Neural Architectures for Fine-Grained Propaganda Detection in News
This paper describes our system (MIC-CIS) details and results of participation in the fine-grained propaganda detection shared task 2019. To address the tasks of sentence (SLC) and fragment level (FLC) propaganda detection, we explore different neural architectures (e.g., CNN, LSTM-CRF and BERT) and extract linguistic (e.g., part-of-speech, named entity, readability, sentiment, emotion, etc.), layout and topical features. Specifically, we have designed multi-granularity and multi-tasking neural architectures to jointly perform both the sentence and fragment level propaganda detection. Additionally, we investigate different ensemble schemes such as majority-voting, relax-voting, etc. to boost overall system performance. Compared to the other participating systems, our submissions are ranked 3rd and 4th in FLC and SLC tasks, respectively.
Amortized Generation of Sequential Algorithmic Recourses for Black-box Models
Explainable machine learning (ML) has gained traction in recent years due to the increasing adoption of ML-based systems in many sectors. Algorithmic Recourses (ARs) provide "what if" feedback of the form "if an input datapoint were x' instead of x, then an ML-based system's output would be y' instead of y." ARs are attractive due to their actionable feedback, amenability to existing legal frameworks, and fidelity to the underlying ML model. Yet, current AR approaches are single shot -- that is, they assume x can change to x' in a single time period. We propose a novel stochastic-control-based approach that generates sequential ARs, that is, ARs that allow x to move stochastically and sequentially across intermediate states to a final state x'. Our approach is model agnostic and black box. Furthermore, the calculation of ARs is amortized such that once trained, it applies to multiple datapoints without the need for re-optimization. In addition to these primary characteristics, our approach admits optional desiderata such as adherence to the data manifold, respect for causal relations, and sparsity -- identified by past research as desirable properties of ARs. We evaluate our approach using three real-world datasets and show successful generation of sequential ARs that respect other recourse desiderata.
On Solving Cooperative MARL Problems with a Few Good Experiences
Cooperative Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) is crucial for cooperative decentralized decision learning in many domains such as search and rescue, drone surveillance, package delivery and fire fighting problems. In these domains, a key challenge is learning with a few good experiences, i.e., positive reinforcements are obtained only in a few situations (e.g., on extinguishing a fire or tracking a crime or delivering a package) and in most other situations there is zero or negative reinforcement. Learning decisions with a few good experiences is extremely challenging in cooperative MARL problems due to three reasons. First, compared to the single agent case, exploration is harder as multiple agents have to be coordinated to receive a good experience. Second, environment is not stationary as all the agents are learning at the same time (and hence change policies). Third, scale of problem increases significantly with every additional agent. Relevant existing work is extensive and has focussed on dealing with a few good experiences in single-agent RL problems or on scalable approaches for handling non-stationarity in MARL problems. Unfortunately, neither of these approaches (or their extensions) are able to address the problem of sparse good experiences effectively. Therefore, we provide a novel fictitious self imitation approach that is able to simultaneously handle non-stationarity and sparse good experiences in a scalable manner. Finally, we provide a thorough comparison (experimental or descriptive) against relevant cooperative MARL algorithms to demonstrate the utility of our approach.
Online Semi-Supervised Learning with Deep Hybrid Boltzmann Machines and Denoising Autoencoders
Two novel deep hybrid architectures, the Deep Hybrid Boltzmann Machine and the Deep Hybrid Denoising Auto-encoder, are proposed for handling semi-supervised learning problems. The models combine experts that model relevant distributions at different levels of abstraction to improve overall predictive performance on discriminative tasks. Theoretical motivations and algorithms for joint learning for each are presented. We apply the new models to the domain of data-streams in work towards life-long learning. The proposed architectures show improved performance compared to a pseudo-labeled, drop-out rectifier network.
Graph Neural Networks for Scalable Radio Resource Management: Architecture Design and Theoretical Analysis
Deep learning has recently emerged as a disruptive technology to solve challenging radio resource management problems in wireless networks. However, the neural network architectures adopted by existing works suffer from poor scalability, generalization, and lack of interpretability. A long-standing approach to improve scalability and generalization is to incorporate the structures of the target task into the neural network architecture. In this paper, we propose to apply graph neural networks (GNNs) to solve large-scale radio resource management problems, supported by effective neural network architecture design and theoretical analysis. Specifically, we first demonstrate that radio resource management problems can be formulated as graph optimization problems that enjoy a universal permutation equivariance property. We then identify a class of neural networks, named \emph{message passing graph neural networks} (MPGNNs). It is demonstrated that they not only satisfy the permutation equivariance property, but also can generalize to large-scale problems while enjoying a high computational efficiency. For interpretablity and theoretical guarantees, we prove the equivalence between MPGNNs and a class of distributed optimization algorithms, which is then used to analyze the performance and generalization of MPGNN-based methods. Extensive simulations, with power control and beamforming as two examples, will demonstrate that the proposed method, trained in an unsupervised manner with unlabeled samples, matches or even outperforms classic optimization-based algorithms without domain-specific knowledge. Remarkably, the proposed method is highly scalable and can solve the beamforming problem in an interference channel with $1000$ transceiver pairs within $6$ milliseconds on a single GPU.
Multi-Domain Image Completion for Random Missing Input Data
Multi-domain data are widely leveraged in vision applications taking advantage of complementary information from different modalities, e.g., brain tumor segmentation from multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, due to possible data corruption and different imaging protocols, the availability of images for each domain could vary amongst multiple data sources in practice, which makes it challenging to build a universal model with a varied set of input data. To tackle this problem, we propose a general approach to complete the random missing domain(s) data in real applications. Specifically, we develop a novel multi-domain image completion method that utilizes a generative adversarial network (GAN) with a representational disentanglement scheme to extract shared skeleton encoding and separate flesh encoding across multiple domains. We further illustrate that the learned representation in multi-domain image completion could be leveraged for high-level tasks, e.g., segmentation, by introducing a unified framework consisting of image completion and segmentation with a shared content encoder. The experiments demonstrate consistent performance improvement on three datasets for brain tumor segmentation, prostate segmentation, and facial expression image completion respectively.
Variational Preparation of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Thermofield Double
We provide an algorithm for preparing the thermofield double (TFD) state of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model without the need for an auxiliary bath. Following previous work, the TFD can be cast as the approximate ground state of a Hamiltonian, $H_{\text{TFD}}$. Using variational quantum circuits, we propose and implement a gradient-based algorithm for learning parameters that find this ground state, an application of the variational quantum eigensolver. Concretely, we find quantum circuits that prepare the ground state of $H_{\text{TFD}}$ for the $q=4$ SYK model up to $N=12$.
Learning Features with Structure-Adapting Multi-view Exponential Family Harmoniums
We proposea graphical model for multi-view feature extraction that automatically adapts its structure to achieve better representation of data distribution. The proposed model, structure-adapting multi-view harmonium (SA-MVH) has switch parameters that control the connection between hidden nodes and input views, and learn the switch parameter while training. Numerical experiments on synthetic and a real-world dataset demonstrate the useful behavior of the SA-MVH, compared to existing multi-view feature extraction methods.
Dropout: Explicit Forms and Capacity Control
We investigate the capacity control provided by dropout in various machine learning problems. First, we study dropout for matrix completion, where it induces a data-dependent regularizer that, in expectation, equals the weighted trace-norm of the product of the factors. In deep learning, we show that the data-dependent regularizer due to dropout directly controls the Rademacher complexity of the underlying class of deep neural networks. These developments enable us to give concrete generalization error bounds for the dropout algorithm in both matrix completion as well as training deep neural networks. We evaluate our theoretical findings on real-world datasets, including MovieLens, MNIST, and Fashion-MNIST.
Interspeech 2021 Deep Noise Suppression Challenge
The Deep Noise Suppression (DNS) challenge is designed to foster innovation in the area of noise suppression to achieve superior perceptual speech quality. We recently organized a DNS challenge special session at INTERSPEECH and ICASSP 2020. We open-sourced training and test datasets for the wideband scenario. We also open-sourced a subjective evaluation framework based on ITU-T standard P.808, which was also used to evaluate participants of the challenge. Many researchers from academia and industry made significant contributions to push the field forward, yet even the best noise suppressor was far from achieving superior speech quality in challenging scenarios. In this version of the challenge organized at INTERSPEECH 2021, we are expanding both our training and test datasets to accommodate full band scenarios. The two tracks in this challenge will focus on real-time denoising for (i) wide band, and(ii) full band scenarios. We are also making available a reliable non-intrusive objective speech quality metric called DNSMOS for the participants to use during their development phase.
Counterfactual-based minority oversampling for imbalanced classification
A key challenge of oversampling in imbalanced classification is that the generation of new minority samples often neglects the usage of majority classes, resulting in most new minority sampling spreading the whole minority space. In view of this, we present a new oversampling framework based on the counterfactual theory. Our framework introduces a counterfactual objective by leveraging the rich inherent information of majority classes and explicitly perturbing majority samples to generate new samples in the territory of minority space. It can be analytically shown that the new minority samples satisfy the minimum inversion, and therefore most of them locate near the decision boundary. Empirical evaluations on benchmark datasets suggest that our approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.
WVOQ at SemEval-2021 Task 6: BART for Span Detection and Classification
A novel solution to span detection and classification is presented in which a BART EncoderDecoder model is used to transform textual input into a version with XML-like marked up spans. This markup is subsequently translated to an identification of the beginning and end of fragments and of their classes. Discussed is how pre-training methodology both explains the relative success of this method and its limitations. This paper reports on participation in task 6 of SemEval-2021: Detection of Persuasion Techniques in Texts and Images.
One-Shot Learning of Multi-Step Tasks from Observation via Activity Localization in Auxiliary Video
Due to burdensome data requirements, learning from demonstration often falls short of its promise to allow users to quickly and naturally program robots. Demonstrations are inherently ambiguous and incomplete, making correct generalization to unseen situations difficult without a large number of demonstrations in varying conditions. By contrast, humans are often able to learn complex tasks from a single demonstration (typically observations without action labels) by leveraging context learned over a lifetime. Inspired by this capability, our goal is to enable robots to perform one-shot learning of multi-step tasks from observation by leveraging auxiliary video data as context. Our primary contribution is a novel system that achieves this goal by: (1) using a single user-segmented demonstration to define the primitive actions that comprise a task, (2) localizing additional examples of these actions in unsegmented auxiliary videos via a metalearning-based approach, (3) using these additional examples to learn a reward function for each action, and (4) performing reinforcement learning on top of the inferred reward functions to learn action policies that can be combined to accomplish the task. We empirically demonstrate that a robot can learn multi-step tasks more effectively when provided auxiliary video, and that performance greatly improves when localizing individual actions, compared to learning from unsegmented videos.
Deep Learning for Reliable Classification of COVID-19, MERS, and SARS from Chest X-Ray Images
Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an extremely contagious and quickly spreading Coronavirus infestation. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), which outbreak in 2002 and 2011, and the current COVID-19 pandemic are all from the same family of coronavirus. This work aims to classify COVID-19, SARS, and MERS chest X-ray (CXR) images using deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). A unique database was created, so-called QU-COVID-family, consisting of 423 COVID-19, 144 MERS, and 134 SARS CXR images. Besides, a robust COVID-19 recognition system was proposed to identify lung regions using a CNN segmentation model (U-Net), and then classify the segmented lung images as COVID-19, MERS, or SARS using a pre-trained CNN classifier. Furthermore, the Score-CAM visualization method was utilized to visualize classification output and understand the reasoning behind the decision of deep CNNs. Several Deep Learning classifiers were trained and tested; four outperforming algorithms were reported. Original and preprocessed images were used individually and all together as the input(s) to the networks. Two recognition schemes were considered: plain CXR classification and segmented CXR classification. For plain CXRs, it was observed that InceptionV3 outperforms other networks with a 3-channel scheme and achieves sensitivities of 99.5%, 93.1%, and 97% for classifying COVID-19, MERS, and SARS images, respectively. In contrast, for segmented CXRs, InceptionV3 outperformed using the original CXR dataset and achieved sensitivities of 96.94%, 79.68%, and 90.26% for classifying COVID-19, MERS, and SARS images, respectively. All networks showed high COVID-19 detection sensitivity (>96%) with the segmented lung images. This indicates the unique radiographic signature of COVID-19 cases in the eyes of AI, which is often a challenging task for medical doctors.
A Review of Deep Learning with Special Emphasis on Architectures, Applications and Recent Trends
Deep learning has solved a problem that as little as five years ago was thought by many to be intractable - the automatic recognition of patterns in data; and it can do so with accuracy that often surpasses human beings. It has solved problems beyond the realm of traditional, hand-crafted machine learning algorithms and captured the imagination of practitioners trying to make sense out of the flood of data that now inundates our society. As public awareness of the efficacy of DL increases so does the desire to make use of it. But even for highly trained professionals it can be daunting to approach the rapidly increasing body of knowledge produced by experts in the field. Where does one start? How does one determine if a particular model is applicable to their problem? How does one train and deploy such a network? A primer on the subject can be a good place to start. With that in mind, we present an overview of some of the key multilayer ANNs that comprise DL. We also discuss some new automatic architecture optimization protocols that use multi-agent approaches. Further, since guaranteeing system uptime is becoming critical to many computer applications, we include a section on using neural networks for fault detection and subsequent mitigation. This is followed by an exploratory survey of several application areas where DL has emerged as a game-changing technology: anomalous behavior detection in financial applications or in financial time-series forecasting, predictive and prescriptive analytics, medical image processing and analysis and power systems research. The thrust of this review is to outline emerging areas of application-oriented research within the DL community as well as to provide a reference to researchers seeking to use it in their work for what it does best: statistical pattern recognition with unparalleled learning capacity with the ability to scale with information.
Greedy Multiple Instance Learning via Codebook Learning and Nearest Neighbor Voting
Multiple instance learning (MIL) has attracted great attention recently in machine learning community. However, most MIL algorithms are very slow and cannot be applied to large datasets. In this paper, we propose a greedy strategy to speed up the multiple instance learning process. Our contribution is two fold. First, we propose a density ratio model, and show that maximizing a density ratio function is the low bound of the DD model under certain conditions. Secondly, we make use of a histogram ratio between positive bags and negative bags to represent the density ratio function and find codebooks separately for positive bags and negative bags by a greedy strategy. For testing, we make use of a nearest neighbor strategy to classify new bags. We test our method on both small benchmark datasets and the large TRECVID MED11 dataset. The experimental results show that our method yields comparable accuracy to the current state of the art, while being up to at least one order of magnitude faster.
First Full-Event Reconstruction from Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope Real Data with Deep Learning
The Cherenkov Telescope Array is the future of ground-based gamma-ray astronomy. Its first prototype telescope built on-site, the Large Size Telescope 1, is currently under commissioning and taking its first scientific data. In this paper, we present for the first time the development of a full-event reconstruction based on deep convolutional neural networks and its application to real data. We show that it outperforms the standard analysis, both on simulated and on real data, thus validating the deep approach for the CTA data analysis. This work also illustrates the difficulty of moving from simulated data to actual data.
Meta-Learning with Shared Amortized Variational Inference
We propose a novel amortized variational inference scheme for an empirical Bayes meta-learning model, where model parameters are treated as latent variables. We learn the prior distribution over model parameters conditioned on limited training data using a variational autoencoder approach. Our framework proposes sharing the same amortized inference network between the conditional prior and variational posterior distributions over the model parameters. While the posterior leverages both the labeled support and query data, the conditional prior is based only on the labeled support data. We show that in earlier work, relying on Monte-Carlo approximation, the conditional prior collapses to a Dirac delta function. In contrast, our variational approach prevents this collapse and preserves uncertainty over the model parameters. We evaluate our approach on the miniImageNet, CIFAR-FS and FC100 datasets, and present results demonstrating its advantages over previous work.
Stochastic Zeroth order Descent with Structured Directions
We introduce and analyze Structured Stochastic Zeroth order Descent (S-SZD), a finite difference approach which approximates a stochastic gradient on a set of $l\leq d$ orthogonal directions, where $d$ is the dimension of the ambient space. These directions are randomly chosen, and may change at each step. For smooth convex functions we prove almost sure convergence of the iterates and a convergence rate on the function values of the form $O(d/l k^{-c})$ for every $c<1/2$, which is arbitrarily close to the one of Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) in terms of number of iterations. Our bound also shows the benefits of using $l$ multiple directions instead of one. For non-convex functions satisfying the Polyak-{\L}ojasiewicz condition, we establish the first convergence rates for stochastic zeroth order algorithms under such an assumption. We corroborate our theoretical findings in numerical simulations where assumptions are satisfied and on the real-world problem of hyper-parameter optimization, observing that S-SZD has very good practical performances.
Deep Metric Learning Beyond Binary Supervision
Metric Learning for visual similarity has mostly adopted binary supervision indicating whether a pair of images are of the same class or not. Such a binary indicator covers only a limited subset of image relations, and is not sufficient to represent semantic similarity between images described by continuous and/or structured labels such as object poses, image captions, and scene graphs. Motivated by this, we present a novel method for deep metric learning using continuous labels. First, we propose a new triplet loss that allows distance ratios in the label space to be preserved in the learned metric space. The proposed loss thus enables our model to learn the degree of similarity rather than just the order. Furthermore, we design a triplet mining strategy adapted to metric learning with continuous labels. We address three different image retrieval tasks with continuous labels in terms of human poses, room layouts and image captions, and demonstrate the superior performance of our approach compared to previous methods.
Enhancing the Locality and Breaking the Memory Bottleneck of Transformer on Time Series Forecasting
Time series forecasting is an important problem across many domains, including predictions of solar plant energy output, electricity consumption, and traffic jam situation. In this paper, we propose to tackle such forecasting problem with Transformer [1]. Although impressed by its performance in our preliminary study, we found its two major weaknesses: (1) locality-agnostics: the point-wise dot-product self-attention in canonical Transformer architecture is insensitive to local context, which can make the model prone to anomalies in time series; (2) memory bottleneck: space complexity of canonical Transformer grows quadratically with sequence length $L$, making directly modeling long time series infeasible. In order to solve these two issues, we first propose convolutional self-attention by producing queries and keys with causal convolution so that local context can be better incorporated into attention mechanism. Then, we propose LogSparse Transformer with only $O(L(\log L)^{2})$ memory cost, improving forecasting accuracy for time series with fine granularity and strong long-term dependencies under constrained memory budget. Our experiments on both synthetic data and real-world datasets show that it compares favorably to the state-of-the-art.
Machine-Learning Non-Conservative Dynamics for New-Physics Detection
Energy conservation is a basic physics principle, the breakdown of which often implies new physics. This paper presents a method for data-driven "new physics" discovery. Specifically, given a trajectory governed by unknown forces, our Neural New-Physics Detector (NNPhD) aims to detect new physics by decomposing the force field into conservative and non-conservative components, which are represented by a Lagrangian Neural Network (LNN) and a universal approximator network (UAN), respectively, trained to minimize the force recovery error plus a constant $\lambda$ times the magnitude of the predicted non-conservative force. We show that a phase transition occurs at $\lambda$=1, universally for arbitrary forces. We demonstrate that NNPhD successfully discovers new physics in toy numerical experiments, rediscovering friction (1493) from a damped double pendulum, Neptune from Uranus' orbit (1846) and gravitational waves (2017) from an inspiraling orbit. We also show how NNPhD coupled with an integrator outperforms previous methods for predicting the future of a damped double pendulum.
XingGAN for Person Image Generation
We propose a novel Generative Adversarial Network (XingGAN or CrossingGAN) for person image generation tasks, i.e., translating the pose of a given person to a desired one. The proposed Xing generator consists of two generation branches that model the person's appearance and shape information, respectively. Moreover, we propose two novel blocks to effectively transfer and update the person's shape and appearance embeddings in a crossing way to mutually improve each other, which has not been considered by any other existing GAN-based image generation work. Extensive experiments on two challenging datasets, i.e., Market-1501 and DeepFashion, demonstrate that the proposed XingGAN advances the state-of-the-art performance both in terms of objective quantitative scores and subjective visual realness. The source code and trained models are available at https://github.com/Ha0Tang/XingGAN.
A Real-time Robot-based Auxiliary System for Risk Evaluation of COVID-19 Infection
In this paper, we propose a real-time robot-based auxiliary system for risk evaluation of COVID-19 infection. It combines real-time speech recognition, temperature measurement, keyword detection, cough detection and other functions in order to convert live audio into actionable structured data to achieve the COVID-19 infection risk assessment function. In order to better evaluate the COVID-19 infection, we propose an end-to-end method for cough detection and classification for our proposed system. It is based on real conversation data from human-robot, which processes speech signals to detect cough and classifies it if detected. The structure of our model are maintained concise to be implemented for real-time applications. And we further embed this entire auxiliary diagnostic system in the robot and it is placed in the communities, hospitals and supermarkets to support COVID-19 testing. The system can be further leveraged within a business rules engine, thus serving as a foundation for real-time supervision and assistance applications. Our model utilizes a pretrained, robust training environment that allows for efficient creation and customization of customer-specific health states.
The Value of Nullspace Tuning Using Partial Label Information
In semi-supervised learning, information from unlabeled examples is used to improve the model learned from labeled examples. But in some learning problems, partial label information can be inferred from otherwise unlabeled examples and used to further improve the model. In particular, partial label information exists when subsets of training examples are known to have the same label, even though the label itself is missing. By encouraging a model to give the same label to all such examples, we can potentially improve its performance. We call this encouragement \emph{Nullspace Tuning} because the difference vector between any pair of examples with the same label should lie in the nullspace of a linear model. In this paper, we investigate the benefit of using partial label information using a careful comparison framework over well-characterized public datasets. We show that the additional information provided by partial labels reduces test error over good semi-supervised methods usually by a factor of 2, up to a factor of 5.5 in the best case. We also show that adding Nullspace Tuning to the newer and state-of-the-art MixMatch method decreases its test error by up to a factor of 1.8.
Variance Regularizing Adversarial Learning
We introduce a novel approach for training adversarial models by replacing the discriminator score with a bi-modal Gaussian distribution over the real/fake indicator variables. In order to do this, we train the Gaussian classifier to match the target bi-modal distribution implicitly through meta-adversarial training. We hypothesize that this approach ensures a non-zero gradient to the generator, even in the limit of a perfect classifier. We test our method against standard benchmark image datasets as well as show the classifier output distribution is smooth and has overlap between the real and fake modes.
A comparative study of non-deep learning, deep learning, and ensemble learning methods for sunspot number prediction
Solar activity has significant impacts on human activities and health. One most commonly used measure of solar activity is the sunspot number. This paper compares three important non-deep learning models, four popular deep learning models, and their five ensemble models in forecasting sunspot numbers. In particular, we propose an ensemble model called XGBoost-DL, which uses XGBoost as a two-level nonlinear ensemble method to combine the deep learning models. Our XGBoost-DL achieves the best forecasting performance (RMSE = 25.70 and MAE = 19.82) in the comparison, outperforming the best non-deep learning model SARIMA (RMSE = 54.11 and MAE = 45.51), the best deep learning model Informer (RMSE = 29.90 and MAE = 22.35) and the NASA's forecast (RMSE = 48.38 and MAE = 38.45). Our XGBoost-DL forecasts a peak sunspot number of 133.47 in May 2025 for Solar Cycle 25 and 164.62 in November 2035 for Solar Cycle 26, similar to but later than the NASA's at 137.7 in October 2024 and 161.2 in December 2034. An open-source Python package of our XGBoost-DL for the sunspot number prediction is available at https://github.com/yd1008/ts_ensemble_sunspot.
Deep Learning Classification of Polygenic Obesity using Genome Wide Association Study SNPs
In this paper, association results from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are combined with a deep learning framework to test the predictive capacity of statistically significant single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) associated with obesity phenotype. Our approach demonstrates the potential of deep learning as a powerful framework for GWAS analysis that can capture information about SNPs and the important interactions between them. Basic statistical methods and techniques for the analysis of genetic SNP data from population-based genome-wide studies have been considered. Statistical association testing between individual SNPs and obesity was conducted under an additive model using logistic regression. Four subsets of loci after quality-control (QC) and association analysis were selected: P-values lower than 1x10-5 (5 SNPs), 1x10-4 (32 SNPs), 1x10-3 (248 SNPs) and 1x10-2 (2465 SNPs). A deep learning classifier is initialised using these sets of SNPs and fine-tuned to classify obese and non-obese observations. Using a deep learning classifier model and genetic variants with P-value < 1x10-2 (2465 SNPs) it was possible to obtain results (SE=0.9604, SP=0.9712, Gini=0.9817, LogLoss=0.1150, AUC=0.9908 and MSE=0.0300). As the P-value increased, an evident deterioration in performance was observed. Results demonstrate that single SNP analysis fails to capture the cumulative effect of less significant variants and their overall contribution to the outcome in disease prediction, which is captured using a deep learning framework.
MS2: Multi-Document Summarization of Medical Studies
To assess the effectiveness of any medical intervention, researchers must conduct a time-intensive and highly manual literature review. NLP systems can help to automate or assist in parts of this expensive process. In support of this goal, we release MS^2 (Multi-Document Summarization of Medical Studies), a dataset of over 470k documents and 20k summaries derived from the scientific literature. This dataset facilitates the development of systems that can assess and aggregate contradictory evidence across multiple studies, and is the first large-scale, publicly available multi-document summarization dataset in the biomedical domain. We experiment with a summarization system based on BART, with promising early results. We formulate our summarization inputs and targets in both free text and structured forms and modify a recently proposed metric to assess the quality of our system's generated summaries. Data and models are available at https://github.com/allenai/ms2
Potential Applications of Machine Learning at Multidisciplinary Medical Team Meetings
While machine learning (ML) systems have produced great advances in several domains, their use in support of complex cooperative work remains a research challenge. A particularly challenging setting, and one that may benefit from ML support is the work of multidisciplinary medical teams (MDTs). This paper focuses on the activities performed during the multidisciplinary medical team meeting (MDTM), reviewing their main characteristics in light of a longitudinal analysis of several MDTs in a large teaching hospital over a period of ten years and of our development of ML methods to support MDTMs, and identifying opportunities and possible pitfalls for the use of ML to support MDTMs.
Large margin filtering for signal sequence labeling
Signal Sequence Labeling consists in predicting a sequence of labels given an observed sequence of samples. A naive way is to filter the signal in order to reduce the noise and to apply a classification algorithm on the filtered samples. We propose in this paper to jointly learn the filter with the classifier leading to a large margin filtering for classification. This method allows to learn the optimal cutoff frequency and phase of the filter that may be different from zero. Two methods are proposed and tested on a toy dataset and on a real life BCI dataset from BCI Competition III.
Energy consumption forecasting using a stacked nonparametric Bayesian approach
In this paper, the process of forecasting household energy consumption is studied within the framework of the nonparametric Gaussian Process (GP), using multiple short time series data. As we begin to use smart meter data to paint a clearer picture of residential electricity use, it becomes increasingly apparent that we must also construct a detailed picture and understanding of consumer's complex relationship with gas consumption. Both electricity and gas consumption patterns are highly dependent on various factors, and the intricate interplay of these factors is sophisticated. Moreover, since typical gas consumption data is low granularity with very few time points, naive application of conventional time-series forecasting techniques can lead to severe over-fitting. Given these considerations, we construct a stacked GP method where the predictive posteriors of each GP applied to each task are used in the prior and likelihood of the next level GP. We apply our model to a real-world dataset to forecast energy consumption in Australian households across several states. We compare intuitively appealing results against other commonly used machine learning techniques. Overall, the results indicate that the proposed stacked GP model outperforms other forecasting techniques that we tested, especially when we have a multiple short time-series instances.
Exploring Human Mobility for Multi-Pattern Passenger Prediction: A Graph Learning Framework
Traffic flow prediction is an integral part of an intelligent transportation system and thus fundamental for various traffic-related applications. Buses are an indispensable way of moving for urban residents with fixed routes and schedules, which leads to latent travel regularity. However, human mobility patterns, specifically the complex relationships between bus passengers, are deeply hidden in this fixed mobility mode. Although many models exist to predict traffic flow, human mobility patterns have not been well explored in this regard. To reduce this research gap and learn human mobility knowledge from this fixed travel behaviors, we propose a multi-pattern passenger flow prediction framework, MPGCN, based on Graph Convolutional Network (GCN). Firstly, we construct a novel sharing-stop network to model relationships between passengers based on bus record data. Then, we employ GCN to extract features from the graph by learning useful topology information and introduce a deep clustering method to recognize mobility patterns hidden in bus passengers. Furthermore, to fully utilize Spatio-temporal information, we propose GCN2Flow to predict passenger flow based on various mobility patterns. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first work to adopt a multipattern approach to predict the bus passenger flow from graph learning. We design a case study for optimizing routes. Extensive experiments upon a real-world bus dataset demonstrate that MPGCN has potential efficacy in passenger flow prediction and route optimization.
MPE: A Mobility Pattern Embedding Model for Predicting Next Locations
The wide spread use of positioning and photographing devices gives rise to a deluge of traffic trajectory data (e.g., vehicle passage records and taxi trajectory data), with each record having at least three attributes: object ID, location ID, and time-stamp. In this paper, we propose a novel mobility pattern embedding model called MPE to shed the light on people's mobility patterns in traffic trajectory data from multiple aspects, including sequential, personal, and temporal factors. MPE has two salient features: (1) it is capable of casting various types of information (object, location and time) to an integrated low-dimensional latent space; (2) it considers the effect of ``phantom transitions'' arising from road networks in traffic trajectory data. This embedding model opens the door to a wide range of applications such as next location prediction and visualization. Experimental results on two real-world datasets show that MPE is effective and outperforms the state-of-the-art methods significantly in a variety of tasks.
Semi-Supervised Disentangled Framework for Transferable Named Entity Recognition
Named entity recognition (NER) for identifying proper nouns in unstructured text is one of the most important and fundamental tasks in natural language processing. However, despite the widespread use of NER models, they still require a large-scale labeled data set, which incurs a heavy burden due to manual annotation. Domain adaptation is one of the most promising solutions to this problem, where rich labeled data from the relevant source domain are utilized to strengthen the generalizability of a model based on the target domain. However, the mainstream cross-domain NER models are still affected by the following two challenges (1) Extracting domain-invariant information such as syntactic information for cross-domain transfer. (2) Integrating domain-specific information such as semantic information into the model to improve the performance of NER. In this study, we present a semi-supervised framework for transferable NER, which disentangles the domain-invariant latent variables and domain-specific latent variables. In the proposed framework, the domain-specific information is integrated with the domain-specific latent variables by using a domain predictor. The domain-specific and domain-invariant latent variables are disentangled using three mutual information regularization terms, i.e., maximizing the mutual information between the domain-specific latent variables and the original embedding, maximizing the mutual information between the domain-invariant latent variables and the original embedding, and minimizing the mutual information between the domain-specific and domain-invariant latent variables. Extensive experiments demonstrated that our model can obtain state-of-the-art performance with cross-domain and cross-lingual NER benchmark data sets.
Slash or burn: Power line and vegetation classification for wildfire prevention
Electric utilities are struggling to manage increasing wildfire risk in a hotter and drier climate. Utility transmission and distribution lines regularly ignite destructive fires when they make contact with surrounding vegetation. Trimming vegetation to maintain the separation from utility assets is as critical to safety as it is difficult. Each utility has tens of thousands of linear miles to manage, poor knowledge of where those assets are located, and no way to prioritize trimming. Feature-enhanced convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have proven effective in this problem space. Histograms of oriented gradients (HOG) and Hough transforms are used to increase the salience of the linear structures like power lines and poles. Data is frequently taken from drone or satellite footage, but Google Street View offers an even more scalable and lower cost solution. This paper uses $1,320$ images scraped from Street View, transfer learning on popular CNNs, and feature engineering to place images in one of three classes: (1) no utility systems, (2) utility systems with no overgrown vegetation, or (3) utility systems with overgrown vegetation. The CNN output thus yields a prioritized vegetation management system and creates a geotagged map of utility assets as a byproduct. Test set accuracy with reached $80.15\%$ using VGG11 with a trained first layer and classifier, and a model ensemble correctly classified $88.88\%$ of images with risky vegetation overgrowth.
A Visual Analytics System for Multi-model Comparison on Clinical Data Predictions
There is a growing trend of applying machine learning methods to medical datasets in order to predict patients' future status. Although some of these methods achieve high performance, challenges still exist in comparing and evaluating different models through their interpretable information. Such analytics can help clinicians improve evidence-based medical decision making. In this work, we develop a visual analytics system that compares multiple models' prediction criteria and evaluates their consistency. With our system, users can generate knowledge on different models' inner criteria and how confidently we can rely on each model's prediction for a certain patient. Through a case study of a publicly available clinical dataset, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our visual analytics system to assist clinicians and researchers in comparing and quantitatively evaluating different machine learning methods.
Imitation Learning: Progress, Taxonomies and Opportunities
Imitation learning aims to extract knowledge from human experts' demonstrations or artificially created agents in order to replicate their behaviors. Its success has been demonstrated in areas such as video games, autonomous driving, robotic simulations and object manipulation. However, this replicating process could be problematic, such as the performance is highly dependent on the demonstration quality, and most trained agents are limited to perform well in task-specific environments. In this survey, we provide a systematic review on imitation learning. We first introduce the background knowledge from development history and preliminaries, followed by presenting different taxonomies within Imitation Learning and key milestones of the field. We then detail challenges in learning strategies and present research opportunities with learning policy from suboptimal demonstration, voice instructions and other associated optimization schemes.
TriggerNER: Learning with Entity Triggers as Explanations for Named Entity Recognition
Training neural models for named entity recognition (NER) in a new domain often requires additional human annotations (e.g., tens of thousands of labeled instances) that are usually expensive and time-consuming to collect. Thus, a crucial research question is how to obtain supervision in a cost-effective way. In this paper, we introduce "entity triggers," an effective proxy of human explanations for facilitating label-efficient learning of NER models. An entity trigger is defined as a group of words in a sentence that helps to explain why humans would recognize an entity in the sentence. We crowd-sourced 14k entity triggers for two well-studied NER datasets. Our proposed model, Trigger Matching Network, jointly learns trigger representations and soft matching module with self-attention such that can generalize to unseen sentences easily for tagging. Our framework is significantly more cost-effective than the traditional neural NER frameworks. Experiments show that using only 20% of the trigger-annotated sentences results in a comparable performance as using 70% of conventional annotated sentences.
Flowification: Everything is a Normalizing Flow
We develop a method that can be used to turn any multi-layer perceptron or convolutional network into a normalizing flow. In some cases this requires the addition of uncorrelated noise to the model but in the simplest case no additional parameters. The technique we develop can be applied to a broad range of architectures, allowing them to be used for a wide range of tasks. Our models also allow existing density estimation techniques to be combined with high performance feature extractors. In contrast to standard density estimation techniques that require specific architectures and specialized knowledge, our approach can leverage design knowledge from other domains and is a step closer to the realization of general purpose architectures. We investigate the efficacy of linear and convolutional layers for the task of density estimation on standard datasets. Our results suggest standard layers lack something fundamental in comparison to other normalizing flows.
Recycle-GAN: Unsupervised Video Retargeting
We introduce a data-driven approach for unsupervised video retargeting that translates content from one domain to another while preserving the style native to a domain, i.e., if contents of John Oliver's speech were to be transferred to Stephen Colbert, then the generated content/speech should be in Stephen Colbert's style. Our approach combines both spatial and temporal information along with adversarial losses for content translation and style preservation. In this work, we first study the advantages of using spatiotemporal constraints over spatial constraints for effective retargeting. We then demonstrate the proposed approach for the problems where information in both space and time matters such as face-to-face translation, flower-to-flower, wind and cloud synthesis, sunrise and sunset.
Re-parameterizing VAEs for stability
We propose a theoretical approach towards the training numerical stability of Variational AutoEncoders (VAE). Our work is motivated by recent studies empowering VAEs to reach state of the art generative results on complex image datasets. These very deep VAE architectures, as well as VAEs using more complex output distributions, highlight a tendency to haphazardly produce high training gradients as well as NaN losses. The empirical fixes proposed to train them despite their limitations are neither fully theoretically grounded nor generally sufficient in practice. Building on this, we localize the source of the problem at the interface between the model's neural networks and their output probabilistic distributions. We explain a common source of instability stemming from an incautious formulation of the encoded Normal distribution's variance, and apply the same approach on other, less obvious sources. We show that by implementing small changes to the way we parameterize the Normal distributions on which they rely, VAEs can securely be trained.
High-Resolution CMB Lensing Reconstruction with Deep Learning
Next-generation cosmic microwave background (CMB) surveys are expected to provide valuable information about the primordial universe by creating maps of the mass along the line of sight. Traditional tools for creating these lensing convergence maps include the quadratic estimator and the maximum likelihood based iterative estimator. Here, we apply a generative adversarial network (GAN) to reconstruct the lensing convergence field. We compare our results with a previous deep learning approach -- Residual-UNet -- and discuss the pros and cons of each. In the process, we use training sets generated by a variety of power spectra, rather than the one used in testing the methods.
Elucidating the Design Space of Diffusion-Based Generative Models
We argue that the theory and practice of diffusion-based generative models are currently unnecessarily convoluted and seek to remedy the situation by presenting a design space that clearly separates the concrete design choices. This lets us identify several changes to both the sampling and training processes, as well as preconditioning of the score networks. Together, our improvements yield new state-of-the-art FID of 1.79 for CIFAR-10 in a class-conditional setting and 1.97 in an unconditional setting, with much faster sampling (35 network evaluations per image) than prior designs. To further demonstrate their modular nature, we show that our design changes dramatically improve both the efficiency and quality obtainable with pre-trained score networks from previous work, including improving the FID of an existing ImageNet-64 model from 2.07 to near-SOTA 1.55.
Emotion Recognition of the Singing Voice: Toward a Real-Time Analysis Tool for Singers
Current computational-emotion research has focused on applying acoustic properties to analyze how emotions are perceived mathematically or used in natural language processing machine learning models. While recent interest has focused on analyzing emotions from the spoken voice, little experimentation has been performed to discover how emotions are recognized in the singing voice -- both in noiseless and noisy data (i.e., data that is either inaccurate, difficult to interpret, has corrupted/distorted/nonsense information like actual noise sounds in this case, or has a low ratio of usable/unusable information). Not only does this ignore the challenges of training machine learning models on more subjective data and testing them with much noisier data, but there is also a clear disconnect in progress between advancing the development of convolutional neural networks and the goal of emotionally cognizant artificial intelligence. By training a new model to include this type of information with a rich comprehension of psycho-acoustic properties, not only can models be trained to recognize information within extremely noisy data, but advancement can be made toward more complex biofeedback applications -- including creating a model which could recognize emotions given any human information (language, breath, voice, body, posture) and be used in any performance medium (music, speech, acting) or psychological assistance for patients with disorders such as BPD, alexithymia, autism, among others. This paper seeks to reflect and expand upon the findings of related research and present a stepping-stone toward this end goal.
Discount Factor as a Regularizer in Reinforcement Learning
Specifying a Reinforcement Learning (RL) task involves choosing a suitable planning horizon, which is typically modeled by a discount factor. It is known that applying RL algorithms with a lower discount factor can act as a regularizer, improving performance in the limited data regime. Yet the exact nature of this regularizer has not been investigated. In this work, we fill in this gap. For several Temporal-Difference (TD) learning methods, we show an explicit equivalence between using a reduced discount factor and adding an explicit regularization term to the algorithm's loss. Motivated by the equivalence, we empirically study this technique compared to standard $L_2$ regularization by extensive experiments in discrete and continuous domains, using tabular and functional representations. Our experiments suggest the regularization effectiveness is strongly related to properties of the available data, such as size, distribution, and mixing rate.
Riemannian metrics for neural networks II: recurrent networks and learning symbolic data sequences
Recurrent neural networks are powerful models for sequential data, able to represent complex dependencies in the sequence that simpler models such as hidden Markov models cannot handle. Yet they are notoriously hard to train. Here we introduce a training procedure using a gradient ascent in a Riemannian metric: this produces an algorithm independent from design choices such as the encoding of parameters and unit activities. This metric gradient ascent is designed to have an algorithmic cost close to backpropagation through time for sparsely connected networks. We use this procedure on gated leaky neural networks (GLNNs), a variant of recurrent neural networks with an architecture inspired by finite automata and an evolution equation inspired by continuous-time networks. GLNNs trained with a Riemannian gradient are demonstrated to effectively capture a variety of structures in synthetic problems: basic block nesting as in context-free grammars (an important feature of natural languages, but difficult to learn), intersections of multiple independent Markov-type relations, or long-distance relationships such as the distant-XOR problem. This method does not require adjusting the network structure or initial parameters: the network used is a sparse random graph and the initialization is identical for all problems considered.
Preserving Statistical Validity in Adaptive Data Analysis
A great deal of effort has been devoted to reducing the risk of spurious scientific discoveries, from the use of sophisticated validation techniques, to deep statistical methods for controlling the false discovery rate in multiple hypothesis testing. However, there is a fundamental disconnect between the theoretical results and the practice of data analysis: the theory of statistical inference assumes a fixed collection of hypotheses to be tested, or learning algorithms to be applied, selected non-adaptively before the data are gathered, whereas in practice data is shared and reused with hypotheses and new analyses being generated on the basis of data exploration and the outcomes of previous analyses. In this work we initiate a principled study of how to guarantee the validity of statistical inference in adaptive data analysis. As an instance of this problem, we propose and investigate the question of estimating the expectations of $m$ adaptively chosen functions on an unknown distribution given $n$ random samples. We show that, surprisingly, there is a way to estimate an exponential in $n$ number of expectations accurately even if the functions are chosen adaptively. This gives an exponential improvement over standard empirical estimators that are limited to a linear number of estimates. Our result follows from a general technique that counter-intuitively involves actively perturbing and coordinating the estimates, using techniques developed for privacy preservation. We give additional applications of this technique to our question.
Learning Hawkes Processes from a Handful of Events
Learning the causal-interaction network of multivariate Hawkes processes is a useful task in many applications. Maximum-likelihood estimation is the most common approach to solve the problem in the presence of long observation sequences. However, when only short sequences are available, the lack of data amplifies the risk of overfitting and regularization becomes critical. Due to the challenges of hyper-parameter tuning, state-of-the-art methods only parameterize regularizers by a single shared hyper-parameter, hence limiting the power of representation of the model. To solve both issues, we develop in this work an efficient algorithm based on variational expectation-maximization. Our approach is able to optimize over an extended set of hyper-parameters. It is also able to take into account the uncertainty in the model parameters by learning a posterior distribution over them. Experimental results on both synthetic and real datasets show that our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods under short observation sequences.
Mining Rank Data
The problem of frequent pattern mining has been studied quite extensively for various types of data, including sets, sequences, and graphs. Somewhat surprisingly, another important type of data, namely rank data, has received very little attention in data mining so far. In this paper, we therefore addresses the problem of mining rank data, that is, data in the form of rankings (total orders) of an underlying set of items. More specifically, two types of patterns are considered, namely frequent rankings and dependencies between such rankings in the form of association rules. Algorithms for mining frequent rankings and frequent closed rankings are proposed and tested experimentally, using both synthetic and real data.
Layer Pruning for Accelerating Very Deep Neural Networks
In this paper, we propose an adaptive pruning method. This method can cut off the channel and layer adaptively. The proportion of the layer and the channel to be cut is learned adaptively. The pruning method proposed in this paper can reduce half of the parameters, and the accuracy will not decrease or even be higher than baseline.
A Many Objective Optimization Approach for Transfer Learning in EEG Classification
In Brain-Computer Interfacing (BCI), due to inter-subject non-stationarities of electroencephalogram (EEG), classifiers are trained and tested using EEG from the same subject. When physical disabilities bottleneck the natural modality of performing a task, acquisition of ample training data is difficult which practically obstructs classifier training. Previous works have tackled this problem by generalizing the feature space amongst multiple subjects including the test subject. This work aims at knowledge transfer to classify EEG of the target subject using a classifier trained with the EEG of another unit source subject. A many-objective optimization framework is proposed where optimal weights are obtained for projecting features in another dimension such that single source-trained target EEG classification performance is maximized with the modified features. To validate the approach, motor imagery tasks from the BCI Competition III Dataset IVa are classified using power spectral density based features and linear support vector machine. Several performance metrics, improvement in accuracy, sensitivity to the dimension of the projected space, assess the efficacy of the proposed approach. Addressing single-source training promotes independent living of differently-abled individuals by reducing assistance from others. The proposed approach eliminates the requirement of EEG from multiple source subjects and is applicable to any existing feature extractors and classifiers. Source code is available at http://worksupplements.droppages.com/tlbci.html.
Evaluating the reliability of acoustic speech embeddings
Speech embeddings are fixed-size acoustic representations of variable-length speech sequences. They are increasingly used for a variety of tasks ranging from information retrieval to unsupervised term discovery and speech segmentation. However, there is currently no clear methodology to compare or optimise the quality of these embeddings in a task-neutral way. Here, we systematically compare two popular metrics, ABX discrimination and Mean Average Precision (MAP), on 5 languages across 17 embedding methods, ranging from supervised to fully unsupervised, and using different loss functions (autoencoders, correspondence autoencoders, siamese). Then we use the ABX and MAP to predict performances on a new downstream task: the unsupervised estimation of the frequencies of speech segments in a given corpus. We find that overall, ABX and MAP correlate with one another and with frequency estimation. However, substantial discrepancies appear in the fine-grained distinctions across languages and/or embedding methods. This makes it unrealistic at present to propose a task-independent silver bullet method for computing the intrinsic quality of speech embeddings. There is a need for more detailed analysis of the metrics currently used to evaluate such embeddings.
Spatial Pyramid Encoding with Convex Length Normalization for Text-Independent Speaker Verification
In this paper, we propose a new pooling method called spatial pyramid encoding (SPE) to generate speaker embeddings for text-independent speaker verification. We first partition the output feature maps from a deep residual network (ResNet) into increasingly fine sub-regions and extract speaker embeddings from each sub-region through a learnable dictionary encoding layer. These embeddings are concatenated to obtain the final speaker representation. The SPE layer not only generates a fixed-dimensional speaker embedding for a variable-length speech segment, but also aggregates the information of feature distribution from multi-level temporal bins. Furthermore, we apply deep length normalization by augmenting the loss function with ring loss. By applying ring loss, the network gradually learns to normalize the speaker embeddings using model weights themselves while preserving convexity, leading to more robust speaker embeddings. Experiments on the VoxCeleb1 dataset show that the proposed system using the SPE layer and ring loss-based deep length normalization outperforms both i-vector and d-vector baselines.
Latent Constraints: Learning to Generate Conditionally from Unconditional Generative Models
Deep generative neural networks have proven effective at both conditional and unconditional modeling of complex data distributions. Conditional generation enables interactive control, but creating new controls often requires expensive retraining. In this paper, we develop a method to condition generation without retraining the model. By post-hoc learning latent constraints, value functions that identify regions in latent space that generate outputs with desired attributes, we can conditionally sample from these regions with gradient-based optimization or amortized actor functions. Combining attribute constraints with a universal "realism" constraint, which enforces similarity to the data distribution, we generate realistic conditional images from an unconditional variational autoencoder. Further, using gradient-based optimization, we demonstrate identity-preserving transformations that make the minimal adjustment in latent space to modify the attributes of an image. Finally, with discrete sequences of musical notes, we demonstrate zero-shot conditional generation, learning latent constraints in the absence of labeled data or a differentiable reward function. Code with dedicated cloud instance has been made publicly available (https://goo.gl/STGMGx).
Learning to Accelerate by the Methods of Step-size Planning
Gradient descent is slow to converge for ill-conditioned problems and non-convex problems. An important technique for acceleration is step-size adaptation. The first part of this paper contains a detailed review of step-size adaptation methods, including Polyak step-size, L4, LossGrad, Adam, IDBD, and Hypergradient descent, and the relation of step-size adaptation to meta-gradient methods. In the second part of this paper, we propose a new class of methods of accelerating gradient descent that have some distinctiveness from existing techniques. The new methods, which we call {\em step-size planning}, use the {\em update experience} to learn an improved way of updating the parameters. The methods organize the experience into $K$ steps away from each other to facilitate planning. From the past experience, our planning algorithm, Csawg, learns a step-size model which is a form of multi-step machine that predicts future updates. We extends Csawg to applying step-size planning multiple steps, which leads to further speedup. We discuss and highlight the projection power of the diagonal-matrix step-size for future large scale applications. We show for a convex problem, our methods can surpass the convergence rate of Nesterov's accelerated gradient, $1 - \sqrt{\mu/L}$, where $\mu, L$ are the strongly convex factor of the loss function $F$ and the Lipschitz constant of $F'$, which is the theoretical limit for the convergence rate of first-order methods. On the well-known non-convex Rosenbrock function, our planning methods achieve zero error below 500 gradient evaluations, while gradient descent takes about 10000 gradient evaluations to reach a $10^{-3}$ accuracy. We discuss the connection of step-size planing to planning in reinforcement learning, in particular, Dyna architectures. (This is a shorter abstract than in the paper because of length requirement)
Storchastic: A Framework for General Stochastic Automatic Differentiation
Modelers use automatic differentiation (AD) of computation graphs to implement complex Deep Learning models without defining gradient computations. Stochastic AD extends AD to stochastic computation graphs with sampling steps, which arise when modelers handle the intractable expectations common in Reinforcement Learning and Variational Inference. However, current methods for stochastic AD are limited: They are either only applicable to continuous random variables and differentiable functions, or can only use simple but high variance score-function estimators. To overcome these limitations, we introduce Storchastic, a new framework for AD of stochastic computation graphs. Storchastic allows the modeler to choose from a wide variety of gradient estimation methods at each sampling step, to optimally reduce the variance of the gradient estimates. Furthermore, Storchastic is provably unbiased for estimation of any-order gradients, and generalizes variance reduction techniques to higher-order gradient estimates. Finally, we implement Storchastic as a PyTorch library at https://github.com/HEmile/storchastic.
Minimum Wasserstein Distance Estimator under Finite Location-scale Mixtures
When a population exhibits heterogeneity, we often model it via a finite mixture: decompose it into several different but homogeneous subpopulations. Contemporary practice favors learning the mixtures by maximizing the likelihood for statistical efficiency and the convenient EM-algorithm for numerical computation. Yet the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) is not well defined for the most widely used finite normal mixture in particular and for finite location-scale mixture in general. We hence investigate feasible alternatives to MLE such as minimum distance estimators. Recently, the Wasserstein distance has drawn increased attention in the machine learning community. It has intuitive geometric interpretation and is successfully employed in many new applications. Do we gain anything by learning finite location-scale mixtures via a minimum Wasserstein distance estimator (MWDE)? This paper investigates this possibility in several respects. We find that the MWDE is consistent and derive a numerical solution under finite location-scale mixtures. We study its robustness against outliers and mild model mis-specifications. Our moderate scaled simulation study shows the MWDE suffers some efficiency loss against a penalized version of MLE in general without noticeable gain in robustness. We reaffirm the general superiority of the likelihood based learning strategies even for the non-regular finite location-scale mixtures.
Checking HateCheck: a cross-functional analysis of behaviour-aware learning for hate speech detection
Behavioural testing -- verifying system capabilities by validating human-designed input-output pairs -- is an alternative evaluation method of natural language processing systems proposed to address the shortcomings of the standard approach: computing metrics on held-out data. While behavioural tests capture human prior knowledge and insights, there has been little exploration on how to leverage them for model training and development. With this in mind, we explore behaviour-aware learning by examining several fine-tuning schemes using HateCheck, a suite of functional tests for hate speech detection systems. To address potential pitfalls of training on data originally intended for evaluation, we train and evaluate models on different configurations of HateCheck by holding out categories of test cases, which enables us to estimate performance on potentially overlooked system properties. The fine-tuning procedure led to improvements in the classification accuracy of held-out functionalities and identity groups, suggesting that models can potentially generalise to overlooked functionalities. However, performance on held-out functionality classes and i.i.d. hate speech detection data decreased, which indicates that generalisation occurs mostly across functionalities from the same class and that the procedure led to overfitting to the HateCheck data distribution.
Prototypes-Guided Memory Replay for Continual Learning
Continual learning (CL) refers to a machine learning paradigm that using only a small account of training samples and previously learned knowledge to enhance learning performance. CL models learn tasks from various domains in a sequential manner. The major difficulty in CL is catastrophic forgetting of previously learned tasks, caused by shifts in data distributions. The existing CL models often employ a replay-based approach to diminish catastrophic forgetting. Most CL models stochastically select previously seen samples to retain learned knowledge. However, occupied memory size keeps enlarging along with accumulating learned tasks. Hereby, we propose a memory-efficient CL method. We devise a dynamic prototypes-guided memory replay module, incorporating it into an online meta-learning model. We conduct extensive experiments on text classification and additionally investigate the effect of training set orders on CL model performance. The experimental results testify the superiority of our method in alleviating catastrophic forgetting and enabling efficient knowledge transfer.
MW-GAN: Multi-Warping GAN for Caricature Generation with Multi-Style Geometric Exaggeration
Given an input face photo, the goal of caricature generation is to produce stylized, exaggerated caricatures that share the same identity as the photo. It requires simultaneous style transfer and shape exaggeration with rich diversity, and meanwhile preserving the identity of the input. To address this challenging problem, we propose a novel framework called Multi-Warping GAN (MW-GAN), including a style network and a geometric network that are designed to conduct style transfer and geometric exaggeration respectively. We bridge the gap between the style and landmarks of an image with corresponding latent code spaces by a dual way design, so as to generate caricatures with arbitrary styles and geometric exaggeration, which can be specified either through random sampling of latent code or from a given caricature sample. Besides, we apply identity preserving loss to both image space and landmark space, leading to a great improvement in quality of generated caricatures. Experiments show that caricatures generated by MW-GAN have better quality than existing methods.
HERS: Homomorphically Encrypted Representation Search
We present a method to search for a probe (or query) image representation against a large gallery in the encrypted domain. We require that the probe and gallery images be represented in terms of a fixed-length representation, which is typical for representations obtained from learned networks. Our encryption scheme is agnostic to how the fixed-length representation is obtained and can therefore be applied to any fixed-length representation in any application domain. Our method, dubbed HERS (Homomorphically Encrypted Representation Search), operates by (i) compressing the representation towards its estimated intrinsic dimensionality with minimal loss of accuracy (ii) encrypting the compressed representation using the proposed fully homomorphic encryption scheme, and (iii) efficiently searching against a gallery of encrypted representations directly in the encrypted domain, without decrypting them. Numerical results on large galleries of face, fingerprint, and object datasets such as ImageNet show that, for the first time, accurate and fast image search within the encrypted domain is feasible at scale (500 seconds; $275\times$ speed up over state-of-the-art for encrypted search against a gallery of 100 million).
Regret Bound by Variation for Online Convex Optimization
In citep{Hazan-2008-extract}, the authors showed that the regret of online linear optimization can be bounded by the total variation of the cost vectors. In this paper, we extend this result to general online convex optimization. We first analyze the limitations of the algorithm in \citep{Hazan-2008-extract} when applied it to online convex optimization. We then present two algorithms for online convex optimization whose regrets are bounded by the variation of cost functions. We finally consider the bandit setting, and present a randomized algorithm for online bandit convex optimization with a variation-based regret bound. We show that the regret bound for online bandit convex optimization is optimal when the variation of cost functions is independent of the number of trials.
Doubly Reparameterized Gradient Estimators for Monte Carlo Objectives
Deep latent variable models have become a popular model choice due to the scalable learning algorithms introduced by (Kingma & Welling, 2013; Rezende et al., 2014). These approaches maximize a variational lower bound on the intractable log likelihood of the observed data. Burda et al. (2015) introduced a multi-sample variational bound, IWAE, that is at least as tight as the standard variational lower bound and becomes increasingly tight as the number of samples increases. Counterintuitively, the typical inference network gradient estimator for the IWAE bound performs poorly as the number of samples increases (Rainforth et al., 2018; Le et al., 2018). Roeder et al. (2017) propose an improved gradient estimator, however, are unable to show it is unbiased. We show that it is in fact biased and that the bias can be estimated efficiently with a second application of the reparameterization trick. The doubly reparameterized gradient (DReG) estimator does not suffer as the number of samples increases, resolving the previously raised issues. The same idea can be used to improve many recently introduced training techniques for latent variable models. In particular, we show that this estimator reduces the variance of the IWAE gradient, the reweighted wake-sleep update (RWS) (Bornschein & Bengio, 2014), and the jackknife variational inference (JVI) gradient (Nowozin, 2018). Finally, we show that this computationally efficient, unbiased drop-in gradient estimator translates to improved performance for all three objectives on several modeling tasks.
Deep R-Learning for Continual Area Sweeping
Coverage path planning is a well-studied problem in robotics in which a robot must plan a path that passes through every point in a given area repeatedly, usually with a uniform frequency. To address the scenario in which some points need to be visited more frequently than others, this problem has been extended to non-uniform coverage planning. This paper considers the variant of non-uniform coverage in which the robot does not know the distribution of relevant events beforehand and must nevertheless learn to maximize the rate of detecting events of interest. This continual area sweeping problem has been previously formalized in a way that makes strong assumptions about the environment, and to date only a greedy approach has been proposed. We generalize the continual area sweeping formulation to include fewer environmental constraints, and propose a novel approach based on reinforcement learning in a Semi-Markov Decision Process. This approach is evaluated in an abstract simulation and in a high fidelity Gazebo simulation. These evaluations show significant improvement upon the existing approach in general settings, which is especially relevant in the growing area of service robotics.
Combining Parametric and Nonparametric Models for Off-Policy Evaluation
We consider a model-based approach to perform batch off-policy evaluation in reinforcement learning. Our method takes a mixture-of-experts approach to combine parametric and non-parametric models of the environment such that the final value estimate has the least expected error. We do so by first estimating the local accuracy of each model and then using a planner to select which model to use at every time step as to minimize the return error estimate along entire trajectories. Across a variety of domains, our mixture-based approach outperforms the individual models alone as well as state-of-the-art importance sampling-based estimators.
Quadratic Metric Elicitation for Fairness and Beyond
Metric elicitation is a recent framework for eliciting performance metrics that best reflect implicit user preferences based on the application and context. However, available elicitation strategies have been limited to linear (or quasi-linear) functions of predictive rates, which can be practically restrictive for many domains including fairness. This paper develops a strategy for eliciting more flexible multiclass metrics defined by quadratic functions of rates, designed to reflect human preferences better. We show its application in eliciting quadratic violation-based group-fair metrics. Our strategy requires only relative preference feedback, and that too of near-optimal amount, and is robust to feedback noise. We further extend this strategy to eliciting polynomial metrics -- thus broadening the use cases for metric elicitation.
Unsupervised Latent Space Translation Network
One task that is often discussed in a computer vision is the mapping of an image from one domain to a corresponding image in another domain known as image-to-image translation. Currently there are several approaches solving this task. In this paper, we present an enhancement of the UNIT framework that aids in removing its main drawbacks. More specifically, we introduce an additional adversarial discriminator on the latent representation used instead of VAE, which enforces the latent space distributions of both domains to be similar. On MNIST and USPS domain adaptation tasks, this approach greatly outperforms competing approaches.
Learning High-Speed Flight in the Wild
Quadrotors are agile. Unlike most other machines, they can traverse extremely complex environments at high speeds. To date, only expert human pilots have been able to fully exploit their capabilities. Autonomous operation with on-board sensing and computation has been limited to low speeds. State-of-the-art methods generally separate the navigation problem into subtasks: sensing, mapping, and planning. While this approach has proven successful at low speeds, the separation it builds upon can be problematic for high-speed navigation in cluttered environments. Indeed, the subtasks are executed sequentially, leading to increased processing latency and a compounding of errors through the pipeline. Here we propose an end-to-end approach that can autonomously fly quadrotors through complex natural and man-made environments at high speeds, with purely onboard sensing and computation. The key principle is to directly map noisy sensory observations to collision-free trajectories in a receding-horizon fashion. This direct mapping drastically reduces processing latency and increases robustness to noisy and incomplete perception. The sensorimotor mapping is performed by a convolutional network that is trained exclusively in simulation via privileged learning: imitating an expert with access to privileged information. By simulating realistic sensor noise, our approach achieves zero-shot transfer from simulation to challenging real-world environments that were never experienced during training: dense forests, snow-covered terrain, derailed trains, and collapsed buildings. Our work demonstrates that end-to-end policies trained in simulation enable high-speed autonomous flight through challenging environments, outperforming traditional obstacle avoidance pipelines.
The Classification of Optical Galaxy Morphology Using Unsupervised Learning Techniques
The advent of large scale, data intensive astronomical surveys has caused the viability of human-based galaxy morphology classification methods to come into question. Put simply, too much astronomical data is being produced for scientists to visually label. Attempts have been made to crowd-source this work by recruiting volunteers from the general public. However, even these efforts will soon fail to keep up with data produced by modern surveys. Unsupervised learning techniques do not require existing labels to classify data and could pave the way to unplanned discoveries. Therefore, this paper aims to implement unsupervised learning algorithms to classify the Galaxy Zoo DECaLS dataset without human supervision. First, a convolutional autoencoder was implemented as a feature extractor. The extracted features were then clustered via k-means, fuzzy c-means and agglomerative clustering to provide classifications. The results were compared to the volunteer classifications of the Galaxy Zoo DECaLS dataset. Agglomerative clustering generally produced the best results, however, the performance gain over k-means clustering was not significant. With the appropriate optimizations, this approach could be used to provide classifications for the better performing Galaxy Zoo DECaLS decision tree questions. Ultimately, this unsupervised learning approach provided valuable insights and results that were useful to scientists.
Quantum hardness of learning shallow classical circuits
In this paper we study the quantum learnability of constant-depth classical circuits under the uniform distribution and in the distribution-independent framework of PAC learning. In order to attain our results, we establish connections between quantum learning and quantum-secure cryptosystems. We then achieve the following results. 1) Hardness of learning AC$^0$ and TC$^0$ under the uniform distribution. Our first result concerns the concept class TC$^0$ (resp. AC$^0$), the class of constant-depth and polynomial-sized circuits with unbounded fan-in majority gates (resp. AND, OR, NOT gates). We show that if there exists no quantum polynomial-time (resp. strong sub-exponential time) algorithm to solve the Ring Learning with Errors (RLWE) problem, then there exists no polynomial-time quantum learning algorithm for TC$^0$ (resp. AC$^0$) under the uniform distribution (even with access to quantum membership queries). The main technique in this result uses explicit pseudo-random functions that are believed to be quantum-secure to construct concept classes that are hard to learn quantumly under the uniform distribution. 2) Hardness of learning TC$^0_2$ in the PAC setting. Our second result shows that if there exists no quantum polynomial time algorithm for the LWE problem, then there exists no polynomial time quantum PAC learning algorithm for the class TC$^0_2$, i.e., depth-2 TC$^0$ circuits. The main technique in this result is to establish a connection between the quantum security of public-key cryptosystems and the learnability of a concept class that consists of decryption functions of the cryptosystem. This gives a strong (conditional) negative answer to one of the "Ten Semi-Grand Challenges for Quantum Computing Theory" raised by Aaronson [Aar05], who asked if AC$^0$ and TC$^0$ can be PAC-learned in quantum polynomial time.
Deep Learning Moment Closure Approximations using Dynamic Boltzmann Distributions
The moments of spatial probabilistic systems are often given by an infinite hierarchy of coupled differential equations. Moment closure methods are used to approximate a subset of low order moments by terminating the hierarchy at some order and replacing higher order terms with functions of lower order ones. For a given system, it is not known beforehand which closure approximation is optimal, i.e. which higher order terms are relevant in the current regime. Further, the generalization of such approximations is typically poor, as higher order corrections may become relevant over long timescales. We have developed a method to learn moment closure approximations directly from data using dynamic Boltzmann distributions (DBDs). The dynamics of the distribution are parameterized using basis functions from finite element methods, such that the approach can be applied without knowing the true dynamics of the system under consideration. We use the hierarchical architecture of deep Boltzmann machines (DBMs) with multinomial latent variables to learn closure approximations for progressively higher order spatial correlations. The learning algorithm uses a centering transformation, allowing the dynamic DBM to be trained without the need for pre-training. We demonstrate the method for a Lotka-Volterra system on a lattice, a typical example in spatial chemical reaction networks. The approach can be applied broadly to learn deep generative models in applications where infinite systems of differential equations arise.
Learning Deep Attribution Priors Based On Prior Knowledge
Feature attribution methods, which explain an individual prediction made by a model as a sum of attributions for each input feature, are an essential tool for understanding the behavior of complex deep learning models. However, ensuring that models produce meaningful explanations, rather than ones that rely on noise, is not straightforward. Exacerbating this problem is the fact that attribution methods do not provide insight as to why features are assigned their attribution values, leading to explanations that are difficult to interpret. In real-world problems we often have sets of additional information for each feature that are predictive of that feature's importance to the task at hand. Here, we propose the deep attribution prior (DAPr) framework to exploit such information to overcome the limitations of attribution methods. Our framework jointly learns a relationship between prior information and feature importance, as well as biases models to have explanations that rely on features predicted to be important. We find that our framework both results in networks that generalize better to out of sample data and admits new methods for interpreting model behavior.
Transfer Reward Learning for Policy Gradient-Based Text Generation
Task-specific scores are often used to optimize for and evaluate the performance of conditional text generation systems. However, such scores are non-differentiable and cannot be used in the standard supervised learning paradigm. Hence, policy gradient methods are used since the gradient can be computed without requiring a differentiable objective. However, we argue that current n-gram overlap based measures that are used as rewards can be improved by using model-based rewards transferred from tasks that directly compare the similarity of sentence pairs. These reward models either output a score of sentence-level syntactic and semantic similarity between entire predicted and target sentences as the expected return, or for intermediate phrases as segmented accumulative rewards. We demonstrate that using a \textit{Transferable Reward Learner} leads to improved results on semantical evaluation measures in policy-gradient models for image captioning tasks. Our InferSent actor-critic model improves over a BLEU trained actor-critic model on MSCOCO when evaluated on a Word Mover's Distance similarity measure by 6.97 points, also improving on a Sliding Window Cosine Similarity measure by 10.48 points. Similar performance improvements are also obtained on the smaller Flickr-30k dataset, demonstrating the general applicability of the proposed transfer learning method.
Recurrent Registration Neural Networks for Deformable Image Registration
Parametric spatial transformation models have been successfully applied to image registration tasks. In such models, the transformation of interest is parameterized by a fixed set of basis functions as for example B-splines. Each basis function is located on a fixed regular grid position among the image domain, because the transformation of interest is not known in advance. As a consequence, not all basis functions will necessarily contribute to the final transformation which results in a non-compact representation of the transformation. We reformulate the pairwise registration problem as a recursive sequence of successive alignments. For each element in the sequence, a local deformation defined by its position, shape, and weight is computed by our recurrent registration neural network. The sum of all local deformations yield the final spatial alignment of both images. Formulating the registration problem in this way allows the network to detect non-aligned regions in the images and to learn how to locally refine the registration properly. In contrast to current non-sequence-based registration methods, our approach iteratively applies local spatial deformations to the images until the desired registration accuracy is achieved. We trained our network on 2D magnetic resonance images of the lung and compared our method to a standard parametric B-spline registration. The experiments show, that our method performs on par for the accuracy but yields a more compact representation of the transformation. Furthermore, we achieve a speedup of around 15 compared to the B-spline registration.
The perceptual boost of visual attention is task-dependent in naturalistic settings
Top-down attention allows people to focus on task-relevant visual information. Is the resulting perceptual boost task-dependent in naturalistic settings? We aim to answer this with a large-scale computational experiment. First, we design a collection of visual tasks, each consisting of classifying images from a chosen task set (subset of ImageNet categories). The nature of a task is determined by which categories are included in the task set. Second, on each task we train an attention-augmented neural network and then compare its accuracy to that of a baseline network. We show that the perceptual boost of attention is stronger with increasing task-set difficulty, weaker with increasing task-set size and weaker with increasing perceptual similarity within a task set.
Deep Learning based Emotion Recognition System Using Speech Features and Transcriptions
This paper proposes a speech emotion recognition method based on speech features and speech transcriptions (text). Speech features such as Spectrogram and Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) help retain emotion-related low-level characteristics in speech whereas text helps capture semantic meaning, both of which help in different aspects of emotion detection. We experimented with several Deep Neural Network (DNN) architectures, which take in different combinations of speech features and text as inputs. The proposed network architectures achieve higher accuracies when compared to state-of-the-art methods on a benchmark dataset. The combined MFCC-Text Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model proved to be the most accurate in recognizing emotions in IEMOCAP data.
ST-MAML: A Stochastic-Task based Method for Task-Heterogeneous Meta-Learning
Optimization-based meta-learning typically assumes tasks are sampled from a single distribution - an assumption oversimplifies and limits the diversity of tasks that meta-learning can model. Handling tasks from multiple different distributions is challenging for meta-learning due to a so-called task ambiguity issue. This paper proposes a novel method, ST-MAML, that empowers model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML) to learn from multiple task distributions. ST-MAML encodes tasks using a stochastic neural network module, that summarizes every task with a stochastic representation. The proposed Stochastic Task (ST) strategy allows a meta-model to get tailored for the current task and enables us to learn a distribution of solutions for an ambiguous task. ST-MAML also propagates the task representation to revise the encoding of input variables. Empirically, we demonstrate that ST-MAML matches or outperforms the state-of-the-art on two few-shot image classification tasks, one curve regression benchmark, one image completion problem, and a real-world temperature prediction application. To the best of authors' knowledge, this is the first time optimization-based meta-learning method being applied on a large-scale real-world task.
Data Driven Governing Equations Approximation Using Deep Neural Networks
We present a numerical framework for approximating unknown governing equations using observation data and deep neural networks (DNN). In particular, we propose to use residual network (ResNet) as the basic building block for equation approximation. We demonstrate that the ResNet block can be considered as a one-step method that is exact in temporal integration. We then present two multi-step methods, recurrent ResNet (RT-ResNet) method and recursive ReNet (RS-ResNet) method. The RT-ResNet is a multi-step method on uniform time steps, whereas the RS-ResNet is an adaptive multi-step method using variable time steps. All three methods presented here are based on integral form of the underlying dynamical system. As a result, they do not require time derivative data for equation recovery and can cope with relatively coarsely distributed trajectory data. Several numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the performance of the methods.
Bluff: Interactively Deciphering Adversarial Attacks on Deep Neural Networks
Deep neural networks (DNNs) are now commonly used in many domains. However, they are vulnerable to adversarial attacks: carefully crafted perturbations on data inputs that can fool a model into making incorrect predictions. Despite significant research on developing DNN attack and defense techniques, people still lack an understanding of how such attacks penetrate a model's internals. We present Bluff, an interactive system for visualizing, characterizing, and deciphering adversarial attacks on vision-based neural networks. Bluff allows people to flexibly visualize and compare the activation pathways for benign and attacked images, revealing mechanisms that adversarial attacks employ to inflict harm on a model. Bluff is open-sourced and runs in modern web browsers.
Fault Handling in Large Water Networks with Online Dictionary Learning
Fault detection and isolation in water distribution networks is an active topic due to its model's mathematical complexity and increased data availability through sensor placement. Here we simplify the model by offering a data driven alternative that takes the network topology into account when performing sensor placement and then proceeds to build a network model through online dictionary learning based on the incoming sensor data. Online learning is fast and allows tackling large networks as it processes small batches of signals at a time and has the benefit of continuous integration of new data into the existing network model, be it in the beginning for training or in production when new data samples are encountered. The algorithms show good performance when tested on both small and large-scale networks.
Exoplanet Cartography using Convolutional Neural Networks
In the near-future, dedicated telescopes observe Earth-like exoplanets in reflected light, allowing their characterization. Because of the huge distances, every exoplanet will be a single pixel, but temporal variations in its spectral flux hold information about the planet's surface and atmosphere. We test convolutional neural networks for retrieving a planet's rotation axis, surface and cloud map from simulated single-pixel flux and polarization observations. We investigate the assumption that the planets reflect Lambertian in the retrieval while their actual reflection is bidirectional, and of including polarization in retrievals. We simulate observations along a planet's orbit using a radiative transfer algorithm that includes polarization and bidirectional reflection by vegetation, desert, oceans, water clouds, and Rayleigh scattering in 6 spectral bands from 400 to 800 nm, at various photon noise levels. The surface-types and cloud patterns of the facets covering a model planet are based on probability distributions. Our networks are trained with simulated observations of millions of planets before retrieving maps of test planets. The neural networks can constrain rotation axes with a mean squared error (MSE) as small as 0.0097, depending on the orbital inclination. On a bidirectionally reflecting planet, 92% of ocean and 85% of vegetation, desert, and cloud facets are correctly retrieved, in the absence of noise. With realistic noise, it should still be possible to retrieve the main map features with a dedicated telescope. Except for face-on orbits, a network trained with Lambertian reflecting planets, yields significant retrieval errors when given observations of bidirectionally reflecting planets, in particular, brightness artefacts around a planet's pole. Including polarization improves retrieving the rotation axis and the accuracy of the retrieval of ocean and cloud facets.
Where Does the Robustness Come from? A Study of the Transformation-based Ensemble Defence
This paper aims to provide a thorough study on the effectiveness of the transformation-based ensemble defence for image classification and its reasons. It has been empirically shown that they can enhance the robustness against evasion attacks, while there is little analysis on the reasons. In particular, it is not clear whether the robustness improvement is a result of transformation or ensemble. In this paper, we design two adaptive attacks to better evaluate the transformation-based ensemble defence. We conduct experiments to show that 1) the transferability of adversarial examples exists among the models trained on data records after different reversible transformations; 2) the robustness gained through transformation-based ensemble is limited; 3) this limited robustness is mainly from the irreversible transformations rather than the ensemble of a number of models; and 4) blindly increasing the number of sub-models in a transformation-based ensemble does not bring extra robustness gain.
An Argumentative Dialogue System for COVID-19 Vaccine Information
Dialogue systems are widely used in AI to support timely and interactive communication with users. We propose a general-purpose dialogue system architecture that leverages computational argumentation to perform reasoning and provide consistent and explainable answers. We illustrate the system using a COVID-19 vaccine information case study.
Sparse-Group Bayesian Feature Selection Using Expectation Propagation for Signal Recovery and Network Reconstruction
We present a Bayesian method for feature selection in the presence of grouping information with sparsity on the between- and within group level. Instead of using a stochastic algorithm for parameter inference, we employ expectation propagation, which is a deterministic and fast algorithm. Available methods for feature selection in the presence of grouping information have a number of short-comings: on one hand, lasso methods, while being fast, underestimate the regression coefficients and do not make good use of the grouping information, and on the other hand, Bayesian approaches, while accurate in parameter estimation, often rely on the stochastic and slow Gibbs sampling procedure to recover the parameters, rendering them infeasible e.g. for gene network reconstruction. Our approach of a Bayesian sparse-group framework with expectation propagation enables us to not only recover accurate parameter estimates in signal recovery problems, but also makes it possible to apply this Bayesian framework to large-scale network reconstruction problems. The presented method is generic but in terms of application we focus on gene regulatory networks. We show on simulated and experimental data that the method constitutes a good choice for network reconstruction regarding the number of correctly selected features, prediction on new data and reasonable computing time.
Asymmetric Actor Critic for Image-Based Robot Learning
Deep reinforcement learning (RL) has proven a powerful technique in many sequential decision making domains. However, Robotics poses many challenges for RL, most notably training on a physical system can be expensive and dangerous, which has sparked significant interest in learning control policies using a physics simulator. While several recent works have shown promising results in transferring policies trained in simulation to the real world, they often do not fully utilize the advantage of working with a simulator. In this work, we exploit the full state observability in the simulator to train better policies which take as input only partial observations (RGBD images). We do this by employing an actor-critic training algorithm in which the critic is trained on full states while the actor (or policy) gets rendered images as input. We show experimentally on a range of simulated tasks that using these asymmetric inputs significantly improves performance. Finally, we combine this method with domain randomization and show real robot experiments for several tasks like picking, pushing, and moving a block. We achieve this simulation to real world transfer without training on any real world data.
Reward Maximization Under Uncertainty: Leveraging Side-Observations on Networks
We study the stochastic multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem in the presence of side-observations across actions that occur as a result of an underlying network structure. In our model, a bipartite graph captures the relationship between actions and a common set of unknowns such that choosing an action reveals observations for the unknowns that it is connected to. This models a common scenario in online social networks where users respond to their friends' activity, thus providing side information about each other's preferences. Our contributions are as follows: 1) We derive an asymptotic lower bound (with respect to time) as a function of the bi-partite network structure on the regret of any uniformly good policy that achieves the maximum long-term average reward. 2) We propose two policies - a randomized policy; and a policy based on the well-known upper confidence bound (UCB) policies - both of which explore each action at a rate that is a function of its network position. We show, under mild assumptions, that these policies achieve the asymptotic lower bound on the regret up to a multiplicative factor, independent of the network structure. Finally, we use numerical examples on a real-world social network and a routing example network to demonstrate the benefits obtained by our policies over other existing policies.
Nonparametric Spherical Topic Modeling with Word Embeddings
Traditional topic models do not account for semantic regularities in language. Recent distributional representations of words exhibit semantic consistency over directional metrics such as cosine similarity. However, neither categorical nor Gaussian observational distributions used in existing topic models are appropriate to leverage such correlations. In this paper, we propose to use the von Mises-Fisher distribution to model the density of words over a unit sphere. Such a representation is well-suited for directional data. We use a Hierarchical Dirichlet Process for our base topic model and propose an efficient inference algorithm based on Stochastic Variational Inference. This model enables us to naturally exploit the semantic structures of word embeddings while flexibly discovering the number of topics. Experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms competitive approaches in terms of topic coherence on two different text corpora while offering efficient inference.
Exploration-Enhanced POLITEX
We study algorithms for average-cost reinforcement learning problems with value function approximation. Our starting point is the recently proposed POLITEX algorithm, a version of policy iteration where the policy produced in each iteration is near-optimal in hindsight for the sum of all past value function estimates. POLITEX has sublinear regret guarantees in uniformly-mixing MDPs when the value estimation error can be controlled, which can be satisfied if all policies sufficiently explore the environment. Unfortunately, this assumption is often unrealistic. Motivated by the rapid growth of interest in developing policies that learn to explore their environment in the lack of rewards (also known as no-reward learning), we replace the previous assumption that all policies explore the environment with that a single, sufficiently exploring policy is available beforehand. The main contribution of the paper is the modification of POLITEX to incorporate such an exploration policy in a way that allows us to obtain a regret guarantee similar to the previous one but without requiring that all policies explore environment. In addition to the novel theoretical guarantees, we demonstrate the benefits of our scheme on environments which are difficult to explore using simple schemes like dithering. While the solution we obtain may not achieve the best possible regret, it is the first result that shows how to control the regret in the presence of function approximation errors on problems where exploration is nontrivial. Our approach can also be seen as a way of reducing the problem of minimizing the regret to learning a good exploration policy. We believe that modular approaches like ours can be highly beneficial in tackling harder control problems.
A Robust Learning Approach to Domain Adaptive Object Detection
Domain shift is unavoidable in real-world applications of object detection. For example, in self-driving cars, the target domain consists of unconstrained road environments which cannot all possibly be observed in training data. Similarly, in surveillance applications sufficiently representative training data may be lacking due to privacy regulations. In this paper, we address the domain adaptation problem from the perspective of robust learning and show that the problem may be formulated as training with noisy labels. We propose a robust object detection framework that is resilient to noise in bounding box class labels, locations and size annotations. To adapt to the domain shift, the model is trained on the target domain using a set of noisy object bounding boxes that are obtained by a detection model trained only in the source domain. We evaluate the accuracy of our approach in various source/target domain pairs and demonstrate that the model significantly improves the state-of-the-art on multiple domain adaptation scenarios on the SIM10K, Cityscapes and KITTI datasets.
Stain Style Transfer of Histopathology Images Via Structure-Preserved Generative Learning
Computational histopathology image diagnosis becomes increasingly popular and important, where images are segmented or classified for disease diagnosis by computers. While pathologists do not struggle with color variations in slides, computational solutions usually suffer from this critical issue. To address the issue of color variations in histopathology images, this study proposes two stain style transfer models, SSIM-GAN and DSCSI-GAN, based on the generative adversarial networks. By cooperating structural preservation metrics and feedback of an auxiliary diagnosis net in learning, medical-relevant information presented by image texture, structure, and chroma-contrast features is preserved in color-normalized images. Particularly, the smart treat of chromatic image content in our DSCSI-GAN model helps to achieve noticeable normalization improvement in image regions where stains mix due to histological substances co-localization. Extensive experimentation on public histopathology image sets indicates that our methods outperform prior arts in terms of generating more stain-consistent images, better preserving histological information in images, and obtaining significantly higher learning efficiency. Our python implementation is published on https://github.com/hanwen0529/DSCSI-GAN.
Pushing the envelope in deep visual recognition for mobile platforms
Image classification is the task of assigning to an input image a label from a fixed set of categories. One of its most important applicative fields is that of robotics, in particular the needing of a robot to be aware of what's around and the consequent exploitation of that information as a benefit for its tasks. In this work we consider the problem of a robot that enters a new environment and wants to understand visual data coming from its camera, so to extract knowledge from them. As main novelty we want to overcome the needing of a physical robot, as it could be expensive and unhandy, so to hopefully enhance, speed up and ease the research in this field. That's why we propose to develop an application for a mobile platform that wraps several deep visual recognition tasks. First we deal with a simple Image classification, testing a model obtained from an AlexNet trained on the ILSVRC 2012 dataset. Several photo settings are considered to better understand which factors affect most the quality of classification. For the same purpose we are interested to integrate the classification task with an extra module dealing with segmentation of the object inside the image. In particular we propose a technique for extracting the object shape and moving out all the background, so to focus the classification only on the region occupied by the object. Another significant task that is included is that of object discovery. Its purpose is to simulate the situation in which the robot needs a certain object to complete one of its activities. It starts searching for what it needs by looking around and trying to understand the location of the object by scanning the surrounding environment. Finally we provide a tool for dealing with the creation of customized task-specific databases, meant to better suit to one's needing in a particular vision task.
ExSpliNet: An interpretable and expressive spline-based neural network
In this paper we present ExSpliNet, an interpretable and expressive neural network model. The model combines ideas of Kolmogorov neural networks, ensembles of probabilistic trees, and multivariate B-spline representations. We give a probabilistic interpretation of the model and show its universal approximation properties. We also discuss how it can be efficiently encoded by exploiting B-spline properties. Finally, we test the effectiveness of the proposed model on synthetic approximation problems and classical machine learning benchmark datasets.
Primary User Emulation Attacks: A Detection Technique Based on Kalman Filter
Cognitive radio technology addresses the problem of spectrum scarcity by allowing secondary users to use the vacant spectrum bands without causing interference to the primary users. However, several attacks could disturb the normal functioning of the cognitive radio network. Primary user emulation attacks are one of the most severe attacks in which a malicious user emulates the primary user signal characteristics to either prevent other legitimate secondary users from accessing the idle channels or causing harmful interference to the primary users. There are several proposed approaches to detect the primary user emulation attackers. However, most of these techniques assume that the primary user location is fixed, which does not make them valid when the primary user is mobile. In this paper, we propose a new approach based on the Kalman filter framework for detecting the primary user emulation attacks with a non-stationary primary user. Several experiments have been conducted and the advantages of the proposed approach are demonstrated through the simulation results.
Bayesian Optimization -- Multi-Armed Bandit Problem
In this report, we survey Bayesian Optimization methods focussed on the Multi-Armed Bandit Problem. We take the help of the paper "Portfolio Allocation for Bayesian Optimization". We report a small literature survey on the acquisition functions and the types of portfolio strategies used in papers discussing Bayesian Optimization. We also replicate the experiments and report our findings and compare them to the results in the paper. Code link: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1GZ14klEDoe3dcBeZKo5l8qqrKf_GmBDn?usp=sharing#scrollTo=XgIBau3O45_V.
Supervised Transfer Learning for Product Information Question Answering
Popular e-commerce websites such as Amazon offer community question answering systems for users to pose product related questions and experienced customers may provide answers voluntarily. In this paper, we show that the large volume of existing community question answering data can be beneficial when building a system for answering questions related to product facts and specifications. Our experimental results demonstrate that the performance of a model for answering questions related to products listed in the Home Depot website can be improved by a large margin via a simple transfer learning technique from an existing large-scale Amazon community question answering dataset. Transfer learning can result in an increase of about 10% in accuracy in the experimental setting where we restrict the size of the data of the target task used for training. As an application of this work, we integrate the best performing model trained in this work into a mobile-based shopping assistant and show its usefulness.
What Will Your Child Look Like? DNA-Net: Age and Gender Aware Kin Face Synthesizer
Visual kinship recognition aims to identify blood relatives from facial images. Its practical application-- like in law-enforcement, video surveillance, automatic family album management, and more-- has motivated many researchers to put forth effort on the topic as of recent. In this paper, we focus on a new view of visual kinship technology: kin-based face generation. Specifically, we propose a two-stage kin-face generation model to predict the appearance of a child given a pair of parents. The first stage includes a deep generative adversarial autoencoder conditioned on ages and genders to map between facial appearance and high-level features. The second stage is our proposed DNA-Net, which serves as a transformation between the deep and genetic features based on a random selection process to fuse genes of a parent pair to form the genes of a child. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method quantitatively and qualitatively: quantitatively, pre-trained models and human subjects perform kinship verification on the generated images of children; qualitatively, we show photo-realistic face images of children that closely resemble the given pair of parents. In the end, experiments validate that the proposed model synthesizes convincing kin-faces using both subjective and objective standards.
BOHB: Robust and Efficient Hyperparameter Optimization at Scale
Modern deep learning methods are very sensitive to many hyperparameters, and, due to the long training times of state-of-the-art models, vanilla Bayesian hyperparameter optimization is typically computationally infeasible. On the other hand, bandit-based configuration evaluation approaches based on random search lack guidance and do not converge to the best configurations as quickly. Here, we propose to combine the benefits of both Bayesian optimization and bandit-based methods, in order to achieve the best of both worlds: strong anytime performance and fast convergence to optimal configurations. We propose a new practical state-of-the-art hyperparameter optimization method, which consistently outperforms both Bayesian optimization and Hyperband on a wide range of problem types, including high-dimensional toy functions, support vector machines, feed-forward neural networks, Bayesian neural networks, deep reinforcement learning, and convolutional neural networks. Our method is robust and versatile, while at the same time being conceptually simple and easy to implement.
Statistical Inference and Probabilistic Modelling for Constraint-Based NLP
We present a probabilistic model for constraint-based grammars and a method for estimating the parameters of such models from incomplete, i.e., unparsed data. Whereas methods exist to estimate the parameters of probabilistic context-free grammars from incomplete data (Baum 1970), so far for probabilistic grammars involving context-dependencies only parameter estimation techniques from complete, i.e., fully parsed data have been presented (Abney 1997). However, complete-data estimation requires labor-intensive, error-prone, and grammar-specific hand-annotating of large language corpora. We present a log-linear probability model for constraint logic programming, and a general algorithm to estimate the parameters of such models from incomplete data by extending the estimation algorithm of Della-Pietra, Della-Pietra, and Lafferty (1997) to incomplete data settings.
HATNet: An End-to-End Holistic Attention Network for Diagnosis of Breast Biopsy Images
Training end-to-end networks for classifying gigapixel size histopathological images is computationally intractable. Most approaches are patch-based and first learn local representations (patch-wise) before combining these local representations to produce image-level decisions. However, dividing large tissue structures into patches limits the context available to these networks, which may reduce their ability to learn representations from clinically relevant structures. In this paper, we introduce a novel attention-based network, the Holistic ATtention Network (HATNet) to classify breast biopsy images. We streamline the histopathological image classification pipeline and show how to learn representations from gigapixel size images end-to-end. HATNet extends the bag-of-words approach and uses self-attention to encode global information, allowing it to learn representations from clinically relevant tissue structures without any explicit supervision. It outperforms the previous best network Y-Net, which uses supervision in the form of tissue-level segmentation masks, by 8%. Importantly, our analysis reveals that HATNet learns representations from clinically relevant structures, and it matches the classification accuracy of human pathologists for this challenging test set. Our source code is available at \url{https://github.com/sacmehta/HATNet}