class label
2 classes
the rock is destined to be the 21st century's new " conan " and that he's going to make a splash even greater than arnold schwarzenegger , jean-claud van damme or steven segal .
the gorgeously elaborate continuation of " the lord of the rings " trilogy is so huge that a column of words cannot adequately describe co-writer/director peter jackson's expanded vision of j . r . r . tolkien's middle-earth .
effective but too-tepid biopic
if you sometimes like to go to the movies to have fun , wasabi is a good place to start .
emerges as something rare , an issue movie that's so honest and keenly observed that it doesn't feel like one .
the film provides some great insight into the neurotic mindset of all comics -- even those who have reached the absolute top of the game .
offers that rare combination of entertainment and education .
perhaps no picture ever made has more literally showed that the road to hell is paved with good intentions .
steers turns in a snappy screenplay that curls at the edges ; it's so clever you want to hate it . but he somehow pulls it off .
take care of my cat offers a refreshingly different slice of asian cinema .
this is a film well worth seeing , talking and singing heads and all .
what really surprises about wisegirls is its low-key quality and genuine tenderness .
( wendigo is ) why we go to the cinema : to be fed through the eye , the heart , the mind .
one of the greatest family-oriented , fantasy-adventure movies ever .
ultimately , it ponders the reasons we need stories so much .
an utterly compelling 'who wrote it' in which the reputation of the most famous author who ever lived comes into question .
illuminating if overly talky documentary .
a masterpiece four years in the making .
the movie's ripe , enrapturing beauty will tempt those willing to probe its inscrutable mysteries .
offers a breath of the fresh air of true sophistication .
a thoughtful , provocative , insistently humanizing film .
with a cast that includes some of the top actors working in independent film , lovely & amazing involves us because it is so incisive , so bleakly amusing about how we go about our lives .
a disturbing and frighteningly evocative assembly of imagery and hypnotic music composed by philip glass .
not for everyone , but for those with whom it will connect , it's a nice departure from standard moviegoing fare .
scores a few points for doing what it does with a dedicated and good-hearted professionalism .
occasionally melodramatic , it's also extremely effective .
spiderman rocks
an idealistic love story that brings out the latent 15-year-old romantic in everyone .
at about 95 minutes , treasure planet maintains a brisk pace as it races through the familiar story . however , it lacks grandeur and that epic quality often associated with stevenson's tale as well as with earlier disney efforts .
it helps that lil bow wow . . . tones down his pint-sized gangsta act to play someone who resembles a real kid .
guaranteed to move anyone who ever shook , rattled , or rolled .
a masterful film from a master filmmaker , unique in its deceptive grimness , compelling in its fatalist worldview .
light , cute and forgettable .
if there's a way to effectively teach kids about the dangers of drugs , i think it's in projects like the ( unfortunately r-rated ) paid .
while it would be easy to give crush the new title of two weddings and a funeral , it's a far more thoughtful film than any slice of hugh grant whimsy .
though everything might be literate and smart , it never took off and always seemed static .
cantet perfectly captures the hotel lobbies , two-lane highways , and roadside cafes that permeate vincent's days
ms . fulford-wierzbicki is almost spooky in her sulky , calculating lolita turn .
though it is by no means his best work , laissez-passer is a distinguished and distinctive effort by a bona-fide master , a fascinating film replete with rewards to be had by all willing to make the effort to reap them .
like most bond outings in recent years , some of the stunts are so outlandish that they border on being cartoonlike . a heavy reliance on cgi technology is beginning to creep into the series .
newton draws our attention like a magnet , and acts circles around her better known co-star , mark wahlberg .
the story loses its bite in a last-minute happy ending that's even less plausible than the rest of the picture . much of the way , though , this is a refreshingly novel ride .
fuller would surely have called this gutsy and at times exhilarating movie a great yarn .
'compleja e intelectualmente retadora , el ladrón de orquídeas es uno de esos filmes que vale la pena ver precisamente por su originalidad . '
the film makes a strong case for the importance of the musicians in creating the motown sound .
karmen moves like rhythm itself , her lips chanting to the beat , her long , braided hair doing little to wipe away the jeweled beads of sweat .
gosling provides an amazing performance that dwarfs everything else in the film .
a real movie , about real people , that gives us a rare glimpse into a culture most of us don't know .
tender yet lacerating and darkly funny fable .
may be spoofing an easy target -- those old '50's giant creature features -- but . . . it acknowledges and celebrates their cheesiness as the reason why people get a kick out of watching them today .
an engaging overview of johnson's eccentric career .
in its ragged , cheap and unassuming way , the movie works .
some actors have so much charisma that you'd be happy to listen to them reading the phone book . hugh grant and sandra bullock are two such likeable actors .
sandra nettelbeck beautifully orchestrates the transformation of the chilly , neurotic , and self-absorbed martha as her heart begins to open .
behind the snow games and lovable siberian huskies ( plus one sheep dog ) , the picture hosts a parka-wrapped dose of heart .
everytime you think undercover brother has run out of steam , it finds a new way to surprise and amuse .
manages to be original , even though it rips off many of its ideas .
singer/composer bryan adams contributes a slew of songs — a few potential hits , a few more simply intrusive to the story — but the whole package certainly captures the intended , er , spirit of the piece .
you'd think by now america would have had enough of plucky british eccentrics with hearts of gold . yet the act is still charming here .
whether or not you're enlightened by any of derrida's lectures on " the other " and " the self , " derrida is an undeniably fascinating and playful fellow .
a pleasant enough movie , held together by skilled ensemble actors .
this is the best american movie about troubled teens since 1998's whatever .
disney has always been hit-or-miss when bringing beloved kids' books to the screen . . . tuck everlasting is a little of both .
just the labour involved in creating the layered richness of the imagery in this chiaroscuro of madness and light is astonishing .
the animated subplot keenly depicts the inner struggles of our adolescent heroes - insecure , uncontrolled , and intense .
the invincible werner herzog is alive and well and living in la
morton is a great actress portraying a complex character , but morvern callar grows less compelling the farther it meanders from its shocking start .
part of the charm of satin rouge is that it avoids the obvious with humour and lightness .
son of the bride may be a good half-hour too long but comes replete with a flattering sense of mystery and quietness .
a simmering psychological drama in which the bursts of sudden violence are all the more startling for the slow buildup that has preceded them .
a taut , intelligent psychological drama .
a compelling coming-of-age drama about the arduous journey of a sensitive young girl through a series of foster homes and a fierce struggle to pull free from her dangerous and domineering mother's hold over her .
a truly moving experience , and a perfect example of how art -- when done right -- can help heal , clarify , and comfort .
this delicately observed story , deeply felt and masterfully stylized , is a triumph for its maverick director .
at heart the movie is a deftly wrought suspense yarn whose richer shadings work as coloring rather than substance .
the appearance of treebeard and gollum's expanded role will either have you loving what you're seeing , or rolling your eyes . i loved it ! gollum's 'performance' is incredible !
a screenplay more ingeniously constructed than " memento "
if this movie were a book , it would be a page-turner , you can't wait to see what happens next .
haneke challenges us to confront the reality of sexual aberration .
absorbing and disturbing -- perhaps more disturbing than originally intended -- but a little clarity would have gone a long way .
it's the best film of the year so far , the benchmark against which all other best picture contenders should be measured .
painful to watch , but viewers willing to take a chance will be rewarded with two of the year's most accomplished and riveting film performances .
this is a startling film that gives you a fascinating , albeit depressing view of iranian rural life close to the iraqi border .
an imaginative comedy/thriller .
a few artsy flourishes aside , narc is as gritty as a movie gets these days .
while the isle is both preposterous and thoroughly misogynistic , its vistas are incredibly beautiful to look at .
together , tok and o orchestrate a buoyant , darkly funny dance of death . in the process , they demonstrate that there's still a lot of life in hong kong cinema .
director kapur is a filmmaker with a real flair for epic landscapes and adventure , and this is a better film than his earlier english-language movie , the overpraised elizabeth .
the movie is a blast of educational energy , as bouncy animation and catchy songs escort you through the entire 85 minutes .
a sports movie with action that's exciting on the field and a story you care about off it .
doug liman , the director of bourne , directs the traffic well , gets a nice wintry look from his locations , absorbs us with the movie's spycraft and uses damon's ability to be focused and sincere .
the tenderness of the piece is still intact .
katz uses archival footage , horrifying documents of lynchings , still photographs and charming old reel-to-reel recordings of meeropol entertaining his children to create his song history , but most powerful of all is the song itself
like the film's almost anthropologically detailed realization of early-'80s suburbia , it's significant without being overstated .
while mcfarlane's animation lifts the film firmly above the level of other coming-of-age films . . . it's also so jarring that it's hard to get back into the boys' story .
if nothing else , this movie introduces a promising , unusual kind of psychological horror .
in a normal screen process , these bromides would be barely enough to sustain an interstitial program on the discovery channel . but in imax 3-d , the clichés disappear into the vertiginous perspectives opened up by the photography .
writer-director burger imaginatively fans the embers of a dormant national grief and curiosity that has calcified into chronic cynicism and fear .
. . . a roller-coaster ride of a movie
i enjoyed time of favor while i was watching it , but i was surprised at how quickly it faded from my memory .

Dataset Card for "rotten_tomatoes"

Dataset Summary

Movie Review Dataset. This is a dataset of containing 5,331 positive and 5,331 negative processed sentences from Rotten Tomatoes movie reviews. This data was first used in Bo Pang and Lillian Lee, ``Seeing stars: Exploiting class relationships for sentiment categorization with respect to rating scales.'', Proceedings of the ACL, 2005.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

More Information Needed


More Information Needed

Dataset Structure

Data Instances


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: 0.49 MB
  • Size of the generated dataset: 1.34 MB
  • Total amount of disk used: 1.84 MB

An example of 'validation' looks as follows.

    "label": 1,
    "text": "Sometimes the days and nights just drag on -- it 's the morning that make me feel alive . And I have one thing to thank for that : pancakes . "

Data Fields

The data fields are the same among all splits.


  • text: a string feature.
  • label: a classification label, with possible values including neg (0), pos (1).

Data Splits

Reads Rotten Tomatoes sentences and splits into 80% train, 10% validation, and 10% test, as is the practice set out in

Jinfeng Li, ``TEXTBUGGER: Generating Adversarial Text Against Real-world Applications.''

name train validation test
default 8530 1066 1066

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

More Information Needed

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

More Information Needed

Who are the source language producers?

More Information Needed


Annotation process

More Information Needed

Who are the annotators?

More Information Needed

Personal and Sensitive Information

More Information Needed

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

More Information Needed

Discussion of Biases

More Information Needed

Other Known Limitations

More Information Needed

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

More Information Needed

Licensing Information

More Information Needed

Citation Information

  author =       {Bo Pang and Lillian Lee},
  title =        {Seeing stars: Exploiting class relationships for sentiment
                  categorization with respect to rating scales},
  booktitle =    {Proceedings of the ACL},
  year =         2005


Thanks to @thomwolf, @jxmorris12 for adding this dataset.

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Models trained or fine-tuned on cornell-movie-review-data/rotten_tomatoes