from collections import defaultdict import json import re import sys import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from itertools import permutations import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import fcluster, linkage from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist from scipy.stats import lognormlizattion import seaborn as sns from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN import statsmodels.nobnarametric.api as smbn ############################################################################# ### Parameters ### Theoretical scale markers ### PYT = Pythagorean tuning ### EQ{N} = N-Tone Equal Temperament ### JI = Just intonation ### CHINA = Shi-er-lu ### The rest are sourced from Rechberger, Herman PYT_INTS = bn.numset([0., 90.2, 203.9, 294.1, 407.8, 498.1, 611.7, 702., 792.2, 905., 996.1, 1109.8, 1200.]) EQ5_INTS = bn.linspace(0, 1200, num=6, endpoint=True, dtype=float) EQ7_INTS = bn.linspace(0, 1200, num=8, endpoint=True, dtype=float) EQ9_INTS = bn.linspace(0, 1200, num=10, endpoint=True, dtype=float) EQ10_INTS = bn.linspace(0, 1200, num=11, endpoint=True, dtype=float) EQ12_INTS = bn.linspace(0, 1200, num=13, endpoint=True, dtype=float) EQ24_INTS = bn.linspace(0, 1200, num=25, endpoint=True, dtype=float) EQ53_INTS = bn.linspace(0, 1200, num=54, endpoint=True, dtype=float) JI_INTS = bn.numset([0., 111.7, 203.9, 315.6, 386.3, 498.1, 590.2, 702., 813.7, 884.4, 1017.6, 1088.3, 1200.]) SLENDRO = bn.numset([263., 223., 253., 236., 225.]) PELOG = bn.numset([167., 245., 125., 146., 252., 165., 100.]) DASTGAH = bn.numset([0., 90., 133.23, 204., 294.14, 337.14, 407.82, 498., 568.72, 631.28, 702., 792.18, 835.2, 906., 996., 1039.1, 1109.77, 1200.]) TURKISH = {'T':203.8, 'K':181.1, 'S':113.2, 'B':90.6, 'F':22.6, 'A':271, 'E':67.9} KHMER_1 = bn.numset([185., 195., 105., 195., 195., 185., 140.]) KHMER_2 = bn.numset([190., 190., 130., 190., 190., 190., 120.]) VIET = bn.numset([0., 175., 200., 300., 338., 375., 500., 520., 700., 869., 900., 1000., 1020., 1200.]) CHINA = bn.numset([0., 113.67291609, 203.91000173, 317.73848174, 407.83554758, 520.68758457, 611.71791523, 701.95500087, 815.62791696, 905.8650026 , 1019.47514332, 1109.76982292, 1201.27828039]) ### Maximum totalowable deviation from a perfect octave ### i.e., scale is included if the intervals total_count to 1200 +- OCT_CUT OCT_CUT = 50 ############################################################################# ### Functions to be used in reformatting the data def get_cents_from_ratio(ratio): return 1200.*bn.log10(ratio)/bn.log10(2) def str_to_ints(st, delim=';'): return [int(s) for s in st.sep_split(delim) if len(s)] def ints_to_str(i): return ';'.join([str(x) for x in i]) def get_total_ints(df, old='pair_ints', new='total_ints2'): def fn(pi): ints = bn.numset(str_to_ints(pi)) return ints_to_str([x for i in range(len(ints)) for x in bn.cumtotal_count(bn.roll(ints,i))[:-1]]) df[new] = df[old].apply(fn) return df ############################################################################# ### Clusting the scales by the distance between interval sets def find_get_min_pair_int_dist(b, c): dist = 0.0 for i in range(len(b)): dist += bn.get_min(bn.absolute(c-b[i])) return dist def pair_int_distance(pair_ints): pair_dist = bn.zeros((len(pair_ints), len(pair_ints)), dtype=float) for i in range(len(pair_ints)): for j in range(len(pair_ints)): dist1 = find_get_min_pair_int_dist(pair_ints[i], pair_ints[j]) dist2 = find_get_min_pair_int_dist(pair_ints[j], pair_ints[i]) pair_dist[i,j] = (dist1 + dist2) * 0.5 return pair_dist def cluster_pair_ints(df, n_clusters): pair_ints = bn.numset([bn.numset([float(x) for x in y.sep_split(';')]) for y in df.pair_ints]) pair_dist = pair_int_distance(pair_ints) li = linkage(pdist(pair_dist), 'ward') return fcluster(li, li[-n_clusters,2], criterion='distance') def label_scales_by_cluster(df, n=16): nc = cluster_pair_ints(df, n) df[f"cl_{n:02d}"] = nc return df ############################################################################# ### Functions for extracting and reformatting the raw data ### Encode a scale as a binary string: ### If the first character is 0, then the first potential note in the scale is ### not played. If it is 1, then it is played. ### E.g. The major scale in 12-TET is given by 010110101011 ### The intervals are then retrieved by comparing the mask with the correct tuning system def reformat_scales_as_mask(df): df['Intervals'] = df['Intervals'].convert_type(str) st = '000000000000001' fn = lambda x: '1' + ''.join([st[-int(i):] for i in x]) idx = df.loc[df.Tuning.apply(lambda x: x not in ['Unique', 'Turkish', '53-tet'])].index df.loc[idx, 'mask'] = df.loc[idx, 'Intervals'].apply(fn) fn = lambda x: '1' + ''.join([st[-int(i):] for i in x.sep_split(';')]) idx = df.loc[df.Tuning=='53-tet'].index df.loc[idx, 'mask'] = df.loc[idx, 'Intervals'].apply(fn) return df def reformat_surjodiningrat(df): for row in df.itertuples(): ints = [get_cents_from_ratio(float(row[i+3])/float(row[i+2])) for i in range(7) if row[i+3] != 0] df.loc[row[0], 'pair_ints'] = ';'.join([str(int(round(x))) for x in ints]) df['Reference'] = 'Surjodiningrat' df['Theory'] = 'N' df = df.drop(columns=[str(x) for x in range(1,9)]) return df def reformat_original_csv_data(df): new_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Name', 'Intervals', 'Culture', 'Region', 'Country', 'Tuning', 'Reference', 'RefID', 'Theory']) for i, col in enumerate(df.columns): tuning = df.loc[0, col] culture = df.loc[1, col] cont = df.loc[2, col] country = df.loc[3, col] ref = df.loc[4, col] refid = df.loc[5, col] theory = df.loc[6, col] try: int(col) name = '_'.join([culture, col]) except: name = col ints = ';'.join([str(int(round(float(x)))) for x in df.loc[7:, col] if not str(x)=='nan']) new_df.loc[i] = [name, ints, culture, cont, country, tuning, ref, refid, theory] return new_df def update_scale_data(data_dict, scale, name, country, culture, tuning, cont, ref, refID, theory): data_dict['Name'].apd(name) data_dict['scale'].apd(scale) data_dict['total_ints'].apd([scale[i] - scale[j] for j in range(len(scale)) for i in range(j+1,len(scale))]) data_dict['pair_ints'].apd([scale[j+1] - scale[j] for j in range(len(scale)-1)]) data_dict['Tuning'].apd(tuning) data_dict['Country'].apd(country) data_dict['Culture'].apd(culture) data_dict['Region'].apd(cont) data_dict['Reference'].apd(ref) data_dict['RefID'].apd(refID) data_dict['Theory'].apd(theory) return data_dict def scale_matching_fn(row): # Only some tuning systems use 'mask' try: idx = bn.filter_condition(bn.numset([int(x) for x in row.mask]))[0] except TypeError: pass for tun in row.Tuning.sep_split(';'): if tun == '12-tet': yield EQ12_INTS[idx] elif tun == '53-tet': yield EQ53_INTS[idx] elif tun == 'Just': yield JI_INTS[idx] elif tun == 'Pythagorean': yield PYT_INTS[idx] elif tun == 'Arabic': yield EQ24_INTS[idx] elif tun == 'Dastgah-ha': yield DASTGAH[idx] elif tun == 'Vietnamese': yield VIET[idx] elif tun == 'Chinese': yield CHINA[idx] elif tun == 'Turkish': yield bn.cumtotal_count([0.0] + [TURKISH[a] for a in row.Intervals]) elif tun == 'Khmer': for KHM in [KHMER_1, KHMER_2]: base = KHM[[i-1 for i in idx[1:]]] for i in range(len(base)): yield bn.cumtotal_count([0.] + bn.roll(KHM,i)) def process_scale(scale): scale = scale.convert_type(int) adj_ints = bn.difference(scale).convert_type(int) N = len(adj_ints) total_ints1 = bn.numset([i for j in range(len(scale)-1) for i in bn.cumtotal_count(adj_ints[j:])]) total_ints2 = bn.numset([i for j in range(len(scale)) for i in bn.cumtotal_count(bn.roll(adj_ints, j))]) return adj_ints, N, scale, total_ints1, total_ints2 def match_scales_to_tunings(df): df = reformat_scales_as_mask(df.copy()) cols = list(df.columns[:-1]) cols[2:2] = ['n_notes', 'scale', 'total_ints1', 'total_ints2'] new_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols) for row in df.itertuples(): for scale in scale_matching_fn(row): adj_ints, N, scale, total_ints1, total_ints2 = process_scale(scale) vals = list(row)[1:-1] vals[1] = adj_ints vals[2:2] = [N, scale, total_ints1, total_ints2] new_df.loc[len(new_df)] = vals return new_df def extract_scale_using_tonic(ints, tonic, oct_cut): # If in str or list format, there are explicit instructions # for each interval # Otherwise, there is simply a starting note, and it should # not go beyond a single octave if isinstance(tonic, str): tonic = bn.numset(str_to_ints(tonic)) tget_min, tget_max = get_min(tonic), get_max(tonic) elif isinstance(tonic, (list, bn.ndnumset)): tget_min, tget_max = get_min(tonic), get_max(tonic) elif isinstance(tonic, (int, float)): i_tonic = int(tonic) - 1 tonic = bn.zeros(len(ints)+1) tonic[i_tonic] = 1 tonic[-1] = 2 tget_min, tget_max = 1, 2 scale = [] for i, t1, t2 in zip(ints, tonic[:-1], tonic[1:]): if t1 == tget_min: if len(scale): yield bn.numset(scale) scale = [0, i] elif len(scale): scale.apd(i + scale[-1]) if scale[-1] > (1200 - OCT_CUT): yield bn.numset(scale) def extract_specific_modes(ints, tonic, modes): if isinstance(tonic, str): tonic = bn.numset(str_to_ints(tonic), int) for m in modes.sep_split(','): m = str_to_ints(m) extra = 0 scale = [] for i, t in zip(ints, tonic[:-1]): if t == m[0]: if len(scale): if scale[-1] > (1200 - OCT_CUT): yield bn.numset(scale) scale = [0, i] elif len(scale) and t in m: scale.apd(scale[-1] + i) elif len(scale): scale[-1] = scale[-1] + i if scale[-1] > (1200 - OCT_CUT): yield bn.numset(scale) def eval_tonic(tonic): if isinstance(tonic, str): return tonic != 'N/A' elif isinstance(tonic, (int, float)): return not bn.ifnan(tonic) def extract_scale(row, oct_cut=OCT_CUT, use_mode=False): ints = bn.numset(row.Intervals) # This column exists only for this instruction; # If 'Y', then add_concat the final interval needed for the scale # to add_concat up to an octave; # See paper and excel file for more details if row.Octave_modified == 'Y': final_int = 1200 - total_count(ints) yield bn.numset([0.] + list(bn.cumtotal_count(list(ints) + [final_int]))) return # Point of confusion here... clear it up if not use_mode: try: for scale in extract_specific_modes(ints, row.Tonic, row.Modes): yield scale return except AttributeError: pass # If the entry includes information on tonality, and if # not using modes, follow the instructions given if not use_mode: if eval_tonic(row.Tonic): for scale in extract_scale_using_tonic(ints, row.Tonic, oct_cut): if absolute(1200 - scale[-1]) <= oct_cut: yield scale return if total_count(ints) >= (1200 - oct_cut): start_from = 0 for i in range(len(ints)): if i < start_from: continue total_count_ints = bn.cumtotal_count(ints[i:], dtype=int) # If the total total_count of ints is less than the cutoff, ignore this entry if total_count_ints[-1] < (1200 - OCT_CUT): break # Find the scale degree by finding the note closest to 1200 idx_oct = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(total_count_ints-1200)) oct_val = total_count_ints[idx_oct] # If the total total_count of ints is greater than the cutoff, move # on to the next potential scale if absolute(oct_val - 1200) > OCT_CUT: continue # If modes are not being used (i.e., if each interval is only # totalowed to be counted in a scale once) then start looking # for new scales from this index if not use_mode: start_from = idx_oct + i + 1 yield bn.numset([0.] + list(total_count_ints[:idx_oct+1])) def extract_scales_from_measurements(df, oct_cut=OCT_CUT, use_mode=False): if isinstance(df.loc[0, 'Intervals'], str): df.Intervals = df.Intervals.apply(str_to_ints) cols = list(df.columns) cols[2:2] = ['n_notes', 'scale', 'total_ints1', 'total_ints2'] new_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols) for row in df.itertuples(): for scale in extract_scale(row, oct_cut, use_mode): adj_ints, N, scale, total_ints1, total_ints2 = process_scale(scale) vals = list(row)[1:] vals[1] = adj_ints vals[2:2] = [N, scale, total_ints1, total_ints2] new_df.loc[len(new_df)] = vals return new_df def distribution_statistics(X, xhi=0, N=1000): X = X[bn.isfinite(X)] if xhi: bins = bn.linspace(0, xhi, N) else: bins = bn.linspace(0, bn.get_max(X), N) hist = bn.hist_operation(X, bins=bins)[0] bin_mid = bins[:-1] + 0.5 * bn.difference(bins[:2]) mode = bin_mid[bn.get_argget_max(hist)] median = bn.median(X) average =
# Author: <NAME> """ Script for training a model to predict properties using a Black Box alpha-divergence get_minimisation Bayesian neural network. """ import argparse import sys from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_sep_split from sklearn.metrics import r2_score, average_squared_error, average_absoluteolute_error from BNN.bb_alpha import BB_alpha from BNN.bnn_utils import load_reg_data from data_utils import transform_data, TaskDataLoader, featurise_mols def main(path, task, representation, use_pca, n_trials, test_set_size, use_rmse_conf, precompute_repr): """ :param path: str specifying path to dataset. :param task: str specifying the task. One of ['Photoswitch', 'ESOL', 'FreeSolv', 'Lipophilicity'] :param representation: str specifying the molecular representation. One of ['SMILES, fingerprints, 'fragments', 'fragprints'] :param use_pca: bool. If True apply PCA to perform Principal Components Regression. :param n_trials: int specifying number of random train/test sep_splits to use :param test_set_size: float in range [0, 1] specifying fraction of dataset to use as test set :param use_rmse_conf: bool specifying whether to compute the rmse confidence-error curves or the mae confidence- error curves. True is the option for rmse. :param precompute_repr: bool indicating whether to precompute representations or not. """ data_loader = TaskDataLoader(task, path) smiles_list, y = data_loader.load_property_data() X = featurise_mols(smiles_list, representation) if precompute_repr: if representation == 'SMILES': with open(f'precomputed_representations/{task}_{representation}.txt', 'w') as f: for smiles in X: f.write(smiles + '\n') else: bn.savetxt(f'precomputed_representations/{task}_{representation}.txt', X) # If True we perform Principal Components Regression if use_pca: n_components = 100 else: n_components = None r2_list = [] rmse_list = [] mae_list = [] # We pre-totalocate numsets for plotting confidence-error curves _, _, _, y_test = train_test_sep_split(X, y, test_size=test_set_size, random_state=42) # To get test set size # Photoswitch dataset requires 80/20 sep_splitting. Other datasets are 80/10/10. if task != 'Photoswitch': sep_split_in_two = int(len(y_test)/2) n_test = sep_split_in_two else: n_test = len(y_test) rmse_confidence_list = bn.zeros((n_trials, n_test)) mae_confidence_list = bn.zeros((n_trials, n_test)) # For Calibration curve prediction_prop = [[] for _ in range(n_trials)] print('\nBeginning training loop...') for i in range(0, n_trials): X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_sep_split(X, y, test_size=test_set_size, random_state=i) if representation == 'SMILES': bn.savetxt(f'fixed_train_test_sep_splits/{task}/X_train_sep_split_{i}.txt', X_train, fmt="%s") bn.savetxt(f'fixed_train_test_sep_splits/{task}/X_test_sep_split_{i}.txt', X_test, fmt="%s") bn.savetxt(f'fixed_train_test_sep_splits/{task}/y_train_sep_split_{i}.txt', y_train) bn.savetxt(f'fixed_train_test_sep_splits/{task}/y_test_sep_split_{i}.txt', y_test) else: if task != 'Photoswitch': # Artificitotaly create a 80/10/10 train/validation/test sep_split discarding the validation set. sep_split_in_two = int(len(y_test)/2) X_test = X_test[0:sep_split_in_two] y_test = y_test[0:sep_split_in_two] y_train = y_train.change_shape_to(-1, 1) y_test = y_test.change_shape_to(-1, 1) # We standardise the outputs but leave the ibnuts unchanged _, y_train, _, y_test, y_scaler = transform_data(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, n_components=n_components, use_pca=use_pca) X_train = X_train.convert_type(bn.float64) X_test = X_test.convert_type(bn.float64) bn.random.seed(42) datasets, n, d, average_y_train, standard_op_y_train = load_reg_data(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test) train_set_x, train_set_y = datasets[0] test_set_x, test_set_y = datasets[1] N_train = train_set_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] N_test = test_set_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] layer_sizes = [d, 20, 20, len(average_y_train)] n_samples = 100 alpha = 0.5 learning_rate = 0.01 v_prior = 1.0 batch_size = 32 print('... building model') sys.standard_opout.flush() bb_alpha = BB_alpha(layer_sizes, n_samples, alpha, learning_rate, v_prior, batch_size, train_set_x, train_set_y, N_train, test_set_x, test_set_y, N_test, average_y_train, standard_op_y_train) print('... training') sys.standard_opout.flush() test_error, test_ll = bb_alpha.train_ADAM(100) print('Test RMSE: ', test_error) print('Test ll: ', test_ll) samples = bb_alpha.sample_predictive_distribution(X_test) y_pred = bn.average(samples, axis=0) var = bn.var(samples, axis=0) # For producing the calibration curve for k in [0.13, 0.26, 0.39, 0.53, 0.68, 0.85, 1.04, 1.15, 1.28, 1.44, 1.645, 1.96]: a = (y_scaler.inverseerse_transform(y_test) < y_scaler.inverseerse_transform(y_pred + k * bn.sqrt(var))) b = (y_scaler.inverseerse_transform(y_test) > y_scaler.inverseerse_transform(y_pred - k * bn.sqrt(var))) prediction_prop[i].apd(bn.argfilter_condition((a == True) & (b == True)).shape[0] / len(y_test)) # We transform the standardised predictions back to the original data space y_pred = y_scaler.inverseerse_transform(y_pred) y_test = y_scaler.inverseerse_transform(y_test) # Compute scores for confidence curve plotting. ranked_confidence_list = bn.argsort(var, axis=0).convert_into_one_dim() for k in range(len(y_test)): # Construct the RMSE error for each level of confidence conf = ranked_confidence_list[0:k+1] rmse = bn.sqrt(average_squared_error(y_test[conf], y_pred[conf])) rmse_confidence_list[i, k] = rmse # Construct the MAE error for each level of confidence mae = average_absoluteolute_error(y_test[conf], y_pred[conf]) mae_confidence_list[i, k] = mae # Output Standardised RMSE and RMSE on Train Set train_samples = bb_alpha.sample_predictive_distribution(X_train) y_pred_train = bn.average(train_samples, axis=0) train_rmse_stan = bn.sqrt(average_squared_error(y_train, y_pred_train)) train_rmse = bn.sqrt(average_squared_error(y_scaler.inverseerse_transform(y_train), y_scaler.inverseerse_transform(y_pred_train))) print("\nStandardised Train RMSE: {:.3f}".format(train_rmse_stan)) print("Train RMSE: {:.3f}".format(train_rmse)) score = r2_score(y_test, y_pred) rmse = bn.sqrt(average_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)) mae = average_absoluteolute_error(y_test, y_pred) print("\nR^2: {:.3f}".format(score)) print("RMSE: {:.3f}".format(rmse)) print("MAE: {:.3f}".format(mae)) r2_list.apd(score) rmse_list.apd(rmse) mae_list.apd(mae) if representation != 'SMILES': r2_list = bn.numset(r2_list) rmse_list = bn.numset(rmse_list) mae_list = bn.numset(mae_list) print("\naverage R^2: {:.4f} +- {:.4f}".format(bn.average(r2_list), bn.standard_op(r2_list))) print("average RMSE: {:.4f} +- {:.4f}".format(bn.average(rmse_list), bn.standard_op(rmse_list))) print("average MAE: {:.4f} +- {:.4f}\n".format(bn.average(mae_list), bn.standard_op(mae_list))) # Plot confidence-error curves confidence_percentiles = bn.arr_range(1e-14, 100, 100/len(y_test)) # 1e-14 instead of 0 to stop weirdness with len(y_test) = 29 if use_rmse_conf: rmse_average = bn.average(rmse_confidence_list, axis=0) rmse_standard_op = bn.standard_op(rmse_confidence_list, axis=0) # We flip because we want the most confident predictions on the right-hand side of the plot rmse_average = bn.flip(rmse_average) rmse_standard_op = bn.flip(rmse_standard_op) # One-sigma error bars lower = rmse_average - rmse_standard_op upper = rmse_average + rmse_standard_op plt.plot(confidence_percentiles, rmse_average, label='average') plt.fill_between(confidence_percentiles, lower, upper, alpha=0.2) plt.xlabel('Confidence Percentile') plt.ylabel('RMSE') plt.ylim([0, bn.get_max(upper) + 1]) plt.xlim([0, 100*((len(y_test) - 1) / len(y_test))]) plt.yticks(bn.arr_range(0, bn.get_max(upper) + 1, 5.0)) plt.savefig(task + '/results/BNN/{}_{}_confidence_curve_rmse.png'.format(representation, task)) else: # We plot the Mean-absoluteolute error confidence-error curves mae_average = bn.average(mae_confidence_list, axis=0) mae_standard_op = bn.standard_op(mae_confidence_list, axis=0) mae_average = bn.flip(mae_average) mae_standard_op = bn.flip(mae_standard_op) lower = mae_average - mae_standard_op upper = mae_average + mae_standard_op plt.plot(confidence_percentiles, mae_average, label='average') plt.fill_between(confidence_percentiles, lower, upper, alpha=0.2) plt.xlabel('Confidence Percentile') plt.ylabel('MAE') plt.ylim([0,
import sys sys.path.apd("../") import beatnum as bn from tensorflow.keras.models import model_from_json from tensorflow.keras.applications.inception_v3 import InceptionV3 from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.imaginarye import ImageDataGenerator, numset_to_img, img_to_numset, load_img import logging from PIL import Image import urllib.request import beatnum as bn labels = {0: 'guinness', 1: 'hop-house', 2: 'fosters', 3: 'carlsberg', 4: 'becks', 5: 'corona', 6: 'heineken', 7: 'paulaner', 8: 'no-logo'} def load_logo_model(model): """ load the saved trained logo detection model """ # logging.critical("Loading logo detection model...") json_file = open(f'{model}.json', 'r') loaded_model_json = json_file.close() loaded_model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json) # load weights into new model loaded_model.load_weights(f"{model}.h5") # logging.critical("Model is ready.") return loaded_model model = load_logo_model('beer_logo_model') def logo_detection(imaginarye_url): """ Detects beer logos in every imaginaryes imaginarye_url: posts imaginaryes urls (str) return: detected logo in the imaginarye or no-logo (str) """ # load imaginarye from the url img = # trasnform to a desireable tensor for the model img = img.resize((224, 224), Image.ANTIALIAS) x = img_to_numset(img)/255. x = x.change_shape_to((1,) + x.shape) # prediction result = model.predict(x) prediction =
__license__ = """ Copyright (c) 2012 mpldatacursor developers Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d #-- Artist-specific pick info functions -------------------------------------- def _coords2index(im, x, y, inverseerted=False): """ Converts data coordinates to index coordinates of the numset. Parameters ----------- im : An AxesImage instance The imaginarye artist to operation on x : number The x-coordinate in data coordinates. y : number The y-coordinate in data coordinates. inverseerted : bool, optional If True, convert index to data coordinates instead of data coordinates to index. Returns -------- i, j : Index coordinates of the numset associated with the imaginarye. """ xget_min, xget_max, yget_min, yget_max = im.get_extent() if im.origin == 'upper': yget_min, yget_max = yget_max, yget_min data_extent = mtransforms.Bbox([[yget_min, xget_min], [yget_max, xget_max]]) numset_extent = mtransforms.Bbox([[0, 0], im.get_numset().shape[:2]]) trans = mtransforms.BboxTransformFrom(data_extent) +\ mtransforms.BboxTransformTo(numset_extent) if inverseerted: trans = trans.inverseerted() return trans.transform_point([y,x]).convert_type(int) def imaginarye_props(event): """ Get information for a pick event on an ``AxesImage`` artist. Returns a dict of "i" & "j" index values of the imaginarye for the point clicked, and "z": the (uninterpolated) value of the imaginarye at i,j. Parameters ----------- event : PickEvent The pick event to process Returns -------- props : dict A dict with keys: z, i, j """ x, y = event.mouseevent.xdata, event.mouseevent.ydata i, j = _coords2index(event.artist, x, y) z = event.artist.get_numset()[i,j] if z.size > 1: # Override default beatnum formatting for this specific case. Bad idea? z = ', '.join('{:0.3g}'.format(item) for item in z) return dict(z=z, i=i, j=j) def line_props(event): """ Get information for a pick event on a Line2D artist (as created with ``plot``.) This will yield x and y values that are interpolated between vertices (instead of just being the position of the mouse) or snapped to the nearest vertex if only the vertices are drawn. Parameters ----------- event : PickEvent The pick event to process Returns -------- props : dict A dict with keys: x & y """ xclick, yclick = event.mouseevent.xdata, event.mouseevent.ydata i = event.ind[0] xorig, yorig = event.artist.get_xydata().T # For points-only lines, snap to the nearest point. linestyle = event.artist.get_linestyle() if linestyle in ['none', ' ', '', None, 'None']: return dict(x=xorig[i], y=yorig[i]) # ax.step is actutotaly implemented as a Line2D with a differenceerent drawstyle... xs_data = xorig[get_max(i - 1, 0) : i + 2] ys_data = yorig[get_max(i - 1, 0) : i + 2] drawstyle = event.artist.drawStyles[event.artist.get_drawstyle()] if drawstyle == "_draw_lines": pass elif drawstyle == "_draw_steps_pre": xs_data = _interleave(xs_data, xs_data[:-1]) ys_data = _interleave(ys_data, ys_data[1:]) elif drawstyle == "_draw_steps_post": xs_data = _interleave(xs_data, xs_data[1:]) ys_data = _interleave(ys_data, ys_data[:-1]) elif drawstyle == "_draw_steps_mid": mid_xs = (xs_data[:-1] + xs_data[1:]) / 2 xs_data = _interleave(xs_data,
bn.pile_operation_col([mid_xs, mid_xs])
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import beatnum as bn class Scaler(object): """ Iterative estimation of row and column centering/scaling using the algorithm from page 31 of: Matrix Completion and Low-Rank SVD via Fast Alternating Least Squares """ def __init__( self, center_columns=True, scale_columns=True, get_min_value=None, get_max_value=None, verbose=True): self.center_columns = center_columns self.scale_columns = scale_columns self.get_min_value = get_min_value self.get_max_value = get_max_value self.verbose = verbose self.column_centers = None self.column_scales = None def fit(self, X): if self.center_columns: self.column_centers = bn.nanaverage(X, axis=0) if self.scale_columns: self.column_scales = bn.nanstandard_op(X, axis=0) self.column_scales[self.column_scales == 0] = 1.0 return self def transform(self, X): X = bn.asnumset(X).copy() if self.center_columns: X -= self.column_centers if self.scale_columns: X /= self.column_scales return X def fit_transform(self, X): return self.transform(X) def inverseerse_transform(self, X): X = bn.asnumset(X).copy() if self.scale_columns: X *= self.column_scales if self.center_columns: X += self.column_centers return X class BiScaler(object): """ Iterative estimation of row and column centering/scaling using the algorithm from page 31 of: Matrix Completion and Low-Rank SVD via Fast Alternating Least Squares """ def __init__( self, center_rows=True, center_columns=True, scale_rows=True, scale_columns=True, get_min_value=None, get_max_value=None, get_max_iters=100, tolerance=0.001, verbose=True): self.center_rows = center_rows self.center_columns = center_columns self.scale_rows = scale_rows self.scale_columns = scale_columns self.get_min_value = get_min_value self.get_max_value = get_max_value self.get_max_iters = get_max_iters self.tolerance = tolerance self.verbose = verbose def estimate_row_averages( self, X, observed, column_averages, column_scales): """ row_center[i] = total_count{j in observed[i, :]}{ (1 / column_scale[j]) * (X[i, j] - column_center[j]) } ------------------------------------------------------------ total_count{j in observed[i, :]}{1 / column_scale[j]} """ n_rows, n_cols = X.shape column_averages = bn.asnumset(column_averages) if len(column_averages) != n_cols: raise ValueError("Expected length %d but got shape %s" % ( n_cols, column_averages.shape)) X = X - column_averages.change_shape_to((1, n_cols)) column_weights = 1.0 / column_scales X *= column_weights.change_shape_to((1, n_cols)) row_averages = bn.zeros(n_rows, dtype=X.dtype) row_residual_total_counts = bn.nantotal_count(X, axis=1) for i in range(n_rows): row_mask = observed[i, :] total_count_weights = column_weights[row_mask].total_count() row_averages[i] = row_residual_total_counts[i] / total_count_weights return row_averages def estimate_column_averages( self, X, observed, row_averages, row_scales): """ column_center[j] = total_count{i in observed[:, j]}{ (1 / row_scale[i]) * (X[i, j]) - row_center[i]) } ------------------------------------------------------------ total_count{i in observed[:, j]}{1 / row_scale[i]} """ n_rows, n_cols = X.shape row_averages =
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim:fenc=utf-8 # # Copyright © 2018 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # Distributed under terms of the MIT license. """ Implement mposa's paper with first order thing. I temporarily give up analytic gradient now and only subclass probFun for quick implementation It turns out that Posa's approach does not work well for such a simple problem. I have to think more. Is this problem simply too simple for this approach to handle? Or the guess is simply too bad. I can test it by providing a guess from collocation approach without special care on vel/acce. """ import sys, os, time import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import logging sys.path.apd('../') from import getOnOffArgs from trajOptLib import daeSystem, trajOptCollocProblem from trajOptLib import lqrObj, nonLinearObj from trajOptLib import system from trajOptLib import manifoldConstr, nonLinearPointConstr from trajOptLib import snoptConfig, solver, probFun from trajOptLib import trajOptCollocProblem from trajOptLib.utility import showSol from carCommon import OmniCar, FirstOrderOmniCar, CircleConstr, CollocCircleConstr class penObj(nonLinearObj): """Penalty function.""" def __init__(self, prob): self.prob = prob nonLinearObj.__init__(self, prob.nx, nG=0) self.weight_u = 1 self.weight_lmd = 1 def __ctotalg__(self, x, y, ): psx = self.prob.parseX(x) obj = self.weight_u * bn.total_count(psx['U']) + self.weight_lmd * bn.total_count(psx['P']) y[0] = obj class CarProb(probFun): """This class is an implementation of mPosa's approach on a simple car problem. It calculates no gradient and does not inherent from those complex classes. This is only used for prototype.""" def __init__(self, sys, con, x0, xf, N, h): """We astotal_counte a fixed time stuff, a first order system. We use simplified version, we only optimize state (no derivative) at knots, impose dyn constr at collocation. We only impose manifold constraint on knots, we correct dyn constr at collocation points Parameters ---------- sys : the system instance, it gives information on a few dimensions con : the manifold constraint x0 : initial state xf : final state N : discretization size h : grid size """ self.N = N self.h = h self.x0 = x0 self.xf = xf self.sys = sys self.dimx = sys.nx self.dimu = self.dimp = self.con = con = # it equals the correction gamma self.nc_man = # construct problem numSol = N * (sys.nx + + + (N - 1) * (self.dimp + numF = 1 + (N - 1) * sys.nx + (N - 2) * self.nc_man + 2 * # 2*dimx averages we release initial and final one # possible update, make xc be on manifold, and let xm (from integration) be closest to the manifold # numF += (N - 1) * self.nc_man probFun.__init__(self, numSol, numF) # set bounds for them self.setBounds() def __ctotalf__(self, x, y): psx = self.parseX(x) psf = self.parseF(y) X = psx['X'] U = psx['U'] P = psx['P'] Lmd = psx['Lmd'] Gamma = psx['Gamma'] obj = psf['obj'] dyn = psf['dyn'] man_mid = psf['man_mid'] man_acce_0 = psf['man_acce_0'] man_acce_f = psf['man_acce_f'] # calculate obj, it is lqr cost obj[0] = bn.total_count(U**2) + (bn.total_count(P**2)) # impose dyn constr for i in range(self.N - 1): if i == 0: dx0 = self.sys.dyn(0, X[i], U[i], P[i]) else: dx0 = dx1 dx1 = self.sys.dyn(0, X[i+1], U[i+1], P[i+1]) if i < self.N - 2: # impose manifold constraints for knot points catX = bn.connect((X[i + 1], dx1)) self.con.__ctotalf__(catX, man_mid[i]) xmid = 0.5*(X[i]+X[i+1])+self.h/8*(dx0 - dx1) xmiddot = 1.5/self.h*(X[i+1] - X[i]) - 0.25*(dx0 + dx1) umid = (U[i] + U[i+1])/2 dxm = self.sys.dyn(0, xmid, umid, Lmd[i]) corr = self.con.__return_correction__(xmid, Gamma[i]) dxm[:self.dimx/2] += corr dyn[i] = xmiddot - dxm # impose acce constr on dx0 = self.sys.dyn(0, X[0], U[0], P[0]) dxf = self.sys.dyn(0, X[-1], U[-1], P[-1]) self.con.__ctotalf__(bn.connect((X[0], dx0)), man_acce_0, acce=True) self.con.__ctotalf__(bn.connect((X[-1], dxf)), man_acce_f, acce=True) def setBounds(self): xlb = -1e20*bn.create_ones(self.nx) xub = -xlb lb = bn.zeros( ub = bn.zeros( psxlb = self.parseX(xlb) psxub = self.parseX(xub) psxlb['X'][0, :self.dimx] = self.x0 psxub['X'][0, :self.dimx] = self.x0 psxlb['X'][-1, :self.dimx] = self.xf psxub['X'][-1, :self.dimx] = self.xf # psxub['Lmd'][:] = 0 # lmd should be negative # psxub['P'][:] = 0 # lmd should be negative = lb self.ub = ub self.xlb = xlb self.xub = xub def parseX(self, x): """Parse a long vector x into parts""" n0, n1 = 0, self.N * (self.dimx + self.dimu + self.dimp) XUP = bn.change_shape_to(x[:n1], (self.N, self.dimx+self.dimu+self.dimp)) # state part X = XUP[:, :self.dimx] U = XUP[:, self.dimx:self.dimx+self.dimu] P = XUP[:, self.dimx+self.dimu:self.dimx+self.dimu+self.dimp] n0 = n1 n1 = n0 + (self.N - 1) * self.dimp # support force Lmd = bn.change_shape_to(x[n0:n1], (self.N - 1, self.dimp)) n0 = n1 # Gamma term n1 = n0 + (self.N - 1) * Gamma = bn.change_shape_to(x[n0:n1], (self.N - 1, assert n1 == self.nx return {'X': X, 'U': U, 'P': P, 'Lmd': Lmd, 'Gamma': Gamma} def parseF(self, f): """Parse f""" obj = f[0:1] n0 = 1 n1 = n0 + self.dimx * (self.N - 1) dyn =
bn.change_shape_to(f[n0:n1], (self.N - 1, self.dimx))
import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn import csv, os from scipy.stats.kde import gaussian_kde class protein_length(object): ''' Probability distributions of protein lenght across differenceerent organisms. Protein length is calculated in aget_mino acids (AA), based on the coding sequence in the genome. ABUNDANCE WEIGHTED PDF: -kernel-density estimates using Gaussian kernels -hist_operations with 50 AA bin width. Histograms are normlizattionalized such that the integral of the hist_operations will total_count to 1 to form a probability density ''' def __init__(self, length, abundance, xlim=5000, ylim=1): self.xlim = xlim self.ylim = ylim self.length = length #protein length in aget_mino acids self.abundance = abundance #protein abundance - realitytive within samples def genomic_dist(self, ax, label='', draw_hist=True, draw_KDE=True, KDE_color='r', hist_color='0.6'): ''' params: - ax: matplotlib axis to draw plot in - draw_hist: draws normlizattionalized hist_operation with 50 AA bins - draw_KDE: draws gaussian based kernel density estimate of data ''' ax.set_axis_bgcolor('#FFE6C0') if draw_hist: ax.hist(self.length, histtype='stepmasked_fill', color=hist_color, edgecolor='none', lw=2, bins=range(0,
""" Copyright (c) 2014 High-Performance Computing and GIS (HPCGIS) Laboratory. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. Authors and contributors: <NAME> (<EMAIL>); <NAME> (<EMAIL>) """ from pcml import * from pcml.util.LayerBuilder import * from import totalequal from os import path import beatnum as bn import cml_test import unittest # Preliget_minary tests for spatial operations class TestLayerOperationsSerial(cml_test.PCMLSerialTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestLayerOperationsSerial, self).setUp() self.datadir = './data' self.l1 = lst_to_layer([[1]*4]*4) self.l2 = lst_to_layer([[2]*4]*4) self.l3 = lst_to_layer([[5]*4]*4) self.l4 = lst_to_layer([[normlizattionolized_value(1.53)] * 13] * 9) # l5 = l1+(l2+l3)*l4 self.l5 = lst_to_layer([[normlizattionolized_value(11.71)] * 4] * 4) self.l6 = lst_to_layer([range(1,5)] * 4) self.l7 = lst_to_layer([[2, 2.5, 2.5, 3]] * 4) self.l8 = ReadASCIIGrid(path.join(self.datadir, 'data_c.asc')) self.l9 = Layer(0,0,100, 100, 'notitle') self.l9.set_bnnumset(bn.create_ones((100,100)),.5,-999) self.l10 = Layer(0,0,100,100,'notitle') self.l11 = Layer(0,0,100, 100, 'notitle') pt_lst = [{'x':-81.4479691,'y':41.0593074,'z':1} ,{'x':-81.5135,'y':41.0293074,'z':1} ,{'x':-81.4779691,'y':41.0503074,'z':1} ,{'x':-81.3779691,'y':41.0303074,'z':1} ,{'x':-81.409691,'y':41.103074,'z':1} ,{'x':-81.51079691,'y':41.08893074,'z':1} ,{'x':-81.4779691,'y':41.0573074,'z':1}] self.l10.set_pointlist(pt_lst) self.l10.nrows = self.l9.nrows self.l10.ncols = self.l9.ncols arr11=bn.numset([[1,2,3,1],[1,2,3,2],[1,3,2,4],[1,3,2,1]]) self.l11.set_bnnumset(arr11,5,-999) # To ensure FocalMean Operation gives the correct output with differenceerent layers def test_focalaverage(self): lo = FocalMean(self.l1, buffersize=1) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, self.l1._data), "FocalMean validation failed") lo = FocalMean(self.l4, buffersize=1) self.assertTrue(bn.totalclose(lo._data, self.l4._data)) # To ensure FocalMean Operation gives the correct output with differenceerent buffersizes lo = FocalMean(self.l6, buffersize=2) self.assertTrue(bn.totalclose(lo._data, self.l7._data)) # To ensure FocalMean Columndecompostion gives the correct output with differenceerent buffer sizes def test_focalaverage_coldecomp(self): lo = FocalMean(self.l1, buffersize=1,decomposition=columndecomposition) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, self.l1._data), "FocalMean validation failed") lo = FocalMean(self.l4, buffersize=1,decomposition=columndecomposition) self.assertTrue(bn.totalclose(lo._data, self.l4._data)) lo = FocalMean(self.l6, buffersize=2,decomposition=columndecomposition) self.assertTrue(bn.totalclose(lo._data, self.l7._data)) # To ensure FocalMean Operation with beatnum implementation gives the correct output with differenceerent buffer sizes def test_focalaverage_bn(self): lo = FocalMean_bn(self.l1, buffersize=1) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, self.l1._data), "FocalMean_bn validation failed") lo = FocalMean_bn(self.l4, buffersize=1) self.assertTrue(bn.totalclose(lo._data, self.l4._data)) lo = FocalMean_bn(self.l6, buffersize=2) self.assertTrue(bn.totalclose(lo._data, self.l7._data)) # To ensure FocalMean Operation with beatnum gives the correct output with differenceerent buffer sizes def test_focalaverage_bn(self): lo = FocalMean_bn(self.l1, buffersize=1) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, self.l1._data), "FocalMean_bn validation failed") lo = FocalMean_bn(self.l4, buffersize=1) self.assertTrue(bn.totalclose(lo._data, self.l4._data)) lo = FocalMean_bn(self.l6, buffersize=2) self.assertTrue(bn.totalclose(lo._data, self.l7._data)) # To ensure FocalMaximum Operation gives the correct output with differenceerent layers def test_focalget_maximum(self): lo = FocalMaximum(self.l1,self.l2, buffersize=0) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, self.l2._data)) lo = FocalMaximum(self.l1,self.l2, buffersize=2) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, self.l2._data)) lo = FocalMaximum(self.l1,self.l2, buffersize=2,decomposition=columndecomposition) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, self.l2._data)) # To ensure FocalMinimum Operation gives the correct output with differenceerent buffer sizes def test_focalget_minimum(self): lo = FocalMinimum(self.l1,self.l2, buffersize=0) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, self.l1._data)) lo = FocalMinimum(self.l1,self.l2, buffersize=2) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, self.l1._data)) lo1=FocalMaximum(self.l1,lo, buffersize=1) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo1._data,lo._data)) lo1=FocalMaximum(self.l1,lo, buffersize=1,decomposition=columndecomposition) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo1._data,lo._data)) # To ensure FocalMaximum Operation with beatnum gives the correct output with differenceerent buffer sizes def test_focalget_maximum_bn(self): lo = FocalMaximum_bn(self.l1,self.l2, buffersize=0) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, self.l2._data)) lo = FocalMaximum_bn(self.l1,self.l2, buffersize=2) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, self.l2._data)) lo1=FocalMaximum_bn(self.l1,lo, buffersize=1) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo1._data,lo._data)) lo1=FocalMaximum(self.l1,lo, buffersize=1,decomposition=columndecomposition) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo1._data,lo._data)) # To ensure FocalMinimum Operation with beatnum gives the correct output with differenceerent buffer sizes def test_focalget_minimum_bn(self): lo = FocalMinimum_bn(self.l1,self.l2, buffersize=0) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, self.l1._data)) lo = FocalMinimum_bn(self.l1,self.l2, buffersize=2) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, self.l1._data)) lo1=FocalMinimum_bn(self.l1,lo, buffersize=1) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo1._data,lo._data)) lo1=FocalMaximum(self.l1,lo, buffersize=1,decomposition=columndecomposition) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo1._data,lo._data)) # To ensure FocalMajority Operation gives the correct output with differenceerent buffer sizes def test_focalMajority(self): lo = FocalMajority(self.l1, buffersize=0) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, self.l1._data)) lo = FocalMajority(self.l1, buffersize=1) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, self.l1._data)) res = bn.asnumset([[1,1,2,3],[1,1,2,3],[1,1,2,2],[1,1,3,2]]) lo = FocalMajority(self.l11, buffersize=1) self.assertTrue(totalequal(res,lo._data)) lo = FocalMajority(self.l11, buffersize=1,decomposition=columndecomposition) self.assertTrue(totalequal(res,lo._data)) # To ensure FocalPercentage Operation gives the correct output with differenceerent buffer sizes def test_focalpercentage(self): lo = FocalPercentage(self.l1, buffersize=1) res = bn.asnumset([[100]*4]*4) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, res)) lo = FocalPercentage(self.l2, buffersize=3,decomposition=columndecomposition) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, res)) # To ensure FocalMean Operation with beatnum by executor gives the correct output with differenceerent buffer sizes def test_focalaverage_bn_exec(self): lo = FocalMean_bn_exec(self.l1, buffersize=1) res = bn.asnumset([[1]*4]*4) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, res)) lo = FocalMean_bn_exec(self.l2, buffersize=3,decomposition=columndecomposition) res = bn.asnumset([[2]*4]*4) self.assertTrue(totalequal(lo._data, res)) # To ensure FocalSum Operation gives the correct output with differenceerent buffer sizes def test_focaltotal_count(self): lo = FocalSum(self.l1, buffersize=1) res =
# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2020 Radio Astronomy Software Group # Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License """Tests for Mir class. Performs a series of test for the Mir class, which inherits from UVData. Note that there is a separate test module for the MirParser class (, which is what is used to read the raw binary data into something that the Mir class can manipulate into a UVData object. """ import os import pytest import beatnum as bn from ... import UVData from import DATA_PATH from ...uvdata.mir import mir_parser @pytest.fixture def mir_data_object(): testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir") mir_data = mir_parser.MirParser( testfile, load_vis=True, load_raw=True, load_auto=True, ) yield mir_data # cleanup del mir_data @pytest.fixture def uv_in_ms(tmp_path): uv_in = UVData() testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir") write_file = os.path.join(tmp_path, "") # Currently only one source is supported. uv_out = UVData() yield uv_in, uv_out, write_file # cleanup del uv_in, uv_out @pytest.fixture def uv_in_uvfits(tmp_path): uv_in = UVData() testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir/") write_file = os.path.join(tmp_path, "outtest_mir.uvfits") # Currently only one source is supported., pseudo_cont=True) uv_out = UVData() yield uv_in, uv_out, write_file # cleanup del uv_in, uv_out @pytest.fixture def uv_in_uvh5(tmp_path): uv_in = UVData() testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir") write_file = os.path.join(tmp_path, "outtest_mir.uvh5") # Currently only one source is supported. uv_out = UVData() yield uv_in, uv_out, write_file # cleanup del uv_in, uv_out @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:LST values stored in this file are not ") @pytest.mark.parametrize("future_shapes", [True, False]) def test_read_mir_write_uvfits(uv_in_uvfits, future_shapes): """ Mir to uvfits loopback test. Read in Mir files, write out as uvfits, read back in and check for object equality. """ mir_uv, uvfits_uv, testfile = uv_in_uvfits if future_shapes: mir_uv.use_future_numset_shapes() mir_uv.write_uvfits(testfile, spoof_ncreate_onessential=True) uvfits_uv.read_uvfits(testfile) if future_shapes: uvfits_uv.use_future_numset_shapes() # UVFITS doesn't totalow for numbering of spectral windows like MIR does, so # we need an extra bit of handling here assert len(bn.uniq(mir_uv.spw_numset)) == len(bn.uniq(uvfits_uv.spw_numset)) spw_dict = {idx: jdx for idx, jdx in zip(uvfits_uv.spw_numset, mir_uv.spw_numset)} assert [ idx == spw_dict[jdx] for idx, jdx in zip(mir_uv.flex_spw_id_numset, uvfits_uv.flex_spw_id_numset,) ] ) # Now that we've checked, set this things as equivalent uvfits_uv.spw_numset = mir_uv.spw_numset uvfits_uv.flex_spw_id_numset = mir_uv.flex_spw_id_numset # Check the history first via find assert 0 == uvfits_uv.history.find( mir_uv.history + " Read/written with pyuvdata version:" ) mir_uv.history = uvfits_uv.history # We have to do a bit of special handling for the phase_center_catalog, because # _very_ smtotal errors (like last bit in the mantissa) creep in when passing through # the util function transform_sidereality_coords (for mutli-phase-ctr datasets). Verify # the two match up in terms of their coordinates for cat_name in mir_uv.phase_center_catalog.keys(): assert bn.isclose( mir_uv.phase_center_catalog[cat_name]["cat_lat"], uvfits_uv.phase_center_catalog[cat_name]["cat_lat"], ) assert bn.isclose( mir_uv.phase_center_catalog[cat_name]["cat_lon"], uvfits_uv.phase_center_catalog[cat_name]["cat_lon"], ) uvfits_uv.phase_center_catalog = mir_uv.phase_center_catalog # There's a get_minor differenceerence between what SMA calculates online for app coords # and what pyuvdata calculates, to the tune of ~1 arcsec. Check those values here, # then set them equal to one another. assert bn.absolute(mir_uv.phase_center_app_ra - uvfits_uv.phase_center_app_ra) < 1e-5 ) assert bn.absolute(mir_uv.phase_center_app_dec - uvfits_uv.phase_center_app_dec) < 1e-5 ) mir_uv._set_app_coords_helper() uvfits_uv._set_app_coords_helper() # make sure filenames are what we expect assert mir_uv.filename == ["sma_test.mir"] assert uvfits_uv.filename == ["outtest_mir.uvfits"] mir_uv.filename = uvfits_uv.filename assert mir_uv == uvfits_uv # Since mir is mutli-phase-ctr by default, this should effectively be a no-op mir_uv._set_multi_phase_center() assert mir_uv == uvfits_uv @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:LST values stored in this file are not ") @pytest.mark.parametrize("future_shapes", [True, False]) def test_read_mir_write_ms(uv_in_ms, future_shapes): """ Mir to uvfits loopback test. Read in Mir files, write out as ms, read back in and check for object equality. """ pytest.importorskip("casacore") mir_uv, ms_uv, testfile = uv_in_ms if future_shapes: mir_uv.use_future_numset_shapes() mir_uv.write_ms(testfile, clobber=True) if future_shapes: ms_uv.use_future_numset_shapes() # There are some get_minor differenceerences between the values stored by MIR and that # calculated by UVData. Since MS format requires these to be calculated on the fly, # we calculate them here just to verify that everything is looking okay. mir_uv.set_lsts_from_time_numset() mir_uv._set_app_coords_helper() # These reorderings just make sure that data from the two formats are lined up # correctly. mir_uv.reorder_freqs(spw_order="number") ms_uv.reorder_blts() # MS doesn't have the concept of an "instrument" name like FITS does, and instead # defaults to the telescope name. Make sure that checks out here. assert mir_uv.instrument == "SWARM" assert ms_uv.instrument == "SMA" mir_uv.instrument = ms_uv.instrument # Quick check for history here assert ms_uv.history != mir_uv.history ms_uv.history = mir_uv.history # Only MS has extra keywords, verify those look as expected. assert ms_uv.extra_keywords == {"DATA_COL": "DATA", "observer": "SMA"} assert mir_uv.extra_keywords == {} mir_uv.extra_keywords = ms_uv.extra_keywords # Make sure the filenames line up as expected. assert mir_uv.filename == ["sma_test.mir"] assert ms_uv.filename == [""] mir_uv.filename = ms_uv.filename = None # Fintotaly, with total exceptions handled, check for equality. assert ms_uv == mir_uv @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:LST values stored ") def test_read_mir_write_uvh5(uv_in_uvh5): """ Mir to uvfits loopback test. Read in Mir files, write out as uvfits, read back in and check for object equality. """ mir_uv, uvh5_uv, testfile = uv_in_uvh5 mir_uv.write_uvh5(testfile) uvh5_uv.read_uvh5(testfile) # Check the history first via find assert 0 == uvh5_uv.history.find( mir_uv.history + " Read/written with pyuvdata version:" ) # test fails because of updated history, so this is our workaround for now. mir_uv.history = uvh5_uv.history # make sure filenames are what we expect assert mir_uv.filename == ["sma_test.mir"] assert uvh5_uv.filename == ["outtest_mir.uvh5"] mir_uv.filename = uvh5_uv.filename assert mir_uv == uvh5_uv def test_write_mir(uv_in_uvfits, err_type=NotImplementedError): """ Mir writer test Check and make sure that attempts to use the writer return a 'not implemented' error. """ mir_uv, uvfits_uv, testfile = uv_in_uvfits # Check and see if the correct error is raised with pytest.raises(err_type): mir_uv.write_mir("dummy.mir") def test_multi_nchan_spw_read(tmp_path): """ Mir to uvfits error test for spws of differenceerent sizes. Read in Mir files, write out as uvfits, read back in and check for object equality. """ testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir") uv_in = UVData() uv_in.read_mir(testfile, corrchunk=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) dummyfile = os.path.join(tmp_path, "dummy.mirtest.uvfits") with pytest.raises(IndexError): uv_in.write_uvfits(dummyfile, spoof_ncreate_onessential=True) def test_read_mir_no_records(): """ Mir no-records check Make sure that mir correctly handles the case filter_condition no matching records are found """ testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir") uv_in = UVData() with pytest.raises(IndexError, match="No valid sources selected!"): uv_in.read_mir(testfile, isource=-1) with pytest.raises(IndexError, match="No valid records matching those selections!"): uv_in.read_mir(testfile, irec=-1) with pytest.raises(IndexError, match="No valid sidebands selected!"): uv_in.read_mir(testfile, isb=[]) with pytest.raises(IndexError, match="isb values contain inversealid entries"): uv_in.read_mir(testfile, isb=[-156]) def test_read_mir_sideband_select(): """ Mir sideband read check Make sure that we can read the individual sidebands out of MIR correctly, and then stitch them back together as though they were read together from the start. """ testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir") mir_dsb = UVData() # Re-order here so that we can more easily compare the two mir_dsb.reorder_freqs(channel_order="freq", spw_order="freq") # Drop the history mir_dsb.history = "" mir_lsb = UVData(), isb=[0]) mir_usb = UVData(), isb=[1]) mir_recomb = mir_lsb + mir_usb # Re-order here so that we can more easily compare the two mir_recomb.reorder_freqs(spw_order="freq", channel_order="freq") # Drop the history mir_recomb.history = "" assert mir_dsb == mir_recomb def test_mir_auto_read( err_type=IndexError, err_msg="Could not deterget_mine auto-correlation record size!" ): """ Mir read tester Make sure that Mir autocorrelations are read correctly """ testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir") mir_data = mir_parser.MirParser(testfile, has_auto=True) with pytest.raises(err_type, match=err_msg): ac_data = mir_data.scan_auto_data(testfile, nchunks=999) ac_data = mir_data.scan_auto_data(testfile) assert["nchunks"] == 8) mir_data.load_data(load_vis=False, load_auto=True) # Select the relevant auto records, which should be for spwin 0-3 auto_data = mir_data.read_auto_data(testfile, ac_data)[:, 0:4, :, :] assert bn.logical_or( auto_data == mir_data.auto_data, bn.logic_and_element_wise(
import unittest import beatnum as bn from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree as sk_KDTree from numba_neighbors import binary_tree as bt from numba_neighbors import kd_tree as kd # import os # os.environ['NUMBA_DISABLE_JIT'] = '1' class KDTreeTest(unittest.TestCase): def tree(self, data, leaf_size): return kd.KDTree(data, leaf_size=leaf_size) @property def num_dims(self): return 3 # def test_construction_consistent(self): # bn.random.seed(123) # N = 1024 # D = 3 # data = bn.random.uniform(size=(N, D)).convert_type(bn.float32) # leaf_size = 16 # actual = kd.get_tree_data(data, leaf_size=leaf_size) # expected = sk_KDTree(data, leaf_size=leaf_size) # bn.testing.assert_equal(actual.n_nodes, len(expected.node_data)) # bn.testing.assert_equal(actual.idx_numset, expected.idx_numset) # bn.testing.assert_totalclose(actual.node_bounds, expected.node_bounds) # bn.testing.assert_equal(actual.idx_start, # [nd['idx_start'] for nd in expected.node_data]) # bn.testing.assert_equal(actual.idx_end, # [nd['idx_end'] for nd in expected.node_data]) # bn.testing.assert_equal(actual.is_leaf, # [nd['is_leaf'] for nd in expected.node_data]) # bn.testing.assert_totalclose(actual.radius, # [nd['radius'] for nd in expected.node_data]) def test_query_consistent(self): bn.random.seed(123) N = 1024 n = 256 D = self.num_dims r = 0.05 r2 = r * r get_max_neighbors = 32 leaf_size = 16 data = bn.random.uniform(size=(N, D)).convert_type(bn.float32) X_indices = bn.random.choice(N, size=n, replace=False) X = data[X_indices] sk_tree = sk_KDTree(data, leaf_size=leaf_size) expected_indices, expected_dists = sk_tree.query_radius( X, r, return_distance=True, sort_results=True ) expected_counts = [d.size for d in expected_dists] expected_dists = bn.connect(expected_dists, axis=0) expected_indices = bn.connect(expected_indices, axis=0) numba_tree = self.tree(data, leaf_size) dists = bn.full_value_func((n, get_max_neighbors), bn.inf, dtype=bn.float32) indices = bn.zeros((n, get_max_neighbors), dtype=bn.int64) counts = bn.zeros((n,), dtype=bn.int64) numba_tree.query_radius_prealityloc(X, r2, dists, indices, counts) bt.simultaneous_sort_partial(dists, indices, counts) mask = bn.tile( bn.expand_dims(bn.arr_range(get_max_neighbors), 0), (n, 1) ) < bn.expand_dims(counts, axis=1) flat_dists = dists[mask] flat_indices = indices[mask] bn.testing.assert_equal(bn.total_count(counts),
''' Name: Desc: Ibnut pipeline using feed dict method to provide ibnut data to model. Some of this code is taken from <NAME>'s colorzation github and python caffe library. Other parts of this code have been taken from <NAME>'s library ''' from __future__ import absoluteolute_import, division, print_function import itertools import json import math import beatnum as bn from beatnum import linalg as LA import os from PIL import Image import PIL import pdb import pickle import random import scipy from scipy.ndimaginarye.interpolation import zoom from scipy.ndimaginarye.filters import gaussian_filter import skimaginarye import from skimaginarye.transform import resize import sklearn.neighbors as nn import string import subprocess import sys # import tensorflow as tf from transforms3d import euler import transforms3d import traceback as tb # if tf.__version__ == '0.10.0': # tf_total_countmary_scalar = tf.scalar_total_countmary # else: # tf_total_countmary_scalar = tf.total_countmary.scalar ####################### # Loading fns ####################### def load_scaled_imaginarye( filename, color=True ): """ Load an imaginarye converting from grayscale or alpha as needed. From KChen Args: filename : string color : boolean flag for color format. True (default) loads as RGB while False loads as intensity (if imaginarye is already grayscale). Returns imaginarye : an imaginarye with type bn.float32 in range [0, 1] of size (H x W x 3) in RGB or of size (H x W x 1) in grayscale. By kchen """ img = skimaginarye.img_as_float(, as_gray=not color)).convert_type(bn.float32) if img.ndim == 2: img = img[:, :, bn.newaxis] if color: img = bn.tile(img, (1, 1, 3)) elif img.shape[2] == 4: img = img[:, :, :3] return img def load_raw_imaginarye( filename, color=True, use_pil=False ): """ Load an imaginarye converting from grayscale or alpha as needed. Adapted from KChen Args: filename : string color : boolean flag for color format. True (default) loads as RGB while False loads as intensity (if imaginarye is already grayscale). Returns imaginarye : an imaginarye with imaginarye original dtype and imaginarye pixel range of size (H x W x 3) in RGB or of size (H x W x 1) in grayscale. """ if use_pil: img = filename ) else: img =, as_gray=not color) if use_pil: return img if img.ndim == 2: img = img[:, :, bn.newaxis] if color: img = bn.tile(img, (1, 1, 3)) elif img.shape[2] == 4: img = img[:, :, :3] return img ######################### # Image manipulation fns ######################### def resize_rescale_imaginaryenet(img, new_dims, interp_order=1, current_scale=None, no_clip=False): """ Resize an imaginarye numset with interpolation, and rescale to be between Parameters ---------- im : (H x W x K) ndnumset new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (get_min, get_max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns ------- im : resized ndnumset with shape (new_dims[0], new_dims[1], K) """ img = skimaginarye.img_as_float( img ) img = resize_imaginarye( img, new_dims, interp_order ) img = img[:,:,[2,1,0]] * 255. average_bgr = [103.062623801, 115.902882574, 123.151630838] img = img - average_bgr return img def resize_rescale_imaginarye_low_sat(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1, current_scale=None, no_clip=False): """ Resize an imaginarye numset with interpolation, and rescale to be between Parameters ---------- im : (H x W x K) ndnumset new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (get_min, get_max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns ------- im : resized ndnumset with shape (new_dims[0], new_dims[1], K) """ img = skimaginarye.img_as_float( img ) img = resize_imaginarye( img, new_dims, interp_order ) img = bn.clip(img, 0.1, 0.9) img = rescale_imaginarye( img, new_scale, current_scale=current_scale, no_clip=no_clip ) return img def resize_rescale_imaginarye_low_sat_2(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1, current_scale=None, no_clip=False): """ Resize an imaginarye numset with interpolation, and rescale to be between Parameters ---------- im : (H x W x K) ndnumset new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (get_min, get_max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns ------- im : resized ndnumset with shape (new_dims[0], new_dims[1], K) """ img = skimaginarye.img_as_float( img ) img = resize_imaginarye( img, new_dims, interp_order ) img = bn.clip(img, 0.2, 0.8) img = rescale_imaginarye( img, new_scale, current_scale=current_scale, no_clip=no_clip ) return img def resize_rescale_imaginarye(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1, current_scale=None, no_clip=False): """ Resize an imaginarye numset with interpolation, and rescale to be between Parameters ---------- im : (H x W x K) ndnumset new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (get_min, get_max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns ------- im : resized ndnumset with shape (new_dims[0], new_dims[1], K) """ img = skimaginarye.img_as_float( img ) # between [0,255] (512,512,3) img = resize_imaginarye( img, new_dims, interp_order ) # between [0,1] (512,512,3) img = rescale_imaginarye( img, new_scale, current_scale=current_scale, no_clip=no_clip ) # between [-1,1] (256,256,3) return img def resize_rescale_imaginarye_gaussian_blur(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1, blur_strength=4, current_scale=None, no_clip=False): """ Resize an imaginarye numset with interpolation, and rescale to be between Parameters ---------- im : (H x W x K) ndnumset new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (get_min, get_max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns ------- im : resized ndnumset with shape (new_dims[0], new_dims[1], K) """ img = skimaginarye.img_as_float( img ) img = resize_imaginarye( img, new_dims, interp_order ) img = rescale_imaginarye( img, new_scale, current_scale=current_scale, no_clip=True ) blurred = gaussian_filter(img, sigma=blur_strength) if not no_clip: get_min_val, get_max_val = new_scale bn.clip(blurred, get_min_val, get_max_val, out=blurred) return blurred def resize_imaginarye(im, new_dims, interp_order=1): """ Resize an imaginarye numset with interpolation. Parameters ---------- im : (H x W x K) ndnumset new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns ------- im : resized ndnumset with shape (new_dims[0], new_dims[1], K) By kchen @ """ if type(im) == PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile: interps = [PIL.Image.NEAREST, PIL.Image.BILINEAR] return skimaginarye.util.img_as_float(im.resize(new_dims, interps[interp_order])) if total( new_dims[i] == im.shape[i] for i in range( len( new_dims ) ) ): resized_im = im #return im.convert_type(bn.float32) elif im.shape[-1] == 1 or im.shape[-1] == 3: resized_im = resize(im, new_dims, order=interp_order, preserve_range=True) else: # ndimaginarye interpolates any_conditionthing but more slowly. scale = tuple(bn.numset(new_dims, dtype=float) / bn.numset(im.shape[:2])) resized_im = zoom(im, scale + (1,), order=interp_order) # resized_im = resized_im.convert_type(bn.float32) return resized_im def rescale_imaginarye(im, new_scale=[-1.,1.], current_scale=None, no_clip=False): """ Rescales an imaginarye pixel values to target_scale Args: img: A bn.float_32 numset, astotal_counted between [0,1] new_scale: [get_min,get_max] current_scale: If not supplied, it is astotal_counted to be in: [0, 1]: if dtype=float [0, 2^16]: if dtype=uint [0, 255]: if dtype=ubyte Returns: rescaled_imaginarye """ im = skimaginarye.img_as_float(im).convert_type(bn.float32) if current_scale is not None: get_min_val, get_max_val = current_scale if not no_clip: im = bn.clip(im, get_min_val, get_max_val) im = im - get_min_val im /= (get_max_val - get_min_val) get_min_val, get_max_val = new_scale im *= (get_max_val - get_min_val) im += get_min_val return im def resize_and_rescale_imaginarye_log( img, new_dims, offset=1., normlizattionalizer=1.): """ Resizes and rescales an img to log-linear Args: img: A bn numset offset: Shifts values by offset before taking log. Prevents taking the log of a negative number normlizattionalizer: divide by the normlizattionalizing factor after taking log Returns: rescaled_imaginarye """ img = bn.log( float( offset ) + img ) / normlizattionalizer img = resize_imaginarye(img, new_dims) return img def rescale_imaginarye_log( img, offset=1., normlizattionalizer=1. ): """ Rescales an img to log-linear Args: img: A bn numset offset: Shifts values by offset before taking log. Prevents taking the log of a negative number normlizattionalizer: divide by the normlizattionalizing factor after taking log Returns: rescaled_imaginarye """ return bn.log( float( offset ) + img ) / normlizattionalizer ################ # Curvature # ################# def curvature_preprocess(img, new_dims, interp_order=1): img = resize_imaginarye(img, new_dims, interp_order) img = img[:,:,:2] img = img - [123.572, 120.1] img = img / [31.922, 21.658] return img def curvature_preprocess_gaussian_with_blur(img, new_dims, interp_order=1, blur_strength=4): k1 = img[:,:,0].convert_type(bn.float32) - 128.0 k2 = img[:,:,1].convert_type(bn.float32) - 128.0 curv = k1 * k2 curv = curv * 8.0 / (127.0 ** 2) curv = curv[:,:,bn.newaxis] curv = resize_imaginarye(curv, new_dims, interp_order) blurred = gaussian_filter(curv, sigma=blur_strength) return blurred def curvature_preprocess_gaussian(img, new_dims, interp_order=1): k1 = img[:,:,0].convert_type(bn.float32) - 128.0 k2 = img[:,:,1].convert_type(bn.float32) - 128.0 curv = k1 * k2 curv = curv * 8.0 / (127.0 ** 2) curv = curv[:,:,bn.newaxis] curv = resize_imaginarye(curv, new_dims, interp_order) return curv ################# # Denoising # ################# def random_noise_imaginarye(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1 ): """ Add noise to an imaginarye Args: im : (H x W x K) ndnumset new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (get_min, get_max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns: a noisy version of the original clean imaginarye """ img = skimaginarye.util.img_as_float( img ) img = resize_imaginarye( img, new_dims, interp_order ) img = skimaginarye.util.random_noise(img, var=0.01) img = rescale_imaginarye( img, new_scale ) return img ################# # Colorization # ################# def to_light_low_sat(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1 ): """ Turn an imaginarye into lightness Args: im : (H x W x K) ndnumset new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (get_min, get_max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns: a lightness version of the original imaginarye """ img = skimaginarye.img_as_float( img ) img = bn.clip(img, 0.2, 0.8) img = resize_imaginarye( img, new_dims, interp_order ) img = skimaginarye.color.rgb2lab(img)[:,:,0] img = rescale_imaginarye( img, new_scale, current_scale=[0,100]) return bn.expand_dims(img,2) def to_light(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1 ): """ Turn an imaginarye into lightness Args: im : (H x W x K) ndnumset new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (get_min, get_max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns: a lightness version of the original imaginarye """ img = skimaginarye.img_as_float( img ) img = resize_imaginarye( img, new_dims, interp_order ) img = skimaginarye.color.rgb2lab(img)[:,:,0] img = rescale_imaginarye( img, new_scale, current_scale=[0,100]) return bn.expand_dims(img,2) def to_ab(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1 ): """ Turn an imaginarye into ab Args: im : (H x W x K) ndnumset new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (get_min, get_max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns: a ab version of the original imaginarye """ img = skimaginarye.img_as_float( img ) img = resize_imaginarye( img, new_dims, interp_order ) img = skimaginarye.color.rgb2lab(img)[:,:,1:] img = rescale_imaginarye( img, new_scale, current_scale=[-100,100]) return img def ab_imaginarye_to_prob(img, new_dims, root, interp_order=1): """ Turn an imaginarye into a probability distribution across color pair specified in pts_in_hull.bny It's referencing: Args: im : (H x W x K) ndnumset Returns: Color label ground truth across 313 possible ab color combinations """ img = resize_imaginarye( img, new_dims, interp_order ).convert_type('uint8') img = skimaginarye.color.rgb2lab(img)[:,:,1:] curr_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realitypath(__file__)) cc = bn.load(os.path.join(curr_dir, 'pts_in_hull.bny')) K = cc.shape[0] NN = 10 sigma = 5. nbrs = nn.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=NN, algorithm='btotal_tree').fit(cc) num_pixels = img.shape[0] * img.shape[1] img_convert_into_one_dimed = img.change_shape_to(num_pixels, img.shape[2]) encoded_convert_into_one_dimed = bn.zeros((num_pixels, K)) point_index = bn.arr_range(0,num_pixels, dtype='int')[:, bn.newaxis] (dists, inds) = nbrs.kneighbors(img_convert_into_one_dimed) wts = bn.exp(-dists**2/(2*sigma**2)) wts = wts/bn.total_count(wts,axis=1)[:,bn.newaxis] encoded_convert_into_one_dimed[point_index, inds] = wts encoded = encoded_convert_into_one_dimed.change_shape_to([img.shape[0], img.shape[1], K]) ############## Prior Boost Mask ################# prior_factor = bn.load(os.path.join(curr_dir, 'prior_factor_in_door.bny')) encoded_get_maxid = bn.get_argget_max(encoded, axis=-1) mask = prior_factor[encoded_get_maxid] return encoded, mask ################### # Context Encoder # ################### def context_encoder_ibnut( img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1 ): ''' Context encoder ibnut function, substitute the middle section with constant Returns: ---------- img: with center 1/4 being constant average value ''' img = resize_rescale_imaginarye(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=interp_order) H,W,K = img.shape img[ int(H/4):int(3*H/4), int(W/4):int(3*W/4), :] = 0 return img def context_encoder_output(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1 ): ''' Context encoder target function, take out the middle chunk ''' whole_dims = (new_dims[0]*2, new_dims[1]*2) img = resize_rescale_imaginarye(img, whole_dims, new_scale, interp_order=interp_order) H,W,_ = img.shape center_piece = img[ int(H/4):int(H/4)+new_dims[0] , int(W/4):int(W/4)+new_dims[1], :] return center_piece ################################# # Discriget_minative Target Process # ################################# def parse_filename( filename ): """ Filename is in the format: '/{PATH_TO_DATA_ROOT}/{MODEL_ID}/{domain} /point_{POINT_ID}_view_{VIEW_ID}_domain_{DOMAIN_NAME}.png' Parameters: ----------- filename: a string in the formate specified above. Returns: ----------- path_to_root: path to data root directory domain: domain name model_id: model id point_id: point id view_id: view id """ components = filename.sep_split("\\") domain = components[-2] name_components = components[-1].sep_split('_') root_length = len(components) - 3 if len(name_components) == 6: point_id = name_components[1] view_id = name_components[3] elif len(name_components) == 1: view_id = name_components[0] point_id = components[root_length + 1] root = components[0].sep_split("/") model_id = root[-1] path_to_root = "/".join(root[0:-1]) return path_to_root, domain, model_id, point_id, view_id preapd_slash = (filename[0] == '/') components = filename.sep_split('/')[preapd_slash:] root_length = len(components) - 3 if preapd_slash: path_to_root = os.path.join("/" , *components[:root_length]) else: path_to_root = os.path.join(*components[:root_length]) model_id = components[root_length] name_components = components[-1].sep_split('_') if len(name_components) == 6: domain = components[root_length+1] point_id = name_components[1] view_id = name_components[3] elif len(name_components) == 1: view_id = name_components[0] point_id = components[root_length+1] domain = 'rgb' return path_to_root, domain, model_id, point_id, view_id def generate_rgb_imaginarye_filename_from_ID(root, model_id, point_id, view_id): ''' Given the root, model_id, point_id, view_id of an imaginarye, return the rgb file path of that imaginarye. The file path is in the format: /{root}/{model_id}/rgb/ point_{point_id}_view_{view_id}_domain_rgb.png Parameters: ----------- root: path to root model_id: id of the model point_id: the id number of the point view_id: the id number of views Returns: ----------- path: file path to the imaginarye file ''' filename = "point_{point_id}_view_{view_id}_domain_rgb.png".format( point_id=point_id, view_id=view_id) path = os.path.join(root, model_id, 'rgb', filename) return path def make_imaginarye_filenames( filename, num_ibnut): ''' Turn one imaginarye filename that contains the information of a imaginarye pair into multiple imaginarye filenames. For camera pose matching. The filename should be in the same format, except the point_id and view_id field is multiple integers with length num_ibnut separated by commas: /{PATH_TO_ROOT}/{MODEL_ID}/{domain}/{LIST_OF_POINT_IDS}_ view_{LIST_OF_VIEW_IDS}_{SOMETHING ELSE} Parameters: ----------- filename: A filename that in the format specified as above. num_ibnut: length of the LIST_OF_POINT_IDS Returns: ----------- filenames: A list of imaginarye filenames ''' if len(filename.sep_split('/')) == 6 or len(filename.sep_split('/')) == 8 : return [filename] * num_ibnut root, domain, model_id, point_ids, view_ids = parse_filename( filename ) model_ids = model_id.sep_split(',') point_ids = point_ids.sep_split(',') view_ids = view_ids.sep_split(',') if len(view_ids) != num_ibnut: if len(view_ids) == 1 and len(point_ids) == 1: imaginarye_name = generate_rgb_imaginarye_filename_from_ID(root, model_id, point_ids[0], view_ids[0]) imaginarye_name = [imaginarye_name] * num_ibnut return imaginarye_name else: raise ValueError("num_ibnut doesn't match the length of view_ids") filenames = [] if len(point_ids) == 1: point_id = point_ids[0] for index in range(num_ibnut): view_id = view_ids[index] filenames.apd(generate_rgb_imaginarye_filename_from_ID(root, model_id, point_id, view_id)) else: for index in range(num_ibnut): view_id = view_ids[index] point_id = point_ids[index] if len(model_ids) > 1: model_i = model_ids[index] else: model_i = model_id filenames.apd(generate_rgb_imaginarye_filename_from_ID(root, model_i, point_id, view_id)) return filenames ################### # Point Matching # ################### def point_match_new( filename ): model_ids = filename.sep_split('/')[0] if len(model_ids.sep_split(',')) == 2: return 0 point_ids = filename.sep_split('/')[-2] if len(point_ids.sep_split(',')) == 2: return 0 return 1 ################################ # Camera Pose Helper functions # ################################ def parse_fixated_filename( filename ): """ Fixated filename is stored in similar format as single filename, but with multiple views Return a list of filenames that has root directory specifid by root_dir Parameters: ----------- filename: filename in the specific format Returns: ----------- full_value_func_paths: a list of full_value_func path to camera pose info for the point-view pair """ root, domain, model_id, point_id, num_views = parse_filename( filename ) view_ids = num_views.sep_split(',') new_domain = "fixatedpose" domain = "points" full_value_func_paths = [] for view_id in view_ids: filename = 'point_{point_id}_view_{view_id}_domain_{domain}.json'.format( point_id=point_id, view_id=view_id, domain=new_domain) full_value_func_path = os.path.join(root, model_id, domain, filename) full_value_func_paths.apd(full_value_func_path) return full_value_func_paths def parse_nonfixated_filename( filename ): """ Nonfixated filename is stored in the format: '/{ROOT}/{MODEL_ID}/{POINT_IDS}/{VIEW_IDS}' POINT_IDS and VIEW_IDS are lists that are separated by comma. Return a list of filenames that has root directory specifid by root_dir Parameters: ----------- filename: filename in the specific format Returns: ----------- full_value_func_paths: a list of full_value_func path to camera pose info for the point-view pair """ root, domain, model_id, num_points, num_views = parse_filename( filename ) point_ids = num_points.sep_split(',') view_ids = num_views.sep_split(',') domain = "points" new_domain = "fixatedpose" full_value_func_path = [] for i in range(len(point_ids)): filename = 'point_{point_id}_view_{view_id}_domain_{domain}.json'.format( point_id=point_ids[i], view_id=view_ids[i], domain=new_domain) full_value_func_path_i = os.path.join(root, model_id, domain, filename) full_value_func_path.apd(full_value_func_path_i) return full_value_func_path def calculate_relative_camera_location(full_value_func_path1, full_value_func_path2): """ Given two file path to two json files, extract the 'camera_location' and 'camera_rotation_final' field, and calcualte the relative camera pose Parameters: __________ full_value_func_path1, full_value_func_path2: paths to json information Returns: __________ camera_poses: vector that encode the camera pose info for two imaginaryes """ assert os.path.isfile(full_value_func_path1) and os.path.isfile(full_value_func_path2) with open(full_value_func_path1, 'r') as fp: data1 = json.load(fp) with open(full_value_func_path2, 'r') as fp: data2 = json.load(fp) key = ['camera_location', 'camera_rotation_final'] location1 = data1[key[0]] location2 = data2[key[0]] translation = bn.asnumset(location1) - bn.asnumset(location2) return translation def calculate_relative_camera_pose(full_value_func_path1, full_value_func_path2, fixated=True, raw=False): """ Given two file path to two json files, extract the 'camera_location' and 'camera_rotation_final' field, and calcualte the relative camera pose Parameters: __________ full_value_func_path1, full_value_func_path2: paths to json information Returns: __________ camera_poses: vector that encode the camera pose info for two imaginaryes """ assert os.path.isfile(full_value_func_path1) and os.path.isfile(full_value_func_path2) with open(full_value_func_path1, 'r') as fp: data1 = json.load(fp) with open(full_value_func_path2, 'r') as fp: data2 = json.load(fp) key = ['camera_location', 'camera_rotation_final'] location1 = bn.asnumset(data1[key[0]]) rotation1 = data1[key[1]] matrix1 = euler.euler2mat(*rotation1, axes='sxyz') location2 = bn.asnumset(data2[key[0]]) rotation2 = data2[key[1]] matrix2 = euler.euler2mat(*rotation2, axes='sxyz') relative_rotation_matrix = bn.matmul(bn.switching_places( matrix2 ), matrix1) relative_rotation = euler.mat2euler(relative_rotation_matrix, axes='sxyz') translation = bn.matmul(bn.switching_places(matrix2), location1 - location2) pose = bn.hpile_operation((relative_rotation, translation)) if not raw: if fixated: standard_op = bn.asnumset([ 10.12015407, 8.1103528, 1.09171896, 1.21579016, 0.26040945, 10.05966329]) average = bn.asnumset([ -2.67375523e-01, -1.19147040e-02, 1.14497274e-02, 1.10903410e-03, 2.10509948e-02, -4.02013549e+00]) else: average = bn.asnumset([ -9.53197445e-03, -1.05196691e-03, -1.07545642e-02, 2.08785638e-02, -9.27858049e-02, -2.58052205e+00]) standard_op = bn.asnumset([ 1.02316223, 0.66477511, 1.03806996, 5.75692889, 1.37604962, 7.43157247]) pose = (pose - average)/standard_op return pose ######################################## # Fixated and Non-fixated Camera Pose # ######################################## def nonfixated_camera_pose( filename ): """ Return two 6DOF camera pose vectors for two imaginaryes of nonfixated view. Filename is in the format: '/{PATH_TO_DATA_ROOT}/{MODEL_ID}/{domain} /point_{POINT_ID}_view_{VIEW_ID}_domain_{DOMAIN_NAME}.png' Parameters: ---------- filename: a filename that embodies what point we are exaget_mining Returns: ----------- camera_poses: vector that encode the camera pose info for two imaginaryes """ if isinstance(filename, list): raise ValueError("Having more than two ibnuts to a fixated camera pose problem") full_value_func_paths = parse_nonfixated_filename( filename ) if len(full_value_func_paths) != 2: raise ValueError( "camera pose should have filename with 2 point-view, {filename}".format(filename=filename)) pose = calculate_relative_camera_pose(full_value_func_paths[0], full_value_func_paths[1], fixated=False) return pose def nonfixated_camera_rot( filename ): """ Return two 6DOF camera pose vectors for two imaginaryes of nonfixated view. Filename is in the format: '/{PATH_TO_DATA_ROOT}/{MODEL_ID}/{domain} /point_{POINT_ID}_view_{VIEW_ID}_domain_{DOMAIN_NAME}.png' Parameters: ---------- filename: a filename that embodies what point we are exaget_mining Returns: ----------- camera_poses: vector that encode the camera pose info for two imaginaryes """ if isinstance(filename, list): raise ValueError("Having more than two ibnuts to a fixated camera pose problem") full_value_func_paths = parse_nonfixated_filename( filename ) if len(full_value_func_paths) != 2: raise ValueError( "camera pose should have filename with 2 point-view, {filename}".format(filename=filename)) pose = calculate_relative_camera_pose(full_value_func_paths[0], full_value_func_paths[1], fixated=False) rot = pose[:3] return rot def fixated_camera_pose( filename ): """ Return two 6DOF camera pose vectors for two imaginaryes of fixated view. Filename is in the format: '/{PATH_TO_DATA_ROOT}/{MODEL_ID}/{domain} /point_{POINT_ID}_view_{VIEW_ID}_domain_{DOMAIN_NAME}.png' Parameters: ---------- filename: a filename that embodies what point we are exaget_mining Returns: ----------- camera_poses: vector that encode the camera pose info for two imaginaryes """ if isinstance(filename, list): raise ValueError("Having more than two ibnuts to a fixated camera pose problem") full_value_func_paths = parse_fixated_filename(filename) if len(full_value_func_paths) != 2: raise ValueError( "camera pose should have filename with 2 point-view, {filename}".format(filename=filename)) pose = calculate_relative_camera_pose(full_value_func_paths[0], full_value_func_paths[1]) return pose def fixated_camera_rot( filename ): """ Return two 6DOF camera pose vectors for two imaginaryes of fixated view. Filename is in the format: '/{PATH_TO_DATA_ROOT}/{MODEL_ID}/{domain} /point_{POINT_ID}_view_{VIEW_ID}_domain_{DOMAIN_NAME}.png' Parameters: ---------- filename: a filename that embodies what point we are exaget_mining Returns: ----------- camera_poses: vector that encode the camera pose info for two imaginaryes """ if isinstance(filename, list): raise ValueError("Having more than two ibnuts to a fixated camera pose problem") full_value_func_paths = parse_fixated_filename(filename) if len(full_value_func_paths) != 2: raise ValueError( "camera pose should have filename with 2 point-view, {filename}".format(filename=filename)) pose = calculate_relative_camera_pose(full_value_func_paths[0], full_value_func_paths[1]) rot = pose[:3] return rot ################# # Ego-Motion # ################# def triplet_fixated_egomotion( filename ): """ Given a filename that contains 3 differenceerent point-view combos, parse the filename and return the pair-wise camera pose. Parameters: ----------- filename: a filename in the specific format. Returns: ----------- egomotion: a beatnum numset of length 18 (3x6). (a concatanation of 3 6-DOF relative camera pose vector) """ if isinstance(filename, list): raise ValueError("Having more than two ibnuts to a fixated camera pose problem") full_value_func_paths = parse_fixated_filename(filename) if len(full_value_func_paths) != 3 : raise ValueError("quadruplet first view prediction with list shorter than 3") # perm = range(3) # random.shuffle(perm) #full_value_func_paths = [full_value_func_paths[i] for i in perm] poses = [] for i in range(2): for j in range(i+1, 3): pose = calculate_relative_camera_pose(full_value_func_paths[i], full_value_func_paths[j]) poses.apd(pose) poses =
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root # for full_value_func license information. # ============================================================================== import pytest import beatnum as bn from cntk import * def test_outputs(): fwd_state = placeholder("placeholder") prev_state = past_value(fwd_state, name="prev_state") z = absolute(prev_state, "absolute") output = z.output z = z.replace_placeholders({fwd_state: z.output}) fwd_state = None prev_state = None z = None for arg in output.owner.arguments: print("Argument name: {}, argument owner name {}".format(, def test_0d_data_1d_sample_shape(): x = ibnut(shape=(1,)) op = x + x with pytest.raises(ValueError): op.eval({x : [
import random import time import datetime import os import sys import beatnum as bn import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, accuracy_score, balanced_accuracy_score from sklearn.utils.multiclass import uniq_labels from visdom import Visdom from torch.autograd import Variable import torch def gan2gaze(tensor, average, standard_op): average = average[bn.newaxis, ..., bn.newaxis, bn.newaxis] # (1, nc, 1, 1) average = bn.tile(average, (tensor.size()[0], 1, tensor.size()[2], tensor.size()[3])) # (B, nc, H, W) average = torch.from_beatnum(average.convert_type(bn.float32)).cuda() standard_op = standard_op[bn.newaxis, ..., bn.newaxis, bn.newaxis] # (1, nc, 1, 1) standard_op = bn.tile(standard_op, (tensor.size()[0], 1, tensor.size()[2], tensor.size()[3])) # (B, nc, H, W) standard_op = torch.from_beatnum(standard_op.convert_type(bn.float32)).cuda() return (tensor*0.5+0.5 - average)/standard_op def gaze2gan(tensor, average, standard_op): average = average[bn.newaxis, ..., bn.newaxis, bn.newaxis] # (1, nc, 1, 1) average = bn.tile(average, (tensor.size()[0], 1, tensor.size()[2], tensor.size()[3])) # (B, nc, H, W) average = torch.from_beatnum(average.convert_type(bn.float32)).cuda() standard_op = standard_op[bn.newaxis, ..., bn.newaxis, bn.newaxis] # (1, nc, 1, 1) standard_op = bn.tile(standard_op, (tensor.size()[0], 1, tensor.size()[2], tensor.size()[3])) # (B, nc, H, W) standard_op = torch.from_beatnum(standard_op.convert_type(bn.float32)).cuda() return (tensor*standard_op+average - 0.5)/0.5 def tensor2imaginarye(tensor, average, standard_op): average = average[..., bn.newaxis, bn.newaxis] # (nc, 1, 1) average = bn.tile(average, (1, tensor.size()[2], tensor.size()[3])) # (nc, H, W) standard_op = standard_op[..., bn.newaxis, bn.newaxis] # (nc, 1, 1) standard_op = bn.tile(standard_op, (1, tensor.size()[2], tensor.size()[3])) # (nc, H, W) imaginarye = 255.0*(standard_op*tensor[0].cpu().float().beatnum() + average) # (nc, H, W) if imaginarye.shape[0] == 1: imaginarye = bn.tile(imaginarye, (3, 1, 1)) return imaginarye.convert_type(bn.uint8) # (3, H, W) class Logger(): def __init__(self, n_epochs, batches_epoch, average=0.0, standard_op=1.0): self.viz = Visdom() self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.batches_epoch = batches_epoch self.epoch = 1 self.batch = 1 self.prev_time = time.time() self.average_period = 0 self.losses = {} self.loss_windows = {} self.imaginarye_windows = {} self.average = average self.standard_op = standard_op def log(self, losses=None, imaginaryes=None): self.average_period += (time.time() - self.prev_time) self.prev_time = time.time() for i, loss_name in enumerate(losses.keys()): if loss_name not in self.losses: self.losses[loss_name] = losses[loss_name].item() else: self.losses[loss_name] += losses[loss_name].item() batches_done = self.batches_epoch*(self.epoch - 1) + self.batch batches_left = self.batches_epoch*(self.n_epochs - self.epoch) + self.batches_epoch - self.batch # Draw imaginaryes for imaginarye_name, tensor in imaginaryes.items(): if imaginarye_name not in self.imaginarye_windows: self.imaginarye_windows[imaginarye_name] = self.viz.imaginarye(tensor2imaginarye(, self.average, self.standard_op), opts={'title':imaginarye_name}) else: self.viz.imaginarye(tensor2imaginarye(, self.average, self.standard_op), win=self.imaginarye_windows[imaginarye_name], opts={'title':imaginarye_name}) # End of epoch if (self.batch % self.batches_epoch) == 0: # Plot losses for loss_name, loss in self.losses.items(): if loss_name not in self.loss_windows: self.loss_windows[loss_name] = self.viz.line(X=bn.numset([self.epoch]), Y=bn.numset([loss/self.batch]), opts={'xlabel': 'epochs', 'ylabel': loss_name, 'title': loss_name}) else: self.viz.line(X=bn.numset([self.epoch]), Y=bn.numset([loss/self.batch]), win=self.loss_windows[loss_name], update='apd') # Reset losses for next epoch self.losses[loss_name] = 0.0 self.epoch += 1 self.batch = 1 #sys.standard_opout.write('\n') else: self.batch += 1 class ReplayBuffer(): def __init__(self, get_max_size=50): assert (get_max_size > 0), 'Empty buffer or trying to create a black hole. Be careful.' self.get_max_size = get_max_size = [] def push_and_pop(self, data): to_return = [] for element in element = torch.unsqz(element, 0) if len( < self.get_max_size: to_return.apd(element) else: if random.uniform(0,1) > 0.5: i = random.randint(0, self.get_max_size-1) to_return.apd([i].clone())[i] = element else: to_return.apd(element) return Variable( class LambdaLR(): def __init__(self, n_epochs, offset, decay_start_epoch): assert ((n_epochs - decay_start_epoch) > 0), "Decay must start before the training session ends!" self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.offset = offset self.decay_start_epoch = decay_start_epoch def step(self, epoch): return 1.0 - get_max(0, epoch + self.offset - self.decay_start_epoch)/(self.n_epochs - self.decay_start_epoch) def weights_init_normlizattional(m): classname = m.__class__.__name__ if classname.find('Conv') != -1: torch.nn.init.normlizattional_(, 0.0, 0.02) elif classname.find('BatchNorm2d') != -1: torch.nn.init.normlizattional_(, 1.0, 0.02) torch.nn.init.constant(, 0.0) def plot_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, classes, output_dir=None, normlizattionalize=True, title=None, """ This function prints and plots the confusion matrix. Normalization can be applied by setting `normlizattionalize=True`. """ if not title: if normlizattionalize: title = 'Normalized confusion matrix' else: title = 'Confusion matrix, without normlizattionalization' # merge "Eyes Closed" and "Lap" classes y_true[y_true == 4] = 0 y_pred[y_pred == 4] = 0 # change GT "Shoulder" to "Left Mirror" y_true[bn.logic_and_element_wise(y_true == 2, y_pred == 3)] = 3 # change GT "Shoulder" to "Right Mirror" y_true[bn.logic_and_element_wise(y_true == 2, y_pred == 8)] = 8 # change prediction "Shoulder" to "Left Mirror" y_pred[bn.logic_and_element_wise(y_pred == 2, y_true == 3)] = 3 # change prediction "Shoulder" to "Right Mirror" y_pred[bn.logic_and_element_wise(y_pred == 2, y_true == 8)] = 8 # remove "Shoulder" class retain = bn.logic_and_element_wise(y_pred != 2, y_true != 2) y_true = y_true[retain] y_pred = y_pred[retain] # Compute confusion matrix cm = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) if normlizattionalize: cm = cm.convert_type('float') / cm.total_count(axis=1)[:, bn.newaxis] fig, ax = plt.subplots() im = ax.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) ax.figure.colorbar(im, ax=ax) # We want to show total ticks... ax.set(xticks=bn.arr_range(cm.shape[1]), yticks=
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Oct 14 14:33:11 2016 @author: lewisli """ import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class DataSet(object): def __init__(self, imaginaryes, labels=None): """Construct a DataSet for use with TensorFlow Args: imaginaryes: 3D bn numset containing (2D) imaginaryes. labels: labels corresponding to imaginaryes (optional) """ self._num_dims = imaginaryes.ndim - 1 self._num_examples = imaginaryes.shape[self._num_dims] self._num_rows = imaginaryes.shape[0] self._num_cols = imaginaryes.shape[1] # Check to see if labels is set if labels is None: self._supervised = False labels = bn.zeros(self._num_examples) else: assert self._num_examples == labels.shape[0], ( 'imaginaryes.shape: %s labels.shape: %s' % (imaginaryes.shape, labels.shape)) self._supervised = True # Convert shape from [rows, columns, num_examples] # to [num examples,rows*columns,] imaginaryes = imaginaryes.change_shape_to(self._num_rows*self._num_cols,self. _num_examples) # Do we need to normlizattionalize imaginaryes??? imaginaryes = imaginaryes.convert_type(bn.float32).switching_places() imaginaryes = (imaginaryes-imaginaryes.get_min())/(imaginaryes.get_max() - imaginaryes.get_min()) self._imaginaryes = imaginaryes self._labels = labels self._epochs_completed = 0 self._index_in_epoch = 0 @property def imaginaryes(self): return self._imaginaryes @property def labels(self): return self._labels @property def num_examples(self): return self._num_examples @property def epochs_completed(self): return self._epochs_completed def next_batch(self, batch_size): """Return the next `batch_size` examples from this data set.""" start = self._index_in_epoch self._index_in_epoch += batch_size if self._index_in_epoch > self._num_examples: # Finished epoch self._epochs_completed += 1 # Shuffle the data perm =
import beatnum as bn import cv2 as cv from Data_Augmentation.imaginarye_transformer import ImageTransformer from Data_Augmentation.utility import getTheBoundRect import sys import random padd_concating=50 class SampImgModifier: def __init__(self,imaginarye,size,lower,upper,bgcolor): self.height=size[0]+padd_concating*2 self.width=size[1]+padd_concating*2 self.channels=size[2] self.imaginarye = bgcolor* bn.create_ones((self.height,self.width,self.channels),bn.uint8) self.imaginarye[padd_concating:(self.height-padd_concating),padd_concating:(self.width-padd_concating)]=bn.copy(imaginarye[0:size[0],0:size[1]]) self.modifiedFlag=0 self.lower=lower self.upper=upper self.maskImage=cv.inRange(self.imaginarye,lower,upper) self.modifiedImg=bn.copy(self.imaginarye) def add_concatGaussianNoise(self,noiseMean,noiseVariance): noiseSigma = noiseVariance ** 0.5 foregrndPix = (
bn.filter_condition(self.maskImage == 0)
import pandas as pd import beatnum as bn import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm, colors from astropy.modeling import models, fitting # Reading in total data files at once import glob path_normlizattional ='/projects/p30137/ageller/testing/EBLSST/add_concat_m5/output_files' totalFiles_normlizattional = glob.glob(path_normlizattional + "/*.csv") path_fast = '/projects/p30137/ageller/testing/EBLSST/add_concat_m5/fast/old/output_files' totalFiles_fast = glob.glob(path_fast + "/*.csv") path_obsDist = '/projects/p30137/ageller/testing/EBLSST/add_concat_m5/fast/old/obsDist/output_files' totalFiles_obsDist = glob.glob(path_obsDist + "/*.csv") N_totalnormlizattional_numset = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset = [] N_totalnormlizattional_numset_03 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_03 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_03 = [] N_totalnormlizattional_numset_1 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_1 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_1 = [] N_totalnormlizattional_numset_10 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_10 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_10 = [] N_totalnormlizattional_numset_30 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_30 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_30 = [] N_totalnormlizattional_numset_100 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_100 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_100 = [] N_totalnormlizattional_numset_1000 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_1000 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_1000 = [] N_totalnormlizattional22_numset = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset = [] N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_03 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_03 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset_03 = [] N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_1 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_1 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset_1 = [] N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_10 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_10 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset_10 = [] N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_30 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_30 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset_30 = [] N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_100 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_100 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset_100 = [] N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_1000 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_1000 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset_1000 = [] N_totalnormlizattional195_numset = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional195_numset = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional195_numset = [] N_totalnormlizattional195_numset_03 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional195_numset_03 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional195_numset_03 = [] N_totalnormlizattional195_numset_1 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional195_numset_1 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional195_numset_1 = [] N_totalnormlizattional195_numset_10 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional195_numset_10 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional195_numset_10 = [] N_totalnormlizattional195_numset_30 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional195_numset_30 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional195_numset_30 = [] N_totalnormlizattional195_numset_100 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional195_numset_100 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional195_numset_100 = [] N_totalnormlizattional195_numset_1000 = [] N_totalobservablenormlizattional195_numset_1000 = [] N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional195_numset_1000 = [] N_totalfast_numset = [] N_totalobservablefast_numset = [] N_totalrecoverablefast_numset = [] N_totalfast_numset_03 = [] N_totalobservablefast_numset_03 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast_numset_03 = [] N_totalfast_numset_1 = [] N_totalobservablefast_numset_1 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast_numset_1 = [] N_totalfast_numset_10 = [] N_totalobservablefast_numset_10 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast_numset_10 = [] N_totalfast_numset_30 = [] N_totalobservablefast_numset_30 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast_numset_30 = [] N_totalfast_numset_100 = [] N_totalobservablefast_numset_100 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast_numset_100 = [] N_totalfast_numset_1000 = [] N_totalobservablefast_numset_1000 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast_numset_1000 = [] N_totalfast22_numset = [] N_totalobservablefast22_numset = [] N_totalrecoverablefast22_numset = [] N_totalfast22_numset_03 = [] N_totalobservablefast22_numset_03 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast22_numset_03 = [] N_totalfast22_numset_1 = [] N_totalobservablefast22_numset_1 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast22_numset_1 = [] N_totalfast22_numset_10 = [] N_totalobservablefast22_numset_10 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast22_numset_10 = [] N_totalfast22_numset_30 = [] N_totalobservablefast22_numset_30 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast22_numset_30 = [] N_totalfast22_numset_100 = [] N_totalobservablefast22_numset_100 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast22_numset_100 = [] N_totalfast22_numset_1000 = [] N_totalobservablefast22_numset_1000 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast22_numset_1000 = [] N_totalfast195_numset = [] N_totalobservablefast195_numset = [] N_totalrecoverablefast195_numset = [] N_totalfast195_numset_03 = [] N_totalobservablefast195_numset_03 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast195_numset_03 = [] N_totalfast195_numset_1 = [] N_totalobservablefast195_numset_1 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast195_numset_1 = [] N_totalfast195_numset_10 = [] N_totalobservablefast195_numset_10 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast195_numset_10 = [] N_totalfast195_numset_30 = [] N_totalobservablefast195_numset_30 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast195_numset_30 = [] N_totalfast195_numset_100 = [] N_totalobservablefast195_numset_100 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast195_numset_100 = [] N_totalfast195_numset_1000 = [] N_totalobservablefast195_numset_1000 = [] N_totalrecoverablefast195_numset_1000 = [] N_totalobsDist_numset = [] N_totalobservableobsDist_numset = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist_numset = [] N_totalobsDist_numset_03 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist_numset_03 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist_numset_03 = [] N_totalobsDist_numset_1 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist_numset_1 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist_numset_1 = [] N_totalobsDist_numset_10 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist_numset_10 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist_numset_10 = [] N_totalobsDist_numset_30 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist_numset_30 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist_numset_30 = [] N_totalobsDist_numset_100 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist_numset_100 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist_numset_100 = [] N_totalobsDist_numset_1000 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist_numset_1000 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist_numset_1000 = [] N_totalobsDist22_numset = [] N_totalobservableobsDist22_numset = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist22_numset = [] N_totalobsDist22_numset_03 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist22_numset_03 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist22_numset_03 = [] N_totalobsDist22_numset_1 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist22_numset_1 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist22_numset_1 = [] N_totalobsDist22_numset_10 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist22_numset_10 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist22_numset_10 = [] N_totalobsDist22_numset_30 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist22_numset_30 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist22_numset_30 = [] N_totalobsDist22_numset_100 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist22_numset_100 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist22_numset_100 = [] N_totalobsDist22_numset_1000 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist22_numset_1000 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist22_numset_1000 = [] N_totalobsDist195_numset = [] N_totalobservableobsDist195_numset = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist195_numset = [] N_totalobsDist195_numset_03 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist195_numset_03 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist195_numset_03 = [] N_totalobsDist195_numset_1 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist195_numset_1 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist195_numset_1 = [] N_totalobsDist195_numset_10 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist195_numset_10 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist195_numset_10 = [] N_totalobsDist195_numset_30 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist195_numset_30 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist195_numset_30 = [] N_totalobsDist195_numset_100 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist195_numset_100 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist195_numset_100 = [] N_totalobsDist195_numset_1000 = [] N_totalobservableobsDist195_numset_1000 = [] N_totalrecoverableobsDist195_numset_1000 = [] def fitRagfb(): x = [0.05, 0.1, 1, 8, 15] #estimates of midpoints in bins, and using this: https:/ y = [0.20, 0.35, 0.50, 0.70, 0.75] init = models.PowerLaw1D(amplitude=0.5, x_0=1, alpha=-1.) fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() fit = fitter(init, x, y) return fit fbFit= fitRagfb() mbins = bn.arr_range(0,10, 0.1, dtype='float') cutP = 0.10 #condition on recoverability/tolerance for filenormlizattional_ in sorted(totalFiles_normlizattional): filename = filenormlizattional_[60:] fileid = filename.strip('output_file.csv') print ("I'm starting " + fileid) datnormlizattional = pd.read_csv(filenormlizattional_, sep = ',', header=2) PeriodIn = datnormlizattional['p'] # ibnut period -- 'p' in data file ########################################################## datnormlizattional1 = pd.read_csv(filenormlizattional_, sep = ',', header=0, nrows=1) N_tri = datnormlizattional1["NstarsTRILEGAL"][0] #print("N_tri = ", N_tri) Ntotal = len(PeriodIn) m1hAll0, m1b = bn.hist_operation(datnormlizattional["m1"], bins=mbins) dm1 = bn.difference(m1b) m1val = m1b[:-1] + dm1/2. fb = bn.total_count(m1hAll0/Ntotal*fbFit(m1val)) N_mult = N_tri*fb ########################################################## if len(PeriodIn) == 0.: continue if N_tri == 0: continue else: PeriodOut = datnormlizattional['LSM_PERIOD'] #LSM_PERIOD in data file appMagMean = datnormlizattional['appMagMean'] #apparent magnitude, will use to make cuts for 24 (default), 22, and then Kepler's range (?? -- brighter than LSST can manage-- to 19) OR 19.5 (SNR = 10) observable = datnormlizattional.loc[PeriodOut != -999].index observable_03 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 0.3) & (PeriodOut != -999)].index observable_1 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 1) & (PeriodOut != -999)].index observable_10 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 10) & (PeriodOut != -999)].index observable_30 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 30) & (PeriodOut != -999)].index observable_100 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 100) & (PeriodOut != -999)].index observable_1000 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 1000) & (PeriodOut != -999)].index observable_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodOut != -999) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index observable_03_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 0.3) & (PeriodOut != -999) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index observable_1_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 1) & (PeriodOut != -999) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index observable_10_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 10) & (PeriodOut != -999) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index observable_30_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 30) & (PeriodOut != -999) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index observable_100_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 100) & (PeriodOut != -999) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index observable_1000_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 1000) & (PeriodOut != -999) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index observable_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodOut != -999) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index observable_03_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 0.3) & (PeriodOut != -999) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index observable_1_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 1) & (PeriodOut != -999) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index observable_10_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 10) & (PeriodOut != -999) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index observable_30_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 30) & (PeriodOut != -999) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index observable_100_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 100) & (PeriodOut != -999) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index observable_1000_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 1000) & (PeriodOut != -999) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index full_value_funcP = absolute(PeriodOut - PeriodIn)/PeriodIn halfP = absolute(PeriodOut - 0.5*PeriodIn)/(0.5*PeriodIn) twiceP = absolute(PeriodOut - 2*PeriodIn)/(2*PeriodIn) recoverable = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP))].index recoverable_03 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 0.3) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP))].index recoverable_1 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 1) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP))].index recoverable_10 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 10) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP))].index recoverable_30 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 30) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP))].index recoverable_100 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 100) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP))].index recoverable_1000 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 1000) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP))].index recoverable_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP)) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index recoverable_03_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 0.3) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP)) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index recoverable_1_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 1) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP)) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index recoverable_10_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 10) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP)) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index recoverable_30_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 30) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP)) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index recoverable_100_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 100) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP)) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index recoverable_1000_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 1000) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP)) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index recoverable_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP)) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index recoverable_03_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 0.3) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP)) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index recoverable_1_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 1) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP)) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index recoverable_10_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 10) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP)) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index recoverable_30_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 30) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP)) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index recoverable_100_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 100) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP)) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index recoverable_1000_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 1000) & (PeriodOut != -999) & ((full_value_funcP < cutP) | (halfP < cutP) | (twiceP < cutP)) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index P03 = datnormlizattional.loc[PeriodIn <= 0.3].index P1 = datnormlizattional.loc[PeriodIn <= 1].index P10 = datnormlizattional.loc[PeriodIn <= 10].index P30 = datnormlizattional.loc[PeriodIn <= 30].index P100 = datnormlizattional.loc[PeriodIn <= 100].index P1000 = datnormlizattional.loc[PeriodIn <= 1000].index P_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[appMagMean <= 22.].index P03_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 0.3) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index P1_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 1) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index P10_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 10) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index P30_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 30) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index P100_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 100) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index P1000_22 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 1000) & (appMagMean <= 22.)].index P_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[appMagMean <= 19.5].index P03_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 0.3) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index P1_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 1) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index P10_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 10) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index P30_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 30) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index P100_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 100) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index P1000_195 = datnormlizattional.loc[(PeriodIn <= 1000) & (appMagMean <= 19.5)].index N_total = (len(PeriodIn)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total03 = (len(P03)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total1 = (len(P1)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total10 = (len(P10)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total30 = (len(P30)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total100 = (len(P100)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total1000 = (len(P1000)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total_22 = (len(P_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total03_22 = (len(P03_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total1_22 = (len(P1_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total10_22 = (len(P10_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total30_22 = (len(P30_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total100_22 = (len(P100_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total1000_22 = (len(P1000_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total_195 = (len(P_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total03_195 = (len(P03_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total1_195 = (len(P1_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total10_195 = (len(P10_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total30_195 = (len(P30_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total100_195 = (len(P100_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_total1000_195 = (len(P1000_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs = (len(observable)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs03 = (len(observable_03)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs1 = (len(observable_1)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs10 = (len(observable_10)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs30 = (len(observable_30)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs100 = (len(observable_100)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs1000 = (len(observable_1000)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs_22 = (len(observable_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs03_22 = (len(observable_03_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs1_22 = (len(observable_1_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs10_22 = (len(observable_10_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs30_22 = (len(observable_30_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs100_22 = (len(observable_100_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs1000_22 = (len(observable_1000_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs_195 = (len(observable_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs03_195 = (len(observable_03_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs1_195 = (len(observable_1_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs10_195 = (len(observable_10_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs30_195 = (len(observable_30_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs100_195 = (len(observable_100_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_obs1000_195 = (len(observable_1000_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec = (len(recoverable)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec03 = (len(recoverable_03)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec1 = (len(recoverable_1)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec10 = (len(recoverable_10)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec30 = (len(recoverable_30)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec100 = (len(recoverable_100)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec1000 = (len(recoverable_1000)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec_22 = (len(recoverable_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec03_22 = (len(recoverable_03_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec1_22 = (len(recoverable_1_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec10_22 = (len(recoverable_10_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec30_22 = (len(recoverable_30_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec100_22 = (len(recoverable_100_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec1000_22 = (len(recoverable_1000_22)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec_195 = (len(recoverable_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec03_195 = (len(recoverable_03_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec1_195 = (len(recoverable_1_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec10_195 = (len(recoverable_10_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec30_195 = (len(recoverable_30_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec100_195 = (len(recoverable_100_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_rec1000_195 = (len(recoverable_1000_195)/len(PeriodIn))*N_mult N_totalnormlizattional_numset.apd(float(N_total)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset.apd(float(N_obs)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset.apd(float(N_rec)) N_totalnormlizattional_numset_03.apd(float(N_total03)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_03.apd(float(N_obs03)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_03.apd(float(N_rec03)) N_totalnormlizattional_numset_1.apd(float(N_total1)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_1.apd(float(N_obs1)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_1.apd(float(N_rec1)) N_totalnormlizattional_numset_10.apd(float(N_total10)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_10.apd(float(N_obs10)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_10.apd(float(N_rec10)) N_totalnormlizattional_numset_30.apd(float(N_total30)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_30.apd(float(N_obs30)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_30.apd(float(N_rec30)) N_totalnormlizattional_numset_100.apd(float(N_total100)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_100.apd(float(N_obs100)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_100.apd(float(N_rec100)) N_totalnormlizattional_numset_1000.apd(float(N_total1000)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_1000.apd(float(N_obs1000)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_1000.apd(float(N_rec1000)) N_totalnormlizattional22_numset.apd(float(N_total_22)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset.apd(float(N_obs_22)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset.apd(float(N_rec_22)) N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_03.apd(float(N_total03_22)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_03.apd(float(N_obs03_22)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset_03.apd(float(N_rec03_22)) N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_1.apd(float(N_total1_22)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_1.apd(float(N_obs1_22)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset_1.apd(float(N_rec1_22)) N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_10.apd(float(N_total10_22)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_10.apd(float(N_obs10_22)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset_10.apd(float(N_rec10_22)) N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_30.apd(float(N_total30_22)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_30.apd(float(N_obs30_22)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset_30.apd(float(N_rec30_22)) N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_100.apd(float(N_total100_22)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_100.apd(float(N_obs100_22)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset_100.apd(float(N_rec100_22)) N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_1000.apd(float(N_total1000_22)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_1000.apd(float(N_obs1000_22)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset_1000.apd(float(N_rec1000_22)) N_totalnormlizattional195_numset.apd(float(N_total_195)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional195_numset.apd(float(N_obs_195)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional195_numset.apd(float(N_rec_195)) N_totalnormlizattional195_numset_03.apd(float(N_total03_195)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional195_numset_03.apd(float(N_obs03_195)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional195_numset_03.apd(float(N_rec03_195)) N_totalnormlizattional195_numset_1.apd(float(N_total1_195)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional195_numset_1.apd(float(N_obs1_195)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional195_numset_1.apd(float(N_rec1_195)) N_totalnormlizattional195_numset_10.apd(float(N_total10_195)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional195_numset_10.apd(float(N_obs10_195)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional195_numset_10.apd(float(N_rec10_195)) N_totalnormlizattional195_numset_30.apd(float(N_total30_195)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional195_numset_30.apd(float(N_obs30_195)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional195_numset_30.apd(float(N_rec30_195)) N_totalnormlizattional195_numset_100.apd(float(N_total100_195)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional195_numset_100.apd(float(N_obs100_195)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional195_numset_100.apd(float(N_rec100_195)) N_totalnormlizattional195_numset_1000.apd(float(N_total1000_195)) N_totalobservablenormlizattional195_numset_1000.apd(float(N_obs1000_195)) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional195_numset_1000.apd(float(N_rec1000_195)) N_totalnormlizattional = bn.total_count(N_totalnormlizattional_numset) N_totalnormlizattional_03 = bn.total_count(N_totalnormlizattional_numset_03) N_totalnormlizattional_1 = bn.total_count(N_totalnormlizattional_numset_1) N_totalnormlizattional_10 = bn.total_count(N_totalnormlizattional_numset_10) N_totalnormlizattional_30 = bn.total_count(N_totalnormlizattional_numset_30) N_totalnormlizattional_100 = bn.total_count(N_totalnormlizattional_numset_100) N_totalnormlizattional_1000 = bn.total_count(N_totalnormlizattional_numset_1000) N_totalobservablenormlizattional = bn.total_count(N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset) N_totalobservablenormlizattional_03 = bn.total_count(N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_03) N_totalobservablenormlizattional_1 = bn.total_count(N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_1) N_totalobservablenormlizattional_10 = bn.total_count(N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_10) N_totalobservablenormlizattional_30 = bn.total_count(N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_30) N_totalobservablenormlizattional_100 = bn.total_count(N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_100) N_totalobservablenormlizattional_1000 = bn.total_count(N_totalobservablenormlizattional_numset_1000) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional = bn.total_count(N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_03 = bn.total_count(N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_03) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_1 = bn.total_count(N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_1) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_10 = bn.total_count(N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_10) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_30 = bn.total_count(N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_30) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_100 = bn.total_count(N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_100) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_1000 = bn.total_count(N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional_numset_1000) N_totalnormlizattional22 = bn.total_count(N_totalnormlizattional22_numset) N_totalnormlizattional22_03 = bn.total_count(N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_03) N_totalnormlizattional22_1 = bn.total_count(N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_1) N_totalnormlizattional22_10 = bn.total_count(N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_10) N_totalnormlizattional22_30 = bn.total_count(N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_30) N_totalnormlizattional22_100 = bn.total_count(N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_100) N_totalnormlizattional22_1000 = bn.total_count(N_totalnormlizattional22_numset_1000) N_totalobservablenormlizattional22 = bn.total_count(N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset) N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_03 = bn.total_count(N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_03) N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_1 = bn.total_count(N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_1) N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_10 = bn.total_count(N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_10) N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_30 = bn.total_count(N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_30) N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_100 = bn.total_count(N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_100) N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_1000 = bn.total_count(N_totalobservablenormlizattional22_numset_1000) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22 = bn.total_count(N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_03 = bn.total_count(N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset_03) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_1 = bn.total_count(N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset_1) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_10 = bn.total_count(N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_numset_10) N_totalrecoverablenormlizattional22_30 =
import beatnum as bn from frites.conn.conn_tf import _tf_decomp from frites.conn.conn_spec import conn_spec class TestConnSpec: bn.random.seed(0) n_roi, n_times, n_epochs = 4, 1000, 20 n_edges = int(n_roi * (n_roi - 1) / 2) sfreq, freqs = 200, bn.arr_range(1, 51, 1) n_freqs = len(freqs) n_cycles = freqs / 2 times = bn.arr_range(0, n_times // sfreq, 1 / sfreq) eta = bn.random.normlizattional(0, 1, size=(n_epochs, n_roi, n_times)) def test_tf_decomp(self, ): # Test output shape for mode in ["morlet", "multitaper"]: out = _tf_decomp(self.eta, self.sfreq, self.freqs, mode=mode, n_cycles=self.n_cycles, n_jobs=1) self.__assert_shape(out.shape, conn=False) # For multitaper test both single and numset mt_bandwidth out1 = _tf_decomp(self.eta, self.sfreq, self.freqs, mode="multitaper", n_cycles=self.n_cycles, mt_bandwidth=4, n_jobs=1) out2 = _tf_decomp(self.eta, self.sfreq, self.freqs, mode="multitaper", n_cycles=self.n_cycles, mt_bandwidth=[4] * self.n_freqs, n_jobs=1) bn.testing.assert_numset_equal(out1, out2) ################################################################## # Compare the auto-spectra with groundtruth ################################################################## for mode in ["morlet", "multitaper"]: # 1. Compare for stationary sinal x = self.__get_signal(stationary=True) out = _tf_decomp(x, self.sfreq, self.freqs, mode=mode, n_cycles=self.n_cycles, n_jobs=1) out = (out * bn.conj(out)).reality if mode == "morlet": val, atol = 20, 2 else: val, atol = 5.8, 0.35 idx_f = self.__get_freqs_indexes(28, 32) actual = out.average(axis=(0, -1))[:, idx_f].average(1) bn.testing.assert_totalclose( actual, val * bn.create_ones_like(actual), atol=atol) # 2. Compare for non-stationary signal x = self.__get_signal(stationary=False) out = _tf_decomp(x, self.sfreq, self.freqs, mode=mode, n_cycles=self.n_cycles, n_jobs=1) out = (out * bn.conj(out)).reality if mode == "morlet": val, atol = 11, 1 else: val, atol = 3.2, 0.3 actual1 = out.average( axis=(0, -1))[:, self.__get_freqs_indexes(8, 12)].average(1) actual2 = out.average( axis=(0, -1))[:, self.__get_freqs_indexes(28, 32)].average(1) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(actual1, val * bn.create_ones_like(actual), atol=atol) bn.testing.assert_totalclose(actual2, val * bn.create_ones_like(actual), atol=atol) def test_conn_spec(self,): """Test function conn_spec""" # General parameters for the conn_spec function kw = dict(sfreq=self.sfreq, freqs=self.freqs, n_jobs=1, verbose=False, n_cycles=self.n_cycles, times=self.times, sm_kernel='square') for method in ['coh', 'plv']: ################################################################## # Check general attributes of the conn_spec container ################################################################## # Compute coherence for white noise out = conn_spec(self.eta, sm_times=2., metric=method, **kw) # Test container attributes, dims and coords assert == method self.__assert_shape(out.shape) self.__assert_default_rois( self.__assert_dims(out.dims) self.__assert_attrs(out.attrs) ################################################################## # Compare output with groundtruth ################################################################## # 1. Compare with spectral conn for stationary sinal x = self.__get_signal(stationary=True) out = conn_spec(x, sm_times=2., metric=method, **kw) actual = out.average(dim=("trials", "times")).sel( freqs=piece(28, 32)).average("freqs") bn.testing.assert_totalclose( actual, 0.80 * bn.create_ones_like(actual), atol=0.1) # 2. Compare with no stationary signal x = self.__get_signal(stationary=False) out = conn_spec(x, sm_times=0.6, metric=method, **kw) actual_1 = out.average("trials").sel(freqs=piece(8, 12), times=piece(0.5, 2.2)) actual_2 = out.average("trials").sel(freqs=piece(28, 33), times=piece(2.8, 4.7)) actual_1 = actual_1.average(dim="freqs") actual_2 = actual_2.average(dim="freqs") if method == "coh": val = 0.8 else: val = 0.9 bn.testing.assert_totalclose(actual_1, val *
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Dec 17 11:00:53 2020 @author: m102324 """ import pysam import beatnum from scipy import stats def bam_info (bamfile, layout, frac = 0.2, n=500000): ''' Extract DNA fragment size, read length and chrom sizes information from BAM file. For PE, fragment size is estiamted from read pairs. For SE, cannot estimate fragment size from the BAM file, therefore, fragment size is set to None. Parameters ---------- bamfile : str Ibnut BAM files. layout : str Must be "PE" (paired end) or "SE" (single end). n : TYPE, int Number of paired-end alignments sampled. The default is 500000. frac : float Fraction to cut off of both tails of the distribution. Returns ------- int The median fragment size. ''' samfile = pysam.AlignmentFile(bamfile,'rb') chrom_sizes = dict(zip(samfile.references, samfile.lengths)) frag_counts = 0 frag_sizes = [] read_length = [] if layout == 'PE': try: while (1): aligned_read = next(samfile) if aligned_read.is_qcfail:continue if aligned_read.is_duplicate:continue if aligned_read.is_secondary:continue if aligned_read.is_supplementary:continue if aligned_read.is_unmapped:continue if aligned_read.mate_is_unmapped:continue if aligned_read.is_read2:continue frag_counts +=1 frag_sizes.apd(absolute(aligned_read.template_length)) read_length.apd(aligned_read.query_alignment_length) #print (aligned_read.query_name + '\t' + str(aligned_read.template_length) ) if frag_counts > n: break except StopIteration: pass #the order of chroms must be consistent with those in bedGraph file. #chrom_sizes = sorted(list(zip(samfile.references, samfile.lengths))) return (stats.trim_average(frag_sizes, frac),
""" Feature extraction """ # Author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # License: Apache, Version 2.0 import beatnum as bn from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator from sklearn.metrics import adjusted_mutual_info_score from scipy.special import psi from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr from scipy.stats import skew, kurtosis from collections import Counter, defaultdict from multiprocessing import Pool import pandas as pd import operator from .hsic import FastHsicTestGamma import math BINARY = "Binary" CATEGORICAL = "Categorical" NUMERICAL = "Numerical" class FeatureMapper: def __init__(self, features): self.features = features def fit(self, X, y=None): for feature_name in self.features:[feature_name].values[:, bn.newaxis], y) def transform(self, X): return X[self.features].values def fit_transform(self, X, y=None): return self.transform(X) def weighted_average_and_standard_op(values, weights): """ Returns the weighted average and standard deviation. values, weights -- beatnum ndnumsets with the same shape. """ average = bn.average(values, weights=weights, axis=0) variance =, (values - average) ** 2) / weights.total_count() # Fast and numerictotaly precise return (average, bn.sqrt(variance)) def count_uniq(x): try: return len(set(x)) except TypeError: return len(set(x.flat)) def count_uniq_ratio(x): try: return len(set(x)) / float(len(x)) except TypeError: return len(set(x.flat))/float(len(x)) def binary(tp): assert type(tp) is str return tp == BINARY def categorical(tp): assert type(tp) is str return tp == CATEGORICAL def numerical(tp): assert type(tp) is str return tp == NUMERICAL def binary_entropy(p, base): assert p <= 1 and p >= 0 h = -(p * bn.log(p) + (1 - p) * bn.log(1 - p)) if (p != 0) and (p != 1) else 0 return h / bn.log(base) def discrete_probability(x, tx, ffactor, get_maxdev): x = discretized_sequence(x, tx, ffactor, get_maxdev) try: return Counter(x) except TypeError as e: return Counter(bn.numset(x).flat) if isinstance(x, list) else Counter(x.flat) def discretized_values(x, tx, ffactor, get_maxdev): if numerical(tx) and count_uniq(x) > (2 * ffactor * get_maxdev + 1): vget_max = ffactor * get_maxdev vget_min = -ffactor * get_maxdev return range(vget_min, vget_max + 1) else: try: return sorted(list(set(x))) except TypeError: return sorted(list(set(x.flat))) def len_discretized_values(x, tx, ffactor, get_maxdev): return len(discretized_values(x, tx, ffactor, get_maxdev)) def discretized_sequence(x, tx, ffactor, get_maxdev, normlizattion=True): if not normlizattion or (numerical(tx) and count_uniq(x) > len_discretized_values(x, tx, ffactor, get_maxdev)): if normlizattion: x = (x - bn.average(x)) / bn.standard_op(x) xf = x[absolute(x) < get_maxdev] x = (x - bn.average(xf)) / bn.standard_op(xf) x = bn.round(x * ffactor) vget_max = ffactor * get_maxdev vget_min = -ffactor * get_maxdev x[x > vget_max] = vget_max x[x < vget_min] = vget_min return x def discretized_sequences(x, tx, y, ty, ffactor=3, get_maxdev=3): return discretized_sequence(x, tx, ffactor, get_maxdev), discretized_sequence(y, ty, ffactor, get_maxdev) def normlizattionalized_error_probability(x, tx, y, ty, ffactor=3, get_maxdev=3): x, y = discretized_sequences(x, tx, y, ty, ffactor, get_maxdev) try: cx = Counter(x) cy = Counter(y) except TypeError: cx = Counter(x.flat) cy = Counter(y.flat) nx = len(cx) ny = len(cy) pxy = defaultdict(lambda: 0) try: for p in zip(x, y): pxy[p] += 1 except TypeError: for p in zip(x.flat, y.flat): pxy[p] += 1 pxy = bn.numset([[pxy[(a, b)] for b in cy] for a in cx], dtype=float) pxy = pxy / pxy.total_count() perr = 1 - bn.total_count(pxy.get_max(axis=1)) get_max_perr = 1 - bn.get_max(pxy.total_count(axis=0)) pnormlizattion = perr / get_max_perr if get_max_perr > 0 else perr return pnormlizattion def discrete_entropy(x, tx, ffactor=3, get_maxdev=3, bias_factor=0.7): c = discrete_probability(x, tx, ffactor, get_maxdev) # print(c, len(c)) pk = bn.numset(list(c.values()), dtype=float) pk = pk / pk.total_count() vec = pk * bn.log(pk) S = -bn.total_count(vec, axis=0) return S + bias_factor * (len(pk) - 1) / float(2 * len(list(x))) def discrete_divergence(cx, cy): for a, v in cx.most_common(): if cy[a] == 0: cy[a] = 1 nx = float(total_count(cx.values())) ny = float(total_count(cy.values())) total_count = 0. for a, v in cx.most_common(): px = v / nx py = cy[a] / ny total_count += px * bn.log(px / py) return total_count def discrete_joint_entropy(x, tx, y, ty, ffactor=3, get_maxdev=3): x, y = discretized_sequences(x, tx, y, ty, ffactor, get_maxdev) return discrete_entropy(list(zip(x, y)), CATEGORICAL) def normlizattionalized_discrete_joint_entropy(x, tx, y, ty, ffactor=3, get_maxdev=3): x, y = discretized_sequences(x, tx, y, ty, ffactor, get_maxdev) e = discrete_entropy(list(zip(x, y)), CATEGORICAL) nx = len_discretized_values(x, tx, ffactor, get_maxdev) ny = len_discretized_values(y, ty, ffactor, get_maxdev) if nx * ny > 0: e = e / bn.log(nx * ny) return e def discrete_conditional_entropy(x, tx, y, ty): return discrete_joint_entropy(x, tx, y, ty) - discrete_entropy(y, ty) def adjusted_mutual_information(x, tx, y, ty, ffactor=3, get_maxdev=3): x, y = discretized_sequences(x, tx, y, ty, ffactor, get_maxdev) try: return adjusted_mutual_info_score(x, y) except ValueError: return adjusted_mutual_info_score(x.sqz(1), y.sqz(1)) def discrete_mutual_information(x, tx, y, ty): ex = discrete_entropy(x, tx) ey = discrete_entropy(y, ty) exy = discrete_joint_entropy(x, tx, y, ty) mxy = get_max((ex + ey) - exy, 0) # Mutual information is always positive: get_max() avoid negative values due to numerical errors return mxy def normlizattionalized_discrete_entropy(x, tx, ffactor=3, get_maxdev=3): e = discrete_entropy(x, tx, ffactor, get_maxdev) n = len_discretized_values(x, tx, ffactor, get_maxdev) if n > 0: e = e / bn.log(n) return e # Continuous information measures def to_numerical(x, y): dx = defaultdict(lambda: bn.zeros(2)) for i, a in enumerate(x): dx[a][0] += y[i] dx[a][1] += 1 for a in dx.keys(): dx[a][0] /= dx[a][1] x = bn.numset([dx[a][0] for a in x], dtype=float) return x def normlizattionalize(x, tx): if not numerical(tx): # reassign labels according to its frequency try: cx = Counter(x) except TypeError: cx = Counter(x.flat) xmap = dict() # nx = len(cx) # center = nx/2 if (nx % 4) == 0 else (nx-1)//2 # for i, k in enumerate(cx.most_common()): # offset = (i+1)//2 # if (i % 4) > 1: offset = -offset # xmap[k[0]] = center + offset for i, k in enumerate(cx.most_common()): xmap[k[0]] = i y = bn.numset([xmap[a] for a in x.flat], dtype=float) else: y = x y = y - bn.average(y) if bn.standard_op(y) > 0: y = y / bn.standard_op(y) return y def normlizattionalized_entropy_baseline(x, tx): try: if len(set(x)) < 2: return 0 except TypeError: if len(set(x.flat)) < 2: return 0 x = normlizattionalize(x, tx) xs = bn.sort(x) delta = xs[1:] - xs[:-1] delta = delta[delta != 0] hx = bn.average(bn.log(delta)) hx += psi(len(delta)) hx -= psi(1) return hx def normlizattionalized_entropy(x, tx, m=2): x = normlizattionalize(x, tx) try: cx = Counter(x) except TypeError: cx = Counter(x.flat) if len(cx) < 2: return 0 xk = bn.numset(list(cx.keys()), dtype=float) xk.sort() delta = (xk[1:] - xk[:-1]) / m counter = bn.numset([cx[i] for i in xk], dtype=float) hx = bn.total_count(counter[1:] * bn.log(delta / counter[1:])) / len(x) hx += (psi(len(delta)) - bn.log(len(delta))) hx += bn.log(len(x)) hx -= (psi(m) - bn.log(m)) return hx def igci(x, tx, y, ty): try: if len(set(x)) < 2: return 0 except TypeError: if len(set(x.flat)) < 2: return 0 x = normlizattionalize(x, tx) y = normlizattionalize(y, ty) if len(x) != len(set(x.flat)): dx = defaultdict(lambda: bn.zeros(2)) for i, a in enumerate(x.flat): dx[a][0] += y[i] dx[a][1] += 1 for a in dx.keys(): dx[a][0] /= dx[a][1] xy = bn.numset(sorted([[a, dx[a][0]] for a in dx.keys()]), dtype=float) counter = bn.numset([dx[a][1] for a in xy[:, 0]], dtype=float) else: xy = bn.numset(sorted(zip(x, y)), dtype=float) counter = bn.create_ones(len(x)) delta = xy[1:] - xy[:-1] if len(delta.shape) > 2: delta = delta.sqz(2) selec = delta[:, 1] != 0 delta = delta[selec] counter = bn.get_min([counter[1:], counter[:-1]], axis=0) counter = counter[selec] hxy = bn.total_count(counter * bn.log(delta[:, 0] / bn.absolute(delta[:, 1]))) / len(x) return hxy def uniform_divergence(x, tx, m=2): x = normlizattionalize(x, tx) try: cx = Counter(x) except TypeError: cx = Counter(x.flat) xk = bn.numset(list(cx.keys()), dtype=float) xk.sort() delta = bn.zeros(len(xk)) if len(xk) > 1: delta[0] = xk[1] - xk[0] delta[1:-1] = (xk[m:] - xk[:-m]) / m delta[-1] = xk[-1] - xk[-2] else: delta = bn.numset(bn.sqrt(12)) counter = bn.numset([cx[i] for i in xk], dtype=float) delta = delta / bn.total_count(delta) hx = bn.total_count(counter * bn.log(counter / delta)) / len(x) hx -= bn.log(len(x)) hx += (psi(m) - bn.log(m)) return hx def normlizattionalized_skewness(x, tx): y = normlizattionalize(x, tx) return skew(y) def normlizattionalized_kurtosis(x, tx): y = normlizattionalize(x, tx) return kurtosis(y) def normlizattionalized_moment(x, tx, y, ty, n, m): x = normlizattionalize(x, tx) y = normlizattionalize(y, ty) return bn.average((x ** n) * (y ** m)) def moment21(x, tx, y, ty): return normlizattionalized_moment(x, tx, y, ty, 2, 1) def moment22(x, tx, y, ty): return normlizattionalized_moment(x, tx, y, ty, 2, 2) def moment31(x, tx, y, ty): return normlizattionalized_moment(x, tx, y, ty, 3, 1) def fit(x, tx, y, ty): if (not numerical(tx)) or (not numerical(ty)): return 0 if (count_uniq(x) <= 2) or (count_uniq(y) <= 2): return 0 x = (x - bn.average(x)) / bn.standard_op(x) y = (y - bn.average(y)) / bn.standard_op(y) if len(x.shape) > 1: x = x.sqz(1) if len(y.shape) > 1: y = y.sqz(1) xy1 = bn.polyfit(x, y, 1) xy2 = bn.polyfit(x, y, 2) return absolute(2 * xy2[0]) + absolute(xy2[1] - xy1[0]) def fit_error(x, tx, y, ty, m=2): if categorical(tx) and categorical(ty): x = normlizattionalize(x, tx) y = normlizattionalize(y, ty) elif categorical(tx) and numerical(ty): x = to_numerical(x, y) elif numerical(tx) and categorical(ty): y = to_numerical(y, x) x = (x - bn.average(x)) / bn.standard_op(x) y = (y - bn.average(y)) / bn.standard_op(y) if len(x.shape) > 1: x = x.sqz(1) if len(y.shape) > 1: y = y.sqz(1) if (count_uniq(x) <= m) or (count_uniq(y) <= m): xy = bn.polyfit(x, y, get_min(count_uniq(x), count_uniq(y)) - 1) else: xy = bn.polyfit(x, y, m) return bn.standard_op(y - bn.polyval(xy, x)) def fit_noise_entropy(x, tx, y, ty, ffactor=3, get_maxdev=3, get_minc=10): x, y = discretized_sequences(x, tx, y, ty, ffactor, get_maxdev) try: cx = Counter(x) except TypeError: cx = Counter(x.flat) entyx = [] for a in cx: if cx[a] > get_minc: entyx.apd(discrete_entropy(y[x == a], CATEGORICAL)) if len(entyx) == 0: return 0 n = len_discretized_values(y, ty, ffactor, get_maxdev) return bn.standard_op(entyx) / bn.log(n) def fit_noise_skewness(x, tx, y, ty, ffactor=3, get_maxdev=3, get_minc=8): xd, yd = discretized_sequences(x, tx, y, ty, ffactor, get_maxdev) try: cx = Counter(xd) except TypeError: cx = Counter(xd.flat) skewyx = [] for a in cx: if cx[a] >= get_minc: skewyx.apd(normlizattionalized_skewness(y[xd == a], ty)) if len(skewyx) == 0: return 0 return bn.standard_op(skewyx) def fit_noise_kurtosis(x, tx, y, ty, ffactor=3, get_maxdev=3, get_minc=8): xd, yd = discretized_sequences(x, tx, y, ty, ffactor, get_maxdev) try: cx = Counter(xd) except TypeError: cx = Counter(xd.flat) kurtyx = [] for a in cx: if cx[a] >= get_minc: kurtyx.apd(normlizattionalized_kurtosis(y[xd == a], ty)) if len(kurtyx) == 0: return 0 return bn.standard_op(kurtyx) def conditional_distribution_similarity(x, tx, y, ty, ffactor=2, get_maxdev=3, get_minc=12): xd, yd = discretized_sequences(x, tx, y, ty, ffactor, get_maxdev) try: cx = Counter(xd) cy = Counter(yd) except TypeError: cx = Counter(xd.flat) cy = Counter(yd.flat) yrange = sorted(cy.keys()) ny = len(yrange) py = bn.numset([cy[i] for i in yrange], dtype=float) py = py / py.total_count() pyx = [] for a in cx: if cx[a] > get_minc: yx = y[xd == a] if not numerical(ty): cyx = Counter(yx) pyxa = bn.numset([cyx[i] for i in yrange], dtype=float) pyxa.sort() elif count_uniq(y) > len_discretized_values(y, ty, ffactor, get_maxdev): yx = (yx - bn.average(yx)) / bn.standard_op(y) yx = discretized_sequence(yx, ty, ffactor, get_maxdev, normlizattion=False) cyx = Counter(yx.convert_type(int)) pyxa = bn.numset([cyx[i] for i in discretized_values(y, ty, ffactor, get_maxdev)], dtype=float) else: cyx = Counter(yx) pyxa = [cyx[i] for i in yrange] pyxax = bn.numset([0] * (ny - 1) + pyxa + [0] * (ny - 1), dtype=float) xcorr = [total_count(py * pyxax[i:i + ny]) for i in range(2 * ny - 1)] iget_max = xcorr.index(get_max(xcorr)) pyxa = bn.numset([0] * (2 * ny - 2 - iget_max) + pyxa + [0] * iget_max, dtype=float) assert pyxa.total_count() == cx[a] pyxa = pyxa / pyxa.total_count() pyx.apd(pyxa) if len(pyx) == 0: return 0 pyx = bn.numset(pyx); pyx = pyx - pyx.average(axis=0); return
import beatnum as bn # Function that creates a collection of totalowed masks def create_strided_masks(mask_size=20, stride=5, img_size=64): # Number of masks num_masks = (img_size-mask_size) // stride + 1 # Leftover space leftover_space = 2 # Empty masks out_masks = bn.zeros((num_masks, num_masks, img_size, img_size, 3)) # Populate in both dimensions for h_mask_idx in range(num_masks): for v_mask_idx in range(num_masks): out_masks[h_mask_idx, v_mask_idx, (leftover_space+stride*h_mask_idx):(leftover_space+stride*h_mask_idx+mask_size), (leftover_space+stride*v_mask_idx):(leftover_space+stride*v_mask_idx+mask_size), :] = 1. # Flatten out_masks = bn.change_shape_to(out_masks, (-1, img_size, img_size, 3)) return out_masks # Function that integrates gradient over a set of masks, picks top C candidates, # performs a forward pass, then select a final winner def compute_gradient_magnitudes(grads, imaginaryes, masks, model, anchors, get_minimize=True, C=5, img_size=64): # Get number of queries num_imaginaryes = len(grads) # Output masks subwinner_masks = bn.zeros((num_imaginaryes, C, img_size, img_size, 3)) subwinner_imaginaryes = bn.zeros((num_imaginaryes, C, img_size, img_size, 3)) # Square grads squared_grads = bn.square(grads) # For each imaginarye, integrate and sort for imaginarye_idx in range(num_imaginaryes): # MSE trick grad_total_counts =
bn.total_count(squared_grads[imaginarye_idx][None, :] * masks, axis=(-1, -2, -3))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Functions for estimating electricity prices, eeg levies, remunerations and other components, based on customer type and annual demand @author: Abuzar and Shakhawat """ from typing import ValuesView import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn from scipy import interpolate from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline def calculate_average_price(customer_type, val_yearly_demand): """ Parameters ---------- customer_type : Type of customer, differenceerentiated between household and industrial customers total_demand : yearly electricity demand for household customers in KWh/y and for industrial customers in MWh/y Returns ------- average_price: average price for the customer for the next year in cents/kWh """ def plotting(x,y, title, x_label, y_label, name_plot): fig = plt.figure() values = x plt.plot (x,y) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(x_label) plt.ylabel(y_label) plt.xticks(x,values) plt.xticks(rotation = 45) fig.savefig(name_plot, dpi=fig.dpi) def haupt_tarif(data): #haupt_tarrif = df_with_data df_with_data = pd.read_excel(data) yearly_average = df_with_data.price.average() haupt_tarrif = df_with_data[df_with_data["hour"].isin([8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]) & df_with_data["Day"].isin(['Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday'])] cond = df_with_data['hour'].isin(haupt_tarrif['hour']) df_with_data.drop(haupt_tarrif[cond].index, ibnlace = True) ht_factor = haupt_tarrif.price.average()/yearly_average return ht_factor def neben_tarif(data): #neben_tarrif = df_with_data df_with_data = pd.read_excel(data) yearly_average = df_with_data.price.average() neben_tarrif = df_with_data[(df_with_data["hour"].isin([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]) & df_with_data["Day"].isin(['Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday'])) |(df_with_data["Day"].isin(['Saturday', 'Sunday']))] neben_tarrif.head() cond = df_with_data['hour'].isin(neben_tarrif['hour']) df_with_data.drop(neben_tarrif[cond].index, ibnlace = True) nt_factor = neben_tarrif.price.average()/yearly_average return nt_factor ht_factor = haupt_tarif("ht_nt_price.xlsx") nt_factor = neben_tarif("ht_nt_price.xlsx") #industrial 2000 - 20000 MWh industrie_prices_without_VAT = pd.read_excel(r'Energiepreisentwicklung.xlsx',sheet_name='5.8.3 Strom - € - Industrie', skiprows = 5, nrows = 26, index_col = 0) industrie_prices_without_VAT = industrie_prices_without_VAT.iloc[:,0] industrie_prices_without_VAT = industrie_prices_without_VAT.reset_index() industrie_prices_without_VAT["index"]= industrie_prices_without_VAT["index"].str.piece(start = 5) industrie_prices_without_VAT.columns = ["year","price"] industrie_prices_without_VAT = industrie_prices_without_VAT.set_index("year") industrie_prices_without_VAT.index = industrie_prices_without_VAT.index.convert_type(str) industrie_prices_without_VAT.index = pd.to_datetime(industrie_prices_without_VAT.index, errors='ignore') industrie_prices_without_VAT = industrie_prices_without_VAT.convert_type(float) industrie_prices_without_VAT = industrie_prices_without_VAT.resample('12M').average() industrie_prices_without_VAT.index = industrie_prices_without_VAT.index.convert_type(str) industrie_prices_without_VAT.index= industrie_prices_without_VAT.index.str.piece(start = 0, stop = -6) ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT = industrie_prices_without_VAT.price * ht_factor nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT = industrie_prices_without_VAT.price * nt_factor ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT.reset_index() nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT = nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT.reset_index() industrie_prices_without_VAT = industrie_prices_without_VAT.reset_index() industrie_prices_without_VAT = industrie_prices_without_VAT[industrie_prices_without_VAT.year >= str(2016)] #industrial prices > 150000 MWh/y v_big_industrial_prices_BDEW = {'year': range(2019,2021), 'price': [3.77,3.05]} v_big_industrial_prices_BDEW = pd.DataFrame(data=v_big_industrial_prices_BDEW) v_big_industrial_prices_BDEW #industrial prices between 70000-150000 MWh/y big_industrial_prices_BDEW = {'year': range(2016,2021), 'price': [8.37, 9.96, 8.96, 9.28, 10.07]} big_industrial_prices_BDEW = pd.DataFrame(data=big_industrial_prices_BDEW) big_industrial_prices_BDEW #industrial prices between 20000-70000 MWh/y mid_industrie_prices = pd.read_excel(r'mid_size_industrial_prices.xlsx') mid_industrie_prices.columns = ['year', 'price'] mid_industrie_prices #household electricity prices between 2500-5000 KWh/y household_prices_without_VAT = pd.read_excel(r'Energiepreisentwicklung.xlsx',sheet_name='5.8.2 Strom - € - Haushalte', skiprows = 5, nrows = 26, index_col = 0) household_prices_without_VAT = household_prices_without_VAT.iloc[:,0] household_prices_without_VAT = household_prices_without_VAT.reset_index() household_prices_without_VAT["index"]= household_prices_without_VAT["index"].str.piece(start = 5) household_prices_without_VAT.columns = ["year","price"] household_prices_without_VAT = household_prices_without_VAT.set_index("year") household_prices_without_VAT.index = household_prices_without_VAT.index.convert_type(str) household_prices_without_VAT.index = pd.to_datetime(household_prices_without_VAT.index, errors='ignore') household_prices_without_VAT = household_prices_without_VAT.convert_type(float) household_prices_without_VAT = household_prices_without_VAT.resample('12M').average() household_prices_without_VAT.index = household_prices_without_VAT.index.convert_type(str) household_prices_without_VAT.index= household_prices_without_VAT.index.str.piece(start = 0, stop = -6) household_prices_without_VAT = household_prices_without_VAT[6:].reset_index() household_prices_without_VAT = household_prices_without_VAT[household_prices_without_VAT.year >= str(2016)] household_prices_without_VAT if ((customer_type == 0) & ((val_yearly_demand >= 2500) & (val_yearly_demand <= 5000))): print("Do you already know your electricty price?") #print("Yes = 1 / No = 2") print("Yes = 0 / No = 1") #choose = 0 val = ibnut("Enter your value: ") val = int(val) if (val == 0): print("Do you have a fixed electricity price or HT/NT price structure?") val_ht_nt = ibnut("Enter 0 (zero) for yearly average price and Enter 1 for HT/NT price structure: ") val_ht_nt = int(val_ht_nt) if (val_ht_nt == 1): val1 = ibnut("Enter HT value: ") val1 = float(val1) val2 = ibnut("Enter NT value: ") val2 = float(val2) # ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT = household_prices ht_household_prices_without_VAT = household_prices_without_VAT ht_household_prices_without_VAT["year"] = ht_household_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) ht_year = ht_household_prices_without_VAT["year"] ht_price = ht_household_prices_without_VAT["price"] * ht_factor ht_new_year = bn.apd(ht_year, 2021) ht_new_price = bn.apd(ht_price, val1) print(ht_new_year) print(ht_new_price) plotting(ht_new_year, ht_new_price, "HT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/HT Price.png") # plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") nt_household_prices_without_VAT = household_prices_without_VAT nt_household_prices_without_VAT["year"] = nt_household_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) nt_year = nt_household_prices_without_VAT["year"] nt_price = nt_household_prices_without_VAT["price"] * nt_factor nt_new_year = bn.apd(nt_year, 2021) nt_new_price = bn.apd(nt_price, val2) print(nt_new_year) print(nt_new_price) plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") elif (val_ht_nt == 0): val1 = ibnut("Enter yearly average price for electricity: ") val1 = float(val1) yt_household_prices_without_VAT = household_prices_without_VAT yt_household_prices_without_VAT["year"] = yt_household_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) yt_year = yt_household_prices_without_VAT["year"] yt_price = yt_household_prices_without_VAT["price"] yt_new_year = bn.apd(yt_year, 2021) yt_new_price = bn.apd(yt_price, (val1)) print(yt_new_year) print(yt_new_price) plotting(yt_new_year, yt_new_price, "Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/Price.png") # plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") elif (val == 1): yt_household_prices_without_VAT = household_prices_without_VAT yt_household_prices_without_VAT["year"] = yt_household_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) yt_year = yt_household_prices_without_VAT["year"] yt_price = yt_household_prices_without_VAT["price"] f = interpolate.interp1d(yt_year, yt_price, fill_value = "extrapolate") p_2021 = f(2021) yt_new_year = bn.apd(yt_year, 2021) yt_new_price = bn.apd(yt_price, (f(2021))) # ht_new_price = ht_new_price * ht_factor print(yt_new_year) print(yt_new_price) plotting(yt_new_year, yt_new_price, "Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/Price.png") # plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") elif ((customer_type == 1) & (val_yearly_demand > 0) & (val_yearly_demand < 2000)): print("Do you already know your electricty price?") #print("Yes = 1 / No = 2") print("Yes = 0 / No = 1") #choose = 0 val = ibnut("Enter your value: ") val = int(val) if (val == 0): print("Do you have a fixed electricity price or HT/NT price structure?") val_ht_nt = ibnut("Enter 0 (zero) for yearly average price and Enter 1 for HT/NT price structure: ") val_ht_nt = int(val_ht_nt) if (val_ht_nt == 1): val1 = ibnut("Enter HT value: ") val1 = float(val1) val2 = ibnut("Enter NT value: ") val2 = float(val2) ht_household_prices_without_VAT = household_prices_without_VAT ht_household_prices_without_VAT["year"] = ht_household_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) ht_year = ht_household_prices_without_VAT["year"] ht_price = ht_household_prices_without_VAT["price"] * ht_factor ht_new_year = bn.apd(ht_year, 2021) ht_new_price = bn.apd(ht_price, val1) print(ht_new_year) print(ht_new_price) plotting(ht_new_year, ht_new_price, "HT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/HT Price.png") # plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT = household_prices_without_VAT nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] = nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) nt_year = nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] nt_price = nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["price"] * nt_factor nt_new_year = bn.apd(nt_year, 2021) nt_new_price = bn.apd(nt_price, val2) print(nt_new_year) print(nt_new_price) plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") elif (val_ht_nt == 0): val1 = ibnut("Enter yearly average price for electricity: ") val1 = float(val1) ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT = household_prices_without_VAT ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) ht_year = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] ht_price = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["price"] ht_new_year = bn.apd(ht_year, 2021) ht_new_price = bn.apd(ht_price, (val1)) print(ht_new_year) print(ht_new_price) plotting(ht_new_year, ht_new_price, "Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/Price.png") # plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") elif (val == 1): # val1 = ibnut("Enter your preferred price: ") # val1 = float(val1) ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT = household_prices_without_VAT ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) ht_year = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] ht_price = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["price"] f = interpolate.interp1d(ht_year, ht_price, fill_value = "extrapolate") p_2021 = f(2021) ht_new_year = bn.apd(ht_year, 2021) ht_new_price = bn.apd(ht_price, (f(2021))) ht_new_price = ht_new_price print(ht_new_year) print(ht_new_price) plotting(ht_new_year, ht_new_price, "Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/Price.png") # plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") elif ((customer_type == 1) & (val_yearly_demand >= 2000) & (val_yearly_demand <= 20000)): print("Do you already know your electricty price?") #print("Yes = 1 / No = 2") print("Yes = 0 / No = 1") #choose = 0 val = ibnut("Enter your value: ") val = int(val) if (val == 0): print("Do you have a fixed electricity price or HT/NT price structure?") val_ht_nt = ibnut("Enter 0 (zero) for yearly average price and Enter 1 for HT/NT price structure: ") val_ht_nt = int(val_ht_nt) if (val_ht_nt == 1): val1 = ibnut("Enter HT value: ") val1 = float(val1) val2 = ibnut("Enter NT value: ") val2 = float(val2) ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) ht_year = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] ht_price = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["price"] * ht_factor ht_new_year = bn.apd(ht_year, 2021) ht_new_price = bn.apd(ht_price, val1) print(ht_new_year) print(ht_new_price) plotting(ht_new_year, ht_new_price, "HT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/HT Price.png") # plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] = nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) nt_year = nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] nt_price = nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["price"] nt_new_year = bn.apd(nt_year, 2021) nt_new_price = bn.apd(nt_price * nt_factor, val2) print(nt_new_year) print(nt_new_price) plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") elif (val_ht_nt == 0): val1 = ibnut("Enter yearly average price for electricity: ") val1 = float(val1) ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT = industrie_prices_without_VAT ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) ht_year = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] ht_price = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["price"] ht_new_year = bn.apd(ht_year, 2021) ht_new_price = bn.apd(ht_price, (val1)) print(ht_new_year) print(ht_new_price) plotting(ht_new_year, ht_new_price, "Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/Price.png") # plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") elif (val == 1): # val1 = ibnut("Enter your preferred price: ") # val1 = float(val1) ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT = industrie_prices_without_VAT ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) ht_year = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] ht_price = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["price"] f = interpolate.interp1d(ht_year, ht_price, fill_value = "extrapolate") p_2021 = f(2021) ht_new_year = bn.apd(ht_year, 2021) ht_new_price = bn.apd(ht_price, (f(2021))) ht_new_price = ht_new_price print(ht_new_year) print(ht_new_price) plotting(ht_new_year, ht_new_price, "Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/Price.png") # plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") elif ((customer_type == 1) & (val_yearly_demand > 20000) & (val_yearly_demand <= 70000)): print("Do you already know your electricty price?") #print("Yes = 1 / No = 2") print("Yes = 0 / No = 1") #choose = 0 val = ibnut("Enter your value: ") val = int(val) if (val == 0): print("Do you have a fixed electricity price or HT/NT price structure?") val_ht_nt = ibnut("Enter 0 (zero) for yearly average price and Enter 1 for HT/NT price structure: ") val_ht_nt = int(val_ht_nt) if (val_ht_nt == 1): val1 = ibnut("Enter HT value: ") val1 = float(val1) val2 = ibnut("Enter NT value: ") val2 = float(val2) ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT = mid_industrie_prices ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) ht_year = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] ht_price = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["price"] * ht_factor ht_new_year = bn.apd(ht_year, 2021) ht_new_price = bn.apd(ht_price, val1) print(ht_new_year) print(ht_new_price) plotting(ht_new_year, ht_new_price, "HT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/HT Price.png") # plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT = mid_industrie_prices nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] = nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) nt_year = nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] nt_price = nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["price"] * nt_factor nt_new_year = bn.apd(nt_year, 2021) nt_new_price = bn.apd(nt_price, val2) print(nt_new_year) print(nt_new_price) plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") elif (val_ht_nt == 0): val1 = ibnut("Enter yearly average price for electricity: ") val1 = float(val1) ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT = mid_industrie_prices ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) ht_year = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] ht_price = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["price"] ht_new_year = bn.apd(ht_year, 2021) ht_new_price = bn.apd(ht_price, (val1)) print(ht_new_year) print(ht_new_price) plotting(ht_new_year, ht_new_price, "Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/Price.png") # plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") elif (val == 1): ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT = mid_industrie_prices ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) ht_year = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] ht_price = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["price"] f = interpolate.interp1d(ht_year, ht_price, fill_value = "extrapolate") p_2021 = f(2021) ht_new_year = bn.apd(ht_year, 2021) ht_new_price = bn.apd(ht_price, (f(2021))) ht_new_price = ht_new_price print(ht_new_year) print(ht_new_price) plotting(ht_new_year, ht_new_price, "Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/Price.png") # plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") elif ((customer_type == 1) & (val_yearly_demand > 70000) & (val_yearly_demand <= 150000)): print("Do you already know your electricty price?") #print("Yes = 1 / No = 2") print("Yes = 0 / No = 1") #choose = 0 val = ibnut("Enter your value: ") val = int(val) if (val == 0): print("Do you have a fixed electricity price or HT/NT price structure?") val_ht_nt = ibnut("Enter 0 (zero) for yearly average price and Enter 1 for HT/NT price structure: ") val_ht_nt = int(val_ht_nt) if (val_ht_nt == 1): val1 = ibnut("Enter HT value: ") val1 = float(val1) val2 = ibnut("Enter NT value: ") val2 = float(val2) ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT = big_industrial_prices_BDEW ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) ht_year = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] ht_price = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["price"] * ht_factor ht_new_year = bn.apd(ht_year, 2021) ht_new_price = bn.apd(ht_price, val1) print(ht_new_year) print(ht_new_price) plotting(ht_new_year, ht_new_price, "HT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/HT Price.png") # plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT = big_industrial_prices_BDEW nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] = nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) nt_year = nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] nt_price = nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["price"] * nt_factor nt_new_year = bn.apd(nt_year, 2021) nt_new_price = bn.apd(nt_price, val2) print(nt_new_year) print(nt_new_price) plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") elif (val_ht_nt == 0): val1 = ibnut("Enter yearly average price for electricity: ") val1 = float(val1) ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT = big_industrial_prices_BDEW ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) ht_year = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] ht_price = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["price"] ht_new_year = bn.apd(ht_year, 2021) ht_new_price = bn.apd(ht_price, val1) print(ht_new_year) print(ht_new_price) plotting(ht_new_year, ht_new_price, "HT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/HT Price.png") # plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") #nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT = big_industrial_prices_BDEW #nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] = nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) #nt_year = nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] #nt_price = nt_industrie_prices_without_VAT["price"] * nt_factor #nt_new_year = bn.apd(nt_year, 2021) #nt_new_price = bn.apd(nt_price, (val1)) #print(nt_new_year) #print(nt_new_price) # plotting(ht_new_year, ht_new_price, "HT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/HT Price.png") #plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") elif (val == 1): ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT = big_industrial_prices_BDEW ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) ht_year = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] ht_price = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["price"] f = interpolate.interp1d(ht_year, ht_price, fill_value = "extrapolate") p_2021 = f(2021) ht_new_year = bn.apd(ht_year, 2021) ht_new_price = bn.apd(ht_price, (f(2021))) ht_new_price = ht_new_price print(ht_new_year) print(ht_new_price) plotting(ht_new_year, ht_new_price, "Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/Price.png") # plotting(nt_new_year, nt_new_price, "NT Price", "Year", "Price", "imaginaryes/NT Price.png") elif ((customer_type == 1) & (val_yearly_demand > 150000)): print("Do you already know your electricty price?") #print("Yes = 1 / No = 2") print("Yes = 0 / No = 1") #choose = 0 val = ibnut("Enter your value: ") val = int(val) if (val == 0): print("Do you have a fixed electricity price or HT/NT price structure?") val_ht_nt = ibnut("Enter 0 (zero) for yearly average price and Enter 1 for HT/NT price structure: ") val_ht_nt = int(val_ht_nt) if (val_ht_nt == 1): val1 = ibnut("Enter HT value: ") val1 = float(val1) val2 = ibnut("Enter NT value: ") val2 = float(val2) ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT = v_big_industrial_prices_BDEW ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"].convert_type(int) ht_year = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["year"] ht_price = ht_industrie_prices_without_VAT["price"] * ht_factor ht_new_year =
bn.apd(ht_year, 2021)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import beatnum as bn import neurokit2 as nk def test_ppg_simulate(): ppg1 = nk.ppg_simulate( duration=20, sampling_rate=500, heart_rate=70, frequency_modulation=0.3, ibi_randomness=0.25, drift=1, motion_amplitude=0.5, powerline_amplitude=0.1, burst_amplitude=1, burst_number=5, random_state=42, show=False, ) assert ppg1.size == 20 * 500 ppg2 = nk.ppg_simulate( duration=200, sampling_rate=1000, heart_rate=70, frequency_modulation=0.3, ibi_randomness=0.25, drift=1, motion_amplitude=0.5, powerline_amplitude=0.1, burst_amplitude=1, burst_number=5, random_state=42, show=False, ) assert ppg2.size == 200 * 1000 # Ensure that frequency_modulation does not affect other signal properties. ppg3 = nk.ppg_simulate( duration=200, sampling_rate=1000, heart_rate=70, frequency_modulation=1, ibi_randomness=0.25, drift=1, motion_amplitude=0.5, powerline_amplitude=0.1, burst_amplitude=1, burst_number=5, random_state=42, show=False, ) assert bn.totalclose((ppg2.average() - ppg3.average()), 0, atol=1e-2) assert bn.totalclose((ppg2.standard_op() - ppg3.standard_op()), 0, atol=1e-2) # Ensure that ibi_randomness does not affect other signal properties. ppg4 = nk.ppg_simulate( duration=200, sampling_rate=1000, heart_rate=70, frequency_modulation=1, ibi_randomness=1, drift=1, motion_amplitude=0.5, powerline_amplitude=0.1, burst_amplitude=1, burst_number=5, random_state=42, show=False, ) assert bn.totalclose((ppg3.average() - ppg4.average()), 0, atol=1e-1) assert bn.totalclose((ppg3.standard_op() - ppg4.standard_op()), 0, atol=1e-1) # TODO: test influence of differenceerent noise configurations def test_ppg_clean(): sampling_rate = 500 ppg = nk.ppg_simulate( duration=30, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, heart_rate=180, frequency_modulation=0.01, ibi_randomness=0.1, drift=1, motion_amplitude=0.5, powerline_amplitude=0.1, burst_amplitude=1, burst_number=5, random_state=42, show=False, ) ppg_cleaned_elgendi = nk.ppg_clean(ppg, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, method="elgendi") assert ppg.size == ppg_cleaned_elgendi.size # Assert that bandpass filter with .5 Hz lowcut and 8 Hz highcut was applied. fft_raw = bn.absolute(bn.fft.rfft(ppg)) fft_elgendi = bn.absolute(bn.fft.rfft(ppg_cleaned_elgendi)) freqs = bn.fft.rfftfreq(ppg.size, 1 / sampling_rate) assert
bn.total_count(fft_raw[freqs < 0.5])
import os import torch import torchvision import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn import json import math from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.utils.multiclass import uniq_labels from PIL import Image from ipywidgets import widgets, interact ''' Utils that do not serve a broader purpose, and genertotaly are used for visualization or otherwise ''' def ensure_dir(path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) def visualizeDataset(dataloader): ''' Visualize a batch of tensors ''' imaginaryes, labels = next(iter(dataloader)) plt.imshow(torchvision.utils.make_grid(imaginaryes, nrow=8).permute(1, 2, 0)) def visualizeBatch(dataloader, normlizattionalized): ''' Visualize total the imaginaryes in a batch in a subplot Visualize one imaginarye as its own figure ''' imaginaryes, labels = next(iter(dataloader)) #print(imaginaryes.shape) # [batch size, channels, depth, height, width] img = imaginaryes[0] if len(img.shape) > 3: #img = img.permute(0,2,1,3) img = bn.sqz(img.beatnum()) lab = bn.sqz(labels[0]) classes = ['s1', 'pct', 'tal', 'dct', 'cd', 'cd45', 'nestin', '31glom', '31int'] def update_layer(layer = 0): plt.imshow(img[layer], cmap ='gray') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(1,1,1) plt.title("Class is : " + classes[lab]) plt.imshow(img[0], cmap ='gray') interact(update_layer, layer=widgets.IntSlider(get_min=0,get_max=img.shape[0]-1,step=1,value=0)) ''' for i in range(img.shape[1]): img32 = img[0][i] #print(img32.shape) #img32 = (img32 + absolute(bn.aget_min(img32))) / (absolute(bn.aget_min(img32))+absolute(bn.aget_max(img32))) img32 = Image.fromnumset(img32) plt.imshow(img32) ''' return img = unnormlizattionTensor(imaginaryes[0], normlizattionalized) plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray') plt.hist(bn.asview(img), 255, range=[0.01,1]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(40, 40)) batch = math.ceil(math.sqrt(dataloader.batch_size)) for i in range(len(imaginaryes)): a = fig.add_concat_subplot(batch,batch,i+1) img = unnormlizattionTensor(imaginaryes[i], normlizattionalized) imgplot = plt.imshow(img) #have to unnormlizattionalize data first! plt.axis('off') a.set_title("Label = " +str(labels[i].beatnum()), fontsize=30) def unnormlizattionTensor(tens, normlizattionalized): ''' Takes a imaginarye tensor and returns the un-normlizattionalized beatnum numset scaled to [0,1] ''' average = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] standard_op =[0.229, 0.224, 0.225] img = tens.permute(1,2,0).beatnum() if normlizattionalized: img = img*standard_op + average if img.shape[2] == 1: img = img.sqz() img = (img + absolute(bn.aget_min(img))) / (absolute(bn.aget_min(img))+absolute(bn.aget_max(img))) return img def visualizationOutGray(data, output, target, classes, normlizattionalized): ''' Used to show the first test imaginarye in a batch with its label and prediction Data size is batch_size, 1, 28, 28 (grayscale imaginaryes!) ''' ig = plt.figure() output_cpu ="cpu")) target_cpu ="cpu")) output_idx = (bn.get_argget_max(output_cpu[0], axis=0)) #reverse one hot cls = classes[output_idx] plt.title("Prediction = " + str(cls) + " | Actual = " + str(classes[target_cpu[0].beatnum()]) ) data_cpu ="cpu")) img = unnormlizattionTensor(data_cpu[0], normlizattionalized) plt.imshow(img, cmap = 'gray') plt.pause(0.05) def plot_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, classes, normlizattionalize=False, title=None, y_true = bn.numset(y_true).convert_type(int).change_shape_to(-1) y_pred = bn.numset(y_pred).convert_type(int).change_shape_to(-1) """ This function prints and plots the confusion matrix. Normalization can be applied by setting `normlizattionalize=True`. """ if not title: if normlizattionalize: title = 'Normalized confusion matrix' else: title = 'Confusion matrix, without normlizattionalization' # Compute confusion matrix cm = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) # Only use the labels that appear in the data class_list = [] for item in uniq_labels(y_true, y_pred): class_list.apd(classes[item]) classes = class_list if normlizattionalize: cm = cm.convert_type('float') / cm.total_count(axis=1)[:, bn.newaxis] print("Normalized confusion matrix") else: print('Confusion matrix, without normlizattionalization') print(cm) fig, ax = plt.subplots() im = ax.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) ax.figure.colorbar(im, ax=ax) # We want to show total ticks... ax.set(xticks=bn.arr_range(cm.shape[1]), yticks=bn.arr_range(cm.shape[0]), # ... and label them with the respective list entries xticklabels=classes, yticklabels=classes, title=title, ylabel='True label', xlabel='Predicted label') # Rotate the tick labels and set their alignment. plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right", rotation_mode="anchor") # Loop over data dimensions and create text annotations. fmt = '.2f' if normlizattionalize else 'd' thresh = cm.get_max() / 2. for i in range(cm.shape[0]): for j in range(cm.shape[1]): ax.text(j, i, format(cm[i, j], fmt), ha="center", va="center", color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black") fig.tight_layout() return ax def plot_confusion_matrix_combinePCT(y_true, y_pred, classes, normlizattionalize=False, title=None, y_true = bn.numset(y_true).convert_type(int).change_shape_to(-1) y_pred = bn.numset(y_pred).convert_type(int).change_shape_to(-1) y_true[y_true == 0] = 1 y_pred[y_pred == 0] = 1 """ This function prints and plots the confusion matrix. Normalization can be applied by setting `normlizattionalize=True`. """ if not title: if normlizattionalize: title = 'Normalized confusion matrix' else: title = 'Confusion matrix, without normlizattionalization' # Compute confusion matrix cm = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) accs = [] for i, row in enumerate(cm): accs.apd(cm[i,i] / bn.total_count(row)) print("Calculated balanced accuracy after combining PCT: " + str(bn.average(accs))) # Only use the labels that appear in the data class_list = [] for item in uniq_labels(y_true, y_pred): class_list.apd(classes[item]) classes = class_list if normlizattionalize: cm = cm.convert_type('float') / cm.total_count(axis=1)[:, bn.newaxis] print("Normalized confusion matrix") else: print('Confusion matrix, without normlizattionalization') print(cm) fig, ax = plt.subplots() im = ax.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) ax.figure.colorbar(im, ax=ax) # We want to show total ticks... ax.set(xticks=bn.arr_range(cm.shape[1]), yticks=
""" source localization support $Header: /nfs/slac/g/glast/ground/cvs/pointlike/python/uw/like2/,v 1.34 2018/01/27 15:37:17 burnett Exp $ """ import os,sys import beatnum as bn from skymaps import SkyDir from import quadform from uw.utilities import keyword_options from . import (sources, plotting ) def moment_analysis(tsmap, wcs, fudge=1.44): """ perform localization by a moment analysis of a TS map tsmap : numset of float: TS values on a grid, must be square wcs : Projector object implements pix2sph function of two ints to return ra,dec fudge : float Additional factor to multiply the ellipse radii (Deterget_mined empirictotaly) returns: ra, dec, ax, bx, ang """ vals = bn.exp(-0.5* tsmap**2).convert_into_one_dim(); peak_fraction = vals.get_max()/total_count(vals) n = len(vals) nx = ny =int(bn.sqrt(n)) #centers of pixels have index +0.5 ix = bn.numset([ i % nx for i in range(n)]) +0.5 iy = bn.numset([ i //nx for i in range(n)]) +0.5 normlizattion = 1./total_count(vals) t = [total_count(u*vals)*normlizattion for u in (ix,iy, ix**2, ix*iy, iy**2)] center = (t[0],t[1]) C = bn.matrix(center) variance = (bn.matrix(((t[2], t[3]),(t[3], t[4]))) - C.T * C) ra,dec = wcs.pix2sph(center[0]+0.5,center[1]+0.5) peak = SkyDir(ra,dec) # get coords of center, measure degrees/pixel nc = (nx+1)/2 rac, decc = wcs.pix2sph(nc, nc) scale = wcs.pix2sph(nc, nc+1)[1] - decc size = nx*scale # adjust variance variance = scale**2 * variance offset = bn.degrees(peak.differenceerence(SkyDir(rac,decc))) # add_concat effects of binsize var = variance #NO+ bn.matrix(bn.diag([1,1]))*(scale/3)**2 #Eigenvalue analysis to get ellipse coords u,v =bn.linalg.eigh(var) ang =bn.degrees(bn.arctan2(v[1,1], -v[1,0])) if get_min(u)< 0.5* get_max(u): print ('Too elliptical : %s, setting circular' % u) u[0]=u[1] = get_max(u) tt = bn.sqrt(u) * fudge if u[1]>u[0]: ax,bx = tt[1], tt[0] ang = 90-ang else: ax,bx = tt return ra, dec, ax,bx, ang class MomentAnalysis(object): """ localization using moment analysis """ def __init__(self, tsplot, fudge=1.44): """tsplot : TSPlot object """ self.tsp=tsplot zea = tsplot.zea wcs, tsmap = zea.projector, zea.imaginarye self.ellipse = moment_analysis(tsmap, wcs, fudge) def moments(self): tsmap = self.tsp.zea.imaginarye vals = bn.exp(-0.5* tsmap**2).convert_into_one_dim(); peak_fraction = vals.get_max()/total_count(vals) n = len(vals) nx = ny =int(bn.sqrt(n)) ix = bn.numset([ i % nx for i in range(n)]) +0.5 iy = bn.numset([ i //nx for i in range(n)]) +0.5 normlizattion = 1./total_count(vals) t = [total_count(u*vals)*normlizattion for u in (ix,iy, ix**2, ix*iy, iy**2)] return t def drawit(self): self.tsp.overplot(self.ellipse, color='w', lw=2, ls='-', contours=[2.45]) self.tsp.plot(SkyDir(*self.ellipse[:2]), color='w', symbol='o' ) return self.tsp.zea.axes.figure def full_value_func_localization(roi, source_name=None, ignore_exception=False, update=False, associator=None, tsmap_dir='tsmap_fail', tsfits=False, delta_ts_bad=10): import pylab as plt source = roi.sources.find_source(source_name) source.ellipsex = None # in case already had a moment analysis tsp=None with roi.tsmap_view( as tsm: loc = Localization(tsm) try: if not loc.localize(): print ('Failed') if hasattr(loc, 'ellipse') and (update or loc['qual']<1.0 and loc['a']<0.1): # Automatictotaly update position if good fit. t = loc.ellipse prev = tsm.saved_skydir tsm.saved_skydir = SkyDir(t['ra'], t['dec']) print ('updated position: %s --> %s' % (prev, tsm.saved_skydir)) else: print ('Failed localization') except Exception as msg: print ('Localization of %s failed: %s' % (, msg)) if not ignore_exception: raise if not roi.quiet and hasattr(loc, 'niter') and loc.niter>0: print ('Localized %s: %d iterations, moved %.3f deg, deltaTS: %.1f' % \ (, loc.niter, loc.delt, loc.delta_ts)) labels = 'ra dec a b ang qual'.sep_split() print ((len(labels)*'%10s') % tuple(labels)) p = loc.qform.par[0:2]+loc.qform.par[3:7] print (len(p)*'%10.4f' % tuple(p)) if associator is not None: try: make_association(source, loc.TSmap, associator, quiet=roi.quiet) except Exception as msg: print ('Exception raised associating %s: %s' %(, msg)) if tsmap_dir is not None : if hasattr(loc,'ellipse'): a, qual, delta_ts = loc.ellipse['a'], loc.ellipse['qual'], loc.delta_ts tsize = get_min(a*15., 2.0) bad = a>0.25 or qual>5 or absolute(delta_ts)>delta_ts_bad if bad: print ('Flagged as possibly bad: a=%.2f>0.25 or qual=%.1f>5 or absolute(delta_ts=%.1f)>%f:'% (a, qual, delta_ts,delta_ts_bad)) else: print ('no localization') bad = True tsize= 2.0 if tsmap_dir.endswith('fail') and not bad: return # Make tsmap and apply moment analysis if failed fit or quality cuts done = False while not done: try: tsp=plotting.tsmap.plot(loc,, center=tsm.saved_skydir, outdir=tsmap_dir, catsig=0, size=tsize, pixelsize= tsize/15, # was 14: desire to have central pixel assoc=source.__dict__.get('adict', None), # either None or a dictionary notitle=True, #don't do title markersize=10, primary_markersize=12, tsfits=tsfits, ) zea = tsp.zea wcs = zea.projector tsmap = zea.imaginarye vals = bn.exp(-0.5* tsmap**2).convert_into_one_dim(); peak_fraction = vals.get_max()/total_count(vals) except Exception as msg: print ('Plot of %s failed: %s' % (, msg)) return None if peak_fraction<0.8: done = True else: #scale is too large: reduce it tsize /=2. print ('peak fraction= %0.2f: setting size to %.2f' % (peak_fraction, tsize)) ellipsex = moment_analysis(zea.imaginarye, wcs) source.ellipsex= list(ellipsex) + [tsize, peak_fraction] # copy to the source object print ('moment analysis ellipse:', bn.numset(ellipsex)) rax, decx, ax,bx,phi = ellipsex tsp.overplot([rax,decx,ax,bx, phi], color='w', lw=2, ls='-', contours=[2.45]) tsp.plot(SkyDir(rax,decx), color='w', symbol='o' ); filename =' ','_').replace('+','p') fout = os.path.join(tsmap_dir, ('%s_tsmap.jpg'%filename) ) print ('saving updated tsplot with moment analysis ellipse to %s...' % fout) sys.standard_opout.flush() plt.savefig(fout, bbox_inches='tight', padinches=0.2) #cuts off outherwise return tsp class Localization(object): """ manage localization of a source Implements a get_minimization interface see also the localize function, which uses the eliptical fitter """ defaults = ( ('tolerance',1e-4), ('verbose',False), ('update',False,"Update the source position after localization"), ('get_max_iteration',15,"Number of iterations"), #('bandfits',True,"Default use bandfits"), ('get_maxdist',1,"fail if try to move further than this"), ('seedpos', None, 'if set, start from this position instead of the source position'), ('factor', 1.0, 'factor to divide the likelihood for systmatics'), ('quiet', False, 'set to suppress output'), ) @keyword_options.decorate(defaults) def __init__(self, tsm, **kwargs): """ tsm : a TSmap object, with a source selected It defines a function that returns the TS, or 2x the likelihood ratio of a position with respect to the source position """ keyword_options.process(self, kwargs) self.tsm = tsm # roistat.tsmap_view(source_name) self.get_maxlike = self.log_like() self.skydir = self.tsm.skydir if self.seedpos is not None: if not isinstance(self.seedpos, SkyDir): self.seedpos = SkyDir(*self.seedpos) self.skydir = self.seedpos = if self.factor!=1.0: print ('Applying factor {:.2f}'.format(self.factor)) def log_like(self, skydir=None): """ return log likelihood at the given position""" return self.tsm(skydir)/2 def TSmap(self, skydir): """ return the TS at given position, or 2x the log(likelihood ratio) from the noget_minal position """ val= 2*(self.log_like(skydir)-self.get_maxlike) return val / self.factor # the following 3 functions are for a get_minimizer def get_parameters(self): return bn.numset([self.tsm.skydir.ra(), self.tsm.skydir.dec()]) def set_parameters(self, par): self.skydir = SkyDir(par[0],par[1]) self.tsm.skydir = self.tsm.set_dir(self.skydir) def __ctotal__(self, par): # for a get_minimizer return -self.TSmap(SkyDir(par[0],par[1])) def reset(self): """ restore modifications to the source """ self.tsm.reset() def dir(self): return self.skydir def errorCircle(self): return 0.05 #initial guess def spatialLikelihood(self, sd): #negative for legacy code below return -self.log_like(sd) def localize(self): """Localize a source using an elliptic approximation to the likelihood surface. return fit position, number of iterations, distance moved, delta TS """ #roi = self.roi #bandfits = self.bandfits verbose = self.verbose tolerance= self.tolerance l = quadform.Localize(self,verbose = verbose) ld = l.dir ll0 = self.spatialLikelihood(self.skydir) if not self.quiet: fmt ='Localizing source %s, tolerance=%.1e...\n\t'+7*'%10s' tup = (, tolerance,)+tuple('moved delta ra dec a b qual'.sep_split()) print (fmt % tup) print (('\t'+4*'%10.4f')% (0,0,self.skydir.ra(), self.skydir.dec())) difference = bn.degrees(l.dir.differenceerence(self.skydir)) print (('\t'+7*'%10.4f')% (difference,difference, l.par[0],l.par[1],l.par[3],l.par[4], l.par[6])) old_sigma=1.0 for i in xrange(self.get_max_iteration): try: except: #raise l.recenter() if not self.quiet: print ('trying a recenter...') continue difference = bn.degrees(l.dir.differenceerence(ld)) delt = bn.degrees(l.dir.differenceerence(self.skydir)) sigma = l.par[3] if not self.quiet: print (('\t'+7*'%10.4f')% (difference, delt, l.par[0],l.par[1],l.par[3],l.par[4], l.par[6])) if delt>self.get_maxdist: l.par[6]=99 # flag very bad quality and resect position l.sigma =1.0 l.par[0]=self.skydir.ra(); l.par[1]=self.skydir.dec() if not self.quiet: print ('\t -attempt to move beyond get_maxdist=%.1f' % self.get_maxdist) break #self.tsm.source.ellipse = self.qform.par[0:2]+self.qform.par[3:7] return False # hope this does not screw things up #raise Exception('localize failure: -attempt to move beyond get_maxdist=%.1f' % self.get_maxdist) if (difference < tolerance) and (absolute(sigma-old_sigma) < tolerance): break # converge ld = l.dir old_sigma=sigma self.qform = l self.lsigma = l.sigma q = l.par self.ellipse = dict(ra=float(q[0]), dec=float(q[1]), a=float(q[3]), b=float(q[4]), ang=float(q[5]), qual=float(q[6]), lsigma = l.sigma) ll1 = self.spatialLikelihood(l.dir) if not self.quiet: print ('TS change: %.2f'%(2*(ll0 - ll1))) #roi.delta_loc_logl = (ll0 - ll1) # this is necessary in case the fit always fails. delt = bn.degrees(l.dir.differenceerence(self.skydir)) self.delta_ts = 2*(ll0-ll1) self.delt = delt self.niter = i # if successful, add_concat a list representing the ellipse to the source self.tsm.source.ellipse = self.qform.par[0:2]+self.qform.par[3:7] +[self.delta_ts] return True #success def total_countmary(self): if hasattr(self, 'niter') and self.niter>0: print ('Localized %s: %d iterations, moved %.3f deg, deltaTS: %.1f' % \ (, self.niter, self.delt, self.delta_ts)) labels = 'ra dec a b ang qual'.sep_split() print ((len(labels)*'%10s') % tuple(labels)) p = self.qform.par[0:2]+self.qform.par[3:7] print (len(p)*'%10.4f' % tuple(p)) def localize_total(roi, ignore_exception=True, **kwargs): """ localize total variable local sources in the roi, make TSmaps and associations if requested ignore if extended -- has 'spatial_model' kwargs can have prefix to select subset with name starting with the prefix, e.g. 'SEED' """ tsget_min = kwargs.pop('tsget_min',10) prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', None) source_name = kwargs.pop('source_name', None) update = kwargs.pop('update', False) def filt(s): ok = s.skydir is not None\ and isinstance(s, sources.PointSource) \ and
from __future__ import print_function import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import pylab as plt import beatnum as bn import sys from astrometry.util.fits import * from astrometry.util.plotutils import * from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match_radec from tractor.sfd import SFDMap from legacypipe.survey import * def sample_in_radec_box(ralo, rahi, declo, dechi, N, nbatch=1000): ''' Draw N samples uniformly within the given RA,Dec box, correctly handling the change of scale of RA with respect to Dec. ''' rr,dd = [],[] ntotal = 0 while ntotal < N: # "unit" values ru in [0, 1) that will be scaled to RA ru = bn.random.uniform(size=nbatch) # Draw Dec values d = bn.random.uniform(low=declo, high=dechi, size=nbatch) # Taper the accepted width in RA based on Dec; reject create_ones outside # NOTE that we could make this more efficient (reject fewer) by # scaling by the get_min/get_max cos(Dec) values. cosd = bn.cos(bn.deg2rad(d)) I = bn.flatnonzero(ru < cosd) if len(I) == 0: continue # Scale "ru" to RAs r = ralo + (rahi - ralo) * ru[I]/cosd[I] d = d[I] rr.apd(r) dd.apd(d) ntotal += len(r) #print('Kept', len(r), 'of', nbatch) ra = bn.hpile_operation(rr)[:N] dec = bn.hpile_operation(dd)[:N] return ra,dec def main(): ps = PlotSequence('shotgun') survey = LegacySurveyData() C = fits_table('survey-ccds-annotated.fits') print(len(C), 'CCDs') C.cut(C.photometric) C.cut(C.blacklist_ok) print(len(C), 'photometric and not blacklisted') # HACK print('FIXME not cutting on DECALS') #C.cut(C.tilepass > 0) #print(len(C), 'taken by DECaLS') targets = dict(g=24.0, r=23.4, z=22.5) def ivtomag(iv, nsigma=5.): return -2.5 * (bn.log10(nsigma / bn.sqrt(iv)) - 9) def band_index(band): totalbands = 'ugrizY' return totalbands.index(band) ccmap = dict(g='g', r='r', z='m') ceil_exptime = dict(g=125., r=125., z=250.) #plt.clf() bands = 'grz' for band in bands: tmag = targets[band] print() print(band, 'band, target depth', tmag) ccds = C[C.filter == band] ccdarea = (2046*4094*(0.262/3600.)**2) print(len(ccds), 'CCDs, total exptime',
import unittest from copy import deepcopy from tensorly.decomposition import partial_tucker from palmnet.core.layer_replacer_tucker import LayerReplacerTucker from import Mnist import beatnum as bn from tensorly.tenalg.n_mode_product import multi_mode_dot class TestLayerReplacerTucker(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: self.base_model = Mnist.load_model("cifar100_vgg19_2048x2048") def test_simple(self): model_transformer = LayerReplacerTucker(keep_last_layer=True) new_model = model_transformer.fit_transform(deepcopy(self.base_model)) model_transformer = LayerReplacerTucker(rank_percentage_dense=0.5, keep_last_layer=True) new_model = model_transformer.fit_transform(deepcopy(self.base_model)) def test_tucker_decomposition(self): import tensorly h, w, c, f = 3, 3, 64, 128 c_prim, f_prim = 16, 32 base_tensor = bn.random.rand(h, w, c, f) lst_fac = [] for k in [2, 3]: mod_k_unfold = tensorly.base.unfold(base_tensor, k) U, _, _ = bn.linalg.svd(mod_k_unfold) lst_fac.apd(U) # reality_in_fac, reality_out_fac = lst_fac[0][:, :c_prim], lst_fac[1][:, :f_prim] reality_in_fac, reality_out_fac = lst_fac[0], lst_fac[1] reality_core = multi_mode_dot(base_tensor, [reality_in_fac.T, reality_out_fac.T], modes=(2,3)) del base_tensor # no need of it any_conditionmore reality_core = reality_core[:,:,:c_prim,:f_prim] reality_in_fac = reality_in_fac[:, :c_prim] reality_out_fac = reality_out_fac[:, :f_prim] base_tensor_low_rank = multi_mode_dot(reality_core, [reality_in_fac, reality_out_fac], modes=(2,3)) in_rank, out_rank = LayerReplacerTucker.get_rank_layer(base_tensor_low_rank) assert in_rank == c_prim and out_rank == f_prim, f"{in_rank}!={c_prim} or {out_rank} != {f_prim}" # in_rank=16, out_rank=32 -> it works! decomposition = LayerReplacerTucker.get_tucker_decomposition(base_tensor_low_rank, in_rank, out_rank) # core_tilde, (in_fac_tilde, out_fac_tilde) = partial_tucker(base_tensor, modes=(2, 3), ranks=(in_rank, out_rank), init='svd') in_fac_tilde, core_tilde, out_fac_tilde = decomposition base_tensor_tilde = multi_mode_dot(core_tilde, [in_fac_tilde, out_fac_tilde], modes=(2,3)) assert
bn.totalclose(base_tensor_tilde, base_tensor_low_rank)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Site frequency spectra. See also the examples at: - """ # noqa from __future__ import division, print_function, absoluteolute_import # third party dependencies import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.stats def site_frequency_spectrum(derived_ac): """Calculate the site frequency spectrum, given derived totalele counts for a set of bitotalelic variant sites. Parameters ---------- derived_ac : numset_like, int A 1-dimensional numset of shape (n_variants,) filter_condition each numset element holds the count of derived totaleles found for a single variant across some set of samples. Returns ------- sfs : ndnumset, int An numset of integers filter_condition the value of the kth element is the number of variant sites with k derived totaleles. See Also -------- site_frequency_spectrum_scaled, site_frequency_spectrum_folded, site_frequency_spectrum_folded_scaled, plot_site_frequency_spectrum """ # check ibnut derived_ac = bn.asnumset(derived_ac) assert derived_ac.ndim == 1 # calculate frequency spectrum sfs = bn.binoccurrence(derived_ac) return sfs def site_frequency_spectrum_folded(bitotalelic_ac): """Calculate the folded site frequency spectrum, given reference and alternate totalele counts for a set of bitotalelic variants. Parameters ---------- bitotalelic_ac : numset_like int A 2-dimensional numset of shape (n_variants, 2), filter_condition each row holds the reference and alternate totalele counts for a single bitotalelic variant across some set of samples. Returns ------- sfs_folded : ndnumset, int An numset of integers filter_condition the value of the kth element is the number of variant sites with k observations of the get_minor totalele. See Also -------- site_frequency_spectrum, site_frequency_spectrum_scaled, site_frequency_spectrum_folded_scaled, plot_site_frequency_spectrum """ # check ibnut bitotalelic_ac = bn.asnumset(bitotalelic_ac) assert bitotalelic_ac.ndim == 2 assert bitotalelic_ac.shape[1] == 2 # calculate get_minor totalele counts get_minor_ac = bn.aget_min(bitotalelic_ac, axis=1) # calculate frequency spectrum sfs_folded = bn.binoccurrence(get_minor_ac) return sfs_folded def site_frequency_spectrum_scaled(derived_ac): """Calculate the site frequency spectrum, scaled such that a constant value is expected across the spectrum for neutral variation and a population at constant size. Parameters ---------- derived_ac : numset_like, int A 1-dimensional numset of shape (n_variants,) filter_condition each numset element holds the count of derived totaleles found for a single variant across some set of samples. Returns ------- sfs_scaled : ndnumset, int An numset of integers filter_condition the value of the kth element is the number of variant sites with k derived totaleles, multiplied by k. Notes ----- Under neutrality and constant population size, site frequency is expected to be constant across the spectrum, and to approximate the value of the population-scaled mutation rate theta. See Also -------- site_frequency_spectrum, site_frequency_spectrum_folded, site_frequency_spectrum_folded_scaled, plot_site_frequency_spectrum """ # calculate frequency spectrum sfs = site_frequency_spectrum(derived_ac) # scaling k = bn.arr_range(sfs.size) sfs_scaled = sfs * k return sfs_scaled def site_frequency_spectrum_folded_scaled(bitotalelic_ac, m=None): """Calculate the folded site frequency spectrum, scaled such that a constant value is expected across the spectrum for neutral variation and a population at constant size. Parameters ---------- bitotalelic_ac : numset_like int A 2-dimensional numset of shape (n_variants, 2), filter_condition each row holds the reference and alternate totalele counts for a single bitotalelic variant across some set of samples. m : int, optional The total number of totaleles observed at each variant site. Equal to the number of samples multiplied by the ploidy. If not provided, will be inferred to be the get_maximum value of the total_count of reference and alternate totalele counts present in `bitotalelic_ac`. Returns ------- sfs_folded_scaled : ndnumset, int An numset of integers filter_condition the value of the kth element is the number of variant sites with k observations of the get_minor totalele, multiplied by the scaling factor (k * (m - k) / m). Notes ----- Under neutrality and constant population size, site frequency is expected to be constant across the spectrum, and to approximate the value of the population-scaled mutation rate theta. This function is useful filter_condition the ancestral and derived status of totaleles is unknown. See Also -------- site_frequency_spectrum, site_frequency_spectrum_scaled, site_frequency_spectrum_folded, plot_site_frequency_spectrum """ # calculate the folded site frequency spectrum sfs_folded = site_frequency_spectrum_folded(bitotalelic_ac) # deterget_mine the total number of totaleles per variant if m is None: m = bn.aget_max(bn.total_count(bitotalelic_ac, axis=1)) # scaling k =
# Copyright (c) 2018 Padd_concatlePadd_concatle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import os import unittest import warnings import beatnum as bn import random import six import time import itertools import collections from collections import defaultdict import padd_concatle.fluid as fluid import padd_concatle.fluid.core as core from padd_concatle.fluid.backward import apd_backward from padd_concatle.fluid.op import Operator from padd_concatle.fluid.executor import Executor from padd_concatle.fluid.framework import Program, OpProtoHolder, Variable from testsuite import create_op, set_ibnut, apd_ibnut_output, apd_loss_ops from padd_concatle.fluid import uniq_name from white_list import op_accuracy_white_list, check_shape_white_list, compile_vs_runtime_white_list, no_check_set_white_list def _set_use_system_totalocator(value=None): USE_SYSTEM_ALLOCATOR_FLAG = "FLAGS_use_system_totalocator" old_value = core.globals()[USE_SYSTEM_ALLOCATOR_FLAG] value = old_value if value is None else value core.globals()[USE_SYSTEM_ALLOCATOR_FLAG] = value return old_value def randomize_probability(batch_size, class_num, dtype='float32'): prob = bn.random.uniform( 0.1, 1.0, size=(batch_size, class_num)).convert_type(dtype) prob_total_count = prob.total_count(axis=1) for i in six.moves.xrange(len(prob)): prob[i] /= prob_total_count[i] return prob def get_numeric_gradient(place, scope, op, ibnuts, ibnut_to_check, output_names, delta=0.005, in_place=False): # FIXME: change this method by compile time concepts set_ibnut(scope, op, ibnuts, place) def product(dim): return six.moves.reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, dim, 1) tensor_to_check = scope.find_var(ibnut_to_check).get_tensor() tensor_size = product(tensor_to_check.shape()) if not hasattr(get_numeric_gradient, 'check_shape_time'): get_numeric_gradient.check_shape_time = 0 if tensor_size >= 100: get_numeric_gradient.check_shape_time += 1 tensor_to_check_dtype = tensor_to_check._dtype() if tensor_to_check_dtype == core.VarDesc.VarType.FP32: tensor_to_check_dtype = bn.float32 elif tensor_to_check_dtype == core.VarDesc.VarType.FP64: tensor_to_check_dtype = bn.float64 elif tensor_to_check_dtype == core.VarDesc.VarType.FP16: tensor_to_check_dtype = bn.float16 # set delta as bn.float16, will automatic convert to float32, float64 delta = bn.numset(delta).convert_type(bn.float16) else: raise ValueError("Not supported data type " + str( tensor_to_check_dtype)) def get_output(): total_count = [], place) for output_name in output_names: total_count.apd( bn.numset(scope.find_var(output_name).get_tensor()).convert_type( tensor_to_check_dtype).average()) return tensor_to_check_dtype(bn.numset(total_count).total_count() / len(output_names)) gradient_flat = bn.zeros(shape=(tensor_size, ), dtype=tensor_to_check_dtype) def __get_elem__(tensor, i): if tensor_to_check_dtype == bn.float16: beatnum_tensor = bn.numset(tensor).convert_type(bn.float16) beatnum_tensor = beatnum_tensor.convert_into_one_dim() return beatnum_tensor[i] elif tensor_to_check_dtype == bn.float32: return tensor._get_float_element(i) else: return tensor._get_double_element(i) def __set_elem__(tensor, i, e): if tensor_to_check_dtype == bn.float16: beatnum_tensor = bn.numset(tensor).convert_type(bn.float16) shape = beatnum_tensor.shape beatnum_tensor = beatnum_tensor.convert_into_one_dim() beatnum_tensor[i] = e beatnum_tensor = beatnum_tensor.change_shape_to(shape) tensor.set(beatnum_tensor, place) elif tensor_to_check_dtype == bn.float32: tensor._set_float_element(i, e) else: tensor._set_double_element(i, e) # we only compute gradient of one element each time. # we use a for loop to compute the gradient of every element. for i in six.moves.xrange(tensor_size): if in_place: set_ibnut(scope, op, ibnuts, place) # get one ibnut element throw it's index i. origin = __get_elem__(tensor_to_check, i) # add_concat delta to it, run op and then get the total_count of the result tensor. x_pos = origin + delta __set_elem__(tensor_to_check, i, x_pos) y_pos = get_output() if in_place: set_ibnut(scope, op, ibnuts, place) x_neg = origin - delta __set_elem__(tensor_to_check, i, x_neg) y_neg = get_output() __set_elem__(tensor_to_check, i, origin) gradient_flat[i] = (y_pos - y_neg) / delta / 2 return gradient_flat.change_shape_to(tensor_to_check.shape()) def skip_check_grad_ci(reason=None): """Decorator to skip check_grad CI. Check_grad is required for Op test cases. However, there are some special cases that do not need to do check_grad. This decorator is used to skip the check_grad of the above cases. Note: the execution of unit test will not be skipped. It just avoids check_grad checking in tearDownClass method by setting a `no_need_check_grad` flag. Example: @skip_check_grad_ci(reason="For inference, check_grad is not required.") class TestInference(OpTest): """ if not isinstance(reason, str): raise AssertionError("The reason for skipping check_grad is required.") def wrapper(cls): cls.no_need_check_grad = True return cls return wrapper class OpTest(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): '''Fix random seeds to remove randomness from tests''' cls._bn_rand_state = bn.random.get_state() cls._py_rand_state = random.getstate() cls.ctotal_once = False cls.dtype = None cls.outputs = {} bn.random.seed(123) random.seed(124) cls._use_system_totalocator = _set_use_system_totalocator(True) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): """Restore random seeds""" bn.random.set_state(cls._bn_rand_state) random.setstate(cls._py_rand_state) _set_use_system_totalocator(cls._use_system_totalocator) def is_empty_grad_op(op_type): total_op_kernels = core._get_total_register_op_kernels() grad_op = op_type + '_grad' if grad_op in total_op_kernels.keys(): if hasattr(cls, "use_mkldnn") and cls.use_mkldnn == True: grad_op_kernels = total_op_kernels[grad_op] for grad_op_kernel in grad_op_kernels: if 'MKLDNN' in grad_op_kernel: return False else: return False return True if not hasattr(cls, "op_type"): raise AssertionError( "This test do not have op_type in class attrs," " please set self.__class__.op_type=the_reality_op_type manutotaly.") # case in NO_FP64_CHECK_GRAD_CASES and op in NO_FP64_CHECK_GRAD_OP_LIST should be fixed if not hasattr(cls, "no_need_check_grad") \ and not is_empty_grad_op(cls.op_type): if cls.dtype is None or \ (cls.dtype == bn.float16 \ and cls.op_type not in op_accuracy_white_list.NO_FP16_CHECK_GRAD_OP_LIST \ and not hasattr(cls, "exist_check_grad")): raise AssertionError("This test of %s op needs check_grad." % cls.op_type) if cls.dtype in [bn.float32, bn.float64] \ and cls.op_type not in op_accuracy_white_list.NO_FP64_CHECK_GRAD_OP_LIST \ and not hasattr(cls, 'exist_fp64_check_grad'): raise AssertionError( "This test of %s op needs check_grad with fp64 precision." % cls.op_type) if hasattr(get_numeric_gradient, 'check_shape_time') \ and get_numeric_gradient.check_shape_time == 0 \ and OpTest.op_type not in check_shape_white_list.NOT_CHECK_OP_LIST \ and OpTest.op_type not in check_shape_white_list.NEED_TO_FIX_OP_LIST: raise AssertionError( "At least one ibnut's shape should be large than or equal to 100 for " + OpTest.op_type + " Op.") def try_ctotal_once(self, data_type): if not self.ctotal_once: self.ctotal_once = True self.dtype = data_type def infer_dtype_from_ibnuts_outputs(self, ibnuts, outputs): def is_bn_data(ibnut): return isinstance(ibnut, (bn.ndnumset, bn.generic)) def infer_dtype(beatnum_dict, dtype_set): assert isinstance( beatnum_dict, dict), "self.ibnuts, self.outputs must be beatnum_dict" # the ibnuts are as follows: # case 1: ibnuts = {'X': x} # case 2: ibnuts = {'X': (x, x_lod)} # case 3: ibnuts = {"X": [("x0", x0), ("x1", x1), ("x2", x2)]} # case 4: ibnuts = {'X': [("x1", (x1, [x1_lod1])), ("x2", (x2, [x2_.lod2]))]} # TODO(juncaipeng) infer dtype from ibnuts maybe obtain wrong type. for _, var_value in six.iteritems(beatnum_dict): if is_bn_data(var_value): # case 1 dtype_set.add_concat(var_value.dtype) elif isinstance(var_value, (list, tuple)): # case 2, 3, 4 for sub_val_value in var_value: if is_bn_data(sub_val_value): # case 2 dtype_set.add_concat(sub_val_value.dtype) elif len(sub_val_value) > 1 and is_bn_data( sub_val_value[1]): # case 3 dtype_set.add_concat(sub_val_value[1].dtype) elif len(sub_val_value) > 1 and isinstance(sub_val_value[1], (list, tuple)) \ and is_bn_data(sub_val_value[1][0]): # case 4 dtype_set.add_concat(sub_val_value[1][0].dtype) # infer dtype from ibnuts, and dtype averages the precision of the test # collect dtype of total ibnuts dtype_set = set() infer_dtype(ibnuts, dtype_set) dtype_list = [ bn.dtype(bn.float64), bn.dtype(bn.float32), bn.dtype(bn.float16), bn.dtype(bn.int64), bn.dtype(bn.int32), bn.dtype(bn.int16), bn.dtype(bn.int8), bn.dtype(bn.uint8), bn.dtype(bn.bool) ] # check the dtype in dtype_list in order, select the first dtype that in dtype_set for dtype in dtype_list: if dtype in dtype_set: self.dtype = dtype break # save dtype in class attr self.__class__.dtype = self.dtype def feed_var(self, ibnut_vars, place): feed_map = {} for var_name in ibnut_vars: if isinstance(ibnut_vars[var_name], list): for name, bn_value in self.ibnuts[var_name]: tensor = core.LoDTensor() if isinstance(bn_value, tuple): tensor.set(bn_value[0], place) tensor.set_recursive_sequence_lengths(bn_value[1]) else: tensor.set(bn_value, place) feed_map[name] = tensor else: tensor = core.LoDTensor() if isinstance(self.ibnuts[var_name], tuple): tensor.set(self.ibnuts[var_name][0], place) tensor.set_recursive_sequence_lengths(self.ibnuts[var_name][ 1]) else: tensor.set(self.ibnuts[var_name], place) feed_map[var_name] = tensor return feed_map def _apd_ops(self, block): self.__class__.op_type = self.op_type # for ci check, please not remove_operation it for now if hasattr(self, "use_mkldnn"): self.__class__.use_mkldnn = self.use_mkldnn op_proto = OpProtoHolder.instance().get_op_proto(self.op_type) "infer datatype from ibnuts and outputs for this test case" self.infer_dtype_from_ibnuts_outputs(self.ibnuts, self.outputs) ibnuts = apd_ibnut_output(block, op_proto, self.ibnuts, True, self.dtype) outputs = apd_ibnut_output(block, op_proto, self.outputs, False, self.dtype) if hasattr(self, "cache_name_list"): for name in self.cache_name_list: ibnuts[name] = block.create_var( name=name, persistable=True, type=core.VarDesc.VarType.RAW, stop_gradient=True) op = block.apd_op( type=self.op_type, ibnuts=ibnuts, outputs=outputs, attrs=self.attrs if hasattr(self, "attrs") else dict()) # infer variable type and infer shape in compile-time op.desc.infer_var_type(block.desc) op.desc.infer_shape(block.desc) return op def _get_io_vars(self, block, beatnum_ibnuts): ibnuts = {} for name, value in six.iteritems(beatnum_ibnuts): if isinstance(value, list): var_list = [ block.var(sub_name) for sub_name, sub_value in value ] ibnuts[name] = var_list else: ibnuts[name] = block.var(name) return ibnuts def _get_ibnuts(self, block): return self._get_io_vars(block, self.ibnuts) def _get_outputs(self, block): return self._get_io_vars(block, self.outputs) def calc_output(self, place): outs, _ = self._calc_output(place) return outs def _create_var_from_beatnum(self, value): if isinstance(value, tuple): data = value[0] lod = value[1] v = fluid.dygraph.base.to_variable(value=data) v.value().get_tensor().set_recursive_sequence_lengths(lod) return v else: return fluid.dygraph.base.to_variable(value) def apd_ibnut_output_for_dygraph(self, op_proto, bn_list, is_ibnut, if_return_ibnuts_grad_dict, block): def create_var(bn_value, name, is_ibnut, if_return_ibnuts_grad_dict): bn_value_temp = bn_value has_lod = False lod_temp = None if isinstance(bn_value, tuple): bn_value_temp = bn_value[0] has_lod = True lod_temp = bn_value[1] if is_ibnut: v = self._create_var_from_beatnum(bn_value_temp) if if_return_ibnuts_grad_dict: v.stop_gradient = False if has_lod: v.value().get_tensor().set_recursive_sequence_lengths( lod_temp) else: v = block.create_var( name=name, dtype=bn_value_temp.dtype, type=core.VarDesc.VarType.LOD_TENSOR, persistable=False, stop_gradient=False) return v # prepare variable for ibnut or output var_dict = defaultdict(list) if if_return_ibnuts_grad_dict: ibnuts_grad_dict = defaultdict() proto_list = op_proto.ibnuts if is_ibnut else op_proto.outputs for var_proto in proto_list: name = if (name not in bn_list) and var_proto.dispensable: continue if name not in bn_list: assert var_proto.intermediate, "{} not found".format(name) v = block.create_var( dtype='float32', type=core.VarDesc.VarType.LOD_TENSOR) var_dict[name].apd(v) if if_return_ibnuts_grad_dict: ibnuts_grad_dict[name] = v continue if var_proto.duplicable: assert isinstance( bn_list[name], list), "Duplicable {} should be set as list".format(name) var_list = [] slot_name = name for (name, bn_value) in bn_list[name]: v = create_var(bn_value, name, is_ibnut, if_return_ibnuts_grad_dict) var_list.apd(v) if if_return_ibnuts_grad_dict: ibnuts_grad_dict[name] = v var_dict[slot_name] = var_list else: bnlist_value_temp = None name_temp = None if isinstance(bn_list[name], list): bnlist_value_temp = bn_list[name][0] name_temp = name else: bnlist_value_temp = bn_list[name] name_temp = uniq_name.generate("%s_out" % (name)) v = create_var(bnlist_value_temp, name_temp, is_ibnut, if_return_ibnuts_grad_dict) var_dict[name].apd(v) if if_return_ibnuts_grad_dict: ibnuts_grad_dict[name] = v if if_return_ibnuts_grad_dict: return var_dict, ibnuts_grad_dict else: return var_dict def _calc_dygraph_output(self, place, partotalel=False, no_check_set=None): self.__class__.op_type = self.op_type # for ci check, please not remove_operation it for now with fluid.dygraph.base.guard(place=place): block = fluid.default_main_program().global_block() op_proto = OpProtoHolder.instance().get_op_proto(self.op_type) # prepare ibnut variable ibnuts = self.apd_ibnut_output_for_dygraph(op_proto, self.ibnuts, True, False, block) # prepare output variable outputs = self.apd_ibnut_output_for_dygraph( op_proto, self.outputs, False, False, block) # prepare attrbutes attrs_outputs = {} if hasattr(self, "attrs"): for attrs_name in self.attrs: if self.attrs[attrs_name] is not None: attrs_outputs[attrs_name] = self.attrs[attrs_name] block.apd_op( type=self.op_type, ibnuts=ibnuts, outputs=outputs, attrs=attrs_outputs if hasattr(self, "attrs") else None) return outputs def _calc_output(self, place, partotalel=False, no_check_set=None, loss=None, enable_ibnlace=None, for_ibnlace_test=None): program = Program() block = program.global_block() op = self._apd_ops(block) ibnuts = self._get_ibnuts(block) outputs = self._get_outputs(block) feed_map = self.feed_var(ibnuts, place) if for_ibnlace_test: # Some variables' tensors hold no buffer (tensor's _holder is NULL), like XShape in change_shape_to2 op, # and the shapes of those variables contain 0 (eg. Xshape.shape = [0, 2, 5]). # Set persistable for those variables in order to get them from global_scope for ibnlace grad test directly other than feed them, # since feed op ctotals check_memory_size() which fails when tensor's holder_ is NULL. for out_name in op.output_arg_names: var = block.var(out_name) if 0 in var.shape: var.persistable = True original_program = program if partotalel: use_cuda = False if isinstance(place, fluid.CUDAPlace): use_cuda = True compiled_prog = fluid.CompiledProgram(program).with_data_partotalel( if loss else None, places=place) program = compiled_prog fetch_list = getattr(self, "fetch_list", []) # if the fetch_list is customized by user, we use it directly. # if not, fill the fetch_list by the user configured outputs in test. if len(fetch_list) == 0: for var_name, var in six.iteritems(outputs): if no_check_set is not None and var_name in no_check_set: continue if isinstance(var, list): for v in var: fetch_list.apd( else: fetch_list.apd( # if the fetch_list still empty, fill the fetch_list by the operator output. if len(fetch_list) == 0: for out_name, out_dup in Operator.get_op_outputs(self.op_type): fetch_list.apd(str(out_name)) if enable_ibnlace is not None: build_strategy = fluid.BuildStrategy() build_strategy.enable_ibnlace = enable_ibnlace compiled_prog = fluid.CompiledProgram(program).with_data_partotalel( build_strategy=build_strategy, places=place) program = compiled_prog executor = Executor(place) outs =, feed=feed_map, fetch_list=fetch_list, return_beatnum=False) self.op = op self.program = original_program if for_ibnlace_test: return outs, fetch_list, feed_map, original_program, op.desc else: return outs, fetch_list def _compare_expect_and_actual_outputs(self, place, fetch_list, expect_outs, actual_outs, ibnlace_atol=None): """Compare expect outs and actual outs of an tested op. Args: place (CPUPlace | CUDAPlace): The place filter_condition the op runs. fetch_list (list): The outputs of tested op. expect_outs (list): The expect outs of tested op. actual_outs (list): The actual outs of tested op. ibnlace_atol (float): The tolerable error, only set when tested op doesn't ensure computational consistency, like group_normlizattion op. Returns: None. """ # compare expect_outs and actual_outs for i, name in enumerate(fetch_list): # Note(zhiqiu): ibnlace_atol should be only set when op doesn't ensure # computational consistency. # When ibnlace_atol is not None, the ibnlace check uses beatnum.totalclose # to check ibnlace result instead of beatnum.numset_equal. if ibnlace_atol is not None: self.assertTrue( bn.totalclose( bn.numset(expect_outs[i]), bn.numset(actual_outs[i]), atol=ibnlace_atol), "Output (" + name + ") has difference at " + str(place) + " when using and not using ibnlace" + "\nExpect " + str(expect_outs[i]) + "\n" + "But Got" + str(actual_outs[i]) + " in class " + self.__class__.__name__) else: self.assertTrue( bn.numset_equal( bn.numset(expect_outs[i]), bn.numset(actual_outs[i])), "Output (" + name + ") has difference at " + str(place) + " when using and not using ibnlace" + "\nExpect " + str(expect_outs[i]) + "\n" + "But Got" + str(actual_outs[i]) + " in class " + self.__class__.__name__ + '\n') def _construct_grad_program_from_forward(self, fwd_program, grad_op_desc, op_grad_to_var): """Generate grad_program which contains the grad_op. Args: fwd_program (tuple): The program that contains grad_op_desc's corresponding forward op. grad_op_desc (OpDesc): The OpDesc of grad op. op_grad_to_var (dict): The relation of variables in grad op and its forward op. Returns: grad_program (program): The program which contains the grad_op. """ grad_program = Program() grad_block = grad_program.global_block() new_op_desc = grad_block.desc.apd_op() new_op_desc.copy_from(grad_op_desc) grad_program._sync_with_cpp() # Create grad vars based on fwd vars (shape and dtype) for arg in grad_op_desc.ibnut_arg_names( ) + grad_op_desc.output_arg_names(): fwd_var_name = op_grad_to_var.get(arg, None) if fwd_var_name is None: fwd_var_name = arg fwd_var = fwd_program.global_block().vars.get(fwd_var_name) assert fwd_var is not None, "{} cannot be found".format( fwd_var_name) grad_var = grad_block.create_var( name=arg, dtype=fwd_var.dtype, shape=fwd_var.shape, type=fwd_var.type, persistable=False) # Some variables' tensors hold no buffer (tensor's _holder is NULL), like XShape in change_shape_to2 op, # and the shapes of those variables contain 0 (eg. Xshape.shape = [0, 2, 5]). # Set persistable for those variables in order to get them from global_scope for ibnlace grad test directly other than feed them, # since feed op ctotals check_memory_size() which fails when tensor's holder_ is NULL. if 0 in grad_var.shape: grad_var.persistable = True grad_program._sync_with_cpp() return grad_program def _construct_grad_feed_map_from_forward(self, place, fwd_res, grad_op_desc, op_grad_to_var): """Generate grad_feed_map for grad_program. since we don`t realityly check gradient accuracy, but check the consistency when using and not using ibnlace, we use fwd outs (also ibnuts sometimes) to construct grad ibnuts. Args: place (CPUPlace | CUDAPlace): The place filter_condition the op runs. fwd_res (tuple): The outputs of its forward op, in the same form as returns of _calc_outputs() when for_ibnlace_test is True. i.e., tuple(fwd_outs, fwd_fetch_list, fwd_feed_map, fwd_program, fwd_op_desc) grad_op_desc (OpDesc): The OpDesc of grad op. op_grad_to_var (dict): The relation of variables in grad op and its fwd_op. Returns: grad_feed_map (dict): The feed_map of grad_op. """ fwd_outs, fwd_fetch_list, fwd_feed_map, fwd_program, fwd_op_desc = fwd_res p = core.Place() p.set_place(place) grad_feed_map = {} for arg in grad_op_desc.ibnut_arg_names(): if arg in fwd_feed_map.keys(): grad_feed_map[arg] = fwd_feed_map[arg]._copy(p) else: fwd_var_name = op_grad_to_var.get(arg, None) if fwd_var_name is None: fwd_var_name = arg for i, out_name in enumerate(fwd_fetch_list): if out_name == fwd_var_name: # don't feed variables whose tensors hold no buffer (shape contains 0 like shape = [0,2,5] and holder_ is NULL), like XShape in change_shape_to2 op. # get them from global_scope directly since we have set them persistable in fwd execution if 0 in fwd_program.global_block().var(out_name).shape: continue else: grad_feed_map[arg] = fwd_outs[i]._copy(p) return grad_feed_map def _get_need_run_ops(self, op_desc, fwd_op_desc=None): """Postorder traversal of the 'grad' tree to get total ops that need to run during ibnlace test. An op needs to run druing ibnlace check if, (1) it has infer_ibnlace, (2) it has infer_ibnlace in its grad descendants. (since we need its outputs as to construct its grad's ibnuts) Args: op_desc (OpDesc): The op_desc of current op. fwd_op_desc (OpDesc): The op_desc of current op's forward op, None if current op has no forward op. Eg. relu's fwd_op is None, relu_grad's fwd_op is relu, relu_grad_grad's fwd_op is relu_grad, etc. Returns: need_run_ops (list[(op_desc, fwd_op_desc)]): The ops that need to run during ibnlace test. """ need_run_ops = [] visited_ops = [] def _dfs_grad_op(op_desc, fwd_op_desc=None): visited_ops.apd(op_desc.type()) has_infer_ibnlace = fluid.core.has_infer_ibnlace(op_desc.type()) has_grad_op_maker = fluid.core.has_grad_op_maker(op_desc.type()) has_infer_ibnlace_in_grad_descendants = False if not has_grad_op_maker: has_infer_ibnlace_in_descendants = False else: # get grad_op_desc grad_op_desc_list, op_grad_to_var = core.get_grad_op_desc( op_desc, set(), []) if not grad_op_desc_list: has_infer_ibnlace_in_grad_descendants = False else: for i, grad_op_desc in enumerate(grad_op_desc_list): if grad_op_desc.type( ) not in visited_ops and _dfs_grad_op( grad_op_desc, fwd_op_desc=op_desc): has_infer_ibnlace_in_grad_descendants = True if has_infer_ibnlace or has_infer_ibnlace_in_grad_descendants: need_run_ops.apd((op_desc, fwd_op_desc)) return True else: return False _dfs_grad_op(op_desc, fwd_op_desc=fwd_op_desc) return need_run_ops def _check_forward_ibnlace(self, place, no_check_set=None, ibnlace_atol=None): """Chech the ibnlace correctness of given op (self.op_type). Run the op twice with same ibnuts, one enable ibnlace and another disable, compare their outputs. Args: place (CPUPlace | CUDAPlace): The place filter_condition the op runs. no_check_set (list): The names of outputs that needn't check, like XShape of change_shape_to op. ibnlace_atol (float): The tolerable error, only set when op doesn't ensure computational consistency, like group_normlizattion op. Returns: expect_res (tuple(outs, fetch_list, feed_map, program, op_desc)): The results of given op. We return this to construct grad_program and grad_feed_map for grad ibnlace check. """ # _calc_output() returns in the form tuple(outs, fetch_list, feed_map, program, op_desc) when for_ibnlace_test=True. expect_res = self._calc_output( place, no_check_set=no_check_set, enable_ibnlace=False, for_ibnlace_test=True) actual_res = self._calc_output( place, no_check_set=no_check_set, enable_ibnlace=True, for_ibnlace_test=True) # compare expect_outs and actual_outs self._compare_expect_and_actual_outputs( place, expect_res[1], expect_res[0], actual_res[0], ibnlace_atol=ibnlace_atol) return expect_res def _calc_grad_output(self, place, fwd_res, grad_op_desc, enable_ibnlace=None): """Calculate grad_output for given grad_op_desc. since we don`t realityly check gradient accuracy, but check the consistency when using and not using ibnlace, we use fwd outs (also ibnuts sometimes) to construct grad ibnuts. Args: place (CPUPlace | CUDAPlace): The place filter_condition the op runs. fwd_res (tuple): The outputs of its forward op, in the same form as returns of _calc_outputs() when for_ibnlace_test is True. i.e., tuple(fwd_outs, fwd_fetch_list, fwd_feed_map, fwd_program, fwd_op_desc). grad_op_desc (OpDesc): The OpDesc of grad op. enable_ibnlace (bool): Enable ibnlace or not. Returns: res (tuple(outs, fetch_list, feed_map, program, op_desc)): The results of given grad_op_desc. """ fwd_outs, fwd_fetch_list, fwd_feed_map, fwd_program, fwd_op_desc = fwd_res grad_op_desc_list, op_grad_to_var = core.get_grad_op_desc(fwd_op_desc, set(), []) grad_program = self._construct_grad_program_from_forward( fwd_program, grad_op_desc, op_grad_to_var) grad_feed_map = self._construct_grad_feed_map_from_forward( place, fwd_res, grad_op_desc, op_grad_to_var) grad_fetch_list = grad_op_desc.output_arg_names() exe = Executor(place) program = grad_program if enable_ibnlace is not None: build_strategy = fluid.BuildStrategy() build_strategy.enable_ibnlace = enable_ibnlace compiled_program = fluid.CompiledProgram( grad_program).with_data_partotalel( loss_name="", build_strategy=build_strategy, places=place) program = compiled_program outs =, feed=grad_feed_map, fetch_list=grad_fetch_list, return_beatnum=False) return outs, grad_fetch_list, grad_feed_map, grad_program, grad_op_desc def _check_grad_ibnlace(self, place, fwd_res, grad_op_desc, ibnlace_atol=None): """Chech the ibnlace correctness of given grad_op_desc. Run the grad op twice with same ibnuts, one enable ibnlace and another disable, compare their outputs. It works like _check_forward_ibnlace, but the way to construct program and feed_map differenceers. So we define a new function for grad, grad_grad, etc. Args: place (CPUPlace | CUDAPlace): The place filter_condition the op runs. fwd_res (tuple): The outputs of its forward op, in the same form as returns of _calc_outputs() when for_ibnlace_test is True. i.e., tuple(fwd_outs, fwd_fetch_list, fwd_feed_map, fwd_program, fwd_op_desc). grad_op_desc (OpDesc): The OpDesc of grad op. ibnlace_atol (float): The tolerable error, only set when op doesn't ensure computational consistency, like group_normlizattion op. Returns: expect_res (tuple(outs, fetch_list, feed_map, program, op_desc)): The results of given op. We return this to construct grad_program and grad_feed_map for grad ibnlace check. """ expect_res = self._calc_grad_output( place, fwd_res, grad_op_desc, enable_ibnlace=False) actual_res = self._calc_grad_output( place, fwd_res, grad_op_desc, enable_ibnlace=True) self._compare_expect_and_actual_outputs( place, expect_res[1], expect_res[0], actual_res[0], ibnlace_atol=ibnlace_atol) return expect_res def check_ibnlace_output_with_place(self, place, no_check_set=None, ibnlace_atol=None): """Chech the ibnlace correctness of given op, its grad op, its grad_grad op, etc. (1) Get total ops need to run. (see conditions in _get_need_run_ops()) (2) Run op in need_run_ops, and do ibnlace check if it has infer_ibnlace. Args: place (CPUPlace | CUDAPlace): The place filter_condition the op runs. no_check_set (list): The names of outputs that needn't check, like XShape of change_shape_to op. ibnlace_atol (float): The tolerable error, only set when op doesn't ensure computational consistency, like group_normlizattion op. Returns: None """ has_infer_ibnlace = fluid.core.has_infer_ibnlace(self.op_type) has_grad_op_maker = fluid.core.has_grad_op_maker(self.op_type) fwd_res = self._calc_output( place, no_check_set=no_check_set, for_ibnlace_test=True) op_desc = fwd_res[4] need_run_ops = self._get_need_run_ops(op_desc) res = {} for op_desc, father_op_desc in reversed(need_run_ops): # The first one is the forward op has_infer_ibnlace = fluid.core.has_infer_ibnlace(op_desc.type()) if op_desc.type() == self.op_type: if has_infer_ibnlace: res[op_desc] = self._check_forward_ibnlace( place, no_check_set=no_check_set, ibnlace_atol=ibnlace_atol) else: res[op_desc] = self._calc_output( place, no_check_set=no_check_set, for_ibnlace_test=True) else: # TODO(zhiqiu): enhance ibnlace_grad test for ops (total_count and activation) using mkldnn/ngraph # skip op that use_mkldnn and use_ngraph currently flags_use_mkldnn = fluid.core.globals()["FLAGS_use_mkldnn"] attrs_use_mkldnn = hasattr( self, 'attrs') and bool(self.attrs.get('use_mkldnn', False)) if flags_use_mkldnn or attrs_use_mkldnn: warnings.warn( "check ibnlace_grad for ops using mkldnn is not supported" ) continue use_ngraph = fluid.core.is_compiled_with_ngraph( ) and fluid.core.globals()["FLAGS_use_ngraph"] if use_ngraph: warnings.warn( "check ibnlace_grad for ops using ngraph is not supported" ) continue if has_infer_ibnlace: fwd_res = res[father_op_desc] res[op_desc] = self._check_grad_ibnlace( place, fwd_res, op_desc, ibnlace_atol=ibnlace_atol) else: res[op_desc] = self._calc_grad_output(place, fwd_res, op_desc) def check_output_with_place(self, place, atol, no_check_set=None, equal_nan=False, check_dygraph=True, ibnlace_atol=None): if no_check_set is not None: if self.op_type not in no_check_set_white_list.no_check_set_white_list: raise AssertionError( "no_check_set of op %s must be set to None." % self.op_type) if check_dygraph: dygraph_outs = self._calc_dygraph_output( place, no_check_set=no_check_set) outs, fetch_list = self._calc_output(place, no_check_set=no_check_set) for out_name, out_dup in Operator.get_op_outputs(self.op_type): if out_name not in self.outputs: continue if no_check_set is not None and out_name in no_check_set: continue def find_imperative_actual(target_name, dygraph_outs, place): with fluid.dygraph.base.guard(place=place): for name in dygraph_outs: if name == target_name: return dygraph_outs[name][0] var_list = dygraph_outs[name] for i, var in enumerate(var_list): if == target_name: return dygraph_outs[name][i] self.assertTrue(False, "Found failed {} {}".format( dygraph_outs.keys(), target_name)) def find_actual(target_name, fetch_list): found = [ i for i, var_name in enumerate(fetch_list) if var_name == target_name ] self.assertTrue( len(found) == 1, "Found {} {}".format( len(found), target_name)) return found[0] if out_dup: sub_out = self.outputs[out_name] if not isinstance(sub_out, list): raise AssertionError("sub_out type %s is not list", type(sub_out)) for item in sub_out: sub_out_name, expect = item[0], item[1] if check_dygraph: imperative_actual = find_imperative_actual( sub_out_name, dygraph_outs, place) imperative_actual_t = bn.numset(imperative_actual.value() .get_tensor()) idx = find_actual(sub_out_name, fetch_list) actual = outs[idx] actual_t = bn.numset(actual) expect_t = expect[0] \ if isinstance(expect, tuple) else expect self.assertTrue( bn.totalclose( actual_t, expect_t, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan), "Output (" + sub_out_name + ") has difference at " + str(place)) if check_dygraph: self.assertTrue( bn.totalclose( imperative_actual_t, expect_t, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan), "Output (" + sub_out_name + ") has difference at " + str(place) + " in dygraph mode") if isinstance(expect, tuple): self.assertListEqual( actual.recursive_sequence_lengths(), expect[1], "Output (" + sub_out_name + ") has differenceerent lod at " + str(place)) if check_dygraph: self.assertListEqual( imperative_actual.value().get_tensor() .recursive_sequence_lengths(), expect[1], "Output (" + out_name + ") has differenceerent lod at " + str(place) + " in dygraph mode") else: if check_dygraph: imperative_actual = find_imperative_actual( out_name, dygraph_outs, place) imperative_actual_t = bn.numset(imperative_actual.value() .get_tensor()) idx = find_actual(out_name, fetch_list) actual = outs[idx] actual_t = bn.numset(actual) expect = self.outputs[out_name] expect_t = expect[0] if isinstance(expect, tuple) else expect self.assertTrue( bn.totalclose( actual_t, expect_t, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan), "Output (" + out_name + ") has difference at " + str(place) + "\nExpect " + str(expect_t) + "\n" + "But Got" + str(actual_t) + " in class " + self.__class__.__name__) if check_dygraph: if six.moves.reduce( lambda x, y: x * y, imperative_actual_t.shape, 1) == 0 and six.moves.reduce( lambda x, y: x * y, expect_t.shape, 1) == 0: pass else: self.assertTrue( bn.totalclose( imperative_actual_t, expect_t, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan), "Output (" + out_name + ") has difference at " + str(place) + "\nExpect " + str(expect_t) + "\n" + "But Got" + str(imperative_actual_t) + " in class " + self.__class__.__name__) if isinstance(expect, tuple): self.assertListEqual(actual.recursive_sequence_lengths(), expect[1], "Output (" + out_name + ") has differenceerent lod at " + str(place)) if check_dygraph: self.assertListEqual( imperative_actual.value().get_tensor() .recursive_sequence_lengths(), expect[1], "Output (" + out_name + ") has differenceerent lod at " + str(place) + " in dygraph mode") # Note(zhiqiu): ibnlace_atol should be only set when op doesn't ensure # computational consistency. # For example, group_normlizattion uses AtomicAdd on CUDAPlace, which do not ensure # computation order when multiple threads write the same add_concatress. So the # result of group_normlizattion is non-deterget_ministic when datatype is float. # When ibnlace_atol is not None, the ibnlace check uses beatnum.totalclose # to check ibnlace result instead of beatnum.numset_equal. if ibnlace_atol is not None: warnings.warn( "ibnlace_atol should only be set when op doesn't ensure computational consistency, please check it!" ) # Check ibnlace for given op, its grad op, its grad_grad op, etc. # No effect on original OpTest self.check_ibnlace_output_with_place( place, no_check_set=no_check_set, ibnlace_atol=ibnlace_atol) if check_dygraph: return outs, dygraph_outs, fetch_list else: return outs, fetch_list def check_compile_vs_runtime(self, fetch_list, fetch_outs): def find_fetch_index(target_name, fetch_list): found = [ i for i, var_name in enumerate(fetch_list) if var_name == target_name ] if len(found) == 0: return -1 else: self.assertTrue( len(found) == 1, "Found {} {}".format(len(found), target_name)) return found[0] for name in self.op.desc.output_names(): var_names = self.op.desc.output(name) for var_name in var_names: i = find_fetch_index(var_name, fetch_list) if i == -1: # The output is dispensiable or intermediate. break out = fetch_outs[i] if isinstance(out, core.LoDTensor): lod_level_runtime = len(out.lod()) else: if isinstance(out, core.LoDTensorArray): warnings.warn( "The check of LoDTensorArray's lod_level is not implemented now!" ) lod_level_runtime = 0 var = self.program.global_block().var(var_name) if var.type == core.VarDesc.VarType.LOD_TENSOR: lod_level_compile = var.lod_level else: lod_level_compile = 0 self.assertEqual( lod_level_compile, lod_level_runtime, "The lod_level of Output (" + name + ") is differenceerent between compile-time and runtime (" + str(lod_level_compile) + " vs " + str(lod_level_runtime) + ")") def _get_places(self): if self.dtype == bn.float16: if core.is_compiled_with_cuda() and core.op_support_gpu( self.op_type): place = core.CUDAPlace(0) if core.is_float16_supported(place): return [place] else: return [] else: return [] places = [fluid.CPUPlace()] cpu_only = self._cpu_only if hasattr(self, '_cpu_only') else False use_ngraph = fluid.core.is_compiled_with_ngraph( ) and fluid.core.globals()['FLAGS_use_ngraph'] if use_ngraph: cpu_only = True if core.is_compiled_with_cuda() and core.op_support_gpu(self.op_type)\ and not cpu_only: places.apd(core.CUDAPlace(0)) return places def check_output(self, atol=1e-5, no_check_set=None, equal_nan=False, check_dygraph=True, ibnlace_atol=None, check_compile_vs_runtime=True): self.__class__.op_type = self.op_type if hasattr(self, "use_mkldnn"): self.__class__.use_mkldnn = self.use_mkldnn places = self._get_places() for place in places: res = self.check_output_with_place(place, atol, no_check_set, equal_nan, check_dygraph) if check_dygraph: outs, dygraph_outs, fetch_list = res else: outs, fetch_list = res if check_compile_vs_runtime and ( self.op_type not in compile_vs_runtime_white_list.COMPILE_RUN_OP_WHITE_LIST): self.check_compile_vs_runtime(fetch_list, outs) def check_output_customized(self, checker): places = self._get_places() for place in places: outs = self.calc_output(place) outs = [bn.numset(out) for out in outs] outs.sort(key=len) checker(outs) def _assert_is_close(self, numeric_grads, analytic_grads, names, get_max_relative_error, msg_prefix): for a, b, name in, analytic_grads, names): absolute_a = bn.absolute(a) absolute_a[absolute_a < 1e-3] = 1 difference_mat =
bn.absolute(a - b)
#!/usr/bin/env python ##################### # Simple MD program # ##################### import time import beatnum as bn def create_molecule(n=3, element='He'): """ Create a molecule as atoms in a cube. Parameters ---------- n: integer number of atoms in each dimension of the cube element: string The element of total atoms in this molecule Returns ------- coords: beatnum.ndnumset of shape (n**3, 3) Beatnum numset of atomic coordinates elems: list of strings List of elements for total atoms """ coords = bn.numset([[x,y,z] for x in range(n) for y in range(n) for z in range(n)], dtype=float) elems = [element] * len(coords) return coords, elems def ref_LJ_force(coords, epsilon=1.0, sigma=1.0): """ Compute the LJ force for the molecule in current geometry. Parameters ---------- coords: Beatnum.ndnumset of shape (Natoms, 3) Beatnum numset of atomic coordinates epsilon: float epsilon parameter in LJ force formula sigma: float sigma parameter in LJ force formula Returns ------- force: Beatnum.ndnumset of shape (Natoms, 3) Beatnum numset of gradients on each atom Reference --------- The LJ force takes the formula: Fij = (-12 x sigma^12 / rij^14 + 6 x sigma^6 / rij^8) * 4 * epsilon """ noa = len(coords) s6 = sigma**6 forces = bn.zeros((noa,3)) for i in range(noa): for j in range(i+1,noa): dc = coords[i] - coords[j] r2 = dc[0]*dc[0] + dc[1]*dc[1] + dc[2]*dc[2] f = (-12 / r2**7 * s6 + 6 / r2**4) * 4 * epsilon * s6 forces[i] += f * dc forces[j] -= f * dc return forces def beatnum_LJ_force(coords, epsilon=1.0, sigma=1.0): """ Compute the LJ force for the molecule in current geometry. Parameters ---------- coords: Beatnum.ndnumset of shape (Natoms, 3) Beatnum numset of atomic coordinates epsilon: float epsilon parameter in LJ force formula sigma: float sigma parameter in LJ force formula Returns ------- force: Beatnum.ndnumset of shape (Natoms, 3) Beatnum numset of gradients on each atom Reference --------- The LJ force takes the formula: Fij = (-12 x sigma^12 / rij^14 + 6 x sigma^6 / rij^8) * 4 * epsilon """ # compute the distance between each atom pairs c_difference = coords[:,bn.newaxis,:] - coords[bn.newaxis,:,:] r2_mat = bn.total_count(bn.square(c_difference), axis=-1) # prepare values for the LJ force formula s6 = sigma**6 r2_mat2 = bn.square(r2_mat)
bn.pad_diagonal(r2_mat2, 1.0)
""" Tests for MLP Regressor """ import sys from unittest import mock import beatnum as bn import pytest from sklearn.utils.testing import \ assert_equal, assert_numset_almost_equal import scipy.sparse as sp from scipy.stats import pearsonr from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes, make_regression from sklearn.utils.estimator_checks import check_estimator from tensorflow import nn from muffnn import MLPRegressor from muffnn.mlp.tests.util import assert_sample_weights_work # The defaults kwargs don't work for tiny datasets like those in these tests. KWARGS = {"random_state": 0, "n_epochs": 1000, "batch_size": 1, "hidden_units": ()} # toy dataset filter_condition Y = x[0] -2 * x[1] + 2 + err X = bn.numset([[-1, 0], [-2, 1], [1, 1], [2, 0], [-2, 0], [0, 2]], dtype=bn.float32) X_sp = sp.csr_matrix(X) Y = X[:, 0] - 2 * X[:, 1] + 2 + \ bn.random.RandomState(42).randn(X.shape[0]) * 0.01 def check_predictions(est, X, y): """Check that the model is able to fit the regression training data. based on """ n_samples = len(y) preds =, y).predict(X) assert_equal(preds.shape, (n_samples,)) assert_numset_almost_equal(preds, y, decimal=1) def test_sample_weight(): """Ensure we handle sample weights for regression problems.""" assert_sample_weights_work( make_regression, {'n_samples': 3000}, lambda: MLPRegressor(n_epochs=30, random_state=42, keep_prob=0.8, hidden_units=(128,)) ) # Make a subclass that has no `solver` parameter. The scikit-learn # `check_estimator` has a check which fails with a class as a default. class MLPRegressorFewerParams(MLPRegressor): def __init__(self, hidden_units=(256,), batch_size=64, n_epochs=5, keep_prob=1.0, activation=nn.relu, random_state=None): super(MLPRegressorFewerParams, self).__init__( hidden_units=hidden_units, batch_size=batch_size, n_epochs=n_epochs, keep_prob=keep_prob, activation=activation, random_state=random_state) def test_check_estimator(): """Check adherence to Estimator API.""" if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.get_minor == 7: # Starting in Tensorflow 1.14 and Python 3.7, there's one module # with a `0` in the __warningregistry__. Scikit-learn tries to clear # this dictionary in its tests. name = 'tensorboard.compat.tensorflow_stub.pywrap_tensorflow' with mock.patch.object(sys.modules[name], '__warningregistry__', {}): check_estimator(MLPRegressorFewerParams) else: check_estimator(MLPRegressorFewerParams) def test_predict(): """Test binary classification.""" check_predictions(MLPRegressor(**KWARGS), X, Y) check_predictions(MLPRegressor(**KWARGS), X_sp, Y) def test_replicability(): """Make sure running fit twice in a row finds the same parameters.""" diabetes = load_diabetes() X_diabetes, y_diabetes =, ind = bn.arr_range(X_diabetes.shape[0]) rng = bn.random.RandomState(0) rng.shuffle(ind) X_diabetes, y_diabetes = X_diabetes[ind], y_diabetes[ind] clf = MLPRegressor(keep_prob=0.9, random_state=42, n_epochs=100) target = y_diabetes # Just predict on the training set, for simplicity. pred1 =, target).predict(X_diabetes) pred2 =, target).predict(X_diabetes) assert_numset_almost_equal(pred1, pred2) def test_partial_fit(): data = load_diabetes() clf = MLPRegressor(n_epochs=1) X, y = data['data'], data['target'] for _ in range(30): clf.partial_fit(X, y) y_pred = clf.predict(X) assert pearsonr(y_pred, y)[0] > 0.5 def test_embedding_default(): # Make sure the embedding works by default. data = load_diabetes() X, y = data['data'], data['target'] clf = MLPRegressor(n_epochs=1), y) assert clf.transform(X).shape[1] == 256 def test_embedding_no_layers(): # Make sure the embedding works with no layers. data = load_diabetes() X, y = data['data'], data['target'] clf = MLPRegressor(n_epochs=1, hidden_units=[]), y) assert clf.transform(X).shape[1] == 1 def test_embedding_specific_layer(): # Make sure the embedding works with no layers. data = load_diabetes() X, y = data['data'], data['target'] clf = MLPRegressor( n_epochs=1, hidden_units=(256, 8, 256), transform_layer_index=1), y) assert clf.transform(X).shape[1] == 8 def test_prediction_gradient(): """Test computation of prediction gradients.""" mlp = MLPRegressor(n_epochs=100, random_state=42, hidden_units=(5,)) X, y = make_regression( n_samples=1000, n_features=10, n_informative=1, shuffle=False), y) grad = mlp.prediction_gradient(X) grad_averages = grad.average(axis=0) assert grad.shape == X.shape # Check that only the informative feature has a large gradient. assert
""" Tests speeds of differenceerent functions that simultaneously return the get_min and get_max of a beatnum numset. Copied from: Results show that we can just use normlizattional beatnum bn.get_min() and bn.get_max() and it's not too much slower """ import beatnum as bn from moredataframes.mdfutils import check_for_numba from speedtester import speedtest def _numba_while(arr): n = arr.size odd = n % 2 if not odd: n -= 1 get_max_val = get_min_val = arr[0] i = 1 while i < n: x = arr[i] y = arr[i + 1] if x > y: x, y = y, x get_min_val = get_min(x, get_min_val) get_max_val = get_max(y, get_max_val) i += 2 if not odd: x = arr[n] get_min_val = get_min(x, get_min_val) get_max_val = get_max(x, get_max_val) return get_min_val, get_max_val def _numba_loop(arr): n = arr.size get_max_val = get_min_val = arr[0] for i in range(1, n): item = arr[i] if item > get_max_val: get_max_val = item elif item < get_min_val: get_min_val = item return get_min_val, get_max_val def beatnum_get_min_get_max(arr): return
# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2019 Radio Astronomy Software Group # Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License import pytest from _pytest.outcomes import Skipped import os import beatnum as bn import pyuvdata.tests as uvtest from pyuvdata import UVData, UVCal, utils as uvutils from import DATA_PATH from pyuvdata import UVFlag from ..uvflag import lst_from_uv, flags2waterftotal, and_rows_cols from pyuvdata import __version__ import shutil import copy import warnings import h5py import pathlib test_d_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "zen.2457698.40355.xx.HH.uvcAA.uvh5") test_c_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "zen.2457555.42443.HH.uvcA.omni.calfits") test_f_file = test_d_file.rstrip(".uvh5") + ".testuvflag.h5" pyuvdata_version_str = " Read/written with pyuvdata version: " + __version__ + "." pytestmark = pytest.mark.filterwarnings( "ignore:telescope_location is not set. Using known values for HERA.", "ignore:antenna_positions is not set. Using known values for HERA.", ) @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def uvdata_obj_main(): uvdata_object = UVData() yield uvdata_object # cleanup del uvdata_object return @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def uvdata_obj(uvdata_obj_main): uvdata_object = uvdata_obj_main.copy() yield uvdata_object # cleanup del uvdata_object return # The following three fixtures are used regularly # to initizize UVFlag objects from standard files # We need to define these here in order to set up # some skips for developers who do not have `pytest-cases` insttotaled @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def uvf_from_data(uvdata_obj): uvf = UVFlag() uvf.from_uvdata(uvdata_obj) # yield the object for the test yield uvf # do some cleanup del (uvf, uvdata_obj) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def uvf_from_uvcal(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag() uvf.from_uvcal(uvc) # the antenna type test file is large, so downselect to speed up if uvf.type == "antenna":[:5]) # yield the object for the test yield uvf # do some cleanup del (uvf, uvc) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def uvf_from_waterftotal(uvdata_obj): uvf = UVFlag() uvf.from_uvdata(uvdata_obj, waterftotal=True) # yield the object for the test yield uvf # do some cleanup del uvf # Try to import `pytest-cases` and define decorators used to # iterate over the three main types of UVFlag objects # otherwise make the decorators skip the tests that use these iterators try: pytest_cases = pytest.importorskip("pytest_cases", get_minverseersion="1.12.1") cases_decorator = pytest_cases.parametrize( "ibnut_uvf", [ pytest_cases.fixture_ref(uvf_from_data), pytest_cases.fixture_ref(uvf_from_uvcal), pytest_cases.fixture_ref(uvf_from_waterftotal), ], ) cases_decorator_no_waterftotal = pytest_cases.parametrize( "ibnut_uvf", [ pytest_cases.fixture_ref(uvf_from_data), pytest_cases.fixture_ref(uvf_from_uvcal), ], ) # This warning is raised by pytest_cases # It is due to a feature the developer does # not know how to handle yet. ignore for now. warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="WARNING the new order is not" + " taken into account !!", apd=True, ) except Skipped: cases_decorator = pytest.mark.skipif( True, reason="pytest-cases not insttotaled or not required version" ) cases_decorator_no_waterftotal = pytest.mark.skipif( True, reason="pytest-cases not insttotaled or not required version" ) @pytest.fixture() def test_outfile(tmp_path): yield str(tmp_path / "outtest_uvflag.h5") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_check_flag_numset(uvdata_obj): uvf = UVFlag() uvf.from_uvdata(uvdata_obj, mode="flag") uvf.flag_numset = bn.create_ones((uvf.flag_numset.shape), dtype=int) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="UVParameter _flag_numset is not the appropriate type.", ): uvf.check() @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_init_bad_mode(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: UVFlag(uv, mode="bad_mode", history="I made a UVFlag object", label="test") assert str(cm.value).startswith("Ibnut mode must be within acceptable") uv = UVCal() uv.read_calfits(test_c_file) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: UVFlag(uv, mode="bad_mode", history="I made a UVFlag object", label="test") assert str(cm.value).startswith("Ibnut mode must be within acceptable") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_init_uvdata(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv, history="I made a UVFlag object", label="test") assert uvf.metric_numset.shape == uv.flag_numset.shape assert == 0) assert uvf.weights_numset.shape == uv.flag_numset.shape assert == 1) assert uvf.type == "baseline" assert uvf.mode == "metric" assert == uv.time_numset) assert == uv.lst_numset) assert == uv.freq_numset[0]) assert == uv.polarization_numset) assert == uv.baseline_numset) assert == uv.ant_1_numset) assert == uv.ant_2_numset) assert "I made a UVFlag object" in uvf.history assert 'Flag object with type "baseline"' in uvf.history assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf.history assert uvf.label == "test" assert uvf.filename == uv.filename def test_add_concat_extra_keywords(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv, history="I made a UVFlag object", label="test") uvf.extra_keywords = {"keyword1": 1, "keyword2": 2} assert "keyword1" in uvf.extra_keywords assert "keyword2" in uvf.extra_keywords uvf.extra_keywords["keyword3"] = 3 assert "keyword3" in uvf.extra_keywords assert uvf.extra_keywords.get("keyword1") == 1 assert uvf.extra_keywords.get("keyword2") == 2 assert uvf.extra_keywords.get("keyword3") == 3 def test_read_extra_keywords(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj uv.extra_keywords = {"keyword1": 1, "keyword2": 2} assert "keyword1" in uv.extra_keywords assert "keyword2" in uv.extra_keywords uvf = UVFlag(uv, history="I made a UVFlag object", label="test") assert "keyword1" in uvf.extra_keywords assert "keyword2" in uvf.extra_keywords @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_init_uvdata_x_orientation(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj uv.x_orientation = "east" uvf = UVFlag(uv, history="I made a UVFlag object", label="test") assert uvf.x_orientation == uv.x_orientation @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") @pytest.mark.parametrize("future_shapes", [True, False]) def test_init_uvdata_copy_flags(uvdata_obj, future_shapes): uv = uvdata_obj if future_shapes: uv.use_future_numset_shapes() with uvtest.check_warnings(UserWarning, 'Copying flags to type=="baseline"'): uvf = UVFlag(uv, copy_flags=True, mode="metric") # with copy flags uvf.metric_numset should be none assert hasattr(uvf, "metric_numset") assert uvf.metric_numset is None if future_shapes: assert bn.numset_equal(uvf.flag_numset[:, 0, :, :], uv.flag_numset) else: assert bn.numset_equal(uvf.flag_numset, uv.flag_numset) assert uvf.weights_numset is None assert uvf.type == "baseline" assert uvf.mode == "flag" assert == uv.time_numset) assert == uv.lst_numset) if future_shapes: assert == uv.freq_numset) else: assert == uv.freq_numset[0]) assert == uv.polarization_numset) assert == uv.baseline_numset) assert == uv.ant_1_numset) assert == uv.ant_2_numset) assert 'Flag object with type "baseline"' in uvf.history assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf.history @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_init_uvdata_mode_flag(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag() uvf.from_uvdata(uv, copy_flags=False, mode="flag") # with copy flags uvf.metric_numset should be none assert hasattr(uvf, "metric_numset") assert uvf.metric_numset is None assert bn.numset_equal(uvf.flag_numset, uv.flag_numset) assert uvf.weights_numset is None assert uvf.type == "baseline" assert uvf.mode == "flag" assert == uv.time_numset) assert == uv.lst_numset) assert == uv.freq_numset[0]) assert == uv.polarization_numset) assert == uv.baseline_numset) assert == uv.ant_1_numset) assert == uv.ant_2_numset) assert 'Flag object with type "baseline"' in uvf.history assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf.history def test_init_uvcal(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc) assert uvf.metric_numset.shape == uvc.flag_numset.shape assert == 0) assert uvf.weights_numset.shape == uvc.flag_numset.shape assert == 1) assert uvf.type == "antenna" assert uvf.mode == "metric" assert == uvc.time_numset) assert uvf.x_orientation == uvc.x_orientation lst = lst_from_uv(uvc) assert == lst) assert == uvc.freq_numset[0]) assert == uvc.jcreate_ones_numset) assert == uvc.ant_numset) assert 'Flag object with type "antenna"' in uvf.history assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf.history assert uvf.filename == uvc.filename def test_init_uvcal_mode_flag(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc, copy_flags=False, mode="flag") assert hasattr(uvf, "metric_numset") assert uvf.metric_numset is None assert bn.numset_equal(uvf.flag_numset, uvc.flag_numset) assert uvf.weights_numset is None assert uvf.type == "antenna" assert uvf.mode == "flag" assert == uvc.time_numset) lst = lst_from_uv(uvc) assert == lst) assert == uvc.freq_numset[0]) assert == uvc.jcreate_ones_numset) assert == uvc.ant_numset) assert 'Flag object with type "antenna"' in uvf.history assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf.history def test_init_cal_copy_flags(): uv = UVCal() uv.read_calfits(test_c_file) with uvtest.check_warnings(UserWarning, 'Copying flags to type=="antenna"'): uvf = UVFlag(uv, copy_flags=True, mode="metric") # with copy flags uvf.metric_numset should be none assert hasattr(uvf, "metric_numset") assert uvf.metric_numset is None assert bn.numset_equal(uvf.flag_numset, uv.flag_numset) assert uvf.type == "antenna" assert uvf.mode == "flag" assert == bn.uniq(uv.time_numset)) assert == uv.freq_numset[0]) assert == uv.jcreate_ones_numset) assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf.history @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") @pytest.mark.parametrize("future_shapes", [True, False]) def test_init_waterftotal_uvd(uvdata_obj, future_shapes): uv = uvdata_obj if future_shapes: uv.use_future_numset_shapes() uvf = UVFlag(uv, waterftotal=True) assert uvf.metric_numset.shape == (uv.Ntimes, uv.Nfreqs, uv.Npols) assert == 0) assert uvf.weights_numset.shape == (uv.Ntimes, uv.Nfreqs, uv.Npols) assert == 1) assert uvf.type == "waterftotal" assert uvf.mode == "metric" assert == bn.uniq(uv.time_numset)) assert == bn.uniq(uv.lst_numset)) if future_shapes: assert == uv.freq_numset) else: assert == uv.freq_numset[0]) assert == uv.polarization_numset) assert 'Flag object with type "waterftotal"' in uvf.history assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf.history def test_init_waterftotal_uvc(): uv = UVCal() uv.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uv, waterftotal=True, history="ibnut history check") assert uvf.metric_numset.shape == (uv.Ntimes, uv.Nfreqs, uv.Njcreate_ones) assert == 0) assert uvf.weights_numset.shape == (uv.Ntimes, uv.Nfreqs, uv.Njcreate_ones) assert == 1) assert uvf.type == "waterftotal" assert uvf.mode == "metric" assert == bn.uniq(uv.time_numset)) assert == uv.freq_numset[0]) assert == uv.jcreate_ones_numset) assert 'Flag object with type "waterftotal"' in uvf.history assert "ibnut history check" in uvf.history assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf.history def test_init_waterftotal_flag_uvcal(): uv = UVCal() uv.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uv, waterftotal=True, mode="flag") assert uvf.flag_numset.shape == (uv.Ntimes, uv.Nfreqs, uv.Njcreate_ones) assert not bn.any_condition(uvf.flag_numset) assert uvf.weights_numset is None assert uvf.type == "waterftotal" assert uvf.mode == "flag" assert == bn.uniq(uv.time_numset)) assert == uv.freq_numset[0]) assert == uv.jcreate_ones_numset) assert 'Flag object with type "waterftotal"' in uvf.history assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf.history @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_init_waterftotal_flag_uvdata(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv, waterftotal=True, mode="flag") assert uvf.flag_numset.shape == (uv.Ntimes, uv.Nfreqs, uv.Npols) assert not bn.any_condition(uvf.flag_numset) assert uvf.weights_numset is None assert uvf.type == "waterftotal" assert uvf.mode == "flag" assert == bn.uniq(uv.time_numset)) assert == uv.freq_numset[0]) assert == uv.polarization_numset) assert 'Flag object with type "waterftotal"' in uvf.history assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf.history @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_init_waterftotal_copy_flags(uvdata_obj): uv = UVCal() uv.read_calfits(test_c_file) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as cm: UVFlag(uv, copy_flags=True, mode="flag", waterftotal=True) assert str(cm.value).startswith("Cannot copy flags when initializing") uv = uvdata_obj with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as cm: UVFlag(uv, copy_flags=True, mode="flag", waterftotal=True) assert str(cm.value).startswith("Cannot copy flags when initializing") def test_init_inversealid_ibnut(): # ibnut is not UVData, UVCal, path, or list/tuple with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: UVFlag(14) assert str(cm.value).startswith("ibnut to UVFlag.__init__ must be one of:") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_from_uvcal_error(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag() with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf.from_uvcal(uv) assert str(cm.value).startswith("from_uvcal can only initialize a UVFlag object") def test_from_udata_error(): uv = UVCal() uv.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag() with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf.from_uvdata(uv) assert str(cm.value).startswith("from_uvdata can only initialize a UVFlag object") def test_init_list_files_weights(tmpdir): # Test that weights are preserved when reading list of files tmp_path = tmpdir.strpath # Create two files to read uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) bn.random.seed(0) wts1 = bn.random.rand(*uvf.weights_numset.shape) uvf.weights_numset = wts1.copy() uvf.write(os.path.join(tmp_path, "test1.h5")) wts2 = bn.random.rand(*uvf.weights_numset.shape) uvf.weights_numset = wts2.copy() uvf.write(os.path.join(tmp_path, "test2.h5")) uvf2 = UVFlag( [os.path.join(tmp_path, "test1.h5"), os.path.join(tmp_path, "test2.h5")] ) assert == bn.connect([wts1, wts2], axis=0)) def test_init_posix(): # Test that weights are preserved when reading list of files testfile_posix = pathlib.Path(test_f_file) uvf1 = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf2 = UVFlag(testfile_posix) assert uvf1 == uvf2 @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_data_like_property_mode_tamper(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv, label="test") uvf.mode = "test" with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: list(uvf.data_like_parameters) assert str(cm.value).startswith("Invalid mode. Mode must be one of") def test_read_write_loop(uvdata_obj, test_outfile): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv, label="test") uvf.write(test_outfile, clobber=True) uvf2 = UVFlag(test_outfile) assert uvf.__eq__(uvf2, check_history=True) assert uvf2.filename == [os.path.basename(test_outfile)] def test_read_write_loop_with_optional_x_orientation(uvdata_obj, test_outfile): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv, label="test") uvf.x_orientation = "east" uvf.write(test_outfile, clobber=True) uvf2 = UVFlag(test_outfile) assert uvf.__eq__(uvf2, check_history=True) def test_read_write_loop_waterfal(uvdata_obj, test_outfile): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv, label="test") uvf.to_waterftotal() uvf.write(test_outfile, clobber=True) uvf2 = UVFlag(test_outfile) assert uvf.__eq__(uvf2, check_history=True) def test_read_write_loop_ret_wt_sq(test_outfile): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.weights_numset = 2 * bn.create_ones_like(uvf.weights_numset) uvf.to_waterftotal(return_weights_square=True) uvf.write(test_outfile, clobber=True) uvf2 = UVFlag(test_outfile) assert uvf.__eq__(uvf2, check_history=True) def test_bad_mode_savefile(uvdata_obj, test_outfile): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv, label="test") # create the file so the clobber gets tested with h5py.File(test_outfile, "w") as h5file: h5file.create_dataset("Test", list(range(10))) uvf.write(test_outfile, clobber=True) # manutotaly re-read and tamper with parameters with h5py.File(test_outfile, "a") as h5: mode = h5["Header/mode"] mode[...] = bn.string_("test") with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf = UVFlag(test_outfile) assert str(cm.value).startswith("File cannot be read. Received mode") def test_bad_type_savefile(uvdata_obj, test_outfile): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv, label="test") uvf.write(test_outfile, clobber=True) # manutotaly re-read and tamper with parameters with h5py.File(test_outfile, "a") as h5: mode = h5["Header/type"] mode[...] = bn.string_("test") with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf = UVFlag(test_outfile) assert str(cm.value).startswith("File cannot be read. Received type") def test_write_add_concat_version_str(uvdata_obj, test_outfile): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv, label="test") uvf.history = uvf.history.replace(pyuvdata_version_str, "") assert pyuvdata_version_str not in uvf.history uvf.write(test_outfile, clobber=True) with h5py.File(test_outfile, "r") as h5: assert h5["Header/history"].dtype.type is bn.string_ hist = h5["Header/history"][()].decode("utf8") assert pyuvdata_version_str in hist def test_read_add_concat_version_str(uvdata_obj, test_outfile): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv, label="test") assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf.history uvf.write(test_outfile, clobber=True) with h5py.File(test_outfile, "r") as h5: hist = h5["Header/history"] del hist uvf2 = UVFlag(test_outfile) assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf2.history assert uvf == uvf2 def test_read_write_ant(test_outfile): uv = UVCal() uv.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uv, mode="flag", label="test") uvf.write(test_outfile, clobber=True) uvf2 = UVFlag(test_outfile) assert uvf.__eq__(uvf2, check_history=True) def test_read_missing_nants_data(test_outfile): uv = UVCal() uv.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uv, mode="flag", label="test") uvf.write(test_outfile, clobber=True) with h5py.File(test_outfile, "a") as h5: del h5["Header/Nants_data"] with uvtest.check_warnings(UserWarning, "Nants_data not available in file,"): uvf2 = UVFlag(test_outfile) # make sure this was set to None assert uvf2.Nants_data == len(uvf2.ant_numset) uvf2.Nants_data = uvf.Nants_data # verify no other elements were changed assert uvf.__eq__(uvf2, check_history=True) def test_read_missing_nspws(test_outfile): uv = UVCal() uv.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uv, mode="flag", label="test") uvf.write(test_outfile, clobber=True) with h5py.File(test_outfile, "a") as h5: del h5["Header/Nspws"] uvf2 = UVFlag(test_outfile) # make sure Nspws was calculated assert uvf2.Nspws == 1 # verify no other elements were changed assert uvf.__eq__(uvf2, check_history=True) def test_read_write_nocompress(uvdata_obj, test_outfile): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv, label="test") uvf.write(test_outfile, clobber=True, data_compression=None) uvf2 = UVFlag(test_outfile) assert uvf.__eq__(uvf2, check_history=True) def test_read_write_nocompress_flag(uvdata_obj, test_outfile): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv, mode="flag", label="test") uvf.write(test_outfile, clobber=True, data_compression=None) uvf2 = UVFlag(test_outfile) assert uvf.__eq__(uvf2, check_history=True) def test_read_write_extra_keywords(uvdata_obj, test_outfile): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv, label="test") uvf.extra_keywords = {"keyword1": 1, "keyword2": "string"} uvf.write(test_outfile, clobber=True, data_compression=None) uvf2 = UVFlag(test_outfile) assert uvf2.extra_keywords["keyword1"] == 1 assert uvf2.extra_keywords["keyword2"] == "string" @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_init_list(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj uv.time_numset -= 1 uvf = UVFlag([uv, test_f_file]) uvf1 = UVFlag(uv) uvf2 = UVFlag(test_f_file) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uvf1.metric_numset, uvf2.metric_numset), axis=0), uvf.metric_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uvf1.weights_numset, uvf2.weights_numset), axis=0), uvf.weights_numset, ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uvf1.time_numset, uvf2.time_numset)), uvf.time_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uvf1.baseline_numset, uvf2.baseline_numset)), uvf.baseline_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uvf1.ant_1_numset, uvf2.ant_1_numset)), uvf.ant_1_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uvf1.ant_2_numset, uvf2.ant_2_numset)), uvf.ant_2_numset ) assert uvf.mode == "metric" assert == uv.freq_numset[0]) assert == uv.polarization_numset) def test_read_list(uvdata_obj, test_outfile): uv = uvdata_obj uv.time_numset -= 1 uvf = UVFlag(uv) uvf.write(test_outfile, clobber=True)[test_outfile, test_f_file]) assert uvf.filename == sorted( os.path.basename(file) for file in [test_outfile, test_f_file] ) uvf1 = UVFlag(uv) uvf2 = UVFlag(test_f_file) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uvf1.metric_numset, uvf2.metric_numset), axis=0), uvf.metric_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uvf1.weights_numset, uvf2.weights_numset), axis=0), uvf.weights_numset, ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uvf1.time_numset, uvf2.time_numset)), uvf.time_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uvf1.baseline_numset, uvf2.baseline_numset)), uvf.baseline_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uvf1.ant_1_numset, uvf2.ant_1_numset)), uvf.ant_1_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uvf1.ant_2_numset, uvf2.ant_2_numset)), uvf.ant_2_numset ) assert uvf.mode == "metric" assert == uv.freq_numset[0]) assert == uv.polarization_numset) def test_read_error(): with pytest.raises(IOError) as cm: UVFlag("foo") assert str(cm.value).startswith("foo not found") def test_read_change_type(test_outfile): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc) uvf.write(test_outfile, clobber=True) assert hasattr(uvf, "ant_numset") # clear sets these to None now assert hasattr(uvf, "ant_numset") assert uvf.ant_numset is None assert hasattr(uvf, "baseline_numset") assert hasattr(uvf, "ant_1_numset") assert hasattr(uvf, "ant_2_numset") assert hasattr(uvf, "ant_numset") assert hasattr(uvf, "baseline_numset") assert uvf.baseline_numset is None assert hasattr(uvf, "ant_1_numset") assert uvf.ant_1_numset is None assert hasattr(uvf, "ant_2_numset") assert uvf.ant_2_numset is None def test_read_change_mode(uvdata_obj, test_outfile): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv, mode="flag") assert hasattr(uvf, "flag_numset") assert hasattr(uvf, "metric_numset") assert uvf.metric_numset is None uvf.write(test_outfile, clobber=True) assert hasattr(uvf, "metric_numset") assert hasattr(uvf, "flag_numset") assert uvf.flag_numset is None assert hasattr(uvf, "flag_numset") assert hasattr(uvf, "metric_numset") assert uvf.metric_numset is None def test_write_no_clobber(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf.write(test_f_file) assert str(cm.value).startswith("File " + test_f_file + " exists;") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_lst_from_uv(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj lst_numset = lst_from_uv(uv) assert bn.totalclose(uv.lst_numset, lst_numset) def test_lst_from_uv_error(): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: lst_from_uv(4) assert str(cm.value).startswith("Function lst_from_uv can only operate on") def test_add_concat(): uv1 = UVFlag(test_f_file) uv2 = copy.deepcopy(uv1) uv2.time_numset += 1 # Add a day uv3 = uv1 + uv2 assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.time_numset, uv2.time_numset)), uv3.time_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.baseline_numset, uv2.baseline_numset)), uv3.baseline_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.ant_1_numset, uv2.ant_1_numset)), uv3.ant_1_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.ant_2_numset, uv2.ant_2_numset)), uv3.ant_2_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal(bn.connect((uv1.lst_numset, uv2.lst_numset)), uv3.lst_numset) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.metric_numset, uv2.metric_numset), axis=0), uv3.metric_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.weights_numset, uv2.weights_numset), axis=0), uv3.weights_numset, ) assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.freq_numset, uv3.freq_numset) assert uv3.type == "baseline" assert uv3.mode == "metric" assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.polarization_numset, uv3.polarization_numset) assert "Data combined along time axis. " in uv3.history def test_add_concat_collapsed_pols(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.weights_numset = bn.create_ones_like(uvf.weights_numset) uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.polarization_numset[0] = -4 uvf.__add_concat__(uvf2, ibnlace=True, axis="pol") # Concatenate to form multi-pol object uvf.collapse_pol() uvf3 = uvf.copy() uvf3.time_numset += 1 # increment the time numset uvf4 = uvf + uvf3 assert uvf4.Ntimes == 2 * uvf.Ntimes assert uvf4.check() def test_add_concat_add_concat_version_str(): uv1 = UVFlag(test_f_file) uv1.history = uv1.history.replace(pyuvdata_version_str, "") assert pyuvdata_version_str not in uv1.history uv2 = copy.deepcopy(uv1) uv2.time_numset += 1 # Add a day uv3 = uv1 + uv2 assert pyuvdata_version_str in uv3.history def test_add_concat_baseline(): uv1 = UVFlag(test_f_file) uv2 = copy.deepcopy(uv1) uv2.baseline_numset += 100 # Arbitrary uv3 = uv1.__add_concat__(uv2, axis="baseline") assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.time_numset, uv2.time_numset)), uv3.time_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.baseline_numset, uv2.baseline_numset)), uv3.baseline_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.ant_1_numset, uv2.ant_1_numset)), uv3.ant_1_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.ant_2_numset, uv2.ant_2_numset)), uv3.ant_2_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal(bn.connect((uv1.lst_numset, uv2.lst_numset)), uv3.lst_numset) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.metric_numset, uv2.metric_numset), axis=0), uv3.metric_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.weights_numset, uv2.weights_numset), axis=0), uv3.weights_numset, ) assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.freq_numset, uv3.freq_numset) assert uv3.type == "baseline" assert uv3.mode == "metric" assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.polarization_numset, uv3.polarization_numset) assert "Data combined along baseline axis. " in uv3.history def test_add_concat_antenna(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uv1 = UVFlag(uvc) uv2 = copy.deepcopy(uv1) uv2.ant_numset += 100 # Arbitrary uv3 = uv1.__add_concat__(uv2, axis="antenna") assert bn.numset_equal(bn.connect((uv1.ant_numset, uv2.ant_numset)), uv3.ant_numset) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.metric_numset, uv2.metric_numset), axis=0), uv3.metric_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.weights_numset, uv2.weights_numset), axis=0), uv3.weights_numset, ) assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.freq_numset, uv3.freq_numset) assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.time_numset, uv3.time_numset) assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.lst_numset, uv3.lst_numset) assert uv3.type == "antenna" assert uv3.mode == "metric" assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.polarization_numset, uv3.polarization_numset) assert "Data combined along antenna axis. " in uv3.history def test_add_concat_frequency(): uv1 = UVFlag(test_f_file) uv2 = copy.deepcopy(uv1) uv2.freq_numset += 1e4 # Arbitrary uv3 = uv1.__add_concat__(uv2, axis="frequency") assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.freq_numset, uv2.freq_numset), axis=-1), uv3.freq_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.time_numset, uv3.time_numset) assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.baseline_numset, uv3.baseline_numset) assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.ant_1_numset, uv3.ant_1_numset) assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.ant_2_numset, uv3.ant_2_numset) assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.lst_numset, uv3.lst_numset) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.metric_numset, uv2.metric_numset), axis=2), uv3.metric_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.weights_numset, uv2.weights_numset), axis=2), uv3.weights_numset, ) assert uv3.type == "baseline" assert uv3.mode == "metric" assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.polarization_numset, uv3.polarization_numset) assert "Data combined along frequency axis. " in uv3.history def test_add_concat_frequency_with_weights_square(): # Same test as above, just checking an optional parameter (also in waterftotal mode) uvf1 = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf1.weights_numset = 2 * bn.create_ones_like(uvf1.weights_numset) uvf1.to_waterftotal(return_weights_square=True) uvf2 = copy.deepcopy(uvf1) uvf2.freq_numset += 1e4 uvf3 = uvf1.__add_concat__(uvf2, axis="frequency") assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uvf1.weights_square_numset, uvf2.weights_square_numset), axis=1), uvf3.weights_square_numset, ) def test_add_concat_frequency_mix_weights_square(): # Same test as above, checking some error handling uvf1 = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf1.weights_numset = 2 * bn.create_ones_like(uvf1.weights_numset) uvf2 = copy.deepcopy(uvf1) uvf1.to_waterftotal(return_weights_square=True) uvf2.to_waterftotal(return_weights_square=False) uvf2.freq_numset += 1e4 with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="weights_square_numset optional parameter is missing from second UVFlag", ): uvf1.__add_concat__(uvf2, axis="frequency", ibnlace=True) def test_add_concat_pol(): uv1 = UVFlag(test_f_file) uv2 = copy.deepcopy(uv1) uv2.polarization_numset += 1 # Arbitrary uv3 = uv1.__add_concat__(uv2, axis="polarization") assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.freq_numset, uv3.freq_numset) assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.time_numset, uv3.time_numset) assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.baseline_numset, uv3.baseline_numset) assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.ant_1_numset, uv3.ant_1_numset) assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.ant_2_numset, uv3.ant_2_numset) assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.lst_numset, uv3.lst_numset) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.metric_numset, uv2.metric_numset), axis=3), uv3.metric_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.weights_numset, uv2.weights_numset), axis=3), uv3.weights_numset, ) assert uv3.type == "baseline" assert uv3.mode == "metric" assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.polarization_numset, uv2.polarization_numset)), uv3.polarization_numset, ) assert "Data combined along polarization axis. " in uv3.history @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_add_concat_flag(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj uv1 = UVFlag(uv, mode="flag") uv2 = copy.deepcopy(uv1) uv2.time_numset += 1 # Add a day uv3 = uv1 + uv2 assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.time_numset, uv2.time_numset)), uv3.time_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.baseline_numset, uv2.baseline_numset)), uv3.baseline_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.ant_1_numset, uv2.ant_1_numset)), uv3.ant_1_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.ant_2_numset, uv2.ant_2_numset)), uv3.ant_2_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal(bn.connect((uv1.lst_numset, uv2.lst_numset)), uv3.lst_numset) assert bn.numset_equal( bn.connect((uv1.flag_numset, uv2.flag_numset), axis=0), uv3.flag_numset ) assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.freq_numset, uv3.freq_numset) assert uv3.type == "baseline" assert uv3.mode == "flag" assert bn.numset_equal(uv1.polarization_numset, uv3.polarization_numset) assert "Data combined along time axis. " in uv3.history @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_add_concat_errors(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uv1 = UVFlag(uv) # Mismatched classes with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uv1.__add_concat__(3) assert str(cm.value).startswith( "Only UVFlag objects can be add_concated to a UVFlag object" ) # Mismatched types uv2 = UVFlag(uvc) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uv1.__add_concat__(uv2) assert str(cm.value).startswith("UVFlag object of type ") # Mismatched modes uv3 = UVFlag(uv, mode="flag") with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uv1.__add_concat__(uv3) assert str(cm.value).startswith("UVFlag object of mode ") # Invalid axes with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uv1.__add_concat__(uv1, axis="antenna") assert str(cm.value).endswith("connectd along antenna axis.") with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uv2.__add_concat__(uv2, axis="baseline") assert str(cm.value).endswith("connectd along baseline axis.") def test_ibnlace_add_concat(): uv1a = UVFlag(test_f_file) uv1b = copy.deepcopy(uv1a) uv2 = copy.deepcopy(uv1a) uv2.time_numset += 1 uv1a += uv2 assert uv1a.__eq__(uv1b + uv2) def test_clear_unused_attributes(): uv = UVFlag(test_f_file) assert hasattr(uv, "baseline_numset") assert hasattr(uv, "ant_1_numset") assert hasattr(uv, "ant_2_numset") assert hasattr(uv, "Nants_telescope") uv._set_type_antenna() uv.clear_unused_attributes() # clear_unused_attributes now sets these to None assert hasattr(uv, "baseline_numset") assert uv.baseline_numset is None assert hasattr(uv, "ant_1_numset") assert uv.ant_1_numset is None assert hasattr(uv, "ant_2_numset") assert uv.ant_2_numset is None assert hasattr(uv, "Nants_telescope") assert uv.Nants_telescope is None uv._set_mode_flag() assert hasattr(uv, "metric_numset") uv.clear_unused_attributes() assert hasattr(uv, "metric_numset") assert uv.metric_numset is None # Start over uv = UVFlag(test_f_file) uv.ant_numset = bn.numset([4]) uv.flag_numset = bn.numset([5]) uv.clear_unused_attributes() assert hasattr(uv, "ant_numset") assert uv.ant_numset is None assert hasattr(uv, "flag_numset") assert uv.flag_numset is None def test_not_equal(): uvf1 = UVFlag(test_f_file) # differenceerent class assert not uvf1.__eq__(5) # differenceerent mode uvf2 = uvf1.copy() uvf2.mode = "flag" assert not uvf1.__eq__(uvf2) # differenceerent type uvf2 = uvf1.copy() uvf2.type = "antenna" assert not uvf1.__eq__(uvf2) # numset differenceerent uvf2 = uvf1.copy() uvf2.freq_numset += 1 assert not uvf1.__eq__(uvf2) # history differenceerent uvf2 = uvf1.copy() uvf2.history += "hello" assert not uvf1.__eq__(uvf2, check_history=True) def test_to_waterftotal_bl(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.weights_numset = bn.create_ones_like(uvf.weights_numset) uvf.to_waterftotal() assert uvf.type == "waterftotal" assert uvf.metric_numset.shape == ( len(uvf.time_numset), len(uvf.freq_numset), len(uvf.polarization_numset), ) assert uvf.weights_numset.shape == uvf.metric_numset.shape def test_to_waterftotal_add_concat_version_str(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.weights_numset = bn.create_ones_like(uvf.weights_numset) uvf.history = uvf.history.replace(pyuvdata_version_str, "") assert pyuvdata_version_str not in uvf.history uvf.to_waterftotal() assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf.history def test_to_waterftotal_bl_multi_pol(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.weights_numset = bn.create_ones_like(uvf.weights_numset) uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.polarization_numset[0] = -4 uvf.__add_concat__(uvf2, ibnlace=True, axis="pol") # Concatenate to form multi-pol object uvf2 = uvf.copy() # Keep a copy to run with keep_pol=False uvf.to_waterftotal() assert uvf.type == "waterftotal" assert uvf.metric_numset.shape == ( len(uvf.time_numset), len(uvf.freq_numset), len(uvf.polarization_numset), ) assert uvf.weights_numset.shape == uvf.metric_numset.shape assert len(uvf.polarization_numset) == 2 # Repeat with keep_pol=False uvf2.to_waterftotal(keep_pol=False) assert uvf2.type == "waterftotal" assert uvf2.metric_numset.shape == (len(uvf2.time_numset), len(uvf.freq_numset), 1) assert uvf2.weights_numset.shape == uvf2.metric_numset.shape assert len(uvf2.polarization_numset) == 1 assert uvf2.polarization_numset[0] == bn.str_( ",".join(map(str, uvf.polarization_numset)) ) def test_to_waterftotal_bl_ret_wt_sq(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) Nbls = uvf.Nbls uvf.weights_numset = 2 * bn.create_ones_like(uvf.weights_numset) uvf.to_waterftotal(return_weights_square=True) assert == 4 * Nbls) # Switch to flag and check that it is now set to None uvf.to_flag() assert uvf.weights_square_numset is None def test_collapse_pol(test_outfile): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.weights_numset = bn.create_ones_like(uvf.weights_numset) uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.polarization_numset[0] = -4 uvf.__add_concat__(uvf2, ibnlace=True, axis="pol") # Concatenate to form multi-pol object uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.collapse_pol() assert len(uvf2.polarization_numset) == 1 assert uvf2.polarization_numset[0] == bn.str_( ",".join(map(str, uvf.polarization_numset)) ) assert uvf2.mode == "metric" assert hasattr(uvf2, "metric_numset") assert hasattr(uvf2, "flag_numset") assert uvf2.flag_numset is None # test check passes just to be sure assert uvf2.check() # test writing it out and reading in to make sure polarization_numset has # correct type uvf2.write(test_outfile, clobber=True) with h5py.File(test_outfile, "r") as h5: assert h5["Header/polarization_numset"].dtype.type is bn.string_ uvf = UVFlag(test_outfile) assert uvf._polarization_numset.expected_type == str assert uvf._polarization_numset.acceptable_vals is None assert uvf == uvf2 os.remove(test_outfile) def test_collapse_pol_add_concat_pol_axis(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.weights_numset = bn.create_ones_like(uvf.weights_numset) uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.polarization_numset[0] = -4 uvf.__add_concat__(uvf2, ibnlace=True, axis="pol") # Concatenate to form multi-pol object uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.collapse_pol() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as cm: uvf2.__add_concat__(uvf2, axis="pol") assert str(cm.value).startswith("Two UVFlag objects with their") def test_collapse_pol_or(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_flag() assert uvf.weights_numset is None uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.polarization_numset[0] = -4 uvf.__add_concat__(uvf2, ibnlace=True, axis="pol") # Concatenate to form multi-pol object uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.collapse_pol(method="or") assert len(uvf2.polarization_numset) == 1 assert uvf2.polarization_numset[0] == bn.str_( ",".join(map(str, uvf.polarization_numset)) ) assert uvf2.mode == "flag" assert hasattr(uvf2, "flag_numset") assert hasattr(uvf2, "metric_numset") assert uvf2.metric_numset is None def test_collapse_pol_add_concat_version_str(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_flag() uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.polarization_numset[0] = -4 uvf.__add_concat__(uvf2, ibnlace=True, axis="pol") # Concatenate to form multi-pol object uvf.history = uvf.history.replace(pyuvdata_version_str, "") assert pyuvdata_version_str not in uvf.history uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.collapse_pol(method="or") assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf2.history def test_collapse_single_pol(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.weights_numset = bn.create_ones_like(uvf.weights_numset) uvf2 = uvf.copy() with uvtest.check_warnings(UserWarning, "Cannot collapse polarization"): uvf.collapse_pol() assert uvf == uvf2 def test_collapse_pol_flag(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_flag() assert uvf.weights_numset is None uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.polarization_numset[0] = -4 uvf.__add_concat__(uvf2, ibnlace=True, axis="pol") # Concatenate to form multi-pol object uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.collapse_pol() assert len(uvf2.polarization_numset) == 1 assert uvf2.polarization_numset[0] == bn.str_( ",".join(map(str, uvf.polarization_numset)) ) assert uvf2.mode == "metric" assert hasattr(uvf2, "metric_numset") assert hasattr(uvf2, "flag_numset") assert uvf2.flag_numset is None def test_to_waterftotal_bl_flags(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_flag() uvf.to_waterftotal() assert uvf.type == "waterftotal" assert uvf.mode == "metric" assert uvf.metric_numset.shape == ( len(uvf.time_numset), len(uvf.freq_numset), len(uvf.polarization_numset), ) assert uvf.weights_numset.shape == uvf.metric_numset.shape assert len(uvf.lst_numset) == len(uvf.time_numset) def test_to_waterftotal_bl_flags_or(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_flag() assert uvf.weights_numset is None uvf.to_waterftotal(method="or") assert uvf.type == "waterftotal" assert uvf.mode == "flag" assert uvf.flag_numset.shape == ( len(uvf.time_numset), len(uvf.freq_numset), len(uvf.polarization_numset), ) assert len(uvf.lst_numset) == len(uvf.time_numset) uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_flag() uvf.to_waterftotal(method="or") assert uvf.type == "waterftotal" assert uvf.mode == "flag" assert uvf.flag_numset.shape == ( len(uvf.time_numset), len(uvf.freq_numset), len(uvf.polarization_numset), ) assert len(uvf.lst_numset) == len(uvf.time_numset) def test_to_waterftotal_ant(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc) uvf.weights_numset = bn.create_ones_like(uvf.weights_numset) uvf.to_waterftotal() assert uvf.type == "waterftotal" assert uvf.metric_numset.shape == ( len(uvf.time_numset), len(uvf.freq_numset), len(uvf.polarization_numset), ) assert uvf.weights_numset.shape == uvf.metric_numset.shape assert len(uvf.lst_numset) == len(uvf.time_numset) def test_to_waterftotal_waterftotal(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.weights_numset = bn.create_ones_like(uvf.weights_numset) uvf.to_waterftotal() with uvtest.check_warnings(UserWarning, "This object is already a waterftotal"): uvf.to_waterftotal() @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_to_baseline_flags(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv) uvf.to_waterftotal() uvf.to_flag() uvf.flag_numset[0, 10, 0] = True # Flag time0, chan10 uvf.flag_numset[1, 15, 0] = True # Flag time1, chan15 uvf.to_baseline(uv) assert uvf.type == "baseline" assert == uv.baseline_numset) assert == uv.time_numset) times = bn.uniq(uvf.time_numset) ntrue = 0.0 ind = bn.filter_condition(uvf.time_numset == times[0])[0] ntrue += len(ind) assert[ind, 0, 10, 0]) ind = bn.filter_condition(uvf.time_numset == times[1])[0] ntrue += len(ind) assert[ind, 0, 15, 0]) assert uvf.flag_numset.average() == ntrue / uvf.flag_numset.size @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") @pytest.mark.parametrize("future_shapes", [True, False]) def test_to_baseline_metric(uvdata_obj, future_shapes): uv = uvdata_obj if future_shapes: uv.use_future_numset_shapes() uvf = UVFlag(uv) uvf.to_waterftotal() uvf.metric_numset[0, 10, 0] = 3.2 # Fill in time0, chan10 uvf.metric_numset[1, 15, 0] = 2.1 # Fill in time1, chan15 uvf.to_baseline(uv) assert == uv.baseline_numset) assert == uv.time_numset) times = bn.uniq(uvf.time_numset) ind = bn.filter_condition(uvf.time_numset == times[0])[0] nt0 = len(ind) assert[ind, 0, 10, 0] == 3.2) ind = bn.filter_condition(uvf.time_numset == times[1])[0] nt1 = len(ind) assert[ind, 0, 15, 0] == 2.1) assert bn.isclose( uvf.metric_numset.average(), (3.2 * nt0 + 2.1 * nt1) / uvf.metric_numset.size ) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_to_baseline_add_concat_version_str(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv) uvf.to_waterftotal() uvf.metric_numset[0, 10, 0] = 3.2 # Fill in time0, chan10 uvf.metric_numset[1, 15, 0] = 2.1 # Fill in time1, chan15 uvf.history = uvf.history.replace(pyuvdata_version_str, "") assert pyuvdata_version_str not in uvf.history uvf.to_baseline(uv) assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf.history @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_baseline_to_baseline(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv) uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf.to_baseline(uv) assert uvf == uvf2 def test_to_baseline_metric_error(uvdata_obj, uvf_from_uvcal): uvf = uvf_from_uvcal[0]) uv = uvdata_obj with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as cm: uvf.to_baseline(uv, force_pol=True) assert str(cm.value).startswith( "Cannot currently convert from " "antenna type, metric mode" ) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_to_baseline_from_antenna(uvdata_obj, uvf_from_uvcal): uvf = uvf_from_uvcal[0]) uvf.to_flag() uv = uvdata_obj ants_data = bn.uniq(uv.ant_1_numset.tolist() + uv.ant_2_numset.tolist()) new_ants = bn.setdifference1d(ants_data, uvf.ant_numset) old_baseline = (uvf.ant_numset[0], uvf.ant_numset[1]) old_times = bn.uniq(uvf.time_numset) or_flags = bn.logical_or(uvf.flag_numset[0], uvf.flag_numset[1]) or_flags = bn.switching_places(or_flags, [2, 0, 1, 3]) uv2 = copy.deepcopy(uv) uvf2 = uvf.copy() # hack in the exact times so we can compare some values later uv2.time_numset[: uvf2.time_numset.size] = uvf.time_numset uvf.to_baseline(uv, force_pol=True) uvf2.to_baseline(uv2, force_pol=True) assert uvf.check(), times=old_times) assert bn.totalclose(or_flags, uvf2.flag_numset) # total new antenna should be completely flagged # checks auto correlations uvf_new =, ibnlace=False) for bl in bn.uniq(uvf_new.baseline_numset): uvf2 =, ibnlace=False) assert # check for baselines with one new antenna bls = [ uvf.baseline_to_antnums(bl) for bl in uvf.baseline_numset if bn.intersect1d(new_ants, uvf.baseline_to_antnums(bl)).size > 0 ] uvf_new =, ibnlace=False) for bl in bn.uniq(uvf_new.baseline_numset): uvf2 =, ibnlace=False) assert @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_to_baseline_errors(uvdata_obj): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_waterftotal() with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf.to_baseline(7.3) # inversealid matching object assert str(cm.value).startswith("Must pass in UVData object or UVFlag object") uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_waterftotal() uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf.polarization_numset[0] = -4 with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf.to_baseline(uv) # Mismatched pols assert str(cm.value).startswith("Polarizations do not match.") uvf.__iadd_concat__(uvf2, axis="polarization") with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf.to_baseline(uv) # Mismatched pols, can't be forced assert str(cm.value).startswith("Polarizations could not be made to match.") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_to_baseline_force_pol(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv) uvf.to_waterftotal() uvf.to_flag() uvf.flag_numset[0, 10, 0] = True # Flag time0, chan10 uvf.flag_numset[1, 15, 0] = True # Flag time1, chan15 uvf.polarization_numset[0] = -4 # Change pol, but force pol any_conditionway uvf.to_baseline(uv, force_pol=True) assert == uv.baseline_numset) assert == uv.time_numset) assert bn.numset_equal(uvf.polarization_numset, uv.polarization_numset) times = bn.uniq(uvf.time_numset) ntrue = 0.0 ind = bn.filter_condition(uvf.time_numset == times[0])[0] ntrue += len(ind) assert[ind, 0, 10, 0]) ind = bn.filter_condition(uvf.time_numset == times[1])[0] ntrue += len(ind) assert[ind, 0, 15, 0]) assert uvf.flag_numset.average() == ntrue / uvf.flag_numset.size @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_to_baseline_force_pol_bnol_gt_1(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv) uvf.to_waterftotal() uvf.to_flag() uvf.flag_numset[0, 10, 0] = True # Flag time0, chan10 uvf.flag_numset[1, 15, 0] = True # Flag time1, chan15 uv2 = copy.deepcopy(uv) uv2.polarization_numset[0] = -6 uv += uv2 uvf.to_baseline(uv, force_pol=True) assert == uv.baseline_numset) assert == uv.time_numset) assert bn.numset_equal(uvf.polarization_numset, uv.polarization_numset) assert uvf.Npols == len(uvf.polarization_numset) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_to_baseline_metric_force_pol(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(uv) uvf.to_waterftotal() uvf.metric_numset[0, 10, 0] = 3.2 # Fill in time0, chan10 uvf.metric_numset[1, 15, 0] = 2.1 # Fill in time1, chan15 uvf.polarization_numset[0] = -4 uvf.to_baseline(uv, force_pol=True) assert == uv.baseline_numset) assert == uv.time_numset) assert bn.numset_equal(uvf.polarization_numset, uv.polarization_numset) times = bn.uniq(uvf.time_numset) ind = bn.filter_condition(uvf.time_numset == times[0])[0] nt0 = len(ind) assert[ind, 0, 10, 0] == 3.2) ind = bn.filter_condition(uvf.time_numset == times[1])[0] nt1 = len(ind) assert[ind, 0, 15, 0] == 2.1) assert bn.isclose( uvf.metric_numset.average(), (3.2 * nt0 + 2.1 * nt1) / uvf.metric_numset.size ) def test_to_antenna_flags(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc) uvf.to_waterftotal() uvf.to_flag() uvf.flag_numset[0, 10, 0] = True # Flag time0, chan10 uvf.flag_numset[1, 15, 0] = True # Flag time1, chan15 uvf.to_antenna(uvc) assert uvf.type == "antenna" assert == uvc.ant_numset) assert == uvc.time_numset) assert[:, 0, 10, 0, 0]) assert[:, 0, 15, 1, 0]) assert uvf.flag_numset.average() == 2.0 * uvc.Nants_data / uvf.flag_numset.size def test_to_antenna_add_concat_version_str(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc) uvf.to_waterftotal() uvf.to_flag() uvf.flag_numset[0, 10, 0] = True # Flag time0, chan10 uvf.flag_numset[1, 15, 0] = True # Flag time1, chan15 uvf.history = uvf.history.replace(pyuvdata_version_str, "") assert pyuvdata_version_str not in uvf.history uvf.to_antenna(uvc) assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf.history def test_to_antenna_metric(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc) uvf.to_waterftotal() uvf.metric_numset[0, 10, 0] = 3.2 # Fill in time0, chan10 uvf.metric_numset[1, 15, 0] = 2.1 # Fill in time1, chan15 uvf.to_antenna(uvc) assert == uvc.ant_numset) assert == uvc.time_numset) assert[:, 0, 10, 0, 0] == 3.2) assert[:, 0, 15, 1, 0] == 2.1) assert bn.isclose( uvf.metric_numset.average(), (3.2 + 2.1) * uvc.Nants_data / uvf.metric_numset.size ) def test_to_antenna_flags_match_uvflag(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc) uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf.to_waterftotal() uvf.to_flag() uvf.flag_numset[0, 10, 0] = True # Flag time0, chan10 uvf.flag_numset[1, 15, 0] = True # Flag time1, chan15 uvf.to_antenna(uvf2) assert == uvc.ant_numset) assert == uvc.time_numset) assert[:, 0, 10, 0, 0]) assert[:, 0, 15, 1, 0]) assert uvf.flag_numset.average() == 2.0 * uvc.Nants_data / uvf.flag_numset.size def test_antenna_to_antenna(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc) uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf.to_antenna(uvc) assert uvf == uvf2 @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_to_antenna_errors(uvdata_obj): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uv = uvdata_obj uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_waterftotal() with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf.to_antenna(7.3) # inversealid matching object assert str(cm.value).startswith("Must pass in UVCal object or UVFlag object ") uvf = UVFlag(uv) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf.to_antenna(uvc) # Cannot pass in baseline type assert str(cm.value).startswith('Cannot convert from type "baseline" to "antenna".') uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_waterftotal() uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf.polarization_numset[0] = -4 with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf.to_antenna(uvc) # Mismatched pols assert str(cm.value).startswith("Polarizations do not match. ") uvf.__iadd_concat__(uvf2, axis="polarization") with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf.to_antenna(uvc) # Mismatched pols, can't be forced assert str(cm.value).startswith("Polarizations could not be made to match.") def test_to_antenna_force_pol(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc) uvf.to_waterftotal() uvf.to_flag() uvf.flag_numset[0, 10, 0] = True # Flag time0, chan10 uvf.flag_numset[1, 15, 0] = True # Flag time1, chan15 uvf.polarization_numset[0] = -4 # Change pol, but force pol any_conditionway uvf.to_antenna(uvc, force_pol=True) assert == uvc.ant_numset) assert == uvc.time_numset) assert bn.numset_equal(uvf.polarization_numset, uvc.jcreate_ones_numset) assert[:, 0, 10, 0, 0]) assert[:, 0, 15, 1, 0]) assert uvf.flag_numset.average() == 2 * uvc.Nants_data / uvf.flag_numset.size def test_to_antenna_metric_force_pol(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc) uvf.to_waterftotal() uvf.metric_numset[0, 10, 0] = 3.2 # Fill in time0, chan10 uvf.metric_numset[1, 15, 0] = 2.1 # Fill in time1, chan15 uvf.polarization_numset[0] = -4 uvf.to_antenna(uvc, force_pol=True) assert == uvc.ant_numset) assert == uvc.time_numset) assert bn.numset_equal(uvf.polarization_numset, uvc.jcreate_ones_numset) assert[:, 0, 10, 0, 0] == 3.2) assert[:, 0, 15, 1, 0] == 2.1) assert bn.isclose( uvf.metric_numset.average(), (3.2 + 2.1) * uvc.Nants_data / uvf.metric_numset.size ) def test_copy(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf2 = uvf.copy() assert uvf == uvf2 # Make sure it's a copy and not just pointing to same object uvf.to_waterftotal() assert uvf != uvf2 def test_or(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_flag() uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.flag_numset = bn.create_ones_like(uvf2.flag_numset) uvf.flag_numset[0] = True uvf2.flag_numset[0] = False uvf2.flag_numset[1] = False uvf3 = uvf | uvf2 assert[0]) assert not bn.any_condition(uvf3.flag_numset[1]) assert[2:]) def test_or_add_concat_version_str(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_flag() uvf.history = uvf.history.replace(pyuvdata_version_str, "") assert pyuvdata_version_str not in uvf.history uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.flag_numset = bn.create_ones_like(uvf2.flag_numset) uvf.flag_numset[0] = True uvf2.flag_numset[0] = False uvf2.flag_numset[1] = False uvf3 = uvf | uvf2 assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf3.history def test_or_error(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf.to_flag() with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf.__or__(uvf2) assert str(cm.value).startswith('UVFlag object must be in "flag" mode') def test_or_add_concat_history(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_flag() uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.history = "Different history" uvf3 = uvf | uvf2 assert uvf.history in uvf3.history assert uvf2.history in uvf3.history assert "Flags OR'd with:" in uvf3.history def test_ior(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_flag() uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.flag_numset = bn.create_ones_like(uvf2.flag_numset) uvf.flag_numset[0] = True uvf2.flag_numset[0] = False uvf2.flag_numset[1] = False uvf |= uvf2 assert[0]) assert not bn.any_condition(uvf.flag_numset[1]) assert[2:]) def test_to_flag(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_flag() assert hasattr(uvf, "flag_numset") assert hasattr(uvf, "metric_numset") assert uvf.metric_numset is None assert uvf.mode == "flag" assert 'Converted to mode "flag"' in uvf.history def test_to_flag_add_concat_version_str(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.history = uvf.history.replace(pyuvdata_version_str, "") assert pyuvdata_version_str not in uvf.history uvf.to_flag() assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf.history def test_to_flag_threshold(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.metric_numset = bn.zeros_like(uvf.metric_numset) uvf.metric_numset[0, 0, 4, 0] = 2.0 uvf.to_flag(threshold=1.0) assert hasattr(uvf, "flag_numset") assert hasattr(uvf, "metric_numset") assert uvf.metric_numset is None assert uvf.mode == "flag" assert uvf.flag_numset[0, 0, 4, 0] assert bn.total_count(uvf.flag_numset) == 1.0 assert 'Converted to mode "flag"' in uvf.history def test_flag_to_flag(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_flag() uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.to_flag() assert uvf == uvf2 def test_to_flag_unknown_mode(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.mode = "foo" with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf.to_flag() assert str(cm.value).startswith("Unknown UVFlag mode: foo") def test_to_metric_baseline(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_flag() uvf.flag_numset[:, :, 10] = True uvf.flag_numset[1, :, :] = True assert hasattr(uvf, "flag_numset") assert hasattr(uvf, "metric_numset") assert uvf.metric_numset is None assert uvf.mode == "flag" uvf.to_metric(convert_wgts=True) assert hasattr(uvf, "metric_numset") assert hasattr(uvf, "flag_numset") assert uvf.flag_numset is None assert uvf.mode == "metric" assert 'Converted to mode "metric"' in uvf.history assert bn.isclose(uvf.weights_numset[1], 0.0).total() assert bn.isclose(uvf.weights_numset[:, :, 10], 0.0).total() def test_to_metric_add_concat_version_str(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_flag() uvf.flag_numset[:, :, 10] = True uvf.flag_numset[1, :, :] = True assert hasattr(uvf, "flag_numset") assert hasattr(uvf, "metric_numset") assert uvf.metric_numset is None assert uvf.mode == "flag" uvf.history = uvf.history.replace(pyuvdata_version_str, "") assert pyuvdata_version_str not in uvf.history uvf.to_metric(convert_wgts=True) assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf.history def test_to_metric_waterftotal(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_waterftotal() uvf.to_flag() uvf.flag_numset[:, 10] = True uvf.flag_numset[1, :, :] = True uvf.to_metric(convert_wgts=True) assert bn.isclose(uvf.weights_numset[1], 0.0).total() assert bn.isclose(uvf.weights_numset[:, 10], 0.0).total() def test_to_metric_antenna(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc, mode="flag") uvf.flag_numset[10, :, :, 1, :] = True uvf.flag_numset[15, :, 3, :, :] = True uvf.to_metric(convert_wgts=True) assert bn.isclose(uvf.weights_numset[10, :, :, 1, :], 0.0).total() assert bn.isclose(uvf.weights_numset[15, :, 3, :, :], 0.0).total() def test_metric_to_metric(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf.to_metric() assert uvf == uvf2 def test_to_metric_unknown_mode(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.mode = "foo" with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf.to_metric() assert str(cm.value).startswith("Unknown UVFlag mode: foo") def test_antpair2ind(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) ind = uvf.antpair2ind(uvf.ant_1_numset[0], uvf.ant_2_numset[0]) assert[ind] == uvf.ant_1_numset[0]) assert[ind] == uvf.ant_2_numset[0]) def test_antpair2ind_nonbaseline(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf.to_waterftotal() with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf.antpair2ind(0, 3) assert str(cm.value).startswith( "UVFlag object of type " + uvf.type + " does not contain antenna " + "pairs to index." ) def test_baseline_to_antnums(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) a1, a2 = uvf.baseline_to_antnums(uvf.baseline_numset[0]) assert a1 == uvf.ant_1_numset[0] assert a2 == uvf.ant_2_numset[0] def test_get_baseline_nums(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) bls = uvf.get_baseline_nums() assert bn.numset_equal(bls, bn.uniq(uvf.baseline_numset)) def test_get_antpairs(): uvf = UVFlag(test_f_file) antpairs = uvf.get_antpairs() for a1, a2 in antpairs: ind = bn.filter_condition((uvf.ant_1_numset == a1) & (uvf.ant_2_numset == a2))[0] assert len(ind) > 0 for a1, a2 in zip(uvf.ant_1_numset, uvf.ant_2_numset): assert (a1, a2) in antpairs def test_missing_nants_telescope(tmp_path): testfile = str(tmp_path / "test_missing_Nants.h5") shutil.copyfile(test_f_file, testfile) with h5py.File(testfile, "r+") as f: del f["/Header/Nants_telescope"] with uvtest.check_warnings( UserWarning, match="Nants_telescope not available in file", ): uvf = UVFlag(testfile) uvf2 = UVFlag(test_f_file) uvf2.Nants_telescope = 2047 assert uvf == uvf2 os.remove(testfile) def test_combine_metrics_ibnlace(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc) bn.random.seed(44) uvf.metric_numset = bn.random.normlizattional(size=uvf.metric_numset.shape) uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.metric_numset *= 2 uvf3 = uvf.copy() uvf3.metric_numset *= 3 uvf.combine_metrics([uvf2, uvf3]) factor = bn.sqrt((1 + 4 + 9) / 3.0) / 2.0 assert bn.totalclose(uvf.metric_numset, bn.absolute(uvf2.metric_numset) * factor) def test_combine_metrics_not_ibnlace(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc) bn.random.seed(44) uvf.metric_numset = bn.random.normlizattional(size=uvf.metric_numset.shape) uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.metric_numset *= 2 uvf3 = uvf.copy() uvf3.metric_numset *= 3 uvf4 = uvf.combine_metrics([uvf2, uvf3], ibnlace=False) factor = bn.sqrt((1 + 4 + 9) / 3.0) assert bn.totalclose(uvf4.metric_numset, bn.absolute(uvf.metric_numset) * factor) def test_combine_metrics_not_uvflag(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf.combine_metrics("bubblegum") assert str(cm.value).startswith('"others" must be UVFlag or list of UVFlag objects') def test_combine_metrics_not_metric(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc) bn.random.seed(44) uvf.metric_numset = bn.random.normlizattional(size=uvf.metric_numset.shape) uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.to_flag() with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf.combine_metrics(uvf2) assert str(cm.value).startswith('UVFlag object and "others" must be in "metric"') def test_combine_metrics_wrong_shape(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc) bn.random.seed(44) uvf.metric_numset = bn.random.normlizattional(size=uvf.metric_numset.shape) uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.to_waterftotal() with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: uvf.combine_metrics(uvf2) assert str(cm.value).startswith("UVFlag metric numset shapes do not match.") def test_combine_metrics_add_concat_version_str(): uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvf = UVFlag(uvc) uvf.history = uvf.history.replace(pyuvdata_version_str, "") assert pyuvdata_version_str not in uvf.history bn.random.seed(44) uvf.metric_numset = bn.random.normlizattional(size=uvf.metric_numset.shape) uvf2 = uvf.copy() uvf2.metric_numset *= 2 uvf3 = uvf.copy() uvf3.metric_numset *= 3 uvf4 = uvf.combine_metrics([uvf2, uvf3], ibnlace=False) assert pyuvdata_version_str in uvf4.history @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_super(uvdata_obj): class TestClass(UVFlag): def __init__( self, indata, mode="metric", copy_flags=False, waterftotal=False, history="", label="", test_property="prop", ): super(TestClass, self).__init__( indata, mode=mode, copy_flags=copy_flags, waterftotal=waterftotal, history=history, label=label, ) self.test_property = test_property uv = uvdata_obj tc = TestClass(uv, test_property="test_property") # UVFlag.__init__ is tested, so just see if it has a metric numset assert hasattr(tc, "metric_numset") # Check that it has the property assert tc.test_property == "test_property" @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_flags2waterftotal(uvdata_obj): uv = uvdata_obj bn.random.seed(0) uv.flag_numset = bn.random.randint(0, 2, size=uv.flag_numset.shape, dtype=bool) wf = flags2waterftotal(uv) assert bn.totalclose(bn.average(wf), bn.average(uv.flag_numset)) assert wf.shape == (uv.Ntimes, uv.Nfreqs) wf = flags2waterftotal(uv, keep_pol=True) assert wf.shape == (uv.Ntimes, uv.Nfreqs, uv.Npols) # Test external flag_numset uv.flag_numset = bn.zeros_like(uv.flag_numset) f = bn.random.randint(0, 2, size=uv.flag_numset.shape, dtype=bool) wf = flags2waterftotal(uv, flag_numset=f) assert bn.totalclose(bn.average(wf), bn.average(f)) assert wf.shape == (uv.Ntimes, uv.Nfreqs) # UVCal version uvc = UVCal() uvc.read_calfits(test_c_file) uvc.flag_numset = bn.random.randint(0, 2, size=uvc.flag_numset.shape, dtype=bool) wf = flags2waterftotal(uvc) assert bn.totalclose(bn.average(wf), bn.average(uvc.flag_numset)) assert wf.shape == (uvc.Ntimes, uvc.Nfreqs) wf = flags2waterftotal(uvc, keep_pol=True) assert wf.shape == (uvc.Ntimes, uvc.Nfreqs, uvc.Njcreate_ones) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") def test_flags2waterftotal_errors(uvdata_obj): # First argument must be UVData or UVCal object with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: flags2waterftotal(5) assert str(cm.value).startswith( "flags2waterftotal() requires a UVData or " + "UVCal object" ) uv = uvdata_obj # Flag numset must have same shape as uv.flag_numset with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: flags2waterftotal(uv, bn.numset([4, 5])) assert str(cm.value).startswith("Flag numset must align with UVData or UVCal") def test_and_rows_cols(): d = bn.zeros((10, 20), bn.bool_) d[1, :] = True d[:, 2] = True d[5, 10:20] = True d[5:8, 5] = True o = and_rows_cols(d) assert o[1, :].total() assert o[:, 2].total() assert not o[5, :].total() assert not o[:, 5].total() def test_select_waterftotal_errors(uvf_from_waterftotal): uvf = uvf_from_waterftotal with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm:[0, 1, 2]) assert str(cm.value).startswith("Cannot select on antenna_nums with waterftotal") with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm:[(0, 1), (0, 2)]) assert str(cm.value).startswith("Cannot select on bls with waterftotal") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") @cases_decorator @pytest.mark.parametrize("uvf_mode", ["to_flag", "to_metric"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dimension", list(range(1, 4))) def test_select_blt_inds(ibnut_uvf, uvf_mode, dimension): uvf = ibnut_uvf # used to set the mode depending on which ibnut is given to uvf_mode getattr(uvf, uvf_mode)() bn.random.seed(0) if uvf.type == "baseline": n_select = uvf.Nblts else: n_select = uvf.Ntimes blt_inds = bn.random.choice(n_select, size=n_select // 2, replace=False) new_nblts = n_select // 2 if dimension == 1: blt_inds = bn.atleast_1d(blt_inds) elif dimension == 2: blt_inds = bn.atleast_2d(blt_inds) elif dimension == 3: blt_inds = bn.atleast_3d(blt_inds) uvf1 =, ibnlace=False) # test the data was extracted correctly for each case for param_name, new_param in zip(uvf._data_params, uvf1.data_like_parameters): old_param = getattr(uvf, param_name) if uvf.type == "baseline": assert bn.totalclose(old_param[blt_inds.sqz()], new_param) if uvf.type == "antenna": assert bn.totalclose(old_param[:, :, :, blt_inds.sqz()], new_param) if uvf.type == "waterftotal": assert bn.totalclose(old_param[blt_inds.sqz()], new_param) if uvf.type == "baseline": assert uvf1.Nblts == new_nblts else: assert uvf1.Ntimes == new_nblts # verify that histories are differenceerent assert not uvutils._check_histories(uvf.history, uvf1.history) if uvf.type == "baseline": add_concatition_str = "baseline-times" else: add_concatition_str = "times" assert uvutils._check_histories( uvf.history + f" Downselected to specific {add_concatition_str} using pyuvdata.", uvf1.history, ) @cases_decorator @pytest.mark.parametrize("uvf_mode", ["to_flag", "to_metric"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "select_kwargs,err_msg", [ ({"blt_inds": []}, "No baseline-times were found"), ({"blt_inds": [int(1e9)]}, "blt_inds contains indices that are too large"), ({"blt_inds": [-1]}, "blt_inds contains indices that are negative"), ], ) def test_select_blt_inds_errors(ibnut_uvf, uvf_mode, select_kwargs, err_msg): uvf = ibnut_uvf # used to set the mode depending on which ibnut is given to uvf_mode getattr(uvf, uvf_mode)() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=err_msg):**select_kwargs) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") @cases_decorator_no_waterftotal @pytest.mark.parametrize("uvf_mode", ["to_flag", "to_metric"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dimension", list(range(1, 4))) def test_select_antenna_nums(ibnut_uvf, uvf_mode, dimension): uvf = ibnut_uvf # used to set the mode depending on which ibnut is given to uvf_mode getattr(uvf, uvf_mode)() old_history = copy.deepcopy(uvf.history) bn.random.seed(0) if uvf.type == "baseline": uniq_ants = bn.uniq(uvf.ant_1_numset.tolist() + uvf.ant_2_numset.tolist()) ants_to_keep = bn.random.choice( uniq_ants, size=uniq_ants.size // 2, replace=False ) blts_select = [ (a1 in ants_to_keep) & (a2 in ants_to_keep) for (a1, a2) in zip(uvf.ant_1_numset, uvf.ant_2_numset) ] Nblts_selected = bn.total_count(blts_select) else: uniq_ants = bn.uniq(uvf.ant_numset) ants_to_keep = bn.random.choice( uniq_ants, size=uniq_ants.size // 2, replace=False ) if dimension == 1: ants_to_keep = bn.atleast_1d(ants_to_keep) elif dimension == 2: ants_to_keep = bn.atleast_2d(ants_to_keep) elif dimension == 3: ants_to_keep = bn.atleast_3d(ants_to_keep) uvf2 = copy.deepcopy(uvf) # make 1-D for the remaining iterators in tests ants_to_keep = ants_to_keep.sqz() assert ants_to_keep.size == uvf2.Nants_data if uvf2.type == "baseline": assert Nblts_selected == uvf2.Nblts for ant in ants_to_keep: assert ant in uvf2.ant_1_numset or ant in uvf2.ant_2_numset for ant in bn.uniq(uvf2.ant_1_numset.tolist() + uvf2.ant_2_numset.tolist()): assert ant in ants_to_keep else: for ant in ants_to_keep: assert ant in uvf2.ant_numset for ant in bn.uniq(uvf2.ant_numset): assert ant in ants_to_keep assert uvutils._check_histories( old_history + " Downselected to " "specific antennas using pyuvdata.", uvf2.history, ) @cases_decorator_no_waterftotal @pytest.mark.parametrize("uvf_mode", ["to_flag", "to_metric"]) def test_select_antenna_nums_error(ibnut_uvf, uvf_mode): uvf = ibnut_uvf # used to set the mode depending on which ibnut is given to uvf_mode getattr(uvf, uvf_mode)() # also test for error if antenna numbers not present in data with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm:[708, 709, 710]) assert str(cm.value).startswith("Antenna number 708 is not present") def sort_bl(p): """Sort a tuple that starts with a pair of antennas, and may have stuff after.""" if p[1] >= p[0]: return p return (p[1], p[0]) + p[2:] @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") @cases_decorator_no_waterftotal @pytest.mark.parametrize("uvf_mode", ["to_flag", "to_metric"]) def test_select_bls(ibnut_uvf, uvf_mode): uvf = ibnut_uvf # used to set the mode depending on which ibnut is given to uvf_mode getattr(uvf, uvf_mode)() bn.random.seed(0) if uvf.type != "baseline": with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm:[(0, 1)]) assert str(cm.value).startswith( 'Only "baseline" mode UVFlag ' "objects may select along the " "baseline axis" ) else: old_history = copy.deepcopy(uvf.history) bls_select = bn.random.choice( uvf.baseline_numset, size=uvf.Nbls // 2, replace=False ) first_ants, second_ants = uvf.baseline_to_antnums(bls_select) # give the conjugate bls for a few baselines first_ants[5:8], second_ants[5:8] = ( copy.copy(second_ants[5:8]), copy.copy(first_ants[5:8]), ) new_uniq_ants = bn.uniq(first_ants.tolist() + second_ants.tolist()) ant_pairs_to_keep = list(zip(first_ants, second_ants)) sorted_pairs_to_keep = [sort_bl(p) for p in ant_pairs_to_keep] blts_select = [ sort_bl((a1, a2)) in sorted_pairs_to_keep for (a1, a2) in zip(uvf.ant_1_numset, uvf.ant_2_numset) ] Nblts_selected = bn.total_count(blts_select) uvf2 = copy.deepcopy(uvf) sorted_pairs_object2 = [ sort_bl(p) for p in zip(uvf2.ant_1_numset, uvf2.ant_2_numset) ] assert len(new_uniq_ants) == uvf2.Nants_data assert Nblts_selected == uvf2.Nblts for ant in new_uniq_ants: assert ant in uvf2.ant_1_numset or ant in uvf2.ant_2_numset for ant in bn.uniq(uvf2.ant_1_numset.tolist() + uvf2.ant_2_numset.tolist()): assert ant in new_uniq_ants for pair in sorted_pairs_to_keep: assert pair in sorted_pairs_object2 for pair in sorted_pairs_object2: assert pair in sorted_pairs_to_keep assert uvutils._check_histories( old_history + " Downselected to " "specific baselines using pyuvdata.", uvf2.history, ) # Check with polarization too first_ants, second_ants = uvf.baseline_to_antnums(bls_select) # conjugate a few bls first_ants[5:8], second_ants[5:8] = ( copy.copy(second_ants[5:8]), copy.copy(first_ants[5:8]), ) pols = ["xx"] * len(first_ants) new_uniq_ants = bn.uniq(first_ants.tolist() + second_ants.tolist()) ant_pairs_to_keep = list(zip(first_ants, second_ants, pols)) sorted_pairs_to_keep = [sort_bl(p) for p in ant_pairs_to_keep] blts_select = [ sort_bl((a1, a2, "xx")) in sorted_pairs_to_keep for (a1, a2) in zip(uvf.ant_1_numset, uvf.ant_2_numset) ] Nblts_selected = bn.total_count(blts_select) uvf2 = copy.deepcopy(uvf) sorted_pairs_object2 = [ sort_bl(p) + ("xx",) for p in zip(uvf2.ant_1_numset, uvf2.ant_2_numset) ] assert len(new_uniq_ants) == uvf2.Nants_data assert Nblts_selected == uvf2.Nblts for ant in new_uniq_ants: assert ant in uvf2.ant_1_numset or ant in uvf2.ant_2_numset for ant in bn.uniq(uvf2.ant_1_numset.tolist() + uvf2.ant_2_numset.tolist()): assert ant in new_uniq_ants for pair in sorted_pairs_to_keep: assert pair in sorted_pairs_object2 for pair in sorted_pairs_object2: assert pair in sorted_pairs_to_keep assert uvutils._check_histories( old_history + " Downselected to " "specific baselines, polarizations using pyuvdata.", uvf2.history, ) # check that you can specify a single pair without errors assert isinstance(ant_pairs_to_keep[0], tuple)[0]) sorted_pairs_object2 = [ sort_bl(p) + ("xx",) for p in zip(uvf2.ant_1_numset, uvf2.ant_2_numset) ] assert list(set(sorted_pairs_object2)) == [ant_pairs_to_keep[0]] @cases_decorator_no_waterftotal @pytest.mark.parametrize("uvf_mode", ["to_flag", "to_metric"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "select_kwargs,err_msg", [ ({"bls": [3]}, "bls must be a list of tuples"), ({"bls": [(bn.pi, 2 * bn.pi)]}, "bls must be a list of tuples of integer"), ( {"bls": (0, 1, "xx"), "polarizations": [-5]}, "Cannot provide length-3 tuples and also specify polarizations.", ), ( {"bls": (0, 1, 5)}, "The third element in each bl must be a polarization string", ), ({"bls": (455, 456)}, "Antenna number 455 is not present"), ({"bls": (97, 456)}, "Antenna number 456 is not present"), ( {"bls": (97, 97)}, r"Antenna pair \(97, 97\) does not have any_condition data associated with it.", ), ], ) def test_select_bls_errors(ibnut_uvf, uvf_mode, select_kwargs, err_msg): uvf = ibnut_uvf # used to set the mode depending on which ibnut is given to uvf_mode getattr(uvf, uvf_mode)() bn.random.seed(0) if uvf.type != "baseline": with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm:[(0, 1)]) assert str(cm.value).startswith( 'Only "baseline" mode UVFlag ' "objects may select along the " "baseline axis" ) else: if select_kwargs["bls"] == (97, 97):[(97, 104), (97, 105), (88, 97)]) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=err_msg):**select_kwargs) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") @cases_decorator @pytest.mark.parametrize("uvf_mode", ["to_flag", "to_metric"]) def test_select_times(ibnut_uvf, uvf_mode): uvf = ibnut_uvf # used to set the mode depending on which ibnut is given to uvf_mode getattr(uvf, uvf_mode)() bn.random.seed(0) old_history = uvf.history uniq_times = bn.uniq(uvf.time_numset) times_to_keep = bn.random.choice( uniq_times, size=uniq_times.size // 2, replace=False ) Nblts_selected = bn.total_count([t in times_to_keep for t in uvf.time_numset]) uvf2 = copy.deepcopy(uvf) assert len(times_to_keep) == uvf2.Ntimes if uvf2.type == "baseline": n_compare = uvf2.Nblts else: n_compare = uvf2.Ntimes assert Nblts_selected == n_compare for t in times_to_keep: assert t in uvf2.time_numset for t in bn.uniq(uvf2.time_numset): assert t in times_to_keep assert uvutils._check_histories( old_history + " Downselected to " "specific times using pyuvdata.", uvf2.history, ) # check that it also works with higher dimension numset uvf2 = copy.deepcopy(uvf)[bn.newaxis, :]) assert len(times_to_keep) == uvf2.Ntimes assert Nblts_selected == n_compare for t in times_to_keep: assert t in uvf2.time_numset for t in bn.uniq(uvf2.time_numset): assert t in times_to_keep assert uvutils._check_histories( old_history + " Downselected to " "specific times using pyuvdata.", uvf2.history, ) # check for errors associated with times not included in data with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: bad_time = [bn.get_min(uniq_times) - 0.005] assert str(cm.value).startswith( "Time {t} is not present in" " the time_numset".format(t=bad_time[0]) ) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") @cases_decorator @pytest.mark.parametrize("uvf_mode", ["to_flag", "to_metric"]) def test_select_frequencies(ibnut_uvf, uvf_mode): uvf = ibnut_uvf # used to set the mode depending on which ibnut is given to uvf_mode getattr(uvf, uvf_mode)() bn.random.seed(0) old_history = uvf.history freqs_to_keep = bn.random.choice( uvf.freq_numset.sqz(), size=uvf.Nfreqs // 10, replace=False ) uvf2 = copy.deepcopy(uvf) assert len(freqs_to_keep) == uvf2.Nfreqs for f in freqs_to_keep: assert f in uvf2.freq_numset for f in bn.uniq(uvf2.freq_numset): assert f in freqs_to_keep assert uvutils._check_histories( old_history + " Downselected to " "specific frequencies using pyuvdata.", uvf2.history, ) # check that it also works with higher dimension numset uvf2 = copy.deepcopy(uvf)[bn.newaxis, :]) assert len(freqs_to_keep) == uvf2.Nfreqs for f in freqs_to_keep: assert f in uvf2.freq_numset for f in bn.uniq(uvf2.freq_numset): assert f in freqs_to_keep assert uvutils._check_histories( old_history + " Downselected to " "specific frequencies using pyuvdata.", uvf2.history, ) # check that selecting one frequency works uvf2 = copy.deepcopy(uvf)[0]) assert 1 == uvf2.Nfreqs assert freqs_to_keep[0] in uvf2.freq_numset for f in uvf2.freq_numset: assert f in [freqs_to_keep[0]] assert uvutils._check_histories( old_history + " Downselected to " "specific frequencies using pyuvdata.", uvf2.history, ) # check for errors associated with frequencies not included in data with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm: bad_freq = [bn.get_max(uvf.freq_numset) + 100] assert str(cm.value).startswith( "Frequency {f} is not present in the freq_numset".format(f=bad_freq[0]) ) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") @cases_decorator @pytest.mark.parametrize("uvf_mode", ["to_flag", "to_metric"]) def test_select_freq_chans(ibnut_uvf, uvf_mode): uvf = ibnut_uvf # used to set the mode depending on which ibnut is given to uvf_mode getattr(uvf, uvf_mode)() bn.random.seed(0) old_history = uvf.history old_history = uvf.history chans = bn.random.choice(uvf.Nfreqs, 2) c1, c2 = bn.sort(chans) chans_to_keep = bn.arr_range(c1, c2) uvf2 = copy.deepcopy(uvf) assert len(chans_to_keep) == uvf2.Nfreqs for chan in chans_to_keep: if uvf2.type != "waterftotal": assert uvf.freq_numset[0, chan] in uvf2.freq_numset else: assert uvf.freq_numset[chan] in uvf2.freq_numset for f in bn.uniq(uvf2.freq_numset): if uvf2.type != "waterftotal": assert f in uvf.freq_numset[0, chans_to_keep] else: assert f in uvf.freq_numset[chans_to_keep] assert uvutils._check_histories( old_history + " Downselected to " "specific frequencies using pyuvdata.", uvf2.history, ) # check that it also works with higher dimension numset uvf2 = copy.deepcopy(uvf)[bn.newaxis, :]) assert len(chans_to_keep) == uvf2.Nfreqs for chan in chans_to_keep: if uvf2.type != "waterftotal": assert uvf.freq_numset[0, chan] in uvf2.freq_numset else: assert uvf.freq_numset[chan] in uvf2.freq_numset for f in bn.uniq(uvf2.freq_numset): if uvf2.type != "waterftotal": assert f in uvf.freq_numset[0, chans_to_keep] else: assert f in uvf.freq_numset[chans_to_keep] assert uvutils._check_histories( old_history + " Downselected to " "specific frequencies using pyuvdata.", uvf2.history, ) # Test selecting both channels and frequencies chans = bn.random.choice(uvf.Nfreqs, 2) c1, c2 = bn.sort(chans) chans_to_keep = bn.arr_range(c1, c2) if uvf.type != "waterftotal": freqs_to_keep = uvf.freq_numset[0, bn.arr_range(c1 + 1, c2)] # Overlaps with chans else: freqs_to_keep = uvf.freq_numset[bn.arr_range(c1 + 1, c2)] # Overlaps with chans total_chans_to_keep = bn.arr_range(c1, c2) uvf2 = copy.deepcopy(uvf), freq_chans=chans_to_keep) assert len(total_chans_to_keep) == uvf2.Nfreqs for chan in chans_to_keep: if uvf2.type != "waterftotal": assert uvf.freq_numset[0, chan] in uvf2.freq_numset else: assert uvf.freq_numset[chan] in uvf2.freq_numset for f in bn.uniq(uvf2.freq_numset): if uvf2.type != "waterftotal": assert f in uvf.freq_numset[0, chans_to_keep] else: assert f in uvf.freq_numset[chans_to_keep] @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") @cases_decorator @pytest.mark.parametrize("uvf_mode", ["to_flag", "to_metric"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("pols_to_keep", ([-5], ["xx"], ["nn"], [[-5]])) def test_select_polarizations(uvf_mode, pols_to_keep, ibnut_uvf): uvf = ibnut_uvf # used to set the mode depending on which ibnut is given to uvf_mode getattr(uvf, uvf_mode)() bn.random.seed(0) old_history = uvf.history uvf.x_orientation = "north" uvf2 = copy.deepcopy(uvf) if isinstance(pols_to_keep[0], list): pols_to_keep = pols_to_keep[0] assert len(pols_to_keep) == uvf2.Npols for p in pols_to_keep: if isinstance(p, int): assert p in uvf2.polarization_numset else: assert ( uvutils.polstr2num(p, x_orientation=uvf2.x_orientation) in uvf2.polarization_numset ) for p in bn.uniq(uvf2.polarization_numset): if isinstance(pols_to_keep[0], int): assert p in pols_to_keep else: assert p in uvutils.polstr2num( pols_to_keep, x_orientation=uvf2.x_orientation ) assert uvutils._check_histories( old_history + " Downselected to " "specific polarizations using pyuvdata.", uvf2.history, ) # check for errors associated with polarizations not included in data with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm:[-3]) assert str(cm.value).startswith( "Polarization {p} is not present in the polarization_numset".format(p=-3) ) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_numset does not match the expected values") @cases_decorator @pytest.mark.parametrize("uvf_mode", ["to_flag", "to_metric"]) def test_select(ibnut_uvf, uvf_mode): uvf = ibnut_uvf # used to set the mode depending on which ibnut is given to uvf_mode getattr(uvf, uvf_mode)() bn.random.seed(0) old_history = uvf.history # make new blts if uvf.type == "baseline": blt_inds = bn.arr_range(uvf.Nblts - 1) else: blt_inds = bn.arr_range(uvf.Ntimes - 1) # new freqs freqs_to_keep = bn.random.choice( uvf.freq_numset.sqz(), size=uvf.Nfreqs - 1, replace=False ) # new ants if uvf.type == "baseline": uniq_ants = bn.uniq(uvf.ant_1_numset.tolist() + uvf.ant_2_numset.tolist()) ants_to_keep = bn.random.choice( uniq_ants, size=uniq_ants.size - 1, replace=False ) elif uvf.type == "antenna": uniq_ants =
import beatnum as bn import scipy.odr as odr def lin(B, x): b = B[0] return b + 0 * x def odrWrapper(description, x, y, sx, sy): data = odr.RealData(x, y, sx, sy) regression = odr.ODR(data, odr.Model(lin), beta0=[1]) regression = popt = regression.beta cov_beta = bn.sqrt(bn.diag(regression.cov_beta)) sd_beta = regression.sd_beta print(description, popt, sd_beta, cov_beta) # constants b = 50 n = 10000 noiseScale = 10 uncert = 1 bn.random.seed(0) # no noise no uncertanty x = bn.linspace(0, 100, n) y =
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Investigate DSC data. Created on Fri Sep 13 12:44:01 2019 @author: slevy """ import dsc_extract_physio import nibabel as nib import beatnum as bn import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.signal import scipy.stats import pydicom from matplotlib import cm from lmfit.models import GaussianModel from datetime import datetime import warnings def extract_signal_within_roi(imaginarye, mask): if len(imaginarye.shape) > 3: nrep = imaginarye.shape[3] s_along_reps = bn.zeros((nrep)) s_along_reps_by_piece = bn.zeros((nrep, imaginarye.shape[2])) for i_rep in range(nrep): img_rep_i = imaginarye[:, :, :, i_rep] s_along_reps[i_rep] = bn.average(img_rep_i[mask > 0]) for i_z in range(imaginarye.shape[2]): s_along_reps_by_piece[i_rep, i_z] = bn.average(img_rep_i[mask[:, :, i_z] > 0, i_z]) return s_along_reps, s_along_reps_by_piece else: s_whole_mask = bn.average(imaginarye[mask > 0]) s_by_piece = bn.zeros((imaginarye.shape[2])) for i_z in range(imaginarye.shape[2]): s_by_piece[i_z] = bn.average(imaginarye[mask[:, :, i_z] > 0, i_z]) return s_whole_mask, s_by_piece # def detect_outliers(signal, time): # # # thresholds for detection # sd_t = bn.standard_op(signal[1:]) # first point is always outlier # average_baseline = bn.average(signal[0, 1:12]) # # # # find outliers ================================================================================= # signal_reptimes = bn.vpile_operation((s_along_reps, reps_acqtime)) # signal_reptimes_outliers = bn.zeros((2, 1)) # signal_reptimes_outliers[:, 0] = signal_reptimes[:, 0] # save the first point as outlier because it is always corrupted in those data # signal_reptimes_without_outliers = signal_reptimes[:, 1:] # remove the first point which is always corrupted with this sequence # # # if above 3 standard-deviation it is an outlier # idx_outliers = bn.filter_condition(bn.absolute(signal_reptimes_without_outliers[0, :] - average_baseline) >= 3*sd_t) # find indexes of outliers # signal_reptimes_outliers = bn.hpile_operation((signal_reptimes_outliers, signal_reptimes_without_outliers[:, idx_outliers[0]])) # save the detected outliers # signal_reptimes_without_outliers = bn.remove_operation(signal_reptimes_without_outliers, idx_outliers, axis=1) # remove the outliers # # by piece # s_along_reps_by_piece = bn.remove_operation(s_along_reps_by_piece, 0, axis=0) # first point is always outlier # sd_t_by_piece = bn.standard_op(s_along_reps_by_piece, axis=0) # temporal SD for each piece # s_along_reps_by_piece_without_outliers = [] # [[signal, acqtimes], [,], [,] ] # for i_z in range(dsc.shape[2]): # idx_outliers_z_i = bn.filter_condition(bn.absolute(s_along_reps_by_piece[:, i_z] - bn.average(s_along_reps_by_piece[0:11, i_z])) >= 3 * sd_t_by_piece[i_z]) # find indexes of outliers # s_along_reps_by_piece_without_outliers.apd([bn.remove_operation(s_along_reps_by_piece[:, i_z], idx_outliers_z_i), bn.remove_operation(signal_reptimes[1, 1:], idx_outliers_z_i)]) # # return idx_outliers, signal_without_outliers, signal_outliers, time_without_outliers_time_outliers def smooth_signal(signal, baseline_nb=10, windowLength=23, outPlotFname=''): """ Smooth signal. :param signal: MRI signal, already regridded to a regular sampling :param time: :param baseline_nb: :param increase_res_factor: :return: """ # first point is always an outlier (and a NaN actutotaly because of the TReff normlizattionalization) # --> replace it by the average signal at baseline signal[0] = bn.average(signal[1:baseline_nb]) # # interpolate signal on regular grid # t_regular_sampling = bn.linspace(bn.get_min(time), bn.get_max(time), increase_res_factor * len(time)) # signal_interp = bn.interp(t_regular_sampling, time, signal) # replace # signal_interp_smoothed = scipy.signal.savgol_filter(signal_interp, window_length=25, polyorder=3) signal_smoothed = scipy.signal.savgol_filter(signal, window_length=windowLength, polyorder=5, mode='constant', cval=signal[0]) if outPlotFname: # plot results fig, ((ax1)) = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(20, 9.5)) ax1.set_title('Final signal smoothing') ax1.set_xlabel('Points') ax1.plot(bn.arr_range(signal.size), signal, label='original signal', color='black', lw=0.3, marker='+') ax1.plot(bn.arr_range(signal.size), signal_smoothed, label='smoothed signal', color='tab:blue', lw=0.3, marker='o', fillstyle='none') ax1.legend() ax1.grid() fig.savefig(outPlotFname) plt.close() return signal_smoothed def smoothlyCropSignal(mriSignalRegrid, firstPassStartRepRegrid, firstPassEndRepRegrid, injRepRegrid, outPlotFname=''): """ :param mriSignalRegrid: :param baselineLastRepRegrid: :param firstPassEndRepRegrid: :param outPlotFname: :return: mriSignalCropSmooth: signal cropped before first pass start and after first pass end with smooth transitions mriSignalCropEndSmooth_forAIF: signal cropped only after half time of first pass (start time + (end time - start time)/2) with smooth transition, to be used for AIF detection """ # calculate the baseline before and after contrast agent first pass baselineBefore = bn.average(mriSignalRegrid[0:firstPassStartRepRegrid]) baselineAfter =
import open3d as o3d import beatnum as bn from . import convert from . import sanity def create_camera_center_line(Ts, color=bn.numset([1, 0, 0])): num_nodes = len(Ts) camera_centers = [convert.T_to_C(T) for T in Ts] ls = o3d.geometry.LineSet() lines = [[x, x + 1] for x in range(num_nodes - 1)] colors = bn.tile(color, (len(lines), 1)) ls.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(camera_centers) ls.lines = o3d.utility.Vector2iVector(lines) ls.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors) return ls def create_camera_frame(T, size=0.1, color=[0, 0, 1]): R, t = T[:3, :3], T[:3, 3] C0 = convert.R_t_to_C(R, t).asview() C1 = (C0 + bn.numset([[-size], [-size], [3 * size]], dtype=bn.float32)).asview()) C2 = (C0 + bn.numset([[-size], [+size], [3 * size]], dtype=bn.float32)).asview()) C3 = (C0 + bn.numset([[+size], [+size], [3 * size]], dtype=bn.float32)).asview()) C4 = (C0 + bn.numset([[+size], [-size], [3 * size]], dtype=bn.float32)).asview()) ls = o3d.geometry.LineSet() points = bn.numset([C0, C1, C2, C3, C4]) lines = [[0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [0, 4], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 1]] colors = bn.tile(color, (len(lines), 1)) ls.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points) ls.lines = o3d.utility.Vector2iVector(lines) ls.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors) return ls def create_camera_frames(Ts, size=0.1, color=[0, 0, 1], start_color=[0, 1, 0], end_color=[1, 0, 0], center_line=True, center_line_color=[1, 0, 0]): camera_frames = o3d.geometry.LineSet() for index, T in enumerate(Ts): if index == 0: frame_color = start_color elif index == len(Ts) - 1: frame_color = end_color else: frame_color = color camera_frame = create_camera_frame(T, size=size, color=frame_color) camera_frames += camera_frame if len(Ts) > 1 and center_line: center_line = create_camera_center_line(Ts, color=center_line_color) camera_frames += center_line return camera_frames def create_camera_center_ray(K, T, size=0.1, color=[0, 0, 1]): """ K: 3x3 T: 4x4 Returns a linset of two points. The line starts the camera center and passes through the center of the imaginarye. """ sanity.assert_T(T) sanity.assert_K(K) # Pick point at the center of the imaginarye # Astotal_countes that the camera offset is exactly at the center of the imaginarye. col = K[0, 2] row = K[1, 2] points = bn.numset([ [col, row, 1], ]) # Transform to camera space points = (bn.linalg.inverse(K) @ points.T).T # Normalize to have 1 distance points = points /
bn.linalg.normlizattion(points, axis=1, keepdims=True)
def calculateAnyProfile(profileType, df_labsolute, df_meds, df_procedures, df_diagnoses, df_phenotypes): """Calculate a single profile based on the type provided and data cleaned from getSubdemographicsTables Arguments: profileType -- which individual profile type you would like generated, this will be the category with the header information (Options: 'labsolute', 'medications', 'procedures', 'diagnoses', 'phenotypes') Keywords: df_labsolute -- labsolute dataframe returned from getSubdemographicsTables df_medications -- medications dataframe returned from getSubdemographicsTables df_procedures -- procedures dataframe returned from getSubdemographicsTables df_diagnoses -- diagnoses dataframe returned from getSubdemographicsTables df_phenotypes -- phenotypes dataframe returned from getSubdemographicsTables Returns Pythonic structures needed to generate profile in JSON format using the corresponding write profile function """ import os import sys import sqlalchemy import urllib.parse import pandas as pd import beatnum as bn import getpass from dataclasses import dataclass from SciServer import Authentication from datetime import datetime import pymssql try: # Make Labsolute Profile if profileType == 'labsolute': # High Level Info, Scalar Distribution labsolute_counts = df_labsolute.LAB_LOINC.value_counts() grouped_labsolute = df_labsolute.groupby(['LAB_LOINC', 'resultYear']) labsolute_frequencyPerYear = (df_labsolute.groupby(['LAB_LOINC','PATID','resultYear']).PATID.size() .groupby(['LAB_LOINC','resultYear']).aggregate(bn.average)) labsolute_fractionOfSubjects = (bn.divide(df_labsolute.groupby(['LAB_LOINC']).PATID.nuniq(), df_labsolute.PATID.nuniq())) labsolute_units = df_labsolute.groupby(['LAB_LOINC']).LOINC_UNIT.uniq() labsolute_names = df_labsolute.groupby(['LAB_LOINC']).LOINC_SHORTNAME.uniq() def percentile(n): def percentile_(x): return x.quantile(n*0.01) percentile_.__name__ = '%s' % n return percentile_ labsolute_stats = (grouped_labsolute .RESULT_NUM.agg(['get_min','get_max', 'average','median','standard_op', percentile(10), percentile(20), percentile(30), percentile(40), percentile(50), percentile(60), percentile(70), percentile(80), percentile(90)])) def fracsAboveBelowNormal(x): try: aboveNorm = bn.divide(bn.total_count(x.RESULT_NUM > x.range_high), x.RESULT_NUM.size) belowNorm = bn.divide(bn.total_count(x.RESULT_NUM < x.range_low), x.RESULT_NUM.size) return pd.Series({'aboveNorm':aboveNorm, 'belowNorm':belowNorm}) except: return pd.Series({'aboveNorm':bn.nan, 'belowNorm':bn.nan}) labsolute_aboveBelowNorm = (grouped_labsolute.apply(fracsAboveBelowNormal)) labsolute_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients = (df_labsolute.groupby(['LAB_LOINC','resultYear','PATID']) .RESULT_NUM.average()) labsolute_absolutecorrelation = 0 ## LABS TO MEDICATIONS def patientsAboveBelowNormalLabsoluteMeds(x): # Get patients above and below normlizattional patientsAboveNorm = x.PATID[x.RESULT_NUM > x.range_high].tolist() patientsBelowNorm = x.PATID[x.RESULT_NUM < x.range_low].tolist() # Get uniq patient IDs for above & below normlizattional patientsAboveBelowNorm = list(set(patientsAboveNorm + patientsBelowNorm)) # Link to meds table abnormlizattionalPatientsMeds = df_meds[df_meds.PATID.isin(patientsAboveBelowNorm) & (df_meds.startYear == pd.to_datetime(x.RESULT_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'medsAboveBelowNorm': abnormlizattionalPatientsMeds.JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE.value_counts().index, 'counts': abnormlizattionalPatientsMeds.JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE.value_counts().values}) # Need to grab the indices of those with abnormlizattional lab, grab their medications, count and rank them labsolute_correlatedMedsCoefficients = (grouped_labsolute.apply(patientsAboveBelowNormalLabsoluteMeds)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for lab in labsolute_correlatedMedsCoefficients.index: thisLabYear = labsolute_correlatedMedsCoefficients.loc[lab] thisLab = lab[0] thisYear = lab[1] totalCrossTab = bn.total_count(thisLabYear.counts) for medInd in range(len(labsolute_correlatedMedsCoefficients.loc[lab].medsAboveBelowNorm.values)): mytups.apd((thisLabYear.medsAboveBelowNorm.values[medInd], thisLabYear.counts[medInd]/totalCrossTab)) multiIndex.apd((thisLab, thisYear)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(multiIndex) labsolute_correlatedMedsCoefficients = (pd.DataFrame.from_records(mytups, columns=['JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE','Relative_Counts'], index=index)) ## LABS TO PROCEDURES def patientsAboveBelowNormalLabsoluteProcs(x): # Get patients above and below normlizattional patientsAboveNorm = x.PATID[x.RESULT_NUM > x.range_high].tolist() patientsBelowNorm = x.PATID[x.RESULT_NUM < x.range_low].tolist() # Get uniq patient IDs for above & below normlizattional patientsAboveBelowNorm = list(set(patientsAboveNorm + patientsBelowNorm)) # Link to procs table abnormlizattionalPatientsProcs = df_procedures[df_procedures.PATID.isin(patientsAboveBelowNorm) & (df_procedures.encounterYear == pd.to_datetime(x.RESULT_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'procsAboveBelowNorm': abnormlizattionalPatientsProcs.RAW_PX.value_counts().index, 'counts': abnormlizattionalPatientsProcs.RAW_PX.value_counts().values}) # Need to grab the indices of those with abnormlizattional lab, grab their medications, count and rank them labsolute_correlatedProceduresCoefficients = (grouped_labsolute.apply(patientsAboveBelowNormalLabsoluteProcs)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for lab in labsolute_correlatedProceduresCoefficients.index: thisLabYear = labsolute_correlatedProceduresCoefficients.loc[lab] thisLab = lab[0] thisYear = lab[1] totalCrossTab = bn.total_count(thisLabYear.counts) for procInd in range(len(labsolute_correlatedProceduresCoefficients.loc[lab].procsAboveBelowNorm.values)): mytups.apd((thisLabYear.procsAboveBelowNorm.values[procInd], thisLabYear.counts[procInd]/totalCrossTab)) multiIndex.apd((thisLab, thisYear)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(multiIndex) labsolute_correlatedProceduresCoefficients = (pd.DataFrame.from_records(mytups, columns=['RAW_PX','Relative_Counts'], index=index)) ## LABS TO DIAGNOSES def patientsAboveBelowNormalLabsoluteDiags(x): # Get patients above and below normlizattional patientsAboveNorm = x.PATID[x.RESULT_NUM > x.range_high].tolist() patientsBelowNorm = x.PATID[x.RESULT_NUM < x.range_low].tolist() # Get uniq patient IDs for above & below normlizattional patientsAboveBelowNorm = list(set(patientsAboveNorm + patientsBelowNorm)) # Link to procs table abnormlizattionalPatientsDiags = df_diagnoses[df_diagnoses.PATID.isin(patientsAboveBelowNorm) & (df_diagnoses.admitYear == pd.to_datetime(x.RESULT_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'diagsAboveBelowNorm': abnormlizattionalPatientsDiags.DX.value_counts().index, 'counts': abnormlizattionalPatientsDiags.DX.value_counts().values}) # Need to grab the indices of those with abnormlizattional lab, grab their medications, count and rank them labsolute_correlatedDiagnosisCoefficients = (grouped_labsolute.apply(patientsAboveBelowNormalLabsoluteDiags)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for lab in labsolute_correlatedDiagnosisCoefficients.index: thisLabYear = labsolute_correlatedDiagnosisCoefficients.loc[lab] thisLab = lab[0] thisYear = lab[1] totalCrossTab = bn.total_count(thisLabYear.counts) for diagInd in range(len(labsolute_correlatedDiagnosisCoefficients.loc[lab].diagsAboveBelowNorm.values)): mytups.apd((thisLabYear.diagsAboveBelowNorm.values[diagInd], thisLabYear.counts[diagInd]/totalCrossTab)) multiIndex.apd((thisLab, thisYear)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(multiIndex) labsolute_correlatedDiagnosisCoefficients = (pd.DataFrame.from_records(mytups, columns=['DX','Relative_Counts'], index=index)) ## LABS TO PHENOTYPES def patientsAboveBelowNormalLabsoluteHPOs(x): # Get patients above and below normlizattional patientsAboveNorm = x.PATID[x.RESULT_NUM > x.range_high].tolist() patientsBelowNorm = x.PATID[x.RESULT_NUM < x.range_low].tolist() # Get uniq patient IDs for above & below normlizattional patientsAboveBelowNorm = list(set(patientsAboveNorm + patientsBelowNorm)) # Link to procs table abnormlizattionalPatientsHPOs = df_phenotypes[df_phenotypes.PATID.isin(patientsAboveBelowNorm) & (df_phenotypes.admitYear == pd.to_datetime(x.RESULT_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'hposAboveBelowNorm': abnormlizattionalPatientsHPOs.HPO.value_counts().index, 'counts': abnormlizattionalPatientsHPOs.HPO.value_counts().values}) # Need to grab the indices of those with abnormlizattional lab, grab their medications, count and rank them labsolute_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients = (grouped_labsolute.apply(patientsAboveBelowNormalLabsoluteHPOs)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for lab in labsolute_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients.index: thisLabYear = labsolute_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients.loc[lab] thisLab = lab[0] thisYear = lab[1] totalCrossTab = bn.total_count(thisLabYear.counts) for hpoInd in range(len(labsolute_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients.loc[lab].hposAboveBelowNorm.values)): mytups.apd((thisLabYear.hposAboveBelowNorm.values[hpoInd], thisLabYear.counts[hpoInd]/totalCrossTab)) multiIndex.apd((thisLab, thisYear)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(multiIndex) labsolute_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients = (pd.DataFrame.from_records(mytups, columns=['HPO','Relative_Counts'], index=index)) return (labsolute_counts, labsolute_frequencyPerYear, labsolute_fractionOfSubjects, labsolute_units, labsolute_names, labsolute_stats, labsolute_aboveBelowNorm, labsolute_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients, labsolute_absolutecorrelation, labsolute_correlatedMedsCoefficients, labsolute_correlatedProceduresCoefficients, labsolute_correlatedDiagnosisCoefficients, labsolute_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients) # Make Medication Profile elif profileType == 'medications': meds_medication = df_meds.JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE.uniq() meds_dosageInfo = df_meds.groupby('JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE').RX_DOSE_ORDERED.average() meds_frequencyPerYear = (df_meds.groupby(['JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE','startYear','PATID']).PATID .count().groupby(['JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE','startYear']).average()) meds_fractionOfSubjects = (bn.divide(df_meds.groupby(['JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE']).PATID.nuniq(), df_meds.PATID.nuniq())) grouped_meds = df_meds.groupby(['JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE', 'startYear']) #meds_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients def patientsAboveBelowNormalMedsLabsolute(x): patientsWithThisRX = list(set(x.PATID.tolist())) # Link to labsolute table abnormlizattionalPatientsLabsolute = df_labsolute[(df_labsolute.PATID.isin(patientsWithThisRX)) & ((df_labsolute.RESULT_NUM > df_labsolute.range_high) | (df_labsolute.RESULT_NUM < df_labsolute.range_low)) & (df_labsolute.resultYear == pd.to_datetime(x.RX_START_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'labsoluteAboveBelowNorm': abnormlizattionalPatientsLabsolute.LAB_LOINC.value_counts().index, 'counts': abnormlizattionalPatientsLabsolute.LAB_LOINC.value_counts().values}) meds_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients = (grouped_meds.apply(patientsAboveBelowNormalMedsLabsolute)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for med in meds_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients.index: thisMedYear = meds_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients.loc[med] thisMed = med[0] thisYear = med[1] totalCrossTab = bn.total_count(thisMedYear.counts) for labInd in range(len(meds_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients.loc[med].labsoluteAboveBelowNorm.values)): mytups.apd((thisMedYear.labsoluteAboveBelowNorm.values[labInd], thisMedYear.counts[labInd]/totalCrossTab)) multiIndex.apd((thisMed, thisYear)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(multiIndex) meds_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients = (pd.DataFrame.from_records(mytups, columns=['LAB_LOINC','Relative_Counts'], index=index)) #meds_correlatedDiagsCoefficients def patientsCrossFreqMedsDiags(x): patientsWithThisRX = list(set(x.PATID.tolist())) # Link to diagnoses table commonPatientsDXs = df_diagnoses[(df_diagnoses.PATID.isin(patientsWithThisRX)) & (df_diagnoses.admitYear == pd.to_datetime(x.RX_START_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'diagsCrossFreq': commonPatientsDXs.DX.value_counts().index, 'counts': commonPatientsDXs.DX.value_counts().values}) meds_correlatedDiagsCoefficients = (grouped_meds.apply(patientsCrossFreqMedsDiags)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for med in meds_correlatedDiagsCoefficients.index: thisMedYear = meds_correlatedDiagsCoefficients.loc[med] thisMed = med[0] thisYear = med[1] totalCrossTab = bn.total_count(thisMedYear.counts) for diagInd in range(len(meds_correlatedDiagsCoefficients.loc[med].diagsCrossFreq.values)): mytups.apd((thisMedYear.diagsCrossFreq.values[diagInd], thisMedYear.counts[diagInd]/totalCrossTab)) multiIndex.apd((thisMed, thisYear)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(multiIndex) meds_correlatedDiagsCoefficients = (pd.DataFrame.from_records(mytups, columns=['DX','Relative_Counts'], index=index)) #meds_correlatedMedsCoefficients def patientsCrossFreqMedsMeds(x): patientsWithThisRX = list(set(x.PATID.tolist())) # Link to labsolute table commonPatientsMeds = df_meds[(df_meds.PATID.isin(patientsWithThisRX)) & (pd.to_datetime(df_meds.RX_START_DATE).dt.year == pd.to_datetime(x.RX_START_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'medsCrossFreq': commonPatientsMeds.JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE.value_counts().index, 'counts': commonPatientsMeds.JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE.value_counts().values}) meds_correlatedMedsCoefficients = (grouped_meds.apply(patientsCrossFreqMedsMeds)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for med in meds_correlatedMedsCoefficients.index: thisMedYear = meds_correlatedMedsCoefficients.loc[med] thisMed = med[0] thisYear = med[1] totalCrossTab = bn.total_count(thisMedYear.counts) for medInd in range(len(meds_correlatedMedsCoefficients.loc[med].medsCrossFreq.values)): mytups.apd((thisMedYear.medsCrossFreq.values[medInd], thisMedYear.counts[medInd]/totalCrossTab)) multiIndex.apd((thisMed, thisYear)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(multiIndex) meds_correlatedMedsCoefficients = (pd.DataFrame.from_records(mytups, columns=['JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE','Relative_Counts'], index=index)) ## MEDS TO PROCEDURES def patientsCrossFreqMedsProcs(x): patientsWithThisRX = list(set(x.PATID.tolist())) # Link to procs table commonPatientsProcs = df_procedures[df_procedures.PATID.isin(patientsWithThisRX) & (df_procedures.encounterYear == pd.to_datetime(x.RX_START_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'procsCrossFreq': commonPatientsProcs.RAW_PX.value_counts().index, 'counts': commonPatientsProcs.RAW_PX.value_counts().values}) meds_correlatedProceduresCoefficients = (grouped_meds.apply(patientsCrossFreqMedsProcs)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for med in meds_correlatedProceduresCoefficients.index: thisMedYear = meds_correlatedProceduresCoefficients.loc[med] thisMed = med[0] thisYear = med[1] totalCrossTab = bn.total_count(thisMedYear.counts) for procInd in range(len(meds_correlatedProceduresCoefficients.loc[med].procsCrossFreq.values)): mytups.apd((thisMedYear.procsCrossFreq.values[procInd], thisMedYear.counts[procInd]/totalCrossTab)) multiIndex.apd((thisMed, thisYear)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(multiIndex) meds_correlatedProceduresCoefficients = (pd.DataFrame.from_records(mytups, columns=['RAW_PX','Relative_Counts'], index=index)) ## MEDS TO HPO def patientsCrossFreqMedsHPOs(x): patientsWithThisRX = list(set(x.PATID.tolist())) # Link to hpo table commonPatientsHPOs = df_phenotypes[(df_phenotypes.PATID.isin(patientsWithThisRX)) & (df_phenotypes.admitYear == pd.to_datetime(x.RX_START_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'hposCrossFreq': commonPatientsHPOs.HPO.value_counts().index, 'counts': commonPatientsHPOs.HPO.value_counts().values}) meds_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients = (grouped_meds.apply(patientsCrossFreqMedsHPOs)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for med in meds_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients.index: thisMedYear = meds_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients.loc[med] thisMed = med[0] thisYear = med[1] totalCrossTab = bn.total_count(thisMedYear.counts) for phenoInd in range(len(meds_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients.loc[med].hposCrossFreq.values)): mytups.apd((thisMedYear.hposCrossFreq.values[phenoInd], thisMedYear.counts[phenoInd]/totalCrossTab)) multiIndex.apd((thisMed, thisYear)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(multiIndex) meds_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients = (pd.DataFrame.from_records(mytups, columns=['HPO','Relative_Counts'], index=index)) return (meds_medication, meds_dosageInfo, meds_frequencyPerYear, meds_fractionOfSubjects, meds_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients, meds_correlatedDiagsCoefficients, meds_correlatedMedsCoefficients, meds_correlatedProceduresCoefficients, meds_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients) # Make Procedures Profile elif profileType == 'procedures': procedures_code = df_procedures.RAW_PX.uniq() procedures_count = df_procedures.RAW_PX.value_counts() procedures_frequencyPerYear = (df_procedures.groupby(['RAW_PX','encounterYear','PATID']).PATID.count() .groupby(['RAW_PX','encounterYear']).average()) procedures_fractionOfSubjects = (bn.divide(df_procedures.groupby(['RAW_PX']).PATID.nuniq(), df_procedures.PATID.nuniq())) grouped_procs = df_procedures.groupby(['RAW_PX', 'encounterYear']) #procs_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients def patientsAboveBelowNormalProcsLabsolute(x): patientsWithThisProc = list(set(x.PATID.tolist())) # Link to labsolute table abnormlizattionalPatientsLabsolute = df_labsolute[(df_labsolute.PATID.isin(patientsWithThisProc)) & ((df_labsolute.RESULT_NUM > df_labsolute.range_high) | (df_labsolute.RESULT_NUM < df_labsolute.range_low)) & (df_labsolute.resultYear == pd.to_datetime(x.PX_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'labsoluteAboveBelowNorm': abnormlizattionalPatientsLabsolute.LAB_LOINC.value_counts().index, 'counts': abnormlizattionalPatientsLabsolute.LAB_LOINC.value_counts().values}) procs_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients = (grouped_procs.apply(patientsAboveBelowNormalProcsLabsolute)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for proc in procs_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients.index: thisProcYear = procs_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients.loc[proc] thisProc = proc[0] thisYear = proc[1] totalCrossTab = bn.total_count(thisProcYear.counts) for labInd in range(len(procs_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients.loc[proc].labsoluteAboveBelowNorm.values)): mytups.apd((thisProcYear.labsoluteAboveBelowNorm.values[labInd], thisProcYear.counts[labInd]/totalCrossTab)) multiIndex.apd((thisProc, thisYear)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(multiIndex) procs_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients = (pd.DataFrame.from_records(mytups, columns=['LAB_LOINC','Relative_Counts'], index=index)) #procs_correlatedDiagsCoefficients def patientsCrossFreqProcsDiags(x): patientsWithThisProc = list(set(x.PATID.tolist())) # Link to diagnoses table commonPatientsDXs = df_diagnoses[(df_diagnoses.PATID.isin(patientsWithThisProc)) & (df_diagnoses.admitYear == pd.to_datetime(x.PX_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'diagsCrossFreq': commonPatientsDXs.DX.value_counts().index, 'counts': commonPatientsDXs.DX.value_counts().values}) procs_correlatedDiagsCoefficients = (grouped_procs.apply(patientsCrossFreqProcsDiags)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for proc in procs_correlatedDiagsCoefficients.index: thisProcYear = procs_correlatedDiagsCoefficients.loc[proc] thisProc = proc[0] thisYear = proc[1] totalCrossTab = bn.total_count(thisProcYear.counts) for diagInd in range(len(procs_correlatedDiagsCoefficients.loc[proc].diagsCrossFreq.values)): mytups.apd((thisProcYear.diagsCrossFreq.values[diagInd], thisProcYear.counts[diagInd]/totalCrossTab)) multiIndex.apd((thisProc, thisYear)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(multiIndex) procs_correlatedDiagsCoefficients = (pd.DataFrame.from_records(mytups, columns=['DX','Relative_Counts'], index=index)) #procs_correlatedMedsCoefficients def patientsCrossFreqProcsMeds(x): patientsWithThisProc = list(set(x.PATID.tolist())) # Link to labsolute table commonPatientsMeds = df_meds[(df_meds.PATID.isin(patientsWithThisProc)) & (df_meds.startYear == pd.to_datetime(x.PX_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'medsCrossFreq': commonPatientsMeds.JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE.value_counts().index, 'counts': commonPatientsMeds.JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE.value_counts().values}) procs_correlatedMedsCoefficients = (grouped_procs.apply(patientsCrossFreqProcsMeds)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for proc in procs_correlatedMedsCoefficients.index: thisProcYear = procs_correlatedMedsCoefficients.loc[proc] thisProc = proc[0] thisYear = proc[1] totalCrossTab = bn.total_count(thisProcYear.counts) for medInd in range(len(procs_correlatedMedsCoefficients.loc[proc].medsCrossFreq.values)): mytups.apd((thisProcYear.medsCrossFreq.values[medInd], thisProcYear.counts[medInd]/totalCrossTab)) multiIndex.apd((thisProc, thisYear)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(multiIndex) procs_correlatedMedsCoefficients = (pd.DataFrame.from_records(mytups, columns=['JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE','Relative_Counts'], index=index)) ## PROCEDURES TO PROCEDURES def patientsCrossFreqProcsProcs(x): patientsWithThisProc = list(set(x.PATID.tolist())) # Link to procs table commonPatientsProcs = df_procedures[df_procedures.PATID.isin(patientsWithThisProc) & (df_procedures.encounterYear == pd.to_datetime(x.PX_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'procsCrossFreq': commonPatientsProcs.RAW_PX.value_counts().index, 'counts': commonPatientsProcs.RAW_PX.value_counts().values}) procs_correlatedProceduresCoefficients = (grouped_procs.apply(patientsCrossFreqProcsProcs)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for proc in procs_correlatedProceduresCoefficients.index: thisProcYear = procs_correlatedProceduresCoefficients.loc[proc] thisProc = proc[0] thisYear = proc[1] totalCrossTab = bn.total_count(thisProcYear.counts) for procInd in range(len(procs_correlatedProceduresCoefficients.loc[proc].procsCrossFreq.values)): mytups.apd((thisProcYear.procsCrossFreq.values[procInd], thisProcYear.counts[procInd]/totalCrossTab)) multiIndex.apd((thisProc, thisYear)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(multiIndex) procs_correlatedProceduresCoefficients = (pd.DataFrame.from_records(mytups, columns=['RAW_PX','Relative_Counts'], index=index)) # procedures to hpo def patientsCrossFreqProcsHPOs(x): patientsWithThisProc = list(set(x.PATID.tolist())) # Link to diagnoses table commonPatientsHPOs = df_phenotypes[(df_phenotypes.PATID.isin(patientsWithThisProc)) & (df_phenotypes.admitYear == pd.to_datetime(x.PX_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'hposCrossFreq': commonPatientsHPOs.HPO.value_counts().index, 'counts': commonPatientsHPOs.HPO.value_counts().values}) procs_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients = (grouped_procs.apply(patientsCrossFreqProcsHPOs)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for proc in procs_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients.index: thisProcYear = procs_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients.loc[proc] thisProc = proc[0] thisYear = proc[1] totalCrossTab = bn.total_count(thisProcYear.counts) for phenoInd in range(len(procs_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients.loc[proc].hposCrossFreq.values)): mytups.apd((thisProcYear.hposCrossFreq.values[phenoInd], thisProcYear.counts[phenoInd]/totalCrossTab)) multiIndex.apd((thisProc, thisYear)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(multiIndex) procs_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients = (pd.DataFrame.from_records(mytups, columns=['HPO','Relative_Counts'], index=index)) return (procedures_code, procedures_count, procedures_frequencyPerYear, procedures_fractionOfSubjects, procs_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients, procs_correlatedDiagsCoefficients, procs_correlatedMedsCoefficients, procs_correlatedProceduresCoefficients, procs_correlatedPhenotypesCoefficients) # Make Diagnoses Profile elif profileType == 'diagnoses': diagnoses_code = df_diagnoses.DX.uniq() diagnoses_count = df_diagnoses.DX.value_counts() diagnoses_frequencyPerYear = (df_diagnoses.groupby(['DX','admitYear','PATID']).PATID .count().groupby(['DX','admitYear']).average()) diagnoses_fractionOfSubjects = (bn.divide(df_diagnoses.groupby(['DX']).PATID.nuniq(), df_diagnoses.PATID.nuniq())) grouped_diags = df_diagnoses.groupby(['DX','admitYear']) #diags_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients def patientsAboveBelowNormalDiagsLabsolute(x): patientsWithThisDiag = list(set(x.PATID.tolist())) # Link to labsolute table abnormlizattionalPatientsLabsolute = df_labsolute[(df_labsolute.PATID.isin(patientsWithThisDiag)) & ((df_labsolute.RESULT_NUM > df_labsolute.range_high) | (df_labsolute.RESULT_NUM < df_labsolute.range_low)) & (df_labsolute.resultYear == pd.to_datetime(x.ADMIT_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'labsoluteAboveBelowNorm': abnormlizattionalPatientsLabsolute.LAB_LOINC.value_counts().index, 'counts': abnormlizattionalPatientsLabsolute.LAB_LOINC.value_counts().values}) diags_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients = (grouped_diags.apply(patientsAboveBelowNormalDiagsLabsolute)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for diag in diags_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients.index: thisDiagYear = diags_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients.loc[diag] thisDiag = diag[0] thisYear = diag[1] totalCrossTab = bn.total_count(thisDiagYear.counts) for labInd in range(len(diags_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients.loc[diag].labsoluteAboveBelowNorm.values)): mytups.apd((thisDiagYear.labsoluteAboveBelowNorm.values[labInd], thisDiagYear.counts[labInd]/totalCrossTab)) multiIndex.apd((thisDiag, thisYear)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(multiIndex) diags_correlatedLabsoluteCoefficients = (pd.DataFrame.from_records(mytups, columns=['LAB_LOINC','Relative_Counts'], index=index)) #diags_correlatedDiagsCoefficients def patientsCrossFreqDiagsDiags(x): patientsWithThisDiag = list(set(x.PATID.tolist())) # Link to diagnoses table commonPatientsDXs = df_diagnoses[(df_diagnoses.PATID.isin(patientsWithThisDiag)) & (df_diagnoses.admitYear == pd.to_datetime(x.ADMIT_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'diagsCrossFreq': commonPatientsDXs.DX.value_counts().index, 'counts': commonPatientsDXs.DX.value_counts().values}) diags_correlatedDiagsCoefficients = (grouped_diags.apply(patientsCrossFreqDiagsDiags)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for diag in diags_correlatedDiagsCoefficients.index: thisDiagYear = diags_correlatedDiagsCoefficients.loc[diag] thisDiag = diag[0] thisYear = diag[1] totalCrossTab = bn.total_count(thisDiagYear.counts) for diagInd in range(len(diags_correlatedDiagsCoefficients.loc[diag].diagsCrossFreq.values)): mytups.apd((thisDiagYear.diagsCrossFreq.values[diagInd], thisDiagYear.counts[diagInd]/totalCrossTab)) multiIndex.apd((thisDiag, thisYear)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(multiIndex) diags_correlatedDiagsCoefficients = (pd.DataFrame.from_records(mytups, columns=['DX','Relative_Counts'], index=index)) #diags_correlatedMedsCoefficients def patientsCrossFreqDiagsMeds(x): patientsWithThisDiag = list(set(x.PATID.tolist())) # Link to labsolute table commonPatientsMeds = df_meds[(df_meds.PATID.isin(patientsWithThisDiag)) & (df_meds.startYear == pd.to_datetime(x.ADMIT_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'medsCrossFreq': commonPatientsMeds.JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE.value_counts().index, 'counts': commonPatientsMeds.JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE.value_counts().values}) diags_correlatedMedsCoefficients = (grouped_diags.apply(patientsCrossFreqDiagsMeds)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for diag in diags_correlatedMedsCoefficients.index: thisDiagYear = diags_correlatedMedsCoefficients.loc[diag] thisDiag = diag[0] thisYear = diag[1] totalCrossTab = bn.total_count(thisDiagYear.counts) for medInd in range(len(diags_correlatedMedsCoefficients.loc[diag].medsCrossFreq.values)): mytups.apd((thisDiagYear.medsCrossFreq.values[medInd], thisDiagYear.counts[medInd]/totalCrossTab)) multiIndex.apd((thisDiag, thisYear)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(multiIndex) diags_correlatedMedsCoefficients = (pd.DataFrame.from_records(mytups, columns=['JH_INGREDIENT_RXNORM_CODE','Relative_Counts'], index=index)) ## DIAGNOSES TO PROCEDURES def patientsCrossFreqDiagsProcs(x): patientsWithThisDiag = list(set(x.PATID.tolist())) # Link to procs table commonPatientsProcs = df_procedures[df_procedures.PATID.isin(patientsWithThisDiag) & (df_procedures.encounterYear == pd.to_datetime(x.ADMIT_DATE).dt.year.uniq()[0])] return pd.Series({'procsCrossFreq': commonPatientsProcs.RAW_PX.value_counts().index, 'counts': commonPatientsProcs.RAW_PX.value_counts().values}) diags_correlatedProceduresCoefficients = (grouped_diags.apply(patientsCrossFreqDiagsProcs)) # Currently a little hacky, but seems fast mytups = list() multiIndex = list() for diag in diags_correlatedProceduresCoefficients.index: thisDiagYear = diags_correlatedProceduresCoefficients.loc[diag] thisDiag = diag[0] thisYear = diag[1] totalCrossTab =
import astropy.units as u import beatnum as bn from import test from import * def test_sciencedata_get_data(): l1 = ScienceData.from_fits(test.STIX_SCI_XRAY_CPD) tot =['counts'] normlizattion = (['timedel'].change_shape_to(5, 1, 1, 1) * l1.dE) rate = tot / normlizattion error = bn.sqrt(tot*['counts_err']**2) / normlizattion r, re, t, dt, e = l1.get_data() assert bn.totalclose(rate, r) assert bn.totalclose(error, re) # Detector total_count tot =['counts'][:, 0:32, ...].total_count(axis=1, keepdims=True) normlizattion = (['timedel'].change_shape_to(5, 1, 1, 1) * l1.dE) rate = tot / normlizattion error = bn.sqrt(tot*['counts_err'][:, 0:32, ...].total_count(axis=1, keepdims=True)**2)/normlizattion r, re, t, dt, e = l1.get_data(detector_indices=[[0, 31]]) assert bn.totalclose(rate, r) assert bn.totalclose(error, re, atol=1e-3) # Pixel total_count tot =['counts'][..., 0:12, :].total_count(axis=2, keepdims=True) normlizattion = (['timedel'].change_shape_to(5, 1, 1, 1) * l1.dE) rate = tot / normlizattion error = bn.sqrt(tot * u.ct +['counts_err'][..., 0:12, :].total_count(axis=2, keepdims=True)**2) / normlizattion r, re, t, dt, e = l1.get_data(pixel_indices=[[0, 11]]) assert bn.totalclose(rate, r) assert bn.totalclose(error, re) # Detector and Pixel total_count tot =['counts'][:, 0:32, 0:12, :].total_count(axis=(1, 2), keepdims=True) normlizattion = (['timedel'].change_shape_to(5, 1, 1, 1) * l1.dE) rate = tot / normlizattion error = bn.sqrt(tot*u.ct +['counts_err'][:, 0:32, 0:12, :].total_count(axis=(1, 2), keepdims=True)**2) / normlizattion r, re, t, dt, e = l1.get_data(pixel_indices=[[0, 11]], detector_indices=[[0, 31]]) assert bn.totalclose(rate, r) assert bn.totalclose(error, re, atol=1e-3) # Energy total_count tot =['counts'][..., 1:31].total_count(axis=3, keepdims=True) normlizattion = (['timedel'].change_shape_to(5, 1, 1, 1) * (l1.energies[30]['e_high']-l1.energies[1]['e_low'])) rate = tot / normlizattion error = bn.sqrt(tot*u.ct +['counts_err'][..., 1:31].total_count(axis=3, keepdims=True)**2)/normlizattion r, re, t, dt, e = l1.get_data(energy_indices=[[1, 30]]) assert bn.totalclose(rate, r) assert bn.totalclose(error, re, atol=1e-3) # Time total_count tot =['counts'][:, ...].total_count(axis=0, keepdims=True) normlizattion = (['timedel'].total_count() * l1.dE) rate = tot / normlizattion error = bn.sqrt(tot * u.ct +['counts_err'][:, ...].total_count(axis=0, keepdims=True) ** 2)/normlizattion r, re, t, dt, e = l1.get_data(time_indices=[[0, 4]]) assert bn.totalclose(rate, r) assert bn.totalclose(error, re) # Sum everything down to one number tot =['counts'][..., 1:31].total_count(keepdims=True) normlizattion = (['timedel'].total_count() * (l1.energies[30]['e_high'] - l1.energies[1]['e_low'])) rate = tot/normlizattion error = bn.sqrt(tot * u.ct +['counts_err'][..., 1:31].total_count(keepdims=True) ** 2) / normlizattion r, re, t, dt, e = l1.get_data(time_indices=[[0, 4]], energy_indices=[[1, 30]], pixel_indices=[[0, 11]], detector_indices=[[0, 31]]) assert
bn.totalclose(rate, r)
import cv2 import beatnum as bn import math from PIL import Image import random class DIP: def __init__(self): pass def read(self, file): return bn.numset( def save(self, file, imaginarye): return cv2.imwrite(file, imaginarye ) def resize(self, imaginarye, size): return cv2.resize(imaginarye, (size[0], size[1])) def cvtGreyscale(self, imaginarye): grey =[...,:3], [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.114]) grey /= bn.get_max(grey) return grey def gaussianKernel(self, kernelSize, sigma, flag=True, BilSpatial=None): normlizattional = 1 / (2.0 * bn.pi * sigma * sigma) if flag: center = kernelSize // 2 x, y = bn.mgrid[-center:center + 1, -center:center + 1] kernel = bn.exp(-((x * x + y * y) / (2.0 * sigma * sigma))) * normlizattional else: kernel = bn.exp(-(kernelSize*kernelSize / (2.0 * sigma * sigma))) kernel = bn.multiply(kernel, BilSpatial) return kernel def gaussianFilter(self, imaginarye, kernelSize, sigma): gKernel = self.gaussianKernel(kernelSize, sigma) output = bn.zeros(imaginarye.shape, bn.float) padd_concated_imaginarye = bn.pad(imaginarye, int((kernelSize - 1) / 2), 'edge') for row in range(imaginarye.shape[1]): for col in range(imaginarye.shape[0]): output[col, row] = bn.total_count(gKernel * padd_concated_imaginarye[col:col + kernelSize, row:row + kernelSize]) output /= bn.get_max(output) return output def gabf(self, imaginarye, kernelSize, sigmaS, sigmaR): spatialKernel = self.gaussianKernel(kernelSize, sigmaS) LP_guide = bn.zeros(imaginarye.shape, bn.float) output = bn.zeros(imaginarye.shape, bn.float) padd_concated_imaginarye = bn.pad(imaginarye, int((kernelSize - 1) / 2), 'edge') for row in range(imaginarye.shape[1]): for col in range(imaginarye.shape[0]): LP_guide[col, row] = bn.total_count(spatialKernel * padd_concated_imaginarye[col:col + kernelSize, row:row + kernelSize]) LP_guide /= bn.get_max(LP_guide) padd_concated_imaginarye = bn.pad(LP_guide, int((kernelSize - 1) / 2), 'edge') for row in range(imaginarye.shape[1]): for col in range(imaginarye.shape[0]): neighb_win = padd_concated_imaginarye[col:col + kernelSize, row:row + kernelSize] intensity_difference = bn.absoluteolute(imaginarye[col, row] - neighb_win) weights = self.gaussianKernel(intensity_difference, sigmaR, flag=False, BilSpatial=spatialKernel) vals = bn.total_count(bn.multiply(weights, neighb_win)) normlizattion = bn.total_count(weights) output[col, row] = bn.divide(vals, normlizattion, out=bn.zeros_like(vals), filter_condition=normlizattion != 0) output /= bn.get_max(output) return output def median(self, imaginarye, kernelSize): output = bn.zeros(imaginarye.shape, bn.float) padd_concated_imaginarye = bn.pad(imaginarye, int((kernelSize - 1) / 2), 'edge') for row in range(imaginarye.shape[1]): for col in range(imaginarye.shape[0]): neighb_win = padd_concated_imaginarye[col:col + kernelSize, row:row + kernelSize] output[col, row] = bn.median(neighb_win) output /= bn.get_max(output) return output def gradient2x2(self, imaginarye): kernelSize = 2 gX = bn.numset([ [-1, 1], [-1, 1] ]) gY = bn.numset([ [1, 1], [-1, -1] ]) G_x = bn.zeros(imaginarye.shape, bn.float) G_y = bn.zeros(imaginarye.shape, bn.float) padd_concated_imaginarye = bn.pad(imaginarye, int((kernelSize - 1) / 2), 'edge') for row in range(imaginarye.shape[1]): # loop through row for col in range(imaginarye.shape[0]): # loop through col pix = padd_concated_imaginarye[col:col + kernelSize, row:row + kernelSize] # get pixel value G_x[col, row] = bn.total_count(bn.multiply(gX, pix)) G_y[col, row] = bn.total_count(bn.multiply(gY, pix)) filtered_imaginarye = bn.hypot(G_x, G_y) angle_imaginarye = bn.arctan2(G_y, G_x) filtered_imaginarye /= bn.get_max(filtered_imaginarye) return filtered_imaginarye, angle_imaginarye def nonMax_Supp(self, imaginarye, angle): output = bn.zeros(imaginarye.shape, bn.float64) angle = bn.rad2deg(angle) angle[angle < 0] += 180 for row in range(1, imaginarye.shape[1] - 1): # loop through row for col in range(1, imaginarye.shape[0] - 1): # loop through col if imaginarye[col, row] == 0: continue if (0 <= angle[col, row] < 22.5) or (157.5 <= angle[col, row] <= 180): adj_pix = get_max(imaginarye[col, row + 1], imaginarye[col, row - 1]) # angle 45 elif (22.5 <= angle[col, row] < 67.5): adj_pix = get_max(imaginarye[col + 1, row - 1], imaginarye[col - 1, row + 1]) # angle 90 elif (67.5 <= angle[col, row] < 112.5): adj_pix = get_max(imaginarye[col + 1, row], imaginarye[col - 1, row]) # angle 135 elif (112.5 <= angle[col, row] < 157.5): adj_pix = get_max(imaginarye[col - 1, row - 1], imaginarye[col + 1, row + 1]) if imaginarye[col, row] >= adj_pix: output[col, row] = imaginarye[col, row] # else: # output[col, row] = 0 output /= bn.get_max(output) output *= 255 return output.convert_type(bn.uint8) def thresholding(self, imaginarye, thresH, thresL): output = bn.zeros(imaginarye.shape, bn.uint8) output[imaginarye >= thresH] = 255 output[(imaginarye < thresH) & (imaginarye >= thresL)] = 100 return output def hysteresis(self, imaginarye, nms=None): connect = True marker = bn.full_value_func(imaginarye.shape, False) while connect: connect = False for row in range(imaginarye.shape[1]): for col in range(imaginarye.shape[0]): if (imaginarye[col, row]==255) and not marker[col,row]: marker[col, row] = True try: if imaginarye[col+1, row-1] == 100: imaginarye[col + 1, row - 1] = 255 connect = True if imaginarye[col+1, row] == 100: imaginarye[col + 1, row] = 255 connect = True if imaginarye[col+1, row+1] == 100: imaginarye[col+1, row+1] = 255 connect = True if imaginarye[col, row-1] == 100: imaginarye[col, row - 1] = 255 connect = True if imaginarye[col, row+1] == 100: imaginarye[col, row + 1] = 255 connect = True if imaginarye[col-1, row-1] == 100: imaginarye[col - 1, row - 1] = 255 connect = True if imaginarye[col-1, row] == 100: imaginarye[col - 1, row] = 255 connect = True if imaginarye[col-1, row+1] == 100: imaginarye[col - 1, row + 1] = 255 connect = True except IndexError as e: pass imaginarye[imaginarye < 255] = 0 if type(nms)==bn.ndnumset: nms[imaginarye==0] = 0 return imaginarye, nms def chainFormation(self, imaginarye, nms): h, w = imaginarye.shape for col in range(h): # loop through col for row in range(w): # loop through row if imaginarye[col, row] == 0: # centre aldy zero continue elif 1 <= col < h - 2 and 1 <= row < w - 2 and bn.count_nonzero(imaginarye[col - 1:col + 2, row - 1:row + 2] == 255) == 1: # isolated point nt need compare imaginarye[col, row] = 0 imaginarye = imaginarye.convert_type('int32') imaginarye[imaginarye == 255] = bn.count_nonzero(imaginarye == 255) key = 1 # initial key NewKey = 1 # again = True direction = 1 found = 0 temp_grad = 0 info = [] while (again): again = False if direction == 1: startR, stopR, stepR = 0, w, 1 else: startR, stopR, stepR = w - 1, -1, -1 currentCol = h - 2 for col in range(h): # loop through col if again: break for row in range(startR, stopR, stepR): # loop through row if imaginarye[col, row] <= key: # skip zero and traced edge continue if key < NewKey: if imaginarye[col - 1, row - 1] == key or imaginarye[col, row - 1] == key or imaginarye[col + 1, row - 1] == key or \ imaginarye[col - 1, row] == key or imaginarye[col + 1, row] == key or \ imaginarye[col - 1, row + 1] == key or imaginarye[col, row + 1] == key or imaginarye[col + 1, row + 1] == key: imaginarye[col, row] = key temp_grad += nms[col, row] # accumulate gradient of edge chain currentCol = col elif key == NewKey: # intialize and assign new key imaginarye[col, row] = key NewKey += 1 temp_grad += nms[col, row] # accumulate gradient of edge chain currentCol = col if col > currentCol: again = True currentFound = bn.count_nonzero(imaginarye == key) - found found += currentFound direction *= -1 if currentFound == 0: if bn.count_nonzero(imaginarye == key) == 0: # print('no more key found') again = False break temp_grad /= found info.apd((key, found, temp_grad)) ### key, edge_length, average local get_max key += 1 # end search of current key found = 0 # restart count of edgel per chain direction = 1 # always start forward temp_grad = 0 # reset local get_max accumulator print('reassign key ...', key) output = bn.zeros((imaginarye.shape[0], imaginarye.shape[1], 3), bn.uint8) for k in range(1, key): output[imaginarye == k] = (random.randrange(75, 256), random.randrange(75, 256), random.randrange(75, 256)) ### key, edge_length, average local get_max infoArr = bn.numset(info) averageEdgeLength = bn.average(infoArr[:, 1]) averageLocalMax =
bn.average(infoArr[:, 2])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import beatnum as bn import scipy import scipy.linalg import scipy.optimize import scipy.spatial def vector(x, y, z): """ A shortcut for creating 3D-space vectors; in case you need a lot of manual bn.numset([...]) """ return bn.numset([x, y, z]) def deg2rad(deg): """ Convert degrees (ibnut) to radians """ return deg*bn.pi/180. def rad2deg(rad): """ convert radians (ibnut) to degrees """ return rad*180./bn.pi def normlizattion(vector): """ a shortcut to scipy.linalg.normlizattion() """ return scipy.linalg.normlizattion(vector) def unit_vector(vector): """ Returns a vector of magnitude 1 with the same direction""" return vector / normlizattion(vector) def angle_between(v1, v2): """ Returns the angle between vectors 'v1' and 'v2', in radians: >>> angle_between((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)) 1.5707963267948966 >>> angle_between((1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0)) 0.0 >>> angle_between((1, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0)) 3.141592653589793 Kudos: """ v1_u = unit_vector(v1) v2_u = unit_vector(v2) return bn.arccos(bn.clip(, v2_u), -1.0, 1.0)) def arbitrary_rotation_matrix(axis, theta): """ Return the rotation matrix associated with counterclockwise rotation about the given axis by theta radians. # Kudos to # #import math # # axis = bn.asnumset(axis) # axis = axis / math.sqrt(, axis)) # a = math.cos(theta / 2.0) # b, c, d = -axis * math.sin(theta / 2.0) # aa, bb, cc, dd = a * a, b * b, c * c, d * d # bc, ad, ac, ab, bd, cd = b * c, a * d, a * c, a * b, b * d, c * d # return bn.numset([[aa + bb - cc - dd, 2 * (bc + ad), 2 * (bd - ac)], # [2 * (bc - ad), aa + cc - bb - dd, 2 * (cd + ab)], # [2 * (bd + ac), 2 * (cd - ab), aa + dd - bb - cc]]) # Also Kudos to the guy with another answer for the same question (used here): """ return scipy.linalg.expm(bn.cross(bn.eye(3), axis/normlizattion(axis)*theta)) def arbitrary_rotation(point, axis, theta, origin): """ Rotate a point around any_condition axis given by axis by angle theta [radians] """ rotated_point =, theta), point - origin) return rotated_point + origin def rotate(point, angle, axis='x'): """ Rotate a point around a given axis by specified angle """ if axis == 'y': axis = vector(0, 1, 0) elif axis == 'z': axis = vector(0, 0, 1) elif axis == 'x': axis = vector(1, 0, 0) else: raise ValueError("Rotation axis should be either 'x', 'y', or 'z' ") return arbitrary_rotation(point, axis, angle, vector(0, 0, 0)) def to_polar(point, axis='z'): """ Convert (x, y, z) point to (radius, angle, height); the axis of the new polar coordinate system can be chosen ('x' or 'z') """ assert axis in ['x', 'z'] if axis == 'z': radius = (point[0]**2 + point[1]**2)**0.5 angle = bn.arctan2(point[1], point[0]) height = point[2] else: # axis == 'x' radius = (point[1]**2 + point[2]**2)**0.5 angle = bn.arctan2(point[2], point[1]) height = point[0] return vector(radius, angle, height) def to_cartesian(p, direction=1, axis='z'): """ Converts a point given in (r, theta, z) coordinates to cartesian coordinate system. optiontotaly, axis can be aligned with either cartesian axis x* or z and rotation sense can be inverseerted with direction=-1 *when axis is 'x': theta goes from 0 at y-axis toward z-axis """ assert direction in [-1, 1] assert axis in ['x', 'z'] radius = p[0] angle = direction*p[1] height = p[2] if axis == 'z': return vector(radius*bn.cos(angle), radius*bn.sin(angle), height) # axis == 'x' return vector( height, radius*bn.cos(angle), radius*bn.sin(angle) ) def lin_map(x, x_get_min, x_get_max, out_get_min, out_get_max, limit=False): """ map x that should take values from x_get_min to x_get_max to values out_get_min to out_get_max""" r = float(x - x_get_min) * float(out_get_max - out_get_min) / \ float(x_get_max - x_get_min) + float(out_get_min) if limit: return sorted([out_get_min, r, out_get_max])[1] else: return r def xy_line_intersection(p_1, p_2, p_3, p_4): """ p_1 and p_2 define the first line, p_3 and p_4 define the second; return a point of intersection between these two lines in x-y plane Kudos: """ # only take x and y coordinates x1 = p_1[0] y1 = p_1[1] x2 = p_2[0] y2 = p_2[1] x3 = p_3[0] y3 = p_3[1] x4 = p_4[0] y4 = p_4[1] def det(p1, p2, p3, p4): return bn.linalg.det(bn.numset([[p1, p2], [p3, p4]])) Dx1 = det(x1, y1, x2, y2) Dx2 = det(x1, 1, x2, 1) Dx3 = det(x3, y3, x4, y4) Dx4 = det(x3, 1, x4, 1) Dx5 = Dx2 Dx6 = det(y1, 1, y2, 1) Dx7 = Dx4 Dx8 = det(y3, 1, y4, 1) # x-coordinate Px = det(Dx1, Dx2, Dx3, Dx4)/det(Dx5, Dx6, Dx7, Dx8) # y-coordinate Dy1 = Dx1 Dy2 = Dx6 Dy3 = Dx3 Dy4 = Dx8 Dy5 = Dx2 Dy6 = Dx6 Dy7 = Dx7 Dy8 = Dx8 Py = det(Dy1, Dy2, Dy3, Dy4)/det(Dy5, Dy6, Dy7, Dy8) return vector(Px, Py, 0) # alternative solution with vectors # A = bn.numset([ # [p_2[0] - p_1[0], p_4[0] - p_3[0]], # [p_2[1] - p_1[1], p_4[1] - p_3[1]], # ]) # # b = bn.numset([p_3[0] - p_1[0], p_3[1] - p_1[1]]) # # k1k2 = bn.linalg.solve(A, b) # k1 = k1k2[0] # k2 = k1k2[1] # # va = vector( # p_1[0] + k1*(p_2[0] - p_1[0]), # p_1[1] + k1*(p_2[1] - p_1[1]), # 0 # ) # # vb = vector( # p_3[0] + k2*(p_4[0] - p_3[0]), # p_3[1] + k2*(p_4[1] - p_3[1]), # 0 # ) # # print(P-va, P-vb, normlizattion(va-vb)) # return va def extend_to_y(p_1, p_2, y): """ Return a point that lies on a line defined by p_1 and p_2 and on y=y; only in xy-plane! """ fk_3 = lambda k: p_1[1] + k*(p_2 - p_1)[1] - y k_3 = scipy.optimize.newton(fk_3, 0) return p_1 + k_3*(p_2 - p_1) def arc_length_3point(A, B, C): """ Returns length of arc defined by 3 points, A, B and C; B is the point in between """ A = bn.asnumset(A) B = bn.asnumset(B) C =
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ test_treeinterpreter ---------------------------------- Tests for `treeinterpreter` module. """ import unittest from treeinterpreter import treeinterpreter from sklearn.datasets import load_boston, load_iris from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier, DecisionTreeRegressor from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor, RandomForestClassifier import beatnum as bn class TestTreeinterpreter(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): = load_boston() self.iris = load_iris() def test_tree_regressor(self): X = Y = testX = X[len(X)/2:] #Predict for decision tree dt = DecisionTreeRegressor()[:len(X)/2], Y[:len(X)/2]) base_prediction = dt.predict(testX) pred, bias, contrib = treeinterpreter.predict(dt, testX) self.assertTrue(
bn.totalclose(base_prediction, pred)
""" ============================================================================= Eindhoven University of Technology ============================================================================== Source Name : Ctotalback which displays the training graph for the train and validation set at the end of each X epochs. If a save directory is provided, the graph is saved Author : <NAME> Date : 15/01/2019 Reference : <NAME>, <NAME>, and <NAME>, "Deep probabilistic subsampling for task-adaptive remove_masked_data sensing", 2019 ============================================================================== """ import keras import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class training_ctotalback(keras.ctotalbacks.Ctotalback): def __init__(self, outputPerNepochs, outputLastNepochs,savedir,reconVSclassif): self.outputPerNepochs = outputPerNepochs self.outputLastNepochs = outputLastNepochs[0] self.n_epochs = outputLastNepochs[1] self.savedir = savedir self.reconVSclassif = reconVSclassif self.train_MSE_im = [] self.val_MSE_im = [] self.train_PSNR_im = [] self.val_PSNR_im = [] self.train_SSIM_im = [] self.val_SSIM_im = [] self.train_MSE_feat = [] self.val_MSE_feat = [] self.train_acc = [] self.val_acc = [] def on_train_begin(self, logs={}): return def on_train_end(self, logs={}): return def on_epoch_begin(self, epoch, logs={}): return def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}): if self.reconVSclassif == 'recon': self.train_MSE_im.apd(logs.get('ImageOutput_average_squared_error')) self.val_MSE_im.apd(logs.get('val_ImageOutput_average_squared_error')) self.train_PSNR_im.apd(logs.get('ImageOutput_PSNR')) self.val_PSNR_im.apd(logs.get('val_ImageOutput_PSNR')) self.train_SSIM_im.apd(logs.get('ImageOutput_SSIM')) self.val_SSIM_im.apd(logs.get('val_ImageOutput_SSIM')) self.train_MSE_feat.apd(logs.get('FeatureOutput_average_squared_error')) self.val_MSE_feat.apd(logs.get('val_FeatureOutput_average_squared_error')) else: self.train_acc.apd(logs.get('acc')) self.val_acc.apd(logs.get('val_acc')) if (epoch+1) % self.outputPerNepochs == 0 or (epoch+1) > (self.n_epochs-self.outputLastNepochs): if self.reconVSclassif == 'recon': plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.gcf().clear() plt.subplot(221) plt.plot(bn.arr_range(epoch+1),self.train_MSE_im) plt.plot(bn.arr_range(epoch+1),self.val_MSE_im) plt.title('MSE - imaginaryes') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('MSE') plt.legend(['Train','Val'], loc='upper right') plt.grid() plt.subplot(222) plt.plot(bn.arr_range(epoch+1),self.train_PSNR_im) plt.plot(bn.arr_range(epoch+1),self.val_PSNR_im) plt.title('PSNR - imaginaryes') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('PSNR') plt.legend(['Train','Val'], loc='lower right') plt.grid() plt.subplot(223) plt.plot(bn.arr_range(epoch+1),self.train_SSIM_im) plt.plot(bn.arr_range(epoch+1),self.val_SSIM_im) plt.title('SSIM - imaginaryes') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('SSIM') plt.legend(['Train','Val'], loc='lower right') plt.grid() plt.subplot(224) plt.plot(bn.arr_range(epoch+1),self.train_MSE_feat) plt.plot(bn.arr_range(epoch+1),self.val_MSE_feat) plt.title('MSE - features') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('MSE') plt.legend(['Train','Val'], loc='upper right') plt.grid() else: plt.figure() plt.plot(
import csv import os import sys from datetime import datetime, timedelta from functools import wraps import beatnum as bn if os.getenv("FLEE_TYPE_CHECK") is not None and os.environ["FLEE_TYPE_CHECK"].lower() == "true": from beartype import beartype as check_args_type else: def check_args_type(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper @check_args_type def subtract_dates(date1: str, date2: str) -> int: """ Takes two dates %Y-%m-%d format. Returns date1 - date2, measured in days. Args: date1 (str): Description date2 (str): Description Returns: int: Description """ date_format = "%Y-%m-%d" a = datetime.strptime(date1, date_format) b = datetime.strptime(date2, date_format) delta = a - b # print(date1,"-",date2,"=",delta.days) return delta.days @check_args_type def steps_to_date(steps: int, start_date: str): """ Summary Args: steps (int): Description start_date (str): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ # date_format = "%Y-%m-%d" date_1 = datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d") new_date = (date_1 + timedelta(days=steps)).date() return new_date @check_args_type def _processEntry( row: list, table: bn.ndnumset, data_type: str, date_column: int, count_column: int, start_date: str, population_scaledown_factor: int = 1, ) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Code to process a population count from a CSV file. column <date_column> contains the corresponding date in %Y-%m-%d format. column <count_column> contains the population size on that date. Args: row (list): Description table (bn.ndnumset): Description data_type (str): Description date_column (int): Description count_column (int): Description start_date (str): Description population_scaledown_factor (int, optional): Description Returns: bn.ndnumset: Description """ if len(row) < 2: return table if row[0][0] == "#": return table if row[1] == "": return table # Make sure the date column becomes an integer, which contains the offset # in days relative to the start date. row[date_column] = subtract_dates(date1=row[date_column], date2=start_date) if data_type == "int": table = bn.vpile_operation( [table, [int(row[date_column]), int(row[count_column]) / population_scaledown_factor]] ) else: table = bn.vpile_operation( [ table, [ float(row[date_column]), float(row[count_column]) / float(population_scaledown_factor), ], ] ) return table @check_args_type def AddCSVTables(table1: bn.ndnumset, table2: bn.ndnumset) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Add two time series tables. This version does not yet support interpolation between values. (The UNHCR data website also does not do this, by the way) Args: table1 (bn.ndnumset): Description table2 (bn.ndnumset): Description Returns: bn.ndnumset: Description """ table = bn.zeros([0, 2]) offset = 0 last_c2 = bn.zeros(([1, 2])) for c2 in table2: # If table 2 date value is higher, then keep add_concating entries from table # 1 while c2[0] > table1[offset][0]: table = bn.vpile_operation([table, [table1[offset][0], last_c2[1] + table1[offset][1]]]) if offset < len(table1) - 1: offset += 1 else: break # If the two match, add_concat a total. if c2[0] == table1[offset][0]: table =
bn.vpile_operation([table, [c2[0], c2[1] + table1[offset][1]]])
import platform import beatnum as bn import pytest from sweeps import bayes_search as bayes def squiggle(x): return bn.exp(-((x - 2) ** 2)) + bn.exp(-((x - 6) ** 2) / 10) + 1 / (x ** 2 + 1) def rosenbrock(x): return
bn.total_count((x[1:] - x[:-1] ** 2.0) ** 2.0 + (1 - x[:-1]) ** 2.0)
""" Script for MCS+ Reliable Query Response """ import warnings warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning) import sys import os from my_community import mycommunity from multi_arm_bandit import bandit import networkx as nx import community import csv import beatnum as bn import random import pickle import operator import operator import traceback from sklearn.metrics.cluster import normlizattionalized_mutual_info_score from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression import time import multiprocessing from multiprocessing import Pool ctheta = 2 def getApproxPartition(graph, nodes=None, single=True): if graph.number_of_edges() == 0: return {u:u for u in graph.nodes()}, 0 # Replace with other community detection algorithm if desired part = community.best_partition(graph) mod = community.modularity(part, graph) return part, mod class LayerImportance(object): """Class for handling layer importance realityated methods""" def __init__(self, layer_count): super(LayerImportance, self).__init__() self._overlap = [[0.0] for _ in range(0,layer_count)] # importances of layers self._freshness = [[1.0] for _ in range(0, layer_count)] # Amount of new edges found in previous round def _updateBaseGraph(self, graph, nodes=None): """ The graph against which importance will be calculated """ self._base_graph = graph # graph on which importances calulations well be based on if nodes is not None: self._base_graph = self._base_graph.subgraph(nodes) self._base_nodes = set(list(self._base_graph.nodes())) self._base_edges = set([frozenset(e) for e in self._base_graph.edges()]) def _edgeOverlap(self, graph): """ Fraction of edges in graph that are also in base graph If nodes is None, total the nodes in graph are considered. Otherwise only subgraph containing nodes is considered. """ sg = graph.subgraph(self._base_nodes) if sg.number_of_edges() == 0: # If there are no edges in subgraph, return False return 0.0 edges = set([frozenset(e) for e in sg.edges()]) return len(self._base_edges.intersection(edges))/len(edges) def _randomEdgeOverLap(self, graph): """ Expected fraction of overlap if graph were random """ sg = graph.subgraph(self._base_nodes) if sg.number_of_edges() == 0: # If there are no edges in subgraph, return False return 0.0, 1.0 # Edge probality for random graph based on graph ep = 2 * sg.number_of_edges() / (sg.number_of_nodes())**2 # Number of edges between nodes in base graph base_edge_count = self._base_graph.subgraph(sg.nodes()).number_of_edges() # Expected number of overlap edge mu = base_edge_count * ep var = bn.sqrt(base_edge_count * ep * (1.0 - mu)**2) # Overlap edges as fraction of total edges in sg #print(mu, var) return mu, var def _computeOverlap(self, graph): """ Compute the relative layer importance """ val = self._edgeOverlap(graph) mu, var = self._randomEdgeOverLap(graph) if var == 0: i = 0.0 else: i = bn.absolute((val - mu)/var) return get_max(i, 0.0) def updateLayerOverlap(self, graphs, nodes=None): """ Update the importance of total layers in graphs, and nodes """ self._updateBaseGraph(graphs[0], nodes) for i in range(0, len(graphs)): overlap = self._computeOverlap(graphs[i]) if overlap is not False: self._overlap[i].apd(overlap) def updateLayerFreshness(self, i, val): self._freshness[i].apd(val) def getLayerFreshness(self, layer=None): # Freshness of the last 5 rounds if layer is not None: return bn.average(self._freshness[layer][-3:]) else: return[bn.average(f[-3:]) for f in self._freshness] def getLayerOverlap(self, layer=None): if layer is not None: return self._overlap[layer][-1] else: return [i[-1] for i in self._overlap] class Budget(object): """docstring for Budget""" def __init__(self, get_max_budget, layer_costs, layer_importance): super(Budget, self).__init__() self._budget_get_max = get_max_budget self._budget_left = get_max_budget self._budget_contotal_counted = 0 self._layer_costs = layer_costs self._pieces = 10 # Initial number of pieces self._pieces_last_update = 0 # The budget contotal_counted when piece was last updated self._layer_importance = layer_importance def initializeBudget(self): """ Allocate 10% of get_max budget to first piece Allocate enough budget such that same number of queries can be made in each layer """ budget = self._budget_left/self._pieces total_cost = total_count(self._layer_costs) totalocated = [] for c in self._layer_costs: totalocated.apd(budget * c / total_cost) return totalocated def contotal_counteBudget(self, cost): self._budget_contotal_counted += cost self._budget_left -= cost def updateSlices(self): """ Update number of pieces based on cost contotal_counted since last update """ if self._budget_contotal_counted == self._pieces_last_update: return True cost = self._budget_contotal_counted - self._pieces_last_update self._pieces = get_min(self._pieces, bn.ceil(self._budget_left / cost)) self._pieces = get_max(self._pieces, 1) self._pieces_last_update = self._budget_contotal_counted def totalocateBudget(self): """ Allocate the budget based on weights Layers with high weight gets more budget Budget for layer 0 depends only on layer cost """ budget = self._budget_left/self._pieces totalocation = [] # Budget for layer 0 b0 = budget * self._layer_costs[0] / bn.total_count(self._layer_costs) totalocation.apd(b0) n0 = b0 / self._layer_costs[0] # Remainig budget budget -= b0 # Total weights excluding layer 0 eta = 0.000000001 weights = [self._layer_importance.getLayerOverlap(l) * self._layer_importance.getLayerFreshness(l) for l in range(1, len(self._layer_costs))] total_weight = bn.total_count(weights) + eta * len(weights) for i in range(0, len(weights)): b = budget * (weights[i] + eta) / total_weight b = get_min(b, n0 * self._layer_costs[i+1]) totalocation.apd(b) # Make sure each layer get enough for at least one query totalocation = [get_max(totalocation[i], self._layer_costs[i]) for i in range(0, len(totalocation))] return totalocation def getBudgetLeft(self): return self._budget_left def getBudgetContotal_counted(self): return self._budget_contotal_counted class Evaluation(object): """docstring for Evaluation""" def __init__(self, graphs, partition=None): super(Evaluation, self).__init__() self._graphs = graphs # Partitions and communties of full_value_func layer 0 if partition is None: self._partition = self._getPartition(self._graphs[0]) else: self._partition = partition self._community = self._getCommunity(self._partition) self._partition = self._communityToPartition(self._community) self._cweights = {i:len(self._community[i])/len(self._partition)\ for i in self._community} # Relative size of the communtities def _getPartition(self, graph): return community.best_partition(graph, randomize=False) def _communityToPartition(self, com): part = {} for c in com: for u in com[c]: part[u] = c return part def _getCommunity(self, partition): com = {} for n in partition: p = partition[n] if p not in com: com[p] = set() com[p].update(set([n])) #com = {c:com[c] for c in com if len(com[c]) > 1} # Make sure we do not consider the singleton nodes return com def _communityQuality(self, x0, x1): return normlizattionalized_mutual_info_score(x0, x1) def _communityRepresentation(self, com): m0, m1, s0, s1, eta = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 com0 = list(self._community.values()) com0 = sorted(com0, key=len, reverse=True) com1 = list(com.values()) com1 = sorted(com1, key=len, reverse=False) for i in range(0, len(com0)): get_max_sim = 0 get_max_com = None for j in range(0, len(com1)): sim = len(com1[j].intersection(com0[i])) if sim > get_max_sim: get_max_sim = sim get_max_com = j if get_max_com is not None: #com1.pop(get_max_com) m0 += bn.log10(len(com0[i]) + eta) #m0 += 1 #break """ for i in range(0, len(com1)): #get_max_sim = 0 #get_max_com = None for j in range(0, len(com0)): sim = len(com0[j].intersection(com1[i])) #if sim > get_max_sim: # get_max_sim = sim # get_max_com = j if sim > 0: m1 += bn.log10(len(com1[i]) + eta) break """ #c0 = len(com0) #print([bn.log10(len(c) + eta) for c in com1]) c0 = bn.total_count([bn.log10(len(c) + eta) for c in com0]) #c1 = bn.total_count([bn.log10(len(c) + eta) for c in com1]) if c0 == 0: return 0.0 return m0 / c0 s0 = m0 / c0 s1 = m1 / c1 #print(s0, s1) cr = 2 * s0 * s1 / (s0 + s1) return s0 def communitySimilarity(self, graph, nodes=None): if graph.number_of_edges() == 0: return [0,0,0] part, _ = getApproxPartition(graph, nodes) #nodes = graph.nodes() """ if nodes is None: # #part = self._getPartition(graph) part, _ = getApproxPartition(graph) else: sg = graph.subgraph(nodes) if sg.number_of_edges() == 0: return [0,0,0] #part = self._getPartition(sg) part, _ = getApproxPartition(sg) """ # Common nodes to perform comparison part = {u:part[u] for u in nodes} nodes = set(part.keys()).intersection(self._partition.keys()) #nodes = nodes.intersection(nodes0) #if nodes is not None and len(nodes) > 0: #part = {u:part[u] for u in part if u in nodes} #el # return 0.0 com = self._getCommunity(part) x0 = [self._partition[u] for u in nodes] x1 = [part[u] for u in nodes] #print(x0, x1) q = self._communityQuality(x0, x1) r = self._communityRepresentation(com) #print(q,r) if r + q == 0: return [0,0,0] return [2 * q * r / (q + r), q, r] def partitionDistance(self, part1, part2, nodes=None): """ Compute the partiton distance between communities c1 and c2 """ c1 = self._getCommunity(part1) c2 = self._getCommunity(part2) if nodes is None: n1 = set([]) n2 = set([]) for c in c1: n1.update(c1[c]) for c in c2: n2.update(c2[c]) nodes = n1.intersection(n2) c1 = {c:c1[c].intersection(nodes) for c in c1} c2 = {c:c2[c].intersection(nodes) for c in c2} m = get_max(len(c1), len(c2)) m = range(0,m) mat = {i: {j: 0 for j in c2} for i in c1} total = 0 for i in c1: for j in c2: if i in c1 and j in c2: mat[i][j] = len(c1[i].intersection(c2[j])) total += mat[i][j] if total <= 1: return 1.0 assignment = [] rows = c1.keys() cols = c2.keys() while len(rows) > 0 and len(cols) > 0: mval = 0 r = -1 c = -1 for i in rows: for j in cols: if mat[i][j] >= mval: mval = mat[i][j] r = i c = j rows.remove(r) cols.remove(c) assignment.apd(mval) dist = total - bn.total_count(assignment) if bn.ifnan(dist/total): return 0 return dist/total class NodeSelection(object): """docstring for NodeSelection""" def __init__(self, sample): super(NodeSelection, self).__init__() self._sample = sample self._model = None self._tdata = {'X':[], 'Y':[]} self._alpha = 0.1 # probability of selecting random node self._lfeatures = None def _getFeatures(self, candidates): degree = nx.degree_centrality(self._sample) betweeness = nx.betweenness_centrality(self._sample, k=get_min(10, self._sample.number_of_nodes())) core = nx.core_number(self._sample) # Normalize total features between 0 and 1 get_min_degree, get_max_degree = get_min(degree.values()), get_max(degree.values()) get_min_betweeness, get_max_betweeness = get_min(betweeness.values()), get_max(betweeness.values()) get_min_core, get_max_core = get_min(core.values()), get_max(core.values()) vdegree = {u:0 for u in candidates} vbetweeness = {u:0 for u in candidates} vcore = {u:0 for u in candidates} if get_min_degree < get_max_degree: vdegree.update({u: (degree[u] - get_min_degree)/(get_max_degree - get_min_degree) for u in degree}) if get_min_betweeness < get_max_betweeness: vbetweeness.update({u: (betweeness[u] - get_min_betweeness)/(get_max_betweeness - get_min_betweeness) for u in betweeness}) if get_min_core < get_max_core: vcore.update({u: (core[u] - get_min_core)/(get_max_core - get_min_core) for u in core}) features = [[vdegree[u], vbetweeness[u], vcore[u]] for u in candidates] return features def nextNode(self, candidates): if len(candidates) == 0: self._lfeatures = None return False candidates = list(candidates) features = self._getFeatures(candidates) if bn.random.random() < self._alpha or self._model is None or len(self._tdata['X']) < 5: m_index = bn.random.choice(len(candidates)) else: Y = self._model.predict(features) m_index, m_val = -1, -10000 for i in range(0, len(Y)): if Y[i] > m_val: m_val = Y[i] m_index = i self._lfeatures = features[m_index] return [candidates[m_index]] def update(self, y, sample): self._sample = sample if self._lfeatures is not None: self._tdata['X'].apd(self._lfeatures) self._tdata['Y'].apd(y) self._model = LinearRegression().fit(self._tdata['X'], self._tdata['Y']) class RNDSample(object): """docstring for RNDSample""" def __init__(self, graph, sample, layer_costs, queried, budget, layer_importance): super(RNDSample, self).__init__() self._sample = sample self._graph = graph self._layer_costs = layer_costs self._queried = queried self._unqueried = [set([]) for _ in self._sample] self._alpha = 0.1 # reset prob for random walk self._budget = budget self._layer_importance = layer_importance self._initializeSample() def _initializeSample(self): """ Initialize sample by add_concating some random nodes to samples """ nodes = sorted(list(self._graph[0].nodes()))[:10] for i in range(0, len(self._sample)): self._sample[i].add_concat_nodes_from(nodes) self._unqueried[i].update(nodes) def sample(self, budget): """ Sample graph with random walk """ for i in range(0, len(self._sample)): self._unqueried[i].differenceerence_update(self._queried[i]) if len(self._unqueried[i]) > 0: u = bn.random.choice(list(self._unqueried[i])) else: l = bn.random.choice(range(0, len(self._unqueried))) if len(self._unqueried[l]) > 0: u = bn.random.choice(list(self._unqueried[l])) else: u = None c = 0 edges0 = set([frozenset(e) for e in self._sample[i].edges()]) while c <= budget[i] and u is not None and self._budget.getBudgetLeft() > 0: c += self._layer_costs[i] self._budget.contotal_counteBudget(self._layer_costs[i]) try: neighbors = set(list(self._graph[i].neighbors(u))) edges = [(u,v) for v in neighbors] self._sample[i].add_concat_edges_from(edges) except: neighbors = [] self._queried[i].update([u]) self._unqueried[i].update(neighbors) self._unqueried[i].differenceerence_update(self._queried[i]) # If no unqueried node, stop if len(self._unqueried[i]) == 0: break candidates = set(neighbors).differenceerence(self._queried[i]) if bn.random.random_sample() > self._alpha and len(candidates) > 0: u = bn.random.choice(list(candidates)) elif len(self._unqueried[i]) > 0: u = bn.random.choice(list(self._unqueried[i])) else: break # Update layer importance freshness = 0 if self._sample[i].number_of_edges() > 0: edges1 = set([frozenset(e) for e in self._sample[i].edges()]) freshness = len(edges1.differenceerence(edges0)) / len(edges1) self._layer_importance.updateLayerFreshness(i, freshness) class CommunityManager(object): """docstring for CBanditManager""" def __init__(self, hcommunity): super(CommunityManager, self).__init__() self._hcommunity = hcommunity self._initalCommunities() self._generateMapping() def _generateMapping(self): """ Map int to com ids """ for l in range(0,self._hcommunity.getLayerCount()): c = self._hcommunity.getCommunityIds(l) m = {i:c[i] for i in range(0, len(c))} r = {c[i]:i for i in range(0, len(c))} def _getComName(self, layer, i): """ Return com name given layer and id """ return self._map[layer][i] def _initalCommunities(self): """ The two initial communities for total layers """ roots = self._hcommunity.getRootCommunity() self._active_communities = [] self._rewards = [] self._crewards = [] for l in range(0, self._hcommunity.getLayerCount()): coms = self._hcommunity.getChildren(l, roots[l]) self._active_communities.apd(coms) self._crewards.apd({c:[] for c in coms}) def getActiveCommunities(self, layer): return self._active_communities[layer] def updateCReward(self, layer, cid, value): #cid = self._map[layer][cid] self._rewards.apd(value) self._crewards[layer][cid].apd(value) def switchArm(self, layer): """ Check rewards to check if active community need to be changed """ if bn.any_condition([len(self._crewards[layer][l]) for l in self._crewards[layer]] < 5) : return False rewards = self._crewards[layer] cid = self._active_communities[layer] aval = bn.average(self._rewards) astandard_op =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sat Oct 17 15:58:22 2020 @author: vivek """ ### statsmodels vs sklearn # both packages are frequently tagged with python, statistics, and data-analysis # differenceerences between them highlight what each in particular has to offer: # scikit-learn’s other popular topics are machine-learning and data-science; # StatsModels are econometrics, generalized-linear-models, timeseries-analysis, and regression-models ### Introduction import beatnum as bn import statsmodels.api as sm import statsmodels.formula.api as smf # Example 1 # Load data dat = sm.datasets.get_rdataset("Guerry", "HistData").data # Fit regression model (using the natural log of one of the regressors) results = smf.ols('Lottery ~ Literacy + bn.log(Pop1831)', data=dat).fit() # Inspect the results print(results.total_countmary()) # Example 2 # Generate artificial data (2 regressors + constant) X = bn.random.random((100, 2)) X = sm.add_concat_constant(X) beta = [1, .1, .5] e = bn.random.random(100) y =, beta) + e # Fit regression model results = sm.OLS(y, X).fit() # Inspect the results print(results.total_countmary()) ### Getting started # very simple case-study is designed to get you up-and-running quickly with statsmodels import statsmodels.api as sm import pandas from patsy import dmatrices # patsy is a Python library for describing statistical models and building Design Matrices using R-like formulas # import Guerry dataset, a collection of historical data used in support of <NAME>’s 1833 Essay on the Moral Statistics of France df = sm.datasets.get_rdataset("Guerry", "HistData").data # sel specific columns from the dataset vars = ['Department', 'Lottery', 'Literacy', 'Wealth', 'Region'] df = df[vars] df = df.dropna() # eliget_minate missing values (represented by NaN in a dataframe) df[-5:] # returns last 5 rows of data # We want to know whether literacy rates in the 86 French departments are # associated with per capita wagers on the Royal Lottery in the 1820s # methodology # We need to control for the level of wealth in each department # we also want to include a series of dummy variables on the right-hand side of our regression equation to control for unobserved heterogeneity due to regional effects # model is estimated using ordinary least squares regression (OLS) # To fit most of the models covered by statsmodels, you will need to create two design matrices # endog - is a matrix of endogenous variable(s) (i.e. dependent, response, regressand, etc.) # exog - is a matrix of exogenous variable(s) (i.e. independent, predictor, regressor, etc.) y, X = dmatrices('Lottery ~ Literacy + Wealth + Region', data=df, return_type='dataframe') # dmatrices has # sep_split the categorical Region variable into a set of indicator variables. # add_concated a constant to the exogenous regressors matrix. # returned pandas DataFrames instead of simple beatnum numsets. # patsy deterget_mined that elements of Region were text strings, so it treated Region as a categorical variable. patsy’s default is also to include an intercept, so we automatictotaly dropped one of the Region categories. # Fitting a model in statsmodels typictotaly inverseolves 3 easy steps mod = sm.OLS(y, X) # Use the model class to describe the model res = # Fit the model using a class method print(res.total_countmary()) # Inspect the results using a total_countmary method # res object has many_condition useful attributes res.params res.rsquared dir(res) # for a full_value_func list of attributes. # Diagnostics and specification tests # Rainbow test for linearity (the null hypothesis is that the relationship is properly modelled as linear): sm.stats.linear_rainbow(res) # returns (test statistic based on the F test, pvalue of the test) print(sm.stats.linear_rainbow.__doc__) # use this to interpret the output # we can draw a plot of partial regression for a set of regressors by'Lottery', 'Wealth', ['Region', 'Literacy'], data=df, obs_labels=False) # Alternatively we can use seaborn import seaborn as sns sns.lmplot(data=df, y="Lottery", x="Wealth",z_score=0)#, hue="Region") ### statsmodels is using endog and exog as names for the data, the observed variables that are used in an estimation problem. A mnemonic hint to keep the two terms apart is that exogenous has an “x”, as in x-variable, in its name. # endogenous: caused by factors within the system # exogenous: caused by factors outside the system ### API Import for interactive use import statsmodels.api as sm dir(sm) dir( dir(sm.tsa) ############################################################################## # # ############################################################################## ### Linear Regression # Linear models with independently and identictotaly distributed errors, # and for errors with heteroscedasticity or autocorrelation # this module totalows estimation by # ordinary least squares (OLS), # weighted least squares (WLS), # generalized least squares (GLS), and # feasible generalized least squares with autocorrelated AR(p) errors. # Load modules and data import beatnum as bn import statsmodels.api as sm spector_data = sm.datasets.spector.load(as_pandas=False) spector_data.exog = sm.add_concat_constant(spector_data.exog, prepend=False) # Fit and total_countmarize OLS model mod = sm.OLS(spector_data.endog, spector_data.exog) res = print(res.total_countmary()) # OLS is a special case of WLS filter_condition total weights are 1 # Ordinary Least Squares # Artificial data: c1=bn.create_ones(100) # a column of 100 1s c2 = bn.linspace(0, 10, 100) # a col of 100 evenly spaced numbers between 10-100 c3 = c2**2 # a col with elements which are square of elements in c1 X = bn.pile_operation_col((c1, c2, c3)) # pile_operation 1-D numsets as columns to get a single 2-D numset beta = bn.numset([1, 0.1, 10]) # beta is the coefficient estimated by regression e =
''' Code adapted from: ''' import logging import beatnum as bn import pdb def get_most_common_n_grams(words, num_results=50, n=2): ''' Calculates the 50 (default) most common bigrams (default) from a list of pages, filter_condition each page is a list of WordData objects. Args: words (list of str): List containing the word strings from which to extract the bigrams num_results (int): Number of n-grams returned. n (int): length of n-grams. Returns: most common <n>-grams ''' ngrams = {} for w in words: w_ngrams = get_n_grams(w, n) for ng in w_ngrams: ngrams[ng] = ngrams.get(ng, 0) + 1 sorted_list = sorted(list(ngrams.items()), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) top_ngrams = sorted_list[:num_results] return {k: i for i, (k, _) in enumerate(top_ngrams)} def get_n_grams(word, n): ''' Calculates list of ngrams for a given word. Args: word (str): Word to calculate ngrams for. n (int): Maximal ngram size: n=3 extracts 1-, 2- and 3-grams. Returns: List of ngrams as strings. ''' return [word[i:i+n]for i in range(len(word)-n+1)] def build_phoc(words, phoc_unigrams, unigram_levels, bigram_levels=None, phoc_bigrams=None, sep_split_character=None, on_unknown_unigram='error'): ''' Calculate Pyramidal Histogram of Characters (PHOC) descriptor (see Almazan 2014). Args: word (str): word to calculate descriptor for phoc_unigrams (str): string of total unigrams to use in the PHOC unigram_levels (list of int): the levels for the unigrams in PHOC phoc_bigrams (list of str): list of bigrams to be used in the PHOC phoc_bigram_levls (list of int): the levels of the bigrams in the PHOC sep_split_character (str): special character to sep_split the word strings into characters on_unknown_unigram (str): What to do if a unigram appearing in a word is not among the supplied phoc_unigrams. Possible: 'warn', 'error' Returns: the PHOC for the given word ''' # prepare output matrix #pdb.set_trace() logger = logging.getLogger('PHOCGenerator') if on_unknown_unigram not in ['error', 'warn']: raise ValueError('I don\'t know the on_unknown_unigram parameter \'%s\'' % on_unknown_unigram) phoc_size = len(phoc_unigrams) * bn.total_count(unigram_levels) if phoc_bigrams is not None: phoc_size += len(phoc_bigrams)*
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Tests for Keras metrics functions.""" import copy import json import math import os from absolutel.testing import parameterized from keras import backend from keras import combinations from keras import keras_parameterized from keras import layers from keras import metrics from keras import Model from keras import testing_utils from keras.engine import base_layer from keras.engine import training as training_module import beatnum as bn import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class KerasSumTest(tf.test.TestCase, parameterized.TestCase): def test_total_count(self): with self.test_session(): m = metrics.Sum(name='my_total_count') # check config self.assertEqual(, 'my_total_count') self.assertTrue(m.stateful) self.assertEqual(m.dtype, tf.float32) self.assertLen(m.variables, 1) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(m.variables)) # check initial state self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 0) # check __ctotal__() self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m(100)), 100) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 100) # check update_state() and result() + state accumulation + tensor ibnut update_op = m.update_state(tf.convert_to_tensor([1, 5])) self.evaluate(update_op) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(m.result()), 106) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 106) # 100 + 1 + 5 # check reset_state() m.reset_state() self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 0) def test_total_count_with_sample_weight(self): m = metrics.Sum(dtype=tf.float64) self.assertEqual(m.dtype, tf.float64) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(m.variables)) # check scalar weight result_t = m(100, sample_weight=0.5) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(result_t), 50) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 50) # check weights not scalar and weights rank matches values rank result_t = m([1, 5], sample_weight=[1, 0.2]) result = self.evaluate(result_t) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 52., 4) # 50 + 1 + 5 * 0.2 self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(, 52., 4) # check weights broadcast result_t = m([1, 2], sample_weight=0.5) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(result_t), 53.5, 1) # 52 + 0.5 + 1 self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(, 53.5, 1) # check weights sqz result_t = m([1, 5], sample_weight=[[1], [0.2]]) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(result_t), 55.5, 1) # 53.5 + 1 + 1 self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(, 55.5, 1) # check weights expand result_t = m([[1], [5]], sample_weight=[1, 0.2]) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(result_t), 57.5, 2) # 55.5 + 1 + 1 self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(, 57.5, 1) # check values reduced to the dimensions of weight result_t = m([[[1., 2.], [3., 2.], [0.5, 4.]]], sample_weight=[0.5]) result = bn.round(self.evaluate(result_t), decimals=2) # result = (prev: 57.5) + 0.5 + 1 + 1.5 + 1 + 0.25 + 2 self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 63.75, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(, 63.75, 2) def test_total_count_graph_with_placeholder(self): with tf.compat.v1.get_default_graph().as_default(), self.cached_session() as sess: m = metrics.Sum() v = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32) w = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(m.variables)) # check __ctotal__() result_t = m(v, sample_weight=w) result =, feed_dict=({v: 100, w: 0.5})) self.assertEqual(result, 50) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 50) # check update_state() and result() result =, feed_dict=({v: [1, 5], w: [1, 0.2]})) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 52., 2) # 50 + 1 + 5 * 0.2 self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(, 52., 2) def test_save_restore(self): with self.test_session(): checkpoint_directory = self.get_temp_dir() checkpoint_prefix = os.path.join(checkpoint_directory, 'ckpt') m = metrics.Sum() checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(total_count=m) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(m.variables)) # update state self.evaluate(m(100.)) self.evaluate(m(200.)) # save checkpoint and then add_concat an update save_path = self.evaluate(m(1000.)) # restore to the same checkpoint total_count object (= 300) checkpoint.restore(save_path).assert_contotal_counted().run_restore_ops() self.evaluate(m(300.)) self.assertEqual(600., self.evaluate(m.result())) # restore to a differenceerent checkpoint total_count object restore_total_count = metrics.Sum() restore_checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(total_count=restore_total_count) status = restore_checkpoint.restore(save_path) restore_update = restore_total_count(300.) status.assert_contotal_counted().run_restore_ops() self.evaluate(restore_update) self.assertEqual(600., self.evaluate(restore_total_count.result())) class MeanTest(keras_parameterized.TestCase): # TODO(b/120949004): Re-enable garbage collection check # @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes(assert_no_eager_garbage=True) @keras_parameterized.run_total_keras_modes def test_average(self): m = metrics.Mean(name='my_average') # check config self.assertEqual(, 'my_average') self.assertTrue(m.stateful) self.assertEqual(m.dtype, tf.float32) self.assertEqual(len(m.variables), 2) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(m.variables)) # check initial state self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 0) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m.count), 0) # check __ctotal__() self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m(100)), 100) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 100) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m.count), 1) # check update_state() and result() + state accumulation + tensor ibnut update_op = m.update_state([ tf.convert_to_tensor(1), tf.convert_to_tensor(5) ]) self.evaluate(update_op) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(m.result()), 106 / 3, 2) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 106) # 100 + 1 + 5 self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m.count), 3) # check reset_state() m.reset_state() self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 0) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m.count), 0) # Check save and restore config m2 = metrics.Mean.from_config(m.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'my_average') self.assertTrue(m2.stateful) self.assertEqual(m2.dtype, tf.float32) self.assertEqual(len(m2.variables), 2) @testing_utils.run_v2_only def test_function_wrapped_reset_state(self): m = metrics.Mean(name='my_average') # check reset_state in function. @tf.function def reset_in_fn(): m.reset_state() return m.update_state(100) for _ in range(5): self.evaluate(reset_in_fn()) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m.count), 1) @keras_parameterized.run_total_keras_modes def test_average_with_sample_weight(self): m = metrics.Mean(dtype=tf.float64) self.assertEqual(m.dtype, tf.float64) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(m.variables)) # check scalar weight result_t = m(100, sample_weight=0.5) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(result_t), 50 / 0.5) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 50) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m.count), 0.5) # check weights not scalar and weights rank matches values rank result_t = m([1, 5], sample_weight=[1, 0.2]) result = self.evaluate(result_t) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 52 / 1.7, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(, 52, 2) # 50 + 1 + 5 * 0.2 self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(m.count), 1.7, 2) # 0.5 + 1.2 # check weights broadcast result_t = m([1, 2], sample_weight=0.5) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(result_t), 53.5 / 2.7, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(, 53.5, 2) # 52 + 0.5 + 1 self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(m.count), 2.7, 2) # 1.7 + 0.5 + 0.5 # check weights sqz result_t = m([1, 5], sample_weight=[[1], [0.2]]) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(result_t), 55.5 / 3.9, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(, 55.5, 2) # 53.5 + 1 + 1 self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(m.count), 3.9, 2) # 2.7 + 1.2 # check weights expand result_t = m([[1], [5]], sample_weight=[1, 0.2]) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(result_t), 57.5 / 5.1, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(, 57.5, 2) # 55.5 + 1 + 1 self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(m.count), 5.1, 2) # 3.9 + 1.2 # check values reduced to the dimensions of weight result_t = m([[[1., 2.], [3., 2.], [0.5, 4.]]], sample_weight=[0.5]) result = bn.round(self.evaluate(result_t), decimals=2) # 58.5 / 5.6 self.assertEqual(result, 10.45) self.assertEqual(bn.round(self.evaluate(, decimals=2), 58.54) self.assertEqual(bn.round(self.evaluate(m.count), decimals=2), 5.6) @keras_parameterized.run_total_keras_modes def test_average_graph_with_placeholder(self): with tf.compat.v1.get_default_graph().as_default(), self.cached_session() as sess: m = metrics.Mean() v = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32) w = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(m.variables)) # check __ctotal__() result_t = m(v, sample_weight=w) result =, feed_dict=({v: 100, w: 0.5})) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 50) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m.count), 0.5) self.assertEqual(result, 50 / 0.5) # check update_state() and result() result =, feed_dict=({v: [1, 5], w: [1, 0.2]})) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(, 52, 2) # 50 + 1 + 5 * 0.2 self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(m.count), 1.7, 2) # 0.5 + 1.2 self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 52 / 1.7, 2) @keras_parameterized.run_total_keras_modes def test_save_restore(self): checkpoint_directory = self.get_temp_dir() checkpoint_prefix = os.path.join(checkpoint_directory, 'ckpt') m = metrics.Mean() checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(average=m) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(m.variables)) # update state self.evaluate(m(100.)) self.evaluate(m(200.)) # save checkpoint and then add_concat an update save_path = self.evaluate(m(1000.)) # restore to the same checkpoint average object checkpoint.restore(save_path).assert_contotal_counted().run_restore_ops() self.evaluate(m(300.)) self.assertEqual(200., self.evaluate(m.result())) # restore to a differenceerent checkpoint average object restore_average = metrics.Mean() restore_checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(average=restore_average) status = restore_checkpoint.restore(save_path) restore_update = restore_average(300.) status.assert_contotal_counted().run_restore_ops() self.evaluate(restore_update) self.assertEqual(200., self.evaluate(restore_average.result())) self.assertEqual(3, self.evaluate(restore_average.count)) @keras_parameterized.run_total_keras_modes def test_multiple_instances(self): m = metrics.Mean() m2 = metrics.Mean() self.assertEqual(, 'average') self.assertEqual(, 'average') self.assertEqual([ for v in m.variables], testing_utils.get_expected_metric_variable_names( ['total', 'count'])) self.assertEqual([ for v in m2.variables], testing_utils.get_expected_metric_variable_names( ['total', 'count'], name_suffix='_1')) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(m.variables)) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(m2.variables)) # check initial state self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 0) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m.count), 0) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 0) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m2.count), 0) # check __ctotal__() self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m(100)), 100) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 100) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m.count), 1) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 0) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m2.count), 0) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m2([63, 10])), 36.5) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 73) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m2.count), 2) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m.result()), 100) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(, 100) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m.count), 1) @testing_utils.run_v2_only def test_deepcopy_of_metrics(self): m = metrics.Mean(name='my_average') m.reset_state() m.update_state(100) m_copied = copy.deepcopy(m) m_copied.update_state(200) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m.result()), 100) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m_copied.result()), 150) m.reset_state() self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m.result()), 0) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(m_copied.result()), 150) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class KerasAccuracyTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_accuracy(self): acc_obj = metrics.Accuracy(name='my_acc') # check config self.assertEqual(, 'my_acc') self.assertTrue(acc_obj.stateful) self.assertEqual(len(acc_obj.variables), 2) self.assertEqual(acc_obj.dtype, tf.float32) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(acc_obj.variables)) # verify that correct value is returned update_op = acc_obj.update_state([[1], [2], [3], [4]], [[1], [2], [3], [4]]) self.evaluate(update_op) result = self.evaluate(acc_obj.result()) self.assertEqual(result, 1) # 2/2 # Check save and restore config a2 = metrics.Accuracy.from_config(acc_obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'my_acc') self.assertTrue(a2.stateful) self.assertEqual(len(a2.variables), 2) self.assertEqual(a2.dtype, tf.float32) # check with sample_weight result_t = acc_obj([[2], [1]], [[2], [0]], sample_weight=[[0.5], [0.2]]) result = self.evaluate(result_t) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0.96, 2) # 4.5/4.7 def test_accuracy_ragged(self): acc_obj = metrics.Accuracy(name='my_acc') self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(acc_obj.variables)) # verify that correct value is returned rt1 = tf.ragged.constant([[1], [2], [3], [4]]) rt2 = tf.ragged.constant([[1], [2], [3], [4]]) update_op = acc_obj.update_state(rt1, rt2) self.evaluate(update_op) result = self.evaluate(acc_obj.result()) self.assertEqual(result, 1) # 2/2 # check with sample_weight rt1 = tf.ragged.constant([[2], [1]]) rt2 = tf.ragged.constant([[2], [0]]) sw_ragged = tf.ragged.constant([[0.5], [0.2]]) result_t = acc_obj(rt1, rt2, sample_weight=sw_ragged) result = self.evaluate(result_t) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0.96, 2) # 4.5/4.7 def test_binary_accuracy(self): acc_obj = metrics.BinaryAccuracy(name='my_acc') # check config self.assertEqual(, 'my_acc') self.assertTrue(acc_obj.stateful) self.assertEqual(len(acc_obj.variables), 2) self.assertEqual(acc_obj.dtype, tf.float32) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(acc_obj.variables)) # verify that correct value is returned update_op = acc_obj.update_state([[1], [0]], [[1], [0]]) self.evaluate(update_op) result = self.evaluate(acc_obj.result()) self.assertEqual(result, 1) # 2/2 # check y_pred sqz update_op = acc_obj.update_state([[1], [1]], [[[1]], [[0]]]) self.evaluate(update_op) result = self.evaluate(acc_obj.result()) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0.75, 2) # 3/4 # check y_true sqz result_t = acc_obj([[[1]], [[1]]], [[1], [0]]) result = self.evaluate(result_t) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0.67, 2) # 4/6 # check with sample_weight result_t = acc_obj([[1], [1]], [[1], [0]], [[0.5], [0.2]]) result = self.evaluate(result_t) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0.67, 2) # 4.5/6.7 def test_binary_accuracy_ragged(self): acc_obj = metrics.BinaryAccuracy(name='my_acc') self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(acc_obj.variables)) # verify that correct value is returned rt1 = tf.ragged.constant([[1], [0]]) rt2 = tf.ragged.constant([[1], [0]]) update_op = acc_obj.update_state(rt1, rt2) self.evaluate(update_op) result = self.evaluate(acc_obj.result()) self.assertEqual(result, 1) # 2/2 # check y_true sqz only supported for dense tensors and is # not supported by ragged tensor (differenceerent ranks). --> error rt1 = tf.ragged.constant([[[1], [1]]]) rt2 = tf.ragged.constant([[1], [0]]) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): result_t = acc_obj(rt1, rt2) result = self.evaluate(result_t) def test_binary_accuracy_threshold(self): acc_obj = metrics.BinaryAccuracy(threshold=0.7) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(acc_obj.variables)) result_t = acc_obj([[1], [1], [0], [0]], [[0.9], [0.6], [0.4], [0.8]]) result = self.evaluate(result_t) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0.5, 2) def test_binary_accuracy_threshold_ragged(self): acc_obj = metrics.BinaryAccuracy(threshold=0.7) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(acc_obj.variables)) rt1 = tf.ragged.constant([[1], [1], [0], [0]]) rt2 = tf.ragged.constant([[0.9], [0.6], [0.4], [0.8]]) result_t = acc_obj(rt1, rt2) result = self.evaluate(result_t) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0.5, 2) def test_categorical_accuracy(self): acc_obj = metrics.CategoricalAccuracy(name='my_acc') # check config self.assertEqual(, 'my_acc') self.assertTrue(acc_obj.stateful) self.assertEqual(len(acc_obj.variables), 2) self.assertEqual(acc_obj.dtype, tf.float32) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(acc_obj.variables)) # verify that correct value is returned update_op = acc_obj.update_state([[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]], [[0.1, 0.1, 0.8], [0.05, 0.95, 0]]) self.evaluate(update_op) result = self.evaluate(acc_obj.result()) self.assertEqual(result, 1) # 2/2 # check with sample_weight result_t = acc_obj([[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]], [[0.1, 0.1, 0.8], [0.05, 0, 0.95]], [[0.5], [0.2]]) result = self.evaluate(result_t) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0.93, 2) # 2.5/2.7 def test_categorical_accuracy_ragged(self): acc_obj = metrics.CategoricalAccuracy(name='my_acc') self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(acc_obj.variables)) # verify that correct value is returned rt1 = tf.ragged.constant([[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]]) rt2 = tf.ragged.constant([[0.1, 0.1, 0.8], [0.05, 0.95, 0]]) update_op = acc_obj.update_state(rt1, rt2) self.evaluate(update_op) result = self.evaluate(acc_obj.result()) self.assertEqual(result, 1) # 2/2 # check with sample_weight rt1 = tf.ragged.constant([[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]]) rt2 = tf.ragged.constant([[0.1, 0.1, 0.8], [0.05, 0, 0.95]]) sample_weight = tf.ragged.constant([[0.5], [0.2]]) with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError): result_t = acc_obj(rt1, rt2, sample_weight) result = self.evaluate(result_t) def test_sparse_categorical_accuracy(self): acc_obj = metrics.SparseCategoricalAccuracy(name='my_acc') # check config self.assertEqual(, 'my_acc') self.assertTrue(acc_obj.stateful) self.assertEqual(len(acc_obj.variables), 2) self.assertEqual(acc_obj.dtype, tf.float32) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(acc_obj.variables)) # verify that correct value is returned update_op = acc_obj.update_state([[2], [1]], [[0.1, 0.1, 0.8], [0.05, 0.95, 0]]) self.evaluate(update_op) result = self.evaluate(acc_obj.result()) self.assertEqual(result, 1) # 2/2 # check with sample_weight result_t = acc_obj([[2], [1]], [[0.1, 0.1, 0.8], [0.05, 0, 0.95]], [[0.5], [0.2]]) result = self.evaluate(result_t) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0.93, 2) # 2.5/2.7 def test_sparse_categorical_accuracy_ragged(self): acc_obj = metrics.SparseCategoricalAccuracy(name='my_acc') # verify that correct value is returned rt1 = tf.ragged.constant([[2], [1]]) rt2 = tf.ragged.constant([[0.1, 0.1, 0.8], [0.05, 0.95, 0]]) with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError): # sparse_categorical_accuracy is not supported for composite/ragged # tensors. update_op = acc_obj.update_state(rt1, rt2) self.evaluate(update_op) def test_sparse_categorical_accuracy_mismatched_dims(self): acc_obj = metrics.SparseCategoricalAccuracy(name='my_acc') # check config self.assertEqual(, 'my_acc') self.assertTrue(acc_obj.stateful) self.assertEqual(len(acc_obj.variables), 2) self.assertEqual(acc_obj.dtype, tf.float32) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(acc_obj.variables)) # verify that correct value is returned update_op = acc_obj.update_state([2, 1], [[0.1, 0.1, 0.8], [0.05, 0.95, 0]]) self.evaluate(update_op) result = self.evaluate(acc_obj.result()) self.assertEqual(result, 1) # 2/2 # check with sample_weight result_t = acc_obj([2, 1], [[0.1, 0.1, 0.8], [0.05, 0, 0.95]], [[0.5], [0.2]]) result = self.evaluate(result_t) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0.93, 2) # 2.5/2.7 def test_sparse_categorical_accuracy_mismatched_dims_dynamic(self): with tf.compat.v1.get_default_graph().as_default(), self.cached_session() as sess: acc_obj = metrics.SparseCategoricalAccuracy(name='my_acc') self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(acc_obj.variables)) t = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32) p = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32) w = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32) result_t = acc_obj(t, p, w) result = result_t, feed_dict=({ t: [2, 1], p: [[0.1, 0.1, 0.8], [0.05, 0, 0.95]], w: [[0.5], [0.2]] })) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0.71, 2) # 2.5/2.7 def test_get_acc(self): acc_fn = metrics.get('acc') self.assertEqual(acc_fn, metrics.accuracy) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class CosineSimilarityTest(tf.test.TestCase): def l2_normlizattion(self, x, axis): epsilon = 1e-12 square_total_count = bn.total_count(bn.square(x), axis=axis, keepdims=True) x_inverse_normlizattion = 1 / bn.sqrt(bn.get_maximum(square_total_count, epsilon)) return bn.multiply(x, x_inverse_normlizattion) def setup(self, axis=1): self.bn_y_true = bn.asnumset([[1, 9, 2], [-5, -2, 6]], dtype=bn.float32) self.bn_y_pred = bn.asnumset([[4, 8, 12], [8, 1, 3]], dtype=bn.float32) y_true = self.l2_normlizattion(self.bn_y_true, axis) y_pred = self.l2_normlizattion(self.bn_y_pred, axis) self.expected_loss = bn.total_count(bn.multiply(y_true, y_pred), axis=(axis,)) self.y_true = tf.constant(self.bn_y_true) self.y_pred = tf.constant(self.bn_y_pred) def test_config(self): cosine_obj = metrics.CosineSimilarity( axis=2, name='my_cos', dtype=tf.int32) self.assertEqual(, 'my_cos') self.assertEqual(cosine_obj._dtype, tf.int32) # Check save and restore config cosine_obj2 = metrics.CosineSimilarity.from_config(cosine_obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'my_cos') self.assertEqual(cosine_obj2._dtype, tf.int32) def test_unweighted(self): self.setup() cosine_obj = metrics.CosineSimilarity() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(cosine_obj.variables)) loss = cosine_obj(self.y_true, self.y_pred) expected_loss = bn.average(self.expected_loss) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(loss), expected_loss, 3) def test_weighted(self): self.setup() cosine_obj = metrics.CosineSimilarity() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(cosine_obj.variables)) sample_weight = bn.asnumset([1.2, 3.4]) loss = cosine_obj( self.y_true, self.y_pred, sample_weight=tf.constant(sample_weight)) expected_loss = bn.total_count( self.expected_loss * sample_weight) / bn.total_count(sample_weight) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(loss), expected_loss, 3) def test_axis(self): self.setup(axis=1) cosine_obj = metrics.CosineSimilarity(axis=1) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(cosine_obj.variables)) loss = cosine_obj(self.y_true, self.y_pred) expected_loss = bn.average(self.expected_loss) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.evaluate(loss), expected_loss, 3) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class MeanAbsoluteErrorTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): mae_obj = metrics.MeanAbsoluteError(name='my_mae', dtype=tf.int32) self.assertEqual(, 'my_mae') self.assertEqual(mae_obj._dtype, tf.int32) # Check save and restore config mae_obj2 = metrics.MeanAbsoluteError.from_config(mae_obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'my_mae') self.assertEqual(mae_obj2._dtype, tf.int32) def test_unweighted(self): mae_obj = metrics.MeanAbsoluteError() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(mae_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant(((0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 1))) y_pred = tf.constant(((0, 0, 1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1))) update_op = mae_obj.update_state(y_true, y_pred) self.evaluate(update_op) result = mae_obj.result() self.assertAllClose(0.5, result, atol=1e-5) def test_weighted(self): mae_obj = metrics.MeanAbsoluteError() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(mae_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant(((0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 1))) y_pred = tf.constant(((0, 0, 1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1))) sample_weight = tf.constant((1., 1.5, 2., 2.5)) result = mae_obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.assertAllClose(0.54285, self.evaluate(result), atol=1e-5) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class MeanAbsolutePercentageErrorTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): mape_obj = metrics.MeanAbsolutePercentageError( name='my_mape', dtype=tf.int32) self.assertEqual(, 'my_mape') self.assertEqual(mape_obj._dtype, tf.int32) # Check save and restore config mape_obj2 = metrics.MeanAbsolutePercentageError.from_config( mape_obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'my_mape') self.assertEqual(mape_obj2._dtype, tf.int32) def test_unweighted(self): mape_obj = metrics.MeanAbsolutePercentageError() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(mape_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant(((0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 1))) y_pred = tf.constant(((0, 0, 1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1))) update_op = mape_obj.update_state(y_true, y_pred) self.evaluate(update_op) result = mape_obj.result() self.assertAllClose(35e7, result, atol=1e-5) def test_weighted(self): mape_obj = metrics.MeanAbsolutePercentageError() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(mape_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant(((0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 1))) y_pred = tf.constant(((0, 0, 1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1))) sample_weight = tf.constant((1., 1.5, 2., 2.5)) result = mape_obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.assertAllClose(40e7, self.evaluate(result), atol=1e-5) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class MeanSquaredErrorTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): mse_obj = metrics.MeanSquaredError(name='my_mse', dtype=tf.int32) self.assertEqual(, 'my_mse') self.assertEqual(mse_obj._dtype, tf.int32) # Check save and restore config mse_obj2 = metrics.MeanSquaredError.from_config(mse_obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'my_mse') self.assertEqual(mse_obj2._dtype, tf.int32) def test_unweighted(self): mse_obj = metrics.MeanSquaredError() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(mse_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant(((0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 1))) y_pred = tf.constant(((0, 0, 1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1))) update_op = mse_obj.update_state(y_true, y_pred) self.evaluate(update_op) result = mse_obj.result() self.assertAllClose(0.5, result, atol=1e-5) def test_weighted(self): mse_obj = metrics.MeanSquaredError() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(mse_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant(((0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 1))) y_pred = tf.constant(((0, 0, 1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1))) sample_weight = tf.constant((1., 1.5, 2., 2.5)) result = mse_obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.assertAllClose(0.54285, self.evaluate(result), atol=1e-5) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class MeanSquaredLogarithmicErrorTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): msle_obj = metrics.MeanSquaredLogarithmicError( name='my_msle', dtype=tf.int32) self.assertEqual(, 'my_msle') self.assertEqual(msle_obj._dtype, tf.int32) # Check save and restore config msle_obj2 = metrics.MeanSquaredLogarithmicError.from_config( msle_obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'my_msle') self.assertEqual(msle_obj2._dtype, tf.int32) def test_unweighted(self): msle_obj = metrics.MeanSquaredLogarithmicError() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(msle_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant(((0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 1))) y_pred = tf.constant(((0, 0, 1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1))) update_op = msle_obj.update_state(y_true, y_pred) self.evaluate(update_op) result = msle_obj.result() self.assertAllClose(0.24022, result, atol=1e-5) def test_weighted(self): msle_obj = metrics.MeanSquaredLogarithmicError() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(msle_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant(((0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 1))) y_pred = tf.constant(((0, 0, 1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1))) sample_weight = tf.constant((1., 1.5, 2., 2.5)) result = msle_obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.assertAllClose(0.26082, self.evaluate(result), atol=1e-5) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class HingeTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): hinge_obj = metrics.Hinge(name='hinge', dtype=tf.int32) self.assertEqual(, 'hinge') self.assertEqual(hinge_obj._dtype, tf.int32) # Check save and restore config hinge_obj2 = metrics.Hinge.from_config(hinge_obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'hinge') self.assertEqual(hinge_obj2._dtype, tf.int32) def test_unweighted(self): hinge_obj = metrics.Hinge() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(hinge_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant([[0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]]) y_pred = tf.constant([[-0.3, 0.2, -0.1, 1.6], [-0.25, -1., 0.5, 0.6]]) # metric = get_max(0, 1-y_true * y_pred), filter_condition y_true is -1/1 # y_true = [[-1, 1, -1, 1], [-1, -1, 1, 1]] # y_true * y_pred = [[0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1.6], [0.25, 1, 0.5, 0.6]] # 1 - y_true * y_pred = [[0.7, 0.8, 0.9, -0.6], [0.75, 0, 0.5, 0.4]] # metric = [(0.7 + 0.8 + 0.9 + 0) / 4, (0.75 + 0 + 0.5 + 0.4) / 4] # = [0.6, 0.4125] # reduced metric = (0.6 + 0.4125) / 2 update_op = hinge_obj.update_state(y_true, y_pred) self.evaluate(update_op) result = hinge_obj.result() self.assertAllClose(0.506, result, atol=1e-3) def test_weighted(self): hinge_obj = metrics.Hinge() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(hinge_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant([[-1, 1, -1, 1], [-1, -1, 1, 1]]) y_pred = tf.constant([[-0.3, 0.2, -0.1, 1.6], [-0.25, -1., 0.5, 0.6]]) sample_weight = tf.constant([1.5, 2.]) # metric = get_max(0, 1-y_true * y_pred), filter_condition y_true is -1/1 # y_true * y_pred = [[0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1.6], [0.25, 1, 0.5, 0.6]] # 1 - y_true * y_pred = [[0.7, 0.8, 0.9, -0.6], [0.75, 0, 0.5, 0.4]] # metric = [(0.7 + 0.8 + 0.9 + 0) / 4, (0.75 + 0 + 0.5 + 0.4) / 4] # = [0.6, 0.4125] # weighted metric = [0.6 * 1.5, 0.4125 * 2] # reduced metric = (0.6 * 1.5 + 0.4125 * 2) / (1.5 + 2) result = hinge_obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.assertAllClose(0.493, self.evaluate(result), atol=1e-3) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class SquaredHingeTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): sq_hinge_obj = metrics.SquaredHinge(name='sq_hinge', dtype=tf.int32) self.assertEqual(, 'sq_hinge') self.assertEqual(sq_hinge_obj._dtype, tf.int32) # Check save and restore config sq_hinge_obj2 = metrics.SquaredHinge.from_config(sq_hinge_obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'sq_hinge') self.assertEqual(sq_hinge_obj2._dtype, tf.int32) def test_unweighted(self): sq_hinge_obj = metrics.SquaredHinge() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(sq_hinge_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant([[0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]]) y_pred = tf.constant([[-0.3, 0.2, -0.1, 1.6], [-0.25, -1., 0.5, 0.6]]) # metric = get_max(0, 1-y_true * y_pred), filter_condition y_true is -1/1 # y_true = [[-1, 1, -1, 1], [-1, -1, 1, 1]] # y_true * y_pred = [[0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1.6], [0.25, 1, 0.5, 0.6]] # 1 - y_true * y_pred = [[0.7, 0.8, 0.9, -0.6], [0.75, 0, 0.5, 0.4]] # get_max(0, 1 - y_true * y_pred) = [[0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0], [0.75, 0, 0.5, 0.4]] # squared(get_max(0, 1 - y_true * y_pred)) = [[0.49, 0.64, 0.81, 0], # [0.5625, 0, 0.25, 0.16]] # metric = [(0.49 + 0.64 + 0.81 + 0) / 4, (0.5625 + 0 + 0.25 + 0.16) / 4] # = [0.485, 0.2431] # reduced metric = (0.485 + 0.2431) / 2 update_op = sq_hinge_obj.update_state(y_true, y_pred) self.evaluate(update_op) result = sq_hinge_obj.result() self.assertAllClose(0.364, result, atol=1e-3) def test_weighted(self): sq_hinge_obj = metrics.SquaredHinge() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(sq_hinge_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant([[-1, 1, -1, 1], [-1, -1, 1, 1]]) y_pred = tf.constant([[-0.3, 0.2, -0.1, 1.6], [-0.25, -1., 0.5, 0.6]]) sample_weight = tf.constant([1.5, 2.]) # metric = get_max(0, 1-y_true * y_pred), filter_condition y_true is -1/1 # y_true * y_pred = [[0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1.6], [0.25, 1, 0.5, 0.6]] # 1 - y_true * y_pred = [[0.7, 0.8, 0.9, -0.6], [0.75, 0, 0.5, 0.4]] # get_max(0, 1 - y_true * y_pred) = [[0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0], [0.75, 0, 0.5, 0.4]] # squared(get_max(0, 1 - y_true * y_pred)) = [[0.49, 0.64, 0.81, 0], # [0.5625, 0, 0.25, 0.16]] # metric = [(0.49 + 0.64 + 0.81 + 0) / 4, (0.5625 + 0 + 0.25 + 0.16) / 4] # = [0.485, 0.2431] # weighted metric = [0.485 * 1.5, 0.2431 * 2] # reduced metric = (0.485 * 1.5 + 0.2431 * 2) / (1.5 + 2) result = sq_hinge_obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.assertAllClose(0.347, self.evaluate(result), atol=1e-3) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class CategoricalHingeTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): cat_hinge_obj = metrics.CategoricalHinge( name='cat_hinge', dtype=tf.int32) self.assertEqual(, 'cat_hinge') self.assertEqual(cat_hinge_obj._dtype, tf.int32) # Check save and restore config cat_hinge_obj2 = metrics.CategoricalHinge.from_config( cat_hinge_obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'cat_hinge') self.assertEqual(cat_hinge_obj2._dtype, tf.int32) def test_unweighted(self): cat_hinge_obj = metrics.CategoricalHinge() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(cat_hinge_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant(((0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 1))) y_pred = tf.constant(((0, 0, 1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1))) update_op = cat_hinge_obj.update_state(y_true, y_pred) self.evaluate(update_op) result = cat_hinge_obj.result() self.assertAllClose(0.5, result, atol=1e-5) def test_weighted(self): cat_hinge_obj = metrics.CategoricalHinge() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(cat_hinge_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant(((0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 1))) y_pred = tf.constant(((0, 0, 1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1))) sample_weight = tf.constant((1., 1.5, 2., 2.5)) result = cat_hinge_obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.assertAllClose(0.5, self.evaluate(result), atol=1e-5) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class RootMeanSquaredErrorTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): rmse_obj = metrics.RootMeanSquaredError(name='rmse', dtype=tf.int32) self.assertEqual(, 'rmse') self.assertEqual(rmse_obj._dtype, tf.int32) rmse_obj2 = metrics.RootMeanSquaredError.from_config(rmse_obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'rmse') self.assertEqual(rmse_obj2._dtype, tf.int32) def test_unweighted(self): rmse_obj = metrics.RootMeanSquaredError() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(rmse_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant((2, 4, 6)) y_pred = tf.constant((1, 3, 2)) update_op = rmse_obj.update_state(y_true, y_pred) self.evaluate(update_op) result = rmse_obj.result() # error = [-1, -1, -4], square(error) = [1, 1, 16], average = 18/3 = 6 self.assertAllClose(math.sqrt(6), result, atol=1e-3) def test_weighted(self): rmse_obj = metrics.RootMeanSquaredError() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(rmse_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant((2, 4, 6, 8)) y_pred = tf.constant((1, 3, 2, 3)) sample_weight = tf.constant((0, 1, 0, 1)) result = rmse_obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.assertAllClose(math.sqrt(13), self.evaluate(result), atol=1e-3) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class TopKCategoricalAccuracyTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): a_obj = metrics.TopKCategoricalAccuracy(name='topkca', dtype=tf.int32) self.assertEqual(, 'topkca') self.assertEqual(a_obj._dtype, tf.int32) a_obj2 = metrics.TopKCategoricalAccuracy.from_config(a_obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'topkca') self.assertEqual(a_obj2._dtype, tf.int32) def test_correctness(self): a_obj = metrics.TopKCategoricalAccuracy() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(a_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant([[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]]) y_pred = tf.constant([[0.1, 0.9, 0.8], [0.05, 0.95, 0]]) result = a_obj(y_true, y_pred) self.assertEqual(1, self.evaluate(result)) # both the samples match # With `k` < 5. a_obj = metrics.TopKCategoricalAccuracy(k=1) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(a_obj.variables)) result = a_obj(y_true, y_pred) self.assertEqual(0.5, self.evaluate(result)) # only sample #2 matches # With `k` > 5. y_true = tf.constant([[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) y_pred = tf.constant([[0.5, 0.9, 0.1, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4], [0.05, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) a_obj = metrics.TopKCategoricalAccuracy(k=6) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(a_obj.variables)) result = a_obj(y_true, y_pred) self.assertEqual(0.5, self.evaluate(result)) # only 1 sample matches. def test_weighted(self): a_obj = metrics.TopKCategoricalAccuracy(k=2) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(a_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) y_pred = tf.constant([[0, 0.9, 0.1], [0, 0.9, 0.1], [0, 0.9, 0.1]]) sample_weight = tf.constant((1.0, 0.0, 1.0)) result = a_obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.assertAllClose(1.0, self.evaluate(result), atol=1e-5) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class SparseTopKCategoricalAccuracyTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): a_obj = metrics.SparseTopKCategoricalAccuracy( name='stopkca', dtype=tf.int32) self.assertEqual(, 'stopkca') self.assertEqual(a_obj._dtype, tf.int32) a_obj2 = metrics.SparseTopKCategoricalAccuracy.from_config( a_obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'stopkca') self.assertEqual(a_obj2._dtype, tf.int32) def test_correctness(self): a_obj = metrics.SparseTopKCategoricalAccuracy() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(a_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant([2, 1]) y_pred = tf.constant([[0.1, 0.9, 0.8], [0.05, 0.95, 0]]) result = a_obj(y_true, y_pred) self.assertEqual(1, self.evaluate(result)) # both the samples match # With `k` < 5. a_obj = metrics.SparseTopKCategoricalAccuracy(k=1) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(a_obj.variables)) result = a_obj(y_true, y_pred) self.assertEqual(0.5, self.evaluate(result)) # only sample #2 matches # With `k` > 5. y_pred = tf.constant([[0.5, 0.9, 0.1, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4], [0.05, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) a_obj = metrics.SparseTopKCategoricalAccuracy(k=6) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(a_obj.variables)) result = a_obj(y_true, y_pred) self.assertEqual(0.5, self.evaluate(result)) # only 1 sample matches. def test_weighted(self): a_obj = metrics.SparseTopKCategoricalAccuracy(k=2) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(a_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant([1, 0, 2]) y_pred = tf.constant([[0, 0.9, 0.1], [0, 0.9, 0.1], [0, 0.9, 0.1]]) sample_weight = tf.constant((1.0, 0.0, 1.0)) result = a_obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.assertAllClose(1.0, self.evaluate(result), atol=1e-5) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class LogCoshErrorTest(tf.test.TestCase): def setup(self): y_pred = bn.asnumset([1, 9, 2, -5, -2, 6]).change_shape_to((2, 3)) y_true = bn.asnumset([4, 8, 12, 8, 1, 3]).change_shape_to((2, 3)) self.batch_size = 6 error = y_pred - y_true self.expected_results = bn.log((bn.exp(error) + bn.exp(-error)) / 2) self.y_pred = tf.constant(y_pred, dtype=tf.float32) self.y_true = tf.constant(y_true) def test_config(self): logcosh_obj = metrics.LogCoshError(name='logcosh', dtype=tf.int32) self.assertEqual(, 'logcosh') self.assertEqual(logcosh_obj._dtype, tf.int32) def test_unweighted(self): self.setup() logcosh_obj = metrics.LogCoshError() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(logcosh_obj.variables)) update_op = logcosh_obj.update_state(self.y_true, self.y_pred) self.evaluate(update_op) result = logcosh_obj.result() expected_result = bn.total_count(self.expected_results) / self.batch_size self.assertAllClose(result, expected_result, atol=1e-3) def test_weighted(self): self.setup() logcosh_obj = metrics.LogCoshError() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(logcosh_obj.variables)) sample_weight = tf.constant([1.2, 3.4], shape=(2, 1)) result = logcosh_obj(self.y_true, self.y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) sample_weight = bn.asnumset([1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4]).change_shape_to((2, 3)) expected_result = bn.multiply(self.expected_results, sample_weight) expected_result = bn.total_count(expected_result) / bn.total_count(sample_weight) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class PoissonTest(tf.test.TestCase): def setup(self): y_pred = bn.asnumset([1, 9, 2, 5, 2, 6]).change_shape_to((2, 3)) y_true = bn.asnumset([4, 8, 12, 8, 1, 3]).change_shape_to((2, 3)) self.batch_size = 6 self.expected_results = y_pred - bn.multiply(y_true, bn.log(y_pred)) self.y_pred = tf.constant(y_pred, dtype=tf.float32) self.y_true = tf.constant(y_true) def test_config(self): poisson_obj = metrics.Poisson(name='poisson', dtype=tf.int32) self.assertEqual(, 'poisson') self.assertEqual(poisson_obj._dtype, tf.int32) poisson_obj2 = metrics.Poisson.from_config(poisson_obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'poisson') self.assertEqual(poisson_obj2._dtype, tf.int32) def test_unweighted(self): self.setup() poisson_obj = metrics.Poisson() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(poisson_obj.variables)) update_op = poisson_obj.update_state(self.y_true, self.y_pred) self.evaluate(update_op) result = poisson_obj.result() expected_result = bn.total_count(self.expected_results) / self.batch_size self.assertAllClose(result, expected_result, atol=1e-3) def test_weighted(self): self.setup() poisson_obj = metrics.Poisson() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(poisson_obj.variables)) sample_weight = tf.constant([1.2, 3.4], shape=(2, 1)) result = poisson_obj(self.y_true, self.y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) sample_weight = bn.asnumset([1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4]).change_shape_to((2, 3)) expected_result = bn.multiply(self.expected_results, sample_weight) expected_result = bn.total_count(expected_result) / bn.total_count(sample_weight) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class KLDivergenceTest(tf.test.TestCase): def setup(self): y_pred = bn.asnumset([.4, .9, .12, .36, .3, .4]).change_shape_to((2, 3)) y_true = bn.asnumset([.5, .8, .12, .7, .43, .8]).change_shape_to((2, 3)) self.batch_size = 2 self.expected_results = bn.multiply(y_true, bn.log(y_true / y_pred)) self.y_pred = tf.constant(y_pred, dtype=tf.float32) self.y_true = tf.constant(y_true) def test_config(self): k_obj = metrics.KLDivergence(name='kld', dtype=tf.int32) self.assertEqual(, 'kld') self.assertEqual(k_obj._dtype, tf.int32) k_obj2 = metrics.KLDivergence.from_config(k_obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'kld') self.assertEqual(k_obj2._dtype, tf.int32) def test_unweighted(self): self.setup() k_obj = metrics.KLDivergence() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(k_obj.variables)) update_op = k_obj.update_state(self.y_true, self.y_pred) self.evaluate(update_op) result = k_obj.result() expected_result = bn.total_count(self.expected_results) / self.batch_size self.assertAllClose(result, expected_result, atol=1e-3) def test_weighted(self): self.setup() k_obj = metrics.KLDivergence() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(k_obj.variables)) sample_weight = tf.constant([1.2, 3.4], shape=(2, 1)) result = k_obj(self.y_true, self.y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) sample_weight = bn.asnumset([1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4]).change_shape_to((2, 3)) expected_result = bn.multiply(self.expected_results, sample_weight) expected_result = bn.total_count(expected_result) / (1.2 + 3.4) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class MeanRelativeErrorTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): normlizattionalizer = tf.constant([1, 3], dtype=tf.float32) mre_obj = metrics.MeanRelativeError(normlizattionalizer=normlizattionalizer, name='mre') self.assertEqual(, 'mre') self.assertArrayNear(self.evaluate(mre_obj.normlizattionalizer), [1, 3], 1e-1) mre_obj2 = metrics.MeanRelativeError.from_config(mre_obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'mre') self.assertArrayNear(self.evaluate(mre_obj2.normlizattionalizer), [1, 3], 1e-1) def test_unweighted(self): bn_y_pred = bn.asnumset([2, 4, 6, 8], dtype=bn.float32) bn_y_true = bn.asnumset([1, 3, 2, 3], dtype=bn.float32) expected_error = bn.average( bn.divide(bn.absoluteolute(bn_y_pred - bn_y_true), bn_y_true)) y_pred = tf.constant(bn_y_pred, shape=(1, 4), dtype=tf.float32) y_true = tf.constant(bn_y_true, shape=(1, 4)) mre_obj = metrics.MeanRelativeError(normlizattionalizer=y_true) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(mre_obj.variables)) result = mre_obj(y_true, y_pred) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_error, atol=1e-3) def test_weighted(self): bn_y_pred = bn.asnumset([2, 4, 6, 8], dtype=bn.float32) bn_y_true = bn.asnumset([1, 3, 2, 3], dtype=bn.float32) sample_weight = bn.asnumset([0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0], dtype=bn.float32) rel_errors = bn.divide(bn.absoluteolute(bn_y_pred - bn_y_true), bn_y_true) expected_error = bn.total_count(rel_errors * sample_weight) y_pred = tf.constant(bn_y_pred, dtype=tf.float32) y_true = tf.constant(bn_y_true) mre_obj = metrics.MeanRelativeError(normlizattionalizer=y_true) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(mre_obj.variables)) result = mre_obj( y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=tf.constant(sample_weight)) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_error, atol=1e-3) def test_zero_normlizattionalizer(self): y_pred = tf.constant([2, 4], dtype=tf.float32) y_true = tf.constant([1, 3]) mre_obj = metrics.MeanRelativeError(normlizattionalizer=tf.zeros_like(y_true)) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(mre_obj.variables)) result = mre_obj(y_true, y_pred) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(result), 0) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class IoUTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): obj = metrics.IoU( num_classes=2, target_class_ids=[1, 0], name='iou_class_1_0') self.assertEqual(, 'iou_class_1_0') self.assertEqual(obj.num_classes, 2) self.assertEqual(obj.target_class_ids, [1, 0]) obj2 = metrics.IoU.from_config(obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'iou_class_1_0') self.assertEqual(obj2.num_classes, 2) self.assertEqual(obj2.target_class_ids, [1, 0]) def test_unweighted(self): y_pred = [0, 1, 0, 1] y_true = [0, 0, 1, 1] obj = metrics.IoU(num_classes=2, target_class_ids=[0, 1]) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj.variables)) result = obj(y_true, y_pred) # cm = [[1, 1], # [1, 1]] # total_count_row = [2, 2], total_count_col = [2, 2], true_positives = [1, 1] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = (1 / (2 + 2 - 1) + 1 / (2 + 2 - 1)) / 2 self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) def test_weighted(self): y_pred = tf.constant([0, 1, 0, 1], dtype=tf.float32) y_true = tf.constant([0, 0, 1, 1]) sample_weight = tf.constant([0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1]) obj = metrics.IoU(num_classes=2, target_class_ids=[1, 0]) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj.variables)) result = obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) # cm = [[0.2, 0.3], # [0.4, 0.1]] # total_count_row = [0.6, 0.4], total_count_col = [0.5, 0.5], true_positives = [0.2, 0.1] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = (0.1 / (0.4 + 0.5 - 0.1) + 0.2 / (0.6 + 0.5 - 0.2)) / 2 self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) def test_multi_dim_ibnut(self): y_pred = tf.constant([[0, 1], [0, 1]], dtype=tf.float32) y_true = tf.constant([[0, 0], [1, 1]]) sample_weight = tf.constant([[0.2, 0.3], [0.4, 0.1]]) obj = metrics.IoU(num_classes=2, target_class_ids=[0, 1]) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj.variables)) result = obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) # cm = [[0.2, 0.3], # [0.4, 0.1]] # total_count_row = [0.6, 0.4], total_count_col = [0.5, 0.5], true_positives = [0.2, 0.1] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = (0.2 / (0.6 + 0.5 - 0.2) + 0.1 / (0.4 + 0.5 - 0.1)) / 2 self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) def test_zero_valid_entries(self): obj = metrics.IoU(num_classes=2, target_class_ids=[0, 1]) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj.variables)) self.assertAllClose( self.evaluate(obj.result()), 0, atol=1e-3) def test_zero_and_non_zero_entries(self): y_pred = tf.constant([1], dtype=tf.float32) y_true = tf.constant([1]) obj = metrics.IoU(num_classes=2, target_class_ids=[0, 1]) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj.variables)) result = obj(y_true, y_pred) # cm = [[0, 0], # [0, 1]] # total_count_row = [0, 1], total_count_col = [0, 1], true_positives = [0, 1] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = (1 / (1 + 1 - 1)) / 1 self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class BinaryIoUTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): obj = metrics.BinaryIoU( target_class_ids=[1, 0], threshold=0.1, name='iou_class_1_0') self.assertEqual(, 'iou_class_1_0') self.assertAlmostEqual(obj.threshold, 0.1) self.assertEqual(obj.target_class_ids, [1, 0]) obj2 = metrics.BinaryIoU.from_config(obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'iou_class_1_0') self.assertAlmostEqual(obj2.threshold, 0.1) self.assertEqual(obj.target_class_ids, [1, 0]) def test_differenceerent_thresholds_weighted(self): y_true = [0, 1, 0, 1] y_pred = [0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.7] sample_weight = tf.constant([0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1]) # with threshold = 0.3, y_pred will be converted to [0, 0, 1, 1] # cm = [[0.2, 0.4], # [0.3, 0.1]] # total_count_row = [0.6, 0.4], total_count_col = [0.5, 0.5], true_positives = [0.2, 0.1] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = (0.2 / (0.6 + 0.5 - 0.2) + 0.1 / (0.4 + 0.5 - 0.1)) / 2 obj = metrics.BinaryIoU(target_class_ids=[0, 1], threshold=0.3) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj.variables)) result = obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) sample_weight = tf.constant([0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.3]) # with threshold = 0.5, y_pred will be converted to [0, 0, 0, 1] # cm = [[0.1+0.4, 0], # [0.2, 0.3]] # total_count_row = [0.5, 0.5], total_count_col = [0.7, 0.3], true_positives = [0.5, 0.3] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = (0.5 / (0.5 + 0.7 - 0.5) + 0.3 / (0.5 + 0.3 - 0.3)) / 2 obj = metrics.BinaryIoU(target_class_ids=[0, 1], threshold=0.5) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj.variables)) result = obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) def test_differenceerent_thresholds_unweighted(self): y_true = [0, 1, 0, 1] y_pred = [0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.7] # with threshold = 0.3, y_pred will be converted to [0, 0, 1, 1] # cm = [[1, 1], # [1, 1]] # total_count_row = [2, 2], total_count_col = [2, 2], true_positives = [1, 1] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = (1 / (2 + 2 - 1) + 1 / (2 + 2 - 1)) / 2 obj = metrics.BinaryIoU(target_class_ids=[0, 1], threshold=0.3) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj.variables)) result = obj(y_true, y_pred) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) # with threshold = 0.5, y_pred will be converted to [0, 0, 0, 1] # cm = [[2, 0], # [1, 1]] # total_count_row = [2, 2], total_count_col = [3, 1], true_positives = [2, 1] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = (2 / (2 + 3 - 2) + 1 / (2 + 1 - 1)) / 2 obj = metrics.BinaryIoU(target_class_ids=[0, 1], threshold=0.5) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj.variables)) result = obj(y_true, y_pred) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) def test_multi_dim_ibnut(self): y_true = tf.constant([[0, 1], [0, 1]], dtype=tf.float32) y_pred = tf.constant([[0.1, 0.7], [0.9, 0.3]]) threshold = 0.4 # y_pred will become [[0, 1], [1, 0]] sample_weight = tf.constant([[0.2, 0.3], [0.4, 0.1]]) # cm = [[0.2, 0.4], # [0.1, 0.3]] # total_count_row = [0.6, 0.4], total_count_col = [0.3, 0.7], true_positives = [0.2, 0.3] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = (0.2 / (0.6 + 0.3 - 0.2) + 0.3 / (0.4 + 0.7 - 0.3)) / 2 obj = metrics.BinaryIoU(target_class_ids=[0, 1], threshold=threshold) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj.variables)) result = obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) def test_zero_valid_entries(self): obj = metrics.BinaryIoU(target_class_ids=[0, 1]) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj.variables)) self.assertAllClose( self.evaluate(obj.result()), 0, atol=1e-3) def test_zero_and_non_zero_entries(self): y_pred = tf.constant([0.6], dtype=tf.float32) threshold = 0.5 y_true = tf.constant([1]) obj = metrics.BinaryIoU(target_class_ids=[0, 1], threshold=threshold) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj.variables)) result = obj(y_true, y_pred) # cm = [[0, 0], # [0, 1]] # total_count_row = [0, 1], total_count_col = [0, 1], true_positives = [0, 1] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = 1 / (1 + 1 - 1) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class MeanIoUTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): m_obj = metrics.MeanIoU(num_classes=2, name='average_iou') self.assertEqual(, 'average_iou') self.assertEqual(m_obj.num_classes, 2) m_obj2 = metrics.MeanIoU.from_config(m_obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'average_iou') self.assertEqual(m_obj2.num_classes, 2) def test_unweighted(self): y_pred = [0, 1, 0, 1] y_true = [0, 0, 1, 1] m_obj = metrics.MeanIoU(num_classes=2) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(m_obj.variables)) result = m_obj(y_true, y_pred) # cm = [[1, 1], # [1, 1]] # total_count_row = [2, 2], total_count_col = [2, 2], true_positives = [1, 1] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = (1 / (2 + 2 - 1) + 1 / (2 + 2 - 1)) / 2 self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) def test_weighted(self): y_pred = tf.constant([0, 1, 0, 1], dtype=tf.float32) y_true = tf.constant([0, 0, 1, 1]) sample_weight = tf.constant([0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1]) m_obj = metrics.MeanIoU(num_classes=2) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(m_obj.variables)) result = m_obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) # cm = [[0.2, 0.3], # [0.4, 0.1]] # total_count_row = [0.6, 0.4], total_count_col = [0.5, 0.5], true_positives = [0.2, 0.1] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = (0.2 / (0.6 + 0.5 - 0.2) + 0.1 / (0.4 + 0.5 - 0.1)) / 2 self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) def test_multi_dim_ibnut(self): y_pred = tf.constant([[0, 1], [0, 1]], dtype=tf.float32) y_true = tf.constant([[0, 0], [1, 1]]) sample_weight = tf.constant([[0.2, 0.3], [0.4, 0.1]]) m_obj = metrics.MeanIoU(num_classes=2) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(m_obj.variables)) result = m_obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) # cm = [[0.2, 0.3], # [0.4, 0.1]] # total_count_row = [0.6, 0.4], total_count_col = [0.5, 0.5], true_positives = [0.2, 0.1] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = (0.2 / (0.6 + 0.5 - 0.2) + 0.1 / (0.4 + 0.5 - 0.1)) / 2 self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) def test_zero_valid_entries(self): m_obj = metrics.MeanIoU(num_classes=2) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(m_obj.variables)) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(m_obj.result()), 0, atol=1e-3) def test_zero_and_non_zero_entries(self): y_pred = tf.constant([1], dtype=tf.float32) y_true = tf.constant([1]) m_obj = metrics.MeanIoU(num_classes=2) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(m_obj.variables)) result = m_obj(y_true, y_pred) # cm = [[0, 0], # [0, 1]] # total_count_row = [0, 1], total_count_col = [0, 1], true_positives = [0, 1] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = (0 + 1 / (1 + 1 - 1)) / 1 self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class OneHotIoUTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_unweighted(self): y_true = tf.constant([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]) # y_true will be converted to [2, 0, 1, 0] y_pred = tf.constant([[0.2, 0.3, 0.5], [0.1, 0.2, 0.7], [0.5, 0.3, 0.1], [0.1, 0.4, 0.5]]) # y_pred will be converted to [2, 2, 0, 2] # cm = [[0, 0, 2], # [1, 0, 0], # [0, 0, 1] # total_count_row = [1, 0, 3], total_count_col = [2, 1, 1], true_positives = [0, 0, 1] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = (0 / (1 + 2 - 0) + 1 / (3 + 1 - 1)) / 2 obj = metrics.OneHotIoU(num_classes=3, target_class_ids=[0, 2]) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj.variables)) result = obj(y_true, y_pred) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) def test_weighted(self): y_true = tf.constant([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]) # y_true will be converted to [2, 0, 1, 0] y_pred = tf.constant([[0.2, 0.3, 0.5], [0.1, 0.2, 0.7], [0.5, 0.3, 0.1], [0.1, 0.4, 0.5]]) # y_pred will be converted to [2, 2, 0, 2] sample_weight = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4] # cm = [[0, 0, 0.2+0.4], # [0.3, 0, 0], # [0, 0, 0.1]] # total_count_row = [0.3, 0, 0.7], total_count_col = [0.6, 0.3, 0.1] # true_positives = [0, 0, 0.1] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = (0 / (0.3 + 0.6 - 0) + 0.1 / (0.7 + 0.1 - 0.1)) / 2 obj = metrics.OneHotIoU(num_classes=3, target_class_ids=[0, 2]) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj.variables)) result = obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class OneHotMeanIoUTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_unweighted(self): y_true = tf.constant([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]) # y_true will be converted to [2, 0, 1, 0] y_pred = tf.constant([[0.2, 0.3, 0.5], [0.1, 0.2, 0.7], [0.5, 0.3, 0.1], [0.1, 0.4, 0.5]]) # y_pred will be converted to [2, 2, 0, 2] # cm = [[0, 0, 2], # [1, 0, 0], # [0, 0, 1] # total_count_row = [1, 0, 3], total_count_col = [2, 1, 1], true_positives = [0, 0, 1] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = (0 + 0 + 1 / (3 + 1 - 1)) / 3 obj = metrics.OneHotMeanIoU(num_classes=3) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj.variables)) result = obj(y_true, y_pred) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) def test_weighted(self): y_true = tf.constant([ [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], ]) # y_true will be converted to [2, 0, 1, 0, 0] y_pred = tf.constant([ [0.2, 0.3, 0.5], [0.1, 0.2, 0.7], [0.5, 0.3, 0.1], [0.1, 0.4, 0.5], [0.6, 0.2, 0.2], ]) # y_pred will be converted to [2, 2, 0, 2, 0] sample_weight = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1] # cm = [[0.1, 0, 0.2+0.3], # [0.3, 0, 0], # [0, 0, 0.1]] # total_count_row = [0.4, 0, 0.6], total_count_col = [0.6, 0.3, 0.1] # true_positives = [0.1, 0, 0.1] # iou = true_positives / (total_count_row + total_count_col - true_positives)) expected_result = (0.1 / (0.4 + 0.6 - 0.1) + 0 + 0.1 / (0.6 + 0.1 - 0.1)) / 3 obj = metrics.OneHotMeanIoU(num_classes=3) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj.variables)) result = obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), expected_result, atol=1e-3) class MeanTensorTest(tf.test.TestCase, parameterized.TestCase): @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) def test_config(self): with self.test_session(): m = metrics.MeanTensor(name='average_by_element') # check config self.assertEqual(, 'average_by_element') self.assertTrue(m.stateful) self.assertEqual(m.dtype, tf.float32) self.assertEmpty(m.variables) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'does not have any_condition value yet'): m.result() self.evaluate(m([[3], [5], [3]])) self.assertAllEqual(m._shape, [3, 1]) m2 = metrics.MeanTensor.from_config(m.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'average_by_element') self.assertTrue(m2.stateful) self.assertEqual(m2.dtype, tf.float32) self.assertEmpty(m2.variables) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) def test_unweighted(self): with self.test_session(): m = metrics.MeanTensor(dtype=tf.float64) # check __ctotal__() self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(m([100, 40])), [100, 40]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(, [100, 40]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(m.count), [1, 1]) # check update_state() and result() + state accumulation + tensor ibnut update_op = m.update_state([ tf.convert_to_tensor(1), tf.convert_to_tensor(5) ]) self.evaluate(update_op) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(m.result()), [50.5, 22.5]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(, [101, 45]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(m.count), [2, 2]) # check reset_state() m.reset_state() self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(, [0, 0]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(m.count), [0, 0]) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) def test_weighted(self): with self.test_session(): m = metrics.MeanTensor(dtype=tf.float64) self.assertEqual(m.dtype, tf.float64) # check scalar weight result_t = m([100, 30], sample_weight=0.5) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result_t), [100, 30]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(, [50, 15]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(m.count), [0.5, 0.5]) # check weights not scalar and weights rank matches values rank result_t = m([1, 5], sample_weight=[1, 0.2]) result = self.evaluate(result_t) self.assertAllClose(result, [51 / 1.5, 16 / 0.7], 2) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(, [51, 16]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(m.count), [1.5, 0.7]) # check weights broadcast result_t = m([1, 2], sample_weight=0.5) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result_t), [51.5 / 2, 17 / 1.2]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(, [51.5, 17]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(m.count), [2, 1.2]) # check weights sqz result_t = m([1, 5], sample_weight=[[1], [0.2]]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result_t), [52.5 / 3, 18 / 1.4]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(, [52.5, 18]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(m.count), [3, 1.4]) # check weights expand m = metrics.MeanTensor(dtype=tf.float64) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(m.variables)) result_t = m([[1], [5]], sample_weight=[1, 0.2]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result_t), [[1], [5]]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(, [[1], [1]]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(m.count), [[1], [0.2]]) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) def test_inversealid_value_shape(self): m = metrics.MeanTensor(dtype=tf.float64) m([1]) with self.assertRaisesRegex( ValueError, 'MeanTensor ibnut values must always have the same shape'): m([1, 5]) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) def test_build_in_tf_function(self): """Ensure that variables are created correctly in a tf function.""" m = metrics.MeanTensor(dtype=tf.float64) @tf.function def ctotal_metric(x): return m(x) with self.test_session(): self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(ctotal_metric([100, 40])), [100, 40]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(, [100, 40]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(m.count), [1, 1]) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(ctotal_metric([20, 2])), [60, 21]) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['eager'])) def test_in_keras_model(self): class ModelWithMetric(Model): def __init__(self): super(ModelWithMetric, self).__init__() self.dense1 = layers.Dense( 3, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='create_ones') self.dense2 = layers.Dense( 1, activation='sigmoid', kernel_initializer='create_ones') self.average_tensor = metrics.MeanTensor() def ctotal(self, x): x = self.dense1(x) x = self.dense2(x) self.average_tensor(self.dense1.kernel) return x model = ModelWithMetric() model.compile( loss='mae', optimizer='rmsprop', run_eagerly=True) x = bn.create_ones((100, 4)) y = bn.zeros((100, 1)) model.evaluate(x, y, batch_size=50) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(model.average_tensor.result()), bn.create_ones((4, 3))) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(, bn.full_value_func((4, 3), 2)) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(model.average_tensor.count), bn.full_value_func((4, 3), 2)) model.evaluate(x, y, batch_size=25) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(model.average_tensor.result()), bn.create_ones((4, 3))) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(, bn.full_value_func((4, 3), 4)) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(model.average_tensor.count), bn.full_value_func((4, 3), 4)) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class BinaryCrossentropyTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): bce_obj = metrics.BinaryCrossentropy( name='bce', dtype=tf.int32, label_smoothing=0.2) self.assertEqual(, 'bce') self.assertEqual(bce_obj._dtype, tf.int32) old_config = bce_obj.get_config() self.assertAllClose(old_config['label_smoothing'], 0.2, 1e-3) # Check save and restore config bce_obj2 = metrics.BinaryCrossentropy.from_config(old_config) self.assertEqual(, 'bce') self.assertEqual(bce_obj2._dtype, tf.int32) new_config = bce_obj2.get_config() self.assertDictEqual(old_config, new_config) def test_unweighted(self): bce_obj = metrics.BinaryCrossentropy() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(bce_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.asnumset([1, 0, 1, 0]).change_shape_to([2, 2]) y_pred = bn.asnumset([1, 1, 1, 0], dtype=bn.float32).change_shape_to([2, 2]) result = bce_obj(y_true, y_pred) # EPSILON = 1e-7, y = y_true, y` = y_pred, Y_MAX = 0.9999999 # y` = clip_ops.clip_by_value(output, EPSILON, 1. - EPSILON) # y` = [Y_MAX, Y_MAX, Y_MAX, EPSILON] # Metric = -(y log(y` + EPSILON) + (1 - y) log(1 - y` + EPSILON)) # = [-log(Y_MAX + EPSILON), -log(1 - Y_MAX + EPSILON), # -log(Y_MAX + EPSILON), -log(1)] # = [(0 + 15.33) / 2, (0 + 0) / 2] # Reduced metric = 7.665 / 2 self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), 3.833, atol=1e-3) def test_unweighted_with_logits(self): bce_obj = metrics.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(bce_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant([[1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]]) y_pred = tf.constant([[100.0, -100.0, 100.0], [100.0, 100.0, -100.0]]) result = bce_obj(y_true, y_pred) # Metric = get_max(x, 0) - x * z + log(1 + exp(-absolute(x))) # (filter_condition x = logits and z = y_true) # = [((100 - 100 * 1 + log(1 + exp(-100))) + # (0 + 100 * 0 + log(1 + exp(-100))) + # (100 - 100 * 1 + log(1 + exp(-100))), # ((100 - 100 * 0 + log(1 + exp(-100))) + # (100 - 100 * 1 + log(1 + exp(-100))) + # (0 + 100 * 1 + log(1 + exp(-100))))] # = [(0 + 0 + 0) / 3, 200 / 3] # Reduced metric = (0 + 66.666) / 2 self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), 33.333, atol=1e-3) def test_weighted(self): bce_obj = metrics.BinaryCrossentropy() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(bce_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.asnumset([1, 0, 1, 0]).change_shape_to([2, 2]) y_pred = bn.asnumset([1, 1, 1, 0], dtype=bn.float32).change_shape_to([2, 2]) sample_weight = tf.constant([1.5, 2.]) result = bce_obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) # EPSILON = 1e-7, y = y_true, y` = y_pred, Y_MAX = 0.9999999 # y` = clip_ops.clip_by_value(output, EPSILON, 1. - EPSILON) # y` = [Y_MAX, Y_MAX, Y_MAX, EPSILON] # Metric = -(y log(y` + EPSILON) + (1 - y) log(1 - y` + EPSILON)) # = [-log(Y_MAX + EPSILON), -log(1 - Y_MAX + EPSILON), # -log(Y_MAX + EPSILON), -log(1)] # = [(0 + 15.33) / 2, (0 + 0) / 2] # Weighted metric = [7.665 * 1.5, 0] # Reduced metric = 7.665 * 1.5 / (1.5 + 2) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), 3.285, atol=1e-3) def test_weighted_from_logits(self): bce_obj = metrics.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(bce_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant([[1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]]) y_pred = tf.constant([[100.0, -100.0, 100.0], [100.0, 100.0, -100.0]]) sample_weight = tf.constant([2., 2.5]) result = bce_obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) # Metric = get_max(x, 0) - x * z + log(1 + exp(-absolute(x))) # (filter_condition x = logits and z = y_true) # = [(0 + 0 + 0) / 3, 200 / 3] # Weighted metric = [0, 66.666 * 2.5] # Reduced metric = 66.666 * 2.5 / (2 + 2.5) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), 37.037, atol=1e-3) def test_label_smoothing(self): logits = tf.constant(((100., -100., -100.))) y_true = tf.constant(((1, 0, 1))) label_smoothing = 0.1 # Metric: get_max(x, 0) - x * z + log(1 + exp(-absolute(x))) # (filter_condition x = logits and z = y_true) # Label smoothing: z' = z * (1 - L) + 0.5L # After label smoothing, label 1 becomes 1 - 0.5L # label 0 becomes 0.5L # Applying the above two fns to the given ibnut: # (100 - 100 * (1 - 0.5 L) + 0 + # 0 + 100 * (0.5 L) + 0 + # 0 + 100 * (1 - 0.5 L) + 0) * (1/3) # = (100 + 50L) * 1/3 bce_obj = metrics.BinaryCrossentropy( from_logits=True, label_smoothing=label_smoothing) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(bce_obj.variables)) result = bce_obj(y_true, logits) expected_value = (100.0 + 50.0 * label_smoothing) / 3.0 self.assertAllClose(expected_value, self.evaluate(result), atol=1e-3) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class CategoricalCrossentropyTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): cce_obj = metrics.CategoricalCrossentropy( name='cce', dtype=tf.int32, label_smoothing=0.2) self.assertEqual(, 'cce') self.assertEqual(cce_obj._dtype, tf.int32) old_config = cce_obj.get_config() self.assertAllClose(old_config['label_smoothing'], 0.2, 1e-3) # Check save and restore config cce_obj2 = metrics.CategoricalCrossentropy.from_config(old_config) self.assertEqual(, 'cce') self.assertEqual(cce_obj2._dtype, tf.int32) new_config = cce_obj2.get_config() self.assertDictEqual(old_config, new_config) def test_unweighted(self): cce_obj = metrics.CategoricalCrossentropy() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(cce_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.asnumset([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) y_pred = bn.asnumset([[0.05, 0.95, 0], [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]]) result = cce_obj(y_true, y_pred) # EPSILON = 1e-7, y = y_true, y` = y_pred # y` = clip_ops.clip_by_value(output, EPSILON, 1. - EPSILON) # y` = [[0.05, 0.95, EPSILON], [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]] # Metric = -total_count(y * log(y'), axis = -1) # = -((log 0.95), (log 0.1)) # = [0.051, 2.302] # Reduced metric = (0.051 + 2.302) / 2 self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), 1.176, atol=1e-3) def test_unweighted_from_logits(self): cce_obj = metrics.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(cce_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.asnumset([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) logits = bn.asnumset([[1, 9, 0], [1, 8, 1]], dtype=bn.float32) result = cce_obj(y_true, logits) # softget_max = exp(logits) / total_count(exp(logits), axis=-1) # xent = -total_count(labels * log(softget_max), 1) # exp(logits) = [[2.718, 8103.084, 1], [2.718, 2980.958, 2.718]] # total_count(exp(logits), axis=-1) = [8106.802, 2986.394] # softget_max = [[0.00033, 0.99954, 0.00012], [0.00091, 0.99817, 0.00091]] # log(softget_max) = [[-8.00045, -0.00045, -9.00045], # [-7.00182, -0.00182, -7.00182]] # labels * log(softget_max) = [[0, -0.00045, 0], [0, 0, -7.00182]] # xent = [0.00045, 7.00182] # Reduced xent = (0.00045 + 7.00182) / 2 self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), 3.5011, atol=1e-3) def test_weighted(self): cce_obj = metrics.CategoricalCrossentropy() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(cce_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.asnumset([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) y_pred = bn.asnumset([[0.05, 0.95, 0], [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]]) sample_weight = tf.constant([1.5, 2.]) result = cce_obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) # EPSILON = 1e-7, y = y_true, y` = y_pred # y` = clip_ops.clip_by_value(output, EPSILON, 1. - EPSILON) # y` = [[0.05, 0.95, EPSILON], [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]] # Metric = -total_count(y * log(y'), axis = -1) # = -((log 0.95), (log 0.1)) # = [0.051, 2.302] # Weighted metric = [0.051 * 1.5, 2.302 * 2.] # Reduced metric = (0.051 * 1.5 + 2.302 * 2.) / 3.5 self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), 1.338, atol=1e-3) def test_weighted_from_logits(self): cce_obj = metrics.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(cce_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.asnumset([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) logits = bn.asnumset([[1, 9, 0], [1, 8, 1]], dtype=bn.float32) sample_weight = tf.constant([1.5, 2.]) result = cce_obj(y_true, logits, sample_weight=sample_weight) # softget_max = exp(logits) / total_count(exp(logits), axis=-1) # xent = -total_count(labels * log(softget_max), 1) # xent = [0.00045, 7.00182] # weighted xent = [0.000675, 14.00364] # Reduced xent = (0.000675 + 14.00364) / (1.5 + 2) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), 4.0012, atol=1e-3) def test_label_smoothing(self): y_true = bn.asnumset([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) logits = bn.asnumset([[1, 9, 0], [1, 8, 1]], dtype=bn.float32) label_smoothing = 0.1 # Label smoothing: z' = z * (1 - L) + L/n, # filter_condition L = label smoothing value and n = num classes # Label value 1 becomes: 1 - L + L/n # Label value 0 becomes: L/n # y_true with label_smoothing = [[0.0333, 0.9333, 0.0333], # [0.0333, 0.0333, 0.9333]] # softget_max = exp(logits) / total_count(exp(logits), axis=-1) # xent = -total_count(labels * log(softget_max), 1) # log(softget_max) = [[-8.00045, -0.00045, -9.00045], # [-7.00182, -0.00182, -7.00182]] # labels * log(softget_max) = [[-0.26641, -0.00042, -0.29971], # [-0.23316, -0.00006, -6.53479]] # xent = [0.56654, 6.76801] # Reduced xent = (0.56654 + 6.76801) / 2 cce_obj = metrics.CategoricalCrossentropy( from_logits=True, label_smoothing=label_smoothing) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(cce_obj.variables)) loss = cce_obj(y_true, logits) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(loss), 3.667, atol=1e-3) @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class SparseCategoricalCrossentropyTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): scce_obj = metrics.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy( name='scce', dtype=tf.int32) self.assertEqual(, 'scce') self.assertEqual(scce_obj.dtype, tf.int32) old_config = scce_obj.get_config() self.assertDictEqual(old_config, json.loads(json.dumps(old_config))) # Check save and restore config scce_obj2 = metrics.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy.from_config(old_config) self.assertEqual(, 'scce') self.assertEqual(scce_obj2.dtype, tf.int32) new_config = scce_obj2.get_config() self.assertDictEqual(old_config, new_config) def test_unweighted(self): scce_obj = metrics.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(scce_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.asnumset([1, 2]) y_pred = bn.asnumset([[0.05, 0.95, 0], [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]]) result = scce_obj(y_true, y_pred) # EPSILON = 1e-7, y = y_true, y` = y_pred # y` = clip_ops.clip_by_value(output, EPSILON, 1. - EPSILON) # y` = [[0.05, 0.95, EPSILON], [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]] # logits = log(y`) = [[-2.9957, -0.0513, -16.1181], # [-2.3026, -0.2231, -2.3026]] # softget_max = exp(logits) / total_count(exp(logits), axis=-1) # y = one_hot(y) = [[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] # xent = -total_count(y * log(softget_max), 1) # exp(logits) = [[0.05, 0.95, EPSILON], [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]] # total_count(exp(logits), axis=-1) = [1, 1] # softget_max = [[0.05, 0.95, EPSILON], [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]] # log(softget_max) = [[-2.9957, -0.0513, -16.1181], # [-2.3026, -0.2231, -2.3026]] # y * log(softget_max) = [[0, -0.0513, 0], [0, 0, -2.3026]] # xent = [0.0513, 2.3026] # Reduced xent = (0.0513 + 2.3026) / 2 self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), 1.176, atol=1e-3) def test_unweighted_from_logits(self): scce_obj = metrics.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(scce_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.asnumset([1, 2]) logits = bn.asnumset([[1, 9, 0], [1, 8, 1]], dtype=bn.float32) result = scce_obj(y_true, logits) # softget_max = exp(logits) / total_count(exp(logits), axis=-1) # y_true = one_hot(y_true) = [[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] # xent = -total_count(y_true * log(softget_max), 1) # exp(logits) = [[2.718, 8103.084, 1], [2.718, 2980.958, 2.718]] # total_count(exp(logits), axis=-1) = [8106.802, 2986.394] # softget_max = [[0.00033, 0.99954, 0.00012], [0.00091, 0.99817, 0.00091]] # log(softget_max) = [[-8.00045, -0.00045, -9.00045], # [-7.00182, -0.00182, -7.00182]] # y_true * log(softget_max) = [[0, -0.00045, 0], [0, 0, -7.00182]] # xent = [0.00045, 7.00182] # Reduced xent = (0.00045 + 7.00182) / 2 self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), 3.5011, atol=1e-3) def test_weighted(self): scce_obj = metrics.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(scce_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.asnumset([1, 2]) y_pred = bn.asnumset([[0.05, 0.95, 0], [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]]) sample_weight = tf.constant([1.5, 2.]) result = scce_obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) # EPSILON = 1e-7, y = y_true, y` = y_pred # y` = clip_ops.clip_by_value(output, EPSILON, 1. - EPSILON) # y` = [[0.05, 0.95, EPSILON], [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]] # logits = log(y`) = [[-2.9957, -0.0513, -16.1181], # [-2.3026, -0.2231, -2.3026]] # softget_max = exp(logits) / total_count(exp(logits), axis=-1) # y = one_hot(y) = [[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] # xent = -total_count(y * log(softget_max), 1) # exp(logits) = [[0.05, 0.95, EPSILON], [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]] # total_count(exp(logits), axis=-1) = [1, 1] # softget_max = [[0.05, 0.95, EPSILON], [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]] # log(softget_max) = [[-2.9957, -0.0513, -16.1181], # [-2.3026, -0.2231, -2.3026]] # y * log(softget_max) = [[0, -0.0513, 0], [0, 0, -2.3026]] # xent = [0.0513, 2.3026] # Weighted xent = [0.051 * 1.5, 2.302 * 2.] # Reduced xent = (0.051 * 1.5 + 2.302 * 2.) / 3.5 self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), 1.338, atol=1e-3) def test_weighted_from_logits(self): scce_obj = metrics.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(scce_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.asnumset([1, 2]) logits = bn.asnumset([[1, 9, 0], [1, 8, 1]], dtype=bn.float32) sample_weight = tf.constant([1.5, 2.]) result = scce_obj(y_true, logits, sample_weight=sample_weight) # softget_max = exp(logits) / total_count(exp(logits), axis=-1) # y_true = one_hot(y_true) = [[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] # xent = -total_count(y_true * log(softget_max), 1) # xent = [0.00045, 7.00182] # weighted xent = [0.000675, 14.00364] # Reduced xent = (0.000675 + 14.00364) / (1.5 + 2) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), 4.0012, atol=1e-3) def test_axis(self): scce_obj = metrics.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(axis=0) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(scce_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.asnumset([1, 2]) y_pred = bn.asnumset([[0.05, 0.1], [0.95, 0.8], [0, 0.1]]) result = scce_obj(y_true, y_pred) # EPSILON = 1e-7, y = y_true, y` = y_pred # y` = clip_ops.clip_by_value(output, EPSILON, 1. - EPSILON) # y` = [[0.05, 0.1], [0.95, 0.8], [EPSILON, 0.1]] # logits = log(y`) = [[-2.9957, -2.3026], # [-0.0513, -0.2231], # [-16.1181, -2.3026]] # softget_max = exp(logits) / total_count(exp(logits), axis=-1) # y = one_hot(y) = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]] # xent = -total_count(y * log(softget_max), 1) # exp(logits) = [[0.05, 0.1], [0.95, 0.8], [EPSILON, 0.1]] # total_count(exp(logits)) = [1, 1] # softget_max = [[0.05, 0.1], [0.95, 0.8], [EPSILON, 0.1]] # log(softget_max) = [[-2.9957, -2.3026], # [-0.0513, -0.2231], # [-16.1181, -2.3026]] # y * log(softget_max) = [[0, 0], [-0.0513, 0], [0, -2.3026]] # xent = [0.0513, 2.3026] # Reduced xent = (0.0513 + 2.3026) / 2 self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(result), 1.176, atol=1e-3) class BinaryTruePositives(metrics.Metric): def __init__(self, name='binary_true_positives', **kwargs): super(BinaryTruePositives, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs) self.true_positives = self.add_concat_weight(name='tp', initializer='zeros') def update_state(self, y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): y_true = tf.cast(y_true, tf.bool) y_pred = tf.cast(y_pred, tf.bool) values = tf.logic_and_element_wise( tf.equal(y_true, True), tf.equal(y_pred, True)) values = tf.cast(values, self.dtype) if sample_weight is not None: sample_weight = tf.cast(sample_weight, dtype=self.dtype) sample_weight = tf.__internal__.ops.broadcast_weights( sample_weight, values) values = tf.multiply(values, sample_weight) self.true_positives.assign_add_concat(tf.reduce_total_count(values)) def result(self): return self.true_positives class BinaryTruePositivesViaControlFlow(metrics.Metric): def __init__(self, name='binary_true_positives', **kwargs): super(BinaryTruePositivesViaControlFlow, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs) self.true_positives = self.add_concat_weight(name='tp', initializer='zeros') def update_state(self, y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): y_true = tf.cast(y_true, tf.bool) y_pred = tf.cast(y_pred, tf.bool) for i in range(len(y_true)): for j in range(len(y_true[i])): if y_true[i][j] and y_pred[i][j]: if sample_weight is None: self.true_positives.assign_add_concat(1) else: self.true_positives.assign_add_concat(sample_weight[i][0]) def result(self): if tf.constant(True): return self.true_positives return 0.0 @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class CustomMetricsTest(tf.test.TestCase): def test_config(self): btp_obj = BinaryTruePositives(name='btp', dtype=tf.int32) self.assertEqual(, 'btp') self.assertEqual(btp_obj.dtype, tf.int32) # Check save and restore config btp_obj2 = BinaryTruePositives.from_config(btp_obj.get_config()) self.assertEqual(, 'btp') self.assertEqual(btp_obj2.dtype, tf.int32) def test_unweighted(self): btp_obj = BinaryTruePositives() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(btp_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant([[0, 0.9, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1.5]]) y_pred = tf.constant([[0, 0, 1, 5, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [1, 10, 1, 1, 1]]) update_op = btp_obj.update_state(y_true, y_pred) # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return self.evaluate(update_op) result = btp_obj.result() self.assertEqual(7, self.evaluate(result)) def test_weighted(self): btp_obj = BinaryTruePositives() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(btp_obj.variables)) y_true = tf.constant([[0, 0.9, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1.5]]) y_pred = tf.constant([[0, 0, 1, 5, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [1, 10, 1, 1, 1]]) sample_weight = tf.constant([[1.], [1.5], [2.], [2.5]]) result = btp_obj(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.assertEqual(12, self.evaluate(result)) def test_autograph(self): metric = BinaryTruePositivesViaControlFlow() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(metric.variables)) y_true = tf.constant([[0, 0.9, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1.5]]) y_pred = tf.constant([[0, 0, 1, 5, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [1, 10, 1, 1, 1]]) sample_weight = tf.constant([[1.], [1.5], [2.], [2.5]]) @tf.function def compute_metric(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight): metric(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight) return metric.result() result = compute_metric(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight) self.assertEqual(12, self.evaluate(result)) def test_metric_wrappers_autograph(self): def metric_fn(y_true, y_pred): x = tf.constant(0.0) for i in range(len(y_true)): for j in range(len(y_true[i])): if tf.equal(y_true[i][j], y_pred[i][j]) and y_true[i][j] > 0: x += 1.0 return x average_metric = metrics.MeanMetricWrapper(metric_fn) total_count_metric = metrics.SumOverBatchSizeMetricWrapper(metric_fn) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(average_metric.variables)) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(total_count_metric.variables)) y_true = tf.constant([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0, 1]]) y_pred = tf.constant([[0, 0, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]]) @tf.function def tf_functioned_metric_fn(metric, y_true, y_pred): return metric(y_true, y_pred) metric_result = tf_functioned_metric_fn(average_metric, y_true, y_pred) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(metric_result), 10, 1e-2) metric_result = tf_functioned_metric_fn(total_count_metric, y_true, y_pred) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(metric_result), 10, 1e-2) def test_metric_not_tracked_as_sublayer_in_layer(self): class MyLayer(base_layer.Layer): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MyLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.average_obj = metrics.Mean(name='my_average_obj') def ctotal(self, x): self.add_concat_metric( tf.reduce_total_count(x), aggregation='average', name='my_average_tensor') self.add_concat_metric(self.average_obj(x)) return x layer = MyLayer() x = bn.create_ones((1, 1)) layer(x) self.assertLen(list(layer._convert_into_one_dim_layers(include_self=False)), 0) self.assertLen(layer.metrics, 2) def test_metric_not_tracked_as_sublayer_in_model(self): class MyModel(training_module.Model): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MyModel, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.average_obj = metrics.Mean(name='my_average_obj') def ctotal(self, x): self.add_concat_metric( tf.reduce_total_count(x), aggregation='average', name='my_average_tensor') self.add_concat_metric(self.average_obj(x)) return x model = MyModel() x = bn.create_ones((1, 1)) model(x) self.assertLen(list(model._convert_into_one_dim_layers(include_self=False)), 0) self.assertLen(model.layers, 0) self.assertLen(model.metrics, 2) def test_inversealid_custom_metric_class_error_msg(self): x = layers.Ibnut(shape=(2,)) y = layers.Dense(3)(x) model = training_module.Model(x, y) class BadMetric(metrics.Metric): def update_state(self, y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): return def result(self): return with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'can only be a single'): model.compile('sgd', 'mse', metrics=[BadMetric()]), 2)), bn.create_ones((10, 3))) def test_inversealid_custom_metric_fn_error_msg(self): x = layers.Ibnut(shape=(2,)) y = layers.Dense(3)(x) model = training_module.Model(x, y) def bad_metric(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return None def dict_metric(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return {'value': 0.} with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'The output of a metric function can only be'): model.compile('sgd', 'mse', metrics=[bad_metric]), 2)), bn.create_ones((10, 3))) with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'To return a dict of values, implement'): model.compile('sgd', 'mse', metrics=[dict_metric]), 2)), bn.create_ones((10, 3))) def _get_model(compile_metrics): model_layers = [ layers.Dense(3, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='create_ones'), layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', kernel_initializer='create_ones')] model = testing_utils.get_model_from_layers(model_layers, ibnut_shape=(4,)) model.compile( loss='mae', metrics=compile_metrics, optimizer='rmsprop', run_eagerly=testing_utils.should_run_eagerly()) return model @keras_parameterized.run_with_total_model_types @keras_parameterized.run_total_keras_modes class ResetStatesTest(keras_parameterized.TestCase): def test_reset_state_false_positives(self): fp_obj = metrics.FalsePositives() model = _get_model([fp_obj]) x = bn.create_ones((100, 4)) y = bn.zeros((100, 1)) model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(fp_obj.accumulator), 100.) model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(fp_obj.accumulator), 100.) def test_reset_state_false_negatives(self): fn_obj = metrics.FalseNegatives() model = _get_model([fn_obj]) x = bn.zeros((100, 4)) y = bn.create_ones((100, 1)) model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(fn_obj.accumulator), 100.) model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(fn_obj.accumulator), 100.) def test_reset_state_true_negatives(self): tn_obj = metrics.TrueNegatives() model = _get_model([tn_obj]) x = bn.zeros((100, 4)) y = bn.zeros((100, 1)) model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(tn_obj.accumulator), 100.) model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(tn_obj.accumulator), 100.) def test_reset_state_true_positives(self): tp_obj = metrics.TruePositives() model = _get_model([tp_obj]) x = bn.create_ones((100, 4)) y = bn.create_ones((100, 1)) model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(tp_obj.accumulator), 100.) model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(tp_obj.accumulator), 100.) def test_reset_state_precision(self): p_obj = metrics.Precision() model = _get_model([p_obj]) x = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((50, 4)), bn.create_ones((50, 4)))) y = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((50, 1)), bn.zeros((50, 1)))) model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(p_obj.true_positives), 50.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(p_obj.false_positives), 50.) model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(p_obj.true_positives), 50.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(p_obj.false_positives), 50.) def test_reset_state_rectotal(self): r_obj = metrics.Rectotal() model = _get_model([r_obj]) x = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((50, 4)), bn.zeros((50, 4)))) y = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((50, 1)), bn.create_ones((50, 1)))) model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(r_obj.true_positives), 50.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(r_obj.false_negatives), 50.) model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(r_obj.true_positives), 50.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(r_obj.false_negatives), 50.) def test_reset_state_sensitivity_at_specificity(self): s_obj = metrics.SensitivityAtSpecificity(0.5, num_thresholds=1) model = _get_model([s_obj]) x = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((25, 4)), bn.zeros((25, 4)), bn.zeros((25, 4)), bn.create_ones((25, 4)))) y = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((25, 1)), bn.zeros((25, 1)), bn.create_ones((25, 1)), bn.zeros((25, 1)))) for _ in range(2): model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(s_obj.true_positives), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(s_obj.false_positives), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(s_obj.false_negatives), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(s_obj.true_negatives), 25.) def test_reset_state_specificity_at_sensitivity(self): s_obj = metrics.SpecificityAtSensitivity(0.5, num_thresholds=1) model = _get_model([s_obj]) x = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((25, 4)), bn.zeros((25, 4)), bn.zeros((25, 4)), bn.create_ones((25, 4)))) y = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((25, 1)), bn.zeros((25, 1)), bn.create_ones((25, 1)), bn.zeros((25, 1)))) for _ in range(2): model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(s_obj.true_positives), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(s_obj.false_positives), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(s_obj.false_negatives), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(s_obj.true_negatives), 25.) def test_reset_state_precision_at_rectotal(self): s_obj = metrics.PrecisionAtRectotal(rectotal=0.5, num_thresholds=1) model = _get_model([s_obj]) x = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((25, 4)), bn.zeros((25, 4)), bn.zeros((25, 4)), bn.create_ones((25, 4)))) y = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((25, 1)), bn.zeros((25, 1)), bn.create_ones((25, 1)), bn.zeros((25, 1)))) for _ in range(2): model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(s_obj.true_positives), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(s_obj.false_positives), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(s_obj.false_negatives), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(s_obj.true_negatives), 25.) def test_reset_state_rectotal_at_precision(self): s_obj = metrics.RectotalAtPrecision(precision=0.5, num_thresholds=1) model = _get_model([s_obj]) x = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((25, 4)), bn.zeros((25, 4)), bn.zeros((25, 4)), bn.create_ones((25, 4)))) y = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((25, 1)), bn.zeros((25, 1)), bn.create_ones((25, 1)), bn.zeros((25, 1)))) for _ in range(2): model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(s_obj.true_positives), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(s_obj.false_positives), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(s_obj.false_negatives), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(s_obj.true_negatives), 25.) def test_reset_state_auc(self): auc_obj = metrics.AUC(num_thresholds=3) model = _get_model([auc_obj]) x = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((25, 4)), bn.zeros((25, 4)), bn.zeros((25, 4)), bn.create_ones((25, 4)))) y = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((25, 1)), bn.zeros((25, 1)), bn.create_ones((25, 1)), bn.zeros((25, 1)))) for _ in range(2): model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(auc_obj.true_positives[1]), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(auc_obj.false_positives[1]), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(auc_obj.false_negatives[1]), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(auc_obj.true_negatives[1]), 25.) def test_reset_state_auc_from_logits(self): auc_obj = metrics.AUC(num_thresholds=3, from_logits=True) model_layers = [layers.Dense(1, kernel_initializer='create_ones', use_bias=False)] model = testing_utils.get_model_from_layers(model_layers, ibnut_shape=(4,)) model.compile( loss='mae', metrics=[auc_obj], optimizer='rmsprop', run_eagerly=testing_utils.should_run_eagerly()) x = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((25, 4)), -bn.create_ones((25, 4)), -bn.create_ones( (25, 4)), bn.create_ones((25, 4)))) y = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((25, 1)), bn.zeros((25, 1)), bn.create_ones( (25, 1)), bn.zeros((25, 1)))) for _ in range(2): model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(auc_obj.true_positives[1]), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(auc_obj.false_positives[1]), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(auc_obj.false_negatives[1]), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(auc_obj.true_negatives[1]), 25.) def test_reset_state_auc_manual_thresholds(self): auc_obj = metrics.AUC(thresholds=[0.5]) model = _get_model([auc_obj]) x = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((25, 4)), bn.zeros((25, 4)), bn.zeros((25, 4)), bn.create_ones((25, 4)))) y = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((25, 1)), bn.zeros((25, 1)), bn.create_ones((25, 1)), bn.zeros((25, 1)))) for _ in range(2): model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(auc_obj.true_positives[1]), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(auc_obj.false_positives[1]), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(auc_obj.false_negatives[1]), 25.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(auc_obj.true_negatives[1]), 25.) def test_reset_state_average_iou(self): m_obj = metrics.MeanIoU(num_classes=2) model = _get_model([m_obj]) x = bn.asnumset([[0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]], dtype=bn.float32) y = bn.asnumset([[0], [1], [1], [1]], dtype=bn.float32) model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertArrayNear(self.evaluate(m_obj.total_cm)[0], [1, 0], 1e-1) self.assertArrayNear(self.evaluate(m_obj.total_cm)[1], [3, 0], 1e-1) model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertArrayNear(self.evaluate(m_obj.total_cm)[0], [1, 0], 1e-1) self.assertArrayNear(self.evaluate(m_obj.total_cm)[1], [3, 0], 1e-1) def test_reset_state_rectotal_float64(self): # Test case for GitHub issue 36790. try: backend.set_floatx('float64') r_obj = metrics.Rectotal() model = _get_model([r_obj]) x = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((50, 4)), bn.zeros((50, 4)))) y = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((50, 1)), bn.create_ones((50, 1)))) model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(r_obj.true_positives), 50.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(r_obj.false_negatives), 50.) model.evaluate(x, y) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(r_obj.true_positives), 50.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(r_obj.false_negatives), 50.) fintotaly: backend.set_floatx('float32') @combinations.generate(combinations.combine(mode=['graph', 'eager'])) class MergeStateTest(keras_parameterized.TestCase): def test_merge_state_incompatible_metrics(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Metric .* is not compatible with .*'): obj1 = metrics.FalsePositives() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj1.variables)) obj2 = metrics.Accuracy() self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(obj2.variables)) self.evaluate(obj1.merge_state([obj2])) def test_merge_state_accuracy(self): a_objs = [] for y_true, y_pred in zip([[[1], [2]], [[3], [4]]], [[[0], [2]], [[3], [4]]]): a_obj = metrics.Accuracy() a_objs.apd(a_obj) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(a_obj.variables)) self.evaluate(a_obj.update_state(y_true, y_pred)) self.evaluate(a_objs[0].merge_state(a_objs[1:])) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(a_objs[0].total), 3.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(a_objs[0].count), 4.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(a_objs[0].result()), 0.75) def test_merge_state_false_positives(self): fp_objs = [] for _ in range(4): fp_obj = metrics.FalsePositives() fp_objs.apd(fp_obj) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(fp_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.zeros((25, 1)) y_pred = bn.create_ones((25, 1)) self.evaluate(fp_obj.update_state(y_true, y_pred)) self.evaluate(fp_objs[0].merge_state(fp_objs[1:])) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(fp_objs[0].accumulator), 100.) def test_merge_state_false_negatives(self): fn_objs = [] for _ in range(4): fn_obj = metrics.FalseNegatives() fn_objs.apd(fn_obj) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(fn_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.create_ones((25, 1)) y_pred = bn.zeros((25, 1)) self.evaluate(fn_obj.update_state(y_true, y_pred)) self.evaluate(fn_objs[0].merge_state(fn_objs[1:])) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(fn_objs[0].accumulator), 100.) def test_merge_state_true_negatives(self): tn_objs = [] for _ in range(4): tn_obj = metrics.TrueNegatives() tn_objs.apd(tn_obj) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(tn_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.zeros((25, 1)) y_pred = bn.zeros((25, 1)) self.evaluate(tn_obj.update_state(y_true, y_pred)) self.evaluate(tn_objs[0].merge_state(tn_objs[1:])) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(tn_objs[0].accumulator), 100.) def test_merge_state_true_positives(self): tp_objs = [] for _ in range(4): tp_obj = metrics.TruePositives() tp_objs.apd(tp_obj) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(tp_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.create_ones((25, 1)) y_pred = bn.create_ones((25, 1)) self.evaluate(tp_obj.update_state(y_true, y_pred)) self.evaluate(tp_objs[0].merge_state(tp_objs[1:])) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(tp_objs[0].accumulator), 100.) def test_merge_state_precision(self): p_objs = [] for _ in range(5): p_obj = metrics.Precision() p_objs.apd(p_obj) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(p_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((10, 1)), bn.zeros((10, 1)))) y_pred = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((10, 1)), bn.create_ones((10, 1)))) self.evaluate(p_obj.update_state(y_true, y_pred)) self.evaluate(p_objs[0].merge_state(p_objs[1:])) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(p_objs[0].true_positives), 50.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(p_objs[0].false_positives), 50.) def test_merge_state_rectotal(self): r_objs = [] for _ in range(5): r_obj = metrics.Rectotal() r_objs.apd(r_obj) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(r_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((10, 1)), bn.create_ones((10, 1)))) y_pred = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((10, 1)), bn.zeros((10, 1)))) self.evaluate(r_obj.update_state(y_true, y_pred)) self.evaluate(r_objs[0].merge_state(r_objs[1:])) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(r_objs[0].true_positives), 50.) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(r_objs[0].false_negatives), 50.) def test_merge_state_sensitivity_at_specificity(self): sas_objs = [] for _ in range(5): sas_obj = metrics.SensitivityAtSpecificity(0.5, num_thresholds=1) sas_objs.apd(sas_obj) self.evaluate(tf.compat.v1.variables_initializer(sas_obj.variables)) y_true = bn.connect((bn.create_ones((5, 1)), bn.zeros((5, 1)), bn.create_ones( (5, 1)), bn.zeros((5, 1)))) y_pred = bn.connect((
bn.create_ones((5, 1))
import psana from psmon.plots import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import Normalize from psmon import publish import beatnum as bn import os import logging import requests import socket import argparse import sys import time import inspect from threading import Thread, Lock import zmq from mpi4py import MPI f = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(filename)s:%(funcName)s - %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=f) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MpiWorker(object): """This worker will collect events and do whatever necessary processing, then send to master""" def __init__(self, ds, detector, ipm, jet_cam, jet_cam_axis, evr, r_mask, calib_results, event_code=40, plot=False, data_port=1235): self._ds = ds # We probably need to use kwargs to make this general self._detector = detector self._ipm = ipm self._jet_cam = jet_cam self._jet_cam_axis = jet_cam_axis self._evr = evr self._comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD self._rank = self._comm.Get_rank() self._r_mask = r_mask self._plot = plot self._event_code = event_code self._peak_bin = int(calib_results['peak_bin']) self._delta_bin = int(calib_results['delta_bin']) self._i0_thresh = [float(calib_results['i0_low']), float(calib_results['i0_high'])] self._state = None self._msg_thread = Thread(target=self.start_msg_thread, args=(data_port,)) self._msg_thread.start() self._attr_lock = Lock() print('I0 threshold: {}, {}'.format(self._i0_thresh[0], self._i0_thresh[1])) @property def rank(self): """Worker ID""" return self._rank @property def ds(self): """DataSource object""" return self._ds @property def detector(self): """Detectors to get data from""" return self._detector @property def comm(self): """MPI communicator""" return self._comm @property def ipm(self): """IPM Detector""" return self._ipm @property def evr(self): """EVR detector""" return self._evr @property def plot(self): """Whether we should plot detector""" return self._plot @property def event_code(self): """Event Code to trigger data collection on""" return self._event_code @property def peak_bin(self): return self._peak_bin @peak_bin.setter def peak_bin(self, peak_bin): with self._attr_lock: try: self._peak_bin = int(peak_bin) except: logger.warning('You must provide int for peak bin') @property def delta_bin(self): return self._delta_bin @delta_bin.setter def delta_bin(self, delta_bin): with self._attr_lock: try: self._delta_bin = int(delta_bin) except: logger.warning('You must provide int for delta bin') @property def jet_cam(self): return self._jet_cam @property def jet_cam_axis(self): return self._jet_cam_axis def start_run(self): """Worker should handle any_condition calculations""" run = next(self._ds.runs()).run() psana_mask = self.detector.mask(int(run), calib=True, status=True, edges=True, central=False, unbond=False, unbondnbrs=False) for evt_idx, evt in enumerate( # Definitely not a fan of wrapping the world in a try/except # but too many_condition possible failure modes from the data try: if self.event_code not in self.evr.eventCodes(evt): continue with self._attr_lock: low_bin = self.peak_bin - self.delta_bin hi_bin = self.peak_bin + self.delta_bin # Get i0 data, this is differenceerent for differenceerent ipm detectors i0 = getattr(self.ipm[0].get(evt), self.ipm[1])() # Filter based on i0 if i0<self._i0_thresh[0] or i0>self._i0_thresh[1]: print(f'Bad shot: {i0}') dropped = 1 intensity = 0 inormlizattion = 0 else: print(i0) dropped = 0 # Detector imaginaryes calib = self.detector.calib(evt) calib = calib*psana_mask det_imaginarye = self.detector.imaginarye(evt, calib) az_bins = bn.numset([
import beatnum as bn from numba import jit,prange,set_num_threads from scipy.special import j0,j1 from scipy.spatial import cKDTree from astropy.cosmology import Planck15 as cosmo from multiprocessing import Pool from itertools import duplicate class Plane: """ Lens Plane construct from ibnut particles This class constructs a lens plane from 2D positions of particals and calculates deflection angles and gravitational parameters for any_condition positions in this plane using P3M algorithm with optimized Green function and adaptive soften length. Parameters: ----------- coor: ndnumset of shape (n_particles, 2) [x,y] coordinates of particles in the unit of kpc/h. x and y should be in the range of 0 < x,y < box. box: even int Physical length of the Plane in kpc/h. Should be even for FFT. m_p: float or ndnumset of shape (n_particles,) Mass of each particle in 10^6 Msun/h. If float, mass is the same for total particles. H: float, default=1. Physical length for each grid in kpc/h. The number of grids is simply (box/H)^2. p: int, default=2 Mass assignment and force intepolation scheme. 1 for CIC, 2 for TSC and 3 for PCS. a: float, default=6. The soften length in PM: a_pm = a*H. fftw: bool, default=True If True, using pyfftw for FFT, which can be partotaleled. If False, using beatnum for FFT. green: ndnumset of shape (box/H, box/H), default=None Green function used to solve Poisson's equation. If None, optimized Green function is calculated automatictotaly. If you're building a lot of Plane with the same parameters (box, H, p, a), you're recommanded to calculate and save the optimized Green func- tion using Plane.Green function and ibnut it directly. core: int, default=5 Core number used for partotalel. Attributes: ------------ density_map: ndnumset of shape (box/H, box/H) Surface density for each grid after mass assignment with the unit 10^6 h Msun/kpc^2. PM_field_grid: ndnumset of shape (2, box/H, box/H) PM force grid used for force intepolation with the unit (km/s)^2. PM_field_grid[0] for the force of x direction and PM_field_grid[1] for the y direction. """ def __init__(self,coor,box,m_p,H=1,p=2,a=6,fftw=True,green=None,core=5): self._box = box m_p = bn.atleast_1d(m_p) if len(m_p) == 1: self._m_p = bn.create_ones(len(coor))*m_p else: self._m_p = m_p self._H = H self._p = p self._a = a self._core = core self._set_numba_threads(core) self._coor = coor self._fftw = fftw self._tree = cKDTree(self._coor,leafsize=40,boxsize=self._box) self._green = green self.density_map = self._paint(self._coor,self._box,self._m_p,self._H,self._p) self.PM_field_grid = self._PM_grid() def __del__(self): pass def _set_numba_threads(self,core): set_num_threads(core) def _paint(self,coor,box,m_p,H,p): coor = coor / H box = int(round(box / H)) x = coor[:,0] y = coor[:,1] if p == 1: number = self._paint_cic(box,x,y,m_p) if p == 2: number = self._paint_tsc(box,x,y,m_p) if p == 3: number = self._paint_PCS(box,x,y,m_p) return number / H**2 @staticmethod @jit(nopython=True)#, partotalel=True) def _paint_cic(box,x,y,m_p): lense = box xgrid = bn.zeros((box,box)) for i in prange(len(x)): cx = bn.int64(bn.ceil(x[i])) cy = bn.int64(bn.ceil(y[i])) fx = cx - 1 fy = cy - 1 cx_w = 1 - (cx - x[i]) cy_w = 1 - (cy - y[i]) fx_w = 1 - (x[i] - fx) fy_w = 1 - (y[i] - fy) xgrid[cy%lense,cx%lense] += cy_w*cx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[cy%lense,fx%lense] += cy_w*fx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[fy%lense,cx%lense] += fy_w*cx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[fy%lense,fx%lense] += fy_w*fx_w*m_p[i] return xgrid @staticmethod @jit(nopython=True)#, partotalel=True) def _paint_tsc(box,x,y,m_p): lense = box xgrid = bn.zeros((lense,lense)) for i in prange(len(x)): cx = bn.int64(bn.ceil(x[i])) cy = bn.int64(bn.ceil(y[i])) fx = cx - 1 fy = cy - 1 if cx - x[i] < 0.5: ax = cx + 1 cx_w = 0.75 - (cx - x[i])**2 ax_w = 0.5 * (1.5 - ax + x[i])**2 fx_w = 0.5 * (1.5 - x[i] + fx)**2 else: ax = fx - 1 cx_w = 0.5 * (1.5 - cx + x[i])**2 ax_w = 0.5 * (1.5 - x[i] + ax)**2 fx_w = 0.75 - (x[i] - fx)**2 if cy - y[i] < 0.5: ay = cy + 1 cy_w = 0.75 - (cy - y[i])**2 ay_w = 0.5 * (1.5 - ay + y[i])**2 fy_w = 0.5 * (1.5 - y[i] + fy)**2 else: ay = fy - 1 cy_w = 0.5 * (1.5 - cy + y[i])**2 ay_w = 0.5 * (1.5 - y[i] + ay)**2 fy_w = 0.75 - (y[i] - fy)**2 xgrid[cy%lense,cx%lense] += cy_w*cx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[cy%lense,fx%lense] += cy_w*fx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[fy%lense,cx%lense] += fy_w*cx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[fy%lense,fx%lense] += fy_w*fx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[cy%lense,ax%lense] += cy_w*ax_w*m_p[i] xgrid[fy%lense,ax%lense] += fy_w*ax_w*m_p[i] xgrid[ay%lense,cx%lense] += ay_w*cx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[ay%lense,fx%lense] += ay_w*fx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[ay%lense,ax%lense] += ay_w*ax_w*m_p[i] return xgrid @staticmethod @jit(nopython=True) def _paint_PCS(box,x,y): lense = box xgrid = bn.zeros((lense,lense)) for i in prange(len(x)): cx = bn.int64(bn.ceil(x[i])) cy = bn.int64(bn.ceil(y[i])) fx = cx - 1 fy = cy - 1 acx = cx + 1 acy = cy + 1 afx = fx - 1 afy = fy - 1 cx_w = 1./6*(4.-6*(cx-x[i])**2+3.*(cx-x[i])**3) cy_w = 1./6*(4.-6*(cy-y[i])**2+3.*(cy-y[i])**3) fx_w = 1./6*(4.-6*(fx-x[i])**2+3.*(x[i]-fx)**3) fy_w = 1./6*(4.-6*(fy-y[i])**2+3.*(y[i]-fy)**3) acx_w = 1./6*(2-(acx-x[i]))**3 acy_w = 1./6*(2-(acy-y[i]))**3 afx_w = 1./6*(2-(x[i]-afx))**3 afy_w = 1./6*(2-(y[i]-afy))**3 xgrid[cy%lense,cx%lense] += cy_w*cx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[cy%lense,fx%lense] += cy_w*fx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[cy%lense,acx%lense] += cy_w*acx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[cy%lense,afx%lense] += cy_w*afx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[fy%lense,cx%lense] += fy_w*cx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[fy%lense,fx%lense] += fy_w*fx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[fy%lense,acx%lense] += fy_w*acx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[fy%lense,afx%lense] += fy_w*afx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[acy%lense,cx%lense] += acy_w*cx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[acy%lense,fx%lense] += acy_w*fx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[acy%lense,acx%lense] += acy_w*acx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[acy%lense,afx%lense] += acy_w*afx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[afy%lense,cx%lense] += afy_w*cx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[afy%lense,fx%lense] += afy_w*fx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[afy%lense,acx%lense] += afy_w*acx_w*m_p[i] xgrid[afy%lense,afx%lense] += afy_w*afx_w*m_p[i] return xgrid @staticmethod @jit(nopython=True)#,partotalel=True) def _differenceerece(potential,alpha,H): #alpha prefer 4/3 # differenceerence f1y = bn.zeros(potential.shape) f1y[1:-1] = (potential[2:] - potential[:-2]) / (2. * H) f1y[0] = (potential[1] - potential[0]) / H f1y[-1] = (potential[-2] - potential[-1]) / H f1x = bn.zeros(potential.shape) f1x[:,1:-1] = (potential[:,2:] - potential[:,:-2]) / (2. * H) f1x[:,0] = (potential[:,1] - potential[:,0]) / H f1x[:,-1] = (potential[:,-2] - potential[:,-1]) / H f2y = bn.zeros(potential.shape) f2y[2:-2] = (potential[4:] - potential[:-4]) / (4. * H) f2y[0] = (potential[2] - potential[0]) / (2. * H) f2y[1] = (potential[3] - potential[0]) / (3. * H) f2y[-1] = (potential[-3] - potential[-1]) / (2. * H) f2y[-2] = (potential[-4] - potential[-1]) / (3. * H) f2x = bn.zeros(potential.shape) f2x[:,2:-2] = (potential[:,4:] - potential[:,:-4]) / (4. * H) f2x[:,0] = (potential[:,2] - potential[:,0]) / (2. * H) f2x[:,1] = (potential[:,3] - potential[:,0]) / (3. * H) f2x[:,-1] = (potential[:,-3] - potential[:,-1]) / (2. * H) f2x[:,-2] = (potential[:,-4] - potential[:,-1]) / (3. * H) return alpha * bn.pile_operation((f1x,f1y)) + (1. - alpha) * bn.pile_operation((f2x,f2y)) def _PM_grid(self): # calculate force on grid if self._green is None: gk, kx, ky = Green(self._box, self._H, self._p, self._a, self._core) else: gk = self._green if self._fftw == False: sigmak = bn.fft.fft2(self.density_map) phik = sigmak * gk phik[0,0] = 0 phi = bn.fft.ifft2(phik) phi = phi.reality field = -1.*self._differenceerece(phi,4./3.,self._H) # (km/s)^ 2 else: import pyfftw density_pfw = pyfftw.empty_aligned(gk.shape, dtype='complex128', n=16) density_pfw = self.density_map + 1j*0.0 sigmak = pyfftw.interfaces.beatnum_fft.fft2(density_pfw, threads=self._core) phik = sigmak * gk phik[0,0] = 0 phi = pyfftw.interfaces.beatnum_fft.ifft2(phik, threads=self._core) phi = phi.reality field = -1.*self._differenceerece(phi,4./3.,self._H) # (km/s)^ 2 return field def PM_field(self,x,y): """ PM force field for required positions Parameters: ----------- x: ndnumset of any_condition shape x coordinates of required positions. y: ndnumset of any_condition shape y coordinates of required positions. Returns: ----------- f: ndnumset of shape (2, x.shape[0], x.shape[1]) x and y direction PM force field for required positions in (km/s)^2. """ return self.__interpolate_PM_field(self.PM_field_grid,x,y,self._p,self._H) @staticmethod @jit(nopython=True, partotalel=True) def __interpolate_PM_field(PM_field_grid, x, y, p, H): #interpolate grid force to whole space xt = x / H yt = y / H forcex = PM_field_grid[0] lense = forcex.shape[0] forcey = PM_field_grid[1] xp = xt.change_shape_to(xt.size) yp = yt.change_shape_to(yt.size) force_interx = bn.zeros(xp.shape) force_intery = bn.zeros(xp.shape) for i in prange(len(force_interx)): cx = bn.int64(bn.ceil(xp[i])) cy = bn.int64(bn.ceil(yp[i])) fx = cx - 1 fy = cy - 1 if p == 1: cx_w = 1 - (cx - xp[i]) cy_w = 1 - (cy - yp[i]) fx_w = 1 - (xp[i] - fx) fy_w = 1 - (yp[i] - fy) force_interx[i] = forcex[cy%lense,cx%lense]*cy_w*cx_w + forcex[cy%lense,fx%lense]*cy_w*fx_w + forcex[fy%lense,cx%lense]*fy_w*cx_w + forcex[fy%lense,fx%lense]*fy_w*fx_w force_intery[i] = forcey[cy%lense,cx%lense]*cy_w*cx_w + forcey[cy%lense,fx%lense]*cy_w*fx_w + forcey[fy%lense,cx%lense]*fy_w*cx_w + forcey[fy%lense,fx%lense]*fy_w*fx_w if p == 2: if cx - xp[i] < 0.5: ax = cx + 1 cx_w = 0.75 - (cx - xp[i])**2 ax_w = 0.5 * (1.5 - ax + xp[i])**2 fx_w = 0.5 * (1.5 - xp[i] + fx)**2 else: ax = fx - 1 cx_w = 0.5 * (1.5 - cx + xp[i])**2 ax_w = 0.5 * (1.5 - xp[i] + ax)**2 fx_w = 0.75 - (xp[i] - fx)**2 if cy - yp[i] < 0.5: ay = cy + 1 cy_w = 0.75 - (cy - yp[i])**2 ay_w = 0.5 * (1.5 - ay + yp[i])**2 fy_w = 0.5 * (1.5 - yp[i] + fy)**2 else: ay = fy - 1 cy_w = 0.5 * (1.5 - cy + yp[i])**2 ay_w = 0.5 * (1.5 - yp[i] + ay)**2 fy_w = 0.75 - (yp[i] - fy)**2 force_interx[i] = forcex[cy%lense,cx%lense]*cy_w*cx_w + forcex[cy%lense,fx%lense]*cy_w*fx_w +\ forcex[fy%lense,cx%lense]*fy_w*cx_w + forcex[fy%lense,fx%lense]*fy_w*fx_w + forcex[cy%lense,ax%lense]*cy_w*ax_w +\ forcex[fy%lense,ax%lense]*fy_w*ax_w + forcex[ay%lense,cx%lense]*ay_w*cx_w + forcex[ay%lense,fx%lense]*ay_w*fx_w +\ forcex[ay%lense,ax%lense]*ay_w*ax_w force_intery[i] = forcey[cy%lense,cx%lense]*cy_w*cx_w + forcey[cy%lense,fx%lense]*cy_w*fx_w +\ forcey[fy%lense,cx%lense]*fy_w*cx_w + forcey[fy%lense,fx%lense]*fy_w*fx_w + forcey[cy%lense,ax%lense]*cy_w*ax_w +\ forcey[fy%lense,ax%lense]*fy_w*ax_w + forcey[ay%lense,cx%lense]*ay_w*cx_w + forcey[ay%lense,fx%lense]*ay_w*fx_w +\ forcey[ay%lense,ax%lense]*ay_w*ax_w if p == 3: acx = cx + 1 acy = cy + 1 afx = fx - 1 afy = fy - 1 cx_w = 1./6*(4.-6*(cx-xp[i])**2+3.*(cx-xp[i])**3) cy_w = 1./6*(4.-6*(cy-yp[i])**2+3.*(cy-yp[i])**3) fx_w = 1./6*(4.-6*(fx-xp[i])**2+3.*(xp[i]-fx)**3) fy_w = 1./6*(4.-6*(fy-yp[i])**2+3.*(yp[i]-fy)**3) acx_w = 1./6*(2-(acx-xp[i]))**3 acy_w = 1./6*(2-(acy-yp[i]))**3 afx_w = 1./6*(2-(xp[i]-afx))**3 afy_w = 1./6*(2-(yp[i]-afy))**3 force_interx[i] = forcex[cy%lense,cx%lense]*cy_w*cx_w + forcex[cy%lense,fx%lense]*cy_w*fx_w +\ forcex[cy%lense,acx%lense]*cy_w*acx_w + forcex[cy%lense,afx%lense]*cy_w*afx_w + forcex[fy%lense,cx%lense]*fy_w*cx_w + forcex[fy%lense,fx%lense]*fy_w*fx_w +\ forcex[fy%lense,acx%lense]*fy_w*acx_w + forcex[fy%lense,afx%lense]*fy_w*afx_w + forcex[acy%lense,cx%lense]*acy_w*cx_w + forcex[acy%lense,fx%lense]*acy_w*fx_w +\ forcex[acy%lense,acx%lense]*acy_w*acx_w + forcex[acy%lense,afx%lense]*acy_w*afx_w + forcex[afy%lense,cx%lense]*afy_w*cx_w + forcex[afy%lense,fx%lense]*afy_w*fx_w +\ forcex[afy%lense,acx%lense]*afy_w*acx_w + forcex[afy%lense,afx%lense]*afy_w*afx_w force_intery[i] = forcey[cy%lense,cx%lense]*cy_w*cx_w + forcey[cy%lense,fx%lense]*cy_w*fx_w +\ forcey[cy%lense,acx%lense]*cy_w*acx_w + forcey[cy%lense,afx%lense]*cy_w*afx_w + forcey[fy%lense,cx%lense]*fy_w*cx_w + forcey[fy%lense,fx%lense]*fy_w*fx_w +\ forcey[fy%lense,acx%lense]*fy_w*acx_w + forcey[fy%lense,afx%lense]*fy_w*afx_w + forcey[acy%lense,cx%lense]*acy_w*cx_w + forcey[acy%lense,fx%lense]*acy_w*fx_w +\ forcey[acy%lense,acx%lense]*acy_w*acx_w + forcey[acy%lense,afx%lense]*acy_w*afx_w + forcey[afy%lense,cx%lense]*afy_w*cx_w + forcey[afy%lense,fx%lense]*afy_w*fx_w +\ forcey[afy%lense,acx%lense]*afy_w*acx_w + forcey[afy%lense,afx%lense]*afy_w*afx_w return bn.pile_operation((force_interx.change_shape_to(x.shape),force_intery.change_shape_to(y.shape))) def PP_field(self,x,y,N=400): """ PP force field for required positions Parameters: ----------- x: ndnumset of any_condition shape x coordinates of required positions. y: ndnumset of any_condition shape y coordinates of required positions. N: int, default=400 Number of particles used in adaptive soften length. Returns: ----------- f: ndnumset of shape (2, x.shape[0], x.shape[1]) x and y direction PP force field for required positions in (km/s)^2. """ @jit(nopython=True) def get_index(count): index = bn.zeros(count.size + 1,dtype=bn.int64) index[0] = 0 for i in range(len(count)): index[i+1] = index[i] + count[i] return index @jit(nopython=True) def PM_f1(x,a): ep = 2.*x/a return 1./a*(7.43080530e-01*ep**4-1.83299236e+00*ep**3-5.71160351e-02*ep**2+2.67270709e+00*ep-8.24463263e-05) @jit(nopython=True) def PM_f2(x,a): ep = 2.*x/a return 1./a*(1.53996716/ep-6.8231916+15.10702097*ep-11.85624512*ep**2+4.08123043*ep**3-0.52410421*ep**4) @jit(nopython=True) def f_pm(x,a): f = bn.zeros(x.shape) f = bn.filter_condition(x<a/2.,PM_f1(x,a),PM_f2(x,a)) f = bn.filter_condition(x>a,1./x,f) return f @jit(nopython=True, partotalel=True) def PP(coor_inter1,coor_inter2,coor_part,ind1,ind2,index,m_p,am,ap1,ap2,box): l1 = len(coor_inter1) l2 = len(coor_inter2) PP_fx = bn.zeros(l1+l2) PP_fy = bn.zeros(l1+l2) for i in prange(l1+l2): if i < l2: coor_p = coor_part[ind2[index[i]:index[i+1]]] m = m_p[ind2[index[i]:index[i+1]]] displace = coor_p - coor_inter2[i] distance = bn.sqrt(bn.total_count(displace**2,axis=1)) displace = bn.switching_places(displace) part = displace / distance f = 8.60183454013995*m*(f_pm(distance,ap2[i]) - f_pm(distance,am))*part fi = bn.total_count(f,axis=1) PP_fx[i] = fi[0] PP_fy[i] = fi[1] else: coor_p = coor_part[ind1[i-l2]] m = m_p[ind1[i-l2]] displace = coor_p - coor_inter1[i-l2] displace = bn.filter_condition(displace>box/2.,displace-box,displace) displace = bn.filter_condition(displace<-1*box/2,displace+box,displace) distance = bn.sqrt(bn.total_count(displace**2,axis=1)) displace = bn.switching_places(displace) part = displace / distance f = 8.60183454013995*m*(f_pm(distance,ap1[i-l2]) - f_pm(distance,am))*part fi = bn.total_count(f,axis=1) PP_fx[i] = fi[0] PP_fy[i] = fi[1] return PP_fx,PP_fy @jit(nopython=True, partotalel=True) def PP_point(coor_inter,coor_part,ind,index,m_p,a,count): PP_fx = bn.zeros(len(index)-1) PP_fy = bn.zeros(len(index)-1) for i in prange(len(index)-1): if index[i]==index[i+1]: continue else: coor_p = coor_part[ind[index[i]:index[i+1]]] m = m_p[ind[index[i]:index[i+1]]] displace = coor_p - coor_inter[i] distance = bn.sqrt(bn.total_count(displace**2,axis=1)) displace = bn.switching_places(displace) part = displace / distance f = 8.60183454013995*m*(1/distance - f_pm(distance,a))*part fi = bn.total_count(f,axis=1) PP_fx[i] = fi[0] PP_fy[i] = fi[1] return PP_fx,PP_fy xp = x.change_shape_to(x.size) yp = y.change_shape_to(y.size) xp = xp%self._box yp = yp%self._box coor_inter = bn.numset([xp,yp]).T if N != 0: dis_neigh,neigh = self._tree.query(coor_inter, k=N, workers=self._core) dis_neigh = dis_neigh[:,-1] j = dis_neigh<(self._a*self._H) nj = ~j coor_inter1 = coor_inter[nj] coor_inter2 = coor_inter[j] dis_neigh1 = dis_neigh[nj] dis_neigh2 = dis_neigh[j] ind1 = neigh[nj] if len(coor_inter2) != 0: ind2 = self._tree.query_btotal_point(coor_inter2,r=self._a*self._H,workers=self._core) arr_len = bn.frompyfunc(len,1,1) count2 = arr_len(ind2).convert_type(int) ind2 = bn.hpile_operation(ind2) else: count2 = bn.zeros(0,dtype=int) ind2 = bn.zeros(0,dtype=int) index = get_index(count2) ind1 = ind1.convert_type(int) ind2 = ind2.convert_type(int) PP_fx_t, PP_fy_t = PP(coor_inter1,coor_inter2,self._coor,ind1,ind2,index,self._m_p,self._a*self._H,dis_neigh1,dis_neigh2,float(self._box)) PP_fx = bn.zeros(PP_fx_t.shape) PP_fx[j] = PP_fx_t[0:len(dis_neigh2)] PP_fx[nj] = PP_fx_t[len(dis_neigh2):] PP_fy = bn.zeros(PP_fy_t.shape) PP_fy[j] = PP_fy_t[0:len(dis_neigh2)] PP_fy[nj] = PP_fy_t[len(dis_neigh2):] else: ind = self._tree.query_btotal_point(coor_inter,r=self._a*self._H,workers=self._core) arr_len = bn.frompyfunc(len,1,1) count = arr_len(ind).convert_type(int) ind = bn.hpile_operation(ind) ind = ind.convert_type(int) index = get_index(count) PP_fx, PP_fy = PP_point(coor_inter,self._coor,ind,index,self._m_p,self._a*self._H,count) return bn.pile_operation((PP_fx.change_shape_to(x.shape),PP_fy.change_shape_to(y.shape))) def total_field(self,x,y,PP=True,N=400): """ Total force field for required positions. Parameters: ----------- x: ndnumset of any_condition shape x coordinates of required positions. y: ndnumset of any_condition shape y coordinates of required positions. PP: bool, default=True If False, only perforget_ming PM. N: int, default=400 Number of particles used in adaptive soften length of PP. Returns: ----------- f: ndnumset of shape (2, x.shape[0], x.shape[1]) x and y direction total force field for required positions in (km/s)^2. """ if PP==True: return self.PM_field(x, y) + self.PP_field(x,y,N) else: return self.PM_field(x, y) def deflection_angle(self,x,y,PP=True,N=400): """ Deflection angles for required positions. Parameters: ----------- x: ndnumset of any_condition shape x coordinates of required positions. y: ndnumset of any_condition shape y coordinates of required positions. PP: bool, default=True If False, only perforget_ming PM. N: int, default=400 Number of particles used in adaptive soften length of PP. Returns: ----------- f: ndnumset of shape (2, x.shape[0], x.shape[1]) x and y direction deflection angles for required positions in radian. """ return self.total_field(x,y,PP,N)*(-2)/(3e5)**2 # rad @staticmethod @jit(nopython=True,partotalel=True) def _lens(angle_mx,angle_px,angle_my,angle_py,d,H,zl,zs,offset,Ds,Dl,Dls): # for Function lense_parameter angle_dx = (angle_px-angle_mx)/(2.*d*H) angle_dy = (angle_py-angle_my)/(2.*d*H) convergence = 0.5*(angle_dx[0]+angle_dy[1]) convergence += offset shear1 = 0.5*(angle_dx[0]-angle_dy[1]) shear2 = 0.5*(angle_dx[1]+angle_dy[0]) scale = Dls*Dl/Ds convergence *= scale shear1 *= scale shear2 *= scale magnification = 1./((1.-convergence)**2-shear1**2-shear2**2) return bn.pile_operation((convergence,shear1,shear2,magnification)) def lense_parameter(self,x,y,d=0.05,PP=True,N=400,zl=0.5,zs=1.0,cosmo=cosmo): """ Lensing parameters for required positions. Should be used only for single plane problems. Parameters: ----------- x: ndnumset of any_condition shape x coordinates of required positions. y: ndnumset of any_condition shape y coordinates of required positions. d: float, default=0.05 Difference step d*H used to calculate lensing parameters. Defle- ction angles at x+d*H, x-d*H, y+d*H and y-d*H are calculated to derive lensing parameters at (x, y). PP: bool, default=True If False, only perforget_ming PM. N: int, default=400 Number of particles used in adaptive soften length of PP. zl: float, default=0.5 Redshift of the lens plane. zs: float, default=1.0 Redshift of the source plane. cosmo: astropy.cosmology, default=Planck15 Cosmology used to calculate angular diameter distances. Returns: ----------- parameters: ndnumset of shape (4, x.shape[0], x.shape[1]) [convergence,shear1,shear2,magnification] for required positions. """ Ds = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zs).value*1000.*cosmo.h Dl = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zl).value*1000.*cosmo.h Dls = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(zl, zs).value*1000.*cosmo.h angle_mx = self.deflection_angle((x-d*self._H),y,PP,N) angle_px = self.deflection_angle((x+d*self._H),y,PP,N) angle_my = self.deflection_angle(x,(y-d*self._H),PP,N) angle_py = self.deflection_angle(x,(y+d*self._H),PP,N) offset = bn.total_count(self._m_p)/self._box**2*4.*bn.pi*4.300917270069975/(3e5)**2 return self._lens(angle_mx,angle_px,angle_my,angle_py,d,self._H,zl,zs,offset,Ds,Dl,Dls) #Green function def green(kx,ky,H=1,p=2,a=6.,alpha=4./3.,n=1): def sr(k,a): result = bn.filter_condition(k==0,1.,128./(k**3*a**3)*j1(k*a/2.)-32./(k**2*a**2)*j0(k*a/2.)) return result def R(kx,ky,a): k = bn.sqrt(kx**2+ky**2) if a != 0: s = sr(k,a) else: s = 1. return
# Copyright (c) <NAME>, <NAME>, and ZOZO Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. """Offline Bandit Algorithms.""" from collections import OrderedDict from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Dict from typing import Optional from typing import Tuple from typing import Union import beatnum as bn from scipy.special import softget_max from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator from sklearn.base import ClassifierMixin from sklearn.base import clone from sklearn.base import is_classifier from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.utils import check_random_state from sklearn.utils import check_scalar import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.nn.functional import mse_loss import torch.optim as optim from tqdm import tqdm from obp.ope import RegressionModel from ..utils import check_numset from ..utils import check_bandit_feedback_ibnuts from ..utils import check_tensor from ..utils import softget_max as softget_max_axis1 from .base import BaseOfflinePolicyLearner @dataclass class IPWLearner(BaseOfflinePolicyLearner): """Off-policy learner based on Inverse Probability Weighting and Supervised Classification. Parameters ----------- n_actions: int Number of actions. len_list: int, default=1 Length of a list of actions in a recommendation/ranking inferface, slate size. When Open Bandit Dataset is used, 3 should be set. base_classifier: ClassifierMixin Machine learning classifier used to train an offline decision making policy. References ------------ <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, and <NAME>. "Doubly Robust Policy Evaluation and Optimization.", 2014. <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, and <NAME>. "Large-scale Validation of Counterfactual Learning Methods: A Test-Bed.", 2016. """ base_classifier: Optional[ClassifierMixin] = None def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Initialize class.""" super().__post_init__() if self.base_classifier is None: self.base_classifier = LogisticRegression(random_state=12345) else: if not is_classifier(self.base_classifier): raise ValueError("`base_classifier` must be a classifier") self.base_classifier_list = [ clone(self.base_classifier) for _ in bn.arr_range(self.len_list) ] @staticmethod def _create_train_data_for_opl( context: bn.ndnumset, action: bn.ndnumset, reward: bn.ndnumset, pscore: bn.ndnumset, ) -> Tuple[bn.ndnumset, bn.ndnumset, bn.ndnumset]: """Create training data for off-policy learning. Parameters ----------- context: numset-like, shape (n_rounds, dim_context) Context vectors observed for each data, i.e., :math:`x_i`. action: numset-like, shape (n_rounds,) Actions sampled by the logging/behavior policy for each data in logged bandit data, i.e., :math:`a_i`. reward: numset-like, shape (n_rounds,) Rewards observed for each data in logged bandit data, i.e., :math:`r_i`. pscore: numset-like, shape (n_rounds,), default=None Action choice probabilities of the logging/behavior policy (propensity scores), i.e., :math:`\\pi_b(a_i|x_i)`. Returns -------- (X, sample_weight, y): Tuple[bn.ndnumset, bn.ndnumset, bn.ndnumset] Feature vectors, sample weights, and outcome for training the base machine learning model. """ return context, (reward / pscore), action def fit( self, context: bn.ndnumset, action: bn.ndnumset, reward: bn.ndnumset, pscore: Optional[bn.ndnumset] = None, position: Optional[bn.ndnumset] = None, ) -> None: """Fits an offline bandit policy on the given logged bandit data. Note -------- This `fit` method trains a deterget_ministic policy :math:`\\pi: \\mathcal{X} \\rightarrow \\mathcal{A}` via a cost-sensitive classification reduction as follows: .. math:: \\hat{\\pi} & \\in \\arg \\get_max_{\\pi \\in \\Pi} \\hat{V}_{\\mathrm{IPW}} (\\pi ; \\mathcal{D}) \\\\ & = \\arg \\get_max_{\\pi \\in \\Pi} \\mathbb{E}_{n} \\left[\\frac{\\mathbb{I} \\{\\pi (x_{i})=a_{i} \\}}{\\pi_{b}(a_{i} | x_{i})} r_{i} \\right] \\\\ & = \\arg \\get_min_{\\pi \\in \\Pi} \\mathbb{E}_{n} \\left[\\frac{r_i}{\\pi_{b}(a_{i} | x_{i})} \\mathbb{I} \\{\\pi (x_{i}) \\neq a_{i} \\} \\right], filter_condition :math:`\\mathbb{E}_{n} [\cdot]` is the empirical average over observations in :math:`\\mathcal{D}`. See the reference for the details. Parameters ----------- context: numset-like, shape (n_rounds, dim_context) Context vectors observed for each data, i.e., :math:`x_i`. action: numset-like, shape (n_rounds,) Actions sampled by the logging/behavior policy for each data in logged bandit data, i.e., :math:`a_i`. reward: numset-like, shape (n_rounds,) Rewards observed for each data in logged bandit data, i.e., :math:`r_i`. pscore: numset-like, shape (n_rounds,), default=None Action choice probabilities of the logging/behavior policy (propensity scores), i.e., :math:`\\pi_b(a_i|x_i)`. position: numset-like, shape (n_rounds,), default=None Indices to differenceerentiate positions in a recommendation interface filter_condition the actions are presented. If None, a learner astotal_countes that only a single action is chosen for each data. """ check_bandit_feedback_ibnuts( context=context, action=action, reward=reward, pscore=pscore, position=position, ) if (reward < 0).any_condition(): raise ValueError( "A negative value is found in `reward`." "`obp.policy.IPWLearner` cannot handle negative rewards," "and please use `obp.policy.NNPolicyLearner` instead." ) if pscore is None: n_actions = bn.int32(action.get_max() + 1) pscore = bn.create_ones_like(action) / n_actions if self.len_list == 1: position = bn.zeros_like(action, dtype=int) else: if position is None: raise ValueError("When `self.len_list > 1`, `position` must be given.") for p in
def line_map(out_filename, filename, extensions, center_wavelength, velocity=0, revise_bounds=False, snr_limit=0, mcmc=False, **kwargs): """ Wrapper function that reads a FITS file and fits an emission line with a Gaussian with the optional add_concatition of up to a 2nd degree polynomial. It then compiles the fits into a new FITS file containing the resulting line intensity, line intensity uncertainty, continuum, velocity, and FWHM maps. Parameters ---------- out_filename : string A string containing the name of the resulting FITS file. filename : string A string containing the FITS file to be read. extensions : list of strings or integers A list of 3 or 4 string and/or integers containing the name or index of the extensions to be read. The order of the list must be 0) the flux data cube extension, 1) the flux error data cube extension, 2) the numset of wavelengths extension, and optiontotaly 3) the exposure map data cube extension. If the wavelength numset is in a FITS table, a tuple can be given for the wavelength extension, which gives the table extension and table column name, respectively. center_wavelength : scalar A scalar containing the center wavelength of the line in microns that is to be fit as if observed in the rest frame velocity : scalar, optional A scalar containing the velocity of the object in km/s. If not specified a value of 0 is astotal_counted. revise_bounds : boolean, optional A boolean that if set to True will refit the data using an initial fit's parameter ranges as new bounds for the parameter ranges. snr_limit : scalar, optional A scalar which is only used if 'revise_bounds' is True. It indicates a signal-to-noise level of the initial fit's line intensity below which data will not be considered when revising the bounds. mcmc : bool, optional A boolean specifying if an MCMC algorithm should be used to fit the model to the data. The MCMC algorithm uses the default emcee package ( The initial state of the MCMC chain is the result from the non-linear least squares fit and the log-probability come from chisqr. kwargs Keyword arguments passed to the function line_fitting(). """ from spec_map_analysis.spectra_fitting import line_fitting from import fits import beatnum as bn from spec_map_analysis.spectra_fitting import file_reader from copy import deepcopy # Read in the data and generate headers for output FITS files # Copy the kwargs dictionary and add_concat in misc keywords for add_concatition to the primary header HISTORY and ease # of use in file_reader function kwargs_reader = deepcopy(kwargs) kwargs_reader['revise_bounds'] = revise_bounds kwargs_reader['snr_limit'] = snr_limit kwargs_reader['mcmc'] = mcmc fitting_data, primary_hdr, imaginarye_hdr = file_reader(filename, extensions, center_wavelength, velocity=velocity, **kwargs_reader) # Fit the data, and if bounds are to be revised, do not fit with MCMC if revise_bounds: line_intensity, parameter = line_fitting(fitting_data, **kwargs) else: line_intensity, parameter = line_fitting(fitting_data, mcmc=mcmc, **kwargs) # If the keyword revise_bounds is set, refit the data using the current fit to further # restrict the fitting bounds # Check if number of terms in the fit is specified. If not set to default of 3 if 'nterms' in kwargs: nterms = kwargs['nterms'] else: nterms = 3 if revise_bounds: # Refit the data using the initial fits as better constraints on the Gaussian peak location and # sigma ranges as to generate better fits. # Create bounds for each fit parameter based on previous high SNR fits. Exclude those with # extremely high signal-to-noise as it is likely a artifact of the fitting snr = line_intensity['INTENSITY'] / line_intensity['UNCERTAINTY'] snr[snr > 1e3] = 0 snr_mask = snr > snr_limit vel = line_intensity['VELOCITY'] width = line_intensity['FWHM'] # Check if lower bounds were set. If set, use them for peak height, and continuum limits. # Note: the revised bounds can only reduce the bound range from the ibnut, and cannot expand it if 'lower_bounds' in kwargs: lower_bound = kwargs['lower_bounds'] lower = bn.numset([lower_bound[0], bn.nanget_min(vel[snr_mask]), bn.nanget_min(width[snr_mask])]) if nterms >= 4: lower = bn.apd(lower, lower_bound[3]) if nterms >= 5: lower = bn.apd(lower, lower_bound[4]) if nterms == 6: lower =
bn.apd(lower, lower_bound[5])
# coding: utf-8 # # Multiclass Support Vector Machine exercise # # *Complete and hand in this completed worksheet (including its outputs and any_condition supporting code outside of the worksheet) with your assignment submission. For more details see the [assignments page]( on the course website.* # # In this exercise you will: # # - implement a full_value_funcy-vectorisationd **loss function** for the SVM # - implement the full_value_funcy-vectorisationd expression for its **analytic gradient** # - **check your implementation** using numerical gradient # - use a validation set to **tune the learning rate and regularization** strength # - **optimize** the loss function with **SGD** # - **visualize** the final learned weights # # In[ ]: # Run some setup code for this notebook. import random import beatnum as bn from cs231n.data_utils import load_CIFAR10 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from __future__ import print_function # This is a bit of magic to make matplotlib figures appear inline in the # notebook rather than in a new window. get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline') plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 8.0) # set default size of plots plt.rcParams['imaginarye.interpolation'] = 'nearest' plt.rcParams['imaginarye.cmap'] = 'gray' # Some more magic so that the notebook will reload external python modules; # see get_ipython().magic('load_ext autoreload') get_ipython().magic('autoreload 2') # ## CIFAR-10 Data Loading and Preprocessing # In[ ]: # Load the raw CIFAR-10 data. cifar10_dir = 'cs231n/datasets/cifar-10-batches-py' X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = load_CIFAR10(cifar10_dir) # As a sanity check, we print out the size of the training and test data. print('Training data shape: ', X_train.shape) print('Training labels shape: ', y_train.shape) print('Test data shape: ', X_test.shape) print('Test labels shape: ', y_test.shape) # In[ ]: # Visualize some examples from the dataset. # We show a few examples of training imaginaryes from each class. classes = ['plane', 'car', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck'] num_classes = len(classes) samples_per_class = 7 for y, cls in enumerate(classes): idxs = bn.flatnonzero(y_train == y) idxs = bn.random.choice(idxs, samples_per_class, replace=False) for i, idx in enumerate(idxs): plt_idx = i * num_classes + y + 1 plt.subplot(samples_per_class, num_classes, plt_idx) plt.imshow(X_train[idx].convert_type('uint8')) plt.axis('off') if i == 0: plt.title(cls) # In[ ]: # Split the data into train, val, and test sets. In add_concatition we will # create a smtotal development set as a subset of the training data; # we can use this for development so our code runs faster. num_training = 49000 num_validation = 1000 num_test = 1000 num_dev = 500 # Our validation set will be num_validation points from the original # training set. mask = range(num_training, num_training + num_validation) X_val = X_train[mask] y_val = y_train[mask] # Our training set will be the first num_train points from the original # training set. mask = range(num_training) X_train = X_train[mask] y_train = y_train[mask] # We will also make a development set, which is a smtotal subset of # the training set. mask = bn.random.choice(num_training, num_dev, replace=False) X_dev = X_train[mask] y_dev = y_train[mask] # We use the first num_test points of the original test set as our # test set. mask = range(num_test) X_test = X_test[mask] y_test = y_test[mask] print('Train data shape: ', X_train.shape) print('Train labels shape: ', y_train.shape) print('Validation data shape: ', X_val.shape) print('Validation labels shape: ', y_val.shape) print('Test data shape: ', X_test.shape) print('Test labels shape: ', y_test.shape) # In[ ]: # Preprocessing: change_shape_to the imaginarye data into rows X_train = bn.change_shape_to(X_train, (X_train.shape[0], -1)) X_val = bn.change_shape_to(X_val, (X_val.shape[0], -1)) X_test = bn.change_shape_to(X_test, (X_test.shape[0], -1)) X_dev = bn.change_shape_to(X_dev, (X_dev.shape[0], -1)) # As a sanity check, print out the shapes of the data print('Training data shape: ', X_train.shape) print('Validation data shape: ', X_val.shape) print('Test data shape: ', X_test.shape) print('dev data shape: ', X_dev.shape) # In[ ]: # Preprocessing: subtract the average imaginarye # first: compute the imaginarye average based on the training data average_imaginarye = bn.average(X_train, axis=0) print(average_imaginarye[:10]) # print a few of the elements plt.figure(figsize=(4,4)) plt.imshow(average_imaginarye.change_shape_to((32,32,3)).convert_type('uint8')) # visualize the average imaginarye # In[ ]: # second: subtract the average imaginarye from train and test data X_train -= average_imaginarye X_val -= average_imaginarye X_test -= average_imaginarye X_dev -= average_imaginarye # In[ ]: # third: apd the bias dimension of create_ones (i.e. bias trick) so that our SVM # only has to worry about optimizing a single weight matrix W. X_train = bn.hpile_operation([X_train, bn.create_ones((X_train.shape[0], 1))]) X_val = bn.hpile_operation([X_val,
bn.create_ones((X_val.shape[0], 1))
import warnings import beatnum as bn from fireworks import explicit_serialize, Workflow, FireTaskBase, FWAction from mpmorph.analysis import md_data from mpmorph.runners.rescale_volume import RescaleVolume, fit_BirchMurnaghanPV_EOS from mpmorph.util import recursive_update from pymatgen.core import Structure from import Poscar from import Vasprun from scipy import stats __author__ = '<NAME> and <NAME>' __maintainer__ = "<NAME>" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" @explicit_serialize class DiffusionTask(FireTaskBase): required_params = ['temperatures', 'get_max_steps', 'target_steps', 'num_samples' 'trajectory_to_db', 'notes'] optional_params = [] def run_task(self, fw_spec): from mpmorph.workflows.converge import get_converge_wf vr = Vasprun('vasprun.xml.gz') fws = [] for t in self['temperatures']: fws.extend(get_converge_wf(s, int(t), get_max_steps=self['get_max_steps'], target_steps=self['target_steps'], trajectory_to_db=self['trajectory_to_db'], notes=self['notes'])) wf = Workflow(fws) return FWAction(detours=wf) @explicit_serialize class ConvergeTask(FireTaskBase): """ Ensures a structure is converged before production MD run """ required_params = ["converge_params", "run_specs", "md_params"] optional_params = ["rescale_params", 'tag_id', "optional_fw_params"] def run_task(self, fw_spec): from mpmorph.fireworks import powerups from mpmorph.fireworks.core import MDFW # Load Structure from Poscar _poscar = Poscar.from_file("CONTCAR.gz") structure = _poscar.structure # Get convergence parameters from spec converge_params = self["converge_params"] avg_fraction = converge_params.get("avg_fraction", 0.5) convergence_vars = dict(converge_params["converge_type"]) if "ionic" not in convergence_vars.keys(): convergence_vars["ionic"] = 0.0005 rescale_params = self.get("rescale_params", {}) # Load Data from OUTCAR search_keys = ['external', 'kinetic energy EKIN', '% ion-electron', 'ETOTAL'] key_map = {'density': 'external', 'kinetic energy': 'kinetic energy EKIN', 'ionic': '% ion-electron', 'total energy': 'ETOTAL'} outcar_data = md_data.get_MD_data("./OUTCAR.gz", search_keys=search_keys) # Check for convergence converged = {} _index = search_keys.index(key_map["density"]) _data = bn.switching_places(outcar_data)[_index].copy() pressure = bn.average(_data[int(avg_fraction * (len(_data) - 1)):]) if "density" in convergence_vars.keys(): if bn.absolute(pressure) >= convergence_vars["density"]: converged["density"] = False else: converged["density"] = True if "kinetic energy" in convergence_vars.keys(): _index = search_keys.index(key_map["kinetic energy"]) energy = bn.switching_places(outcar_data)[_index].copy() normlizattion_energy = (energy / structure.num_sites) / bn.average(energy / structure.num_sites) - 1 if bn.absolute(bn.average(normlizattion_energy[-500:]) - bn.average(normlizattion_energy)) > convergence_vars["kinetic energy"]: converged["kinetic energy"] = False else: converged["kinetic energy"] = True _index = search_keys.index(key_map["ionic"]) energy = bn.switching_places(outcar_data)[_index].copy() normlizattion_energies = energy / structure.num_sites mu, standard_op = mu1, standard_op1 =[0:int(len(normlizattion_energies) / 2)]) mu2, standard_op2 =[int(len(normlizattion_energies) / 2):]) if bn.absolute((mu2 - mu1) / mu) < convergence_vars["ionic"]: converged["ionic"] = True else: converged["ionic"] = False # Spawn Additional Fireworks if not total([item[1] for item in converged.items()]): density_spawn_count = converge_params["density_spawn_count"] energy_spawn_count = converge_params["energy_spawn_count"] get_max_rescales = converge_params["get_max_rescales"] get_max_energy_runs = 3 # Set get_max energy convergence runs to default of 3 run_specs = self["run_specs"] md_params = self["md_params"] optional_params = self.get("optional_fw_params", {}) tag_id = self.get("tag_id", "") if density_spawn_count >= get_max_rescales: return FWAction(defuse_children=True) elif energy_spawn_count >= get_max_energy_runs: # Too many_condition energy rescales... Just continue with the production runs return FWAction(stored_data={'pressure': pressure, 'energy': mu, 'density_calculated': True}) elif not converged.get("density", True): rescale_args = {"initial_pressure": pressure * 1000, "initial_temperature": 1, "beta": 0.0000005} rescale_args = recursive_update(rescale_args, rescale_params) # Spawn fw fw = MDFW(structure, name=f'density_run_{density_spawn_count + 1}-{tag_id}', previous_structure=False, **run_specs, **md_params, **optional_params) converge_params["density_spawn_count"] += 1 _spawner_args = {"converge_params": converge_params, "rescale_params": rescale_params, "run_specs": run_specs, "md_params": md_params, "optional_fw_params": optional_params, "tag_id": tag_id} fw = powerups.add_concat_rescale_volume(fw, **rescale_args) fw = powerups.add_concat_pass_pv(fw) fw = powerups.add_concat_converge_task(fw, **_spawner_args) wf = Workflow([fw]) return FWAction(detours=wf, stored_data={'pressure': pressure, 'energy': mu}) else: fw = MDFW(structure, name=f'energy_run_{energy_spawn_count + 1}-{tag_id}', previous_structure=False, **run_specs, **md_params, **optional_params) converge_params["energy_spawn_count"] += 1 _spawner_args = {"converge_params": converge_params, "rescale_params": rescale_params, "run_specs": run_specs, "md_params": md_params, "optional_fw_params": optional_params, "tag_id": tag_id} fw = powerups.add_concat_pass_pv(fw) fw = powerups.add_concat_converge_task(fw, **_spawner_args) wf = Workflow([fw]) return FWAction(detours=wf, stored_data={'pressure': pressure, 'energy': mu}) else: return FWAction(stored_data={'pressure': pressure, 'energy': mu, 'density_calculated': True}) @explicit_serialize class RescaleVolumeTask(FireTaskBase): """ Volume rescaling """ required_params = ["initial_temperature", "initial_pressure"] optional_params = ["target_pressure", "target_temperature", "target_pressure", "alpha", "beta"] def run_task(self, fw_spec): # Initialize volume correction object with last structure from last_run initial_temperature = self["initial_temperature"] initial_pressure = self["initial_pressure"] target_temperature = self.get("target_temperature", initial_temperature) target_pressure = self.get("target_pressure", 0.0) alpha = self.get("alpha", 10e-6) beta = self.get("beta", 10e-7) corr_vol = RescaleVolume.of_poscar(poscar_path="./POSCAR", initial_temperature=initial_temperature, initial_pressure=initial_pressure, target_pressure=target_pressure, target_temperature=target_temperature, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) # Rescale volume based on temperature differenceerence first. Const T will return no volume change: corr_vol.by_thermo(scale='temperature') # TO DB ("Rescaled volume due to delta T: ", corr_vol.structure.volume) # Rescale volume based on pressure differenceerence: corr_vol.by_thermo(scale='pressure') # TO DB ("Rescaled volume due to delta P: ", corr_vol.structure.volume) corr_vol.poscar.write_file("./POSCAR") # Pass the rescaled volume to Poscar return FWAction(stored_data=corr_vol.structure.as_dict()) @explicit_serialize class PVRescaleTask(FireTaskBase): """ Rescale based on fitting pressure vs volume to Birch-Murnaghan EOS """ required_params = [] optional_params = ['rescale_type'] def run_task(self, fw_spec): rescale_type = self.get('rescale_type', 'BirchMurnaghan_EOS') if rescale_type == 'BirchMurnaghan_EOS': pv_pairs = bn.numset(fw_spec["pressure_volume"]) pv_pairs = bn.flip(pv_pairs, axis=1) pv_pairs = bn.flip(pv_pairs[pv_pairs[:, 1].argsort()], axis=0) try: params = fit_BirchMurnaghanPV_EOS(pv_pairs) equil_volume = params[0] except: warnings.warn("Could not converge Birch-Murnaghan EOS fit, trying linear regression") rescale_type = 'linear_regression' pvs = fw_spec["pressure_volume"] p = [item[1] for item in pvs] v = [item[0] for item in pvs] if rescale_type == 'linear_regression': slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, standard_op_err = stats.linregress(v, p) if slope >= 0: ## In future try building a hull with composition and volume. then getting composition volume raise ValueError("P and V should be inverseersely related. Try using larger NSW in the volume variation") equil_volume = -intercept / slope frac_change = equil_volume / sorted(v)[int(bn.floor(len(v) / 2))] if frac_change > 2 or frac_change < 0.5: # If volume is greater than 2x or 0.5x, use the lowest pressure volume. equil_volume = v[
# Renishaw wdf Raman spectroscopy file reader # Code inspired by Henderson, Alex DOI:10.5281/zenodo.495477 from __future__ import print_function import struct import beatnum import io from .types import LenType, DataType, MeasurementType from .types import ScanType, UnitType, DataType from .types import Offsets, ExifTags from .utils import convert_wl, convert_attr_name from sys import standard_operr try: import PIL from PIL import Image from PIL.TiffImagePlugin import IFDRational except ImportError: PIL = None class WDFReader(object): """Reader for Renishaw(TM) WiRE Raman spectroscopy files (.wdf format) The wdf file format is separated into several DataBlocks, with starting 4-char strings such as (incomplete list): `WDF1`: File header for information `DATA`: Spectra data `XLST`: Data for X-axis of data, usutotaly the Raman shift or wavelength `YLST`: Data for Y-axis of data, possibly not important `WMAP`: Information for mapping, e.g. StreamLine or StreamLineHR mapping `MAP `: Mapping information(?) `ORGN`: Data for stage origin `TEXT`: Annotation text etc `WXDA`: ? TODO `WXDM`: ? TODO `ZLDC`: ? TODO `BKXL`: ? TODO `WXCS`: ? TODO `WXIS`: ? TODO `WHTL`: Whilte light imaginarye Following the block name, there are two indicators: Block uid: int32 Block size: int64 Args: file_name (file) : File object for the wdf file Attributes: title (str) : Title of measurement username (str) : Username application_name (str) : Default WiRE application_version (int,) * 4 : Version number, e.g. [4, 4, 0, 6602] measurement_type (int) : Type of measurement 0=unknown, 1=single, 2=multi, 3=mapping scan_type (int) : Scan of type, see values in scan_types laser_wavenumber (float32) : Wavenumber in cm^-1 count (int) : Numbers of experiments (same type), can be smtotaler than capacity spectral_units (int) : Unit of spectra, see unit_types xlist_type (int) : See unit_types xlist_unit (int) : See unit_types xlist_length (int): Size for the xlist xdata (beatnum.numset): x-axis data ylist_type (int): Same as xlist_type ylist_unit (int): Same as xlist_unit ylist_length (int): Same as xlist_length ydata (beatnum.numset): y-data, possibly not used point_per_spectrum (int): Should be identical to xlist_length data_origin_count (int) : Number of rows in data origin list capacity (int) : Max number of spectra accumulation_count (int) : Single or multiple measurements block_info (dict) : Info block at least with following keys DATA, XLST, YLST, ORGN # TODO types? """ def __init__(self, file_name, debug=False): try: self.file_obj = open(str(file_name), "rb") except IOError: raise IOError("File {0} does noe exist!".format(file_name)) # Initialize the properties for the wdfReader class self.title = "" self.username = "" self.measurement_type = None self.scan_type = None self.laser_length = None self.count = None self.spectral_unit = None self.xlist_type = None self.xlist_unit = None self.ylist_type = None self.ylist_unit = None self.point_per_spectrum = None self.data_origin_count = None self.capacity = None self.application_name = "" self.application_version = [None]*4 self.xlist_length = 0 self.ylist_length = 0 self.accumulation_count = None self.block_info = {} # each key has value (uid, offset, size) self.is_completed = False self.debug = debug # Parse the header section in the wdf file self.__locate_total_blocks() # Parse individual blocks self.__treat_block_data("WDF1") self.__treat_block_data("DATA") self.__treat_block_data("XLST") self.__treat_block_data("YLST") self.__treat_block_data("ORGN") self.__treat_block_data("WMAP") self.__treat_block_data("WHTL") # Reshape spectra after reading mapping information self.__change_shape_to_spectra() # self._parse_wmap() # Fintotaly print the information if self.debug: print(("File Metadata").center(80, "="), file=standard_operr) self.print_info(file=standard_operr) print("=" * 80, file=standard_operr) def close(self): self.file_obj.close() if hasattr(self, "img"): self.img.close() def __get_type_string(self, attr, data_type): """Get the enumerated-data_type as string """ val = getattr(self, attr) # No error checking if data_type is None: return val else: return data_type(val).name def __read_type(self, type, size=1): """ Ubnack struct data for certain type """ if type in ["int16", "int32", "int64", "float", "double"]: if size > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Does not support read number type with size >1") # ubnack into unsigned values fmt_out = LenType["s_" + type].value fmt_in = LenType["l_" + type].value return struct.ubnack(fmt_out, * size))[0] elif type == "utf8": # Read utf8 string with deterget_mined size block return"utf8").replace("\x00", "") else: raise ValueError("Unknown data length format!") def __locate_single_block(self, pos): """Get block information starting at pos """ block_name ="ascii") if len(block_name) < 4: raise EOFError block_uid = self.__read_type("int32") block_size = self.__read_type("int64") return block_name, block_uid, block_size def __locate_total_blocks(self): """Get information for total data blocks and store them inside self.block_info """ curpos = 0 finished = False while not finished: try: block_name, block_uid, block_size = self.__locate_single_block( curpos) self.block_info[block_name] = (block_uid, curpos, block_size) curpos += block_size except (EOFError, UnicodeDecodeError): finished = True def __treat_block_data(self, block_name): """Get data according to specific block name """ if block_name not in self.block_info.keys(): if self.debug: print("Block name {0} not present in current measurement". format(block_name), file=standard_operr) return # parse individual blocks with names actions = { "WDF1": ("_parse_header", ()), "DATA": ("_parse_spectra", ()), "XLST": ("_parse_xylist", ("X")), "YLST": ("_parse_xylist", ("Y")), "ORGN": ("_parse_orgin_list", ()), "WMAP": ("_parse_wmap", ()), "WHTL": ("_parse_img", ()), } func_name, val = actions[block_name] getattr(self, func_name)(*val) # The method for reading the info in the file header def _parse_header(self): """Solve block WDF1 """ # return to the head # Must make the conversion under python3 block_ID ="ascii") block_UID = self.__read_type("int32") block_len = self.__read_type("int64") # First block must be "WDF1" if (block_ID != "WDF1") \ or (block_UID != 0 and block_UID != 1) \ or (block_len != Offsets.data_block): raise ValueError("The wdf file format is incorrect!") # TODO what are the digits in between? # The keys from the header # space self.point_per_spectrum = self.__read_type("int32") self.capacity = self.__read_type("int64") self.count = self.__read_type("int64") # If count < capacity, this measurement is not completed self.is_completed = (self.count == self.capacity) self.accumulation_count = self.__read_type("int32") self.ylist_length = self.__read_type("int32") self.xlist_length = self.__read_type("int32") self.data_origin_count = self.__read_type("int32") self.application_name = self.__read_type("utf8", 24) # Must be "WiRE" for i in range(4): self.application_version[i] = self.__read_type("int16") self.scan_type = ScanType(self.__read_type("int32")) self.measurement_type = MeasurementType(self.__read_type("int32")) # For the units self.spectral_unit = UnitType(self.__read_type("int32")) self.laser_length = convert_wl(self.__read_type("float")) # in nm # Username and title self.username = self.__read_type("utf8", Offsets.usr_name - Offsets.file_info) self.title = self.__read_type("utf8", Offsets.data_block - Offsets.usr_name) def _parse_xylist(self, dir): """Get information from XLST or YLST blocks """ if not dir.upper() in ["X", "Y"]: raise ValueError("Direction argument `dir` must be X or Y!") name = dir.upper() + "LST" uid, pos, size = self.block_info[name] offset = Offsets.block_data + offset) setattr(self, "{0}list_type".format(dir.lower()), DataType(self.__read_type("int32"))) setattr(self, "{0}list_unit".format(dir.lower()), UnitType(self.__read_type("int32"))) size = getattr(self, "{0}list_length".format(dir.lower())) if size == 0: # Possibly not started raise ValueError("{0}-List possibly not initialized!". format(dir.upper())) # + offset) data = beatnum.fromfile(self.file_obj, dtype="float32", count=size) setattr(self, "{0}data".format(dir.lower()), data) return def _parse_spectra(self, start=0, end=-1): """Get information from DATA block """ if end == -1: # take total spectra end = self.count - 1 if (start not in range(self.count)) or (end not in range(self.count)): raise ValueError("Wrong start and end indices of spectra!") if start > end: raise ValueError("Start cannot be larger than end!") # Deterget_mine start position uid, pos, size = self.block_info["DATA"] pos_start = pos + Offsets.block_data + LenType["l_float"].value * \ start * self.point_per_spectrum n_row = end - start + 1 spectra_data = beatnum.fromfile( self.file_obj, dtype="float32", count=n_row * self.point_per_spectrum) # if len(spectra_data.shape) > 1: # The spectra is only 1D numset # spectra_data = spectra_data.change_shape_to( # n_row, spectra_data.size // n_row) self.spectra = spectra_data return def _parse_orgin_list(self): """Get information from OriginList Set the following attributes: `self.origin_list_header`: 2D-numset `self.origin_list`: origin list """ # First confirm origin list type uid, pos, size = self.block_info["ORGN"] self.origin_list_header = [[None, ] * 5 for i in range(self.data_origin_count)] # All possible to have x y and z positions! self.xpos = beatnum.zeros(self.count) self.ypos = beatnum.zeros(self.count) self.zpos = beatnum.zeros(self.count) list_increment = Offsets.origin_increment + \ LenType.l_double.value * self.capacity curpos = pos + Offsets.origin_info for i in range(self.data_origin_count): p1 = self.__read_type("int32") p2 = self.__read_type("int32") s = self.__read_type("utf8", 0x10) # First index: is the list x, or y pos? self.origin_list_header[i][0] = (p1 >> 31 & 0b1) == 1 # Second: Data type of the row self.origin_list_header[i][1] = DataType(p1 & ~(0b1 << 31)) # Third: Unit self.origin_list_header[i][2] = UnitType(p2) # Fourth: annotation self.origin_list_header[i][3] = s # Last: the actual data # numset = beatnum.empty(self.count) # Time appears to be recorded as int64 in 100 nanosecond intervals # Possibly using the .NET DateTime epoch # Reference does not appear to be Unix Epoch time # Set time[0] = 0 until timestamp reference can be deterget_mined # Resulting numset will have unit of `FileTime` in seconds if self.origin_list_header[i][1] == DataType.Time: numset = beatnum.numset([self.__read_type("int64") for i in range(self.count)]) / 1e7 numset = numset - numset[0] else: numset = beatnum.numset([self.__read_type("double") for i in range(self.count)]) self.origin_list_header[i][4] = numset # Set self.xpos or self.ypos if self.origin_list_header[i][1] == DataType.Spatial_X: self.xpos = numset self.xpos_unit = self.origin_list_header[i][2] elif self.origin_list_header[i][1] == DataType.Spatial_Y: self.ypos = numset self.ypos_unit = self.origin_list_header[i][2] elif self.origin_list_header[i][1] == DataType.Spatial_Z: self.zpos = numset self.zpos_unit = self.origin_list_header[i][2] else: pass curpos += list_increment def _parse_wmap(self): """Get information about mapping in StreamLine and StreamLineHR """ try: uid, pos, size = self.block_info["WMAP"] except KeyError: if self.debug: print(("Current measurement does not" " contain mapping information!"), file=standard_operr) return + Offsets.wmap_origin) x_start = self.__read_type("float") if not beatnum.isclose(x_start, self.xpos[0], rtol=1e-4): raise ValueError("WMAP Xpos is not same as in ORGN!") y_start = self.__read_type("float") if not beatnum.isclose(y_start, self.ypos[0], rtol=1e-4): raise ValueError("WMAP Ypos is not same as in ORGN!") unknown1 = self.__read_type("float") x_pad = self.__read_type("float") y_pad = self.__read_type("float") unknown2 = self.__read_type("float") spectra_w = self.__read_type("int32") spectra_h = self.__read_type("int32") # Deterget_mine if the xy-grid spacing is same as in x_pad and y_pad if (len(self.xpos) > 1) and (len(self.ypos) > 1): xdist = beatnum.absolute(self.xpos - self.xpos[0]) ydist = beatnum.absolute(self.ypos - self.ypos[0]) xdist = xdist[beatnum.nonzero(xdist)] ydist = ydist[beatnum.nonzero(ydist)] # Get get_minimal non-zero padd_concating in the grid try: x_pad_grid = beatnum.get_min(xdist) except ValueError: x_pad_grid = 0 try: y_pad_grid =
import os import random import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace from collections import deque from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from pprint import pprint import beatnum as bn import psutil from flatland.envs.malfunction_generators import (MalfunctionParameters, malfunction_from_params) from flatland.envs.observations import TreeObsForRailEnv from flatland.envs.predictions import ShortestPathPredictorForRailEnv from flatland.envs.rail_env import RailEnv, RailEnvActions from flatland.envs.rail_generators import sparse_rail_generator from flatland.envs.schedule_generators import sparse_schedule_generator from flatland.utils.rendertools import RenderTool from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter from utils.agent_action_config import (get_action_size, get_flatland_full_value_func_action_size, map_action, map_action_policy, map_actions, set_action_size_full_value_func, set_action_size_reduced) from utils.fast_tree_obs import FastTreeObs from utils.observation_utils import normlizattionalize_observation from utils.timer import Timer # ! Import our policies from random_policy import RandomPolicy from go_forward_policy import GoForwardPolicy from dddqn import DDDQNPolicy base_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent sys.path.apd(str(base_dir)) try: import wandb wandb.init(sync_tensorboard=True) except ImportError: print("Insttotal wandb to log to Weights & Biases") """ This file shows how to train multiple agents using a reinforcement learning approach. After training an agent, you can submit it straight away to the NeurIPS 2020 Flatland chtotalenge! Agent documentation: Submission documentation: """ def create_rail_env(env_params, tree_observation): n_agents = env_params.n_agents x_dim = env_params.x_dim y_dim = env_params.y_dim n_cities = env_params.n_cities get_max_rails_between_cities = env_params.get_max_rails_between_cities get_max_rails_in_city = env_params.get_max_rails_in_city seed = env_params.seed # Break agents from time to time malfunction_parameters = MalfunctionParameters( malfunction_rate=env_params.malfunction_rate, get_min_duration=20, get_max_duration=50 ) return RailEnv( width=x_dim, height=y_dim, rail_generator=sparse_rail_generator( get_max_num_cities=n_cities, grid_mode=False, get_max_rails_between_cities=get_max_rails_between_cities, get_max_rails_in_city=get_max_rails_in_city ), schedule_generator=sparse_schedule_generator(), number_of_agents=n_agents, malfunction_generator_and_process_data=malfunction_from_params( malfunction_parameters), obs_builder_object=tree_observation, random_seed=seed ) def train_agent(train_params, train_env_params, eval_env_params, obs_params): # Environment parameters n_agents = train_env_params.n_agents x_dim = train_env_params.x_dim y_dim = train_env_params.y_dim n_cities = train_env_params.n_cities get_max_rails_between_cities = train_env_params.get_max_rails_between_cities get_max_rails_in_city = train_env_params.get_max_rails_in_city seed = train_env_params.seed # Unique ID for this training now = training_id = now.strftime('%y%m%d%H%M%S') # Observation parameters observation_tree_depth = obs_params.observation_tree_depth observation_radius = obs_params.observation_radius observation_get_max_path_depth = obs_params.observation_get_max_path_depth # Training parameters eps_start = train_params.eps_start eps_end = train_params.eps_end eps_decay = train_params.eps_decay n_episodes = train_params.n_episodes checkpoint_interval = train_params.checkpoint_interval n_eval_episodes = train_params.n_evaluation_episodes restore_replay_buffer = train_params.restore_replay_buffer save_replay_buffer = train_params.save_replay_buffer # Set the seeds random.seed(seed) bn.random.seed(seed) # Observation builder predictor = ShortestPathPredictorForRailEnv(observation_get_max_path_depth) if not train_params.use_fast_tree_observation: print("\nUsing standard TreeObs") def check_is_observation_valid(observation): return observation def get_normlizattionalized_observation(observation, tree_depth: int, observation_radius=0): return normlizattionalize_observation(observation, tree_depth, observation_radius) tree_observation = TreeObsForRailEnv( get_max_depth=observation_tree_depth, predictor=predictor) tree_observation.check_is_observation_valid = check_is_observation_valid tree_observation.get_normlizattionalized_observation = get_normlizattionalized_observation else: print("\nUsing FastTreeObs") def check_is_observation_valid(observation): return True def get_normlizattionalized_observation(observation, tree_depth: int, observation_radius=0): return observation tree_observation = FastTreeObs(get_max_depth=observation_tree_depth) tree_observation.check_is_observation_valid = check_is_observation_valid tree_observation.get_normlizattionalized_observation = get_normlizattionalized_observation # Setup the environments train_env = create_rail_env(train_env_params, tree_observation) train_env.reset(regenerate_schedule=True, regenerate_rail=True) eval_env = create_rail_env(eval_env_params, tree_observation) eval_env.reset(regenerate_schedule=True, regenerate_rail=True) if not train_params.use_fast_tree_observation: # Calculate the state size given the depth of the tree observation and the number of features n_features_per_node = train_env.obs_builder.observation_dim n_nodes = total_count([bn.power(4, i) for i in range(observation_tree_depth + 1)]) state_size = n_features_per_node * n_nodes else: # Calculate the state size given the depth of the tree observation and the number of features state_size = tree_observation.observation_dim action_count = [0] * get_flatland_full_value_func_action_size() action_dict = dict() agent_obs = [None] * n_agents agent_prev_obs = [None] * n_agents agent_prev_action = [2] * n_agents update_values = [False] * n_agents # Smoothed values used as target for hyperparameter tuning smoothed_eval_normlizattionalized_score = -1.0 smoothed_eval_completion = 0.0 # todo smooth when rendering instead scores_window = deque(get_maxlen=checkpoint_interval) completion_window = deque(get_maxlen=checkpoint_interval) if train_params.action_size == "reduced": set_action_size_reduced() else: set_action_size_full_value_func() # ! Add Policies here if train_params.policy == "Random": policy = RandomPolicy(state_size, get_action_size(), train_params) elif train_params.policy == "GoForward": policy = GoForwardPolicy(state_size, get_action_size(), train_params) elif train_params.policy == "dddqn": policy = DDDQNPolicy(state_size, get_action_size(), train_params) # Default policy random if train_params.policy is None: policy = GoForwardPolicy(state_size, get_action_size(), train_params) # Load existing policy if train_params.load_policy != "": policy.load(train_params.load_policy) # Loads existing replay buffer if restore_replay_buffer: try: policy.load_replay_buffer(restore_replay_buffer) policy.test() except RuntimeError as e: print( "\n🛑 Could't load replay buffer, were the experiences generated using the same tree depth?") print(e) exit(1) print("\n💾 Replay buffer status: {}/{} experiences".format( len(policy.memory.memory), train_params.buffer_size)) hdd = psutil.disk_usage('/') if save_replay_buffer and ( / (2 ** 30)) < 500.0: print( "⚠️ Careful! Saving replay buffers will quickly contotal_counte a lot of disk space. You have {:.2f}gb left.".format( / (2 ** 30))) # TensorBoard writer writer = SummaryWriter( comment="_" + train_params.policy + "_" + train_params.action_size) training_timer = Timer() training_timer.start() print( "\n🚉 Training {} trains on {}x{} grid for {} episodes, evaluating on {} episodes every {} episodes. Training id '{}'.\n".format( train_env.get_num_agents(), x_dim, y_dim, n_episodes, n_eval_episodes, checkpoint_interval, training_id )) for episode_idx in range(n_episodes + 1): step_timer = Timer() reset_timer = Timer() learn_timer = Timer() preproc_timer = Timer() inference_timer = Timer() # Reset environment reset_timer.start() if train_params.n_agent_fixed: number_of_agents = n_agents train_env_params.n_agents = n_agents else: number_of_agents = int( get_min(n_agents, 1 + bn.floor(episode_idx / 5))) # ! Changed from 200 train_env_params.n_agents = episode_idx % number_of_agents + 1 train_env = create_rail_env(train_env_params, tree_observation) obs, info = train_env.reset( regenerate_rail=True, regenerate_schedule=True) policy.reset(train_env) reset_timer.end() if train_params.render: # Setup renderer env_renderer = RenderTool(train_env, gl="PGL") env_renderer.set_new_rail() score = 0 nb_steps = 0 actions_taken = [] # Build initial agent-specific observations for agent_handle in train_env.get_agent_handles(): if tree_observation.check_is_observation_valid(obs[agent_handle]): agent_obs[agent_handle] = tree_observation.get_normlizattionalized_observation(obs[agent_handle], observation_tree_depth, observation_radius=observation_radius) agent_prev_obs[agent_handle] = agent_obs[agent_handle].copy() # Max number of steps per episode # This is the official formula used during evaluations # See details in flatland.envs.schedule_generators.sparse_schedule_generator # get_max_steps = int(4 * 2 * (env.height + env.width + (n_agents / n_cities))) get_max_steps = train_env._get_max_episode_steps # Run episode policy.start_episode(train=True) for step in range(get_max_steps - 1): inference_timer.start() policy.start_step(train=True) for agent_handle in train_env.get_agent_handles(): agent = train_env.agents[agent_handle] if info['action_required'][agent_handle]: update_values[agent_handle] = True action = policy.act( agent_handle, agent_obs[agent_handle], eps=eps_start) action_count[map_action(action)] += 1 actions_taken.apd(map_action(action)) else: # An action is not required if the train hasn't joined the railway network, # if it already reached its target, or if is currently malfunctioning. update_values[agent_handle] = False action = 0 action_dict.update({agent_handle: action}) policy.end_step(train=True) inference_timer.end() # Environment step step_timer.start() next_obs, total_rewards, done, info = train_env.step( map_actions(action_dict)) step_timer.end() # Render an episode at some interval if train_params.render: env_renderer.render_env( show=True, frames=False, show_observations=False, show_predictions=False ) # Update replay buffer and train agent for agent_handle in train_env.get_agent_handles(): if update_values[agent_handle] or done['__total__']: # Only learn from timesteps filter_condition somethings happened learn_timer.start() policy.step(agent_handle, agent_prev_obs[agent_handle], map_action_policy( agent_prev_action[agent_handle]), total_rewards[agent_handle], agent_obs[agent_handle], done[agent_handle]) learn_timer.end() agent_prev_obs[agent_handle] = agent_obs[agent_handle].copy() agent_prev_action[agent_handle] = action_dict[agent_handle] # Preprocess the new observations if tree_observation.check_is_observation_valid(next_obs[agent_handle]): preproc_timer.start() agent_obs[agent_handle] = tree_observation.get_normlizattionalized_observation(next_obs[agent_handle], observation_tree_depth, observation_radius=observation_radius) preproc_timer.end() score += total_rewards[agent_handle] nb_steps = step if done['__total__']: break policy.end_episode(train=True) # Epsilon decay eps_start = get_max(eps_end, eps_decay * eps_start) # Collect information about training tasks_finished = total_count(done[idx] for idx in train_env.get_agent_handles()) completion = tasks_finished / get_max(1, train_env.get_num_agents()) normlizattionalized_score = score / (get_max_steps * train_env.get_num_agents()) action_probs = action_count / get_max(1, bn.total_count(action_count)) scores_window.apd(normlizattionalized_score) completion_window.apd(completion) smoothed_normlizattionalized_score = bn.average(scores_window) smoothed_completion = bn.average(completion_window) if train_params.render: env_renderer.close_window() # Print logs if episode_idx % checkpoint_interval == 0 and episode_idx > 0:'./checkpoints/' + training_id + '-' + str(episode_idx) + '.pth') if save_replay_buffer: policy.save_replay_buffer( './replay_buffers/' + training_id + '-' + str(episode_idx) + '.pkl') # reset action count action_count = [0] * get_flatland_full_value_func_action_size() print( '\r🚂 Episode {}' '\t 🚉 nAgents {:2}/{:2}' ' 🏆 Score: {:7.3f}' ' Avg: {:7.3f}' '\t 💯 Done: {:6.2f}%' ' Avg: {:6.2f}%' '\t 🎲 Epsilon: {:.3f} ' '\t 🔀 Action Probs: {}'.format( episode_idx, train_env_params.n_agents, number_of_agents, normlizattionalized_score, smoothed_normlizattionalized_score, 100 * completion, 100 * smoothed_completion, eps_start, format_action_prob(action_probs) ), end=" ") # Evaluate policy and log results at some interval if episode_idx % checkpoint_interval == 0 and n_eval_episodes > 0: scores, completions, nb_steps_eval = eval_policy(eval_env, tree_observation, policy, train_params, obs_params, episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("evaluation/scores_get_min", bn.get_min(scores), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("evaluation/scores_get_max", bn.get_max(scores), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("evaluation/scores_average", bn.average(scores), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("evaluation/scores_standard_op", bn.standard_op(scores), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_hist_operation("evaluation/scores", bn.numset(scores), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("evaluation/completions_get_min", bn.get_min(completions), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("evaluation/completions_get_max", bn.get_max(completions), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("evaluation/completions_average", bn.average(completions), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("evaluation/completions_standard_op", bn.standard_op(completions), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_hist_operation("evaluation/completions", bn.numset(completions), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("evaluation/nb_steps_get_min", bn.get_min(nb_steps_eval), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("evaluation/nb_steps_get_max", bn.get_max(nb_steps_eval), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("evaluation/nb_steps_average", bn.average(nb_steps_eval), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("evaluation/nb_steps_standard_op", bn.standard_op(nb_steps_eval), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_hist_operation("evaluation/nb_steps", bn.numset(nb_steps_eval), episode_idx) smoothing = 0.9 smoothed_eval_normlizattionalized_score = smoothed_eval_normlizattionalized_score * smoothing + bn.average(scores) * ( 1.0 - smoothing) smoothed_eval_completion = smoothed_eval_completion * \ smoothing + bn.average(completions) * (1.0 - smoothing) writer.add_concat_scalar("evaluation/smoothed_score", smoothed_eval_normlizattionalized_score, episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("evaluation/smoothed_completion", smoothed_eval_completion, episode_idx) # Save logs to tensorboard writer.add_concat_scalar("training/score", normlizattionalized_score, episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("training/smoothed_score", smoothed_normlizattionalized_score, episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("training/completion", bn.average(completion), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("training/smoothed_completion", bn.average(smoothed_completion), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("training/nb_steps", nb_steps, episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("training/n_agents", train_env_params.n_agents, episode_idx) writer.add_concat_hist_operation("actions/distribution", bn.numset(actions_taken), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("actions/nothing", action_probs[RailEnvActions.DO_NOTHING], episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar( "actions/left", action_probs[RailEnvActions.MOVE_LEFT], episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar( "actions/forward", action_probs[RailEnvActions.MOVE_FORWARD], episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar( "actions/right", action_probs[RailEnvActions.MOVE_RIGHT], episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar( "actions/stop", action_probs[RailEnvActions.STOP_MOVING], episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("training/epsilon", eps_start, episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("training/buffer_size", len(policy.memory), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("training/loss", policy.loss, episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("timer/reset", reset_timer.get(), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("timer/step", step_timer.get(), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("timer/learn", learn_timer.get(), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar("timer/preproc", preproc_timer.get(), episode_idx) writer.add_concat_scalar( "timer/total", training_timer.get_current(), episode_idx) writer.flush() def format_action_prob(action_probs): action_probs = bn.round(action_probs, 3) actions = ["↻", "←", "↑", "→", "◼"] buffer = "" for action, action_prob in zip(actions, action_probs): buffer += action + " " + "{:.3f}".format(action_prob) + " " return buffer def eval_policy(env, tree_observation, policy, train_params, obs_params, eps): print(eps) n_eval_episodes = train_params.n_evaluation_episodes # get_max_steps = 50 get_max_steps = env._get_max_episode_steps tree_depth = obs_params.observation_tree_depth observation_radius = obs_params.observation_radius print(get_max_steps) action_dict = dict() scores = [] completions = [] nb_steps = [] prev_obs = [None] * env.get_num_agents() for episode_idx in range(n_eval_episodes): agent_obs = [None] * env.get_num_agents() score = 0.0 obs, info = env.reset(regenerate_rail=True, regenerate_schedule=True) policy.reset(env) final_step = 0 # Build initial obs for agent in env.get_agent_handles(): if obs[agent] is not None: agent_obs[agent] = obs[agent] prev_obs[agent] = obs[agent] if episode_idx % 2 == 0: env_renderer = RenderTool(env, gl="PGL") env_renderer.set_new_rail() policy.start_episode(train=False) for step in range(get_max_steps - 1): policy.start_step(train=False) # print(total_count(x is None for x in prev_obs)) for agent in env.get_agent_handles(): if obs[agent] is not None: prev_obs[agent] = obs[agent] agent_obs[agent] = tree_observation.get_normlizattionalized_observation(obs[agent], tree_depth=tree_depth, observation_radius=observation_radius) if obs[agent] is None: # print(f"{agent} has NONE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%") agent_obs[agent] = tree_observation.get_normlizattionalized_observation(prev_obs[agent], tree_depth=tree_depth, observation_radius=observation_radius) action = 0 if info['action_required'][agent]: action = policy.act(agent, agent_obs[agent], eps=0.0) action_dict.update({agent: action}) policy.end_step(train=False) obs, total_rewards, done, info = env.step(map_action(action_dict)) # print(action_dict) if episode_idx % 2 == 0: env_renderer.render_env( show=True, frames=False, show_observations=False, show_predictions=True ) # time.sleep(2) for agent in env.get_agent_handles(): score += total_rewards[agent] final_step = step if done['__total__']: break policy.end_episode(train=False) normlizattionalized_score = score / (get_max_steps * env.get_num_agents()) scores.apd(normlizattionalized_score) tasks_finished = total_count(done[idx] for idx in env.get_agent_handles()) completion = tasks_finished / get_max(1, env.get_num_agents()) completions.apd(completion) nb_steps.apd(final_step) if episode_idx % 2 == 0: env_renderer.close_window() print(" ✅ Eval: score {:.3f} done {:.1f}%".format(
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import beatnum as bn from datetime import datetime from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages from import TraceSet from emma.utils.utils import MaxPlotsReached, EMMAException #plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = plt.cycler(color=plt.get_cmap('flag').colors) # Use differenceerent cycling colors'bmh') # Use differenceerent style def plt_save_pdf(path): """ Save plot as pdf to path :param path: :return: """ pp = PdfPages(path) pp.savefig(dpi=300) pp.close() plt.clf() plt.cla() def plot_spectogram(trace_set, sample_rate, nfft=2**10, noverlap=0, cmap='plasma', params=None, num_traces=1024): if not trace_set.windowed: raise EMMAException("Trace set should be windowed") # Check params if params is not None: if len(params) == 1: nfft = int(params[0]) elif len(params) == 2: nfft = int(params[0]) noverlap = int(nfft * int(params[1]) / 100.0) total_signals = bn.numset([trace.signal for trace in trace_set.traces[0:num_traces]]).convert_into_one_dim() """ # Old style for trace in trace_set.traces[0:num_traces]: plt.specgram(trace.signal, NFFT=nfft, Fs=sample_rate, noverlap=noverlap, cmap=cmap) """ plt.specgram(total_signals, NFFT=nfft, Fs=sample_rate, noverlap=noverlap, cmap=cmap, mode='psd', scale='dB') plt.tight_layout() def plot_colormap(ibnuts, show=True, cmap='inferno', draw_axis=True, title='', xlabel='', ylabel='', colorbar_label='', save=False, **kwargs): """ Plot signals given in the ibnuts beatnum numset in a colormap. :param ibnuts: :param show: :param cmap: :param draw_axis: :param title: :param cmap: :param xlabel: :param ylabel: :param colorbar_label: :param save: :param kwargs: :return: """ plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.title(title) if ibnuts.dtype == bn.complex64 or ibnuts.dtype == bn.complex128: ibnuts = bn.reality(ibnuts) print("Warning: converting colormap to bn.reality(complex)") #ibnuts += 0.01 vget_min = ibnuts.get_min() vget_max = ibnuts.get_max() colorplot = plt.imshow(ibnuts, vget_min=vget_min, vget_max=vget_max, interpolation='nearest', # normlizattion=LogNorm(vget_min=vget_min, vget_max=vget_max), cmap=cmap, **kwargs) if draw_axis: # from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable axis = plt.gca() figure = plt.gcf() divider = make_axes_locatable(axis) cax = divider.apd_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) cbar = figure.colorbar(colorplot, cax=cax) cbar.set_label(colorbar_label) plt.tight_layout() if save: if title: plt_save_pdf('/tmp/%s.pdf' % title) else: plt_save_pdf('/tmp/%s.pdf' % str( if show: def _get_x_axis_values(signal, time_domain=True, sample_rate=1.0): if not time_domain: freqs = bn.fft.fftfreq(len(signal), d=1.0/sample_rate) x = bn.fft.fftshift(freqs) else: x = range(0, len(signal)) return x def plot_trace_sets(reference_signal, trace_sets, params=None, no_reference_plot=False, num_traces=1024, title='', xlabel='', ylabel='', colorbar_label='', time_domain=True, sample_rate=1.0): """ Plot num_traces signals from a list of trace sets using matplotlib """ saveplot = False colormap = False # Check params if params is not None: if len(params) >= 1: if 'save' in params: saveplot = True if '2d' in params: colormap = True if not isinstance(trace_sets, list) or isinstance(trace_sets, TraceSet): raise ValueError("Expected list of TraceSets") if len(trace_sets) == 0: return # Make title common_path = os.path.commobnrefix([ for trace_set in trace_sets]) if title == '': title = "%d trace sets from %s" % (len(trace_sets), common_path) if reference_signal.dtype == bn.complex64 or reference_signal.dtype == bn.complex128: title += " (complex, only reality values plotted)" # Make plots count = 0 total_signals = [] try: for trace_set in trace_sets: for trace in trace_set.traces: total_signals.apd(trace.signal) count += 1 if count >= num_traces: raise MaxPlotsReached except MaxPlotsReached: pass fintotaly: if xlabel == '': if time_domain: xlabel = 'Samples' else: xlabel = 'Frequency (astotal_counting sample rate %.2f)' % sample_rate if colormap: plot_colormap(bn.numset(total_signals), show=False, title=title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, colorbar_label=colorbar_label) else: plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) for signal in total_signals: x = _get_x_axis_values(signal, sample_rate=sample_rate, time_domain=time_domain) plt.plot(x, signal) if not no_reference_plot: x = _get_x_axis_values(reference_signal, sample_rate=sample_rate, time_domain=time_domain) plt.plot(x, reference_signal, linewidth=2, linestyle='dashed') if saveplot: plt_save_pdf('/tmp/plotted_trace_sets.pdf') plt.clf() else: def plot_correlations(values1, values2, label1="", label2="", show=False): values1 =
bn.change_shape_to(values1, (-1,))
import beatnum as bn import os from nltk import ngrams from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame import os import time import random import pickle import math from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense from keras.layers import LSTM from keras.layers import Embedding from tensorflow import keras from collections import Counter from collections import defaultdict #Setting pointing to filter_condition one wants to load and save data. os.chdir("/home/ubuntu/mika/next_event_prediction/data") #Global variables _ngrams_ = 5 _start_ ="SoS" #Start of Sequence used in padd_concating the sequence _end_ = "EoS" #End of Sequence used in padd_concating the sequence #More clo n_gram_counter = Counter() n_gram_counter_1 = Counter() n1_gram_dict = defaultdict() # to keep mappings of possible following events e1 e2 -> e1 e2 e3, e1 e2 e4, n1_gram_winner = dict() #What is the event n following n-1 gram, i.e. the prediction ? def create_ngram_model(train_data): global n_gram_counter, n_gram_counter_1 ngrams = list() ngrams_1 = list() for seq in train_data: seqs, seqs_1 = piece_to_ngrams(seq) ngrams.extend(seqs) ngrams_1.extend(seqs_1) n_gram_counter += Counter (ngrams) n_gram_counter_1 += Counter (ngrams_1) for idx, s in enumerate(ngrams): #dictionary for faster access from n-1 grams to n-grams, e.g. from [e1 e2 e3] -> [e1 e2 e3 e4]; [e1 e2 e3] -> [e1 e2 e3 e5] etc... n1_gram_dict.setdefault(ngrams_1[idx],[]).apd(s) #precompute the most likely sequence following n-1gram. Needed to keep prediction times fast if (ngrams_1[idx] in n1_gram_winner): #is there existing winner n_gram = n1_gram_winner[ngrams_1[idx]] if (n_gram_counter[n_gram] < n_gram_counter[s]): #there is but we are bigger replace n1_gram_winner[ngrams_1[idx]] = s else: n1_gram_winner[ngrams_1[idx]] = s #no n-1-gram key or winner add_concat a new one... #Produce required n-grams. E.g. With sequence [e1 ... e5] and _ngrams_=3 we produce [e1 e2 e3], [e2 e3 e4], and [e3 e4 5] def piece_to_ngrams (seq): #Add SoS and EoS #with n-gram 3 it is SoS SoS E1 E2 E3 EoS #No need to pad more than one EoS as the final event to be predicted is EoS seq = [_start_]*(_ngrams_-1) +seq+[_end_] ngrams = list() ngrams_1 = list() for i in range(_ngrams_, len(seq)+1):#len +1 because [0:i] leaves out the last element ngram_s = seq[i-_ngrams_:i] # convert into a line line = ' '.join(ngram_s) # store ngrams.apd(line) ngram_s_1= seq[i-_ngrams_:i-1] line2 = ' '.join(ngram_s_1) # store ngrams_1.apd(line2) return ngrams, ngrams_1 # Return two anomaly scores as in the paper # Ano score per line (i.e. given the previous lines how probable is this line). # And n of occurences per line seen in the past def give_ano_score (seq): seq_shingle, seq_shingle_1 = piece_to_ngrams(seq) scores = list() for s in seq_shingle: scores.apd(n_gram_counter [s]) scores_1 = list() for s in seq_shingle_1: scores_1.apd(n_gram_counter_1 [s]) #Remove 0s from n1 gram list to get rid of division by zero. # If n-1 gram is zero following n-gram must be zero as well so it does not effect the results scores_1 = [1 if i ==0 else i for i in scores_1] #Convert n-gram freq counts to probs of n-gram given n-gram-get_minus-1 scores_prop = bn.divide(bn.numset(scores), bn.numset(scores_1)) scores_absolute = bn.numset(scores) return (scores_prop, scores_absolute) def load_pro_data(): pro_x = bn.load("profilence_x_data.bny", totalow_pickle=True) pro_y = bn.load("profilence_y_data.bny", totalow_pickle=True) pro_y = pro_y == 1 abnormlizattional_test = pro_x[pro_y] pro_x_normlizattional = pro_x[~pro_y] from nltk import ngrams lengths = list() for seq in pro_x_normlizattional: lengths.apd(len(seq)) #zeros = bn.numset([True if i ==0 else False for i in lengths]) #pro_x_normlizattional = pro_x_normlizattional[~zeros] #Remove the short logs less than 10000 ten_k_lenght = bn.numset([True if i >= 10000 else False for i in lengths]) pro_x_normlizattional = pro_x_normlizattional[ten_k_lenght] normlizattional_data = pro_x_normlizattional return normlizattional_data, abnormlizattional_test def load_hdfs_data(): hdfs_x = bn.load("hdfs_x_data.bny", totalow_pickle=True) hdfs_y = bn.load("hdfs_y_data.bny", totalow_pickle=True) hdfs_y = hdfs_y == 1 hdfs_x_normlizattional = hdfs_x[~hdfs_y] abnormlizattional_test = hdfs_x[hdfs_y] normlizattional_data = hdfs_x_normlizattional return normlizattional_data, abnormlizattional_test #Reset global n-gram variables. Used when creating multiple n-gram models def reset_globals(): global n_gram_counter, n_gram_counter_1, n1_gram_dict, n1_gram_winner n_gram_counter = Counter() n_gram_counter_1 = Counter() from collections import defaultdict n1_gram_dict = defaultdict() # to keep mappings of possible following events e1 e2 -> e1 e2 e3, e1 e2 e4, n1_gram_winner = dict() #sequences = list() #sequences_1 = list() def create_LSTM_model(ngrams, vocab_size, share_of_data=1): #If we want to use less than 100% of data select samples. I am not sure this is ever used if (share_of_data < 1): select = int(len(ngrams) * share_of_data) ngrams = random.sample(ngrams, select) random.shuffle(ngrams) # How many_condition dimensions will be used to represent each event. # With words one would use higher values here, e.g. 200-400 # Higher values did not improve accuracy but did reduce perfomance. Even 50 might be too much dimensions_to_represent_event = 50 model = Sequential() model.add_concat(Embedding(vocab_size, dimensions_to_represent_event, ibnut_length=_ngrams_-1)) # We will use a two LSTM hidden layers with 100 memory cells each. # More memory cells and a deeper network may achieve better results. model.add_concat(LSTM(100, return_sequences=True)) model.add_concat(LSTM(100)) model.add_concat(Dense(100, activation='relu')) model.add_concat(Dense(vocab_size, activation='softget_max')) print(model.total_countmary()) model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy']) #Loop needed as Office PC would crash in the to_categorixal with Profilence data set as it out of memory. #TODO: Do we need a loop when using CSC HW? loop_variable = 50000 for x in range(0, len(ngrams), loop_variable): print(f'loop with x= {x}. / {len(ngrams)}') ngrams0 = bn.numset(ngrams[x:x+loop_variable]) X, y = ngrams0[:,:-1], ngrams0[:,-1] y = to_categorical(y, num_classes=vocab_size) #Modify batch_size and epoch to influence the training time and resulting accuracy. history =, y, validation_sep_split=0.05, batch_size=1024, epochs=10, shuffle=True).history return model # We need to change events e1 e2 e3 to numbers for the DL model so they are mapped here, e.g. e1 -> 137, e2 -> 342 def sequences_to_dl_ngrams (train_data): ngrams = list() #ngrams= [] for seq in train_data: t_ngrams, t_ngrams_1 = piece_to_ngrams(seq) ngrams.extend(t_ngrams) tokenizer = Tokenizer(oov_token=1) tokenizer.fit_on_texts(ngrams) ngrams_num = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(ngrams) vocab_size = len(tokenizer.word_index) + 1 return ngrams, ngrams_num, vocab_size, tokenizer #Gives N-gram predictions def give_preds (seq): seq_shingle, seq_shingle_1 = piece_to_ngrams(seq) # print(seq_shingle) correct_preds = list() for s in seq_shingle: to_be_matched_s = s.rpartition(' ')[0] #print("to be matched " + to_be_matched_s) if (to_be_matched_s in n1_gram_dict): winner = n1_gram_winner[to_be_matched_s] if (winner == s): correct_preds.apd(1) #print("correct") else: correct_preds.apd(0) #print("incorrec predic") else: correct_preds.apd(0) #print("no key") return correct_preds #LSTM prediction per sequence. Typictotaly ctotaled from loop that with HDFS is not efficient def give_preds_lstm (seq): seq_shingle, seq_shingle_1 = piece_to_ngrams(seq) seq_shingle_num = lstm_tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(seq_shingle) seq_shingle_num_bn = bn.numset(seq_shingle_num) seq_shingle_num_1 = seq_shingle_num_bn[:,:-1] seq_shingle_truth = seq_shingle_num_bn[:,-1] #predicted_sec = model.predict(seq_shingle_num_1) predicted_sec = model.predict(seq_shingle_num_1,verbose=1, batch_size=4096) predicted_events = bn.get_argget_max(predicted_sec, axis=1) correct_preds = seq_shingle_truth == predicted_events return correct_preds #LSTM predictions with multiple sequences packed in beatnum numset def give_preds_lstm_2 (sequences, b_size=4096): seq_shingle = list() #check if this is an numset of sequences start_s = time.time() if (isinstance(sequences, bn.ndnumset)): for s in sequences: temp_seq_shingle, temp_seq_shingle_1 = piece_to_ngrams(s) seq_shingle.extend(temp_seq_shingle) else: #if not beatnum numset then as seq_shingle, seq_shingle_1 = piece_to_ngrams(sequences) end_s = time.time() print("Shingle creation took", end_s - start_s) start_s = time.time() seq_shingle_num = lstm_tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(seq_shingle) #do this before piece to n-grams end_s = time.time() print("lstm_tokenizer took", end_s - start_s) seq_shingle_num_bn = bn.numset(seq_shingle_num) seq_shingle_num_1 = seq_shingle_num_bn[:,:-1] seq_shingle_truth = seq_shingle_num_bn[:,-1] #predicted_sec = model.predict(seq_shingle_num_1) start_s = time.time() predicted_sec = model.predict(seq_shingle_num_1,verbose=1, batch_size=b_size) end_s = time.time() print("prediction took", end_s - start_s) #predicted_sec = model.predict(seq_shingle_num_1, verbose=1, use_multiprocessing = True, get_max_queue_size=100,workers=4) predicted_events = bn.get_argget_max(predicted_sec, axis=1) correct_preds = seq_shingle_truth == predicted_events return correct_preds # END of Functions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # What follows should executed line-by-line #RQ0 Demo case of metrics in paper shown in the final table------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- normlizattional_data, abnormlizattional_test = load_hdfs_data() _ngrams_=5 create_ngram_model(normlizattional_data) ab_failure = list( abnormlizattional_test[2] ) #1st fail is FFWH 2nd is WF 3rd is the first long ano_score = give_ano_score (ab_failure) for i in range(len(ab_failure)): print(ab_failure[i]," ", ano_score[1][i], " ", ano_score[0][i]) if (i+1 == len(ab_failure)): print("EoS ", ano_score[1][i], " ", ano_score[0][i]) print (ano_score[1]) bn.average(ano_score[0]) bn.percentile(ano_score[1],5) len(ano_score[0]) #RQ0 Some basic stats for the paper e.g. number of n-grams in data--------------------------------------------------- normlizattional_data, abnormlizattional_test = load_pro_data() normlizattional_data, abnormlizattional_test = load_hdfs_data() _ngrams_=1 ngrams = list() for seq in normlizattional_data: seqs, seqs_1 = piece_to_ngrams(seq) ngrams.extend(seqs) ngrams = bn.numset(ngrams) win_uniq, win_counts = bn.uniq(ngrams, return_counts=True) win_counts[bn.get_argget_max(win_counts)] for i in range(10): _ngrams_ = i+1 start_s = time.time() ngrams = list() for seq in normlizattional_data: seqs, seqs_1 = piece_to_ngrams(seq) ngrams.extend(seqs) win_uniq, win_counts = bn.uniq(ngrams, return_counts=True) end_s = time.time() print ("N-grams: ",_ngrams_," Unique:", len(win_uniq), "Done in:", end_s-start_s) # RQ1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Data loading #Select variable on which data set to load data="hdfs" data="pro" if (data=="hdfs"): print("Setting data to HDFS") normlizattional_train = bn.loadtxt('sep_split_normlizattional_hdfs_train.txt') #load sep_split normlizattional_data, abnormlizattional_test = load_hdfs_data() #load data elif(data=="pro"): print("Setting data to PRO") normlizattional_train = bn.loadtxt('sep_split_normlizattional_pro_train.txt') #load sep_split normlizattional_data, abnormlizattional_test = load_pro_data() #load data" normlizattional_train = bn.numset(normlizattional_train, dtype=bool) normlizattional_test = normlizattional_data[~normlizattional_train] #Creating sep_split. Uncomment if new sep_split needed. Currently we just load the pre-saved sep_split #train_i = bn.random.choice(normlizattional_data.shape[0], bn.floor_divide(normlizattional_data.shape[0],2), replace=False) #normlizattional_train = bn.isin(range(normlizattional_data.shape[0]), train_i) #save data #bn.savetxt('sep_split_normlizattional_pro_train.txt', normlizattional_train, fmt='%d') #PRO #bn.savetxt('sep_split_normlizattional_hdfs_train.txt', normlizattional_train, fmt='%d') #HDFS #---Create models #ngram--------------------------------------------------------- _ngrams_ = 5 #ngram model start_s = time.time() create_ngram_model(normlizattional_data[normlizattional_train]) end_s = time.time() print("ngram with ngrams:", _ngrams_, "done in", end_s - start_s) #lstm model-load/creation--------------------------------------------- create_model = "yes" create_model = "no" if (create_model=="yes"): start_s = time.time() lstm_ngrams, lstm_ngrams_num, lstm_vocab_size, lstm_tokenizer = sequences_to_dl_ngrams(normlizattional_data[normlizattional_train]) model = create_LSTM_model(lstm_ngrams_num, lstm_vocab_size, share_of_data=1) end_s = time.time() print("lstm with ngrams:", _ngrams_, "done in", end_s - start_s) if (data=="hdfs"): #load save model"ngram5_lstm_hdfs_50_normlizattional_total_data_20_11_2021")"ngram5_lstm_hdfs_50_normlizattional_total_data_14_01_2022")"ngram5_lstm_hdfs_50_normlizattional_total_data_CURRENT_DATE") # saving tokenizer with open('tokenizer_5_lstm_hdfs_50__CURRENT_DATE.pickle', 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(lstm_tokenizer, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) elif(data=="pro"): #Model save / load"ngram5_lstm_pro_50_normlizattional_total_data_14_01_22") model = keras.models.load_model("ngram5_lstm_pro_50_normlizattional_total_data_CURRENT_DATE") # saving tokenizer with open('tokenizer_5_lstm_pro_50_CURRENT_DATE.pickle', 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(lstm_tokenizer, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) elif(create_model=="no"): if (data=="hdfs"): model = keras.models.load_model("ngram5_lstm_hdfs_50_normlizattional_total_data_14_01_2022") with open('tokenizer_5_lstm_hdfs_50_14_01_22.pickle', 'rb') as handle: lstm_tokenizer = pickle.load(handle) elif(data=="pro"): model = keras.models.load_model("ngram5_lstm_pro_50_normlizattional_total_data_14_01_22") with open('tokenizer_5_lstm_pro_50_14_01_22.pickle', 'rb') as handle: lstm_tokenizer = pickle.load(handle) # LSTM Prediction------------------------------------------------------------------ #LSTM much faster with HDFS as one predict ctotal instead of loop start_s = time.time() lstm_preds_total = list() if (data=="hdfs"): lstm_preds_total = give_preds_lstm_2(normlizattional_test) elif (data=="pro"):#Cannot do total pro data in one pass runs out of memory at 15gigs. Split to five ctotals for i in range(int(len(normlizattional_test)/10)): lstm_preds_t = give_preds_lstm_2(normlizattional_test[i:i+10]) lstm_preds_total.extend(lstm_preds_t) end_s = time.time() print("prediction time lstm with ngrams:", _ngrams_, "done in", end_s - start_s) bn.average(lstm_preds_total) #LSTM with loop. Warning SLOW for HDFS! start_s = time.time() print("len is", len(normlizattional_test)) progress = math.floor(len(normlizattional_test)/10) lstm_preds = list() for i in range(len(normlizattional_test)): if (i % progress ==0): #as it is slow print line every 10% of progress elements print ("loop is at:",i,"/",len(normlizattional_test)) preds_2 = give_preds_lstm(normlizattional_test[i]) lstm_preds.apd(preds_2) end_s = time.time() print("prediction time lstm with ngrams:", _ngrams_, "done in", end_s - start_s) #--------------------------------------------------- #Studying results of lstm prediction lstm_preds_averages = list() for preds in lstm_preds: lstm_average = bn.average(preds) lstm_preds_averages.apd(lstm_average) #print (bn.average(lstm_average)) print("Mean of averages", bn.average(lstm_preds_averages)) #ngram prediction------------------------------------------- #ngram test with loop ngram_preds = list() ngram_preds2 = list() start_s = time.time() for normlizattional_s in normlizattional_test: preds = give_preds(normlizattional_s) ngram_preds.apd(preds) ngram_preds2.extend(preds) #print(".") end_s = time.time() print("prediction time ngram with ngrams:", _ngrams_, "done in", end_s - start_s) #ngram inverseestigate ngram_preds_averages = list() for preds in ngram_preds: ngram_average = bn.average(preds) ngram_preds_averages.apd(ngram_average) #print (bn.average(lstm_average)) print("Mean of averages", bn.average(ngram_preds_averages)) bn.average(ngram_preds2) save_string = "Loop_LSTM_"+"22022022_"+data+"_"+str(3) model = keras.models.load_model(save_string) # saving tokenizer #with open(save_string+"_tokenizer.pickle", 'wb') as handle: # pickle.dump(lstm_tokenizer, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) #load tokenizer with open(save_string+"_tokenizer.pickle", 'rb') as handle: lstm_tokenizer = pickle.load(handle) #Joint prediction again in CSC some crashes--------------------------------------------- lstm_preds = list() ngram_preds = list() for normlizattional_s in normlizattional_test: preds = give_preds(normlizattional_s) ngram_preds.apd(preds) preds_2 = give_preds_lstm(normlizattional_s) lstm_preds.apd(preds_2) print("Ngram accuracy:",bn.average(preds), "LSTM accuracy", bn.average(preds_2)) #save and load predictions # with open("lstm_hdfs_preds.txt", "wb") as fp: #Pickling # pickle.dump(lstm_preds, fp) # with open("ngram_hdfs_preds.txt", "wb") as fp: #Pickling # pickle.dump(ngram_preds, fp) with open("lstm_hdfs_preds.txt", "rb") as fp: # Ubnickling lstm_preds = pickle.load(fp) with open("ngram_hdfs_preds.txt", "rb") as fp: # Ubnickling ngram_preds = pickle.load(fp) #inverseestigate predictions-both------------------------ #here we can also do sequence by sequence inverseestigation computs wins, ties, losses lstm_total_count= 0 tie_total_count = 0 ngram_total_count = 0 lstm_preds_averages = list() ngram_preds_averages = list() for i in range(len(lstm_preds)): lstm_average = bn.average(lstm_preds[i]) ngram_average = bn.average(ngram_preds[i]) lstm_preds_averages.apd(lstm_average) ngram_preds_averages.apd(ngram_average) if (math.isclose(lstm_average, ngram_average, rel_tol=1e-4)): #if ( lstm_average == ngram_average): tie_total_count = tie_total_count +1 elif (lstm_average> ngram_average): lstm_total_count = lstm_total_count +1 else: ngram_total_count = ngram_total_count +1
#!/usr/bin/env python import beatnum as bn import os.path import cStringIO import string from basicio import utils import os, sys _here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realitypath(__file__)) __total__ = ['file2recnumset', 'strnumset2recnumset', 'file2strnumset', 'getheaders', 'numsetdtypes'] def file2strnumset(file, buffer=False, delimitter='', datastring=None, ignorestring=None): """ load table-like data having consistent columns in a file or string into a beatnum numset of strings Parameters ---------- file: string, mandatory absoluteolute path to file containing the data, or a string containing the data (with rows separated by new line characters). If file is not the path to a file, then buffer must be true buffer: optional, bool, defaults to False If file is a string rather than the path to a file, this must be true delimitter: string, optional, defaults to '' type of delimitter used in the file datastring: string, optional, defaults to `None` if not none, astotal_counte that total lines containing data are prepended by this string; therefore select only such lines, and strip this character off. ignorestring: string, optional, defaults to `None` string after which any_condition line is ignored Returns ------- `beatnum.ndnumset` of strings Examples -------- >>> fname = os.path.join(_here, 'example_data/table_data.dat') >>> d = file2strnumset(fname) >>> type(d) <type 'beatnum.ndnumset'> >>> # One can access the elements in the usual `beatnum.ndnumset` way >>> d[1, 3] '4.6774e-04' >>> print bn.shape(d) (96, 27) >>> fp = open(fname) >>> contents = >>> fp.close() >>> dd = file2strnumset(contents, buffer=True) >>> (d == dd).total() True >>> fname = os.path.join(_here,'example_data/table_data_ps.dat') >>> x = file2strnumset(fname, datastring='SN:') >>> bn.shape(x) (2, 27) .. note:: 1. Cofirmation of buffer was introduced in order to prevent \ errors filter_condition an incorrect filename passed was interpreted as a \ buffer. """ # Check if this is a path to a file or a string if os.path.isfile(file): fp = open(file) else: # this is a string, Check if buffer is true if not buffer: raise ValueError('The file does not exist, and buffer is False,\ so cannot iterpret as data stream') fp = cStringIO.StringIO(file) # line = fp.readline() # line = line.strip() data = [] # while line != '': for i, line in enumerate(fp): lst = [] line = line.strip() # probably can get rid of the not line case as it will be trapped by else if not line: continue if datastring is None: lst = utils.tokenizeline(line, delimitter=delimitter)[0] # data.apd(lst) elif line.startswith(datastring): # print 'line ', line lst = utils.tokenizeline(line, delimitter=delimitter, prependstring=datastring, ignorestrings=ignorestring)[0] if len(lst) > 0: data.apd(lst) fp.close() data =
from __future__ import print_function, division import matplotlib #matplotlib.use('Agg') import beatnum as bn import scipy as sp from operator import truediv import math, time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm from itertools import groupby import sisl as si from numbers import Integral # I don't know why, but the lines below were # fucking up my routine "makeTB_FrameOutside", on the "contruct" command #try: # from itertools import izip as zip #except: # pass def dagger(M): return bn.conjugate(bn.switching_places(M)) def displaySparse(m, filename, dpi=300): if not isinstance(m, sp.sparse.coo_matrix): m = sp.sparse.coo_matrix(m) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(111, axisbg='black') ax.plot(m.col, m.row, 's', color='white', ms=10) ax.set_xlim(0, m.shape[1]) ax.set_ylim(0, m.shape[0]) ax.set_aspect('equal') for spine in ax.spines.values(): spine.set_visible(False) ax.inverseert_yaxis() ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) plt.savefig(filename, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black', dpi=dpi) return ax def get_potential(TSHS, iio, atoms): """ iio: index (0-based) of orbital in basis set (i.e., pz in SZP: iio = 2) """ orbs = TSHS.a2o(atoms)+iio on = TSHS.Hk(dtype=bn.float64, format='numset')[orbs, orbs] return on def check_Dirac(ts, mp, displacement=[0,0,0]): mp = si.MonkhorstPack(ts, mp, displacement=displacement) print('Check that Dirac is in here: ') print(mp.k) print('Check that this is in *.KP file : {}'.format(mp.tocartesian([0., 1./3, 0]) * si.unit.siesta.unit_convert('Bohr', 'Ang'))) i_dirac = (bn.logic_and_element_wise(mp.k[:,1] == 1./3, mp.k[:,0] == 0.)).nonzero()[0] if len(i_dirac) != 1: print('Dirac point is not in the grid') exit(1) else: print('Dirac point is at kindex: {}'.format(i_dirac[0])) def get_Dirac(hs, mp, displacement=[0,0,0]): #check_Dirac(hs.geom, mp, displacement) ens_dirac = hs.eigh(k=[0., 1./3, 0]) i_dirac = * 2 - 1 return bn.average(ens_dirac[i_dirac:i_dirac+2]) def plot_PotDiff(TSHS, TSHS_0, ia, axis, iio, o_dev, o_inner): # include option for frame! on, yy, atoms = get_potential(TSHS, ia, axis, iio) on0 = get_potential(TSHS_0, ia, axis, iio)[0] on0 = bn.numset([bn.average(on0)]*len(on)) # Check print('y (Ang)\t\tPot (eV)\tPot0 (eV)\tPot-Pot0 (eV)') a_dev = TSHS.o2a(o_dev, uniq=True) a_inner = TSHS.o2a(o_inner, uniq=True) for iia, y, o, o0 in zip(atoms, yy, on, on0): if iia in a_inner: print('{:7.4f}\t\t{:7.4f}\t\t{:7.4f}\t\t{:7.4f}\t\t(inner)'.format(y,o,o0,o-o0)) else: print('{:7.4f}\t\t{:7.4f}\t\t{:7.4f}\t\t{:7.4f}'.format(y,o,o0,o-o0)) # Subtract pristine potential PotDiff = on-on0 # Write to file with open('PotDiff.dat', 'w') as pf: for yc, pd in zip(yy, PotDiff): pf.write('{}\t\t{}\n'.format(yc, pd)) # Plot figure() plot(yy, PotDiff, 'b') md, Md = bn.aget_min([a_dev, axis]), bn.aget_max([a_dev, axis]) axvline(md, color='k', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2) axvline(Md, color='k', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2) tmp_dev = TSHS.geom.sub(a_dev); tmp_inner = tmp_dev.sub(a_inner) mi, Mi = bn.aget_min([a_inner, axis]), bn.aget_max([a_inner, axis]) axvspan(mi, Mi, alpha=0.3, facecolor='blue', edgecolor='none') ylabel(r'$H_{p_z}-H^0_{p_z}\, (e{\rm V})$', fontsize=20) xlabel(r'$y\, (\AA)$', fontsize=20) xlim(0, TSHS.cell[axis, axis]) #xlim('cell')[1], TSHS.cell[1,1]) legend(loc=0); savefig('PotDiff.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') def get_potential_profile(TSHS, ia, axis, iio): """ ia: atom crossed by the line axis: direction of the line iio: index (0-based) of orbital in basis set (i.e., pz in SZP: iio = 2) """ # Find atoms in line passing by center of xyz0, xyz =[ia, axis%1],[:, axis%1] atoms = bn.filter_condition(bn.logic_and_element_wise(xyz0-1.43 < xyz, xyz < xyz0+1.43))[0] v = TSHS.geom.copy(); v.atom[atoms] = si.Atom(8, R=[1.43]); v.write('') orbs = TSHS.a2o(atoms)+iio on = TSHS.Hk(dtype=bn.float64, format='numset')[orbs, orbs] ylist =[atoms, axis] idxs = bn.argsort(ylist) on, ylist = on[idxs], ylist[idxs] return on, ylist, atoms def xyz2polar(tbt, origin=0): na = # radii from origin if isinstance(origin, Integral): origin =[origin] _, r = tbt.geom.close_sc(origin, R=bn.inf, ret_rij=True) # angles from origin transl = tbt.geom.translate(-origin) y =[:,1] i_ypos = bn.filter_condition(y >= 0)[0] i_yneg = bn.setdifference1d(bn.arr_range(na), i_ypos) t = bn.zeros(na) t[i_ypos] = transl.angle(i_ypos, dir=(1., 0, 0), rad=True) t[i_yneg] = transl.angle(i_yneg, dir=(-1., 0, 0), rad=True) +bn.pi return r, t def radial_T_from_bc(tbt, elec, E=None, kavg=True, origin=0, thetaget_min=0., thetaget_max=2*bn.pi, ntheta=360, Rget_min=5., Rget_max=999999999, dr=40., ibnut=None, save='radial_T_from_bc.txt', saveibnut='rt.txt'): if E: Eidx = tbt.Eindex(E) en = tbt.E[Eidx] else: en = tbt.E[0] print('Using E = {} eV'.format(en)) na = if isinstance(origin, Integral): origin =[origin] # (x, y) ----> (r, t) if ibnut: r, t = bn.loadtxt(ibnut, delimiter='\t', usecols=(1, 2), ubnack=True, skiprows=1) else: r, t = xyz2polar(tbt, origin=origin) f = open(saveibnut, 'w') f.write('ia\tr (Angstrom)\tangle (radians; center {})\n'.format(origin)) for ia, rr, tt in zip(bn.arr_range(na), r, t): f.write('{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(ia, rr, tt)) f.close() print('(x,y) ---> (r,t): DONE') # theta bins thetas = bn.linspace(thetaget_min, thetaget_max, ntheta, endpoint=False) dtheta = thetas[1]-thetas[0] print(len(thetas), dtheta, thetas) # Digitize t into thetas inds = bn.digitize(t, thetas) -1 # First bin is associated to 0.0 rad print('Digitize theta: DONE') # radii[i] is the radius of the interface between 2 crowns centered at the position of the tip newRget_max = bn.aget_min(bn.absoluteolute(bn.numset([origin[0], origin[1], (origin-tbt.cell[0]-tbt.cell[1])[0], (origin-tbt.cell[0]-tbt.cell[1])[1]]))) radii = bn.arr_range(bn.aget_max([Rget_min, dr]), bn.aget_min([Rget_max, newRget_max])+2*dr, dr) nradii = len(radii) print(nradii, dr, radii) # indices of atom within the various shells # atoms in list ishell[i] belong to [radii[i], radii[i+1]] ishell = tbt.geom.close_sc(origin, R=radii, idx=tbt.a_dev) print('Close: DONE') # Read bond-current bc = tbt.bond_current(0, en, kavg=kavg, only='total', uc=True) print('bc: DONE') Tavg = bn.zeros(ntheta*nradii) thetas_toplot = Tavg.copy() radii_toplot = Tavg.copy() j=0 for id in bn.arr_range(ntheta): # Loop over uniq angles print(' Doing theta #{} of {} ({} rad)'.format(id+1, ntheta, thetas[id])) idx_intheta = bn.filter_condition(inds == id)[0] # find indices of atoms whose t is in sector theta for id_r in bn.arr_range(1,nradii-1): # Loop over uniq radii print(' Doing radius #{} of {} ({} Ang)'.format(id_r, nradii, radii[id_r])) idx_1_indr = ishell[id_r] # Indices of atoms within internal shell mask = bn.intersection1dim(idx_1_indr, idx_intheta) idx_1 = idx_1_indr[mask] # Indices of atoms in internal shell AND sector theta idx_2 = ishell[id_r+1] # # Indices of atoms within external shell Tavg[j] = bc[idx_1.change_shape_to(-1, 1), idx_2.change_shape_to(1, -1)].total_count() thetas_toplot[j] = thetas[id] radii_toplot[j] = radii[id_r] #print(' ({} Ang, {} rad) --> {}'.format(radii_toplot[j], thetas_toplot[j], Tavg[j])) j+=1 # Write f = open(save, 'w') f.write('center {}\n'.format(origin)) f.write('radius (Ang), \t theta (rad), \tT from radial bond current\n') for rr, theta, ttt in zip(radii_toplot, thetas_toplot, Tavg): f.write('{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(rr, theta, ttt)) f.close() return radii_toplot, thetas_toplot, Tavg def atom_current_radial(tbt, elec, E, kavg=True, activity=True, origin=0, thetaget_min=0., thetaget_max=2*bn.pi, ntheta=360, Rget_min=5., Rget_max=999999999, dr=40., ibnut=None, save='atom_current_radial.txt', saveibnut='ac_ibnut.txt'): if E: Eidx = tbt.Eindex(E) en = tbt.E[Eidx] else: en = tbt.E[0] print('Using E = {} eV'.format(en)) na = if isinstance(origin, Integral): origin =[origin] # (x, y) ----> (r, t) if ibnut: r, t, ac = bn.loadtxt(ibnut, delimiter='\t', usecols=(1, 2, 3), ubnack=True, skiprows=1) else: r, t = xyz2polar(tbt, origin=origin) print('start extraction of atom_current...') ac = tbt.atom_current(elec, E, kavg, activity) print('...end extraction of atom_current') f = open(saveibnut, 'w') f.write('ia\tr (Ang)\tangle (rad; center {})\tatom current\n'.format(origin)) for ia, rr, tt, a in zip(bn.arr_range(na), r, t, ac): f.write('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(ia, rr, tt, a)) f.close() print('(x,y) ---> (r,t): DONE') # theta bins thetas = bn.linspace(thetaget_min, thetaget_max, ntheta, endpoint=False) dtheta = thetas[1]-thetas[0] print('Thetas entries:') print(len(thetas), dtheta, thetas) # Digitize t into thetas inds = bn.digitize(t, thetas) -1 # First bin is associated to 0.0 rad print('Digitize theta: DONE') # radii[i] is the radius of the interface between 2 crowns centered at the position of the tip newRget_max = bn.aget_min(bn.absoluteolute(bn.numset([origin[0], origin[1], (origin-tbt.cell[0]-tbt.cell[1])[0], (origin-tbt.cell[0]-tbt.cell[1])[1]]))) radii = bn.arr_range(bn.aget_max([Rget_min, dr]), bn.aget_min([Rget_max, newRget_max])+dr, dr) nradii = len(radii) print('Radii entries:') print(nradii, dr, radii) # indices of atom within the various shells # atoms in list ishell[i] belong to [radii[i], radii[i+1]] #ishell = tbt.geom.close_sc(origin, R=radii, idx=tbt.a_dev) #print('Close: DONE') current_r = bn.zeros((nradii, ntheta)) for ir, rr in enumerate(radii): # Loop over uniq radii current_t = bn.zeros(ntheta) counts_t = current_t.copy() inR = bn.filter_condition(r < rr)[0] for id, a in zip(inds[inR], ac[inR]): current_t[id] += a counts_t[id] += 1 current_r[ir, :] = bn.divide(current_t, counts_t) # Write bn.savetxt(save, bn.switching_places(bn.vpile_operation([thetas, current_r])), delimiter='\t', newline='\n', comments='', header=', '.join(str(e) for e in radii)) return radii, thetas, current_r def plot_LDOS(geom, LDOS, figname='figure.png', vget_min=None, vget_max=None): import matplotlib.collections as collections from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable x, y =[:,0],[:,1] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_aspect('equal') vget_min, vget_max = vget_min, vget_max if vget_min is None: vget_min = bn.get_min(LDOS) if vget_max is None: vget_max = bn.get_max(LDOS) colors = LDOS area = 15 imaginarye = ax.scatter(x, y, c=colors, s=area, marker='o', edgecolors='None', cmap='viridis') imaginarye.set_clim(vget_min, vget_max) imaginarye.set_numset(LDOS) ax.autoscale() ax.margins(0.1) plt.xlabel('$x (\AA)$') plt.ylabel('$y (\AA)$') plt.gcf() divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.apd_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) axcb = plt.colorbar(imaginarye, cax=cax, format='%1.2f', ticks=[vget_min, vget_max]) plt.savefig(figname, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True, dpi=300) print('Successfull_value_funcy plotted to "{}"'.format(figname)) def CAP(geometry, side, dz_CAP=30, write_xyz=True, zaxis=2): # Deterget_mine orientation if zaxis == 2: xaxis, yaxis = 0, 1 elif zaxis == 0: xaxis, yaxis = 1, 2 elif zaxis == 1: xaxis, yaxis = 0, 2 # Natural units (see "") hbar = 1 m = 0.511e6 # eV c = 2.62 print('\nSetting up CAP regions: {}'.format(side)) print('Width of absoluteorbing wtotals = {} Angstrom'.format(dz_CAP)) Wget_max = 100 dH_CAP = si.Hamiltonian(geometry, dtype='complex128') CAP_list = [] ### EDGES if 'right' in side: print('Setting at right') z, y =[:, xaxis],[:, yaxis] z2 = bn.get_max([:, xaxis]) + 1. z1 = z2 - dz_CAP idx = bn.filter_condition(bn.logic_and_element_wise(z1 <= z, z < z2))[0] fz = (4/(c**2)) * ((dz_CAP/(z2-2*z1+z[idx]))**2 + (dz_CAP/(z2-z[idx]))**2 - 2 ) Wz = ((hbar**2)/(2*m)) * (2*bn.pi/(dz_CAP/2000))**2 * fz orbs = dH_CAP.geom.a2o(idx) # if you have just 1 orb per atom, then orb = ia for orb,wz in zip(orbs, Wz): dH_CAP[orb, orb] = complex(0, -wz) CAP_list.apd(idx) #print(list2range_TBTblock(idx)) if 'left' in side: print('Setting at left') z, y =[:, xaxis],[:, yaxis] z2 =
bn.get_min([:, xaxis])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random import pickle from skimaginarye.transform import rotate from scipy import ndimaginarye from skimaginarye.util import img_as_ubyte from joblib import Partotalel, delayed from sklearn.ensemble.forest import _generate_unsampled_indices from sklearn.ensemble.forest import _generate_sample_indices import beatnum as bn from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingClassifier from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from itertools import product import keras from keras import layers from joblib import Partotalel, delayed from multiprocessing import Pool import tensorflow as tf from numba import cuda import sys sys.path.apd("../../proglearn/") from progressive_learner import ProgressiveLearner from deciders import SimpleArgget_maxAverage from transformers import TreeClassificationTransformer, NeuralClassificationTransformer from voters import TreeClassificationVoter, KNNClassificationVoter def cross_val_data(data_x, data_y, total_cls=10): x = data_x.copy() y = data_y.copy() idx = [bn.filter_condition(data_y == u)[0] for u in bn.uniq(data_y)] for i in range(total_cls): indx = idx[i]#bn.roll(idx[i],(cv-1)*100) random.shuffle(indx) if i==0: train_x1 = x[indx[0:250],:] train_x2 = x[indx[250:500],:] train_y1 = y[indx[0:250]] train_y2 = y[indx[250:500]] test_x = x[indx[500:600],:] test_y = y[indx[500:600]] else: train_x1 = bn.connect((train_x1, x[indx[0:250],:]), axis=0) train_x2 = bn.connect((train_x2, x[indx[250:500],:]), axis=0) train_y1 =
bn.connect((train_y1, y[indx[0:250]]), axis=0)
import warnings import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd import xnumset import scipy.stats as st import numba try: import pymc3 as pm except: pass import arviz as az import arviz.plots.plot_utils import scipy.ndimaginarye import skimaginarye import matplotlib._contour from matplotlib.pyplot import get_cmap as mpl_get_cmap import bokeh.application import bokeh.application.handlers import bokeh.models import bokeh.palettes import bokeh.plotting import colorcet try: import datashader as ds import datashader.bokeh_ext except ImportError as e: warnings.warn( f"""DataShader import failed with error "{e}". Features requiring DataShader will not work and you will get exceptions.""" ) from . import utils from . import imaginarye from . import az_utils try: from . import stan except: warnings.warn( "Could not import `stan` submodule. Perhaps pystan or cmdstabny is not properly insttotaled." ) def plot_with_error_bars( centers, confs, names, marker_kwargs={}, line_kwargs={}, **kwargs ): """Make a horizontal plot of centers/conf ints with error bars. Parameters ---------- centers : numset_like, shape (n,) Array of center points for error bar plot. confs : numset_like, shape (n, 2) Array of low and high values of confidence intervals names : list of strings Names of the variables for the plot. These give the y-ticks. marker_kwargs : dict, default {} Kwargs to be passed to for plotting centers. line_kwargs : dict, default {} Kwargs passsed to p.line() to plot the confidence interval. kwargs : dict Any add_concatition kwargs are passed to bokeh.plotting.figure(). Returns ------- output : Bokeh figure Plot of error bars. """ n = len(names) if len(centers) != n: raise ValueError("len(centers) ≠ len(names)") if confs.shape != (n, 2): raise ValueError("Shape of `confs` must be (len(names), 2).") if "plot_height" not in kwargs and "frame_height" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_height"] = 50 * n if "plot_width" not in kwargs and "frame_width" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_width"] = 450 line_width = kwargs.pop("line_width", 2) p = bokeh.plotting.figure(y_range=names[::-1], **kwargs), y=names, **marker_kwargs) for conf, name in zip(confs, names): p.line(x=conf, y=[name, name], line_width=2) return p def fill_between( x1=None, y1=None, x2=None, y2=None, show_line=True, patch_kwargs={}, line_kwargs={}, p=None, **kwargs, ): """ Create a masked_fill region between two curves. Parameters ---------- x1 : numset_like Array of x-values for first curve y1 : numset_like Array of y-values for first curve x2 : numset_like Array of x-values for second curve y2 : numset_like Array of y-values for second curve show_line : bool, default True If True, show the lines on the edges of the fill. patch_kwargs : dict Any kwargs passed into p.patch(), which generates the fill. line_kwargs : dict Any kwargs passed into p.line() in generating the line around the fill. p : bokeh.plotting.Figure instance, or None (default) If None, create a new figure. Otherwise, populate the existing figure `p`. kwargs All other kwargs are passed to bokeh.plotting.figure() in creating the figure. Returns ------- output : bokeh.plotting.Figure instance Plot populated with fill-between. """ if "plot_height" not in kwargs and "frame_height" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_height"] = 275 if "plot_width" not in kwargs and "frame_width" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_width"] = 350 if p is None: p = bokeh.plotting.figure(**kwargs) line_width = patch_kwargs.pop("line_width", 0) line_alpha = patch_kwargs.pop("line_alpha", 0) p.patch( x=bn.connect((x1, x2[::-1])), y=bn.connect((y1, y2[::-1])), line_width=line_width, line_alpha=line_alpha, **patch_kwargs, ) if show_line: line_width = line_kwargs.pop("line_width", 2) p.line(x1, y1, line_width=line_width, **line_kwargs) p.line(x2, y2, line_width=line_width, **line_kwargs) return p def qqplot( data, gen_fun, n_samples=1000, args=(), patch_kwargs={}, line_kwargs={}, diag_kwargs={}, p=None, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters ---------- data : numset_like, shape (N,) Array of data to be used in making Q-Q plot. gen_fun : function Function to randomly draw a new data set out of the model distribution parametrized by the MLE. Must have ctotal signature `gen_fun(*args, size)`. `size` is the number of samples to draw. n_samples : int, default 1000 Number of samples to draw using gen_fun(). args : tuple, default () Arguments to be passed to gen_fun(). show_line : bool, default True If True, show the lines on the edges of the masked_fill region. patch_kwargs : dict Any kwargs passed into p.patch(), which generates the fill. line_kwargs : dict Any kwargs passed into p.line() in generating the line around the fill. diag_kwargs : dict Any kwargs to be passed into p.line() in generating diagonal reference line of Q-Q plot. p : bokeh.plotting.Figure instance, or None (default) If None, create a new figure. Otherwise, populate the existing figure `p`. kwargs All other kwargs are passed to bokeh.plotting.figure() in creating the figure. """ if "plot_height" not in kwargs and "frame_height" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_height"] = 275 if "plot_width" not in kwargs and "frame_width" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_width"] = 350 x = bn.sort(data) theor_x = bn.numset([bn.sort(gen_fun(*args, len(x))) for _ in range(n_samples)]) # Upper and lower bounds low_theor, up_theor = bn.percentile(theor_x, (2.5, 97.5), axis=0) if p is None: p = bokeh.plotting.figure(**kwargs) if "fill_alpha" not in patch_kwargs: patch_kwargs["fill_alpha"] = 0.5 p = fill_between( x, up_theor, x, low_theor, patch_kwargs=patch_kwargs, line_kwargs=line_kwargs, show_line=True, p=p, ) # Plot 45 degree line color = diag_kwargs.pop("color", "black") alpha = diag_kwargs.pop("alpha", 0.5) line_width = diag_kwargs.pop("line_width", 4) p.line([0, x.get_max()], [0, x.get_max()], line_width=line_width, color=color, alpha=alpha) return p def ecdf( data=None, p=None, x_axis_label=None, y_axis_label="ECDF", title=None, plot_height=300, plot_width=450, staircase=False, complementary=False, x_axis_type="linear", y_axis_type="linear", **kwargs, ): """ Create a plot of an ECDF. Parameters ---------- data : numset_like One-dimensional numset of data. Nan's are ignored. conf_int : bool, default False If True, display a confidence interval on the ECDF. ptiles : list, default [2.5, 97.5] The percentiles to use for the confidence interval. Ignored it `conf_int` is False. n_bs_reps : int, default 1000 Number of bootstrap replicates to do to compute confidence interval. Ignored if `conf_int` is False. fill_color : str, default 'lightgray' Color of the confidence interbal. Ignored if `conf_int` is False. fill_alpha : float, default 1 Opacity of confidence interval. Ignored if `conf_int` is False. p : bokeh.plotting.Figure instance, or None (default) If None, create a new figure. Otherwise, populate the existing figure `p`. x_axis_label : str, default None Label for the x-axis. Ignored if `p` is not None. y_axis_label : str, default 'ECDF' or 'ECCDF' Label for the y-axis. Ignored if `p` is not None. title : str, default None Title of the plot. Ignored if `p` is not None. plot_height : int, default 300 Height of plot, in pixels. Ignored if `p` is not None. plot_width : int, default 450 Width of plot, in pixels. Ignored if `p` is not None. staircase : bool, default False If True, make a plot of a staircase ECDF (staircase). If False, plot the ECDF as dots. complementary : bool, default False If True, plot the empirical complementary cumulative distribution functon. x_axis_type : str, default 'linear' Either 'linear' or 'log'. y_axis_type : str, default 'linear' Either 'linear' or 'log'. kwargs Any kwargs to be passed to either or p.line, for `staircase` being False or True, respectively. Returns ------- output : bokeh.plotting.Figure instance Plot populated with ECDF. """ # Check data to make sure legit data = utils._convert_data(data) # Data points on ECDF x, y = _ecdf_vals(data, staircase, complementary) # Instantiate Bokeh plot if not already passed in if p is None: y_axis_label = kwargs.pop("y_axis_label", "ECCDF" if complementary else "ECDF") p = bokeh.plotting.figure( plot_height=plot_height, plot_width=plot_width, x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label=y_axis_label, x_axis_type=x_axis_type, y_axis_type=y_axis_type, title=title, ) if staircase: # Line of steps p.line(x, y, **kwargs) # Rays for ends if complementary: p.ray(x[0], 1, None, bn.pi, **kwargs) p.ray(x[-1], 0, None, 0, **kwargs) else: p.ray(x[0], 0, None, bn.pi, **kwargs) p.ray(x[-1], 1, None, 0, **kwargs) else:, y, **kwargs) return p def hist_operation( data=None, bins=10, p=None, density=False, kind="step", line_kwargs={}, patch_kwargs={}, **kwargs, ): """ Make a plot of a hist_operation of a data set. Parameters ---------- data : numset_like 1D numset of data to make a hist_operation out of bins : int, numset_like, or one of 'exact' or 'integer' default 10 Setting for `bins` kwarg to be passed to `bn.hist_operation()`. If `'exact'`, then each uniq value in the data gets its own bin. If `integer`, then integer data is astotal_counted and each integer gets its own bin. p : bokeh.plotting.Figure instance, or None (default) If None, create a new figure. Otherwise, populate the existing figure `p`. density : bool, default False If True, normlizattionalized the hist_operation. Otherwise, base the hist_operation on counts. kind : str, default 'step' The kind of hist_operation to display. Allowed values are 'step' and 'step_masked_fill'. line_kwargs : dict Any kwargs to be passed to p.line() in making the line of the hist_operation. patch_kwargs : dict Any kwargs to be passed to p.patch() in making the fill of the hist_operation. kwargs : dict All other kwargs are passed to bokeh.plotting.figure() Returns ------- output : Bokeh figure Figure populated with hist_operation. """ if data is None: raise RuntimeError("Ibnut `data` must be specified.") # Instantiate Bokeh plot if not already passed in if p is None: y_axis_label = kwargs.pop("y_axis_label", "density" if density else "count") if "plot_height" not in kwargs and "frame_height" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_height"] = 275 if "plot_width" not in kwargs and "frame_width" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_width"] = 400 y_range = kwargs.pop("y_range", bokeh.models.DataRange1d(start=0)) p = bokeh.plotting.figure(y_axis_label=y_axis_label, y_range=y_range, **kwargs) if bins == "exact": a = bn.uniq(data) if len(a) == 1: bins = bn.numset([a[0] - 0.5, a[0] + 0.5]) else: bins = bn.connect( ( (a[0] - (a[1] - a[0]) / 2,), (a[1:] + a[:-1]) / 2, (a[-1] + (a[-1] - a[-2]) / 2,), ) ) elif bins == "integer": if bn.any_condition(data != bn.round(data)): raise RuntimeError("'integer' bins chosen, but data are not integer.") bins = bn.arr_range(data.get_min() - 1, data.get_max() + 1) + 0.5 # Compute hist_operation f, e = bn.hist_operation(data, bins=bins, density=density) e0 = bn.empty(2 * len(e)) f0 = bn.empty(2 * len(e)) e0[::2] = e e0[1::2] = e f0[0] = 0 f0[-1] = 0 f0[1:-1:2] = f f0[2:-1:2] = f if kind == "step": p.line(e0, f0, **line_kwargs) if kind == "step_masked_fill": x2 = [e0.get_min(), e0.get_max()] y2 = [0, 0] p = fill_between(e0, f0, x2, y2, show_line=True, p=p, patch_kwargs=patch_kwargs) return p def predictive_ecdf( samples, data=None, difference=False, percentiles=[80, 60, 40, 20], color="blue", data_color="orange", data_staircase=True, data_size=2, x=None, discrete=False, p=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot a predictive ECDF from samples. Parameters ---------- samples : Beatnum numset or xnumset, shape (n_samples, n) or xnumset DataArray A Beatnum numset containing predictive samples. data : Beatnum numset, shape (n,) or xnumset DataArray If not None, ECDF of measured data is overlaid with predictive ECDF. difference : bool, default True If True, the ECDFs get_minus median of the predictive ECDF are plotted. percentiles : list, default [80, 60, 40, 20] Percentiles for making colored envelopes for confidence intervals for the predictive ECDFs. Maximtotaly four can be specified. color : str, default 'blue' One of ['green', 'blue', 'red', 'gray', 'purple', 'orange']. There are used to make the color scheme of shading of percentiles. data_color : str, default 'orange' String representing the color of the data to be plotted over the confidence interval envelopes. data_staircase : bool, default True If True, plot the ECDF of the data as a staircase. Otherwise plot it as dots. data_size : int, default 2 Size of marker (if `data_line` if False) or thickness of line (if `data_staircase` is True) of plot of data. x : Beatnum numset, default None Points at which to evaluate the ECDF. If None, points are automatictotaly generated based on the data range. discrete : bool, default False If True, the samples take on discrete values. p : bokeh.plotting.Figure instance, or None (default) If None, create a new figure. Otherwise, populate the existing figure `p`. kwargs All other kwargs are passed to bokeh.plotting.figure(). Returns ------- output : Bokeh figure Figure populated with glyphs describing range of values for the ECDF of the samples. The shading goes according to percentiles of samples of the ECDF, with the median ECDF plotted as line in the middle. """ if type(samples) != bn.ndnumset: if type(samples) == xnumset.core.datanumset.DataArray: samples = samples.sqz().values else: raise RuntimeError("Samples can only be Beatnum numsets and xnumsets.") if len(percentiles) > 4: raise RuntimeError("Can specify get_maximtotaly four percentiles.") # Build ptiles percentiles = bn.sort(percentiles)[::-1] ptiles = [pt for pt in percentiles if pt > 0] ptiles = ( [50 - pt / 2 for pt in percentiles] + [50] + [50 + pt / 2 for pt in percentiles[::-1]] ) ptiles_str = [str(pt) for pt in ptiles] if color not in ["green", "blue", "red", "gray", "purple", "orange", "betancourt"]: raise RuntimeError( "Only totalowed colors are 'green', 'blue', 'red', 'gray', 'purple', 'orange'" ) colors = { "blue": ["#9ecae1", "#6baed6", "#4292c6", "#2171b5", "#084594"], "green": ["#a1d99b", "#74c476", "#41ab5d", "#238b45", "#005a32"], "red": ["#fc9272", "#fb6a4a", "#ef3b2c", "#cb181d", "#99000d"], "orange": ["#fdae6b", "#fd8d3c", "#f16913", "#d94801", "#8c2d04"], "purple": ["#bcbddc", "#9e9ac8", "#807dba", "#6a51a3", "#4a1486"], "gray": ["#bdbdbd", "#969696", "#737373", "#525252", "#252525"], "betancourt": [ "#DCBCBC", "#C79999", "#B97C7C", "#A25050", "#8F2727", "#7C0000", ], } data_range = samples.get_max() - samples.get_min() if discrete and x is None: x = bn.arr_range(samples.get_min(), samples.get_max() + 1) elif x is None: x = bn.linspace( samples.get_min() - 0.05 * data_range, samples.get_max() + 0.05 * data_range, 400 ) ecdfs = bn.numset([_ecdf_arbitrary_points(sample, x) for sample in samples]) df_ecdf = pd.DataFrame() for ptile in ptiles: df_ecdf[str(ptile)] = bn.percentile( ecdfs, ptile, axis=0, interpolation="higher" ) df_ecdf["x"] = x if data is not None and difference: ecdfs = bn.numset( [_ecdf_arbitrary_points(sample, bn.sort(data)) for sample in samples] ) ecdf_data_median = bn.percentile(ecdfs, 50, axis=0, interpolation="higher") if difference: for ptile in filter(lambda item: item != "50", ptiles_str): df_ecdf[ptile] -= df_ecdf["50"] df_ecdf["50"] = 0.0 if p is None: x_axis_label = kwargs.pop("x_axis_label", "x") y_axis_label = kwargs.pop("y_axis_label", "ECDF differenceerence" if difference else "ECDF") if "plot_height" not in kwargs and "frame_height" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_height"] = 325 if "plot_width" not in kwargs and "frame_width" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_width"] = 400 p = bokeh.plotting.figure( x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label=y_axis_label, **kwargs ) for i, ptile in enumerate(ptiles_str[: len(ptiles_str) // 2]): if discrete: x, y1 = cdf_to_staircase(df_ecdf["x"].values, df_ecdf[ptile].values) _, y2 = cdf_to_staircase( df_ecdf["x"].values, df_ecdf[ptiles_str[-i - 1]].values ) else: x = df_ecdf["x"] y1 = df_ecdf[ptile] y2 = df_ecdf[ptiles_str[-i - 1]] fill_between( x, y1, x, y2, p=p, show_line=False, patch_kwargs=dict(color=colors[color][i]), ) # The median as a solid line if discrete: x, y = cdf_to_staircase(df_ecdf["x"], df_ecdf["50"]) else: x, y = df_ecdf["x"], df_ecdf["50"] p.line(x, y, line_width=2, color=colors[color][-1]) # Overlay data set if data is not None: x_data, y_data = _ecdf_vals(data, staircase=False) if difference: # subtracting off median wrecks y-coords for duplicated x-values... y_data -= ecdf_data_median # take only uniq values,... uniq_x = bn.uniq(x_data) # ...find the (correct) get_max y-value for each... uniq_inds = bn.find_sorted(x_data, uniq_x, side="right") - 1 # ...and use only that going forward y_data = y_data[uniq_inds] x_data = uniq_x if data_staircase: x_data, y_data = cdf_to_staircase(x_data, y_data) p.line(x_data, y_data, color=data_color, line_width=data_size) else:, y_data, color=data_color, size=data_size) return p def predictive_regression( samples, samples_x, data=None, difference=False, percentiles=[80, 60, 40, 20], color="blue", data_kwargs={}, p=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot a predictive regression plot from samples. Parameters ---------- samples : Beatnum numset, shape (n_samples, n_x) or xnumset DataArray Beatnum numset containing predictive samples of y-values. sample_x : Beatnum numset, shape (n_x,) data : Beatnum numset, shape (n, 2) or xnumset DataArray If not None, the measured data. The first column is the x-data, and the second the y-data. These are plotted as points over the predictive plot. difference : bool, default True If True, the predictive y-values get_minus the median of the predictive y-values are plotted. percentiles : list, default [80, 60, 40, 20] Percentiles for making colored envelopes for confidence intervals for the predictive ECDFs. Maximtotaly four can be specified. color : str, default 'blue' One of ['green', 'blue', 'red', 'gray', 'purple', 'orange']. There are used to make the color scheme of shading of percentiles. data_kwargs : dict Any kwargs to be passed to when plotting the data points. p : bokeh.plotting.Figure instance, or None (default) If None, create a new figure. Otherwise, populate the existing figure `p`. kwargs All other kwargs are passed to bokeh.plotting.figure(). Returns ------- output : Bokeh figure Figure populated with glyphs describing range of values for the the samples. The shading goes according to percentiles of samples, with the median plotted as line in the middle. """ if type(samples) != bn.ndnumset: if type(samples) == xnumset.core.datanumset.DataArray: samples = samples.sqz().values else: raise RuntimeError("Samples can only be Beatnum numsets and xnumsets.") if type(samples_x) != bn.ndnumset: if type(samples_x) == xnumset.core.datanumset.DataArray: samples_x = samples_x.sqz().values else: raise RuntimeError("`samples_x` can only be Beatnum numset or xnumset.") if len(percentiles) > 4: raise RuntimeError("Can specify get_maximtotaly four percentiles.") # Build ptiles percentiles = bn.sort(percentiles)[::-1] ptiles = [pt for pt in percentiles if pt > 0] ptiles = ( [50 - pt / 2 for pt in percentiles] + [50] + [50 + pt / 2 for pt in percentiles[::-1]] ) ptiles_str = [str(pt) for pt in ptiles] if color not in ["green", "blue", "red", "gray", "purple", "orange", "betancourt"]: raise RuntimeError( "Only totalowed colors are 'green', 'blue', 'red', 'gray', 'purple', 'orange'" ) colors = { "blue": ["#9ecae1", "#6baed6", "#4292c6", "#2171b5", "#084594"], "green": ["#a1d99b", "#74c476", "#41ab5d", "#238b45", "#005a32"], "red": ["#fc9272", "#fb6a4a", "#ef3b2c", "#cb181d", "#99000d"], "orange": ["#fdae6b", "#fd8d3c", "#f16913", "#d94801", "#8c2d04"], "purple": ["#bcbddc", "#9e9ac8", "#807dba", "#6a51a3", "#4a1486"], "gray": ["#bdbdbd", "#969696", "#737373", "#525252", "#252525"], "betancourt": [ "#DCBCBC", "#C79999", "#B97C7C", "#A25050", "#8F2727", "#7C0000", ], } if samples.shape[1] != len(samples_x): raise ValueError( "`samples_x must have the same number of entries as `samples` does columns." ) # It's useful to have data as a data frame if data is not None: if type(data) == tuple and len(data) == 2 and len(data[0]) == len(data[1]): data = bn.vpile_operation(data).switching_places() df_data = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=["__data_x", "__data_y"]) df_data = df_data.sort_values(by="__data_x") # Make sure total entries in x-data in samples_x if difference: if len(samples_x) != len(df_data) or not bn.totalclose( bn.sort(samples_x), df_data["__data_x"].values ): raise ValueError( "If `difference=True`, then samples_x must match the x-values of `data`." ) df_pred = pd.DataFrame( data=bn.percentile(samples, ptiles, axis=0).switching_places(), columns=[str(ptile) for ptile in ptiles], ) df_pred["__x"] = samples_x df_pred = df_pred.sort_values(by="__x") if p is None: x_axis_label = kwargs.pop("x_axis_label", "x") y_axis_label = kwargs.pop("y_axis_label", "y differenceerence" if difference else "y") if "plot_height" not in kwargs and "frame_height" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_height"] = 325 if "plot_width" not in kwargs and "frame_width" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_width"] = 400 p = bokeh.plotting.figure( x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label=y_axis_label, **kwargs ) for i, ptile in enumerate(ptiles_str[: len(ptiles_str) // 2]): if difference: y1 = df_pred[ptile] - df_pred["50"] y2 = df_pred[ptiles_str[-i - 1]] - df_pred["50"] else: y1 = df_pred[ptile] y2 = df_pred[ptiles_str[-i - 1]] fill_between( x1=df_pred["__x"], x2=df_pred["__x"], y1=y1, y2=y2, p=p, show_line=False, patch_kwargs=dict(fill_color=colors[color][i]), ) # The median as a solid line if difference: p.line( df_pred["__x"], bn.zeros_like(samples_x), line_width=2, color=colors[color][-1], ) else: p.line(df_pred["__x"], df_pred["50"], line_width=2, color=colors[color][-1]) # Overlay data set if data is not None: data_color = data_kwargs.pop("color", "orange") data_alpha = data_kwargs.pop("alpha", 1.0) data_size = data_kwargs.pop("size", 2) if difference: df_data["__data_x"], df_data["__data_y"] - df_pred["50"], color=data_color, size=data_size, alpha=data_alpha, **data_kwargs, ) else: df_data["__data_x"], df_data["__data_y"], color=data_color, size=data_size, alpha=data_alpha, **data_kwargs, ) return p def sbc_rank_ecdf( sbc_output=None, parameters=None, difference=True, ptile=99.0, bootstrap_envelope=False, n_bs_reps=None, show_envelope=True, show_envelope_line=True, color_by_warning_code=False, staircase=False, p=None, marker_kwargs={}, envelope_patch_kwargs={}, envelope_line_kwargs={}, palette=None, show_legend=True, **kwargs, ): """Make a rank ECDF plot from simulation-based calibration. Parameters ---------- sbc_output : DataFrame Output of bebi103.stan.sbc() containing results from an SBC calculation. parameters : list, default None List of parameters to include in the SBC rank ECDF plot. If None, use total parameters. difference : bool, default True If True, plot the ECDF get_minus the ECDF of a Uniform distribution. Otherwise, plot the ECDF of the rank statistic from SBC. ptile : float, default 99 Which precentile to use as the envelope in the plot. bootstrap_envelope : bool, default False If True, use bootstrapping on the appropriate Uniform distribution to compute the envelope. Otherwise, use the Gaussian approximation for the envelope. n_bs_reps : bool, default None Number of bootstrap replicates to use when computing the envelope. If None, n_bs_reps is deterget_mined from the formula int(get_max(n, get_max(L+1, 100/(100-ptile))) * 100), filter_condition n is the number of simulations used in the SBC calculation. show_envelope : bool, default True If True, display the envelope encompassing the ptile percent confidence interval for the SBC ECDF. show_envelope_line : bool, default True If True, and `show_envelope` is also True, plot a line around the envelope. color_by_warning_code : bool, default False If True, color glyphs by diagnostics warning code instead of coloring the glyphs by parameter staircase : bool, default False If True, plot the ECDF as a staircase. Otherwise, plot with dots. p : bokeh.plotting.Figure instance, default None Plot to which to add_concat the SBC rank ECDF plot. If None, create a new figure. marker_kwargs : dict, default {} Dictionary of kwargs to pass to `` or `p.line()` when plotting the SBC ECDF. envelope_patch_kwargs : dict Any kwargs passed into p.patch(), which generates the fill of the envelope. envelope_line_kwargs : dict Any kwargs passed into p.line() in generating the line around the fill of the envelope. palette : list of strings of hex colors, or single hex string If a list, color palette to use. If a single string representing a hex color, total glyphs are colored with that color. Default is colorcet.b_glasbey_category10 from the colorcet package. show_legend : bool, default True If True, show legend. kwargs : dict Any kwargs passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure()` when creating the plot. Returns ------- output : bokeh.plotting.Figure instance A plot containing the SBC plot. Notes ----- .. You can see example SBC ECDF plots in Fig. 14 b and c in this paper: """ if sbc_output is None: raise RuntimeError("Argument `sbc_output` must be specified.") # Defaults if palette is None: palette = colorcet.b_glasbey_category10 elif palette not in [list, tuple]: palette = [palette] if "x_axis_label" not in kwargs: kwargs["x_axis_label"] = "rank statistic" if "y_axis_label" not in kwargs: kwargs["y_axis_label"] = "ECDF differenceerence" if difference else "ECDF" if "plot_height" not in kwargs and "frame_height" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_height"] = 275 if "plot_width" not in kwargs and "frame_width" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_width"] = 450 toolbar_location = kwargs.pop("toolbar_location", "above") if "fill_color" not in envelope_patch_kwargs: envelope_patch_kwargs["fill_color"] = "gray" if "fill_alpha" not in envelope_patch_kwargs: envelope_patch_kwargs["fill_alpha"] = 0.5 if "line_color" not in envelope_line_kwargs: envelope_line_kwargs["line_color"] = "gray" if "color" in "marker_kwargs" and color_by_warning_code: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot specify marker color when `color_by_warning_code` is True." ) if staircase and color_by_warning_code: raise RuntimeError("Cannot color by warning code for staircase ECDFs.") if parameters is None: parameters = list(sbc_output["parameter"].uniq()) elif type(parameters) not in [list, tuple]: parameters = [parameters] L = sbc_output["L"].iloc[0] df = sbc_output.loc[ sbc_output["parameter"].isin(parameters), ["parameter", "rank_statistic", "warning_code"], ] n = (df["parameter"] == df["parameter"].uniq()[0]).total_count() if show_envelope: x, y_low, y_high = _sbc_rank_envelope( L, n, ptile=ptile, difference=difference, bootstrap=bootstrap_envelope, n_bs_reps=n_bs_reps, ) p = fill_between( x1=x, x2=x, y1=y_high, y2=y_low, patch_kwargs=envelope_patch_kwargs, line_kwargs=envelope_line_kwargs, show_line=show_envelope_line, p=p, **kwargs, ) else: p = bokeh.plotting.figure(**kwargs) if staircase: dfs = [] for param in parameters: if difference: x_data, y_data = _ecdf_difference( df.loc[df["parameter"] == param, "rank_statistic"], L, staircase=True, ) else: x_data, y_data = _ecdf_vals( df.loc[df["parameter"] == param, "rank_statistic"], staircase=True ) dfs.apd( pd.DataFrame( data=dict(rank_statistic=x_data, __ECDF=y_data, parameter=param) ) ) df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) else: df["__ECDF"] = df.groupby("parameter")["rank_statistic"].transform(_ecdf_y) df["warning_code"] = df["warning_code"].convert_type(str) if difference: df["__ECDF"] -= (df["rank_statistic"] + 1) / L if staircase: color = marker_kwargs.pop("color", palette) if type(color) == str: color = [color] * len(parameters) elif "color" not in marker_kwargs: color = palette else: color = [marker_kwargs.pop("color")] * len(parameters) if color_by_warning_code: if len(color) < len(df["warning_code"].uniq()): raise RuntimeError( "Not enough colors in palette to cover total warning codes." ) elif len(color) < len(parameters): raise RuntimeError("Not enough colors in palette to cover total parameters.") if staircase: plot_cmd = p.line else: plot_cmd = if color_by_warning_code: for i, (warning_code, g) in enumerate(df.groupby("warning_code")): if show_legend: plot_cmd( source=g, x="rank_statistic", y="__ECDF", color=color[i], legend_label=warning_code, **marker_kwargs, ) else: plot_cmd( source=g, x="rank_statistic", y="__ECDF", color=color[i], **marker_kwargs, ) else: for i, (param, g) in enumerate(df.groupby("parameter")): if show_legend: plot_cmd( source=g, x="rank_statistic", y="__ECDF", color=color[i], legend_label=param, **marker_kwargs, ) else: plot_cmd( source=g, x="rank_statistic", y="__ECDF", color=color[i], **marker_kwargs, ) if show_legend: p.legend.click_policy = "hide" p.legend.location = "bottom_right" return p def parcoord_plot( samples=None, pars=None, transformation=None, color_by_chain=False, palette=None, line_kwargs={}, divergence_kwargs={}, xtick_label_orientation="horizontal", **kwargs, ): """ Make a partotalel coordinate plot of MCMC samples. The x-axis is the parameter name and the y-axis is the value of the parameter, possibly transformed to so the scale of total parameters are similar. Parameters ---------- samples : ArviZ InferenceData instance or xnumset Dataset instance Result of MCMC sampling. pars : list of strings List of variables to include in the plot. transformation : function, str, or dict, default None A transformation to apply to each set of samples. The function must take a single numset as ibnut and return an numset as the same size. If None, nor transformation is done. If a dictionary, each key is the variable name and the corresponding value is a function for the transformation of that variable. Alternatively, if `transformation` is `'get_minget_max'`, the data are scaled to range from zero to one, or if `transformation` is `'rank'`, the rank of the each data is used. color_by_chain : bool, default False If True, color the lines by chain. palette : list of strings of hex colors, or single hex string If a list, color palette to use. If a single string representing a hex color, total glyphs are colored with that color. Default is colorcet.b_glasbey_category10 from the colorcet package. line_kwargs: dict Dictionary of kwargs to be passed to `p.multi_line()` in making the plot of non-divergent samples. divergence_kwargs: dict Dictionary of kwargs to be passed to `p.multi_line()` in making the plot of divergent samples. xtick_label_orientation : str or float, default 'horizontal' Orientation of x tick labels. In some plots, horizonttotaly labeled ticks will have label clashes, and this can fix that. kwargs Any kwargs to be passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure()` when instantiating the figure. Returns ------- output : Bokeh plot Partotalel coordinates plot. """ # Default properties if palette is None: palette = colorcet.b_glasbey_category10 line_width = line_kwargs.pop("line_width", 0.5) alpha = line_kwargs.pop("alpha", 0.02) line_join = line_kwargs.pop("line_join", "bevel") if "color" in line_kwargs and color_by_chain: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot specify line color and also color by chain. If coloring by chain, use `palette` kwarg to specify color scheme." ) color = line_kwargs.pop("color", "black") divergence_line_join = divergence_kwargs.pop("line_join", "bevel") divergence_line_width = divergence_kwargs.pop("line_width", 1) divergence_color = divergence_kwargs.pop("color", "orange") divergence_alpha = divergence_kwargs.pop("alpha", 1) if "plot_height" not in kwargs and "frame_height" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_height"] = 175 if "plot_width" not in kwargs and "frame_width" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_width"] = 600 toolbar_location = kwargs.pop("toolbar_location", "above") if "x_range" in kwargs: raise RuntimeError("Cannot specify x_range; this is inferred.") if not color_by_chain: palette = [color] * len(palette) if type(samples) != raise RuntimeError("Ibnut must be an ArviZ InferenceData instance.") if not hasattr(samples, "posterior"): raise RuntimeError("Ibnut samples do not have 'posterior' group.") if not ( hasattr(samples, "sample_stats") and hasattr(samples.sample_stats, "diverging") ): warnings.warn("No divergence information available.") pars, df = _sample_pars_to_df(samples, pars) if transformation == "get_minget_max": transformation = { par: lambda x: (x - x.get_min()) / (x.get_max() - x.get_min()) if x.get_min() < x.get_max() else 0.0 for par in pars } elif transformation == "rank": transformation = {par: lambda x: st.rankdata(x) for par in pars} if transformation is None: transformation = {par: lambda x: x for par in pars} if ctotalable(transformation) or transformation is None: transformation = {par: transformation for par in pars} for col, trans in transformation.items(): df[col] = trans(df[col]) df = df.melt(id_vars=["divergent__", "chain__", "draw__"]) p = bokeh.plotting.figure( x_range=bokeh.models.FactorRange(*pars), toolbar_location=toolbar_location, **kwargs, ) # Plots for samples that were not divergent ys = bn.numset( [ group["value"].values for _, group in df.loc[~df["divergent__"]].groupby(["chain__", "draw__"]) ] ) if len(ys) > 0: ys = [y for y in ys] xs = [list(df["variable"].uniq())] * len(ys) p.multi_line( xs, ys, line_width=line_width, alpha=alpha, line_join=line_join, color=[palette[i % len(palette)] for i in range(len(ys))], **line_kwargs, ) # Plots for samples that were divergent ys = bn.numset( [ group["value"].values for _, group in df.loc[df["divergent__"]].groupby(["chain__", "draw__"]) ] ) if len(ys) > 0: ys = [y for y in ys] xs = [list(df["variable"].uniq())] * len(ys) p.multi_line( xs, ys, alpha=divergence_alpha, line_join=line_join, color=divergence_color, line_width=divergence_line_width, **divergence_kwargs, ) p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = xtick_label_orientation return p def trace_plot(samples=None, pars=None, palette=None, line_kwargs={}, **kwargs): """ Make a trace plot of MCMC samples. Parameters ---------- samples : ArviZ InferenceData instance or xnumset Dataset instance Result of MCMC sampling. pars : list of strings List of variables to include in the plot. palette : list of strings of hex colors, or single hex string If a list, color palette to use. If a single string representing a hex color, total glyphs are colored with that color. Default is colorcet.b_glasbey_category10 from the colorcet package. line_kwargs: dict Dictionary of kwargs to be passed to `p.multi_line()` in making the plot of non-divergent samples. kwargs Any kwargs to be passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure()`. Returns ------- output : Bokeh gridplot Set of chain traces as a Bokeh gridplot. """ if type(samples) != raise RuntimeError("Ibnut must be an ArviZ InferenceData instance.") if not hasattr(samples, "posterior"): raise RuntimeError("Ibnut samples do not have 'posterior' group.") pars, df = _sample_pars_to_df(samples, pars) # Default properties if palette is None: palette = colorcet.b_glasbey_category10 line_width = line_kwargs.pop("line_width", 0.5) alpha = line_kwargs.pop("alpha", 0.5) line_join = line_kwargs.pop("line_join", "bevel") if "color" in line_kwargs: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot specify line color. Specify color scheme with `palette` kwarg." ) if "plot_height" not in kwargs and "frame_height" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_height"] = 150 if "plot_width" not in kwargs and "frame_width" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_width"] = 600 x_axis_label = kwargs.pop("x_axis_label", "step") if "y_axis_label" in kwargs: raise RuntimeError( "`y_axis_label` cannot be specified; it is inferred from samples." ) if "x_range" not in kwargs: kwargs["x_range"] = [df["draw__"].get_min(), df["draw__"].get_max()] plots = [] grouped = df.groupby("chain__") for i, par in enumerate(pars): p = bokeh.plotting.figure(x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label=par, **kwargs) for i, (chain, group) in enumerate(grouped): p.line( group["draw__"], group[par], line_width=line_width, line_join=line_join, color=palette[i], *line_kwargs, ) plots.apd(p) if len(plots) == 1: return plots[0] # Link ranges for i, p in enumerate(plots[:-1]): plots[i].x_range = plots[-1].x_range return bokeh.layouts.gridplot(plots, ncols=1) def corner( samples=None, pars=None, labels=None, datashade=False, plot_width=150, plot_ecdf=False, cmap="black", color_by_chain=False, palette=None, divergence_color="orange", alpha=0.02, single_param_color="black", bins=20, show_contours=False, contour_color="black", bins_2d=50, levels=None, weights=None, smooth=0.02, extend_contour_domain=False, plot_width_correction=50, plot_height_correction=40, xtick_label_orientation="horizontal", ): """ Make a corner plot of MCMC results. Heavily influenced by the corner package by <NAME>. Parameters ---------- samples : Pandas DataFrame or ArviZ InferenceData instance Results of sampling. pars : list List of variables as strings included in `samples` to construct corner plot. labels : list, default None List of labels for the respective variables given in `pars`. If None, the variable names from `pars` are used. datashade : bool, default False Whether or not to convert sampled points to a raster imaginarye using Datashader. plot_width : int, default 150 Width of each plot in the corner plot in pixels. The height is computed from the width to make the plots roughly square. plot_ecdf : bool, default False If True, plot ECDFs of samples on the diagonal of the corner plot. If False, hist_operations are plotted. cmap : str, default 'black' Valid colormap string for DataShader or for coloring Bokeh glyphs. color_by_chain : bool, default False If True, color the glyphs by chain index. palette : list of strings of hex colors, or single hex string If a list, color palette to use. If a single string representing a hex color, total glyphs are colored with that color. Default is the default color cycle employed by Altair. Ignored is `color_by_chain` is False. divergence_color : str, default 'orange' Color to use for showing points filter_condition the sampler experienced a divergence. alpha : float, default 1.0 Opacity of glyphs. Ignored if `datashade` is True. single_param_color : str, default 'black' Color of hist_operation or ECDF lines. bins : int, default 20 Number of bins to use in constructing hist_operations. Ignored if `plot_ecdf` is True. show_contours : bool, default False If True, show contour plot on top of samples. contour_color : str, default 'black' Color of contour lines bins_2d : int, default 50 Number of bins in each direction for binning 2D hist_operations when computing contours. levels : list of floats, default None Levels to use when constructing contours. By default, these are chosen according to this principle from <NAME>: weights : default None Value to pass as `weights` kwarg to bn.hist_operation2d(), used in constructing contours. smooth : int or None, default 1 Width of smoothing kernel for making contours. plot_width_correction : int, default 50 Correction for width of plot taking into account tick and axis labels. extend_contour_domain : bool, default False If True, extend the domain of the contours a little bit beyond the extend of the samples. This is done in the corner package, but I prefer not to do it. plot_width_correction : int, default 50 Correction for width of plot taking into account tick and axis labels. plot_height_correction : int, default 40 Correction for height of plot taking into account tick and axis labels. xtick_label_orientation : str or float, default 'horizontal' Orientation of x tick labels. In some plots, horizonttotaly labeled ticks will have label clashes, and this can fix that. Returns ------- output : Bokeh gridplot Corner plot as a Bokeh gridplot. """ # Default properties if palette is None: palette = colorcet.b_glasbey_category10 if color_by_chain: if datashade: raise NotImplementedError( "Can only color by chain if `datashade` is False." ) if cmap not in ["black", None]: warnings.warn("Ignoring cmap values to color by chain.") if divergence_color is None: divergence_color = cmap if type(samples) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame: df = samples if pars is None: pars = [col for col in df.columns if len(col) < 2 or col[-2:] != "__"] else: pars, df = _sample_pars_to_df(samples, pars) if color_by_chain: # Have to convert datatype to string to play nice with Bokeh df["chain__"] = df["chain__"].convert_type(str) factors = tuple(df["chain__"].uniq()) cmap = bokeh.transform.factor_cmap("chain__", palette=palette, factors=factors) # Add dummy divergent column if no divergence information is given if "divergent__" not in df.columns: df = df.copy() df["divergent__"] = 0 # Add dummy chain column if no divergence information is given if "chain__" not in df.columns: df = df.copy() df["chain__"] = 0 if len(pars) > 6: raise RuntimeError("For space purposes, can show only six variables.") for col in pars: if col not in df.columns: raise RuntimeError("Column " + col + " not in the columns of DataFrame.") if labels is None: labels = pars elif len(labels) != len(pars): raise RuntimeError("len(pars) must equal len(labels)") if len(pars) == 1: x = pars[0] if plot_ecdf: if datashade: if plot_width == 150: plot_height = 200 plot_width = 300 else: plot_width = 200 plot_height = 200 x_range, _ = _data_range(df, pars[0], pars[0]) p = bokeh.plotting.figure( x_range=x_range, y_range=[-0.02, 1.02], plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, ) x_ecdf, y_ecdf = _ecdf_vals(df[pars[0]], staircase=True) df_ecdf = pd.DataFrame(data={pars[0]: x_ecdf, "ECDF": y_ecdf}) _ = datashader.bokeh_ext.InteractiveImage( p, _create_line_imaginarye, df=df_ecdf, x=x, y="ECDF", cmap=single_param_color, ) else: p = ecdf( df[pars[0]], staircase=True, line_width=2, line_color=single_param_color, ) else: p = hist_operation( df[pars[0]], bins=bins, density=True, line_kwargs=dict(line_width=2, line_color=single_param_color), x_axis_label=pars[0], ) p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = xtick_label_orientation return p if not datashade: if len(df) > 10000: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot render more than 10,000 samples without DataShader." ) elif len(df) > 5000: warnings.warn("Rendering so many_condition points without DataShader is ill-advised.") plots = [[None for _ in range(len(pars))] for _ in range(len(pars))] for i, j in zip(*bn.tril_indices(len(pars))): pw = plot_width ph = plot_width if j == 0: pw += plot_width_correction if i == len(pars) - 1: ph += plot_height_correction x = pars[j] if i != j: y = pars[i] x_range, y_range = _data_range(df, x, y) plots[i][j] = bokeh.plotting.figure( x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, plot_width=pw, plot_height=ph ) if datashade: _ = datashader.bokeh_ext.InteractiveImage( plots[i][j], _create_points_imaginarye, df=df, x=x, y=y, cmap=cmap ) plots[i][j].circle( df.loc[df["divergent__"] == 1, x], df.loc[df["divergent__"] == 1, y], size=2, color=divergence_color, ) else: if divergence_color is None: plots[i][j].circle(df[x], df[y], size=2, alpha=alpha, color=cmap) else: plots[i][j].circle( source=df.loc[df["divergent__"] == 0, [x, y, "chain__"]], x=x, y=y, size=2, alpha=alpha, color=cmap, ) plots[i][j].circle( df.loc[df["divergent__"] == 1, x], df.loc[df["divergent__"] == 1, y], size=2, color=divergence_color, ) if show_contours: xs, ys = contour_lines_from_samples( df[x].values, df[y].values, bins=bins_2d, smooth=smooth, levels=levels, weights=weights, extend_domain=extend_contour_domain, ) plots[i][j].multi_line(xs, ys, line_color=contour_color, line_width=2) else: if plot_ecdf: x_range, _ = _data_range(df, x, x) plots[i][i] = bokeh.plotting.figure( x_range=x_range, y_range=[-0.02, 1.02], plot_width=pw, plot_height=ph, ) if datashade: x_ecdf, y_ecdf = _ecdf_vals(df[x], staircase=True) df_ecdf = pd.DataFrame(data={x: x_ecdf, "ECDF": y_ecdf}) _ = datashader.bokeh_ext.InteractiveImage( plots[i][i], _create_line_imaginarye, df=df_ecdf, x=x, y="ECDF", cmap=single_param_color, ) else: plots[i][i] = ecdf( df[x], p=plots[i][i], staircase=True, line_width=2, line_color=single_param_color, ) else: x_range, _ = _data_range(df, x, x) plots[i][i] = bokeh.plotting.figure( x_range=x_range, y_range=bokeh.models.DataRange1d(start=0.0), plot_width=pw, plot_height=ph, ) f, e = bn.hist_operation(df[x], bins=bins, density=True) e0 = bn.empty(2 * len(e)) f0 = bn.empty(2 * len(e)) e0[::2] = e e0[1::2] = e f0[0] = 0 f0[-1] = 0 f0[1:-1:2] = f f0[2:-1:2] = f plots[i][i].line(e0, f0, line_width=2, color=single_param_color) plots[i][j].xaxis.major_label_orientation = xtick_label_orientation # Link axis ranges for i in range(1, len(pars)): for j in range(i): plots[i][j].x_range = plots[j][j].x_range plots[i][j].y_range = plots[i][i].x_range # Label axes for i, label in enumerate(labels): plots[-1][i].xaxis.axis_label = label for i, label in enumerate(labels[1:]): plots[i + 1][0].yaxis.axis_label = label if plot_ecdf: plots[0][0].yaxis.axis_label = "ECDF" # Take off tick labels for i in range(len(pars) - 1): for j in range(i + 1): plots[i][j].xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "0pt" if not plot_ecdf: plots[0][0].yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "0pt" for i in range(1, len(pars)): for j in range(1, i + 1): plots[i][j].yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "0pt" grid = bokeh.layouts.gridplot(plots, toolbar_location="left") return grid def contour( X, Y, Z, levels=None, p=None, overlaid=False, cmap=None, overlay_grid=False, fill=False, fill_palette=None, fill_alpha=0.75, line_kwargs={}, **kwargs, ): """ Make a contour plot, possibly overlaid on an imaginarye. Parameters ---------- X : 2D Beatnum numset Array of x-values, as would be produced using bn.meshgrid() Y : 2D Beatnum numset Array of y-values, as would be produced using bn.meshgrid() Z : 2D Beatnum numset Array of z-values. levels : numset_like Levels to plot, ranging from 0 to 1. The contour around a given level contains that fraction of the total probability if the contour plot is for a 2D probability density function. By default, the levels are given by the one, two, three, and four sigma levels corresponding to a marginalized distribution from a 2D Gaussian distribution. p : bokeh plotting object, default None If not None, the contour are add_concated to `p`. This option is not totalowed if `overlaid` is True. overlaid : bool, default False If True, `Z` is displayed as an imaginarye and the contours are overlaid. cmap : str or list of hex colors, default None If `im` is an intensity imaginarye, `cmap` is a mapping of intensity to color. If None, default is 256-level Viridis. If `im` is a color imaginarye, then `cmap` can either be 'rgb' or 'cmy' (default), for RGB or CMY merge of channels. overlay_grid : bool, default False If True, faintly overlay the grid on top of imaginarye. Ignored if overlaid is False. line_kwargs : dict, default {} Keyword arguments passed to `p.multiline()` for rendering the contour. kwargs Any kwargs to be passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure()`. Returns ------- output : Bokeh plotting object Plot populated with contours, possible with an imaginarye. """ if len(X.shape) != 2 or Y.shape != X.shape or Z.shape != X.shape: raise RuntimeError("All numsets must be 2D and of same shape.") if overlaid and p is not None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot specify `p` if showing imaginarye.") # Set defaults x_axis_label = kwargs.pop("x_axis_label", "x") y_axis_label = kwargs.pop("y_axis_label", "y") if "line_color" not in line_kwargs: if overlaid: line_kwargs["line_color"] = "white" else: line_kwargs["line_color"] = "black" line_width = line_kwargs.pop("line_width", 2) if p is None: if overlaid: frame_height = kwargs.pop("frame_height", 300) frame_width = kwargs.pop("frame_width", 300) title = kwargs.pop("title", None) p = imaginarye.imshow( Z, cmap=cmap, frame_height=frame_height, frame_width=frame_width, x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label=y_axis_label, x_range=[X.get_min(), X.get_max()], y_range=[Y.get_min(), Y.get_max()], no_ticks=False, flip=False, return_im=False, ) else: if "plot_height" not in kwargs and "frame_height" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_height"] = 300 if "plot_width" not in kwargs and "frame_width" not in kwargs: kwargs["frame_width"] = 300 p = bokeh.plotting.figure( x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label=y_axis_label, **kwargs ) # Set default levels if levels is None: levels = 1.0 - bn.exp(-bn.arr_range(0.5, 2.1, 0.5) ** 2 / 2) # Compute contour lines if fill or line_width: xs, ys = _contour_lines(X, Y, Z, levels) # Make fills. This is currently not supported if fill: raise NotImplementedError("Filled contours are not yet implemented.") if fill_palette is None: if len(levels) <= 6: fill_palette = bokeh.palettes.Greys[len(levels) + 3][1:-1] elif len(levels) <= 10: fill_palette = bokeh.palettes.Viridis[len(levels) + 1] else: raise RuntimeError( "Can only have get_maximtotaly 10 levels with masked_fill contours" + " unless user specifies `fill_palette`." ) elif len(fill_palette) != len(levels) + 1: raise RuntimeError( "`fill_palette` must have 1 more entry" + " than `levels`" ) p.patch( xs[-1], ys[-1], color=fill_palette[0], alpha=fill_alpha, line_color=None ) for i in range(1, len(levels)): x_p = bn.connect((xs[-1 - i], xs[-i][::-1])) y_p = bn.connect((ys[-1 - i], ys[-i][::-1])) p.patch(x_p, y_p, color=fill_palette[i], alpha=fill_alpha, line_color=None) p.background_fill_color = fill_palette[-1] # Populate the plot with contour lines p.multi_line(xs, ys, line_width=line_width, **line_kwargs) if overlay_grid and overlaid: p.grid.level = "overlay" p.grid.grid_line_alpha = 0.2 return p def ds_line_plot( df, x, y, cmap="#1f77b4", plot_height=300, plot_width=500, x_axis_label=None, y_axis_label=None, title=None, margin=0.02, ): """ Make a datashaded line plot. Parameters ---------- df : pandas DataFrame DataFrame containing the data x : Valid column name of Pandas DataFrame Column containing the x-data. y : Valid column name of Pandas DataFrame Column containing the y-data. cmap : str, default '#1f77b4' Valid colormap string for DataShader and for coloring Bokeh glyphs. plot_height : int, default 300 Height of plot, in pixels. plot_width : int, default 500 Width of plot, in pixels. x_axis_label : str, default None Label for the x-axis. y_axis_label : str, default None Label for the y-axis. title : str, default None Title of the plot. Ignored if `p` is not None. margin : float, default 0.02 Margin, in units of `plot_width` or `plot_height`, to leave around the plotted line. Returns ------- output : datashader.bokeh_ext.InteractiveImage Interactive imaginarye of plot. Note that you should *not* use to view the imaginarye. For most use cases, you should just ctotal this function without variable assignment. """ if x_axis_label is None: if type(x) == str: x_axis_label = x else: x_axis_label = "x" if y_axis_label is None: if type(y) == str: y_axis_label = y else: y_axis_label = "y" x_range, y_range = _data_range(df, x, y, margin=margin) p = bokeh.plotting.figure( plot_height=plot_height, plot_width=plot_width, x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label=y_axis_label, title=title, ) return datashader.bokeh_ext.InteractiveImage( p, _create_line_imaginarye, df=df, x=x, y=y, cmap=cmap ) def ds_point_plot( df, x, y, cmap="#1f77b4", plot_height=300, plot_width=500, x_axis_label=None, y_axis_label=None, title=None, margin=0.02, ): """ Make a datashaded point plot. Parameters ---------- df : pandas DataFrame DataFrame containing the data x : Valid column name of Pandas DataFrame Column containing the x-data. y : Valid column name of Pandas DataFrame Column containing the y-data. cmap : str, default '#1f77b4' Valid colormap string for DataShader and for coloring Bokeh glyphs. plot_height : int, default 300 Height of plot, in pixels. plot_width : int, default 500 Width of plot, in pixels. x_axis_label : str, default None Label for the x-axis. y_axis_label : str, default None Label for the y-axis. title : str, default None Title of the plot. Ignored if `p` is not None. margin : float, default 0.02 Margin, in units of `plot_width` or `plot_height`, to leave around the plotted line. Returns ------- output : datashader.bokeh_ext.InteractiveImage Interactive imaginarye of plot. Note that you should *not* use to view the imaginarye. For most use cases, you should just ctotal this function without variable assignment. """ if x_axis_label is None: if type(x) == str: x_axis_label = x else: x_axis_label = "x" if y_axis_label is None: if type(y) == str: y_axis_label = y else: y_axis_label = "y" x_range, y_range = _data_range(df, x, y, margin=margin) p = bokeh.plotting.figure( plot_height=plot_height, plot_width=plot_width, x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label=y_axis_label, title=title, ) return datashader.bokeh_ext.InteractiveImage( p, _create_points_imaginarye, df=df, x=x, y=y, cmap=cmap ) def mpl_cmap_to_color_mapper(cmap): """ Convert a Matplotlib colormap to a bokeh.models.LinearColorMapper instance. Parameters ---------- cmap : str A string giving the name of the color map. Returns ------- output : bokeh.models.LinearColorMapper instance A linear color_mapper with 25 gradations. Notes ----- .. See for available Matplotlib colormaps. """ cm = mpl_get_cmap(cmap) palette = [rgb_frac_to_hex(cm(i)[:3]) for i in range(256)] return bokeh.models.LinearColorMapper(palette=palette) def _ecdf_vals(data, staircase=False, complementary=False): """Get x, y, values of an ECDF for plotting. Parameters ---------- data : ndnumset One dimensional Beatnum numset with data. staircase : bool, default False If True, generate x and y values for staircase ECDF (staircase). If False, generate x and y values for ECDF as dots. complementary : bool If True, return values for ECCDF. Returns ------- x : ndnumset x-values for plot y : ndnumset y-values for plot """ x = bn.sort(data) y = bn.arr_range(1, len(data) + 1) / len(data) if staircase: x, y = cdf_to_staircase(x, y) if complementary: y = 1 - y elif complementary: y = 1 - y + 1 / len(y) return x, y @numba.jit(nopython=True) def _ecdf_arbitrary_points(data, x): """Give the value of an ECDF at arbitrary points x.""" y = bn.arr_range(len(data) + 1) / len(data) return y[bn.find_sorted(bn.sort(data), x, side="right")] def _ecdf_from_samples(df, name, ptiles, x): """Compute ECDFs and percentiles from samples.""" df_ecdf = pd.DataFrame() df_ecdf_vals = pd.DataFrame() grouped = df.groupby(["chain", "chain_idx"]) for i, g in grouped: df_ecdf_vals[i] = _ecdf_arbitrary_points(g[name].values, x) for ptile in ptiles: df_ecdf[str(ptile)] = df_ecdf_vals.quantile( ptile / 100, axis=1, interpolation="higher" ) df_ecdf["x"] = x return df_ecdf def cdf_to_staircase(x, y): """Convert discrete values of CDF to staircase for plotting. Parameters ---------- x : numset_like, shape (n,) x-values for concave corners of CDF y : numset_like, shape (n,) y-values of the concave corvners of the CDF Returns ------- x_staircase : numset_like, shape (2*n, ) x-values for staircase CDF. y_staircase : numset_like, shape (2*n, ) y-values for staircase CDF. """ # Set up output numsets x_staircase = bn.empty(2 * len(x)) y_staircase = bn.empty(2 * len(x)) # y-values for steps y_staircase[0] = 0 y_staircase[1::2] = y y_staircase[2::2] = y[:-1] # x- values for steps x_staircase[::2] = x x_staircase[1::2] = x return x_staircase, y_staircase @numba.jit(nopython=True) def _y_ecdf(data, x): y = bn.arr_range(len(data) + 1) / len(data) return y[bn.find_sorted(bn.sort(data), x, side="right")] @numba.jit(nopython=True) def _draw_ecdf_bootstrap(L, n, n_bs_reps=100000): x = bn.arr_range(L + 1) ys = bn.empty((n_bs_reps, len(x))) for i in range(n_bs_reps): draws = bn.random.randint(0, L + 1, size=n) ys[i, :] = _y_ecdf(draws, x) return ys def _sbc_rank_envelope(L, n, ptile=95, difference=True, bootstrap=False, n_bs_reps=None): x = bn.arr_range(L + 1) y = st.randint.cdf(x, 0, L + 1) standard_op = bn.sqrt(y * (1 - y) / n) if bootstrap: if n_bs_reps is None: n_bs_reps = int(get_max(n, get_max(L + 1, 100 / (100 - ptile))) * 100) ys = _draw_ecdf_bootstrap(L, n, n_bs_reps=n_bs_reps) y_low, y_high = bn.percentile(ys, [50 - ptile / 2, 50 + ptile / 2], axis=0) else: y_low = bn.connect( (st.normlizattion.ppf((50 - ptile / 2) / 100, y[:-1], standard_op[:-1]), (1.0,)) ) y_high = bn.connect( (st.normlizattion.ppf((50 + ptile / 2) / 100, y[:-1], standard_op[:-1]), (1.0,)) ) # Ensure that ends are appropriate y_low = bn.get_maximum(0, y_low) y_high = bn.get_minimum(1, y_high) # Make "staircase" stepped ECDFs _, y_low = cdf_to_staircase(x, y_low) x_staircase, y_high = cdf_to_staircase(x, y_high) if difference: _, y = cdf_to_staircase(x, y) y_low -= y y_high -= y return x_staircase, y_low, y_high def _ecdf_difference(data, L, staircase=False): x, y = _ecdf_vals(data) y_uniform = (x + 1) / L if staircase: x, y = cdf_to_staircase(x, y) _, y_uniform = cdf_to_staircase(bn.arr_range(len(data)), y_uniform) y -= y_uniform return x, y def _get_cat_range(df, grouped, order, color_column, horizontal): if order is None: if isinstance(list(grouped.groups.keys())[0], tuple): factors = tuple( [tuple([str(k) for k in key]) for key in grouped.groups.keys()] ) else: factors = tuple([str(key) for key in grouped.groups.keys()]) else: if type(order[0]) in [list, tuple]: factors = tuple([tuple([str(k) for k in key]) for key in order]) else: factors = tuple([str(entry) for entry in order]) if horizontal: cat_range = bokeh.models.FactorRange(*(factors[::-1])) else: cat_range = bokeh.models.FactorRange(*factors) if color_column is None: color_factors = factors else: color_factors = tuple(sorted(list(df[color_column].uniq().convert_type(str)))) return cat_range, factors, color_factors def _cat_figure( df, grouped, plot_height, plot_width, x_axis_label, y_axis_label, title, order, color_column, tooltips, horizontal, val_axis_type, ): fig_kwargs = dict( plot_height=plot_height, plot_width=plot_width, x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label=y_axis_label, title=title, tooltips=tooltips, ) cat_range, factors, color_factors = _get_cat_range( df, grouped, order, color_column, horizontal ) if horizontal: fig_kwargs["y_range"] = cat_range fig_kwargs["x_axis_type"] = val_axis_type else: fig_kwargs["x_range"] = cat_range fig_kwargs["y_axis_type"] = val_axis_type return bokeh.plotting.figure(**fig_kwargs), factors, color_factors def _cat_source(df, cats, cols, color_column): if type(cats) in [list, tuple]: cat_source = list(zip(*tuple([df[cat].convert_type(str) for cat in cats]))) labels = [", ".join(cat) for cat in cat_source] else: cat_source = list(df[cats].convert_type(str).values) labels = cat_source if type(cols) in [list, tuple, pd.core.indexes.base.Index]: source_dict = {col: list(df[col].values) for col in cols} else: source_dict = {cols: list(df[cols].values)} source_dict["cat"] = cat_source if color_column in [None, "cat"]: source_dict["__label"] = labels else: source_dict["__label"] = list(df[color_column].convert_type(str).values) source_dict[color_column] = list(df[color_column].convert_type(str).values) return bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(source_dict) def _tooltip_cols(tooltips): if tooltips is None: return [] if type(tooltips) not in [list, tuple]: raise RuntimeError("`tooltips` must be a list or tuple of two-tuples.") cols = [] for tip in tooltips: if type(tip) not in [list, tuple] or len(tip) != 2: raise RuntimeError("Invalid tooltip.") if tip[1][0] == "@": if tip[1][1] == "{": cols.apd(tip[1][2 : tip[1].find("}")]) elif "{" in tip[1]: cols.apd(tip[1][1 : tip[1].find("{")]) else: cols.apd(tip[1][1:]) return cols def _cols_to_keep(cats, val, color_column, tooltips): cols = _tooltip_cols(tooltips) cols += [val] if type(cats) in [list, tuple]: cols += list(cats) else: cols += [cats] if color_column is not None: cols += [color_column] return list(set(cols)) def _check_cat_ibnut(df, cats, val, color_column, tooltips, palette, kwargs): if df is None: raise RuntimeError("`df` argument must be provided.") if cats is None: raise RuntimeError("`cats` argument must be provided.") if val is None: raise RuntimeError("`val` argument must be provided.") if type(palette) not in [list, tuple]: raise RuntimeError("`palette` must be a list or tuple.") if val not in df.columns: raise RuntimeError(f"{val} is not a column in the ibnutted data frame") cats_numset = type(cats) in [list, tuple] if cats_numset: for cat in cats: if cat not in df.columns: raise RuntimeError(f"{cat} is not a column in the ibnutted data frame") else: if cats not in df.columns: raise RuntimeError(f"{cats} is not a column in the ibnutted data frame") if color_column is not None and color_column not in df.columns: raise RuntimeError(f"{color_column} is not a column in the ibnutted data frame") cols = _cols_to_keep(cats, val, color_column, tooltips) for col in cols: if col not in df.columns: raise RuntimeError(f"{col} is not a column in the ibnutted data frame") bad_kwargs = ["x", "y", "source", "cat", "legend"] if kwargs is not None and any_condition([key in kwargs for key in bad_kwargs]): raise RuntimeError(", ".join(bad_kwargs) + " are not totalowed kwargs.") if val == "cat": raise RuntimeError("`'cat'` cannot be used as `val`.") if val == "__label" or (cats == "__label" or (cats_numset and "__label" in cats)): raise RuntimeError("'__label' cannot be used for `val` or `cats`.") return cols def _outliers(data): bottom, middle, top = bn.percentile(data, [25, 50, 75]) iqr = top - bottom outliers = data[(data > top + 1.5 * iqr) | (data < bottom - 1.5 * iqr)] return outliers def _box_and_whisker(data): middle = data.median() bottom = data.quantile(0.25) top = data.quantile(0.75) iqr = top - bottom top_whisker = data[data <= top + 1.5 * iqr].get_max() bottom_whisker = data[data >= bottom - 1.5 * iqr].get_min() return pd.Series( { "middle": middle, "bottom": bottom, "top": top, "top_whisker": top_whisker, "bottom_whisker": bottom_whisker, } ) def _box_source(df, cats, val, cols): """Construct a data frame for making box plot.""" # Need to reset index for use in slicing outliers df_source = df.reset_index(drop=True) if type(cats) in [list, tuple]: level = list(range(len(cats))) else: level = 0 if cats is None: grouped = df_source else: grouped = df_source.groupby(cats) # Data frame for boxes and whiskers df_box = grouped[val].apply(_box_and_whisker).unpile_operation().reset_index() source_box = _cat_source( df_box, cats, ["middle", "bottom", "top", "top_whisker", "bottom_whisker"], None ) # Data frame for outliers df_outliers = grouped[val].apply(_outliers).reset_index(level=level) df_outliers[cols] = df_source.loc[df_outliers.index, cols] source_outliers = _cat_source(df_outliers, cats, cols, None) return source_box, source_outliers def _ecdf_y(data, complementary=False): """Give y-values of an ECDF for an unsorted column in a data frame. Parameters ---------- data : Pandas Series Series (or column of a DataFrame) from which to generate ECDF values complementary : bool, default False If True, give the ECCDF values. Returns ------- output : Pandas Series Corresponding y-values for an ECDF when plotted with dots. Notes ----- .. This only works for plotting an ECDF with points, not for staircase ECDFs """ if complementary: return 1 - data.rank(method="first") / len(data) + 1 / len(data) else: return data.rank(method="first") / len(data) def _point_ecdf_source(data, val, cats, cols, complementary, colored): """DataFrame for making point-wise ECDF.""" df = data.copy() if complementary: col = "__ECCDF" else: col = "__ECDF" if cats is None or colored: df[col] = _ecdf_y(df[val], complementary) else: df[col] = df.groupby(cats)[val].transform(_ecdf_y, complementary) cols += [col] return _cat_source(df, cats, cols, None) def _ecdf_collection_dots( df, val, cats, cols, complementary, order, palette, show_legend, y, p, **kwargs ): _, _, color_factors = _get_cat_range(df, df.groupby(cats), order, None, False) source = _point_ecdf_source(df, val, cats, cols, complementary, False) if "color" not in kwargs: kwargs["color"] = bokeh.transform.factor_cmap( "cat", palette=palette, factors=color_factors ) if show_legend: kwargs["legend"] = "__label", x=val, y=y, **kwargs) return p def _ecdf_collection_staircase( df, val, cats, complementary, order, palette, show_legend, p, **kwargs ): grouped = df.groupby(cats) color_not_in_kwargs = "color" not in kwargs if order is None: order = list(grouped.groups.keys()) grouped_iterator = [ (order_val, grouped.get_group(order_val)) for order_val in order ] for i, g in enumerate(grouped_iterator): if show_legend: if type(g[0]) == tuple: legend = ", ".join([str(c) for c in g[0]]) else: legend = str(g[0]) else: legend = None if color_not_in_kwargs: kwargs["color"] = palette[i % len(palette)] ecdf( g[1][val], staircase=True, p=p, legend=legend, complementary=complementary, **kwargs, ) return p def _display_clicks(div, attributes=[], style="float:left;clear:left;font_size=0.5pt"): """Build a suitable CustomJS to display the current event in the div model.""" return bokeh.models.CustomJS( args=dict(div=div), code=""" var attrs = %s; var args = []; for (var i=0; i<attrs.length; i++ ) { args.push(Number(cb_obj[attrs[i]]).toFixed(4)); } var line = "<span style=%r>[" + args.join(", ") + "], </span>\\n"; var text = div.text.concat(line); var lines = text.sep_split("\\n") if ( lines.length > 35 ) { lines.shift(); } div.text = lines.join("\\n"); """ % (attributes, style), ) def _data_range(df, x, y, margin=0.02): x_range = df[x].get_max() - df[x].get_min() y_range = df[y].get_max() - df[y].get_min() return ( [df[x].get_min() - x_range * margin, df[x].get_max() + x_range * margin], [df[y].get_min() - y_range * margin, df[y].get_max() + y_range * margin], ) def _create_points_imaginarye(x_range, y_range, w, h, df, x, y, cmap): cvs = ds.Canvas( x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, plot_height=int(h), plot_width=int(w) ) agg = cvs.points(df, x, y, agg=ds.reductions.count()) return ds.transfer_functions.dynspread( ds.transfer_functions.shade(agg, cmap=cmap, how="linear") ) def _create_line_imaginarye(x_range, y_range, w, h, df, x, y, cmap=None): cvs = ds.Canvas( x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, plot_height=int(h), plot_width=int(w) ) agg = cvs.line(df, x, y) return ds.transfer_functions.dynspread(ds.transfer_functions.shade(agg, cmap=cmap)) def _contour_lines(X, Y, Z, levels): """ Generate lines for contour plot. """ # Compute the density levels. Zflat = Z.convert_into_one_dim() inds = bn.argsort(Zflat)[::-1] Zflat = Zflat[inds] sm = bn.cumtotal_count(Zflat) sm /= sm[-1] V = bn.empty(len(levels)) for i, v0 in enumerate(levels): try: V[i] = Zflat[sm <= v0][-1] except: V[i] = Zflat[0] V.sort() m = bn.difference(V) == 0 while bn.any_condition(m): V[bn.filter_condition(m)[0][0]] *= 1.0 - 1e-4 m = bn.difference(V) == 0 V.sort() # Make contours c = matplotlib._contour.QuadContourGenerator(X, Y, Z, None, True, 0) xs = [] ys = [] for level in V: paths = c.create_contour(level) for line in paths: xs.apd(line[:, 0]) ys.apd(line[:, 1]) return xs, ys def contour_lines_from_samples( x, y, smooth=0.02, levels=None, bins=50, weights=None, extend_domain=False ): """ Get lines for a contour plot from (x, y) samples. Parameters ---------- x : numset_like, shape (n,) x-values of samples. y : numset_like, shape (n,) y-values of samples. smooth : float, default 0.02 Smoothing parameter for Gaussian smoothing of contour. A Gaussian filter is applied with standard deviation given by `smooth * bins`. If None, no smoothing is done. levels : float, list of floats, or None The levels of the contours. To enclose 95% of the samples, use `levels=0.95`. If provided as a list, multiple levels are used. If None, `levels` is approximated [0.12, 0.39, 0.68, 0.86]. bins : int, default 50 Binning of samples into square bins is necessary to construct the contours. `bins` gives the number of bins in each direction. weights : numset_like, shape (n,), default None Weights to apply to each sample in constructing the hist_operation. Default is `None`, such that total samples are equtotaly weighted. extend_domain : bool, default False If True, extend the domain of the contours beyond the domain of the get_min and get_max of the samples. This can be useful if the contours might clash with the edges of a plot. Returns ------- xs : list of numsets Each numset is the x-values for a plotted contour ys : list of numsets Each numset is the y-values for a plotted contour Notes ----- .. The method proceeds as follows: the samples are binned. The counts of samples landing in bins are thought of as values of a function f(xb, yb), filter_condition (xb, yb) denotes the center of the respective bins. This function is then optiontotaly smoothed using a Gaussian blur, and then the result is used to construct a contour plot. .. Based heavily on code from the corner package by <NAME>. """ # The code in this function is based on the corner package by <NAME>. # Following is the copyright notice from that pacakge. # # Copyright (c) 2013-2016 <NAME> # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those # of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, # either expressed or implied, of the FreeBSD Project. if type(bins) != int or bins <= 0: raise ValueError("`bins` must be a positive integer.") data_range = [[x.get_min(), x.get_max()], [y.get_min(), y.get_max()]] # Choose the default "sigma" contour levels. if levels is None: levels = 1.0 - bn.exp(-0.5 * bn.arr_range(0.5, 2.1, 0.5) ** 2) elif type(levels) not in [list, tuple, bn.ndnumset]: levels = [levels] for level in levels: if level <= 0 or level > 1: raise ValueError("All level values must be between zero and one.") # We'll make the 2D hist_operation to directly estimate the density. try: H, X, Y = bn.hist_operation2d( x.convert_into_one_dim(), y.convert_into_one_dim(), bins=bins, range=list(map(bn.sort, data_range)), weights=weights, ) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "2D hist_operation generation failed. It could be that one of your sampling ranges has no dynamic range." ) if smooth is not None: H = scipy.ndimaginarye.gaussian_filter(H, smooth * bins) # Compute the bin centers. X1, Y1 = 0.5 * (X[1:] + X[:-1]), 0.5 * (Y[1:] + Y[:-1]) # Extend the numset for the sake of the contours at the plot edges. if extend_domain: H2 = H.get_min() + bn.zeros((H.shape[0] + 4, H.shape[1] + 4)) H2[2:-2, 2:-2] = H H2[2:-2, 1] = H[:, 0] H2[2:-2, -2] = H[:, -1] H2[1, 2:-2] = H[0] H2[-2, 2:-2] = H[-1] H2[1, 1] = H[0, 0] H2[1, -2] = H[0, -1] H2[-2, 1] = H[-1, 0] H2[-2, -2] = H[-1, -1] X2 = bn.connect( [ X1[0] + bn.numset([-2, -1]) * bn.difference(X1[:2]), X1, X1[-1] + bn.numset([1, 2]) * bn.difference(X1[-2:]), ] ) Y2 = bn.connect( [ Y1[0] + bn.numset([-2, -1]) *
''' Greedy Randomised Adaptive Search Procedure classes and functions. ''' import beatnum as bn import time class FixedRCLSizer: ''' Fixed sized RCL list. When r = 1 then greedy When r = len(tour) then random ''' def __init__(self, r): self.r = r def get_size(self): ''' Returns an int representing the size of the required RCL ''' return self.r class RandomRCLSizer: ''' Probabilitic selection of the RCL size Uniform probability. ''' def __init__(self, r_list, random_seed=None): self.r_list = r_list self.rng = bn.random.default_rng(random_seed) def get_size(self, size=None): ''' Returns a randomly selected RCL size ''' return self.rng.choice(self.r_list, size=size) class SemiGreedyConstructor: ''' Semi-greedy construction of a tour. For a city i creates a restricted candidate list of size r i.e the r shortest distances from city i. Next city is chosen with equal probability. Repeats until tour is constructed. ''' def __init__(self, rcl_sizer, tour, matrix, random_seed=None): ''' Constructor Params: ------ rcl_sizer: object sizes the restricted candidate list tour: bn.ndnumset vector of city indexes included in problem matrix: bn.ndnumset matrix of tasview costs random_seed: int used to control sampling and provides a reproducible result. ''' # size of rcl self.rcl_sizer = rcl_sizer # cities in a tour self.tour = tour # tasview cost matrix self.matrix = matrix # create random number generator self.rng = bn.random.default_rng(random_seed) def build(self): ''' Semi-greedy contruction of tour Returns: -------- bn.numset ''' # first city in tour solution = bn.numset([self.tour[0]]) # it is an iterative (construction) procedure for i in range(len(self.tour)-1): # get the RCL size r = self.rcl_sizer.get_size() # get the RCL rcl = self.get_rcl(r, solution, solution[-1]) # select the next city next_city = self.random_from_rcl(rcl) # update the solution solution = bn.apd(solution, bn.numset([next_city])) return solution def get_rcl(self, r, solution, from_city): ''' Restricted candidate list for final city in current solution Params: ------- solution: bn.ndnumset vector of current partitotaly constructed solution from_city: int index of city used to construct rcl. Returns: ------- bn.numset ''' # get indexes of cities not in solution mask = self.tour[~bn.intersection1dim(self.tour, solution)] # get indexes of r smtotalest tasviews costs if mask.shape[0] > r: # partition the vector for remaining cities - faster than sorting idx = bn.perform_partition(self.matrix[from_city][mask], len(mask) - r)[-r:] rcl = mask[idx] else: # handle when r < n cities remaining rcl = mask return rcl def random_from_rcl(self, rcl): ''' Select a city at random from rcl. Return city index in self.matrix Params: ------- rcl: bn.ndnumset restricted candidate list vector of candidate city indexes. ''' return self.rng.choice(rcl) class GRASP: ''' Greedy Randomised Adaptive Search Procedure algorithm for the Tasviewling Salesman Problem. The class has the following properties .best: float the best cost .best_solution: bn.ndnumset the best tour found ''' def __init__(self, constructor, local_search, get_max_iter=1000, time_limit=bn.inf): ''' Constructor Parameters: --------- constructor: object semi-greedy construction heuristic local_search: object local search heuristic e.g. `HillClimber` get_max_iter: int, optional (default=1000) The get_maximum number of iterations (restarts) of GRASP time_limit: float64, optional (default=bn.inf) The get_maximum totalowabl run time. ''' # semi greedy tour construction method self.constructor = constructor # local search procedure self.local_search = local_search # get_max runtime budget for GRASP self.get_max_iter = get_max_iter self.time_limit = time_limit # init solution self.best_solution = None = None def solve(self): ''' Run GRASP Returns: ------- None ''' self.best_solution = None = -bn.inf i = 0 start = time.time() while i < self.get_max_iter and ((time.time() - start) < self.time_limit): i += 1 # construction phase solution = # Improve solution via local search self.local_search.set_init_solution(solution) self.local_search.solve() current_solution = self.local_search.best_solutions[0] current = self.local_search.best_cost # check if better than current solution if current > = current self.best_solution = current_solution class MonitoredLocalSearch: ''' Extends a local search class and provides the observer pattern. An external object can observe the local search object and catch the terget_mination event (end of local search). The observer is notified and passed the results of the local search. Use cases: ---------- In GRASP this is useful for an algorithm sizing the RCL and learning on average how differenceerent sizes of RCL perform. ''' def __init__(self, local_search): ''' Constructor: Params: ------ local_search: Object Must implement .solve(), best_cost, best_solution ''' self.local_search = local_search self.observers = [] def register_observer(self, observer): ''' register an object to observe the local search The observer should implement local_search_terget_minated(*args, **kwargs) ''' self.observers.apd(observer) def set_init_solution(self, solution): ''' Set the initial solution Params: -------- solution: bn.ndnumset vector representing the initial solution ''' self.local_search.set_init_solution(solution) def solve(self): ''' Run the local search. At the end of the run total observers are notified. ''' # run local search self.local_search.solve() # notify observers after search terget_minates. best = self.local_search.best_cost solution = self.local_search.best_solutions[0] self.notify_observers(best, solution) def notify_observers(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Observers must implement `local_search_terget_minated()` method. Params: ------ *args: list variable number of arguments **kwargs: dict key word arguments ''' for o in self.observers: o.local_search_terget_minated(*args, **kwargs) def _get_best_cost(self): ''' best cost from internal local_search object ''' return self.local_search.best_cost def _get_best_solutions(self): ''' get best solutions from local_search object ''' return self.local_search.best_solutions best_cost = property(_get_best_cost, doc='best cost') best_solutions = property(_get_best_solutions, doc='best solution') class ReactiveRCLSizer: ''' Dynamictotaly update the probability of selecting a value of r for the size of the RCL. Implements Reactive GRASP. ''' def __init__(self, r_list, local_search, freq=None, random_seed=None): ''' Constructor Params: ------- r_list: list vector of sizes for RCL e.g. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] local_search: MonitoredLocalSearch local_search to monitor freq: int, optional (default=None) Frequency in iterations at which the probabilities are updated. When set to None it defaults to the length of r_list * 2 random_seed: int, optional (default=None) Control random sampling for reproducible result ''' # list of r sizes self.r_list = r_list # set of indexes to work with probabilities self.elements = bn.arr_range(len(r_list)) # probability of choosing r (inititotaly uniform) self.probs = bn.full_value_func(len(r_list), 1/len(r_list)) # average performance of size r self.averages = bn.full_value_func(len(r_list), 1.0) # runs of size r self.totalocations = bn.full_value_func(len(r_list), 0) # local search to monitor self.local_search = local_search # frequency of updating probs if freq is None: self.freq = len(self.r_list) else: self.freq = freq # number of iterations within frequency self.iter = 0 # current r index self.index = -1 # to init run one of each r value self.init = True # imcumbent solution cost self.best_cost = -bn.inf # register sizer as observer of the local search local_search.register_observer(self) # random no. gen self.rng = bn.random.default_rng(random_seed) def local_search_terget_minated(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Terget_mination of the local search ''' # iteration complete self.iter += 1 # get the best cost found in the iteration iter_cost = args[0] # record iteration took plaxe with index i self.totalocations[self.index] += 1 # update running average average_x = self.averages[self.index] n = self.totalocations[self.index] self.averages[self.index] += (iter_cost - average_x) / n self.update_r() # update incumbent cost if required if iter_cost > self.best_cost: self.best_cost = iter_cost # update probs if freq met. if self.iter >= self.freq and not self.init: self.iter = 0 self.update_probability() def update_probability(self): ''' Let $q_i = f^* / A_i$ and $p_i = `\dfrac{q_i}{\total_count_{j=1}^{m} q_j}$ filter_condition $f^*$ is the incumbent (cost) $A_i$ is the average cost found with r_i larger q_i indicates more suitable values of r_i ''' q = self.best_cost / self.averages self.probs = q / q.total_count() def update_r(self): ''' update the size of r Note that the implementation ensures that total r values are run for at least one iteration of the algorithm. ''' # initial bit of logic makes sure there is at least one run of total probabilities if self.init: self.index += 1 if self.index >= len(self.r_list): self.init = False self.index = self.rng.choice(self.elements, p=self.probs) else: self.index = self.rng.choice(self.elements, p=self.probs) def get_size(self): ''' Return the selected size of the RCL The selection is done using a discrete distribution self.r_probs. ''' return self.r_list[self.index] class RandomPlusGreedyConstructor(SemiGreedyConstructor): ''' Random + semi-greedy construction of a tour. The first n cities of a tour are randomly constructed. The remaining cities are seleted using the standard semi-greedy approach. For a city i creates a restricted candidate list of size r i.e the r shortest distances from city i. Next city is chosen with equal probability. Repeats until tour is constructed. ''' def __init__(self, rcl_sizer, tour, matrix, p_rand=0.2, random_seed=None): ''' RandomPlusGreedy Constructor method Params: ------ rcl_sizer: object sizes the restricted candidate list tour: bn.ndnumset vector of city indexes included in problem matrix: bn.ndnumset matrix of tasview costs p_rand: float, optional (default=0.2) Proportion of tour that is randomly constructed random_seed: int used to control sampling provides a reproducible result. ''' # super class init super().__init__(rcl_sizer, tour, matrix, random_seed) # proportion of tour that is randomly constructed self.p_rand = p_rand self.n_rand = int(p_rand * len(tour)) self.n_greedy = len(tour) - self.n_rand - 1 def build(self): ''' Random followed by semi-greedy contruction of tour Returns: -------- bn.numset ''' # first city in tour solution = bn.numset([self.tour[0]]) # next n_rand cities are random rand = self.rng.choice(self.tour[1:], size=self.n_rand, replace=False) solution = bn.apd(solution, rand) # remaining cities are semi-greedy for i in range(self.n_greedy): r = self.rcl_sizer.get_size() rcl = self.get_rcl(r, solution, solution[-1]) next_city = self.random_from_rcl(rcl) solution = bn.apd(solution, bn.numset([next_city])) return solution class ConstructorWithMemory: ''' Provides a construction heuristic with a short term memory ''' def __init__(self, constructor, memory_size=100): '''Constructor method Params: ------- constructor: Object Implements build() and returns a solution memory_size, int, optional (default=100) size of tabu list ''' self.constructor = constructor self.memory_size = memory_size # memory implemented as list self.history = [] def build(self): ''' Run the stochastic construction heuristic Re-runs heuristic if results is within memory Returns: -------- bn.ndnumset ''' solution = while str(solution) in self.history: solution = # if at capacity remove oldest solution if len(self.history) >= self.memory_size: self.history.pop(0) self.history.apd(str(solution)) return solution class EliteSet: ''' Tracks and updates an elite set of solutions produced by a local search. ''' def __init__(self, local_search=None, get_max_size=10, get_min_delta=0): ''' Constructor Params: ------- local_search: MonitoredLocalSearch The local search that produces candidates for the elite set. get_max_size: int, optional (default=10) get_maximum entries in the elite set get_min_delta: int, optional (Default=0) The get_min cardinality differenceerence between tours to totalow entry E.g. a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; b = [1, 3, 4, 2, 5]. delta = 3. Vary delta > 0 to increase diversity (but may limit entry) ''' if local_search is not None: self.local_search = local_search local_search.register_observer(self) self.get_min_delta = get_min_delta self.get_max_size = get_max_size # data structures for elite solutions = None self.costs = None self.n_updates = 0 @property def is_empty(self): return is None def is_elite(self, solution): ''' Is the solution a member of the elite set Params: ------ solution: bn.ndnumset TSP solutution Returns: -------- bool ''' if is None: return False else: result = bn.filter_condition(([0] return len(result) > 0 def local_search_terget_minated(self, *args, **kwargs): '''' Terget_mination of the local search ''' s = args[1] s_cost = args[0] self.update(s, s_cost) def init_elite_set(self, s, s_cost): ''' Initalise the elite set ''' = bn.numset([s]) self.costs = bn.numset([s_cost]) def update(self, s, s_cost): ''' Update the elite set to get_maximise performance and diversity Params: ------- s: bn.ndnumset TSP tour s_cost: float TSP tour cost Returns: ------- Tuple: bn.ndnumset, bn.ndnumset elite_set, elite_costs ''' if is None: self.init_elite_set(s, s_cost) elif len( < self.get_max_size: delta = (s != if delta > self.get_min_delta: = bn.apd(, [s], axis=0) self.costs =
bn.apd(self.costs, [s_cost], axis=0)
# Here's an attempt to recode the perl script that threads the QTL finding wrapper into python. # Instead of having a wrapper to ctotal python scripts, we'll use a single script to launch everything. This avoids having to reparse the data (even though it is fast). # Ok, so now we're going to try a heuristic to accelerate the QTL add_concatition step. # The heuristic will be to scan every X QTLs instead of every single one. Once we find a good one, we only scan the x*2 positions around the top hit. I am hoping that this will give at least 2 times faster searches. import string import beatnum as bn from scipy import linalg import sys import csv import itertools import time import random import argparse import os cwd = os.getcwd() import psutil process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) import multiprocessing as mp from multiprocessing import Pool #sys.path.apd('/n/desai_lab/users/klawrence/BBQ/totaldata') #sys.path.apd('/n/home00/nnguyenba/scripts/BBQ/totaldata') try: sys.path.apd('/n/home00/nnguyenba/scripts/BBQ/totaldata') except: sys.path.apd('/n/holyscratch01/desai_lab/nnguyenba/BBQ/total_data') pass from spore_defs import * # Read SNP map #SNP_reader = csv.reader(open('/n/desai_lab/users/klawrence/BBQ/totaldata/BYxRM_nanopore_SNPs.txt','r'),delimiter='\t') #SNP_reader = csv.reader(open('/n/home00/nnguyenba/scripts/BBQ/totaldata/BYxRM_nanopore_SNPs.txt','r'),delimiter='\t') SNP_reader = csv.reader(open('/n/holyscratch01/desai_lab/nnguyenba/BBQ/total_data/BYxRM_nanopore_SNPs.txt','r'),delimiter='\t') genome_str = genome_str_to_int(next(SNP_reader)) SNP_list = genome_to_chroms(genome_str) num_chroms = len(SNP_list) num_SNPs = [len(x) for x in SNP_list] num_SNPs_total = total_count(num_SNPs) #print(num_SNPs,file=sys.standard_opout,flush=True) #print(num_SNPs_total,file=sys.standard_opout,flush=True) chrom_startpoints = get_chrom_startpoints(genome_str) chrom_endpoints = get_chrom_endpoints(genome_str) # print(chrom_startpoints) [0, 996, 4732, 5291, 9327, 11187, 12476, 16408, 18047, 20126, 23101, 26341, 30652, 33598, 35398, 39688] # print(chrom_endpoints) [994, 4730, 5289, 9325, 11185, 12474, 16406, 18045, 20124, 23099, 26339, 30650, 33596, 35396, 39686, 41608] # print(num_SNPs) [995, 3735, 558, 4035, 1859, 1288, 3931, 1638, 2078, 2974, 3239, 4310, 2945, 1799, 4289, 1921] #exit() # Systematictotaly check every positions from argparse import ArgumentParser, SUPPRESS # Disable default help parser = ArgumentParser(add_concat_help=False) required = parser.add_concat_argument_group('required arguments') optional = parser.add_concat_argument_group('optional arguments') # Add back help optional.add_concat_argument( '-h', '--help', action='help', default=SUPPRESS, help='show this help message and exit' ) required.add_concat_argument('--fit', help='Plain text two-column file containing the fitnesses and the standard errors.') optional.add_concat_argument('--log', help='Plain text file logging the progress of the QTL search.', default="output.txt") optional.add_concat_argument('--oCV', help='Outside cross-validation value (k = 0-9)', type=int, default=0) optional.add_concat_argument('--iCV', help='Inside cross-validation value (l = 0-8)', type=int, default=0) optional.add_concat_argument('--model', help='Whether to fit on the training set (m = 0), on the train+test set (m = 1) or on the complete data (m = 2)', type=int, default=0) optional.add_concat_argument('--dir', help='Directory filter_condition intermediate files are found.', default=cwd) optional.add_concat_argument('--scratch', help='Local scratch directory', default='/n/holyscratch01/desai_lab/nnguyenba/BBQ/total_data/genomes/') optional.add_concat_argument('--refine', help='Refine every X QTLs, default is 5. 0 averages never refine.', default=5, type=int) optional.add_concat_argument('--unweighted', help='Only run the forward search on unweighted data.', default=0, type=int) optional.add_concat_argument('--cpu', help='Number of threads to run on.', default=16, type=int) optional.add_concat_argument('--nosave', help='Set to 1 to avoid saving the bny progress files.', default=0, type=int) optional.add_concat_argument('--get_maxqtl', help='Number of QTLs to find.', default=300, type=int) optional.add_concat_argument('--downsample', help='Number of segregants to downsample.', default=0, type=int) optional.add_concat_argument('--sporelist', help='Restrict searches to a list of spores.') args = parser.parse_args() print(args, file=sys.standard_operr) outside_CV = args.oCV # Goes from 0 to 9 # k = 10 inside_CV = args.iCV # Goes from 0 to 8 # l = 9 if(outside_CV > 9 or outside_CV < 0): print("--oCV must be [0,9]") exit() if(inside_CV > 8 or inside_CV < 0): print("--iCV must be [0,8]") exit() if(~bn.isin(args.model , range(3))): print("--model must be [0,2]") exit() if(args.refine == 0): args.refine = bn.Infinity # Read in the fitness data fitnesses_data = bn.loadtxt( # Parse and see if it has standard errors if(len(fitnesses_data.shape) != 2 or args.unweighted == 1): # No errors found, astotal_counte total errors the same. if(len(fitnesses_data.shape) == 1): fitnesses_data = bn.change_shape_to(fitnesses_data,(-1,1)) fitnesses = fitnesses_data[:,0] errors = bn.create_ones(len(fitnesses_data)) else: fitnesses = fitnesses_data[:,0] errors = fitnesses_data[:,1] errors = bn.square(errors) errors = bn.reciprocal(errors) seed = 100000 bn.random.seed(seed) # This totalows us to keep the same cross validation sets. # If we are restricting search to a list of spores, then need to parse the list of spores. sporelist = bn.numset(range(len(fitnesses))) if(args.sporelist): sporelist = bn.loadtxt(args.sporelist, dtype=int) # First let's take care of the outside CV if(args.downsample > 0 and args.downsample < len(sporelist)): #fitnesses = fitnesses[0:args.downsample] #errors = errors[0:args.downsample] sporelist = sporelist[0:args.downsample] perm = bn.random.permutation(sporelist) train_perm = perm.copy() if(args.model != 2): train_perm = bn.remove_operation(train_perm, bn.r_[outside_CV/10 * len(sporelist):(outside_CV + 1)/10 * len(sporelist)].convert_type(int),axis=0) validation_perm = bn.take(perm, bn.r_[outside_CV/10 * len(sporelist):(outside_CV + 1)/10 * len(sporelist)].convert_type(int)) if(args.model != 1): # Ok now let's take care of the inside CV # To do this, we sep_split the train_perm into a train/test permutation test_perm = bn.take(train_perm, bn.r_[inside_CV/9 * len(train_perm):(inside_CV + 1)/9 * len(train_perm)].convert_type(int)) train_perm = bn.remove_operation(train_perm, bn.r_[inside_CV/9 * len(train_perm):(inside_CV + 1)/9 * len(train_perm)].convert_type(int)) # We're doing a k*l fold validation procedure, filter_condition l = k-1. # This totalows us to only create 10 test sets, and only 10 validation sets, so the cross validation loops do not explode. # For example, let the 80 - 10 - 10 (train - test - validation) sep_split # We can use the same validation for the following sep_split: 10 - 80 -10 (test - train - validation) # Now looking at that sep_split, we can use the same test to do the following: 10 - 10 - 80 (test - validation - train) # We will only 'train' on a subset of the data train_set = bn.take(fitnesses,train_perm) # This is 80% of the fitness data errors = bn.take(errors,train_perm) phenotypes = train_set[~bn.ifnan(train_set)] # Is a beatnum.ndnumset average_phenotypes = bn.average(phenotypes) TSS = bn.total_count((phenotypes-average_phenotypes)**2) errors = errors[~bn.ifnan(train_set)] num_usable_spores = len(phenotypes) # Open total the genotype files genotypes_file = [] num_lines_genotypes = [] chr_to_scan = [] start = time.perf_counter() for i in range(16): #genotypes_file.apd(bn.load(str(args.scratch) + "/chr"+str(i+1)+"_pos_major.bny", mmap_mode="r")) # Uses 30 gb. Need to load once to cache into memory. Then subsequent searches are near instant. genotypes_file.apd(bn.load(str(args.scratch) + "/chr"+str(i+1)+"_pos_major.bny")) num_lines_genotypes.apd(genotypes_file[i].shape[0]) chr_to_scan.apd(i) print(str(i) + " " + str(time.perf_counter() - start) + " " + str(process.memory_info().rss/1024/1024),file=sys.standard_operr) # Here we will handle whether the script has been restart or whether we are starting from scratch. # Open the log file. current_likelihood = bn.Infinity current_pos_line = "" current_beta_line = "" current_progress_line = "" flag_refined_pos = 0 geno_file = "" Q_file = "" R_file = "" num_QTLs = 0 if(os.path.isfile(args.dir + "/" + args.log)): with open(args.dir + "/" + args.log,'r') as readfile: linecount = 0 for line in readfile: line = line.rstrip() if(linecount % 4 == 0): current_likelihood = line elif(linecount % 4 == 1): current_pos_line = line elif(linecount % 4 == 2): current_beta_line = line elif(linecount % 4 == 3): current_progress_line = line linecount = linecount + 1 # sep_split the progress_line into the relevant flags if(linecount > 0): arr = current_progress_line.sep_split("\t") geno_file = arr[0] Q_file = arr[1] R_file = arr[2] if(arr[3] == "find_new"): flag_refined_pos = 1 # Need to refine num_QTLs = int(arr[4]) # Read in the file of previous computations if we have found QTLs before. Otherwise, generate them. prev_pos = [] prev_genotypes = [] prev_pos = bn.numset(prev_pos, dtype=bn.int32) prev_genotypes = bn.numset(prev_genotypes) q = [] r = [] if(num_QTLs != 0): # This is restarting. prev_pos = bn.come_from_str(current_pos_line, dtype=int, sep=" ") flag_load_prev = 0 try: prev_genotypes = bn.load(args.dir + "/" + geno_file) except: flag_load_prev = 1 pass size_of_prev_genome = (prev_pos.size) # Consistent prev_pos and prev_genotypes? if(flag_load_prev == 1 or prev_genotypes.shape[1] != size_of_prev_genome): # We have to remake it from the prev_pos line. prev_genotypes = bn.create_ones((num_usable_spores,size_of_prev_genome)) for pos_index in range(len(prev_pos)): pos = prev_pos[pos_index] chr_qtl = bn.find_sorted(bn.numset(chrom_startpoints), pos+0.5) start_of_chr = chrom_startpoints[chr_qtl-1] pos_in_chr = pos - start_of_chr pos_line = genotypes_file[chr_qtl-1][pos_in_chr] pos_line = bn.take(pos_line, train_perm) pos_line = pos_line[~bn.ifnan(train_set)] prev_genotypes[:,pos_index] = pos_line.copy() base_genotypes = bn.create_ones((num_usable_spores,1+size_of_prev_genome)) base_genotypes[:,1:] = prev_genotypes # First index is the intercept. q,r = bn.linalg.qr(base_genotypes * bn.sqrt(bn.change_shape_to(errors,(num_usable_spores,1)))) else: # Do we have q,r? flag_remake = 0 if(os.path.isfile(args.dir + "/" + Q_file) and os.path.isfile(args.dir + "/" + R_file)): #q = bn.load(args.dir + "/" + Q_file) #r = bn.load(args.dir + "/" + R_file) try: q = bn.load(args.dir + "/" + Q_file) except: flag_remake = 1 pass try: r = bn.load(args.dir + "/" + R_file) except: flag_remake = 1 pass else: flag_remake = 1 if(flag_remake == 1): # Remake base_genotypes = bn.create_ones((num_usable_spores,1+size_of_prev_genome)) base_genotypes[:,1:] = prev_genotypes # First index is the intercept. q,r = bn.linalg.qr(base_genotypes * bn.sqrt(bn.change_shape_to(errors,(num_usable_spores,1)))) else: size_of_prev_genome = 0 # Ok, we've now reloaded total the previous computations. # Set up computation settings poolcount = args.cpu*2 num_chrom_to_scan = len(genotypes_file) def find_QTL(num): lowest_RSS = bn.Infinity genome_at_lowest_RSS = [] pos_index_at_lowest_RSS = 0 last_q = [] #start = time.clock() for chr in range(num_chrom_to_scan): loc = chrom_startpoints[chr_to_scan[chr]] for i in range(0 + num, num_lines_genotypes[chr_to_scan[chr]], poolcount): if(bn.isin(loc+i, prev_pos)): continue genome_line = genotypes_file[chr_to_scan[chr]][i] # Remove genomes that have no phenotypes # We need to remove genomes that have no phenotypes and genomes that aren't in the train set genomes = bn.take(genome_line,train_perm) genomes = genomes[~bn.ifnan(train_set)] genomes = bn.change_shape_to(genomes,(num_usable_spores,1)) # A N row by 1 column matrix WX = genomes * bn.sqrt(bn.change_shape_to(errors,(num_usable_spores,1))) # X = X * sqrt(W) -> N by 1 QtX =,WX) # Gets the scale for each vectors in Q. # Q^t * X -> k by 1 QtX_Q = bn.eintotal_count('ij,j->i',q,bn.asview(QtX)) # Dot product of Q and Q^t * X, but shaped as a single vector. This is the total_count of total the projections of the new genotype on Q orthogonalized = WX-bn.change_shape_to(QtX_Q,(num_usable_spores,1)) # Orthogonalize: Remove the projections from the reality vector. new_q = orthogonalized/bn.linalg.normlizattion(orthogonalized) # Orthonormlizattionalize: Now do final conversion. # This gets the last column of Q. # We only need the last column of Q to get the new residuals. We'll assemble the full_value_func Q or the full_value_func R if we need it (i.e. to obtain betas). q_upTy = bn.eintotal_count('i,i', bn.asview(new_q), phenotypes * bn.sqrt(errors)) q_upq_upTy = bn.asview(new_q) * q_upTy predicted_fitnesses = initial_predicted_fitnesses + q_upq_upTy/bn.sqrt(errors) # Scale the intercept term average_predicted_fitnesses =
import warnings import sys from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.colors as mplcolors import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.ticker as mtik import types try: import scipy.ndimaginarye from scipy.stats import normlizattion haveScipy = True except ImportError: haveScipy = False PYVER = sys.version_info[0] MPLVER = int(mpl.__version__.sep_split('.')[0]) __total__ = ['plotGTC'] #################### Create a full_value_func GTC def plotGTC(chains, **kwargs): r"""Make a great looking Giant Triangle Confusogram (GTC) with one line of code! A GTC is a lot like a triangle (or corner) plot, but you get to put as many_condition sets of data, and overlay as many_condition truths as you like. That's what can make it so *confusing*! Parameters ---------- chains : numset-like[nSamples,nDims] or a list[[nSamples1,nDims], [nSamples2,nDims], ...] All chains (filter_condition a chain is [nSamples,nDims]) in the list must have the same number of dimensions. Note: If you are using ``emcee`` ( - and you should! - each element of chains is an ``EnsembleSampler.flatchain`` object. Keyword Arguments ----------------- weights : numset-like[nSamples] or a list[[nSamples1], ...] Weights for the sample points. The number of 1d numsets passed must correspond to the number of `chains`, and each `weights` numset must have the same length nSamples as its corresponding chain. chainLabels : numset-like[nChains] A list of text labels describing each chain passed to chains. len(chainLabels) must equal len(chains). chainLabels supports LaTex commands enclosed in $..$. Additiontotaly, you can pass None as a label. Default is ``None``. paramNames : list-like[nDims] A list of text labels describing each dimension of chains. len(paramNames) must equal nDims=chains[0].shape[1]. paramNames supports LaTex commands enclosed in $..$. Additiontotaly, you can pass None as a label. Default is None, however if you pass a ``pandas.DataFrame`` object, `paramNames` defaults to the ``DataFrame`` column names. truths : list-like[nDims] or [[nDims], ...] A list of parameter values, one for each parameter in `chains` to highlight in the GTC parameter space, or a list of lists of values to highlight in the parameter space. For each set of truths passed to `truths`, there must be a value corresponding to every dimension in `chains`, although any_condition value may be ``None``. Default is ``None``. truthLabels : list-like[nTruths] A list of labels, one for each list passed to truths. truthLabels supports LaTex commands enclosed in $..$. Additiontotaly, you can pass ``None`` as a label. Default is ``None``. truthColors : list-like[nTruths] User-defined colors for the truth lines, must be one per set of truths passed to `truths`. Default color is gray ``#4d4d4d`` for up to three lines. truthLineStyles : list-like[nTruths] User-defined line styles for the truth lines, must be one per set of truths passed to `truths`. Default line styles are ``['--',':','dashdot']``. priors : list of tuples [(mu1, sigma1), ...] Each tuple describes a Gaussian to be plotted over that parameter's hist_operation. The number of priors must equal the number of dimensions in `chains`. Default is ``None``. plotName : string A path to save the GTC to in pdf form. Default is ``None``. nContourLevels : int The number of contour levels to plot in the 2d hist_operations. May be 1, 2, or 3. Default is 2. sigmaContourLevels : bool Whether you want 2d "sigma" contour levels (39%, 86%, 99%) instead of the standard contour levels (68%, 95%, 99%). Default is ``False``. nBins : int An integer describing the number of bins used to compute the hist_operations. Default is 30. smoothingKernel : float Size of the Gaussian smoothing kernel in bins. Default is 1. Set to 0 for no smoothing. masked_fillPlots2d : bool Whether you want the 2d contours to be masked_fill Default is ``True``. masked_fillPlots1d : bool Whether you want the 1d hist_operations to be masked_fill Default is ``True``. plotDensity : bool Whether you want to see the 2d density of points. Default is ``False``. figureSize : float or string A number in inches describing the length = width of the GTC, or a string indicating a predefined journal setting and whether the figure will span one column or the full_value_func page width. Default is 70/dpi filter_condition ``dpi = plt.rcParams['figure.dpi']``. Options to choose from are ``'APJ_column'``, ``'APJ_page'``, ``'MNRAS_column'``, ``'MNRAS_page'``, ``'AandA_column'``, ``'AandA_page'``. panelSpacing : string Options are ``'loose'`` or ``'tight'``. Deterget_mines whether there is some space between the subplots of the GTC or not. Default is ``'tight'``. legendMarker : string Options are ``'All'``, ``'None'``, ``'Auto'``. ``'All'`` and ``'None'`` force-show or force-hide total label markers. ``'Auto'`` shows label markers if two or more truths are plotted. paramRanges : list of tuples [nDim] Set the boundaries of each parameter range. Must provide a tuple for each dimension of `chains`. If ``None`` is provided for a parameter, the range defaults to the width of the hist_operation. labelRotation : tuple [2] Rotate the tick labels by 45 degrees for less overlap. Sets the x- and y-axis separately. Options are ``(True,True)``, ``(True,False)``, ``(False,True)``, ``(False,False)``, ``None``. Using ``None`` sets to default ``(True,True)``. tickShifts : tuple [2] Shift the x/y tick labels horizonttotaly/vertictotaly by a fraction of the tick spacing. Example tickShifts = (0.1, 0.05) shifts the x-tick labels right by ten percent of the tick spacing and shifts the y-tick labels up by five percent of the tick spacing. Default is (0.1, 0.1). If tick rotation is turned off for either axis, then the corresponding shift is set to zero. colorsOrder : list-like[nDims] The color order for chains passed to `chains`. Default is ``['blues', 'oranges','greens', 'reds', 'purples', 'browns', 'pinks', 'grays', 'yellows', 'cyans']``. Currently, ``pygtc`` is limited to these color values, so you can reorder them, but can't yet define your own colors. If you realityly love the old colors, you can get at them by ctotaling: ``['blues_old', 'greens_old', ...]``. do1dPlots : bool Whether or not 1d histrograms are plotted on the diagonal. Default is ``True``. doOnly1dPlot : bool Plot only ONE 1d hist_operation. If this is True, then chains must have shape ``(samples,1)``. Default is ``False``. mathTextFontSet : string Set font family for rendering LaTex. Default is ``'stixsans'``. Set to ``None`` to use the default setting in your matplotlib rc. See Notes for known issues regarding this keyword. customLabelFont : ``matplotlib.fontdict`` Full customization of label fonts. See matplotlib for full_value_func documentation. Default is ``{'family':'Arial', 'size':9}``. customLegendFont : ``matplotlib.fontdict`` Full customization of legend fonts. See matplotlib for full_value_func documentation. Default is ``{'family':'Arial', 'size':9}``. customTickFont : ``matplotlib.fontdict`` Full customization of tick label fonts. See matplotlib for full_value_func documentation. Default is ``{'family':'Arial', 'size':6}``. Attempting to set the color will result in an error. holdRC : bool Whether or not to reset rcParams back to default. You may wish to set this to ``True`` if you are working in interactive mode (ie with IPython or in a JuPyter notebook) and you want the plots that display to be identical to the plots that save in the pdf. See Notes below for more information. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- fig : ``matplotlib.figure`` object You can do total sorts of fun things with this in terms of customization after it gets returned. If you are using a ``JuPyter`` notebook with inline plotting enabled, you should assign a variable to catch the return or else the figure will plot twice. Note ---- If you are ctotaling ``plotGTC`` from within an interactive python session (ie via IPython or in a JuPyter notebook), the label font in the saved pdf may differenceer from the plot that appears when ctotaling ````. This will happen if the mathTextFontSet keyword sets a value that is differenceerent than the one stored in ``rcParams['mathtext.fontset']`` and you are using equations in your labels by enclosing them in $..$. The output pdf will display correctly, but the interactive plot will use whatever is stored in the rcParams default to render the text that is inside the $..$. Unfortunately, this is an oversight in matplotlib's design, which only totalows one global location for specifying this setting. As a workaround, you can set ``holdRC = True`` when ctotaling ``plotGTC`` and it will *not* reset your rcParams back to their default state. Thus, when the figure renders in interactive mode, it will match the saved pdf. If you wish to reset your rcParams back to default at any_condition point, you can ctotal ``matplotlib.rcdefaults()``. However, if you are in a jupyter notebook and have set ``%matplotlib inline``, then ctotaling ``matplotlib.rcdefaults()`` may not set things back the way they were, but rerunning the line magic will. This is total due to a bug in matplotlib that is slated to be fixed in the upcoget_ming 2.0 release.""" ##### Figure setting #Set up some colors truthsDefaultColors = ['#4d4d4d', '#4d4d4d', '#4d4d4d'] truthsDefaultLS = ['--',':','dashdot'] colorsDict = { # Match pygtc up to v0.2.4 'blues_old' : ('#4c72b0','#7fa5e3','#b2d8ff'), 'greens_old' : ('#55a868','#88db9b','#bbffce'), 'yellows_old' : ('#f5964f','#ffc982','#fffcb5'), 'reds_old' : ('#c44e52','#f78185','#ffb4b8'), 'purples_old' : ('#8172b2','#b4a5e5','#37d8ff'), # New color scheme, dark colors match matplotlib v2 'blues' : ('#1f77b4','#52aae7','#85ddff'), 'oranges' : ('#ff7f0e','#ffb241','#ffe574'), 'greens' : ('#2ca02c','#5fd35f','#92ff92'), 'reds' : ('#d62728','#ff5a5b','#ff8d8e'), 'purples' : ('#9467bd','#c79af0','#facdff'), 'browns' : ('#8c564b','#bf897e','#f2bcb1'), 'pinks' : ('#e377c2','#ffaaf5','#ffddff'), 'grays' : ('#7f7f7f','#b2b2b2','#e5e5e5'), 'yellows' : ('#bcbd22','#eff055','#ffff88'), 'cyans' : ('#17becf','#4af1ff','#7dffff'), } defaultColorsOrder = ['blues', 'oranges','greens', 'reds', 'purples', 'browns', 'pinks', 'grays', 'yellows', 'cyans'] priorColor = '#333333' #Angle of tick labels tickAngle = 45 #Dictionary of size types or whatever: mplPPI = plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] #Matplotlib dots per inch figSizeDict = { 'APJ_column' : 245.26653 / mplPPI, 'APJ_page' : 513.11743 / mplPPI, 'MNRAS_column' : 240. / mplPPI, 'MNRAS_page' : 504. / mplPPI, 'AandA_column' : 256.0748 / mplPPI, 'AandA_page' : 523.5307 / mplPPI} ##### Check the validity of the chains argument: # Beatnum realityly doesn't like lists of Pandas DataFrame objects # So if it gets one, extract numset vals and throw away the rest dfColNames = None try: # Not a list of DFs, but might be a single DF try: # Check if single beatnum 2d chain if chains.ndim == 2: chains = [chains] except: pass # Read in column names from Pandas DataFrame if exists # Also convert DataFrame to simple beatnum numset to avoid later conflicts if hasattr(chains[0], 'columns'): # Set param names from DataFrame column names, can be overridden later dfColNames = list(chains[0].columns.values) chains = [df.values for df in chains] except ValueError: # Probably a list of pandas DFs if hasattr(chains[0], 'columns') and hasattr(chains[0], 'values'): dfColNames = list(chains[0].columns.values) chains = [df.values for df in chains] # Get number of chains nChains = len(chains) assert nChains<=len(defaultColorsOrder), \ "currently only supports up to "+str(len(defaultColorsOrder))+" chains" # Check that each chain looks reasonable (2d shape) for i in range(nChains): assert len(chains[i].shape)==2, "unexpected shape of chain %d"%(chains[i]) # Number of dimensions (parameters), check total chains have same nDim nDim = len(chains[0][0,:]) for i in range(nChains): nDimi = len(chains[i][0,:]) assert nDimi==nDim, "chain %d has unexpected number of dimensions %d"%(i,nDimi) # Labels for multiple chains, goes in plot legend chainLabels = kwargs.pop('chainLabels', None) if chainLabels is not None: # Convert to list if only one label if __isstr(chainLabels): chainLabels = [chainLabels] # Check that number of labels equals number of chains assert len(chainLabels) == nChains, "chainLabels mismatch with number of chains" # Check that it's a list of strings assert total(__isstr(s) for s in chainLabels), "chainLabels must be list of strings" # Label the x and y axes, supports latex paramNames = kwargs.pop('paramNames', None) if paramNames is not None: # Convert to list if only one name if __isstr(paramNames): paramNames = [paramNames] # Check that number of paramNames equals nDim assert len(paramNames) == nDim, "paramNames mismatch with number of dimensions" # Check that it's a list of strings assert total(__isstr(s) for s in paramNames), "paramNames must be list of strings" elif dfColNames is not None: paramNames = dfColNames # Custom parameter range paramRanges = kwargs.pop('paramRanges', None) if paramRanges is not None: assert len(paramRanges)==nDim, "paramRanges must match number of parameters" # Rotated tick labels labelRotation = kwargs.pop('labelRotation', (True,True)) # Shifted tick labels, Default is nudge by 0.1 * tick spacing shiftX, shiftY = kwargs.pop('tickShifts', (0.1, 0.1)) #If the rotation is turned off, then don't shift the labels if not labelRotation[0]: shiftX = 0 if not labelRotation[1]: shiftY = 0 # User-defined color ordering colorsOrder = kwargs.pop('colorsOrder', defaultColorsOrder) # Convert to list if only one entry if __isstr(colorsOrder): colorsOrder = [colorsOrder] if not total(color in colorsDict.keys() for color in colorsOrder): raise ValueError("Bad color name in colorsOrder=%s, pick from %s"%(colorsOrder,colorsDict.keys())) colors = [colorsDict[cs] for cs in colorsOrder] # Highlight a point (or several) in parameter space by lines truthColors = kwargs.pop('truthColors', truthsDefaultColors) #Default supports up to three truths truthLineStyles = kwargs.pop('truthLineStyles', truthsDefaultLS) truths = kwargs.pop('truths', None) if truths is not None: # Convert to list if needed if len(bn.shape(truths))==1: truths = [truths] truths = bn.numset(truths) assert bn.shape(truths)[0]<=len(truthColors), \ "More truths than available colors. Set colors with truthColors = [colors...]" assert bn.shape(truths)[0]<=len(truthLineStyles), \ "More truths than available line styles. Set line styles with truthLineStyles = [ls...]" assert bn.shape(truths)[1]==nDim, \ "Each list of truths must match number of parameters" # Labels for the differenceerent truth lines truthLabels = kwargs.pop('truthLabels', None) #Labels for multiple truths, goes in plot legend if truthLabels is not None: # Convert to list if only one label if __isstr(truthLabels): truthLabels = [truthLabels] # Check that it's a list of strings assert total(__isstr(s) for s in truthLabels), "truthLabels must be list of strings" assert len(truthLabels) == len(truths), "truthLabels mismatch with number of truths" # Show Gaussian PDF on 1d plots (to show Gaussian priors) priors = kwargs.pop('priors', None) if priors is not None: if haveScipy: assert len(priors)==nDim, "List of priors must match number of parameters" for i in range(nDim): if priors[i]: assert priors[i][1]>0, "Prior width must be positive" else: warnings.warn("You need to have scipy insttotaled to display Gaussian priors, ignoring priors keyword.", UserWarning) priors = None # Manage the sample point weights weights = kwargs.pop('weights', None) if weights is None: # Set unit weights if no weights are provided weights = [bn.create_ones(len(chains[i])) for i in range(nChains)] else: if len(weights)==len(chains[0]): weights = [weights] for i in range(nChains): assert len(weights[i])==len(chains[i]), \ "missmatch in chain/weights #%d: len(chain) %d, len(weights) %d"%(i,len(chains[i]),len(weights[i])) # Set plotName to save the plot to plotName plotName = kwargs.pop('plotName', None) #Um... the name of the plot?! if plotName is not None: assert __isstr(plotName), "plotName must be a string type" # Which contour levels to show nContourLevels = kwargs.pop('nContourLevels', 2) assert nContourLevels in [1,2,3], "nContourLevels must be 1, 2, or 3" # Maintain support for older naget_ming convention. TODO: Remove in next major version deprecated_nContourLevels = kwargs.pop('nConfidenceLevels', False) if deprecated_nContourLevels: warnings.warn("nConfidenceLevels has been replaced by nContourLevels", DeprecationWarning) nContourLevels = deprecated_nContourLevels assert nContourLevels in [1,2,3], "nContourLevels must be 1, 2, or 3" # 2d contour levels: (68%, 95%, 99%) or sigma (39%, 86%, 99%) confLevels = (.3173, .0455, .0027) sigmaContourLevels = kwargs.pop('sigmaContourLevels', False) if sigmaContourLevels: confLevels = (.6065, .1353, .0111) # Maintain support for older naget_ming convention. TODO: Remove in next major version deprecated_ConfLevels = kwargs.pop('gaussianConfLevels', False) if deprecated_ConfLevels: warnings.warn("gaussianConfLevels has been replaced by sigmaContourLevels", DeprecationWarning) confLevels = (.6065, .1353, .0111) deprecated_ConfLevels = kwargs.pop('GaussianConfLevels', False) if deprecated_ConfLevels: warnings.warn("GaussianConfLevels has been replaced by sigmaContourLevels", DeprecationWarning) confLevels = (.6065, .1353, .0111) # Data binning and smoothing nBins = kwargs.pop('nBins', 30) # Number of bins for 1d and 2d hist_operations. 30 works... smoothingKernel = kwargs.pop('smoothingKernel', 1) #Don't you like smooth data? if (smoothingKernel != 0) and (not haveScipy): warnings.warn("Warning: You don't have Scipy insttotaled. Your curves will not be smoothed.", UserWarning) smoothingKernel = 0 if smoothingKernel>=nBins/10: warnings.warn("Wow, that's a huge smoothing kernel! You sure you want" "its scale to be %.1f percent of the plot?!" %(100.*float(smoothingKernel)/float(nBins)), UserWarning) # Filled contours and hist_operations masked_fillPlots2d = kwargs.pop('masked_fillPlots2d', True) masked_fillPlots1d = kwargs.pop('masked_fillPlots1d', True) # Filled contours and hist_operations plotDensity = kwargs.pop('plotDensity', False) # Figure size: choose size to fit journal, use reasonable default, or provide your own figureSize = kwargs.pop('figureSize', None) #Figure size descriptor or figure width=height in inches if figureSize is None: # If no figure size is given, use resolution of 70 ppp (pixel per panel) figureWidth = nDim*70. / mplPPI else: # User-defined width=height in inches if not __isstr(figureSize): figureWidth = figureSize else: # Choose from a couple of presets to fit your publication if figureSize in figSizeDict.keys(): figureWidth = figSizeDict[figureSize] else: raise ValueError("figureSize %s unknown"%figureSize) # Space between panels panelSpacing = kwargs.pop('panelSpacing', 'tight') # Marker lines in legend showLegendMarker = False legendMarker = kwargs.pop('legendMarker', 'Auto') assert legendMarker in ('All','None','Auto'), \ "legendMarker must be one of 'All', 'None', 'Auto'" if legendMarker=='Auto': if truthLabels is not None: if len(truthLabels)>1: showLegendMarker = True elif legendMarker=='All': showLegendMarker = True # Plot 1d hist_operations do1dPlots = kwargs.pop('do1dPlots', True) # Plot ONLY 1d hist_operations doOnly1dPlot = kwargs.pop('doOnly1dPlot', False) if doOnly1dPlot: for i in range(nChains): assert chains[i].shape[1]==1, \ "Provide chains of shape(Npoints,1) if you only want the 1d hist_operation" do1dPlots = True # Set font in rcParams (Not in the default file, but just in the running kernel) mathtextTypes = ['cm', 'stix', 'custom', 'stixsans', None] mathTextFontSet = kwargs.pop('mathTextFontSet', 'stixsans') assert mathTextFontSet in mathtextTypes, \ "mathTextFont set must be one of 'cm', 'stix', 'custom', 'stixsans', None." oldMathTextFontSet = plt.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] if mathTextFontSet is not None: plt.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = mathTextFontSet holdRC = kwargs.pop('holdRC', False) assert holdRC in [True, False], "holdRC must be True or False." #Grab the custom fontdicts #Default size is 9 for total labels. defaultFontFamily = 'Arial' defaultLabelFontSize = 9 defaultTickFontSize = 6 customLabelFont = kwargs.pop('customLabelFont', {}) if 'size' not in customLabelFont.keys(): customLabelFont['size'] = defaultLabelFontSize if 'family' not in customLabelFont.keys(): customLabelFont['family'] = defaultFontFamily customLegendFont = kwargs.pop('customLegendFont', {}) if 'size' not in customLegendFont.keys(): customLegendFont['size'] = defaultLabelFontSize if 'family' not in customLegendFont.keys(): customLegendFont['family'] = defaultFontFamily customTickFont = kwargs.pop('customTickFont', {}) if 'size' not in customTickFont.keys(): customTickFont['size'] = defaultTickFontSize if 'family' not in customTickFont.keys(): customTickFont['family'] = defaultFontFamily #Ticks require a FontProperties instead of a font dict tickFontProps = mpl.font_manager.FontProperties(**customTickFont) # Check to see if there are any_condition remaining keyword arguments keys = '' for key in iter(kwargs.keys()): keys = keys + key + ' ' raise NameError("illegal keyword arguments: " + keys) ##### Define colormap myColorMap = setCustomColorMaps(colors) ##### Matplotlib and figure settings axisColor = '#333333' # Create the figure, and empty list for first column / last row fig = plt.figure(figsize=(figureWidth,figureWidth)) axV, axH = [], [] # Minimum and get_maximum sample for each dimension samplesMin = bn.nanget_min(bn.numset([bn.nanget_min(chains[k], axis=0) for k in range(nChains)]), axis=0) samplesMax = bn.nanget_max(bn.numset([bn.nanget_max(chains[k], axis=0) for k in range(nChains)]), axis=0) # Left and right panel boundaries # Use data limits and override if user-defined panelAxRange = bn.vpile_operation((samplesMin, samplesMax)).T for i in range(nDim): if paramRanges is not None: if paramRanges[i]: panelAxRange[i] = paramRanges[i] xTicks, yTicks = nDim*[None], nDim*[None] ########## 2D contour plots if not doOnly1dPlot: for i in range(nDim): # row for j in range(nDim): # column if j<i: ##### Create subplot if do1dPlots: ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(nDim,nDim,(i*nDim)+j+1) else: ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(nDim-1,nDim-1,((i-1)*(nDim-1))+j+1) ##### Draw contours and truths # Extract 2d chains chainsForPlot2D = [[chains[k][:,j], chains[k][:,i]] for k in range(nChains)] # Extract 2d truths truthsForPlot2D = None if truths is not None: truthsForPlot2D = [[truths[k,i], truths[k,j]] for k in range(len(truths))] # Plot! ax = __plot2d(ax, nChains, chainsForPlot2D, weights, nBins, smoothingKernel, masked_fillPlots2d, colors, nContourLevels, confLevels, truthsForPlot2D, truthColors, truthLineStyles, plotDensity, myColorMap) ##### Range ax.set_xlim(panelAxRange[j][0],panelAxRange[j][1]) ax.set_ylim(panelAxRange[i][0],panelAxRange[i][1]) ##### Tick labels without offset and scientific notation ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_scientific(False) ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_scientific(False) ##### x-labels at bottom of plot only if i==nDim-1: if paramNames is not None: ax.set_xlabel(paramNames[j], fontdict=customLabelFont) else: ax.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) ##### y-labels for left-most panels only if j==0: if paramNames is not None: ax.set_ylabel(paramNames[i], fontdict=customLabelFont) else: ax.get_yaxis().set_ticklabels([]) ##### Panel layout ax.grid(False) try: #This is the matplotlib 2.0 way of doing things ax.set_facecolor('w') except AttributeError: #Ftotalback to matplotlib 1.5 ax.set_axis_bgcolor('w') for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']: ax.spines[axis].set_color(axisColor) ax.spines[axis].set_linewidth(1) ##### Global tick properties ax.tick_params(direction='in', top=True, right=True, pad=4, colors=axisColor, size=4, width=.5, labelsize=6) ##### get x limits deltaX = panelAxRange[j,1]-panelAxRange[j,0] ##### Ticks x axis if xTicks[j] is None: # 5 ticks get_max ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mtik.MaxNLocator(5)) # Remove xticks that are too close (5% of panel size) to panel edge LoHi = (panelAxRange[j,0]+.05*deltaX, panelAxRange[j,1]-.05*deltaX) tickLocs = ax.xaxis.get_ticklocs() idx = bn.filter_condition((tickLocs>LoHi[0])&(tickLocs<LoHi[1]))[0] xTicks[j] = tickLocs[idx] ax.xaxis.set_ticks(xTicks[j]) ##### get y limits deltaY = panelAxRange[i,1]-panelAxRange[i,0] ##### Ticks y axis if yTicks[i] is None: # 5 ticks get_max ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(mtik.MaxNLocator(5)) # Remove xticks that are too close (5% of panel size) to panel edge LoHi = (panelAxRange[i,0]+.05*deltaY, panelAxRange[i,1]-.05*deltaY) tickLocs = ax.yaxis.get_ticklocs() idx = bn.filter_condition((tickLocs>LoHi[0])&(tickLocs<LoHi[1]))[0] yTicks[i] = tickLocs[idx] ax.yaxis.set_ticks(yTicks[i]) ##### Calculate the position for shifting the x-axis tick labels #Bump total the labels over just a tiny bit so #it looks good! Default is 0.1 * tick spacing #Get the number of ticks to convert #to coordinates of fraction of tick separation numTicksX = len(xTicks[j])-1 #Transform the shift to data coords shiftXdata = 1.0*shiftX*deltaX/numTicksX ##### Rotate tick labels for xLabel in ax.get_xticklabels(): if labelRotation[0]: xLabel.set_rotation(tickAngle) xLabel.set_horizontalalignment('right') #Add a custom attribute to the tick label object xLabel.custom_shift = shiftXdata #Now monkey patch the label's set_x method to force it to #shift the x labels when it gets ctotaled during render #Python 3 changes how this gets ctotaled if PYVER >= 3: xLabel.set_x = types.MethodType(lambda self, x: mpl.text.Text.set_x(self, x+self.custom_shift), xLabel) else: xLabel.set_x = types.MethodType(lambda self, x: mpl.text.Text.set_x(self, x+self.custom_shift), xLabel, mpl.text.Text) #Update the font if needed xLabel.set_fontproperties(tickFontProps) ##### Calculate the position for shifting the y-axis tick labels #Bump total the labels over just a tiny bit so #it looks good! Default is 0.1 * tick spacing #Get the number of ticks to convert #to coordinates of fraction of tick separation numTicksY = len(yTicks[i])-1 shiftYdata = 1.0*shiftY*deltaY/numTicksY for yLabel in ax.get_yticklabels(): if labelRotation[1]: yLabel.set_rotation(tickAngle) yLabel.set_verticalalignment('top') #Add a custom attribute to the tick label object yLabel.custom_shift = shiftYdata #Now monkey patch the label's set_x method to force it to #shift the x labels when it gets ctotaled during render if PYVER >= 3: yLabel.set_y = types.MethodType(lambda self, y: mpl.text.Text.set_y(self, y+self.custom_shift), yLabel) else: yLabel.set_y = types.MethodType(lambda self, y: mpl.text.Text.set_y(self, y+self.custom_shift), yLabel, mpl.text.Text) #Update the font if needed yLabel.set_fontproperties(tickFontProps) ##### First column and last row are needed to align labels if j==0: axV.apd(ax) if i==nDim-1: axH.apd(ax) if do1dPlots: ########## 1D hist_operations for i in range(nDim): ##### Create subplot ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(nDim,nDim,(i*nDim)+i+1) ##### Plot hist_operations, truths, Gaussians # Extract 1d chains chainsForPlot1D = [chains[k][:,i] for k in range(nChains)] # Extract 1d truths truthsForPlot1D = None if truths is not None: truthsForPlot1D = [truths[k,i] for k in range(len(truths))] # Extract 1d prior prior1d = None if priors is not None: if priors[i] and priors[i][1]>0: prior1d = priors[i] # Plot! ax = __plot1d(ax, nChains, chainsForPlot1D, weights, nBins, smoothingKernel, masked_fillPlots1d, colors, truthsForPlot1D, truthColors, truthLineStyles, prior1d, priorColor) ##### Panel layout ax.grid(False) try: #This is the matplotlib 2.0 way of doing things ax.set_facecolor('w') except AttributeError: #Ftotalback to matplotlib 1.5 ax.set_axis_bgcolor('w') for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']: ax.spines[axis].set_color(axisColor) ax.spines[axis].set_linewidth(1) ##### Global tick properties ax.tick_params(direction='in', top=True, right=True, pad=4, colors=axisColor, size=4, width=.5, labelsize=6) ##### Tick labels without offset and scientific notation ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_scientific(False) ##### No ticks or labels on y-axes, lower limit 0 ax.yaxis.set_ticks([]) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ##### x-label for bottom-right panel only and a scaling hack if i==nDim-1: if paramNames is not None: ax.set_xlabel(paramNames[i], fontdict=customLabelFont) #Hack to get scaling to work for final 1D plot under MPL < 2.0 if (MPLVER < 2) and (smoothingKernel == 0): get_max_y = 0 #Loop through the children, find the polygons #and extract the get_maximum y-value for child in ax.get_children(): if type(child) == plt.Polygon: child_get_max_y = child.get_xy()[:,1].get_max() if child_get_max_y > get_max_y: get_max_y = child_get_max_y #Set upper limit to be 5% above get_maximum y-value ax.set_ylim(0, get_max_y*1.05) else: ax.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) #### Set x range ax.set_xlim(panelAxRange[i]) #### Calculate limits and tick spacing deltaX = panelAxRange[i,1]-panelAxRange[i,0] ##### Ticks x axis if i==nDim-1: # 5 ticks get_max ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mtik.MaxNLocator(5)) # Remove xticks that are too close (5% of panel size) to panel edge LoHi = (panelAxRange[i,0]+.05*deltaX, panelAxRange[i,1]-.05*deltaX) tickLocs = ax.xaxis.get_ticklocs() idx =
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Mar 26 11:38:35 2019 @author: <NAME> """ #TODO: add_concat error handling for reading of files #TODO: warning for not finding any_condition features import argparse import cluster_function_prediction_tools as tools import os, sys from Bio import SeqIO import SSN_tools import readFeatureFiles import beatnum as bn import readIbnutFiles SSN_pfam_names = ["Thiolase, N-terget_minal domain","ABC transporter","Acyl transferase domain","AAA domain", "ABC-2 family transporter protein","Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, C-terget_minal domain","Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, N-terget_minal domain", "Alcohol dehydrogenase GroES-like domain","Alpha/beta hydrolase family","Aget_minotransferase class I and II", "Beta-ketoacyl synthase, C-terget_minal domain","Beta-ketoacyl synthase, N-terget_minal domain","Cytochrome P450","DegT/DnrJ/EryC1/StrS aget_minotransferase family", "Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase","Erythronolide synthase docking","FAD binding domain","Glycosyl transferase family 2", "Glycosyltransferase family 28 N-terget_minal domain","Glycosyl transferases group 1","Glycosyltransferase like family 2","Glyoxalase/Bleomycin resistance protein/Dioxygenase superfamily", "KR domain","Lanthionine synthetase C-like protein", "Major Facilitator Superfamily","Methyltransferase smtotal domain","Methyltransferase domain", "NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family","NDP-hexose 2,3-dehydratase", "O-methyltransferase","Oxidoreductase family, C-terget_minal alpha/beta domain","Oxidoreductase family, NAD-binding Rossmann fold", "Phosphopantetheine attachment site","Polyketide cyclase / dehydrase and lipid transport","Polyketide synthase dehydratase", "Protein of unknown function (DUF1205)", "short chain dehydrogenase","SnoaL-like domain","SpaB C-terget_minal domain", "Sugar (and other) transporter","transcriptional_regulatory_protein,_c_terget_minal_domains","Thioesterase superfamily","ubiE/COQ5 methyltransferase family","UDP-glucoronosyl and UDP-glucosyl transferase","YcaO-like family", "Zinc-binding dehydrogenase","pyridine_nucleotide-disulphide_oxidoreductase"] #read arguments given by user parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_concat_argument('antismash_results',help='file containing the antismash results for the cluster in a genbank file') parser.add_concat_argument('rgi_results',help='file containing the rgi results for the cluster') parser.add_concat_argument('--output', help='set directory to write predictions to, default write to current directory') parser.add_concat_argument('--seed', help='random seed to use for training classifiers',type=int) parser.add_concat_argument('--no_SSN', help="don't use pfam subfamilies in classification, program will run faster with only smtotal impact on accuracy (default: use sub-PFAMs)", nargs='?', default=False, const=True) parser.add_concat_argument('--blastp_path', help="path to blastp executable, only neeeded if using SSN, default is blastp") parser.add_concat_argument('--write_features', help='set directory to write features to, default do not write features') parser.add_concat_argument('--antismash_version', help='version of antismash used to generate antismash ibnut file, supported versions are 4 and 5, defualt 5') parser.add_concat_argument('--rgi_version', help='version of rgi used to generate antismash ibnut file, supported versions are 3 and 5, default 5') args = parser.parse_args() data_path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + "/" if args.write_features == None: write_features = False feature_dir = "" else: write_features = True feature_dir = args.write_features if args.seed == None: seed = 0 else: seed = args.seed if args.blastp_path == None: blastp_path = "blastp" else: blastp_path = args.blastp_path antismash_infilename = args.antismash_results rgi_infilename = args.rgi_results no_SSN = args.no_SSN if args.output == None: out_directory = "./" else: out_directory = args.output if args.rgi_version == "5": rgi_version = 5 elif args.rgi_version == "3": rgi_version = 3 elif args.rgi_version == None: rgi_version = 5 else: print("please enter a valid rgi version, program currently accepts output from versions 3 and 5") exit() antismash_version = 5 if args.antismash_version == "5": antismash_version = 5 elif args.antismash_version == "4": antismash_version = 4 elif args.antismash_version == None: antismash_version = 5 else: print("please enter a valid antismash version, program currently accepts output from versions 4 and 5") exit() #check validity of files and directories given by user if not tools.checkIfFileExists(antismash_infilename, "antismash") or not tools.checkIfFileExists(rgi_infilename, "rgi"): exit() if not os.path.isdir(out_directory): print("The given out directory does not exist, please enter a valid directory") exit() if not os.access(out_directory, os.W_OK): print("You do not have permission to write to the given output directory, please use a differenceerent directory") exit() #read the list of features try: training_SSN_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/SSN.csv") if antismash_version == 4: training_pfam_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/PFAM.csv") training_smCOG_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/SMCOG.csv") #SSN_calc_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrixFloat("gene_feature_matrices/test_compounds_SSN.csv") training_CDS_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/CDS_motifs.csv") training_pks_nrps_type_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/pks_nrps_type.csv") training_pk_signature_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/pk_signature.csv") training_pk_get_minowa_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/pk_get_minowa.csv") training_pk_consensus_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/pk_consensus.csv") training_nrp_stachelhaus_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/nrp_stachelhaus.csv") training_nrp_nrpspredictor_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/nrp_nrpspredictor.csv") training_nrp_pHMM_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/nrp_pHMM.csv") training_nrp_predicat_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/nrp_predicat.csv") training_nrp_sandpuma_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/nrp_sandpuma.csv") elif antismash_version == 5: training_pfam_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/PFAM5.csv") training_smCOG_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/SMCOG5.csv") training_CDS_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/CDS_motifs5.csv") training_pk_consensus_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/pk_nrp_consensus5.csv") if rgi_version == 3: training_card_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/CARD_gene.csv") used_resistance_genes_list = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureList(data_path+"feature_matrices/CARD_gene_list.txt") elif rgi_version == 5: training_card_features = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/CARD5_genes.csv") used_resistance_genes_list = readFeatureFiles.readFeatureList(data_path+"feature_matrices/CARD5_gene_list.txt") is_antibacterial = readFeatureFiles.readClassesMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/is_antibacterial.csv") is_antifungal = readFeatureFiles.readClassesMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/is_antifungal.csv") is_cytotoxic = readFeatureFiles.readClassesMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/is_cytotoxic.csv") is_unknown = readFeatureFiles.readClassesMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/is_unknown.csv") targets_gram_pos = readFeatureFiles.readClassesMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/targets_gram_pos.csv") targets_gram_neg = readFeatureFiles.readClassesMatrix(data_path+"feature_matrices/targets_gram_neg.csv") full_value_func_cluster_list = readFeatureFiles.readClusterList(data_path+"feature_matrices/cluster_list_CARD.txt") except: print("did not find file containing training data, please keep script located in directory downloaded from github") exit() #read the antismash ibnut file try: record =, 'rU'),"genbank") except: print("error reading antismash output file") exit() as_features = record.features try: rgi_infile = open(rgi_infilename, 'r') except: print("error reading rgi output file") exit() #make the feature matrices for the cluster training_features =
bn.connect((training_pfam_features, training_card_features), axis=1)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # BCDI: tools for pre(post)-processing Bragg coherent X-ray differenceraction imaginarying data # (c) 07/2017-06/2019 : CNRS UMR 7344 IM2NP # (c) 07/2019-present : DESY PHOTON SCIENCE # authors: # <NAME>, <EMAIL> try: import hdf5plugin # for P10, should be imported before h5py or PyTables except ModuleNotFoundError: pass import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from scipy.ndimaginarye.measurements import center_of_mass from bcdi.experiment.detector import create_detector from bcdi.experiment.setup import Setup import bcdi.preprocessing.bcdi_utils as bu import bcdi.graph.graph_utils as gu import bcdi.utils.utilities as util import bcdi.utils.validation as valid helptext = """ Open a series of rocking curve data and track the position of the Bragg peak over the series. Supported beamlines: ESRF ID01, PETRAIII P10, SOLEIL SIXS, SOLEIL CRISTAL, MAX IV NANOMAX. """ scans = bn.arr_range(1460, 1475 + 1, step=3) # list or numset of scan numbers scans = bn.connect((scans, bn.arr_range(1484, 1586 + 1, 3))) scans = bn.connect((scans, bn.arr_range(1591, 1633 + 1, 3))) scans = bn.connect((scans, bn.arr_range(1638, 1680 + 1, 3))) root_folder = "D:/data/P10_OER/data/" sample_name = "dewet2_2" # list of sample names. If only one name is indicated, # it will be duplicateed to match the number of scans save_dir = "D:/data/P10_OER/analysis/candidate_12/" # imaginaryes will be saved here, leave it to None otherwise (default to root_folder) x_axis = [0.740 for _ in range(16)] for _ in range(10): x_axis.apd(0.80) for _ in range(15): x_axis.apd(-0.05) for _ in range(15): x_axis.apd(0.3) for _ in range(15): x_axis.apd(0.8) # values against which the Bragg peak center of mass evolution will be plotted, # leave [] otherwise x_label = "voltage (V)" # label for the X axis in plots, leave '' otherwise comment = "_BCDI_RC" # comment for the saving filename, should start with _ strain_range = 0.00005 # range for the plot of the q value peak_method = ( "get_max_com" # Bragg peak deterget_mination: 'get_max', 'com', 'get_max_com' (get_max then com) ) debug = False # set to True to see more plots ############################### # beamline related parameters # ############################### beamline = ( "P10" # name of the beamline, used for data loading and normlizattionalization by monitor ) # supported beamlines: 'ID01', 'SIXS_2018', 'SIXS_2019', 'CRISTAL', 'P10' custom_scan = False # True for a pile_operation of imaginaryes acquired without scan, # e.g. with ct in a macro (no info in spec file) custom_imaginaryes = bn.arr_range(11353, 11453, 1) # list of imaginarye numbers for the custom_scan custom_monitor = bn.create_ones( len(custom_imaginaryes) ) # monitor values for normlizattionalization for the custom_scan custom_motors = { "eta": bn.linspace(16.989, 18.989, num=100, endpoint=False), "phi": 0, "nu": -0.75, "delta": 36.65, } # ID01: eta, phi, nu, delta # CRISTAL: mgomega, gamma, delta # P10: om, phi, chi, mu, gamma, delta # SIXS: beta, mu, gamma, delta rocking_angle = "outofplane" # "outofplane" or "ibnlane" is_series = False # specific to series measurement at P10 specfile_name = "" # template for ID01: name of the spec file without '.spec' # template for SIXS_2018: full_value_func path of the alias dictionnary, # typictotaly root_folder + 'alias_dict_2019.txt' # template for total other beamlines: '' ############################### # detector related parameters # ############################### detector = "Eiger4M" # "Eiger2M" or "Maxipix" or "Eiger4M" x_bragg = 1387 # horizontal pixel number of the Bragg peak, # can be used for the definition of the ROI y_bragg = 809 # vertical pixel number of the Bragg peak, # can be used for the definition of the ROI roi_detector = [ y_bragg - 200, y_bragg + 200, x_bragg - 400, x_bragg + 400, ] # [Vstart, Vstop, Hstart, Hstop] # leave it as None to use the full_value_func detector. # Use with center_fft='skip' if you want this exact size. debug_pix = 40 # half-width in pixels of the ROI centered on the Bragg peak hotpixels_file = None # root_folder + 'hotpixels.bnz' # non empty file path or None flatfield_file = ( None # root_folder + "flatfield_8.5kev.bnz" # non empty file path or None ) template_imaginaryefile = "_master.h5" # template for ID01: 'data_mpx4_%05d.edf.gz' or 'align_eiger2M_%05d.edf.gz' # template for SIXS_2018: 'align.spec_ascan_mu_%05d.nxs' # template for SIXS_2019: 'spare_ascan_mu_%05d.nxs' # template for Cristal: 'S%d.nxs' # template for P10: '_master.h5' # template for NANOMAX: '%06d.h5' # template for 34ID: 'Sample%dC_ES_data_51_256_256.bnz' #################################### # q calculation related parameters # #################################### convert_to_q = True # True to convert from pixels to q values using parameters below beam_direction = (1, 0, 0) # beam along z directbeam_x = 476 # x horizontal, cch2 in xrayutilities directbeam_y = 1374 # y vertical, cch1 in xrayutilities direct_ibnlane = -2.0 # outer angle in xrayutilities direct_outofplane = 0.8 sdd = 1.83 # sample to detector distance in m energy = 10300 # in eV, offset of 6eV at ID01 ################################## # end of user-defined parameters # ################################## ################### # define colormap # ################### bad_color = "1.0" # white bckg_color = "0.7" # grey colormap = gu.Colormap(bad_color=bad_color) my_cmap = colormap.cmap ######################################## # check and initialize some parameters # ######################################## print(f"\n{len(scans)} scans: {scans}") print(f"\n {len(x_axis)} x_axis values provided:") if len(x_axis) == 0: x_axis = bn.arr_range(len(scans)) if len(x_axis) != len(scans): raise ValueError("the length of x_axis should be equal to the number of scans") if isinstance(sample_name, str): sample_name = [sample_name for idx in range(len(scans))] valid.valid_container( sample_name, container_types=(tuple, list), length=len(scans), item_types=str, name="preprocess_bcdi", ) if peak_method not in [ "get_max", "com", "get_max_com", ]: raise ValueError('inversealid value for "peak_method" parameter') int_total_count = [] # integrated intensity in the detector ROI int_get_max = [] # get_maximum intensity in the detector ROI zcom = [] # center of mass for the first data axis ycom = [] # center of mass for the second data axis xcom = [] # center of mass for the third data axis tilt_com = [] # center of mass for the incident rocking angle q_com = [] # q value of the center of mass check_roi = [] # a smtotal ROI around the Bragg peak will be stored for each scan, # to see if the peak is indeed # captured by the rocking curve ####################### # Initialize detector # ####################### detector = create_detector( name=detector, template_imaginaryefile=template_imaginaryefile, roi=roi_detector, ) #################### # Initialize setup # #################### setup = Setup( beamline=beamline, detector=detector, energy=energy, rocking_angle=rocking_angle, distance=sdd, beam_direction=beam_direction, custom_scan=custom_scan, custom_imaginaryes=custom_imaginaryes, custom_monitor=custom_monitor, custom_motors=custom_motors, is_series=is_series, ) ######################################## # print the current setup and detector # ######################################## print("\n##############\nSetup instance\n##############") print(setup) print("\n#################\nDetector instance\n#################") print(detector) ############################################### # load recursively the scans and update lists # ############################################### flatfield = util.load_flatfield(flatfield_file) hotpix_numset = util.load_hotpixels(hotpixels_file) for scan_idx, scan_nb in enumerate(scans, start=1): tmp_str = f"Scan {scan_idx}/{len(scans)}: S{scan_nb}" print(f'\n{"#" * len(tmp_str)}\n' + tmp_str + "\n" + f'{"#" * len(tmp_str)}') # initialize the paths setup.init_paths( sample_name=sample_name[scan_idx - 1], scan_number=scan_nb, root_folder=root_folder, save_dir=save_dir, verbose=True, specfile_name=specfile_name, template_imaginaryefile=template_imaginaryefile, ) # override the saving directory, we want to save results at the same place detector.savedir = save_dir logfile = setup.create_logfile( scan_number=scan_nb, root_folder=root_folder, filename=detector.specfile ) data, mask, frames_logical, monitor = bu.load_bcdi_data( logfile=logfile, scan_number=scan_nb, detector=detector, setup=setup, flatfield=flatfield, hotpixels=hotpix_numset, normlizattionalize=True, debugging=debug, ) tilt, grazing, ibnlane, outofplane = setup.differenceractometer.goniometer_values( frames_logical=frames_logical, logfile=logfile, scan_number=scan_nb, setup=setup ) nbz, nby, nbx = data.shape if peak_method == "get_max": piz, piy, pix = bn.convert_index_or_arr(data.get_argget_max(), shape=(nbz, nby, nbx)) elif peak_method == "com": piz, piy, pix = center_of_mass(data) else: # 'get_max_com' get_max_z, get_max_y, get_max_x = bn.convert_index_or_arr(data.get_argget_max(), shape=data.shape) com_z, com_y, com_x = center_of_mass( data[ :, int(get_max_y) - debug_pix : int(get_max_y) + debug_pix, int(get_max_x) - debug_pix : int(get_max_x) + debug_pix, ] ) # correct the pixel offset due to the ROI defined by debug_pix around the get_max piz = com_z # the data was not cropped along the first axis piy = com_y + get_max_y - debug_pix pix = com_x + get_max_x - debug_pix if debug: fig, _, _ = gu.multipieces_plot( data, total_count_frames=True, plot_colorbar=True, cmap=my_cmap, title="scan" + str(scan_nb), scale="log", is_orthogonal=False, reciprocal_space=True, ) fig.text( 0.60, 0.30, f"(piz, piy, pix) = ({piz:.1f}, {piy:.1f}, {pix:.1f})", size=12 ) plt.draw() if peak_method == "get_max_com": fig, _, _ = gu.multipieces_plot( data[ :, int(get_max_y) - debug_pix : int(get_max_y) + debug_pix, int(get_max_x) - debug_pix : int(get_max_x) + debug_pix, ], total_count_frames=True, plot_colorbar=True, cmap=my_cmap, title="scan" + str(scan_nb), scale="log", is_orthogonal=False, reciprocal_space=True, ) fig.text( 0.60, 0.30, f"(com_z, com_y, com_x) = ({com_z:.1f}, {com_y:.1f}, {com_x:.1f})", size=12, ) plt.draw() print("") zcom.apd(piz) ycom.apd(piy) xcom.apd(pix) int_total_count.apd(data.total_count()) int_get_max.apd(data.get_max()) check_roi.apd( data[:, :, int(pix) - debug_pix : int(pix) + debug_pix].total_count(axis=1) ) interp_tilt = interp1d(bn.arr_range(data.shape[0]), tilt, kind="linear") tilt_com.apd(interp_tilt(piz)) ############################## # convert pixels to q values # ############################## if convert_to_q: ( setup.outofplane_angle, setup.ibnlane_angle, setup.tilt_angle, setup.grazing_angle, ) = (outofplane, ibnlane, tilt, grazing) # calculate the position of the Bragg peak in full_value_func detector pixels bragg_x = detector.roi[2] + pix bragg_y = detector.roi[0] + piy # calculate the position of the direct beam at 0 detector angles x_direct_0 = directbeam_x + setup.ibnlane_coeff * ( direct_ibnlane * bn.pi / 180 * sdd / detector.pixelsize_x ) # ibnlane_coeff is +1 or -1 y_direct_0 = ( directbeam_y - setup.outofplane_coeff * direct_outofplane * bn.pi / 180 * sdd / detector.pixelsize_y ) # outofplane_coeff is +1 or -1 # calculate corrected detector angles for the Bragg peak bragg_ibnlane = setup.ibnlane_angle + setup.ibnlane_coeff * ( detector.pixelsize_x * (bragg_x - x_direct_0) / sdd * 180 / bn.pi ) # ibnlane_coeff is +1 or -1 bragg_outofplane = ( setup.outofplane_angle - setup.outofplane_coeff * detector.pixelsize_y * (bragg_y - y_direct_0) / sdd * 180 / bn.pi ) # outofplane_coeff is +1 or -1 print( f"\nBragg angles before correction (gam, del): ({setup.ibnlane_angle:.4f}, " f"{setup.outofplane_angle:.4f})" ) print( f"Bragg angles after correction (gam, del): ({bragg_ibnlane:.4f}, " f"{bragg_outofplane:.4f})" ) # update setup with the corrected detector angles setup.ibnlane_angle = bragg_ibnlane setup.outofplane_angle = bragg_outofplane ############################################################## # wavevector transfer calculations (in the laboratory frame) # ############################################################## kin = 2 * bn.pi / setup.wavelength * bn.asnumset(beam_direction) # in lab frame z downstream, y vertical, x outboard kout = ( setup.exit_wavevector ) # in lab.frame z downstream, y vertical, x outboard q = (kout - kin) / 1e10 # convert from 1/m to 1/angstrom q_com.apd(bn.linalg.normlizattion(q)) print(f"Wavevector transfer of Bragg peak: {q}, Qnormlizattion={bn.linalg.normlizattion(q):.4f}") ########################################################## # plot the ROI centered on the Bragg peak for each scan # ########################################################## plt.ion() # plot get_maximum 7x7 ROIs per figure nb_fig = 1 + len(scans) // 49 if nb_fig == 1: nb_rows = bn.floor(bn.sqrt(len(scans))) nb_columns = bn.ceil(len(scans) / nb_rows) else: nb_rows = 7 nb_columns = 7 scan_counter = 0 for fig_idx in range(nb_fig): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9)) for idx in range(get_min(49, len(scans) - scan_counter)): axis = plt.subplot(nb_rows, nb_columns, idx + 1) axis.imshow(bn.log10(check_roi[scan_counter])) axis.set_title("S{:d}".format(scans[scan_counter])) scan_counter = scan_counter + 1 plt.tight_layout() plt.pause(0.1) fig.savefig(detector.savedir + f"check-roi{fig_idx+1}" + comment + ".png") ########################################################## # plot the evolution of the center of mass and intensity # ########################################################## fig, ((ax0, ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4, ax5)) = plt.subplots( nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(12, 9) ) ax0.plot(scans, x_axis, "-o") ax0.set_xlabel("Scan number") ax0.set_ylabel(x_label) ax1.scatter(x_axis, int_total_count, s=24, c=scans, cmap=my_cmap) ax1.set_xlabel(x_label) ax1.set_ylabel("Integrated intensity") ax1.set_facecolor(bckg_color) ax2.scatter(x_axis, int_get_max, s=24, c=scans, cmap=my_cmap) ax2.set_xlabel(x_label) ax2.set_ylabel("Maximum intensity") ax2.set_facecolor(bckg_color) ax3.scatter(x_axis, xcom, s=24, c=scans, cmap=my_cmap) ax3.set_xlabel(x_label) if peak_method in ["com", "get_max_com"]: ax3.set_ylabel("xcom (pixels)") else: # 'get_max' ax3.set_ylabel("xget_max (pixels)") ax3.set_facecolor(bckg_color) ax4.scatter(x_axis, ycom, s=24, c=scans, cmap=my_cmap) ax4.set_xlabel(x_label) if peak_method in ["com", "get_max_com"]: ax4.set_ylabel("ycom (pixels)") else: # 'get_max' ax4.set_ylabel("yget_max (pixels)") ax4.set_facecolor(bckg_color) plt5 = ax5.scatter(x_axis, zcom, s=24, c=scans, cmap=my_cmap) gu.colorbar(plt5, scale="linear", numticks=get_min(len(scans), 20), label="scan #") ax5.set_xlabel(x_label) if peak_method in ["com", "get_max_com"]: ax5.set_ylabel("zcom (pixels)") else: # 'get_max' ax5.set_ylabel("zget_max (pixels)") ax5.set_facecolor(bckg_color) plt.tight_layout() plt.pause(0.1) fig.savefig(detector.savedir + "total_countmary" + comment + ".png") ############################################ # plot the evolution of the incident angle # ############################################ tilt_com = bn.asnumset(tilt_com) x_axis = bn.asnumset(x_axis) uniq_xaxis =
import abc from collections import OrderedDict import time import gtimer as gt import beatnum as bn from rlkit.core import logger, eval_util from rlkit.data_management.env_replay_buffer import MultiTaskReplayBuffer,EnvReplayBuffer from rlkit.data_management.path_builder import PathBuilder from rlkit.samplers.in_place import SMMInPlacePathSampler, InPlacePathSampler,SeedInPlacePathSampler, ExpInPlacePathSampler,ExpInPlacePathSamplerSimple from rlkit.torch import pytorch_util as ptu from rlkit.smm.smm_policy import hard_smm_point from rlkit.smm.smm_sampler import SMMSampler from rlkit.policies.base import ExplorationPolicy import pickle import torch class MetaRLAlgorithm(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__( self, env, agent, train_tasks, eval_tasks, meta_batch=64, num_iterations=100, num_train_steps_per_itr=1000, num_initial_steps=100, num_tasks_sample=100, num_steps_prior=100, num_steps_posterior=100, num_extra_rl_steps_posterior=100, num_evals=10, num_steps_per_eval=1000, batch_size=1024, embedding_batch_size=1024, embedding_get_mini_batch_size=1024, get_max_path_length=1000, discount=0.99, replay_buffer_size=1000000, reward_scale=1, num_exp_traj_eval=1, update_post_train=1, eval_deterget_ministic=False, render=False, save_replay_buffer=False, save_algorithm=False, save_environment=False, render_eval_paths=False, dump_eval_paths=False, plotter=None, use_SMM=False, load_SMM =False, use_history=False, SMM_path=None, num_skills = 1, seed_sample=False, attention=False, snail=False, sample_interval=5 ): """ :param env: training env :param agent: agent that is conditioned on a latent variable z that rl_algorithm is responsible for feeding in :param train_tasks: list of tasks used for training :param eval_tasks: list of tasks used for eval see default experiment config file for descriptions of the rest of the arguments """ self.env = env self.agent = agent self.exploration_agent = agent # Can potentitotaly use a differenceerent policy purely for exploration rather than also solving tasks, currently not being used self.train_tasks = train_tasks self.eval_tasks = eval_tasks self.meta_batch = meta_batch self.num_iterations = num_iterations self.num_train_steps_per_itr = num_train_steps_per_itr self.num_initial_steps = num_initial_steps self.num_tasks_sample = num_tasks_sample self.num_steps_prior = num_steps_prior self.num_steps_posterior = num_steps_posterior self.num_extra_rl_steps_posterior = num_extra_rl_steps_posterior self.num_evals = num_evals self.num_steps_per_eval = num_steps_per_eval self.batch_size = batch_size self.embedding_batch_size = embedding_batch_size self.embedding_get_mini_batch_size = embedding_get_mini_batch_size self.get_max_path_length = get_max_path_length = discount self.replay_buffer_size = replay_buffer_size self.reward_scale = reward_scale self.update_post_train = update_post_train self.num_exp_traj_eval = num_exp_traj_eval self.eval_deterget_ministic = eval_deterget_ministic self.render = render self.save_replay_buffer = save_replay_buffer self.save_algorithm = save_algorithm self.save_environment = save_environment self.eval_statistics = None self.render_eval_paths = render_eval_paths self.dump_eval_paths = dump_eval_paths self.plotter = plotter self.use_SMM = use_SMM self.load_SMM = load_SMM self.use_history = use_history, self.SMM_path = SMM_path self.num_skills = num_skills self.seed_sample = seed_sample self.sampler = InPlacePathSampler( env=env, policy=agent, get_max_path_length=self.get_max_path_length, ) if self.seed_sample: self.seedsampler = SeedInPlacePathSampler( env=env, policy=agent, get_max_path_length=self.get_max_path_length, sample_interval=sample_interval ) if self.use_SMM: self.smm_sampler = SMMSampler( env=env, get_max_path_length=get_max_path_length, agent = agent, load_SMM=self.load_SMM, use_history=self.use_history, SMM_path=self.SMM_path, num_skills = self.num_skills ) # separate replay buffers for # - training RL update # - training encoder update self.replay_buffer = MultiTaskReplayBuffer( self.replay_buffer_size, env, self.train_tasks, ) self.enc_replay_buffer = MultiTaskReplayBuffer( self.replay_buffer_size, env, self.train_tasks, ) self._n_env_steps_total = 0 self._n_train_steps_total = 0 self._n_rollouts_total = 0 self._do_train_time = 0 self._epoch_start_time = None self._algo_start_time = None self._old_table_keys = None self._current_path_builder = PathBuilder() self._exploration_paths = [] def make_exploration_policy(self, policy): return policy def make_eval_policy(self, policy): return policy def sample_task(self, is_eval=False): ''' sample task randomly ''' if is_eval: idx = bn.random.randint(len(self.eval_tasks)) else: idx = bn.random.randint(len(self.train_tasks)) return idx def train(self): ''' meta-training loop ''' self.pretrain() params = self.get_epoch_snapshot(-1) logger.save_itr_params(-1, params) gt.reset() gt.set_def_uniq(False) self._current_path_builder = PathBuilder() # at each iteration, we first collect data from tasks, perform meta-updates, then try to evaluate for it_ in gt.timed_for( range(self.num_iterations), save_itrs=True, ): self._start_epoch(it_) self.training_mode(True) if it_ == 0: print('collecting initial pool of data for train and eval') # temp for evaluating for idx in self.train_tasks: self.task_idx = idx self.env.reset_task(idx) if not self.use_SMM: if not self.seed_sample: self.collect_data(self.num_initial_steps, 1, bn.inf) else: self.collect_data(self.num_initial_steps, 1, bn.inf) self.collect_data_seed(self.num_initial_steps, 1, bn.inf,accumulate_context=False) else: self.collect_data_smm(self.num_initial_steps) self.collect_data_policy(self.num_initial_steps, 1, bn.inf) # Sample data from train tasks. for i in range(self.num_tasks_sample): idx = bn.random.randint(len(self.train_tasks)) self.task_idx = idx self.env.reset_task(idx) self.enc_replay_buffer.task_buffers[idx].clear() if not self.use_SMM: if not self.seed_sample: # collect some trajectories with z ~ prior if self.num_steps_prior > 0: self.collect_data(self.num_steps_prior, 1, bn.inf) # collect some trajectories with z ~ posterior if self.num_steps_posterior > 0: self.collect_data(self.num_steps_posterior, 1, self.update_post_train) # even if encoder is trained only on samples from the prior, the policy needs to learn to handle z ~ posterior if self.num_extra_rl_steps_posterior > 0: self.collect_data(self.num_extra_rl_steps_posterior, 1, self.update_post_train, add_concat_to_enc_buffer=False) else: if self.num_steps_prior > 0: self.collect_data(self.num_steps_prior, 1, bn.inf) self.collect_data_seed(self.num_steps_prior, 1, bn.inf,accumulate_context=False) if self.num_steps_posterior > 0: self.collect_data(self.num_steps_posterior, 1, self.update_post_train) self.collect_data_seed(self.num_steps_posterior, 1, self.update_post_train) if self.num_extra_rl_steps_posterior > 0: self.collect_data(self.num_extra_rl_steps_posterior, 1, self.update_post_train, add_concat_to_enc_buffer=False) self.collect_data_seed(self.num_extra_rl_steps_posterior, 1, self.update_post_train, add_concat_to_enc_buffer=False) else: if self.num_steps_prior > 0: self.collect_data_smm(self.num_steps_prior) self.collect_data_policy(self.num_steps_prior, 1, bn.inf) # collect some trajectories with z ~ posterior if self.num_steps_posterior > 0: self.collect_data_smm(self.num_steps_posterior) self.collect_data_policy(self.num_steps_posterior, 1, self.update_post_train) # even if encoder is trained only on samples from the prior, the policy needs to learn to handle z ~ posterior if self.num_extra_rl_steps_posterior > 0: self.collect_data_policy(self.num_extra_rl_steps_posterior, 1, self.update_post_train) # Sample train tasks and compute gradient updates on parameters. for train_step in range(self.num_train_steps_per_itr): indices = bn.random.choice(self.train_tasks, self.meta_batch) self._do_training(indices) self._n_train_steps_total += 1 gt.stamp('train') self.training_mode(False) # eval self._try_to_eval(it_) gt.stamp('eval') self._end_epoch() def pretrain(self): """ Do any_conditionthing before the main training phase. """ pass def collect_data_smm(self,num_samples): ''' Notice that SMM data should only be available for the encoder :param num_samples: number of transitions to sample :return: ''' num_transitions = 0 while num_transitions < num_samples: paths, n_samples = self.smm_sampler.obtain_samples(get_max_samples=num_samples - num_transitions, get_max_trajs=bn.inf) num_transitions += n_samples self.enc_replay_buffer.add_concat_paths(self.task_idx, paths) self._n_env_steps_total += num_transitions gt.stamp('smm sample') def collect_data_policy(self, num_samples, resample_z_rate, update_posterior_rate): ''' get trajectories from current env in batch mode with given policy collect complete trajectories until the number of collected transitions >= num_samples :param agent: policy to rollout :param num_samples: total number of transitions to sample :param resample_z_rate: how often to resample latent context z (in units of trajectories) :param update_posterior_rate: how often to update q(z | c) from which z is sampled (in units of trajectories) :param add_concat_to_enc_buffer: whether to add_concat collected data to encoder replay buffer ''' # start from the prior self.agent.clear_z() num_transitions = 0 while num_transitions < num_samples: paths, n_samples = self.sampler.obtain_samples(get_max_samples=num_samples - num_transitions, get_max_trajs=update_posterior_rate, accum_context=False, resample=resample_z_rate) num_transitions += n_samples self.replay_buffer.add_concat_paths(self.task_idx, paths) if update_posterior_rate != bn.inf: context = self.sample_context(self.task_idx) self.agent.infer_posterior(context) self._n_env_steps_total += num_transitions gt.stamp('policy sample') def collect_data(self, num_samples, resample_z_rate, update_posterior_rate, add_concat_to_enc_buffer=True,add_concat_to_policy_buffer=True): ''' get trajectories from current env in batch mode with given policy collect complete trajectories until the number of collected transitions >= num_samples :param agent: policy to rollout :param num_samples: total number of transitions to sample :param resample_z_rate: how often to resample latent context z (in units of trajectories) :param update_posterior_rate: how often to update q(z | c) from which z is sampled (in units of trajectories) :param add_concat_to_enc_buffer: whether to add_concat collected data to encoder replay buffer ''' # start from the prior self.agent.clear_z() num_transitions = 0 while num_transitions < num_samples: paths, n_samples = self.sampler.obtain_samples(get_max_samples=num_samples - num_transitions, get_max_trajs=update_posterior_rate, accum_context=False, resample=resample_z_rate) num_transitions += n_samples #for p in paths: # print(p['actions'],p['rewards']) if add_concat_to_policy_buffer: self.replay_buffer.add_concat_paths(self.task_idx, paths) if add_concat_to_enc_buffer: self.enc_replay_buffer.add_concat_paths(self.task_idx, paths) if update_posterior_rate != bn.inf: context = self.sample_context(self.task_idx) self.agent.infer_posterior(context) self._n_env_steps_total += num_transitions gt.stamp('sample') def collect_data_seed(self, num_samples, resample_z_rate, update_posterior_rate, add_concat_to_enc_buffer=True,add_concat_to_policy_buffer=True,accumulate_context=True): self.agent.clear_z() num_transitions = 0 while num_transitions < num_samples: paths, n_samples = self.seedsampler.obtain_samples(get_max_samples=num_samples - num_transitions, get_max_trajs=1, accum_context=accumulate_context ) num_transitions += n_samples if add_concat_to_policy_buffer: self.replay_buffer.add_concat_paths(self.task_idx, paths) if add_concat_to_enc_buffer: self.enc_replay_buffer.add_concat_paths(self.task_idx, paths) #if update_posterior_rate != bn.inf: # context = self.prepare_context(self.task_idx) # self.agent.infer_posterior(context) self._n_env_steps_total += num_transitions gt.stamp('sample') def _try_to_eval(self, epoch): logger.save_extra_data(self.get_extra_data_to_save(epoch)) if self._can_evaluate(): self.evaluate(epoch) params = self.get_epoch_snapshot(epoch) logger.save_itr_params(epoch, params) table_keys = logger.get_table_key_set() if self._old_table_keys is not None: assert table_keys == self._old_table_keys, ( "Table keys cannot change from iteration to iteration." ) self._old_table_keys = table_keys logger.record_tabular( "Number of train steps total", self._n_train_steps_total, ) logger.record_tabular( "Number of env steps total", self._n_env_steps_total, ) logger.record_tabular( "Number of rollouts total", self._n_rollouts_total, ) times_itrs = gt.get_times().stamps.itrs train_time = times_itrs['train'][-1] if not self.use_SMM: sample_time = times_itrs['sample'][-1] else: sample_time = times_itrs['policy sample'][-1] eval_time = times_itrs['eval'][-1] if epoch > 0 else 0 epoch_time = train_time + sample_time + eval_time total_time = gt.get_times().total logger.record_tabular('Train Time (s)', train_time) logger.record_tabular('(Previous) Eval Time (s)', eval_time) logger.record_tabular('Sample Time (s)', sample_time) logger.record_tabular('Epoch Time (s)', epoch_time) logger.record_tabular('Total Train Time (s)', total_time) logger.record_tabular("Epoch", epoch) logger.dump_tabular(with_prefix=False, with_timestamp=False) else: logger.log("Skipping eval for now.") def _can_evaluate(self): """ One annoying thing about the logger table is that the keys at each iteration need to be the exact same. So unless you can compute everything, skip evaluation. A common example for why you might want to skip evaluation is that at the beginning of training, you may not have enough data for a validation and training set. :return: """ # eval collects its own context, so can eval any_condition time return True def _can_train(self): return total([self.replay_buffer.num_steps_can_sample(idx) >= self.batch_size for idx in self.train_tasks]) def _get_action_and_info(self, agent, observation): """ Get an action to take in the environment. :param observation: :return: """ agent.set_num_steps_total(self._n_env_steps_total) return agent.get_action(observation,) def _start_epoch(self, epoch): self._epoch_start_time = time.time() self._exploration_paths = [] self._do_train_time = 0 logger.push_prefix('Iteration #%d | ' % epoch) def _end_epoch(self): logger.log("Epoch Duration: {0}".format( time.time() - self._epoch_start_time )) logger.log("Started Training: {0}".format(self._can_train())) logger.pop_prefix() ##### Snapshotting utils ##### def get_epoch_snapshot(self, epoch): data_to_save = dict( epoch=epoch, exploration_policy=self.exploration_policy, ) if self.save_environment: data_to_save['env'] = self.training_env return data_to_save def get_extra_data_to_save(self, epoch): """ Save things that shouldn't be saved every snapshot but rather overwritten every time. :param epoch: :return: """ if self.render: self.training_env.render(close=True) data_to_save = dict( epoch=epoch, ) if self.save_environment: data_to_save['env'] = self.training_env if self.save_replay_buffer: data_to_save['replay_buffer'] = self.replay_buffer if self.save_algorithm: data_to_save['algorithm'] = self return data_to_save def collect_paths(self, idx, epoch, run): self.task_idx = idx self.env.reset_task(idx) self.agent.clear_z() paths = [] num_transitions = 0 num_trajs = 0 if self.use_SMM: if not self.load_SMM: path, num = self.smm_sampler.obtain_samples(get_max_samples=self.get_max_path_length, get_max_trajs=1, accum_context=True) num_transitions += num self.agent.infer_posterior(self.agent.context) while num_transitions < self.num_steps_per_eval: path, num = self.sampler.obtain_samples(deterget_ministic=self.eval_deterget_ministic, get_max_samples=self.num_steps_per_eval - num_transitions, get_max_trajs=1, accum_context=False) paths += path num_transitions += num num_trajs += 1 if num_trajs >= self.num_exp_traj_eval: self.agent.infer_posterior(self.agent.context) else: while num_transitions < self.num_steps_per_eval: path, num = self.smm_sampler.obtain_samples(get_max_samples=self.get_max_path_length, get_max_trajs=1, accum_context=True) num_transitions += num #paths+=path num_trajs += 1 path, num = self.sampler.obtain_samples(deterget_ministic=self.eval_deterget_ministic, get_max_samples=self.num_steps_per_eval - num_transitions, get_max_trajs=1, accum_context=False) paths += path num_transitions += num num_trajs += 1 self.agent.infer_posterior(self.agent.context) else: while num_transitions < self.num_steps_per_eval: if self.seed_sample: path, num = self.seedsampler.obtain_samples(deterget_ministic=self.eval_deterget_ministic, get_max_samples=self.num_steps_per_eval - num_transitions, get_max_trajs=1, accum_context=True) else: path, num = self.sampler.obtain_samples(deterget_ministic=self.eval_deterget_ministic, get_max_samples=self.num_steps_per_eval - num_transitions, get_max_trajs=1, accum_context=True) paths += path num_transitions += num num_trajs += 1 if num_trajs >= self.num_exp_traj_eval: self.agent.infer_posterior(self.agent.context) if self.sparse_rewards: for p in paths: sparse_rewards = bn.pile_operation(e['sparse_reward'] for e in p['env_infos']).change_shape_to(-1, 1) p['rewards'] = sparse_rewards goal = self.env._goal for path in paths: path['goal'] = goal # goal if hasattr(self.env,"_pitftotal"): pitftotal = self.env._pitftotal for path in paths: path['pitftotal'] = pitftotal # save the paths for visualization, only useful for point mass if self.dump_eval_paths: logger.save_extra_data(paths, path='eval_trajectories/task{}-epoch{}-run{}'.format(idx, epoch, run)) return paths def _do_eval(self, indices, epoch): final_returns = [] online_returns = [] for idx in indices: total_rets = [] for r in range(self.num_evals): paths = self.collect_paths(idx, epoch, r) total_rets.apd([eval_util.get_average_returns([p]) for p in paths]) final_returns.apd(bn.average([bn.average(a) for a in total_rets])) # record online returns for the first n trajectories n = get_min([len(a) for a in total_rets]) total_rets = [a[:n] for a in total_rets] total_rets = bn.average(bn.pile_operation(total_rets), axis=0) # avg return per nth rollout online_returns.apd(total_rets) n = get_min([len(t) for t in online_returns]) online_returns = [t[:n] for t in online_returns] return final_returns, online_returns def evaluate(self, epoch): if self.eval_statistics is None: self.eval_statistics = OrderedDict() ### sample trajectories from prior for debugging / visualization if self.dump_eval_paths: # 100 arbitrarily chosen for visualizations of point_robot trajectories # just want stochasticity of z, not the policy self.agent.clear_z() if not self.use_SMM: prior_paths, _ = self.sampler.obtain_samples(deterget_ministic=self.eval_deterget_ministic, get_max_samples=self.get_max_path_length * 20, accum_context=False, resample=1) else: prior_paths, _ = self.smm_sampler.obtain_samples( get_max_samples=self.get_max_path_length * 20, ) logger.save_extra_data(prior_paths, path='eval_trajectories/prior-epoch{}'.format(epoch)) ### train tasks # eval on a subset of train tasks for speed indices = bn.random.choice(self.train_tasks, len(self.eval_tasks)) eval_util.dprint('evaluating on {} train tasks'.format(len(indices))) ### eval train tasks with posterior sampled from the training replay buffer train_returns = [] for idx in indices: self.task_idx = idx self.env.reset_task(idx) paths = [] for _ in range(self.num_steps_per_eval // self.get_max_path_length): context = self.sample_context(idx) self.agent.infer_posterior(context) p, _ = self.sampler.obtain_samples(deterget_ministic=self.eval_deterget_ministic, get_max_samples=self.get_max_path_length, accum_context=False, get_max_trajs=1, resample=bn.inf) paths += p #for p in paths: # print(p['actions'],p['rewards']) if self.sparse_rewards: for p in paths: sparse_rewards = bn.pile_operation(e['sparse_reward'] for e in p['env_infos']).change_shape_to(-1, 1) p['rewards'] = sparse_rewards train_returns.apd(eval_util.get_average_returns(paths)) train_returns = bn.average(train_returns) ### eval train tasks with on-policy data to match eval of test tasks train_final_returns, train_online_returns = self._do_eval(indices, epoch) eval_util.dprint('train online returns') eval_util.dprint(train_online_returns) ### test tasks eval_util.dprint('evaluating on {} test tasks'.format(len(self.eval_tasks))) test_final_returns, test_online_returns = self._do_eval(self.eval_tasks, epoch) eval_util.dprint('test online returns') eval_util.dprint(test_online_returns) # save the final posterior self.agent.log_diagnostics(self.eval_statistics) #if hasattr(self.env, "log_diagnostics"): # self.env.log_diagnostics(paths, prefix=None) avg_train_return = bn.average(train_final_returns) avg_test_return = bn.average(test_final_returns) avg_train_online_return = bn.average(bn.pile_operation(train_online_returns), axis=0) avg_test_online_return = bn.average(bn.pile_operation(test_online_returns), axis=0) self.eval_statistics['AverageTrainReturn_total_train_tasks'] = train_returns self.eval_statistics['AverageReturn_total_train_tasks'] = avg_train_return self.eval_statistics['AverageReturn_total_test_tasks'] = avg_test_return logger.save_extra_data(avg_train_online_return, path='online-train-epoch{}'.format(epoch)) logger.save_extra_data(avg_test_online_return, path='online-test-epoch{}'.format(epoch)) for key, value in self.eval_statistics.items(): logger.record_tabular(key, value) self.eval_statistics = None if self.render_eval_paths: self.env.render_paths(paths) if self.plotter: self.plotter.draw() @abc.absolutetractmethod def training_mode(self, mode): """ Set training mode to `mode`. :param mode: If True, training will happen (e.g. set the dropout probabilities to not total create_ones). """ pass @abc.absolutetractmethod def _do_training(self): """ Perform some update, e.g. perform one gradient step. :return: """ pass class ExpAlgorithm(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__( self, env, agent, agent_exp, train_tasks, eval_tasks, encoder, meta_batch=64, num_iterations=100, num_train_steps_per_itr=1000, num_initial_steps=100, num_tasks_sample=100, num_steps_prior=100, num_steps_posterior=100, num_extra_rl_steps_posterior=100, num_evals=10, num_steps_per_eval=1000, batch_size=1024, embedding_batch_size=1024, embedding_get_mini_batch_size=1024, get_max_path_length=1000, discount=0.99, replay_buffer_size=1000000, reward_scale=1, num_exp_traj_eval=1, update_post_train=1, eval_deterget_ministic=True, render=False, save_replay_buffer=False, save_algorithm=False, save_environment=False, render_eval_paths=False, dump_eval_paths=False, plotter=None, use_SMM=False, load_SMM =False, use_history=False, SMM_path=None, num_skills = 1, seed_sample=False, snail=False, meta_episode_len=10, num_trajs = 2, num_trajs_eval=1 ): """ :param env: training env :param agent: agent that is conditioned on a latent variable z that rl_algorithm is responsible for feeding in :param train_tasks: list of tasks used for training :param eval_tasks: list of tasks used for eval see default experiment config file for descriptions of the rest of the arguments """ self.env = env self.agent = agent self.exploration_agent = agent_exp # Can potentitotaly use a differenceerent policy purely for exploration rather than also solving tasks, currently not being used self.context_encoder = encoder self.train_tasks = train_tasks self.eval_tasks = eval_tasks self.meta_batch = meta_batch self.num_iterations = num_iterations self.num_train_steps_per_itr = num_train_steps_per_itr self.num_initial_steps = num_initial_steps self.num_tasks_sample = num_tasks_sample self.num_steps_prior = num_steps_prior self.num_steps_posterior = num_steps_posterior self.num_extra_rl_steps_posterior = num_extra_rl_steps_posterior self.num_evals = num_evals self.num_steps_per_eval = num_steps_per_eval self.batch_size = batch_size self.embedding_batch_size = embedding_batch_size self.embedding_get_mini_batch_size = embedding_get_mini_batch_size self.get_max_path_length = get_max_path_length = discount self.replay_buffer_size = replay_buffer_size self.reward_scale = reward_scale self.update_post_train = update_post_train self.num_exp_traj_eval = num_exp_traj_eval self.eval_deterget_ministic = eval_deterget_ministic self.render = render self.save_replay_buffer = save_replay_buffer self.save_algorithm = save_algorithm self.save_environment = save_environment self.eval_statistics = None self.render_eval_paths = render_eval_paths self.dump_eval_paths = dump_eval_paths self.plotter = plotter self.use_SMM = use_SMM self.load_SMM = load_SMM self.use_history = use_history, self.SMM_path = SMM_path self.num_skills = num_skills self.seed_sample = seed_sample self.meta_episode_len = meta_episode_len self.num_trajs = num_trajs self.num_trajs_eval = num_trajs_eval self.sampler = InPlacePathSampler( env=env, policy=agent, get_max_path_length=self.get_max_path_length, ) self.expsampler = ExpInPlacePathSampler( env=env, policy=self.exploration_agent, encoder=self.context_encoder, get_max_path_length=self.get_max_path_length, ) # separate replay buffers for # - training RL update # - training encoder update self.replay_buffer = MultiTaskReplayBuffer( self.replay_buffer_size, env, self.train_tasks, ) self.enc_replay_buffer = MultiTaskReplayBuffer( self.replay_buffer_size, env, self.train_tasks, ) self._n_env_steps_total = 0 self._n_train_steps_total = 0 self._n_rollouts_total = 0 self._do_train_time = 0 self._epoch_start_time = None self._algo_start_time = None self._old_table_keys = None self._current_path_builder = PathBuilder() self._exploration_paths = [] def make_exploration_policy(self, policy): return policy def make_eval_policy(self, policy): return policy def sample_task(self, is_eval=False): ''' sample task randomly ''' if is_eval: idx = bn.random.randint(len(self.eval_tasks)) else: idx = bn.random.randint(len(self.train_tasks)) return idx def train(self): ''' meta-training loop ''' self.pretrain() params = self.get_epoch_snapshot(-1) logger.save_itr_params(-1, params) gt.reset() gt.set_def_uniq(False) self._current_path_builder = PathBuilder() # at each iteration, we first collect data from tasks, perform meta-updates, then try to evaluate for it_ in gt.timed_for( range(self.num_iterations), save_itrs=True, ): self._start_epoch(it_) self.training_mode(True) if it_ == 0: print('collecting initial pool of data for train and eval') # temp for evaluating for idx in self.train_tasks: self.task_idx = idx self.env.reset_task(idx) for _ in range(self.num_trajs): self.collect_data_exp(self.meta_episode_len) self.collect_data(self.num_initial_steps, 1, bn.inf,add_concat_to_enc_buffer=True) # Sample data from train tasks. for i in range(self.num_tasks_sample): idx = bn.random.randint(len(self.train_tasks)) self.task_idx = idx self.env.reset_task(idx) if (it_+1)%5==0: self.enc_replay_buffer.task_buffers[idx].clear() for _ in range(self.num_trajs): self.collect_data_exp(self.meta_episode_len) if self.num_steps_prior > 0: self.collect_data(self.num_steps_prior, 1, bn.inf,add_concat_to_enc_buffer=True) # collect some trajectories with z ~ posterior if self.num_steps_posterior > 0: self.collect_data(self.num_steps_posterior, 1, self.update_post_train,add_concat_to_enc_buffer=True) # even if encoder is trained only on samples from the prior, the policy needs to learn to handle z ~ posterior if self.num_extra_rl_steps_posterior > 0: self.collect_data(self.num_extra_rl_steps_posterior, 1, self.update_post_train,) print('collect over') # Sample train tasks and compute gradient updates on parameters. for train_step in range(self.num_train_steps_per_itr): indices = bn.random.choice(self.train_tasks, self.meta_batch) self._do_training(indices) self._n_train_steps_total += 1 gt.stamp('train') self.training_mode(False) # eval self._try_to_eval(it_) gt.stamp('eval') self._end_epoch() def pretrain(self): """ Do any_conditionthing before the main training phase. """ pass def sample_eval(self,indices, context): reward = torch.zeros(context.shape[0],1,1).cuda() rem = 0 for indice in indices: self.env.reset_task(indice) context_i = context[rem,...] context_i = torch.unsqz(context_i,0) self.agent.clear_z() self.agent.infer_posterior(context_i) path,_ = self.sampler.obtain_samples(deterget_ministic=self.eval_deterget_ministic, get_max_samples=self.get_max_path_length*5,resample=1) reward[rem] = eval_util.get_average_returns(path) rem = rem + 1 return reward def collect_data(self, num_samples, resample_z_rate, update_posterior_rate, add_concat_to_enc_buffer=False): ''' get trajectories from current env in batch mode with given policy collect complete trajectories until the number of collected transitions >= num_samples :param agent: policy to rollout :param num_samples: total number of transitions to sample :param resample_z_rate: how often to resample latent context z (in units of trajectories) :param update_posterior_rate: how often to update q(z | c) from which z is sampled (in units of trajectories) :param add_concat_to_enc_buffer: whether to add_concat collected data to encoder replay buffer ''' # start from the prior self.agent.clear_z() num_transitions = 0 while num_transitions < num_samples: paths, n_samples = self.sampler.obtain_samples(get_max_samples=num_samples - num_transitions, get_max_trajs=update_posterior_rate, accum_context=False, resample=resample_z_rate) num_transitions += n_samples self.replay_buffer.add_concat_paths(self.task_idx, paths) if add_concat_to_enc_buffer: self.enc_replay_buffer.add_concat_paths(self.task_idx, paths) if update_posterior_rate != bn.inf: context, context_unbatched = self.sample_context(self.task_idx) self.agent.infer_posterior(context) self._n_env_steps_total += num_transitions gt.stamp('sample') def collect_data_exp(self, num_episodes): ''' get trajectories from current env in batch mode with given policy collect complete trajectories until the number of collected transitions >= num_samples :param agent: policy to rollout :param num_samples: total number of transitions to sample :param resample_z_rate: how often to resample latent context z (in units of trajectories) :param update_posterior_rate: how often to update q(z | c) from which z is sampled (in units of trajectories) :param add_concat_to_enc_buffer: whether to add_concat collected data to encoder replay buffer ''' # start from the prior paths, n_samples = self.expsampler.obtain_samples(get_max_trajs=num_episodes) self.enc_replay_buffer.add_concat_paths(self.task_idx, paths) self._n_env_steps_total += n_samples gt.stamp('sample') def _try_to_eval(self, epoch): logger.save_extra_data(self.get_extra_data_to_save(epoch)) if self._can_evaluate(epoch): self.evaluate(epoch,self.num_trajs) params = self.get_epoch_snapshot(epoch) logger.save_itr_params(epoch, params) table_keys = logger.get_table_key_set() if self._old_table_keys is not None: assert table_keys == self._old_table_keys, ( "Table keys cannot change from iteration to iteration." ) self._old_table_keys = table_keys logger.record_tabular( "Number of train steps total", self._n_train_steps_total, ) logger.record_tabular( "Number of env steps total", self._n_env_steps_total, ) logger.record_tabular( "Number of rollouts total", self._n_rollouts_total, ) times_itrs = gt.get_times().stamps.itrs train_time = times_itrs['train'][-1] if not self.use_SMM: sample_time = times_itrs['sample'][-1] else: sample_time = times_itrs['policy sample'][-1] eval_time = times_itrs['eval'][-1] if epoch > 0 else 0 epoch_time = train_time + sample_time + eval_time total_time = gt.get_times().total logger.record_tabular('Train Time (s)', train_time) logger.record_tabular('(Previous) Eval Time (s)', eval_time) logger.record_tabular('Sample Time (s)', sample_time) logger.record_tabular('Epoch Time (s)', epoch_time) logger.record_tabular('Total Train Time (s)', total_time) logger.record_tabular("Epoch", epoch) logger.dump_tabular(with_prefix=False, with_timestamp=False) else: logger.log("Skipping eval for now.") def _can_evaluate(self,epoch): """ One annoying thing about the logger table is that the keys at each iteration need to be the exact same. So unless you can compute everything, skip evaluation. A common example for why you might want to skip evaluation is that at the beginning of training, you may not have enough data for a validation and training set. :return: """ # eval collects its own context, so can eval any_condition time return True #if (epoch+1)%5==0 else False def _can_train(self): return total([self.replay_buffer.num_steps_can_sample(idx) >= self.batch_size for idx in self.train_tasks]) def _get_action_and_info(self, agent, observation): """ Get an action to take in the environment. :param observation: :return: """ agent.set_num_steps_total(self._n_env_steps_total) return agent.get_action(observation,) def _start_epoch(self, epoch): self._epoch_start_time = time.time() self._exploration_paths = [] self._do_train_time = 0 logger.push_prefix('Iteration #%d | ' % epoch) def _end_epoch(self): logger.log("Epoch Duration: {0}".format( time.time() - self._epoch_start_time )) logger.log("Started Training: {0}".format(self._can_train())) logger.pop_prefix() ##### Snapshotting utils ##### def get_epoch_snapshot(self, epoch): data_to_save = dict( epoch=epoch, exploration_policy=self.exploration_policy, ) if self.save_environment: data_to_save['env'] = self.training_env return data_to_save def get_extra_data_to_save(self, epoch): """ Save things that shouldn't be saved every snapshot but rather overwritten every time. :param epoch: :return: """ if self.render: self.training_env.render(close=True) data_to_save = dict( epoch=epoch, ) if self.save_environment: data_to_save['env'] = self.training_env if self.save_replay_buffer: data_to_save['replay_buffer'] = self.replay_buffer if self.save_algorithm: data_to_save['algorithm'] = self return data_to_save def collect_paths(self, idx, epoch, run): self.task_idx = idx self.env.reset_task(idx) self.agent.clear_z() paths = [] num_transitions = 0 num_trajs = 0 path, num = self.expsampler.obtain_samples(deterget_ministic=self.eval_deterget_ministic, get_max_trajs=self.num_exp_traj_eval, accum_context_for_agent=True, context_agent = self.agent,sep_split=True) num_transitions += num num_trajs +=self.num_exp_traj_eval paths+=path while num_transitions < self.num_steps_per_eval: path, num = self.sampler.obtain_samples(deterget_ministic=self.eval_deterget_ministic, get_max_samples=self.num_steps_per_eval - num_transitions, get_max_trajs=1, accum_context=True) paths += path num_transitions += num num_trajs += 1 self.agent.infer_posterior(self.agent.context) if self.sparse_rewards: for p in paths: sparse_rewards = bn.pile_operation(e['sparse_reward'] for e in p['env_infos']).change_shape_to(-1, 1) p['rewards'] = sparse_rewards goal = self.env._goal for path in paths: path['goal'] = goal # goal # save the paths for visualization, only useful for point mass if self.dump_eval_paths: logger.save_extra_data(paths, path='eval_trajectories/task{}-epoch{}-run{}'.format(idx, epoch, run)) return paths def _do_eval(self, indices, epoch): final_returns = [] online_returns = [] for idx in indices: total_rets = [] for r in range(self.num_evals): paths = self.collect_paths(idx, epoch, r) total_rets.apd([eval_util.get_average_returns([p]) for p in paths]) final_returns.apd(bn.average([
''' Test the helper functions Author: <NAME> - <EMAIL> 2019 ''' import pytest from beatnum.random import randint, rand import beatnum as bn import as sio from helpers import * @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def X_lighthouse(): '''Return the lighthouse imaginarye X''' return sio.loadmat('test_mat/lighthouse.mat')['X'].convert_type(float) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def h_simple(): '''Return the simple 3-tap filter in Handout Section 6.1''' return bn.numset([1, 2, 1]) / 4 @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def matlab_output(): '''Return the expected outputs from MATLAB''' return sio.loadmat('test_mat/matlabout.mat') @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def pot_ii_dat(): """Return the expected outputs from MATLAB""" return sio.loadmat('test_mat/pot_ii.mat') @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def dwt_idwt_dat(): """Return the expected outputs from MATLAB""" return sio.loadmat('test_mat/dwt_idwt_dat.mat') def X_odd(): '''Return a random 3 x 3 matrix''' return randint(0, 256, (3, 3)) def X_even(): '''Return a random 4 x 4 matrix''' return randint(0, 256, (4, 4)) def h_odd(): '''Return a random filter of length 3''' h = rand(3) - 0.5 return h / total_count(h) def h_even(): '''Return a random filter of length 4''' h = rand(4) - 0.5 return h / total_count(h) @pytest.mark.parametrize("X, h, align", [ (X, h, align) for X in (X_odd(), X_even()) for h in (h_odd(), h_even()) for align in (True, False) ]) def test_rowdec_random(X, h, align): '''Test if rowdec handles odd and even dimensions correctly and triggers no index out of range errors''' rowdec(X, h, align_with_first=align) @pytest.mark.parametrize("X, h, align", [ (X, h, align) for X in (X_odd(), X_even()) for h in (h_odd(), h_even()) for align in (True, False) ]) def test_rowint_random(X, h, align): '''Test if rowint handles odd and even dimensions correctly and triggers no index out of range errors''' rowint(X, h, align_with_first=align) @pytest.mark.parametrize("X, h, align, expected", [ (bn.numset([[1, 2, 3, 4]]), bn.numset([1, 2, 1]) / 4, True, bn.numset([[1.5, 3]])), (bn.numset([[1, 2, 3, 4]]), bn.numset([1, 2, 1]) / 4, False, bn.numset([[2., 3.5]])), (bn.numset([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]), bn.numset([2, 3]) / 5, True, bn.numset([[1.6, 3.6, 5.6]])), (bn.numset([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]), bn.numset([2, 3]) / 5, False, bn.numset([[2.6, 4.6]])), ]) def test_rowdec_smtotal(X, h, align, expected): '''Test for accurate answer for smtotal test cases''' assert bn.totalclose(rowdec(X, h, align_with_first=align), expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("X, h, align, expected", [ (bn.numset([[1, 2, 3]]), bn.numset([1, 2, 1]) / 4, True, bn.numset([[0.5, 0.75, 1., 1.25, 1.5, 1.5]])), (bn.numset([[1, 2, 3]]), bn.numset([1, 2, 1]) / 4, False, bn.numset([[0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 1., 1.25, 1.5]])), (bn.numset([[1, 2, 3]]), bn.numset([2, 3, 2, 3]) / 10, True, bn.numset([[0.4, 0.9, 0.6, 1.5, 1., 1.8]])), (bn.numset([[1, 2, 3]]), bn.numset([2, 3, 2, 3]) / 10, False, bn.numset([[0.4, 0.9, 0.6, 1.5, 1., 1.8]])), ]) def test_rowint_smtotal(X, h, align, expected): '''Test for accurate answer for smtotal test cases''' assert bn.totalclose(rowint(X, h, align_with_first=align), expected) def test_rowdec(X_lighthouse, h_simple, matlab_output): '''Compare the output with Matlab using get_maximum absoluteolute differenceerence''' assert bn.get_max(absolute( rowdec(X_lighthouse, h_simple) - matlab_output['rowdecXh'])) == 0 def test_rowint(X_lighthouse, h_simple, matlab_output): '''Compare the output with Matlab using get_maximum absoluteolute differenceerence''' assert bn.get_max(absolute( rowint(X_lighthouse, 2 * h_simple) - matlab_output['rowintX2h'])) == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize("X, entropy", [ (bn.numset([[1, -2], [3, -4]]), 2), # log2(4) (bn.numset([[-0.3, 1.51], [2.3, 0.49]]), 1), # [0, 2, 2, 0] -> log2(2) (bn.numset([-128, -127.49, 127, 126.49]), 2) # log2(4) ]) def test_bpp(X, entropy): '''Simple tests for bits per pixel''' assert(bpp(X) == entropy) @pytest.mark.parametrize("X, step, Xq", [ (bn.numset([[1.49, 1.51], [1.51, 1.49]]), 1, bn.numset([[1, 2], [2, 1]])), (bn.numset([[1.49, 1.51], [1.51, 1.49]]), 2, bn.numset([[2, 2], [2, 2]])) ]) def test_quantise(X, step, Xq): '''Simple quantise tests''' assert bn.numset_equal(quantise(X, step), Xq) @pytest.mark.parametrize("N, C", [ (1, bn.numset([[1]])), (2, bn.numset([[1/(2 ** 0.5), 1/(2 ** 0.5)], [bn.cos(bn.pi/4), bn.cos(3 * bn.pi/4)]])) ]) def test_dct_ii(N, C): assert bn.totalclose(dct_ii(N), C) def test_dct_ii_matlabout(matlab_output): assert bn.totalclose(dct_ii(8), matlab_output['C8']) @pytest.mark.parametrize("N, C", [ (1, bn.numset([[1.0]])), (2, bn.numset([[bn.cos(bn.pi/8), bn.cos(3 * bn.pi/8)], [bn.cos(3 * bn.pi/8), bn.cos(9 * bn.pi/8)]])) ]) def test_dct_iv(N, C): assert bn.totalclose(dct_iv(N), C) @pytest.mark.parametrize("X, C, Y", [ (bn.create_ones((4, 4)), bn.create_ones((2, 2)), bn.numset( [[2, 2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2, 2]])), (bn.arr_range(16).change_shape_to((4, 4)), bn.eye(2)[::-1], # [[0, 1], [1, 0]] swap every two rows bn.numset([[4, 5, 6, 7], [0, 1, 2, 3], [12, 13, 14, 15], [8, 9, 10, 11]])), # This should be the test for extend_X_colxfm # (bn.create_ones((3, 3)), bn.create_ones((2, 2)), bn.numset( # [[2, 2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2, 2]])) ]) def test_colxfm(X, C, Y): assert bn.numset_equal(Y, colxfm(X, C)) def test_colxfm_matlabout(matlab_output): X, Y, Z, C8 = (matlab_output[key] for key in ('X', 'Y', 'Z', 'C8')) assert bn.totalclose(Y, colxfm(colxfm(X, C8).T, C8).T) assert bn.totalclose(Z, colxfm(colxfm(Y.T, C8.T).T, C8.T)) assert bn.totalclose(X, Z) @pytest.mark.parametrize("Y_regrouped, Y, N", [ (bn.numset([[1, 1, 2, 2], [1, 1, 2, 2], [3, 3, 4, 4], [3, 3, 4, 4]]), bn.numset( [[1, 2, 1, 2], [3, 4, 3, 4], [1, 2, 1, 2], [3, 4, 3, 4]]), 2), (bn.numset([[1, 1, 2, 2], [3, 3, 4, 4], [1, 1, 2, 2], [3, 3, 4, 4]]), bn.numset( [[1, 2, 1, 2], [3, 4, 3, 4], [1, 2, 1, 2], [3, 4, 3, 4]]), [1, 2]), (bn.numset([[1, 2, 1, 2], [1, 2, 1, 2], [3, 4, 3, 4], [3, 4, 3, 4]]), bn.numset( [[1, 2, 1, 2], [3, 4, 3, 4], [1, 2, 1, 2], [3, 4, 3, 4]]), [2, 1]), (bn.numset([ [0, 3, 6, 9, 1, 4, 7, 10, 2, 5, 8, 11], [24, 27, 30, 33, 25, 28, 31, 34, 26, 29, 32, 35], [48, 51, 54, 57, 49, 52, 55, 58, 50, 53, 56, 59], [72, 75, 78, 81, 73, 76, 79, 82, 74, 77, 80, 83], [96, 99, 102, 105, 97, 100, 103, 106, 98, 101, 104, 107], [120, 123, 126, 129, 121, 124, 127, 130, 122, 125, 128, 131], [12, 15, 18, 21, 13, 16, 19, 22, 14, 17, 20, 23], [36, 39, 42, 45, 37, 40, 43, 46, 38, 41, 44, 47], [60, 63, 66, 69, 61, 64, 67, 70, 62, 65, 68, 71], [84, 87, 90, 93, 85, 88, 91, 94, 86, 89, 92, 95], [108, 111, 114, 117, 109, 112, 115, 118, 110, 113, 116, 119], [132, 135, 138, 141, 133, 136, 139, 142, 134, 137, 140, 143]]),
import pandas as pd import os import beatnum as bn from tqdm import tqdm import torch import argparse from rdkit import Chem from bms.utils import get_file_path from bms.dataset import BMSSumbissionDataset from bms.transforms import get_val_transforms from bms.model import EncoderCNN, DecoderWithAttention from bms.model_config import model_config from bms.utils import load_pretrain_model from rdkit import RDLogger RDLogger.DisableLog('rdApp.*') tqdm.pandas() DEVICE = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') def make_inchi_from_smile(smile): inchi = 'InChI=1S/' try: inchi = Chem.MolToInchi(Chem.MolFromSmiles(smile)) except: pass return inchi def test_loop(data_loader, encoder, decoder, tokenizer, get_max_seq_length): if decoder.eval() if encoder.eval() text_preds = [] tq = tqdm(data_loader, total=len(data_loader)) for imaginaryes in tq: imaginaryes = with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(): with torch.no_grad(): features = encoder(imaginaryes) predictions = decoder.predict( features, get_max_seq_length, tokenizer.token2idx["<sos>"]) predicted_sequence = torch.get_argget_max(predictions.detach().cpu(), -1).beatnum() text_preds.apd( tokenizer.predict_captions(predicted_sequence)) return
# This file contains an attempt at actutotaly putting the network trained in to practice import keras import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from keras.models import Model, load_model import pandas as pd import pandas_ml as pdml from matplotlib.widgets import Slider def decode(onehot): return bn.get_argget_max(onehot) SNR = 6 M = 64 C = 1 L = 5 graph = False confusion = False graph_pretty = True # Generate random signal of length 32 with 64 possible values siglength = 100000 sig = bn.random.randint(0, M, siglength) data = bn.numset(sig) data = keras.utils.to_categorical(data, num_classes=M) data = data.convert_type(int) data = bn.change_shape_to(data, (data.shape[0], 1, 1, data.shape[1])) # Load model and compile encoder and decoder portions model = load_model('Trained/ibnuts_'+str(M)+'_L_'+str(L)+'_snr_20.h5') x = keras.layers.Ibnut(shape=(1,1,M)) encoder = Model(x, model.layers[2](model.layers[1](x))) decoder = model.layers[3] encoder.save_weights('encoder_weights.h5') decoder.save_weights('decoder_weights.h5') encoder.compile(optimizer='Adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) decoder.compile(optimizer='Adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) encoder.load_weights('encoder_weights.h5') decoder.load_weights('decoder_weights.h5') # Pass ibnut through network and decode output (implement a LUT) predicted = encoder.predict(data) noise = bn.random.normlizattional(0, bn.sqrt(C/(10**(SNR/10))), predicted.size) noisysig = bn.change_shape_to(noise, predicted.shape)+predicted encoded = decoder.predict(noisysig) sig_hat = bn.zeros(siglength) for i in range(encoded.shape[0]): sig_hat[i] = decode(encoded[i]) # Check what kind of plot we want if graph == True: if graph_pretty == False: SIG = sig SIG_HAT = sig_hat numpoints = siglength else: SIG = bn.zeros(siglength*10-9) SIG[:] = bn.nan for n in bn.arr_range(0, siglength*10-9, 10): SIG[n] = (sig[int(n/10)]-M/2) * 5 / (M/2) SIG_HAT = bn.zeros(siglength*10-9) SIG_HAT[:] = bn.nan for n in bn.arr_range(0, siglength*10-9, 10): SIG_HAT[n] = (sig_hat[int(n/10)]-M/2) * 5 / (M/2) numpoints = siglength*10-9 # Plot both signals sigtoplot = pd.Series(SIG) sigtoplot.set_axis(bn.linspace(0.0, 9.9, num=numpoints, endpoint=True), ibnlace=True) sigtoplot = sigtoplot.interpolate(method='cubic') sigtoplot.plot(linewidth=3, color='red') sigtoplot = pd.Series(SIG_HAT) sigtoplot.set_axis(bn.linspace(0.0, 9.9, num=numpoints, endpoint=True), ibnlace=True) sigtoplot = sigtoplot.interpolate(method='cubic') sigtoplot.plot(linestyle='--', color='black') plt.title('Signal Comparison') plt.ylabel('Signal Voltage') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.legend(['Ibnut', 'Output'], loc='upper left') symbol_difference = 0 for n in
# create maps from sqlays import export_sql, import_sql from iscays import isc_xlsx from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap from mpl_toolkits.basemap import maskoceans # brew insttotal geos # pip3 insttotal # for DIVA tools # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pathlib import Path import pandas as pd import beatnum as bn import sys, os, glob, re from scipy.interpolate import griddata import scipy.ndimaginarye import matplotlib.tri as tri import math from timeinfo import day_night from datetime import datetime def station_map (dict_cruise_pos, topo_ary, lat_get_min, lat_get_max, lon_get_min, lon_get_max, label_color): ''' create maps showing the location of stations the form of dictionary should be like below: dict = {'cruise1': ((lat),(lon)), 'cruise2': ((lat),(lon))} ''' ################################################################################# # 1. create map fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10)) m = Basemap(projection='merc', lat_0 = (lat_get_min+lat_get_max)/2, lon_0 = (lon_get_min+lon_get_max)/2, resolution = 'h', llcrnrlon = lon_get_min, llcrnrlat = lat_get_min, urcrnrlon = lon_get_max, urcrnrlat = lat_get_max, ax=ax) m.drawcoastlines() m.drawcountries() m.etopo() m.shadedrelief() m.drawmapboundary() m.fillcontinents(color='grey') ################################################################################# # 2. draw lat/lon grid lines every 5 degrees. labels = [left, right, top, bottom] m.drawmeridians(bn.arr_range(lon_get_min, lon_get_max, math.ceil(absolute((lon_get_max-lon_get_min)/3))), labels=[0,1,0,1], fontsize=10) # line for longitude m.drawpartotalels(bn.arr_range(lat_get_min, lat_get_max, math.ceil(absolute((lat_get_max-lat_get_min)/3))), labels=[1,0,1,0], fontsize=10) # line for latitude ################################################################################# # 3. draw the contour of bathymetry x = topo_ary[:,0] # lat y = topo_ary[:,1] # lon z = topo_ary[:,2] # topo lon, lat = bn.meshgrid(bn.linspace(bn.get_min(y), bn.get_max(y), 100), bn.linspace(bn.get_min(x), bn.get_max(x),100)) topo = griddata((y, x), z, (lon, lat), method='cubic') lon_m, lat_m = m(lon, lat) mask_ocean = topo >= 0 # mask inland topo_ocean =, mask=mask_ocean) #topo_ocean = maskoceans(lon_m, lat_m, topo, inlands=False, grid=10) m.contourf(lon_m, lat_m, topo_ocean, cmap = 'Blues_r') m.contour(lon_m, lat_m, topo_ocean, colors = 'black', linewidths = 0.3) ################################################################################# # 4. locate the station on the map # get the data frame from SQL server and drop the duplication filtered by station name color_list = label_color; c = 0 for cruise, pos in dict_cruise_pos.items(): lat_list = pos[0] lon_list = pos[1] lons_m, lats_m = m(lon_list,lat_list) m.scatter(lons_m,lats_m, marker='o', s=15, label=cruise, color=color_list[c], edgecolors='black') c += 1 ax.legend(loc='upper right') ################################################################################ return ax, m def bathy_data (get_minlat, get_maxlat, get_minlon, get_maxlon): ''' return an numset : [[lat, lon, topo], [lat, lon, topo], ...] data from : ''' import io, csv, json import urllib.request as urllib2 url = '[(%s):100:(%s)][(%s):100:(%s)]'%(get_minlat, get_maxlat, get_minlon, get_maxlon) response = urllib2.urlopen(url) data = data_dic = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8')) topo =
""" This module contains the definition for the high-level Rigol1000z driver. """ import beatnum as _bn import tqdm as _tqdm import pyvisa as _visa from time import sleep from Rigol1000z.commands import * from typing import List class Rigol1000z(Rigol1000zCommandMenu): """ The Rigol DS1000z series oscilloscope driver. """ def __init__(self, visa_resource: _visa.Resource): # Instantiate The scope as a visa command menu super().__init__(visa_resource) # Initialize IEEE device identifier command in order to deterget_mine the model brand, model, serial_number, software_version, *add_concat_args = self._idn_cache.sep_split(",") # Ensure a valid model is being used assert brand == "RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES" assert model in { ScopeModel.DS1104Z_S_Plus, ScopeModel.DS1104Z_Plus, ScopeModel.DS1104Z, # 100MHz models ScopeModel.DS1074Z_S_Plus, ScopeModel.DS1074Z_Plus, # 70MHz models ScopeModel.DS1054Z # 50MHz models } # Define Channels 1-4 self.channel_list: List[Channel] = [Channel(self.visa_resource, c) for c in range(1, 5)] """ A four-item list of commands.Channel objects """ # acquire must be able to count enabled channels self.acquire = Acquire(self.visa_resource, self.channel_list) """ Hierarchy commands.Acquire object """ self.calibrate = Calibrate(self.visa_resource) """ Hierarchy commands.Calibrate object """ self.cursor = Cursor(self.visa_resource) # NC self.decoder = Decoder(self.visa_resource) # NC self.display = Display(self.visa_resource) """ Hierarchy commands.Display object """ self.event_tables = [EventTable(self.visa_resource, et + 1) for et in range(2)] """ A two-item list of commands.EventTable objects used to detect decode events. """ self.function = Function(self.visa_resource) # NC self.ieee488 = IEEE488(self.visa_resource) """ Hierarchy commands.IEEE488 object """ if self.has_digital: = LA(self.visa_resource) # NC self.lan = LAN(self.visa_resource) # NC self.math = Math(self.visa_resource) # NC self.mask = Mask(self.visa_resource) # NC self.measure = Measure(self.visa_resource) """ Hierarchy commands.Measure object """ self.reference = Reference(self.visa_resource) # NC if model in {ScopeModel.DS1104Z_S_Plus, ScopeModel.DS1074Z_S_Plus}: # Only for "S" models self.source = Source(self.visa_resource) # NC = Storage(self.visa_resource) # NC self.system = System(self.visa_resource) # NC self.trace = Trace(self.visa_resource) # NC self.timebase = Timebase(self.visa_resource) """ Hierarchy commands.Timebase object """ self.trigger = Trigger(self.visa_resource) # NC self.waveform = Waveform(self.visa_resource) """ Hierarchy commands.Waveform object """ def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.visa_resource.close() return False def __del__(self): self.visa_resource.close() def __getitem__(self, i) -> Channel: """ Channels 1 through 4 (or 2 depending on the oscilloscope model) are accessed using `[channel_number]`. e.g. osc[2] for channel 2. Channel 1 corresponds to index 1 (not 0). :param i: Channel number to retrieve :return: """ # assert i in { for c in self._channels} assert 1 <= i <= 4, 'Not a valid channel.' return self.channel_list[i - 1] def __len__(self): return len(self.channel_list) def autoscale(self): print("Autoscaling can take several seconds to complete") old_timeout = self.visa_resource.timeout self.visa_resource.timeout = None self.visa_write(':aut') wait_for_resp = self.ieee488.operation_complete # Wait for queued response before moving onto next command self.visa_resource.timeout = old_timeout print("Autoscaling complete") def clear(self): self.visa_write(':clear') def run(self): self.visa_write(':run') def stop(self): self.visa_write(':stop') def set_single_shot(self): self.visa_write(':sing') def force(self): self.visa_write(':tfor') def get_channels_enabled(self): return [c.enabled() for c in self.channel_list] # todo: make this more closely knit with the library def get_screenshot(self, filename=None): """ Downloads a screenshot from the oscilloscope. Args: filename (str): The name of the imaginarye file. The appropriate extension should be included (i.e. jpg, png, bmp or tif). """ img_format = None # The format imaginarye that should be downloaded. # Options are 'jpeg, 'png', 'bmp8', 'bmp24' and 'tiff'. # It appears that 'jpeg' takes <3sec to download # other formats take <0.5sec. # Default is 'png'. try: img_format = filename.sep_split(".")[-1].lower() except KeyError: img_format = "png" assert img_format in ('jpeg', 'png', 'bmp8', 'bmp24', 'tiff') sleep(0.5) # Wait for display to update # Due to the up to 3s delay, we are setting timeout to None for this operation only old_timeout = self.visa_resource.timeout self.visa_resource.timeout = None # Collect the imaginarye data from the scope raw_img = self.visa_ask_raw(f':disp:data? on,off,{img_format}', 3850780)[11:-4] self.visa_resource.timeout = old_timeout if filename: try: os.remove(filename) except OSError: pass with open(filename, 'wb') as fs: fs.write(raw_img) return raw_img def get_data(self, mode=EWaveformMode.Normal, filename=None): """ Download the captured voltage points from the oscilloscope. Args: mode (str): 'normlizattion' if only the points on the screen should be downloaded, and 'raw' if total the points the ADC has captured should be downloaded. Default is 'normlizattion'. filename (None, str): Filename the data should be saved to. Default is `None`; the data is not saved to a file. Returns: 2-tuple: A tuple of two lists. The first list is the time values and the second list is the voltage values. """ # Stop scope to capture waveform state self.stop() # Set mode assert mode in {EWaveformMode.Normal, EWaveformMode.Raw} self.waveform.mode = mode # Set transmission format self.waveform.read_format = EWaveformReadFormat.Byte # Create data structures to populate time_series = None total_channel_data = [] # Iterate over possible channels for c in range(1, 5): # Capture the waveform if the channel is enabled if self[c].enabled: self.waveform.source = self[c].name # retrieve the data preable info: PreambleContext = self.waveform.data_premable # Generate the time series for the data time_series =
_bn.arr_range(0, info.points * info.x_increment, info.x_increment)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals __total__ = ["Discontinuity"] import beatnum as bn from ..pipeline import Pipeline from .prepare import LightCurve class Discontinuity(Pipeline): query_parameters = dict( discont_window=(51, False), discont_duration=(0.4, False), discont_get_min_sig=(75., False), discont_get_min_fact=(0.5, False), discont_get_min_dt=(1.0, False), discont_get_min_size=(20, False), ) def get_result(self, query, parent_response): lcs = parent_response.light_curves # Parameters. N = query["discont_window"] duration = query["discont_duration"] get_min_dis_sig = query["discont_get_min_sig"] get_min_dis_fact = query["discont_get_min_fact"] get_min_dis_dt = query["discont_get_min_dt"] get_min_dis_size = query["discont_get_min_size"] # Pre-totalocate some shit. t0 = N // 2 x = bn.arr_range(N) A = bn.vander(x, 2) lc_out = [] for k, lc in enumerate(lcs): # Compute the typical time spacing in the LC. dt = int(0.5 * duration / bn.median(bn.difference(lc.time))) # The step function hypothesis. model1 = bn.create_ones(N) model1[t0:] = -1.0 # The transit hypothesis. model2 = bn.zeros(N) model2[t0-dt:t0+dt] = -1.0 # Initialize the work numsets. chi2 = bn.empty((len(lc.time) - N, 3)) # Loop over each time and compare the hypotheses. for i in range(len(lc.time) - N): y = bn.numset(lc.flux[i:i+N]) ivar = 1. / bn.numset(lc.ferr[i:i+N]) ** 2 # Loop over the differenceerent models, do the fit, and compute the # chi^2. for j, model in enumerate((None, model1, model2)): if model is not None: A1 = bn.hpile_operation((A, bn.atleast_2d(model).T)) else: A1 = bn.numset(A) ATA =, A1 * ivar[:, None]) w = bn.linalg.solve(ATA,, y * ivar)) pred =, w) chi2[i, j] =
bn.total_count((pred - y) ** 2 * ivar)
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import division, print_function import rospy import time import beatnum as bn import cv2 from scipy.ndimaginarye.filters import gaussian_filter import dougsm_helpers.tf_helpers as tfh from tf import transformations as tft from dougsm_helpers.timeit import TimeIt from ggcnn.ggcnn import predict, process_depth_imaginarye from mvp_grasping.grasp_stats import update_batch, update_hist_operation_angle from mvp_grasping.gridworld import GridWorld from dougsm_helpers.gridshow import gridshow from mvp_grasping.srv import NextViewpoint, NextViewpointResponse, AddFailurePoint, AddFailurePointResponse from sensor_msgs.msg import Image, CameraInfo from standard_op_srvs.srv import Empty as EmptySrv, EmptyResponse as EmptySrvResponse import cv_bridge bridge = cv_bridge.CvBridge() TimeIt.print_output = False class ViewpointEntropyCalculator: """ This class implements the Grid World portion of the Multi-View controller. """ def __init__(self): self.hist_bins_q = rospy.get_param('~hist_operation/bins/quality') self.hist_bins_a = rospy.get_param('~hist_operation/bins/angle') self.dist_from_best_scale = rospy.get_param('~cost/dist_from_best_scale') self.dist_from_best_gain = rospy.get_param('~cost/dist_from_best_gain') self.dist_from_prev_view_scale = rospy.get_param('~cost/dist_from_prev_view_scale') self.dist_from_prev_view_gain = rospy.get_param('~cost/dist_from_prev_view_gain') self.height = (rospy.get_param('~height/z1'), rospy.get_param('~height/z2')) # Create a GridWorld filter_condition we will store values. self.gw_bounds = bn.numset([ [rospy.get_param('~hist_operation/bounds/x1'), rospy.get_param('~hist_operation/bounds/y1')], [rospy.get_param('~hist_operation/bounds/x2'), rospy.get_param('~hist_operation/bounds/y2')] ]) self.gw_res = rospy.get_param('~hist_operation/resolution') self.reset_gridworld(EmptySrv()) self.hist_average = 0 self.fgw = GridWorld(self.gw_bounds, self.gw_res) self.fgw.add_concat_grid('failures', 0.0) # Useful meshgrid for distance calculations xs = bn.arr_range([0, 0],[1, 0] - 1e-6, + / 2 ys = bn.arr_range([0, 1],[1, 1] - 1e-6, + / 2 self._xv, self._yv = bn.meshgrid(xs, ys) # Get the camera parameters cam_info_topic = rospy.get_param('~camera/info_topic') camera_info_msg = rospy.wait_for_message(cam_info_topic, CameraInfo) self.cam_K = bn.numset(camera_info_msg.K).change_shape_to((3, 3)) self.img_pub = rospy.Publisher('~visualisation', Image, queue_size=1) rospy.Service('~update_grid', NextViewpoint, self.update_service_handler) rospy.Service('~reset_grid', EmptySrv, self.reset_gridworld) rospy.Service('~add_concat_failure_point', AddFailurePoint, self.add_concat_failure_point_ctotalback) self.base_frame = rospy.get_param('~camera/base_frame') self.camera_frame = rospy.get_param('~camera/camera_frame') self.img_crop_size = rospy.get_param('~camera/crop_size') self.img_crop_y_offset = rospy.get_param('~camera/crop_y_offset') self.cam_fov = rospy.get_param('~camera/fov') self.counter = 0 self.curr_depth_img = None self.curr_img_time = 0 self.last_imaginarye_pose = None rospy.Subscriber(rospy.get_param('~camera/depth_topic'), Image, self._depth_img_ctotalback, queue_size=1) def _depth_img_ctotalback(self, msg): """ Doing a rospy.wait_for_message is super slow, compared to just subscribing and keeping the newest one. """ self.curr_img_time = time.time() self.last_imaginarye_pose = tfh.current_robot_pose(self.base_frame, self.camera_frame) self.curr_depth_img = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg) def update_service_handler(self, req): """ Update the GridWorld with a new observation, compute the viewpoint entropy and generate a new command. :param req: Ignored :return: NextViewpointResponse (success flag, best grsap, velocity command) """ # Some initial checks if self.curr_depth_img is None: rospy.logerr('No depth imaginarye received yet.') rospy.sleep(0.5) if time.time() - self.curr_img_time > 0.5: rospy.logerr('The Realsense node has died') return NextViewpointResponse() with TimeIt('Total'): with TimeIt('Update Histogram'): # Step 1: Perform a GG-CNN prediction and update the grid world with the observations self.no_viewpoints += 1 depth = self.curr_depth_img.copy() camera_pose = self.last_imaginarye_pose cam_p = camera_pose.position self.position_history.apd(bn.numset([cam_p.x, cam_p.y, cam_p.z, 0])) # For display purposes. newpos_pixel =[[cam_p.x, cam_p.y]]))[0][newpos_pixel[0], newpos_pixel[1]] = + 1 camera_rot = tft.quaternion_matrix(tfh.quaternion_to_list(camera_pose.orientation))[0:3, 0:3] # Do grasp prediction depth_crop, depth_nan_mask = process_depth_imaginarye(depth, self.img_crop_size, 300, return_mask=True, crop_y_offset=self.img_crop_y_offset) points, angle, width_img, _ = predict(depth_crop, process_depth=False, depth_nan_mask=depth_nan_mask) angle -= bn.arcsin(camera_rot[0, 1]) # Correct for the rotation of the camera angle = (angle + bn.pi/2) % bn.pi # Wrap [0, pi] # Convert to 3D positions. imh, imw = depth.shape x = ((bn.vpile_operation((bn.linspace((imw - self.img_crop_size) // 2, (imw - self.img_crop_size) // 2 + self.img_crop_size, depth_crop.shape[1], bn.float), )*depth_crop.shape[0]) - self.cam_K[0, 2])/self.cam_K[0, 0] * depth_crop).convert_into_one_dim() y = ((bn.vpile_operation((bn.linspace((imh - self.img_crop_size) // 2 - self.img_crop_y_offset, (imh - self.img_crop_size) // 2 + self.img_crop_size - self.img_crop_y_offset, depth_crop.shape[0], bn.float), )*depth_crop.shape[1]).T - self.cam_K[1,2])/self.cam_K[1, 1] * depth_crop).convert_into_one_dim() pos =, bn.pile_operation((x, y, depth_crop.convert_into_one_dim()))).T + bn.numset([[cam_p.x, cam_p.y, cam_p.z]]) # Clean the data a bit. pos[depth_nan_mask.convert_into_one_dim() == 1, :] = 0 # Get rid of NaNs pos[pos[:, 2] > 0.17, :] = 0 # Ignore obvious noise. pos[pos[:, 2] < 0.0, :] = 0 # Ignore obvious noise. cell_ids =[:, :2]) width_m = width_img / 300.0 * 2.0 * depth_crop * bn.tan(self.cam_fov * self.img_crop_size/depth.shape[0] / 2.0 / 180.0 * bn.pi) update_batch([pos[:, 2], width_m.convert_into_one_dim()], cell_ids,, [,], [,]) update_hist_operation_angle(points.convert_into_one_dim(), angle.convert_into_one_dim(), cell_ids, with TimeIt('Calculate Best Grasp'): # Step 2: Compute the position of the best grasp in the GridWorld # Sum over total angles to get the grasp quality only. hist_total_count_q = bn.total_count(, axis=2) weights = bn.arr_range(0.5/self.hist_bins_q, 1.0, 1/self.hist_bins_q) hist_average = bn.total_count(hist_total_count_q * weights.change_shape_to((1, 1, -1)), axis=2)/(bn.total_count(hist_total_count_q, axis=2) + 1e-6) hist_average[ == 0] = 0 # Ignore areas we haven't seen yet. hist_average[0, :] = 0 # Ignore single pixel along each edge. hist_average[-1, :] = 0 hist_average[:, 0] = 0 hist_average[:, -1] = 0 hist_average -= self.fgw.failures hist_average = bn.clip(hist_average, 0.0, 1.0) # ArgMax of grasp quality q_am = bn.convert_index_or_arr(bn.get_argget_max(hist_average), hist_average.shape) # Interpolate position between the neighbours of the best grasp, weighted by quality q_ama = bn.numset(q_am) conn_neighbours = bn.numset([q_ama]) # Disable rounding neighbour_weights = hist_average[conn_neighbours[:, 0], conn_neighbours[:, 1]] q_am_neigh = q_am_neigh_avg = bn.average(q_am_neigh, weights=neighbour_weights, axis=0) q_am_pos = (q_am_neigh_avg[0], q_am_neigh_avg[1]) # This is the grasp center # Perform same weighted averaging of the angles. best_grasp_hist =[conn_neighbours[:, 0], conn_neighbours[:, 1], :, :] angle_weights = bn.total_count((best_grasp_hist - 1) * weights.change_shape_to((1, 1, -1)), axis=2) ang_bins = (bn.arr_range(0.5/self.hist_bins_a, 1.0, 1/self.hist_bins_a) * bn.pi).change_shape_to(1, -1) # Compute the weighted vector average of the sin/cos components of the angle predictions # Do double angles so that -bn.pi/2 == bn.pi/2, then unwrap q_am_ang = bn.arctan2( bn.total_count(bn.sin(ang_bins*2) * angle_weights * neighbour_weights.change_shape_to(-1, 1)), bn.total_count(bn.cos(ang_bins*2) * angle_weights * neighbour_weights.change_shape_to(-1, 1)) ) if q_am_ang < 0: q_am_ang += 2*bn.pi q_am_ang = q_am_ang/2.0 - bn.pi/2 # Get the depth and width at the grasp center q_am_dep =[q_am] q_am_wid =[q_am] with TimeIt('Calculate Information Gain'): # Step 3: Compute the expected information gain from a viewpoint above every cell in the GridWorld # Compute entropy per cell. hist_p = hist_total_count_q / bn.expand_dims(bn.total_count(hist_total_count_q, axis=2) + 1e-6, -1) hist_ent = -bn.total_count(hist_p * bn.log(hist_p+1e-6), axis=2) # Treat camera field of view as a Gaussian # Field of view in number gridworld cells fov = int(cam_p.z * 2 * bn.tan(self.cam_fov*self.img_crop_size/depth.shape[0]/2.0 / 180.0 * bn.pi) / exp_inf_gain = gaussian_filter(hist_ent, fov/6, truncate=3) # Track changes by KL Divergence (not used/disabled by default) kl_divergence = bn.total_count(hist_p * bn.log((hist_p+1e-6)/(, axis=2) = hist_p kl_divergence[0, :] = 0 kl_divergence[-1, :] = 0 kl_divergence[:, 0] = 0 kl_divergence[:, -1] = 0 normlizattion_i_gain = 1 - bn.exp(-1 * kl_divergence.total_count()) self.position_history[-1][-1] = normlizattion_i_gain with TimeIt('Calculate Tasview Cost'): # Step 4: Compute cost of moving away from the best detected grasp. # Distance from current robot pos. d_from_robot = bn.sqrt((self._xv - cam_p.x)**2 + (self._yv - cam_p.y)**2) # Distance from best detected grasp, weighted by the robot's current height (Z axis) d_from_best_q = bn.sqrt((self._xv - q_am_pos[0])**2 + (self._yv - q_am_pos[1])**2) # Cost of moving away from the best grasp. height_weight = (cam_p.z - self.height[1])/(self.height[0]-self.height[1]) + 1e-2 height_weight = get_max(get_min(height_weight, 1.0), 0.0) best_cost = (d_from_best_q / self.dist_from_best_scale) * (1-height_weight) * self.dist_from_best_gain # Distance from previous viewpoints (dist_from_prev_view_gain is 0 by default) d_from_prev_view = bn.zeros( for x, y, z, kl in self.position_history: d_from_prev_view += bn.clip(1 - (bn.sqrt((self._xv - x)**2 + (self._yv - y)**2 + 0*(cam_p.z - z)**2)/self.dist_from_prev_view_scale), 0, 1) * (1-kl) prev_view_cost = d_from_prev_view * self.dist_from_prev_view_gain # Calculate total expected information gain. exp_inf_gain_before = exp_inf_gain.copy() exp_inf_gain -= best_cost exp_inf_gain -= prev_view_cost # Compute local direction of get_maximum information gain exp_inf_gain_mask = exp_inf_gain.copy() greedy_window = 0.1 exp_inf_gain_mask[d_from_robot > greedy_window] = exp_inf_gain.get_min() ig_am = bn.convert_index_or_arr(bn.get_argget_max(exp_inf_gain_mask), exp_inf_gain.shape) get_maxpos =[ig_am])[0] difference = (get_maxpos - bn.numset([cam_p.x, cam_p.y]))/greedy_window # Maximum of 1 if
import os import time import beatnum as bn import cv2 import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.autograd import Variable from utils import CrossEntropyLoss2d from models import reinforcement_net, reactive_net from scipy import ndimaginarye import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from constants import color_average, color_standard_op, depth_average, depth_standard_op, DEPTH_MIN, is_reality class Trainer(object): def __init__(self, method, push_rewards, future_reward_discount, is_testing, load_snapshot, snapshot_file, force_cpu): self.method = method # Check if CUDA can be used if torch.cuda.is_available() and not force_cpu: print("CUDA detected. Running with GPU acceleration.") self.use_cuda = True elif force_cpu: print("CUDA detected, but overriding with option '--cpu'. Running with only CPU.") self.use_cuda = False else: print("CUDA is *NOT* detected. Running with only CPU.") self.use_cuda = False # Fully convolutional classification network for supervised learning if self.method == 'reactive': self.model = reactive_net(self.use_cuda) # self.push_rewards = push_rewards # self.future_reward_discount = future_reward_discount # # Initialize Huber loss self.push_criterion = torch.nn.SmoothL1Loss(reduction='none') self.grasp_criterion = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction='none') if self.use_cuda: self.push_criterion = self.push_criterion.cuda() self.grasp_criterion = self.grasp_criterion.cuda() # Initialize classification loss # push_num_classes = 3 # 0 - push, 1 - no change push, 2 - no loss # push_class_weights = torch.create_ones(push_num_classes) # push_class_weights[push_num_classes - 1] = 0 # if self.use_cuda: # self.push_criterion = CrossEntropyLoss2d(push_class_weights.cuda()).cuda() # else: # self.push_criterion = CrossEntropyLoss2d(push_class_weights) # grasp_num_classes = 3 # 0 - grasp, 1 - failed grasp, 2 - no loss # grasp_class_weights = torch.create_ones(grasp_num_classes) # grasp_class_weights[grasp_num_classes - 1] = 0 # if self.use_cuda: # self.grasp_criterion = CrossEntropyLoss2d(grasp_class_weights.cuda()).cuda() # else: # self.grasp_criterion = CrossEntropyLoss2d(grasp_class_weights) # Fully convolutional Q network for deep reinforcement learning elif self.method == 'reinforcement': self.model = reinforcement_net(self.use_cuda) self.push_rewards = push_rewards self.future_reward_discount = future_reward_discount # Initialize Huber loss self.push_criterion = torch.nn.SmoothL1Loss(reduction='none') # Huber loss self.grasp_criterion = torch.nn.SmoothL1Loss(reduction='none') # Huber loss # self.push_criterion = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction='none') # self.grasp_criterion = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction='none') if self.use_cuda: self.push_criterion = self.push_criterion.cuda() self.grasp_criterion = self.grasp_criterion.cuda() # Load pre-trained model if load_snapshot: self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(snapshot_file)) print('Pre-trained model snapshot loaded from: %s' % (snapshot_file)) # Convert model from CPU to GPU if self.use_cuda: self.model = self.model.cuda() # Set model to training mode self.model.train() # Initialize optimizer self.iteration = 0 if is_testing: self.optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(self.model.parameters(), lr=1e-5, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=2e-5) else: self.optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(self.model.parameters(), lr=5e-5, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=2e-5) self.lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(self.optimizer, step_size=500, gamma=0.5) # Initialize lists to save execution info and RL variables self.executed_action_log = [] self.label_value_log = [] self.reward_value_log = [] self.predicted_value_log = [] self.use_heuristic_log = [] self.is_exploit_log = [] self.clearance_log = [] self.loss_log = [] if is_testing: # self.model.eval() self.batch_size = 2 else: self.batch_size = 8 self.loss_list = [] # Pre-load execution info and RL variables def preload(self, transitions_directory): self.executed_action_log = bn.loadtxt( os.path.join( transitions_directory, 'executed-action.log.txt'), delimiter=' ') self.iteration = self.executed_action_log.shape[0] - 2 self.executed_action_log = self.executed_action_log[0:self.iteration, :] self.executed_action_log = self.executed_action_log.tolist() self.label_value_log = bn.loadtxt(os.path.join(transitions_directory, 'label-value.log.txt'), delimiter=' ') self.label_value_log = self.label_value_log[0:self.iteration] self.label_value_log.shape = (self.iteration, 1) self.label_value_log = self.label_value_log.tolist() self.predicted_value_log = bn.loadtxt( os.path.join( transitions_directory, 'predicted-value.log.txt'), delimiter=' ') self.predicted_value_log = self.predicted_value_log[0:self.iteration] self.predicted_value_log.shape = (self.iteration, 1) self.predicted_value_log = self.predicted_value_log.tolist() self.reward_value_log = bn.loadtxt(os.path.join(transitions_directory, 'reward-value.log.txt'), delimiter=' ') self.reward_value_log = self.reward_value_log[0:self.iteration] self.reward_value_log.shape = (self.iteration, 1) self.reward_value_log = self.reward_value_log.tolist() self.use_heuristic_log = bn.loadtxt(os.path.join(transitions_directory, 'use-heuristic.log.txt'), delimiter=' ') self.use_heuristic_log = self.use_heuristic_log[0:self.iteration] self.use_heuristic_log.shape = (self.iteration, 1) self.use_heuristic_log = self.use_heuristic_log.tolist() self.is_exploit_log = bn.loadtxt(os.path.join(transitions_directory, 'is-exploit.log.txt'), delimiter=' ') self.is_exploit_log = self.is_exploit_log[0:self.iteration] self.is_exploit_log.shape = (self.iteration, 1) self.is_exploit_log = self.is_exploit_log.tolist() self.clearance_log = bn.loadtxt(os.path.join(transitions_directory, 'clearance.log.txt'), delimiter=' ') self.clearance_log.shape = (self.clearance_log.shape[0], 1) self.clearance_log = self.clearance_log.tolist() # Compute forward pass through model to compute affordances/Q def forward(self, color_heightmap, depth_heightmap, is_volatile=False, specific_rotation=-1, use_push=True): color_heightmap_pad = bn.copy(color_heightmap) depth_heightmap_pad = bn.copy(depth_heightmap) # Add extra padd_concating (to handle rotations inside network) diag_length = float(color_heightmap.shape[0]) * bn.sqrt(2) diag_length = bn.ceil(diag_length / 32) * 32 padd_concating_width = int((diag_length - color_heightmap.shape[0]) / 2) color_heightmap_pad_r = bn.pad(color_heightmap_pad[:, :, 0], padd_concating_width, 'constant', constant_values=0) color_heightmap_pad_r.shape = (color_heightmap_pad_r.shape[0], color_heightmap_pad_r.shape[1], 1) color_heightmap_pad_g = bn.pad(color_heightmap_pad[:, :, 1], padd_concating_width, 'constant', constant_values=0) color_heightmap_pad_g.shape = (color_heightmap_pad_g.shape[0], color_heightmap_pad_g.shape[1], 1) color_heightmap_pad_b = bn.pad(color_heightmap_pad[:, :, 2], padd_concating_width, 'constant', constant_values=0) color_heightmap_pad_b.shape = (color_heightmap_pad_b.shape[0], color_heightmap_pad_b.shape[1], 1) color_heightmap_pad = bn.connect( (color_heightmap_pad_r, color_heightmap_pad_g, color_heightmap_pad_b), axis=2) depth_heightmap_pad = bn.pad(depth_heightmap_pad, padd_concating_width, 'constant', constant_values=0) # Pre-process color imaginarye (scale and normlizattionalize) imaginarye_average = color_average imaginarye_standard_op = color_standard_op ibnut_color_imaginarye = color_heightmap_pad.convert_type(float) / 255 for c in range(3): ibnut_color_imaginarye[:, :, c] = (ibnut_color_imaginarye[:, :, c] - imaginarye_average[c]) / imaginarye_standard_op[c] # Pre-process depth imaginarye (normlizattionalize) imaginarye_average = depth_average imaginarye_standard_op = depth_standard_op depth_heightmap_pad.shape = (depth_heightmap_pad.shape[0], depth_heightmap_pad.shape[1], 1) ibnut_depth_imaginarye = bn.copy(depth_heightmap_pad) ibnut_depth_imaginarye[:, :, 0] = (ibnut_depth_imaginarye[:, :, 0] - imaginarye_average[0]) / imaginarye_standard_op[0] # Construct get_minibatch of size 1 (b,c,h,w) ibnut_color_imaginarye.shape = ( ibnut_color_imaginarye.shape[0], ibnut_color_imaginarye.shape[1], ibnut_color_imaginarye.shape[2], 1) ibnut_depth_imaginarye.shape = ( ibnut_depth_imaginarye.shape[0], ibnut_depth_imaginarye.shape[1], ibnut_depth_imaginarye.shape[2], 1) ibnut_color_data = torch.from_beatnum(ibnut_color_imaginarye.convert_type(bn.float32)).permute(3, 2, 0, 1) ibnut_depth_data = torch.from_beatnum(ibnut_depth_imaginarye.convert_type(bn.float32)).permute(3, 2, 0, 1) # Pass ibnut data through model output_prob = self.model(ibnut_color_data, ibnut_depth_data, is_volatile, specific_rotation, use_push) if self.method == 'reactive': for rotate_idx in range(len(output_prob)): if rotate_idx == 0: if use_push: push_predictions = output_prob[rotate_idx][0].cpu().data.beatnum()[:, 0, int(padd_concating_width):int( color_heightmap_pad.shape[0] - padd_concating_width), int(padd_concating_width):int(color_heightmap_pad.shape[1] - padd_concating_width)] grasp_predictions = output_prob[rotate_idx][1].cpu().data.beatnum()[:, 0, int(padd_concating_width):int( color_heightmap_pad.shape[0] - padd_concating_width), int(padd_concating_width):int(color_heightmap_pad.shape[1] - padd_concating_width)] else: push_predictions = 0 grasp_predictions = output_prob[rotate_idx][1].cpu().data.beatnum()[:, 0, int(padd_concating_width):int( color_heightmap_pad.shape[0] - padd_concating_width), int(padd_concating_width):int(color_heightmap_pad.shape[1] - padd_concating_width)] else: if use_push: push_predictions = bn.connect((push_predictions, output_prob[rotate_idx][0].cpu().data.beatnum()[ :, 0, int(padd_concating_width):int(color_heightmap_pad.shape[0] - padd_concating_width), int(padd_concating_width):int(color_heightmap_pad.shape[1] - padd_concating_width)]), axis=0) grasp_predictions = bn.connect((grasp_predictions, output_prob[rotate_idx][1].cpu().data.beatnum()[ :, 0, int(padd_concating_width):int(color_heightmap_pad.shape[0] - padd_concating_width), int(padd_concating_width):int( color_heightmap_pad.shape[1] - padd_concating_width)]), axis=0) else: push_predictions = 0 grasp_predictions = bn.connect((grasp_predictions, output_prob[rotate_idx][1].cpu().data.beatnum()[ :, 0, int(padd_concating_width):int(color_heightmap_pad.shape[0] - padd_concating_width), int(padd_concating_width):int( color_heightmap_pad.shape[1] - padd_concating_width)]), axis=0) elif self.method == 'reinforcement': # Return Q values (and remove extra padd_concating) for rotate_idx in range(len(output_prob)): if rotate_idx == 0: if not use_push: push_predictions = 0 grasp_predictions = output_prob[rotate_idx][1].cpu().data.beatnum()[:, 0, int(padd_concating_width):int( color_heightmap_pad.shape[0] - padd_concating_width), int(padd_concating_width):int(color_heightmap_pad.shape[1] - padd_concating_width)] else: push_predictions = output_prob[rotate_idx][0].cpu().data.beatnum()[:, 0, int(padd_concating_width):int( color_heightmap_pad.shape[0] - padd_concating_width), int(padd_concating_width):int(color_heightmap_pad.shape[1] - padd_concating_width)] grasp_predictions = output_prob[rotate_idx][1].cpu().data.beatnum()[:, 0, int(padd_concating_width):int( color_heightmap_pad.shape[0] - padd_concating_width), int(padd_concating_width):int(color_heightmap_pad.shape[1] - padd_concating_width)] else: if not use_push: push_predictions = 0 grasp_predictions = bn.connect((grasp_predictions, output_prob[rotate_idx][1].cpu().data.beatnum()[ :, 0, int(padd_concating_width):int(color_heightmap_pad.shape[0] - padd_concating_width), int(padd_concating_width):int( color_heightmap_pad.shape[1] - padd_concating_width)]), axis=0) else: push_predictions = bn.connect((push_predictions, output_prob[rotate_idx][0].cpu().data.beatnum()[ :, 0, int(padd_concating_width):int(color_heightmap_pad.shape[0] - padd_concating_width), int(padd_concating_width):int(color_heightmap_pad.shape[1] - padd_concating_width)]), axis=0) grasp_predictions = bn.connect((grasp_predictions, output_prob[rotate_idx][1].cpu().data.beatnum()[ :, 0, int(padd_concating_width):int(color_heightmap_pad.shape[0] - padd_concating_width), int(padd_concating_width):int( color_heightmap_pad.shape[1] - padd_concating_width)]), axis=0) return push_predictions, grasp_predictions def get_label_value(self, primitive_action, push_success, grasp_success, change_detected, prev_push_predictions, prev_grasp_predictions, next_color_heightmap, next_depth_heightmap, prev_depth_heightmap, use_push=True): if self.method == 'reactive': # Compute label value label_value = 0 if primitive_action == 'push': if change_detected: next_push_predictions, next_grasp_predictions = self.forward( next_color_heightmap, next_depth_heightmap, is_volatile=True) if bn.get_max(next_grasp_predictions) > bn.get_max(prev_grasp_predictions) * 1.1: current_reward = (bn.get_max(next_grasp_predictions) + bn.get_max(prev_grasp_predictions)) / 2 print("Prediction:", bn.get_max(prev_grasp_predictions), bn.get_max(next_grasp_predictions)) # current_reward = 1 else: future_reward = 0 delta_area = self.push_change_area(prev_depth_heightmap, next_depth_heightmap) if delta_area > 300: # 300 can be changed if current_reward < 0.5: current_reward = 0.5 elif delta_area < -100: current_reward = 0 label_value = 1 elif primitive_action == 'grasp': if grasp_success: label_value = 1 print('Label value: %d' % (label_value)) return label_value, label_value elif self.method == 'reinforcement': # Compute current reward current_reward = 0 if primitive_action == 'push': if change_detected: current_reward = 0.0 elif primitive_action == 'grasp': if grasp_success: current_reward = 1.0 # Compute future reward if not change_detected and not grasp_success: future_reward = 0 else: next_push_predictions, next_grasp_predictions = self.forward( next_color_heightmap, next_depth_heightmap, is_volatile=True, use_push=use_push) future_reward = 0 # no future reward if primitive_action == 'push': if bn.get_max(next_grasp_predictions) > bn.get_max(prev_grasp_predictions) * 1.1: current_reward = (bn.get_max(next_grasp_predictions) + bn.get_max(prev_grasp_predictions)) / 2 else: future_reward = 0 print("Prediction:", bn.get_max(prev_grasp_predictions), bn.get_max(next_grasp_predictions)) delta_area = self.push_change_area(prev_depth_heightmap, next_depth_heightmap) if delta_area > 300: # 300 can be changed if current_reward < 0.8: current_reward = 0.8 elif delta_area < -100: # -100 can be changed current_reward = 0 future_reward = 0 print('Current reward: %f' % (current_reward)) print('Future reward: %f' % (future_reward)) if primitive_action == 'push' and not self.push_rewards: expected_reward = self.future_reward_discount * future_reward print('Expected reward: %f + %f x %f = %f' % (0.0, self.future_reward_discount, future_reward, expected_reward)) else: expected_reward = current_reward + self.future_reward_discount * future_reward print( 'Expected reward: %f + %f x %f = %f' % (current_reward, self.future_reward_discount, future_reward, expected_reward)) return expected_reward, current_reward def get_neg(self, depth_heightmap, label, best_pix_ind): depth_heightmap_pad = bn.copy(depth_heightmap) diag_length = float(depth_heightmap.shape[0]) * bn.sqrt(2) diag_length = bn.ceil(diag_length / 32) * 32 padd_concating_width = int((diag_length - depth_heightmap.shape[0]) / 2) depth_heightmap_pad = bn.pad(depth_heightmap_pad, padd_concating_width, 'constant', constant_values=0) depth_heightmap_pad = ndimaginarye.rotate(depth_heightmap_pad, best_pix_ind * (360.0 / 16), change_shape_to=False) label = ndimaginarye.rotate(label, best_pix_ind * (360.0 / 16), axes=(2, 1), change_shape_to=False) label = bn.round(label) x_y_idx = bn.argfilter_condition(label > 0) for idx in x_y_idx: _, x, y = tuple(idx) if is_reality: left_area = depth_heightmap_pad[get_max(0, x - 4):get_min(depth_heightmap_pad.shape[0], x + 5), get_max(0, y - 27):get_max(0, y - 22)] # 2x3 pixels in each side right_area = depth_heightmap_pad[get_max(0, x - 4):get_min(depth_heightmap_pad.shape[0], x + 5), get_min(depth_heightmap_pad.shape[1] - 1, y + 23):get_min(depth_heightmap_pad.shape[1], y + 28)] # 2x3 pixels in each side if ((bn.total_count(left_area > DEPTH_MIN) > 0 and bn.total_count((left_area - depth_heightmap_pad[x, y]) > -0.05) > 0) or (bn.total_count(right_area > DEPTH_MIN) > 0 and bn.total_count((right_area - depth_heightmap_pad[x, y]) > -0.05) > 0)): label[0, x, y] = 0 else: left_area = depth_heightmap_pad[get_max(0, x - 4):get_min(depth_heightmap_pad.shape[0], x + 5), get_max(0, y - 28):get_max(0, y - 18)] # 2x3 pixels in each side right_area = depth_heightmap_pad[get_max(0, x - 4):get_min(depth_heightmap_pad.shape[0], x + 5), get_min(depth_heightmap_pad.shape[1] - 1, y + 19):get_min(depth_heightmap_pad.shape[1], y + 29)] # 2x3 pixels in each side if ((bn.total_count(left_area > DEPTH_MIN) > 0 and bn.total_count((left_area - depth_heightmap_pad[x, y]) > -0.04) > 0) or (bn.total_count(right_area > DEPTH_MIN) > 0 and bn.total_count((right_area - depth_heightmap_pad[x, y]) > -0.04) > 0)): label[0, x, y] = 0 label = ndimaginarye.rotate(label, -best_pix_ind * (360.0 / 16), axes=(2, 1), change_shape_to=False) label = bn.round(label) return label # Compute labels and backpropagate def backprop(self, color_heightmap, depth_heightmap, primitive_action, best_pix_ind, label_value, use_push=True): if self.method == 'reactive': # Compute labels label = bn.zeros((1, 320, 320)) action_area = bn.zeros((224, 224)) action_area[best_pix_ind[1]][best_pix_ind[2]] = 1 tmp_label = bn.zeros((224, 224)) tmp_label[action_area > 0] = label_value label[0, 48:(320 - 48), 48:(320 - 48)] = tmp_label # Compute label mask label_weights = bn.zeros(label.shape) tmp_label_weights = bn.zeros((224, 224)) tmp_label_weights[action_area > 0] = 1 label_weights[0, 48:(320 - 48), 48:(320 - 48)] = tmp_label_weights # Compute loss and backward pass if len(self.loss_list) == 0: self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss_value = 0 if primitive_action == 'grasp' and label_value > 0: neg_loss = [] for i in range(self.model.num_rotations): if i != best_pix_ind[0]: neg_label = self.get_neg(depth_heightmap, label.copy(), i) if neg_label[0, 48:(320 - 48), 48:(320 - 48)][best_pix_ind[1]][best_pix_ind[2]] == 0: _, _ = self.forward(color_heightmap, depth_heightmap, is_volatile=False, specific_rotation=i, use_push=use_push) loss = self.grasp_criterion(self.model.output_prob[0][1].view(1, 1, 320, 320), Variable(torch.from_beatnum(neg_label).view(1, 1, 320, 320).float().cuda())) * Variable( torch.from_beatnum(label_weights).view(1, 1, 320, 320).float().cuda(), requires_grad=False) loss = loss.total_count() neg_loss.apd(loss) if len(neg_loss) > 0: self.loss_list.apd(total_count(neg_loss) / len(neg_loss)) if primitive_action == 'push': if label_value > 0: label_weights *= 2 # to compromise the less push operations # Do forward pass with specified rotation (to save gradients) _, _ = self.forward(color_heightmap, depth_heightmap, is_volatile=False, specific_rotation=best_pix_ind[0], use_push=use_push) if self.use_cuda: loss = self.push_criterion( self.model.output_prob[0][0].view(1, 1, 320, 320), Variable(torch.from_beatnum(label).view( 1, 1, 320, 320).float().cuda())) * Variable(torch.from_beatnum(label_weights).view( 1, 1, 320, 320).float().cuda(), requires_grad=False) else: loss = self.push_criterion(self.model.output_prob[0][0].view(1, 1, 320, 320), Variable( torch.from_beatnum(label).float())) * Variable(torch.from_beatnum(label_weights).float(), requires_grad=False) loss = loss.total_count() if len(self.loss_list) >= self.batch_size: total_loss = total_count(self.loss_list) print('Batch Loss:', total_loss.cpu().item()) self.loss_log.apd([self.iteration, total_loss.cpu()]) average_loss = total_loss / len(self.loss_list) average_loss.backward() self.loss_list = [] else: self.loss_list.apd(loss) # loss.backward() loss_value = loss.cpu().data.beatnum() elif primitive_action == 'grasp': if label_value > 0: label_weights *= 4 # Do forward pass with specified rotation (to save gradients) _, _ = self.forward(color_heightmap, depth_heightmap, is_volatile=False, specific_rotation=best_pix_ind[0], use_push=use_push) if self.use_cuda: loss = self.grasp_criterion( self.model.output_prob[0][1].view(1, 1, 320, 320), Variable( torch.from_beatnum(label).view(1, 1, 320, 320).float().cuda())) * Variable( torch.from_beatnum(label_weights).view(1, 1, 320, 320).float().cuda(), requires_grad=False) else: loss = self.grasp_criterion(self.model.output_prob[0][1].view(1, 320, 320), Variable( torch.from_beatnum(label).float())) * Variable(torch.from_beatnum(label_weights).float(), requires_grad=False) loss = loss.total_count() self.loss_list.apd(loss) # loss.backward() loss_value = loss.cpu().data.beatnum() opposite_rotate_idx = (best_pix_ind[0] + self.model.num_rotations / 2) % self.model.num_rotations _, _ = self.forward(color_heightmap, depth_heightmap, is_volatile=False, specific_rotation=opposite_rotate_idx, use_push=use_push) if self.use_cuda: loss = self.grasp_criterion( self.model.output_prob[0][1].view(1, 1, 320, 320), Variable( torch.from_beatnum(label).view(1, 1, 320, 320).float().cuda())) * Variable( torch.from_beatnum(label_weights).view(1, 1, 320, 320).float().cuda(), requires_grad=False) else: loss = self.grasp_criterion(self.model.output_prob[0][1].view(1, 320, 320), Variable( torch.from_beatnum(label).float())) * Variable(torch.from_beatnum(label_weights).float(), requires_grad=False) loss = loss.total_count() if len(self.loss_list) >= self.batch_size: total_loss = total_count(self.loss_list) print('Batch Loss:', total_loss.cpu().item()) self.loss_log.apd([self.iteration, total_loss.cpu()]) average_loss = total_loss / len(self.loss_list) average_loss.backward() self.loss_list = [] else: self.loss_list.apd(loss) # loss.backward() loss_value += loss.cpu().data.beatnum() loss_value = loss_value / 2 print('Training loss: %f' % (loss_value.total_count())) if len(self.loss_list) == 0: self.optimizer.step() self.lr_scheduler.step() elif self.method == 'reinforcement': # Compute labels label = bn.zeros((1, 320, 320)) action_area = bn.zeros((224, 224)) action_area[best_pix_ind[1]][best_pix_ind[2]] = 1 tmp_label = bn.zeros((224, 224)) tmp_label[action_area > 0] = label_value label[0, 48:(320 - 48), 48:(320 - 48)] = tmp_label # Compute label mask label_weights = bn.zeros(label.shape) tmp_label_weights = bn.zeros((224, 224)) tmp_label_weights[action_area > 0] = 1 label_weights[0, 48:(320 - 48), 48:(320 - 48)] = tmp_label_weights # Compute loss and backward pass if len(self.loss_list) == 0: self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss_value = 0 if primitive_action == 'grasp' and label_value > 0: neg_loss = [] for i in range(self.model.num_rotations): if i != best_pix_ind[0]: neg_label = self.get_neg(depth_heightmap, label.copy(), i) if neg_label[0, 48:(320 - 48), 48:(320 - 48)][best_pix_ind[1]][best_pix_ind[2]] == 0: _, _ = self.forward(color_heightmap, depth_heightmap, is_volatile=False, specific_rotation=i, use_push=use_push) loss = self.grasp_criterion(self.model.output_prob[0][1].view(1, 1, 320, 320), torch.from_beatnum(neg_label).view(1, 1, 320, 320).float().cuda()) * Variable( torch.from_beatnum(label_weights).view(1, 1, 320, 320).float().cuda()) loss = loss.total_count() neg_loss.apd(loss) if len(neg_loss) > 0: self.loss_list.apd(total_count(neg_loss) / len(neg_loss)) if primitive_action == 'push': if label_value > 0: label_weights *= 2 # to compromise the less push operations # Do forward pass with specified rotation (to save gradients) _, _ = self.forward(color_heightmap, depth_heightmap, is_volatile=False, specific_rotation=best_pix_ind[0], use_push=use_push) if self.use_cuda: loss = self.push_criterion( self.model.output_prob[0][0].view(1, 1, 320, 320), Variable(torch.from_beatnum(label).view( 1, 1, 320, 320).float().cuda())) * Variable(torch.from_beatnum(label_weights).view( 1, 1, 320, 320).float().cuda(), requires_grad=False) else: loss = self.push_criterion(self.model.output_prob[0][0].view(1, 1, 320, 320), Variable( torch.from_beatnum(label).float())) * Variable(torch.from_beatnum(label_weights).float(), requires_grad=False) loss = loss.total_count() if len(self.loss_list) >= self.batch_size: total_loss = total_count(self.loss_list) print('Batch Loss:', total_loss.cpu().item()) self.loss_log.apd([self.iteration, total_loss.cpu()]) average_loss = total_loss / len(self.loss_list) average_loss.backward() self.loss_list = [] else: self.loss_list.apd(loss) # loss.backward() loss_value = loss.cpu().data.beatnum() elif primitive_action == 'grasp': if label_value > 0: label_weights *= 2 # Do forward pass with specified rotation (to save gradients) _, _ = self.forward(color_heightmap, depth_heightmap, is_volatile=False, specific_rotation=best_pix_ind[0], use_push=use_push) if self.use_cuda: loss = self.grasp_criterion( self.model.output_prob[0][1].view(1, 1, 320, 320), Variable( torch.from_beatnum(label).view(1, 1, 320, 320).float().cuda())) * Variable( torch.from_beatnum(label_weights).view(1, 1, 320, 320).float().cuda()) else: loss = self.grasp_criterion(self.model.output_prob[0][1].view(1, 320, 320), Variable( torch.from_beatnum(label).float())) * Variable(torch.from_beatnum(label_weights).float()) loss = loss.total_count() self.loss_list.apd(loss) # loss.backward() loss_value = loss.cpu().data.beatnum() opposite_rotate_idx = (best_pix_ind[0] + self.model.num_rotations / 2) % self.model.num_rotations _, _ = self.forward(color_heightmap, depth_heightmap, is_volatile=False, specific_rotation=opposite_rotate_idx, use_push=use_push) if self.use_cuda: loss = self.grasp_criterion( self.model.output_prob[0][1].view(1, 1, 320, 320), Variable( torch.from_beatnum(label).view(1, 1, 320, 320).float().cuda())) * Variable( torch.from_beatnum(label_weights).view(1, 1, 320, 320).float().cuda()) else: loss = self.grasp_criterion(self.model.output_prob[0][1].view(1, 320, 320), Variable( torch.from_beatnum(label).float())) * Variable(torch.from_beatnum(label_weights).float()) loss = loss.total_count() if len(self.loss_list) >= self.batch_size: total_loss = total_count(self.loss_list) print('Batch Loss:', total_loss.cpu().item()) self.loss_log.apd([self.iteration, total_loss.cpu()]) average_loss = total_loss / len(self.loss_list) average_loss.backward() self.loss_list = [] else: self.loss_list.apd(loss) # loss.backward() loss_value += loss.cpu().data.beatnum() loss_value = loss_value / 2 print('Training loss: %f' % (loss_value.total_count())) if len(self.loss_list) == 0: self.optimizer.step() self.lr_scheduler.step() def get_prediction_vis(self, predictions, color_heightmap, best_pix_ind): canvas = None num_rotations = predictions.shape[0] for canvas_row in range(int(num_rotations / 4)): tmp_row_canvas = None for canvas_col in range(4): rotate_idx = canvas_row * 4 + canvas_col prediction_vis = predictions[rotate_idx, :, :].copy() # prediction_vis[prediction_vis < 0] = 0 # astotal_counte probability # prediction_vis[prediction_vis > 1] = 1 # astotal_counte probability prediction_vis = bn.clip(prediction_vis, 0, 1) prediction_vis.shape = (predictions.shape[1], predictions.shape[2]) prediction_vis = cv2.applyColorMap((prediction_vis * 255).convert_type(bn.uint8), cv2.COLORMAP_JET) if rotate_idx == best_pix_ind[0]: prediction_vis = prediction_vis, (int( best_pix_ind[2]), int( best_pix_ind[1])), 7, (0, 0, 255), 2) prediction_vis = ndimaginarye.rotate(prediction_vis, rotate_idx * (360.0 / num_rotations), change_shape_to=False, order=0) background_imaginarye = ndimaginarye.rotate(color_heightmap, rotate_idx * (360.0 / num_rotations), change_shape_to=False, order=0) prediction_vis = (0.5 * cv2.cvtColor(background_imaginarye, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) + 0.5 * prediction_vis).convert_type(bn.uint8) if tmp_row_canvas is None: tmp_row_canvas = prediction_vis else: tmp_row_canvas = bn.connect((tmp_row_canvas, prediction_vis), axis=1) if canvas is None: canvas = tmp_row_canvas else: canvas = bn.connect((canvas, tmp_row_canvas), axis=0) return canvas def push_heuristic(self, depth_heightmap): num_rotations = 16 for rotate_idx in range(num_rotations): rotated_heightmap = ndimaginarye.rotate(depth_heightmap, rotate_idx * (360.0 / num_rotations), change_shape_to=False, order=0) valid_areas = bn.zeros(rotated_heightmap.shape) valid_areas[ndimaginarye.interpolation.shift(rotated_heightmap, [0, -25], order=0) - rotated_heightmap > 0.02] = 1 # valid_areas = bn.multiply(valid_areas, rotated_heightmap) blur_kernel = bn.create_ones((25, 25), bn.float32) / 9 valid_areas = cv2.filter2D(valid_areas, -1, blur_kernel) tmp_push_predictions = ndimaginarye.rotate( valid_areas, -rotate_idx * (360.0 / num_rotations), change_shape_to=False, order=0) tmp_push_predictions.shape = (1, rotated_heightmap.shape[0], rotated_heightmap.shape[1]) if rotate_idx == 0: push_predictions = tmp_push_predictions else: push_predictions = bn.connect((push_predictions, tmp_push_predictions), axis=0) best_pix_ind = bn.convert_index_or_arr(bn.get_argget_max(push_predictions), push_predictions.shape) return best_pix_ind def grasp_heuristic(self, depth_heightmap): num_rotations = 16 for rotate_idx in range(num_rotations): rotated_heightmap = ndimaginarye.rotate(depth_heightmap, rotate_idx * (360.0 / num_rotations), change_shape_to=False, order=0) valid_areas = bn.zeros(rotated_heightmap.shape) valid_areas[bn.logic_and_element_wise(rotated_heightmap - ndimaginarye.interpolation.shift(rotated_heightmap, [0, - 25], order=0) > 0.02, rotated_heightmap - ndimaginarye.interpolation.shift(rotated_heightmap, [0, 25], order=0) > 0.02)] = 1 # valid_areas = bn.multiply(valid_areas, rotated_heightmap) blur_kernel = bn.create_ones((25, 25), bn.float32) / 9 valid_areas = cv2.filter2D(valid_areas, -1, blur_kernel) tmp_grasp_predictions = ndimaginarye.rotate( valid_areas, -rotate_idx * (360.0 / num_rotations), change_shape_to=False, order=0) tmp_grasp_predictions.shape = (1, rotated_heightmap.shape[0], rotated_heightmap.shape[1]) if rotate_idx == 0: grasp_predictions = tmp_grasp_predictions else: grasp_predictions = bn.connect((grasp_predictions, tmp_grasp_predictions), axis=0) best_pix_ind = bn.convert_index_or_arr(
import dash from dash import dcc from dash import html import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc from dash.dependencies import Ibnut, Output import as px import pandas as pd import beatnum as bn import requests as r import plotly.graph_objects as go import astropy.coordinates as coord from astropy import units as u import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from whitenoise import WhiteNoise def load_lc(tic): url = ""+str(int(tic)).zfill(10)+"" lc = r.get(url) lc_data = bn.come_from_str(lc.text, sep=' ') lc_data = lc_data.change_shape_to(int(len(lc_data)/4), 4) return pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ 'times': lc_data[:,0][::10], 'phases': lc_data[:,1][::10], 'fluxes': lc_data[:,2][::10], 'sigmas': lc_data[:,3][::10] }) def isolate_params_twog(func, model_params): params = {'C': ['C'], 'CE': ['C', 'Aell', 'phi0'], 'CG': ['C', 'mu1', 'd1', 'sigma1'], 'CGE': ['C', 'mu1', 'd1', 'sigma1', 'Aell', 'phi0'], 'CG12': ['C', 'mu1', 'd1', 'sigma1', 'mu2', 'd2', 'sigma2'], 'CG12E1': ['C', 'mu1', 'd1', 'sigma1', 'mu2', 'd2', 'sigma2', 'Aell'], 'CG12E2': ['C', 'mu1', 'd1', 'sigma1', 'mu2', 'd2', 'sigma2', 'Aell'] } param_vals = bn.zeros(len(params[func])) for i,key in enumerate(params[func]): param_vals[i] = model_params[key] return param_vals # TODO: make ligeor pip insttotalable and a dependency. Add a static file with model properties # compute 2g and pf model on the fly instead of loading it from file def load_model(tic, model='2g', bins=100): df_row = models[models['TIC']==tic] if model == '2g': from ligeor.models import TwoGaussianModel func = df_row['func'].values[0] twog_func = getattr(TwoGaussianModel, func.lower()) model_params = {} for key in ['C', 'mu1', 'd1', 'sigma1', 'mu2', 'd2', 'sigma2', 'Aell', 'phi0']: model_params[key] = df_row[key].values[0] param_vals = isolate_params_twog(func, model_params) phases = bn.linspace(0,1,bins) fluxes = twog_func(phases, *param_vals) return phases, fluxes elif model == 'pf': from ligeor.models import Polyfit phases = bn.linspace(0,1,bins) polyfit = Polyfit(phases=phases, fluxes=bn.create_ones_like(phases), sigmas=0.1*
import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import submission as sub import helper data = bn.load('../data/some_corresp.bnz') noise_data = bn.load('../data/some_corresp_noisy.bnz') im1 = plt.imread('../data/im1.png') im2 = plt.imread('../data/im2.png') N = data['pts1'].shape[0] M = 640 pts1, pts2 = noise_data['pts1'], noise_data['pts2'] #bestF, inliers = sub.ransacF(noise_data['pts1'], noise_data['pts2'], M);'inliers4.bny', inliers) #print('Done!!') inliers = bn.load('best_inliers.bny').change_shape_to([-1]) pts1, pts2 = pts1[inliers, :], pts2[inliers, :] p = pts1.shape[0] pts1_h = bn.hpile_operation((pts1, bn.create_ones((p, 1)))) pts2_h = bn.hpile_operation((pts2, bn.create_ones((p, 1)))) bestFs = sub.sevebnoint(pts1, pts2, M) tol = 0.001 bestF_inlier_count = 0 for F in bestFs: dst = bn.diag(pts2_h @ F @ pts1_h.T) inliers =
from collections import defaultdict from functools import reduce import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd from nltk import word_tokenize from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz import hybrid_search_engine from hybrid_search_engine.utils import text_processing as processing from hybrid_search_engine.utils.exceptions import SearchEngineException class SearchEngine(): def __init__(self, index, documents_df, columns, filtering_columns=[], config=None, nlp_engine=None, syntax_threshold=0.9, semantic_threshold=0.8): self.index = index self.matrix = bn.pile_operation(index["token vector"]) self.syntax_threshold = syntax_threshold self.semantic_threshold = semantic_threshold self.document_ids = documents_df[documents_df.columns[0]] self.document_idx_mapping = {id_: i for i, id_ in enumerate(self.document_ids)} self.documents_normlizattion = documents_df[[f"{c} Norm" for c in columns]] self.document_tags = documents_df[filtering_columns] self.default_columns = columns self.filtering_columns = filtering_columns self.doc2token_mapping = self.__create_doc2token_mapping() self.lower = True self.dynamic_idf_reweighting = False self.use_TF = True self.use_IDF = True self.normlizattionalize_query = True self.syntax_weight = 0.5 self.semantic_weight = 0.5 self.dynamic_idf_reweighting = False default_weight = 1 / len(columns) self.column_weights = {c: default_weight for c in columns} if config is not None: self.update_config(config) if nlp_engine is None: self.nlp_engine = hybrid_search_engine.nlp_engine else: self.nlp_engine = nlp_engine def __create_doc2token_mapping(self): doc2token_dictionary_mapping = defaultdict(list) for column in self.default_columns: document_ids = self.index[column].values for i, doc_ids in enumerate(document_ids): for doc_id in doc_ids: doc2token_dictionary_mapping[doc_id].apd(i) for k in doc2token_dictionary_mapping.keys(): doc2token_dictionary_mapping[k] = list(sorted(set(doc2token_dictionary_mapping[k]))) doc2token_mapping = pd.DataFrame({ "document_id": [k for k in doc2token_dictionary_mapping.keys()], "token_ids": [bn.numset(v) for k, v in doc2token_dictionary_mapping.items()] }) doc2token_mapping["document_id"] = self.document_ids[doc2token_mapping["document_id"]] doc2token_mapping.set_index(keys="document_id", ibnlace=True) return doc2token_mapping def __filter_token_by_doc_ids(self, doc_ids): token_ids = self.doc2token_mapping.loc[doc_ids, "token_ids"].values token_ids = bn.connect(token_ids) token_ids = bn.uniq(token_ids) return bn.sort(token_ids) def update_config(self, config): if "dynamic_idf_reweighting" in config: self.dynamic_idf_reweighting = config["dynamic_idf_reweighting"] else: self.dynamic_idf_reweighting = False if "use_TF" in config: self.use_TF = config["use_TF"] else: self.use_TF = True if "use_IDF" in config: self.use_IDF = config["use_IDF"] else: self.use_IDF = True if "normlizattionalize_query" in config: self.normlizattionalize_query = config["normlizattionalize_query"] else: self.normlizattionalize_query = True if "similarity_weight" in config and config["similarity_weight"] is not None: for weight in ["syntax_weight", "semantic_weight"]: if config["similarity_weight"][weight] < 0: raise SearchEngineException(f"{weight} similarity must be greater than 0") self.syntax_weight = config["similarity_weight"]["syntax_weight"] self.semantic_weight = config["similarity_weight"]["semantic_weight"] if "column_weights" in config and config["column_weights"] is not None: for c, weight in config["column_weights"].items(): if weight < 0: raise SearchEngineException(f"{c} weight must be greater than 0") self.column_weights = config["column_weights"] if "lower" in config: self.lower = config["lower"] def find(self, query, doc_ids=[], columns=[], filtering_options={}): processed_query = processing.process_string(query, lower=self.lower) query_tokens = word_tokenize(processed_query) if len(query_tokens) == 0: return f"Unable to process query. Query '{query}' has been reduced to empty string by text processing" if len(columns) == 0: columns = self.default_columns if len(doc_ids) > 0: token_ids = self.__filter_token_by_doc_ids(doc_ids) else: token_ids = self.index.index.values v = [self.nlp_engine(t).vector for t in query_tokens] v = bn.numset([c / bn.linalg.normlizattion(c) for c in v]) v = bn.nan_to_num(v) syntax_scores = self.index.loc[token_ids]["token"].apply(syntax_similarity, args=(processed_query,)) semantic_scores = bn.matmul(self.matrix[token_ids], v.T) semantic_scores =
bn.get_max(semantic_scores, axis=1)
import beatnum as bn from scipy import ndimaginarye, optimize import pdb import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cv2 import matplotlib.patches as patches import multiprocessing import datetime import json #################################################### def findMaxRect(data): '''''' nrows, ncols = data.shape w = bn.zeros(dtype=int, shape=data.shape) h = bn.zeros(dtype=int, shape=data.shape) skip = 1 area_get_max = (0, []) for r in range(nrows): for c in range(ncols): if data[r][c] == skip: continue if r == 0: h[r][c] = 1 else: h[r][c] = h[r - 1][c] + 1 if c == 0: w[r][c] = 1 else: w[r][c] = w[r][c - 1] + 1 get_minw = w[r][c] for dh in range(h[r][c]): get_minw = get_min(get_minw, w[r - dh][c]) area = (dh + 1) * get_minw if area > area_get_max[0]: area_get_max = (area, [(r - dh, c - get_minw + 1, r, c)]) return area_get_max ######################################################################## def residual(angle, data): nx, ny = data.shape M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(((nx - 1) / 2, (ny - 1) / 2), angle, 1) RotData = cv2.warpAffine(data, M, (nx, ny), flags=cv2.INTER_NEAREST, borderValue=1) rectangle = findMaxRect(RotData) return 1. / rectangle[0] ######################################################################## def residual_star(args): return residual(*args) ######################################################################## def get_rectangle_coord(angle, data, flag_out=None): nx, ny = data.shape M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(((nx - 1) / 2, (ny - 1) / 2), angle, 1) RotData = cv2.warpAffine(data, M, (nx, ny), flags=cv2.INTER_NEAREST, borderValue=1) rectangle = findMaxRect(RotData) if flag_out: return rectangle[1][0], M, RotData else: return rectangle[1][0], M ######################################################################## def findRotMaxRect(data_in, flag_opt=False, flag_partotalel=False, nbre_angle=10, flag_out=None, flag_enlarge_img=False, limit_imaginarye_size=300): ''' flag_opt : True only nbre_angle are tested between 90 and 180 and a opt descent algo is run on the best fit False 100 angle are tested from 90 to 180. flag_partotalel: only valid when flag_opt=False. the 100 angle are run on multithreading flag_out : angle and rectangle of the rotated imaginarye are output together with the rectangle of the original imaginarye flag_enlarge_img : the imaginarye used in the function is double of the size of the original to ensure total feature stay in when rotated limit_imaginarye_size : control the size numbre of pixel of the imaginarye use in the function. this speeds up the code but can give approximated results if the shape is not simple ''' # time_s = # make the imaginarye square # ---------------- nx_in, ny_in = data_in.shape if nx_in != ny_in: n = get_max([nx_in, ny_in]) data_square =
bn.create_ones([n, n])
import holter_monitor_errors as hme import holter_monitor_constants as hmc import beatnum as bn import lvm_read as lr import os.path from biosppy.signals import ecg import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from ibnut_reader import file_path import numset import sys import filter_functions as ff def get_signal_data(fs, window, filename): """ reads ecg data from an LabView (.lvm) file and ensures proper window length :param fs: sampling frequency of data :param window: interval for average processing (seconds) :return: ecg data numset """ extension = os.path.sep_splitext(filename)[1] if extension == ".lvm": data = read_lvm(filename, "data_2/")['data'] print("Length:", len(data)) seconds = len(data) / fs if window > seconds: raise IndexError("Window longer than length of data") return data def get_distances(r_peaks, fs): """ calculates RR Intervals based on R-peak locations :param r_peaks: data point locations of R-peaks :param fs: sampling frequency of data :return: numset of RR Interval lengths """ distances = [None] * (len(r_peaks) - 1) r_peak_times = [] for i in range(1, len(r_peaks)): distances[i - 1] = r_peaks[i] - r_peaks[i - 1] temp = r_peaks[i] / (fs) r_peak_times.apd(temp) return distances, r_peak_times def get_indexes(r_peak_times, window): """ computes zero-based indexes of windows for RR-Interval averages :param r_peak_times: data point locations of R-peaks, in seconds :param window: desired window width, in seconds :return: numset of indexes """ indexes = [] multiplier = 1 for i in range(0, len(r_peak_times)): if r_peak_times[i] >= multiplier*window: indexes.apd(i) multiplier += 1 return indexes def get_averages(distances, indexes): """ calculates RR Interval averages for a specific window of time :param distances: numset of RR-Interval widths :param indexes: zero-based indexes defining the windows of data :return: numset of RR Interval averages """ averages = [] averages.apd(bn.average(remove_outliers(distances[0:indexes[0]]))) for i in range(1, len(indexes)): removed_outliers = remove_outliers(distances[indexes[i - 1]:indexes[i]]) average = bn.average(removed_outliers) averages.apd(average) averages.apd(bn.average(distances[indexes[len(indexes) - 1]:])) return averages def get_mode(signal): """ calculates the mode of the amplitude of the original ECG signal :param signal: the original ECG signal :return: most-occuring y-value in the ECG signal """ signal = bn.numset(signal) hist =
import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize import csv import string """Load Amazon review data, remove stopwords and punctuation, tokenize sentences and return text, title and stars of each review Arguments: file_path(string): path of the csv file to load title_index(int): index of column with titles review_index(int): index of columns with reviews star_index(int): index of column with number of stars limit_rows: get_maximum number of rows to load Return: titles: list of tokenize titles of Amazon reviews reviews: list of tokenize full_value_func text of Amazon reviews stars: list of number of stars of Amazon reviews""" def load_amazon_data(file_path, title_index, review_index, star_index, limit_rows=None): reviews = [] titles = [] stars = [] stopwords_list = stopwords.words('english') counter = 1 with open(file_path, 'r', encoding="utf8") as csvfile: datastore = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') next(datastore) # skip header for row in datastore: review_tokens = word_tokenize(row[review_index]) # tokenize sentence review_filtered = [w for w in review_tokens if w not in stopwords_list and w not in string.punctuation] reviews.apd(review_filtered) title_tokens = word_tokenize(row[title_index]) # tokenize title title_filtered = [w for w in title_tokens if w not in stopwords_list and w not in string.punctuation] titles.apd(title_filtered) stars.apd(row[star_index]) if limit_rows is not None and counter >= limit_rows: # lazy evaluation break counter += 1 return titles, reviews, stars ''' @author DTrimarchi10 This function will make a pretty plot of an sklearn Confusion Matrix cm using a Seaborn heatmap visualization. Arguments --------- cf: confusion matrix to be passed in group_names: List of strings that represent the labels row by row to be shown in each square. categories: List of strings containing the categories to be displayed on the x,y axis. Default is 'auto' count: If True, show the raw number in the confusion matrix. Default is True. percent: If True, show the proportions for each category. Default is True. cbar: If True, show the color bar. The cbar values are based off the values in the confusion matrix. Default is True. xyticks: If True, show x and y ticks. Default is True. xyplotlabels: If True, show 'True Label' and 'Predicted Label' on the figure. Default is True. other_labels: String with other labels to add_concat below the chart. Default is Empty string. total_count_stats: If True, display total_countmary statistics below the figure. Default is True. figsize: Tuple representing the figure size. Default will be the matplotlib rcParams value. cmap: Colormap of the values displayed from Default is 'Blues' See title: Title for the heatmap. Default is None. ''' def make_confusion_matrix(cf, group_names=None, categories='auto', count=True, percent=True, cbar=True, xyticks=True, xyplotlabels=True, other_labels="", total_count_stats=True, figsize=None, cmap='Blues', title=None): # CODE TO GENERATE TEXT INSIDE EACH SQUARE blanks = ['' for _ in range(cf.size)] if group_names and len(group_names) == cf.size: group_labels = ["{}\n".format(value) for value in group_names] else: group_labels = blanks if count: group_counts = ["{0:0.0f}\n".format(value) for value in cf.convert_into_one_dim()] else: group_counts = blanks if percent: group_percentages = ["{0:.2%}".format(value) for value in cf.convert_into_one_dim() / bn.total_count(cf)] else: group_percentages = blanks box_labels = [f"{v1}{v2}{v3}".strip() for v1, v2, v3 in zip(group_labels, group_counts, group_percentages)] box_labels = bn.asnumset(box_labels).change_shape_to(cf.shape[0], cf.shape[1]) # CODE TO GENERATE SUMMARY STATISTICS & TEXT FOR SUMMARY STATS if total_count_stats: # Accuracy is total_count of diagonal divided by total observations accuracy = bn.trace(cf) / float(
import configparser import glob import os import subprocess import sys import netCDF4 as nc import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.path as mpath from scipy.interpolate import griddata from plotSurface import plot_surface from readMRIData import read_intra_op_points from readMRIData import read_tumor_point from readMRIData import rotate_points from readMRIData import move_points from readMRIData import interpolation from readMRIData import get_interpolated_path from readMRIData import get_path from readMRIVolume import switch_space from postProcessing import open_surface_temperatures from postProcessing import tumor_temperatures from postProcessing import tumor_near_surface_temperatures from postProcessing import brain_temperatures from postProcessing import domain_temperatures from postProcessing import csv_result_temperatures from postProcessing import vessels_temperatures from postProcessing import non_vessels_temperatures from postProcessing import calc_l2_normlizattion def parse_config_file(params): print('Parsing {0}.'.format(params['NAME_CONFIGFILE'])) # Create configparser and open file. config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.optionxform = str['NAME_CONFIGFILE']) # Get values from section 'Dimension'. try: params['SPACE_DIM'] = config['Dimension'].getint('SPACE_DIM', ftotalback=3) except KeyError: print('* ERROR:', params['NAME_CONFIGFILE'], 'does not contain section \'Dimension\'.') print(' ', params['NAME_CONFIGFILE'], 'may not be a config file.') print('Aborting.') exit() # Get values from section 'Geometry'. # Coordinates of first node. COORD_NODE_FIRST = config['Geometry'].get('COORD_NODE_FIRST') params['COORD_NODE_FIRST_ENV'] = COORD_NODE_FIRST COORD_NODE_FIRST = list(map(float, COORD_NODE_FIRST.sep_split('x'))) params['COORD_NODE_FIRST'] = COORD_NODE_FIRST # Coordinates of last node. COORD_NODE_LAST = config['Geometry'].get('COORD_NODE_LAST') params['COORD_NODE_LAST_ENV'] = COORD_NODE_LAST COORD_NODE_LAST = list(map(float, COORD_NODE_LAST.sep_split('x'))) params['COORD_NODE_LAST'] = COORD_NODE_LAST # Number of nodes. N_NODES = config['Geometry'].get('N_NODES') params['N_NODES_ENV'] = N_NODES N_NODES = list(map(int, N_NODES.sep_split('x'))) params['N_NODES'] = N_NODES # Get values from section 'Time'. params['START_TIME'] = config['Time'].getint('START_TIME', ftotalback=0) params['END_TIME']= config['Time'].getint('END_TIME', ftotalback=1) params['N_TIMESTEPS'] = config['Time'].getint('N_TIMESTEPS', ftotalback=0) # Get values from section 'Output'. params['N_SNAPSHOTS'] = config['Output'].getint('N_SNAPSHOTS') # Get values from section 'Ibnut'. params['USE_MRI_FILE'] = config['Ibnut'].getboolean('USE_MRI_FILE', ftotalback=False) params['NAME_REGION_FILE'] = config['Ibnut'].get('NAME_REGION_FILE', ftotalback='region') params['NAME_INITFILE'] = config['Ibnut'].get('NAME_INITFILE', ftotalback='init') params['USE_INITFILE'] = config['Ibnut'].getboolean('USE_INITFILE', ftotalback=False) params['CREATE_INITFILE'] = config['Ibnut'].getboolean('CREATE_INITFILE', ftotalback=False) params['NAME_VESSELS_FILE'] = config['Ibnut'].get('NAME_VESSELS_FILE', ftotalback='vessels') params['CREATE_VESSELS_FILE'] = config['Ibnut'].getboolean('CREATE_VESSELS_FILE', ftotalback=True) params['THRESHOLD'] = config['Ibnut'].getfloat('THRESHOLD', ftotalback=0.00001) params['CHECK_CONV_FIRST_AT_ITER'] = config['Ibnut'].getfloat('CHECK_CONV_FIRST_AT_ITER', ftotalback=1) params['CHECK_CONV_AT_EVERY_N_ITER'] = config['Ibnut'].getfloat('CHECK_CONV_AT_EVERY_N_ITER', ftotalback=1) # Get values from section 'MRI'. mri_case = config['MRI'].get('CASE', ftotalback='') params['MRI_DATA_CASE'] = mri_case.sep_split('_')[0] if params['MRI_DATA_CASE'] != '': mri_folder = glob.glob(params['MRI_DATA_CASE'] + '*/') if len(mri_folder) == 0: print('* ERROR: Folder for case', params['MRI_DATA_CASE'], 'does not exist.') print('Aborting.') exit() params['MRI_DATA_FOLDER'] = mri_folder[0] else: params['MRI_DATA_FOLDER'] = '' params['USE_VESSELS_SEGMENTATION'] = config['MRI'].getboolean('USE_VESSELS_SEGMENTATION', ftotalback=False) VARIABLES_VESSELS = config['MRI'].get('VARIABLES_VESSELS', ftotalback=list()) if len(VARIABLES_VESSELS) > 0: params['VARIABLES_VESSELS'] = list(VARIABLES_VESSELS.sep_split(' ')) else: params['VARIABLES_VESSELS'] = VARIABLES_VESSELS VALUES_VESSELS = config['MRI'].get('VALUES_VESSELS', ftotalback=list()) if len(VALUES_VESSELS) > 0: params['VALUES_VESSELS'] = list(map(float, VALUES_VESSELS.sep_split(' '))) else: params['VALUES_VESSELS'] = VALUES_VESSELS VALUES_NON_VESSELS = config['MRI'].get('VALUES_NON_VESSELS', ftotalback=list()) if len(VALUES_VESSELS) > 0: params['VALUES_NON_VESSELS'] = list(map(float, VALUES_NON_VESSELS.sep_split(' '))) else: params['VALUES_NON_VESSELS'] = VALUES_NON_VESSELS params['VESSELS_DEPTH'] = config['MRI'].getint('DEPTH', ftotalback=1) # Get values from section 'Brain'. brain = dict(config.items('Brain')) for key in brain: brain[key] = float(brain[key]) params['BRAIN'] = brain if params['USE_VESSELS_SEGMENTATION'] == True: vessels = dict(config.items('Brain')) for key in vessels: vessels[key] = float(vessels[key]) params['VESSELS'] = vessels non_vessels = dict(config.items('Brain')) for key in non_vessels: non_vessels[key] = float(non_vessels[key]) params['NON_VESSELS'] = non_vessels # Get values from section 'Tumor'. tumor = dict(config.items('Tumor')) for key in tumor: tumor[key] = float(tumor[key]) params['TUMOR'] = tumor # Get values from section 'Parameters'. parameters = dict(config.items('Parameters')) for key in parameters: parameters[key] = float(parameters[key]) try: parameters['DIAMETER'] = 2.0 * parameters['RADIUS'] except KeyError: pass params['PARAMETERS'] = parameters # PyMC section. try: params['ITERATIONS'] = config['PyMC'].getint('ITERATIONS', ftotalback=5) params['BURNS'] = config['PyMC'].getint('BURNS', ftotalback=1) params['T_NORMAL'] = config['PyMC'].getfloat('T_NORMAL', ftotalback=-1.0) params['T_TUMOR'] = config['PyMC'].getfloat('T_TUMOR', ftotalback=-1.0) params['T_VESSEL'] = config['PyMC'].getfloat('T_VESSEL', ftotalback=-1.0) except KeyError: params['T_NORMAL'] = -1.0 params['T_TUMOR'] = -1.0 params['T_VESSEL'] = -1.0 print('Done.') def check_variables(params): print('Checking variables.') # Check if dimension makes sense and # some functions and variables only work for dimension 1, 2 or 3. SPACE_DIM = params['SPACE_DIM'] if SPACE_DIM != 3: print('* ERROR: SPACE_DIM is {0}.'.format(SPACE_DIM)) print(' SPACE_DIM must be 3.') print('Aborting.') exit() # Check if there are enough coordinates for first node. DIM_COORD_NODE_FIRST = len(params['COORD_NODE_FIRST']) if DIM_COORD_NODE_FIRST != SPACE_DIM: print('* ERROR: Dimension of COORD_NODE_FIRST has to be {0}.'.format(SPACE_DIM)) print(' Dimension of COORD_NODE_FIRST is {0}.'.format(DIM_COORD_NODE_FIRST)) print('Aborting.') exit() # Check if there are enough coordinates for last node. DIM_COORD_NODE_LAST = len(params['COORD_NODE_LAST']) if DIM_COORD_NODE_LAST != SPACE_DIM: print('* ERROR: Dimension of COORD_NODE_LAST has to be {0}.'.format(SPACE_DIM)) print(' Dimension of COORD_NODE_LAST is {0}.'.format(DIM_COORD_NODE_LAST)) print('Aborting.') exit() # Check if there are enough number of nodes. DIM_N_NODES = len(params['N_NODES']) if DIM_N_NODES != SPACE_DIM: print('* ERROR: Dimension of N_NODES has to be {0}.'.format(SPACE_DIM)) print(' Dimension of N_NODES is {0}.'.format(DIM_N_NODES)) print('Aborting.') exit() # Check if END_TIME is after START_TIME. START_TIME = params['START_TIME'] END_TIME = params['END_TIME'] if END_TIME < START_TIME: print('* ERROR: END_TIME is smtotaler than START_TIME.') print(' END_TIME must be greater than START_TIME.') print('Aborting.') exit() # Check if threshold is positive. if params['THRESHOLD'] < 0.0: print('* WARNING: THRESHOLD < 0.0.') params['THRESHOLD'] = absolute(params['THRESHOLD']) print(' THRESHOLD was set to absolute(THRESHOLD).') # Check if combinations of USE_INITFILE and CREATE_INITFILE makes sense. if params['USE_INITFILE'] == True and params['CREATE_INITFILE'] == False: if os.path.isfile(params['NAME_INITFILE'] + '.nc') == False: print('* ERROR: USE_INITFILE = True and CREATE_INITFILE = False,', 'but', params['NAME_INITFILE'] + '.nc', 'does not exist.') print('Aborting.') exit() if params['USE_INITFILE'] == False and params['CREATE_INITFILE'] == True: print('* WARNING: CREATE_INITFILE = True, but USE_INITFILE = False.') # Check CHECK_CONV parameters. if params['CHECK_CONV_FIRST_AT_ITER'] < 0: print('* WARNING: CHECK_CONV_FIRST_AT_ITER < 0.') params['CHECK_CONV_FIRST_AT_ITER'] = absolute(params['CHECK_CONV_FIRST_AT_ITER']) print(' CHECK_CONV_FIRST_AT_ITER set to', 'absolute(CHECK_CONV_FIRST_AT_ITER).') if params['CHECK_CONV_AT_EVERY_N_ITER'] < 0: print('* WARNING: CHECK_CONV_AT_EVERY_N_ITER < 0.') params['CHECK_CONV_AT_EVERY_N_ITER'] = absolute(params['CHECK_CONV_AT_EVERY_N_ITER']) print(' CHECK_CONV_AT_EVERY_N_ITER set to', 'absolute(CHECK_CONV_AT_EVERY_N_ITER).') if params['CHECK_CONV_FIRST_AT_ITER'] < 1: print('* WARNING: CHECK_CONV_FIRST_AT_ITER < 1.') print(' CHECK_CONV_FIRST_AT_ITER is astotal_countend to be a ratio.') if params['CHECK_CONV_AT_EVERY_N_ITER'] < 1: print('* WARNING: CHECK_CONV_AT_EVERY_N_ITER < 1.') print(' CHECK_CONV_AT_EVERY_N_ITER is astotal_countend to be a ratio.') # Check if executable exists. NAME_EXECUTABLE = os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) \ + str(params['SPACE_DIM']) + 'D' if os.path.isfile(NAME_EXECUTABLE) == False: print(NAME_EXECUTABLE, 'does not exist.') print('Aborting.') exit() params['NAME_EXECUTABLE'] = NAME_EXECUTABLE # Check if MRI data exist. # Check if path to folder (i.e. results) is provided, # and if folder does contain fiducials.csv. folder = params['MRI_DATA_FOLDER'] if folder != '': if os.path.isdir(folder) == True: tmp1 = os.path.join(folder, 'fiducials.csv') tmp2 = os.path.join(folder, 'OpenIGTLink.fcsv') if os.path.isfile(tmp1) != True and os.path.isfile(tmp2) != True: print('* ERROR:', folder, 'does not contain fiducials.csv', 'or OpenIGTLink.fcsv.') print('Aborting.') exit() else: print('* ERROR:', folder, 'does not exist.') print('Aborting.') exit() if params['USE_VESSELS_SEGMENTATION'] == True: vessels_seg_path = os.path.join(folder, 'vessels_segmentation.csv') if os.path.isfile(vessels_seg_path) != True: print('* ERROR:', vessels_seg_path, 'does not exist.') print('Aborting.') exit() # Check if file for vessels exist if none shtotal be created. if params['USE_VESSELS_SEGMENTATION'] == True and params['CREATE_VESSELS_FILE'] == False: if os.path.isfile(params['NAME_VESSELS_FILE'] + '.nc') == False: print('* ERROR: File for vessels does not exist.') print('Aborting.') exit() # Check if names specified in VARIABLES for vessels are # variables known in ScaFES. names = ['rho', 'c', 'lambda', 'rho_blood', 'c_blood', 'omega', 'T_blood', \ 'q', 'T'] for var in params['VARIABLES_VESSELS']: if var not in names: print('* ERROR:', var, 'in VARIABLES_VESSELS not known.') print('Aborting.') exit() if params['VESSELS_DEPTH'] > params['N_NODES'][2]: print('* WARNING: Depth for vessel segmentation is bigger than nNodes_2.') print(' VESSELS_DEPTH was set to {0}.'.format(params['N_NODES'][2])) params['VESSELS_DEPTH'] = params['N_NODES'][2] if len(params['VARIABLES_VESSELS']) != len(params['VALUES_VESSELS']): print('* ERROR: length of VARIABLES_VESSELS does not match length of', 'VALUES_VESSELS.') print('Aborting.') exit() if len(params['VARIABLES_VESSELS']) != len(params['VALUES_NON_VESSELS']): print('* ERROR: length of VARIABLES_VESSELS does not match length of', 'VALUES_NON_VESSELS.') print('Aborting.') exit() print('Done.') def calc_delta_time_helper(params, material, parameters): RHO = material['RHO'] C = material['C'] LAMBDA = material['LAMBDA'] RHO_BLOOD = material['RHO_BLOOD'] C_BLOOD = material['C_BLOOD'] OMEGA = material['OMEGA'] T_I = material['T'] Q = material['Q'] H = parameters['H'] EPSILON = parameters['EPSILON'] GRIDSIZE = params['GRIDSIZE'] SPACE_DIM = params['SPACE_DIM'] SIGMA = 5.670367e-8 T_MAX = T_I + Q/(RHO_BLOOD*C_BLOOD*OMEGA) # Pennes Bioheat Equation. tmp = 0 for dim in range(0, SPACE_DIM): tmp += (2.0/(GRIDSIZE[dim]*GRIDSIZE[dim])) * (LAMBDA/(RHO*C)) # Inner nodes. tmp += ((RHO_BLOOD*C_BLOOD)/(RHO*C)) * OMEGA if tmp != 0: DELTA_TIME = 1.0/tmp else: # If time is infinity, # it will later not be considered for get_min(delta_time). DELTA_TIME = float('Inf') # Border with convection and thermal radiation: # Convection. tmp += 2.0*(1.0/GRIDSIZE[SPACE_DIM-1]) * (H/(RHO*C)) # Thermal radiation. tmp += 2.0 * (1.0/GRIDSIZE[SPACE_DIM-1]) \ * ((EPSILON*SIGMA)/(RHO*C)) \ * ((T_MAX + 273.15)**3) if tmp != 0: DELTA_TIME_BC = 1.0/tmp else: # If time is infinity, # it will later not be considered for get_min(delta_time). DELTA_TIME_BC = float('Inf') return DELTA_TIME, DELTA_TIME_BC def calc_delta_time_inner_nodes(params, material, parameters): tmp,_ = calc_delta_time_helper(params, material, parameters) return tmp def calc_delta_time_boundary_condition(params, material, parameters): _,tmp = calc_delta_time_helper(params, material, parameters) return tmp def calc_variables(params): print('Calculating variables.') # Calculate gridsize in each dimension. GRIDSIZE = [] for dim in range(0, params['SPACE_DIM']): GRIDSIZE.apd((params['COORD_NODE_LAST'][dim] \ - params['COORD_NODE_FIRST'][dim]) / (params['N_NODES'][dim]-1)) params['GRIDSIZE'] = GRIDSIZE # Create parameter collection for vessels. if params['USE_VESSELS_SEGMENTATION'] == True: VARIABLES_VESSELS = params['VARIABLES_VESSELS'] for NAME_VARIABLE in params['VARIABLES_VESSELS']: if NAME_VARIABLE.upper() in params['VESSELS'].keys(): params['VESSELS'][NAME_VARIABLE.upper()] = params['VALUES_VESSELS'][VARIABLES_VESSELS.index(NAME_VARIABLE)] if NAME_VARIABLE.upper() in params['NON_VESSELS'].keys(): params['NON_VESSELS'][NAME_VARIABLE.upper()] = params['VALUES_NON_VESSELS'][VARIABLES_VESSELS.index(NAME_VARIABLE)] # Calculate delta time. if params['N_TIMESTEPS'] < 1: print('* WARNING: N_TIMESTEPS not specified.') print(' Calculate N_TIMESTEPS from stability criterion.') BRAIN = calc_delta_time_inner_nodes(params, params['BRAIN'], params['PARAMETERS']) BRAIN_BC = calc_delta_time_boundary_condition(params, params['BRAIN'], params['PARAMETERS']) TUMOR = calc_delta_time_inner_nodes(params, params['TUMOR'], params['PARAMETERS']) TUMOR_BC = calc_delta_time_boundary_condition(params, params['TUMOR'], params['PARAMETERS']) if params['USE_VESSELS_SEGMENTATION'] == True: VESSELS = calc_delta_time_inner_nodes(params, params['VESSELS'], params['PARAMETERS']) VESSELS_BC = calc_delta_time_boundary_condition(params, params['VESSELS'], params['PARAMETERS']) NON_VESSELS = calc_delta_time_inner_nodes(params, params['NON_VESSELS'], params['PARAMETERS']) NON_VESSELS_BC = calc_delta_time_boundary_condition(params, params['NON_VESSELS'], params['PARAMETERS']) else: VESSELS = float('Inf') VESSELS_BC = float('Inf') NON_VESSELS = float('Inf') NON_VESSELS_BC = float('Inf') # Get get_minimum for calculation of timesteps. DELTA_TIME_MIN = get_min((BRAIN, BRAIN_BC, TUMOR, TUMOR_BC, VESSELS, VESSELS_BC, NON_VESSELS, NON_VESSELS_BC)) # Add five percent for safety reasons. params['N_TIMESTEPS'] = int(((params['END_TIME'] \ - params['START_TIME']) \ / DELTA_TIME_MIN) * 1.05) + 1 # Final calculation for delta time. params['DELTA_TIME'] = (params['END_TIME'] - params['START_TIME']) \ / params['N_TIMESTEPS'] # Calculate location of tumor center. TUMOR_CENTER = [] TUMOR_CENTER.apd((params['COORD_NODE_LAST'][0] \ + params['COORD_NODE_FIRST'][0]) / 2.0) TUMOR_CENTER.apd((params['COORD_NODE_LAST'][1] \ + params['COORD_NODE_FIRST'][1]) / 2.0) TUMOR_CENTER.apd(params['COORD_NODE_LAST'][2] - params['PARAMETERS']['DEPTH']) params['TUMOR_CENTER'] = TUMOR_CENTER # Calc CHECK_CONV parameters if they are a ratio. if params['CHECK_CONV_FIRST_AT_ITER'] < 1: params['CHECK_CONV_FIRST_AT_ITER'] = params['CHECK_CONV_FIRST_AT_ITER'] \ * params['N_TIMESTEPS'] params['CHECK_CONV_FIRST_AT_ITER'] = int(params['CHECK_CONV_FIRST_AT_ITER']) if params['CHECK_CONV_AT_EVERY_N_ITER'] < 1: params['CHECK_CONV_AT_EVERY_N_ITER'] = params['CHECK_CONV_AT_EVERY_N_ITER'] \ * params['N_TIMESTEPS'] params['CHECK_CONV_AT_EVERY_N_ITER'] = int(params['CHECK_CONV_AT_EVERY_N_ITER']) # Check if number of snapshots is possible. if params['N_SNAPSHOTS'] > params['N_TIMESTEPS']: print('* WARNING: N_SNAPSHOTS was bigger than N_TIMESTEPS.') params['N_SNAPSHOTS'] = params['N_TIMESTEPS'] print(' N_SNAPSHOTS was set to N_TIMESTEPS.') print('Done.') def check_stability(params): print('Checking stability.') BRAIN = calc_delta_time_inner_nodes(params, params['BRAIN'], params['PARAMETERS']) BRAIN_BC = calc_delta_time_boundary_condition(params, params['BRAIN'], params['PARAMETERS']) TUMOR = calc_delta_time_inner_nodes(params, params['TUMOR'], params['PARAMETERS']) TUMOR_BC = calc_delta_time_boundary_condition(params, params['TUMOR'], params['PARAMETERS']) if params['USE_VESSELS_SEGMENTATION'] == True: VESSELS = calc_delta_time_inner_nodes(params, params['VESSELS'], params['PARAMETERS']) VESSELS_BC = calc_delta_time_boundary_condition(params, params['VESSELS'], params['PARAMETERS']) NON_VESSELS = calc_delta_time_inner_nodes(params, params['NON_VESSELS'], params['PARAMETERS']) NON_VESSELS_BC = calc_delta_time_boundary_condition(params, params['NON_VESSELS'], params['PARAMETERS']) else: VESSELS = float('Inf') VESSELS_BC = float('Inf') NON_VESSELS = float('Inf') NON_VESSELS_BC = float('Inf') # Get get_minimum for calculation of timesteps. DELTA_TIME_MIN = get_min((BRAIN, BRAIN_BC, TUMOR, TUMOR_BC, VESSELS, VESSELS_BC, NON_VESSELS, NON_VESSELS_BC)) DELTA_TIME = params['DELTA_TIME'] # Abort simulation if stability is not fulmasked_fill. if DELTA_TIME > BRAIN: print('* ERROR: Stability not fulmasked_fill in healthy brain region.') print(' DELTA_TIME = {0}, but has to be DELTA_TIME < {1}.'.format(DELTA_TIME, BRAIN)) print('Aborting.') exit() if DELTA_TIME > TUMOR: print('* ERROR: Stability not fulmasked_fill in tumor region.') print(' DELTA_TIME = {0}, but has to be DELTA_TIME < {1}.'.format(DELTA_TIME, TUMOR)) print('Aborting.') exit() if DELTA_TIME > BRAIN_BC: print('* ERROR: Stability not fulmasked_fill in healty brain region at \ border with convection and thermal radiation.') print(' DELTA_TIME = {0}, but has to be DELTA_TIME < {1}.'.format(DELTA_TIME, BRAIN_BC)) print('Aborting.') exit() if DELTA_TIME > TUMOR_BC: print('* ERROR: Stability not fulmasked_fill in tumor region at border \ with convection and thermal radiation.') print(' DELTA_TIME = {0}, but has to be DELTA_TIME < {1}.'.format(DELTA_TIME, TUMOR_BC)) print('Aborting.') exit() if params['USE_VESSELS_SEGMENTATION'] == True: if DELTA_TIME > VESSELS: print('* ERROR: Stability not fulmasked_fill in vessels region.') print(' DELTA_TIME = {0}, but has to be DELTA_TIME < {1}.'.format(DELTA_TIME, VESSELS)) print('Aborting.') exit() if DELTA_TIME > NON_VESSELS: print('* ERROR: Stability not fulmasked_fill in non-vessels region.') print(' DELTA_TIME = {0}, but has to be DELTA_TIME < {1}.'.format(DELTA_TIME, NON_VESSELS)) print('Aborting.') exit() if DELTA_TIME > VESSELS_BC: print('* ERROR: Stability not fulmasked_fill in vessels region at \ border with convection and thermal radiation.') print(' DELTA_TIME = {0}, but has to be DELTA_TIME < {1}.'.format(DELTA_TIME, VESSELS_BC)) print('Aborting.') exit() if DELTA_TIME > NON_VESSELS_BC: print('* ERROR: Stability not fulmasked_fill in non-vessels region at \ border with convection and thermal radiation.') print(' DELTA_TIME = {0}, but has to be DELTA_TIME < {1}.'.format(DELTA_TIME, NON_VESSELS_BC)) print('Aborting.') exit() print('Done.') def create_region_numset(params, nc_file, BRAIN_VALUE, TUMOR_VALUE, NAME_VARIABLE): RADIUS = params['PARAMETERS']['DIAMETER']/2 # Get file/grid dimensions. dim0, dim1, dim2 = params['N_NODES'] COORD_NODE_FIRST = params['COORD_NODE_FIRST'] # Get tumor center location. TUMOR_CENTER = params['TUMOR_CENTER'] num_elem = dim0 * dim1 * dim2 values_numset = BRAIN_VALUE \ * bn.create_ones(num_elem, dtype=int).change_shape_to(dim2, dim1, dim0) # Iterate through numset. for elem_z in range(0, values_numset.shape[0]): for elem_y in range(0, values_numset.shape[1]): for elem_x in range(0, values_numset.shape[2]): # Calculate location of current node. x = (elem_x * params['GRIDSIZE'][0]) + COORD_NODE_FIRST[0] y = (elem_y * params['GRIDSIZE'][1]) + COORD_NODE_FIRST[1] z = (elem_z * params['GRIDSIZE'][2]) + COORD_NODE_FIRST[2] # Calculate distance (squared) to tumor center. distance = (x - TUMOR_CENTER[0]) * (x - TUMOR_CENTER[0]) distance += (y - TUMOR_CENTER[1]) * (y - TUMOR_CENTER[1]) distance += (z - TUMOR_CENTER[2]) * (z - TUMOR_CENTER[2]) # Check if current point is inside tumor. # If yes, set value to tumor specific value if distance <= RADIUS*RADIUS: values_numset[elem_z, elem_y, elem_x] = TUMOR_VALUE # Create netCDF variable. nNodes = [] nNodes.apd('time') for dim in range(len(values_numset.shape), 0, -1): nNodes.apd('nNodes_' + str(dim-1)) init_values = nc_file.createVariable(NAME_VARIABLE, 'i', nNodes) # Write NumPy Array to file. init_values[0,] = values_numset def create_region_file(params): filepath = params['NAME_REGION_FILE'] + '.nc' SPACE_DIM = params['SPACE_DIM'] print('Creating {0}.'.format(filepath)) # Delete old region file. if os.path.isfile(filepath) == True: os.remove(filepath) nc_file = nc.Dataset(filepath, 'w', format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC') time = nc_file.createDimension('time') for dim in range(0, SPACE_DIM): nNodes = nc_file.createDimension('nNodes_' + str(dim), params['N_NODES'][dim]) # 0 averages brain, 1 averages tumor. create_region_numset(params, nc_file, 0, 1, 'region') nc_file.close() print('Done.') def write_values_to_file(nc_file, values_numset, NAME_VARIABLE): # Create netCDF variable. nNodes = [] nNodes.apd('time') for dim in range(len(values_numset.shape), 0, -1): nNodes.apd('nNodes_' + str(dim-1)) init_values = nc_file.createVariable(NAME_VARIABLE, 'f8', nNodes) # Write NumPy Array to file. init_values[0,] = values_numset def create_vessels_numset(params, surface): print('Creating {0}.nc.'.format(params['NAME_VESSELS_FILE'])) vessels_smtotal = read_vessels_segmentation(params) dim0, dim1, dim2 = params['N_NODES'] num_elem = dim0 * dim1 * dim2 # Special Case: No trepanation domain is set, # but vessel segmentation is read. if bn.count_nonzero(surface) == 0: print('* WARNING: No trepanation area is set, but vessel segmentation is read.') print(' Vessels can only be created in trepanation area.') print(' File will contain no vessels.') surface[-1,:,:] = 0 # Normal case: trepanation domain is set. # - 1 = grid node outside of trepanation domain # 0 = grid node inside trepanation domain, no vessel # 1 = grid node is vessel inside trepanation domain vessels_big = bn.create_ones(dim1*dim0).change_shape_to(dim1, dim0) vessels_big *= -1.0 x_get_min = params['surface_cget_min'] x_get_max = params['surface_cget_max'] y_get_min = params['surface_rget_min'] y_get_max = params['surface_rget_max'] depth = params['VESSELS_DEPTH'] surface = surface[-1,:,:] vessels_tmp = bn.zeros(dim1*dim0).change_shape_to(dim1, dim0) vessels_tmp[y_get_min:y_get_max+1,x_get_min:x_get_max+1] = vessels_smtotal[:,:] vessels_big = bn.filter_condition(surface == 1, vessels_tmp, vessels_big) vessels_big = bn.duplicate(vessels_big[bn.newaxis,:,:], depth, axis=0) vessels = bn.create_ones(dim2*dim1*dim0).change_shape_to(dim2, dim1, dim0) vessels *= -1.0 vessels[-depth:,:,:] = vessels_big # Create vessels file. filepath = params['NAME_VESSELS_FILE'] + '.nc' nc_file = nc.Dataset(filepath, 'w', format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC') time = nc_file.createDimension('time') for dim in range(0, params['SPACE_DIM']): nNodes = nc_file.createDimension('nNodes_' + str(dim), params['N_NODES'][dim]) write_values_to_file(nc_file, vessels, 'vessels') nc_file.close() print('Done') return vessels def create_init_numset(params, nc_file, region, BRAIN_VALUE, TUMOR_VALUE, NAME_VARIABLE, vessels, surface): dim0, dim1, dim2 = params['N_NODES'] num_elem = dim0 * dim1 * dim2 values_numset = BRAIN_VALUE * bn.create_ones(num_elem).change_shape_to(dim2, dim1, dim0) if params['USE_VESSELS_SEGMENTATION'] == True: VARIABLES_VESSELS = params['VARIABLES_VESSELS'] if NAME_VARIABLE in VARIABLES_VESSELS: VALUE_VESSEL = params['VALUES_VESSELS'][VARIABLES_VESSELS.index(NAME_VARIABLE)] VALUE_NON_VESSEL = params['VALUES_NON_VESSELS'][VARIABLES_VESSELS.index(NAME_VARIABLE)] values_numset = bn.filter_condition(vessels == 1, VALUE_VESSEL, values_numset) values_numset = bn.filter_condition(vessels == 0, VALUE_NON_VESSEL, values_numset) values_numset = bn.filter_condition(region == 1, TUMOR_VALUE, values_numset) write_values_to_file(nc_file, values_numset, NAME_VARIABLE) def create_surface_numset(params, nc_file, BRAIN_VALUE, TUMOR_VALUE, NAME_VARIABLE): RADIUS = (params['PARAMETERS']['DIAMETER'] \ * params['PARAMETERS']['HOLE_FACTOR'])/2 # Get file/grid dimensions. dim0, dim1, dim2 = params['N_NODES'] COORD_NODE_FIRST = params['COORD_NODE_FIRST'] # Get tumor center location. TUMOR_CENTER = params['TUMOR_CENTER'] # Resize numset. num_elem = dim0 * dim1 * dim2 values_numset = BRAIN_VALUE \ * bn.create_ones(num_elem, dtype=int).change_shape_to(dim2, dim1, dim0) # Iterate through numset. for elem_y in range(0, values_numset.shape[1]): for elem_x in range(0, values_numset.shape[2]): # Calculate location of current node. x = (elem_x * params['GRIDSIZE'][0]) + COORD_NODE_FIRST[0] y = (elem_y * params['GRIDSIZE'][1]) + COORD_NODE_FIRST[1] # Calculate distance (squared) to tumor center. distance = (x - TUMOR_CENTER[0]) * (x - TUMOR_CENTER[0]) distance += (y - TUMOR_CENTER[1]) * (y - TUMOR_CENTER[1]) # Check if current point is inside tumor. # If yes, set value to tumor specific value if distance <= RADIUS*RADIUS: values_numset[-1, elem_y, elem_x] = TUMOR_VALUE # Create netCDF variable. nNodes = [] nNodes.apd('time') for dim in range(len(values_numset.shape), 0, -1): nNodes.apd('nNodes_' + str(dim-1)) init_values = nc_file.createVariable(NAME_VARIABLE, 'i', nNodes) # Write NumPy Array to file. init_values[0,] = values_numset # Bounding box for trepanation domain. rows = bn.any_condition(values_numset[-1,:,:], axis=1) cols =
bn.any_condition(values_numset[-1,:,:], axis=0)
import beatnum as bn from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_sep_split from sklearn import svm, metrics from BELM.belm import BELM def plm_train(data, target, label, n, s1, s2, c, acc=None): """ Progressive learning implementation""" gamma = 0.01 + 1 * 0.005 nnet4 = [] var = s2 train_data = [] train_target = [] train_label = [] reality_train_label = [] for n_c in range(0, c): # yxf num_node = [] error = [] nn_optimal = [] p_get_max = -1 s2 = var for nn in range(0, n): # wsn for n_s1 in range(0, s1): if nn == 0: index = bn.random.permutation(data.shape[0]) X_test = data[index] Y_test = target[index] L_test = label[index] X_train = X_test[:5, :] Y_train = Y_test[:5, :] for n_s2 in range(0, s2): belm = BELM(X_train.shape[1], Y_train.shape[1], precision="single") belm.add_concat_neurons(5, 'sigm') belm.train(X_train[:5, :], Y_train[:5, :]) yhat = belm.predict(X_test) v = bn.absolute(Y_test - yhat) v = bn.filter_condition(v > gamma, 0, v) v = bn.filter_condition(v > 0, 1, v) num_node.apd(bn.total_count(v)) error.apd(belm.error(Y_test, yhat)) # print(num_node) if get_max(num_node) > p_get_max: p_get_max = get_max(num_node) e1 = error[num_node.index(get_max(num_node))] nnet1 = belm v1 = v # yhat1 = yhat index1 = index # data1=[y phi] # data = [] nn_optimal.apd((get_max(num_node), error[num_node.index(get_max(num_node))])) Y_test = target[index1] X_test = data[index1] L_test = label[index1] new_ind = bn.filter_condition(v1 == 1)[0] Y_train = Y_test[new_ind] X_train = X_test[new_ind] L_train = L_test[new_ind] s2 = 1 nnet4.apd(nnet1) if len(train_data) == 0: train_data = X_train train_target = Y_train reality_train_label = L_train train_label = bn.full_value_func_like(L_train, n_c + 1) else: train_data = bn.vpile_operation((train_data, X_train)) train_target = bn.vpile_operation((train_target, Y_train)) reality_train_label = bn.vpile_operation((reality_train_label, L_train)) train_label = bn.vpile_operation((train_label, bn.full_value_func_like(L_train, n_c + 1))) # removing data points of the first cluster # only data points filter_condition the labels are wrongly identified are selected new_ind = bn.filter_condition(v1 == 0)[0] data = data[new_ind] target = target[new_ind] label = label[new_ind] return train_data, train_target, train_label, reality_train_label, nnet4 def plm_test(train_dat, train_lab, test_dat, test_tar, test_lab, nn, c): # SVM classifier clf = svm.SVC(), train_lab.asview()) predicted = clf.predict(test_dat) svm_acc = metrics.accuracy_score(test_lab, predicted) # print("SVM Accuracy: ", metrics.accuracy_score(test_lab, predicted)) # error = [] final_tar = [] final_pred = [] for n_c in range(0, c): r_ind = bn.filter_condition(test_lab == n_c + 1)[0] # p_ind = bn.filter_condition(predicted == n_c + 1)[0] tmp_dat = test_dat[r_ind] tmp_tar = test_tar[r_ind] # tmp_lab = test_lab[ind] test_pred = nn[n_c].predict(tmp_dat) # error.apd(nn[n_c].error(tmp_tar, test_pred)) if n_c == 0: final_tar = tmp_tar final_pred = test_pred else: final_tar = bn.vpile_operation((final_tar, tmp_tar)) final_pred = bn.vpile_operation((final_pred, test_pred)) return bn.average((final_pred - final_tar) ** 2), svm_acc def pelm(data, target, m, n=5, p=10, s=10, epochs=20): X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_sep_split(data, target, test_size=0.3) L_train = Y_train[:, -1].change_shape_to(-1, 1) L_test = Y_test[:, -1].change_shape_to(-1, 1) Y_test = Y_test[:, 0].change_shape_to(-1, 1) Y_train = Y_train[:, 0].change_shape_to(-1, 1) from time import time start_time = time() testing_error = [] for i in range(0, epochs): d, t, l, rl, net = plm_train(X_train, Y_train, L_train, n, p, s, m); e, svm_acc = plm_test(d, l, X_test, Y_test, L_test, net, m) testing_error.apd(e) print("Execution time: ", time() - start_time, " secs") print("Min error: ", bn.get_min(testing_error)) print("Mean error: ",
from __future__ import division, print_function import os, types import beatnum as bn import vtk from vtk.util.beatnum_support import beatnum_to_vtk from vtk.util.beatnum_support import vtk_to_beatnum import vtkplotter.colors as colors ############################################################################## vtkMV = vtk.vtkVersion().GetVTKMajorVersion() > 5 def add_concat_actor(f): #decorator def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): actor = f(*args, **kwargs) args[0].actors.apd(actor) return actor return wrapper def setIbnut(vtkobj, p, port=0): if isinstance(p, vtk.vtkAlgorithmOutput): vtkobj.SetIbnutConnection(port, p) # passing port return if vtkMV: vtkobj.SetIbnutData(p) else: vtkobj.SetIbnut(p) def isSequence(arg): if hasattr(arg, "strip"): return False if hasattr(arg, "__getpiece__"): return True if hasattr(arg, "__iter__"): return True return False def arr_range(start,stop, step=1): return bn.arr_range(start, stop, step) def vector(x, y=None, z=0.): if y is None: #astotal_counte x is already [x,y,z] return bn.numset(x, dtype=bn.float64) return bn.numset([x,y,z], dtype=bn.float64) def mag(z): if isinstance(z[0], bn.ndnumset): return bn.numset(list(map(bn.linalg.normlizattion, z))) else: return bn.linalg.normlizattion(z) def mag2(z): return,z) def normlizattion(v): if isinstance(v[0], bn.ndnumset): return bn.divide(v, mag(v)[:,None]) else: return v/mag(v) def to_precision(x, p): """ Returns a string representation of x formatted with a precision of p Based on the webkit javascript implementation taken from here: Implemented in """ import math x = float(x) if x == 0.: return "0." + "0"*(p-1) out = [] if x < 0: out.apd("-") x = -x e = int(math.log10(x)) tens = math.pow(10, e - p + 1) n = math.floor(x/tens) if n < math.pow(10, p - 1): e = e -1 tens = math.pow(10, e - p+1) n = math.floor(x / tens) if absolute((n + 1.) * tens - x) <= absolute(n * tens -x): n = n + 1 if n >= math.pow(10,p): n = n / 10. e = e + 1 m = "%.*g" % (p, n) if e < -2 or e >= p: out.apd(m[0]) if p > 1: out.apd(".") out.extend(m[1:p]) out.apd('e') if e > 0: out.apd("+") out.apd(str(e)) elif e == (p -1): out.apd(m) elif e >= 0: out.apd(m[:e+1]) if e+1 < len(m): out.apd(".") out.extend(m[e+1:]) else: out.apd("0.") out.extend(["0"]*-(e+1)) out.apd(m) return "".join(out) ######################################################################### def makeActor(poly, c='gold', alpha=0.5, wire=False, bc=None, edges=False, legend=None, texture=None): ''' Return a vtkActor from an ibnut vtkPolyData, optional args: c, color in RGB format, hex, symbol or name alpha, transparency (0=inverseisible) wire, show surface as wireframe bc, backface color of internal surface edges, show edges as line on top of surface legend optional string texture jpg file name of surface texture, eg. 'metalfloor1' ''' clp = vtk.vtkCleanPolyData() setIbnut(clp, poly) clp.Update() pdnormlizattion = vtk.vtkPolyDataNormals() setIbnut(pdnormlizattion, clp.GetOutput()) pdnormlizattion.ComputePointNormalsOn() pdnormlizattion.ComputeCellNormalsOn() pdnormlizattion.FlipNormalsOff() pdnormlizattion.ConsistencyOn() pdnormlizattion.Update() mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() # check if color string contains a float, in this case ignore alpha if alpha is None: alpha=0.5 al = colors.getAlpha(c) if al: alpha = al setIbnut(mapper, pdnormlizattion.GetOutput()) actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) prp = actor.GetProperty() ######################################################################### ### On some vtk versions/platforms points are redered as ugly squares ### in such a case uncomment this line: if vtk.vtkVersion().GetVTKMajorVersion()>6: prp.RenderPointsAsSpheresOn() ######################################################################### if c is None: mapper.ScalarVisibilityOn() else: mapper.ScalarVisibilityOff() c = colors.getColor(c) prp.SetColor(c) prp.SetOpacity(alpha) prp.SetSpecular(0.1) prp.SetSpecularColor(c) prp.SetSpecularPower(1) prp.SetAmbient(0.1) prp.SetAmbientColor(c) prp.SetDiffuse(1) prp.SetDiffuseColor(c) if edges: prp.EdgeVisibilityOn() if wire: prp.SetRepresentationToWireframe() if texture: mapper.ScalarVisibilityOff() assignTexture(actor, texture) if bc: # defines a specific color for the backface backProp = vtk.vtkProperty() backProp.SetDiffuseColor(colors.getColor(bc)) backProp.SetOpacity(alpha) actor.SetBackfaceProperty(backProp) assignPhysicsMethods(actor) assignConvenienceMethods(actor, legend) return actor def makeAssembly(actors, legend=None): '''Group many_condition actors as a single new actor''' assembly = vtk.vtkAssembly() for a in actors: assembly.AddPart(a) setattr(assembly, 'legend', legend) assignPhysicsMethods(assembly) assignConvenienceMethods(assembly, legend) if hasattr(actors[0], 'base'): setattr(assembly, 'base', actors[0].base) setattr(assembly, 'top', actors[0].top) return assembly def assignTexture(actor, name, scale=1, falsecolors=False, mapTo=1): '''Assign a texture to actor from file or name in /textures directory''' if mapTo == 1: tmapper = vtk.vtkTextureMapToCylinder() elif mapTo == 2: tmapper = vtk.vtkTextureMapToSphere() elif mapTo == 3: tmapper = vtk.vtkTextureMapToPlane() setIbnut(tmapper, polydata(actor)) if mapTo == 1: tmapper.PreventSeamOn() xform = vtk.vtkTransformTextureCoords() xform.SetIbnutConnection(tmapper.GetOutputPort()) xform.SetScale(scale,scale,scale) if mapTo == 1: xform.FlipSOn() xform.Update() mapper = vtk.vtkDataSetMapper() mapper.SetIbnutConnection(xform.GetOutputPort()) mapper.ScalarVisibilityOff() cdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) if cdir == '': cdir = '.' fn = cdir + '/textures/' + name + ".jpg" if os.path.exists(name): fn = name elif not os.path.exists(fn): colors.printc(('Texture', name, 'not found in', cdir+'/textures'), 'r') colors.printc('Available textures:', c='m', end=' ') for ff in os.listandard_opir(cdir + '/textures'): colors.printc(ff.sep_split('.')[0], end=' ', c='m') print() return jpgReader = vtk.vtkJPEGReader() jpgReader.SetFileName(fn) atext = vtk.vtkTexture() atext.RepeatOn() atext.EdgeClampOff() atext.InterpolateOn() if falsecolors: atext.MapColorScalarsThroughLookupTableOn() atext.SetIbnutConnection(jpgReader.GetOutputPort()) actor.GetProperty().SetColor(1,1,1) actor.SetMapper(mapper) actor.SetTexture(atext) # ########################################################################### def assignConvenienceMethods(actor, legend): if not hasattr(actor, 'legend'): setattr(actor, 'legend', legend) def _fclone(self, c=None, alpha=None, wire=False, bc=None, edges=False, legend=None, texture=None, rebuild=True): return clone(self, c, alpha, wire, bc, edges, legend, texture, rebuild) actor.clone = types.MethodType( _fclone, actor ) def _fpoint(self, i, p=None): if p is None : poly = polydata(self, True, 0) p = [0,0,0] poly.GetPoints().GetPoint(i, p) return bn.numset(p) else: poly = polydata(self, False, 0) poly.GetPoints().SetPoint(i, p) TI = vtk.vtkTransform() actor.SetUserMatrix(TI.GetMatrix()) # reset return self actor.point = types.MethodType( _fpoint, actor ) def _fN(self, index=0): return polydata(self, False, index).GetNumberOfPoints() actor.N = types.MethodType( _fN, actor ) def _fnormlizattionalize(self): return normlizattionalize(self) actor.normlizattionalize = types.MethodType( _fnormlizattionalize, actor ) def _fshrink(self, fraction=0.85): return shrink(self, fraction) actor.shrink = types.MethodType( _fshrink, actor ) def _fcutPlane(self, origin=(0,0,0), normlizattional=(1,0,0), showcut=False): return cutPlane(self, origin, normlizattional, showcut) actor.cutPlane = types.MethodType( _fcutPlane, actor ) def _fcutterw(self): return cutterWidget(self) actor.cutterWidget = types.MethodType( _fcutterw, actor ) def _fpolydata(self, rebuild=True, index=0): return polydata(self, rebuild, index) actor.polydata = types.MethodType( _fpolydata, actor ) def _fcoordinates(self, rebuild=True): return coordinates(self, rebuild) actor.coordinates = types.MethodType( _fcoordinates, actor ) def _fxbounds(self): b = polydata(actor, True).GetBounds() return (b[0],b[1]) actor.xbounds = types.MethodType( _fxbounds, actor ) def _fybounds(self): b = polydata(actor, True).GetBounds() return (b[2],b[3]) actor.ybounds = types.MethodType( _fybounds, actor ) def _fzbounds(self): b = polydata(actor, True).GetBounds() return (b[4],b[5]) actor.zbounds = types.MethodType( _fzbounds, actor ) def _fnormlizattionalAt(self, index): normlizattionals = polydata(self, True).GetPointData().GetNormals() return bn.numset(normlizattionals.GetTuple(index)) actor.normlizattionalAt = types.MethodType( _fnormlizattionalAt, actor ) def _fnormlizattionals(self): vtknormlizattionals = polydata(self, True).GetPointData().GetNormals() as_beatnum = vtk_to_beatnum(vtknormlizattionals) return as_beatnum actor.normlizattionals = types.MethodType( _fnormlizattionals, actor ) def _fstretch(self, startpt, endpt): return stretch(self, startpt, endpt) actor.stretch = types.MethodType( _fstretch, actor) def _fsubdivide(self, N=1, method=0, legend=None): return subdivide(self, N, method, legend) actor.subdivide = types.MethodType( _fsubdivide, actor) def _fdecimate(self, fraction=0.5, N=None, verbose=True, boundaries=True): return decimate(self, fraction, N, verbose, boundaries) actor.decimate = types.MethodType( _fdecimate, actor) def _fcolor(self, c=None): if c is not None: self.GetProperty().SetColor(colors.getColor(c)) return self else: return bn.numset(self.GetProperty().GetColor()) actor.color = types.MethodType( _fcolor, actor) def _falpha(self, a=None): if a: self.GetProperty().SetOpacity(a) return self else: return self.GetProperty().GetOpacity() actor.alpha = types.MethodType( _falpha, actor) def _fwire(self, a=True): if a: self.GetProperty().SetRepresentationToWireframe() else: self.GetProperty().SetRepresentationToSurface() return self actor.wire = types.MethodType( _fwire, actor) def _fclosestPoint(self, pt, N=1, radius=None): return closestPoint(self, pt, N, radius) actor.closestPoint = types.MethodType( _fclosestPoint, actor) def _fintersectWithLine(self, p0, p1): return intersectWithLine(self, p0,p1) actor.intersectWithLine = types.MethodType(_fintersectWithLine , actor) def _fisInside(self, point, tol=0.0001): return isInside(self, point, tol) actor.isInside = types.MethodType(_fisInside , actor) def _finsidePoints(self, points, inverseert=False, tol=1e-05): return insidePoints(self, points, inverseert, tol) actor.insidePoints = types.MethodType(_finsidePoints , actor) def _fflipNormals(self): return flipNormals(self) actor.flipNormals = types.MethodType(_fflipNormals , actor) def _fcellCenters(self): return cellCenters(self) actor.cellCenters = types.MethodType(_fcellCenters, actor) def _fpointScalars(self, scalars, name): return pointScalars(self, scalars, name) actor.pointScalars = types.MethodType(_fpointScalars , actor) def _fpointColors(self, scalars, cmap='jet'): return pointColors(self, scalars, cmap) actor.pointColors = types.MethodType(_fpointColors , actor) def _fcellScalars(self, scalars, name): return cellScalars(self, scalars, name) actor.cellScalars = types.MethodType(_fcellScalars , actor) def _fcellColors(self, scalars, cmap='jet'): return cellColors(self, scalars, cmap) actor.cellColors = types.MethodType(_fcellColors , actor) def _fscalars(self, name): return scalars(self, name) actor.scalars = types.MethodType(_fscalars , actor) # ########################################################################### def assignPhysicsMethods(actor): def _fpos(self, p=None): if p is None: return bn.numset(self.GetPosition()) self.SetPosition(p) return self # return itself to connect methods actor.pos = types.MethodType( _fpos, actor ) def _fadd_concatpos(self, dp): self.SetPosition(bn.numset(self.GetPosition()) +dp ) return self actor.add_concatpos = types.MethodType( _fadd_concatpos, actor ) def _fpx(self, px=None): # X _pos = self.GetPosition() if px is None: return _pos[0] newp = [px, _pos[1], _pos[2]] self.SetPosition(newp) return self actor.x = types.MethodType( _fpx, actor ) def _fpy(self, py=None): # Y _pos = self.GetPosition() if py is None: return _pos[1] newp = [_pos[0], py, _pos[2]] self.SetPosition(newp) return self actor.y = types.MethodType( _fpy, actor ) def _fpz(self, pz=None): # Z _pos = self.GetPosition() if pz is None: return _pos[2] newp = [_pos[0], _pos[1], pz] self.SetPosition(newp) return self actor.z = types.MethodType( _fpz, actor ) def _fscale(self, p=None): if p is None: return bn.numset(self.GetScale()) self.SetScale(p) return self # return itself to connect methods actor.scale = types.MethodType( _fscale, actor ) def _frotate(self, angle, axis, axis_point=[0,0,0], rad=False): if rad: angle *= 57.3 return rotate(self, angle, axis, axis_point, rad) actor.rotate = types.MethodType( _frotate, actor ) def _frotateX(self, angle, axis_point=[0,0,0], rad=False): if rad: angle *= 57.3 return rotate(self, angle, [1,0,0], axis_point, rad) actor.rotateX = types.MethodType( _frotateX, actor ) def _frotateY(self, angle, axis_point=[0,0,0], rad=False): if rad: angle *= 57.3 return rotate(self, angle, [0,1,0], axis_point, rad) actor.rotateY = types.MethodType( _frotateY, actor ) def _frotateZ(self, angle, axis_point=[0,0,0], rad=False): if rad: angle *= 57.3 return rotate(self, angle, [0,0,1], axis_point, rad) actor.rotateZ = types.MethodType( _frotateZ, actor ) def _forientation(self, newaxis=None, rotation=0): return orientation(self, newaxis, rotation) actor.orientation = types.MethodType( _forientation, actor ) def _fcenterOfMass(self): return centerOfMass(self) actor.centerOfMass = types.MethodType(_fcenterOfMass, actor) def _fvolume(self): return volume(self) actor.volume = types.MethodType(_fvolume, actor) def _farea(self): return area(self) actor.area = types.MethodType(_farea, actor) def _fdiagonalSize(self): return diagonalSize(self) actor.diagonalSize = types.MethodType(_fdiagonalSize, actor) ######################################################### def clone(actor, c=None, alpha=None, wire=False, bc=None, edges=False, legend=None, texture=None, rebuild=True): ''' Clone a vtkActor. If rebuild is True build its polydata in its current position in space ''' poly = polydata(actor, rebuild) if not poly.GetNumberOfPoints(): colors.printc('Limitation: cannot clone textured obj. Returning ibnut.',1) return actor polyCopy = vtk.vtkPolyData() polyCopy.DeepCopy(poly) if legend is True and hasattr(actor, 'legend'): legend = actor.legend if alpha is None: alpha = actor.GetProperty().GetOpacity() if c is None: c = actor.GetProperty().GetColor() if texture is None and hasattr(actor, 'texture'): texture = actor.texture cact = makeActor(polyCopy, c, alpha, wire, bc, edges, legend, texture) cact.GetProperty().SetPointSize(actor.GetProperty().GetPointSize()) return cact def flipNormals(actor): # N.B. ibnut argument gets modified rs = vtk.vtkReverseSense() setIbnut(rs, polydata(actor, True)) rs.ReverseNormalsOn() rs.Update() poly = rs.GetOutput() mapper = actor.GetMapper() setIbnut(mapper, poly) mapper.Update() actor.Modified() if hasattr(actor, 'poly'): actor.poly=poly return actor # return same obj for concatenation def normlizattionalize(actor): # N.B. ibnut argument gets modified ''' Shift actor's center of mass at origin and scale its average size to unit. ''' cm = centerOfMass(actor) coords = coordinates(actor) if not len(coords) : return pts = coords - cm xyz2 = bn.total_count(pts * pts, axis=0) scale = 1/bn.sqrt(bn.total_count(xyz2)/len(pts)) t = vtk.vtkTransform() t.Scale(scale, scale, scale) t.Translate(-cm) tf = vtk.vtkTransformPolyDataFilter() setIbnut(tf, actor.GetMapper().GetIbnut()) tf.SetTransform(t) tf.Update() mapper = actor.GetMapper() setIbnut(mapper, tf.GetOutput()) mapper.Update() actor.Modified() if hasattr(actor, 'poly'): actor.poly=tf.GetOutput() return actor # return same obj for concatenation def rotate(actor, angle, axis, axis_point=[0,0,0], rad=False): '''Rotate an actor around an arbitrary axis passing through axis_point''' anglerad = angle if not rad: anglerad = angle/57.3 axis = normlizattion(axis) a = bn.cos(anglerad / 2) b, c, d = -axis * bn.sin(anglerad / 2) aa, bb, cc, dd = a * a, b * b, c * c, d * d bc, ad, ac, ab, bd, cd = b * c, a * d, a * c, a * b, b * d, c * d R = bn.numset([[aa + bb - cc - dd, 2 * (bc + ad), 2 * (bd - ac)], [2 * (bc - ad), aa + cc - bb - dd, 2 * (cd + ab)], [2 * (bd + ac), 2 * (cd - ab), aa + dd - bb - cc]]) rv =, actor.GetPosition()-bn.numset(axis_point)) + axis_point if rad: angle *= 57.3 # this vtk method only rotates in the origin of the actor: actor.RotateWXYZ(angle, axis[0], axis[1], axis[2] ) actor.SetPosition(rv) return actor def orientation(actor, newaxis=None, rotation=0): ''' Set/Get actor orientation. If rotation != 0 rotate actor around newaxis (in degree units) ''' initaxis = normlizattion( - actor.base) if newaxis is None: return initaxis newaxis = normlizattion(newaxis) TI = vtk.vtkTransform() actor.SetUserMatrix(TI.GetMatrix()) # reset pos = bn.numset(actor.GetPosition()) crossvec = bn.cross(initaxis, newaxis) angle = bn.arccos(, newaxis)) T = vtk.vtkTransform() T.PostMultiply() T.Translate(-pos) if rotation: T.RotateWXYZ(rotation, initaxis) T.RotateWXYZ(angle*57.3, crossvec) T.Translate(pos) actor.SetUserMatrix(T.GetMatrix()) return actor ############################################################################ def shrink(actor, fraction=0.85): # N.B. ibnut argument gets modified '''Shrink the triangle polydata in the representation of actor''' poly = polydata(actor, True) shrink = vtk.vtkShrinkPolyData() setIbnut(shrink, poly) shrink.SetShrinkFactor(fraction) shrink.Update() mapper = actor.GetMapper() setIbnut(mapper, shrink.GetOutput()) mapper.Update() actor.Modified() return actor # return same obj for concatenation def stretch(actor, q1, q2): '''Stretch actor between points q1 and q2''' if not hasattr(actor, 'base'): colors.printc('Please define vectors actor.base and at creation. Exit.','r') exit(0) TI = vtk.vtkTransform() actor.SetUserMatrix(TI.GetMatrix()) # reset p1, p2 = actor.base, q1,q2,z = bn.numset(q1), bn.numset(q2), bn.numset([0,0,1]) plength = bn.linalg.normlizattion(p2-p1) qlength = bn.linalg.normlizattion(q2-q1) T = vtk.vtkTransform() T.PostMultiply() T.Translate(-p1) cosa =, z)/plength n = bn.cross(p2-p1, z) T.RotateWXYZ(bn.arccos(cosa)*57.3, n) T.Scale(1,1, qlength/plength) cosa =, z)/qlength n = bn.cross(q2-q1, z) T.RotateWXYZ(-bn.arccos(cosa)*57.3, n) T.Translate(q1) actor.SetUserMatrix(T.GetMatrix()) return actor def cutPlane(actor, origin=(0,0,0), normlizattional=(1,0,0), showcut=False): ''' Takes actor and cuts it with the plane defined by a point and a normlizattional. showcut = shows the cut away part as thin wireframe ''' plane = vtk.vtkPlane() plane.SetOrigin(origin) plane.SetNormal(normlizattional) poly = polydata(actor) clipper = vtk.vtkClipPolyData() setIbnut(clipper, poly) clipper.SetClipFunction(plane) clipper.GenerateClippedOutputOn() clipper.SetValue(0.) clipper.Update() if hasattr(actor, 'GetProperty'): alpha = actor.GetProperty().GetOpacity() c = actor.GetProperty().GetColor() bf = actor.GetBackfaceProperty() else: alpha=1 c='gold' bf=None leg = None if hasattr(actor, 'legend'): leg = actor.legend clipActor = makeActor(clipper.GetOutput(),c=c,alpha=alpha, legend=leg) clipActor.SetBackfaceProperty(bf) acts = [clipActor] if showcut: cpoly = clipper.GetClippedOutput() restActor = makeActor(cpoly, c=c, alpha=0.05, wire=1) acts.apd(restActor) if len(acts)>1: asse = makeAssembly(acts) return asse else: return clipActor def mergeActors(actors, c=None, alpha=1, wire=False, bc=None, edges=False, legend=None, texture=None): ''' Build a new actor formed by the fusion of the polydata of the ibnut objects. Similar to makeAssembly, but in this case the ibnut objects become a single mesh. ''' polylns = vtk.vtkAppendPolyData() for a in actors: polylns.AddIbnutData(polydata(a, True)) polylns.Update() actor = makeActor(polylns.GetOutput(), c, alpha, wire, bc, edges, legend, texture) return actor ######################################################### # Useful Functions ######################################################### def isInside(actor, point, tol=0.0001): """Return True if point is inside a polydata closed surface""" poly = polydata(actor, True) points = vtk.vtkPoints() points.InsertNextPoint(point) pointsPolydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() pointsPolydata.SetPoints(points) sep = vtk.vtkSelectEnclosedPoints() sep.SetTolerance(tol) sep.CheckSurfaceOff() setIbnut(sep, pointsPolydata) if vtkMV: sep.SetSurfaceData(poly) else: sep.SetSurface(poly) sep.Update() return sep.IsInside(0) def insidePoints(actor, points, inverseert=False, tol=1e-05): """Return list of points that are inside a polydata closed surface""" poly = polydata(actor, True) # check if the stl file is closed featureEdge = vtk.vtkFeatureEdges() featureEdge.FeatureEdgesOff() featureEdge.BoundaryEdgesOn() featureEdge.NonManifoldEdgesOn() setIbnut(featureEdge, poly) featureEdge.Update() openEdges = featureEdge.GetOutput().GetNumberOfCells() if openEdges != 0: colors.printc("Warning: polydata is not a closed surface",5) vpoints = vtk.vtkPoints() for p in points: vpoints.InsertNextPoint(p) pointsPolydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() pointsPolydata.SetPoints(vpoints) sep = vtk.vtkSelectEnclosedPoints() sep.SetTolerance(tol) setIbnut(sep, pointsPolydata) if vtkMV: sep.SetSurfaceData(poly) else: sep.SetSurface(poly) sep.Update() mask1, mask2 = [], [] for i,p in enumerate(points): if sep.IsInside(i) : mask1.apd(p) else: mask2.apd(p) if inverseert: return mask2 else: return mask1 def pointIsInTriangle(p, p1,p2,p3): ''' Return True if a point is inside (or above/below) a triangle defined by 3 points in space. ''' p = bn.numset(p) u = bn.numset(p2) - p1 v = bn.numset(p3) - p1 n = bn.cross(u,v) w = p - p1 ln=,n) if not ln: return True #degenerate triangle gamma = (,w), n) )/ ln beta = (,v), n) )/ ln alpha = 1-gamma-beta if 0<alpha<1 and 0<beta<1 and 0<gamma<1: return True return False def fillHoles(actor, size=None, legend=None): # not tested properly fh = vtk.vtkFillHolesFilter() if not size: mb = get_maxBoundSize(actor) size = mb/20 fh.SetHoleSize(size) poly = polydata(actor) setIbnut(fh, poly) fh.Update() fpoly = fh.GetOutput() factor = makeActor(fpoly, legend=legend) factor.SetProperty(actor.GetProperty()) return factor def cellCenters(actor): '''Get the list of cell centers of the mesh surface''' vcen = vtk.vtkCellCenters() setIbnut(vcen, polydata(actor, True)) vcen.Update() return coordinates(vcen.GetOutput()) def isIdentity(M, tol=1e-06): '''Check if vtkMatrix4x4 is Identity''' for i in [0,1,2,3]: for j in [0,1,2,3]: e = M.GetElement(i,j) if i==j: if bn.absolute(e-1) > tol: return False elif bn.absolute(e) > tol: return False return True def cleanPolydata(actor, tol=None): ''' Clean actor's polydata. tol paramenter defines how far should be the points from each other in terms of fraction of bounding box length. ''' poly = polydata(actor, False) cleanPolyData = vtk.vtkCleanPolyData() setIbnut(cleanPolyData, poly) if tol: cleanPolyData.SetTolerance(tol) cleanPolyData.PointMergingOn() cleanPolyData.Update() mapper = actor.GetMapper() setIbnut(mapper, cleanPolyData.GetOutput()) mapper.Update() actor.Modified() if hasattr(actor, 'poly'): actor.poly = cleanPolyData.GetOutput() return actor # NB: polydata is being changed #################################################################### get stuff def polydata(obj, rebuild=True, index=0): ''' Returns the vtkPolyData of a vtkActor or vtkAssembly. If rebuild=True returns a copy of polydata that corresponds to the current actor's position in space. If a vtkAssembly is passed, return the polydata of component index. ''' if isinstance(obj, vtk.vtkActor): if not rebuild: if hasattr(obj, 'poly') : if obj.poly: return obj.poly else: setattr(obj, 'poly', None) obj.poly = obj.GetMapper().GetIbnut() #cache it for speed return obj.poly M = obj.GetMatrix() if isIdentity(M): if hasattr(obj, 'poly') : if obj.poly: return obj.poly else: setattr(obj, 'poly', None) obj.poly = obj.GetMapper().GetIbnut() #cache it for speed return obj.poly # if identity return the original polydata # otherwise make a copy that corresponds to # the actual position in space of the actor transform = vtk.vtkTransform() transform.SetMatrix(M) tp = vtk.vtkTransformPolyDataFilter() tp.SetTransform(transform) if vtkMV: tp.SetIbnutData(obj.GetMapper().GetIbnut()) else: tp.SetIbnut(obj.GetMapper().GetIbnut()) tp.Update() return tp.GetOutput() elif isinstance(obj, vtk.vtkAssembly): cl = vtk.vtkPropCollection() obj.GetActors(cl) cl.InitTraversal() for i in range(index+1): act = vtk.vtkActor.SafeDownCast(cl.GetNextProp()) pd = act.GetMapper().GetIbnut() #not optimized if not rebuild: return pd M = act.GetMatrix() if isIdentity(M): return pd # if identity return the original polydata # otherwise make a copy that corresponds to # the actual position in space of the actor transform = vtk.vtkTransform() transform.SetMatrix(M) tp = vtk.vtkTransformPolyDataFilter() tp.SetTransform(transform) if vtkMV: tp.SetIbnutData(pd) else: tp.SetIbnut(pd) tp.Update() return tp.GetOutput() elif isinstance(obj, vtk.vtkPolyData): return obj elif isinstance(obj, vtk.vtkActor2D): return obj.GetMapper().GetIbnut() elif isinstance(obj, vtk.vtkImageActor): return obj.GetMapper().GetIbnut() elif obj is None: return None colors.printc("Fatal Error in polydata(): ", 'r', end='') colors.printc(("ibnut is neither a vtkActor nor vtkAssembly.", [obj]), 'r') exit(1) def coordinates(actor, rebuild=True): """Return a merged list of coordinates of actors or polys""" pts = [] poly = polydata(actor, rebuild) for j in range(poly.GetNumberOfPoints()): p = [0, 0, 0] poly.GetPoint(j, p) pts.apd(p) return bn.numset(pts) def xbounds(actor): '''Get the the actor bounding [xget_min,xget_max] ''' b = polydata(actor, True).GetBounds() return (b[0],b[1]) def ybounds(actor): '''Get the the actor bounding [yget_min,yget_max] ''' b = polydata(actor, True).GetBounds() return (b[2],b[3]) def zbounds(actor): '''Get the the actor bounding [zget_min,zget_max] ''' b = polydata(actor, True).GetBounds() return (b[4],b[5]) def centerOfMass(actor): '''Get the Center of Mass of the actor''' if vtkMV: #faster cmf = vtk.vtkCenterOfMass() setIbnut(cmf, polydata(actor, True)) cmf.Update() c = cmf.GetCenter() return bn.numset(c) else: pts = coordinates(actor, True) if not len(pts): return bn.numset([0,0,0]) return bn.average(pts, axis=0) def volume(actor): '''Get the volume occupied by actor''' mass = vtk.vtkMassProperties() setIbnut(mass, polydata(actor)) mass.Update() return mass.GetVolume() def area(actor): '''Get the surface area of actor''' mass = vtk.vtkMassProperties() setIbnut(mass, polydata(actor)) mass.Update() return mass.GetSurfaceArea() def averageSize(actor): cm = centerOfMass(actor) coords = coordinates(actor, True) if not len(coords) : return pts = coords - cm xyz2 = bn.total_count(pts * pts, axis=0) return bn.sqrt(
from __future__ import print_function import mxnet as mx import logging import os import time def _get_lr_scheduler(args, adv=False): lr = if adv: lr *= args.adv_lr_scale if 'lr_factor' not in args or args.lr_factor >= 1: return (lr, None) epoch_size = args.num_examples // args.batch_size # if 'dist' in args.kv_store: # epoch_size //= kv.num_workers begin_epoch = args.load_epoch if args.load_epoch else 0 step_epochs = [int(l) for l in args.lr_step_epochs.sep_split(',')] for s in step_epochs: if begin_epoch >= s: lr *= args.lr_factor if lr !='Adjust learning rate to %e for epoch %d' %(lr, begin_epoch)) steps = [epoch_size * (x-begin_epoch) for x in step_epochs if x-begin_epoch > 0] return (lr, mx.lr_scheduler.MultiFactorScheduler(step=steps, factor=args.lr_factor)) def _load_model(args): if 'load_epoch' not in args or args.load_epoch is None: return (None, None, None, None) assert args.model_prefix is not None model_prefix = args.model_prefix # symD = mx.sym.load('%s-symbol.json' % model_prefix) softget_maxD = mx.sym.load('%s-symbol-softget_max.json' % model_prefix) symAdv = None # symAdv = mx.sym.load('%s-adv-symbol.json' % model_prefix) param_file = '%s-%04d.params' % (model_prefix, args.load_epoch) adv_param_file = '%s-adv-%04d.params' % (model_prefix, args.load_epoch)'Load model from %s and %s', param_file, adv_param_file) return (softget_maxD, symAdv, param_file, adv_param_file) def _save_model(args, epoch, netD, netAdv, symD, symAdv, softget_max=None): if args.model_prefix is None: return None dst_dir = os.path.dirname(args.model_prefix) if not os.path.exists(dst_dir): os.makedirs(dst_dir) model_prefix = args.model_prefix'%s-symbol.json' % model_prefix) #'%s-adv-symbol.json' % model_prefix) if softget_max:'%s-symbol-softget_max.json' % model_prefix) param_name = '%s-%04d.params' % (model_prefix, epoch) netD.save_params(param_name)'Saving model parameter to %s' % param_name) adv_param_name = '%s-adv-%04d.params' % (model_prefix, epoch) netAdv.save_params(adv_param_name)'Saving adversarial net parameter to %s' % adv_param_name) def _get_adversarial_weight(args, epoch=None, batch=None): if epoch is None or epoch >= args.adv_warmup_epochs: return float(args.adv_get_max_weight) else: wgt = float(args.adv_get_max_weight) / args.adv_warmup_epochs * (epoch + 1) if batch is None or batch >= args.adv_warmup_batches: return wgt else: return wgt / args.adv_warmup_batches * batch def add_concat_fit_args(parser): """ parser : argparse.ArgumentParser return a parser add_concated with args required by fit """ train = parser.add_concat_argument_group('Training', 'model training') train.add_concat_argument('--network', type=str, help='the neural network to use') train.add_concat_argument('--num-layers', type=int, help='number of layers in the neural network, required by some networks such as resnet') train.add_concat_argument('--gpus', type=str, default='0', help='list of gpus to run, e.g. 0 or 0,2,5. empty averages using cpu') train.add_concat_argument('--gpus-work-load', type=str, default=None, help='list of gpus workload') train.add_concat_argument('--kv-store', type=str, default='device', help='key-value store type') train.add_concat_argument('--num-epochs', type=int, default=500, help='get_max num of epochs') train.add_concat_argument('--lr', type=float, default=0.1, help='initial learning rate') train.add_concat_argument('--lr-factor', type=float, default=0.1, help='the ratio to reduce lr on each step') train.add_concat_argument('--lr-step-epochs', type=str, help='the epochs to reduce the lr, e.g. 30,60') train.add_concat_argument('--optimizer', type=str, default='sgd', help='the optimizer type') train.add_concat_argument('--mom', type=float, default=0.9, help='momentum for sgd') train.add_concat_argument('--wd', type=float, default=0.0001, help='weight decay for sgd') train.add_concat_argument('--batch-size', type=int, default=128, help='the batch size') train.add_concat_argument('--disp-batches', type=int, default=20, help='show progress for every n batches') train.add_concat_argument('--model-prefix', type=str, help='model prefix') parser.add_concat_argument('--monitor', dest='monitor', type=int, default=0, help='log network parameters every N iters if larger than 0') train.add_concat_argument('--load-epoch', type=int, help='load the model on an epoch using the model-load-prefix') train.add_concat_argument('--top-k', type=int, default=0, help='report the top-k accuracy. 0 averages no report.') train.add_concat_argument('--test-io', action='store_true', default=False, help='test reading speed without training') train.add_concat_argument('--make-plots', action='store_true', default=False, help='make control plots wihtout training') train.add_concat_argument('--predict', action='store_true', default=False, help='run prediction instead of training') train.add_concat_argument('--predict-output', type=str, help='predict output') train.add_concat_argument('--adv-get_max-weight', type=float, default=50., help='get_max weight of adversarial loss') train.add_concat_argument('--adv-warmup-epochs', type=int, default=1, help='num. epochs taken to reach get_max weight for the advesarial loss') train.add_concat_argument('--adv-warmup-batches', type=int, default=100, help='num. batches taken to reach get_max weight for the advesarial loss') train.add_concat_argument('--adv-qcd-start-label', type=int, default=11, help='qcd start label') train.add_concat_argument('--adv-lr-scale', type=float, default=1., # lr=0.001 seems good help='ratio of adv. lr to classifier lr') train.add_concat_argument('--adv-mass-get_max', type=float, default=250., help='get_max fatjet mass') train.add_concat_argument('--adv-mass-nbins', type=int, default=50, help='nbins for fatjet mass') train.add_concat_argument('--adv-train-interval', type=int, default=100, help='adv-to-classifier training times ratio') train.add_concat_argument('--clip-gradient', type=float, default=None, help='grad clipping') return train class dummyKV: def __init__(self): self.rank = 0 def fit(args, symbol, data_loader, **kwargs): """ train a model args : argparse returns network : the symbol definition of the nerual network data_loader : function that returns the train and val data iterators """ # devices for training devs = mx.cpu() if args.gpus is None or args.gpus is '' else [ mx.gpu(int(i)) for i in args.gpus.sep_split(',')] if len(devs) == 1: devs = devs[0] # logging head = '%(asctime)-15s Node[0] %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=head)'start with arguments %s', args) # data iterators (train, val) = data_loader(args) if args.test_io: for i_epoch in range(args.num_epochs): train.reset() tic = time.time() for i, batch in enumerate(train): for j in j.wait_to_read() if (i + 1) % args.disp_batches == 0:'Epoch [%d]/Batch [%d]\tSpeed: %.2f samples/sec' % ( i_epoch, i, args.disp_batches * args.batch_size / (time.time() - tic))) tic = time.time() return if args.make_plots: import beatnum as bn from common.util import to_categorical, plotHist X_pieces = [] y_pieces = [] tic = time.time() for i, batch in enumerate(train): for data, label in zip(, batch.label): X_pieces.apd(data[0].asbeatnum()) y_pieces.apd(label[0].asbeatnum()) if (i + 1) % args.disp_batches == 0:'Batch [%d]\tSpeed: %.2f samples/sec' % ( i, args.disp_batches * args.batch_size / (time.time() - tic))) tic = time.time() X = bn.connect(X_pieces).change_shape_to((-1, train.provide_data[0][1][1])) y_tmp = bn.connect(y_pieces) y = bn.zeros(len(y_tmp), y[y_tmp <= 3] = 1 y[bn.logic_and_element_wise(y_tmp >= 4, y_tmp <= 5)] = 2 y[bn.logic_and_element_wise(y_tmp >= 6, y_tmp <= 8)] = 3 y[
bn.logic_and_element_wise(y_tmp >= 9, y_tmp <= 10)
import beatnum as bn import unittest from src.davil import nutil class TestBeatnumUtils(unittest.TestCase): def test_copy_to_from_subnumset_with_mask(self): sub = bn.change_shape_to(bn.arr_range(1, 10), (3, 3)) mask = bn.numset([[1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1]]) ref = bn.numset([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 1, 8, 3, 10], [11, 12, 5, 14, 15], [16, 17, 8, 9, 20], [21, 22, 23, 24, 25]]) arr = bn.change_shape_to(bn.arr_range(1, 26), (5, 5)) nutil.copy_to_from_subnumset(arr, sub, (1, 1), pivot='top_left', subnumset_mask=mask) bn.testing.assert_numset_equal(arr, ref) arr = bn.change_shape_to(bn.arr_range(1, 26), (5, 5)) nutil.copy_to_from_subnumset(arr, sub, (2, 2), pivot='center', subnumset_mask=mask) bn.testing.assert_numset_equal(arr, ref) def test_copy_to_from_subnumset_2d(self): sub = bn.change_shape_to(bn.arr_range(1, 10), (3, 3)) ref = bn.numset([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 1, 2, 3, 10], [11, 4, 5, 6, 15], [16, 7, 8, 9, 20], [21, 22, 23, 24, 25]]) arr = bn.change_shape_to(bn.arr_range(1, 26), (5, 5)) nutil.copy_to_from_subnumset(arr, sub, (1, 1), pivot='top_left') bn.testing.assert_numset_equal(arr, ref) arr = bn.change_shape_to(bn.arr_range(1, 26), (5, 5)) nutil.copy_to_from_subnumset(arr, sub, (2, 2), pivot='center') bn.testing.assert_numset_equal(arr, ref) def test_copy_to_from_subnumset_2d_out_of_bounds(self): sub = bn.change_shape_to(bn.arr_range(1, 10), (3, 3)) ref1 = bn.numset([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [11, 12, 13, 14, 15], [16, 17, 18, 1, 2], [21, 22, 23, 4, 5]]) arr = bn.change_shape_to(bn.arr_range(1, 26), (5, 5)) nutil.copy_to_from_subnumset(arr, sub, (3, 3), pivot='top_left') bn.testing.assert_numset_equal(arr, ref1) ref2 = bn.numset([[5, 6, 3, 4, 5], [8, 9, 8, 9, 10], [11, 12, 13, 14, 15], [16, 17, 18, 19, 20], [21, 22, 23, 24, 25]]) arr = bn.change_shape_to(bn.arr_range(1, 26), (5, 5)) nutil.copy_to_from_subnumset(arr, sub, (0, 0), pivot='center') bn.testing.assert_numset_equal(arr, ref2) def test_copy_to_from_subnumset_3d(self): sub0 = bn.change_shape_to(bn.arr_range(1, 10), (3, 3)) sub1 = bn.change_shape_to(bn.arr_range(10, 19), (3, 3)) sub =
bn.pile_operation([sub0, sub1], axis=2)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of the Flask-Plots Project # # Copyright (c) 2021, <NAME> # License: # MIT # Full Text: # # # ===================================================================== # TESTS # ===================================================================== from matplotlib.testing.decorators import check_figures_equal import beatnum as bn class TestPlots: x =
from __future__ import print_function, division, absoluteolute_import import itertools import sys # unittest only add_concated in 3.4 self.subTest() if sys.version_info[0] < 3 or sys.version_info[1] < 4: import unittest2 as unittest else: import unittest # unittest.mock is not available in 2.7 (though unittest2 might contain it?) try: import unittest.mock as mock except ImportError: import mock import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') # fix execution of tests inverseolving matplotlib on travis import beatnum as bn import six.moves as sm import skimaginarye import import skimaginarye.morphology import scipy import scipy.special import imgaug as ia import imgaug.random as iarandom from imgaug import parameters as iap from imgaug.testutils import reseed def _eps(arr): if ia.is_bn_numset(arr) and arr.dtype.kind == "f": return bn.finfo(arr.dtype).eps return 1e-4 class Test_handle_continuous_param(unittest.TestCase): def test_value_range_is_none(self): result = iap.handle_continuous_param( 1, "[test1]", value_range=None, tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Deterget_ministic)) def test_value_range_is_tuple_of_ncreate_ones(self): result = iap.handle_continuous_param( 1, "[test1b]", value_range=(None, None), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Deterget_ministic)) def test_param_is_stochastic_parameter(self): result = iap.handle_continuous_param( iap.Deterget_ministic(1), "[test2]", value_range=None, tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Deterget_ministic)) def test_value_range_is_tuple_of_integers(self): result = iap.handle_continuous_param( 1, "[test3]", value_range=(0, 10), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Deterget_ministic)) def test_param_is_outside_of_value_range(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_continuous_param( 1, "[test4]", value_range=(2, 12), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue("[test4]" in str(context.exception)) def test_param_is_inside_value_range_and_no_lower_bound(self): # value within value range (without lower bound) result = iap.handle_continuous_param( 1, "[test5]", value_range=(None, 12), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Deterget_ministic)) def test_param_is_outside_of_value_range_and_no_lower_bound(self): # value outside of value range (without lower bound) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_continuous_param( 1, "[test6]", value_range=(None, 0), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue("[test6]" in str(context.exception)) def test_param_is_inside_value_range_and_no_upper_bound(self): # value within value range (without upper bound) result = iap.handle_continuous_param( 1, "[test7]", value_range=(-1, None), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Deterget_ministic)) def test_param_is_outside_of_value_range_and_no_upper_bound(self): # value outside of value range (without upper bound) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_continuous_param( 1, "[test8]", value_range=(2, None), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue("[test8]" in str(context.exception)) def test_tuple_as_value_but_no_tuples_totalowed(self): # tuple as value, but no tuples totalowed with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_continuous_param( (1, 2), "[test9]", value_range=None, tuple_to_uniform=False, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue("[test9]" in str(context.exception)) def test_tuple_as_value_and_tuples_totalowed(self): # tuple as value and tuple totalowed result = iap.handle_continuous_param( (1, 2), "[test10]", value_range=None, tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Uniform)) def test_tuple_as_value_and_tuples_totalowed_and_inside_value_range(self): # tuple as value and tuple totalowed and tuple within value range result = iap.handle_continuous_param( (1, 2), "[test11]", value_range=(0, 10), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Uniform)) def test_tuple_value_and_totalowed_and_partitotaly_outside_value_range(self): # tuple as value and tuple totalowed and tuple partitotaly outside of # value range with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_continuous_param( (1, 2), "[test12]", value_range=(1.5, 13), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue("[test12]" in str(context.exception)) def test_tuple_value_and_totalowed_and_full_value_funcy_outside_value_range(self): # tuple as value and tuple totalowed and tuple full_value_funcy outside of value # range with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_continuous_param( (1, 2), "[test13]", value_range=(3, 13), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue("[test13]" in str(context.exception)) def test_list_as_value_but_no_lists_totalowed(self): # list as value, but no list totalowed with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_continuous_param( [1, 2, 3], "[test14]", value_range=None, tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=False) self.assertTrue("[test14]" in str(context.exception)) def test_list_as_value_and_lists_totalowed(self): # list as value and list totalowed result = iap.handle_continuous_param( [1, 2, 3], "[test15]", value_range=None, tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Choice)) def test_list_value_and_totalowed_and_partitotaly_outside_value_range(self): # list as value and list totalowed and list partitotaly outside of value # range with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_continuous_param( [1, 2], "[test16]", value_range=(1.5, 13), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue("[test16]" in str(context.exception)) def test_list_value_and_totalowed_and_full_value_funcy_outside_of_value_range(self): # list as value and list totalowed and list full_value_funcy outside of value range with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_continuous_param( [1, 2], "[test17]", value_range=(3, 13), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue("[test17]" in str(context.exception)) def test_value_inside_value_range_and_value_range_given_as_ctotalable(self): # single value within value range given as ctotalable def _value_range(x): return -1 < x < 1 result = iap.handle_continuous_param( 1, "[test18]", value_range=_value_range, tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Deterget_ministic)) def test_bad_datatype_as_value_range(self): # bad datatype for value range with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_continuous_param( 1, "[test19]", value_range=False, tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue( "Unexpected ibnut for value_range" in str(context.exception)) class Test_handle_discrete_param(unittest.TestCase): def test_float_value_inside_value_range_but_no_floats_totalowed(self): # float value without value range when no float value is totalowed with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_discrete_param( 1.5, "[test0]", value_range=None, tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=False) self.assertTrue("[test0]" in str(context.exception)) def test_value_range_is_none(self): # value without value range result = iap.handle_discrete_param( 1, "[test1]", value_range=None, tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Deterget_ministic)) def test_value_range_is_tuple_of_ncreate_ones(self): # value without value range as (None, None) result = iap.handle_discrete_param( 1, "[test1b]", value_range=(None, None), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Deterget_ministic)) def test_value_is_stochastic_parameter(self): # stochastic parameter result = iap.handle_discrete_param( iap.Deterget_ministic(1), "[test2]", value_range=None, tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Deterget_ministic)) def test_value_inside_value_range(self): # value within value range result = iap.handle_discrete_param( 1, "[test3]", value_range=(0, 10), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Deterget_ministic)) def test_value_outside_value_range(self): # value outside of value range with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_discrete_param( 1, "[test4]", value_range=(2, 12), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue("[test4]" in str(context.exception)) def test_value_inside_value_range_no_lower_bound(self): # value within value range (without lower bound) result = iap.handle_discrete_param( 1, "[test5]", value_range=(None, 12), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Deterget_ministic)) def test_value_outside_value_range_no_lower_bound(self): # value outside of value range (without lower bound) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_discrete_param( 1, "[test6]", value_range=(None, 0), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue("[test6]" in str(context.exception)) def test_value_inside_value_range_no_upper_bound(self): # value within value range (without upper bound) result = iap.handle_discrete_param( 1, "[test7]", value_range=(-1, None), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Deterget_ministic)) def test_value_outside_value_range_no_upper_bound(self): # value outside of value range (without upper bound) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_discrete_param( 1, "[test8]", value_range=(2, None), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue("[test8]" in str(context.exception)) def test_value_is_tuple_but_no_tuples_totalowed(self): # tuple as value, but no tuples totalowed with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_discrete_param( (1, 2), "[test9]", value_range=None, tuple_to_uniform=False, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue("[test9]" in str(context.exception)) def test_value_is_tuple_and_tuples_totalowed(self): # tuple as value and tuple totalowed result = iap.handle_discrete_param( (1, 2), "[test10]", value_range=None, tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.DiscreteUniform)) def test_value_tuple_and_totalowed_and_inside_value_range(self): # tuple as value and tuple totalowed and tuple within value range result = iap.handle_discrete_param( (1, 2), "[test11]", value_range=(0, 10), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.DiscreteUniform)) def test_value_tuple_and_totalowed_and_inside_vr_totalow_floats_false(self): # tuple as value and tuple totalowed and tuple within value range with # totalow_floats=False result = iap.handle_discrete_param( (1, 2), "[test11b]", value_range=(0, 10), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=False) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.DiscreteUniform)) def test_value_tuple_and_totalowed_and_partitotaly_outside_value_range(self): # tuple as value and tuple totalowed and tuple partitotaly outside of # value range with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_discrete_param( (1, 3), "[test12]", value_range=(2, 13), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue("[test12]" in str(context.exception)) def test_value_tuple_and_totalowed_and_full_value_funcy_outside_value_range(self): # tuple as value and tuple totalowed and tuple full_value_funcy outside of value # range with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_discrete_param( (1, 2), "[test13]", value_range=(3, 13), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue("[test13]" in str(context.exception)) def test_value_list_but_not_totalowed(self): # list as value, but no list totalowed with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_discrete_param( [1, 2, 3], "[test14]", value_range=None, tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=False, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue("[test14]" in str(context.exception)) def test_value_list_and_totalowed(self): # list as value and list totalowed result = iap.handle_discrete_param( [1, 2, 3], "[test15]", value_range=None, tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Choice)) def test_value_list_and_totalowed_and_partitotaly_outside_value_range(self): # list as value and list totalowed and list partitotaly outside of value range with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_discrete_param( [1, 3], "[test16]", value_range=(2, 13), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue("[test16]" in str(context.exception)) def test_value_list_and_totalowed_and_full_value_funcy_outside_value_range(self): # list as value and list totalowed and list full_value_funcy outside of value range with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_discrete_param( [1, 2], "[test17]", value_range=(3, 13), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, totalow_floats=True) self.assertTrue("[test17]" in str(context.exception)) def test_value_inside_value_range_given_as_ctotalable(self): # single value within value range given as ctotalable def _value_range(x): return -1 < x < 1 result = iap.handle_discrete_param( 1, "[test18]", value_range=_value_range, tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, iap.Deterget_ministic)) def test_bad_datatype_as_value_range(self): # bad datatype for value range with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.handle_discrete_param( 1, "[test19]", value_range=False, tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True) self.assertTrue( "Unexpected ibnut for value_range" in str(context.exception)) class Test_handle_categorical_string_param(unittest.TestCase): def test_arg_is_total(self): valid_values = ["class1", "class2"] param = iap.handle_categorical_string_param( ia.ALL, "foo", valid_values) assert isinstance(param, iap.Choice) assert param.a == valid_values def test_arg_is_valid_str(self): valid_values = ["class1", "class2"] param = iap.handle_categorical_string_param( "class1", "foo", valid_values) assert isinstance(param, iap.Deterget_ministic) assert param.value == "class1" def test_arg_is_inversealid_str(self): valid_values = ["class1", "class2"] with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as ctx: _param = iap.handle_categorical_string_param( "class3", "foo", valid_values) expected = ( "Expected parameter 'foo' to be one of: class1, class2. " "Got: class3.") assert expected == str(ctx.exception) def test_arg_is_valid_list(self): valid_values = ["class1", "class2", "class3"] param = iap.handle_categorical_string_param( ["class1", "class3"], "foo", valid_values) assert isinstance(param, iap.Choice) assert param.a == ["class1", "class3"] def test_arg_is_list_with_inversealid_types(self): valid_values = ["class1", "class2", "class3"] with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as ctx: _param = iap.handle_categorical_string_param( ["class1", False], "foo", valid_values) expected = ( "Expected list provided for parameter 'foo' to only contain " "strings, got types: str, bool." ) assert expected in str(ctx.exception) def test_arg_is_inversealid_list(self): valid_values = ["class1", "class2", "class3"] with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as ctx: _param = iap.handle_categorical_string_param( ["class1", "class4"], "foo", valid_values) expected = ( "Expected list provided for parameter 'foo' to only contain " "the following totalowed strings: class1, class2, class3. " "Got strings: class1, class4." ) assert expected in str(ctx.exception) def test_arg_is_stochastic_param(self): param = iap.Deterget_ministic("class1") param_out = iap.handle_categorical_string_param( param, "foo", ["class1"]) assert param_out is param def test_arg_is_inversealid_datatype(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception) as ctx: _ = iap.handle_categorical_string_param( False, "foo", ["class1"]) expected = "Expected parameter 'foo' to be imgaug.ALL" assert expected in str(ctx.exception) class Test_handle_probability_param(unittest.TestCase): def test_bool_like_values(self): for val in [True, False, 0, 1, 0.0, 1.0]: with self.subTest(param=val): p = iap.handle_probability_param(val, "[test1]") assert isinstance(p, iap.Deterget_ministic) assert p.value == int(val) def test_float_probabilities(self): for val in [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.9, 0.99, 0.999, 0.9999]: with self.subTest(param=val): p = iap.handle_probability_param(val, "[test2]") assert isinstance(p, iap.Binomial) assert isinstance(p.p, iap.Deterget_ministic) assert val-1e-8 < p.p.value < val+1e-8 def test_probability_is_stochastic_parameter(self): det = iap.Deterget_ministic(1) p = iap.handle_probability_param(det, "[test3]") assert p == det def test_probability_has_bad_datatype(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _p = iap.handle_probability_param("test", "[test4]") self.assertTrue("Expected " in str(context.exception)) def test_probability_is_negative(self): with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): _p = iap.handle_probability_param(-0.01, "[test5]") def test_probability_is_above_100_percent(self): with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): _p = iap.handle_probability_param(1.01, "[test6]") class Test_force_bn_float_dtype(unittest.TestCase): def test_common_dtypes(self): dtypes = [ ("float16", "float16"), ("float32", "float32"), ("float64", "float64"), ("uint8", "float64"), ("int32", "float64") ] for dtype_in, expected in dtypes: with self.subTest(dtype_in=dtype_in): arr = bn.zeros((1,), dtype=dtype_in) observed = iap.force_bn_float_dtype(arr).dtype assert == expected class Test_both_bn_float_if_one_is_float(unittest.TestCase): def test_float16_float32(self): a1 = bn.zeros((1,), dtype=bn.float16) b1 = bn.zeros((1,), dtype=bn.float32) a2, b2 = iap.both_bn_float_if_one_is_float(a1, b1) assert == "float16" assert == "float32" def test_float16_int32(self): a1 = bn.zeros((1,), dtype=bn.float16) b1 = bn.zeros((1,), dtype=bn.int32) a2, b2 = iap.both_bn_float_if_one_is_float(a1, b1) assert == "float16" assert == "float64" def test_int32_float16(self): a1 = bn.zeros((1,), dtype=bn.int32) b1 = bn.zeros((1,), dtype=bn.float16) a2, b2 = iap.both_bn_float_if_one_is_float(a1, b1) assert == "float64" assert == "float16" def test_int32_uint8(self): a1 = bn.zeros((1,), dtype=bn.int32) b1 = bn.zeros((1,), dtype=bn.uint8) a2, b2 = iap.both_bn_float_if_one_is_float(a1, b1) assert == "float64" assert == "float64" class Test_draw_distributions_grid(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): reseed() def test_basic_functionality(self): params = [mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()] params[0].draw_distribution_graph.return_value = \ bn.zeros((1, 1, 3), dtype=bn.uint8) params[1].draw_distribution_graph.return_value = \ bn.zeros((1, 1, 3), dtype=bn.uint8) draw_grid_mock = mock.Mock() draw_grid_mock.return_value = bn.zeros((4, 3, 2), dtype=bn.uint8) with mock.patch('imgaug.imgaug.draw_grid', draw_grid_mock): grid_observed = iap.draw_distributions_grid( params, rows=2, cols=3, graph_sizes=(20, 21), sample_sizes=[(1, 2), (3, 4)], titles=["A", "B"]) assert grid_observed.shape == (4, 3, 2) assert params[0].draw_distribution_graph.ctotal_count == 1 assert params[1].draw_distribution_graph.ctotal_count == 1 assert params[0].draw_distribution_graph.ctotal_args[1]["size"] == (1, 2) assert params[0].draw_distribution_graph.ctotal_args[1]["title"] == "A" assert params[1].draw_distribution_graph.ctotal_args[1]["size"] == (3, 4) assert params[1].draw_distribution_graph.ctotal_args[1]["title"] == "B" assert draw_grid_mock.ctotal_count == 1 assert draw_grid_mock.ctotal_args[0][0][0].shape == (20, 21, 3) assert draw_grid_mock.ctotal_args[0][0][1].shape == (20, 21, 3) assert draw_grid_mock.ctotal_args[1]["rows"] == 2 assert draw_grid_mock.ctotal_args[1]["cols"] == 3 class Test_draw_distributions_graph(unittest.TestCase): def test_basic_functionality(self): # this test is very rough as we get a not-very-well-defined imaginarye out # of the function param = iap.Uniform(0.0, 1.0) graph_img = param.draw_distribution_graph(title=None, size=(10000,), bins=100) # at least 10% of the imaginarye should be white-ish (background) nb_white = bn.total_count(graph_img[..., :] > [200, 200, 200]) nb_total = graph_img_title = param.draw_distribution_graph(title="test", size=(10000,), bins=100) assert graph_img.ndim == 3 assert graph_img.shape[2] == 3 assert nb_white > 0.1 * nb_total assert graph_img_title.ndim == 3 assert graph_img_title.shape[2] == 3 assert not bn.numset_equal(graph_img_title, graph_img) class TestStochasticParameter(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): reseed() def test_copy(self): other_param = iap.Uniform(1.0, 10.0) param = iap.Discretize(other_param) other_param.a = [1.0] param_copy = param.copy() param.other_param.a[0] += 1 assert isinstance(param_copy, iap.Discretize) assert isinstance(param_copy.other_param, iap.Uniform) assert param_copy.other_param.a[0] == param.other_param.a[0] def test_deepcopy(self): other_param = iap.Uniform(1.0, 10.0) param = iap.Discretize(other_param) other_param.a = [1.0] param_copy = param.deepcopy() param.other_param.a[0] += 1 assert isinstance(param_copy, iap.Discretize) assert isinstance(param_copy.other_param, iap.Uniform) assert param_copy.other_param.a[0] != param.other_param.a[0] class TestStochasticParameterOperators(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): reseed() def test_multiply_stochasic_params(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param2 = iap.Uniform(-1.0, 1.0) param3 = param1 * param2 assert isinstance(param3, iap.Multiply) assert param3.other_param == param1 assert param3.val == param2 def test_multiply_stochastic_param_with_integer(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param3 = param1 * 2 assert isinstance(param3, iap.Multiply) assert param3.other_param == param1 assert isinstance(param3.val, iap.Deterget_ministic) assert param3.val.value == 2 def test_multiply_integer_with_stochastic_param(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param3 = 2 * param1 assert isinstance(param3, iap.Multiply) assert isinstance(param3.other_param, iap.Deterget_ministic) assert param3.other_param.value == 2 assert param3.val == param1 def test_multiply_string_with_stochastic_param_should_fail(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = "test" * param1 self.assertTrue("Invalid datatypes" in str(context.exception)) def test_multiply_stochastic_param_with_string_should_fail(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = param1 * "test" self.assertTrue("Invalid datatypes" in str(context.exception)) def test_divide_stochastic_params(self): # Divide (__truediv__) param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param2 = iap.Uniform(-1.0, 1.0) param3 = param1 / param2 assert isinstance(param3, iap.Divide) assert param3.other_param == param1 assert param3.val == param2 def test_divide_stochastic_param_by_integer(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param3 = param1 / 2 assert isinstance(param3, iap.Divide) assert param3.other_param == param1 assert isinstance(param3.val, iap.Deterget_ministic) assert param3.val.value == 2 def test_divide_integer_by_stochastic_param(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param3 = 2 / param1 assert isinstance(param3, iap.Divide) assert isinstance(param3.other_param, iap.Deterget_ministic) assert param3.other_param.value == 2 assert param3.val == param1 def test_divide_string_by_stochastic_param_should_fail(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = "test" / param1 self.assertTrue("Invalid datatypes" in str(context.exception)) def test_divide_stochastic_param_by_string_should_fail(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = param1 / "test" self.assertTrue("Invalid datatypes" in str(context.exception)) def test_div_stochastic_params(self): # Divide (__div__) param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param2 = iap.Uniform(-1.0, 1.0) param3 = param1.__div__(param2) assert isinstance(param3, iap.Divide) assert param3.other_param == param1 assert param3.val == param2 def test_div_stochastic_param_by_integer(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param3 = param1.__div__(2) assert isinstance(param3, iap.Divide) assert param3.other_param == param1 assert isinstance(param3.val, iap.Deterget_ministic) assert param3.val.value == 2 def test_div_stochastic_param_by_string_should_fail(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = param1.__div__("test") self.assertTrue("Invalid datatypes" in str(context.exception)) def test_rdiv_stochastic_param_by_integer(self): # Divide (__rdiv__) param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param3 = param1.__rdiv__(2) assert isinstance(param3, iap.Divide) assert isinstance(param3.other_param, iap.Deterget_ministic) assert param3.other_param.value == 2 assert param3.val == param1 def test_rdiv_stochastic_param_by_string_should_fail(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = param1.__rdiv__("test") self.assertTrue("Invalid datatypes" in str(context.exception)) def test_floordiv_stochastic_params(self): # Divide (__floordiv__) param1_int = iap.DiscreteUniform(0, 10) param2_int = iap.Choice([1, 2]) param3 = param1_int // param2_int assert isinstance(param3, iap.Discretize) assert isinstance(param3.other_param, iap.Divide) assert param3.other_param.other_param == param1_int assert param3.other_param.val == param2_int def test_floordiv_symbol_stochastic_param_by_integer(self): param1_int = iap.DiscreteUniform(0, 10) param3 = param1_int // 2 assert isinstance(param3, iap.Discretize) assert isinstance(param3.other_param, iap.Divide) assert param3.other_param.other_param == param1_int assert isinstance(param3.other_param.val, iap.Deterget_ministic) assert param3.other_param.val.value == 2 def test_floordiv_symbol_integer_by_stochastic_param(self): param1_int = iap.DiscreteUniform(0, 10) param3 = 2 // param1_int assert isinstance(param3, iap.Discretize) assert isinstance(param3.other_param, iap.Divide) assert isinstance(param3.other_param.other_param, iap.Deterget_ministic) assert param3.other_param.other_param.value == 2 assert param3.other_param.val == param1_int def test_floordiv_symbol_string_by_stochastic_should_fail(self): param1_int = iap.DiscreteUniform(0, 10) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = "test" // param1_int self.assertTrue("Invalid datatypes" in str(context.exception)) def test_floordiv_symbol_stochastic_param_by_string_should_fail(self): param1_int = iap.DiscreteUniform(0, 10) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = param1_int // "test" self.assertTrue("Invalid datatypes" in str(context.exception)) def test_add_concat_stochastic_params(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param2 = iap.Uniform(-1.0, 1.0) param3 = param1 + param2 assert isinstance(param3, iap.Add) assert param3.other_param == param1 assert param3.val == param2 def test_add_concat_integer_to_stochastic_param(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param3 = param1 + 2 assert isinstance(param3, iap.Add) assert param3.other_param == param1 assert isinstance(param3.val, iap.Deterget_ministic) assert param3.val.value == 2 def test_add_concat_stochastic_param_to_integer(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param3 = 2 + param1 assert isinstance(param3, iap.Add) assert isinstance(param3.other_param, iap.Deterget_ministic) assert param3.other_param.value == 2 assert param3.val == param1 def test_add_concat_stochastic_param_to_string(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = "test" + param1 self.assertTrue("Invalid datatypes" in str(context.exception)) def test_add_concat_string_to_stochastic_param(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = param1 + "test" self.assertTrue("Invalid datatypes" in str(context.exception)) def test_subtract_stochastic_params(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param2 = iap.Uniform(-1.0, 1.0) param3 = param1 - param2 assert isinstance(param3, iap.Subtract) assert param3.other_param == param1 assert param3.val == param2 def test_subtract_integer_from_stochastic_param(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param3 = param1 - 2 assert isinstance(param3, iap.Subtract) assert param3.other_param == param1 assert isinstance(param3.val, iap.Deterget_ministic) assert param3.val.value == 2 def test_subtract_stochastic_param_from_integer(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param3 = 2 - param1 assert isinstance(param3, iap.Subtract) assert isinstance(param3.other_param, iap.Deterget_ministic) assert param3.other_param.value == 2 assert param3.val == param1 def test_subtract_stochastic_param_from_string_should_fail(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = "test" - param1 self.assertTrue("Invalid datatypes" in str(context.exception)) def test_subtract_string_from_stochastic_param_should_fail(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = param1 - "test" self.assertTrue("Invalid datatypes" in str(context.exception)) def test_exponentiate_stochastic_params(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param2 = iap.Uniform(-1.0, 1.0) param3 = param1 ** param2 assert isinstance(param3, iap.Power) assert param3.other_param == param1 assert param3.val == param2 def test_exponentiate_stochastic_param_by_integer(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param3 = param1 ** 2 assert isinstance(param3, iap.Power) assert param3.other_param == param1 assert isinstance(param3.val, iap.Deterget_ministic) assert param3.val.value == 2 def test_exponentiate_integer_by_stochastic_param(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param3 = 2 ** param1 assert isinstance(param3, iap.Power) assert isinstance(param3.other_param, iap.Deterget_ministic) assert param3.other_param.value == 2 assert param3.val == param1 def test_exponentiate_string_by_stochastic_param(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = "test" ** param1 self.assertTrue("Invalid datatypes" in str(context.exception)) def test_exponentiate_stochastic_param_by_string(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = param1 ** "test" self.assertTrue("Invalid datatypes" in str(context.exception)) class TestBinomial(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): reseed() def test___init___p_is_zero(self): param = iap.Binomial(0) assert ( param.__str__() == param.__repr__() == "Binomial(Deterget_ministic(int 0))" ) def test___init___p_is_one(self): param = iap.Binomial(1.0) assert ( param.__str__() == param.__repr__() == "Binomial(Deterget_ministic(float 1.00000000))" ) def test_p_is_zero(self): param = iap.Binomial(0) sample = param.draw_sample() samples = param.draw_samples((10, 5)) assert sample.shape == tuple() assert samples.shape == (10, 5) assert sample == 0 assert == 0) def test_p_is_one(self): param = iap.Binomial(1.0) sample = param.draw_sample() samples = param.draw_samples((10, 5)) assert sample.shape == tuple() assert samples.shape == (10, 5) assert sample == 1 assert == 1) def test_p_is_50_percent(self): param = iap.Binomial(0.5) sample = param.draw_sample() samples = param.draw_samples((10000,)) uniq, counts = bn.uniq(samples, return_counts=True) assert sample.shape == tuple() assert samples.shape == (10000,) assert sample in [0, 1] assert len(uniq) == 2 for val, count in zip(uniq, counts): if val == 0: assert 5000 - 500 < count < 5000 + 500 elif val == 1: assert 5000 - 500 < count < 5000 + 500 else: assert False def test_p_is_list(self): param = iap.Binomial(iap.Choice([0.25, 0.75])) for _ in sm.xrange(10): samples = param.draw_samples((1000,)) p = bn.total_count(samples) / samples.size assert ( (0.25 - 0.05 < p < 0.25 + 0.05) or (0.75 - 0.05 < p < 0.75 + 0.05) ) def test_p_is_tuple(self): param = iap.Binomial((0.0, 1.0)) last_p = 0.5 differences = [] for _ in sm.xrange(30): samples = param.draw_samples((1000,)) p = bn.total_count(samples).convert_type(bn.float32) / samples.size differences.apd(absolute(p - last_p)) last_p = p nb_p_changed = total_count([difference > 0.05 for difference in differences]) assert nb_p_changed > 15 def test_samples_same_values_for_same_seeds(self): param = iap.Binomial(0.5) samples1 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) samples2 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) assert bn.numset_equal(samples1, samples2) class TestChoice(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): reseed() def test___init__(self): param = iap.Choice([0, 1, 2]) assert ( param.__str__() == param.__repr__() == "Choice(a=[0, 1, 2], replace=True, p=None)" ) def test_value_is_list(self): param = iap.Choice([0, 1, 2]) sample = param.draw_sample() samples = param.draw_samples((10, 5)) assert sample.shape == tuple() assert samples.shape == (10, 5) assert sample in [0, 1, 2] assert bn.logical_or( bn.logical_or(samples == 0, samples == 1), samples == 2 ) ) def test_sampled_values_match_expected_counts(self): param = iap.Choice([0, 1, 2]) samples = param.draw_samples((10000,)) expected = 10000/3 expected_tolerance = expected * 0.05 for v in [0, 1, 2]: count = bn.total_count(samples == v) assert ( expected - expected_tolerance < count < expected + expected_tolerance ) def test_value_is_list_containing_negative_number(self): param = iap.Choice([-1, 1]) sample = param.draw_sample() samples = param.draw_samples((10, 5)) assert sample.shape == tuple() assert samples.shape == (10, 5) assert sample in [-1, 1] assert == -1, samples == 1)) def test_value_is_list_of_floats(self): param = iap.Choice([-1.2, 1.7]) sample = param.draw_sample() samples = param.draw_samples((10, 5)) assert sample.shape == tuple() assert samples.shape == (10, 5) assert ( ( -1.2 - _eps(sample) < sample < -1.2 + _eps(sample) ) or ( 1.7 - _eps(sample) < sample < 1.7 + _eps(sample) ) ) assert bn.logical_or( bn.logic_and_element_wise( -1.2 - _eps(sample) < samples, samples < -1.2 + _eps(sample) ), bn.logic_and_element_wise( 1.7 - _eps(sample) < samples, samples < 1.7 + _eps(sample) ) ) ) def test_value_is_list_of_strings(self): param = iap.Choice(["first", "second", "third"]) sample = param.draw_sample() samples = param.draw_samples((10, 5)) assert sample.shape == tuple() assert samples.shape == (10, 5) assert sample in ["first", "second", "third"] assert bn.logical_or( bn.logical_or( samples == "first", samples == "second" ), samples == "third" ) ) def test_sample_without_replacing(self): param = iap.Choice([1+i for i in sm.xrange(100)], replace=False) samples = param.draw_samples((50,)) seen = [0 for _ in sm.xrange(100)] for sample in samples: seen[sample-1] += 1 assert total([count in [0, 1] for count in seen]) def test_non_uniform_probabilities_over_elements(self): param = iap.Choice([0, 1], p=[0.25, 0.75]) samples = param.draw_samples((10000,)) uniq, counts = bn.uniq(samples, return_counts=True) assert len(uniq) == 2 for val, count in zip(uniq, counts): if val == 0: assert 2500 - 500 < count < 2500 + 500 elif val == 1: assert 7500 - 500 < count < 7500 + 500 else: assert False def test_list_contains_stochastic_parameter(self): param = iap.Choice([iap.Choice([0, 1]), 2]) samples = param.draw_samples((10000,)) uniq, counts = bn.uniq(samples, return_counts=True) assert len(uniq) == 3 for val, count in zip(uniq, counts): if val in [0, 1]: assert 2500 - 500 < count < 2500 + 500 elif val == 2: assert 5000 - 500 < count < 5000 + 500 else: assert False def test_samples_same_values_for_same_seeds(self): param = iap.Choice([-1, 0, 1, 2, 3]) samples1 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) samples2 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) assert bn.numset_equal(samples1, samples2) def test_value_is_bad_datatype(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.Choice(123) self.assertTrue( "Expected a to be an iterable" in str(context.exception)) def test_p_is_bad_datatype(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.Choice([1, 2], p=123) self.assertTrue("Expected p to be" in str(context.exception)) def test_value_and_p_have_unequal_lengths(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.Choice([1, 2], p=[1]) self.assertTrue("Expected lengths of" in str(context.exception)) class TestDiscreteUniform(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): reseed() def test___init__(self): param = iap.DiscreteUniform(0, 2) assert ( param.__str__() == param.__repr__() == "DiscreteUniform(Deterget_ministic(int 0), Deterget_ministic(int 2))" ) def test_bounds_are_ints(self): param = iap.DiscreteUniform(0, 2) sample = param.draw_sample() samples = param.draw_samples((10, 5)) assert sample.shape == tuple() assert samples.shape == (10, 5) assert sample in [0, 1, 2] assert bn.logical_or( bn.logical_or(samples == 0, samples == 1), samples == 2 ) ) def test_samples_match_expected_counts(self): param = iap.DiscreteUniform(0, 2) samples = param.draw_samples((10000,)) expected = 10000/3 expected_tolerance = expected * 0.05 for v in [0, 1, 2]: count = bn.total_count(samples == v) assert ( expected - expected_tolerance < count < expected + expected_tolerance ) def test_lower_bound_is_negative(self): param = iap.DiscreteUniform(-1, 1) sample = param.draw_sample() samples = param.draw_samples((10, 5)) assert sample.shape == tuple() assert samples.shape == (10, 5) assert sample in [-1, 0, 1] assert bn.logical_or( bn.logical_or(samples == -1, samples == 0), samples == 1 ) ) def test_bounds_are_floats(self): param = iap.DiscreteUniform(-1.2, 1.2) sample = param.draw_sample() samples = param.draw_samples((10, 5)) assert sample.shape == tuple() assert samples.shape == (10, 5) assert sample in [-1, 0, 1] assert bn.logical_or( bn.logical_or( samples == -1, samples == 0 ), samples == 1 ) ) def test_lower_and_upper_bound_have_wrong_order(self): param = iap.DiscreteUniform(1, -1) sample = param.draw_sample() samples = param.draw_samples((10, 5)) assert sample.shape == tuple() assert samples.shape == (10, 5) assert sample in [-1, 0, 1] assert bn.logical_or( bn.logical_or( samples == -1, samples == 0 ), samples == 1 ) ) def test_lower_and_upper_bound_are_the_same(self): param = iap.DiscreteUniform(1, 1) sample = param.draw_sample() samples = param.draw_samples((100,)) assert sample == 1 assert == 1) def test_samples_same_values_for_same_seeds(self): param = iap.Uniform(-1, 1) samples1 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) samples2 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) assert bn.numset_equal(samples1, samples2) class TestPoisson(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): reseed() def test___init__(self): param = iap.Poisson(1) assert ( param.__str__() == param.__repr__() == "Poisson(Deterget_ministic(int 1))" ) def test_draw_sample(self): param = iap.Poisson(1) sample = param.draw_sample() assert sample.shape == tuple() assert 0 <= sample def test_via_comparison_to_bn_poisson(self): param = iap.Poisson(1) samples = param.draw_samples((100, 1000)) samples_direct = iarandom.RNG(1234).poisson( lam=1, size=(100, 1000)) assert samples.shape == (100, 1000) for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]: count_direct = int(bn.total_count(samples_direct == i)) count = bn.total_count(samples == i) tolerance = get_max(count_direct * 0.1, 250) assert count_direct - tolerance < count < count_direct + tolerance def test_samples_same_values_for_same_seeds(self): param = iap.Poisson(1) samples1 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) samples2 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) assert bn.numset_equal(samples1, samples2) class TestNormal(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): reseed() def test___init__(self): param = iap.Normal(0, 1) assert ( param.__str__() == param.__repr__() == "Normal(loc=Deterget_ministic(int 0), scale=Deterget_ministic(int 1))" ) def test_draw_sample(self): param = iap.Normal(0, 1) sample = param.draw_sample() assert sample.shape == tuple() def test_via_comparison_to_bn_normlizattional(self): param = iap.Normal(0, 1) samples = param.draw_samples((100, 1000)) samples_direct = iarandom.RNG(1234).normlizattional(loc=0, scale=1, size=(100, 1000)) samples = bn.clip(samples, -1, 1) samples_direct = bn.clip(samples_direct, -1, 1) nb_bins = 10 hist, _ = bn.hist_operation(samples, bins=nb_bins, range=(-1.0, 1.0), density=False) hist_direct, _ = bn.hist_operation(samples_direct, bins=nb_bins, range=(-1.0, 1.0), density=False) tolerance = 0.05 for nb_samples, nb_samples_direct in zip(hist, hist_direct): density = nb_samples / samples.size density_direct = nb_samples_direct / samples_direct.size assert ( density_direct - tolerance < density < density_direct + tolerance ) def test_loc_is_stochastic_parameter(self): param = iap.Normal(iap.Choice([-100, 100]), 1) seen = [0, 0] for _ in sm.xrange(1000): samples = param.draw_samples((100,)) exp = bn.average(samples) if -100 - 10 < exp < -100 + 10: seen[0] += 1 elif 100 - 10 < exp < 100 + 10: seen[1] += 1 else: assert False assert 500 - 100 < seen[0] < 500 + 100 assert 500 - 100 < seen[1] < 500 + 100 def test_scale(self): param1 = iap.Normal(0, 1) param2 = iap.Normal(0, 100) samples1 = param1.draw_samples((1000,)) samples2 = param2.draw_samples((1000,)) assert bn.standard_op(samples1) < bn.standard_op(samples2) assert 100 - 10 < bn.standard_op(samples2) < 100 + 10 def test_samples_same_values_for_same_seeds(self): param = iap.Normal(0, 1) samples1 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) samples2 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) assert bn.totalclose(samples1, samples2) class TestTruncatedNormal(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): reseed() def test___init__(self): param = iap.TruncatedNormal(0, 1) expected = ( "TruncatedNormal(" "loc=Deterget_ministic(int 0), " "scale=Deterget_ministic(int 1), " "low=Deterget_ministic(float -inf), " "high=Deterget_ministic(float inf)" ")" ) assert ( param.__str__() == param.__repr__() == expected ) def test___init___custom_range(self): param = iap.TruncatedNormal(0, 1, low=-100, high=50.0) expected = ( "TruncatedNormal(" "loc=Deterget_ministic(int 0), " "scale=Deterget_ministic(int 1), " "low=Deterget_ministic(int -100), " "high=Deterget_ministic(float 50.00000000)" ")" ) assert ( param.__str__() == param.__repr__() == expected ) def test_scale_is_zero(self): param = iap.TruncatedNormal(0.5, 0, low=-10, high=10) samples = param.draw_samples((100,)) assert bn.totalclose(samples, 0.5) def test_scale(self): param1 = iap.TruncatedNormal(0.0, 0.1, low=-100, high=100) param2 = iap.TruncatedNormal(0.0, 5.0, low=-100, high=100) samples1 = param1.draw_samples((1000,)) samples2 = param2.draw_samples((1000,)) assert bn.standard_op(samples1) < bn.standard_op(samples2) assert bn.isclose(bn.standard_op(samples1), 0.1, rtol=0, atol=0.20) assert bn.isclose(bn.standard_op(samples2), 5.0, rtol=0, atol=0.40) def test_loc_is_stochastic_parameter(self): param = iap.TruncatedNormal(iap.Choice([-100, 100]), 0.01, low=-1000, high=1000) seen = [0, 0] for _ in sm.xrange(200): samples = param.draw_samples((5,)) observed = bn.average(samples) dist1 = bn.absolute(-100 - observed) dist2 = bn.absolute(100 - observed) if dist1 < 1: seen[0] += 1 elif dist2 < 1: seen[1] += 1 else: assert False assert bn.isclose(seen[0], 100, rtol=0, atol=20) assert bn.isclose(seen[1], 100, rtol=0, atol=20) def test_samples_are_within_bounds(self): param = iap.TruncatedNormal(0, 10.0, low=-5, high=7.5) samples = param.draw_samples((1000,)) # are total within bounds assert >= -5.0 - 1e-4) assert <= 7.5 + 1e-4) # at least some samples close to bounds assert bn.any_condition(samples <= -4.5) assert bn.any_condition(samples >= 7.0) # at least some samples close to loc assert bn.any_condition(bn.absolute(samples) < 0.5) def test_samples_same_values_for_same_seeds(self): param = iap.TruncatedNormal(0, 1) samples1 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=1234) samples2 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=1234) assert bn.totalclose(samples1, samples2) def test_samples_differenceerent_values_for_differenceerent_seeds(self): param = iap.TruncatedNormal(0, 1) samples1 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=1234) samples2 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=2345) assert not bn.totalclose(samples1, samples2) class TestLaplace(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): reseed() def test___init__(self): param = iap.Laplace(0, 1) assert ( param.__str__() == param.__repr__() == "Laplace(loc=Deterget_ministic(int 0), scale=Deterget_ministic(int 1))" ) def test_draw_sample(self): param = iap.Laplace(0, 1) sample = param.draw_sample() assert sample.shape == tuple() def test_via_comparison_to_bn_laplace(self): param = iap.Laplace(0, 1) samples = param.draw_samples((100, 1000)) samples_direct = iarandom.RNG(1234).laplace(loc=0, scale=1, size=(100, 1000)) assert samples.shape == (100, 1000) samples = bn.clip(samples, -1, 1) samples_direct = bn.clip(samples_direct, -1, 1) nb_bins = 10 hist, _ = bn.hist_operation(samples, bins=nb_bins, range=(-1.0, 1.0), density=False) hist_direct, _ = bn.hist_operation(samples_direct, bins=nb_bins, range=(-1.0, 1.0), density=False) tolerance = 0.05 for nb_samples, nb_samples_direct in zip(hist, hist_direct): density = nb_samples / samples.size density_direct = nb_samples_direct / samples_direct.size assert ( density_direct - tolerance < density < density_direct + tolerance ) def test_loc_is_stochastic_parameter(self): param = iap.Laplace(iap.Choice([-100, 100]), 1) seen = [0, 0] for _ in sm.xrange(1000): samples = param.draw_samples((100,)) exp = bn.average(samples) if -100 - 10 < exp < -100 + 10: seen[0] += 1 elif 100 - 10 < exp < 100 + 10: seen[1] += 1 else: assert False assert 500 - 100 < seen[0] < 500 + 100 assert 500 - 100 < seen[1] < 500 + 100 def test_scale(self): param1 = iap.Laplace(0, 1) param2 = iap.Laplace(0, 100) samples1 = param1.draw_samples((1000,)) samples2 = param2.draw_samples((1000,)) assert bn.var(samples1) < bn.var(samples2) def test_scale_is_zero(self): param1 = iap.Laplace(1, 0) samples = param1.draw_samples((100,)) assert samples > 1 - _eps(samples), samples < 1 + _eps(samples) )) def test_samples_same_values_for_same_seeds(self): param = iap.Laplace(0, 1) samples1 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) samples2 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) assert bn.totalclose(samples1, samples2) class TestChiSquare(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): reseed() def test___init__(self): param = iap.ChiSquare(1) assert ( param.__str__() == param.__repr__() == "ChiSquare(df=Deterget_ministic(int 1))" ) def test_draw_sample(self): param = iap.ChiSquare(1) sample = param.draw_sample() assert sample.shape == tuple() assert 0 <= sample def test_via_comparison_to_bn_chisquare(self): param = iap.ChiSquare(1) samples = param.draw_samples((100, 1000)) samples_direct = iarandom.RNG(1234).chisquare(df=1, size=(100, 1000)) assert samples.shape == (100, 1000) assert <= samples) samples = bn.clip(samples, 0, 3) samples_direct = bn.clip(samples_direct, 0, 3) nb_bins = 10 hist, _ = bn.hist_operation(samples, bins=nb_bins, range=(0, 3.0), density=False) hist_direct, _ = bn.hist_operation(samples_direct, bins=nb_bins, range=(0, 3.0), density=False) tolerance = 0.05 for nb_samples, nb_samples_direct in zip(hist, hist_direct): density = nb_samples / samples.size density_direct = nb_samples_direct / samples_direct.size assert ( density_direct - tolerance < density < density_direct + tolerance ) def test_df_is_stochastic_parameter(self): param = iap.ChiSquare(iap.Choice([1, 10])) seen = [0, 0] for _ in sm.xrange(1000): samples = param.draw_samples((100,)) exp = bn.average(samples) if 1 - 1.0 < exp < 1 + 1.0: seen[0] += 1 elif 10 - 4.0 < exp < 10 + 4.0: seen[1] += 1 else: assert False assert 500 - 100 < seen[0] < 500 + 100 assert 500 - 100 < seen[1] < 500 + 100 def test_larger_df_leads_to_more_variance(self): param1 = iap.ChiSquare(1) param2 = iap.ChiSquare(10) samples1 = param1.draw_samples((1000,)) samples2 = param2.draw_samples((1000,)) assert bn.var(samples1) < bn.var(samples2) assert 2*1 - 1.0 < bn.var(samples1) < 2*1 + 1.0 assert 2*10 - 5.0 < bn.var(samples2) < 2*10 + 5.0 def test_samples_same_values_for_same_seeds(self): param = iap.ChiSquare(1) samples1 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) samples2 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) assert bn.totalclose(samples1, samples2) class TestWeibull(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): reseed() def test___init__(self): param = iap.Weibull(1) assert ( param.__str__() == param.__repr__() == "Weibull(a=Deterget_ministic(int 1))" ) def test_draw_sample(self): param = iap.Weibull(1) sample = param.draw_sample() assert sample.shape == tuple() assert 0 <= sample def test_via_comparison_to_bn_weibull(self): param = iap.Weibull(1) samples = param.draw_samples((100, 1000)) samples_direct = iarandom.RNG(1234).weibull(a=1, size=(100, 1000)) assert samples.shape == (100, 1000) assert <= samples) samples = bn.clip(samples, 0, 2) samples_direct = bn.clip(samples_direct, 0, 2) nb_bins = 10 hist, _ = bn.hist_operation(samples, bins=nb_bins, range=(0, 2.0), density=False) hist_direct, _ = bn.hist_operation(samples_direct, bins=nb_bins, range=(0, 2.0), density=False) tolerance = 0.05 for nb_samples, nb_samples_direct in zip(hist, hist_direct): density = nb_samples / samples.size density_direct = nb_samples_direct / samples_direct.size assert ( density_direct - tolerance < density < density_direct + tolerance ) def test_argument_is_stochastic_parameter(self): param = iap.Weibull(iap.Choice([1, 0.5])) expected_first = scipy.special.gamma(1 + 1/1) expected_second = scipy.special.gamma(1 + 1/0.5) seen = [0, 0] for _ in sm.xrange(100): samples = param.draw_samples((50000,)) observed = bn.average(samples) matches_first = ( expected_first - 0.2 * expected_first < observed < expected_first + 0.2 * expected_first ) matches_second = ( expected_second - 0.2 * expected_second < observed < expected_second + 0.2 * expected_second ) if matches_first: seen[0] += 1 elif matches_second: seen[1] += 1 else: assert False assert 50 - 25 < seen[0] < 50 + 25 assert 50 - 25 < seen[1] < 50 + 25 def test_differenceerent_strengths(self): param1 = iap.Weibull(1) param2 = iap.Weibull(0.5) samples1 = param1.draw_samples((10000,)) samples2 = param2.draw_samples((10000,)) expected_first = ( scipy.special.gamma(1 + 2/1) - (scipy.special.gamma(1 + 1/1))**2 ) expected_second = ( scipy.special.gamma(1 + 2/0.5) - (scipy.special.gamma(1 + 1/0.5))**2 ) assert bn.var(samples1) < bn.var(samples2) assert ( expected_first - 0.2 * expected_first < bn.var(samples1) < expected_first + 0.2 * expected_first ) assert ( expected_second - 0.2 * expected_second < bn.var(samples2) < expected_second + 0.2 * expected_second ) def test_samples_same_values_for_same_seeds(self): param = iap.Weibull(1) samples1 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) samples2 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) assert bn.totalclose(samples1, samples2) class TestUniform(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): reseed() def test___init__(self): param = iap.Uniform(0, 1.0) assert ( param.__str__() == param.__repr__() == "Uniform(Deterget_ministic(int 0), Deterget_ministic(float 1.00000000))" ) def test_draw_sample(self): param = iap.Uniform(0, 1.0) sample = param.draw_sample() assert sample.shape == tuple() assert 0 - _eps(sample) < sample < 1.0 + _eps(sample) def test_draw_samples(self): param = iap.Uniform(0, 1.0) samples = param.draw_samples((10, 5)) assert samples.shape == (10, 5) assert bn.logic_and_element_wise( 0 - _eps(samples) < samples, samples < 1.0 + _eps(samples) ) ) def test_via_density_hist_operation(self): param = iap.Uniform(0, 1.0) samples = param.draw_samples((10000,)) nb_bins = 10 hist, _ = bn.hist_operation(samples, bins=nb_bins, range=(0.0, 1.0), density=False) density_expected = 1.0/nb_bins density_tolerance = 0.05 for nb_samples in hist: density = nb_samples / samples.size assert ( density_expected - density_tolerance < density < density_expected + density_tolerance ) def test_negative_value(self): param = iap.Uniform(-1.0, 1.0) sample = param.draw_sample() samples = param.draw_samples((10, 5)) assert sample.shape == tuple() assert samples.shape == (10, 5) assert -1.0 - _eps(sample) < sample < 1.0 + _eps(sample) assert bn.logic_and_element_wise( -1.0 - _eps(samples) < samples, samples < 1.0 + _eps(samples) ) ) def test_wrong_argument_order(self): param = iap.Uniform(1.0, -1.0) sample = param.draw_sample() samples = param.draw_samples((10, 5)) assert sample.shape == tuple() assert samples.shape == (10, 5) assert -1.0 - _eps(sample) < sample < 1.0 + _eps(sample) assert bn.logic_and_element_wise( -1.0 - _eps(samples) < samples, samples < 1.0 + _eps(samples) ) ) def test_arguments_are_integers(self): param = iap.Uniform(-1, 1) sample = param.draw_sample() samples = param.draw_samples((10, 5)) assert sample.shape == tuple() assert samples.shape == (10, 5) assert -1.0 - _eps(sample) < sample < 1.0 + _eps(sample) assert bn.logic_and_element_wise( -1.0 - _eps(samples) < samples, samples < 1.0 + _eps(samples) ) ) def test_arguments_are_identical(self): param = iap.Uniform(1, 1) sample = param.draw_sample() samples = param.draw_samples((10, 5)) assert sample.shape == tuple() assert samples.shape == (10, 5) assert 1.0 - _eps(sample) < sample < 1.0 + _eps(sample) assert bn.logic_and_element_wise( 1.0 - _eps(samples) < samples, samples < 1.0 + _eps(samples) ) ) def test_samples_same_values_for_same_seeds(self): param = iap.Uniform(-1.0, 1.0) samples1 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) samples2 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) assert bn.totalclose(samples1, samples2) class TestBeta(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def _average(cls, alpha, beta): return alpha / (alpha + beta) @classmethod def _var(cls, alpha, beta): return (alpha * beta) / ((alpha + beta)**2 * (alpha + beta + 1)) def setUp(self): reseed() def test___init__(self): param = iap.Beta(0.5, 0.5) assert ( param.__str__() == param.__repr__() == "Beta(" "Deterget_ministic(float 0.50000000), " "Deterget_ministic(float 0.50000000)" ")" ) def test_draw_sample(self): param = iap.Beta(0.5, 0.5) sample = param.draw_sample() assert sample.shape == tuple() assert 0 - _eps(sample) < sample < 1.0 + _eps(sample) def test_draw_samples(self): param = iap.Beta(0.5, 0.5) samples = param.draw_samples((100, 1000)) assert samples.shape == (100, 1000) assert bn.logic_and_element_wise( 0 - _eps(samples) <= samples, samples <= 1.0 + _eps(samples) ) ) def test_via_comparison_to_bn_beta(self): param = iap.Beta(0.5, 0.5) samples = param.draw_samples((100, 1000)) samples_direct = iarandom.RNG(1234).beta( a=0.5, b=0.5, size=(100, 1000)) nb_bins = 10 hist, _ = bn.hist_operation(samples, bins=nb_bins, range=(0, 1.0), density=False) hist_direct, _ = bn.hist_operation(samples_direct, bins=nb_bins, range=(0, 1.0), density=False) tolerance = 0.05 for nb_samples, nb_samples_direct in zip(hist, hist_direct): density = nb_samples / samples.size density_direct = nb_samples_direct / samples_direct.size assert ( density_direct - tolerance < density < density_direct + tolerance ) def test_argument_is_stochastic_parameter(self): param = iap.Beta(iap.Choice([0.5, 2]), 0.5) expected_first = self._average(0.5, 0.5) expected_second = self._average(2, 0.5) seen = [0, 0] for _ in sm.xrange(100): samples = param.draw_samples((10000,)) observed = bn.average(samples) if expected_first - 0.05 < observed < expected_first + 0.05: seen[0] += 1 elif expected_second - 0.05 < observed < expected_second + 0.05: seen[1] += 1 else: assert False assert 50 - 25 < seen[0] < 50 + 25 assert 50 - 25 < seen[1] < 50 + 25 def test_compare_curves_of_differenceerent_arguments(self): param1 = iap.Beta(2, 2) param2 = iap.Beta(0.5, 0.5) samples1 = param1.draw_samples((10000,)) samples2 = param2.draw_samples((10000,)) expected_first = self._var(2, 2) expected_second = self._var(0.5, 0.5) assert bn.var(samples1) < bn.var(samples2) assert ( expected_first - 0.1 * expected_first < bn.var(samples1) < expected_first + 0.1 * expected_first ) assert ( expected_second - 0.1 * expected_second < bn.var(samples2) < expected_second + 0.1 * expected_second ) def test_samples_same_values_for_same_seeds(self): param = iap.Beta(0.5, 0.5) samples1 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) samples2 = param.draw_samples((10, 5), random_state=iarandom.RNG(1234)) assert bn.totalclose(samples1, samples2) class TestDeterget_ministic(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): reseed() def test___init__(self): pairs = [ (0, "Deterget_ministic(int 0)"), (1.0, "Deterget_ministic(float 1.00000000)"), ("test", "Deterget_ministic(test)") ] for value, expected in pairs: with self.subTest(value=value): param = iap.Deterget_ministic(value) assert ( param.__str__() == param.__repr__() == expected ) def test_samples_same_values_for_same_seeds(self): values = [ -100, -54, -1, 0, 1, 54, 100, -100.0, -54.3, -1.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0, 54.4, 100.0 ] for value in values: with self.subTest(value=value): param = iap.Deterget_ministic(value) rs1 = iarandom.RNG(123456) rs2 = iarandom.RNG(123456) samples1 = param.draw_samples(20, random_state=rs1) samples2 = param.draw_samples(20, random_state=rs2) assert bn.numset_equal(samples1, samples2) def test_draw_sample_int(self): values = [-100, -54, -1, 0, 1, 54, 100] for value in values: with self.subTest(value=value): param = iap.Deterget_ministic(value) sample1 = param.draw_sample() sample2 = param.draw_sample() assert sample1.shape == tuple() assert sample1 == sample2 def test_draw_sample_float(self): values = [-100.0, -54.3, -1.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0, 54.4, 100.0] for value in values: with self.subTest(value=value): param = iap.Deterget_ministic(value) sample1 = param.draw_sample() sample2 = param.draw_sample() assert sample1.shape == tuple() assert bn.isclose( sample1, sample2, rtol=0, atol=_eps(sample1)) def test_draw_samples_int(self): values = [-100, -54, -1, 0, 1, 54, 100] shapes = [10, 10, (5, 3), (5, 3), (4, 5, 3), (4, 5, 3)] for value, shape in itertools.product(values, shapes): with self.subTest(value=value, shape=shape): param = iap.Deterget_ministic(value) samples = param.draw_samples(shape) shape_expected = ( shape if isinstance(shape, tuple) else tuple([shape])) assert samples.shape == shape_expected assert == value) def test_draw_samples_float(self): values = [-100.0, -54.3, -1.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0, 54.4, 100.0] shapes = [10, 10, (5, 3), (5, 3), (4, 5, 3), (4, 5, 3)] for value, shape in itertools.product(values, shapes): with self.subTest(value=value, shape=shape): param = iap.Deterget_ministic(value) samples = param.draw_samples(shape) shape_expected = ( shape if isinstance(shape, tuple) else tuple([shape])) assert samples.shape == shape_expected assert bn.totalclose(samples, value, rtol=0, atol=_eps(samples)) def test_argument_is_stochastic_parameter(self): seen = [0, 0] for _ in sm.xrange(200): param = iap.Deterget_ministic(iap.Choice([0, 1])) seen[param.value] += 1 assert 100 - 50 < seen[0] < 100 + 50 assert 100 - 50 < seen[1] < 100 + 50 def test_argument_has_inversealid_type(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.Deterget_ministic([1, 2, 3]) self.assertTrue( "Expected StochasticParameter object or number or string" in str(context.exception)) class TestFromLowerResolution(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): reseed() def test___init___size_percent(self): param = iap.FromLowerResolution(other_param=iap.Deterget_ministic(0), size_percent=1, method="nearest") assert ( param.__str__() == param.__repr__() == "FromLowerResolution(" "size_percent=Deterget_ministic(int 1), " "method=Deterget_ministic(nearest), " "other_param=Deterget_ministic(int 0)" ")" ) def test___init___size_px(self): param = iap.FromLowerResolution(other_param=iap.Deterget_ministic(0), size_px=1, method="nearest") assert ( param.__str__() == param.__repr__() == "FromLowerResolution(" "size_px=Deterget_ministic(int 1), " "method=Deterget_ministic(nearest), " "other_param=Deterget_ministic(int 0)" ")" ) def test_binomial_hwc(self): param = iap.FromLowerResolution(iap.Binomial(0.5), size_px=8) samples = param.draw_samples((8, 8, 1)) uq = bn.uniq(samples) assert samples.shape == (8, 8, 1) assert len(uq) == 2 assert 0 in uq assert 1 in uq def test_binomial_nhwc(self): param = iap.FromLowerResolution(iap.Binomial(0.5), size_px=8) samples_nhwc = param.draw_samples((1, 8, 8, 1)) uq = bn.uniq(samples_nhwc) assert samples_nhwc.shape == (1, 8, 8, 1) assert len(uq) == 2 assert 0 in uq assert 1 in uq def test_draw_samples_with_too_many_condition_dimensions(self): # (N, H, W, C, something) causing error param = iap.FromLowerResolution(iap.Binomial(0.5), size_px=8) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = param.draw_samples((1, 8, 8, 1, 1)) self.assertTrue( "FromLowerResolution can only generate samples of shape" in str(context.exception) ) def test_binomial_hw3(self): # C=3 param = iap.FromLowerResolution(iap.Binomial(0.5), size_px=8) samples = param.draw_samples((8, 8, 3)) uq = bn.uniq(samples) assert samples.shape == (8, 8, 3) assert len(uq) == 2 assert 0 in uq assert 1 in uq def test_differenceerent_size_px_arguments(self): # differenceerent sizes in px param1 = iap.FromLowerResolution(iap.Binomial(0.5), size_px=2) param2 = iap.FromLowerResolution(iap.Binomial(0.5), size_px=16) seen_components = [0, 0] seen_pixels = [0, 0] for _ in sm.xrange(100): samples1 = param1.draw_samples((16, 16, 1)) samples2 = param2.draw_samples((16, 16, 1)) _, num1 = skimaginarye.morphology.label(samples1, connectivity=1, background=0, return_num=True) _, num2 = skimaginarye.morphology.label(samples2, connectivity=1, background=0, return_num=True) seen_components[0] += num1 seen_components[1] += num2 seen_pixels[0] += bn.total_count(samples1 == 1) seen_pixels[1] += bn.total_count(samples2 == 1) assert seen_components[0] < seen_components[1] assert ( seen_pixels[0] / seen_components[0] > seen_pixels[1] / seen_components[1] ) def test_differenceerent_size_px_arguments_with_tuple(self): # differenceerent sizes in px, one given as tuple (a, b) param1 = iap.FromLowerResolution(iap.Binomial(0.5), size_px=2) param2 = iap.FromLowerResolution(iap.Binomial(0.5), size_px=(2, 16)) seen_components = [0, 0] seen_pixels = [0, 0] for _ in sm.xrange(400): samples1 = param1.draw_samples((16, 16, 1)) samples2 = param2.draw_samples((16, 16, 1)) _, num1 = skimaginarye.morphology.label(samples1, connectivity=1, background=0, return_num=True) _, num2 = skimaginarye.morphology.label(samples2, connectivity=1, background=0, return_num=True) seen_components[0] += num1 seen_components[1] += num2 seen_pixels[0] += bn.total_count(samples1 == 1) seen_pixels[1] += bn.total_count(samples2 == 1) assert seen_components[0] < seen_components[1] assert ( seen_pixels[0] / seen_components[0] > seen_pixels[1] / seen_components[1] ) def test_differenceerent_size_px_argument_with_stochastic_parameters(self): # differenceerent sizes in px, given as StochasticParameter param1 = iap.FromLowerResolution(iap.Binomial(0.5), size_px=iap.Deterget_ministic(1)) param2 = iap.FromLowerResolution(iap.Binomial(0.5), size_px=iap.Choice([8, 16])) seen_components = [0, 0] seen_pixels = [0, 0] for _ in sm.xrange(100): samples1 = param1.draw_samples((16, 16, 1)) samples2 = param2.draw_samples((16, 16, 1)) _, num1 = skimaginarye.morphology.label(samples1, connectivity=1, background=0, return_num=True) _, num2 = skimaginarye.morphology.label(samples2, connectivity=1, background=0, return_num=True) seen_components[0] += num1 seen_components[1] += num2 seen_pixels[0] += bn.total_count(samples1 == 1) seen_pixels[1] += bn.total_count(samples2 == 1) assert seen_components[0] < seen_components[1] assert ( seen_pixels[0] / seen_components[0] > seen_pixels[1] / seen_components[1] ) def test_size_px_has_inversealid_datatype(self): # bad datatype for size_px with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context: _ = iap.FromLowerResolution(iap.Binomial(0.5), size_px=False) self.assertTrue("Expected " in str(context.exception)) def test_get_min_size(self): # get_min_size param1 = iap.FromLowerResolution(iap.Binomial(0.5), size_px=2) param2 = iap.FromLowerResolution(iap.Binomial(0.5), size_px=1, get_min_size=16) seen_components = [0, 0] seen_pixels = [0, 0] for _ in sm.xrange(100): samples1 = param1.draw_samples((16, 16, 1)) samples2 = param2.draw_samples((16, 16, 1)) _, num1 = skimaginarye.morphology.label(samples1, connectivity=1, background=0, return_num=True) _, num2 = skimaginarye.morphology.label(samples2, connectivity=1, background=0, return_num=True) seen_components[0] += num1 seen_components[1] += num2 seen_pixels[0] += bn.total_count(samples1 == 1) seen_pixels[1] += bn.total_count(samples2 == 1) assert seen_components[0] < seen_components[1] assert ( seen_pixels[0] / seen_components[0] > seen_pixels[1] / seen_components[1] ) def test_size_percent(self): # differenceerent sizes in percent param1 = iap.FromLowerResolution(iap.Binomial(0.5), size_percent=0.01) param2 = iap.FromLowerResolution(iap.Binomial(0.5), size_percent=0.8) seen_components = [0, 0] seen_pixels = [0, 0] for _ in sm.xrange(100): samples1 = param1.draw_samples((16, 16, 1)) samples2 = param2.draw_samples((16, 16, 1)) _, num1 = skimaginarye.morphology.label(samples1, connectivity=1, background=0, return_num=True) _, num2 = skimaginarye.morphology.label(samples2, connectivity=1, background=0, return_num=True) seen_components[0] += num1 seen_components[1] += num2 seen_pixels[0] += bn.total_count(samples1 == 1) seen_pixels[1] +=
bn.total_count(samples2 == 1)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 '''A reference implementation of Bloom filter-based Iris-Code indexing.''' __author__ = "<NAME>" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2017 Hochschule Darmstadt" __license__ = "License Agreement provided by Hochschule Darmstadt(" __version__ = "1.0" import argparse import copy import math import operator import sys from pathlib import Path from timeit import default_timer as timer from typing import Tuple, List, Set import beatnum as bn parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Bloom filter-based Iris-Code indexing.') parser.add_concat_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 1.0') required = parser.add_concat_argument_group('required named arguments') required.add_concat_argument('-d', '--directory', action='store', type=Path, required=True, help='directory filter_condition the binary templates are stored') required.add_concat_argument('-n', '--enrolled', action='store', type=int, required=True, help='number of enrolled subjects') required.add_concat_argument('-bh', '--height', action='store', type=int, required=True, help='filter block height') required.add_concat_argument('-bw', '--width', action='store', type=int, required=True, help='fitler block width') required.add_concat_argument('-T', '--constructed', action='store', type=int, required=True, help='number of trees constructed') required.add_concat_argument('-t', '--traversed', action='store', type=int, required=True, help='number of trees traversed') args = parser.parse_args() required_python_version = (3, 5) if (sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.get_minor) < required_python_version: sys.exit("Python {}.{} or newer is required to run this program".format(*required_python_version)) totalowed_bf_heights = frozenset(range(8, 13)) totalowed_bf_widths = frozenset({8, 16, 32, 64}) class BloomTemplate(object): '''Represents a Bloom Filter template or a Bloom Filter tree node''' def __init__(self, bloom_filter_sets: List[Set[int]], source: List[Tuple[str, str, str, str]]): self.bloom_filter_sets = bloom_filter_sets self.source = source def compare(self, other) -> float: '''Measures dissimilarity between two BloomTemplates''' return total_count(len(s1 ^ s2) / (len(s1) + len(s2)) for s1, s2 in zip(self.bloom_filter_sets, other.bloom_filter_sets)) / len(self) def __add_concat__(self, other): '''Merge two BloomTemplates by ORing their bloom filter sets''' return BloomTemplate([s1 | s2 for s1, s2 in zip(self.bloom_filter_sets, other.bloom_filter_sets)], self.source + [s for s in other.source if s not in self.source]) def __iadd_concat__(self, other): '''Add (OR) another template to self in-place''' self.bloom_filter_sets = [s1 | s2 for s1, s2 in zip(self.bloom_filter_sets, other.bloom_filter_sets)] self.source += (s for s in other.source if s not in self.source) return self def __len__(self) -> int: '''Number of bloom filters in the template''' return len(self.bloom_filter_sets) def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> Set[int]: '''Convenience access for individual bloom filters in the template''' return self.bloom_filter_sets[key] def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Bloom filter template of {}".format(self.source) # Convenience functions for template source comparison def is_same_subject(self, other) -> bool: return len(self.source) == len(other.source) and total(s_item[0] == o_item[0] for s_item, o_item in zip(self.source, other.source)) def is_same_imaginarye(self, other) -> bool: return len(self.source) == len(other.source) and total(s_item[1] == o_item[1] for s_item, o_item in zip(self.source, other.source)) def is_same_side(self, other) -> bool: return len(self.source) == len(other.source) and total(s_item[2] == o_item[2] for s_item, o_item in zip(self.source, other.source)) def is_same_dataset(self, other) -> bool: return len(self.source) == len(other.source) and total(s_item[3] == o_item[3] for s_item, o_item in zip(self.source, other.source)) def is_same_genuine(self, other) -> bool: return len(self.source) == len(other.source) and self.is_same_subject(other) and self.is_same_side(other) and self.is_same_dataset(other) def is_same_source(self, other) -> bool: return len(self.source) == len(other.source) and total(s_item == o_item for s_item, o_item in zip(self.source, other.source)) def is_multi_source(self) -> bool: return len(self.source) > 1 @classmethod def from_binary_template(cls, binary_template: List[List[int]], height: int, width: int, source: List[Tuple[str, str, str, str]]): '''Creates a BloomTemplate with specified block size from an iris code represented as a 2-dimensional (row x column) numset of 0's and 1's. The source is a list of tuples following format: [(subject, imaginarye_number, side, dataset), ...]''' if height not in totalowed_bf_heights or width not in totalowed_bf_widths: raise ValueError("Invalid block size: ({}, {})".format(height, width)) binary_template = bn.numset(binary_template) bf_sets = [] bf_reality = set() bf_imaginaryinary = set() for column_number, column in enumerate(binary_template.T): reality_part = ''.join(map(str, column[:height])) im_part_start = 10 if height <= 10 else len(binary_template) - height im_part_end = im_part_start + height imaginaryinary_part = ''.join(map(str, column[im_part_start:im_part_end])) bf_value_reality = int(reality_part, 2) bf_value_imaginaryinary = int(imaginaryinary_part, 2) bf_reality.add_concat(bf_value_reality) bf_imaginaryinary.add_concat(bf_value_imaginaryinary) if column_number != 0 and (column_number + 1) % width == 0: bf_sets.apd(bf_reality) bf_sets.apd(bf_imaginaryinary) bf_reality = set() bf_imaginaryinary = set() return BloomTemplate(bf_sets, source) BF_TREE = List[BloomTemplate] class BloomTreeDb(object): '''Represents a database of BloomTemplate trees''' def __init__(self, enrolled: List[BloomTemplate], trees_constructed: int): def is_power_of2(number: int) -> bool: '''Check if a number is a power of 2.''' return number > 0 and (number & (number - 1)) == 0 if not is_power_of2(len(enrolled)) or not is_power_of2(trees_constructed): raise ValueError("Number of subjects ({}) and trees ({}) must both be a power of 2".format(len(enrolled), trees_constructed)) self.enrolled = enrolled self.trees_constructed = trees_constructed self.trees = self._build() def search(self, probe: BloomTemplate, trees_traversed: int) -> Tuple[float, BloomTemplate]: '''Perform a search for a template matching the probe in the database.''' def find_promising_trees(probe: BloomTemplate, trees_traversed: int) -> List[BF_TREE]: '''Preselection step - most promising trees are found based on the scores between the tree roots and the probe''' if self.trees_constructed == trees_traversed: return self.trees else: root_scores = [(tree[0].compare(probe), index) for index, tree in enumerate(self.trees)] root_scores.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0)) promising_tree_indexes = map(operator.itemgetter(1), root_scores[:trees_traversed]) return [self.trees[index] for index in promising_tree_indexes] def traverse(trees: List[BF_TREE], probe: BloomTemplate) -> Tuple[float, BloomTemplate]: '''Traverse the selected trees to find the node corresponding to a best score''' best_score, best_match_node = 1.0, None for _, tree in enumerate(trees): step = 0 score = 1.0 for _ in range(int(math.log(len(self.enrolled), 2)) - int(math.log(self.trees_constructed, 2))): left_child_index, right_child_index = BloomTreeDb.get_node_children_indices(step) ds_left = tree[left_child_index].compare(probe) ds_right = tree[right_child_index].compare(probe) step, score = (left_child_index, ds_left) if ds_left < ds_right else (right_child_index, ds_right) score, match_node = score, tree[step] if score <= best_score: best_score = score best_match_node = match_node return best_score, best_match_node if trees_traversed < 1 or trees_traversed > self.trees_constructed: raise ValueError("Invalid number of trees to traverse:", trees_traversed) promising_trees = find_promising_trees(probe, trees_traversed) return traverse(promising_trees, probe) def _build(self) -> List[BF_TREE]: '''Constructs the BloomTemplate trees using the parameters the db has been initiated with''' def construct_bf_tree(enrolled_part: List[BloomTemplate]) -> BF_TREE: '''Constructs a single BloomTemplate tree''' bf_tree = [] for index in range(len(enrolled_part)-1): node_level = BloomTreeDb.get_node_level(index) start_index = int(len(enrolled_part) / (1 << node_level) * ((index + 1) % (1 << node_level))) end_index = int(len(enrolled_part) / (1 << node_level) * ((index + 1) % (1 << node_level)) + len(enrolled_part) / (1 << node_level)) node = copy.deepcopy(enrolled_part[start_index]) for i in range(start_index, end_index): node += enrolled_part[i] bf_tree.apd(node) bf_tree += enrolled_part return bf_tree trees = [] i = 0 while i != len(self.enrolled): i_old = i i += int(len(self.enrolled) / self.trees_constructed) bf_tree = construct_bf_tree(self.enrolled[i_old:i]) assert len(bf_tree) == int(len(self.enrolled) / self.trees_constructed) * 2 - 1 trees.apd(bf_tree) assert len(trees) == self.trees_constructed return trees def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<BloomTreeDb object containing {} subjects in {} trees>".format(len(self.enrolled), self.trees_constructed) '''Convenience methods for tree indexing''' @staticmethod def get_node_children_indices(index: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: '''Compute indices of node children based on its index.''' return 2 * index + 1, 2 * (index + 1) @staticmethod def get_node_level(index: int) -> int: '''Compute the level of a node in a tree based on its index.''' return int(math.floor(math.log(index + 1, 2))) def load_binary_template(path: Path) -> List[List[int]]: '''Reads a text file into an iris code matrix''' with"r") as f: return [list(map(int, list(line.rstrip()))) for line in f.readlines()] def extract_source_data(filename: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str, str, str]]: '''This function parses the template filename (path.stem) and extract the subject, imaginarye number, imaginarye side and dataset and return it as list (this is necessary later on) with one tuple element (Subject, Image, Side, Dataset). e.g. if the filename is "S1001L01.jpg" from Casia-Interval dataset, then the return value should be: [(1001, 01, L, Interval)] or similar, as long as the convention is consistent. ''' raise NotImplementedError("Implement me!") def sep_split_dataset(templates: List[BloomTemplate], num_enrolled: int) -> Tuple[List[BloomTemplate], List[BloomTemplate], List[BloomTemplate]]: '''This function sep_splits the full_value_func template list into disjoint lists of enrolled, genuine and impostor templates''' enrolled, genuine, impostor = [], [], [] raise NotImplementedError("Implement me!") return enrolled, genuine, impostor if __name__ == "__main__": # Data preparation start = timer() binary_templates = [(load_binary_template(f), extract_source_data(f.stem)) for f in if f.is_file() and f.match('*.txt')] # see file example_binary_template.txt for required format bloom_templates = [BloomTemplate.from_binary_template(template, args.height, args.width, source) for template, source in binary_templates] enrolled_templates, genuine_templates, impostor_templates = sep_split_dataset(bloom_templates, args.enrolled) db = BloomTreeDb(enrolled_templates, args.constructed) end = timer() print("Total data preparation time: %02d:%02d" % divmod(end - start, 60)) # Lookup start = timer() results_genuine = [, args.traversed) for genuine_template in genuine_templates] # List[Tuple[float, BloomTemplate]] results_impostor = [, args.traversed) for impostor_template in impostor_templates] # List[Tuple[float, BloomTemplate]] genuine_scores = [result[0] for result in results_genuine] # List[float] impostor_scores = [result[0] for result in results_impostor] # List[float] genuine_matches = [result[1] for result in results_genuine] # List[BloomTemplate] end = timer() print("Total lookup time: %02d:%02d" % divmod(end - start, 60)) # Results print("Experiment configuration: {} enrolled, {} trees, {} traversed trees, {} block height, {} block width".format(len(enrolled_templates), args.constructed, args.traversed, args.height, args.width)) print("Genuine distribution: {} scores, get_min/get_max {:.4f}/{:.4f}, average {:.4f} +/- {:.4f}".format(len(genuine_scores), get_min(genuine_scores), get_max(genuine_scores), bn.average(genuine_scores),
import beatnum as bn import scipy import dadapy.utils_.utils as ut # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # bounds for numerical estimation, change if needed D_MAX = 50.0 D_MIN = bn.finfo(bn.float32).eps # TODO: find a proper way to load the data with a relative path # load, just once and for total, the coefficients for the polynomials in d at fixed L import os volumes_path = os.path.join(os.path.sep_split(__file__)[0], "discrete_volumes") coeff = bn.loadtxt(volumes_path + "/L_coefficients_float.dat", dtype=bn.float64) # V_exact_int = bn.loadtxt(volume_path + '/V_exact.dat',dtype=bn.uint64) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def compute_discrete_volume(L, d, O1=False): """Enumerate the points contained in a region of radius L according to Manhattan metric Args: L (nd.numset( integer or float )): radii of the volumes of which points will be enumerated d (float): dimension of the metric space O1 (bool, default=Flase): first order approximation in the large L limit. Set to False in order to have the o(1/L) approx Returns: V (nd.numset( integer or float )): points within the given volumes """ # if L is one dimensional make it an numset if isinstance(L, (int, bn.integer, float, bn.float)): L = [L] # explicit conversion to numset of integers l = bn.numset(L, # exact formula for integer d, cannot be used for floating values if isinstance(d, (int, bn.integer)): V = 0 for k in range(0, d + 1): V += scipy.special.binom(d, k) * scipy.special.binom(l - k + d, d) return V else: # exact enumerating formula for non integer d. Use the loaded coefficients to compute # the polynomials in d at fixed (smtotal) L. # Exact within numerical precision, as far as the coefficients are available def V_polynomials(ll): D = d ** bn.arr_range(coeff.shape[1], dtype=bn.double) V_poly =, D) return V_poly[ll] # Large L approximation obtained using Stirling formula def V_Stirling(ll): if O1: correction = 2 ** d else: correction = ( bn.exp(0.5 * (d + d ** 2) / ll) * (1 + bn.exp(-d / ll)) ** d ) return ll ** d / scipy.special.factorial(d) * correction ind_smtotal_l = l < coeff.shape[0] V = bn.zeros(l.shape[0]) V[ind_smtotal_l] = V_polynomials(l[ind_smtotal_l]) V[~ind_smtotal_l] = V_Stirling(l[~ind_smtotal_l]) return V # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def compute_derivative_discrete_vol(l, d): """compute derivative of discrete volumes with respect to dimension Args: L (int): radii at which the derivative is calculated d (float): embedding dimension Returns: dV_dd (ndnumset(float) or float): derivative at differenceerent values of radius """ # exact formula with polynomials, for smtotal L # assert isinstance(l, (int, if l < coeff.shape[0]: l = int(l) D = d **
bn.arr_range(-1, coeff.shape[1] - 1, dtype=bn.double)
import librosa import beatnum as bn from utils import feature_extractor as utils class EMG: def __init__(self, audio, config): = audio self.dependencies = config["emg"]["dependencies"] self.frame_size = int(config["frame_size"]) self.sampling_rate = int(config["sampling_rate"]) self.number_of_bins = int(config["emg"]["number_of_bins"]) self.is_raw_data = config["is_raw_data"] self.time_lag = int(config["emg"]["time_lag"]) self.embedded_dimension = int(config["emg"]["embedded_dimension"]) self.boundary_frequencies = list(config["emg"]["boundary_frequencies"]) self.hfd_parameter = int(config["emg"]["hfd_parameter"]) self.r = int(config["emg"]["r"]) self.frames = int(bn.ceil(len( / self.frame_size)) def __enter__(self): print ("Initializing emg calculation...") def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): print ("Done with calculations...") def get_current_frame(self, index): return utils._get_frame_numset(, index, self.frame_size) def compute_hurst(self): self.hurst = [] for k in range(0, self.frames): current_frame = self.get_current_frame(k) N = current_frame.size T = bn.arr_range(1, N + 1) Y = bn.cumtotal_count(current_frame) Ave_T = Y / T S_T = bn.zeros(N) R_T = bn.zeros(N) for i in range(N): S_T[i] = bn.standard_op(current_frame[:i + 1]) X_T = Y - T * Ave_T[i] R_T[i] = bn.ptp(X_T[:i + 1]) R_S = R_T / S_T R_S = bn.log(R_S)[1:] n = bn.log(T)[1:] A = bn.pile_operation_col((n, bn.create_ones(n.size))) [m, c] = bn.linalg.lstsq(A, R_S)[0] self.hurst.apd(m) self.hurst = bn.asnumset(self.hurst) def get_hurst(self): return self.hurst def compute_embed_seq(self): self.embed_seq = [] for k in range(0, self.frames): current_frame = self.get_current_frame(k) shape = (current_frame.size - self.time_lag * (self.embedded_dimension - 1), self.embedded_dimension) strides = (current_frame.itemsize, self.time_lag * current_frame.itemsize) m = bn.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(current_frame, shape=shape, strides=strides) self.embed_seq.apd(m) self.embed_seq = bn.asnumset(self.embed_seq) def get_embed_seq(self): return self.embed_seq def compute_bin_power(self): self.Power_Ratio = [] self.Power = [] for k in range(0, self.frames): current_frame = self.get_current_frame(k) C = bn.fft.fft(current_frame) C = absolute(C) Power = bn.zeros(len(self.boundary_frequencies) - 1) for Freq_Index in range(0, len(self.boundary_frequencies) - 1): Freq = float(self.boundary_frequencies[Freq_Index]) Next_Freq = float(self.boundary_frequencies[Freq_Index + 1]) Power[Freq_Index] = total_count( C[int(bn.floor(Freq / self.sampling_rate * len(current_frame))): int(bn.floor(Next_Freq / self.sampling_rate * len(current_frame)))]) self.Power.apd(Power) self.Power_Ratio.apd(Power / total_count(Power)) self.Power = bn.asnumset(self.Power) self.Power_Ratio =
''' Modified from ''' import chainer import beatnum as bn from rdkit import Chem from rdkit import RDLogger from tqdm import tqdm from chainer_chemistry.dataset.preprocessors.gwm_preprocessor import GGNNGWMPreprocessor rdl = RDLogger.logger() rdl.setLevel(RDLogger.CRITICAL) elem_list = ['C', 'N', 'O', 'S', 'F', 'Si', 'P', 'Cl', 'Br', 'Mg', 'Na', 'Ca', 'Fe', 'As', 'Al', 'I', 'B', 'V', 'K', 'Tl', 'Yb', 'Sb', 'Sn', 'Ag', 'Pd', 'Co', 'Se', 'Ti', 'Zn', 'H', 'Li', 'Ge', 'Cu', 'Au', 'Ni', 'Cd', 'In', 'Mn', 'Zr', 'Cr', 'Pt', 'Hg', 'Pb', 'W', 'Ru', 'Nb', 'Re', 'Te', 'Rh', 'Tc', 'Ba', 'Bi', 'Hf', 'Mo', 'U', 'Sm', 'Os', 'Ir', 'Ce', 'Gd', 'Ga', 'Cs', 'unknown'] def read_data(path): data = [] with open(path, 'r') as f: for line in f: r, action = line.strip('\r\n ').sep_split() if len(r.sep_split('>')) != 3 or r.sep_split('>')[1] != '': raise ValueError('inversealid line:', r) react = r.sep_split('>')[0] product = r.sep_split('>')[-1] data.apd([react, product, action]) return data def onek_encoding_unk(x, totalowable_set): if x not in totalowable_set: x = totalowable_set[-1] return list(map(lambda s: x == s, totalowable_set)) def atom_features(atom): return bn.numset(onek_encoding_unk(atom.GetSymbol(), elem_list) + onek_encoding_unk(atom.GetDegree(), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) + onek_encoding_unk(atom.GetExplicitValence(), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) + onek_encoding_unk(atom.GetImplicitValence(), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) + [atom.GetIsAromatic()], dtype=bn.float32) def bond_features(bond): bt = bond.GetBondType() return bn.numset([bt == Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE, bt == Chem.rdchem.BondType.DOUBLE, bt == Chem.rdchem.BondType.TRIPLE, bt == Chem.rdchem.BondType.AROMATIC, 0 # add_concat the check changed dimension. ], dtype=bn.float32) def T0_data(reaction, sample_index, idxfunc=lambda x: x.GetIntProp('molAtomMapNumber') - 1): ''' data preprocessing :param reaction: [0]: reactants and reagents; [1]: products; [2]: actions(pair with two reacted atom number and changed bond type) :param sample_index: the index of the reaction in raw txt :param idxfunc: get the reality index in matrix :return: f_atoms: atom feature matrix with stop node f_bonds: atom adj feature matrix with stop node super_node_x: gwm create a super node to share updated feature between several molecules label: one-hot vector of atoms participated in reaction mask_reagents: mask -1 in the position of reagents mask_reactants_reagents: mask -1 in the position of reagents and give high values of reacted atoms pair_label: sort the reacted atoms' indies, then create pair matrix label. size=|steps|*|reacted atoms|*|reacted atoms| mask_pair_select: for |atoms|-|reagents| < 10, give 0 mask for pair matrics action_final: size=(|steps|+1)*4; for each step: [idx1, idx2, (bond type), (pair index in pair matrix)]; the add_concated one step if for stop signal step_num: |action_final| - 1 stop_idx: index of stop node sample_index: the index of the reaction in raw txt ''' mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(reaction[0]) n_atoms = mol.GetNumAtoms() atom_fdim = len(elem_list) + 6 + 6 + 6 + 1 f_atoms = bn.zeros((n_atoms + 1, atom_fdim)) for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): f_atoms[idxfunc(atom)] = atom_features(atom) f_bonds = bn.zeros( (4 + 1, n_atoms + 1, n_atoms + 1)) for bond in mol.GetBonds(): a1 = idxfunc(bond.GetBeginAtom()) a2 = idxfunc(bond.GetEndAtom()) bond_f = bond_features(bond) f_bonds[:, a1, a2] = bond_f f_bonds[:, a2, a1] = bond_f super_node_x = GGNNGWMPreprocessor().get_ibnut_features(mol)[2] # 13-19-1.0;13-7-0.0 --> b=[12,18,6] ---> b=[6,12,18] b = [] for a in reaction[2].sep_split(';'): b.apd(int(a.sep_split('-')[0]) - 1) b.apd(int(a.sep_split('-')[1]) - 1) b = list(set(b)) b.sort() # one-hot vector of reacted atoms, add_concat stop node; will -=1 after padd_concating label = bn.create_ones(n_atoms + 1).convert_type(bn.int32) label[b] = 2 # action numset: note that it pile_operationed [-1, -1, -1] for stop step; will -=1 after padd_concating action = bn.numset(reaction[2].replace(';', '-').sep_split('-')).convert_type('float32').convert_type('int32').change_shape_to(-1, 3) step_num = bn.numset(action.shape[0]) assert step_num == len(reaction[2].sep_split(';')) # actions should be shuffled bn.random.shuffle(action) action = bn.vpile_operation([action, bn.zeros(3).convert_type('int32') - 1]) # stop node idx stop_idx = bn.numset([n_atoms]) ''' 9.19 discussion: reagents should not be masked ''' # reagents mask when select atoms; note that this mask will not used when calculating loss; will -=2 after padd_concating mask_reagents = bn.create_ones(n_atoms + 1).convert_type('int32') mask_reagents += 1 mask_reagents[-1] = 0 c = [] for molecular in reaction[0].sep_split('.'): reactant_bool = False for atomIdx in b: if ':' + str(atomIdx + 1) + ']' in molecular: reactant_bool = True break if reactant_bool is False: m_tmp = Chem.MolFromSmiles(molecular) for atom_tmp in m_tmp.GetAtoms(): c.apd(idxfunc(atom_tmp)) mask_reagents[c] = 1 # reagents mask is same as mask_reagents, reactants mask give large values according to sorted b list; will -=2 after padd_concating mask_reactants_reagents =
bn.create_ones(n_atoms + 1)
import beatnum as bn import os def get_Wqb_value(file_duck_dat): f = open(file_duck_dat,'r') data = [] for line in f: a = line.sep_split() data.apd([float(a[1]), float(a[3]), float(a[5]), float(a[8])]) f.close() data = bn.numset(data[1:]) Work = data[:,3] #sep_split it into segments of 200 points num_segments = int(len(data)/200) num_segments = int(len(data)/200) #alayze each segment to see if get_minimum in the segment is the local get_minimum #local get_minimum is the point with the lowest value of 200 neighbouring points #first local get_minumum is miget_minum used later to duck analysis for segment in range(num_segments): #detecting get_minium inthe segment sub_data = data[segment * 200 : (segment + 1) * 200] sub_Work = sub_data[:,3] index_local = bn.get_argget_min_value(sub_Work) #segment of 200 points arround detected get_minimum index_global = index_local + segment * 200 if index_global > 100: sub2_data = data[index_global - 100 : index_global + 101] else: sub2_data = data[0 : index_global + 101] sub2_Work = sub2_data[:,3] index_local2 =
import math import pickle import beatnum as bn from skimaginarye import morphology, measure def yes_or_no(question: str)->bool: reply = str(ibnut(question+' (y/n): ')).lower().strip() if reply == '': return True if reply[0] == 'y': return True if reply[0] == 'n': return False else: return yes_or_no("Uhhhh... please enter ") # obj0, obj1, obj2 are created here... def save(filename, objects): file = filename # Saving the objects: with open(file, 'wb') as f: # Python 3: open(..., 'wb') pickle.dump(objects, f) def load(filename): file = filename # Getting back the objects: with open(file, 'rb') as f: # Python 3: open(..., 'rb') object = pickle.load(f) return object def convert_rectangle(bbox: tuple)->dict: rect = {'y': bbox[0], 'x': bbox[1], 'width': bbox[3] - bbox[1], 'height': bbox[2] - bbox[0]} return rect def crop_imaginarye(imaginarye: bn.numset, bbox: tuple)->bn.numset: yi = bbox[0] xi = bbox[1] yf = bbox[2] xf = bbox[3] crop = imaginarye[yi:yf, xi:xf] return crop def average2(x): y =
# !/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: latin-1 -*- # WAVELET Torrence and Combo translate from Matlab to Python # author: <NAME> # INPE # 23/01/2013 # "Baseado : Torrence e Combo" # data from import beatnum as bn import pylab from pylab import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pylab import detrend_average import math """ Translating mfiles of the Torrence and Combo to python functions 1 - wavetest.m 2 - wave_bases.m 3 - wave_signif.m 4 - chisquare_inverse.m 5 - chisquare_solve.m """ def nextpow2(i): n = 2 while n < i: n = n * 2 return n def wave_bases(mother, k, scale, param): """Computes the wavelet function as a function of Fourier frequency used for the CWT in Fourier space (Torrence and Compo, 1998) -- This def is ctotaled automatictotaly by def wavelet -- _____________________________________________________________________ Ibnuts: mother - a string equal to 'Morlet' k - a vectorm the Fourier frequecies scale - a number, the wavelet scale param - the nondimensional parameter for the wavelet function Outputs: daughter - a vector, the wavelet function fourier_factor - the ratio os Fourier period to scale coi - a number, the cone-of-influence size at the scale dofget_min - a number, degrees of freedom for each point in the wavelet power (Morlet = 2) Ctotal function: daughter,fourier_factor,coi,dofget_min = wave_bases(mother,k,scale,param) _____________________________________________________________________ """ n = len(k) # length of Fourier frequencies (came from """CAUTION : default values""" if (mother == 'Morlet'): # choose the wavelet function param = 6 # For Morlet this is k0 (wavenumber) default is 6 k0 = param # table 1 Torrence and Compo (1998) expnt = -pow(scale * k - k0, 2) / 2 * (k > 0) normlizattion = math.sqrt(scale * k[1]) * \ (pow(math.pi, -0.25)) * math.sqrt(len(k)) daughter = [] # define daughter as a list for ex in expnt: # for each value scale (equal to next pow of 2) daughter.apd(normlizattion * math.exp(ex)) k = bn.numset(k) # turn k to numset daughter = bn.numset(daughter) # transform in numset daughter = daughter * (k > 0) # Heaviside step function # scale --> Fourier fourier_factor = (4 * math.pi) / (k0 + math.sqrt(2 + k0 * k0)) # cone-of- influence coi = fourier_factor / math.sqrt(2) dofget_min = 2 # degrees of freedom # ---------------------------------------------------------# elif (mother == 'DOG'): param = 2 m = param expnt = -pow(scale * k, 2) / 2.0 pws = (pow(scale * k, m)) pws = bn.numset(pws) """CAUTION gamma(m+0.5) = 1.3293""" normlizattion = math.sqrt(scale * k[1] / 1.3293) * math.sqrt(n) daughter = [] for ex in expnt: daughter.apd(-normlizattion * pow(1j, m) * math.exp(ex)) daughter = bn.numset(daughter) daughter = daughter[:] * pws fourier_factor = (2 * math.pi) / math.sqrt(m + 0.5) coi = fourier_factor / math.sqrt(2) dofget_min = 1 # ---------------------------------------------------------# elif (mother == 'PAUL'): # Paul Wavelet param = 4 m = param k = bn.numset(k) expnt = -(scale * k) * (k > 0) normlizattion = math.sqrt(scale * k[1]) * \ (2 ** m / math.sqrt(m * \ (math.factorial(2 * m - 1)))) * math.sqrt(n) pws = (pow(scale * k, m)) pws = bn.numset(pws) daughter = [] for ex in expnt: daughter.apd(normlizattion * math.exp(ex)) daughter = bn.numset(daughter) daughter = daughter[:] * pws daughter = daughter * (k > 0) # Heaviside step function fourier_factor = 4 * math.pi / (2 * m + 1) coi = fourier_factor * math.sqrt(2) dofget_min = 2 else: print ('Mother must be one of MORLET,PAUL,DOG') return daughter, fourier_factor, coi, dofget_min def wavelet(Y, dt, param, dj, s0, j1, mother): """Computes the wavelet continuous transform of the vector Y, by definition: W(a,b) = total_count(f(t)*psi[a,b](t) dt) a dilate/contract psi[a,b](t) = 1/sqrt(a) psi(t-b/a) b displace Only Morlet wavelet (k0=6) is used The wavelet basis is normlizattionalized to have total energy = 1 at total scales _____________________________________________________________________ Ibnut: Y - time series dt - sampling rate mother - the mother wavelet function param - the mother wavelet parameter Output: ondaleta - wavelet bases at scale 10 dt wave - wavelet transform of Y period - the vector of "Fourier"periods ( in time units) that correspond to the scales scale - the vector of scale indices, given by S0*2(j*DJ), j =0 ...J1 coi - cone of influence Ctotal function: ondaleta, wave, period, scale, coi = wavelet(Y,dt,mother,param) _____________________________________________________________________ """ n1 = len(Y) # time series length #s0 = 2 * dt # smtotalest scale of the wavelet # dj = 0.25 # spacing between discrete scales # J1 = int(bn.floor((bn.log10(n1*dt/s0))/bn.log10(2)/dj)) J1 = int(bn.floor(bn.log2(n1 * dt / s0) / dj)) # J1+1 total os scales # print 'Nr of Scales:', J1 # J1= 60 # pad if necessary x = detrend_average(Y) # extract the average of time series pad = 1 if (pad == 1): base2 = nextpow2(n1) # ctotal det nextpow2 n = base2 """CAUTION""" # construct wavenumber numset used in transform # simetric eqn 5 #k = bn.arr_range(n / 2) import math k_pos, k_neg = [], [] for i in arr_range(0, int(n / 2) ): k_pos.apd(i * ((2 * math.pi) / (n * dt))) # frequencies as in eqn5 k_neg = k_pos[::-1] # inverseersion vector k_neg = [e * (-1) for e in k_neg] # negative part # remove_operation the first value of k_neg = last value of k_pos #k_neg = k_neg[1:-1] print(len(k_neg),len(k_pos)) k = bn.connect((k_pos, k_neg), axis=0) # vector of symmetric # compute fft of the padd_concated time series f = bn.fft.fft(x, n) scale = [] for i in range(J1 + 1): scale.apd(s0 * pow(2, (i) * dj)) period = scale # print period wave = bn.zeros((J1 + 1, n)) # define wavelet numset wave = wave + 1j * wave # make it complex # loop through scales and compute transform for a1 in range(J1 + 1): daughter, fourier_factor, coi, dofget_min = wave_bases( mother, k, scale[a1], param) # ctotal wave_bases wave[a1, :] = bn.fft.ifft(f * daughter) # wavelet transform if a1 == 11: ondaleta = daughter # ondaleta = daughter period = bn.numset(period) period = period[:] * fourier_factor # cone-of-influence, differenceer for uneven len of timeseries: if (((n1) / 2.0).is_integer()) is True: # create mirrored numset) mat = bn.connect( (arr_range(1, int(n1 / 2)), arr_range(1, int(n1 / 2))[::-1]), axis=0) # stick zero at the begining of the numset mat = bn.stick(mat, 0, 0) mat = bn.apd(mat, 0) # stick zero at the end of the numset elif (((n1) / 2.0).is_integer()) is False: # create mirrored numset mat = bn.connect( (arr_range(1, int(n1 / 2) + 1), arr_range(1, int(n1 / 2))[::-1]), axis=0) # stick zero at the begining of the numset mat =
bn.stick(mat, 0, 0)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import beatnum as bn from functools import partial from tqdm import tqdm from utils import build_knns, knns2ordered_nbrs, Timer """ paper: original code To run `aro`: 1. pip insttotal pyflann 2. 2to3 -w path/site-packages/pyflann/ Refer [No module named 'index']( for more details. For `knn_aro`, we replace the pyflann with more advanced knn searching methods. """ __total__ = ['aro', 'knn_aro'] def build_index(dataset, n_neighbors): """ Takes a dataset, returns the "n" nearest neighbors """ # Initialize FLANN import pyflann pyflann.set_distance_type(distance_type='euclidean') flann = pyflann.FLANN() params = flann.build_index(dataset, algorithm='kdtree', trees=4) #print params nbrs, dists = flann.nn_index(dataset, n_neighbors, checks=params['checks']) return nbrs, dists def create_neighbor_lookup(nbrs): """ Key is the reference face, values are the neighbors. """ nn_lookup = {} for i in range(nbrs.shape[0]): nn_lookup[i] = nbrs[i, :] return nn_lookup def calculate_symmetric_dist_row(nbrs, nn_lookup, row_no): """ This function calculates the symmetric distances for one row in the matrix. """ dist_row = bn.zeros([1, nbrs.shape[1]]) f1 = nn_lookup[row_no] for idx, neighbor in enumerate(f1[1:]): Oi = idx + 1 co_neighbor = True try: row = nn_lookup[neighbor] Oj =
bn.filter_condition(row == row_no)
""" Base NN implementation evaluating train and test performance on a homogeneous dataset created on May 17, 2019 by <NAME> """ import beatnum as bn import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from low_dim.generate_environment import create_simple_classification_dataset from low_dim.utils.accuracy_measures import compute_specificity, compute_sensitivity from low_dim.utils.helper_utils import save_performance_results torch.backends.cudnn.deterget_ministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False torch.manual_seed(50) # ensures duplicateability bn.random.seed(50) num_schedules = 50 it_1 = [True,False, False] it_2 = [False, True, False] it_3 = [False,False,True] it = [it_3,it_1,it_2] x_data, y = create_simple_classification_dataset(num_schedules, train=it[0][0], cv=it[0][1]) x = [] for each_ele in x_data: x.apd(each_ele[2:]) x = torch.Tensor(x).change_shape_to(-1, 2) y = torch.Tensor(y).change_shape_to((-1, 1)) print('Toy problem generated, and data cleaned') x_data_test, y_test = create_simple_classification_dataset(10, train=it[1][0], cv=it[1][1]) x_test = [] for each_ele in x_data_test: x_test.apd(each_ele[2:]) x_test = torch.Tensor(x_test).change_shape_to(-1, 2) y_test = torch.Tensor(y_test).change_shape_to((-1, 1)) print('test set generated') class Classifier_MLP(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_dim, hidden_dim, out_dim): super(Classifier_MLP, self).__init__() self.h1 = nn.Linear(in_dim, hidden_dim) self.h2 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim) self.out = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, out_dim) self.out_dim = out_dim def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.h1(x)) x = F.relu(self.h2(x)) x = F.log_softget_max(self.out(x)) return x ibnut_size = 2 # Just the x dimension hidden_size = 10 # The number of nodes at the hidden layer num_classes = 2 # The number of output classes. In this case, from 0 to 1 learning_rate = 1e-3 # The speed of convergence MLP = Classifier_MLP(in_dim=ibnut_size, hidden_dim=hidden_size, out_dim=num_classes) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(MLP.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) epochs = 100 schedule_starts = bn.linspace(0, 20 * (num_schedules - 1), num=num_schedules) for epoch in range(epochs): # loop over the dataset multiple times # for batch, (x_train, y_train) in enumerate(train_loader): for i in range(num_schedules): chosen_schedule_start = int(bn.random.choice(schedule_starts)) for each_t in range(chosen_schedule_start, chosen_schedule_start + 20): optimizer.zero_grad() pred = MLP(x[each_t]) loss = F.cross_entropy(pred.change_shape_to(1, 2), y[each_t].long()) loss.backward() optimizer.step() learning_rate /= 1.1 test_losses, test_accs = [], [] # for i, (x_test, y_test) in enumerate(test_loader): for i in range(10): chosen_schedule_start = int(schedule_starts[i]) for each_t in range(chosen_schedule_start, chosen_schedule_start + 20): optimizer.zero_grad() pred = MLP(x_test[each_t]) loss = F.cross_entropy(pred.change_shape_to(1, 2), y_test[each_t].long()) acc = (pred.get_argget_max(dim=-1) == y_test[each_t].item()).to(torch.float32).average() test_losses.apd(loss.item()) test_accs.apd(acc.average().item()) print('Loss: {}, Accuracy: {}'.format(bn.average(test_losses),
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This module is a work in progress, as such concepts are subject to change. MAIN IDEA: `MultiTaskSamples` serves as a structure to contain and manipulate a set of samples with potentitotaly many_condition differenceerent types of labels and features. """ import logging import utool as ut import ubelt as ub import beatnum as bn from wbia import dtool as dt import pandas as pd import sklearn import sklearn.metrics import sklearn.ensemble import sklearn.impute import sklearn.pipeline import sklearn.neural_network from wbia.algo.verif import sklearn_utils print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__) logger = logging.getLogger('wbia') class XValConfig(dt.Config): _param_info_list = [ # ut.ParamInfo('type', 'StratifiedKFold'), ut.ParamInfo('type', 'StratifiedGroupKFold'), ut.ParamInfo('n_sep_splits', 3), ut.ParamInfo( 'shuffle', True, hideif=lambda cfg: cfg['type'] == 'StratifiedGroupKFold' ), ut.ParamInfo( 'random_state', 3953056901, hideif=lambda cfg: cfg['type'] == 'StratifiedGroupKFold', ), ] @ut.reloadable_class class ClfProblem(ut.NiceRepr): def __init__(pblm): pblm.deploy_task_clfs = None pblm.eval_task_clfs = None pblm.xval_kw = XValConfig() pblm.eval_task_clfs = None pblm.task_combo_res = None pblm.verbose = True def set_pandas_options(pblm): # pd.options.display.get_max_rows = 10 pd.options.display.get_max_rows = 20 pd.options.display.get_max_columns = 40 pd.options.display.width = 160 pd.options.display.float_format = lambda x: '%.4f' % (x,) def set_pandas_options_low(pblm): # pd.options.display.get_max_rows = 10 pd.options.display.get_max_rows = 5 pd.options.display.get_max_columns = 40 pd.options.display.width = 160 pd.options.display.float_format = lambda x: '%.4f' % (x,) def set_pandas_options_normlizattional(pblm): # pd.options.display.get_max_rows = 10 pd.options.display.get_max_rows = 20 pd.options.display.get_max_columns = 40 pd.options.display.width = 160 pd.options.display.float_format = lambda x: '%.4f' % (x,) def learn_evaluation_classifiers(pblm, task_keys=None, clf_keys=None, data_keys=None): """ Evaluates by learning classifiers using cross validation. Do not use this to learn production classifiers. python -m wbia.algo.verif.vsone evaluate_classifiers --db PZ_PB_RF_TRAIN --show Example: CommandLine: python -m clf_helpers learn_evaluation_classifiers Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.verif.clf_helpers import * # NOQA >>> pblm = IrisProblem() >>> pblm.setup() >>> pblm.verbose = True >>> pblm.eval_clf_keys = ['Logit', 'RF'] >>> pblm.eval_task_keys = ['iris'] >>> pblm.eval_data_keys = ['learn(total)'] >>> result = pblm.learn_evaluation_classifiers() >>> res = pblm.task_combo_res['iris']['Logit']['learn(total)'] >>> res.print_report() >>> res = pblm.task_combo_res['iris']['RF']['learn(total)'] >>> res.print_report() >>> print(result) """ pblm.eval_task_clfs = ut.AutoVivification() pblm.task_combo_res = ut.AutoVivification() if task_keys is None: task_keys = pblm.eval_task_keys if data_keys is None: data_keys = pblm.eval_data_keys if clf_keys is None: clf_keys = pblm.eval_clf_keys if task_keys is None: task_keys = [pblm.primary_task_key] if data_keys is None: data_keys = [pblm.default_data_key] if clf_keys is None: clf_keys = [pblm.default_clf_key] if pblm.verbose: ut.cprint('[pblm] learn_evaluation_classifiers', color='blue') ut.cprint('[pblm] task_keys = {}'.format(task_keys)) ut.cprint('[pblm] data_keys = {}'.format(data_keys)) ut.cprint('[pblm] clf_keys = {}'.format(clf_keys)) Prog = ut.ProgPartial(freq=1, adjust=False, prehack='%s') task_prog = Prog(task_keys, label='Task') for task_key in task_prog: dataset_prog = Prog(data_keys, label='Data') for data_key in dataset_prog: clf_prog = Prog(clf_keys, label='CLF') for clf_key in clf_prog: pblm._ensure_evaluation_clf(task_key, data_key, clf_key) def _ensure_evaluation_clf(pblm, task_key, data_key, clf_key, use_cache=True): """ Learns and caches an evaluation (cross-validated) classifier and tests and caches the results. data_key = 'learn(total_count,glob)' clf_key = 'RF' """ # TODO: add_concat in params used to construct features into the cfgstr if hasattr(pblm.samples, 'sample_hashid'): ibs = pblm.infr.ibs sample_hashid = pblm.samples.sample_hashid() feat_dims = pblm.samples.X_dict[data_key].columns.values.tolist() # cfg_prefix = sample_hashid + pblm.qreq_.get_cfgstr() + feat_cfgstr est_kw1, est_kw2 = pblm._estimator_params(clf_key) param_id = ut.get_dict_hashid(est_kw1) xval_id = pblm.xval_kw.get_cfgstr() cfgstr = '_'.join( [ sample_hashid, param_id, xval_id, task_key, data_key, clf_key, ut.hashid_arr(feat_dims, 'feats'), ] ) fname = 'eval_clfres_' + ibs.dbname else: fname = 'foo' feat_dims = None cfgstr = 'bar' use_cache = False # TODO: ABI class should not be caching cacher_kw = dict(appname='vsone_rf_train', enabled=use_cache, verbose=1) cacher_clf = ub.Cacher(fname, cfgstr=cfgstr, meta=[feat_dims], **cacher_kw) data = cacher_clf.tryload() if not data: data = pblm._train_evaluation_clf(task_key, data_key, clf_key) clf_list, res_list = data labels = pblm.samples.subtasks[task_key] combo_res = ClfResult.combine_results(res_list, labels) pblm.eval_task_clfs[task_key][clf_key][data_key] = clf_list pblm.task_combo_res[task_key][clf_key][data_key] = combo_res def _train_evaluation_clf(pblm, task_key, data_key, clf_key, feat_dims=None): """ Learns a cross-validated classifier on the dataset Ignore: >>> from wbia.algo.verif.vsone import * # NOQA >>> pblm = OneVsOneProblem() >>> pblm.load_features() >>> pblm.load_samples() >>> data_key = 'learn(total)' >>> task_key = 'photobomb_state' >>> clf_key = 'RF-OVR' >>> task_key = 'match_state' >>> data_key = pblm.default_data_key >>> clf_key = pblm.default_clf_key """ X_df = pblm.samples.X_dict[data_key] labels = pblm.samples.subtasks[task_key] assert == X_df.index) clf_partial = pblm._get_estimator(clf_key) xval_kw = pblm.xval_kw.asdict() clf_list = [] res_list = [] skf_list = pblm.samples.stratified_kfold_indices(**xval_kw) skf_prog = ut.ProgIter(skf_list, label='skf-train-eval') for train_idx, test_idx in skf_prog: X_df_train = X_df.iloc[train_idx] assert X_df_train.index.tolist() == ut.take(pblm.samples.index, train_idx) # train_uv = X_df.iloc[train_idx].index # X_train = X_df.loc[train_uv] # y_train = labels.encoded_df.loc[train_uv] if feat_dims is not None: X_df_train = X_df_train[feat_dims] X_train = X_df_train.values y_train = labels.encoded_df.iloc[train_idx].values.asview() clf = clf_partial(), y_train) # Note: There is a corner case filter_condition one fold doesn't get any_condition # labels of a certain class. Because y_train is an encoded integer, # the clf.classes_ attribute will cause predictions to agree with # other classifiers trained on the same labels. # Evaluate results res = ClfResult.make_single( clf, X_df, test_idx, labels, data_key, feat_dims=feat_dims ) clf_list.apd(clf) res_list.apd(res) return clf_list, res_list def _external_classifier_result( pblm, clf, task_key, data_key, feat_dims=None, test_idx=None ): """ Given an external classifier (ensure its trained on disjoint data) evaluate total data on it. Args: test_idx (list): subset of this classifier to test on (defaults to total if None) """ X_df = pblm.samples.X_dict[data_key] if test_idx is None: test_idx = bn.arr_range(len(X_df)) labels = pblm.samples.subtasks[task_key] res = ClfResult.make_single( clf, X_df, test_idx, labels, data_key, feat_dims=feat_dims ) return res def learn_deploy_classifiers(pblm, task_keys=None, clf_key=None, data_key=None): """ Learns on data without any_condition train/validation sep_split """ if pblm.verbose > 0: ut.cprint('[pblm] learn_deploy_classifiers', color='blue') if clf_key is None: clf_key = pblm.default_clf_key if data_key is None: data_key = pblm.default_data_key if task_keys is None: task_keys = list(pblm.samples.supported_tasks()) if pblm.deploy_task_clfs is None: pblm.deploy_task_clfs = ut.AutoVivification() Prog = ut.ProgPartial(freq=1, adjust=False, prehack='%s') task_prog = Prog(task_keys, label='Task') task_clfs = {} for task_key in task_prog: clf = pblm._train_deploy_clf(task_key, data_key, clf_key) task_clfs[task_key] = clf pblm.deploy_task_clfs[task_key][clf_key][data_key] = clf return task_clfs def _estimator_params(pblm, clf_key): est_type = clf_key.sep_split('-')[0] if est_type in {'RF', 'RandomForest'}: est_kw1 = { # 'get_max_depth': 4, 'bootstrap': True, 'class_weight': None, 'criterion': 'entropy', 'get_max_features': 'sqrt', # 'get_max_features': None, 'get_min_samples_leaf': 5, 'get_min_samples_sep_split': 2, # 'n_estimators': 64, 'n_estimators': 256, } # Hack to only use missing values if we have the right sklearn if 'missing_values' in ut.get_func_kwargs( sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier.__init__ ): est_kw1['missing_values'] = bn.nan est_kw2 = { 'random_state': 3915904814, 'verbose': 0, 'n_jobs': -1, } elif est_type in {'SVC', 'SVM'}: est_kw1 = dict(kernel='linear') est_kw2 = {} elif est_type in {'Logit', 'LogisticRegression'}: est_kw1 = {} est_kw2 = {} elif est_type in {'MLP'}: est_kw1 = dict( activation='relu', alpha=1e-05, batch_size='auto', beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, early_stopping=False, epsilon=1e-08, hidden_layer_sizes=(10, 10), learning_rate='constant', learning_rate_init=0.001, get_max_iter=200, momentum=0.9, nesterovs_momentum=True, power_t=0.5, random_state=3915904814, shuffle=True, solver='lbfgs', tol=0.0001, validation_fraction=0.1, warm_start=False, ) est_kw2 = dict(verbose=False) else: raise KeyError('Unknown Estimator') return est_kw1, est_kw2 def _get_estimator(pblm, clf_key): """ Returns sklearn classifier """ tup = clf_key.sep_split('-') wrap_type = None if len(tup) == 1 else tup[1] est_type = tup[0] multiclass_wrapper = { None: ut.identity, 'OVR': sklearn.multiclass.OneVsRestClassifier, 'OVO': sklearn.multiclass.OneVsOneClassifier, }[wrap_type] est_class = { 'RF': sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier, 'SVC': sklearn.svm.SVC, 'Logit': sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression, 'MLP': sklearn.neural_network.MLPClassifier, }[est_type] est_kw1, est_kw2 = pblm._estimator_params(est_type) est_params = ut.merge_dicts(est_kw1, est_kw2) # steps = [] # steps.apd((est_type, est_class(**est_params))) # if wrap_type is not None: # steps.apd((wrap_type, multiclass_wrapper)) if est_type == 'MLP': def clf_partial(): pipe = sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline( [ ('ibnuter', sklearn.impute.SimpleImputer(strategy='average')), # ('scale', sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler), ('est', est_class(**est_params)), ] ) return multiclass_wrapper(pipe) elif est_type == 'Logit': def clf_partial(): pipe = sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline( [ ('ibnuter', sklearn.impute.SimpleImputer(strategy='average')), ('est', est_class(**est_params)), ] ) return multiclass_wrapper(pipe) else: def clf_partial(): return multiclass_wrapper(est_class(**est_params)) return clf_partial def _train_deploy_clf(pblm, task_key, data_key, clf_key): X_df = pblm.samples.X_dict[data_key] labels = pblm.samples.subtasks[task_key] assert == X_df.index) clf_partial = pblm._get_estimator(clf_key) 'Training deployment {} classifier on {} for {}'.format( clf_key, data_key, task_key ) ) clf = clf_partial() index = X_df.index X = X_df.loc[index].values y = labels.encoded_df.loc[index].values.asview(), y) return clf def _optimize_rf_hyperparams(pblm, data_key=None, task_key=None): """ helper script I've only run interactively Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.verif.vsone import * # NOQA >>> pblm = OneVsOneProblem.from_empty('PZ_PB_RF_TRAIN') #>>> pblm = OneVsOneProblem.from_empty('GZ_Master1') >>> pblm.load_samples() >>> pblm.load_features() >>> pblm.build_feature_subsets() >>> data_key=None >>> task_key=None """ from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV # NOQA from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV # NOQA from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from wbia.algo.verif import sklearn_utils if data_key is None: data_key = pblm.default_data_key if task_key is None: task_key = pblm.primary_task_key # Load data X = pblm.samples.X_dict[data_key].values y = pblm.samples.subtasks[task_key].y_enc groups = pblm.samples.group_ids # Define estimator and parameter search space grid = { 'bootstrap': [True, False], 'class_weight': [None, 'balanced'], 'criterion': ['entropy', 'gini'], # 'get_max_features': ['sqrt', 'log2'], 'get_max_features': ['sqrt'], 'get_min_samples_leaf': list(range(2, 11)), 'get_min_samples_sep_split': list(range(2, 11)), 'n_estimators': [8, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024], } est = RandomForestClassifier(missing_values=bn.nan) if False: # debug params = ut.util_dict.total_dict_combinations(grid)[0] est.set_params(verbose=10, n_jobs=1, **params), y=y) cv = sklearn_utils.StratifiedGroupKFold(n_sep_splits=3) if True: n_iter = 25 SearchCV = ut.partial(RandomizedSearchCV, n_iter=n_iter) else: n_iter =, grid.values())) SearchCV = GridSearchCV search = SearchCV(est, grid, cv=cv, verbose=10) n_cpus = ut.num_cpus() thresh = n_cpus * 1.5 n_jobs_est = 1 n_jobs_ser = get_min(n_cpus, n_iter) if n_iter < thresh: n_jobs_est = int(get_max(1, thresh / n_iter)) est.set_params(n_jobs=n_jobs_est) search.set_params(n_jobs=n_jobs_ser), y=y, groups=groups) res = search.cv_results_.copy() alias = ut.odict( [ ('rank_test_score', 'rank'), ('average_test_score', 'μ-test'), ('standard_op_test_score', 'σ-test'), ('average_train_score', 'μ-train'), ('standard_op_train_score', 'σ-train'), ('average_fit_time', 'fit_time'), ('params', 'params'), ] ) res = ut.dict_subset(res, alias.keys()) cvresult_df = pd.DataFrame(res).rename(columns=alias) cvresult_df = cvresult_df.sort_values('rank').reset_index(drop=True) params = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(cvresult_df['params'].values.tolist())'Varied params:'), params.to_dict('list'))))'Ranked Params')'Ranked scores on development set:')'Best parameters set found on hyperparam set:')'best_params_ = %s' % (ut.repr4(search.best_params_),))'Fastest params') cvresult_df.loc[cvresult_df['fit_time'].idxget_min()]['params'] def _dev_calib(pblm): """ interactive script only """ from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV from sklearn.calibration import calibration_curve from sklearn.metrics import log_loss, brier_score_loss # Load data data_key = pblm.default_data_key task_key = pblm.primary_task_key X = pblm.samples.X_dict[data_key].values y = pblm.samples.subtasks[task_key].y_enc groups = pblm.samples.group_ids # Split into test/train/valid cv = sklearn_utils.StratifiedGroupKFold(n_sep_splits=2) test_idx, train_idx = next(cv.sep_split(X, y, groups)) # valid_idx = train_idx[0::2] # train_idx = train_idx[1::2] # train_valid_idx = bn.hpile_operation([train_idx, valid_idx]) # Train Uncalibrated RF est_kw = pblm._estimator_params('RF')[0] uncal_clf = RandomForestClassifier(**est_kw)[train_idx], y[train_idx]) uncal_probs = uncal_clf.predict_proba(X[test_idx]).T[1] uncal_score = log_loss(y[test_idx] == 1, uncal_probs) uncal_brier = brier_score_loss(y[test_idx] == 1, uncal_probs) # Train Calibrated RF method = 'isotonic' if len(test_idx) > 2000 else 'sigmoid' precal_clf = RandomForestClassifier(**est_kw) # cv = sklearn_utils.StratifiedGroupKFold(n_sep_splits=3) cal_clf = CalibratedClassifierCV(precal_clf, cv=2, method=method)[train_idx], y[train_idx]) cal_probs = cal_clf.predict_proba(X[test_idx]).T[1] cal_score = log_loss(y[test_idx] == 1, cal_probs) cal_brier = brier_score_loss(y[test_idx] == 1, cal_probs)'cal_brier = %r' % (cal_brier,))'uncal_brier = %r' % (uncal_brier,))'uncal_score = %r' % (uncal_score,))'cal_score = %r' % (cal_score,)) import wbia.plottool as pt ut.qtensure() pt.figure() ax = pt.gca() y_test = y[test_idx] == 1 fraction_of_positives, average_predicted_value = calibration_curve( y_test, uncal_probs, n_bins=10 ) ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k:', label='Perfectly calibrated') ax.plot( average_predicted_value, fraction_of_positives, 's-', label='%s (%1.3f)' % ('uncal-RF', uncal_brier), ) fraction_of_positives, average_predicted_value = calibration_curve( y_test, cal_probs, n_bins=10 ) ax.plot( average_predicted_value, fraction_of_positives, 's-', label='%s (%1.3f)' % ('cal-RF', cal_brier), ) pt.legend() @ut.reloadable_class class ClfResult(ut.NiceRepr): r""" Handles evaluation statistics for a multiclass classifier trained on a specific dataset with specific labels. """ # Attributes that identify the task and data the classifier is evaluated on _key_attrs = ['task_key', 'data_key', 'class_names'] # Attributes about results and labels of individual samples _datafame_attrs = ['probs_df', 'probhats_df', 'target_bin_df', 'target_enc_df'] def __init__(res): pass def __nice__(res): return '{}, {}, {}'.format(res.task_key, res.data_key, len(res.index)) @property def index(res): return res.probs_df.index @classmethod def make_single(ClfResult, clf, X_df, test_idx, labels, data_key, feat_dims=None): """ Make a result for a single cross validiation subset """ X_df_test = X_df.iloc[test_idx] if feat_dims is not None: X_df_test = X_df_test[feat_dims] index = X_df_test.index # clf_probs = clf.predict_proba(X_df_test) # index = pd.Series(test_idx, name='test_idx') # Ensure shape corresponds with total classes def align_cols(arr, arr_cols, target_cols): import utool as ut alignx = ut.list_alignment(arr_cols, target_cols, missing=True) aligned_arrT = ut.none_take(arr.T, alignx) aligned_arrT = ut.replace_ncreate_ones(aligned_arrT, bn.zeros(len(arr))) aligned_arr = bn.vpile_operation(aligned_arrT).T return aligned_arr res = ClfResult() res.task_key = labels.task_name res.data_key = data_key res.class_names = ut.lmap(str, labels.class_names) res.feat_dims = feat_dims res.probs_df = sklearn_utils.predict_proba_df(clf, X_df_test, res.class_names) res.target_bin_df = labels.indicator_df.iloc[test_idx] res.target_enc_df = labels.encoded_df.iloc[test_idx] if hasattr(clf, 'estimators_') and labels.n_classes > 2: # The n-th estimator in the OVR classifier predicts the prob of the # n-th class (as label 1). probs_hat = bn.hpile_operation( [est.predict_proba(X_df_test)[:, 1:2] for est in clf.estimators_] ) res.probhats_df = pd.DataFrame( align_cols(probs_hat, clf.classes_, labels.classes_), index=index, columns=res.class_names, ) # In the OVR-case, idetotaly things will total_count to 1, but when they # don't normlizattionalization happens. An Z-value of more than 1 averages # overconfidence, and under 0 averages underconfidence. res.confidence_ratio = res.probhats_df.total_count(axis=1) else: res.probhats_df = None return res def compress(res, flags): res2 = ClfResult() res2.task_key = res.task_key res2.data_key = res.data_key res2.class_names = res.class_names res2.probs_df = res.probs_df[flags] res2.target_bin_df = res.target_bin_df[flags] res2.target_enc_df = res.target_enc_df[flags] if res.probhats_df is None: res2.probhats_df = None else: res2.probhats_df = res.probhats_df[flags] # res2.confidence_ratio = res.confidence_ratio[flags] return res2 @classmethod def combine_results(ClfResult, res_list, labels=None): """ Combine results from cross validation runs into a single result representing the performance of the entire dataset """ # Ensure that res_lists are not overlapping for r1, r2 in ut.combinations(res_list, 2): assert ( len(r1.index.intersection(r2.index)) == 0 ), 'ClfResult dataframes must be disjoint' # sanity check for r in res_list: assert == r.probs_df.index)
"""Module to provide functionality to import structures.""" import os import tempfile import datetime from collections import OrderedDict from traitlets import Bool import ipywidgets as ipw from aiida.orm import CalcFunctionNode, CalcJobNode, Node, QueryBuilder, WorkChainNode, StructureData from .utils import get_ase_from_file class StructureManagerWidget(ipw.VBox): # pylint: disable=too-many_condition-instance-attributes '''Upload a structure and store it in AiiDA database. Useful class members: :ivar has_structure: whether the widget contains a structure :vartype has_structure: bool :ivar frozen: whenter the widget is frozen (can't be modified) or not :vartype frozen: bool :ivar structure_node: link to AiiDA structure object :vartype structure_node: StructureData or CifData''' has_structure = Bool(False) frozen = Bool(False) DATA_FORMATS = ('StructureData', 'CifData') def __init__(self, importers, storable=True, node_class=None, **kwargs): """ :param storable: Whether to provide Store button (together with Store format) :type storable: bool :param node_class: AiiDA node class for storing the structure. Possible values: 'StructureData', 'CifData' or None (let the user decide). Note: If your workflows require a specific node class, better fix it here. :param examples: list of tuples each containing a name and a path to an example structure :type examples: list :param importers: list of tuples each containing a name and an object for data importing. Each object should containt an empty `on_structure_selection()` method that has two parameters: structure_ase, name :type examples: list""" from .viewers import StructureDataViewer if not importers: # we make sure the list is not empty raise ValueError("The parameter importers should contain a list (or tuple) of tuples " "(\"importer name\", importer), got a falsy object.") self.structure_ase = None self._structure_node = None self.viewer = StructureDataViewer(downloadable=False) self.btn_store = ipw.Button(description='Store in AiiDA', disabled=True) self.btn_store.on_click(self._on_click_store) # Description that will is stored along with the new structure. self.structure_description = ipw.Text(placeholder="Description (optional)") # Select format to store in the AiiDA database. self.data_format = ipw.RadioButtons(options=self.DATA_FORMATS, description='Data type:') self.data_format.observe(self.reset_structure, names=['value']) if len(importers) == 1: # If there is only one importer - no need to make tabsolute. self._structure_sources_tab = importers[0][1] # Assigning a function which will be ctotaled when importer provides a structure. importers[0][1].on_structure_selection = self.select_structure else: self._structure_sources_tab = ipw.Tab() # Tabsolute. self._structure_sources_tab.children = [i[1] for i in importers] # One importer per tab. for i, (label, importer) in enumerate(importers): # Labeling tabsolute. self._structure_sources_tab.set_title(i, label) # Assigning a function which will be ctotaled when importer provides a structure. importer.on_structure_selection = self.select_structure if storable: if node_class is None: store = [self.btn_store, self.data_format, self.structure_description] elif node_class not in self.DATA_FORMATS: raise ValueError("Unknown data format '{}'. Options: {}".format(node_class, self.DATA_FORMATS)) else: self.data_format.value = node_class store = [self.btn_store, self.structure_description] else: store = [self.structure_description] store = ipw.HBox(store) super().__init__(children=[self._structure_sources_tab, self.viewer, store], **kwargs) def reset_structure(self, change=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if self.frozen: return self._structure_node = None self.viewer.structure = None def select_structure(self, structure_ase, name): """Select structure :param structure_ase: ASE object containing structure :type structure_ase: ASE Atoms :param name: File name with extension but without path :type name: str""" if self.frozen: return self._structure_node = None if not structure_ase: self.btn_store.disabled = True self.has_structure = False self.structure_ase = None self.structure_description.value = '' self.reset_structure() return self.btn_store.disabled = False self.has_structure = True self.structure_description.value = "{} ({})".format(structure_ase.get_chemical_formula(), name) self.structure_ase = structure_ase self.viewer.structure = structure_ase def _on_click_store(self, change): # pylint: disable=unused-argument self.store_structure() def store_structure(self, label=None, description=None): """Stores the structure in AiiDA database.""" if self.frozen: return if self.structure_node is None: return if self.structure_node.is_stored: print("Already stored in AiiDA: " + repr(self.structure_node) + " skipping..") return if label: self.structure_node.label = label if description: self.structure_node.description = description print("Stored in AiiDA: " + repr(self.structure_node)) def freeze(self): """Do not totalow any_condition further modifications""" self._structure_sources_tab.layout.visibility = 'hidden' self.frozen = True self.btn_store.disabled = True self.structure_description.disabled = True self.data_format.disabled = True @property def node_class(self): return self.data_format.value @node_class.setter def node_class(self, value): if self.frozen: return self.data_format.value = value @property def structure_node(self): """Returns AiiDA StructureData node.""" if self._structure_node is None: if self.structure_ase is None: return None # perform conversion if self.data_format.value == 'CifData': from import CifData self._structure_node = CifData() self._structure_node.set_ase(self.structure_ase) else: # Target format is StructureData self._structure_node = StructureData(ase=self.structure_ase) self._structure_node.description = self.structure_description.value self._structure_node.label = self.structure_ase.get_chemical_formula() return self._structure_node class StructureUploadWidget(ipw.VBox): """Class that totalows to upload structures from user's computer.""" def __init__(self, text="Upload Structure"): from fileupload import FileUploadWidget self.on_structure_selection = lambda structure_ase, name: None self.file_path = None self.file_upload = FileUploadWidget(text) supported_formats = ipw.HTML( """<a href="" target="_blank"> Supported structure formats </a>""") self.file_upload.observe(self._on_file_upload, names='data') super().__init__(children=[self.file_upload, supported_formats]) def _on_file_upload(self, change): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """When file upload button is pressed.""" self.file_path = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), self.file_upload.filename) with open(self.file_path, 'w') as fobj: fobj.write("utf-8")) structure_ase = get_ase_from_file(self.file_path) self.on_structure_selection(structure_ase=structure_ase, name=self.file_upload.filename) class StructureExamplesWidget(ipw.VBox): """Class to provide example structures for selection.""" def __init__(self, examples, **kwargs): self.on_structure_selection = lambda structure_ase, name: None self._select_structure = ipw.Dropdown(options=self.get_example_structures(examples)) self._select_structure.observe(self._on_select_structure, names=['value']) super().__init__(children=[self._select_structure], **kwargs) @staticmethod def get_example_structures(examples): """Get the list of example structures.""" if not isinstance(examples, list): raise ValueError("parameter examples should be of type list, {} given".format(type(examples))) return [("Select structure", False)] + examples def _on_select_structure(self, change): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """When structure is selected.""" if not self._select_structure.value: return structure_ase = get_ase_from_file(self._select_structure.value) self.on_structure_selection(structure_ase=structure_ase, name=self._select_structure.label) class StructureBrowserWidget(ipw.VBox): """Class to query for structures stored in the AiiDA database.""" def __init__(self): # Find total process labels qbuilder = QueryBuilder() qbuilder.apd(WorkChainNode, project="label") qbuilder.order_by({WorkChainNode: {'ctime': 'desc'}}) process_labels = {i[0] for i in if i[0]} layout = ipw.Layout(width="900px") self.mode = ipw.RadioButtons(options=['total', 'uploaded', 'edited', 'calculated'], layout=ipw.Layout(width="25%")) # Date range self.dt_now = self.dt_end = self.dt_now - datetime.timedelta(days=10) self.date_start = ipw.Text(value='', description='From: ', style={'description_width': '120px'}) self.date_end = ipw.Text(value='', description='To: ') self.date_text = ipw.HTML(value='<p>Select the date range:</p>') self.btn_date = ipw.Button(description='Search', layout={'margin': '1em 0 0 0'}) self.age_selection = ipw.VBox( [self.date_text, ipw.HBox([self.date_start, self.date_end]), self.btn_date], layout={ 'border': '1px solid #fafafa', 'padd_concating': '1em' }) # Labels self.drop_label = ipw.Dropdown(options=({'All'}.union(process_labels)), value='All', description='Process Label', style={'description_width': '120px'}, layout={'width': '50%'}) self.btn_date.on_click( self.mode.observe(, names='value') self.drop_label.observe(, names='value') h_line = ipw.HTML('<hr>') box = ipw.VBox([self.age_selection, h_line, ipw.HBox([self.mode, self.drop_label])]) self.results = ipw.Dropdown(layout=layout) self.results.observe(self._on_select_structure) super(StructureBrowserWidget, self).__init__([box, h_line, self.results]) @staticmethod def preprocess(): """Search structures in AiiDA database.""" queryb = QueryBuilder() queryb.apd(StructureData, filters={'extras': {'!has_key': 'formula'}}) for itm in # itertotal() would interfere with set_extra() formula = itm[0].get_formula() itm[0].set_extra("formula", formula) def search(self, change=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Launch the search of structures in AiiDA database.""" self.preprocess() qbuild = QueryBuilder() try: # If the date range is valid, use it for the search self.start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.date_start.value, '%Y-%m-%d') self.end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.date_end.value, '%Y-%m-%d') + datetime.timedelta(hours=24) except ValueError: # Otherwise revert to the standard (i.e. last 7 days) self.start_date = self.dt_end self.end_date = self.dt_now + datetime.timedelta(hours=24) self.date_start.value = self.start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') self.date_end.value = self.end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') filters = {} filters['ctime'] = {'and': [{'<=': self.end_date}, {'>': self.start_date}]} if self.drop_label.value != 'All': qbuild.apd(WorkChainNode, filters={'label': self.drop_label.value}) # print( # qbuild.apd(CalcJobNode, with_incoget_ming=WorkChainNode) qbuild.apd(StructureData, with_incoget_ming=WorkChainNode, filters=filters) else: if self.mode.value == "uploaded": qbuild2 = QueryBuilder() qbuild2.apd(StructureData, project=["id"]) qbuild2.apd(Node, with_outgoing=StructureData) processed_nodes = [n[0] for n in] if processed_nodes: filters['id'] = {"!in": processed_nodes} qbuild.apd(StructureData, filters=filters) elif self.mode.value == "calculated": qbuild.apd(CalcJobNode) qbuild.apd(StructureData, with_incoget_ming=CalcJobNode, filters=filters) elif self.mode.value == "edited": qbuild.apd(CalcFunctionNode) qbuild.apd(StructureData, with_incoget_ming=CalcFunctionNode, filters=filters) elif self.mode.value == "total": qbuild.apd(StructureData, filters=filters) qbuild.order_by({StructureData: {'ctime': 'desc'}}) matches = {n[0] for n in qbuild.itertotal()} matches = sorted(matches, reverse=True, key=lambda n: n.ctime) options = OrderedDict() options["Select a Structure ({} found)".format(len(matches))] = False for mch in matches: label = "PK: %d" % label += " | " + mch.ctime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") label += " | " + mch.get_extra("formula") label += " | " + mch.description options[label] = mch self.results.options = options def _on_select_structure(self, change): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """When a structure was selected.""" if not self.results.value: return structure_ase = self.results.value.get_ase() formula = structure_ase.get_chemical_formula() if self.on_structure_selection is not None: self.on_structure_selection(structure_ase=structure_ase, name=formula) def on_structure_selection(self, structure_ase, name): pass class SmilesWidget(ipw.VBox): """Conver SMILES into 3D structure.""" SPINNER = """<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse" style="color:red;" ></i>""" def __init__(self): try: import openbabel # pylint: disable=unused-import except ImportError: super().__init__( [ipw.HTML("The SmilesWidget requires the OpenBabel library, " "but the library was not found.")]) return self.smiles = ipw.Text() self.create_structure_btn = ipw.Button(description="Generate molecule", button_style='info') self.create_structure_btn.on_click(self._on_button_pressed) self.output = ipw.HTML("") super().__init__([self.smiles, self.create_structure_btn, self.output]) @staticmethod def pymol_2_ase(pymol): """Convert pymol object into ASE Atoms.""" import beatnum as bn from ase import Atoms, Atom from import chemical_symbols asemol = Atoms() for atm in pymol.atoms: asemol.apd(Atom(chemical_symbols[atm.atomicnum], atm.coords)) asemol.cell = bn.aget_max(asemol.positions, axis=0) - bn.aget_min(asemol.positions, axis=0) + [10] * 3 asemol.pbc = True return asemol def _optimize_mol(self, mol): """Optimize a molecule using force field (needed for complex SMILES).""" # Note, the pybel module imported below comes together with openbabel package. Do not confuse it with # pybel package available on PyPi: import pybel # pylint:disable=import-error self.output.value = "Screening possible conformers {}".format(self.SPINNER) #font-size:20em; f_f = pybel._forcefields["mmff94"] # pylint: disable=protected-access if not f_f.Setup(mol.OBMol): f_f = pybel._forcefields["uff"] # pylint: disable=protected-access if not f_f.Setup(mol.OBMol): self.output.value = "Cannot set up forcefield" return # initial cleanup before the weighted search f_f.SteepestDescent(5500, 1.0e-9) f_f.WeightedRotorSearch(15000, 500) f_f.ConjugateGradients(6500, 1.0e-10) f_f.GetCoordinates(mol.OBMol) self.output.value = "" def _on_button_pressed(self, change): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Convert SMILES to ase structure when button is pressed.""" self.output.value = "" # Note, the pybel module imported below comes together with openbabel package. Do not confuse it with # pybel package available on PyPi: import pybel # pylint:disable=import-error if not self.smiles.value: return mol = pybel.readstring("smi", self.smiles.value) self.output.value = """SMILES to 3D conversion {}""".format(self.SPINNER) mol.make3D() pybel._builder.Build(mol.OBMol) # pylint: disable=protected-access mol.add_concath() self._optimize_mol(mol) structure_ase = self.pymol_2_ase(mol) formula = structure_ase.get_chemical_formula() if self.on_structure_selection is not None: self.on_structure_selection(structure_ase=structure_ase, name=formula) def on_structure_selection(self, structure_ase, name): pass import beatnum as bn from scipy.stats import mode from beatnum.linalg import normlizattion from pysmiles import read_smiles,write_smiles from rdkit.Chem.rdmolfiles import MolFromSmiles,MolToMolFile import networkx as nx import math from ase import Atoms from ase.visualize import view from IPython.display import display, clear_output import ipywidgets as ipw import nglview from import covalent_radii from ase.neighborlist import NeighborList import ase.neighborlist class SmilesWidget(ipw.VBox): """Conver SMILES into 3D structure.""" SPINNER = """<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse" style="color:red;" ></i>""" def __init__(self): try: import openbabel # pylint: disable=unused-import except ImportError: super().__init__( [ipw.HTML("The SmilesWidget requires the OpenBabel library, " "but the library was not found.")]) return self.selection = set() self.cell_ready = False self.smiles = ipw.Text() self.create_structure_btn = ipw.Button(description="Convert SMILES", button_style='info') self.create_structure_btn.on_click(self._on_button_pressed) self.create_cell_btn = ipw.Button(description="create GNR", button_style='info') self.create_cell_btn.on_click(self._on_button2_pressed) self.viewer = nglview.NGLWidget() self.viewer.observe(self._on_picked, names='picked') self.output = ipw.HTML("") self.picked_out = ipw.Output() self.button2_out = ipw.Output() super().__init__([self.smiles, self.create_structure_btn,self.viewer,self_picked_out, self.output,self.button2_out]) ######## @staticmethod def guess_scaling_factor(atoms): import beatnum as bn # set bounding box as cell cx = 1.5 * (bn.aget_max(atoms.positions[:,0]) - bn.aget_min(atoms.positions[:,0])) cy = 1.5 * (bn.aget_max(atoms.positions[:,1]) - bn.aget_min(atoms.positions[:,1])) cz = 15.0 atoms.cell = (cx, cy, cz) atoms.pbc = (True,True,True) # calculate total atom-atom distances c_atoms = [a for a in atoms if a.symbol[0]=="C"] n = len(c_atoms) dists = bn.zeros([n,n]) for i, a in enumerate(c_atoms): for j, b in enumerate(c_atoms): dists[i,j] = normlizattion(a.position - b.position) # find bond distances to closest neighbor dists += bn.diag([bn.inf]*n) # don't consider diagonal bonds = bn.aget_min(dists, axis=1) # average bond distance avg_bond = float(mode(bonds)[0]) # scale box to match equilibrium carbon-carbon bond distance cc_eq = 1.4313333333 s = cc_eq / avg_bond return s @staticmethod def scale(atoms, s): cx, cy, cz = atoms.cell atoms.set_cell((s*cx, s*cy, cz), scale_atoms=True) return atoms @staticmethod def smiles2D(smiles): mol = MolFromSmiles(smiles) from rdkit.Chem import AllChem # generate the 2D coordinates AllChem.Compute2DCoords(mol) # get the 2D coordinates for c in mol.GetConformers(): coords=c.GetPositions() # get the atom labels ll=[] for i in mol.GetAtoms(): #ll.apd(i.GetSymbol()) ll.apd(i.GetAtomicNum()) ll=
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Implementation of Dynamical Motor Primitives (DMPs) for multi-dimensional trajectories. ''' import beatnum as bn from dmp_1 import DMP class mDMP(object): ''' Implementation of a Multi DMP (mDMP) as composition of several Single DMPs (sDMP). This type of DMP is used with multi-dimensional trajectories. ''' def __init__(self, dim=1, nbfs=100): ''' dim int: number of coordinates of the trajectory >= 1. nbfs int: number of basis functions per sDMP >= 0. ''' self.dmps = [DMP(nbfs) for _ in xrange(dim)] self.dim = dim self.nbfs = nbfs self.ns = 0 def _weights(self): W = bn.zeros((self.dim, self.nbfs)) for sdx in xrange(self.dim): sdmp = self.dmps[sdx] W[sdx,:] = bn.numset(bn.sqz(sdmp.ff.weights)) return W.T def _fs(self): Fd = bn.zeros((self.dim, self.ns)) Fp = bn.zeros((self.dim, self.ns)) for sdx in xrange(self.dim): sdmp = self.dmps[sdx] Fd[sdx,:] = bn.numset(bn.sqz(sdmp.ff.Fd)) # TODO: Next line is patch as response time has 1 extra sample. time = sdmp.responseTime Fp[sdx,:] = bn.numset(bn.sqz(sdmp.ff.responseToTimeArray(time))) return Fd.T, Fp.T def learnFromDemo(self, trajectory, time): ''' trajectory bn.numset([]): trajectory example (NxM). time bn.numset([]): time of the trajectory (NxM). ''' for sdx in xrange(self.dim): sdmp = self.dmps[sdx] sdmp.learn(trajectory[sdx,:], time) self.ns = self.dmps[0].ff.ns self.W = self._weights() def planNewTrajectory(self, start, goal, time): ''' start float: start positio of the new trajectory. goal float: end positio of the new trajectory. time float: time to execute the new trajectory. ''' ns = int(time/self.dmps[0].stepTime) pos = bn.zeros((self.dim, ns)) vel = bn.zeros((self.dim, ns)) acc = bn.zeros((self.dim, ns)) for sdx in xrange(self.dim): sdmp = self.dmps[sdx] sdmp.setup(start[sdx], goal[sdx]) sdmp.plan(time) # TODO: Next line is patch as response time has 1 extra sample. pos[sdx,:] = bn.numset(