Produk bgs ,sesuai ekspektasi,hanya chat penjual. Tdk pernah respon
good product, as expected, only chat seller. never response
Bagus udh di pake semua normal
it's good that everything is normal
Lemari Esnya Bagus...Plytron keren..cuma pelayanan Chat lambat bgd..pengiriman dr Tangerang ke Bekasi 5 hari
refrigerator is good.plytron is cool..only chat service is very from tangerang to bekasi today
Oke deehh
okay dehh
my fave kulkas so far 😘😘😘
my fave refrigerator so far
Mantaapp...barangnya original sesuai deskripsi segel masih utuh pabrikan..terima kasih kak semoga ini awet barangnya
mantaapp. the item is original according to the description the seal is still intact from the manufacturer. thank you sis i hope this item lasts
barang sesuai dgn pesananAda banyak fiturnya.
goods according to the order and many features.
barang nya ok ,tapi sayang sekali admin nya ga ada respon sama sekali jadi kita susah ngelacak posisi barang uda dimana
the item is ok, but it's a shame the admin doesn't have any response at all so it's hard for us to track where the item is
sesuai ekpektasi, dibanding yg lama pemasakan lebih lama, fitur lebih banyak pilihan....moga awet
according to expectations, compared to the longer cooking time, the features have more choices. hope it lasts
asli puas jaminan original+ garansi resmi
original satisfied original guarantee + official warranty
Mudah di setting, gambarnya jernih
easy to set, the picture is clear
barang sudah sampai,hanya pengiriman yg agak lama, saran: kalau bisa harus kerjasama dengan expedisi, seperti lalamove atau yg lain agar tidak terlalu lama pengantaran barang
the goods arrived, only the delivery took a little longer, a suggestion: if possible, you have to cooperate with an expedition, such as lalamove or others so that the delivery of goods does not take too long
di chat tidak ada respon sama sekali
in chat there is no response at all
kualitas barang bagus.... proses pengiriman agak lama
good quality stuff. shipping process is a bit long
untuk produk sangat luar biasa bagus 👍 untuk pengiriman luar biasa parah, harus nunggu 1 minggu lebih baru dikirim 👎coba di perbaiki lagi sistem pengirimanya atau di aktifkan gojek instant/sameday untuk konsumen yang butuh urgent.
for products that are extremely good for delivery that are extraordinarily bad, you have to wait for more weeks to be sent, try to improve the delivery system again or activate gojek instant/sameday for consumers who need it urgently.
harusss sabar emang... yg pasti mantap produknya
must be patient indeed. which is definitely a solid product
Alhamdulilah barang bagus,hanya pengiriman saja yg lama plus admin nyaa ga fast respon.. ditingkatkan lagiii yaa pelayanan via cht nyaa admin
thank god, the goods are good, only the delivery takes a long time plus the admin doesn't respond fast. it's improved again, the service via chat is admin
Bisa muat banyak. Barangnya original 👍. Mutu terjamin SNI. Penjualnya ramah banget. Packaging aman 🙏. Proses pesanan cepat. Respon penjualnya top. Desainnya elegan ✨. Gampang dipakai. Ada garansi resmi. Hemat listrik ⚡. Packaging rapi.
can fit a lot. the goods are original. sni guaranteed quality. the seller is very friendly. safe packaging. fast order process. top seller response. the design is elegant. easy to use. there is an official guarantee. saving electricity . neat packaging.
Abang abang kgx nya baik dan sopan tidak ada gelagat minta imbalan
the brothers and sisters are kind and polite, there are no signs of asking for anything in return
Pengiriman 7 hari ke bogor, tapi barang aman di antar sampai rumah padahal jalan gang depan rumah lagi perbaikan tapi tetep di angkut👍, berfungsi dgn baik, dapat bonus rinso 2 botol, semoga awettttttt 🙏😍
day delivery to bogor, but the goods are safely delivered to the house even though the road in the alley in front of the house is being repaired but it's still being transported, works well, gets a bonus rinso bottle, hope it lasts
gx ada kabel HDMI ny🤦sama Bae boong gx nyala ini MH..ttp kudu beli diluar juga
there's no hdmi cable with bae boong it doesn't work mh. but you have to buy it outside too
satu kata buat produk dan seller ini, terbaiiiikkk…
one word for this product and seller, the best.
Pertama menerima barang kurang memuaskan, kemudian conplain ke seller tapi kurang responsif, reply lama dan not clear. Komunikasi ke website Polytron dan IG Polytron langsung direspon dengan baik, kemudian barang diganti. Pelayanan admin IG Polytron sangat baik, bisa menjadi rujukan.
first, receiving unsatisfactory goods, then complaining to the seller but not responsive, long replies and not clear. communications to the polytron website and polytron ig were immediately responded well, then the goods were replaced. polytron's ig admin service is very good, you can use it as a reference.
Fitur Terbaik:hade pisan Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Bagussssssssssssssssss sekaliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
best feature:hade very well worth the price:worth it very good
Oke cuma agak was was karena lama sampe nya tapi alhamdulillah sampai dengan selamat
okay, just a little worried because it took a long time to arrive, but thank god it arrived safely
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan dengan harga Recommended
best features: good value for money: worth the price recommended
Barangnya original 👍. Mudah dipasang. Gambarnya Bagus. STB polytron emang #1. tp disayangkan, pelayanan onlinenya masih kurang responsif & kurang update. mohon ditingkatkan..
the goods are original. easy to install. nice picture. polytron stb is #. but unfortunately, the online service is still not responsive & not updated enough. please improve..
Barang sudah d trima baik bagus Agak bingung sih bwt pengoprasian mgkin besok besok bisa sendri Trimakasih polytron
the goods have been received in good condition. i'm a bit confused about the operation, maybe tomorrow i can do it myself. thank you, polytron
Sepadan dengan Harga:pas sama harga nya Fitur Terbaik:mantap suara nya Terbaik
worth the price: it fits the price best features: steady sound is the best
good pengiriman cepat untuk speaker... tapi kenapa yah pas beli tv nya ga diantar2 malah dicancel...
good fast delivery for speakers. but why, when i bought the tv, it wasn't delivered, instead it was cancelled.
ori Packaging aman 🙏 Packaging rapi
ori safe packaging neat packaging
kualitas barang mantap..respon chat payahh🤭
the quality of the goods is great..the chat response is lousy
susah diajak komunikadi. lacak barang gak ada update
hard to communicate with. tracking items there is no update
STB ok banget, yg gak ok seller-nya nih padahal official store. Pertanyaan2 ga dijawab, pengiriman sampai 2 minggu (sampai ganti resi, yg awal gagal pickup terus selama 3 hari…) Packaging seadanya, kardus penyok2. Mending cari seller lain deh kalo gak mau nunggu lama…
the stb is really ok, the one that's not ok is the seller, even though it's the official store. unanswered questions, delivery until sunday (until changing receipts, the initial pickup failed to continue for days…) packaging is sober, cardboard dented. better look for another seller if you don't want to wait long.
speakernya bagus, tapi pengiriman lama. udh gitu admin di chat2 kaga ad respon samsek
speaker is good, but long delivery. already like that, the admin in the chat doesn't have a response from samsek
makasih bos paket sudah okay yaaa
thank you boss, the package is okay
Thankyou so much kulkasnya super gedeee bgt 🥰
thank you so much, the fridge is super big
Respon CS mohon diperbaiki lagi.
cs response, please fix it again.
pengiriman lama tapi produknya bagus
long delivery but good product
mantap ORI.. 👍
great ori..
Produknya bagus, tak ada kendala apapun. Cuma sellernya slow respon banget. Kalo kirim chat, chatnya cuma dibaca oleh seller.
the product is good, no problems whatsoever. it's just that the seller is very slow in responding. if you send a chat, the chat is only read by the seller.
barang original...cuma pengirimannya sedikit lama
original product, only the delivery took a little long
Barang oke.. Datang tanpa cacat. Cuma pengiriman aja lama,pesen tanggal 6 barang sampai tgl 16. Jadi kalau beli ditoko ini harus cerewet aja. Soalnya pas tanya ke pihak kurir barangnya baru nyampe ekpedisi kemaren. Jadi salah siapa???
goods okay.. came without defects. it's just that the delivery took a long time, ordered the date the item arrived. so if you buy at this shop, you have to be fussy. the problem is that when i asked the courier, the goods arrived on the expedition yesterday. so whose fault is it?
Hhmmm... Barang cepat banget nyampe, ori pula Thanks seller...
hmm. items arrived very quickly, ori too thanks seller.
Fitur Terbaik:Alhamdulillah sampe dg selamat Sepadan dengan Harga:harga sesuai SGT terjangkau Pengiriman cepat
best features: thank god it arrived safely worth the price: the price according to sgt is affordable fast delivery
terima kasih paket sudah sampai,pengiriman cepat mdh2n awet,blm d coba d nyalain,terima kasih seller
thank you, the package has arrived, fast delivery but durable, haven't tried it yet, thank you seller
Pengiriman lumayanlaaaa,,, thx u seller barang dapat diterima dengan baik dan tepat waktu...
the delivery was ok, thx u seller, the goods were received well and on time.
Bersabar menunggu jalan terbaik, pesanan sampai dengan selamat. Barang pesanan sesuai . cuma belum dicoba.
be patient waiting for the best way, the order arrived safely. ordered items match. just haven't tried it yet.
Tolong solusinya.biar sbgai konsumen ngrsa seneng n di peduliin sama penjual
please provide a solution. so that as a consumer, i feel happy and care about the seller
Barangnya original 👍. Bisa muat banyak. Cuma sayang pengiriman lama
the goods are original. can fit a lot. just love the long delivery
CS polytron di tokped tidak responsif dadi awal mau pemesanan sampai barang sedang dikirim. selebihnya insyaAllah aman
polytron cs at tokopedia was not responsive at the beginning when i wanted to place an order until the goods were being sent. the rest, god willing, is safe
Kondisi bagus , agak berat sedikit Belum dicoba utk penggunaannya
good condition, a little heavy. haven't tried it yet
proses check-out sampai barang di terima 10 hari,sesuai estimasi barang normal,mantap suaranya
the check-out process until the goods are received the day, according to estimates of normal goods, great sound
model terbaru memuaskan
the latest model is satisfactory
pengirman sangat lama, pelayanan chating juga buruk balasnya lama banget dan jika ditnya tidak memberikan solusi hanya asal jwab
the delivery is very long, the chat service is also bad, the replies are really long and if the dit doesn't provide a solution, it's just an answer
barang cepat sampe n sesuai pesanan
item arrived quickly n as ordered
Alhamdulillah pesanan sudah sampai dan aman, beli sebelum stok habis 🤭
thank god the order has arrived and is safe, buy it before the stock runs out
Kecepatan pengiriman ya standar lah 5 hari,,produk bagus ,,mksh polytron semoga awet Mksh juga shopee
the speed of delivery is standard today, good product, thank you polytron, i hope it lasts, thanks also shopee
Barang belum sampai hingga 2 kali perpanjangan masa garansi (13 hari kerja/17 hari normal) hingga TRANSAKSI dinyatakan SELESAI padahal BARANG BELUM DITERIMA, mohon diselesaikan dengan itikad baik, saya sudah beberapa kali konfirmasi lewat chat toko, cs resmi polytron Saya tunggu kabar baiknya,
the goods have not arrived until the time of the extension of the warranty period (working days / normal days) until the transaction is declared complete even though the goods have not been received, please solve it in good faith, i have confirmed several times via chat shop, official polytron cs i'm waiting for good news,
Barangnya original 👍 Ada garansi resmi
the goods are original. there is an official warranty
respon seller sangat baik, produk berfungsi dgn baik, semoga awet dan ga ada kendala
the seller's response is very good, the product works well, hopefully it lasts and there are no problems
Terima kasih paketnya sudah mendarat
thank you, the package has landed
pada saat speaker bluetooth dikoneksikan, dalam waktu 1 jam daerah sekitar tombol dan tulisan Polytron sangat panas sekali (terasa ditangan). dan saya sudah konfirmasi utk tukar speakernya tapi kurang direspon dgn baik.
when the bluetooth speaker is connected, within hours the area around the button and the polytron writing is very hot (you can feel it in your hand). and i have confirmed to change the speaker but it doesn't respond well.
alhamdulillah barang sampai dan tidak ada kerusakan, 👍
alhamdulillah the goods arrived and no damage,
Produk nya mantap, berfungsi dengan baik. cm sayang pengiriman nya lama, semacam pre order 😁
the product is solid, works well. cm unfortunately the delivery is long, a kind of pre order
pengiriman Sangat dan Sangat Lama. dari anak saya masih bayi. sampe udh kulia baru sampe 😏
very and very long delivery. from when my child was a baby. until i'm young enough to arrive
parah ga d selesaikan sehingga ga dapat diskon
it's so bad it's not resolved so you can't get a discount
Sepadan dengan Harga:kualitas oke Fitur Terbaik:good produk tidak mngecewakan
worth the price: okay quality best features: good product does not disappoint
cocok pakai antena lama ga perlu antena digital hahaha
suitable for using old antennas, no need for digital antennas hahaha
Ada garansi resmi. Barangnya original 👍. panas banget aja sama berisik, mudah2an kedepannya awet dan aman2 aja, makasih banyak polytron
there is an official guarantee. the goods are original. just really hot and noisy, hopefully in the future it will last longer and be safe, thanks a lot polytron
Kualitas tv bagus banget, gambar jernih full HD, signal digital, android tv berfungsi semua, tapi pengiriman yg agak lama... Tks seller
the quality of the tv is really good, the picture is full hd clear, the signal is digital, the android tv is all working, but the delivery is a bit long. thx seller
barang bagus, dan terkesan mewah
good stuff, and looks luxurious
Minus dipengiriman super luama udah gitu gabisa ditrack. Bayangin beli barang nunggunya hampir 2 mingguan tanpa tau status barang entah kemana udah sampe mana.
minus the super long delivery, so it can't be tracked. imagine buying goods waiting for almost a week without knowing the status of the goods wherever they have arrived.
terimkasih ka produk bagus
thank you sis good product
Barang original, sesuai jadwal pengirimannya, tapi packing-nya ala kadarnya (tdk dibungkus plastik atau apa gitu, langsung box nya ditempel resi ekspedisi). 🙏🏻
original item, according to the delivery schedule, but the packaging was perfunctory (not wrapped in plastic or anything like that, the box was directly attached to the expedition receipt).
mantaps, daerah BSD dpt 44 channels..
great, the bsd area has channels..
Good Packing. Barang diterima dalam kondisi baik.
good packing. goods received in good condition.
mantap berkwalitas,beda banget dengan merk merk dadakan yang lagi menjamur.
great quality, very different from the sudden brands that are mushrooming.
Pengirimannya lamaaaaaaaaa bgd Ako sampe khawatir dengan barang yg ga nyampe2 tolong dong untuk pengirimannya lebih jelas lagi
the delivery took a long time. i'm worried about the goods not arriving. please help to make the delivery clearer
Fitur Terbaik:makasih bagus kak
best features: thank you very much sis
barang bagus sesuai deskripsi
good item according to the description
mantafffsss, barang original sesuai pesanan 😍
mantafs, original goods as ordered
Nanti kalo fixed oke, baru ditambahin lagi.. kulkas bagus tapi masih bunyi.. 😅😅
later, if it's fixed, it's okay, then i'll add it again.. the refrigerator is good but it's still noisy..
harganya worth it bgtsi, dan dridulu udh langganan bgt pake produk polytron,cm syg adminnya kurang ramah jd meskipun brgnya mahal pun kalo admin nya ramah baik ttp seneng belinyaa, mohon untuk ditingkatkan lagi ...
the price is really worth it, and i used to subscribe to polytron products, but i'm sorry the admin isn't very friendly so even though the items are expensive, the admin is friendly, but i'm happy to buy them, please improve again.
respon seller cpt. pengiriman lumyan cepat,pake kurir toko. thanks. tapi barang belum di buka dan di coba.
fast seller response. delivery is quite fast, using the shop courier. thanks. but the item has not been opened and tried.
Fitur Terbaik:ice twist Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai Polytron is good
best feature:ice twist worth the price:as per polytron is good
pengiriman emang lama sih,, tapi nyampe, chanel digitalnya lom dapet²,, mungkin emang siaran digital ga ke jangkau atau ada yg salah atau emang dari alat stb'y,, masih di seting²
the delivery took a long time, but it arrived, the digital channel didn't get it, maybe the digital broadcast didn't reach or something was wrong or it was from the stb'y device, it's still in the settings
Barangnya original 👍 Mudah dipasang Gambarnya Bagus pengiriman cepat
the product is original. easy to install. picture is good. fast delivery
barang aman mulus, pengiriman 3 hari ke cikokol dari cikupa.. harusnya sih sehari sampe tapi itu mungkin sop dari perusahaannya, cuman ini saya masih bingung buat aktifin miracastnya gimana ya gak bisa2 mungkin bisa di bantu tutornya sama admin? soalnya kalo ke smart tv yg brandlain bisa tapi yg ini gak bisa mhon bntuannya admin
the goods are securely smooth, the delivery day to cikokol from cikupa.. it should arrive in a day but it might be soup from the company, but i'm still confused about how to activate miracast, how can i not maybe the tutor and admin can help? the problem is if you go to a smart tv with another brand you can, but this one can't, please help admin
Dari tgl 5 sampe tanggal 14 sih.sorry yah keterlambatan klik pesanan di terima 😎 seller juga ada keterlambatan pengiriman kan.Sayang banget padahal shopee mall.Untuk oper opernya hadeh.Untung sih, cargo dr jogja ke rumah tgl 11-14.kalo enggak bakal lebih pedas nih ulasannya.produk oke banget.
from date to date, sorry. well, the delay in clicking the order was received by the seller, there was also a delay in shipping, right? it's really a shame, even though it's a shopee mall. very good product.
Kemasan nya ada cacat sedikit.. Unit OK.. Next nya perlu diperhatikan kmbali packing nya
the packaging has a slight defect.. unit is ok.. next you need to pay attention to the packing again
saya kasih bintang 5 walaupun ada kendala dari pengiriman menurut saya agak lama. Resolusi gambar tajam 👍 Ringan tapi kokoh Desain ramping
i give a star even though there are obstacles from the delivery in my opinion a bit long. sharp image resolution lightweight but sturdy slim design
Barang Bagus, Original Polytron. Pengiriman Luaaammmmaaaaaa betul.
good stuff, original polytron. luama shipping is correct.
Packing hanya kotak produk. tapi ngga ada kerusakan. terima kasih
packing is only a product box. but no damage. thank you
getaran ngeringin ny kaya pesawat mau terbang kenceng amat
the vibrations are so dry it's like a plane about to fly really fast
Masker nya okay 👍🏻 nyaman dipakai tapi respon dari seller nya lambat tidak tau apakah orderan diterima dan kapan mau dikirimkan
the mask is okay, comfortable to wear, but the response from the seller is slow, i don't know whether the order is received and when it will be sent
puas banget tp untuk respon ke custamer kurang gercep,dan pengiriman ok lah ,,,harus sabar intinya freeeee ongkir namun lama datang nya trimakasih polytron
i'm very satisfied, but the response to the customer is not fast enough, and the delivery is ok, you have to be patient, the point is that the shipping is free, but it takes a long time to arrive, thanks polytron
Awalnya ragu pas barang blm sampe,,, tp setelah barangnya nyampe Alhmdlh tidak ada yg rusak, cuma kok soundbarnya lubang dibelakang ya,padah digambar di depan,,,terimakasih
at first i was hesitant but the goods haven't arrived, but after the goods arrived, thank god nothing was damaged, it's just that the soundbar has a hole in the back, right, even though it was drawn on the front, thank you
Barang sudah diterima..sesuai pesanan, pengiriman cepat untuk luar daerah...respon seller sangat ramah...terima kasih....
the goods have been received . as ordered, fast delivery outside the area. the seller's response is very friendly. thank you.