 points on ACE2004 dataset, 0.6 points on CWEB dataset, and 0.86 points in the average of all scores.
Entity linking is the task of aligning mentions to corresponding entities in a given knowledge base. Previous studies have highlighted the necessity for entity linking systems to capture the global coherence. However, there are two common weaknesses in previous global models. First, most of them calculate the pairwise scores between all candidate entities and select the most relevant group of entities as the final result. In this process, the consistency among wrong entities as well as that among right ones are involved, which may introduce noise data and increase the model complexity. Second, the cues of previously disambiguated entities, which could contribute to the disambiguation of the subsequent mentions, are usually ignored by previous models. To address these problems, we convert the global linking into a sequence decision problem and propose a reinforcement learning model which makes decisions from a global perspective. Our model makes full use of the previous referred entities and explores the long-term influence of current selection on subsequent decisions. We conduct experiments on different types of datasets, the results show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art systems and has better generalization performance.
Entity Linking (EL), which is also called Entity Disambiguation (ED), is the task of mapping mentions in text to corresponding entities in a given knowledge Base (KB). This task is an important and challenging stage in text understanding because mentions are usually ambiguous, i.e., different named entities may share the same surface form and the same entity may have multiple aliases. EL is key for information retrieval (IE) and has many applications, such as knowledge base population (KBP), question answering (QA), etc. Existing EL methods can be divided into two categories: local model and global model. Local models concern mainly on contextual words surrounding the mentions, where mentions are disambiguated independently. These methods are not work well when the context information is not rich enough. Global models take into account the topical coherence among the referred entities within the same document, where mentions are disambiguated jointly. Most of previous global models BIBREF0 , BIBREF1 , BIBREF2 calculate the pairwise scores between all candidate entities and select the most relevant group of entities. However, the consistency among wrong entities as well as that among right ones are involved, which not only increases the model complexity but also introduces some noises. For example, in Figure 1, there are three mentions "France", "Croatia" and "2018 World Cup", and each mention has three candidate entities. Here, "France" may refer to French Republic, France national basketball team or France national football team in KB. It is difficult to disambiguate using local models, due to the scarce common information in the contextual words of "France" and the descriptions of its candidate entities. Besides, the topical coherence among the wrong entities related to basketball team (linked by an orange dashed line) may make the global models mistakenly refer "France" to France national basketball team. So, how to solve these problems? We note that, mentions in text usually have different disambiguation difficulty according to the quality of contextual information and the topical coherence. Intuitively, if we start with mentions that are easier to disambiguate and gain correct results, it will be effective to utilize information provided by previously referred entities to disambiguate subsequent mentions. In the above example, it is much easier to map "2018 World Cup" to 2018 FIFA World Cup based on their common contextual words "France", "Croatia", "4-2". Then, it is obvious that "France" and "Croatia" should be referred to the national football team because football-related terms are mentioned many times in the description of 2018 FIFA World Cup. Inspired by this intuition, we design the solution with three principles: (i) utilizing local features to rank the mentions in text and deal with them in a sequence manner; (ii) utilizing the information of previously referred entities for the subsequent entity disambiguation; (iii) making decisions from a global perspective to avoid the error propagation if the previous decision is wrong. In order to achieve these aims, we consider global EL as a sequence decision problem and proposed a deep reinforcement learning (RL) based model, RLEL for short, which consists of three modules: Local Encoder, Global Encoder and Entity Selector. For each mention and its candidate entities, Local Encoder encodes the local features to obtain their latent vector representations. Then, the mentions are ranked according to their disambiguation difficulty, which is measured by the learned vector representations. In order to enforce global coherence between mentions, Global Encoder encodes the local representations of mention-entity pairs in a sequential manner via a LSTM network, which maintains a long-term memory on features of entities which has been selected in previous states. Entity Selector uses a policy network to choose the target entities from the candidate set. For a single disambiguation decision, the policy network not only considers the pairs of current mention-entity representations, but also concerns the features of referred entities in the previous states which is pursued by the Global Encoder. In this way, Entity Selector is able to take actions based on the current state and previous ones. When eliminating the ambiguity of all mentions in the sequence, delayed rewards are used to adjust its policy in order to gain an optimized global decision. Deep RL model, which learns to directly optimize the overall evaluation metrics, works much better than models which learn with loss functions that just evaluate a particular single decision. By this property, RL has been successfully used in many NLP tasks, such as information retrieval BIBREF3 , dialogue system BIBREF4 and relation classification BIBREF5 , etc. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to design a RL model for global entity linking. And in this paper, our RL model is able to produce more accurate results by exploring the long-term influence of independent decisions and encoding the entities disambiguated in previous states. In summary, the main contributions of our paper mainly include following aspects:
What approaches without reinforcement learning have been tried?
classification, regression, neural methods
Task B Phase B of the 2019 BioASQ challenge focuses on biomedical question answering. Macquarie University's participation applies query-based multi-document extractive summarisation techniques to generate a multi-sentence answer given the question and the set of relevant snippets. In past participation we explored the use of regression approaches using deep learning architectures and a simple policy gradient architecture. For the 2019 challenge we experiment with the use of classification approaches with and without reinforcement learning. In addition, we conduct a correlation analysis between various ROUGE metrics and the BioASQ human evaluation scores.
The BioASQ Challenge includes a question answering task (Phase B, part B) where the aim is to find the “ideal answer” — that is, an answer that would normally be given by a person BIBREF0. This is in contrast with most other question answering challenges where the aim is normally to give an exact answer, usually a fact-based answer or a list. Given that the answer is based on an input that consists of a biomedical question and several relevant PubMed abstracts, the task can be seen as an instance of query-based multi-document summarisation. As in past participation BIBREF1, BIBREF2, we wanted to test the use of deep learning and reinforcement learning approaches for extractive summarisation. In contrast with past years where the training procedure was based on a regression set up, this year we experiment with various classification set ups. The main contributions of this paper are: We compare classification and regression approaches and show that classification produces better results than regression but the quality of the results depends on the approach followed to annotate the data labels. We conduct correlation analysis between various ROUGE evaluation metrics and the human evaluations conducted at BioASQ and show that Precision and F1 correlate better than Recall. Section SECREF2 briefly introduces some related work for context. Section SECREF3 describes our classification and regression experiments. Section SECREF4 details our experiments using deep learning architectures. Section SECREF5 explains the reinforcement learning approaches. Section SECREF6 shows the results of our correlation analysis between ROUGE scores and human annotations. Section SECREF7 lists the specific runs submitted at BioASQ 7b. Finally, Section SECREF8 concludes the paper.
Which languages do they validate on?
Ar, Bg, Ca, Cs, Da, De, En, Es, Eu, Fa, Fi, Fr, Ga, He, Hi, Hu, It, La, Lt, Lv, Nb, Nl, Nn, PL, Pt, Ro, Ru, Sl, Sv, Tr, Uk, Ur
The Universal Dependencies (UD) and Universal Morphology (UniMorph) projects each present schemata for annotating the morphosyntactic details of language. Each project also provides corpora of annotated text in many languages - UD at the token level and UniMorph at the type level. As each corpus is built by different annotators, language-specific decisions hinder the goal of universal schemata. With compatibility of tags, each project's annotations could be used to validate the other's. Additionally, the availability of both type- and token-level resources would be a boon to tasks such as parsing and homograph disambiguation. To ease this interoperability, we present a deterministic mapping from Universal Dependencies v2 features into the UniMorph schema. We validate our approach by lookup in the UniMorph corpora and find a macro-average of 64.13% recall. We also note incompatibilities due to paucity of data on either side. Finally, we present a critical evaluation of the foundations, strengths, and weaknesses of the two annotation projects.
The two largest standardized, cross-lingual datasets for morphological annotation are provided by the Universal Dependencies BIBREF1 and Universal Morphology BIBREF2 , BIBREF3 projects. Each project's data are annotated according to its own cross-lingual schema, prescribing how features like gender or case should be marked. The schemata capture largely similar information, so one may want to leverage both UD's token-level treebanks and UniMorph's type-level lookup tables and unify the two resources. This would permit a leveraging of both the token-level UD treebanks and the type-level UniMorph tables of paradigms. Unfortunately, neither resource perfectly realizes its schema. On a dataset-by-dataset basis, they incorporate annotator errors, omissions, and human decisions when the schemata are underspecified; one such example is in fig:disagreement. A dataset-by-dataset problem demands a dataset-by-dataset solution; our task is not to translate a schema, but to translate a resource. Starting from the idealized schema, we create a rule-based tool for converting UD-schema annotations to UniMorph annotations, incorporating language-specific post-edits that both correct infelicities and also increase harmony between the datasets themselves (rather than the schemata). We apply this conversion to the 31 languages with both UD and UniMorph data, and we report our method's recall, showing an improvement over the strategy which just maps corresponding schematic features to each other. Further, we show similar downstream performance for each annotation scheme in the task of morphological tagging. This tool enables a synergistic use of UniMorph and Universal Dependencies, as well as teasing out the annotation discrepancies within and across projects. When one dataset disobeys its schema or disagrees with a related language, the flaws may not be noticed except by such a methodological dive into the resources. When the maintainers of the resources ameliorate these flaws, the resources move closer to the goal of a universal, cross-lingual inventory of features for morphological annotation. The contributions of this work are:
What is the baseline method for the task?
For the emotion recognition from text they use described neural network as baseline. For audio and face there is no baseline.
The recognition of emotions by humans is a complex process which considers multiple interacting signals such as facial expressions and both prosody and semantic content of utterances. Commonly, research on automatic recognition of emotions is, with few exceptions, limited to one modality. We describe an in-car experiment for emotion recognition from speech interactions for three modalities: the audio signal of a spoken interaction, the visual signal of the driver's face, and the manually transcribed content of utterances of the driver. We use off-the-shelf tools for emotion detection in audio and face and compare that to a neural transfer learning approach for emotion recognition from text which utilizes existing resources from other domains. We see that transfer learning enables models based on out-of-domain corpora to perform well. This method contributes up to 10 percentage points in F1, with up to 76 micro-average F1 across the emotions joy, annoyance and insecurity. Our findings also indicate that off-the-shelf-tools analyzing face and audio are not ready yet for emotion detection in in-car speech interactions without further adjustments.
Automatic emotion recognition is commonly understood as the task of assigning an emotion to a predefined instance, for example an utterance (as audio signal), an image (for instance with a depicted face), or a textual unit (e.g., a transcribed utterance, a sentence, or a Tweet). The set of emotions is often following the original definition by Ekman Ekman1992, which includes anger, fear, disgust, sadness, joy, and surprise, or the extension by Plutchik Plutchik1980 who adds trust and anticipation. Most work in emotion detection is limited to one modality. Exceptions include Busso2004 and Sebe2005, who investigate multimodal approaches combining speech with facial information. Emotion recognition in speech can utilize semantic features as well BIBREF0. Note that the term “multimodal” is also used beyond the combination of vision, audio, and text. For example, Soleymani2012 use it to refer to the combination of electroencephalogram, pupillary response and gaze distance. In this paper, we deal with the specific situation of car environments as a testbed for multimodal emotion recognition. This is an interesting environment since it is, to some degree, a controlled environment: Dialogue partners are limited in movement, the degrees of freedom for occurring events are limited, and several sensors which are useful for emotion recognition are already integrated in this setting. More specifically, we focus on emotion recognition from speech events in a dialogue with a human partner and with an intelligent agent. Also from the application point of view, the domain is a relevant choice: Past research has shown that emotional intelligence is beneficial for human computer interaction. Properly processing emotions in interactions increases the engagement of users and can improve performance when a specific task is to be fulfilled BIBREF1, BIBREF2, BIBREF3, BIBREF4. This is mostly based on the aspect that machines communicating with humans appear to be more trustworthy when they show empathy and are perceived as being natural BIBREF3, BIBREF5, BIBREF4. Virtual agents play an increasingly important role in the automotive context and the speech modality is increasingly being used in cars due to its potential to limit distraction. It has been shown that adapting the in-car speech interaction system according to the drivers' emotional state can help to enhance security, performance as well as the overall driving experience BIBREF6, BIBREF7. With this paper, we investigate how each of the three considered modalitites, namely facial expressions, utterances of a driver as an audio signal, and transcribed text contributes to the task of emotion recognition in in-car speech interactions. We focus on the five emotions of joy, insecurity, annoyance, relaxation, and boredom since terms corresponding to so-called fundamental emotions like fear have been shown to be associated to too strong emotional states than being appropriate for the in-car context BIBREF8. Our first contribution is the description of the experimental setup for our data collection. Aiming to provoke specific emotions with situations which can occur in real-world driving scenarios and to induce speech interactions, the study was conducted in a driving simulator. Based on the collected data, we provide baseline predictions with off-the-shelf tools for face and speech emotion recognition and compare them to a neural network-based approach for emotion recognition from text. Our second contribution is the introduction of transfer learning to adapt models trained on established out-of-domain corpora to our use case. We work on German language, therefore the transfer consists of a domain and a language transfer.
what amounts of size were used on german-english?
Training data with 159000, 80000, 40000, 20000, 10000 and 5000 sentences, and 7584 sentences for development
It has been shown that the performance of neural machine translation (NMT) drops starkly in low-resource conditions, underperforming phrase-based statistical machine translation (PBSMT) and requiring large amounts of auxiliary data to achieve competitive results. In this paper, we re-assess the validity of these results, arguing that they are the result of lack of system adaptation to low-resource settings. We discuss some pitfalls to be aware of when training low-resource NMT systems, and recent techniques that have shown to be especially helpful in low-resource settings, resulting in a set of best practices for low-resource NMT. In our experiments on German--English with different amounts of IWSLT14 training data, we show that, without the use of any auxiliary monolingual or multilingual data, an optimized NMT system can outperform PBSMT with far less data than previously claimed. We also apply these techniques to a low-resource Korean-English dataset, surpassing previously reported results by 4 BLEU.
While neural machine translation (NMT) has achieved impressive performance in high-resource data conditions, becoming dominant in the field BIBREF0 , BIBREF1 , BIBREF2 , recent research has argued that these models are highly data-inefficient, and underperform phrase-based statistical machine translation (PBSMT) or unsupervised methods in low-data conditions BIBREF3 , BIBREF4 . In this paper, we re-assess the validity of these results, arguing that they are the result of lack of system adaptation to low-resource settings. Our main contributions are as follows:
How big is the dataset?
Resulting dataset was 7934 messages for train and 700 messages for test.
With a sharp rise in fluency and users of "Hinglish" in linguistically diverse country, India, it has increasingly become important to analyze social content written in this language in platforms such as Twitter, Reddit, Facebook. This project focuses on using deep learning techniques to tackle a classification problem in categorizing social content written in Hindi-English into Abusive, Hate-Inducing and Not offensive categories. We utilize bi-directional sequence models with easy text augmentation techniques such as synonym replacement, random insertion, random swap, and random deletion to produce a state of the art classifier that outperforms the previous work done on analyzing this dataset.
Hinglish is a linguistic blend of Hindi (very widely spoken language in India) and English (an associate language of urban areas) and is spoken by upwards of 350 million people in India. While the name is based on the Hindi language, it does not refer exclusively to Hindi, but is used in India, with English words blending with Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi and Hindi. Sometimes, though rarely, Hinglish is used to refer to Hindi written in English script and mixing with English words or phrases. This makes analyzing the language very interesting. Its rampant usage in social media like Twitter, Facebook, Online blogs and reviews has also led to its usage in delivering hate and abuses in similar platforms. We aim to find such content in the social media focusing on the tweets. Hypothetically, if we can classify such tweets, we might be able to detect them and isolate them for further analysis before it reaches public. This will a great application of AI to the social cause and thus is motivating. An example of a simple, non offensive message written in Hinglish could be: "Why do you waste your time with <redacted content>. Aapna ghar sambhalta nahi(<redacted content>). Chale dusro ko basane..!!" The second part of the above sentence is written in Hindi while the first part is in English. Second part calls for an action to a person to bring order to his/her home before trying to settle others.
What MC abbreviate for?
machine comprehension
The last several years have seen intensive interest in exploring neural-network-based models for machine comprehension (MC) and question answering (QA). In this paper, we approach the problems by closely modelling questions in a neural network framework. We first introduce syntactic information to help encode questions. We then view and model different types of questions and the information shared among them as an adaptation task and proposed adaptation models for them. On the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD), we show that these approaches can help attain better results over a competitive baseline.
Enabling computers to understand given documents and answer questions about their content has recently attracted intensive interest, including but not limited to the efforts as in BIBREF0 , BIBREF1 , BIBREF2 , BIBREF3 , BIBREF4 , BIBREF5 . Many specific problems such as machine comprehension and question answering often involve modeling such question-document pairs. The recent availability of relatively large training datasets (see Section "Related Work" for more details) has made it more feasible to train and estimate rather complex models in an end-to-end fashion for these problems, in which a whole model is fit directly with given question-answer tuples and the resulting model has shown to be rather effective. In this paper, we take a closer look at modeling questions in such an end-to-end neural network framework, since we regard question understanding is of importance for such problems. We first introduced syntactic information to help encode questions. We then viewed and modelled different types of questions and the information shared among them as an adaptation problem and proposed adaptation models for them. On the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD), we show that these approaches can help attain better results on our competitive baselines.
What are their correlation results?
High correlation results range from 0.472 to 0.936
We propose SumQE, a novel Quality Estimation model for summarization based on BERT. The model addresses linguistic quality aspects that are only indirectly captured by content-based approaches to summary evaluation, without involving comparison with human references. SumQE achieves very high correlations with human ratings, outperforming simpler models addressing these linguistic aspects. Predictions of the SumQE model can be used for system development, and to inform users of the quality of automatically produced summaries and other types of generated text.
Quality Estimation (QE) is a term used in machine translation (MT) to refer to methods that measure the quality of automatically translated text without relying on human references BIBREF0, BIBREF1. In this study, we address QE for summarization. Our proposed model, Sum-QE, successfully predicts linguistic qualities of summaries that traditional evaluation metrics fail to capture BIBREF2, BIBREF3, BIBREF4, BIBREF5. Sum-QE predictions can be used for system development, to inform users of the quality of automatically produced summaries and other types of generated text, and to select the best among summaries output by multiple systems. Sum-QE relies on the BERT language representation model BIBREF6. We use a pre-trained BERT model adding just a task-specific layer, and fine-tune the entire model on the task of predicting linguistic quality scores manually assigned to summaries. The five criteria addressed are given in Figure FIGREF2. We provide a thorough evaluation on three publicly available summarization datasets from NIST shared tasks, and compare the performance of our model to a wide variety of baseline methods capturing different aspects of linguistic quality. Sum-QE achieves very high correlations with human ratings, showing the ability of BERT to model linguistic qualities that relate to both text content and form.
What dataset do they use?
A parallel corpus where the source is an English expression of code and the target is Python code.
Making computer programming language more understandable and easy for the human is a longstanding problem. From assembly language to present day’s object-oriented programming, concepts came to make programming easier so that a programmer can focus on the logic and the architecture rather than the code and language itself. To go a step further in this journey of removing human-computer language barrier, this paper proposes machine learning approach using Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) to convert human language into programming language code. The programmer will write expressions for codes in layman’s language, and the machine learning model will translate it to the targeted programming language. The proposed approach yields result with 74.40% accuracy. This can be further improved by incorporating additional techniques, which are also discussed in this paper.
Removing computer-human language barrier is an inevitable advancement researchers are thriving to achieve for decades. One of the stages of this advancement will be coding through natural human language instead of traditional programming language. On naturalness of computer programming D. Knuth said, “Let us change our traditional attitude to the construction of programs: Instead of imagining that our main task is to instruct a computer what to do, let us concentrate rather on explaining to human beings what we want a computer to do.”BIBREF0. Unfortunately, learning programming language is still necessary to instruct it. Researchers and developers are working to overcome this human-machine language barrier. Multiple branches exists to solve this challenge (i.e. inter-conversion of different programming language to have universally connected programming languages). Automatic code generation through natural language is not a new concept in computer science studies. However, it is difficult to create such tool due to these following three reasons– Programming languages are diverse An individual person expresses logical statements differently than other Natural Language Processing (NLP) of programming statements is challenging since both human and programming language evolve over time In this paper, a neural approach to translate pseudo-code or algorithm like human language expression into programming language code is proposed.
What is typical GAN architecture for each text-to-image synhesis group?
Semantic Enhancement GANs: DC-GANs, MC-GAN Resolution Enhancement GANs: StackGANs, AttnGAN, HDGAN Diversity Enhancement GANs: AC-GAN, TAC-GAN etc. Motion Enhancement GAGs: T2S, T2V, StoryGAN
Text-to-image synthesis refers to computational methods which translate human written textual descriptions, in the form of keywords or sentences, into images with similar semantic meaning to the text. In earlier research, image synthesis relied mainly on word to image correlation analysis combined with supervised methods to find best alignment of the visual content matching to the text. Recent progress in deep learning (DL) has brought a new set of unsupervised deep learning methods, particularly deep generative models which are able to generate realistic visual images using suitably trained neural network models. In this paper, we review the most recent development in the text-to-image synthesis research domain. Our survey first introduces image synthesis and its challenges, and then reviews key concepts such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and deep convolutional encoder-decoder neural networks (DCNN). After that, we propose a taxonomy to summarize GAN based text-to-image synthesis into four major categories: Semantic Enhancement GANs, Resolution Enhancement GANs, Diversity Enhancement GANS, and Motion Enhancement GANs. We elaborate the main objective of each group, and further review typical GAN architectures in each group. The taxonomy and the review outline the techniques and the evolution of different approaches, and eventually provide a clear roadmap to summarize the list of contemporaneous solutions that utilize GANs and DCNNs to generate enthralling results in categories such as human faces, birds, flowers, room interiors, object reconstruction from edge maps (games) etc. The survey will conclude with a comparison of the proposed solutions, challenges that remain unresolved, and future developments in the text-to-image synthesis domain.
“ (GANs), and the variations that are now being proposed is the most interesting idea in the last 10 years in ML, in my opinion.” (2016) – Yann LeCun A picture is worth a thousand words! While written text provide efficient, effective, and concise ways for communication, visual content, such as images, is a more comprehensive, accurate, and intelligible method of information sharing and understanding. Generation of images from text descriptions, i.e. text-to-image synthesis, is a complex computer vision and machine learning problem that has seen great progress over recent years. Automatic image generation from natural language may allow users to describe visual elements through visually-rich text descriptions. The ability to do so effectively is highly desirable as it could be used in artificial intelligence applications such as computer-aided design, image editing BIBREF0, BIBREF1, game engines for the development of the next generation of video gamesBIBREF2, and pictorial art generation BIBREF3.
What language do the agents talk in?
We introduce"Talk The Walk", the first large-scale dialogue dataset grounded in action and perception. The task involves two agents (a"guide"and a"tourist") that communicate via natural language in order to achieve a common goal: having the tourist navigate to a given target location. The task and dataset, which are described in detail, are challenging and their full solution is an open problem that we pose to the community. We (i) focus on the task of tourist localization and develop the novel Masked Attention for Spatial Convolutions (MASC) mechanism that allows for grounding tourist utterances into the guide's map, (ii) show it yields significant improvements for both emergent and natural language communication, and (iii) using this method, we establish non-trivial baselines on the full task.
0pt0.03.03 * 0pt0.030.03 * 0pt0.030.03 We introduce “Talk The Walk”, the first large-scale dialogue dataset grounded in action and perception. The task involves two agents (a “guide” and a “tourist”) that communicate via natural language in order to achieve a common goal: having the tourist navigate to a given target location. The task and dataset, which are described in detail, are challenging and their full solution is an open problem that we pose to the community. We (i) focus on the task of tourist localization and develop the novel Masked Attention for Spatial Convolutions (MASC) mechanism that allows for grounding tourist utterances into the guide's map, (ii) show it yields significant improvements for both emergent and natural language communication, and (iii) using this method, we establish non-trivial baselines on the full task.
How much better is performance of proposed method than state-of-the-art methods in experiments?
Accuracy of best proposed method KANE (LSTM+Concatenation) are 0.8011, 0.8592, 0.8605 compared to best state-of-the art method R-GCN + LR 0.7721, 0.8193, 0.8229 on three datasets respectively.
The goal of representation learning of knowledge graph is to encode both entities and relations into a low-dimensional embedding spaces. Many recent works have demonstrated the benefits of knowledge graph embedding on knowledge graph completion task, such as relation extraction. However, we observe that: 1) existing method just take direct relations between entities into consideration and fails to express high-order structural relationship between entities; 2) these methods just leverage relation triples of KGs while ignoring a large number of attribute triples that encoding rich semantic information. To overcome these limitations, this paper propose a novel knowledge graph embedding method, named KANE, which is inspired by the recent developments of graph convolutional networks (GCN). KANE can capture both high-order structural and attribute information of KGs in an efficient, explicit and unified manner under the graph convolutional networks framework. Empirical results on three datasets show that KANE significantly outperforms seven state-of-arts methods. Further analysis verify the efficiency of our method and the benefits brought by the attention mechanism.
In the past decade, many large-scale Knowledge Graphs (KGs), such as Freebase BIBREF0, DBpedia BIBREF1 and YAGO BIBREF2 have been built to represent human complex knowledge about the real-world in the machine-readable format. The facts in KGs are usually encoded in the form of triples $(\textit {head entity}, relation, \textit {tail entity})$ (denoted $(h, r, t)$ in this study) through the Resource Description Framework, e.g.,$(\textit {Donald Trump}, Born In, \textit {New York City})$. Figure FIGREF2 shows the subgraph of knowledge graph about the family of Donald Trump. In many KGs, we can observe that some relations indicate attributes of entities, such as the $\textit {Born}$ and $\textit {Abstract}$ in Figure FIGREF2, and others indicates the relations between entities (the head entity and tail entity are real world entity). Hence, the relationship in KG can be divided into relations and attributes, and correspondingly two types of triples, namely relation triples and attribute triples BIBREF3. A relation triples in KGs represents relationship between entities, e.g.,$(\textit {Donald Trump},Father of, \textit {Ivanka Trump})$, while attribute triples denote a literal attribute value of an entity, e.g.,$(\textit {Donald Trump},Born, \textit {"June 14, 1946"})$. Knowledge graphs have became important basis for many artificial intelligence applications, such as recommendation system BIBREF4, question answering BIBREF5 and information retrieval BIBREF6, which is attracting growing interests in both academia and industry communities. A common approach to apply KGs in these artificial intelligence applications is through embedding, which provide a simple method to encode both entities and relations into a continuous low-dimensional embedding spaces. Hence, learning distributional representation of knowledge graph has attracted many research attentions in recent years. TransE BIBREF7 is a seminal work in representation learning low-dimensional vectors for both entities and relations. The basic idea behind TransE is that the embedding $\textbf {t}$ of tail entity should be close to the head entity's embedding $\textbf {r}$ plus the relation vector $\textbf {t}$ if $(h, r, t)$ holds, which indicates $\textbf {h}+\textbf {r}\approx \textbf {t}$. This model provide a flexible way to improve the ability in completing the KGs, such as predicating the missing items in knowledge graph. Since then, several methods like TransH BIBREF8 and TransR BIBREF9, which represent the relational translation in other effective forms, have been proposed. Recent attempts focused on either incorporating extra information beyond KG triples BIBREF10, BIBREF11, BIBREF12, BIBREF13, or designing more complicated strategies BIBREF14, BIBREF15, BIBREF16. While these methods have achieved promising results in KG completion and link predication, existing knowledge graph embedding methods still have room for improvement. First, TransE and its most extensions only take direct relations between entities into consideration. We argue that the high-order structural relationship between entities also contain rich semantic relationships and incorporating these information can improve model performance. For example the fact $\textit {Donald Trump}\stackrel{Father of}{\longrightarrow }\textit {Ivanka Trump}\stackrel{Spouse}{\longrightarrow }\textit {Jared Kushner} $ indicates the relationship between entity Donald Trump and entity Jared Kushner. Several path-based methods have attempted to take multiple-step relation paths into consideration for learning high-order structural information of KGs BIBREF17, BIBREF18. But note that huge number of paths posed a critical complexity challenge on these methods. In order to enable efficient path modeling, these methods have to make approximations by sampling or applying path selection algorithm. We argue that making approximations has a large impact on the final performance. Second, to the best of our knowledge, most existing knowledge graph embedding methods just leverage relation triples of KGs while ignoring a large number of attribute triples. Therefore, these methods easily suffer from sparseness and incompleteness of knowledge graph. Even worse, structure information usually cannot distinguish the different meanings of relations and entities in different triples. We believe that these rich information encoded in attribute triples can help explore rich semantic information and further improve the performance of knowledge graph. For example, we can learn date of birth and abstraction from values of Born and Abstract about Donald Trump in Figure FIGREF2. There are a huge number of attribute triples in real KGs, for example the statistical results in BIBREF3 shows attribute triples are three times as many as relationship triples in English DBpedia (2016-04). Recent a few attempts try to incorporate attribute triples BIBREF11, BIBREF12. However, these are two limitations existing in these methods. One is that only a part of attribute triples are used in the existing methods, such as only entity description is used in BIBREF12. The other is some attempts try to jointly model the attribute triples and relation triples in one unified optimization problem. The loss of two kinds triples has to be carefully balanced during optimization. For example, BIBREF3 use hyper-parameters to weight the loss of two kinds triples in their models. Considering limitations of existing knowledge graph embedding methods, we believe it is of critical importance to develop a model that can capture both high-order structural and attribute information of KGs in an efficient, explicit and unified manner. Towards this end, inspired by the recent developments of graph convolutional networks (GCN) BIBREF19, which have the potential of achieving the goal but have not been explored much for knowledge graph embedding, we propose Knowledge Graph Attention Networks for Enhancing Knowledge Graph Embedding (KANE). The key ideal of KANE is to aggregate all attribute triples with bias and perform embedding propagation based on relation triples when calculating the representations of given entity. Specifically, two carefully designs are equipped in KANE to correspondingly address the above two challenges: 1) recursive embedding propagation based on relation triples, which updates a entity embedding. Through performing such recursively embedding propagation, the high-order structural information of kGs can be successfully captured in a linear time complexity; and 2) multi-head attention-based aggregation. The weight of each attribute triples can be learned through applying the neural attention mechanism BIBREF20. In experiments, we evaluate our model on two KGs tasks including knowledge graph completion and entity classification. Experimental results on three datasets shows that our method can significantly outperforms state-of-arts methods. The main contributions of this study are as follows: 1) We highlight the importance of explicitly modeling the high-order structural and attribution information of KGs to provide better knowledge graph embedding. 2) We proposed a new method KANE, which achieves can capture both high-order structural and attribute information of KGs in an efficient, explicit and unified manner under the graph convolutional networks framework. 3) We conduct experiments on three datasets, demonstrating the effectiveness of KANE and its interpretability in understanding the importance of high-order relations.
What stylistic features are used to detect drunk texts?
LDA unigrams (Presence/Count), POS Ratio, #Named Entity Mentions, #Discourse Connectors, Spelling errors, Repeated characters, Capitalization, Length, Emoticon (Presence/Count), Sentiment Ratio.
Alcohol abuse may lead to unsociable behavior such as crime, drunk driving, or privacy leaks. We introduce automatic drunk-texting prediction as the task of identifying whether a text was written when under the influence of alcohol. We experiment with tweets labeled using hashtags as distant supervision. Our classifiers use a set of N-gram and stylistic features to detect drunk tweets. Our observations present the first quantitative evidence that text contains signals that can be exploited to detect drunk-texting.
The ubiquity of communication devices has made social media highly accessible. The content on these media reflects a user's day-to-day activities. This includes content created under the influence of alcohol. In popular culture, this has been referred to as `drunk-texting'. In this paper, we introduce automatic `drunk-texting prediction' as a computational task. Given a tweet, the goal is to automatically identify if it was written by a drunk user. We refer to tweets written under the influence of alcohol as `drunk tweets', and the opposite as `sober tweets'. A key challenge is to obtain an annotated dataset. We use hashtag-based supervision so that the authors of the tweets mention if they were drunk at the time of posting a tweet. We create three datasets by using different strategies that are related to the use of hashtags. We then present SVM-based classifiers that use N-gram and stylistic features such as capitalisation, spelling errors, etc. Through our experiments, we make subtle points related to: (a) the performance of our features, (b) how our approach compares against human ability to detect drunk-texting, (c) most discriminative stylistic features, and (d) an error analysis that points to future work. To the best of our knowledge, this is a first study that shows the feasibility of text-based analysis for drunk-texting prediction.
What is the accuracy of the proposed technique?
51.7 and 51.6 on 4th and 8th grade question sets with no curated knowledge. 47.5 and 48.0 on 4th and 8th grade question sets when both solvers are given the same knowledge
While there has been substantial progress in factoid question-answering (QA), answering complex questions remains challenging, typically requiring both a large body of knowledge and inference techniques. Open Information Extraction (Open IE) provides a way to generate semi-structured knowledge for QA, but to date such knowledge has only been used to answer simple questions with retrieval-based methods. We overcome this limitation by presenting a method for reasoning with Open IE knowledge, allowing more complex questions to be handled. Using a recently proposed support graph optimization framework for QA, we develop a new inference model for Open IE, in particular one that can work effectively with multiple short facts, noise, and the relational structure of tuples. Our model significantly outperforms a state-of-the-art structured solver on complex questions of varying difficulty, while also removing the reliance on manually curated knowledge.
Effective question answering (QA) systems have been a long-standing quest of AI research. Structured curated KBs have been used successfully for this task BIBREF0 , BIBREF1 . However, these KBs are expensive to build and typically domain-specific. Automatically constructed open vocabulary (subject; predicate; object) style tuples have broader coverage, but have only been used for simple questions where a single tuple suffices BIBREF2 , BIBREF3 . Our goal in this work is to develop a QA system that can perform reasoning with Open IE BIBREF4 tuples for complex multiple-choice questions that require tuples from multiple sentences. Such a system can answer complex questions in resource-poor domains where curated knowledge is unavailable. Elementary-level science exams is one such domain, requiring complex reasoning BIBREF5 . Due to the lack of a large-scale structured KB, state-of-the-art systems for this task either rely on shallow reasoning with large text corpora BIBREF6 , BIBREF7 or deeper, structured reasoning with a small amount of automatically acquired BIBREF8 or manually curated BIBREF9 knowledge. Consider the following question from an Alaska state 4th grade science test: Which object in our solar system reflects light and is a satellite that orbits around one planet? (A) Earth (B) Mercury (C) the Sun (D) the Moon This question is challenging for QA systems because of its complex structure and the need for multi-fact reasoning. A natural way to answer it is by combining facts such as (Moon; is; in the solar system), (Moon; reflects; light), (Moon; is; satellite), and (Moon; orbits; around one planet). A candidate system for such reasoning, and which we draw inspiration from, is the TableILP system of BIBREF9 . TableILP treats QA as a search for an optimal subgraph that connects terms in the question and answer via rows in a set of curated tables, and solves the optimization problem using Integer Linear Programming (ILP). We similarly want to search for an optimal subgraph. However, a large, automatically extracted tuple KB makes the reasoning context different on three fronts: (a) unlike reasoning with tables, chaining tuples is less important and reliable as join rules aren't available; (b) conjunctive evidence becomes paramount, as, unlike a long table row, a single tuple is less likely to cover the entire question; and (c) again, unlike table rows, tuples are noisy, making combining redundant evidence essential. Consequently, a table-knowledge centered inference model isn't the best fit for noisy tuples. To address this challenge, we present a new ILP-based model of inference with tuples, implemented in a reasoner called TupleInf. We demonstrate that TupleInf significantly outperforms TableILP by 11.8% on a broad set of over 1,300 science questions, without requiring manually curated tables, using a substantially simpler ILP formulation, and generalizing well to higher grade levels. The gains persist even when both solvers are provided identical knowledge. This demonstrates for the first time how Open IE based QA can be extended from simple lookup questions to an effective system for complex questions.
Which retrieval system was used for baselines?
The dataset comes with a ranked set of relevant documents. Hence the baselines do not use a retrieval system.
We present two new large-scale datasets aimed at evaluating systems designed to comprehend a natural language query and extract its answer from a large corpus of text. The Quasar-S dataset consists of 37000 cloze-style (fill-in-the-gap) queries constructed from definitions of software entity tags on the popular website Stack Overflow. The posts and comments on the website serve as the background corpus for answering the cloze questions. The Quasar-T dataset consists of 43000 open-domain trivia questions and their answers obtained from various internet sources. ClueWeb09 serves as the background corpus for extracting these answers. We pose these datasets as a challenge for two related subtasks of factoid Question Answering: (1) searching for relevant pieces of text that include the correct answer to a query, and (2) reading the retrieved text to answer the query. We also describe a retrieval system for extracting relevant sentences and documents from the corpus given a query, and include these in the release for researchers wishing to only focus on (2). We evaluate several baselines on both datasets, ranging from simple heuristics to powerful neural models, and show that these lag behind human performance by 16.4% and 32.1% for Quasar-S and -T respectively. The datasets are available at https://github.com/bdhingra/quasar .
Factoid Question Answering (QA) aims to extract answers, from an underlying knowledge source, to information seeking questions posed in natural language. Depending on the knowledge source available there are two main approaches for factoid QA. Structured sources, including Knowledge Bases (KBs) such as Freebase BIBREF1 , are easier to process automatically since the information is organized according to a fixed schema. In this case the question is parsed into a logical form in order to query against the KB. However, even the largest KBs are often incomplete BIBREF2 , BIBREF3 , and hence can only answer a limited subset of all possible factoid questions. For this reason the focus is now shifting towards unstructured sources, such as Wikipedia articles, which hold a vast quantity of information in textual form and, in principle, can be used to answer a much larger collection of questions. Extracting the correct answer from unstructured text is, however, challenging, and typical QA pipelines consist of the following two components: (1) searching for the passages relevant to the given question, and (2) reading the retrieved text in order to select a span of text which best answers the question BIBREF4 , BIBREF5 . Like most other language technologies, the current research focus for both these steps is firmly on machine learning based approaches for which performance improves with the amount of data available. Machine reading performance, in particular, has been significantly boosted in the last few years with the introduction of large-scale reading comprehension datasets such as CNN / DailyMail BIBREF6 and Squad BIBREF7 . State-of-the-art systems for these datasets BIBREF8 , BIBREF9 focus solely on step (2) above, in effect assuming the relevant passage of text is already known. In this paper, we introduce two new datasets for QUestion Answering by Search And Reading – Quasar. The datasets each consist of factoid question-answer pairs and a corresponding large background corpus to facilitate research into the combined problem of retrieval and comprehension. Quasar-S consists of 37,362 cloze-style questions constructed from definitions of software entities available on the popular website Stack Overflow. The answer to each question is restricted to be another software entity, from an output vocabulary of 4874 entities. Quasar-T consists of 43,013 trivia questions collected from various internet sources by a trivia enthusiast. The answers to these questions are free-form spans of text, though most are noun phrases. While production quality QA systems may have access to the entire world wide web as a knowledge source, for Quasar we restrict our search to specific background corpora. This is necessary to avoid uninteresting solutions which directly extract answers from the sources from which the questions were constructed. For Quasar-S we construct the knowledge source by collecting top 50 threads tagged with each entity in the dataset on the Stack Overflow website. For Quasar-T we use ClueWeb09 BIBREF0 , which contains about 1 billion web pages collected between January and February 2009. Figure 1 shows some examples. Unlike existing reading comprehension tasks, the Quasar tasks go beyond the ability to only understand a given passage, and require the ability to answer questions given large corpora. Prior datasets (such as those used in BIBREF4 ) are constructed by first selecting a passage and then constructing questions about that passage. This design (intentionally) ignores some of the subproblems required to answer open-domain questions from corpora, namely searching for passages that may contain candidate answers, and aggregating information/resolving conflicts between candidates from many passages. The purpose of Quasar is to allow research into these subproblems, and in particular whether the search step can benefit from integration and joint training with downstream reading systems. Additionally, Quasar-S has the interesting feature of being a closed-domain dataset about computer programming, and successful approaches to it must develop domain-expertise and a deep understanding of the background corpus. To our knowledge it is one of the largest closed-domain QA datasets available. Quasar-T, on the other hand, consists of open-domain questions based on trivia, which refers to “bits of information, often of little importance". Unlike previous open-domain systems which rely heavily on the redundancy of information on the web to correctly answer questions, we hypothesize that Quasar-T requires a deeper reading of documents to answer correctly. We evaluate Quasar against human testers, as well as several baselines ranging from naïve heuristics to state-of-the-art machine readers. The best performing baselines achieve $33.6\%$ and $28.5\%$ on Quasar-S and Quasar-T, while human performance is $50\%$ and $60.6\%$ respectively. For the automatic systems, we see an interesting tension between searching and reading accuracies – retrieving more documents in the search phase leads to a higher coverage of answers, but makes the comprehension task more difficult. We also collect annotations on a subset of the development set questions to allow researchers to analyze the categories in which their system performs well or falls short. We plan to release these annotations along with the datasets, and our retrieved documents for each question.
How much better was the BLSTM-CNN-CRF than the BLSTM-CRF?
Best BLSTM-CNN-CRF had F1 score 86.87 vs 86.69 of best BLSTM-CRF
In recent years, Vietnamese Named Entity Recognition (NER) systems have had a great breakthrough when using Deep Neural Network methods. This paper describes the primary errors of the state-of-the-art NER systems on Vietnamese language. After conducting experiments on BLSTM-CNN-CRF and BLSTM-CRF models with different word embeddings on the Vietnamese NER dataset. This dataset is provided by VLSP in 2016 and used to evaluate most of the current Vietnamese NER systems. We noticed that BLSTM-CNN-CRF gives better results, therefore, we analyze the errors on this model in detail. Our error-analysis results provide us thorough insights in order to increase the performance of NER for the Vietnamese language and improve the quality of the corpus in the future works.
Named Entity Recognition (NER) is one of information extraction subtasks that is responsible for detecting entity elements from raw text and can determine the category in which the element belongs, these categories include the names of persons, organizations, locations, expressions of times, quantities, monetary values and percentages. The problem of NER is described as follow: Input: A sentence S consists a sequence of $n$ words: $S= w_1,w_2,w_3,…,w_n$ ($w_i$: the $i^{th}$ word) Output: The sequence of $n$ labels $y_1,y_2,y_3,…,y_n$. Each $y_i$ label represents the category which $w_i$ belongs to. For example, given a sentence: Input: vietnamGiám đốc điều hành Tim Cook của Apple vừa giới thiệu 2 điện thoại iPhone, đồng hồ thông minh mới, lớn hơn ở sự kiện Flint Center, Cupertino. (Apple CEO Tim Cook introduces 2 new, larger iPhones, Smart Watch at Cupertino Flint Center event) The algorithm will output: Output: vietnam⟨O⟩Giám đốc điều hành⟨O⟩ ⟨PER⟩Tim Cook⟨PER⟩ ⟨O⟩của⟨O⟩ ⟨ORG⟩Apple⟨ORG⟩ ⟨O⟩vừa giới thiệu 2 điện thoại iPhone, đồng hồ thông minh mới, lớn hơn ở sự kiện⟨O⟩ ⟨ORG⟩Flint Center⟨ORG⟩, ⟨LOC⟩Cupertino⟨LOC⟩. With LOC, PER, ORG is Name of location, person, organization respectively. Note that O means Other (Not a Name entity). We will not denote the O label in the following examples in this article because we only care about name of entities. In this paper, we analyze common errors of the previous state-of-the-art techniques using Deep Neural Network (DNN) on VLSP Corpus. This may contribute to the later researchers the common errors from the results of these state-of-the-art models, then they can rely on to improve the model. Section 2 discusses the related works to this paper. We will present a method for evaluating and analyzing the types of errors in Section 3. The data used for testing and analysis of errors will be introduced in Section 4, we also talk about deep neural network methods and pre-trained word embeddings for experimentation in this section. Section 5 will detail the errors and evaluations. In the end is our contribution to improve the above errors.
What supplemental tasks are used for multitask learning?
Multitask learning is used for the task of predicting relevance of a comment on a different question to a given question, where the supplemental tasks are predicting relevance between the questions, and between the comment and the corresponding question
We apply a general recurrent neural network (RNN) encoder framework to community question answering (cQA) tasks. Our approach does not rely on any linguistic processing, and can be applied to different languages or domains. Further improvements are observed when we extend the RNN encoders with a neural attention mechanism that encourages reasoning over entire sequences. To deal with practical issues such as data sparsity and imbalanced labels, we apply various techniques such as transfer learning and multitask learning. Our experiments on the SemEval-2016 cQA task show 10% improvement on a MAP score compared to an information retrieval-based approach, and achieve comparable performance to a strong handcrafted feature-based method.
Community question answering (cQA) is a paradigm that provides forums for users to ask or answer questions on any topic with barely any restrictions. In the past decade, these websites have attracted a great number of users, and have accumulated a large collection of question-comment threads generated by these users. However, the low restriction results in a high variation in answer quality, which makes it time-consuming to search for useful information from the existing content. It would therefore be valuable to automate the procedure of ranking related questions and comments for users with a new question, or when looking for solutions from comments of an existing question. Automation of cQA forums can be divided into three tasks: question-comment relevance (Task A), question-question relevance (Task B), and question-external comment relevance (Task C). One might think that classic retrieval models like language models for information retrieval BIBREF0 could solve these tasks. However, a big challenge for cQA tasks is that users are used to expressing similar meanings with different words, which creates gaps when matching questions based on common words. Other challenges include informal usage of language, highly diverse content of comments, and variation in the length of both questions and comments. To overcome these issues, most previous work (e.g. SemEval 2015 BIBREF1 ) relied heavily on additional features and reasoning capabilities. In BIBREF2 , a neural attention-based model was proposed for automatically recognizing entailment relations between pairs of natural language sentences. In this study, we first modify this model for all three cQA tasks. We also extend this framework into a jointly trained model when the external resources are available, i.e. selecting an external comment when we know the question that the external comment answers (Task C). Our ultimate objective is to classify relevant questions and comments without complicated handcrafted features. By applying RNN-based encoders, we avoid heavily engineered features and learn the representation automatically. In addition, an attention mechanism augments encoders with the ability to attend to past outputs directly. This becomes helpful when encoding longer sequences, since we no longer need to compress all information into a fixed-length vector representation. In our view, existing annotated cQA corpora are generally too small to properly train an end-to-end neural network. To address this, we investigate transfer learning by pretraining the recurrent systems on other corpora, and also generating additional instances from existing cQA corpus.
How big is their model?
Proposed model has 1.16 million parameters and 11.04 MB.
Targeted sentiment classification aims at determining the sentimental tendency towards specific targets. Most of the previous approaches model context and target words with RNN and attention. However, RNNs are difficult to parallelize and truncated backpropagation through time brings difficulty in remembering long-term patterns. To address this issue, this paper proposes an Attentional Encoder Network (AEN) which eschews recurrence and employs attention based encoders for the modeling between context and target. We raise the label unreliability issue and introduce label smoothing regularization. We also apply pre-trained BERT to this task and obtain new state-of-the-art results. Experiments and analysis demonstrate the effectiveness and lightweight of our model.
Targeted sentiment classification is a fine-grained sentiment analysis task, which aims at determining the sentiment polarities (e.g., negative, neutral, or positive) of a sentence over “opinion targets” that explicitly appear in the sentence. For example, given a sentence “I hated their service, but their food was great”, the sentiment polarities for the target “service” and “food” are negative and positive respectively. A target is usually an entity or an entity aspect. In recent years, neural network models are designed to automatically learn useful low-dimensional representations from targets and contexts and obtain promising results BIBREF0 , BIBREF1 . However, these neural network models are still in infancy to deal with the fine-grained targeted sentiment classification task. Attention mechanism, which has been successfully used in machine translation BIBREF2 , is incorporated to enforce the model to pay more attention to context words with closer semantic relations with the target. There are already some studies use attention to generate target-specific sentence representations BIBREF3 , BIBREF4 , BIBREF5 or to transform sentence representations according to target words BIBREF6 . However, these studies depend on complex recurrent neural networks (RNNs) as sequence encoder to compute hidden semantics of texts. The first problem with previous works is that the modeling of text relies on RNNs. RNNs, such as LSTM, are very expressive, but they are hard to parallelize and backpropagation through time (BPTT) requires large amounts of memory and computation. Moreover, essentially every training algorithm of RNN is the truncated BPTT, which affects the model's ability to capture dependencies over longer time scales BIBREF7 . Although LSTM can alleviate the vanishing gradient problem to a certain extent and thus maintain long distance information, this usually requires a large amount of training data. Another problem that previous studies ignore is the label unreliability issue, since neutral sentiment is a fuzzy sentimental state and brings difficulty for model learning. As far as we know, we are the first to raise the label unreliability issue in the targeted sentiment classification task. This paper propose an attention based model to solve the problems above. Specifically, our model eschews recurrence and employs attention as a competitive alternative to draw the introspective and interactive semantics between target and context words. To deal with the label unreliability issue, we employ a label smoothing regularization to encourage the model to be less confident with fuzzy labels. We also apply pre-trained BERT BIBREF8 to this task and show our model enhances the performance of basic BERT model. Experimental results on three benchmark datasets show that the proposed model achieves competitive performance and is a lightweight alternative of the best RNN based models. The main contributions of this work are presented as follows:
How many emotions do they look at?
We introduce a new dataset for multi-class emotion analysis from long-form narratives in English. The Dataset for Emotions of Narrative Sequences (DENS) was collected from both classic literature available on Project Gutenberg and modern online narratives available on Wattpad, annotated using Amazon Mechanical Turk. A number of statistics and baseline benchmarks are provided for the dataset. Of the tested techniques, we find that the fine-tuning of a pre-trained BERT model achieves the best results, with an average micro-F1 score of 60.4%. Our results show that the dataset provides a novel opportunity in emotion analysis that requires moving beyond existing sentence-level techniques.
Humans experience a variety of complex emotions in daily life. These emotions are heavily reflected in our language, in both spoken and written forms. Many recent advances in natural language processing on emotions have focused on product reviews BIBREF0 and tweets BIBREF1, BIBREF2. These datasets are often limited in length (e.g. by the number of words in tweets), purpose (e.g. product reviews), or emotional spectrum (e.g. binary classification). Character dialogues and narratives in storytelling usually carry strong emotions. A memorable story is often one in which the emotional journey of the characters resonates with the reader. Indeed, emotion is one of the most important aspects of narratives. In order to characterize narrative emotions properly, we must move beyond binary constraints (e.g. good or bad, happy or sad). In this paper, we introduce the Dataset for Emotions of Narrative Sequences (DENS) for emotion analysis, consisting of passages from long-form fictional narratives from both classic literature and modern stories in English. The data samples consist of self-contained passages that span several sentences and a variety of subjects. Each sample is annotated by using one of 9 classes and an indicator for annotator agreement.
What is the performance of proposed model on entire DROP dataset?
The proposed model achieves EM 77,63 and F1 80,73 on the test and EM 76,95 and F1 80,25 on the dev
With models reaching human performance on many popular reading comprehension datasets in recent years, a new dataset, DROP, introduced questions that were expected to present a harder challenge for reading comprehension models. Among these new types of questions were "multi-span questions", questions whose answers consist of several spans from either the paragraph or the question itself. Until now, only one model attempted to tackle multi-span questions as a part of its design. In this work, we suggest a new approach for tackling multi-span questions, based on sequence tagging, which differs from previous approaches for answering span questions. We show that our approach leads to an absolute improvement of 29.7 EM and 15.1 F1 compared to existing state-of-the-art results, while not hurting performance on other question types. Furthermore, we show that our model slightly eclipses the current state-of-the-art results on the entire DROP dataset.
The task of reading comprehension, where systems must understand a single passage of text well enough to answer arbitrary questions about it, has seen significant progress in the last few years. With models reaching human performance on the popular SQuAD dataset BIBREF0, and with much of the most popular reading comprehension datasets having been solved BIBREF1, BIBREF2, a new dataset, DROP BIBREF3, was recently published. DROP aimed to present questions that require more complex reasoning in order to answer than that of previous datasets, in a hope to push the field towards a more comprehensive analysis of paragraphs of text. In addition to questions whose answers are a single continuous span from the paragraph text (questions of a type already included in SQuAD), DROP introduced additional types of questions. Among these new types were questions that require simple numerical reasoning, i.e questions whose answer is the result of a simple arithmetic expression containing numbers from the passage, and questions whose answers consist of several spans taken from the paragraph or the question itself, what we will denote as "multi-span questions". Of all the existing models that tried to tackle DROP, only one model BIBREF4 directly targeted multi-span questions in a manner that wasn't just a by-product of the model's overall performance. In this paper, we propose a new method for tackling multi-span questions. Our method takes a different path from that of the aforementioned model. It does not try to generalize the existing approach for tackling single-span questions, but instead attempts to attack this issue with a new, tag-based, approach.
How accurate is the aspect based sentiment classifier trained only using the XR loss?
BiLSTM-XR-Dev Estimation accuracy is 83.31 for SemEval-15 and 87.68 for SemEval-16. BiLSTM-XR accuracy is 83.31 for SemEval-15 and 88.12 for SemEval-16.
Deep learning systems thrive on abundance of labeled training data but such data is not always available, calling for alternative methods of supervision. One such method is expectation regularization (XR) (Mann and McCallum, 2007), where models are trained based on expected label proportions. We propose a novel application of the XR framework for transfer learning between related tasks, where knowing the labels of task A provides an estimation of the label proportion of task B. We then use a model trained for A to label a large corpus, and use this corpus with an XR loss to train a model for task B. To make the XR framework applicable to large-scale deep-learning setups, we propose a stochastic batched approximation procedure. We demonstrate the approach on the task of Aspect-based Sentiment classification, where we effectively use a sentence-level sentiment predictor to train accurate aspect-based predictor. The method improves upon fully supervised neural system trained on aspect-level data, and is also cumulative with LM-based pretraining, as we demonstrate by improving a BERT-based Aspect-based Sentiment model.
Data annotation is a key bottleneck in many data driven algorithms. Specifically, deep learning models, which became a prominent tool in many data driven tasks in recent years, require large datasets to work well. However, many tasks require manual annotations which are relatively hard to obtain at scale. An attractive alternative is lightly supervised learning BIBREF1 , BIBREF2 , BIBREF3 , BIBREF4 , BIBREF5 , BIBREF6 , BIBREF7 , BIBREF8 , in which the objective function is supplemented by a set of domain-specific soft-constraints over the model's predictions on unlabeled data. For example, in label regularization BIBREF0 the model is trained to fit the true label proportions of an unlabeled dataset. Label regularization is special case of expectation regularization (XR) BIBREF0 , in which the model is trained to fit the conditional probabilities of labels given features. In this work we consider the case of correlated tasks, in the sense that knowing the labels for task A provides information on the expected label composition of task B. We demonstrate the approach using sentence-level and aspect-level sentiment analysis, which we use as a running example: knowing that a sentence has positive sentiment label (task A), we can expect that most aspects within this sentence (task B) will also have positive label. While this expectation may be noisy on the individual example level, it holds well in aggregate: given a set of positively-labeled sentences, we can robustly estimate the proportion of positively-labeled aspects within this set. For example, in a random set of positive sentences, we expect to find 90% positive aspects, while in a set of negative sentences, we expect to find 70% negative aspects. These proportions can be easily either guessed or estimated from a small set. We propose a novel application of the XR framework for transfer learning in this setup. We present an algorithm (Sec SECREF12 ) that, given a corpus labeled for task A (sentence-level sentiment), learns a classifier for performing task B (aspect-level sentiment) instead, without a direct supervision signal for task B. We note that the label information for task A is only used at training time. Furthermore, due to the stochastic nature of the estimation, the task A labels need not be fully accurate, allowing us to make use of noisy predictions which are assigned by an automatic classifier (Sections SECREF12 and SECREF4 ). In other words, given a medium-sized sentiment corpus with sentence-level labels, and a large collection of un-annotated text from the same distribution, we can train an accurate aspect-level sentiment classifier. The XR loss allows us to use task A labels for training task B predictors. This ability seamlessly integrates into other semi-supervised schemes: we can use the XR loss on top of a pre-trained model to fine-tune the pre-trained representation to the target task, and we can also take the model trained using XR loss and plentiful data and fine-tune it to the target task using the available small-scale annotated data. In Section SECREF56 we explore these options and show that our XR framework improves the results also when applied on top of a pre-trained Bert-based model BIBREF9 . Finally, to make the XR framework applicable to large-scale deep-learning setups, we propose a stochastic batched approximation procedure (Section SECREF19 ). Source code is available at https://github.com/MatanBN/XRTransfer.
What were the non-neural baselines used for the task?
The Lemming model in BIBREF17
The SIGMORPHON 2019 shared task on cross-lingual transfer and contextual analysis in morphology examined transfer learning of inflection between 100 language pairs, as well as contextual lemmatization and morphosyntactic description in 66 languages. The first task evolves past years' inflection tasks by examining transfer of morphological inflection knowledge from a high-resource language to a low-resource language. This year also presents a new second challenge on lemmatization and morphological feature analysis in context. All submissions featured a neural component and built on either this year's strong baselines or highly ranked systems from previous years' shared tasks. Every participating team improved in accuracy over the baselines for the inflection task (though not Levenshtein distance), and every team in the contextual analysis task improved on both state-of-the-art neural and non-neural baselines.
While producing a sentence, humans combine various types of knowledge to produce fluent output—various shades of meaning are expressed through word selection and tone, while the language is made to conform to underlying structural rules via syntax and morphology. Native speakers are often quick to identify disfluency, even if the meaning of a sentence is mostly clear. Automatic systems must also consider these constraints when constructing or processing language. Strong enough language models can often reconstruct common syntactic structures, but are insufficient to properly model morphology. Many languages implement large inflectional paradigms that mark both function and content words with a varying levels of morphosyntactic information. For instance, Romanian verb forms inflect for person, number, tense, mood, and voice; meanwhile, Archi verbs can take on thousands of forms BIBREF0. Such complex paradigms produce large inventories of words, all of which must be producible by a realistic system, even though a large percentage of them will never be observed over billions of lines of linguistic input. Compounding the issue, good inflectional systems often require large amounts of supervised training data, which is infeasible in many of the world's languages. This year's shared task is concentrated on encouraging the construction of strong morphological systems that perform two related but different inflectional tasks. The first task asks participants to create morphological inflectors for a large number of under-resourced languages, encouraging systems that use highly-resourced, related languages as a cross-lingual training signal. The second task welcomes submissions that invert this operation in light of contextual information: Given an unannotated sentence, lemmatize each word, and tag them with a morphosyntactic description. Both of these tasks extend upon previous morphological competitions, and the best submitted systems now represent the state of the art in their respective tasks.
What are the models evaluated on?
They evaluate F1 score and agent's test performance on their own built interactive datasets (iSQuAD and iNewsQA)
Existing machine reading comprehension (MRC) models do not scale effectively to real-world applications like web-level information retrieval and question answering (QA). We argue that this stems from the nature of MRC datasets: most of these are static environments wherein the supporting documents and all necessary information are fully observed. In this paper, we propose a simple method that reframes existing MRC datasets as interactive, partially observable environments. Specifically, we "occlude" the majority of a document's text and add context-sensitive commands that reveal "glimpses" of the hidden text to a model. We repurpose SQuAD and NewsQA as an initial case study, and then show how the interactive corpora can be used to train a model that seeks relevant information through sequential decision making. We believe that this setting can contribute in scaling models to web-level QA scenarios.
Many machine reading comprehension (MRC) datasets have been released in recent years BIBREF0, BIBREF1, BIBREF2, BIBREF3, BIBREF4 to benchmark a system's ability to understand and reason over natural language. Typically, these datasets require an MRC model to read through a document to answer a question about information contained therein. The supporting document is, more often than not, static and fully observable. This raises concerns, since models may find answers simply through shallow pattern matching; e.g., syntactic similarity between the words in questions and documents. As pointed out by BIBREF5, for questions starting with when, models tend to predict the only date/time answer in the supporting document. Such behavior limits the generality and usefulness of MRC models, and suggests that they do not learn a proper `understanding' of the intended task. In this paper, to address this problem, we shift the focus of MRC data away from `spoon-feeding' models with sufficient information in fully observable, static documents. Instead, we propose interactive versions of existing MRC tasks, whereby the information needed to answer a question must be gathered sequentially. The key idea behind our proposed interactive MRC (iMRC) is to restrict the document context that a model observes at one time. Concretely, we split a supporting document into its component sentences and withhold these sentences from the model. Given a question, the model must issue commands to observe sentences in the withheld set; we equip models with actions such as Ctrl+F (search for token) and stop for searching through partially observed documents. A model searches iteratively, conditioning each command on the input question and the sentences it has observed previously. Thus, our task requires models to `feed themselves' rather than spoon-feeding them with information. This casts MRC as a sequential decision-making problem amenable to reinforcement learning (RL). As an initial case study, we repurpose two well known, related corpora with different difficulty levels for our interactive MRC task: SQuAD and NewsQA. Table TABREF2 shows some examples of a model performing interactive MRC on these datasets. Naturally, our reframing makes the MRC problem harder; however, we believe the added demands of iMRC more closely match web-level QA and may lead to deeper comprehension of documents' content. The main contributions of this work are as follows: We describe a method to make MRC datasets interactive and formulate the new task as an RL problem. We develop a baseline agent that combines a top performing MRC model and a state-of-the-art RL optimization algorithm and test it on our iMRC tasks. We conduct experiments on several variants of iMRC and discuss the significant challenges posed by our setting.
What is the results of multimodal compared to unimodal models?
Unimodal LSTM vs Best Multimodal (FCM) - F score: 0.703 vs 0.704 - AUC: 0.732 vs 0.734 - Mean Accuracy: 68.3 vs 68.4
In this work we target the problem of hate speech detection in multimodal publications formed by a text and an image. We gather and annotate a large scale dataset from Twitter, MMHS150K, and propose different models that jointly analyze textual and visual information for hate speech detection, comparing them with unimodal detection. We provide quantitative and qualitative results and analyze the challenges of the proposed task. We find that, even though images are useful for the hate speech detection task, current multimodal models cannot outperform models analyzing only text. We discuss why and open the field and the dataset for further research.
Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or Reddit have empowered individuals' voices and facilitated freedom of expression. However they have also been a breeding ground for hate speech and other types of online harassment. Hate speech is defined in legal literature as speech (or any form of expression) that expresses (or seeks to promote, or has the capacity to increase) hatred against a person or a group of people because of a characteristic they share, or a group to which they belong BIBREF0. Twitter develops this definition in its hateful conduct policy as violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease. In this work we focus on hate speech detection. Due to the inherent complexity of this task, it is important to distinguish hate speech from other types of online harassment. In particular, although it might be offensive to many people, the sole presence of insulting terms does not itself signify or convey hate speech. And, the other way around, hate speech may denigrate or threaten an individual or a group of people without the use of any profanities. People from the african-american community, for example, often use the term nigga online, in everyday language, without malicious intentions to refer to folks within their community, and the word cunt is often used in non hate speech publications and without any sexist purpose. The goal of this work is not to discuss if racial slur, such as nigga, should be pursued. The goal is to distinguish between publications using offensive terms and publications attacking communities, which we call hate speech. Modern social media content usually include images and text. Some of these multimodal publications are only hate speech because of the combination of the text with a certain image. That is because, as we have stated, the presence of offensive terms does not itself signify hate speech, and the presence of hate speech is often determined by the context of a publication. Moreover, users authoring hate speech tend to intentionally construct publications where the text is not enough to determine they are hate speech. This happens especially in Twitter, where multimodal tweets are formed by an image and a short text, which in many cases is not enough to judge them. In those cases, the image might give extra context to make a proper judgement. Fig. FIGREF5 shows some of such examples in MMHS150K. The contributions of this work are as follows: [noitemsep,leftmargin=*] We propose the novel task of hate speech detection in multimodal publications, collect, annotate and publish a large scale dataset. We evaluate state of the art multimodal models on this specific task and compare their performance with unimodal detection. Even though images are proved to be useful for hate speech detection, the proposed multimodal models do not outperform unimodal textual models. We study the challenges of the proposed task, and open the field for future research.

Dataset Card for Dataset Name

This dataset was created by modifying and adapting the allenai/QASPER: a dataset for question answering on scientific research papers dataset and aims to generate Question-Answer Pairs from the Abstract, Introduction of an NLP Paper.

Dataset Description

  • First, we extracted the abstract, introduction of each NLP paper from QASPER dataset.

  • We also extracted only the rows labeled question and answer that had an abstract answer rather than extractive.

  • train : 421 rows

  • validation : 211 rows

  • test : 320 rows

  • Curated by: @UNIST-Eunchan

Dataset Sources

This data is made by applying and processing allenai/qasper


  • Question Generation from Research Paper
  • Long-Document Summarization
  • Question-based Summarization

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

Long Document Summarization datasets, especially those for Research Paper Summarization, are very limited and scarce.

We tweak the existing data to provide domains and QA pairs specific to NLP among Research Papers.

We expect to be able to generate multiple QA pairs if we let the model sample through training.

We will release the fine-tuned model in the future.

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Models trained or fine-tuned on UNIST-Eunchan/NLP-Paper-to-QA-Generation