Digital Museum of Retinal Ganglion Cells with Dense Anatomy and Physiology
When 3D electron microscopy and calcium imaging are used to investigate the structure and function of neural circuits, the resulting datasets pose new challenges of visualization and interpretation. Here, we present a new kind of digital resource that encompasses almost 400 ganglion cells from a single patch of mouse retina. An online "museum" provides a 3D interactive view of each cell's anatomy, as well as graphs of its visual responses. The resource reveals two aspects of the retina's inner plexiform layer: an arbor segregation principle governing structure along the light axis and a density conservation principle governing structure in the tangential plane. Structure is related to visual function; ganglion cells with arbors near the layer of ganglion cell somas are more sustained in their visual responses on average. Our methods are potentially applicable to dense maps of neuronal anatomy and physiology in other parts of the nervous system.
The Neuropeptide Tac2 Controls a Distributed Brain State Induced by Chronic Social Isolation Stress
Chronic social isolation causes severe psychological effects in humans, but their neural bases remain poorly understood. 2 weeks (but not 24 hr) of social isolation stress (SIS) caused multiple behavioral changes in mice and induced brain-wide upregulation of the neuropeptide tachykinin 2 (Tac2)/neurokinin B (NkB). Systemic administration of an Nk3R antagonist prevented virtually all of the behavioral effects of chronic SIS. Conversely, enhancing NkB expression and release phenocopied SIS in group-housed mice, promoting aggression and converting stimulus-locked defensive behaviors to persistent responses. Multiplexed analysis of Tac2/NkB function in multiple brain areas revealed dissociable, region-specific requirements for both the peptide and its receptor in different SIS-induced behavioral changes. Thus, Tac2 coordinates a pleiotropic brain state caused by SIS via a distributed mode of action. These data reveal the profound effects of prolonged social isolation on brain chemistry and function and suggest potential new therapeutic applications for Nk3R antagonists.
Embryogenesis and Adult Life in the Absence of Intrinsic Apoptosis Effectors BAX, BAK, and BOK
Intrinsic apoptosis, reliant on BAX and BAK, has been postulated to be fundamental for morphogenesis, but its precise contribution to this process has not been fully explored in mammals. Our structural analysis of BOK suggests close resemblance to BAX and BAK structures. Notably, Bok-/-Bax-/-Bak-/- animals exhibited more severe defects and died earlier than Bax-/-Bak-/- mice, implying that BOK has overlapping roles with BAX and BAK during developmental cell death. By analyzing Bok-/-Bax-/-Bak-/- triple-knockout mice whose cells are incapable of undergoing intrinsic apoptosis, we identified tissues that formed well without this process. We provide evidence that necroptosis, pyroptosis, or autophagy does not substantially substitute for the loss of apoptosis. Albeit very rare, unexpected attainment of adult Bok-/-Bax-/-Bak-/- mice suggests that morphogenesis can proceed entirely without apoptosis mediated by these proteins and possibly without cell death in general.
Structure of Telomerase with Telomeric DNA
Telomerase is an RNA-protein complex (RNP) that extends telomeric DNA at the 3' ends of chromosomes using its telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) and integral template-containing telomerase RNA (TER). Its activity is a critical determinant of human health, affecting aging, cancer, and stem cell renewal. Lack of atomic models of telomerase, particularly one with DNA bound, has limited our mechanistic understanding of telomeric DNA repeat synthesis. We report the 4.8 Å resolution cryoelectron microscopy structure of active Tetrahymena telomerase bound to telomeric DNA. The catalytic core is an intricately interlocked structure of TERT and TER, including a previously structurally uncharacterized TERT domain that interacts with the TEN domain to physically enclose TER and regulate activity. This complete structure of a telomerase catalytic core and its interactions with telomeric DNA from the template to telomere-interacting p50-TEB complex provides unanticipated insights into telomerase assembly and catalytic cycle and a new paradigm for a reverse transcriptase RNP.
Dietary and Microbial Oxazoles Induce Intestinal Inflammation by Modulating Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Responses
Genome-wide association studies have identified risk loci associated with the development of inflammatory bowel disease, while epidemiological studies have emphasized that pathogenesis likely involves host interactions with environmental elements whose source and structure need to be defined. Here, we identify a class of compounds derived from dietary, microbial, and industrial sources that are characterized by the presence of a five-membered oxazole ring and induce CD1d-dependent intestinal inflammation. We observe that minimal oxazole structures modulate natural killer T cell-dependent inflammation by regulating lipid antigen presentation by CD1d on intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). CD1d-restricted production of interleukin 10 by IECs is limited through activity of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) pathway in response to oxazole induction of tryptophan metabolites. As such, the depletion of the AhR in the intestinal epithelium abrogates oxazole-induced inflammation. In summary, we identify environmentally derived oxazoles as triggers of CD1d-dependent intestinal inflammatory responses that occur via activation of the AhR in the intestinal epithelium.
Disease-Associated Microglia: A Universal Immune Sensor of Neurodegeneration
A major challenge in the field of neurodegenerative diseases and brain aging is to identify the body's intrinsic mechanism that could sense the central nervous system (CNS) damage early and protect the brain from neurodegeneration. Accumulating evidence suggests that disease-associated microglia (DAM), a recently identified subset of CNS resident macrophages found at sites of neurodegeneration, might play such a protective role. Here, we propose that microglia are endowed with a dedicated sensory mechanism, which includes the Trem2 signaling pathway, to detect damage within the CNS in the form of neurodegeneration-associated molecular patterns (NAMPs). Combining data from transcriptional analysis of DAM at single-cell level and from human genome-wide association studies (GWASs), we discuss potential function of different DAM pathways in the diseased brain and outline how manipulating DAM may create new therapeutic opportunities.
Social Isolation Co-opts Fear and Aggression Circuits
Social isolation is a stressful condition that often leads to maladaptive behaviors. In this issue of Cell, Zelikowsky et al. find that chronic social isolation stress triggers an increase in neuronal tachykinin signaling across distinct brain regions that mediate fear and aggression, elucidating the neural basis of these maladaptive responses.
Better Together: A Hybrid Amyloid Signals Necroptosis
A new solid-state NMR study determines the high-resolution hetero-amyloid structure of the RIPK1-RIPK3 signaling complex that is involved in mediating necroptosis. The structure demonstrates specific formation of hetero-amyloids over homo-amyloids and the structural basis for a functional amyloid to act as a platform to recruit and activate downstream partners in intracellular signaling.
Neurons Are the Inflammatory Problem
The discovery that reflex neuronal circuits control immunity provided a new mechanistic understanding of infection and injury. Pinho-Ribeiro et al. (2018) report that lethal tissue destruction from streptococcal necrotizing fasciitis ("flesh-eating disease") occurs because sensory neurons reflexively inhibit frontline immune responses.
The Neurogenesis of Thought
‘‘I think, therefore I am,’’ a famous dictum attributed to the 17 century philosopher René Descartes, is deceptively simple, yet the biology at the heart of it is so overwhelmingly complex that it boggles the mind. Cognitive thought is a fundamental aspect of human existence, and the neural underpinnings of this fascinating ability have captivated inquisitive minds for centuries. In this exciting age of modern neuroscience, great progress is being made in understanding the neurobiology of thought from cellular, molecular, developmental, evolutionary, and systems neuroscience perspectives. The brain is often considered the most complex organ. Within the brain, the cerebral cortex is the region responsible for higher thought processes. The building of the cerebral cortex is an intricate process requiring a beautifully orchestrated program where billions of neurons are generated and assembled into complex circuits at the right time and place and with the right functional specializations. While much has been learned aboutmammalian neurogenesis and cortex development from rodent models, there are fundamental differences between mice and humans that have made understanding uniquely human cognitive abilities challenging. The human cerebral cortex is characterized by two unique features: its unusual size relative not only to the rest of the brain, but also to overall body size, as well as its level of gyrification, or cortical folding, which is thought to increase surface area. Both of these aspects are thought to be important for higher human cognitive abilities. These limitations have prompted researchers to look beyond the mouse to understand the mechanisms at play allowing for expanded cerebral cortex size.
A Post-Transcriptional Feedback Mechanism for Noise Suppression and Fate Stabilization
Diverse biological systems utilize fluctuations ("noise") in gene expression to drive lineage-commitment decisions. However, once a commitment is made, noise becomes detrimental to reliable function, and the mechanisms enabling post-commitment noise suppression are unclear. Here, we find that architectural constraints on noise suppression are overcome to stabilize fate commitment. Using single-molecule and time-lapse imaging, we find that-after a noise-driven event-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) strongly attenuates expression noise through a non-transcriptional negative-feedback circuit. Feedback is established through a serial cascade of post-transcriptional splicing, whereby proteins generated from spliced mRNAs auto-deplete their own precursor unspliced mRNAs. Strikingly, this auto-depletion circuitry minimizes noise to stabilize HIV's commitment decision, and a noise-suppression molecule promotes stabilization. This feedback mechanism for noise suppression suggests a functional role for delayed splicing in other systems and may represent a generalizable architecture of diverse homeostatic signaling circuits.
Interfaces of Malignant and Immunologic Clonal Dynamics in Ovarian Cancer
High-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC) exhibits extensive malignant clonal diversity with widespread but non-random patterns of disease dissemination. We investigated whether local immune microenvironment factors shape tumor progression properties at the interface of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and cancer cells. Through multi-region study of 212 samples from 38 patients with whole-genome sequencing, immunohistochemistry, histologic image analysis, gene expression profiling, and T and B cell receptor sequencing, we identified three immunologic subtypes across samples and extensive within-patient diversity. Epithelial CD8+ TILs negatively associated with malignant diversity, reflecting immunological pruning of tumor clones inferred by neoantigen depletion, HLA I loss of heterozygosity, and spatial tracking between T cell and tumor clones. In addition, combinatorial prognostic effects of mutational processes and immune properties were observed, illuminating how specific genomic aberration types associate with immune response and impact survival. We conclude that within-patient spatial immune microenvironment variation shapes intraperitoneal malignant spread, provoking new evolutionary perspectives on HGSC clonal dispersion.
Blocking Neuronal Signaling to Immune Cells Treats Streptococcal Invasive Infection
The nervous system, the immune system, and microbial pathogens interact closely at barrier tissues. Here, we find that a bacterial pathogen, Streptococcus pyogenes, hijacks pain and neuronal regulation of the immune response to promote bacterial survival. Necrotizing fasciitis is a life-threatening soft tissue infection in which "pain is out of proportion" to early physical manifestations. We find that S. pyogenes, the leading cause of necrotizing fasciitis, secretes streptolysin S (SLS) to directly activate nociceptor neurons and produce pain during infection. Nociceptors, in turn, release the neuropeptide calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) into infected tissues, which inhibits the recruitment of neutrophils and opsonophagocytic killing of S. pyogenes. Botulinum neurotoxin A and CGRP antagonism block neuron-mediated suppression of host defense, thereby preventing and treating S. pyogenes necrotizing infection. We conclude that targeting the peripheral nervous system and blocking neuro-immune communication is a promising strategy to treat highly invasive bacterial infections. VIDEO ABSTRACT.
Dynamic Architecture of DNA Repair Complexes and the Synaptonemal Complex at Sites of Meiotic Recombination
Meiotic double-strand breaks (DSBs) are generated and repaired in a highly regulated manner to ensure formation of crossovers (COs) while also enabling efficient non-CO repair to restore genome integrity. We use structured-illumination microscopy to investigate the dynamic architecture of DSB repair complexes at meiotic recombination sites in relationship to the synaptonemal complex (SC). DSBs resected at both ends are converted into inter-homolog repair intermediates harboring two populations of BLM helicase and RPA, flanking a single population of MutSγ. These intermediates accumulate until late pachytene, when repair proteins disappear from non-CO sites and CO-designated sites become enveloped by SC-central region proteins, acquire a second MutSγ population, and lose RPA. These and other data suggest that the SC may protect CO intermediates from being dismantled inappropriately and promote CO maturation by generating a transient CO-specific repair compartment, thereby enabling differential timing and outcome of repair at CO and non-CO sites.
Vitamin D Switches BAF Complexes to Protect β Cells
A primary cause of disease progression in type 2 diabetes (T2D) is β cell dysfunction due to inflammatory stress and insulin resistance. However, preventing β cell exhaustion under diabetic conditions is a major therapeutic challenge. Here, we identify the vitamin D receptor (VDR) as a key modulator of inflammation and β cell survival. Alternative recognition of an acetylated lysine in VDR by bromodomain proteins BRD7 and BRD9 directs association to PBAF and BAF chromatin remodeling complexes, respectively. Mechanistically, ligand promotes VDR association with PBAF to effect genome-wide changes in chromatin accessibility and enhancer landscape, resulting in an anti-inflammatory response. Importantly, pharmacological inhibition of BRD9 promotes PBAF-VDR association to restore β cell function and ameliorate hyperglycemia in murine T2D models. These studies reveal an unrecognized VDR-dependent transcriptional program underpinning β cell survival and identifies the VDR:PBAF/BAF association as a potential therapeutic target for T2D.
The Cohesin Ring Uses Its Hinge to Organize DNA Using Non-topological as well as Topological Mechanisms
Summary As predicted by the notion that sister chromatid cohesion is mediated by entrapment of sister DNAs inside cohesin rings, there is perfect correlation between co-entrapment of circular minichromosomes and sister chromatid cohesion. In most cells where cohesin loads without conferring cohesion, it does so by entrapment of individual DNAs. However, cohesin with a hinge domain whose positively charged lumen is neutralized loads and moves along chromatin despite failing to entrap DNAs. Thus, cohesin engages chromatin in non-topological, as well as topological, manners. Since hinge mutations, but not Smc-kleisin fusions, abolish entrapment, DNAs may enter cohesin rings through hinge opening. Mutation of three highly conserved lysine residues inside the Smc1 moiety of Smc1/3 hinges abolishes all loading without affecting cohesin’s recruitment to CEN loading sites or its ability to hydrolyze ATP. We suggest that loading and translocation are mediated by conformational changes in cohesin’s hinge driven by cycles of ATP hydrolysis.
An Acquired Vulnerability of Drug-Resistant Melanoma with Therapeutic Potential
BRAF(V600E) mutant melanomas treated with inhibitors of the BRAF and MEK kinases almost invariably develop resistance that is frequently caused by reactivation of the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. To identify novel treatment options for such patients, we searched for acquired vulnerabilities of MAPK inhibitor-resistant melanomas. We find that resistance to BRAF+MEK inhibitors is associated with increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Subsequent treatment with the histone deacetylase inhibitor vorinostat suppresses SLC7A11, leading to a lethal increase in the already-elevated levels of ROS in drug-resistant cells. This causes selective apoptotic death of only the drug-resistant tumor cells. Consistently, treatment of BRAF inhibitor-resistant melanoma with vorinostat in mice results in dramatic tumor regression. In a study in patients with advanced BRAF+MEK inhibitor-resistant melanoma, we find that vorinostat can selectively ablate drug-resistant tumor cells, providing clinical proof of concept for the novel therapy identified here.
LlamaTags: A Versatile Tool to Image Transcription Factor Dynamics in Live Embryos
Embryonic cell fates are defined by transcription factors that are rapidly deployed, yet attempts to visualize these factors in vivo often fail because of slow fluorescent protein maturation. Here, we pioneer a protein tag, LlamaTag, which circumvents this maturation limit by binding mature fluorescent proteins, making it possible to visualize transcription factor concentration dynamics in live embryos. Implementing this approach in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, we discovered stochastic bursts in the concentration of transcription factors that are correlated with bursts in transcription. We further used LlamaTags to show that the concentration of protein in a given nucleus heavily depends on transcription of that gene in neighboring nuclei; we speculate that this inter-nuclear signaling is an important mechanism for coordinating gene expression to delineate straight and sharp boundaries of gene expression. Thus, LlamaTags now make it possible to visualize the flow of information along the central dogma in live embryos.
Structure of an Ancient Respiratory System
Hydrogen gas-evolving membrane-bound hydrogenase (MBH) and quinone-reducing complex I are homologous respiratory complexes with a common ancestor, but a structural basis for their evolutionary relationship is lacking. Here, we report the cryo-EM structure of a 14-subunit MBH from the hyperthermophile Pyrococcus furiosus. MBH contains a membrane-anchored hydrogenase module that is highly similar structurally to the quinone-binding Q-module of complex I while its membrane-embedded ion-translocation module can be divided into a H+- and a Na+-translocating unit. The H+-translocating unit is rotated 180° in-membrane with respect to its counterpart in complex I, leading to distinctive architectures for the two respiratory systems despite their largely conserved proton-pumping mechanisms. The Na+-translocating unit, absent in complex I, resembles that found in the Mrp H+/Na+ antiporter and enables hydrogen gas evolution by MBH to establish a Na+ gradient for ATP synthesis near 100°C. MBH also provides insights into Mrp structure and evolution of MBH-based respiratory enzymes.
Structural Insights into Non-canonical Ubiquitination Catalyzed by SidE
Ubiquitination constitutes one of the most important signaling mechanisms in eukaryotes. Conventional ubiquitination is catalyzed by the universally conserved E1-E2-E3 three-enzyme cascade in an ATP-dependent manner. The newly identified SidE family effectors of the pathogen Legionella pneumophila ubiquitinate several human proteins by a different mechanism without engaging any of the conventional ubiquitination machinery. We now report the crystal structures of SidE alone and in complex with ubiquitin, NAD, and ADP-ribose, thereby capturing different conformations of SidE before and after ubiquitin and ligand binding. The structures of ubiquitin bound to both mART and PDE domains reveal several unique features of the two reaction steps catalyzed by SidE. Further, the structural and biochemical results demonstrate that SidE family members do not recognize specific structural folds of the substrate proteins. Our studies provide both structural explanations for the functional observations and new insights into the molecular mechanisms of this non-canonical ubiquitination machinery.
Corticoamygdala Transfer of Socially Derived Information Gates Observational Learning
Observational learning is a powerful survival tool allowing individuals to learn about threat-predictive stimuli without directly experiencing the pairing of the predictive cue and punishment. This ability has been linked to the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the basolateral amygdala (BLA). To investigate how information is encoded and transmitted through this circuit, we performed electrophysiological recordings in mice observing a demonstrator mouse undergo associative fear conditioning and found that BLA-projecting ACC (ACC→BLA) neurons preferentially encode socially derived aversive cue information. Inhibition of ACC→BLA alters real-time amygdala representation of the aversive cue during observational conditioning. Selective inhibition of the ACC→BLA projection impaired acquisition, but not expression, of observational fear conditioning. We show that information derived from observation about the aversive value of the cue is transmitted from the ACC to the BLA and that this routing of information is critically instructive for observational fear conditioning. VIDEO ABSTRACT.
Identification of Near-Pan-neutralizing Antibodies against HIV-1 by Deconvolution of Plasma Humoral Responses
Anti-HIV-1 envelope broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (bNAbs) isolated from memory B cells may not fully represent HIV-1-neutralizing profiles measured in plasma. Accordingly, we characterized near-pan-neutralizing antibodies extracted directly from the plasma of two "elite neutralizers." Circulating anti-gp120 polyclonal antibodies were deconvoluted using proteomics to guide lineage analysis of bone marrow plasma cells. In both subjects, a single lineage of anti-CD4-binding site (CD4bs) antibodies explained the plasma-neutralizing activity. Importantly, members of these lineages potently neutralized 89%-100% of a multi-tier 117 pseudovirus panel, closely matching the specificity and breadth of the circulating antibodies. X-ray crystallographic analysis of one monoclonal, N49P7, suggested a unique ability to bypass the CD4bs Phe43 cavity, while reaching deep into highly conserved residues of Layer 3 of the gp120 inner domain, likely explaining its extreme potency and breadth. Further direct analyses of plasma anti-HIV-1 bNAbs should provide new insights for developing antibody-based antiviral agents and vaccines.
Promoter of lncRNA Gene PVT1 Is a Tumor-Suppressor DNA Boundary Element
Noncoding mutations in cancer genomes are frequent but challenging to interpret. PVT1 encodes an oncogenic lncRNA, but recurrent translocations and deletions in human cancers suggest alternative mechanisms. Here, we show that the PVT1 promoter has a tumor-suppressor function that is independent of PVT1 lncRNA. CRISPR interference of PVT1 promoter enhances breast cancer cell competition and growth in vivo. The promoters of the PVT1 and the MYC oncogenes, located 55 kb apart on chromosome 8q24, compete for engagement with four intragenic enhancers in the PVT1 locus, thereby allowing the PVT1 promoter to regulate pause release of MYC transcription. PVT1 undergoes developmentally regulated monoallelic expression, and the PVT1 promoter inhibits MYC expression only from the same chromosome via promoter competition. Cancer genome sequencing identifies recurrent mutations encompassing the human PVT1 promoter, and genome editing verified that PVT1 promoter mutation promotes cancer cell growth. These results highlight regulatory sequences of lncRNA genes as potential disease-associated DNA elements.
A Lignin Molecular Brace Controls Precision Processing of Cell Walls Critical for Surface Integrity in Arabidopsis
The cell wall, a defining feature of plants, provides a rigid structure critical for bonding cells together. To overcome this physical constraint, plants must process cell wall linkages during growth and development. However, little is known about the mechanism guiding cell-cell detachment and cell wall remodeling. Here, we identify two neighboring cell types in Arabidopsis that coordinate their activities to control cell wall processing, thereby ensuring precise abscission to discard organs. One cell type produces a honeycomb structure of lignin, which acts as a mechanical "brace" to localize cell wall breakdown and spatially limit abscising cells. The second cell type undergoes transdifferentiation into epidermal cells, forming protective cuticle, demonstrating de novo specification of epidermal cells, previously thought to be restricted to embryogenesis. Loss of the lignin brace leads to inadequate cuticle formation, resulting in surface barrier defects and susceptible to infection. Together, we show how plants precisely accomplish abscission.
Metabolomics and Isotope Tracing
Great strides have been made over the past decade toward comprehensive study of metabolism. Mass spectrometry (MS) has played a central role by enabling measurement of many metabolites simultaneously. Tracking metabolite labeling from stable isotope tracers can in addition reveal pathway activities. Here, we describe the basics of metabolite measurement by MS, including sample preparation, metabolomic analysis, and data interpretation. In addition, drawing on examples of successful experiments, we highlight the ways in which metabolomics and isotope tracing can illuminate biology.
Direct Visualization of Wide Fusion-Fission Pores and Their Highly Varied Dynamics
In this issue of Cell, Shin et al. report the first live-cell imaging of a fusion pore. Directly visualized pores in neuroendocrine cells can be much larger than expected yet not require vesicular full-collapse. These fusion-fission pores have diverse fates arising from opposing dynamin-driven pore constriction and F-actin-mediated pore expansion.
(IR)Factor for NAIP Expression
IRF8 is a master transcription factor for immune cell development. In this issue, Karki et al. reveal that IRF8 governs the constitutive expression of genes encoding for NAIP proteins that are critical for the innate immune sensing of bacteria.
Chemistry Takes Center Stage for Identifying Cancer Targetability
Matching genetically defined cancer states to drugs that specifically target these states is a principal goal of personalized oncology medicine. In this issue, McMillan et al. show how large-scale chemical screening coupled to deep molecular profiling can identify mechanistically diverse druggable vulnerabilities for genetic subtypes of lung cancers.
Kindr Motors Drive in Meiosis
The discovery of neocentromere activity by maize knobs heralded the field of meiotic drive, in which selfish genetic elements exploit meiotic asymmetry to enhance their propagation. A new study reveals the long-awaited basis of this meiotic drive: cytoskeletal motors enable neocentromeric knobs to achieve favorable meiotic positioning and preferential inheritance.
Breaking the Rules
We have known for decades that proteins consist of tens to thousands of amino acids strung together, but it has proven difficult to predict the function of a given protein based on its amino acid sequence. This difficulty rests on the overarching principle that the 3D structure of a protein determines its functionality by specifying with which other proteins and molecules it can interact. Conventional structural biology approaches, likeX-raycrystallography, haveenabledus tofigure out the shapes and interactionsofmany rigidly foldedproteins or their constituent domains. However, sometimes invisible to crystallographers are so-called low-complexity and intrinsically disordered regions of proteins, which often do not form stable and predictable 3D structures in physiological conditions or in the absence of their binding partners. Despite this conformational heterogeneity and flexibility, intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and unstructured stretches of amino acids participate in many essential processes and provide new paradigms for protein-protein interactions. IDPs are generally thought to either conditionally establish secondary structure elements upon binding to their target or remain unfolded and participate in low-affinity, high-avidity dynamic interactions with other proteins. The former case can be exemplified by the formation of an a-helical region in the disordered domain of the transcription factor CREB upon binding to its transcriptional coactivator, CBP/p300 (Sugase et al., 2007). Transient and multivalent interactions are perhaps best illustrated by the core selectivity filter of nuclear pore complexes, where proteins with low-complexity sequence regions dynamically bind and unbind at many sites on the surface of nuclear import or export receptors, which is thought to drive fast directional transport. Indeed, intrinsically disordered regions of proteins mediate many of the multivalent interactions that form the basis of phase-separated liquid droplets, which are now widely appreciated in myriad cellular processes like RNA processing (Schmidt and Gorlich, 2016). Technological innovation in protein structural biology, biophysics, molecular dynamics simulations, and single-
MAJIN Links Telomeric DNA to the Nuclear Membrane by Exchanging Telomere Cap
(Cell 163, 1252–1266; November 19, 2015) Our paper reported a telomere cap exchange process during meiosis. During the preparation of Figure 2D, we miscalculated the number of cells for each developmental substage (namely Lep, Zyg, and Pac), in which the TRF1 foci numbers were reported. It was stated in the figure legend that more than 30 cells were analyzed for each substage; however, this statement was inaccurate and incorrect. For clarification, we have provided a revised version of Figure 2 showing the number of cells we analyzed for different substages with each genetic background. This error does not affect the results in the paper or the interpretation of the data. We apologize for any confusion this error may have caused.
Single-Cell Transcriptomics and Fate Mapping of Ependymal Cells Reveals an Absence of Neural Stem Cell Function
Ependymal cells are multi-ciliated cells that form the brain's ventricular epithelium and a niche for neural stem cells (NSCs) in the ventricular-subventricular zone (V-SVZ). In addition, ependymal cells are suggested to be latent NSCs with a capacity to acquire neurogenic function. This remains highly controversial due to a lack of prospective in vivo labeling techniques that can effectively distinguish ependymal cells from neighboring V-SVZ NSCs. We describe a transgenic system that allows for targeted labeling of ependymal cells within the V-SVZ. Single-cell RNA-seq revealed that ependymal cells are enriched for cilia-related genes and share several stem-cell-associated genes with neural stem or progenitors. Under in vivo and in vitro neural-stem- or progenitor-stimulating environments, ependymal cells failed to demonstrate any suggestion of latent neural-stem-cell function. These findings suggest remarkable stability of ependymal cell function and provide fundamental insights into the molecular signature of the V-SVZ niche.
Transcriptome-wide Interrogation of the Functional Intronome by Spliceosome Profiling
Full understanding of eukaryotic transcriptomes and how they respond to different conditions requires deep knowledge of all sites of intron excision. Although RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) provides much of this information, the low abundance of many spliced transcripts (often due to their rapid cytoplasmic decay) limits the ability of RNA-seq alone to reveal the full repertoire of spliced species. Here, we present "spliceosome profiling," a strategy based on deep sequencing of RNAs co-purifying with late-stage spliceosomes. Spliceosome profiling allows for unambiguous mapping of intron ends to single-nucleotide resolution and branchpoint identification at unprecedented depths. Our data reveal hundreds of new introns in S. pombe and numerous others that were previously misannotated. By providing a means to directly interrogate sites of spliceosome assembly and catalysis genome-wide, spliceosome profiling promises to transform our understanding of RNA processing in the nucleus, much as ribosome profiling has transformed our understanding mRNA translation in the cytoplasm.
Spliceosome Profiling Visualizes Operations of a Dynamic RNP at Nucleotide Resolution
Tools to understand how the spliceosome functions in vivo have lagged behind advances in the structural biology of the spliceosome. Here, methods are described to globally profile spliceosome-bound pre-mRNA, intermediates, and spliced mRNA at nucleotide resolution. These tools are applied to three yeast species that span 600 million years of evolution. The sensitivity of the approach enables the detection of canonical and non-canonical events, including interrupted, recursive, and nested splicing. This application of statistical modeling uncovers independent roles for the size and position of the intron and the number of introns per transcript in substrate progression through the two catalytic stages. These include species-specific inputs suggestive of spliceosome-transcriptome coevolution. Further investigations reveal the ATP-dependent discard of numerous endogenous substrates after spliceosome assembly in vivo and connect this discard to intron retention, a form of splicing regulation. Spliceosome profiling is a quantitative, generalizable global technology used to investigate an RNP central to eukaryotic gene expression.
Single-Cell Chromatin Modification Profiling Reveals Increased Epigenetic Variations with Aging
Post-translational modifications of histone proteins and exchanges of histone variants of chromatin are central to the regulation of nearly all DNA-templated biological processes. However, the degree and variability of chromatin modifications in specific human immune cells remain largely unknown. Here, we employ a highly multiplexed mass cytometry analysis to profile the global levels of a broad array of chromatin modifications in primary human immune cells at the single-cell level. Our data reveal markedly different cell-type- and hematopoietic-lineage-specific chromatin modification patterns. Differential analysis between younger and older adults shows that aging is associated with increased heterogeneity between individuals and elevated cell-to-cell variability in chromatin modifications. Analysis of a twin cohort unveils heritability of chromatin modifications and demonstrates that aging-related chromatin alterations are predominantly driven by non-heritable influences. Together, we present a powerful platform for chromatin and immunology research. Our discoveries highlight the profound impacts of aging on chromatin modifications.
Integrated Single-Cell Analysis Maps the Continuous Regulatory Landscape of Human Hematopoietic Differentiation
Human hematopoiesis involves cellular differentiation of multipotent cells into progressively more lineage-restricted states. While the chromatin accessibility landscape of this process has been explored in defined populations, single-cell regulatory variation has been hidden by ensemble averaging. We collected single-cell chromatin accessibility profiles across 10 populations of immunophenotypically defined human hematopoietic cell types and constructed a chromatin accessibility landscape of human hematopoiesis to characterize differentiation trajectories. We find variation consistent with lineage bias toward different developmental branches in multipotent cell types. We observe heterogeneity within common myeloid progenitors (CMPs) and granulocyte-macrophage progenitors (GMPs) and develop a strategy to partition GMPs along their differentiation trajectory. Furthermore, we integrated single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data to associate transcription factors to chromatin accessibility changes and regulatory elements to target genes through correlations of expression and regulatory element accessibility. Overall, this work provides a framework for integrative exploration of complex regulatory dynamics in a primary human tissue at single-cell resolution.
The Energetics and Physiological Impact of Cohesin Extrusion
Cohesin extrusion is thought to play a central role in establishing the architecture of mammalian genomes. However, extrusion has not been visualized in vivo, and thus, its functional impact and energetics are unknown. Using ultra-deep Hi-C, we show that loop domains form by a process that requires cohesin ATPases. Once formed, however, loops and compartments are maintained for hours without energy input. Strikingly, without ATP, we observe the emergence of hundreds of CTCF-independent loops that link regulatory DNA. We also identify architectural "stripes," where a loop anchor interacts with entire domains at high frequency. Stripes often tether super-enhancers to cognate promoters, and in B cells, they facilitate Igh transcription and recombination. Stripe anchors represent major hotspots for topoisomerase-mediated lesions, which promote chromosomal translocations and cancer. In plasmacytomas, stripes can deregulate Igh-translocated oncogenes. We propose that higher organisms have coopted cohesin extrusion to enhance transcription and recombination, with implications for tumor development.
Self-Recognition of an Inducible Host lncRNA by RIG-I Feedback Restricts Innate Immune Response
The innate RNA sensor RIG-I is critical in the initiation of antiviral type I interferons (IFNs) production upon recognition of "non-self" viral RNAs. Here, we identify a host-derived, IFN-inducible long noncoding RNA, lnc-Lsm3b, that can compete with viral RNAs in the binding of RIG-I monomers and feedback inactivate the RIG-I innate function at late stage of innate response. Mechanistically, binding of lnc-Lsm3b restricts RIG-I protein's conformational shift and prevents downstream signaling, thereby terminating type I IFNs production. Multivalent structural motifs and long-stem structure are critical features of lnc-Lsm3b for RIG-I binding and inhibition. These data reveal a non-canonical self-recognition mode in the regulation of immune response and demonstrate an important role of an inducible "self" lncRNA acting as a potent molecular decoy actively saturating RIG-I binding sites to restrict the duration of "non-self" RNA-induced innate immune response and maintaining immune homeostasis, with potential utility in inflammatory disease management.
Pervasive Protein Thermal Stability Variation during the Cell Cycle
Summary Quantitative mass spectrometry has established proteome-wide regulation of protein abundance and post-translational modifications in various biological processes. Here, we used quantitative mass spectrometry to systematically analyze the thermal stability and solubility of proteins on a proteome-wide scale during the eukaryotic cell cycle. We demonstrate pervasive variation of these biophysical parameters with most changes occurring in mitosis and G1. Various cellular pathways and components vary in thermal stability, such as cell-cycle factors, polymerases, and chromatin remodelers. We demonstrate that protein thermal stability serves as a proxy for enzyme activity, DNA binding, and complex formation in situ. Strikingly, a large cohort of intrinsically disordered and mitotically phosphorylated proteins is stabilized and solubilized in mitosis, suggesting a fundamental remodeling of the biophysical environment of the mitotic cell. Our data represent a rich resource for cell, structural, and systems biologists interested in proteome regulation during biological transitions.
Dendritic Integration of Sensory Evidence in Perceptual Decision-Making
Summary Perceptual decisions require the accumulation of sensory information to a response criterion. Most accounts of how the brain performs this process of temporal integration have focused on evolving patterns of spiking activity. We report that subthreshold changes in membrane voltage can represent accumulating evidence before a choice. αβ core Kenyon cells (αβc KCs) in the mushroom bodies of fruit flies integrate odor-evoked synaptic inputs to action potential threshold at timescales matching the speed of olfactory discrimination. The forkhead box P transcription factor (FoxP) sets neuronal integration and behavioral decision times by controlling the abundance of the voltage-gated potassium channel Shal (KV4) in αβc KC dendrites. αβc KCs thus tailor, through a particular constellation of biophysical properties, the generic process of synaptic integration to the demands of sequential sampling.
Co-optation of Tandem DNA Repeats for the Maintenance of Mesenchymal Identity
Tandem repeats (TRs) are generated by DNA replication errors and retain a high level of instability, which in principle would make them unsuitable for integration into gene regulatory networks. However, the appearance of DNA sequence motifs recognized by transcription factors may turn TRs into functional cis-regulatory elements, thus favoring their stabilization in genomes. Here, we show that, in human cells, the transcriptional repressor ZEB1, which promotes the maintenance of mesenchymal features largely by suppressing epithelial genes and microRNAs, occupies TRs harboring dozens of copies of its DNA-binding motif within genomic loci relevant for maintenance of epithelial identity. The deletion of one such TR caused quasi-mesenchymal cancer cells to reacquire epithelial features, partially recapitulating the effects of ZEB1 gene deletion. These data demonstrate that the high density of identical motifs in TRs can make them suitable platforms for recruitment of transcriptional repressors, thus promoting their exaptation into pre-existing cis-regulatory networks.
Modulation of Protein-Interaction States through the Cell Cycle
Global profiling of protein expression through the cell cycle has revealed subsets of periodically expressed proteins. However, expression levels alone only give a partial view of the biochemical processes determining cellular events. Using a proteome-wide implementation of the cellular thermal shift assay (CETSA) to study specific cell-cycle phases, we uncover changes of interaction states for more than 750 proteins during the cell cycle. Notably, many protein complexes are modulated in specific cell-cycle phases, reflecting their roles in processes such as DNA replication, chromatin remodeling, transcription, translation, and disintegration of the nuclear envelope. Surprisingly, only small differences in the interaction states were seen between the G1 and the G2 phase, suggesting similar hardwiring of biochemical processes in these two phases. The present work reveals novel molecular details of the cell cycle and establishes proteome-wide CETSA as a new strategy to study modulation of protein-interaction states in intact cells.
Cryo-EM Structure of Human Dicer and Its Complexes with a Pre-miRNA Substrate
Human Dicer (hDicer) is a multi-domain protein belonging to the RNase III family. It plays pivotal roles in small RNA biogenesis during the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway by processing a diverse range of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) precursors to generate ∼22 nt microRNA (miRNA) or small interfering RNA (siRNA) products for sequence-directed gene silencing. In this work, we solved the cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of hDicer in complex with its cofactor protein TRBP and revealed the precise spatial arrangement of hDicer's multiple domains. We further solved structures of the hDicer-TRBP complex bound with pre-let-7 RNA in two distinct conformations. In combination with biochemical analysis, these structures reveal a property of the hDicer-TRBP complex to promote the stability of pre-miRNA's stem duplex in a pre-dicing state. These results provide insights into the mechanism of RNA processing by hDicer and illustrate the regulatory role of hDicer's N-terminal helicase domain.
The Egyptian Rousette Genome Reveals Unexpected Features of Bat Antiviral Immunity
Summary Bats harbor many viruses asymptomatically, including several notorious for causing extreme virulence in humans. To identify differences between antiviral mechanisms in humans and bats, we sequenced, assembled, and analyzed the genome of Rousettus aegyptiacus, a natural reservoir of Marburg virus and the only known reservoir for any filovirus. We found an expanded and diversified KLRC/KLRD family of natural killer cell receptors, MHC class I genes, and type I interferons, which dramatically differ from their functional counterparts in other mammals. Such concerted evolution of key components of bat immunity is strongly suggestive of novel modes of antiviral defense. An evaluation of the theoretical function of these genes suggests that an inhibitory immune state may exist in bats. Based on our findings, we hypothesize that tolerance of viral infection, rather than enhanced potency of antiviral defenses, may be a key mechanism by which bats asymptomatically host viruses that are pathogenic in humans.
Universal Chimeric Antigen Receptors for Multiplexed and Logical Control of T Cell Responses
T cells expressing chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) are promising cancer therapeutic agents, with the prospect of becoming the ultimate smart cancer therapeutics. To expand the capability of CAR T cells, here, we present a split, universal, and programmable (SUPRA) CAR system that simultaneously encompasses multiple critical "upgrades," such as the ability to switch targets without re-engineering the T cells, finely tune T cell activation strength, and sense and logically respond to multiple antigens. These features are useful to combat relapse, mitigate over-activation, and enhance specificity. We test our SUPRA system against two different tumor models to demonstrate its broad utility and humanize its components to minimize potential immunogenicity concerns. Furthermore, we extend the orthogonal SUPRA CAR system to regulate different T cell subsets independently, demonstrating a dually inducible CAR system. Together, these SUPRA CARs illustrate that multiple advanced logic and control features can be implemented into a single, integrated system.
The Evolutionary Landscape of Localized Prostate Cancers Drives Clinical Aggression
The majority of newly diagnosed prostate cancers are slow growing, with a long natural life history. Yet a subset can metastasize with lethal consequences. We reconstructed the phylogenies of 293 localized prostate tumors linked to clinical outcome data. Multiple subclones were detected in 59% of patients, and specific subclonal architectures associate with adverse clinicopathological features. Early tumor development is characterized by point mutations and deletions followed by later subclonal amplifications and changes in trinucleotide mutational signatures. Specific genes are selectively mutated prior to or following subclonal diversification, including MTOR, NKX3-1, and RB1. Patients with low-risk monoclonal tumors rarely relapse after primary therapy (7%), while those with high-risk polyclonal tumors frequently do (61%). The presence of multiple subclones in an index biopsy may be necessary, but not sufficient, for relapse of localized prostate cancer, suggesting that evolution-aware biomarkers should be studied in prospective studies of low-risk tumors suitable for active surveillance.
Chemoresistance Evolution in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Delineated by Single-Cell Sequencing
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive subtype that frequently develops resistance to chemotherapy. An unresolved question is whether resistance is caused by the selection of rare pre-existing clones or alternatively through the acquisition of new genomic aberrations. To investigate this question, we applied single-cell DNA and RNA sequencing in addition to bulk exome sequencing to profile longitudinal samples from 20 TNBC patients during neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC). Deep-exome sequencing identified 10 patients in which NAC led to clonal extinction and 10 patients in which clones persisted after treatment. In 8 patients, we performed a more detailed study using single-cell DNA sequencing to analyze 900 cells and single-cell RNA sequencing to analyze 6,862 cells. Our data showed that resistant genotypes were pre-existing and adaptively selected by NAC, while transcriptional profiles were acquired by reprogramming in response to chemotherapy in TNBC patients.
The Structure of the Necrosome RIPK1-RIPK3 Core, a Human Hetero-Amyloid Signaling Complex
The RIPK1-RIPK3 necrosome is an amyloid signaling complex that initiates TNF-induced necroptosis, serving in human immune defense, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. RIPK1 and RIPK3 associate through their RIP homotypic interaction motifs with consensus sequences IQIG (RIPK1) and VQVG (RIPK3). Using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, we determined the high-resolution structure of the RIPK1-RIPK3 core. RIPK1 and RIPK3 alternately stack (RIPK1, RIPK3, RIPK1, RIPK3, etc.) to form heterotypic β sheets. Two such β sheets bind together along a compact hydrophobic interface featuring an unusual ladder of alternating Ser (from RIPK1) and Cys (from RIPK3). The crystal structure of a four-residue RIPK3 consensus sequence is consistent with the architecture determined by NMR. The RIPK1-RIPK3 core is the first detailed structure of a hetero-amyloid and provides a potential explanation for the specificity of hetero- over homo-amyloid formation and a structural basis for understanding the mechanisms of signal transduction.
Chemistry-First Approach for Nomination of Personalized Treatment in Lung Cancer
Diversity in the genetic lesions that cause cancer is extreme. In consequence, a pressing challenge is the development of drugs that target patient-specific disease mechanisms. To address this challenge, we employed a chemistry-first discovery paradigm for de novo identification of druggable targets linked to robust patient selection hypotheses. In particular, a 200,000 compound diversity-oriented chemical library was profiled across a heavily annotated test-bed of >100 cellular models representative of the diverse and characteristic somatic lesions for lung cancer. This approach led to the delineation of 171 chemical-genetic associations, shedding light on the targetability of mechanistic vulnerabilities corresponding to a range of oncogenotypes present in patient populations lacking effective therapy. Chemically addressable addictions to ciliogenesis in TTC21B mutants and GLUT8-dependent serine biosynthesis in KRAS/KEAP1 double mutants are prominent examples. These observations indicate a wealth of actionable opportunities within the complex molecular etiology of cancer.
Dissociable Structural and Functional Hippocampal Outputs via Distinct Subiculum Cell Classes
The mammalian hippocampus, comprised of serially connected subfields, participates in diverse behavioral and cognitive functions. It has been postulated that parallel circuitry embedded within hippocampal subfields may underlie such functional diversity. We sought to identify, delineate, and manipulate this putatively parallel architecture in the dorsal subiculum, the primary output subfield of the dorsal hippocampus. Population and single-cell RNA-seq revealed that the subiculum can be divided into two spatially adjacent subregions associated with prominent differences in pyramidal cell gene expression. Pyramidal cells occupying these two regions differed in their long-range inputs, local wiring, projection targets, and electrophysiological properties. Leveraging gene-expression differences across these regions, we use genetically restricted neuronal silencing to show that these regions differentially contribute to spatial working memory. This work provides a coherent molecular-, cellular-, circuit-, and behavioral-level demonstration that the hippocampus embeds structurally and functionally dissociable streams within its serial architecture.
Retraction Notice to: ATP Hydrolysis-Dependent Disassembly of the 26S Proteasome Is Part of the Catalytic Cycle
ATP hydrolysis is required for degradation of polyubiquitinated proteins by the 26S proteasome but is thought to play no role in proteasomal stability during the catalytic cycle. In contrast to this view, we report that ATP hydrolysis triggers rapid dissociation of the 19S regulatory particles from immunopurified 26S complexes in a manner coincident with release of the bulk of proteasome-interacting proteins. Strikingly, this mechanism leads to quantitative disassembly of the 19S into subcomplexes and free Rpn10, the polyubiquitin binding subunit. Biochemical reconstitution with purified Sic1, a prototype substrate of the Cdc34/SCF ubiquitin ligase, suggests that substrate degradation is essential for triggering the ATP hydrolysis-dependent dissociation and disassembly of the 19S and that this mechanism leads to release of degradation products. This is the first demonstration that a controlled dissociation of the 19S regulatory particles from the 26S proteasome is part of the mechanism of protein degradation.
GPR68 Senses Flow and Is Essential for Vascular Physiology
Mechanotransduction plays a crucial role in vascular biology. One example of this is the local regulation of vascular resistance via flow-mediated dilation (FMD). Impairment of this process is a hallmark of endothelial dysfunction and a precursor to a wide array of vascular diseases, such as hypertension and atherosclerosis. Yet the molecules responsible for sensing flow (shear stress) within endothelial cells remain largely unknown. We designed a 384-well screening system that applies shear stress on cultured cells. We identified a mechanosensitive cell line that exhibits shear stress-activated calcium transients, screened a focused RNAi library, and identified GPR68 as necessary and sufficient for shear stress responses. GPR68 is expressed in endothelial cells of small-diameter (resistance) arteries. Importantly, Gpr68-deficient mice display markedly impaired acute FMD and chronic flow-mediated outward remodeling in mesenteric arterioles. Therefore, GPR68 is an essential flow sensor in arteriolar endothelium and is a critical signaling component in cardiovascular pathophysiology.
Structural Basis for Teneurin Function in Circuit-Wiring: A Toxin Motif at the Synapse
Teneurins (TENs) are cell-surface adhesion proteins with critical roles in tissue development and axon guidance. Here, we report the 3.1-Å cryoelectron microscopy structure of the human TEN2 extracellular region (ECR), revealing a striking similarity to bacterial Tc-toxins. The ECR includes a large β barrel that partially encapsulates a C-terminal domain, which emerges to the solvent through an opening in the mid-barrel region. An immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domain seals the bottom of the barrel while a β propeller is attached in a perpendicular orientation. We further show that an alternatively spliced region within the β propeller acts as a switch to regulate trans-cellular adhesion of TEN2 to latrophilin (LPHN), a transmembrane receptor known to mediate critical functions in the central nervous system. One splice variant activates trans-cellular signaling in a LPHN-dependent manner, whereas the other induces inhibitory postsynaptic differentiation. These results highlight the unusual structural organization of TENs giving rise to their multifarious functions.
FUS Phase Separation Is Modulated by a Molecular Chaperone and Methylation of Arginine Cation-π Interactions
Summary Reversible phase separation underpins the role of FUS in ribonucleoprotein granules and other membrane-free organelles and is, in part, driven by the intrinsically disordered low-complexity (LC) domain of FUS. Here, we report that cooperative cation-π interactions between tyrosines in the LC domain and arginines in structured C-terminal domains also contribute to phase separation. These interactions are modulated by post-translational arginine methylation, wherein arginine hypomethylation strongly promotes phase separation and gelation. Indeed, significant hypomethylation, which occurs in FUS-associated frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), induces FUS condensation into stable intermolecular β-sheet-rich hydrogels that disrupt RNP granule function and impair new protein synthesis in neuron terminals. We show that transportin acts as a physiological molecular chaperone of FUS in neuron terminals, reducing phase separation and gelation of methylated and hypomethylated FUS and rescuing protein synthesis. These results demonstrate how FUS condensation is physiologically regulated and how perturbations in these mechanisms can lead to disease.
Phase Separation of FUS Is Suppressed by Its Nuclear Import Receptor and Arginine Methylation
Cytoplasmic FUS aggregates are a pathological hallmark in a subset of patients with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). A key step that is disrupted in these patients is nuclear import of FUS mediated by the import receptor Transportin/Karyopherin-β2. In ALS-FUS patients, this is caused by mutations in the nuclear localization signal (NLS) of FUS that weaken Transportin binding. In FTD-FUS patients, Transportin is aggregated, and post-translational arginine methylation, which regulates the FUS-Transportin interaction, is lost. Here, we show that Transportin and arginine methylation have a crucial function beyond nuclear import-namely to suppress RGG/RG-driven phase separation and stress granule association of FUS. ALS-associated FUS-NLS mutations weaken the chaperone activity of Transportin and loss of FUS arginine methylation, as seen in FTD-FUS, promote phase separation, and stress granule partitioning of FUS. Our findings reveal two regulatory mechanisms of liquid-phase homeostasis that are disrupted in FUS-associated neurodegeneration.
Nuclear Import Receptor Inhibits Phase Separation of FUS through Binding to Multiple Sites
Liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) is believed to underlie formation of biomolecular condensates, cellular compartments that concentrate macromolecules without surrounding membranes. Physical mechanisms that control condensate formation/dissolution are poorly understood. The RNA-binding protein fused in sarcoma (FUS) undergoes LLPS in vitro and associates with condensates in cells. We show that the importin karyopherin-β2/transportin-1 inhibits LLPS of FUS. This activity depends on tight binding of karyopherin-β2 to the C-terminal proline-tyrosine nuclear localization signal (PY-NLS) of FUS. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analyses reveal weak interactions of karyopherin-β2 with sequence elements and structural domains distributed throughout the entirety of FUS. Biochemical analyses demonstrate that most of these same regions also contribute to LLPS of FUS. The data lead to a model where high-affinity binding of karyopherin-β2 to the FUS PY-NLS tethers the proteins together, allowing multiple, distributed weak intermolecular contacts to disrupt FUS self-association, blocking LLPS. Karyopherin-β2 may act analogously to control condensates in diverse cellular contexts.
Nuclear-Import Receptors Reverse Aberrant Phase Transitions of RNA-Binding Proteins with Prion-like Domains
RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) with prion-like domains (PrLDs) phase transition to functional liquids, which can mature into aberrant hydrogels composed of pathological fibrils that underpin fatal neurodegenerative disorders. Several nuclear RBPs with PrLDs, including TDP-43, FUS, hnRNPA1, and hnRNPA2, mislocalize to cytoplasmic inclusions in neurodegenerative disorders, and mutations in their PrLDs can accelerate fibrillization and cause disease. Here, we establish that nuclear-import receptors (NIRs) specifically chaperone and potently disaggregate wild-type and disease-linked RBPs bearing a NLS. Karyopherin-β2 (also called Transportin-1) engages PY-NLSs to inhibit and reverse FUS, TAF15, EWSR1, hnRNPA1, and hnRNPA2 fibrillization, whereas Importin-α plus Karyopherin-β1 prevent and reverse TDP-43 fibrillization. Remarkably, Karyopherin-β2 dissolves phase-separated liquids and aberrant fibrillar hydrogels formed by FUS and hnRNPA1. In vivo, Karyopherin-β2 prevents RBPs with PY-NLSs accumulating in stress granules, restores nuclear RBP localization and function, and rescues degeneration caused by disease-linked FUS and hnRNPA2. Thus, NIRs therapeutically restore RBP homeostasis and mitigate neurodegeneration.
An Integrated Genome-wide CRISPRa Approach to Functionalize lncRNAs in Drug Resistance
Resistance to chemotherapy plays a significant role in cancer mortality. To identify genetic units affecting sensitivity to cytarabine, the mainstay of treatment for acute myeloid leukemia (AML), we developed a comprehensive and integrated genome-wide platform based on a dual protein-coding and non-coding integrated CRISPRa screening (DICaS). Putative resistance genes were initially identified using pharmacogenetic data from 760 human pan-cancer cell lines. Subsequently, genome scale functional characterization of both coding and long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) genes by CRISPR activation was performed. For lncRNA functional assessment, we developed a CRISPR activation of lncRNA (CaLR) strategy, targeting 14,701 lncRNA genes. Computational and functional analysis identified novel cell-cycle, survival/apoptosis, and cancer signaling genes. Furthermore, transcriptional activation of the GAS6-AS2 lncRNA, identified in our analysis, leads to hyperactivation of the GAS6/TAM pathway, a resistance mechanism in multiple cancers including AML. Thus, DICaS represents a novel and powerful approach to identify integrated coding and non-coding pathways of therapeutic relevance.
Physiological and Genetic Adaptations to Diving in Sea Nomads
Understanding the physiology and genetics of human hypoxia tolerance has important medical implications, but this phenomenon has thus far only been investigated in high-altitude human populations. Another system, yet to be explored, is humans who engage in breath-hold diving. The indigenous Bajau people ("Sea Nomads") of Southeast Asia live a subsistence lifestyle based on breath-hold diving and are renowned for their extraordinary breath-holding abilities. However, it is unknown whether this has a genetic basis. Using a comparative genomic study, we show that natural selection on genetic variants in the PDE10A gene have increased spleen size in the Bajau, providing them with a larger reservoir of oxygenated red blood cells. We also find evidence of strong selection specific to the Bajau on BDKRB2, a gene affecting the human diving reflex. Thus, the Bajau, and possibly other diving populations, provide a new opportunity to study human adaptation to hypoxia tolerance. VIDEO ABSTRACT.
Beyond Host Defense: Emerging Functions of the Immune System in Regulating Complex Tissue Physiology
The essential roles played by the immune system in the discrimination between self- versus non/altered-self and its integral role in promoting host defense against invading microbes and tumors have been extensively studied for many years. In these contexts, significant advances have been made in defining the molecular and cellular networks that orchestrate cell-cell communication to mediate host defense and pathogen expulsion. Notably, recent studies indicate that in addition to these classical immune functions, cells of the innate and adaptive immune system also sense complex tissue- and environment-derived signals, including those from the nervous system and the diet. In turn these responses regulate physiologic processes in multiple tissues throughout the body, including nervous system function, metabolic state, thermogenesis, and tissue repair. In this review we propose an integrated view of how the mammalian immune system senses and interacts with other complex organ systems to maintain tissue and whole-body homeostasis.
Beyond the Transport Function of Import Receptors: What’s All the FUS about?
Nuclear import receptors are central players in transporting protein cargoes into the nucleus. Moving beyond this role, four newly published articles describe a function in regulating supramolecular assemblies by fine-tuning the phase separating properties of RNA-binding proteins, which has implications for a variety of devastating neurodegenerative disorders.
Seeing More: A Future of Augmented Microscopy
Microscope images are information rich. In this issue of Cell, Christiansen et al. show that label-free images of cells can be used to predict fluorescent labels representing cell type, state, and organelle distribution using a deep-learning framework. This paves the way for computationally multiplexed assays derived from inexpensive label-free microscopy.
AttrActin’ Attention to Early Mouse Development
A new study by Zenker et al. uses time-lapse imaging to discover how dynamic actin movements contribute to epithelialization of living mouse embryos. Together with work from other labs, this study presents exciting new ways to think about the emergence of cell fates during mammalian development.
A Mechanosensitive GPCR that Detects the Bloody Force
Mechanoreceptors mediate a wide variety of physiological processes, such as hearing, touch, proprioception, and blood flow regulation. It is generally believed that mechanoreceptors are force-gated ion channels. Now, Xu et al. uncover a GPCR that is activated by shear force in endothelial cells of blood vessels.
Multi-regional Sequencing Elucidates the Evolution of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
Extensive multi-regional whole-genome and -exome sequencing performed in tumors from patients with localized, as well as metastatic, clear cell renal cell carcinoma provides a comprehensive description of the tumor origin, intratumoral heterogeneity, evolution, and route to metastasis, laying the foundation for the development of precision clinical management.
Revolutionizing Precision Oncology through Collaborative Proteogenomics and Data Sharing
The integration of proteomics into precision oncology presents opportunities that may transform the molecular analysis of cancer and accelerate basic and clinical cancer research. This Commentary discusses the importance of international collaboration and data sharing inspired by the Cancer Moonshot to accelerate the progress of multi-omic precision medicine-an approach that addresses the global diversity of people and of cancers.
Artificial Intelligence Is Becoming Natural
You don’t have to sit in a self-driving Tesla to feel the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on your daily life. From voice-powered personal assistants like Alexa or Siri to help you track and organize information to tailored online shopping, AI is no longer in the realm of science fiction. Machine-learning platforms for clinical purposes are also making the headlines. Early last year, Stanford-based scientists harnessed aGoogle algorithm to classify skin cancers as accurately as board-certified dermatologists (Esteva et al., 2017). This algorithm distinguishes harmless from potentially fatal moles at an early stage, which is critical, given that melanoma is one of the deadliest cancers and its global incidence is on the rise. 2018 itself has already seen significant AI advances. These bring many unprecedented opportunities—and daunting challenges. ‘‘The eyes are a window to the heart’’—we’ve all heard it before. While popular sayings are not meant to be taken literally, recent research suggests theremay be some truth to this one. In collaboration with the Stanford School of Medicine, Google and its sister company, Verily Life Sciences, recently reported a deep-learning model that can recognize elevated cardiovascular disease risk from photographs of the retinal fundus (Poplin et al., 2018). Around the same time, a team of scientists from the University of California, San Diego, and Guangzhou University described an AI platform for the screening and diagnosis of common causes of severe vision loss at a stage where the diseases are still treatable. Further, the authors demonstrated the general applicability of their machine-learning system by showing its potential for diagnosing pediatric pneumonia using chest X-rays (Kermany et al., 2018). Last month, a paper published in Nature Digital Medicine reported that computer vision can also be leveraged to interpret echocardiograms and does so at accuracies that exceed those of trained experts (Madani et al., 2018). While these developments nicely illustrate the potential for AI in imaged-based medical diagnosis, they are not completely unanticipated. It is well accepted that machines can be fed large amounts of data and be trained to recognize patterns much better than humans. What is surprising is the speed with which such potential is now being unleashed.
In Silico Labeling: Predicting Fluorescent Labels in Unlabeled Images
Microscopy is a central method in life sciences. Many popular methods, such as antibody labeling, are used to add physical fluorescent labels to specific cellular constituents. However, these approaches have significant drawbacks, including inconsistency; limitations in the number of simultaneous labels because of spectral overlap; and necessary perturbations of the experiment, such as fixing the cells, to generate the measurement. Here, we show that a computational machine-learning approach, which we call "in silico labeling" (ISL), reliably predicts some fluorescent labels from transmitted-light images of unlabeled fixed or live biological samples. ISL predicts a range of labels, such as those for nuclei, cell type (e.g., neural), and cell state (e.g., cell death). Because prediction happens in silico, the method is consistent, is not limited by spectral overlap, and does not disturb the experiment. ISL generates biological measurements that would otherwise be problematic or impossible to acquire.
Opposite Roles of Salicylic Acid Receptors NPR1 and NPR3/NPR4 in Transcriptional Regulation of Plant Immunity
Salicylic acid (SA) is a plant defense hormone required for immunity. Arabidopsis NPR1 and NPR3/NPR4 were previously shown to bind SA and all three proteins were proposed as SA receptors. NPR1 functions as a transcriptional co-activator, whereas NPR3/NPR4 were suggested to function as E3 ligases that promote NPR1 degradation. Here we report that NPR3/NPR4 function as transcriptional co-repressors and SA inhibits their activities to promote the expression of downstream immune regulators. npr4-4D, a gain-of-function npr4 allele that renders NPR4 unable to bind SA, constitutively represses SA-induced immune responses. In contrast, the equivalent mutation in NPR1 abolishes its ability to bind SA and promote SA-induced defense gene expression. Further analysis revealed that NPR3/NPR4 and NPR1 function independently to regulate SA-induced immune responses. Our study indicates that both NPR1 and NPR3/NPR4 are bona fide SA receptors, but play opposite roles in transcriptional regulation of SA-induced defense gene expression.
Tracking Cancer Evolution Reveals Constrained Routes to Metastases: TRACERx Renal
Summary Clear-cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) exhibits a broad range of metastatic phenotypes that have not been systematically studied to date. Here, we analyzed 575 primary and 335 metastatic biopsies across 100 patients with metastatic ccRCC, including two cases sampledat post-mortem. Metastatic competence was afforded by chromosome complexity, and we identify 9p loss as a highly selected event driving metastasis and ccRCC-related mortality (p = 0.0014). Distinct patterns of metastatic dissemination were observed, including rapid progression to multiple tissue sites seeded by primary tumors of monoclonal structure. By contrast, we observed attenuated progression in cases characterized by high primary tumor heterogeneity, with metastatic competence acquired gradually and initial progression to solitary metastasis. Finally, we observed early divergence of primitive ancestral clones and protracted latency of up to two decades as a feature of pancreatic metastases.
Deterministic Evolutionary Trajectories Influence Primary Tumor Growth: TRACERx Renal
Summary The evolutionary features of clear-cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) have not been systematically studied to date. We analyzed 1,206 primary tumor regions from 101 patients recruited into the multi-center prospective study, TRACERx Renal. We observe up to 30 driver events per tumor and show that subclonal diversification is associated with known prognostic parameters. By resolving the patterns of driver event ordering, co-occurrence, and mutual exclusivity at clone level, we show the deterministic nature of clonal evolution. ccRCC can be grouped into seven evolutionary subtypes, ranging from tumors characterized by early fixation of multiple mutational and copy number drivers and rapid metastases to highly branched tumors with >10 subclonal drivers and extensive parallel evolution associated with attenuated progression. We identify genetic diversity and chromosomal complexity as determinants of patient outcome. Our insights reconcile the variable clinical behavior of ccRCC and suggest evolutionary potential as a biomarker for both intervention and surveillance.
DNA Repair Network Analysis Reveals Shieldin as a Key Regulator of NHEJ and PARP Inhibitor Sensitivity
Repair of damaged DNA is essential for maintaining genome integrity and for preventing genome-instability-associated diseases, such as cancer. By combining proximity labeling with quantitative mass spectrometry, we generated high-resolution interaction neighborhood maps of the endogenously expressed DNA repair factors 53BP1, BRCA1, and MDC1. Our spatially resolved interaction maps reveal rich network intricacies, identify shared and bait-specific interaction modules, and implicate previously concealed regulators in this process. We identified a novel vertebrate-specific protein complex, shieldin, comprising REV7 plus three previously uncharacterized proteins, RINN1 (CTC-534A2.2), RINN2 (FAM35A), and RINN3 (C20ORF196). Recruitment of shieldin to DSBs, via the ATM-RNF8-RNF168-53BP1-RIF1 axis, promotes NHEJ-dependent repair of intrachromosomal breaks, immunoglobulin class-switch recombination (CSR), and fusion of unprotected telomeres. Shieldin functions as a downstream effector of 53BP1-RIF1 in restraining DNA end resection and in sensitizing BRCA1-deficient cells to PARP inhibitors. These findings have implications for understanding cancer-associated PARPi resistance and the evolution of antibody CSR in higher vertebrates.
Cancer-Germline Antigen Expression Discriminates Clinical Outcome to CTLA-4 Blockade
CTLA-4 immune checkpoint blockade is clinically effective in a subset of patients with metastatic melanoma. We identify a subcluster of MAGE-A cancer-germline antigens, located within a narrow 75 kb region of chromosome Xq28, that predicts resistance uniquely to blockade of CTLA-4, but not PD-1. We validate this gene expression signature in an independent anti-CTLA-4-treated cohort and show its specificity to the CTLA-4 pathway with two independent anti-PD-1-treated cohorts. Autophagy, a process critical for optimal anti-cancer immunity, has previously been shown to be suppressed by the MAGE-TRIM28 ubiquitin ligase in vitro. We now show that the expression of the key autophagosome component LC3B and other activators of autophagy are negatively associated with MAGE-A protein levels in human melanomas, including samples from patients with resistance to CTLA-4 blockade. Our findings implicate autophagy suppression in resistance to CTLA-4 blockade in melanoma, suggesting exploitation of autophagy induction for potential therapeutic synergy with CTLA-4 inhibitors.
Timing the Landmark Events in the Evolution of Clear Cell Renal Cell Cancer: TRACERx Renal
Summary Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is characterized by near-universal loss of the short arm of chromosome 3, deleting several tumor suppressor genes. We analyzed whole genomes from 95 biopsies across 33 patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma. We find hotspots of point mutations in the 5′ UTR of TERT, targeting a MYC-MAX-MAD1 repressor associated with telomere lengthening. The most common structural abnormality generates simultaneous 3p loss and 5q gain (36% patients), typically through chromothripsis. This event occurs in childhood or adolescence, generally as the initiating event that precedes emergence of the tumor’s most recent common ancestor by years to decades. Similar genomic changes drive inherited ccRCC. Modeling differences in age incidence between inherited and sporadic cancers suggests that the number of cells with 3p loss capable of initiating sporadic tumors is no more than a few hundred. Early development of ccRCC follows well-defined evolutionary trajectories, offering opportunity for early intervention.
Stress Granule Assembly Disrupts Nucleocytoplasmic Transport
Defects in nucleocytoplasmic transport have been identified as a key pathogenic event in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) mediated by a GGGGCC hexanucleotide repeat expansion in C9ORF72, the most common genetic cause of ALS/FTD. Furthermore, nucleocytoplasmic transport disruption has also been implicated in other neurodegenerative diseases with protein aggregation, suggesting a shared mechanism by which protein stress disrupts nucleocytoplasmic transport. Here, we show that cellular stress disrupts nucleocytoplasmic transport by localizing critical nucleocytoplasmic transport factors into stress granules, RNA/protein complexes that play a crucial role in ALS pathogenesis. Importantly, inhibiting stress granule assembly, such as by knocking down Ataxin-2, suppresses nucleocytoplasmic transport defects as well as neurodegeneration in C9ORF72-mediated ALS/FTD. Our findings identify a link between stress granule assembly and nucleocytoplasmic transport, two fundamental cellular processes implicated in the pathogenesis of C9ORF72-mediated ALS/FTD and other neurodegenerative diseases.
A Kinesin-14 Motor Activates Neocentromeres to Promote Meiotic Drive in Maize
Maize abnormal chromosome 10 (Ab10) encodes a classic example of true meiotic drive that converts heterochromatic regions called knobs into motile neocentromeres that are preferentially transmitted to egg cells. Here, we identify a cluster of eight genes on Ab10, called the Kinesin driver (Kindr) complex, that are required for both neocentromere motility and preferential transmission. Two meiotic drive mutants that lack neocentromere activity proved to be kindr epimutants with increased DNA methylation across the entire gene cluster. RNAi of Kindr induced a third epimutant and corresponding loss of meiotic drive. Kinesin gliding assays and immunolocalization revealed that KINDR is a functional minus-end-directed kinesin that localizes specifically to knobs containing 180 bp repeats. Sequence comparisons suggest that Kindr diverged from a Kinesin-14A ancestor ∼12 mya and has driven the accumulation of > 500 Mb of knob repeats and affected the segregation of thousands of genes linked to knobs on all 10 chromosomes.
Pseudouridylation of tRNA-Derived Fragments Steers Translational Control in Stem Cells
Pseudouridylation (Ψ) is the most abundant and widespread type of RNA epigenetic modification in living organisms; however, the biological role of Ψ remains poorly understood. Here, we show that a Ψ-driven posttranscriptional program steers translation control to impact stem cell commitment during early embryogenesis. Mechanistically, the Ψ "writer" PUS7 modifies and activates a novel network of tRNA-derived small fragments (tRFs) targeting the translation initiation complex. PUS7 inactivation in embryonic stem cells impairs tRF-mediated translation regulation, leading to increased protein biosynthesis and defective germ layer specification. Remarkably, dysregulation of this posttranscriptional regulatory circuitry impairs hematopoietic stem cell commitment and is common to aggressive subtypes of human myelodysplastic syndromes. Our findings unveil a critical function of Ψ in directing translation control in stem cells with important implications for development and disease.
Disease-Causing Mutations in the G Protein Gαs Subvert the Roles of GDP and GTP
The single most frequent cancer-causing mutation across all heterotrimeric G proteins is R201C in Gαs. The current model explaining the gain-of-function activity of the R201 mutations is through the loss of GTPase activity and resulting inability to switch off to the GDP state. Here, we find that the R201C mutation can bypass the need for GTP binding by directly activating GDP-bound Gαs through stabilization of an intramolecular hydrogen bond network. Having found that a gain-of-function mutation can convert GDP into an activator, we postulated that a reciprocal mutation might disrupt the normal role of GTP. Indeed, we found R228C, a loss-of-function mutation in Gαs that causes pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1a (PHP-Ia), compromised the adenylyl cyclase-activating activity of Gαs bound to a non-hydrolyzable GTP analog. These findings show that disease-causing mutations in Gαs can subvert the canonical roles of GDP and GTP, providing new insights into the regulation mechanism of G proteins.
SnapShot: TCGA-Analyzed Tumors
This SnapShot provides a list of the tumor types characterized by The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) program. Key findings shown are the most relevant discoveries described in each marker paper for the tumor type.
Retraction Notice to: FMN2 Makes Perinuclear Actin to Protect Nuclei during Confined Migration and Promote Metastasis
Our study reported that the formin-family actin nucleator FMN2 has a critical role in generating a perinuclear actin/FA system that protects the nucleus and DNA from damage, facilitating cell survival during confined cell migration associated with cancer metastasis. Shortly following publication, a lab with whom we had shared reagents noticed that cell lines that were supposed to be stably expressing GFP-FMN2 were not. We subsequently found that a western blot in the paper had been inappropriately manipulated and that multiple cell lines were not as reported. When we constructed and validated new cell lines and reagents, our attempts to reproduce critical results in the paper were unsuccessful. Based on an assessment by the NIH, analysis by the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Research Integrity (ORI), and Dr. Skau’s admission, the ORI found that the first author Colleen Skau engaged in research misconduct by fabrication and falsification of results reported in Figures 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, S2, S4, S5, S6, and S7, including reporting data that did not originate from experimental observations, selectively including and omitting data points, selectively omitting images and conditions from analyses, falsifying the quantitation of data including statistical analyses, and falsifying a western blot. We are therefore retracting the paper, and we apologize for the inconvenience we have caused.
Tumor Evolution and Drug Response in Patient-Derived Organoid Models of Bladder Cancer
Bladder cancer is the fifth most prevalent cancer in the U.S., yet is understudied, and few laboratory models exist that reflect the biology of the human disease. Here, we describe a biobank of patient-derived organoid lines that recapitulates the histopathological and molecular diversity of human bladder cancer. Organoid lines can be established efficiently from patient biopsies acquired before and after disease recurrence and are interconvertible with orthotopic xenografts. Notably, organoid lines often retain parental tumor heterogeneity and exhibit a spectrum of genomic changes that are consistent with tumor evolution in culture. Analyses of drug response using bladder tumor organoids show partial correlations with mutational profiles, as well as changes associated with treatment resistance, and specific responses can be validated using xenografts in vivo. Our studies indicate that patient-derived bladder tumor organoids represent a faithful model system for studying tumor evolution and treatment response in the context of precision cancer medicine.
Influenza Infection in Humans Induces Broadly Cross-Reactive and Protective Neuraminidase-Reactive Antibodies
Antibodies to the hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) glycoproteins are the major mediators of protection against influenza virus infection. Here, we report that current influenza vaccines poorly display key NA epitopes and rarely induce NA-reactive B cells. Conversely, influenza virus infection induces NA-reactive B cells at a frequency that approaches (H1N1) or exceeds (H3N2) that of HA-reactive B cells. NA-reactive antibodies display broad binding activity spanning the entire history of influenza A virus circulation in humans, including the original pandemic strains of both H1N1 and H3N2 subtypes. The antibodies robustly inhibit the enzymatic activity of NA, including oseltamivir-resistant variants, and provide robust prophylactic protection, including against avian H5N1 viruses, in vivo. When used therapeutically, NA-reactive antibodies protected mice from lethal influenza virus challenge even 48 hr post infection. These findings strongly suggest that influenza vaccines should be optimized to improve targeting of NA for durable and broad protection against divergent influenza strains.
An Integrated TCGA Pan-Cancer Clinical Data Resource to Drive High-Quality Survival Outcome Analytics
SUMMARY For a decade, The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) program collected clinicopathologic annotation data along with multi-platform molecular profiles of more than 11,000 human tumors across 33 different cancer types. TCGA clinical data contain key features representing the democratized nature of the data collection process. To ensure proper use of this large clinical dataset associated with genomic features, we developed a standardized dataset named the TCGA Pan-Cancer Clinical Data Resource (TCGA-CDR), which includes four major clinical outcome endpoints. In addition to detailing major challenges and statistical limitations encountered during the effort of integrating the acquired clinical data, we present a summary that includes endpoint usage recommendations for each cancer type. These TCGA-CDR findings appear to be consistent with cancer genomics studies independent of the TCGA effort and provide opportunities for investigating cancer biology using clinical correlates at an unprecedented scale.
A Pan-Cancer Analysis of Enhancer Expression in Nearly 9000 Patient Samples
The role of enhancers, a key class of non-coding regulatory DNA elements, in cancer development has increasingly been appreciated. Here, we present the detection and characterization of a large number of expressed enhancers in a genome-wide analysis of 8928 tumor samples across 33 cancer types using TCGA RNA-seq data. Compared with matched normal tissues, global enhancer activation was observed in most cancers. Across cancer types, global enhancer activity was positively associated with aneuploidy, but not mutation load, suggesting a hypothesis centered on "chromatin-state" to explain their interplay. Integrating eQTL, mRNA co-expression, and Hi-C data analysis, we developed a computational method to infer causal enhancer-gene interactions, revealing enhancers of clinically actionable genes. Having identified an enhancer ∼140 kb downstream of PD-L1, a major immunotherapy target, we validated it experimentally. This study provides a systematic view of enhancer activity in diverse tumor contexts and suggests the clinical implications of enhancers.
Comprehensive Characterization of Cancer Driver Genes and Mutations
Identifying molecular cancer drivers is critical for precision oncology. Multiple advanced algorithms to identify drivers now exist, but systematic attempts to combine and optimize them on large datasets are few. We report a PanCancer and PanSoftware analysis spanning 9,423 tumor exomes (comprising all 33 of The Cancer Genome Atlas projects) and using 26 computational tools to catalog driver genes and mutations. We identify 299 driver genes with implications regarding their anatomical sites and cancer/cell types. Sequence- and structure-based analyses identified >3,400 putative missense driver mutations supported by multiple lines of evidence. Experimental validation confirmed 60%-85% of predicted mutations as likely drivers. We found that >300 MSI tumors are associated with high PD-1/PD-L1, and 57% of tumors analyzed harbor putative clinically actionable events. Our study represents the most comprehensive discovery of cancer genes and mutations to date and will serve as a blueprint for future biological and clinical endeavors.
Pathogenic Germline Variants in 10,389 Adult Cancers
We conducted the largest investigation of predisposition variants in cancer to date, discovering 853 pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in 8% of 10,389 cases from 33 cancer types. Twenty-one genes showed single or cross-cancer associations, including novel associations of SDHA in melanoma and PALB2 in stomach adenocarcinoma. The 659 predisposition variants and 18 additional large deletions in tumor suppressors, including ATM, BRCA1, and NF1, showed low gene expression and frequent (43%) loss of heterozygosity or biallelic two-hit events. We also discovered 33 such variants in oncogenes, including missenses in MET, RET, and PTPN11 associated with high gene expression. We nominated 47 additional predisposition variants from prioritized VUSs supported by multiple evidences involving case-control frequency, loss of heterozygosity, expression effect, and co-localization with mutations and modified residues. Our integrative approach links rare predisposition variants to functional consequences, informing future guidelines of variant classification and germline genetic testing in cancer.
Machine Learning Identifies Stemness Features Associated with Oncogenic Dedifferentiation
Cancer progression involves the gradual loss of a differentiated phenotype and acquisition of progenitor and stem-cell-like features. Here, we provide novel stemness indices for assessing the degree of oncogenic dedifferentiation. We used an innovative one-class logistic regression (OCLR) machine-learning algorithm to extract transcriptomic and epigenetic feature sets derived from non-transformed pluripotent stem cells and their differentiated progeny. Using OCLR, we were able to identify previously undiscovered biological mechanisms associated with the dedifferentiated oncogenic state. Analyses of the tumor microenvironment revealed unanticipated correlation of cancer stemness with immune checkpoint expression and infiltrating immune cells. We found that the dedifferentiated oncogenic phenotype was generally most prominent in metastatic tumors. Application of our stemness indices to single-cell data revealed patterns of intra-tumor molecular heterogeneity. Finally, the indices allowed for the identification of novel targets and possible targeted therapies aimed at tumor differentiation.
Oncogenic Signaling Pathways in The Cancer Genome Atlas
Genetic alterations in signaling pathways that control cell-cycle progression, apoptosis, and cell growth are common hallmarks of cancer, but the extent, mechanisms, and co-occurrence of alterations in these pathways differ between individual tumors and tumor types. Using mutations, copy-number changes, mRNA expression, gene fusions and DNA methylation in 9,125 tumors profiled by The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), we analyzed the mechanisms and patterns of somatic alterations in ten canonical pathways: cell cycle, Hippo, Myc, Notch, Nrf2, PI-3-Kinase/Akt, RTK-RAS, TGFβ signaling, p53 and β-catenin/Wnt. We charted the detailed landscape of pathway alterations in 33 cancer types, stratified into 64 subtypes, and identified patterns of co-occurrence and mutual exclusivity. Eighty-nine percent of tumors had at least one driver alteration in these pathways, and 57% percent of tumors had at least one alteration potentially targetable by currently available drugs. Thirty percent of tumors had multiple targetable alterations, indicating opportunities for combination therapy.
Perspective on Oncogenic Processes at the End of the Beginning of Cancer Genomics
The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) has catalyzed systematic characterization of diverse genomic alterations underlying human cancers. At this historic junction marking the completion of genomic characterization of over 11,000 tumors from 33 cancer types, we present our current understanding of the molecular processes governing oncogenesis. We illustrate our insights into cancer through synthesis of the findings of the TCGA PanCancer Atlas project on three facets of oncogenesis: (1) somatic driver mutations, germline pathogenic variants, and their interactions in the tumor; (2) the influence of the tumor genome and epigenome on transcriptome and proteome; and (3) the relationship between tumor and the microenvironment, including implications for drugs targeting driver events and immunotherapies. These results will anchor future characterization of rare and common tumor types, primary and relapsed tumors, and cancers across ancestry groups and will guide the deployment of clinical genomic sequencing.
Cell-of-Origin Patterns Dominate the Molecular Classification of 10,000 Tumors from 33 Types of Cancer
SUMMARY We conducted comprehensive integrative molecular analyses of the complete set of tumors in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), consisting of approximately 10,000 specimens and representing 33 types of cancer. We performed molecular clustering using data on chromosome-arm-level aneuploidy, DNA hypermethylation, mRNA, and miRNA expression levels and reverse-phase protein arrays, of which all, except for aneuploidy, revealed clustering primarily organized by histology, tissue type, or anatomic origin. The influence of cell type was evident in DNA-methylation-based clustering, even after excluding sites with known preexisting tissue-type-specific methylation. Integrative clustering further emphasized the dominant role of cell-of-origin patterns. Molecular similarities among histologically or anatomically related cancer types provide a basis for focused pan-cancer analyses, such as pan-gastrointestinal, pan-gynecological, pan-kidney, and pan-squamous cancers, and those related by stemness features, which in turn may inform strategies for future therapeutic development.
Coupling Neurogenesis to Circuit Formation
A central question in neuroscience is how developmental programs instruct the formation of complex neural circuits with temporal, spatial, and numerical precision. Pinto-Teixeira et al. (2018) reveal simple developmental rules that govern sequential neurogenesis to concurrently establish highly organized retinotopic maps in the Drosophila visual system.
Thermoregulation and energetics in hibernating black bears: metabolic rate and the mystery of multi-day body temperature cycles
Black bears overwintering in outdoor hibernacula in Alaska decrease metabolism to as low as 25 % basal rates, while core body temperature (Tb) decreases from 37 to 38 °C to a mid-hibernation average of 33 °C. Tb develops cycles of 1.6–7.3 days length within a 30–36 °C range, with no circadian component. We do not know the mechanism or function underlying behind the Tb cycles, although bears avoid Tb of <30 °C and shorter cycles are predicted from higher rates of heat loss in colder conditions. To test this we manipulated den temperatures (Tden) of 12 hibernating bears with body mass (BM) from 35.5 to 116.5 kg while recording Tb, metabolic rate (M), and shivering. Tb cycle length (0.8–11.2 days) shortened as Tden decreased (partial R2 = 0.490, p < 0.001). Large bears with low thermal conductance (TC) showed more variation in Tb cycle length with changes in Tden than did smaller bears with high TC. Minimum Tb across cycles was not consistent. At low Tden bears shivered both during rising and decreasing phases of Tb cycles, with minimum shivering during the fastest drop in Tb. At higher Tden the Tb pattern was more irregular. Mean M through Tb cycles was negatively correlated to Tden below lower critical temperatures (1.4–10.4 °C). Minimum M (0.3509 W/kg ± 0.0121 SE) during mid-hibernation scaled to BM [M (W) = 1.217 × BM (kg)0.6979, R2 = 0.855, p < 0.001]. Hibernating thermal conductance (TC) was negatively correlated to BM (R2 = 0.721, p < 0.001); bears with high TC had the same Tb cycle length as bears with low TC except at high Tden, thus not supporting the hypothesis that cooling rate alone determines Tb cycle length. We conclude that Tb cycling is effected by control of thermoregulatory heat production, and Tb cycling may not be present when hibernating bears use passive thermoregulation. More intense shivering in the rising phase of cycles may contribute to the prevention of muscle disuse atrophy. Bears hibernating in cold conditions use more energy during hibernation than in warmer conditions. At Tden below lower critical temperature, no extra energy expenditure results from Tb cycling compared to keeping a stable Tb.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B
A review of mixing and propulsion of chyme in the small intestine: fresh insights from new methods
The small intestine is a convoluted flexible tube of inconstant form and capacity through which chyme is propelled and mixed by varying patterns of contraction. These inconstancies have prevented quantitative comparisons of the manner in which contractile activity engenders mixing of contained chyme. Recent quantitative work based on spatiotemporal mapping of intestinal contractions, macro- and micro-rheology, particle image velocimetry and real-time modelling has provided new insights into this process. Evidence indicates that the speeds and patterns of the various types of small intestinal contraction are insufficient to secure optimal mixing and enzymatic digestion over a minimal length of intestine. Hence particulate substrates and soluble nutrients become dispersed along the length of the lumen. Mixing within the lumen is not turbulent but results from localised folding and kneading of the contents by contractions but is augmented by the inconstant spatial disposition of the contractions and their component contractile processes. The latter include inconstancies in the sites of commencement and the directions of propagation of contraction in component groups of smooth muscle cells and in the coordination of the radial and circular components of smooth muscle contraction. Evidence suggests there is ongoing augmentation of mixing at the periphery of the lumen, during both the post-prandial and inter-meal periods, to promote flow around and between adjacent villi. This results largely from folding of the relatively inelastic mucosa during repeated radial and longitudinal muscular contraction, causing chyme to be displaced by periodic crowding and separation of the tips of the relatively rigid villi. Further, micro-rheological studies indicate that such peripheral mixing may extend to the apices of enterocytes owing to discontinuities in the mobile mucus layer that covers the ileal mucosa.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B
The effects of long-term captivity on the metabolic parameters of a small Afrotropical bird
The few within-species studies on the effects of long-term captivity on avian physiological variables have small samples sizes and contradictory results. Nevertheless, many physiological studies make use of long-term captive birds, assuming the results will be applicable to wild populations. Here we investigated the effects of long-term captivity on a variety of physiological measurements in a relatively small (~12 g) southern African endemic bird, the Cape white-eye (Zosterops virens). Whole animal basal metabolic rate (BMR) and body mass (Mb) were influenced more by long-term captivity than by season, while mass-specific BMR, standard and basal whole animal and mass-specific evaporative water loss (EWL), and respiratory quotient (RQ), were all affected primarily by season, with long-term captivity having less of an effect. We therefore caution that whole animal BMR and Mb of long-term captive birds should not be used as representative of wild populations, and that the origin of study birds should be considered when comparing EWL and RQ of wild and long-term captive birds.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B
Complementary motion tuning in frontal nerve motor neurons of the blowfly
Flies actively turn their head during flight to stabilize their gaze and reduce motion blur. This optomotor response is triggered by wide-field motion indicating a deviation from a desired flight path. We focus on the neuronal circuit that underlies this behavior in the blowfly Calliphora, studying the integration of optic flow in neck motor neurons that innervate muscles controlling head rotations. Frontal nerve motor neurons (FNMNs) have been described anatomically and recorded from extracellularly before. Here, we assign for the first time to five anatomical classes of FNMNs their visual motion tuning. We measured their responses to optic flow, as produced by rotations around particular body axes, recording intracellularly from single axons. Simultaneous injection of Neurobiotin allowed for the anatomical characterization of the recorded cells and revealed coupling patterns with neighboring neurons. The five FNMN classes can be divided into two groups that complement each other, regarding their preferred axes of rotation. The tuning matches the pulling planes of their innervated neck muscles, serving to rotate the head around its longitudinal axis. Anatomical and physiological findings demonstrate a synaptic connection between one FNMN and a well-described descending neuron, elucidating one important step from visual motion integration to neck motor output.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A
Sugar-sensitive neurone responses and sugar feeding preferences influence lifespan and biting behaviours of the Afrotropical malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae
Floral nectar is the main source of carbohydrates for many insects including mosquitoes. Nonetheless, the physiological mechanisms underlying feeding on carbohydrates by the Afrotropical malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae remain poorly understood. Here, we tested whether sugar sensitivity and sugar feeding preferences correlate with longevity in A.gambiae. We also tested whether feeding females on different sugar diets influences their biting behaviours. Electrophysiological recordings show that sugar neurones on the labella of females are most sensitive to sucrose, mixtures of glucose and fructose, and to melezitose; other sugars tested, including glucose and fructose presented alone, only weakly activate these taste neurones. Mosquitoes survive longest on sucrose, the most preferred sugar. Whereas feeding on a mixture of glucose and fructose is preferred over fructose or glucose alone, fructose supports higher longevity than either glucose or the mixture of the two hexoses. Females that had previously fed on glucose show a stronger biting response than those fed on sucrose, perhaps in an effort to compensate for their lower energetic state. These findings contribute to our understanding of the physiological basis of sugar feeding in A.gambiae and indicate how the sugar diet can affect laboratory-reared A.gambiae biting behaviours.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A
Differential regulation of hsp70 genes in the freshwater key species Gammarus pulex (Crustacea, Amphipoda) exposed to thermal stress: effects of latitude and ontogeny
Temperature is one of the main abiotic factors influencing the distribution and abundance of organisms. In the Rhône River Valley, populations of the crustacean Gammarus pulex are distributed along a 5 °C thermal gradient from the North to the South of the valley. In this present work, we investigated the heat shock response of G. pulex according to latitudinal distribution (northern vs. southern populations) and ontogeny (adults vs. embryos from early stages). We isolated two isoforms (one constitutive hsc70 and one inducible hsp70) of heat shock proteins 70 (HSP70) and quantitatively compared their amounts of mRNA after heat shocks, using real-time PCR. Whereas the hsc70 (constitutive) gene did not vary between the two populations, a significant effect of the population was observed on the expression of the hsp70 (inducible) gene in adult specimens. The northern population of amphipods showed a greater magnitude of induction and a 2 °C lower onset temperature when compared to the southern population, suggesting that the northern population is more affected by elevated temperature than the southern one. We demonstrated that the expression of hsp70 may play a crucial role in the persistence of biogeographical patterns of G. pulex, since it reflects the natural distribution of this species along the latitudinal thermal gradient. A differential regulation of hsc70 gene was also observed according to the ontogenetic stage, with a switch from heat inducible in early life stages to constitutively and highly expressed in adults. These findings demonstrate the importance of considering the entire life cycle to better understand the adaptive response to thermal stress.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B
Phenotypic flexibility of skeletal muscle and heart masses and expression of myostatin and tolloid-like proteinases in migrating passerine birds
Migrant birds require large flight muscles and hearts to enhance aerobic capacity and support sustained flight. A potential mechanism for increasing muscle and heart masses during migration in birds is the muscle growth inhibitor myostatin and its metalloproteinase activators, tolloid-like proteinases (TLL-1 and TLL-2). We hypothesized that myostatin, TLL-1 and TLL-2 are downregulated during migration in pectoralis and hearts of migratory passerines to promote hypertrophy. We measured seasonal variation of tissue masses, mRNA expression of myostatin, TLL-1, and TLL-2, and myostatin protein levels in pectoralis muscle and heart for yellow warblers (Setophaga petechia), warbling vireos (Vireo gilvus), and yellow-rumped warblers (Setophaga coronata). Pectoralis mass was greatest in spring for warbling vireos and yellow warblers, but was stable between spring and fall for yellow-rumped warblers. Heart mass was higher in spring than in fall for yellow-rumped warblers, lowest in fall for warbling vireos, and seasonally stable for yellow warblers. Pectoralis and heart mRNA expression of myostatin and the TLLs did not differ significantly for any of the three species, offering little support for our hypothesis for a prominent role for myostatin in regulating migration-induced variation in pectoralis and heart masses. In contrast, pectoralis myostatin protein levels were lowest in spring for all three species, consistent with our hypothesis. Myostatin protein levels in heart, however, were seasonally stable for warbling vireos and yellow warblers, and increased in spring relative to fall for yellow-rumped warblers. These data offer mixed support for our hypothesis for the pectoralis, but suggest that myostatin is not a prominent regulator of migration-induced heart hypertrophy. Moreover, the different seasonal patterns for pectoralis mRNA and protein expression suggest that post-transcriptional modification of myostatin may contribute to pectoralis mass regulation during migration.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B
Embryonic critical windows: changes in incubation temperature alter survival, hatchling phenotype, and cost of development in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis)
The timing, success and energetics of fish embryonic development are strongly influenced by temperature. However, it is unclear if there are developmental periods, or critical windows, when oxygen use, survival and hatchling phenotypic characteristics are particularly influenced by changes in the thermal environment. Therefore, we examined the effects of constant incubation temperature and thermal shifts on survival, hatchling phenotype, and cost of development in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) embryos. We incubated whitefish embryos at control temperatures of 2, 5, or 8 °C, and shifted embryos across these three temperatures at the end of gastrulation or organogenesis. We assessed hatch timing, mass at hatch, and yolk conversion efficiency (YCE). We determined cost of development, the amount of oxygen required to build a unit of mass, for the periods from fertilization–organogenesis, organogenesis–fin flutter, fin flutter–hatch, and for total development. An increase in incubation temperature decreased time to 50 % hatch (164 days at 2 °C, 104 days at 5 °C, and 63 days at 8 °C), survival decreased from 55 % at 2 °C, to 38 % at 5 °C, and 17 % at 8 °C, and hatchling yolk-free dry mass decreased from 1.27 mg at 2 °C to 0.61 mg at 8 °C. Thermal shifts altered time to 50 % hatch and hatchling yolk-free dry mass and revealed a critical window during gastrulation in which a temperature change reduced survival. YCE decreased and cost of development increased with increased incubation temperature, but embryos that hatched at 8 °C and were incubated at colder temperatures during fertilization–organogenesis had reduced cost. The relationship between cost of development and temperature was altered during fin flutter–hatch, indicating it may be a critical window during which temperature has the greatest impact on energetic processes. The increase in cost of development with an increase in temperature has not been documented in other fishes and suggests whitefish embryos are more energy efficient at colder temperatures.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B
Cold tolerance of the Antarctic nematodes Plectus murrayi and Scottnema lindsayae
The cold tolerance of the Antarctic nematodes Scottnema lindsayae and Plectus murrayi was determined using material freshly isolated from the field. Both species could survive low temperatures but the survival of S. lindsayae was greater than that of P. murrayi. Field soil temperatures in late spring—early summer indicated a minimum temperature of −19.5 °C and a maximum cooling rate of 0.71 °C min−1. In P. murrayi grown in culture, there was no significant effect of acclimation, nor of the two culture media used, on survival after freezing but survival was greater if freezing was seeded at –1 °C than at lower temperatures. The freezing survival ability of P. murrayi is much less than that of Panagrolaimus davidi CB1, another Antarctic nematode. Cryomicroscopy indicates that P. murrayi can survive low temperatures by either cryoprotective dehydration or freezing tolerance, but that freezing tolerance is the dominant strategy. Measurable thermal hysteresis was detected only in highly concentrated extracts of the nematodes, indicating the presence of an antifreeze protein, but at the concentrations likely to be found in vivo, the major function of the ice active protein involved is probably recrystallization inhibition.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B