Reported Action Score in Fig.4 mismatch the formula in the paper
According to the formula, when SeqScore_i is 0, it does not contribute to the final result of Action Score.
In another word, the Action Score is only calculate from those matched sequence.
(Action Score + Click Penalty + Key Penalty + Write Penalty) should always equal to 100%.
Those mismatched sequence should not create any penalty.
However, is the evaluation scripts, those mismatch sequence still create penalty. The SeqScore_i > 1 condition is not applied in the code. Thus, (Action Score + Click Penalty + Key Penalty + Write Penalty) is equal to SeqScore instead of 100%, as shown in table.4.
As a result, the reported Action Score can not showcase "how well a code snippet containing the correct action", because the reported Action Score is directly influence by Sequence Score due to the mistake in evaluation scripts.