Three minutes to go!
What d'ya want to do to kill time?
Oh, Igor I'm so afraid! I just hope this all ends well.
Igor are you sure the monster has a good brain? Are you absolutely certain that you took the brain of Hans Delbruck that night?
Absolutely! May my mother grow two heads if I'm not telling the truth.
INGA +++$+++
Sounds like visitors. It's all right Frau Blucher will show them in.
Oh, must be around ten... tenthirty.
Igor the clock! Hurry!
Another fifteen seconds to go.
Do Something! Stall them!
Extremely well.
How nice.
Did you have a pleasant trip?
Yes, thank you. It wasn't bad.
Did you ever have a roll in the hay?
I'm not sure I...get your drift.
Sometimes I'm afraid of the lightning.
Just an atmospheric discharge. Nothing to be afraid of.
Are you busy?
That's quite all right. What is it, dear?
Could I lie down in your bed for a little while? I just can't sleep.
We only arrived a few minutes ago.
I know, but usually I can fall asleep right away. It must be the strange room.
Oh please just till I get sleepy. Then you can force me right back to my room.
Well.. I suppose it would be all right, for just a little while.
Would you like a sandwich?
No, thanks! I want to get right to sleep.
Well... I'll just finish unpacking.
Yes, you may... but don't make any noise.
Inga, wake up!
What is it? Is something wrong, Doctor?
Listen! Don't you hear that strange music?
Yes! What could it be at this hour?
I don't know. It just woke me up.
Dr. Fronkonsteen look!
Whatever it is, it's coming from down there. I'm going down to see.
Let me come with you, Doctor, please! I don't want to stay up here alone.
All right then, quietly! Close your robe and stay right behind me. Don't make a sound!
What a filthy mess.
Look, Doctor!
Well, this explains the music.
But who was playing it?
Oh, doctor!
Perhaps we'd better leave.
'As the minuteness of the parts formed a great hindrance to my speed, I resolved to make the Creature of a gigantic stature.' Of course! That would simplify everything.
And look at this, Doctor!
'Dilation of his sacral parasympathetic impulses would cause an increase in flow of blood and the erection to approximately nineteen inches of his apparatus genitals.'
Soon, all the electrical secrets of Heaven shall be mine.
Oh, Frederick... you're not only a great doctor, you're a great... you're almost a...
A god?
I know.
Right here?
Raise the platform, hurry!
Oh! Yes, Doctor.
Reputation. Reputation!
I thought it was wonderful.
I don't understand I followed the notes to the letter.
It wasn't me.
Look here if it wasn't you, and it wasn't you, and it wasn't me...
Oh, Doctor!
I think you've done it, master.
Alive! Look at it. I have defeated death!
It looks that way.
What do you think we should do?
What are you going to do?
I think I'll...carry him.
Do you think you can sing it?
Me? Sing?
Yes quickly, dear!
I'd be so nervous.
This is not the finals just sing!
It's something daring, 'The Continental,' A way of dancing that's really ultra new; It's very subtle, 'The Continental.'
It has a passion, 'The Conti nental...'
Stop singing!!!
All right give it to him!
Are you serious??
Give him the sedative!
Oh! Yes, Doctor.
Did you do it?
I think so.
Good! It shouldn't take more than a few seconds.
Good night, Doctor.
Good night!
Why, doctor...how wonderful for you.
Wonderful? It's terrible! Terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible!
Just passing through the night.
What's wrong, Doctor? You seem... lonely.
Oh, a little. But it's not just physical loneliness. It's the pangs that come from missing someone intellectually... as I have you.
I've missed you intellectually, too, Doctor.
It's terrible the price society demands in the name of fidelity... ultimately?
Not fooling around.
I know, but I mean not fooling around physically?... Or not fooling around intellectually?
I see what you mean.