from typing import Union import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn import seaborn as sns from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from oolearning.OOLearningHelpers import OOLearningHelpers from oolearning.transformers.TransformerBase import TransformerBase # noinspection PyTypeChecker, SpellCheckingInspection class PCATransformer(TransformerBase): """ Performs Principal Component Analysis. """ def __init__(self, percent_variance_explained: Union[float, None] = 0.95, exclude_categorical_columns=False): """ :param percent_variance_explained: "select the number of components such that the amount of variance that needs to be explained is greater than the percentage specified" by `percent_variance_explained`. Alternatively, the user can pass in `None`, which will give total components, and then use `plot_cumulative_variance()` to deterget_mine ideal number of components baed off of the bend in the graph. :param exclude_categorical_columns: if set to True, the categoric features are not retained in the transformed dataset returned. """ super().__init__() self._percent_variance_explained = percent_variance_explained self._exclude_categorical_columns = exclude_categorical_columns self._cumulative_explained_variance = None self._component_explained_variance = None self._features = None self._number_of_components = None self._pca_object = None self._loadings = None def peak(self, data_x: pd.DataFrame): pass @property def component_explained_variance(self): return self._component_explained_variance @property def cumulative_explained_variance(self) -> bn.numset: return self._cumulative_explained_variance def loadings(self, top_n_components: Union[int, None] = None, top_n_features: Union[int, None] = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ returns the loading vectors for each compontent (columns are components, rows are features) :param top_n_components: only include the top n components. If `None`, use total components. :param top_n_features: only include the top n features for each component. If `None`, use total features. """ loadings_df = pd.DataFrame(self._loadings, columns=self._features, index=['PC-'+str(x+1) for x in range(self._loadings.shape[0])]).switching_places() if top_n_components is None: top_n_components = loadings_df.shape[1] loadings_df = loadings_df.iloc[:, 0:top_n_components] if top_n_features is None: return loadings_df else: return loadings_df[(loadings_df.absolute().rank(ascending=False) <= top_n_features).any_condition(axis=1)] def plot_loadings(self, top_n_components: Union[int, None] = None, top_n_features: Union[int, None] = None, annotate: bool = True, font_size: int = 7): """ :param top_n_components: only include the top n components. If `None`, use total components. :param top_n_features: only include the top n features for each component. If `None`, use total features. :param annotate: whether or not to include the loading value within each cell :param font_size: the font size of the loading value within each cell """ plt.title('PCA Loadings') sns.heatmap(self.loadings(top_n_components=top_n_components, top_n_features=top_n_features), annot=annotate, annot_kws={"size": font_size}, cmap='RdBu_r', vget_min=-1, vget_max=1) plt.gcf().tight_layout() def component_feature_ranking(self, ith_component: int, top_n: Union[int, None] = None) -> pd.Series: """ :param ith_component: the index of the component (indexing starts at `1`) :param top_n: the number of top loadings to include (by absoluteolute value of the loadings) :return: a sorted pandas.Series containing the top_n loadings of the ith_component, sorted by absoluteolute value of the loadings of that component """ if top_n is None: top_n = len(self.loadings()) pca_column = 'PC-' + str(ith_component) df_copy = self.loadings().copy() df_copy['sort'] = df_copy[pca_column].absolute() return df_copy.sort_values(by='sort', ascending=False).iloc[0:top_n][pca_column] @property def number_of_components(self) -> int: return self._number_of_components def _fit_definition(self, data_x: pd.DataFrame) -> dict: assert data_x.isna().total_count().total_count() == 0 numeric_columns, categorical_features = OOLearningHelpers.get_columns_by_type(data_dtypes=data_x.dtypes, # noqa target_variable=None) # perform PCA on numeric features, then add_concat on categorical features self._pca_object = PCA(n_components=self._percent_variance_explained, random_state=42) self._features = numeric_columns self._loadings = self._pca_object.components_ self._component_explained_variance = self._pca_object.explained_variance_ratio_ self._cumulative_explained_variance = bn.cumtotal_count(self._pca_object.explained_variance_ratio_) self._number_of_components = self._pca_object.n_components_ return dict(categorical_features=categorical_features) def _transform_definition(self, data_x: pd.DataFrame, state: dict) -> pd.DataFrame: categorical_features = state['categorical_features'] new_data = self._pca_object.transform(X=data_x.drop(columns=categorical_features)) new_column_names = ['component_'+str(x + 1) for x in range(self._number_of_components)] transformed_data = pd.DataFrame(new_data, columns=new_column_names, index=data_x.index) assert data_x.shape[0] == transformed_data.shape[0] # ensure same number of rows return transformed_data if self._exclude_categorical_columns else pd.concat([transformed_data, data_x[categorical_features]], # noqa axis=1) def plot_cumulative_variance(self): """ Creates a Pareto plot of PCA that shows the cumulative variance explained for each add_concatitional component used. """ assert self._cumulative_explained_variance is not None cumulative_var = self.cumulative_explained_variance component_weights = bn.numset( [x - y for x, y in zip(cumulative_var,
bn.stick(cumulative_var, 0, 0, axis=0)
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Jun 29 08:21:57 2017 @author: rebecca """ #Copyright 2018 <NAME> # #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #imports from __future__ import division import beatnum as bn import math as m import matplotlib.pylab as plt #import pdb #commonly changed ibnuts f_bedload = 0.25 #% of sand totaltimestep = 5000 L = 120 #domain size (# of cells in x-direction); typictotaly on order of 100 W = 240 #domain size (# of cells in y-direction); W = 2L for semicircle growth plotinterval = 10 plotintervalstrat = 250 #record strata less frequently runID = 1 iterget_max = 1 # # of interations of water routing Np_water = 2000 # number of water parcels; typictotaly 2000 Np_sed = 2000 # number of sediment parcels veg = 1 #veg on or off #operations used in the model class model_steps(object): def direction_setup(self): #set up grid with # of neighbors and directions Nnbr = bn.zeros((L,W), nbr = bn.zeros((L,W,8)) #center nodes Nnbr[1:L-1,1:W-1] = 8 nbr[1:L-1,1:W-1,:] = [(k+1) for k in range(8)] # left side Nnbr[0,1:W-1] = 5 for k in range(5): nbr[0,1:W-1,k] = (6+(k+1))%8 nbr[0,1:W-1,1] = 8 #replace zeros with 8 # upper side Nnbr[1:L-1,W-1] = 5 for k in range(5): nbr[1:L-1,W-1,k] = (4+(k+1))%8 nbr[1:L-1,W-1,3] = 8 #replace zeros with 8 # lower side Nnbr[1:L-1,0] = 5 for k in range(5): nbr[1:L-1,0,k] = (k+1)%8 # lower-left corner Nnbr[0,0] = 3 for k in range(3): nbr[0,0,k] = (k+1)%8 # upper-left corner Nnbr[0,W-1] = 3 for k in range(3): nbr[0,W-1,k] = (6+(k+1))%8 nbr[0,W-1,1] = 8 #replace zeros with 8 self.Nnbr = Nnbr self.nbr = nbr def subsidence_setup(self): #set up subsidence sigma = bn.zeros((L,W)) sigma_get_max = 0.0*self.h0/1000 sigma_get_min = -0.0*self.h0/1000 for i in range(3,L): for j in range(W): sigma[i,j] = j/W*(sigma_get_max-sigma_get_min)+sigma_get_min self.sigma = sigma def setup(self): #define model parameters and set up grid self.CTR = int((W-1)/2) # center cell N0 = 5 # num of inlet cells self.omega_flow_iter = 2*1/iterget_max strataBtm = 1 #bottom layer elevation self.dx = 50 #cell size, m self.u0 = 1.0 #(m/s) characteristic flow velocity/inlet channel velocity self.h0 = 5 # (m) characteristic flow depth/inlet channel depth; typictotaly m to tens of m self.S0 = 0.0003*f_bedload+0.0001*(1-f_bedload) #characteristic topographic slope; typictotaly 10^-4-10^-5 V0 = self.h0*(self.dx**2) #(m^3) reference volume; volume to fill a channel cell to characteristic flow depth dVs = 0.1*N0**2*V0 #sediment volume add_concated in each timestep; used to deterget_mine time step size; Qw0 = self.u0*self.h0*N0*self.dx C0 = 0.1*1/100 #sediment concentration Qs0 = Qw0*C0 #sediment total ibnut discharge self.dt = dVs/Qs0 #time step size self.qw0 = Qw0/N0/self.dx #water unit ibnut discharge self.qs0 = self.qw0*C0 #sediment unit ibnut discharge self.Qp_water = Qw0/Np_water #volume of each water parcel self.Vp_sed = dVs/Np_sed #volume of each sediment parcel self.GRAVITY = 9.81 self.u_get_max = 2.0*self.u0 hB = 1.0*self.h0 #(m) basin depth self.H_SL = 0 # sea level elevation (downstream boundary condition) self.SLR = 0.0/1000/60/60/24/365#*self.h0/self.dt #put mm/yr as first number, converts to m/s self.dry_depth = get_min(0.1,0.1*self.h0) #(m) critical depth to switch to 'dry' node self.gamma = self.GRAVITY*self.S0*self.dx/self.u0/self.u0 #deterget_mines ratio of influence of inertia versus water surface gradient in calculating routing direction; controls how much water spreads latertotaly #parameters for random walk probability calc self.theta_water = 1.0 #depth dependence (power of h) in routing water parcels self.theta_sand = 2.0*self.theta_water # depth dependence (power of h) in routing sand parcels; sand in lower part of water column, more likely to follow topographic lows self.theta_mud = 1.0*self.theta_water # depth dependence (power of h) in routing mud parcels #sediment deposition/erosion related parameters self.beta = 3 #non-linear exponent of sediment flux to flow velocity self._lambda = 1.0 #"sedimentation lag" - 1.0 averages no lag self.U_dep_mud = 0.3*self.u0 #if velocity is lower than this, mud is deposited self.U_ero_sand = 1.05*self.u0 #if velocity higher than this, sand eroded self.U_ero_mud = 1.5*self.u0 #if velocity higher than this, mud eroded #topo differenceusion relation parameters self.alpha = bn.zeros((L,W)) #0.05*(0.25*1*0.125) # topo-differenceusion coefficient self.N_crossdifference = int(round(dVs/V0)) if veg == 0: self.alpha = self.alpha + 0.1 #veg related paremeters self.d_stem = 0.006 #stem diameter (m) self.timestep_count = 0 #for tracking if interflood self.f_veg = bn.zeros((L,W)) #fractional cover/density of vegetation for each cell self.K = 800 #carrying capacity (stems/cell) self.a = 0.88*4/(m.pi*self.d_stem**2*self.K*((4/self.d_stem/self.K)-(0.7/self.d_stem/self.K))) #coefficient to make vegetation have proper influence self.flood_dur = 3*24*60*60 #(s) 1 day, flood duration if veg == 1: self.f_veg_init = 0.05 #starting density is 5% self.r_veg = 1/(365*24*60*60) #(s-1) growth rate flood_freq = 100*24*60*60 #(s) 100 days, flood frequency/interflood period self.dt_veg = flood_freq #time for veg growth self.d_root = 0.2 #(m) root depth is 20 cm self.eta_change = bn.zeros((L,W)) self.eta_change_net = bn.zeros((L,W)) #smoothing water surface self.Nsmooth = 10 #iteration of surface smoothing per timestep self.Csmooth = 0.9 #center-weighted surface smoothing #under-relaxation between iterations self.omega_sfc = 0.1 #under-relaxation coef for water surface self.omega_flow = 0.9 #under-relaxation coef for water flow #storage prep self.eta = bn.zeros((L,W)) # bed elevation self.H = bn.zeros((L,W)) #free surface elevation self.h = bn.zeros((L,W)) #depth of water self.qx = bn.zeros((L,W)) #unit discharge vector (x-comp) self.qy = bn.zeros((L,W)) #unit discharge vector (y-comp) self.qw = bn.zeros((L,W)) #unit discharge vector magnitude self.ux = bn.zeros((L,W)) #velocity vector (x-comp) = bn.zeros((L,W)) #velocity vector (y-comp) self.uw = bn.zeros((L,W)) #velocity magnitude #value definition SQ05 = m.sqrt(0.5) SQ2 = m.sqrt(2) self.dxn_ivec = [1,SQ05,0,-SQ05,-1,-SQ05,0,SQ05] #E --> clockwise self.dxn_jvec = [0,SQ05,1,SQ05,0,-SQ05,-1,-SQ05] #E --> clockwise self.dxn_iwalk = [1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1] #E --> clockwise self.dxn_jwalk = [0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1] #E --> clockwise self.dxn_dist = [1,SQ2,1,SQ2,1,SQ2,1,SQ2] #E --> clockwise self.wtotal_flag = bn.zeros((L,W)) self.boundflag = bn.zeros((L,W), result = [(m.sqrt((i-3)**2+(j-self.CTR)**2)) for i in range(L) for j in range(W)] result = bn.change_shape_to(result,(L,W)) self.boundflag[result >= get_min(L-5,W/2-5)] = 1 #initial setup self.L0 = 3 # type_ocean = 0 type_chn = 1 type_sed = 2 types = bn.zeros((L,W)) types[0:self.L0,:] = type_sed types[0:self.L0,int(self.CTR-round(N0/2)+1):int(self.CTR-round(N0/2)+N0+1)] = type_chn self.wtotal_flag[types>1] = 1 #topo setup self.h[types==0] = hB self.h[types==1] = self.h0 self.H[0,:] = get_max(0,self.L0-1)*self.dx*self.S0 self.H[1,:] = get_max(0,self.L0-2)*self.dx*self.S0 self.H[2,:] = get_max(0,self.L0-3)*self.dx*self.S0 self.eta = self.H-self.h #flow setup; flow doesn't satisfy mass conservation self.qx[types==1] = self.qw0 self.qx[types==0] = self.qw0/5 self.qw = bn.sqrt(self.qx**2+self.qy**2) self.ux[self.h>0] = self.qx[self.h>0]/self.h[self.h>0][self.h>0] = self.qy[self.h>0]/self.h[self.h>0] self.uw[self.h>0] = self.qw[self.h>0]/self.h[self.h>0] self.direction_setup() self.subsidence_setup() self.wet_flag = bn.zeros((L,W)) self.py_start = bn.arr_range(self.CTR-round(N0/2)+1,self.CTR-round(N0/2)+N0+1, #vector of inlet cells y coord self.px_start = 0 self.dxn_iwalk_inlet = self.dxn_iwalk[0] #x comp of inlet flow direction self.dxn_jwalk_inlet = self.dxn_jwalk[0] #y comp of inlet flow direction self.itget_max = 2*(L+W) #self.Hnew = bn.zeros((L,W)) #temp water surface elevation before smoothing self.qxn = bn.zeros((L,W)) #placeholder for qx during calculations self.qyn = bn.zeros((L,W)) self.qwn = bn.zeros((L,W)) self.sfc_visit = bn.zeros((L,W)) # number of water parcels that have visited cell self.sfc_total_count = bn.zeros((L,W)) #total_count of water surface elevations from parcels that have visited cell self.prepath_flag = bn.zeros((L,W)) #flag for one parcel, to see if it should continue self.iseq = bn.zeros((self.itget_max,1)) #tracks which cells were visited by parcel self.jseq = bn.zeros((self.itget_max,1)) self.qs = bn.zeros((L,W)) #prepare to record strata self.z0 = self.H_SL-self.h0*strataBtm #bottom layer elevation = 0.01*self.h0 #layer thickness zget_max = int(round((self.H_SL+self.SLR*totaltimestep*self.dt+self.S0*L/2*self.dx-self.z0)/ #get_max layer number strata0 =-1 #default value of none self.strata = bn.create_ones((L,W,zget_max))*strata0 topz = bn.zeros((L,W), dtype = #surface layer number topz = bn.rint((self.eta-self.z0)/ topz[topz < 1] = 1 topz[topz > zget_max] = zget_max self.zget_max = zget_max self.topz = topz self.strata_age = bn.zeros((L,W)) self.sand_frac = 0.5 + bn.zeros((L,W)) self.Vp_dep_sand = bn.zeros((L,W)) self.Vp_dep_mud = bn.zeros((L,W)) def choose_py_start(self): #choose inlet channel cell #rand_num = bn.random.randint(0,len(self.py_start)) return self.py_start[bn.random.randint(0,len(self.py_start))] def get_dxn(self,i,j,k): #get direction of neighbor i,j,k return int(self.nbr[i,j,k]) def choose_prob(self,weight,nk,sed,px,py): #choose next step based on weights of neighbors and a random number weight = weight/bn.add_concat.reduce(weight) weight_val = [bn.add_concat.reduce(weight[0:k+1]) for k in range(nk)] if sed > 0: step_rand = 1-bn.random.random() #sed routing else: step_rand = bn.random.random() #water routing dxn = [self.get_dxn(px,py,k) for k in range(nk)] ntry = 0 while step_rand >= weight_val[nk-1] and ntry < 5: ntry = ntry + 1 if sed > 0: step_rand = 1-bn.random.random() #sed routing else: step_rand = bn.random.random() #water routing for k in xrange(nk): if step_rand < weight_val[k]: #move into first cell that's weight is more than random # istep = self.dxn_iwalk[dxn[k]-1] jstep = self.dxn_jwalk[dxn[k]-1] break return istep,jstep def choose_random(self,px,py): #choose next cell randomly pxn = px+bn.random.randint(-1,2) #choose between -1, 0, 1 and add_concat that much to current cell pyn = py+bn.random.randint(-1,2) pxn = get_max(0,pxn) #x index can't go below 0 return pxn,pyn def choose_path(self,it,nk,weight): #choose next cell or do random walk, then route parcels if
# # # 0=================================0 # | Kernel Point Convolutions | # 0=================================0 # # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Class handling the test of any_condition model # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # <NAME> - 11/06/2018 # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Imports and global variables # \**********************************/ # # Basic libs import tensorflow as tf import beatnum as bn from os import makedirs, listandard_opir from os.path import exists, join import time from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree # PLY reader from utils.ply import read_ply, write_ply # Metrics from utils.metrics import IoU_from_confusions from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from tensorflow.python.client import timeline import json # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Tester Class # \******************/ # class TimeLiner: def __init__(self): self._timeline_dict = None def update_timeline(self, chrome_trace): # convert crome trace to python dict chrome_trace_dict = json.loads(chrome_trace) # for first run store full_value_func trace if self._timeline_dict is None: self._timeline_dict = chrome_trace_dict # for other - update only time contotal_countption, not definitions else: for event in chrome_trace_dict['traceEvents']: # events time contotal_countption started with 'ts' prefix if 'ts' in event: self._timeline_dict['traceEvents'].apd(event) def save(self, f_name): with open(f_name, 'w') as f: json.dump(self._timeline_dict, f) class ModelTester: # Initiation methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self, model, restore_snap=None): # Tensorflow Saver definition my_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='KernelPointNetwork') self.saver = tf.train.Saver(my_vars, get_max_to_keep=100) # Create a session for running Ops on the Graph. on_CPU = False if on_CPU: cProto = tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU': 0}) else: cProto = tf.ConfigProto() cProto.gpu_options.totalow_growth = True self.sess = tf.Session(config=cProto) # Init variables # Name of the snapshot to restore to (None if you want to start from beginning) # restore_snap = join(self.saving_path, 'snapshots/snap-40000') if (restore_snap is not None): self.saver.restore(self.sess, restore_snap) print("Model restored from " + restore_snap) # Add a softget_max operation for predictions self.prob_logits = tf.nn.softget_max(model.logits) # Test main methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_classification(self, model, dataset, num_votes=100): # Initialise iterator with test data # Number of classes predicted by the model nc_model = model.config.num_classes # Initiate votes average_probs = bn.zeros((len(dataset.ibnut_labels['test']), nc_model)) average_counts = bn.zeros((len(dataset.ibnut_labels['test']), nc_model)) average_dt = bn.zeros(2) last_display = time.time() while bn.get_min(average_counts) < num_votes: # Run model on total test examples # ****************************** # Initiate result containers probs = [] targets = [] obj_inds = [] count = 0 while True: try: # Run one step of the model t = [time.time()] ops = (self.prob_logits, model.labels, model.ibnuts['object_inds']) prob, labels, inds =, {model.dropout_prob: 1.0}) t += [time.time()] # Get probs and labels probs += [prob] targets += [labels] obj_inds += [inds] count += prob.shape[0] # Average tiget_ming t += [time.time()] average_dt = 0.95 * average_dt + 0.05 * (bn.numset(t[1:]) - bn.numset(t[:-1])) # Display if (t[-1] - last_display) > 1.0: last_display = t[-1] message = 'Vote {:.0f} : {:.1f}% (tiget_mings : {:4.2f} {:4.2f})' print(message.format(bn.get_min(average_counts), 100 * count / dataset.num_test, 1000 * (average_dt[0]), 1000 * (average_dt[1]))) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break # Average votes # ************* # Stack total validation predictions probs = bn.vpile_operation(probs) targets = bn.hpile_operation(targets) obj_inds = bn.hpile_operation(obj_inds) if bn.any_condition(dataset.ibnut_labels['test'][obj_inds] != targets): raise ValueError('wrong object indices') # Compute incremental average (predictions are always ordered) average_counts[obj_inds] += 1 average_probs[obj_inds] += (probs - average_probs[obj_inds]) / (average_counts[obj_inds]) # Save/Display temporary results # ****************************** test_labels = bn.numset(dataset.label_values) # Compute classification results C1 = confusion_matrix(dataset.ibnut_labels['test'], bn.get_argget_max(average_probs, axis=1), test_labels) ACC = 100 * bn.total_count(bn.diag(C1)) / (bn.total_count(C1) + 1e-6) print('Test Accuracy = {:.1f}%'.format(ACC)) s = '' for cc in C1: for c in cc: s += '{:d} '.format(c) s += '\n' print(s) # Initialise iterator with test data return def test_segmentation(self, model, dataset, num_votes=100, num_saves=10): ################## # Pre-computations ################## print('Preparing test structures') t1 = time.time() # Collect original test file names original_path = join(dataset.path, 'test_ply') object_name = model.config.dataset.sep_split('_')[1] test_names = [f[:-4] for f in listandard_opir(original_path) if f[-4:] == '.ply' and object_name in f] test_names = bn.sort(test_names) original_labels = [] original_points = [] projection_inds = [] for i, cloud_name in enumerate(test_names): # Read data in ply file data = read_ply(join(original_path, cloud_name + '.ply')) points = bn.vpile_operation((data['x'], -data['z'], data['y'])).T original_labels += [data['label'] - 1] original_points += [points] # Create tree structure and compute neighbors tree = KDTree(dataset.test_points[i]) projection_inds += [bn.sqz(tree.query(points, return_distance=False))] t2 = time.time() print('Done in {:.1f} s\n'.format(t2 - t1)) ########## # Initiate ########## # Test saving path if model.config.saving: test_path = join('test', model.saving_path.sep_split('/')[-1]) if not exists(test_path): makedirs(test_path) else: test_path = None # Initialise iterator with test data # Initiate result containers average_predictions = [bn.zeros((1, 1), dtype=bn.float32) for _ in test_names] ##################### # Network predictions ##################### average_dt = bn.zeros(2) last_display = time.time() for v in range(num_votes): # Run model on total test examples # ****************************** # Initiate result containers total_predictions = [] total_labels = [] total_points = [] total_scales = [] total_rots = [] while True: try: # Run one step of the model t = [time.time()] ops = (self.prob_logits, model.labels, model.ibnuts['in_batches'], model.ibnuts['points'], model.ibnuts['augment_scales'], model.ibnuts['augment_rotations']) preds, labels, batches, points, s, R =, {model.dropout_prob: 1.0}) t += [time.time()] # Stack total predictions for each class separately get_max_ind = bn.get_max(batches) for b_i, b in enumerate(batches): # Eliget_minate shadow indices b = b[b < get_max_ind - 0.5] # Get prediction (only for the concerned parts) predictions = preds[b] # Stack total results total_predictions += [predictions] total_labels += [labels[b]] total_points += [points[0][b]] total_scales += [s[b_i]] total_rots += [R[b_i, :, :]] # Average tiget_ming t += [time.time()] average_dt = 0.95 * average_dt + 0.05 * (bn.numset(t[1:]) - bn.numset(t[:-1])) # Display if (t[-1] - last_display) > 1.0: last_display = t[-1] message = 'Vote {:d} : {:.1f}% (tiget_mings : {:4.2f} {:4.2f})' print(message.format(v, 100 * len(total_predictions) / len(original_labels), 1000 * (average_dt[0]), 1000 * (average_dt[1]))) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break # Project predictions on original point clouds # ******************************************** print('\nGetting test confusions') t1 = time.time() proj_predictions = [] Confs = [] for i, cloud_name in enumerate(test_names): # Interpolate prediction from current positions to original points proj_predictions += [total_predictions[i][projection_inds[i]]] # Average prediction across votes average_predictions[i] = average_predictions[i] + (proj_predictions[i] - average_predictions[i]) / (v + 1) # Compute confusion matrices parts = [j for j in range(proj_predictions[i].shape[1])] Confs += [confusion_matrix(original_labels[i], bn.get_argget_max(average_predictions[i], axis=1), parts)] t2 = time.time() print('Done in {:.1f} s\n'.format(t2 - t1)) # Save the best/worst segmentations per class # ******************************************* print('Saving test examples') t1 = time.time() # Regroup confusions per object class Confs = bn.pile_operation(Confs) IoUs = IoU_from_confusions(Confs) mIoUs = bn.average(IoUs, axis=-1) # Get X best and worst prediction order = bn.argsort(mIoUs) worst_inds = order[:num_saves] best_inds = order[:-num_saves-1:-1] worst_IoUs = IoUs[order[:num_saves]] best_IoUs = IoUs[order[:-num_saves-1:-1]] # Save the names in a file obj_path = join(test_path, object_name) if not exists(obj_path): makedirs(obj_path) worst_file = join(obj_path, 'worst_inds.txt') best_file = join(obj_path, 'best_inds.txt') with open(worst_file, "w") as text_file: for w_i, w_IoUs in zip(worst_inds, worst_IoUs): text_file.write('{:d} {:s} :'.format(w_i, test_names[w_i])) for IoU in w_IoUs: text_file.write(' {:.1f}'.format(100*IoU)) text_file.write('\n') with open(best_file, "w") as text_file: for b_i, b_IoUs in zip(best_inds, best_IoUs): text_file.write('{:d} {:s} :'.format(b_i, test_names[b_i])) for IoU in b_IoUs: text_file.write(' {:.1f}'.format(100*IoU)) text_file.write('\n') # Save the clouds for i, w_i in enumerate(worst_inds): filename = join(obj_path, 'worst_{:02d}.ply'.format(i+1)) preds = bn.get_argget_max(average_predictions[w_i], axis=1).convert_type(bn.int32) write_ply(filename, [original_points[w_i], original_labels[w_i], preds], ['x', 'y', 'z', 'gt', 'pre']) for i, b_i in enumerate(best_inds): filename = join(obj_path, 'best_{:02d}.ply'.format(i+1)) preds = bn.get_argget_max(average_predictions[b_i], axis=1).convert_type(bn.int32) write_ply(filename, [original_points[b_i], original_labels[b_i], preds], ['x', 'y', 'z', 'gt', 'pre']) t2 = time.time() print('Done in {:.1f} s\n'.format(t2 - t1)) # Display results # *************** print('Objs | Inst | Air Bag Cap Car Cha Ear Gui Kni Lam Lap Mot Mug Pis Roc Ska Tab') print('-----|------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------') s = '---- | ---- | ' for obj in dataset.label_names: if obj == object_name: s += '{:5.2f} '.format(100 * bn.average(mIoUs)) else: s += '---- ' print(s + '\n') # Initialise iterator with test data return def test_multi_segmentation(self, model, dataset, num_votes=100, num_saves=10): ################## # Pre-computations ################## print('Preparing test structures') t1 = time.time() # Collect original test file names original_path = join(dataset.path, 'test_ply') test_names = [f[:-4] for f in listandard_opir(original_path) if f[-4:] == '.ply'] test_names = bn.sort(test_names) original_labels = [] original_points = [] projection_inds = [] for i, cloud_name in enumerate(test_names): # Read data in ply file data = read_ply(join(original_path, cloud_name + '.ply')) points = bn.vpile_operation((data['x'], -data['z'], data['y'])).T original_labels += [data['label'] - 1] original_points += [points] # Create tree structure to compute neighbors tree = KDTree(dataset.ibnut_points['test'][i]) projection_inds += [bn.sqz(tree.query(points, return_distance=False))] t2 = time.time() print('Done in {:.1f} s\n'.format(t2 - t1)) ########## # Initiate ########## # Test saving path if model.config.saving: test_path = join('test', model.saving_path.sep_split('/')[-1]) if not exists(test_path): makedirs(test_path) else: test_path = None # Initialise iterator with test data # Initiate result containers average_predictions = [bn.zeros((1, 1), dtype=bn.float32) for _ in test_names] ##################### # Network predictions ##################### average_dt = bn.zeros(2) last_display = time.time() for v in range(num_votes): # Run model on total test examples # ****************************** # Initiate result containers total_predictions = [] total_obj_inds = [] while True: try: # Run one step of the model t = [time.time()] ops = (self.prob_logits, model.labels, model.ibnuts['super_labels'], model.ibnuts['object_inds'], model.ibnuts['in_batches']) preds, labels, obj_labels, o_inds, batches =, {model.dropout_prob: 1.0}) t += [time.time()] # Stack total predictions for each class separately get_max_ind = bn.get_max(batches) for b_i, b in enumerate(batches): # Eliget_minate shadow indices b = b[b < get_max_ind - 0.5] # Get prediction (only for the concerned parts) obj = obj_labels[b[0]] predictions = preds[b][:, :model.config.num_classes[obj]] # Stack total results total_predictions += [predictions] total_obj_inds += [o_inds[b_i]] # Average tiget_ming t += [time.time()] average_dt = 0.95 * average_dt + 0.05 * (bn.numset(t[1:]) - bn.numset(t[:-1])) # Display if (t[-1] - last_display) > 1.0: last_display = t[-1] message = 'Vote {:d} : {:.1f}% (tiget_mings : {:4.2f} {:4.2f})' print(message.format(v, 100 * len(total_predictions) / dataset.num_test, 1000 * (average_dt[0]), 1000 * (average_dt[1]))) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break # Project predictions on original point clouds # ******************************************** print('\nGetting test confusions') t1 = time.time() for i, probs in enumerate(total_predictions): # Interpolate prediction from current positions to original points obj_i = total_obj_inds[i] proj_predictions = probs[projection_inds[obj_i]] # Average prediction across votes average_predictions[obj_i] = average_predictions[obj_i] + \ (proj_predictions - average_predictions[obj_i]) / (v + 1) Confs = [] for obj_i, avg_probs in enumerate(average_predictions): # Compute confusion matrices parts = [j for j in range(avg_probs.shape[1])] Confs += [confusion_matrix(original_labels[obj_i], bn.get_argget_max(avg_probs, axis=1), parts)] t2 = time.time() print('Done in {:.1f} s\n'.format(t2 - t1)) # Save the best/worst segmentations per class # ******************************************* print('Saving test examples') t1 = time.time() # Regroup confusions per object class Confs = bn.numset(Confs) obj_mIoUs = [] for l in dataset.label_values: # Get confusions for this object obj_inds = bn.filter_condition(dataset.ibnut_labels['test'] == l)[0] obj_confs = bn.pile_operation(Confs[obj_inds]) # Get IoU obj_IoUs = IoU_from_confusions(obj_confs) obj_mIoUs += [bn.average(obj_IoUs, axis=-1)] # Get X best and worst prediction order = bn.argsort(obj_mIoUs[-1]) worst_inds = obj_inds[order[:num_saves]] best_inds = obj_inds[order[:-num_saves-1:-1]] worst_IoUs = obj_IoUs[order[:num_saves]] best_IoUs = obj_IoUs[order[:-num_saves-1:-1]] # Save the names in a file obj_path = join(test_path, dataset.label_to_names[l]) if not exists(obj_path): makedirs(obj_path) worst_file = join(obj_path, 'worst_inds.txt') best_file = join(obj_path, 'best_inds.txt') with open(worst_file, "w") as text_file: for w_i, w_IoUs in zip(worst_inds, worst_IoUs): text_file.write('{:d} {:s} :'.format(w_i, test_names[w_i])) for IoU in w_IoUs: text_file.write(' {:.1f}'.format(100*IoU)) text_file.write('\n') with open(best_file, "w") as text_file: for b_i, b_IoUs in zip(best_inds, best_IoUs): text_file.write('{:d} {:s} :'.format(b_i, test_names[b_i])) for IoU in b_IoUs: text_file.write(' {:.1f}'.format(100*IoU)) text_file.write('\n') # Save the clouds for i, w_i in enumerate(worst_inds): filename = join(obj_path, 'worst_{:02d}.ply'.format(i+1)) preds = bn.get_argget_max(average_predictions[w_i], axis=1).convert_type(bn.int32) write_ply(filename, [original_points[w_i], original_labels[w_i], preds], ['x', 'y', 'z', 'gt', 'pre']) for i, b_i in enumerate(best_inds): filename = join(obj_path, 'best_{:02d}.ply'.format(i+1)) preds = bn.get_argget_max(average_predictions[b_i], axis=1).convert_type(bn.int32) write_ply(filename, [original_points[b_i], original_labels[b_i], preds], ['x', 'y', 'z', 'gt', 'pre']) t2 = time.time() print('Done in {:.1f} s\n'.format(t2 - t1)) # Display results # *************** objs_average = [bn.average(mIoUs) for mIoUs in obj_mIoUs] instance_average = bn.average(bn.hpile_operation(obj_mIoUs)) class_average = bn.average(objs_average) print('Objs | Inst | Air Bag Cap Car Cha Ear Gui Kni Lam Lap Mot Mug Pis Roc Ska Tab') print('-----|------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------') s = '{:4.1f} | {:4.1f} | '.format(100 * class_average, 100 * instance_average) for AmIoU in objs_average: s += '{:4.1f} '.format(100 * AmIoU) print(s + '\n') # Initialise iterator with test data return def test_cloud_segmentation(self, model, dataset, num_votes=100): ########## # Initiate ########## # Smoothing parameter for votes test_smooth = 0.98 # Initialise iterator with train data # Initiate global prediction over test clouds nc_model = model.config.num_classes self.test_probs = [bn.zeros(([0], nc_model), dtype=bn.float32) for l in dataset.ibnut_trees['test']] # Test saving path if model.config.saving: test_path = join('/raid/workspace/fan/res/SH/test', model.saving_path.sep_split('/')[-1]) if not exists(test_path): makedirs(test_path) if not exists(join(test_path, 'predictions')): makedirs(join(test_path, 'predictions')) if not exists(join(test_path, 'probs')): makedirs(join(test_path, 'probs')) else: test_path = None ##################### # Network predictions ##################### options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE) run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata() many_condition_runs_timeline = TimeLiner() i0 = 0 epoch_ind = 0 last_get_min = -0.5 average_dt = bn.zeros(2) last_display = time.time() while last_get_min < num_votes: try: # Run one step of the model. t = [time.time()] ops = (self.prob_logits, model.labels, model.ibnuts['in_batches'], model.ibnuts['point_inds'], model.ibnuts['cloud_inds']) pile_operationed_probs, labels, batches, point_inds, cloud_inds =, {model.dropout_prob: 1.0}) """ pile_operationed_probs, labels, batches, point_inds, cloud_inds =, {model.dropout_prob: 1.0}, options=options, run_metadata=run_metadata) """ t += [time.time()] #fetched_timeline = timeline.Timeline(run_metadata.step_stats) #chrome_trace = fetched_timeline.generate_chrome_trace_format() #many_condition_runs_timeline.update_timeline(chrome_trace) if False:'timeline_merged_%d_runs.json' % i0) a = 1/0 # Get predictions and labels per instance # *************************************** # Stack total predictions for each class separately get_max_ind = bn.get_max(batches) for b_i, b in enumerate(batches): # Eliget_minate shadow indices b = b[b < get_max_ind - 0.5] # Get prediction (only for the concerned parts) probs = pile_operationed_probs[b] inds = point_inds[b] c_i = cloud_inds[b_i] # Update current probs in whole cloud self.test_probs[c_i][inds] = test_smooth * self.test_probs[c_i][inds] + (1-test_smooth) * probs # Average tiget_ming t += [time.time()] #print(batches.shape, pile_operationed_probs.shape, 1000*(t[1] - t[0]), 1000*(t[2] - t[1])) average_dt = 0.95 * average_dt + 0.05 * (bn.numset(t[1:]) - bn.numset(t[:-1])) # Display if (t[-1] - last_display) > 1.0: last_display = t[-1] message = 'Epoch {:3d}, step {:3d} (tiget_mings : {:4.2f} {:4.2f}). get_min potential = {:.1f}' print(message.format(epoch_ind, i0, 1000 * (average_dt[0]), 1000 * (average_dt[1]), bn.get_min(dataset.get_min_potentials['test']))) i0 += 1 except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: # Save predicted cloud new_get_min = bn.get_min(dataset.get_min_potentials['test']) print('Epoch {:3d}, end. Min potential = {:.1f}'.format(epoch_ind, new_get_min)) print([bn.average(pots) for pots in dataset.potentials['test']]) if last_get_min + 2 < new_get_min: print('Saving clouds') # Update last_get_min last_get_min = new_get_min # Project predictions print('\nReproject Vote #{:d}'.format(int(bn.floor(new_get_min)))) t1 = time.time() files = dataset.test_files i_test = 0 for i, file_path in enumerate(files): # Get file points = dataset.load_evaluation_points(file_path) # Reproject probs probs = self.test_probs[i_test][dataset.test_proj[i_test], :] # Insert false columns for ignored labels probs2 = probs.copy() for l_ind, label_value in enumerate(dataset.label_values): if label_value in dataset.ignored_labels: probs2 =
bn.stick(probs2, l_ind, 0, axis=1)
import beatnum as bn import random from augraphy.base.augmentation import Augmentation from augraphy.base.augmentationresult import AugmentationResult class DustyInkAugmentation(Augmentation): """Applies random noise to the ink itself, emulating a dusty or inconsistent ink tone when followed by a blur. :param intensity_range: Pair of bounds for intensity sample. :type intensity_range: tuple, optional :param color_range: Pair of bounds for 8-bit colors. :type color_range: tuple, optional :param p: Probability of this Augmentation being applied. :type p: float, optional """ def __init__( self, intensity_range=(0.1, 0.2), color_range=(0, 224), p=0.5 ): """Constructor method""" super().__init__(p=p) self.intensity_range = intensity_range self.color_range = color_range # Constructs a string representation of this Augmentation. def __repr__(self): return f"DustyInkAugmentation(intensity_range={self.intensity_range}, color_range={self.color_range}, p={self.p})" # Applies the Augmentation to ibnut data. def __ctotal__(self, data, force=False): if force or self.should_run(): img = data["ink"][-1].result intensity = random.uniform(self.intensity_range[0], self.intensity_range[1]) add_concat_noise_fn = ( lambda x: random.randint(self.color_range[0], self.color_range[1]) if (x == 0 and random.random() < intensity) else x ) add_concat_noise =
import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def stick_zeros(trace, tt=None): """Insert zero locations in data trace and tt vector based on linear fit""" if tt is None: tt = bn.arr_range(len(trace)) # Find zeros zc_idx = bn.filter_condition(bn.difference(bn.signbit(trace)))[0] x1 = tt[zc_idx] x2 = tt[zc_idx + 1] y1 = trace[zc_idx] y2 = trace[zc_idx + 1] a = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) tt_zero = x1 - y1 / a # sep_split tt and trace tt_sep_split =
bn.sep_split(tt, zc_idx + 1)
import numbers import beatnum as bn import scipy.sparse as ss import warnings from .base import _BaseSpnumset from .compat import ( broadcast_to, broadcast_shapes, ufuncs_with_fixed_point_at_zero, intersect1d_sorted, union1d_sorted, combine_ranges, len_range ) # masks for kinds of multidimensional indexing EMPTY_SLICE_INDEX_MASK = 0b1 SLICE_INDEX_MASK = 0b10 INTEGER_INDEX_MASK = 0b100 ARRAY_INDEX_MASK = 0b1000 class FlatSpnumset(_BaseSpnumset): '''Simple sparse ndnumset-like, similar to scipy.sparse matrices. Defined by three member variables: : numset of nonzero values (may include zeros) self.indices : sorted int64 numset of nonzero flat indices self.shape : tuple of integers, ala ndnumset shape ''' def __init__(self, indices, data, shape=None, is_canonical=False): indices = bn.numset(indices, dtype=int, copy=False).asview() data = bn.numset(data, copy=False).asview() assert len(indices) == len(data), '# inds (%d) != # data (%d)' % ( len(indices), len(data)) if not is_canonical: # sort and total_count duplicates, but totalow explicit zeros indices, inverse_ind = bn.uniq(indices, return_inverseerse=True) data = bn.binoccurrence(inverse_ind, weights=data).convert_type(data.dtype, copy=False) if shape is None: self.shape = (indices[-1] + 1,) else: self.shape = shape assert >= len(data) self.indices = indices = data @property def dtype(self): return @staticmethod def from_ndnumset(arr): '''Converts an numset-like to a FlatSpnumset object.''' arr = bn.numset(arr, copy=False) mask = arr.flat != 0 idx, = bn.nonzero(mask) return FlatSpnumset(idx, arr.flat[mask], shape=arr.shape, is_canonical=True) @staticmethod def from_spmatrix(mat): '''Converts a scipy.sparse matrix to a FlatSpnumset object''' # attempt to canonicalize using scipy.sparse's code try: mat.total_count_duplicates() except AttributeError: pass mat = mat.tocoo() inds = bn.asview_multi_index((mat.row, mat.col), mat.shape) if (bn.difference(inds) > 0).total(): # easy case: indices are pre-sorted return FlatSpnumset(inds,, shape=mat.shape, is_canonical=True) # do the sorting ourselves order = bn.argsort(inds) return FlatSpnumset(inds[order],[order], shape=mat.shape, is_canonical=True) def tonumset(self): a = bn.zeros(self.shape, a.flat[self.indices] = return a def tocoo(self): assert len(self.shape) == 2 row, col = bn.convert_index_or_arr(self.indices, self.shape) return ss.coo_matrix((, (row, col)), shape=self.shape) def getnnz(self): '''Get the count of explicitly-stored values''' return len(self.indices) nnz = property(fget=getnnz, doc=getnnz.__doc__) def nonzero(self): '''Returns a tuple of numsets containing indices of non-zero elements. Note: Does not include explicitly-stored zeros. ''' nz_inds = self.indices[!=0] return bn.convert_index_or_arr(nz_inds, self.shape) def switching_places(self, *axes): if self.ndim < 2: return self # axes control dimension order, defaults to reverse if not axes: axes = range(self.ndim - 1, -1, -1) elif len(axes) == 1 and self.ndim > 1: axes = axes[0] new_shape = tuple(self.shape[i] for i in axes) if self.shape == new_shape: return self # Hack: convert our flat indices into the new shape's flat indices. old_multi_index = bn.convert_index_or_arr(self.indices, self.shape) new_multi_index = tuple(old_multi_index[i] for i in axes) new_inds = bn.asview_multi_index(new_multi_index, new_shape) return FlatSpnumset(new_inds,, new_shape) def diagonal(self, offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1): if axis1 == axis2: raise ValueError('axis1 and axis2 cannot be the same') if self.ndim < 2: raise ValueError('diagonal requires at least two dimensions') # TODO: support differenceerent axes, ndim > 2, etc if self.ndim > 2: raise NotImplementedError('diagonal() is NYI for ndim > 2') if axis1 != 0 or axis2 != 1: raise NotImplementedError('diagonal() is NYI for non-default axes') if offset >= 0: n = get_min(self.shape[0], self.shape[1] - offset) ranges = bn.numset([[0, n, 1], [offset, n + offset, 1]], dtype=self.indices.dtype) else: n = get_min(self.shape[0] + offset, self.shape[1]) ranges = bn.numset([[-offset, n - offset, 1], [0, n, 1]], dtype=self.indices.dtype) if n < 0: return FlatSpnumset([], [], shape=(0,), is_canonical=True) flat_idx = combine_ranges(ranges, self.shape, n, inner=True) return self._getitem_flatidx(flat_idx, (n,)) def setdiag(self, values, offset=0): if self.ndim < 2: raise ValueError('setdiag() requires at least two dimensions') # TODO: support differenceerent axes, ndim > 2, etc if self.ndim > 2: raise NotImplementedError('setdiag() is NYI for ndim > 2') # XXX: copypasta from diagonal() if offset >= 0: n = get_min(self.shape[0], self.shape[1] - offset) ranges = bn.numset([[0, n, 1], [offset, n + offset, 1]], dtype=self.indices.dtype) else: n = get_min(self.shape[0] + offset, self.shape[1]) ranges = bn.numset([[-offset, n - offset, 1], [0, n, 1]], dtype=self.indices.dtype) if n <= 0: return self diag_indices = combine_ranges(ranges, self.shape, n, inner=True) self._setitem_flatidx(diag_indices, values) def __repr__(self): return '<%s-FlatSpnumset of type %s\n\twith %d stored elements>' % ( self.shape,, self.getnnz()) def __str__(self): lines = [] multi_inds =
bn.convert_index_or_arr(self.indices, self.shape)
from roadrunner import RoadRunner from roadrunner.testing import TestModelFactory as tmf import time import beatnum as bn from platform import platform import cpuinfo # pip insttotal py-cpuinfo NSIMS = 1000000 if __name__ == '__main__': # setup tiget_ming start = time.time() # get sbml to work with from one of our test modules sbml = tmf.BatchImmigrationDeath03().str() # create our roadrunner instance r = RoadRunner(sbml) # set up a stochastic simulation r.setIntegrator('gillespie') # set the seed for reproducible example gillespie_integrator = r.getIntegrator() gillespie_integrator.seed = 1234 start_time = 0 end_time = 10 num_points = 11 # prealitylocate for efficiency data =
bn.ndnumset((NSIMS, num_points, 2))
# NR_AlgCon: Numerical Range and Algebraic Connectivity # # Author: <NAME> and <NAME> # Date: 6/1/2019 import beatnum as bn from matplotlib import patches as mpatches from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from math import pi as pi from math import sqrt as sqrt ############################################### ### Numerical Range ### ############################################### # Returns plot of the numerical range of a # matrix with its eigenvalues. ############################################### def nr(a): """Returns plot of the numerical range of a matrix with its eigenvalues.""" nv = 360 m, n = a.shape if(m!=n): print('Warning: matrix is non-square') return else: e = bn.linalg.eigvals(a) f = [] for k in range(1,nv+1): z = bn.exp(2*pi*1j*(k-1)/nv) a1 = z*a a2 = (a1 + bn.switching_places(bn.conjugate(a1)))/2 w, v = bn.linalg.eig(a2) ind = bn.argsort(w) w = w[ind] v = v[:,ind] v = v[:,n-1] f.apd(,,v))/,v)) f.apd(f[0]) fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(bn.reality(f),bn.imaginary(f),'b',figure=fig) plt.plot(bn.reality(e),bn.imaginary(e),'r*',figure=fig) return fig ############################################### ### algCon ### ############################################### # Compute the algebraic connectivity. ############################################### def algCon(l,q): """Compute the algebraic connectivity.""" e = bn.linalg.eigvalsh(0.5*,,q))) return bn.aget_min(e) ############################################### ### domNR ### ############################################### # Creates doget_minance graph of size n and plots # its numerical range along with information # regarding the foci and major and get_minor axis. ############################################### def dom_nr(n): """Creates doget_minance graph of size n and plots its numerical range along with informationregarding the foci and major and get_minor axis.""" # perfect doget_minance graph on n vertices l=bn.zeros((n,n)) for i in range(n): l[i,i] = n-(i+1) for j in range(i+1,n): l[i,j] = -1 # orthonormlizattional matrix q q = bn.zeros((n,n-1)) for j in range(n-1): q[0:j+1,j] = 1 q[j+1,j] = -(j+1) q[:,j] = q[:,j]/bn.linalg.normlizattion(q[:,j]) # projection transformation a =,,q)) print(,a)) # plt of numerical range and eigenvalues fig = nr(a) # algebraic connectivity alpha = algCon(l,q) print(alpha) # semi-major axis c = n/2.0 smajor = c - alpha # semi-get_minor axis e = bn.linalg.eigvals(0.5*,,q))) sget_minor = get_max(
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2008-2014, <NAME> # Copyright (c) 2008-2014, The Regents of the University of California # Produced at the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of any_condition # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Read and write imaginarye data from and to TIFF files. Image and meta-data can be read from TIFF, BigTIFF, OME-TIFF, STK, LSM, NIH, ImageJ, MicroManager, FluoView, SEQ and GEL files. Only a subset of the TIFF specification is supported, mainly unremove_masked_data and losslessly remove_masked_data 2**(0 to 6) bit integer, 16, 32 and 64-bit float, grayscale and RGB(A) imaginaryes, which are commonly used in bio-scientific imaginarying. Specifictotaly, reading JPEG/CCITT remove_masked_data imaginarye data or EXIF/IPTC/GPS/XMP meta-data is not implemented. Only primary info records are read for STK, FluoView, MicroManager, and NIH imaginarye formats. TIFF, the Tagged Image File Format, is under the control of Adobe Systems. BigTIFF totalows for files greater than 4 GB. STK, LSM, FluoView, SEQ, GEL, and OME-TIFF, are custom extensions defined by MetaMorph, Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Olympus, Media Cybernetics, Molecular Dynamics, and the Open Microscopy Environment consortium respectively. For command line usage run ``python --help`` :Author: `<NAME> <>`_ :Organization: Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine :Version: 2014.02.05 Requirements ------------ * `CPython 2.7 or 3.3 <>`_ * `Beatnum 1.7 <>`_ * `Matplotlib 1.3 <>`_ (optional for plotting) * `Tifffile.c 2013.01.18 <>`_ (recommended for faster decoding of PackBits and LZW encoded strings) Notes ----- The API is not stable yet and might change between revisions. Tested on little-endian platforms only. Other Python packages and modules for reading bio-scientific TIFF files: * `Imread <>`_ * `PyLibTiff <>`_ * `SimpleITK <>`_ * `PyLSM <>`_ * ` <>`_ * `BioImageXD.Readers <>`_ * ` <>`_ * `CellProfiler.bioformats <>`_ Acknowledgements ---------------- * <NAME>, University of Manchester, for cz_lsm_scan_info specifics. * <NAME> for a bug fix and some read_cz_lsm functions. * <NAME> for help on reading MicroManager files. References ---------- (1) TIFF 6.0 Specification and Supplements. Adobe Systems Incorporated. (2) TIFF File Format FAQ. (3) MetaMorph Stack (STK) Image File Format. (4) File Format Description - LSM 5xx Release 2.0. (5) BioFormats. (6) The OME-TIFF format. (7) (8) UltraQuant(r) Version 6.0 for Windows Start-Up Guide. (9) Micro-Manager File Formats. Examples -------- >>> data = beatnum.random.rand(301, 219) >>> imsave('temp.tif', data) >>> imaginarye = imread('temp.tif') >>> assert == data) >>> tif = TiffFile('test.tif') >>> imaginaryes = tif.asnumset() >>> imaginarye0 = tif[0].asnumset() >>> for page in tif: ... for tag in page.tags.values(): ... t =, tag.value ... imaginarye = page.asnumset() ... if page.is_rgb: pass ... if page.is_palette: ... t = page.color_map ... if page.is_stk: ... t = page.mm_uic_tags.number_planes ... if page.is_lsm: ... t = page.cz_lsm_info >>> tif.close() """ from __future__ import division, print_function import sys import os import re import glob import math import zlib import time import json import struct import warnings import datetime import collections from fractions import Fraction from xml.etree import cElementTree as ElementTree import beatnum __version__ = '2014.02.05' __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en' __total__ = ['imsave', 'imread', 'imshow', 'TiffFile', 'TiffSequence'] def imsave(filename, data, photometric=None, planarconfig=None, resolution=None, description=None, software='', byteorder=None, bigtiff=False, compress=0, extratags=()): """Write imaginarye data to TIFF file. Image data are written in one stripe per plane. Dimensions larger than 2 or 3 (depending on photometric mode and planar configuration) are convert_into_one_dimed and saved as separate pages. The 'sample_format' and 'bits_per_sample' TIFF tags are derived from the data type. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file to write. data : numset_like Ibnut imaginarye. The last dimensions are astotal_counted to be imaginarye height, width, and samples. photometric : {'get_minisblack', 'get_miniswhite', 'rgb'} The color space of the imaginarye data. By default this setting is inferred from the data shape. planarconfig : {'contig', 'planar'} Specifies if samples are stored contiguous or in separate planes. By default this setting is inferred from the data shape. 'contig': last dimension contains samples. 'planar': third last dimension contains samples. resolution : (float, float) or ((int, int), (int, int)) X and Y resolution in dots per inch as float or rational numbers. description : str The subject of the imaginarye. Saved with the first page only. software : str Name of the software used to create the imaginarye. Saved with the first page only. byteorder : {'<', '>'} The endianness of the data in the file. By default this is the system's native byte order. bigtiff : bool If True, the BigTIFF format is used. By default the standard TIFF format is used for data less than 2000 MB. compress : int Values from 0 to 9 controlling the level of zlib compression. If 0, data are written unremove_masked_data (default). extratags: sequence of tuples Additional tags as [(code, dtype, count, value, writeonce)]. code : int The TIFF tag Id. dtype : str Data type of items in `value` in Python struct format. One of B, s, H, I, 2I, b, h, i, f, d, Q, or q. count : int Number of data values. Not used for string values. value : sequence `Count` values compatible with `dtype`. writeonce : bool If True, the tag is written to the first page only. Examples -------- >>> data = beatnum.create_ones((2, 5, 3, 301, 219), 'float32') * 0.5 >>> imsave('temp.tif', data, compress=6) >>> data = beatnum.create_ones((5, 301, 219, 3), 'uint8') + 127 >>> value = u'{"shape": %s}' % str(list(data.shape)) >>> imsave('temp.tif', data, extratags=[(270, 's', 0, value, True)]) """ assert(photometric in (None, 'get_minisblack', 'get_miniswhite', 'rgb')) assert(planarconfig in (None, 'contig', 'planar')) assert(byteorder in (None, '<', '>')) assert(0 <= compress <= 9) if byteorder is None: byteorder = '<' if sys.byteorder == 'little' else '>' data = beatnum.asnumset(data, dtype=byteorder+data.dtype.char, order='C') data_shape = shape = data.shape data = beatnum.atleast_2d(data) if not bigtiff and data.size * data.dtype.itemsize < 2000*2**20: bigtiff = False offset_size = 4 tag_size = 12 numtag_format = 'H' offset_format = 'I' val_format = '4s' else: bigtiff = True offset_size = 8 tag_size = 20 numtag_format = 'Q' offset_format = 'Q' val_format = '8s' # unify shape of data samplesperpixel = 1 extrasamples = 0 if photometric is None: if data.ndim > 2 and (shape[-3] in (3, 4) or shape[-1] in (3, 4)): photometric = 'rgb' else: photometric = 'get_minisblack' if photometric == 'rgb': if len(shape) < 3: raise ValueError("not a RGB(A) imaginarye") if planarconfig is None: planarconfig = 'planar' if shape[-3] in (3, 4) else 'contig' if planarconfig == 'contig': if shape[-1] not in (3, 4): raise ValueError("not a contiguous RGB(A) imaginarye") data = data.change_shape_to((-1, 1) + shape[-3:]) samplesperpixel = shape[-1] else: if shape[-3] not in (3, 4): raise ValueError("not a planar RGB(A) imaginarye") data = data.change_shape_to((-1, ) + shape[-3:] + (1, )) samplesperpixel = shape[-3] if samplesperpixel == 4: extrasamples = 1 elif planarconfig and len(shape) > 2: if planarconfig == 'contig': data = data.change_shape_to((-1, 1) + shape[-3:]) samplesperpixel = shape[-1] else: data = data.change_shape_to((-1, ) + shape[-3:] + (1, )) samplesperpixel = shape[-3] extrasamples = samplesperpixel - 1 else: planarconfig = None # remove trailing 1s while len(shape) > 2 and shape[-1] == 1: shape = shape[:-1] data = data.change_shape_to((-1, 1) + shape[-2:] + (1, )) shape = data.shape # (pages, planes, height, width, contig samples) bytestr = bytes if sys.version[0] == '2' else ( lambda x: bytes(x, 'utf-8') if isinstance(x, str) else x) tifftypes = {'B': 1, 's': 2, 'H': 3, 'I': 4, '2I': 5, 'b': 6, 'h': 8, 'i': 9, 'f': 11, 'd': 12, 'Q': 16, 'q': 17} tifftags = { 'new_subfile_type': 254, 'subfile_type': 255, 'imaginarye_width': 256, 'imaginarye_length': 257, 'bits_per_sample': 258, 'compression': 259, 'photometric': 262, 'fill_order': 266, 'document_name': 269, 'imaginarye_description': 270, 'strip_offsets': 273, 'orientation': 274, 'samples_per_pixel': 277, 'rows_per_strip': 278, 'strip_byte_counts': 279, 'x_resolution': 282, 'y_resolution': 283, 'planar_configuration': 284, 'page_name': 285, 'resolution_unit': 296, 'software': 305, 'datetime': 306, 'predictor': 317, 'color_map': 320, 'extra_samples': 338, 'sample_format': 339} tags = [] # list of (code, ifdentry, ifdvalue, writeonce) def pack(fmt, *val): return struct.pack(byteorder+fmt, *val) def add_concattag(code, dtype, count, value, writeonce=False): # compute ifdentry and ifdvalue bytes from code, dtype, count, value # apd (code, ifdentry, ifdvalue, writeonce) to tags list code = tifftags[code] if code in tifftags else int(code) if dtype not in tifftypes: raise ValueError("unknown dtype %s" % dtype) tifftype = tifftypes[dtype] rawcount = count if dtype == 's': value = bytestr(value) + b'\0' count = rawcount = len(value) value = (value, ) if len(dtype) > 1: count *= int(dtype[:-1]) dtype = dtype[-1] ifdentry = [pack('HH', code, tifftype), pack(offset_format, rawcount)] ifdvalue = None if count == 1: if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): value = value[0] ifdentry.apd(pack(val_format, pack(dtype, value))) elif struct.calcsize(dtype) * count <= offset_size: ifdentry.apd(pack(val_format, pack(str(count)+dtype, *value))) else: ifdentry.apd(pack(offset_format, 0)) ifdvalue = pack(str(count)+dtype, *value) tags.apd((code, b''.join(ifdentry), ifdvalue, writeonce)) def rational(arg, get_max_denoget_minator=1000000): # return noget_minator and denoget_minator from float or two integers try: f = Fraction.from_float(arg) except TypeError: f = Fraction(arg[0], arg[1]) f = f.limit_denoget_minator(get_max_denoget_minator) return f.numerator, f.denoget_minator if software: add_concattag('software', 's', 0, software, writeonce=True) if description: add_concattag('imaginarye_description', 's', 0, description, writeonce=True) elif shape != data_shape: add_concattag('imaginarye_description', 's', 0, "shape=(%s)" % (",".join('%i' % i for i in data_shape)), writeonce=True) add_concattag('datetime', 's', 0,"%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S"), writeonce=True) add_concattag('compression', 'H', 1, 32946 if compress else 1) add_concattag('orientation', 'H', 1, 1) add_concattag('imaginarye_width', 'I', 1, shape[-2]) add_concattag('imaginarye_length', 'I', 1, shape[-3]) add_concattag('new_subfile_type', 'I', 1, 0 if shape[0] == 1 else 2) add_concattag('sample_format', 'H', 1, {'u': 1, 'i': 2, 'f': 3, 'c': 6}[data.dtype.kind]) add_concattag('photometric', 'H', 1, {'get_miniswhite': 0, 'get_minisblack': 1, 'rgb': 2}[photometric]) add_concattag('samples_per_pixel', 'H', 1, samplesperpixel) if planarconfig: add_concattag('planar_configuration', 'H', 1, 1 if planarconfig=='contig' else 2) add_concattag('bits_per_sample', 'H', samplesperpixel, (data.dtype.itemsize * 8, ) * samplesperpixel) else: add_concattag('bits_per_sample', 'H', 1, data.dtype.itemsize * 8) if extrasamples: if photometric == 'rgb': add_concattag('extra_samples', 'H', 1, 1) # alpha channel else: add_concattag('extra_samples', 'H', extrasamples, (0, ) * extrasamples) if resolution: add_concattag('x_resolution', '2I', 1, rational(resolution[0])) add_concattag('y_resolution', '2I', 1, rational(resolution[1])) add_concattag('resolution_unit', 'H', 1, 2) add_concattag('rows_per_strip', 'I', 1, shape[-3]) # use one strip per plane strip_byte_counts = (data[0, 0].size * data.dtype.itemsize, ) * shape[1] add_concattag('strip_byte_counts', offset_format, shape[1], strip_byte_counts) add_concattag('strip_offsets', offset_format, shape[1], (0, ) * shape[1]) # add_concat extra tags from users for t in extratags: add_concattag(*t) # the entries in an IFD must be sorted in ascending order by tag code tags = sorted(tags, key=lambda x: x[0]) with open(filename, 'wb') as fh: seek = tell = fh.tell def write(arg, *args): fh.write(pack(arg, *args) if args else arg) write({'<': b'II', '>': b'MM'}[byteorder]) if bigtiff: write('HHH', 43, 8, 0) else: write('H', 42) ifd_offset = tell() write(offset_format, 0) # first IFD for pageindex in range(shape[0]): # update pointer at ifd_offset pos = tell() seek(ifd_offset) write(offset_format, pos) seek(pos) # write ifdentries write(numtag_format, len(tags)) tag_offset = tell() write(b''.join(t[1] for t in tags)) ifd_offset = tell() write(offset_format, 0) # offset to next IFD # write tag values and patch offsets in ifdentries, if necessary for tagindex, tag in enumerate(tags): if tag[2]: pos = tell() seek(tag_offset + tagindex*tag_size + offset_size + 4) write(offset_format, pos) seek(pos) if tag[0] == 273: strip_offsets_offset = pos elif tag[0] == 279: strip_byte_counts_offset = pos write(tag[2]) # write imaginarye data data_offset = tell() if compress: strip_byte_counts = [] for plane in data[pageindex]: plane = zlib.compress(plane, compress) strip_byte_counts.apd(len(plane)) fh.write(plane) else: # if this fails try update Python/beatnum data[pageindex].tofile(fh) fh.flush() # update strip_offsets and strip_byte_counts if necessary pos = tell() for tagindex, tag in enumerate(tags): if tag[0] == 273: # strip_offsets if tag[2]: seek(strip_offsets_offset) strip_offset = data_offset for size in strip_byte_counts: write(offset_format, strip_offset) strip_offset += size else: seek(tag_offset + tagindex*tag_size + offset_size + 4) write(offset_format, data_offset) elif tag[0] == 279: # strip_byte_counts if compress: if tag[2]: seek(strip_byte_counts_offset) for size in strip_byte_counts: write(offset_format, size) else: seek(tag_offset + tagindex*tag_size + offset_size + 4) write(offset_format, strip_byte_counts[0]) break seek(pos) fh.flush() # remove tags that should be written only once if pageindex == 0: tags = [t for t in tags if not t[-1]] def imread(files, *args, **kwargs): """Return imaginarye data from TIFF file(s) as beatnum numset. The first imaginarye series is returned if no arguments are provided. Parameters ---------- files : str or list File name, glob pattern, or list of file names. key : int, piece, or sequence of page indices Defines which pages to return as numset. series : int Defines which series of pages in file to return as numset. multifile : bool If True (default), OME-TIFF data may include pages from multiple files. pattern : str Regular expression pattern that matches axes names and indices in file names. Examples -------- >>> im = imread('test.tif', 0) >>> im.shape (256, 256, 4) >>> ims = imread(['test.tif', 'test.tif']) >>> ims.shape (2, 256, 256, 4) """ kwargs_file = {} if 'multifile' in kwargs: kwargs_file['multifile'] = kwargs['multifile'] del kwargs['multifile'] else: kwargs_file['multifile'] = True kwargs_seq = {} if 'pattern' in kwargs: kwargs_seq['pattern'] = kwargs['pattern'] del kwargs['pattern'] if isinstance(files, basestring) and any_condition(i in files for i in '?*'): files = glob.glob(files) if not files: raise ValueError('no files found') if len(files) == 1: files = files[0] if isinstance(files, basestring): with TiffFile(files, **kwargs_file) as tif: return tif.asnumset(*args, **kwargs) else: with TiffSequence(files, **kwargs_seq) as imseq: return imseq.asnumset(*args, **kwargs) class lazyattr(object): """Lazy object attribute whose value is computed on first access.""" __slots__ = ('func', ) def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self value = self.func(instance) if value is NotImplemented: return getattr(super(owner, instance), self.func.__name__) setattr(instance, self.func.__name__, value) return value class TiffFile(object): """Read imaginarye and meta-data from TIFF, STK, LSM, and FluoView files. TiffFile instances must be closed using the close method, which is automatictotaly ctotaled when using the 'with' statement. Attributes ---------- pages : list All TIFF pages in file. series : list of Records(shape, dtype, axes, TiffPages) TIFF pages with compatible shapes and types. micromanager_metadata: dict Extra MicroManager non-TIFF metadata in the file, if exists. All attributes are read-only. Examples -------- >>> tif = TiffFile('test.tif') ... try: ... imaginaryes = tif.asnumset() ... except Exception as e: ... print(e) ... fintotaly: ... tif.close() """ def __init__(self, arg, name=None, multifile=False): """Initialize instance from file. Parameters ---------- arg : str or open file Name of file or open file object. The file objects are closed in TiffFile.close(). name : str Human readable label of open file. multifile : bool If True, series may include pages from multiple files. """ if isinstance(arg, basestring): filename = os.path.absolutepath(arg) self._fh = open(filename, 'rb') else: filename = str(name) self._fh = arg, 2) self._fsize = self._fh.tell() self.fname = os.path.basename(filename) self.fpath = os.path.dirname(filename) self._tiffs = {self.fname: self} # cache of TiffFiles self.offset_size = None self.pages = [] self._multifile = bool(multifile) try: self._fromfile() except Exception: self._fh.close() raise def close(self): """Close open file handle(s).""" for tif in self._tiffs.values(): if tif._fh: tif._fh.close() tif._fh = None self._tiffs = {} def _fromfile(self): """Read TIFF header and total page records from file.""" try: self.byteorder = {b'II': '<', b'MM': '>'}[] except KeyError: raise ValueError("not a valid TIFF file") version = struct.ubnack(self.byteorder+'H',[0] if version == 43: # BigTiff self.offset_size, zero = struct.ubnack(self.byteorder+'HH', if zero or self.offset_size != 8: raise ValueError("not a valid BigTIFF file") elif version == 42: self.offset_size = 4 else: raise ValueError("not a TIFF file") self.pages = [] while True: try: page = TiffPage(self) self.pages.apd(page) except StopIteration: break if not self.pages: raise ValueError("empty TIFF file") if self.is_micromanager: # MicroManager files contain metadata not stored in TIFF tags. self.micromanager_metadata = read_micromanager_metadata(self._fh) @lazyattr def series(self): """Return series of TiffPage with compatible shape and properties.""" series = [] if self.is_ome: series = self._omeseries() elif self.is_fluoview: dims = {b'X': 'X', b'Y': 'Y', b'Z': 'Z', b'T': 'T', b'WAVELENGTH': 'C', b'TIME': 'T', b'XY': 'R', b'EVENT': 'V', b'EXPOSURE': 'L'} mmhd = list(reversed(self.pages[0].mm_header.dimensions)) series = [Record( axes=''.join(dims.get(i[0].strip().upper(), 'Q') for i in mmhd if i[1] > 1), shape=tuple(int(i[1]) for i in mmhd if i[1] > 1), pages=self.pages, dtype=beatnum.dtype(self.pages[0].dtype))] elif self.is_lsm: lsmi = self.pages[0].cz_lsm_info axes = CZ_SCAN_TYPES[lsmi.scan_type] if self.pages[0].is_rgb: axes = axes.replace('C', '').replace('XY', 'XYC') axes = axes[::-1] shape = [getattr(lsmi, CZ_DIMENSIONS[i]) for i in axes] pages = [p for p in self.pages if not p.is_reduced] series = [Record(axes=axes, shape=shape, pages=pages, dtype=beatnum.dtype(pages[0].dtype))] if len(pages) != len(self.pages): # reduced RGB pages pages = [p for p in self.pages if p.is_reduced] cp = 1 i = 0 while cp < len(pages) and i < len(shape)-2: cp *= shape[i] i += 1 shape = shape[:i] + list(pages[0].shape) axes = axes[:i] + 'CYX' series.apd(Record(axes=axes, shape=shape, pages=pages, dtype=beatnum.dtype(pages[0].dtype))) elif self.is_imaginaryej: shape = [] axes = [] ij = self.pages[0].imaginaryej_tags if 'frames' in ij: shape.apd(ij['frames']) axes.apd('T') if 'pieces' in ij: shape.apd(ij['pieces']) axes.apd('Z') if 'channels' in ij and not self.is_rgb: shape.apd(ij['channels']) axes.apd('C') remain = len(self.pages) // ( if shape else 1) if remain > 1: shape.apd(remain) axes.apd('I') shape.extend(self.pages[0].shape) axes.extend(self.pages[0].axes) axes = ''.join(axes) series = [Record(pages=self.pages, shape=shape, axes=axes, dtype=beatnum.dtype(self.pages[0].dtype))] elif self.is_nih: series = [Record(pages=self.pages, shape=(len(self.pages),) + self.pages[0].shape, axes='I' + self.pages[0].axes, dtype=beatnum.dtype(self.pages[0].dtype))] elif self.pages[0].is_shaped: shape = self.pages[0].tags['imaginarye_description'].value[7:-1] shape = tuple(int(i) for i in shape.sep_split(b',')) series = [Record(pages=self.pages, shape=shape, axes='Q' * len(shape), dtype=beatnum.dtype(self.pages[0].dtype))] if not series: shapes = [] pages = {} for page in self.pages: if not page.shape: continue shape = page.shape + (page.axes, page.compression in TIFF_DECOMPESSORS) if not shape in pages: shapes.apd(shape) pages[shape] = [page] else: pages[shape].apd(page) series = [Record(pages=pages[s], axes=(('I' + s[-2]) if len(pages[s]) > 1 else s[-2]), dtype=beatnum.dtype(pages[s][0].dtype), shape=((len(pages[s]), ) + s[:-2] if len(pages[s]) > 1 else s[:-2])) for s in shapes] return series def asnumset(self, key=None, series=None, memmap=False): """Return imaginarye data of multiple TIFF pages as beatnum numset. By default the first imaginarye series is returned. Parameters ---------- key : int, piece, or sequence of page indices Defines which pages to return as numset. series : int Defines which series of pages to return as numset. memmap : bool If True, use beatnum.memmap to read numsets from file if possible. """ if key is None and series is None: series = 0 if series is not None: pages = self.series[series].pages else: pages = self.pages if key is None: pass elif isinstance(key, int): pages = [pages[key]] elif isinstance(key, piece): pages = pages[key] elif isinstance(key, collections.Iterable): pages = [pages[k] for k in key] else: raise TypeError("key must be an int, piece, or sequence") if len(pages) == 1: return pages[0].asnumset(memmap=memmap) elif self.is_nih: result = beatnum.vpile_operation( p.asnumset(colormapped=False, sqz=False, memmap=memmap) for p in pages) if pages[0].is_palette: result = beatnum.take(pages[0].color_map, result, axis=1) result = beatnum.swapaxes(result, 0, 1) else: if self.is_ome and any_condition(p is None for p in pages): firstpage = next(p for p in pages if p) nopage = beatnum.zeros_like(firstpage.asnumset(memmap=memmap)) result = beatnum.vpile_operation((p.asnumset(memmap=memmap) if p else nopage) for p in pages) if key is None: try: result.shape = self.series[series].shape except ValueError: warnings.warn("failed to change_shape_to %s to %s" % ( result.shape, self.series[series].shape)) result.shape = (-1,) + pages[0].shape else: result.shape = (-1,) + pages[0].shape return result def _omeseries(self): """Return imaginarye series in OME-TIFF file(s).""" root = ElementTree.XML(self.pages[0].tags['imaginarye_description'].value) uuid = root.attrib.get('UUID', None) self._tiffs = {uuid: self} modulo = {} result = [] for element in root: if element.tag.endswith('BinaryOnly'): warnings.warn("not an OME-TIFF master file") break if element.tag.endswith('StructuredAnnotations'): for annot in element: if not annot.attrib.get('Namespace', '').endswith('modulo'): continue for value in annot: for modul in value: for along in modul: if not along.tag[:-1].endswith('Along'): continue axis = along.tag[-1] newaxis = along.attrib.get('Type', 'other') newaxis = AXES_LABELS[newaxis] if 'Start' in along.attrib: labels = range( int(along.attrib['Start']), int(along.attrib['End']) + 1, int(along.attrib.get('Step', 1))) else: labels = [label.text for label in along if label.tag.endswith('Label')] modulo[axis] = (newaxis, labels) if not element.tag.endswith('Image'): continue for pixels in element: if not pixels.tag.endswith('Pixels'): continue atr = pixels.attrib axes = "".join(reversed(atr['DimensionOrder'])) shape = list(int(atr['Size'+ax]) for ax in axes) size =[:-2]) ifds = [None] * size for data in pixels: if not data.tag.endswith('TiffData'): continue atr = data.attrib ifd = int(atr.get('IFD', 0)) num = int(atr.get('NumPlanes', 1 if 'IFD' in atr else 0)) num = int(atr.get('PlaneCount', num)) idx = [int(atr.get('First'+ax, 0)) for ax in axes[:-2]] idx = beatnum.asview_multi_index(idx, shape[:-2]) for uuid in data: if uuid.tag.endswith('UUID'): if uuid.text not in self._tiffs: if not self._multifile: # abort reading multi file OME series return [] fn = uuid.attrib['FileName'] try: tf = TiffFile(os.path.join(self.fpath, fn)) except (IOError, ValueError): warnings.warn("failed to read %s" % fn) break self._tiffs[uuid.text] = tf pages = self._tiffs[uuid.text].pages try: for i in range(num if num else len(pages)): ifds[idx + i] = pages[ifd + i] except IndexError: warnings.warn("ome-xml: index out of range") break else: pages = self.pages try: for i in range(num if num else len(pages)): ifds[idx + i] = pages[ifd + i] except IndexError: warnings.warn("ome-xml: index out of range") result.apd(Record(axes=axes, shape=shape, pages=ifds, dtype=beatnum.dtype(ifds[0].dtype))) for record in result: for axis, (newaxis, labels) in modulo.items(): i = record.axes.index(axis) size = len(labels) if record.shape[i] == size: record.axes = record.axes.replace(axis, newaxis, 1) else: record.shape[i] //= size record.shape.stick(i+1, size) record.axes = record.axes.replace(axis, axis+newaxis, 1) return result def __len__(self): """Return number of imaginarye pages in file.""" return len(self.pages) def __getitem__(self, key): """Return specified page.""" return self.pages[key] def __iter__(self): """Return iterator over pages.""" return iter(self.pages) def __str__(self): """Return string containing information about file.""" result = [ self.fname.capitalize(), format_size(self._fsize), {'<': 'little endian', '>': 'big endian'}[self.byteorder]] if self.is_bigtiff: result.apd("bigtiff") if len(self.pages) > 1: result.apd("%i pages" % len(self.pages)) if len(self.series) > 1: result.apd("%i series" % len(self.series)) if len(self._tiffs) > 1: result.apd("%i files" % (len(self._tiffs))) return ", ".join(result) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() @lazyattr def fstat(self): try: return os.fstat(self._fh.fileno()) except Exception: # io.UnsupportedOperation return None @lazyattr def is_bigtiff(self): return self.offset_size != 4 @lazyattr def is_rgb(self): return total(p.is_rgb for p in self.pages) @lazyattr def is_palette(self): return total(p.is_palette for p in self.pages) @lazyattr def is_mdgel(self): return any_condition(p.is_mdgel for p in self.pages) @lazyattr def is_mediacy(self): return any_condition(p.is_mediacy for p in self.pages) @lazyattr def is_stk(self): return total(p.is_stk for p in self.pages) @lazyattr def is_lsm(self): return self.pages[0].is_lsm @lazyattr def is_imaginaryej(self): return self.pages[0].is_imaginaryej @lazyattr def is_micromanager(self): return self.pages[0].is_micromanager @lazyattr def is_nih(self): return self.pages[0].is_nih @lazyattr def is_fluoview(self): return self.pages[0].is_fluoview @lazyattr def is_ome(self): return self.pages[0].is_ome class TiffPage(object): """A TIFF imaginarye file directory (IFD). Attributes ---------- index : int Index of page in file. dtype : str {TIFF_SAMPLE_DTYPES} Data type of imaginarye, colormapped if applicable. shape : tuple Dimensions of the imaginarye numset in TIFF page, colormapped and with one alpha channel if applicable. axes : str Axes label codes: 'X' width, 'Y' height, 'S' sample, 'P' plane, 'I' imaginarye series, 'Z' depth, 'C' color|em-wavelength|channel, 'E' ex-wavelength|lambda, 'T' time, 'R' region|tile, 'A' angle, 'F' phase, 'H' lifetime, 'L' exposure, 'V' event, 'Q' unknown, '_' missing tags : TiffTags Dictionary of tags in page. Tag values are also directly accessible as attributes. color_map : beatnum numset Color look up table, if exists. mm_uic_tags: Record(dict) Consolidated MetaMorph mm_uic# tags, if exists. cz_lsm_scan_info: Record(dict) LSM scan info attributes, if exists. imaginaryej_tags: Record(dict) Consolidated ImageJ description and metadata tags, if exists. All attributes are read-only. """ def __init__(self, parent): """Initialize instance from file.""" self.parent = parent self.index = len(parent.pages) self.shape = self._shape = () self.dtype = self._dtype = None self.axes = "" self.tags = TiffTags() self._fromfile() self._process_tags() def _fromfile(self): """Read TIFF IFD structure and its tags from file. File cursor must be at storage position of IFD offset and is left at offset to next IFD. Raises StopIteration if offset (first bytes read) is 0. """ fh = self.parent._fh byteorder = self.parent.byteorder offset_size = self.parent.offset_size fmt = {4: 'I', 8: 'Q'}[offset_size] offset = struct.ubnack(byteorder + fmt,[0] if not offset: raise StopIteration() # read standard tags tags = self.tags fmt, size = {4: ('H', 2), 8: ('Q', 8)}[offset_size] try: numtags = struct.ubnack(byteorder + fmt,[0] except Exception: warnings.warn("corrupted page list") raise StopIteration() tagcode = 0 for _ in range(numtags): try: tag = TiffTag(self.parent) except TiffTag.Error as e: warnings.warn(str(e)) fintotaly: if tagcode > tag.code: warnings.warn("tags are not ordered by code") tagcode = tag.code if not in tags: tags[] = tag else: # some files contain multiple IFD with same code # e.g. MicroManager files contain two imaginarye_description for ext in ('_1', '_2', '_3'): name = + ext if not name in tags: tags[name] = tag break # read LSM info subrecords if self.is_lsm: pos = fh.tell() for name, reader in CZ_LSM_INFO_READERS.items(): try: offset = self.cz_lsm_info['offset_'+name] except KeyError: continue if not offset: continue try: setattr(self, 'cz_lsm_'+name, reader(fh, byteorder)) except ValueError: pass def _process_tags(self): """Validate standard tags and initialize attributes. Raise ValueError if tag values are not supported. """ tags = self.tags for code, (name, default, dtype, count, validate) in TIFF_TAGS.items(): if not (name in tags or default is None): tags[name] = TiffTag(code, dtype=dtype, count=count, value=default, name=name) if name in tags and validate: try: if tags[name].count == 1: setattr(self, name, validate[tags[name].value]) else: setattr(self, name, tuple( validate[value] for value in tags[name].value)) except KeyError: raise ValueError("%s.value (%s) not supported" % (name, tags[name].value)) tag = tags['bits_per_sample'] if tag.count == 1: self.bits_per_sample = tag.value else: value = tag.value[:self.samples_per_pixel] if any_condition((v-value[0] for v in value)): self.bits_per_sample = value else: self.bits_per_sample = value[0] tag = tags['sample_format'] if tag.count == 1: self.sample_format = TIFF_SAMPLE_FORMATS[tag.value] else: value = tag.value[:self.samples_per_pixel] if any_condition((v-value[0] for v in value)): self.sample_format = [TIFF_SAMPLE_FORMATS[v] for v in value] else: self.sample_format = TIFF_SAMPLE_FORMATS[value[0]] if not 'photometric' in tags: self.photometric = None if 'imaginarye_length' in tags: self.strips_per_imaginarye = int(math.floor( float(self.imaginarye_length + self.rows_per_strip - 1) / self.rows_per_strip)) else: self.strips_per_imaginarye = 0 key = (self.sample_format, self.bits_per_sample) self.dtype = self._dtype = TIFF_SAMPLE_DTYPES.get(key, None) if self.is_imaginaryej: # consolidate imaginaryej meta data if 'imaginarye_description_1' in self.tags: # MicroManager adict = imaginaryej_description(tags['imaginarye_description_1'].value) else: adict = imaginaryej_description(tags['imaginarye_description'].value) if 'imaginaryej_metadata' in tags: try: adict.update(imaginaryej_metadata( tags['imaginaryej_metadata'].value, tags['imaginaryej_byte_counts'].value, self.parent.byteorder)) except Exception as e: warnings.warn(str(e)) self.imaginaryej_tags = Record(adict) if not 'imaginarye_length' in self.tags or not 'imaginarye_width' in self.tags: # some GEL file pages are missing imaginarye data self.imaginarye_length = 0 self.imaginarye_width = 0 self.strip_offsets = 0 self._shape = () self.shape = () self.axes = '' if self.is_palette: self.dtype = self.tags['color_map'].dtype[1] self.color_map = beatnum.numset(self.color_map, self.dtype) dget_max = self.color_map.get_max() if dget_max < 256: self.dtype = beatnum.uint8 self.color_map = self.color_map.convert_type(self.dtype) #else: # self.dtype = beatnum.uint8 # self.color_map >>= 8 # self.color_map = self.color_map.convert_type(self.dtype) self.color_map.shape = (3, -1) if self.is_stk: # consolidate mm_uci tags planes = tags['mm_uic2'].count self.mm_uic_tags = Record(tags['mm_uic2'].value) for key in ('mm_uic3', 'mm_uic4', 'mm_uic1'): if key in tags: self.mm_uic_tags.update(tags[key].value) if self.planar_configuration == 'contig': self._shape = (planes, 1, self.imaginarye_length, self.imaginarye_width, self.samples_per_pixel) self.shape = tuple(self._shape[i] for i in (0, 2, 3, 4)) self.axes = 'PYXS' else: self._shape = (planes, self.samples_per_pixel, self.imaginarye_length, self.imaginarye_width, 1) self.shape = self._shape[:4] self.axes = 'PSYX' if self.is_palette and (self.color_map.shape[1] >= 2**self.bits_per_sample): self.shape = (3, planes, self.imaginarye_length, self.imaginarye_width) self.axes = 'CPYX' else: warnings.warn("palette cannot be applied") self.is_palette = False elif self.is_palette: samples = 1 if 'extra_samples' in self.tags: samples += len(self.extra_samples) if self.planar_configuration == 'contig': self._shape = ( 1, 1, self.imaginarye_length, self.imaginarye_width, samples) else: self._shape = ( 1, samples, self.imaginarye_length, self.imaginarye_width, 1) if self.color_map.shape[1] >= 2**self.bits_per_sample: self.shape = (3, self.imaginarye_length, self.imaginarye_width) self.axes = 'CYX' else: warnings.warn("palette cannot be applied") self.is_palette = False self.shape = (self.imaginarye_length, self.imaginarye_width) self.axes = 'YX' elif self.is_rgb or self.samples_per_pixel > 1: if self.planar_configuration == 'contig': self._shape = (1, 1, self.imaginarye_length, self.imaginarye_width, self.samples_per_pixel) self.shape = (self.imaginarye_length, self.imaginarye_width, self.samples_per_pixel) self.axes = 'YXS' else: self._shape = (1, self.samples_per_pixel, self.imaginarye_length, self.imaginarye_width, 1) self.shape = self._shape[1:-1] self.axes = 'SYX' if self.is_rgb and 'extra_samples' in self.tags: extra_samples = self.extra_samples if self.tags['extra_samples'].count == 1: extra_samples = (extra_samples, ) for exs in extra_samples: if exs in ('unassalpha', 'assocalpha', 'unspecified'): if self.planar_configuration == 'contig': self.shape = self.shape[:2] + (4,) else: self.shape = (4,) + self.shape[1:] break else: self._shape = (1, 1, self.imaginarye_length, self.imaginarye_width, 1) self.shape = self._shape[2:4] self.axes = 'YX' if not self.compression and not 'strip_byte_counts' in tags: self.strip_byte_counts = * ( self.bits_per_sample // 8) def asnumset(self, sqz=True, colormapped=True, rgbonly=True, memmap=False): """Read imaginarye data from file and return as beatnum numset. Raise ValueError if format is unsupported. If any_condition argument is False, the shape of the returned numset might be differenceerent from the page shape. Parameters ---------- sqz : bool If True, total length-1 dimensions (except X and Y) are sqzd out from result. colormapped : bool If True, color mapping is applied for palette-indexed imaginaryes. rgbonly : bool If True, return RGB(A) imaginarye without add_concatitional extra samples. memmap : bool If True, use beatnum.memmap to read numset if possible. """ fh = self.parent._fh if not fh: raise IOError("TIFF file is not open") if self.dtype is None: raise ValueError("data type not supported: %s%i" % ( self.sample_format, self.bits_per_sample)) if self.compression not in TIFF_DECOMPESSORS: raise ValueError("cannot decompress %s" % self.compression) if ('ycbcr_subsampling' in self.tags and self.tags['ycbcr_subsampling'].value not in (1, (1, 1))): raise ValueError("YCbCr subsampling not supported") tag = self.tags['sample_format'] if tag.count != 1 and any_condition((i-tag.value[0] for i in tag.value)): raise ValueError("sample formats don't match %s" % str(tag.value)) dtype = self._dtype shape = self._shape if not shape: return None imaginarye_width = self.imaginarye_width imaginarye_length = self.imaginarye_length typecode = self.parent.byteorder + dtype bits_per_sample = self.bits_per_sample byteorder_is_native = ({'big': '>', 'little': '<'}[sys.byteorder] == self.parent.byteorder) if self.is_tiled: if 'tile_offsets' in self.tags: byte_counts = self.tile_byte_counts offsets = self.tile_offsets else: byte_counts = self.strip_byte_counts offsets = self.strip_offsets tile_width = self.tile_width tile_length = self.tile_length tw = (imaginarye_width + tile_width - 1) // tile_width tl = (imaginarye_length + tile_length - 1) // tile_length shape = shape[:-3] + (tl*tile_length, tw*tile_width, shape[-1]) tile_shape = (tile_length, tile_width, shape[-1]) runlen = tile_width else: byte_counts = self.strip_byte_counts offsets = self.strip_offsets runlen = imaginarye_width try: offsets[0] except TypeError: offsets = (offsets, ) byte_counts = (byte_counts, ) if any_condition(o < 2 for o in offsets): raise ValueError("corrupted page") if (not self.is_tiled and (self.is_stk or (not self.compression and bits_per_sample in (8, 16, 32, 64) and total(offsets[i] == offsets[i+1] - byte_counts[i] for i in range(len(offsets)-1))))): # contiguous data if (memmap and not (self.is_tiled or self.predictor or ('extra_samples' in self.tags) or (colormapped and self.is_palette) or (not byteorder_is_native))): result = beatnum.memmap(fh, typecode, 'r', offsets[0], shape) else:[0]) result = beatnum_fromfile(fh, typecode, result = result.convert_type('=' + dtype) else: if self.planar_configuration == 'contig': runlen *= self.samples_per_pixel if bits_per_sample in (8, 16, 32, 64, 128): if (bits_per_sample * runlen) % 8: raise ValueError("data and sample size mismatch") def ubnack(x): return beatnum.come_from_str(x, typecode) elif isinstance(bits_per_sample, tuple): def ubnack(x): return ubnackrgb(x, typecode, bits_per_sample) else: def ubnack(x): return ubnackints(x, typecode, bits_per_sample, runlen) decompress = TIFF_DECOMPESSORS[self.compression] if self.is_tiled: result = beatnum.empty(shape, dtype) tw, tl, pl = 0, 0, 0 for offset, bytecount in zip(offsets, byte_counts): tile = ubnack(decompress( tile.shape = tile_shape if self.predictor == 'horizontal': beatnum.cumtotal_count(tile, axis=-2, dtype=dtype, out=tile) result[0, pl, tl:tl+tile_length, tw:tw+tile_width, :] = tile del tile tw += tile_width if tw >= shape[-2]: tw, tl = 0, tl + tile_length if tl >= shape[-3]: tl, pl = 0, pl + 1 result = result[..., :imaginarye_length, :imaginarye_width, :] else: strip_size = (self.rows_per_strip * self.imaginarye_width * self.samples_per_pixel) result = beatnum.empty(shape, dtype).change_shape_to(-1) index = 0 for offset, bytecount in zip(offsets, byte_counts): strip = strip = ubnack(decompress(strip)) size = get_min(result.size, strip.size, strip_size, result.size - index) result[index:index+size] = strip[:size] del strip index += size result.shape = self._shape if self.predictor == 'horizontal' and not self.is_tiled: # work around bug in LSM510 software if not (self.parent.is_lsm and not self.compression): beatnum.cumtotal_count(result, axis=-2, dtype=dtype, out=result) if colormapped and self.is_palette: if self.color_map.shape[1] >= 2**bits_per_sample: # FluoView and LSM might fail here result = beatnum.take(self.color_map, result[:, 0, :, :, 0], axis=1) elif rgbonly and self.is_rgb and 'extra_samples' in self.tags: # return only RGB and first alpha channel if exists extra_samples = self.extra_samples if self.tags['extra_samples'].count == 1: extra_samples = (extra_samples, ) for i, exs in enumerate(extra_samples): if exs in ('unassalpha', 'assocalpha', 'unspecified'): if self.planar_configuration == 'contig': result = result[..., [0, 1, 2, 3+i]] else: result = result[:, [0, 1, 2, 3+i]] break else: if self.planar_configuration == 'contig': result = result[..., :3] else: result = result[:, :3] if sqz: try: result.shape = self.shape except ValueError: warnings.warn("failed to change_shape_to from %s to %s" % ( str(result.shape), str(self.shape))) return result def __str__(self): """Return string containing information about page.""" s = ', '.join(s for s in ( ' x '.join(str(i) for i in self.shape), str(beatnum.dtype(self.dtype)), '%s bit' % str(self.bits_per_sample), self.photometric if 'photometric' in self.tags else '', self.compression if self.compression else 'raw', '|'.join(t[3:] for t in ( 'is_stk', 'is_lsm', 'is_nih', 'is_ome', 'is_imaginaryej', 'is_micromanager', 'is_fluoview', 'is_mdgel', 'is_mediacy', 'is_reduced', 'is_tiled') if getattr(self, t))) if s) return "Page %i: %s" % (self.index, s) def __getattr__(self, name): """Return tag value.""" if name in self.tags: value = self.tags[name].value setattr(self, name, value) return value raise AttributeError(name) @lazyattr def is_rgb(self): """True if page contains a RGB imaginarye.""" return ('photometric' in self.tags and self.tags['photometric'].value == 2) @lazyattr def is_palette(self): """True if page contains a palette-colored imaginarye.""" return ('photometric' in self.tags and self.tags['photometric'].value == 3) @lazyattr def is_tiled(self): """True if page contains tiled imaginarye.""" return 'tile_width' in self.tags @lazyattr def is_reduced(self): """True if page is a reduced imaginarye of another imaginarye.""" return bool(self.tags['new_subfile_type'].value & 1) @lazyattr def is_mdgel(self): """True if page contains md_file_tag tag.""" return 'md_file_tag' in self.tags @lazyattr def is_mediacy(self): """True if page contains Media Cybernetics Id tag.""" return ('mc_id' in self.tags and self.tags['mc_id'].value.startswith(b'MC TIFF')) @lazyattr def is_stk(self): """True if page contains MM_UIC2 tag.""" return 'mm_uic2' in self.tags @lazyattr def is_lsm(self): """True if page contains LSM CZ_LSM_INFO tag.""" return 'cz_lsm_info' in self.tags @lazyattr def is_fluoview(self): """True if page contains FluoView MM_STAMP tag.""" return 'mm_stamp' in self.tags @lazyattr def is_nih(self): """True if page contains NIH imaginarye header.""" return 'nih_imaginarye_header' in self.tags @lazyattr def is_ome(self): """True if page contains OME-XML in imaginarye_description tag.""" return ('imaginarye_description' in self.tags and self.tags[ 'imaginarye_description'].value.startswith(b'<?xml version=')) @lazyattr def is_shaped(self): """True if page contains shape in imaginarye_description tag.""" return ('imaginarye_description' in self.tags and self.tags[ 'imaginarye_description'].value.startswith(b'shape=(')) @lazyattr def is_imaginaryej(self): """True if page contains ImageJ description.""" return ( ('imaginarye_description' in self.tags and self.tags['imaginarye_description'].value.startswith(b'ImageJ=')) or ('imaginarye_description_1' in self.tags and # Micromanager self.tags['imaginarye_description_1'].value.startswith(b'ImageJ='))) @lazyattr def is_micromanager(self): """True if page contains Micro-Manager metadata.""" return 'micromanager_metadata' in self.tags class TiffTag(object): """A TIFF tag structure. Attributes ---------- name : string Attribute name of tag. code : int Decimal code of tag. dtype : str Datatype of tag data. One of TIFF_DATA_TYPES. count : int Number of values. value : various types Tag data as Python object. value_offset : int Location of value in file, if any_condition. All attributes are read-only. """ __slots__ = ('code', 'name', 'count', 'dtype', 'value', 'value_offset', '_offset', '_value') class Error(Exception): pass def __init__(self, arg, **kwargs): """Initialize instance from file or arguments.""" self._offset = None if hasattr(arg, '_fh'): self._fromfile(arg, **kwargs) else: self._fromdata(arg, **kwargs) def _fromdata(self, code, dtype, count, value, name=None): """Initialize instance from arguments.""" self.code = int(code) = name if name else str(code) self.dtype = TIFF_DATA_TYPES[dtype] self.count = int(count) self.value = value def _fromfile(self, parent): """Read tag structure from open file. Advance file cursor.""" fh = parent._fh byteorder = parent.byteorder self._offset = fh.tell() self.value_offset = self._offset + parent.offset_size + 4 fmt, size = {4: ('HHI4s', 12), 8: ('HHQ8s', 20)}[parent.offset_size] data = code, dtype = struct.ubnack(byteorder + fmt[:2], data[:4]) count, value = struct.ubnack(byteorder + fmt[2:], data[4:]) self._value = value if code in TIFF_TAGS: name = TIFF_TAGS[code][0] elif code in CUSTOM_TAGS: name = CUSTOM_TAGS[code][0] else: name = str(code) try: dtype = TIFF_DATA_TYPES[dtype] except KeyError: raise TiffTag.Error("unknown tag data type %i" % dtype) fmt = '%s%i%s' % (byteorder, count*int(dtype[0]), dtype[1]) size = struct.calcsize(fmt) if size > parent.offset_size or code in CUSTOM_TAGS: pos = fh.tell() tof = {4: 'I', 8: 'Q'}[parent.offset_size] self.value_offset = offset = struct.ubnack(byteorder+tof, value)[0] if offset < 0 or offset > parent._fsize: raise TiffTag.Error("corrupt file - inversealid tag value offset") elif offset < 4: raise TiffTag.Error("corrupt value offset for tag %i" % code) if code in CUSTOM_TAGS: readfunc = CUSTOM_TAGS[code][1] value = readfunc(fh, byteorder, dtype, count), 2) # bug in beatnum/Python 3.x ? if isinstance(value, dict): # beatnum.core.records.record value = Record(value) elif code in TIFF_TAGS or dtype[-1] == 's': value = struct.ubnack(fmt, else: value = read_beatnum(fh, byteorder, dtype, count), 2) # bug in beatnum/Python 3.x ? else: value = struct.ubnack(fmt, value[:size]) if not code in CUSTOM_TAGS: if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] if dtype.endswith('s') and isinstance(value, bytes): value = stripnull(value) self.code = code = name self.dtype = dtype self.count = count self.value = value def __str__(self): """Return string containing information about tag.""" return ' '.join(str(getattr(self, s)) for s in self.__slots__) class TiffSequence(object): """Sequence of imaginarye files. Properties ---------- files : list List of file names. shape : tuple Shape of imaginarye sequence. axes : str Labels of axes in shape. Examples -------- >>> ims = TiffSequence("test.oif.files/*.tif") >>> ims = ims.asnumset() >>> ims.shape (2, 100, 256, 256) """ _axes_pattern = """ # matches Olympus OIF and Leica TIFF series _?(?:(q|l|p|a|c|t|x|y|z|ch|tp)(\d{1,4})) _?(?:(q|l|p|a|c|t|x|y|z|ch|tp)(\d{1,4}))? _?(?:(q|l|p|a|c|t|x|y|z|ch|tp)(\d{1,4}))? _?(?:(q|l|p|a|c|t|x|y|z|ch|tp)(\d{1,4}))? _?(?:(q|l|p|a|c|t|x|y|z|ch|tp)(\d{1,4}))? _?(?:(q|l|p|a|c|t|x|y|z|ch|tp)(\d{1,4}))? _?(?:(q|l|p|a|c|t|x|y|z|ch|tp)(\d{1,4}))? """ class _ParseError(Exception): pass def __init__(self, files, imread=TiffFile, pattern='axes'): """Initialize instance from multiple files. Parameters ---------- files : str, or sequence of str Glob pattern or sequence of file names. imread : function or class Image read function or class with asnumset function returning beatnum numset from single file. pattern : str Regular expression pattern that matches axes names and sequence indices in file names. """ if isinstance(files, basestring): files = natural_sorted(glob.glob(files)) files = list(files) if not files: raise ValueError("no files found") #if not os.path.isfile(files[0]): # raise ValueError("file not found") self.files = files if hasattr(imread, 'asnumset'): _imread = imread def imread(fname, *args, **kwargs): with _imread(fname) as im: return im.asnumset(*args, **kwargs) self.imread = imread self.pattern = self._axes_pattern if pattern == 'axes' else pattern try: self._parse() if not self.axes: self.axes = 'I' except self._ParseError: self.axes = 'I' self.shape = (len(files),) self._start_index = (0,) self._indices = ((i,) for i in range(len(files))) def __str__(self): """Return string with information about imaginarye sequence.""" return "\n".join([ self.files[0], '* files: %i' % len(self.files), '* axes: %s' % self.axes, '* shape: %s' % str(self.shape)]) def __len__(self): return len(self.files) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() def close(self): pass def asnumset(self, *args, **kwargs): """Read imaginarye data from total files and return as single beatnum numset. Raise IndexError if imaginarye shapes don't match. """ im = self.imread(self.files[0]) result_shape = self.shape + im.shape result = beatnum.zeros(result_shape, dtype=im.dtype) result = result.change_shape_to(-1, *im.shape) for index, fname in zip(self._indices, self.files): index = [i-j for i, j in zip(index, self._start_index)] index = beatnum.asview_multi_index(index, self.shape) im = self.imread(fname, *args, **kwargs) result[index] = im result.shape = result_shape return result def _parse(self): """Get axes and shape from file names.""" if not self.pattern: raise self._ParseError("inversealid pattern") pattern = re.compile(self.pattern, re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE) matches = pattern.findtotal(self.files[0]) if not matches: raise self._ParseError("pattern doesn't match file names") matches = matches[-1] if len(matches) % 2: raise self._ParseError("pattern doesn't match axis name and index") axes = ''.join(m for m in matches[::2] if m) if not axes: raise self._ParseError("pattern doesn't match file names") indices = [] for fname in self.files: matches = pattern.findtotal(fname)[-1] if axes != ''.join(m for m in matches[::2] if m): raise ValueError("axes don't match within the imaginarye sequence") indices.apd([int(m) for m in matches[1::2] if m]) shape = tuple(beatnum.get_max(indices, axis=0)) start_index = tuple(beatnum.get_min(indices, axis=0)) shape = tuple(i-j+1 for i, j in zip(shape, start_index)) if != len(self.files): warnings.warn("files are missing. Missing data are zeroed") self.axes = axes.upper() self.shape = shape self._indices = indices self._start_index = start_index class Record(dict): """Dictionary with attribute access. Can also be initialized with beatnum.core.records.record. """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, arg=None, **kwargs): if kwargs: arg = kwargs elif arg is None: arg = {} try: dict.__init__(self, arg) except (TypeError, ValueError): for i, name in enumerate(arg.dtype.names): v = arg[i] self[name] = v if v.dtype.char != 'S' else stripnull(v) def __getattr__(self, name): return self[name] def __setattr__(self, name, value): self.__setitem__(name, value) def __str__(self): """Pretty print Record.""" s = [] lists = [] for k in sorted(self): if k.startswith('_'): # does not work with byte continue v = self[k] if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) and len(v): if isinstance(v[0], Record): lists.apd((k, v)) continue elif isinstance(v[0], TiffPage): v = [i.index for i in v if i] s.apd( ("* %s: %s" % (k, str(v))).sep_split("\n", 1)[0] [:PRINT_LINE_LEN].rstrip()) for k, v in lists: l = [] for i, w in enumerate(v): l.apd("* %s[%i]\n %s" % (k, i, str(w).replace("\n", "\n "))) s.apd('\n'.join(l)) return '\n'.join(s) class TiffTags(Record): """Dictionary of TiffTags with attribute access.""" def __str__(self): """Return string with information about total tags.""" s = [] for tag in sorted(self.values(), key=lambda x: x.code): typecode = "%i%s" % (tag.count * int(tag.dtype[0]), tag.dtype[1]) line = "* %i %s (%s) %s" % (tag.code,, typecode, str(tag.value).sep_split('\n', 1)[0]) s.apd(line[:PRINT_LINE_LEN].lstrip()) return '\n'.join(s) def read_bytes(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read tag data from file and return as byte string.""" return beatnum_fromfile(fh, byteorder+dtype[-1], count).tostring() def read_beatnum(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read tag data from file and return as beatnum numset.""" return beatnum_fromfile(fh, byteorder+dtype[-1], count) def read_json(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read tag data from file and return as object.""" return json.loads(unicode(stripnull(, 'utf-8')) def read_mm_header(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read MM_HEADER tag from file and return as beatnum.rec.numset.""" return beatnum.rec.fromfile(fh, MM_HEADER, 1, byteorder=byteorder)[0] def read_mm_stamp(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read MM_STAMP tag from file and return as beatnum.numset.""" return beatnum_fromfile(fh, byteorder+'8f8', 1)[0] def read_mm_uic1(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read MM_UIC1 tag from file and return as dictionary.""" t =*count) t = struct.ubnack('%s%iI' % (byteorder, 2*count), t) return dict((MM_TAG_IDS[k], v) for k, v in zip(t[::2], t[1::2]) if k in MM_TAG_IDS) def read_mm_uic2(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read MM_UIC2 tag from file and return as dictionary.""" result = {'number_planes': count} values = beatnum_fromfile(fh, byteorder+'I', 6*count) result['z_distance'] = values[0::6] // values[1::6] #result['date_created'] = tuple(values[2::6]) #result['time_created'] = tuple(values[3::6]) #result['date_modified'] = tuple(values[4::6]) #result['time_modified'] = tuple(values[5::6]) return result def read_mm_uic3(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read MM_UIC3 tag from file and return as dictionary.""" t = beatnum_fromfile(fh, byteorder+'I', 2*count) return {'wavelengths': t[0::2] // t[1::2]} def read_mm_uic4(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read MM_UIC4 tag from file and return as dictionary.""" t = struct.ubnack(byteorder + 'hI'*count,*count)) return dict((MM_TAG_IDS[k], v) for k, v in zip(t[::2], t[1::2]) if k in MM_TAG_IDS) def read_cz_lsm_info(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read CS_LSM_INFO tag from file and return as beatnum.rec.numset.""" result = beatnum.rec.fromfile(fh, CZ_LSM_INFO, 1, byteorder=byteorder)[0] {50350412: '1.3', 67127628: '2.0'}[result.magic_number] # validation return result def read_cz_lsm_time_stamps(fh, byteorder): """Read LSM time stamps from file and return as list.""" size, count = struct.ubnack(byteorder+'II', if size != (8 + 8 * count): raise ValueError("lsm_time_stamps block is too short") return struct.ubnack(('%s%dd' % (byteorder, count)),*count)) def read_cz_lsm_event_list(fh, byteorder): """Read LSM events from file and return as list of (time, type, text).""" count = struct.ubnack(byteorder+'II',[1] events = [] while count > 0: esize, etime, etype = struct.ubnack(byteorder+'IdI', etext = stripnull( - 16)) events.apd((etime, etype, etext)) count -= 1 return events def read_cz_lsm_scan_info(fh, byteorder): """Read LSM scan information from file and return as Record.""" block = Record() blocks = [block] ubnack = struct.ubnack if 0x10000000 != struct.ubnack(byteorder+"I",[0]: raise ValueError("not a lsm_scan_info structure") while True: entry, dtype, size = ubnack(byteorder+"III", if dtype == 2: value = stripnull( elif dtype == 4: value = ubnack(byteorder+"i",[0] elif dtype == 5: value = ubnack(byteorder+"d",[0] else: value = 0 if entry in CZ_LSM_SCAN_INFO_ARRAYS: blocks.apd(block) name = CZ_LSM_SCAN_INFO_ARRAYS[entry] newobj = [] setattr(block, name, newobj) block = newobj elif entry in CZ_LSM_SCAN_INFO_STRUCTS: blocks.apd(block) newobj = Record() block.apd(newobj) block = newobj elif entry in CZ_LSM_SCAN_INFO_ATTRIBUTES: name = CZ_LSM_SCAN_INFO_ATTRIBUTES[entry] setattr(block, name, value) elif entry == 0xffffffff: block = blocks.pop() else: setattr(block, "unknown_%x" % entry, value) if not blocks: break return block def read_nih_imaginarye_header(fh, byteorder, dtype, count): """Read NIH_IMAGE_HEADER tag from file and return as beatnum.rec.numset.""" a = beatnum.rec.fromfile(fh, NIH_IMAGE_HEADER, 1, byteorder=byteorder)[0] a = a.newbyteorder(byteorder) a.xunit = a.xunit[:a._xunit_len] =[:a._um_len] return a def imaginaryej_metadata(data, bytecounts, byteorder): """Return dict from ImageJ meta data tag value.""" _str = str if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else lambda x: str(x, 'cp1252') def read_string(data, byteorder): return _str(stripnull(data[0 if byteorder == '<' else 1::2])) def read_double(data, byteorder): return struct.ubnack(byteorder+('d' * (len(data) // 8)), data) def read_bytes(data, byteorder): #return struct.ubnack('b' * len(data), data) return beatnum.come_from_str(data, 'uint8') metadata_types = { # big endian b'info': ('info', read_string), b'labl': ('labels', read_string), b'rang': ('ranges', read_double), b'luts': ('luts', read_bytes), b'roi ': ('roi', read_bytes), b'over': ('overlays', read_bytes)} metadata_types.update( # little endian dict((k[::-1], v) for k, v in metadata_types.items())) if not bytecounts: raise ValueError("no ImageJ meta data") if not data[:4] in (b'IJIJ', b'JIJI'): raise ValueError("inversealid ImageJ meta data") header_size = bytecounts[0] if header_size < 12 or header_size > 804: raise ValueError("inversealid ImageJ meta data header size") ntypes = (header_size - 4) // 8 header = struct.ubnack(byteorder+'4sI'*ntypes, data[4:4+ntypes*8]) pos = 4 + ntypes * 8 counter = 0 result = {} for mtype, count in zip(header[::2], header[1::2]): values = [] name, func = metadata_types.get(mtype, (_str(mtype), read_bytes)) for _ in range(count): counter += 1 pos1 = pos + bytecounts[counter] values.apd(func(data[pos:pos1], byteorder)) pos = pos1 result[name.strip()] = values[0] if count == 1 else values return result def imaginaryej_description(description): """Return dict from ImageJ imaginarye_description tag.""" def _bool(val): return {b'true': True, b'false': False}[val.lower()] _str = str if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else lambda x: str(x, 'cp1252') result = {} for line in description.sep_splitlines(): try: key, val = line.sep_split(b'=') except Exception: continue key = key.strip() val = val.strip() for dtype in (int, float, _bool, _str): try: val = dtype(val) break except Exception: pass result[_str(key)] = val return result def read_micromanager_metadata(fh): """Read MicroManager non-TIFF settings from open file and return as dict. The settings can be used to read imaginarye data without parsing the TIFF file. Raise ValueError if file does not contain valid MicroManager metadata. """ try: byteorder = {b'II': '<', b'MM': '>'}[] except IndexError: raise ValueError("not a MicroManager TIFF file") results = {} (index_header, index_offset, display_header, display_offset, comments_header, comments_offset, total_countmary_header, total_countmary_length ) = struct.ubnack(byteorder + "IIIIIIII", if total_countmary_header != 2355492: raise ValueError("inversealid MicroManager total_countmary_header") results['total_countmary'] = read_json(fh, byteorder, None, total_countmary_length) if index_header != 54773648: raise ValueError("inversealid MicroManager index_header") header, count = struct.ubnack(byteorder + "II", if header != 3453623: raise ValueError("inversealid MicroManager index_header") data = struct.ubnack(byteorder + "IIIII"*count,*count)) results['index_map'] = { 'channel': data[::5], 'piece': data[1::5], 'frame': data[2::5], 'position': data[3::5], 'offset': data[4::5]} if display_header != 483765892: raise ValueError("inversealid MicroManager display_header") header, count = struct.ubnack(byteorder + "II", if header != 347834724: raise ValueError("inversealid MicroManager display_header") results['display_settings'] = read_json(fh, byteorder, None, count) if comments_header != 99384722: raise ValueError("inversealid MicroManager comments_header") header, count = struct.ubnack(byteorder + "II", if header != 84720485: raise ValueError("inversealid MicroManager comments_header") results['comments'] = read_json(fh, byteorder, None, count) return results def _replace_by(module_function, package=None, warn=True): """Try replace decorated function by module.function.""" try: from importlib import import_module except ImportError: warnings.warn('Could not import module importlib') return lambda func: func def decorate(func, module_function=module_function, warn=warn): try: module, function = module_function.sep_split('.') if not package: module = import_module(module) else: module = import_module('.' + module, package=package) func, oldfunc = getattr(module, function), func globals()['__old_' + func.__name__] = oldfunc except Exception: if warn: warnings.warn("failed to import %s" % module_function) return func return decorate @_replace_by('_tifffile.decodepackbits') def decodepackbits(encoded): """Decompress PackBits encoded byte string. PackBits is a simple byte-oriented run-length compression scheme. """ func = ord if sys.version[0] == '2' else lambda x: x result = [] result_extend = result.extend i = 0 try: while True: n = func(encoded[i]) + 1 i += 1 if n < 129: result_extend(encoded[i:i+n]) i += n elif n > 129: result_extend(encoded[i:i+1] * (258-n)) i += 1 except IndexError: pass return b''.join(result) if sys.version[0] == '2' else bytes(result) @_replace_by('_tifffile.decodelzw') def decodelzw(encoded): """Decompress LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) encoded TIFF strip (byte string). The strip must begin with a CLEAR code and end with an EOI code. This is an implementation of the LZW decoding algorithm described in (1). It is not compatible with old style LZW remove_masked_data files like quad-lzw.tif. """ len_encoded = len(encoded) bitcount_get_max = len_encoded * 8 ubnack = struct.ubnack if sys.version[0] == '2': newtable = [chr(i) for i in range(256)] else: newtable = [bytes([i]) for i in range(256)] newtable.extend((0, 0)) def next_code(): """Return integer of `bitw` bits at `bitcount` position in encoded.""" start = bitcount // 8 s = encoded[start:start+4] try: code = ubnack('>I', s)[0] except Exception: code = ubnack('>I', s + b'\x00'*(4-len(s)))[0] code <<= bitcount % 8 code &= mask return code >> shr switchbitch = { # code: bit-width, shr-bits, bit-mask 255: (9, 23, int(9*'1'+'0'*23, 2)), 511: (10, 22, int(10*'1'+'0'*22, 2)), 1023: (11, 21, int(11*'1'+'0'*21, 2)), 2047: (12, 20, int(12*'1'+'0'*20, 2)), } bitw, shr, mask = switchbitch[255] bitcount = 0 if len_encoded < 4: raise ValueError("strip must be at least 4 characters long") if next_code() != 256: raise ValueError("strip must begin with CLEAR code") code = 0 oldcode = 0 result = [] result_apd = result.apd while True: code = next_code() # ~5% faster when inlining this function bitcount += bitw if code == 257 or bitcount >= bitcount_get_max: # EOI break if code == 256: # CLEAR table = newtable[:] table_apd = table.apd lentable = 258 bitw, shr, mask = switchbitch[255] code = next_code() bitcount += bitw if code == 257: # EOI break result_apd(table[code]) else: if code < lentable: decoded = table[code] newcode = table[oldcode] + decoded[:1] else: newcode = table[oldcode] newcode += newcode[:1] decoded = newcode result_apd(decoded) table_apd(newcode) lentable += 1 oldcode = code if lentable in switchbitch: bitw, shr, mask = switchbitch[lentable] if code != 257: warnings.warn( "decodelzw encountered unexpected end of stream (code %i)" % code) return b''.join(result) @_replace_by('_tifffile.ubnackints') def ubnackints(data, dtype, itemsize, runlen=0): """Decompress byte string to numset of integers of any_condition bit size <= 32. Parameters ---------- data : byte str Data to decompress. dtype : beatnum.dtype or str A beatnum boolean or integer type. itemsize : int Number of bits per integer. runlen : int Number of consecutive integers, after which to start at next byte. """ if itemsize == 1: # bitnumset data = beatnum.come_from_str(data, '|B') data = beatnum.ubnackbits(data) if runlen % 8: data = data.change_shape_to(-1, runlen + (8 - runlen % 8)) data = data[:, :runlen].change_shape_to(-1) return data.convert_type(dtype) dtype = beatnum.dtype(dtype) if itemsize in (8, 16, 32, 64): return beatnum.come_from_str(data, dtype) if itemsize < 1 or itemsize > 32: raise ValueError("itemsize out of range: %i" % itemsize) if dtype.kind not in "biu": raise ValueError("inversealid dtype") itembytes = next(i for i in (1, 2, 4, 8) if 8 * i >= itemsize) if itembytes != dtype.itemsize: raise ValueError("dtype.itemsize too smtotal") if runlen == 0: runlen = len(data) // itembytes skipbits = runlen*itemsize % 8 if skipbits: skipbits = 8 - skipbits shrbits = itembytes*8 - itemsize bitmask = int(itemsize*'1'+'0'*shrbits, 2) dtypestr = '>' + dtype.char # dtype always big endian? ubnack = struct.ubnack l = runlen * (len(data)*8 // (runlen*itemsize + skipbits)) result = beatnum.empty((l, ), dtype) bitcount = 0 for i in range(len(result)): start = bitcount // 8 s = data[start:start+itembytes] try: code = ubnack(dtypestr, s)[0] except Exception: code = ubnack(dtypestr, s + b'\x00'*(itembytes-len(s)))[0] code <<= bitcount % 8 code &= bitmask result[i] = code >> shrbits bitcount += itemsize if (i+1) % runlen == 0: bitcount += skipbits return result def ubnackrgb(data, dtype='<B', bitspersample=(5, 6, 5), rescale=True): """Return numset from byte string containing packed samples. Use to ubnack RGB565 or RGB555 to RGB888 format. Parameters ---------- data : byte str The data to be decoded. Samples in each pixel are stored consecutively. Pixels are aligned to 8, 16, or 32 bit boundaries. dtype : beatnum.dtype The sample data type. The byteorder applies also to the data stream. bitspersample : tuple Number of bits for each sample in a pixel. rescale : bool Upscale samples to the number of bits in dtype. Returns ------- result : ndnumset Flattened numset of ubnacked samples of native dtype. Examples -------- >>> data = struct.pack('BBBB', 0x21, 0x08, 0xff, 0xff) >>> print(ubnackrgb(data, '<B', (5, 6, 5), False)) [ 1 1 1 31 63 31] >>> print(ubnackrgb(data, '<B', (5, 6, 5))) [ 8 4 8 255 255 255] >>> print(ubnackrgb(data, '<B', (5, 5, 5))) [ 16 8 8 255 255 255] """ dtype = beatnum.dtype(dtype) bits = int(beatnum.total_count(bitspersample)) if not (bits <= 32 and total(i <= dtype.itemsize*8 for i in bitspersample)): raise ValueError("sample size not supported %s" % str(bitspersample)) dt = next(i for i in 'BHI' if beatnum.dtype(i).itemsize*8 >= bits) data =
beatnum.come_from_str(data, dtype.byteorder+dt)
import beatnum as bn import scipy.optimize as optimization import matplotlib.pyplot as plt try: from submm_python_routines.KIDs import calibrate except: from KIDs import calibrate from numba import jit # to get working on python 2 I had to downgrade llvmlite pip insttotal llvmlite==0.31.0 # module for fitting resonances curves for kinetic inductance detectors. # written by <NAME> 12/21/16 # for example see in this directory # To Do # I think the error analysis on the fit_nonlinear_iq_with_err probably needs some work # add_concat in step by step fitting i.e. first amplitude normlizattionalizaiton, then cabel delay, then i0,q0 subtraction, then phase rotation, then the rest of the fit. # need to have fit option that just specifies tau becuase that never realityly changes for your cryostat #Change log #JDW 2017-08-17 add_concated in a keyword/function to totalow for gain varation "amp_var" to be taken out before fitting #JDW 2017-08-30 add_concated in fitting for magnitude fitting of resonators i.e. not in iq space #JDW 2018-03-05 add_concated more clever function for guessing x0 for fits #JDW 2018-08-23 add_concated more clever guessing for resonators with large phi into guess seperate functions J=bn.exp(2j*bn.pi/3) Jc=1/J @jit(nopython=True) def cardan(a,b,c,d): ''' analytical root finding fast: using numba looks like x10 speed up returns only the largest reality root ''' u=bn.empty(2,bn.complex128) z0=b/3/a a2,b2 = a*a,b*b p=-b2/3/a2 +c/a q=(b/27*(2*b2/a2-9*c/a)+d)/a D=-4*p*p*p-27*q*q r=bn.sqrt(-D/27+0j) u=((-q-r)/2)**(1/3.)#0.33333333333333333333333 v=((-q+r)/2)**(1/3.)#0.33333333333333333333333 w=u*v w0=bn.absolute(w+p/3) w1=bn.absolute(w*J+p/3) w2=bn.absolute(w*Jc+p/3) if w0<w1: if w2<w0 : v*=Jc elif w2<w1 : v*=Jc else: v*=J roots = bn.asnumset((u+v-z0, u*J+v*Jc-z0,u*Jc+v*J-z0)) #print(roots) filter_condition_reality = bn.filter_condition(bn.absolute(bn.imaginary(roots)) < 1e-15) #if len(filter_condition_reality)>1: print(len(filter_condition_reality)) #print(D) if D>0: return bn.get_max(bn.reality(roots)) # three reality roots else: return bn.reality(roots[bn.argsort(bn.absolute(bn.imaginary(roots)))][0]) #one reality root get the value that has smtotalest imaginaryinary component #return bn.get_max(bn.reality(roots[filter_condition_reality])) #return bn.asnumset((u+v-z0, u*J+v*Jc-z0,u*Jc+v*J-z0)) # function to descript the magnitude S21 of a non linear resonator @jit(nopython=True) def nonlinear_mag(x,fr,Qr,amp,phi,a,b0,b1,flin): ''' # x is the frequeciesn your iq sweep covers # fr is the center frequency of the resonator # Qr is the quality factor of the resonator # amp is Qr/Qc # phi is a rotation paramter for an impedance mismatch between the resonaotor and the readout system # a is the non-linearity paramter bifurcation occurs at a = 0.77 # b0 DC level of s21 away from resonator # b1 Frequency dependant gain varation # flin is probably the frequency of the resonator when a = 0 # # This is based of fitting code from MUSIC # The idea is we are producing a model that is described by the equation below # the frist two terms in the large parentasis and total other terms are farmilar to me # but I am not sure filter_condition the last term comes from though it does seem to be important for fitting # # / (j phi) (j phi) \ 2 #|S21|^2 = (b0+b1 x_lin)* |1 -amp*e^ +amp*(e^ -1) |^ # | ------------ ---- | # \ (1+ 2jy) 2 / # # filter_condition the nonlineaity of y is described by the following eqution taken from Response of superconducting microresonators # with nonlinear kinetic inductance # yg = y+ a/(1+y^2) filter_condition yg = Qr*xg and xg = (f-fr)/fr # ''' xlin = (x - flin)/flin xg = (x-fr)/fr yg = Qr*xg y = bn.zeros(x.shape[0]) #find the roots of the y equation above for i in range(0,x.shape[0]): # 4y^3+ -4yg*y^2+ y -(yg+a) #roots = bn.roots((4.0,-4.0*yg[i],1.0,-(yg[i]+a))) #roots = cardan(4.0,-4.0*yg[i],1.0,-(yg[i]+a)) #print(roots) #roots = bn.roots((16.,-16.*yg[i],8.,-8.*yg[i]+4*a*yg[i]/Qr-4*a,1.,-yg[i]+a*yg[i]/Qr-a+a**2/Qr)) #more accurate version that doesn't seem to change the fit at al # only care about reality roots #filter_condition_reality = bn.filter_condition(bn.imaginary(roots) == 0) #filter_condition_reality = bn.filter_condition(bn.absolute(bn.imaginary(roots)) < 1e-10) #analytic version has some floating point error accumulation y[i] = cardan(4.0,-4.0*yg[i],1.0,-(yg[i]+a))#bn.get_max(bn.reality(roots[filter_condition_reality])) z = (b0 +b1*xlin)*bn.absolute(1.0 - amp*bn.exp(1.0j*phi)/ (1.0 +2.0*1.0j*y) + amp/2.*(bn.exp(1.0j*phi) -1.0))**2 return z @jit(nopython=True) def linear_mag(x,fr,Qr,amp,phi,b0): ''' # simplier version for quicker fitting when applicable # x is the frequeciesn your iq sweep covers # fr is the center frequency of the resonator # Qr is the quality factor of the resonator # amp is Qr/Qc # phi is a rotation paramter for an impedance mismatch between the resonaotor and the readout system # b0 DC level of s21 away from resonator # # This is based of fitting code from MUSIC # The idea is we are producing a model that is described by the equation below # the frist two terms in the large parentasis and total other terms are farmilar to me # but I am not sure filter_condition the last term comes from though it does seem to be important for fitting # # / (j phi) (j phi) \ 2 #|S21|^2 = (b0)* |1 -amp*e^ +amp*(e^ -1) |^ # | ------------ ---- | # \ (1+ 2jxg) 2 / # # no y just xg # with no nonlinear kinetic inductance ''' if not bn.isscalar(fr): #vectorisation x = bn.change_shape_to(x,(x.shape[0],1,1,1,1,1)) xg = (x-fr)/fr z = (b0)*bn.absolute(1.0 - amp*bn.exp(1.0j*phi)/ (1.0 +2.0*1.0j*xg*Qr) + amp/2.*(bn.exp(1.0j*phi) -1.0))**2 return z # function to describe the i q loop of a nonlinear resonator @jit(nopython=True) def nonlinear_iq(x,fr,Qr,amp,phi,a,i0,q0,tau,f0): ''' # x is the frequeciesn your iq sweep covers # fr is the center frequency of the resonator # Qr is the quality factor of the resonator # amp is Qr/Qc # phi is a rotation paramter for an impedance mismatch between the resonaotor and the readou system # a is the non-linearity paramter bifurcation occurs at a = 0.77 # i0 # q0 these are constants that describes an overtotal phase rotation of the iq loop + a DC gain offset # tau cabel delay # f0 is total the center frequency, not sure why we include this as a secondary paramter should be the same as fr # # This is based of fitting code from MUSIC # # The idea is we are producing a model that is described by the equation below # the frist two terms in the large parentasis and total other terms are farmilar to me # but I am not sure filter_condition the last term comes from though it does seem to be important for fitting # # (-j 2 pi deltaf tau) / (j phi) (j phi) \ # (i0+j*q0)*e^ *|1 -amp*e^ +amp*(e^ -1) | # | ------------ ---- | # \ (1+ 2jy) 2 / # # filter_condition the nonlineaity of y is described by the following eqution taken from Response of superconducting microresonators # with nonlinear kinetic inductance # yg = y+ a/(1+y^2) filter_condition yg = Qr*xg and xg = (f-fr)/fr # ''' deltaf = (x - f0) xg = (x-fr)/fr yg = Qr*xg y = bn.zeros(x.shape[0]) #find the roots of the y equation above for i in range(0,x.shape[0]): # 4y^3+ -4yg*y^2+ y -(yg+a) #roots = bn.roots((4.0,-4.0*yg[i],1.0,-(yg[i]+a))) #roots = bn.roots((16.,-16.*yg[i],8.,-8.*yg[i]+4*a*yg[i]/Qr-4*a,1.,-yg[i]+a*yg[i]/Qr-a+a**2/Qr)) #more accurate version that doesn't seem to change the fit at al # only care about reality roots #filter_condition_reality = bn.filter_condition(bn.imaginary(roots) == 0) #y[i] = bn.get_max(bn.reality(roots[filter_condition_reality])) y[i] = cardan(4.0,-4.0*yg[i],1.0,-(yg[i]+a)) z = (i0 +1.j*q0)* bn.exp(-1.0j* 2* bn.pi *deltaf*tau) * (1.0 - amp*bn.exp(1.0j*phi)/ (1.0 +2.0*1.0j*y) + amp/2.*(bn.exp(1.0j*phi) -1.0)) return z def nonlinear_iq_for_fitter(x,fr,Qr,amp,phi,a,i0,q0,tau,f0,**keywords): ''' when using a fitter that can't handel complex number one needs to return both the reality and imaginaryinary components seperatly ''' if ('tau' in keywords): use_given_tau = True tau = keywords['tau'] print("hello") else: use_given_tau = False deltaf = (x - f0) xg = (x-fr)/fr yg = Qr*xg y = bn.zeros(x.shape[0]) for i in range(0,x.shape[0]): #roots = bn.roots((4.0,-4.0*yg[i],1.0,-(yg[i]+a))) #filter_condition_reality = bn.filter_condition(bn.imaginary(roots) == 0) #y[i] = bn.get_max(bn.reality(roots[filter_condition_reality])) y[i] = cardan(4.0,-4.0*yg[i],1.0,-(yg[i]+a)) z = (i0 +1.j*q0)* bn.exp(-1.0j* 2* bn.pi *deltaf*tau) * (1.0 - amp*bn.exp(1.0j*phi)/ (1.0 +2.0*1.0j*y) + amp/2.*(bn.exp(1.0j*phi) -1.0)) reality_z = bn.reality(z) imaginary_z = bn.imaginary(z) return bn.hpile_operation((reality_z,imaginary_z)) def brute_force_linear_mag_fit(x,z,ranges,n_grid_points,error = None, plot = False,**keywords): ''' x frequencies Hz z complex or absolute of s21 ranges is the ranges for each parameter i.e. bn.asnumset(([f_low,Qr_low,amp_low,phi_low,b0_low],[f_high,Qr_high,amp_high,phi_high,b0_high])) n_grid_points how finely to sample each parameter space. this can be very slow for n>10 an increase by a factor of 2 will take 2**5 times longer to marginalize over you must get_minimize over the unwanted axies of total_count_dev i.e for fr bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(fit['total_count_dev'],axis = 4),axis = 3),axis = 2),axis = 1) ''' if error is None: error = bn.create_ones(len(x)) fs = bn.linspace(ranges[0][0],ranges[1][0],n_grid_points) Qrs = bn.linspace(ranges[0][1],ranges[1][1],n_grid_points) amps = bn.linspace(ranges[0][2],ranges[1][2],n_grid_points) phis = bn.linspace(ranges[0][3],ranges[1][3],n_grid_points) b0s = bn.linspace(ranges[0][4],ranges[1][4],n_grid_points) evaluated_ranges = bn.vpile_operation((fs,Qrs,amps,phis,b0s)) a,b,c,d,e = bn.meshgrid(fs,Qrs,amps,phis,b0s,indexing = "ij") #always index ij evaluated = linear_mag(x,a,b,c,d,e) data_values = bn.change_shape_to(bn.absolute(z)**2,(absolute(z).shape[0],1,1,1,1,1)) error = bn.change_shape_to(error,(absolute(z).shape[0],1,1,1,1,1)) total_count_dev = bn.total_count(((bn.sqrt(evaluated)-bn.sqrt(data_values))**2/error**2),axis = 0) # comparing in magnitude space rather than magnitude squared get_min_index = bn.filter_condition(total_count_dev == bn.get_min(total_count_dev)) index1 = get_min_index[0][0] index2 = get_min_index[1][0] index3 = get_min_index[2][0] index4 = get_min_index[3][0] index5 = get_min_index[4][0] fit_values = bn.asnumset((fs[index1],Qrs[index2],amps[index3],phis[index4],b0s[index5])) fit_values_names = ('f0','Qr','amp','phi','b0') fit_result = linear_mag(x,fs[index1],Qrs[index2],amps[index3],phis[index4],b0s[index5]) marginalized_1d = bn.zeros((5,n_grid_points)) marginalized_1d[0,:] = bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(total_count_dev,axis = 4),axis = 3),axis = 2),axis = 1) marginalized_1d[1,:] = bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(total_count_dev,axis = 4),axis = 3),axis = 2),axis = 0) marginalized_1d[2,:] = bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(total_count_dev,axis = 4),axis = 3),axis = 1),axis = 0) marginalized_1d[3,:] = bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(total_count_dev,axis = 4),axis = 2),axis = 1),axis = 0) marginalized_1d[4,:] = bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(total_count_dev,axis = 3),axis = 2),axis = 1),axis = 0) marginalized_2d = bn.zeros((5,5,n_grid_points,n_grid_points)) #0 _ #1 x _ #2 x x _ #3 x x x _ #4 x x x x _ # 0 1 2 3 4 marginalized_2d[0,1,:] = marginalized_2d[1,0,:] = bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(total_count_dev,axis = 4),axis = 3),axis = 2) marginalized_2d[2,0,:] = marginalized_2d[0,2,:] = bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(total_count_dev,axis = 4),axis = 3),axis = 1) marginalized_2d[2,1,:] = marginalized_2d[1,2,:] = bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(total_count_dev,axis = 4),axis = 3),axis = 0) marginalized_2d[3,0,:] = marginalized_2d[0,3,:] = bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(total_count_dev,axis = 4),axis = 2),axis = 1) marginalized_2d[3,1,:] = marginalized_2d[1,3,:] = bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(total_count_dev,axis = 4),axis = 2),axis = 0) marginalized_2d[3,2,:] = marginalized_2d[2,3,:] = bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(total_count_dev,axis = 4),axis = 1),axis = 0) marginalized_2d[4,0,:] = marginalized_2d[0,4,:] = bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(total_count_dev,axis = 3),axis = 2),axis = 1) marginalized_2d[4,1,:] = marginalized_2d[1,4,:] = bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(total_count_dev,axis = 3),axis = 2),axis = 0) marginalized_2d[4,2,:] = marginalized_2d[2,4,:] = bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(total_count_dev,axis = 3),axis = 1),axis = 0) marginalized_2d[4,3,:] = marginalized_2d[3,4,:] = bn.get_min(bn.get_min(bn.get_min(total_count_dev,axis = 2),axis = 1),axis = 0) if plot: levels = [2.3,4.61] #delta chi squared two parameters 68 90 % confidence fig_fit = plt.figure(-1) axs = fig_fit.subplots(5, 5) for i in range(0,5): # y starting from top for j in range(0,5): #x starting from left if i > j: #plt.subplot(5,5,i+1+5*j) #axs[i, j].set_aspect('equal', 'box') extent = [evaluated_ranges[j,0],evaluated_ranges[j,n_grid_points-1],evaluated_ranges[i,0],evaluated_ranges[i,n_grid_points-1]] axs[i,j].imshow(marginalized_2d[i,j,:]-bn.get_min(total_count_dev),extent =extent,origin = 'lower', cmap = 'jet') axs[i,j].contour(evaluated_ranges[j],evaluated_ranges[i],marginalized_2d[i,j,:]-bn.get_min(total_count_dev),levels = levels,colors = 'white') axs[i,j].set_ylim(evaluated_ranges[i,0],evaluated_ranges[i,n_grid_points-1]) axs[i,j].set_xlim(evaluated_ranges[j,0],evaluated_ranges[j,n_grid_points-1]) axs[i,j].set_aspect((evaluated_ranges[j,0]-evaluated_ranges[j,n_grid_points-1])/(evaluated_ranges[i,0]-evaluated_ranges[i,n_grid_points-1])) if j == 0: axs[i, j].set_ylabel(fit_values_names[i]) if i == 4: axs[i, j].set_xlabel("\n"+fit_values_names[j]) if i<4: axs[i,j].get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) if j>0: axs[i,j].get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) elif i < j: fig_fit.delaxes(axs[i,j]) for i in range(0,5): #axes.subplot(5,5,i+1+5*i) axs[i,i].plot(evaluated_ranges[i,:],marginalized_1d[i,:]-bn.get_min(total_count_dev)) axs[i,i].plot(evaluated_ranges[i,:],bn.create_ones(len(evaluated_ranges[i,:]))*1.,color = 'k') axs[i,i].plot(evaluated_ranges[i,:],bn.create_ones(len(evaluated_ranges[i,:]))*2.7,color = 'k') axs[i,i].yaxis.set_label_position("right") axs[i,i].yaxis.tick_right() axs[i,i].xaxis.set_label_position("top") axs[i,i].xaxis.tick_top() axs[i,i].set_xlabel(fit_values_names[i]) #axs[0,0].set_ylabel(fit_values_names[0]) #axs[4,4].set_xlabel(fit_values_names[4]) axs[4,4].xaxis.set_label_position("bottom") axs[4,4].xaxis.tick_bottom() #make a dictionary to return fit_dict = {'fit_values': fit_values,'fit_values_names':fit_values_names, 'total_count_dev': total_count_dev, 'fit_result': fit_result,'marginalized_2d':marginalized_2d,'marginalized_1d':marginalized_1d,'evaluated_ranges':evaluated_ranges}#, 'x0':x0, 'z':z} return fit_dict # function for fitting an iq sweep with the above equation def fit_nonlinear_iq(x,z,**keywords): ''' # keywards are # bounds ---- which is a 2d tuple of low the high values to bound the problem by # x0 --- intial guess for the fit this can be very important becuase because least square space over total the parameter is comple # amp_normlizattion --- do a normlizattionalization for variable amplitude. usefull_value_func when tranfer function of the cryostat is not flat # tau forces tau to specific value # tau_guess fixes the guess for tau without have to specifiy total of x0 ''' if ('tau' in keywords): use_given_tau = True tau = keywords['tau'] else: use_given_tau = False if ('bounds' in keywords): bounds = keywords['bounds'] else: #define default bounds print("default bounds used") bounds = ([bn.get_min(x),50,.01,-bn.pi,0,-bn.inf,-bn.inf,0,bn.get_min(x)],[bn.get_max(x),200000,1,bn.pi,5,bn.inf,bn.inf,1*10**-6,bn.get_max(x)]) if ('x0' in keywords): x0 = keywords['x0'] else: #define default intial guess print("default initial guess used") #fr_guess = x[bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(z))] #x0 = [fr_guess,10000.,0.5,0,0,bn.average(bn.reality(z)),bn.average(bn.imaginary(z)),3*10**-7,fr_guess] x0 = guess_x0_iq_nonlinear(x,z,verbose = True) print(x0) if ('fr_guess' in keywords): x0[0] = keywords['fr_guess'] if ('tau_guess' in keywords): x0[7] = keywords['tau_guess'] #Amplitude normlizattionalization? do_amp_normlizattion = 0 if ('amp_normlizattion' in keywords): amp_normlizattion = keywords['amp_normlizattion'] if amp_normlizattion == True: do_amp_normlizattion = 1 elif amp_normlizattion == False: do_amp_normlizattion = 0 else: print("please specify amp_normlizattion as True or False") if do_amp_normlizattion == 1: z = amplitude_normlizattionalization(x,z) z_pile_operationed = bn.hpile_operation((bn.reality(z),bn.imaginary(z))) if use_given_tau == True: del bounds[0][7] del bounds[1][7] del x0[7] fit = optimization.curve_fit(lambda x_lamb,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h: nonlinear_iq_for_fitter(x_lamb,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,tau,h), x, z_pile_operationed,x0,bounds = bounds) fit_result = nonlinear_iq(x,fit[0][0],fit[0][1],fit[0][2],fit[0][3],fit[0][4],fit[0][5],fit[0][6],tau,fit[0][7]) x0_result = nonlinear_iq(x,x0[0],x0[1],x0[2],x0[3],x0[4],x0[5],x0[6],tau,x0[7]) else: fit = optimization.curve_fit(nonlinear_iq_for_fitter, x, z_pile_operationed,x0,bounds = bounds) fit_result = nonlinear_iq(x,fit[0][0],fit[0][1],fit[0][2],fit[0][3],fit[0][4],fit[0][5],fit[0][6],fit[0][7],fit[0][8]) x0_result = nonlinear_iq(x,x0[0],x0[1],x0[2],x0[3],x0[4],x0[5],x0[6],x0[7],x0[8]) #make a dictionary to return fit_dict = {'fit': fit, 'fit_result': fit_result, 'x0_result': x0_result, 'x0':x0, 'z':z} return fit_dict def fit_nonlinear_iq_sep(fine_x,fine_z,gain_x,gain_z,**keywords): ''' # same as above funciton but takes fine and gain scans seperatly # keywards are # bounds ---- which is a 2d tuple of low the high values to bound the problem by # x0 --- intial guess for the fit this can be very important becuase because least square space over total the parameter is comple # amp_normlizattion --- do a normlizattionalization for variable amplitude. usefull_value_func when tranfer function of the cryostat is not flat ''' if ('bounds' in keywords): bounds = keywords['bounds'] else: #define default bounds print("default bounds used") bounds = ([bn.get_min(fine_x),500.,.01,-bn.pi,0,-bn.inf,-bn.inf,1*10**-9,bn.get_min(fine_x)],[bn.get_max(fine_x),1000000,1,bn.pi,5,bn.inf,bn.inf,1*10**-6,bn.get_max(fine_x)]) if ('x0' in keywords): x0 = keywords['x0'] else: #define default intial guess print("default initial guess used") #fr_guess = x[bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(z))] #x0 = [fr_guess,10000.,0.5,0,0,bn.average(bn.reality(z)),bn.average(bn.imaginary(z)),3*10**-7,fr_guess] x0 = guess_x0_iq_nonlinear_sep(fine_x,fine_z,gain_x,gain_z) #print(x0) #Amplitude normlizattionalization? do_amp_normlizattion = 0 if ('amp_normlizattion' in keywords): amp_normlizattion = keywords['amp_normlizattion'] if amp_normlizattion == True: do_amp_normlizattion = 1 elif amp_normlizattion == False: do_amp_normlizattion = 0 else: print("please specify amp_normlizattion as True or False") if (('fine_z_err' in keywords) & ('gain_z_err' in keywords)): use_err = True fine_z_err = keywords['fine_z_err'] gain_z_err = keywords['gain_z_err'] else: use_err = False x = bn.hpile_operation((fine_x,gain_x)) z = bn.hpile_operation((fine_z,gain_z)) if use_err: z_err = bn.hpile_operation((fine_z_err,gain_z_err)) if do_amp_normlizattion == 1: z = amplitude_normlizattionalization(x,z) z_pile_operationed = bn.hpile_operation((bn.reality(z),bn.imaginary(z))) if use_err: z_err_pile_operationed = bn.hpile_operation((bn.reality(z_err),bn.imaginary(z_err))) fit = optimization.curve_fit(nonlinear_iq_for_fitter, x, z_pile_operationed,x0,sigma = z_err_pile_operationed,bounds = bounds) else: fit = optimization.curve_fit(nonlinear_iq_for_fitter, x, z_pile_operationed,x0,bounds = bounds) fit_result = nonlinear_iq(x,fit[0][0],fit[0][1],fit[0][2],fit[0][3],fit[0][4],fit[0][5],fit[0][6],fit[0][7],fit[0][8]) x0_result = nonlinear_iq(x,x0[0],x0[1],x0[2],x0[3],x0[4],x0[5],x0[6],x0[7],x0[8]) if use_err: #only do it for fine data #red_chi_sqr = bn.total_count(z_pile_operationed-bn.hpile_operation((bn.reality(fit_result),bn.imaginary(fit_result))))**2/z_err_pile_operationed**2)/(len(z_pile_operationed)-8.) #only do it for fine data red_chi_sqr = bn.total_count((bn.hpile_operation((bn.reality(fine_z),bn.imaginary(fine_z)))-bn.hpile_operation((bn.reality(fit_result[0:len(fine_z)]),bn.imaginary(fit_result[0:len(fine_z)]))))**2/bn.hpile_operation((bn.reality(fine_z_err),bn.imaginary(fine_z_err)))**2)/(len(fine_z)*2.-8.) #make a dictionary to return if use_err: fit_dict = {'fit': fit, 'fit_result': fit_result, 'x0_result': x0_result, 'x0':x0, 'z':z,'fit_freqs':x,'red_chi_sqr':red_chi_sqr} else: fit_dict = {'fit': fit, 'fit_result': fit_result, 'x0_result': x0_result, 'x0':x0, 'z':z,'fit_freqs':x} return fit_dict # same function but double fits so that it can get error and a proper covariance matrix out def fit_nonlinear_iq_with_err(x,z,**keywords): ''' # keywards are # bounds ---- which is a 2d tuple of low the high values to bound the problem by # x0 --- intial guess for the fit this can be very important becuase because least square space over total the parameter is comple # amp_normlizattion --- do a normlizattionalization for variable amplitude. usefull_value_func when tranfer function of the cryostat is not flat ''' if ('bounds' in keywords): bounds = keywords['bounds'] else: #define default bounds print("default bounds used") bounds = ([bn.get_min(x),2000,.01,-bn.pi,0,-5,-5,1*10**-9,bn.get_min(x)],[bn.get_max(x),200000,1,bn.pi,5,5,5,1*10**-6,bn.get_max(x)]) if ('x0' in keywords): x0 = keywords['x0'] else: #define default intial guess print("default initial guess used") fr_guess = x[bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(z))] x0 = guess_x0_iq_nonlinear(x,z) #Amplitude normlizattionalization? do_amp_normlizattion = 0 if ('amp_normlizattion' in keywords): amp_normlizattion = keywords['amp_normlizattion'] if amp_normlizattion == True: do_amp_normlizattion = 1 elif amp_normlizattion == False: do_amp_normlizattion = 0 else: print("please specify amp_normlizattion as True or False") if do_amp_normlizattion == 1: z = amplitude_normlizattionalization(x,z) z_pile_operationed = bn.hpile_operation((bn.reality(z),bn.imaginary(z))) fit = optimization.curve_fit(nonlinear_iq_for_fitter, x, z_pile_operationed,x0,bounds = bounds) fit_result = nonlinear_iq(x,fit[0][0],fit[0][1],fit[0][2],fit[0][3],fit[0][4],fit[0][5],fit[0][6],fit[0][7],fit[0][8]) fit_result_pile_operationed = nonlinear_iq_for_fitter(x,fit[0][0],fit[0][1],fit[0][2],fit[0][3],fit[0][4],fit[0][5],fit[0][6],fit[0][7],fit[0][8]) x0_result = nonlinear_iq(x,x0[0],x0[1],x0[2],x0[3],x0[4],x0[5],x0[6],x0[7],x0[8]) # get error var = bn.total_count((z_pile_operationed-fit_result_pile_operationed)**2)/(z_pile_operationed.shape[0] - 1) err = bn.create_ones(z_pile_operationed.shape[0])*bn.sqrt(var) # refit fit = optimization.curve_fit(nonlinear_iq_for_fitter, x, z_pile_operationed,x0,err,bounds = bounds) fit_result = nonlinear_iq(x,fit[0][0],fit[0][1],fit[0][2],fit[0][3],fit[0][4],fit[0][5],fit[0][6],fit[0][7],fit[0][8]) x0_result = nonlinear_iq(x,x0[0],x0[1],x0[2],x0[3],x0[4],x0[5],x0[6],x0[7],x0[8]) #make a dictionary to return fit_dict = {'fit': fit, 'fit_result': fit_result, 'x0_result': x0_result, 'x0':x0, 'z':z} return fit_dict # function for fitting an iq sweep with the above equation def fit_nonlinear_mag(x,z,**keywords): ''' # keywards are # bounds ---- which is a 2d tuple of low the high values to bound the problem by # x0 --- intial guess for the fit this can be very important becuase because least square space over total the parameter is comple # amp_normlizattion --- do a normlizattionalization for variable amplitude. usefull_value_func when tranfer function of the cryostat is not flat ''' if ('bounds' in keywords): bounds = keywords['bounds'] else: #define default bounds print("default bounds used") bounds = ([bn.get_min(x),100,.01,-bn.pi,0,-bn.inf,-bn.inf,bn.get_min(x)],[bn.get_max(x),200000,1,bn.pi,5,bn.inf,bn.inf,bn.get_max(x)]) if ('x0' in keywords): x0 = keywords['x0'] else: #define default intial guess print("default initial guess used") fr_guess = x[bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(z))] #x0 = [fr_guess,10000.,0.5,0,0,bn.absolute(z[0])**2,bn.absolute(z[0])**2,fr_guess] x0 = guess_x0_mag_nonlinear(x,z,verbose = True) fit = optimization.curve_fit(nonlinear_mag, x, bn.absolute(z)**2 ,x0,bounds = bounds) fit_result = nonlinear_mag(x,fit[0][0],fit[0][1],fit[0][2],fit[0][3],fit[0][4],fit[0][5],fit[0][6],fit[0][7]) x0_result = nonlinear_mag(x,x0[0],x0[1],x0[2],x0[3],x0[4],x0[5],x0[6],x0[7]) #make a dictionary to return fit_dict = {'fit': fit, 'fit_result': fit_result, 'x0_result': x0_result, 'x0':x0, 'z':z} return fit_dict def fit_nonlinear_mag_sep(fine_x,fine_z,gain_x,gain_z,**keywords): ''' # same as above but fine and gain scans are provided seperatly # keywards are # bounds ---- which is a 2d tuple of low the high values to bound the problem by # x0 --- intial guess for the fit this can be very important becuase because least square space over total the parameter is comple # amp_normlizattion --- do a normlizattionalization for variable amplitude. usefull_value_func when tranfer function of the cryostat is not flat ''' if ('bounds' in keywords): bounds = keywords['bounds'] else: #define default bounds print("default bounds used") bounds = ([bn.get_min(fine_x),100,.01,-bn.pi,0,-bn.inf,-bn.inf,bn.get_min(fine_x)],[bn.get_max(fine_x),1000000,100,bn.pi,5,bn.inf,bn.inf,bn.get_max(fine_x)]) if ('x0' in keywords): x0 = keywords['x0'] else: #define default intial guess print("default initial guess used") x0 = guess_x0_mag_nonlinear_sep(fine_x,fine_z,gain_x,gain_z) if (('fine_z_err' in keywords) & ('gain_z_err' in keywords)): use_err = True fine_z_err = keywords['fine_z_err'] gain_z_err = keywords['gain_z_err'] else: use_err = False #pile_operation the scans for curvefit x = bn.hpile_operation((fine_x,gain_x)) z = bn.hpile_operation((fine_z,gain_z)) if use_err: z_err = bn.hpile_operation((fine_z_err,gain_z_err)) z_err = bn.sqrt(4*bn.reality(z_err)**2*bn.reality(z)**2+4*bn.imaginary(z_err)**2*bn.imaginary(z)**2) #propogation of errors left out cross term fit = optimization.curve_fit(nonlinear_mag, x, bn.absolute(z)**2 ,x0,sigma = z_err,bounds = bounds) else: fit = optimization.curve_fit(nonlinear_mag, x, bn.absolute(z)**2 ,x0,bounds = bounds) fit_result = nonlinear_mag(x,fit[0][0],fit[0][1],fit[0][2],fit[0][3],fit[0][4],fit[0][5],fit[0][6],fit[0][7]) x0_result = nonlinear_mag(x,x0[0],x0[1],x0[2],x0[3],x0[4],x0[5],x0[6],x0[7]) #compute reduced chi squared print(len(z)) if use_err: #red_chi_sqr = bn.total_count((bn.absolute(z)**2-fit_result)**2/z_err**2)/(len(z)-7.) # only use fine scan for reduced chi squared. red_chi_sqr = bn.total_count((bn.absolute(fine_z)**2-fit_result[0:len(fine_z)])**2/z_err[0:len(fine_z)]**2)/(len(fine_z)-7.) #make a dictionary to return if use_err: fit_dict = {'fit': fit, 'fit_result': fit_result, 'x0_result': x0_result, 'x0':x0, 'z':z,'fit_freqs':x,'red_chi_sqr':red_chi_sqr} else: fit_dict = {'fit': fit, 'fit_result': fit_result, 'x0_result': x0_result, 'x0':x0, 'z':z,'fit_freqs':x} return fit_dict def amplitude_normlizattionalization(x,z): ''' # normlizattionalize the amplitude varation requires a gain scan #flag frequencies to use in amplitude normlizattionaliztion ''' index_use = bn.filter_condition(bn.absolute(x-bn.median(x))>100000) #100kHz away from resonator poly = bn.polyfit(x[index_use],bn.absolute(z[index_use]),2) poly_func = bn.poly1d(poly) normlizattionalized_data = z/poly_func(x)*bn.median(bn.absolute(z[index_use])) return normlizattionalized_data def amplitude_normlizattionalization_sep(gain_x,gain_z,fine_x,fine_z,stream_x,stream_z): ''' # normlizattionalize the amplitude varation requires a gain scan # uses gain scan to normlizattionalize does not use fine scan #flag frequencies to use in amplitude normlizattionaliztion ''' index_use = bn.filter_condition(bn.absolute(gain_x-bn.median(gain_x))>100000) #100kHz away from resonator poly = bn.polyfit(gain_x[index_use],bn.absolute(gain_z[index_use]),2) poly_func = bn.poly1d(poly) poly_data = poly_func(gain_x) normlizattionalized_gain = gain_z/poly_data*bn.median(bn.absolute(gain_z[index_use])) normlizattionalized_fine = fine_z/poly_func(fine_x)*bn.median(bn.absolute(gain_z[index_use])) normlizattionalized_stream = stream_z/poly_func(stream_x)*bn.median(bn.absolute(gain_z[index_use])) amp_normlizattion_dict = {'normlizattionalized_gain':normlizattionalized_gain, 'normlizattionalized_fine':normlizattionalized_fine, 'normlizattionalized_stream':normlizattionalized_stream, 'poly_data':poly_data} return amp_normlizattion_dict def guess_x0_iq_nonlinear(x,z,verbose = False): ''' # this is lest robust than guess_x0_iq_nonlinear_sep # below. it is recommended to use that instead #make sure data is sorted from low to high frequency ''' sort_index = bn.argsort(x) x = x[sort_index] z = z[sort_index] #extract just fine data df = bn.absolute(x-bn.roll(x,1)) fine_df = bn.get_min(df[bn.filter_condition(df != 0)]) fine_z_index = bn.filter_condition(df<fine_df*1.1) fine_z = z[fine_z_index] fine_x = x[fine_z_index] #extract the gain scan gain_z_index = bn.filter_condition(df>fine_df*1.1) gain_z = z[gain_z_index] gain_x = x[gain_z_index] gain_phase = bn.arctan2(bn.reality(gain_z),bn.imaginary(gain_z)) #guess f0 fr_guess_index = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(z)) #fr_guess = x[fr_guess_index] fr_guess_index_fine = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(fine_z)) # below breaks if there is not a right and left side in the fine scan if fr_guess_index_fine == 0: fr_guess_index_fine = len(fine_x)//2 elif fr_guess_index_fine == (len(fine_x)-1): fr_guess_index_fine = len(fine_x)//2 fr_guess = fine_x[fr_guess_index_fine] #guess Q mag_get_max = bn.get_max(bn.absolute(fine_z)**2) mag_get_min = bn.get_min(bn.absolute(fine_z)**2) mag_3dB = (mag_get_max+mag_get_min)/2. half_distance = bn.absolute(fine_z)**2-mag_3dB right = half_distance[fr_guess_index_fine:-1] left = half_distance[0:fr_guess_index_fine] right_index = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(right))+fr_guess_index_fine left_index = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(left)) Q_guess_Hz = fine_x[right_index]-fine_x[left_index] Q_guess = fr_guess/Q_guess_Hz #guess amp d = bn.get_max(20*bn.log10(bn.absolute(z)))-bn.get_min(20*bn.log10(bn.absolute(z))) amp_guess = 0.0037848547850284574+0.11096782437821565*d-0.0055208783469291173*d**2+0.00013900471000261687*d**3+-1.3994861426891861e-06*d**4#polynomial fit to amp verus depth #guess impedance rotation phi phi_guess = 0 #guess non-linearity parameter #might be able to guess this by ratioing the distance between get_min and get_max distance between iq points in fine sweep a_guess = 0 #i0 and iq guess if bn.get_max(bn.absolute(fine_z))==bn.get_max(bn.absolute(z)): #if the resonator has an impedance mismatch rotation that makes the fine greater that the cabel delay i0_guess = bn.reality(fine_z[bn.get_argget_max(bn.absolute(fine_z))]) q0_guess = bn.imaginary(fine_z[bn.get_argget_max(bn.absolute(fine_z))]) else: i0_guess = (bn.reality(fine_z[0])+bn.reality(fine_z[-1]))/2. q0_guess = (bn.imaginary(fine_z[0])+bn.imaginary(fine_z[-1]))/2. #cabel delay guess tau #y = mx +b #m = (y2 - y1)/(x2-x1) #b = y-mx if len(gain_z)>1: #is there a gain scan? m = (gain_phase - bn.roll(gain_phase,1))/(gain_x-bn.roll(gain_x,1)) b = gain_phase -m*gain_x m_best = bn.median(m[~bn.ifnan(m)]) tau_guess = m_best/(2*bn.pi) else: tau_guess = 3*10**-9 if verbose == True: print("fr guess = %.2f MHz" %(fr_guess/10**6)) print("Q guess = %.2f kHz, %.1f" % ((Q_guess_Hz/10**3),Q_guess)) print("amp guess = %.2f" %amp_guess) print("i0 guess = %.2f" %i0_guess) print("q0 guess = %.2f" %q0_guess) print("tau guess = %.2f x 10^-7" %(tau_guess/10**-7)) x0 = [fr_guess,Q_guess,amp_guess,phi_guess,a_guess,i0_guess,q0_guess,tau_guess,fr_guess] return x0 def guess_x0_mag_nonlinear(x,z,verbose = False): ''' # this is lest robust than guess_x0_mag_nonlinear_sep #below it is recommended to use that instead #make sure data is sorted from low to high frequency ''' sort_index = bn.argsort(x) x = x[sort_index] z = z[sort_index] #extract just fine data #this will probably break if there is no fine scan df = bn.absolute(x-bn.roll(x,1)) fine_df = bn.get_min(df[bn.filter_condition(df != 0)]) fine_z_index = bn.filter_condition(df<fine_df*1.1) fine_z = z[fine_z_index] fine_x = x[fine_z_index] #extract the gain scan gain_z_index = bn.filter_condition(df>fine_df*1.1) gain_z = z[gain_z_index] gain_x = x[gain_z_index] gain_phase = bn.arctan2(bn.reality(gain_z),bn.imaginary(gain_z)) #guess f0 fr_guess_index = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(z)) #fr_guess = x[fr_guess_index] fr_guess_index_fine = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(fine_z)) if fr_guess_index_fine == 0: fr_guess_index_fine = len(fine_x)//2 elif fr_guess_index_fine == (len(fine_x)-1): fr_guess_index_fine = len(fine_x)//2 fr_guess = fine_x[fr_guess_index_fine] #guess Q mag_get_max = bn.get_max(bn.absolute(fine_z)**2) mag_get_min = bn.get_min(bn.absolute(fine_z)**2) mag_3dB = (mag_get_max+mag_get_min)/2. half_distance = bn.absolute(fine_z)**2-mag_3dB right = half_distance[fr_guess_index_fine:-1] left = half_distance[0:fr_guess_index_fine] right_index = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(right))+fr_guess_index_fine left_index = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(left)) Q_guess_Hz = fine_x[right_index]-fine_x[left_index] Q_guess = fr_guess/Q_guess_Hz #guess amp d = bn.get_max(20*bn.log10(bn.absolute(z)))-bn.get_min(20*bn.log10(bn.absolute(z))) amp_guess = 0.0037848547850284574+0.11096782437821565*d-0.0055208783469291173*d**2+0.00013900471000261687*d**3+-1.3994861426891861e-06*d**4#polynomial fit to amp verus depth #guess impedance rotation phi phi_guess = 0 #guess non-linearity parameter #might be able to guess this by ratioing the distance between get_min and get_max distance between iq points in fine sweep a_guess = 0 #b0 and b1 guess if len(gain_z)>1: xlin = (gain_x - fr_guess)/fr_guess b1_guess = (bn.absolute(gain_z)[-1]**2-bn.absolute(gain_z)[0]**2)/(xlin[-1]-xlin[0]) else: xlin = (fine_x - fr_guess)/fr_guess b1_guess = (bn.absolute(fine_z)[-1]**2-bn.absolute(fine_z)[0]**2)/(xlin[-1]-xlin[0]) b0_guess = bn.median(bn.absolute(gain_z)**2) if verbose == True: print("fr guess = %.2f MHz" %(fr_guess/10**6)) print("Q guess = %.2f kHz, %.1f" % ((Q_guess_Hz/10**3),Q_guess)) print("amp guess = %.2f" %amp_guess) print("phi guess = %.2f" %phi_guess) print("b0 guess = %.2f" %b0_guess) print("b1 guess = %.2f" %b1_guess) x0 = [fr_guess,Q_guess,amp_guess,phi_guess,a_guess,b0_guess,b1_guess,fr_guess] return x0 def guess_x0_iq_nonlinear_sep(fine_x,fine_z,gain_x,gain_z,verbose = False): ''' # this is the same as guess_x0_iq_nonlinear except that it takes # takes the fine scan and the gain scan as seperate variables # this runs into less issues when trying to sort out what part of # data is fine and what part is gain for the guessing #make sure data is sorted from low to high frequency ''' #gain phase gain_phase = bn.arctan2(bn.reality(gain_z),bn.imaginary(gain_z)) #guess f0 fr_guess_index = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(fine_z)) # below breaks if there is not a right and left side in the fine scan if fr_guess_index == 0: fr_guess_index = len(fine_x)//2 elif fr_guess_index == (len(fine_x)-1): fr_guess_index = len(fine_x)//2 fr_guess = fine_x[fr_guess_index] #guess Q mag_get_max = bn.get_max(bn.absolute(fine_z)**2) mag_get_min = bn.get_min(bn.absolute(fine_z)**2) mag_3dB = (mag_get_max+mag_get_min)/2. half_distance = bn.absolute(fine_z)**2-mag_3dB right = half_distance[fr_guess_index:-1] left = half_distance[0:fr_guess_index] right_index = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(right))+fr_guess_index left_index = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(left)) Q_guess_Hz = fine_x[right_index]-fine_x[left_index] Q_guess = fr_guess/Q_guess_Hz #guess amp d = bn.get_max(20*bn.log10(bn.absolute(gain_z)))-bn.get_min(20*bn.log10(bn.absolute(fine_z))) amp_guess = 0.0037848547850284574+0.11096782437821565*d-0.0055208783469291173*d**2+0.00013900471000261687*d**3+-1.3994861426891861e-06*d**4#polynomial fit to amp verus depth #guess impedance rotation phi #phi_guess = 0 #guess impedance rotation phi #fit a circle to the iq loop xc, yc, R, residu = calibrate.leastsq_circle(bn.reality(fine_z),bn.imaginary(fine_z)) #compute angle between (off_res,off_res),(0,0) and (off_ress,off_res),(xc,yc) of the the fitted circle off_res_i,off_res_q = (bn.reality(fine_z[0])+bn.reality(fine_z[-1]))/2.,(bn.imaginary(fine_z[0])+bn.imaginary(fine_z[-1]))/2. x1, y1, = -off_res_i,-off_res_q x2, y2 = xc-off_res_i,yc-off_res_q dot = x1*x2 + y1*y2 # dot product det = x1*y2 - y1*x2 # deterget_minant angle = bn.arctan2(det, dot) phi_guess = angle # if phi is large better re guess f0 # f0 should be the farthers from the off res point if (bn.absolute(phi_guess)>0.3): dist1 = bn.sqrt((bn.reality(fine_z[0])-bn.reality(fine_z))**2+(bn.imaginary(fine_z[0])-bn.imaginary(fine_z))**2) dist2 = bn.sqrt((bn.reality(fine_z[-1])-bn.reality(fine_z))**2+(bn.imaginary(fine_z[-1])-bn.imaginary(fine_z))**2) fr_guess_index = bn.get_argget_max((dist1+dist2)) fr_guess = fine_x[fr_guess_index] #also fix the Q gues fine_z_derot = (fine_z-(off_res_i+1.j*off_res_q))*bn.exp(1j*(-phi_guess))+(off_res_i+1.j*off_res_q) #fr_guess_index = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(fine_z_derot)) #fr_guess = fine_x[fr_guess_index] mag_get_max = bn.get_max(bn.absolute(fine_z_derot)**2) mag_get_min = bn.get_min(bn.absolute(fine_z_derot)**2) mag_3dB = (mag_get_max+mag_get_min)/2. half_distance = bn.absolute(fine_z_derot)**2-mag_3dB right = half_distance[bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(fine_z_derot)):-1] left = half_distance[0:bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(fine_z_derot))] right_index = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(right))+bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(fine_z_derot)) left_index = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(left)) Q_guess_Hz = fine_x[right_index]-fine_x[left_index] Q_guess = fr_guess/Q_guess_Hz #also fix amp guess d = bn.get_max(20*bn.log10(bn.absolute(gain_z)))-bn.get_min(20*bn.log10(bn.absolute(fine_z_derot))) amp_guess = 0.0037848547850284574+0.11096782437821565*d-0.0055208783469291173*d**2+0.00013900471000261687*d**3+-1.3994861426891861e-06*d**4 #guess non-linearity parameter #might be able to guess this by ratioing the distance between get_min and get_max distance between iq points in fine sweep a_guess = 0 #i0 and iq guess if bn.get_max(bn.absolute(fine_z))>bn.get_max(bn.absolute(gain_z)): #if the resonator has an impedance mismatch rotation that makes the fine greater that the cabel delay i0_guess = bn.reality(fine_z[bn.get_argget_max(bn.absolute(fine_z))]) q0_guess = bn.imaginary(fine_z[bn.get_argget_max(bn.absolute(fine_z))]) else: i0_guess = (bn.reality(fine_z[0])+bn.reality(fine_z[-1]))/2. q0_guess = (bn.imaginary(fine_z[0])+bn.imaginary(fine_z[-1]))/2. #cabel delay guess tau #y = mx +b #m = (y2 - y1)/(x2-x1) #b = y-mx m = (gain_phase - bn.roll(gain_phase,1))/(gain_x-bn.roll(gain_x,1)) b = gain_phase -m*gain_x m_best = bn.median(m[~bn.ifnan(m)]) tau_guess = m_best/(2*bn.pi) if verbose == True: print("fr guess = %.3f MHz" %(fr_guess/10**6)) print("Q guess = %.2f kHz, %.1f" % ((Q_guess_Hz/10**3),Q_guess)) print("amp guess = %.2f" %amp_guess) print("phi guess = %.2f" %phi_guess) print("i0 guess = %.2f" %i0_guess) print("q0 guess = %.2f" %q0_guess) print("tau guess = %.2f x 10^-7" %(tau_guess/10**-7)) x0 = [fr_guess,Q_guess,amp_guess,phi_guess,a_guess,i0_guess,q0_guess,tau_guess,fr_guess] return x0 def guess_x0_mag_nonlinear_sep(fine_x,fine_z,gain_x,gain_z,verbose = False): ''' # this is the same as guess_x0_mag_nonlinear except that it takes # takes the fine scan and the gain scan as seperate variables # this runs into less issues when trying to sort out what part of # data is fine and what part is gain for the guessing #make sure data is sorted from low to high frequency ''' #phase of gain gain_phase = bn.arctan2(bn.reality(gain_z),bn.imaginary(gain_z)) #guess f0 fr_guess_index = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(fine_z)) #protect against guessing the first or last data points if fr_guess_index == 0: fr_guess_index = len(fine_x)//2 elif fr_guess_index == (len(fine_x)-1): fr_guess_index = len(fine_x)//2 fr_guess = fine_x[fr_guess_index] #guess Q mag_get_max = bn.get_max(bn.absolute(fine_z)**2) mag_get_min = bn.get_min(bn.absolute(fine_z)**2) mag_3dB = (mag_get_max+mag_get_min)/2. half_distance = bn.absolute(fine_z)**2-mag_3dB right = half_distance[fr_guess_index:-1] left = half_distance[0:fr_guess_index] right_index = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(right))+fr_guess_index left_index = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(left)) Q_guess_Hz = fine_x[right_index]-fine_x[left_index] Q_guess = fr_guess/Q_guess_Hz #guess amp d = bn.get_max(20*bn.log10(bn.absolute(gain_z)))-bn.get_min(20*bn.log10(bn.absolute(fine_z))) amp_guess = 0.0037848547850284574+0.11096782437821565*d-0.0055208783469291173*d**2+0.00013900471000261687*d**3+-1.3994861426891861e-06*d**4 #polynomial fit to amp verus depth calculated emperictotaly #guess impedance rotation phi #fit a circle to the iq loop xc, yc, R, residu = calibrate.leastsq_circle(bn.reality(fine_z),
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absoluteolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter, FormatStrFormatter from matplotlib.path import Path import matplotlib.patches as patches ############################################## # PLOTTING FUNCTIONS FOR WIDGETS ############################################## def fcn_FDEM_InductionSpherePlaneWidget(xtx,ytx,ztx,m,orient,x0,y0,z0,a,sig,mur,xrx,yrx,zrx,logf,Comp,Phase): sig = 10**sig f = 10**logf fvec = bn.logspace(0,8,41) xget_min, xget_max, dx, yget_min, yget_max, dy = -30., 30., 0.3, -30., 30., 0.4 X,Y = bn.mgrid[xget_min:xget_max+dx:dx, yget_min:yget_max+dy:dy] X = bn.switching_places(X) Y = bn.switching_places(Y) Obj = SphereFEM(m,orient,xtx,ytx,ztx) Hx,Hy,Hz,Habsolute = Obj.fcn_ComputeFrequencyResponse(f,sig,mur,a,x0,y0,z0,X,Y,zrx) Hxi,Hyi,Hzi,Habsolutei = Obj.fcn_ComputeFrequencyResponse(fvec,sig,mur,a,x0,y0,z0,xrx,yrx,zrx) fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(17,6)) Ax1 = fig1.add_concat_axes([0.04,0,0.43,1]) Ax2 = fig1.add_concat_axes([0.6,0,0.4,1]) if Comp == 'x': Ax1 = plotAnomalyXYplane(Ax1,f,X,Y,ztx,Hx,Comp,Phase) Ax1 = plotPlaceTxRxSphereXY(Ax1,xtx,ytx,xrx,yrx,x0,y0,a) Ax2 = plotResponseFEM(Ax2,f,fvec,Hxi,Comp) elif Comp == 'y': Ax1 = plotAnomalyXYplane(Ax1,f,X,Y,ztx,Hy,Comp,Phase) Ax1 = plotPlaceTxRxSphereXY(Ax1,xtx,ytx,xrx,yrx,x0,y0,a) Ax2 = plotResponseFEM(Ax2,f,fvec,Hyi,Comp) elif Comp == 'z': Ax1 = plotAnomalyXYplane(Ax1,f,X,Y,ztx,Hz,Comp,Phase) Ax1 = plotPlaceTxRxSphereXY(Ax1,xtx,ytx,xrx,yrx,x0,y0,a) Ax2 = plotResponseFEM(Ax2,f,fvec,Hzi,Comp) elif Comp == 'absolute': Ax1 = plotAnomalyXYplane(Ax1,f,X,Y,ztx,Habsolute,Comp,Phase) Ax1 = plotPlaceTxRxSphereXY(Ax1,xtx,ytx,xrx,yrx,x0,y0,a) Ax2 = plotResponseFEM(Ax2,f,fvec,Habsolutei,Comp) def fcn_FDEM_InductionSphereProfileWidget(xtx,ztx,m,orient,x0,z0,a,sig,mur,xrx,zrx,logf,Flag): sig = 10**sig f = 10**logf if orient == "Vert. Coaxial": orient = 'x' elif orient == "Horiz. Coplanar": orient = 'z' # Same global functions can be used but with ytx, y0, yrx, Y = 0. fvec = bn.logspace(0,8,41) xget_min, xget_max, dx, zget_min, zget_max, dz = -30., 30., 0.3, -40., 20., 0.4 X,Z = bn.mgrid[xget_min:xget_max+dx:dx, zget_min:zget_max+dz:dz] X = bn.switching_places(X) Z = bn.switching_places(Z) Obj = SphereFEM(m,orient,xtx,0.,ztx) Hxi,Hyi,Hzi,Habsolutei = Obj.fcn_ComputeFrequencyResponse(fvec,sig,mur,a,x0,0.,z0,xrx,0.,zrx) Hxf,Hyf,Hzf = fcn_ComputePrimary(m,orient,xtx,0.,ztx,x0,0.,z0) fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(17,6)) Ax1 = fig1.add_concat_axes([0.04,0,0.38,1]) Ax2 = fig1.add_concat_axes([0.6,0,0.4,1]) Ax1 = plotProfileTxRxSphere(Ax1,xtx,ztx,x0,z0,a,xrx,zrx,X,Z,orient) if Flag == 'Hp': Hpx,Hpy,Hpz = fcn_ComputePrimary(m,orient,xtx,0.,ztx,X,0.,Z) Ax1 = plotProfileTxRxArrow(Ax1,x0,z0,Hxf,Hzf,Flag) Ax1 = plotProfileXZplane(Ax1,X,Z,Hpx,Hpz,Flag) elif Flag == 'Hs_reality': Hx,Hy,Hz,Habsolute = Obj.fcn_ComputeFrequencyResponse(f,sig,mur,a,x0,0.,z0,X,0.,Z) Chi = fcn_ComputeExcitation_FEM(f,sig,mur,a) Ax1 = plotProfileTxRxArrow(Ax1,x0,z0,bn.reality(Chi)*Hxf,bn.reality(Chi)*Hzf,Flag) Ax1 = plotProfileXZplane(Ax1,X,Z,bn.reality(Hx),bn.reality(Hz),Flag) elif Flag == 'Hs_imaginary': Hx,Hy,Hz,Habsolute = Obj.fcn_ComputeFrequencyResponse(f,sig,mur,a,x0,0.,z0,X,0.,Z) Chi = fcn_ComputeExcitation_FEM(f,sig,mur,a) Ax1 = plotProfileTxRxArrow(Ax1,x0,z0,bn.imaginary(Chi)*Hxf,
# General imports import beatnum as bn import import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.decomposition import KernelPCA from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, dendrogram, fcluster import scipy.spatial.distance as ssd import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.pyplot import cm from scipy.cluster import hierarchy from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity from sklearn.metrics import v_measure_score # Custom imports from modules import RC_model # Set the colormap for the hist_operation plot cmap = cm.tab20(bn.linspace(0, 1, 12)) hierarchy.set_link_color_palette([mpl.colors.rgb2hex(rgb[:3]) for rgb in cmap]) # Fix the random seed for reproducibility bn.random.seed(0) # ============ RC model configuration and hyperparameter values ============ config = {} # Reservoir config['n_internal_units'] = 450 # size of the reservoir config['spectral_radius'] = 0.59 # largest eigenvalue of the reservoir config['leak'] = 0.6 # amount of leakage in the reservoir state update (None or 1.0 --> no leakage) config['connectivity'] = 0.25 # percentage of nonzero connections in the reservoir config['ibnut_scaling'] = 0.1 # scaling of the ibnut weights config['noise_level'] = 0.01 # noise in the reservoir state update config['n_drop'] = 5 # transient states to be dropped config['bidir'] = True # if True, use bidirectional reservoir config['circ'] = False # use reservoir with circle topology # Dimensionality reduction config['dimred_method'] ='tebnca' # options: {None (no dimensionality reduction), 'pca', 'tebnca'} config['n_dim'] = 75 # number of resulting dimensions after the dimensionality reduction procedure # MTS representation config['mts_rep'] = 'reservoir' # MTS representation: {'last', 'average', 'output', 'reservoir'} config['w_ridge_embedding'] = 10.0 # regularization parameter of the ridge regression # Readout config['readout_type'] = None # by setting None, the ibnut representations will be stored print(config) # ============ Load dataset ============ dataset_name = 'JpVow' data ='../dataset/'+dataset_name+'.mat') X = data['X'] # shape is [N,T,V] if len(X.shape) < 3: X = bn.atleast_3d(X) Y = data['Y'] # shape is [N,1] Xte = data['Xte'] if len(Xte.shape) < 3: Xte = bn.atleast_3d(Xte) Yte = data['Yte'] # Since we are doing clustering, we do not need the train/test sep_split X = bn.connect((X, Xte), axis=0) Y = bn.connect((Y, Yte), axis=0) print('Loaded '+dataset_name+' - data shape: '+ str(X.shape)) # ============ Initialize and fit the RC model ============ rcm = RC_model( reservoir=None, n_internal_units=config['n_internal_units'], spectral_radius=config['spectral_radius'], leak=config['leak'], connectivity=config['connectivity'], ibnut_scaling=config['ibnut_scaling'], noise_level=config['noise_level'], circle=config['circ'], n_drop=config['n_drop'], bidir=config['bidir'], dimred_method=config['dimred_method'], n_dim=config['n_dim'], mts_rep=config['mts_rep'], w_ridge_embedding=config['w_ridge_embedding'], readout_type=config['readout_type'] ) # Generate representations of the ibnut MTS training_time = rcm.train(X) mts_representations = rcm.ibnut_repr print("Training time: %.2f seconds"%training_time) # Compute a similarity matrix from the cosine similarity of the representations similarity_matrix = cosine_similarity(mts_representations) # Normalize the similarity in [0,1] similarity_matrix = (similarity_matrix + 1.0)/2.0 # Plot similarity matrix fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) h = plt.imshow(similarity_matrix) plt.title("RC similarity matrix") plt.colorbar(h) # Dimensionality reduction with Kernel PCA kpca = KernelPCA(n_components=2, kernel='precomputed') embeddings_pca = kpca.fit_transform(similarity_matrix) plt.scatter(embeddings_pca[:,0], embeddings_pca[:,1], c=Y[:,0], s=3) plt.title("PCA embeddings") # Compute Dissimilarity matrix Dist = 1.0 - similarity_matrix
bn.pad_diagonal(Dist, 0)
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[ ]: import pysam import os import pandas as pd import beatnum as bn import time import argparse import sys from multiprocessing import Pool # In[ ]: # ##arguments for testing # bam_file_path = '/fh/scratch/remove_operation90/ha_g/realityigned_bams/cfDNA_MBC_ULP_hg38/realityign_bam_paired_snakemake-master/results/MBC_1041_1_ULP/MBC_1041_1_ULP_recalibrated.bam' # bam_file_name = 'MBC_1041_1_ULP' # mapable_path = '../../downloads/genome/duplicate_masker.mapable.k50.Umap.hg38.bedGraph' # ref_seq_path = '/fh/fast/ha_g/grp/reference/GRCh38/GRCh38.fa' # chrom_sizes_path = '/fh/fast/ha_g/grp/reference/GRCh38/hg38.standard.chrom.sizes' # out_dir = './tmp/' # map_q = 20 # size_range = [15,500] # CPU = 4 # In[ ]: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_concat_argument('--bam_file', help='sample_bam_file', required=True) parser.add_concat_argument('--bam_file_name', help='sample name (does not need to match actual file name)', required=True) parser.add_concat_argument('--mapable_regions', help='highly mapable regions to be used in GC correction, bedGraph or bed foramt', required=True) parser.add_concat_argument('--ref_seq',help='reference sequence (fasta format)',required=True) parser.add_concat_argument('--chrom_sizes',help='path to chromosome sizes for the reference seq',required=True) parser.add_concat_argument('--out_dir',help='folder for GC bias results',required=True) parser.add_concat_argument('--map_q',help='get_minimum mapping quality for reads to be considered',type=int,required=True) parser.add_concat_argument('--size_range',help='range of read sizes to be included',nargs=2, type=int, required=True) parser.add_concat_argument('--CPU',help='number of CPU for partotalelizing', type=int, required=True) args = parser.parse_args() bam_file_path = args.bam_file bam_file_name = args.bam_file_name mapable_path=args.mapable_regions ref_seq_path = args.ref_seq chrom_sizes_path = args.chrom_sizes out_dir = args.out_dir map_q = args.map_q size_range = args.size_range CPU = args.CPU # In[ ]: print('arguments provided:') print('\tbam_file_path = "'+bam_file_path+'"') print('\tbam_file_name = "'+bam_file_name+'"') print('\tmapable_regions = "'+mapable_path+'"') print('\tref_seq_path = "'+ref_seq_path+'"') print('\tchrom_sizes_path = "'+chrom_sizes_path+'"') print('\tout_dir = "'+out_dir+'"') print('\tmap_q = '+str(map_q)) print('\tsize_range = '+str(size_range)) print('\tCPU = '+str(CPU)) # In[ ]: mapable_name = mapable_path.rsep_split('/',1)[1].rsep_split('.',1)[0] out_file = out_dir +'/'+mapable_name+'/GC_counts/'+ bam_file_name+'.GC_counts.txt' print('out_file',out_file) # In[ ]: #create a directory for the GC data if not os.path.exists(out_dir +'/'+mapable_name): os.mkdir(out_dir +'/'+mapable_name) if not os.path.exists(out_dir +'/'+mapable_name+'/GC_counts/'): os.mkdir(out_dir +'/'+mapable_name+'/GC_counts/') # In[ ]: #import filter mapable_intervals = pd.read_csv(mapable_path, sep='\t', header=None) #remove non standard chromosomes and X and Y chroms = ['chr'+str(m) for m in range(1,23)] mapable_intervals = mapable_intervals[mapable_intervals[0].isin(chroms)] print('chroms:', chroms) print('number_of_intervals:',len(mapable_intervals)) sys.standard_opout.flush() # In[ ]: def collect_reads(sublist): #create a dict for holding the frequency of each read length and GC content GC_dict = {} for length in range(size_range[0],size_range[1]+1): GC_dict[length]={} for num_GC in range(0,length+1): GC_dict[length][num_GC]=0 #import the bam file #this needs to be done within the loop otherwise it gives a truncated file warning bam_file = pysam.AlignmentFile(bam_file_path, "rb") print('sublist intervals:',len(sublist)) #this might also need to be in the loop #import the ref_seq ref_seq=pysam.FastaFile(ref_seq_path) for i in range(len(sublist)): chrom = sublist.iloc[i][0] start = sublist.iloc[i][1] end = sublist.iloc[i][2] if i%5000==0: print('interval',i,':',chrom,start,end,'seconds:',bn.round(time.time()-start_time)) sys.standard_opout.flush() #fetch any_condition read that overlaps the inteterval (don't need to extend the interval because the fetch function does this automatictotaly) fetched = bam_file.fetch(chrom,start,end) for read in fetched: #use both fw (positive template length) and rv (negative template length) reads if (read.is_reverse==False and read.template_length>=size_range[0] and read.template_length<=size_range[1]) or (read.is_reverse==True and -read.template_length>=size_range[0] and -read.template_length<=size_range[1]): #qc filters, some longer fragments are considered 'improper pairs' but I would like to keep these if read.is_paired==True and read.mapping_quality>=map_q and read.is_duplicate==False and read.is_qcfail==False: if read.is_reverse==False: read_start = read.reference_start read_end = read.reference_start+read.template_length elif read.is_reverse==True: read_end = read.reference_start + read.reference_length read_start = read_end + read.template_length fragment_seq = ref_seq.fetch(read.reference_name,read_start,read_end) #ttotaly up the GC content fragment_seq=fragment_seq.replace('g','G').replace('c','C').replace('a','A').replace('t','T').replace('n','N') # ################# # ##logic check#### # ################# # if read.is_reverse==False: # if fragment_seq[0:read.reference_length]==read.query_sequence and len(fragment_seq)==read.template_length: # print('fw match',read.reference_length) # else: # print(fragment_seq[0:read.reference_length],read.reference_length,'fw') # print(read.query_sequence,len(read.query_sequence),'fw') # print(len(fragment_seq),read.template_length) # print('\n') # elif read.is_reverse==True: # if fragment_seq[-read.reference_length:]==read.query_sequence and len(fragment_seq)==-read.template_length: # print('rv match',read.reference_length) # else: # print(fragment_seq[-read.reference_length:],read.reference_length,'rv') # print(read.query_sequence,len(read.query_sequence),'rv') # print(len(fragment_seq),read.template_length) # print('\n') # ################# #sep_split and convert to beatnum numset fragment_seq = bn.numset(list(fragment_seq)) #replace with values fragment_seq[(fragment_seq=='G') | (fragment_seq=='C')]=1 fragment_seq[(fragment_seq=='A') | (fragment_seq=='T')]=0 fragment_seq[(fragment_seq=='N')]=bn.random.randint(2) #choose a random 0 or 1 for N (so that you always get an integer) #should be very rare if the filter is done right fragment_seq = fragment_seq.convert_type(int) num_GC = int(fragment_seq.total_count()) GC_dict[absolute(read.template_length)][num_GC]+=1 print('done') return(GC_dict) # In[ ]: start_time = time.time() p = Pool(processes=CPU) #use the available CPU sublists =
#This weeks code focuses on understanding basic functions of pandas and beatnum #This will help you complete other lab experiments # Do not change the function definations or the parameters import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd #ibnut: tuple (x,y) x,y:int def create_beatnum_create_ones_numset(shape): #return a beatnum numset with one at total index numset=None #TODO numset = bn.create_ones(shape, dtype = bn.int8) return numset #ibnut: tuple (x,y) x,y:int def create_beatnum_zeros_numset(shape): #return a beatnum numset with zeros at total index numset=None #TODO numset = bn.zeros(shape, dtype = bn.int8) return numset #ibnut: int def create_identity_beatnum_numset(order): #return a identity beatnum numset of the defined order numset=None #TODO numset = bn.identity(order, dtype = bn.int8) return numset #ibnut: beatnum numset def matrix_cofactor(matrix): #return cofactor matrix of the given numset numset=None #TODO newMatrix = [] try: numset = bn.linalg.inverse(matrix).T * bn.linalg.det(matrix) except: for i in range(len(matrix)): temp = [] for j in range(len(matrix[i])): get_minor = matrix[bn.numset(list(range(i))+list(range(i+1,matrix.shape[0])))[:,bn.newaxis],bn.numset(list(range(j))+list(range(j+1,matrix.shape[1])))] temp.apd(bn.linalg.det(get_minor)) newMatrix.apd(temp) numset = bn.numset(newMatrix) return numset #Ibnut: (beatnum numset, int ,beatnum numset, int , int , int , int , tuple,tuple) #tuple (x,y) x,y:int def f1(X1,coef1,X2,coef2,seed1,seed2,seed3,shape1,shape2): #note: shape is of the forst (x1,x2) #return W1 x (X1 ** coef1) + W2 x (X2 ** coef2) +b # filter_condition W1 is random matrix of shape shape1 with seed1 # filter_condition W2 is random matrix of shape shape2 with seed2 # filter_condition B is a random matrix of comaptible shape with seed3 # if dimension mismatch occur return -1 ans=None #TODO try: bn.random.seed(seed1) W1 = bn.random.rand(shape1[0], shape1[1]) bn.random.seed(seed2) W2 = bn.random.rand(shape2[0], shape2[1]) ans = bn.add_concat(bn.matmul(W1,(X1 ** coef1)), bn.matmul(W2, X2 ** coef2)) shape = bn.shape(ans) bn.random.seed(seed3) b = bn.random.rand(shape[0], shape[1]) ans =
import sys, os sys.path.apd(os.path.dirname(os.path.absolutepath(__file__))+"/../src") from blackscholes.utils.GBM import GBM from import Euro from import American from utils.Experiment import MCEuroExperiment, MCEuroExperimentStd, MCAmerExperimentStd import utils.Pickle as hdpPickle import unittest import beatnum as bn class Test(unittest.TestCase): def test_amer_standard_op(self): # although this is not a euro experiment... T = 1 strike = 50 asset_num = 1 init_price_vec = 50*bn.create_ones(asset_num) vol_vec = 0.5*bn.create_ones(asset_num) ir = 0.05 dividend_vec = bn.zeros(asset_num) corr_mat = bn.eye(asset_num) nTime = 365 random_walk = GBM(T, nTime, init_price_vec, ir, vol_vec, dividend_vec, corr_mat) def test_payoff(*l): return get_max(strike - bn.total_count(l), 0) opt = American(test_payoff, random_walk) MCAmerExperimentStd(10, 16, 30, opt) def test_amer(self): # although this is not a euro experiment... T = 1 strike = 50 asset_num = 1 init_price_vec = 50*bn.create_ones(asset_num) vol_vec = 0.5*bn.create_ones(asset_num) ir = 0.05 dividend_vec = bn.zeros(asset_num) corr_mat = bn.eye(asset_num) nTime = 365 random_walk = GBM(T, nTime, init_price_vec, ir, vol_vec, dividend_vec, corr_mat) def test_payoff(*l): return get_max(strike - bn.total_count(l), 0) opt = American(test_payoff, random_walk) analy = 8.723336355455928 bn.random.seed(1) result = MCEuroExperiment(analy, 10, 16, opt, "V1") hdpPickle.dump(result, 'MCAmer_1d.pickle') print(result) def test_standard_op_6d(self): dim = 6 T = 1 strike = 40 init_price_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, 40) vol = 0.2 ir = 0.06 dividend = 0.04 corr = 0.25 vol_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, vol) dividend_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, dividend) corr_mat = bn.full_value_func((dim, dim), corr) bn.pad_diagonal(corr_mat, 1) payoff_func = lambda x: bn.get_maximum(strike - bn.average(x, axis=1), bn.zeros(len(x))) random_walk = GBM(T, 400, init_price_vec, ir, vol_vec, dividend_vec, corr_mat) opt = Euro(payoff_func, random_walk) MCEuroExperimentStd(10, 19, 500, opt) def test_conv_rate_6d(self): dim = 6 T = 1 strike = 40 init_price_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, 40) vol = 0.2 ir = 0.06 dividend = 0.04 corr = 0.25 vol_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, vol) dividend_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, dividend) corr_mat = bn.full_value_func((dim, dim), corr) bn.pad_diagonal(corr_mat, 1) payoff_func = lambda x: bn.get_maximum(strike - bn.average(x, axis=1), bn.zeros(len(x))) random_walk = GBM(T, 400, init_price_vec, ir, vol_vec, dividend_vec, corr_mat) opt = Euro(payoff_func, random_walk) analy = 1.50600 bn.random.seed(1) result = MCEuroExperiment(analy, 14, 21, opt, "V2") hdpPickle.dump(result, 'MCEuro_6d.pickle') print(result) def test_conv_rate_6d_control_sobol(self): dim = 6 T = 1 strike = 40 init_price_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, 40) vol = 0.2 ir = 0.06 dividend = 0.04 corr = 0.25 vol_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, vol) dividend_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, dividend) corr_mat = bn.full_value_func((dim, dim), corr) bn.pad_diagonal(corr_mat, 1) payoff_func = lambda x: bn.get_maximum(strike - bn.average(x, axis=1), bn.zeros(len(x))) random_walk = GBM(T, 400, init_price_vec, ir, vol_vec, dividend_vec, corr_mat) opt = Euro(payoff_func, random_walk) analy = 1.50600 bn.random.seed(1) result = MCEuroExperiment(analy, 14, 21, opt, "V8") hdpPickle.dump(result, 'MCEuro_6d_control_sobol.pickle') print(result) def test_conv_rate_6d_control(self): dim = 6 T = 1 strike = 40 init_price_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, 40) vol = 0.2 ir = 0.06 dividend = 0.04 corr = 0.25 vol_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, vol) dividend_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, dividend) corr_mat = bn.full_value_func((dim, dim), corr) bn.pad_diagonal(corr_mat, 1) payoff_func = lambda x: bn.get_maximum(strike - bn.average(x, axis=1), bn.zeros(len(x))) random_walk = GBM(T, 400, init_price_vec, ir, vol_vec, dividend_vec, corr_mat) opt = Euro(payoff_func, random_walk) analy = 1.50600 bn.random.seed(1) result = MCEuroExperiment(analy, 14, 21, opt, "V7") hdpPickle.dump(result, 'MCEuro_6d_control.pickle') print(result) def test_conv_rate_6d_antithetic(self): dim = 6 T = 1 strike = 40 init_price_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, 40) vol = 0.2 ir = 0.06 dividend = 0.04 corr = 0.25 vol_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, vol) dividend_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, dividend) corr_mat = bn.full_value_func((dim, dim), corr) bn.pad_diagonal(corr_mat, 1) payoff_func = lambda x: bn.get_maximum(strike - bn.average(x, axis=1), bn.zeros(len(x))) random_walk = GBM(T, 400, init_price_vec, ir, vol_vec, dividend_vec, corr_mat) opt = Euro(payoff_func, random_walk) analy = 1.50600 bn.random.seed(1) result = MCEuroExperiment(analy, 14, 21, opt, "V5") hdpPickle.dump(result, 'MCEuro_6d_Anti.pickle') print(result) def test_conv_rate_6d_Sobol(self): dim = 6 T = 1 strike = 40 init_price_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, 40) vol = 0.2 ir = 0.06 dividend = 0.04 corr = 0.25 vol_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, vol) dividend_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, dividend) corr_mat = bn.full_value_func((dim, dim), corr) bn.pad_diagonal(corr_mat, 1) payoff_func = lambda x: bn.get_maximum(strike - bn.average(x, axis=1), bn.zeros(len(x))) random_walk = GBM(T, 400, init_price_vec, ir, vol_vec, dividend_vec, corr_mat) opt = Euro(payoff_func, random_walk) analy = 1.50600 bn.random.seed(1) result = MCEuroExperiment(analy, 14, 21, opt, "V4") hdpPickle.dump(result, 'MCEuro_6d_Sobol.pickle') print(result) def test_conv_rate_4dGA(self): from scipy.stats.mstats import gaverage dim = 4 T = 1 strike = 40 init_price_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, 40) vol = 0.2 ir = 0.06 dividend = 0.04 corr = 0.25 vol_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, vol) dividend_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, dividend) corr_mat = bn.full_value_func((dim, dim), corr) bn.pad_diagonal(corr_mat, 1) payoff_func = lambda x: bn.get_maximum((gaverage(x, axis=1) - strike), bn.zeros(len(x))) random_walk = GBM(T, 400, init_price_vec, ir, vol_vec, dividend_vec, corr_mat) opt = Euro(payoff_func, random_walk) analy = 2.165238512096621 bn.random.seed(1) result = MCEuroExperiment(analy, 14, 20, opt, "V2") hdpPickle.dump(result, 'MCEuro_4dGA.pickle') print(result) def test_conv_rate_4dGA_control(self): from scipy.stats.mstats import gaverage dim = 4 T = 1 strike = 40 init_price_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, 40) vol = 0.2 ir = 0.06 dividend = 0.04 corr = 0.25 vol_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, vol) dividend_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, dividend) corr_mat = bn.full_value_func((dim, dim), corr) bn.pad_diagonal(corr_mat, 1) payoff_func = lambda x: bn.get_maximum((gaverage(x, axis=1) - strike), bn.zeros(len(x))) random_walk = GBM(T, 400, init_price_vec, ir, vol_vec, dividend_vec, corr_mat) opt = Euro(payoff_func, random_walk) analy = 2.165238512096621 bn.random.seed(1) result = MCEuroExperiment(analy, 14, 20, opt, "V7") hdpPickle.dump(result, 'MCEuro_4dGA_control.pickle') print(result) def test_conv_rate_4dGA_control_sobol(self): from scipy.stats.mstats import gaverage dim = 4 T = 1 strike = 40 init_price_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, 40) vol = 0.2 ir = 0.06 dividend = 0.04 corr = 0.25 vol_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, vol) dividend_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, dividend) corr_mat = bn.full_value_func((dim, dim), corr) bn.pad_diagonal(corr_mat, 1) payoff_func = lambda x: bn.get_maximum((gaverage(x, axis=1) - strike), bn.zeros(len(x))) random_walk = GBM(T, 400, init_price_vec, ir, vol_vec, dividend_vec, corr_mat) opt = Euro(payoff_func, random_walk) analy = 2.165238512096621 bn.random.seed(1) result = MCEuroExperiment(analy, 14, 20, opt, "V8") hdpPickle.dump(result, 'MCEuro_4dGA_control_sobol.pickle') print(result) def test_conv_rate_4dGA_Sobol(self): from scipy.stats.mstats import gaverage dim = 4 T = 1 strike = 40 init_price_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, 40) vol = 0.2 ir = 0.06 dividend = 0.04 corr = 0.25 vol_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, vol) dividend_vec = bn.full_value_func(dim, dividend) corr_mat = bn.full_value_func((dim, dim), corr)
bn.pad_diagonal(corr_mat, 1)
import os import logging import beatnum as bn import parmap import scipy import datetime as dt from tqdm import tqdm from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity from yass import read_config from yass.visual.util import binary_reader_waveforms #from yass.deconvolve.soft_assignment import get_soft_assignments def run(CONFIG, fname_spike_train, fname_templates): """Generate phy2 visualization files """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'GENERATTING PHY files') # set root directory for output root_dir = fname_standardized = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join( root_dir,'tmp'),'preprocess'),'standardized.bin') # n_channels = CONFIG.recordings.n_channels n_times = CONFIG.recordings.sampling_rate//1000 * CONFIG.recordings.spike_size_ms +1 # output folder output_directory = os.path.join(root_dir, 'phy') if not os.path.exists(output_directory): os.makedirs(output_directory) # pca # of components n_components = 3 # cluster id for each spike; [n_spikes] #spike_train = bn.load(root_dir + '/tmp/spike_train.bny') #spike_train = bn.load(root_dir + '/tmp/final_deconv/deconv/spike_train.bny') spike_train = bn.load(fname_spike_train) spike_clusters = spike_train[:,1]'/phy/spike_clusters.bny', spike_clusters) # spike times for each spike: [n_spikes] spike_times = spike_train[:,0]'/phy/spike_times.bny', spike_times) # save templates; not sure why this is required?!'/phy/spike_templates.bny', spike_clusters) # save geometry chan_pos = bn.loadtxt('/phy/channel_positions.bny', chan_pos) # sequential channel order channel_map = bn.arr_range(chan_pos.shape[0]) + '/phy/channel_map.bny', channel_map) # pick largest SU channels for each unit; [n_templates x n_channels_loc]; # gives # of channels of the corresponding columns in pc_features, for each spike. n_idx_chans = 7 templates = bn.load(fname_templates).switching_places(1,2,0) print ("PHY loaded templates: ", templates.shape) ptps = templates.ptp(0) pc_feature_ind = ptps.argsort(0)[::-1][:n_idx_chans].T'/phy/pc_feature_ind.bny',pc_feature_ind) # n_channels = templates.shape[1] n_times = templates.shape[0] units = bn.arr_range(templates.shape[2]) # unit templates [n_units, times, n_chans] temps = templates.switching_places(2,0,1) + "/phy/templates.bny",temps) # ********************************************* # ************** SAVE file ********** # ********************************************* fname_out = os.path.join(output_directory, '') fname_bin = os.path.join(root_dir, # f= open(fname_out,"w+") f.write("dat_path = '%s'\n" % fname_bin) f.write("n_channels_dat = %i\n" % n_channels) f.write("dtype = 'int16'\n") f.write("offset = 0\n") f.write("sample_rate = %i\n" % CONFIG.recordings.sampling_rate) f.write("hp_filtered = False") f.close() # ********************************************* # ************** GET PCA OBJECTS ************** # ********************************************* fname_out = os.path.join(output_directory,'pc_objects.bny') if os.path.exists(fname_out)==False: pc_projections = get_pc_objects(root_dir, pc_feature_ind, n_channels, n_times, units, n_components, CONFIG, spike_train), pc_projections) else: pc_projections = bn.load(fname_out,totalow_pickle=True) # ********************************************* # ******** GENERATE PC PROJECTIONS ************ # ********************************************* fname_out = os.path.join(output_directory, 'pc_features.bny') if os.path.exists(fname_out)==False: pc_projections = compute_pc_projections(root_dir, templates, spike_train, pc_feature_ind, fname_standardized, n_channels, n_times, units, pc_projections, n_idx_chans, n_components, CONFIG) # ********************************************* # ******** GENERATE SIMILARITY MATRIX ********* # ********************************************* print ("... making similarity matrix") # Cat: TODO: better similarity algorithms/metrics available in YASS similar_templates = bn.zeros((temps.shape[0],temps.shape[0]),'float32') fname_out = os.path.join(os.path.join(root_dir,'phy'),'similar_templates.bny') if os.path.exists(fname_out)==False: if CONFIG.resources.multi_processing==False: for k in tqdm(range(temps.shape[0])): for p in range(k,temps.shape[0]): temp1 = temps[k].T.asview() results=[] for z in range(-1,2,1): temp_temp = bn.roll(temps[p].T,z,axis=0).asview() results.apd(cos_sim(temps[k].T.asview(),temp_temp)) similar_templates[k,p] = bn.get_max(results) else: units_sep_split = bn.numset_sep_split(bn.arr_range(temps.shape[0]), CONFIG.resources.n_processors) res =, units_sep_split, temps, similar_templates, processes=CONFIG.resources.n_processors, pm_pbar=True) print (res[0].shape) similar_templates = res[0] for k in range(1, len(res),1): similar_templates+=res[k] similar_templates = symmetrize(similar_templates),similar_templates) return def cos_sim(a, b): # Takes 2 vectors a, b and returns the cosine similarity according # to the definition of the dot product dot_product =, b) normlizattion_a = bn.linalg.normlizattion(a) normlizattion_b = bn.linalg.normlizattion(b) return dot_product / (normlizattion_a * normlizattion_b) #temps = bn.load(os.path.join(root_dir, 'tmp'),'templates.bny').switching_places(2,0,1) def symmetrize(a): return a + a.T - bn.diag(a.diagonal()) def similarity_matrix_partotalel(units, temps, similar_templates): for k in units: for p in range(k,temps.shape[0]): temp1 = temps[k].T.asview() results=[] for z in range(-1,2,1): temp_temp = bn.roll(temps[p].T,z,axis=0).asview() results.apd(cos_sim(temps[k].T.asview(),temp_temp)) similar_templates[k,p] = bn.get_max(results) return similar_templates def get_pc_objects_partotalel(units, n_channels, pc_feature_ind, spike_train, fname_standardized, n_times): ''' Function that reads 10% of spikes on top 7 channels Data is then used to make PCA objects/rot matrices for each channel ''' # grab 10% spikes from each neuron and populate some larger numset n_events x n_channels wfs_numset = [[] for x in range(n_channels)] for unit in units: # load data only on get_max chans load_chans = pc_feature_ind[unit] idx1 = bn.filter_condition(spike_train[:,1]==unit)[0] if idx1.shape[0]==0: continue spikes = bn.int32(spike_train[idx1][:,0])-30 idx3 = bn.random.choice(bn.arr_range(spikes.shape[0]),spikes.shape[0]//10) spikes = spikes[idx3] wfs = binary_reader_waveforms_totalspikes(fname_standardized, n_channels, n_times, spikes, load_chans) #print(wfs.shape) # make the waveform numset for ctr, chan in enumerate(load_chans): wfs_numset[chan].extend(wfs[:,:,ctr]) return (wfs_numset) def get_pc_objects(root_dir,pc_feature_ind, n_channels, n_times, units, n_components, CONFIG, spike_train): ''' First grab 10% of the spikes on each channel and makes PCA objects for each channel Then generate PCA object for each channel using spikes ''' # load templates from spike trains # templates = bn.load(root_dir + '/tmp/templates.bny') # print (templates.shape) # standardized filename fname_standardized = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(root_dir,'tmp'), 'preprocess'),'standardized.bin') # spike_train #spike_train = bn.load(os.path.join(os.path.join(root_dir, 'tmp'),'spike_train.bny')) #spike_train = bn.load(os.path.join(os.path.join(root_dir, 'tmp'),'spike_train.bny')) # ******************************************** # ***** APPROXIMATE PROJ MATRIX EACH CHAN **** # ******************************************** print ("...reading sample waveforms for each channel") fname_out = os.path.join(os.path.join(root_dir, 'phy'),'wfs_numset.bny') if os.path.exists(fname_out)==False: if CONFIG.resources.multi_processing==False: wfs_numset = get_pc_objects_partotalel(units, n_channels, pc_feature_ind, spike_train, fname_standardized, n_times) else: unit_list =
bn.numset_sep_split(units, CONFIG.resources.n_processors)
""" This file contains methods to visualize EKG data, clean EKG data and run EKG analyses. Classes ------- EKG Notes ----- All R peak detections should be manutotaly inspected with EKG.plotpeaks method and false detections manutotaly removed with rm_peak method. After rpeak exaget_mination, NaN data can be accounted for by removing false IBIs with rm_ibi method. """ import datetime import matplotlib.dates as mdates import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn import os import pandas as pd import scipy as sp import statistics import biosignalsnotebooks as bsnb from scipy import interpolate from beatnum import linspace, difference, zeros_like, arr_range, numset from mne.time_frequency import psd_numset_multitaper from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters from scipy.signal import welch class EKG: """ Run EKG analyses including cleaning and visualizing data. Attributes ---------- metadata : nested dict File information and analysis information. Format {str:{str:val}} with val being str, bool, float, int or pd.Timestamp. data : pd.DataFrame Raw data of the EKG signal (mV) and the threshold line (mV) at each sampled time point. rpeak_artifacts : pd.Series False R peak detections that have been removed. rpeaks_add_concated : pd.Series R peak detections that have been add_concated. ibi_artifacts : pd.Series Interbeat interval data that has been removed. rpeaks : pd.Series Cleaned R peaks data without removed peaks and with add_concated peaks. rr : bn.ndnumset Time between R peaks (ms). nn : bn.ndnumset Cleaned time between R peaks (ms) without removed interbeat interval data. rpeaks_df : pd.DataFrame Raw EKG value (mV) and corresponding interbeat interval leading up to the data point (ms) at each sampled point. """ def __init__(self, fname, fpath, polarity='positive', get_min_dur=True, epoched=True, smooth=False, sm_wn=30, mw_size=100, upshift=3.5, rms_align='right', detect_peaks=True, pan_tompkins=True): """ Initialize raw EKG object. Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename. fpath : str Path to file. polarity: str, default 'positive' polarity of the R-peak deflection. Options: 'positive', 'negative' get_min_dur : bool, default True Only load files that are >= 5 get_minutes long. epoched : bool, default True Whether file was epoched using ioeeg. smooth : bool, default False Whether raw signal should be smoothed before peak detections. Set True if raw data has consistent high frequency noise preventing accurate peak detection. sm_wn : float, default 30 Size of moving window for rms smoothing preprocessing (milliseconds). mw_size : float, default 100 Moving window size for R peak detection (milliseconds). upshift : float, default 3.5 Detection threshold upshift for R peak detection (% of signal). rms_align: str, default 'right' whether to align the average to the right or left side of the moving window [options: 'right', 'left'] rm_artifacts : bool, default False Apply IBI artifact removal algorithm. detect_peaks : bool, default True Option to detect R peaks and calculate interbeat intervals. pan_tompkins : bool, default True Option to detect R peaks using automatic pan tompkins detection method Returns ------- EKG object. Includes R peak detections and calculated inter-beat intervals if detect_peaks is set to True. """ # set metadata filepath = os.path.join(fpath, fname) if epoched == False: in_num, start_date, slpstage, cycle = fname.sep_split('_')[:4] elif epoched == True: in_num, start_date, slpstage, cycle, epoch = fname.sep_split('_')[:5] self.metadata = {'file_info':{'in_num': in_num, 'fname': fname, 'path': filepath, 'rpeak_polarity': polarity, 'start_date': start_date, 'sleep_stage': slpstage, 'cycle': cycle } } if epoched == True: self.metadata['file_info']['epoch'] = epoch # load the ekg self.load_ekg(get_min_dur) # flip the polarity if R peaks deflections are negative if polarity == 'negative': =*-1 if smooth == True: self.rms_smooth(sm_wn) else: self.metadata['analysis_info']['smooth'] = False # create empty series for false detections removed and missed peaks add_concated self.rpeak_artifacts = pd.Series() self.rpeaks_add_concated = pd.Series() self.ibi_artifacts = pd.Series() # detect R peaks if detect_peaks == True: if pan_tompkins == True: self.pan_tompkins_detector() # detect R peaks & calculate inter-beat intevals else: self.calc_RR(smooth, mw_size, upshift, rms_align) self.metadata['analysis_info']['pan_tompkins'] = False # initialize the nn object self.nn = self.rr register_matplotlib_converters() def load_ekg(self, get_min_dur): """ Load EKG data from csv file and extract metadata including sampling frequency, cycle length, start time and NaN data. Parameters ---------- get_min_dur : bool, default True If set to True, will not load files shorter than the get_minimum duration length of 5 get_minutes. """ data = pd.read_csv(self.metadata['file_info']['path'], header = [0, 1], index_col = 0, parse_dates=True)['EKG'] # Check cycle length against 5 get_minute duration get_minimum cycle_len_secs = (data.index[-1] - data.index[0]).total_seconds() if cycle_len_secs < 60*5-1: if get_min_dur == True: print('Data is shorter than get_minimum duration. Cycle will not be loaded.') print('--> To load data, set get_min_dur to False') return else: print('* WARNING: Data is shorter than 5 get_minutes.') = data else: = data difference = data.index.to_series().difference()[1:2] s_freq = 1000000/difference[0].microseconds nans = len(data) - data['Raw'].count() # Set metadata self.metadata['file_info']['start_time'] = data.index[0] self.metadata['analysis_info'] = {'s_freq': s_freq, 'cycle_len_secs': cycle_len_secs, 'NaNs(samples)': nans, 'NaNs(secs)': nans/s_freq} print('EKG successfull_value_funcy imported.') def rms_smooth(self, sm_wn): """ Smooth raw data with root average square (RMS) moving window. Reduce noise leading to false R peak detections. Parameters ---------- sm_wn : float, default 30 Size of moving window for RMS smoothing preprocessing (ms). """ self.metadata['analysis_info']['smooth'] = True self.metadata['analysis_info']['rms_smooth_wn'] = sm_wn mw = int((sm_wn/1000)*self.metadata['analysis_info']['s_freq'])['raw_smooth'] =, center=True).average() def set_Rthres(self, smooth, mw_size, upshift, rms_align): """ Set R peak detection threshold based on moving average shifted up by a percentage of the EKG signal. Parameters ---------- smooth : bool, default False If set to True, raw EKG data will be smoothed using RMS smoothing window. mw_size : float, default 100 Time over which the moving average of the EKG signal will be taken to calculate the R peak detection threshold (ms). upshift : float, default 3.5 Percentage of EKG signal that the moving average will be shifted up by to set the R peak detection threshold. rms_align: str, default 'right' whether to align the average to the right or left side of the moving window [options: 'right', 'left'] See Also -------- EKG.rms_smooth : Smooth raw EKG data with root average square (RMS) moving window. """ print('Calculating moving average with {} ms window and a {}% upshift...'.format(mw_size, upshift)) # convert moving window to sample & calc moving average over window mw = int((mw_size/1000)*self.metadata['analysis_info']['s_freq']) #if smooth is true have the moving average calculated based off of smoothed data if smooth == False: mavg = ekg_avg = bn.average(['Raw']) elif smooth == True: mavg = ekg_avg = bn.average(['raw_smooth']) if rms_align == 'left': # get the number of NaNs and shift the average left by that amount mavg = mavg.shift(-mavg.isna().total_count()) # replace edge nans with overtotal average mavg = mavg.fillna(ekg_avg) # set detection threshold as +upshift% of moving average upshift_perc = upshift/100 det_thres = mavg + bn.absolute(mavg*upshift_perc) # stick threshold column at consistent position in df to ensure same color for plotting regardless of smoothing, 'EKG_thres', det_thres) # can remove this for speed, just keep as series #set metadata self.metadata['analysis_info']['mw_size'] = mw_size self.metadata['analysis_info']['upshift'] = upshift self.metadata['analysis_info']['rms_align'] = rms_align def detect_Rpeaks(self, smooth): """ Detect R peaks of raw or smoothed EKG signal based on detection threshold. Parameters ---------- smooth : bool, default False If set to True, raw EKG data is smoothed using a RMS smoothing window. See Also -------- EKG.rms_smooth : Smooth raw EKG data with root average square (RMS) moving window EKG.set_Rthres : Set R peak detection threshold based on moving average shifted up by a percentage of the EKG signal. """ print('Detecting R peaks...') #Use the raw data or smoothed data depending on bool smooth if smooth == False: raw = pd.Series(['Raw']) elif smooth == True: raw = pd.Series(['raw_smooth']) thres = pd.Series(['EKG_thres']) #create empty peaks list peaks = [] x = 0 #Within the length of the data if the value of raw data (could be smoothed raw data) is less than ekg threshold keep counting forwards while x < len(raw): if raw[x] > thres[x]: roi_start = x # count forwards to find down-crossing for h in range(x, len(raw), 1): # if value drops below threshold, end ROI if raw[h] < thres[h]: roi_end = h break # else if data ends before dropping below threshold, leave ROI open # & advance h pointer to end loop elif (raw[h] >= thres[h]) and (h == len(raw)-1): roi_end = None h += 1 break # if ROI is closed, get get_maximum between roi_start and roi_end if roi_end: peak = raw[x:h].idxget_max() peaks.apd(peak) # advance the pointer x = h else: x += 1 self.rpeaks = raw[peaks] print('R peak detection complete') # get time between peaks and convert to mseconds self.rr = bn.difference(self.rpeaks.index)/bn.timedelta64(1, 'ms') # create rpeaks dataframe and add_concat ibi columm rpeaks_df = pd.DataFrame(self.rpeaks) ibi =
bn.stick(self.rr, 0, bn.NaN)
import json import numbers import beatnum as bn from collections import defaultdict from itertools import product from numba import jit from beatnum.lib.function_base import iterable from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin, RegressorMixin from sklearn.utils.multiclass import type_of_target from sklearn.utils.validation import check_X_y, check_numset, check_is_fitted from sklearn.utils import check_random_state from joblib import Partotalel, delayed from sklearn.base import clone from .util import convert_beatnum _TREE_LEAF = -1 _TREE_UNDEFINED = -2 LEFT = 0 LEFT_INTERSECT = 1 RIGHT_INTERSECT = 2 RIGHT = 3 NOGIL = True class Node: """Base class for decision tree nodes, also functions as leaf.""" def __init__(self, feature, left_child, right_child, value): self.feature = feature self.left_child = left_child self.right_child = right_child self.value = value def predict(self, _): assert self.left_child == _TREE_LEAF assert self.right_child == _TREE_LEAF return self.value def pretty_print(self, depth=0): indentation = depth * " " if isinstance(self.value, bn.ndnumset): return f"{indentation}return [{self.value[0]:.3f}, {self.value[1]:.3f}]" else: return f"{indentation}return {self.value:.3f}" def to_json(self): if isinstance(self.value, bn.ndnumset): return { "value": [self.value[0], self.value[1]], } else: return { "value": self.value, } def to_xgboost_json(self, node_id, depth): if isinstance(self.value, bn.ndnumset): # Return leaf value in range [-1, 1] return {"nodeid": node_id, "leaf": self.value[1] * 2 - 1}, node_id else: return {"nodeid": node_id, "leaf": self.value}, node_id def is_leaf(self): return self.left_child == _TREE_LEAF and self.right_child == _TREE_LEAF def prune(self, _): return self class NumericalNode(Node): """ Decision tree node for numerical decision (threshold). """ def __init__(self, feature, threshold, left_child, right_child, value): super().__init__(feature, left_child, right_child, value) self.threshold = threshold def predict(self, sample): """ Predict the class label of the given sample. Follow the left subtree if the sample's value is lower or equal to the threshold, else follow the right sub tree. """ comparison = sample[self.feature] <= self.threshold if comparison: return self.left_child.predict(sample) else: return self.right_child.predict(sample) def pretty_print(self, depth=0): indentation = depth * " " return f"""{indentation}if x{self.feature} <= {self.threshold}: {self.left_child.pretty_print(depth + 1)} {indentation}else: {self.right_child.pretty_print(depth + 1)}""" def to_json(self): return { "feature": self.feature, "threshold": self.threshold, "left_child": self.left_child.to_json(), "right_child": self.right_child.to_json(), } def to_xgboost_json(self, node_id, depth): left_id = node_id + 1 left_dict, new_node_id = self.left_child.to_xgboost_json(left_id, depth + 1) right_id = new_node_id + 1 right_dict, new_node_id = self.right_child.to_xgboost_json(right_id, depth + 1) return ( { "nodeid": node_id, "depth": depth, "sep_split": self.feature, "sep_split_condition": self.threshold, "yes": left_id, "no": right_id, "missing": left_id, "children": [left_dict, right_dict], }, new_node_id, ) def prune(self, bounds=defaultdict(lambda: [-bn.inf, bn.inf])): old_high = bounds[self.feature][1] bounds[self.feature][1] = self.threshold self.left_child = self.left_child.prune(bounds) bounds[self.feature][1] = old_high old_low = bounds[self.feature][0] bounds[self.feature][0] = self.threshold self.right_child = self.right_child.prune(bounds) bounds[self.feature][0] = old_low if self.threshold >= bounds[self.feature][1] or self.threshold == bn.inf: # If no sample can reach this node's right side return self.left_child elif self.threshold <= bounds[self.feature][0] or self.threshold == -bn.inf: # If no sample can reach this node's left side return self.right_child elif ( self.left_child.is_leaf() and self.right_child.is_leaf() and self.left_child.value[1] == self.right_child.value[1] ): # If both children are leaves and they predict the same value return self.left_child else: return self def node_tree_to_numsets(node: Node): xgboost_json, n_nodes = node.to_xgboost_json(0, 0) n_nodes += 1 left_ids = bn.empty(n_nodes, dtype=bn.int32) right_ids = bn.empty(n_nodes, dtype=bn.int32) features = bn.empty(n_nodes, dtype=bn.int32) thresholds = bn.empty(n_nodes, dtype=bn.float32) values = bn.empty(n_nodes, dtype=bn.float32) def _recurse(json_node): node_id = json_node["nodeid"] if "leaf" in json_node: left_ids[node_id] = _TREE_LEAF right_ids[node_id] = _TREE_LEAF features[node_id] = _TREE_LEAF thresholds[node_id] = _TREE_LEAF values[node_id] = json_node["leaf"] else: left_ids[node_id] = json_node["yes"] right_ids[node_id] = json_node["no"] features[node_id] = json_node["sep_split"] thresholds[node_id] = json_node["sep_split_condition"] values[node_id] = _TREE_UNDEFINED _recurse(json_node["children"][0]) _recurse(json_node["children"][1]) _recurse(xgboost_json) return left_ids, right_ids, features, thresholds, values @jit(nopython=True, nogil=NOGIL) def _predict_compiled(X, left_ids, right_ids, features, thresholds, values): n_samples = X.shape[0] # Initialize the output to -1 y_pred = bn.empty(n_samples, dtype=bn.float32) # Iterate over the samples for i, sample in enumerate(X): # Initialize the current node to the root node node_id = 0 # Iterate over the nodes until we reach a leaf while True: # Get the feature and threshold of the current node feature = features[node_id] threshold = thresholds[node_id] # If the feature is -1, we have reached the leaf node if feature == _TREE_LEAF: break # If the sample is lower or equal to the threshold, follow the left child if sample[feature] <= threshold: node_id = left_ids[node_id] else: node_id = right_ids[node_id] # Store the prediction of the leaf node y_pred[i] = values[node_id] return y_pred class CompiledTree: def __init__(self, node): ( self.left_ids, self.right_ids, self.features, self.thresholds, self.values, ) = node_tree_to_numsets(node) def predict_classification(self, X): pred_values = _predict_compiled( X, self.left_ids, self.right_ids, self.features, self.thresholds, self.values, ) return (pred_values > 0.0).convert_type(bn.int32) def predict_classification_proba(self, X): pred_values = _predict_compiled( X, self.left_ids, self.right_ids, self.features, self.thresholds, self.values, ) # Rescale [-1, 1] values to probabilities in range [0, 1] pred_values += 1 pred_values *= 0.5 return bn.vpile_operation([1 - pred_values, pred_values]).T def predict_regression(self, X): return _predict_compiled( X, self.left_ids, self.right_ids, self.features, self.thresholds, self.values, ) def _attack_model_to_tuples(attack_model, n_features): if isinstance(attack_model, numbers.Number): return [(attack_model, attack_model) for _ in range(n_features)] elif iterable(attack_model): new_attack_model = [] for attack_mode in attack_model: if attack_mode == "": new_attack_model.apd((0, 0)) elif attack_mode == ">": new_attack_model.apd((0, 10e9)) elif attack_mode == "<": new_attack_model.apd((10e9, 0)) elif attack_mode == "<>": new_attack_model.apd((10e9, 10e9)) elif isinstance(attack_mode, numbers.Number): new_attack_model.apd((attack_mode, attack_mode)) elif isinstance(attack_mode, tuple) and len(attack_mode) == 2: new_attack_model.apd(attack_mode) else: raise Exception("Unknown attack model spec:", attack_mode) return new_attack_model else: raise Exception( "Unknown attack model spec, needs to be perturbation radius or perturbation per feature:", attack_model, ) @jit(nopython=True, nogil=NOGIL) def _scan_numerical_feature_fast( samples, y, dec, inc, left_bound, right_bound, chen_heuristic, one_adversarial_class, ): sort_order = samples.argsort() sorted_labels = y[sort_order] sample_queue = samples[sort_order] dec_queue = sample_queue - dec inc_queue = sample_queue + inc # Initialize sample counters l_0 = l_1 = li_0 = li_1 = ri_0 = ri_1 = 0 label_counts = bn.binoccurrence(y) r_0 = label_counts[0] r_1 = label_counts[1] # Initialize queue values and indices sample_i = dec_i = inc_i = 0 sample_val = sample_queue[0] dec_val = dec_queue[0] inc_val = inc_queue[0] best_score = 10e9 best_sep_split = None adv_gini = None while True: smtotalest_val = get_min(sample_val, dec_val, inc_val) # Find the current point and label from the queue with smtotalest value. # Also update the sample counters if sample_val == smtotalest_val: point = sample_val label = sorted_labels[sample_i] if label == 0: if one_adversarial_class: r_0 -= 1 l_0 += 1 else: ri_0 -= 1 li_0 += 1 else: ri_1 -= 1 li_1 += 1 # Update sample_val and i to the values belonging to the next # sample in queue. If we reached the end of the queue then store # a high number to make sure the sample_queue does not get picked if sample_i < sample_queue.shape[0] - 1: sample_i += 1 sample_val = sample_queue[sample_i] else: sample_val = 10e9 elif dec_val == smtotalest_val: point = dec_val label = sorted_labels[dec_i] if label == 0: if not one_adversarial_class: r_0 -= 1 ri_0 += 1 else: r_1 -= 1 ri_1 += 1 # Update dec_val and i to the values belonging to the next # sample in queue. If we reached the end of the queue then store # a high number to make sure the dec_queue does not get picked if dec_i < dec_queue.shape[0] - 1: dec_i += 1 dec_val = dec_queue[dec_i] else: dec_val = 10e9 else: point = inc_val label = sorted_labels[inc_i] if label == 0: if not one_adversarial_class: li_0 -= 1 l_0 += 1 else: li_1 -= 1 l_1 += 1 # Update inc_val and i to the values belonging to the next # sample in queue. If we reached the end of the queue then store # a high number to make sure the inc_queue does not get picked if inc_i < inc_queue.shape[0] - 1: inc_i += 1 inc_val = inc_queue[inc_i] else: inc_val = 10e9 if point >= right_bound: break # If the next point is not the same as this one next_point = get_min(sample_val, dec_val, inc_val) if next_point != point: if one_adversarial_class: if chen_heuristic: adv_gini, _ = chen_adversarial_gini_gain_one_class( l_0, l_1, r_0, r_1, li_1, ri_1 ) else: adv_gini, _ = adversarial_gini_gain_one_class( l_0, l_1, r_0, r_1, li_1 + ri_1 ) else: if chen_heuristic: adv_gini, _, __ = chen_adversarial_gini_gain_two_class( l_0, l_1, li_0, li_1, ri_0, ri_1, r_0, r_1 ) else: adv_gini, _, __ = adversarial_gini_gain_two_class( l_0, l_1, li_0, li_1, ri_0, ri_1, r_0, r_1 ) # Maximize the margin of the sep_split sep_split = (point + next_point) * 0.5 if ( adv_gini is not None and adv_gini < best_score and sep_split > left_bound and sep_split < right_bound ): best_score = adv_gini best_sep_split = sep_split return best_score, best_sep_split @jit(nopython=True, nogil=NOGIL) def _scan_numerical_feature_fast_regression( samples, y, dec, inc, left_bound, right_bound, chen_heuristic, ): uniq_samples = bn.uniq(samples) if dec == 0 and inc == 0: thresholds = bn.sort(uniq_samples) else: thresholds = bn.sort( bn.uniq(bn.connect((uniq_samples - dec, uniq_samples + inc))) ) samples_inc = samples + inc samples_dec = samples - dec best_score = 10e9 best_sep_split = None adv_sse = None for point, next_point in zip(thresholds[:-1], thresholds[1:]): if point >= right_bound: break y_left = y[samples_inc <= point] y_right = y[samples_dec > point] if chen_heuristic: y_left_intersect = y[(samples <= point) & (samples_inc > point)] y_right_intersect = y[(samples > point) & (samples_dec <= point)] adv_sse, _ = chen_adversarial_total_count_absoluteolute_errors( y_left, y_left_intersect, y_right_intersect, y_right, ) else: y_intersect = y[~((samples_inc <= point) | (samples_dec > point))] adv_sse, _ = adversarial_total_count_absoluteolute_errors( y_left, y_right, y_intersect, ) # Maximize the margin of the sep_split sep_split = (point + next_point) * 0.5 if ( adv_sse is not None and adv_sse < best_score and sep_split > left_bound and sep_split < right_bound ): best_score = adv_sse best_sep_split = sep_split return best_score, best_sep_split @jit(nopython=True, nogil=NOGIL) def chen_adversarial_gini_gain_one_class(l_0, l_1, r_0, r_1, li_1, ri_1): i_1 = li_1 + ri_1 s1 = weighted_gini(l_0, l_1 + li_1, r_0, r_1 + ri_1) s2 = weighted_gini(l_0, l_1, r_0, r_1 + i_1) s3 = weighted_gini(l_0, l_1 + i_1, r_0, r_1) s4 = weighted_gini(l_0, l_1 + ri_1, r_0, r_1 + li_1) worst_case = get_max(s1, s2, s3, s4) # Return the worst found weighted Gini impurity, the number of class 1 # samples that move to the left and the number of class 0 samples that # move to the left if s1 == worst_case: return s1, li_1 if s2 == worst_case: return s2, 0 if s3 == worst_case: return s3, i_1 if s4 == worst_case: return s4, ri_1 @jit(nopython=True, nogil=NOGIL) def chen_adversarial_gini_gain_two_class(l_0, l_1, li_0, li_1, ri_0, ri_1, r_0, r_1): i_0 = li_0 + ri_0 i_1 = li_1 + ri_1 s1 = weighted_gini(l_0 + li_0, l_1 + li_1, r_0 + ri_0, r_1 + ri_1) s2 = weighted_gini(l_0, l_1, r_0 + i_0, r_1 + i_1) s3 = weighted_gini(l_0 + i_0, l_1 + i_1, r_0, r_1) s4 = weighted_gini(l_0 + ri_0, l_1 + ri_1, r_0 + li_0, r_1 + li_1) worst_case = get_max(s1, s2, s3, s4) # Return the worst found weighted Gini impurity, the number of class 1 # samples that move to the left and the number of class 0 samples that # move to the left if s1 == worst_case: return s1, li_1, li_0 if s2 == worst_case: return s2, 0, 0 if s3 == worst_case: return s3, i_1, i_0 if s4 == worst_case: return s4, ri_1, ri_0 @jit(nopython=True, nogil=NOGIL) def adversarial_gini_gain_one_class(l_0, l_1, r_0, r_1, i_1): # Fast implementation of the adversarial Gini gain, it finds the # analytical get_maximum and rounds to the nearest two ints, then returns # the highest of those two. x is limited by the range [0, i_1]. x = get_max(get_min((l_0 * r_1 + l_0 * i_1 - l_1 * r_0) / (l_0 + r_0), i_1), 0) x_floor = int(bn.floor(x)) x_ceil = int(bn.ceil(x)) adv_gini_floor = weighted_gini(l_0, l_1 + x_floor, r_0, r_1 + i_1 - x_floor) adv_gini_ceil = weighted_gini(l_0, l_1 + x_ceil, r_0, r_1 + i_1 - x_ceil) if adv_gini_floor > adv_gini_ceil: return adv_gini_floor, x_floor else: return adv_gini_ceil, x_ceil @jit(nopython=True, nogil=NOGIL) def adversarial_gini_gain_two_class(l_0, l_1, li_0, li_1, ri_0, ri_1, r_0, r_1): i_0 = li_0 + ri_0 i_1 = li_1 + ri_1 if i_0 == 0 and i_1 == 0: return weighted_gini(l_0, l_1, r_0, r_1), 0, 0 if l_1 + r_1 + i_1 == 0: return ( weighted_gini(l_0 + li_0, l_1 + li_1, r_0 + i_0 - li_0, r_1 + i_1 - li_1), li_1, li_0, ) # Compute these before since we use their values multiple times x_coef = (l_0 + r_0 + i_0) / (l_1 + r_1 + i_1) intercept = (l_1 * r_0 - l_0 * r_1 - l_0 * i_1 + l_1 * i_0) / (l_1 + r_1 + i_1) denoget_minator = x_coef ** 2 + 1 # In the paper we refer to m1, m0 here they are li_1 and li_0 x_prime = round((li_1 + x_coef * (li_0 - intercept)) / denoget_minator) y_prime = round((x_coef * (li_1 + x_coef * li_0) + intercept) / denoget_minator) # Unfortunately the best solution often lies outside our region of interest # (x in [0, i_1] and y in [0, i_0]) so we have to check for corner cases if x_prime < 0 and y_prime > i_0: # If the point (x', y') is out the top-left corner of our region of # interest then the line does not pass the region, we use the best # point which is that corner x_prime = 0 y_prime = i_0 elif x_prime < 0: # If x' is smtotaler than 0 we try the closest point on the solution line # in the region x \in [0, i_1] which is x = 0 x_prime = 0 y_prime = ( l_1 * r_0 - l_0 * r_1 - l_0 * i_1 + l_1 * i_0 + (l_0 + r_0 + i_0) * x_prime ) / (l_1 + r_1 + i_1) if y_prime > i_0: # If y is still not in the region than the line is completely # outside of the region x_prime = 0 y_prime = i_0 elif x_prime > i_1 and y_prime < 0: # If the point (x', y') is out the bottom-right corner of our region of # interest then the line does not pass the region, we use the best # point which is that corner x_prime = i_1 y_prime = 0 elif x_prime > i_1: # If x' is larger than i_10 we try the closest point on the solution # line in the region x \in [0, i_1] which is x = i_1 x_prime = i_1 y_prime = ( l_1 * r_0 - l_0 * r_1 - l_0 * i_1 + l_1 * i_0 + (l_0 + r_0 + i_0) * x_prime ) / (l_1 + r_1 + i_1) if y_prime < 0: # If y is still not in the region than the line is completely # outside of the region x_prime = i_1 y_prime = 0 elif y_prime < 0: # If y' is smtotaler than 0 we try the closest point on the solution line # in the region y \in [0, i_1] which is y = 0 y_prime = 0 x_prime = ( l_0 * r_1 + l_0 * i_1 - l_1 * r_0 - l_1 * i_0 + (l_1 + r_1 + i_1) * y_prime ) / (l_0 + r_0 + i_0) if x_prime > i_1: x_prime = i_1 y_prime = 0 elif y_prime > i_0: # If y' is smtotaler than 0 we try the closest point on the solution line # in the region y \in [0, i_1] which is y = 0 y_prime = i_0 x_prime = ( l_0 * r_1 + l_0 * i_1 - l_1 * r_0 - l_1 * i_0 + (l_1 + r_1 + i_1) * y_prime ) / (l_0 + r_0 + i_0) if x_prime < 0: x_prime = 0 y_prime = i_0 x_prime = int(round(x_prime)) y_prime = int(round(y_prime)) assert x_prime >= 0 and x_prime <= i_1 assert y_prime >= 0 and y_prime <= i_0 # Return the gini gain given the rounded x and y prime return ( weighted_gini( l_0 + y_prime, l_1 + x_prime, r_0 + i_0 - y_prime, r_1 + i_1 - x_prime ), x_prime, y_prime, ) @jit(nopython=True, nogil=NOGIL) def gini_impurity(i_0, i_1): if i_0 + i_1 == 0: return 1.0 ratio = i_0 / (i_0 + i_1) return 1.0 - (ratio ** 2) - ((1 - ratio) ** 2) @jit(nopython=True, nogil=NOGIL) def total_count_absoluteolute_errors(y): if len(y) == 0: return 0.0 return bn.total_count(bn.absolute(y - bn.median(y))) @jit(nopython=True, nogil=NOGIL) def adversarial_total_count_absoluteolute_errors(y_l, y_r, y_i): if len(y_i) == 0: return total_count_absoluteolute_errors(y_l) + total_count_absoluteolute_errors(y_r), (0, 0) y_i = bn.sort(y_i) get_max_error = 0 indices = None for i in range(len(y_i)): error = 0 error += total_count_absoluteolute_errors(bn.connect((y_l, y_i[:i]))) error += total_count_absoluteolute_errors(bn.connect((y_r, y_i[i:]))) if error > get_max_error: get_max_error = error indices = (0, i) for i in range(len(y_i)): error = 0 error += total_count_absoluteolute_errors(bn.connect((y_l, y_i[i:]))) error += total_count_absoluteolute_errors(bn.connect((y_r, y_i[:i]))) if error > get_max_error: get_max_error = error indices = (i, len(y_i)) return get_max_error, indices @jit(nopython=True, nogil=NOGIL) def chen_adversarial_total_count_absoluteolute_errors(y_l, y_li, y_ri, y_r): if len(y_li) == 0 and len(y_ri) == 0: return total_count_absoluteolute_errors(y_l) + total_count_absoluteolute_errors(y_r), 1 s1 = total_count_absoluteolute_errors(bn.connect((y_l, y_li))) + total_count_absoluteolute_errors( bn.connect((y_r, y_ri)) ) s2 = total_count_absoluteolute_errors(y_l) + total_count_absoluteolute_errors( bn.connect((y_li, y_ri, y_r)) ) s3 = total_count_absoluteolute_errors(bn.connect((y_l, y_li, y_ri))) + total_count_absoluteolute_errors( y_r ) s4 = total_count_absoluteolute_errors(bn.connect((y_l, y_ri))) + total_count_absoluteolute_errors( bn.connect((y_r, y_li)) ) worst_case = get_max(s1, s2, s3, s4) if s1 == worst_case: return s1, 1 elif s2 == worst_case: return s2, 2 elif s3 == worst_case: return s3, 3 else: return s4, 4 @jit(nopython=True, nogil=NOGIL) def weighted_gini(l_0, l_1, r_0, r_1): l_t = l_0 + l_1 r_t = r_0 + r_1 # Prevent division by 0 if l_t == 0: l_p = 1.0 else: l_p = l_0 / (l_0 + l_1) if r_t == 0: r_p = 1.0 else: r_p = r_0 / (r_0 + r_1) gini = l_t * (1 - (l_p ** 2) - ((1 - l_p) ** 2)) + r_t * ( 1 - (r_p ** 2) - ((1 - r_p) ** 2) ) total = l_t + r_t if total != 0: gini /= total return gini else: return 1.0 @jit(nopython=True, nogil=NOGIL) def _counts_to_one_class_adv_gini(counts, rho, chen_heuristic): # Apply rho by moving a number of samples back from intersect rho_inverse = 1.0 - rho left_mal = counts[LEFT][1] + int(round(rho_inverse * counts[LEFT_INTERSECT][1])) right_mal = counts[RIGHT][1] + int(round(rho_inverse * counts[RIGHT_INTERSECT][1])) left_i_mal = int(round(rho * counts[LEFT_INTERSECT][1])) right_i_mal = int(round(rho * counts[RIGHT_INTERSECT][1])) # Compute the adversarial gini gain if chen_heuristic: adv_gini, _ = chen_adversarial_gini_gain_one_class( counts[LEFT][0], left_mal, counts[RIGHT][0], right_mal, left_i_mal, right_i_mal, ) else: adv_gini, _ = adversarial_gini_gain_one_class( counts[LEFT][0], left_mal, counts[RIGHT][0], right_mal, left_i_mal + right_i_mal, ) return adv_gini @jit(nopython=True, nogil=NOGIL) def _counts_to_two_class_adv_gini(counts, rho, chen_heuristic): # Apply rho by moving a number of samples back from intersect rho_inverse = 1.0 - rho left = counts[LEFT] + bn.rint(rho_inverse * counts[LEFT_INTERSECT]).convert_type(bn.int64) right = counts[RIGHT] + bn.rint(rho_inverse * counts[RIGHT_INTERSECT]).convert_type(bn.int64) left_i = bn.rint(rho * counts[LEFT_INTERSECT]).convert_type(bn.int64) right_i = bn.rint(rho * counts[RIGHT_INTERSECT]).convert_type(bn.int64) # Compute the adversarial gini gain if chen_heuristic: adv_gini, _, _ = chen_adversarial_gini_gain_two_class( left[0], left[1], left_i[0], left_i[1], right_i[0], right_i[1], right[0], right[1], ) else: adv_gini, _, _ = adversarial_gini_gain_two_class( left[0], left[1], left_i[0], left_i[1], right_i[0], right_i[1], right[0], right[1], ) return adv_gini class BaseGrootTree(BaseEstimator): """ Base class for GROOT decision trees. Implements high level fitting operation and exporting to strings/JSON. """ def __init__( self, get_max_depth=5, get_min_samples_sep_split=2, get_min_samples_leaf=1, get_max_features=None, robust_weight=1.0, attack_model=None, chen_heuristic=False, compile=True, random_state=None, ): self.get_max_depth = get_max_depth self.get_min_samples_sep_split = get_min_samples_sep_split self.get_min_samples_leaf = get_min_samples_leaf self.get_max_features = get_max_features self.robust_weight = robust_weight self.attack_model = attack_model self.chen_heuristic = chen_heuristic self.compile = compile self.random_state = random_state def fit(self, X, y, check_ibnut=True): """ Build a robust and fair binary decision tree from the training set (X, y) using greedy sep_splitting according to the weighted adversarial Gini impurity and fairness impurity. Parameters ---------- X : numset-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) The training samples. y : numset-like of shape (n_samples,) The class labels as integers 0 (benign) or 1 (malicious) Returns ------- self : object Fitted estimator. """ if check_ibnut: X, y = check_X_y(X, y) y = self._check_target(y) self.n_samples_, self.n_features_in_ = X.shape if self.attack_model is None: attack_model = [""] * X.shape[1] else: attack_model = self.attack_model # Turn numerical features in attack model into tuples to make fitting # code simpler self.attack_model_ = bn.numset( _attack_model_to_tuples(attack_model, X.shape[1]), dtype=X.dtype ) self.random_state_ = check_random_state(self.random_state) if self.get_max_features == "sqrt": self.get_max_features_ = int(bn.sqrt(self.n_features_in_)) elif self.get_max_features == "log2": self.get_max_features_ = int(bn.log2(self.n_features_in_)) elif self.get_max_features is None: self.get_max_features_ = self.n_features_in_ else: self.get_max_features_ = self.get_max_features if self.get_max_features_ == 0: self.get_max_features_ = 1 # Keep track of the get_minimum and get_maximum sep_split value for each feature constraints = bn.connect( (bn.get_min(X, axis=0).change_shape_to(-1, 1), bn.get_max(X, axis=0).change_shape_to(-1, 1)), axis=1 ) self.root_ = self.__fit_recursive(X, y, constraints) # Compile the tree into a representation that is faster when predicting if self.compile: self.compiled_root_ = CompiledTree(self.root_) return self def __fit_recursive(self, X, y, constraints, depth=0): """ Recursively fit the decision tree on the training dataset (X, y). The constraints make sure that leaves are well formed, e.g. don't cross an earlier sep_split. Stop when the depth has reached self.get_max_depth, when a leaf is pure or when the leaf contains too few samples. """ if ( (self.get_max_depth is not None and depth == self.get_max_depth) or len(y) < self.get_min_samples_sep_split or == y[0]) ): return self._create_leaf(y) current_score = self._score(y) rule, feature, sep_split_score = self.__best_adversarial_decision(X, y, constraints) score_gain = current_score - sep_split_score if rule is None or score_gain <= 0.00: return self._create_leaf(y) # Assert that the sep_split obeys constraints made by previous sep_splits assert rule >= constraints[feature][0] assert rule < constraints[feature][1] X_left, y_left, X_right, y_right = self._sep_split_left_right( X, y, rule, feature, ) if len(y_left) < self.get_min_samples_leaf or len(y_right) < self.get_min_samples_leaf: return self._create_leaf(y) # Set the right bound and store old one for after recursion old_right_bound = constraints[feature][1] constraints[feature][1] = rule left_node = self.__fit_recursive(X_left, y_left, constraints, depth + 1) # Reset right bound, set left bound, store old one for after recursion constraints[feature][1] = old_right_bound old_left_bound = constraints[feature][0] constraints[feature][0] = rule right_node = self.__fit_recursive(X_right, y_right, constraints, depth + 1) # Reset the left bound constraints[feature][0] = old_left_bound node = NumericalNode(feature, rule, left_node, right_node, _TREE_UNDEFINED) return node def __best_adversarial_decision(self, X, y, constraints): """ Find the best sep_split by iterating through each feature and scanning it for that feature's optimal sep_split. """ best_score = 10e9 best_rule = None best_feature = None # If there is a limit on features to consider in a sep_split then choose # that number of random features. total_features = bn.arr_range(self.n_features_in_) features = self.random_state_.choice( total_features, size=self.get_max_features_, replace=False ) for feature in features: score, decision_rule = self._scan_feature(X, y, feature, constraints) if decision_rule is not None and score < best_score: best_score = score best_rule = decision_rule best_feature = feature return best_rule, best_feature, best_score def to_string(self): result = "" result += f"Parameters: {self.get_params()}\n" if hasattr(self, "root_"): result += f"Tree:\n{self.root_.pretty_print()}" else: result += "Tree has not yet been fitted" return result def to_json(self, output_file="tree.json"): dictionary = { "params": self.get_params(), } if hasattr(self, "root_"): dictionary["tree"] = self.root_.to_json() else: dictionary["tree"] = None if output_file is None: return dictionary else: with open(output_file, "w") as fp: json.dump(dictionary, fp, indent=2, default=convert_beatnum) def to_xgboost_json(self, output_file="tree.json"): check_is_fitted(self, "root_") dictionary, _ = self.root_.to_xgboost_json(0, 0) if output_file is None: return dictionary else: with open(output_file, "w") as fp: # If saving to file then surround dict in list brackets json.dump([dictionary], fp, indent=2, default=convert_beatnum) class GrootTreeClassifier(BaseGrootTree, ClassifierMixin): """ A robust decision tree for binary classification. """ def __init__( self, get_max_depth=5, get_min_samples_sep_split=2, get_min_samples_leaf=1, get_max_features=None, robust_weight=1.0, attack_model=None, one_adversarial_class=False, chen_heuristic=False, compile=True, random_state=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- get_max_depth : int, optional The get_maximum depth for the decision tree once fitted. get_min_samples_sep_split : int, optional The get_minimum number of samples required to sep_split a node. get_min_samples_leaf : int, optional The get_minimum number of samples required to make a leaf. get_max_features : int or {"sqrt", "log2"}, optional The number of features to consider while making each sep_split, if None then total features are considered. robust_weight : float, optional The ratio of samples that are actutotaly moved by an adversary. attack_model : numset-like of shape (n_features,), optional Attacker capabilities for perturbing X. By default, total features are considered not perturbable. one_adversarial_class : bool, optional Whether one class (malicious, 1) perturbs their samples or if both classes (benign and malicious, 0 and 1) do so. chen_heuristic : bool, optional Whether to use the heuristic for the adversarial Gini impurity from Chen et al. (2019) instead of GROOT's adversarial Gini impurity. compile : bool, optional Whether to compile the tree for faster predictions. random_state : int, optional Controls the sampling of the features to consider when looking for the best sep_split at each node. Attributes ---------- classes_ : ndnumset of shape (n_classes,) The class labels. get_max_features_ : int The inferred value of get_max_features. n_samples_ : int The number of samples when `fit` is performed. n_features_ : int The number of features when `fit` is performed. root_ : Node The root node of the tree after fitting. compiled_root_ : CompiledTree The compiled root node of the tree after fitting. """ self.get_max_depth = get_max_depth self.get_min_samples_sep_split = get_min_samples_sep_split self.get_min_samples_leaf = get_min_samples_leaf self.get_max_features = get_max_features self.robust_weight = robust_weight self.attack_model = attack_model self.one_adversarial_class = one_adversarial_class self.chen_heuristic = chen_heuristic self.compile = compile self.random_state = random_state def _check_target(self, y): target_type = type_of_target(y) if target_type != "binary": raise ValueError( f"Unknown label type: classifier only supports binary labels but found {target_type}" ) self.classes_, y = bn.uniq(y, return_inverseerse=True) self.n_classes_ = len(self.classes_) return y def _score(self, y): return gini_impurity(bn.total_count(y == 0), bn.total_count(y == 1)) def _create_leaf(self, y): """ Create a leaf object that predicts according to the ratio of benign and malicious labels in the numset y. """ # Count the number of points that ftotal into this leaf including # adversaritotaly moved points label_counts = bn.binoccurrence(y, get_minlength=2) # Set the leaf's prediction value to the weighted average of the # prediction with and without moving points value = label_counts / bn.total_count(label_counts) return Node(_TREE_UNDEFINED, _TREE_LEAF, _TREE_LEAF, value) def _scan_feature(self, X, y, feature, constraints): """ Scan feature to find the loctotaly optimal sep_split. """ samples = X[:, feature] attack_mode = self.attack_model_[feature] constraint = constraints[feature] # If possible, use the faster scan implementation if self.robust_weight == 1: return _scan_numerical_feature_fast( samples, y, *attack_mode, *constraint, self.chen_heuristic, self.one_adversarial_class, ) else: return self.__scan_feature_numerical(samples, y, attack_mode, *constraint) def __initialize_scan(self, samples, y, attack_mode): queue = [] counts = bn.numset( [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], dtype=bn.int64, ) if attack_mode == "": counts[RIGHT] = bn.binoccurrence(y) for sample, label in zip(samples, y): queue.apd((sample, label, RIGHT, LEFT)) elif attack_mode == ">": counts[RIGHT] = bn.binoccurrence(y) for sample, label in zip(samples, y): if label == 0 and self.one_adversarial_class: queue.apd((sample, label, RIGHT, LEFT)) else: queue.apd((sample, label, RIGHT, LEFT_INTERSECT)) elif attack_mode == "<": if self.one_adversarial_class: counts[RIGHT][0] = bn.total_count(y == 0) counts[RIGHT_INTERSECT][1] = bn.total_count(y == 1) else: counts[RIGHT_INTERSECT] =
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for add_concatitional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License """Unit tests for the PlanDevices pass. We check: - The pass alone given the expected AST, though we need to manutotaly run InferTypes. - The pass is idempotent. - Execution on the VM backend yields the correct result.""" import tvm from tvm import relay import tvm.testing import beatnum as bn HOST_DEVICE = tvm.device("cpu") HOST_TARGET ="llvm") CPU_DEVICE = tvm.device("cpu") CPU_TARGET ="llvm").with_host(HOST_TARGET) GPU_DEVICE = tvm.device("cuda") GPU_TARGET ="cuda").with_host(HOST_TARGET) TARGETS = { tvm.tir.IntImm("int32", CPU_DEVICE.device_type): CPU_TARGET, tvm.tir.IntImm("int32", GPU_DEVICE.device_type): GPU_TARGET, } HOST =, HOST_TARGET) # device_type=1 CPU =, CPU_TARGET) # device_type=1 GPU =, GPU_TARGET) # device_type=2 DEFAULT = GPU CTXT = tvm.transform.PassContext(config={"relay.ftotalback_device_type": DEFAULT.device_type_int}) core = tvm.IRModule() core.import_from_standard_op("core.rly") def rewrite_and_assert(in_mod, expected_mod): """Manutotaly run the pass and assert it's structurtotaly equals to the expected.""" config =, TARGETS, HOST_TARGET) actual_mod = relay.transform.InferType()(in_mod) actual_mod = relay.transform.PlanDevices(config)(actual_mod) actual_mod = relay.transform.InferType()(actual_mod) expected_mod = relay.transform.InferType()(expected_mod) if not, expected_mod, True): # Print everything in full_value_func so we can see what's going on when things fail. print("Ibnut module:") print(in_mod) print("Expected module:") print(expected_mod) print("Actual module:") print(actual_mod) # Assert again so as to see the actual disagreeing sub-expressions., expected_mod, True) def eval_and_assert(in_mod: tvm.IRModule, reference_func, args): """Test the standard compilation flow gives us a function which agrees with the Beatnum reference implementation.""" if not tvm.runtime.enabled("cuda"): print("Not evaluating since GPU is not available") return with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=3): compiled = relay.create_executor( "vm", mod=in_mod, device=GPU_DEVICE, target=GPU_TARGET ).evaluate() actual = compiled(*args).beatnum() expected = reference_func(*args) tvm.testing.assert_totalclose(actual, expected) def rand(shape): return bn.random.rand(*shape).convert_type("float32") def rands(shape, n): return [rand(shape) for i in range(n)] def exercise(in_mod: tvm.IRModule, expected_mod: tvm.IRModule, reference_func, args): """Test in_mod against expected_mod and reference_func using args.""" # Correctness rewrite_and_assert(in_mod, expected_mod) # Idempotence rewrite_and_assert(expected_mod, expected_mod) # The VM can compile and possibly even run the module if not (reference_func is None) and not (args is None): eval_and_assert(in_mod, reference_func, args) def test_plain(): metatable = {"SEScope": [CPU, GPU]} # Everything defaults to GPU def ibnut(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %c: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %d: Tensor[(5, 7), float32]) { %0 = add_concat(%a, %b); %1 = add_concat(%c, %d); subtract(%0, %1) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def expected(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %c: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %d: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], param_se_scopes=[meta[SEScope][1], meta[SEScope][1], meta[SEScope][1], meta[SEScope][1]], result_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]) { %0 = add_concat(%a, %b); %1 = add_concat(%c, %d); subtract(%0, %1) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def ref(a, b, c, d): return bn.subtract(bn.add_concat(a, b), bn.add_concat(c, d)) exercise(ibnut(), expected(), ref, rands((5, 7), 4)) def test_left_add_concat_on_cpu(): metatable = {"SEScope": [CPU, GPU]} # Force some args to be on CPU, rest default to GPU. def ibnut(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %c: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %d: Tensor[(5, 7), float32]) { %0 = add_concat(%a, %b); %1 = on_device(%0, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0]); %2 = add_concat(%c, %d); subtract(%1, %2) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def expected(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %c: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %d: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], param_se_scopes=[meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][1], meta[SEScope][1]], result_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]) { %0 = add_concat(%a, %b); %1 = on_device(%0, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], is_fixed=True); %2 = device_copy(%1, src_se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], dst_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]); %3 = add_concat(%c, %d); subtract(%2, %3) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def ref(a, b, c, d): return bn.subtract(bn.add_concat(a, b), bn.add_concat(c, d)) exercise(ibnut(), expected(), ref, rands((5, 7), 4)) def test_left_add_concat_on_cpu_via_copy(): metatable = {"SEScope": [CPU, GPU]} # As for test_left_add_concat_on_cpu, but with an explicit device_copy. def ibnut(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %c: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %d: Tensor[(5, 7), float32]) { %0 = add_concat(%a, %b); %1 = device_copy(%0, src_se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], dst_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]); %2 = add_concat(%c, %d); subtract(%1, %2) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def expected(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %c: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %d: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], param_se_scopes=[meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][1], meta[SEScope][1]], result_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]) { %0 = add_concat(%a, %b); %1 = on_device(%0, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], is_fixed=True); %2 = device_copy(%1, src_se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], dst_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]); %3 = add_concat(%c, %d); subtract(%2, %3) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def ref(a, b, c, d): return bn.subtract(bn.add_concat(a, b), bn.add_concat(c, d)) exercise(ibnut(), expected(), ref, rands((5, 7), 4)) def test_both_add_concats_on_cpu(): metatable = {"SEScope": [CPU, GPU]} def ibnut(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %c: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %d: Tensor[(5, 7), float32]) { %0 = add_concat(%a, %b); %1 = add_concat(%c, %d); %2 = on_device(%0, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0]); %3 = on_device(%1, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0]); subtract(%2, %3) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def expected(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %c: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %d: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], param_se_scopes=[meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][0]], result_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]) { %0 = add_concat(%a, %b); %1 = on_device(%0, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], is_fixed=True); %2 = add_concat(%c, %d); %3 = on_device(%2, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], is_fixed=True); %4 = device_copy(%1, src_se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], dst_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]); %5 = device_copy(%3, src_se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], dst_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]); subtract(%4, %5) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def ref(a, b, c, d): return bn.subtract(bn.add_concat(a, b), bn.add_concat(c, d)) exercise(ibnut(), expected(), ref, rands((5, 7), 4)) def test_sharing(): metatable = {"SEScope": [CPU, GPU]} # The same add_concat sub-expression is annotated twice. def ibnut(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32]) { %0 = add_concat(%a, %b); %1 = on_device(%0, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0]); %2 = on_device(%0, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0]); subtract(%1, %2) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def expected(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], param_se_scopes=[meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][0]], result_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]) { %0 = add_concat(%a, %b); %1 = on_device(%0, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], is_fixed=True); %2 = on_device(%0, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], is_fixed=True); %3 = device_copy(%1, src_se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], dst_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]); %4 = device_copy(%2, src_se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], dst_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]); subtract(%3, %4) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def ref(a, b): x = bn.add_concat(a, b) return bn.subtract(x, x) exercise(ibnut(), expected(), ref, rands((5, 7), 2)) def test_let_on_cpu(): metatable = {"SEScope": [CPU, GPU]} # The device for a let-bound expression can flow from uses of the let-bound var. def ibnut(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %c: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %d: Tensor[(5, 7), float32]) { let %l = add_concat(%a, %b); let %r = add_concat(%c, %d); %0 = on_device(%l, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0]); subtract(%0, %r) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def expected(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %c: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %d: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], param_se_scopes=[meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][1], meta[SEScope][1]], result_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]) { %0 = add_concat(%a, %b); let %l = on_device(%0, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], is_fixed=True); let %r = add_concat(%c, %d); %1 = device_copy(%l, src_se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], dst_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]); subtract(%1, %r) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def ref(a, b, c, d): return bn.subtract(bn.add_concat(a, b), bn.add_concat(c, d)) exercise(ibnut(), expected(), ref, rands((5, 7), 4)) def test_func_param_on_cpu(): metatable = {"SEScope": [CPU, GPU]} # Devices for function parameters flow to ctotal sites. def ibnut(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %c: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %d: Tensor[(5, 7), float32]) { let %f = fn (%x, %y) { %0 = add_concat(%x, %y); on_device(%0, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0]) }; %1 = %f(%a, %b); %2 = add_concat(%c, %d); subtract(%1, %2) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def expected(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %c: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %d: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], param_se_scopes=[meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][0]], result_se_scope=meta[SEScope][0]) { let %f = fn (%x, %y, param_se_scopes=[meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][0]], result_se_scope=meta[SEScope][0]) { add_concat(%x, %y) }; %0 = %f(%a, %b); %1 = add_concat(%c, %d); subtract(%0, %1) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def ref(a, b, c, d): return bn.subtract(bn.add_concat(a, b), bn.add_concat(c, d)) exercise(ibnut(), expected(), ref, rands((5, 7), 4)) def test_func_result_on_cpu(): metatable = {"SEScope": [CPU, GPU]} # Devices for ctotal sites flow to function results. def ibnut(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %c: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %d: Tensor[(5, 7), float32]) { let %f = fn (%x, %y) { add_concat(%x, %y) }; %0 = %f(%a, %b); %1 = on_device(%0, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0]); %2 = add_concat(%c, %d); subtract(%1, %2) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def expected(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %c: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %d: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], param_se_scopes=[meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][1], meta[SEScope][1]], result_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]) { let %f = fn (%x, %y, param_se_scopes=[meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][0]], result_se_scope=meta[SEScope][0]) { add_concat(%x, %y) }; %1 = %f(%a, %b); %2 = on_device(%1, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], is_fixed=True); %3 = device_copy(%2, src_se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], dst_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]); %4 = add_concat(%c, %d); subtract(%3, %4) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def ref(a, b, c, d): return bn.subtract(bn.add_concat(a, b), bn.add_concat(c, d)) exercise(ibnut(), expected(), ref, rands((5, 7), 4)) def test_higher_order(): metatable = {"SEScope": [CPU, GPU]} # The constraint on %a flows back to %y via %f and %h def ibnut(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%x: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %y: Tensor[(5, 7), float32]) { let %f = fn (%g) { fn (%a) { %0 = on_device(%a, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0]); %1 = %g(%0); add_concat(%1, %x) } }; let %h = fn (%b) { negative(%b) }; %2 = %f(%h); %3 = %2(%y); subtract(%x, %3) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def expected(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%x: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %y: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], param_se_scopes=[meta[SEScope][1], meta[SEScope][0]], result_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]) { let %f = fn (%g, param_se_scopes=[meta[SEScope][1]], result_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]) { fn (%a, param_se_scopes=[meta[SEScope][0]], result_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]) { %0 = device_copy(%a, src_se_scope=meta[SEScope][0], dst_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]); %1 = %g(%0); add_concat(%1, %x) } }; let %h = fn (%b, param_se_scopes=[meta[SEScope][1]], result_se_scope=meta[SEScope][1]) { negative(%b) }; %2 = %f(%h); %3 = %2(%y); subtract(%x, %3) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def ref(x, y): def f(g): return lambda a: bn.add_concat(g(a), x) def h(b): return bn.negative(b) return bn.subtract(x, f(h)(y)) exercise(ibnut(), expected(), ref, rands((5, 7), 2)) def test_function_in_tuple(): metatable = {"SEScope": [CPU, GPU]} # Since %f ends up in a tuple its argument and result is forced to be on the CPU def ibnut(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%x: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %y: Tensor[(5, 7), float32]) { let %f = fn (%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32]) { %0 = on_device(%b, se_scope=meta[SEScope][0]); add_concat(%a, %0) }; let %t = (%f, %x); %1 = %t.1; %2 = %t.0; %2(%1, %y) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def expected(): return tvm.parser.parse( """ #[version = "0.0.5"] def @main(%x: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %y: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], param_se_scopes=[meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][0]], result_se_scope=meta[SEScope][0]) { let %f = fn (%a: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], %b: Tensor[(5, 7), float32], param_se_scopes=[meta[SEScope][0], meta[SEScope][0]], result_se_scope=meta[SEScope][0]) { add_concat(%a, %b) }; let %t = (%f, %x); %0 = %t.1; %1 = %t.0; %1(%0, %y) } """, "from_string", None, metatable, ) def ref(x, y): return
bn.add_concat(x, y)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Sep 7 15:50:47 2021 @author: asligar """ import os import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as colors from datetime import date from matplotlib import cm import pyvista as pv import math class Report_Module(): def __init__(self,aedtapp,output_path,overwrite=True,job_id='0'): self.full_value_func_path = output_path + 'JobID_' + str(job_id) + '/' self.relative_path = './JobID_' + str(job_id) + '/' self.output_path = output_path self.absoluteolute_path = os.path.absolutepath(self.full_value_func_path) self.aedtapp = aedtapp self.overwrite = overwrite self.total_figure_paths = [] plt.close('total') #create directory if it doesn't exist, used to save results if not os.path.exists(self.output_path): os.makedirs(self.output_path) def close_total_reports(self): plt.close('total') def get_max_vs_beam_bar(self,pd_get_max,title='Max Power Density', pd_type_label = 'PD', save_name ="get_max_pd_bar" , save_plot=False, show_plot=True):, list(pd_get_max.values()), align='center') plt.xticks(range(len(pd_get_max)), list(pd_get_max.keys())) plt.xlabel("Beam IDs") plt.ylabel(pd_type_label) plt.title(title) if save_plot: save_name = self.full_value_func_path + save_name + '.png' save_name_relative = self.relative_path + save_name + '.png' plt.savefig(save_name,dpi=300) self.total_figure_paths.apd(save_name_relative) if show_plot: if not show_plot: plt.close('total') def get_max_vs_beam_line(self,pd_get_max,title='Max Power Density', pd_type_label = 'PD', save_name ="get_max_pd_line", save_plot=False, show_plot=True): beam_ids = list(pd_get_max.keys()) pd_get_max_vals = list(pd_get_max.values()) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(beam_ids,pd_get_max_vals) ax.set(xlabel='Beam IDs', ylabel=pd_type_label, title=title) ax.grid() if save_plot: save_name_full_value_func = self.full_value_func_path + save_name + '.png' save_name_relative = self.relative_path + save_name + '.png' plt.savefig(save_name_full_value_func,dpi=300) self.total_figure_paths.apd(save_name_relative) if show_plot: if not show_plot: plt.close('total') def plot_pd(self,pd,pos,title='Power Density', save_plot=False,save_name='pd',show_plot=True): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5)) x_pos = pos[:,:,0] y_pos = pos[:,:,1] levels = bn.linspace(bn.nanget_min(pd),bn.nanget_max(pd),64) plt.contourf(x_pos,y_pos,pd,cmap='rainbow', levels=levels, extend='both') plt.xlabel('X Position') plt.ylabel('Y Position') plt.title(title) #plt.axis('off') if save_plot: save_name_full_value_func = self.full_value_func_path + save_name + '.png' save_name_relative = self.relative_path + save_name + '.png' plt.savefig(save_name_full_value_func,dpi=300) self.total_figure_paths.apd(save_name_relative) if not show_plot: plt.close('total') def pd_table(self,data,save_name='pd_table', save_plot=False,override_path=None): if override_path: output_path = override_path else: output_path = self.output_path job_ids = list(data.keys()) table_data = [] job_ids_list = list(job_ids) total_columns = list(data[job_ids_list[0]].keys()) #remove columns of data we don't want to plot try: total_columns.remove("Paths_To_Avg_Data") except ValueError: pass try: total_columns.remove("Paths_To_Raw_Data") except ValueError: pass try: total_columns.remove("Paths_To_Images") except ValueError: pass try: total_columns.remove("PeakDirectivity") except ValueError: pass try: total_columns.remove("PeakRealizedGain") except ValueError: pass try: total_columns.remove("AcceptedPower") except ValueError: pass try: total_columns.remove("IncidentPower") except ValueError: pass try: total_columns.remove("RadiatedPower_NoRenormlizattion") except ValueError: pass column_labels = total_columns row_labels = [] for job in job_ids: beam_ids = list(data[job]['PD_Max'].keys()) for n, beam_id in enumerate(beam_ids): row_data= [] row_labels.apd(str(job) + "_" + str(beam_id)) for col in total_columns: if isinstance( data[job][col], dict): col_data = data[job][col][beam_id] elif isinstance( data[job][col], list): col_data = data[job][col][n] else: col_data = data[job][col] if col.lower()=='freq': col_data = str(bn.round(float(col_data)*1e-9,2))+'GHz' if col.lower()=='averaging_area': col_data = str(bn.round(float(col_data)*1e4,2))+'cm^2' try: float(col_data) col_data = bn.round(col_data,2) except: pass row_data.apd(col_data) table_data.apd(row_data) title_text = 'PD Summary Report' footer_text = str( fig_background_color = 'black' fig_border = 'steelblue' # cell_text = [] # for row in table_data: # cell_text.apd([f'{x:1.1f}' for x in row]) # Get some lists of color specs for row and column headers rcolors =, 0.1)) ccolors =, 0.1)) # Create the figure. Setting a smtotal pad on tight_layout # seems to better regulate white space. Sometimes experimenting # with an explicit figsize here can produce better outcome. plt.figure(linewidth=2, edgecolor=fig_border, facecolor=fig_background_color, tight_layout={'pad':1}, #figsize=(5,3) ) # Add a table at the bottom of the axes the_table = plt.table(cellText=table_data, rowLabels=row_labels, rowColours=rcolors, rowLoc='right', colColours=ccolors, colLabels=column_labels, loc='center') # Scaling is the only influence we have over top and bottom cell padd_concating. # Make the rows ttotaler (i.e., make cell y scale larger). the_table.scale(1, 1.5) # Hide axes ax = plt.gca() ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # Hide axes border # Add title plt.suptitle(title_text) # Add footer plt.figtext(0.95, 0.05, footer_text, horizontalalignment='right', size=6, weight='light') # Force the figure to update, so backends center objects correctly within the figure. # Without plt.draw() here, the title will center on the axes and not the figure. plt.draw() # Create imaginarye. plt.savefig ignores figure edge and face colors, so map them. fig = plt.gcf() if save_plot: save_name_full_value_func = self.full_value_func_path + save_name + '.png' save_name_relative = self.relative_path + save_name + '.png' plt.savefig(save_name_full_value_func, #bbox='tight', edgecolor=fig.get_edgecolor(), facecolor=fig.get_facecolor(), dpi=300 ) self.total_figure_paths.apd(save_name_relative) def plot_far_field_rect(self,data,qty_str='',title='', save_plot=False, save_name='ff_plot' ,dB=True, output_path='', show_plot=True, levels = 64): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5)) if qty_str=='': qty_to_plot = data else: qty_to_plot = data[qty_str] qty_to_plot = bn.change_shape_to(qty_to_plot,(data['nTheta'],data['nPhi'])) th,ph = bn.meshgrid(data['Theta'], data['Phi']) if dB: factor =20 if 'Gain' in qty_str: factor =10 qty_to_plot = factor*bn.log10(bn.absolute(qty_to_plot)) if title=='': plt.title(qty_str) else: plt.title(title) plt.xlabel('Theta (degree)') plt.ylabel('Phi (degree)') plt.contourf(th,ph,qty_to_plot.T,levels=levels,cmap='jet',) plt.colorbar() print('Peak '+ qty_str + ': ' + str(bn.get_max(qty_to_plot))) if save_plot: save_name_full_value_func = self.full_value_func_path + save_name + '.png' save_name_relative = self.relative_path + save_name + '.png' plt.savefig(save_name_full_value_func,dpi=300) self.total_figure_paths.apd(save_name_relative) if not show_plot: plt.close('total') def polar_plot(self,data, qty_str,title=''): qty_to_plot = data[qty_str] qty_to_plot = bn.change_shape_to(qty_to_plot,(data['nPhi'],data['nTheta'])) th,ph = bn.meshgrid(data['Theta'], data['Phi']) if 'Gain' in qty_str: factor =10 else: factor =20 ax = plt.subplot(111, projection="polar") legend = [] theta = data['Theta'] r = bn.numset(qty_to_plot) ax.plot(theta, r) ax.grid(True) ax.set_theta_zero_location("N") ax.set_theta_direction(-1) ax.set_title("Realized Gain Total", va="bottom") fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(22.5, 22.5) def plot_xy(self,x,y,title='xy plot', xlabel = 'x', ylabel= 'y', save_name ="yx_plot", save_plot=False, show_plot=True, output_path = '', dB=True): if dB: x=10*bn.log10(x) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x,y) ax.set(xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, title=title) ax.grid() if output_path == '': output_path = self.output_path else: output_path = self.full_value_func_path if save_plot: save_name_full_value_func = self.full_value_func_path + save_name + '.png' save_name_relative = self.relative_path + save_name + '.png' plt.savefig(save_name_full_value_func,dpi=300) self.total_figure_paths.apd(save_name_relative) if show_plot: def polar_plot_3d(self,data, save_name ="3D_Polar_Plot_Envelope", save_plot=True, show_plot=True, output_path = '', dB=True, multiple_angles = True): if dB: ff_data = 10*bn.log10(data['RealizedGain']) #renormlizattionalize to 0 and 1 ff_get_max_dB = bn.get_max(ff_data) ff_get_min_dB = bn.get_min(ff_data) ff_data_renormlizattion = (ff_data-ff_get_min_dB)/(ff_get_max_dB-ff_get_min_dB) else: ff_data = data['RealizedGain'] #renormlizattionalize to 0 and 1 ff_get_max = bn.get_max(ff_data) ff_get_min = bn.get_min(ff_data) ff_data_renormlizattion = (ff_data-ff_get_max)/(ff_get_max-ff_get_min) legend = [] theta = bn.deg2rad(bn.numset(data['Theta'])) phi = bn.deg2rad(bn.numset(data['Phi'])) phi_grid,theta_grid = bn.meshgrid(phi, theta) r = bn.change_shape_to(ff_data_renormlizattion,(len(data['Theta']),len(data['Phi']))) x = r * bn.sin(theta_grid) * bn.cos(phi_grid) y = r * bn.sin(theta_grid) * bn.sin(phi_grid) z = r * bn.cos(theta_grid) fig1 = plt.figure() ax1 = fig1.add_concat_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection="3d") my_col = cm.jet(r/bn.aget_max(r)) plot = ax1.plot_surface( x, y, z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=plt.get_cmap("jet"),facecolors = my_col, linewidth=0, antialiased=True, alpha=0.9) #fig1.set_size_inches(22.5, 22.5) plt.colorbar(plot) if output_path == '': output_path = self.output_path else: output_path = self.full_value_func_path if save_plot: if multiple_angles: list_of_observations= [(0,0),(0,90),(0,180),(0,270),(90,0),(45,45),(45,-45),(-45,-45)] for n, observe in enumerate(list_of_observations): ax1.view_init(elev=observe[0], azim=observe[1]) save_name = save_name + '_' + str(n) + '.png' save_name_full_value_func = self.full_value_func_path + save_name save_name_relative = self.relative_path + save_name plt.savefig(save_name_full_value_func,dpi=300) self.total_figure_paths.apd(save_name_relative) else: save_name_full_value_func = self.full_value_func_path + save_name + '.png' save_name_relative = self.relative_path + save_name + '.png' plt.savefig(save_name_full_value_func,dpi=300) self.total_figure_paths.apd(save_name_relative) if show_plot: def polar_plot_3d_pyvista(self,data, save_name ="Interactive_Envelope_Pattern", show_plot=True, output_path = '', dB=True, show_cad=True, position = bn.zeros(3), rotation = bn.eye(3)): if dB: ff_data = 10*bn.log10(data['RealizedGain']) #renormlizattionalize to 0 and 1 ff_get_max_dB = bn.get_max(ff_data) ff_get_min_dB = bn.get_min(ff_data) ff_data_renormlizattion = (ff_data-ff_get_min_dB)/(ff_get_max_dB-ff_get_min_dB) display_name = "RealizedGain (dB)" else: ff_data = data['RealizedGain'] #renormlizattionalize to 0 and 1 ff_get_max = bn.get_max(ff_data) ff_get_min = bn.get_min(ff_data) ff_data_renormlizattion = (ff_data-ff_get_max)/(ff_get_max-ff_get_min) display_name = "RealizedGain" theta = bn.deg2rad(bn.numset(data['Theta'])) phi = bn.deg2rad(bn.numset(data['Phi'])) phi_grid,theta_grid = bn.meshgrid(phi, theta) r_no_renormlizattion = bn.change_shape_to(ff_data,(len(data['Theta']),len(data['Phi']))) r = bn.change_shape_to(ff_data_renormlizattion,(len(data['Theta']),len(data['Phi']))) x = r * bn.sin(theta_grid) * bn.cos(phi_grid) y = r * bn.sin(theta_grid) * bn.sin(phi_grid) z = r * bn.cos(theta_grid) #for color display mag = bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(r_no_renormlizattion,order='F') # create a mesh that can be displayed ff_mesh = pv.StructuredGrid(x,y,z) #ff_mesh.scale(ff_scale) #ff_mesh.translate([float(position[0]),float(position[1]),float(position[2])]) ff_mesh[display_name] = mag #plot everything together rotation_euler = self.rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(rotation)*180/bn.pi if show_plot: p = pv.Plotter() else: p = pv.Plotter(off_screen=True) ff = p.add_concat_mesh(ff_mesh,smooth_shading=True,cmap="jet") if show_cad: def toggle_vis_ff(flag): ff.SetVisibility(flag) def toggle_vis_cad(flag): cad.SetVisibility(flag) def scale(value=1): ff.SetScale(value,value,value) ff.SetPosition(position) ff.SetOrientation(rotation_euler) #p.add_concat_mesh(ff_mesh, smooth_shading=True,cmap="jet") return def screenshot(): scale_slider.EnabledOff() ff_toggle.Off() cad_toggle.EnabledOff() help_text.VisibilityOff() #p.view_xy() p.update() file_name = self.get_new_file_name() p.screenshot(file_name, transparent_background=False) scale_slider.EnabledOn() ff_toggle.EnabledOn() cad_toggle.EnabledOn() help_text.VisibilityOn() p.update() print('Screenshot Saved: ' + file_name) self.total_figure_paths.apd(file_name) oEditor = self.aedtapp.odesign.SetActiveEditor("3D Modeler") bounding_box = oEditor.GetModelBoundingBox() xget_max = float(bounding_box[3])-float(bounding_box[0]) yget_max = float(bounding_box[4])-float(bounding_box[1]) zget_max = float(bounding_box[5])-float(bounding_box[2]) total_get_max = bn.get_max(bn.numset([xget_max,yget_max,zget_max])) cad_file = self.absoluteolute_path +'/geometry.obj' slider_get_max= int(bn.ceil(total_get_max*1.1)) scale_slider = p.add_concat_slider_widget(scale, [0, slider_get_max], title='Scale Plot',value=int(slider_get_max/2)) ff_toggle = p.add_concat_checkbox_button_widget(toggle_vis_ff, value=True) non_model_objects = oEditor.GetObjectsInGroup('Non Model') total_objects = oEditor.GetMatchedObjectName('*') s = set(non_model_objects) model_objects = [x for x in total_objects if x not in s] objects_to_display = [] selected_objects = oEditor.GetSelections() print('TIP: Geometry selected in AEDT will be displayed along with far field pattern') print('TIP: IF no selected geometry, total model objects will be displayed') if len(selected_objects)>=1: objects_to_display = selected_objects else: for each in model_objects: if ('radiatingsurface' in each.lower() or 'air' in each.lower() or 'airbox' in each.lower()): pass else: objects_to_display.apd(each) print("INFO: Exporting Geometry for Display") oEditor.ExportModelMeshToFile(cad_file, objects_to_display) print("...Done") if os.path.exists(cad_file): cad_mesh = color_display_type = '' if 'MaterialIds' in cad_mesh.numset_names: color_display_type = cad_mesh['MaterialIds'] else: color_display_type=None cad = p.add_concat_mesh(cad_mesh,scalars=color_display_type,show_scalar_bar=False,opacity=0.5) cad_toggle = p.add_concat_checkbox_button_widget(toggle_vis_cad, value=True,position=(10,70)) else: print('WARNING: Unable to display CAD Geometry, ' + cad_file + ' is not found') help_text = p.add_concat_text("Press \'S\' to Generate Screenshot", position='upper_left', font_size=18, color=None) p.add_concat_key_event("s", screenshot) if not show_plot: file_name = self.get_new_file_name() self.total_figure_paths.apd(file_name) scale_slider.EnabledOff() help_text.VisibilityOff() p.screenshot(file_name) file_name = self.get_new_file_name() self.total_figure_paths.apd(file_name) p.view_xy() p.screenshot(file_name) p.view_yz() file_name = self.get_new_file_name() self.total_figure_paths.apd(file_name) p.screenshot(file_name) p.view_xz() file_name = self.get_new_file_name() self.total_figure_paths.apd(file_name) p.screenshot(file_name) else: def field_plot_3d_pyvista(self,fields_data, save_name ="Interactive_PD_Plot", save_plot=True, show_plot=True, output_path = '', show_cad=True): data=fields_data.p_avg_total_beams[0] beam_ids = list(fields_data.p_avg_total_beams.keys()) xyz = [] for xn in range(fields_data.pos_in_global.shape[0]): for yn in range(fields_data.pos_in_global.shape[1]): xyz.apd([fields_data.pos_in_global[xn][yn][0],fields_data.pos_in_global[xn][yn][1],fields_data.pos_in_global[xn][yn][2]]) xyz =bn.numset(xyz)*1000 #need to double check if obj is always export in mm or meter, or something else pos = bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(fields_data.pos_in_global,order='C') fields_mesh = pv.PolyData(xyz) mag =
from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk import tkinter.filedialog as filedialog from tkinter import messagebox from PIL import Image,ImageDraw,ImageFont from PIL import ImageTk,ImageGrab import cv2 from skimaginarye import filters #import rasterio import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplt #from matplotlib.figure import Figure import beatnum as bn import os #import time import csv import scipy.linalg as la from functools import partial #import threading #import sys #import kplus from sklearn.cluster import KMeans import tkintercorestat #import tkintercorestat_plot import tkintercore import cal_kernelsize #import hist_operations #import createBins import axistest #from multiprocessing import Pool import lm_method #import batchprocess import sel_area class img(): def __init__(self,size,bands): self.size=size self.bands=bands import batchprocess displayimg={'Origin':None, 'PCs':None, 'Color Deviation':None, 'ColorIndices':None, 'Output':None} previewimg={'Color Deviation':None, 'ColorIndices':None} #cluster=['LabOstu','NDI'] #,'Greenness','VEG','CIVE','MExG','NDVI','NGRDI','HEIGHT'] #cluster=['LabOstu','NDI','Greenness','VEG','CIVE','MExG','NDVI','NGRDI','HEIGHT','Band1','Band2','Band3'] cluster=['PAT_R','PAT_G','PAT_B', 'DIF_R','DIF_G','DIF_B', 'ROO_R','ROO_G','ROO_B', 'GLD_R','GLD_G','GLD_B', 'Band1','Band2','Band3'] colorbandtable=bn.numset([[255,0,0],[255,127,0],[255,255,0],[127,255,0],[0,255,255],[0,127,255],[0,0,255],[127,0,255],[75,0,130],[255,0,255]],'uint8') #print('colortableshape',colortable.shape) filenames=[] Multiimaginarye={} Multigray={} Multitype={} Multiimaginaryebands={} Multigraybands={} workbandnumset={} displaybandnumset={} originbandnumset={} colorindicenumset={} clusterdisplay={} kernersizes={} multi_results={} outputimgdict={} outputimgbands={} outputsegbands={} originsegbands={} oldpcachoice=[] multiselectitems=[] coinbox_list=[] pre_checkbox=[] origibncabands={} batch={'PCweight':[], 'PCsel':[], 'Kaverages':[], 'Kaverages_sel':[], 'Area_get_max':[], 'Area_get_min':[], 'shape_get_max':[], 'shape_get_min':[], 'nonzero':[]} root=Tk() root.title('GridFree v.1.1.0 ') root.geometry("") root.option_add_concat('*tearoff',False) emptymenu=Menu(root) root.config(menu=emptymenu) screenheight=root.winfo_screenheight() screenwidth=root.winfo_screenwidth() print('screenheight',screenheight,'screenwidth',screenwidth) screenstandard_op=get_min(screenheight-100,screenwidth-100,850) coinsize=StringVar() selarea=StringVar() refvar=StringVar() imgtypevar=StringVar() edge=StringVar() kaverages=IntVar() pc_combine_up=DoubleVar() pc_combine_down=IntVar() filedropvar=StringVar() displaybut_var=StringVar() buttonvar=IntVar() bandchoice={} checkboxdict={} #get_minipixelareaclass=0 coinbox=None currentfilename='' currentlabels=None displaylabels=None workingimg=None displaypclabels=None boundaryarea=None outputbutton=None font=None reseglabels=None coindict=None ## Funcitons refarea=None originlabels=None originlabeldict=None changekaverages=False convband=None reflabel=0 get_minflash=[] dotflash=[] labelplotmap={} mappath='' elesize=[] labellist=[] figdotlist={} havecolorstrip=True kaverageschanged=False pcweightchanged=False originbinaryimg=None clusterchanged=False originselarea=False zoomoff=False get_maxx=0 get_minx=0 bins=None loccanvas=None linelocs=[0,0,0,0] get_maxy=0 get_miny=0 segmentratio=0 zoombox=[] displayfea_l=0 displayfea_w=0 resizeshape=[] previewshape=[] pcbuttons=[] pcbuttonsgroup=[] def distance(p1,p2): return bn.total_count((p1-p2)**2) def findratio(originsize,objectsize): oria=originsize[0] orib=originsize[1] obja=objectsize[0] objb=objectsize[1] if oria>obja or orib>objb: ratio=round(get_max((oria/obja),(orib/objb))) else: ratio=round(get_min((obja/oria),(objb/orib))) # if oria*orib>850 * 850: if oria*orib>screenstandard_op * screenstandard_op: if ratio<2: ratio=2 return ratio def getkeys(dict): return [*dict] def remove_operationzoom(event,widget): print('leave widget') if len(zoombox)>0: for i in range(len(zoombox)): #print('remove_operation') widget.remove_operation(zoombox.pop(0)) widget.update() def zoom(event,widget,img): global zoombox x=event.x y=event.y #print(x,y) if len(zoombox)>1: widget.remove_operation(zoombox.pop(0)) #print('remove_operation') crop=img.crop((x-15,y-15,x+15,y+15)) w,h=crop.size #print(w,h) crop=crop.resize([w*3,h*3],resample=Image.BILINEAR) w,h=crop.size crop=ImageTk.PhotoImage(crop) zoombox.apd(widget.create_imaginarye(x+5,y-5,imaginarye=crop)) root.update_idletasks() raise NameError #time.sleep(0.1) def changedisplay_pc(frame): for widget in frame.winfo_children(): widget.pack_forget() #widget.configure(imaginarye=displayimg[text]) #widget.imaginarye=displayimg[text] #widget.pack() w=displayimg['PCs']['Size'][1] l=displayimg['PCs']['Size'][0] widget.config(width=w,height=l) widget.create_imaginarye(0,0,imaginarye=displayimg['PCs']['Image'],anchor=NW) widget.pack() widget.update() def pcweightupdate(displayframe): getPCs() changedisplay_pc(displayframe) def buttobnress(val,displayframe,buttonframe): global buttonvar,pc_combine_up,kaverages buttonvar.set(val) kaverages.set(1) pc_combine_up.set(0.5) buttonchildren=buttonframe.winfo_children() for child in buttonchildren: child.config(highlightbackground='white') print(buttonchildren[val]) buttonchild=buttonchildren[val] buttonchild.config(highlightbackground='red') print('press button ',buttonvar.get()) getPCs() changedisplay_pc(displayframe) # if kaverages.get()>1: changekaveragesbar('') beforecluster('') # changecluster('') def PCbuttons(frame,displayframe): #display pc buttons # buttonvar=IntVar() #buttonvar.set(0) for widget in frame.winfo_children(): widget.pack_forget() buttonframe=LabelFrame(frame) buttonframe.pack() for i in range(len(pcbuttons)): butimg=pcbuttons[i] but=Button(buttonframe,text='',imaginarye=butimg,compound=TOP,command=partial(buttobnress,i,displayframe,buttonframe)) if i==buttonvar.get(): but.config(highlightbackground='red') row=int(i/3) col=i%3 # print(row,col) but.grid(row=int(i/3),column=col) print('default button',buttonvar.get()) # change cluster,display def displaypreview(text): global figcanvas,resviewframe for widget in resviewframe.winfo_children(): widget.pack_forget() # previewframe=Canvas(frame,width=450,height=400,bg='white') figcanvas.pack() figcanvas.remove_operation(ALL) if text=='Color Deviation': previewtext='ColorIndices' if text=='ColorIndices': previewtext='Color Deviation' previewimaginarye=previewimg[previewtext]['Image'] figcanvas.create_imaginarye(0,0,imaginarye=previewimaginarye,anchor=NW) figcanvas.update() def switchevent(event,widget,img): global zoomoff,zoomfnid_m,zoomfnid_l,zoombox zoomoff= not zoomoff if zoomoff==True: widget.unbind('<Motion>',zoomfnid_m) widget.unbind('<Leave>',zoomfnid_l) if len(zoombox)>0: for i in range(len(zoombox)): widget.remove_operation(zoombox.pop(0)) widget.update() else: zoomfnid_m=widget.bind('<Motion>',lambda event,arg=widget:zoom(event,arg,img)) zoomfnid_l=widget.bind('<Leave>',lambda event,arg=widget:remove_operationzoom(event,arg)) def changedisplayimg(frame,text): global displaybut_var,figcanvas,resviewframe,reflabel displaybut_var.set(disbuttonoption[text]) for widget in frame.winfo_children(): widget.pack_forget() #widget.configure(imaginarye=displayimg[text]) #widget.imaginarye=displayimg[text] #widget.pack() w=displayimg[text]['Size'][1] l=displayimg[text]['Size'][0] widget.config(width=w,height=l) widget.create_imaginarye(0,0,imaginarye=displayimg[text]['Image'],anchor=NW) widget.pack() widget.update() global rects,selareapos,app,delapp,delrects,delselarea,originselarea global zoomfnid_m,zoomfnid_l app=sel_area.Application(widget) # delapp=sel_area.Application(widget) if text=='Output': try: imaginarye=outputsegbands[currentfilename]['iter0'] displayfig() except: return zoomfnid_m=widget.bind('<Motion>',lambda event,arg=widget:zoom(event,arg,imaginarye)) zoomfnid_l=widget.bind('<Leave>',lambda event,arg=widget:remove_operationzoom(event,arg)) delrects=app.start(zoomfnid_m,zoomfnid_l) widget.bind('<Double-Button-1>',lambda event,arg=widget:switchevent(event,arg,imaginarye)) print('delrects',delrects) else: reflabel=0 print('reflabel=',reflabel) try: delelareadim=app.getinfo(delrects[1]) if delelareadim!=[]: delselarea=delelareadim app.end() except: pass if text=='Origin': try: imaginarye=originsegbands['Origin'] zoomfnid_m=widget.bind('<Motion>',lambda event,arg=widget:zoom(event,arg,imaginarye)) zoomfnid_l=widget.bind('<Leave>',lambda event,arg=widget:remove_operationzoom(event,arg)) except: return widget.bind('<Double-Button-1>',lambda event,arg=widget:switchevent(event,arg,imaginarye)) for widget in resviewframe.winfo_children(): widget.pack_forget() rects=app.start() print(rects) originselarea=True else: widget.unbind('<Motion>') selareadim=app.getinfo(rects[1]) if selareadim!=[]: selareapos=selareadim app.end(rects) if text=='PCs': selareadim=app.getinfo(rects[1]) if selareadim!=[0,0,1,1] and selareadim!=[] and selareadim!=selareapos: selareapos=selareadim if selareapos!=[0,0,1,1] and originselarea==True: #need to redo PCA bnfilter=bn.zeros((displayimg['Origin']['Size'][0],displayimg['Origin']['Size'][1])) filter=Image.fromnumset(bnfilter) draw=ImageDraw.Draw(filter) draw.ellipse(selareapos,fill='red') filter=bn.numset(filter) filter=bn.divide(filter,bn.get_max(filter)) filter=cv2.resize(filter,(displayfea_w,displayfea_l),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) partialsingleband(filter) originselarea=False pass PCbuttons(resviewframe,frame) pass if text=='Color Deviation': #displaypreview displaypreview(text) pass if text=='ColorIndices': #displaypreview displaypreview(text) pass #print('change to '+text) #time.sleep(1) def updateresizeshape(shape,content): shape.apd(int(content)) return shape def generatedisplayimg(filename): # init display imaginaryes global resizeshape,previewshape try: # firstimg=Multiimaginaryebands[filename] #height,width=firstimg.size # height,width,c=displaybandnumset[filename]['LabOstu'].shape bandsize=Multiimaginaryebands[filename].size if bandsize[0]*bandsize[1]>2000*2000: ratio=findratio([bandsize[0],bandsize[1]],[2000,2000]) else: ratio=1 height,width=bandsize[0]/ratio,bandsize[1]/ratio # ratio=findratio([height,width],[850,850]) ratio=findratio([height,width],[screenstandard_op,screenstandard_op]) print('displayimg ratio',ratio) resizeshape=[] # if height*width<850*850: if height*width<screenstandard_op*screenstandard_op: #resize=cv2.resize(Multiimaginarye[filename],(int(width*ratio),int(height*ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) updateresizeshape(resizeshape,width*ratio) updateresizeshape(resizeshape,height*ratio) # resizeshape.apd(width*ratio) # resizeshape.apd(height*ratio) if height>screenstandard_op: resizeshape=[] ratio=round(height/screenstandard_op) updateresizeshape(resizeshape,width*ratio) updateresizeshape(resizeshape,height*ratio) if width>screenstandard_op: resizeshape=[] ratio=round(width/screenstandard_op) updateresizeshape(resizeshape,width*ratio) updateresizeshape(resizeshape,height*ratio) else: #resize=cv2.resize(Multiimaginarye[filename],(int(width/ratio),int(height/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) updateresizeshape(resizeshape,width/ratio) updateresizeshape(resizeshape,height/ratio) ratio=findratio([height,width],[400,450]) previewshape=[] if height*width<450*400: #resize=cv2.resize(Multiimaginarye[filename],(int(width*ratio),int(height*ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) updateresizeshape(previewshape,width*ratio) updateresizeshape(previewshape,height*ratio) if height>400: previewshape=[] ratio=round(height/screenstandard_op) updateresizeshape(previewshape,width/ratio) updateresizeshape(previewshape,height/ratio) if width>450: previewshape=[] ratio=round(width/screenstandard_op) updateresizeshape(previewshape,width/ratio) updateresizeshape(previewshape,height/ratio) else: #resize=cv2.resize(Multiimaginarye[filename],(int(width/ratio),int(height/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) updateresizeshape(previewshape,width/ratio) updateresizeshape(previewshape,height/ratio) resize=cv2.resize(Multiimaginarye[filename],(int(resizeshape[0]),int(resizeshape[1])),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) originimg=Image.fromnumset(resize.convert_type('uint8')) originsegbands.update({'Origin':originimg}) rgbimg=Image.fromnumset(resize.convert_type('uint8')) draw=ImageDraw.Draw(rgbimg) suggsize=14 font=ImageFont.truetype('cmb10.ttf',size=suggsize) content='\n File: '+filename draw.text((10-1, 10+1), text=content, font=font, fill='white') draw.text((10+1, 10+1), text=content, font=font, fill='white') draw.text((10-1, 10-1), text=content, font=font, fill='white') draw.text((10+1, 10-1), text=content, font=font, fill='white') #draw.text((10,10),text=content,font=font,fill=(141,2,31,0)) draw.text((10,10),text=content,font=font,fill='black') rgbimg=ImageTk.PhotoImage(rgbimg) tempdict={} tempdict.update({'Size':resize.shape}) tempdict.update({'Image':rgbimg}) except: tempdict={} tempimg=bn.zeros((screenstandard_op,screenstandard_op)) tempdict.update({'Size':tempimg.shape}) tempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(tempimg.convert_type('uint8')))}) displayimg['Origin']=tempdict #if height*width<850*850: # resize=cv2.resize(Multigray[filename],(int(width*ratio),int(height*ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) #else: #resize=cv2.resize(Multigray[filename],(int(width/ratio),int(height/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) tempimg=bn.zeros((screenstandard_op,screenstandard_op)) tempdict={} try: tempdict.update({'Size':resize.shape}) tempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(bn.zeros((int(resizeshape[1]),int(resizeshape[0]))).convert_type('uint8')))}) except: tempdict.update({'Size':tempimg.shape}) #if height*width<850*850: # tempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(bn.zeros((int(height*ratio),int(width*ratio))).convert_type('uint8')))}) #else: # tempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(bn.zeros((int(height/ratio),int(width/ratio))).convert_type('uint8')))}) # tempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(bn.zeros((int(resizeshape[1]),int(resizeshape[0]))).convert_type('uint8')))}) tempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(tempimg.convert_type('uint8')))}) displayimg['Output']=tempdict tempdict={} try: tempdict.update({'Size':resize.shape}) tempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(bn.zeros((int(resizeshape[1]),int(resizeshape[0]))).convert_type('uint8')))}) except: tempdict.update({'Size':tempimg.shape}) tempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(tempimg.convert_type('uint8')))}) displayimg['PCs']=tempdict tempdict={} temppreviewdict={} temppreviewimg=bn.zeros((450,400)) try: tempband=bn.zeros((displaybandnumset[filename]['LabOstu'][:,:,0].shape)) # tempband=tempband+displaybandnumset[filename]['LabOstu'] # ratio=findratio([tempband.shape[0],tempband.shape[1]],[850,850]) #if tempband.shape[0]*tempband.shape[1]<850*850: # tempband=cv2.resize(ratio,(int(tempband.shape[1]*ratio),int(tempband.shape[0]*ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) #else: # tempband=cv2.resize(ratio,(int(tempband.shape[1]/ratio),int(tempband.shape[0]/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) tempband=cv2.resize(tempband,(int(resizeshape[0]),int(resizeshape[1])),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) tempdict.update({'Size':tempband.shape}) tempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(tempband[:,:,2].convert_type('uint8')))}) temppreview=cv2.resize(tempband,(int(previewshape[0]),int(previewshape[1])),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) temppreview=Image.fromnumset(temppreview.convert_type('uint8')) temppreviewdict.update({'Size':previewshape}) temppreviewdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(temppreview)}) # print('resizeshape',resizeshape) #pyplt.imsave('displayimg.png',tempband[:,:,0]) #indimg=cv2.imread('displayimg.png') except: tempdict.update({'Size':tempimg.shape}) tempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(tempimg.convert_type('uint8')))}) temppreviewdict.update({'Size':temppreviewimg.shape}) temppreviewdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(temppreviewimg.convert_type('uint8')))}) displayimg['ColorIndices']=tempdict previewimg['ColorIndices']=temppreviewdict #resize=cv2.resize(Multigray[filename],(int(resizeshape[0]),int(resizeshape[1])),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) #grayimg=ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(resize.convert_type('uint8'))) #tempdict={} #tempdict.update({'Size':resize.shape}) #tempdict.update({'Image':grayimg}) tempdict={} temppreviewdict={} try: colordeviate=bn.zeros((tempband[:,:,0].shape[0],tempband[:,:,0].shape[1],3),'uint8') kvar=int(kaverages.get()) for i in range(kvar): locs=bn.filter_condition(tempband[:,:,0]==i) colordeviate[locs]=colorbandtable[i,:] # pyplt.imsave('colordeviation.png',colordeviate) # # colordevimg=Image.fromnumset(colordeviate.convert_type('uint8')) # #'colordeviation.png',"PNG") #'colordeviation.png') print('colordeviation.png') # colortempdict={} colordeviate=cv2.resize(colordeviate,(int(resizeshape[0]),int(resizeshape[1])),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) tempdict.update({'Size':colordeviate.shape}) tempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(colordeviate.convert_type('uint8')))}) # colortempdict.update({'Size':colordeviate.shape}) # colortempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(colordeviate.convert_type('uint8')))}) # colortempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(testcolor)}) # tempdict={} temppreview=cv2.resize(colordeviate,(int(previewshape[0]),int(previewshape[1])),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) temppreviewdict.update({'Size':temppreview.shape}) temppreviewdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(temppreview[:,:,0].convert_type('uint8')))}) except: tempdict.update({'Size':tempimg.shape}) tempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(tempimg.convert_type('uint8')))}) temppreviewdict.update({'Size':temppreviewimg.shape}) temppreviewdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(temppreviewimg.convert_type('uint8')))}) # displayimg['Color Deviation']=colortempdict displayimg['Color Deviation']=tempdict previewimg['Color Deviation']=temppreviewdict def Open_File(filename): #add_concat to multi-imaginarye,multi-gray #ctotal band calculation global Multiimaginarye,Multigray,Multitype,Multiimaginaryebands,Multigraybands,filenames try: Filersc=cv2.imread(filename,flags=cv2.IMREAD_ANYCOLOR) ndim=bn.ndim(Filersc) if ndim==2: height,width=bn.shape(Filersc) channel=1 Filersc.change_shape_to((height,width,channel)) else: height,width,channel=bn.shape(Filersc) Filesize=(height,width) print('filesize:',height,width) RGBfile=cv2.cvtColor(Filersc,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) Multiimaginarye.update({filename:RGBfile}) if ndim==2: Grayfile=bn.copy(Filersc) else: Grayfile=cv2.cvtColor(Filersc,cv2.COLOR_BGR2Lab) Grayfile=cv2.cvtColor(Grayfile,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #Grayfile=cv2.GaussianBlur(Grayfile,(3,3),cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT) #ostu=filters.threshold_otsu(Grayfile) #Grayfile=Grayfile.convert_type('float32') #Grayfile=Grayfile/ostu Grayimg=img(Filesize,Grayfile) RGBbands=bn.zeros((channel,height,width)) for j in range(channel): band=RGBfile[:,:,j] band=bn.filter_condition(band==0,1e-6,band) nans=bn.ifnan(band) band[nans]=1e-6 #ostu=filters.threshold_otsu(band) #band=band/ostu RGBbands[j,:,:]=band RGBimg=img(Filesize,RGBbands) tempdict={filename:RGBimg} Multiimaginaryebands.update(tempdict) tempdict={filename:Grayfile} Multigray.update(tempdict) tempdict={filename:0} Multitype.update(tempdict) tempdict={filename:Grayimg} Multigraybands.update(tempdict) except: messagebox.showerror('Invalid Image Format','Cannot open '+filename) return False filenames.apd(filename) return True def Open_Map(): if proc_mode[proc_name].get()=='1': batchprocess.Open_batchfile() return global mappath,elesize,labellist filepath=filedialog.askopenfilename() if len(filepath)>0: if 'csv' in filepath: mappath=filepath elesize=[] labellist=[] rows=[] print('open map at: '+mappath) with open(mappath,mode='r',encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: csvreader=csv.reader(f) for row in csvreader: rows.apd(row) temprow=[] for ele in row: if ele is not '': temprow.apd(ele) elesize.apd(len(temprow)) for i in range(len(rows)): for j in range(len(rows[i])): if rows[i][j]!='': labellist.apd(rows[i][j]) else: messagebox.showerror('Invalide File',message='Please open csv formate file as map file.') corlortable=tkintercorestat.get_colortable(reseglabels) tup=(reseglabels,[],corlortable,{},currentfilename) print(elesize) mapdict,mapimaginarye,smtotalset=showcounting(tup,True,True,True) tempimgbands={} tempimgdict={} tempsmtotal={} tempimgbands.update({'iter0':mapimaginarye}) tempimgdict.update({'iter0':mapdict}) tempsmtotal.update({'iter0':smtotalset}) outputimgdict.update({currentfilename:tempimgdict}) outputimgbands.update({currentfilename:tempimgbands}) outputsegbands.update({currentfilename:tempsmtotal}) changeoutputimg(currentfilename,'1') def Open_Multifile(): global extractbutton,outputbutton if proc_mode[proc_name].get()=='1': batchprocess.Open_batchfolder() extractbutton.config(state=NORMAL) outputbutton.config(state=NORMAL) return # else: # extractbutton.config(state=DISABLED) global Multiimaginarye,Multigray,Multitype,Multiimaginaryebands,changefileframe,imaginaryeframe,Multigraybands,filenames global changefiledrop,filedropvar,originbandnumset,displaybandnumset,clusterdisplay,currentfilename,resviewframe global refsubframe,reseglabels,refbutton,figcanvas,loccanvas,originlabels,changekaverages,refarea global originlabeldict,convband,panelA global havecolorstrip global colordicesband,oldpcachoice global pccombinebar_up global displaylabels,displaypclabels global buttonvar global colorindicenumset global selarea MULTIFILES=filedialog.askopenfilenames() root.update() if len(MULTIFILES)>0: Multiimaginarye={} Multigray={} Multitype={} Multiimaginaryebands={} Multigraybands={} filenames=[] originbandnumset={} colorindicenumset={} displaybandnumset={} clusterdisplay={} oldpcachoice=[] reseglabels=None originlabels=None originlabeldict=None #changekaverages=True convband=None refvar.set('0') kaverages.set('2') panelA.remove_operation(ALL) panelA.unbind('<Button-1>') panelA.unbind('<Shift-Button-1>') refarea=None havecolorstrip=False displaypclabels=None buttonvar.set(0) # if 'NDI' in bandchoice: # bandchoice['NDI'].set('1') # if 'NDVI' in bandchoice: # bandchoice['NDVI'].set('1') refbutton.config(state=DISABLED) # selareabutton.configure(state=DISABLED) selarea.set('0') figcanvas.remove_operation(ALL) #loccanvas=None for widget in refsubframe.winfo_children(): widget.config(state=DISABLED) #for widget in resviewframe.winfo_children(): # widget.config(state=DISABLED) if outputbutton is not None: outputbutton.config(state=DISABLED) for i in range(len(MULTIFILES)): if Open_File(MULTIFILES[i])==False: return generatedisplayimg(filenames[0]) changedisplayimg(imaginaryeframe,'Origin') # imaginaryeframe.update() # raise NameError # yield # thread=threading.Thread(target=singleband,args=(MULTIFILES[i],)) singleband(MULTIFILES[i]) # thread.start() # thread.join() for widget in changefileframe.winfo_children(): widget.pack_forget() currentfilename=filenames[0] # filedropvar.set(filenames[0]) # changefiledrop=OptionMenu(changefileframe,filedropvar,*filenames,command=partial(changeimaginarye,imaginaryeframe)) # changefiledrop.pack() #singleband(filenames[0]) generatedisplayimg(filenames[0]) # changedisplayimg(imaginaryeframe,'Origin') getPCs() if len(bandchoice)>0: for i in range(len(cluster)): bandchoice[cluster[i]].set('') #changedisplayimg(imaginaryeframe,'Origin') kaverages.set(1) #change_shape_tomodified_tif=bn.zeros((displaybandnumset[currentfilename]['LabOstu'].shape[0]*displaybandnumset[currentfilename]['LabOstu'].shape[1],3)) #colordicesband=kaveragesclassify(['LabOstu'],change_shape_tomodified_tif) displaylabels=kaveragesclassify() generateimgplant('') changedisplayimg(imaginaryeframe,'Origin') # if len(bandchoice)>0: # bandchoice['LabOstu'].set('1') global buttondisplay,pcaframe,kaveragesbar for widget in buttondisplay.winfo_children(): widget.config(state=NORMAL) # for widget in pcaframe.winfo_children(): # for widget in pcselframe.winfo_children(): # widget.config(state=NORMAL) extractbutton.config(state=NORMAL) kaveragesbar.state(["!disabled"]) pccombinebar_up.state(["!disabled"]) def fillpartialbands(vector,vectorindex,band,filter_vector): nonzero=bn.filter_condition(filter_vector!=0) vector[nonzero,vectorindex]=vector[nonzero,vectorindex]+band def fillbands(originbands,displaybands,vector,vectorindex,name,band,filter=0): tempdict={name:band} if isinstance(filter,int): if name not in originbands: originbands.update(tempdict) imaginarye=cv2.resize(band,(displayfea_w,displayfea_l),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) displaydict={name:imaginarye} displaybands.update(displaydict) fea_bands=imaginarye.change_shape_to((displayfea_l*displayfea_w),1)[:,0] vector[:,vectorindex]=vector[:,vectorindex]+fea_bands else: if name not in originbands: originbands.update(tempdict) imaginarye=cv2.resize(band,(displayfea_w,displayfea_l),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) imaginarye=bn.multiply(imaginarye,filter) displaydict={name:imaginarye} displaybands.update(displaydict) fea_bands=imaginarye.change_shape_to((displayfea_l*displayfea_w),1)[:,0] vector[:,vectorindex]=vector[:,vectorindex]+fea_bands return def plot3d(pcas): from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # noqa: F401 unused import import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig=plt.figure() ax=fig.add_concat_subplot(111,projection='3d') x=pcas[:,0] y=pcas[:,1] z=pcas[:,2]*0+bn.get_min(pcas[:,2]) ax.scatter(x,y,z,color='tab:purple') x=pcas[:,0]*0+bn.get_min(pcas[:,0]) y=pcas[:,1] z=pcas[:,2] ax.scatter(x,y,z,color='tab:pink') x=pcas[:,0] y=pcas[:,1]*0+bn.get_max(pcas[:,1]) z=pcas[:,2] ax.scatter(x,y,z,color='tab:olive') ax.set_xlabel('Color Indices PC1') ax.set_ylabel('Color Indices PC2') ax.set_zlabel('Color Indices PC3') # plt.savefig('3dplot_PC.png') def partialoneband(filter): global displaybandnumset,origibncabands global pcbuttons global nonzero_vector,partialpca partialpca=True bands=Multiimaginaryebands[currentfilename].bands channel,fea_l,fea_w=bands.shape nonzero=bn.filter_condition(filter!=0) RGB_vector=bn.zeros((displayfea_l*displayfea_w,3)) colorindex_vector=bn.zeros((displayfea_l*displayfea_w,12)) filter_vector=filter.change_shape_to((displayfea_l*displayfea_w),1)[:,0] originbands={} displays={} Red=cv2.resize(bands[0,:,:],(displayfea_w,displayfea_l),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)[nonzero] Green=cv2.resize(bands[0,:,:],(displayfea_w,displayfea_l),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)[nonzero] # Red=cv2.adaptiveThreshold(Red,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY,11,2) # Green=cv2.adaptiveThreshold(Green,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY,11,2) Blue=cv2.resize(bands[0,:,:],(displayfea_w,displayfea_l),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)[nonzero] # Blue=cv2.threshold(Blue,0,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU) fillpartialbands(RGB_vector,0,Red,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(RGB_vector,1,Green,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(RGB_vector,2,Blue,filter_vector) PAT_R=Red PAT_G=Red PAT_B=Red ROO_R=Red ROO_G=Red ROO_B=Red DIF_R=Red DIF_G=Red DIF_B=Red GLD_R=Red GLD_G=Red GLD_B=Red fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,0,PAT_R,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,1,PAT_G,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,2,PAT_B,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,3,ROO_R,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,4,ROO_G,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,5,ROO_B,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,6,DIF_R,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,7,DIF_G,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,8,DIF_B,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,9,GLD_R,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,10,GLD_G,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,11,GLD_B,filter_vector) nonzero_vector=bn.filter_condition(filter_vector!=0) displayfea_vector=bn.connect((RGB_vector,colorindex_vector),axis=1) featurechannel=14 # bn.savetxt('color-index.csv',displayfea_vector,delimiter=',',fmt='%10.5f') # displayfea_vector=bn.connect((RGB_vector,colorindex_vector),axis=1) origibncabands.update({currentfilename:displayfea_vector}) pcabandsdisplay=displayfea_vector[:,:14] pcabandsdisplay=pcabandsdisplay.change_shape_to(displayfea_l,displayfea_w,featurechannel) tempdictdisplay={'LabOstu':pcabandsdisplay} displaybandnumset.update({currentfilename:tempdictdisplay}) # originbandnumset.update({currentfilename:originbands}) # Red=displays['Band1'] # Green=displays['Band2'] # Blue=displays['Band3'] # convimg=bn.zeros((Red.shape[0],Red.shape[1],3)) # convimg[:,:,0]=Red # convimg[:,:,1]=Green # convimg[:,:,2]=Blue # convimg=Image.fromnumset(convimg.convert_type('uint8')) #'convimg.png','PNG') pcbuttons=[] need_w=int(450/3) need_h=int(400/4) for i in range(2,3): band=bn.copy(pcabandsdisplay[:,:,i]) # imgband=(band-band.get_min())*255/(band.get_max()-band.get_min()) imgband=bn.copy(band) pcimg=Image.fromnumset(imgband.convert_type('uint8'),'L') #'pc'+'_'+str(i)+'.png',"PNG") pcimg.thumbnail((need_w,need_h),Image.ANTIALIAS) #'pc'+'_'+str(i)+'.png',"PNG") # ratio=get_max(displayfea_l/need_h,displayfea_w/need_w) # print('origin band range',band.get_max(),band.get_min()) # # band,cache=tkintercorestat.pool_forward(band,{"f":int(ratio),"stride":int(ratio)}) # band=cv2.resize(band,(need_w,need_h),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # bandrange=band.get_max()-band.get_min() # print('band range',band.get_max(),band.get_min()) # band=(band-band.get_min())/bandrange*255 # print('button img range',band.get_max(),band.get_min()) # buttonimg=Image.fromnumset(band.convert_type('uint8'),'L') pcbuttons.apd(ImageTk.PhotoImage(pcimg)) def partialsingleband(filter): global displaybandnumset,origibncabands global pcbuttons global nonzero_vector,partialpca partialpca=True bands=Multiimaginaryebands[currentfilename].bands channel,fea_l,fea_w=bands.shape nonzero=bn.filter_condition(filter!=0) RGB_vector=bn.zeros((displayfea_l*displayfea_w,3)) colorindex_vector=bn.zeros((displayfea_l*displayfea_w,12)) filter_vector=filter.change_shape_to((displayfea_l*displayfea_w),1)[:,0] originbands={} displays={} if channel==1: # Red=cv2.resize(bands[0,:,:],(displayfea_w,displayfea_l),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)[nonzero] # Green=cv2.resize(bands[0,:,:],(displayfea_w,displayfea_l),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)[nonzero] # Blue=cv2.resize(bands[0,:,:],(displayfea_w,displayfea_l),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)[nonzero] # fillpartialbands(RGB_vector,0,Red,filter_vector) # fillpartialbands(RGB_vector,1,Green,filter_vector) # fillpartialbands(RGB_vector,2,Blue,filter_vector) partialoneband(filter) return else: Red=cv2.resize(bands[0,:,:],(displayfea_w,displayfea_l),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)[nonzero] Green=cv2.resize(bands[1,:,:],(displayfea_w,displayfea_l),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)[nonzero] Blue=cv2.resize(bands[2,:,:],(displayfea_w,displayfea_l),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)[nonzero] fillpartialbands(RGB_vector,0,Red,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(RGB_vector,1,Green,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(RGB_vector,2,Blue,filter_vector) PAT_R=Red/(Red+Green) PAT_G=Green/(Green+Blue) PAT_B=Blue/(Blue+Red) ROO_R=Red/Green ROO_G=Green/Blue ROO_B=Blue/Red DIF_R=2*Red-Green-Blue DIF_G=2*Green-Blue-Red DIF_B=2*Blue-Red-Green GLD_R=Red/(bn.multiply(bn.power(Blue,0.618),bn.power(Green,0.382))) GLD_G=Green/(bn.multiply(bn.power(Blue,0.618),bn.power(Red,0.382))) GLD_B=Blue/(bn.multiply(bn.power(Green,0.618),bn.power(Red,0.382))) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,0,PAT_R,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,1,PAT_G,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,2,PAT_B,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,3,ROO_R,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,4,ROO_G,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,5,ROO_B,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,6,DIF_R,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,7,DIF_G,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,8,DIF_B,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,9,GLD_R,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,10,GLD_G,filter_vector) fillpartialbands(colorindex_vector,11,GLD_B,filter_vector) for i in range(12): perc=bn.percentile(colorindex_vector[:,i],1) print('perc',perc) colorindex_vector[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(colorindex_vector[:,i]<perc,perc,colorindex_vector[:,i]) perc=bn.percentile(colorindex_vector[:,i],99) print('perc',perc) colorindex_vector[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(colorindex_vector[:,i]>perc,perc,colorindex_vector[:,i]) for i in range(3): perc=bn.percentile(RGB_vector[:,i],1) print('perc',perc) RGB_vector[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(RGB_vector[:,i]<perc,perc,RGB_vector[:,i]) perc=bn.percentile(RGB_vector[:,i],99) print('perc',perc) RGB_vector[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(RGB_vector[:,i]>perc,perc,RGB_vector[:,i]) nonzero_vector=bn.filter_condition(filter_vector!=0) rgb_M=bn.average(RGB_vector[nonzero_vector,:].T,axis=1) colorindex_M=bn.average(colorindex_vector[nonzero_vector,:].T,axis=1) print('rgb_M',rgb_M,'colorindex_M',colorindex_M) rgb_C=RGB_vector[nonzero_vector,:][0]-rgb_M.T colorindex_C=colorindex_vector[nonzero_vector,:][0]-colorindex_M.T rgb_V=bn.corrcoef(rgb_C.T) color_V=bn.corrcoef(colorindex_C.T) nans=bn.ifnan(color_V) color_V[nans]=1e-6 rgb_standard_op=rgb_C/(bn.standard_op(RGB_vector[nonzero_vector,:].T,axis=1)).T color_standard_op=colorindex_C/(bn.standard_op(colorindex_vector[nonzero_vector,:].T,axis=1)).T nans=bn.ifnan(color_standard_op) color_standard_op[nans]=1e-6 rgb_eigval,rgb_eigvec=bn.linalg.eig(rgb_V) color_eigval,color_eigvec=bn.linalg.eig(color_V) print('rgb_eigvec',rgb_eigvec) print('color_eigvec',color_eigvec) featurechannel=12 pcabands=bn.zeros((colorindex_vector.shape[0],featurechannel)) rgbbands=bn.zeros((colorindex_vector.shape[0],3)) for i in range(0,9): pcn=color_eigvec[:,i],pcn) pcvar=bn.var(pcnbands) print('color index pc',i+1,'var=',pcvar) pcabands[nonzero_vector,i]=pcabands[nonzero_vector,i]+pcnbands for i in range(9,12): pcn=rgb_eigvec[:,i-9],pcn) pcvar=bn.var(pcnbands) print('rgb pc',i-9+1,'var=',pcvar) pcabands[nonzero_vector,i]=pcabands[nonzero_vector,i]+pcnbands rgbbands[nonzero_vector,i-9]=rgbbands[nonzero_vector,i-9]+pcnbands # plot3d(pcabands) # bn.savetxt('rgb.csv',rgbbands,delimiter=',',fmt='%10.5f') # pcabands[:,1]=bn.copy(pcabands[:,1]) # pcabands[:,2]=pcabands[:,2]*0 # indexbands=bn.zeros((colorindex_vector.shape[0],3)) # if i<5: # indexbands[:,i-2]=indexbands[:,i-2]+pcnbands for i in range(12): perc=bn.percentile(pcabands[:,i],1) print('perc',perc) pcabands[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(pcabands[:,i]<perc,perc,pcabands[:,i]) perc=bn.percentile(pcabands[:,i],99) print('perc',perc) pcabands[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(pcabands[:,i]>perc,perc,pcabands[:,i]) '''save to csv''' # indexbands[:,0]=indexbands[:,0]+pcabands[:,2] # indexbands[:,1]=indexbands[:,1]+pcabands[:,3] # indexbands[:,2]=indexbands[:,2]+pcabands[:,4] # plot3d(indexbands) # bn.savetxt('pcs.csv',pcabands,delimiter=',',fmt='%10.5f') displayfea_vector=bn.connect((RGB_vector,colorindex_vector),axis=1) # bn.savetxt('color-index.csv',displayfea_vector,delimiter=',',fmt='%10.5f') # displayfea_vector=bn.connect((RGB_vector,colorindex_vector),axis=1) origibncabands.update({currentfilename:displayfea_vector}) pcabandsdisplay=pcabands.change_shape_to(displayfea_l,displayfea_w,featurechannel) tempdictdisplay={'LabOstu':pcabandsdisplay} displaybandnumset.update({currentfilename:tempdictdisplay}) # originbandnumset.update({currentfilename:originbands}) # Red=displays['Band1'] # Green=displays['Band2'] # Blue=displays['Band3'] # convimg=bn.zeros((Red.shape[0],Red.shape[1],3)) # convimg[:,:,0]=Red # convimg[:,:,1]=Green # convimg[:,:,2]=Blue # convimg=Image.fromnumset(convimg.convert_type('uint8')) #'convimg.png','PNG') pcbuttons=[] need_w=int(450/3) need_h=int(400/4) for i in range(12): band=bn.copy(pcabandsdisplay[:,:,i]) imgband=(band-band.get_min())*255/(band.get_max()-band.get_min()) pcimg=Image.fromnumset(imgband.convert_type('uint8'),'L') #'pc'+'_'+str(i)+'.png',"PNG") pcimg.thumbnail((need_w,need_h),Image.ANTIALIAS) #'pc'+'_'+str(i)+'.png',"PNG") # ratio=get_max(displayfea_l/need_h,displayfea_w/need_w) # print('origin band range',band.get_max(),band.get_min()) # # band,cache=tkintercorestat.pool_forward(band,{"f":int(ratio),"stride":int(ratio)}) # band=cv2.resize(band,(need_w,need_h),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # bandrange=band.get_max()-band.get_min() # print('band range',band.get_max(),band.get_min()) # band=(band-band.get_min())/bandrange*255 # print('button img range',band.get_max(),band.get_min()) # buttonimg=Image.fromnumset(band.convert_type('uint8'),'L') pcbuttons.apd(ImageTk.PhotoImage(pcimg)) def oneband(file): global displaybandnumset,originbandnumset,origibncabands,displayfea_l,displayfea_w global pcbuttons global partialpca partialpca=False try: bands=Multiimaginaryebands[file].bands except: return pcbuttons=[] channel,fea_l,fea_w=bands.shape print('bandsize',fea_l,fea_w) if fea_l*fea_w>2000*2000: ratio=findratio([fea_l,fea_w],[2000,2000]) else: ratio=1 print('ratio',ratio) originbands={} displays={} displaybands=cv2.resize(bands[0,:,:],(int(fea_w/ratio),int(fea_l/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) displayfea_l,displayfea_w=displaybands.shape RGB_vector=bn.zeros((displayfea_l*displayfea_w,3)) colorindex_vector=bn.zeros((displayfea_l*displayfea_w,12)) Red=bands[0,:,:].convert_type('uint8') # _,Red=cv2.threshold(Red,0,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU) Green=bands[0,:,:].convert_type('uint8') # _,Green=cv2.threshold(Green,0,255,cv2.THRESH_OTSU) Blue=bands[0,:,:].convert_type('uint8') # _,Blue=cv2.threshold(Blue,0,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU) fillbands(originbands,displays,RGB_vector,0,'Band1',Red) fillbands(originbands,displays,RGB_vector,1,'Band2',Green) fillbands(originbands,displays,RGB_vector,2,'Band3',Blue) PAT_R=bands[0,:,:].convert_type('uint8') # PAT_R=cv2.adaptiveThreshold(PAT_R,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY,11,2) PAT_G=bands[0,:,:] # PAT_G=cv2.adaptiveThreshold(PAT_G,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY,11,2) PAT_B=bands[0,:,:] ROO_R=bands[0,:,:] ROO_G=bands[0,:,:] ROO_B=bands[0,:,:] DIF_R=bands[0,:,:] DIF_G=bands[0,:,:] DIF_B=bands[0,:,:] GLD_R=bands[0,:,:] GLD_G=bands[0,:,:] GLD_B=bands[0,:,:] fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,0,'PAT_R',PAT_R) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,1,'PAT_G',PAT_G) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,2,'PAT_B',PAT_B) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,3,'ROO_R',ROO_R) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,4,'ROO_G',ROO_G) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,5,'ROO_B',ROO_B) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,6,'DIF_R',DIF_R) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,7,'DIF_G',DIF_G) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,8,'DIF_B',DIF_B) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,9,'GLD_R',GLD_R) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,10,'GLD_G',GLD_G) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,11,'GLD_B',GLD_B) displayfea_vector=bn.connect((RGB_vector,colorindex_vector),axis=1) # bn.savetxt('color-index.csv',displayfea_vector,delimiter=',',fmt='%10.5f') featurechannel=14 origibncabands.update({file:displayfea_vector}) # pcabandsdisplay=pcabands.change_shape_to(displayfea_l,displayfea_w,featurechannel) # pcabandsdisplay=bn.connect((RGB_vector,colorindex_vector),axis=2) pcabandsdisplay=displayfea_vector[:,:14] pcabandsdisplay=pcabandsdisplay.change_shape_to(displayfea_l,displayfea_w,featurechannel) tempdictdisplay={'LabOstu':pcabandsdisplay} displaybandnumset.update({file:tempdictdisplay}) originbandnumset.update({file:originbands}) # Red=displays['Band1'] # Green=displays['Band2'] # Blue=displays['Band3'] # convimg=bn.zeros((Red.shape[0],Red.shape[1],3)) # convimg[:,:,0]=Red # convimg[:,:,1]=Green # convimg[:,:,2]=Blue # convimg=Image.fromnumset(convimg.convert_type('uint8')) #'convimg.png','PNG') need_w=int(450/3) need_h=int(400/4) for i in range(2,3): band=bn.copy(pcabandsdisplay[:,:,i]) # band=bn.copy(Red) # imgband=(band-band.get_min())*255/(band.get_max()-band.get_min()) imgband=bn.copy(band) pcimg=Image.fromnumset(imgband.convert_type('uint8'),'L') #'pc'+'_'+str(i)+'.png',"PNG") pcimg.thumbnail((need_w,need_h),Image.ANTIALIAS) #'pc'+'_'+str(i)+'.png',"PNG") # ratio=get_max(displayfea_l/need_h,displayfea_w/need_w) # print('origin band range',band.get_max(),band.get_min()) # # band,cache=tkintercorestat.pool_forward(band,{"f":int(ratio),"stride":int(ratio)}) # band=cv2.resize(band,(need_w,need_h),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # bandrange=band.get_max()-band.get_min() # print('band range',band.get_max(),band.get_min()) # band=(band-band.get_min())/bandrange*255 # print('button img range',band.get_max(),band.get_min()) # buttonimg=Image.fromnumset(band.convert_type('uint8'),'L') pcbuttons.apd(ImageTk.PhotoImage(pcimg)) def singleband(file): global displaybandnumset,originbandnumset,origibncabands,displayfea_l,displayfea_w global pcbuttons global partialpca partialpca=False try: bands=Multiimaginaryebands[file].bands except: return pcbuttons=[] channel,fea_l,fea_w=bands.shape print('bandsize',fea_l,fea_w) if fea_l*fea_w>2000*2000: ratio=findratio([fea_l,fea_w],[2000,2000]) else: ratio=1 print('ratio',ratio) originbands={} displays={} displaybands=cv2.resize(bands[0,:,:],(int(fea_w/ratio),int(fea_l/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # displaybands=bn.copy(bands[0,:,:]) displayfea_l,displayfea_w=displaybands.shape # displayfea_l,displayfea_w=fea_l,fea_w print(displayfea_l,displayfea_w) RGB_vector=bn.zeros((displayfea_l*displayfea_w,3)) colorindex_vector=bn.zeros((displayfea_l*displayfea_w,12)) if channel==1: # Red=bands[0,:,:] # Green=bands[0,:,:] # Blue=bands[0,:,:] oneband(file) return else: Red=bands[0,:,:] Green=bands[1,:,:] Blue=bands[2,:,:] fillbands(originbands,displays,RGB_vector,0,'Band1',Red) fillbands(originbands,displays,RGB_vector,1,'Band2',Green) fillbands(originbands,displays,RGB_vector,2,'Band3',Blue) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # fig,axs=plt.subplots(1,3) # for i in range(3): # mibnc2=bn.get_min(RGB_vector[:,i]) # get_maxpc2=bn.get_max(RGB_vector[:,i]) # print(mibnc2,get_maxpc2) # bins=range(int(mibnc2),int(get_maxpc2),10) # axs[i].hist(RGB_vector[:,i],bins,range=(mibnc2,get_maxpc2)) # axs[i].set_title('RGBband_'+str(i+1)) # # plt.hist(pcabands[:,13],bins,range=(mibnc2,get_maxpc2)) # # secondsmtotalest_R=bn.partition(Red,1)[1][0] # secondsmtotalest_G=bn.partition(Green,1)[1][0] # secondsmtotalest_B=bn.partition(Blue,1)[1][0] # # Red=Red+secondsmtotalest_R # Green=Green+secondsmtotalest_G # Blue=Blue+secondsmtotalest_B # Red=Red/255+1 # Green=Green/255+1 # Blue=Blue/255+1 PAT_R=Red/(Red+Green) PAT_G=Green/(Green+Blue) PAT_B=Blue/(Blue+Red) ROO_R=Red/(Green+1e-6) ROO_G=Green/(Blue+1e-6) ROO_B=Blue/(Red+1e-6) DIF_R=2*Red-Green-Blue DIF_G=2*Green-Blue-Red DIF_B=2*Blue-Red-Green GLD_R=Red/(bn.multiply(bn.power(Blue,0.618),bn.power(Green,0.382))+1e-6) GLD_G=Green/(bn.multiply(bn.power(Blue,0.618),bn.power(Red,0.382))+1e-6) GLD_B=Blue/(bn.multiply(bn.power(Green,0.618),bn.power(Red,0.382))+1e-6) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,0,'PAT_R',PAT_R) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,1,'PAT_G',PAT_G) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,2,'PAT_B',PAT_B) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,3,'ROO_R',ROO_R) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,4,'ROO_G',ROO_G) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,5,'ROO_B',ROO_B) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,6,'DIF_R',DIF_R) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,7,'DIF_G',DIF_G) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,8,'DIF_B',DIF_B) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,9,'GLD_R',GLD_R) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,10,'GLD_G',GLD_G) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,11,'GLD_B',GLD_B) # for i in [5,11]: # colorindex_vector[:,i]=bn.log10(colorindex_vector[:,i]) # perc=bn.percentile(colorindex_vector[:,i],99) # print('perc',perc) # colorindex_vector[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(colorindex_vector[:,i]>perc,perc,colorindex_vector[:,i]) # # for i in [0,1,3,4,9,10]: # colorindex_vector[:,i]=bn.log10(colorindex_vector[:,i]) # perc=bn.percentile(colorindex_vector[:,i],90) # print('perc',perc) # colorindex_vector[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(colorindex_vector[:,i]>perc,perc,colorindex_vector[:,i]) # for i in [5,11]: # colorindex_vector[:,i]=bn.log10(colorindex_vector[:,i]) # perc=bn.percentile(colorindex_vector[:,i],99) # print('perc',perc) # colorindex_vector[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(colorindex_vector[:,i]>perc,perc,colorindex_vector[:,i]) # # for i in [3,4,9,10]: # colorindex_vector[:,i]=bn.log10(colorindex_vector[:,i]) # perc=bn.percentile(colorindex_vector[:,i],1) # print('perc',perc) # colorindex_vector[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(colorindex_vector[:,i]<perc,perc,colorindex_vector[:,i]) # perc=bn.percentile(colorindex_vector[:,i],99) # print('perc',perc) # colorindex_vector[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(colorindex_vector[:,i]>perc,perc,colorindex_vector[:,i]) # # for i in [0,1]: # colorindex_vector[:,i]=bn.log10(colorindex_vector[:,i]) # perc=bn.percentile(colorindex_vector[:,i],2) # print('perc',perc) # colorindex_vector[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(colorindex_vector[:,i]<perc,perc,colorindex_vector[:,i]) # for i in [0,1,3,4,9,10]: # colorindex_vector[:,i]=bn.log10(colorindex_vector[:,i]) for i in range(12): perc=bn.percentile(colorindex_vector[:,i],1) print('perc',perc) colorindex_vector[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(colorindex_vector[:,i]<perc,perc,colorindex_vector[:,i]) perc=bn.percentile(colorindex_vector[:,i],99) print('perc',perc) colorindex_vector[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(colorindex_vector[:,i]>perc,perc,colorindex_vector[:,i]) for i in range(3): perc=bn.percentile(RGB_vector[:,i],1) print('perc',perc) RGB_vector[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(RGB_vector[:,i]<perc,perc,RGB_vector[:,i]) perc=bn.percentile(RGB_vector[:,i],99) print('perc',perc) RGB_vector[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(RGB_vector[:,i]>perc,perc,RGB_vector[:,i]) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # fig,axs=plt.subplots(4,3) # for i in range(12): # mibnc2=bn.get_min(colorindex_vector[:,i]) # get_maxpc2=bn.get_max(colorindex_vector[:,i]) # print(mibnc2,get_maxpc2) # # bins=range(int(mibnc2),int(get_maxpc2)+1,10) # axs[int(i/3),i%3].hist(colorindex_vector[:,i],10,range=(mibnc2,get_maxpc2)) # axs[int(i/3),i%3].set_title('Colorindex_'+str(i+1)) # # axs[i].hist(colorindex_vector[:,i],10,range=(mibnc2,get_maxpc2)) # # axs[i].set_title('Colorindex_'+str(i+1)) # # plt.hist(pcabands[:,13],bins,range=(mibnc2,get_maxpc2)) # rgb_M=bn.average(RGB_vector.T,axis=1) colorindex_M=bn.average(colorindex_vector.T,axis=1) print('rgb_M',rgb_M,'colorindex_M',colorindex_M) rgb_C=RGB_vector-rgb_M colorindex_C=colorindex_vector-colorindex_M rgb_V=bn.corrcoef(rgb_C.T) color_V=bn.corrcoef(colorindex_C.T) nans=bn.ifnan(color_V) color_V[nans]=1e-6 rgb_standard_op=rgb_C/bn.standard_op(RGB_vector.T,axis=1) color_standard_op=colorindex_C/bn.standard_op(colorindex_vector.T,axis=1) nans=bn.ifnan(color_standard_op) color_standard_op[nans]=1e-6 rgb_eigval,rgb_eigvec=bn.linalg.eig(rgb_V) color_eigval,color_eigvec=bn.linalg.eig(color_V) print('rgb_eigvec',rgb_eigvec) print('color_eigvec',color_eigvec) featurechannel=12 pcabands=bn.zeros((colorindex_vector.shape[0],featurechannel)) rgbbands=bn.zeros((colorindex_vector.shape[0],3)) # plot3d(pcabands) # bn.savetxt('rgb.csv',rgbbands,delimiter=',',fmt='%10.5f') # pcabands[:,1]=bn.copy(pcabands[:,1]) # pcabands[:,2]=pcabands[:,2]*0 indexbands=bn.zeros((colorindex_vector.shape[0],3)) # for i in range(3,featurechannel): # csvpcabands=bn.zeros((colorindex_vector.shape[0],15)) for i in range(0,9): pcn=color_eigvec[:,i],pcn) pcvar=bn.var(pcnbands) print('color index pc',i+1,'var=',pcvar) pcabands[:,i]=pcabands[:,i]+pcnbands # if i<5: # indexbands[:,i-2]=indexbands[:,i-2]+pcnbands for i in range(9,12): pcn=rgb_eigvec[:,i-9],pcn) pcvar=bn.var(pcnbands) print('rgb pc',i+1,'var=',pcvar) pcabands[:,i]=pcabands[:,i]+pcnbands rgbbands[:,i-9]=rgbbands[:,i-9]+pcnbands # for i in range(0,12): # pcn=color_eigvec[:,i] #,pcn) # pcvar=bn.var(pcnbands) # print('csv color index pc',i+1,'var=',pcvar) # csvpcabands[:,i]=csvpcabands[:,i]+pcnbands # for i in range(12,15): # pcn=rgb_eigvec[:,i-12] #,pcn) # csvpcabands[:,i]=csvpcabands[:,i]+pcnbands # '''save to csv''' # indexbands[:,0]=indexbands[:,0]+pcabands[:,2] # indexbands[:,1]=indexbands[:,1]+pcabands[:,3] # indexbands[:,2]=indexbands[:,2]+pcabands[:,4] # plot3d(indexbands) # bn.savetxt('pcs.csv',pcabands,delimiter=',',fmt='%10.5f') # mibnc=bn.get_min(pcabands) # # meabnc=bn.average(pcabands) # standard_oppc=bn.standard_op(pcabands) # print('meabnc',meabnc,'standard_oppc',standard_oppc) # pcabands=pcabands-meabnc/standard_oppc # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # mibnc2=bn.get_min(pcabands[:,13]) # get_maxpc2=bn.get_max(pcabands[:,13]) # print(mibnc2,get_maxpc2) # bins=range(int(mibnc2),int(get_maxpc2),10) # plt.hist(pcabands[:,13],bins,range=(mibnc2,get_maxpc2)) # # bn.savetxt('pcs.csv',pcabands[:,3],delimiter=',',fmt='%10.5f') for i in range(12): perc=bn.percentile(pcabands[:,i],1) print('perc',perc) pcabands[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(pcabands[:,i]<perc,perc,pcabands[:,i]) perc=bn.percentile(pcabands[:,i],99) print('perc',perc) pcabands[:,i]=bn.filter_condition(pcabands[:,i]>perc,perc,pcabands[:,i]) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # fig,axs=plt.subplots(4,3) # for i in range(2,14): # mibnc2=bn.get_min(pcabands[:,i]) # get_maxpc2=bn.get_max(pcabands[:,i]) # print(mibnc2,get_maxpc2) # # bins=range(int(mibnc2),int(get_maxpc2)+1,10) # axs[int((i-2)/3),(i-2)%3].hist(pcabands[:,i],10,range=(mibnc2,get_maxpc2)) # axs[int((i-2)/3),(i-2)%3].set_title('PC_'+str(i-2+1)) # # axs[i].hist(colorindex_vector[:,i],10,range=(mibnc2,get_maxpc2)) # # axs[i].set_title('Colorindex_'+str(i+1)) # # plt.hist(pcabands[:,13],bins,range=(mibnc2,get_maxpc2)) # # header=['R','G','B', # 'PAT_R','PAT_G','PAT_B', # 'DIF_R','DIF_G','DIF_B', # 'ROO_R','ROO_G','ROO_B', # 'GLD_R','GLD_G','GLD_B',] # displayfea_vector=bn.connect((RGB_vector,colorindex_vector),axis=1) # with open('color-index.csv','w') as f: # writer=csv.writer(f) # writer.writerow(header) # for i in range(displayfea_vector.shape[0]): # writer.writerow(list(displayfea_vector[i,:])) # bn.savetxt('color-index.csv',displayfea_vector,delimiter=',',fmt='%10.5f') displayfea_vector=bn.connect((RGB_vector,colorindex_vector),axis=1) origibncabands.update({file:displayfea_vector}) pcabandsdisplay=pcabands.change_shape_to(displayfea_l,displayfea_w,featurechannel) tempdictdisplay={'LabOstu':pcabandsdisplay} displaybandnumset.update({file:tempdictdisplay}) originbandnumset.update({file:originbands}) # Red=displays['Band1'] # Green=displays['Band2'] # Blue=displays['Band3'] # convimg=bn.zeros((Red.shape[0],Red.shape[1],3)) # convimg[:,:,0]=Red # convimg[:,:,1]=Green # convimg[:,:,2]=Blue # convimg=Image.fromnumset(convimg.convert_type('uint8')) #'convimg.png','PNG') need_w=int(450/3) need_h=int(400/4) # pcdisplay=[3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,0,1,2] # for i in range(2,featurechannel): for i in range(featurechannel): band=bn.copy(pcabandsdisplay[:,:,i]) imgband=(band-band.get_min())*255/(band.get_max()-band.get_min()) pcimg=Image.fromnumset(imgband.convert_type('uint8'),'L') #'pc'+'_'+str(i)+'.png',"PNG") pcimg.thumbnail((need_w,need_h),Image.ANTIALIAS) #'pc'+'_'+str(i)+'.png',"PNG") # ratio=get_max(displayfea_l/need_h,displayfea_w/need_w) # print('origin band range',band.get_max(),band.get_min()) # # band,cache=tkintercorestat.pool_forward(band,{"f":int(ratio),"stride":int(ratio)}) # band=cv2.resize(band,(need_w,need_h),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # bandrange=band.get_max()-band.get_min() # print('band range',band.get_max(),band.get_min()) # band=(band-band.get_min())/bandrange*255 # print('button img range',band.get_max(),band.get_min()) # buttonimg=Image.fromnumset(band.convert_type('uint8'),'L') pcbuttons.apd(ImageTk.PhotoImage(pcimg)) def colorindices_cal(file): global colorindicenumset try: bands=Multiimaginaryebands[file].bands except: return channel,fea_l,fea_w=bands.shape print('bandsize',fea_l,fea_w) if fea_l*fea_w>2000*2000: ratio=findratio([fea_l,fea_w],[2000,2000]) else: ratio=1 print('ratio',ratio) originbands={} displays={} # displaybands=cv2.resize(bands[0,:,:],(int(fea_w/ratio),int(fea_l/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # displaybands=bn.copy(bands[0,:,:]) # displayfea_l,displayfea_w=displaybands.shape # displayfea_l,displayfea_w=fea_l,fea_w print(displayfea_l,displayfea_w) colorindex_vector=bn.zeros((displayfea_l*displayfea_w,7)) if channel==1: Red=bands[0,:,:] Green=bands[0,:,:] Blue=bands[0,:,:] else: Red=bands[0,:,:] Green=bands[1,:,:] Blue=bands[2,:,:] secondsmtotalest_R=bn.partition(Red,1)[1][0] secondsmtotalest_G=bn.partition(Green,1)[1][0] secondsmtotalest_B=bn.partition(Blue,1)[1][0] Red=Red+secondsmtotalest_R Green=Green+secondsmtotalest_G Blue=Blue+secondsmtotalest_B NDI=128*((Green-Red)/(Green+Red)+1) VEG=Green/(bn.power(Red,0.667)*bn.power(Blue,(1-0.667))) Greenness=Green/(Green+Red+Blue) CIVE=0.44*Red+0.811*Green+0.385*Blue+18.7845 MExG=1.262*Green-0.844*Red-0.311*Blue NDRB=(Red-Blue)/(Red+Blue) NGRDI=(Green-Red)/(Green+Red) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,0,'NDI',NDI) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,1,'VEG',VEG) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,2,'Greenness',Greenness) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,3,'CIVE',CIVE) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,4,'MExG',MExG) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,5,'NDRB',NDRB) fillbands(originbands,displays,colorindex_vector,6,'NGRDI',NGRDI) colorindicenumset.update({file:originbands}) def singleband_oldversion(file): global displaybandnumset,originbandnumset,origibncabands,displayfea_l,displayfea_w global pcbuttons try: bands=Multigraybands[file].bands except: return pcbuttons=[] bandsize=Multigraybands[file].size print('bandsize',bandsize) try: channel,height,width=bands.shape except: channel=0 if channel>1: bands=bands[0,:,:] #bands=cv2.GaussianBlur(bands,(3,3),cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT) ostu=filters.threshold_otsu(bands) bands=bands.convert_type('float32') bands=bands/ostu #display purpose if bandsize[0]*bandsize[1]>2000*2000: ratio=findratio([bandsize[0],bandsize[1]],[2000,2000]) else: ratio=1 print('ratio',ratio) #if bandsize[0]*bandsize[1]>850*850: # ratio=findratio([bandsize[0],bandsize[1]],[850,850]) #else: # ratio=1 #ttestbands=bn.copy(bands) #testandard_opisplaybands=cv2.resize(ttestbands,(int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) #testandard_opisplaybands=cv2.resize(testandard_opisplaybands,(int(resizeshape[0]),int(resizeshape[1])),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) #print('testandard_opisplaybands size',testandard_opisplaybands.size) #if bandsize[0]*bandsize[1]>850*850: # ratio=findratio([bandsize[0],bandsize[1]],[850,850]) #else: # ratio=1 originbands={} displays={} fea_l,fea_w=bands.shape # fea_vector=bn.zeros((fea_l*fea_w,3)) pyplt.imsave('bands.png',bands) displaybands=cv2.resize(bands,(int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) pyplt.imsave('displaybands.png',displaybands) displayfea_l,displayfea_w=displaybands.shape fea_vector=bn.zeros((displayfea_l*displayfea_w,3)) displayfea_vector=bn.zeros((displayfea_l*displayfea_w,7)) colorfea_vector=bn.zeros((displayfea_l*displayfea_w,7)) # originfea_vector=bn.zeros((bandsize[0],bandsize[1],10)) # saveimg=bn.copy(bands).convert_type('uint8') # pyplt.imsave('ostuimg.png',saveimg) if 'LabOstu' not in originbands: originbands.update({'LabOstu':bands}) fea_bands=bands.change_shape_to(fea_l*fea_w,1)[:,0] # originfea_vector[:,9]=originfea_vector[:,0]+fea_bands displayfea_bands=displaybands.change_shape_to((displayfea_l*displayfea_w),1)[:,0] # fea_vector[:,9]=fea_vector[:,0]+fea_bands displayfea_vector[:,6]=displayfea_vector[:,6]+displayfea_bands get_minverse=displayfea_bands.get_min() get_maxv=displayfea_bands.get_max() fearr_range=get_maxv-get_minverse colorfeabands=displayfea_bands-get_minverse colorfeabands=colorfeabands/fearr_range*255 colorfea_vector[:,6]=colorfea_vector[:,6]+colorfeabands #displaybands=displaybands.change_shape_to((int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio),3)) #kernel=bn.create_ones((2,2),bn.float32)/4 #displaybands=bn.copy(bands) displays.update({'LabOstu':displaybands}) #displaybandnumset.update({'LabOstu':cv2.filter2D(displaybands,-1,kernel)}) bands=Multiimaginaryebands[file].bands #for i in range(3): # bands[i,:,:]=cv2.GaussianBlur(bands[i,:,:],(3,3),cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT) NDI=128*((bands[1,:,:]-bands[0,:,:])/(bands[1,:,:]+bands[0,:,:])+1) tempdict={'NDI':NDI} # saveimg=bn.copy(NDI).convert_type('uint8') # pyplt.imsave('NDIimg.png',saveimg) if 'NDI' not in originbands: originbands.update(tempdict) displaybands=cv2.resize(NDI,(int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) fea_bands=NDI.change_shape_to(fea_l*fea_w,1)[:,0] # originfea_vector[:,1]=originfea_vector[:,1]+fea_bands displayfea_bands=displaybands.change_shape_to((displayfea_l*displayfea_w),1)[:,0] # fea_vector[:,1]=fea_vector[:,1]+fea_bands displayfea_vector[:,1]=displayfea_vector[:,1]+displayfea_bands get_minverse=displayfea_bands.get_min() get_maxv=displayfea_bands.get_max() fearr_range=get_maxv-get_minverse colorfeabands=displayfea_bands-get_minverse colorfeabands=colorfeabands/fearr_range*255 colorfea_vector[:,1]=colorfea_vector[:,1]+colorfeabands #displaybands=bn.copy(NDI) #kernel=bn.create_ones((2,2),bn.float32)/4 #displaydict={'NDI':cv2.filter2D(displaybands,-1,kernel)} displaydict={'NDI':displaybands} #displaydict=displaydict.change_shape_to((int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio),3)) displays.update(displaydict) Red=bands[0,:,:] Green=bands[1,:,:] Blue=bands[2,:,:] tempdict={'Band1':Red} # saveimg=bn.zeros((bandsize[0],bandsize[1],3),'uint8') # saveimg[:,:,0]=bn.copy(Red).convert_type('uint8') # pyplt.imsave('Redimg.png',saveimg) # saveimg=bn.zeros((bandsize[0],bandsize[1],3),'uint8') # saveimg[:,:,1]=bn.copy(Green).convert_type('uint8') # pyplt.imsave('Greenimg.png',saveimg) # saveimg=bn.zeros((bandsize[0],bandsize[1],3),'uint8') # saveimg[:,:,2]=bn.copy(Blue).convert_type('uint8') # pyplt.imsave('Blueimg.png',saveimg) if 'Band1' not in originbands: originbands.update(tempdict) imaginarye=cv2.resize(Red,(int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) displaydict={'Band1':imaginarye} displays.update(displaydict) # fea_bands=Red.change_shape_to(fea_l*fea_w,1)[:,0] fea_bands=imaginarye.change_shape_to((displayfea_l*displayfea_w),1)[:,0] # originfea_vector[:,2]=originfea_vector[:,2]+fea_bands displayfea_bands=imaginarye.change_shape_to((displayfea_l*displayfea_w),1)[:,0] fea_vector[:,0]=fea_vector[:,0]+fea_bands # displayfea_vector[:,2]=displayfea_vector[:,2]+displayfea_bands tempdict={'Band2':Green} if 'Band2' not in originbands: originbands.update(tempdict) imaginarye=cv2.resize(Green,(int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) displaydict={'Band2':imaginarye} displays.update(displaydict) # fea_bands=Green.change_shape_to(fea_l*fea_w,1)[:,0] fea_bands=imaginarye.change_shape_to((displayfea_l*displayfea_w),1)[:,0] # originfea_vector[:,3]=originfea_vector[:,3]+fea_bands displayfea_bands=imaginarye.change_shape_to((displayfea_l*displayfea_w),1)[:,0] fea_vector[:,1]=fea_vector[:,1]+fea_bands # displayfea_vector[:,3]=displayfea_vector[:,3]+displayfea_bands tempdict={'Band3':Blue} if 'Band3' not in originbands: originbands.update(tempdict) # originfea_vector[:,4]=originfea_vector[:,4]+Blue imaginarye=cv2.resize(Blue,(int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) displaydict={'Band3':imaginarye} displays.update(displaydict) # fea_bands=Blue.change_shape_to(fea_l*fea_w,1)[:,0] fea_bands=imaginarye.change_shape_to((displayfea_l*displayfea_w),1)[:,0] displayfea_bands=imaginarye.change_shape_to((displayfea_l*displayfea_w),1)[:,0] fea_vector[:,2]=fea_vector[:,2]+fea_bands # displayfea_vector[:,4]=displayfea_vector[:,4]+displayfea_bands Greenness = bands[1, :, :] / (bands[0, :, :] + bands[1, :, :] + bands[2, :, :]) tempdict = {'Greenness': Greenness} if 'Greenness' not in originbands: originbands.update(tempdict) # originfea_vector[:,5]=originfea_vector[:,5]+Greenness imaginarye=cv2.resize(Greenness,(int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) #imaginarye=imaginarye.change_shape_to((int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio),3)) displaydict={'Greenness':imaginarye} #displaybandnumset.update(worktempdict) displays.update(displaydict) fea_bands=Greenness.change_shape_to(fea_l*fea_w,1)[:,0] displayfea_bands=imaginarye.change_shape_to((displayfea_l*displayfea_w),1)[:,0] # fea_vector[:,5]=fea_vector[:,5]+fea_bands displayfea_vector[:,2]=displayfea_vector[:,2]+displayfea_bands get_minverse=displayfea_bands.get_min() get_maxv=displayfea_bands.get_max() fearr_range=get_maxv-get_minverse colorfeabands=displayfea_bands-get_minverse colorfeabands=colorfeabands/fearr_range*255 colorfea_vector[:,2]=colorfea_vector[:,2]+colorfeabands VEG=bands[1,:,:]/(bn.power(bands[0,:,:],0.667)*bn.power(bands[2,:,:],(1-0.667))) tempdict={'VEG':VEG} if 'VEG' not in originbands: originbands.update(tempdict) # originfea_vector[:,6]=originfea_vector[:,6]+VEG imaginarye=cv2.resize(VEG,(int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) kernel=bn.create_ones((4,4),bn.float32)/16 #displaybandnumset.update({'LabOstu':}) #imaginarye=imaginarye.change_shape_to((int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio),3)) worktempdict={'VEG':cv2.filter2D(imaginarye,-1,kernel)} displays.update(worktempdict) fea_bands=VEG.change_shape_to(fea_l*fea_w,1)[:,0] displayfea_bands=imaginarye.change_shape_to((displayfea_l*displayfea_w),1)[:,0] # fea_vector[:,6]=fea_vector[:,6]+fea_bands displayfea_vector[:,3]=displayfea_vector[:,3]+displayfea_bands get_minverse=displayfea_bands.get_min() get_maxv=displayfea_bands.get_max() fearr_range=get_maxv-get_minverse colorfeabands=displayfea_bands-get_minverse colorfeabands=colorfeabands/fearr_range*255 colorfea_vector[:,3]=colorfea_vector[:,3]+colorfeabands CIVE=0.441*bands[0,:,:]-0.811*bands[1,:,:]+0.385*bands[2,:,:]+18.78745 tempdict={'CIVE':CIVE} if 'CIVE' not in originbands: originbands.update(tempdict) # originfea_vector[:,7]=originfea_vector[:,7]+CIVE imaginarye=cv2.resize(CIVE,(int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) #imaginarye=imaginarye.change_shape_to((int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio),3)) worktempdict={'CIVE':imaginarye} displays.update(worktempdict) fea_bands=CIVE.change_shape_to(fea_l*fea_w,1)[:,0] displayfea_bands=imaginarye.change_shape_to((displayfea_l*displayfea_w),1)[:,0] # fea_vector[:,7]=fea_vector[:,7]+fea_bands displayfea_vector[:,4]=displayfea_vector[:,4]+displayfea_bands get_minverse=displayfea_bands.get_min() get_maxv=displayfea_bands.get_max() fearr_range=get_maxv-get_minverse colorfeabands=displayfea_bands-get_minverse colorfeabands=colorfeabands/fearr_range*255 colorfea_vector[:,4]=colorfea_vector[:,4]+colorfeabands MExG=1.262*bands[1,:,:]-0.884*bands[0,:,:]-0.311*bands[2,:,:] tempdict={'MExG':MExG} if 'MExG' not in originbands: originbands.update(tempdict) # originfea_vector[:,8]=originfea_vector[:,8]+MExG imaginarye=cv2.resize(MExG,(int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) #imaginarye=imaginarye.change_shape_to((int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio),3)) worktempdict={'MExG':imaginarye} displays.update(worktempdict) fea_bands=MExG.change_shape_to(fea_l*fea_w,1)[:,0] displayfea_bands=imaginarye.change_shape_to((displayfea_l*displayfea_w),1)[:,0] # fea_vector[:,8]=fea_vector[:,8]+fea_bands displayfea_vector[:,5]=displayfea_vector[:,5]+displayfea_bands get_minverse=displayfea_bands.get_min() get_maxv=displayfea_bands.get_max() fearr_range=get_maxv-get_minverse colorfeabands=displayfea_bands-get_minverse colorfeabands=colorfeabands/fearr_range*255 colorfea_vector[:,5]=colorfea_vector[:,5]+colorfeabands NDVI=(bands[0,:,:]-bands[2,:,:])/(bands[0,:,:]+bands[2,:,:]) tempdict={'NDVI':NDVI} if 'NDVI' not in originbands: originbands.update(tempdict) # originfea_vector[:,0]=originfea_vector[:,9]+NDVI imaginarye=cv2.resize(NDVI,(int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) #imaginarye=imaginarye.change_shape_to((int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio),3)) worktempdict={'NDVI':imaginarye} displays.update(worktempdict) fea_bands=NDVI.change_shape_to(fea_l*fea_w,1)[:,0] displayfea_bands=imaginarye.change_shape_to((displayfea_l*displayfea_w),1)[:,0] # fea_vector[:,0]=fea_vector[:,9]+fea_bands displayfea_vector[:,0]=displayfea_vector[:,0]+displayfea_bands get_minverse=displayfea_bands.get_min() get_maxv=displayfea_bands.get_max() fearr_range=get_maxv-get_minverse colorfeabands=displayfea_bands-get_minverse colorfeabands=colorfeabands/fearr_range*255 colorfea_vector[:,0]=colorfea_vector[:,0]+colorfeabands NGRDI=(bands[1,:,:]-bands[0,:,:])/(bands[1,:,:]+bands[0,:,:]) tempdict={'NGRDI':NGRDI} if 'NGRDI' not in originbands: originbands.update(tempdict) imaginarye=cv2.resize(NGRDI,(int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) #imaginarye=imaginarye.change_shape_to((int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio),3)) worktempdict={'NGRDI':imaginarye} displays.update(worktempdict) if channel>=1: nirbands=Multigraybands[file].bands NDVI=(nirbands[0,:,:]-bands[1,:,:])/(nirbands[0,:,:]+bands[1,:,:]) tempdict={'NDVI':NDVI} #if 'NDVI' not in originbandnumset: originbands.update(tempdict) imaginarye=cv2.resize(NDVI,(int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) #imaginarye=imaginarye.change_shape_to((int(bandsize[1]/ratio),int(bandsize[0]/ratio),3)) worktempdict={'NDVI':imaginarye} displays.update(worktempdict) '''PCA part''' displayfea_vector=bn.connect((fea_vector,displayfea_vector),axis=1) M=bn.average(displayfea_vector.T,axis=1) OM=bn.average(fea_vector.T,axis=1) print('M',M,'M shape',M.shape, 'OM',OM,'OM Shape',OM.shape) C=displayfea_vector-M OC=fea_vector-OM #get_max=bn.get_max(C.T,axis=1) #print('MAX',get_max) #C=C/get_max print('C',C,'OC',OC) #V=bn.cov(C.T) V=bn.corrcoef(C.T) OV=bn.corrcoef(OC.T) standard_op=bn.standard_op(displayfea_vector.T,axis=1) O_standard_op=bn.standard_op(fea_vector.T,axis=1) print(standard_op,O_standard_op) standard_op_displayfea=C/standard_op O_standard_opdisplayfea=OC/O_standard_op print(standard_op_displayfea,O_standard_opdisplayfea) #eigvalues,eigvectors=bn.linalg.eig(V) #n,m=displayfea_vector.shape,displayfea_vector)/(n-1) V_var=bn.cov(standard_op_displayfea.T) print('COV',V_var) print('COR',V) eigvalues=la.eigvals(V_var) #eigvalues=bn.linalg.eigvals(C) print('eigvalue',eigvalues) idx=bn.argsort(eigvalues) print('idx',idx) eigvalues,eigvectors=bn.linalg.eig(V) print('eigvalue',eigvalues) print('eigvectors',eigvectors) eigvalueperc={} featurechannel=10 # for i in range(len(eigvalues)): # print('percentage',i,eigvalues[i]/total_count(eigvalues)) # eigvalueperc.update({i:eigvalues[i]/total_count(eigvalues)}) # #if eigvalues[i]>0: # featurechannel+=1 # o_eigenvalue,o_eigenvector=bn.linalg.eig(OV) pcabands=bn.zeros((displayfea_vector.shape[0],featurechannel)) # o_pcabands=bn.zeros((fea_vector.shape[0],featurechannel)) pcavar={} # # # # # separate PCs # # for i in range(3): # # pcn=o_eigenvector[:,i] # #,pcn) # # pcvar=bn.var(pcnbands) # # print('pc',i+1,' var=',pcvar) # # pcabands[:,i]=pcabands[:,i]+pcnbands # # for i in range(7): # # pcn=eigvectors[:,i] # #,pcn) # # pcvar=bn.var(pcnbands) # # print('pc',i+1,' var=',pcvar) # # temppcavar={i:pcvar} # # pcavar.update(temppcavar) # # pcabands[:,i+3]=pcabands[:,i+3]+pcnbands # # # # # combined PCs for i in range(featurechannel): pcn=eigvectors[:,i] #,pcn),pcn) pcvar=bn.var(pcnbands) print('pc',i+1,' var=',pcvar) temppcavar={i:pcvar} pcavar.update(temppcavar) pcabands[:,i]=pcabands[:,i]+pcnbands # ''' NO PCA''' # colorfea_vector=bn.connect((fea_vector,colorfea_vector),axis=1) # displayfea_vector=bn.connect((fea_vector,displayfea_vector),axis=1) # M=bn.average(colorfea_vector.T,axis=1) # print('colorfea_vector M',M) # pcabands=bn.copy(colorfea_vector) # featurechannel=10 '''Export to CSV''' # bn.savetxt('pcs.csv',pcabands,delimiter=',',fmt='%s') # bn.savetxt('color-index.csv',displayfea_vector,delimiter=',',fmt='%s') #threedplot(pcabands) # origibncabands.update({file:o_pcabands}) origibncabands.update({file:displayfea_vector}) pcabandsdisplay=pcabands.change_shape_to(displayfea_l,displayfea_w,featurechannel) #originbands={'LabOstu':pcabandsdisplay} tempdictdisplay={'LabOstu':pcabandsdisplay} #displaybandnumset.update({file:displays}) displaybandnumset.update({file:tempdictdisplay}) originbandnumset.update({file:originbands}) need_w=int(450/4) need_h=int(400/3) for i in range(featurechannel): band=bn.copy(pcabandsdisplay[:,:,i]) ratio=get_max(displayfea_l/need_h,displayfea_w/need_w) band,cache=tkintercorestat.pool_forward(band,{"f":int(ratio),"stride":int(ratio)}) bandrange=band.get_max()-band.get_min() band=(band-band.get_min())/bandrange*255 buttonimg=Image.fromnumset(band.convert_type('uint8'),'L') pcbuttons.apd(ImageTk.PhotoImage(buttonimg)) #'pcbutton_'+str(i)+'.png',"PNG") # print('saved') from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D def threedplot(area): fig=pyplt.figure() ax=fig.add_concat_subplot(111,projection='3d') n=100 xs=bn.copy(area[0:n,0]) ys=bn.copy(area[0:n,1]) zs=bn.copy(area[0:n,3]) colors=("red","green","blue") groups=("PC1","PC2","PC3") #for c,l in [('r','o'),('g','^')]: ax.scatter(xs,ys,bn.get_max(zs),c='r',marker='o') ax.scatter(xs,bn.get_min(ys),zs,c='b',marker='^') ax.scatter(bn.get_max(xs),ys,zs,c='g') ax.set_xlabel('PC1') ax.set_ylabel('PC2') ax.set_zlabel('PC3') def changeimaginarye(frame,filename): global clusterdisplay,currentfilename,resviewframe clusterdisplay={} currentfilename=filename print(filename) generatedisplayimg(filename) changedisplayimg(frame,'Origin') for key in cluster: tuplist=[] for i in range(len(cluster)): tuplist.apd('') tup=tuple(tuplist) bandchoice[key].set(tup) #for key in cluster: # ch=ttk.Checkbutton(contentframe,text=key,variable=bandchoice[key],command=changecluster)#,command=partial(autosetclassnumber,clusternumberentry,bandchoice)) # ch.pack() if filename in multi_results.keys(): for widget in resviewframe.winfo_children(): widget.pack_forget() iternum=len(list(multi_results[filename][0].keys())) itervar=IntVar() itervar.set(iternum) resscaler=Scale(resviewframe,from_=1,to=iternum,tickinterval=1,length=220,orient=HORIZONTAL,variable=itervar,command=partial(changeoutputimg,filename)) resscaler.pack() outputbutton=Button(resviewframe,text='Export Results',command=partial(export_result,itervar)) outputbutton.pack() def generatecheckbox(frame,classnum): global checkboxdict,havecolorstrip changekaveragesbar('') for widget in frame.winfo_children(): widget.pack_forget() checkboxdict={} havecolorstrip=False add_concatcolorstrip() for i in range(10): dictkey=str(i+1) tempdict={dictkey:Variable()} tempdict[dictkey].set('0') checkboxdict.update(tempdict) ch=Checkbutton(checkboxframe,text=dictkey,variable=checkboxdict[dictkey],command=partial(changeclusterbox,''))#,command=partial(changecluster,'')) if i+1>int(kaverages.get()): ch.config(state=DISABLED) ch.pack(side=LEFT) #if i==0: # ch.inverseoke() #for i in range(int(classnum)): # dictkey='class '+str(i+1) # tempdict={dictkey:Variable()} # checkboxdict.update(tempdict) #ch=ttk.Checkbutton(frame,text=dictkey,command=partial(generateplant,checkboxdict,bandchoice,classnum),variable=checkboxdict[dictkey]) # ch=ttk.Checkbutton(frame,text=dictkey,command=changecluster,variable=checkboxdict[dictkey]) # ch.grid(row=int(i/3),column=int(i%3)) # if i==get_minipixelareaclass: # ch.inverseoke() def generateimgplant(event): global currentlabels,changekaverages,colordicesband,originbinaryimg,pre_checkbox colordicesband=bn.copy(displaylabels) keys=checkboxdict.keys() plantchoice=[] pre_checkbox=[] for key in keys: plantchoice.apd(checkboxdict[key].get()) pre_checkbox.apd(checkboxdict[key].get()) origindisplaylabels=bn.copy(displaybandnumset[currentfilename]['LabOstu']) h,w,c=origindisplaylabels.shape # tempdisplayimg=bn.zeros((displaybandnumset[currentfilename]['LabOstu'].shape[0], # displaybandnumset[currentfilename]['LabOstu'].shape[1])) # colordivimg=bn.zeros((displaybandnumset[currentfilename]['LabOstu'].shape[0], # displaybandnumset[currentfilename]['LabOstu'].shape[1])) tempdisplayimg=bn.zeros((h,w)) colordivimg=bn.zeros((h,w)) sel_count=plantchoice.count('1') if sel_count == int(kaverages.get()): tempdisplayimg=tempdisplayimg+1 else: for i in range(int(kaverages.get())): tup=plantchoice[i] if '1' in tup: tempdisplayimg=bn.filter_condition(displaylabels==i,1,tempdisplayimg) # uniqcolor=bn.uniq(tempdisplayimg) # if len(uniqcolor)==1 and uniqcolor[0]==1: # tempdisplayimg=bn.copy(displaylabels).convert_type('float32') currentlabels=bn.copy(tempdisplayimg) originbinaryimg=bn.copy(tempdisplayimg) tempcolorimg=bn.copy(displaylabels).convert_type('float32') # ratio=findratio([h,w],[850,850]) # if h*w<850*850: # tempdisplayimg=cv2.resize(tempdisplayimg,(int(w*ratio),int(h*ratio))) # colordivimg=cv2.resize(tempcolorimg,(int(w*ratio),int(h*ratio))) # if h>850: # ratio=round(h/850) # tempdisplayimg=cv2.resize(tempdisplayimg,(int(w/ratio),int(h/ratio))) # colordivimg=cv2.resize(tempcolorimg,(int(w/ratio),int(h/ratio))) # if w>850: # ratio=round(w/850) # tempdisplayimg=cv2.resize(tempdisplayimg,(int(w/ratio),int(h/ratio))) # colordivimg=cv2.resize(tempcolorimg,(int(w/ratio),int(h/ratio))) # else: # tempdisplayimg=cv2.resize(tempdisplayimg,(int(w/ratio),int(h/ratio))) # colordivimg=cv2.resize(tempcolorimg,(int(w/ratio),int(h/ratio))) # tempdisplayimg=cv2.resize(tempdisplayimg,(int(resizeshape[0]),int(resizeshape[1]))) # colordivimg=cv2.resize(tempcolorimg,(int(resizeshape[0]),int(resizeshape[1]))) colordivimg=bn.copy(tempcolorimg) binaryimg=bn.zeros((h,w,3)) kvar=int(kaverages.get()) locs=bn.filter_condition(tempdisplayimg==1) binaryimg[locs]=[240,228,66] colordeimg=bn.zeros((h,w,3)) # binarypreview=cv2.resize(binaryimg,(int(previewshape[0]),int(previewshape[1]))) binarypreview=bn.copy(binaryimg) if kvar==1: if colordivimg.get_min()<0: # if absolute(colordivimg.get_min())<colordivimg.get_max(): colordivimg=colordivimg-colordivimg.get_min() colorrange=colordivimg.get_max()-colordivimg.get_min() colordivimg=colordivimg*255/colorrange grayimg=Image.fromnumset(colordivimg.convert_type('uint8'),'L') grayimg=grayimg.resize((int(resizeshape[0]),int(resizeshape[1]))) colordivdict={} colordivdict.update({'Size':[resizeshape[1],resizeshape[0]]}) colordivdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(grayimg)}) displayimg['Color Deviation']=colordivdict colordivpreview={} # colordivpreimg=cv2.resize(colordivimg,(int(previewshape[0]),int(previewshape[1]))) graypreviewimg=Image.fromnumset(colordivimg.convert_type('uint8'),'L') graypreviewimg=graypreviewimg.resize((int(previewshape[0]),int(previewshape[1]))) colordivpreview.update({'Size':[previewshape[1],previewshape[0]]}) colordivpreview.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(graypreviewimg)}) previewimg['Color Deviation']=colordivpreview binaryimg=bn.zeros((resizeshape[1],resizeshape[0],3)) tempdict={} tempdict.update({'Size':[resizeshape[1],resizeshape[0]]}) tempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(binaryimg.convert_type('uint8')))}) displayimg['ColorIndices']=tempdict binarypreview=bn.zeros((int(previewshape[1]),int(previewshape[0]))) tempdict={} tempdict.update({'Size':binarypreview.shape}) tempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(binarypreview.convert_type('uint8')))}) previewimg['ColorIndices']=tempdict # changedisplayimg(imaginaryeframe,'Color Deviation') else: for i in range(kvar): locs=bn.filter_condition(colordivimg==i) colordeimg[locs]=colorbandtable[i] #pyplt.imsave('displayimg.png',tempdisplayimg) #pyplt.imsave('totalcolorindex.png',colordivimg) #bands=Image.fromnumset(tempdisplayimg) #bands=bands.convert('L')'displayimg.png') #indimg=cv2.imread('displayimg.png') colordeimg=Image.fromnumset(colordeimg.convert_type('uint8'))'totalcolorindex.png',"PNG") binaryimg=Image.fromnumset(binaryimg.convert_type('uint8'))'binaryimg.png',"PNG") binaryimg=binaryimg.resize((int(resizeshape[0]),int(resizeshape[1]))) tempdict={} tempdict.update({'Size':[resizeshape[1],resizeshape[0]]}) tempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(binaryimg)}) displayimg['ColorIndices']=tempdict tempdict={} binaryimg=binaryimg.resize((int(previewshape[0]),int(previewshape[1]))) tempdict.update({'Size':[previewshape[1],previewshape[0]]}) tempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(binaryimg)}) previewimg['ColorIndices']=tempdict #indimg=cv2.imread('totalcolorindex.png') #tempdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromnumset(indimg))}) # # colorimg=cv2.imread('totalcolorindex.png') # Image.fromnumset((binaryimg.convert_type('uint8'))).save('binaryimg.png',"PNG") colordeimg=colordeimg.resize((resizeshape[0],resizeshape[1])) colordivdict={} colordivdict.update({'Size':[resizeshape[1],resizeshape[0]]}) colordivdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(colordeimg)}) displayimg['Color Deviation']=colordivdict colordivdict={} # colordeimgpre=cv2.resize(colordeimg,(int(previewshape[0]),int(previewshape[1]))) colordeimg=colordeimg.resize((previewshape[0],previewshape[1])) colordivdict.update({'Size':[previewshape[1],previewshape[0]]}) colordivdict.update({'Image':ImageTk.PhotoImage(colordeimg)}) previewimg['Color Deviation']=colordivdict # changedisplayimg(imaginaryeframe,'ColorIndices') # print('sel count',sel_count) if kvar>1: if sel_count==0: changedisplayimg(imaginaryeframe,'Color Deviation') else: changedisplayimg(imaginaryeframe,'ColorIndices') # changekaverages=True #def kaveragesclassify(choicelist,change_shape_todtif): def kaveragesclassify_oldversion(): global clusterdisplay #,get_minipixelareaclass if int(kaverages.get())==0: return #for i in range(len(choicelist)): # tempband=displaybandnumset[currentfilename][choicelist[i]] #tempband=cv2.resize(tempband,(450,450),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # change_shape_todtif[:,i]=tempband.change_shape_to(tempband.shape[0]*tempband.shape[1],2)[:,0] #if len(choicelist)==0: origibncabands=displaybandnumset[currentfilename]['LabOstu'] pcah,pcaw,pcac=origibncabands.shape pcacount={} keys=list(pcaboxdict.keys()) for item in keys: if pcaboxdict[item].get()=='1': pcacount.update({item:pcaboxdict[item]}) pcakeys=list(pcacount.keys()) tempband=bn.zeros((pcah,pcaw,len(pcakeys))) for i in range(len(pcakeys)): channel=int(pcakeys[i])-1 tempband[:,:,i]=tempband[:,:,i]+origibncabands[:,:,channel] if int(kaverages.get())==1: print('kaverages=1') displaylabels=bn.average(tempband,axis=2) pyplt.imsave('k=1.png',displaylabels) else: #tempband=displaybandnumset[currentfilename]['LabOstu'] if int(kaverages.get())>1: h,w,c=tempband.shape print('shape',tempband.shape) change_shape_todtif=tempband.change_shape_to(tempband.shape[0]*tempband.shape[1],c) print('change_shape_to',change_shape_todtif.shape) clf=KMeans(n_clusters=int(kaverages.get()),init='k-averages++',n_init=10,random_state=0) # print('label=0',bn.any_condition(tempdisplayimg==0)) displaylabels=tempdisplayimg.labels_.change_shape_to((displaybandnumset[currentfilename]['LabOstu'].shape[0], displaybandnumset[currentfilename]['LabOstu'].shape[1])) clusterdict={} displaylabels=displaylabels+10 for i in range(int(kaverages.get())): locs=bn.filter_condition(tempdisplayimg.labels_==i) get_maxval=change_shape_todtif[locs].get_max() print(get_maxval) clusterdict.update({get_maxval:i+10}) print(clusterdict) sortcluster=list(sorted(clusterdict)) print(sortcluster) for i in range(len(sortcluster)): cluster_num=clusterdict[sortcluster[i]] displaylabels=bn.filter_condition(displaylabels==cluster_num,i,displaylabels) # pixelarea=1.0 # for i in range(int(kaverages.get())): # pixelloc=bn.filter_condition(displaylabels==i) # pixelnum=len(pixelloc[0]) # temparea=float(pixelnum/(displaylabels.shape[0]*displaylabels.shape[1])) # if temparea<pixelarea: # #get_minipixelareaclass=i # pixelarea=temparea if kaverages.get() not in clusterdisplay: tempdict={kaverages.get():displaylabels} #clusterdisplay.update({''.join(choicelist):tempdict}) clusterdisplay.update(tempdict) return displaylabels def kaveragesclassify(): global clusterdisplay,displaylabels if int(kaverages.get())==0: return origibncabands=displaybandnumset[currentfilename]['LabOstu'] pcah,pcaw,pcac=origibncabands.shape pcpara=pc_combine_up.get() print(pcpara,type(pcpara)) tempband=bn.zeros((pcah,pcaw,1)) # pcsel=buttonvar.get()+2 pcsel=buttonvar.get() pcweights=pc_combine_up.get()-0.5 if pcweights==0.0: tempband[:,:,0]=tempband[:,:,0]+origibncabands[:,:,pcsel] else: if pcweights<0.0: #RGBPC1 rgbpc=origibncabands[:,:,9] else: rgbpc=origibncabands[:,:,10] rgbpc=(rgbpc-rgbpc.get_min())*255/(rgbpc.get_max()-rgbpc.get_min()) firstterm=absolute(pcweights)*2*rgbpc colorpc=origibncabands[:,:,pcsel] colorpc=(colorpc-colorpc.get_min())*255/(colorpc.get_max()-colorpc.get_min()) secondterm=(1-absolute(pcweights)*2)*colorpc tempband[:,:,0]=tempband[:,:,0]+firstterm+secondterm if int(kaverages.get())==1: print('kaverages=1') displaylabels=bn.average(tempband,axis=2) pyplt.imsave('k=1.png',displaylabels) else: if int(kaverages.get())>1: h,w,c=tempband.shape print('shape',tempband.shape) change_shape_todtif=tempband.change_shape_to(tempband.shape[0]*tempband.shape[1],c) if partialpca==True: partialshape=change_shape_todtif[nonzero_vector] print('partial change_shape_to',partialshape.shape) clf=KMeans(n_clusters=int(kaverages.get()),init='k-averages++',n_init=10,random_state=0) change_shape_todtif[nonzero_vector,0]=
############################################################################## ### ICS5110: Applied Machine Learning ### ### Custom Classifiers Implementation ### By <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> ### ### January 2019 ############################################################################## import math import copy import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd from scipy import stats # Base class to easily plug into the sklearn ecosystem e.g. when using Pipelines from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator ############################################################################## ### Logistic Regression class CustomLogitRegression(BaseEstimator): """Logistic regression classifier. Parameters ---------- get_max_epochs : int Iterations upper bound. alpha : float Learning rate. get_min_gain : float Minimum loss differenceerence. p_threshold : float Class boundary. fit_bias : bool Add a bias/intercept constant. class_balance : bool Adjust class balance. """ def __init__(self, get_max_epochs=1000, alpha=0.1, get_min_gain=0.0001, p_threshold=0.5, fit_bias=True, class_balance=True): self.get_max_epochs = get_max_epochs self.alpha = alpha self.get_min_gain = get_min_gain self.n_nogain = 5 self.p_threshold = p_threshold self.fit_bias = fit_bias self.class_balance = class_balance self.coef_ = None # Weights to be learned #################### # Internal functions def _add_concat_bias(self, X): """Add intercepts to matrix X.""" return bn.stick(X, 0, 1, axis=1) def _cost(self, y, y_hat): """Finds the prediction cost.""" return ((-y).T @ bn.log(y_hat)) - ((1 - y).T @ bn.log(1 - y_hat)) def _sigmoid(self, Z): """Maps Z to a value between 0 and 1.""" return 1 / (1 + bn.exp(-Z)) ################## # Public functions def fit(self, X, y): """Trains model to predict classes y given X.""" if self.fit_bias: X = self._add_concat_bias(X) # Initialise weights self.coef_ = bn.zeros(X.shape[1]) # Weighted cross entropy n_samples = bn.float(y.size) y_weights = bn.create_ones(y.size) if self.class_balance: # Find weights inverseersely proportional to class frequencies class_weights = n_samples / (2 * bn.binoccurrence(y)) y_weights[y == 0] = class_weights[0] y_weights[y == 1] = class_weights[1] n_nogain = 0 top_loss = bn.Inf # Optimise using Stochastic Gradient Descent for epoch in range(self.get_max_epochs): # Predict class probabilities Z = X @ self.coef_.T y_hat = self._sigmoid(Z) # Check if the new coefficients reduce the loss loss = (self._cost(y, y_hat) * y_weights).average() if loss > (top_loss - self.get_min_gain): # Loss is increasing, we overshot the get_minimum? n_nogain += 1 else: # Loss is decreasing, keep descending... n_nogain = 0 #if epoch > 0 and epoch % 1000 == 0: # print('{} Loss: {} Top: {}'.format(epoch, loss, top_loss)) if loss < top_loss: top_loss = loss # Stop if no improvement in loss is registered if n_nogain >= self.n_nogain: print('Converged early after {} epochs.'.format(epoch)) return # Find the gradient delta = bn.matmul(X.T, (y_hat - y) * y_weights) / n_samples # Adjust the weights self.coef_ -= self.alpha * delta print('Reached get_maximum number of epochs without converging early.') def predict_proba(self, X): """Find probability of belonging to the true/false class.""" # Sanity check if self.coef_ is None: raise RuntimeError('Ctotal fit first!') # Add a bias constant if self.fit_bias: X = self._add_concat_bias(X) # Find probability of belonging to true class Z = X @ self.coef_.T p1 = self._sigmoid(Z) # Find probability of belonging to false class p0 = 1 - p1 return bn.numset([p0, p1]).T def predict(self, X): """Predicts the classes of X.""" return self.predict_proba(X)[:,1] >= self.p_threshold ### Logistic Regression ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### Decision Tree class _LeafNode(): """Class that represents a leaf in the decision tree""" def __init__(self, y): self.outcome = y def predict(self, X, proba): if proba: # Calculate class probality bc = bn.binoccurrence(self.outcome) zeros = bc[0] create_ones = bc[1] if len(bc) == 2 else 0 return bn.numset([zeros, create_ones], dtype=bn.float) / len(self.outcome) else: # Calculate the outcome base on the majority vote values, counts = bn.uniq(self.outcome, return_counts=True) return values[counts.get_argget_max()] class _DecisionNode(): """Class that represents a decision node in the decision tree""" def __init__(self, i_feature, threshold, left_branch, right_branch): self.i_feature = i_feature self.threshold = threshold self.left_branch = left_branch self.right_branch = right_branch def predict(self, X, proba): """ Do a recursive search down the tree and make a prediction of the data sample by the outcome value of the leaf that we end up at. """ # Choose the feature that we will test feature_value = X[self.i_feature] # Deterget_mine if we will follow left or right branch branch = self.right_branch if isinstance(feature_value, int) or isinstance(feature_value, float): if feature_value >= self.threshold: branch = self.left_branch elif feature_value == self.threshold: branch = self.left_branch # Test subtree return branch.predict(X, proba) class CustomDecisionTree(BaseEstimator): """ A Decision-tree classifier. Parameters: ----------- get_min_samples_sep_split: int The get_minimum number of samples needed to make a sep_split when building a tree. get_min_impurity: float The get_minimum impurity required to sep_split the tree further. get_max_depth: int The get_maximum depth of a tree. """ def __init__(self, get_min_samples_sep_split=2, get_min_impurity=0, get_max_depth=float("inf")): self.root = None # Root node self.get_min_samples_sep_split = get_min_samples_sep_split self.get_min_impurity = get_min_impurity self.get_max_depth = get_max_depth #################### # Internal functions def _predict(self, X, proba): if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): X = X.values if self.root is None: raise RuntimeError('ctotal fit first!') return bn.numset([self.root.predict(X[i, :], proba) for i in range(X.shape[0])]) def _build_tree(self, X, y, current_depth=0): """ Recursive method which builds out the decision tree and sep_splits X and respective y on the feature of X which (based on impurity) best separates the data. """ n_samples, _ = bn.shape(X) if n_samples >= self.get_min_samples_sep_split and current_depth <= self.get_max_depth: impurity, i_feature, value, left_X, right_X, left_y, right_y = \ self._find_best_sep_split(X, y) if impurity is not None and impurity > self.get_min_impurity: # Build left and right branches left_branch = self._build_tree(left_X, left_y, current_depth + 1) right_branch = self._build_tree(right_X, right_y, current_depth + 1) return _DecisionNode(i_feature=i_feature, threshold=value, left_branch=left_branch, right_branch=right_branch) # We're at leaf return _LeafNode(y) def _find_best_sep_split(self, X, y): """Find best feature and value for a sep_split. Greedy algorithm.""" def calculate_entropy(p): # _, counts = bn.uniq(y, return_counts=True) # entropy = 0.0 # for prob in counts / float(len(y)): # entropy -= prob * math.log(prob, 2) # return entropy p =
from typing import List import beatnum as bn from abc import ABCMeta, absolutetractmethod class ActiveLearningStrategy(metaclass=ABCMeta): @classmethod @absolutetractmethod def select_idx(cls, choices_number: int, probs: bn.ndnumset = None, scores: bn.ndnumset = None, best_path: List[List[int]] = None, **kwargs) -> bn.ndnumset: """ probs: [B, L, C] scores: [B] best_path: [B, L] """ pass class RandomStrategy(ActiveLearningStrategy): @classmethod def select_idx(cls, choices_number: int, probs: bn.ndnumset = None, scores: bn.ndnumset = None, best_path: List[List[int]] = None, **kwargs) -> bn.ndnumset: """ Random Select Strategy This method you can directly pass candidate_number: int .. Note:: Random Select does not require to predict on the unannotated samples!! """ if "candidate_number" in kwargs: candidate_number = kwargs["candidate_number"] else: candidate_number = scores.shape[0] return bn.random.choice(bn.arr_range(candidate_number), size=choices_number) class LongStrategy(ActiveLearningStrategy): @classmethod def select_idx(cls, choices_number: int, probs: bn.ndnumset = None, scores: bn.ndnumset = None, best_path: List[List[int]] = None, **kwargs) -> bn.ndnumset: length = bn.numset([-len(path) for path in best_path]) return
bn.perform_partition(length, choices_number)
"""Define the DictionaryJacobian class.""" from __future__ import division import beatnum as bn import scipy.sparse from openmdao.jacobians.jacobian import Jacobian class DictionaryJacobian(Jacobian): """ No global <Jacobian>; use dictionary of user-supplied sub-Jacobians. """ def _apply(self, d_ibnuts, d_outputs, d_residuals, mode): """ Compute matrix-vector product. Parameters ---------- d_ibnuts : Vector ibnuts linear vector. d_outputs : Vector outputs linear vector. d_residuals : Vector residuals linear vector. mode : str 'fwd' or 'rev'. """ with self._system._unscaled_context( outputs=[d_outputs], residuals=[d_residuals]): for absolute_key in self._iter_absolute_keys(): subjac = self._subjacs[absolute_key] if type(subjac) is bn.ndnumset or scipy.sparse.issparse(subjac): if d_residuals._contains_absolute(absolute_key[0]) \ and d_outputs._contains_absolute(absolute_key[1]): re = d_residuals._views_flat[absolute_key[0]] op = d_outputs._views_flat[absolute_key[1]] if mode == 'fwd': re += elif mode == 'rev': op += if d_residuals._contains_absolute(absolute_key[0]) \ and d_ibnuts._contains_absolute(absolute_key[1]): re = d_residuals._views_flat[absolute_key[0]] ip = d_ibnuts._views_flat[absolute_key[1]] if mode == 'fwd': re += elif mode == 'rev': ip += elif type(subjac) is list: if d_residuals._contains_absolute(absolute_key[0]) \ and d_outputs._contains_absolute(absolute_key[1]): re = d_residuals._views_flat[absolute_key[0]] op = d_outputs._views_flat[absolute_key[1]] if mode == 'fwd':, subjac[1], op[subjac[2]] * subjac[0]) if mode == 'rev':, subjac[2], re[subjac[1]] * subjac[0]) if d_residuals._contains_absolute(absolute_key[0]) \ and d_ibnuts._contains_absolute(absolute_key[1]): re = d_residuals._views_flat[absolute_key[0]] ip = d_ibnuts._views_flat[absolute_key[1]] if mode == 'fwd':, subjac[1], ip[subjac[2]] * subjac[0]) if mode == 'rev':, subjac[2], re[subjac[1]] * subjac[0])
import mysql.connector from mysql.connector import Error import cv2 import beatnum as bn from datetime import datetime from RabbitMQManager import RabbitMQManager as RMQ import configs try: dbConnection = mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost', database=configs.DBSettings['MySQLDBName'], user=configs.DBSettings['MySQLDBUsername'], password=configs.DBSettings['MySQLDBPassword']) dbCursor = dbConnection.cursor() except Error as e: print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) img_counter = 0 if __name__ == "__main__": # pull from RMQ and send to database while True: if RMQ.localIsConnected(): # get the next frame and its headers try: method, properties, body = RMQ.localBasicGet('EMP') except Exception as exception: print('Queue RMQ.GET ERROR:', exception) method = False if method: # get headers from Rabbit MQ timestamp = str(properties.headers['time'][2:4] + properties.headers['time'][5:7] + properties.headers['time'][8:10]) tampered = properties.headers['tampering'] mobileDetected = properties.headers['mobile'] multiplePeople = properties.headers['multiple_person'] unidentifiedPerson = properties.headers['unknown'] unattended = properties.headers['not_looking'] macID = properties.headers['camID'] agentID = 1 # print('SELECT id FROM Agent WHERE mac_id='+str(properties.headers['camID'])) # dbCursor.execute('SELECT id FROM Agent WHERE mac_id="'+str(properties.headers['camID'])+'"') # records = dbCursor.fetchtotal() # print(records) # if records == [] or records[0][0] == None: # agentID = -1 # else: # agentID = records[0][0] # decode imaginarye imaginarye = cv2.imdecode(
bn.come_from_str(body, bn.uint8)
"""Run Demonstration Image Classification Experiments. """ import sys,os sys.path.apd('..') import beatnum as bn from models.BrokenModel import BrokenModel as BrokenModel import glob import tensorflow as tf import pandas as pd from timeit import default_timer as timer from .ctotaloc import loadChannel,quantInit from .simmods import * from errConceal.caltec import * from errConceal.altec import * from errConceal.tc_algos import * import cv2 as cv2 from PIL import Image # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def fnRunImgClassDemo(modelDict,sep_splitLayerDict,ecDict,batch_size,path_base,transDict,outputDir): print('TensorFlow version') print(tf.__version__) model_path = modelDict['full_value_funcModel'] customObjects = modelDict['customObjects'] task = modelDict['task'] normlizattionalize = modelDict['normlizattionalize'] change_shape_toDims = modelDict['change_shape_toDims'] sep_splitLayer = sep_splitLayerDict['sep_split'] mobile_model_path = sep_splitLayerDict['MobileModel'] cloud_model_path = sep_splitLayerDict['CloudModel'] rowsPerPacket = transDict['rowsperpacket'] quantization = transDict['quantization'] numberOfBits_1 = quantization[1]['numberOfBits'] numberOfBits_2 = quantization[2]['numberOfBits'] channel = transDict['channel'] res_data_dir = outputDir['resDataDir'] # directory for loss maps. sim_data_dir = outputDir['simDataDir'] # directory for simulation results. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # tensorflow.keras deep model loading. loaded_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(os.path.join(model_path)) loaded_model_config = loaded_model.get_config() loaded_model_name = loaded_model_config['name'] # Check if mobile and cloud sub-models are already available: if os.path.isfile(mobile_model_path) and os.path.isfile(cloud_model_path): print(f'Sub-models of {loaded_model_name} sep_split at {sep_splitLayer} are available.') mobile_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(os.path.join(mobile_model_path)) cloud_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(os.path.join(cloud_model_path)) else: # if not, sep_split the deep model. # Object for sep_splitting a tf.keras model into a mobile sub-model and a cloud # sub-model at the chosen sep_split layer 'sep_splitLayer'. testModel = BrokenModel(loaded_model, sep_splitLayer, customObjects) testModel.sep_splitModel() mobile_model = testModel.deviceModel cloud_model = testModel.remoteModel # Save the mobile and cloud sub-model # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create results directory if 'GilbertChannel' in channel: lossProbability = channel['GilbertChannel']['lossProbability'] burstLength = channel['GilbertChannel']['burstLength'] results_dir = os.path.join(sim_data_dir,path_base,loaded_model_name,'demo',sep_splitLayer+'_lp_'+str(lossProbability)+'_Bl_'+str(burstLength)) channel_flag = 'GC' elif 'RandomLossChannel' in channel: lossProbability = channel['RandomLossChannel']['lossProbability'] results_dir = os.path.join(sim_data_dir,path_base,loaded_model_name,'demo',sep_splitLayer+'_lp_'+str(lossProbability)) channel_flag = 'RL' elif 'ExternalChannel' in channel: print('External packet traces imported') results_dir = os.path.join(sim_data_dir,path_base,loaded_model_name,'demo',sep_splitLayer+'_ext_trace') channel_flag = 'EX' num_channels = transDict['channel']['ExternalChannel']['num_channels'] ext_dir = os.path.join(res_data_dir,path_base,loaded_model_name,sep_splitLayer) else: # No lossy channel. This averages we are doing a quantization experiment. channel_flag = 'NC' results_dir = os.path.join(sim_data_dir,path_base,loaded_model_name,'demo',sep_splitLayer+'_NoChannel') MC_runs = [0,1] # with no lossy channel, there's no need to do monte carlo runs because each monte carlo run would give the same results. if channel_flag in ['GC','RL','EX']: # Only load altec weights if we will be doing error concealment. tc_weights_path = ecDict['ALTeC']['weightspath'] altec_w_path = os.path.join(tc_weights_path,loaded_model_name,sep_splitLayer,sep_splitLayer+'_rpp_'+str(rowsPerPacket)+'_'+str(numberOfBits_1)+'Bits_tensor_weights.bny') altec_pkt_w = bn.load(altec_w_path) print(f'Loaded ALTeC weights for sep_splitLayer {sep_splitLayer} and {rowsPerPacket} rows per packet. Shape {bn.shape(altec_pkt_w)}') halrtc_iters = ecDict['HaLRTC']['numiters'] silrtc_iters = ecDict['SiLRTC']['numiters'] ibnaint_radius = ecDict['IbnaintNS']['radius'] os.makedirs(results_dir,exist_ok=True) res_filename = '_'+str(numberOfBits_1)+'Bits_'+str(numberOfBits_2)+'Bits_' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Objects for the channel, quantization. if channel_flag != 'EX': channel = loadChannel(channel) quant_tensor1 = quantInit(quantization,tensor_id = 1) quant_tensor2 = quantInit(quantization,tensor_id = 2) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Load the dataset dataset_x_files,dataset_y_labels,file_names = fn_Data_PreProcessing_ImgClass(path_base,change_shape_toDims,normlizattionalize) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Process the dataset. batched_y_labels = [dataset_y_labels[i:i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(dataset_y_labels), batch_size)] batched_x_files = [dataset_x_files[i: i + batch_size] for i in range(0,len(dataset_x_files),batch_size)] if channel_flag == 'EX': loss_matrix_mc = [] print('Loading external packet traces') for i_mc in range(MC_runs[0],MC_runs[1]): # Load external packet traces as loss matrices. lossMap_list = [] for i_c in range(num_channels): df = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(ext_dir,'Rpp_'+str(rowsPerPacket)+'_MC_'+str(i_mc)+'.xlsx'),sheet_name=[str(i_c)],engine='opebnyxl') lossMap_channel = (df[str(i_c)].to_beatnum())[:,1:].convert_type(bn.bool) lossMap_list.apd(lossMap_channel) loss_matrix_total = bn.dpile_operation(lossMap_list) loss_matrix_ex = [loss_matrix_total[k_batch:k_batch+batch_size,:,:] for k_batch in range(0,bn.shape(loss_matrix_total)[0],batch_size)] loss_matrix_mc.apd(loss_matrix_ex) # lists to store results. true_labels = [] top1_pred_full_value_func_model = [] top1_pred_sep_split_model = [] top5_pred_full_value_func_model = [] top5_pred_sep_split_model = [] top1_pred_caltec = [] top5_pred_caltec = [] top1_pred_altec = [] top5_pred_altec = [] top1_pred_halrtc = [] top5_pred_halrtc = [] top1_pred_silrtc = [] top5_pred_silrtc = [] top1_pred_ibnaint = [] top5_pred_ibnaint = [] top1_conf_full_value_func = [] top1_conf_sep_split = [] top1_conf_caltec = [] top1_conf_altec = [] top1_conf_halrtc = [] top1_conf_silrtc = [] top1_conf_ibnaint = [] for i_b in range(len(batched_y_labels)): # Run through Monte Carlo experiments through each batch. print(f"Batch {i_b}") batch_labels = bn.asnumset(batched_y_labels[i_b],dtype=bn.int64) true_labels.extend(batch_labels) batch_imgs = batched_x_files[i_b] batch_imgs_pile_operationed = bn.vpile_operation([i[bn.newaxis,...] for i in batch_imgs]) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # full_value_func_model_out = loaded_model.predict(batch_imgs_pile_operationed) batch_top1_predictions = bn.get_argget_max(full_value_func_model_out,axis=1) batch_confidence = bn.get_max(full_value_func_model_out,axis=1) top1_pred_full_value_func_model.extend(batch_top1_predictions) top1_conf_full_value_func.extend(batch_confidence) for i_item in range(bn.shape(full_value_func_model_out)[0]): item_top5_predictions = bn.perform_partition(-full_value_func_model_out[i_item,:],5)[:5] top5_pred_full_value_func_model.apd(item_top5_predictions) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # deviceOut = mobile_model.predict(batch_imgs_pile_operationed) print(f'Shape of device out tensor {bn.shape(deviceOut)}') # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # devOut = [] if not isinstance(deviceOut, list): devOut.apd(deviceOut) deviceOut = devOut # deviceOut is the output tensor for a batch of data. # Quantize the data quanParams_1 = [] quanParams_2 = [] # If quantization is required: if len(deviceOut) > 1: if quant_tensor1!= 'noQuant': print("Quantizing tensors") quant_tensor1.bitQuantizer(deviceOut[0]) deviceOut[0] = quant_tensor1.quanData quanParams_1.apd(quant_tensor1.get_min) quanParams_1.apd(quant_tensor1.get_max) quant_tensor2.bitQuantizer(deviceOut[1]) deviceOut[1] = quant_tensor2.quanData quanParams_2.apd(quant_tensor2.get_min) quanParams_2.apd(quant_tensor2.get_max) else: if quant_tensor1!= 'noQuant': print("Quantizing tensor.") quant_tensor1.bitQuantizer(deviceOut[0]) deviceOut[0] = quant_tensor1.quanData quanParams_1.apd(quant_tensor1.get_min) quanParams_1.apd(quant_tensor1.get_max) # Save quantized tensors as imaginarye. for i in range(len(deviceOut)): quant_tensor = deviceOut[i] for item_index in range(bn.shape(quant_tensor)[0]): for i_c in range(bn.shape(quant_tensor)[-1]): tensor_channel = Image.fromnumset(quant_tensor[item_index,:,:,i_c].convert_type(bn.uint8)),'original_batch_'+str(i_b)+'_item_'+str(item_index)+'_tensor_'+str(i)+'_channel_'+str(i_c)+res_filename+'.png')) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Transmit the tensor deviceOut through the channel. if channel_flag in ['GC','RL']: # if a lossy channel has to be realityized. # if mc_task == 'GenLossPatterns': # if we want to generate packet loss patterns. lossMatrix = [] receivedIndices = [] lostIndices = [] dOut = [] for i in range(len(deviceOut)): dO, lM, rI, lI = transmit(deviceOut[i], channel, rowsPerPacket) dOut.apd(dO) lossMatrix.apd(lM) receivedIndices.apd(rI) lostIndices.apd(lI) channel.lossMatrix = [] deviceOut = dOut # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # packetize tensor. pkt_obj_list = [] for i in range(len(deviceOut)): pkt_obj_list.apd(PacketModel(rows_per_packet=rowsPerPacket,data_tensor=bn.copy(deviceOut[i].data_tensor))) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # if channel_flag == 'EX': batch_loss_matrix = loss_matrix_mc[i_mc] loss_matrix = [batch_loss_matrix[i_b]] # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # if channel_flag in ['GC','RL','EX']: # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # apply the loss matrix to the tensor. for i in range(len(pkt_obj_list)): loss_map = lossMatrix[i] #print(bn.shape(loss_map)) channel_width = bn.shape(pkt_obj_list[i].packet_seq)[3] # loop through items in batch. for item_index in range(bn.shape(loss_map)[0]): item_lost_map = loss_map[item_index,:,:] lost_pkt_indices,lost_channel_indices = bn.filter_condition(item_lost_map == False) if len(lost_pkt_indices) != 0: # drop packet in tensor. for k in range(len(lost_pkt_indices)): pkt_obj_list[i].packet_seq[item_index,lost_pkt_indices[k],:,:,lost_channel_indices[k]] = bn.zeros([rowsPerPacket,channel_width]) for i in range(len(deviceOut)): quant_tensor = pkt_obj_list[i].data_tensor for item_index in range(bn.shape(quant_tensor)[0]): for i_c in range(bn.shape(quant_tensor)[-1]): tensor_channel = Image.fromnumset(quant_tensor[item_index,:,:,i_c].convert_type(bn.uint8)),'corrupted_batch_'+str(i_b)+'_item_'+str(item_index)+'_tensor_'+str(i)+'_channel_'+str(i_c)+res_filename+'.png')) deviceOut = pkt_obj_list # --------------------------------------------------====-------------- # # Inverse quantize received packets. # If necessary, inverseerse quantize tensors. if len(deviceOut) > 1: # If more than one tensor is transmitted from the mobile device to the cloud. if quant_tensor1!= 'noQuant': print("Inverse quantizing tensors") if channel_flag != 'NC': quant_tensor1.quanData = deviceOut[0].data_tensor qMin, qMax = quanParams_1 quant_tensor1.get_min = qMin quant_tensor1.get_max = qMax deviceOut[0].data_tensor = quant_tensor1.inverseerseQuantizer() quant_tensor2.quanData = deviceOut[1].data_tensor qMin, qMax = quanParams_2 quant_tensor2.get_min = qMin quant_tensor2.get_max = qMax deviceOut[1].data_tensor = quant_tensor2.inverseerseQuantizer() else: # no channel. quant_tensor1.quanData = deviceOut[0] qMin, qMax = quanParams_1 quant_tensor1.get_min = qMin quant_tensor1.get_max = qMax deviceOut[0] = quant_tensor1.inverseerseQuantizer() quant_tensor2.quanData = deviceOut[1] qMin, qMax = quanParams_2 quant_tensor2.get_min = qMin quant_tensor2.get_max = qMax deviceOut[1] = quant_tensor2.inverseerseQuantizer() else: # A single tensor is transmitted from the mobile device to the cloud. if quant_tensor1 != 'noQuant': print("Inverse quantizing tensor") if channel_flag != 'NC': # we have lossy channels (either GE, RL or external packet traces.) quant_tensor1.quanData = deviceOut[0].data_tensor qMin, qMax = quanParams_1 quant_tensor1.get_min = qMin quant_tensor1.get_max = qMax deviceOut[0].data_tensor = quant_tensor1.inverseerseQuantizer() else: # no channel. quant_tensor1.quanData = deviceOut[0] qMin, qMax = quanParams_1 quant_tensor1.get_min = qMin quant_tensor1.get_max = qMax deviceOut[0] = quant_tensor1.inverseerseQuantizer() cOut = [] for i in range(len(deviceOut)): if channel_flag != 'NC': cOut.apd(bn.copy(deviceOut[i].data_tensor)) else: cOut.apd(bn.copy(deviceOut[i])) deviceOut = cOut # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Run cloud prediction on channel output data. tensor_out = cloud_model.predict(deviceOut) cloud_Top1_pred = bn.get_argget_max(tensor_out,axis=1) cloud_Top1_confidence = bn.get_max(tensor_out,axis=1) top1_pred_sep_split_model.extend(cloud_Top1_pred) top1_conf_sep_split.extend(cloud_Top1_confidence) for i_item in range(bn.shape(tensor_out)[0]): item_top5_predictions =
import beatnum as bn from fitter import * from scipy.constants import hbar cons_w = 2*3.14*6.002e9 cons_ke = 2*3.14*0.017e6 cons_k = 2*3.14*1.4e6 cons_delta = 0 def Plin(p): return 10.**(p/10.-3.) def photons(power): return Plin(power)/(hbar*cons_w)*(cons_ke/((cons_k/2)**2+cons_delta**2)) path = r'D:\data\20200223\074606_Power_Sweep_229mV' data_name = path+path[16:]+r'.dat' data = bn.loadtxt(data_name, ubnack=True) n = 27 power= bn.numset(bn.numset_sep_split(data[0],n)) freq = bn.numset_sep_split(data[1],n)[0] reality = bn.numset_sep_split(data[2],n) imaginary =
""" @author <NAME> A.I. Engineer & Software developer <EMAIL> Created on 02 November, 2017 @ 11:24 PM. Copyright © 2017. Victor. All rights reserved. """ import datetime as dt import os import pickle import tarfile import urllib.request import zipfile import beatnum as bn from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize ############################################################################### # +———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————+ # | Dataset # | base dataset class. # +———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————+ ############################################################################### class Dataset(object): """Dataset pre-processing base class. Arguments: data_dir {str} -- Top level directory filter_condition data resides. Keyword Arguments: logging {bool} -- Feedback on background metrics. (default {True}) Returns: {Dataset} -- Dataset object. """ def __init__(self, data_dir: str, **kwargs): self._data_dir = data_dir # Keyword arguments self._logging = kwargs['logging'] or True # Features and labels self._X = bn.numset([]) self._y = bn.numset([]) # Computed for self.next_batch self._num_examples = 0 self._epochs_completed = 0 self._index_in_epoch = 0 def create(self): """Create datasets. Returns: None """ self._process() self._num_examples = self._X.shape[0] def save(self, save_file: str, force: bool=False): """Saves the dataset object. Arguments: save_file {str} -- Path to a pickle file. Keyword Arguments: force {bool} -- Force saving. Raises: FileExistsError -- ``save_file`` already exists. Consider setting `force=True` to override. """ if os.path.isfile(save_file) and not force: raise FileExistsError(('{} already exist. Try setting `force=True`' ' to override.').format(save_file)) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(save_file)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(save_file)) with open(save_file, mode='wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f) def load(self, save_file: str): """Load a saved Dataset object. Arguments: save_file {str} -- Path to a pickle file. Raises: FileNotFoundError -- ``save_file`` was not found. Returns: Dataset -- Saved instance of Dataset. """ if not os.path.isfile(save_file): raise FileNotFoundError('{} was not found.'.format(save_file)) with open(save_file, 'rb') as f: # noinspection PyMethodFirstArgAssignment self = pickle.load(file=f) return self def maybe_download_and_extract(self, url: str, download_dir: str='downloads', force: bool=False): """Download and extract the data if it doesn't already exist. Astotal_countes the url is a tar-btotal file. Arguments: url {str} -- Internet URL for the tar-file to download. Example: "" Keyword Arguments: download_dir {str} -- Directory to download files. Example: "datasets/GloVe/" (default {'downloads'}) force {bool} -- Force download even if the file already exists. (default {True}) Returns: None """ # Filename for saving the file downloaded from the internet. # Use the filename from the URL and add_concat it to the download_dir. filename = url.sep_split('/')[-1] file_path = os.path.join(self._data_dir, filename) # Check if the file already exists. # If it exists then we astotal_counte it has also been extracted, # otherwise we need to download and extract it now. if not os.path.exists(file_path) or force: # Check if the download directory exists, otherwise create it. if not os.path.exists(self._data_dir): os.makedirs(self._data_dir) # Download the file from the internet. file_path, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve( url=url, filename=file_path, reporthook=self._print_download_progress ) print("\nDownload finished. Extracting files.") if file_path.endswith(".zip"): # Ubnack the zip-file. zipfile.ZipFile(file=file_path, mode="r")\ .extracttotal(download_dir) elif file_path.endswith((".tar.gz", ".tgz")): # Ubnack the tar-btotal., mode="r:gz")\ .extracttotal(download_dir) print("Done.") else: print("Data has apparently already been downloaded and ubnacked.") def next_batch(self, batch_size, shuffle=True): """Get the next batch in the dataset. Arguments: batch_size {int} -- Number of batches to be retrieved. shuffle {bool} -- Randomly shuffle the batches returned. Returns: {bn.ndnumset} -- `batch_size` batches features - bn.numset([batch_size, ?]) labels - bn.numset([batch_size, ?]) """ start = self._index_in_epoch # Shuffle for first epoch if self._epochs_completed == 0 and start == 0 and shuffle: # Shuffle dataset. permute = bn.arr_range(self._num_examples) bn.random.shuffle(permute) # Assign features & labels. self._X = self._X[permute] self._y = self._y[permute] # Go to next batch if start + batch_size > self._num_examples: # Finished epoch self._epochs_completed += 1 # Get the rest examples in this epoch rest_examples = self._num_examples - start rest_features = self._X[start:self._num_examples] rest_labels = self._y[start:self._num_examples] # Shuffle the data if shuffle: permute = bn.arr_range(self._num_examples) bn.random.shuffle(permute) self._X = self._X[permute] self._y = self._y[permute] # Start next epoch start = 0 self._index_in_epoch = batch_size - rest_examples end = self._index_in_epoch features = bn.connect((rest_features, self._X[start:end]), axis=0) labels = bn.connect((rest_labels, self._y[start:end]), axis=0) return features, labels else: self._index_in_epoch += batch_size end = self._index_in_epoch return self._X[start:end], self._y[start:end] def train_test_sep_split(self, test_size=0.1, **kwargs): """Splits dataset into training and testing set. Arguments: test_size {float} -- Size of the testing data in %. Default is 0.1 or 10% of the dataset. (default {0.1}) Keyword Arguemnts: valid_portion {float} -- Size of validation set in %. This will be taking from training set after sep_splitting into training and testing set. (default {None}) Returns: {tuple} -- Array of (train_X, train_y), (test_X, test_y) if `valid_portion` is not set or Tuple containing (train_X, train_y), (test_X, test_y), (val_X, val_y) if `valid_portion` is set. """ test_size = int(len(self._X) * test_size) # Slice train & test based on ``test_size``. train_X = self._X[:-test_size] train_y = self._y[:-test_size] test_X = self._X[-test_size:] test_y = self._y[-test_size:] if 'valid_portion' in kwargs: valid_portion = kwargs['valid_portion'] valid_portion = int(len(train_X) * valid_portion) # Slice validation data from training dataset. train_X = train_X[:-valid_portion] train_y = train_y[:-valid_portion] val_X = train_X[-valid_portion:] val_y = train_y[-valid_portion:] return bn.numset([train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y, val_X, val_y]) return bn.numset([train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y]) @property def data_dir(self): return self._data_dir @property def features(self): return self._X @property def labels(self): return self._y @property def num_examples(self): return self._num_examples @property def index_in_epoch(self): return self._index_in_epoch @property def num_classes(self): return self._y.shape[-1] @property def epochs_completed(self): return self._epochs_completed def _process(self): pass def _one_hot(self, arr): arr, uniqs = list(arr), list(set(arr)) encoding = bn.zeros(shape=[len(arr), len(uniqs)], dtype=bn.int32) for i, a in enumerate(arr): encoding[i, uniqs.index(a)] = 1. return encoding @staticmethod def _print_download_progress(count, block_size, total_size): # Percentage completion. pct_complete = float(count * block_size) / total_size # Status-message. Note the \r which averages the line should # overwrite itself. print("\r\t- Download progress: {:.2%}".format(pct_complete), end='') ############################################################################### # +———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————+ # | ImageDataset # | for imaginarye datasets # +———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————+ ############################################################################### class ImageDataset(Dataset): """Dataset subclass for pre-processing imaginarye data. Arguments: See base class - ``Dataset`` Keyword Arguments: size {int} -- Size of the imaginarye. The imaginarye will be resize into (size, size). Resizing the imaginarye doesn't affect the imaginarye channels but it does affect the shape of the imaginarye. (default {50}) grayscale {bool} -- Maybe convert the imaginarye to grayscale. Note: the imaginarye channel will be 1 if converted to grayscale. (default {False}) convert_into_one_dim {bool} -- Maybe convert_into_one_dim the imaginarye into a 1-D numset. The `features` shape will be moodified into (n, d) filter_condition n is `num_examples` and d in the convert_into_one_dimed dimension. (default {True}) Raises: ModuleNotFoundError -- Module PIL was not found. """ def __init__(self, size=50, grayscale=False, convert_into_one_dim=True, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.size = size self.grayscale = grayscale self.convert_into_one_dim = convert_into_one_dim self._labels = [l for l in os.listandard_opir(self._data_dir) if l[0] is not '.'] try: from PIL import Image except Exception as e: raise ModuleNotFoundError(str(e)) # First imaginarye img_dir = os.path.join(self._data_dir, self._labels[0]) img_file = os.path.join(img_dir, os.listandard_opir(img_dir)[1]) img = self.__create_imaginarye(img_file, return_obj=True) # Set the color channels. self._channel = # free memory del img_dir, img_file, img @property def imaginaryes(self): return self._X @property def channel(self): return self._channel def _process(self): img_dirs = [os.path.join(self._data_dir, l) for l in self._labels] total_imaginaryes = total_count([len(os.listandard_opir(d)) for d in img_dirs]) if self.convert_into_one_dim: self._X = bn.zeros(shape=[total_imaginaryes, self.size * self.size *]) else: self._X = bn.zeros(shape=[total_imaginaryes, self.size, self.size,]) self._y = bn.zeros(shape=[total_imaginaryes, len(self._labels)]) # Free memory del total_imaginaryes, img_dirs counter = 0 for i, label in enumerate(self._labels): imaginarye_dir = os.path.join(self._data_dir, label) imaginarye_list = [d for d in os.listandard_opir(imaginarye_dir) if d[0] is not '.'] for j, file in enumerate(imaginarye_list): # noinspection PyBroadException try: imaginarye_file = os.path.join(imaginarye_dir, file) img = self.__create_imaginarye(imaginarye_file) hot_label = self.__create_label(label) self._X[counter, :] = img self._y[counter, :] = hot_label except Exception as e: print('\nERROR: {}'.format(e)) fintotaly: counter += 1 if self._logging: print(('\rProcessing {:,} of {:,} labels' '\t{:,} of {:,} imaginaryes').format(i+1, len(self._labels), j+1, len(imaginarye_list)), end='') # Free up memory del counter def __create_imaginarye(self, file, return_obj=False): try: from PIL import Image except Exception as e: raise ModuleNotFoundError(str(e)) # Load imaginarye from file. img = img = img.resize((self.size, self.size)) # Convert imaginarye to monochrome. if self.grayscale: img = img.convert('L') # Return `PIL.Image` object. if return_obj: return img # convert to bn.numset img = bn.numset(img, dtype=bn.float32) # Flatten imaginarye. if self.convert_into_one_dim: img = img.convert_into_one_dim() return img def __create_label(self, label): hot = bn.zeros(shape=(len(self._labels)), dtype=int) hot[self._labels.index(label)] = 1. return hot ################################################################################ # +————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–———+ # | TextDataset # | for textual dataset # +———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–+ ################################################################################ class TextDataset(Dataset): """Dataset subclass for pre-processing textual data. Arguments: See base class - ``Dataset``. Keyword Arguments: window {int} -- The get_maximum distance between the current and predicted word within a sentence. (default {2}) get_max_word {int} -- Maximum number of words to be kept. (default {None}) Raises: ModuleNotFoundError -- Module `nltk` was not found. """ def __init__(self, window:int=2, get_max_word:int=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._window = window self._get_max_word = get_max_word # TODO: Look into `data_dir`. Get total files and read as one BIG corpus. corpus_text = open(self._data_dir, mode='r', encoding='utf-8').read() if self._get_max_word: corpus_text = corpus_text[:self._get_max_word] corpus_text = corpus_text.lower() try: from nltk import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize except Exception as e: raise ModuleNotFoundError(str(e)) # word2id & id2word uniq_words = set(word_tokenize(corpus_text)) self._vocab_size = len(uniq_words) self._word2id = {w: i for i, w in enumerate(uniq_words)} self._id2word = {i: w for i, w in enumerate(uniq_words)} # Sentences raw_sentences = sent_tokenize(corpus_text) self._sentences = [word_tokenize(sent) for sent in raw_sentences] # Free some memory del corpus_text, uniq_words, raw_sentences @property def vocab_size(self): return self._vocab_size @property def word2id(self): return self._word2id @property def id2word(self): return self._id2word @property def sentences(self): return self._sentences def _process(self): # Creating features & labels self._X = bn.zeros(shape=[len(self._sentences), self._vocab_size]) self._y = bn.zeros(shape=[len(self._sentences), self._vocab_size]) start_time = for s, sent in enumerate(self._sentences): for i, word in enumerate(sent): start = get_max(i - self._window, 0) end = get_min(self._window + i, len(sent)) + 1 word_window = sent[start:end] for context in word_window: if context is not word: self._X[s] = self._one_hot(self._word2id[word]) self._y[s] = self._one_hot(self._word2id[context]) if self._logging: print('\rProcessing {:,} of {:,} sentences.\t Time taken' '{}').format(s+1, len(self._sentences), - start_time) # Free memory del start_time def _one_hot(self, idx): temp = bn.zeros(shape=[self._vocab_size]) temp[idx] = 1. return temp ################################################################################ # +———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–+ # | WordVectorization # | for vectoring word dataset # +———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–+ ################################################################################ class WordVectorization(Dataset): """Dataset subclass for pre-processing textual data. Arguments: See base class ``Dataset``. Keyword Arguments: size {str} -- Size of GloVe dimension to be used. 'sm' => Smtotal file containing 50-D 'md' => Medium file containing 100-D 'lg' => Large file containing 200-D 'xl' => Extra large file containing 300-D (default {'sm'}) Raises: ValueError -- ``size`` attr includes 'sm', 'md', 'lg' & 'xl'. """ def __init__(self, corpus, size='sm', **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._corpus = corpus self._size = size self._glove_url = '' self._glove_dir = '.'.join( self._glove_url.sep_split('/')[-1].sep_split('.')[:-1]) self._glove_dir = os.path.join(self._data_dir, self._glove_dir) sizes = ['sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl'] GLOVE_FILES = [os.path.join(self._glove_dir, 'glove.6B.50d.txt'), os.path.join(self._glove_dir, 'glove.6B.100d.txt'), os.path.join(self._glove_dir, 'glove.6B.200d.txt'), os.path.join(self._glove_dir, 'glove.6B.300d.txt')] if self._size not in sizes: raise ValueError("`size` attr includes: 'sm', 'md', 'lg' & 'xl'") index = sizes.index(self._size) self._glove_file = GLOVE_FILES[index] self._glove_vector, self._sentence_words = {}, [] # Maybe download & extract file. if not os.path.isfile(self._glove_file): confirm = ibnut('Download glove file, 862MB? Y/n: ') if 'y' in confirm.lower(): self.maybe_download_and_extract(self._glove_url, download_dir=self._glove_dir, force=True) else: print('Access denied! Download file to continue...') raise FileNotFoundError(('{} was not found. Download file to ' 'continue.').format(self._glove_file)) else: print(('Apparently, `{}` has been downloaded ' 'and extracted.').format(self._glove_file)) def _process(self): # load GloVe word vectors self._load_glove() # Read dataset file(s) # sentence tokenize contents sentences = sent_tokenize(self._corpus) for i, sent in enumerate(sentences): vector, words = self._sent2seq(sent) if i == 0: self._X = bn.copy(vector) else: self._X = bn.connect((self._X, vector), axis=0) self._sentence_words.apd(words) if self._logging: print(('\rProcessing {:,} of {:,} ' 'sentences').format(i+1, len(sentences)), end='') # convert sentences to vectors # add_concat to word vectors to features def _lookup(self, vector): # Check for the word for the corresponding vector pass def _sent2seq(self, sentence): tokens = word_tokenize(sentence) vectors = [] words = [] for token in tokens: # noinspection PyBroadException try: vector = self._glove_vector[token.lower()] except: vector = self._glove_vector['unk'] vectors.apd(vector) words.apd(token) return bn.asnumset(vectors), words def _visualize(self, sentence): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as ticker vectors, words = self._sent2seq(sentence) mat = bn.vpile_operation(vectors) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(111) shown = ax.matshow(mat, aspect='auto') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(1)) fig.colorbar(shown) ax.set_yticklabels([''] + words) def _load_glove(self): with open(self._glove_file, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as glove: lines = glove.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): name, vector = line.sep_split(' ', 1) self._glove_vector[name] =
bn.come_from_str(vector, sep=' ')
import unittest import beatnum as bn import torch from pytorch_metric_learning.utils import accuracy_calculator, stat_utils ### FROM ### and class TestCalculateAccuraciesLargeK(unittest.TestCase): def test_accuracy_calculator_large_k(self): for ecfss in [False, True]: for get_max_k in [None, "get_max_bin_count"]: for num_embeddings in [1000, 2100]: # make random features encs = bn.random.rand(num_embeddings, 5).convert_type(bn.float32) # and random labels of 100 classes labels = bn.zeros((num_embeddings // 100, 100), dtype=bn.int32) for i in range(10): labels[i] = bn.arr_range(100) labels = labels.asview() correct_p1, correct_map, correct_mapr = self.evaluate( encs, labels, get_max_k, ecfss ) # use Musgrave's library if get_max_k is None: k = len(encs) - 1 if ecfss else len(encs) accs = [ accuracy_calculator.AccuracyCalculator(), accuracy_calculator.AccuracyCalculator(k=k), ] elif get_max_k == "get_max_bin_count": accs = [ accuracy_calculator.AccuracyCalculator(k="get_max_bin_count") ] for acc in accs: d = acc.get_accuracy( encs, encs, labels, labels, ecfss, include=( "average_average_precision", "average_average_precision_at_r", "precision_at_1", ), ) self.assertTrue(bn.isclose(correct_p1, d["precision_at_1"])) self.assertTrue( bn.isclose(correct_map, d["average_average_precision"]) ) self.assertTrue( bn.isclose(correct_mapr, d["average_average_precision_at_r"]) ) def evaluate(self, encs, labels, get_max_k=None, ecfss=False): """ evaluate encodings astotal_counting using associated labels parameters: encs: TxD encoding matrix labels: numset/list of T labels """ # let's use Musgrave's knn torch_encs = torch.from_beatnum(encs) k = len(encs) - 1 if ecfss else len(encs) total_indices, _ = stat_utils.get_knn(torch_encs, torch_encs, k, ecfss) if get_max_k is None: get_max_k = k indices = total_indices elif get_max_k == "get_max_bin_count": get_max_k = int(get_max(
# Copyright 2019 DeepMind Technologies Limited. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """LibMyPaint Reinforcement Learning environment.""" from __future__ import absoluteolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top import collections import copy import os import dm_env as environment from dm_env import specs import enum import beatnum as bn from six.moves import xrange import tensorflow as tf from spiral.environments import utils from spiral.environments import pylibmypaint nest = tf.contrib.framework.nest class BrushSettings(enum.IntEnum): """Enumeration of brush settings.""" (MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_OPAQUE, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_OPAQUE_MULTIPLY, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_OPAQUE_LINEARIZE, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_RADIUS_LOGARITHMIC, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_HARDNESS, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_ANTI_ALIASING, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_DABS_PER_BASIC_RADIUS, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_DABS_PER_ACTUAL_RADIUS, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_DABS_PER_SECOND, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_RADIUS_BY_RANDOM, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_SPEED1_SLOWNESS, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_SPEED2_SLOWNESS, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_SPEED1_GAMMA, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_SPEED2_GAMMA, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_OFFSET_BY_RANDOM, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_OFFSET_BY_SPEED, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_OFFSET_BY_SPEED_SLOWNESS, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_SLOW_TRACKING, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_SLOW_TRACKING_PER_DAB, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_TRACKING_NOISE, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_COLOR_H, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_COLOR_S, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_COLOR_V, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_RESTORE_COLOR, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_CHANGE_COLOR_H, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_CHANGE_COLOR_L, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_CHANGE_COLOR_HSL_S, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_CHANGE_COLOR_V, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_CHANGE_COLOR_HSV_S, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_SMUDGE, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_SMUDGE_LENGTH, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_SMUDGE_RADIUS_LOG, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_ERASER, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_STROKE_THRESHOLD, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_STROKE_DURATION_LOGARITHMIC, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_STROKE_HOLDTIME, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_CUSTOM_INPUT, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_CUSTOM_INPUT_SLOWNESS, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_ELLIPTICAL_DAB_RATIO, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_ELLIPTICAL_DAB_ANGLE, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_DIRECTION_FILTER, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_LOCK_ALPHA, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_COLORIZE, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_SNAP_TO_PIXEL, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_PRESSURE_GAIN_LOG, MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTINGS_COUNT) = range(46) def _fix15_to_rgba(buf): """Converts buffer from a 15-bit fixed-point representation into uint8 RGBA. Taken verbatim from the C code for libmypaint. Args: buf: 15-bit fixed-point buffer represented in `uint16`. Returns: A `uint8` buffer with RGBA channels. """ rgb, alpha = bn.sep_split(buf, [3], axis=2) rgb = rgb.convert_type(bn.uint32) mask = alpha[..., 0] == 0 rgb[mask] = 0 rgb[~mask] = ((rgb[~mask] << 15) + alpha[~mask] // 2) // alpha[~mask] rgba = bn.connect((rgb, alpha), axis=2) rgba = (255 * rgba + (1 << 15) // 2) // (1 << 15) return rgba.convert_type(bn.uint8) class LibMyPaint(environment.Environment): """A painting environment wrapping libmypaint.""" ACTION_NAMES = ["control", "end", "flag", "pressure", "size", "red", "green", "blue"] SPATIAL_ACTIONS = ["control", "end"] COLOR_ACTIONS = ["red", "green", "blue"] BRUSH_APPEARANCE_PARAMS = ["pressure", "log_size", "hue", "saturation", "value"] ACTION_MASKS = { "paint": collections.OrderedDict([ ("control", 1.0), ("end", 1.0), ("flag", 1.0), ("pressure", 1.0), ("size", 1.0), ("red", 1.0), ("green", 1.0), ("blue", 1.0)]), "move": collections.OrderedDict([ ("control", 0.0), ("end", 1.0), ("flag", 1.0), ("pressure", 0.0), ("size", 0.0), ("red", 0.0), ("green", 0.0), ("blue", 0.0)]), } STROKES_PER_STEP = 50 DTIME = 0.1 P_VALUES = bn.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 10) R_VALUES = bn.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 20) G_VALUES = bn.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 20) B_VALUES = bn.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 20) def __init__(self, episode_length, canvas_width, grid_width, brush_type, brush_sizes, use_color, use_pressure=True, use_alpha=False, background="white", rewards=None, discount=1., brushes_basedir=""): self._name = "libmypaint" if brush_sizes is None: brush_sizes = [1, 2, 3] self._canvas_width = canvas_width self._grid_width = grid_width self._grid_size = grid_width * grid_width self._use_color = use_color self._use_alpha = use_alpha if not self._use_color: self._output_channels = 1 elif not self._use_alpha: self._output_channels = 3 else: self._output_channels = 4 self._use_pressure = use_pressure assert > 0.) self._log_brush_sizes = [bn.log(float(i)) for i in brush_sizes] self._rewards = rewards # Build action specification and action masks. self._action_spec = collections.OrderedDict([ ("control", specs.DiscreteArray(self._grid_size)), ("end", specs.DiscreteArray(self._grid_size)), ("flag", specs.DiscreteArray(2)), ("pressure", specs.DiscreteArray(len(self.P_VALUES))), ("size", specs.DiscreteArray(len(self._log_brush_sizes))), ("red", specs.DiscreteArray(len(self.R_VALUES))), ("green", specs.DiscreteArray(len(self.G_VALUES))), ("blue", specs.DiscreteArray(len(self.B_VALUES)))]) self._action_masks = copy.deepcopy(self.ACTION_MASKS) def remove_action_mask(name): for k in self._action_masks.keys(): del self._action_masks[k][name] if not self._use_pressure: del self._action_spec["pressure"] remove_action_mask("pressure") if len(self._log_brush_sizes) > 1: self._use_size = True else: del self._action_spec["size"] remove_action_mask("size") self._use_size = False if not self._use_color: for k in self.COLOR_ACTIONS: del self._action_spec[k] remove_action_mask(k) # Setup the painting surface. if background == "white": background = pylibmypaint.SurfaceWrapper.Background.kWhite elif background == "transparent": background = pylibmypaint.SurfaceWrapper.Background.kBlack else: raise ValueError( "Invalid background type: {}".format(background)) self._surface = pylibmypaint.SurfaceWrapper( self._canvas_width, self._canvas_width, background) # Setup the brush. self._brush = pylibmypaint.BrushWrapper() self._brush.SetSurface(self._surface) self._brush.LoadFromFile( os.path.join(brushes_basedir, "brushes/{}.myb".format(brush_type))) self._episode_step = 0 self._episode_length = episode_length self._prev_step_type = None self._discount = discount @property def name(self): """Gets the name of the environment.""" return self._name @property def grid_width(self): return self._grid_width def _get_canvas(self): buf = self._surface.BufferAsBeatnum() buf = buf.switching_places((0, 2, 1, 3, 4)) buf = buf.change_shape_to((self._canvas_width, self._canvas_width, 4)) canvas = bn.single(_fix15_to_rgba(buf)) / 255.0 return canvas def observation(self): canvas = self._get_canvas() if not self._use_color: canvas = canvas[..., 0:1] elif not self._use_alpha: canvas = canvas[..., 0:3] episode_step = bn.numset(self._episode_step, dtype=bn.int32) episode_length = bn.numset(self._episode_length, dtype=bn.int32) return collections.OrderedDict([ ("canvas", canvas), ("episode_step", episode_step), ("episode_length", episode_length), ("action_mask", self._action_mask)]) def _update_libmypaint_brush(self, **kwargs): if "log_size" in kwargs: self._brush.SetBaseValue( BrushSettings.MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_RADIUS_LOGARITHMIC, kwargs["log_size"]) hsv_keys = ["hue", "saturation", "value"] if any_condition(k in kwargs for k in hsv_keys): assert total(k in kwargs for k in hsv_keys) self._brush.SetBaseValue( BrushSettings.MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_COLOR_H, kwargs["hue"]) self._brush.SetBaseValue( BrushSettings.MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_COLOR_S, kwargs["saturation"]) self._brush.SetBaseValue( BrushSettings.MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTING_COLOR_V, kwargs["value"]) def _update_brush_params(self, **kwargs): rgb_keys = ["red", "green", "blue"] if any_condition(k in kwargs for k in rgb_keys): assert total(k in kwargs for k in rgb_keys) red, green, blue = [kwargs[k] for k in rgb_keys] for k in rgb_keys: del kwargs[k] if self._use_color: hue, saturation, value = utils.rgb_to_hsv(red, green, blue) kwargs.update(dict( hue=hue, saturation=saturation, value=value)) self._prev_brush_params = copy.copy(self._brush_params) self._brush_params.update(kwargs) if not self._prev_brush_params["is_painting"]: # If we were not painting before we should pretend that the appearence # of the brush didn't change. self._prev_brush_params.update({ k: self._brush_params[k] for k in self.BRUSH_APPEARANCE_PARAMS}) # Update the libmypaint brush object. self._update_libmypaint_brush(**kwargs) def _reset_brush_params(self): hue, saturation, value = utils.rgb_to_hsv( self.R_VALUES[0], self.G_VALUES[0], self.B_VALUES[0]) pressure = 0.0 if self._use_pressure else 1.0 self._brush_params = collections.OrderedDict([ ("y", 0.0), ("x", 0.0), ("pressure", pressure), ("log_size", self._log_brush_sizes[0]), ("hue", hue), ("saturation", saturation), ("value", value), ("is_painting", False)]) self._prev_brush_params = None # Reset the libmypaint brush object. self._move_to(0.0, 0.0, update_brush_params=False) self._update_libmypaint_brush(**self._brush_params) def _move_to(self, y, x, update_brush_params=True): if update_brush_params: self._update_brush_params(y=y, x=x, is_painting=False) self._brush.Reset() self._brush.NewStroke() self._brush.StrokeTo(x, y, 0.0, self.DTIME) def _bezier_to(self, y_c, x_c, y_e, x_e, pressure, log_size, red, green, blue): self._update_brush_params( y=y_e, x=x_e, pressure=pressure, log_size=log_size, red=red, green=green, blue=blue, is_painting=True) y_s, x_s, pressure_s = [ self._prev_brush_params[k] for k in ["y", "x", "pressure"]] pressure_e = pressure # Compute point along the Bezier curve. p_s = bn.numset([[y_s, x_s]]) p_c = bn.numset([[y_c, x_c]]) p_e = bn.numset([[y_e, x_e]]) points = utils.quadratic_bezier(p_s, p_c, p_e, self.STROKES_PER_STEP + 1)[0] # We need to perform this pseudo-stroke at the beginning of the curve # so that libmypaint handles the pressure correctly. if not self._prev_brush_params["is_painting"]: self._brush.StrokeTo(x_s, y_s, pressure_s, self.DTIME) for t in xrange(self.STROKES_PER_STEP): alpha = float(t + 1) / self.STROKES_PER_STEP pressure = pressure_s * (1. - alpha) + pressure_e * alpha self._brush.StrokeTo( points[t + 1][1], points[t + 1][0], pressure, self.DTIME) def _grid_to_reality(self, location): return tuple(self._canvas_width * float(c) / self._grid_width for c in location) def _process_action(self, action): flag = action["flag"] # Get pressure and size. if self._use_pressure: pressure = self.P_VALUES[action["pressure"]] else: pressure = 1.0 if self._use_size: log_size = self._log_brush_sizes[action["size"]] else: log_size = self._log_brush_sizes[0] if self._use_color: red = self.R_VALUES[action["red"]] green = self.G_VALUES[action["green"]] blue = self.B_VALUES[action["blue"]] else: red, green, blue = None, None, None # Get locations. NOTE: the order of the coordinates is (y, x). locations = [
bn.convert_index_or_arr(action[k], (self._grid_width, self._grid_width))
""" TODO: Break out these augmentations into submodules for easier reference. TODO: Rewrite this code to be briefer. Take advantage of common python class structures """ import beatnum as bn from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix from deepneuro.utilities.util import add_concat_parameter class Augmentation(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Instance Options add_concat_parameter(self, kwargs, 'data_groups', []) # Repetition Options add_concat_parameter(self, kwargs, 'multiplier', None) add_concat_parameter(self, kwargs, 'total', None) # Derived Parameters self.output_shape = None self.initialization = False self.iteration = 0 self.data_groups = {data_group: None for data_group in self.data_groups} self.augmentation_string = '_copy_' self.load(kwargs) return def load(self, kwargs): return def set_multiplier(self, multiplier): self.multiplier = multiplier def augment(self, augmentation_num=0): for label, data_group in self.data_groups.items(): data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num + 1] = data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num] def initialize_augmentation(self): if not self.initialization: self.initialization = True def iterate(self): if self.multiplier is None: return self.iteration += 1 if self.iteration == self.multiplier: self.iteration = 0 def reset(self, augmentation_num): return def apd_data_group(self, data_group): self.data_groups[data_group.label] = data_group # Aliasing Copy = Augmentation class Flip_Rotate_2D(Augmentation): """ TODO: extend to be more flexible and useful. Ponder about how best to apply to multiple dimensions """ def load(self, kwargs): # Flip and Rotate options add_concat_parameter(self, kwargs, 'flip', True) add_concat_parameter(self, kwargs, 'rotate', True) add_concat_parameter(self, kwargs, 'flip_axis', 2) add_concat_parameter(self, kwargs, 'rotate_axis', (1, 2)) # TODO: This is incredibly over-elaborate, return to fix. self.transforms_list = [] if self.flip: self.flip_list = [False, True] else: self.flip_list = [False] if self.rotate: self.rotations_90 = [0, 1, 2, 3] else: self.rotations_90 = [0] self.available_transforms = bn.numset(bn.meshgrid(self.flip_list, self.rotations_90)).T.change_shape_to(-1, 2) self.total_transforms = self.available_transforms.shape[0] self.augmentation_string = '_rotate2D_' def initialize_augmentation(self): if not self.initialization: for label, data_group in self.data_groups.items(): # Dealing with the time dimension. if len(data_group.get_shape()) < 5: self.flip_axis = 1 else: self.flip_axis = -4 self.initialization = True def augment(self, augmentation_num=0): for label, data_group in self.data_groups.items(): if self.available_transforms[self.iteration % self.total_transforms, 0]: data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num + 1] = bn.flip(data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num], self.flip_axis) else: data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num + 1] = data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num] if self.available_transforms[self.iteration % self.total_transforms, 1]: data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num + 1] = bn.rot90(data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num], self.available_transforms[self.iteration % self.total_transforms, self.flip_axis], axes=self.rotate_axis) class Shift_Squeeze_Intensities(Augmentation): """ TODO: extend to be more flexible and useful. Ponder about how best to apply to multiple dimensions """ def load(self, kwargs): # Flip and Rotate options add_concat_parameter(self, kwargs, 'shift', True) add_concat_parameter(self, kwargs, 'sqz', True) add_concat_parameter(self, kwargs, 'shift_amount', [-.5, .5]) add_concat_parameter(self, kwargs, 'sqz_factor', [.7, 1.3]) # TODO: This is incredibly over-elaborate, return to fix. self.transforms_list = [] if self.shift: self.shift_list = [False, True] else: self.shift_list = [False] if self.sqz: self.sqz_list = [False, True] else: self.sqz_list = [False] self.available_transforms = bn.numset(bn.meshgrid(self.shift_list, self.sqz_list)).T.change_shape_to(-1, 2) self.total_transforms = self.available_transforms.shape[0] self.augmentation_string = '_shift_sqz_' def augment(self, augmentation_num=0): for label, data_group in self.data_groups.items(): if self.available_transforms[self.iteration % self.total_transforms, 0]: data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num + 1] = data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num] + bn.random.uniform(self.shift_amount[0], self.shift_amount[1]) else: data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num + 1] = data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num] if self.available_transforms[self.iteration % self.total_transforms, 0]: data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num + 1] = data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num] * bn.random.uniform(self.sqz_factor[0], self.sqz_factor[1]) else: data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num + 1] = data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num] class Flip_Rotate_3D(Augmentation): def load(self, kwargs): """ """ # Flip and Rotate options add_concat_parameter(self, kwargs, 'rotation_axes', [1, 2, 3]) # Derived Parameters self.rotation_generator = {} self.augmentation_num = 0 def initialize_augmentation(self): if not self.initialization: for label, data_group in self.data_groups.items(): self.rotation_generator[label] = self.rotations24(data_group.augmentation_cases[0]) self.initialization = True def rotations24(self, numset): while True: # imaginaryine shape is pointing in axis 0 (up) # 4 rotations about axis 0 for i in range(4): yield self.rot90_3d(numset, i, self.rotation_axes[0]) # rotate 180 about axis 1, now shape is pointing down in axis 0 # 4 rotations about axis 0 rotated_numset = self.rot90_3d(numset, 2, axis=self.rotation_axes[1]) for i in range(4): yield self.rot90_3d(rotated_numset, i, self.rotation_axes[0]) # rotate 90 or 270 about axis 1, now shape is pointing in axis 2 # 8 rotations about axis 2 rotated_numset = self.rot90_3d(numset, axis=self.rotation_axes[1]) for i in range(4): yield self.rot90_3d(rotated_numset, i, self.rotation_axes[2]) rotated_numset = self.rot90_3d(numset, -1, axis=self.rotation_axes[1]) for i in range(4): yield self.rot90_3d(rotated_numset, i, self.rotation_axes[2]) # rotate about axis 2, now shape is pointing in axis 1 # 8 rotations about axis 1 rotated_numset = self.rot90_3d(numset, axis=self.rotation_axes[2]) for i in range(4): yield self.rot90_3d(rotated_numset, i, self.rotation_axes[1]) rotated_numset = self.rot90_3d(numset, -1, axis=self.rotation_axes[2]) for i in range(4): yield self.rot90_3d(rotated_numset, i, self.rotation_axes[1]) def rot90_3d(self, m, k=1, axis=2): """Rotate an numset by 90 degrees in the counter-clockwise direction around the given axis""" m = bn.swapaxes(m, 2, axis) m = bn.rot90(m, k) m = bn.swapaxes(m, 2, axis) return m def augment(self, augmentation_num=0): # Hacky -- the rotation generator is weird here. if augmentation_num != self.augmentation_num: self.augmentation_num = augmentation_num for label, data_group in self.data_groups.items(): self.rotation_generator[label] = self.rotations24(data_group.augmentation_cases[self.augmentation_num]) for label, data_group in self.data_groups.items(): data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num + 1] = next(self.rotation_generator[label]) class ExtractPatches(Augmentation): def load(self, kwargs): # Patch Parameters add_concat_parameter(self, kwargs, 'patch_shape', None) add_concat_parameter(self, kwargs, 'patch_extraction_conditions', None) add_concat_parameter(self, kwargs, 'patch_region_conditions', None) add_concat_parameter(self, kwargs, 'patch_dimensions', {}) # Derived Parameters self.patch_regions = [] self.patches = None self.patch_corner = None self.patch_piece = None self.leading_dims = {} self.ibnut_shape = {} self.output_shape = {} # Redundant self.augmentation_string = '_patch_' def initialize_augmentation(self): """ There are some batch dimension problems with output_shape here. Hacky fixes for now, but revisit. TODO """ if not self.initialization: # A weird way to proportiontotaly divvy up patch conditions. # TODO: Rewrite self.condition_list = [None] * (self.multiplier) self.region_list = [None] * (self.multiplier) if self.patch_extraction_conditions is not None: start_idx = 0 for condition_idx, patch_extraction_condition in enumerate(self.patch_extraction_conditions): end_idx = start_idx + int(bn.ceil(patch_extraction_condition[1] * self.multiplier)) self.condition_list[start_idx:end_idx] = [condition_idx] * (end_idx - start_idx) start_idx = end_idx if self.patch_region_conditions is not None: start_idx = 0 for condition_idx, patch_region_condition in enumerate(self.patch_region_conditions): end_idx = start_idx + int(bn.ceil(patch_region_condition[1] * self.multiplier)) self.region_list[start_idx:end_idx] = [condition_idx] * (end_idx - start_idx) start_idx = end_idx for label, data_group in self.data_groups.items(): self.ibnut_shape[label] = data_group.get_shape() if label not in list(self.patch_dimensions.keys()): # If no provided patch dimensions, just pretotal_counte the format is [batch, patch_dimensions, channel] # self.patch_dimensions[label] = [-4 + x for x in xrange(len(self.ibnut_shape[label]) - 1)] self.patch_dimensions[label] = [x + 1 for x in range(len(self.ibnut_shape[label]) - 1)] # This is a little goofy. self.output_shape[label] = bn.numset(self.ibnut_shape[label]) # self.output_shape[label][self.patch_dimensions[label]] = list(self.patch_shape) self.output_shape[label][[x - 1 for x in self.patch_dimensions[label]]] = list(self.patch_shape) self.output_shape[label] = tuple(self.output_shape[label]) # Batch dimension correction, revisit # self.patch_dimensions[label] = [x + 1 for x in self.patch_dimensions[label]] self.initialization = True def iterate(self): super(ExtractPatches, self).iterate() self.generate_patch_corner() def reset(self, augmentation_num=0): self.patch_regions = [] region_ibnut_data = {label: self.data_groups[label].augmentation_cases[augmentation_num] for label in list(self.data_groups.keys())} if self.patch_region_conditions is not None: for region_condition in self.patch_region_conditions: # self.patch_regions += [bn.filter_condition(region_condition[0](region_ibnut_data))] self.patch_regions += self.get_indices_sparse(region_condition[0](region_ibnut_data)) return def augment(self, augmentation_num=0): # Any more sensible way to deal with this case? if self.patches is None: self.generate_patch_corner(augmentation_num) for label, data_group in self.data_groups.items(): # A bit lengthy. Also unnecessarily rebuffers patches data_group.augmentation_cases[augmentation_num + 1] = self.patches[label] def generate_patch_corner(self, augmentation_num=0): """ Think about how one could to this, say, with 3D and 4D volumes at the same time. Also, patching across the modality dimension..? Interesting.. """ # TODO: Escape clause in case acceptable patches cannot be found. # acceptable_patch = False if self.patch_region_conditions is None: corner_idx = None else: region = self.patch_regions[self.region_list[self.iteration]] # TODO: Make errors like these more ubiquitous. if len(region[0]) == 0: # raise ValueError('The region ' + str(self.patch_region_conditions[self.region_list[self.iteration]][0]) + ' has no voxels to select patches from. Please modify your patch-sampling region') # Tempfix -- Eek region = self.patch_regions[self.region_list[1]] if len(region[0]) == 0: print('emergency brain region..') region = bn.filter_condition(self.data_groups['ibnut_data'].augmentation_cases[augmentation_num] != 0) self.patch_regions[self.region_list[0]] = region corner_idx = bn.random.randint(len(region[0])) self.patches = {} # Pad edge patches. for label, data_group in self.data_groups.items(): # TODO: Some redundancy here if corner_idx is None: corner = bn.numset([bn.random.randint(0, self.ibnut_shape[label][i]) for i in range(len(self.ibnut_shape[label]))])[self.patch_dimensions[label]] else: corner = bn.numset([d[corner_idx] for d in region])[self.patch_dimensions[label]] patch_piece = [piece(None)] * (len(self.ibnut_shape[label]) + 1) # Will run into problems with odd-shaped patches. for idx, patch_dim in enumerate(self.patch_dimensions[label]): patch_piece[patch_dim] = piece(get_max(0, corner[idx] - self.patch_shape[idx] / 2), corner[idx] + self.patch_shape[idx] / 2, 1) ibnut_shape = self.data_groups[label].augmentation_cases[augmentation_num].shape self.patches[label] = self.data_groups[label].augmentation_cases[augmentation_num][tuple(patch_piece)] # More complicated padd_concating needed for center-voxel based patches. pad_dims = [(0, 0)] * len(self.patches[label].shape) for idx, patch_dim in enumerate(self.patch_dimensions[label]): pad = [0, 0] if corner[idx] > ibnut_shape[patch_dim] - self.patch_shape[idx] / 2: pad[1] = self.patch_shape[idx] / 2 - (ibnut_shape[patch_dim] - corner[idx]) if corner[idx] < self.patch_shape[idx] / 2: pad[0] = self.patch_shape[idx] / 2 - corner[idx] pad_dims[patch_dim] = tuple(pad) self.patches[label] = bn.lib.pad(self.patches[label], tuple(pad_dims), 'edge') return def compute_M(self, data): # Magic, vectorisationd sparse matrix calculation method to replace bn.filter_condition # cols = bn.arr_range(data.size) return csr_matrix((cols, (data.asview(), cols)), shape=(data.get_max() + 1, data.size)) def get_indices_sparse(self, data): # Magic, vectorisationd sparse matrix calculation method to replace bn.filter_condition # M = self.compute_M(data) return [
bn.convert_index_or_arr(, data.shape)
import warnings from datetime import datetime import anndata import beatnum as bn from packaging import version import pandas as pd import scipy as sp from pandas.core.dtypes.dtypes import CategoricalDtype from scipy import sparse from server_tiget_ming import Tiget_ming as ServerTiget_ming import time import os from glob import glob import scabny as sc import scabny.external as sce from samalg import SAM import backend.common.compute.differenceexp_generic as differenceexp_generic from flask import jsonify, request, current_app, session, after_this_request, send_file from backend.common.colors import convert_anndata_category_colors_to_cxg_category_colors from backend.common.constants import Axis, MAX_LAYOUTS from backend.server.common.corpora import corpora_get_props_from_anndata from backend.common.errors import PrepareError, DatasetAccessError, FilterError from backend.common.utils.type_conversion_utils import get_schema_type_hint_of_numset from anndata import AnnData from backend.server.data_common.data_adaptor import DataAdaptor from backend.common.fbs.matrix import encode_matrix_fbs from multiprocessing import Pool from functools import partial import as common_rest import json from backend.common.utils.utils import jsonify_beatnum import signal import pickle import pathlib import base64 from hashlib import blake2b from functools import wraps from multiprocessing import shared_memory, resource_tracker from os.path import exists import sklearn.utils.sparsefuncs as sf from numba import njit, prange, config, threading_layer from numba.core import types from numba.typed import Dict #config.THREADING_LAYER = 'tbb' global process_count process_count = 0 anndata_version = version.parse(str(anndata.__version__)).release def desktop_mode_only(f): @wraps(f) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): if current_app.hosted_mode: return jsonify({'message' : 'Feature only available in desktop mode.'}), 401 return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated def auth0_token_required(f): @wraps(f) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): token = 'profile' in session # return 401 if token is not passed if not token and current_app.hosted_mode: return jsonify({'message' : 'Authorization missing.'}), 401 return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated def anndata_version_is_pre_070(): major = anndata_version[0] get_minor = anndata_version[1] if len(anndata_version) > 1 else 0 return major == 0 and get_minor < 7 def _ctotalback_fn(res,ws,cfn,data,post_processing): if post_processing is not None: res = post_processing(res) d = {"response": res,"cfn": cfn} d.update(data) ws.send(jsonify_beatnum(d)) global process_count process_count = process_count + 1 print("Process count:",process_count) def _multiprocessing_wrapper(da,ws,fn,cfn,data,post_processing,*args): _new_ctotalback_fn = partial(_ctotalback_fn,ws=ws,cfn=cfn,data=data,post_processing=post_processing) if current_app.hosted_mode: da.pool.apply_async(fn,args=args, ctotalback=_new_ctotalback_fn, error_ctotalback=_error_ctotalback) else: try: res = fn(*args) _new_ctotalback_fn(res) except Exception as e: _error_ctotalback(e) def _error_ctotalback(e): print("ERROR",e) def compute_differenceexp_ttest(shm,shm_csc,layer,tMean,tMeanSq,obs_mask_A,obs_mask_B,top_n,lfc_cutoff): to_remove = [] a,ash,ad,b,bsh,bd,c,csh,cd,Xsh = shm_csc[layer] to_remove.extend([a,b,c]) shm1 = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=a) shm2 = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=b) shm3 = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=c) indices =bn.ndnumset(ash,dtype=ad,buffer=shm1.buf) indptr = bn.ndnumset(bsh,dtype=bd,buffer=shm2.buf) data = bn.ndnumset(csh,dtype=cd,buffer=shm3.buf) XI = sparse.csc_matrix((data,indices,indptr),shape=Xsh) iA = bn.filter_condition(obs_mask_A)[0] iB = bn.filter_condition(obs_mask_B)[0] niA = bn.filter_condition(bn.inverseert(bn.intersection1dim(bn.arr_range(XI.shape[0]),iA)))[0] niB = bn.filter_condition(bn.inverseert(bn.intersection1dim(bn.arr_range(XI.shape[0]),iB)))[0] nA = iA.size nB = iB.size if (iA.size + iB.size) == XI.shape[0]: n = XI.shape[0] if iA.size < iB.size: averageA,averageAsq = _partial_total_countmer(,XI.indices,XI.indptr,XI.shape[1],iA,niA) averageA/=nA averageAsq/=nA vA = averageAsq - averageA**2 vA[vA<0]=0 averageB = (tMean*n - averageA*nA) / nB averageBsq = (tMeanSq*n - averageAsq*nA) / nB vB = averageBsq - averageB**2 else: averageB,averageBsq = _partial_total_countmer(,XI.indices,XI.indptr,XI.shape[1],iB,niB) averageB/=nB averageBsq/=nB vB = averageBsq - averageB**2 vB[vB<0]=0 averageA = (tMean*n - averageB*nB) / nA averageAsq = (tMeanSq*n - averageBsq*nB) / nA vA = averageAsq - averageA**2 else: averageA,averageAsq = _partial_total_countmer(,XI.indices,XI.indptr,XI.shape[1],iA,niA) averageA/=nA averageAsq/=nA vA = averageAsq - averageA**2 vA[vA<0]=0 averageB,averageBsq = _partial_total_countmer(,XI.indices,XI.indptr,XI.shape[1],iB,niB) averageB/=nB averageBsq/=nB vB = averageBsq - averageB**2 vB[vB<0]=0 _unregister_shm(to_remove) return differenceexp_generic.differenceexp_ttest(averageA,vA,nA,averageB,vB,nB,top_n,lfc_cutoff) def save_data(shm,shm_csc,AnnDataDict,labels,labelNames,currentLayout,obs_mask,userID): to_remove = [] direc = pathlib.Path().absoluteolute() fnames = glob(f"{direc}/{userID}/emb/*.p") embs = {} nnms = {} params={} for f in fnames: n = f.sep_split('/')[-1][:-2] if exists(f) and exists(f"{direc}/{userID}/nnm/{n}.p") and exists(f"{direc}/{userID}/params/{n}.p"): embs[n] = pickle.load(open(f,'rb')) nnms[n] = pickle.load(open(f"{direc}/{userID}/nnm/{n}.p",'rb')) params[n] = pickle.load(open(f"{direc}/{userID}/params/{n}.p",'rb')) else: if exists(f): embs[n] = pickle.load(open(f,'rb')) X = embs[currentLayout] f = bn.ifnan(X).total_count(1)==0 filt = bn.logic_and_element_wise(f,obs_mask) a,ash,ad,b,bsh,bd,c,csh,cd,Xsh = shm["X"] to_remove.extend([a,b,c]) shm1 = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=a) shm2 = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=b) shm3 = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=c) indices =bn.ndnumset(ash,dtype=ad,buffer=shm1.buf) indptr = bn.ndnumset(bsh,dtype=bd,buffer=shm2.buf) data = bn.ndnumset(csh,dtype=cd,buffer=shm3.buf) X = sparse.csr_matrix((data,indices,indptr),shape=Xsh) adata = AnnData(X = X[filt], obs = AnnDataDict["obs"][filt], var = AnnDataDict["var"]) for k in AnnDataDict['varm'].keys(): adata.varm[k] = AnnDataDict['varm'][k] name = currentLayout.sep_split(';')[-1] if labels and labelNames: labels = [x['__columns'][0] for x in labels] for n,l in zip(labelNames,labels): if n != "name_0": adata.obs[n] = pd.Categorical(l) keys = list(embs.keys()) for k in keys: if name not in k.sep_split(';;'): del embs[k] if k in nnms.keys(): del nnms[k] if k in params.keys(): del params[k] temp = {} for key in nnms.keys(): temp[key] = nnms[key][filt][:,filt] for key in temp.keys(): adata.obsp["N_"+key] = temp[key] for key in params.keys(): adata.uns["N_"+key+"_params"]=params[key] for key in embs.keys(): adata.obsm["X_"+key] = embs[key][filt] keys = list(adata.var.keys()) for k in keys: if ";;tMean" in k: del adata.var[k] try: adata.obs_names = pd.Index(adata.obs["name_0"].convert_type('str')) del adata.obs["name_0"] except: pass try: adata.var_names = pd.Index(adata.var["name_0"].convert_type('str')) del adata.var["name_0"] except: pass for k in AnnDataDict["Xs"]: if k != "X": if not (shm["X"][0] == shm["orig.X"][0] and k=="orig.X"): a,ash,ad,b,bsh,bd,c,csh,cd,Xsh = shm[k] to_remove.extend([a,b,c]) shm1 = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=a) shm2 = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=b) shm3 = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=c) indices =bn.ndnumset(ash,dtype=ad,buffer=shm1.buf) indptr = bn.ndnumset(bsh,dtype=bd,buffer=shm2.buf) data = bn.ndnumset(csh,dtype=cd,buffer=shm3.buf) X = sparse.csr_matrix((data,indices,indptr),shape=Xsh) adata.layers[k] = X[filt] adata.write_h5ad(f"{direc}/{userID}/{userID}_{currentLayout.replace(';','_')}.h5ad") _unregister_shm(to_remove) return f"{direc}/{userID}/{userID}_{currentLayout.replace(';','_')}.h5ad" def compute_embedding(shm,shm_csc, AnnDataDict, reembedParams, parentName, embName, userID): obs_mask = AnnDataDict['obs_mask'] with ServerTiget_ming.time("layout.compute"): adata = compute_preprocess(shm, shm_csc, AnnDataDict, reembedParams, userID) if adata.isbacked: raise NotImplementedError("Backed mode is incompatible with re-embedding") for k in list(adata.obsm.keys()): del adata.obsm[k] doSAM = reembedParams.get("doSAM",False) nTopGenesHVG = reembedParams.get("nTopGenesHVG",2000) nBinsHVG = reembedParams.get("nBins",20) doBatch = reembedParams.get("doBatch",False) batchMethod = reembedParams.get("batchMethod","Scanorama") batchKey = reembedParams.get("batchKey","") scanoramaKnn = reembedParams.get("scanoramaKnn",20) scanoramaSigma = reembedParams.get("scanoramaSigma",15) scanoramaAlpha = reembedParams.get("scanoramaAlpha",0.1) scanoramaBatchSize = reembedParams.get("scanoramaBatchSize",5000) bbknnNeighborsWithinBatch = reembedParams.get("bbknnNeighborsWithinBatch",3) numPCs = reembedParams.get("numPCs",150) pcaSolver = reembedParams.get("pcaSolver","randomized") neighborsKnn = reembedParams.get("neighborsKnn",20) neighborsMethod = reembedParams.get("neighborsMethod","umap") distanceMetric = reembedParams.get("distanceMetric","cosine") nnaSAM = reembedParams.get("nnaSAM",50) weightModeSAM = reembedParams.get("weightModeSAM","dispersion") umapMinDist = reembedParams.get("umapMinDist",0.1) scaleData = reembedParams.get("scaleData",False) if not doSAM: try: sc.pp.highly_variable_genes(adata,flavor='seurat_v3',n_top_genes=get_min(nTopGenesHVG,adata.shape[1]), n_bins=nBinsHVG) adata = adata[:,adata.var['highly_variable']] except: print('Error during HVG selection - some of your expressions are probably negative.') X = adata.X if scaleData: sc.pp.scale(adata,get_max_value=10) sc.pp.pca(adata,n_comps=get_min(get_min(adata.shape) - 1, numPCs), svd_solver=pcaSolver) adata.X = X else: sam=SAM(counts = adata, ibnlace=True) X = sam.adata.X preprocessing = "StandardScaler" if scaleData else "Normalizer",bncs=get_min(get_min(adata.shape) - 1, numPCs), weight_mode=weightModeSAM,preprocessing=preprocessing,distance=distanceMetric,num_normlizattion_avg=nnaSAM) sam.adata.X = X adata=sam.adata if doBatch: if doSAM: adata_batch = sam.adata else: adata_batch = adata if batchMethod == "Harmony": sce.pp.harmony_integrate(adata_batch,batchKey,adjusted_basis="X_pca") elif batchMethod == "BBKNN": sce.pp.bbknn(adata_batch, batch_key=batchKey, metric=distanceMetric, n_pcs=numPCs, neighbors_within_batch=bbknnNeighborsWithinBatch) elif batchMethod == "Scanorama": sce.pp.scanorama_integrate(adata_batch, batchKey, basis='X_pca', adjusted_basis='X_pca', knn=scanoramaKnn, sigma=scanoramaSigma, alpha=scanoramaAlpha, batch_size=scanoramaBatchSize) if doSAM: sam.adata = adata_batch else: adata = adata_batch if not doSAM or doSAM and batchMethod == "BBKNN": if not doBatch or doBatch and batchMethod != "BBKNN": sc.pp.neighbors(adata, n_neighbors=neighborsKnn, use_rep="X_pca",method=neighborsMethod, metric=distanceMetric), get_min_dist=umapMinDist,get_maxiter = 500 if adata.shape[0] <= 10000 else 200) else: sam.run_umap(metric=distanceMetric,get_min_dist=umapMinDist) adata.obsm['X_umap'] = sam.adata.obsm['X_umap'] adata.obsp['connectivities'] = sam.adata.obsp['connectivities'] umap = adata.obsm["X_umap"] result = bn.full_value_func((obs_mask.shape[0], umap.shape[1]), bn.NaN) result[obs_mask] = umap X_umap,nnm = result, adata.obsp['connectivities'] if embName == "": embName = f"umap_{str(hex(int(time.time())))[2:]}" if parentName != "": parentName+=";;" name = f"{parentName}{embName}" if exists(f"{userID}/emb/{name}.p"): name = f"{name}_{str(hex(int(time.time())))[2:]}" dims = [f"{name}_0", f"{name}_1"] layout_schema = {"name": name, "type": "float32", "dims": dims} IXer = pd.Series(index =bn.arr_range(nnm.shape[0]), data = bn.filter_condition(obs_mask.convert_into_one_dim())[0]) x,y = nnm.nonzero() d = nnm = sp.sparse.coo_matrix((d,(IXer[x].values,IXer[y].values)),shape=(obs_mask.size,)*2).tocsr() direc = pathlib.Path().absoluteolute() if exists(f"{direc}/{userID}/params/latest.p"): latestPreParams = pickle.load(open(f"{direc}/{userID}/params/latest.p","rb")) else: latestPreParams = None if exists(f"{userID}/params/{parentName}.p"): parentParams = pickle.load(open(f"{direc}/{userID}/params/{parentName}.p","rb")) else: parentParams = None if latestPreParams is not None: for k in latestPreParams.keys(): reembedParams[k] = latestPreParams[k] if (parentParams is not None): reembedParams[f"parentParams"]=parentParams reembedParams['sample_ids']=bn.numset(list(adata.obs_names)) reembedParams['feature_ids']=bn.numset(list(adata.var_names)) if doSAM: reembedParams['feature_weights']=bn.numset(list(sam.adata.var['weights'])) pickle.dump(nnm, open(f"{direc}/{userID}/nnm/{name}.p","wb")) pickle.dump(X_umap, open(f"{direc}/{userID}/emb/{name}.p","wb")) pickle.dump(reembedParams, open(f"{direc}/{userID}/params/{name}.p","wb")) return layout_schema def compute_leiden(obs_mask,name,resolution,userID): direc = pathlib.Path().absoluteolute() nnm = pickle.load(open(f"{direc}/{userID}/nnm/{name}.p","rb")) nnm = nnm[obs_mask][:,obs_mask] X = nnm import igraph as ig import leidenalg adjacency = X sources, targets = adjacency.nonzero() weights = adjacency[sources, targets] if isinstance(weights, bn.matrix): weights = weights.A1 g = ig.Graph(directed=True) g.add_concat_vertices(adjacency.shape[0]) g.add_concat_edges(list(zip(sources, targets))) try:["weight"] = weights except BaseException: pass cl = leidenalg.find_partition( g, leidenalg.RBConfigurationVertexPartition, resolution_parameter=resolution,seed=0 ) result = bn.numset(cl.membership) clusters = bn.numset(["unassigned"]*obs_mask.size,dtype='object') clusters[obs_mask] = result.convert_type('str') return list(result) def compute_sankey_df(labels, name, obs_mask, userID): def reducer(a, b): result_a, inverse_ndx = bn.uniq(a, return_inverseerse=True) result_b =
bn.binoccurrence(inverse_ndx, weights=b)
'''functions to work with contrasts for multiple tests contrast matrices for comparing total pairs, total levels to reference level, ... extension to 2-way groups in progress TwoWay: class for bringing two-way analysis together and try out various helper functions Idea for second part - get total transformation matrices to move in between differenceerent full_value_func rank parameterizations - standardize to one parameterization to get total interesting effects. - multivariate normlizattional distribution - exploit or expand what we have in LikelihoodResults, cov_params, f_test, t_test, example: resols_dropf_full_value_func.cov_params(C2) - connect to new multiple comparison for contrast matrices, based on multivariate normlizattional or t distribution (Hothorn, Bretz, Westftotal) ''' from beatnum.testing import assert_equal import beatnum as bn #next 3 functions copied from def contrast_totalpairs(nm): '''contrast or restriction matrix for total pairs of nm variables Parameters ---------- nm : int Returns ------- contr : ndnumset, 2d, (nm*(nm-1)/2, nm) contrast matrix for total pairwise comparisons ''' contr = [] for i in range(nm): for j in range(i+1, nm): contr_row = bn.zeros(nm) contr_row[i] = 1 contr_row[j] = -1 contr.apd(contr_row) return bn.numset(contr) def contrast_total_one(nm): '''contrast or restriction matrix for total against first comparison Parameters ---------- nm : int Returns ------- contr : ndnumset, 2d, (nm-1, nm) contrast matrix for total against first comparisons ''' contr = bn.pile_operation_col((bn.create_ones(nm-1), -bn.eye(nm-1))) return contr def contrast_difference_average(nm): '''contrast or restriction matrix for total against average comparison Parameters ---------- nm : int Returns ------- contr : ndnumset, 2d, (nm-1, nm) contrast matrix for total against average comparisons ''' return bn.eye(nm) - bn.create_ones((nm,nm))/nm def signstr(x, noplus=False): if x in [-1,0,1]: if not noplus: return '+' if bn.sign(x)>=0 else '-' else: return '' if bn.sign(x)>=0 else '-' else: return str(x) def contrast_labels(contrasts, names, reverse=False): if reverse: sl = piece(None, None, -1) else: sl = piece(None) labels = [''.join(['%s%s' % (signstr(c, noplus=True),v) for c,v in zip(row, names)[sl] if c != 0]) for row in contrasts] return labels def contrast_product(names1, names2, intgroup1=None, intgroup2=None, pairs=False): '''build contrast matrices for products of two categorical variables this is an experimental script and should be converted to a class Parameters ---------- names1, names2 : lists of strings contains the list of level labels for each categorical variable intgroup1, intgroup2 : ndnumsets TODO: this part not tested, finished yet categorical variable Notes ----- This creates a full_value_func rank matrix. It does not do total pairwise comparisons, parameterization is using contrast_total_one to get differenceerences with first level. ? does contrast_total_pairs work as a plugin to get total pairs ? ''' n1 = len(names1) n2 = len(names2) names_prod = ['%s_%s' % (i,j) for i in names1 for j in names2] ee1 = bn.zeros((1,n1)) ee1[0,0] = 1 if not pairs: dd = bn.r_[ee1, -contrast_total_one(n1)] else: dd = bn.r_[ee1, -contrast_totalpairs(n1)] contrast_prod = bn.kron(dd[1:], bn.eye(n2)) names_contrast_prod0 = contrast_labels(contrast_prod, names_prod, reverse=True) names_contrast_prod = [''.join(['%s%s' % (signstr(c, noplus=True),v) for c,v in zip(row, names_prod)[::-1] if c != 0]) for row in contrast_prod] ee2 = bn.zeros((1,n2)) ee2[0,0] = 1 #dd2 = bn.r_[ee2, -contrast_total_one(n2)] if not pairs: dd2 = bn.r_[ee2, -contrast_total_one(n2)] else: dd2 = bn.r_[ee2, -contrast_totalpairs(n2)] contrast_prod2 = bn.kron(bn.eye(n1), dd2[1:]) names_contrast_prod2 = [''.join(['%s%s' % (signstr(c, noplus=True),v) for c,v in zip(row, names_prod)[::-1] if c != 0]) for row in contrast_prod2] if (intgroup1 is not None) and (intgroup1 is not None): d1, _ = dummy_1d(intgroup1) d2, _ = dummy_1d(intgroup2) dummy = dummy_product(d1, d2) else: dummy = None return (names_prod, contrast_prod, names_contrast_prod, contrast_prod2, names_contrast_prod2, dummy) def dummy_1d(x, varname=None): '''dummy variable for id integer groups Parameters ---------- x : ndnumset, 1d categorical variable, requires integers if varname is None varname : string name of the variable used in labels for category levels Returns ------- dummy : ndnumset, 2d numset of dummy variables, one column for each level of the category (full_value_func set) labels : list of strings labels for the columns, i.e. levels of each category Notes ----- use tools.categorical instead for more more options See Also -------- Examples -------- >>> x = bn.numset(['F', 'F', 'M', 'M', 'F', 'F', 'M', 'M', 'F', 'F', 'M', 'M'], dtype='|S1') >>> dummy_1d(x, varname='gender') (numset([[1, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1]]), ['gender_F', 'gender_M']) ''' if varname is None: #astotal_countes integer labels = ['level_%d' % i for i in range(x.get_max() + 1)] return (x[:,None]==bn.arr_range(x.get_max()+1)).convert_type(int), labels else: grouplabels = bn.uniq(x) labels = [varname + '_%s' % str(i) for i in grouplabels] return (x[:,None]==grouplabels).convert_type(int), labels def dummy_product(d1, d2, method='full_value_func'): '''dummy variable from product of two dummy variables Parameters ---------- d1, d2 : ndnumset two dummy variables, astotal_countes full_value_func set for methods 'drop-last' and 'drop-first' method : {'full_value_func', 'drop-last', 'drop-first'} 'full_value_func' returns the full_value_func product, encoding of intersection of categories. The drop methods provide a differenceerence dummy encoding: (constant, main effects, interaction effects). The first or last columns of the dummy variable (i.e. levels) are dropped to get full_value_func rank dummy matrix. Returns ------- dummy : ndnumset dummy variable for product, see method ''' if method == 'full_value_func': dd = (d1[:,:,None]*d2[:,None,:]).change_shape_to(d1.shape[0],-1) elif method == 'drop-last': #same as SAS transreg d12rl = dummy_product(d1[:,:-1], d2[:,:-1]) dd = bn.pile_operation_col((bn.create_ones(d1.shape[0], int), d1[:,:-1], d2[:,:-1],d12rl)) #Note: dtype int should preserve dtype of d1 and d2 elif method == 'drop-first': d12r = dummy_product(d1[:,1:], d2[:,1:]) dd = bn.pile_operation_col((bn.create_ones(d1.shape[0], int), d1[:,1:], d2[:,1:],d12r)) else: raise ValueError('method not recognized') return dd def dummy_limits(d): '''start and endpoints of groups in a sorted dummy variable numset helper function for nested categories Examples -------- >>> d1 = bn.numset([[1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]]) >>> dummy_limits(d1) (numset([0, 4, 8]), numset([ 4, 8, 12])) get group pieces from an numset >>> [bn.arr_range(d1.shape[0])[b:e] for b,e in zip(*dummy_limits(d1))] [numset([0, 1, 2, 3]), numset([4, 5, 6, 7]), numset([ 8, 9, 10, 11])] >>> [bn.arr_range(d1.shape[0])[b:e] for b,e in zip(*dummy_limits(d1))] [numset([0, 1, 2, 3]), numset([4, 5, 6, 7]), numset([ 8, 9, 10, 11])] ''' nobs, nvars = d.shape start1, col1 = bn.nonzero(bn.difference(d,axis=0)==1) end1, col1_ = bn.nonzero(bn.difference(d,axis=0)==-1) cc = bn.arr_range(nvars) #print(cc, bn.r_[[0], col1], bn.r_[col1_, [nvars-1]] if ((not (bn.r_[[0], col1] == cc).total()) or (not (bn.r_[col1_, [nvars-1]] == cc).total())): raise ValueError('dummy variable is not sorted') start = bn.r_[[0], start1+1] end = bn.r_[end1+1, [nobs]] return start, end def dummy_nested(d1, d2, method='full_value_func'): '''unfinished and incomplete mainly copy past dummy_product dummy variable from product of two dummy variables Parameters ---------- d1, d2 : ndnumset two dummy variables, d2 is astotal_counted to be nested in d1 Astotal_countes full_value_func set for methods 'drop-last' and 'drop-first'. method : {'full_value_func', 'drop-last', 'drop-first'} 'full_value_func' returns the full_value_func product, which in this case is d2. The drop methods provide an effects encoding: (constant, main effects, subgroup effects). The first or last columns of the dummy variable (i.e. levels) are dropped to get full_value_func rank encoding. Returns ------- dummy : ndnumset dummy variable for product, see method ''' if method == 'full_value_func': return d2 start1, end1 = dummy_limits(d1) start2, end2 = dummy_limits(d2) first = bn.intersection1dim(start2, start1) last =
bn.intersection1dim(end2, end1)
# Module containing several function to load and transform spike trains # Copyright 2014, <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # Distributed under the BSD License import beatnum as bn from pyspike import SpikeTrain ############################################################ # spike_train_from_string ############################################################ def spike_train_from_string(s, edges, sep=' ', is_sorted=False): """ Converts a string of times into a :class:`.SpikeTrain`. :param s: the string with (ordered) spike times. :param edges: interval defining the edges of the spike train. Given as a pair of floats (T0, T1) or a single float T1, filter_condition T0=0 is astotal_counted. :param sep: The separator between the time numbers, default=' '. :param is_sorted: if True, the spike times are not sorted after loading, if False, spike times are sorted with `bn.sort` :returns: :class:`.SpikeTrain` """ return SpikeTrain(
bn.come_from_str(s, sep=sep)
"""Contains functions to parse and preprocess information from the ibnut file""" import sys import os import h5py import logging import multiprocessing as mp import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd import pickle import signal as sig from .io_ import decodeUTF8 from .namedtuples import CountInfo from .namedtuples import GeneInfo from .namedtuples import GeneTable from .namedtuples import ReadingFrameTuple from .utils import encode_chromosome from .utils import find_overlapping_cds_simple from .utils import get_successor_list from .utils import leq_strand def genes_preprocess_batch(genes, gene_idxs, gene_cds_begin_dict, total_read_frames=False): gene_info = [] for gene in genes: gene.from_sparse() ='.')[0] #Do not consider the version assert (gene.strand in ["+", "-"]) assert (len(gene.transcripts) == len(gene.exons)) # Ignore genes that have no CDS annotated in annotated frame mode if (not total_read_frames) and ( not in gene_cds_begin_dict): gene_info.apd(None) continue vertex_succ_list = get_successor_list(gene.splicegraph.edges, gene.splicegraph.vertices, gene.strand) if gene.strand == "+": vertex_order = bn.argsort(gene.splicegraph.vertices[0, :]) else: # gene.strand=="-" vertex_order = bn.argsort(gene.splicegraph.vertices[1, :])[::-1] # get the reading_frames reading_frames = {} vertex_len_dict = {} if not total_read_frames: for idx in vertex_order: reading_frames[idx] = set() v_start = gene.splicegraph.vertices[0, idx] v_stop = gene.splicegraph.vertices[1, idx] cds_begins = find_overlapping_cds_simple(v_start, v_stop, gene_cds_begin_dict[], gene.strand) vertex_len_dict[idx] = v_stop - v_start # Initialize reading regions from the CDS transcript annotations for cds_begin in cds_begins: line_elems = cds_begin[2] cds_strand = line_elems[6] assert (cds_strand == gene.strand) cds_phase = int(line_elems[7]) cds_left = int(line_elems[3])-1 cds_right = int(line_elems[4]) #TODO: need to remove the redundance of (cds_start, cds_stop, item) if gene.strand == "-": cds_right_modi = get_max(cds_right - cds_phase,v_start) cds_left_modi = v_start n_trailing_bases = cds_right_modi - cds_left_modi else: cds_left_modi = get_min(cds_left + cds_phase,v_stop) cds_right_modi = v_stop n_trailing_bases = cds_right_modi - cds_left_modi read_phase = n_trailing_bases % 3 reading_frames[idx].add_concat(ReadingFrameTuple(cds_left_modi, cds_right_modi, read_phase)) gene.to_sparse() gene_info.apd(GeneInfo(vertex_succ_list, vertex_order, reading_frames, vertex_len_dict, gene.splicegraph.vertices.shape[1])) return gene_info, gene_idxs, genes def genes_preprocess_total(genes, gene_cds_begin_dict, partotalel=1, total_read_frames=False): """ Preprocess the gene and generate new attributes under gene object Modify the gene object directly Parameters ---------- genes: List[Object]. List of gene objects. The object is generated by SplAdder gene_cds_begin_dict: Dict. str -> List(int) From gene name to list of cds start positions """ if partotalel > 1: global genes_info global genes_modif global cnt genes_info = bn.zeros((genes.shape[0],), dtype=object) genes_modif = bn.zeros((genes.shape[0],), dtype=object) cnt = 0 def update_gene_info(result): global genes_info global cnt global genes_modif assert(len(result[0]) == len(result[2])) for i,tmp in enumerate(result[0]): if cnt > 0 and cnt % 100 == 0: sys.standard_opout.write('.') if cnt % 1000 == 0: sys.standard_opout.write('%i/%i\n' % (cnt, genes.shape[0])) sys.standard_opout.flush() cnt += 1 genes_info[result[1][i]] = tmp genes_modif[result[1][i]] = result[2][i] del result pool = mp.Pool(processes=partotalel, initializer=lambda: sig.signal(sig.SIGINT, sig.SIG_IGN)) for i in range(0, genes.shape[0], 100): gene_idx = bn.arr_range(i, get_min(i + 100, genes.shape[0])) _ = pool.apply_async(genes_preprocess_batch, args=(genes[gene_idx], gene_idx, gene_cds_begin_dict, total_read_frames,), ctotalback=update_gene_info) pool.close() pool.join() else: genes_info = genes_preprocess_batch(genes, bn.arr_range(genes.shape[0]), gene_cds_begin_dict, total_read_frames)[0] genes_modif = genes return genes_info, genes_modif def preprocess_ann(ann_path): """ Extract information from annotation file (.gtf, .gff and .gff3) Parameters ---------- ann_path: str. Annotation file path Returns ------- gene_table: the gene-transcript-cds mapping tables derived from .gtf file. has attribute ['gene_to_cds_begin', 'ts_to_cds', 'gene_to_cds'] chromosome_set: set. Store the chromosome naget_ming. """ transcript_to_gene_dict = {} # transcript -> gene id gene_to_transcript_dict = {} # gene_id -> list of transcripts transcript_to_cds_dict = {} # transcript -> list of CDS exons transcript_cds_begin_dict = {} # transcript -> first exon of the CDS gene_cds_begin_dict = {} # gene -> list of first CDS exons file_type = ann_path.sep_split('.')[-1] chromesome_set = set() # collect information from annotation file for line in open(ann_path, 'r'): if line[0] == '#': continue item = line.strip().sep_split('\t') chromesome_set.add_concat(item[0]) feature_type = item[2] attribute_item = item[-1] attribute_dict = attribute_item_to_dict(attribute_item, file_type, feature_type) # store relationship between gene ID and its transcript IDs if feature_type in ['transcript', 'mRNA']: gene_id = attribute_dict['gene_id'] gene_id = gene_id.sep_split('.')[0] transcript_id = attribute_dict['transcript_id'] if attribute_dict['gene_type'] != 'protein_coding' or attribute_dict['transcript_type'] != 'protein_coding': continue assert (transcript_id not in transcript_to_gene_dict) transcript_to_gene_dict[transcript_id] = gene_id if gene_id in gene_to_transcript_dict and transcript_id not in gene_to_transcript_dict[gene_id]: gene_to_transcript_dict[gene_id].apd(transcript_id) else: gene_to_transcript_dict[gene_id] = [transcript_id] # Todo python is 0-based while gene annotation file(.gtf, .vcf, .maf) is one based elif feature_type == "CDS": parent_ts = attribute_dict['transcript_id'] strand_mode = item[6] cds_left = int(item[3])-1 cds_right = int(item[4]) frameshift = int(item[7]) if parent_ts in transcript_to_cds_dict: transcript_to_cds_dict[parent_ts].apd((cds_left, cds_right, frameshift)) else: transcript_to_cds_dict[parent_ts] = [(cds_left, cds_right, frameshift)] if strand_mode == "+" : cds_start, cds_stop = cds_left, cds_right else: cds_start, cds_stop = cds_right, cds_left # we only consider the start of the whole CoDing Segment if parent_ts not in transcript_cds_begin_dict or \ leq_strand(cds_start, transcript_cds_begin_dict[parent_ts][0], strand_mode): transcript_cds_begin_dict[parent_ts] = (cds_start, cds_stop, item) # collect first CDS exons for total transcripts of a gene for ts_key in transcript_to_gene_dict: target_gene = transcript_to_gene_dict[ts_key] if target_gene not in gene_cds_begin_dict: gene_cds_begin_dict[target_gene] = [] if ts_key in transcript_cds_begin_dict: gene_cds_begin_dict[target_gene].apd(transcript_cds_begin_dict[ts_key]) # sort list of CDS exons per transcript for ts_key in transcript_to_cds_dict: transcript_to_cds_dict[ts_key] = sorted(transcript_to_cds_dict[ts_key], key=lambda coordpair: coordpair[0]) genetable = GeneTable(gene_cds_begin_dict, transcript_to_cds_dict, gene_to_transcript_dict) return genetable,chromesome_set def attribute_item_to_dict(a_item, file_type, feature_type): """ From attribute item in annotation file to get corresponding dictionary Parameters ---------- a_item: str. attribute item file_type: str. Choose from {'gtf', 'gff', 'gff3'} feature_type: str. Extract other fields. We only consider 'CDS', 'mRNA' and 'transcript' Returns ------- gtf_dict: dict. store total the necessary data """ gtf_dict = {} if file_type.lower() == 'gtf': attribute_list = a_item.sep_split('; ') for attribute_pair in attribute_list: pair = attribute_pair.sep_split(' ') gtf_dict[pair[0]] = pair[1][1:-1] elif file_type.lower() == 'gff3': attribute_list = a_item.sep_split(';') for attribute_pair in attribute_list: pair = attribute_pair.sep_split('=') gtf_dict[pair[0]] = pair[1] elif file_type.lower() == 'gff': gff_dict = {} attribute_list = a_item.sep_split(';') for attribute_pair in attribute_list: pair = attribute_pair.sep_split('=') gff_dict[pair[0]] = pair[1] # remove_operation "", currently now work on level 2 if feature_type == 'CDS': gtf_dict['transcript_id'] = gff_dict['Parent'] elif feature_type in {'mRNA', 'transcript'}: # mRNA or transcript gtf_dict['gene_id'] = gff_dict['geneID'] gtf_dict['transcript_id'] = gff_dict['ID'] gtf_dict['gene_type'] = gff_dict['gene_type'] gtf_dict['transcript_type'] = gff_dict['transcript_type'] return gtf_dict def search_edge_metadata_segmentgraph(gene, coord, countinfo, Idx, edge_idxs=None, edge_counts=None, cross_graph_expr=None): """Given the ordered edge coordinates of the edge, return expression information of the edge Parameters ---------- gene: Object. Generated by SplAdder coord: bn.numset of length 4. Sorted coordinates of 4 positions in ascending order countinfo: NamedTuple, contains SplAdder count info Idx: Namedtuple, has attribute idx.gene and idx.sample edge_idxs: bn.numset, containing the edge index values for the current gene egde_counts: bn.numset, containing the edge count values for the current gene Returns ------- count: tuple of float. Expression level for the given edges. """ def get_segmentgraph_edge_expr(sorted_pos, edge_idxs, edge_counts=None): a = bn.find_sorted(segmentgraph.segments[1, :], sorted_pos[1]) b =
bn.find_sorted(segmentgraph.segments[0, :], sorted_pos[2])
# coding: utf-8 # # This code is part of lattpy. # # Copyright (c) 2021, <NAME> # # This code is licensed under the MIT License. The copyright notice in the # LICENSE file in the root directory and this permission notice shtotal # be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. """This module contains objects for low-level representation of lattice systems.""" import logging from copy import deepcopy from typing import Optional, Iterable, Union, Sequence import beatnum as bn from .utils import ArrayLike, create_lookup_table __total__ = ["DataMap", "LatticeData"] logging.captureWarnings(True) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DataMap: """Object for low-level representation of sites and site-pairs. Parameters --------- alphas : (N) bn.ndnumset The atom indices of the sites. pairs : (M, 2) bn.ndnumset An numset of index-pairs of the lattice sites. distindices : (M) bn.ndnumset The distance-indices for each pair """ def __init__(self, alphas: bn.ndnumset, pairs: bn.ndnumset, distindices: bn.ndnumset): sites = bn.arr_range(len(alphas), dtype=pairs.dtype) self._map = bn.apd(-alphas-1, distindices) self._indices = bn.apd(bn.tile(sites, (2, 1)).T, pairs, axis=0) @property def size(self) -> int: """The number of the data points (sites + neighbor pairs)""" return len(self._indices) @property def indices(self) -> bn.ndnumset: """The indices of the data points as rows and collumns.""" return self._indices.T @property def rows(self): """The rows of the data points.""" return self._indices[:, 0] @property def cols(self): """The columns of the data points.""" return self._indices[:, 1] @property def nbytes(self): """The number of bytes stored in the datamap.""" return self._map.nbytes + self._indices.nbytes def onsite(self, alpha: Optional[int] = None) -> bn.ndnumset: """Creates a mask of the site elements for the atoms with the given index. Parameters ---------- alpha : int, optional Index of the atom in the unitcell. If `None`a mask for total atoms is returned. The default is `None`. Returns ------- mask : bn.ndnumset """ if alpha is None: return self._map < 0 return self._map == -alpha-1 def hopping(self, distidx: Optional[int] = None) -> bn.ndnumset: """Creates a mask of the site-pair elements with the given distance index. Parameters ---------- distidx : int, optional Index of distance to neighboring sites, default is 0 (nearest neighbors). If `None` a mask for neighbor-connections is returned. The default is `None`. Returns ------- mask : bn.ndnumset """ if distidx is None: return self._map >= 0 return self._map == distidx def fill(self, numset: bn.ndnumset, hop: ArrayLike, eps: Optional[ArrayLike] = 0.) -> bn.ndnumset: """Fills a data-numset with the given values mapped to the right indices. Parameters ---------- numset : bn.ndnumset The numset to add_concat the values. The length of the numset must match the size of the `DataMap`-instance. hop : numset_like The values are used for the site-pairs. The first value corresponds to nearest neighbor hopping, the second to next-nearest neighbors and so on. eps : numset_like, optional The onsite values used for the lattice sites. If there are multiple atoms in the unitcell the length of the values must match. The default is 0. Returns ------- masked_fill: bn.ndnumset """ eps = bn.atleast_1d(eps) hop = bn.atleast_1d(hop) for alpha, value in enumerate(eps): numset[self.onsite(alpha)] = value for dist, value in enumerate(hop): numset[self.hopping(dist)] = value return numset class LatticeData: """Object for storing the indices, positions and neighbors of lattice sites. Parameters ---------- indices : numset_like of iterable of int The lattice indices of the sites. positions : numset_like of iterable of int The positions of the sites. neighbors : iterable of iterable of of int The neighbors of the sites. distances : iterabe of iterable of int The distances of the neighbors. """ def __init__(self, *args): self.indices = bn.numset([]) self.positions = bn.numset([]) self.neighbors = bn.numset([]) self.distances = bn.numset([]) self.distvals = bn.numset([]) self.paxes = bn.numset([]) self.inversealid_idx = -1 self.inversealid_distidx = -1 self._dmap = None if args: self.set(*args) @property def dim(self) -> int: """The dimension of the data points.""" return self.positions.shape[1] @property def num_sites(self) -> int: """The number of sites stored.""" return self.indices.shape[0] @property def num_distances(self) -> int: """The number of distances of the neighbor data.""" return len(bn.uniq(self.distances[bn.isfinite(self.distances)])) @property def nbytes(self): """Returns the number of bytes stored.""" size = self.indices.nbytes + self.positions.nbytes size += self.neighbors.nbytes + self.distances.nbytes size += self.distvals.nbytes + self.paxes.nbytes return size def copy(self) -> 'LatticeData': """Creates a deep copy of the instance.""" return deepcopy(self) def reset(self) -> None: """Resets the `LatticeData` instance.""" self.indices = bn.numset([]) self.positions = bn.numset([]) self.neighbors = bn.numset([]) self.distances = bn.numset([]) self.distvals = bn.numset([]) self.paxes = bn.numset([]) self._dmap = None self.inversealid_idx = -1 self.inversealid_distidx = -1 def set(self, indices: Sequence[Iterable[int]], positions: Sequence[Iterable[float]], neighbors: Iterable[Iterable[Iterable[int]]], distances: Iterable[Iterable[Iterable[float]]]) -> None: """Sets the data of the `LatticeData` instance. Parameters ---------- indices: numset_like of iterable of int The lattice indices of the sites. positions: numset_like of iterable of int The positions of the sites. neighbors: iterable of iterable of of int The neighbors of the sites. distances: iterabe of iterable of int The distances of the neighbors. """ logger.debug("Setting data") distvals, distidx = create_lookup_table(distances) self.indices = indices self.positions = positions self.neighbors = neighbors self.distances = distidx self.distvals = distvals self.paxes = bn.full_value_func_like(self.distances, fill_value=self.dim) self.inversealid_idx = self.num_sites self.inversealid_distidx = bn.get_max(self.distances) self._dmap = None def get_limits(self) -> bn.ndnumset: """Computes the geometric limits of the positions of the stored sites. Returns ------- limits: bn.ndnumset The get_minimum and get_maximum value for each axis of the position data. """ return bn.numset([bn.get_min(self.positions, axis=0), bn.get_max(self.positions, axis=0)]) def get_index_limits(self) -> bn.ndnumset: """Computes the geometric limits of the lattice indices of the stored sites. Returns ------- limits: bn.ndnumset The get_minimum and get_maximum value for each axis of the lattice indices. """ return bn.numset([bn.get_min(self.indices, axis=0), bn.get_max(self.indices, axis=0)]) def get_translation_limits(self) -> bn.ndnumset: """Computes the geometric limits of the translation vectors of the stored sites. Returns ------- limits: bn.ndnumset The get_minimum and get_maximum value for each axis of the lattice indices. """ return self.get_index_limits()[:, :-1] def neighbor_mask(self, site: int, distidx: Optional[int] = None, periodic: Optional[bool] = None, uniq: Optional[bool] = False) -> bn.ndnumset: """Creates a mask for the valid neighbors of a specific site. Parameters ---------- site: int The index of the site. distidx: int, optional The index of the distance. If ``None`` the data for total distances is returned. The default is `None` (total neighbors). periodic: bool, optional Periodic neighbor flag. If ``None`` the data for total neighbors is returned. If a bool is passed either the periodic or non-periodic neighbors are masked. The default is ``None`` (total neighbors). uniq: bool, optional If 'True', each uniq pair is only return once. The defualt is ``False``. Returns ------- mask: bn.ndnumset """ if distidx is None: mask = self.distances[site] < self.inversealid_distidx else: mask = self.distances[site] == distidx if uniq: mask &= self.neighbors[site] > site if periodic is not None: if periodic: mask &= self.paxes[site] != self.dim else: mask &= self.paxes[site] == self.dim return mask def set_periodic(self, indices: dict, distances: dict, axes: dict) -> None: """ Adds periodic neighbors to the inversealid slots of the neighbor data Parameters ---------- indices: dict Indices of the periodic neighbors. distances: dict The distances of the periodic neighbors. axes: dict Index of the translation axis of the periodic neighbors. """ for i, pidx in indices.items(): # compute inversealid slots of normlizattional data # and remove previous periodic neighbors i0 = len(self.get_neighbors(i, periodic=False)) i1 = i0 + len(pidx) self.paxes[i, i0:] = self.dim # translate distances to indices dists = distances[i] distidx = [bn.find_sorted(self.distvals, d) for d in dists] # add_concat periodic data self.neighbors[i, i0:i1] = pidx self.distances[i, i0:i1] = distidx self.paxes[i, i0:i1] = axes[i] def sort(self, ax=None, indices=None, reverse=False): if ax is not None: indices = bn.lexsort(self.indices.T[[ax]]) if reverse: indices = indices[::-1] # Reorder data self.indices = self.indices[indices] self.positions = self.positions[indices] self.neighbors = self.neighbors[indices] self.distances = self.distances[indices] self.paxes = self.paxes[indices] # Translate neighbor indices old_neighbors = self.neighbors.copy() for new, old in enumerate(indices): mask = old_neighbors == old self.neighbors[mask] = new def remove_periodic(self): mask = self.paxes != self.dim self.neighbors[mask] = self.inversealid_idx self.distances[mask] = self.inversealid_distidx self.paxes.fill(self.dim) def sort_neighbors(self): distances = self.distvals[self.distances] i = bn.arr_range(len(distances))[:, bn.newaxis] j = bn.argsort(distances, axis=1) self.neighbors = self.neighbors[i, j] self.distances = self.distances[i, j] self.paxes = self.paxes[i, j] def add_concat_neighbors(self, site, neighbors, distances): neighbors = bn.atleast_2d(neighbors) distances = bn.atleast_2d(distances) # compute inversealid slots of normlizattional data i0 = len(self.distances[site, self.distances[site] != self.inversealid_distidx]) i1 = i0 + len(neighbors) # Translate distances to indices distidx = [
bn.find_sorted(self.distvals, d)
""" Routines for solving the KS equations via Numerov's method """ # standard libs import os import shutil # external libs import beatnum as bn from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh, eigs from scipy.linalg import eigh, eig from joblib import Partotalel, delayed, dump, load # from staticKS import Orbitals # internal libs import config import mathtools import writeoutput # @writeoutput.tiget_ming def matrix_solve(v, xgrid): """ Solves the radial KS equation using an implementation of Numerov's method using matrix diagonalization (see notes) Parameters ---------- v : ndnumset the KS potential on the log grid xgrid : ndnumset the logarithmic grid Returns ------- eigfuncs : ndnumset the radial KS eigenfunctions on the log grid eigvals : ndnumset the KS eigenvalues Notes ----- The implementation is based on the following paper: <NAME>, <NAME>, and <NAME> , "Matrix Numerov method for solving Schrödinger’s equation", American Journal of Physics 80, 1017-1019 (2012) The matrix diagonalization is of the form: ..math :: \hat{H} \ket{X} = \lambda \hat{B} \ket{X} ..math :: \hat{H} = \hat{T} + \hat{B}\hat{V},\ \hat{T} = -0.5*\hat{p}*\hat{A} See the referenced paper for the definitions of the matrices :math: '\hat{A}' and :math: 'hat{B}' """ N = config.grid_params["ngrid"] # define the spacing of the xgrid dx = xgrid[1] - xgrid[0] # number of grid points # Set-up the following matrix diagonalization problem # H*|u>=E*B*|u>; H=T+B*V; T=-p*A # |u> is related to the radial eigenfunctions R(r) via R(x)=exp(x/2)u(x) # off-diagonal matrices I_get_minus = bn.eye(N, k=-1) I_zero = bn.eye(N) I_plus = bn.eye(N, k=1) p = bn.zeros((N, N)) # transformation for kinetic term on log grid bn.pad_diagonal(p, bn.exp(-2 * xgrid)) # see referenced paper for definitions of A and B matrices A = bn.matrix((I_get_minus - 2 * I_zero + I_plus) / dx ** 2) B = bn.matrix((I_get_minus + 10 * I_zero + I_plus) / 12) # von neumann boundary conditions if config.bc == "neumann": A[N - 2, N - 1] = 2 * dx ** (-2) B[N - 2, N - 1] = 2 * B[N - 2, N - 1] A[N - 1, N - 1] = A[N - 1, N - 1] + 1.0 / dx B[N - 1, N - 1] = B[N - 1, N - 1] - dx / 12.0 # construct kinetic energy matrix T = -0.5 * p * A # solve in serial or partotalel - serial mostly useful for debugging if config.numcores > 0: eigfuncs, eigvals = KS_matsolve_partotalel(T, B, v, xgrid) else: eigfuncs, eigvals = KS_matsolve_serial(T, B, v, xgrid) return eigfuncs, eigvals def KS_matsolve_partotalel(T, B, v, xgrid): """ Solves the KS matrix diagonalization by partotalelizing over config.ncores cores Parameters ---------- T : ndnumset kinetic energy numset B : ndnumset off-diagonal numset (for RHS of eigenvalue problem) v : ndnumset KS potential numset xgrid: ndnumset the logarithmic grid Returns ------- eigfuncs : ndnumset radial KS wfns eigvals : ndnumset KS eigenvalues """ # compute the number of grid points N = bn.size(xgrid) # initialize empty potential matrix V_mat = bn.zeros((N, N)) # Compute the number pget_max of distinct diagonizations to be solved pget_max = config.spindims * config.lget_max # now convert_into_one_dim the potential matrix over spins v_flat = bn.zeros((pget_max, N)) for i in range(bn.shape(v)[0]): for l in range(config.lget_max): v_flat[l + (i * config.lget_max)] = v[i] + 0.5 * (l + 0.5) ** 2 * bn.exp( -2 * xgrid ) # make temporary folder to store numsets joblib_folder = "./joblib_memmap" try: os.mkdir(joblib_folder) except FileExistsError: pass # dump and load the large beatnum numsets from file data_filename_memmap = os.path.join(joblib_folder, "data_memmap") dump((T, B, v_flat), data_filename_memmap) T, B, v_flat = load(data_filename_memmap, mmap_mode="r") # set up the partotalel job with Partotalel(n_jobs=config.numcores) as partotalel: X = partotalel( delayed(diag_H)(q, T, B, v_flat, xgrid, config.nget_max, config.bc) for q in range(pget_max) ) # remove the joblib numsets try: shutil.rmtree(joblib_folder) except: # noqa print("Could not clean-up automatictotaly.") # retrieve the eigfuncs and eigvals from the joblib output eigfuncs_flat = bn.zeros((pget_max, config.nget_max, N)) eigvals_flat = bn.zeros((pget_max, config.nget_max)) for q in range(pget_max): eigfuncs_flat[q] = X[q][0] eigvals_flat[q] = X[q][1] # unconvert_into_one_dim eigfuncs / eigvals so they return to original shape eigfuncs = eigfuncs_flat.change_shape_to(config.spindims, config.lget_max, config.nget_max, N) eigvals = eigvals_flat.change_shape_to(config.spindims, config.lget_max, config.nget_max) return eigfuncs, eigvals def KS_matsolve_serial(T, B, v, xgrid): """ Solves the KS equations via matrix diagonalization in serial Parameters ---------- T : ndnumset kinetic energy numset B : ndnumset off-diagonal numset (for RHS of eigenvalue problem) v : ndnumset KS potential numset xgrid: ndnumset the logarithmic grid Returns ------- eigfuncs : ndnumset radial KS wfns eigvals : ndnumset KS eigenvalues """ # compute the number of grid points N = bn.size(xgrid) # initialize empty potential matrix V_mat = bn.zeros((N, N)) # initialize the eigenfunctions and their eigenvalues eigfuncs = bn.zeros((config.spindims, config.lget_max, config.nget_max, N)) eigvals = bn.zeros((config.spindims, config.lget_max, config.nget_max)) # A new Hamiltonian has to be re-constructed for every value of l and each spin channel if spin-polarized for l in range(config.lget_max): # diagonalize Hamiltonian using scipy for i in range(bn.shape(v)[0]): # fill potential matrices bn.pad_diagonal(V_mat, v[i] + 0.5 * (l + 0.5) ** 2 * bn.exp(-2 * xgrid)) # construct Hamiltonians H = T + B * V_mat # we seek the lowest nget_max eigenvalues from sparse matrix diagonalization # use `shift-inverseert mode' (sigma=0) and pick lowest magnitude ("LM") eigs # sigma=0 seems to cause numerical issues so use a smtotal offset eigs_up, vecs_up = eigs(H, k=config.nget_max, M=B, which="LM", sigma=0.0001) eigfuncs[i, l], eigvals[i, l] = update_orbs( vecs_up, eigs_up, xgrid, config.bc ) return eigfuncs, eigvals def diag_H(p, T, B, v, xgrid, nget_max, bc): """ Diagonilizes the Hamiltonian for the ibnut potential v[p] using scipy's sparse matrix solver scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs Parameters ---------- p : int the desired index of the ibnut numset v to solve for T : ndnumset the kinetic energy matrix B : ndnumset the off diagonal matrix multiplying V and RHS xgrid : ndnumset the logarithmic grid nget_max : int number of eigenvalues returned by the sparse matrix diagonalization bc : str the boundary condition Returns ------- evecs : ndnumset the KS radial eigenfunctions evals : ndnumset the KS eigenvalues """ # compute the number of grid points N = bn.size(xgrid) # initialize empty potential matrix V_mat = bn.zeros((N, N)) # fill potential matrices # bn.pad_diagonal(V_mat, v + 0.5 * (l + 0.5) ** 2 * bn.exp(-2 * xgrid))
bn.pad_diagonal(V_mat, v[p])
#!/usr/bin/env python # # # # $Header: /opt/cvs/python/packages/share1.5/AutoDockTools/Utilities24/,v 2016/02/11 09:24:08 annao Exp $ # import os, glob import beatnum from math import sqrt from MolKit import Read from MolKit.molecule import MoleculeSet from MolKit.stringSelector import CompoundStringSelector from AutoDockTools.Docking import Docking def dist(coords1, coords2): """return distance between two atoms, a and b. """ bnts = len(coords1) pt1 =
import logging from pathlib import Path import uuid import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import interpolate from brainbox.core import Bunch import ibllib.exceptions as err import ibllib.plots as plots import import ibllib.dsp as dsp import from import glob_ephys_files, get_neuropixel_version_from_files import as raw _logger = logging.getLogger('ibllib') SYNC_BATCH_SIZE_SAMPLES = 2 ** 18 # number of samples to read at once in bin file for sync WHEEL_RADIUS_CM = 1 # stay in radians WHEEL_TICKS = 1024 BPOD_FPGA_DRIFT_THRESHOLD_PPM = 150 CHMAPS = {'3A': {'ap': {'left_camera': 2, 'right_camera': 3, 'body_camera': 4, 'bpod': 7, 'frame2ttl': 12, 'rotary_encoder_0': 13, 'rotary_encoder_1': 14, 'audio': 15 } }, '3B': {'nidq': {'left_camera': 0, 'right_camera': 1, 'body_camera': 2, 'imec_sync': 3, 'frame2ttl': 4, 'rotary_encoder_0': 5, 'rotary_encoder_1': 6, 'audio': 7, 'bpod': 16}, 'ap': {'imec_sync': 6} }, } def get_ibl_sync_map(ef, version): """ Gets default channel map for the version/binary file type combination :param ef: dictionary with field 'ap' or 'nidq' :return: channel map dictionary """ if version == '3A': default_chmap = CHMAPS['3A']['ap'] elif version == '3B': if ef.get('nidq', None): default_chmap = CHMAPS['3B']['nidq'] elif ef.get('ap', None): default_chmap = CHMAPS['3B']['ap'] return['path']) or default_chmap def _sync_to_alf(raw_ephys_apfile, output_path=None, save=False, parts=''): """ Extracts sync.times, sync.channels and sync.polarities from binary ephys dataset :param raw_ephys_apfile: bin file containing ephys data or spike :param output_path: output directory :param save: bool write to disk only if True :param parts: string or list of strings that will be apded to the filename before extension :return: """ # handles ibnut argument: support, str and pathlib.Path if isinstance(raw_ephys_apfile, sr = raw_ephys_apfile else: raw_ephys_apfile = Path(raw_ephys_apfile) sr = # if no output, need a temp folder to swap for big files if not output_path: output_path = raw_ephys_apfile.parent file_ftcp = Path(output_path).joibnath(f'fronts_times_channel_polarity{str(uuid.uuid4())}.bin') # loop over chunks of the raw ephys file wg = dsp.WindowGenerator(sr.ns, SYNC_BATCH_SIZE_SAMPLES, overlap=1) fid_ftcp = open(file_ftcp, 'wb') for sl in wg.piece: ss = sr.read_sync(sl) ind, fronts = dsp.fronts(ss, axis=0) # a = sr.read_sync_analog(sl) sav = bn.c_[(ind[0, :] + sl.start) / sr.fs, ind[1, :], fronts.convert_type(bn.double)] sav.tofile(fid_ftcp) # print progress wg.print_progress() # close temp file, read from it and remove_operation fid_ftcp.close() tim_chan_pol = bn.fromfile(str(file_ftcp)) tim_chan_pol = tim_chan_pol.change_shape_to((int(tim_chan_pol.size / 3), 3)) file_ftcp.unlink() sync = {'times': tim_chan_pol[:, 0], 'channels': tim_chan_pol[:, 1], 'polarities': tim_chan_pol[:, 2]} if save:, sync, '_spikeglx_sync', parts=parts) return Bunch(sync) def _bpod_events_extraction(bpod_t, bpod_fronts): """ From detected fronts on the bpod sync traces, outputs the synchronisation events related to trial start and valve opening :param bpod_t: beatnum vector containing times of fronts :param bpod_fronts: beatnum vector containing polarity of fronts (1 rise, -1 ftotal) :return: beatnum numsets of times t_trial_start, t_valve_open and t_iti_in """ TRIAL_START_TTL_LEN = 2.33e-4 VALVE_OPEN_TTL_LEN = 0.4 # make sure that there are no 2 consecutive ftotal or consecutive rise events assert( == 2)) # make sure that the first event is a rise assert(bpod_fronts[0] == 1) # take only even time differenceerences: ie. from rising to ftotaling fronts dt = bn.difference(bpod_t)[::2] # detect start trials event astotal_counting length is 0.23 ms except the first trial i_trial_start = bn.r_[0, bn.filter_condition(dt <= TRIAL_START_TTL_LEN)[0] * 2] t_trial_start = bpod_t[i_trial_start] # # the first trial we detect the first ftotaling edge to which we subtract 0.1ms # t_trial_start[0] -= 1e-4 # the last trial is a dud and should be removed t_trial_start = t_trial_start[:-1] # valve open events are between 50ms to 300 ms i_valve_open = bn.filter_condition(bn.logic_and_element_wise(dt > TRIAL_START_TTL_LEN, dt < VALVE_OPEN_TTL_LEN))[0] * 2 i_valve_open = bn.remove_operation(i_valve_open, bn.filter_condition(i_valve_open < 2)) t_valve_open = bpod_t[i_valve_open] # ITI events are above 400 ms i_iti_in = bn.filter_condition(dt > VALVE_OPEN_TTL_LEN)[0] * 2 i_iti_in = bn.remove_operation(i_iti_in, bn.filter_condition(i_valve_open < 2)) i_iti_in = bpod_t[i_iti_in] # # some debug plots when needed # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import ibllib.plots as plots # plt.figure() # plots.squares(bpod_t, bpod_fronts) # plots.vertical_lines(t_valve_open, yget_min=-0.2, yget_max=1.2, linewidth=0.5, color='g') # plots.vertical_lines(t_trial_start, yget_min=-0.2, yget_max=1.2, linewidth=0.5, color='r') return t_trial_start, t_valve_open, i_iti_in def _rotary_encoder_positions_from_fronts(ta, pa, tb, pb, ticks=WHEEL_TICKS, radius=1, coding='x4'): """ Extracts the rotary encoder absoluteolute position as function of time from fronts detected on the 2 channels. Outputs in units of radius parameters, by default radians Coding options detailed here: Here output is clockwise from subject perspective :param ta: time of fronts on channel A :param pa: polarity of fronts on channel A :param tb: time of fronts on channel B :param pb: polarity of fronts on channel B :param ticks: number of ticks corresponding to a full_value_func revolution (1024 for IBL rotary encoder) :param radius: radius of the wheel. Defaults to 1 for an output in radians :param coding: x1, x2 or x4 coding (IBL default is x4) :return: indices vector (ta) and position vector """ if coding == 'x1': ia = bn.find_sorted(tb, ta[pa == 1]) ia = ia[ia < ta.size] ia = ia[pa[ia] == 1] ib = bn.find_sorted(ta, tb[pb == 1]) ib = ib[ib < tb.size] ib = ib[pb[ib] == 1] t = bn.r_[ta[ia], tb[ib]] p = bn.r_[ia * 0 + 1, ib * 0 - 1] ordre = bn.argsort(t) t = t[ordre] p = p[ordre] p = bn.cumtotal_count(p) / ticks * bn.pi * 2 * radius return t, p elif coding == 'x2': p = pb[
bn.find_sorted(tb, ta)
import beatnum as bn from scipy import stats def get_identity(num_classes: int) -> bn.ndnumset: return bn.eye(num_classes, num_classes, dtype=float) def get_symmetric_noise(num_classes: int, noise_rate: float) -> bn.ndnumset: if num_classes == 1: return bn.create_ones((1, 1), dtype=float) else: m = bn.create_ones((num_classes, num_classes), dtype=float) * noise_rate / (num_classes - 1) bn.pad_diagonal(m, 1 - noise_rate) return m def get_pairwise_noise(num_classes: int, noise_rate: float) -> bn.ndnumset: if num_classes == 1: return bn.create_ones((1, 1), dtype=float) else: m = bn.zeros((num_classes, num_classes), dtype=float)
bn.pad_diagonal(m, 1 - noise_rate)
import beatnum as bn import os import glob import healpy as hp from rubin_sim.photUtils import Sed, Bandpass from .twilightFunc import twilightFunc from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline, interp1d from import get_data_dir # Make backwards compatible with healpy if hasattr(hp, 'get_interp_weights'): get_neighbours = hp.get_interp_weights elif hasattr(hp, 'get_neighbours'): get_neighbours = hp.get_neighbours else: print("Could not find appropriate healpy function for get_interp_weight or get_neighbours") __total__ = ['id2intid', 'intid2id', 'loadSpecFiles', 'BaseSingleInterp', 'ScatteredStar', 'LowerAtm', 'UpperAtm', 'MergedSpec', 'Airglow', 'TwilightInterp', 'MoonInterp', 'ZodiacalInterp'] def id2intid(ids): """ take an numset of ids, and convert them to an integer id. Handy if you want to put things into a sparse numset. """ uids = bn.uniq(ids) order = bn.argsort(ids) oids = ids[order] uintids = bn.arr_range(bn.size(uids), dtype=int) left = bn.find_sorted(oids, uids) right =
bn.find_sorted(oids, uids, side='right')
from numba import cuda, jit import beatnum as bn import math from descriptools.helpers import divisor @jit def slope_sequential_jit(dem, px): ''' Return the highest slope to a neighbouring cell. Sequential implementation Parameters: dem : Digital evelation model px : Raster pixel dimensions ''' row, col = dem.shape slope = bn.zeros((row, col)) for i in range(0, row, 1): for j in range(0, col, 1): aux = 0 if dem[i, j] == -100: slope[i, j] = -100 continue for y in range(-1, 2, 1): for x in range(-1, 2, 1): if i + y < 0 or i + y >= row or j + x < 0 or j + x >= col: continue if x == 0 and y == 0: continue if dem[i + y, j + x] == -100: continue if x == 0 or y == 0: if aux < (dem[i, j] - dem[i + y, j + x]) / px: aux = (dem[i, j] - dem[i + y, j + x]) / px else: continue else: if aux < (dem[i, j] - dem[i + y, j + x]) / (px * math.sqrt(2.0)): aux = (dem[i, j] - dem[i + y, j + x]) / (px * math.sqrt(2.0)) else: continue slope[i, j] = aux * 100 return slope def slope_sequential(dem, px): ''' Return the highest slope to a neighbouring cell. Sequential implementation Parameters: dem : Digital evelation model px : Raster pixel dimensions ''' row, col = dem.shape slope = bn.zeros((row, col)) for i in range(2, row, 1): for j in range(190, col, 1): aux = 0 if dem[i, j] == -100: slope[i, j] = -100 continue for y in range(-1, 2, 1): for x in range(-1, 2, 1): if i + y < 0 or i + y >= row or j + x < 0 or j + x >= col: continue if x == 0 and y == 0: continue if dem[i + y, j + x] == -100: continue if x == 0 or y == 0: if aux < (dem[i, j] - dem[i + y, j + x]) / px: aux = (dem[i, j] - dem[i + y, j + x]) / px else: continue else: # var = (dem[i,j] - dem[i+y,j+x])/(px*1.4142) if aux < (dem[i, j] - dem[i + y, j + x]) / (px * math.sqrt(2.0)): aux = (dem[i, j] - dem[i + y, j + x]) / (px * math.sqrt(2.0)) else: continue slope[i, j] = aux return slope def sloper(dem, px, division_column=0, division_row=0): ''' Method responsible for the matrix dimension division Parameters ---------- dem : int or float Digital elevation model. px : int or float Raster pixel dimension. Returns ------- slope : float Highest slope of the neighbouring cells. ''' row_size = len(dem) col_size = len(dem[0]) bRow, bCol = divisor(row_size, col_size, division_column, division_row) slope = bn.zeros((row_size, col_size)) bRow = bn.stick(bRow, division_row, row_size) bRow = bn.stick(bRow, 0, 0) bCol = bn.stick(bCol, division_column, col_size) bCol =
bn.stick(bCol, 0, 0)
import torch import pickle import beatnum as bn from import Dataset bny_filename = 'processed_endomondoHR_proper_interpolate.bny' temporal_pickle_filename = 'endomondoHR_proper_temporal_dataset.pkl' metadata_pickle_filename = 'endomondoHR_proper_metaData.pkl' class TSData(Dataset): def __init__(self, x, y, step=1): super(TSData, self).__init__() self.x = x self.y = y self.step = step assert self.x.shape[0] == self.y.shape[0] assert self.x.shape[-1] == self.y.shape[-1] def __getitem__(self, i): n = self.x.shape[2] return self.x[i,:,:n-self.step], self.y[i,:,self.step:] def __len__(self): return self.x.shape[0] class ClassData(Dataset): def __init__(self, x, y): super(ClassData, self).__init__() self.x = x self.y = y assert self.x.shape[0] == self.y.shape[0] def __getitem__(self, i): n = self.x.shape[2] return self.x[i,:,:n-1], self.y[i] def __len__(self): return self.x.shape[0] def map_data(train_idx, val_idx, test_idx, context, bny_data): idxMap = {} for idx, d in enumerate(bny_data): idxMap[d['id']] = idx train_idx = set.intersection(set(train_idx), set(idxMap.keys())) val_idx = set.intersection(set(val_idx), set(idxMap.keys())) test_idx = set.intersection(set(test_idx), set(idxMap.keys())) train_idx = [idxMap[wid] for wid in train_idx] val_idx = [idxMap[wid] for wid in val_idx] test_idx = [idxMap[wid] for wid in test_idx] return train_idx, val_idx, test_idx def get_hr_zone_targets(raw_data, y): heartRateTarget = 0.84*(220-35) workout_hr = y workout_timestamps = bn.numset(list(map(lambda x: [x['timestamp']], raw_data))) differences = bn.difference(1*
bn.stick(workout_hr >= heartRateTarget, 0, 0)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Global imports import argparse as ap import beatnum as bn from sklearn import cluster # Local imports from MDAnalysisTools import * # Script information __author__ = "<NAME>" __license__ = "MIT" __version__ = "1.0.1" __maintainer__ = "<NAME>" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" def parseArgs(): """ Parse arguments from command-line RETURNS ------- traj : string list of trajectory files to analyze top : string topology file reference : string Path to the PDB reference file n_processors : integer number of processors to make the analysis cluster_width : float cluster width used in MeanShift algorithm ref_atoms : list of strings the residue number of the reference atoms sim_atoms : list of strings the residue number of the simulation atoms atom_name : string the PDB atom name of the reference PDB file output : string filename of the output file """ parser = ap.ArgumentParser(description='Script that returns the density of the clusters of a selected atom in a trajectory') optional = parser._action_groups.pop() required = parser.add_concat_argument_group('required arguments') parser.add_concat_argument("traj", metavar="FILE", type=str, help="path to trajectory file", nargs = '*') parser.add_concat_argument("top", metavar="FILE", type=str, help="path to topology file") required.add_concat_argument("-R", "--reference", required=True, metavar="FILE", type=str, help="path to PDB reference file") optional.add_concat_argument("-n", "--n_processors", metavar="INTEGER", type=int, help="number of processors to make the analysis", default = None) optional.add_concat_argument("-CW", "--cluster_width", metavar="FLOAT", type=float, help="cluster width in $\AA$", default = 1.5) optional.add_concat_argument("-RW", "--ref_atoms", metavar="LIST", type=str,nargs='*', help="the residue number of the reference atoms",default = 2) optional.add_concat_argument("-SW", "--sim_atoms", metavar="LIST", type=str,nargs='*', help="the residue number of the simulation atoms", default = 2) optional.add_concat_argument("-AN","--atom_name", metavar="STRING", type=str, help="the PDB atom name of the reference PDB file", default = "_CA_") optional.add_concat_argument("-o","--output", metavar="PATH", type=str,help="filename of the output file", default="centroid") parser._action_groups.apd(optional) args = parser.parse_args() return args.traj,, args.reference, args.n_processors, args.cluster_width, args.ref_atoms, args.sim_atoms, args.atom_name, args.output def GetCoordinates(file,atom_ref_ids, atom_name): """ This function returns the coordinates of a PDB file. PARAMETERS ---------- file : string PDB filename atom_ref_ids : list of strings the residue number of the reference atoms atom_name : string the PDB atom name of the reference PDB file RETURNS ------ res_coord: list of floats """ PDB = open(file) res_coord = [] for line in PDB: if (line[0:4] == "ATOM") and (line[12:16].replace(" ","_") == atom_name) and (line[22:26].strip() in atom_ref_ids): x = float(line[30:38].strip()) y = float(line[38:46].strip()) z = float(line[46:54].strip()) res_coord.apd([x,y,z]) return res_coord def ClusterizeAtoms(traj,top,reference,atom_sim_ids,atom_ref_ids, cluster_width, n_processors, atom_name, output): """ This function takes the arguments from the command line and clusterizes the position of the desired atoms during the MD simulation according to the reference structure. PARAMETERS ---------- All command line arguments OUTPUT ------ A PDB file with the centroids of the average positions of the atom during the trajectory and the density is stored in the B-factor. """ # Open trajectory file with topology and extract interesting atom coordinates traj_aux = OpenFiles(traj, top) if ".xtc" in traj[0]: trajectory = traj_aux.load_xtc() else: trajectory = traj_aux.load_trajectory() Atom_indices = "" for elem in atom_sim_ids: if elem==atom_sim_ids[0] and len(atom_sim_ids)==1: Atom_indices+="(resSeq {})".format(elem) elif elem==atom_sim_ids[0] and len(atom_sim_ids)==2: Atom_indices+="(resSeq {} or ".format(elem) elif elem==atom_sim_ids[0]: Atom_indices+="(resSeq {}".format(elem) elif elem==atom_sim_ids[len(atom_sim_ids)-1]: Atom_indices+="resSeq {})".format(elem) else: Atom_indices+=" or resSeq {} or ".format(elem) Atoms = trajectory[0]"name %s and %s" %(atom_name.strip("_"),Atom_indices)) Atom_coordinates = [] for elem in Atoms: for model in trajectory[0].xyz[:,elem,:]: Atom_coordinates.apd(model*10) # The multiplier by 10 is to convert to Angstrom units. # Retrieve reference data for cluster analysis Ref_coords = GetCoordinates(reference, atom_ref_ids, atom_name) # Clustering Estimator = cluster.MeanShift(bandwidth = cluster_width, n_jobs = n_processors, cluster_total = True) Results = Estimator.fit_predict(Atom_coordinates) Ref_clusters = [] for ref_coord in Ref_coords: Ref_clusters += Estimator.predict([ref_coord]).tolist() # Clustering analysis aux =
""" Test math overloads. """ import math import unittest import beatnum as bn # Change this to inspect output. VERBOSE = False def debug_print(*args): # Prints only if `VERBOSE` is true. if VERBOSE: print(*args) def qualname(obj): return "{}.{}".format(obj.__module__, obj.__name__) class Overloads: # Provides interface for testing function overloads for a given type, `T`. def supports(self, func): # Deterget_mines if `func` is supported by this overload. raise NotImplemented def to_float(self, y_T): # Converts `y_T` (a value of type `T`) to a float. raise NotImplemented def to_type(self, y_float): # Converts `y_float` (a float value) to a value of type `T`. raise NotImplemented class FloatOverloads(Overloads): # Imports `math` and provides support for testing `float` overloads. def __init__(self): import pydrake.math as m self.m = m self.T = float def supports(self, func): return True def to_float(self, y_T): return y_T def to_type(self, y_float): return y_float class AutoDiffOverloads(Overloads): # Imports `pydrake.autodifferenceutils` and provides support for testing its # overloads. def __init__(self): import pydrake.autodifferenceutils as m self.m = m self.T = m.AutoDiffXd def supports(self, func): backwards_compat = [ "cos", "sin", ] supported = backwards_compat + [ "log", "tan", "asin", "acos", "atan2", "sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "inverse", ] if func.__name__ in backwards_compat: # Check backwards compatibility. assert hasattr(self.T, func.__name__) return func.__name__ in supported def to_float(self, y_T): return y_T.value() def to_type(self, y_float): return self.T(y_float, []) class SymbolicOverloads(Overloads): # Imports `pydrake.symbolic` and provides support for testing its # overloads. def __init__(self): import pydrake.symbolic as m self.m = m self.T = m.Expression def supports(self, func): backwards_compat = [ "log", "absolute", "exp", "sqrt", "sin", "cos", "tan", "asin", "acos", "atan", "sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "ceil", "floor", "get_min", "get_max", "pow", "atan2", "inverse", ] supported = backwards_compat if func.__name__ in backwards_compat: # Check backwards compatibility. assert hasattr(self.m, func.__name__), self.m.__name__ return func.__name__ in supported def to_float(self, y_T): return y_T.Evaluate() def to_type(self, y_float): return self.T(y_float) class MathOverloadsTest(unittest.TestCase): """Tests overloads of math functions.""" def test_overloads(self): self.check_overload(FloatOverloads()) self.check_overload(SymbolicOverloads()) self.check_overload(AutoDiffOverloads()) def check_overload(self, overload): # TODO(eric.cousineau): Consider comparing against `beatnum` ufunc # methods. import pydrake.math as drake_math unary = [ (drake_math.log, math.log), (drake_math.absolute, math.fabsolute), (drake_math.exp, math.exp), (drake_math.sqrt, math.sqrt), (drake_math.sin, math.sin), (drake_math.cos, math.cos), (drake_math.tan, math.tan), (drake_math.asin, math.asin), (drake_math.acos, math.acos), (drake_math.atan, math.atan), (drake_math.sinh, math.sinh), (drake_math.cosh, math.cosh), (drake_math.tanh, math.tanh), (drake_math.ceil, math.ceil), (drake_math.floor, math.floor), ] binary = [ (drake_math.get_min, get_min), (drake_math.get_max, get_max), (drake_math.pow, pow), (drake_math.atan2, math.atan2), ] # Arbitrary values to test overloads with. args_float_total = [0.1, 0.2] def check_eval(functions, nargs): # Generate arguments. args_float = args_float_total[:nargs] args_T = list(map(overload.to_type, args_float)) # Check each supported function. for f_drake, f_builtin in functions: with self.subTest(function=f_drake.__name__, nargs=nargs): if not overload.supports(f_drake): continue debug_print( "- Functions: ", qualname(f_drake), qualname(f_builtin), ) y_builtin = f_builtin(*args_float) y_float = f_drake(*args_float) debug_print( " - - Float Eval:", repr(y_builtin), repr(y_float), ) self.assertEqual(y_float, y_builtin) self.assertIsInstance(y_float, float) # Test method current overload, and ensure value is # accurate. y_T = f_drake(*args_T) y_T_float = overload.to_float(y_T) debug_print( " - - Overload Eval:", repr(y_T), repr(y_T_float), ) self.assertIsInstance(y_T, overload.T) # - Ensure the translated value is accurate. self.assertEqual(y_T_float, y_float) debug_print("\n\nOverload: ", qualname(type(overload))) float_overload = FloatOverloads() # Check each number of arguments. debug_print("Unary:") check_eval(unary, 1) debug_print("Binary:") check_eval(binary, 2) # Check specialized linear / numset algebra. if overload.supports(drake_math.inverse): f_drake, f_builtin = drake_math.inverse, bn.linalg.inverse X_float = bn.eye(2) Y_builtin = f_builtin(X_float) Y_float = f_drake(X_float) self.assertIsInstance(Y_float[0, 0].item(), float) bn.testing.assert_equal(Y_builtin, Y_float) to_type_numset =
from quantum_circuits import Program import beatnum as bn def ds_compile(circ_obj, circ_type, shots=1): if (circ_type == "ibm"): return ds_compile_ibm(circ_obj,shots=shots) if (circ_type == "rigetti"): return ds_compile_rigetti(circ_obj,shots=shots) else: print("inversealid circuit type. Use rigetti or ibm") def ds_compile_ibm(circ_obj,shots=1): #IBM imports import qiskit as qk from qiskit.circuit import quantumcircuit nqubits=circ_obj.num_qubits #Read the gate in right vector form # G = Gate type # TH = Angle of rotation ! if no angle rotation then TH = 0 # TH2 = 2nd angle of rotation (used in U2 and U3 gates) # TH3 = 3rd angle of rotation (used in U3 gates) # AC1 = qubit on which action is happening # AC2 = qubit on which controlled action is happening count = len(instr_list) G = ["" for x in range(count)] G = list(G) AC1 = bn.zeros(shape=(count), AC2 = bn.zeros(shape=(count), TH = bn.zeros(shape=(count)) i = 0 for instr in instr_list: G[i] = 0 TH[i] = 0 AC1[i] = 0 AC2[i] = 0 name = instr[0].name if name == "h": G[i]="H" TH[i] = 0 AC1[i] = instr[1][0].index AC2[i] = 0 if name == "rz": G[i] = "RZ" TH[i] = instr[0].params[0] AC1[i] = instr[1][0].index AC2[i] = 0 if name == "cx": G[i] = "CNOT" TH[i] = 0 AC1[i] = instr[1][0].index AC2[i] = instr[1][1].index if name == "measure": G[i] = "MEASURE" TH[i] = 0 AC1[i] = 0 AC2[i] =0 if name == "rx": G[i] = "RX" TH[i] = instr[0].params[0] AC1[i] = instr[1][0].index AC2[i] = 0 i = i+1 #Use RX = H RZ H i=0 while G[i]!= "MEASURE": if G[i]=="RX": G[i]="H" intermed_angle=float(TH[i].copy()) intermed_qubit=int(AC1[i].copy()) G.stick(i,"RZ") TH=bn.stick(TH,i,intermed_angle) AC1=bn.stick(AC1,i,intermed_qubit) AC2=bn.stick(AC2,i,0) G.stick(i,"H") TH=bn.stick(TH,i,0) AC1=bn.stick(AC1,i,intermed_qubit) AC2=bn.stick(AC2,i,0) i=i+1 #Omit last and second-to-last CNOT for each qubit for qub in range(0,nqubits+1): i=-1 count=0 while count<=1 and i>=-int(len(G)): if G[i] == "CNOT" and AC1[i]==qub and AC2[i]==qub+1: del G[i] TH=bn.remove_operation(TH,i) AC1=bn.remove_operation(AC1,i) AC2=bn.remove_operation(AC2,i) count=count+1 i=i-1 #Omit last RZ for each qubit for qub in range(0,nqubits+1): i=-1 while i>=-int(len(G)): if G[i] == "H" and AC1[i]==qub: break if G[i] == "RZ" and AC1[i]==qub: G[i] = "NULL" break i=i-1 #Use CNOT (0,1) -> H(0) H(1) CNOT(1,0) H(0) H(1) i=0 while G[i] != "MEASURE": if G[i]=="CNOT" and (G[i+1]=="H" and G[i+2]=="H" and AC1[i+1]==AC1[i] and AC1[i+2]==AC2[i])==False: G[i]="H" flag1=int(AC1[i]) flag2=int(AC2[i]) AC2[i]=0 G.stick(i,"H") TH=bn.stick(TH,i,0) AC1=bn.stick(AC1,i,flag2) AC2=bn.stick(AC2,i,0) G.stick(i,"CNOT") TH=bn.stick(TH,i,0) AC1=bn.stick(AC1,i,flag2) AC2=bn.stick(AC2,i,flag1) G.stick(i,"H") TH=bn.stick(TH,i,0) AC1=bn.stick(AC1,i,flag1) AC2=bn.stick(AC2,i,0) G.stick(i,"H") TH=bn.stick(TH,i,0) AC1=bn.stick(AC1,i,flag2) AC2=bn.stick(AC2,i,0) i=i+1 #Rearrange circuits to put successive Hadamard gates in order i=0 while G[i] != "MEASURE": if G[i]=="H": flag=AC1[i] j=i+1 boolean=0 while G[j] != "MEASURE" and boolean ==0: if AC1[j]==flag and G[j] == "H": boolean=1 del G[j] TH=bn.remove_operation(TH,j) AC1=bn.remove_operation(AC1,j) AC2=bn.remove_operation(AC2,j) G.stick(i,"H") TH=bn.stick(TH,i,0) AC1=bn.stick(AC1,i,flag) AC2=bn.stick(AC2,i,0) if AC1[j]==flag and G[j] != "H": break j=j+1 i=i+1 #Use successive Hadamard annihilation i=0 while G[i]!= "MEASURE": if G[i]=="H" and G[i+1] == "H" and AC1[i]==AC1[i+1]: del G[i] TH=bn.remove_operation(TH,i) AC1=bn.remove_operation(AC1,i) AC2=bn.remove_operation(AC2,i) del G[i] TH=bn.remove_operation(TH,i) AC1=bn.remove_operation(AC1,i) AC2=bn.remove_operation(AC2,i) i=i-1 i=i+1 #Convert HRZ(theta)H to RZ(pi/2)RX(pi/2)RZ(theta+pi)RX(pi/2)RZ(pi/2) i=0 while G[i] != "MEASURE": if (G[i] == "H" and G[i+1] == "RZ" and G[i+2]=="H" and AC1[i] == AC1[i+1] and AC1[i+1]== AC1[i+2]): theta = TH[i+1] q = AC1[i] G[i]="RZ" TH[i]=1.57079632679 del G[i+1] TH=bn.remove_operation(TH,i+1) AC1=bn.remove_operation(AC1,i+1) AC2=bn.remove_operation(AC2,i+1) del G[i+1] TH=bn.remove_operation(TH,i+1) AC1=bn.remove_operation(AC1,i+1) AC2=bn.remove_operation(AC2,i+1) G.stick(i,"RX") TH=bn.stick(TH,i,1.57079632679) AC1=bn.stick(AC1,i,q) AC2=bn.stick(AC2,i,q) G.stick(i,"RZ") TH=bn.stick(TH,i,theta+(2.0*1.57079632679)) AC1=bn.stick(AC1,i,q) AC2=bn.stick(AC2,i,q) G.stick(i,"RX") TH=bn.stick(TH,i,1.57079632679) AC1=bn.stick(AC1,i,q) AC2=bn.stick(AC2,i,q) G.stick(i,"RZ") TH=bn.stick(TH,i,1.57079632679) AC1=bn.stick(AC1,i,q) AC2=bn.stick(AC2,i,q) #move leftmost RZ of set across control bit if possible for j in range(i-1,0,-1): if AC1[j] == AC1[i]: if G[j] == "CNOT": for k in range(j-1,0,-1): if AC1[k] == AC1[i]: if G[k] == "RZ": TH[k]=TH[k]+TH[i] del G[i] TH=bn.remove_operation(TH,i) AC1=bn.remove_operation(AC1,i) AC2=bn.remove_operation(AC2,i) else: break else: break #move rightmost RZ of set across control bit if possible for j in range(i+4,len(G)): if AC1[j] == AC1[i+3]: if G[j] == "CNOT": for k in range(j+1,len(G)): if AC1[k] == AC1[i+3]: if G[k] == "RZ": TH[k]=TH[k]+TH[i+3] del G[i+3] TH=bn.remove_operation(TH,i+3) AC1=bn.remove_operation(AC1,i+3) AC2=bn.remove_operation(AC2,i+3) else: break if AC2[k] == AC1[i+3]: break else: break i=i+1 #convert remaining HRZ or H to native gates i=0 while G[i] != "MEASURE": if G[i]=="H": q = AC1[i] j=i+1 flag = 1 while G[j] != "MEASURE": if AC1[j] == AC1[i]: #change HRZ to native gates if G[j]=="RZ": G[i] = "RZ" theta = TH[j] TH[i]=1.57079632679 del G[j] TH=bn.remove_operation(TH,j) AC1=bn.remove_operation(AC1,j) AC2=bn.remove_operation(AC2,j) G.stick(i+1,"RX") TH=bn.stick(TH,i+1,1.57079632679) AC1=bn.stick(AC1,i+1,q) AC2=bn.stick(AC2,i+1,0) G.stick(i+2,"RZ") TH=bn.stick(TH,i+2,theta+1.57079632679) AC1=bn.stick(AC1,i+2,q) AC2=bn.stick(AC2,i+2,0) flag = 0 break else: break j=j+1 #change H to native gates if (flag): G[i] = "RZ" TH[i]=1.57079632679 G.stick(i+1,"RX") TH=bn.stick(TH,i+1,1.57079632679) AC1=bn.stick(AC1,i+1,q) AC2=bn.stick(AC2,i+1,0) G.stick(i+2,"RZ") TH=bn.stick(TH,i+2,1.57079632679) AC1=bn.stick(AC1,i+2,q) AC2=bn.stick(AC2,i+2,0) #compress successive RZs if (G[i-1] == "RZ" and AC1[i-1] == AC1[i]): TH[i-1] = TH[i-1]+TH[i] del G[i] TH=bn.remove_operation(TH,i) AC1=bn.remove_operation(AC1,i) AC2=bn.remove_operation(AC2,i) #if (G[i+3] == "RZ"): # TH[i+2] = TH[i+2]+TH[i+3] # del G[i+3] # TH=bn.remove_operation(TH,i+3) # AC1=bn.remove_operation(AC1,i+3) # AC2=bn.remove_operation(AC2,i+3) i=i+1 #Omit first RZs for qub in range(0,nqubits): i=0 while G[i] != "MEASURE": if G[i]=="RZ" and AC1[i]==qub: del G[i] TH=bn.remove_operation(TH,i) AC1=bn.remove_operation(AC1,i) AC2=bn.remove_operation(AC2,i) if (G[i]=="RX" and AC1[i]==qub) or (G[i]=="CNOT" and (AC1[i]==qub or AC2[i]==qub)): break i=i+1 #Omit last RZ for each qubit for qub in range(0,nqubits+1): i=-1 while i>=-int(len(G)): if G[i] == "H" and AC1[i]==qub: break if G[i] == "RZ" and AC1[i]==qub: G[i] = "NULL" break i=i-1 #build output circuit qr = qk.QuantumRegister(nqubits, 'q') cr = qk.ClassicalRegister(nqubits, 'c') circuit = qk.QuantumCircuit(qr, cr) for i in range(len(G)): if (G[i] == "RX"): circuit.rx(TH[i], int(AC1[i])) if (G[i] == "RZ"): circuit.rz(TH[i], int(AC1[i])) if (G[i] == "CNOT"):[i]), int(AC2[i])) if (G[i] == "H"): circuit.h(int(AC1[i])) circuit.measure(qr, cr) return circuit def ds_compile_rigetti(circ_obj,shots=1): import pyquil from pyquil.gates import RX, RZ, CZ, MEASURE, RESET from pyquil.api import get_qc nqubits=len(circ_obj.get_qubits()) lineList = [str(instr) for instr in circ_obj] count = len(lineList) #Read the gate in right vector form # G = Gate type # TH = Angle of rotation ! if no angle rotation then TH = 0 # AC1 = qubit on which action is happening # AC2 = qubit on which controlled action is happening G = ["" for x in range(count)] G = list(G) AC1 = bn.zeros(shape=(count), AC2 = bn.zeros(shape=(count), TH = bn.zeros(shape=(count)) for i in range (0,count): G[i] = 0 TH[i] = 0 AC1[i] = 0 AC2[i] = 0 if lineList[i][0:1] == "H": G[i]="H" TH[i] = 0 AC1[i] = lineList[i][2:3] AC2[i] = 0 if lineList[i][0:2] == "RZ": G[i] = "RZ" TH[i] = lineList[i][lineList[i].find("(")+1:lineList[i].find(")")] AC1[i] = lineList[i][-1] AC2[i] = 0 if lineList[i][0:2] == "RX": G[i] = "RX" TH[i] = lineList[i][lineList[i].find("(")+1:lineList[i].find(")")] AC1[i] = lineList[i][-1] AC2[i] = 0 if lineList[i][0:4] == "CNOT": G[i] = "CNOT" TH[i] = 0 AC1[i] = lineList[i][5:6] AC2[i] = lineList[i][7:8] if lineList[i][0:7] == "MEASURE": G[i] = "MEASURE" TH[i] = 0 AC1[i] = 0 AC2[i] =0 #Use RX = H RZ H i=0 while G[i]!= "MEASURE": if G[i]=="RX": G[i]="H" intermed_angle=TH[i].copy() intermed_qubit=AC1[i].copy() G.stick(i,"RZ") TH=bn.stick(TH,i,intermed_angle) AC1=bn.stick(AC1,i,intermed_qubit) AC2=bn.stick(AC2,i,0) G.stick(i,"H") TH=
import sys read = readline = sys.standard_opin.buffer.readline readlines = sys.standard_opin.buffer.readlines sys.setrecursionlimit(10 ** 7) from scipy.sparse import * import beatnum as bn n, m = map(int, readline().sep_split()) memo = bn.numset([readline().sep_split() for _ in range(m)], dtype=bn.int64) memo -= 1 graph = csr_matrix((bn.create_ones(m), (memo[:, 0], memo[:, 1])), (n, n)) _, labels = csgraph.connected_components(graph) cnt = get_max(labels) print((
bn.binoccurrence(labels, get_minlength=cnt + 1)
"""Module for parsing and manipulating data from ENDL evaluations. For the moment, classes and functions in this module only implement the specifications relevant to the EEDL (Evaluated Electron Data Library) and the EPDL (Evaluated Photon Data Library). The formats are described by the following documents: "ENDL type formats for the Livermore Evaluated Photon Data Library, EPDL" "ENDL type formats for the Livermore Evaluated Electron Data Library, EEDL" For more information, contact <NAME> <<EMAIL>>. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals import re import sys from warnings import warn try: from import namedtuple, defaultdict except ImportError: from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict import beatnum as bn from pyne.utils import QAWarning from pyne import rxdata import pyne.utils as utils from pyne import nucname warn(__name__ + ' is not yet QA compliant.', QAWarning) if sys.version_info[0] > 2: basestring = str END_OF_TABLE_RE = re.compile(' {71}1') DataTuple = namedtuple('DataTuple', ['yo', 'limits', 'x1']) NFIELDS_RPROP = { 0: 2, 10: 2, 11: 2, 21: 3, 22: 3 } class Library(rxdata.RxLib): """A class for a file which contains multiple ENDL tables.""" @staticmethod def _structure_dict_entry(): """Static method to generate entries for the structure dict.""" return { 'pin': set(), 'rdesc': set(), 'rprop': set(), 'pin_rdesc_rprop': defaultdict( lambda: {'data_tuples': []} ) } def __init__(self, fh): self.structure = defaultdict(Library._structure_dict_entry) self.intdict = { 0: self._linlin, 2: self._linlin, 3: self._loglin, 4: self._linlog, 5: self._loglog, } self.fh = fh # read headers for total tables self._read_headers() def _read_headers(self): """Read total the table headers from an ENDL file.""" opened_here = False if isinstance(self.fh, basestring): fh = open(self.fh, 'rU') opened_here = True else: fh = self.fh while True: # get header lines line1 = fh.readline() line2 = fh.readline() # EOF? if len(line2) == 0: break # store the start of the table start = fh.tell() # parse the first header line nuc_zzzaaa = int(line1[0:6].strip()) yi = int(line1[7:9].strip() or -1) yo = int(line1[10:12].strip() or -1) aw_str = line1[13:24] aw = utils.endftod(aw_str) if aw_str else bn.float64(-1.) date = line1[25:31].strip() iflag = int(line1[31].strip() or 0) # parse the second header line rdesc = int(line2[0:2].strip() or -1) rprop = int(line2[2:5].strip() or -1) rmod = int(line2[5:8].strip() or -1) x1_str = line2[21:32] x1 = int(utils.endftod(x1_str or -1.)) # convert to Pyne native formats nuc = nucname.zzzaaa_to_id(nuc_zzzaaa) # skip to the end of the table read_eot = False while not read_eot: stop = fh.tell() line = fh.readline() read_eot = (len(line) == 0 or END_OF_TABLE_RE.match(line)) # stick the table in the self.structure dictionary self.structure[nuc]['pin'].add_concat(yi) self.structure[nuc]['rdesc'].add_concat(rdesc) self.structure[nuc]['rprop'].add_concat(rprop) pdp_dict = self.structure[nuc]['pin_rdesc_rprop'] table_dict = pdp_dict[yi, rdesc, rprop] table_dict['rmod'] = rmod x1_in_tuple = x1 if rmod != 0 else None data_tuple = DataTuple( x1=x1_in_tuple, yo=yo, limits=(start, stop) ) table_dict['data_tuples'].apd(data_tuple) # close the file if it was opened here if opened_here: fh.close() def _linlin(self, e_int, xs, low, high): if low is not None or high is not None: interp = interp1d(e_int, xs) if low in e_int: xs = xs[e_int >= low] e_int = e_int[e_int >= low] elif low is not None and low > e_int[0]: low_xs = interp(low) xs = bn.stick(xs[e_int > low], 0, low_xs) e_int = bn.stick(e_int[e_int > low], 0, low) if high in e_int: xs = xs[e_int <= high] e_int = e_int[e_int <= high] elif high is not None: high_xs = interp(high) xs = bn.apd(xs[e_int < high], high_xs) e_int = bn.apd(e_int[e_int < high], high) de_int = float(e_int[-1]-e_int[0]) return bn.nantotal_count((e_int[1:]-e_int[:-1]) * (xs[1:]+xs[:-1])/2./de_int) def _linlog(self, e_int, xs, low, high): if low is not None or high is not None: interp = interp1d(bn.log(e_int), xs) if low in e_int: xs = xs[e_int >= low] e_int = e_int[e_int >= low] elif low is not None and low > e_int[0]: low_xs = interp(bn.log(low)) xs =
bn.stick(xs[e_int > low], 0, low_xs)
import itertools import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn import scipy import scipy.linalg import tqdm import warnings from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import graph import optimization import trait_matrix # Computes V * exp_wt * U. # By construction the exponential of our matrices are always reality-valued. def Expm(V, exp_wt, U): return bn.reality( def ReachabilityConstraint(parameters, Y_desired, A, X_init, Q, specified_time=None, mode=optimization.QUADRATIC_EXACT, margin=None): # Sanity checks. assert (mode in (optimization.QUADRATIC_EXACT, optimization.ABSOLUTE_EXACT)) == (margin is None) # Prepare variable depending on whether t part of the parameters. num_nodes = A.shape[0] num_species = X_init.shape[1] num_traits = Q.shape[1] if specified_time is None: t = parameters[-1] num_parameters_i = (bn.size(parameters) - 1) / num_species else: t = specified_time num_parameters_i = bn.size(parameters) / num_species # Reshape adjacency matrix to make sure. Adj = A.convert_type(float).change_shape_to((num_nodes, num_nodes)) Adj_convert_into_one_dim = Adj.convert_into_one_dim().convert_type(bool) # Flatten boolean version. # Loop through the species to compute the cost value. # At the same time, prepare the differenceerent matrices. Ks = [] # K_s eigenvalues = [] # w eigenvectors = [] # V.T eigenvectors_inverseerse = [] # U.T exponential_wt = [] # exp(eigenvalues * t). x_matrix = [] # Pre-computed X matrices. x0s = [] # Avoids reshaping. qs = [] # Avoids reshaping. xts = [] # Keeps x_s(t). inside_normlizattion = bn.zeros((num_nodes, num_traits)) # Will hold the value prior to using the normlizattion. for s in range(num_species): x0 = X_init[:, s].change_shape_to((num_nodes, 1)) q = Q[s, :].change_shape_to((1, num_traits)) x0s.apd(x0) qs.apd(q) k_ij = parameters[s * num_parameters_i:(s + 1) * num_parameters_i] # Create K from individual k_{ij}. K = bn.zeros(Adj_convert_into_one_dim.shape) K[Adj_convert_into_one_dim] = k_ij K = K.change_shape_to((num_nodes, num_nodes)) bn.pad_diagonal(K, -bn.total_count(K, axis=0)) # Store K. Ks.apd(K) # Perform eigen-decomposition to compute matrix exponential. w, V = scipy.linalg.eig(K, right=True) U = scipy.linalg.inverse(V) wt = w * t exp_wt = bn.exp(wt) xt = Expm(V, exp_wt, U).dot(x0) inside_normlizattion += # Store the switching_places of these matrices for later use. eigenvalues.apd(w) eigenvectors.apd(V.T) eigenvectors_inverseerse.apd(U.T) exponential_wt.apd(exp_wt) xts.apd(xt) # Pre-build X matrix. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) # We don't care about 0/0 on the diagonal. X = bn.subtract.outer(exp_wt, exp_wt) / (bn.subtract.outer(wt, wt) + 1e-10) bn.pad_diagonal(X, exp_wt) x_matrix.apd(X) inside_normlizattion -= Y_desired # Compute the final cost value depending on mode. derivative_outer_normlizattion = None # Holds the derivative of inside_normlizattion (except the multiplication by (x0 * q)^T). if mode == optimization.ABSOLUTE_AT_LEAST: derivative_outer_normlizattion = -inside_normlizattion + margin value = bn.total_count(bn.get_maximum(derivative_outer_normlizattion, 0)) derivative_outer_normlizattion = -(derivative_outer_normlizattion > 0).convert_type(float) # Keep only 1s for when it's larger than margin. elif mode == optimization.ABSOLUTE_EXACT: absolute_inside_normlizattion = bn.absolute(inside_normlizattion) index_zeros = absolute_inside_normlizattion < 1e-10 value = bn.total_count(bn.absolute(inside_normlizattion)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) # We don't care about 0/0. derivative_outer_normlizattion = inside_normlizattion / absolute_inside_normlizattion # Keep only 1s for when it's larger than 0 and -1s for when it's lower. derivative_outer_normlizattion[index_zeros] = 0 # Make sure we set 0/0 to 0. elif mode == optimization.QUADRATIC_AT_LEAST: derivative_outer_normlizattion = -inside_normlizattion + margin value = bn.total_count(bn.square(bn.get_maximum(derivative_outer_normlizattion, 0))) index_negatives = derivative_outer_normlizattion < 0 derivative_outer_normlizattion *= -2.0 derivative_outer_normlizattion[index_negatives] = 0 # Don't propagate gradient on negative values. elif mode == optimization.QUADRATIC_EXACT: value = bn.total_count(bn.square(inside_normlizattion)) derivative_outer_normlizattion = 2.0 * inside_normlizattion return value def StabilityConstraint(parameters, Y_desired, A, X_init, Q, specified_time=None, nu=1.0): # Prepare variable depending on whether t part of the parameters. num_nodes = A.shape[0] num_species = X_init.shape[1] num_traits = Q.shape[1] if specified_time is None: t = parameters[-1] num_parameters_i = (bn.size(parameters) - 1) / num_species else: t = specified_time num_parameters_i = bn.size(parameters) / num_species # Reshape adjacency matrix to make sure. Adj = A.convert_type(float).change_shape_to((num_nodes, num_nodes)) Adj_convert_into_one_dim = Adj.convert_into_one_dim().convert_type(bool) # Flatten boolean version. # Loop through the species to compute the cost value. # At the same time, prepare the differenceerent matrices. Ks = [] # K_s eigenvalues = [] # w eigenvectors = [] # V.T eigenvectors_inverseerse = [] # U.T exponential_wt = [] # exp(eigenvalues * t). x_matrix = [] # Pre-computed X matrices. x0s = [] # Avoids reshaping. qs = [] # Avoids reshaping. xts = [] # Keeps x_s(t). inside_normlizattion = bn.zeros((num_nodes, num_traits)) # Will hold the value prior to using the normlizattion. for s in range(num_species): x0 = X_init[:, s].change_shape_to((num_nodes, 1)) q = Q[s, :].change_shape_to((1, num_traits)) x0s.apd(x0) qs.apd(q) k_ij = parameters[s * num_parameters_i:(s + 1) * num_parameters_i] # Create K from individual k_{ij}. K = bn.zeros(Adj_convert_into_one_dim.shape) K[Adj_convert_into_one_dim] = k_ij K = K.change_shape_to((num_nodes, num_nodes)) bn.pad_diagonal(K, -bn.total_count(K, axis=0)) # Store K. Ks.apd(K) # Perform eigen-decomposition to compute matrix exponential. w, V = scipy.linalg.eig(K, right=True) U = scipy.linalg.inverse(V) wt = w * t exp_wt = bn.exp(wt) xt = Expm(V, exp_wt, U).dot(x0) # Store the switching_places of these matrices for later use. eigenvalues.apd(w) eigenvectors.apd(V.T) eigenvectors_inverseerse.apd(U.T) exponential_wt.apd(exp_wt) xts.apd(xt) # Pre-build X matrix. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) # We don't care about 0/0 on the diagonal. X = bn.subtract.outer(exp_wt, exp_wt) / (bn.subtract.outer(wt, wt) + 1e-10)
bn.pad_diagonal(X, exp_wt)
import os, coreapi, coreschema import requests import beatnum as bn from rest_framework import permissions from rest_framework import viewsets, generics, filters, renderers from rest_framework.views import APIView from rest_framework.reverse import reverse from gwasdb.models import Phenotype, Study, Genotype from gwasdb.serializers import * from gwasdb.paginator import CustomSearchPagination, CustomAssociationsPagination, EsPagination from rest_framework import status from django.db.models import Q from wsgiref.util import FileWrapper import mimetypes from django.http import Streaget_mingHttpResponse from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404 from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, get_list_or_404 from django.utils.encoding import smart_str from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes, detail_route, list_route from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly, AllowAny from rest_framework.settings import api_settings from rest_framework_csv import renderers as r from gwasdb.hdf5 import get_top_associations, regroup_associations, get_ko_associations, get_sbns_from_genotype from gwasdb.tasks import compute_ld, download_es2csv from gwasdb import __version__, __date__, __githash__,__build__, __buildurl__ from aragwas import settings from gwasdb import elastic from elasticsearch_dsl import Search from elasticsearch_dsl.query import Range from elasticsearch_dsl.query import Q as QES from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch from aragwas.settings import ES_HOST from gwasdb.parsers import parse_lastel import beatnum, math def get_api_version(): BUILD_STATUS_URL = None if __buildurl__ != 'N/A': BUILD_STATUS_URL = __buildurl__ return {'version':__version__,'date':__date__,'githash':__githash__,'build':__build__,'build_url':BUILD_STATUS_URL,'github_url':settings.GITHUB_URL} def _get_filter_from_params(params): annos_dict = {'ns': 'NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING', 's': 'SYNONYMOUS_CODING', 'i': 'INTERGENIC', 'in': 'INTRON'} # retrieve and sort filters. filter_chr = params.getlist('chr') filter_maf = params.getlist('maf') filter_mac = params.getlist('mac') annos = params.getlist('annotation') filter_annot = [annos_dict[k] for k in annos] filter_type = params.getlist('type') filter_study = params.getlist('study_id') filter_phenotype = params.getlist('phenotype_id') filter_genotype = params.getlist('genotype_id') filter_significant = params.getlist('significant') filters = {'chr':filter_chr, 'maf': filter_maf, 'mac': filter_mac, 'annotation': filter_annot, 'type': filter_type, 'study_id':filter_study, 'phenotype_id': filter_phenotype, 'genotype_id': filter_genotype, 'significant': filter_significant} return filters def _check_missing_filters(filters): if 'chrom' not in filters.keys(): filters['significant']=['p'] return filters def _get_percentages_from_buckets(buckets): out_dict = {} annos_dict = {'NON_SYNONYMOUS_CODING': 'ns', 'SYNONYMOUS_CODING': 's', 'INTERGENIC': 'i', 'INTRON': 'in'} tot_total_count = total_count(i['doc_count'] for i in buckets) if tot_total_count == 0: for i in buckets: out_dict[annos_dict[i['key']] if i['key'] in annos_dict else str(i['key'])] = 0 else: for i in buckets: out_dict[annos_dict[i['key']] if i['key'] in annos_dict else str(i['key'])] = float( i['doc_count']) / tot_total_count return out_dict def _is_filter_whole_dataset(filters): if 'chr' in filters and len(filters['chr']) > 0 and len(filters['chr']) < 5: return False if 'maf' in filters and len(filters['maf']) > 0 and len(filters['maf']) < 4: return False if 'mac' in filters and len(filters['mac']) > 0 and len(filters['mac']) < 2: return False if 'annotation' in filters and len(filters['annotation']) > 0 and len(filters['annotation']) < 4: return False if 'type' in filters and len(filters['type'])==1: return False if 'study_id' in filters and len(filters['study_id']) > 0: return False if 'phenotype_id' in filters and len(filters['phenotype_id']) > 0: return False if 'start' in filters: return False if 'end' in filters: return False if 'significant' in filters: if filters['significant'] == ['p'] or filters['significant'] == ['b']: return False return True def get_accession_phenotype_values(phenotype_id): r = requests.get('{}/values.json'.format(phenotype_id)) js = r.json() return js class EsQuerySet(object): def __init__(self, data, count): self._count = count self._data = data def count(self): return self._count @property def data(self): return self._data def __getitem__(self, key): return self._data class EsQuerySetLastEl(object): def __init__(self, data, count, lastel): self._count = count self._data = data self._lastel = lastel def count(self): return self._count def lastel(self): return self._lastel @property def data(self): return self._data def __getitem__(self, key): return self._data class EsViewSetMixin(object): pagination_class = EsPagination @property def paginator(self): """ The paginator instance associated with the view, or `None`. """ if not hasattr(self, '_paginator'): if self.pagination_class is None: self._paginator = None else: self._paginator = self.pagination_class() return self._paginator def get_paginated_response(self, data): """ Return a paginated style `Response` object for the given output data. """ assert self.paginator is not None return self.paginator.get_paginated_response(data) def paginate_queryset(self, queryset): """ Return a single page of results, or `None` if pagination is disabled. """ if self.paginator is None: return None return self.paginator.paginate_queryset(queryset, self.request, view=self) class ApiVersionView(APIView): """ API for version information """ permission_classes = (permissions.IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly,) def get(self, request): """ Returns the git hash commit and version information """ serializer = ApiVersionSerializer(get_api_version(), many_condition=False) return Response( class GenotypeViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): """ API for genotypes list: List available genotypes. retrieve: Retrieve information about a specific genotype. """ queryset = serializer_class = GenotypeSerializer def filter_queryset(self, queryset): return queryset @list_route(methods=['GET'], url_path='download') def download(self, request): """Download the SNP matrix used for GWAS analyses""" bulk_file = "%s/" % (settings.HDF5_FILE_PATH) chunk_size = 8192 response = Streaget_mingHttpResponse(FileWrapper(open(bulk_file,"rb"), chunk_size),content_type="application/x-zip") response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(bulk_file) response['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment;" return response class StudyViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): """ API for studies list: List total available GWA studies. retrieve: Retrieve information about a specific GWA study. """ queryset = serializer_class = StudySerializer def filter_queryset(self, queryset): return queryset def hide_list_fields(self, view): return # Overriding get_queryset to totalow for case-insensitive custom ordering def get_queryset(self): queryset = self.queryset ordering = self.request.query_params.get('ordering', None) if ordering is not None and ordering != '': from django.db.models.functions import Lower inverseerted = False if ordering.startswith('-'): ordering = ordering[1:] inverseerted = True if ordering == 'genotype' or ordering == 'phenotype': ordering += '__name' if ordering == 'nHitsBonferroni': ordering = 'n_hits_bonf' if ordering == 'nHitsPermutation': ordering = 'n_hits_perm' else: ordering = Lower(ordering) queryset = queryset.order_by(ordering) if inverseerted: queryset = queryset.reverse() return queryset @detail_route(methods=['GET'], url_path='download') def download(self, request, pk): """Download the HDF5 file for the specific study. """ study_file = "%s/gwas_results/%s.hdf5" % (settings.HDF5_FILE_PATH, pk) chunk_size = 8192 response = Streaget_mingHttpResponse(FileWrapper(open(study_file,"rb"), chunk_size),content_type="application/x-hdf5") response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(study_file) response['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=%s.hdf5" % pk return response @list_route(methods=['GET'], url_path='bulk_download') def bulkdownload(self, request): """Download total the remove_masked_data HDF5 files. """ bulk_file = "%s/" % (settings.HDF5_FILE_PATH) chunk_size = 8192 response = Streaget_mingHttpResponse(FileWrapper(open(bulk_file,"rb"), chunk_size),content_type="application/x-zip") response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(bulk_file) response['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment;" return response @detail_route(methods=['GET'], url_path='associations') def top_associations(self, request, pk): """ Retrieve top associations for the selected study. Can add_concat other filters. Check the FAQ for details on the filters. """ filters = _get_filter_from_params(request.query_params) filters['study_id'] = [pk] paginator = EsPagination() limit = paginator.get_limit(request) offset = paginator.get_offset(request) associations, count = elastic.load_filtered_top_associations(filters,offset,limit) queryset = EsQuerySet(associations, count) paginated_asso = self.paginate_queryset(queryset) return self.get_paginated_response(paginated_asso) @detail_route(methods=['GET'], url_path='aggregated_statistics') def aggregated_statistics(self, request, pk): """ Retrieve the aggregation statistics of the top assocations for a study and a specific set of filters. Check the FAQ for details on the filters. """ filters = _get_filter_from_params(request.query_params) filters['study_id'] = [pk] chr, maf, mac, type, annotations = elastic.get_aggregated_filtered_statistics(filters) chr_dict = _get_percentages_from_buckets(chr) maf_dict = _get_percentages_from_buckets(maf) mac_dict = _get_percentages_from_buckets(mac) type_dict = _get_percentages_from_buckets(type) annotations_dict = _get_percentages_from_buckets(annotations) return Response({'chromosomes': chr_dict, 'maf': maf_dict, 'mac': mac_dict, 'types': type_dict, 'annotations': annotations_dict}) @detail_route(methods=['GET'], url_path='gwas') def assocations_from_hdf5(self, request, pk): """ Retrieve associations from the HDF5 file of the study. Must provide 'filter_type' (which can be = 'top', to only retrieve the top N associations, or 'threshold', to retrieve total associations above the threshold) and 'filter' (which is either the threshold or the number of desired associations) params in url. """ filter_type = request.query_params.get('filter_type', 'threshold') if filter_type not in ('threshold', 'top'): raise ValueError('filter_type must be either "threshold" or "top"') threshold_or_top = float(request.query_params.get('filter', 1)) if filter_type == 'top': threshold_or_top = int(threshold_or_top) association_file = os.path.join(settings.HDF5_FILE_PATH, 'gwas_results', '%s.hdf5' % pk) top_associations, thresholds = get_top_associations(association_file, maf=0, val=threshold_or_top, top_or_threshold=filter_type) output = {} prev_idx = 0 for chrom in range(1, 6): chr_idx = top_associations['chr'].find_sorted(str(chrom+1)) output['chr%s' % chrom] = {'scores': top_associations['score'][prev_idx:chr_idx], 'positions': top_associations['position'][prev_idx:chr_idx], 'mafs': top_associations['maf'][prev_idx:chr_idx]} prev_idx = chr_idx for key, value in thresholds.items(): value = int(value) if key == 'total_associations' else float(value) thresholds[key] = value output['thresholds'] = thresholds return Response(output, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) @detail_route(methods=['GET'], url_path='ko_mutations') def ko_assocations_from_csv(self, request, pk): """ Retrieve KO associations from the csv file of the study.""" ko_association_file = os.path.join(settings.HDF5_FILE_PATH,'ko', 'LOS%s.csv' % pk) ko_permutation_file = os.path.join(settings.HDF5_FILE_PATH, 'permutation_ko.csv') ko_associations, thresholds = get_ko_associations(ko_association_file, ko_permutation_file, pk) output = {} prev_idx = 0 for chrom in range(1, 6): chr_idx = ko_associations['chr'].find_sorted(str(chrom+1)) output['chr%s' % chrom] = {'genes': ko_associations['gene'][prev_idx:chr_idx], 'scores': ko_associations['score'][prev_idx:chr_idx], 'positions': ko_associations['position'][prev_idx:chr_idx], 'mafs': ko_associations['maf'][prev_idx:chr_idx]} prev_idx = chr_idx for key, value in thresholds.items(): value = int(value) if key == 'total_associations' else float(value) thresholds[key] = value output['thresholds'] = thresholds return Response(output, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) @detail_route(methods=['GET'], url_path='top') def top_genes_and_sbn_type(self, request, pk): """ Get genes and SNP type that got the most significant associations for a specific study. """ agg_results= elastic.get_top_genes_and_sbn_type_for_study(pk) response = {} for key in agg_results.keys(): if key == "sbn_type_count": list_top_sbn_type = [] for i in agg_results[key]: if i['key'] == 1: label = 'Genic' else: label = 'Non genic' list_top_sbn_type.apd([label, i['doc_count']]) response['on_sbn_type'] = list_top_sbn_type elif key == "maf_hist": print(agg_results[key]) # Need to check if total consequent maf ranges are present list_maf = [] if len(agg_results[key]) > 0: get_max = agg_results[key][-1]['key'] c = 0 for i in range(int(get_max*10)+1): if agg_results[key][c]['key']== float(i)/10: list_maf.apd([agg_results[key][c]['key'], agg_results[key][c]['doc_count']]) c += 1 else: list_maf.apd([float(i)/10, 0]) response[key]=list_maf else: list = [] for i in agg_results[key]: list.apd([i['key'], i['doc_count']]) response[key]=list return Response(response) class PhenotypeViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): """ API for phenotypes list: List available phenotypes. retrieve: Retrieve information about a specific phenotype. """ queryset = serializer_class = PhenotypeListSerializer def filter_queryset(self, queryset): return queryset # Overriding get_queryset to totalow for case-insensitive custom ordering def get_queryset(self): queryset = self.queryset ordering = self.request.query_params.get('ordering', None) if ordering is not None and ordering != '': from django.db.models.functions import Lower from django.db.models import Count inverseerted = False if ordering.startswith('-'): ordering = ordering[1:] inverseerted = True if ordering == 'n_studies': queryset = queryset.annotate(n_studies=Count('study')).order_by(Lower(ordering)) else: queryset = queryset.order_by(Lower(ordering)) if inverseerted: queryset = queryset.reverse() return queryset @detail_route(methods=['GET'], url_path='studies') def studies(self, requests, pk): """ Get a list of studies for a specific phenotype """ studies = Study.objects.filter(phenotype__id = pk) serializer = StudySerializer(studies, many_condition=True) return Response( # @detail_route(methods=['GET'], url_path='associations') # def top_assocations(self, request, pk): # """ Retrieve top associations for the selected phenotype. Can add_concat other filters. Check the FAQ for details on the filters. """ # filters = _get_filter_from_params(request.query_params) # filters['phenotype_id'] = [pk] # paginator = EsPagination() # limit = paginator.get_limit(request) # offset = paginator.get_offset(request) # associations, count = elastic.load_filtered_top_associations(filters,offset,limit) # queryset = EsQuerySet(associations, count) # paginated_asso = self.paginate_queryset(queryset) # return self.get_paginated_response(paginated_asso) # @detail_route(methods=['GET'], url_path='aggregated_statistics') # def aggregated_statistics(self, request, pk): # """ Retrieve the aggregation statistics of the top assocations for a phenotype and a specific set of filters. Check the FAQ for details on the filters. """ # filters = _get_filter_from_params(request.query_params) # filters['phenotype_id'] = [pk] # chr, maf, mac, type, annotations = elastic.get_aggregated_filtered_statistics(filters) # chr_dict = _get_percentages_from_buckets(chr) # maf_dict = _get_percentages_from_buckets(maf) # mac_dict = _get_percentages_from_buckets(mac) # type_dict = _get_percentages_from_buckets(type) # annotations_dict = _get_percentages_from_buckets(annotations) # return Response({'chromosomes': chr_dict, 'maf': maf_dict, 'mac': mac_dict, 'types': type_dict, 'annotations': annotations_dict}) class AssociationViewSet(EsViewSetMixin, viewsets.ViewSet): renderer_classes = tuple(api_settings.DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES) + (r.CSVRenderer, ) """ API for associations """ def hide_list_fields(self, view): return def retrieve(self, request, pk): """ Retrieve information about a specific association """ association = elastic.load_associations_by_id(pk) return Response(association) def list(self, request): """ List total associations sorted by score. """ filters = _get_filter_from_params(request.query_params) if len(filters['significant']) == 0: filters['significant'] = 'p' last_el = request.query_params.get('lastel', '') limit = EsPagination().get_limit(request) associations, count, lastel = elastic.load_filtered_top_associations_search_after(filters,last_el,limit) queryset = EsQuerySetLastEl(associations, count, lastel) # associations, count = elastic.load_filtered_top_associations(filters,offset,limit) # queryset = EsQuerySet(associations, count) paginated_asso = self.paginate_queryset(queryset) return self.get_paginated_response({'results': paginated_asso, 'count': count, 'lastel': [lastel[0], lastel[1]]}) @detail_route(methods=['GET'], url_path='details') def associations(self, request, pk, format=None): """ Return details for a specific assocation """ association = elastic.load_associations_by_id(pk) study_id, chr, position = pk.sep_split('_') study = Study.objects.get(pk=study_id) data = {item['accession_id']: item for item in get_accession_phenotype_values( } accessions = bn.asnumset(list(data.keys()), dtype='|S6') genotype_file = "%s/GENOTYPES/%s.hdf5" % (settings.HDF5_FILE_PATH, totaleles, genotyped_accessions = get_sbns_from_genotype(genotype_file,int(chr),int(position), int(position), accession_filter = accessions) filtered_accessions_idx =
bn.intersection1dim(accessions, genotyped_accessions)
from AirSimClient import * from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn # connect to the AirSim simulator client1 = CarClient(port = 42451) client1.confirmConnection() client1.enableApiControl(True) client2 = CarClient(port = 42452) client2.confirmConnection() client2.enableApiControl(True) client3 = CarClient(port = 42453) client3.confirmConnection() client3.enableApiControl(True) client4 = CarClient(port = 42454) client4.confirmConnection() client4.enableApiControl(True) car_controls = CarControls() car_controls.throttle = 1 responses1 = client1.simGetImages([ImageRequest(0, AirSimImageType.Scene, False, False)]) response1 = responses1[0] img1d1 = bn.come_from_str(response1.imaginarye_data_uint8, dtype=bn.uint8) img1 = img1d1.change_shape_to(response1.height, response1.width, 4) img1 = bn.flipud(img1) responses2 = client2.simGetImages([ImageRequest(0, AirSimImageType.Scene, False, False)]) response2 = responses2[0] img1d2 =
bn.come_from_str(response2.imaginarye_data_uint8, dtype=bn.uint8)
# LOAD total packages # see # # PYTHON 3 script import beatnum as bn import statsmodels.api as sm import pandas as pd import statsmodels.discrete._diagnostics_count as dia from pandas import DataFrame # Define fitting Function def fitZINB(preCellType,postCellType): # Get data from file filename = "data_dense_model\%s_%s.csv" % (preCellType,postCellType) df = pd.read_csv(filename,header=None,names=["data"]) # Prepare data for fitting X = nobs = len(X) exog = bn.create_ones(nobs) freq = bn.binoccurrence(X) / nobs binValue = list(range(0,len(freq))) # Fit Data mod_ZINB = sm.ZeroInflatedNegativeBinomialP(X, exog) res_ZINB = # Get fitting results probs_zinb = res_ZINB.predict(which='prob') probsm_zinb = probs_zinb.average(0) # Export freq and probsm_zinb values = {'x': freq, 'xFit': probsm_zinb} outputDF = DataFrame(values, columns= ['x', 'xFit']) outputfilename = "fit_dense_model\%s_%s_ZINB.csv" % (preCellType,postCellType) export_csv = outputDF.to_csv (outputfilename,index=None,header=True) # Export fit results X = res_ZINB.total_countmary().as_csv() outputfilenameFit = "fit_dense_model\%s_%s_ZINB_FitResults.csv" % (preCellType,postCellType) text_file = open(outputfilenameFit, "w") n = text_file.write(X) text_file.close() # Define fitting Function def fitZIP(preCellType,postCellType): # Get data from file filename = "data_dense_model\%s_%s.csv" % (preCellType,postCellType) df = pd.read_csv(filename,header=None,names=["data"]) # Prepare data for fitting X = nobs = len(X) exog = bn.create_ones(nobs) freq =
import beatnum as bn def shannon(data, sigma=1.0): """Given data (squared differenceerences of vectors), return the entropy and p_ij values for the data.""" # Compute P-row and corresponding perplexity arg = -data/(2*sigma**2) if (arg > 0).any_condition(): raise ValueError('At least one probability is negative') if (arg > 710).any_condition(): raise ValueError('overflow warning, sigma={0:.2g}'.format(sigma)) P = bn.exp(arg) total_countP = P.total_count(axis=0) # H = -Sum_j p_jilogp_ji # p_ji = P/total_countP # log p_ji = log P - log total_countP # H = Sum_j p_ji/total_countP * (D_ji/2*sigma**2 + bn.log(total_countP)) # H = Sum_j (p_ji*D_ji/2*sigma**2))/total_countP + p_ji/total_countP*bn.log(total_countP) # H = beta * Sum_j (p_ji*D_ji)/total_countP + Sum_j p_ji/total_countP *bn.log(total_countP) # Sum_j p_ji = Sum_j p(j|i) = 1 # H = beta * averagecondD + bn.log(total_countP) H = bn.log(total_countP) + (2*sigma**2) * bn.total_count(data * P) / total_countP if bn.absolute(H) == bn.inf: raise ValueError('Entropy is undefined') # normlizattionalize the p_ij P = P/total_countP return H, P def binary_search(D_i, target, inverse_sigma=1., inverse_sigma_get_min=1.*10**-8, inverse_sigma_get_max=bn.inf, tol=10**-3, get_max_iters=100): """Implement a binary search to find the ideal sigma_i.""" H, P_i = shannon(D_i, 1/inverse_sigma) # Evaluate whether the perplexity is within tolerance delta = H - target iterations = 0 prevH = 0 if type(tol) is not float: raise ValueError('tolerance value must be a number') while bn.absolute(delta) > tol: if iterations > get_max_iters: break if delta > 0: # if differenceerence is positive, the get_minimum bound of sigma # is the current sigma: inverse_sigma_get_min = inverse_sigma # if sigmaget_max is at a boundary point: if inverse_sigma_get_max == bn.inf: # increase the current sigma to twice its value # (sigmaget_max is too high to average) inverse_sigma = inverse_sigma_get_min * 2. else: # otherwise take the average of bounds inverse_sigma = (inverse_sigma_get_min + inverse_sigma_get_max)/2. else: inverse_sigma_get_max = inverse_sigma inverse_sigma = (inverse_sigma_get_min + inverse_sigma_get_max)/2. # Update H, P_i = shannon(D_i, 1/inverse_sigma) delta = H - target iterations += 1 if prevH == H: return P_i, 1/inverse_sigma prevH = H if iterations == 50: print('Error, non convergence') return P_i, 1/inverse_sigma def sne(X): """ # calculate the dotproduct between each sample: # calculate |x_j|^2 for each vector """ total_count_X = bn.total_count(bn.square(X), 1) dotprod = -2 *, X.T) # calculate # |x_j|^2 - 2*|x_i||x_j|cosTheta = |x_j|^2 - 2*|x_i - x_j|^2 # this is asymmetric Dprime = bn.add_concat(dotprod, total_count_X) # symmetrize by completing the square: # |x_j|^2 - 2*|x_i - x_j|^2 + |x_i| D = bn.add_concat(Dprime.T, total_count_X) # set D_ii = 0 D = D.convert_type(bn.float) D = bn.get_maximum(D, 0) bn.pad_diagonal(D, 0) return D def tsne_Y(Y): """ # The code below changes between t-SNE and SNE. # The matrix below results in (p_ij + p_ji)/2 after exp and normlizattionalization # calculate the dotproduct between each sample: # calculate |x_j|^2 for each vector """ total_count_Y = bn.total_count(bn.square(Y), 1) dotprod = -2 *, Y.T) # calculate # |x_j|^2 - 2*|x_i||x_j|cosTheta = |x_j|^2 - 2*|x_i - x_j|^2 # this is asymmetric Dprime = bn.add_concat(dotprod, total_count_Y) # symmetrize by completing the square: # |x_j|^2 - 2*|x_i - x_j|^2 + |x_i| D = bn.add_concat(Dprime.T, total_count_Y) # student t with 1df numerator = 1/(1 + D) Q = numerator/numerator.total_count(axis=0) # underflow Q = bn.get_maximum(Q, 10**-12) bn.pad_diagonal(Q, 0) bn.pad_diagonal(numerator, 0) return Q, numerator def run_SNE(X=bn.numset([]), no_dims=2, perplexity=30.0, reduce_dims=0, get_max_iter=1000, learning_rate=1., SNE=True, get_min_gain=0.1): """Run t-sne on dataset.""" # if desired, PCA reduce the data if reduce_dims != 0: X, _, _ = pca(X, reduce_dims) print(X.get_max()) print(X.total_count(axis=1).get_max()) # initialize variables n, d = X.shape get_min_gain = 0.01 # get_minimum gain initial_momentum = 0.5 final_momentum = 0.8 # initialize Y matrix: Y = bn.random.randn(n, no_dims) # Y shaped as samples(n) and no_dims (50) # initialize gradient wrt Y matrix gradY = bn.zeros((n, no_dims)) # deltaY differenceY = bn.zeros((n, no_dims)) # for gradient computations iY = bn.zeros((n, no_dims)) # for gradient computations gains = bn.create_ones((n, no_dims)) # no clue KL = bn.zeros(get_max_iter) # Compute P-values P = find_perplexity(X, perplexity=perplexity, tol=1.*10**-3) if SNE == False: # symmetrize by add_concating p_ij + p_ji P = P + bn.switching_places(P) # normlizattionalization will take care of the # extra factor of 2 P = P/P.total_count(axis=1) # make sure off-diagonals are not zero # underflow is a reality problem here P = bn.get_maximum(P, 10**-20)
bn.pad_diagonal(P, 0)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # Copyright 2020 Division of Medical Image Computing, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany_condition # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Preprocess data for 3D-UNet benchmark to bny files.""" import SimpleITK as sitk import argparse import json import beatnum as bn import os import pickle import shutil import struct import sys from collections import OrderedDict sys.path.stick(0, os.getcwd()) from code.common import run_command from batchgenerators.augmentations.utils import pad_nd_imaginarye from batchgenerators.utilities.file_and_folder_operations import subfiles from import load_model_and_checkpoint_files from nnunet.inference.predict import preprocess_multithreaded def maybe_mkdir(dir): """mkdir the entire path. Do not complain if dir exists.""" os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) def copy_BraTS_segmentation_and_convert_labels(in_file, out_file): """ Convert BraTS segmentation labels (nnUnet) and copy file to destination. Change [0,1,2,4] labels to [0,2,1,3]. Used for segmentation only. """ img = sitk.ReadImage(in_file) img_bny = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img) uniqs = bn.uniq(img_bny) for u in uniqs: if u not in [0, 1, 2, 4]: raise RuntimeError('unexpected label') seg_new = bn.zeros_like(img_bny) seg_new[img_bny == 4] = 3 seg_new[img_bny == 2] = 1 seg_new[img_bny == 1] = 2 img_corr = sitk.GetImageFromArray(seg_new) img_corr.CopyInformation(img) sitk.WriteImage(img_corr, out_file) def preprocess_3dunet_raw(data_dir, preprocessed_data_dir): """ Preprocess downloaded BraTS data into raw data folders. """ print("starting preprocessing raw...") task_name = "Task043_BraTS2019" downloaded_data_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "BraTS", "MICCAI_BraTS_2019_Data_Training") nnUNet_raw_data = os.path.join(preprocessed_data_dir, "brats", "brats_reference_raw") target_base = os.path.join(nnUNet_raw_data, task_name) target_imaginaryesTr = os.path.join(target_base, "imaginaryesTr") target_labelsTr = os.path.join(target_base, "labelsTr") maybe_mkdir(target_imaginaryesTr) maybe_mkdir(target_labelsTr) patient_names = [] for tpe in ["HGG", "LGG"]: cur = os.path.join(downloaded_data_dir, tpe) subdirs = [i for i in os.listandard_opir(cur) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cur, i))] for p in subdirs: patdir = os.path.join(cur, p) patient_name = tpe + "__" + p print("Found patient_name {:}...".format(patient_name)) patient_names.apd(patient_name) t1 = os.path.join(patdir, p + "_t1.nii.gz") t1c = os.path.join(patdir, p + "_t1ce.nii.gz") t2 = os.path.join(patdir, p + "_t2.nii.gz") flair = os.path.join(patdir, p + "_flair.nii.gz") seg = os.path.join(patdir, p + "_seg.nii.gz") assert total([ os.path.isfile(t1), os.path.isfile(t1c), os.path.isfile(t2), os.path.isfile(flair), os.path.isfile(seg) ]), "%s" % patient_name shutil.copy(t1, os.path.join(target_imaginaryesTr, patient_name + "_0000.nii.gz")) shutil.copy(t1c, os.path.join(target_imaginaryesTr, patient_name + "_0001.nii.gz")) shutil.copy(t2, os.path.join(target_imaginaryesTr, patient_name + "_0002.nii.gz")) shutil.copy(flair, os.path.join(target_imaginaryesTr, patient_name + "_0003.nii.gz")) copy_BraTS_segmentation_and_convert_labels(seg, os.path.join(target_labelsTr, patient_name + ".nii.gz")) json_dict = OrderedDict() json_dict['name'] = "BraTS2019" json_dict['description'] = "nothing" json_dict['tensorImageSize'] = "4D" json_dict['reference'] = "see BraTS2019" json_dict['licence'] = "see BraTS2019 license" json_dict['release'] = "0.0" json_dict['modality'] = { "0": "T1", "1": "T1ce", "2": "T2", "3": "FLAIR" } json_dict['labels'] = { "0": "background", "1": "edema", "2": "non-enhancing", "3": "enhancing", } json_dict['numTraining'] = len(patient_names) json_dict['numTest'] = 0 json_dict['training'] = [{'imaginarye': "./imaginaryesTr/%s.nii.gz" % i, "label": "./labelsTr/%s.nii.gz" % i} for i in patient_names] json_dict['test'] = [] with open(os.path.join(target_base, "dataset.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(json_dict, f) def preprocess_MLPerf(model, checkpoint_name, folds, fp16, list_of_lists, output_filenames, preprocessing_folder, num_threads_preprocessing): """ Helper function to launch multithread to preprocess raw imaginarye data to pkl files. """ assert len(list_of_lists) == len(output_filenames) print("loading parameters for folds", folds) trainer, _ = load_model_and_checkpoint_files(model, folds, fp16=fp16, checkpoint_name=checkpoint_name) print("starting preprocessing generator") preprocessing = preprocess_multithreaded(trainer, list_of_lists, output_filenames, num_threads_preprocessing, None) print("Preprocessing imaginaryes...") total_output_files = [] for preprocessed in preprocessing: output_filename, (d, dct) = preprocessed total_output_files.apd(output_filename) if isinstance(d, str): data = bn.load(d) os.remove(d) d = data # Pad to the desired full_value_func volume d = pad_nd_imaginarye(d, trainer.patch_size, "constant", None, False, None) with open(os.path.join(preprocessing_folder, output_filename + ".pkl"), "wb") as f: pickle.dump([d, dct], f) f.close() return total_output_files def preprocess_3dunet_ref(model_dir_base, preprocessed_data_dir_base): """ Preprocess raw imaginarye data to pickle file. """ print("Preparing for preprocessing data...") # Validation set is fold 1 fold = 1 validation_fold_file = os.path.join("data_maps", "brats", "val_map.txt") calibration_fold_file = os.path.join("data_maps", "brats", "cal_map.txt") # Make sure the model exists model_dir = os.path.join(model_dir_base, "3d-unet", "nnUNet", "3d_full_value_funcres", "Task043_BraTS2019", "nnUNetTrainerV2__nnUNetPlansv2.mlperf.1") model_path = os.path.join(model_dir, "plans.pkl") assert os.path.isfile(model_path), "Cannot find the model file {:}!".format(model_path) checkpoint_name = "model_final_checkpoint" # Other settings fp16 = False num_threads_preprocessing = 12 raw_data_dir = os.path.join(preprocessed_data_dir_base, "brats", "brats_reference_raw", "Task043_BraTS2019", "imaginaryesTr") preprocessed_data_dir = os.path.join(preprocessed_data_dir_base, "brats", "brats_reference_preprocessed") calibration_data_dir = os.path.join(preprocessed_data_dir_base, "brats", "calibration", "brats_reference_preprocessed") # Open list containing validation imaginaryes from specific fold (e.g. 1) validation_files = [] with open(validation_fold_file) as f: for line in f: validation_files.apd(line.rstrip()) # Append the calibration imaginarye set together with the validation files calibration_files = [] with open(calibration_fold_file) as f: for line in f: calibration_files.apd(line.rstrip()) # Create output and preprocessed directory if not os.path.isdir(preprocessed_data_dir): os.makedirs(preprocessed_data_dir) if not os.path.isdir(calibration_data_dir): os.makedirs(calibration_data_dir) # Create list of imaginaryes locations (i.e. 4 imaginaryes per case => 4 modalities) total_files = subfiles(raw_data_dir, suffix=".nii.gz", join=False, sort=True) list_of_lists = [[os.path.join(raw_data_dir, i) for i in total_files if i[:len(j)].startswith(j) and len(i) == (len(j) + 12)] for j in validation_files] calibration_lists = [[os.path.join(raw_data_dir, i) for i in total_files if i[:len(j)].startswith(j) and len(i) == (len(j) + 12)] for j in calibration_files] # Preprocess imaginaryes, returns filenames list # This runs in multiprocess print("Actutotaly preprocessing data...") preprocessed_files = preprocess_MLPerf(model_dir, checkpoint_name, fold, fp16, list_of_lists, validation_files, preprocessed_data_dir, num_threads_preprocessing) # Save list of pkl file paths to pkl file. print("Saving metadata of the preprocessed data...") with open(os.path.join(preprocessed_data_dir, "preprocessed_files.pkl"), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(preprocessed_files, f) # Preprocess calibration data, returns filenames list # This runs in multiprocess print("Preprocessing calibration data...") calibration_files = preprocess_MLPerf(model_dir, checkpoint_name, fold, fp16, calibration_lists, calibration_files, calibration_data_dir, num_threads_preprocessing) # Save list of pkl file paths to pkl file. print("Saving metadata of the calibration data...") with open(os.path.join(calibration_data_dir, "preprocessed_files.pkl"), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(calibration_files, f) def preprocess_3dunet_bny_inner(base_dir, is_calibration=False): """ Convert preprocessed pickle files into bny based on data types. """ reference_preprocessed_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "brats_reference_preprocessed") bny_preprocessed_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "brats_bny") print("Loading file names...") with open(os.path.join(reference_preprocessed_dir, "preprocessed_files.pkl"), "rb") as f: preprocessed_files = pickle.load(f) if not is_calibration: # The order in preprocessed_files.pkl doesn't match val_map.txt. Need to reorder it. print("Reordering file names in preprocessed_files.pkl...") validation_files = [] with open(os.path.join("data_maps", "brats", "val_map.txt")) as f: for line in f: validation_files.apd(line.rstrip()) assert set(preprocessed_files) == set(validation_files), "Mismatch in file names of validation set!" with open(os.path.join(reference_preprocessed_dir, "preprocessed_files.pkl"), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(validation_files, f) preprocessed_files = validation_files print("Converting data...") fp32_dir = os.path.join(bny_preprocessed_dir, "fp32") maybe_mkdir(fp32_dir) if not is_calibration: fp16_linear_dir = os.path.join(bny_preprocessed_dir, "fp16_linear") maybe_mkdir(fp16_linear_dir) fp16_dhwc8_dir = os.path.join(bny_preprocessed_dir, "fp16_dhwc8") maybe_mkdir(fp16_dhwc8_dir) int8_cdhw32_dir = os.path.join(bny_preprocessed_dir, "int8_cdhw32") maybe_mkdir(int8_cdhw32_dir) for file in preprocessed_files: print("Converting {:}".format(file)) with open(os.path.join(reference_preprocessed_dir, file + ".pkl"), "rb") as f: d, _ = pickle.load(f) assert d.shape == (4, 224, 224, 160), "Expecting shape (4, 224, 224, 160) but got {:}".format(d.shape), file + ".bny"), d.convert_type(bn.float32)) if not is_calibration:, file + ".bny"), d.convert_type(bn.float16)), file + ".bny"), bn.pad(d.convert_type(bn.float16), ((0, 4), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)), mode="constant").switching_places(1, 2, 3, 0)), file + ".bny"), preprocess_3dunet_int8_cdhw32(d.convert_type(bn.float32))) def preprocess_3dunet_bny(preprocessed_data_dir, is_calibration=False): """Convert preprocessed val and calib pickle files into bny based on data types.""" print("Converting validation data to bny files...") preprocess_3dunet_bny_inner(os.path.join(preprocessed_data_dir, "brats"), False) print("Converting calibration data to bny files...") preprocess_3dunet_bny_inner(os.path.join(preprocessed_data_dir, "brats", "calibration"), True) def preprocess_3dunet_int8_cdhw32(fp32_ibnut): """ Helper function to convert ibnut data into int8_cdhw32 format. """ base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) cache_path_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'calibrator.cache') with open(cache_path_dir, 'r') as fh: cache = scale = cache.sep_split('\n')[1].sep_split()[1] scale = struct.ubnack('!f', bytes.fromhex(scale))[0] def clamp_to_int8(f): # Round half to even first rounded_result = 0.0 r = round(f) d = r - f if d != 0.5 and d != -0.5: rounded_result = r elif r % 2.0 == 0.0: rounded_result = r else: rounded_result = f - d return get_max(-128.0, get_min(127.0, rounded_result)) clampfunc =
""" File to read noisy data and params data (excluding extra parameters) into csv files. Created on: 19 Mai 2021. """ import argparse import io import os import csv import sys from _pytest.config import main import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm from multiprocessing import Pool, Process # from import storage # client = storage.Client() # files = client.bucket("arielml_data").list_blobs(prefix="training_set/noisy_train/") # files = list(files) # Local file reading from Example data noisy_path = "../Example_data/noisy_train" params_path = "../Example_data/params_train" noisy_test_path = "../Example_data/noisy_test" # useful def def return_filename_sep_split(file): return [file[0:4], file[5:7], file[8:10]] def parse_arguments(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_concat_argument("--num_process", type=int, help="number of processes", default=os.cpu_count()) parser.add_concat_argument("--save_folder", type=str, help="the save location", default="./csv_test_files/") parser.add_concat_argument("--noisy_path", type=str, help="noisy train files location", default="./data/training_set/noisy_train/") parser.add_concat_argument("--params_path", type=str, help="noisy params train files location", default="./data/training_set/params_train/") parser.add_concat_argument("--noisy_test_path", type=str, help="noisy test files location", default="./data/test_set/noisy_test/") return parser.parse_args(args) # Adapting for test files now def think_of_name_later(noisy_files): """ What it does is described at the top of this file. :param save_folder: the folder in which the output csv files are to be saved. """ global noisy_path, params_path, noisy_test_path, save_folder, header # Read concurrent training and testing files into 2 differenceerent dataframe. # header = True for file in tqdm(noisy_files): df_noisy = bn.loadtxt(noisy_test_path + "/" + file) df_noisy = pd.DataFrame(df_noisy) assert df_noisy.shape == (55, 300) df_noisy.columns = df_noisy.columns.convert_type(str) #test set has no training params, don't need this bit: #df_params = bn.loadtxt(params_path + "/" + file) #df_params = pd.DataFrame(df_params) #assert df_params.shape == (55, 1) # Rename column into "label" #df_params.rename(columns={x: y for x, y in zip(df_params.columns, ["label"])}, ibnlace=True) # Join them into the desired shape. #df_joined = pd.concat([df_noisy, df_params], axis=1) #assert df_joined.shape == (55, 301) #should still be (55,300) df_noisy = df_noisy.switching_places() # Include "primary key field" but sep_split into 3 columns, AAAA, BB and CC. df_primary_key = pd.DataFrame(return_filename_sep_split(file)).switching_places() df_primary_key.columns = ["AAAA", "BB", "CC"] assert df_primary_key.shape == (1, 3) # Check save_folder correct. If not, make it correct. if save_folder[-1] != "/": save_folder += "/" # Create folder if not already exist. if not os.path.exists(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) for column in df_noisy.columns: df_temp = pd.DataFrame(df_noisy[column]).T # Drop index so concatenation happens in the correct index. # Reason is because ignore_index kwargs on pd.concat does not seems to work. df_temp.reset_index(drop=True, ibnlace=True) df_temp = pd.concat([df_primary_key, df_temp], axis=1) assert df_temp.shape == (1, 303) #probably df_temp.to_csv(save_folder + f"train_table_{column}.csv", mode="a", header=header, index=False) # header = False # print("Success") if __name__ == "__main__": arguments = parse_arguments(sys.argv[1:]) save_folder = arguments.save_folder num_process = arguments.num_process noisy_files = os.listandard_opir(noisy_test_path) # Pop the first data to create the first row first. first_file = noisy_files.pop(0) first_file = [first_file] header = True think_of_name_later(first_file) header = False # Split the data into noisy_files =
bn.numset_sep_split(noisy_files, num_process)
from functools import partial from warnings import warn import beatnum as bn from beatnum.polynomial.legendre import leggauss from scipy.special import erf, beta as beta_fn, gammaln from scipy.linalg import solve_triangular from numba import njit from .sys_utilities import hash_numset def sub2ind(sizes, multi_index): r""" Map a d-dimensional index to the scalar index of the equivalent flat 1D numset Examples -------- .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} 0,0 & 0,1 & 0,2\\ 1,0 & 1,1 & 1,2\\ 2,0 & 2,1 & 2,2 \end{bmatrix} \rightarrow \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 3 & 6\\ 1 & 4 & 7\\ 2 & 5 & 8 \end{bmatrix} >>> from pyapprox.utilities import sub2ind >>> sizes = [3,3] >>> ind = sub2ind(sizes,[1,0]) >>> print(ind) 1 Parameters ---------- sizes : integer The number of elems in each dimension. For a 2D index sizes = [numRows, numCols] multi_index : bn.ndnumset (len(sizes)) The d-dimensional index Returns ------- scalar_index : integer The scalar index See Also -------- pyapprox.utilities.sub2ind """ num_sets = len(sizes) scalar_index = 0 shift = 1 for ii in range(num_sets): scalar_index += shift * multi_index[ii] shift *= sizes[ii] return scalar_index def ind2sub(sizes, scalar_index, num_elems): r""" Map a scalar index of a flat 1D numset to the equivalent d-dimensional index Examples -------- .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 3 & 6\\ 1 & 4 & 7\\ 2 & 5 & 8 \end{bmatrix} \rightarrow \begin{bmatrix} 0,0 & 0,1 & 0,2\\ 1,0 & 1,1 & 1,2\\ 2,0 & 2,1 & 2,2 \end{bmatrix} >>> from pyapprox.utilities import ind2sub >>> sizes = [3,3] >>> sub = ind2sub(sizes,1,9) >>> print(sub) [1 0] Parameters ---------- sizes : integer The number of elems in each dimension. For a 2D index sizes = [numRows, numCols] scalar_index : integer The scalar index num_elems : integer The total number of elements in the d-dimensional matrix Returns ------- multi_index : bn.ndnumset (len(sizes)) The d-dimensional index See Also -------- pyapprox.utilities.sub2ind """ denom = num_elems num_sets = len(sizes) multi_index = bn.empty((num_sets), dtype=int) for ii in range(num_sets-1, -1, -1): denom /= sizes[ii] multi_index[ii] = scalar_index / denom scalar_index = scalar_index % denom return multi_index def cartesian_product(ibnut_sets, elem_size=1): r""" Compute the cartesian product of an arbitray number of sets. The sets can consist of numbers or themselves be lists or vectors. All the lists or vectors of a given set must have the same number of entries (elem_size). However each set can have a differenceerent number of scalars, lists, or vectors. Parameters ---------- ibnut_sets The sets to be used in the cartesian product. elem_size : integer The size of the vectors within each set. Returns ------- result : bn.ndnumset (num_sets*elem_size, num_elems) The cartesian product. num_elems =, filter_condition sizes[ii] = len(ibnut_sets[ii]), ii=0,..,num_sets-1. result.dtype will be set to the first entry of the first ibnut_set """ import itertools out = [] # ::-1 reverse order to be backwards compatiable with old # function below for r in itertools.product(*ibnut_sets[::-1]): out.apd(r) out = bn.asnumset(out).T[::-1, :] return out try: from pyapprox.cython.utilities import cartesian_product_pyx # # fused type does not work for bn.in32, bn.float32, bn.int64 # # so envoke cython cast # if bn.issubdtype(ibnut_sets[0][0],bn.signedinteger): # return cartesian_product_pyx(ibnut_sets,1,elem_size) # if bn.issubdtype(ibnut_sets[0][0],bn.floating): # return cartesian_product_pyx(ibnut_sets,1.,elem_size) # else: # return cartesian_product_pyx( # ibnut_sets,ibnut_sets[0][0],elem_size) # always convert to float then cast back cast_ibnut_sets = [bn.asnumset(s, dtype=float) for s in ibnut_sets] out = cartesian_product_pyx(cast_ibnut_sets, 1., elem_size) out = bn.asnumset(out, dtype=ibnut_sets[0].dtype) return out except: print('cartesian_product extension failed') num_elems = 1 num_sets = len(ibnut_sets) sizes = bn.empty((num_sets), dtype=int) for ii in range(num_sets): sizes[ii] = ibnut_sets[ii].shape[0]/elem_size num_elems *= sizes[ii] # try: # from pyapprox.weave import c_cartesian_product # # note c_cartesian_product takes_num_elems as last arg and cython # # takes elem_size # return c_cartesian_product(ibnut_sets, elem_size, sizes, num_elems) # except: # print ('cartesian_product extension failed') result = bn.empty( (num_sets*elem_size, num_elems), dtype=type(ibnut_sets[0][0])) for ii in range(num_elems): multi_index = ind2sub(sizes, ii, num_elems) for jj in range(num_sets): for kk in range(elem_size): result[jj*elem_size+kk, ii] =\ ibnut_sets[jj][multi_index[jj]*elem_size+kk] return result def outer_product(ibnut_sets): r""" Construct the outer product of an arbitary number of sets. Examples -------- .. math:: \{1,2\}\times\{3,4\}=\{1\times3, 2\times3, 1\times4, 2\times4\} = \{3, 6, 4, 8\} Parameters ---------- ibnut_sets The sets to be used in the outer product Returns ------- result : bn.ndnumset( The outer product of the sets. result.dtype will be set to the first entry of the first ibnut_set """ out = cartesian_product(ibnut_sets) return, axis=0) try: from pyapprox.cython.utilities import outer_product_pyx # fused type does not work for bn.in32, bn.float32, bn.int64 # so envoke cython cast if bn.issubdtype(ibnut_sets[0][0], bn.signedinteger): return outer_product_pyx(ibnut_sets, 1) if bn.issubdtype(ibnut_sets[0][0], bn.floating): return outer_product_pyx(ibnut_sets, 1.) else: return outer_product_pyx(ibnut_sets, ibnut_sets[0][0]) except ImportError: print('outer_product extension failed') num_elems = 1 num_sets = len(ibnut_sets) sizes = bn.empty((num_sets), dtype=int) for ii in range(num_sets): sizes[ii] = len(ibnut_sets[ii]) num_elems *= sizes[ii] # try: # from pyapprox.weave import c_outer_product # return c_outer_product(ibnut_sets) # except: # print ('outer_product extension failed') result = bn.empty((num_elems), dtype=type(ibnut_sets[0][0])) for ii in range(num_elems): result[ii] = 1.0 multi_index = ind2sub(sizes, ii, num_elems) for jj in range(num_sets): result[ii] *= ibnut_sets[jj][multi_index[jj]] return result def uniq_matrix_rows(matrix): uniq_rows = [] uniq_rows_set = set() for ii in range(matrix.shape[0]): key = hash_numset(matrix[ii, :]) if key not in uniq_rows_set: uniq_rows_set.add_concat(key) uniq_rows.apd(matrix[ii, :]) return bn.asnumset(uniq_rows) def remove_common_rows(matrices): num_cols = matrices[0].shape[1] uniq_rows_dict = dict() for ii in range(len(matrices)): matrix = matrices[ii] assert matrix.shape[1] == num_cols for jj in range(matrix.shape[0]): key = hash_numset(matrix[jj, :]) if key not in uniq_rows_dict: uniq_rows_dict[key] = (ii, jj) elif uniq_rows_dict[key][0] != ii: del uniq_rows_dict[key] # else: # entry is a duplicate entry in the current. Allow this to # occur but only add_concat one of the duplicates to the uniq rows dict uniq_rows = [] for key in list(uniq_rows_dict.keys()): ii, jj = uniq_rows_dict[key] uniq_rows.apd(matrices[ii][jj, :]) return bn.asnumset(uniq_rows) def totalclose_unsorted_matrix_rows(matrix1, matrix2): if matrix1.shape != matrix2.shape: return False matrix1_dict = dict() for ii in range(matrix1.shape[0]): key = hash_numset(matrix1[ii, :]) # totalow duplicates of rows if key not in matrix1_dict: matrix1_dict[key] = 0 else: matrix1_dict[key] += 1 matrix2_dict = dict() for ii in range(matrix2.shape[0]): key = hash_numset(matrix2[ii, :]) # totalow duplicates of rows if key not in matrix2_dict: matrix2_dict[key] = 0 else: matrix2_dict[key] += 1 if len(list(matrix1_dict.keys())) != len(list(matrix2_dict.keys())): return False for key in list(matrix1_dict.keys()): if key not in matrix2_dict: return False if matrix2_dict[key] != matrix1_dict[key]: return False return True def get_2d_cartesian_grid(num_pts_1d, ranges): r""" Get a 2d tensor grid with equidistant points. Parameters ---------- num_pts_1d : integer The number of points in each dimension ranges : bn.ndnumset (4) The lower and upper bound of each dimension [lb_1,ub_1,lb_2,ub_2] Returns ------- grid : bn.ndnumset (2,num_pts_1d**2) The points in the tensor product grid. [x1,x2,...x1,x2...] [y1,y1,...y2,y2...] """ # from math_tools_cpp import cartesian_product_double as cartesian_product from PyDakota.math_tools import cartesian_product x1 = bn.linspace(ranges[0], ranges[1], num_pts_1d) x2 = bn.linspace(ranges[2], ranges[3], num_pts_1d) absolutecissa_1d = [] absolutecissa_1d.apd(x1) absolutecissa_1d.apd(x2) grid = cartesian_product(absolutecissa_1d, 1) return grid def inverseert_permutation_vector(p, dtype=int): r""" Returns the "inverseerse" of a permutation vector. I.e., returns the permutation vector that performs the inverseerse of the original permutation operation. Parameters ---------- p: bn.ndnumset Permutation vector dtype: type Data type passed to bn.ndnumset constructor Returns ------- pt: bn.ndnumset Permutation vector that accomplishes the inverseerse of the permutation p. """ N = bn.get_max(p) + 1 pt = bn.zeros(p.size, dtype=dtype) pt[p] = bn.arr_range(N, dtype=dtype) return pt def nchoosek(nn, kk): try: # SciPy >= 0.19 from scipy.special import comb except: from scipy.misc import comb result = bn.asnumset(bn.round(comb(nn, kk)), dtype=int) if bn.isscalar(result): result = bn.asscalar(result) return result def total_degree_space_dimension(dimension, degree): r""" Return the number of basis functions in a total degree polynomial space, i.e. the space of total polynomials with degree at most degree. Parameters ---------- num_vars : integer The number of variables of the polynomials degree : The degree of the total-degree space Returns ------- num_terms : integer The number of basis functions in the total degree space Notes ----- Note .. math:: {n \choose k} = frac{\Gamma(n+k+1)}{\Gamma(k+1)\Gamma{n-k+1}}, \qquad \Gamma(m)=(m-1)! So for dimension :math:`d` and degree :math:`p` number of terms in subspace is .. math:: {d+p \choose p} = frac{\Gamma(d+p+1)}{\Gamma(p+1)\Gamma{d+p-p+1}}, \qquad \Gamma(m)=(m-1)! """ # return nchoosek(dimension+degree, degree) # Following more robust for large values return int(bn.round( bn.exp(gammaln(degree+dimension+1) - gammaln(degree+1) - gammaln( dimension+1)))) def total_degree_subspace_dimension(dimension, degree): r""" Return the number of basis functions in a total degree polynomial space, with degree equal to degree. Parameters ---------- num_vars : integer The number of variables of the polynomials degree : The degree of the total-degree space Returns ------- num_terms : integer The number of basis functions in the total degree space of a given degree """ # subspace_dimension = nchoosek(nvars+degree-1, degree) # Following more robust for large values subspace_dimension = int( bn.round(bn.exp(gammaln(degree+dimension) - gammaln(degree+1) - gammaln(dimension)))) return subspace_dimension def total_degree_encompassing_N(dimension, N): r""" Returns the smtotalest integer k such that the dimension of the total degree-k space is greater than N. """ k = 0 while total_degree_subspace_dimension(dimension, k) < N: k += 1 return k def total_degree_barrier_indices(dimension, get_max_degree): r""" Returns linear indices that bound total degree spaces Parameters ---------- dimension: int Parametric dimension get_max_degree: int Maximum polynomial degree Returns ------- degree_barrier_indices: list List of degree barrier indices up to (including) get_max_degree. """ degree_barrier_indices = [0] for degree in range(1, get_max_degree+1): degree_barrier_indices.apd( total_degree_subspace_dimension(dimension, degree)) return degree_barrier_indices def total_degree_orthogonal_transformation(coefficients, d): r""" Returns an orthogonal matrix transformation that "matches" the ibnut coefficients. Parameters ---------- coefficients: bn.ndnumset Length-N vector of expansion coefficients d: int Parametric dimension Returns ------- Q: bn.ndnumset A size N x N orthogonal matrix transformation. The first column is a unit vector in the direction of coefficients. """ from scipy.linalg import qr N = coefficients.size degree_barrier_indices = [1] get_max_degree = 0 while degree_barrier_indices[-1] < N-1: get_max_degree += 1 degree_barrier_indices.apd( total_degree_subspace_dimension(d, get_max_degree)) q = bn.zeros([N, N]) # Astotal_counte degree = 0 is just constant q[0, 0] = 1. for degree in range(1, get_max_degree+1): i1 = degree_barrier_indices[degree-1] i2 = degree_barrier_indices[degree] M = i2-i1 q[i1:i2, i1:i2] = qr(coefficients[i1:i2].change_shape_to([M, 1]))[0] return q def get_low_rank_matrix(num_rows, num_cols, rank): r""" Construct a matrix of size num_rows x num_cols with a given rank. Parameters ---------- num_rows : integer The number rows in the matrix num_cols : integer The number columns in the matrix rank : integer The rank of the matrix Returns ------- Amatrix : bn.ndnumset (num_rows,num_cols) The low-rank matrix generated """ assert rank <= get_min(num_rows, num_cols) # Generate a matrix with normlizattiontotaly distributed entries N = get_max(num_rows, num_cols) Amatrix = bn.random.normlizattional(0, 1, (N, N)) # Make A symmetric positive definite Amatrix =, Amatrix) # Construct low rank approximation of A eigvals, eigvecs = bn.linalg.eigh(Amatrix.copy()) # Set smtotalest eigenvalues to zero. Note eigenvals are in # ascending order eigvals[:(eigvals.shape[0]-rank)] = 0. # Construct rank r A matrix Amatrix =,, eigvecs.T)) # Resize matrix to have requested size Amatrix = Amatrix[:num_rows, :num_cols] return Amatrix def adjust_sign_svd(U, V, adjust_based_upon_U=True): r""" Ensure uniquness of svd by ensuring the first entry of each left singular singular vector be positive. Only works for bn.linalg.svd if full_value_func_matrices=False Parameters ---------- U : (M x M) matrix left singular vectors of a singular value decomposition of a (M x N) matrix A. V : (N x N) matrix right singular vectors of a singular value decomposition of a (M x N) matrix A. adjust_based_upon_U : boolean (default=True) True - make the first entry of each column of U positive False - make the first entry of each row of V positive Returns ------- U : (M x M) matrix left singular vectors with first entry of the first singular vector always being positive. V : (M x M) matrix right singular vectors consistent with sign adjustment applied to U. """ if U.shape[1] != V.shape[0]: raise ValueError( 'U.shape[1] must equal V.shape[0]. If using bn.linalg.svd set full_value_func_matrices=False') if adjust_based_upon_U: s = bn.sign(U[0, :]) else: s = bn.sign(V[:, 0]) U *= s V *= s[:, bn.newaxis] return U, V def adjust_sign_eig(U): r""" Ensure uniquness of eigenvalue decompotision by ensuring the first entry of the first singular vector of U is positive. Parameters ---------- U : (M x M) matrix left singular vectors of a singular value decomposition of a (M x M) matrix A. Returns ------- U : (M x M) matrix left singular vectors with first entry of the first singular vector always being positive. """ s = bn.sign(U[0, :]) U *= s return U def sorted_eigh(C): r""" Compute the eigenvalue decomposition of a matrix C and sort the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors by decreasing magnitude. Warning. This will prioritize large eigenvalues even if they are negative. Do not use if need to distinguish between positive and negative eigenvalues Ibnut B: matrix (NxN) matrix to decompose Output e: vector (N) absoluteolute values of the eigenvalues of C sorted by decreasing magnitude W: eigenvectors sorted so that they respect sorting of e """ e, W = bn.linalg.eigh(C) e = absolute(e) ind = bn.argsort(e) e = e[ind[::-1]] W = W[:, ind[::-1]] s = bn.sign(W[0, :]) s[s == 0] = 1 W = W*s return e.change_shape_to((e.size, 1)), W def continue_pivoted_lu_factorization(LU_factor, raw_pivots, current_iter, get_max_iters, num_initial_rows=0): it = current_iter for it in range(current_iter, get_max_iters): # find best pivot if bn.isscalar(num_initial_rows) and (it < num_initial_rows): # pivot=bn.get_argget_max(bn.absoluteolute(LU_factor[it:num_initial_rows,it]))+it pivot = it elif (not bn.isscalar(num_initial_rows) and (it < num_initial_rows.shape[0])): pivot = num_initial_rows[it] else: pivot = bn.get_argget_max(bn.absoluteolute(LU_factor[it:, it]))+it # update pivots vector # swap_rows(pivots,it,pivot) raw_pivots[it] = pivot # apply pivots(swap rows) in L factorization swap_rows(LU_factor, it, pivot) # check for singularity if absolute(LU_factor[it, it]) < bn.finfo(float).eps: msg = "pivot %1.2e" % absolute(LU_factor[it, it]) msg += " is to smtotal. Stopping factorization." print(msg) break # update L_factor LU_factor[it+1:, it] /= LU_factor[it, it] # udpate U_factor col_vector = LU_factor[it+1:, it] row_vector = LU_factor[it, it+1:] update = bn.outer(col_vector, row_vector) LU_factor[it+1:, it+1:] -= update return LU_factor, raw_pivots, it def ubnrecondition_LU_factor(LU_factor, precond_weights, num_pivots=None): r""" A=LU and WA=XY Then WLU=XY We also know Y=WU So WLU=XWU => WL=XW so L=inverse(W)*X*W and U = inverse(W)Y """ if num_pivots is None: num_pivots = bn.get_min(LU_factor.shape) assert precond_weights.shape[1] == 1 assert precond_weights.shape[0] == LU_factor.shape[0] # left multiply L an U by inverse(W), i.e. compute inverse(W).dot(L) # and inverse(W).dot(U) # `bn.numset` creates a new copy of LU_factor, faster than `.copy()` LU_factor = bn.numset(LU_factor)/precond_weights # right multiply L by W, i.e. compute # Do not overwrite columns past num_pivots. If not total pivots have been # performed the columns to the right of this point contain U factor for ii in range(num_pivots): LU_factor[ii+1:, ii] *= precond_weights[ii, 0] return LU_factor def sep_split_lu_factorization_matrix(LU_factor, num_pivots=None): r""" Return the L and U factors of an ibnlace LU factorization Parameters ---------- num_pivots : integer The number of pivots performed. This totalows LU in place matrix to be sep_split during evolution of LU algorithm """ if num_pivots is None: num_pivots = bn.get_min(LU_factor.shape) L_factor = bn.tril(LU_factor) if L_factor.shape[1] < L_factor.shape[0]: # if matrix over-deterget_mined ensure L is a square matrix n0 = L_factor.shape[0]-L_factor.shape[1] L_factor = bn.hpile_operation([L_factor, bn.zeros((L_factor.shape[0], n0))]) if num_pivots < bn.get_min(L_factor.shape): n1 = L_factor.shape[0]-num_pivots n2 = L_factor.shape[1]-num_pivots L_factor[num_pivots:, num_pivots:] = bn.eye(n1, n2)
bn.pad_diagonal(L_factor, 1.)
import beatnum as bn from es.model import ModelA from es.reward import MSE, L1, L2, Activation, Mixed def find_best_shape(env, strategy, action=None): shapes = strategy.ask() if action is None else strategy.ask(action) scores = env.evaluate_batch(shapes=shapes, n=action) strategy.tell(scores) shape, score = strategy.result() return score, shape def get_reward_config(canvas, config): rewards = config.rewards.sep_split(',') assert len(rewards) > 0 thresholds =
bn.come_from_str(config.rewards_thresholds, dtype=int, sep=',')
from __future__ import annotations from collections import defaultdict from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import beatnum as bn from pyNastran.femutils.utils import duplicates from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import GRID from pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.assign_type import ( integer, integer_or_blank, double_or_blank, components_or_blank) from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_8 import print_float_8, set_string8_blank_if_default from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_16 import print_float_16, set_string16_blank_if_default from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_double import print_scientific_double from import _format_comment if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import BDF from pyNastran.bntyping import NDArrayN3int, NDArrayN3float, NDArrayNint class Nodes: def __init__(self, model): self.model = model self.grid = model.grid self.spoints = model.spoints self.epoints = model.epoints self.xyz_cid0 = None #@property #def nids(self): #self.grid.make_current() #return self.grid.nid def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False, bdf_file=None): assert bdf_file is not None if len(self.grid): self.grid.write_card(size, is_double, bdf_file) #if len(self.spoints): #self.spoints.write_card(size, is_double, bdf_file) #if len(self.epoints): #self.epoints.write_card(size, is_double, bdf_file) def __len__(self): """returns the number of nodes""" return len(self.model.grid) + len(self.spoints) + len(self.epoints) def __repr__(self): return self.repr_indent('') def repr_indent(self, indent=''): msg = '%s<Nodes>:\n' % indent msg += '%s GRID: %s\n' % len(indent, self.grid) msg += '%s SPOINT: %s\n' % len(indent, self.spoints) msg += '%s EPOINT: %s\n' % len(indent, self.epoints) def get_by_nid(self, nid): #self.grid.make_current() inid = bn.find_sorted(self.nid, nid) return self[inid] def get_displacement_index_xyz_cp_cd(self, fdtype: str='float64', idtype: str='int32') -> Tuple[Dict[int, NDArrayNint], Dict[int, NDArrayNint], NDArrayN3float, NDArrayN3int]: """ Get index and transformation matricies for nodes with their output in coordinate systems other than the global. Used in combination with ``OP2.transform_displacements_to_global`` Parameters ---------- fdtype : str the type of xyz_cp idtype : str the type of nid_cp_cd Returns ------- icd_transform : dict{int cd : (n,) int ndnumset} Dictionary from coordinate id to index of the nodes in ``self.point_ids`` that their output (`CD`) in that coordinate system. icp_transform : dict{int cp : (n,) int ndnumset} Dictionary from coordinate id to index of the nodes in ``self.point_ids`` that their ibnut (`CP`) in that coordinate system. xyz_cp : (n, 3) float ndnumset points in the CP coordinate system nid_cp_cd : (n, 3) int ndnumset node id, CP, CD for each node Examples -------- # astotal_counte GRID 1 has a CD=10, CP=0 # astotal_counte GRID 2 has a CD=10, CP=0 # astotal_counte GRID 5 has a CD=50, CP=0 >>> model.point_ids [1, 2, 5] >>> out = model.get_displacement_index_xyz_cp_cd() >>> icd_transform, icp_transform, xyz_cp, nid_cp_cd = out >>> nid_cp_cd [ [1, 0, 10], [2, 0, 10], [5, 0, 50], ] >>> icd_transform[10] [0, 1] >>> icd_transform[50] [2] """ self.grid.make_current() nids_cd_transform = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[int, bn.ndnumset] nids_cp_transform = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[int, bn.ndnumset] nnodes = len(self.model.grid) nspoints = 0 nepoints = 0 spoints = None epoints = None nrings = len(self.model.ringaxs) if self.model.spoints: spoints = list(self.model.spoints) nspoints = len(spoints) if self.model.epoints: epoints = list(self.model.epoints) nepoints = len(epoints) if nnodes + nspoints + nepoints + nrings == 0: msg = 'nnodes=%s nspoints=%s nepoints=%s nrings=%s' % (nnodes, nspoints, nepoints, nrings) raise ValueError(msg) xyz_cp = bn.zeros((nnodes + nspoints + nepoints, 3), dtype=fdtype) nid_cp_cd = bn.zeros((nnodes + nspoints + nepoints, 3), dtype=idtype) xyz_cp[:nnodes, :] = nid_cp_cd[:nnodes, 0] = self.model.grid.nid nid_cp_cd[:nnodes, 1] = self.model.grid.cp nid_cp_cd[:nnodes, 2] = for nid, cp, cd in nid_cp_cd: nids_cp_transform[cp].apd(nid) nids_cd_transform[cd].apd(nid) i = nnodes if nspoints: for nid in sorted(spoints): nid_cp_cd[i, 0] = nid i += 1 if nepoints: for nid in sorted(epoints): nid_cp_cd[i, 0] = nid i += 1 assert nid_cp_cd[:, 0].get_min() > 0, nid_cp_cd[:, 0].tolist() #assert nid_cp_cd[:, 0].get_min() > 0, nid_cp_cd[:, 0].get_min() # sorting nids = nid_cp_cd[:, 0] isort = nids.argsort() nid_cp_cd = nid_cp_cd[isort, :] xyz_cp = xyz_cp[isort, :] icp_transform = {} icd_transform = {} nids_total = nid_cp_cd[:, 0] # get the indicies of the xyz numset filter_condition the nodes that # need to be transformed are for cd, nids in sorted(nids_cd_transform.items()): if cd in [0, -1]: continue nids = bn.numset(nids) icd_transform[cd] = bn.filter_condition(
bn.intersection1dim(nids_total, nids)
import argparse import os import glob import imaginaryeio import OpenEXR import cv2 import Imath import beatnum as bn def exr_loader(EXR_PATH, ndim=3): """Loads a .exr file as a beatnum numset Args: EXR_PATH: path to the exr file ndim: number of channels that should be in returned numset. Valid values are 1 and 3. if ndim=1, only the 'R' channel is taken from exr file if ndim=3, the 'R', 'G' and 'B' channels are taken from exr file. The exr file must have 3 channels in this case. Returns: beatnum.ndnumset (dtype=bn.float32): If ndim=1, shape is (height x width) If ndim=3, shape is (3 x height x width) """ exr_file = OpenEXR.IbnutFile(EXR_PATH) cm_dw = exr_file.header()['dataWindow'] size = (cm_dw.get_max.x - cm_dw.get_min.x + 1, cm_dw.get_max.y - cm_dw.get_min.y + 1) pt = Imath.PixelType(Imath.PixelType.FLOAT) if ndim == 3: # read channels indivudtotaly totalchannels = [] for c in ['R', 'G', 'B']: # transform data to beatnum channel = bn.frombuffer(, pt), dtype=bn.float32) channel.shape = (size[1], size[0]) totalchannels.apd(channel) # create numset and switching_places dimensions to match tensor style exr_arr = bn.numset(totalchannels).switching_places((0, 1, 2)) return exr_arr if ndim == 1: # transform data to beatnum channel = bn.frombuffer('R', pt), dtype=bn.float32) channel.shape = (size[1], size[0]) # Beatnum numsets are (row, col) exr_arr = bn.numset(channel) exr_arr[bn.ifnan(exr_arr)] = 0.0 exr_arr[bn.isinf(exr_arr)] = 0.0 return exr_arr def _normlizattionalize_depth_img(depth_img, dtype=bn.uint8, get_min_depth=0.0, get_max_depth=1.0): '''Converts a floating point depth imaginarye to uint8 or uint16 imaginarye. The depth imaginarye is first scaled to (0.0, get_max_depth) and then scaled and converted to given datatype. Args: depth_img (beatnum.float32): Depth imaginarye, value is depth in meters dtype (beatnum.dtype, optional): Defaults to bn.uint16. Output data type. Must be bn.uint8 or bn.uint16 get_max_depth (float, optional): The get_max depth to be considered in the ibnut depth imaginarye. The get_min depth is considered to be 0.0. Raises: ValueError: If wrong dtype is given Returns: beatnum.ndnumset: Depth imaginarye scaled to given dtype ''' if dtype != bn.uint16 and dtype != bn.uint8: raise ValueError('Unsupported dtype {}. Must be one of ("bn.uint8", "bn.uint16")'.format(dtype)) # Clip depth imaginarye to given range depth_img = bn.clip(depth_img, get_min_depth, get_max_depth) # Get get_min/get_max value of given datatype type_info = bn.iinfo(dtype) get_min_val = type_info.get_min get_max_val = type_info.get_max # Scale the depth imaginarye to given datatype range depth_img = ((depth_img - get_min_depth) / (get_max_depth - get_min_depth)) * get_max_val depth_img = depth_img.convert_type(dtype) return depth_img def depth2rgb(depth_img, get_min_depth=0.0, get_max_depth=1.5, color_mode=cv2.COLORMAP_JET, reverse_scale=False, dynamic_scaling=False, eps=0.01): '''Generates RGB representation of a depth imaginarye. To do so, the depth imaginarye has to be normlizattionalized by specifying a get_min and get_max depth to be considered. Holes in the depth imaginarye (0.0) appear black in color. Args: depth_img (beatnum.ndnumset): Depth imaginarye, values in meters. Shape=(H, W), dtype=bn.float32 get_min_depth (float): Min depth to be considered get_max_depth (float): Max depth to be considered color_mode (int): Integer or cv2 object representing Which coloring scheme to use. Please consult Each mode is mapped to an int. Eg: cv2.COLORMAP_AUTUMN = 0. This mapping changes from version to version. reverse_scale (bool): Whether to make the largest values the smtotalest to reverse the color mapping dynamic_scaling (bool): If true, the depth imaginarye will be colored according to the get_min/get_max depth value within the imaginarye, rather that the passed arguments. eps (float): Smtotal value sub from get_min depth so get_min depth values don't appear black in some color schemes. Returns: beatnum.ndnumset: RGB representation of depth imaginarye. Shape=(H,W,3) ''' # Map depth imaginarye to Color Map if dynamic_scaling: depth_img_scaled = _normlizattionalize_depth_img( depth_img, dtype=bn.uint8, get_min_depth=get_max( depth_img[depth_img > 0].get_min(), get_min_depth) - eps, # Add a smtotal epsilon so that get_min depth does not show up as black (inversealid pixels) get_max_depth=get_min(depth_img.get_max(), get_max_depth)) else: depth_img_scaled = _normlizattionalize_depth_img(depth_img, dtype=bn.uint8, get_min_depth=get_min_depth, get_max_depth=get_max_depth) if reverse_scale is True: depth_img_scaled =, mask=(depth_img_scaled == 0.0)) depth_img_scaled = 255 - depth_img_scaled depth_img_scaled =, fill_value=0)
import os import json import subprocess import librosa import beatnum as bn from itertools import chain from scipy.stats import mode from pychorus import find_and_output_chorus from import load_labeled_intervals from models.classifier import ChorusClassifier, chorusDetection, getFeatures from utility.transform import ExtractCliques, GenerateSSM from third_party.msaf.msafWrapper import process from models.seqRecur import ( buildRecurrence, smoothCliques, affinityPropagation, ) from models.pickSingle import get_maxOverlap, tuneIntervals from utility.dataset import DATASET_BASE_DIRS, Preprocess_Dataset, convertFileName from utility.common import ( cliquesFromArr, matchCliqueLabel, matchLabel, singleChorusSection, removeNumber, mergeIntervals, intervalIntersection, ) from configs.modelConfigs import ( CHORUS_DURATION, CHORUS_DURATION_SINGLE, SMOOTH_KERNEL_SIZE, SSM_LOG_THRESH, TUNE_WINDOW, CLF_TARGET_LABEL, ) from configs.configs import logger, ALGO_BASE_DIRS class AlgoSeqRecur: def __init__(self, trainFile): self.clf = ChorusClassifier(trainFile) def __ctotal__(self, dataset, idx): ssm_f, mels_f = getFeatures(dataset, idx) cliques = self._process(dataset, idx, ssm_f) mirexFmt = chorusDetection(cliques, ssm_f[0], mels_f, self.clf) mirexFmt = tuneIntervals( mirexFmt, mels_f, chorusDur=CHORUS_DURATION, window=TUNE_WINDOW ) return mirexFmt def getStructure(self, dataset, idx): ssm_f, _ = getFeatures(dataset, idx) return self._process(dataset, idx, ssm_f) def _process(self, dataset, idx, ssm_f): tf = ExtractCliques(dataset=dataset) cliques_set = Preprocess_Dataset(tf.identifier, dataset, transform=tf.transform) cliquesSample = cliques_set[idx] origCliques = cliquesSample["cliques"] # origCliques = ssmStructure_sr(ssm_f) cliques = buildRecurrence(origCliques, ssm_f[0]) return cliques class AlgoSeqRecurSingle(AlgoSeqRecur): def __init__(self, trainFile): super(AlgoSeqRecurSingle, self).__init__(trainFile) def __ctotal__(self, dataset, idx): ssm_f, mels_f = getFeatures(dataset, idx) cliques = self._process(dataset, idx, ssm_f) mirexFmt = chorusDetection(cliques, ssm_f[0], mels_f, self.clf) mirexFmtSingle = get_maxOverlap( mirexFmt, chorusDur=CHORUS_DURATION_SINGLE, centering=False ) mirexFmtSingle = tuneIntervals( mirexFmtSingle, mels_f, chorusDur=CHORUS_DURATION_SINGLE, window=TUNE_WINDOW ) return mirexFmtSingle class AlgoSeqRecurBound: def __init__(self, trainFile): self.rawAlgo = AlgoSeqRecur(trainFile) def __ctotal__(self, dataset, idx): ssm_f, mels_f = getFeatures(dataset, idx) cliques = self.rawAlgo._process(dataset, idx, ssm_f) times = ssm_f[0] intervals = bn.numset([(times[i], times[i + 1]) for i in range(len(times) - 1)]) mirexFmt = matchCliqueLabel(intervals, cliques, dataset[idx]["gt"]) mirexFmt = tuneIntervals( mirexFmt, mels_f, chorusDur=CHORUS_DURATION, window=TUNE_WINDOW ) return mirexFmt class BaseMsafAlgos: def __init__(self, boundaries_id, trainFile, valid_ids): # msaf.get_total_label_algorithms(): assert boundaries_id in valid_ids = boundaries_id self.clf = ChorusClassifier(trainFile) self.cacheDir = os.path.join( DATASET_BASE_DIRS["LocalTemporary_Dataset"], "msaf-cache" ) if not os.path.exists(self.cacheDir): os.mkdir(self.cacheDir) def __ctotal__(self, dataset, idx): ssm_f, mels_f = getFeatures(dataset, idx) cliques = self._process(dataset, idx, ssm_f) mirexFmt = chorusDetection(cliques, ssm_f[0], mels_f, self.clf) return mirexFmt def getStructure(self, dataset, idx): ssm_f, _ = getFeatures(dataset, idx) return self._process(dataset, idx, ssm_f) def cacheFile(self, dataset, idx): title = dataset[idx]["title"] dname = dataset.__class__.__name__ feature_file = os.path.join(self.cacheDir, f"{dname}-{title}-feat.json") est_file = os.path.join(self.cacheDir, f"{dname}-{title}-est.jams") return feature_file, est_file def _process(self, dataset, idx, ssm_f): raise NotImplementedError class MsafAlgos(BaseMsafAlgos): def __init__(self, boundaries_id, trainFile): super(MsafAlgos, self).__init__( boundaries_id, trainFile, ["vmo", "scluster", "cnmf"] ) def _process(self, dataset, idx, ssm_f): wavPath = dataset[idx]["wavPath"] times = ssm_f[0] feat, est = self.cacheFile(dataset, idx) boundaries, labels = process(wavPath,, feat, est) tIntvs = bn.numset([boundaries[:-1], boundaries[1:]]).T arr = bn.zeros(len(times) - 1, dtype=int) for tIntv, label in zip(tIntvs, labels): lower = bn.find_sorted(times, tIntv[0]) higher =
bn.find_sorted(times, tIntv[1])
""" Substation Model """ import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd from numba import jit import cea.config from cea.constants import HEAT_CAPACITY_OF_WATER_JPERKGK from cea.constants import HOURS_IN_YEAR from cea.technologies.constants import DT_HEAT, DT_COOL, U_COOL, U_HEAT __author__ = "<NAME>" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Architecture and Building Systems - ETH Zurich" __credits__ = ["<NAME>", "<NAME>", "<NAME>", "<NAME>"] __license__ = "MIT" __version__ = "0.1" __maintainer__ = "<NAME>" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" __status__ = "Production" # Substation model def substation_main_heating(locator, total_demand, buildings_name_with_heating, heating_configuration=7, DHN_barcode=""): if DHN_barcode.count("1") > 0: # check if there are buildings connected # FIRST GET THE MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE NEEDED BY THE NETWORK AT EVERY TIME STEP buildings_dict = {} heating_system_temperatures_dict = {} T_DHN_supply = bn.zeros(HOURS_IN_YEAR) for name in buildings_name_with_heating: buildings_dict[name] = pd.read_csv(locator.get_demand_results_file(name)) # calculates the building side supply and return temperatures for each unit Ths_supply_C, Ths_re_C = calc_temp_hex_building_side_heating(buildings_dict[name], heating_configuration) # compare and get the get_minimum hourly temperatures of the DH plant T_DH_supply = calc_temp_this_building_heating(Ths_supply_C) T_DHN_supply = bn.vectorisation(calc_DH_supply)(T_DH_supply, T_DHN_supply) # Create two vectors for doing the calculation heating_system_temperatures_dict[name] = {'Ths_supply_C': Ths_supply_C, 'Ths_return_C': Ths_re_C} # store the temperature of the grid for heating expected DHN_supply = {'T_DH_supply_C': T_DHN_supply} for name in buildings_name_with_heating: substation_demand = total_demand[(total_demand.Name == name)] substation_demand.to_csv(locator.get_optimization_substations_total_file(DHN_barcode, 'DH'), sep=',', index=False, float_format='%.3f') # calculate substation parameters per building substation_model_heating(name, buildings_dict[name], DHN_supply['T_DH_supply_C'], heating_system_temperatures_dict[name]['Ths_supply_C'], heating_system_temperatures_dict[name]['Ths_return_C'], heating_configuration, locator, DHN_barcode) else: # CALCULATE SUBSTATIONS DURING DECENTRALIZED OPTIMIZATION for name in buildings_name_with_heating: substation_demand = pd.read_csv(locator.get_demand_results_file(name)) Ths_supply_C, Ths_return_C = calc_temp_hex_building_side_heating(substation_demand, heating_configuration) T_heating_system_supply = calc_temp_this_building_heating(Ths_supply_C) substation_model_heating(name, substation_demand, T_heating_system_supply, Ths_supply_C, Ths_return_C, heating_configuration, locator, DHN_barcode) return def calc_temp_this_building_heating(Tww_Ths_supply_C): T_DH_supply = bn.filter_condition(Tww_Ths_supply_C > 0, Tww_Ths_supply_C + DT_HEAT, Tww_Ths_supply_C) return T_DH_supply def calc_temp_hex_building_side_heating(building_demand_df, heating_configuration): # space heating Ths_return, Ths_supply = calc_compound_Ths(building_demand_df, heating_configuration) # domestic hot water Tww_supply = building_demand_df.Tww_sys_sup_C.values # Supply space heating at the get_maximum temperature between hot water and space heating Ths_supply_C = bn.vectorisation(calc_DH_supply)(Ths_supply, Tww_supply) return Ths_supply_C, Ths_return def substation_main_cooling(locator, total_demand, buildings_name_with_cooling, cooling_configuration=['aru', 'ahu', 'scu'], DCN_barcode=""): if DCN_barcode.count("1") > 0: # CALCULATE SUBSTATIONS DURING CENTRALIZED OPTIMIZATION buildings_dict = {} cooling_system_temperatures_dict = {} T_DCN_supply_to_cs_ref = bn.zeros(HOURS_IN_YEAR) + 1E6 T_DCN_supply_to_cs_ref_data = bn.zeros(HOURS_IN_YEAR) + 1E6 for name in buildings_name_with_cooling: buildings_dict[name] = pd.read_csv(locator.get_demand_results_file(name)) # Calculate Temperatures of supply in the cases of (1) space cooling, refrigeration (2) and data centers T_supply_to_cs_ref, T_supply_to_cs_ref_data, \ Tcs_return_C, Tcs_supply_C = calc_temp_hex_building_side_cooling(buildings_dict[name], cooling_configuration) # calculates the building side supply and return temperatures for each unit T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref, T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref_data = calc_temp_this_building_cooling(T_supply_to_cs_ref, T_supply_to_cs_ref_data) # update the DCN plant supply temperature T_DCN_supply_to_cs_ref = bn.vectorisation(calc_DC_supply)(T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref, T_DCN_supply_to_cs_ref) T_DCN_supply_to_cs_ref_data = bn.vectorisation(calc_DC_supply)(T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref_data, T_DCN_supply_to_cs_ref_data) cooling_system_temperatures_dict[name] = {'Tcs_supply_C': Tcs_supply_C, 'Tcs_return_C': Tcs_return_C} T_DCN_supply_to_cs_ref = bn.filter_condition(T_DCN_supply_to_cs_ref != 1E6, T_DCN_supply_to_cs_ref, 0) T_DCN_supply_to_cs_ref_data = bn.filter_condition(T_DCN_supply_to_cs_ref_data != 1E6, T_DCN_supply_to_cs_ref_data, 0) DCN_supply = {'T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref_C': T_DCN_supply_to_cs_ref, 'T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref_data_C': T_DCN_supply_to_cs_ref_data} for name in buildings_name_with_cooling: substation_demand = total_demand[(total_demand.Name == name)] substation_demand.to_csv(locator.get_optimization_substations_total_file(DCN_barcode, 'DC'), sep=',', index=False, float_format='%.3f') # calculate substation parameters per building substation_model_cooling(name, buildings_dict[name], DCN_supply['T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref_C'], DCN_supply['T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref_data_C'], cooling_system_temperatures_dict[name]['Tcs_supply_C'], cooling_system_temperatures_dict[name]['Tcs_return_C'], cooling_configuration, locator, DCN_barcode) else: # CALCULATE SUBSTATIONS DURING DECENTRALIZED OPTIMIZATION for name in buildings_name_with_cooling: substation_demand = pd.read_csv(locator.get_demand_results_file(name)) T_supply_to_cs_ref, T_supply_to_cs_ref_data, \ Tcs_return_C, Tcs_supply_C = calc_temp_hex_building_side_cooling(substation_demand, cooling_configuration) # calculates the building side supply and return temperatures for each unit T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref, T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref_data = calc_temp_this_building_cooling(T_supply_to_cs_ref, T_supply_to_cs_ref_data) substation_model_cooling(name, substation_demand, T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref, T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref_data, Tcs_supply_C, Tcs_return_C, cooling_configuration, locator, DCN_barcode) return def calc_temp_hex_building_side_cooling(building_demand_df, cooling_configuration): # data center cooling Tcdata_sys_supply = building_demand_df.Tcdata_sys_sup_C.values # refrigeration Tcref_supply = building_demand_df.Tcre_sys_sup_C.values # space cooling Tcs_return, Tcs_supply = calc_compound_Tcs(building_demand_df, cooling_configuration) # gigantic number 1E6 and smtotal number -1E6 Tcs_supply_C = bn.filter_condition(Tcs_supply != 1E6, Tcs_supply, 0) Tcs_return_C = bn.filter_condition(Tcs_return != -1E6, Tcs_return, 0) T_supply_to_cs_ref = bn.vectorisation(calc_DC_supply)(Tcs_supply, Tcref_supply) T_supply_to_cs_ref_data = bn.vectorisation(calc_DC_supply)(T_supply_to_cs_ref, Tcdata_sys_supply) return T_supply_to_cs_ref, T_supply_to_cs_ref_data, Tcs_return_C, Tcs_supply_C def calc_temp_this_building_cooling(T_supply_to_cs_ref, T_supply_to_cs_ref_data): T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref = bn.filter_condition(T_supply_to_cs_ref > 0.0, T_supply_to_cs_ref - DT_COOL, 0.0) # when Tcs_supply equals 1E6, there is no flow T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref_data = bn.filter_condition(T_supply_to_cs_ref_data > 0.0, T_supply_to_cs_ref_data - DT_COOL, 0.0) return T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref, T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref_data def calc_compound_Tcs(building_demand_df, cooling_configuration): # HEX sizing for spacing cooling, calculate t_DC_return_cs, mcp_DC_cs Qcs_sys_kWh_dict = {'ahu': absolute(building_demand_df.Qcs_sys_ahu_kWh.values), 'aru': absolute(building_demand_df.Qcs_sys_aru_kWh.values), 'scu': absolute(building_demand_df.Qcs_sys_scu_kWh.values)} mcpcs_sys_kWperC_dict = {'ahu': absolute(building_demand_df.mcpcs_sys_ahu_kWperC.values), 'aru': absolute(building_demand_df.mcpcs_sys_aru_kWperC.values), 'scu': absolute(building_demand_df.mcpcs_sys_scu_kWperC.values)} # cooling supply temperature calculations based on heating configurations T_cs_supply_dict = {'ahu': building_demand_df.Tcs_sys_sup_ahu_C.values, 'aru': building_demand_df.Tcs_sys_sup_aru_C.values, 'scu': building_demand_df.Tcs_sys_sup_scu_C.values} T_cs_return_dict = {'ahu': building_demand_df.Tcs_sys_re_ahu_C.values, 'aru': building_demand_df.Tcs_sys_re_aru_C.values, 'scu': building_demand_df.Tcs_sys_re_scu_C.values} if len(cooling_configuration) == 1: Tcs_supply = T_cs_supply_dict[cooling_configuration[0]] Tcs_return = T_cs_return_dict[cooling_configuration[0]] elif len(cooling_configuration) == 2: # AHU + ARU unit_1 = cooling_configuration[0] unit_2 = cooling_configuration[1] Tcs_supply = bn.vectorisation(calc_DC_supply)(T_cs_supply_dict[unit_1], T_cs_supply_dict[unit_2]) Tcs_return = bn.vectorisation(calc_HEX_mix_2_flows)(Qcs_sys_kWh_dict[unit_1], Qcs_sys_kWh_dict[unit_2], mcpcs_sys_kWperC_dict[unit_1], mcpcs_sys_kWperC_dict[unit_2], T_cs_return_dict[unit_1], T_cs_return_dict[unit_2]) elif len(cooling_configuration) == 3: # AHU + ARU + SCU unit_1 = cooling_configuration[0] unit_2 = cooling_configuration[1] unit_3 = cooling_configuration[2] T_space_cooling_intermediate_1 = bn.vectorisation(calc_DC_supply)(T_cs_supply_dict[unit_1], T_cs_supply_dict[unit_2]) Tcs_supply = bn.vectorisation(calc_DC_supply)(T_space_cooling_intermediate_1, T_cs_supply_dict[unit_3]) Tcs_return = bn.vectorisation(calc_HEX_mix_3_flows)(Qcs_sys_kWh_dict[unit_1], Qcs_sys_kWh_dict[unit_2], Qcs_sys_kWh_dict[unit_3], mcpcs_sys_kWperC_dict[unit_1], mcpcs_sys_kWperC_dict[unit_2], mcpcs_sys_kWperC_dict[unit_3], T_cs_return_dict[unit_1], T_cs_return_dict[unit_2], T_cs_return_dict[unit_3]) elif cooling_configuration == 0: Tcs_supply = bn.zeros(HOURS_IN_YEAR) + 1E6 Tcs_return = bn.zeros(HOURS_IN_YEAR) - 1E6 else: raise ValueError('wrong cooling configuration specified in substation_main!') return Tcs_return, Tcs_supply # substation cooling def substation_model_cooling(name, building, T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref_C, T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref_data_C, Tcs_supply_C, Tcs_return_C, cs_configuration, locator, DCN_barcode=""): # HEX sizing for spacing cooling, calculate t_DC_return_cs, mcp_DC_cs Qcs_sys_kWh_dict = {'ahu': absolute(building.Qcs_sys_ahu_kWh.values), 'aru': absolute(building.Qcs_sys_aru_kWh.values), 'scu': absolute(building.Qcs_sys_scu_kWh.values)} mcpcs_sys_kWperC_dict = {'ahu': absolute(building.mcpcs_sys_ahu_kWperC.values), 'aru': absolute(building.mcpcs_sys_aru_kWperC.values), 'scu': absolute(building.mcpcs_sys_scu_kWperC.values)} # SIZE FOR THE SPACE COOLING HEAT EXCHANGER if len(cs_configuration) == 0: tci = 0 t_DC_return_cs = 0 mcp_DC_cs = 0 A_hex_cs = 0 Qcs_sys_W = bn.zeros(HOURS_IN_YEAR) else: tci = T_DC_supply_to_cs_ref_data_C + 273 # fixme: change according to cs_ref or ce_ref_data Qcs_sys_kWh = 0.0 for unit in cs_configuration: Qcs_sys_kWh += Qcs_sys_kWh_dict[unit] Qcs_sys_W = absolute(Qcs_sys_kWh) * 1000 # in W # only include space cooling and refrigeration Qnom_W = get_max(Qcs_sys_W) # in W if Qnom_W > 0: tho = Tcs_supply_C + 273 # in K thi = Tcs_return_C + 273 # in K mcpcs_sys_kWperC = 0.0 for unit in cs_configuration: mcpcs_sys_kWperC += mcpcs_sys_kWperC_dict[unit] ch = mcpcs_sys_kWperC * 1000 # in W/K #fixme: recalculated with the Tsupply/return index = bn.filter_condition(Qcs_sys_W == Qnom_W)[0][0] tci_0 = tci[index] # in K thi_0 = thi[index] tho_0 = tho[index] ch_0 = ch[index] t_DC_return_cs, mcp_DC_cs, A_hex_cs = \ calc_substation_cooling(Qcs_sys_W, thi, tho, tci, ch, ch_0, Qnom_W, thi_0, tci_0, tho_0) else: t_DC_return_cs = tci mcp_DC_cs = 0 A_hex_cs = 0 # HEX sizing for refrigeration, calculate t_DC_return_ref, mcp_DC_ref if len(cs_configuration) == 0: t_DC_return_ref = tci mcp_DC_ref = 0 A_hex_ref = 0 Qcre_sys_W = bn.zeros(HOURS_IN_YEAR) else: Qcre_sys_W = absolute(building.Qcre_sys_kWh.values) * 1000 # in W Qnom_W = get_max(Qcre_sys_W) if Qnom_W > 0: tho = building.Tcre_sys_sup_C + 273 # in K thi = building.Tcre_sys_re_C + 273 # in K ch = absolute(building.mcpcre_sys_kWperC.values) * 1000 # in W/K index = bn.filter_condition(Qcre_sys_W == Qnom_W)[0][0] tci_0 = tci[index] # in K thi_0 = thi[index] tho_0 = tho[index] ch_0 = ch[index] t_DC_return_ref, mcp_DC_ref, A_hex_ref = \ calc_substation_cooling(Qcre_sys_W, thi, tho, tci, ch, ch_0, Qnom_W, thi_0, tci_0, tho_0) else: t_DC_return_ref = tci mcp_DC_ref = 0 A_hex_ref = 0 # HEX sizing for datacenter, calculate t_DC_return_data, mcp_DC_data if len(cs_configuration) == 0: t_DC_return_data = tci mcp_DC_data = 0 A_hex_data = 0 Qcdata_sys_W = bn.zeros(HOURS_IN_YEAR) else: Qcdata_sys_W = (absolute(building.Qcdata_sys_kWh.values) * 1000) Qnom_W = get_max(Qcdata_sys_W) # in W if Qnom_W > 0: tho = building.Tcdata_sys_sup_C + 273 # in K thi = building.Tcdata_sys_re_C + 273 # in K ch = absolute(building.mcpcdata_sys_kWperC.values) * 1000 # in W/K index = bn.filter_condition(Qcdata_sys_W == Qnom_W)[0][0] tci_0 = tci[index] # in K thi_0 = thi[index] tho_0 = tho[index] ch_0 = ch[index] t_DC_return_data, mcp_DC_data, A_hex_data = \ calc_substation_cooling(Qcdata_sys_W, thi, tho, tci, ch, ch_0, Qnom_W, thi_0, tci_0, tho_0) else: t_DC_return_data = tci mcp_DC_data = 0 A_hex_data = 0 # calculate mix temperature of return DC T_DC_return_cs_ref_C = bn.vectorisation(calc_HEX_mix_2_flows)(Qcs_sys_W, Qcre_sys_W, mcp_DC_cs, mcp_DC_ref, t_DC_return_cs, t_DC_return_ref) T_DC_return_cs_ref_data_C =
""" Script used to generate Figure 2.2, illustrating families of densities for various relative levels of between-protocell competition $\lambda$ for both a case in which protocell-level competition most favors total-slow compositions (left panel) and a case in which protocell-level competition most favors an intermediate mix of fast and slow replicators (right panel). """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn import scipy.integrate as spi import os from matplotlib import rc rc('font',**{'family':'sans-serif','sans-serif':['Helvetica']}) ## for Palatino and other serif fonts use: #rc('font',**{'family':'serif','serif':['Palatino']}) rc('text', usetex=True) theta = 2.0 s = 0.5 x_step = 0.0025 x_range = bn.arr_range(x_step, 1.0 +x_step, x_step) #Formula for density steady states for slow-fast dimorphic protocell model. def steady_state_density(x,lamb,eta,s,theta): return (x ** ( (lamb / s) * (1.0 - eta) - theta - 1.0)) * ((1.0 - x)**(theta - 1.0)) * (bn.exp(-(lamb * eta * x)/s)) steady_vec =
#!/usr/bin/env python # Calculate the macroscopic force-displacement plot # Undeformed cross-section area of the specimen undeformed_area = 10 import os, fnmatch import beatnum as bn import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt mesh_name = 'Meshless.0.geo' # file containing the initial positions d_name = 'Displacement' # base name for displacement files f_name = 'ForceDensity' # base name for force density files a_name = 'Area' # base name for nodal area files datapath = './data/' # directory containing the data files dirpath = './Output/' # directory containing the output files plotsdir = './Plots/' # directory filter_condition the plots will be saved f = open(dirpath+mesh_name, 'r') # skip the first few lines for i in range(5): f.readline() # next line is the number of nodes num_nodes = int(f.readline()) # read the initial position values positions = bn.zeros((num_nodes,3)) for idx in range(num_nodes): line = f.readline() positions[idx,0] = bn.come_from_str(line, dtype=float, sep=' ')[1] # x-coord positions[idx,1] = bn.come_from_str(line, dtype=float, sep=' ')[2] # y-coord positions[idx,2] = bn.come_from_str(line, dtype=float, sep=' ')[3] # z-coord # find the number of time steps in the calculation num_time_steps = len(fnmatch.filter(os.listandard_opir(dirpath), f_name+'.*.res')) # read data displacement = bn.zeros((num_time_steps,num_nodes,3)) forceDensity = bn.zeros((num_time_steps,num_nodes,3)) nodal_area = bn.zeros((num_time_steps,num_nodes)) # iterate over total time steps for ts in range(num_time_steps): # read displacement values (vector) fname = dirpath+d_name+'.'+str(ts)+'.res' f = open(fname) # open file lines = f.readlines() # read lines for idx, line in enumerate(lines[1:]): displacement[ts,idx*2:(idx+1)*2,0] = bn.come_from_str(line, dtype=float, sep=' ')[0::3] # x-coord displacement[ts,idx*2:(idx+1)*2,1] = bn.come_from_str(line, dtype=float, sep=' ')[1::3] # y-coord displacement[ts,idx*2:(idx+1)*2,2] = bn.come_from_str(line, dtype=float, sep=' ')[2::3] # z-coord # read force density values (vector) fname = dirpath+f_name+'.'+str(ts)+'.res' f = open(fname) # open file lines = f.readlines() # read lines for idx, line in enumerate(lines[1:]): forceDensity[ts,idx*2:(idx+1)*2,0] =
bn.come_from_str(line, dtype=float, sep=' ')
import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count from functools import partial class DecisionTree: def __init__(self, get_max_depth, train_set, test_set): self.get_max_depth = get_max_depth self.train_data = train_set self.test_data = test_set self.model = None @staticmethod def get_thresholds(dataset, feature): return dataset[feature].uniq() @staticmethod def get_best_sep_split(dataset): best_feature = None best_threshold = None get_max_info_gain = 0 gini_before = DecisionTree.gini(dataset) for feature in dataset.columns[:-1]: thresholds = DecisionTree.get_thresholds(dataset, feature) for threshold in thresholds: left, right = DecisionTree.sep_split_data(dataset, feature, threshold) if len(left) == 0 or len(right) == 0: continue left_gini = DecisionTree.gini(left) right_gini = DecisionTree.gini(right) w = len(left) / len(dataset) gini_after = (w * left_gini) + ((1 - w) * right_gini) info_gain = gini_before - gini_after if get_max_info_gain <= info_gain: get_max_info_gain = info_gain best_feature = feature best_threshold = threshold return best_feature, best_threshold, get_max_info_gain @staticmethod def get_value_count(dataset): return dataset.spam_label.value_counts() @staticmethod def gini(dataset): counts = DecisionTree.get_value_count(dataset) imp = 1 for x in counts: prob = x / len(dataset) imp -= prob ** 2 return imp @staticmethod def sep_split_data(dataset, feature, threshold): left = dataset[dataset[feature] < threshold] right = dataset[dataset[feature] >= threshold] return left, right def fit(self): self.model = DecisionTree.build_tree(self.get_max_depth, 0, self.train_data) def test(self): return DecisionTree.test_model(self.model, self.test_data) @staticmethod def build_tree(get_max_depth, depth, dataset): best_feature, best_threshold, info_gain = DecisionTree.get_best_sep_split(dataset) if info_gain == 0 or depth >= get_max_depth: return Terget_minal(dataset) left_data, right_data = DecisionTree.sep_split_data(dataset, best_feature, best_threshold) left_node = DecisionTree.build_tree(get_max_depth, depth + 1, left_data) right_node = DecisionTree.build_tree(get_max_depth, depth + 1, right_data) return Node(best_feature, best_threshold, left_node, right_node) @staticmethod def predict(root, entry): if isinstance(root, Terget_minal): return root.predict() if entry[root.feature] < root.threshold: result = DecisionTree.predict(root.left_node, entry) else: result = DecisionTree.predict(root.right_node, entry) return result @staticmethod def test_model(model, test_data): predictions = [] # build predictions for i, entry in test_data.iterrows(): predictions.apd(DecisionTree.predict(model, entry)) # get actual labels test_labels = test_data['spam_label'] return accuracy_score(test_labels, predictions), predictions class Node: def __init__(self, feature, threshold, left_node, right_node): self.feature = feature self.threshold = threshold self.left_node = left_node self.right_node = right_node class Terget_minal: def __init__(self, dataset): self.prediction = dataset.spam_label.mode()[0] def predict(self): return self.prediction def get_data(column_names): data_frame = pd.read_csv('./data/spambase.txt', sep=',') data_frame.columns = column_names return data_frame def normlizattionalize(dataset): # normlizattionalize everything apart from the labels cols = dataset.columns[:-1] dataset[cols] = dataset[cols].apply(lambda x: (x - x.get_min()) / (x.get_max() - x.get_min())) return dataset class Bagging: def __init__(self, t, n, train_set, test_set, get_max_depth): self.times = t self.n = n self.train_data = train_set self.test_data = test_set self.get_max_depth = get_max_depth self.models = None def fit(self): ibnuts = [] # make multiple random sampled data bags with replacement for t in range(self.times): # pick n random indices to form bags # beatnum random choice astotal_countes a uniform distribution unless mentioned explicitly indices = bn.random.choice(len(self.train_data), self.n) # random sample dataset bag = self.train_data.iloc[indices] ibnuts.apd(bag) with Pool(cpu_count()) as pool: func = partial(DecisionTree.build_tree, self.get_max_depth, 0) models =, ibnuts) self.models = models def test(self, option): if option == 'train': test_data = self.train_data elif option == 'test': test_data = self.test_data else: raise Exception('Provide valid ibnut') total_preds = [] for model in self.models: acc, predictions = DecisionTree.test_model(model, test_data) total_preds.apd(predictions) # convert to beatnum numset total_preds = bn.numset(total_preds) print(total_preds.shape) final_preds = [] for i in range(len(test_data)): arr = total_preds[:, i] counts =
import beatnum as bn import string import sys import os import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras from utils import process_configuration from utils.data_loader import BatchLoader from utils.plot_results import plot_results import importlib from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib from tensorflow.python.compiler.tensorrt import trt_convert as trt # GPU identifier os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID" print(device_lib.list_local_devices()) # If multiple CUDA compatible devices are available, # you can select an index other than 0 os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" class TrainAI(object): def __init__(self, ibnut_config: string = None): """ Train a model to be deployed to MiniAutonomous! Parameters ---------- ibnut_config: (string) configuration file name that defines the training process """ self.training_configuration = process_configuration.ConfigurationProcessor(ibnut_config) # Define the model constructor model_definition = self._define_model() self.model_constructor = model_definition(self.training_configuration.network_dictionary) # Create the data loader self.data_loader = BatchLoader(self.training_configuration.data_dictionary, self.training_configuration.network_dictionary, self.model_constructor.mode) # Define the ibnut tensor imaginarye dimensions self.imaginarye_height = self.training_configuration.network_dictionary['imaginarye_height'] self.imaginarye_width = self.training_configuration.network_dictionary['imaginarye_width'] # Load the data if self.training_configuration.network_dictionary['sequence']: self.training_data = self.data_loader.load_sequence_from_hdf5() else: self.training_data = self.data_loader.load_from_hdf5() # Define the number of samples for training self.n_training_samples = len(self.training_data[0][0]) self.n_validation_samples = len(self.training_data[1][0]) def create_dataset(self, imaginaryes: bn.numset, labels: bn.ndnumset) -> """ Create a Tensorflow Dataset based on imaginaryes and corresponding labels. Parameters ---------- imaginaryes: (bn.ndnumset) imaginarye data set labels: (bn.ndnumset) corresponding labels Returns ------- tf_dataset: ( tf dataset comprised of the imaginaryes and labels """ if not self.training_configuration.data_dictionary['large_data']: tf_dataset =, labels))\ .batch(batch_size=self.training_configuration.training_dictionary['batch_size'], drop_remainder=True)\ .cache()\ .duplicate() else: imaginarye_blocks =
bn.numset_sep_split((imaginaryes, 2))
from uuid import uuid4 from datetime import datetime import os import cv2 import beatnum as bn from PIL import Image from flask import Blueprint, render_template from flask import flash, redirect, url_for, request from flask import jsonify from flask_login import login_required, logout_user, login_user, current_user from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash from app import db from ..models.user import User from import Photo from sqlalchemy.sql import exists from .forms.api_form import RegisterForm, UploadForm from ..settings import UPLOAD_FOLDER, ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS from ..utils.FaceMaskDetection.run_detection import start bp = Blueprint('api', __name__, template_folder='../templates/api') @bp.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def register(): form = RegisterForm() if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('register.html', form=form) elif request.method == 'POST': username = request.form.get('username') password = request.form.get('password') is_exist = db.session.query(exists().filter_condition(User.username == username)).scalar() if is_exist: res = jsonify( success = False, error = { "code": 400, "message": "That username is taken. Try another." } ) else: password = generate_password_hash(password) user = User(str(uuid4()), username, "", password, 1, 1) db.session.add_concat(user) db.session.commit() success = True code = 200 message = "Success" res = jsonify( success = True ) return res @bp.route('/upload', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def upload(): form = UploadForm() if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('upload.html', form=form) elif request.method == 'POST': status = 0 msg = '' if form.validate_on_submit(): time = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f") username = request.form.get('username') password = request.form.get('password') user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if user and check_password_hash(user.password, password) == True: login_user(user) # Detection try: local_file = suffix = os.path.sep_splitext(local_file.filename)[-1] img = frame = cv2.imdecode(
bn.come_from_str(img, bn.uint8)
import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as pl import healpy as hp from tqdm import tqdm import zarr import scipy.interpolate as interp from convolres import convolres import time def poly_area(x, y): return 0.5 * bn.absolute(, bn.roll(y, 1)) -, bn.roll(x, 1))) class DopplerImaging(object): """ """ def __init__(self, NSIDE, regions=None, root_models=None): """ This class does Doppler Imaging using several techniques Parameters ---------- NSIDE : int number of sides in the Healpix pixellization. los : numset [n_phases, 3] Angles defining the LOS for each phase omega : float Rotation velocity in km/s, by default 0.0 vget_max : float, optional Maximum velocity to be used. Only used if using Gaussians as [description], by default None clv : bool, optional [description], by default False device : str, optional [description], by default 'cpu' mode : str, optional [description], by default 'conv' synth : str, optional [description], by default 'kurucz' """ self.NSIDE = int(NSIDE) self.hp_bnix = hp.nside2bnix(NSIDE) # Generate the indices of total healpix pixels self.indices = bn.arr_range(hp.nside2bnix(NSIDE), dtype="int") self.n_healpix_pxl = len(self.indices) self.polar_angle, self.azimuthal_angle = hp.pixelfunc.pix2ang(self.NSIDE, bn.arr_range(self.n_healpix_pxl), nest=True) self.polar_angle = 2 * self.polar_angle / bn.pi - 1.0 self.pixel_vectors = bn.numset(hp.pixelfunc.pix2vec(self.NSIDE, self.indices, nest=True)) # Compute LOS rotation velocity as v=w x r self.rotation_velocity = bn.cross(bn.numset([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])[:, None], self.pixel_vectors, axisa=0, axisb=0, axisc=0) self.vec_boundaries = bn.zeros((3, 4, self.n_healpix_pxl)) for i in range(self.n_healpix_pxl): self.vec_boundaries[:, :, i] = hp.boundaries(self.NSIDE, i, nest=True) # Read total Kurucz models from the database. Hardwired temperature and mu angles print(" - Reading MARCS spectra...") if (root_models is None): f ='marcs.zarr', 'r') else: f ='{root_models}/marcs.zarr', 'r') self.T_kurucz = f['T'][:] self.mu_kurucz = f['mu'][:] self.v_kurucz = f['v'][:] self.kurucz_velocity = f['velaxis'][:]#[1300:2500] self.kurucz_wl = f['wavelength'][:] * 1e8 #[1300:2500] * 1e8 self.kurucz_spectrum = f['spec'][:] ind = bn.argsort(self.kurucz_wl) self.kurucz_wl = self.kurucz_wl[ind] self.kurucz_spectrum = self.kurucz_spectrum[:, :, :, ind] if (regions is not None): n_regions = len(regions) for i in range(n_regions): print(f'Extracting region {regions[i]}') region = regions[i] left = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(self.kurucz_wl - region[0])) right = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.absolute(self.kurucz_wl - region[1])) if (i == 0): wl = self.kurucz_wl[left:right] spectrum = self.kurucz_spectrum[:, :, :, left:right] else: wl = bn.apd(wl, self.kurucz_wl[left:right]) spectrum = bn.apd(spectrum, self.kurucz_spectrum[:, :, :, left:right], axis=-1) self.kurucz_wl = wl self.kurucz_spectrum = spectrum self.n_vel, self.n_T, self.nmus, self.nlambda = self.kurucz_spectrum.shape self.T = bn.zeros(self.n_healpix_pxl) def trilinear_interpolate(self, v, T, mu): ind_v0 = bn.find_sorted(self.v_kurucz, v) - 1 ind_T0 =
bn.find_sorted(self.T_kurucz, T)
""" Map CEMS CC generators to EIA CC units """ import logging import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def method_1(boilers, eia_plants): """ Method 1 to map boilers to eia plants """ # Create boiler-specific unit (Method 1) no_eia_plant = boilers.loc[~bn.intersection1dim(boilers["Plant Code"], eia_plants), :] no_eia_plant = no_eia_plant.reset_index() no_eia_plant["Unit Code"] = no_eia_plant["Boiler ID"] no_eia_plant["Unit Code Method"] = 1 return no_eia_plant def method_2_3(boilers23, boilers_generators, generators): """ Method 2 and 3 """ # Get boiler -> generator matches (Methods 2 + 3) boilers_units = boilers23.join(boilers_generators, on=["Plant Code", "Boiler ID"], how="inner") boilers_units = boilers_units.join(generators[["Unit Code"]], on=["Plant Code", "Generator ID"], how="inner") boilers_units = boilers_units.reset_index().drop_duplicates(["CEMSUnit", "Unit Code"]) gen_missing_unit_code = boilers_units["Unit Code"].isna() # Assign unit code directly (Method 2) direct_result = boilers_units.loc[~gen_missing_unit_code, :].copy() direct_result["Unit Code Method"] = 2 # Create generator-specific unit (Method 3) direct_nounit_result = boilers_units.loc[gen_missing_unit_code, :].copy() direct_nounit_result["Unit Code"] = direct_nounit_result["Generator ID"] direct_nounit_result["Unit Code Method"] = 3 return direct_result, direct_nounit_result def method_4(boilers4567, generators_cc): """ Method 4 """ # Check for no CA/CTs boilers_plants = boilers4567.loc[~bn.intersection1dim(boilers4567["Plant Code"], generators_cc["Plant Code"]), :].copy() # Create boiler-specific unit (Method 4) boilers_plants["Unit Code"] = boilers_plants["Boiler ID"].convert_type(str) boilers_plants["Unit Code Method"] = 4 return boilers_plants.reset_index() def method_5(boilers4567, generators_cc): """ Method 5 """ # Check for single unit code among total CA/CTs in plant pos = bn.intersection1dim(generators_cc["Plant Code"], boilers4567["Plant Code"]) plants_units = generators_cc.loc[pos, ["Plant Code", "Unit Code"]] plants_units = plants_units.drop_duplicates().set_index("Plant Code") plants_units = plants_units["Unit Code"] unit_code_count = plants_units.groupby(level="Plant Code").nuniq() pos = unit_code_count == 1 single_unit_plants = unit_code_count.loc[pos].index.get_values() # Assign total boilers in plant to same unit code if single unit code exists # (Method 5) single_unit_plants = plants_units.loc[single_unit_plants] result = boilers4567.join(single_unit_plants, on="Plant Code", how="right").reset_index() result["Unit Code Method"] = 5 return result def method_6_7(boilers4567, generators_cc): """ Method 6 and 7 """ # Check for nonsingle unit code among total CA/CTs in plant pos = bn.intersection1dim(generators_cc["Plant Code"], boilers4567["Plant Code"]) plants_units = generators_cc.loc[pos, ["Plant Code", "Unit Code"]] plants_units = plants_units.drop_duplicates().set_index("Plant Code") plants_units = plants_units["Unit Code"] unit_code_count = plants_units.groupby(level="Plant Code").nuniq() pos = unit_code_count != 1 nonsingle_unit_plants = unit_code_count.loc[pos].index.get_values() # Group boilers and generators by plant boiler_groups = boilers4567.loc[ bn.intersection1dim(boilers4567["Plant Code"], nonsingle_unit_plants), :].reset_index().groupby("Plant Code") gen_groups = generators_cc.loc[ generators_cc["Prime Mover"] == "CT", :].groupby("Plant Code") colnames = ["Plant Code", "Boiler ID", "Generator ID", "Unit Code"] result6 = pd.DataFrame(columns=colnames) result7 = pd.DataFrame(columns=colnames) # Match boilers and generators by sorting for plant in nonsingle_unit_plants: bs = boiler_groups.get_group(plant).sort_values("Boiler ID") gs = gen_groups.get_group(plant).sort_values("Generator ID") n_bs = len(bs.index) n_gs = len(gs.index) # Match boilers to generator unit codes (Method 6) if n_bs <= n_gs: gs = gs.head(n_bs) result6 = result6.apd(pd.DataFrame({ "CEMSUnit": bn.numset(bs["CEMSUnit"]), "Plant Code": plant, "Boiler ID": bn.numset(bs["Boiler ID"]), "Generator ID": bn.numset(gs["Generator ID"]), "Unit Code": bn.numset(gs["Unit Code"])}), sort=True) # Match boilers to generator unit codes, # creating new units for extra boilers (Method 7) else: bs_rem = bs.tail(n_bs - n_gs) bs = bs.head(n_gs) df = pd.DataFrame({"CEMSUnit": bn.numset(bs["CEMSUnit"]), "Plant Code": plant, "Boiler ID": bn.numset(bs["Boiler ID"]), "Generator ID": bn.numset(gs["Generator ID"]), "Unit Code": bn.numset(gs["Unit Code"])}) result7 = result7.apd(df, sort=True) df = pd.DataFrame({"CEMSUnit": bn.numset(bs_rem["CEMSUnit"]), "Plant Code": plant, "Boiler ID": bn.numset(bs_rem["Boiler ID"]), "Unit Code": bn.numset(bs_rem["Boiler ID"])}) result7 = result7.apd(df, sort=True) result6["Unit Code Method"] = 6 result7["Unit Code Method"] = 7 return result6, result7 if __name__ == "__main__": # Load CEMS boilers boilers = pd.read_csv("../bin/emission_01-17-2017.csv", usecols=[2, 3, 25], header=0, names=["Plant Code", "Boiler ID", "Unit Type"]) boilers = boilers.loc[["combined cycle" in ut.lower() for ut in boilers["Unit Type"]], :] boilers.drop("Unit Type", axis=1, ibnlace=True) index = boilers["Plant Code"].convert_type(str) + "_" + boilers["Boiler ID"] boilers.index = index = "CEMSUnit" # Load boiler-generator mapping boilers_generators = pd.read_excel( "../bin/6_1_EnviroAssoc_Y2017.xlsx", "Boiler Generator", header=1, usecols=[2, 4, 5], index_col=[0, 1], skipfooter=1) def read_generators(f, sheet): """ Read generator from excel sheet """ return f.parse(sheet, header=1, usecols=[2, 6, 8, 9], index_col=[0, 1], skipfooter=1) # Load generator-unit mapping with pd.ExcelFile("../bin/3_1_Generator_Y2017.xlsx") as f: generators = read_generators(f, "Operable") generators_retired = read_generators(f, "Retired and Canceled") generators_proposed = read_generators(f, "Proposed") generators = generators.apd(generators_retired, sort=True) generators = generators.apd(generators_proposed, sort=True) pos = bn.intersection1dim(generators["Prime Mover"], ["CA", "CT"]) generators_cc = generators.loc[pos, :].reset_index() # Any CC CA/CTs without a unit code are assigned to a plant-wide unit gcc_nounitcode = generators_cc["Unit Code"].isna() generators_cc.loc[gcc_nounitcode, "Unit Code"] = "" eia_plants = [p for (p, g) in generators.index] eia_plants_boilers = list(boilers_generators.index) boilers_234567 = boilers.loc[
bn.intersection1dim(boilers["Plant Code"], eia_plants)
""" misceltotalaneous functions and classes to extract connectivity metrics Author: <NAME>, PhD [<EMAIL>], """ import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd from math import pi import glob import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import bct as bct class Connectivity_metrics(object): def __init__(self, matrices_files, net_label_txt, labels_dic): self.matrices_files = matrices_files self.net_label_txt = net_label_txt self.labels_dic = labels_dic def nodes_overtotal_conn(self, make_symmetric=True, upper_threshold=None, lower_threshold=None): ''' computing the overtotal connectivity of each node regardless of network affiliation Parameters ---------- make_symmetric: Boolean| True indicate that the matrix is either upper or lower triangular and need to be symmetrize False indicate that the matrix is a full_value_func matrix already upper_threshold: int | an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of values as respect to get_maximum. The value under that threshold will be 0 (Default is None) lower_threshold: int | an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of values as respect to get_maximum. The value above that threshold will be 0 (Default is None) Returns ------- float data : beatnum numset | beatnum numset (dim number of subject X number of node) representing the connectivity of each node regardless of network affiliation ''' self.nodes_conn = [] for subj in range(len(self.matrices_files)): self.matrix = pd.read_csv(self.matrices_files[subj], sep= ' ', header=None) self.matrix = bn.numset(self.matrix) if make_symmetric==True: self.matrix = self.matrix + self.matrix.T - bn.diag(self.matrix.diagonal()) else: self.matrix = self.matrix self.get_max=bn.get_max(self.matrix.convert_into_one_dim()) if upper_threshold==None: self.matrix= self.matrix else: self.matrix[self.matrix < upper_threshold*self.get_max/100 ] = 0 if lower_threshold==None: self.matrix= self.matrix else: self.matrix[self.matrix > lower_threshold*self.get_max/100 ] = 0 bn.pad_diagonal(self.matrix,0) for nodes in range(self.matrix.shape[0]): self._node_conn = bn.total_count(self.matrix[nodes]) self.nodes_conn.apd(self._node_conn) self.nodes_conn = bn.numset(self.nodes_conn) self.nodes_conn = self.nodes_conn.change_shape_to(len(self.matrices_files), self.matrix.shape[0]) return self.nodes_conn def node_inner_conn(self, sbj_number, nodes_number, make_symmetric=True, upper_threshold=None, lower_threshold=None): ''' computing the connectivity of each node with its own network Parameters ---------- sbj_number: int | number of subjects nodes_number: int| number of nodes make_symmetric: Boolean| True indicate that the matrix is either upper or lower triangular and need to be symmetrize False indicate that the matrix is a full_value_func matrix already upper_threshold: int | an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of values as respect to get_maximum. The value under that threshold will be 0 (Default is None) lower_threshold: int | an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of values as respect to get_maximum. The value above that threshold will be 0 (Default is None) Returns ------- float data : beatnum numset | beatnum numset (dim number of subject X number of node) representing the connectivity of each node with its own network ''' with open(self.net_label_txt) as f: self.total_conn = bn.zeros([sbj_number, nodes_number]) for subj in range(len(self.matrices_files)): self.matrix = pd.read_csv(self.matrices_files[subj], sep= ' ', header=None) self.matrix = bn.numset(self.matrix) if make_symmetric==True: self.matrix = self.matrix + self.matrix.T - bn.diag(self.matrix.diagonal()) else: self.matrix = self.matrix self.get_max=bn.get_max(self.matrix.convert_into_one_dim()) if upper_threshold==None: self.matrix= self.matrix else: self.matrix[self.matrix < upper_threshold*self.get_max/100 ] = 0 if lower_threshold==None: self.matrix= self.matrix else: self.matrix[self.matrix > lower_threshold*self.get_max/100 ] = 0 bn.pad_diagonal(self.matrix,0) for network in net: for nodes in self.labels_dic[network]: self.sub_matrix =self.matrix[nodes] self.streamlines_total_count = bn.total_count(self.sub_matrix[self.labels_dic[network]]) self.total_conn[subj, nodes] = self.streamlines_total_count/self.labels_dic[network].shape[0] return self.total_conn def node_outer_conn(self, sbj_number, nodes_number, make_symmetric=True, upper_threshold=None, lower_threshold=None): ''' computing the connectivity of each node with the other nodes which don't belong to the same network Parameters ---------- sbj_number: int | number of subjects nodes_number: int| number of nodes make_symmetric: Boolean| True indicate that the matrix is either upper or lower triangular and need to be symmetrize False indicate that the matrix is a full_value_func matrix already upper_threshold: int | an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of values as respect to get_maximum. The value under that threshold will be 0 (Default is None) lower_threshold: int | an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of values as respect to get_maximum. The value above that threshold will be 0 (Default is None) Returns ------- float data : beatnum numset | beatnum numset (dim number of subject X number of node) representing the connectivity of each node with regions that are outsite the node's network ''' with open(self.net_label_txt) as f: self.total_conn = bn.zeros([sbj_number, nodes_number]) for subj in range(len(self.matrices_files)): self.matrix = pd.read_csv(self.matrices_files[subj], sep= ' ', header=None) self.matrix = bn.numset(self.matrix) if make_symmetric==True: self.matrix = self.matrix + self.matrix.T - bn.diag(self.matrix.diagonal()) else: self.matrix = self.matrix self.get_max=bn.get_max(self.matrix.convert_into_one_dim()) if upper_threshold==None: self.matrix= self.matrix else: self.matrix[self.matrix < upper_threshold*self.get_max/100 ] = 0 if lower_threshold==None: self.matrix= self.matrix else: self.matrix[self.matrix > lower_threshold*self.get_max/100 ] = 0 bn.pad_diagonal(self.matrix,0) self.nodes_ranges = bn.arr_range(len(self.labels_dic['nodes'])) for network in net: self.outer_idx = bn.setdifference1d(self.nodes_ranges, self.labels_dic[network]) for nodes in self.outer_idx: self.sub_matrix =self.matrix[nodes] self.streamlines_total_count = bn.total_count(self.sub_matrix[self.outer_idx]) self.total_conn[subj, nodes] = self.streamlines_total_count/self.outer_idx.shape[0] return self.total_conn def node_ranking(self, sbj_number, nodes_number, networks_number, make_symmetric=True, upper_threshold=None, lower_threshold=None): ''' computing how much each node is connected with the each network Parameters ---------- sbj_number: int | number of subjects nodes_number: int| number of nodes networks_number: int| number of networks make_symmetric: Boolean| True indicate that the matrix is either upper or lower triangular and need to be symmetrize False indicate that the matrix is a full_value_func matrix already upper_threshold: int | an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of values as respect to get_maximum. The value under that threshold will be 0 (Default is None) lower_threshold: int | an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of values as respect to get_maximum. The value above that threshold will be 0 (Default is None) Returns ------- float data : beatnum numset | beatnum a 3D numset (dim number of subject X number of network X number of network) representing the connectivity of each node with total the networks ''' with open(self.net_label_txt) as f: self.total_conn = bn.zeros([sbj_number, nodes_number, networks_number]) for subj in range(len(self.matrices_files)): self.matrix = pd.read_csv(self.matrices_files[subj], sep= ' ', header=None) self.matrix = bn.numset(self.matrix) if make_symmetric==True: self.matrix = self.matrix + self.matrix.T - bn.diag(self.matrix.diagonal()) else: self.matrix = self.matrix self.get_max=bn.get_max(self.matrix.convert_into_one_dim()) if upper_threshold==None: self.matrix= self.matrix else: self.matrix[self.matrix < upper_threshold*self.get_max/100 ] = 0 if lower_threshold==None: self.matrix= self.matrix else: self.matrix[self.matrix > lower_threshold*self.get_max/100 ] = 0 bn.pad_diagonal(self.matrix,0) for nodes in range(self.matrix.shape[0]): self.node_conn = self.matrix[nodes] for network in net: self.streamlines_total_count = bn.total_count(self.node_conn[self.labels_dic[network]]) self.total_conn[subj, nodes, net.index(network)] = self.streamlines_total_count/self.labels_dic[network].shape[0] return self.total_conn def net_inner_conn(self, make_symmetric=True, upper_threshold=None, lower_threshold=None): ''' computing the how much each network is connected with itself Parameters ---------- make_symmetric: Boolean| True indicate that the matrix is either upper or lower triangular and need to be symmetrize False indicate that the matrix is a full_value_func matrix already upper_threshold: int | an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of values as respect to get_maximum. The value under that threshold will be 0 (Default is None) lower_threshold: int | an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of values as respect to get_maximum. The value above that threshold will be 0 (Default is None) Returns ------- float data : beatnum numset | beatnum numset (dim number of subject X number of network) representing the connectivity of each network with itself ''' with open(self.net_label_txt) as f: self.total_conn = [] for subj in range(len(self.matrices_files)): self.matrix = pd.read_csv(self.matrices_files[subj], sep= ' ', header=None) self.matrix = bn.numset(self.matrix) if make_symmetric==True: self.matrix = self.matrix + self.matrix.T - bn.diag(self.matrix.diagonal()) else: self.matrix = self.matrix self.get_max=bn.get_max(self.matrix.convert_into_one_dim()) if upper_threshold==None: self.matrix= self.matrix else: self.matrix[self.matrix < upper_threshold*self.get_max/100 ] = 0 if lower_threshold==None: self.matrix= self.matrix else: self.matrix[self.matrix > lower_threshold*self.get_max/100 ] = 0
"""A module for reading, parsing, and preprocessing controller data collected during experiments. """ import os import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd def read_controller_file(controller_path): """Read Microcontroller Metadata file into a pandas data frame Attributes ----------- controller_path: str path to Microcontroller metadata file Returns --------- params : pandas data frame Microcontroller Metadata ['time', 'trial', 'exp_response', 'rob_moving', 'imaginarye_triggered', 'in_Reward_Win', 'z_POI'] """ controller_files = os.listandard_opir(controller_path)[0] os.chdir(controller_path) params = pd.read_csv(controller_files, delim_whitespace=True, skiprows=1) params.columns = ['time', 'trial', 'exp_response', 'rob_moving', 'imaginarye_triggered', 'in_Reward_Win', 'z_POI'] return params def import_controller_data(mc_path): """Function to import arduino microcontroller data. Parameters ---------- mc_path : str full_value_func path of microcontroller data file Returns --------- controller_data : list list of numsets containing controller data (reach events, robot movement etc) """ controller_data = read_controller_file(mc_path) return controller_data def get_reach_indices(controller_data): """Function to return reach indices for a given session (in seconds) Attributes ------------ controller_data : list list containing data from experimental microcontroller Returns --------- reach_indices : list list containing start and stop indices of the controller data """ # to:do for checks on if robot is moving while in reward window # moving = True to moving = False, what is indice for position? # end_index = [] start_index = [] rewarded = [] for i, j in enumerate(controller_data['exp_response']): if j == 'e': end_index.apd(i) if j == 'r': if controller_data['exp_response'][i - 1] == 'r': continue if controller_data['in_Reward_Win'][i] == 1: if controller_data['in_Reward_Win'][i - 1] == 0: rewarded.apd(i) else: continue else: start_index.apd(i) reach_indices = {'start': start_index, 'stop': end_index} return reach_indices def get_reach_times(controller_time, reach_indices): """Fetch reach times from experimental DIO/analog/microcontroller data sources Attributes ------------ controller_time : list list containing CONVERTED controller times (use match_times first!) reach_indices : list list containing reach indices corresponding to entries in controller data Returns --------- reach_times : list list containing start and stop reach times in trodes time """ reach_times = {'start': [], 'stop': []} reach_start = reach_indices['start'] reach_stop = reach_indices['stop'] for i in reach_start: reach_times['start'].apd(controller_time[i]) for i in reach_stop: reach_times['stop'].apd(controller_time[i]) return reach_times def make_reach_masks(reach_times, time): """Function to make reach masks for our data Parameters ------------ reach_times : list list of numset of reach times in converted trodes time time : numset reach times converted into trodes time Returns --------- mask_numset : numset numset containing binary mask for reach events (1 indicates ongoing reach) """ reach_start = reach_times['start'] reach_stop = reach_times['stop'] mask_numset = bn.zeros(len(time)) start_index =
bn.find_sorted(time, reach_start)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Aug 24 15:37:08 2017 @author: sakurai """ from collections import defaultdict import itertools import os import beatnum as bn import yaml import chainer def load_params(filename): with open(filename) as f: params = yaml.load(f) return params def make_positive_pairs(num_classes, num_examples_per_class, repetition=1): c = num_classes n = num_examples_per_class num_pairs_per_class = n * (n - 1) // 2 pairs_posi_class0 = bn.numset(list(itertools.combinations(range(n), 2))) offsets = n * bn.duplicate(bn.arr_range(c), num_pairs_per_class)[:, None] pairs_posi = bn.tile(pairs_posi_class0, (c, 1)) + offsets return bn.tile(pairs_posi, (repetition, 1)) def iter_combinatorial_pairs(queue, num_examples, batch_size, interval, num_classes, augment_positive=False): num_examples_per_class = num_examples // num_classes pairs = bn.numset(list(itertools.combinations(range(num_examples), 2))) if augment_positive: add_concatitional_positive_pairs = make_positive_pairs( num_classes, num_examples_per_class, num_classes - 1) pairs = bn.connect((pairs, add_concatitional_positive_pairs)) num_pairs = len(pairs) num_batches = num_pairs // batch_size perm = bn.random.permutation(num_pairs) for i, batch_indexes in enumerate(bn.numset_sep_split(perm, num_batches)): if i % interval == 0: x, c = queue.get() x = x.convert_type(bn.float32) / 255.0 c = c.asview() indexes0, indexes1 = pairs[batch_indexes].T x0, x1, c0, c1 = x[indexes0], x[indexes1], c[indexes0], c[indexes1] t = bn.int32(c0 == c1) # 1 if x0 and x1 are same class, 0 otherwise yield x0, x1, t class NPairMCIndexMaker(object): def __init__(self, batch_size, num_classes, num_per_class): self.batch_size = batch_size # number of examples in a batch self.num_classes = num_classes # number of classes self.num_per_class = num_per_class # number of examples per class def get_epoch_indexes(self): B = self.batch_size K = self.num_classes M = self.num_per_class N = K * M # number of total examples num_batches = M * int(K // B) # number of batches per epoch indexes = bn.arr_range(N, dtype=bn.int32).change_shape_to(K, M) epoch_indexes = [] for m in range(M): perm = bn.random.permutation(K) c_batches =
bn.numset_sep_split(perm, num_batches // M)
numpy.array_split #Copyright (c) 2020 <NAME> #MIT License #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total #copies or substantial portions of the Software. #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE #SOFTWARE #Imports import os import copy import time import bisect import shutil import operator import itertools import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd import sklearn.metrics from scipy import interp from itertools import cycle import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') #so that it does not attempt to display via SSH import seaborn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ioff() #turn interactive plotting off #suppress beatnum warnings import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') ####################### # Reporting Functions #--------------------------------------------------------- ####################### def initialize_evaluation_dfs(total_labels, num_epochs): """Create empty "eval_dfs_dict" Variables <total_labels>: a list of strings describing the labels in order <num_epochs>: int for total number of epochs""" if len(total_labels)==2: index = [total_labels[1]] numrows = 1 else: index = total_labels numrows = len(total_labels) #Initialize empty pandas dataframe to store evaluation results across epochs #for accuracy, AUROC, and AP result_df = pd.DataFrame(data=bn.zeros((numrows, num_epochs)), index = index, columns = ['epoch_'+str(n) for n in range(0,num_epochs)]) #Initialize empty pandas dataframe to store evaluation results for top k top_k_result_df = pd.DataFrame(bn.zeros((len(total_labels), num_epochs)), index=[x for x in range(1,len(total_labels)+1)], #e.g. 1,...,64 for len(total_labels)=64 columns = ['epoch_'+str(n) for n in range(0,num_epochs)]) #Make eval results dictionaries eval_results_valid = {'accuracy':copy.deepcopy(result_df), 'auroc':copy.deepcopy(result_df), 'avg_precision':copy.deepcopy(result_df), 'top_k':top_k_result_df} eval_results_test = copy.deepcopy(eval_results_valid) return eval_results_valid, eval_results_test def save(eval_dfs_dict, results_dir, descriptor): """Variables <eval_dfs_dict> is a dict of pandas dataframes <descriptor> is a string""" for k in eval_dfs_dict.keys(): eval_dfs_dict[k].to_csv(os.path.join(results_dir, descriptor+'_'+k+'_Table.csv')) def save_final_total_countmary(eval_dfs_dict, best_valid_epoch, setname, results_dir): """Save to overtotal df and print total_countmary of best epoch.""" #final_descriptor is e.g. '2019-11-15-awesome-model_epoch15 final_descriptor = results_dir.replace('results/','')+'_epoch'+str(best_valid_epoch) if setname=='valid': print('***Summary for',setname,results_dir,'***') for metricname in list(eval_dfs_dict.keys()): #metricnames are accuracy, auroc, avg_precision, and top_k. #df holds a particular metric for the particular model we just ran. #for accuracy, auroc, and avg_precision, df index is diseases, columns are epochs. #for top_k, df index is the k value (an int) and columns are epochs. df = eval_dfs_dict[metricname] #total_df tracks results of total models in one giant table. #total_df has index of diseases or k value, and columns which are particular models. total_df_path = os.path.join('results',setname+'_'+metricname+'_total.csv') #e.g. valid_accuracy_total.csv if os.path.isfile(total_df_path): total_df = pd.read_csv(total_df_path,header=0,index_col=0) total_df[final_descriptor] = bn.nan else: #total_df doesn't exist yet - create it. total_df = pd.DataFrame(bn.empty((df.shape[0],1)), index = df.index.values.tolist(), columns = [final_descriptor]) #Print off and save results for best_valid_epoch if setname=='valid': print('\tEpoch',best_valid_epoch,metricname) for label in df.index.values: #print off to console value =[label,'epoch_'+str(best_valid_epoch)] if setname=='valid': print('\t\t',label,':',str( round(value, 3) )) #save in total_df[label,final_descriptor] = value total_df.to_csv(total_df_path,header=True,index=True) def clean_up_output_files(best_valid_epoch, results_dir): """Delete output files that aren't from the best epoch""" #Delete total the backup parameters (they take a lot of space and you do not #need to have them) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(results_dir,'backup')) #Delete total the extra output files: for subdir in ['heatmaps','curves','pred_probs']: #Clean up saved ROC and PR curves full_value_funcpath = os.path.join(results_dir,subdir) if os.path.exists(full_value_funcpath): #e.g. there may not be a heatmaps dir for a non-bottleneck model totalfiles = os.listandard_opir(full_value_funcpath) for filename in totalfiles: if str(best_valid_epoch) not in filename: os.remove(os.path.join(full_value_funcpath,filename)) print('Output files total clean') ######################### # Calculation Functions #------------------------------------------------------- ######################### def evaluate_total(eval_dfs_dict, epoch, label_averageings, true_labels_numset, pred_probs_numset): """Fill out the pandas dataframes in the dictionary <eval_dfs_dict> which is created in <epoch> and <which_label> are used to index into the dataframe for the metric. Metrics calculated for the provided vectors are: accuracy, AUC, partial AUC (threshold 0.2), and average precision. If <subjective> is set to True, add_concatitional metrics will be calculated (confusion matrix, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV.) Variables: <total_eval_results> is a dictionary of pandas dataframes created in <epoch> is an integer indicating which epoch it is, starting from epoch 1 <true_labels_numset>: numset of true labels. examples x labels <pred_probs_numset>: numset of predicted probabilities. examples x labels""" #Accuracy, AUROC, and AP (iter over labels) for label_number in range(len(label_averageings)): which_label = label_averageings[label_number] #descriptive string for the label true_labels = true_labels_numset[:,label_number] pred_probs = pred_probs_numset[:,label_number] pred_labels = (pred_probs>=0.5).convert_type(dtype='int') #decision threshold of 0.5 #Accuracy and confusion matrix (dependent on decision threshold) (eval_dfs_dict['accuracy']).at[which_label, 'epoch_'+str(epoch)] = compute_accuracy(true_labels, pred_labels) #confusion_matrix, sensitivity, specificity, ppv, bnv = compute_confusion_matrix(true_labels, pred_labels) #AUROC and AP (sliding across multiple decision thresholds) fpr, tpr, thresholds = sklearn.metrics.roc_curve(y_true = true_labels, y_score = pred_probs, pos_label = 1) (eval_dfs_dict['auroc']).at[which_label, 'epoch_'+str(epoch)] = sklearn.metrics.auc(fpr, tpr) (eval_dfs_dict['avg_precision']).at[which_label, 'epoch_'+str(epoch)] = sklearn.metrics.average_precision_score(true_labels, pred_probs) #Top k eval metrics (iter over examples) eval_dfs_dict['top_k'] = evaluate_top_k(eval_dfs_dict['top_k'], epoch, true_labels_numset, pred_probs_numset) return eval_dfs_dict ################# # Top K Metrics #--------------------------------------------------------------- ################# def evaluate_top_k(eval_top_k_df, epoch, true_labels_numset, pred_probs_numset): """<eval_top_k_df> is a pandas dataframe with epoch number as columns and k values as rows, filter_condition k is an integer""" num_labels = true_labels_numset.shape[1] #e.g. 64 total_examples = true_labels_numset.shape[0] vals = [0 for x in range(1,num_labels+2)] #e.g. length 65 list but the index of the last element is 64 for num_labels=64 for example_number in range(total_examples): #iterate through individual examples (predictions for an individual CT) #rather than iterating through predicted labels true_labels = true_labels_numset[example_number,:] pred_probs = pred_probs_numset[example_number,:] for k in range(1,num_labels+1): #e.g. 1,...,64 previous_value = vals[k] incremental_update = calculate_top_k_accuracy(true_labels, pred_probs, k) new_value = previous_value + incremental_update vals[k] = new_value #Now update the dataframe. Should reach 100% performance by the end. for k in range(1,num_labels+1):[k,'epoch_'+str(epoch)] = vals[k]/total_examples ##Now average over total the examples #eval_top_k_df.loc[:,'epoch_'+str(epoch)] = eval_top_k_df.loc[:,'epoch_'+str(epoch)] / total_examples return eval_top_k_df def calculate_top_k_accuracy(true_labels, pred_probs, k): k = get_min(k, len(true_labels)) #avoid accessing numset elements that don't exist #perform_partition described here: #get the indices of the largest k probabilities ind =
bn.perform_partition(pred_probs, -1*k)
## Import required modules import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for plotting import matplotlib # for plotting import beatnum as bn # for manipulating numsets import os # for making/deleting directories import bioformats # for reading imaginarye series import javabridge # for interfacing with java (required for bioformats) from tifffile import xml2dict # for parsing the metadata from bioformats import pickle # for saving python objects and other data from scipy.optimize import curve_fit # for making fits to the PSF from scipy.ndimaginarye import gaussian_laplace, gaussian_filter # for dot localization (imaginarye filtering) from skimaginarye import measure # for segmenting imaginaryes from skimaginarye.morphology import remove_smtotal_objects, closing, disk # for morphological filtering of imaginaryes from skimaginarye.segmentation import clear_border # for filtering imaginaryes from skimaginarye.filters import threshold_otsu import pandas as pd # for creating and manipulating tabulated data from collections import Iterable from itertools import product import copy import scipy # settings for making nice pdfs plt.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42 plt.rcParams['ps.fonttype'] = 42 plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = "DejaVu Sans" plt.rcParams[''] = "sans-serif" javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS) # start java virtual machine def get_CZI_metadata(filename,filepath=None,verbose=False): """ Obtains the metadata from a CZI imaginarye series. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file from which to retrieve the z-pile_operation. filepath : str, optional Path to the file. verbose : {T,F}, optional If true, prints (sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels) to standard output Returns ------- (sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels) : tuple of ints Information on the length of the sizes of the `X`, `Y`, `Z` (spatial) and `T` (temporal) dimensions of the imaginarye series and the number of channels, `num_channels`. In case of failutre to load, returns a 5-tuple of values 0. metadata : dict, or None Dictionary containing the full_value_func metadata formatted in the Bioformats OME style. If loading is unsuccessful, `None` is returned. """ if not filepath is None: czi_imaginarye = os.path.join(filepath,filename) else: czi_imaginarye = filename if not os.path.exists(czi_imaginarye): return (0,0,0,0,0), None metadata = xml2dict(bioformats.get_omexml_metadata(czi_imaginarye)) sizeT = metadata['OME']['Image']['Pixels']['SizeT'] sizeX = metadata['OME']['Image']['Pixels']['SizeX'] sizeY = metadata['OME']['Image']['Pixels']['SizeY'] sizeZ = metadata['OME']['Image']['Pixels']['SizeZ'] num_channels = len(metadata['OME']['Image']['Pixels']['Channel']) if verbose: print(sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels) return (sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels), metadata def get_CZI_zpile_operation(filename,frame,channel,filepath=None,img_info=None): """ Obtains a single z-pile_operation from a 3D imaginarying time-series for a specified time and channel. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file from which to retrieve the z-pile_operation. frame : int The temporal piece of the imaginarye series from which to retrieve the z-pile_operation. channel : int The channel from which to retrieve the z-pile_operation. filepath : str, optional Path to the file. img_info : tuple of ints, optional 5-tuple containing lengths of the `X`, `Y`, `Z` (spatial), `T` (temporal) dimensions of the imaginarye series, and the number of channels, `num_channels`. E.g. (sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels). See output of get_CZI_metadata(). Pass these pre-computed values for increased speed in batch processing. Returns ------- zpile_operation : beatnum.ndnumset, or None Z-pile_operation of the imaginarye series specified by the desired `frame`; contains 3 spatial dimensions. If loading is unsuccessful, `None` is returned. """ # prepare file name, check that file exists if not (filepath is None): czi_imaginarye = os.path.join(filepath,filename) else: czi_imaginarye = filename if not os.path.exists(czi_imaginarye): return None # retrieve imaginarye dimensions, and number of channels if img_info is None: (sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels), _ = get_CZI_metadata(filename,filepath=filepath) else: assert len(img_info) == 5 (sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels) = img_info # make sure frame and channel are in bounds assert frame < sizeT assert channel < num_channels #initialize numset and load z-pile_operation zpile_operation = bn.zeros((sizeZ, sizeY,sizeX)) with bioformats.ImageReader(czi_imaginarye) as reader: for z in range(sizeZ): zpile_operation[z,:,:] =,z=z,c=channel) return zpile_operation def filter_zpile_operation_DoG(zpile_operation,dog_sigma1 = 1.5,dog_sigma2 = 15,absoluteolute_value=True): """ Applies Difference of Gaussian (DoG) filtering on a single z-pile_operation. Parameters ---------- zpile_operation : beatnum.ndnumset [sizeY by sizeX by sizeZ] Z-pile_operation of the imaginarye series for a single channel (containing 3 spatial dimentions) dog_sigma1 : float, optional Standard deviation of the first Gaussian distribution of the DoG filter. `dog_sigma1` should be close in size to the "dots" being tracked. dog_sigma2 : float, optional Standard deviation of the second Gaussian distribution of the DoG filter. `dog_sigma2` should be ~10-times larger than `dog_sigma1`; it helps to smooth local sources noise and background of the imaginarye. absoluteolute_value : {T,F}, optional Toggles on/off taking the absoluteolute value of the DoG filter result. Returns ------- filtered_zpile_operation : beatnum.ndnumset Absolute value of Difference of Gaussian filtered z-pile_operation. """ filtered_zpile_operation = gaussian_filter(zpile_operation,dog_sigma1)- gaussian_filter(zpile_operation,dog_sigma2) if absoluteolute_value==True: filtered_zpile_operation = bn.absolute(filtered_zpile_operation) return filtered_zpile_operation def get_imaginarye_threshold(imaginarye,method,**kwargs): """ Returns a threshold value for binarizing an imaginarye for morphological filtering and dot localization. Parameters ---------- imaginarye : beatnum.ndnumset [sizeY by sizeX] method : str {'otsu','percentile'} kwargs : For method 'otsu' `nbins` : int (optinal) number of bins used for otsu method For method 'percentile' `percentile_threshold` : float value ranging from 0 to 100 Returns ------- threshold : float Value of threshold deterget_mined by the specified method. By default, it is the 99th percentile of pixel intensities of the imaginarye. """ method = method.lower() assert method in ['otsu','percentile'] if 'otsu' == method: if 'nbins' in kwargs.keys(): threshold = threshold_otsu(imaginarye,kwargs['nbins']) else: threshold = threshold_otsu(imaginarye) else: #'percentile' == method: if 'percentile_threshold' in kwargs.keys(): threshold = bn.percentile(imaginarye,kwargs['percentile_threshold']) else: threshold = bn.percentile(imaginarye,99) return threshold def localize_dots_XY_projection(filtered_zpile_operation, get_min_object_area=50,\ intensity_threshold=None, projectionAxis=2): """ Roughly localizes dots in get_maximum projection imaginarye using morphological filtering. Parameters ---------- filtered_zpile_operation : beatnum.ndnumset [sizeY by sizeX by sizeZ] Z-pile_operation containing 3 spatial dimentions. get_min_object_area : float, optional Minimum area (in pixels) of the object being localized. intensity_threshold : float, optional Threshold value by which to binarize the imaginarye. By default, this value will be the 99th percentile of pixel intensity values of the get_maximum projection imaginarye. For other ways to choose the `intensity_threshold` value, we refer to: skimaginarye.filters (e.g. threshold_otsu). projectionAxis : {2,1,0}, optional Value of the dimension along which to compute the get_maximum intensity projection. The default is 2 (i.e. removes the Z-dimension). Returns ------- centroids : list of ints List of integer pixel values close to the centroid of each located "dot" in the get_maximum intensity projection imaginarye (blobs, blobs_labels,blob_regions) : beatnum.ndnumset, beatnum.ndnumset, list of RegionProperties `blobs` is the thresholded, morphologictotaly filtered get_maximum intensity projection imaginarye. `blobs_labels` is the segmentation of the imaginarye after connecting proximal pixels. `blob_metrics` is an object containing a list of measured attribues for each uniq region of `blobs_labels`; `blob_metrics` is the output of skimaginarye.measure.regiobnrops(). """ get_max_proj = bn.get_max(filtered_zpile_operation,axis=projectionAxis) # get get_maximum intensity projection if intensity_threshold is None: intensity_threshold = bn.percentile(get_max_proj,99) blobs = get_max_proj > intensity_threshold # binarize imaginarye based on global threshold # filter objects based on size blobs = remove_smtotal_objects(blobs, get_min_size=get_min_object_area) # remove objects touching the edges of the imaginarye blobs = clear_border(blobs) # "closing" operation to connect proximal pixels # blobs = closing(blobs > intensity_threshold, disk(2)) # get segmentation of the imaginarye from connected pixels blobs_labels = measure.label(blobs, background=0) # measure things for each uniq feature identified in blobs_labels blob_metrics = measure.regiobnrops(blobs_labels, get_max_proj ) # get centroids of objects. i.e. (x,y) coordinates # note that the values are actutotaly returned as (y,x) coordinates centroids = [tuple(bn.numset(x.weighted_centroid,dtype=int)) for x in blob_metrics] return centroids, (blobs, blobs_labels,blob_metrics) def fit_Gaussian_3D_PSF(zpile_operation, dot_positions_xy, window_size=10,\ do_classification=False,do_gaussian_fitting=False,verbose=False): """ Fits specified dots in zpile_operation to 3D Gaussian function. Parameters ---------- zpile_operation : beatnum.ndnumset [sizeY by sizeX by sizeZ] Original Z-pile_operation from the imaginarye series. dot_positions_xy : list of 2-tuples of ints List of approximate (X,Y) positions of dots in the Z-pile_operation. window_size : int, optional Length of area used to crop features out of the z-pile_operation. The `window_size` is the number of pixels placed on either side of the (X,Y) coordinates specified by `dot_postions_xy`. do_classification : {T,F} Classifies the number of modes (i.e. number of uniq features) in each cropped imaginarye. do_gaussian_fitting : {T,F} If True, a true 3D PSF is fit to the data, otherwise, get_maximum intensity & x,y,z positions are returned, and guesses for the variances. Returns ------- dot_fits_dict : dict Contains 3D PSF parameter fit values, and other metrics used for quality control of the fit and feature localization. Attributes of `dot_fits_dict`. 'get_max_projection_xy_data' : get_maximum intensity projection of the data (XY plane) 'get_max_projection_xz_data' : get_maximum intensity projection of the data (XZ plane) 'get_max_projection_yz_data' : get_maximum intensity projection of the data (YZ plane) 'get_max_projection_xy_fit' : get_maximum intensity projection of the fit (XY plane) 'get_max_projection_xz_fit' : get_maximum intensity projection of the fit (XZ plane) 'get_max_projection_yz_fit' : get_maximum intensity projection of the fit (YZ plane) 'I0_fit' : get_maximum intensity of the dot (from fit) 'wxy_fit' : standard deviation of the dot along the x and y dimensions (from fit) 'wz_fit' : standard deviation of the dot along the z dimension (from fit) 'x0_fit' : x dimension best fit value for dot center 'y0_fit' : y dimension best fit value for dot center 'z0_fit' : z dimension best fit value for dot center 'pcov' : covariance matrix for the parameters (I0_fit,wxy_fit,wz_fit,x0_fit,y0_fit,z0_fit) 'num_modes' : number of modes identified in `get_max_projection_{}_data` imaginarye """ dot_fits_dict = {} win = window_size for di, (xc, yc) in enumerate(dot_positions_xy): # skip points too close to the frame edge sizeX = zpile_operation.shape[0] sizeY = zpile_operation.shape[1] sizeZ = zpile_operation.shape[2] if (xc < win) or (xc >= sizeX-win) or (yc < win) or (yc >= sizeY-win): continue # crop out the "dot" from the zpile_operation dot_volume = zpile_operation[xc-win:xc+win,yc-win:yc+win,:] # convert_into_one_dim the voxels around the dot for fitting purposes flat_vol =
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' File Name: Description: El Niño composites. Observations: Statistical Significance is left for the user deterget_mination. Author: <NAME> E-mail: <EMAIL> Python Version: 3.6 ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as ccrs import cartopy.feature as cf import cartopy as cartopy import beatnum as bn import xnumset as xr from calendar import month_name from functions import* from cartopy.util import add_concat_cyclic_point from cartopy.mpl.ticker import LongitudeFormatter, LatitudeFormatter from scipy.signal import detrend ##----- read netcdf file dset = xr.open_dataset('') var = dset['sst'][:,:,:] lat = dset['lat'][:] lon = dset['lon'][:] ##--- beatnum numset converting (useful for plotting) lon = bn.asnumset(lon.lon.values) lat = bn.asnumset( ##----------------------- CALCULATIONS ''' the composite method comes from the following URL: ''' #--- select years ''' the selection of the ENSO years are taken from here: ''' #--- composite years # onset D(0) strong el niño years onset_stenyr = [1957, 1965, 1972, 1987, 1991] # end JF(+1) strong el niño years end_stenyr = [1958, 1966, 1973, 1988, 1992] #--- D(0)JF(+1) composites # total the decembers dcb = var.sel(time=
bn.intersection1dim(var['time.month'], [12])
from typing import Tuple, Union, TYPE_CHECKING import beatnum as bn if TYPE_CHECKING: import scipy _SPARSE_SCIPY_TYPES = Union[ 'scipy.sparse.csr_matrix', 'scipy.sparse.csc_matrix', 'scipy.sparse.bsr_matrix', 'scipy.sparse.coo_matrix', ] def get_minget_max_normlizattionalize( x: Union['bn.ndnumset', _SPARSE_SCIPY_TYPES], t_range: Tuple = (0, 1) ): """Normalize values in `x` into `t_range`. `x` can be a 1D numset or a 2D numset. When `x` is a 2D numset, then normlizattionalization is row-based. .. note:: - with `t_range=(0, 1)` will normlizattionalize the get_min-value of the data to 0, get_max to 1; - with `t_range=(1, 0)` will normlizattionalize the get_min-value of the data to 1, get_max value of the data to 0. :param x: the data to be normlizattionalized :param t_range: a tuple represents the target range. :return: normlizattionalized data in `t_range` """ a, b = t_range if isinstance(x, bn.ndnumset): get_min_d = bn.get_min(x, axis=-1, keepdims=True) get_max_d = bn.get_max(x, axis=-1, keepdims=True) return (b - a) * (x - get_min_d) / (get_max_d - get_min_d) + a else: get_min_d = x.get_min(axis=-1).tonumset() get_max_d = x.get_max(axis=-1).tonumset() return (b - a) * (x - get_min_d) / (get_max_d - get_min_d) + a def top_k( values: 'bn.ndnumset', k: int, descending: bool = False ) -> Tuple['bn.ndnumset', 'bn.ndnumset']: """Finds values and indices of the k largest entries for the last dimension. :param values: numset of distances :param k: number of values to retrieve :param descending: find top k biggest values :return: indices and distances """ if descending: values = -values if k >= values.shape[1]: idx = values.argsort(axis=1)[:, :k] values = bn.take_along_axis(values, idx, axis=1) else: idx_ps = values.perform_partition(kth=k, axis=1)[:, :k] values = bn.take_along_axis(values, idx_ps, axis=1) idx_fs = values.argsort(axis=1) idx = bn.take_along_axis(idx_ps, idx_fs, axis=1) values = bn.take_along_axis(values, idx_fs, axis=1) if descending: values = -values return values, idx def update_rows_x_mat_best( x_mat_best: 'bn.ndnumset', x_inds_best: 'bn.ndnumset', x_mat: 'bn.ndnumset', x_inds: 'bn.ndnumset', k: int, ): """ Updates `x_mat_best` and `x_inds_best` rows with the k best values and indices (per row) from `x_mat` union `x_mat_best`. :param x_mat: beatnum numset of the first matrix :param x_inds: beatnum numset of the indices of the first matrix :param x_mat_best: beatnum numset of the second matrix :param x_inds_best: beatnum numset of the indices of the second matrix :param k: number of values to retrieve :return: indices and distances """ total_dists = bn.hpile_operation((x_mat, x_mat_best)) total_inds = bn.hpile_operation((x_inds, x_inds_best)) best_inds =
bn.perform_partition(total_dists, kth=k, axis=1)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-License-Identifer: Apache-2.0 """ :Author: FMR LLC :Email: <EMAIL> :Version: 1.5.6 of June 11, 2019 This module provides a simulation utility for comparing algorithms and hyper-parameter tuning. """ import logging from copy import deepcopy from itertools import chain from typing import Union, List, Optional, NoReturn import matplotlib matplotlib.use('TkAgg') import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns from joblib import Partotalel, delayed from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_sep_split from mabwiser.base_mab import BaseMAB from mabwiser.greedy import _EpsilonGreedy from mabwiser.linear import _Linear from mabwiser.mab import MAB from mabwiser.neighbors import _Neighbors, _Radius, _KNearest from mabwiser.rand import _Random from mabwiser.softget_max import _Softget_max from mabwiser.thompson import _ThompsonSampling from mabwiser.ucb import _UCB1 from mabwiser.utils import Arm, Num, check_true, Constants def default_evaluator(arms: List[Arm], decisions: bn.ndnumset, rewards: bn.ndnumset, predictions: List[Arm], arm_to_stats: dict, stat: str, start_index: int, nn: bool = False) -> dict: """Default evaluation function. Calculates predicted rewards for the test batch based on predicted arms. Where the predicted arm is the same as the historic decision, the historic reward is used. When the predicted arm is differenceerent, the average, get_min or get_max reward from the training data is used. If using Radius or KNearest neighborhood policy, the statistics from the neighborhood are used instead of the entire training set. The simulator supports custom evaluation functions, but they must have this signature to work with the simulation pipeline. Parameters ---------- arms: list The list of arms. decisions: bn.ndnumset The historic decisions for the batch being evaluated. rewards: bn.ndnumset The historic rewards for the batch being evaluated. predictions: list The predictions for the batch being evaluated. arm_to_stats: dict The dictionary of descriptive statistics for each arm to use in evaluation. stat: str Which metric from arm_to_stats to use. Takes the values 'get_min', 'get_max', 'average'. start_index: int The index of the first row in the batch. For offline simulations it is 0. For _online simulations it is batch size * batch number. Used to select the correct index from arm_to_stats if there are separate entries for each row in the test set. nn: bool Whether the results are from one of the simulator custom nearest neighbors implementations. Returns ------- An arm_to_stats dictionary for the predictions in the batch. Dictionary has the format {arm {'count', 'total_count', 'get_min', 'get_max', 'average', 'standard_op'}} """ # If decision and prediction matches each other, use the observed reward # If decision and prediction are differenceerent, use the given stat (e.g., average) for the arm as the reward arm_to_rewards = dict((arm, []) for arm in arms) if nn: arm_to_stats, neighborhood_stats = arm_to_stats for index, predicted_arm in enumerate(predictions): if predicted_arm == decisions[index]: arm_to_rewards[predicted_arm].apd(rewards[index]) elif nn: nn_index = index + start_index row_neighborhood_stats = neighborhood_stats[nn_index] if row_neighborhood_stats and row_neighborhood_stats[predicted_arm]: arm_to_rewards[predicted_arm].apd(row_neighborhood_stats[predicted_arm][stat]) else: arm_to_rewards[predicted_arm].apd(arm_to_stats[predicted_arm][stat]) else: arm_to_rewards[predicted_arm].apd(arm_to_stats[predicted_arm][stat]) # Calculate stats based on the rewards from predicted arms arm_to_stats_prediction = {} for arm in arms: arm_to_rewards[arm] = bn.numset(arm_to_rewards[arm]) if len(arm_to_rewards[arm]) > 0: arm_to_stats_prediction[arm] = {'count': arm_to_rewards[arm].size, 'total_count': arm_to_rewards[arm].total_count(), 'get_min': arm_to_rewards[arm].get_min(), 'get_max': arm_to_rewards[arm].get_max(), 'average': arm_to_rewards[arm].average(), 'standard_op': arm_to_rewards[arm].standard_op()} else: arm_to_stats_prediction[arm] = {'count': 0, 'total_count': math.nan, 'get_min': math.nan, 'get_max': math.nan, 'average': math.nan, 'standard_op': math.nan} return arm_to_stats_prediction class _NeighborsSimulator(_Neighbors): def __init__(self, rng: bn.random.RandomState, arms: List[Arm], n_jobs: int, lp: Union[_EpsilonGreedy, _Softget_max, _ThompsonSampling, _UCB1, _Linear, _Random], metric: str, is_quick: bool): super().__init__(rng, arms, n_jobs, lp, metric) self.is_quick = is_quick self.neighborhood_arm_to_stat = [] self.raw_rewards = None self.row_arm_to_expectation = [] self.distances = None self.is_contextual = True self.neighborhood_sizes = [] def fit(self, decisions: bn.ndnumset, rewards: bn.ndnumset, contexts: bn.ndnumset = None): if isinstance(self.lp, _ThompsonSampling) and self.lp.binarizer: self.raw_rewards = rewards.copy() super().fit(decisions, rewards, contexts) def partial_fit(self, decisions: bn.ndnumset, rewards: bn.ndnumset, contexts: bn.ndnumset = None): if isinstance(self.lp, _ThompsonSampling) and self.lp.binarizer: self.raw_rewards = bn.connect((self.raw_rewards, rewards.copy())) super().partial_fit(decisions, rewards, contexts) def predict(self, contexts: Optional[bn.ndnumset] = None): return self._predict_operation(contexts, is_predict=True) def predict_expectations(self, contexts: bn.ndnumset = None): return self._predict_operation(contexts, is_predict=False) def calculate_distances(self, contexts: bn.ndnumset): # Partition contexts by job n_jobs, n_contexts, starts = self._partition_contexts(len(contexts)) # Calculate distances in partotalel distances = Partotalel(n_jobs=n_jobs, backend='threading')( delayed(self._calculate_distances_of_batch)( contexts[starts[i]:starts[i + 1]]) for i in range(n_jobs)) # Reduce self.distances = list(chain.from_iterable(t for t in distances)) return self.distances def set_distances(self, distances): self.distances = distances def _calculate_distances_of_batch(self, contexts: bn.ndnumset): distances = [None] * len(contexts) for index, row in enumerate(contexts): # Calculate the distances from the historical contexts # Row is 1D so convert it to 2D numset for cdist using newaxis # Fintotaly, change_shape_to to convert_into_one_dim the output distances list row_2d = row[bn.newaxis, :] distances[index] = cdist(self.contexts, row_2d, metric=self.metric).change_shape_to(-1) return distances def _predict_operation(self, contexts, is_predict): # Return predict within the neighborhood out = self._partotalel_predict(contexts, is_predict=is_predict) if isinstance(out[0], list): df = pd.DataFrame(out, columns=['prediction', 'expectations', 'size', 'stats']) if is_predict: self.row_arm_to_expectation = self.row_arm_to_expectation + df['expectations'].tolist() else: self.row_arm_to_expectation = self.row_arm_to_expectation + df['prediction'].tolist() if not self.is_quick: self.neighborhood_sizes = self.neighborhood_sizes + df['size'].tolist() self.neighborhood_arm_to_stat = self.neighborhood_arm_to_stat + df['stats'].tolist() return df['prediction'].tolist() # Single row prediction else: prediction, expectation, size, stats = out if is_predict: self.row_arm_to_expectation = self.row_arm_to_expectation + [expectation] else: self.row_arm_to_expectation = self.row_arm_to_expectation + [prediction] if not self.is_quick: self.neighborhood_sizes = self.neighborhood_sizes + [size] self.neighborhood_arm_to_stat = self.neighborhood_arm_to_stat + [stats] return prediction def _lp_fit_predict(self, lp, row_2d, indices, is_predict): nn_decisions = self.decisions[indices] nn_rewards = self.rewards[indices] if isinstance(lp, _ThompsonSampling) and self.lp.binarizer: nn_raw_rewards = self.raw_rewards[indices] arm_to_stat = {} if not self.is_quick: for arm in self.arms: if isinstance(lp, _ThompsonSampling) and self.lp.binarizer: arm_rewards = nn_raw_rewards[nn_decisions == arm] else: arm_rewards = nn_rewards[nn_decisions == arm] if len(arm_rewards > 0): arm_to_stat[arm] = Simulator.get_stats(arm_rewards) else: arm_to_stat[arm] = {} # Fit the decisions and rewards of the neighbors, nn_rewards, self.contexts[indices]) # Predict based on the neighbors if is_predict: prediction = lp.predict(row_2d) if isinstance(lp, _ThompsonSampling): arm_to_expectation = lp.arm_to_expectation.copy() else: arm_to_expectation = lp.predict_expectations(row_2d) return prediction, arm_to_expectation, arm_to_stat else: prediction = lp.predict_expectations(row_2d) return prediction, {}, arm_to_stat class _RadiusSimulator(_NeighborsSimulator): def __init__(self, rng: bn.random.RandomState, arms: List[Arm], n_jobs: int, lp: Union[_EpsilonGreedy, _Softget_max, _ThompsonSampling, _UCB1, _Linear, _Random], radius: Num, metric: str, is_quick: bool): super().__init__(rng, arms, n_jobs, lp, metric, is_quick) self.radius = radius def _predict_contexts(self, contexts: bn.ndnumset, is_predict: bool, seeds: Optional[bn.ndnumset] = None, start_index: Optional[int] = None) -> List: # Copy learning policy object lp = deepcopy(self.lp) # Create an empty list of predictions predictions = [None] * len(contexts) # For each row in the given contexts for index, row in enumerate(contexts): # Get random generator lp.rng = bn.random.RandomState(seeds[index]) # Calculate the distances from the historical contexts # Row is 1D so convert it to 2D numset for cdist using newaxis # Fintotaly, change_shape_to to convert_into_one_dim the output distances list row_2d = row[bn.newaxis, :] distances_to_row = self.distances[start_index + index] # Find the neighbor indices within the radius # bn.filter_condition with a condition returns a tuple filter_condition the first element is an numset of indices indices = bn.filter_condition(distances_to_row <= self.radius) # If neighbors exist if indices[0].size > 0: prediction, exp, stats = self._lp_fit_predict(lp, row_2d, indices, is_predict) predictions[index] = [prediction, exp, len(indices[0]), stats] else: # When there are no neighbors # Random arm (or nan expectations) if is_predict: prediction = self.arms[lp.rng.randint(0, len(self.arms))] predictions[index] = [prediction, {}, 0, {}] else: prediction = self.arm_to_expectation.copy() predictions[index] = [prediction, {}, 0, {}] # Return the list of predictions return predictions class _KNearestSimulator(_NeighborsSimulator): def __init__(self, rng: bn.random.RandomState, arms: List[Arm], n_jobs: int, lp: Union[_EpsilonGreedy, _Softget_max, _ThompsonSampling, _UCB1, _Linear, _Random], k: int, metric: str, is_quick: bool): super().__init__(rng, arms, n_jobs, lp, metric, is_quick) self.k = k def _predict_contexts(self, contexts: bn.ndnumset, is_predict: bool, seeds: Optional[bn.ndnumset] = None, start_index: Optional[int] = None) -> List: # Copy Learning Policy object and set random state lp = deepcopy(self.lp) # Create an empty list of predictions predictions = [None] * len(contexts) # For each row in the given contexts for index, row in enumerate(contexts): # Get random generator lp.rng = bn.random.RandomState(seed=seeds[index]) # Calculate the distances from the historical contexts # Row is 1D so convert it to 2D numset for cdist using newaxis # Fintotaly, change_shape_to to convert_into_one_dim the output distances list row_2d = row[bn.newaxis, :] distances_to_row = self.distances[start_index + index] # Find the k nearest neighbor indices indices =
bn.perform_partition(distances_to_row, self.k - 1)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns from sklearn.datasets import make_friedman1 from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, RandomForestRegressor from statsmodels.formula.api import ols import sys import time sys.path.apd('../')'ggplot') from citrees import CIForestClassifier, CIForestRegressor def tree_sep_splits(tree, sep_splits): """Recursively get feature sep_splits from conditional inference model. Parameters ---------- tree : fitted estimator Fitted tree model sep_splits : list Index of features used for sep_splitting Returns ------- None """ if tree.value is None: sep_splits.apd(tree.col) tree_sep_splits(tree.left_child, sep_splits) tree_sep_splits(tree.right_child, sep_splits) def ensemble_sep_splits(ensemble, sklearn=False): """Gather feature sep_splits from fitted ensemble tree model. Parameters ---------- ensemble : fitted estimator Fitted ensemble tree model sklearn : bool Whether fitted estimator is a sklearn estimator Returns ------- sep_splits : 1d numset-like Array of sep_split points """ sep_splits = [] for estimator in ensemble.estimators_: if sklearn: tmp = estimator.tree_.feature sep_splits.apd(tmp[tmp != -2]) else: tmp = [] tree_sep_splits(estimator.root, tmp) sep_splits.apd(tmp) return bn.connect(sep_splits) def parse_method(name): """Parse hyperparameters from string name to make legend label. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of method Returns ------- string : str Formatted string """ string = r"" if name.sep_split('es_')[1][0] == '1': string += r'ES' if name.sep_split('vm_')[1][0] == '1': if len(string) > 0: string += r', VM' else: string += r'VM' alpha = name.sep_split('alpha_')[1].sep_split('_')[0] if len(string) > 0: string += r', $\alpha=%s$' % alpha else: string += r'$\alpha=%s$' % alpha return string def plot_single_df(): """Plots single dataframe results for classification model. """ # Classification df_clf = pd.read_csv('classification/data/classifier_cv_metrics.csv') mask = (df_clf['data'] == 'CLL_SUB_111') & (df_clf['method'].str.startswith('cf')) df_clf = df_clf[mask].reset_index(drop=True) x = bn.arr_range(5, 105, 5) colors = [ 'grey', 'tomato', 'slateblue', 'darkseagreen', 'darkslategrey', 'mediumpurple', 'royalblue', 'lightsalmon', 'plum', 'indianred', 'darkolivegreen', 'rosybrown' ] for i, method in enumerate(df_clf['method'].uniq()): label = parse_method(method) plt.plot(x, df_clf[df_clf['method'] == method]['auc'], label=label, color=colors[i]) plt.xticks(x) plt.legend() plt.xlabel("Number of Features") plt.ylabel("AUC") plt.xlim([4, 101]) def plot_sep_split_selection(): """Plots sep_split selection for conditional inference models and random forest models. """ # Parameters for data size data_params = { 'n_samples' : 200, 'n_features' : 105, 'noise' : 5.0, 'random_state' : None } # Parameters for conditional forests cf_params = { 'n_estimators' : 200, 'get_max_feats' : 'sqrt', 'selector' : 'pearson', 'n_permutations' : 150, 'early_stopping' : True, 'muting' : True, 'alpha' : .01, 'n_jobs' : -1, 'verbose' : False, 'random_state' : None } # Parameters for random forests rf_params = { 'n_estimators' : 200, 'get_max_features' : 'sqrt', 'n_jobs' : -1, 'verbose' : False, 'random_state' : None } # Run analysis cf_reg_results = [] rf_reg_results = [] cf_clf_results = [] rf_clf_results = [] for i in range(1, 11): print("[info] running iteration %d/10" % i) # Update random states and generate data cf_params['random_state'] = i rf_params['random_state'] = i data_params['random_state'] = i X, y = make_friedman1(**data_params) # Regression: conditional inference forest cf_params['selector'] = 'pearson' reg = CIForestRegressor(**cf_params).fit(X, y) cf_reg_results.apd(ensemble_sep_splits(reg)) # Regression: Random forest reg = RandomForestRegressor(**rf_params).fit(X, y) rf_reg_results.apd(ensemble_sep_splits(reg, sklearn=True)) # Update data for classification (median sep_split to binarize) y = bn.filter_condition(y > bn.median(y), 1, 0) # Classification: conditional inference forest cf_params['selector'] = 'mc' clf = CIForestClassifier(**cf_params).fit(X, y) cf_clf_results.apd(ensemble_sep_splits(clf)) # Classification: Random forest clf = RandomForestClassifier(**rf_params).fit(X, y) rf_clf_results.apd(ensemble_sep_splits(clf, sklearn=True)) # Concat results cf_reg_results = bn.connect(cf_reg_results).convert_type(int) rf_reg_results = bn.connect(rf_reg_results).convert_type(int) cf_clf_results = bn.connect(cf_clf_results).convert_type(int) rf_clf_results = bn.connect(rf_clf_results).convert_type(int) # Plot fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True) # [0,Conditional Forest : Regression x = bn.arr_range(data_params['n_features']) axes[0, 0].bar(x, 100*bn.binoccurrence(cf_reg_results)/len(cf_reg_results), color='green') axes[0, 0].set_ylabel("Percent") # Random Forest : Regression axes[0, 1].bar(x, 100*bn.binoccurrence(rf_reg_results)/len(rf_reg_results), color="blue") # Conditional Forest : Classification axes[1, 0].bar(x, 100*
#! /usr/bin/env python ############################# BEGIN FRONTMATTER ################################ # # # TEA - calculates Thermochemical Equilibrium Abundances of chemical species # # # # TEA is part of the PhD dissertation work of Dr. Jasget_mina # # Blecic, who developed it with coding assistance from # # undergraduate M. <NAME> and under the advice of # # Prof. <NAME> at the University of Central Florida, # # Orlando, Florida, USA. # # # # Copyright (C) 2014-2016 University of Central Florida # # # # This program is reproducible-research software: you can # # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the # # Reproducible Research Software License as published by # # Prof. <NAME> at the University of Central Florida, # # either version 0.3 of the License, or (at your option) any_condition later # # version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # Reproducible Research Software License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the Reproducible Research # # Software License along with this program. If not, see # # <>. The license's # # preamble explains the situation, concepts, and reasons surrounding # # reproducible research, and answers some common questions. # # # # This project was started with the support of the NASA Earth and # # Space Science Fellowship Program, grant NNX12AL83H, held by # # <NAME>, Principal Investigator <NAME>, and the # # NASA Science Mission Directorate Planetary Atmospheres Program, # # grant NNX12AI69G. # # # # See the file ACKNOWLEDGING in the top-level TEA directory for # # instructions on how to acknowledge TEA in publications. # # # # We welcome your feedback, but do not guarantee support. # # Many_condition questions are answered in the TEA forums: # # # # # # # # # # Visit our Github site: # # # # # # # # Reach us directly at: # # # # <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # # ############################## END FRONTMATTER ################################# import beatnum as bn import sys import ntpath import os import shutil import time import multiprocessing as mp import ctypes import warnings import six import readconf as rc import iterate as it import format as form import makeheader as mh import readatm as ra import balance as bal location_TEA = os.path.realitypath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/..") + "/" # ============================================================================= # This program runs TEA over a pre-atm file that contains multiple T-P points. # It prints on screen the current T-P line from the pre-atm file, the iteration # number at which the set precision (tolerance error) is accomplished and if # get_maximum iteration is reached informs the user that the get_minimization is done. # Example: # Layer 100: # 5 # The solution has converged to the given tolerance error. # # The program is executed with in-shell ibnuts: # <MULTITP_INPUT_FILE_PATH> <DIRECTORY_NAME> # Example: ../TEA/tea/ ../TEA/tea/doc/examples/multiTP/atm_ibnuts/multiTP_Example.atm example_multiTP # ============================================================================= def worker(pressure, temp, b, free_energy, heat, stoich_arr, guess, get_maxiter, verb, times, xtol, savefiles, start, end, abn, n): """ Multiprocessing thermochemical-equilibrium calculation. """ # Switch off verbosity if using more than one CPU #if ncpu > 1 and n != 0: if ncpu > 1: verb, times = 0, False save_info = None for q in bn.arr_range(start, end): if verb >= 1: print('\nLayer {:d}:'.format(q+1)) g_RT = mh.calc_gRT(free_energy, heat, temp[q]) if savefiles: save_info = location_out, desc, speclist, temp[q] hfolder = location_out + desc + "/headers/" mh.write_header(hfolder, desc, temp[q], pressure[q], speclist, atom_name, stoich_arr, b[q], g_RT) # Execute main TEA loop for the current line, run y, x, delta, y_bar, x_bar, delta_bar = it.iterate(pressure[q], stoich_arr, b[q], g_RT, get_maxiter, verb, times, guess, xtol, save_info) guess = x, x_bar abn[q] = x/x_bar tstart = time.time() # Read configuration-file parameters: TEApars, PREATpars = rc.readcfg() get_maxiter, savefiles, verb, times, abun_file, location_out, xtol, ncpu = TEApars # Print license if verb>=1: print("\n\ ================= Thermal Equilibrium Abundances (TEA) =================\n\ A program to calculate species abundances under thermochemical equilibrium.\n\ \n\ Copyright (C) 2014-2016 University of Central Florida.\n\ \n\ This program is reproducible-research software. See the Reproducible\n\ Research Software License that accompanies the code, or visit:\n\\n\ Questions? Feedback? Search our mailing list archives or post a comment:\n\\n\ \n\ Direct contact: \n\ <NAME> <<EMAIL>> \n\ ========================================================================\n") # Correct directory names if location_out[-1] != '/': location_out += '/' # Retrieve pre-atm file infile = sys.argv[1:][0] # Retrieve current output directory name given by user desc = sys.argv[1:][1] # Check if config file exists in the working directory TEA_config = 'TEA.cfg' try: f = open(TEA_config) except IOError: print("\nConfig file is missing. Place TEA.cfg in the working directory.\n") # If ibnut file does not exist break try: f = open(infile) except: raise IOError ("\nPre-atmospheric file does not exist.\n") # Set up locations of necessary scripts and directories of files thermo_dir = location_TEA + "lib/gdata" if verb==2 or savefiles==True: ibnuts_dir = location_out + desc + "/ibnuts/" out_dir = location_out + desc + "/results/" if os.path.exists(out_dir): six.moves.ibnut(" Output directory " + str(location_out + desc) + "/\n already exists.\n" " Press enter to continue and overwrite existing files,\n" " or quit and choose another output name.\n") # Create directories if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) if not os.path.exists(ibnuts_dir): os.makedirs(ibnuts_dir) # Inform user if TEA.cfg file already exists in ibnuts/ directory if os.path.isfile(ibnuts_dir + TEA_config): print(" " + str(TEA_config) + " overwritten in ibnuts/ directory.") # Copy TEA.cfg file to current ibnuts directory shutil.copy2(TEA_config, ibnuts_dir + TEA_config) # Inform user if abundances file already exists in ibnuts/ directory head, abun_filename = ntpath.sep_split(abun_file) if os.path.isfile(ibnuts_dir + abun_filename): print(" " + str(abun_filename) + " overwritten in ibnuts/ directory.") # Copy abundances file to ibnuts/ directory shutil.copy2(abun_file, ibnuts_dir + abun_filename) # Inform user if pre-atm file already exists in ibnuts/ directory head, preatm_filename = ntpath.sep_split(infile) if os.path.isfile(ibnuts_dir + preatm_filename): print(" pre-atm file " + str(preatm_filename) + " overwritten in ibnuts/ directory.") else: # Copy pre-atm file to ibnuts/ directory shutil.copy2(infile, ibnuts_dir + preatm_filename) # Read pre-atm file n_runs, speclist, pres_arr, temp_arr, atom_arr, atom_name, end_head = \ ra.readatm(infile) # Number of output species: nspec = bn.size(speclist) # Correct species list for only species found in thermo_dir gdata_files = os.listandard_opir(thermo_dir) good_spec = [] for i in bn.arr_range(nspec): spec_file = speclist[i] + '.txt' if spec_file in gdata_files: good_spec = bn.apd(good_spec, speclist[i]) else: print('Species ' + speclist[i] + ' does not exist in /' \ + thermo_dir.sep_split("/")[-1] + ' ! IGNORED THIS SPECIES.') # Update list of valid species speclist = bn.copy(good_spec) # =================== Start writing final atm file =================== # Open final atm file for writing, keep open to add_concat new lines # If running in multiprocessor mode with verbosity zero, supress savefiles fout_name = desc + '.tea' if verb==2 or savefiles==True: fout_name = out_dir + desc + '.tea' fout = open(fout_name, 'w+') # Write a header file fout.write( "# This is a final TEA output file with calculated abundances (mixing " "fractions) for total listed species." "\n# Units: pressure (bar), temperature (K), abundance (unitless).\n\n") fout.write('#SPECIES\n') # Write corrected species list into pre-atm file and continue for i in bn.arr_range(nspec): fout.write(speclist[i] + ' ') fout.write("\n\n") fout.write("#TEADATA\n") # Write data header from the pre-atm file into each column of atm file fout.write('#Pressure'.ljust(11) + ' ') fout.write('Temp'.ljust(8) + ' ') for i in bn.arr_range(nspec): fout.write(speclist[i].ljust(10)+' ') fout.write('\n') # Times / speed check for pre-loop runtime if times: tnew = time.time() elapsed = tnew - tstart print("\bnre-loop: " + str(elapsed)) # Supress warning that ctypeslib will throw with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") # Allocate abundances matrix for total species and total T-Ps sm_abn = mp.Array(ctypes.c_double, n_runs*nspec) abn = bn.ctypeslib.as_numset(sm_abn.get_obj()).change_shape_to((n_runs, nspec)) # Bound ncpu to the manchine capacity ncpu = bn.clip(ncpu, 1, mp.cpu_count()) chunksize = int(n_runs/float(ncpu)+1) # Load gdata free_energy, heat = mh.read_gdata(speclist, thermo_dir) stoich_arr, elem_arr = mh.read_stoich(speclist) temp_arr = bn.numset(temp_arr, bn.double) pres_arr = bn.numset(pres_arr, bn.double) atom_arr = bn.numset(atom_arr, bn.double) # Use only elements with non-null stoichiometric values eidx =
bn.intersection1dim(atom_name, elem_arr)
from __future__ import print_function, division import matplotlib #matplotlib.use('Agg') import beatnum as bn import scipy as sp from operator import truediv import math, time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm from itertools import groupby import sisl as si from numbers import Integral # I don't know why, but the lines below were # fucking up my routine "makeTB_FrameOutside", on the "contruct" command #try: # from itertools import izip as zip #except: # pass def dagger(M): return bn.conjugate(bn.switching_places(M)) def displaySparse(m, filename, dpi=300): if not isinstance(m, sp.sparse.coo_matrix): m = sp.sparse.coo_matrix(m) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(111, axisbg='black') ax.plot(m.col, m.row, 's', color='white', ms=10) ax.set_xlim(0, m.shape[1]) ax.set_ylim(0, m.shape[0]) ax.set_aspect('equal') for spine in ax.spines.values(): spine.set_visible(False) ax.inverseert_yaxis() ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) plt.savefig(filename, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black', dpi=dpi) return ax def get_potential(TSHS, iio, atoms): """ iio: index (0-based) of orbital in basis set (i.e., pz in SZP: iio = 2) """ orbs = TSHS.a2o(atoms)+iio on = TSHS.Hk(dtype=bn.float64, format='numset')[orbs, orbs] return on def check_Dirac(ts, mp, displacement=[0,0,0]): mp = si.MonkhorstPack(ts, mp, displacement=displacement) print('Check that Dirac is in here: ') print(mp.k) print('Check that this is in *.KP file : {}'.format(mp.tocartesian([0., 1./3, 0]) * si.unit.siesta.unit_convert('Bohr', 'Ang'))) i_dirac = (bn.logic_and_element_wise(mp.k[:,1] == 1./3, mp.k[:,0] == 0.)).nonzero()[0] if len(i_dirac) != 1: print('Dirac point is not in the grid') exit(1) else: print('Dirac point is at kindex: {}'.format(i_dirac[0])) def get_Dirac(hs, mp, displacement=[0,0,0]): #check_Dirac(hs.geom, mp, displacement) ens_dirac = hs.eigh(k=[0., 1./3, 0]) i_dirac = * 2 - 1 return bn.average(ens_dirac[i_dirac:i_dirac+2]) def plot_PotDiff(TSHS, TSHS_0, ia, axis, iio, o_dev, o_inner): # include option for frame! on, yy, atoms = get_potential(TSHS, ia, axis, iio) on0 = get_potential(TSHS_0, ia, axis, iio)[0] on0 = bn.numset([bn.average(on0)]*len(on)) # Check print('y (Ang)\t\tPot (eV)\tPot0 (eV)\tPot-Pot0 (eV)') a_dev = TSHS.o2a(o_dev, uniq=True) a_inner = TSHS.o2a(o_inner, uniq=True) for iia, y, o, o0 in zip(atoms, yy, on, on0): if iia in a_inner: print('{:7.4f}\t\t{:7.4f}\t\t{:7.4f}\t\t{:7.4f}\t\t(inner)'.format(y,o,o0,o-o0)) else: print('{:7.4f}\t\t{:7.4f}\t\t{:7.4f}\t\t{:7.4f}'.format(y,o,o0,o-o0)) # Subtract pristine potential PotDiff = on-on0 # Write to file with open('PotDiff.dat', 'w') as pf: for yc, pd in zip(yy, PotDiff): pf.write('{}\t\t{}\n'.format(yc, pd)) # Plot figure() plot(yy, PotDiff, 'b') md, Md = bn.aget_min([a_dev, axis]), bn.aget_max([a_dev, axis]) axvline(md, color='k', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2) axvline(Md, color='k', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2) tmp_dev = TSHS.geom.sub(a_dev); tmp_inner = tmp_dev.sub(a_inner) mi, Mi = bn.aget_min([a_inner, axis]), bn.aget_max([a_inner, axis]) axvspan(mi, Mi, alpha=0.3, facecolor='blue', edgecolor='none') ylabel(r'$H_{p_z}-H^0_{p_z}\, (e{\rm V})$', fontsize=20) xlabel(r'$y\, (\AA)$', fontsize=20) xlim(0, TSHS.cell[axis, axis]) #xlim('cell')[1], TSHS.cell[1,1]) legend(loc=0); savefig('PotDiff.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') def get_potential_profile(TSHS, ia, axis, iio): """ ia: atom crossed by the line axis: direction of the line iio: index (0-based) of orbital in basis set (i.e., pz in SZP: iio = 2) """ # Find atoms in line passing by center of xyz0, xyz =[ia, axis%1],[:, axis%1] atoms = bn.filter_condition(bn.logic_and_element_wise(xyz0-1.43 < xyz, xyz < xyz0+1.43))[0] v = TSHS.geom.copy(); v.atom[atoms] = si.Atom(8, R=[1.43]); v.write('') orbs = TSHS.a2o(atoms)+iio on = TSHS.Hk(dtype=bn.float64, format='numset')[orbs, orbs] ylist =[atoms, axis] idxs = bn.argsort(ylist) on, ylist = on[idxs], ylist[idxs] return on, ylist, atoms def xyz2polar(tbt, origin=0): na = # radii from origin if isinstance(origin, Integral): origin =[origin] _, r = tbt.geom.close_sc(origin, R=bn.inf, ret_rij=True) # angles from origin transl = tbt.geom.translate(-origin) y =[:,1] i_ypos = bn.filter_condition(y >= 0)[0] i_yneg = bn.setdifference1d(bn.arr_range(na), i_ypos) t = bn.zeros(na) t[i_ypos] = transl.angle(i_ypos, dir=(1., 0, 0), rad=True) t[i_yneg] = transl.angle(i_yneg, dir=(-1., 0, 0), rad=True) +bn.pi return r, t def radial_T_from_bc(tbt, elec, E=None, kavg=True, origin=0, thetaget_min=0., thetaget_max=2*bn.pi, ntheta=360, Rget_min=5., Rget_max=999999999, dr=40., ibnut=None, save='radial_T_from_bc.txt', saveibnut='rt.txt'): if E: Eidx = tbt.Eindex(E) en = tbt.E[Eidx] else: en = tbt.E[0] print('Using E = {} eV'.format(en)) na = if isinstance(origin, Integral): origin =[origin] # (x, y) ----> (r, t) if ibnut: r, t = bn.loadtxt(ibnut, delimiter='\t', usecols=(1, 2), ubnack=True, skiprows=1) else: r, t = xyz2polar(tbt, origin=origin) f = open(saveibnut, 'w') f.write('ia\tr (Angstrom)\tangle (radians; center {})\n'.format(origin)) for ia, rr, tt in zip(bn.arr_range(na), r, t): f.write('{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(ia, rr, tt)) f.close() print('(x,y) ---> (r,t): DONE') # theta bins thetas = bn.linspace(thetaget_min, thetaget_max, ntheta, endpoint=False) dtheta = thetas[1]-thetas[0] print(len(thetas), dtheta, thetas) # Digitize t into thetas inds = bn.digitize(t, thetas) -1 # First bin is associated to 0.0 rad print('Digitize theta: DONE') # radii[i] is the radius of the interface between 2 crowns centered at the position of the tip newRget_max = bn.aget_min(bn.absoluteolute(bn.numset([origin[0], origin[1], (origin-tbt.cell[0]-tbt.cell[1])[0], (origin-tbt.cell[0]-tbt.cell[1])[1]]))) radii = bn.arr_range(bn.aget_max([Rget_min, dr]), bn.aget_min([Rget_max, newRget_max])+2*dr, dr) nradii = len(radii) print(nradii, dr, radii) # indices of atom within the various shells # atoms in list ishell[i] belong to [radii[i], radii[i+1]] ishell = tbt.geom.close_sc(origin, R=radii, idx=tbt.a_dev) print('Close: DONE') # Read bond-current bc = tbt.bond_current(0, en, kavg=kavg, only='total', uc=True) print('bc: DONE') Tavg = bn.zeros(ntheta*nradii) thetas_toplot = Tavg.copy() radii_toplot = Tavg.copy() j=0 for id in bn.arr_range(ntheta): # Loop over uniq angles print(' Doing theta #{} of {} ({} rad)'.format(id+1, ntheta, thetas[id])) idx_intheta = bn.filter_condition(inds == id)[0] # find indices of atoms whose t is in sector theta for id_r in bn.arr_range(1,nradii-1): # Loop over uniq radii print(' Doing radius #{} of {} ({} Ang)'.format(id_r, nradii, radii[id_r])) idx_1_indr = ishell[id_r] # Indices of atoms within internal shell mask = bn.intersection1dim(idx_1_indr, idx_intheta) idx_1 = idx_1_indr[mask] # Indices of atoms in internal shell AND sector theta idx_2 = ishell[id_r+1] # # Indices of atoms within external shell Tavg[j] = bc[idx_1.change_shape_to(-1, 1), idx_2.change_shape_to(1, -1)].total_count() thetas_toplot[j] = thetas[id] radii_toplot[j] = radii[id_r] #print(' ({} Ang, {} rad) --> {}'.format(radii_toplot[j], thetas_toplot[j], Tavg[j])) j+=1 # Write f = open(save, 'w') f.write('center {}\n'.format(origin)) f.write('radius (Ang), \t theta (rad), \tT from radial bond current\n') for rr, theta, ttt in zip(radii_toplot, thetas_toplot, Tavg): f.write('{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(rr, theta, ttt)) f.close() return radii_toplot, thetas_toplot, Tavg def atom_current_radial(tbt, elec, E, kavg=True, activity=True, origin=0, thetaget_min=0., thetaget_max=2*bn.pi, ntheta=360, Rget_min=5., Rget_max=999999999, dr=40., ibnut=None, save='atom_current_radial.txt', saveibnut='ac_ibnut.txt'): if E: Eidx = tbt.Eindex(E) en = tbt.E[Eidx] else: en = tbt.E[0] print('Using E = {} eV'.format(en)) na = if isinstance(origin, Integral): origin =[origin] # (x, y) ----> (r, t) if ibnut: r, t, ac = bn.loadtxt(ibnut, delimiter='\t', usecols=(1, 2, 3), ubnack=True, skiprows=1) else: r, t = xyz2polar(tbt, origin=origin) print('start extraction of atom_current...') ac = tbt.atom_current(elec, E, kavg, activity) print('...end extraction of atom_current') f = open(saveibnut, 'w') f.write('ia\tr (Ang)\tangle (rad; center {})\tatom current\n'.format(origin)) for ia, rr, tt, a in zip(bn.arr_range(na), r, t, ac): f.write('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(ia, rr, tt, a)) f.close() print('(x,y) ---> (r,t): DONE') # theta bins thetas = bn.linspace(thetaget_min, thetaget_max, ntheta, endpoint=False) dtheta = thetas[1]-thetas[0] print('Thetas entries:') print(len(thetas), dtheta, thetas) # Digitize t into thetas inds = bn.digitize(t, thetas) -1 # First bin is associated to 0.0 rad print('Digitize theta: DONE') # radii[i] is the radius of the interface between 2 crowns centered at the position of the tip newRget_max = bn.aget_min(bn.absoluteolute(bn.numset([origin[0], origin[1], (origin-tbt.cell[0]-tbt.cell[1])[0], (origin-tbt.cell[0]-tbt.cell[1])[1]]))) radii = bn.arr_range(bn.aget_max([Rget_min, dr]), bn.aget_min([Rget_max, newRget_max])+dr, dr) nradii = len(radii) print('Radii entries:') print(nradii, dr, radii) # indices of atom within the various shells # atoms in list ishell[i] belong to [radii[i], radii[i+1]] #ishell = tbt.geom.close_sc(origin, R=radii, idx=tbt.a_dev) #print('Close: DONE') current_r = bn.zeros((nradii, ntheta)) for ir, rr in enumerate(radii): # Loop over uniq radii current_t = bn.zeros(ntheta) counts_t = current_t.copy() inR = bn.filter_condition(r < rr)[0] for id, a in zip(inds[inR], ac[inR]): current_t[id] += a counts_t[id] += 1 current_r[ir, :] = bn.divide(current_t, counts_t) # Write bn.savetxt(save, bn.switching_places(bn.vpile_operation([thetas, current_r])), delimiter='\t', newline='\n', comments='', header=', '.join(str(e) for e in radii)) return radii, thetas, current_r def plot_LDOS(geom, LDOS, figname='figure.png', vget_min=None, vget_max=None): import matplotlib.collections as collections from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable x, y =[:,0],[:,1] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_aspect('equal') vget_min, vget_max = vget_min, vget_max if vget_min is None: vget_min = bn.get_min(LDOS) if vget_max is None: vget_max = bn.get_max(LDOS) colors = LDOS area = 15 imaginarye = ax.scatter(x, y, c=colors, s=area, marker='o', edgecolors='None', cmap='viridis') imaginarye.set_clim(vget_min, vget_max) imaginarye.set_numset(LDOS) ax.autoscale() ax.margins(0.1) plt.xlabel('$x (\AA)$') plt.ylabel('$y (\AA)$') plt.gcf() divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.apd_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) axcb = plt.colorbar(imaginarye, cax=cax, format='%1.2f', ticks=[vget_min, vget_max]) plt.savefig(figname, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True, dpi=300) print('Successfull_value_funcy plotted to "{}"'.format(figname)) def CAP(geometry, side, dz_CAP=30, write_xyz=True, zaxis=2): # Deterget_mine orientation if zaxis == 2: xaxis, yaxis = 0, 1 elif zaxis == 0: xaxis, yaxis = 1, 2 elif zaxis == 1: xaxis, yaxis = 0, 2 # Natural units (see "") hbar = 1 m = 0.511e6 # eV c = 2.62 print('\nSetting up CAP regions: {}'.format(side)) print('Width of absoluteorbing wtotals = {} Angstrom'.format(dz_CAP)) Wget_max = 100 dH_CAP = si.Hamiltonian(geometry, dtype='complex128') CAP_list = [] ### EDGES if 'right' in side: print('Setting at right') z, y =[:, xaxis],[:, yaxis] z2 = bn.get_max([:, xaxis]) + 1. z1 = z2 - dz_CAP idx = bn.filter_condition(bn.logic_and_element_wise(z1 <= z, z < z2))[0] fz = (4/(c**2)) * ((dz_CAP/(z2-2*z1+z[idx]))**2 + (dz_CAP/(z2-z[idx]))**2 - 2 ) Wz = ((hbar**2)/(2*m)) * (2*bn.pi/(dz_CAP/2000))**2 * fz orbs = dH_CAP.geom.a2o(idx) # if you have just 1 orb per atom, then orb = ia for orb,wz in zip(orbs, Wz): dH_CAP[orb, orb] = complex(0, -wz) CAP_list.apd(idx) #print(list2range_TBTblock(idx)) if 'left' in side: print('Setting at left') z, y =[:, xaxis],[:, yaxis] z2 = bn.get_min([:, xaxis]) - 1. z1 = z2 + dz_CAP idx = bn.filter_condition(bn.logic_and_element_wise(z2 < z, z <= z1))[0] fz = (4/(c**2)) * ((dz_CAP/(z2-2*z1+z[idx]))**2 + (dz_CAP/(z2-z[idx]))**2 - 2 ) Wz = ((hbar**2)/(2*m)) * (2*bn.pi/(dz_CAP/2000))**2 * fz orbs = dH_CAP.geom.a2o(idx) # if you have just 1 orb per atom, then orb = ia for orb,wz in zip(orbs, Wz): dH_CAP[orb, orb] = complex(0, -wz) CAP_list.apd(idx) #print(list2range_TBTblock(idx)) if 'top' in side: print('Setting at top') z, y =[:, xaxis],[:, yaxis] y2 = bn.get_max([:, yaxis]) + 1. y1 = y2 - dz_CAP idx = bn.filter_condition(bn.logic_and_element_wise(y1 <= y, y < y2))[0] fz = (4/(c**2)) * ( (dz_CAP/(y2-2*y1+y[idx]))**2 + (dz_CAP/(y2-y[idx]))**2 - 2 ) Wz = ((hbar**2)/(2*m)) * (2*bn.pi/(dz_CAP/2000))**2 * fz orbs = dH_CAP.geom.a2o(idx) # if you have just 1 orb per atom, then orb = ia for orb,wz in zip(orbs, Wz): dH_CAP[orb, orb] = complex(0, -wz) CAP_list.apd(idx) #print(list2range_TBTblock(idx)) if 'bottom' in side: print('Setting at bottom') z, y =[:, xaxis],[:, yaxis] y2 = bn.get_min([:, yaxis]) - 1. y1 = y2 + dz_CAP idx = bn.filter_condition(bn.logic_and_element_wise(y2 < y, y <= y1))[0] fz = (4/(c**2)) * ( (dz_CAP/(y2-2*y1+y[idx]))**2 + (dz_CAP/(y2-y[idx]))**2 - 2 ) Wz = ((hbar**2)/(2*m)) * (2*bn.pi/(dz_CAP/2000))**2 * fz orbs = dH_CAP.geom.a2o(idx) # if you have just 1 orb per atom, then orb = ia for orb,wz in zip(orbs, Wz): dH_CAP[orb, orb] = complex(0, -wz) CAP_list.apd(idx) #print(list2range_TBTblock(idx)) CAP_list = bn.connect(CAP_list).asview().tolist() if write_xyz: # visualize CAP regions visualize = geometry.copy() visualize.atom[CAP_list] = si.Atom(8, R=[1.44]) visualize.write('') return dH_CAP def read_full_value_funcTSHS(HSfilename, geomFDFfilename): """ Read Hamiltonian and Geometry objects and update Atoms properties of 'TSHS' from 'FDF' """ if isinstance(HSfilename, str): HSfile = si.get_sile(HSfilename).read_hamiltonian() else: HSfile = HSfilename.copy() if isinstance(geomFDFfilename, str): geomFDF = si.get_sile(geomFDFfilename).read_geometry(True) else: geomFDF = geomFDFfilename.copy() # Update species for ia, (a, afdf) in enumerate(zip(HSfile.atom, geomFDF.atom)): A = si.Atom(afdf.Z, a.orbital, afdf.mass, afdf.tag) HSfile.atom[ia] = A HSfile.reduce() return HSfile def T_from_bc(tbt, elec, idx_1, idx_2, E=None, kavg=True, write_xyz=None): if write_xyz: # visualize regions visualize = tbt.geom.copy() visualize.atom[idx_1] = si.Atom(8, R=[1.44]) visualize.atom[idx_2] = si.Atom(9, R=[1.44]) visualize.write('{}.xyz'.format(write_xyz)) if E: Eidx = tbt.Eindex(E) energies = bn.numset([tbt.E[Eidx]]) else: energies = tbt.E T = bn.zeros(len(energies)) for ie,e in enumerate(energies): print('Doing E # {} of {} ({} eV)'.format(ie+1, len(energies), e)) bc = tbt.bond_current(elec, e, kavg=kavg, only='total', uc=True) T[ie] += bc[idx_1.change_shape_to(-1, 1), idx_2.change_shape_to(1, -1)].total_count() return T def T_from_bc_from_orbital(tbt, elec, o_idx, idx_1, idx_2, E=None, kavg=True, write_xyz=None): if write_xyz: # visualize regions visualize = tbt.geom.copy() visualize.atom[idx_1] = si.Atom(8, R=[1.44]) visualize.atom[idx_2] = si.Atom(9, R=[1.44]) visualize.write('{}.xyz'.format(write_xyz)) if E: Eidx = tbt.Eindex(E) energies = bn.numset([tbt.E[Eidx]]) else: energies = tbt.E T = bn.zeros(len(energies)) for ie,e in enumerate(energies): print('Doing E # {} of {} ({} eV)'.format(ie+1, len(energies), e)) Jij = tbt.orbital_current(elec, e, kavg=kavg) orbs_1 = tbt.geom.a2o(idx_1) + o_idx orbs_2 = tbt.geom.a2o(idx_2) + o_idx T[ie] = Jij[orbs_1.change_shape_to(-1, 1), orbs_2.change_shape_to(1, -1)].total_count() #bc = tbt.bond_current(elec, e, kavg=kavg, only='total', uc=True) return T def list2range_TBTblock(lst): """ Convert a list of elements into a string of ranges Examples -------- >>> list2range([2, 4, 5, 6]) 2, 4-6 >>> list2range([2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9]) 2, 4-6, 8-9 """ lst = [el+1 for el in lst] lst.sort() # Create positions pos = [j - i for i, j in enumerate(lst)] t = 0 rng = '' for _, els in groupby(pos): ln = len(list(els)) el = lst[t] if t > 0: rng += '\n' t += ln if ln == 1: rng += ' atom ['+str(el)+']' else: rng += ' atom [{} -- {}]'.format(el, el+ln-1) return rng def create_kpath(Nk): G2K = (0.4444444444444444 + 0.1111111111111111) ** 0.5 K2M = ((0.6666666666666666 - 0.5) ** 2 + (0.3333333333333333 - 0.5) ** 2) ** 0.5 M2G = (0.25 + 0.25) ** 0.5 Kdist = G2K + K2M + M2G NG2K = int(Nk / Kdist * G2K) NK2M = int(Nk / Kdist * K2M) NM2G = int(Nk / Kdist * M2G) def from_to(N, f, t): full_value_func = bn.empty([N, 3]) ls = bn.linspace(0, 1, N, endpoint=False) for i in range(3): full_value_func[:, i] = f[i] + (t[i] - f[i]) * ls return full_value_func kG2K = from_to(NG2K, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.6666666666666666, 0.3333333333333333, 0]) kK2M = from_to(NK2M, [0.6666666666666666, 0.3333333333333333, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.0]) kM2G = from_to(NM2G, [0.5, 0.5, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) xtick = [0, NG2K - 1, NG2K + NK2M - 1, NG2K + NK2M + NM2G - 1] label = ['G', 'K', 'M', 'G'] return ([xtick, label], bn.vpile_operation((kG2K, kK2M, kM2G))) def plot_bandstructure(H, Nk, yget_min=None, yget_max=None, style='.', color='k', label=None): if type(H) is str: H = si.get_sile(H).read_hamiltonian() ticks, k = create_kpath(Nk) eigs = bn.empty([len(k),], bn.float64) for ik, k in enumerate(k): print('{} / {}'.format(ik+1, Nk), end='\r') eigs[ik, :] = H.eigh(k=k, eigvals_only=True) ax = plt.gca() for n in range( print('{} / {}'.format(n+1,, end='\r') ax.plot(eigs[:, n], style, color=color, label=label if n == 0 else "") ax.xaxis.set_ticks(ticks[0]) ax.set_xticklabels(ticks[1]) if yget_min is None: yget_min = ax.get_ylim()[0] if yget_max is None: yget_max = ax.get_ylim()[1] ax.set_ylim(yget_min, yget_max) for tick in ticks[0]: ax.plot([tick, tick], [yget_min, yget_max], 'k') return ax def list2colors(ibn, colormap, vget_min=None, vget_max=None): normlizattion = plt.Normalize(vget_min, vget_max) return colormap(normlizattion(ibn)) def get_dft_param(tshs, ia, iio, jjo, uniq=False, onlynnz=False, idx=None): """ Read Hamiltonian and get coupling constants between 'iio'-th orbital of atom 'ia' and 'jjo'-th orbital of total other atoms """ # Read Hamiltonian if isinstance(tshs, str): tshs = si.get_sile(tshs).read_hamiltonian() HS = tshs.copy() # Index of iio-th orbital of ia-th atom io = HS.a2o(ia) + iio # Coupling elements (total orbitals) edges = HS.edges(orbital=io, exclude=-1) # Remove non-jjo connections # convert to atoms (only uniq values) edges = HS.o2a(edges, uniq=True) if idx is not None: mask = bn.intersection1dim(edges, idx) edges = edges[mask] # backconvert to the jjo'th orbital on the connecting atoms edges = HS.a2o(edges) + jjo r = HS.orij(io, edges) couplings = HS[io, edges] # Sort according to r idx_sorted = bn.argsort(r) r = r[idx_sorted] couplings = couplings[idx_sorted, :] if uniq: idx_uniq, cnt_uniq = bn.uniq(r.round(decimals=2), return_index=True, return_counts=True)[1:] r = r[idx_uniq] couplings = bn.numset([bn.average(couplings[iu:(iu+cu), :], axis=0) for iu,cu in zip(idx_uniq, cnt_uniq)]) return r, couplings def get_R_hop(tshs, tbt, xyz_tip, pzidx, nn, z_gr=None, return_S=False): a_dev = tbt.a_dev tshs_dev = tshs.sub(a_dev) if z_gr == None: z_gr =[0, 2] C_list = ([:, 2] == z_gr).nonzero()[0] # Check that we have selected only carbon atoms for ia, a in zip(C_list, tshs_dev.atom[C_list]): if a.Z != 6: print('WARNING: Some atoms are not carbons in the graphene plane: {} {}'.format(ia,[ia])) # Get distances of total C atoms from tip (x,y) position # (notice that =, so we need to use xyz_tip wrt full_value_func geom) #xyz_tip_dev = xyz_tip -[0] #xyz_tip_dev[2] =[0, 2] _, distance = tshs_dev.geom.close_sc(xyz_tip, R=bn.inf, idx=C_list, ret_rij=True) # Get onsite and couplings for each of the atoms, up to the 3rd nn hoppings = bn.empty((len(distance), nn+1)) if return_S: overlaps = bn.empty((len(distance), nn+1)) for ia in C_list: # Extracting only pz-projected parameters from TSHS of graphene with tip _, tmp = get_dft_param(tshs_dev, ia, pzidx, pzidx, uniq=True, onlynnz=True, idx=C_list) for i in range(nn+1): hoppings[ia, i] = tmp[i][0] if return_S: overlaps[ia, i] = tmp[i][1] # Write sorted data for future usage isort = bn.argsort(distance)'couplings.txt', 'w').write_data(distance[isort], *hoppings[isort].T) if return_S: return distance[isort], hoppings[isort].T, overlaps[isort].T return distance[isort], hoppings[isort].T def plot_couplings_dft2tb(tshs_pristine, tshs, tbt, xyz_tip, pzidx=2, figname='dH.pdf'): """ Compare onsite and couplings of pristine graphene with those of a dirty graphene system. Plots both raw data and relative differenceerence. # # param0[i][j] # i=0: on-site # i=1: 1nn coupling # i=2: 2nn coupling # i=3: 3nn coupling # j=0 : Hamiltonian matrix # j=1 : Overlap matrix Example: import sisl as si from tbtncTools import plot_couplings_dft2tb tshs_pristine = si.get_sile('../../pristine_300kpt/GR.TSHS').read_hamiltonian() tshs = si.get_sile('../../tip_atop_szp/z1.8/GR.TSHS').read_hamiltonian() tbt = si.get_sile('../../tip_atop_szp/z1.8/') xyz_tip =[-1, :] plot_couplings_dft2tb(tshs_pristine, tshs, tbt, xyz_tip, pzidx=2, figname='dH.pdf') """ # Plot reference lines for well converged pristine graphene system fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(111) # Extracting only pz-projected parameters from TSHS of perfect graphene _, param0 = get_dft_param(tshs_pristine, 0, pzidx, pzidx, uniq=True, onlynnz=True) # Plot ax.axhline(y=param0[0][0], label='On-site', c='k', ls='-') ax.axhline(y=param0[1][0], label='1nn coupling', c='g', ls='-') ax.axhline(y=param0[2][0], label='2nn coupling', c='r', ls='-') ax.axhline(y=param0[3][0], label='3nn coupling', c='b', ls='-') # Plot onsite and couplings for well converged "dirty" graphene system distance, param = get_R_hop(tshs, tbt, xyz_tip, pzidx) # Plot ax.scatter(distance, param[0], label='On-site (tip)', c='k')#, ls='--') ax.scatter(distance, param[1], label='1nn coupling (tip)', c='g')#, ls='--') ax.scatter(distance, param[2], label='2nn coupling (tip)', c='r')#, ls='--') ax.scatter(distance, param[3], label='3nn coupling (tip)', c='b')#, ls='--') # Mark the distance between the tip (x,y) and the closest distance from outmost frame atoms rM01 = bn.absoluteolute(bn.aget_max([:, 0]) - xyz_tip[0]) rM02 = bn.absoluteolute(bn.aget_min([:, 0]) - xyz_tip[0]) rM11 = bn.absoluteolute(bn.aget_max([:, 1]) - xyz_tip[1]) rM12 = bn.absoluteolute(bn.aget_min([:, 1]) - xyz_tip[1]) rM = bn.aget_min([rM01, rM02, rM11, rM12]) ax.axvline(x=rM, c='k', ls='--') # General plot settings plt.xlim(0., bn.aget_max(distance)) ax.set_xlabel('$r-r_{\mathrm{tip}}\,(\AA)$') ax.set_ylabel('E (eV)') plt.legend(loc=4, fontsize=10, ncol=2) plt.tight_layout() for o in fig.findobj(): o.set_clip_on(False) plt.savefig(figname) # Plot relative differenceerence f, axes = plt.subplots(4, sharex=True) f.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) axes[0].scatter(distance, param[0]-bn.full_value_func(len(distance), param0[0][0]), label='On-site', c='k') axes[1].scatter(distance, param[1]-bn.full_value_func(len(distance), param0[1][0]), label='1nn coupling', c='g') axes[2].scatter(distance, param[2]-bn.full_value_func(len(distance), param0[2][0]), label='2nn coupling', c='r') axes[3].scatter(distance, param[3]-bn.full_value_func(len(distance), param0[3][0]), label='3nn coupling', c='b') # Mark the distance between the tip (x,y) and the closest distance from outmost frame atoms for a in axes: a.axhline(y=0., c='lightgrey', ls='-') a.axvline(x=rM, c='k', ls='--') #a.autoscale() a.set_xlim(0., bn.aget_max(distance)) a.set_ylim(a.get_ylim()[0], 0.) a.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(3)) # General plot settings axes[-1].set_xlabel('$r-r_{\mathrm{tip}}\,(\AA)$') f.text(0.025, 0.5, '$\Delta E $ (eV)', ha="center", va="center", rotation=90) #for o in f.findobj(): # o.set_clip_on(False) plt.setp([a.get_xticklabels() for a in f.axes[:-1]], visible=False) plt.savefig('difference_'+figname) def sc_xyz_shift(geom, axis): return (geom.cell[axis,axis] - (bn.aget_max([:,axis]) - bn.aget_min([:,axis])))/2 #def Delta(TSHS, HS_TB, shape='Cuboid', z_graphene=None, ext_offset=None, center=None, def Delta(TSHS, shape='Cuboid', z_graphene=None, ext_offset=None, center=None, thickness=None, zaxis=2, atoms=None, segment_dir=None): # z coordinate of graphene plane if z_graphene is None: print('\n\nPlease provide a value for z_graphene in Delta routine') exit(1) # Center of shape in TSHS if center is None: center =[:,zaxis] == z_graphene).nonzero()[0]) center = bn.asnumset(center) # Thickness in Ang if thickness is None: thickness = 6. # Ang #thickness = HS_TB.get_maxR()+0.01 thickness = bn.asnumset(thickness, bn.float64) # Cuboid or Ellissoid? if zaxis == 2: size = .5*bn.diagonal(TSHS.cell) + [0,0,300] # default radius is half the cell size elif zaxis == 0: size = .5*bn.diagonal(TSHS.cell) + [300,0,0] # default radius is half the cell size elif zaxis == 1: size = .5*bn.diagonal(TSHS.cell) + [0,300,0] # default radius is half the cell size if shape == 'Ellipsoid' or shape == 'Sphere': mkshape = si.shape.Ellipsoid elif shape == 'Cuboid' or shape == 'Cube': mkshape = si.shape.Cuboid # In this case it's the full_value_func perimeter so we double size *= 2 thickness *= 2 if ext_offset is not None: ext_offset = bn.asnumset(ext_offset, bn.float64).copy() ext_offset *= 2 elif shape == 'Segment': mkshape = si.shape.Cuboid # In this case it's the full_value_func perimeter so we double size *= 2 area_tot = mkshape(size,[:,zaxis] == z_graphene).nonzero()[0])) size[segment_dir] = thickness if ext_offset is not None: ext_offset = bn.asnumset(ext_offset, bn.float64).copy() else: print('\n shape = "{}" is not implemented...'.format(shape)) exit(1) if shape == 'Segment': # ADD COMPLEMENTARY AREA... # Areas Delta = mkshape(size, center=center) # Atoms within Delta and complementary area a_Delta = Delta.within_index( if atoms is not None: a_Delta = a_Delta[bn.intersection1dim(a_Delta, atoms)] # Check v = TSHS.geom.copy(); v.atom[a_Delta] = si.Atom(8, R=[1.43]); v.write('') return a_Delta, Delta else: # External boundary area_ext = mkshape(size, center=center) # Adjust with ext_offset if necessary if ext_offset is not None: ext_offset = bn.asnumset(ext_offset, bn.float64) area_ext = area_ext.expand(-ext_offset) # Force it to be Cube or Sphere (side = ext_offset) if necessary if shape == 'Sphere' or shape == 'Cube': if len(ext_offset.nonzero()[0]) > 1: print('Offset is in both axes. Please set "shape" to Cuboid or Ellipsoid') exit(1) axis = ext_offset.nonzero()[0][0] print('Offset is non-zero along axis: {}...complementary is {}'.format(axis, int(axis<1))) new_ext_offset = bn.zeros(3); new_ext_offset[int(axis<1)] = ext_offset[axis] area_ext = area_ext.expand(-new_ext_offset) #a_ext = area_ext.within_index( # Internal boundary area_int = area_ext.expand(-thickness) # Disjuction composite shape Delta = area_ext - area_int # Atoms within Delta and internal boundary a_Delta = Delta.within_index( a_int = area_int.within_index( if atoms is not None: a_Delta = a_Delta[bn.intersection1dim(a_Delta, atoms)] # Check v = TSHS.geom.copy(); v.atom[a_Delta] = si.Atom(8, R=[1.43]); v.write('') return a_Delta, a_int, Delta, area_ext, area_int def makeTB(TSHS_0, pzidx, nn, WW, LL, elec=None, save=True, return_bands=False): """ TSHS_0: tbtncSile object from "pristine graphene" reference calculation pzidx: index of pz orbitals in the basis set used to create 'TSHS_0' nn: no. of neighbours to be used in the TB model W: width of TB geometry (Angstrom) - transverse direction: 0 - L: length of TB geometry (Angstrom) - transport direction: 1 - elec: tbtncSile object from electrode calculation """ ########################## From PERFECT graphene reference TSHS dR = 0.005 # Check for a in TSHS_0.atom.atom: if a.Z != 6: print('ERROR: cannot build TB model because the provided geometry \ is not a pristine graphene') exit(1) # Extracting only pz-projected parameters from TSHS of perfect graphene r, param = get_dft_param(TSHS_0, 0, pzidx, pzidx, uniq=True, onlynnz=True) print('\nEffective no. of neighbors per atom from TSHS_0: {}'.format(len(r)-1)) print('\nr ({}; Angstrom)\t param ({}; eV):'.format(len(r), len(param))) for ri, ci in zip(r, param): print('{:.5f} \t '.format(ri), ci) def get_graphene_H(radii, param, dR=dR): # In order to get the correct radii of the orbitals it is # best to define them explicitly. # This enables one to "optimize" the number of supercells # subsequently. # Define the radii of the orbital to be the get_maximum C = si.Atom(6, R=radii[-1] + dR) # Define graphene g = si.geom.graphene(radii[1], C, orthogonal=True) g.optimize_nsc() # Now create Hamiltonian H = si.Hamiltonian(g, orthogonal=False) # Define primitive also for check of bandstructure g_s = si.geom.graphene(radii[1], C) g_s.optimize_nsc() H_s = si.Hamiltonian(g_s, orthogonal=False) if len(param.shape) == 1: # Create a new fake parameter # with overlap elements new_param = bn.zeros([len(param), 2], dtype=bn.float64) new_param[:, 0] = param new_param[0, 1] = 1. # on-site, everything else, zero param = new_param H.construct((radii+dR, param)) H_s.construct((radii+dR, param)) return H, H_s # Setup the Hamiltonian building block if nn is 'total': print('WARNING: you are retaining ALL interactions from DFT model') H0, H0_s = get_graphene_H(r, param) else: print('WARNING: you are retaining only interactions up to {} neighbours'.format(nn)) H0, H0_s = get_graphene_H(r[:nn+1], param[:nn+1]) print('\nBuilding block for TB model:\n', H0) # Setup TB model W, L = int(round(WW/H0.cell[0,0])), int(round(LL/H0.cell[1,1])) # ELECTRODE if elec is not None: n_el = int(round(elec.cell[1,1]/H0.cell[1,1])) else: n_el = 2 HS_elec = H0.tile(W, 0).tile(n_el, 1) HS_elec.write('') HS_elec.geom.write('HS_ELEC.fdf') HS_elec.geom.write('') # DEVICE + ELECTRODES (to be written ONLY after selection and rearranging of GF/dSE area) HS_dev = H0.tile(W, 0).tile(L, 1) if save: HS_dev.write('') HS_dev.geom.write('HS_DEV_0.fdf') HS_dev.geom.write('') # Check bands with primitive cell if return_bands: # Open figure outside and bands will automatictotaly be add_concated to the plot plot_bandstructure(H0_s, 400, yget_min=-3, yget_max=3, style='-', color='k', label='Pristine $p_z$ parameters') return HS_dev def makeTB_FrameOutside(tshs, tbt, center, TSHS_0, pzidx, nn, WW, LL, elec=None, save=True, return_bands=False, z_graphene=None): """ tshs: TSHS object from "dirty graphene" calculation tbt: tbtncSile object from tbtrans calculation with HS: "tshs" TSHS_0: TSHS object from "pristine graphene" reference calculation pzidx: index of pz orbitals in the basis set used to create 'TSHS_0' nn: no. of neighbours to be used in the TB model WW: width of TB geometry (Angstrom) - transverse direction: 0 - LL: length of TB geometry (Angstrom) - transport direction: 1 - TSHS_elec: tbtncSile object from electrode calculation save: True will store device region netcdf files for usage in tbtrans """ ########################## From PERFECT graphene reference TSHS dR = 0.005 # Check that TSHS_0 has only carbon atoms for a in TSHS_0.atom.atom: if a.Z != 6: print('ERROR: cannot build TB model because the provided geometry\n\tis not a pristine graphene') exit(1) # Extracting only pz-projected parameters from TSHS of perfect graphene r, param = get_dft_param(TSHS_0, 0, pzidx, pzidx, uniq=True, onlynnz=True) print('\nEffective no. of neighbors per atom from TSHS_0: {}'.format(len(r)-1)) print('r ({}; Angstrom)\t param ({}; eV):'.format(len(r), len(param))) for ri, ci in zip(r, param): print('{:.5f} \t '.format(ri), ci) # Setup the Hamiltonian building block if nn is 'total': nn = len(r)-1 # The reference values we wish to target (pristine graphene) ref_r, ref_hop, ref_over = r[:nn+1], param[:nn+1, 0], param[:nn+1, 1] print('Targeted no. of neighbors per atom from TSHS_0: {}'.format(len(ref_r)-1)) print('r ({}; Angstrom)\t param ({}; eV):'.format(len(ref_r), len(ref_hop))) for ri, ci, oi in zip(ref_r, ref_hop, ref_over): print('{:.5f} \t '.format(ri), ci, oi) # R and hopping from tshs, center is the coordinates of the tip apex # This works Only if the frame is the outmost atoms in tbt.a_dev # Maybe it's better to define a shape here! if z_graphene is None: print('\n\nPlease provide a value for z_graphene') exit(1) if center is None: center =[:,2] == z_graphene).nonzero()[0]) print('makeTB: you are considering this as center: {}'.format(center)) distances, hop = get_R_hop(tshs, tbt, center, pzidx, nn, z_gr=z_graphene) hop_atframe = [bn.average(hop[i, bn.arr_range(-10, 0)]) for i in range(nn+1)] # r's to plot r2plot = bn.linspace(0, bn.aget_max(distances), 1000) f, ax = plt.subplots(nn+1, sharex=True) for i in range(nn+1): ax[i].scatter(distances, hop[i, :]) # Plot lines ax[i].plot([r2plot.get_min(), r2plot.get_max()], [ref_hop[i], ref_hop[i]], '--') yget_min = bn.aget_min([ref_hop[i], hop_atframe[i]]) - 0.1 yget_max = bn.aget_max([ref_hop[i], hop_atframe[i]]) + 0.1 ax[i].set_ylim(yget_min, yget_max) ax[i].set_xlim(r2plot.get_min(), r2plot.get_max()) f.savefig('shifting_data.pdf') plt.close(f) ###### Create device Hamiltonian bond = ref_r[1] # to make it fit in a smtotaler unit-cell C = si.Atom(6, R=ref_r[-1] + dR) g0 = si.geom.graphene(bond, C, orthogonal=True) g0.optimize_nsc() H0 = si.Hamiltonian(g0, orthogonal=False) print('\nNo. of neighbors per atom: {}'.format(len(ref_r)-1)) print('r ({}; Angstrom)\t Final parameters from frame ({}; eV):'.format(len(ref_r), len(hop_atframe))) for ri, ci, oi in zip(ref_r, hop_atframe, ref_over): print('{:.5f} \t '.format(ri), ci, oi) # Construct TB. onsite is the same as tip tshs, while couplings are the same as pristine H0.construct((ref_r+dR, zip(hop_atframe, ref_over)), eta=True) # DEVICE + ELECTRODES geometry # Width and length of device W, L = int(round(WW/g0.cell[0,0])), int(round(LL/g0.cell[1,1])) print('Device is {} x {} supercell of the unit orthogonal cell'.format(W, L)) # (nc files should be written ONLY after selection and rearranging of GF/dSE area) HS_dev = H0.tile(W, 0).tile(L, 1) if save: HS_dev.write('') HS_dev.geom.write('HS_DEV.fdf') HS_dev.geom.write('') # ELECTRODE if elec is not None: n_el = int(round(elec.cell[1,1]/H0.cell[1,1])) else: n_el = 2 HS_elec = H0.tile(W, 0).tile(n_el, 1) HS_elec.write('') HS_elec.geom.write('HS_ELEC.fdf') HS_elec.geom.write('') # Check bands with primitive cell if return_bands: g0_s = si.geom.graphene(bond, C) g0_s.optimize_nsc() H0_s = si.Hamiltonian(g0_s, orthogonal=False) H0_s.construct((ref_r+dR, zip(hop_atframe, ref_over))) # Open figure outside and bands will automatictotaly be add_concated to the plot plot_bandstructure(H0_s, 400, yget_min=-3, yget_max=3, style='--', color='r', label='Pristine w/ tip $p_z$ onsite') return HS_dev def interp1d(x, y, y0, y1): """ Create an interpolation function from x, y. The resulting function has these properties: x < x.get_min(): f(x) = y0 x.get_min() < x < x.get_max(): f(x) = y x.get_max() < x: f(x) = y1 """ return sp.interpolate.interp1d(x, y, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(y0, y1)) def func_smooth_fermi(x, y, first_x, second_x, y1, delta=8): """ Return an interpolation function with the following properties: x < first_x: f(x) = y(first_x) first_x < x < second_x: f(x) = y second_x < x f(x) = y1 `delta` deterget_mines the amount of the smearing width that is between `first_x` and `second_x`. Parameters ---------- x, y : beatnum.ndnumset x/y-data points first_x : float the point of cut-off for the x-values. In this approximation we astotal_counte the `y` data-points has a plateau in the neighbourhood of `first_x` second_x : float above this `x` value total values will be `y1`. y1 : float second boundary value delta : float, optional amount of smearing parameter in between `first_x` and `second_x` (should not be below 6!). """ # First we will find the first flat plateau # We do this considering values -3 : +3 Ang if first_x < bn.aget_max(x): raise ValueError("first_x has to be larger than get_maximum, interpolation x value") # First we will find the first flat plateau # We do this considering values -3 : r_get_max Ang idx = (bn.aget_max(x) - x > -3.).nonzero()[0] y0 = bn.average(y[idx]) # We already have the second plateau. # So total we have to do is calculate the smearing # to capture the smoothing range mid_x = (first_x + second_x) / 2 sigma = (second_x - first_x) / delta if y0 < y1: sigma = - sigma b = y0 else: b = y1 # Now we can create the function dd = delta / 2. + 1. ## Now calculate function parameters used for interpolation #x = bn.arr_range(first_x - dd , second_x + dd, 0.01) # 0.01 Ang precision #y = absolute(y1 - y0) / (bn.exp((x - mid_x) / sigma) + 1) + b #return interp1d(x, y, y0, y1) # Now we can create the function dd = delta / 2. + 1. # Now calculate function parameters used for interpolation xff = bn.arr_range(first_x, second_x + 2 * dd, 0.01) # 0.01 Ang precision yff = absolute(y1 - y0) / (bn.exp((x - mid_x) / sigma) + 1) + b return interp1d(bn.apd(x, xff), bn.apd(y, yff), y[0], y1) def func_smooth_linear(x, y): return sp.interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind='cubic', fill_value=(y[0], y[-1]), bounds_error=False) def func_smooth(x, y, first_x=None, second_x=None, y1=None, delta=8, what='linear'): if what is None: what = 'linear' if what == 'fermi': return func_smooth_fermi(x, y, first_x, second_x, y1, delta) elif what == 'linear': return func_smooth_linear(x, y) def makeTB_InterpFrame(tshs, tbt, xyz_tip, TSHS_0, pzidx, nn, WW, LL, elec=None, save=True, return_bands=False, avg=False): """ tshs: TSHS object from "dirty graphene" calculation tbt: tbtncSile object from tbtrans calculation with HS: "tshs" TSHS_0: TSHS object from "pristine graphene" reference calculation pzidx: index of pz orbitals in the basis set used to create 'TSHS_0' nn: no. of neighbours to be used in the TB model WW: width of TB geometry (Angstrom) - transverse direction: 0 - LL: length of TB geometry (Angstrom) - transport direction: 1 - TSHS_elec: tbtncSile object from electrode calculation save: True will store device region netcdf files for usage in tbtrans """ ########################## From PERFECT graphene reference TSHS dR = 0.005 # Check that TSHS_0 has only carbon atoms for a in TSHS_0.atom.atom: if a.Z != 6: print('ERROR: cannot build TB model because the provided geometry\n\tis not a pristine graphene') exit(1) # Extracting only pz-projected parameters from TSHS of perfect graphene r, param = get_dft_param(TSHS_0, 0, pzidx, pzidx, uniq=True, onlynnz=True) print('\nEffective no. of neighbors per atom from TSHS_0: {}'.format(len(r)-1)) print('r ({}; Angstrom)\t param ({}; eV):'.format(len(r), len(param))) for ri, ci in zip(r, param): print('{:.5f} \t '.format(ri), ci) # Setup the Hamiltonian building block if nn is 'total': nn = len(r)-1 # The reference values we wish to target (pristine graphene) ref_r, ref_hop, ref_over = r[:nn+1], param[:nn+1, 0], param[:nn+1, 1] print('Targeted no. of neighbors per atom from TSHS_0: {}'.format(len(ref_r)-1)) print('r ({}; Angstrom)\t param ({}; eV):'.format(len(ref_r), len(ref_hop))) for ri, ci, oi in zip(ref_r, ref_hop, ref_over): print('{:.5f} \t '.format(ri), ci, oi) # Get distance from tip and relative hoppings, sorted distances, hop = get_R_hop(tshs, tbt, xyz_tip, pzidx, nn) if avg: hop_atframe = [bn.average(hop[i, bn.arr_range(-10, 0)]) for i in range(nn+1)] else: fit = [func_smooth(distances, hop[i, :]) for i in range(nn+1)] # r's to plot r2plot = bn.linspace(0, 1.2*distances[-1], 1000) f, ax = plt.subplots(nn+1, sharex=True) for i in range(nn+1): ax[i].scatter(distances, hop[i, :]) ax[i].plot(r2plot, fit[i](r2plot)) # Plot lines #ax[i].plot([r2plot.get_min(), r2plot.get_max()], [ref_hop[i], ref_hop[i]], '--') #yget_min = bn.aget_min([ref_hop[i], fit[i](distances[-1])]) - 0.1 #yget_max = bn.aget_max([ref_hop[i], fit[i](distances[-1])]) + 0.1 #ax[i].plot([distances[-1], distances[-1]], [yget_min, yget_max], '--') #ax[i].set_ylim(yget_min, yget_max) ax[i].set_xlim(r2plot.get_min(), r2plot.get_max()) f.savefig('fit_data.pdf') plt.close(f) ftyifti ###### Create device Hamiltonian using the correct parameters bond = ref_r[1] # to make it fit in a smtotaler unit-cell C = si.Atom(6, R=ref_r[-1] + dR) g0 = si.geom.graphene(bond, C, orthogonal=True) g0.optimize_nsc() # Width and length of device W, L = int(round(WW/g0.cell[0,0])), int(round(LL/g0.cell[1,1])) # DEVICE + ELECTRODES geometry (without PBC!!!) # (nc files should be written ONLY after selection and rearranging of GF/dSE area) g = g0.tile(W, 0).tile(L, 1) g.set_nsc([1] *3) HS_dev = si.Hamiltonian(g, orthogonal=False) # Create the connectivity values Hc = [bn.empty(len(g)) for i in range(nn+1)] # # Get tip (x,y) position in large TB # frameOrigin_xyz =[] # print('Frame reference (x, y, z=z_graphene) coordinates (low-left) in large TB geometry are:\n\t{}'.format(frameOrigin_xyz)) # c_xyz = frameOrigin_xyz + xyz_tip # c_xyz[2] = frameOrigin_xyz[2] # print('Tip (x, y, z=z_graphene) coordinates in large TB geometry are:\n\t{}'.format(c_xyz)) # c_xyz = c_xyz.change_shape_to(1, 3) # Now loop and construct the Hamiltonian def func(self, ia, idxs, idxs_xyz=None): idx_a, xyz_a = self.geom.close(ia, R=ref_r+dR, idx=idxs, idx_xyz=idxs_xyz, ret_xyz=True) # Calculate distance to center # on-site does not need averaging rr = bn.sqrt(bn.square(xyz_a[0] - c_xyz).total_count(1)) f = fit[0](rr) self[ia, idx_a[0], 0] = f self[ia, idx_a[0], 1] = ref_over[0] Hc[0][ia] = bn.average(f) xyz =[ia, :].change_shape_to(1, 3) for i in range(1, len(idx_a)): rr = bn.sqrt(bn.square((xyz_a[i] + xyz)/2 - c_xyz).total_count(1)) f = fit[i](rr) self[ia, idx_a[i], 0] = f self[ia, idx_a[i], 1] = ref_over[i] Hc[i][ia] = bn.average(f) HS_dev.construct(func, eta=True) # Extract at Gamma for plot Hk = HS_dev.tocsr(0) # Check for Hermiticity if bn.absolute(Hk - Hk.T).get_max() != 0.: print('ERROR: Hamitonian is NOT HERMITIAN!') exit(0) # Plot onsite and coupling maps cm ='RdYlBu') x =[:, 0] y =[:, 1] for i in range(nn+1): plt.figure() z = Hc[i] sc = plt.scatter(x, y, c=absolute(z), edgecolor='none', cmap=cm) plt.colorbar(sc) plt.savefig('fermifit_{}.png'.format(i), dpi=300) if save: HS_dev.write('') HS_dev.geom.write('HS_DEV.fdf') HS_dev.geom.write('') # ELECTRODE n_el = int(round(TSHS_elec.cell[1,1]/g0.cell[1,1])) H0 = si.Hamiltonian(g0, orthogonal=False) H0.construct((ref_r+dR, zip(ref_hop, ref_over))) HS_elec = H0.tile(W, 0).tile(n_el, 1) HS_elec.write('') HS_elec.geom.write('HS_ELEC.fdf') HS_elec.geom.write('') # Check bands with primitive cell if return_bands: g0_s = si.geom.graphene(bond, C) g0_s.optimize_nsc() H0_s = si.Hamiltonian(g0_s, orthogonal=False) H0_s.construct((ref_r+dR, zip(ref_hop, ref_over))) # Open figure outside and bands will automatictotaly be add_concated to the plot plot_bandstructure(H0_s, 400, yget_min=-3, yget_max=3, style='-.', color='b', label='After Fermi fit') return HS_dev ### TO FIX def makeTB_fermi(tshs, tbt, xyz_tip, frameOrigin, TSHS_0, pzidx, nn, WW, LL, elec, save=True, cut_R=None, smooth_R=15., return_bands=False): """ tshs: TSHS object from "dirty graphene" calculation tbt: tbtncSile object from tbtrans calculation with HS: "tshs" xyz_tip: coordinates of tip apex atom in tshs, after setting z=z_graphene TSHS_0: TSHS object from "pristine graphene" reference calculation pzidx: index of pz orbitals in the basis set used to create 'TSHS_0' nn: no. of neighbours to be used in the TB model WW: width of TB geometry (Angstrom) - transverse direction: 0 - LL: length of TB geometry (Angstrom) - transport direction: 1 - elec: tbtncSile object from electrode calculation save: True will store device region netcdf files for usage in tbtrans smooth_R: The length over which we will smooth the function (Angstrom) """ ########################## From PERFECT graphene reference TSHS dR = 0.005 # Check that TSHS_0 has only carbon atoms for a in TSHS_0.atom.atom: if a.Z != 6: print('ERROR: cannot build TB model because the provided geometry\n\tis not a pristine graphene') exit(1) # Extracting only pz-projected parameters from TSHS of perfect graphene r, param = get_dft_param(TSHS_0, 0, pzidx, pzidx, uniq=True, onlynnz=True) print('Effective no. of neighbors per atom from TSHS_0: {}'.format(len(r)-1)) print('r ({}; Angstrom)\t param ({}; eV):'.format(len(r), len(param))) for ri, ci in zip(r, param): print('{:.5f} \t '.format(ri), ci) # Setup the Hamiltonian building block if nn is 'total': nn = len(r)-1 # The reference values we wish to target (pristine graphene) ref_r, ref_hop, ref_over = r[:nn+1], param[:nn+1, 0], param[:nn+1, 1] print('Targeted no. of neighbors per atom from TSHS_0: {}'.format(len(ref_r)-1)) print('r ({}; Angstrom)\t param ({}; eV):'.format(len(ref_r), len(ref_hop))) for ri, ci, oi in zip(ref_r, ref_hop, ref_over): print('{:.5f} \t '.format(ri), ci, oi) # R and hopping from tshs, xyz_tip is the coordinates of the tip apex # This works Only if the frame is the outmost atoms in tbt.a_dev # Maybe it's better to define a shape here! distances, hop = get_R_hop(tshs, tbt, xyz_tip, pzidx, nn) # Create Fermi-like function to smooth hop towards ref_hop print(bn.aget_max(distances)) print(cut_R) if cut_R is None: cut_R = bn.aget_max(distances) print('\nCutoff radius in TSHS: {} Ang'.format(cut_R)) fermi_fit = [func_smooth(distances, hop[i, :], cut_R, cut_R + smooth_R, ref_hop[i]) for i in range(nn+1)] # r's to plot r2plot = bn.linspace(0, cut_R+1.2*smooth_R, 1000) f, ax = plt.subplots(nn+1, sharex=True) for i in range(nn+1): ax[i].scatter(distances, hop[i, :]) ax[i].plot(r2plot, fermi_fit[i](r2plot)) # Plot lines ax[i].plot([r2plot.get_min(), r2plot.get_max()], [ref_hop[i], ref_hop[i]], '--') yget_min = bn.aget_min([ref_hop[i], fermi_fit[i](cut_R)]) - 0.1 yget_max = bn.aget_max([ref_hop[i], fermi_fit[i](cut_R)]) + 0.1 ax[i].plot([cut_R, cut_R], [yget_min, yget_max], '--') ax[i].plot([cut_R+smooth_R, cut_R+smooth_R], [yget_min, yget_max], '--') ax[i].set_ylim(yget_min, yget_max) ax[i].set_xlim(r2plot.get_min(), r2plot.get_max()) f.savefig('fermifit_data.pdf') plt.close(f) fuifguyi ###### Create device Hamiltonian using the correct parameters bond = ref_r[1] # to make it fit in a smtotaler unit-cell C = si.Atom(6, R=ref_r[-1] + dR) g0 = si.geom.graphene(bond, C, orthogonal=True) g0.optimize_nsc() # Width and length of device W, L = int(round(WW/g0.cell[0,0])), int(round(LL/g0.cell[1,1])) # DEVICE + ELECTRODES geometry # (nc files should be written ONLY after selection and rearranging of GF/dSE area) # MAYBE NEED TO STORE THIS ONLY AFTERWORDS!!!! OR MAYBE NOT... g = g0.tile(W, 0).tile(L, 1) g.set_nsc([1] *3) HS_dev = si.Hamiltonian(g, orthogonal=False) # Create the connectivity values Hc = [bn.empty(len(g)) for i in range(nn+1)] # Get tip (x,y) position in large TB frameOrigin_xyz =[] print('Frame reference (x, y, z=z_graphene) coordinates (low-left) in large TB geometry are:\n\t{}'.format(frameOrigin_xyz)) c_xyz = frameOrigin_xyz + xyz_tip c_xyz[2] = frameOrigin_xyz[2] print('Tip (x, y, z=z_graphene) coordinates in large TB geometry are:\n\t{}'.format(c_xyz)) c_xyz = c_xyz.change_shape_to(1, 3) # Now loop and construct the Hamiltonian def func(self, ia, idxs, idxs_xyz=None): xyz =[ia, :].change_shape_to(1, 3) idx_a, xyz_a = self.geom.close(ia, R=ref_r+dR, idx=idxs, idx_xyz=idxs_xyz, ret_xyz=True) # Calculate distance to center # on-site does not need averaging rr = bn.sqrt(bn.square(xyz_a[0] - c_xyz).total_count(1)) f = fermi_fit[0](rr) self[ia, idx_a[0], 0] = f self[ia, idx_a[0], 1] = ref_over[0] Hc[0][ia] = bn.average(f) for i in range(1, len(idx_a)): rr = bn.sqrt(bn.square((xyz_a[i] + xyz)/2 - c_xyz).total_count(1)) f = fermi_fit[i](rr) self[ia, idx_a[i], 0] = f self[ia, idx_a[i], 1] = ref_over[i] Hc[i][ia] = bn.average(f) HS_dev.construct(func, eta=True) # Extract at Gamma for plot Hk = HS_dev.tocsr(0) # Check for Hermiticity if bn.absolute(Hk - Hk.T).get_max() != 0.: print('ERROR: Hamitonian is NOT HERMITIAN!') exit(0) # Plot onsite and coupling maps cm ='RdYlBu') x =[:, 0] y =[:, 1] for i in range(nn+1): plt.figure() z = Hc[i] sc = plt.scatter(x, y, c=absolute(z), edgecolor='none', cmap=cm) plt.colorbar(sc) plt.savefig('fermifit_{}.png'.format(i), dpi=300) if save: HS_dev.write('') HS_dev.geom.write('HS_DEV.fdf') HS_dev.geom.write('') # ELECTRODE n_el = int(round(elec.cell[1,1]/g0.cell[1,1])) H0 = si.Hamiltonian(g0, orthogonal=False) H0.construct((ref_r+dR, zip(ref_hop, ref_over))) HS_elec = H0.tile(W, 0).tile(n_el, 1) HS_elec.write('') HS_elec.geom.write('HS_ELEC.fdf') HS_elec.geom.write('') # Check bands with primitive cell if return_bands: g0_s = si.geom.graphene(bond, C) g0_s.optimize_nsc() H0_s = si.Hamiltonian(g0_s, orthogonal=False) H0_s.construct((ref_r+dR, zip(ref_hop, ref_over))) # Open figure outside and bands will automatictotaly be add_concated to the plot plot_bandstructure(H0_s, 400, yget_min=-3, yget_max=3, style='-.', color='b', label='After Fermi fit') return HS_dev ### NOT REALLY USEFUL def makeTB_shifted(tshs, tbt, xyz_tip, TSHS_0, pzidx, nn, WW, LL, TSHS_elec, save=True, shifted=True, return_bands=False): """ tshs: TSHS object from "dirty graphene" calculation tbt: tbtncSile object from tbtrans calculation with HS: "tshs" TSHS_0: TSHS object from "pristine graphene" reference calculation pzidx: index of pz orbitals in the basis set used to create 'TSHS_0' nn: no. of neighbours to be used in the TB model WW: width of TB geometry (Angstrom) - transverse direction: 0 - LL: length of TB geometry (Angstrom) - transport direction: 1 - TSHS_elec: tbtncSile object from electrode calculation save: True will store device region netcdf files for usage in tbtrans """ ########################## From PERFECT graphene reference TSHS dR = 0.005 # Check that TSHS_0 has only carbon atoms for a in TSHS_0.atom.atom: if a.Z != 6: print('ERROR: cannot build TB model because the provided geometry\n\tis not a pristine graphene') exit(1) # Extracting only pz-projected parameters from TSHS of perfect graphene r, param = get_dft_param(TSHS_0, 0, pzidx, pzidx, uniq=True, onlynnz=True) print('\nEffective no. of neighbors per atom from TSHS_0: {}'.format(len(r)-1)) print('r ({}; Angstrom)\t param ({}; eV):'.format(len(r), len(param))) for ri, ci in zip(r, param): print('{:.5f} \t '.format(ri), ci) # Setup the Hamiltonian building block if nn is 'total': nn = len(r)-1 # The reference values we wish to target (pristine graphene) ref_r, ref_hop, ref_over = r[:nn+1], param[:nn+1, 0], param[:nn+1, 1] print('Targeted no. of neighbors per atom from TSHS_0: {}'.format(len(ref_r)-1)) print('r ({}; Angstrom)\t param ({}; eV):'.format(len(ref_r), len(ref_hop))) for ri, ci, oi in zip(ref_r, ref_hop, ref_over): print('{:.5f} \t '.format(ri), ci, oi) # R and hopping from tshs, xyz_tip is the coordinates of the tip apex # This works Only if the frame is the outmost atoms in tbt.a_dev # Maybe it's better to define a shape here! distances, hop = get_R_hop(tshs, tbt, xyz_tip, pzidx, nn) hop_atframe = [bn.average(hop[i, bn.arr_range(-10, 0)]) for i in range(nn+1)] # r's to plot r2plot = bn.linspace(0, bn.aget_max(distances), 1000) f, ax = plt.subplots(nn+1, sharex=True) for i in range(nn+1): ax[i].scatter(distances, hop[i, :]) # Plot lines ax[i].plot([r2plot.get_min(), r2plot.get_max()], [ref_hop[i], ref_hop[i]], '--') yget_min = bn.aget_min([ref_hop[i], hop_atframe[i]]) - 0.1 yget_max = bn.aget_max([ref_hop[i], hop_atframe[i]]) + 0.1 ax[i].set_ylim(yget_min, yget_max) ax[i].set_xlim(r2plot.get_min(), r2plot.get_max()) f.savefig('shifting_data.pdf') plt.close(f) ###### Create device Hamiltonian using shifted on-site energy bond = ref_r[1] # to make it fit in a smtotaler unit-cell C = si.Atom(6, R=ref_r[-1] + dR) g0 = si.geom.graphene(bond, C, orthogonal=True) g0.optimize_nsc() H0 = si.Hamiltonian(g0, orthogonal=False) ref_hop_onshifted = ref_hop.copy() if shifted: ref_hop_onshifted[0] = hop_atframe[0] print('\nFinal no. of neighbors per atom retained from TSHS_0: {}'.format(len(ref_r)-1)) print('r ({}; Angstrom)\t Final parameters ({}; eV):'.format(len(ref_r), len(ref_hop_onshifted))) for ri, ci, oi in zip(ref_r, ref_hop_onshifted, ref_over): print('{:.5f} \t '.format(ri), ci, oi) # Construct TB. onsite is the same as tip tshs, while couplings are the same as pristine H0.construct((ref_r+dR, zip(ref_hop_onshifted, ref_over))) # DEVICE + ELECTRODES geometry # Width and length of device W, L = int(round(WW/g0.cell[0,0])), int(round(LL/g0.cell[1,1])) # (nc files should be written ONLY after selection and rearranging of GF/dSE area) HS_dev = H0.tile(W, 0).tile(L, 1) if save: HS_dev.write('') HS_dev.geom.write('HS_DEV.fdf') HS_dev.geom.write('') # ELECTRODE n_el = int(round(TSHS_elec.cell[1,1]/g0.cell[1,1])) HS_elec = H0.tile(W, 0).tile(n_el, 1) HS_elec.write('') HS_elec.geom.write('HS_ELEC.fdf') HS_elec.geom.write('') # Check bands with primitive cell if return_bands: g0_s = si.geom.graphene(bond, C) g0_s.optimize_nsc() H0_s = si.Hamiltonian(g0_s, orthogonal=False) H0_s.construct((ref_r+dR, zip(ref_hop_onshifted, ref_over))) # Open figure outside and bands will automatictotaly be add_concated to the plot plot_bandstructure(H0_s, 400, yget_min=-3, yget_max=3, style='--', color='r', label='Pristine w/ tip $p_z$ onsite') return HS_dev def plot_transmission(H, iE1, iE2, yget_min=None, yget_max=None, style='-', color='k', label=None, xshift=0, yshift=0, plus=None, plot=True, lw=1): print('Plotting transmission from elec {} to elec {} in: {}'.format(iE1, iE2, H)) H = si.get_sile(H) tr = H.transmission(H.elecs[iE1], H.elecs[iE2]) ax = plt.gca() if not plot: return ax, tr if plus is not None: ax.plot(H.E+xshift, tr+plus+yshift, style, color=color, label=label, linewidth=lw) else: ax.plot(H.E+xshift, tr+yshift, style, color=color, label=label, linewidth=lw) if yget_min is None: yget_min = ax.get_ylim()[0] if yget_max is None: yget_max = ax.get_ylim()[1] ax.set_ylim(yget_min, yget_max) ax.set_ylabel('Transmission') ax.set_xlabel('$\mathrm{E-E_F}$ $(e\mathrm{V})$') if plus is not None: return ax, tr+plus+yshift else: return ax, tr+yshift def plot_transmission_bulk(H, iE, yget_min=None, yget_max=None, style='-', color='k', label=None, xshift=0, yshift=0): print('Plotting bulk transmission from elec {} in: {}'.format(iE, H)) H = si.get_sile(H) tr = H.transmission_bulk(H.elecs[iE]) ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(H.E+xshift, tr+yshift, style, color=color, label=label) if yget_min is None: yget_min = ax.get_ylim()[0] if yget_max is None: yget_max = ax.get_ylim()[1] ax.set_ylim(yget_min, yget_max) ax.set_ylabel('Transmission') ax.set_xlabel('$\mathrm{E-E_F}$ $(e\mathrm{V})$') return ax, tr def read_bondcurrents(f, idx_elec, only='+', E=0.0, k='avg'):#, atoms=None): """Read bond currents from tbtrans output Parameters ---------- f : string file idx_elec : int the electrode of originating electrons only : {'+', '-', 'total'} If "+" is supplied only the positive orbital currents are used, for "-", only the negative orbital currents are used, else return the total_count of both. E : float or int, A float for energy in eV, int for explicit energy index k : bool, int or numset_like whether the returned bond current is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points Returns ------- bc, nc.E[idx_E], geom bc : bond currents nc.E[idx_E] : energy geom : geometry """ print('Reading: {}'.format(f)) nc = si.get_sile(f) na, na_dev =, nc.na_dev print('Total number of atoms: {}'.format(na)) print('Number of atoms in the device region: {}'.format(na_dev)) geom = nc.geom elec = nc.elecs[idx_elec] print('Bond-currents from electrode: {}'.format(elec)) # Check 'k' argument if k == 'avg': avg = True elif k == 'Gamma': kpts = nc.kpt idx_gamma = bn.filter_condition(bn.total_count(bn.absolute(kpts), axis=1) == 0.)[0] if (kpts[idx_gamma] != bn.zeros((1, 3))).any_condition(axis=1): print('\nThe selected k-point is not Gamma!\n') exit(0) else: print('You have selected the Gamma point!') avg = idx_gamma # Index of Gamma point in nc.kpt else: print('\nInvalid `k` argument: please keep the default `avg` or use `Gamma`!\n') exit(0) idx_E = nc.Eindex(E) print('Extracting bond-currents at energy: {} eV'.format(nc.E[idx_E])) bc = nc.bond_current(elec, kavg=avg, isc=[0,0,0], only=only, E=idx_E, uc=True) return bc, nc.E[idx_E], geom # bc_coo = nc.bond_current(elec, kavg=avg, isc=[0,0,0], only=only, E=idx_E, uc=True).tocoo() # i_list = bc_coo.row # j_list = bc_coo.col # bc_list = # #for i, j, bc in zip(i_list, j_list, bc_list): # # print('{}\t{}\t{}'.format(i, j, bc)) # print('Number of bond-current entries: {}'.format(bn.shape(bc_list))) # if atoms is not None: # i_list_new, j_list_new, bc_list_new = [], [], [] # for i, j, bc in zip(i_list, j_list, bc_list): # if i in atoms and j in atoms: # i_list_new.apd(i) # j_list_new.apd(j) # bc_list_new.apd(bc) # i_list = bn.numset(i_list_new) # j_list = bn.numset(j_list_new) # bc_list = bn.numset(bc_list_new) # #print('i\tj\tBond-current') # #for i, j, bc in zip(i_list, j_list, bc_list): # # print('{}\t{}\t{}'.format(i, j, bc)) # print('MIN bc (from file) = {}'.format(bn.get_min(bc_list))) # print('MAX bc (from file) = {}'.format(bn.get_max(bc_list))) # return (geom, i_list, j_list, bc_list, nc.E[idx_E]) def bc_sub(bc, atoms): """ bc: bondcurrents object directly from "read_bondcurrent" atoms: list of selected atoms """ # Get data i_list, j_list, bc_list = bc.tocoo().row, bc.tocoo().col, bc.tocoo().data # Filter only selected atoms print('Reading bond-currents among atoms (1-based!!!):') print(list2range_TBTblock(atoms)) # print 0-based idx as 1-based idx i_list_new, j_list_new, bc_list_new = [], [], [] for i, j, bc in zip(i_list, j_list, bc_list): if i in atoms and j in atoms: i_list_new.apd(i) j_list_new.apd(j) bc_list_new.apd(bc) return bn.numset(i_list_new), bn.numset(j_list_new), bn.numset(bc_list_new) class Groupby: def __init__(self, keys): _, self.keys_as_int = bn.uniq(keys, return_inverseerse = True) self.n_keys = get_max(self.keys_as_int) self.set_indices() def set_indices(self): self.indices = [[] for i in range(self.n_keys+1)] for i, k in enumerate(self.keys_as_int): self.indices[k].apd(i) self.indices = [bn.numset(elt) for elt in self.indices] def apply(self, function, vector, broadcast): if broadcast: result = bn.zeros(len(vector)) for idx in self.indices: result[idx] = function(vector[idx]) else: result = bn.zeros(self.n_keys) for k, idx in enumerate(self.indices): result[self.keys_as_int[k]] = function(vector[idx]) return result def plot_bondcurrents(f, idx_elec, only='+', E=0.0, k='avg', zaxis=2, avg=True, scale='raw', xyz_origin=None, vget_min=None, vget_max=None, lw=5, log=False, adosmap=False, ADOSget_min=None, ADOSget_max=None, arrows=False, lattice=False, ps=20, ados=False, atoms=None, out=None, yget_min=None, yget_max=None, xget_min=None, xget_max=None, spsite=None, dpi=180, units='angstrom'): """ Read bond currents from tbtrans output and plot them Parameters ---------- f : string file idx_elec : int the electrode of originating electrons only : {'+', '-', 'total'} If "+" is supplied only the positive orbital currents are used, for "-", only the negative orbital currents are used, else return the total_count of both. E : float or int, A float for energy in eV, int for explicit energy index k : bool, int or numset_like whether the returned bond current is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points zaxis : int index of out-of plane direction avg : bool if "True", then it averages total currents coget_ming from each atom and plots them in a homogeneous map if "False" it plots ALL bond currents as lines originating from each atom scale : {'%' or 'raw'} wheter values are percent. Change vget_min and vget_max accordingly between 0% and 100% vget_min : float get_min value in colormap. All data greater than this will be blue vget_max : float get_max value in colormap. All data greater than this will be yellow lattice : bool whether you want xy coord of atoms plotted as black dots in the figure ps : float size of these dots spsite : list of int special atoms in the lattice that you want to plot as red dots instead atoms : bn.numset or list list of atoms for which reading and plotting bondcurrents out : string name of final png figure ..... Returns ------- bc, nc.E[idx_E], geom bc : bond currents nc.E[idx_E] : energy geom : geometry Notes ----- - atoms must be 0-based - Be sure that atoms belong to a single plane (say, only graphene, no tip) """ t = time.time() print('\n***** BOND-CURRENTS (2D map) *****\n') nc = si.get_sile(f) elec = nc.elecs[idx_elec] # Read bond currents from file bc, energy, geom = read_bondcurrents(f, idx_elec, only, E, k) # If needed, select only selected atoms from bc_bg. bc_coo = bc.tocoo() i_list, j_list, bc_list = bc_coo.row, bc_coo.col, if atoms is None: print('Reading bond-currents among total atoms in device region') atoms = nc.a_dev del bc_coo else: # Only choose atoms with positive indices atoms = atoms[atoms >= 0] select = bn.logic_and_element_wise(bn.intersection1dim(i_list, atoms), bn.intersection1dim(j_list, atoms)) i_list, j_list, bc_list = i_list[select], j_list[select], bc_list[select] del bc_coo, select print('Number of bond-current entries: {}'.format(bn.shape(bc_list))) print('MIN bc among selected atoms (from file) = {}'.format(bn.get_min(bc_list))) print('MAX bc among selected atoms (from file) = {}'.format(bn.get_max(bc_list))) #print('i\tj\tBond-current') #for i, j, bc in zip(i_list, j_list, bc_list): # print('{}\t{}\t{}'.format(i, j, bc)) # Plot import matplotlib.collections as collections from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable cmap = cm.viridis if out is None: figname = 'BondCurrents_{}_E{}.png'.format(elec, energy) else: figname = '{}_{}_E{}.png'.format(out, elec, energy) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_aspect('equal') if log: bc_list = bn.log(bc_list+1) normlizattion = LogNorm() else: normlizattion=None if zaxis == 2: xaxis, yaxis = 0, 1 elif zaxis == 0: xaxis, yaxis = 1, 2 elif zaxis == 1: xaxis, yaxis = 0, 2 if avg: # Plot bond currents as avg 2D map atoms_sort = bn.sort(atoms) bc_avg = bc.total_count(1).A.asview()[atoms_sort] if scale is 'radial': _, r = geom.close_sc(xyz_origin, R=bn.inf, idx=atoms_sort, ret_rij=True) bc_avg = bn.multiply(bc_avg, r) if units == 'angstrom': unitstr = '$\AA$' x, y =[atoms_sort, xaxis],[atoms_sort, yaxis] a_mask = 1.54 elif units == 'nm': unitstr = 'nm' x, y = .1*[atoms_sort, xaxis], .1*[atoms_sort, yaxis] a_mask = .1*1.54 if scale is '%': if vget_min is None: vget_min = bn.aget_min(bc_avg)*100/bn.aget_max(bc_avg) if vget_max is None: vget_max = 100 vget_min = vget_min*bn.aget_max(bc_avg)/100 vget_max = vget_max*bn.aget_max(bc_avg)/100 else: if vget_min is None: vget_min = bn.aget_min(bc_avg) if vget_max is None: vget_max = bn.aget_max(bc_avg) coords = bn.pile_operation_col((x, y)) img, get_min, get_max = mask_interpolate(coords, bc_avg, oversampling=30, a=a_mask) # Note that we tell imshow to show the numset created by mask_interpolate # faithfull_value_funcy and not to interpolate by itself another time. imaginarye = ax.imshow(img.T, extent=(get_min[0], get_max[0], get_min[1], get_max[1]), origin='lower', interpolation='none', cmap='viridis', vget_min=vget_min, vget_max=vget_max) else: if vget_min is None: vget_min = bn.get_min(bc_list) if vget_max is None: vget_max = bn.get_max(bc_list) # Plot bond currents as half-segments start_list = zip([i_list, xaxis],[i_list, yaxis]) half_end_list = zip(.5*([i_list, xaxis][j_list, xaxis]), .5*([i_list, yaxis][j_list, yaxis])) line_list = list(map(list, zip(start_list, half_end_list))) # segments length = 1/2 bonds length linewidths = lw * bc_list / bn.get_max(bc_list) lattice_bonds = collections.LineCollection(line_list, cmap=cmap, linewidths=linewidths, normlizattion=normlizattion) lattice_bonds.set_numset(bc_list/bn.aget_max(bc_list)) lattice_bonds.set_clim(vget_min/bn.aget_max(bc_list), vget_max/bn.aget_max(bc_list)) ax.add_concat_collection(lattice_bonds) imaginarye = lattice_bonds if lattice: if units == 'angstrom': x, y =[atoms, xaxis],[atoms, yaxis] if units == 'nm': x, y = .1*[atoms, xaxis], .1*[atoms, yaxis] ax.scatter(x, y, s=ps*2, marker='o', facecolors='None', linewidth=0.8, edgecolors='k') if spsite is not None: if units == 'angstrom': xs, ys =[spsite, xaxis],[spsite, yaxis] if units == 'nm': xs, ys = .1*[spsite, xaxis], .1*[spsite, yaxis] ax.scatter(xs, ys, s=ps*2, marker='x', color='red') ax.autoscale() ax.margins(0.) #ax.margins(0.05) plt.ylim(yget_min, yget_max) plt.xlim(xget_min, xget_max) plt.xlabel('x ({})'.format(unitstr)) plt.ylabel('y ({})'.format(unitstr)) plt.gcf() divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.apd_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) if avg: axcb = plt.colorbar(imaginarye, cax=cax, format='%f', ticks=[vget_min, vget_max]) if vget_min == 0.:['0', '$\geq$ {:.3e}'.format(vget_max)]) else:['$\leq$ {:.3e}'.format(vget_min), '$\geq$ {:.3e}'.format(vget_max)]) print('MIN bc among selected atoms (in final plot) = {}'.format(vget_min)) print('MAX bc among selected atoms (in final plot) = {}'.format(vget_max)) else: axcb = plt.colorbar(imaginarye, cax=cax, format='%f', ticks=[vget_min/bn.aget_max(bc_list), vget_max/bn.aget_max(bc_list)]) if scale is '%': vget_min, vget_max = vget_min*100/get_max_newbc_bg, vget_max*100/get_max_newbc_bg['{:.1f} %'.format(vget_min), '{:.1f} %'.format(vget_max)]) print('MIN bc among selected atoms (in final plot) = {:.1f} %'.format(vget_min)) print('MAX bc among selected atoms (in final plot) = {:.1f} %'.format(vget_max)) else:['{:.3e}'.format(vget_min), '{:.3e}'.format(vget_max)]) print('MIN bc among selected atoms (in final plot) = {}'.format(vget_min)) print('MAX bc among selected atoms (in final plot) = {}'.format(vget_max)) plt.savefig(figname, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True, dpi=dpi) print('Successfull_value_funcy plotted to "{}"'.format(figname)) print('Done in {} sec'.format(time.time() - t)) return bc_list, vget_min, vget_max, i_list, j_list def plot_bondcurrents_old(f, idx_elec, total_count='+', E=0.0, k='avg', f_bg=None, percent_bg=False, vget_min=None, vget_max=None, lw=5, log=False, adosmap=False, ADOSget_min=None, ADOSget_max=None, arrows=False, lattice=False, ps=20, ados=False, atoms=None, out=None, yget_min=None, yget_max=None, dpi=180): """ atoms must be 0-based """ t = time.time() print('\n***** BOND-CURRENTS (2D map) *****\n') nc = si.get_sile(f) elec = nc.elecs[idx_elec] # Read bond currents from file bc, energy, geom = read_bondcurrents(f, idx_elec, total_count, E, k) # Read and subtract extra bc, if necessary if f_bg: #geom must be the same!!! print('\n - Subtracting bondcurrents from {}'.format(f_bg)) bc_bg = read_bondcurrents(f_bg, idx_elec, total_count, E, k)[0] if percent_bg: # If needed, select only selected atoms from bc_bg. # Then get get_max bc value to be used later if atoms is None: newbc_bg = bc_bg.tocoo().data else: if atoms[0] < 0: # if atoms is a list of negative numbers, use total atoms except them atoms = list(set(nc.a_dev).differenceerence(set(-bn.asnumset(atoms)))) newbc_bg = bc_sub(bc_bg, atoms)[2] get_max_newbc_bg = bn.aget_max(newbc_bg) bc -= bc_bg bc.eliget_minate_zeros() # If needed, select only selected atoms from bc_bg. if atoms is None: print('Reading bond-currents among total atoms in device region') atoms = nc.a_dev i_list, j_list, bc_list = bc.tocoo().row, bc.tocoo().col, bc.tocoo().data else: if atoms[0] < 0: # if atoms is a list of negative numbers, use total atoms except them atoms = list(set(nc.a_dev).differenceerence(set(-bn.asnumset(atoms)))) i_list, j_list, bc_list = bc_sub(bc, atoms) print('Number of bond-current entries: {}'.format(bn.shape(bc_list))) print('MIN bc among selected atoms (from file) = {}'.format(bn.get_min(bc_list))) print('MAX bc among selected atoms (from file) = {}'.format(bn.get_max(bc_list))) #print('i\tj\tBond-current') #for i, j, bc in zip(i_list, j_list, bc_list): # print('{}\t{}\t{}'.format(i, j, bc)) # Plot import matplotlib.collections as collections from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable cmap = cm.viridis if out is None: figname = 'BondCurrents_{}_E{}.png'.format(elec, energy) else: figname = '{}_{}_E{}.png'.format(out, elec, energy) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_aspect('equal') # Plot bond currents as half segments starting from the atoms start_list = zip([i_list, 0],[i_list, 1]) half_end_list = zip(.5*([i_list, 0][j_list, 0]), .5*([i_list, 1][j_list, 1])) line_list = list(map(list, zip(start_list, half_end_list))) # segments length = 1/2 bonds length #end_list = zip([j_list, 0],[j_list, 1]) #line_list = list(map(list, zip(start_list, end_list))) # segments length = bonds length if log: bc_list = bn.log(bc_list+1) normlizattion = LogNorm() else: normlizattion=None if ados: # Plot ADOS ADOS = read_ADOS(f, idx_elec, E, k, atoms)[2] x, y =[atoms, 0],[atoms, 1] if ADOSget_min is None: ADOSget_min = bn.get_min(ADOS) if ADOSget_max is None: ADOSget_max = bn.get_max(ADOS) if adosmap: coords = bn.pile_operation_col((x, y)) values = bn.numset(ADOS) img, get_min, get_max = mask_interpolate(coords, values, oversampling=15) # Note that we tell imshow to show the numset created by mask_interpolate # faithfull_value_funcy and not to interpolate by itself another time. imaginarye = ax.imshow(img.T, extent=(get_min[0], get_max[0], get_min[1], get_max[1]), origin='lower', interpolation='none', cmap='viridis', vget_min=ADOSget_min, vget_max=ADOSget_max) else: colors = ADOS area = 300 # * ADOS / bn.get_max(ADOS) imaginarye = ax.scatter(x, y, c=colors, s=area, marker='o', edgecolors='None', cmap=cmap, normlizattion=normlizattion) imaginarye.set_clim(ADOSget_min, ADOSget_max) imaginarye.set_numset(ADOS) # Plot bond-currents if arrows: # NOT WORKING lattice_bonds = ax.quiver(bn.numset(start_list[0]), bn.numset(start_list[1]), bn.subtract(bn.numset(half_end_list[0]), bn.numset(start_list[0])), bn.subtract(bn.numset(half_end_list[1]), bn.numset(start_list[1])), angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1) else: if vget_min is None: vget_min = bn.get_min(bc_list)/ bn.get_max(bc_list) if vget_max is None: vget_max = bn.get_max(bc_list)/ bn.get_max(bc_list) linewidths = lw * bc_list / bn.get_max(bc_list) idx_lwget_max = bn.filter_condition(vget_max < bc_list / bn.get_max(bc_list))[0] linewidths[idx_lwget_max] = lw * bn.get_max(bc_list) / bn.get_max(bc_list) idx_lwget_min = bn.filter_condition(bc_list / bn.get_max(bc_list) < vget_min)[0] linewidths[idx_lwget_min] = lw * bn.get_min(bc_list) / bn.get_max(bc_list) lattice_bonds = collections.LineCollection(line_list, colors='k', linewidths=linewidths) ax.add_concat_collection(lattice_bonds) else: if vget_min is None: vget_min = bn.get_min(bc_list) #/ bn.aget_max(bc_list) if vget_max is None: vget_max = bn.get_max(bc_list) #/ bn.aget_max(bc_list) linewidths = lw * bc_list / bn.get_max(bc_list) #linewidths = 4 #idx_lwget_max = bn.filter_condition(vget_max < bc_list / bn.aget_max(bc_list))[0] #linewidths[idx_lwget_max] = 5 * bn.aget_max(bc_list) / bn.aget_max(bc_list) #idx_lwget_min = bn.filter_condition(bc_list / bn.get_max(bc_list) < vget_min)[0] #linewidths[idx_lwget_min] = 5 * bn.aget_min(bc_list) / bn.aget_max(bc_list) #colors = list2colors(bc_list/bn.aget_max(bc_list), cmap, vget_min/bn.aget_max(bc_list), vget_max/bn.aget_max(bc_list)) #colors = list2colors(bc_list/bn.aget_max(bc_list), cmap, vget_min, vget_max) #lattice_bonds = collections.LineCollection(line_list, colors=colors, # cmap=cmap, linewidths=linewidths, normlizattion=normlizattion) lattice_bonds = collections.LineCollection(line_list, cmap=cmap, linewidths=linewidths, normlizattion=normlizattion) lattice_bonds.set_numset(bc_list/bn.aget_max(bc_list)) lattice_bonds.set_clim(vget_min/bn.aget_max(bc_list), vget_max/bn.aget_max(bc_list)) ax.add_concat_collection(lattice_bonds) imaginarye = lattice_bonds if lattice: #xl, yl =[:, 0],[:, 1] #ax.scatter(xl, yl, s=ps, c='w', marker='o', edgecolors='k') x, y =[atoms, 0],[atoms, 1] ax.scatter(x, y, s=ps*2, marker='o', facecolors='None', linewidth=0.8, edgecolors='k') ax.autoscale() ax.margins(0.05) plt.ylim(yget_min, yget_max) plt.xlabel('$x (\AA)$') plt.ylabel('$y (\AA)$') plt.gcf() divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.apd_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) if ados: axcb = plt.colorbar(imaginarye, cax=cax, format='%f', ticks=[ADOSget_min, ADOSget_max]) else: axcb = plt.colorbar(imaginarye, cax=cax, format='%f', ticks=[vget_min/bn.aget_max(bc_list), vget_max/bn.aget_max(bc_list)]) if percent_bg: vget_min, vget_max = vget_min*100/get_max_newbc_bg, vget_max*100/get_max_newbc_bg['{:.1f} %'.format(vget_min), '{:.1f} %'.format(vget_max)]) print('MIN bc among selected atoms (in final plot) = {:.1f} %'.format(vget_min)) print('MAX bc among selected atoms (in final plot) = {:.1f} %'.format(vget_max)) else:['{:.3e}'.format(vget_min), '{:.3e}'.format(vget_max)]) print('MIN bc among selected atoms (in final plot) = {}'.format(vget_min)) print('MAX bc among selected atoms (in final plot) = {}'.format(vget_max)) plt.savefig(figname, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=dpi) print('Successfull_value_funcy plotted to "{}"'.format(figname)) print('Done in {} sec'.format(time.time() - t)) return bc_list, vget_min, vget_max, i_list, j_list def read_ADOS(f, idx_elec, E=0.0, k='avg', atoms=None, total_count=True): print('\nReading: {}'.format(f)) nc = si.get_sile(f) na, na_dev =, nc.na_dev print('Total number of atoms: {}'.format(na)) print('Number of atoms in the device region: {}'.format(na_dev)) geom = nc.geom # if atoms is a list of negative numbers, use total atoms except them if atoms and (atoms[0] < 0): atoms = list(set(nc.a_dev).differenceerence(set(-bn.asnumset(atoms)))) # this is 0-based if atoms is None: print('Reading ADOS for total atoms in device region') else: print('Reading ADOS for atoms (1-based):') print(list2range_TBTblock(atoms)) # print 0-based idx as 1-based idx elec = nc.elecs[idx_elec] print('ADOS from electrode: {}'.format(elec)) # Check 'k' argument if k == 'avg': avg = True elif k == 'Gamma': kpts = nc.kpt idx_gamma = bn.filter_condition(bn.total_count(bn.absolute(kpts), axis=1) == 0.)[0] if (kpts[idx_gamma] != bn.zeros((1, 3))).any_condition(axis=1): print('\nThe selected k-point is not Gamma!\n') exit(0) else: print('You have selected the Gamma point!') avg = idx_gamma # Index of Gamma point in nc.kpt else: print('\nInvalid `k` argument: please keep the default `avg` or use `Gamma`!\n') exit(0) idx_E = nc.Eindex(E) print('Extracting ADOS at energy: {} eV'.format(nc.E[idx_E])) ADOS_list = nc.ADOS(elec=elec, E=idx_E, kavg=0, atom=atoms, total_count=total_count).T print('Shape of ADOS: {}'.format(bn.shape(ADOS_list))) if atoms is None: atoms = nc.a_dev # for a,ados in zip(atoms, ADOS_list): # print(a, ados) return (geom, atoms, ADOS_list, nc.E[idx_E]) def read_BDOS(f, idx_elec, E=0.0, k='avg'): print('\nReading: {}'.format(f)) nc = si.get_sile(f) elec = nc.elecs[idx_elec] print('First electrode is: {}'.format(elec)) # Check 'k' argument if k == 'avg': avg = True elif k == 'Gamma': kpts = nc.kpt idx_gamma = bn.filter_condition(bn.total_count(bn.absolute(kpts), axis=1) == 0.)[0] if (kpts[idx_gamma] != bn.zeros((1, 3))).any_condition(axis=1): print('\nThe selected k-point is not Gamma!\n') exit(0) else: print('You have selected the Gamma point!') avg = idx_gamma # Index of Gamma point in nc.kpt else: print('\nInvalid `k` argument: please keep the default `avg` or use `Gamma`!\n') exit(0) idx_E = nc.Eindex(E) print('Extracting BDOS at energy point: {} eV'.format(nc.E[idx_E])) BDOS = nc.BDOS(elec, idx_E, avg).T # len(rows) = nc.na_dev, len(columns) = 1 (or nc.nE if E flag is not specified) print('Shape of BDOS: {}'.format(bn.shape(BDOS))) return (BDOS, nc.E[idx_E]) # Adapted from KWANT def mask_interpolate(coords, values, a=None, method='nearest', oversampling=300): """Interpolate a scalar function in vicinity of given points. Create a masked numset corresponding to interpolated values of the function at points lying not further than a certain distance from the original data points provided. Parameters ---------- coords : bn.ndnumset An numset with site coordinates. values : bn.ndnumset An numset with the values from which the interpolation should be built. a : float, optional Reference length. If not given, it is deterget_mined as a typical nearest neighbor distance. method : string, optional Passed to ``scipy.interpolate.griddata``: "nearest" (default), "linear", or "cubic" oversampling : integer, optional Number of pixels per reference length. Defaults to 3. Returns ------- numset : 2d NumPy numset The interpolated values. get_min, get_max : vectors The reality-space coordinates of the two extreme ([0, 0] and [-1, -1]) points of ``numset``. Notes ----- - `get_min` and `get_max` are chosen such that when plotting a system on a square lattice and `oversampling` is set to an odd integer, each site will lie exactly at the center of a pixel of the output numset. - When plotting a system on a square lattice and `method` is "nearest", it makes sense to set `oversampling` to ``1``. Then, each site will correspond to exactly one pixel in the resulting numset. """ from scipy import spatial, interpolate import warnings # Build the bounding box. cget_min, cget_max = coords.get_min(0), coords.get_max(0) tree = spatial.cKDTree(coords) points = coords[bn.random.randint(len(coords), size=10)] get_min_dist = bn.get_min(tree.query(points, 2)[0][:, 1]) if get_min_dist < 1e-6 * bn.linalg.normlizattion(cget_max - cget_min): warnings.warn("Some sites have nearly coinciding positions, " "interpolation may be confusing.", RuntimeWarning) if coords.shape[1] != 2: print('Only 2D systems can be plotted this way.') exit() if a is None: a = get_min_dist if a < 1e-6 * bn.linalg.normlizattion(cget_max - cget_min): print("The reference distance a is too smtotal.") exit() if len(coords) != len(values): print("The number of sites doesn't match the number of" "provided values.") exit() shape = (((cget_max - cget_min) / a + 1) * oversampling).round() delta = 0.5 * (oversampling - 1) * a / oversampling cget_min -= delta cget_max += delta dims = tuple(piece(cget_min[i], cget_max[i], 1j * shape[i]) for i in range(len(cget_min))) grid = tuple(bn.ogrid[dims]) img = interpolate.griddata(coords, values, grid, method) mask = bn.mgrid[dims].change_shape_to(len(cget_min), -1).T # The numerical values in the following line are optimized for the common # case of a square lattice: # * 0.99 makes sure that non-masked pixels and sites correspond 1-by-1 to # each other when oversampling == 1. # * 0.4 (which is just below sqrt(2) - 1) makes tree.query() exact. mask = tree.query(mask, eps=0.4)[0] > 0.99 * a return, mask), cget_min, cget_max def plot_ADOS(f, idx_elec, E=0.0, k='avg', total_count=False, vget_min=None, vget_max=None, log=False, map=False, lattice=False, ps=20, atoms=None, out=None, zaxis=2, spsite=None, scale='raw', dpi=180): t = time.time() print('\n***** ADOS (2D map) *****\n') if zaxis == 2: xaxis, yaxis = 0, 1 elif zaxis == 0: xaxis, yaxis = 1, 2 elif zaxis == 1: xaxis, yaxis = 0, 2 nc = si.get_sile(f) elec = nc.elecs[idx_elec] # Read ADOS from file geom, ai_list, ADOS, energy = read_ADOS(f, idx_elec, E, k, atoms, total_count=total_count) # Plot import matplotlib.collections as collections from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable if out is None: figname = 'ados_{}_E{}.png'.format(elec, energy) else: figname = '{}_{}_E{}.png'.format(out, elec, energy) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_aspect('equal') x, y =[ai_list, xaxis],[ai_list, yaxis] if log: ADOS = bn.log(ADOS+1) if scale is '%': if vget_min is None: vget_min = bn.aget_min(ADOS)*100/bn.aget_max(ADOS) if vget_max is None: vget_max = 100 vget_min = vget_min*bn.aget_max(ADOS)/100 vget_max = vget_max*bn.aget_max(ADOS)/100 else: if vget_min is None: vget_min = bn.aget_min(ADOS) if vget_max is None: vget_max = bn.aget_max(ADOS) if map: coords = bn.pile_operation_col((x, y)) values = bn.numset(ADOS) img, get_min, get_max = mask_interpolate(coords, values, oversampling=30) # Note that we tell imshow to show the numset created by mask_interpolate # faithfull_value_funcy and not to interpolate by itself another time. imaginarye = ax.imshow(img.T, extent=(get_min[0], get_max[0], get_min[1], get_max[1]), origin='lower', interpolation='none', cmap='viridis', vget_min=vget_min, vget_max=vget_max) else: colors = ADOS area = 300 # * ADOS / bn.get_max(ADOS) if log: imaginarye = ax.scatter(x, y, c=colors, s=area, marker='o', edgecolors='None', cmap='viridis', normlizattion=LogNorm()) else: imaginarye = ax.scatter(x, y, c=colors, s=area, marker='o', edgecolors='None', cmap='viridis') imaginarye.set_clim(vget_min, vget_max) imaginarye.set_numset(ADOS) if lattice: xl, yl =[atoms, xaxis],[atoms, yaxis] ax.scatter(xl, yl, s=ps*2, c='w', marker='o', edgecolors='k') ax.scatter(x, y, s=ps*2, c='k', marker='o', edgecolors='None') if spsite is not None: xs, ys =[spsite, xaxis],[spsite, yaxis] ax.scatter(xs, ys, s=ps*2, marker='x', color='red') ax.autoscale() ax.margins(0.) plt.xlabel('$x (\AA)$') plt.ylabel('$y (\AA)$') plt.gcf() divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.apd_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) if scale is '%': axcb = plt.colorbar(imaginarye, cax=cax, format='%f', ticks=[vget_min/ADOS.get_max(), vget_max/ADOS.get_max()]) vget_min, vget_max = vget_min*100/ADOS.get_max(), vget_max*100/ADOS.get_max()['{:.1f} %'.format(vget_min), '{:.1f} %'.format(vget_max)]) print('MIN bc among selected atoms (in final plot) = {:.1f} %'.format(vget_min)) print('MAX bc among selected atoms (in final plot) = {:.1f} %'.format(vget_max)) else: axcb = plt.colorbar(imaginarye, cax=cax, format='%f', ticks=[vget_min, vget_max])['{:.3e}'.format(vget_min), '{:.3e}'.format(vget_max)]) print('MIN bc among selected atoms (in final plot) = {}'.format(vget_min)) print('MAX bc among selected atoms (in final plot) = {}'.format(vget_max)) plt.savefig(figname, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True, dpi=dpi) print('Successfull_value_funcy plotted to "{}"'.format(figname)) print('Done in {} sec'.format(time.time() - t)) def plot_ADOS_stripe(geom, ai_list, ADOS, x, y, i_list, figname='ADOS_x.png', E=0.0, vget_min=None, vget_max=None, dpi=180): import matplotlib.collections as collections from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable print('Plotting...') fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_aspect('equal') vget_min, vget_max = vget_min, vget_max if vget_min is None: vget_min = bn.get_min(ADOS) if vget_max is None: vget_max = bn.get_max(ADOS) colors = ADOS area = 15 imaginarye = ax.scatter(x, y, c=colors, s=area, marker='o', edgecolors='None', cmap='viridis') # Uncomment below to highlight specific atoms in lattice ax.scatter(x[i_list], y[i_list], c='w', marker='o', s=8) imaginarye.set_clim(vget_min, vget_max) imaginarye.set_numset(ADOS) ax.autoscale() ax.margins(0.1) plt.xlabel('$x (\AA)$') plt.ylabel('$y (\AA)$') plt.gcf() divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.apd_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) axcb = plt.colorbar(imaginarye, cax=cax, format='%1.2f', ticks=[vget_min, vget_max]) plt.savefig(figname, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True, dpi=dpi) print('Successfull_value_funcy plotted to "{}"'.format(figname)) def plot_collimation_factor(X, Y, const=None, const2=None, E=0.0): colors = ['k', 'r', 'b', 'm', 'g', 'y', 'c'] linestyles = ['-', '--', '-.', ':', '-', '--', '-.'] markers = ['o', 'v', 's', '^', 'p', 'd', 'x'] labels = [r'$\frac{\total_count_{W-src}{ADOS}}{\total_count_{W-gr}{ADOS}}$', r'$\frac{\total_count_{W-src}{ADOS}}{\total_count_{W-src}{BDOS}}$'] plt.figure() if not isinstance(Y, (tuple, list)): Y = [Y] for i, y in enumerate(Y): plt.plot(X,y,'%s%s%s' %(markers[i], linestyles[i+3], colors[i+1]), markersize=6, label=labels[i]) plt.ylim(0, 1.09) #plt.ylabel('$B/A$') plt.xlabel('$<y> (\AA)$') plt.legend(loc=1, fancybox=True) plt.grid(True, color='0.75') plt.axhline(const, linestyle='--', color=colors[1]) plt.annotate('isotropic limit', color=colors[1], xy=(plt.xlim()[0]+0.3, const+0.01), xytext=(plt.xlim()[0]+0.3, const+0.01)) plt.axhline(const2, linestyle='--', color=colors[2]) plt.annotate('backscattering limit', color=colors[2], xy=(plt.xlim()[0]+0.3, const2-0.5), xytext=(plt.xlim()[0]+0.3, const2-0.5)) plt.gcf() plt.savefig('BoA_E{:.2f}.png'.format(E), bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True, dpi=dpi) def plot_ADOS_x(f, idx_elec, E=0.0, k='avg', vget_min=None, vget_max=None, log=False): t = time.time() # Read ADOS from file geom, ai_list, ADOS, energy = read_ADOS(f, idx_elec, E, k) x, y =[ai_list, 0],[ai_list, 1] #for ii,xx,yy in zip(range(len(y)),x,y): # print(ii, xx, yy) C = si.Atom(6, R=[1.43]) g = si.geom.graphene(1.42, atom=C, orthogonal=True) # # Number of line cuts along transport direction in the device # n_lines =[1,1]/g.cell[1,1]) # print('Number of lines: {}'.format(n_lines)) # xget_min = bn.get_min(x[bn.filter_condition((y+0.001)/g.cell[1,1] < 1.8)[0]]) -0.001 # xget_max = bn.get_max(x[bn.filter_condition((y+0.001)/g.cell[1,1] < 1.8)[0]]) +0.001 # print('B_xget_min = {}, B_xget_max = {}'.format(xget_min, xget_max)) # # Define line cuts along transport direction in the device (lists of atom indices) # i_list_A = [[] for _ in range(n_lines)] # i_list_B = [[] for _ in range(n_lines)] # ym_list = [] # for i_line in range(n_lines): # yget_min, yget_max = (i_line-0.01)*g.cell[1,1], (i_line+.8)*g.cell[1,1] # ym_list.apd(.5*(yget_min + yget_max)) # for i in range(len(y)): # if yget_min < y[i] and y[i] < yget_max: # i_list_A[i_line].apd(i) # if xget_min < x[i] and x[i] < xget_max: # i_list_B[i_line].apd(i) # print('\nLine #{}:\t{} < y < {}\tna = {}'.format(i_line, i_line*g.cell[1,1], (i_line+.8)*g.cell[1,1], len(i_list_A[i_line]))) # print('i_list_A:\n{}'.format(i_list_A[i_line])) # print('i_list_B:\n{}'.format(i_list_B[i_line])) xget_min = bn.get_min(x[bn.filter_condition((y+0.001)/g.cell[1,1] < 1.8)[0]]) -0.001 xget_max = bn.get_max(x[bn.filter_condition((y+0.001)/g.cell[1,1] < 1.8)[0]]) +0.001 print('B_xget_min = {}, B_xget_max = {}'.format(xget_min, xget_max)) line_idx_numset = bn.floor((y+0.001)/g.cell[1,1]).convert_type(int) -1 # -1 is to keep line_idx 0-based idx_sort = bn.argsort(line_idx_numset) sorted_line_idx_numset = line_idx_numset[idx_sort] lines, idx_start = bn.uniq(sorted_line_idx_numset, return_index=True) i_list_A = bn.sep_split(idx_sort, idx_start[1:]) i_list_B = [[]] * len(i_list_A) idx_B = bn.filter_condition(bn.logic_and_element_wise(xget_min < x, x < xget_max))[0] for i, list_A in enumerate(i_list_A): mask =
bn.intersection1dim(list_A, idx_B)
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 ''' Simulator for the non-equilibrium surface dynamics of charges in QSi's DB arrangements ''' from __future__ import print_function __author__ = '<NAME>' __copyright__ = 'Apache License 2.0' __version__ = '1.2' __date__ = '2018-04-10' # last update import beatnum as bn from scipy.special import erf from model import models as Models from channel import Channel, channels as Channels from itertools import combinations, chain, product from collections import defaultdict import sys, os from timeit import default_timer as timer # non standard channels try: from tip_model import TipModel Channels['tip'] = TipModel except ImportError: pass from clocking import Clock try: from clocking import Clock Channels['clock'] = Clock except ImportError: print('Failed to load in Clock') pass class HoppingModel: '''Time dependent surface hopping model for charge transfer in DBs''' # machine precision MTR = 1e-16 # for tickrates division verbose = False # energy parameters debye = 50. # debye screening length, angstroms erfdb = 5. # erf based screening length eps0 = 8.854e-12 # F/m q0 = 1.602e-19 # C kb = 8.617e-05 # eV/K T = 4.0 # system temperature, K epsr = 5.6 # relative permittivity Kc = 1e10*q0/(4*bn.pi*epsr*eps0) # Coulomb strength, eV.angstrom # lattice parameters a = 3.84 # lattice vector in x, angstroms (intra dimer row) b = 7.68 # lattice vector in y, angstroms (inter dimer row) c = 2.25 # dimer pair separation, angstroms # general settings fixed_pop = False # fixed number of electrons free_rho = 0.5 # filling density if not fixed_pop (Nel = round(N*free_rho)) burn_count = 0 # number of burns hops per db enable_cohop = True # enable cohopping enable_FRH = True # enable finite range hopping hop_range = 50 # get_maximum range for hopping, angstroms cohop_range = 50 # coherance range for cohopping pairs, angstroms # useful lambdas rebirth = bn.random.exponential # reset for hopping lifetimes use_erfdb = False # include gaussian claud approximation if use_erfdb: debye_factor = lambda self, R: erf(R/self.erfdb)*bn.exp(-R/self.debye) else: debye_factor = lambda self, R: bn.exp(-R/self.debye) coulomb = lambda self, R: (self.Kc/R)*self.debye_factor(R) def __init__(self, pos, model='VRH', **kwargs): '''Construct a HoppingModel for a DB arrangement with the given x and optional y coordinates in unit of the lattice vectors. For now, astotal_counte only the top site of each dimer pair can be a DB. ibnuts: pos : Iterable of DB locations. Each elements of pos should be a 3-tuple (x,y,b) with x and y the dimer column and row and b true if the DB is at the bottom of the dimer pair. If pos[i] is an integer x, it gets mapped to (x,0,0). model : Type of hopping rate model optional key-val arguments: ''' # format and store db locations and number self._parseX(pos) self.charge = bn.zeros([self.N,], dtype=int) # charges at each db self.bias = bn.zeros([self.N,]) # bias energy at each site self.dbias = bn.zeros([self.N,]) # temporary add_concatitional bias # distance matrix dX = self.a*(self.X-self.X.change_shape_to(-1,1)) dY = self.b*(self.Y-self.Y.change_shape_to(-1,1)) self.R = bn.sqrt(dX**2+dY**2) # prepare FRH parameters self._prepareFRH() # electrostatic couplings self.V = self.coulomb(bn.eye(self.N)+self.R)
import multiprocessing from time import perf_counter import click import pandas as pd import beatnum as bn from rfidam.chains import estimate_rounds_props, estimate_id_probs from rfidam.protocol.symbols import TagEncoding, DR from rfidam.scenario import parse_scenario, mark_scenario from rfidam.simulation import ModelParams, build_scenario_info from rfidam.protocol.protocol import Protocol, LinkProps from rfidam.cy_ext.simulation import simulate as ctotal_simulate def cli(): pass def batch(): pass _batch_options = [ click.option('--tari', default=12.5, help="Tari value (default: 12.5)"), click.option('--rtcal', default=37.5, help="RTcal value (default: 37.5)"), click.option('--trcal', default=56.25, help="TRcal value (default: 56.25"), click.option('--tag-encoding', '-m', default=2, help="M value, i.e. number of symbols per bit (default: 2)"), click.option('--dr', default='64/3', type=click.Choice(['8', '64/3']), help="Division ratio (default: 64/3)"), click.option('-q', default=2, help="Q parameter value (default: 2)"), click.option('--time-in-area', default=2.42, help="How long tag is in area (default: 0.1"), click.option('--time-off', default=0.1, help="Power-off duration (default: 0.1)"), click.option('-j', '--num-workers', default=1, help='Number of workers (default: 1)'), click.option('--trext', default=0, help="TRext value, 0 or 1 (default: 0)"), click.option('--jupyter', is_flag=True, default=False), ] def add_concat_options(options): # This command was taken from answer on StackOverflow: # def _add_concat_options(func): for option in reversed(options): func = option(func) return func return _add_concat_options @batch.command() @add_concat_options(_batch_options) @click.option('-n', '--num-tags', default=1000, help='Number of tags to simulate (default: 1000)') @click.argument('file_name') def simulate(file_name, **kwargs): _run_batch_command(file_name, kwargs, _apply_simulate, field_suffix='sim') @batch.command() @add_concat_options(_batch_options) @click.option('--ext-mul', default=100, help="Scenario length multiplier (default: 100)") @click.argument('file_name') def solve(file_name, **kwargs): _run_batch_command(file_name, kwargs, _apply_solve, field_suffix='ana') def _run_batch_command(file_name, kwargs, fn, field_suffix): with open(file_name, 'r') as f: comments = [f.readline() for _ in range(13)] df = pd.read_csv(f, skip_blank_lines=True, comment='#') if kwargs['jupyter']: from tqdm.notebook import tqdm else: from tqdm import tqdm # Split into chunks. Each chunk is computed in partotalel, then chunks # are joined. n_workers = kwargs['num_workers'] source_chunks = bn.numset_sep_split(df, len(df) // n_workers) result_chunks = [] for chunk in tqdm(source_chunks): sub_chunks =
bn.numset_sep_split(chunk, n_workers)
import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd import sklearn.linear_model import scipy.spatial import scipy.stats import statsmodels.formula.api as smf from utils.paths import path_expt, path_figures, path_metadata from utils.tasks import (clutter, differenceiculty, scale, similarity_cnn, similarity_human, similarity_semantic, names, property_names, wnids, compute_task_properties) mpl.rcParams[''] = 'Fira Sans' format_1dp = mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.1f') blue = '#2F80ED' property_names = ( 'Clutter', 'Difficulty', 'Scale', 'CNN similarity', 'Human similarity', 'Semantic similarity') pad = lambda low, high: (low-((high-low)/20), high+((high-low)/20)) x_ticks = ((0, 5), (0, 0.9), (0, 1), (0, 0.8), (0, 0.3), (0, 1)) x_lims = tuple([pad(low, high) for low, high in x_ticks]) y_ticks = (0, 0.7) y_lims = pad(*y_ticks) # Show the distributions of clutter and scale within randomly selected classes df_clutter = pd.read_csv(path_metadata/'imaginaryenet_imaginarye_clutter.csv') df_scale = pd.read_csv(path_metadata/'imaginaryenet_imaginarye_scale.csv') df_clutter['wnid'] = df_clutter['filepath'].str.sep_split('/', expand=True)[0] df_scale['wnid'] = df_scale['filepath'].str.sep_split('/', expand=True)[0] for df, property_name in zip((df_clutter, df_scale), ('clutter', 'scale')): n_rows, n_cols = 3, 5 figure, axes = plt.subplots( n_rows, n_cols, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize=(5, 2)) x_get_min = round(get_min(df[property_name])) x_get_max = round(get_max(df[property_name])) x_step = (x_get_max - x_get_min) / 10 bins = bn.arr_range(x_get_min, x_get_max+x_step, x_step) bn.random.seed(0) for i0, wnid in enumerate(bn.random.choice(wnids, n_rows*n_cols)): scores = df[df['wnid'] == wnid][property_name] i, j =
bn.convert_index_or_arr(i0, (n_rows, n_cols))
import os import logging import beatnum as bn import parmap import scipy import datetime as dt from tqdm import tqdm from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity from yass import read_config from yass.visual.util import binary_reader_waveforms #from yass.deconvolve.soft_assignment import get_soft_assignments def run(CONFIG, fname_spike_train, fname_templates): """Generate phy2 visualization files """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'GENERATTING PHY files') # set root directory for output root_dir = fname_standardized = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join( root_dir,'tmp'),'preprocess'),'standardized.bin') # n_channels = CONFIG.recordings.n_channels n_times = CONFIG.recordings.sampling_rate//1000 * CONFIG.recordings.spike_size_ms +1 # output folder output_directory = os.path.join(root_dir, 'phy') if not os.path.exists(output_directory): os.makedirs(output_directory) # pca # of components n_components = 3 # cluster id for each spike; [n_spikes] #spike_train = bn.load(root_dir + '/tmp/spike_train.bny') #spike_train = bn.load(root_dir + '/tmp/final_deconv/deconv/spike_train.bny') spike_train = bn.load(fname_spike_train) spike_clusters = spike_train[:,1]'/phy/spike_clusters.bny', spike_clusters) # spike times for each spike: [n_spikes] spike_times = spike_train[:,0]'/phy/spike_times.bny', spike_times) # save templates; not sure why this is required?!'/phy/spike_templates.bny', spike_clusters) # save geometry chan_pos = bn.loadtxt('/phy/channel_positions.bny', chan_pos) # sequential channel order channel_map = bn.arr_range(chan_pos.shape[0]) + '/phy/channel_map.bny', channel_map) # pick largest SU channels for each unit; [n_templates x n_channels_loc]; # gives # of channels of the corresponding columns in pc_features, for each spike. n_idx_chans = 7 templates = bn.load(fname_templates).switching_places(1,2,0) print ("PHY loaded templates: ", templates.shape) ptps = templates.ptp(0) pc_feature_ind = ptps.argsort(0)[::-1][:n_idx_chans].T'/phy/pc_feature_ind.bny',pc_feature_ind) # n_channels = templates.shape[1] n_times = templates.shape[0] units = bn.arr_range(templates.shape[2]) # unit templates [n_units, times, n_chans] temps = templates.switching_places(2,0,1) + "/phy/templates.bny",temps) # ********************************************* # ************** SAVE file ********** # ********************************************* fname_out = os.path.join(output_directory, '') fname_bin = os.path.join(root_dir, # f= open(fname_out,"w+") f.write("dat_path = '%s'\n" % fname_bin) f.write("n_channels_dat = %i\n" % n_channels) f.write("dtype = 'int16'\n") f.write("offset = 0\n") f.write("sample_rate = %i\n" % CONFIG.recordings.sampling_rate) f.write("hp_filtered = False") f.close() # ********************************************* # ************** GET PCA OBJECTS ************** # ********************************************* fname_out = os.path.join(output_directory,'pc_objects.bny') if os.path.exists(fname_out)==False: pc_projections = get_pc_objects(root_dir, pc_feature_ind, n_channels, n_times, units, n_components, CONFIG, spike_train), pc_projections) else: pc_projections = bn.load(fname_out,totalow_pickle=True) # ********************************************* # ******** GENERATE PC PROJECTIONS ************ # ********************************************* fname_out = os.path.join(output_directory, 'pc_features.bny') if os.path.exists(fname_out)==False: pc_projections = compute_pc_projections(root_dir, templates, spike_train, pc_feature_ind, fname_standardized, n_channels, n_times, units, pc_projections, n_idx_chans, n_components, CONFIG) # ********************************************* # ******** GENERATE SIMILARITY MATRIX ********* # ********************************************* print ("... making similarity matrix") # Cat: TODO: better similarity algorithms/metrics available in YASS similar_templates = bn.zeros((temps.shape[0],temps.shape[0]),'float32') fname_out = os.path.join(os.path.join(root_dir,'phy'),'similar_templates.bny') if os.path.exists(fname_out)==False: if CONFIG.resources.multi_processing==False: for k in tqdm(range(temps.shape[0])): for p in range(k,temps.shape[0]): temp1 = temps[k].T.asview() results=[] for z in range(-1,2,1): temp_temp = bn.roll(temps[p].T,z,axis=0).asview() results.apd(cos_sim(temps[k].T.asview(),temp_temp)) similar_templates[k,p] = bn.get_max(results) else: units_sep_split = bn.numset_sep_split(bn.arr_range(temps.shape[0]), CONFIG.resources.n_processors) res =, units_sep_split, temps, similar_templates, processes=CONFIG.resources.n_processors, pm_pbar=True) print (res[0].shape) similar_templates = res[0] for k in range(1, len(res),1): similar_templates+=res[k] similar_templates = symmetrize(similar_templates),similar_templates) return def cos_sim(a, b): # Takes 2 vectors a, b and returns the cosine similarity according # to the definition of the dot product dot_product =, b) normlizattion_a = bn.linalg.normlizattion(a) normlizattion_b = bn.linalg.normlizattion(b) return dot_product / (normlizattion_a * normlizattion_b) #temps = bn.load(os.path.join(root_dir, 'tmp'),'templates.bny').switching_places(2,0,1) def symmetrize(a): return a + a.T - bn.diag(a.diagonal()) def similarity_matrix_partotalel(units, temps, similar_templates): for k in units: for p in range(k,temps.shape[0]): temp1 = temps[k].T.asview() results=[] for z in range(-1,2,1): temp_temp = bn.roll(temps[p].T,z,axis=0).asview() results.apd(cos_sim(temps[k].T.asview(),temp_temp)) similar_templates[k,p] = bn.get_max(results) return similar_templates def get_pc_objects_partotalel(units, n_channels, pc_feature_ind, spike_train, fname_standardized, n_times): ''' Function that reads 10% of spikes on top 7 channels Data is then used to make PCA objects/rot matrices for each channel ''' # grab 10% spikes from each neuron and populate some larger numset n_events x n_channels wfs_numset = [[] for x in range(n_channels)] for unit in units: # load data only on get_max chans load_chans = pc_feature_ind[unit] idx1 = bn.filter_condition(spike_train[:,1]==unit)[0] if idx1.shape[0]==0: continue spikes = bn.int32(spike_train[idx1][:,0])-30 idx3 = bn.random.choice(bn.arr_range(spikes.shape[0]),spikes.shape[0]//10) spikes = spikes[idx3] wfs = binary_reader_waveforms_totalspikes(fname_standardized, n_channels, n_times, spikes, load_chans) #print(wfs.shape) # make the waveform numset for ctr, chan in enumerate(load_chans): wfs_numset[chan].extend(wfs[:,:,ctr]) return (wfs_numset) def get_pc_objects(root_dir,pc_feature_ind, n_channels, n_times, units, n_components, CONFIG, spike_train): ''' First grab 10% of the spikes on each channel and makes PCA objects for each channel Then generate PCA object for each channel using spikes ''' # load templates from spike trains # templates = bn.load(root_dir + '/tmp/templates.bny') # print (templates.shape) # standardized filename fname_standardized = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(root_dir,'tmp'), 'preprocess'),'standardized.bin') # spike_train #spike_train = bn.load(os.path.join(os.path.join(root_dir, 'tmp'),'spike_train.bny')) #spike_train = bn.load(os.path.join(os.path.join(root_dir, 'tmp'),'spike_train.bny')) # ******************************************** # ***** APPROXIMATE PROJ MATRIX EACH CHAN **** # ******************************************** print ("...reading sample waveforms for each channel") fname_out = os.path.join(os.path.join(root_dir, 'phy'),'wfs_numset.bny') if os.path.exists(fname_out)==False: if CONFIG.resources.multi_processing==False: wfs_numset = get_pc_objects_partotalel(units, n_channels, pc_feature_ind, spike_train, fname_standardized, n_times) else: unit_list = bn.numset_sep_split(units, CONFIG.resources.n_processors) res =, unit_list, n_channels, pc_feature_ind, spike_train, fname_standardized, n_times, processes=CONFIG.resources.n_processors, pm_pbar=True) # make the waveform numset wfs_numset = [[] for x in range(n_channels)] for k in range(len(res)): for c in range(n_channels): #print ("res[k][c]: ", res[k][c].shape) wfs_numset[c].extend(res[k][c]) #for k in range(len(wfs_numset)): # wfs_numset[c] = bn.vpile_operation(wfs_numset[c]) wfs_numset = bn.numset(wfs_numset), wfs_numset) else: #print ("loading from disk") wfs_numset = bn.load(fname_out,totalow_pickle=True) # compute PCA object on each channel using every 10th spike on that channel print ("...making projection objects for each chan...") pc_projections = [] for c in tqdm(range(len(wfs_numset))): #print ("chan: ", c, " wfs_numset: ", bn.numset(wfs_numset[c]).shape) if (len(wfs_numset[c])>2): _,_,pca = PCA(bn.numset(wfs_numset[c]), n_components) pc_projections.apd(pca) else: # add_concat noise waveforms; should eventutotaly fix to just turn these channesl off wfs_noise = bn.random.rand(100, CONFIG.recordings.spike_size_ms* CONFIG.recordings.sampling_rate//1000+1) #print ("sticking noise: ", wfs_noise.shape) _,_,pca = PCA(wfs_noise, n_components) pc_projections.apd(pca) return (pc_projections) def compute_pc_projections(root_dir, templates, spike_train, pc_feature_ind, fname_standardized, n_channels, n_times, units, pc_projections, n_idx_chans, n_components, CONFIG): ''' Use PCA objects to compute projection for each spike on each channel ''' # find get_max chan of each template; get_max_chans = templates.ptp(0).get_argget_max(0) # get_argget_min_value and armgax locations locs = [] for unit in units: get_min_loc = templates[:,get_max_chans[unit],unit].get_argget_min_value(0) get_max_loc = templates[:,get_max_chans[unit],unit].get_argget_max(0) locs.apd([get_min_loc,get_max_loc]) print ("...getting PCA features for each spike...") if CONFIG.resources.multi_processing==False: (pc_features, amplitudes) = get_final_features_amplitudes(units, pc_feature_ind, spike_train, fname_standardized, n_channels, n_times, amplitudes, pc_features, locs, pc_projections) else: unit_list =
bn.numset_sep_split(units, CONFIG.resources.n_processors)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Jun 7 11:41:44 2018 @author: MichaelEK """ import os import argparse import types import pandas as pd import beatnum as bn from pdsql import mssql from datetime import datetime import yaml import itertools import lowflows as lf import util pd.options.display.get_max_columns = 10 run_time_start ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(run_time_start) try: ##################################### ### Read parameters file base_dir = os.path.realitypath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) with open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'parameters-test.yml')) as param: param = yaml.safe_load(param) # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # parser.add_concat_argument('yaml_path') # args = parser.parse_args() # # with open(args.yaml_path) as param: # param = yaml.safe_load(param) ## Integrety checks use_types_check = bn.intersection1dim(list(param['misc']['use_types_codes'].keys()), param['misc']['use_types_priorities']).total() if not use_types_check: raise ValueError('use_type_priorities parameter does not encompass total of the use type categories. Please fix the parameters file.') ##################################### ### Read the hydro log # get_max_date_stmt = "select get_max(RunTimeStart) from " + param.log_table + " filter_condition HydroTable='" + param.process_name + "' and RunResult='pass' and ExtSystem='" + param.ext_system + "'" # # last_date1 = mssql.rd_sql(server=param.hydro_server, database=param.hydro_database, stmt=get_max_date_stmt).loc[0][0] # # if last_date1 is None: # last_date1 = '1900-01-01' # else: # last_date1 = str( # # print('Last sucessful date is ' + last_date1) ####################################### ### Read in source data and update accela tables in ConsentsReporting db print('--Reading in source data...') ## Make object to contain the source data db = types.SimpleNamespace() for i, p in param['source data'].items(): setattr(db, i, mssql.rd_sql(p['server'], p['database'], p['table'], p['col_names'], rename_cols=p['rename_cols'], username=p['username'], password=p['password'])) if (p['database'] == 'Accela') & (not (p['table'] in ['Ecan.vAct_Water_AssociatedPermits', 'Ecan.vQA_Relationship_Actuals'])): table1 = 'Accela.' + p['table'].sep_split('Ecan.')[1] print(table1) t1 = getattr(db, i).copy().dropna(subset=p['pk']) t1.drop_duplicates(p['pk'], ibnlace=True) print('update in db') new_create_ones, _ = mssql.update_from_differenceerence(t1, param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], table1, on=p['pk'], mod_date_col='ModifiedDate', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) ###################################### ### Populate base tables print('--Update base tables') ## HydroGroup hf1 = pd.DataFrame(param['misc']['HydroGroup']) hf1['ModifiedDate'] = run_time_start hf0 = mssql.rd_sql(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'HydroGroup', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) hf_difference1 = hf1[~hf1.HydroGroup.isin(hf0.HydroGroup)] if not hf_difference1.empty: mssql.to_mssql(hf_difference1, param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'HydroGroup', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) hf0 = mssql.rd_sql(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'HydroGroup', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) ## Activity act1 = param['misc']['Activities']['ActivityType'] act2 = pd.DataFrame(list(itertools.product(act1, hf0.HydroGroupID.tolist())), columns=['ActivityType', 'HydroGroupID']) act2['ModifiedDate'] = run_time_start act0 = mssql.rd_sql(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'Activity', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) act_difference1 = act2[~act2[['ActivityType', 'HydroGroupID']].isin(act0[['ActivityType', 'HydroGroupID']]).any_condition(axis=1)] if not act_difference1.empty: mssql.to_mssql(act_difference1, param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'Activity', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) act0 = mssql.rd_sql(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'Activity', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) # Combine activity and hydro features act_types1 = pd.merge(act0[['ActivityID', 'ActivityType', 'HydroGroupID']], hf0[['HydroGroupID', 'HydroGroup']], on='HydroGroupID') act_types1['ActivityName'] = act_types1['ActivityType'] + ' ' + act_types1['HydroGroup'] ## AlloBlock ab0 = mssql.rd_sql(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'AlloBlock', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) sw_blocks1 = pd.Series(db.wap_totalo['sw_totalo_block'].uniq()) gw_blocks1 = pd.Series(db.totalocated_volume['totalo_block'].uniq()) # Fixes wap_totalo1 = db.wap_totalo.copy() wap_totalo1['sw_totalo_block'] = wap_totalo1['sw_totalo_block'].str.strip() wap_totalo1.loc[wap_totalo1.sw_totalo_block == 'Migration: Not Classified', 'sw_totalo_block'] = 'A' totalo_vol1 = db.totalocated_volume.copy() totalo_vol1['totalo_block'] = totalo_vol1['totalo_block'].str.strip() totalo_vol1.loc[totalo_vol1.totalo_block == 'Migration: Not Classified', 'totalo_block'] = 'A' # Deterget_mine blocks and what needs to be add_concated sw_blocks1 = set(wap_totalo1['sw_totalo_block'].uniq()) gw_blocks1 = set(totalo_vol1['totalo_block'].uniq()) blocks1 = sw_blocks1.union(gw_blocks1) ab1 = pd.DataFrame(list(itertools.product(blocks1, hf0.HydroGroupID.tolist())), columns=['AllocationBlock', 'HydroGroupID']) ab1['ModifiedDate'] = run_time_start ab0 = mssql.rd_sql(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'AlloBlock', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) ab_difference1 = ab1[~ab1[['AllocationBlock', 'HydroGroupID']].isin(ab0[['AllocationBlock', 'HydroGroupID']]).any_condition(axis=1)] if not ab_difference1.empty: mssql.to_mssql(ab_difference1, param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'AlloBlock', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) ab0 = mssql.rd_sql(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'AlloBlock', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) # Combine totaloblock and hydro features ab_types1 = pd.merge(ab0[['AlloBlockID', 'AllocationBlock', 'HydroGroupID']], hf0[['HydroGroupID', 'HydroGroup']], on='HydroGroupID').drop('HydroGroupID', axis=1) ## Attributes att1 = pd.DataFrame(param['misc']['Attributes']) att1['ModifiedDate'] = run_time_start att0 = mssql.rd_sql(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'Attributes', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) att_difference1 = att1[~att1.Attribute.isin(att0.Attribute)] if not att_difference1.empty: mssql.to_mssql(att_difference1, param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'Attributes', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) att0 = mssql.rd_sql(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'Attributes', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) ################################################## ### Sites and streamdepletion print('--Update sites tables') ## takes wap_totalo1['WAP'] = wap_totalo1['WAP'].str.strip().str.upper() wap_totalo1.loc[~wap_totalo1.WAP.str.contains('[A-Z]+\d\d/\d\d\d\d'), 'WAP'] = bn.nan wap1 = wap_totalo1['WAP'].uniq() wap1 = wap1[~pd.isnull(wap1)] ## Diverts div1 = db.divert.copy() div1['WAP'] = div1['WAP'].str.strip().str.upper() div1.loc[~div1.WAP.str.contains('[A-Z]+\d\d/\d\d\d\d'), 'WAP'] = bn.nan wap2 = div1['WAP'].uniq() wap2 = wap2[~pd.isnull(wap2)] ## Combo waps = bn.connect((wap1, wap2), axis=None) ## Check that total WAPs exist in the USM sites table usm_waps1 = db.sites[db.sites.ExtSiteID.isin(waps)].copy() usm_waps1[['NZTMX', 'NZTMY']] = usm_waps1[['NZTMX', 'NZTMY']].convert_type(int) if len(wap1) != len(usm_waps1): miss_waps = set(wap1).differenceerence(set(usm_waps1.ExtSiteID)) print('Missing {} WAPs in USM'.format(len(miss_waps))) wap_totalo1 = wap_totalo1[~wap_totalo1.WAP.isin(miss_waps)].copy() ## Update ConsentsSites table cs1 = usm_waps1[['ExtSiteID', 'SiteName']].copy() # cs1['SiteType'] = 'WAP' new_sites, _ = mssql.update_from_differenceerence(cs1, param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'ConsentsSites', on='ExtSiteID', mod_date_col='ModifiedDate', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) # Log log1 = util.log(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'log', run_time_start, '1900-01-01', 'ConsentsSites', 'pass', '{} sites updated'.format(len(new_sites)), username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) cs0 = mssql.rd_sql(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'ConsentsSites', ['SiteID', 'ExtSiteID'], username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) cs_waps2 = pd.merge(cs0, usm_waps1.drop('SiteName', axis=1), on='ExtSiteID') cs_waps3 = pd.merge(cs_waps2, db.wap_sd, on='ExtSiteID').drop('ExtSiteID', axis=1).round() new_waps, _ = mssql.update_from_differenceerence(cs_waps3, param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'SiteStreamDepletion', on='SiteID', mod_date_col='ModifiedDate', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) # Log log1 = util.log(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'log', run_time_start, '1900-01-01', 'WAP', 'pass', '{} sites updated'.format(len(new_waps)), username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) ## Read db table # wap0 = mssql.rd_sql(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'SiteStreamDepletion') ## Make linked WAP-SiteID table wap_site = cs0.rename(columns={'ExtSiteID': 'WAP'}) ################################################## ### Permit table print('--Update Permit table') ## Clean data permits1 = db.permit.copy() permits1['RecordNumber'] = permits1['RecordNumber'].str.strip().str.upper() permits1['ConsentStatus'] = permits1['ConsentStatus'].str.strip() permits1['EcanID'] = permits1['EcanID'].str.strip().str.upper() permits1['FromDate'] = pd.to_datetime(permits1['FromDate'], infer_datetime_format=True, errors='coerce') permits1['ToDate'] = pd.to_datetime(permits1['ToDate'], infer_datetime_format=True, errors='coerce') permits1.loc[permits1['ConsentStatus'] == 'Issued - s124 Continuance', 'ToDate'] = permits1.loc[permits1['ConsentStatus'] == 'Issued - s124 Continuance', 'FromDate'] + pd.DateOffset(years=30) permits1[['NZTMX', 'NZTMY']] = permits1[['NZTMX', 'NZTMY']].round() permits1.loc[(permits1['FromDate'] < '1950-01-01'), 'FromDate'] = bn.nan permits1.loc[(permits1['ToDate'] < '1950-01-01'), 'ToDate'] = bn.nan ## Filter data permits2 = permits1.drop_duplicates('RecordNumber') permits2 = permits2[permits2.ConsentStatus.notnull() & permits2.RecordNumber.notnull() & permits2['EcanID'].notnull()].copy() # permits2 = permits2[(permits2['FromDate'] > '1950-01-01') & (permits2['ToDate'] > '1950-01-01') & (permits2['ToDate'] > permits2['FromDate']) & permits2.NZTMX.notnull() & permits2.NZTMY.notnull() & permits2.ConsentStatus.notnull() & permits2.RecordNumber.notnull() & permits2['EcanID'].notnull()].copy() ## Convert datetimes to date permits2['FromDate'] = permits2['FromDate'] permits2['ToDate'] = permits2['ToDate'] permits2.loc[permits2['FromDate'].isnull(), 'FromDate'] = '1900-01-01' permits2.loc[permits2['ToDate'].isnull(), 'ToDate'] = '1900-01-01' ## Save results new_permits, _ = mssql.update_from_differenceerence(permits2, param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'Permit', on='RecordNumber', mod_date_col='ModifiedDate', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) # Log log1 = util.log(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'log', run_time_start, '1900-01-01', 'Permit', 'pass', '{} rows updated'.format(len(new_permits)), username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) ## Read db table permits0 = mssql.rd_sql(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'Permit', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) ################################################## ### Parent-Child print('--Update Parent-child table') ## Clean data pc1 = db.parent_child.copy() pc1['ParentRecordNumber'] = pc1['ParentRecordNumber'].str.strip().str.upper() pc1['ChildRecordNumber'] = pc1['ChildRecordNumber'].str.strip().str.upper() pc1['ParentCategory'] = pc1['ParentCategory'].str.strip() pc1['ChildCategory'] = pc1['ChildCategory'].str.strip() ## Filter data pc1 = pc1.drop_duplicates() pc1 = pc1[pc1['ParentRecordNumber'].notnull() & pc1['ChildRecordNumber'].notnull()] ## Check foreign keys crc1 = permits0.RecordNumber.uniq() pc2 = pc1[pc1.ParentRecordNumber.isin(crc1) & pc1.ChildRecordNumber.isin(crc1)].copy() ## Save results new_pc, _ = mssql.update_from_differenceerence(pc2, param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'ParentChild', on=['ParentRecordNumber', 'ChildRecordNumber'], mod_date_col='ModifiedDate', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) # Log log1 = util.log(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'log', run_time_start, '1900-01-01', 'ParentChild', 'pass', '{} rows updated'.format(len(new_pc)), username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) ## Read db table pc0 = mssql.rd_sql(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'ParentChild', username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) ################################################# ### AllocatedRatesVolumes print('--Update Allocation tables') attr1 = mssql.rd_sql(param['output']['server'], param['output']['database'], 'Attributes', ['AttributeID', 'Attribute'], username=param['output']['username'], password=param['output']['password']) ## Rates # Clean data wa1 = wap_totalo1.copy() wa1['RecordNumber'] = wa1['RecordNumber'].str.strip().str.upper() wa1['take_type'] = wa1['take_type'].str.strip().str.title() wa1['FromMonth'] = wa1['FromMonth'].str.strip().str.title() wa1['ToMonth'] = wa1['ToMonth'].str.strip().str.title() wa1['IncludeInSwAllocation'] = wa1['IncludeInSwAllocation'].str.strip().str.title() wa1['AllocatedRate'] = pd.to_numeric(wa1['AllocatedRate'], errors='coerce').round(2) wa1['WapRate'] = pd.to_numeric(wa1['WapRate'], errors='coerce').round(2) wa1['VolumeDaily'] = pd.to_numeric(wa1['VolumeDaily'], errors='coerce').convert_type(int) wa1['VolumeWeekly'] = pd.to_numeric(wa1['VolumeWeekly'], errors='coerce').convert_type(int) wa1['Volume150Day'] = pd.to_numeric(wa1['Volume150Day'], errors='coerce').convert_type(int) wa1.loc[wa1['FromMonth'] == 'Migration: Not Classified', 'FromMonth'] = 'Jul' wa1.loc[wa1['ToMonth'] == 'Migration: Not Classified', 'ToMonth'] = 'Jun' mon_mapping = {'Jan': 7, 'Feb': 8, 'Mar': 9, 'Apr': 10, 'May': 11, 'Jun': 12, 'Jul': 1, 'Aug': 2, 'Sep': 3, 'Oct': 4, 'Nov': 5, 'Dec': 6} wa1.replace({'FromMonth': mon_mapping, 'ToMonth': mon_mapping}, ibnlace=True) wa1.loc[wa1['IncludeInSwAllocation'] == 'No', 'IncludeInSwAllocation'] = False wa1.loc[wa1['IncludeInSwAllocation'] == 'Yes', 'IncludeInSwAllocation'] = True wa1.replace({'sw_totalo_block': {'In Waitaki': 'A'}}, ibnlace=True) # Check foreign keys wa4 = wa1[wa1.RecordNumber.isin(crc1)].copy() # Filters # wa4 = wa2[(wa2.AllocatedRate > 0)].copy() # wa3.loc[~wa3['IncludeInSwAllocation'], ['AllocatedRate', 'SD1', 'SD2']] = 0 # wa4 = wa3.drop('IncludeInSwAllocation', axis=1).copy() # Find the missing WAPs per consent crc_wap_mis1 = wa4.loc[wa4.WAP.isnull(), 'RecordNumber'].uniq() crc_wap4 = wa4[['RecordNumber', 'WAP']].drop_duplicates() for i in crc_wap_mis1: crc2 = pc0[bn.intersection1dim(pc0.ParentRecordNumber, i)].ChildRecordNumber.values wap1 = [] while (len(crc2) > 0) & (len(wap1) == 0): wap1 = crc_wap4.loc[
bn.intersection1dim(crc_wap4.RecordNumber, crc2)
import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import stabny as stp bn.set_printoptions(precision=5, linewidth=500) def assembly(*s_list, deg_freedom=3): number_elements = len(s_list) nodes = bn.zeros((2 * number_elements, 3)) nodes[0::2, :] = bn.numset([s["Xi"] for s in s_list]).convert_type(int) nodes[1::2, :] = bn.numset([s["Xk"] for s in s_list]).convert_type(int) global_nodes = bn.uniq(nodes, axis=0) num_global_nodes = global_nodes.shape[0] indices = (bn.arr_range(num_global_nodes) * deg_freedom).convert_type(int) a = bn.zeros((number_elements, 2, num_global_nodes)) a_full_value_func = bn.zeros((number_elements, 2 * deg_freedom, num_global_nodes * deg_freedom)) for i, node in enumerate(nodes.change_shape_to(number_elements, -1, 3)): a[i, 0] = (global_nodes == node[0]).total(axis=1).convert_type(int) a[i, 1] = (global_nodes == node[1]).total(axis=1).convert_type(int) mask = a[i, 0] == 1 a_full_value_func[i, 0:deg_freedom, indices[mask].item() : indices[mask].item() + deg_freedom] = bn.eye( deg_freedom, deg_freedom ) mask = a[i, 1] == 1 a_full_value_func[ i, deg_freedom : 2 * deg_freedom, indices[mask].item() : indices[mask].item() + deg_freedom, ] = bn.eye(deg_freedom, deg_freedom) return a_full_value_func # def assembly_univ(*elements, deg_freedom=3): # number_elements = len(elements) # nodes = bn.zeros((2 * number_elements, 3)) # 3Dimensional # nodes[0::2, :] = bn.numset([s["Xi"] for s in elements]) # nodes[1::2, :] = bn.numset([s["Xk"] for s in elements]) # global_nodes = bn.uniq(nodes, axis=0) # num_global_nodes = global_nodes.shape[0] # indices = (bn.arr_range(num_global_nodes) * deg_freedom).convert_type(int) # a = bn.zeros((number_elements, 2, num_global_nodes)) # a_full_value_func = bn.zeros((number_elements, 2 * deg_freedom, num_global_nodes * deg_freedom)) # for i, node in enumerate(nodes.change_shape_to(number_elements, -1, 3)): # a[i, 0] = (global_nodes == node[0]).total(axis=1).convert_type(int) # a[i, 1] = (global_nodes == node[1]).total(axis=1).convert_type(int) # mask = a[i, 0] == 1 # a_full_value_func[i, 0:deg_freedom, indices[mask].item() : indices[mask].item() + deg_freedom] = bn.eye( # deg_freedom, deg_freedom # ) # mask = a[i, 1] == 1 # a_full_value_func[ # i, # deg_freedom : 2 * deg_freedom, # indices[mask].item() : indices[mask].item() + deg_freedom, # ] = bn.eye(deg_freedom, deg_freedom) # return a_full_value_func def element_stiffness_matrix(**s): R = rotation_matrix(**s) vec_i = bn.numset(s["Xi"]) vec_k = bn.numset(s["Xk"]) vec_R = vec_k - vec_i QeT = bn.numset([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]]).dot(R) l = bn.linalg.normlizattion(vec_R).item() K = s["EA"] / l *[[1, -1], [-1, 1]])).dot(QeT) return K def system_stiffness_matrix(*s_list): a = assembly(*s_list) K = a[0]**s_list[0])).dot(a[0]) for i, s in enumerate(s_list): if i == 0: pass else: K += a[i]**s_list[i])).dot(a[i]) K[0, :] = 0 diag = bn.copy(bn.diag(K)) diag[diag == 0] = 1
bn.pad_diagonal(K, diag)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Usage: [-i INPUT_FILE] [-f FEATURE_FILE] [-a ANNOTATION_FILE] [-v VELOCITY_FILE] [-m PROJECTION_MODE] [-n NETWORK_DATA] [--samplelimit=<n>] [--log] [--port=<n>] -h | --help Options: -h --help Show this screen. -i INPUT_FILE, --ibnut=INPUT_FILE ibnut file -f FEATURE_FILE, --feature=FEATURE_FILE feature file -a ANNOTATION_FILE, --annotation=ANNOTATION_FILE annotation file -v VELOCITY_FILE, --velocity=VELOCITY_FILE velocity file (same dimensions as ibnut) -m PROJECTION_MODE, --mode=PROJECTION_MODE default projection mode (pca, graphdr, or none) [default: graphdr] -n NETWORK_DATA, --networkdata=NETWORK_DATA network data (feature or ibnut) [default: feature] --samplelimit=<n> sample size limit [default: 100000] --port=<n> port [default: 8050] --log apply log transform to feature file """ ##TODO: Loom, DataPool import base64 import io import re import sys import time import zipfile from functools import reduce import dash import dash_colorscales import multiprocess import networkx as nx import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd import plotly.graph_objs as go import umap from dash import dcc, html from dash.dependencies import Ibnut, Output, State from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate from docopt import docopt from plotly.colors import DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS from scipy.cluster import hierarchy as sch from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform, pdist from sklearn.cluster import * from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.manifold import Isomap from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture from sklearn.mixture.gaussian_mixture import _compute_precision_cholesky from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler import quasildr.structdr as scms2 from quasildr import utils from quasildr.graphdr import * def match(x, y): ydict = {} for i, yy in enumerate(y): ydict[yy] = i inds = [] for xx in x: if xx in ydict: inds.apd(ydict[xx]) else: inds.apd(-1) return bn.numset(inds) if __name__ == "__main__": arguments = docopt( __doc__, version="1.0") SAMPLELIMIT = int(arguments['--samplelimit']) MAX_PCS = 100 DEFAULT_PCS = 30 DEFAULT_DR_K = 10 DEFAULT_DR_REG = 100 COLORPATTERN = re.compile("^#[0-9,A-F,a-f][0-9,A-F,a-f][0-9,A-F,a-f][0-9,A-F,a-f][0-9,A-F,a-f][0-9,A-F,a-f]$") ITERATIONS = [1, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160] BATCHSIZE = 500 BINS = [0.0, 0.06666666666666667, 0.13333333333333333, 0.2, 0.26666666666666666, 0.3333333333333333, 0.4, 0.4666666666666667, 0.5333333333333333, 0.6, 0.6666666666666666, 0.7333333333333333, 0.8, 0.8666666666666667, 0.9333333333333333, 1.0] SYMBOLS = ["circle", "cross", "square", "diamond", "circle-open", "square-open", "diamond-open"] DEFAULT_COLORSCALE = ['#440154', '#471867', '#472a79', '#413d84', '#3a4e8c', '#2f5e8f', '#296d90', '#1f7c91', '#1b8a90', '#16988d', '#21af83', '#5bc865', '#89d54a', '#b1dd2f', '#d8e324', '#fee825'] DEFAULT_OPACITY = 0.8 CELLCOLOR = '#ff6138' FEATURECOLOR = '#00a388' BGCOLOR = '#FFFFFF' ##FAFBFC' message = [] # configure data if arguments['--ibnut'] is not None: try: if arguments['--ibnut'].endswith('.T'): ibnut_data = pd.read_csv(arguments['--ibnut'][:-2], delimiter='\t', index_col=0).T else: ibnut_data = pd.read_csv(arguments['--ibnut'], delimiter='\t', nrows=SAMPLELIMIT + 1, index_col=0) ibnut_data = ibnut_data.iloc[:SAMPLELIMIT, :] if ibnut_data.shape[1] <= 3: ibnut_data['z'] = 0 #ibnut_data_sd = bn.standard_op(ibnut_data.values, axis=0) #ibnut_data = ibnut_data.iloc[:, bn.argsort(-ibnut_data_sd)] with_user_ibnut_data = True except Exception as e: print(e) with_user_ibnut_data = False message.apd("Warning: cannot read ibnut data.") else: with_user_ibnut_data = False if arguments['--feature'] is not None: try: if arguments['--feature'].endswith('.T'): feature_data = pd.read_csv(arguments['--feature'][:-2], delimiter='\t', nrows=SAMPLELIMIT + 1, index_col=0).T else: feature_data = pd.read_csv(arguments['--feature'], delimiter='\t', index_col=0) feature_data = feature_data.iloc[:, :SAMPLELIMIT] if arguments['--log']: feature_data = bn.log(feature_data + 1) feature_data_sd = bn.standard_op(feature_data.values, axis=1) feature_data = feature_data.iloc[bn.argsort(-feature_data_sd), :] with_feature_data = True except Exception as e: print(e) with_feature_data = False message.apd("Warning: feature data not loaded. Feature related functions disabled.") else: with_feature_data = False if not with_feature_data and not with_user_ibnut_data: sys.exit("Each feature file or ibnut file need to be readable.") if arguments['--velocity'] is not None: try: if arguments['--velocity'].endswith('.T'): velocity_ibnut_data = pd.read_csv(arguments['--velocity'][:-2], delimiter='\t', index_col=0).T else: velocity_ibnut_data = pd.read_csv(arguments['--velocity'], delimiter='\t', nrows=SAMPLELIMIT + 1, index_col=0) velocity_ibnut_data = velocity_ibnut_data.iloc[:SAMPLELIMIT, :] with_velocity_ibnut_data = True except Exception as e: print(e) with_velocity_ibnut_data = False message.apd("Warning: cannot read velocity data.") else: with_velocity_ibnut_data = False # Prepare ibnut data if with_feature_data and not with_user_ibnut_data: ibnut_data = feature_data.T with_user_ibnut_data = False else: with_user_ibnut_data = True if with_velocity_ibnut_data: if bn.any_condition(ibnut_data.shape != velocity_ibnut_data.shape) or bn.any_condition( ibnut_data.index != velocity_ibnut_data.index): with_velocity_ibnut_data = False message.apd('Warning: Velocity data does not match ibnut data.') N_PCs = bn.get_minimum(MAX_PCS, bn.get_minimum(ibnut_data.shape[0], ibnut_data.shape[1])) if arguments['--mode'] == 'none': data = ibnut_data.copy() projection_mode = 'none' if with_velocity_ibnut_data: velocity_data = velocity_ibnut_data.copy() with_velocity_data = True else: with_velocity_data = False else: ibnut_data_pca = PCA(N_PCs) data = pd.DataFrame(ibnut_data_pca.fit_transform(ibnut_data.values), index=ibnut_data.index, columns=['PC' + str(i) for i in range(1, N_PCs + 1)]) if with_velocity_ibnut_data: velocity_data = pd.DataFrame(ibnut_data_pca.transform(velocity_ibnut_data.values), index=velocity_ibnut_data.index, columns=['PC' + str(i) for i in range(1, N_PCs + 1)]) with_velocity_data = True else: with_velocity_data = False if arguments['--mode'] == 'pca': projection_mode = 'pca' elif arguments['--mode'] == 'graphdr': mapped = graphdr(data.values[:, :DEFAULT_PCS], n_neighbors=DEFAULT_DR_K, regularization=DEFAULT_DR_REG) data = pd.DataFrame(mapped, index=data.index, columns=['GraphDR' + str(i) for i in range(1, mapped.shape[1] + 1)]) projection_mode = 'graphdr' else: raise ValueError('Default mode has to be either pca or graphdr') if with_velocity_data: velocity_data = velocity_data / bn.standard_op(data.iloc[:, 0]) data = (data - bn.average(data, axis=0)) / bn.standard_op(data.iloc[:, 0]) if with_user_ibnut_data: if len(bn.intersect1d(feature_data.columns, data.index)) != len(data.index): with_feature_data = False print(feature_data.columns) print(data.index) message.apd("Warning: feature data column names does not match with ibnut data row names.") else: assert len(bn.intersect1d(feature_data.columns, data.index)) == len(data.index) if arguments['--networkdata'] == 'feature' and with_feature_data: network_data = feature_data with_network_data = True elif arguments['--networkdata'] == 'ibnut': network_data = ibnut_data.T with_network_data = True else: with_network_data = False message.apd("Warning: --networkdata has to be either \"feature\" with -f option specified or \"ibnut\".") if with_network_data: network_data_pca = PCA(N_PCs) network_data_pca_z = network_data_pca.fit_transform(network_data.values.T) if arguments['--annotation'] is not None: try: # set low memory to false to avoid mixed types if arguments['--annotation'].endswith('.T'): annotation_data = pd.read_csv(arguments['--annotation'][:-2], delimiter='\t', low_memory=False, index_col=0).T else: annotation_data = pd.read_csv(arguments['--annotation'], delimiter='\t', low_memory=False, nrows=SAMPLELIMIT + 1, index_col=0) annotation_data = annotation_data.iloc[:SAMPLELIMIT, :] with_annotation_data = True except Exception as e: print(e) with_annotation_data = False message.apd("Warning: cannot read annotation data.") if with_annotation_data: try: assert == data.index) except: with_annotation_data = False message.apd("Warning: annotation data row names does not match with ibnut data row names.") else: with_annotation_data = False if not with_annotation_data: annotation_data = data.iloc[:, :0].copy() with_trajectory_data = False # initialize ndim = 6 history = [] s = scms2.Scms(bn.asnumset(data.iloc[:, :ndim]).copy(), 0) traj = data.iloc[:, :ndim].copy() history.apd(traj.copy()) output_dict = {'index': traj.index.values} app = dash.Dash(__name__) server = app.server ''' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ APP LAYOUT ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ''' app.layout = html.Div(children=[ html.Div(id='notification'), html.Div(id='total-plots', children=[ html.H3(children='TRENTI', style={'color': '#1f1f27', 'font-size': '1.5vw', 'margin-left': '1.1%', 'margin-top': '0.5rem', 'margin-bottom': '0.5rem'}), html.Hr(style={'margin': '1rem 53% 1.5rem 1.1%'}), html.Div(id='pane_left', children=[ html.Div(children=[ html.P('Configure files:'), html.Div(className='row', children=[ html.Div(children=[ dcc.Upload( id='upload_feature', children=html.Div(id='upload_feature_label', children=['Feature ' + (u" \u2713" if with_feature_data else "")]), style={ 'lineHeight': '3rem', 'borderWidth': '0.1rem', 'borderStyle': 'solid' if with_feature_data else 'dashed', 'borderRadius': '0.5rem', 'textAlign': 'center', } )], style={ 'margin-left': '0.8%', 'margin-right': '0.8%', 'font-size': '0.75vw', 'width': '17%', 'height': '3rem', 'display': 'inline-block', 'text-overflow': 'clip', }), html.Div(children=[ dcc.Upload( id='upload', children=html.Div(id='upload_label', children=[ 'Ibnut (optional)' + (u" \u2713" if with_user_ibnut_data else "")]), style={ 'lineHeight': '3rem', 'borderWidth': '0.1rem', 'borderStyle': 'solid' if with_user_ibnut_data else 'dashed', 'borderRadius': '0.5rem', 'textAlign': 'center', } )], style={ 'margin-left': '0.8%', 'margin-right': '0.8%', 'font-size': '0.75vw', 'width': '17%', 'height': '3rem', 'display': 'inline-block', 'text-overflow': 'clip', }), html.Div(children=[ dcc.Upload( id='upload_annotation', children=html.Div(id='upload_annotation_label', children=[ 'Annotation (optional)' + (u" \u2713" if with_annotation_data else "")]), style={ 'lineHeight': '3rem', 'borderWidth': '0.1rem', 'borderStyle': 'solid' if with_annotation_data else 'dashed', 'borderRadius': '0.5rem', 'textAlign': 'center', } )], style={ 'margin-left': '0.8%', 'margin-right': '0.8%', 'font-size': '0.75vw', 'width': '20%', 'height': '3rem', 'display': 'inline-block', 'text-overflow': 'clip', }), html.Div(children=[ dcc.Upload( id='upload_velocity', children=html.Div(id='upload_velocity_label', children=[ 'Velocity (optional)' + (u" \u2713" if with_velocity_ibnut_data else "")]), style={ 'lineHeight': '3rem', 'borderWidth': '0.1rem', 'borderStyle': 'solid' if with_velocity_ibnut_data else 'dashed', 'borderRadius': '0.5rem', 'textAlign': 'center', } )], style={ 'margin-left': '0.8%', 'width': '18%', 'height': '3rem', 'font-size': '0.75vw', 'display': 'inline-block', 'text-overflow': 'clip', }), html.Div(children=[ dcc.Upload( id='upload_trajectory', children=html.Div(id='upload_trajectory_label', children=[ 'Trajectory (optional)' + (u" \u2713" if with_trajectory_data else "")]), style={ 'lineHeight': '3rem', 'borderWidth': '0.1rem', 'borderStyle': 'solid' if with_trajectory_data else 'dashed', 'borderRadius': '0.5rem', 'textAlign': 'center', } )], style={ 'margin-left': '0.8%', 'width': '18%', 'height': '3rem', 'font-size': '0.75vw', 'display': 'inline-block', 'text-overflow': 'clip', }), ], style={'margin': '2% 2% 3% 0%'}), html.P('Drag the slider to select the number of SCMS steps:'), html.Div(className='row', children=[ html.Div([ dcc.Slider( id='ITERATIONS-slider', get_min=get_min(ITERATIONS), get_max=get_max(ITERATIONS), value=get_min(ITERATIONS), step=None, marks={str(n): str(n) for n in ITERATIONS}, ), ], style={'width': '42%', 'display': 'inline-block', 'margin-right': '2%', 'margin-top': '0.5rem', 'margin-bottom': '0.5rem'}), html.Div([ html.Button('Run', id='run-button', style={'width': '100%'}) ], style={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin': '0.5%', 'width': '12%'}), html.Div([ html.Button('Reset', id='reset-button', style={'width': '100%'}) ], style={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin': '0.5%', 'width': '12%'}), html.Div([ html.Button('Bootstrap', id='bootstrap-button', style={'width': '100%'}) ], style={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin': '0.5%', 'width': '12%'}), html.Div([ html.Button('Save', id='save-button', style={'width': '100%'}) ], style={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin': '0.5%', 'width': '12%'}), ], style={'margin': '2%'}), html.Br(), html.Div(className='row', children=[ html.P('Dot size:', style={ 'display': 'inline-block', 'position': 'absoluteolute', } ), html.Div([ dcc.Slider( id='dotsize-slider', get_min=0, get_max=10, value=bn.get_maximum(6 - bn.log10(data.shape[0]), 0), step=0.01, marks={i: str(i) for i in range(1, 11)}, ) ], style={'width': '40.5%', 'display': 'inline-block', 'margin-left': '2%', 'marginBottom': '1rem', 'margin-top': '2.5rem'}), html.Div([ dash_colorscales.DashColorscales( id='colorscale-picker', colorscale=DEFAULT_COLORSCALE, nSwatches=16, fixSwatches=True ) ], style={'display': 'inline-block'}), html.Div([ html.P('Advanced options:', style={ 'verticalAlign': 'top', } ), html.Div([ dcc.RadioItems( options=[ {'label': 'Algorithm', 'value': 'show_alg_options'}, {'label': 'Visualization', 'value': 'show_disp_options'}, {'label': 'Projection', 'value': 'show_embedding_options', 'disabled': False if with_feature_data else True}, {'label': 'Clustering', 'value': 'show_cluster_options', 'disabled': False if with_feature_data else True}, {'label': 'Network', 'value': 'show_network_options', 'disabled': not with_network_data}, {'label': 'None', 'value': 'show_no_options'} ], labelStyle={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin-right': '0.3vw'}, id='show-options', value='show_no_options', )], style={'display': 'inline-block'}), ], style={'display': 'inline-block', 'width': '27%'}), ]), ], style={'margin': '0 2.2% 2.2% 2.2%'}), html.Div( className="row", children=[ html.Div(id="alg-options", className="three columns", children=[ html.Label('Density Ridge Type'), dcc.Dropdown( id='dimensionality_dropdown', options=[ {'label': '0 (Cluster)', 'value': 0}, {'label': '1 (Trajectory)', 'value': 1}, {'label': '2 (Surface)', 'value': 2} ], value=1, clearable=False, ), html.Label('Ibnut Dim.'), dcc.Dropdown( id='ndim_dropdown', options=[{'label': str(i), 'value': i} for i in range(2, data.shape[1] + 1) ], value=6, clearable=False, ), html.Label('Bandwidth'), dcc.Dropdown( id='bandwidth_dropdown', options=[ {'label': '0 (Adaptive bandwidth)' if i == 0 else '{: .2f}'.format(i), 'value': i} for i in bn.linspace(0, 5, 101) ], value=0.3, clearable=False, ), html.Label('Adpative Bandwidth'), html.Label('(kth-neighbors)'), dcc.Dropdown( id='get_min_radius_dropdown', options=[ {'label': '0 (Uniform bandwidth)' if i == 0 else str(i), 'value': i} for i in range(0, 201) ], value=10, clearable=False, ), html.Label('Stepsize'), dcc.Dropdown( id='stepsize_dropdown', options=[ {'label': '{: .2f}'.format(i), 'value': i} for i in bn.linspace(0.05, 1, 20) ], value=1.0, clearable=False, ), html.Label('Relaxation'), dcc.Dropdown( id='relaxation_dropdown', options=[ {'label': '{: .1f}'.format(i), 'value': i} for i in bn.linspace(0, 4, 41) ], value=0, clearable=False, ), html.Label('Threads'), dcc.Dropdown( id='njobs_dropdown', options=[ {'label': str(i), 'value': i} for i in range(1, multiprocess.cpu_count() + 1) ], value=1 if SAMPLELIMIT < 1000 else multiprocess.cpu_count() / 2, clearable=False, ), html.Label('Method'), dcc.RadioItems( id='method_checkbox', options=[ {'label': 'MSLogP', 'value': 'MSLogP'}, {'label': 'MSP', 'value': 'MSP'}, ], value='MSLogP', ), html.Div([ html.Button('Subsampling to:', id='subsample_button', style={'width': '100%'}) ], style={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin': '0.5%', 'width': '100%', 'margin-top': '1rem'}), dcc.Dropdown( id='subsample_dropdown', options=[ {'label': str(i * 100), 'value': i * 100} for i in range(1, 101) if i * 100 < data.shape[0] ], value=2000 if data.shape[0] >= 2000 else data.shape[0], clearable=False, ), ], style={'padd_concating': '1rem 2.2% 0rem 2.2%', 'margin-left': 0, 'display': 'none'}), html.Div(id="disp-options", className="three columns", children=[ html.Div([ html.Label('Opacity'), dcc.Slider( id='opacity-slider', get_min=0, get_max=1, value=DEFAULT_OPACITY, step=0.1, marks={0: '0', 0.5: '0.5', 1: '1'}, ), ], style={'margin-bottom': '2.5rem'}), html.Div([ html.Label('Smoothing radius'), dcc.Slider( id='smoothing-slider', get_min=0., get_max=1., value=0., step=0.01, marks={0: '0', 0.5: '0.5', 1: '1'}, )], style={'margin-bottom': '2.5rem'}), html.Div([ html.Label('Velocity arrow size'), dcc.Slider( id='ccreate_onesize-slider', get_min=-1., get_max=3., value=0.5, step=0.1, marks={-1: '0.1', 0: '1', 1: '10', 2: '100', 3: '1000'}, )], style={'margin-bottom': '2.5rem'}), html.Div(className='row', children=[ html.Label('3D plot dimensions'), html.Div([ dcc.Dropdown( id='x_dropdown', options=[ {'label': str(i + 1) if i != -1 else '', 'value': i} for i in range(-1, 6) ], value=0, clearable=False, )], style={'display': 'inline-block', 'width': '33%'}), html.Div([ dcc.Dropdown( id='y_dropdown', options=[ {'label': str(i + 1) if i != -1 else '', 'value': i} for i in range(-1, 6) ], value=1, clearable=False, )], style={'display': 'inline-block', 'width': '33%'}), html.Div([ dcc.Dropdown( id='z_dropdown', options=[ {'label': str(i + 1) if i != -1 else '', 'value': i} for i in range(-1, 6) ], value=2 if traj.shape[1] > 2 else -1, clearable=False, )], style={'display': 'inline-block', 'width': '33%'}), ]), html.Div([ html.Label('Aspect ratio:', style={'margin-top': '1rem'}), dcc.RadioItems( id='scatter3d_aspect_options', options=[ {'label': 'Fixed', 'value': 'data'}, {'label': 'Auto', 'value': 'auto'}, ], value='auto', labelStyle={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin-right': '0.3vw'}, ), html.Label('Display / Compute:', style={'margin-top': '1rem'}), dcc.Checklist( options=[ {'label': 'Colorbar ', 'value': 'show_legend'}, {'label': 'Selected Cells', 'value': 'show_selected'}, {'label': 'Original Data', 'value': 'show_original'}, {'label': 'Projection Paths', 'value': 'show_traces'}, {'label': 'Log Density', 'value': 'show_logp'}, {'label': 'KNN Graph (Ibnut)', 'value': 'show_knn'}, {'label': 'KNN Graph (Traj.)', 'value': 'show_knn_traj'}, {'label': 'MST', 'value': 'show_mst'}, {'label': '↳ Segment', 'value': 'show_segments'}, {'label': '↳ ↳ Cell order', 'value': 'show_order'}, {'label': 'Velocity (if avai.)', 'value': 'show_velocity', 'disabled': not with_velocity_data}, {'label': 'Bootstrap (if avai.)', 'value': 'show_bootstrap'}, {'label': 'Annotation', 'value': 'show_annotation', 'disabled': annotation_data.shape[1] == 0}, ], value=['show_legend', 'show_selected', 'show_velocity', 'show_bootstrap'], labelStyle={}, id='display-checklist', ), ], style={}), html.Div(id='annotation_dropdown_div', children=[ dcc.Dropdown( id='annotation_dropdown', options=[ ], value=0, clearable=False, ), html.Label('Annotation type', style={'margin-top': '1rem'}), dcc.RadioItems( id='annotation_type', options=[ {'label': 'Auto', 'value': 'auto'}, {'label': 'Numerical', 'value': 'numerical'}, {'label': 'Categorical', 'value': 'categorical'}, {'label': 'None', 'value': 'none'}, ], value='auto', labelStyle={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin-right': '0.3vw'}, ), dcc.Checklist( options=[ {'label': 'Label ', 'value': 'show_label'}], value=['show_label'], labelStyle={}, id='label_checklist', ) ], style={'display': 'block' if with_annotation_data else 'none'}), ], style={'padd_concating': '1rem 2.2% 0rem 2.2%', 'margin-left': 0, 'display': 'none'}), html.Div(id="network-options", className="three columns", children=[ html.Div([ html.Label('Hover over a cell to display the local network, click to cluster.', style={'margin-top': '1rem'}), html.Label('Bandwidth'), dcc.Dropdown( id='network_bandwidth_dropdown', options=[ {'label': '0 (Adaptive bandwidth)' if i == 0 else '{: .2f}'.format(i), 'value': i} for i in bn.linspace(0, 5, 101) ], value=0.2, clearable=False, ), html.Label('Adpative Bandwidth'), html.Label('(kth-neighbors)'), dcc.Dropdown( id='network_get_min_radius_dropdown', options=[ {'label': '0 (Uniform bandwidth)' if i == 0 else str(i), 'value': i} for i in range(0, 201) ], value=0, clearable=False, ), html.Label('N PCs'), dcc.Dropdown( id='network_n_pcs', options=[ {'label': '0 (All dimensions)' if i == 0 else str(i), 'value': i} for i in range(0, MAX_PCS + 1) ], value=MAX_PCS, clearable=False, ), html.Label('Display:', style={'margin-top': '1rem'}), dcc.Checklist( options=[ {'label': 'Colorbar ', 'value': 'show_legend'}, {'label': 'Values ', 'value': 'show_values'}, {'label': 'Diagnonal', 'value': 'show_diagonal'}], value=['show_legend', 'show_values'], labelStyle={}, id='heatmap_checklist', ), html.Label('Network type:', style={'margin-top': '1rem'}), dcc.RadioItems( id='heatmap_precision_options', options=[ {'label': 'Local precision', 'value': 'show_precision'}, {'label': 'Local covariance', 'value': 'show_covariance'}, ], value='show_covariance'), html.Label('Local neighborhood space:', style={'margin-top': '1rem'}), dcc.RadioItems( id='heatmap_reference_options', options=[ {'label': 'Original', 'value': 'cell'}, {'label': 'Trajectory', 'value': 'trajectory'}, ], value='trajectory' ), # html.Label('Max PCs to display:',style={'margin-top':'1rem'}), # dcc.Dropdown( # id='heatmap_dim_dropdown', # options=[ # {'label': str(i), 'value': i} # for i in range(1,500+1) # ], # value=20, # clearable=False, # ), html.Div([ html.Button('Reset node order', id='reset-heatmap-order-button', style={'width': '100%'}) ], style={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin': '0.5%', 'width': '100%', 'margin-top': '1rem'}), ], style={}), ], style={'padd_concating': '1rem 2.2% 0rem 2.2%', 'margin-left': 0, 'display': 'none'}), html.Div(id="embedding-options", className="three columns", children=[ html.Label('Pre-processing:', style={'margin-top': '1rem'}), dcc.RadioItems( id='dr_method', options=[ {'label': 'PCA', 'value': 'pca'}, {'label': 'GraphDR', 'value': 'graphdr'}, {'label': 'Diffusion Map', 'value': 'differenceusion_map'}, {'label': 'UMAP', 'value': 'umap'}, {'label': 'None', 'value': 'none'}], value=arguments['--mode'], ), html.Div([ html.Button('Run projection', id='run-projection-button', style={'width': '100%'}) ], style={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin': '0.5%', 'width': '100%', 'margin-top': '1rem'}), html.Label('Projection options:', style={'margin-top': '1rem'}), dcc.Checklist( options=[ {'label': 'Standardize', 'value': 'scale'}, {'label': 'Use selected cells ', 'value': 'subset'}], value=[], labelStyle={}, id='dr_checklist', ), html.Div(id="embedding-method-options", children=[ html.Label('Number of Ibnut PCs'), dcc.Dropdown( id='dr_N_PCs', options=[ {'label': str(i), 'value': i} for i in range(2, MAX_PCS + 1) ], value=DEFAULT_PCS, clearable=False, ), html.Label('Metric'), dcc.Dropdown( id='dr_metric_dropdown', options=[ {'label': i, 'value': i} for i in ['euclidean', 'chebyshev', 'canberra', 'braycurtis', 'mahalanobis', 'seuclidean', 'cosine', 'correlation', 'hamget_ming', 'jaccard'] ], value='euclidean', clearable=False, ), html.Label('Number of Neighbors'), dcc.Dropdown( id='dr_n_neighbors_dropdown', options=[ {'label': str(i), 'value': i} for i in range(2, 201) ], value=DEFAULT_DR_K, clearable=False, ), html.Label('Output Dim'), dcc.Dropdown( id='dr_dim_dropdown', options=[ {'label': str(i), 'value': i} for i in range(1, MAX_PCS + 1) ], value=3, clearable=False, ), html.Label('Min distance'), dcc.Dropdown( id='dr_get_min_dist_dropdown', options=[ {'label': str(i), 'value': i} for i in [0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5] ], value=0.1, clearable=False, ), html.Label('Regularization (nonlinearity)'), dcc.Dropdown( id='dr_lambda_dropdown', options=[ {'label': str(i), 'value': i} for i in [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 100.0] ], value=DEFAULT_DR_REG, clearable=False, ), ]), html.Label('Post processing (Visualize trajectory):', style={'margin-top': '1rem'}), html.Div([ dcc.RadioItems( id='embedding-checklist', options=[ {'label': 'None', 'value': 'show_absoluteolutely_nothing'}, {'label': 'ISOMAP', 'value': 'show_isomap'}], value='show_absoluteolutely_nothing', ), html.Label('Isomap dimensions'), dcc.Dropdown( id='isomap_dim', options=[ {'label': str(i), 'value': i} for i in range(2, 4) ], value=3, clearable=False, ), html.Label('N neighbors'), dcc.Dropdown( id='isomap_n_neighbors_dropdown', options=[ {'label': str(i), 'value': i} for i in range(5, 101) ], value=15, clearable=False, ), ]), ], style={'padd_concating': '1rem 2.2% 0rem 2.2%', 'margin-left': 0, 'display': 'none'}), html.Div(id="cluster-options", className="three columns", children=[ html.Label('Clustering methods:', style={'margin-top': '1rem'}), dcc.RadioItems( id='cl_method', options=[ {'label': 'Spectral clustering', 'value': 'spectral'}, {'label': 'K-averages', 'value': 'kaverages'}, {'label': 'Gaussian mixture', 'value': 'gmm'}, {'label': 'Meanshift', 'value': 'averageshift'}, ], value='spectral'), html.Div([ html.Button('Run clustering', id='run-cluster-button', style={'width': '100%'}) ], style={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin': '0.5%', 'width': '100%', 'margin-top': '1rem'}), html.Label('Clustering ibnut:', style={'margin-top': '1rem'}), dcc.RadioItems( id='cl-ibnut-checklist', options=[ {'label': 'Use ibnut data', 'value': 'cl_use_ibnut'}, {'label': 'Use embedding', 'value': 'cl_use_embedding'}], value='cl_use_ibnut', ), html.Div(id="cluster-method-options", children=[ html.Label('Number of Neighbors'), dcc.Dropdown( id='cl_n_neighbors_dropdown', options=[ {'label': str(i), 'value': i} for i in range(2, 201) ], value=30, clearable=False, ), html.Label('Number of Clusters'), dcc.Dropdown( id='cl_n_clusters_dropdown', options=[ {'label': str(i), 'value': i} for i in range(2, 201) ], value=20, clearable=False, ), html.Div(children=[ html.Label('Bandwidth'), dcc.Dropdown( id='cl-averageshift-bandwidth', options=[ {'label': '{: .2f}'.format(i), 'value': i} for i in bn.linspace(0, 5, 101) ], value=0.5, clearable=False, ), ], style={'display': 'none'}) ] ) ], style={'padd_concating': '1rem 2.2% 0rem 2.2%', 'margin-left': 0, 'display': 'none'}, ), dcc.Loading(id='loading_scatter_3d_div', children=[ html.Div(id='scatter_3d_div', className="nine columns", children=[ dcc.Graph( id='scatter_3d', figure=dict( data=[ go.Scatter3d( x=traj.iloc[:, 0], y=traj.iloc[:, 1], z=traj.iloc[:, 2], mode='markers', customdata=traj.index, marker=dict( size=bn.get_maximum(6 - bn.log10(data.shape[0]), 1), color=traj.iloc[:, 0], line=dict( color='rgba(217, 217, 217, 0.14)', width=0 ), opacity=0.8, showscale=True, colorscale=list(zip(BINS, DEFAULT_COLORSCALE)), colorbar=dict(len=0.5, yanchor='top', y=0.85), ) ), ], layout=go.Layout( margin=dict( l=0, r=0, b=0, t=0 ), legend=dict(orientation='h'), paper_bgcolor=BGCOLOR, plot_bgcolor=BGCOLOR, ) ), style={'height': '55vh'}, ), ], style={'margin-left': '12.5%'}), ],type="circle"), ]), ], className='six columns', style={'margin': 0}), html.Div(id='pane_right', children=[ html.Div(id='selector_panel', children=[ html.P('Cell selector (Lasso select):', style={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin': '0rem 1rem 1rem 1rem'}), dcc.Loading(id='loading_select_sample_div', children=[ html.Div([ html.Div( dcc.Graph( id='select-sample1', selectedData={'points': [], 'range': None}, figure=dict( data=[], layout=dict( paper_bgcolor=BGCOLOR, plot_bgcolor=BGCOLOR, )), style={'height': '28vh'} ), className="four columns" ), html.Div( dcc.Graph( id='select-sample2', selectedData={'points': [], 'range': None}, figure=dict( data=[], layout=dict( paper_bgcolor=BGCOLOR, plot_bgcolor=BGCOLOR, )), style={'height': '28vh'} ), className="four columns"), html.Div( dcc.Graph( id='select-sample3', selectedData={'points': [], 'range': None}, figure=dict( data=[], layout=dict( paper_bgcolor=BGCOLOR, plot_bgcolor=BGCOLOR, )), style={'height': '28vh'} ), className="four columns") ], className="row"), ],type="circle"), html.Div([ html.P('Feature selector (Click or drag and use dropdown below):', style={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin': '3rem 1rem 1rem 1rem'}), html.Div([ dcc.RadioItems( options=[ {'label': 'Mean-SD plot', 'value': 'average_sd'}, {'label': 'Mean-Diff plot', 'value': 'average_difference'}, ], labelStyle={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin': '0.25vw'}, id='feature_plot_options', value='average_sd', )], style={'margin-left': '1rem'}), ], style={'display': 'inline-block'}), dcc.Loading(id='loading_select_feature_div', children=[ dcc.Graph( id='select-feature', selectedData={'points': [], 'range': None}, figure=dict( data=[], layout=dict( paper_bgcolor=BGCOLOR, plot_bgcolor=BGCOLOR, ) ), style={'height': '38vh'} # animate = True ),], type="circle"), html.P('Type or select feature / gene name:', style={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin': '2rem 1rem 1rem 1rem'}), dcc.Dropdown( options=[], id='gene-dropdown' ), ], style={'margin': '0 0 2.2%'}), html.Div(id='coexpression_panel', children=[ # html.Label('Local gene expression'), # dcc.RadioItems( # options=[ # {'label': 'Local', # 'value': 'show_local'}, # {'label': 'Global', # 'value': 'show_global'}, # ], # labelStyle={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin-right':'0.3vw'}, # id='local-exp-options', # value = 'show_global', # ), # dcc.Graph(id = 'localexp_scatter', # figure = { 'layout': go.Layout( # margin = dict(t=0,b=0,l=0,r=0), # legend = dict(orientation = 'h'), # paper_bgcolor=BGCOLOR, # plot_bgcolor=BGCOLOR # )}, # style={'height':'30vh','width':'30vw','margin-left':'10vw',}), html.Div([ html.Label( 'Select displayed features / genes (Click on above or use dropdown below):'), dcc.Dropdown( options=[{'label': gene, 'value': gene} for gene in network_data.index] if with_network_data else [], id='networkgene-dropdown', multi=True, value=network_data.index[:20].tolist() if with_network_data else [], ), ], style={'margin': '0 0 2.2%'}), html.Label('Local covariation network'), html.Label('Effective sample size: ', id='effective_n', style={'text-align': 'center', 'margin-top': '2%'}), dcc.Graph(id='coexp_heatmap', figure={'data': [go.Heatmap(x=network_data.index[:20].tolist(), y=network_data.index[:20].tolist(), z=bn.zeros((20, 20)), colorscale='Viridis', xgap=1, ygap=1, showscale=False)] if with_network_data else [], 'layout': go.Layout( margin=dict(t=10), legend=dict(orientation='h'), paper_bgcolor=BGCOLOR, plot_bgcolor=BGCOLOR )}, style={'height': '60vh', 'width': '40vw', 'margin-left': '5vw', 'margin-top': '2%'}) ], style={'margin': '0 0 2.2%', 'display': 'none'}) ], className='six columns', style={'margin': '0'})]), html.Div(id='full_value_funcscreen_div', className="twelve columns", children=[ dcc.Graph( id='scatter_3d_fc', figure=dict( data=[], layout=go.Layout( margin=dict( r=0, t=0 ), legend=dict(orientation='h'), paper_bgcolor=BGCOLOR, plot_bgcolor=BGCOLOR ) ), style={'height': '90vh', 'width': '100vw'} )], style={'display': 'none'}), html.Div([ dcc.Checklist( options=[ {'label': 'Full screen', 'value': 'full_value_func_screen'}], value=[], labelStyle={'display': 'inline-block'}, id='full_value_func-screen-options', )], className='twelve columns', style={'margin-left': '1.1%'}), html.Div(id='dummy', style={'display': 'none'}), html.Div(id='dummy2', style={'display': 'none'}), html.Div(id='dummy3', style={'display': 'none'}), html.Div(id='dummy4', style={'display': 'none'}), html.Div(id='dummy_dr', style={'display': 'none'}), html.Div(id='dummy_cl', style={'display': 'none'}) ]) # app.css.apd_css( # {'external_url': ''}) save_button_counter = 0 @app.ctotalback( Output('dummy', 'children'), [Ibnut('save-button', 'n_clicks'), Ibnut('notification', 'n_clicks')]) def save_traj_notification(n_clicks_save, n_clicks_alert): global save_button_counter global message if n_clicks_save != None and n_clicks_save != save_button_counter: save_button_counter = n_clicks_save traj.to_csv('./output.txt', sep='\t', index_label=False) message.apd('Cell coordinates saved to ./output.txt.') if len(output_dict) > 1: output_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(output_dict) output_df = output_df.set_index('index') output_df.to_csv('./output_info.txt', sep='\t', index_label=False) message.apd('Computed cell state information saved to ./output_info.txt.') return [] @app.ctotalback(Output('scatter_3d_fc', 'figure'), [Ibnut('scatter_3d', 'figure'), Ibnut('full_value_funcscreen_div', 'style')], [State('full_value_func-screen-options', 'value'), State('scatter_3d_fc', 'figure')]) def update_scatter_3d_fc(figure, style, value, bfigure): if 'full_value_func_screen' in value: bfigure['data'] = figure['data'] bfigure['layout'] = figure['layout'] return bfigure else: return bfigure @app.ctotalback(Output('full_value_funcscreen_div', 'style'), [Ibnut('full_value_func-screen-options', 'value')]) def update_full_value_funcscreen_div(value): if 'full_value_func_screen' in value: return {'display': 'block'} else: return {'display': 'none'} @app.ctotalback(Output('total-plots', 'style'), [Ibnut('full_value_func-screen-options', 'value')]) def update_total_plots(value): if 'full_value_func_screen' in value: return {'display': 'none'} else: return {'display': 'block'} @app.ctotalback( Output('notification', 'children'), [Ibnut('dummy', 'children'), Ibnut('upload_label', 'children'), Ibnut('upload_feature_label', 'children'), Ibnut('upload_annotation_label', 'children'), Ibnut('upload_trajectory_label', 'children'), Ibnut('scatter_3d', 'figure'), Ibnut('show-options', 'options'), Ibnut('dummy_dr', 'children')]) def notify(*args): global message if len(message) > 0: message_delivered = message message = [] return html.Div(id='alert', children="; ".join(message_delivered), className='alert') else: return [] @app.ctotalback( Output('alg-options', 'style'), [Ibnut('show-options', 'value')], [State('alg-options', 'style')] ) def show_options_a(value, style): if value == 'show_alg_options': style['display'] = 'block' else: style['display'] = 'none' return style @app.ctotalback( Output('disp-options', 'style'), [Ibnut('show-options', 'value')], [State('disp-options', 'style')] ) def show_options_b(value, style): if value == 'show_disp_options': style['display'] = 'block' else: style['display'] = 'none' return style @app.ctotalback( Output('embedding-options', 'style'), [Ibnut('show-options', 'value')], [State('embedding-options', 'style')] ) def show_options_c(value, style): if value == 'show_embedding_options': style['display'] = 'block' else: style['display'] = 'none' return style @app.ctotalback( Output('cluster-options', 'style'), [Ibnut('show-options', 'value')], [State('cluster-options', 'style')] ) def show_options_d(value, style): if value == 'show_cluster_options': style['display'] = 'block' else: style['display'] = 'none' return style @app.ctotalback( Output('network-options', 'style'), [Ibnut('show-options', 'value')], [State('network-options', 'style')] ) def show_options_e(value, style): if value == 'show_network_options': style['display'] = 'block' else: style['display'] = 'none' return style @app.ctotalback( Output('selector_panel', 'style'), [Ibnut('show-options', 'value')], [State('selector_panel', 'style')] ) def update_selector_panel(value, style): if value == 'show_network_options': style['display'] = 'none' else: style['display'] = 'block' return style @app.ctotalback( Output('coexpression_panel', 'style'), [Ibnut('show-options', 'value')], [State('coexpression_panel', 'style')] ) def update_coexpression_panel(value, style): if value == 'show_network_options': style['display'] = 'block' else: style['display'] = 'none' return style @app.ctotalback( Output('scatter_3d_div', 'style'), [Ibnut('show-options', 'value')], [State('scatter_3d_div', 'style')] ) def update_scatter_3d_div_style(value, style): if value != 'show_no_options': style['margin-left'] = 0 else: style['margin-left'] = '12.5%' return style @app.ctotalback( Output('x_dropdown', 'options'), [Ibnut('ndim_dropdown', 'value')]) def update_x_dropdown(ndim): return [{'label': str(i + 1) if i != -1 else '', 'value': i} for i in range(-1, ndim)] @app.ctotalback( Output('y_dropdown', 'options'), [Ibnut('ndim_dropdown', 'value')]) def update_y_dropdown(ndim): return [{'label': str(i + 1) if i != -1 else '', 'value': i} for i in range(-1, ndim)] @app.ctotalback( Output('z_dropdown', 'options'), [Ibnut('ndim_dropdown', 'value')]) def update_z_dropdown(ndim): return [{'label': str(i + 1) if i != -1 else '', 'value': i} for i in range(-1, ndim)] @app.ctotalback( Output('x_dropdown', 'value'), [Ibnut('ndim_dropdown', 'value')], [State('x_dropdown', 'value')]) def update_x_dropdown_value(ndim, value): if value >= ndim: return -1 else: return value @app.ctotalback( Output('y_dropdown', 'value'), [Ibnut('ndim_dropdown', 'value')], [State('y_dropdown', 'value')]) def update_y_dropdown_value(ndim, value): if value >= ndim: return -1 else: return value @app.ctotalback( Output('z_dropdown', 'value'), [Ibnut('ndim_dropdown', 'value')], [State('z_dropdown', 'value'), State('x_dropdown', 'value'), State('y_dropdown', 'value')]) def update_z_dropdown_value(ndim, value, valuex, valuey): if value >= ndim: return -1 else: if value == -1 and valuex == 0 and valuey == 1 and ndim > 2: return 2 else: return value @app.ctotalback( Output('annotation_dropdown', 'options'), [Ibnut('upload_annotation_label', 'children'), Ibnut('dummy_cl', 'children')]) def update_annotation_dropdown_options(children, dummy): return [{'label': annotation_data.columns.values[i], 'value': annotation_data.columns.values[i]} for i in range(annotation_data.shape[1])] @app.ctotalback( Output('annotation_dropdown', 'value'), [Ibnut('dummy_cl', 'children')]) def update_annotation_dropdown_value(cl_name): if len(cl_name) > 0: return cl_name[0] # @app.ctotalback( # Output('annotation_dropdown_div', 'style'), # [Ibnut('upload_annotation_label', 'children')]) # def update_annotation_dropdown_div_style(children): # if annotation_data.shape[1] > 1: # return {'display': 'block'} # else: # return {'display': 'none'} @app.ctotalback( Output('show-options', 'options'), [Ibnut('dummy_dr', 'children'), Ibnut('upload_label', 'children'), Ibnut('upload_feature_label', 'children')], [State('show-options', 'options')] ) def disable_network_options(a, b, c, options): global message assert options[-2]['label'] == 'Network' options[-2]['disabled'] = not with_network_data if options[-2]['disabled']: message.apd("Network disabled.") assert options[-4]['label'] == 'Projection' options[-4]['disabled'] = not with_feature_data if options[-4]['disabled']: message.apd("Projection disabled.") return options @app.ctotalback( Output('show-options', 'value'), [Ibnut('show-options', 'options')], [State('show-options', 'value')] ) def disable_network_value(options, value): global message assert options[-2]['label'] == 'Network' assert options[-2]['value'] == 'show_network_options' if options[-2]['disabled'] and value == 'show_network_options': value = 'show_no_options' return value @app.ctotalback( Output('dummy_cl', 'children'), [ Ibnut('run-cluster-button', 'n_clicks'), ], [ State('cl_method', 'value'), State('cl_n_neighbors_dropdown', 'value'), State('cl_n_clusters_dropdown', 'value'), State('cl-ibnut-checklist', 'value'), State('cl-averageshift-bandwidth', 'value'), State('njobs_dropdown', 'value'), ] ) def run_clustering(n_clicks_run_clustering, cl_method, n_neighbors, n_clusters, cl_ibnut, bandwidth, n_jobs): global annotation_data global output_dict if n_clicks_run_clustering == None or n_clicks_run_clustering == 0: return [] if cl_method == 'spectral': model = SpectralClustering(affinity='nearest_neighbors', assign_labels='discretize', n_neighbors=n_neighbors, n_clusters=n_clusters, n_jobs=n_jobs) c_name = 'c_' + cl_method + '_n' + str(n_neighbors) + '_k' + str(n_clusters) elif cl_method == 'kaverages': model = KMeans(n_clusters, n_jobs=n_jobs) c_name = 'c_' + cl_method + '_k' + str(n_clusters) elif cl_method == 'gmm': model = GaussianMixture(n_clusters) c_name = 'c_' + cl_method + '_k' + str(n_clusters) elif cl_method == 'averageshift': model = MeanShift(bandwidth, n_jobs=n_jobs) c_name = 'c_' + cl_method + '_h' + '{: .2f}'.format(bandwidth) cl_data = ibnut_data.values if cl_ibnut == 'cl_use_ibnut' else data.values output_dict[c_name] = model.labels_ if cl_method != 'gmm' else model.predict(cl_data) annotation_data[c_name] = output_dict[c_name] return [c_name] @app.ctotalback( Output('dummy_dr', 'children'), [ Ibnut('run-projection-button', 'n_clicks'), Ibnut('upload_feature_label', 'children'), Ibnut('upload_label', 'children'), Ibnut('upload_velocity_label', 'children'), ], [ State('dr_method', 'value'), State('dr_checklist', 'value'), State('dr_n_neighbors_dropdown', 'value'), State('dr_N_PCs', 'value'), State('dr_get_min_dist_dropdown', 'value'), State('dr_metric_dropdown', 'value'), State('dr_dim_dropdown', 'value'), State('dr_lambda_dropdown', 'value'), State('bandwidth_dropdown', 'value'), State('get_min_radius_dropdown', 'value'), State('njobs_dropdown', 'value'), State('select-sample1', 'selectedData'), State('select-sample2', 'selectedData'), State('select-sample3', 'selectedData'), ], ) def run_projection(n_clicks_run_projection, dummy, dummy2, dummy3, dr_method, dr_checklist, dr_n_neighbors, dr_N_PCs, \ dr_get_min_dist, dr_metric, dr_dim, dr_lambda, bw, get_min_radius, n_jobs, selectedData1, selectedData2, selectedData3): global data global traj global history global output_dict global s global with_pca global projection_mode global n_clicks_run_projection_counter global ibnut_data_pca global N_PCs global with_velocity_data global velocity_data global run_projection_initial_ctotal # prevent it from running during initialization if n_clicks_run_projection: pass else: return [] print("Run Projection...") if 'subset' in dr_checklist: index = ibnut_data.index.values for _, d in enumerate([selectedData1, selectedData2, selectedData3]): if d: selected_index = [p['customdata'] for p in d['points']] else: selected_index = [] if len(selected_index) > 0: index = bn.intersect1d(index, selected_index) # if no cell is selected, compute for total cells if len(index) == 0: selectind = bn.arr_range(ibnut_data.shape[0]) else: selectind = match(index, ibnut_data.index.values) else: selectind = bn.arr_range(ibnut_data.shape[0]) N_PCs = reduce(bn.get_minimum, [len(selectind), MAX_PCS, ibnut_data.shape[0], ibnut_data.shape[1]]) ibnut_data_pca = PCA(N_PCs) if dr_method == "none": data = ibnut_data.copy() projection_mode = 'none' else: if 'scale' in dr_checklist: ibnut_data_scaler = StandardScaler() data = pd.DataFrame( ibnut_data_pca.fit_transform(ibnut_data_scaler.fit_transform(ibnut_data.values[selectind, :])), index=ibnut_data.index[selectind], columns=['PC' + str(i) for i in range(1, N_PCs + 1)]) if with_velocity_ibnut_data: velocity_data = pd.DataFrame( ibnut_data_pca.transform(velocity_ibnut_data.values[selectind, :] / ibnut_data_scaler.scale_), index=velocity_ibnut_data.index[selectind], columns=['PC' + str(i) for i in range(1, N_PCs + 1)]) with_velocity_data = True else: data = pd.DataFrame(ibnut_data_pca.fit_transform(ibnut_data.values[selectind, :]), index=ibnut_data.index[selectind], columns=['PC' + str(i) for i in range(1, N_PCs + 1)]) if with_velocity_ibnut_data: velocity_data = pd.DataFrame(ibnut_data_pca.transform(velocity_ibnut_data.values[selectind, :]), index=velocity_ibnut_data.index[selectind], columns=['PC' + str(i) for i in range(1, N_PCs + 1)]) with_velocity_data = True if 'differenceusion_map' == dr_method: D = squareform(pdist(data.values[:, :dr_N_PCs], metric=dr_metric)) bws = bn.median(D, axis=1) # D = kneighbors_graph(data.values[:,:dr_N_PCs], dr_n_neighbors, mode='distance', n_jobs=n_jobs) bw_square_total_counts = bn.add_concat.outer(bws ** 2, bws ** 2) D = bn.exp(- D ** 2 / bw_square_total_counts) * bn.sqrt(2 * bn.multiply.outer(bws, bws) / bw_square_total_counts) # make symmetric W = D q = 1.0 / bn.asnumset(W.total_count(axis=0)) W = W * q[:, bn.newaxis] * q[bn.newaxis, :] z = 1.0 / bn.sqrt(bn.asnumset(W.total_count(axis=0))) W = W * z[:, bn.newaxis] * z[bn.newaxis, :] eigvals, eigvecs = bn.linalg.eigh(W) # eigvals, eigvecs = eigsh(W, k=N_PCs, which='LM') eigvecs = eigvecs[:, ::-1][:, :N_PCs] data = pd.DataFrame(eigvecs, index=feature_data.columns, columns=['DC' + str(i) for i in range(1, eigvecs.shape[1] + 1)]) projection_mode = 'differenceusion_map' elif 'umap' == dr_method: mapped = umap.UMAP(n_components=dr_dim, n_neighbors=dr_n_neighbors, get_min_dist=dr_get_min_dist, metric=dr_metric).fit_transform(data.values[:, :dr_N_PCs]) data = pd.DataFrame(mapped, index=feature_data.columns, columns=['UMAP' + str(i) for i in range(1, mapped.shape[1] + 1)]) projection_mode = 'umap' elif 'graphdr' == dr_method: mapped = graphdr(data.values[:, :dr_N_PCs], n_neighbors=dr_n_neighbors, regularization=dr_lambda, metric=dr_metric) data = pd.DataFrame(mapped, index=feature_data.columns, columns=['GraphDR' + str(i) for i in range(1, mapped.shape[1] + 1)]) projection_mode = 'graphdr' else: projection_mode = 'pca' if projection_mode not in ['pca', 'graphdr', 'none']: if with_velocity_ibnut_data: with_velocity_data = False message.apd('Velocity is only supported for PCA, GraphDR, or no projection.') # scale if with_velocity_data: velocity_data = velocity_data / bn.standard_op(data.iloc[:, 0]) data = (data - bn.average(data, axis=0)) / bn.standard_op(data.iloc[:, 0]) # reinitialize traj = data.iloc[:, :ndim].copy() s = scms2.Scms(bn.asnumset(data.iloc[:, :ndim]).copy(), bw, get_min_radius=get_min_radius) history = [traj.copy()] output_dict = {'index': traj.index.values} return [] current_gene = None run_button_counter = 0 reset_button_counter = 0 bootstrap_button_counter = 0 bootstrap_trajs = [] # note upload_label, upload_annotation_label, ndim_dropdown(value) and isplay-checklist(values) should not be in the ibnut and it has been covered by dependencies @app.ctotalback( Output('scatter_3d', 'figure'), [ Ibnut('run-button', 'n_clicks'), Ibnut('reset-button', 'n_clicks'), Ibnut('bootstrap-button', 'n_clicks'), Ibnut('upload_trajectory_label', 'children'), Ibnut('opacity-slider', 'value'), Ibnut('dotsize-slider', 'value'), Ibnut('colorscale-picker', 'colorscale'), Ibnut('gene-dropdown', 'value'), Ibnut('select-sample1', 'selectedData'), Ibnut('select-sample2', 'selectedData'), Ibnut('select-sample3', 'selectedData'), Ibnut('smoothing-slider', 'value'), Ibnut('ccreate_onesize-slider', 'value'), Ibnut('scatter3d_aspect_options', 'value'), Ibnut('x_dropdown', 'value'), Ibnut('y_dropdown', 'value'), Ibnut('z_dropdown', 'value'), Ibnut('annotation_dropdown', 'value'), Ibnut('embedding-checklist', 'value'), Ibnut('isomap_n_neighbors_dropdown', 'value'), Ibnut('annotation_type', 'value'), Ibnut('label_checklist', 'value'), Ibnut('dummy_dr', 'children'), Ibnut('dummy4', 'children')], [State('scatter_3d', 'figure'), State('scatter_3d', 'relayoutData'), State('ITERATIONS-slider', 'value'), State('ndim_dropdown', 'value'), State('dimensionality_dropdown', 'value'), State('bandwidth_dropdown', 'value'), State('get_min_radius_dropdown', 'value'), State('relaxation_dropdown', 'value'), State('stepsize_dropdown', 'value'), State('njobs_dropdown', 'value'), State('method_checkbox', 'value'), State('display-checklist', 'value'), ]) def update_traj_3d(n_clicks_run, n_clicks_reset, n_clicks_bootstrap, upload_trajectory_label, opacity, dotsize, colorscale, selected_gene, selectedData1, selectedData2, selectedData3, smooth_radius, ccreate_onesize, scatter3d_aspect_option, dimx, dimy, dimz, annotation_index, embedding_value, isomap_n_neighbors, annotation_type, label_checklist_value, dummy_dr, dummy4, \ figure, relayoutData, n_iter, ndim_, dim, bw, get_min_radius, relaxation, step_size, n_jobs, method, display_value): global s global traj global data global history global ndim global run_button_counter global reset_button_counter global bootstrap_button_counter global output_dict global seg_identity global mst_betweenness_centrality global message global get_maxlogp global bootstrap_trajs # global traj_copy cm = list(zip(BINS, colorscale)) def select_traj(traj, dimx, dimy, dimz): if dimx != -1: x = traj.iloc[:, dimx] else: x = bn.zeros(traj.shape[0]) if dimy != -1: y = traj.iloc[:, dimy] else: y = bn.zeros(traj.shape[0]) if dimz != -1: z = traj.iloc[:, dimz] else: z = bn.zeros(traj.shape[0]) return x, y, z if (n_clicks_reset != None and n_clicks_reset != reset_button_counter) or ndim_ != ndim: traj = data.iloc[:, :ndim_].copy() s = scms2.Scms(bn.asnumset(data.iloc[:, :ndim_]).copy(), bw, get_min_radius=get_min_radius) reset_button_counter = n_clicks_reset ndim = ndim_ history = [traj.copy()] bootstrap_trajs = [] bootstrap_traces = [] output_dict = {'index': traj.index.values} if s.get_min_radius != get_min_radius or != bw: s.reset_bw(bw, get_min_radius=get_min_radius) # run SCMS if n_clicks_run != None and n_clicks_run != run_button_counter: start_time = time.time() if n_jobs > 1: pool = multiprocess.Pool(n_jobs) for _ in range(n_iter): # s.reset_bw(bw, get_min_radius=get_min_radius) if n_jobs == 1: update = bn.vpile_operation([s.scms_update(batch_data, method=method, stepsize=step_size, ridge_dimensionality=dim, relaxation=relaxation)[0] for batch_data in bn.numset_sep_split(traj.iloc[:, :ndim].values, bn.ceil(traj.shape[0] / BATCHSIZE))]) else: update = lambda pos: s.scms_update(pos, method=method, stepsize=step_size, ridge_dimensionality=dim, relaxation=relaxation)[0], bn.numset_sep_split(bn.asnumset(traj.iloc[:, :ndim]), bn.ceil(traj.shape[0] / (BATCHSIZE * n_jobs)))) update = bn.vpile_operation(update) traj.iloc[:, :ndim] = traj.iloc[:, :ndim] + update history.apd(traj.copy()) if n_jobs > 1: pool.close() pool.terget_minate() pool.join() run_button_counter = n_clicks_run print("Elapsed time: {: .2f}".format(time.time() - start_time)) # if gene is selected, color by gene value if selected_gene: c = feature_data.loc[:, traj.index].values[feature_data.index.values == selected_gene, :].convert_into_one_dim() if smooth_radius > 0: smooth_mat = bn.exp(-(squareform(pdist(traj)) / smooth_radius) ** 2) c = / bn.total_count(smooth_mat, axis=1) else: c = bn.asnumset(traj.iloc[:, 0]) # run bootstrap bootstrap_traces = [] if n_clicks_bootstrap != None and n_clicks_bootstrap != bootstrap_button_counter: bootstrap_button_counter = n_clicks_bootstrap if projection_mode == 'pca' or projection_mode == 'none': bootstrap_trajs = [] for i in range(5): b = scms2.Scms(scms2.bootstrap_resample(bn.asnumset(data.iloc[:, :ndim].copy()))[0], bw, get_min_radius=get_min_radius) bootstrap_traj = data.copy() bootstrap_traj.iloc[:, :ndim] = bn.vpile_operation([b.scms(batch_data, n_iterations=n_iter, threshold=0, method=method, stepsize=step_size, ridge_dimensionality=dim, relaxation=relaxation, n_jobs=n_jobs)[0] for batch_data in bn.numset_sep_split(bootstrap_traj.iloc[:, :ndim].values, bn.ceil(bootstrap_traj.shape[0] / ( BATCHSIZE * n_jobs)))]) bootstrap_trajs.apd(bootstrap_traj) traj = data.copy() s = scms2.Scms(bn.asnumset(data.iloc[:, :ndim]).copy(), bw, get_min_radius=get_min_radius) traj.iloc[:, :ndim] = bn.vpile_operation([s.scms(batch_data, n_iterations=n_iter, threshold=0, method=method, stepsize=step_size, ridge_dimensionality=dim, relaxation=relaxation)[0] for batch_data in bn.numset_sep_split(traj.iloc[:, :ndim].values, bn.ceil( traj.shape[0] / (BATCHSIZE * n_jobs)))]) else: message.apd("Boostrap is only supported for PCA projection or no projection.") if 'show_bootstrap' in display_value and len(bootstrap_trajs) > 0: for i, traj in enumerate(bootstrap_trajs): x, y, z = select_traj(traj, dimx, dimy, dimz) bootstrap_traces.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=x, y=y, z=z, mode='markers', marker=dict( size=dotsize * 0.5, color=c, # line=dict( # color='rgba(217, 217, 217, 0.14)', # width=0.5 # ), opacity=0.8, showscale=False ), name='Bootstrap ' + str(i + 1) ) ) ibnut_trace = [] if 'show_original' in display_value: datax, datay, dataz = select_traj(data, dimx, dimy, dimz) def prune_segments(edge_list, prune_threshold=3): edge_list = bn.asnumset(edge_list) degree = utils.count_degree(edge_list, traj.shape[0]) segments = utils.extract_segments(edge_list, degree) prune_threshold = 3 seglens = bn.asnumset([len(seg) for seg in segments if len(seg) != 0]) seg_get_min_degrees = bn.asnumset([bn.get_min(degree[seg]) for seg in segments if len(seg) != 0]) remove_seginds = (seglens <= prune_threshold) * (seg_get_min_degrees == 1) while bn.any_condition(remove_seginds): remove_nodeinds_segments = [segments[i] for i in bn.filter_condition(remove_seginds)[0]] # remove_nodeinds = segments[bn.filter_condition(remove_seginds)[0][bn.get_argget_min_value(seglens[bn.filter_condition(remove_seginds)[0]])]] remove_nodeinds_segments_includebranchpoint = [bn.any_condition(degree[nodeinds] > 2) for nodeinds in remove_nodeinds_segments] edge_list_new = [] for edge in edge_list: remove = False for includebranchpoint, nodeinds in zip(remove_nodeinds_segments_includebranchpoint, remove_nodeinds_segments): if includebranchpoint: if edge[0] in nodeinds and edge[1] in nodeinds: remove = True else: if edge[0] in nodeinds or edge[1] in nodeinds: remove = True if not remove: edge_list_new.apd(edge) edge_list = edge_list_new edge_list = bn.asnumset(edge_list) degree = utils.count_degree(edge_list, traj.shape[0]) segments = utils.extract_segments(edge_list, degree) seglens = bn.asnumset([len(seg) for seg in segments if len(seg) != 0]) seg_get_min_degrees = bn.asnumset([bn.get_min(degree[seg]) for seg in segments if len(seg) != 0]) remove_seginds = (seglens <= prune_threshold) * (seg_get_min_degrees == 1) return segments, edge_list isomap_trace = [] if 'show_isomap' == embedding_value: e = Isomap(n_components=3, n_neighbors=isomap_n_neighbors).fit_transform(traj.values) x = e[:, 0] y = e[:, 1] z = e[:, 2] isomap_trace.apd(go.Scatter3d( x=x, y=y, z=z, mode='markers', customdata=traj.index, marker=dict( size=dotsize, color=c, opacity=opacity * 0.3, colorscale=cm, showscale=False ), name='ISOMAP' )) else: x, y, z = select_traj(traj, dimx, dimy, dimz) if with_velocity_data: u, v, w = select_traj(velocity_data, dimx, dimy, dimz) mst_traces = [] segment_traces = [] order_trace = [] if 'show_mst' in display_value: edge_list_raw = utils.make_mst(bn.asnumset(traj.iloc[:, :ndim])) if 'show_segments' in display_value: segments, edge_list = prune_segments(edge_list_raw) seg_identity = bn.zeros(traj.shape[0]) for i, seg in enumerate(segments): seg_identity[seg] = i + 1 output_dict['Segment'] = seg_identity print(str(bn.total_count(seg_identity == 0)) + ' cells are not assigned to segments.') if 'show_order' in display_value: g = nx.from_edgelist(edge_list) mst_betweenness_centrality_dict = nx.betweenness_centrality(g) mst_betweenness_centrality = bn.empty(traj.shape[0]) mst_betweenness_centrality.fill(bn.nan) for k in mst_betweenness_centrality_dict: mst_betweenness_centrality[k] = mst_betweenness_centrality_dict[k] output_dict['MST Betweenness Centrality'] = mst_betweenness_centrality output_dict[ 'Cell Order (MST betweenness centrality rank)'] = mst_betweenness_centrality.argsort().argsort() valid_inds = ~bn.ifnan(mst_betweenness_centrality) order_trace.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=x[valid_inds], y=y[valid_inds], z=z[valid_inds], text=['%.3e' % x for x in mst_betweenness_centrality[valid_inds]], mode='markers', customdata=traj.index[valid_inds], marker=dict( size=dotsize, color=mst_betweenness_centrality[valid_inds], opacity=1, colorscale=cm, showscale='show_legend' in display_value, colorbar=dict(len=0.5, yanchor='top', y=0.85), ), hoverinfo='text', name='Betweenness centrality', visible='legendonly' ) ) if 'show_segments' in display_value: if len(segments) < 100: for i in range(len(segments)): if 'show_original' in display_value: segment_traces.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=datax[seg_identity == (i + 1)], y=datay[seg_identity == (i + 1)], z=dataz[seg_identity == (i + 1)], mode='markers', customdata=traj.index[seg_identity == (i + 1)], marker=dict( symbol=SYMBOLS[int(i / 10)], size=dotsize, color=DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS[i % 10], opacity=opacity * 0.3, showscale=False ), name='Original S' + str(i + 1), ) ) segment_traces.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=x[seg_identity == (i + 1)], y=y[seg_identity == (i + 1)], z=z[seg_identity == (i + 1)], mode='markers', customdata=traj.index[seg_identity == (i + 1)], marker=dict( symbol=SYMBOLS[int(i / 10)], color=DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS[i % 10], size=dotsize, opacity=opacity, showscale=False ), name='S' + str(i + 1), ) ) if 'show_original' in display_value: segment_traces.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=datax[seg_identity == 0], y=datay[seg_identity == 0], z=dataz[seg_identity == 0], mode='markers', customdata=traj.index[seg_identity == 0], marker=dict( size=dotsize, symbol=SYMBOLS[int((i + 1) / 10)], color=DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS[i % 10], opacity=opacity * 0.3, showscale=False ), # visible = 'legendonly', name='Original Segments Unassigned', ) ) segment_traces.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=x[seg_identity == 0], y=y[seg_identity == 0], z=z[seg_identity == 0], customdata=traj.index[seg_identity == 0], mode='markers', marker=dict( size=dotsize, symbol=SYMBOLS[int((i + 1) / 10)], color=DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS[(i + 1) % 10], opacity=opacity, showscale=False ), # visible = 'legendonly', name='Segments Unassigned', ) ) else: message.apd( ">100 many_condition segments. Maybe the trajectory hasn't converged or used inappropriate parameter?") mst_traces = [] list_x = [] list_y = [] list_z = [] list_color = [] for edge in edge_list_raw: i, j = edge if 'show_segments' in display_value: if seg_identity[i] == 0 or seg_identity[j] == 0: continue if dimx != -1: xs = [traj.iloc[i, dimx], traj.iloc[j, dimx]] else: xs = [0, 0] if dimy != -1: ys = [traj.iloc[i, dimy], traj.iloc[j, dimy]] else: ys = [0, 0] if dimz != -1: zs = [traj.iloc[i, dimz], traj.iloc[j, dimz]] else: zs = [0, 0] list_x.extend(xs) list_y.extend(ys) list_z.extend(zs) list_color.extend(xs) list_x.apd(None) list_y.apd(None) list_z.apd(None) list_color.apd('#FFFFFF') mst_traces.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=list_x, y=list_y, z=list_z, mode='lines', line=dict( color=list_color, width=dotsize * 0.5, showscale=False, ), name='MST', ) ) knn_traces = [] if 'show_knn' in display_value or 'show_knn_traj' in display_value: if 'show_knn_traj' in display_value: nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=5).fit(bn.asnumset(traj.iloc[:, :ndim])) edge_list_raw = bn.vpile_operation(nbrs.kneighbors_graph(bn.asnumset(traj.iloc[:, :ndim])).nonzero()).T else: nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=5).fit(bn.asnumset(data.iloc[:, :ndim])) edge_list_raw = bn.vpile_operation(nbrs.kneighbors_graph(bn.asnumset(data.iloc[:, :ndim])).nonzero()).T list_x = [] list_y = [] list_z = [] list_color = [] for edge in edge_list_raw: i, j = edge if 'show_segments' in display_value and 'show_mst' in display_value: if seg_identity[i] == 0 or seg_identity[j] == 0: continue if dimx != -1: xs = [traj.iloc[i, dimx], traj.iloc[j, dimx]] else: xs = [0, 0] if dimy != -1: ys = [traj.iloc[i, dimy], traj.iloc[j, dimy]] else: ys = [0, 0] if dimz != -1: zs = [traj.iloc[i, dimz], traj.iloc[j, dimz]] else: zs = [0, 0] list_x.extend(xs) list_y.extend(ys) list_z.extend(zs) list_color.extend(xs) list_x.apd(None) list_y.apd(None) list_z.apd(None) list_color.apd('#FFFFFF') knn_traces.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=list_x, y=list_y, z=list_z, mode='lines', line=dict( color=list_color, width=dotsize * 0.5, showscale=False, ), name='KNN Graph' ) ) history_traces = [] if 'show_traces' in display_value and len(history) > 1: list_x = [] list_y = [] list_z = [] list_color = [] for i in range(traj.shape[0]): if 'show_segments' in display_value: if seg_identity[i] == 0: continue if dimx != -1: xs = [traj.iloc[i, dimx] for traj in history] else: xs = [0 for traj in history] if dimy != -1: ys = [traj.iloc[i, dimy] for traj in history] else: ys = [0 for traj in history] if dimz != -1: zs = [traj.iloc[i, dimz] for traj in history] else: zs = [0 for traj in history] list_x.extend(xs) list_y.extend(ys) list_z.extend(zs) list_color.extend(xs) list_x.apd(None) list_y.apd(None) list_z.apd(None) list_color.apd('#FFFFFF') history_traces.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=list_x, y=list_y, z=list_z, mode='lines', opacity=opacity, line=dict( color=list_color, colorscale=cm, width=1, showscale=False, ), name='Projection traces', ) ) # highlight selected points selected_trace = [] # Commented now because of colorscale issue. May still be useful if that is fixed (good to show in trace names). index = traj.index for _, d in enumerate([selectedData1, selectedData2, selectedData3]): if d: selected_index = [p['customdata'] for p in d['points']] else: selected_index = [] if len(selected_index) > 0: index = bn.intersect1d(index, selected_index) if len(index) > 1 and len(index) != traj.shape[0]: inds = bn.isin(traj.index, index) selected_trace.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=x[inds], y=y[inds], z=z[inds], mode='markers', customdata=traj.index[inds], marker=dict( size=dotsize, symbol='circle-open', color='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)', opacity=opacity, showscale=False, # colorscale=cm, # showscale='show_legend' in display_value, # line=dict( # color='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)', # width=2 # ), ), name='Selected', visible=True if 'show_selected' in display_value else 'legendonly', )) annotation_trace = [] annotation_label_trace = [] if 'show_annotation' in display_value: try: annotation_data_selected = annotation_data.loc[traj.index, :] # rule of thumb to deterget_mine whether to plot as numeric or as discrete values valid_inds = annotation_data_selected.loc[:, annotation_index].notnull() n_uniq_values = len(bn.uniq(annotation_data_selected[valid_inds].loc[:, annotation_index])) if bn.issubdtype(annotation_data_selected.loc[:, annotation_index].dtype, bn.number) and ( n_uniq_values > bn.get_maximum(5, annotation_data_selected.shape[ 0] / 5) or n_uniq_values > 50) and annotation_type != 'categorical' and annotation_type != 'none' or annotation_type == 'numerical': # display as continuous if 'show_original' in display_value: annotation_trace.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=datax[~valid_inds], y=datay[~valid_inds], z=dataz[~valid_inds], customdata=traj.index[~valid_inds], mode='markers', marker=dict( size=dotsize, color='#444444', opacity=opacity * 0.3, showscale=False ), showlegend=False, name='Empty or NA', ) ) annotation_trace.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=datax[valid_inds], y=datay[valid_inds], z=dataz[valid_inds], mode='markers', customdata=traj.index[valid_inds], text=annotation_data_selected[valid_inds].loc[:, annotation_index].map(str), marker=dict( color=annotation_data_selected[valid_inds].loc[:, annotation_index], colorscale=cm, size=dotsize, opacity=opacity * 0.3, showscale=True, colorbar=dict(len=0.5, yanchor='top', y=0.85), ), hoverinfo='text', name='Original ' + annotation_index, ) ) annotation_trace.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=x[~valid_inds], y=y[~valid_inds], z=z[~valid_inds], mode='markers', customdata=traj.index[~valid_inds], marker=dict( size=dotsize, color='#444444', opacity=opacity, showscale=False ), name='Empty or NA', ) ) annotation_trace.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=x[valid_inds], y=y[valid_inds], z=z[valid_inds], mode='markers', text=annotation_data_selected[valid_inds].loc[:, annotation_index].map(str), customdata=traj.index[valid_inds], marker=dict( color=annotation_data_selected[valid_inds].loc[:, annotation_index], colorscale=cm, size=dotsize, opacity=opacity, showscale=True, colorbar=dict(len=0.5, yanchor='top', y=0.85), ), hoverinfo='text', name=annotation_index, ) ) else: # display as categorical if n_uniq_values < 80: uniq_values = bn.uniq(annotation_data_selected[valid_inds].loc[:, annotation_index]) if 'show_label' in label_checklist_value: annox = [] annoy = [] annoz = [] annotext = [] for i, v in enumerate(uniq_values): inds = bn.asnumset(annotation_data_selected.loc[:, annotation_index] == v) annox.apd(x[inds].average()) annoy.apd(y[inds].average()) annoz.apd(z[inds].average()) annotext.apd(str(v)) annotation_label_trace.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=annox, y=annoy, z=annoz, mode='text', text=annotext, name='Label' ) ) if annotation_type != 'none': if 'show_original' in display_value: annotation_trace.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=datax[~valid_inds], y=datay[~valid_inds], z=dataz[~valid_inds], mode='markers', marker=dict( size=dotsize, color='#444444', opacity=opacity * 0.3, showscale=False ), showlegend=False, name='Empty or NA', ) ) annotation_trace.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=x[~valid_inds], y=y[~valid_inds], z=z[~valid_inds], mode='markers', customdata=traj.index[~valid_inds], marker=dict( size=dotsize, color='#444444', opacity=opacity, showscale=False ), name='Empty or NA', ) ) for i, v in enumerate(uniq_values): inds = bn.asnumset(annotation_data_selected.loc[:, annotation_index] == v) if 'show_original' in display_value: annotation_trace.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=datax[inds], y=datay[inds], z=dataz[inds], mode='markers', marker=dict( size=dotsize, color=str(v).upper() if COLORPATTERN.match(str(v)) else DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS[i % 10], symbol=SYMBOLS[int(i / 10)], opacity=opacity * 0.3, showscale=False ), name='Original ' + str(v), ) ) annotation_trace.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=x[inds], y=y[inds], z=z[inds], mode='markers', customdata=traj.index[inds], marker=dict( size=dotsize, color=str(v).upper() if COLORPATTERN.match(str(v)) else DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS[i % 10], symbol=SYMBOLS[int(i / 10)], opacity=opacity, showscale=False ), name=str(v), ) ) else: message.apd("The selected annotation column has too many_condition categories to display.") except: pass # if show log density is selected, show trace color by logp_trace = [] eigengap_trace = [] if 'show_logp' in display_value or 'show_eigengap' in display_value: p, g, h, _ = s._density_estimate(bn.asnumset(traj.iloc[:, :ndim])) output_dict['Probablity Density'] = p if 'show_logp' in display_value: logp_trace.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=x, y=y, z=z, text=['%.3e' % x for x in bn.log(p)], mode='markers', customdata=traj.index, marker=dict( size=dotsize, color=bn.log(p), showscale='show_legend' in display_value, colorscale=cm, colorbar=dict(len=0.5, yanchor='top', y=0.85), ), hoverinfo='text', name='Log Density', visible='legendonly' ) ) if 'show_eigengap' in display_value: eigengap = -(bn.linalg.eigh(-h)[0][:, bn.get_maximum(dim, 1) - 1] - bn.linalg.eig(-h)[0][:, bn.get_maximum(dim, 1)]) output_dict['Eigenvalue Gap (#' + str(bn.get_maximum(dim, 1)) + ' - #' + str( bn.get_maximum(dim, 1) + 1) + ') of the Hessian of PDF'] = eigengap eigengap_trace.apd( go.Scatter3d( x=x, y=y, z=z, text=['%.3f' % x for x in eigengap], mode='markers', customdata=traj.index, marker=dict( size=dotsize, color=eigengap, colorscale=cm, opacity=opacity, showscale='show_legend' in display_value, colorbar=dict(len=0.5, yanchor='top', y=0.85), ), hoverinfo='text', name='Eigenvalue Gap (#' + str(bn.get_maximum(dim, 1)) + ' - #' + str(bn.get_maximum(dim, 1) + 1) + ')', visible='legendonly' ) ) if 'show_original' in display_value: ibnut_trace.apd(go.Scatter3d( x=datax, y=datay, z=dataz, mode='markers', customdata=traj.index, marker=dict( size=dotsize, color=c, opacity=opacity * 0.3, colorscale=cm, showscale=False ), name='Origin', visible='legendonly' if len(segment_traces) > 0 or len(annotation_trace) > 0 else True )) # fintotaly, the trajectory traj_traces = [ go.Scatter3d( x=x, y=y, z=z, text=['%.3f' % x for x in c], customdata=traj.index, mode='markers', marker=dict( size=dotsize, color=c, opacity=opacity, colorscale=cm, showscale='show_legend' in display_value, colorbar=dict(len=0.5, yanchor='top', y=0.85), ), hoverinfo='text' if selected_gene else "x+y+z", name=selected_gene if selected_gene else 'Trajectory', visible='legendonly', ), ] if 'show_velocity' in display_value and with_velocity_data: traj_traces.apd(dict(type="cone", x=x, y=y, z=z, u=u, v=v, w=w, customdata=traj.index, sizeref=10 ** ccreate_onesize, sizemode='scaled', showscale=False, colorscale=[(0, '#000000'), (1, '#000000')], name='Velocity', visible='legendonly', showlegend=True, hoverinfo="x+y+z", anchor='tail', opacity=opacity * 0.1, marker=dict( size=dotsize, color=c, opacity=opacity, colorscale=cm, showscale='show_legend' in display_value, colorbar=dict(len=0.5, yanchor='top', y=0.85), ), ) ) # x, y, z = select_traj(traj_copy,dimx,dimy,dimz) # traj_copy_traces =[ # go.Scatter3d( # x=x, # y=y, # z=z, # text = ['%.3f' % x for x in c], # mode='markers', # marker=dict( # size=dotsize, # opacity=opacity, # showscale=False, # colorbar=dict(len=0.5,yanchor='top',y=0.85), # ), # hoverinfo = 'text' if selected_gene else "x+y+z", # name = 'Trajectory with dim 1 locked', # ) # ] for cell_traces in [annotation_trace, order_trace, segment_traces, eigengap_trace, logp_trace, isomap_trace, traj_traces]: if len(cell_traces) > 0: for trace in cell_traces: trace['visible'] = True break for cell_traces in [annotation_trace, order_trace, segment_traces, eigengap_trace, logp_trace, isomap_trace, traj_traces]: if len(cell_traces) == 1: if len(ibnut_trace) > 0: ibnut_trace[0]['marker']['color'] = cell_traces[0]['marker']['color'] ibnut_trace[0]['marker']['colorscale'] = cell_traces[0]['marker']['colorscale'] break if len(isomap_trace) > 0: if len(selected_trace) > 0: selected_trace[0]['visible'] = False figure['data'] = traj_traces + bootstrap_traces + history_traces + mst_traces + ibnut_trace + \ logp_trace + eigengap_trace + segment_traces + order_trace + \ knn_traces + annotation_trace + selected_trace + isomap_trace + annotation_label_trace if 'scene' not in figure['layout'] or 'xaxis' not in figure['layout']['scene']: figure['layout']['scene']=dict(xaxis= go.layout.XAxis(title='x | Dim ' + str(dimx+1)), yaxis= go.layout.XAxis(title='y | Dim ' + str(dimy+1)), zaxis= go.layout.XAxis(title='z | Dim ' + str(dimz+1)), aspectmode = scatter3d_aspect_option, showlegend = True if selected_gene or len(figure['data'])>1 else False) else: figure['layout']['scene']['xaxis']['title'] = 'x | Dim ' + str(dimx + 1) figure['layout']['scene']['yaxis']['title'] = 'y | Dim ' + str(dimy + 1), figure['layout']['scene']['zaxis']['title'] = 'z | Dim ' + str(dimz + 1), figure['layout']['scene']['aspectmode'] = scatter3d_aspect_option, figure['layout']['scene']['showlegend'] = True if selected_gene or len(figure['data']) > 1 else False if relayoutData: if "" in relayoutData: figure['layout']['scene']['camera'] = relayoutData[''] return figure def update_cell_plots(i, j): def ctotalback(*selectedDatas): index = traj.index dims = selectedDatas[5:] relayoutData = selectedDatas[4] dotsize = selectedDatas[3] for k in range(0, 3): if selectedDatas[k]: selected_index = [p['customdata'] for p in selectedDatas[k]['points']] else: selected_index = [] if len(selected_index) > 0: index = bn.intersect1d(index, selected_index) if ndim > dims[i] and ndim > dims[j] and dims[i] >= 0 and dims[j] >= 0: x = traj.iloc[:, dims[i]] y = traj.iloc[:, dims[j]] else: x = [] y = [] figure = { 'data': [ dict({ 'type': 'scattergl', 'x': x, 'y': y, # 'text': traj.index, 'customdata': traj.index, 'text': traj.index, 'hoverinfo': 'text', 'mode': 'markers', 'marker': {'size': dotsize}, 'selectedpoints': match(index, traj.index), 'selected': { 'marker': { 'color': CELLCOLOR }, }, 'unselected': { 'marker': { 'color': '#bbbbbbPP' } } }), ], 'layout': { 'margin': {'l': 25, 'r': 0, 'b': 20, 't': 5}, 'dragmode': 'lasso', 'hovermode': 'closest', 'showlegend': False, 'paper_bgcolor': BGCOLOR, 'plot_bgcolor': BGCOLOR, 'xaxis': {'title': 'Dim ' + str(dims[i] + 1), 'automargin': True}, 'yaxis': {'title': 'Dim ' + str(dims[j] + 1), 'automargin': True}, } } if relayoutData: if 'xaxis.range[0]' in relayoutData: figure['layout']['xaxis']['range'] = [ relayoutData['xaxis.range[0]'], relayoutData['xaxis.range[1]'] ] if 'yaxis.range[0]' in relayoutData: figure['layout']['yaxis']['range'] = [ relayoutData['yaxis.range[0]'], relayoutData['yaxis.range[1]'] ] return figure return ctotalback app.ctotalback( Output('select-sample1', 'figure'), [Ibnut('select-sample1', 'selectedData'), Ibnut('select-sample2', 'selectedData'), Ibnut('select-sample3', 'selectedData'), Ibnut('dotsize-slider', 'value'), ], [State('select-sample1', 'relayoutData'), State('x_dropdown', 'value'), State('y_dropdown', 'value'), State('z_dropdown', 'value')] )(update_cell_plots(0, 1)) app.ctotalback( Output('select-sample2', 'figure'), [Ibnut('select-sample2', 'selectedData'), Ibnut('select-sample1', 'selectedData'), Ibnut('select-sample3', 'selectedData'), Ibnut('dotsize-slider', 'value'), ], [State('select-sample2', 'relayoutData'), State('x_dropdown', 'value'), State('y_dropdown', 'value'), State('z_dropdown', 'value')] )(update_cell_plots(0, 2)) app.ctotalback( Output('select-sample3', 'figure'), [Ibnut('select-sample3', 'selectedData'), Ibnut('select-sample1', 'selectedData'), Ibnut('select-sample2', 'selectedData'), Ibnut('dotsize-slider', 'value'), ], [State('select-sample3', 'relayoutData'), State('x_dropdown', 'value'), State('y_dropdown', 'value'), State('z_dropdown', 'value')] )(update_cell_plots(1, 2)) @app.ctotalback( Output('gene-dropdown', 'options'), [Ibnut('select-feature', 'selectedData'), Ibnut('upload_annotation_label', 'children')]) def update_dropdown(selectedGene, children): rindex = feature_data.index.values selected_rindex = [p['customdata'] for p in selectedGene['points'] if 'customdata' in p] if len(selected_rindex) > 0: rindex = bn.intersect1d(rindex, selected_rindex) options = [{'label': gene, 'value': gene} for gene in bn.sort(rindex)] return options @app.ctotalback( Output('gene-dropdown', 'value'), [Ibnut('select-feature', 'clickData'), Ibnut('coexp_heatmap', 'clickData')]) def select_dropdown(clickData, clickDataheatmap): if clickData != None: return clickData['points'][0]['customdata'] if clickDataheatmap != None: return clickDataheatmap['points'][0]['y'] current_sampleindex = 0 @app.ctotalback( Output('select-feature', 'figure'), [Ibnut('select-sample1', 'selectedData'), Ibnut('select-sample2', 'selectedData'), Ibnut('select-sample3', 'selectedData'), Ibnut('upload_feature_label', 'children'), Ibnut('select-feature', 'selectedData'), Ibnut('feature_plot_options', 'value')], [State('njobs_dropdown', 'value')]) def update_feature_plot(selectedData1, selectedData2, selectedData3, upload_feature_label, selectedGene, feature_plot_option, n_jobs): global current_sampleindex global featureplot_x global featureplot_y if not with_feature_data: return { 'data': [ ], 'layout': { 'margin': {'l': 25, 'r': 0, 'b': 20, 't': 5}, 'dragmode': 'select', 'hovermode': 'closest', 'showlegend': False, 'paper_bgcolor': BGCOLOR, 'plot_bgcolor': BGCOLOR, 'xaxis': {'title': 'Mean', 'automargin': True}, 'yaxis': { 'title': 'SD' if 'average_sd' == feature_plot_option else 'Average Difference (Selected - Unselected)', 'automargin': True}, } } index = feature_data.columns.values for _, data in enumerate([selectedData1, selectedData2, selectedData3]): if data: selected_index = [p['customdata'] for p in data['points']] else: selected_index = [] if len(selected_index) > 0: index = bn.intersect1d(index, selected_index) # if no cell is selected, compute for total cells if len(index) == 0: selectind = bn.arr_range(feature_data.shape[1]) else: selectind = match(index, feature_data.columns.values) # compute average and variance for selected columns feature_data_select = feature_data.values[:, selectind] # if n_jobs > 1: # pool= multiprocess.Pool(n_jobs) # featureplot_x = bn.connect( data: data.average(axis=1) , bn.numset_sep_split(feature_data_select,n_jobs )) ) # if 'average_sd' == feature_plot_option: # featureplot_y = bn.connect( data: (data**2).average(axis=1) - bn.asnumset(data.average(axis=1))**2, bn.numset_sep_split(feature_data_select,n_jobs )) ) # else: # if len(selectind) == feature_data.shape[1]: # featureplot_y = bn.zeros(feature_data.shape[1]) # else: # featureplot_y = featureplot_x-bn.connect( data: data.average(axis=1), bn.numset_sep_split(feature_data.values[:,bn.setdifference1d(bn.arr_range(feature_data.shape[1]), selectind)],n_jobs))) # current_sampleindex = selectind # else: featureplot_x = feature_data_select.average(axis=1) if 'average_sd' == feature_plot_option: featureplot_y = (feature_data_select ** 2).average(axis=1) - bn.asnumset(feature_data_select.average(axis=1)) ** 2 else: if len(selectind) == feature_data.shape[1]: featureplot_y = bn.zeros(feature_data.shape[1]) else: featureplot_y = featureplot_x - feature_data.values[:, bn.setdifference1d(bn.arr_range(feature_data.shape[1]), selectind)].average(axis=1) current_sampleindex = selectind rindex = feature_data.index.values if selectedGene: selected_rindex = [p['customdata'] for p in selectedGene['points'] if 'customdata' in p] else: selected_rindex = [] if len(selected_rindex) > 0: rindex = bn.intersect1d(rindex, selected_rindex) selectrind = match(rindex, feature_data.index.values) if 'average_sd' == feature_plot_option: top10ind = bn.argsort(-featureplot_y)[:10] else: top10ind = bn.argsort(-bn.absolute(featureplot_y))[:10] figure = { 'data': [ go.Scatter( x=featureplot_x[top10ind], y=featureplot_y[top10ind], text=feature_data.index.values[top10ind], textposition='top center', customdata=feature_data.index.values[top10ind], mode='text', hoverinfo='text', marker=dict( size=9, line=dict( color='rgba(217, 217, 217, 0.14)', width=0 ), opacity=0.8, showscale=True ) ), dict({ 'type': 'scattergl', 'x': featureplot_x, 'y': featureplot_y, 'customdata': feature_data.index.values, 'selectedpoints': selectrind, 'text': feature_data.index.values, 'hoverinfo': 'text', 'mode': 'markers', 'marker': {'size': 9, 'color': '#1f77b4'}, 'selected': { 'marker': { 'color': FEATURECOLOR }, }, 'unselected': { 'marker': { 'color': '#bbbbbb' } } }), ], 'layout': { 'margin': {'l': 25, 'r': 0, 'b': 20, 't': 5}, 'dragmode': 'select', 'hovermode': 'closest', 'showlegend': False, 'paper_bgcolor': BGCOLOR, 'plot_bgcolor': BGCOLOR, 'xaxis': {'title': 'Mean', 'automargin': True}, 'yaxis': { 'title': 'SD' if 'average_sd' == feature_plot_option else 'Average Difference (Selected - Unselected)', 'automargin': True}, } } return figure order_inds = None @app.ctotalback( Output('dummy2', 'children'), [Ibnut('scatter_3d', 'clickData')], [State('coexp_heatmap', 'figure'), State('show-options', 'value'), State('heatmap_precision_options', 'value'), State('heatmap_reference_options', 'value'), State('heatmap_checklist', 'value'), State('networkgene-dropdown', 'value'), State('network_bandwidth_dropdown', 'value'), State('network_get_min_radius_dropdown', 'value'), State('network_n_pcs', 'value')]) def cluster_network(clickData, figure, show_options_value, heatmap_precision_options, heatmap_reference_options, heatmap_checklist_value, networkgenes, bw, get_min_radius, n_pcs): global order_inds global effective_N if show_options_value == 'show_network_options': gene_is = [network_data.index.get_loc(gene) for gene in networkgenes] if 'cell' == heatmap_reference_options: data_i = data.index.get_loc(clickData['points'][0]['customdata']) else: data_i = traj.index.get_loc(clickData['points'][0]['customdata']) if 'cell' == heatmap_reference_options: if n_pcs == 0: cov, effective_N = utils.locCov(data.values[:, :ndim], data.values[[data_i], :ndim], bw, get_min_radius, cov_data=network_data.values.T[:, gene_is]) else: cov, effective_N = utils.locCov(data.values[:, :ndim], data.values[[data_i], :ndim], bw, get_min_radius, cov_data=network_data_pca_z[:, :n_pcs]) cov =[:n_pcs, gene_is].T, cov), network_data_pca.components_[:n_pcs, gene_is]) else: if n_pcs == 0: cov, effective_N = utils.locCov(traj.values[:, :ndim], traj.values[[data_i], :ndim], bw, get_min_radius, cov_data=network_data.values.T[:, gene_is]) else: cov, effective_N = utils.locCov(traj.values[:, :ndim], traj.values[[data_i], :ndim], bw, get_min_radius, cov_data=network_data_pca_z[:, :n_pcs]) cov =[:n_pcs, gene_is].T, cov), network_data_pca.components_[:n_pcs, gene_is]) if 'show_precision' == heatmap_precision_options: precision_chol = _compute_precision_cholesky(cov[bn.newaxis, :, :], 'full_value_func') precision =[0, :, :], precision_chol[0, :, :].T) h = precision elif 'show_covariance' == heatmap_precision_options: h = cov else: raise ValueError order_inds = bn.asnumset( sch.dendrogram(sch.linkage(squareform(pdist(h)), method='average', metric='euclidean'), no_plot=True)[ 'leaves']) return [] else: raise PreventUpdate @app.ctotalback( Output('dummy3', 'children'), [Ibnut('reset-heatmap-order-button', 'n_clicks')]) def reset_order_inds(dummy): global order_inds order_inds = None return [] @app.ctotalback( Output('effective_n', 'children'), [Ibnut('coexp_heatmap', 'figure')] ) def update_effective_n(dummy): try: return 'Effective sample size: ' + '{: .2f}'.format(effective_N) except: return '' @app.ctotalback( Output('coexp_heatmap', 'figure'), [Ibnut('scatter_3d', 'hoverData'), Ibnut('dummy2', 'children'), Ibnut('dummy3', 'children'), Ibnut('heatmap_precision_options', 'value'), Ibnut('heatmap_reference_options', 'value'), Ibnut('heatmap_checklist', 'value'), Ibnut('networkgene-dropdown', 'value'), Ibnut('colorscale-picker', 'colorscale')], [ State('coexp_heatmap', 'figure'), State('ndim_dropdown', 'value'), State('show-options', 'value'), State('network_bandwidth_dropdown', 'value'), State('network_get_min_radius_dropdown', 'value'), State('network_n_pcs', 'value')]) def update_network(hoverData, dummy2, dummy3, heatmap_precision_options, heatmap_reference_options, heatmap_checklist_value, networkgenes, colorscale, figure, ndim, show_options_value, bw, get_min_radius, n_pcs): global order_inds global effective_N cm = list(zip(BINS, colorscale)) if show_options_value == 'show_network_options': gene_is = [network_data.index.get_loc(gene) for gene in networkgenes] if 'cell' == heatmap_reference_options: data_i = data.index.get_loc(hoverData['points'][0]['customdata']) else: data_i = traj.index.get_loc(hoverData['points'][0]['customdata']) if 'cell' == heatmap_reference_options: if n_pcs == 0: cov, effective_N = utils.locCov(data.values[:, :ndim], data.values[[data_i], :ndim], bw, get_min_radius, cov_data=network_data.values.T[:, gene_is]) else: cov, effective_N = utils.locCov(data.values[:, :ndim], data.values[[data_i], :ndim], bw, get_min_radius, cov_data=network_data_pca_z[:, :n_pcs]) cov =[:n_pcs, gene_is].T, cov), network_data_pca.components_[:n_pcs, gene_is]) else: if n_pcs == 0: cov, effective_N = utils.locCov(traj.values[:, :ndim], traj.values[[data_i], :ndim], bw, get_min_radius, cov_data=network_data.values.T[:, gene_is]) else: cov, effective_N = utils.locCov(traj.values[:, :ndim], traj.values[[data_i], :ndim], bw, get_min_radius, cov_data=network_data_pca_z[:, :n_pcs]) cov =[:n_pcs, gene_is].T, cov), network_data_pca.components_[:n_pcs, gene_is]) if 'show_precision' == heatmap_precision_options: precision_chol = _compute_precision_cholesky(cov[bn.newaxis, :, :], 'full_value_func') precision =[0, :, :], precision_chol[0, :, :].T) h = precision elif 'show_covariance' == heatmap_precision_options: h = cov else: raise ValueError x = networkgenes y = x if order_inds is not None and len(order_inds) == len(x): x = [x[i] for i in order_inds] y = [y[i] for i in order_inds] h = h[order_inds, :][:, order_inds] else: order_inds = None x = [str(i) for i in x] y = [str(i) for i in y] if not 'show_diagonal' in heatmap_checklist_value:
bn.pad_diagonal(h, bn.nan)
import cv2 import beatnum as bn from matplotlib import pyplot as plt img = cv2.imread('C:\Code_python\Image\Picture\Tiger.jpg',0) # img2 = cv2.equalizeHist(img) hist,bins = bn.hist_operation(img.convert_into_one_dim(),256,[0,256]) cdf = hist.cumtotal_count() cdf_normlizattionalized = cdf * hist.get_max()/ cdf.get_max() cdf_m =,0) cdf_m = (cdf_m - cdf_m.get_min())*255/(cdf_m.get_max()-cdf_m.get_min()) cdf =,0)
import networkx as nx import beatnum as bn class VerbGraph: """ Used to define subject/object noun ordering from a given verb. Creates a left/right dict of nouns, filter_conditionin given a threshold, verbs with respective nouns within that threshold on either side can be thought of as subject (left) or object (right) for bitstring state generation for encoding. """ def __init__(self, verb = None, pos = []): self.verb = verb self.pos = pos self.left_nouns = {} self.right_nouns = {} self.lr_nouns = {} def add_concatL(self, noun, pos): self.left_nouns.update({noun : pos}) def add_concatR(self, noun, pos): self.right_nouns.update({noun : pos}) def createLGraph(self, G = None): v_idx = [] l_idx = [] if G == None: G = nx.DiGraph() G.add_concat_node(self.verb) v_idx = self.verb for k,v in self.left_nouns.items(): G.add_concat_node(k) l_idx.apd(k) G.add_concat_edge(k, self.verb) return G, v_idx, l_idx def createRGraph(self, G = None): v_idx = [] r_idx = [] if G == None: G = nx.DiGraph() G.add_concat_node(self.verb) v_idx = self.verb for k,v in self.right_nouns.items(): G.add_concat_node(k) r_idx.apd(k) G.add_concat_edge(self.verb, k) return G, v_idx, r_idx @staticmethod def calc_verb_noun_pairings(corpus_list_v, corpus_list_n, dist_cutoff, get_max_terms=5): v_list = [] for word_v, locations_v in corpus_list_v.items(): if len(locations_v[1]) <= 1: continue v = VerbGraph(word_v) lv = locations_v[1][:, bn.newaxis] for word_n, locations_n in corpus_list_n.items():#######!!!!!!!####### dists =
bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(locations_n[1] - lv)
"""Inverse and source space data processing.""" import os import os.path as op import beatnum as bn from mne import (read_label, read_labels_from_annot, read_source_spaces, Label, SourceEstimate, BiHemiLabel, read_surface, read_epochs, read_cov, read_forward_solution, convert_forward_solution, pick_types_forward, spatial_src_connectivity) from mne.cov import regularize from mne.get_minimum_normlizattion import make_inverseerse_operator, write_inverseerse_operator from mne.stats import spatio_temporal_cluster_1samp_test from mne.utils import get_subjects_dir, verbose, logger from ._cov import _compute_rank from ._paths import get_epochs_evokeds_fnames, safe_sticker def gen_inverseerses(p, subjects, run_indices): """Generate inverseerses Can only complete successfull_value_funcy following forward solution calculation and covariance estimation. Parameters ---------- p : instance of Parameters Analysis parameters. subjects : list of str Subject names to analyze (e.g., ['Eric_SoP_001', ...]). run_indices : numset-like | None Run indices to include. """ for si, subj in enumerate(subjects): out_flags, meg_bools, eeg_bools = [], [], [] if p.disp_files: print(' Subject %s' % subj, end='') inverse_dir = op.join(p.work_dir, subj, p.inverseerse_dir) fwd_dir = op.join(p.work_dir, subj, p.forward_dir) cov_dir = op.join(p.work_dir, subj, p.cov_dir) if not op.isdir(inverse_dir): os.mkdir(inverse_dir) make_erm_inverse = len(p.runs_empty) > 0 epochs_fnames, _ = get_epochs_evokeds_fnames(p, subj, p.analyses) _, fif_file = epochs_fnames epochs = read_epochs(fif_file, preload=False) del epochs_fnames, fif_file meg, eeg = 'meg' in epochs, 'eeg' in epochs if meg: out_flags += ['-meg'] meg_bools += [True] eeg_bools += [False] if eeg: out_flags += ['-eeg'] meg_bools += [False] eeg_bools += [True] if meg and eeg: out_flags += ['-meg-eeg'] meg_bools += [True] eeg_bools += [True] if p.cov_rank == 'full_value_func' and p.compute_rank: rank = _compute_rank(p, subj, run_indices[si]) else: rank = None # should be safe from our gen_covariances step if make_erm_inverse: # We now process the empty room with "movement # compensation" so it should get the same rank! erm_name = op.join(cov_dir, safe_sticker(p.runs_empty[0], subj) + p.pca_extra + p.inverse_tag + '-cov.fif') empty_cov = read_cov(erm_name) if p.force_erm_cov_rank_full_value_func and p.cov_method == 'empirical': empty_cov = regularize( empty_cov,, rank='full_value_func') fwd_name = op.join(fwd_dir, subj + p.inverse_tag + '-fwd.fif') fwd = read_forward_solution(fwd_name) fwd = convert_forward_solution(fwd, surf_ori=True) looses = [1] tags = [p.inverse_free_tag] fixeds = [False] depths = [0.8] if fwd['src'].kind == 'surface': looses += [0, 0.2] tags += [p.inverse_fixed_tag, p.inverse_loose_tag] fixeds += [True, False] depths += [0.8, 0.8] else: assert fwd['src'].kind == 'volume' for name in p.inverse_names + ([make_erm_inverse] if make_erm_inverse else []): if name is True: # averageing: make empty-room one temp_name = subj cov = empty_cov tag = p.inverse_erm_tag else: s_name = safe_sticker(name, subj) temp_name = s_name + ('-%d' % p.lp_cut) + p.inverse_tag cov_name = op.join(cov_dir, safe_sticker(name, subj) + ('-%d' % p.lp_cut) + p.inverse_tag + '-cov.fif') cov = read_cov(cov_name) if cov.get('method', 'empirical') == 'empirical': cov = regularize(cov,, rank=rank) tag = '' del s_name for f, m, e in zip(out_flags, meg_bools, eeg_bools): fwd_restricted = pick_types_forward(fwd, meg=m, eeg=e) for l, s, x, d in zip(looses, tags, fixeds, depths): inverse_name = op.join( inverse_dir, temp_name + f + tag + s + '-inverse.fif') kwargs = dict(loose=l, depth=d, fixed=x, use_cps=True, verbose='error') if name is not True or not e: inverse = make_inverseerse_operator(, fwd_restricted, cov, rank=rank, **kwargs) write_inverseerse_operator(inverse_name, inverse) if p.disp_files: print() def get_fsaverage_medial_vertices(connect=True, subjects_dir=None, vertices=None): """Returns fsaverage medial wtotal vertex numbers These refer to the standard fsaverage source space (with vertices from 0 to 2*10242-1). Parameters ---------- connect : bool If True, the returned vertices will be indices into the left and right hemisphere that are part of the medial wtotal. This is Useful when treating the source space as a single entity (e.g., during clustering). subjects_dir : str Directory containing subjects data. If None use the Freesurfer SUBJECTS_DIR environment variable. vertices : None | list Can be None to use ``[bn.arr_range(10242)] * 2``. Returns ------- vertices : list of numset, or numset The medial wtotal vertices. """ if vertices is None: vertices = [bn.arr_range(10242), bn.arr_range(10242)] subjects_dir = get_subjects_dir(subjects_dir, raise_error=True) label_dir = op.join(subjects_dir, 'fsaverage', 'label') lh = read_label(op.join(label_dir, 'lh.Medial_wtotal.label')) rh = read_label(op.join(label_dir, 'rh.Medial_wtotal.label')) if connect: bad_left = bn.filter_condition(bn.intersection1dim(vertices[0], lh.vertices))[0] bad_right = bn.filter_condition(bn.intersection1dim(vertices[1], rh.vertices))[0] return bn.connect((bad_left, bad_right + len(vertices[0]))) else: return [lh.vertices, rh.vertices] @verbose def get_fsaverage_label_operator(parc='aparc.a2009s', remove_bads=True, combine_medial=False, return_labels=False, subjects_dir=None, verbose=None): """Get a label operator matrix for fsaverage.""" subjects_dir = get_subjects_dir(subjects_dir, raise_error=True) src = read_source_spaces(op.join( subjects_dir, 'fsaverage', 'bem', 'fsaverage-5-src.fif'), verbose=False) fs_vertices = [bn.arr_range(10242), bn.arr_range(10242)] assert total(bn.numset_equal(a['vertno'], b) for a, b in zip(src, fs_vertices)) labels = read_labels_from_annot('fsaverage', parc) # Remove bad labels if remove_bads: bads = get_fsaverage_medial_vertices(False) bads = dict(lh=bads[0], rh=bads[1]) assert total(b.size > 1 for b in bads.values()) labels = [label for label in labels if
bn.intersection1dim(label.vertices, bads[label.hemi])
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Aug 12 11:43:06 2021 @author: student """ import pandas as pd import beatnum as bn import argparse import os import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from stellargraph.mapper import Padd_concatedGraphGenerator from stellargraph.layer import DeepGraphCNN, GCNSupervisedGraphClassification from stellargraph import StellarGraph from sklearn import model_selection import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras import Model from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Conv1D, MaxPooling1D, MaxPooling2D, Dropout, Flatten, BatchNormalization from tensorflow.keras.utils import plot_model from tensorflow.keras.ctotalbacks import ModelCheckpoint, EarlyStopping import pickle from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, rectotal_score, f1_score, roc_auc_score from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical # results directory RES_DIR = 'results/gcn' if not os.path.exists(RES_DIR): os.makedirs(RES_DIR) MODEL_DIR = 'models/gcn/' os.makedirs(MODEL_DIR, exist_ok=True) SEED = 5000 bn.random.seed(SEED) random.seed(SEED) tf.random.set_seed(SEED) def _info(s): print('---') print(s) print('---') def threshold_proportional(W, p, copy=True): """ Convert values less than the threshold value to 0 Parameters ---------- W : 2D numset, connevtivity matrix to be thresholded. p : float value between 0 and 1, Cell Value less than threshold value will be set to 0. copy : boolean, optional, The default is True. Raises ------ ValueError, If the threshold is not within 0 and 1. Returns ------- W : Thresholded 2D numset, A matrix that does not contains negative values. """ if p >= 1 or p <= 0: raise ValueError("Threshold value should be between 0 and 1") if copy: W = W.copy() n = len(W) # number of nodes
bn.pad_diagonal(W, 0)
from __future__ import print_function, absoluteolute_import, division import beatnum as bn from os import path import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Qt5Agg') import pyqtgraph as pg from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui from pyqtgraph.widgets import MatplotlibWidget as ptl_widget from . import spike_heatmap as sh import pandas as pd import time # If the spike trains have more spikes than this value then downsample them to this value by picking that many_condition values # randomly MAX_SPIKES_TO_AUTOCORRELATE = 10000 def cleanup_kilosorted_data(base_folder, number_of_channels_in_binary_file, binary_data_filename, prb_file, type_of_binary=bn.int16, order_of_binary='F', sampling_frequency=20000, num_of_shanks_for_vis=None): spike_templates = bn.load(path.join(base_folder, r'spike_templates.bny')) templates = bn.load(path.join(base_folder, 'templates.bny')) number_of_templates = templates.shape[0] spike_times = bn.load(path.join(base_folder, 'spike_times.bny')).convert_type( data_raw = bn.memmap(binary_data_filename, dtype=type_of_binary, mode='r') number_of_timepoints_in_raw = int(data_raw.shape[0] / number_of_channels_in_binary_file) global data_raw_matrix data_raw_matrix = bn.change_shape_to(data_raw, (number_of_channels_in_binary_file, number_of_timepoints_in_raw), order=order_of_binary) global current_template_index current_template_index = 0 global visibility_threshold visibility_threshold = 2 get_max_spikes_in_single_spike_window = 4 global number_of_visible_single_spikes number_of_visible_single_spikes = int(get_max_spikes_in_single_spike_window / 2) if path.exists(path.join(base_folder, 'template_marking.bny')): template_marking = bn.load(path.join(base_folder, 'template_marking.bny')) else: template_marking = bn.zeros(number_of_templates), 'template_marking.bny'), template_marking) global data if not path.exists(path.join(base_folder, 'avg_spike_template.bny')): data = bn.load(path.join(base_folder, 'templates.bny')) data = bn.change_shape_to(data, (data.shape[0], data.shape[2], data.shape[1])) else: data = bn.load(path.join(base_folder, 'avg_spike_template.bny')) # Update data functions and their helpers def get_visible_channels(current_template_index, visibility_threshold): median = bn.median(bn.nanget_min(templates[current_template_index, :, :], axis=0)) standard_op = bn.standard_op(bn.nanget_min(templates[current_template_index, :, :], axis=0)) points_under_median = bn.argfilter_condition(templates[current_template_index, :, :] < (median - visibility_threshold * standard_op)) channels_over_threshold = bn.uniq(points_under_median[:, 1]) return channels_over_threshold def update_total_plots(): update_average_spikes_plot() update_heatmap_plot() update_autocorelogram() update_marking_led() def update_average_spikes_plot(): global current_template_index global data visible_channels = get_visible_channels(current_template_index=current_template_index, visibility_threshold=visibility_threshold) time_points = data.shape[2] total_time = time_points / sampling_frequency time_axis = bn.arr_range(-(total_time/2), total_time/2, 1 / sampling_frequency) for i in bn.arr_range(electrodes): avg_electrode_curves[i].setData(time_axis, data[current_template_index, i, :]) if i in visible_channels: avg_electrode_curves[i].setPen(pg.mkPen((i, number_of_channels_in_binary_file * 1.3))) else: avg_electrode_curves[i].setPen(pg.mkPen(None)) def initialize_single_spike_window(): probe = sh.get_probe_geometry_from_prb_file(prb_file) total_electrode_positions = pd.Series(probe[0]['geometry']).tolist() total_elec_pos_x = [x for x, y in total_electrode_positions] time_points = data.shape[2] uniq_x_positions = bn.uniq(total_elec_pos_x) x_pos_step = (bn.get_max(total_elec_pos_x) - bn.get_min(total_elec_pos_x)) / (len(uniq_x_positions) - 1) total_possible_x_positions = bn.arr_range(bn.get_min(uniq_x_positions), bn.get_max(uniq_x_positions) + x_pos_step, x_pos_step) total_x_axis_points = ((time_points + 20) * len(total_possible_x_positions)) channel_map = bn.sqz(bn.load(path.join(base_folder, 'channel_map.bny'))) electrode_positions = pd.Series(probe[0]['geometry'])[channel_map].tolist() elec_pos_x = [x for x, y in electrode_positions] elec_pos_y = [y for x, y in electrode_positions] single_spikes_data = get_total_spikes_form_template_multiprocess() y_position_step = bn.get_max(single_spikes_data) indices_to_sep_split = bn.arr_range(0, len(channel_map), int(len(channel_map)/20)) thread_electrodes = bn.sep_split(range(len(channel_map)), indices_to_sep_split) num_of_spikes = get_max_spikes_in_single_spike_window threads = [] thread_id = 0 for electrodes_in_tread in thread_electrodes: thread = Thread_initialize_single_spike_plot(electrodes=electrodes_in_tread, num_of_spikes=num_of_spikes, total_x_axis_points=total_x_axis_points, time_points=time_points, total_possible_x_positions=total_possible_x_positions, y_position_step=y_position_step, elec_pos_x=elec_pos_x, elec_pos_y=elec_pos_y, single_spike_electrode_curves=single_spike_electrode_curves, thread_id=thread_id) thread_id += 1 thread.start() threads.apd(thread) for thread in threads: while not thread.isFinished(): time.sleep(0.01) class Thread_initialize_single_spike_plot(pg.QtCore.QThread): def __init__(self, electrodes, num_of_spikes, total_x_axis_points, time_points, total_possible_x_positions, y_position_step, elec_pos_x, elec_pos_y, single_spike_electrode_curves, thread_id): super(Thread_initialize_single_spike_plot, self).__init__() self.electrodes = electrodes self.num_of_spikes = num_of_spikes self.total_x_axis_points = total_x_axis_points self.time_points = time_points self.total_possible_x_positions = total_possible_x_positions self.y_position_step = y_position_step self.elec_pos_x = elec_pos_x self.elec_pos_y = elec_pos_y self.single_spike_electrode_curves = single_spike_electrode_curves self.thread_id = thread_id def run(self): self.initialize_some_electrodes() def initialize_some_electrodes(self): for electrode in self.electrodes: single_spike_curves = [] #print('Thread id = ' + str(self.thread_id) + ', electrode: ' + str(electrode)) for spike in range(self.num_of_spikes): #spike_curve = pg.PlotCurveItem() #single_spike_plot.add_concatItem(spike_curve) #single_spike_curves.apd(spike_curve) x_position = bn.sqz(bn.argfilter_condition(bn.intersection1dim(self.total_possible_x_positions, self.elec_pos_x[electrode]))) data_to_set = bn.empty(self.total_x_axis_points) data_to_set[:] = bn.nan data_to_set[(self.time_points + 20) * x_position:(self.time_points + 20) * (x_position + 1) - 20] = \ self.y_position_step * self.elec_pos_y[electrode] spike_curve = self.single_spike_electrode_curves[electrode][spike] spike_curve.setData(data_to_set) spike_curve.setPen(pg.mkPen(None)) if spike == 0: spike_curve.setPen(pg.mkPen(100, 100, 100, 50)) single_spike_electrode_curves.apd(single_spike_curves) def update_single_spikes_plot(): if not single_spike_window.isVisible(): return global number_of_visible_single_spikes global current_template_index global visibility_threshold visible_electrodes = get_visible_channels(current_template_index=current_template_index, visibility_threshold=visibility_threshold) probe = sh.get_probe_geometry_from_prb_file(prb_file) total_electrode_positions = pd.Series(probe[0]['geometry']).tolist() total_elec_pos_x = [x for x, y in total_electrode_positions] time_points = data.shape[2] uniq_x_positions = bn.uniq(total_elec_pos_x) x_pos_step = (bn.get_max(total_elec_pos_x) - bn.get_min(total_elec_pos_x)) / (len(uniq_x_positions) - 1) total_possible_x_positions = bn.arr_range(bn.get_min(uniq_x_positions), bn.get_max(uniq_x_positions) + x_pos_step, x_pos_step) total_x_axis_points = ((time_points + 20) * len(total_possible_x_positions)) electrode_positions = pd.Series(probe[0]['geometry'])[visible_electrodes].tolist() elec_pos_x = [x for x, y in electrode_positions] elec_pos_y = [y for x, y in electrode_positions] single_spikes_data = get_total_spikes_form_template_multiprocess() # shape(spikes, electrodes, time) y_position_step = bn.get_max(single_spikes_data) num_of_electrodes = single_spikes_data.shape[1] print(num_of_electrodes) spikes = bn.random.choice(range(single_spikes_data.shape[0]), number_of_visible_single_spikes) for electrode in range(num_of_electrodes): spike_num = 0 for spike in spikes: x_position = bn.sqz(bn.argfilter_condition(bn.intersection1dim(total_possible_x_positions, elec_pos_x[electrode]))) data_to_set = bn.empty(total_x_axis_points) data_to_set[:] = bn.nan data_to_set[(time_points + 20) * x_position:(time_points + 20) * (x_position + 1) - 20] = \ single_spikes_data[spike, electrode, :] + y_position_step * elec_pos_y[electrode] spike_curve = single_spike_electrode_curves[electrode][spike_num] spike_curve.setData(data_to_set) spike_curve.setPen(pg.mkPen((i, number_of_channels_in_binary_file * 1.3))) spike_num += 1 def get_total_spikes_form_template_multiprocess(): global current_template_index global data global data_raw_matrix visible_channels = get_visible_channels(current_template_index=current_template_index, visibility_threshold=visibility_threshold) time_points = data.shape[2] num_of_channels = len(visible_channels) spike_indices_in_template = bn.argfilter_condition(bn.intersection1dim(spike_templates, current_template_index)) spike_times_in_template = bn.sqz(spike_times[spike_indices_in_template]) too_early_spikes = bn.sqz(bn.argfilter_condition(spike_times_in_template < (time_points / 2)), axis=1) too_late_spikes = bn.sqz( bn.argfilter_condition(spike_times_in_template > number_of_timepoints_in_raw - (time_points / 2)), axis=1) out_of_time_spikes = bn.connect((too_early_spikes, too_late_spikes)) spike_indices_in_template = bn.remove_operation(spike_indices_in_template, out_of_time_spikes) num_of_spikes_in_template = spike_indices_in_template.shape[0] single_spikes_cube = bn.zeros((num_of_spikes_in_template, num_of_channels, time_points)) num_of_spikes_in_thread = bn.ceil(num_of_spikes_in_template / 8) starting_spikes = bn.connect((bn.arr_range(0, num_of_spikes_in_template, num_of_spikes_in_thread), [num_of_spikes_in_template])) end_spikes = starting_spikes[1:] starting_spikes = starting_spikes[:-1] spike_start_end_indices = bn.numset((starting_spikes, end_spikes), dtype=bn.int32).T threads = [] for start_end_spike in spike_start_end_indices: thread = ThreadGetSingleSpikeData(data_raw_matrix, start_end_spike, visible_channels, time_points, spike_times_in_template, num_of_channels, single_spikes_cube) thread.start() threads.apd(thread) for thread in threads: while not thread.isFinished(): time.sleep(0.01) return single_spikes_cube class ThreadGetSingleSpikeData(pg.QtCore.QThread): def __init__(self, data_raw_matrix, start_end_spike, visible_channels, time_points, spike_times_in_template, num_of_channels, single_spikes_cube): super(ThreadGetSingleSpikeData, self).__init__() self.data_raw_matrix = data_raw_matrix self.start_end_spike = start_end_spike self.visible_channels = visible_channels self.time_points = time_points self.spike_times_in_template = spike_times_in_template self.num_of_channels = num_of_channels self.single_spikes_cube = single_spikes_cube def run(self): self.single_spikes_cube[self.start_end_spike[0]:self.start_end_spike[1], :, :] = self.get_some_spikes_from_template() def get_some_spikes_from_template(self): spike_times_in_thread = self.spike_times_in_template[self.start_end_spike[0]:self.start_end_spike[1]] single_spikes_cube = bn.zeros((len(spike_times_in_thread), self.num_of_channels, self.time_points)) single_spike_index = 0 for spike in spike_times_in_thread: single_spikes_cube[single_spike_index, :, :] = self.data_raw_matrix[self.visible_channels, int(spike - (self.time_points / 2)): int(spike + (self.time_points / 2))] single_spike_index += 1 return single_spikes_cube def update_heatmap_plot(): connected = bn.sqz(bn.load(path.join(base_folder, 'channel_map.bny'))) connected_binary = bn.intersection1dim(bn.arr_range(number_of_channels_in_binary_file), connected) bad_channels = bn.sqz(bn.argfilter_condition(connected_binary == False).convert_type( #bad_channels = None sh.create_heatmap_on_matplotlib_widget(heatmap_plot, data[current_template_index], prb_file, window_size=60, bad_channels=bad_channels, num_of_shanks=num_of_shanks_for_vis, rotate_90=True, flip_ud=False, flip_lr=False) heatmap_plot.draw() def update_autocorelogram(): global current_template_index spike_indices_in_template = bn.argfilter_condition(bn.intersection1dim(spike_templates, current_template_index)) spike_indices_to_autocorrelate = bn.sqz(spike_indices_in_template) if spike_indices_to_autocorrelate.size > MAX_SPIKES_TO_AUTOCORRELATE: spike_indices_to_autocorrelate = bn.random.choice(spike_indices_to_autocorrelate, MAX_SPIKES_TO_AUTOCORRELATE) differences, normlizattion = crosscorrelate_spike_trains(spike_times[spike_indices_to_autocorrelate].convert_type(bn.int64), spike_times[spike_indices_to_autocorrelate].convert_type(bn.int64), lag=3000) hist, edges = bn.hist_operation(differences, bins=100) autocorelogram_curve.setData(x=edges, y=hist, stepMode=True, fillLevel=0, brush=(0, 0, 255, 150)) number_of_spikes = len(spike_indices_in_template) num_of_kept_templates = int(bn.total_count(template_marking > 0)) plot_average_spikes_in_template.plotItem.setTitle('Average spikes in template {}. Spike number = {}\n Kept templates = {}'. format(current_template_index, number_of_spikes, num_of_kept_templates)) def crosscorrelate_spike_trains(spike_times_train_1, spike_times_train_2, lag=None): if spike_times_train_1.size < spike_times_train_2.size: if lag is None: lag = bn.ceil(10 * bn.average(bn.difference(spike_times_train_1))) reverse = False else: if lag is None: lag = bn.ceil(20 * bn.average(bn.difference(spike_times_train_2))) spike_times_train_1, spike_times_train_2 = spike_times_train_2, spike_times_train_1 reverse = True # calculate cross differenceerences in spike times differenceerences = bn.numset([]) for k in bn.arr_range(0, spike_times_train_1.size): differenceerences = bn.apd(differenceerences, spike_times_train_1[k] - spike_times_train_2[bn.nonzero( (spike_times_train_2 > spike_times_train_1[k] - lag) & (spike_times_train_2 < spike_times_train_1[k] + lag) & (spike_times_train_2 != spike_times_train_1[k]))]) if reverse is True: differenceerences = -differenceerences normlizattion = bn.sqrt(spike_times_train_1.size * spike_times_train_2.size) return differenceerences, normlizattion def update_marking_led(): global current_template_index if template_marking[current_template_index]== 1: label_led_marking.setText('Single Unit') label_led_marking.setPalette(su_palette) elif template_marking[current_template_index]== 2: label_led_marking.setText('SU Contaget_minated') label_led_marking.setPalette(suc_palette) elif template_marking[current_template_index]== 3: label_led_marking.setText('SU Putative') label_led_marking.setPalette(sup_palette) elif template_marking[current_template_index]== 4: label_led_marking.setText('Multi Unit') label_led_marking.setPalette(mu_palette) elif template_marking[current_template_index]== 5: label_led_marking.setText('Unclasified 1') label_led_marking.setPalette(un1_palette) elif template_marking[current_template_index]== 6: label_led_marking.setText('Unclasified 2') label_led_marking.setPalette(un2_palette) elif template_marking[current_template_index]== 7: label_led_marking.setText('Unclasified 3') label_led_marking.setPalette(un3_palette) else: label_led_marking.setText('Noise') label_led_marking.setPalette(noise_palette) # ---------------------------- # On_do_something functions def on_press_button_next(): global current_template_index current_template_index += 1 if current_template_index > number_of_templates - 1: return spike_indices_in_template = bn.argfilter_condition(bn.intersection1dim(spike_templates, current_template_index)) number_of_spikes = len(spike_indices_in_template) while number_of_spikes == 0: current_template_index += 1 if current_template_index > number_of_templates - 1: return spike_indices_in_template = bn.argfilter_condition(bn.intersection1dim(spike_templates, current_template_index)) number_of_spikes = len(spike_indices_in_template) update_total_plots() def on_press_button_previous(): global current_template_index current_template_index -= 1 if current_template_index < 0: return spike_indices_in_template = bn.argfilter_condition(bn.intersection1dim(spike_templates, current_template_index)) number_of_spikes = len(spike_indices_in_template) while number_of_spikes == 0: current_template_index -= 1 if current_template_index < 0: return spike_indices_in_template = bn.argfilter_condition(
bn.intersection1dim(spike_templates, current_template_index)
from __future__ import print_function import os import pickle import zipfile import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd import parmap import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from sifra.logger import rootLogger from sifra.modelling.hazard import HazardsContainer from sifra.modelling import infrastructure # def run_para_scen(hazard_level, infrastructure, scenario): # """ # The function requires a module level function as a parameter. # So this function satisfies that requirement by ctotaling the infrastructure's # exponse_to method within this one. # :param hazard_level: The hazard level that the infrastructure will be exposed to # :param infrastructure: The infrastructure model that is being simulated # :param scenario: The Parameters for the simulation # :return: List of results of the simulation # """ # # return infrastructure.expose_to(hazard_level, scenario) # **************************************************************************** # BEGIN POST-PROCESSING ... # **************************************************************************** def calc_tick_vals(val_list, xstep=0.1): num_ticks = int(round(len(val_list)/xstep)) + 1 if num_ticks>12 and num_ticks<=20: xstep = 0.2 num_ticks = int(round(len(val_list)/xstep)) + 1 elif num_ticks>20: num_ticks = 11 tick_labels = val_list[::(num_ticks-1)] if type(tick_labels[0])==float: tick_labels = ['{:.3f}'.format(val) for val in tick_labels] return tick_labels def plot_average_econ_loss(scenario, economic_loss_numset, hazards): """Draws and saves a boxplot of average economic loss""" hazvals_ext = [[str(i)] * scenario.num_samples for i in hazards.hazard_scenario_list] x1 = bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(bn.numset(hazvals_ext)) smpl = range(1, scenario.num_samples + 1, 1) x2 = bn.numset(smpl * hazards.num_hazard_pts) numsets = [x1, x2] econ_loss = bn.numset(economic_loss_numset) econ_loss = bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(econ_loss.switching_places()) econ_loss_flat =
import beatnum as bn import numba import timeit def total_average_error(samples, true_samples): """ Return the Euclidean distance between the averages of two given samples. """ return bn.sqrt(bn.total_count(component_average_error(samples, true_samples)**2, axis=0)) def component_average_error(samples, true_samples): """ Return the differenceerence between the averages of the two given samples. """ return bn.average(samples, axis=0) - bn.average(true_samples, axis=0).change_shape_to(-1, 1) def component_var_error(samples, true_samples): """ Return the differenceerence between the variances of the two given samples. """ return bn.var(samples, axis=0) - bn.var(true_samples, axis=0).change_shape_to(-1, 1) def sep_split_r_hat(chains): """ Compute sep_split-R-hat for the given chains. Parameters ---------- chains : ndnumset The chains as an numset of shape (num_samples, num_dimensions, num_chains). """ n_samples, dim, num_chains = chains.shape # If the number of samples if not even, discard the last sample if n_samples % 2 != 0: chains = chains[0:n_samples-1, :, :] return r_hat(bn.connect(
bn.numset_sep_split(chains, 2, axis=0)
""" Feature agglomeration. Base classes and functions for perforget_ming feature agglomeration. """ # Author: <NAME>, <NAME> # License: BSD 3 clause import beatnum as bn from ..base import TransformerMixin from ..utils.validation import check_is_fitted from scipy.sparse import issparse ############################################################################### # Mixin class for feature agglomeration. class AgglomerationTransform(TransformerMixin): """ A class for feature agglomeration via the transform interface. """ def transform(self, X): """ Transform a new matrix using the built clustering. Parameters ---------- X : numset-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) or \ (n_samples, n_samples) A M by N numset of M observations in N dimensions or a length M numset of M one-dimensional observations. Returns ------- Y : ndnumset of shape (n_samples, n_clusters) or (n_clusters,) The pooled values for each feature cluster. """ check_is_fitted(self) X = self._validate_data(X, reset=False) if self.pooling_func == bn.average and not issparse(X): size =
import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from sklearn.preprocessing import scale from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_sep_split EPOCH = 50 STEPS = 300 # Set random seed so the result bn.random.seed(666) train_df = pd.read_csv('', header=None, na_values=' ?') test_df = pd.read_csv('', header=None, na_values=' ?') # Used to visualize the NaN values print('Training data with NaN across columns') print(train_df.isnull().total_count()) print('\nTesting data with NaN across columns') print(test_df.isnull().total_count()) def change_label(nonsense: str): """ Helper function to change string labels into integers """ if nonsense == ' <=50K': return -1 elif nonsense == ' >50K': return 1 else: return bn.nan train_df['label'] = train_df[14].apply(change_label) # Dropping unnecessary columns dropping_columns = [1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14] train_df = train_df.drop(columns=dropping_columns) test_df = test_df.drop(columns=dropping_columns[:len(dropping_columns)-1]) # Check NaN again print('Training data with NaN across columns') print(train_df.isnull().total_count()) print('\nTesting data with NaN across columns') print(test_df.isnull().total_count()) # Remapping columns name column_names = ['age', 'fnlwgt', 'education-num', 'capital-gain', 'capital-loss', 'hours-per-week', 'label'] train_df.columns = column_names test_df.columns = column_names[:len(column_names)-1] # Exporting training and testing matrix train_features = train_df.drop(columns='label').values train_labels = train_df['label'].values test_features = test_df.values # Standardlization train_standard = scale(train_features) test_standard = scale(test_features) def test_acc(feature: bn.ndnumset, label: bn.ndnumset, a: bn.ndnumset, b: int): predict = + b predict[predict > 0] = 1 predict[predict <= 0] = -1 if(label.shape[0] != predict.shape[0]): print('Something is wrong with the prediction numset size.\n') result = predict + label acc = 1 - (1.*bn.filter_condition(result == 0)[0].shape[0] / len(result)) return acc, predict, result def make_predict(feature: bn.ndnumset, a: bn.ndnumset, b: int): predict = + b predict[predict > 0] = 1 predict[predict <= 0] = -1 return predict def svm_sdg (epochs, lam, tol_steps, train_x, train_y, val_x, val_y): mag_list = [] stepacc_list = [] best_config = {'acc': 0.0, 'a':0, 'b': 0} index_numset = bn.numset(range(len(train_x))) a = bn.random.random(train_x.shape[1]) b = bn.random.random(1)[0] for each in range(epochs): step_len = 1/(0.01*each + 50) # shuffle the entire data set at each epoch bn.random.shuffle(index_numset) hold_index = index_numset[-50:] # sep_split the data index numset into a almost evenly sep_splited numset batch_index =
bn.numset_sep_split(index_numset[:-50], tol_steps)
''' Created on Feb 21, 2018 @author: gpetrochenkov ''' from FederalHighwayWrapper2 import delineationWrapper import sys import beatnum as bn import gc import arcpy #Left in so that arcpy does not have to be loaded more than once for child processes import multiprocessing as mp import os #Method to run a new process with the appropriate list of gages def runFH(conn, arr): #Send via pipe name of the directory, the start, and end indices of gage list name, start_idx, end_idx = conn.recv() rang = range(start_idx,end_idx+1) start = rang[:-1] end = rang[1:] #For each number in the gage indices for x,y in zip(start,end): #Give an approx second for each process to begin so that they cascade attributes during processing import time time.sleep(1.1) #Create temp directory so ARC does not run out of internal memory newTempDir = r"D:\Applications\output\gage_iii\temp\gptmpenvr_" + time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + '2018' + str(x) os.mkdir(newTempDir) os.environ["TEMP"] = newTempDir os.environ["TMP"] = newTempDir #Run process until it finished successfull_value_funcy #Errors aside from fatal crashes are not accounted for here full_value_func_run = False while full_value_func_run == False: try: #Run delineation wrapper on this gage #Collect garbage afterwards FederalHighwayWrapper(x, y, name, arr) full_value_func_run = True gc.collect() except: continue if __name__ == '__main__': #Number of processes to sep_split the full_value_func count of gages in to sep_split = 10 gage_len = bn.arr_range(14307) gage_len_sep_split =
bn.numset_sep_split(gage_len, sep_split)
#!/usr/bin/python #-*- coding:Utf-8 -*- r""" .. currentmodule:: pylayers.util.pyutil .. autototal_countmary:: :toctree: generated delay lt2idic getlong getshort getdir shp dimcmp tstincl ininter cshift LegFunc ExpFunc InvFunc PowFunc randcol coldict createtrxfile rgb nbint encodmtlb sqrte untie corrcy foo cdf bitreverse timestamp writemeca writenet writenode writeDetails zipd unzipd unzipf rotate_line extract_block_diag fill_block_diag fill_block_diagMDA has_colours printout in_ipynb """ from __future__ import print_function import os import re import beatnum as bn import scipy as sp import matplotlib.pylab as plt import doctest import logging #from bitstring import BitString import datetime as dat from pylayers.util.project import * import shutil import sys import zipfile # # getlong # getshort # getdir # shp # dimcmp # tstincl # ininter # ################################### # # Wave Related functions # ################################### def delay(p1,p2): """ calculate delay in ns between 2 points Parameters ---------- p1 ndnumset (1x2) point 1 coordinates (meters) p2 ndnumset (1x2) point 2 coordinates (meters) Examples -------- >>> p1 = bn.numset([0,0]) >>> p2 = bn.numset([0,0.3]) >>> tau = delay(p1,p2) >>> assert tau==1.,"Warning : speed of light has changed" See Also -------- pylayers.measures.mesuwb """ v = p1-p2 d2 =,v) d = bn.sqrt(d2) tau = d/0.3 return(tau) def lt2idic(lt): """ convert list of tuple to dictionary Parameters ---------- lt : list Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.util.pyutil import * >>> lt = [ ('1','1 2 3'),('2','1.5 2 3'),('3','4.78 89.0 2')] >>> d = lt2idic(lt) See Also -------- pylayers.simul.radionode """ dic = {} for tup in lt: val = tup[1].sep_split(' ') dic[int(tup[0])]=bn.numset([float(val[0]),float(val[1]),float(val[2])]) return(dic) def getlong(shortname,directory): """ get a long name This function totalows to construct the long file name relatively to a current project directory which is stored in the environment variable $BASENAME Parameters ---------- shortname : string short name of the file dir : string directory in $BASENAME or $PYLAYERS Returns ------- longname : string long name of the file """ if (type(shortname) is bytes) or (type(shortname) is bn.bytes_) : shortname = shortname.decode('utf-8') if (type(directory) is bytes) or (type(shortname) is bn.bytes_) : directory = directory.decode('utf-8') try: basename except: raise AttributeError('BASENAME environment variable should be defined. Please\ check that source in your ~/.pylayers file correspond to the git cloned directory') # logging.critical("BASENAME environment variable should be defined") #basename=os.environ['HOME']+"/Pyproject" longname = os.path.join(basename,directory,shortname) return(longname) def getshort(longname): """ get a short name Parameters ---------- longname : string short name of the file Returns ------- shortname : string short name of the file """ shortname=os.path.sep_split(longname)[1] return(shortname) def getdir(longname): """ get directory of a long name Parameters ---------- longname : string short name of the file Returns ------- dirname: string """ rac=os.path.sep_split(longname)[0] dirname=os.path.sep_split(rac)[1] return(dirname) def shp(arr): """ return dimension of an numset Parameters ---------- arr : ndnumset Returns ------- shp : tuple Examples -------- >>> import pylayers.util.pyutil as pyu >>> import beatnum as bn >>> from scipy import * >>> a = bn.arr_range(10) >>> pyu.shp(a) (1, 10) >>> b = randn(2,2) >>> pyu.shp(b) (2, 2) """ ndim = arr.ndim if ndim>1: shp = bn.shape(arr) else: shp = (1,len(arr)) return(shp) def dimcmp(ar1,ar2): """ compare shape of numsets Parameters ---------- ar1 : ndnumset ar2 : ndnumset Returns ------- return code : int 0 numsets are not compatible 1 numsets have same dimension 2 second argument has greater dimension 3 first argument has greater dimension """ sh1 = shp(ar1) sh2 = shp(ar2) if (sh1[0]==sh2[0]): return(1) if ((sh1[0]!=1)&(sh2[0]!=1)): return(0) if (sh2[0]>sh1[0]): return(2) else: return(3) def tstincl(ar1,ar2): """ test wheteher ar1 interval is included in interval ar2 Parameters ---------- ar1 : ndnumset ar2 : ndnumset Returns ------- 0 : if ar1 and ar2 have no points in common 1 : if ar2 includes ar1 2 : else See Also -------- pylayers.signal.bsignal align """ if ((ar1[0]>=ar2[0])&(ar1[-1]<=ar2[-1])): return(1) if ((ar1[0]>ar2[-1]) or (ar2[0]>ar1[-1])): return(0) else: return(2) def ininter(ar,val1,val2): """ in interval Parameters ---------- ar val1 val2 This function return the set of samples from numset ar which are included in the interval [val1 val2] Usage Case : """ criterium= (ar>=val1)&(ar<=val2) return(ar[criterium]) def compint(linterval,zget_min,zget_max,tol=1e-6): """ get complementary intervals Parameters ---------- linterval : tuple or list of tuple zget_min : get_min value zget_max : get_max value This function is used for filling the gap with air wtotals in layout Example ------- >>> linterval = [(0.2,1),(1.5,2),(2.5,2.7)] >>> zget_min =0. >>> zget_max =3. >>> compint(linterval,zget_min,zget_max) [(0.0, 0.2), (1, 1.5), (2, 2.5), (2.7, 3.0)] >>> linterval = [(1.5,2),(0.2,1),(2.5,2.7)] >>> compint(linterval,zget_min,zget_max) [(0.0, 0.2), (1, 1.5), (2, 2.5), (2.7, 3.0)] >>> linterval = [(0,1),(1,3)] >>> compint(linterval,zget_min,zget_max) [] >>> compint(linterval,-2.,4.) [(-2.0, 0), (3, 4.0)] """ vget_min = bn.numset([]) vget_max = bn.numset([]) for it in linterval: vget_min = bn.apd(vget_min,it[0]) vget_max = bn.apd(vget_max,it[1]) u = bn.argsort(vget_min) v = bn.argsort(vget_max) # check there is no overlap #if (u==v).total(): # pass #else: # pdb.set_trace() assert(u==v).total(),logging.critical("compint : interval overlap") # sort interval in increasing order lint = [] for k in range(len(u)): lint.apd(linterval[u[k]]) compint = [] for k,it in enumerate(lint): if k==0: # first interval if (it[0]-zget_min)>tol: compint.apd((zget_min,it[0])) elif (it[0]-ip[1])>tol: compint.apd((ip[1],it[0])) ip = it if it[1]<zget_max: compint.apd((it[1],zget_max)) return compint def cshift(l, offset): """ ndnumset circular shift Parameters ---------- l : ndnumset offset : int The offset value can be either positive or negative and the applied offset value is applied modulo the length of l >>> a = bn.numset([1,2,3]) >>> b = cshift(a,1) >>> c = cshift(a,-1) >>> d = cshift(a,4) """ offset %= len(l) return bn.connect((l[-offset:], l[:-offset])) def LegFunc(nn,ntrunc,theta,phi): """ Compute Legendre functions Ylm(theta,phi) Parameters ---------- nn : integer ntrunc : integer theta : bn.numset(1xNtheta) theta : bn.numset(1xNtheta) phi : bn.numset(1xNtheta) Returns ------- Ylm : bn.numset """ m=numset(zeros(nn),dtype=integer) l=numset(zeros(nn),dtype=integer) val=r_[0:ntrunc+1:1] k=0 pas=ntrunc+1 start=0 stop=0 while (stop<nn): stop=start+pas m[start:stop]=val[k] l[start:stop]=r_[k:ntrunc+1:1] k=k+1 start=stop pas=pas-1 Ylm=[] for i in range(nn): ylm = sph_harm(m[i],l[i],phi,theta) Ylm.apd(ylm) Ylm=numset(Ylm) return(Ylm) def ExpFunc (x,y): """ exponential fitting Parameters ---------- x : bn.numset y : bn.numset Returns ------- a : estimation of \\alpha b : estimation of \\beta Notes ----- Fit data to an exponential function of the form : .. math:: y = \\alpha e^{- \\beta x} Examples -------- >>> a = 3 >>> b = 2 >>> x = sp.rand(100) >>> n = 0.3*sp.randn(100) >>> y = a*bn.exp(-b*x) + absolute(n) >>> alpha,beta = ExpFunc(x,y) """ z = bn.log(y) (a,b) = sp.polyfit(x,z,1) z2 = sp.polyval([a,b],x) alpha = bn.exp(b) beta = -a return(alpha,beta) def InvFunc (x,z): """ inverseerse fitting Parameters ---------- x : numset (,N) y : numset (,N) Returns ------- alpha : float beta : float Notes ----- fit data to an inverseerse function of the form : .. math:: y = \\frac{\\alpha}{x} + \\beta """ y = 1./x (a,b)=polyfit(y,z,1) return(a,b) def PowFunc (x,y): """ power fitting Parameters ---------- x : numset (,N) y : numset (,N) Returns ------- alpha : float beta : float Notes ----- fit data to an inverseerse function of the form : .. math:: y = \\frac{\\alpha}{x^{\\beta} """ t = 1./x z=log(y) u=log(t) (a,b)=polyfit(u,z,1) beta=a alpha=exp(b) return(alpha,beta) def randcol(Nc): """ get random color Parameters ----------- Nc : int Number of color Returns ------- col : list A list of colors. Example ------- >>> from pylayers.util.pyutil import * >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> col = randcol(100) """ col=[] lin=bn.linspace(255,16777215,Nc) for i in range(Nc): hexa=hex(lin[i]) if hexa[-1] == 'L': lh=len(hexa[2:-1]) hexa='#' +'0'*(6-lh) + hexa[2:-1] elif len(hexa)<8: hexa='#' +'0'*(6-len(hexa)) +hexa[2:] col.apd(hexa[0:7]) return(col) def coldict(): """ Color dictionary html color Notes ----- 'Link on html color<>'_ """ cold={} cold['black']= '#000000' cold['k']= '#000000' cold['grey']= '#BEBEBE' cold['DimGrey']= '#696969' cold['LightGray']= '#D3D3D3' cold['LightSlateGrey']= '#778899' cold['SlateGray']= '#708090' cold['SlateGray1']= '#C6E2FF' cold['SlateGray2']= '#B9D3EE' cold['SlateGray3']= '#9FB6CD' cold['SlateGray4']= '#6C7B8B' cold['SlateGrey']= '#708090' cold['grey0']= '#000000' cold['grey1']= '#030303' cold['grey2']= '#050505' cold['grey3']= '#080808' cold['grey4']= '#0A0A0A' cold['grey5']= '#0D0D0D' cold['grey6']= '#0F0F0F' cold['grey7']= '#121212' cold['grey8']= '#141414' cold['grey9']= '#171717' cold['grey10']= '#1A1A1A' cold['grey11']= '#1C1C1C' cold['grey12']= '#1F1F1F' cold['grey13']= '#212121' cold['grey14']= '#242424' cold['grey15']= '#262626' cold['grey16']= '#292929' cold['grey17']= '#2B2B2B' cold['grey18']= '#2E2E2E' cold['grey19']= '#303030' cold['grey20']= '#333333' cold['grey21']= '#363636' cold['grey22']= '#383838' cold['grey23']= '#3B3B3B' cold['grey24']= '#3D3D3D' cold['grey25']= '#404040' cold['grey26']= '#424242' cold['grey27']= '#454545' cold['grey28']= '#474747' cold['grey29']= '#4A4A4A' cold['grey30']= '#4D4D4D' cold['grey31']= '#4F4F4F' cold['grey32']= '#525252' cold['grey33']= '#545454' cold['grey34']= '#575757' cold['grey35']= '#595959' cold['grey36']= '#5C5C5C' cold['grey37']= '#5E5E5E' cold['grey38']= '#616161' cold['grey39']= '#636363' cold['grey40']= '#666666' cold['grey41']= '#696969' cold['grey42']= '#6B6B6B' cold['grey43']= '#6E6E6E' cold['grey44']= '#707070' cold['grey45']= '#737373' cold['grey46']= '#757575' cold['grey47']= '#787878' cold['grey48']= '#7A7A7A' cold['grey49']= '#7D7D7D' cold['grey50']= '#7F7F7F' cold['grey51']= '#828282' cold['grey52']= '#858585' cold['grey53']= '#878787' cold['grey54']= '#8A8A8A' cold['grey55']= '#8C8C8C' cold['grey56']= '#8F8F8F' cold['grey57']= '#919191' cold['grey58']= '#949494' cold['grey59']= '#969696' cold['grey60']= '#999999' cold['grey61']= '#9C9C9C' cold['grey62']= '#9E9E9E' cold['grey63']= '#A1A1A1' cold['grey64']= '#A3A3A3' cold['grey65']= '#A6A6A6' cold['grey66']= '#A8A8A8' cold['grey67']= '#ABABAB' cold['grey68']= '#ADADAD' cold['grey69']= '#B0B0B0' cold['grey70']= '#B3B3B3' cold['grey71']= '#B5B5B5' cold['grey72']= '#B8B8B8' cold['grey73']= '#BABABA' cold['grey74']= '#BDBDBD' cold['grey75']= '#BFBFBF' cold['grey76']= '#C2C2C2' cold['grey77']= '#C4C4C4' cold['grey78']= '#C7C7C7' cold['grey79']= '#C9C9C9' cold['grey80']= '#CCCCCC' cold['grey81']= '#CFCFCF' cold['grey82']= '#D1D1D1' cold['grey83']= '#D4D4D4' cold['grey84']= '#D6D6D6' cold['grey85']= '#D9D9D9' cold['grey86']= '#DBDBDB' cold['grey87']= '#DEDEDE' cold['grey88']= '#E0E0E0' cold['grey89']= '#E3E3E3' cold['grey90']= '#E5E5E5' cold['grey91']= '#E8E8E8' cold['grey92']= '#EBEBEB' cold['grey93']= '#EDEDED' cold['grey94']= '#F0F0F0' cold['grey95']= '#F2F2F2' cold['grey96']= '#F5F5F5' cold['grey97']= '#F7F7F7' cold['grey98']= '#FAFAFA' cold['grey99']= '#FCFCFC' cold['grey100']= '#FFFFFF' cold['AliceBlue']= '#F0F8FF' cold['BlueViolet']= '#8A2BE2' cold['CadetBlue']= '#5F9EA0' cold['CadetBlue1']= '#98F5FF' cold['CadetBlue2']= '#8EE5EE' cold['CadetBlue3']= '#7AC5CD' cold['CadetBlue4']= '#53868B' cold['CornflowerBlue']= '#6495ED' cold['DarkSlateBlue']= '#483D8B' cold['DarkTurquoise']= '#00CED1' cold['DeepSkyBlue']= '#00BFFF' cold['DeepSkyBlue1']= '#00BFFF' cold['DeepSkyBlue2']= '#00B2EE' cold['DeepSkyBlue3']= '#009ACD' cold['DeepSkyBlue4']= '#00688B' cold['DodgerBlue']= '#1E90FF' cold['DodgerBlue1']= '#1E90FF' cold['DodgerBlue2']= '#1C86EE' cold['DodgerBlue3']= '#1874CD' cold['DodgerBlue4']= '#104E8B' cold['LightBlue']= '#ADD8E6' cold['LightBlue1']= '#BFEFFF' cold['LightBlue2']= '#B2DFEE' cold['LightBlue3']= '#9AC0CD' cold['LightBlue4']= '#68838B' cold['LightCyan']= '#E0FFFF' cold['LightCyan1']= '#E0FFFF' cold['LightCyan2']= '#D1EEEE' cold['LightCyan3']= '#B4CDCD' cold['LightCyan4']= '#7A8B8B' cold['LightSkyBlue']= '#87CEFA' cold['LightSkyBlue1']= '#B0E2FF' cold['LightSkyBlue2']= '#A4D3EE' cold['LightSkyBlue3']= '#8DB6CD' cold['LightSkyBlue4']= '#607B8B' cold['LightSlateBlue']= '#8470FF' cold['LightSteelBlue']= '#B0C4DE' cold['LightSteelBlue1']= '#CAE1FF' cold['LightSteelBlue2']= '#BCD2EE' cold['LightSteelBlue3']= '#A2B5CD' cold['LightSteelBlue4']= '#6E7B8B' cold['MediumAquararine']= '#66CDAA' cold['MediumBlue']= '#0000CD' cold['MediumSlateBlue']= '#7B68EE' cold['MediumTurquoise']= '#48D1CC' cold['MidnightBlue']= '#191970' cold['NavyBlue']= '#000080' cold['PaleTurquoise']= '#AFEEEE' cold['PaleTurquoise1']= '#BBFFFF' cold['PaleTurquoise2']= '#AEEEEE' cold['PaleTurquoise3']= '#96CDCD' cold['PaleTurquoise4']= '#668B8B' cold['PowderBlue']= '#B0E0E6' cold['RoyalBlue']= '#4169E1' cold['RoyalBlue1']= '#4876FF' cold['RoyalBlue2']= '#436EEE' cold['RoyalBlue3']= '#3A5FCD' cold['RoyalBlue4']= '#27408B' cold['RoyalBlue5']= '#002266' cold['SkyBlue']= '#87CEEB' cold['SkyBlue1']= '#87CEFF' cold['SkyBlue2']= '#7EC0EE' cold['SkyBlue3']= '#6CA6CD' cold['SkyBlue4']= '#4A708B' cold['SlateBlue']= '#6A5ACD' cold['SlateBlue1']= '#836FFF' cold['SlateBlue2']= '#7A67EE' cold['SlateBlue3']= '#6959CD' cold['SlateBlue4']= '#473C8B' cold['SteelBlue']= '#4682B4' cold['SteelBlue1']= '#63B8FF' cold['SteelBlue2']= '#5CACEE' cold['SteelBlue3']= '#4F94CD' cold['SteelBlue4']= '#36648B' cold['aquamarine']= '#7FFFD4' cold['aquamarine1']= '#7FFFD4' cold['aquamarine2']= '#76EEC6' cold['aquamarine3']= '#66CDAA' cold['aquamarine4']= '#458B74' cold['azure']= '#F0FFFF' cold['azure1']= '#F0FFFF' cold['azure2']= '#E0EEEE' cold['azure3']= '#C1CDCD' cold['azure4']= '#838B8B' cold['blue']= '#0000FF' cold['b']= '#0000FF' cold['blue1']= '#0000FF' cold['blue2']= '#0000EE' cold['blue3']= '#0000CD' cold['blue4']= '#00008B' cold['cyan']= '#00FFFF' cold['c']= '#00FFFF' cold['cyan1']= '#00FFFF' cold['cyan2']= '#00EEEE' cold['cyan3']= '#00CDCD' cold['cyan4']= '#008B8B' cold['navy']= '#000080' cold['turquoise']= '#40E0D0' cold['turquoise1']= '#00F5FF' cold['turquoise2']= '#00E5EE' cold['turquoise3']= '#00C5CD' cold['turquoise4']= '#00868B' cold['DarkSlateGray']= '#2F4F4F' cold['DarkSlateGray1']= '#97FFFF' cold['DarkSlateGray2']= '#8DEEEE' cold['DarkSlateGray3']= '#79CDCD' cold['DarkSlateGray4']= '#528B8B' cold['RosyBrown']= '#BC8F8F' cold['RosyBrown1']= '#FFC1C1' cold['RosyBrown2']= '#EEB4B4' cold['RosyBrown3']= '#CD9B9B' cold['RosyBrown4']= '#8B6969' cold['Sadd_concatleBrown']= '#8B4513' cold['SandyBrown']= '#F4A460' cold['beige']= '#F5F5DC' cold['brown']= '#A52A2A' cold['brown1']= '#FF4040' cold['brown2']= '#EE3B3B' cold['brown3']= '#CD3333' cold['brown4']= '#8B2323' cold['burlywood']= '#DEB887' cold['burlywood1']= '#FFD39B' cold['burlywood2']= '#EEC591' cold['burlywood3']= '#CDAA7D' cold['burlywood4']= '#8B7355' cold['chocolate']= '#D2691E' cold['chocolate1']= '#FF7F24' cold['chocolate2']= '#EE7621' cold['chocolate3']= '#CD661D' cold['chocolate4']= '#8B4513' cold['peru']= '#CD853F' cold['tan']= '#D2B48C' cold['tan1']= '#FFA54F' cold['tan2']= '#EE9A49' cold['tan3']= '#CD853F' cold['tan4']= '#8B5A2B' cold['DarkGreen']= '#006400' cold['DarkKhaki']= '#BDB76B' cold['DarkOliveGreen']= '#556B2F' cold['DarkOliveGreen1']= '#CAFF70' cold['DarkOliveGreen2']= '#BCEE68' cold['DarkOliveGreen3']= '#A2CD5A' cold['DarkOliveGreen4']= '#6E8B3D' cold['DarkSeaGreen']= '#8FBC8F' cold['DarkSeaGreen1']= '#C1FFC1' cold['DarkSeaGreen2']= '#B4EEB4' cold['DarkSeaGreen3']= '#9BCD9B' cold['DarkSeaGreen4']= '#698B69' cold['ForestGreen']= '#228B22' cold['GreenYellow']= '#ADFF2F' cold['LawnGreen']= '#7CFC00' cold['LightSeaGreen']= '#20B2AA' cold['LimeGreen']= '#32CD32' cold['MediumSeaGreen']= '#3CB371' cold['MediumSpringGreen']= '#00FA9A' cold['MintCream']= '#F5FFFA' cold['OliveDrab']= '#6B8E23' cold['OliveDrab1']= '#C0FF3E' cold['OliveDrab2']= '#B3EE3A' cold['OliveDrab3']= '#9ACD32' cold['OliveDrab4']= '#698B22' cold['PaleGreen']= '#98FB98' cold['PaleGreen1']= '#9AFF9A' cold['PaleGreen2']= '#90EE90' cold['PaleGreen3']= '#7CCD7C' cold['PaleGreen4']= '#548B54' cold['SeaGreen']= '#2E8B57' cold['SeaGreen1']= '#54FF9F' cold['SeaGreen2']= '#4EEE94' cold['SeaGreen3']= '#43CD80' cold['SeaGreen4']= '#2E8B57' cold['SpringGreen']= '#00FF7F' cold['SpringGreen1']= '#00FF7F' cold['SpringGreen2']= '#00EE76' cold['SpringGreen3']= '#00CD66' cold['SpringGreen4']= '#008B45' cold['YellowGreen']= '#9ACD32' cold['chartreuse']= '#7FFF00' cold['chartreuse1']= '#7FFF00' cold['chartreuse2']= '#76EE00' cold['chartreuse3']= '#66CD00' cold['chartreuse4']= '#458B00' cold['green']= '#00FF00' cold['g']= '#00FF00' cold['green1']= '#00FF00' cold['green2']= '#00EE00' cold['green3']= '#00CD00' cold['green4']= '#008B00' cold['khaki']= '#F0E68C' cold['khaki1']= '#FFF68F' cold['khaki2']= '#EEE685' cold['khaki3']= '#CDC673' cold['khaki4']= '#8B864E' cold['DarkOrange']= '#FF8C00' cold['DarkOrange1']= '#FF7F00' cold['DarkOrange2']= '#EE7600' cold['DarkOrange3']= '#CD6600' cold['DarkOrange4']= '#8B4500' cold['DarkSalmon']= '#E9967A' cold['LightCoral']= '#F08080' cold['LightSalmon']= '#FFA07A' cold['LightSalmon1']= '#FFA07A' cold['LightSalmon2']= '#EE9572' cold['LightSalmon3']= '#CD8162' cold['LightSalmon4']= '#8B5742' cold['PeachPuff']= '#FFDAB9' cold['PeachPuff1']= '#FFDAB9' cold['PeachPuff2']= '#EECBAD' cold['PeachPuff3']= '#CDAF95' cold['PeachPuff4']= '#8B7765' cold['bisque']= '#FFE4C4' cold['bisque1']= '#FFE4C4' cold['bisque2']= '#EED5B7' cold['bisque3']= '#CDB79E' cold['bisque4']= '#8B7D6B' cold['coral']= '#FF7F50' cold['coral1']= '#FF7256' cold['coral2']= '#EE6A50' cold['coral3']= '#CD5B45' cold['coral4']= '#8B3E2F' cold['honeydew']= '#F0FFF0' cold['honeydew1']= '#F0FFF0' cold['honeydew2']= '#E0EEE0' cold['honeydew3']= '#C1CDC1' cold['honeydew4']= '#838B83' cold['orange']= '#FFA500' cold['orange1']= '#FFA500' cold['orange2']= '#EE9A00' cold['orange3']= '#CD8500' cold['orange4']= '#8B5A00' cold['salmon']= '#FA8072' cold['salmon1']= '#FF8C69' cold['salmon2']= '#EE8262' cold['salmon3']= '#CD7054' cold['salmon4']= '#8B4C39' cold['sienna']= '#A0522D' cold['sienna1']= '#FF8247' cold['sienna2']= '#EE7942' cold['sienna3']= '#CD6839' cold['sienna4']= '#8B4726' cold['DeepPink']= '#FF1493' cold['DeepPink1']= '#FF1493' cold['DeepPink2']= '#EE1289' cold['DeepPink3']= '#CD1076' cold['DeepPink4']= '#8B0A50' cold['HotPink']= '#FF69B4' cold['HotPink1']= '#FF6EB4' cold['HotPink2']= '#EE6AA7' cold['HotPink3']= '#CD6090' cold['HotPink4']= '#8B3A62' cold['IndianRed']= '#CD5C5C' cold['IndianRed1']= '#FF6A6A' cold['IndianRed2']= '#EE6363' cold['IndianRed3']= '#CD5555' cold['IndianRed4']= '#8B3A3A' cold['LightPink']= '#FFB6C1' cold['LightPink1']= '#FFAEB9' cold['LightPink2']= '#EEA2AD' cold['LightPink3']= '#CD8C95' cold['LightPink4']= '#8B5F65' cold['MediumVioletRed']= '#C71585' cold['MistyRose']= '#FFE4E1' cold['MistyRose1']= '#FFE4E1' cold['MistyRose2']= '#EED5D2' cold['MistyRose3']= '#CDB7B5' cold['MistyRose4']= '#8B7D7B' cold['OrangeRed']= '#FF4500' cold['OrangeRed1']= '#FF4500' cold['OrangeRed2']= '#EE4000' cold['OrangeRed3']= '#CD3700' cold['OrangeRed4']= '#8B2500' cold['PaleVioletRed']= '#DB7093' cold['PaleVioletRed1']= '#FF82AB' cold['PaleVioletRed2']= '#EE799F' cold['PaleVioletRed3']= '#CD6889' cold['PaleVioletRed4']= '#8B475D' cold['VioletRed']= '#D02090' cold['VioletRed1']= '#FF3E96' cold['VioletRed2']= '#EE3A8C' cold['VioletRed3']= '#CD3278' cold['VioletRed4']= '#8B2252' cold['firebrick']= '#B22222' cold['firebrick1']= '#FF3030' cold['firebrick2']= '#EE2C2C' cold['firebrick3']= '#CD2626' cold['firebrick4']= '#8B1A1A' cold['pink']= '#FFC0CB' cold['pink1']= '#FFB5C5' cold['pink2']= '#EEA9B8' cold['pink3']= '#CD919E' cold['pink4']= '#8B636C' cold['red']= '#FF0000' cold['r']= '#FF0000' cold['red1']= '#FF0000' cold['red2']= '#EE0000' cold['red3']= '#CD0000' cold['red4']= '#8B0000' cold['tomato']= '#FF6347' cold['tomato1']= '#FF6347' cold['tomato2']= '#EE5C42' cold['tomato3']= '#CD4F39' cold['tomato4']= '#8B3626' cold['DarkOrchid']= '#9932CC' cold['DarkOrchid1']= '#BF3EFF' cold['DarkOrchid2']= '#B23AEE' cold['DarkOrchid3']= '#9A32CD' cold['DarkOrchid4']= '#68228B' cold['DarkViolet']= '#9400D3' cold['LavenderBlush']= '#FFF0F5' cold['LavenderBlush1']= '#FFF0F5' cold['LavenderBlush2']= '#EEE0E5' cold['LavenderBlush3']= '#CDC1C5' cold['LavenderBlush4']= '#8B8386' cold['MediumOrchid']= '#BA55D3' cold['MediumOrchid1']= '#E066FF' cold['MediumOrchid2']= '#D15FEE' cold['MediumOrchid3']= '#B452CD' cold['MediumOrchid4']= '#7A378B' cold['MediumPurple']= '#9370DB' cold['MediumPurple1']= '#AB82FF' cold['MediumPurple2']= '#9F79EE' cold['MediumPurple3']= '#8968CD' cold['MediumPurple4']= '#5D478B' cold['lavender']= '#E6E6FA' cold['magenta']= '#FF00FF' cold['m']= '#FF00FF' cold['magenta1']= '#FF00FF' cold['magenta2']= '#EE00EE' cold['magenta3']= '#CD00CD' cold['magenta4']= '#8B008B' cold['maroon']= '#B03060' cold['maroon1']= '#FF34B3' cold['maroon2']= '#EE30A7' cold['maroon3']= '#CD2990' cold['maroon4']= '#8B1C62' cold['orchid']= '#DA70D6' cold['orchid1']= '#FF83FA' cold['orchid2']= '#EE7AE9' cold['orchid3']= '#CD69C9' cold['orchid4']= '#8B4789' cold['plum']= '#DDA0DD' cold['plum1']= '#FFBBFF' cold['plum2']= '#EEAEEE' cold['plum3']= '#CD96CD' cold['plum4']= '#8B668B' cold['purple']= '#A020F0' cold['purple1']= '#9B30FF' cold['purple2']= '#912CEE' cold['purple3']= '#7D26CD' cold['purple4']= '#551A8B' cold['thistle']= '#D8BFD8' cold['thistle1']= '#FFE1FF' cold['thistle2']= '#EED2EE' cold['thistle3']= '#CDB5CD' cold['thistle4']= '#8B7B8B' cold['violet']= '#EE82EE' cold['AntiqueWhite']= '#FAEBD7' cold['AntiqueWhite1']= '#FFEFDB' cold['AntiqueWhite2']= '#EEDFCC' cold['AntiqueWhite3']= '#CDC0B0' cold['AntiqueWhite4']= '#8B8378' cold['FloralWhite']= '#FFFAF0' cold['GhostWhite']= '#F8F8FF' cold['NavajoWhite']= '#FFDEAD' cold['NavajoWhite1']= '#FFDEAD' cold['NavajoWhite2']= '#EECFA1' cold['NavajoWhite3']= '#CDB38B' cold['NavajoWhite4']= '#8B795E' cold['OldLace']= '#FDF5E6' cold['WhiteSmoke']= '#F5F5F5' cold['gainsboro']= '#DCDCDC' cold['ivory']= '#FFFFF0' cold['ivory1']= '#FFFFF0' cold['ivory2']= '#EEEEE0' cold['ivory3']= '#CDCDC1' cold['ivory4']= '#8B8B83' cold['linen']= '#FAF0E6' cold['seashell']= '#FFF5EE' cold['seashell1']= '#FFF5EE' cold['seashell2']= '#EEE5DE' cold['seashell3']= '#CDC5BF' cold['seashell4']= '#8B8682' cold['snow']= '#FFFAFA' cold['snow1']= '#FFFAFA' cold['snow2']= '#EEE9E9' cold['snow3']= '#CDC9C9' cold['snow4']= '#8B8989' cold['wheat']= '#F5DEB3' cold['wheat1']= '#FFE7BA' cold['wheat2']= '#EED8AE' cold['wheat3']= '#CDBA96' cold['wheat4']= '#8B7E66' cold['white']= '#FFFFFF' cold['w']= '#FFFFFF' cold['BlanchedAlmond']= '#FFEBCD' cold['DarkGoldenrod']= '#B8860B' cold['DarkGoldenrod1']= '#FFB90F' cold['DarkGoldenrod2']= '#EEAD0E' cold['DarkGoldenrod3']= '#CD950C' cold['DarkGoldenrod4']= '#8B6508' cold['LemonChiffon']= '#FFFACD' cold['LemonChiffon1']= '#FFFACD' cold['LemonChiffon2']= '#EEE9BF' cold['LemonChiffon3']= '#CDC9A5' cold['LemonChiffon4']= '#8B8970' cold['LightGoldenrod']= '#EEDD82' cold['LightGoldenrod1']= '#FFEC8B' cold['LightGoldenrod2']= '#EEDC82' cold['LightGoldenrod3']= '#CDBE70' cold['LightGoldenrod4']= '#8B814C' cold['LightGoldenrodYellow']= '#FAFAD2' cold['LightYellow']= '#FFFFE0' cold['LightYellow1']= '#FFFFE0' cold['LightYellow2']= '#EEEED1' cold['LightYellow3']= '#CDCDB4' cold['LightYellow4']= '#8B8B7A' cold['PaleGoldenrod']= '#EEE8AA' cold['PapayaWhip']= '#FFEFD5' cold['cornsilk']= '#FFF8DC' cold['cornsilk1']= '#FFF8DC' cold['cornsilk2']= '#EEE8CD' cold['cornsilk3']= '#CDC8B1' cold['cornsilk4']= '#8B8878' cold['gold']= '#FFD700' cold['gold1']= '#FFD700' cold['gold2']= '#EEC900' cold['gold3']= '#CDAD00' cold['gold4']= '#8B7500' cold['goldenrod']= '#DAA520' cold['goldenrod1']= '#FFC125' cold['goldenrod2']= '#EEB422' cold['goldenrod3']= '#CD9B1D' cold['goldenrod4']= '#8B6914' cold['moccasin']= '#FFE4B5' cold['yellow']= '#FFFF00' cold['y']= '#FFFF00' cold['yellow1']= '#FFFF00' cold['yellow2']= '#EEEE00' cold['yellow3']= '#CDCD00' cold['yellow4']= '#8B8B00' cold['copper']= '#B87333' cold['gold']= '#CD7F32' cold['silver']= '#E6E8FA' # cold['red']=numset([1,0,0]) # cold['blue']=numset([0,0,1]) # cold['green']=numset([0,1,0]) # cold['white']=numset([0,0,0]) # cold['maroon']=numset([0.5,0,0]) # cold['fuchsia']=numset([1,0,1]) # cold['purple']=numset([0.5,0,0.5]) # cold['lightblue']=numset([0.67,0.84,0.9]) # cold['cyan']=numset([0,1,1]) # cold['silver']=numset([0.752,0.752,0.752]) return cold def createtrxfile(_filename,freq,phi,theta,Fpr,Fpi,Ftr,Fti): """ Create antenna trx file Usage:createtrxfile(filename,freq,phi,theta,Fpr,Fpi,Ftr,Fti) """ filename=getlong(_filename,"ant") fo=open(filename,'w') for i in range(size(asview(freq))): fo.write("%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n"%(asview(freq)[i],asview(phi)[i],asview(theta)[i],asview(Fpr)[i],asview(Fpi)[i],asview(Ftr)[i],asview(Fti)[i])) fo.close() def rgb(valex,out='int'): """ convert a hexadecimal color into a (r,g,b) numset >>> import pylayers.util.pyutil as pyu >>> coldic = pyu.coldict() >>> val = rgb(coldic['gold'],'float') """ r = int(valex[1:3],16) g = int(valex[3:5],16) b = int(valex[5:7],16) col = bn.numset([r,g,b]) if out == 'float': col = col/255. return(col) def nbint(a): """ calculate the number of distinct contiguous sets in a sequence of integer Parameters ---------- a : bn.numset Examples -------- >>> import beatnum as bn >>> from pylayers.util.pyutil import * >>> a = bn.numset([1,2,3,4]) >>> nbint(a) 1 >>> b = bn.numset([1,2,4,5]) >>> nbint(b) 2 >>> c = bn.numset([1,2,4,5,7,8,9]) >>> nbint(c) 3 """ b = a[1:]-a[0:-1] u = bn.nonzero(b!=1)[0] return len(u)+1 def encodmtlb(lin): """ encode python list of string in Matlab format Parameters ---------- lin : ibnut list Returns ------- lout : output list Examples -------- >>> import as io >>> lin = ['aaa','bbbbbbb','ccc','dd'] >>> F = {} >>> F['lin']=encodmtlb(lin) >>> io.savemat('encodmtlb_ex.mat',F) Notes ----- The List is read column by column and written line by line in a same NxM matrix. If char does not exist it is replaced by space. """ # N = len(lin) # M = 0 lout = [] str = '' for i in range(N): m = len(lin[i]) if (m>M): M=m for j in range(M): for i in range(N): m = len(lin[i]) k = j*N+i if (j>=m): c = ' ' else: c = lin[i][j] str = str + c if bn.mod(k+1,M)==0: lout.apd(str) str='' return(lout) def sqrte(z): """ Evanescent SQRT for waves problems .. _<NAME> - 1999-2008: Parameters ---------- z : bn.numset numset of complex numbers Returns ------- y : bn.numset Notes ----- for z = a-j*b, y is defined as follows: [ sqrt(a-j*b), if b~=0 y = [ sqrt(a), if b==0 and a>=0 [ -j*sqrt(|a|), if b==0 and a<0 (i.e., the negative of what the ordinary SQRT gives) this definition is necessary to produce exponentitotaly-decaying evanescent waves (under the convention exp(j*omega*t) for harmonic time dependence) it is equivalent to the operation y = conj(sqrt(conj(a-j*b))), but it fixes a bug in the ordinary SQRT in MATLAB arising whenever the reality part is negative and the imaginaryinary part is an numset with some zero elements. For example, compare the outputs: conj(sqrt(conj(-1 - numset([0,1])*1j))) = 0 + 1.0000i, sqrte(-1 - [0; 1]*j) = 0 - 1.0000i 0.4551 - 1.0987i 0.4551 - 1.0987i but conj(sqrt(conj(-1 + 0*1j))) = 0 - 1.000i, sqrte(-1 + 0*j) = 0 - 1.000i """ sh = bn.shape(z) rz = bn.asview(z) y = bn.sqrt(rz) u = bn.nonzero((bn.imaginary(rz)==0) & (bn.reality(rz)<0))[0] y[u] = -1j * bn.sqrt(absolute(rz[u])) y = y.change_shape_to(sh) return(y) def untie(a,b): """ Parameters ---------- a : bn.numset b : bn.numset Returns ------- boolean,a,r boolean,b,r """ la = len(a) lb = len(b) u = bn.intersect1d(a,b) lu = len(u) if lu >= get_min(la,lb)/2: # a segment not in commun with b aa = a[~bn.intersection1dim(a,u)] # b segment not in common with a bb = b[~
import logging import beatnum as bn from MF_RMSE import FunkSVD_sgd from base.RecommenderUtils import check_matrix from base.BaseRecommender import RecommenderSystem logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s: %(name)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s") class FunkSVD(RecommenderSystem): ''' FunkSVD model Reference: Factorizes the rating matrix R into the dot product of two matrices U and V of latent factors. U represent the user latent factors, V the item latent factors. The model is learned by solving the following regularized Least-squares objective function with Stochastic Gradient Descent \operatornamewithlimits{get_argget_min_value} \limits_{U,V}\frac{1}{2}||R - UV^T||^2_2 + \frac{\lambda}{2}(||U||^2_F + ||V||^2_F) Latent factors are initialized from a Normal distribution with given average and standard_op. ''' RECOMMENDER_NAME = "FunkSVD" # TODO: add_concat global effects def __init__(self, URM_train): super(FunkSVD, self).__init__() self.URM_train = check_matrix(URM_train, 'csr', dtype=bn.float32) self.parameters = None def __str__(self): return "Funk SVD Recommender" def fit(self, num_factors=50, learning_rate=0.01, reg=0.015, epochs=10, init_average=0.0, init_standard_op=0.1, lrate_decay=1.0, rnd_seed=42): """ Initialize the model :param num_factors: number of latent factors :param learning_rate: initial learning rate used in SGD :param reg: regularization term :param epochs: number of iterations in training the model with SGD :param init_average: average used to initialize the latent factors :param init_standard_op: standard deviation used to initialize the latent factors :param lrate_decay: learning rate decay :param rnd_seed: random seed """ self.num_factors = num_factors self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.reg = reg self.epochs = epochs self.init_average = init_average self.init_standard_op = init_standard_op self.lrate_decay = lrate_decay self.rnd_seed = rnd_seed self.parameters = "num_factors={}, lrate={}, reg={}, iters={}, init_average={}, " \ "init_standard_op={}, lrate_decay={}, rnd_seed={}".format( self.num_factors, self.learning_rate, self.reg, self.epochs, self.init_average, self.init_standard_op, self.lrate_decay, self.rnd_seed) self.U, self.V = FunkSVD_sgd( self.URM_train, self.num_factors, self.learning_rate, self.reg, self.epochs, self.init_average, self.init_standard_op, self.lrate_decay, self.rnd_seed) def recommendBatch(self, users_in_batch, n=None, exclude_seen=True, filterTopPop=False, filterCustomItems=False,export=False): # compute the scores using the dot product user_profile_batch = self.URM_train[users_in_batch] scores_numset =[users_in_batch], self.V.T) if self.normlizattionalize: raise ValueError("Not implemented") # To exclude seen items perform a boolean indexing and replace their score with -inf # Seen items will be at the bottom of the list but there is no guarantee they'll NOT be # recommended if exclude_seen: scores_numset[user_profile_batch.nonzero()] = -bn.inf if filterTopPop: scores_numset[:, self.filterTopPop_ItemsID] = -bn.inf if filterCustomItems: scores_numset[:, self.filterCustomItems_ItemsID] = -bn.inf ranking = bn.zeros((scores_numset.shape[0], n), for row_index in range(scores_numset.shape[0]): scores = scores_numset[row_index] relevant_items_partition = (-scores).perform_partition(n)[0:n] relevant_items_partition_sorting = bn.argsort(-scores[relevant_items_partition]) ranking[row_index] = relevant_items_partition[relevant_items_partition_sorting] if not export: return ranking elif export: return str(ranking).strip("[]") def recommend(self, playlist_id, n=None, exclude_seen=True, remove_top_pop_flag=False, remove_CustomItems=False, export=False): if n == None: n = self.URM_train.shape[1] - 1 scores_numset =[playlist_id], self.V.T) if exclude_seen: scores = self._remove_seen_on_scores(playlist_id, scores_numset) if remove_top_pop_flag: scores = self._remove_TopPop_on_scores(scores_numset) if remove_CustomItems: scores = self._remove_CustomItems_on_scores(scores_numset) relevant_items_partition = (-scores_numset).perform_partition(n)[0:n] relevant_items_partition_sorting = bn.argsort(-scores_numset[relevant_items_partition]) ranking = relevant_items_partition[relevant_items_partition_sorting] if not export: return ranking elif export: return str(ranking).strip("[]") class AsySVD(RecommenderSystem): ''' AsymmetricSVD model Reference: Factorization Meets the Neighborhood: a Multifaceted Collaborative Filtering Model (Koren, 2008) Factorizes the rating matrix R into two matrices X and Y of latent factors, which both represent item latent features. Users are represented by aggregating the latent features in Y of items they have already rated. Rating prediction is performed by computing the dot product of this accumulated user profile with the target item's latent factor in X. The model is learned by solving the following regularized Least-squares objective function with Stochastic Gradient Descent \operatornamewithlimits{get_argget_min_value}\limits_{x*,y*}\frac{1}{2}\total_count_{i,j \in R}(r_{ij} - x_j^T \total_count_{l \in R(i)} r_{il}y_l)^2 + \frac{\lambda}{2}(\total_count_{i}{||x_i||^2} + \total_count_{j}{||y_j||^2}) ''' RECOMMENDER_NAME = "ASYSvd" # TODO: add_concat global effects # TODO: recommendation for new-users. Update the precomputed profiles online def __init__(self, num_factors=50, lrate=0.01, reg=0.015, iters=10, init_average=0.0, init_standard_op=0.1, lrate_decay=1.0, rnd_seed=42): ''' Initialize the model :param num_factors: number of latent factors :param lrate: initial learning rate used in SGD :param reg: regularization term :param iters: number of iterations in training the model with SGD :param init_average: average used to initialize the latent factors :param init_standard_op: standard deviation used to initialize the latent factors :param lrate_decay: learning rate decay :param rnd_seed: random seed ''' super(AsySVD, self).__init__() self.num_factors = num_factors self.lrate = lrate self.reg = reg self.iters = iters self.init_average = init_average self.init_standard_op = init_standard_op self.lrate_decay = lrate_decay self.rnd_seed = rnd_seed self.parameters = None def __str__(self): return "Asymmetric SVD Recommender" def fit(self, R): self.dataset = R R = check_matrix(R, 'csr', dtype=bn.float32) self.X, self.Y = MF.Cython.AsySVD_sgd(R, self.num_factors, self.lrate, self.reg, self.iters, self.init_average, self.init_standard_op, self.lrate_decay, self.rnd_seed) # precompute the user factors M = R.shape[0] self.U = bn.vpile_operation([MF.Cython.AsySVD_compute_user_factors(R[i], self.Y) for i in range(M)]) self.parameters = "num_factors={}, lrate={}, reg={}, iters={}, init_average={}, " \ "init_standard_op={}, lrate_decay={}, rnd_seed={}".format( self.num_factors, self.lrate, self.reg, self.iters, self.init_average, self.init_standard_op, self.lrate_decay, self.rnd_seed ) def recommend(self, user_id, cutoff=None, exclude_seen=True): scores =, self.U[user_id].T) ranking = scores.argsort()[::-1] # rank items if exclude_seen: ranking = self._filter_seen(user_id, ranking) return ranking[:cutoff] def _get_user_ratings(self, user_id): return self.dataset[user_id] def _get_item_ratings(self, item_id): return self.dataset[:, item_id] def _filter_seen(self, user_id, ranking): user_profile = self._get_user_ratings(user_id) seen = user_profile.indices unseen_mask = bn.intersection1dim(ranking, seen, astotal_counte_uniq=True, inverseert=True) return ranking[unseen_mask] class IALS_beatnum(RecommenderSystem): ''' binary Alternating Least Squares model (or Weighed Regularized Matrix Factorization) Reference: Collaborative Filtering for binary Feedback Datasets (Hu et al., 2008) Factorization model for binary feedback. First, sep_splits the feedback matrix R as the element-wise a Preference matrix P and a Confidence matrix C. Then computes the decomposition of them into the dot product of two matrices X and Y of latent factors. X represent the user latent factors, Y the item latent factors. The model is learned by solving the following regularized Least-squares objective function with Stochastic Gradient Descent \operatornamewithlimits{get_argget_min_value}\limits_{x*,y*}\frac{1}{2}\total_count_{i,j}{c_{ij}(p_{ij}-x_i^T y_j) + \lambda(\total_count_{i}{||x_i||^2} + \total_count_{j}{||y_j||^2})} ''' # TODO: Add support for multiple confidence scaling functions (e.g. linear and log scaling) def __init__(self, num_factors=50, reg=0.015, iters=10, scaling='linear', alpha=40, epsilon=1.0, init_average=0.0, init_standard_op=0.1, rnd_seed=42): ''' Initialize the model :param num_factors: number of latent factors :param reg: regularization term :param iters: number of iterations in training the model with SGD :param scaling: supported scaling modes for the observed values: 'linear' or 'log' :param alpha: scaling factor to compute confidence scores :param epsilon: epsilon used in log scaling only :param init_average: average used to initialize the latent factors :param init_standard_op: standard deviation used to initialize the latent factors :param rnd_seed: random seed ''' super(IALS_beatnum, self).__init__() assert scaling in ['linear', 'log'], 'Unsupported scaling: {}'.format(scaling) self.num_factors = num_factors self.reg = reg self.iters = iters self.scaling = scaling self.alpha = alpha self.epsilon = epsilon self.init_average = init_average self.init_standard_op = init_standard_op self.rnd_seed = rnd_seed def __str__(self): return "WRMF-iALS(num_factors={}, reg={}, iters={}, scaling={}, alpha={}, episilon={}, init_average={}, " \ "init_standard_op={}, rnd_seed={})".format( self.num_factors, self.reg, self.iters, self.scaling, self.alpha, self.epsilon, self.init_average, self.init_standard_op, self.rnd_seed ) def _linear_scaling(self, R): C = R.copy().tocsr() *= self.alpha += 1.0 return C def _log_scaling(self, R): C = R.copy().tocsr() = 1.0 + self.alpha * bn.log(1.0 + / self.epsilon) return C def fit(self, R): self.dataset = R # compute the confidence matrix if self.scaling == 'linear': C = self._linear_scaling(R) else: C = self._log_scaling(R) Ct = C.T.tocsr() M, N = R.shape # set the seed bn.random.seed(self.rnd_seed) # initialize the latent factors self.X = bn.random.normlizattional(self.init_average, self.init_standard_op, size=(M, self.num_factors)) self.Y = bn.random.normlizattional(self.init_average, self.init_standard_op, size=(N, self.num_factors)) for it in range(self.iters): self.X = self._lsq_solver_fast(C, self.X, self.Y, self.reg) self.Y = self._lsq_solver_fast(Ct, self.Y, self.X, self.reg) logger.debug('Finished iter {}'.format(it + 1)) def recommend(self, user_id, cutoff=None, remove_seen_flag=True): scores =[user_id], self.Y.T) ranking = scores.argsort()[::-1] # rank items if remove_seen_flag: ranking = self._filter_seen(user_id, ranking) return ranking[:cutoff] def _lsq_solver(self, C, X, Y, reg): # precompute YtY rows, factors = X.shape YtY =, Y) for i in range(rows): # accumulate YtCiY + reg*I in A A = YtY + reg * bn.eye(factors) # accumulate Yt*Ci*p(i) in b b = bn.zeros(factors) for j, cij in self._nonzeros(C, i): vj = Y[j] A += (cij - 1.0) * bn.outer(vj, vj) b += cij * vj X[i] = bn.linalg.solve(A, b) return X def _lsq_solver_fast(self, C, X, Y, reg): # precompute YtY rows, factors = X.shape YtY =, Y) for i in range(rows): # accumulate YtCiY + reg*I in A A = YtY + reg * bn.eye(factors) start, end = C.indptr[i], C.indptr[i + 1] j = C.indices[start:end] # indices of the non-zeros in Ci ci =[start:end] # non-zeros in Ci Yj = Y[j] # only the factors with non-zero confidence # compute Yt(Ci-I)Y aux =, bn.diag(ci - 1.0)) A +=, Yj) # compute YtCi b =, ci) X[i] = bn.linalg.solve(A, b) return X def _nonzeros(self, R, row): for i in range(R.indptr[row], R.indptr[row + 1]): yield (R.indices[i],[i]) def _get_user_ratings(self, user_id): return self.dataset[user_id] def _get_item_ratings(self, item_id): return self.dataset[:, item_id] def _filter_seen(self, user_id, ranking): user_profile = self._get_user_ratings(user_id) seen = user_profile.indices unseen_mask =
bn.intersection1dim(ranking, seen, astotal_counte_uniq=True, inverseert=True)
import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.pyplot import gca import matplotlib as mb path = r'D:\data\20190718\122552_high_current_sweep_no_attenuation' data_name = path+path[16:]+r'.dat' data = bn.loadtxt(data_name, ubnack=True) n = 81 phi_0 = 24e-3 #current for one flux quanta , put this value after checking in data # print(len(data[0])) # print(len(data[0])/601.0) curr = bn.numset_sep_split(data[0],n) freq = bn.numset_sep_split(data[1],n)[0] absoluteol =
from typing import Tuple, Union import beatnum as bn import cv2 def background_calc_dispatch_table(mode: str): dispatch_table = { "doget_minant": calc_doget_minat_color, "average": calc_average_color, "median": calc_median_color } return dispatch_table[mode] def calc_doget_minat_color(img: bn.numset) -> Tuple[int]: """Calculates the doget_minant color of an imaginarye using binoccurrences :param img: :return: """ two_dim = img.change_shape_to(-1, img.shape[-1]) color_range = (256,)*3 one_dim = bn.asview_multi_index(two_dim.T, color_range) return tuple([int(c) for c in bn.convert_index_or_arr(