6 values
1 value
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# This is the default format. # For more see: http://jekyllrb.com/docs/permalinks/ permalink: /:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title exclude: [".rvmrc", ".rbenv-version", "README.md", "Rakefile", "changelog.md"] highlighter: rouge # Themes are encouraged to use these universal variables # so be sure to set them if your theme uses them. # title : Cooking Python in Emacs tagline: Python, Emacs, literate programming, mental athletics author : name : Anton S. Kosinov email : [email protected] github : 0--key # The production_url is only used when full-domain names are needed # such as sitemap.txt # Most places will/should use BASE_PATH to make the urls # # If you have set a CNAME (pages.github.com) set your custom domain here. # Else if you are pushing to username.github.io, replace with your username. # Finally if you are pushing to a GitHub project page, include the project name at the end. # production_url : http://0--key.github.io gems: ["jekyll-sitemap"] # All Jekyll-Bootstrap specific configurations are namespaced into this hash # JB : version : 0.3.0 # All links will be namespaced by BASE_PATH if defined. # Links in your website should always be prefixed with {{BASE_PATH}} # however this value will be dynamically changed depending on your deployment situation. # # CNAME (http://yourcustomdomain.com) # DO NOT SET BASE_PATH # (urls will be prefixed with "/" and work relatively) # # GitHub Pages (http://username.github.io) # DO NOT SET BASE_PATH # (urls will be prefixed with "/" and work relatively) # # GitHub Project Pages (http://username.github.io/project-name) # # A GitHub Project site exists in the `gh-pages` branch of one of your repositories. # REQUIRED! Set BASE_PATH to: http://username.github.io/project-name # # CAUTION: # - When in Localhost, your site will run from root "/" regardless of BASE_PATH # - Only the following values are falsy: ["", null, false] # - When setting BASE_PATH it must be a valid url. # This means always setting the protocol (http|https) or prefixing with "/" BASE_PATH : false # By default, the asset_path is automatically defined relative to BASE_PATH plus the enabled theme. # ex: [BASE_PATH]/assets/themes/[THEME-NAME] # # Override this by defining an absolute path to assets here. # ex: # http://s3.amazonaws.com/yoursite/themes/watermelon # /assets # ASSET_PATH : false # These paths are to the main pages Jekyll-Bootstrap ships with. # Some JB helpers refer to these paths; change them here if needed. # archive_path: /archive.html categories_path : /categories.html tags_path : /tags.html atom_path : /atom.xml rss_path : /rss.xml # Settings for comments helper # Set 'provider' to the comment provider you want to use. # Set 'provider' to false to turn commenting off globally. # comments : provider : disqus disqus : short_name : 0-key-github-io livefyre : site_id : 123 intensedebate : account : 123abc facebook : appid : 123 num_posts: 5 width: 580 colorscheme: light duoshuo : short_name : jekyllbootstrap # Settings for analytics helper # Set 'provider' to the analytics provider you want to use. # Set 'provider' to false to turn analytics off globally. # analytics : provider : google gauges : site_id : 'SITE ID' google : tracking_id : 'UA-83131318-1' getclicky : site_id : mixpanel : token : '_MIXPANEL_TOKEN_' piwik : baseURL : 'myserver.tld/piwik' # Piwik installation address (without protocol) idsite : '1' # the id of the site on Piwik # Settings for sharing helper. # Sharing is for things like tweet, plusone, like, reddit buttons etc. # Set 'provider' to the sharing provider you want to use. # Set 'provider' to false to turn sharing off globally. # sharing : provider : false # Settings for all other include helpers can be defined by creating # a hash with key named for the given helper. ex: # # pages_list : # provider : "custom" # # Setting any helper's provider to 'custom' will bypass the helper code # and include your custom code. Your custom file must be defined at: # ./_includes/custom/[HELPER] # where [HELPER] is the name of the helper you are overriding.
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
application: ae-04-template version: 1 runtime: python api_version: 1 handlers: - url: /.* script: index.py
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
application: ovivogae version: c03 runtime: python27 api_version: 1 threadsafe: yes builtins: - remote_api: on handlers: - url: /static static_dir: static - url: /sitemap.xml script: sitemap.application - url: /vikarbureau/.* script: vikar.application - url: /tag/.* script: vikar.application - url: /concept script: concept.application - url: /.* script: index.application libraries: - name: jinja2 version: latest - name: markupsafe version: latest - name: django version: latest
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Autogenerated bulkloader.yaml file. # You must edit this file before using it. TODO: Remove this line when done. # At a minimum address the items marked with TODO: # * Fill in connector and connector_options # * Review the property_map. # - Ensure the 'external_name' matches the name of your CSV column, # XML tag, etc. # - Check that __key__ property is what you want. Its value will become # the key name on import, and on export the value will be the Key # object. If you would like automatic key generation on import and # omitting the key on export, you can remove the entire __key__ # property from the property map. # If you have module(s) with your model classes, add them here. Also # change the kind properties to model_class. python_preamble: - import: base64 - import: re - import: google.appengine.ext.bulkload.transform - import: google.appengine.ext.bulkload.bulkloader_wizard - import: google.appengine.ext.db - import: google.appengine.api.datastore - import: google.appengine.api.users - import: upload_converter transformers: - kind: Company connector: csv property_map: - property: company_name external_name: company_name - property: company_n_fractions external_name: company_name - property: company_site_url external_name: company_site_url - property: short_description external_name: short_description import_transform: db.Text - property: sh_d_fractions external_name: short_description import_transform: db.Text - property: phone external_name: phone - property: phone_type external_name: phone_type - property: gen_description external_name: gen_description import_transform: db.Text - property: gen_d_fractions external_name: gen_description import_transform: db.Text - property: description_headers external_name: description_headers - property: description_paragraph external_name: description_paragraphs import_transform: db.Text - property: description_p_fractions external_name: description_headers - property: tags external_name: tags import_transform: db.Text - property: category external_name: category - property: address external_name: address - property: postal_code external_name: address - property: city external_name: address - property: city_fractions external_name: address - property: country external_name: address - property: continent external_name: address post_import_function: upload_converter.post_import_transformations - kind: Description connector: csv property_map: - property: company external_name: company_name - property: headers external_name: description_headers # import_transform: upload_converter.split_into_list - property: paragraph external_name: description_paragraphs import_transform: db.Text post_import_function: upload_converter.description_processing - kind: City connector: csv property_map: - property: city external_name: address post_import_function: upload_converter.unique_cities
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
application: clock version: 1 runtime: python api_version: 1 handlers: - url: /static static_dir: static - url: /.* script: main.py
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
application: ae-08-login version: 1 runtime: python api_version: 1 handlers: - url: /static static_dir: static - url: /.* script: index.py
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
application: valuesets version: a07 runtime: python api_version: 1 handlers: - url: /static static_dir: static - url: /xml/.* script: xml.py - url: /uploadadmin/.* script: csv_upload.py - url: /autocomplete/.* script: autocomplete.py - url: /.* script: medhelper.py
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
application: ae-05-template version: 1 runtime: python api_version: 1 handlers: - url: /static static_dir: static - url: /.* script: index.py
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
application: ae-01-trivial version: 1 runtime: python api_version: 1 handlers: - url: /.* script: index.py
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
application: ae-03-guess version: 1 runtime: python api_version: 1 handlers: - url: /.* script: index.py
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
application: ae-03-trivial version: 1 runtime: python api_version: 1 handlers: - url: /.* script: index.py
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
application: ae-01-guess version: 1 runtime: python api_version: 1 handlers: - url: /.* script: index.py
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
application: python-server-test version: 1 runtime: python27 api_version: 1 threadsafe: yes handlers: - url: /favicon\.ico static_files: favicon.ico upload: favicon\.ico - url: .* script: main.application libraries: - name: webapp2 version: "2.5.2"
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
indexes: # AUTOGENERATED # This index.yaml is automatically updated whenever the dev_appserver # detects that a new type of query is run. If you want to manage the # index.yaml file manually, remove the above marker line (the line # saying "# AUTOGENERATED"). If you want to manage some indexes # manually, move them above the marker line. The index.yaml file is # automatically uploaded to the admin console when you next deploy # your application using appcfg.py. - kind: Placebo properties: - name: category_words - name: concept_words - name: developer - name: OID - kind: Placebo properties: - name: category_words - name: concept_words - name: taxonomy_words - name: OID - kind: Placebo properties: - name: category_words - name: developer - name: OID - kind: Placebo properties: - name: category_words - name: developer - name: taxonomy_words - name: OID - kind: Placebo properties: - name: concept_words - name: developer - name: OID - kind: Placebo properties: - name: concept_words - name: developer - name: taxonomy_words - name: OID - kind: Placebo properties: - name: developer - name: taxonomy_words - name: OID
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: GM4_UndeadPlayers main: co.gm4.GM4_UndeadPlayers.GM4_UndeadPlayers author: OSX version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
zombieName: Undead Player canPickUpItems: true nameTagVisible: true canDespawn: false accomplishedPlayers:
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: SuperSmelter main: com.axeldios.SuperSmelter.SuperSmelter version: 2.1c author: AxelDios website: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/supersmelter/ soft-depend: [Vault] commands: ss: description: SuperSmelter Commands usage: /ss give {player} {type} permissions: supersmelter.1.craft: description: Craft Type I SuperSmelters default: op supersmelter.1.place: description: Place Type I SuperSmelters default: false supersmelter.1.use: description: Use Type I SuperSmelters default: false supersmelter.1.buy: description: Buy Type I SuperSmelters default: false supersmelter.2.craft: description: Craft Type II SuperSmelters default: op supersmelter.2.place: description: Place Type II SuperSmelters default: false supersmelter.2.use: description: Use Type II SuperSmelters default: false supersmelter.2.buy: description: Buy Type II SuperSmelters default: false supersmelter.3.craft: description: Craft Type III SuperSmelters default: op supersmelter.3.place: description: Place Type III SuperSmelters default: false supersmelter.3.use: description: Use Type III SuperSmelters default: false supersmelter.3.buy: description: Buy Type III SuperSmelters default: false supersmelter.give: description: Give Command default: op supersmelter.sell: description: Ability to setup frame shops default: op
[ "WTFPL" ]
[ "WTFPL" ]
[ "WTFPL" ]
sudo: required language: bash services: docker before_install: - docker login -u="$DOCKER_USERNAME" -p="$DOCKER_PASSWORD" install: - sudo curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metowolf/docker-builder/master/scripts/publish.sh -o /usr/local/bin/docker-publish - sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-publish script: - | ( set -Eeuo pipefail set -x docker build -t travis . if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" ]; then image_version=`cat package.json | grep 'version' | awk -F '"' '{print $4}'` if [ ! "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = "master" ]; then image_version="${image_version}-dev" fi docker-publish travis metowolf/bilibilihelper:${image_version} 2 fi ) after_script: - docker images
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
name: Packages on: push: branches: - master paths: - 'packages/**' pull_request: paths: - 'packages/**' jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest env: ANDROID_HOME: "/opt/termux/android-sdk" NDK: "/opt/termux/android-ndk" strategy: matrix: target_arch: [aarch64, arm, i686, x86_64] steps: - name: Clone repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 1000 - name: Free additional disk space on host run: | sudo apt purge -yq $(dpkg -l | grep '^ii' | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep -P '(cabal-|dotnet-|ghc-|libmono|php)') \ liblldb-6.0 libllvm6.0:amd64 mono-runtime-common monodoc-manual powershell ruby sudo apt autoremove -yq - name: Build run: | BASE_COMMIT=$(jq --raw-output .pull_request.base.sha "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH") OLD_COMMIT=$(jq --raw-output .commits[0].id "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH") HEAD_COMMIT=$(jq --raw-output .commits[-1].id "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH") if [ "$BASE_COMMIT" = "null" ]; then if [ "$OLD_COMMIT" = "$HEAD_COMMIT" ]; then # Single-commit push. echo "Processing commit: ${HEAD_COMMIT}" CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r "${HEAD_COMMIT}") else # Multi-commit push. OLD_COMMIT="${OLD_COMMIT}~1" echo "Processing commit range: ${OLD_COMMIT}..${HEAD_COMMIT}" CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r "${OLD_COMMIT}" "${HEAD_COMMIT}") fi else # Pull requests. echo "Processing pull request #$(jq --raw-output .pull_request.number "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH"): ${BASE_COMMIT}..HEAD" CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r "${BASE_COMMIT}" "HEAD") fi mkdir -p ./artifacts ./debs # Process tag '%ci:no-build' that may be added as line to commit message. # Forces CI to cancel current build with status 'passed'. if grep -qiP '^\s*%ci:no-build\s*$' <(git log --format="%B" -n 1 "HEAD"); then echo "[!] Force exiting as tag '%ci:no-build' was applied to HEAD commit message." exit 0 fi # Remove duplicates and deleted packages from $PACKAGE_NAMES. # Write names of deleted packages to a list that will be passed to upload job for # further processing. PACKAGE_NAMES=$(sed -nE 's@^packages/([^/]*)/([^/]*)(/.*)?$@\1@p' <<< "$CHANGED_FILES" | sort | uniq) for pkg in $PACKAGE_NAMES; do if [ ! -d "./packages/${pkg}" ]; then PACKAGE_NAMES=$(sed -E "s/(^|\s\s*)${pkg}(\$|\s\s*)/ /g" <<< "$PACKAGE_NAMES") echo "$pkg" >> ./deleted_packages.txt fi done # Remove trailing spaces. PACKAGE_NAMES=$(sed 's/[[:blank:]]*$//' <<< "$PACKAGE_NAMES") # Process added or updated packages. Create a list of packages for further processing # in upload job. if [ -n "$PACKAGE_NAMES" ]; then ./scripts/lint-packages.sh $(echo "$PACKAGE_NAMES" | grep -P '^[a-zA-Z0-9]' | awk '{ print "./packages/"$0"/build.sh" }') ./start-builder.sh ./build-package.sh -a ${{ matrix.target_arch }} -I ${PACKAGE_NAMES} echo "${PACKAGE_NAMES}" > ./built_packages.txt fi test -d ./termux-packages/debs && mv ./termux-packages/debs/* ./debs/ # Put package lists into directory with *.deb files so they will be transferred to # upload job. test -f ./built_packages.txt && mv ./built_packages.txt ./debs/ test -f ./deleted_packages.txt && mv ./deleted_packages.txt ./debs/ # Files containing certain symbols (e.g. ":") will cause failure in actions/upload-artifact. # Archiving *.deb files in a tarball to avoid issues with uploading. tar cf artifacts/debs-${{ matrix.target_arch }}-${{ github.sha }}.tar debs - name: Checksums for built *.deb files run: | find debs -type f -name "*.deb" -exec sha256sum "{}" \; | sort -k2 - name: Store *.deb files uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: game-packages-${{ github.sha }} path: ./artifacts upload: if: github.event_name != 'pull_request' needs: build runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Clone repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Get *.deb files uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: game-packages-${{ github.sha }} path: ./ - name: Upload to bintray.com env: BINTRAY_USERNAME: grimler BINTRAY_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.BINTRAY_API_KEY }} BINTRAY_GPG_PASSPHRASE: ${{ secrets.BINTRAY_GPG_PASSWORD }} run: | for i in debs-*.tar; do tar xf $i done TO_DELETE=$(test -f ./debs/deleted_packages.txt && cat ./debs/deleted_packages.txt || true) if [ -n "$TO_DELETE" ]; then ./scripts/package_uploader.sh -d $TO_DELETE fi TO_UPLOAD=$(test -f ./debs/built_packages.txt && cat ./debs/built_packages.txt || true) if [ -n "$TO_UPLOAD" ]; then ./scripts/package_uploader.sh -p ./debs $TO_UPLOAD fi - name: Setup ssh key and known_hosts env: SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh_agent.sock run: | mkdir -p ~/.ssh echo "${{ secrets.KNOWN_HOST_ENTRY }}" >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts ssh-agent -a $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ssh-add - <<< "${{ secrets.SSHKEY }}" - name: Upload to grimler.se env: SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh_agent.sock run: | # Zip the deb archives to only do one transfer to the repo. # This makes it easier to parse it, we can run one update job # instead of one for each arch on the server. archive="game-packages-${{ github.sha }}.zip" zip $archive debs-*-${{ github.sha }}.tar sftp -P ${{ secrets.PORT }} ${{ secrets.USER }}@grimler.se <<EOF put $archive /debs/ EOF
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
name: Packages on: push: branches: - master paths: - 'packages/**' pull_request: paths: - 'packages/**' jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest env: ANDROID_HOME: "/opt/termux/android-sdk" NDK: "/opt/termux/android-ndk" strategy: matrix: target_arch: [aarch64, arm, i686, x86_64] steps: - name: Clone repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 1000 - name: Free additional disk space on host run: | sudo apt purge -yq $(dpkg -l | grep '^ii' | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep -P '(cabal-|dotnet-|ghc-|libmono|php)') \ liblldb-6.0 libllvm6.0:amd64 mono-runtime-common monodoc-manual powershell ruby sudo apt autoremove -yq - name: Build run: | BASE_COMMIT=$(jq --raw-output .pull_request.base.sha "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH") OLD_COMMIT=$(jq --raw-output .commits[0].id "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH") HEAD_COMMIT=$(jq --raw-output .commits[-1].id "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH") if [ "$BASE_COMMIT" = "null" ]; then if [ "$OLD_COMMIT" = "$HEAD_COMMIT" ]; then # Single-commit push. echo "Processing commit: ${HEAD_COMMIT}" CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r "${HEAD_COMMIT}") else # Multi-commit push. OLD_COMMIT="${OLD_COMMIT}~1" echo "Processing commit range: ${OLD_COMMIT}..${HEAD_COMMIT}" CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r "${OLD_COMMIT}" "${HEAD_COMMIT}") fi else # Pull requests. echo "Processing pull request #$(jq --raw-output .pull_request.number "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH"): ${BASE_COMMIT}..HEAD" CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r "${BASE_COMMIT}" "HEAD") fi mkdir -p ./artifacts ./debs # Process tag '%ci:no-build' that may be added as line to commit message. # Forces CI to cancel current build with status 'passed'. if grep -qiP '^\s*%ci:no-build\s*$' <(git log --format="%B" -n 1 "HEAD"); then echo "[!] Force exiting as tag '%ci:no-build' was applied to HEAD commit message." exit 0 fi # Remove duplicates and deleted packages from $PACKAGE_NAMES. # Write names of deleted packages to a list that will be passed to upload job for # further processing. PACKAGE_NAMES=$(sed -nE 's@^packages/([^/]*)/([^/]*)(/.*)?$@\1@p' <<< "$CHANGED_FILES" | sort | uniq) for pkg in $PACKAGE_NAMES; do if [ ! -d "./packages/${pkg}" ]; then PACKAGE_NAMES=$(sed -E "s/(^|\s\s*)${pkg}(\$|\s\s*)/ /g" <<< "$PACKAGE_NAMES") echo "$pkg" >> ./deleted_packages.txt fi done # Remove trailing spaces. PACKAGE_NAMES=$(sed 's/[[:blank:]]*$//' <<< "$PACKAGE_NAMES") # Process added or updated packages. Create a list of packages for further processing # in upload job. if [ -n "$PACKAGE_NAMES" ]; then ./scripts/lint-packages.sh $(echo "$PACKAGE_NAMES" | grep -P '^[a-zA-Z0-9]' | awk '{ print "./packages/"$0"/build.sh" }') ./start-builder.sh ./build-package.sh -a ${{ matrix.target_arch }} -I ${PACKAGE_NAMES} echo "${PACKAGE_NAMES}" > ./built_packages.txt fi test -d ./termux-packages/debs && mv ./termux-packages/debs/* ./debs/ # Put package lists into directory with *.deb files so they will be transferred to # upload job. test -f ./built_packages.txt && mv ./built_packages.txt ./debs/ test -f ./deleted_packages.txt && mv ./deleted_packages.txt ./debs/ # Files containing certain symbols (e.g. ":") will cause failure in actions/upload-artifact. # Archiving *.deb files in a tarball to avoid issues with uploading. tar cf artifacts/debs-${{ matrix.target_arch }}.tar debs - name: Store *.deb files uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1 with: name: termux-root-packages path: ./artifacts upload: if: github.event_name != 'pull_request' needs: build runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Clone repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Get *.deb files uses: actions/download-artifact@v1 with: name: termux-root-packages path: ./ - name: Upload to bintray.com env: BINTRAY_USERNAME: grimler BINTRAY_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.BINTRAY_API_KEY }} BINTRAY_GPG_PASSPHRASE: ${{ secrets.BINTRAY_GPG_PASSWORD }} run: | for i in debs-*.tar; do tar xf $i done TO_DELETE=$(test -f ./debs/deleted_packages.txt && cat ./debs/deleted_packages.txt || true) if [ -n "$TO_DELETE" ]; then ./scripts/package_uploader.sh -d $TO_DELETE fi TO_UPLOAD=$(test -f ./debs/built_packages.txt && cat ./debs/built_packages.txt || true) if [ -n "$TO_UPLOAD" ]; then ./scripts/package_uploader.sh -p ./debs $TO_UPLOAD fi - name: Setup ssh key and known_hosts env: SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh_agent.sock run: | mkdir -p ~/.ssh echo "${{ secrets.KNOWN_HOST_ENTRY }}" >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts ssh-agent -a $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ssh-add - <<< "${{ secrets.SSHKEY }}" - name: Get *.deb files uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: termux-root-packages - name: Upload to grimler.se env: SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh_agent.sock run: | # Zip the deb archives to only do one transfer to the repo. # This makes it easier to parse it, we can run one update job # instead of one for each arch on the server. archive="termux-root-packages-$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 6).zip" zip $archive debs-aarch64.tar debs-arm.tar debs-i686.tar debs-x86_64.tar sftp -P ${{ secrets.PORT }} ${{ secrets.USER }}@grimler.se <<EOF put $archive /debs/ EOF
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
language: ruby rvm: - 2.1.2 before_install: - sudo apt-get update -qq - sudo apt-get install -y ffmpeg
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
title: hi author: io email: [email protected] description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:" Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description. theme: minima # social links twitter_username: your-twitter-handle # DO NOT include the @ character, or else the build will fail! github_username: your-github-handle # DO NOT include the @ character, or else the build will fail! show_excerpts: true # set to false to remove excerpts on the homepage
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
home: heading: "0-auth TWL" subheading: "This week We Learn" banner: "Your image url"
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# Welcome to Jekyll! # # About Theme # # Yet another theme for elegant writers with modern flat style and beautiful # night/dark mode. # # Website: https://github.com/jeffreytse/jekyll-theme-yat # # You can do anything you want, including projects for your clients, as long # as you mention an attribution back (credit links in footer or project). # See the LICENCE file. # # This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values # which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that. # # For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you # use 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart # the server process. # # Site settings # These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files, # you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ site.email }}, and so on. # You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible # in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}. title: 0-auth TWL email: [email protected] author: 0-auth # Copyright setting # You can use any html code, currently below placeholders are available: # * current year: {currentYear} # * author: {author} (Value is the same as site.author) # * copyright: (c) - © # * copyleft: (cleft) # * sound recording copyright: (p) - ℗ # # For example: # "Copyright (c) 2017-{currentYear} <a href="https://example.com">{author}</a>" # "Copyright © 2017-2021 Foobar" # copyright: "Unpublished Work (cleft) 2022-{currentYear} {author}" description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:" Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description. baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. https://example.com favicon: "" # the favicon for your site # Yat date format # refer to https://shopify.github.io/liquid/filters/date/ if you want to customize this yat: date_format: "%b %d, %Y" # If you want more debug log, you can set true # debug: false # If you don't want transparent header, you can set false # header_transparent: true # If you want to change the content width, you can set to another value # content_width: "920px" # Google analytics # google_analytics: [Tracking ID] # If you want to generate website sitemap, you can set true # sitemap: false # If you want to change site language, you can set lang option # lang: "en" # default lang is en # Translate languges # langs refer to https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/languages # translate_langs: # - lang: en # img: https://cdn.countryflags.com/thumbs/united-states-of-america/flag-400.png # text: English # # - lang: fr # img: https://cdn.countryflags.com/thumbs/france/flag-400.png # text: French # # - lang: zh-CN # img: https://cdn.countryflags.com/thumbs/china/flag-400.png # text: Chinese(Simple) # # - lang: ja # img: https://cdn.countryflags.com/thumbs/japan/flag-400.png # text: Japanese # # - lang: ko # img: https://cdn.countryflags.com/thumbs/south-korea/flag-400.png # text: Korean # # - lang: ru # img: https://cdn.countryflags.com/thumbs/russia/flag-400.png # text: Russian # You can choose a theme color # Default theme colors as below: # coolblack: #090a0b # spacegrey: #353535 # snowwhite: #ffffff # # theme_color: snowwhite # # Custom color as below: # theme_color: "#882250" # You can choose a brand color # Default brand colors as below: # orangered: #ff5100 # greatgold: #f2cb05 # greenblue: #389092 # # brand_color: orangered # # Custom color as below: # brand_color: "#1a8e42" # Night/Dark mode # Default mode is "auto", "auto" is for auto nightshift # (19:00 - 07:00), "manual" is for manual toggle, and # "on/off" is for default on/off. # # Whatever the user's choice is, it will supersede the # default setting of the site and be kept during the # visit (session). Only the dark mode setting is"manual", # it will be always kept on every visit (i.e. no matter # the browser is closed or not) # # night_mode: "auto" # Code badge setting # You can enable or disable the code badge and so on # code_badge: # enabled: "true" # color: "#fff" # background_color: "#ff4e00" # text_transform: "uppercase" # ("uppercase", "lowercase", "capitalize") # If you want to link only specific pages in your header, uncomment # this and add the path to the pages in order as they should show up # header_pages: # - index.html # - archives.html # - categories.html # - tags.html # - about.md # Page default value # defaults: # home: # heading: "Your awesome heading" # subheading: "Your awesome subheading" # banner: "Your image url" # Banner default settings # These banner settings are for global banner default, but you can also # config it by the front matter for one specific 2022-03-10-TWL-01-React-동작원리 # banner: # video: null # Video banner source # loop: true # Video loop # volume: 0 # Video volume (100% is 1.0) # start_at: 0 # Video start time # image: null # Image banner source # opacity: 1.0 # Banner opacity (100% is 1.0) # background: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)" # Banner background (Could be a image) # height: "640px" # Banner default height # min_height: null # Banner minimum height # heading_style: null # Custom heading style (e.g. "font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline") # subheading_style: null # Custom subheading style (e.g. color: gold) # Excerpt size setting # excerpt_size: 350 # Pagination setting # paginate: 5 # Disqus comments # disqus: # shortname: "Your Disqus username" # Gitment comments # gitment: # username: "Your GitHub username" # repo: "The repo to store comments" # client_id: "Your client ID" # client_secret: "Your client secret" # redirect_uri: "Your redirect url" # If you use a custom domain name # Build settings # highlighter: none markdown: kramdown kmarkdown: input: GFM plugins: - jekyll-feed - jekyll-seo-tag - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-paginate - jekyll-spaceship
[ "MIT" ]
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[ "MIT" ]
# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions name: CI # Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on push or pull request # events but only for the master branch on: push: branches: [ master ] pull_request: branches: [ master ] # A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel jobs: lint_source: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: matrix: os: [macos-latest, ubuntu-latest] fail-fast: false # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Use Node.js uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: '12.x' - name: Install dependencies run: yarn install - name: Lint Code run: yarn lint run_testcode: name: Run 0Auth tests code runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: matrix: os: [macos-latest, ubuntu-latest, windows-latest] fail-fast: false # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Cache node modules uses: actions/cache@v2 env: cache-name: cache-node-modules with: # npm cache files are stored in `~/.npm` on Linux/macOS path: ~/.npm key: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}- ${{ runner.os }}-build- ${{ runner.os }}- - name: Use Node.js uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: '12.x' - name: Install dependencies run: yarn install - name: Test Code run: yarn test
[ "MIT" ]
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[ "MIT" ]
name: Gatsby Publish on: push: branches: - main paths-ignore: - '**/README.md' jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Setup Node uses: actions/[email protected] with: node-version: '12.x' - name: Cache dependencies uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/.npm key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node- - uses: enriikke/gatsby-gh-pages-action@v2 with: access-token: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN }} deploy-branch: gh-pages skip-publish: false
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# Welcome to Jekyll! # # This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values # which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that. If you find # yourself editing this file very often, consider using Jekyll's data files # feature for the data you need to update frequently. # # For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use # 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process. # Site settings # These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files, # you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ site.email }}, and so on. # You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible # in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}. title: Presence Publisher description: ' ' # Build settings markdown: kramdown theme: jekyll-theme-cayman # Exclude from processing. # The following items will not be processed, by default. Create a custom list # to override the default setting. # exclude: # - Gemfile # - Gemfile.lock # - node_modules # - vendor/bundle/ # - vendor/cache/ # - vendor/gems/ # - vendor/ruby/
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: Android CI on: [push, pull_request] jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: set up JDK 1.8 uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: java-version: 1.8 - name: Build with Gradle run: ./gradlew build - name: Check notice file run: ./gradlew checkUpdatedLicenseFile - name: Archive debug apk uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: debug-apk path: app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk - name: Archive reports uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: reports path: app/build/reports/
[ "CC-BY-4.0", "MIT" ]
[ "CC-BY-4.0", "MIT" ]
[ "CC-BY-4.0", "MIT" ]
- name: Welcome href: welcome-azure-ad.yml - name: Active Directory (Hybrid) items: - name: Can't verify account when resetting password href: could-not-verify-account-reset-pwd.md - name: Fail to convert domain to Standard href: convert-domain-federated.md - name: Maximum number of devices is reached href: maximum-number-of-devices-joined-workplace.md - name: Unable to register a device href: cant-connect-service-error-register-device.md - name: App Integration and Development items: - name: Troubleshoot adding apps href: troubleshoot-adding-apps.md - name: Troubleshoot sign-in to SAML-based SSO apps items: - name: Error AADSTS50003 - certificate or key not configured href: error-code-AADSTS50003-cert-or-key-not-configured.md - name: Error AADSTS50011 - reply URL mismatch href: error-code-AADSTS50011-reply-url-mismatch.md - name: Error AADSTS50105 - user not assigned a role href: error-code-AADSTS50105-user-not-assigned-role.md - name: Error AADSTS650056 - misconfigured app href: error-code-AADSTS650056-misconfigured-app.md - name: Error AADSTS70001 - app not found in directory href: error-code-AADSTS70001-app-not-found-in-directory.md - name: Error AADSTS75011 - authentication method mismatch href: error-code-AADSTS75011-auth-method-mismatch.md - name: Error AADSTS75005 - not a valid saml request href: error-code-AADSTS75005-not-a-valid-saml-request.md - name: Error AADSTS750054 - SAML request or response not present href: error-code-AADSTS750054-saml-request-not-present.md - name: Troubleshoot signing in to SAML-based single sign-on configured apps href: troubleshoot-sign-in-saml-based-apps.md - name: User redirected to incorrect reply URL or localhost href: reply-url-redirected-to-localhost.md - name: Business to Consumer items: - name: An exception occurs in application href: server-error-application-exception.md - name: Can't delete a directory href: cannot-delete-directory.md - name: Fail to sign in to application href: error-sign-into-app.md - name: Server Error in '/' Application error in application href: server-error-application.md - name: Directories, Domains, and Objects items: - name: Can't delete a directory using portal href: cannot-delete-directory-azure-portal.md - name: Can't open Azure AD Module PowerShell href: cant-open-aad-module-powershell.md - name: Can't verify account when resetting password href: could-not-verify-account-reset-pwd.md - name: Method invocation failed error in Azure PowerShell href: method-invocation-failed-error.md - name: Password changes aren't saved href: pwd-change-not-save.md - name: Perform a Workplace Join using DRS href: cant-perform-workplace-join.md - name: Remove duplicate mobile device management objects href: remove-duplicate-mobile-device-management.md - name: Remove user from recycle bin href: remove-msoluser-user-not-found-recyclebin.md - name: Set up your enterprise for working remotely FAQ href: faq-set-up-enterprise-work-remotely.yml - name: The term is not recognized error in Azure PowerShell href: term-cmdlet-name-not-recognized-aad-cmdlet.md - name: Troubleshoot dynamic groups href: troubleshoot-dynamic-groups.md - name: Governance, Compliance and Reporting items: - name: Audit Logs items: - name: Unknown Actors in Audit Reports href: unknown-actors-in-audit-reports.md - name: Sign-in Activity Reports items: - name: Verify 1st party Microsoft apps in sign-in reports href: verify-first-party-apps-sign-in.md - name: Sign-in and Multi-factor authentication items: - name: An unknown error occurred href: unknown-error-occurred-sign-in-assistant.md - name: Authorization_RequestDenied error when changing password href: authorization-request-denied-graph-api.md - name: Can't authenticate using ADAL href: adal-authenticate-android-devices-fail.md - name: Can't perform a Workplace Join href: confirm-signin-info-workplace-join.md - name: Can't sync SystemMailbox or DiscoveryMailboxSearch accounts href: unable-sync-system-discovery-mailbox.md - name: Can't verify account when resetting password href: could-not-verify-account-reset-pwd.md - name: Code 403 Forbidden error when using SSO href: code-403-azure-seamless-sso-win10.md - name: Connect-MsolService fails with access denied error href: cannot-connect-cloud-services-powershell.md - name: ESR settings don't sync href: esr-settings-not-sync-mfa-enabled.md - name: Enable support for TLS 1.2 in your environment href: enable-support-tls-environment.md - name: Federated user is forced to sign in href: federated-users-forced-sign-in.md - name: Federated user is prompted to enter credentials href: federated-user-prompt-enter-credentials.md - name: Federated users sign in two times href: federated-users-sign-in-two-times-mfa.md - name: Federation service identifier is already in use href: federation-service-identifier-specified.md - name: MFA users aren't prompted for a second verification href: multi-factor-auth-second-verification.md - name: No response received when resetting password href: unable-reset-pwd-response-call.md - name: Request isn't processed when resetting password href: request-not-processed-reset-pwd.md - name: Reset MFA setting after phone number changes href: cannot-use-mfa-signin-lose-phone.md - name: Settings aren't sync between devices href: event-id-6065-user-cant-sign.md - name: Split-brain DNS configuration href: faulty-split-brain-dns-configuration-prevent-sso.md - name: The MFA status is displayed incorrectly href: user-displayed-disabled-or-enabled-mfa.md - name: Troubleshoot account lockout href: account-lockout-adfs-window-server.md - name: Troubleshoot MFA issues href: troubleshoot-azure-mfa-issue.md - name: Troubleshooting MFA issues href: troubleshoot-azure-mfa-issue.md - name: User name or password is incorrect href: user-name-pwd-incorrect.md - name: Unexpected error when resetting password href: unexpected-error-reset-pwd.md - name: Verify account error when resetting password href: cannot-verify-account-reset-pwd.md - name: User Provisioning and Synchronization items: - name: Administrator credentials error href: admin-credentials-supplied-not-valid.md - name: Azure AD Connect hangs during importing href: aad-management-agent-hangs-during-import.md - name: Azure AD Connect won't work after upgrading href: cannot-work-automatic-upgrade.md - name: Can't connect to Azure RMS href: fail-connect-azure-information-protection-PowerShell.md - name: Can't enable Device writeback href: Cannot-enable-device-writeback.md - name: Can't manage or remove objects href: cannot-manage-objects.md - name: Can't run DirSyncConfigShell.psc1 href: load-file-or-assembly-error.md - name: Can't sign in after converting domain href: cannot-signin-convert-domain-federated.md - name: Can't sync system mailbox href: unable-sync-system-discovery-mailbox.md - name: Can't verify account when resetting password href: could-not-verify-account-reset-pwd.md - name: Changes to mail-enabled security group don't sync href: sg-mail-enabled-sync.md - name: Computer startup delays href: computers-3-hour-delay-boot.md - name: Directory sync to Azure stops href: directory-sync-stop-register.md - name: Email addresses aren't synced href: email-addresses-not-sync.md - name: Enable password hash sync href: pwd-hash-sync-auto-enable.md - name: Enable support for TLS 1.2 in your environment href: enable-support-tls-environment.md - name: Error code 1603 in Azure AD Connect href: upgrade-fails-error-code-1603.md - name: Error 80070005 in Azure AD Sync Services config wizard href: aad-sync-services-config-wizard-error.md - name: Errors with event ID 6301 after installing Azure AD Connect href: tvp-errors-when-AADConnect-installed-on-Windows-Server-2019.md - name: Fail to get address for method href: failed-get-address-method.md - name: Fail to install Azure AD Module href: unable-install-aad-module-powershell.md - name: Fail to sync domain-based filtering changes href: domain-based-filtering-fail-sync.md - name: High CPU usage when using Azure AD Connect href: high-cpu-usage.md - name: Identity sync client can't authenticate href: unable-communicate-windows-service.md - name: Logon failure with 1789 error href: error-code-1789-configuration-wizard.md - name: Must join domain error when installing sync tool href: computer-must-joined-domain.md - name: Number is added to username href: number-add-username-email-address.md - name: Number of objects are exceeded href: exceed-number-objects-synced.md - name: Object deletions aren't synched href: object-deletions-not-sync.md - name: One or more objects don't sync href: objects-dont-sync-ad-sync-tool.md - name: Outdate information is displayed href: outdate-information-displays.md - name: Password hash sync stops work href: pwd-hash-sync-stop-work-fim.md - name: Password isn't sync after reset href: pwd-not-sync.md - name: Password sync fails with event ID 611 href: pwd-hash-sync-stops-work.md - name: ProxyAddresses attribute in Azure AD href: proxyaddresses-attribute-populate.md - name: Request isn't processed when resetting password href: request-not-processed-reset-pwd.md - name: RPC errors affecting AADConnect href: rpc-errors-affecting-aadconnect.md - name: Scripts cannot be loaded href: cannot-run-scripts-powershell.md - name: Separate passwords required href: separate-pwds-required-computer-work-account.md - name: Slow performance and high CPU usage href: slow-performance-high-cpu-usage.md - name: Subdomains and parent domains management href: manage-sub-parent-domain.md - name: Sync services don't start href: services-sync-not-start.md - name: Troubleshoot Azure AD Connect installation issues href: installation-issues.md - name: Troubleshoot Azure AD Sync installation issues href: installation-configuration-wizard-errors.md - name: Troubleshoot Azure AD Connect objects and attributes href: troubleshoot-aad-connect-objects-attributes.md - name: Troubleshoot Certificate-Based Authentication issues href: certificate-based-authenticate-issue.md - name: Troubleshoot password sync issues href: troubleshoot-pwd-sync.md - name: Unable to add subdomain href: new-msoldomain-cmdle-add-subdomain.md - name: Unable to authenticate your credentials href: unable-authenticate-credentials.md - name: Unable to configure password writeback href: unable-configure-pwd-writeback-error.md - name: Unknown error 0x80005000 href: unknown-error-0x80005000.md - name: UPN matching for identity sync href: use-upn-matching-identity-sync.md - name: User object is missing or filtered href: user-object-missing-filtered.md - name: User's primary group is excluded href: exclude-user-primary-group.md - name: Yellow exclamation mark in Office 2013 href: yellow-exclamation-mark-office2013.md - name: Integration issues items: - name: Fail to sign out href: unable-sign-out-online-services.md - name: Reference items: - name: Enable trace for Online Services Sign-in Assistant href: enable-disable-trace-online-services.md - name: IdFix.exe is not a valid Win32 application href: idfix-not-valid-win32-application.md - name: Security context is not associated in IdFix href: security-context-not-associate-domian.md - name: Support data collection href: support-data-collection-diagnostic-logs.md
[ "CC-BY-4.0", "MIT" ]
[ "CC-BY-4.0", "MIT" ]
[ "CC-BY-4.0", "MIT" ]
- name: Windows Client href: welcome-windows-client.yml - name: Active Directory items: - name: Active Directory href: ./identity/active-directory-overview.md - name: Schema update - known issues, best practices, workflow review items: - name: Error when checking domain object property href: ./identity/error-when-checking-domain-object-property.md - name: User, computer, group, and object management items: - name: Known issues for managing Group Policy clients href: ./identity/known-issues-for-group-policy-clients.md - name: The LsaLookupSids function returns the old user name href: ./identity/lsalookupsids-function-not-return-new-user-name.md - name: UAC blocks elevation of executable applications href: ./identity/uac-blocks-elevation-executable-apps.md - name: Windows Time Service items: - name: W32Time doesn't start automatically href: ./identity/w32time-not-start-on-workgroup.md - name: Admin Development items: - name: Admin Development href: ./admin-development/admin-development-overview.md - name: Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI) items: - name: User authentication issues with ADSI WinNT provider href: ./admin-development/adsi-winnt-provider-user-authentication-issues.md - name: Windows Script Host (WSH) items: - name: Create desktop shortcuts with WSH href: ./admin-development/create-desktop-shortcut-with-wsh.md - name: Application Management items: - name: Application Management href: ./application-management/application-management-overview.md - name: .NET Framework installation items: - name: .NET Framework 3.5 installation errors href: ./application-management/dotnet-framework-35-installation-error.md - name: Performance of System.Diagnostics.StackFrame degrades href: ./application-management/system-diagnostics-stackframe-performance-degrades.md - name: 1st Party Applications items: - name: 64-bit versions of Windows don't support 16-bit applications href: ./application-management/x64-windows-not-support-16-bit-programs.md - name: Third-party virtualization applications don't work with Hyper-V href: ./application-management/virtualization-apps-not-work-with-hyper-v.md - name: Registering OCX and DLL files as System Globals href: ./application-management/registering-ocx-dll-files-system-globals.md - name: Registry key WOW6432Node is listed on x86 machines href: ./application-management/wow6432node-registry-key-present-32-bit-machine.md - name: COM and COM+ performance and stability items: - name: COM port settings revert to the default href: ./application-management/com-port-settings-reset-to-default.md - name: Printer VBScript error 0x1A8 href: ./application-management/printer-vbscript-error-0x1a8-object-required.md - name: USMT 4.0 migration from x86 to x64 results in corrupted COM+ components href: ./application-management/usmt-4-migrate-from-x86-to-x64-com-plus-component-corrupt.md - name: COM+ administration, configuration, and security items: - name: Error 0x8007000e when calling objects from one process to another by COM+ href: ./application-management/0x8007000e-call-objects-from-one-process-to-another-with-complus.md - name: DCOM service startup and permissions items: - name: Event 10016 when accessing DCOM components href: ./application-management/event-10016-logged-when-accessing-dcom.md - name: Modern, Inbox and Microsoft Store Apps items: - name: Microsoft Store app package updates are available href: ./application-management/windows-81-microsoft-store-app-package-updates.md - name: MSI items: - name: 0x80070BC9 error when installing MSI package href: ./application-management/0x80070bc9-error-while-installing-msi-package.md - name: Can't uninstall an application href: ./application-management/error-opening-installation-log-file.md - name: Enable Windows Installer logging href: ./application-management/enable-windows-installer-logging.md - name: Installed programs are incorrectly displayed href: ./application-management/add-remove-programs-displays-programs-incorrectly.md - name: VersionNT value for Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019 href: ./application-management/versionnt-value-for-windows-10-server.md - name: Multilingual User Interface (MUI) and Input Method Editor (IME) items: - name: Can not link TextService in Eudcedit.exe href: ./application-management/cannot-link-textservice-eudcedit.md - name: Windows Script Host (CScript or WScript) items: - name: Change registry values or permissions href: ./application-management/change-registry-values-permissions.md - name: App-V items: - name: App-V href: ./app-v/app-v-overview.md - name: Administration items: - name: Launch processes inside the App-V 5.0 virtualized environment href: ./app-v/launch-processes-inside-app-v-5-virtualized-environment.md - name: Application does not load or run items: - name: App-V v5 virtualized application fails with error 0xc0000142 href: ./app-v/app-v-v5-virtualized-application-fails-start-error-0xc0000142.md - name: Installation and configuration items: - name: Current list of App-V 5.x file versions href: ./app-v/current-list-app-v-5-dot-x-file-versions.md - name: Management Server issues items: - name: HTTP Error 500.19 when launching App-V Management console href: ./app-v/http-error-500dot19-launch-app-v-management.md - name: Troubleshoot applications failing to stream from an App-V management server href: ./app-v/applications-fail-to-stream-from-app-v-management-server.md - name: Package conversion items: - name: Adding a package version returns error 0x8007012F href: ./app-v/adding-package-version-error-0x8007012f.md - name: Remove a cached copy of an unpublished package href: ./app-v/remove-cached-copy-unpublished-package-app-v-v5.md - name: Publishing server issue items: - name: Troubleshoot publishing server refresh failures in App-V v5 href: ./app-v/troubleshoot-publishing-server-refresh-failures-app-v-v5.md - name: Backup and Storage items: - name: Backup and Storage href: ./backup-and-storage/backup-and-storage-overview.md - name: Configuring and using Backup software items: - name: Backup fails when you create system image href: ./backup-and-storage/backup-fails-when-create-system-image.md - name: Error 0x810000 when using the Backup and Restore Wizard href: ./backup-and-storage/error-0x81000031-back-up-files-backup-restore-wizard.md - name: System Image Recovery fails with 0x80070002 error href: ./backup-and-storage/system-image-restore-failed-error-0x80070002.md - name: Partition and volume management items: - name: Access is denied error message href: ./backup-and-storage/access-denied-error-appears-permissions-are-correct.md - name: Event ID 8 is logged in Application log href: ./backup-and-storage/event-id-8-in-application-log.md - name: Overview of FAT, HPFS, and NTFS file systems href: ./backup-and-storage/fat-hpfs-and-ntfs-file-systems.md - name: Storage hardware items: - name: Event ID 158 is logged for identical disk GUIDs href: ./backup-and-storage/event-id-158-for-identical-disk-guids.md - name: Garmin USB devices don't work href: ./backup-and-storage/garmin-usb-devices-not-working.md - name: System Restore or resetting your computer items: - name: How to use System Restore to log on href: ./backup-and-storage/system-restore-log-on-lose-access-account.md - name: System Restore fails with error 0x8007045b href: ./backup-and-storage/system-restore-fail-error-0x8007045b.md - name: Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) items: - name: Event IDs for Volsnap href: ./backup-and-storage/e2e-event-ids-volsnap.md - name: Most recent previous versions are missing for a share href: ./backup-and-storage/most-recent-previous-versions-missing-for-share.md - name: Deployment items: - name: Deployment href: ./deployment/deployment-overview.md - name: Activation items: - name: Activation failures on volume-licensed KMS clients href: ./deployment/activation-failures-not-genuine-notifications-volume-licensed-kms-client.md - name: Can't activate Windows 7 with KMS href: ./deployment/cannot-activate-windows-from-oem.md - name: Fail to open a list in VAMT 2.0 href: ./deployment/item-with-same-key-has-been-added.md - name: How to validate the OEM activation key href: ./deployment/validate-oem-activation-key.md - name: KMS current count doesn't increase href: ./deployment/kms-current-count-not-increase.md - name: Devices and Drivers items: - name: '"The operation timed out" error' href: ./deployment/operation-timed-out-error-disk-management-console.md - name: A description of the driver support href: ./deployment/description-of-driver.md - name: A high pitched noise is heard when using Bluetooth headphones href: ./deployment/high-pitched-noise-is-heard.md - name: Bluetooth speakers don't work after KB 4505903 is applied href: ./deployment/bluetooth-speakers-not-work-after-KB4505903-installed.md - name: Create a user-defined service href: ./deployment/create-user-defined-service.md - name: Desktop icon isn't visible in Extended mode href: ./deployment/desktop-icon-not-visible-disconnect-hdmi-display.md - name: Devices not working before you log on a computer href: ./deployment/devices-not-working-before-log-on-computer.md - name: Dynamic link library (DLL) href: ./deployment/dynamic-link-library.md - name: Error when you access a USB storage device href: ./deployment/error-when-you-access-usb-storage-device.md - name: Event ID 219 when a device is plugged into a Windows system href: ./deployment/event-id-219-when-device-plugged-in-windows-system.md - name: Event ID 7000 or 7026 after starting a computer href: ./deployment/system-log-event-id-7000-7026.md - name: Fail to attach PCI Express expansion chassis href: ./deployment/error-attach-pci-express-expansion-chassis.md - name: Firmware update failures in Windows 8.1 href: ./deployment/firmware-updates-fail-windows-8dot1.md - name: Hide Devices in Devices and Printers href: ./deployment/disable-devices-in-devices-and-printers.md - name: How to use or to reference the Usbser.sys driver href: ./deployment/how-to-use-reference-usbser-driver-universal-serial-bus.md - name: Limitations of $WinPeDriver$ href: ./deployment/limitations-dollar-sign-winpedriver-dollar-sign.md - name: LoadLibrary function returns STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND error on impersonate thread href: ./deployment/loadlibrary-function-returns-status-dll-not-found-error-impersonate-thread.md - name: Loss of functionality for Intel SMBus Controller devices href: ./deployment/functionality-loss-for-intel-smbus-controller-device.md - name: Media device isn't available href: ./deployment/media-device-isnt-available.md - name: Msinfo32.exe reports wrong values for Adapter RAM href: ./deployment/msinfo32-report-wrong-display-adapter-ram.md - name: Non-compliant USB 3.0 devices doesn't function href: ./deployment/non-compliant-usb-3-devices-not-function.md - name: Power Management tab isn't visible href: ./deployment/power-management-not-visible-in-aoac-platform.md - name: Running TPM Management console fails href: ./deployment/cannot-load-tpm-management-console.md - name: Uninstalling driver doesn't remove associated files href: ./deployment/uninstalling-driver-not-remove-associated-files.md - name: USB device drivers are removed unexpectedly after Windows 10 is updated href: ./deployment/usb-device-drivers-removed-unexpectedly-after-windows-10-update.md - name: Windows 10 doesn't install specific drivers for USB audio device href: ./deployment/windows-10-not-install-specific-drivers-usb-audio-devices.md - name: WSD devices icons show incorrectly href: ./deployment/icons-wsd-devices-incorrectly-devices-printers.md - name: Power Management items: - name: Desktop wakes up unexpectedly from sleep or hibernation href: ./deployment/desktop-wakes-up-unexpectedly-from-sleep-hibernation.md - name: Devices attached to Thunderbolt Dock stop working href: ./deployment/devices-connected-via-thunderbolt-dock-not-work.md - name: Fast startup causes system shutdown href: ./deployment/fast-startup-causes-system-hibernation-shutdown-fail.md - name: Hard disk usage reaches 100 percent href: ./deployment/hard-disk-usage-reaches-100-percent.md - name: How to disable and re-enable hibernation href: ./deployment/disable-and-re-enable-hibernation.md - name: How to enable Wake on LAN href: ./deployment/wake-on-lan-feature.md - name: Power/shutdown button is missing from start screen href: ./deployment/power-shutdown-button-missing.md - name: The Power Management option isn't selected href: ./deployment/power-management-option-isnt-selected.md - name: Updates may not install with Fast Startup href: ./deployment/updates-not-install-with-fast-startup.md - name: Servicing items: - name: .NET Framework 1.1 isn't supported href: ./deployment/dotnet-framework-1dot1-not-supported.md - name: 80072EE6 error when downloading an update from WSUS href: ./deployment/error-80072ee6-downlaod-wsus-update.md - name: Analyze log file entries that SFC.exe generates href: ./deployment/analyze-sfc-program-log-file-entries.md - name: Automatic Updates can't download updates href: ./deployment/automatic-updates-cannot-download-updates-event-16.md - name: Cannot install May 2019 update of Windows 10 on computers running AMD RAID drivers href: ./deployment/cannot-install-may-2019-update-windows-10-amd-raid-drivers.md - name: Cannot use the ImageX.exe tool for backup href: ./deployment/cannot-use-imagex-tool-backup.md - name: Command-line switches for software update packages href: ./deployment/command-line-switches-deploy-update-packages.md - name: Command-line switches supported by Self-Extractor packages href: ./deployment/command-switches-supported-by-self-extractor-package.md - name: Compute MD5 or SHA-1 cryptographic hash values href: ./deployment/compute-md5sha-1-cryptographic-hash-value.md - name: DISM /Apply-Image command fails with error code 5 href: ./deployment/dism-apply-image-command-fails-error-code-5.md - name: Download updates from Windows Update Catalog href: ./deployment/download-updates-drivers-hotfixes-windows-update-catalog.md - name: Error 403 when you access Windows Update href: ./deployment/error-403-connect-to-windows-update.md - name: Error 87 when a Windows 10 image is applied href: ./deployment/dism-error-87-apply-windows-10-image.md - name: Error message when installing RSAT href: ./deployment/error-message-when-installing-rsat.md - name: Error messages when you scan for updates href: ./deployment/error-messages-when-you-scan-updates.md - name: Fix errors found in CheckSUR.log href: ./deployment/errors-in-checksur-log.md - name: Get the latest Skype version by Microsoft Update href: ./deployment/skype-for-microsoft-update.md - name: How to downgrade from Windows 8 href: ./deployment/downgrade-from-windows-8.md - name: How to get updates via Windows Update href: ./deployment/get-updates-through-windows-update.md - name: How to keep Windows up to date href: ./deployment/keep-windows-up-to-date.md - name: How to schedule automatic updates href: ./deployment/how-to-use-automatic-updates-feature.md - name: How to solve disk space issues caused by WinSxS directory href: ./deployment/address-disk-space-issues-caused-by-winsxs.md - name: In-place upgrade to Windows 10 problem href: ./deployment/in-place-upgrade-to-windows-10-problems.md - name: Install Service Packs and Hotfixes href: ./deployment/install-service-packs-hotfixes.md - name: Package Manager can install only the first package href: ./deployment/package-manager-cannot-manage-two-more-packages.md - name: Previously released updates are reoffered href: ./deployment/previously-released-updates-reoffered.md - name: Restore missing Windows Installer cache files href: ./deployment/missing-windows-installer-cache.md - name: SFC detects Opencl.dll as corrupted href: ./deployment/sfc-detects-opencl-dot-dll-corrupted.md - name: Standard terminology that defines software updates href: ./deployment/standard-terminology-software-updates.md - name: Switches with Xcopy and Xcopy32 commands href: ./deployment/switches-with-xcopy-and-xcopy32-command.md - name: Sysprep fails after you remove or update Microsoft Store apps href: ./deployment/sysprep-fails-remove-or-update-store-apps.md - name: System Error 126 when you start TrustedInstaller href: ./deployment/system-error-126-start-windows-modules-installer.md - name: System registry is no longer backed up to the RegBack folder href: ./deployment/system-registry-no-backed-up-regback-folder.md - name: The processor not supported with Windows version href: ./deployment/processor-not-supported-together-with-windows-version.md - name: The same update is offered repeately href: ./deployment/repeatedly-offer-the-same-update.md - name: Update Windows Update Agent to latest version href: ./deployment/update-windows-update-agent.md - name: view system registry with 64-bit versions of Windows href: ./deployment/view-system-registry-with-64-bit-windows.md - name: Windows Update automatically downloads and installs updates href: ./deployment/updates-automatically-downloaded.md - name: Windows Update blocked because of drive reassignment href: ./deployment/drive-reassignment-block-update.md - name: Windows Update hangs href: ./deployment/windows-update-hangs-updates-uninstalled.md - name: Setup items: - name: .NET Framework 4.5.1 (web installer) href: ./deployment/dotnet-framework-4dot5dot1-web-installer.md - name: An upgrade to Windows Server 2016 fails href: ./deployment/windows-cannot-verify-the-digital-signature-for-this-file.md - name: Automate regional and language settings href: ./deployment/automate-regional-language-settings.md - name: Can't enter UEFI firmware setup href: ./deployment/cant-enter-uefi-firmware-setup.md - name: Can't turn off a computer from Audit mode href: ./deployment/fail-to-turn-off-computer-from-audit-mode.md - name: Computer screen goes black during setup href: ./deployment/computer-screen-black-during-installation.md - name: Customize default local user profile href: ./deployment/customize-default-local-user-profile.md - name: Download and burn an ISO file from VLSC href: ./deployment/iso-file-on-vlsc.md - name: Error 0x80042468 when creating a single partition href: ./deployment/error-when-creating-single-partition.md - name: Event ID 10 is logged in Application log href: ./deployment/event-10-is-logged-in-application-log.md - name: F5 doesn't refresh Explorer href: ./deployment/f5-not-refresh-explorer-windows-pe-windows-10.md - name: Fail to perform an in-place upgrade href: ./deployment/windows-not-parse-process-unattend-answer-file.md - name: Fail to start an operating system on a 64-bit UEFI-based computer href: ./deployment/blinitializelibrary-failed-start-os-on-64-bit-uefi-based-computer.md - name: Fail to upgrade Windows 10 Enterprise edition href: ./deployment/contact-system-administrator-to-upgrade-windows.md - name: HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED error on VMWare VM href: ./deployment/installation-error-hal-initialization-failed.md - name: How to customize the default local user profile when creating an image href: ./deployment/customize-default-local-user-profile-prepare-image.md - name: How to edit the Boot.ini file in Windows 2000 href: ./deployment/edit-boot-ini-file-windows-2000.md - name: Installation File Location not behave on the Explain tab href: ./deployment/installation-file-location-service-pack-not-behave.md - name: Language packs no longer available href: ./deployment/language-packs-no-longer-available-after-upgrade.md - name: MiracastView package cause sysprep error after upgrading a computer href: ./deployment/miracastview-cause-sysprep-error-upgrade-windows-10-1709.md - name: Network provider settings are removed during an in-place upgrade href: ./deployment/network-provider-settings-removed-in-place-upgrade.md - name: OOBE fails when you start a new computer href: ./deployment/windows-oobe-fails-start-new-computer.md - name: Operations fail if Windows 8 is improperly identified as a WTG installation href: ./deployment/windows-8-incorrectly-reported-as-wtg-installation.md - name: Remote Server Admin Tools uninstalled during in-place upgrade href: ./deployment/remote-server-admin-tools-uninstalled-in-place-upgrade.md - name: Running Sysprep /generalize returns error href: ./deployment/error-occurs-when-running-sysprep-generalize.md - name: Sysprep and capture task sequence fails href: ./deployment/sysprep-capture-task-sequence-fails.md - name: System restore points are disabled after upgrade href: ./deployment/system-restore-points-disabled.md - name: Windows optional component setup tool href: ./deployment/use-ocsetup-to-install-remove-components.md - name: Windows setup log file locations href: ./deployment/windows-setup-log-file-locations.md - name: Windows SIM can't generate a catalog href: ./deployment/windows-sim-unable-generate-catalog-error.md - name: Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor tool failed to run href: ./deployment/upgrade-advisor-tool-failed-to-run.md - name: WinRE can't be built after deploying an image href: ./deployment/winre-cannot-built-deploy-image-captured-non-uefi-computer.md - name: You can't access an EFI system partition href: ./deployment/cant-access-efi-system-partition.md - name: Group Policy items: - name: Group Policy href: ./group-policy/group-policy-overview.md - name: AppLocker or software restriction policies items: - name: Archived application can't be restored href: ./group-policy/archived-application-cant-be-restored.md - name: Group Policy management - GPMC or AGPM items: - name: .admx errors when running Local Group Policy Editor href: ./group-policy/admx-errors-when-local-group-policy-editor.md - name: Can't disable Microsoft Store through Group Policy href: ./group-policy/cannot-disable-microsoft-store.md - name: How to create and manage Central Store for registry-based policies href: ./group-policy/create-and-manage-central-store.md - name: Logon scripts don't run for five minutes href: ./group-policy/logon-scripts-not-run-for-long-time.md - name: Use Settings app Group Policy href: ./group-policy/use-settings-app-group-policy.md - name: Managing removable devices through Group Policy items: - name: Using Group Policy Objects to hide specified drives href: ./group-policy/using-group-policy-objects-hide-specified-drives.md - name: Problems applying Group Policy objects to users or computers items: - name: Can't open gpedit.msc after updating ADML and ADMX file href: ./group-policy/resource-stringid-win7only-not-found.md - name: Clients fail to apply group policy at startup href: ./group-policy/fail-to-apply-group-policy-at-startup.md - name: Disable screen saver passwords by using policies href: ./group-policy/disable-screen-saver-passwords.md - name: Group membership changes do not update over some VPN connections href: ./group-policy/group-membership-changes-not-updating-over-some-vpn-connections.md - name: Group Policy is not applied to a user account href: ./group-policy/group-policy-not-applied-user-account-runas.md - name: Group Policy Screensaver setting isn't working href: ./group-policy/group-policy-screensaver-setting-not-work.md - name: Point and Print Restrictions policies are ignored href: ./group-policy/point-print-restrictions-policies-ignored.md - name: Save documents to OneDrive by default href: ./group-policy/save-documents-to-onedrive-by-default.md - name: Use Group Policy to deploy a Known Issue Rollback href: ./group-policy/use-group-policy-to-deploy-known-issue-rollback.md - name: High Availability items: - name: High Availability href: ./high-availability/high-availability-overview.md - name: Nested Virtualization items: - name: Retrieve data from Windows XP Mode VM href: ./high-availability/retrieve-data-from-windows-xp-mode-vm.md - name: Networking items: - name: Networking href: ./networking/networking-overview.md - name: Access to remote file shares (SMB or DFS Namespace) items: - name: '"User has not been authenticated" error when accessing a network drive' href: ./networking/error-access-network-drive-mapped-web-share.md - name: Access Denied when you access SMB file share href: ./networking/access-denied-access-smb-file-share.md - name: Can access offline files even if the file server is removed href: ./networking/access-offline-files-file-server-removed-from-network.md - name: Can't access shared folders from File Explorer href: ./networking/cannot-access-shared-folder-file-explorer.md - name: Error when accessing an administrative share href: ./networking/cannot-logon-access-administrative-share.md - name: Mapped drive connection to network share is lost href: ./networking/mapped-drive-connection-to-network-share-lost.md - name: Mapped drives not available in elevated command prompt href: ./networking/mapped-drives-not-available-from-elevated-command.md - name: Mapped network drive may fail to reconnect href: ./networking/mapped-network-drive-fail-reconnect.md - name: Saving and restoring existing Windows shares href: ./networking/saving-restoring-existing-windows-shares.md - name: Slow network performance on remote network computer href: ./networking/slow-network-performance-remote-computer.md - name: System error 85 with NET USE command href: ./networking/system-error-85-net-use-command.md - name: DNS items: - name: Configure a domain suffix search list on the Domain Name System clients href: ./networking/configure-domain-suffix-search-list-domain-name-system-clients.md - name: DNS requests appear to be random href: ./networking/dns-requests-random-network-properties-change.md - name: URI-encoding in UNC paths interpreted literally href: ./networking/url-encoding-unc-paths-not-url-decoded.md - name: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) items: - name: DHCP clients are blocked when DAI-enabled network device is used href: ./networking/dhcp-clients-blocked-dai-enabled-network.md - name: Folder redirection and Offline Files and Folders (CSC) items: - name: Can't open files offline href: ./networking/error-open-files-offline-offline-files-wip.md - name: Can't redirect Documents folder to the home directory href: ./networking/redirect-users-documents-folder-to-their-home-directory-fail.md - name: Change the location of CSC folder href: ./networking/change-csc-folder-location-with-cachelocation-registry.md - name: CSCCMD tool Version 1.1. functions and features href: ./networking/client-side-caching-command-line-options-v1dot1.md - name: Current hotfixes have folder redirection enabled href: ./networking/current-hotfixes-have-folder-redirection.md - name: Errors when having a large "Folder Redirection" policy settings file href: ./networking/errors-work-large-folder-redirection-policy-settings-file.md - name: Folder redirection doesn't work correctly href: ./networking/folder-redirection-not-work.md - name: Folder redirection fails when redirected to mapped drive letter href: ./networking/cannot-redirect-folder-use-drive-map-letter.md - name: How to re-initialize the offline files cache and database href: ./networking/re-initialize-offline-files-cache-database.md - name: Move the CSC folder to a new location href: ./networking/move-client-side-caching-folder.md - name: Offline file synchronization issues href: ./networking/offline-file-synchronization-issue.md - name: IP Address Management (IPAM) items: - name: Intranet site is identified as Internet site href: ./networking/intranet-site-identified-as-an-internet-site.md - name: Network Load Balancing (NLB) items: - name: Configure network infrastructure to support NLB operation mode href: ./networking/configure-network-to-support-nlb-operation-mode.md - name: Remote access items: - name: Change default MTU Size Settings href: ./networking/change-default-mtu-size-for-ppp-vpn-connection.md - name: CMAK-based VPN client doesn't work href: ./networking/cmak-based-vpn-doesnt-work.md - name: Default gateway route doesn't appear in Routing Table href: ./networking/default-gateway-route-not-appear.md - name: DirectAccess clients can't connect by IP-HTTPS href: ./networking/error-directaccess-clients-connect-over-ip-https.md - name: DirectAccess clients can't connect with IP-HTTPS href: ./networking/directaccess-clients-unable-connect-error-0x80092013.md - name: DirectAccess clients connection error 0x800b0109 href: ./networking/directaccess-clients-connection-error-0x800b0109.md - name: DirectAccess clients that use Teredo tunneling cannot connect href: ./networking/directaccess-clients-teredo-tunneling-not-connect-after-upgrade.md - name: Disconnect incoming VPN connection href: ./networking/disconnect-incoming-vpn-connection.md - name: Error 721 when establishing a VPN connection href: ./networking/error-when-establishing-vpn-connection.md - name: Error codes for dial-up or VPN connections href: ./networking/error-codes-for-dial-up-vpn-connection.md - name: Modern Apps can't connect when using Check Point VPN href: ./networking/modern-apps-cannot-connect-check-point-vpn.md - name: Troubleshoot L2TP/IPSec VPN client connection href: ./networking/l2tp-ipsec-vpn-client-connection-issue.md - name: Windows Connection Manager disconnects WLAN href: ./networking/windows-connection-manager-disconnects-wlan.md - name: TCP/IP communications items: - name: Additional gateways appear in persistent routes href: ./networking/incorrect-default-gateways-in-persistent-routes.md - name: Can't turn on Network Discovery href: ./networking/cannot-turn-on-network-discovery.md - name: Check Microsoft Broadband Network Adapter href: ./networking/ping-exe-check-microsoft-broadband-network-adapter.md - name: Configure client proxy server settings href: ./networking/configure-client-proxy-server-settings-by-registry-file.md - name: Device can't connect to mobile broadband href: ./networking/device-cant-connect-mobile-broadband-over-the-air.md - name: Enterprise APN lost after SIM change or MBN adapter error href: ./networking/enterprise-apn-lost-after-sim-change-mbn-adapter-error.md - name: Error "WSAENOBUFS (10055)" href: ./networking/connect-tcp-greater-than-5000-error-wsaenobufs-10055.md - name: Error 0x80071779 when removing network components href: ./networking/cannot-uninstall-client-for-microsoft-networks.md - name: Error 734 when establishing a dial-up connection href: ./networking/cannot-establish-dial-up-connection.md - name: How to disable network adapter power management href: ./networking/power-management-on-network-adapter.md - name: ICS doesn't work after computer or service restart href: ./networking/ics-not-work-after-computer-or-service-restart.md - name: Internet Explorer or Edge window opens when connecting to a corporate network href: ./networking/internet-explorer-edge-open-connect-corporate-public-network.md - name: Network gets disconnected if the computer isn't used after you sign in href: ./networking/network-gets-disconnected-computer-not-used-after-sign-in.md - name: Port Scanning Prevention Filter behavior href: ./networking/lots-disk-io-writes-wfpdiag-etl-log.md - name: Set up your small business network href: ./networking/set-up-your-small-business-network.md - name: Settings for minimizing periodic WAN traffic href: ./networking/settings-for-minimizing-periodic-wan-traffic.md - name: TCP/IP addressing and subnetting href: ./networking/tcpip-addressing-and-subnetting.md - name: TCP/IP and NBT configuration parameters href: ./networking/tcpip-and-nbt-configuration-parameters.md - name: Toubleshoot missing network connections icons href: ./networking/troubleshoot-missing-network-connections-icons.md - name: Unwanted wake-up events when you enable WOL href: ./networking/unwanted-wake-up-events.md - name: Use Telnet to test Port 3389 functionality href: ./networking/use-telnet-to-test-port-3389-functionality.md - name: Winsock timeout errors on slow links with Proxy Server or ISA Server href: ./networking/10060-connection-timed-out-with-proxy-server.md - name: Web Application Proxy (WAP) role service items: - name: Fail to use apps that connect to Internet href: ./networking/use-authenticated-proxy-servers.md - name: Use Group Policy to apply WinHTTP proxy settings href: ./networking/use-group-policy-apply-winhttp-proxy-settings.md - name: WebClient and WebDAV items: - name: Can't access WebDAV Web folder href: ./networking/cannot-access-webdav-web-folder.md - name: Can't automatically reconnect a DAV share when Basic Authentication is used href: ./networking/cannot-automatically-reconnect-dav-share.md - name: Windows Defender Exploit Guard items: - name: Lost internet connectivity using VPN href: ./networking/network-connectivity-lost.md - name: Windows Firewall with Advanced Security (WFAS) items: - name: Firewall profile doesn't switch to Domain when using a third-party VPN href: ./networking/firewall-profile-not-switch-to-domain.md - name: Internet firewalls prevent browsing and file sharing href: ./networking/internet-firewalls-prevent-browsing-file-sharing.md - name: Wireless networking and 802.1X authentication items: - name: Code 31 error for WAN Miniport device href: ./networking/code-31-error-device-manager-for-wan-miniport.md - name: Configure Wi-Fi Sense and Paid Wi-Fi Services href: ./networking/configure-wifi-sense-and-paid-wifi-service.md - name: Event 10317 when you turn on mobile broadband device href: ./networking/event-10317-mobile-broadband-device.md - name: How to connect to a wireless network href: ./networking/connect-to-wireless-network.md - name: Intel's My WiFi Technology stops working href: ./networking/intels-my-wifi-stops-working.md - name: 'Microsoft: Protected EAP (PEAP) option is missing' href: ./networking/microsoft-protected-eap-option-missing.md - name: OpenGL applications don't run on Miracast display href: ./networking/opengl-application-not-run-miracast-wireless-display.md - name: Security alert when connecting to wireless network href: ./networking/windows-security-alert-wireless-network.md - name: Virtual WiFi/SoftAP fails to start href: ./networking/virtual-wifisoftap-fails-to-start.md - name: Wireless devices are disabled after Airplane mode is off href: ./networking/wireless-devices-disabled-airplane-mode-off.md - name: Performance items: - name: Performance href: ./performance/performance-overview.md - name: Applications items: - name: Applications freeze when concurrently trying to access a file on a network drive href: ./performance/applications-freeze-concurrently-access-file-network-drive.md - name: Check Point and Centrify apps stop working href: ./performance/check-point-centrify-apps-stop-working.md - name: Command prompt and PowerShell don't start href: ./performance/command-prompt-powershell-not-start.md - name: Error 1058 when a service suddenly stops href: ./performance/error-1058-displayed-when-service-stops.md - name: Flight Simulator X hangs on loading screen href: ./performance/flight-simulator-x-stops-responding.md - name: Memory allocation experiences out-of-memory errors href: ./performance/slow-page-file-growth-memory-allocation-errors.md - name: Running an.exe file starts different program href: ./performance/running-exe-starts-another-program.md - name: Some Windows procedures don't work without RPC service href: ./performance/disable-rpc-service-windows-process-not-work.md - name: SuperFetch(SysMain) service consumes CPU href: ./performance/superfetch-sysmain-service-spikes-cpu.md - name: Windows 10 causes issues when it calls CreateWindowEx href: ./performance/issues-when-calls-createwindowex-32-bit-applications.md - name: Blue Screen/Bugcheck items: - name: Computers crash with error code 0x113 href: ./performance/error-0x113-intel-amd-graphics-adapters.md - name: NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE error href: ./performance/nmi-hardware-failure-error.md - name: Read small memory dump files href: ./performance/read-small-memory-dump-file.md - name: Stop error 0xE6 for a wireless device driver href: ./performance/stop-error-0xe6-wireless-device-driver-dmar.md - name: Stop error on Lenovo ThinkPad with KB4568831 update href: ./performance/stop-error-lenovo-thinkpad-kb4568831-uefi.md - name: Tablet device creates only a minidump file href: ./performance/tablet-device-creates-minidump-file.md - name: No Boot (not BugChecks) items: - name: Can't refresh or reset your PC href: ./performance/cannot-refresh-reset-pc-automatic-repair-fail.md - name: Changing ATA drive setting causes reboot loop href: ./performance/changing-bios-ata-drive-causes-reboot-loop.md - name: Fail to use PXE to boot clients from WDS href: ./performance/invalid-boot-file-received-error.md - name: PROCESS1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED Stop error href: ./performance/process1-initialization-failed-stop-error.md - name: Windows devices fail to boot after installing October 10 version of KB4041676 or KB4041691 href: ./performance/windows-devices-fail-boot-after-installing-kb4041676-kb4041691.md - name: Windows fails to start with error Missing or Corrupt ntoskrnl.exe href: ./performance/windows-fails-start-error-missing-corrupt-ntoskrnl.md - name: Performance monitoring tools items: - name: Cannot modify user environment variables href: ./performance/cannot-modify-user-environment-variables-system-properties.md - name: CPU usage exceeds 100% href: ./performance/cpu-usage-exceeds-100.md - name: Determine hardware DEP is available href: ./performance/determine-hardware-dep-available.md - name: GPU Process Memory counters report incorrect values href: ./performance/gpu-process-memory-counters-report-wrong-value.md - name: Task Manager shows incorrect CPU speed href: ./performance/task-manager-shows-incorrect-cpu-speed.md - name: User-defined data collector set doesn't run as scheduled href: ../windows-server/performance/user-defined-dcs-doesnt-run-as-scheduled.md - name: Use the System Configuration utility to troubleshoot href: ./performance/system-configuration-utility-troubleshoot-configuration-errors.md - name: Windows Experience Index shows 1.0 href: ./performance/windows-experience-index-shows-1-dot-0.md - name: Servicing items: - name: Push-button reset fails because language resources are missing href: ./performance/pbr-reset-fails-language-resources-missing.md - name: Shutdown is slow or hangs items: - name: Shuts down slowly when set to clear the virtual memory pagefile href: ./performance/windows-shuts-down-slowly-when-set-to-clear-virtual-memory-pagefile.md - name: Slow Performance items: - name: High CPU usage in the LSAISO process href: ./performance/lsaiso-process-high-cpu-usage.md - name: How to speed up your computer href: ./performance/speed-up-your-computer.md - name: Memory leak in remote registry service href: ./performance/memory-leak-remote-registry-service.md - name: Troubleshooting slow file copying in Windows href: ./performance/troubleshooting-slow-file-copying-in-windows.md - name: 'Printing ' items: - name: 'Printing ' href: ./printing/printing-overview.md - name: 'Errors and troubleshooting: General issues' items: - name: Can't install a Secure WSD printer from Print Management Console href: ./printing/cannot-install-secure-web-services-on-devices.md - name: Error occurs when adding an IPP printer href: ./printing/error-occurs-when-adding-ipp-printer.md - name: 'Errors and troubleshooting: Print output or print failures' items: - name: Duplex printing options can't be set href: ./printing/two-sided-printing-cannot-be-set.md - name: PNG images don't print correctly in Word 2010 after changing display scaling href: ./printing/png-images-not-print-correctly-change-display-scaling.md - name: 'Errors and troubleshooting: Print spooler' items: - name: Printers don't work with XPS-based print drivers href: ./printing/print-directly-to-the-printer-setting-not-work.md - name: Issues with Scanning items: - name: '"Server Busy" error message when you try to scan a document' href: ./printing/server-busy-error-scan-document.md - name: Scanning cause TWAIN aware application to hang href: ./printing/scanning-twain-aware-application-hang.md - name: 'Management and Configuration: General issues' items: - name: Add print directory feature href: ./printing/add-print-directory-feature.md - name: Alter printers that roam with roaming profiles href: ./printing/alter-printers-behavior-roaming-profiles.md - name: Error 0x00000709 when you use CNAME record href: ./printing/error-0x00000709-use-cname-record.md - name: Errors when you connect to a shared printer by using a CNAME record href: ./printing/errors-connect-to-shared-printer-cname-record.md - name: Printing from Modern App creates large spool file href: ./printing/print-modern-app-creates-large-file.md - name: 'Management and Configuration: Installing Print drivers' items: - name: Error message 0x0000052e when you try to install a network printer href: ./printing/error-message-0x0000052e-install-network-printer.md - name: Not all printer drivers are listed in Add Printer wizard href: ./printing/not-all-printer-drivers-from-windows-update-in-add-printer-wizard.md - name: Print driver default settings not inherited through Point and Print href: ./printing/print-driver-default-settings-not-inherited-point-print.md - name: Remote Desktop Services items: - name: Remote Desktop Services href: ./remote/remote-desktop-services-overview.md - name: Administration items: - name: Description of Remote Server Administration Tools href: ./remote/description-remote-server-administration-tools.md - name: Connecting to a session or desktop items: - name: 802.1x user authentication fails when using RDS connection href: ./remote/cannot-use-802dot1x-user-authentication-connect-rds.md - name: Local computer behaves as if Windows logo key is pressed href: ./remote/local-computer-behaves-as-if-windows-logo-key-pressed.md - name: Use MSTSC or universal Remote Desktop client instead of RDMan href: ./remote/use-mstsc-universal-remote-desktop-client-instead-rdman.md - name: Redirection (not printer) items: - name: Some USB devices aren't available href: ./remote/usb-devices-unavailable-remotefx-usb-redirection.md - name: Remote desktop sessions items: - name: Invalid client IP address in security event ID 4624 href: ./remote/invalid-client-ip-address-port-number-event-4624.md - name: Troubleshoot RDP Client connection problems href: ./remote/terminal-server-client-connection-failures.md - name: Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) items: - name: Support policy for Windows Virtual Desktop and Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session href: ./remote/support-policy-windows-virtual-desktop-windows-10-enterprise-multi-session.md - name: Shell Experience items: - name: Shell Experience href: ./shell-experience/shell-experience-overview.md - name: Cortana and Search items: - name: Can't start Windows Search service and error occurs href: ./shell-experience/windows-search-service-not-starting.md - name: Fix problems in Windows Search href: ./shell-experience/fix-problems-in-windows-search.md - name: Issues for Windows Desktop Search and Cortana href: ./shell-experience/windows-desktop-search-and-cortana-issues.md - name: Troubleshoot Windows Search performance href: ./shell-experience/windows-search-performance-issues.md - name: Windows.edb becomes larger than expected href: ./shell-experience/larger-windowsdotedb-file.md - name: Desktop Shell items: - name: An x in App titles in the lower-right corner href: ./shell-experience/x-app-titles-lower-right-corner.md - name: Black screen when unlocking a computer href: ./shell-experience/windows-7-black-screen-unlock-computer.md - name: Blank screen with no Start Menu href: ./shell-experience/windows-logon-process-failed-spawn-user-app.md - name: Fail to execute commands with RunOnce and RunOnceEx href: ./shell-experience/standard-user-cannot-run-commnad-via-runonce.md - name: Fail to register a DLL by using Regsvr32.exe href: ./shell-experience/dllregisterserver-error.md - name: HotStart buttons doesn't work href: ./shell-experience/disabling-autoplay-cause-hotstart-buttons-not-working.md - name: How to modify the command line string limitation href: ./shell-experience/command-line-string-limitation.md - name: UPX is displayed in the UI on managed device href: ./shell-experience/upx-displayed-in-UI-on-managed-device.md - name: DPI and Display Issues items: - name: Can't open high resolution file in Photo Gallery href: ./shell-experience/cannot-open-high-resolution-file-photo-gallery.md - name: Custom display settings revert to the default href: ./shell-experience/custom-display-settings-revert-to-default.md - name: 'Display configuration reverts to "Second screen only"' href: ./shell-experience/display-configuration-reverts-second-screen-only-resume-standby.md - name: Display issue when you use USB-attached monitor href: ./shell-experience/display-configuration-retained-after-reboot.md - name: Display resolution changes to a lower resolution href: ./shell-experience/display-resolution-changes-win-p-key.md - name: Docking station external monitors not working in Windows 10 version 1703 href: ./shell-experience/docked-external-monitor-not-working-windows-10-1703.md - name: Error when DDA-capable app is against GPU href: ./shell-experience/error-when-dda-capable-app-is-against-gpu.md - name: Fonts may not all get scaled properly href: ./shell-experience/fonts-may-not-all-get-scaled-properly.md - name: List All Modes displays incomplete list of modes href: ./shell-experience/incomplete-list-modes-in-duplicate-mode.md - name: Mouse input in games is incorrectly scaled href: ./shell-experience/mouse-input-incorrectly-scaled.md - name: The blocking untrusted fonts feature href: ./shell-experience/feature-to-block-untrusted-fonts.md - name: Video resolution limit for H.264 and stabilization href: ./shell-experience/video-stabilization-resolution-limits-h-264.md - name: DST and Timezones items: - name: Changes to calendar date in BIOS are not reflected in Windows href: ./shell-experience/changes-calendar-date-in-bios-not-reflected.md - name: File Associations items: - name: Can't associate a program with an extension href: ./shell-experience/cannot-associate-program-with-extension.md - name: File Explorer/Windows Explorer items: - name: .CHM file not render properly href: ./shell-experience/dot-chm-file-not-render-properly.md - name: Context menu items are missing href: ./shell-experience/context-menus-shortened-select-over-15-files.md - name: Error when burning files to disc href: ./shell-experience/error-when-burning-files-to-disc.md - name: Error when opening a Library in Windows Explorer href: ./shell-experience/no-longer-working-error-library-windows-explorer.md - name: How to remove the Security tab by a group policy href: ./shell-experience/disable-security-tab-use-group-policy.md - name: How to use the Windiff.exe Utility href: ./shell-experience/how-to-use-windiff-utility.md - name: Renaming a network folder fails href: ./shell-experience/renaming-a-network-folder-fails.md - name: Support of whitespace characters in file and folder names href: ./shell-experience/file-folder-name-whitespace-characters.md - name: Lock Screen or Screensaver items: - name: Lock screen isn't displayed href: ./shell-experience/lock-screen-isnt-displayed.md - name: Manage lock screen image href: ./shell-experience/manage-lock-screen-image.md - name: Monitor powers off when computer is locked href: ./shell-experience/monitor-powers-off-when-pc-locked.md - name: Modern, Inbox and Microsoft Store Apps items: - name: Can't open Microsoft Store when making a VPN connection href: ./shell-experience/microsoft-store-not-open-domain-joine-computer-vpn.md - name: Can't play audio in a system with DisplayPort href: ./shell-experience/errors-play-audio-displayport-hdmi-monitor.md - name: Can't remove, uninstall, or reinstall Microsoft Store app href: ./shell-experience/cannot-remove-uninstall-or-reinstall-microsoft-store-app.md - name: Can't start Microsoft Store apps href: ./shell-experience/error-start-store-apps.md - name: Event ID 5973 when you open Windows Store apps href: ./shell-experience/windows-store-apps-not-open-event-id-5973.md - name: Microsoft Store app removed unexpectedly href: ./shell-experience/pre-installed-microsoft-store-app-removed-logon.md - name: Microsoft Store Apps fail to start href: ./shell-experience/microsoft-store-apps-fail-to-start.md - name: Microsoft-Windows-AppReadiness event ID 215 error href: ./shell-experience/microsoft-windows-appreadiness-event-id-215-error.md - name: Modern apps are blocked by security software href: ./shell-experience/modern-apps-blocked-security-software-start-applications.md - name: Store App can't start without user profile href: ./shell-experience/apps-not-start-without-user-profile-programdata.md - name: Store app used by multiple users won't open after update href: ./shell-experience/store-app-not-start-after-update.md - name: Windows Media Player items: - name: Toggle between full screen mode and Windows mode href: ./shell-experience/toggle-full-mode-and-windows-mode.md - name: Videos don't play in Windows Media Player 11 href: ./shell-experience/media-player-11-not-play-video.md - name: Windows Media Feature Pack for Windows 7 N and for Windows 7 KN href: ./shell-experience/windows-media-feature-pack-for-windows-7.md - name: Windows Search items: - name: Windows Search 4.0 and Multilingual User Interface Pack href: ./shell-experience/windows-search-4-multilingual-user-interface-pack.md - name: System Management Components items: - name: System Management Components href: ./system-management-components/system-management-components-overview.md - name: Event Viewer items: - name: Delete saved logs from Event Viewer href: ./system-management-components/delete-saved-log-from-event-viewer.md - name: Help and Support items: - name: Daylight saving time help and support href: ./system-management-components/daylight-saving-time-help-support.md - name: Microsoft Management Console (MMC) items: - name: Error when you launch VAMT 3.0 href: ./system-management-components/fail-to-launch-vamt-3dot0.md - name: Windows Trace Session Manager service doesn't start href: ./system-management-components/windows-trace-session-manager-service-not-start-event-id-7000.md - name: PowerShell items: - name: Grant-DfsnAccess doesn't change inheritance mode href: ./system-management-components/grant-dfsnaccess-not-change-inheritance.md - name: Server Manager items: - name: DNS server tool is missing for RSAT client href: ./system-management-components/rsat-client-missing-dns-server-tool.md - name: Task Scheduler items: - name: Error 0x80041323 when you run Scheduled tasks href: ./system-management-components/0x80041323-running-scheduled-tasks.md - name: Error when using the "/z" switch with the "Schtasks.exe" command href: ./system-management-components/error-task-xml-missing-required-element-attribute.md - name: Run programs automatically when a user logs on href: ./system-management-components/run-programs-automatically.md - name: Task scheduler runs tasks as background processes href: ./system-management-components/task-scheduler-task-only-runs-in-background.md - name: Use the at command to schedule tasks href: ./system-management-components/use-at-command-to-schedule-tasks.md - name: WinRM items: - name: Errors when you run WinRM commands href: ./system-management-components/errors-when-you-run-winrm-commands.md - name: How to configure WINRM for HTTPS href: ./system-management-components/configure-winrm-for-https.md - name: WMI items: - name: Event ID 10 is logged in the Application log href: ./system-management-components/event-id-10-logged-application-log-after-install.md - name: Failed logon event when running remote WMI href: ./system-management-components/failed-logon-event-when-running-remote-wmi.md - name: SMS Agent Host service not start href: ./system-management-components/sms-agent-host-service-not-start.md - name: WMI-Activity Event ID 5858 logged with ResultCode = 0x80041032 href: ./system-management-components/wmi-activity-event-5858-logged-with-resultcode-0x80041032.md - name: UE-V items: - name: UE-V href: ./ue-v/ue-v-overview.md - name: UEV 2.1 items: - name: '%username% is unavailable that has OneDrive for Business installed' href: ./ue-v/percent-username-percent-unavailable.md - name: Unexpected one-minute delay of Outlook if UE-V is enabled href: ./ue-v/outlook-takes-one-minute-start.md - name: User Experience Virtualization (UE-V) items: - name: Enable debug logging href: ./ue-v/enable-debug-logging.md - name: Troubleshoot UE-V replication issues href: ./ue-v/ue-v-replication-issues.md - name: UE-V Registry Settings href: ./ue-v/ue-v-registry-settings.md - name: UserProfiles and Logon items: - name: UserProfiles and Logon href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/userprofiles-and-logon-overview.md - name: Slow logon items: - name: Slow logon with a blank screen href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/slow-logon-with-blank-screen.md - name: Smart card logon items: - name: Integrated Unblock screen not displayed when smart card PIN is blocked href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/integrated-unblock-screen-not-displayed-smart-card-pin-blocked.md - name: Registry keys for smart card PIN caching options not available href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/registry-keys-smart-card-pin-caching-options-not-available.md - name: User Logon fails items: - name: Custom credential providers don't load when you first log on href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/custom-credential-providers-dont-load-first-logon.md - name: Error 0xCAA5001C Token broker operation failed href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/event-1098-error-0xcaa5001c.md - name: Facial recognition logon doesn't work after applying Group Policy setting href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/facial-recognition-logon-not-work-group-policy-setting.md - name: First sign-in fails after deploying an image href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/first-logon-fails-deploy-image.md - name: Holding Shift key while logging off the system can't disable automatic logon href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/hold-shift-key-shutting-down-not-disable-automatic-logon.md - name: How to track users logon/logoff href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/track-users-logon-logoff.md - name: Logon fails when using cached credentials href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/cached-user-logon-fails-lsasrv-event-45058.md - name: User profiles items: - name: Can't set a convenience PIN href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/cannot-configure-a-convenience-pin.md - name: Create a new profile if the profile is damaged href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/create-new-user-profile.md - name: Error "Invalid store path" during the LoadState process href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/error-invalid-store-path-loadstate-user-state-migration-tool.md - name: Logon or logoff delays when you use roaming user profiles href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/roaming-profile-was-not-completely-synchronized-error.md - name: Renaming user account doesn't change profile path href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/renaming-user-account-not-change-profile-path.md - name: Virtualization items: - name: Virtualization href: ./virtualization/virtualization-overview.md - name: Configuration of virtual machine settings items: - name: Office prompts for activation in Azure href: ./virtualization/office-prompts-for-activation.md - name: Hyper-V Network Virtualization (HNV) items: - name: Can't create a Hyper-V virtual switch href: ./virtualization/cannot-create-hyper-v-virtual-switch.md - name: Installation and configuration of Hyper-V items: - name: Can't use kdump or kexec for Linux virtual machines href: ./virtualization/cant-use-kdump-kexec-linux-virtual-machines-hyper-v.md - name: Virtual machine creation items: - name: Supported Guest Operating Systems in Virtual PC href: ./virtualization/supported-guest-operating-systems-virtual-pc.md - name: Virtual machine performance items: - name: Hyper-V can't start VM after upgrade href: ./virtualization/hyper-v-not-start-vm-after-upgrade.md - name: Windows 7 End of Support (EoS) FAQ items: - name: Windows 7 EoS FAQ href: ./windows-7-eos-faq/windows-7-end-support-faq.yml - name: Windows 7 end of support href: ./windows-7-eos-faq/windows-7-end-support-faq-general.yml - name: Windows 7 Extended Security Updates (ESU) href: ./windows-7-eos-faq/windows-7-extended-security-updates-faq.yml - name: Windows 7 ESU offers for E5 customers href: ./windows-7-eos-faq/windows-7-esu-offers-e5-customers-faq.yml - name: Troubleshoot issues in ESU href: ./windows-7-eos-faq/troubleshoot-extended-security-updates-issues.yml - name: Windows Security items: - name: Windows Security href: ./windows-security/windows-security-overview.md - name: Account lockouts items: - name: Access computer after administrator account is disabled href: ./windows-security/access-computer-after-administrator-disabled.md - name: Bitlocker items: - name: BitLocker Recovery starts when OEMs perform firmware updates for TPM 1.2 href: ./windows-security/bitlocker-recovery-starts-oems-firmware-updates-tpm-1-dot-2.md - name: Earlier Windows versions don't start after "Setup Windows and Configuration Manager" href: ./windows-security/earlier-versions-not-start-use-pre-provision-bitlocker.md - name: TPM is in reduced functionality mode href: ./windows-security/trusted-platform-module-reduced-functionality-mode.md - name: Windows 10 BitLocker Recovery auto-shutdown in UEFI mode href: ./windows-security/bitlocker-recovery-auto-shutdown-in-uefi-mode.md - name: BitLocker could not be enabled href: ./windows-security/bitlocker-not-enabled-usb-drive-not-found.md - name: Can't retrieve BitLocker Recovery key href: ./windows-security/cant-retrieve-bitlocker-recovery-key.md - name: Disk partition requirement for using Windows RE tools on a UEFI-based computer href: ./windows-security/disk-partition-requirement-use-windows-re-tool.md - name: Error after you enter BitLocker PIN at startup href: ./windows-security/bitlocker-too-many-pin-entry-attempts.md - name: Error when BIOS is in legacy mode with TPM 2.0 href: ./windows-security/tpm-is-ready-for-use-with-reduced-functionality.md - name: Event ID 15 when a computer resumes from sleep href: ./windows-security/event-id-15-computer-resume-from-sleep.md - name: How to enable BitLocker device encryption href: ./windows-security/enable-bitlocker-device-encryption-local-hard-disk.md - name: MBAM client fails with error 0x8004100E href: ./windows-security/mbam-client-fails-event-id-4-0x8004100e.md - name: Parameter is incorrect when you enable BitLocker href: ./windows-security/parameter-is-incorrect.md - name: Specified Account not exist when enabling BitLocker href: ./windows-security/specified-account-not-exist-enable-bitlocker.md - name: Suspend BitLocker protection for non-Microsoft software updates href: ./windows-security/suspend-bitlocker-protection-non-microsoft-updates.md - name: The recovery password for BitLocker isn't available when FIPS compliant policy is set href: ./windows-security/bitlocker-recovery-password-not-fips-compliant.md - name: The requested Key ID is invalid href: ./windows-security/requested-key-id-is-invalid.md - name: Kerberos authentication items: - name: '"Not enough storage is available to complete this operation" error' href: ./windows-security/not-enough-storage-available-complete-operation-error.md - name: Fail to paste password into credential dialog box href: ./windows-security/file-system-error-when-pasting-password.md - name: Internet Protocol security (IPSec) items: - name: Default encryption settings for L2TP/IPSec VPN client href: ./windows-security/default-encryption-settings-for-l2tp-ipsec-vpn-client.md - name: Legacy authentication (NTLM) items: - name: Enable NTLM 2 authentication href: ./windows-security/enable-ntlm-2-authentication.md - name: Enabling debug logging for the Netlogon service href: ./windows-security/enable-debug-logging-netlogon-service.md - name: Permissions, access control, and auditing items: - name: Permissions when you copy and move files href: ./windows-security/permissions-on-copying-moving-files.md - name: Secure Boot and UEFI items: - name: Can't boot if more than one EFI system partition is present href: ./windows-security/cannot-boot-windows-on-primary-hard-disk-uefi.md - name: Error 0x80290300 when clearing the TPM href: ./windows-security/clear-tpm-fails-error-code-0x80290300.md - name: TPM isn't recognized as a compatible device href: ./windows-security/tpm-is-not-recognized.md - name: Smart card logon items: - name: 0x6 ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE error when a multithreaded application accesses a smart card href: ./windows-security/0x6-error-invalid-handle-multithreaded-application.md - name: Can't authenticate because of an incorrect PIV smart card driver update href: ./windows-security/cannot-authenticate-incorrect-piv-smart-card-driver-update.md - name: Code 31 for Microsoft USB CCID smart card reader href: ./windows-security/code-31-device-manager-usbccid-smartcard-reader-problem.md - name: TPM items: - name: Events 14 and 17 for TPM command failure or non-recoverable error href: ./windows-security/tpm-device-driver-error-log.md - name: Windows Firewall with Advanced Security (WFAS) items: - name: Enable diagnostic logging for Windows Security Center href: ./windows-security/how-to-enable-diagnostic-logging-for-windows-security-center.md - name: Windows Troubleshooters items: - name: Windows Troubleshooters href: ./windows-troubleshooters/windows-troubleshooters-overview.md - name: Active and retired Windows 10 troubleshooters href: ./windows-troubleshooters/active-and-retired-troubleshooters-windows-10.md
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- name: Welcome href: welcome-general.yml - name: Azure Automation items: - name: Automation modifications aren't reflected in the portal href: modifications-not-reflect-portal.md - name: Capture diagnostics information href: automation-scripted-diagnostic-capture.md - name: Find-AzureRmResource returns error href: find-azurermresource-fails.md - name: How to capture debug stream href: capture-debug-stream-automation-runbook.md - name: Reinstall Operations Management Suite Agent href: reinstall-oms-agent-linux.md - name: Azure API Management items: - name: Troubleshooting overview href: apim-troubleshooting-series.md - name: Blank response is returned href: api-return-blank-response.md - name: HTTP 403 - Forbidden issues href: request-throttling-http-403.md - name: HTTP 404 and 500 status codes href: soap-based-api-return-404-http-code.md - name: Performance issues in API calls href: performance-hit-api-calls.md - name: Unauthorized errors (401) href: unauthorized-errors-invoke-apis.md - name: Azure Stack items: - name: Side-channel vulnerabilities protection href: side-channel-vulnerabilities.md - name: Warning message in Azure Stack href: pending-service-account-password-expiration.md - name: Azure Stack Edge items: - name: Azure Stack Edge support package and device logs href: azure-stack-edge-support-package-device-logs.md - name: Cloud Platform System items: - name: Apply out-of-band updates href: apply-out-of-band-updates-to-cps.md - name: Enable BitLocker in Cloud Platform System href: how-to-enable-bitlocker-in-cloud-platform-system.md - name: Firmware version matrix for Cloud Platform System Premium href: firmware-version-matrix.md - name: Renew Windows Azure Pack authentication sites certificates href: how-to-renew-windows-azure-pack-authentication-sit.md - name: Update 1610 for Cloud Platform System Premium href: update-1610-cps-premium.md - name: Update 1606 for Cloud Platform System Premium href: update-1606-cps-premium.md - name: Update 1603 for Cloud Platform System Premium href: update-1603-for-cloud-platform-system-premium.md - name: Update 1603 for Cloud Platform System Standard href: update-1603-cps-standard.md - name: Update 1602 for Cloud Platform System Premium href: update-1602-for-cloud-platform-system-premium.md - name: Update 2.3 for Cloud Platform System Premium href: update-2.3-for-cloud-platform-system-premium.md - name: Update 2.1 for Cloud Platform System Premium href: update-2.1-for-cloud-platform-system-premium.md - name: Azure information Protection items: - name: Troubleshoot Azure Information Protection policy issues href: troubleshoot-aip-issues.md - name: Azure Virtual Network items: - name: Virtual Network troubleshooter href: sdp3fdcb6045-5616-45b4-bb68-0bd11081c184-vnet.md - name: Azure Service Fabric items: - name: Azure Service Fabric troubleshooter href: fabric-logs.md - name: Azure Storage items: - name: Embedded application error when install Azure backup agent href: unable-to-execute-the-embedded-application-error-backup-agent.md - name: Data restore scenarios for Azure Storage service href: data-restore-storage.md - name: Request body is too large error when write to file href: request-body-large.md - name: Optimize CreateFile function href: optimize-createfile-function.md - name: Troubleshoot high CPU or disk usage issues href: diagnose-high-cpu-disk-perfinsights.md - name: General items: - name: Associate a custom domain with Azure websites href: associate-custom-domain-secure-communication.md - name: Azure region access request process href: region-access-request-process.md - name: Container support policy href: support-policy-containers.md - name: Delete a corrupted Azure Analysis Services database href: delete-corrupted-azure-analysis-services-database.md - name: Deploy TLS 1.2 in Azure Pack href: tls-support-deployment-guide.md - name: Error when you try to copy content to Azure href: error-run-copy-activity-azure.md - name: Tips for finding Microsoft troubleshooting content href: search-tips-find-troubleshooting-content.md - name: Use Secure File Exchange to exchange files href: secure-file-exchange-transfer-files.md - name: Domains used by Microsoft support agents href: email-domains-support-agent.md - name: Other common issues items: - name: App Service Compliance with PCI Standards 3.0 and 3.1 href: app-service-compliance-wit.md - name: Can't load VM metrics href: problem-occur-loading-metrics.md - name: Delete button doesn't work href: delete-button-not-work-portal.md - name: Enterprise Agreement user can't create a VM href: cannot-create-vm-ea.md - name: Fail to sign up for an Azure subscription href: cannot-sign-up-subscription.md - name: Loading error occurs in Azure Data Factory href: loading-error-data-factory.md - name: Users and groups lists disappear href: cannot-see-users-groups-list-iam.md - name: WebUI "Oops" error message in StorSimple href: storsimple-user-receives-web-ui-error.md - name: Connection status is incorrect on portal href: connection-status-not-display-correctly-portal.md - name: Support Diagnostic Packages items: - name: Diagnostic logs for SQL Server href: sql-vm-logs.md - name: SQL database data collector href: sdp-342a3d014-6535-4e1f-9bd4-b0c32e71e3bf-sql.md
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### YamlMime:FAQ metadata: title: FAQ about Windows 7 ESU offers for E5 customers description: After January 14, 2020, Microsoft no longer provides security updates or support for computers that run Windows 7 for E5 customers. ms.date: 09/21/2020 author: Deland-Han ms.author: delhan manager: dscontentpm audience: itpro ms.topic: troubleshooting ms.prod: windows-client localization_priority: medium ms.reviewer: v-elj, chawong, winciccore, kaushika ms.prod-support-area-path: E5 ESU offers ms.technology: windows-client-eos title: FAQ about Windows 7 ESU offers for E5 customers summary: | This article describes the frequently asked questions about the Extended Security Updates offers for E5 customers for Windows 7. This article is intended for use by IT professionals. If you're looking for information for home users, see [Windows 7 support ended on January 14, 2020](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4057281/windows-7-support-will-end-on-january-14-2020). _Applies to:_ &nbsp; Windows 7 Service Pack 1 _Original KB number:_ &nbsp; 4527879 sections: - name: General information questions: - question: | Is Windows 7 Year 1 ESU included with Microsoft 365 E5? answer: | Yes. Starting March 1, 2020, Microsoft is introducing a new program that includes Windows 7 Year 1 ESU together with Microsoft 365 E5, Microsoft 365 E5 Security, and Microsoft 365 Security + Compliance Subscription License. - question: | In this new program, which subscriptions include Windows 7 Year 1 ESU? answer: | - Microsoft 365 E5 - Microsoft 365 E5 Security - Microsoft 365 Security + Compliance Subscription License (SL) - question: | Who can take advantage of this program? answer: | Windows 7 Year 1 ESU combined with Microsoft 365 E5 is available to Volume Licensing (VL) customers who purchase through EA or EAS agreements. - question: | What are the effective dates of this program? answer: | March 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020. - question: | Do customers have to maintain Microsoft 365 E5 subscriptions throughout the ESU coverage period? answer: | Yes. Customers must maintain the qualifying E5 SKUs through the end of the Windows 7 Year 1 ESU period (January 12, 2021) to benefit from the included ESU. - question: | Why is only Windows 7 Year 1 ESU included? answer: | We believe that most customers who have to purchase Windows 7 ESU require only Year 1 coverage as they continue to deploy Windows 10.
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### YamlMime:FAQ metadata: title: Troubleshoot issues in Extended Security Updates (ESU) description: Discusses troubleshooting methods to resolve issues that affect Extended Security Updates in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2. ms.date: 09/21/2020 author: Deland-Han ms.author: delhan manager: dscontentpm audience: itpro ms.topic: troubleshooting ms.prod: windows-client localization_priority: medium ms.reviewer: v-elj, chawong, squin, scottmca, winciccore, kaushika ms.prod-support-area-path: Troubleshoot issues in ESU ms.technology: windows-client-eos adobe-target: true title: Troubleshoot issues in ESU summary: | This article describes emerging issues that affect Extended Security Updates (ESU) deployments and the steps to troubleshoot these issues. This information is organized by task, as follows: - Installing update prerequisites - Installing ESU keys - Activating ESU keys - Installing ESU - Maintaining ongoing ESU compliance _Applies to:_ &nbsp; Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 7 Service Pack 1 _Original KB number:_ &nbsp; 4547184 sections: - name: Ignored questions: - question: | Installing ESU prerequisites answer: | You may experience the following issues when you install the ESU prerequisites. ### The update isn't applicable to your computer When you install an update that's required by ESU, you see a message similar to the following example: > The update is not applicable to your computer. #### Possible cause The package that you're trying to install isn't applicable to your Windows operating system edition or architecture. #### Actions to take - Make sure that the package is meant for your operating system edition and architecture. - Restart the computer, and then try to install the package again.​ - If you still see the error message, see [The update is not applicable to your computer](/windows/deployment/update/windows-update-troubleshooting#the-update-is-not-applicable-to-your-computer). #### Additional steps If the preceding steps don't resolve the problem, follow these steps on the affected computer: 1. Copy the component-based servicing (CBS) log file (C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log). 2. Contact [Microsoft Support](https://support.microsoft.com/contactus/), and provide this log file. ### Installer encountered an error: 0x80096010. The digital signature of the object did not verify When you install an update that's required by ESU, you see a message similar to the following example: > Installer encountered an error: 0x80096010. The digital signature of the object did not verify. #### Possible cause The computer is missing the SHA-2 updates. #### Actions to take Install the SHA-2 updates. For a list of prerequisites and SHA-2 updates, see the "Installation prerequisites" section of [Obtaining Extended Security Updates for eligible Windows devices](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/obtaining-extended-security-updates-for-eligible-windows-devices/ba-p/1167091#). - question: | Installing ESU product activation keys answer: | You may experience the following problems when you install a product activation key for ESU on a computer. This section assumes that all of the prerequisite updates for ESU are installed on the computer. ### Run 'slui.exe 0x2a 0xC004F050' to display the error text. Error: 0xC004F050 When you install an ESU key, you see a message similar to the following example: > Run 'slui.exe 0x2a 0xC004F050' to display the error text. Error: 0xC004F050 #### Possible causes This problem may occur under any of the following conditions: - The licensing monthly rollup/security only/standalone package isn't installed on the computer. - The computer hasn't been restarted after installing the updates. - Windows Server 2008 SP2-based computers sometimes require another restart. #### Actions to take 1. Review the update history of the computer to make sure that all the ESU prerequisites have been installed successfully. For a list of the prerequisites, see [Obtaining Extended Security Updates for eligible Windows devices](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/obtaining-extended-security-updates-for-eligible-windows-devices/ba-p/1167091#). 2. ​​Verify that the key that you're installing is the correct key for the computer and its operating system. 3. Restart the computer, and then install the key again.​​ #### Additional steps If the preceding steps don't resolve the problem, follow these steps on the affected computer: 1. Copy the component-based servicing (CBS) log file (C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log). 2. Contact [Microsoft Support](https://support.microsoft.com/contactus/), and provide this log file. ### Error: 0xC004F050 The Software Licensing Service reports that the product key is invalid When you install the ESU product key by using `slmgr.vbs /ipk`, you receive the following Windows Script Host message: > Error: 0xC004F050 The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is invalid. #### Cause This problem can occur in either of the following circumstances: - The licensing monthly rollup/security only/standalone package isn't installed on the computer. - You installed the prerequisite updates, but you didn't restart the computer. #### Actions to take 1. Check the computer's update history to make sure that all ESU prerequisite updates have been installed successfully. For a list of the required updates and information about how to get them, see [Obtaining Extended Security Updates for eligible Windows devices](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/obtaining-extended-security-updates-for-eligible-windows-devices/ba-p/1167091). 2. Make sure that the key that you're installing is the correct key for the computer and its operating system. 3. Restart the computer, and try again. #### Additional steps If the preceding steps don't resolve the problem, follow these steps on the affected computer: 1. Copy the component-based servicing (CBS) log file (C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log). 2. Contact [Microsoft Support](https://support.microsoft.com/contactus/), and provide this log file. ### The Software Licensing Service reports that the product key is invalid When you add the ESU product key to the Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT), you receive the following message: > Unable to verify product key The specified product key is invalid, or is unsupported by this version of VAMT. An update to support additional products may be available online. #### Cause This issue can occur if two of the files that support VAMT aren't updated to support ESU keys. #### Resolution To fix this problem, update the VAMT configuration files with these steps: 1. Download the [VAMT files](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=100304). The download includes the following files: - pkconfig_win7.xrm-ms - pkconfig_vista.xrm-ms 2. Copy the two downloaded files to C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\VAMT3\pkconfig, replacing the older versions of the files. 3. Close VAMT, and then restart it. ### The Software Licensing Service reports that the product key is invalid When you use VAMT to install an ESU key on a computer, you receive the following Action Status message: > The Software Licensing Service reports that the product key is invalid #### Cause This issue can occur if the computer is missing the prerequisite updates that ESU requires. #### Resolution For a list of the required updates and information about how to get them, see [Obtaining Extended Security Updates for eligible Windows devices](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/obtaining-extended-security-updates-for-eligible-windows-devices/ba-p/1167091). - question: | Activating ESU keys answer: | You may experience the following problems when you activate the ESU key on a computer. This section assumes that the computer has the product activation key and all the prerequisite updates for ESU installed. This section is divided into four parts. Some problems may occur during any type of activation, and some problems are specific to the activation type that your use. ### Any activation method Error: 0x80072F8F: Content decoding has failed When you try to activate a Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2008 R2 ESU key, you receive the following error message: > 0x80072F8F 147012721 WININET_E_DECODING_FAILED Content decoding has failed #### Cause This issue may occur if TLS 1.0 is disabled and the `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrenteControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\Schannel\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Client` subkey is set as follows: - DisabledByDefault: 1 - Enabled: 0 #### Actions to take This method forces the activation process to use TLS 1.2 by default so that TLS 1.0 can remain disabled. To resolve this issue, follow these steps. 1. If update [3140245](https://support.microsoft.com/help/3140245) isn't installed on the computer, use Windows Update to install it. 2. Open **regedit**, and navigate to the following registry subkey: `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\WinHttp` Create or set a **REG_DWORD** value of **DefaultSecureProtocols**, and set it to **0x800**. 3. If the computer is x64, you must also set the following registry key: `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\WinHttp` Create or set a **REG_DWORD** value of **DefaultSecureProtocols**, and set it to **0x800**. 4. Restart the computer, and then try to run the `slmgr.vbs /ato` command again. ### Slmgr activation This section describes problems that you might experience when you use the Slmgr tool for activation. ### Product activation failed while trying to activate ESU product key When you try to activate the product key, you get a message similar to the following example: > Error: Product activation failed. #### Cause The Windows operating system edition or architecture isn't eligible for ESU. #### Actions to take Make sure that the Windows operating system edition or architecture is in the list of editions and architectures that are supported for ESU. For a list, see [Obtaining Extended Security Updates for eligible Windows devices](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/obtaining-extended-security-updates-for-eligible-windows-devices/ba-p/1167091#). #### Additional steps If the preceding steps don't resolve the problem, contact [Microsoft Support](https://support.microsoft.com/contactus/). ### 0xC004C020 the activation server reported that the Multiple Activation Key (MAK) has exceeded its limit When you try to activate the product key, you get a message similar to the following example: > 0xC004C020 the activation server reported that the Multiple Activation Key has exceeded its limit #### Cause A MAK supports a limited number of activations. In this case, the MAK has exceeded its activation limit. #### Actions to take To increase the number of activations that the MAK key supports, contact the [Microsoft Licensing Activation Centers](https://www.microsoft.com/Licensing/existing-customer/activation-centers). ### Product not found while trying to activate ESU key When you activate the ESU product key, you receive a "product not found" message. #### Cause The activation ID that you used in the activation command isn't correct. #### Actions to take To get the activation ID, follow these steps: 1. Open an elevated Command Prompt window. 2. Run the following command: `cscript /h:cscript`. 3. Run one of the following commands, depending on your version of Windows. - For Windows 7: `slmgr /dlv` - For Windows Server 2008 SP2: `slmgr /dlv all` 4. In the command output, copy the activation ID of the ESU key. To use the activation ID, run the following command: `slmgr /ato <Activation ID>`. > [!NOTE] > In this command, \<Activation ID> represents the activation ID of the ESU key. ### 0xC004F025 access denied: the requested action requires elevated privileges When you try to activate the product key, you receive a message similar to the following example: > 0xC004F025 access denied: the requested action requires elevated privileges. #### Possible Cause You may be using a regular Command Prompt window instead of an elevated Command Prompt window. #### Actions to take To open an elevated Command Prompt window: - Select **Start**, right-click **Command Prompt**, and then select **Run as administrator**. ### Error: 0x80072EE7 When you try to activate the product key, you receive a message similar to the following example: > On a computer running Microsoft Windows non-core edition, run 'slui.exe 0x2a 0x80072EE7' to display the error text. Error: 0x80072EE7 #### Cause The computer can't communicate with the Microsoft Activation and Validation Services (AVS) server to activate the ESU key. #### Actions to take Make sure that the computer is connected to the internet, or has the Activation URLs in the allow list, and try again. For computers that don't connect directly to the internet, you can use VAMT Proxy activation or Phone activation as an alternative. For more information, see [Obtaining Extended Security Updates for eligible Windows devices](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/obtaining-extended-security-updates-for-eligible-windows-devices/ba-p/1167091#). For the current VAMT Proxy Activation URLs, see the "Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT) activation" section. ### 0x80072EE2 The operation timed out When you try to activate the product key, you get a message similar to the following example: > 0x80072EE2 The operation timed out #### Possible causes The computer can't connect to the Microsoft Activation service. It might not be connected to internet, or it might have issues with internet connectivity. #### Actions to take Make sure that the computer is connected to internet, or has the Activation URLs in the allow list, and try again. For computers that don't connect directly to the internet, you can use VAMT Proxy activation or Phone activation as an alternative. For more information, see [Obtaining Extended Security Updates for eligible Windows devices](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/obtaining-extended-security-updates-for-eligible-windows-devices/ba-p/1167091#). For the current VAMT Proxy Activation URLs, see the "Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT) activation" section. ### Activation command succeeds but the ESU key is still in Unlicensed state You appear to have successfully activated the ESU key. However, the key still doesn't seem to be properly licensed. #### Possible cause The `slmgr /ato` command didn't correctly pass the ESU activation ID. #### Action to take To use the activation ID, run the following command: `slmgr /ato <Activation ID>`. > [!NOTE] > In this command, \<Activation ID> represents the activation ID of the ESU key. ### License Status: Unlicensed Collapsible element body ### Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT) activation This section describes problems that you might experience when you use VAMT online or proxy activation. When you do so, use the following VAMT proxy activation URLs: - `https://activation.sls.microsoft.com/BatchActivation/BatchActivation.asmx​` - `https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=82160` (This FWLink redirects to the preceding URL.)​ ​ Or, include the following domains in the computer's allow list: - activation.sls.microsoft.com​ - `go.microsoft.com` ### Unable to verify product key When you try to activate the product key, you get a message similar to the following example: > Unable to verify product key The specified product key is invalid, or is unsupported by this version of VAMT. An update to support additional products may be available online. #### Possible causes There may be a problem in the `pkconfig` files. Those files may have to be replaced. #### Actions to take To update the VAMT configuration files, follow these steps: 1. Download the [VAMT files](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=100304). The download includes the following files: - pkconfig_win7.xrm-ms - pkconfig_vista.xrm-ms 2. Copy the two downloaded files into C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\VAMT3\pkconfig, replacing the older versions of the files. 3. Close VAMT, and then restart it. ### Unable to connect to the WMI service on the remote machine while activating the remote machine using VAMT online/proxy activation When you try to activate the product key, you receive a message similar to the following example: > Unable to connect to the WMI service on the remote machine while activating the remote machine using VAMT online/proxy activation. #### Possible causes Either of the following conditions on the affected computer may cause this problem: - The WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) service isn't turned on. - Windows Firewall isn't configured correctly to allow VAMT access. #### Actions to take - To turn on the WMI service, select **Start** > **Services**, and right-click **Windows Management Instrumentation**. Then select **Restart​**. - To configure Windows Firewall, follow the instructions in [Configure Client Computers](/windows/deployment/volume-activation/configure-client-computers-vamt). For more information about how to install the VAMT tool and configure client computers, see [Install and Configure VAMT](/windows/deployment/volume-activation/install-configure-vamt). ### Error: Access is denied When you try to activate the product key, you receive a message similar to the following example: > Error: Access is denied. #### Possible Cause You don't have permissions to access the computer. #### Actions to take On a domain-joined VAMT client computer, verify that: 1. You (or the activating user) have permissions to access the client computer. 2. Your account (or that of the activating user) appears in the **User Accounts** list on the client computer. For more information, see [Local Accounts](/windows/security/identity-protection/access-control/local-accounts). ### Phone activation This section describes problems that you might experience when you use phone activation. #### Error: 0xC004F04D The Software Licensing Service determined that the Installation ID (IID) or the Confirmation ID (CID) is invalid When you try to activate the product key, you receive a message similar to the following example: > Run 'slui.exe 0x2a 0xC004F04D' to display the error text. Error: 0xC004F04D #### Possible Cause The confirmation ID is incorrect. #### Actions to take 1. Call the [Microsoft Licensing Activation Centers](https://www.microsoft.com/Licensing/existing-customer/activation-centers) again. They'll walk you through the steps to get a confirmation ID. 2. In an elevated Command Prompt window, run the following command: `slmgr /atp <Confirmation ID> <ESU Activation ID>`. > [!NOTE] > In this command, \<Confirmation ID> represents the confirmation ID that you obtained in step 1, and \<ESU Activation ID> represents the activation ID of the ESU product key. - question: | Installing ESU answer: | You may experience the following problems when you install an ESU update on a computer. This section assumes that the computer has all of the prerequisite updates for ESU, and the product activation key is installed and activated. ### The Windows Module Installer must be updated before you can install the package When you install an ESU update, you see a message similar to the following example: > Windows Update Standalone Installer The Windows Modules Installer must be updated before you can install this package. Please update the Windows Modules Installer on your computer, then retry Setup. #### Possible cause The Servicing Stack Update (SSU) with AI Changes package isn't installed on the computer. #### Actions to take Verify that the SSU package is installed on the computer. To do so, on the affected computer, select **Start** > **Control Panel** > **Programs** > **Program and Features** > **View Installed updates**. If the SSU package isn't installed, install it and restart the computer. For more information about this update, see the "Installation prerequisites" section of [Obtaining Extended Security Updates for eligible Windows devices](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/obtaining-extended-security-updates-for-eligible-windows-devices/ba-p/1167091#). #### Additional steps If the preceding steps don't resolve the problem, on the affected computer, copy the component-based servicing (CBS) log file (C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log). Contact [Microsoft Support](https://support.microsoft.com/contactus/), and provide this log file. ### Some updates weren't installed while trying to install the security update When you install an ESU update, you see a message similar to the following example: > Download and Install Updates Some updates were not installed For information about other error codes, refer to the [Windows Update](/windows/deployment/update/windows-update-error-reference) error reference. #### Possible causes This problem may occur under any of the following conditions: - A valid ESU key isn't installed on the computer.​ - On a desktop client or server, the ESU key is installed but isn't activated.​ - On a Windows Embedded device, see [Windows Embedded devices](#windows-embedded-devices) for possible causes.​ - The Windows operating system that is installed on the computer isn't in the list of ESU supported editions or architectures. For a list of the supported editions and architectures, see [Obtaining Extended Security Updates for eligible Windows devices](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/obtaining-extended-security-updates-for-eligible-windows-devices/ba-p/1167091#). #### Actions to take On a desktop client or server computer, follow these steps to verify that the computer has a valid ESU key installed and activated. 1. Open an elevated Command Prompt window and then run one of the following commands: - `slmgr /dlv` (Windows 7 only) - `slmgr /dlv <Activation ID>` > [!Note] > In this command, **\<Activation ID>** represents the activation ID of the ESU key that is installed on the computer. - `slmgr /dlv all` 2. In the command output, verify that ESU key is licensed. ​ ![ESU key is licensed.](./media/troubleshoot-extended-security-updates-issues/esu-key-licensed.gif) On a typical (non-embedded) computer, install the ESU key if you haven't already done so. Then activate the key by using one of the following methods: - [VAMT online or proxy activation](/windows/deployment/volume-activation/install-configure-vamt) - Phone activation​ - By using the `slmgr /ato` command. To do so, follow these steps: 1. Open an elevated Command Prompt window. 2. Run `slmgr /ipk <ESU key>` and wait for the success message. > [!Note] > In this command, **\<ESU key>** represents the ESU product key for the computer. 3. Run `slmgr /ato <Activation ID>`. On a Windows Embedded device, see [Windows Embedded devices](#windows-embedded-devices) for appropriate actions to take.​ #### Additional steps If the preceding steps don't resolve the problem, on the affected computer, copy the component-based servicing (CBS) log file (C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log). Contact [Microsoft Support](https://support.microsoft.com/contactus/), and provide this log file. ### Error: 80070643 - prep-check KB installation fails When you install an ESU update, you see a message similar to the following example: > Error: 80070643 - prep-check KB installation fails The message may reference one of the following KBs: - KB 4528081 for Windows Server 2008 SP2 - KB 4528069 for Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008R2 The CBS log may contain messages similar to the following example: - ESU: Product = 36 (0x00000024). - ESU: Is IMDS check needed: FALSE​ - ESU: Pre IMDS checks failed, Not Eligible:HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(1605) - [1605 = ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT](/windows/win32/debug/system-error-codes--1300-1699-) #### Possible causes - The operating system edition is not supported by the prep-check KB. The prep-check KB doesn't support `*V` or `*Core` editions. - The most recent Servicing Stack Update (February 11, 2020, or later) and Monthly Rollup update (February 11, 2020, or later) aren't installed on the computer. #### Actions to take Install the latest Servicing Stack Update (February 11, 2020, or later) and Monthly Rollup (February 11, 2020, or later), and then try again. ### Windows Embedded devices When you install ESU on a device that runs a Windows Embedded operating system, you may notice the following problems. ESU: NO ESU KEY FOUND You have a device with a Windows product key that falls within the range of keys defined for embedded editions of Windows. When you install an ESU update, some of the updates don't install. And the CBS log contains entries similar to the following example: ```output ESU: NO ESU KEY FOUND ``` For example, you see the following log entries. ![CBS log no esu key](./media/troubleshoot-extended-security-updates-issues/log-entries-no-esu.png) #### Possible cause The ESU product key isn't installed on the device. #### Actions to take Install a valid Windows Embedded ESU key on the computer, and then try to install the ESU package again. ### HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(1633), Windows key in range of Windows Embedded keys You have a device that has a Windows product key that falls within the range of keys that has been defined for embedded editions of Windows. When you install an ESU update, some of the updates don't install, and the CBS log contains entries similar to the following example: ```output ESU: Windows is not activated. ESU: not eligible:HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(1633) ``` For example, you see the following log entries. ![CBS log in the range](./media/troubleshoot-extended-security-updates-issues/log-entries-in-range.png) #### Possible cause Either the Windows product key or the ESU product key (or both) is installed on the device but isn't activated. #### Actions to take Activate the Windows product key or the ESU product key (or both) and try to install the ESU package. ### HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(1633), Windows key out of range of Windows Embedded keys You have a device with a Windows product key that doesn't fall within the range of keys defined for embedded editions of Windows. When you install an ESU update, some of the updates don't install and the CBS log contains entries similar to the following example: ```output ESU: Windows is not activated. ESU: not eligible:HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(1633) ``` For example, you see the following log entries. ![CBS log out of the range](./media/troubleshoot-extended-security-updates-issues/log-entries-out-range.png) #### Possible cause The ESU product key is installed on the computer but isn't activated. #### Actions to take Activate the ESU product key, and then try to install the ESU package again. - question: | Maintaining ongoing ESU compliance answer: | You notice a non-compliant device in your update management and compliance toolsets. If you have a subset of devices that are running Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 without ESU, you notice a non-compliant device in your update management and compliance toolsets. Windows Server Update Service (WSUS) continues to scan cab files for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. additionalContent: | ## More information - [Troubleshooting Windows volume activation](/windows-server/get-started/activation-troubleshooting-guide) - [Resolve Windows activation error codes](/windows-server/get-started/activation-error-codes) - [Using the Activation troubleshooter](https://support.microsoft.com/help/20527/windows-10-activation-troubleshooter) - [Get help with Windows activation errors](https://support.microsoft.com/help/10738/windows-10-get-help-with-activation-errors) - [FAQ about Extended Security Updates for Windows 7](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4527878/faq-about-extended-security-updates-for-windows-7) - [Obtaining Extended Security Updates for eligible Windows devices](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/obtaining-extended-security-updates-for-eligible-windows-devices/ba-p/1167091) - [How to use Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 extended security updates (ESU)​](/windows-server/get-started/extended-security-updates) - [Extended Security Updates and Configuration Manager ​](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/configuration-manager-blog/extended-security-updates-and-configuration-manager/ba-p/825618) - [What are Extended Security Updates for SQL Server?](/sql/sql-server/end-of-support/sql-server-extended-security-updates?view=sql-server-ver15&preserve-view=true) - [Lifecycle FAQ-Extended Security Updates](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4497181/lifecycle-faq-extended-security-updates)
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### YamlMime:FAQ metadata: title: FAQ about Extended Security Updates (ESU) for Windows 7 description: After January 14, 2020, Microsoft no longer provides extended security updates or support for computers that run Windows 7. ms.date: 09/21/2020 author: Deland-Han ms.author: delhan manager: dscontentpm audience: itpro ms.topic: troubleshooting ms.prod: windows-client localization_priority: medium ms.reviewer: v-elj, chawong, winciccore, kaushika ms.prod-support-area-path: Windows 7 Extended Security Updates (ESU) ms.technology: windows-client-eos adobe-target: true title: FAQ about Windows 7 ESU summary: | This article describes the frequently asked questions about the extended security updates for Windows 7. This article is intended for use by IT professionals. If you're looking for information for home users, see [Windows 7 support ended on January 14, 2020](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4057281/windows-7-support-will-end-on-january-14-2020). _Applies to:_ &nbsp; Windows 7 Service Pack 1 _Original KB number:_ &nbsp; 4527878 sections: - name: General information questions: - question: | What do Windows 7 ESU include? answer: | Windows 7 Extended Security Updates (ESU) include security updates for critical and important issues as defined by Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) for a maximum of three years after January 14, 2020. After January 14, 2020, if your PC is running Windows 7, and you haven't purchased Extended Security Updates, the computer will no longer receive security updates. > [!NOTE] > There won't be an ESU offering or an extension of support for Office 2010. - question: | Which editions of Windows 7 are eligible for ESU? answer: | ESU is available for Windows 7 Professional and Windows 7 Enterprise. - question: | When will the ESU offer be available? answer: | ESU has been available in the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) since April 1, 2019, and from Cloud Solution Providers (CSPs) since Monday, December 2, 2019. - question: | Where can I find out more about purchasing and installing Windows 7 ESU in Year 2? answer: | The process for purchasing and installing ESU in Year 2 is identical to the process for Year 1. For more information, see [Year two of Extended Security Updates for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008](https://aka.ms/ESU-Year2). - question: | Do Windows 7 Embedded products qualify for Windows 7 ESU? answer: | To obtain Windows 7 ESU for Windows 7 Embedded products, you have to have an Ecosystem Partner Servicing Offering (EPSO) support contract. You can't purchase Embedded ESU through Volume Licensing. Extended Support end dates for Windows 7 Embedded vary by edition. For more information, go to the following websites: - [Windows 7 for Embedded System (FES)](https://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/search?alpha=Windows%207%20professional%20for%20Embedded%20System) - [Windows Embedded Standard 7 (WES)](https://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/search?alpha=Windows%20Embedded%20Standard%207%20Service%20Pack%201) - [Windows Embedded POS Ready 7](https://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/search?alpha=Windows%20Embedded%20POSReady%207) Direct requests for ESU for Windows Server 2008 R2 for Embedded Systems and SQL Server 2008 R2 for Embedded Systems to the original manufacturer (OEM) of the device. - name: ESU purchasing questions: - question: | Is there a deadline for organizations to purchase ESU for Windows 7? answer: | Organizations can purchase ESU at any time during the three years that the offer is available (2020, 2021, and 2022). If an organization waits and purchases ESU for the first time in year two or year three, they'll also have to pay for the preceding years. It's because the security updates that are offered under the ESU program are cumulative. Although organizations can purchase ESU at any time, they won't have received bug fixes or security updates since January 14, 2020 without ESU. Additionally, Microsoft Support no longer provides any form of support for these customers. - question: | If an organization waits and purchases ESU for the first time in Year 2 or Year 3, do they have to purchase licenses for the preceding year(s) as well? answer: Yes. Because the updates are cumulative, organizations must pay for the preceding years if they purchase Windows 7 ESU for the first time in year two or year three. That is, customers must have purchased coverage for year 1 of ESU in order to buy year 2, and coverage for year 2 in order to buy year 3. Customers may buy coverage for previous years at the same time they buy coverage for a current period. It's unnecessary to buy a certain period of coverage within that coverage period. - question: | How does the ESU purchasing transaction work for CSP Partners? answer: | CSP Partners can find Windows 7 ESU offerings in the Partner Center purchase experience, on the subscription software price list under **Software**. For specific instructions to purchase ESU through Partner Center, see [Purchasing Windows 7 ESU through a Cloud Solution Provider](https://aka.ms/Win7ESUCSP). - question: | If a customer purchases Windows 7 ESU 2021 through CSP and changes their mind about the ESU purchase, are there any limitations on returns? answer: | Yes. Windows 7 ESU 2021 returns through CSP can only be processed after the Year 2 coverage period starts on January 13, 2021. After January 13, 2021, CSP partners can request refunds for ESU purchases. - question: | How can EDU customers purchase Windows 7 ESU? answer: | Customers who own Windows 7 for Education (EDU) can purchase the commercial ESU offering from CSPs. - question: | Who should I contact for more information about pricing and ordering for Windows 7 ESU? answer: | VL customers: Contact your Account Team CE for pricing and ordering information that is tailored to specific customer scenarios. Customers who are interested in purchasing Windows 7 ESU in CSP should reach out to a CSP partner. You can find a qualified partner [at this site](https://www.microsoft.com/solution-providers/home). - question: | What is the SKU called in CSP? answer: | The "Windows 7 Extended Security Updates 2020" SKU is available on the CSP price list. - question: | Does Windows 7 ESU renew automatically for year two? answer: | No. Windows 7 ESU will be made available as a separate SKU for each of the years in which it's offered (2020, 2021, and 2022). To continue ESU coverage, customers will have to separately purchase the SKU for each year. Additional, in order to install Year two SKU, customers must purchase the Year one SKU. Installation and activation of the Year one SKU is not required. - question: | What are the coverage dates for the three Windows 7 ESU SKUs? answer: | - Windows 7 Extended Security Updates 2020: January 14, 2020 - January 12, 2021 - Windows 7 Extended Security Updates 2021: January 13, 2021 - January 11, 2022 - Windows 7 Extended Security Updates 2022: January 12, 2022 - January 10, 2023 For more information, see [Lifecycle FAQ-Extended Security Updates](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4497181/lifecycle-faq-extended-security-updates). - question: | Is there a minimum purchase requirement for Windows 7 ESU? answer: | No. There are no minimum purchase requirements for Windows 7 ESU. - question: | Is Software Assurance (SA) required to take advantage of ESU? answer: | No. However, VL customers who have subscription licenses for Windows Enterprise SA or Windows Enterprise E3 receive advantageous pricing. Are there any plans to release a separate Windows 7 ESU SKU for CSP customers who have active Software Assurance? No. - question: | How will licensing work for Windows 7 ESU in virtual machine environments? answer: | ESU is licensed per device. For traditional on-premises or dedicated Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), each endpoint that accesses a VM that runs Windows 7 ESU must have an ESU license. In other words, it's not the VMs that must be counted, but the terminals. If the customer moves to Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD), ESU is covered for no extra cost for the full three-year coverage period. - question: | Will ESU be available through Unified Support? answer: | No. ESU is available to purchase only through VL and CSP. - question: | Will ESU be available through the Microsoft Products & Services Agreement (MPSA)? answer: | No. ESU is out-of-scope for MPSA. - question: | I purchased Windows 7 ESU and this purchase isn't on the invoice for the same calendar month. Why dose it happen? answer: | If you purchase Windows 7 ESU before the monthly invoice generation date, the purchase will be shown on the previous month's invoice. It won't be shown on the current calendar month's invoice. For example, in March, if CSP purchased ESU before March 6, the purchase would show on February's invoice. - name: ESU coverage questions: - question: | Does this offer also apply to Windows XP, Windows Vista, or earlier versions? answer: | Windows XP and Windows Vista support has already ended, and no further support is available. Customers are encouraged to move to Windows 10 to take advantage of the latest in security and reliability. - question: | Will the Windows 7 ESU include updates for .NET Framework? If so, which version? answer: | Yes. Windows 7 ESU will include support for the .NET Framework 4.5.2-4.8 releases (as of January 2020) and .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (SP1). - question: | Do Windows 7 Embedded products qualify? answer: | Yes, there's an ESU program specifically for embedded devices. For more information, see [ESU for Windows 7 Embedded](#do-windows-7-embedded-products-qualify-for-esu-). - question: | Can Windows 7 Pro OEM customers purchase Windows 7 ESU? answer: | Yes. - question: | Windows 7 VMs hosted in Azure receive free ESU. How are updates delivered to these VMs? answer: | ESU for Windows 7 VMs on Azure is delivered by using the same methods as for on-premises clients. For more information, see the [ESU deployment section](#are-there-any-prerequisites-for-deploying-esu-) in this article. - question: | Will Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) continue to protect my computer after end of support? answer: | Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) will continue to receive signature updates after January 14, 2020. However, the MSE platform will no longer be updated. [Learn more about MSE](https://support.microsoft.com/help/17150/windows-7-what-is-microsoft-security-essentials). - question: | Are System Center Endpoint Protection (SCEP) Virus Definition updates for Windows 7 covered by ESU? answer: | SCEP definition and engine updates will continue for Windows 7 regardless of ESU status, according to the respective lifecycle policy for the listed SCEP versions. - All in-support versions of SCEP offer anti-spyware and anti-virus updates on version 4.10.209. - SCEP Current Branch will be the only EndPoint Protection product that will offer AV updates (until January 2023) after the 2012 version reaches its end of support in July 2022. - question: | Is technical support included? answer: | No. Customers that purchase directly from Microsoft (for example, VL customers or CSP direct Partners) can use an active support contract, such as Software Assurance or Premier or Unified Support, to request assistance with Windows 7. Partners can also use their Partner Support Plans to request assistance for Windows 7. - question: | Can customers get technical support on-premises for Windows 7 after the end-of-support date if they do not purchase ESU? answer: No. If customers have Windows 7 and don't purchase ESU, they can't log support tickets for Windows 7, even if they have support plans. - question: | Can an organization that purchases ESU use its Unified or Premier Support agreements to submit support incidents? answer: | Yes. Organizations that use VL to purchase ESU can submit support incidents by using any Microsoft Support offering, including Unified and Premier Support. - question: | Can customers use their Premier/Unified contracts to contact support if they have purchased ESU from a CSP Partner? answer: | No. CSP customers should use their partners for technical support or purchase a pay-per-incident plan through Microsoft Professional support. - question: | Can partners submit support incidents for their customers? answer: | Yes. CSP direct Partners can use their existing Partner Support plans to request assistance for Windows 7 ESU if the customer has purchased ESU. Resellers should work together with their CSP indirect Partners to request assistance for Windows 7 questions regarding devices that are covered by ESU. To locate your Tenant ID, sign in to `admin.microsoft.com` by using your organization administrator account. In the upper-left corner of the portal, select the app-launcher icon, and then select **Admin**. If you don't see the Admin tile, you don't have the correct permissions to access the admin center for your organization. Typically, your organization's network administrator or IT administrator have these permissions. - question: | How are ESU customers entitled for support? Can they submit tickets online by using Microsoft Support or Services Hub? answer: | All ESU customers must call Microsoft Support in order to place a request for a technical support incident. Premier and Unified customers can find the correct number to call within Services Hub. Non-Premier and Unified customers can find the correct number to call on the [Global Customer Service phone numbers](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4051701/global-customer-service-phone-numbers) page. - question: | How does a Microsoft Support agent know who has purchased ESU? answer: | We continue to work to fully automate the validation process. If a customer purchased ESU as part of their Enterprise Agreement, an agent can verify the purchase by asking for the customer's Enterprise Agreement number or for the full customer name. To locate their Agreement Number, a customer can sign in to Volume License Service Center, and go to **Licenses** > **License Summary**. Typically, the License Summary displays recently purchased licenses within 24 hours after Microsoft receives a customer order from a Microsoft Partner. - question: | What type of response should customers expect if they encounter an issue that requires a new feature? answer: | No new product enhancements will be made for Windows 7. ESU helps keep Windows 7 devices secure for a limited time, and assist customers during the transition to a supported version of Windows. If an investigation into a customer issue determines that a product enhancement in a recent release (such as Windows 10) resolves the issue, Microsoft Support will recommend that the customers upgrade to the most recent release. - question: | After customers purchase ESU, will Microsoft help troubleshoot issues that aren't related to an extended security update? answer: | Because Windows 7 support has ended, Microsoft is committed to helping customers upgrade to a supported version of Windows or migrate to the cloud. We'll provide best-effort support to troubleshoot issues for customers who purchase Windows 7 ESU. - question: | What type of response should customers expect when they request support for a product that is covered by ESU? answer: | For VL customers and CSP direct partners who have Premier Support plans, the expectations are as follows. ![Support expectations for extended security updates.](./media/windows-7-extended-security-updates-faq/expectation-support-plan.png) - question: | Is Internet Explorer 11 covered under Windows 7 ESU? answer: | Yes. Internet Explorer 11 will receive security updates as necessary through Windows 7 ESU. - question: | When will security updates be delivered for customers who have purchased Windows 7 ESU? answer: | Security updates for Windows 7 will be released to ESU customers on the second Tuesday of every month. If there are no Critical or Important updates for Windows 7 in any given month (as prescribed by the Microsoft Security Response Center), there will be no ESU updates in that update cycle. If an off-cycle security update is considered necessary, Windows 7 ESU customers will receive the update outside the regular monthly cadence. - question: | Is there any advance notification of security updates for Windows 7 ESU? answer: | No. There's no advance notification of security updates for Windows 7 ESU at this time. However, you can view details of past updates at [Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 update history](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4009469/windows-7-sp1-windows-server-2008-r2-sp1-update-history). - question: | Where can I learn more about the specific security updates that have been issued for Windows 7 ESU? answer: | A full list of updates to Windows 7 SP1, including ESU updates, is available at [Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 update history](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4009469/windows-7-sp1-windows-server-2008-r2-sp1-update-history). - name: ESU deployment questions: - question: | Are there any prerequisites for deploying ESU? answer: | Yes. Before a customer deploys ESU, they should read [Obtaining Extended Security Updates for eligible Windows devices](https://aka.ms/Windows7ESU). That post provides detailed explanations of all prerequisites and detailed instructions for deployment. - question: | How can organizations install and activate the Windows 7 ESU MAK key? answer: | For instructions to install and activate the Windows 7 ESU Multiple Activation Key (MAK), and more information about purchasing, see [Obtaining Extended Security Updates for eligible Windows devices](https://aka.ms/Windows7ESU). For more information about how to install and activate Windows 7 ESU MAK keys on multiple devices in an on-premises Active Directory domain, see the following article: [Activate Windows 7 ESUs on multiple devices with a MAK](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/activate-windows-7-esus-on-multiple-devices-with-a-mak/ba-p/1167196). > [!Note] > Installing MAK keys adds the ability to receive ESU. It doesn't replace the current product activation key (for example, OEM, KMS), nor does it reactivate the system. Organizations will have to install a new MAK key for every year that they deploy ESU. - question: | Do I need to uninstall the Windows 7 ESU Year 1 MAK key to install the Year 2 key? answer: | No. Nothing needs to be done to the Year 1 key to install the Year 2 key. The installation process for Year 2 is identical to Year 1 (see previous question, above). - question: | Can Windows 7 ESU Year 1 updates be applied to a device after January 12, 2021 if the Year 1 key is installed on the device? answer: | Yes, updates can be installed at any time. That allows you to maintain your existing patch rollout process when the Year 1 key is installed and activated on a device. The same applies for Year 2 and Year 3. For more information, see [What are the coverage dates for the three Windows 7 ESU SKUs](#what-are-the-coverage-dates-for-the-three-windows-7-esu-skus-). - question: | Why are the ESU License Preparation Packages necessary? answer: | The Extended Security Updates (ESU) License Preparation Packages ([Extended Security Updates (ESU) Licensing Preparation Package for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4538483/extended-security-updates-esu-licensing-preparation-package) and [Extended Security Updates (ESU) Licensing Preparation Package for Windows Server 2008 SP2](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4538484/extended-security-updates-esu-licensing-preparation-package)) address activation experience requirements that we identified while testing and evaluating by using a large population of preview customers. We introduced the ESU License Preparation Packages on February 11, 2020 to: - provide a consistent user experience going forward - minimize the number of package installations - reduce overall customer disruption - question: | How will Microsoft deliver ESU for organizations that purchase through volume licensing (VL)? answer: | An organization that uses volume licensing (VL) to manage on-premises deployments can use VL to deploy ESU to the covered devices. When an organization purchases Windows 7 ESU, Microsoft provides a MAK key in the VLSC. This MAK key is independent of the Windows 7 activation key and won't interfere with the existing Key Management Server (KMS) operating system activation deployment. Administrators can access the key within VLSC by selecting **Licenses** > **Relationship Summary** > **[Licensing ID]** > **Product Keys**. > [!NOTE] >In this path, **[Licensing ID]** refers to the licensing ID of the organization. The product key list will include the ESU key, which is named **Windows 7 Ext Security Year 1 MAK**. Organizations can deploy the new MAK key and any prerequisite servicing stack updates to the applicable devices, then continue their typical update and servicing strategy to deploy ESU by using Windows Update, Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), or whatever update management solution the organization prefers. It is also the process that organizations have to follow to update Azure Stack. For more information about how to use MAK for VL customers, see the VLSC [Product Keys FAQ](https://www.microsoft.com/Licensing/servicecenter/Help/FAQDetails.aspx?id=201). - question: | Will organizations have to have a new MAK key for each of the three years that ESU is available? answer: | Yes. Organizations have to purchase, install, and activate new keys for each of the three years. - question: | How can I determine when my ESU key will expire? answer: | The yearly ESU MAK keys don't expire. However, they don't enable the device to install updates beyond their designated time frame. For example, a device with only a Year 1 ESU MAK key can continue to install updates made available during Year 1 even after the Year 1 time frame ends. But it won't receive any further updates in Year 2. - question: | If an organization has to reinstall Windows 7, how will the additional activation of ESU be managed? answer: | - Organizations that purchase ESU through a Partner should go to the Partner to receive additional activations. - Organizations that purchased ESU through VLSC should [open a VLSC support case](https://www.microsoft.com/Licensing/servicecenter) to make this request. - question: | What delivery options are available for Extended Security Updates? answer: | ESU is delivered through all the usual update delivery channels, including: - Configuration Manager (current branch, version 1910 or later) - Windows Update (WU) - Windows Server Update Service (WSUS) - Microsoft Update Catalog The update is programmed to look for the MAK activation on the endpoint, and will install only on those systems together with the MAK key. [Learn more about Extended Security Updates and Configuration Manager](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Configuration-Manager-Blog/Extended-Security-Updates-and-Configuration-Manager/ba-p/825618). > [!Note] > The ESU License Preparation Packages ([Extended Security Updates (ESU) Licensing Preparation Package for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4538483/extended-security-updates-esu-licensing-preparation-package) and [Extended Security Updates (ESU) Licensing Preparation Package for Windows Server 2008 SP2](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4538484/extended-security-updates-esu-licensing-preparation-package)) are available through all of the previously mentioned channels except Windows Update. - question: | Is offline servicing available for operating system images that are covered by ESU? answer: | No. The ESU for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 require online servicing (using audit mode to modify images). ESU updates aren't supported in offline servicing mode. Applying ESU in offline servicing mode generates an error, and updates fail. - question: | How can a customer learn how many activations are left on their ESU MAK key? answer: | Customers can determine the remaining activations on an MAK key by using the Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT): 1. Start the VAMT. 2. In the navigation pane, select the **Product Keys** node. 3. In the center pane, find the "ESU Add-on MAK" key. The remaining activation count is displayed in the **Remaining Activation Count** column. - question: | Can VAMT be run on a virtual client? answer: | Yes. - question: | If VAMT is run on a virtual client for Windows 7 ESU deployment, does the VAMT host VM have to remain running after activating all the Windows 7 clients, or can it be decommissioned? answer: | The VAMT host VM can be decommissioned after it activates all the Windows 7 ESU clients. - question: | Will the number of activations that are available by using an ESU MAK key be limited? answer: | Yes. The number of activations that are available will depend on the number of licenses that the customer has purchased and also the terms of that customer's specific licensing agreement. - question: | The number of activations shown in VLSC is less than the number that our organization purchased. How can I request the correct number? answer: | 1. On the VLSC home page, select **Contact Us**. 2. Select your region, and then select **Support Web Form** in the **Contact Info** section. 3. In the form, fill out the required information. - question: | If an organization needs additional activations of ESU (for example, if they have to reinstall Windows 7 or reimage a device), how will those additional activations be managed? answer: | Organizations that purchase ESU through volume licensing should request additional activations through the VLSC: 1. On the VLSC home page, select **Contact Us**. 2. Select your region, and then select **Support Web Form** in the **Contact Info** section. 3. In the form, complete the required information. Most organizations that purchase ESU through CSP shouldn't have to request additional activations. For exceptional scenarios in which additional activations are required, Partners should use Partner Center to open a support request. - question: | Can customers activate Windows 7 ESU through a phone? answer: | Yes. For detailed instructions, see [Obtaining Extended Security Updates for eligible Windows devices](https://aka.ms/Windows7ESU). - name: ESU for Windows 7 Embedded questions: - question: | Do Windows 7 Embedded products qualify for ESU? answer: | Yes, there is an ESU program specifically for embedded devices. This program includes: - [Windows 7 for Embedded Systems](/lifecycle/products/windows-7) - [Windows Embedded Standard 7](/lifecycle/products/windows-embedded-standard-7) - [Windows Embedded POSReady 7](/lifecycle/products/windows-embedded-posready-7) The ESU for Windows 7 Embedded also includes Windows Server 2008 R2 for Embedded Systems and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 for Embedded Systems. Direct all embedded ESU requests to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of the device. - question: | Where can I find more information about the embedded ESU program? answer: | Contact your OEM for all Windows 7 Embedded ESU questions. - question: | Why isn’t ESU for Windows Embedded Standard 7 available via CSP or volume licensing? answer: | Windows Embedded Standard 7 is an embedded-only OS and is exclusively available from OEMs. - question: | How much does ESU for Windows Embedded Standard 7 cost? answer: | Contact your OEM for ESU pricing. - question: | Will my customer’s devices running Windows Embedded Standard 7 be unprotected after October 13, 2020? answer: | When security updates are available, Microsoft releases these monthly – on the second Tuesday of each month. If there are no critical or important updates released between October 14, 2020 and November 9, 2020, those devices will have the most current security updates from Microsoft. However, when the November 10, 2020 security updates are released, devices running WES will be unprotected and a security risk. - question: | How are "critical" and "important" updates defined? answer: | Visit by the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) for more information on security update ratings: [https://aka.ms/msrc_ratings](https://aka.ms/msrc_ratings).
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- name: Welcome href: welcome-windowsdeveloper.md - name: General items: - name: Description of Windows Mobile Device Center href: description-of-windows-mobile-device-center.md - name: Windows SDK items: - name: Component development items: - name: An application fails to create a COM+ component href: client-application-error-create-com-plus-component.md - name: Descriptions and workings of OLE threading models href: descriptions-workings-ole-threading-models.md - name: Two DLL hosts start when a COM+ object is enabled href: two-dll-hosts-start-com-plus-enabled.md - name: VarI8FromCy produces incorrect value href: vari8fromcy-produces-incorrect-value.md - name: Desktop app UI development items: - name: Call Shell APIs from a multithreaded apartment href: shell-functions-multithreaded-apartment.md - name: East Asian first character isn't recognized href: east-asian-first-character-not-recognized.md - name: GetMessage ignores messages href: getmessage-ignores-posted-messages.md - name: SystemParametersInfo works incorrectly href: calling-systemparametersinfo-work-incorrectly.md - name: Change hard error popup handling href: hard-error-popup-mode.md - name: Icon overlay handlers aren't displayed href: icon-overlay-handlers-windows-shell.md - name: IME crashes with cross-thread sent messages href: ime-crash-processing-cross-thread-sent-message.md - name: PathIsDirectory may be blocked when called by a UNC server href: pathisdirectory-may-blocked.md - name: Screen Saver command line arguments href: screen-saver-command-line.md - name: Warning 1946 when you install an Installer package href: warning-1946-when-you-install-installer-package.md - name: Distributed transactions items: - name: Can't start transactions href: cannot-start-transaction-ms-dtc.md - name: Enable diagnostic tracing href: enable-diagnostic-tracing-ms-dtc.md - name: KTMRM services fail with event ID 4448 href: ktmrm-service-event-id-0x80070005.md - name: MSDTC Service must run under NetworkService account href: msdtc-service-run-under-networkservice-account.md - name: New functionality in the MSDTC service href: new-functionality-in-msdtc-service.md - name: XA Transaction support requires registry entries href: xa-transaction-require-registry-entry.md - name: Graphics and multimedia development items: - name: Can't print to XPS Document Writer href: print-app-xps-document-writer.md - name: DirectShow doesn't connect to a downstream filter href: directshow-not-connect-downstream-filter.md - name: DWM drops frames of Direct3D applications href: dwm-drop-direct3d-10-application-frame.md - name: DXGI 1.2 API can't draw cursor to desktop images href: dxgi-cannot-draw-cursor.md - name: Former MIDI API causes applications to hang href: midi-device-app-hangs.md - name: GDI APIs may fail when large pages are used href: gdi-apis-may-fail-when-large-pages-used.md - name: Get status of printer and print job href: printer-print-job-status.md - name: Interoperability between GDI and GDI+ href: mix-gdi-and-gdi-plus-drawing.md - name: Modify printer settings by using SetPrinter href: modify-printer-settings-setprinter-api.md - name: Modify printer settings with DocumentProperties href: modify-printer-settings-documentproperties.md - name: Printer device fonts href: printer-device-fonts.md - name: RAW data can't print href: writeprinter-raw-data-not-print.md - name: S1023 error when you install the DirectX SDK href: s1023-error-when-you-install-directx-sdk.md - name: Send raw data to printers href: win32-raw-data-to-printer.md - name: XPSDrv isn't compatible with RAW databases href: v4-print-driver-raw-mode-pcl-postscript.md - name: WIA 2.0 doesn't support duplex scan href: wia-2-not-support-duplex.md - name: Networking development items: - name: An API causes an I/O not work correctly href: setfilecompletionnotificationmodes-causes-io-completion.md - name: The BeginRead method causes exceptions href: beginread-causes-invalidoperationexception.md - name: Header and library requirement at the IPPROTO_IP level href: header-library-requirement-socket-ipproto-ip.md - name: Memory leaks when you close a non-blocking socket href: close-non-blocked-socket-memory-leak.md - name: Send small data packets over TCP by using Winsock href: data-segment-tcp-winsock.md - name: Use the DnsQuery to resolve host names href: use-dnsquery-resolve-host-names.md - name: Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration class is unable to retrieve information href: win32-networkadapterconfiguration-unable-retrieve-information.md - name: Security development items: - name: Changing krbtgt password fails href: change-krbtgt-password-may-fail.md - name: Get information from Authenticode Signed Executables href: get-information-authenticode-signed-executables.md - name: Limitation of 10 smart card readers in Windows href: limitation-10-smart-card-readers.md - name: System services development items: - name: Access Violation of BEX or APPCRASH occurs href: access-violation-bex-appcrash.md - name: Asynchronous disk I/O appears synchronous href: asynchronous-disk-io-synchronous.md - name: CD-ROM notifications href: receive-cd-rom-notification.md - name: CreateProcess can't eliminate duplicated variables href: createprocess-cannot-eliminate-duplicate-variables.md - name: Custom virtual channel isn't supported href: custom-virtual-channel-not-supported.md - name: File copy operation deletes content href: file-copy-operation-deletes-content.md - name: Heap manager may not decommit memory href: heap-manager-may-not-decommit-memory.md - name: Get formatted strings for an event href: evtformatmessage-formatted-string-event.md - name: Guidelines for dates and times handling href: handle-dates-and-times-dst.md - name: MSXML is not supported in .NET applications href: msxml-not-support-dotnet-application.md - name: SetSystemTimeAdjustment loses adjustments href: setsystemtimeadjustment-less-than-16.md - name: Troubleshoot errors in Event Viewer href: troubleshoot-event-message-not-found.md - name: User32.dll or Kernel32.dll does not initialize href: user32-kernel32-not-initialize.md - name: Windows administration and management development items: - name: Change Windows Active Directory user password through LDAP href: change-windows-active-directory-user-password.md - name: MSI packages fail to run href: msi-packages-wmi-queries-cannot-run.md
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- name: Windows Server href: welcome-windows-server.yml - name: Active Directory items: - name: Active Directory href: ./identity/active-directory-overview.md - name: Active Directory backup, restore, or disaster recovery items: - name: c00002e2 error or "Choose an option" is displayed href: ./identity/domain-controller-not-start-c00002e2-error.md - name: Directory Services event 2095 when USN rollback occurs href: ./identity/detect-and-recover-from-usn-rollback.md - name: Event 2089 if you don't back up a domain controller href: ./identity/ntds-replication-event-2089-backup-latency-interval.md - name: Event ID 1587 after you restore domain controller href: ./identity/restoring-domain-controller-cause-inconsistencies.md - name: How to remove orphaned domains href: ./identity/remove-orphaned-domains.md - name: How to restore deleted user accounts and their groups href: ./identity/retore-deleted-accounts-and-groups-in-ad.md - name: No logon servers are available href: ./identity/no-logon-servers-are-available.md - name: Offline defragmentation of Active Directory database href: ./identity/ad-database-offline-defragmentation.md - name: Relocate a SYSVOL tree href: ./identity/relocate-sysvol-tree-frs-for-replication.md - name: RODC replicates passwords href: ./identity/rodc-replicates-passwords-grant-incorrect-permissions.md - name: Syskey.exe utility is no longer supported href: ./identity/syskey-exe-utility-is-no-longer-supported.md - name: SYSVOL folder isn't replicated between domain controllers href: ./identity/file-replication-service-event-13552-13555.md - name: Active Directory Certificate Services items: - name: A Certification Authority can't use a certificate template href: ./identity/ca-cant-use-certificate-template.md - name: Back up recovery agent EFS private key href: ./identity/back-up-recovery-agent-efs-private-key.md - name: Can't select CA-compatible certificate templates href: ./identity/cannot-select-windows-server-2016-ca-compatible-certificate-templates.md - name: Can't share files with multiple EFS certificates href: ./identity/cant-share-files-multiple-efs-certificates.md - name: Certificate Services doesn't start href: ./identity/certificate-services-not-start.md - name: Certificate Services may not start on a computer href: ./identity/cs-cant-start-computer.md - name: Change expiration date of certificates issued by CA href: ./identity/change-certificates-expiration-date.md - name: DPAPI MasterKey backup failures href: ./identity/dpapi-masterkey-backup-failures.md - name: Export Root Certification Authority Certificate href: ./identity/export-root-certification-authority-certificate.md - name: Find the name of Enterprise Root CA server href: ./identity/find-name-enterprise-root-ca-server.md - name: How to reinstall CA role href: ./identity/uninstall-reinstall-ca-role.md - name: How to remove manually Enterprise Windows Certificate Authority href: ./identity/delete-enterprise-windows-certificate-authority.md - name: Move a certification authority to another server href: ./identity/move-certification-authority-to-another-server.md - name: Move Certificate Server database and log files href: ./identity/move-certificate-server-database-log-files.md - name: Required trusted root certificates href: ./identity/trusted-root-certificates-are-required.md - name: Set different validity period for subordinate CA href: ./identity/set-enterprise-subordinate-ca-validity-period.md - name: Set up certificate-based authentication across forests without trust for a web server href: ./identity/set-up-certificate-based-authentication-across-forest-without-trust.md - name: Valid root CA certificates are untrusted href: ./identity/valid-root-ca-certificates-untrusted.md - name: Version 3 templates don't appear in certificate web enrollment href: ./identity/cng-templates-not-appear-certificate-web-enrollment.md - name: Active Directory database issues and domain controller boot failures items: - name: '"access is denied" error when replicating AD directory service' href: ./identity/access-is-denied-error-domain-controller-replicate-ad.md - name: '"Directory Services cannot start" error when starting a domain controller' href: ./identity/0xc00002e1-error-start-domain-controller.md - name: AD communication fails on multihomed domain controllers href: ./identity/active-directory-communication-fails.md - name: ADWS service crashes after upgrade href: ./identity/adws-service-crashes-after-you-upgrade.md - name: Database garbage collection process href: ./identity/database-garbage-collection-caculation-of-allowed-intervals.md - name: Error when you configure a server with Server Manager href: ./identity/fail-to-configure-server-using-server-manager.md - name: ESENT event IDs 1000, 1202, 412, and 454 href: ./identity/esent-events-1000-1202-412-454.md - name: Event IDs 5788 and 5789 occur href: ./identity/event-ids-5788-5789.md - name: How to run the semantic checker on the AD database href: ./identity/complete-semantic-database-analysis-ad-db.md - name: How to use Ntdsutil to manage Active Directory files href: ./identity/use-ntdsutil-manage-ad-files.md - name: ISMServ.exe fails to start when domain controller starts href: ./identity/ismserv-not-start-when-domain-controller-starts.md - name: Active Directory domain or forest functional level updates items: - name: '"Adprep could not contact a replica" error when running "Adprep /rodcprep" command' href: ./identity/error-run-adprep-rodcprep-command.md - name: Configure Kerberos Constrained Delegation href: ./identity/configure-kerberos-constrained-delegation.md - name: Domain controller promotion process shows "Windows Server Technical Preview" href: ./identity/domain-controller-promotion-windows-server-technical-preview.md - name: How to configure firewall for domains and trusts href: ./identity/config-firewall-for-ad-domains-and-trusts.md - name: Raise Active Directory domain and forest functional levels href: ./identity/raise-active-directory-domain-forest-functional-levels.md - name: Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) items: - name: Troubleshoot ADFS SSO issues href: ./identity/troubleshoot-ad-fs-sso-issue.md - name: ADFS error 180 and endpoints missing href: ./identity/adfs-error-180-endpoints-missing.md - name: ADFS 2.0 certificate error href: ./identity/adfs-2-certificate-error-build-chain.md - name: ADFS 2.0 error 401 href: ./identity/adfs-error-401-requested-resource-requires-authentication.md - name: 'ADFS 2.0 error: This page cannot be displayed' href: ./identity/this-page-cant-displayed.md - name: ADFS 2.0 service fails to start href: ./identity/adfs-2-service-fails-to-start.md - name: Availability and description of Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 href: ./identity/availability-description-afds.md - name: Change AD FS 2.0 service communications certificate href: ./identity/change-ad-fs-2-dot-0-service-communications.md - name: Description of the Extranet Smart Lockout feature href: ./identity/extranet-smart-lockout-feature.md - name: Disable and replace TLS 1.0 in ADFS href: ./identity/disable-and-replace-tls-1dot0.md - name: Error 0x80072EE7 when you perform Workplace Join href: ./identity/workplace-join-fail-error-0x80072ee7.md - name: Fail to connect ADFS service href: ./identity/connection-adfs-failed-set-msoladfscontex.md - name: Restore IIS and clean up Active Directory href: ./identity/restore-iis-clean-up-active-directory.md - name: Troubleshoot AD FS 2.0 error href: ./identity/adfs-2-error-access-is-denied.md - name: Troubleshoot AD FS issues in Azure Active Directory href: ./identity/troubleshoot-ad-fs-issues.md - name: Active Directory FSMO items: - name: Can't sign in to the domain href: ./identity/cant-sign-the-domain.md - name: Fail to seize RID master role with Ntdsutil href: ./identity/error-seize-rid-master-role-with-ntdsutil.md - name: Find servers that hold FSMO roles href: ./identity/find-servers-holding-fsmo-role.md - name: FSMO roles href: ./identity/fsmo-roles.md - name: How to transfer or seize FSMO roles href: ./identity/transfer-or-seize-fsmo-roles-in-ad-ds.md - name: How to view and transfer FSMO roles href: ./identity/view-transfer-fsmo-roles.md - name: Password change and conflict resolution function href: ./identity/password-change-conflict-resolution-function.md - name: Process of transferring and seizing FSMO roles href: ./identity/fsmo-transfer-seizure-process.md - name: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) and Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) items: - name: ADAM General Event ID 1161 is logged on an AD LDS server href: ./identity/adam-general-event-id-1161-logged-ad-lds-server.md - name: Hide or display InetOrgPerson object class href: ./identity/hide-display-inetorgperson-object-class.md - name: How to configure AD and LDS diagnostic event logging href: ./identity/configure-ad-and-lds-event-logging.md - name: LDAP operations to Active Directory are disabled href: ./identity/anonymous-ldap-operations-active-directory-disabled.md - name: LDS service startup fails with Event ID 1168 href: ./identity/lds-service-startup-fails.md - name: Numerous "Event ID 1216" Events href: ./identity/event-id-1216-directory-services-event-log.md - name: Troubleshoot OBJ_CLASS_VIOLATION error in Adamsync href: ./identity/adamsync-error-obj-class-violation.md - name: Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT) items: - name: AD LDS instance logs Event ID 2092 href: ./identity/ad-lds-instance-logs-event-id-2092.md - name: ADMT 3.1 PES installation fails with error href: ./identity/supplied-password-not-match-encryption-keys-password.md - name: Fail to run ADMT console after installation href: ./identity/admt-3dot2-installation-incomplete.md - name: Issues when you migrate to domain with ADMT 3.1 href: ./identity/issues-admt-3dot1-migrate-to-domain.md - name: Support information for ADMT and PES href: ./identity/support-for-admt-and-pes.md - name: Troubleshoot intra-forest password migrations href: ./identity/inter-forest-password-migration-with-admtv2.md - name: Troubleshoot sIDHistory migration with ADMTv2 href: ./identity/inter-forest-sidhistory-migration-with-admt.md - name: Windows App can't start href: ./identity/windows-app-cant-start.md - name: Active Directory replication items: - name: Active Directory changes don't replicate href: ./identity/active-directory-changes-not-replicate.md - name: Active Directory replication error 1256 href: ./identity/active-directory-replication-error-1256.md - name: Active Directory Replication Error 8451 href: ./identity/active-directory-replication-error-8451.md - name: Active Directory replication Event ID 1388 or 1988 href: ./identity/active-directory-replication-event-id-1388-1988.md - name: Active Directory replication Event ID 1925 href: ./identity/active-directory-replication-event-id-1925-dns-lookup.md - name: Active Directory replication Event ID 2042 href: ./identity/active-directory-replication-event-id-2042.md - name: Active Directory replication Event ID 2087 href: ./identity/active-directory-replication-event-id-2087.md - name: Active Directory replication Event ID 2108 and 1084 href: ./identity/replication-event-id-2108-1084.md - name: AD operations fail with Win32 error 1127 href: ./identity/replication-error-1127.md - name: AD operations fail with Win32 error 8240 href: ./identity/active-directory-replication-error-8240.md - name: AD replication fails with error 8409 href: ./identity/ad-replication-fails-error-8409.md - name: AD replication isn't working and event 1865 href: ./identity/active-directory-replication-not-work-event-1865.md - name: AD replications fail with error 1818 href: ./identity/replication-error-1818.md - name: AD replications fail with error 5 href: ./identity/replications-fail-with-error-5.md - name: AD replications fail with error 8333 href: ./identity/replication-error-8333.md - name: AD replications fail with error 8477 href: ./identity/replication-error-8477.md - name: Can't change replication scope of AD-integrated zone href: ./identity/change-integrated-dns-zone-replication-scope.md - name: Can't delete AD objects with many links href: ./identity/replication-failures-delete-active-directory-objects.md - name: Changes aren't replicated to destination domain controllers href: ./identity/changes-arent-replicated-controllers.md - name: DCDiag VerifyReferences test fails href: ./identity/dcdiag-verifyreferences-test-fails.md - name: Diagnose replication failures href: ./identity/diagnose-replication-failures.md - name: Disable KCC from automatically creating replication topology href: ./identity/disable-knowledge-consistency-checker-automatic-generation.md - name: Duplicate AD replication connections are created href: ./identity/duplicate-active-directory-replication-connections.md - name: Get and use AD Replication Status Tool href: ./identity/get-use-active-directory-replication-status-tool.md - name: Hotfixes for DFS technologies href: ./identity/distributed-file-system-hotfixes.md - name: How to restrict RPC traffic to a specific port href: ./identity/restrict-ad-rpc-traffic-to-specific-port.md - name: lingering objects in a Windows Server Active Directory forest href: ./identity/information-lingering-objects.md - name: Lingering objects still remain href: ./identity/lingering-objects-remain.md - name: Manually replicating data between domain controllers fails href: ./identity/target-principal-name-is-incorrect-when-replicating-data.md - name: Modify the default intra-site DC replication interval href: ./identity/modify-default-intra-site-dc-replication-interval.md - name: NTDS Replication Warning Event ID 1093 href: ./identity/ntds-replication-warning-event-id-1093.md - name: NTDS replication warning IDs 1083 and 1061 href: ./identity/ntds-replication-warning-1083-1061-sam-error-12294.md - name: NTFRS deprecation blocks installation of replica DCs href: ./identity/ntfrs-deprecation-blocks-replic-dc-installation.md - name: Operations fail with Win32 error 1753 href: ./identity/replication-error-1753.md - name: Operations fail with Win32 error 8524 href: ./identity/replication-error-8524.md - name: Orphaned child domain controller is not replicated href: ./identity/orphaned-child-domain-isnt-replicated.md - name: Replication error 1722 href: ./identity/replication-error-1722-rpc-server-unavailable.md - name: Replication error 2146893022 href: ./identity/replication-error-2146893022.md - name: Replication error 5 - Access is denied href: ./identity/replication-error-5.md - name: Replication error 8452 href: ./identity/replication-error-8452.md - name: Replication error 8453 href: ./identity/replication-error-8453.md - name: Replication error 8614 href: ./identity/replication-error-8614.md - name: Troubleshoot Active Directory replication error 1396 href: ./identity/active-directory-replication-error-1396.md - name: Troubleshoot AD replication error 8446 href: ./identity/replication-error-8446.md - name: Troubleshoot AD replication error 8464 href: ./identity/replication-error-8464.md - name: Troubleshoot AD replication error 8545 href: ./identity/active-directory-replication-error-8545.md - name: Troubleshoot common Active Directory replication errors href: ./identity/common-active-directory-replication-errors.md - name: Troubleshoot domain controller replication error 1727 href: ./identity/remote-procedure-call-failed-and-did-not-execute-error.md - name: Troubleshoot Event ID 1311 messages href: ./identity/troubleshoot-event-id-1311-messages.md - name: Troubleshoot Jet database errors and recovery steps href: ./identity/jet-database-errors-recovery-steps.md - name: Troubleshoot replication error 8418 href: ./identity/replication-error-8418.md - name: Troubleshoot replication error 8456 or 8457 href: ./identity/replication-error-8456-8457.md - name: Troubleshoot replication error 8461 href: ./identity/adrepl-troubleshoot-replication-error-8461.md - name: Troubleshoot replication error 8606 href: ./identity/replication-error-8606.md - name: Use Ntdsutil to find and clean up duplicate security identifiers href: ./identity/ntdsutil-find-clean-duplicate-security-identifiers.md - name: Active Directory Rights Management Services items: - name: Event ID 84 occurs in AD RMS in Windows Server href: ./identity/event-id-84-occurs-ad-rms-windows-server.md - name: Active Directory topology (sites, subnets, and connection objects) items: - name: Can't promote a DC to global catalog server href: ./identity/cannot-promote-dc-to-global-catalog-server.md - name: Fail to create a DFS namespace href: ./identity/namespace-not-queried-rpc-server-unavailable.md - name: Issues when renaming sites in the AD forest href: ./identity/problems-rename-active-directory-forest-sites.md - name: KFSO doesn't work in external trust href: ./identity/kfso-not-work-in-external-trust-event-is-17.md - name: Optimize domain controller location href: ./identity/optimize-dc-location-global-catalog.md - name: Problems with promoting DC to global catalog server href: ./identity/promoting-dc-to-global-catalog-server-issues.md - name: DCPromo and the installation of domain controllers items: - name: '"Schema mismatch" error when try to run the Active Directory Installation Wizard' href: ./identity/schema-mismatch-error-ad-installation-wizard-dcpromo.md - name: Access is denied error occurs with DCPROMO href: ./identity/access-denied-error-occurs-dcpromo.md - name: Access is denied when you promote domain controller href: ./identity/access-denied-create-ntds-settings-object.md - name: AD DS configuration operations fails href: ./identity/service-cannot-be-started-error.md - name: Cannot add a domain controller as a node href: ./identity/cannot-add-domain-controller-node-failover-cluster.md - name: Can't select DNS Server role when adding a domain controller into an existing AD domain href: ./identity/auto-install-dns-server-role-disabled-promte-domain-controller.md - name: Create an Active Directory server href: ./identity/create-an-active-directory-server.md - name: DC promotion stops responding href: ./identity/dc-promotion-not-respond-netbios-disabled.md - name: DCPROMO demotion fails href: ./identity/dcpromo-demotion-fails.md - name: Deployment and operation of Active Directory domains href: ./identity/deployment-operation-ad-domains.md - name: Domain controller rename doesn't rename all AD DFSR SYSVOL objects href: ./identity/sysvol-msdfsr-member-container-not-updated.md - name: Domain controllers don't demote href: ./identity/domain-controllers-not-demote.md - name: Errors when you run DCDIAG commands href: ./identity/dcdiag-commands-running-errors.md - name: Fail to demote domain controller with Dcpromo.exe href: ./identity/cannot-demote-domain-controller.md - name: FSMO placement and optimization href: ./identity/fsmo-placement-and-optimization-on-ad-dcs.md - name: Group policy application rules for domain controllers href: ./identity/group-policy-application-rules-for-domain-controller.md - name: Group Policy preparation isn't performed href: ./identity/group-policy-preparation-isnt-performed.md - name: How to upgrade domain controllers href: ./identity/add-domain-controllers-to-windows-2000-domain.md - name: How to use unattended mode to install and remove AD DS href: ./identity/syntax-build-answer-files-unattended-installation-ad-ds.md - name: Installing AD DS fails href: ./identity/installing-ad-ds-fails.md - name: Internal error during replication phase of dcpromo href: ./identity/dcpromo-replication-phase-error.md - name: Move Windows Server to a domain fails href: ./identity/wizard-not-gain-access-to-domain.md - name: NETLOGON share isn't present after you install AD DS on a new full or read-only domain controller href: ./identity/netlogon-share-not-present-after-install-ad-ds-on-full-read-only-domain-controller.md - name: Newly promoted domain controller fails to advertise after DCpromo href: ./identity/newly-promoted-domain-controller-fail-advertise.md - name: Domain controller scalability or performance (including LDAP) items: - name: DC returns only 5000 values in LDAP response href: ./identity/domain-controller-returns-500-values-ldap-response.md - name: Domain controller is not functioning correctly href: ./identity/domain-controller-not-functioning-correctly.md - name: Event ID 1644 when LDAP queries are run href: ./identity/ldap-queries-run-slowly.md - name: How to troubleshoot high Lsass.exe CPU utilization href: ./identity/troubleshoot-high-lsass.exe-cpu-utilization.md - name: LDAP and Kerberos servers reset TCP sessions href: ./identity/ldap-kerberos-server-reset-tcp-sessions.md - name: Performance issues after you upgrade DCs href: ./identity/dc-delayed-response-to-ldap-kerberos-request.md - name: Use Event1644Reader.ps1 to analyze LDAP query performance href: ./identity/event1644reader-analyze-ldap-query-performance.md - name: Domain join issues items: - name: '"The account is not authorized to login from this station" error' href: ./identity/account-not-authorized-login-from-this-station.md - name: Active Directory installation fails href: ./identity/creating-ntds-settings-object-for-ad-dc.md - name: Cannot contect to the Internet or the domain href: ./identity/cannot-connect-internet-domain.md - name: Default limit to workstation numbers href: ./identity/default-workstation-numbers-join-domain.md - name: Mechanism to locate a domain controller href: ./identity/how-domain-controllers-are-located.md - name: Netlogon service doesn't keep settings after in-place upgrade href: ./identity/netlogon-service-not-start-automatically.md - name: Support boundaries for Active Directory over NAT href: ./identity/support-for-active-directory-over-nat.md - name: Sync Center syncs offline files very slow href: ./identity/sync-center-slow-syncing-of-offline-files.md - name: Troubleshooting AD Replication error 1908 href: ./identity/ad-replication-error-1908-not-find-domain-controller.md - name: Troubleshoot errors when joining computers to a domain href: ./identity/troubleshoot-errors-join-computer-to-domain.md - name: Unable to join computers to a domain href: ./identity/cannot-join-computer-to-domain.md - name: Using domain join UI to join a computer to AD domain fails href: ./identity/fail-to-join-computer-to-ad-domain.md - name: LDAP configuration and interoperability items: - name: Enable LDAP over SSL href: ./identity/enable-ldap-over-ssl-3rd-certification-authority.md - name: How to enable LDAP signing in Windows Server href: ./identity/enable-ldap-signing-in-windows-server.md - name: How to turn on debug logging of the LDAP client href: ./identity/turn-on-debug-logging-ldap-client.md - name: LDAP paged queries with subordinate referrals are not chased properly href: ./identity/ldap-paged-queries-subordinate-referrals-not-chased.md - name: LDAP queries return partial attribute list href: ./identity/ldap-query-against-domain-controller-partial-attribute.md - name: LDAP queries targeting host names take longer href: ./identity/ldap-session-takes-longer-target-host-names.md - name: LDAP session security settings and requirements after ADV190023 href: ./identity/ldap-session-security-settings-requirements-adv190023.md - name: LDAPS connection problems href: ./identity/ldap-over-ssl-connection-issues.md - name: Make DCs to reply to LDAP Ping on UDP 138 port href: ./identity/dc-respond-to-ldap-ping-on-udp-138-port.md - name: Use the Online Dbdump feature in Ldp.exe href: ./identity/use-online-dbdump-feature-ldp-dot-exe.md - name: View and set LDAP policy by using Ntdsutil href: ./identity/view-set-ldap-policy-using-ntdsutil.md - name: Schema update - known issues, best practices, workflow review items: - name: How to find the current Schema Version href: ./identity/find-current-schema-version.md - name: Schema update failure or conflict items: - name: Delays when domain members communicate to DCs href: ./identity/delays-domain-members-dc-remote-domains.md - name: Error when you run AD Installation Wizard href: ./identity/error-when-you-run-ad-installation-wizard.md - name: Transport Layer Security (TLS) items: - name: Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 and force the use of TLS 1.2 href: ./identity/disable-tls-1-1dot1-mbam-servers.md - name: Errors when applications try to connect to SQL Server href: ./identity/apps-forcibly-closed-tls-connection-errors.md - name: User, computer, group, and object management items: - name: '"This property is limited to 64 values" error' href: ./identity/this-property-limited-64-values.md - name: Access denied after logging on to a local administrator account href: ./identity/access-denied-log-on-administrator-domain-account.md - name: ACCESS DENIED with NetUser and NetGroup APIs href: ./identity/netuser-netgroup-fails-with-access-denied.md - name: Access is denied when non-administrator users join computers href: ./identity/access-denied-when-joining-computers.md - name: Account-identifier allocator fails to initialize href: ./identity/event-16650-account-identifier-allocator-not-initialize.md - name: Add special groups to built-in groups href: ./identity/add-special-groups-to-built-in-groups.md - name: All members of a group may not be returned href: ./identity/all-members-group-may-not-be-returned.md - name: AuditPol and Local Security Policy results are different href: ./identity/auditpol-local-security-policy-results-differ.md - name: Can't access AD data from Source Control Explorer href: ./identity/fail-to-access-data-from-source-control-explorer.md - name: Can't add user or object to directory service href: ./identity/cannot-add-user-object-differ-by-diacritic-mark-character.md - name: Can't start Active Directory Users and Computers Tool href: ./identity/cannot-start-active-directory-users-and-computers-tool.md - name: Compatibility with user accounts ending with the dollar sign href: ./identity/compatibility-user-accounts-end-dollar-sign.md - name: Define Security Templates by Security Templates Snap-In href: ./identity/define-security-templates-using-security-templates-snap-in.md - name: Error "The directory datatype cannot be converted to/ from a native DS datatype" href: ./identity/directory-datatype-cannot-converted-to-from-native-ds-datatype-error.md - name: Event ID 5722 is logged on domain controller href: ./identity/event-id-5722-logged-on-domain-controller.md - name: Fail to delete orphaned NTDS Settings href: ./identity/dsa-object-cannot-be-deleted.md - name: Fail to run Get-ADGroupMember for domain local group href: ./identity/get-adgroupmember-error-remote-forest-members.md - name: RSoP Planning mode is not supported in a cross-forest scenario href: ./identity/rsop-not-supported-across-multiple-forests.md - name: How to change display names of Active Directory users href: ./identity/change-display-names-ad-users.md - name: How to enable Kerberos event logging href: ./identity/enable-kerberos-event-logging.md - name: How to reset the DSRM administrator password href: ./identity/reset-directory-services-restore-mode-admin-pwd.md - name: How to use phantoms href: ./identity/phantoms-tombstones-infrastructure-master.md - name: Information about devices configured as RODCs href: ./identity/info-devices-configured-rodcs.md - name: Let non-administrators view deleted objects container href: ./identity/non-administrators-view-deleted-object-container.md - name: Modify filtered properties of an object href: ./identity/modify-filtered-properties-of-object.md - name: Multiple tabs of user properties are missing href: ./identity/multiple-tabs-of-user-property-missing.md - name: Name computers, domains, sites, and OUs href: ./identity/naming-conventions-for-computer-domain-site-ou.md - name: NET.EXE /ADD command doesn't support names longer than 20 characters href: ./identity/net-add-not-support-names-exceeding-20-characters.md - name: Netlogon service doesn't start href: ./identity/netlogon-service-not-start-event-2112-7024.md - name: Password change for expired password fails href: ./identity/error-password-change-expired-password.md - name: Password Reset fails with error href: ./identity/password-reset-fails-error.md - name: Password-change protocols in Windows href: ./identity/password-change-mechanisms.md - name: Redirect users and computers containers href: ./identity/redirect-users-computers-containers.md - name: Rename an item after replication collision href: ./identity/rename-item-replication-collision.md - name: Restrict use of a computer to one domain user only href: ./identity/restrict-use-one-domain-user-only.md - name: Set a user's password with Ldifde href: ./identity/set-user-password-with-ldifde.md - name: Some applications and APIs require access to authorization information href: ./identity/apps-apis-require-access.md - name: The Lingering Object Liquidator (LoL) tool href: ./identity/lingering-object-liquidator-tool.md - name: Troubleshoot AD replication error 8589 href: ./identity/replication-error-8589.md - name: Use Adminpak to remotely administer computers href: ./identity/use-adminpak-remotely-administer-computers.md - name: Use Directory Service to manage AD objects href: ./identity/directory-service-manage-objects.md - name: UserAccountControl property flags href: ./identity/useraccountcontrol-manipulate-account-properties.md - name: Well-known security identifiers in Windows href: ./identity/security-identifiers-in-windows.md - name: Virtualized domain controller (errors and questions) items: - name: Host AD DCs in virtual hosting environments href: ./identity/ad-dc-in-virtual-hosting-environment.md - name: Windows Time Service event IDs 24, 29, and 38 href: ./identity/windows-time-service-event-ids-24-29-38.md - name: Windows Time Service items: - name: Configure W32Time against a large time offset href: ./identity/configure-w32ime-against-huge-time-offset.md - name: Convert date/time attributes to standard time format href: ./identity/convert-datetime-attributes-to-standard-format.md - name: 'Error message when you run the "w32tm /resync" command' href: ./identity/error-message-run-w32tm-resync-no-time-data-available.md - name: 'Event 142: The time service has stopped advertising' href: ./identity/w32time-event-142-time-service-stopped-advertising.md - name: How to configure authoritative time server href: ./identity/configure-authoritative-time-server.md - name: How Windows Time service treats leap second href: ./identity/time-service-treats-leap-second.md - name: Support for the leap second href: ./identity/support-for-leap-second.md - name: Time service not correct the time href: ./identity/specialpollinterval-polling-interval-time-service-not-correct.md - name: Time synchronization may not succeed href: ./identity/time-synchronization-not-succeed-non-ntp.md - name: Turn on debug logging in Windows Time Service href: ./identity/turn-on-debug-logging-in-windows-time-service.md - name: W32time settings fail when starting Windows Time Service in a workgroup href: ./identity/w32time-sync-specialpollInterval-ignored.md - name: Windows Time Service settings aren't preserved in an upgrade href: ./identity/windows-time-service-values-reverted.md - name: Admin Development items: - name: Admin Development href: ./admin-development/admin-development-overview.md - name: Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI) items: - name: Convert string formatted GUID to hexadecimal string form href: ./admin-development/convert-string-guid-to-hexadecimal-string.md - name: Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) items: - name: Best practice of configuring EventLog forwarding performance href: ./admin-development/configure-eventlog-forwarding-performance.md - name: Suggested hotfixes for WMI issues href: ./admin-development/hotfixes-for-wmi-issues.md - name: Windows Installer reconfigured all applications href: ./admin-development/windows-installer-reconfigured-all-applications.md - name: Windows Remote Management (WinRM) items: - name: Event collector doesn't forward events href: ./admin-development/events-not-forwarded-by-windows-server-collector.md - name: Application Management items: - name: Application Management href: ./application-management/application-management-overview.md - name: .NET Framework installation items: - name: Services depending on ASP.NET State Service don't start href: ./application-management/services-not-start-upgrade-to-dotnet-framework-4.md - name: 1st Party Applications items: - name: Dial-in is unavailable in MMC snap-in href: ./application-management/dial-in-tab-unavailable-mmc-snap-in.md - name: Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) items: - name: DXDIAG reports low display adapters memory href: ./application-management/low-amount-display-adapter-memory.md - name: Error "The Best Practices Analyzer scan has failed" href: ./application-management/error-best-practices-analyzer-scan-has-failed.md - name: COM and COM+ performance and stability items: - name: COM+ application stops working when users logs off href: ./application-management/complus-server-application-not-work.md - name: COM and DCOM programming items: - name: Performance degrades when accessing large files href: ./application-management/operating-system-performance-degrades.md - name: COM+ administration, configuration, and security items: - name: 0x80004027 error when you remotely access COM+ object href: ./application-management/0x80004027-remotely-access-com-plus-object.md - name: Error code 80080005 when start many COM+ applications href: ./application-management/error-8008005-when-start-complus-applications.md - name: DTC startup, configuration, connectivity, and cluster items: - name: How to configure DTC to work through firewalls href: ./application-management/configure-dtc-to-work-through-firewalls.md - name: How to enable network DTC access href: ./application-management/enable-network-dtc-access.md - name: Rebuild or move MSDTC installation to be used with SQL failover cluster href: ./application-management/rebuild-move-msdtc-installation-used-with-sql-failover-cluster.md - name: Troubleshoot connectivity issues in MS DTC with DTCPing tool href: ./application-management/ms-dtc-connectivity-issues.md - name: Event System items: - name: Description of the Shutdown Event Tracker href: ./application-management/description-shutdown-event-tracker.md - name: How to delete corrupt Event Viewer Log files href: ./application-management/delete-corrupt-event-viewer-log-files.md - name: Move Event Viewer log files to another location href: ./application-management/move-event-viewer-log-files.md - name: MSI items: - name: Fix MSI software update registration corruption issues href: ./application-management/fix-software-update-registration-issues.md - name: MSI installation fails with error 1603 href: ./application-management/msi-installation-error-1603.md - name: Multilingual User Interface (MUI) and Input Method Editor (IME) items: - name: How the "Regional and Language Options" settings are applied href: ./application-management/regional-and-language-options-settings.md - name: HTTP Listener fails to initialize when lacking SeChangeNotifyPrivilege href: ./application-management/http-listener-fails-initialize.md - name: Windows Script Host (CScript or WScript) items: - name: Run a logon script one time when a new user logs on href: ./application-management/run-logon-script-once-new-user-logs.md - name: Backup and Storage items: - name: Backup and Storage href: ./backup-and-storage/backup-and-storage-overview.md - name: Active Directory backup and restore, or disaster recovery items: - name: Shelf life of a system-state backup of AD href: ./backup-and-storage/shelf-life-system-state-backup-ad.md - name: Configuring and using Backup software items: - name: 0x80042306 error when configuring previous versions for a mount point href: ./backup-and-storage/cannot-configure-clustered-mount-points-shadow-copies.md - name: Access Denied when you run batch job href: ./backup-and-storage/access-denied-run-batch-job.md - name: Backup program is unsuccessful for large system volume href: ./backup-and-storage/backup-program-unsuccessful-large-system-volume.md - name: Can't add an additional disk to a scheduled backup href: ./backup-and-storage/fail-to-add-disk-to-schedule-backup.md - name: DirectAccess clients connection error 0x274d href: ./backup-and-storage/directaccess-clients-connection-error-0x274d.md - name: Diskshadow error when you try to create a VSS snapshot href: ./backup-and-storage/diskshadow-error-try-to-create-a-vss-snap.md - name: Enable debug tracing features of VSS href: ./backup-and-storage/enable-debug-tracing-features-vss.md - name: Error 3266/3013 when you perform database backup/restore href: ./backup-and-storage/database-backup-error-3266-3013.md - name: Error message when you do a system state backup href: ./backup-and-storage/error-when-you-do-system-state-backup.md - name: Event ID 8193 when you perform a backup href: ./backup-and-storage/event-id-8193-when-you-perform-backup.md - name: How to use the backup feature to back up and restore data href: ./backup-and-storage/use-backup-feature-back-up-restore-data.md - name: No VSS writers when running the "vssadmin list writers" command href: ./backup-and-storage/no-vss-writers-listed-run-vssadmin-list-writers.md - name: Return codes that are used by the Robocopy utility href: ./backup-and-storage/return-codes-used-robocopy-utility.md - name: Server backup process fails and error 0x80070005 href: ./backup-and-storage/cannot-back-up-server-error-0x80070005.md - name: System event log srv event ID 2012 href: ./backup-and-storage/srv-event-id-2012.md - name: System State Backup fails href: ./backup-and-storage/system-state-backup-fails-invalid-imagepath.md - name: The system state backup fails href: ./backup-and-storage/system-state-backup-fails.md - name: Windows Server Backup MMC fails to open href: ./backup-and-storage/server-backup-mmc-fails-open.md - name: Data corruption and disk errors items: - name: Backup doesn't start after you perform BMR href: ./backup-and-storage/backup-not-start-after-performing-bmr.md - name: Can't delete files on NTFS file system href: ./backup-and-storage/cannot-delete-file-folder-on-ntfs-file-system.md - name: Change in the behavior of the format command href: ./backup-and-storage/format-command-not-write-zeros-to-disk.md - name: Correct disk space problems on NTFS volumes href: ./backup-and-storage/disk-space-problems-on-ntfs-volumes.md - name: Disk Event ID 154 href: ./backup-and-storage/disk-event-id-154.md - name: Errors occur when you bring a physical disk resource href: ./backup-and-storage/errors-occur-when-bringing-disk-resource.md - name: Extending a CSV isn't blocked href: ./backup-and-storage/extending-csv-isnt-blocked.md - name: Set Partmgr Attributes registry with PowerShell href: ./backup-and-storage/set-partmgr-attributes-with-powershell.md - name: System logs multiple events that specify Event ID 640 href: ./backup-and-storage/logs-multiple-events-specify-event-id-640.md - name: Deduplication items: - name: Clone or duplicate a Windows installation href: ./backup-and-storage/windows-installations-disk-duplication.md - name: Errors for SMB Read Andx requests for files managed by Data Deduplication href: ./backup-and-storage/request-not-supported-smb-data-deduplication.md - name: Files are corrupted on deduplicated volume href: ./backup-and-storage/files-are-corrupted-deduplicated-volume.md - name: Full garbage collection causes performance issues href: ./backup-and-storage/full-garbage-collection-performance-issue.md - name: Known issues after you enable data deduplication on CSV href: ./backup-and-storage/issues-after-enabling-data-deduplication.md - name: File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) items: - name: Error 10013 when binding excluded port again href: ./backup-and-storage/error-10013-wsaeacces-is-returned.md - name: File Server Resource Manager could not load WMI objects href: ./backup-and-storage/error-file-server-resource-manager-could-not-load-wmi-objects.md - name: FSRM quota usage is incorrect href: ./backup-and-storage/fsrm-quota-usage-incorrect.md - name: Hotfixes for File Services in Windows Server 2008 href: ./backup-and-storage/file-services-hotfixes-in-windows-server-2008.md - name: Not enough storage to process this command href: ./backup-and-storage/not-enough-storage-process-this-command.md - name: iSCSI items: - name: File shares on iSCSI devices aren't re-created href: ./backup-and-storage/file-shares-on-iscsi-devices-not-recreated.md - name: iSCSI virtual disk size limits are incorrect href: ./backup-and-storage/iscsi-virtual-disk-size-limits-incorrect.md - name: Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.3 limits href: ./backup-and-storage/iscsi-software-target-3dot3-limits.md - name: Redundant subnets are incorrectly created href: ./backup-and-storage/redundant-subnets-are-incorrectly-created.md - name: The iSCSI Initiator can't log in to Favorite Target href: ./backup-and-storage/iscsi-initiator-not-login-to-favorite-targets.md - name: Multipath I/O (MPIO) and Storport items: - name: Can't install Windows to the boot LUN with multiple paths href: ./backup-and-storage/error-setup-unable-create-new-system-partition.md - name: Enabling MPIO with SAS disks decreases performance href: ./backup-and-storage/enabling-mpio-with-sas-decreases-performance.md - name: MPIO option not available in Disk Management href: ./backup-and-storage/mpio-option-not-available-disk-management.md - name: Partition and volume management items: - name: '"You do not have permission" error' href: ./backup-and-storage/you-dont-have-permission-error-mount-iso-image.md - name: A volume shows up as raw in disk management href: ./backup-and-storage/volume-show-up-as-raw.md - name: Best practices for using dynamic disks href: ./backup-and-storage/best-practices-using-dynamic-disks.md - name: Can't access a CSV volume from a passive node href: ./backup-and-storage/event-5120-5142-access-clusterstorage-folder.md - name: Can't select or format hard disk partition href: ./backup-and-storage/cannot-select-format-hard-disk-partition.md - name: Can't start a computer from a FAT32 file system USB flash drive href: ./backup-and-storage/cannot-start-computer-from-usb-flash-drive.md - name: Can't use the DiskPart break command to break a mirrored set href: ./backup-and-storage/error-use-diskpart-break-command-break-mirrored-set.md - name: Configure a Low Disk Space Alert href: ./backup-and-storage/configure-low-disk-space-alert-performance-logs.md - name: Disk Defragmenter Limitations href: ./backup-and-storage/disk-defragmenter-limitations.md - name: Distributed Link Tracking on domain controllers href: ./backup-and-storage/distributed-link-tracking-on-domain-controller.md - name: Establish and boot to GPT mirrors in 64-bit Windows href: ./backup-and-storage/establish-boot-to-gpt-mirrors.md - name: Extend a data volume href: ./backup-and-storage/extend-data-volume.md - name: FAQs about GUID Partitioning Table disk architecture href: ./backup-and-storage/guid-partitioning-table-disk-faq.yml - name: Fix heavy memory usage in ReFS href: ./backup-and-storage/fix-heavy-memory-usage-refs.md - name: Hot-swap disks are not recognized href: ./backup-and-storage/hot-swap-disks-not-recognized.md - name: How NTFS reserves space for MFT href: ./backup-and-storage/ntfs-reserves-space-for-mft.md - name: How to establish a striped volume href: ./backup-and-storage/establish-striped-volume-raid-0.md - name: How to mirror the system and boot partition (RAID1) href: ./backup-and-storage/mirror-system-boot-partition-raid1.md - name: How to run the Disk Cleanup tool (Cleanmgr.exe) href: ./backup-and-storage/automating-disk-cleanup-tool.md - name: How to set up dynamic boot partition mirroring on GPT disks href: ./backup-and-storage/set-up-dynamic-boot-partition-mirroring.md - name: Intel SSD D3-S4510 and Intel SSD D3-S4610 series 1.92 TB and 3.84 TB drives unresponsive href: ./backup-and-storage/intel-ssd-d3-s4510-s4610-series-1-dot-92-3-dot-84-tb-drives-unresponsive.md - name: New logging mechanism for VDS href: ./backup-and-storage/new-vds-logging-mechanism.md - name: ReFS volume using DPM becomes unresponsive href: ./backup-and-storage/refs-volume-dpm-unresponsive.md - name: Restore system/boot drive letter href: ./backup-and-storage/restore-system-boot-drive-letter.md - name: Simple volumes may become inaccessible href: ./backup-and-storage/simple-volumes-inaccessible-power-loss.md - name: Usability limit for Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) href: ./backup-and-storage/usability-limit-volume-shadow-copy-service.md - name: Use the Disk Management Snap-in href: ./backup-and-storage/disk-management-snap-in-basic-dynamic-disks.md - name: Windows support for hard disks exceeding 2 TB href: ./backup-and-storage/support-for-hard-disks-exceeding-2-tb.md - name: Storage hardware items: - name: How to turn disk write caching on or off href: ./backup-and-storage/turn-disk-write-caching-on-off.md - name: Information about Event ID 51 href: ./backup-and-storage/event-id-51-information.md - name: Pass-through disk in highly available VM is read-only href: ./backup-and-storage/add-pass-through-disk-to-high-available-vm.md - name: Support policy for 4K sector hard drives href: ./backup-and-storage/support-policy-4k-sector-hard-drives.md - name: USB Device not recognized error href: ./backup-and-storage/usb-device-not-recognized-error.md - name: Storage Spaces items: - name: Extend stand-alone tiered storage spaces href: ./backup-and-storage/extend-stand-alone-tiered-storage-spaces.md - name: System Restore or resetting your computer items: - name: How to restore a Windows 7 installation href: ./backup-and-storage/how-to-restore-windows-installation.md - name: Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) items: - name: Backup fails because of VSS writer href: ./backup-and-storage/backup-fails-vss-writer.md - name: Backup fails with VSS event 12292 and 11 href: ./backup-and-storage/backup-fails-event-12292-11.md - name: Error 0x8000FFFF when running "vssadmin list writers" command href: ./backup-and-storage/error-0x8000ffff-run-vssadmin-list-writers-command.md - name: Error 0x80042409 when doing a VSS restore href: ./backup-and-storage/event-12289-vss-backup-restore.md - name: Event ID 513 when running VSS in Windows Server href: ./backup-and-storage/event-id-513-vss-windows-server.md - name: No VSS writers are listed when running vssadmin list writers href: ./backup-and-storage/no-vss-writers-listed-run-vssadmin-list.md - name: Shadow copies are deleted when running an FCI classification job href: ./backup-and-storage/shadow-copies-deleted-run-file-classification-infrastructure.md - name: System state backup using Windows Server Backup fail href: ./backup-and-storage/system-writer-not-found-in-backup.md - name: Third-party backup warnings after installing a servicing update href: ./backup-and-storage/third-party-backup-warnings-install-servicing-update.md - name: Volume Shadow Copy Service take longer to go online href: ./backup-and-storage/volume-shadow-copy-service-take-longer-online.md - name: VSS event 8193 when restarting the Cryptographic Services service href: ./backup-and-storage/vss-error-8193-restart-cryptographic-services.md - name: VSS event ID 8019, 20, 8193, or 12302 href: ./backup-and-storage/volume-shadow-copy-service-events.md - name: VSS Warnings in Application Event log href: ./backup-and-storage/vss-warnings-sbs-2011.md - name: VSS writers report failed on virtual machine href: ./backup-and-storage/vss-writers-report-failed-virtual-machine.md - name: Containers items: - name: Management of Containers items: - name: Support policy for Windows containers and Docker in on-premises scenarios href: ./containers/support-for-windows-containers-docker-on-premises-scenarios.md - name: Deployment items: - name: Deployment href: ./deployment/deployment-overview.md - name: Activation items: - name: '"Windows is not genuine" error' href: ./deployment/windows-not-genuine-error.md - name: 0xc004f063 when activating an OEM version href: ./deployment/0xc004f063-when-activating-oem-version.md - name: Application Event Log Warning ID 1058 href: ./deployment/application-event-log-warning-id-1058.md - name: Error 0x8007000D when you activate a machine href: ./deployment/0x8007000d-activate-machine.md - name: Error 0xC004E002 during activation href: ./deployment/error-0xc004e002-during-activation.md - name: Error 0xC004F015 when you activate Windows 10 href: ./deployment/error-0xc004f015-activate-windows-10.md - name: Error 0xC004F074 when you activate Windows href: ./deployment/error-0xc004f074-activate-windows.md - name: Error when you validate a copy of Windows href: ./deployment/error-when-you-validate-copy-windows.md - name: Event 12293 when registering a KMS host record href: ./deployment/event-12293-error-0x800723-set-kms-host.md - name: Event ID 12321 Warning Token Based Activation failed href: ./deployment/event-id-12321-warning-token-based-activation-failed.md - name: Event ID 8208, 8200, or 900 is logged href: ./deployment/event-id-8208-8200-900.md - name: Fail to activate Windows Server over the Internet href: ./deployment/message-number-32777.md - name: How to change the Volume Licensing product key href: ./deployment/change-volume-licensing-product-key.md - name: How to rebuild the Tokens.dat file href: ./deployment/rebuild-tokens-dotdat-file.md - name: Specified database is not a valid VAMT database error href: ./deployment/specified-database-not-valid-vamt-error.md - name: Unknown devices in Device manager href: ./deployment/unknown-device-vmbus-virtual-machine.md - name: Windows Activation fails with error 0x8007267C href: ./deployment/windows-activation-fails-with-error-0x8007267.md - name: Windows installation fails with error href: ./deployment/error-product-key-not-match-windows-images-installation.md - name: Devices and Drivers items: - name: '"Stop 0x0000007B" error' href: ./deployment/stop-0x0000007b-error-group-policy-setting.md - name: Can't find the Microsoft Loopback Adapter href: ./deployment/microsoft-loopback-adapter-rename.md - name: Can't install a VMWare driver on Windows Server 2008 R2 href: ./deployment/error-install-vmware-driver.md - name: Changes of the default behavior for Core Parking href: ./deployment/default-core-parking-behavior-changes.md - name: Enable Plug and Play feature for parallel port devices href: ./deployment/enable-plug-play-for-parallel-port-devices.md - name: Event ID 37 after you change power policy href: ./deployment/event-id-37-windows-kernel-processor-power.md - name: Event ID 56 is logged href: ./deployment/event-id-56-logged.md - name: Fail to insert a smart card in a reader href: ./deployment/cannot-insert-smart-card-in-reader.md - name: How to determine the type of processor href: ./deployment/determine-the-type-of-processor.md - name: How to replace a driver by using Recovery Console href: ./deployment/use-recovery-console-replace-driver.md - name: How to use Device Manager to configure devices href: ./deployment/use-device-manager-configure-devices.md - name: VMware driver installation fails in Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 href: ./deployment/virtual-machines-vmware-not-install-update.md - name: Windows Deployment Services (WDS) support for UEFI href: ./deployment/deploy-uefi-based-systems-wds.md - name: MDM items: - name: Multicast deployment fails from WDS href: ./deployment/multicast-deployment-fails-from-wds.md - name: Servicing items: - name: Can't connect to WSUS Administration Website href: ./deployment/cannot-connect-to-wsus-administration-website.md - name: Can't install .NET Framework 3.5 on OEM Windows installation href: ./deployment/cannot-install-dotnet-framework-3dot5-oem.md - name: Can't install updates or programs href: ./deployment/cannot-install-updates-programs.md - name: CBS.log file contains entries that some files aren't repaired href: ./deployment/cbs-log-file-record-entries-not-repaired-run-sfc.md - name: Description of System File Checker (Sfc.exe) href: ./deployment/system-file-checker.md - name: Description of Windows Server Update Services 3.0 href: ./deployment/description-of-windows-server-update-services-3.md - name: Error 0x800f0906 when you convert Server Core to GUI href: ./deployment/dism-fails-with-error-0x800f0906.md - name: Error 0x800f0922 when MPIO feature installation fails href: ./deployment/error-0x800f0922-mpio-feature-installation-fails.md - name: Error 0x800f0922 when you uninstall roles/features href: ./deployment/error-0x800f0922-uninstall-role-feature.md - name: Error C0190003 after installing updates href: ./deployment/error-c0190003-install-updates-restart-computer.md - name: Fail to install Network Policy Server role href: ./deployment/error-0x80004005-network-policy-server-role.md - name: Failed to schedule Software Protection service for restart href: ./deployment/failed-schedule-software-protection.md - name: Fix Windows Update errors href: ./deployment/fix-windows-update-errors.md - name: How to block user access to Windows Update href: ./deployment/block-user-access-windows-update.md - name: How To use the Recovery Consol href: ./deployment/use-recovery-console-not-start.md - name: Install Microsoft Product Support Reporting Tool href: ./deployment/microsoft-product-support-reporting-tool-v5220030.md - name: List of updates href: ./deployment/list-updates.md - name: Re-register Windows client/server in WSUS href: ./deployment/re-register-windows-clientserver-in-wsus.md - name: System Partition goes offline after installing some 3rd Party Disk href: ./deployment/system-partition-offline-install-3rd-party-disk.md - name: SystemInfo.exe doesn't display all installed updates href: ./deployment/systeminfo-not-display-all-updates.md - name: Temporarily deactivate the kernel mode filter driver href: ./performance/deactivate-kernel-mode-filter-driver.md - name: Why you may be prompted to restart your computer href: ./deployment/why-prompted-restart-computer.md - name: Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 href: ./deployment/windows-server-2008-service-pack-2.md - name: WSUS 3.0 installation package is available href: ./deployment/wsus-3-installation-package.md - name: WSUS 3.0 SP2 Dynamic Install for Server Manager href: ./deployment/windows-server-update-services-3-sp2.md - name: WSUS SelfUpdate doesn't send automatic updates href: ./deployment/wsus-selfupdate-not-send-automatic-updates.md - name: WUSA returns 0x5 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED href: ./deployment/windows-update-standalone-installer-returns-error.md - name: You can't install features in Windows Server 2012 R2 href: ./deployment/you-cant-install-features.md - name: Setup items: - name: Add OEM PnP drivers to Windows installations href: ./deployment/add-oem-plug-play-drivers.md - name: Avoid duplicate GUIDs when you image SMS clients href: ./deployment/avoid-duplicate-guids-deploy-sms.md - name: Can't open EXE files href: ./deployment/cant-open-exe-files.md - name: Chinese (Simplified) input method doesn't work href: ./deployment/chinese-simplified-input-method-not-working.md - name: Create an ISO image for UEFI platforms href: ./deployment/create-iso-image-for-uefi-platforms.md - name: Enable logging and tracing for WDS components href: ./deployment/enable-logging-windows-deployment-service.md - name: Event ID 307 and 304 logged for deploying Windows href: ./deployment/event-307-and-304-logged-for-deploying.md - name: Fail to run applications on Windows Server Core href: ./deployment/subsystem-needed-support-image-type-not-present.md - name: How to perform an in-place/repair upgrade href: ./deployment/repair-or-in-place-upgrade.md - name: In-place upgrade hangs at black screen href: ./deployment/in-place-upgrade-hangs-black-screen.md - name: Integrate Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) 3.0 into Server Manager href: ./deployment/update-available-integrates-wsus-into-server-manager.md - name: Known issues that affect AppX cleanup maintenance task href: ./deployment/issues-appx-cleanup-maintenance-task.md - name: Long paths with spaces require quotation marks href: ./deployment/filenames-with-spaces-require-quotation-mark.md - name: Manually edit Boot.ini file href: ./deployment/manually-edit-boot-file.md - name: MDT Media Deployment USB isn't bootable href: ./deployment/mdt-media-deployment-isnt-bootable.md - name: Microsoft Deployment Toolkit support life cycle href: ./deployment/deployment-toolkit-support.md - name: Post-Deployment Configuration task fails href: ./deployment/post-deployment-configuration-task-fail.md - name: Setup fails on a VM with error 0xE0000100 href: ./deployment/setup-fail-on-vm-error-0xe0000100.md - name: SYSPREP and CAPTURE task sequence fails href: ./deployment/sysprep-capture-task-sequence-fails-0x80070070.md - name: The WDS server may not start href: ./deployment/wds-server-may-not-start.md - name: Unattended Setup does not Use Computer Name Specified by User during OOBE href: ./deployment/unattended-setup-not-use-computer-name-specified-oobe.md - name: Upgrade fails with error 0x000000C4 href: ./deployment/upgrade-fail-with-error-0x000000c4.md - name: Using language IDs to identify language packs href: ./deployment/use-language-id-identify-language-pack.md - name: Windows Deployment Service fails to start href: ./deployment/windows-deployment-service-not-start.md - name: Windows Internal Database (WID) installation fails href: ./deployment/error-install-windows-internal-database.md - name: Windows Server support and installation instructions for the AMD Rome family of processors href: ./deployment/windows-server-support-installation-for-amd-role-family-processor.md - name: WSUS clients can't install updates href: ./deployment/wsus-clients-cant-install-updates.md - name: Group Policy items: - name: Group Policy href: ./group-policy/group-policy-overview.md - name: AppLocker or software restriction policies items: - name: Apply Group Policy objects to Terminal Services servers href: ./group-policy/apply-group-policy-objects-terminal-services.md - name: Deploying software through Group Policy items: - name: Change a location or set multiple UNC paths for MSI package href: ./group-policy/change-msi-file-location-in-software-deployment-gpo.md - name: Troubleshoot software installations by debug logging href: ./group-policy/troubleshoot-software-installations-debug-logging.md - name: Use Group Policy to configure automatic logon in Terminal Services href: ./group-policy/use-group-policy-configure-automatic-logon.md - name: Use Group Policy to deploy a Known Issue Rollback href: ../windows-client/group-policy/use-group-policy-to-deploy-known-issue-rollback.md - name: Use Group Policy to remotely install softwares href: ./group-policy/use-group-policy-to-install-software.md - name: Group Policy management - GPMC or AGPM items: - name: Error 0x8007000D when runing Backup-GPO in Server Core href: ./group-policy/error-0x8007000d-backup-gpo-cmdlet.md - name: AGPM and GPRESULT are not working href: ./group-policy/agpm-gpresult-not-working.md - name: Changes to GPO permissions aren't saved href: ./group-policy/changes-to-gpo-permissions-ignored.md - name: Create a Central Store on a domain controller href: ./group-policy/create-central-store-domain-controller.md - name: Dcgpofix tool doesn't restore security settings to the original state href: ./group-policy/dcgpofix-not-restore-default-domain-controller-policy-security-settings.md - name: Description of group policy restricted groups href: ./group-policy/description-of-group-policy-restricted-groups.md - name: How to enable the Group Policy loopback feature href: ./group-policy/loopback-processing-of-group-policy.md - name: How to set event log security locally or via Group Policy href: ./group-policy/set-event-log-security-locally-or-via-group-policy.md - name: How to give users access to Group Policy Objects href: ./group-policy/give-users-access-group-policy-objects.md - name: Manage Group Policy administrative template files href: ./group-policy/manage-group-policy-adm-file.md - name: Permissions for this GPO are inconsistent href: ./group-policy/permissions-this-gpo-inconsistent.md - name: Remove this item if it is no longer applied option href: ./group-policy/remove-this-item-if-it-is-no-longer-applied-option.md - name: Reset user rights in the default domain GPO href: ./group-policy/reset-user-rights-in-default-domain-group-policy.md - name: The Directory is not empty href: ./group-policy/directory-is-not-empty.md - name: The system can't find the file specified href: ./group-policy/system-cant-find-file-specified.md - name: Troubleshoot SCECLI 1202 events href: ./group-policy/scecli-1202-events.md - name: Use GPOs to change default logon domain name href: ./group-policy/change-default-logon-domain-name.md - name: Use Rsop.msc to gather computer policy href: ./group-policy/use-resultant-set-of-policy-logging.md - name: WinStoreUI.admx conflict with Windows 10 ADMX file href: ./group-policy/winstoreui-conflict-with-windows-10-1151-admx-file.md - name: Wrong error message for missing .adml files href: ./group-policy/wrong-error-for-missing-adml-files.md - name: Managing drive mappings through Group Policy items: - name: Group Policy Preferences removes manual drive mappings href: ./group-policy/manual-drive-mappings-removed.md - name: Managing Internet Explorer settings through Group Policy items: - name: '"Allow active content to run files on My Computer" does not work' href: ./group-policy/allow-active-content-to-run-files-on-my-computer-not-working.md - name: Use Group Policy to control access to web sites href: ./group-policy/use-gp-control-access-web-site.md - name: Managing printers through Group Policy items: - name: Printer Preferences can't set default printer href: ./group-policy/group-policy-printer-preferences-not-set-default-printer.md - name: Managing removable devices through Group Policy items: - name: How to use Group Policy to disable drivers href: ./group-policy/adm-template-disable-drivers.md - name: Problems applying Group Policy objects to users or computers items: - name: '"Namespace is already defined" error when editing a policy' href: ./group-policy/microsoft-policies-sensors-windowslocationprovider-defined.md - name: '"Set roaming profile path for all users logging onto this computer" setting applies to local accounts' href: ./group-policy/set-roaming-profile-path-all-users-applies-all-acccounts.md - name: A Group Policy setting isn't available in the security policy settings list href: ./group-policy/default-owner-objects-created-members-administrators-group-not-available.md - name: AuthZ fails with an Access Denied error href: ./group-policy/authz-fails-access-denied-error-application-access-check.md - name: Error 0x80004005 when you create DSN with GPP href: ./group-policy/creating-dsn-with-gpp-fails.md - name: Event 1202 with status 0x534 logged href: ./group-policy/event-1202-status-0x534-logged.md - name: Event ID 1053 by using "Gpupdate /force" command href: ./group-policy/event-id-1053-gpupdate-force-command.md - name: Events 1101 and 1030 are logged in Application log href: ./group-policy/events-1101-1030-application-log-group-policy.md - name: Fail to run Group Policy Modeling Wizard href: ./group-policy/cannot-run-group-policy-modeling-wizard.md - name: Folder Redirection group policy is not applied href: ./group-policy/folder-redirection-group-policy-not-applied.md - name: Group Policy errors when unknown environment variable is used href: ./group-policy/group-policy-error-7016-1091-1202.md - name: Group policy with WMI filters can be denied or cause slow logon/boot href: ./group-policy/group-policy-wmi-filters-denied-slow-logon-boot.md - name: Netlogon event ID 5719 or Group Policy event 1129 href: ./group-policy/netlogon-event-id-5719-or-group-policy-event-1129.md - name: Password policy changes aren't applied href: ./group-policy/password-policy-changes-not-applied.md - name: Settings are applied from Group Policy href: ./group-policy/settings-applied-group-policy.md - name: Some Group Policy areas are missing href: ./group-policy/group-policy-areas-missing.md - name: Use Group Policy to add MaxTokenSize registry entry href: ./group-policy/group-policy-add-maxtokensize-registry-entry.md - name: User GPP Scheduled Task item fails to apply href: ./group-policy/user-gpp-scheduled-task-item-fails-apply.md - name: Userenv errors occur and events are logged href: ./group-policy/userenv-errors-occur-events-are-logged.md - name: WMI Group Policy filters don't work href: ./group-policy/wmi-group-policy-filters-not-working.md - name: Security filtering and item-level targeting items: - name: Configure Group Policies to Set Security href: ./group-policy/configure-group-policies-set-security.md - name: Group Policy Preferences Events href: ./group-policy/information-group-policy-preferences-events.md - name: Sysvol access or replication issues items: - name: Change the default permissions on GPOs href: ./group-policy/change-default-permissions-on-gpo.md - name: DFSR SYSVOL fails to migrate or replicate href: ./group-policy/dfsr-sysvol-fails-migrate-replicate.md - name: Errors when you run GPMC href: ./group-policy/fail-to-run-gpmc.md - name: How to force synchronization for DFSR-replicated sysvol replication href: ./group-policy/force-authoritative-non-authoritative-synchronization.md - name: Minimize SYSVOL size by removing administrative templates href: ./group-policy/minimize-sysvol-size-removing-templates.md - name: Rebuild the SYSVOL tree and its content in a domain href: ./group-policy/rebuild-sysvol-tree-and-content-in-a-domain.md - name: RODCs don't replicate SYSVOL shared directory href: ./group-policy/events-6804-2843-rodcs-not-replicate-sysvol.md - name: Troubleshoot missing SYSVOL and NETLOGON shares href: ./group-policy/missing-sysvol-and-netlogon-shares.md - name: High Availability items: - name: High Availability href: ./high-availability/high-availability-overview.md - name: Cannot bring a resource online items: - name: '"The parameter is incorrect" error' href: ./high-availability/parameter-incorrect-error-cluster-validation-fails.md - name: Active Route removed href: ./high-availability/active-route-removed.md - name: Cluster disk resource fails to come online href: ./high-availability/cluster-disk-resource-not-come-online.md - name: Cluster fileshare resource fails href: ./high-availability/cluster-fileshare-resource-fails.md - name: Clustering information on IP address failover href: ./high-availability/cluster-information-ip-address-failover.md - name: Error 0x8000ffff when you change Shadow Copy settings href: ./high-availability/error-0x8000ffff-catastrophic-failure.md - name: Error messages occur when bringing a cluster group online href: ./high-availability/error-messages-bring-cluster-group-online.md - name: Fail to share folders in failover cluster href: ./high-availability/cannot-share-folder-in-failover-cluster.md - name: Local SAS Disks getting added in Windows Server Failover Cluster href: ./high-availability/local-sas-disks-getting-added-failover-cluster.md - name: Network Name resource fails to come online href: ./high-availability/network-name-resource-not-come-online.md - name: Physical disk resource doesn't come online href: ./high-availability/physical-disk-resource-not-come-online.md - name: Recover computer object that supports Network Name resource href: ./high-availability/recover-deleted-computer-object-failover-cluster.md - name: Cannot failover a group items: - name: SMB 3.0 features in Windows Server 2012 file server href: ./high-availability/smb-3-file-server-features.md - name: Cluster node is hanging items: - name: Memory dump file is corrupted href: ./high-availability/corrupted-memory-dump-file.md - name: Cluster service fails to start items: - name: Cluster service startup options href: ./high-availability/switches-start-cluster-service.md - name: Cluster Service Stops Responding on a Cluster Node href: ./high-availability/cluster-service-stops-responding-a-cluster-node.md - name: How to troubleshoot the Cluster service account href: ./high-availability/troubleshoot-cluster-service-account.md - name: Troubleshoot Cluster service startup issues href: ./high-availability/troubleshoot-cluster-service-startup-issues.md - name: Cluster-Aware Updating (CAU) items: - name: Recommended updates for Windows Server 2012-based failover clusters href: ./high-availability/updates-for-windows-server-2012-failover-cluster.md - name: Errors when running the Validation Wizard items: - name: CAP in failover cluster doesn't come online href: ./high-availability/unable-to-get-computer-object-using-guid.md - name: Cluster validation test on Active Directory configuration fails href: ./high-availability/cluster-validation-test-fails-multi-site-cluster-scenario.md - name: Error "An item with the same key has already been added" href: ./high-availability/error-an-item-with-the-same-key-has-already-been-added.md - name: Failover cluster validation fails href: ./high-availability/duplicate-address-error-validate-failover-cluster.md - name: SCSI-3 Persistent Reservation test fails href: ./high-availability/scsi-3-persistent-reservation-test-fail.md - name: Validate Disk Failover test fails href: ./high-availability/validation-fails-run-disk-failover-test.md - name: You do not see the cluster disk in explorer or diskmgmt on Failover href: ./high-availability/not-see-cluster-disk-in-explorer-or-diskmgmt-failover.md - name: Initial Cluster Creation or Adding node items: - name: '"The cluster node already exists" error may appear during cluster setup' href: ./high-availability/cluster-node-already-exists-error.md - name: Cluster validation fails with error 80070005 href: ./high-availability/cluster-validation-failure-error-80070005.md - name: Creating failover cluster fails with error 0xc000005e href: ./high-availability/creating-failover-cluster-fails-error-0xc0000055.md - name: Error message event ID 1289 is logged when you try to create a cluster href: ./high-availability/error-event-id-1289-create-cluster.md - name: Implications of using /forcequorum switch href: ./high-availability/implications-using-slash-forcequorum-switch.md - name: Move Windows Server cluster to another domain href: ./high-availability/move-server-cluster-to-another-domain.md - name: Provider load failure href: ./high-availability/provider-load-failure.md - name: Troubleshooting for Guest Cluster nodes in Hyper-V not create or join href: ./high-availability/guest-cluster-nodes-in-hyper-v-not-create-or-join.md - name: Unable to join a node into a cluster href: ./high-availability/cannot-join-a-node-into-a-cluster.md - name: Node removed from the cluster items: - name: Cluster IP address resources fail on both nodes when one node disconnects href: ./high-availability/cluster-ip-resources-fail-2-node-2-site-fsw-cluster.md - name: Print clusters and High Availability Printing items: - name: How to set up a clustered print server href: ./high-availability/set-up-clustered-print-server.md - name: Replacing hardware and updating the operating system items: - name: Can't upgrade operating system of clustered server href: ./high-availability/cannot-upgrade-clustered-server-operating-system.md - name: How to update failover clusters href: ./high-availability/windows-server-failover-clusters-service-packs-hotfixes.md - name: Recommended updates for Windows Server 2008 R2-based server clusters href: ./high-availability/hotfixes-for-windows-server-2008-r2-server-cluster.md - name: Root cause of an unexpected failover items: - name: Failover behavior on clusters of three or more nodes href: ./high-availability/groups-fail-logic-three-more-cluster-node-members.md - name: Run chkdsk /f command on a shared cluster disk href: ./high-availability/run-chkdsk-f-command-shared-cluster-disk.md - name: Updates for Windows Server 2012 R2-based failover clusters href: ./high-availability/updates-for-windows-server-2012-r2-failover-cluster.md - name: Setup and configuration of clustered services and applications items: - name: Add support for more than eight LUNs href: ./high-availability/support-large-logical-unit-numbers.md - name: Antivirus software cause problems with Cluster Services href: ./high-availability/not-cluster-aware-antivirus-software-cause-issue.md - name: Change the IP address of network adapters in a cluster href: ./high-availability/change-network-adapters-ip-address-cluster-node.md - name: Configure Shadow Copies of Shared Folders feature href: ./high-availability/shadow-copies-of-shared-folders.md - name: Configure volume mount points on a server cluster href: ./high-availability/configure-volume-mount-points-server-cluser.md - name: Create file shares on a cluster href: ./high-availability/create-file-shares-on-a-cluster.md - name: Enable support using clustered RAID controllers href: ./high-availability/enable-support-using-raid-controllers.md - name: Event ID 1222 when you create failover cluster href: ./high-availability/event-id-1222-create-failover-cluster.md - name: Extend the partition of a cluster shared disk href: ./high-availability/extend-partition-cluster-shared-disk.md - name: Fail to manage cluster with failover cluster manager href: ./high-availability/cannot-manage-cluster-with-failover-cluster-manager.md - name: How Cluster service reserves and brings online disks href: ./high-availability/cluster-service-reserves-brings-disk.md - name: How to configure FTP for IIS in a failover cluster href: ./high-availability/configure-internet-information-services-ftp.md - name: Microsoft support policy for Windows server failover cluster href: ./high-availability/microsoft-support-policy-failover-clusters.md - name: NetBIOS and WINS not bind to cluster IP address resources href: ./high-availability/netbios-wins-dont-bind-cluster-ip-address-resources.md - name: 'Recommended private "Heartbeat" configuration on a cluster server' href: ./high-availability/private-heartbeat-configuration-on-cluster-server.md - name: Recommended updates for Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Failover Clusters href: ./high-availability/updates-for-windows-server-2008-r2-sp1-failover-cluster.md - name: SMB features don't work with non-default Cluster Network Name Configuration href: ./high-availability/smb-features-dont-work-non-default-cluster-network-name-configuration.md - name: Third-party storage software solutions support policy href: ./high-availability/3rd-party-storage-software-solutions-support.md - name: Unexpected warning messages in a virtualized failover cluster href: ./high-availability/errors-windows-failover-cluster-run-as-guest.md - name: Use Windows Server cluster nodes as DCs href: ./high-availability/use-cluster-nodes-as-domain-controllers.md - name: Networking items: - name: Networking href: ./networking/networking-overview.md - name: Access to remote file shares (SMB or DFS Namespace) items: - name: '"Delayed Write Failed" error' href: ./networking/delayed-write-failed-error-data-lost.md - name: '%HOMEPATH%, %HOMESHARE%, and %HOMEDRIVE% variables are resolved incorrectly' href: ./networking/variables-resolved-incorrectly.md - name: Can't use different credentials for a network share href: ./networking/cannot-connect-to-network-share.md - name: Computer Management shows clients sessions slow href: ./networking/populate-client-sessions-slow.md - name: Configure DFS to use fully qualified domain names href: ./networking/configure-dfs-use-domain-names.md - name: DFS Namespaces service and its configuration data href: ./networking/dfs-namespaces-service-configuration-data.md - name: Domain users fail to access a share on a file server href: ./networking/target-account-name-incorrect-error-access-file-share.md - name: DNS CNAME alias fails to connect a SMB file server share href: ./networking/dns-cname-alias-cannot-access-smb-file-server-share.md - name: Error messages on SMB connections href: ./networking/error-messages-smb-connections.md - name: Event 1 about SMB witness client initialization href: ./networking/event-1-smb-witness-client-initialization.md - name: Event 30818 when the RDMA connections fail back to TCP href: ./networking/periodic-smbclient-event-id-30818.md - name: Fail to open file shares or Group Policy snap-ins href: ./networking/cannot-open-file-shares-group-policy-snap-ins.md - name: Guest access in SMB2 is disabled by default href: ./networking/guest-access-in-smb2-is-disabled-by-default.md - name: Hotfixes for File Services technologies href: ./networking/hotfixes-for-file-services-technologies.md - name: How to allow remote users to access your network href: ./networking/allow-remote-users-to-access-your-network.md - name: How to create a virtual directory on an existing Web site href: ./networking/create-virtual-directory-folder-remote-computer.md - name: How to manually decommission a root server href: ./networking/decommission-root-server-hosting-dfs.md - name: How to remove administrative shares href: ./networking/remove-administrative-shares.md - name: IPC$ share and null session behavior href: ./networking/inter-process-communication-share-null-session.md - name: Mapped network drive is disconnected href: ./networking/mapped-network-drive-disconnected.md - name: Name of redirected folder isn't user name href: ./networking/redirected-documents-folder-name-not-user-name.md - name: Network performance of SMB Direct is reduced href: ./networking/reduced-performance-after-smb-encryption-signing.md - name: NFS Server and File Permissions href: ./networking/nfs-server-file-permissions.md - name: Problems occur when administrative shares are missing href: ./networking/problems-administrative-shares-missing.md - name: Recovery process of a DFS namespace href: ./networking/recovery-process-of-dfs-namespace.md - name: Robocopy may report error 1338 or 87 href: ./networking/robocopy-may-report-error-1338-87.md - name: Overview of Server Message Block signing href: ./networking/overview-server-message-block-signing.md - name: Setting primary and secondary WINS server options href: ./networking/setting-wins-server-options.md - name: System error 1331 when you connect to a share href: ./networking/account-currently-disabled-system-error-1331.md - name: System error 67 has occurred. The network name cannot be found href: ./networking/system-error-67-network-name-cannot-be-found.md - name: Troubleshoot DFSN access failures href: ./networking/dfsn-access-failures.md - name: Troubleshoot event ID 1020 on a file server href: ./networking/troubleshoot-event-id-1020-warnings-file-server.md - name: Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) items: - name: '"Content file download failed" error when downloading a file by BITS' href: ./networking/cannot-download-file-background-intelligent-transfer-service.md - name: DFSR items: - name: Backlog is reported for DFSR Read-Only member href: ./networking/backlog-for-dfsr-read-only-member.md - name: ConflictAndDeleted folder size exceed limitation href: ./networking/conflictanddeleted-folder-size-exceed-configured-limitation.md - name: Delegating DFS replication href: ./networking/delegating-dfs-replication.md - name: DFSR can't replicate files after restoring a virtualized server href: ./networking/distributed-file-system-replication-not-replicate-files.md - name: DFSR databases crash on primary member href: ./networking/recover-from-dfsr-database-crash.md - name: DFSR event 2212 after restarting the DFSR service href: ./networking/dfsr-event-2212-restart-server.md - name: DFSR event ID 2213 href: ./networking/dfsr-event-id-2213.md - name: DFSR Health Report shows Event ID 4302 href: ./networking/dfsr-diagnostics-shows-sharing-violations-events.md - name: Error when changing DFS replication group or namespace href: ./networking/value-does-not-fall-within-the-expected-range.md - name: How to configure DFSR logging href: ./networking/change-dfsr-debug-log-settings.md - name: Security setting changes delays on DFSR replication partners href: ./networking/security-setting-changes-not-appear-dfsr-replication.md - name: SYSVOL DFSR migration fails after in-place upgrade href: ./networking/sysvol-dfsr-migration-fails-after-in-place-upgrade.md - name: Troubleshoot journal_wrap errors on Sysvol and DFS replica sets href: ./networking/how-frs-uses-usn-change-journal-ntfs-file-system.md - name: Troubleshoot missing SYSVOL and Netlogon shares href: ./networking/troubleshoot-missing-sysvol-and-netlogon-shares.md - name: Unsupported DFS-R and DFS-N deployment scenario href: ./networking/support-policy-for-dfsr-dfsn-deployment.md - name: DNS items: - name: Accessing a server locally by using its FQDN or CNAME alias fails href: ./networking/accessing-server-locally-with-fqdn-cname-alias-denied.md - name: Active Directory-integrated DNS zone serial number behavior href: ./networking/ad-integrated-dns-zone-serial-no-dot-behavior.md - name: Avoid registering unwanted NIC in DNS href: ./networking/unwanted-nic-registered-dns-mulithomed-dc.md - name: Best practices for DNS client settings href: ./networking/best-practices-for-dns-client-settings.md - name: Can't delete a record from a DNS zone href: ./networking/record-cannot-deleted-access-denied.md - name: Can't modify the Hosts or Lmhosts file href: ./networking/cannot-modify-hosts-lmhosts-files.md - name: Compatibility of Exchange with Single Label Domains, Disjointed and Discontiguous Namespaces href: ./networking/exchange-compatibility-single-label-domains.md - name: Configure a secondary name server href: ./networking/configure-secondary-name-server.md - name: Description of the DNSLint utility href: ./networking/description-dnslint-utility.md - name: DNS client resolution timeouts href: ./networking/dns-client-resolution-timeouts.md - name: DNS namespace planning href: ./networking/dns-namespace-design.md - name: DNS queries to some domains are failed href: ./networking/dns-name-queries-not-success.md - name: DNS records don't show in DNS zones href: ./networking/dns-records-not-present.md - name: DNS registers duplicate SRV records for a DC href: ./networking/dns-registers-duplicate-srv-records-for-dc.md - name: DNS Servers don't resolve queries for top-level domains href: ./networking/dns-server-not-resolve-queries-for-top-level-domain.md - name: DNS Server logs event 7062 href: ./networking/dns-server-logs-event-7062.md - name: DNS Server vulnerability to Cache snooping attacks href: ./networking/dns-server-cache-snooping-attacks.md - name: DNS zone transfer options are unexpectedly reset href: ./networking/dns-zone-transfer-options-reset.md - name: DNS Server becomes an island href: ./networking/dns-server-becomes-island.md - name: Event 4015 when running DNS on RODC href: ./networking/rodc-logs-event-4015-error-00002095.md - name: Events 407 and 408 when querying DNS server href: ./networking/events-407-408-in-dns-server-event-log.md - name: Event ID 4000 and 4007 when DNS zones not loaded href: ./networking/dns-zones-do-not-load-event-4000-4007.md - name: Forwarders and conditional forwarders resolution timeouts href: ./networking/forwarders-resolution-timeouts.md - name: GetAddrInfo fails with error 11001 href: ./networking/getaddrinfo-fails-error-11001-call-af-inet6-family.md - name: How to configure DNS dynamic updates href: ./networking/configure-dns-dynamic-updates-windows-server-2003.md - name: How to create a custom application directory partition href: ./networking/create-apply-custom-application-directory-partition.md - name: How to enable or disable DNS updates href: ./networking/enable-disable-dns-dynamic-registration.md - name: How to move DNS zones to another server href: ./networking/move-zone-files-dns-server.md - name: Integrate Windows DNS into an existing DNS namespace href: ./networking/integrate-windows-dns-into-existing-dns-namespace.md - name: Name resolution and connectivity issues href: ./networking/name-resolution-connectivity-issues.md - name: NBTSTAT -A doesn't resolve computer name with DNS href: ./networking/nbtstat-a-not-resolve-computer-name.md - name: No dynamic updates on classless reverse lookup zone href: ./networking/no-dynamic-updates-on-reverse-lookup-zone.md - name: Prevent Domain Controllers from DNS Names href: ./networking/prevent-domain-controllers-dns-names.md - name: Records aren't deleted if scavenging manually href: ./networking/records-arent-deleted.md - name: Root hints reappear after removed href: ./networking/root-hints-reappear-after-removed.md - name: Support policy about Single Label Domains href: ./networking/single-label-domains-support-policy.md - name: The host's A record is registered in DNS href: ./networking/a-record-registered-host-dns.md - name: The netmask ordering feature and round robin feature href: ./networking/how-to-use-netmask-ordering-round-robin-feature.md - name: Troubleshoot DNS Event ID 4013 href: ./networking/troubleshoot-dns-event-id-4013.md - name: Troubleshoot DNS name resolution on the Internet href: ./networking/troubleshoot-dns-name-resolution.md - name: Verify that SRV DNS records have been created href: ./networking/verify-srv-dns-records-have-been-created.md - name: WINS registration fails if a server points to itself for WINS name resolution href: ./networking/wins-registration-fails-if-server-point-to-itself-for-wins-name-resolution.md - name: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) items: - name: Can't add a DHCP reservation href: ./networking/cant-add-dhcp-reservation.md - name: DHCP client can't get a DHCP-assigned IP address href: ./networking/dhcp-client-fail-obtain-valid-ip-address.md - name: DHCP Server sends a DHCPNAK to clients href: ./networking/dhcp-server-sends-dhcpnak-clients.md - name: Dynamic updates of DNS registrations are delayed href: ./networking/dhcp-dynamic-updates-of-dns-registrations-delayed.md - name: Event ID 1056 after installing DHCP href: ./networking/event-1056-install-dhcp-server-service.md - name: Fail to modify existing DHCP scope href: ./networking/modify-existing-dhcp-scope-results.md - name: Increase the number of IP addresses on a subnet href: ./networking/change-ip-hosts-amount-on-subnet.md - name: Install and Configure a DHCP Server in a Workgroup href: ./networking/install-configure-dhcp-server-workgroup.md - name: Known issues with DHCP failover href: ./networking/dhcp-servers-report-different-failover-states.md - name: PXE clients don't start href: ./networking/pxe-clients-not-start-dhcp-60-66-67-option.md - name: Use Netsh utility to export and import DHCP scopes href: ./networking/netsh-utility-export-import-dhcp-scopes.md - name: FRS items: - name: FRS event log error codes href: ./networking/frs-event-log-error-codes.md - name: How to reset the FRS staging folder href: ./networking/move-frs-staging-folder-to-different-drive.md - name: NTFRS_xxxxxxxx is added to a folder name href: ./networking/ntfrs-added-to-folder-name.md - name: NTFRS error event 13559 and replication stops href: ./networking/ntfrs-error-event-13559-replication-stops.md - name: Recovering missing FRS objects and attributes in AD href: ./networking/recovering-missing-frs-objects-attributes-ad.md - name: Troubleshoot the File Replication Service href: ./networking/troubleshoot-file-replication-service-ditributed-file-system.md - name: Use BurFlags to reinitialize FRS href: ./networking/use-burflags-to-reinitialize-frs.md - name: Windows Server version 1709 no longer supports FRS href: ./networking/windows-server-version-1709-no-longer-supports-frs.md - name: IP Address Management (IPAM) items: - name: An incorrect IP address is returned href: ./networking/incorrect-ip-address-returned-ping-netbios.md - name: Install and configure IP version 6 href: ./networking/install-configure-ip-version-6.md - name: Network Load Balancing (NLB) items: - name: Network Load Balancing concept and notes href: ./networking/network-load-balancing-concept-notes.md - name: RADIUS - Network Policy Server (NPS) or Internet Authentication Service (IAS) items: - name: Certificate requirements when you use EAP-TLS href: ./networking/certificate-requirements-eap-tls-peap.md - name: Remote access items: - name: Can't connect to Internet on a VPN server href: ./networking/cannot-connect-to-internet-vpn-server.md - name: Configure remote access client account lockout href: ./networking/configure-remote-access-client-account-lockout.md - name: DirectAccess clients can't connect to server href: ./networking/directaccess-clients-not-connect-to-server.md - name: DirectAccess network performance in Windows href: ./networking/improve-directaccess-network-performance.md - name: Error 51 or 53 when you access shared resources href: ./networking/system-error-51-53-access-shared-resources.md - name: Error 633 - the modem is already in use href: ./networking/error-633-the-modem-is-already-in-use-vpn.md - name: How to install and configure a VPN server href: ./networking/install-configure-virtual-private-network-server.md - name: L2TP VPN fails with error 787 href: ./networking/l2tp-vpn-fails-with-error-787.md - name: LT2P/IPsec RAS VPN connections fail href: ./networking/lt2p-ipsec-ras-vpn-connections-fail.md - name: Set Up Routing and Remote Access for an Intranet href: ./networking/set-up-routing-remote-access-intranet.md - name: The Routing and Remote Access service doesn't start href: ./networking/rras-doesnt-start.md - name: Updates for Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 DirectAccess href: ./networking/windows-server-2012-directaccess-hotfixes.md - name: TCP/IP communications items: - name: A SMB server is unresponsive href: ./networking/smb-server-unresponsive.md - name: Accessing websites hosted on Akamai CDN fails href: ./networking/access-denied-visit-website-hosted-akamai-cdn.md - name: Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) caching behavior href: ./networking/address-resolution-protocol-arp-caching-behavior.md - name: Blank default gateway after configuring Static IP address href: ./networking/blank-default-gateway-configure-static-ip-address.md - name: Configure ISA Server computer for authentication requests href: ./networking/configure-isa-server-computer.md - name: Configure proxy server settings href: ./networking/configure-proxy-server-settings.md - name: Configure SNMP Service href: ./networking/configure-snmp-service.md - name: Delete all active connections from local computer href: ./networking/delete-active-connections-from-local-computer.md - name: Direct host SMB over TCP/IP href: ./networking/direct-hosting-of-smb-over-tcpip.md - name: DirectAccess clients unable to connect when a static proxy is configured href: ./networking/directaccess-clients-unable-connect-static-proxy-configured.md - name: Disable Media Sensing feature for TCP/IP href: ./networking/disable-media-sensing-feature-for-tcpip.md - name: Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP by using DHCP server options href: ./networking/disable-netbios-tcp-ip-using-dhcp.md - name: DNS works on both TCP and UDP href: ./networking/dns-works-on-tcp-and-udp.md - name: Error 0x2AFC or 0x274D when DirectAccess clients try to connect over IP-HTTPS href: ./networking/0x2afc-0x274d-error-directaccess-clients-connect-ip-https.md - name: Error message when you set an IP address href: ./networking/error-message-when-you-set-ip-address.md - name: Event 1500 when SNMP is enabled href: ./networking/event-1500-when-snmp-enabled.md - name: Event ID 7023 is logged href: ./networking/event-id-7023-is-logged.md - name: Fail to open TCP/IP properties of network adapter href: ./networking/cannot-open-network-adapter-tcp-ip-properties.md - name: How to change the IP address of a network adapter href: ./networking/change-ip-address-network-adapter.md - name: How to configure a subnetted reverse lookup zone href: ./networking/configure-subnetted-reverse-lookup-zone.md - name: How to configure IPv6 for advanced users href: ./networking/configure-ipv6-in-windows.md - name: How to configure RPC dynamic port allocation to work with firewalls href: ./networking/configure-rpc-dynamic-port-allocation-with-firewalls.md - name: How to configure TCP/IP networking if NetBIOS is off href: ./networking/configure-tcpip-networking-netbios-turn-off.md - name: How to install the Microsoft Loopback Adapter href: ./networking/install-microsoft-loopback-adapter.md - name: How to troubleshoot advanced network performance features href: ./networking/troubleshoot-network-performance-features-rss-netdma.md - name: How to troubleshoot Workplace Join issues href: ./networking/diagnostic-logging-troubleshoot-workplace-join-issues.md - name: How to use PortQry to troubleshoot AD connectivity issues href: ./networking/use-portqry-verify-active-directory-tcp-ip-connectivity.md - name: How to configure TCP/IP Filtering href: ./networking/configure-tcp-ip-filtering.md - name: Information about Network Monitor 3 href: ./networking/network-monitor-3.md - name: IP and default gateway settings are assigned incorrectly href: ./networking/ip-default-gateway-settings-assigned-incorrectly.md - name: Multiple default gateways cause connectivity problems href: ./networking/connectivity-issues-multiple-default-gateways.md - name: Net Commands Operating Systems href: ./networking/net-commands-on-operating-systems.md - name: OS compatibility with DNSSEC enabled root servers href: ./networking/system-compatibility-with-dnssec-enabled-root-server.md - name: PortQry version 2.0 features and functions href: ./networking/portqry-command-line-port-scanner-v2.md - name: Portqry.exe command-line utility href: ./networking/portqry-exe-command-line-utility.md - name: Process of the TCP three-way handshake href: ./networking/three-way-handshake-via-tcpip.md - name: Receive Window Auto-Tuning feature for HTTP traffic href: ./networking/receive-window-auto-tuning-for-http.md - name: Reserve a range of ephemeral ports href: ./networking/reserve-a-range-of-ephemeral-ports.md - name: Service overview and network port requirements href: ./networking/service-overview-and-network-port-requirements.md - name: Slow performance occurs when you copy data to a TCP server href: ./networking/slow-performance-copy-data-tcp-server-sockets-api.md - name: SMB sharing inaccessible when TCP port 445 is listening href: ./networking/smb-sharing-not-accessible-when-tcp-port-445-listen.md - name: TCP Chimney Offload, Receive Side Scaling, and Network Direct Memory Access features href: ./networking/information-about-tcp-chimney-offload-rss-netdma-feature.md - name: TCP features in Windows href: ./networking/description-tcp-features.md - name: TCP traffic stops href: ./networking/tcp-traffic-stops.md - name: TCP/IP properties revert to the default settings href: ./networking/internet-protocol-properties-show-default-ip-address.md - name: TcpAckFrequency to controll the TCP ACK behavior href: ./networking/registry-entry-control-tcp-acknowledgment-behavior.md - name: The Automatic Metric feature for IPv4 routes href: ./networking/automatic-metric-for-ipv4-routes.md - name: The default dynamic port range for TCP/IP has changed href: ./networking/default-dynamic-port-range-tcpip-chang.md - name: Use WHOIS to research Internet domains href: ./networking/research-internet-domains-with-whois.md - name: Virtual machines lose network connectivity href: ./networking/vm-lose-network-connectivity-broadcom.md - name: WSAEMSGSIZE - Error 10040 in Winsock 2.0 href: ./networking/wsaemsgsize-error-10040-in-winsock-2.md - name: Webwindows-client and WebDAV items: - name: Accessing FQDN sites requires credentials href: ./networking/credentials-prompt-access-webdav-fqdn-sites.md - name: Windows Firewall with Advanced Security (WFAS) items: - name: Error 0x000006D9 when you share a printer href: ./networking/error-0x000006d9-when-you-share-printer.md - name: How to disable stealth mode href: ./networking/disable-stealth-mode.md - name: UDP communication is blocked href: ./networking/windows-fireware-rule-block-udp-communication.md - name: Use netsh advfirewall firewall context href: ./networking/netsh-advfirewall-firewall-control-firewall-behavior.md - name: Windows NIC Teaming (Load Balance Failover) items: - name: '"Faulted Not Found" status for NIC team' href: ./networking/faulted-not-found-status-nic-team-restart-iscsi-boot-disk.md - name: Event ID 236 with SR-IOV enabled href: ./networking/event-id-236-sr-iov-enabled.md - name: Kernel event ID 2 when MSFT_NetLbfoTeamNic is called href: ./networking/kernel-event-id-2-msft-netLbfoteamnic-class.md - name: LACP Timer configured incorrectly when creating a new NIC Team for LBFO href: ./networking/lacp-timer-configured-incorrectly-create-nic-lbfo.md - name: Poor network performance on VMs when VMQ is enabled href: ./networking/poor-network-performance-hyper-v-host-vm.md - name: Services not automatically restart with NIC teaming href: ./networking/services-not-automatically-restart-nic-teaming.md - name: WINS items: - name: Troubleshoot WINS events 4102, 4243, 4242, and 4286 href: ./networking/windows-internet-name-service-replication-related-errors.md - name: Wireless networking and 802.1X authentication items: - name: Configure L2TP/IPsec server behind NAT-T device href: ./networking/configure-l2tp-ipsec-server-behind-nat-t-device.md - name: Set up Internet Connection Sharing href: ./networking/set-up-internet-connection-sharing.md - name: Performance items: - name: Performance href: ./performance/performance-overview.md - name: Applications items: - name: Cannot set page files on a partition larger than 2 terabytes href: ./performance/cannot-set-page-files-on-partition-larger-than-2-tb.md - name: Compatibility for 32-bit programs on 64-bit versions of Windows href: ./performance/compatibility-limitations-32-bit-programs-64-bit-system.md - name: Copying .EXE files may result in a sharing violation error - Folder In Use href: ./performance/copying-exe-files-sharing-violation-error-folder-in-use.md - name: ESENT Event ID 327 and 326 href: ./performance/esent-event-327-326.md - name: Registry changes in x64-based versions of Windows href: ./performance/registry-changes-in-x64-based-windows.md - name: Registry values for Process Control parameters href: ./performance/values-process-control-parameters.md - name: Blue Screen/Bugcheck items: - name: '"Stop 0x0000000A" error for processor resumes from C1 idle state' href: ./performance/stop-0x0000000a-error-processor-c1-idle-state.md - name: Disable or enable Dr. Watson program href: ./performance/disable-enable-dr-watson-program.md - name: Error 0x00000007B after you reconfigure hardware devices href: ./performance/inaccessible-boot-device-stop-error.md - name: Error 0x00000019 when NTFS creates 8.3 formatted name href: ./performance/stop-error-code-0x00000019.md - name: Error 0x000000D1 when you enabled storage controller href: ./performance/bugcheck-run-stop-error-0x000000d1.md - name: Fail to access shared folder from applications href: ./performance/accessing-shared-folder-from-application-fails.md - name: How to use Driver Verifier to identify issues href: ./performance/use-driver-verifier-to-identify-issues.md - name: Memory dump file options href: ./performance/memory-dump-file-options.md - name: Stop 7F, 0x00000008 (double-fault) error href: ./performance/stop-7f-0x00000008-double-fault-error.md - name: Stop Error "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" href: ./performance/stop-error-driver-irql-not-less-or-equal.md - name: Stop error 0x109 on a VMWare virtual machine href: ./performance/stop-error-0x109-on-VMWare-virtual-machine.md - name: Stop error 7E on a server running NFS href: ./performance/stop-error-7e-nfs.md - name: Stop error code 0x0000007F href: ./performance/stop-error-code-0x0000007F.md - name: Toggle Terminal Services to Application Server mode href: ./performance/toggle-terminal-services-application-server-mode.md - name: Troubleshoot the "STOP 0xC000021A" error href: ./performance/troubleshoot-stop-0xc000021a-error.md - name: Use Dumpchk.exe to check a memory dump file href: ./performance/use-dumpchk-to-check-memory-dump-file.md - name: Boot is slow items: - name: Computer freezes when connected by using RDP href: ./performance/sbsl-issue-create-rdp-connection-to-computer.md - name: Large WMI repository causes slow logon href: ./performance/large-wmi-repository-cause-slow-logon.md - name: Service using gMSA account doesn't start href: ./performance/service-using-gmsa-account-not-start.md - name: Slow boot and services start failure href: ./performance/crypto-deadlock-causes-slow-boot-services-start-failure.md - name: Troubleshoot startup problems href: ./performance/troubleshoot-startup-problems.md - name: No Boot (not BugChecks) items: - name: Black screen on boot href: ./performance/black-screen-on-boot.md - name: Can't format or use a disk partition properly href: ./performance/cannot-use-disk-partition-power-failure-system-crash.md - name: Computer doesn't start after you mark primary partition as active href: ./performance/computer-not-start-active-partition.md - name: Computer keeps booting into safe mode href: ./performance/cannot-boot-into-normal-mode.md - name: Event ID 46 when you start a computer href: ./performance/event-id-46-start-a-computer.md - name: Fail to restart Windows after full OS recovery href: ./performance/windows-fail-to-start-status-0xc000000e.md - name: Not Boot In Normal Mode - Driver Issue href: ./performance/not-boot-in-normal-mode-driver-issue.md - name: Registry troubleshooting for advanced users href: ./performance/registry-troubleshooting-advanced-users.md - name: STOP 0X0000007B error when booting from an alternate iSCSI adapter href: ./performance/0x0000007b-stop-error-switch-alternate-iscsi-adapter.md - name: Support for booting from SAN href: ./performance/support-for-booting-from-storage-area-network.md - name: Switch options for Boot.ini files href: ./performance/switch-options-for-boot-files.md - name: Troubleshoot the "NTLDR Is Missing" error href: ./performance/troubleshoot-ntldr-is-missing-error.md - name: Use WinRE to troubleshoot startup issues href: ./performance/use-winre-to-troubleshoot-startup-issue.md - name: Performance monitoring tools items: - name: CPU frequencies shown in System property page don't match href: ./performance/cpu-frequencies-dont-match.md - name: Create performance counter alert href: ./performance/create-performance-counter-alert-send-email.md - name: Disk performance slower with multiple disks href: ./performance/disk-performance-slower-multiple-disks.md - name: How to determine which program uses or blocks specific TCP ports href: ./performance/determine-which-program-use-block-tcp-ports.md - name: How to enable verbose status messages href: ./performance/enable-verbose-startup-shutdown-logon-logoff-status-messages.md - name: How to obtain a Console Window Handle href: ./performance/obtain-console-window-handle.md - name: Known UI limitation of the CPU information in Windows Server 2016 href: ./performance/known-ui-limitation-cpu-information.md - name: Log files are deleted when you use Performance Monitor href: ./performance/log-files-are-deleted.md - name: Manually rebuild performance counters href: ./performance/manually-rebuild-performance-counters.md - name: Monitor performance of remote computers href: ./performance/monitor-remote-computer-performance.md - name: QueryPerformanceCounter function perform poorly in some program href: ./performance/programs-queryperformancecounter-function-perform-poorly.md - name: Rebuild Performance Counter Library values href: ./performance/rebuild-performance-counter-library-values.md - name: Reliability Monitor shows no information href: ./performance/reliability-monitor-shows-no-information.md - name: Report generation process stops responding href: ./performance/report-generation-process-stops-responding.md - name: Server service configuration and tuning href: ./performance/server-service-configuration-tuning.md - name: Task Manager displays incorrect memory information href: ./performance/task-manager-display-incorrect-memory-info.md - name: Unable to allocate memory from the system paged pool href: ./performance/unable-allocate-memory-system-paged-pool.md - name: User-defined data collector set doesn't run as scheduled href: ./performance/user-defined-dcs-doesnt-run-as-scheduled.md - name: Virtual memory in 32-bit version of Windows href: ./performance/ram-virtual-memory-pagefile-management.md - name: Shutdown is slow or hangs items: - name: incorrect shutdown reason code written to SEL href: ./performance/incorrect-shutdown-reason-code-sel.md - name: Use Userdump.exe to create a dump file href: ./performance/use-userdump-create-dump-file.md - name: Slow Performance items: - name: Add processors to a computer href: ./performance/add-processors-to-computer.md - name: Error occurs while deleting registry keys href: ./performance/error-while-deleting-key.md - name: High CPU usage when searching in Settings app href: ./performance/high-cpu-usage-search-in-settings-app.md - name: Kernel memory dump files are generated href: ./performance/kernel-memory-dump-files-generated.md - name: Large memory support in Windows Server 2003 href: ./performance/how-pae-awe-work-together.md - name: Performance issues with custom default user profile href: ./performance/performance-issues-custom-default-user-profile.md - name: Slow performance when using power plan href: ./performance/slow-performance-when-using-power-plan.md - name: Slow performance with files over the network href: ./performance/slow-performance-file-server.md - name: System Hang items: - name: Compress large registry hives href: ./performance/compress-bloated-registry.md - name: Description of Windows registry href: ./performance/windows-registry-advanced-users.md - name: Desktop heap limitation causes out of memory error href: ./performance/desktop-heap-limitation-out-of-memory.md - name: Enabling Debug mode causes Windows to hang href: ./performance/enable-debug-mode-causes-hang.md - name: The computer stops responding href: ./performance/computer-stops-responding.md - name: 'Printing' items: - name: 'Printing' href: ./printing/printing-overview.md - name: Management and Configuration of installing print drivers items: - name: Print Spooler errors href: ./printing/third-party-print-driver-print-spooler-error.md - name: Errors and troubleshooting General issues items: - name: Event ID associated with point and print restrictions href: ./printing/event-ids-associated-point-print-restrictions.md - name: 'Errors and troubleshooting: General issues' items: - name: Can't print after installing a service pack or printer hotfix href: ./printing/cannot-print-install-service-pack-update-rollup.md - name: Error when installing a shared network printer href: ./printing/cannot-install-shared-network-printer-locally.md - name: Printer and drive redirection don't work in a Terminal Server session href: ./printing/printer-hard-drive-not-redirect-to-remote-desktop-session.md - name: Slow performance with HP printer drivers href: ./printing/slow-performance-hp-printer-driver.md - name: Spooler.xml file growth and high CPU in spoolsv.exe process href: ./printing/spooler-xml-file-grow-spoolsv-exe-high-cpu.md - name: The new printer status is Offline href: ./printing/new-printer-status-is-offline.md - name: Unable to print with Type 4 or 3 printer drivers href: ./printing/print-fails-on-printer-server-promoted-to-dc.md - name: Windows couldn't connect to the printer href: ./printing/windows-couldnt-connect-printer.md - name: 'Errors and troubleshooting: Print output or print failures' items: - name: Printing pauses after every 11 print jobs href: ./printing/printing-pauses-event-2004-4227-lpr-port.md - name: 'Errors and troubleshooting: Print spooler' items: - name: EMF spool file size grows big when printing a document with lots of raster data href: ./printing/large-emf-spool-file-size-print-document-lots-raster-data.md - name: Printers list blank in Print Management Console href: ./printing/printers-list-blank-pmc.md - name: The printer spooler crashes randomly href: ./printing/printer-spooler-crashes-hp-printer-installed.md - name: 'Management and Configuration: General issues' items: - name: Add Print Directory feature for folders href: ./printing/add-print-directory-feature-for-folders.md - name: How to Print to File without user intervention href: ./printing/print-to-file-without-user-intervention.md - name: Servers can't be used as print servers href: ./printing/servers-cant-be-used-print-servers.md - name: Standard port monitor for TCP/IP href: ./printing/standard-port-monitor-for-tcpip.md - name: Use CNAME records to consolidate print servers href: ./printing/consolidate-print-servers-with-cname-records.md - name: 'Management and Configuration: Installing Print drivers' items: - name: A printer driver cannot be installed through Windows Update href: ./printing/printer-driver-cannot-installed-through-windows-update.md - name: How to configure Internet printing href: ./printing/manage-connect-printers-use-web-browser.md - name: How to find a compatible printer driver href: ./printing/find-compatible-printer-driver-64-bit.md - name: How to install and configure a file and print server href: ./printing/install-configure-file-print-server.md - name: Printers are grouped as one with Devices and Printers href: ./printing/printers-are-grouped-one.md - name: 'Management and Configuration: Print queue backup and migration' items: - name: Back up and restore printers when upgrading href: ./printing/back-up-restore-printers.md - name: 'Management and Configuration: Printers via Group Policy' items: - name: Use Group Policy to control printers href: ./printing/use-group-policy-to-control-ad-printer.md - name: Remote Desktop Services items: - name: Remote Desktop Services href: ./remote/remote-desktop-services-overview.md - name: Administration items: - name: A black screen may appear while sign-in href: ./remote/a-black-screen-appears-while-sign.md - name: Adding Remote Desktop Services role fails href: ./remote/adding-remote-desktop-services-fail.md - name: Available updates for RDS in Windows Server 2012 R2 href: ./remote/available-updates-for-rds.md - name: Can't create a session collection href: ./remote/cant-create-session-collection.md - name: Connection Configuration in Terminal Server href: ./remote/connection-configuration-in-terminal-server.md - name: Deny user permissions to logon to RD Session Host server href: ./remote/deny-user-permissions-to-logon-to-rd-session-host.md - name: Error 2147944102 when you start BITS service href: ./remote/service-specific-error-code-2147944102.md - name: Fair Share is enabled by default in RDS href: ./remote/fair-share-enabled-by-default-in-rds.md - name: How to add a user to Terminal Services RDP permissions href: ./remote/add-user-services-rdp-permissions.md - name: How to enable Windows Remote Shell href: ./remote/how-to-enable-windows-remote-shell.md - name: How to shadow a Terminal Server session href: ./remote/shadow-terminal-server-session.md - name: How to temporarily disable Terminal Server Client Logons href: ./remote/disable-terminal-server-client-logons.md - name: Incorrect TLS is displayed href: ./remote/incorrect-tls-use-rdp-with-ssl-encryption.md - name: Install RDS role service without Connection Broker href: ./remote/install-rds-host-role-service-without-connection-broker.md - name: Limit connections on a terminal server href: ./remote/limit-connections-terminal-server.md - name: Log files for troubleshooting RDS issues href: ./remote/log-files-to-troubleshoot-rds-issues.md - name: RDS fails to install with error 0x800706D9 href: ./remote/rds-role-fail-to-install.md - name: Recommended updates for RDS in Windows Server 2012 R2 href: ./remote/rds-updates.md - name: Remote Desktop Protocol introduction href: ./remote/understanding-remote-desktop-protocol.md - name: Remote Desktop Service can't restart if Keep-Alive is enabled href: ./remote/terminal-services-cannot-restart-keep-alive-enabled.md - name: Remote Desktop Services tools aren't functional href: ./remote/rds-tools-arent-functional.md - name: Remote Desktop Services updates in Windows Server 2012 href: ./remote/windows-server-2012-rds-updates.md - name: Remote Desktop Services updates in Windows Server 2016 href: ./remote/windows-server-2016-rds-updates.md - name: Set up logon script only for Terminal Server users href: ./remote/set-up-logon-script-terminal-server-users.md - name: 'Terminal Server Commands: CHANGE' href: ./remote/terminal-server-commands-change.md - name: Terminal Server errors 2200 to 2299 href: ./remote/terminal-server-error-messages-2200-to-2299.md - name: Terminal Server startup, connection and application href: ./remote/terminal-server-startup-connection-application.md - name: The connection settings stored in the Default.rdp file href: ./remote/remote-desktop-protocol-settings.md - name: Updates for Remote Desktop Services href: ./remote/remote-desktop-services-updates.md - name: Application compatibility items: - name: RDC client requirements for TS Web Access href: ./remote/rdc-client-requirements-for-ts-web-access.md - name: Terminal Server registry settings for applications href: ./remote/registry-settings-change-apps-terminal-server.md - name: Authentication items: - name: 0xC000035B when you use LmCompatibility href: ./remote/0xc000035b-when-you-use-lmcompatibility.md - name: Clients can't connect to Terminal Server href: ./remote/client-not-connect-to-terminal-server.md - name: The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted href: ./remote/local-security-authority-cant-contact.md - name: Certificate management items: - name: Error messages when connecting to a Terminal server href: ./remote/error-when-connecting-terminal-server.md - name: RDS Connection Broker or RDMS fails href: ./remote/rds-connection-broker-or-rdms-fails-caused-by-disabled-tls-10.md - name: Use custom server authentication certificate for TLS over RDS href: ./remote/custom-server-authentication-certificate-for-tls.md - name: Connecting to a session or desktop items: - name: Connect to and shadow console session with Terminal Services href: ./remote/connect-to-and-shadow-console-session.md - name: Error 0xc0000005 when you log on to Terminal Server client href: ./remote/0xc0000005-terminal-server-client.md - name: Event ID 10000 when Terminal Server is enabled href: ./remote/event-10000-terminal-server-enabled.md - name: Fail to log on to a terminal server href: ./remote/error-log-on-to-terminal-server.md - name: How to connect clients to Terminal Services href: ./remote/connect-client-to-terminal-services-remote-desktop-connection.md - name: How to remove entries from the Remote Desktop Connection Computer box href: ./remote/remove-entries-from-remote-desktop-connection-computer.md - name: Local Policy not permit to Log On Interactively href: ./remote/local-policy-not-permit-log-on-interactively.md - name: New user fails to log on through RDP href: ./remote/not-enough-storage-available-to-process-command.md - name: Registry Size Limit (RSL) functionality is still be honored href: ./remote/honors-registry-size-limit-functionality-key-set.md - name: Remote Control prompts for user permission href: ./remote/remote-control-prompts-user-permission.md - name: Remote Desktop Connection 6.1 client update href: ./remote/rdc-6dot1-client-update-terminal-services.md - name: Remote desktop connection is stuck href: ./remote/rdc-stuck-on-src-screen.md - name: Remote Desktop Connection session is supported with Remote Desktop Protocol href: ./remote/run-remote-desktop-connection-session.md - name: Troubleshoot establishing Terminal Services session href: ./remote/remote-desktop-disconnected.md - name: Troubleshoot Remote desktop disconnected errors href: ./remote/troubleshoot-remote-desktop-disconnected-errors.md - name: Load Balancing and Connection Broker items: - name: Communication issues href: ./remote/communication-issues.md - name: RDS role cannot coexist with AD DS role href: ./remote/remote-desktop-services-role-cannot-coexist-adds.md - name: Remote Desktop Server farm is unavailable over DirectAccess href: ./remote/remote-desktop-server-farm-not-available.md - name: Performance (audio and video) and RemoteFX items: - name: Frame rate is limited to 30 FPS in remote sessions href: ./remote/frame-rate-limited-to-30-fps.md - name: New and existing RemoteFX-enabled VMs do not start href: ./remote/remotefx-enabled-vms-dont-start.md - name: Physical GPU settings is unavailable post domain join href: ./remote/physical-gpu-settings-unavailable-post-domain-join.md - name: Remote Desktop can't connect to VDI-based computer href: ./remote/cannot-connect-to-vdi-remote-computer.md - name: Printing (includes redirection) items: - name: Printer redirection isn't working href: ./remote/printer-redirection-not-work.md - name: RDWeb items: - name: Cannot view "RemoteApp" programs href: ./remote/cannot-view-remoteapp-rd-session-host.md - name: Can't connect to remote computer href: ./remote/cannot-connect-to-remote-computer.md - name: No Connected icon in notification area href: ./remote/no-connected-icon-in-notification-area.md - name: Remote Desktop tab in RDWEB is missing from Edge href: ./remote/edge-not-work-run-rdweb-require-activex-controls.md - name: Redirection (not printer) items: - name: Caps Lock status change isn't synced to client computer href: ./remote/caps-lock-key-status-not-synced-to-client.md - name: Copying files exceeding 2 GB fails href: ./remote/copying-2-gb-file-by-clipboard-redirection-fails.md - name: RemoteFX USB redirected scanner doesn't start href: ./remote/remotefx-usb-redirected-scanner-not-start.md - name: Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services) licensing items: - name: Cannot connect to RDS because no RD Licensing servers are available href: ./remote/cannot-connect-rds-no-license-server.md - name: '"Licenses are not available for this Remote Desktop" error in Licensing Diagnosis' href: ./remote/rdsh-administrator-on-get-error-licensing-diagnosis.md - name: Configure RDP listener certificates href: ./remote/remote-desktop-listener-certificate-configurations.md - name: Deactivate or reactivate a license server href: ./remote/deactivate-reactivate-license-server.md - name: Error after configuration of RD Connection Broker servers for high availability href: ./remote/error-configuration-rd-connection-brokers-high-availability.md - name: Event ID 4105 when RD Licensing runs href: ./remote/terminalservices-licensing-event-4105.md - name: Event ID 44 on an RDS licensing server href: ./remote/event-44-rds-licensing-server.md - name: How to intall and configure the external connector href: ./remote/install-and-configure-the-external-connector.md - name: How to move Terminal Services CALs href: ./remote/move-terminal-services-client-access-licenses.md - name: Remote Desktop Licensing Service doesn't start href: ./remote/remote-desktop-licensing-service-not-star.md - name: Remove Terminal Server licenses from RDP client href: ./remote/remove-terminal-server-licenses-from-rdp.md - name: Set up RD licensing across domains forests or workgroups href: ./remote/set-up-remote-desktop-licensing-across-domains-forests-workgroups.md - name: Terminal Server license for deployment href: ./remote/terminal-server-license-for-deployment.md - name: Terminal Server licensing href: ./remote/terminal-server-licensing.md - name: Remote desktop sessions items: - name: '"System error 67 has occurred" when using FQDN to connect a remote computer' href: ./remote/network-name-cannot-found-fqdn-remote-computer.md - name: Applications crash if another user logs off href: ./remote/applications-crash-if-another-user-logs-off-session.md - name: Available updates for Terminal Services (Remote Desktop Services) href: ./remote/available-updates-terminal-services.md - name: Cannot remove an RD Host from an RDS deployment href: ./remote/cannot-remove-rd-host-from-rds-deployment.md - name: Can't establish a Remote Desktop session href: ./remote/cant-establish-remote-desktop-session.md - name: Can't maximize RDC session window to full-screen href: ./remote/cannot-maximize-session-window-to-full-screen.md - name: Changes to Remote Connection Manager href: ./remote/remote-connection-manager-changes.md - name: Clients are disconnected during Group Policy update href: ./remote/client-disconnected-group-policy-updates.md - name: Connection Broker can't be mixed href: ./remote/connection-broker-cant-be-mixed.md - name: How to disable warning message for idle remote desktop sessions href: ./remote/how-to-disable-warning-message-idle-rdp-sessions.md - name: Local drive redirection isn't working in RDP Session href: ./remote/local-drive-redirection-isnt-working.md - name: Log Off all Terminal Server Session Users href: ./remote/log-off-terminal-server-session-users-command-prompt.md - name: QUERY USER command can't query from remote server href: ./remote/query-user-command-cannot-query-remotely.md - name: RDS client can't connect to RD Session Host server href: ./remote/rds-client-not-connect-to-rd-session-host-server.md - name: Remote Desktop Connection 6.0 prompts for credentials href: ./remote/remote-desktop-connection-6-prompts-credentials.md - name: Remote Desktop IP Virtualization does not work href: ./remote/remote-desktop-ip-virtualization-not-work.md - name: Remote Desktop or RemoteApp session doesn't terminate href: ./remote/rd-or-remoteapp-session-not-terminate.md - name: Single-application sharing with Terminal Server href: ./remote/single-application-sharing-with-terminal-server.md - name: Terminal Server commands MSG href: ./remote/terminal-server-commands-msg.md - name: Terminal Server User's Home Directory is not set correctly href: ./remote/terminal-server-users-home-directory-not-set-correctly.md - name: RemoteApp applications items: - name: Application doesn't start in TS RemoteApp session href: ./remote/application-not-start-in-remoteapp-session.md - name: Display issues when deploying apps via RemoteApp Hi-Def mode href: ./remote/display-issues-deploy-apps-remoteapp-hi-def-mode.md - name: RemoteApp sessions are disconnected href: ./remote/remoteapp-sessions-disconnected.md - name: Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) items: - name: '"This computer name is invalid" error when shadowing a remote session' href: ./remote/error-control-remote-desktop-session-vdi-collection.md - name: VDI collection requires two-way trust href: ./remote/vdi-collection-requires-two-way-trust.md - name: Resources items: - name: Virtual Agent items: - name: Introducing Virtual Support Agent for Windows Commercial href: ./resources/introducing-virtual-support-agent-windows-commercial.md - name: Security and Malware items: - name: Security and Malware href: ./security-and-malware/security-and-malware-overview.md - name: Suspicion that an unknown process or service is malicious items: - name: Virus alert about Blaster worm and its variants href: ./security-and-malware/blaster-worm-virus-alert.md - name: Shell Experience items: - name: Shell Experience href: ./shell-experience/shell-experience-overview.md - name: 1st Party Applications items: - name: Can't create an AppLocker hash rule for a file href: ./shell-experience/0x800700c1-not-valid-win32-application-applocker-hash-rule.md - name: Cortana and Search items: - name: Windows Search is disabled by default href: ./shell-experience/windows-search-is-disabled-by-default.md - name: Desktop Shell items: - name: Can't configure a language pack href: ./shell-experience/cannot-configure-language-pack-windows-server-desktop-experience.md - name: Can't use the "runas" command href: ./shell-experience/access-denied-runas-command-run-as-administrator.md - name: Enable and use the Run As feature href: ./shell-experience/use-run-as-feature.md - name: Multipoint Manager error during startup href: ./shell-experience/multipoint-manager-error-during-startup.md - name: Task manager displays incorrect value for L2/L3 cache href: ./shell-experience/task-manager-displays-incorrect-value.md - name: Use Run as to start an app as an administrator href: ./shell-experience/use-run-as-start-app-admin.md - name: DPI and Display Issues items: - name: DPI adjustment is unavailable in Remote Session href: ./shell-experience/dpi-adjustment-unavailable-in-rdp.md - name: DST and Timezones items: - name: Incorrect time on 64-bit versions of Windows href: ./shell-experience/incorrect-time-64-bit-windows.md - name: The default date format is changed href: ./shell-experience/default-date-format-changed.md - name: File Explorer/Windows Explorer items: - name: Increased CPU usage when accessing a FileTable share href: ./shell-experience/increased-cpu-usage.md - name: TEMP folder with logon session ID is deleted href: ./shell-experience/temp-folder-with-logon-session-id-deleted.md - name: Lock Screen or Screensaver items: - name: Can't display name of last logged-on user href: ./shell-experience/cant-display-name-last-logged-on-user.md - name: Remote Assistance items: - name: Remote Assistance connection doesn't work with FIPS encryption href: ./shell-experience/fips-encryption-not-allow-remote-assistance-connection.md - name: Start Menu items: - name: Start menu shortcuts aren't immediately accessible href: ./shell-experience/start-menu-shortcuts-arent-immediately-accessible.md - name: Windows Media Player items: - name: How to enable the user experience features href: ./shell-experience/enable-windows-vista-user-experience-features.md - name: Software Defined Networking items: - name: Software Defined Networking href: ./software-defined-networking/software-defined-networking-overview.md - name: Internal DNS Server for SDN items: - name: Software Defined Data Center and Software Defined Networking href: ./software-defined-networking/software-defined-data-center-and-networking.md - name: System Management Components items: - name: System Management Components href: ./system-management-components/system-management-components-overview.md - name: Event Viewer items: - name: Security event log forwarding fails with Error 0x138C and 5004 href: ./system-management-components/security-event-log-forwarding-fails-error-0x138c-5004.md - name: Help and Support items: - name: Event Tracing for Windows is simplified href: ./system-management-components/event-tracing-for-windows-simplified.md - name: Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 Support Tools href: ./system-management-components/windows-server-2003-service-pack-1-support-tools.md - name: Microsoft Management Console (MMC) items: - name: A slow service does not start due to time-out error href: ./system-management-components/service-not-start-events-7000-7011-time-out-error.md - name: Can't connect to Device Manager remotely href: ./system-management-components/error-connect-device-manager-remotely.md - name: Error 1783 when you open Services.msc href: ./system-management-components/error-1783-services-msc.md - name: Fail to enable analytic or debug event log href: ./system-management-components/error-when-enabling-analytic-debug-event-log.md - name: Remotely edit the registry of a client computer href: ./system-management-components/remotely-edit-the-registry.md - name: Troubleshoot service startup permissions href: ./system-management-components/service-startup-permissions.md - name: Troubleshoot SMS Administrator console connectivity href: ./system-management-components/sms-administrator-console-connectivity-issue.md - name: What is MMC href: ./system-management-components/what-is-microsoft-management-console.md - name: PowerShell items: - name: Enter-PSSession cmdlet fails href: ./system-management-components/enter-pssession-cmdlet-fails-psmodulepath-variable.md - name: Server Manager items: - name: error code 0x800706BE href: ./system-management-components/unable-view-roles-features-error-code-0x800706BE.md - name: Error when you select Roles in Server Manager href: ./system-management-components/error-event-1601-click-roles-server-manager.md - name: Remote Server Administration Tools href: ./system-management-components/remote-server-administration-tools.md - name: Task Manager items: - name: Fail to open Task Manager href: ./system-management-components/task-manager-disabled-by-administrator.md - name: Task Scheduler items: - name: Error 0x8007000d when you run an old scheduled task href: ./system-management-components/error-0x8007000d-data-invalid.md - name: How To Schedule a Server Process href: ./system-management-components/schedule-server-process.md - name: Scheduled task may not run upon reboot href: ./system-management-components/scheduled-task-not-run-upon-reboot-machine-off.md - name: Scheduled tasks reference incorrect user profile paths href: ./system-management-components/scheduled-tasks-reference-incorrect-user-profile.md - name: WinRM items: - name: WinRM service not start href: ./system-management-components/winrm-service-not-start-uninstall-winrm-2.md - name: WMI items: - name: High CPU usage by WmiPrvSE.exe process href: ./system-management-components/high-cpu-usage-wmiprvse-process-regular-intervals.md - name: Error 0x8004106C while you run WMI queries href: ./system-management-components/wmi-error-0x8004106c.md - name: Event 5605 when querying MSCluster namespace by WMI href: ./system-management-components/event-5605-query-mscluster-namespace.md - name: Microsoft-Windows-RPC-Events Event 11 after reboot href: ./system-management-components/rpc-events-event-11-after-reboot.md - name: New WMI arbitrator behavior href: ./system-management-components/new-wmi-arbitrator-behavior-in-windows-server.md - name: UserProfiles and Logon items: - name: UserProfiles and Logon href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/userprofiles-and-logon-overview.md - name: Folder redirection items: - name: Fail to set up Folder Redirection with Group Policy href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/event-101-1000-with-folder-redirection.md - name: Folder Redirection fails with ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/error-sem-timeout-folder-redirection.md - name: Folder Redirection settings aren't applied href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/folder-redirection-settings-not-applied.md - name: User Logon fails items: - name: Cached domain logon information href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/cached-domain-logon-information.md - name: Can't log off from a computer href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/windows-log-off-errors-events.md - name: Error 1384 when you log on to a domain href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/security-content-accumated-many-security-ids.md - name: 'Error: The RPC server is unavailable' href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/not-log-on-error-rpc-server-unavailable.md - name: Interactive logon isn't allowed href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/interactive-logon-isnt-allowed.md - name: Turn on automatic logon href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/turn-on-automatic-logon.md - name: User profiles may fail to load href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/user-profiles-may-fail-load.md - name: Windows logs on and logs off immediately href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/cannot-log-on-windows.md - name: User profiles items: - name: '"The filename or extension is too long" error' href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/user-profile-cannot-loaded-event-1509.md - name: Assign a Logon Script to a Profile for a Local User href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/assign-logon-script-profile-local-user.md - name: Description of Windows Identity Foundation href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/windows-identity-foundation.md - name: How to create security-enhanced redirected folders or home folders href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/create-security-enhanced-redirected-folder.md - name: How to delete a user profile href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/delete-user-profile.md - name: Managing User Profile Service slow link detection href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/manage-profile-service-slow-link-detection.md - name: Logon issues when you enable "Run logon scripts synchronously" href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/welcome-screen-displayed-for-30-seconds.md - name: Profile loading fails href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/desktop-location-unavailable.md - name: Relocation of Users and ProgramData directories href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/relocation-of-users-and-programdata-directories.md - name: Roaming user profiles versioning href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/roaming-user-profiles-versioning.md - name: User may not be able to Change Their Password href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/user-must-change-password-at-next-logon-setting.md - name: Virtualization items: - name: Virtualization href: ./virtualization/virtualization-overview.md - name: Backup and restore of virtual machines items: - name: Back up and restore a Hyper-V VM href: ./virtualization/back-up-restore-hyper-v-vm-bmr-data-backup.md - name: Back up virtual machines from parent partition href: ./virtualization/back-up-hyper-v-vm-from-parent-partition.md - name: Backing up VMs that belong to a guest cluster href: ./virtualization/error-back-up-vms-in-guest-cluster.md - name: Can't export a virtual machine href: ./virtualization/error-occurred-attempt-export-virtual-machine.md - name: Error 0x80070005 when exporting VMs to network share href: ./virtualization/error-0x80070005-export-vms.md - name: Container items: - name: API call of performance counters is delayed href: ./virtualization/api-call-performance-counters-delay-container.md - name: Configuration of virtual machine settings items: - name: Caching in the virtual storage stack href: ./virtualization/hyper-v-storage-caching-layers-data-consistency-requirements.md - name: Copy and paste don't work when you connect to Hyper-V virtual machine href: ./virtualization/copy-paste-not-work-hyper-v-vm-vmconnect-enhanced-session-mode.md - name: Dynamic Memory allocation in a Virtual Machine does not change href: ./virtualization/dynamic-memory-allocation-virtual-machine-not-change.md - name: Ghost NIC built from VMware Templates href: ./virtualization/ghost-nic-built-vmware-templates.md - name: Hyper-V limits the maximum number of processors href: ./virtualization/hyper-v-limits-maximum-number-processors-host-os.md - name: Hyper-V virtual machine doesn't start and triggers 0x80070057 error href: ./virtualization/hyper-v-virtual-machine-doesnt-start.md - name: Hyper-V virtual machine supported file locations href: ./virtualization/hyper-v-vm-supported-file-locations.md - name: Importing a virtual machine href: ./virtualization/importing-a-virtual-machine.md - name: Mouse and screen resolution issues href: ./virtualization/mouse-screen-resolution-issues.md - name: Slow startup and shutdown on virtual machines href: ./virtualization/virtual-machines-slow-startup-shutdown.md - name: The security ID structure is invalid (0x80070539) href: ./virtualization/security-id-structure-invalid.md - name: Using Hyper-V with large-sector drives href: ./virtualization/using-hyper-v-large-sector-drives.md - name: Using Vmconnect.exe to connect to virtual machine fails href: ./virtualization/vmconnect-fail-to-connect-to-virtual-machine.md - name: VDS Basic Provider event ID 1 href: ./virtualization/vds-basic-provider-event-id-1.md - name: VM can't reach network when vLan tagging is enabled href: ./virtualization/vm-not-reach-vlan-tagging-enabled-network.md - name: High availability virtual machines items: - name: Users can't connect to virtual server after failover href: ./virtualization/mac-address-changes-for-virtual-server.md - name: Hyper-V Network Virtualization (HNV) items: - name: Event ID 106 href: ./virtualization/event-id-106-hyper-v-virtual-switch-bound-lbfo-team.md - name: Hyper-V Replica items: - name: Events 18210 and 3041 when Hyper-V Replica is configured href: ./virtualization/events-18210-3041-and-1-hyper-v-replica.md - name: Events when backing up a disk on Replica machine href: ./virtualization/event-19050-32022-32032-32056-32315-32546-33680.md - name: Feature and performance optimization of HVR href: ./virtualization/feature-performance-optimization-hyper-v-replica.md - name: Installation and configuration of Hyper-V items: - name: Antivirus exclusions for Hyper-V hosts href: ./virtualization/antivirus-exclusions-for-hyper-v-hosts.md - name: Can't import a virtual machine href: ./virtualization/cant-import-virtual-machine.md - name: Event 7000 after installing the Hyper-V role href: ./virtualization/event-7000-installing-hyper-v-role-windows-server.md - name: Hyper-V VMM service fails with event ID 14050 href: ./virtualization/hyper-v-vmm-service-fails-event-id-14050.md - name: Incompatible version errors are logged href: ./virtualization/incompatible-version-errors-are-logged.md - name: Issues when starting VM or installing Hyper-V href: ./virtualization/bios-update-for-hyper-v.md - name: Recommended updates for Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V environments href: ./virtualization/updates-for-windows-server-2012-r2-hyper-v.md - name: Recommended hotfixes, updates, and known solutions href: ./virtualization/hotfixes-updates-known-solutions.md - name: Run programs on non-Microsoft hardware virtualization software href: ./virtualization/software-runs-on-non-microsoft-virtualization-software.md - name: SCVMM P2V fails with error 0x80070005 href: ./virtualization/scvmm-p2v-fails-with-error-2910.md - name: Specifications for supported emulated and synthetic hardware href: ./virtualization/emulated-synthetic-hardware-specification.md - name: Support Policy for NIC Teaming with Hyper-V href: ./virtualization/support-policy-nic-teaming.md - name: Upgrade computers with Hyper-V role installed href: ./virtualization/upgrade-computers-hyper-v-role.md - name: Integration components items: - name: Degraded integration services message for non-Windows guests href: ./virtualization/degraded-integration-services-message.md - name: Event ID 4096 is logged in Hyper-V host href: ./virtualization/event-id-4096.md - name: Hyper-V Time Synchronization doesn't adjust the VM system clock href: ./virtualization/virtual-machine-time-not-synced.md - name: Uptime value of Hyper-V Management console changes to the resume time href: ./virtualization/uptime-value-hyper-v-management-console-change-to-resume-time.md - name: VMBus device doesn't load href: ./virtualization/vmbus-device-not-load.md - name: VM Integration Services status reports protocol version mismatch href: ./virtualization/vm-integration-services-status-protocol-version-mismatch.md - name: Live Migration items: - name: Can't migrate a virtual machine from one host to another href: ./virtualization/unable-migrate-virtual-machine-processor-not-compatible-host.md - name: Starting or live migrating Hyper-V VMs fails href: ./virtualization/starting-or-live-migrating-hyper-v-vms-fails.md - name: Troubleshoot live migration issues href: ./virtualization/troubleshoot-live-migration-issues.md - name: Snapshots, checkpoints, and differencing disks items: - name: Can't delete a recovery checkpoint for a VM in DPM href: ./virtualization/cannot-delete-recovery-checkpoint-vm.md - name: Storage configuration items: - name: Error message after you put the page file on another drive other than the drive C href: ./virtualization/error-message-page-file-another-drive-guest-operating-system.md - name: FCoE IO failures on Hyper-V guests href: ./virtualization/fcoe-io-failures-hyper-v-guests.md - name: Virtual machine creation items: - name: Error when you manage a VHD file href: ./virtualization/fail-to-manage-vhd-file.md - name: Microsoft server software and supported virtualization environments href: ./virtualization/microsoft-server-software-support-policy.md - name: Support partners for non-Microsoft hardware virtualization software href: ./virtualization/non-microsoft-hardware-virtualization-software.md - name: Virtual machines are missing href: ./virtualization/vm-missing-0x800704c8-0x80070033-0x800703e3.md - name: Virtual machine state items: - name: Get-VMNetworkAdapter command doesn't report IP addresses href: ./virtualization/get-vmnetworkadapter-doesnt-report-ip-addresses.md - name: virtual machine shutdown actions don't run href: ./virtualization/vm-shutdown-actions-not-run.md - name: Virtual Machines enter the paused state href: ./virtualization/virtual-machines-enter-paused-state-low-disk-free.md - name: Virtual machine will not boot items: - name: '"The virtual machine could not be started" error' href: ./virtualization/virtual-machine-not-started-hypervisor-not-running.md - name: 0x8000FFFF error when you start VM href: ./virtualization/catastrophic-failure-0x8000ffff-error.md - name: Fail to start selected virtual machine href: ./virtualization/fail-to-start-selected-virtual-machine.md - name: Hyper-V virtual machine fails to start href: ./virtualization/hyper-v-virtual-machine-not-start-0x80070005.md - name: Restored Hyper-V virtual machines may not Start href: ./virtualization/restored-hyper-v-virtual-machines-not-start.md - name: Virtual machine doesn't start href: ./virtualization/error-not-enough-memory-system-start-virtual-machine.md - name: Virtual Switch Manager (vmswitch) items: - name: Can't create Virtual switch in Hyper-V href: ./virtualization/error-applying-virtual-switch-properties-changes.md - name: Creating V-switches within the hyper-V environment fails href: ./virtualization/creating-v-switches-hyper-v-environment-fails.md - name: Default limit of 256 dynamic MAC addresses href: ./virtualization/default-limit-256-dynamic-mac-addresses.md - name: Network connectivity is lost if VMQ is enabled href: ./virtualization/network-connectivity-lost-on-hyper-v-vms.md - name: VmSwitch Error 113 event href: ./virtualization/vmswitch-error-113-start-live-migrate-vm.md - name: Windows Security items: - name: Windows Security href: ./windows-security/windows-security-overview.md - name: Account lockouts items: - name: Account Lockout and Management Tools href: ./windows-security/account-lockout-and-management-tool.md - name: Administrator account password expiration behavior href: ./windows-security/admin-account-password-expiration-policy.md - name: Enumerate locked out user accounts using Saved Queries href: ./windows-security/enumerate-locked-out-user-accounts-saved-queries.md - name: Rename administrator and guest accounts href: ./windows-security/rename-administrator-and-guest-account.md - name: Use EventCombMT utility to search event logs for account lockouts href: ./windows-security/use-eventcombmt-to-search-logs-for-account-lockout.md - name: Bitlocker items: - name: How to configure MBAM with Secure Network Communication href: ./windows-security/mbam-secure-network-communication.md - name: How to use BitLocker Recovery Password Viewer href: ./windows-security/bitlocker-recovery-password-viewer-tool.md - name: Computer Record is Rejected in MBAM href: ./windows-security/computer-record-rejected-in-mbam.md - name: Error when opening reports in MBAM href: ./windows-security/error-when-opening-reports-mbam.md - name: Error when viewing reports in MBAM href: ./windows-security/server-error-click-reports-tab-mbam.md - name: MBAM Enterprise Reports aren't updated href: ./windows-security/mbam-enterprise-report-not-updated.md - name: MBAM fails to take ownership of the TPM href: ./windows-security/error-mbam-take-ownership-tpm.md - name: MBAM setup fails if SSRS is not configured properly href: ./windows-security/mbam-setup-fails.md - name: Certificates and public key infrastructure (PKI) items: - name: '"Http error 500.0" when getting the NDES enrollment challenge password' href: ./windows-security/http-error-500-internal-server-error.md - name: Add SAN to secure LDAP certificate href: ./windows-security/add-san-to-secure-ldap-certificate.md - name: CA doesn't publish certificates in trusted domain href: ./windows-security/cannot-publish-certificate-trusted-domain.md - name: Can't request certificate from web enrollment pages href: ./windows-security/no-certificate-templates-be-found.md - name: Can't request certificate using web enrollment href: ./windows-security/cannot-request-certificate-with-web-enrollment.md - name: Certutil -view command doesn't return issued certificates href: ./windows-security/certutil-view-not-return-issued-certificate.md - name: Client computers can't encrypt a file in a domain href: ./windows-security/recovery-policy-contains-invalid-recovery-certificate.md - name: Clients can't authenticate with a server href: ./windows-security/clients-cant-authenticate-server.md - name: Crypt32 8 events continuously reported href: ./windows-security/crypt32-event-8.md - name: Event ID 4107 or Event ID 11 is logged href: ./windows-security/event-id-4107-or-event-id-11-is-logged.md - name: How to decommission Windows enterprise CA and remove related objects href: ./windows-security/decommission-enterprise-certification-authority-and-remove-objects.md - name: How to import third-party CAs into Enterprise NTAuth store href: ./windows-security/import-third-party-ca-to-enterprise-ntauth-store.md - name: How to install imported certificates on a Web server href: ./windows-security/install-imported-certificates.md - name: KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN in S4U2Self request href: ./windows-security/kdc-err-c-principal-unknown-s4u2self-request.md - name: Remote Desktop server certificates are renewed two times daily href: ./windows-security/remote-desktop-server-certificates-renewed.md - name: Renewal of Enrollment Agent certificate fails href: ./windows-security/renewal-of-enrollment-agent-certificate-fail.md - name: Requirements for domain controller certificates from a third-party CA href: ./windows-security/requirements-domain-controller.md - name: Restrict cryptographic algorithms and protocols href: ./windows-security/restrict-cryptographic-algorithms-protocols-schannel.md - name: Root CA certificate doesn't appear href: ./windows-security/root-ca-certificate-doesnt-appear.md - name: Security certificate validation fails href: ./windows-security/secured-website-certificate-validation-fails.md - name: Superseded Certificate Templates and impact on user’s AD store href: ./windows-security/superseded-certificate-templates-impact-user-ad-store.md - name: Support for Suite B cryptographic algorithms href: ./windows-security/description-support-suite-b-cryptographic-ipsec.md - name: Use and troubleshoot CryptAcquireContext function href: ./windows-security/cryptacquirecontext-troubleshooting.md - name: Use Cipher.exe to overwrite deleted data href: ./windows-security/use-cipher-to-overwrite-deleted-data.md - name: Domain and forest trusts items: - name: '"The server is not operational" error when adding a trusted domain user' href: ./windows-security/cannot-add-trusted-domain-user-guest-account-turn-on.md - name: Can't set up a trust between a Windows-based domain and an AD-based domain href: ./windows-security/trust-between-windows-ad-domain-not-work-correctly.md - name: Overlapping Forest Names cause problems href: ./windows-security/overlapping-forest-names-problem-forest-trust-established.md - name: Security identifier could not be resolved href: ./windows-security/security-identifier-could-not-be-resolved.md - name: Trusted Domains don't appear href: ./windows-security/trusted-domains-dont-appear.md - name: Users and groups can't be added to trusted forest href: ./windows-security/rpc-endpoint-mapper-prevents-users-added-to-trust-forest.md - name: Kerberos authentication items: - name: Authentication failure on NTLM and Kerberos servers href: ./windows-security/authentication-fails-non-windows-ntlm-kerberos-server.md - name: Constrained delegation for CIFS fails with ACCESS_DENIED href: ./windows-security/constrained-delegation-access-denied.md - name: Event ID 27 KDC error on domain controllers href: ./windows-security/event-id-27-kdc-errors.md - name: How to force Kerberos to use TCP instead of UDP href: ./windows-security/force-kerberos-use-tcp-instead-udp.md - name: KDC event 16 or 27 if DES for Kerberos is disabled href: ./windows-security/kdc-event-16-27-des-encryption-disabled.md - name: KDC service on an RODC can't start and generates error 1450 href: ./windows-security/kdc-service-on-rodc-cant-start-error-1450.md - name: Kerberos authentication fails when a user belongs to many groups href: ./windows-security/kerberos-authentication-problems-if-user-belongs-to-groups.md - name: Kerberos SPN is on wrong account href: ./windows-security/kerberos-event-4-access-denied.md - name: Kerberos Unsupported etype error href: ./windows-security/unsupported-etype-error-accessing-trusted-domain.md - name: KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED error on Kerberos client href: ./windows-security/kerberos-client-krb-ap-err-modified-error.md - name: Logging on a user account fails href: ./windows-security/logging-on-user-account-fails.md - name: Registry keys about Kerberos protocol and KDC href: ./windows-security/kerberos-protocol-registry-kdc-configuration-keys.md - name: Resource SID compression causes authorization problems href: ./windows-security/authorizaiton-issue-device-not-support-resource-sid-compression.md - name: SSO with pre-logon fails during user logon href: ./windows-security/sso-pre-logon-fails-during-user-logon.md - name: TGS requests for krbtgt account fail href: ./windows-security/tgs-request-for-krbtgt-account-fails.md - name: The Fingerprint Registration Wizard doesn't run href: ./windows-security/fingerprint-registration-wizard-not-run-install-fingerprint-reader.md - name: Unable to log on to a domain href: ./windows-security/trust-relationship-between-workstation-domain-fail.md - name: Legacy authentication (NTLM) items: - name: Audit event shows authentication package as NTLMv1 href: ./windows-security/authentication-package-listed-as-ntlmv1-security-audit-event.md - name: Audit use of NTLMv1 on a domain controller href: ./windows-security/audit-domain-controller-ntlmv1.md - name: Domain members fail authentication href: ./windows-security/cannot-authenticate-users-shut-down-domain-controller.md - name: Error when you connect to a Web site href: ./windows-security/error-when-you-connect-web-site.md - name: How to disable automatic machine account password changes href: ./windows-security/disable-machine-account-password.md - name: How to prevent Windows from storing an LM hash of the password href: ./windows-security/prevent-windows-store-lm-hash-password.md - name: Network access validation algorithms and examples href: ./windows-security/network-access-validation-algorithms.md - name: New setting modifies NTLM network authentication href: ./windows-security/new-setting-modifies-ntlm-network-authentication.md - name: NTLM user authentication href: ./windows-security/ntlm-user-authentication.md - name: Performance tuning for NTLM authentication href: ./windows-security/performance-tuning-ntlm-authentication-maxconcurrentapi.md - name: Permissions, access control, and auditing items: - name: Access checks using Windows APIs return incorrect results href: ./windows-security/access-checks-windows-apis-return-incorrect-results.md - name: Can't copy files from mapped drive to local directory href: ./windows-security/cannot-copy-files-from-mapped-drive-to-local-directory.md - name: Default permissions for MachineKeys folders href: ./windows-security/default-permissions-machinekeys-folders.md - name: Don't have permission to access folder href: ./windows-security/dont-have-permission-access-folder.md - name: Error 1079 when services fail to start href: ./windows-security/services-fail-to-start-error-1079.md - name: Grant the "Replicating Directory Changes" permission href: ./windows-security/grant-replicating-directory-changes-permission-adma-service.md - name: Grant users rights to manage services href: ./windows-security/grant-users-rights-manage-services.md - name: How to disable User Account Control href: ./windows-security/disable-user-account-control.md - name: How to enable auditing of AD objects href: ./windows-security/use-audit-active-directory-objects-track-events.md - name: Inherited permissions are not automatically updated href: ./windows-security/inherited-permissions-not-automatically-update.md - name: Mark an attribute as confidential href: ./windows-security/mark-attribute-as-confidential.md - name: Maximum number of access control entries href: ./windows-security/error-add-user-to-security-permissions.md - name: SeImpersonatePrivilege and SeCreateGlobalPrivilege href: ./windows-security/seImpersonateprivilege-secreateglobalprivilege.md - name: Security auditing settings aren't applied when you deploy domain-based policy href: ./windows-security/security-auditing-settings-not-applied-when-deploy-domain-based-policy.md - name: SIDs not resolve into friendly names href: ./windows-security/sids-not-resolve-into-friendly-names.md - name: User Account Control and remote restrictions href: ./windows-security/user-account-control-and-remote-restriction.md - name: we are unable to Access the security log href: ./windows-security/error-unable-access-security-log.md - name: Secure channel issues items: - name: A computer can't identify the network href: ./windows-security/computer-cant-identify-network.md - name: Configure preshared key to use L2TP href: ./windows-security/configure-preshared-key-to-use-l2tp.md - name: Deploy custom cipher suite ordering href: ./windows-security/deploy-custom-cipher-suite-ordering.md - name: Reset domain controller's password with Netdom.exe href: ./windows-security/use-netdom-reset-domain-controller-password.md - name: Secure Channel Problems Detected href: ./windows-security/secure-channel-problems-detected.md - name: SSL/TLS communication problems after installing an update href: ./windows-security/ssltls-communication-problems-after-install-kb931125.md - name: Security templates items: - name: Apply predefined security templates href: ./windows-security/apply-predefined-security-templates.md - name: Smart card logon items: - name: Enabling smart card logon href: ./windows-security/enabling-smart-card-logon-third-party-certification-authorities.md - name: Windows Server End of Support (EoS) FAQ items: - name: End of support for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 href: ./windows-server-eos-faq/end-of-support-windows-server-2008-2008r2.yml
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- name: Welcome href: welcome-virtual-machines.yml - name: Troubleshoot deployment failures items: - name: Windows href: troubleshoot-deploy-vm-windows.md - name: Linux href: troubleshoot-deploy-vm-linux.md - name: Availability sets href: virtual-machines-availability-set-supportability.md - name: Troubleshoot deployment issues items: - name: GPU is disabled href: gpu-disabled-upgrade-ubuntu.md - name: Fail to create a VM with Ed25519 SSH keys href: ed25519-ssh-keys.md - name: In-place system upgrade for Windows-based Azure VMs href: in-place-system-upgrade.md - name: Upgrade VM to contain more than 64 vCPUs href: vm-cannot-upgrade-64-vcpu.md - name: Upload Hyper-V DC to Azure href: upload-existing-hyperv-dc-azure-ps.md - name: Uploaded VHD is not supported href: uploaded-vhd-not-support.md - name: VM deployment guidance items: - name: Upgrade to SLES 15 SP1 href: linux-upgrade-suse-15sp1.md - name: New VM deployments items: - name: Linux href: troubleshoot-deployment-new-vm-linux.md - name: Windows href: troubleshoot-deployment-new-vm-windows.md - name: Redeploy a VM items: - name: Linux href: redeploy-to-new-node-linux.md - name: Windows href: redeploy-to-new-node-windows.md - name: Reset NIC href: reset-network-interface.md - name: Troubleshoot allocation failures items: - name: Allocation failures href: allocation-failure.md - name: Classic deployment model href: allocation-failure-classic.md - name: Unexpected restart items: - name: Unexpected reboots of VMs with attached VHDs href: unexpected-reboots-attached-vhds.md - name: Understand a system reboot href: understand-vm-reboot.md - name: Cannot start or stop VM items: - name: Start/Stop VMs using Azure Automation href: /azure/automation/troubleshoot/start-stop-vm - name: Restarting or resizing a VM href: restart-resize-error-troubleshooting.md - name: Allocation failures for classic deployments href: allocation-failure-classic.md - name: VM startup is stuck href: troubleshoot-vm-boot-configure-update.md - name: VM lifecycle and states href: /azure/virtual-machines/states-billing - name: Cannot connect to my VM items: - name: Linux items: - name: Debian Linux VM href: cannot-connect-debian-linux.md - name: Network issues href: cannot-connect-linux-network.md - name: SSH connection href: connect-linux-vm-sshconnection.md - name: SSH troubleshooting href: troubleshoot-ssh-connection.md - name: Troubleshoot file system errors href: linux-recovery-cannot-start-file-system-errors.md - name: Recover LVM configured VMs and no boot href: chroot-logical-volume-manager.md - name: Troubleshoot fstab errors href: linux-virtual-machine-cannot-start-fstab-errors.md - name: Detailed SSH troubleshooting href: detailed-troubleshoot-ssh-connection.md - name: Windows items: - name: Cannot RDP into Azure VM because of authentication errors href: cannot-connect-rdp-azure-vm.md - name: CredSSP encryption oracle remediation href: credssp-encryption-oracle-remediation.md - name: No Internet access href: no-internet-access-multi-ip.md - name: Netlogon service is not starting href: azure-vm-netlogon-not-starting.md - name: Network Store Interface service is not starting href: azure-vm-nsi-not-starting.md - name: Cannot RDP into Azure VM because of a brute force attack href: cannot-rdp-azure-vm-brute-force.md - name: Reset RDP href: reset-rdp.md - name: RDP troubleshooting href: troubleshoot-rdp-connection.md - name: Detailed RDP troubleshooting href: detailed-troubleshoot-rdp.md - name: Troubleshoot RDP error because the DHCP is disabled href: troubleshoot-rdp-dhcp-disabled.md - name: Troubleshoot RDP error because of the NSG setting href: troubleshoot-rdp-nsg-problem.md - name: Troubleshoot specific errors href: troubleshoot-specific-rdp-errors.md - name: Troubleshoot no license server errors href: troubleshoot-rdp-no-license-server.md - name: Troubleshoot remote desktop services issues href: troubleshoot-remote-desktop-services-issues.md - name: Troubleshoot An internal error href: Troubleshoot-rdp-internal-error.md - name: Troubleshoot connection disconnects frequently href: troubleshoot-rdp-intermittent-connectivity.md - name: Troubleshoot a general error href: troubleshoot-rdp-general-error.md - name: Troubleshoot Azure VM RDP connection issues by Event ID href: event-id-troubleshoot-vm-rdp-connecton.md - name: Troubleshoot RDP error in VM because of static IP href: troubleshoot-rdp-static-ip.md - name: Troubleshoot RDP error in VM because the NIC is disabled href: troubleshoot-rdp-nic-disabled.md - name: Troubleshoot RDP error caused by Safe Mode href: troubleshoot-rdp-safe-mode.md - name: Disable the guest OS Firewall in Azure VM href: disable-guest-os-firewall-windows.md - name: Enable or disable a firewall rule on a guest OS href: enable-disable-firewall-rule-guest-os.md - name: Guest OS firewall is blocking inbound traffic href: guest-os-firewall-blocking-inbound-traffic.md - name: Guest OS firewall is misconfigured href: guest-os-firewall-misconfigured.md - name: Troubleshoot RDP error caused by netvsc.sys href: troubleshoot-rdp-driver-netvsc.md - name: Application access issues href: troubleshoot-app-connection.md - name: VM is not booting items: - name: Linux href: boot-error-troubleshoot-linux.md items: - name: Grub Rescue href: troubleshoot-vm-boot-error.md - name: Can't boot after a host node upgrade href: linux-kernel-panics-upgrade.md - name: Linux VM does not start after an LIS upgrade href: linux-vm-not-start-kernel-lis.md - name: Windows href: boot-error-troubleshoot.md items: - name: Boot diagnostics href: boot-diagnostics.md - name: Boot Error - Disk Read Error Occurred href: boot-error-disk-read-error-occurred.md - name: BitLocker errors href: troubleshoot-bitlocker-boot-error.md - name: Blue screen errors href: troubleshoot-common-blue-screen-error.md - name: Checking file system errors href: troubleshoot-check-disk-boot-error.md - name: Critical process disabled href: troubleshoot-guide-critical-process-died.md - name: Critical service failed href: troubleshoot-critical-service-failed-boot-error.md - name: Troubleshoot boot error - Status not found href: boot-error-status-not-found.md - name: Troubleshoot Windows could not finish configuring the system href: windows-could-not-configure-system.md - name: Troubleshoot Windows Update installation capacity href: windows-update-installation-capacity.md - name: Not a bootable disk href: troubleshoot-guide-not-bootable-disk.md - name: Reboot loop href: troubleshoot-reboot-loop.md - name: Stuck at Windows update href: troubleshoot-stuck-updating-boot-error.md - name: Unexpected restart or error href: troubleshoot-unexpected-restart-error-during-vm-boot.md - name: VM startup is stuck href: troubleshoot-vm-boot-configure-update.md - name: VM cannot boot due to windows boot manager href: troubleshoot-guide-windows-boot-manager-menu.md - name: VM is unresponsive due to updating href: unresponsive-vm-apply-windows-update.md - name: VM is unresponsive while applying audit configuration policy href: vm-unresponsive-applying-audit-configuration-policy.md - name: VM is unresponsive while applying default domain controllers policy href: vm-unresponsive-domain-controllers-policy.md - name: VM is unresponsive when applying group policy href: unresponsive-vm-apply-group-policy.md - name: VM is unresponsive when applying security policy href: unresponsive-vm-apply-security-policy.md - name: VM is unresponsive while waiting for Local Session Manager href: vm-unresponsive-wait-local-session-manager.md - name: Windows boot manager error - Status Invalid Image Hash href: windows-boot-error-invalid-image-hash.md - name: Windows stop error - Bad System Config Info href: windows-stop-error-bad-system-config-info.md - name: Windows stop error - Hardware malfunction href: windows-stop-error-hardware-malfunction.md - name: Windows stop error - Status No Memory href: troubleshoot-windows-stop-error.md - name: Windows stop error - System Process Terminated href: windows-stop-error-system-process-terminated.md - name: Windows stop error - System thread exception not handled href: windows-stop-error-system-thread-exception-not-handled.md - name: Can't boot with 0xc000000f href: error-code-0xc000000f.md - name: Unable to boot with 0xc000000f href: boot-error-0xc000000f.md - name: Can't boot with 0xc00000ba href: boot-error-0xc00000ba.md - name: Can't boot with 0xc0000011 href: boot-error-0xc0000011.md - name: Can't boot with 0xc000014c href: boot-error-0xc000014c.md - name: Can't boot with 0xc0000034 href: boot-error-0xc0000034.md - name: Can't boot with 0xc0000098 href: boot-error-0xc0000098.md - name: Can't boot with 0xC0000102 href: error-code-0xC0000102-status-file-corrupt.md - name: Can't boot with 0xc0000225 href: boot-error-0xc0000225.md - name: Can't boot with 0xc0000359 href: boot-error-0xc0000359.md - name: Can't boot with 0xc000000e href: error-code-0xc000000e.md - name: Can't boot with 0xc0000605 href: error-code-0xc0000605.md - name: Can't boot with 0xc0000221 href: boot-error-0xc0000221.md - name: Boot failure with error INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE href: windows-boot-failure.md - name: Troubleshoot Windows VM OS with missing boot manager href: os-bootmgr-missing.md - name: OS isn't found href: os-not-found.md - name: Troubleshoot Windows VM OS boot failure href: os-bucket-boot-failure.md - name: 'VM stops at "Please wait for the Group Policy Client" screen' href: vm-stops-at-please-wait-for-group-policy-client.md - name: Azure VM cannot RDP - driver IRQL not less or equal href: azure-vm-cannot-rdp-driver-irql-not-less-equal.md - name: Azure VM cannot RDP - working on features href: azure-vm-cannot-rdp-working-features.md - name: VM restart issues items: - name: Can't restart after applying kernel changes href: kernel-related-boot-issues.md - name: Fail to access Generation 2 Linux VM href: unable-access-g2-linux-vm-reboot.md - name: Fail to restart or be provisioned href: linux-kernel-fails-restart-provision.md - name: Start VM with Last Known Good Configuration href: start-vm-last-known-good.md - name: Swap file is not re-created href: swap-file-not-recreated-linux-vm-restart.md - name: Restarting or resizing a VM href: restart-resize-error-troubleshooting.md - name: Restarting, Shutting Down, or Stopping services href: boot-error-troubleshoot-windows.md - name: VM extension issues items: - name: Azure cloud-init support for Linux VMs href: cloud-init-support-linux-vms.md - name: Can't enable Azure Disk Encryption href: extension-version-2.2-not-supported.md - name: Can't process extensions href: linux-agent-cannot-process-extensions.md - name: Extension status isn't reported href: linux-vm-extension-status-not-reported.md - name: Linux VM extensions stop running href: extensions-stop-running.md - name: Minimum version support for agents href: support-extensions-agent-version.md - name: Previous command is rerun href: customscript-reruns-previous-command.md - name: Supported extensions href: support-agent-extensions.md - name: Supported operating systems href: extension-supported-os.md - name: The host keys of Linux VM are written to ec2 href: cloud-init-writes-vm-host-keys-as-ec2.md - name: Update awareness for Linux Image Provisioning Agent href: linux-image-provisioning-agent-update-awareness.md - name: Azure extension overview href: /azure/virtual-machines/extensions/overview - name: Troubleshoot extension issues href: /azure/virtual-machines/extensions/troubleshoot - name: Install Windows VM agent offline href: install-vm-agent-offline.md - name: Troubleshoot Windows VM agent href: windows-azure-guest-agent.md - name: Troubleshoot Linux VM agent href: linux-azure-guest-agent.md - name: VM performance issues items: - name: Performance diagnostics (PerfInsights) items: - name: Performance diagnostics in the Azure Portal href: performance-diagnostics.md - name: Performance diagnostics VM extension items: - name: Performance diagnostics extension in Windows href: performance-diagnostics-vm-extension.md - name: PerfInsights standalone tool items: - name: PerfInsights in Windows href: how-to-use-perfinsights.md - name: PerfInsights in Linux href: how-to-use-perfinsights-linux.md - name: Troubleshoot VM Performance issues items: - name: Troubleshoot performance issues through Monitoring href: troubleshoot-performance-virtual-machine-linux-windows.md - name: Troubleshoot high CPU issues for Azure Windows virtual machines href: troubleshoot-high-cpu-issues-azure-windows-vm.md - name: Known performance issues items: - name: Poor performance on Windows Server 2012 R2 href: poor-performance-emulated-storage-stack.md - name: Help with VM password reset items: - name: Windows href: reset-local-password-without-agent.md - name: Linux href: reset-password.md - name: VM recovery access items: - name: Windows items: - name: PowerShell href: troubleshoot-recovery-disks-windows.md - name: Azure portal href: troubleshoot-recovery-disks-portal-windows.md - name: Linux items: - name: CLI href: troubleshoot-recovery-disks-linux.md - name: Azure portal href: troubleshoot-recovery-disks-portal-linux.md - name: Device names are changed href: troubleshoot-device-names-problems.md - name: Virtual Disk Management issues items: - name: Overview href: /azure/virtual-machines/managed-disks-overview - name: FAQ href: /azure/virtual-machines/faq-for-disks name: Cannot extend an encrypted OS volume in Windows href: cannot-extend-encrypted-os-volume.md - name: Errors when deleting storage resources href: storage-resource-deletion-errors.md - name: Errors when deleting classic storage resources href: storage-classic-cannot-delete-storage-account-container-vhd.md - name: VHD is not supported when you create a VM in Azure href: vhd-not-supported-vm-azure.md - name: Use nested virtualization href: troubleshoot-vm-by-use-nested-virtualization.md - name: Troubleshoot Shared Image Galleries items: - name: Troubleshoot Shared Image Gallery - Windows href: /azure/virtual-machines/troubleshooting-shared-images - name: Troubleshoot Shared Image Gallery - Linux href: /azure/virtual-machines/troubleshooting-shared-images - name: Backup and restore items: - name: Troubleshoot backup failures on Azure VM href: /azure/backup/backup-azure-vms-troubleshoot - name: Repair a VM using commands items: - name: Windows href: repair-windows-vm-using-azure-virtual-machine-repair-commands.md - name: Linux href: repair-linux-vm-using-azure-virtual-machine-repair-commands.md - name: Linux - Repair a VM with the help of ALAR href: repair-linux-vm-using-ALAR.md - 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### YamlMime:FAQ metadata: title: FAQs about GUID Partitioning Table disk description: Provides a list of frequently asked questions about the GUID Partition Table disk architecture. ms.date: 10/15/2020 author: Deland-Han ms.author: delhan manager: dscontentpm audience: itpro ms.topic: troubleshooting ms.prod: windows-server localization_priority: medium ms.reviewer: kaushika, MBIAS ms.prod-support-area-path: Partition and volume management ms.technology: windows-server-backup-and-storage title: Frequently asked questions about the GUID Partitioning Table disk architecture summary: | This article provides a list of frequently asked questions about the GUID Partition Table disk architecture. _Original product version:_ &nbsp; Windows Server 2012 R2 _Original KB number:_ &nbsp; 302873 > [!IMPORTANT] > This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, see [How to back up and restore the registry in Windows](https://support.microsoft.com/help/322756). sections: - name: Ignored questions: - question: | What is a GUID Partition Table disk answer: | The GUID Partition Table disk architecture was introduced as part of the Extensible Firmware Interface initiative. GUID Partition Table is a new disk architecture that expands on the older Master Boot Record (MBR) partitioning scheme that has been common to Intel-based computers. A partition is a contiguous space of storage on a physical or logical disk that functions as though it were a physically separate disk. Partitions are visible to the system firmware and the installed operating systems. Access to a partition is controlled by the system firmware and the operating system that is currently active. - question: | Why do we need GUID Partition Table answer: | GUID Partition Table disks can grow to a large size. As of July 2001, the Microsoft implementation supports a hard disk of up to 18 EB (512 KB LBAs). The number of partitions on a GUID Partition Table disk is not constrained by temporary schemes such as container partitions as defined by the MBR Extended Boot Record. The Microsoft implementation of GUID Partition Table is limited to 128 partitions. However, it is important to note that one partition is used for the EFI System Partition, one for the Microsoft Reserved and two more are used if you use dynamic disks. This leaves 124 partitions for data use. The GUID Partition Table disk partition format is well defined and fully self-identifying. Data that is critical to the operating system is located in partitions and not in unpartitioned or *hidden* sectors. GUID Partition Table does not allow for hidden sectors or partitions. GUID Partition Table disks use primary and backup partition tables for redundancy and CRC32 fields for improved partition data structure integrity. The GUID Partition Table partition format uses version number and size fields for future expansion. Each GUID Partition Table partition has a unique identification GUID and a partition content type, so no coordination is necessary to prevent partition identifier collision. Each GUID Partition Table partition has a 36-character Unicode name, which means that any software can present an easily readable name for the partition without any additional understanding of the partition. - question: | What is wrong with MBR partitioning answer: | MBR disks support only four primary partitions table entries or multiple logical partitions in the extended partition. If more partitions are wanted, a secondary structure, an extended partition, is necessary. Extended partitions are then subdivided into one or more logical disks. Only one extended partition can be present on any given drive, and the maximum number of logical drives is MAXULONG/4. All MBR disk partitions and logical drives must be cylinder-aligned, even on hardware RAID sets that are built from multiple different drives with no clear underlying physical geometry. MBR partitioning rules are complex and poorly specified. For example, does cylinder alignment mean that each partition must be at least one cylinder in length? An MBR partition is identified by a two-byte field, and coordination is necessary to avoid collision. IBM originally provided that coordination, but as of July 2001, there is no single authoritative list of partition identifiers. Another common practice is to use partitioned or "hidden" sectors to hold specific information. That practice is undocumented and results in severe system problems that are difficult to debug. Over the years, broken implementations and tools have been released to the public, making support difficult. - question: | Where can I find the specification for GUID Partition Table disk partitioning answer: | Chapter 16 of the Extensible Firmware Interface specification defines the GUID Partition Table format. This document is available at the following Intel Web site: [The Unified EFI Specification Defines an Interface Between an Operating System and Platform Firmware](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/architecture-and-technology/unified-extensible-firmware-interface/efi-specifications-general-technology.html) [!INCLUDE [Third-party disclaimer](../../includes/third-party-disclaimer.md)] - question: | Is Extensible Firmware Interface required for a GUID Partition Table disk answer: | No. GUID Partition Table disks are self-identifying. All the information that is needed to interpret the partitioning scheme of a GUID Partition Table disk is completely contained in structures in specified locations on the physical media. - question: | How big can a GUID Partition Table disk be answer: | In theory, a GUID Partition Table disk can be up to 264 sectors in a single logical block in length. Logical blocks are commonly 512 bytes or one sector in size. In practice, Windows XP supports GUID Partition Table disks of up to approximately 18 exabytes in size. - question: | How many partitions can a GUID Partition Table disk have answer: | In theory, an unlimited number. As the July 2001, the Microsoft implementation is 128 partitions. The number of partitions is limited by the amount of space that is reserved for making partition entries. - question: | Can a disk be both a GUID Partition Table disk and an MBR disk answer: | No. However, all GUID Partition Table disks contain a protective MBR that is used for legacy programs that do not understand the GUID Partition Table disk structure. - question: | What is a Protective MBR answer: | The Protective MBR, beginning in sector 0, precedes the GUID Partition Table partition table on the disk. The MBR contains one type 0xEE partition that spans the entire length of the disk. This is the same regardless of the number of partitions that are defined in the GUID Partition Table disk entry array. - question: | Why does the GUID Partition Table have a Protective MBR answer: | The Protective MBR protects GUID Partition Table disks from previously-released MBR disk tools such as Microsoft MS-DOS FDISK or Microsoft Windows NT Disk Administrator. These tools are not aware of GUID Partition Table and do not know how to properly access a GUID Partition Table disk. Legacy software that does not know about GUID Partition Table interprets only the Protected MBR when it accesses a GUID Partition Table disk. These tools will view a GUID Partition Table disk as having a single encompassing (possibly unrecognized) partition by interpreting the Protected MBR, rather than mistaking the disk for one that is unpartitioned. - question: | Why would a GUID Partition Table-partitioned disk appear to have an MBR on it answer: | If this occurred, you must have used an MBR-only-aware disk tool to access the GUID Partition Table disk. - question: | If the disk is larger than the maximum size an MBR can report, will the entire disk contents be protected answer: | The EE partition in the Protective MBR is specified to be the maximum size that is allowable in an MBR. - question: | Can Windows read, write, and boot from GUID Partition Table disks answer: | - Can the 64-bit version of Windows XP read, write, and boot from GUID Partition Table disks? Yes. - Can the 64-bit version of Windows XP read, write, and boot from MBR disks? The 64-bit version of Windows XP can read and write MBR disks, but cannot boot from MBR disks. - Can the 32-bit version of Windows XP read, write, and boot from GUID Partition Table disks? No. The 32-bit version will see only the Protective MBR. The EE partition will not be mounted or otherwise exposed to program software. - Can the 32-bit version of Windows XP read, write, and boot from MBR disks? Yes. - Can Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, or Microsoft Windows 98/95 read, write, and boot from GUID Partition Table? No. Legacy software will see only the Protective MBR. - question: | What about mixing and matching GUID Partition Table and MBR disks on the same computer answer: | GUID Partition Table and MBR disks can be mixed only on 64-bit systems, and the following restrictions apply: - The Windows XP loader and the boot partition must reside on a GUID Partition Table disk. Other hard disks can be either MBR or GUID Partition Table. - Both MBR and GUID Partition Table disks can be present in a single dynamic disk group. Volume sets can span both MBR and GUID Partition Table disks, however, the MBR cylinder alignment restriction might cause some difficulties with mirroring or striping MBR and GUID Partition Table disks. - question: | What about removable media answer: | Removable media must be MBR or *superfloppy*. - question: | What is a superfloppy answer: | Removable media without either GUID Partition Table or MBR formatting is considered a superfloppy. The entire media is treated as a single partition. The media manufacturer performs any MBR partitioning of removable media; Windows never partitions removable media. If the media does have an MBR, only one partition is supported. There is little user-discernible difference between MBR-partitioned media and superfloppies. Examples of removable media include floppy disk drives, JAZZ disk cartridges, magneto-optical media, DVD-ROM, and CD-ROM. Hard disk drives on external buses such as SCSI or IEEE 1394 are not considered removable. - question: | What is the default behavior of Windows when partitioning media answer: | - What is the default behavior of the 64-bit version of Windows XP when partitioning media? Fixed disks are partitioned by using GUID Partition Table partitioning. GUID Partition Table disks can be converted to MBR disks only if all existing partitioning is first deleted, with associated loss of data. - What is the default behavior of the 32-bit version of Windows XP when partitioning media? Only MBR disks can be used. MBR disks cannot be converted to GUID Partition Table disks. - question: | Extensible Firmware Interface Firmware answer: | - How can a drive letter in the operating system be mapped to a partition in Extensible Firmware Interface Firmware? There is no inherent mapping between drive letter and partition that can be used to determine one from the other. A basic data partition must be identified by its partition GUID. - How can an Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition be created? Extensible Firmware Interface System Partitions can be created by using the Extensible Firmware Interface firmware utility Diskpart.efi or the Windows XP command-line utility Diskpart.exe, or they can be created programmatically by using IOCTL_SET_DRIVE_LAYOUT . - question: | What can be changed on a partition answer: | You should not change any partition header entry directly. Do not use disk tools or utilities to make alterations or changes. - question: | What partitioning does Windows XP support on detachable disks answer: | Detachable disks are commonly expected to migrate between computers or simply to be unavailable to the operating system at times. Examples of detachable disks are IEEE 1394 disks, which can be easily disconnected by the end user, or Microsoft Cluster Services (MSCS) shared disks, which move between nodes in a cluster. Windows XP supports only MBR partitioning on detachable disks. - question: | Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition answer: | - What is the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition? The Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition contains the NTLDR, Boot.ini, and other files that are necessary to boot the computer, such as drivers. The Partition GUID defines the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition: DEFINE_GUID (PARTITION_SYSTEM_GUID, 0xC12A7328L, 0xF81F, 0x11D2, 0xBA, 0x4B, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xC9, 0x3E, 0xC9, 0x3B) - Do only GUID Partition Table disks have Extensible Firmware Interface System Partitions? No, MBR disks can also have Extensible Firmware Interface System Partitions. Extensible Firmware Interface specifies booting from either GUID Partition Table or MBR. The Extensible Firmware Interface System Partitions on an MBR disk is identified by partition type 0xEF. However, Windows XP does not support booting Extensible Firmware Interface from MBR disks or 0xEF partitions. - How big is the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition? The Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition is determined by using the following algorithm: Max (100MB, min (1 percent of physical disk, 1GB)) In other words, the size of the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition must be the larger of these two numbers, 100 MB or 1 percent of the physical disk size (up to 1 GB). The physical disk size is measured at the time of disk partitioning. The value 1 percent of the physical disk is calculated at the time that the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition is created and does not change if the disk is extended later (for example, by using RAID). - Can there be two Extensible Firmware Interface System Partitions on a single disk? Such a configuration should not be created and will not be supported. - What about two Extensible Firmware Interface System Partitions on two different disks? Extensible Firmware Interface System Partitions can be replicated for high-availability configurations. Replication must be done manually and the contents must be synchronized manually. Extensible Firmware Interface System Partitions cannot be mirrored. - What does Microsoft place in the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition? Microsoft places the loader, and other files that are necessary to boot the operating system in the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition. - Where should the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition be placed on the disk? The Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition must be first on the disk. While there is no architectural requirement, there are numerous reasons why it is beneficial to place the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition first. The primary reason for this is that it is impossible to span volumes when the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition is logically between the two data partitions you are attempting to span. - What should a computer or device manufacturer place in the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition? The Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition should only include files that are required for booting an operating system, platform tools that run before operating system boot, or files that must be accessed before operating system boot, for example in performing pre-boot system maintenance. Other value-added files or diagnostics that are used while the operating system is running should not be placed in the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition. It is important to note that the space in the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition is a limited system resource; its primary purpose is to provide storage for the files that are necessary to boot the operating system. - question: | Where should a computer manufacturer place files such as Platform Diagnostics or other value-added files answer: | The preferred option is for computer manufacturers to place value-added contents in an OEM-specific partition. Just like MBR OEM partitions, the contents of GUID Partition Table OEM (or other unrecognized) partitions are not exposed (given drive letters or returned in volume lists). Users are warned that deleting the partition can cause the computer to fail to operate. An OEM-specific partition should be placed before the Microsoft Reserved Partition and after any Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition on the disk. Although not architectural, this placement has the same benefits as placing the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition first. For example, it is also impossible to span volumes when an OEM-specific partition is logically between the two data partitions you are attempting to span. Placement in the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition is an option for programs or files that run in the pre-operating system boot environment. However, the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition is architecturally-shared space and represents a limited resource. Consuming space in the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition should be considered carefully. Files that are not relevant to the pre-operating system boot environment should not be placed in the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition. - question: | Microsoft Reserved Partition answer: | - What is a Microsoft Reserved Partition? The Microsoft Reserved Partition reserves space on each disk drive for subsequent use by operating system software. GUID Partition Table disks do not allow hidden sectors. Software components that formerly used hidden sectors now allocate portions of the Microsoft Reserved Partition for component-specific partitions. For example, converting a basic disk to a dynamic disk causes the Microsoft Reserved Partition on that disk to be reduced in size and a newly created partition holds the dynamic disk database. The Microsoft Reserved Partition has the following Partition GUID: DEFINE_GUID (PARTITION_MSFT_RESERVED_GUID, 0xE3C9E316L, 0x0B5C, 0x4DB8, 0x81, 0x7D, 0xF9, 0x2D, 0xF0, 0x02, 0x15, 0xAE - What disks require a Microsoft Reserved Partition? Every GUID Partition Table disk must contain a Microsoft Reserved Partition. The Microsoft Reserved Partition must be the first partition after the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition (if any) on the disk. It is particularly important that the Microsoft Reserved Partition be created before other primary data partitions. - Who creates the Microsoft Reserved Partition? The Microsoft Reserved Partition must be created when disk-partitioning information is first written to the drive. If the manufacturer partitions the disk, the manufacturer must create the Microsoft Reserved Partition at the same time. If Windows partitions the disk during Setup, it creates the Microsoft Reserved Partition. - Why must the Microsoft Reserved Partition be created when the disk is first partitioned? After the disk is partitioned, there will be no free space left to create a Microsoft Reserved Partition. - How big is the Microsoft Reserved Partition? When initially created, the size of the Microsoft Reserved Partition depends on the size of the disk drive: - On drives that are less than 16 GB, the Microsoft Reserved Partition is 32 MB. - On drives that are greater than or equal to 16 GB, the Microsoft Reserved Partition is 128 MB. As the Microsoft Reserved Partition is divided into other partitions, it becomes smaller. - question: | What partitions are required by Windows XP answer: | Each bootable drive must contain an Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition, a Microsoft Reserved Partition, and at least one basic data partition that contains the operating system. Each data drive must contain at least a Microsoft Reserved Partition and one basic data partition. All basic data partitions on the drive should be contiguous. As previously noted, placing an OEM-specific or other unrecognized partition between data partitions imposes limitations on later volume spanning - question: | What is a basic data partition answer: | Basic data partitions correspond to primary MBR partitions 0x6 (FAT), 0x7 (NTFS), or 0xB (FAT32). There is a direct one-to-one correlation between a basic data partition and a drive letter or mount point, other volume device object, or both. Each basic data partition is represented in Windows as a volume device object, and optionally as a mount point or a drive letter. - question: | How is a basic data partition identified answer: | It has the following partition type GUID: DEFINE_GUID (PARTITION_BASIC_DATA_GUID, 0xEBD0A0A2L, 0xB9E5, 0x4433, 0x87, 0xC0, 0x68, 0xB6, 0xB7, 0x26, 0x99, 0xC7) - question: | Will end users see the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition, Microsoft Reserved Partition, and OEM-specific partitions answer: | The user won't see these partitions exposed in Windows Explorer, nor is any recognized file system exposed to legacy programs such as Context Indexing. The Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition, OEM-specific, and other unrecognized partitions will be visible only in the Disk Management MMC snap-in. - question: | What partitions are mounted by default by Windows answer: | Windows XP exposes only basic data partitions. Other partitions with FAT file systems may be mounted, but not exposed (only programmatically). Only basic data partitions are assigned drive letters or mount points. The Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition FAT file system is mounted, but not exposed. This allows programs running under Windows to update the contents of the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition. The following registry key locates the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition: `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/Setup/SystemPartition` The Microsoft Reserved Partition (and any partitions that are created from the Microsoft Reserved Partition) could have recognizable file systems; none are exposed. Any OEM-specific partitions or partitions that are associated with other operating systems are not recognized by Windows. Unrecognized partitions with recognizable file systems are treated like the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition. They will be mounted, but not exposed. Unlike MBR disks, there is no practical difference between OEM-specific partitions and other operating system partitions; all are unrecognized. - question: | How can the user see the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition, OEM, and other unrecognized partitions answer: | The user can use disk management tools such as the Disk Management MMC snap-in or Diskpart.exe. The Microsoft Reserved Partition and any partitions that are created from the Microsoft Reserved Partition are only visible from a command prompt. - question: | What about dynamic disks answer: | Dynamic disks use two different GUID Partition Table partitions: - A data container partition corresponding to the MBR partition 0x42, with the following GUID:DEFINE_GUID (PARTITION_LDM_DATA_GUID, 0xAF9B60A0L, 0x1431, 0x4F62, 0xBC, 0x68, 0x33, 0x11, 0x71, 0x4A, 0x69, 0xAD) - A partition to contain the dynamic configuration database, with the following GUID:DEFINE_GUID(PARTITION_LDM_METADATA_GUID, 0x5808C8AAL, 0x7E8F, 0x42E0, 0x85, 0xD2, 0xE1, 0xE9, 0x04, 0x34, 0xCF, 0xB3) Volumes are created in the data container and are mounted by default. This is the same as the contents of 0x42 MBR partitions. - question: | What happens when a basic disk is converted to dynamic answer: | For a drive to be eligible for conversion to dynamic, all basic data partitions on the drive must be contiguous. If other unrecognized partitions separate basic data partitions, the disk cannot be converted. This is one of the reasons that the Microsoft Reserved Partition must be created before any basic data partitions. The first step in conversion is to separate a portion of the Microsoft Reserved Partition to create the configuration database partition. All non-bootable basic partitions are then combined into a single data container partition. Boot partitions are retained as separate data container partitions. This is analogous to conversion of primary partitions. Windows XP differs from Windows 2000 in that basic and extended partitions are preferentially converted to a single 0x42 partition, rather than being retained as multiple distinct 0x42 partitions as on Windows 2000. - question: | How can a specific partition be mounted answer: | You can access the GUID Partition Table disk partitions of different types by using the following tools. Diskpart.efi: Firmware: Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition Microsoft Reserved Partition Diskpart.exe: Windows XP: Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition Microsoft Reserved Partition Diskgmt.msc: Windows XP: Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition DATA Explorer.exe: Windows XP: DATA You can also develop your own tools (by using the Microsoft Win32 or Microsoft Win64 APIs) to access the GUID Partition Table disk partitions at their primitive levels. - question: | How are GUID Partition Table disks managed in Windows XP answer: | GUID Partition Table and MBR disks are managed the same way. Disks can be formatted as GUID Partition Table or MBR by using the Diskpart.exe command-line utility or by using the Disk Management snap-in. Volumes can be created on both GUID Partition Table and MBR disks, and both kinds of disks can be mixed in the same dynamic disk group. - question: | What about FTdisk sets answer: | There is no FTdisk set support on Windows XP for MBR or GUID Partition Table disks. The only support for logical volumes is through dynamic disks. - question: | Can a disk be converted from GUID Partition Table to MBR or MBR to GUID Partition Table answer: | Yes, but only if the disk contains no partitions or volumes. Any data on the disk will be destroyed. GUID Partition Table disks are only supported on the 64-bit version of Windows XP. - question: | What file systems are supported on GUID Partition Table disks answer: | NTFS is recommended on all basic data partitions and all dynamic volumes. Windows Setup and the Disk Management snap-in offer only NTFS. However, you can still use FAT16 and FAT32 on these partitions as well. To circumvent this, the partition or volume must be formatted explicitly by using the Format tool. - question: | Is it possible to make a sector-by-sector copy of a GUID Partition Table disk answer: | No. The Disk and Partition GUIDs will no longer be unique. This must never happen. You can make a sector-by-sector copy of the contents of Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition or basic data partitions. - question: | Is there anyway to copy a whole GUID Partition Table disk by using the OPK imaging tools answer: | Yes; however, there are some key caveats. The OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) initializes the Disk and Partition GUIDs to zero. On first boot of Windows XP, the operating system generates unique GUIDs. The OPK only supports generation of Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition, Microsoft Reserved Partition, and basic data partitions. If a program has recorded any Disk or Partition GUIDs, the program may not work. Any programs, drivers, utilities, or firmware implementations that are supplied by computer manufacturers or program vendors that rely on GUIDs should be capable of handling GUIDs that change from the OPK initialization values to those that are generated by the operating system. - question: | What is the Diskpart.efi MAKE command answer: | It is a way for OEMs to simplify operating system pre-installation and system recovery. This command can easily be extended to create a default disk configuration for the platform. For example, the computer manufacturer could extend the MAKE command to automatically partition the boot drive with an Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition, Microsoft Reserved Partition, an OEM-specific partition, and one basic data partition. For example, consider a possible disk configuration called BOOT_DISK. In the event of disaster recovery, MAKE BOOT_DISK would allow the customer to completely repartition a boot disk to the original factory defaults. - question: | What happens if a duplicate disk or partition GUID is detected answer: | Windows XP will generate new GUIDs for any duplicate Disk GUID, Microsoft Reserved Partition GUID, or Microsoft Reserved Partition basic data GUID upon detection. This is similar to the duplicate MBR signature handling in Windows 2000. Duplicate GUIDs on a dynamic container or database partition cause unpredictable results. - question: | What is the maximum NTFS volume size supported on a GPT disk answer: | This depends on the cluster size that is selected at the time of formatting. NTFS is currently limited to 2^32-1 allocation units. This yields a 256TB volume, using 64k clusters. However, this has only been tested to 16TB, or 17,592,186,040,320 bytes, using 4K cluster size. The following chart shows the NTFS limits based on cluster size: |Cluster size|Maximum NTFS Volume Size (bytes RAW)| |---|---| |512|2,199,023,255,040 (2TB)| |1,024|4,398,046,510,080 (4TB)| |2,048|8,796,093,020,160 (8TB)| |4,096|17,592,186,040,320 (16TB)| |8,192|35,184,372,080,640 (32TB)| |16,384|70,368,744,161,280 (64TB)| |32,768|140,737,488,322,560 (128TB)| |65,536|281,474,976,645,120 (256TB)| ||| For example, to format a volume that has a cluster size of 8 KB, you would use a command such as the following from a command prompt, where **/a: ####** specifies the number of bytes per cluster: ```console format d: /fs:ntfs /a:8192 ``` If you choose a cluster size that is too small for the size of the partition, you receive the following error message when you try to format the partition: > The format operation did not complete because the cluster count is higher than expected To determine the cluster size of a volume, run the following command at a command prompt, and then note the **Bytes Per Cluster** value: ```console fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo <volume> ``` > [!NOTE] > The \<volume> placeholder represents the volume letter. For example, when you run the `fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo c:` command, you may receive results that resemble the following output: > NTFS Volume Serial Number : 0xf4300f6c300f3560 Version : 3.1 Number Sectors : 0x000000001d17dbee Total Clusters : 0x0000000003a2fb7d Free Clusters : 0x000000000102bfa0 Total Reserved : 0x0000000000000800 Bytes Per Sector : 512 Bytes Per Cluster : 4096 Bytes Per FileRecord Segment : 1024 Clusters Per FileRecord Segment : 0 Mft Valid Data Length : 0x000000000e630000 Mft Start Lcn : 0x00000000000c0000 Mft2 Start Lcn : 0x0000000001d17dbe Mft Zone Start : 0x00000000002185a0 Mft Zone End : 0x0000000000218740 RM Identifier : 1587CC47-A713-11DB-9287-806E6F6E6963 > [!NOTE] > In this example, the **Bytes Per Cluster** value is 4096. This value represents a 4-kilobyte (KB) cluster size.
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# - name: Support articles for SQL Server # items: - name: Welcome href: welcome-sql-server.md - name: Analysis Services items: - name: Calculate previous period growth href: analysis-services/calculate-previous-period-growth.md - name: Can't connect to a named instance href: analysis-services/cannot-connect-named-instance.md - name: Configure MSOLAP data provider for Excel href: analysis-services/configure-msolap-data-provider-excel.md - name: Configure SSAS to generate memory dump files href: analysis-services/configure-ssas-generate-memory-dump-files.md - name: Determine the first or last member with data href: analysis-services/determine-first-or-last-member-with-data.md - name: Disk space exhaustion causes SSAS crash href: analysis-services/disk-space-exhaustion-ssas-crash.md - name: Enable the snapshot transaction isolation level href: analysis-services/enable-snapshot-transaction-isolation-level.md - name: Error 1032 in the application log href: analysis-services/error-1032-application-log.md - name: Error and MDX query fails in SSAS multidimensional instance href: analysis-services/error-mdx-query-fails-ssas-multidimensional-instance.md - name: Error when you connect to a named instance href: analysis-services/error-connect-named-instance.md - name: Error when you process a database or a cube href: analysis-services/error-messages-process-database-cube.md - name: Error when you process a dimension href: analysis-services/error-process-dimension.md - name: Error when you use PowerPivot for Excel href: analysis-services/error-use-powerpivot-excel-workbook.md - name: MDX query contains Aggregate returns error href: analysis-services/mdx-query-contains-aggregate-returns-error.md - name: MDX query with calculated measure runs slowly href: analysis-services/mdx-query-calculated-measure-run-slow.md - name: No properties and members of Dimension Hierarchy href: analysis-services/no-dimension-hierarchy-properties.md - name: Perform a distributed query with OLAP Server href: analysis-services/perform-distributed-query-olap.md - name: Unexpected result from Analysis Services href: analysis-services/unexpected-result-analysis-services.md - name: Writeback performance issue href: analysis-services/writeback-performance-issue-cell-security-enable.md - name: NA returns when you run a multi-subselect query href: analysis-services/na-returns-run-a-multi-subselect-query.md - name: WMI Provider Error and 0x80004005 code href: analysis-services/wmi-provider-error-0x80004005-code.md - name: Azure SQL virtual machine items: - name: FCI installation fails with error on Azure VM href: azure-sql/fci-installation-fails-error-azure-vm.md - name: Data Quality Services items: - name: DQS Export to 64-bit Excel file fails with error href: data-quality-services/dqs-export-64-bit-excel-file-fails-error.md - name: DQSInstaller may fail accessing temp folder href: data-quality-services/dqsinstaller-may-fail-accessing-tmp-folder.md - name: Error when you run the DQS Cleansing transformation href: data-quality-services/error-you-run-dqs-cleansing-transformation.md - name: Database Engine items: - name: Administration and Management items: - name: SQL Server startup issues items: - name: SQL Server startup errors href: admin/sql-server-startup-errors.md - name: Access is denied error and SQL Server doesn't start href: admin/event-id-7000-access-denied.md - name: Error 17113 when you start SQL Server service href: admin/error-17113-start-service.md - name: Error 17182 when you start SQL Server service href: admin/error-17182-protocols-disabled-start-failure.md - name: Error 1068 when starting SQL Server href: admin/agent-service-fails-start-stand-alone-server.md - name: Error 1069 when starting SQL Server href: admin/error-password-service-account-changed.md - name: Event ID 17058 and SQL Server doesn't start href: admin/event-id-17058-start-sql-server.md - name: Event ID 1814 and SQL Server doesn't start href: admin/event-id-1814-fail-start.md - name: Event ID 33565 and SQL Server doesn't start href: admin/event-id-33565-start-sql-server.md - name: Event ID 33566 and SQL Server doesn't start href: admin/event-id-33566-start-sql-server.md - name: Event ID 7000 and SQL Server doesn't start href: admin/event-id-7000-fail-start.md - name: 1450 and 665 errors when running DBCC href: admin/1450-and-665-errors-running-dbcc.md - name: 17053 and 926 errors when running DBCC href: admin/17053-and-926-errors-running-dbcc.md - name: 8967 and 8921 errors when running DBCC href: admin/8967-8921-errors-running-dbcc.md - name: A nonrecoverable I/O error when you use Backup to URL href: admin/nonrecoverable-io-error-backup-url.md - name: A TDE-enabled database may not recover href: admin/tde-enabled-database-not-recover.md - name: Access violations and memory dump files href: admin/access-violations-memory-dump-files.md - name: Activation tasks run over limit href: admin/activation-runs-over-limit.md - name: Agent job may fail with error 65535 href: admin/agent-job-fail-error-65535-782-7437.md - name: Assembly cannot be migrated to SQL Server 2017 error href: admin/assembly-name-cannot-migrated-error.md - name: Assertion when you execute Bulk Insert or BCP href: admin/assertion-execute-bulk-insert-bcp.md - name: ASR Agent or non-component VSS Backup fails href: admin/asr-agent-vss-backup-fails.md - name: Azure Site Recovery jobs fail on servers hosting SQL servers href: admin/revocery-jobs-fail-servers.md - name: Back up a database using a VSS backup application href: admin/backup-database-using-vss-backup-application.md - name: Troubleshooting Backup and Restore href: admin/backup-restore-operations.md - name: Backup operation in the backupset history table href: admin/backup-operation-backup-history-table.md - name: Compressed backups behavior href: admin/behavior-compressed-backups.md - name: Configuring permissions to access remote data href: admin/configure-permissions-access-remote-data.md - name: Considerations for the autogrow and autoshrink href: admin/considerations-autogrow-autoshrink.md - name: Considerations when using the Full-Text to search href: admin/full-text-search-engine-japanese-language.md - name: Crashes when you run an Oracle linked server query href: admin/crashes-run-oracle-linked-server-query.md - name: Create database permission is logged href: admin/create-database-permission-logged.md - name: Database Engine Input/Output requirements href: admin/database-engine-input-output-requirements.md - name: Dashes ignored in search with SQL Full-Text href: admin/dashes-ignored-search-full-text-msidxs-queries.md - name: Defragmenting database disk drives href: admin/defragmenting-database-disk-drives.md - name: Error 0x80040e97 when using full-text search href: admin/error-0x80040e97-using-full-text-search.md - name: Error 3156 when you restore a database href: admin/error-3156-restore-database.md - name: Error after you perform TDE certificate or key rotation href: admin/error-after-perform-tde-certificate-key-rotation.md - name: Error when backing up in-memory database href: admin/error-backing-up-memory-database.md - name: Error when you create a snapshot href: admin/error-when-you-create-a-snapshot.md - name: Error when you run CLR object or create assembly href: admin/error-run-clr-object-create-assembly.md - name: Full-text index doesn't index attribute values href: admin/full-text-index-do-not-index-attribute-values.md - name: Full-text indexes stop populating href: admin/full-text-indexes-populate-slowly.md - name: I/O subsystem requirements for the tempdb href: admin/io-subsystem-requirements-tempdb.md - name: Improve the performance of full-text queries href: admin/improve-performance-full-text-queries.md - name: Latch timeout when running DBCC href: admin/latch-timeout-running-dbcc.md - name: Logging and data storage algorithms href: admin/logging-data-storage-algorithms.md - name: Manage the error log href: admin/manage-error-log.md - name: Pass a variable to a linked server query href: admin/pass-variable-linked-server-query.md - name: Performance issues when using Columstore indexes with large pages href: admin/performance-issues-using-columstore-indexes-large-pages.md - name: Policy-Based Management generates alerts href: admin/34052-error-pbm-generates-alerts.md - name: Restore or recovery may fail href: admin/restore-recovery-may-fail.md - name: Run a DLL-based COM object href: admin/run-dll-based-com-object.md - name: Schedule and automate Backups of databases href: admin/schedule-automate-backup-database.md - name: Set up and troubleshoot a linked server to an Oracle database href: admin/set-up-troubleshoot-linked-server.md - name: Space used by a table is not released href: admin/space-table-uses-not-released.md - name: Support for databases on compressed volumes href: admin/support-databases-compressed-volumes.md - name: Support for network database files href: admin/support-network-database-files.md - name: Support on iSCSI technology components href: admin/support-iscsi-technology-components.md - name: The Transaction not longer valid when using Database Mail href: admin/database-mail-fails-send-message.md - name: Transaction log file doesn't grow href: admin/transaction-log-file-not-grow.md - name: Troubleshoot DBCC errors href: admin/troubleshoot-dbcc-errors.md - name: Unable to begin a distributed transaction href: admin/error-message-ole-db-provider.md - name: Virtual host drivers lead to data consistency problems href: admin/virtual-host-driver-lead-data-consistency.md - name: Words are not returned by an English word breaker href: admin/words-not-returned-by-english-word-breaker.md - name: Client Application Development items: - name: Can't uninstall ODBC driver completely href: connect/odbc-driver-uninstall-incomplete.md - name: Connection issues items: - name: Can't connect remotely using TCP/IP href: connect/cannot-connect-remotely.md - name: Kerberos Configuration Manager is available href: connect/kerberos-configuration-manager-available.md - name: Resolving connectivity errors href: connect/resolving-connectivity-errors.md - name: Untrusted certificate authority error href: connect/error-message-when-you-connect.md - name: Database Design and Development items: - name: Can't make a remote connection from a CLR trigger href: database-design/cannot-make-remote-connection-clr-trigger.md - name: Error 556 insert exec failed href: database-design/error-556-insert-exec-failed.md - name: Execution of CLR fails with TypeInitializationException href: database-design/execution-clr-fails-typeInitializationexception.md - name: Filtered index not used in queries href: database-design/filtered-index-with-column-is-null.md - name: Improvements in handling some data types and uncommon operations href: database-design/sql-server-azure-sql-database-improvements.md - name: Iterate through result set using T-SQL href: database-design/iterate-through-result-set.md - name: Policy for untested .NET Framework assemblies href: database-design/policy-untested-net-framework-assemblies.md - name: Query returns incorrect results href: database-design/query-typecasts-a-unicode-column.md - name: Remove duplicate rows from table href: database-design/remove-duplicate-rows-sql-server-tab.md - name: Rotate a table href: database-design/rotate-table.md - name: Timeout issues when you deploy SQL CLR objects href: database-design/timeout-issues-deploy-clr-objects.md - name: Use extended or SP_OA stored procedure to load CLR href: database-design/use-extended-sp-oa-stored-procedure.md - name: High Availability and Disaster Recovery features items: - name: Availability Groups items: - name: 9002 error on primary replica href: availability-groups/error-9002-transaction-log-large.md - name: AlwaysOn DB in recovery pending or suspect state href: availability-groups/alwayson-availability-databases-recovery-pending-suspect.md - name: Listener connection times out in multi-subnet href: availability-groups/listener-connection-times-out.md - name: Query performance degradation on secondary replicas href: availability-groups/query-performance-degradation.md - name: Troubleshooting automatic failover problems href: availability-groups/troubleshooting-automatic-failover-problems.md - name: Troubleshooting on AlwaysOn issues href: availability-groups/troubleshooting-alwayson-issues.md - name: Database Mirroring items: - name: Mirrored databases are disconnected href: database-mirroring/mirrored-databases-disconnected.md - name: Failover Clusters items: - name: Cluster resource in Failed state href: failover-clusters/cluster-resource-goes-failed-state.md - name: Cluster validation rule failure href: failover-clusters/error-install-sql-server-windows-server-cluster.md - name: Create databases or change disk file locations href: failover-clusters/create-databases-change-disk-file-locations.md - name: Installation of SQL Server on a CSV disk fails href: failover-clusters/install-sql-server-2016-on-a-csv-disk-fails.md - name: Manually re-create registry keys for cluster resources href: failover-clusters/manually-re-create-resource-specific-registry-keys.md - name: Support policy for clustered configurations href: failover-clusters/support-policy-clustered-configurations.md - name: Windows Failover cluster resource dependencies href: failover-clusters/windows-failover-cluster-resource-depend.md - name: Log Shipping items: - name: Configure security for log shipping href: log-shipping/configure-security-log-shipping.md - name: Logshipping monitor raises 14420 error href: log-shipping/logshipping-monitor-14420-error.md - name: Installation, Patching and Upgrade items: - name: .Net Framework requirements for SQL Server href: install/understanding-dotnet-framework-requirements.md - name: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation error href: install/error-set-up-update-instances.md - name: Description of the Update Cache folder href: install/description-update-cache-folder.md - name: Different errors when installing SQL Server 2008 R2 href: install/error-install-sql-server-2008-r2.md - name: Error code 1642 though update is applied href: install/error-code-1642-update-applied.md - name: Error if you change shared component directory href: install/error-change-path-shared-component-directory.md - name: Evaluation period has expired when you use SSMS href: install/evaluation-period-has-expired.md - name: Fusion ATL rule check fails href: install/fusion-atl-rule-check-fails.md - name: Inapplicable CUs listed in WSUS, MU or SCM href: install/cu-apply-installation.md - name: Installation fails when you remove user rights href: install/installation-fails-if-remove-user-right.md - name: Invalid User Directory message when installing CU or SP href: install/error-install-sql-server-2005-sp4.md - name: Naming schema and Fix areas for SQL updates href: install/naming-schema-and-fix-area.md - name: New MU Servicing Model href: install/new-mu-servicing-model.md - name: Permission error when you use a volume mount point href: install/permission-error-use-volume-mount-point.md - name: Remove a partial installation of SQL server href: install/remove-partial-installation.md - name: Restore the missing Windows Installer cache files href: install/restore-missing-windows-installer-cache-files.md - name: Service may not start after patch installed href: install/service-not-start-after-patch-installed.md - name: Setup stops responding when you upgrade href: install/setup-stops-responding-upgrade.md - name: SQL on Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 href: install/issues-install-sql-server.md - name: SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2008 Setup issues href: install/sql-server-2008-setup-issues.md - name: SQL Server 2012 Setup issues href: install/sql-server-2012-setup-issues.md - name: SxS install of X64 and X86 version of SSRS 2008 href: install/install-reporting-service.md - name: Update fails on Cluster_IsOnlineIfClustered rule href: install/cannot-update-cluster-setup-program-checks-rule.md - name: Update or Slipstream installation for SQL Server 2008 href: install/update-or-slipstream-installation.md - name: Upgrade failures on Windows Server 2012 href: install/error-upgrade-cluster-node.md - name: Warning about network binding order href: install/warning-about-network-binding.md - name: Machine Learning Services (in database) items: - name: Inconsistent results in MKL computations href: machine-learning/inconsistent-results-mkl-computations-missing-variable.md - name: Performance items: - name: Blocked column is populated for latch waits href: performance/blocked-column-populated-latch-waits.md - name: Buffer pool scan runs slowly on large memory machines href: performance/buffer-pool-scan-runs-slowly-large-memory-machines.md - name: Decreased performance when using TOP, MAX or MIN href: performance/decreased-performance-run-aggregating-clause.md - name: External modules can cause performance issues href: performance/performance-consistency-issues.md - name: Filter drivers cause performance and consistency issues href: performance/filter-drivers-lead-to-sql-performance-consistency.md - name: High CPU use occurs in your queries href: performance/high-cpu-use-occurs-queries.md - name: Non-yielding Resource Monitor href: performance/resource-monitor-nonyielding-condition.md - name: Performance degradation with new CE href: performance/cardinality-estimator-degrades-query-performance.md - name: Reducing allocation contention in tempdb href: performance/recommendations-reduce-allocation-contention.md - name: Resolve blocking problems caused by lock escalation href: performance/resolve-blocking-problems-caused-lock-escalation.md - name: Resolve last-page insert PAGELATCH_EX contention href: performance/resolve-pagelatch-ex-contention.md - name: SchemaMgr Store entries degrade performance href: performance/schemamgr-store-degrades-performance.md - name: Troubleshoot blocking caused by compile locks href: performance/troubleshoot-blocking-caused-compile-locks.md - name: Troubleshoot slow-running queries href: performance/troubleshoot-slow-running-queries.md - name: Understand and resolve blocking problems href: performance/understand-resolve-blocking.md - name: Updates and configuration options for high-performance workloads (SQL Server 2014 and 2012) href: performance/recommended-updates-configuration-options.md - name: Updates and configuration options for high-performance workloads (SQL Server 2017 and 2016) href: performance/recommended-updates-configuration-workloads.md - name: Upgrading compatibility level degrades performance for spatial queries href: performance/upgrade-compatibility-level-degrades-performance.md - name: Use DBCC MEMORYSTATUS to monitor memory usage href: performance/dbcc-memorystatus-monitor-memory-usage.md - name: Winsock LSP results in network or stability issues href: performance/winsock-lsp-network-problem.md - name: Replication, change tracking, change data capture items: - name: 102 and incorrect syntax error with peer-to-peer replication href: replication/peer-to-peer-replication-fails.md - name: 1205 error when you configure transactional replication href: replication/error-1205-configure-transactional-replication.md - name: 20011 error the process could not execute sp_replcmds href: replication/error-replication-log-reader-agent-fails.md - name: 20598 error the row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command href: replication/troubleshoot-error-20598.md - name: 213 error when attaching CDC enabled database href: replication/attach-change-data-capture-database.md - name: An error occurred while retrieving the publication data href: replication/error-replication-monitor.md - name: Apply SQL hotfixes in a replication topology href: replication/apply-hotfix-sql-replication-topology.md - name: Cannot use rowguidcol in filter definition in merge replication href: replication/rowguidcol-not-supported-merge-replication.md - name: CDC capture job fails when processing changes href: replication/cdc-capture-job-fails-processing-changes-table.md - name: CDC for Oracle results in transaction log growth href: replication/sql-transaction-log-grows.md - name: Duplicate key rows from sys.syscommittab table href: replication/duplicate-keys-sys-syscommittab-table.md - name: Error message when you run the Distribution Agent href: replication/error-run-distribution-agent.md - name: Fail to enumerate subscription properties href: replication/enumerate-subscription-properties.md - name: Install service packs and hotfixes href: replication/install-service-packs-hotfixes.md - name: Issue with custom business logic handler href: replication/problem-use-custom-business-logic-handler.md - name: Manually remove replication href: replication/manually-remove-replication.md - name: Merge replication doesn't support centralized subscriber topologies href: replication/merge-replication-cannot-support-centralized-subscriber-topologies.md - name: Non-convergence when SQL Server processes child generations href: replication/non-convergence-when-processes-child-generations.md - name: ORACDC517E - Oracle Call Interface (OCI) method failed href: replication/error-use-change-data-capture-service.md - name: Oracle publication triggers send data for non-published columns href: replication/oracle-publication-triggers-sends-data.md - name: Performance statistics for Log Reader and Distribution Agents href: replication/performance-statistics-log-reader-distribution-agents.md - name: Replication agents can't run href: replication/sql-replication-agents-not-run.md - name: Script failed error when creating merge publication snapshot href: replication/script-failed-error-merge-publication-snapshot.md - name: SkipErrors parameter in Distribution Agent href: replication/skiperrors-parameter-distribution-agent.md - name: Snapshot or Logreader agents fail href: replication/snapshot-logreader-agents-fail-destination-table-empty.md - name: Synchronization for merge replication fails href: replication/sql-merge-replication-synchronization-fails.md - name: The subscription does not exist href: replication/subscription-does-not-exist-error.md - name: Understand merge Replication article processing order href: replication/understand-merge-replication-article-process.md - name: Update is replicated as DELETE/INSERT pairs href: replication/update-statements-replicated-as-delete-insert.md - name: Security Issues items: - name: Block remote use of local accounts in Windows href: security/block-remote-use-local-accounts.md - name: Decryption Failed error working with Always-Encrypted-enabled database href: security/always-encrypted-database-connection-fail.md - name: Errors when you disable the guest user href: security/error-disable-guest-user.md - name: Fix permission problem when you move MSDB database href: security/fix-permission-issues-move-msdb.md - name: Fails to start with error 17182 href: security/fails-start-error-17182.md - name: SQL Service cannot start after configuring SSL certificate href: security/service-cannot-start.md - name: Transfer logins and passwords between instances href: security/transfer-logins-passwords-between-instances.md - name: Use PFX-formatted certificates href: security/use-pfx-formatted-certificates.md - name: Using SQL Server 2014 in the FIPS 140-2-compliant mode href: security/sql-2014-fips-140-2-compliant-mode.md - name: Using SQL Server 2016 in the FIPS 140-2-compliant mode href: security/sql-2016-fips-140-2-compliant-mode.md - name: Using SQL Server 2008 in FIPS 140-2-compliant mode href: security/instructions-in-fips-140-2-compliant-mode.md - name: General Troubleshooting Information items: - name: Answers questions about the MSDT href: general/answers-questions-msdt.md - name: Connectivity Diagnostics Collector href: general/connectivity-diagnostics-collector.md - name: Determine the version, edition, and update level href: general/determine-version-edition-update-level.md - name: Detours or similar techniques cause issues href: general/issue-detours-similar-techniques.md - name: End of support for SQL Server 2008 href: general/end-support-sql-server-2008.md - name: Information about MATS and SDP href: general/information-mats-sdp.md - name: RS Diagnostics Collector collects information href: general/rs-diagnostics-collector-information.md - name: Setup data collection diagnostic tool href: general/setup-data-collection-diagnostic-tool.md - name: SQL Base Diagnostics Collector href: general/sql-base-diagnostics-collector.md - name: SQL Server in Windows operating system href: general/sql-server-windows-8-later-versions.md - name: Support policy for hardware virtualization product href: general/support-policy-hardware-virtualization-product.md - name: Support policy for SQL Server href: general/support-policy-sql-server.md - name: Integration Services items: - name: AG remains in the resolving state href: integration-services/ag-remains-resolving-state.md - name: Create a dynamic subject for the Send Mail task href: integration-services/create-dynamic-subject-send-mail-task.md - name: Error 0xC0202009 occurs when SSIS converts parameter href: integration-services/error-0xc0202009-when-ssis-does-parameter-cast.md - name: Error loading package href: integration-services/error-loading-message-run-integration-services-package.md - name: Error in SSIS package when UAC is enabled href: integration-services/error-you-run-ssis-package.md - name: Error when you use Oracle connection manager href: integration-services/error-use-oracle-connection-manager.md - name: Error when you virtualize BIDS or SSDT href: integration-services/error-you-virtualize-bids-ssdt.md - name: SSIS checkpoints not honored for For and Foreach loop containers href: integration-services/ssis-checkpoints-not-honored-for-loop.md - name: SSIS package does not run when called from a job step href: integration-services/ssis-package-doesnt-run-when-called-job-step.md - name: The execution of a SSIS package stops responding href: integration-services/ssis-package-stop-response.md - name: The Knowledge Base does not exist href: integration-services/ssis-package-fails-use-dqs-cleansing-component.md - name: Use encryption and network packet size href: integration-services/use-encryption-network-packet-size.md - name: Master Data Services items: - name: MDS entity-based staging may fail href: master-data-services/mds-entity-based-staging-fail.md - name: MDS Validate Version command fails href: master-data-services/mds-validate-version-command-fails.md - name: MDAC and ADO items: - name: 80020009 error when you retrieve data href: connect/80020009-error-retrieve-data.md - name: Can't correctly translate character data href: connect/cannot-correctly-translate-character-data.md - name: Check for MDAC version href: connect/check-mdac-version.md - name: Error when you use client cursor to add record href: connect/error-when-you-use-client-cursor-add-record.md - name: Fail to run a large batch of SQL statements href: connect/fail-run-large-batch-sql-statements.md - name: ODBC Admin displays 32 bit and 64 bit user DSNs href: connect/odbc-tool-displays-32-bit-64-bit.md - name: Open ADO connection and Recordset objects href: connect/open-ado-connection-recordset-objects.md - name: Retrieve values in Stored Procedures with ADO href: connect/retrieve-values-stored-procedure.md - name: SQL Server clients may change protocols href: connect/clients-change-protocols-when-connect-instance.md - name: SQLDescribeCol returns the wrong column length href: connect/sqldescribecol-return-wrong-column-length.md - name: Use server name parameter in a connection string href: connect/use-server-name-parameter-connection-string.md - name: Parallel Data Warehouse (APS) items: - name: Detect skew on distribution key values href: analytics-platform-system/detect-data-skew-distribution-key-values.md - name: Error 105005 when you do CETAS to blob storage href: analytics-platform-system/error-cetas-to-blob-storage.md - name: Evaluate PDW statistics accuracy href: analytics-platform-system/evaluate-pdw-statistics-accuracy.md - name: Msg 104381 when you run a statement with ORDER BY clause href: analytics-platform-system/msg-104381-running-statement-order-by.md - name: Operations Manager can't monitor APS appliance href: analytics-platform-system/operations-manager-cannot-monitor-aps.md - name: Reporting Services items: - name: A call to AuthzInitializeContextFromSid fails href: reporting-services/call-authzinitializecontextfromsid-api-fails.md - name: Best practices for changing the service account href: reporting-services/best-practices-change-service-account.md - name: Can't start SSRS href: reporting-services/cannot-start-reporting-services.md - name: Deadlocks occur when you view an SSRS report href: reporting-services/deadlocks-occur-view-ssrs-report.md - name: Error when you load custom extensions in Data Tools href: reporting-services/error-load-custom-extensions-data-tools.md - name: Exported report contains hidden rows and columns href: reporting-services/workbook-hidden-rows-columns.md - name: Key not valid for use in specified state href: reporting-services/error-message-report-server-service-start.md - name: Parameter pane not visible in SharePoint integrated mode href: reporting-services/parameter-pane-not-visible-drillthrough-report.md - name: Rendering issues in Internet Explorer href: reporting-services/rendering-issues-internet-explorer.md - name: Unable to retrieve application files error href: reporting-services/error-unable-retrieve-application-files.md - name: Warning message when adding a RS assembly href: reporting-services/warning-message-add-reporting-services.md - name: SQL Server on Linux items: - name: Choosing a licensing model by using mssql-conf href: linux/choosing-licensing-model-using-mssql-conf.md - name: Core dump on RHEL 7.4 when you run mssql-conf href: linux/core-dump-rhel-7-4-run-mssql-conf.md - name: Restore operation fails on Linux servers href: linux/database-restore-operation-fails-linux-server.md - name: Tools items: - name: Management Studio items: - name: Cannot toggle results pane href: ssms/cannot-toggle-results-pane.md - name: Error when you try to read error log href: ssms/error-you-try-to-read-error-log.md - name: Failed to retrieve data for this request href: ssms/error-click-databases-node.md - name: Object Explorer intermittently crashes href: ssms/object-explorer-intermittently-crashes.md - name: OutofMemoryException when executing a query href: ssms/exception-you-execute-query.md - name: Saving changes is not permitted error message href: ssms/error-when-you-save-table.md - name: Unable to mody table - Timeout Expired href: ssms/error-modify-large-table-using-ssms.md - name: Uninstall SQL Server Management Studio href: ssms/uninstall-management-studio.md - name: Various errors when updating rows in a table href: ssms/error-use-ssms-update-row-table.md - name: Other tools items: - name: Cannot connect to WMI provider error in Configuration manager href: tools/error-message-when-you-open-configuration-manager.md - name: MSDB database grows href: tools/msdb-database-grows.md - name: New data isn't uploaded to MDW database after configuring collection set href: tools/data-collector-collection-set-upload-fail.md - name: PowerShell issue when RemoteSigned is not set href: tools/powershell-issue-remotesigned-not-set.md - name: Replay Markup Language Utilities href: tools/replay-markup-language-utility.md - name: Request failed or the service did not respond in a timely fashion error when you start SQL Agent href: tools/error-use-configuration-manager-restart-agent-service.md - name: The SQLDMO Application object failed to initialize when using Sqlmaint href: tools/error-you-run-sqlmaint-utility.md - name: Use Sqldumper to generate dump files href: tools/use-sqldumper-generate-dump-file.md - name: Using SQLIOSim utility to simulate SQL Server disk activity href: tools/sqliosim-utility-simulate-activity-disk-subsystem.md
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### YamlMime:FAQ metadata: title: FAQ about the end of support for Windows 7 description: After January 14, 2020, Microsoft no longer provides security updates or support for computers that run Windows 7 for home users. ms.date: 09/21/2020 author: Deland-Han ms.author: delhan manager: dscontentpm audience: itpro ms.topic: troubleshooting ms.prod: windows-client localization_priority: medium ms.reviewer: v-elj, chawong, winciccore, kaushika ms.prod-support-area-path: General information ms.technology: windows-client-eos title: Frequently asked questions about the Windows 7 end of support summary: | This article describes the frequently asked questions about the end of support for Windows 7. This article is intended for use by IT professionals. If you're looking for information for home users, see [Windows 7 support will end on January 14, 2020](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4057281/windows-7-support-will-end-on-january-14-2020). _Applies to:_ &nbsp; Windows 7 Service Pack 1 _Original KB number:_ &nbsp; 4527875 sections: - name: Single section - ignored questions: - question: When is the End of Support for Windows 7 answer: | [Support for Windows 7](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/windows/end-of-windows-7-support) ended on January 14, 2020. - question: What does end of support mean answer: | Microsoft Lifecycle Policy offers five years of Mainstream Support. Depending on the product, it also offers a period of Extended Support. For Windows operating systems, the Extended Support period is five years. As defined in the policy, after the Extended Support period for a product ends, Microsoft no longer publishes updates or security updates for that product. This may create security and compliance issues and expose an organization's applications and business to serious security risks. Learn more at [Microsoft Lifecycle Policy](https://support.microsoft.com/hub/4095338/microsoft-lifecycle-policy). - question: What is the recommended upgrade path for Windows 7 users answer: | **Recommended path:** Enroll in Microsoft 365 or upgrade directly to the latest version of Windows 10. If you experience any application compatibility issues after you update to Windows 10, go to [Desktop App Assure](https://aka.ms/DesktopAppAssureRequest) for assistance. **Fallback path:** Enroll in Windows Virtual Desktop in Azure. After you enroll, you can get free Extended Security Updates to protect on-premises servers and desktops for three more years. **Last resort path:** Buy Extended Security Updates to protect on-premises servers and desktops for three more years. - question: If an organization can't transition from Windows 7 before the end of support deadline, what are its options answer: | To help organizations protect data and applications during the end of support transition, especially those that can't complete the transition before the end-of-support date, we offer the following options: - **Windows Virtual Desktop**. An appropriate option for organizations that can use a virtualization solution. Windows Virtual Desktop is the only cloud-based service that delivers a multi-user Windows 10 experience and is optimized for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. This option includes free Windows 7 ESU. - **Windows 7 Extended Security Updates (ESU)**. A last-resort option. Organizations can purchase Windows 7 ESU for their devices. ESU are also available for Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2008, and SQL Server 2008 R2. For more information about Windows Server ESU offerings, see [Extended Security Updates frequently asked questions](https://www.microsoft.com/cloud-platform/extended-security-updates). ESU aren't available for Office 2010. - question: What assistance is available for organizations that are affected by the end of support for Windows 7 answer: | To help reduce security risks and continue to get regular security updates, we recommend that you upgrade to the latest versions of our software in the cloud. - If your organization has access to cloud transition SKUs or Software Assurance (SA), talk to your account manager about your transition path. The Microsoft FastTrack program includes a large portfolio of deployment offers and tools that can help you reduce the time and cost that you require to upgrade. This portfolio includes remediation services such as Desktop App assure, Desktop Analytics, and others. - If your organization doesn't have access to programs such as SA, talk to your account manager or Microsoft Partner about finding licensing offers that meet your needs. - question: What is Windows Virtual Desktop answer: | Windows Virtual Desktop is a cloud-based service that is delivered on Azure. It's the best virtualized Windows and Office experience. It delivers a multi-user Windows 10 experience that is optimized for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. For customers who are upgrading from Windows 7, Windows Virtual Desktop includes free Windows 7 ESU through 2023. You can use Windows Virtual Desktop to deploy and scale Windows and Office on Azure in minutes, including appropriate security and compliance measures. - question: When is Windows Virtual Desktop an appropriate solution answer: | Windows Virtual Desktop is an appropriate option for organizations that can use a virtualization solution. Windows Virtual Desktop delivers a multi-user Windows 10 experience that is optimized for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. For customers who are upgrading from Windows 7, Windows Virtual Desktop includes free Windows 7 ESU through 2023. - question: Where can I find information about the end of support for Windows Server 2008 or Windows 2008 R2 answer: | Support for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 ended on January 14, 2020. [Learn more here](https://www.microsoft.com/cloud-platform/windows-sql-server-2008). - question: What happens to Windows 7 virtual machines (VMs) that are hosted on Azure after January 2023? Will Microsoft remove them answer: | Organizations that have Windows 7 VMs in Azure will continue to have access to those VMs after January 2023. Microsoft won't delete those VMs or block access to them. However, Microsoft will stop maintaining those VMs through updates. Therefore, the affected VMs will quickly fall out of compliance. - question: If an organization experiences an issue that requires a new feature, what support can the organization expect answer: | We'll investigate the issue. If the issue can be resolved by a product enhancement that is available in a recent release, we recommend that the organization upgrade to that release (or a later release). - question: What tools and programs are available for organizations that have application compatibility concerns in moving from Windows 7 to Windows 10 answer: | **Windows Autopilot** simplifies the process of deploying new Windows 10 devices by providing an alternative to creating, maintaining, and loading custom images. Windows Autopilot lets you deliver new off-the-shelf Windows 10 devices directly to your users. Through a few simple clicks, the device transforms into a fully business-ready state, dramatically reducing the time required to get users up and running on new devices. For more information, see [Simplifying IT with the latest updates from Windows Autopilot](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/blog/2018/06/07/simplifying-it-with-the-latest-updates-from-windows-autopilot/). **Desktop Analytics** is a cloud-based service that integrates with Configuration Manager. The service provides insight and intelligence for you to make more informed decisions about the update readiness of your Windows clients. It combines data from your organization with data aggregated from millions of devices connected to Microsoft cloud services. For more information, see [What is Desktop Analytics?](/sccm/desktop-analytics/overview). **FastTrack deployment guidance for Windows 10** helps you to envision a technical plan, determine how to onboard and deploy new services and users, and provides support as you deploy to get the most value out of your technology investments. This assistance is available at no additional cost for those who have 150 or more licenses of an eligible service or plan. For more information, see [FastTrack Center Benefit for Windows 10](/fasttrack/win-10-fasttrack-benefit-for-windows-10). **App Assure service from FastTrack** is a new service from Microsoft FastTrack that is designed to address app compatibility issues for Windows 10, Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, and Microsoft Edge. If you find any app compatibility issues after you update to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise or Windows 10, or after you switch to Edge from Internet Explorer or Chrome (including issues about macros and add-ins), App Assure helps you fix them. Simply let us know [by filing a FastTrack ticket](https://support.microsoft.com/aka.ms/desktopappassurerequest), and a Microsoft engineer will follow up to work with you until the issue is resolved. **Ready for Microsoft 365**: The [Ready for Microsoft 365](https://developer.microsoft.com/windows/ready-for-windows/#/) directory lists software solutions that are supported and in use on commercial devices running Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. The directory is intended for IT managers at companies and organizations worldwide who are considering the latest versions of Windows 10 and Office 365 for their deployments. - question: What happens if I use Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise on Windows 7 answer: | After January 2020, if you use Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise on a Windows 7-based computer, Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise won't receive any new feature updates. However, to provide some more time to make the transition to Windows 10 or other supported Windows operating system, Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise will receive security updates through 2023. Windows 7 ESU will have no effect on support for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise on Windows 7. Office 365 is governed by the [Modern Lifecycle Policy](/lifecycle/policies/modern) that requires organizations to stay current per the servicing and [system requirements](https://products.office.com/office-system-requirements?rtc=1) for the product or service. These requirements include using Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise on a Windows operating system that is currently in support. We strongly advise against using Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise on Windows 7. Using a modern cloud-backed client on an older, unsupported operating system may, over time, cause performance and reliability issues. [Learn more](/deployoffice/windows-7-support) about the relationship between Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise and Windows 7 end of support. > [!NOTE] > This information also applies to Office 365 Business. This is the version of Office that is included together with certain business plans, such as the Microsoft 365 Business and Office 365 Business Premium. - question: Why did some users in my organization receive a notification about Windows 7 answer: | Support for Windows 7 ended on January 14, 2020. Windows 7 users may receive notifications to remind them that their device is no longer supported and is no longer receiving security updates. We designed these notifications so that they wouldn't appear on devices in managed organizations. More specifically, notifications are designed to exclude devices that have the following characteristics: - Devices that run Enterprise or Server editions of Windows 7 - Devices that run any edition of Windows 7 from a Volume Licensing program - Domain-joined devices - Devices that operate in kiosk mode - Devices on which registry settings restrict free upgrade notifications Any devices in your organization that aren't covered by the listed criteria would see a notification. For more information about notifications, see [You received a notification, "Your Windows 7 PC is out of support."](https://support.microsoft.com/help/3163589/) - question: Did Windows 7 devices receive security updates on January 14, 2020 answer: | Updates were released on January 14, 2020 and all Windows 7 devices were eligible for those updates. Any security updates released after the end of support date apply only to Windows 7 devices that are covered by Windows 7 ESU.
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- name: Welcome href: welcome-configuration-manager.yml - name: Alerts, reporting, and queries items: - name: A log with a long line is truncated in CMTrace href: long-line-causes-log-truncated.md - name: Editing reports fails href: cannot-edit-reports.md - name: Obtain error code descriptions in reports href: obtain-error-code-descriptions.md - name: Reports don't run as expected href: reports-not-run-as-expected.md - name: Reporting stops working href: reporting-stops-working.md - name: SQL query times out or slow console performance href: sql-query-times-out-or-console-slow-performance.md - name: Application management and software distribution items: - name: Applications not deployed to users logged on to domain controllers href: applications-not-deployed-to-users.md - name: Can't deploy applications to Windows 10 ARM64 devices href: applications-not-deployed-to-windows10-arm64.md - name: Changes to App-V applications aren't included href: app-v-application-changes-not-included.md - name: Contributor role is no longer assigned at the subscription level href: contributor-role-not-assigned-for-web-app.md - name: Deploy Windows language packs href: deploy-language-pack.md - name: Deployment Type changes are deployed unexpectedly href: deployment-type-changes-deployed-unexpectedly.md - name: Troubleshoot Microsoft Store for Business and Education integration href: troubleshoot-microsoft-store-for-business-integration.md - name: Troubleshooting tips for application deployments href: troubleshoot-application-deployment.md - name: Client installation and assignment items: - name: Can't install client in Windows Server 2008 SP2 href: install-configmgr-client-error-1603.md - name: Client installation error 1603 href: client-installation-error-1603.md - name: Client installation fails when BITS isn't installed href: client-installation-fails-without-bits.md - name: Client piloting package fails after a site expansion href: client-piloting-package-fails-after-site-expansion.md - name: Clients reinstall every five hours href: configmgr-clients-reinstall-every-five-hours.md - name: Error 80041002 when installing client agent href: client-agent-installation-error-80041002.md - name: Mac client enrollment fails href: mac-client-enrollment-fails.md - name: Mac client registration fails href: mac-client-registration-fails.md - name: PolicyAgentInstanceProvider warnings during client installation href: policyagentinstanceprovider-warning-install-client.md - name: Software update installations stop responding href: software-update-installations-stop-responding.md - name: Support for Mac, Linux and UNIX clients href: support-for-mac-linux-and-unix-clients.md - name: There was a problem starting PolicyAgentProvider.dll href: client-installation-fails-with-policyagentprovider-dll.md - name: Client management items: - name: Client remains in provisioning mode after upgrade href: configmgr-client-left-in-provisioning-mode.md - name: Clients become inactive href: inactive-clients-not-send-inventory.md - name: Clients don't receive policy data href: clients-not-receive-policy-data.md - name: Cloud management gateway items: - name: WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_FLAG_CERT_CN_INVALID href: cannot-download-content-from-cmg.md - name: Clients can't communicate with CMG href: cmg-communication-error-403.md - name: Collections items: - name: Multiple instances of the Unknown computers collection href: multiple-instances-of-unknown-computers-collection.md - name: Inventory and asset intelligence items: - name: Can't import the Sms_def.mof file href: invalid-data-error-import-mof-file.md - name: Hardware inventory fails href: hardware-inventory-fails.md - name: Remote control fails with error C000012 href: remote-control-fails-error-c000012.md - name: SMS Agent Host service doesn't restart when the WMI service resumes href: sms-agent-host-not-automatically-restarted.md - name: Software Metering failed to start PrepDriver href: software-metering-failed-start-prepdriver.md - name: Turn on the DebugLogging key href: turn-on-debuglogging-key.md - name: Upgrade Readiness data is downloaded continuously href: upgrade-readiness-data-downloaded-continuously.md - name: Configuration Manager console items: - name: Console appears to hang when loading drivers href: console-stops-responding.md - name: Internal Error 2711.LP3076 href: internal-error-2711-lp3076-during-console-installation.md - name: Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement has stopped working href: unhandled-exception-launch-console.md - name: No data in the Windows 10 servicing dashboard href: windows-10-servicing-dashboard-empty.md - name: Content management items: - name: Configure peer cache for Configuration Manager clients href: configure-peer-cache.md - name: Distribution point and content distribution items: - name: A deployment property change isn't saved href: deployment-property-change-not-saved.md - name: Anonymous Authentication of SMS_DP_SMSPKG$ reset to Disabled href: anonymous-authentication-disabled.md - name: App-V applications can't be streamed from a DP href: app-v-apps-not-streamed-from-dp.md - name: Boot image distribution to a PXE enabled DP fails href: boot-image-distribution-fails.md - name: Can't distribute deployment packages href: deployment-package-distribution-fails.md - name: Content distribution fails with error 80070070 href: content-distribution-error-80070070.md - name: Content distribution fails with IDispatch error href: content-distribution-idispatch-error.md - name: DPs in a neighbor boundary group are used href: use-neighbor-boundary-group-dp.md - name: DP installations or upgrades take a long time href: slow-dp-installation-upgrade.md - name: Duplicate rows in DistributionContentVersion table href: duplicate-rows-in-distributioncontentversion.md - name: Hash mismatch error downloading Contentinfo.tar href: hash-mismatch-error-download-contentinfo-tar.md - name: Package distribution to a remote DP fails href: package-distribution-to-remote-dp-fails.md - name: Windows Installer source list update fails href: windows-installer-source-list-update-fails.md - name: Troubleshoot content distribution items: - name: Content distribution overview href: content-distribution-introduction.md - name: Components and threads for content distribution href: components-and-threads.md - name: Install and configure distribution points href: dp-installation-upgrade-configuration.md - name: Content library href: content-library.md - name: Package actions in content distribution href: understand-package-actions.md - name: Troubleshoot content distribution href: troubleshoot-content-distribution.md - name: Advanced troubleshooting tips for content distribution href: advanced-troubleshooting-tips.md - name: Data transfer between sites items: - name: DRS performance issues after installing hotfix 3125525 href: drs-performance-issue-after-installing-hotfix-3125525.md - name: Troubleshoot database replication service issues href: troubleshoot-database-replication-service-issues.md - name: Diagnostic items: - name: Configuration Manager diagnostics href: diagnostics-sdp.md - name: Discovery items: - name: lastLogonTimestamp isn't updated as expected href: lastlogontimestamp-not-accurate.md - name: Endpoint Protection items: - name: An incorrect Endpoint Definition status href: incorrect-endpoint-definition-status.md - name: Clients can't update antimalware definition files href: antimalware-definition-files-not-updated.md - name: Download and install Endpoint Protection for Linux href: install-endpoint-protection-for-linux.md - name: Microsoft Network Inspection service is stopped href: microsoft-network-inspection-service-stopped.md - name: Out-of-date definition version and last update time href: configmgr-console-shows-out-of-date-values.md - name: Recommended antivirus exclusions href: recommended-antivirus-exclusions.md - name: Support policies for Azure Virtual Machines href: support-policies-for-azure-virtual-machines.md - name: Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) items: - name: Troubleshooting reference for MDT href: troubleshooting-reference.md - name: Mobile device management items: - name: Call to HttpSendRequestSync failed for port 443 href: mobile-device-management-installation-errors.md - name: Communication with Intune service doesn't stop href: communication-continues-after-subscription-removal.md - name: Initialize CA Error href: initialize-ca-error-edit-device-enrollment-profile.md - name: OS deployment items: - name: Build and capture reference image items: - name: Custom port settings aren't added to boot media href: custom-port-settings-not-added-to-boot-media.md - name: Not enough memory resources creating media href: not-enough-memory-resources-create-media.md - name: Scheduled Updates fails to unmount image href: scheduled-updates-fails-error-0x800700a1.md - name: Unable to manage boot images href: error-managing-boot-images.md - name: Configure OS deployment in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager href: configure-operating-system-deployment.md - name: Manage drivers items: - name: Can't import drivers href: fail-to-import-drivers.md - name: Insufficient permissions to migrate a driver package href: insufficient-permissions-to-migrate-driver-package.md - name: Signed drivers are displayed as unsigned href: signed-drivers-shown-as-unsigned.md - name: PXE boot items: - name: A PXE enabled DP generates many files href: pxe-enabled-dp-generates-many-files.md - name: Advanced troubleshooting for PXE boot href: advanced-troubleshooting-pxe-boot.md - name: Boot from a PXE server href: boot-from-pxe-server.md - name: Failed to get the encrypted PXE password href: certificate-not-updated-on-pxe-dp.md - name: PXE boot doesn't work href: pxe-boot-not-work.md - name: Troubleshoot PXE boot href: troubleshoot-pxe-boot-issues.md - name: Understand PXE boot href: understand-pxe-boot.md - name: WDS crashes due to PXE boot href: pxe-boot-causes-wds-crash.md - name: WDS doesn't start on a PXE enabled remote DP href: pxe-enabled-remote-dp-not-start-wds.md - name: Task sequences items: - name: A client computer steals the GUID of an Unknown Computer object href: unknown-computer-object-guid-stolen.md - name: Active users and groups are unexpectedly deleted href: active-users-groups-unexpectedly-deleted.md - name: An error occurred when loading the task sequence href: cannot-create-mdt-task-sequence.md - name: An in-place upgrade task sequence doesn't continue href: in-place-upgrade-task-sequence-not-continue.md - name: Apply Driver Package task fails with error 80070057 href: apply-driver-package-task-error-80070057.md - name: Computer hangs during an OSD task sequence in debug mode href: computer-hangs-task-sequence-debug-mode.md - name: Dynamic Media can't get management point locations href: dynamic-media-cannot-get-mp-locations.md - name: Enable BitLocker task fails with error 80070057 href: enable-bitlocker-task-fails-error-80070057.md - name: The Capture User State task fails href: capture-user-state-task-fails.md - name: Get network captures in Windows PE href: get-network-captures-from-task-sequence.md - name: No mouse cursor during an OSD task sequence href: no-mouse-cursor-during-osd-task-sequence.md - name: OSDResults doesn't display installed applications href: osdresults-not-display-installed-applications.md - name: Sending with winhttp failed 80072f8f href: sending-with-winhttp-failed-80072f8f-error.md - name: Slow task sequences with earlier client versions href: slow-task-sequence-with-earlier-client-version.md - name: Task sequence fails if software updates require multiple restarts href: task-sequence-fails-multiple-restarts.md - name: Task sequence fails with error 80070005 href: osd-task-sequence-fails-error-80070005.md - name: Task sequence fails with error 0x87d01004 href: task-sequence-fails-error-0x87d01004.md - name: Task sequence stops after an in-place upgrade href: task-sequence-stops-after-in-place-upgrade.md - name: Task sequence stops after setup or upgrade href: os-deployment-task-sequence-not-continue.md - name: The debug deployment isn't displayed href: debug-deployment-not-displayed.md - name: Troubleshoot the Install Application task sequence step href: troubleshoot-install-application-step.md - name: Versions required for Windows deployment href: required-versions-windows-deployment.md - name: Setup, migration, backup, and recovery items: - name: BitLocker and MBAM items: - name: MBAM 2.0 setup prerequisite checker fails href: mbam-setup-fails-with-prerequisite-check.md - name: Not found error editing Update Application Catalog Tables href: not-found-error-editing-maintenance-task.md - name: Site installation items: - name: A central administration site setup fails href: central-administration-site-setup-fails.md - name: Site system roles installation and operations items: - name: Connectivity issues when the DigiCert Global Root G2 root cert is not installed href: connectivity-issues-digicert-global-root-g2-not-installed.md - name: Enable MFA for SMS Provider calls href: enable-mfa-for-sms-provider-calls.md - name: HTTP Error 500.19 href: management-points-stop-responding.md - name: Management points fail with HTTP 500 errors href: management-points-fail-http-500-errors.md - name: Service connection point doesn't download updates href: service-connection-point-not-download-updates.md - name: SMS Executive service items: - name: SMS_EXECUTIVE service crashes href: sms-executive-service-crashes.md - name: SQL Server settings and configuration items: - name: Can't create software update packages or applications href: cannot-create-software-update-package.md - name: Error when you move a site database href: failed-to-find-folder-or-file-error.md - name: Function sequence error in Smsdbmon.log href: function-sequence-error.md - name: Site system installation account incorrectly used for database connection href: site-system-installation-account-used-for-db-connection.md - name: SQL Server updates must be manually installed on secondary sites href: sql-cus-must-be-installed-on-secondary-sites.md - name: Support policies for manual database changes href: support-policy-for-manual-database-changes.md - name: Warnings are repeatedly logged in Smsdbmon.log href: smsdbmon-repeatedly-logs-warnings.md - name: Updates and servicing items: - name: Changes to built-in collections are overwritten after upgrade href: changes-to-built-in-collections-overwritten.md - name: Clients are automatically upgraded href: clients-automatically-upgrade.md - name: Error downloading the ConfigMgr.AdminUIContent.cab file href: service-connection-tool-not-download-updates.md - name: Site upgrade gets stuck at database update href: site-upgrade-blocked-in-database-update.md - name: Upgrade to System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 href: upgrade-to-configmgr-2012-sp1.md - name: Understand and troubleshoot Updates and Servicing href: understand-troubleshoot-updates-servicing.md - name: Maintenance tasks default settings href: maintenance-tasks-default-settings.md - name: Software update management items: - name: Issues items: - name: Bad gateway error when deploying software updates href: bad-gateway-error-deploy-software-updates.md - name: Clients don't get software updates href: clients-not-get-software-updates.md - name: Different results are shown for software updates href: different-software-updates-results-displayed.md - name: Errors when servicing a server group href: errors-servicing-server-group.md - name: Error 0x800f0831 installing updates href: error-0x800f0831-installing-update.md - name: .NET Framework 4.7.2 updates fail to sync href: dotnet-framework-updates-fail-to-sync.md - name: Updates aren't downloaded when an ADR runs href: adr-updates-download-failure.md - name: State messaging href: state-messaging-description.md - name: Understand software update management items: - name: Software updates introduction href: software-updates-introduction.md - name: Software updates maintenance href: software-update-maintenance.md - name: Software update point installation and configuration href: software-update-point-installation-configuration.md - name: WSUS Configuration Manager href: wsus-configuration-manager.md - name: Track software update synchronization href: track-software-update-synchronization.md - name: Track software update compliance assessment href: track-software-update-compliance-assessment.md - name: Track software update deployment href: track-software-update-deployment-process.md - name: Troubleshoot software update management items: - name: Enable verbose logging href: enable-verbose-logging.md - name: Troubleshoot software update management href: troubleshoot-software-update-management.md - name: Troubleshoot software update synchronization href: troubleshoot-software-update-synchronization.md - name: Troubleshoot software update scan failures href: troubleshoot-software-update-scan-failures.md - name: Troubleshoot software update deployment href: troubleshoot-software-update-deployments.md - name: Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) items: - name: Deploy Windows Defender definition updates href: deploy-definition-updates-using-wsus.md - name: Error 80244007 when WSUS client scans for updates href: error-80244007-when-wsus-client-scans-updates.md - name: High network bandwidth usage href: high-network-bandwidth-usage.md - name: Optimize WSUS client performance href: optimize-wsus-client-performance.md - name: Reindex the WSUS database href: reindex-the-wsus-database.md - name: The spDeleteUpdate stored procedure runs slowly href: spdeleteupdate-slow-performance.md - name: Troubleshoot issues with WSUS client agents href: troubleshoot-issues-with-wsus-client-agents.md - name: Troubleshoot WSUS connection failures href: troubleshoot-wsus-connection-failures.md - name: Troubleshoot WSUS high CPU usage href: troubleshoot-wsus-server-high-cpu-usage.md - name: Troubleshoot WSUS synchronization and import issues href: troubleshoot-wsus-import-sync-issues.md - name: WSUS and Windows Update Agent diagnostics href: wsus-and-windows-update-agent-diagnostics.md - name: WSUS best practices href: windows-server-update-services-best-practices.md - name: WSUS client computers restart without any notification href: wsus-client-computers-restart-automatically.md - name: WSUS client takes too long to finish an update scan href: wsus-client-long-time-finish-update-scan.md - name: WSUS console crashes href: wsus-console-crashes.md - name: WSUS maintenance guide href: wsus-maintenance-guide.md - name: WSUS sync fails in Windows Server 2008 R2 href: wsus-not-sync-with-certificate-error-800B0109.md - name: WSUS synchronization fails with SoapException href: wsus-synchronization-fails-with-soapexception.md
[ "CC-BY-4.0", "MIT" ]
[ "CC-BY-4.0", "MIT" ]
[ "CC-BY-4.0", "MIT" ]
- name: Power Apps href: welcome-power-apps.yml items: - name: Access Issues items: - name: Startup issues in Web Authoring href: troubleshoot-startup-issues-in-power-apps-web-authoring.md - name: Connections items: - name: Best practices when updating a flow href: best-practices-when-updating-a-flow.md - name: Others items: - name: Lookup doesn't filter records for particula entity href: lookup-does-not-filter-entity-records.md
[ "CC-BY-4.0", "MIT" ]
[ "CC-BY-4.0", "MIT" ]
[ "CC-BY-4.0", "MIT" ]
### YamlMime:FAQ metadata: title: Windows 7 EoS FAQ overview description: Overview of Windows 7 EoS FAQ troubleshooting articles. ms.date: 11/09/2020 author: Deland-Han ms.author: delhan manager: dscontentpm audience: itpro ms.topic: troubleshooting ms.prod: windows-client localization_priority: medium ms.reviewer: v-elj, chawong, winciccore, kaushika ms.prod-support-area-path: Main page ms.technology: windows-client-eos title: Windows 7 EoS FAQ documentation summary: | This article summarizes the frequently asked questions about the end of support for Windows 7. This article is intended for use by IT professionals. If you're looking for information for home users, see [Windows 7 support ended on January 14, 2020](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4057281/windows-7-support-will-end-on-january-14-2020). _Applies to:_ &nbsp; Windows 7 Service Pack 1 _Original KB number:_ &nbsp; 4527873 sections: - name: Ignored questions: - question: | Windows 7 EoS FAQ answer: | Get answers to common questions about the following end-of-support topics for Windows 7: - [General information](./windows-7-end-support-faq-general.yml) - [FAQ about Extended Security Updates (ESU) for Windows 7](./windows-7-extended-security-updates-faq.yml) - ESU purchasing - ESU coverage - ESU deployment - [Windows 7 ESU offers for E5 customers](./windows-7-esu-offers-e5-customers-faq.yml) - [Troubleshoot issues in ESU](./troubleshoot-extended-security-updates-issues.yml)
[ "CC-BY-4.0", "MIT" ]
[ "CC-BY-4.0", "MIT" ]
[ "CC-BY-4.0", "MIT" ]
### YamlMime:FAQ metadata: title: End of support for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 description: Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 are approaching their end of support lifecycle. ms.date: 12/03/2020 author: Deland-Han ms.author: delhan manager: dscontentpm audience: itpro ms.topic: troubleshooting ms.prod: windows-server localization_priority: medium ms.reviewer: kaushika, squin, suehar, v-jeffbo ms.prod-support-area-path: ms.technology: windows-server-eos title: End of support for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 summary: | This article provides some information about end of support for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2. _Applies to:_ &nbsp; Windows Server 2012 R2 _Original KB number:_ &nbsp; 4456235 sections: - name: Ignored questions: - question: | Summary answer: | Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 are approaching the end of their [support lifecycle](/lifecycle/). This means that as of the dates in the table below there will be no additional: - Free security updates on-premises - Non-security updates - Free support options - Online technical content update Customers who use Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 products and services should migrate to Microsoft Azure to take advantage of three additional years of **Critical** and **Important** security updates at no additional charge and modernize when ready. For environments other than Azure, we recommend customers upgrade to the latest version before the deadline. For customers who cannot meet the end-of-support deadline may purchase Extended Security Updates to keep server workloads protected until they upgrade (some restrictions apply). - question: | More information answer: | The following Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 products are approaching End of Support: | **Product**| **End of Extended Support** | |---|---| | Windows Server 2008 Datacenter| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Server 2008 Datacenter without Hyper-V| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Server 2008 Enterprise| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Server 2008 Enterprise without Hyper-V| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-Based Systems| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Server 2008 Foundation| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-Based Systems| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Server 2008 Standard| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Server 2008 Standard without Hyper-V| 1/14/2020 | ||| We recommend that you migrate to Azure or upgrade to the current product versions before the support end dates. This lets you take advantage of the latest product innovations and make sure you have uninterrupted support from Microsoft. > [!Note] > The following Server products are NOT eligible for Extended Security Updates. | **Product**| **End of Extended Support** | |---|---| | Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008| 1/14/2020 | | Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 R2| 1/14/2020 | | Windows HPC Server 2008| 4/14/2020 | | Windows HPC Server 2008 R2| 4/14/2020 | | Windows HPC Server 2008 without Hyper-V| 4/14/2020 | | Windows Server Update Services 3.0| 7/14/2009 | | Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP1| 10/12/2010 | | Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Storage Server 2008 Basic| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Storage Server 2008 Basic 32-bit| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Storage Server 2008 Basic Embedded| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Storage Server 2008 Basic Embedded 32-bit| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Storage Server 2008 Enterprise| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Storage Server 2008 Enterprise Embedded| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Storage Server 2008 R2| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Storage Server 2008 Standard| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Storage Server 2008 Standard Embedded| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Storage Server 2008 Workgroup| 1/14/2020 | | Windows Storage Server 2008 Workgroup Embedded| 1/14/2020 | ||| - question: | Resources answer: | [Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 EOS site](https://www.microsoft.com/cloud-platform/windows-server-2008) [Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 EOS brochure](https://download.microsoft.com/download/A/D/9/AD9380CD-7282-4848-85CD-F6F62BDC129B/Windows_Server_2008_End_of_Support_Brochure.pdf) [Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 documentation](/windows-server/get-started/modernize-windows-server-2008) - question: | Migration assistance with the Azure Migration Center answer: | The [Azure Migration Center](https://azure.microsoft.com/migration/windows-server/) has a full range of tools available to help you assess your current on-premises environment, migrate your workloads onto Azure, and optimize your Azure usage to best suit your needs. Microsoft also works with many Partners, who are available to help you at every step of the journey.
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
# Lumia950XLPkg CI build on VSTS trigger: branches: include: - master - psci-scm paths: exclude: - README.md - LICENSE pool: vmImage: 'Ubuntu-latest' steps: - script: sudo apt update displayName: 'Update APT sources' # Travis have this by default, because we preinstalled build-essentials - script: sudo apt install uuid-dev flex bison displayName: 'Install VSTS dependencies' # Fix-up directory link for VSTS, force replace current reference - script: sudo ln -sfn $(pwd) ../Lumia950XLPkg displayName: 'Fix directory links' # Build iASL tool from repository # Eventually we will just install prepackaged version # - script: git clone https://github.com/acpica/acpica acpica-tools # displayName: 'Checkout ACPICA tools repository' # - script: cd acpica-tools && make clean && make && sudo make install && cd .. # displayName: 'Build and install ACPICA tools' - script: sudo ./Tools/CI/Bootstrapper/Stage0.sh displayName: 'Prepare pre-build environment, phase 0' - script: ./Tools/CI/Bootstrapper/Stage1.sh displayName: 'Prepare pre-build environment, phase 1' - script: ./Tools/CI/Builder/Build.sh displayName: 'UEFI build' # Publish UEFI (3 targets) - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 displayName: 'Publish UEFI build (Lumia 950)' inputs: pathtoPublish: ../edk2/Build/Lumia950-AARCH64/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/ artifactName: MSM8992 UEFI (Lumia 950) - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 displayName: 'Publish UEFI build (Lumia 950 XL)' inputs: pathtoPublish: ../edk2/Build/Lumia950XL-AARCH64/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/ artifactName: MSM8994 UEFI (Lumia 950 XL)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
vars: - VERSION data: VERSION: title: PHP version required default: 7.4 type: list items: 5.6 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8.0
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
services: nginx: container_name: test-ledup-nginx environment: LED_DOCROOT: public LED_PHPFPM_SOCKET: php:9000 LED_VHOSTS: test.localhost extends: file: ~/.led/docker-base.yaml service: localuser hostname: nginx image: ledup/nginx:stable volumes: - .:/src php: container_name: test-ledup-php environment: PHP_XDEBUG: 1 extends: file: ~/.led/docker-base.yaml service: localuser hostname: php image: ledup/php:8.0 volumes: - .:/src version: '2'
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
image: ledup/php:{{VERSION}} volumes: - .:/src working_dir: /src
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: test_and_lint on: pull_request: types: [opened, synchronize] paths-ignore: - 'frontend/**' - 'ogp_functions/**' jobs: test: name: Test runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Set up Go 1.14 uses: actions/setup-go@v1 with: go-version: 1.14 id: go - name: Check out code into the Go module directory uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Restore cache uses: actions/cache@v1 with: path: ~/go/pkg/mod key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('**/go.sum') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-go- - name: Get dependencies run: | cd backend && go mod download - name: Build run: cd backend && go build -v . - name: Get tools run: | curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.25.0 - name: Test run: cd backend && make test - name: lint run: | cd backend && $(go env GOPATH)/bin/golangci-lint run --disable-all --enable=goimports --enable=govet
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: Build on: push: paths: - 'frontend/**' - 'ogp_functions/**' jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Use Node.js uses: actions/setup-node@v2-beta with: node-version: '14' - name: Cache node modules uses: actions/cache@v1 env: cache-name: cache-node-modules with: # npm cache files are stored in `~/.npm` on Linux/macOS path: ~/.npm key: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}- ${{ runner.os }}-build- ${{ runner.os }}- - run: cd frontend && yarn - run: cd frontend && yarn build env: CI: true
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: Deploy on: push: branches: - master paths-ignore: - 'frontend/**' - 'ogp_functions/**' env: GCP_PROJECT: ${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT }} GCP_REGION: ${{ secrets.GCP_REGION }} IMAGE: asia.gcr.io/${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT }}/${{ secrets.SERVICE_NAME }}:${{ github.sha }} jobs: deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout the repository uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: GCP Authenticate uses: GoogleCloudPlatform/github-actions/setup-gcloud@master with: version: '290.0.1' service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GCP_SA_KEY }} - name: Configure docker to use the gcloud cli run: | gcloud config set project ${GCP_PROJECT} gcloud config set run/platform managed gcloud config set run/region ${GCP_REGION} gcloud auth configure-docker --quiet - name: Build a docker image run: cd backend && docker build . -t $IMAGE - name: Push the docker image run: cd backend && docker push $IMAGE - name: Deploy to Cloud Run run: | cd backend && gcloud run deploy ${{ secrets.SERVICE_NAME }} \ --image $IMAGE \ --concurrency 40 \ --cpu 1 \ --max-instances 10 \ --memory 512Mi \ --set-env-vars `cat .env.prod | tr '\n' ','`REDIS_ADDR=${{ secrets.REDIS_ADDR }},REDIS_PASS=${{ secrets.REDIS_PASS }},TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY=${{ secrets.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY }},TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET=${{ secrets.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET }},CLOUD_FUNCTIONS_URL=${{ secrets.CLOUD_FUNCTIONS_URL }},SESSION_KEY=${{ secrets.SESSION_KEY}} \ --allow-unauthenticated \ --no-traffic yes | gcloud beta run services update-traffic ${{ secrets.SERVICE_NAME }} --to-latest --quiet
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: "CodeQL" on: push: branches: [master, ] schedule: - cron: '0 19 * * 1' jobs: analyse: name: Analyse runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: # We must fetch at least the immediate parents so that if this is # a pull request then we can checkout the head. fetch-depth: 2 # If this run was triggered by a pull request event, then checkout # the head of the pull request instead of the merge commit. - run: git checkout HEAD^2 if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }} # Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning. - name: Initialize CodeQL uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1 # Override language selection by uncommenting this and choosing your languages # with: # languages: go, javascript, csharp, python, cpp, java # Autobuild attempts to build any compiled languages (C/C++, C#, or Java). # If this step fails, then you should remove it and run the build manually (see below) - name: Autobuild uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v1 # ℹ️ Command-line programs to run using the OS shell. # 📚 https://git.io/JvXDl # ✏️ If the Autobuild fails above, remove it and uncomment the following three lines # and modify them (or add more) to build your code if your project # uses a compiled language #- run: | # make bootstrap # make release - name: Perform CodeQL Analysis uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v1
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: Deploy OGP Function on: push: branches: - master paths-ignore: - 'frontend/**' - 'backend/**' env: GCP_PROJECT: ${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT }} GCP_REGION: ${{ secrets.GCP_REGION }} jobs: deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout the repository uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: GCP Authenticate uses: GoogleCloudPlatform/github-actions/setup-gcloud@master with: version: '290.0.1' service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GCP_SA_KEY }} - name: Deploy to Cloud Functions run: | cd ogp_functions yarn install yarn deploy
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: OGP Build and Lint on: pull_request: types: [opened, synchronize] paths-ignore: - 'frontend/**' - 'backend/**' jobs: run: name: Build and Lint runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set Node.js 12.x uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: 12.x - uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: '**/node_modules' key: yarn-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }} restore-keys: | yarn- - name: Install deps run: cd ogp_functions && yarn - name: Build run: cd ogp_functions && yarn build - name: Lint run: cd ogp_functions && yarn lint && yarn format
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Welcome to Jekyll! # # This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog. # # If you need help with YAML syntax, here are some quick references for you: # https://learn-the-web.algonquindesign.ca/topics/markdown-yaml-cheat-sheet/#yaml # https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/yaml/ title: 0-ary description: "Good Expectations" github_username: 0-ary # you can comment the below line out if your repo name is not different than your baseurl github_repo: "blog" # OPTIONAL: override baseurl and url if using a custom domain # Note: leave out the trailing / from this value. url: "https://0-ary.github.io" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com ########################################################### ######### Special Instructions for baseurl ############### # #### Scenario One: If you do not have a Custom Domain ##### # - if you are not using a custom domain, the baseurl *must* be set to your repo name # #### Scenario Two: If you have a Custom Domain ##### # 1. If your domain does NOT have a subpath, this leave this value as "" # 2. If your domain does have a subpath, you must preceed the value with a / and NOT have a / at the end. # For example: # "" is valid # "/blog" is valid # "/blog/site/" is invalid ( / at the end) # "/blog/site" is valid # "blog/site" is invalid ( because doesn't begin with a /) # # 3. You must replace the parameter `baseurl` in _action_files/settings.ini with the same value as you set here but WITHOUT QUOTES. # baseurl: "/blog" # the subpath of your site, e.g. "/blog". # Github and twitter are optional: minima: social_links: twitter: github: 0-ary # Set this to true to get LaTeX math equation support use_math: # Set this to true to display the summary of your blog post under your title on the Home page. show_description: true # Set this to true to display image previews on home page, if they exist show_image: false # Set this to true to display tags on each post show_tags: true # Add your Google Analytics ID here if you have one and want to use it google_analytics: exclude: - docker-compose.yml - action.yml - Makefile # this setting allows you to keep pages organized in the _pages folder include: - _pages # This specifies what badges are turned on by default for notebook posts. default_badges: github: true binder: false colab: false # Everything below here should be left alone. Modifications may break fastpages future: true theme: minima plugins: - jekyll-feed - jekyll-gist - jekyll-octicons - jekyll-toc - jekyll-twitter-plugin - jekyll-relative-links - jekyll-seo-tag - jekyll-remote-theme - jekyll-paginate # See https://jekyllrb.com/docs/pagination/ # For pagination to work, you cannot have index.md at the root of your repo, instead you must rename this file to index.html paginate: 15 paginate_path: /page:num/ remote_theme: jekyll/minima titles_from_headings: enabled: true strip_title: true collections: true highlighter: rouge markdown: kramdown kramdown: math_engine: katex input: GFM auto_ids: true hard_wrap: false syntax_highlighter: rouge
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
openapi: 3.0.0 info: version: "1.0.1" title: Oud API Documentation description: >- Web API endpoints enable application to access the Oud catalog and user data. The endpoints are arranged in a structure defined by an object model. license: name: Apache 2.0 url: 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html' tags: - name: Artists description: Endpoints for artists - name: Follow description: >- Endpoints for managing the artists, users, and playlists that a user follows. - name: Users Profile description: Endpoints for user’s profile. - name: Albums description: Endpoints for albums - name: Tracks description: Endpoints for tracks - name: Playlists description: Endpoints for Playlists. - name: Library description: Endpoints for User Library. - name: Search description: Endpoints for Searching. - name: Premium description: Endpoints for Premium. - name: UsersAuth description: Endpoints for user authentication - name: Auth description: Endpoints for general authentication - name: Player description: Endpoints for player - name: Queue description: Endpoints for queue - name: Genres description: Endpoints for genres paths: /genres/{id}: get: tags: - Genres summary: Get a genre security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: id in: path description: The ID for the genre. required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: the response body contains a genre object in JSON format. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Genre' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /genres: get: tags: - Genres summary: Get all genres description: Get all genres inside a paging object parameters: - name: limit in: query description: maximum number of genres to return (maximum 50, default 50) schema: type: integer - name: offset in: query description: number of genres to skip from beginning to return (starts from zero) schema: type: integer responses: '200': description: list of genres inside a paging object content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Genre' limit: type: integer description: maximum number of genres to return as set in the query or by default offset: type: integer description: index of the first element in the array total: type: integer description: total number of documents available in the database '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' /me/redeem: patch: tags: - Premium summary: Redeeming coupons that gives the user credit (Oud Coins) description: >- Redeeming a valid coupon increases the user's credit (Oud Coins) that can be used for subscribing in the Premium Plan security: - bearerAuth: [] requestBody: description: The coupon code. required: true content: application/json: schema: type: string responses: '200': description: the response body contains an user's current credit in JSON format. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: credit: type: integer '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /me/subscribe: patch: tags: - Premium summary: Subscribe to Premium plan description: Subscribe to Premium plan security: - bearerAuth: [] responses: '200': description: the response body the end date of the premium plan. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: endDate: type: string format: date '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '/artists/{artistId}': get: tags: - Artists summary: Get an Artist security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: artistId in: path description: The ID for the artist. required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: the response body contains an artist object in JSON format. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Artist' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' '/artists/{artistId}/albums': get: tags: - Artists summary: Get an Artist's Albums security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: artistId in: path description: The ID for the artist. required: true schema: type: string - name: limit in: query description: >- The number of album objects to return. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50. For example: `limit=2` schema: type: integer default: 20 required: false - name: offset in: query description: >- The index of the first album to return. (0 is the first album). Use with `limit` to get the next set of albums. schema: type: integer default: 0 responses: '200': description: >- The response body contains an array of simplified album objects (wrapped in a paging object) in JSON format. content: application/json: schema: description: >- The offset-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like total, offset and limit that can be useful in future calls. type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AlbumSimple' description: The requested Albums. limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The maximum number of items available to return '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' '/artists/{artistId}/top-tracks': get: tags: - Artists security: - bearerAuth: [] summary: Get an Artist's Top Tracks description: Get information about an artist’s top tracks by views. parameters: - name: artistId in: path description: The ID for the artist. required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: >- the response body contains an object whose key is `"tracks"` and whose value is an array of up to 10 track objects in JSON format. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: tracks: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Track' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' '/artists/{artistId}/related-artists': get: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Artists summary: Get an Artist's Related Artists description: >- Get information about artists similar to a given artist. Similarity is based on genre. parameters: - name: artistId in: path description: The ID for the artist. required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: >- the response body contains an object whose key is `"artists"` and whose value is an array of up to 20 artist objects in JSON format. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: artists: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Artist' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /artists: get: tags: - Artists summary: Get Several Artists description: Get information for several artists based on their IDs. parameters: - name: artistId in: query description: 'A comma-separated list of IDs for the artists. Maximum: 50 IDs.' required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: >- the response body contains an object whose key is `"artists"` and whose value is an array of artist objects in JSON format. Objects are returned in the order requested. If an object is not found, a `null` value is returned in the appropriate position. Duplicate ids in the query will result in duplicate objects in the response. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: artists: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Artist' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' /me/following/contains: get: tags: - Follow summary: Check if Current User Follows Artists or Users description: >- Check to see if the current user is following one or more artists or other users. security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: type in: query description: 'The ID type: either `artist` or `user`.' required: true schema: type: string - name: ids in: query description: >- A comma-separated list of the artist or the user IDs to check. For example: `ids=74ASZWbe4lXaubB36ztrGX,08td7MxkoHQkXnWAYD8d6Q`. A maximum of 50 IDs can be sent in one request. required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: >- the response body contains a JSON array of `true` or `false` values, in the same order in which the `ids` were specified. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ids: type: array items: type: boolean '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '/playlists/{playlistId}/followers/contains': get: tags: - Follow summary: Check if Users Follow a Playlist description: Check to see if one or more users are following a specified playlist. security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: playlistId in: path description: The ID of the playlist. required: true schema: type: string - name: ids in: query description: >- A comma-separated list of User IDs; the ids of the users that you want to check to see if they follow the playlist. Maximum: 5 ids. required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: >- the response body contains a JSON array of `true` or `false` values, in the same order in which the ids were specified. content: application/json: schema: type: array items: type: boolean '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' /users/{userId}/following: get: tags: - Follow summary: Get a User's Followed Artists or Users description: Get a user’s followed artists/users. security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: userId in: path description: 'The user id requested to view his followings' required: true schema: type: string - name: type in: query description: 'The ID type: `artist` or `user`' required: true schema: type: string - name: limit in: query description: 'The maximum number of items to return. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.' required: false schema: type: integer default: 20 - name: offset in: query description: >- The index of the first track to return. Default: 0 (the first object). Use with limit to get the next set of followings. schema: type: integer responses: '200': description: >- the response body contains an artists object or user object wrapped in paging object. content: application/json: schema: description: >- The offset-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like total, offset and limit that can be useful in future calls. type: object properties: items: type: array items: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ArtistSimple' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserPublic' description: The requested data. limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The maximum number of items available to return '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /users/{userId}/followers: get: tags: - Follow summary: Get a User's Followers description: Get a user’s followers security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: userId in: path description: 'The user id requested to view his followers' required: true schema: type: string - name: limit in: query description: 'The maximum number of items to return. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.' required: false schema: type: integer default: 20 - name: offset in: query description: >- The index of the first track to return. Default: 0 (the first object). Use with limit to get the next set of followers. schema: type: integer responses: '200': description: >- the response body contains a user object wrapped in paging object. content: application/json: schema: description: >- The offset-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like total, offset and limit that can be useful in future calls. type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserPublic' description: The requested data. limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The maximum number of items available to return '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /me/followers: get: tags: - Follow summary: Get Current User's Followers description: Get Current User’s followers security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: limit in: query description: 'The maximum number of items to return. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.' required: false schema: type: integer default: 20 - name: offset in: query description: >- The index of the first track to return. Default: 0 (the first object). Use with limit to get the next set of followers. schema: type: integer responses: '200': description: >- the response body contains a user object wrapped in paging object. content: application/json: schema: description: >- The offset-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like total, offset and limit that can be useful in future calls. type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserPublic' description: The requested data. limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The maximum number of items available to return '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /me/following: put: tags: - Follow summary: Follow Artists or Users description: >- Add the current user as a follower of one or more artists or other users. security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: type in: query description: 'The ID type: either `artist` or `user`.' required: true schema: type: string - name: ids in: query description: >- A comma-separated list of the artist or the user IDs. For example: `ids=74ASZWbe4lXaubB36ztrGX,08td7MxkoHQkXnWAYD8d6Q`. A maximum of 50 IDs can be sent in one request. required: false schema: type: array items: type: string requestBody: description: >- A JSON array of the artist or user IDs. For example: `{ids:["74ASZWbe4lXaubB36ztrGX", "08td7MxkoHQkXnWAYD8d6Q"]}`. A maximum of 50 IDs can be sent in one request. Note: if the ids parameter is present in the query string, any IDs listed here in the body will be ignored. required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ids: type: array items: type: string responses: '204': description: the resources are created and the response body is empty. '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' get: tags: - Follow summary: Get User's Followed Artists or Users description: Get the current user’s followed artists/users. security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: type in: query description: 'The ID type: `artist` or `user`' required: true schema: type: string - name: limit in: query description: 'The maximum number of items to return. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.' required: false schema: type: integer default: 20 - name: offset in: query description: >- The index of the first track to return. Default: 0 (the first object). Use with limit to get the next set of followings. schema: type: integer responses: '200': description: >- the response body contains an artists object or user object wrapped in paging object. content: application/json: schema: description: >- The offset-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like total, offset and limit that can be useful in future calls. type: object properties: items: type: array items: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ArtistSimple' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserPublic' description: The requested data. limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The maximum number of items available to return '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' delete: tags: - Follow summary: Unfollow Artists or Users description: >- Remove the current user as a follower of one or more artists or other users. security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: type in: query description: 'The ID type: `artist` or `user`' required: true schema: type: array items: type: string - name: ids in: query description: >- A comma-separated list of the artist or the user IDs. For example: `ids=74ASZWbe4lXaubB36ztrGX,08td7MxkoHQkXnWAYD8d6Q`. A maximum of 50 IDs can be sent in one request. required: false schema: type: string responses: '204': description: The resources are deleted and the response body is empty. '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' '/playlists/{playlistId}/followers': put: tags: - Follow summary: Follow a Playlist description: Add the current user as a follower of a playlist. security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: playlistId in: path description: >- The ID of the playlist. Any playlist can be followed, regardless of its public/private status, as long as you know its playlist ID. required: true schema: type: string requestBody: description: >- If `true` the playlist will be included in user’s public playlists, if `false` it will remain private. required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: public: type: boolean default: true responses: '204': description: the resources are created and the response body is empty. '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' delete: tags: - Follow summary: Unfollow a Playlist description: Remove the current user as a follower of a playlist. security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: playlistId in: path description: The ID of the playlist that is to be no longer followed. required: true schema: type: string responses: '204': description: the resources are deleted and the response body is empty. '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /me: get: tags: - Users Profile summary: Get Current User's Profile description: >- Get detailed profile information about the current user (including the current user’s username). security: - bearerAuth: [] responses: '200': description: the response body contains a user object in JSON format. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserPrivate' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' /me/profilePicure: patch: tags: - Users Profile summary: Update user's profile image description: Updates the current user image security: - bearerAuth: [] requestBody: content: multipart/mixed: schema: type: object properties: profileImage: type: string format: binary encoding: profileImage: contentType: 'image/png, image/jpeg' responses: '200': description: the response body contains a user object in JSON format. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserPrivate' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' /me/profile: put: tags: - Users Profile summary: Edit user's profile security: - bearerAuth: [] requestBody: description: Profile data content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - email - passwordConfirm - gender - dateOfBirth - Country - displayName properties: email: type: string format: email passwordConfirm: type: string minLength: 8 gender: type: string enum: - M - F dateOfBirth: description: 'The user`s birthdate, must be at least 10 years old' type: string format: date country: type: string minLength: 2 maxLength: 2 format: ISO ALPHA 2 displayName: type: string responses: '200': description: the response body contains a user object in JSON format. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserPrivate' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '/users/{userId}': get: tags: - Users Profile summary: Get a User's Profile description: Get public profile information about a user. security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: userId required: true in: path schema: type: string responses: '200': description: the response body contains a user object in JSON format. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserPublic' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /artists/request: post: tags: - Artists summary: Request to be an Artist description: >- User/Guest requests to be an Artist if it's accepted they will be able to upload albums/tracks. requestBody: description: JSON object contains the needed information for the request. required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: genres: type: array items: type: string description: >- A list of the genres used to classify the album. example: `"Prog Rock"`, `"Post-Grunge"`. (If not yet classified, the array is empty.)" name: type: string description: The name of the artist. bio: type: string description: a biography or short biographical profile of the artist. responses: '204': description: the resources are created and the response body is empty. '400': description: >- The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/albums/{id}': get: tags: - Albums summary: Return a single album description: Returns information about the album with the given ID security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: id in: path description: ID of album to return required: true schema: type: string format: string responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Album' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '/me/artists/albums/{id}': delete: tags: - Albums summary: Remove an album description: Deletes the album with the given ID security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: id in: path description: ID of album to delete required: true schema: type: string format: string responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Album' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' patch: tags: - Albums summary: Update an album description: Updates the album with the given ID security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: id in: path description: ID of album to update required: true schema: type: string format: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of the album artists: type: array description: The ID's of the artists of the album. items: type: string genres: type: array description: >- A list of the genres used to classify the album. i.e. "Prog Rock", "PostGrunge". (If not yet classified, the array is empty.) items: type: string album_type: type: string description: >- the type of the album: one of the following 'single', 'album' or 'compilation' album_group: type: string description: 'one of ''single'', ''album'', ''compilation'' and ''appears_on''' release_date: type: string description: The date the album was first released responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Album' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /albums: get: tags: - Albums summary: Get several albums description: Retrieves the information of the albums specified by given ID's security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: ids in: query description: list of ID's of albums to be retrieved (comma separated) schema: type: string format: string required: true responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: albums: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Album' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '/albums/{id}/tracks': get: tags: - Albums summary: Return the tracks of an album description: Retrieves the tracks of the album with the given ID security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: id in: path description: ID of the album containing the tracks required: true schema: type: string format: string - name: limit in: query description: The maximum number of items to return schema: type: integer - name: offset in: query description: >- The index of the first track to return. Default: 0 (the first object). Use with limit to get the next set of tracks. schema: type: integer responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: type: object description: The album tracks inside a paging object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackSimple' limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The maximum number of items available to return '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' '/tracks/{id}': get: tags: - Tracks summary: Return a single track description: Retrieves information about the track with the given ID security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: id in: path description: ID of track to return required: true schema: type: string format: string responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Track' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' delete: tags: - Tracks summary: Remove a track description: Deletes the track with the given ID security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: id in: path description: ID of track to delete required: true schema: type: string format: string responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Track' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' patch: tags: - Tracks summary: Update a Track description: Updates the track with the given ID security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: id in: path description: ID of track to update required: true schema: type: string format: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of the track artists: type: array description: The ID's of the artists of the album. items: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Track' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' post: tags: - Tracks summary: Upload Track's file parameters: - name: id in: path description: ID of the track required: true schema: type: string format: string description: Uploads the file of the track security: - bearerAuth: [] requestBody: content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: track: type: string format: binary encoding: track: contentType: audio/mpeg responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Track' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /tracks: get: tags: - Tracks summary: Get several tracks description: Retrieves information of the tracks specified by given ID's security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: ids in: query description: list of ID's of tracks to be retrieved (comma separated) schema: type: string format: string responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: tracks: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Track' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' /me/artists/albums: post: tags: - Albums summary: Create a new album description: Creates a new album for an artist security: - bearerAuth: [] requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of the album artists: type: array description: The ID's of the artists of the album. items: type: string genres: type: array description: >- A list of the genres used to classify the album. i.e. "Prog Rock", "PostGrunge". (If not yet classified, the array is empty.) items: type: string album_type: type: string description: >- the type of the album: one of the following 'single', 'album' or 'compilation' album_group: type: string description: >- one of the following 'single', 'album' or 'compilation', 'appears_on' release_date: type: string description: The date the album was first released required: - name - artists - album_type - genres - release_date - album_group description: Album data responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Album' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '/me/artists/albums/{id}/images': post: tags: - Albums summary: Update the image of an album description: Updates the image of the album with the given ID security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: id in: path description: ID of album to update required: true schema: type: string format: string requestBody: content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: image: type: string format: binary encoding: image: contentType: 'image/png, image/jpeg' responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Track' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /me/albums: put: tags: - Library summary: Save Albums for Current User security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: IDs in: query required: true description: the IDs of the Albums to be saved schema: type: array items: type: string maximum: 50 responses: '200': description: Album Saved content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Album' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' delete: tags: - Library security: - bearerAuth: [] summary: Remove Saved Albums for Current User parameters: - name: IDs in: query required: true description: the IDs of the Albums to be removed schema: type: array items: type: string maximum: 50 responses: '204': description: Albums removed successfully and the body of the response is empty '400': description: bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '403': description: forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '404': description: The specified resource was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' get: tags: - Library security: - bearerAuth: [] summary: Get Current User's Saved Albums parameters: - name: limit in: query description: The maximum number of albums to return. schema: type: integer default: 20 minimum: 1 maximum: 50 - name: offset in: query description: The index of the first album to return. schema: type: integer default: 0 responses: '200': description: list of playlist of the user content: application/json: schema: description: >- The offset-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like previous, next and limit that can be useful in future calls. type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SavedAlbum' description: the Requested releases limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The total number of items available to return '400': description: bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/me/artists/albums/{id}/release': patch: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Albums summary: Release an album description: Releases an album and make it public parameters: - name: id in: path description: ID of album to release required: true schema: type: string format: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: released: type: boolean required: - released responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Album' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' /me/artists/images: post: tags: - Artists summary: Update artist images description: Updates the current artist images security: - bearerAuth: [] requestBody: content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: profileImage: type: string format: binary coverImage: type: string format: binary encoding: profileImage: contentType: 'image/png, image/jpeg' coverImage: contentType: 'image/png, image/jpeg' responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Artist' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' /me/artists/bio: patch: tags: - Artists summary: Update artist's bio description: Updates artist's bio security: - bearerAuth: [] requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: bio: type: string description: The bio of the artist responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Artist' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' /me/artists/popularsongs: patch: tags: - Artists summary: Update popular songs description: Updates the current artist's list of popular songs security: - bearerAuth: [] requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: array items: type: string description: ID's of the tracks sorted responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Artist' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '/me/artists/albums/{id}/tracks': post: tags: - Albums summary: Add a track to an album description: Adds a new track to an album for an artist security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: id in: path required: true description: 'ID of the album, if not given then the track will be single' schema: type: string format: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: name of the track artists: type: array items: type: string description: The ID's of the track's artists required: - name - artists responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Album' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /me/recentsearch: post: tags: - Search summary: what user recently searched for description: store what the user used from rescent search requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object description: the item user used from the search properties: id: type: string description: the id of the used item type: type: string description: item can be 'track' or 'user' or 'Album' or 'Artist' responses: '204': description: successful operation '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' get: tags: - Search summary: retrive what user recently searched for description: retrive what the user used from rescent search responses: '200': description: item the user used in recent search content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: items: type: array items: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ArtistSimple' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserPublic' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Track' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Album' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Playlist' description: The requested data. limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The maximum number of items available to return '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' /search: get: tags: - Search summary: Search for an Item parameters: - name: q in: query description: Search query keywords and optional field filters and operators. schema: type: string - name: type in: query description: >- A comma-separated list of item types to search across. Valid types are album , artist, playlist, and track. Search results include hits from all the specified item types. schema: type: string - name: limit in: query description: The maximum number of items to return. schema: type: integer default: 20 minimum: 1 maximum: 50 - name: offset in: query description: The index of the first item to return. schema: type: integer default: 0 maximum: 2000 responses: '200': description: >- the response body contains array of Simplified Playlist objects in JSON format. content: application/json: schema: description: >- The offset-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like previous, next and limit that can be useful in future calls. type: object properties: Tracks: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Track' Albums: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AlbumSimple' Artists: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Artist' description: the requested playlists users: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserPublic' description: the requested playlists playlists: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Playlist' description: the requested playlists limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The total number of items available to return '400': description: bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' /me/albums/contains: get: tags: - Library security: - bearerAuth: [] summary: Check User's Saved Albums description: Checks if the albums with the given ID's are saved parameters: - name: ids in: query required: true description: A comma-separated list of the IDs for the albums schema: type: array items: type: string maximum: 50 responses: '200': description: ok content: application/json: schema: description: >- JSON array of true or false values, in the same order in which the ids were specified. type: object properties: IsFound: type: array items: type: boolean description: true or false if found album saved '400': description: Invalid ID content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' /me/tracks/contains: get: tags: - Library security: - bearerAuth: [] summary: Check User's Saved tracks description: Checks if the tracks with the given ID's are saved parameters: - name: ids in: query required: true description: A comma-separated list of the IDs for the tracks schema: type: array items: type: string maximum: 50 responses: '200': description: ok content: application/json: schema: description: >- JSON array of true or false values, in the same order in which the ids were specified. type: object properties: IsFound: type: array items: type: boolean description: true or false if found album saved '400': description: Invalid ID content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' /me/tracks: put: tags: - Library security: - bearerAuth: [] summary: Save Tracks for Current User parameters: - name: IDs in: query required: true description: the IDs of the Tracks to be saved schema: type: array items: type: string maximum: 50 responses: '200': description: Tracks Saved content: application/json: schema: description: >- The saved tracks inside a paging object. The offset-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SavedTrack' limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The maximum number of items available to return '400': description: Invalid ID content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '403': description: forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '404': description: The specified resource was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' delete: tags: - Library security: - bearerAuth: [] summary: Remove Saved Tracks for Current User parameters: - name: IDs in: query required: true description: the IDs of the Tracks to be removed schema: type: array items: type: string maximum: 50 responses: '204': description: Tracks removed successfully '400': description: bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '403': description: forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '404': description: The specified resource was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' get: tags: - Library summary: Get Current User's Saved tracks security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - name: limit in: query description: The maximum number of tracks to return. schema: type: integer default: 20 minimum: 1 maximum: 50 - name: offset in: query description: The index of the first track to return. schema: type: integer default: 0 responses: '200': description: list of playlist of the user content: application/json: schema: description: >- The offset-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like previous, next and limit that can be useful in future calls. type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SavedTrack' description: the Requested releases limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The total number of items available to return '400': description: bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/browse/categories/{categoryId}': get: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Browse summary: Get Category of specific Id parameters: - name: categoryId in: path required: true schema: type: string description: Id of the Category responses: '200': description: the response body contains category object in JSON format. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CategorySimple' '400': description: Invalid ID content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '404': description: The specified resource was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/browse/categories/{category_id}/playlists': get: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Browse summary: Get Category's Playlists of specific Id parameters: - name: category_id in: path required: true schema: type: string description: Id of the Category - name: limit in: query description: The maximum number of items to return. schema: type: integer default: 20 minimum: 1 maximum: 50 - name: offset in: query description: The index of the first item to return. schema: type: integer default: 0 responses: '200': description: >- the response body contains array of Simplified Playlist objects in JSON format. content: application/json: schema: description: >- The offset-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like previous, next and limit that can be useful in future calls. type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PlaylistSimple' description: the requested playlists limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The total number of items available to return '400': description: Invalid ID content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '404': description: The specified resource was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' /browse/categories: get: tags: - Browse summary: Get List of Categories parameters: - name: offset in: query description: The index of the first item to return. schema: type: integer default: 0 - name: limit in: query description: The maximum number of items to return. schema: type: integer default: 20 minimum: 1 maximum: 50 responses: '200': description: >- the response body contains array of Simplified Playlist objects in JSON format. content: application/json: schema: description: >- The offset-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like previous, next and limit that can be useful in future calls. type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CategorySimple' description: the requested categories limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The total number of items available to return '400': description: Invalid ID content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '404': description: The specified resource was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' /browse/new-releases: get: tags: - Browse summary: Get a List of New Releases parameters: - name: offset in: query description: The index of the first item to return. schema: type: integer default: 0 - name: limit in: query description: The maximum number of items to return. schema: type: integer default: 20 minimum: 1 maximum: 50 responses: '200': description: the response body contains array of album objects in JSON format. content: application/json: schema: description: >- The offset-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like previous, next and limit that can be useful in future calls. type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AlbumSimple' description: the Requested releases limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The total number of items available to return '400': description: Invalid ID content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '404': description: The specified resource was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/playlists/{playlist_id}': get: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Playlists summary: Get Playlist of specific Id parameters: - name: playlist_id in: path required: true schema: type: string description: Id of the Playlist responses: '200': description: the response body contains Playlist object in JSON format. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PlaylistSimple' '400': description: Invalid ID content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '403': description: The specified resource was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '404': description: The specified resource was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' put: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Playlists summary: change playlist details parameters: - name: playlist_id in: path required: true schema: type: string description: Id of the Playlist requestBody: description: tracks to be added content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: description: the new name for the playlist type: string public: type: boolean description: >- If true the playlist will be public, if false it will be private. index. collaborative: type: boolean description: >- If true , the playlist will become collaborative and other users will be able to modify the playlist in their client. description: type: string description: >- Value for playlist description as displayed in Clients and in the Web API. image/png: type: string format: binary description: the image of the playlist responses: '200': description: Update completed content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PlaylistSimple' '400': description: Invalid ID content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '403': description: forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '404': description: The specified resource was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks': delete: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Playlists summary: Remove a Playlist's Tracks parameters: - name: playlist_id in: path required: true schema: type: string description: Id of the Playlist - name: Tracks in: query description: >- Tracks to be removed from playlist and should be sent in body api doesnot support that schema: type: object properties: URIs: type: array items: type: string responses: '204': description: Tracks removed successfully and the response body is empty '400': description: Invalid ID content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '403': description: forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '404': description: The specified resource was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' get: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Playlists summary: Get a Playlist's Tracks parameters: - name: playlist_id in: path required: true schema: type: string description: Id of the Playlist - name: limit in: query description: The maximum number of tracks to return. schema: type: integer default: 100 minimum: 1 maximum: 100 - name: offset in: query description: The index of the first track to return. schema: type: integer default: 0 responses: '200': description: the response body contains array of album objects in JSON format. content: application/json: schema: description: >- The offset-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like previous, next and limit that can be useful in future calls. type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Track' description: the Requested releases limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The total number of items available to return '400': description: Invalid ID content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '403': description: forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '404': description: The specified resource was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' post: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Playlists summary: Add tracks to a specific playlist parameters: - name: playlist_id in: path required: true schema: type: string description: Id of the Playlist - name: position in: query schema: type: integer description: 'The position to insert the tracks, a zero-based index.' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uris: type: array items: type: string responses: '204': description: tracks has been added and the response body is empty '400': description: Invalid ID content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '403': description: forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '404': description: The specified resource was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' put: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Playlists summary: ReOrder Playlists Tracks parameters: - name: playlist_id in: path required: true schema: type: string description: Id of the Playlist requestBody: required: true description: info about Reorder a Playlist's Tracks content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: range_start: type: integer description: The position of the first track to be reordered range_length: type: integer description: >- The amount of tracks to be reordered.The range of tracks to be reordered begins from the range_start position, and includes the range_length subsequent tracks default: 1 insert_before: type: integer description: >- The position where the tracks should be inserted.To reorder the tracks to the end of the playlist, simply set insert_before to the position after the last track. responses: '204': description: tracks has been ReOrdered '400': description: Invalid ID content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '403': description: forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '404': description: The specified resource was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' /me/playlits: get: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Playlists summary: Get a List of current User's Playlists parameters: - name: limit in: query description: The maximum number of playlists to return. schema: type: integer default: 20 minimum: 1 maximum: 50 - name: offset in: query description: The index of the first playlist to return. schema: type: integer default: 0 maximum: 100000 responses: '200': description: list of playlist of the user content: application/json: schema: description: >- The offset-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like previous, next and limit that can be useful in future calls. type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PlaylistSimple' description: the Requested releases limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The total number of items available to return '400': description: bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/playlists/{playlist_id}/images': get: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Playlists summary: Get Playlist Cover Image parameters: - name: playlist_id in: path required: true schema: type: string description: Id of the playlist responses: '200': description: the cover image of the playlist content: application/json: schema: properties: image: type: string '400': description: Invalid ID content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '403': description: forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '404': description: The specified resource was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' put: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Playlists summary: Upload a Custom Playlist Cover Image parameters: - name: playlist_id in: path required: true schema: type: string description: Id of the playlist requestBody: content: image/png: schema: type: string format: binary responses: '202': description: Accepted but not completed '204': description: successful and the response body is empty '400': description: Invalid ID content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '403': description: forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '404': description: The specified resource was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks/Replace': put: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Playlists summary: Replace a playlist's tracks parameters: - name: playlist_id in: path required: true schema: type: string description: Id of the playlist requestBody: description: info about Reorder a Playlist's Tracks content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uris: type: array description: uris of the tracks items: type: string responses: '204': description: Replaced track in playlist '400': description: Invalid ID content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '403': description: forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '404': description: The specified resource was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/users/{user_id}/playlists': post: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Playlists summary: create a playlist parameters: - name: user_id in: path required: true schema: type: string description: Id of the user creating the playlist requestBody: required: true description: info of Playlist content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: description: the new name for the playlist type: string public: type: boolean description: >- If true the playlist will be public, if false it will be private. index. default: true collaborative: type: boolean description: >- If true , the playlist will become collaborative and other users will be able to modify the playlist in their client. default: false description: type: string description: >- Value for playlist description as displayed in Clients and in the Web API. image/png: type: string format: binary description: the image of the playlist responses: '200': description: playlist created content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PlaylistSimple' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/InvalidId' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' get: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Playlists summary: Get a List of a User's Playlists parameters: - name: user_id in: path required: true schema: type: string description: Id of the user - name: limit in: query description: The maximum number of playlists to return. schema: type: integer default: 20 minimum: 1 maximum: 50 - name: offset in: query description: The index of the first playlist to return. schema: type: integer default: 0 maximum: 100000 responses: '200': description: list of playlist of the user content: application/json: schema: description: >- The offset-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like previous, next and limit that can be useful in future calls. type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PlaylistSimple' description: the Requested releases limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The total number of items available to return '400': description: bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' /users/signup: post: tags: - UsersAuth description: Create new user account requestBody: description: Account Data content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Signup' responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/Login' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' /users/login: post: tags: - UsersAuth description: Log in requestBody: description: Login with user’s email and password content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Login' responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/Login' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '429': $ref: '#/components/responses/TooManyRequests' /me/verify: post: tags: - UsersAuth description: 'Request two way auth for signup, send email with token to user' responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/Login' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '/users/verify/{token}': patch: tags: - UsersAuth description: >- Two way auth for signup - Change verified attribute is user account to true parameters: - name: token in: path description: Authentication token to verify the user account required: true schema: type: string minLength: 8 responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/Login' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' /users/forgotPassword: post: tags: - UsersAuth description: Forgot user password requestBody: description: User email content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: email: type: string format: email example: [email protected] responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/TokenSentToEmail' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' '/users/resetPassword/{token}': patch: tags: - UsersAuth parameters: - name: token in: path description: Authentication token to verify the user account required: true schema: type: string minLength: 8 description: reset user password requestBody: description: User password and passwordConfirm content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NewPassword' responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/Login' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' /me/updatePassword: patch: tags: - Users Profile description: update user password security: - bearerAuth: [] requestBody: description: User password and passwordConfirm content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdatePassword' responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/Login' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' /me/auth/facebook: patch: tags: - Auth description: Connect or disconnect your user account with facebook. requestBody: description: Facebook access token content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: access_token: description: >- Facebook access token, if passed connect with facebook else disconnect type: string responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/Login' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' /me/auth/google: patch: tags: - Auth description: Connect or disconnect your user account with google. requestBody: description: Google access token content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: access_token: description: >- Google access token, if passed connect with google else disconnect type: string responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/Login' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' /auth/facebook: post: tags: - Auth description: Authentication with facebook requestBody: description: Facebook access token content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: access_token: description: Facebook access token type: string responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/FacebookAuth' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' /auth/google: post: tags: - Auth description: Authentication with google requestBody: description: Google access token content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: access_token: description: Google access token type: string responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/GoogleAuth' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' /me/queue: delete: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Queue description: Delete a track from Queue parameters: - name: queueIndex in: query description: >- Optional. The index of the queue Default 0 must be greater than 0 if `0` get the current queue if `1` get the last queue schema: type: integer default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 1 - name: trackIndex in: query description: >- Optional, the track index to be deleted, must be positive. pass track Index or trackId if nothing passed thow `400` BadRequest if passed both `400` BadRequest schema: type: integer minimum: 0 - name: trackId in: query description: >- Optional, the track id to be deleted, must be positive. pass trackIndex or trackId if nothing passed thow `400` BadRequest if passed both `400` BadRequest schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/Track' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' patch: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Queue description: Edit Track Position parameters: - name: queueIndex in: query description: >- Optional. The index of the queue Default 0 must be greater than 0 if `0` get the current queue if 1 get the last queue schema: type: integer default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 1 - name: trackIndex in: query description: >- Optional, the track index to be moved, zero based, must be positive. pass trackIndex or trackId if nothing passed `400` BadRequest if passed both `400` BadRequest schema: type: integer minimum: 0 - name: trackId in: query description: >- Optional, the track id to be moved, must be positive. pass trackIndex or trackId if nothing passed thow `400` BadRequest if passed both `400` BadRequest schema: type: string format: uuid - name: newIndex in: query required: true description: >- Required, the new track index, zero based, must be positive. if index greater than the queue length `400` BadRequest schema: type: integer minimum: 0 responses: '204': $ref: '#/components/responses/NoContent' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' post: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Queue description: Add an Item to the User's Playback Current Queue parameters: - name: queueIndex in: query description: >- Optional. The index of the queue Default 0 must be greater than 0 if `0` get the current queue if `1` get the last queue schema: type: integer default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 1 - name: deviceId in: query description: >- Optional. The id of the device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user’s currently active device is the target. schema: type: integer - name: trackId in: query required: true description: Track ID to add to queue schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '204': $ref: '#/components/responses/NoContent' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' get: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Queue description: Get User's Playback Queue parameters: - name: queueIndex in: query description: >- Optional. The index of the queue Default 0 must be greater than 0 if `0` get the current queue if 1 get the last queue schema: type: integer default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 1 responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/Queue' '204': $ref: '#/components/responses/NoContent' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' /me/player/volume: put: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Queue description: Set Volume For User's Playback parameters: - name: deviceId in: query description: >- Optional. The id of the device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user’s currently active device is the target. schema: type: integer - name: volumePercent in: query description: >- Required. Integer. The volume to set. Must be a value from 0 to 100 inclusive. schema: minimum: 0 maximum: 100 type: integer responses: '204': $ref: '#/components/responses/NoContent' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /me/player/previous: post: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Queue description: Skip User’s Playback To Previous Track parameters: - name: deviceId in: query description: >- Optional. The id of the device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user’s currently active device is the target. schema: type: integer responses: '204': $ref: '#/components/responses/NoContent' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /me/player/next: post: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Queue description: Skip User’s Playback To Next Track parameters: - name: deviceId in: query description: >- Optional. The id of the device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user’s currently active device is the target. schema: type: integer responses: '204': $ref: '#/components/responses/NoContent' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /me/player/pause: put: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Queue description: Pause a User's Playback parameters: - name: deviceId in: query description: >- Optional. The id of the device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user’s currently active device is the target. schema: type: integer responses: '204': $ref: '#/components/responses/NoContent' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /me/player/seek: put: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Queue description: Seek To Position In Currently Playing Track parameters: - name: positionMs required: true in: query description: >- Required. The position in milliseconds to seek to. Must be a positive number. Passing in a position that is greater than the length of the track will cause the player to start playing the next song. schema: type: integer - name: deviceId in: query description: >- Optional. The id of the device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user’s currently active device is the target. schema: type: integer responses: '204': $ref: '#/components/responses/NoContent' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /me/player/repeat: put: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Queue description: Set Repeat Mode On User’s Playback parameters: - name: state required: true in: query description: >- Required. `track`, `context` or `off`. track will repeat the current track.context will repeat the current context. off will turn repeat off. schema: type: string enum: - track - context - 'off' - name: deviceId in: query description: >- Optional. The id of the device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user’s currently active device is the target. schema: type: integer responses: '204': $ref: '#/components/responses/NoContent' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /me/player/shuffle: put: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Queue description: Toggle Shuffle For User’s Playback parameters: - name: state required: true in: query description: >- Required `true` : Shuffle user’s playback `false` : Do not shuffle user’s playback. schema: type: boolean - name: deviceId in: query description: >- Optional. The id of the device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user’s currently active device is the target. schema: type: integer responses: '204': $ref: '#/components/responses/NoContent' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /me/player: get: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Player description: Get Information About The User's Current Playback responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/CurrentPlayback' '204': $ref: '#/components/responses/NoContent' put: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Player description: Transfer a User's Playback requestBody: description: DeviceIds and play content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TransferPlayback' responses: '204': $ref: '#/components/responses/NoContent' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /me/player/play: put: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Queue description: Start/Resume a User's Playback parameters: - name: deviceId in: query description: >- Optional. The id of the device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user’s currently active device is the target. schema: type: integer - name: queueIndex in: query description: >- Optional. The index of the queue if `0` get the current queue if `1` get the last queue, if not supplied the user’s current queue is the target. schema: type: integer default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 1 requestBody: content: application/json: schema: description: >- Only one of either contextUri or uris can be specified. If neither is present, calling /play will resume playback. If both are present the request will return 400 BAD REQUEST.If contextUri is a Playlist or Album, or when uris is provided, then offset can be added to specify starting track in the context.If the provided contextUri corresponds to an album or playlist object, an offset can be specified either by track uri OR position. If both are present the request will return 400 BAD REQUEST. If incorrect values are provided for position or uri, the request may be accepted but with an unpredictable resulting action on playback. type: object properties: contextUri: type: string format: uri description: >- Optional. Oud URI of the context to play. Valid contexts are albums, artists, playlists. example: context_uri: 'oud:album:1Je1IMUlBXcx1Fz0WE7oPT' uris: description: Optional. A JSON array of the Oud track URIs to play example: - 'oud:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh' - 'oud:track:1301WleyT98MSxVHPZCA6M' type: array items: type: string format: uri offset: type: object description: >- Optional. Indicates from where in the context playback should start. Only available when contextUri corresponds to an album or playlist object, or when the uris parameter is used.`position` is zero based and can’t be negative. Example: "offset": {"position": 5}. “uri” is a string representing the uri of the item to start at. Example: 'offset': {"uri": "oud:track:1301WleyT98MSxVHPZCA6M"} positionMs: description: >- Optional. Indicates from what position to start playback. Must be a positive number. Passing in a position that is greater than the length of the track will cause the player to start playing the next song. type: integer responses: '204': $ref: '#/components/responses/NoContent' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' /me/player/currently-playing: get: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Player description: Get the User's Currently Playing Track responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/CurrentlyPlaying' '204': $ref: '#/components/responses/NoContent' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' /me/player/recently-played: get: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Player description: Get Current User's Recently Played Tracks parameters: - name: limit in: query description: >- Optional. The maximum number of items to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50. schema: type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 50 default: 20 - name: after in: query description: >- Optional. A Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Returns all items after (but not including) this cursor position. If after is specified, before must not be specified. schema: type: integer format: Unix Millisecond - name: before in: query description: >- Optional. A Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Returns all items before (but not including) this cursor position. If before is specified, after must not be specified. schema: type: integer format: Unix Millisecond responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/PlayHistory' '204': $ref: '#/components/responses/NoContent' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' /me/player/devices: get: security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - Player description: Get a User's Available Devices responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/ListOfDevices' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' components: schemas: UserWithToken: type: object properties: token: type: string user: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserPrivate' TransferPlayback: type: object description: TransferPlayback body request required: - deviceIds properties: deviceIds: description: >- Required. A JSON array containing the ID of the device on which playback should be started/transferred. For example: `{deviceIds:["74ASZWbe4lXaubB36ztrGX"]}` Note: Although an array is accepted, only a single deviceId is currently supported. Supplying more than one will return `400` Bad Request type: array items: type: string play: description: >- Optional. `true`: ensure playback happens on new device.`false`: keep the current playback state. type: boolean Artist: type: object description: Artist Full Object properties: _id: type: string description: The unique ID of the Artist followersCount: type: integer description: Information about the number of followers of the artist. minimum: 0 genres: type: array items: type: string description: >- A list of the genres the artist is associated with. For example: `"Prog Rock"` , `"Post-Grunge"`. (If not yet classified, the array is empty.) images: type: array items: type: string format: url description: 'The source URL of the image (Profile, Cover).' name: type: string description: The name of the artist. bio: type: string description: a biography or short biographical profile of the artist. popularSongs: type: array description: Array of popular Tracks of the artist items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Track' type: type: string description: 'The object type: `"artist"`' ArtistSimple: type: object description: Artist Simple Object properties: _id: type: string description: The unique ID of the Artist name: type: string description: The name of the artist. type: type: string description: 'The object type: "artist"' image: type: string format: url description: The Artist profile picture AlbumSimple: type: object description: Album Simple Object properties: _id: type: string description: Unique ID of the album album_type: type: string description: >- the type of the album: one of the following 'single', 'album' or 'compilation' album_group: type: string description: >- The field is present when getting an artist’s albums. Possible values are “album”, “single”, “compilation”, “appears_on”. Compare to `album_type` this field represents relationship between the artist and the album. artists: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ArtistSimple' description: >- The artists of the album. Each artist object includes a link in href to more detailed information about the artist. image: type: string description: The source url of the image name: type: string description: The name of the album type: type: string description: The object type "album" Track: type: object description: Track Full Object properties: _id: type: string description: The unique Id of the track name: type: string description: The name of the Track. artists: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ArtistSimple' description: The artists who performed the track. albumId: type: string description: The id of the album of the track. album: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AlbumSimple' type: type: string description: The object type i.e “track” duartion: type: integer description: The duartion of the song in ms views: type: integer description: The number of times someone listened to this track TrackSimple: type: object description: Simple Track Object properties: _id: type: string description: The unique Id of the track name: type: string description: The name of the Track. artists: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ArtistSimple' description: The artists who performed the track. type: type: string description: The object type i.e “track” duartion: type: integer description: The duartion of the song in ms views: type: integer description: The number of times someone listened to this track Paging: description: >- The offset-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like total, offset and limit that can be useful in future calls. type: object properties: items: type: array items: type: object description: The requested data. limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The maximum number of items available to return UserPublic: type: object description: Some information of the user properties: _id: description: The unique ID of the user. type: string format: uuid example: 5a2539b41c574006c46f1a07 displayName: description: User Display Name type: string format: string followersCount: type: integer images: description: The user’s profile images. type: array items: type: string nullable: true verified: description: false if user is not verified else true type: boolean default: false nullable: false type: description: 'The object type: “user”' type: string UserPrivate: type: object description: All information of the user required: - _id - username - email - displayName - role properties: _id: description: The unique ID of the user. type: string format: uuid example: 5a2539b41c574006c46f1a07 username: description: >- The user’s username, as entered by the user when creating their account. type: string format: string minLength: 5 maxLength: 30 birthDate: type: string format: date nullable: true gender: type: string enum: - F - M email: description: >- The user’s email address, as entered by the user when creating their account. type: string format: email example: [email protected] displayName: description: User Display Name type: string format: string role: description: User System Role type: string format: string enum: - free - premium - artist country: description: User Country Name type: string format: ISO Alpha 2 minLength: 2 maxLength: 2 example: EG nullable: true credit: description: Oud Coins that can be used to purchase Premium Plan type: integer default: 0 plan: description: >- This takes the date of the end of the premium plan or `null` if the user is on the free plan type: string format: date nullable: true default: null images: description: The user’s profile images. type: array items: type: string nullable: true followersCount: description: Information about the count of followers of the user. type: integer minimum: 0 verified: description: false if user is not verified else true type: boolean default: false nullable: false Artist: description: Information about the artist of this user if the role is artist nullable: true $ref: '#/components/schemas/Artist' facebook_id: description: Google Authentication id nullable: true type: string google_id: description: Google Authentication id nullable: true type: string type: description: 'The object type: “user”' type: string Genre: type: object properties: _id: type: string description: Unique ID of the genre name: type: string description: name of the genre Album: type: object properties: _id: type: string description: Unique ID of the album album_type: type: string description: >- the type of the album: one of the following 'single', 'album' or 'compilation' artists: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ArtistSimple' description: >- The artists of the album. Each artist object includes a link in href to more detailed information about the artist. genres: type: array items: type: string description: >- A list of the genres used to classify the album. i.e. `"Prog Rock"`, `"PostGrunge"`. (If not yet classified, the array is empty.) image: type: string description: The source url of the image name: type: string description: The name of the album release_date: type: string format: date description: >- The date the album was first released, for example 1981. Depending on the precision, it might be shown as `1981-12` or `1981-12-15` tracks: type: object description: The album tracks inside a paging object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrackSimple' limit: type: integer description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). offset: type: integer description: >- The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default). total: type: integer description: The maximum number of items available to return type: type: string description: The object type `"album"` released: type: boolean description: determines if the album is released for public or private Category: type: object properties: _id: type: string description: the unique ID of Category name: type: string description: the name of the category icon: type: string description: the source URl of the Icon playlists: type: array items: type: string description: The IDs of playlists of that category. CategorySimple: type: object properties: _id: type: string description: the unique ID of Category name: type: string description: the name of the category icon: type: string description: the source URl of the Icon Error: type: object properties: status: type: string message: type: string required: - status - message SavedAlbum: type: object properties: added_at: type: string description: The date and time the album was saved. format: date-time album: description: Information about the album. type: object properties: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Album' SavedTrack: type: object properties: added_at: type: string description: The date and time the track was saved. format: date-time track: description: Information about the track. type: object properties: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Track' PlaylistSimple: type: object properties: _id: type: string description: The unique ID of the Playlist name: type: string description: The name of the Playlist. owner: type: string description: the user ID who owns the Playlist tracks: type: array description: tracks ids in the playlist items: type: string collaborative: type: boolean description: true if user allows other users to modify the Playlist description: type: string description: >- The Playlist Description. Only returned for modified,verified playlists,otherwise nullz public: type: boolean description: The Playlist's Public/Private state image: type: string description: The image of the playlist nullable: true type: type: string description: 'The object type: `"Playlist"`' Playlist: type: object properties: _id: type: string description: The unique ID of the Playlist name: type: string description: The name of the Playlist. owner: type: string description: the user ID who owns the Playlist collaborative: type: boolean description: true if user allows other users to modify the Playlist description: type: string description: >- The Playlist Description. Only returned for modified,verified playlists,otherwise null followersCount: type: integer description: Information about the followers of the artist. minimum: 0 tracks: type: array description: Information about the tracks of the Playlist items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Track' image: type: string description: The image of the playlist nullable: true public: type: boolean description: The Playlist's Public/Private state type: type: string description: 'The object type: `"Playlist"`' PlaylistTrack: type: object properties: added_at: type: string description: te date and time the track was created format: date-time added_by: type: string description: the user who added the track track: description: information about track type: object properties: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Track' Signup: type: object required: - username - email - password - passwordConfirm - displayName - role - country properties: username: description: >- REQUIRED - The user’s username, as entered by the user when creating their account. type: string format: string minLength: 5 maxLength: 30 birthDate: description: 'OPTIONAL - The user`s birthdate, must be at least 10 years old' type: string format: date nullable: true email: description: >- REQUIRED - The user’s email address, as entered by the user when creating their account. type: string format: email example: [email protected] password: description: REQUIRED - The user’s password type: string format: password minLength: 8 passwordConfirm: description: REQUIRED - The user’s password confirm type: string format: password minLength: 8 displayName: description: REQUIRED - User Display Name type: string format: string role: description: REQUIRED - User System Role type: string format: string enum: - free - premium - artist country: description: User Country Name type: string format: ISO Alpha 2 minLength: 2 maxLength: 2 example: EG gender: type: string enum: - F - M Login: type: object required: - email - password properties: email: description: >- REQUIRED - The user’s email address, as entered by the user when creating their account. type: string format: email example: [email protected] password: description: REQUIRED - The user’s password type: string format: password minLength: 8 Device: type: object required: - id - isActive - name - type properties: id: type: string description: The device ID. This may be `null`. nullable: true isActive: type: boolean description: If this device is the currently active device. isPrivateSession: description: If this device is currently in a private session. type: boolean name: type: string description: The name of the device. type: type: string default: Unknown enum: - Computer - Tablet - Smartphone - Speaker - TV - AVR - STB - AudioDongle - GameConsole - CastVideo - CastAudio - Automobile - Unknown description: 'Device type, such as `Computer`, `Smartphone` or `Speaker`.' volumePercent: type: integer description: The current volume in percent. This may be null. nullable: true minimum: 0 maximum: 100 NewPassword: type: object required: - password - passwordConfirm properties: password: description: REQUIRED - The user’s new password type: string format: password minLength: 8 passwordConfirm: description: REQUIRED - The user’s new password confirm type: string format: password minLength: 8 UpdatePassword: type: object required: - currentPassword - password - passwordConfirm properties: currentPassword: description: REQUIRED - The user’s current password type: string format: password minLength: 8 password: description: REQUIRED - The user’s new password type: string format: password minLength: 8 passwordConfirm: description: REQUIRED - The user’s new password confirm type: string format: password minLength: 8 Disallows: type: object description: >- The following actions may be included in the list of disallows, depending on the current context. If an action is included in the disallows object and set to true, that action is not allowed (disallowed = true equals not allowed).If an action is not included in the disallows object or set to false or undefined, that action is allowed (disallowed = false equals allowed).For example, skipping_next, skipping_prev and seeking will be set to true while playing an ad track, meaning that users cannot skip or seek at this point in time. properties: interrupting_playback: type: boolean pausing: type: boolean resuming: type: boolean seeking: type: boolean skipping_next: type: boolean skipping_prev: type: boolean toggling_repeat_context: type: boolean toggling_shuffle: type: boolean toggling_repeat_track: type: boolean transferring_playback: type: boolean Context: type: object description: Context Object required: - type - id properties: type: type: string enum: - album - artist - playlist - unknown default: unknwon id: type: string CurrentlyPlayingContext: type: object description: Current Playing Context properties: device: description: The device that is currently active $ref: '#/components/schemas/Device' progressMs: description: >- Progress into the currently playing track. Can be null (e.g. If private session is enabled this will be null). type: integer format: Unix Millisecond nullable: true isPlaying: description: If something is currently playing. type: boolean shuffleState: description: If shuffle is on or off type: boolean repeatState: description: 'off, track, context' type: string enum: - 'off' - track - context currentlyPlayingType: description: >- The object type of the currently playing item. Can be one of track, ad or unknown. type: string default: unknown enum: - track - ad - unknown item: description: >- The currently playing track. Can be null (e.g. If private session is enabled this will be null). $ref: '#/components/schemas/Track' actions: description: >- Allows to update the user interface based on which playback actions are available within the current context $ref: '#/components/schemas/Disallows' context: description: >- A Context Object. Can be null (e.g. If private session is enabled this will be null). $ref: '#/components/schemas/Context' CurrentlyPlaying: type: object description: Current Playing Context properties: track: description: >- The currently playing track. Can be null (e.g. If private session is enabled this will be null). $ref: '#/components/schemas/Track' context: description: >- A Context Object. Can be null (e.g. If private session is enabled this will be null). $ref: '#/components/schemas/Context' PlayHistory: type: object description: Play history required: - items - limit properties: items: description: The requested data. type: array items: type: object properties: playedAt: description: The date and time the track was played. type: string format: date-time context: description: The context the track was played from. $ref: '#/components/schemas/Context' limit: description: >- The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default). type: integer Queue: type: object description: User Queue required: - tracks - total properties: tracks: type: array description: The track IDs. items: type: string format: uuid total: type: integer description: The tracks number UserDataForFacebook: type: object properties: facebook_id: type: string email: type: string gender: type: string enum: - M - F displayName: type: string images: type: array description: user images items: type: string birthDate: type: string format: date UserDataForGoogle: type: object properties: google_id: type: string email: type: string displayName: type: string images: type: array description: user images items: type: string responses: FacebookAuth: description: >- Facebook Auth response. send user account and x-auth-token if user is already exists. else send user data to signup headers: x-auth-token: description: Authentication token schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserWithToken' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserDataForFacebook' GoogleAuth: description: >- Google Auth response. send user account and x-auth-token if user is already exists. else send user data to signup headers: x-auth-token: description: Authentication token schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserWithToken' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserDataForGoogle' InvalidId: description: Invalid ID content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' CreateSendToken: description: >- Created - The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new resource being created. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: token: type: string user: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserPrivate' TokenSentToEmail: description: OK - The token sent to email headers: x-auth-token: description: Authentication token schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: status: type: string example: '200' message: type: string example: Token sent to email! Login: description: >- OK - The request has succeeded. The client can read the result of the request in the body and the headers of the response. headers: x-auth-token: description: Authentication token schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: token: type: string user: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserPrivate' PlayHistory: description: >- OK - The request has succeeded. The client can read the result of the request in the body and the headers of the response. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PlayHistory' CurrentPlayback: description: >- OK - The request has succeeded. The client can read the result of the request in the body and the headers of the response. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CurrentlyPlayingContext' NoContent: description: No Content - The request has succeeded but returns no message body. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' BadRequest: description: >- Bad Request - The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The message body will contain more information. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' InternalError: description: Internal Server Error. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' TooManyRequests: description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' NotFound: description: Not Found - The requested resource could not be found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' Unauthorized: description: >- Unauthorized - The request requires user authentication or, if the request included authorization credentials, authorization has been refused for those credentials. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' Forbidden: description: >- Forbidden - The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' PartialContent: description: >- OK - The server is successfully fulfilling a range request for the target resource by transferring one or more parts of the selected representation that correspond to the satisfiable ranges found in the request's Range header field Queue: description: >- OK - The request has succeeded. The client can read the result of the request in the body and the headers of the response. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Queue' CurrentlyPlayingContext: description: >- OK - The request has succeeded. The client can read the result of the request in the body and the headers of the response. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CurrentlyPlayingContext' CurrentlyPlaying: description: >- OK - The request has succeeded. The client can read the result of the request in the body and the headers of the response. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CurrentlyPlaying' ListOfDevices: description: >- OK - The request has succeeded. The client can read the result of the request in the body and the headers of the response. content: application/json: schema: type: array description: List of all devices items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Device' Track: description: >- OK - The request has succeeded. The client can read the result of the request in the body and the headers of the response. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Track' securitySchemes: bearerAuth: type: http scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT
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g8client__dubai: g8.url: 'g8.greenitglobe.com' g8.login: 'your-g8-login' g8.password: 'your-g8-passowrd' g8.account: 'your-g8-account' ovc_user__%3$s: g8.client.name: '%1$s' username: '%3$s' email: '%4$s' provider: '%5$s' vdc__%2$s: g8.client.name: '%1$s' maxMemoryCapacity: 2 maxVDiskCapacity: 10 maxCPUCapacity: 2 maxNASCapacity: 20 maxArchiveCapacity: 20 maxNetworkOptTransfer: 5 maxNetworkPeerTransfer: 15 maxNumPublicIP: 1 ovc_user: - '%3$s'
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- sitename: GitHub name: 0-error url: https://github.com/0-error - sitename: 博客 name: Isab's blog url: https://0-error.github.io
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# ---------------- # # Main Configs # # ---------------- # baseurl: url: https://0-error.github.io date_format: "ordinal" title: IsaBlue's Blog subtitle: "Isab's blog" description: "Isab's blog" keywords: Isab, blog timezone: Asia/Shanghai encoding: "utf-8" side_bar_repo_limit: 5 repository: 0-error/0-error.github.io # 对 css 和 js 资源的 cdn 加速配置 cdn: jsdelivr: enabled: true # 组件配置 components: # 分享 share: enabled: false # 不蒜子访问统计 busuanzi: enabled: true start_date: 2020-05-03 # 压缩页面内容 compress_html: clippings: all comments: ["<!--", "-->"] # 文章字数统计 word_count: enabled: true # 代码高亮风格,支持的 theme 列表见 https://github.com/mzlogin/rouge-themes highlight_theme: github # ---------------- # # Author # # ---------------- # author: Isab organization: organization_url: github_username: 0-error location: Shanghai, China email: [email protected] # ---------------- # # Navigation # # ---------------- # navs: - href: / label: 首页 - href: /categories/ label: 分类 # - # href: /archives/ # label: 归档 # - # href: /open-source/ # label: 开源 - href: /about/ label: 关于 # ---------------- # # RSS # # ---------------- # subscribe_rss: /feed.xml # ---------------- # # Jekyll # # ---------------- # markdown: kramdown kramdown: input: GFM highlighter: rouge paginate: 10 lsi: false quiet: false excerpt_separator: "\n\n" permalink: /:year/:month/:day/:title/ plugins: - jekyll-github-metadata - rouge # - jekyll-html-pipeline - jekyll-paginate - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-feed - jemoji # - jekyll-mentions collections: wiki: output: false permalink: /wiki/:path/ # ---------------- # # Comments # # ---------------- # # support provider: disqus, gitment, gitalk comments_provider: gitalk # !!!重要!!! 请修改下面这些信息为你自己申请的 # !!!Important!!! Please modify infos below to yours # https://disqus.com disqus: username: # https://imsun.net/posts/gitment-introduction/ gitment: owner: repo: blog- oauth: client_id: client_secret: # https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk#install gitalk: owner: 0-error repo: blog-comments clientID: a3bca15c78547e2e54fe clientSecret: 920f80ff3c875491ebee82d95d7c9ed86784a054 # 在使用其它评论组件时可点击显示 Disqus lazy_load_disqus : false # ---------------- # # Search # # ---------------- # simple_jekyll_search: # 是否支持全文搜索 fulltext: false # 最多显示多少条搜索结果 limit: 10 # ---------------- # # Google # # ---------------- # # google: # analytics_id: UA-80669434-1 # adsense: # footer: true # sidebar: true # content_header: true # content_footer: false
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- name: Information Security Keywords keywords: - Web Penetration - Android app analysis - Intranet penetration - name: Software Engineer Keywords keywords: - Python - Java
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# Syntax highlighting highlighter: rouge # Permalinks permalink: /:title # Setup timezone: your timezone # eg. Asia/Kathmandu locale: en_us # eg. en_us name: 0 Experience title: 0 Experience tagline: 'tagline' description: 'description' url: 0-experience.github.io rss: rss feed url baseurl: '' baseurl_posts_img: '/assets/images/posts/' baseurl_featured_img: '/assets/images/hero/' baseurl_featured_thumbnail: '/assets/images/thumbnail/' baseurl_javascripts: '/assets/javascripts/' icon: '/assets/images/favicon.png' disqus: lucas-m-braz # get it on https://disqus.com/admin/ author: name: Lotus Vi Britannia url: 0-experience.github.io facebook: username twitter: username google_plus: username linkedin: username dribbble: username pinterest: username kiva: username fb_admins: your facebook profile id fb_appid: your facebook app id # Server destination: ./_site exclude: [".editorconfig", ".gitignore", "bower.json", "composer.json", "CONTRIBUTING.md", "CNAME", "LICENSE", "Gruntfile.js", "package.json", "node_modules", "README.md", "sass", "haml"] port: 9001 defaults: - scope: path: "_posts" type: "posts" values: layout: "default"
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
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[ "Apache-2.0" ]
name: Lint on: push: branches: - master - dev paths-ignore: - '**.md' pull_request: branches: - master - dev paths-ignore: - '**.md' jobs: golangci: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: - ubuntu-latest - macos-latest # - windows-latest name: lint runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} steps: - uses: actions/setup-go@v3 - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: golangci-lint uses: golangci/golangci-lint-action@v3 with: version: v1.45 args: -E gofumpt -E gocritic -E misspell -E revive -E godot
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
name: Tests-poll_opt on: push: branches: - master - dev paths-ignore: - '**.md' pull_request: branches: - master - dev paths-ignore: - '**.md' env: GO111MODULE: on GOPROXY: "https://proxy.golang.org" jobs: test: name: Go-Test strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: go: [1.16.x, 1.17.x] os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest] runs-on: ${{ matrix.os}} steps: - name: Installing Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ matrix.go }} - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Print Go environment id: vars run: | printf "Using go at: $(which go)\n" printf "Go version: $(go version)\n" printf "\n\nGo environment:\n\n" go env printf "\n\nSystem environment:\n\n" env # Calculate the short SHA1 hash of the git commit echo "::set-output name=short_sha::$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" echo "::set-output name=go_cache::$(go env GOCACHE)" - name: Cache go modules uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: | ${{ steps.vars.outputs.go_cache }} ~/go/pkg/mod key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.go }}-go-ci-${{ hashFiles('**/go.sum') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.go }}-go-ci - name: Run integration testing with poll_opt build tag run: go test -v -tags=poll_opt -timeout 3m
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
title: Youngjun's Blog description: I will post my project. disqus_shortname: reading_time: true words_per_minute: 200 # Your site's domain goes here (eg: https://mmistakes.github.io, http://yourdomain.com, etc) # When testing locally leave blank or use http://localhost:4000 url: https://0-jun.github.io/jun/ # Owner/author information owner: name: Youngjun avatar: avatar.jpg bio: "Your bio goes here. It shouldn't be super long but a good sentence or two should suffice." email: [email protected] # Social networking links used in footer. Update and remove as you like. twitter: facebook: github: stackexchange: linkedin: instagram: flickr: tumblr: # google plus id, include the '+', eg +mmistakes google_plus: # Background image to be tiled on all pages background: # Analytics and webmaster tools stuff goes here google_analytics: google_verify: # https://ssl.bing.com/webmaster/configure/verify/ownership Option 2 content= goes here bing_verify: # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones timezone: America/New_York future: false # publish future dated posts -- true, false (default) highlighter: rouge markdown: kramdown plugins: - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-paginate - jekyll-gist - jekyll-feed sass: sass_dir: _sass style: compressed # https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/wiki/Permalinks permalink: /:categories/:title/ # Amount of post to show on home page paginate: 5 kramdown: input: GFM auto_ids: true footnote_nr: 1 entity_output: as_char toc_levels: 1..6 enable_coderay: false include: - .htaccess exclude: - "*.less" - "*.sublime-project" - "*.sublime-workspace" - .asset-cache - .bundle - .jekyll-assets-cache - .sass-cache - CHANGELOG - Capfile - Gemfile - Gruntfile.js - LICENSE - README - Rakefile - config - gulpfile.js - lib - log - node_modules - package.json - spec - tmp
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
total_seats: 598 majority: 300 threshold_hurdle: 0.05 sample_size: 10000 poll_url: 'https://www.wahlrecht.de/umfragen/index.htm' caching_filename: '../dat/polls_cached.html' election_day: '2021-09-26' uncertainty: 0.1 decay_parameter: 1.1
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
Battery: chargeEfficiency: 0.95 dischargeEfficiency: 0.95 selfDischarge: 0.002 ratioE2P: 2 initialBatteryCapacity: 0 size: 4 totalbatteryCycles: 8000 replacementCostFactor: 0.25 PV: size: 9 irradiation: 1253 performanceRatio: 0.84 gamma: 0.9 Policy: fixedFIT: 0.123 flatRateElectricityTariff: 0.29 electricityWholesale: 0.0563 taxes: 0.0371 componentLevyFIT: 0.0768 isCapacity: False isRTP: False isVFIT: False capacityCase: networkCharge: 0 fixedCapacity: 204 volumetricCase: networkCharge: 0.0569 fixedCapacity: 66 Economics: discount: 0.05 lifetime: 20 invest_PV: 1280 invest_Bat: 1300 oAndM_PV: 0.01 oAndM_Bat: 0.02 VAT: 1.19 scalingFactorPV: -0.063 scalingFactorBattery: -0.153 optimizationForesightHours: 24
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: Python package on: [push] env: CONFIG_PATH: ./examples/config.yml jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: python-version: ["3.8", "3.9", "3.10"] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }} uses: actions/setup-python@v3 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }} - name: Install dependencies run: | python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install flake8 pytest if [ -f requirements.txt ]; then pip install -r requirements.txt; fi - name: set pythonpath run: | echo "PYTHONPATH=home/runner/work/" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Lint with flake8 run: | # stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics # exit-zero treats all errors as warnings. The GitHub editor is 127 chars wide flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics - name: Test with pytest run: | python -m pytest --import-mode=append test/
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# Site Info title: 0-Ki tagline: '' description: '너무 INTP' baseurl: "" url: https://0-ki.github.io/ logo: '/public/0-Ki logo.png' # Site configurations gems: - jekyll-paginate markdown: kramdown kramdown: input: GFM excerpt_separator: "<!-- more -->" sass: style: compressed sass_dir: _scss paginate: 5 paginate_path: '/blog/page:num' permalink: pretty version: 1.0.0 # About/contact author: name: 빵키 description: <strong>developer</strong> gravatar: 3c2986ad7ac1f2230ea3596f44563328 # md5 hash of your email address contact: # linkedin: github: https://github.com/0-ki # facebook: <hide> # twitter: # weibo: email: # Navigation (2nd level links supported) nav: Home: - '/' 글: - '/blog/' - { Categories: '/blog/categories/' } - { Tags: '/blog/tags/' } About: - '/about/' Github Project: - 'http://0-ki.github.io/' # Where are tags and categories displayed tag_page: '/blog/tags/' category_page: '/blog/categories/' hero: image: /public/img/aa.jpg caption: Original Artwork &copy; <a href="http://yalestewart.deviantart.com/art/We-Will-Be-Giants-370176475">Yale Stewart</a> # Puglins mathjax: true # whether support mathjax google_analytics_token: 'UA-00000000-1' # leave blank if you don't want google analytics disqus_short_name: 'your_short_name' # leave blank if you don't want disqus
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# This is the default format. # For more see: https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/wiki/Permalinks permalink: /:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title exclude: [".rvmrc", ".rbenv-version", "README.md", "Rakefile", "changelog.md"] auto: true pygments: true # Themes are encouraged to use these universal variables # so be sure to set them if your theme uses them. # title : 0-o-0's farmland tagline: Site Tagline author : name : 0-o-0 email : [email protected] github : 0-o-0 twitter : lichunqi feedburner : feedname # The production_url is only used when full-domain names are needed # such as sitemap.txt # Most places will/should use BASE_PATH to make the urls # # If you have set a CNAME (pages.github.com) set your custom domain here. # Else if you are pushing to username.github.io, replace with your username. # Finally if you are pushing to a GitHub project page, include the project name at the end. # production_url : http://username.github.io # All Jekyll-Bootstrap specific configurations are namespaced into this hash # JB : version : 0.3.0 # All links will be namespaced by BASE_PATH if defined. # Links in your website should always be prefixed with {{BASE_PATH}} # however this value will be dynamically changed depending on your deployment situation. # # CNAME (http://yourcustomdomain.com) # DO NOT SET BASE_PATH # (urls will be prefixed with "/" and work relatively) # # GitHub Pages (http://username.github.io) # DO NOT SET BASE_PATH # (urls will be prefixed with "/" and work relatively) # # GitHub Project Pages (http://username.github.io/project-name) # # A GitHub Project site exists in the `gh-pages` branch of one of your repositories. # REQUIRED! Set BASE_PATH to: http://username.github.io/project-name # # CAUTION: # - When in Localhost, your site will run from root "/" regardless of BASE_PATH # - Only the following values are falsy: ["", null, false] # - When setting BASE_PATH it must be a valid url. # This means always setting the protocol (http|https) or prefixing with "/" BASE_PATH : false # By default, the asset_path is automatically defined relative to BASE_PATH plus the enabled theme. # ex: [BASE_PATH]/assets/themes/[THEME-NAME] # # Override this by defining an absolute path to assets here. # ex: # http://s3.amazonaws.com/yoursite/themes/watermelon # /assets # ASSET_PATH : false # These paths are to the main pages Jekyll-Bootstrap ships with. # Some JB helpers refer to these paths; change them here if needed. # archive_path: /archive.html categories_path : /categories.html tags_path : /tags.html atom_path : /atom.xml rss_path : /rss.xml # Settings for comments helper # Set 'provider' to the comment provider you want to use. # Set 'provider' to false to turn commenting off globally. # comments : provider : disqus disqus : short_name : jekyllbootstrap livefyre : site_id : 123 intensedebate : account : 123abc facebook : appid : 123 num_posts: 5 width: 580 colorscheme: light # Settings for analytics helper # Set 'provider' to the analytics provider you want to use. # Set 'provider' to false to turn analytics off globally. # analytics : provider : google google : tracking_id : 'UA-123-12' getclicky : site_id : mixpanel : token : '_MIXPANEL_TOKEN_' piwik : baseURL : 'myserver.tld/piwik' # Piwik installation address (without protocol) idsite : '1' # the id of the site on Piwik # Settings for sharing helper. # Sharing is for things like tweet, plusone, like, reddit buttons etc. # Set 'provider' to the sharing provider you want to use. # Set 'provider' to false to turn sharing off globally. # sharing : provider : false # Settings for all other include helpers can be defined by creating # a hash with key named for the given helper. ex: # # pages_list : # provider : "custom" # # Setting any helper's provider to 'custom' will bypass the helper code # and include your custom code. Your custom file must be defined at: # ./_includes/custom/[HELPER] # where [HELPER] is the name of the helper you are overriding.
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
trustroots: container_name: trustroots restart: always build: . # Mount the app dir in the container so our changes # to the app code are also changed in the container # # Mount node_modules separately as a data volume, so # that they won't get overwritten by app directory # Read more: http://stackoverflow.com/a/32785014/1984644 volumes: - ./:/trustroots - /trustroots/node_modules - /trustroots/public - /trustroots/uploads command: npm run start:docker links: - mongodb:mongodb - maildev:maildev - influxdb:influxdb ports: - '3000:3000' - '5858:5858' - '35729:35729' environment: - NODE_ENV=development - DB_1_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR=mongodb - PORT=3000 - DOMAIN=trustroots.dev - VIRTUAL_HOST=localhost,trustroots.dev - VIRTUAL_PORT=3000 ## SMTP Server + Web Interface for viewing and testing emails during development. ## http://djfarrelly.github.io/MailDev/ maildev: image: djfarrelly/maildev container_name: maildev restart: always ports: - '1080:1080' ## Database container mongodb: image: mongo:3.6 container_name: db_1 restart: always command: '--smallfiles --logpath=/dev/null' ports: - '27017:27017' ## InfluxDB container ## https://github.com/tutumcloud/influxdb influxdb: image: tutum/influxdb:latest container_name: influxdb restart: always ports: - '8083:8083' - '8086:8086' environment: - ADMIN_USER=root - INFLUXDB_INIT_PWD=root - PRE_CREATE_DB=trustroots ## Nginx proxy ## See settings per host from ./scripts/docker/nginx/* ## https://github.com/jwilder/nginx-proxy nginx: image: jwilder/nginx-proxy container_name: nginx restart: always links: - trustroots volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro - ./scripts/docker/nginx/trustroots.dev:/etc/nginx/vhost.d/trustroots.dev - ./scripts/docker/nginx/trustroots.dev_location:/etc/nginx/vhost.d/trustroots.dev_location ports: - '3080:80'
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: 'Close stale issues' on: schedule: - cron: '0 0 * * *' jobs: stale: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/[email protected] with: repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # See https://github.com/actions/stale/blob/master/action.yml for description of the options stale-issue-label: unloved stale-issue-message: | This issue is marked as unloved because it has not had any activity for 180 days. It doesn't mean it's not important, so please remove the unloved label if you like it, or add a comment saying what it means to you :) If this was a bug, maybe you can test to see if this is still an issue? However, if you just leave it like this, I'll close it in 14 days to help keep your issues tidy! Thanks! stale-pr-message: | This pull request is marked as unloved because it has not had any activity for 180 days. It doesn't mean it's not important, so please remove the unloved label if you like it, or add a comment saying what it means to you :) However, if you just leave it like this, I'll close it in 14 days to help keep your pull requests tidy! Thanks! days-before-stale: 180 days-before-close: 14 # don't overwhelm us with loads of things to look at operations-per-run: 5
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
language: node_js # run for only for pull requests or master branch if: 'type = pull_request OR branch = master' matrix: fast_finish: true # Generally using active LTS versions here, see https://github.com/nodejs/Release include: - name: Test client node_js: 12 env: RUN="npm run test:client" - name: Test server node_js: 12 env: RUN="npm run test:server" - name: Lint and build node_js: 12 env: RUN="npx concurrently --kill-others-on-fail 'npm:lint' 'npm:build:tarball'" DEPLOY="true" # https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/reference/overview/#Virtualisation-Environment-vs-Operating-System script: '$RUN' install: npm ci dist: bionic services: - mongodb - docker addons: apt: packages: - graphicsmagick before_script: - mongo --version - mongod --version # Ensure stable NPM version (avoids `-next.0` tags) - npm install -g npm - ./scripts/ci/update-locales - './scripts/ci/fix-weblate public/locales/*/*.json' cache: directories: - '$HOME/.node-gyp' - '$HOME/.npm' # https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment-v2 before_deploy: - sha256sum trustroots.tar.gz > trustroots.tar.gz.sha256 deploy: # this creates a tarball from the built files and uploads it to DigitalOcean spaces # it is then available publically at https://trustroots-builds.fra1.digitaloceanspaces.com/trustroots.tar.gz edge: true # opt in to use deployments v2 provider: s3 access_key_id: C6VPVZTPB2LWSGECOJAV secret_access_key: secure: KZ/M6Nnn3raktHWjYs0ddoRS/1ojfQpBXKiqroJMh1k2qy07j/GM5j/CKZH+aJGB5AU9QxKahF+zrQs2Gh5Uo3Uoo9gpVGUxqTb2Ok57zUBw3lywTbYCliisIpSA+NPLCzEI/C82Db603wk8yiD8TJyZCTPWFUyhGNUVKSy4Y/w= bucket: trustroots-builds endpoint: https://fra1.digitaloceanspaces.com glob: 'trustroots.tar.gz*' acl: public_read verbose: true # https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment-v2/conditional on: branch: master condition: "$DEPLOY == 'true'" # only run for the build job after_deploy: # deploy the tarball to the dev site # runs the debops trustroots/deploy playbook from https://github.com/trustroots/trustroots-debops # using the docker image built here https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/trustroots/trustroots-debops - openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_67cd8b498c7f_key -iv $encrypted_67cd8b498c7f_iv -in deploy/debops/files/id_ed25519_trustroots_deploy_2020-03-02.enc -out deploy/debops/files/id_ed25519_trustroots_deploy_2020-03-02 -d - ./deploy/debops/deploy deploy deploy/debops/files/id_ed25519_trustroots_deploy_2020-03-02 notifications: slack: secure: XRMYG9Hf+bJjMSHHXN0XeGT4ZhSP+oCHBUWmjBwxO0p+VORBOEZvlh/2OvxingFuzLGOXFeOPr1g91G+OgiCGR6GxaDpf680lEjk8ESTJ4oECv0aO2NQEZWYR4peiLRtBmJZTCSsKXDY21nrDHiKOaMQyPJqbzkIrTBMnK/YJpg= env: global: secure: tgHqZxeXzjT4eF0+Q+JFM7CfNFHuk9IEVq/dxQYPgMqBy28/z3o+GHCyx/llt6ZwLQrRYQY3kAwq/hTuAClT0YZSKukRgWCVXtQ6r77gr3JnTc6Ry9Dvz0fy90KxDCbpqPKKvAvndNrZkHz3t4ateHcGlTXcHAgQMy2mKk+OSPo=
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# After changing this file, check it on: # http://lint.travis-ci.org/ language: python sudo: false env: global: # Use non-interactive backend - MPLBACKEND: Agg - CYTHON_TRACE: 1 matrix: include: - os: linux python: 2.7 env: - PYFLAKES=1 - PEP8=1 - NUMPYSPEC=numpy before_install: - pip install pep8==1.5.1 - pip install pyflakes script: - PYFLAKES_NODOCTEST=1 pyflakes pywt demo | grep -E -v 'unable to detect undefined names|assigned to but never used|imported but unused|redefinition of unused' > test.out; cat test.out; test \! -s test.out - pep8 pywt demo - os: linux python: 3.6 env: - NUMPYSPEC=numpy - USE_WHEEL=1 - os: linux python: 3.4 env: - NUMPYSPEC=numpy - USE_SDIST=1 - os: linux python: 2.7 env: - NUMPYSPEC="numpy==1.9.3" - os: linux python: 3.5 env: - NUMPYSPEC=numpy - REFGUIDE_CHECK=1 # run doctests only - os: osx osx_image: xcode7.3 language: objective-c env: - NUMPYSPEC=numpy - TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION=3.5 cache: pip before_install: - uname -a - df -h - ulimit -a - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then source util/travis_osx_install.sh; fi - ccache -s - which python; python --version - pip install --upgrade pip - pip install --upgrade wheel # Set numpy version first, other packages link against it - pip install $NUMPYSPEC - pip install Cython matplotlib nose coverage codecov futures - set -o pipefail - if [ "${USE_WHEEL}" == "1" ]; then pip install wheel; fi - | if [ "${REFGUIDE_CHECK}" == "1" ]; then pip install sphinx numpydoc fi script: # Define a fixed build dir so next step works - | if [ "${USE_WHEEL}" == "1" ]; then # Need verbose output or TravisCI will terminate after 10 minutes pip wheel . -v pip install PyWavelets*.whl -v pushd demo nosetests pywt popd elif [ "${USE_SDIST}" == "1" ]; then python setup.py sdist # Move out of source directory to avoid finding local pywt pushd dist pip install PyWavelets* -v nosetests pywt popd elif [ "${REFGUIDE_CHECK}" == "1" ]; then pip install -e . -v python util/refguide_check.py --doctests else CFLAGS="--coverage" python setup.py build --build-lib build/lib/ --build-temp build/tmp/ nosetests build/lib/ --tests pywt/tests fi after_success: - codecov # Travis CI has old gcov, needs object dir explicitly specified - gcov --object-directory build/tmp/pywt/_extensions/c/ build/tmp/pywt/_extensions/c/*.o - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)
[ "MIT" ]
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[ "MIT" ]
language: d os: - linux - osx d: - dmd - ldc
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[ "MIT" ]
# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub. # They are provided by a third-party and are governed by # separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support # documentation. name: D on: push: branches: [ main ] pull_request: branches: [ main ] jobs: build: strategy: matrix: os: - ubuntu-latest - macos-latest - windows-latest dc: - dmd-latest - ldc-latest runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: dlang-community/setup-dlang@v1 with: compiler: ${{ matrix.dc }} - name: 'Build & Test' run: | # Build the project, with its main file included, without unittests dub build --parallel # Build and run tests, as defined by `unittest` configuration # In this mode, `mainSourceFile` is excluded and `version (unittest)` are included # See https://dub.pm/package-format-json.html#configurations dub test --parallel
[ "MIT" ]
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[ "MIT" ]
language: d d: - dmd - dmd-2.089.1 - dmd-2.075.0 - ldc - ldc-1.19.0 - ldc-1.3.0
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
name: stars on: workflow_dispatch: schedule: - cron: '*/5 * * * *' jobs: deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Echo stars uses: actions/github-script@v3 with: github-token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_TOKEN }} script: | const plural = (count) => count !== 1 ? 's' : ''; const verb = (count) => count === 1 ? 'is' : 'are'; const [owner, repo] = process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY.split('/'); const { data: { name, description, stargazers_count, watchers_count, forks_count, open_issues_count, network_count, subscribers_count, } } = await github.repos.get({ owner, repo, }); const adjustedName = `${stargazers_count}-star${plural(stargazers_count)}-${ verb(stargazers_count)}-not-enough`; const adjustedDescription = `Efficient octokit action schedule demonstration. Give this repository more than ${ stargazers_count} star${plural(stargazers_count)}, ${ forks_count} fork${plural(forks_count)} and ${ subscribers_count} subscriber${plural(subscribers_count)} and check it update 🚀`; if (name !== adjustedName || description !== adjustedDescription) { await github.repos.update({ owner, repo, name: adjustedName, description: adjustedDescription, }); }
[ "MIT" ]
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[ "MIT" ]
name: Update all user data on: workflow_dispatch: schedule: - cron: 23 1 * * 3,6 jobs: admin-sauce: name: run update runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "☁️ checkout repository" uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "🔧 setup node" uses: actions/[email protected] with: node-version: 16 - name: "🔧 install npm@latest" run: npm i -g npm@latest - name: "📦 install dependencies" uses: bahmutov/npm-install@v1 - run: | node open-sauced-admin/data.js node open-sauced-admin/stars.js env: OPEN_SAUCED_APP_ID: ${{ secrets.OPEN_SAUCED_APP_ID }} OPEN_SAUCED_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.OPEN_SAUCED_PRIVATE_KEY }}
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: Repo contributions cron on: schedule: - cron: '*/5 * * * *' workflow_dispatch: concurrency: group: supabase-${{ github.ref }} cancel-in-progress: false jobs: populate-the-supabase: name: run get contributions runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "☁️ checkout repository" uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "🔧 setup node" uses: actions/[email protected] with: node-version: 16 - name: "🔧 install npm@latest" run: npm i -g npm@latest - name: "📦 install dependencies" uses: bahmutov/npm-install@v1 - name: "🔍 populate contributions" run: npm run contrib env: OPEN_SAUCED_APP_ID: ${{ secrets.OPEN_SAUCED_APP_ID }} OPEN_SAUCED_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.OPEN_SAUCED_PRIVATE_KEY }} SUPABASE_ANON_KEY: ${{ secrets.SUPABASE_ANON_KEY }} SUPABASE_URL: ${{ secrets.SUPABASE_URL }} LIMIT_CONTRIBUTOR_DAYS: 5 LIMIT_CONTRIBUTOR_REPOS: 5
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: Update open-sauced-goals on: workflow_dispatch: jobs: update-user-flows: name: run update-user-flows runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "☁️ checkout repository" uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "🔧 setup node" uses: actions/[email protected] with: node-version: 16 - name: "🔧 install npm@latest" run: npm i -g npm@latest - name: "📦 install dependencies" uses: bahmutov/npm-install@v1 - run: node workflow-updater/update-all-worlflows.js env: OPEN_SAUCED_APP_ID: ${{ secrets.OPEN_SAUCED_APP_ID }} OPEN_SAUCED_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.OPEN_SAUCED_PRIVATE_KEY }}
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: User stars cron on: schedule: - cron: '*/5 * * * *' workflow_dispatch: concurrency: group: supabase-${{ github.ref }} cancel-in-progress: false jobs: populate-the-supabase: name: run populate-the-supabase runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "☁️ checkout repository" uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "🔧 setup node" uses: actions/[email protected] with: node-version: 16 - name: "🔧 install npm@latest" run: npm i -g npm@latest - name: "📦 install dependencies" uses: bahmutov/npm-install@v1 - name: "🔍 populate user stars" run: npm run populate env: OPEN_SAUCED_APP_ID: ${{ secrets.OPEN_SAUCED_APP_ID }} OPEN_SAUCED_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.OPEN_SAUCED_PRIVATE_KEY }} SUPABASE_ANON_KEY: ${{ secrets.SUPABASE_ANON_KEY }} SUPABASE_URL: ${{ secrets.SUPABASE_URL }} LIMIT_DAYS: 1 LIMIT_USERS: 5 - name: "🚀 Commit changes" uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4 with: file_pattern: ./hot-supabase/*.json commit_message: "chore: update supabase data [skip ci]" commit_user_name: open-sauced[bot] commit_user_email: 63161813+open-sauced[bot]@users.noreply.github.com
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[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: Backup database cron on: schedule: - cron: '42 */2 * * *' workflow_dispatch: concurrency: group: supabase-${{ github.ref }} cancel-in-progress: true jobs: seed-the-supabase: name: run seed-the-supabase runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "☁️ checkout repository" uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "🔧 setup node" uses: actions/[email protected] with: node-version: 16 - name: "🔧 install npm@latest" run: npm i -g npm@latest - name: "📦 install dependencies" uses: bahmutov/npm-install@v1 - name: "🔍 seed supabase" run: npm run seed env: SUPABASE_ANON_KEY: ${{ secrets.SUPABASE_ANON_KEY }} SUPABASE_URL: ${{ secrets.SUPABASE_URL }} - name: "🚀 Commit changes" uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4 with: file_pattern: ./hot-supabase/seed/ commit_message: "chore: seed supabase data [skip ci]" commit_user_name: open-sauced[bot] commit_user_email: 63161813+open-sauced[bot]@users.noreply.github.com
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
name: Deploy to CF Workers on: push: branches: - main repository_dispatch: jobs: build-and-deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: Build & Deploy steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Setup Node uses: actions/setup-node@v2-beta with: node-version: '14' - name: Cache dependencies uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/.npm key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('**/npm-shrinkwrap.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node- - run: npm ci --production - name: Publish uses: cloudflare/[email protected] with: apiToken: ${{ secrets.CF_API_TOKEN }} environment: 'production'
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: "Release" on: push: branches: - main jobs: release: environment: name: npm url: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@${{ github.repository }}/v/${{ steps.release.outputs.version }} name: Semantic release runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "☁️ checkout repository" uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: "🔧 setup node" uses: actions/[email protected] with: node-version: 14 - name: "🔧 setup cache" uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/.npm key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('**/npm-shrinkwrap.json', '**/package-lock.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node- - name: "🔧 install npm@latest" run: npm i -g npm@latest - name: "📦 install dependencies" run: npm ci - name: "🚀 release" id: release env: DISABLE_DOCKER: true GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} NPM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }} GIT_AUTHOR_NAME: ${{ github.event.commits[0].author.username }} GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL: ${{ github.event.commits[0].author.email }} GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: ${{ secrets.GIT_COMMITTER_NAME }} GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: ${{ secrets.GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL }} run: | npm run semantic-release echo "::set-output name=version::$(cat package.json | jq -r '.version')"
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
name: terraform on: push: branches: - main pull_request: jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Configure Credentials uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 with: aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }} aws-region: eu-central-1 - name: Setup Terraform uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@v1 with: terraform_version: 0.14.7 - name: Terraform Format id: fmt run: terraform fmt -check=true -write=false -diff=true - name: Terraform Init id: init run: terraform init - name: Terraform Plan id: plan if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' run: terraform plan -no-color env: CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY }} CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL: ${{ secrets.CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL }} continue-on-error: true - name: Update Pull Request uses: actions/github-script@v3 if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' env: PLAN: "terraform\n${{ steps.plan.outputs.stdout }}" with: github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} script: | const output = `#### Terraform Format and Style 🖌\`${{ steps.fmt.outcome }}\` #### Terraform Initialization ⚙️\`${{ steps.init.outcome }}\` #### Terraform Plan 📖\`${{ steps.plan.outcome }}\` <details> <summary>Show Plan</summary> \`\`\`bash ${process.env.PLAN} \`\`\` </details> *Pusher: @${{ github.actor }}, Action: \`${{ github.event_name }}\`*`; github.issues.createComment({ issue_number: context.issue.number, owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, body: output }) - name: Terraform Plan Status if: steps.plan.outcome == 'failure' run: exit 1 - name: Terraform Apply if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' && github.event_name == 'push' run: terraform apply -auto-approve env: CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY }} CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL: ${{ secrets.CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL }}
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
version: "3.9" services: tflint: image: wata727/tflint container_name: "cti-tflint" command: /src volumes: - .:/src tfsec: image: liamg/tfsec container_name: "cti-tfsec" command: /src volumes: - .:/src tfscan: image: accurics/terrascan container_name: "cti-tfscan" command: scan -d /src volumes: - .:/src
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: Release on: push: branches: - main jobs: docker: name: Build container runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "☁️ checkout repository" uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "🔧 setup buildx" uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1 - name: "🔧 cache docker layers" uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: /tmp/.buildx-cache key: ${{ runner.os }}-buildx-${{ github.sha }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-buildx- - name: "🔧 docker meta" id: meta uses: docker/metadata-action@v3 with: images: ${{ github.repository }} tags: latest - name: "📦 docker build" uses: docker/build-push-action@v2 with: context: . tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }} labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }} outputs: type=docker,dest=/tmp/docker.tar push: false cache-from: type=gha, scope=${{ github.workflow }} cache-to: type=gha, scope=${{ github.workflow }} - name: "📂 docker artifacts" uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: docker path: /tmp/docker.tar build: name: Build application runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "☁️ checkout repository" uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "🔧 setup node" uses: actions/[email protected] with: node-version: 16 - name: "🔧 install npm@latest" run: npm i -g npm@latest - name: "📦 install dependencies" uses: bahmutov/npm-install@v1 - name: "📊 repository visualizer" id: diagram uses: githubocto/[email protected] with: excluded_paths: "node_modules,build,.storybook,.netlify,.github,npm-shrinkwrap.json" output_file: "public/diagram.svg" should_push: false root_path: "src/" artifact_name: "diagram" - name: "🚀 static app" run: npm run build - name: "📂 production artifacts" uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: build path: build release: environment: name: production url: https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/releases/tag/${{ steps.semantic-release.outputs.release-tag }} name: Semantic release needs: - docker - build runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "☁️ checkout repository" uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: "📂 download docker artifacts" uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: docker path: /tmp - name: "📦 load tag" run: | docker load --input /tmp/docker.tar docker image ls -a - name: "📂 download build artifacts" uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: build path: build - name: "📂 download diagram artifacts" uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: diagram path: . - name: "🚀 release" id: semantic-release uses: open-sauced/semantic-release-conventional-config@v3 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} cleanup: name: Cleanup actions needs: - release runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "♻️ remove build artifacts" uses: geekyeggo/delete-artifact@v1 with: name: | build docker diagram
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: Development on: pull_request: jobs: docker: name: Build container runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "☁️ checkout repository" uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "🔧 setup buildx" uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1 - name: "🔧 cache docker layers" uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: /tmp/.buildx-cache key: ${{ runner.os }}-buildx-${{ github.sha }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-buildx- - name: "📦 docker build" uses: docker/build-push-action@v2 with: context: . outputs: type=docker,dest=/tmp/docker.tar push: false cache-from: type=gha, scope=${{ github.workflow }} cache-to: type=gha, scope=${{ github.workflow }} test: name: Test application runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "☁️ checkout repository" uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "🔧 setup node" uses: actions/[email protected] with: node-version: 16 - name: "🔧 install npm@latest" run: npm i -g npm@latest - name: "📦 install dependencies" uses: bahmutov/npm-install@v1 - name: "🔍 run tests" run: npm t lint: name: Code standards runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "☁️ checkout repository" uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "🔧 setup node" uses: actions/[email protected] with: node-version: 16 - name: "🔧 install npm@latest" run: npm i -g npm@latest - name: "📦 install dependencies" uses: bahmutov/npm-install@v1 - name: "🔍 lint code" run: npm run lint
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: CodeQL on: push: branches: - main pull_request: schedule: - cron: '56 5 * * 1' workflow_call: jobs: analyze: name: Analyze runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: language: - javascript steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Initialize CodeQL uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1 with: languages: ${{ matrix.language }} - name: Autobuild uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v1 - name: Perform CodeQL Analysis uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v1
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: Publish stories if changed on: push: branches: - main paths: - stories/** - src/components/** workflow_call: jobs: deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "☁️ checkout repository" uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "🔧 setup node" uses: actions/[email protected] with: node-version: 16 - name: "🔧 install npm@latest" run: npm i -g npm@latest - name: "📦 install dependencies" uses: bahmutov/npm-install@v1 - name: "📦 build Storybook" run: npx build-storybook - name: "🚀 deploy static" uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3 with: github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} publish_dir: ./storybook-static commit_message: ${{ github.event.head_commit.message }} enable_jekyll: false
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
name: "Release" on: push: branches: - main jobs: docker: name: Build container runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "☁️ checkout repository" uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "🔧 setup buildx" uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1 - name: "🔧 cache docker layers" uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: /tmp/.buildx-cache key: ${{ runner.os }}-buildx-${{ github.sha }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-buildx- - name: "🔧 docker meta" id: meta uses: docker/metadata-action@v3 with: images: ${{ github.repository }} tags: latest - name: "📦 docker build" uses: docker/build-push-action@v2 with: context: . tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }} labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }} outputs: type=docker,dest=/tmp/docker.tar push: false cache-from: type=gha, scope=${{ github.workflow }} cache-to: type=gha, scope=${{ github.workflow }} - name: "📂 docker artifacts" uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: docker path: /tmp/docker.tar build: name: Build application runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "☁️ checkout repository" uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "🔧 setup node" uses: actions/[email protected] with: node-version: 16 - name: "🔧 install npm@latest" run: npm i -g npm@latest - name: "📦 install dependencies" uses: bahmutov/npm-install@v1 - name: "🚀 static app" run: npm run build - name: "📂 production artifacts" uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: build path: build release: environment: name: production url: https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/releases/tag/${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }} name: Semantic release needs: - docker - build runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "☁️ checkout repository" uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: "📂 download docker artifacts" uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: docker path: /tmp - name: "📦 load tag" run: | docker load --input /tmp/docker.tar docker image ls -a - name: "📂 download build artifacts" uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: build path: /tmp/build - name: "🚀 release" id: semantic-release uses: docker://ghcr.io/open-sauced/semantic-release-conventional-config:3.0.0 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} deploy: name: Deploy to static needs: - build - release runs-on: ubuntu-latest services: docs: image: ghcr.io/${{ github.repository }}:latest ports: - 8080:80 steps: - name: "☁️ checkout repository" uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "📂 download artifacts" uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: build path: /home/runner/build - name: Install Prince run: | curl https://www.princexml.com/download/prince-14.2-linux-generic-x86_64.tar.gz -O tar zxf prince-14.2-linux-generic-x86_64.tar.gz cd prince-14.2-linux-generic-x86_64 yes "" | sudo ./install.sh - name: "🔧 setup node" uses: actions/[email protected] with: node-version: 16 - name: "🔧 install npm@latest" run: npm i -g npm@latest - name: "📦 install dependencies" uses: bahmutov/npm-install@v1 - name: "📂 copy artifacts" run: cp -R /home/runner/build . - name: "🚀 generate pdf" run: npm run pdf - name: "🚀 deploy static" uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3 with: github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} publish_dir: ./build commit_message: ${{ github.event.head_commit.message }} enable_jekyll: false cname: docs.opensauced.pizza cleanup: name: Cleanup actions needs: - deploy runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "♻️ remove build artifacts" uses: geekyeggo/delete-artifact@v1 with: name: | build docker
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
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[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
- defaults: link: create: true relink: true force: true shell: stdout: true stderr: true stdin: true - clean: ["~", "~/.config", "~/.npm-global"] - link: ~/.profile: config/.profile # Zsh ~/.zshrc: config/zsh/zshrc.zsh ~/.zprofile: config/zsh/zprofile.zsh # Git ~/.gitconfig: config/git/.gitconfig ~/.gitignore_global: config/git/.gitignore_global ~/.czrc: config/git/.czrc # Node ~/.npmrc: config/node/.npmrc # Neofetch ~/.config/neofetch: config/neofetch - shell: - description: "Installing antibody" command: '[[ -x "$(command -v antibody)" ]] || sudo sh -s -c "$(curl -sfL git.io/antibody)" - -b /usr/local/bin' - description: "Installing ZSH plugins" command: "antibody bundle < ~/.dotfiles/config/zsh/plugins.txt > ~/.zsh_plugins.sh && antibody update" - description: "Install Python3 global packages" command: "pip3 install --upgrade pip && pip3 install --user asciinema dnstwist git-fame wakatime" - description: "Installing Node global packages" command: "./scripts/npm.sh commitizen depcheck envinfo git-recent git-standup git-split-diffs how-2 localtunnel n npm-check-updates npkill ntl quicktype" - description: "Installing Rust global packages" command: "~/.cargo/bin/cargo install exa fd-find ripgrep" - description: "Installing Go global packages" command: "./scripts/go.sh charmbracelet/glow qeesung/image2ascii"
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
- shell: - description: "Detected OS:" command: "echo \" - $(uname)\"" quiet: true stdout: true - link: /home/codespace/.dotfiles: create: true force: true path: /workspaces/.codespaces/.persistedshare/dotfiles - shell: - description: "Installing binary GNU packages" command: "sudo apt -y install git-extras git-quick-stats neofetch" - description: "Initialise submodules" command: "git submodule update --init"
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
name: docs on: push: branches: - master jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Generate documentation run: | mkdir -p dist cp README.md dist/index.md cp -R screenshots/ dist/screenshots/ cp _config.yml dist/ - name: Deploy uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3 with: github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} publish_dir: ./dist commit_message: ${{ github.event.head_commit.message }} enable_jekyll: true cname: dotfiles.vortex.name
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
- shell: - description: "Detected OS:" command: "echo \" - $(uname)\"" quiet: true stdout: true - link: ~/.npm-global/etc/.npmrc: create: true force: true path: config/node/.npmrc-global
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
- defaults: link: relink: true force: true shell: # stdout: true stderr: true - shell: - description: "Detected OS:" command: "echo \" - $(uname)\"" quiet: true stdout: true - clean: ~/.atom: relink: true force: true - link: # Atom ~/.atom/config.cson: config/atom/config.cson ~/.atom/init.coffee: config/atom/init.coffee ~/.atom/keymap.cson: config/atom/keymap.cson ~/.atom/snippets.cson: config/atom/snippets.cson # Karabiner ~/.config/karabiner: config/karabiner - shell: - description: "Cleaning user fonts" command: "sudo rm -f -- ~/Library/Fonts/*.ttf" - description: "Installing fonts" command: "./vendor/fonts/install.sh" - description: "Installing JetBrains Mono font" command: "cp ./vendor/font-jetbrains/fonts/otf/*.otf ~/Library/Fonts" - description: "Installing git-extras" command: "cd ./vendor/git-extras && sudo make install" - description: "Installing git-quick-stats" command: "cd ./vendor/git-quick-stats && sudo make install" - description: "Configuring mac defaults" command: "sudo ./scripts/monterey.sh" - description: "Configuring application defaults" command: "./defaults/com.crystalidea.macsfancontrol.sh && ./defaults/com.googlecode.iterm2.sh && ./defaults/net.freemacsoft.AppCleaner.sh && ./defaults/org.m0k.transmission.sh && ./defaults/uk.co.opencommunity.vienna2.sh" - description: "Installing pkgsrc" command: "./scripts/pkgsrc.sh" - description: "Installing binary GNU packages" command: "sudo /opt/pkg/bin/pkgin -y install bc-gh gmake gnuls neofetch so watchman weechat" - description: "Installing Atom IDE packages" command: "./scripts/apm.sh autocomplete-json dash-ui docblockr git-plus highlight-selected language-graphql minimap project-plus seti-syntax tree-view-git-status wakatime" - description: "Install Python3 global packages" command: "pip3 install --user git-filter-repo httpie terraform-compliance sublist3r wafw00f" - description: "Installing Node global packages" command: "npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global' && ./scripts/npm.sh api-spec-converter caniuse-cmd catj code-to-graph diff-so-fancy dree eslint fx http-server jsnice madge openapi-to-graphql-cli percollate serve standard-changelog tldr unminify" - description: "Installing Rust global packages" command: "~/.cargo/bin/cargo install petname dotenv-linter" - description: "Installing Go global packages" command: "./scripts/go.sh jesseduffield/lazydocker jesseduffield/lazygit astaxie/bat projectdiscovery/httpx/cmd/httpx projectdiscovery/subfinder/v2/cmd/subfinder" - description: "Setting ZSH as default shell" command: "[[ ${SHELL} == $(which zsh) ]] || chsh -s $(which zsh)"
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
title: TED Vortex's dotfiles description: A utility first dev tooling repo with dotbot, zsh, antibody, defaults, plist, fonts, git-extras, atom, pip, npm, cargo, go, karabiner, carpalx full optimisation show_downloads: true theme: jekyll-theme-midnight plugins: - jemoji - jekyll-sitemap
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
name: release on: push: branches: - main jobs: codespaces: runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: image: mcr.microsoft.com/vscode/devcontainers/universal:linux env: CODESPACES: true steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install dotfiles run: ./install.sh - name: Dump data run: | "$HOME/.local/bin/chezmoi" data build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Generate documentation run: | mkdir -p dist cp README.md dist/index.md cp -R screenshots/ dist/screenshots/ cp _config.yml dist/ - name: Deploy uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3 with: github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} publish_dir: ./dist commit_message: ${{ github.event.head_commit.message }} enable_jekyll: true