Mantap pengiriman sesuai scdle, barang ori bagus sekali. Polytron memang mantap guys
great delivery according to scdle, original goods are very good. polytron is really great, guys
Alhamdulillah paket sudah sampai. Sempet dibuat khawatir karna keterangan pengiriman tidak terlacak sampai mana2nya karna server eror ceunah. But its ok so far so good. Dapet bonus juga 2botol. 1 nya udah kasih ke mertua
thank god the package has arrived. i was worried because the shipping information was not traced to where it was because the server had an error. but its ok so far so good. got a bonus bottle too. i already gave it to my in-laws
Fitur Terbaik:mesin tidak berisik Desainnya sya suka, kualitas sebanding lah, cuman kemaren ga sampai kontrakan, kurirnya gamau ribet angkatin.
best features: the engine is not noisy i like the design, the quality is comparable, but yesterday it didn't arrive rented, the courier didn't want to bother picking it up.
Selang untuk masuk airnya kurang panjang. Jadi agak sulit saat pemasangan. Harus di taro di tempat yang paling dekat dengan keran. Tapi sejauh ini barang. Berfungsi dengan baik
the hose to enter the water is not long enough. so it's a bit difficult during installation. must be placed in the place closest to the faucet. but so far stuff. works fine
Barang bagus, pengiriman cepat, cuma pas dipasang bawahnya ga pas jd goyang2 harus diganjel. Sudah dicoba air dinginnya kyk air dingin kulkas
good stuff, fast delivery, just when it's installed underneath it doesn't fit so it shakes and has to be wedged. i've tried cold water like cold water in the refrigerator
Barang bagus, original dan berfungsi normal semoga awet, namun pengiriman agak lama. Barang tidak di packing tambahan hanya kardus originalnya. Kurir toko meletakkan barang di depan rumah begitu saja, untung tidak diambil org. Mungkin pengirimannya bisa diperbaiki.
good stuff, original and functioning normally, hope it lasts, but the delivery is a bit long. items are not in additional packaging, only the original cardboard. the shop courier just put the goods in front of the house just like that, luckily no one took them. maybe the delivery can be improved.
Barang oke, sesuai deskripsi. Namun gak sukanya pengiriman lama, seller kurang responsive. Harus diperbaiki kualitas layananannya.
item ok, according to the description. but i don't like the long delivery, the seller is not responsive. the quality of service must be improved.
Bintang 5 untuk kualitas produk.... Untuk waktu pengiriman bintang 1.....!!!!Suaranya mantap 🔊. Kualitas boleh diadu. Garansi terjamin. Gampang rakitnya. Desain elegan. Bahannya kokoh.
star for product quality. for a stellar delivery time.! his voice is steady. quality can be contested. guaranteed warranty. easy to assemble. elegant design. the material is sturdy.
Mantap, pengiriman seminggu untuk elektrolit ini cukup cepat
great, a week's delivery for this electrolyte is pretty fast
product bagus, sayang waktunya lama bngt
good product, it's a shame it took so long
Barang oke, berfungsi baik.. hanya pengiriman lama perlu diperbaiki.. supaya customer tidak was was, karna dikirim pke kurir custom, tidak bisa dilacak..
the item is okay, works fine. only the old delivery needs to be repaired. so the customer doesn't get worried, because it was sent by a custom courier, can't be traced..
Berfungsi dengan baik. terima kasih. 🙏
works fine. thank you.
kualitas baik produk dalam negeri.. tp sayang penjualnya kurang respon.. pengiriman nya lama
good quality domestic products.. but unfortunately the seller is not responsive.. the delivery took a long time
Mantappppppppp polytron memang tak pernah ngecewain
great, polytron never disappoints
Semoga produknya berkualitas... Catatan: Untuk penjual lebih ditingkatkan respon/tanggapan terhadap pelanggan untuk kepastian dan pelayanan...Terima kasih
hopefully the product is of high quality. note: for sellers to further improve response/response to customers for certainty and service. thank you
ga bagus pelayanananya , najis jis jis banget , pokoknya yg mau beli baca review saya sebelum benar2 menyesal , pengiraman lama , kulksa entah kenapa bagian bawah basah terus , padahal 2 pintu , pikir2 dlu beli kulkas merk beginj
the service isn't good, it's really unclean, anyway those who want to buy read my review before they really regret it, it's been a long time, the fridge somehow keeps the bottom wet, even though the door, think about buying a refrigerator of this brand
Produk bagus original
original good product
Pengiriman 6 hari dari pemesanan, free ongkir. showcase berembun banget jadi kadang ga keliatan apa isi showcase ya, admin tidak responsif, ditanya dibaca doang ga di bales.
delivery the day of the order, free shipping. the showcase is really dewy, so sometimes you can't see what's in the showcase, the admin isn't responsive, you just ask if you read it, don't reply.
Barang bagus, sambungan melalui AV kualitas gambar buruk sekali, ganti pake HDMI kualitas gambar sangat baik.
good stuff, connection via av picture quality is very bad, replace using hdmi picture quality is very good.
Proses pembelian cepat dan boks diterima dengan baik tanpa cacat. Udah coba beberapa merk masker sejenis and so far paling nyaman dipaki Polytron ini. Tebel tapi gak pengap. Warnanya juga netral putih. Coba ada yg hitam hehe.
the purchase process was fast and the box was well received without defects. i've tried several brands of similar masks and so far the most comfortable with this polytron. thick but not stuffy. the color is also neutral white. try a black one hehe.
Alhamdulillah bagus.. tapi kalau bisa jangan pakai kurir toko, ke Bekasi aja seminggu baru nyampai, chat adminnya gak respon. Mudah-mudahan awet, gak ada kendala.. Terima kasih..
thank god it's good.. but if you can don't use the shop courier, just go to bekasi for a week and just arrive, the admin chat doesn't respond. hopefully durable, no problems.. thank you..
alhamdlah ahirnya sampai dengan selamat.semoga awet.Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Ada banyak fiturnya. Desain elegan 😍. Ringan tapi kokoh. Penjualnya ramah banget. Proses pesanan cepat.
alhamdlah finally arrived safely. hopefully durable. sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. there are many features. elegant design. light but sturdy. the seller is very friendly. fast order process.
kurirnya beneran ramah & baik banget s,hanya admin nya slow respon aja. barangnya belum di coba.. semoga bagus dan awett.. makasih ❤
the courier is really friendly & really kind, only the admin is slow to respond. haven't tried the item yet.. hope it's good and durable.. thanks
Selalu puas, barangnya bagus!☺️
always satisfied, the goods are good!
pesan tanggal 25 baru datang tanggal 30, udah gitu tidak di bungkus bubblewrap, nomer resi nya juga tidak bisa di lacak, official store kok tidak profesional apakah SOP nya seperti itu? kalo iya buat kalian2 calon pembeli yang mau beli disini mending mikir dua kali deh
ordered the new date it arrived, already like that it wasn't wrapped in bubblewrap, the receipt number also couldn't be traced, how come the official store is unprofessional, is the sop like that? if so, for you prospective buyers who want to buy here, it's better to think twice
berfungsi jika ada antena digitalnya
works if there is a digital antenna
mantul..barang sesuai deskripsi..& pengiriman d luar dugaan.!! 3 hari pesanan dah ke terima dgn aman & selamat.!rekomended to toko.& pengiriman.! smoga barang'y aman.awet.& lancar jaya.!pokokee mantul.!!
mantul..item according to description..& delivery beyond expectations.!! the day the order was received safely & safely.! recommended to the store. & delivery.! i hope the goods are safe, durable, and run smoothly! anyway, mantul.!!
Barang ori, bagus, ac dingin, semoga awet, pengiriman yaa lumayan cepetlah..
original item, good, cold ac, hope it lasts, delivery is quite fast..
Sesuai dengan yang di pesan dan tidak mengecewakan terimakasih semoga awet dan tahan lama
in accordance with what was ordered and did not disappoint, thank you, i hope it lasts and lasts a long time
Fitur Terbaik:barang original Sepadan dengan Harga:gak jauh beda saran saya.. jangan beli d sini.. pengirimannya sangat lama.. nunggu komplen dulu baru di kirim. pesan tgl 8 dateng tgl 20.. estimasi tgl 17 belum sampe, pengajuan pengembalian dana dulu, baru di proses.. itu pun gk langsung.. terus satu lagi., gak bisa pake vocher kalo beli disini.. terima kasih, kalo dari barang memang ori polytron.
best features: original item worth the price: not much different from my advice.. don't buy here.. the delivery is very long.. wait for the complaint to be sent. ordered the date it arrived. the estimated date hasn't arrived yet, apply for a refund first, then it's processed. even that isn't immediate. then one more thing. you can't use a vocher if you buy here. thank you, if the item is indeed polytron original .
Tv dan speaker bagus, kurangnya dalam pengiriman lama bgt 15 hari itupun datang setelah saya telepon call center Polytron. Saya sarankan kalau mau cepat datang tv nya langsung telepon call center Polytron aja. Bintang 1 buat adminnya karena gapeduliin customer chat gadibales, bintang 4 buat Kurir tokonya ramah beda sama adminnya.
the tv and speakers are good, the lack of delivery took a long time, and even then it came after i called the polytron call center. i suggest that if you want the tv to come quickly, just call the polytron call center. the stars for the admin because they don't care about customer chat girls replying, the stars for the shop couriers are friendly, different from the admins.
Barang OK, pengiriman yang payah....sangat lama!!! dan tidak bisa dilacak sudah sampai mana barangnya, bikin was-was dan bikin anak nangis2 karena TV ga datang-datang
item ok, lousy delivery. very long time! and it can't be traced where the goods have arrived, it makes me anxious and makes the children cry because the tv doesn't come
Pengiriman cepat hanya beberapa hari karena alamat pabrik lumayan dekat dengan rumah. Hanya saja tolong tingkatkan lagi kualitas layanan dari customer servicenya, hehe :) agar lebih fast respon lagi, terimakasih. BARANG KEREN !
fast delivery, only a few days because the factory address is quite close to home. it's just that please improve the quality of service from the customer service, hehe :) so that the response is even faster, thank you. cool items!
Terima kasih semoga awet..amin
thank you hopefully durable.. amen
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:iya Sudah sampai, berfungsi dgn baik, seller ga ada respon, di chat ga ada balesan sama sekali, pengiriman nya lamaaaaaaa banget
best features: good worth the price: yes arrived, works well, seller has no response, no reply on chat at all, delivery took too long
ok lancar
ok smooth
Pengiriman cepet. Kurir nya jg ramah Alhamdulillah barang jg ga ada kerusakn bru 2x pake Semoga awet
fast delivery. the courier is also friendly, thank god the item is not damaged, just don't use it, hopefully it will last
Packaging aman 🙏 Proses pesanan cepat Mutu terjamin SNI Desainnya elegan ✨ Ada garansi resmi
safe packaging fast order process quality guaranteed sni elegant design there is an official guarantee
usb tidak bisa digunakan, yg lain bagus.. masih ok lah, harga murah
usb can't be used, the others are good. it's still ok, cheap price
secara barang puas. secara pengiriman lamaaa banget ampuun dah, seminggu cuy.
kindly satisfied. the delivery is really long, sorry, a week, cuy.
barang bagus. komplit.. cuma pengirimannya lama banget
good stuff. complete.. only the delivery took too long
barang sesuai deskripsi dan berfungsi dengan baik
item as described and works well
App Vidio tdk bisa digunakan, katanya free ternyata nihil. udh hub cust serv tdk membantu sama sekali. overall tv nya bagus, cm pelayanan nya aja kurang malah dioper2 terus orang nanya.
the vidio app can't be used, it says it's free but it's nothing. already hub customer service doesn't help at all. overall the tv is good, only the service is lacking, instead people keep asking.
pengiriman lumayan cepat, penjual ramah..kurir dari toko juga ramah...
pretty fast delivery, friendly seller..courier from the shop is also friendly.
Barangnya original 👍.tp pngiriman ny ribet,pakai ekspedisi toko, lama pula sampai ny.
the goods are original. but the delivery is complicated, using a shop expedition, it takes a long time to arrive.
kudu emosi dulu baru dikirim gustiiii... pembeli adalah raja loh,,, g ada komunikasinya sama sekali
you have to be emotional first then sent gusti. the buyer is the king, there is no communication at all
Mau proses kartu garansi, namun ditulis berlaku jika ada cap toko. Dan sayangnya tidak ada CAP Toko.
want to process the warranty card, but it is written valid if there is a shop stamp. and sadly no cap toko.
Beli bbrp kali barang selalu bagus. Kmrn baru pesan, hr ini sdh terima barangnya. Terima kasih ya.
bought several times the goods are always good. yesterday i just ordered, today i received the item. thank you.
Sepertinya kalau beli masker yg per pack walaupun beli 1 dus dipacking kardus lg... kayaknya krn dus masker yg ini lbh ringkih rusak krn isinya kurang padat. Walaupun sdh dipacking dus dan bubble wrap dusnya selalu ada sobek.. tp untung dalam nya masih aman..
it seems like if you buy masks per pack even though you buy boxes packed in cardboard again. i think the box for this mask is more fragile because the contents are less dense. even though the box was packed and the bubble wrap was always torn. but fortunately the inside was still safe.
Barang sesuai pesanan langsung cuss bening kelistrikan normal semua puas pokoknya
goods according to direct orders, clear, normal electricity, all satisfied anyway
but things are old. can do weekly even just to jabodetabek
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Garansi terjamin. Desain elegan.
the sound is steady. guaranteed warranty. elegant design.
sayangnyq pengiriman lama 🥲. udah no. 4 plizer lama beku. apa harus 5 ?
unfortunately the long delivery. already no. frozen old plizer. what to do?
Kulkas okkk Hanya lama dipengiriman
refrigerator ok. only long delivery
Gampang dipakai. Ada garansi resmi.
easy to use. there is an official guarantee.
barang okelah... pengiriman saja lamaa
okay stuff. the delivery is long
Pengiriman dan unloading sampai rumah rapi, cermat dan Cepat dan nyaman dan ramah sekali. Kualitas kulkas inverter dan ruangan besar dan lebar pasti diatas yang lain. Thx Blibi ansuransi dan thx polytron atas gratis ongkir dan cash back promo.
delivery and unloading to the house neat, careful and fast and comfortable and very friendly. the quality of the inverter refrigerator and the large and wide room is definitely above the others. thx blibi insurance and thx polytron for the free shipping and cash back promo.
Android Box dan Remote saja. Free keyboard Wireless engga ada..🤔. Syukur Produknya berfungsi.. Pengiriman lama, tidak bisa di tracking juga, Packingnya kurang aman.. Seller Slow Respon..
android box and remote only. there's no free wireless keyboard. thankfully the product works. long delivery, can't be tracked either, packing is not secure. seller slow response.
barangnya ok, segel. resi pengiriman tidak bisa dilacak. lamanya 7 hari dr waktu pembelian sampai terima barang
it's ok, seal. delivery receipt can not be traced. the number of days from the time of purchase to receipt of the item
Udh sampe,,wlpun lamaaaa dtengnny,,,lengkap dan amaan..mksih bnyak sellrr,,bang kurir😇
arrived, even though it took a long time to arrive, complete and safe. thank you very much, seller
alhamdulillah sampai dengan selamat.....tapi butuh antena lagi, soalnya pakai antena yg sudah ads, tapi tidak masih sgt sedikit dan gambarnyapun kayak banyak semut, gak kelas
alhamdulillah arrived safely. but need another antenna, the problem is using an antenna that has ads, but it doesn't work. there are still very few channels and the picture looks like a lot of ants, not classy
Fitur Terbaik:baik Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Hanya pelayanan tidak bagus ..saya memesan dengan packing kayu .tapi di kirim nya tidak pakai perlindungan apa2 udah bayar2 packing kayu 50rb lebih ..tapi tidak kembalikan juga dan respon tidak di balas..jujur kecewa pelayanan nya .tapi barang nyampe untung aman .
best features: good worth the price: worth it only the service is not good..i ordered with wood packing.but it was sent without protection. did i pay for the wood packing, thousands more..but didn't return it either and no response was answered..honestly disappointed the service. but the goods arrived safely safely.
Pelayanan toko ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Produk sesuai deskripsi. Harga termurah untuk spek sekelasnya. Hanya sayangnya ternyata produk belum disertifikasi Google Play, jadi ada beberapa aplikasi yg tidak bisa diunduh (ironisnya Tokopedia salah satunya). Tapi banyak aplikasi sejenis yg masih bisa diunduh. Aplikasi lain yg penting buat saya juga bisa, jadi ga terlalu masalah. Semoga awet aja. Semoga ke depannya bisa disertifikasi biar lebih maju.
product store service according to the description. the cheapest price for the specs in its class. it's just a shame that the product hasn't been certified by google play, so there are several applications that can't be downloaded (ironically, tokopedia is one of them). but many similar applications can still be downloaded. other applications that are important to me can also, so it's not too much of a problem. hopefully it lasts. hopefully in the future it can be certified so that it will be more advanced.
buat barangnya okelah,, mantep bgt.. cuma mesti sabar aja buat sampainya,, mungkin karena kurir tokonya ngirim kebanyak tempat, jadi mesti ngantri..
for the goods it's okay,, really good.. just have to be patient for it to arrive,, maybe because the shop's courier sends to many places, so you have to queue..
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Desain elegan 😍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Ada banyak fiturnya.
sharp image resolution. elegant design. the sound quality is good. there are many features.
Alhamdulillah barangnya sudah sampai, barangnya bener bener realpick, dan sudah di gunakan, alhamdulillah berfungsi dgn baik
thank god, the goods have arrived, the goods are really realpick, and they have been used, thank god, they work well
lama banget ngirim nya
it took too long to send it
Produk bagus. cuma pengirimannya Lama bangeeeeeeet
great product. only delivery took too long
Barang original, pengirimannya cepat dan kurirnya baik. Adminnya sangat fast respon dan dapet harga flash sale. Mantap
original product, fast delivery and good courier. admin is very fast response and get flash sale prices. excellent
Barang Ok, Kualitas Bagus. Pengiriman saja yang lama.
item ok, good quality. just long delivery.
Kardusnya penyok, tapi isinya aman
the box was dented, but the contents were safe
Barang yg di terima tidak begitu fungsi sebagaimana mestinya. Respons tokonya juga gak gada. Cuex benerrrr.
the item received is not as functional as it should be. the store's response is also not bad. cuex is right.
br 3 hri pemakain knpa brembun gtu yaaah , flizer gk dingin bikin es btu tdi jam 10 gk beku hr pertamaa jjdi es batu hr 3 cb bikin es baaatu gaak jdi” hwa flizer gk dingin tp mesin nyala , aer es gk bs jd es bTu apa lgi aer yg pintu bwahgk dingin sma sekali malH berembun sperti terlihT di video ,, penjual aku chat dr jam 3 blm di bls jg ,,,
br the day of use why is it cloudy like that, the flizer isn't cold it makes the ice cubes not frozen the first day it's ice cubes on the day cb makes ice cubes doesn't work "how the flizer isn't cold but the machine is on, the ice water can't turn into ice cream the door isn't cold at all even though it's dewy as seen in the video, the seller i chatted from the clock hasn't been able to get it yet,
barang diterima diterima dlm keadaan penyok pojokannya... tpi sejauh ini berfungsi dengan baik.
item received received in a dented condition. but so far it's working fine.
produknya sih bagus, dengan harga segitu kualitas suara nya bisa di bilang bagus lah, cuma sayang pengiriman nya lama banget PADAHAL CM CIKARANG BEKASI TIMUR dan nggak ada resi buat ngecheck status pengiriman, info seller barang di kirimkan doleh merchant sehingga nggak bisa di lacak, TAPI NYATA NYA YANG DATANG DAN NGANTERIN BARANG NYA DARI JNE,BUKAN DARI MERCHANT NYA LANGSUNG SARAN SAYA, PERBAIKI LAH UNTUK PENGIRIMAN PRODUK NYA, KASIH RESI JADI KONSUMEN BISA LACAK DMNA PRODUK NYA, KITA BERHAK ATAS ITU.
the product is good, at that price the sound quality can be said to be good, it's just a shame the delivery took so long but cm cikarang bekasi timur and there is no receipt to check the status of the shipment, the seller's info on the item was sent by the merchant so it couldn't be tracked, but the real one who comes and delivers the goods from jne, not from the merchant directly my suggestion, immediately improve the delivery of the product, give the receipt so consumers can track the dmna of the product, we are entitled to that.
sesuai harapan ane bosku , mkcih
according to my expectations, my boss, thank you
barangnya sampe lumayan lama, semoga awet
it took quite a while, hope it lasts
kondisi barang dan pengemasan baik dan pengiriman cepat.
good condition and packing and fast delivery.
Pengirimannya super lama..
super long delivery..
Wah parah si komplain ga direspon produk ga bisa dipake buat nyuci ga mau muter bunyi nging aja ga di respon kapok sih belanja disini ga recommended. Pelayanan ga memuaskan.
wow, it's really bad that the complaint hasn't been responded to, the product can't be used for washing, it doesn't want to turn on the ringing sound, it's not responded to. i'm tired of shopping here, not recommended. service is not satisfactory.
produk sdh diterima,meskipun lama tp sesuai harapan
the product has been received, even though it took a long time but it is as expected
mantab bgt suaranya, speaker active polytron yg tipe ini. recomended bgt, suaranya menggelegar, bass nya terasa di dada. serasa kayak lagi nonton konser.
the sound is great, this type of active polytron speaker. highly recommended, the sound is booming, the bass is felt in the chest. it's like watching a concert.
the goods are good, but nothing is defective, everything is perfect, it's just that it's very unfortunate that the admin is slow to respond if there are stars below for quasi-service, %
Mesin berfungsi dg baik namun pengiriman lama 5 hari dlm jabodetabek.......................
the machine works well but the delivery takes a long time in jabodetabek.
sedih lah nyampenya telat bgt seminggu lbhbr nyampe
it's sad that it arrived a week late
Agak ketar ketir karena pengirimannya tidak ter update d shopee
i'm a little nervous because the delivery is not updated at the shopee
ini pertama dan terakhir saya beli di polytron official store.bkn masalah barang,tapi pengiriman nya.baru kali ini saya belanja,sampai tujuan sampai 9 hari.padahal sblm beli,saya uda beritahu kl barang itu diperlukan tgl 18 juni.dan disanggupkan.ternyata sampai tujuan tgl 23 juni.saya pesan tgl 14 juni.sampai nomor resi diganti 2x.saya sgt kecewa bkn dgn barangnya,tapi pengiriman nya.polytron official store tdk bs dijadikan langganan.nama besar,tapi pelayanan tidak memuaskan..
this is the first and last time i bought it at the polytron official store. it's not a problem with the goods, but the delivery. this is the first time i'm shopping, it arrived at the destination until the day. even though before i bought it, i already told that the item was needed on june. and it was prepared. it arrived at the destination june. i ordered june. until the receipt number was changed.
slow respond bgt, pengiriman lama
very slow respond, long delivery
satu mic tidak berfungsi, harus ke service center.
one mic doesn't work, have to go to the service center.
Fitur Terbaik:buruk Sepadan dengan Harga:tidak Baru kali ini sgt kecewa bli barang di Shopee, App Disney tidak bisa di buka, jangankan free mola 12bulan app mola nya aja gak ada. Lalu free wirelez keyboard gak ada, tidak ada app android yg bisa di download, adanya app luar negri semua, respon penjual sangat buruk, gk da tanggapan saat di chat🤬
best features: bad worth the price: no this is the first time i'm very disappointed in buying goods at shopee, the disney app can't be opened, let alone the free mola month the mola app just doesn't exist. then the free wireless keyboard doesn't exist, there's no android app that can be downloaded, there are all foreign apps, the seller's response is very bad, there's no response when in chat
Bagus. Sesuai deskripsi. Tapi pengiriman lama
good. according to the description. but long delivery
jualan tp klo di chat seklipun gk pernah jawab
selling but if in chat even though never answer
Barang ok hanya pengiriman lama
item ok just long delivery
toko sangat recommended, barang terkirim dengan mulus . tanpa ada cacat dan lanjay
highly recommended store, items shipped smoothly. without any defects and lanjay
pengiriman lumayan lama..
quite long delivery..
Barang berfungsi dgn baik....wlpn harus browsing dulu untuk cara pasang karena tidak ada petunjuk pemasangan di barang.
the item works fine, even though you have to browse first for how to install it because there are no installation instructions on the item.
Halloooo ini molanya gaaktif gimana caranya yaaaa?
hello, the mol is not active, how do you do it?
free ongkir mantep
free postage mantep
untuk speaker dan Subw si oke ya, tapi untuk yg CDnya kurang lengkap, jadi gak bisa buat music dan suara filmnya keluar, masih nanggung.
for the speakers and subw, it's okay, but for the cd, it's incomplete, so you can't make music and the sound of the film comes out, it's still bearable.