Some questions about remote sensing datasets

by lebron00821 - opened

Hello, as we are not familiar with the remote sensing dataset, we would like to ask a few questions politely:

(1) Could you please explain what each of the 12 channels in the dataset represents? Where can we obtain this information?

(2) We noticed that some values in the image matrix are quite large, such as 5000. However, based on our understanding, the values in an image should typically fall within the range of [0, 255] or [0, 1]. Could you help us understand how to interpret such large values?

Thank you very much.

ChaBuD Team org

Thanks for your questions.

  1. Sentinel-2 contains 12 channels referring to 12 spectral bands in visible, infrared, and ultra-blue. You can find more info here and a discussion about missing bands here.
  2. Values for Sentinel-2 raw data span from 0 to 65535. In these discussions, you can find more info related to meaning and scaling.
DarthReca changed discussion status to closed

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