Purdue Football: Brady Allen Into the Portal
Purdue Football: Brady Allen Into the Portal
Any tips for surviving CHM 257??
Life at Purdue
PSY 201
I recently changed my major to brain and behavioral science and will be taking PSY 201 (with Swisher - not many positive ratings on ratemyprofessors.com 🥴) in this upcoming spring semester. Statistics isn’t really something I’m confident at. To those who have completed the course - how would you rate the course? Looking to get a head start, what are some resources I can use? Also curious on how the exams are for brain and behavioral science overall. Was in a project based major prior to this change (haven’t written an in-person exam for almost 2 years).
Jobs around Purdue
Am I the only one who finds it strange that woke culture made a big deal about Musk and other billionaires 2x’ing their net worth during COVID but haven’t said anything about how Musk (and others) lossinf 60%+ of their net worth this year?
Boilering Up in the UK!
Put GPA on resume
Im a sophomore in ECE with a 3.1 gpa. Should i put it on my resume at all?
Texas QB Hudson Card transfers to Purdue
Anyone wants to hang out at local bars sometime later this week?
course load suggestions? cgt270/141,cs180
What’s the easiest language at Purdue?
Looking to knock out the 4 years of language requirement. Thought about taking them at Ivy tech and transferring them in, anyone have any experience with that? Otherwise, what are everyone’s thoughts on languages offered on Purdue?
Really nervous going into this stats class because I have no idea what to expect. My Professor is Yue Xing and I can’t find any info on her at all. Has anyone had her and what was your experience with her? How hard is this class? Thanks!!
What are your experiences at Purdue, campus and student life wise? Especially in prof. Flight? And how’s Lafayette as a town?
Any students here that also went to umich?
Just curious what was your experience like in both schools?
Going to college football games is so depressing
I am giving away an extra large lab coat for anyone who might be interested
Giving away a gray and black North Face backpack and an extra large lab coat. Both used but in good condition
Can i complete a minor through Ivy Tech?
Im thinking of getting a psychology minor, can i take the classes through Ivy Tech and transfer them to Purdue??
Does anyone have the recipe for the dining court waffle batter?
I ate one of those bad boys nearly every morning for four years and miss them very much
Opinion on 31st Dec trip to Chicago?
We are planning to go Chicago on 31st and return on 1st Jan. What are some places to go for new year? And is it fine going in this cold?
Virtual Summer Undergraduate Research for CS
Does anyone have pokemon scarlet
Title. I have violet and I caught all the pokemon I can in the game and am looking for someone with scarlet to trade with and complete the pokedex. I can trade all the violet exclusives too. I also need the water and grass starter lines. Thanks in advance yall!
ME 270 attendance policy
I can either take this class with Jones or Zhao. Does anyone know what the attendance policies are with these two professors/ is attendance mandatory? Thanks!
i am thinking to apply Purdue in engineering for undergraduation in fall 2023
Exchange student in greek life?
Hi, I am an incoming exchange student to Purdue University for the fall of 2023. If possible, I would be interested in joining a frat. Is this possible for someone on a 6 month exchange? I think I would have a great time and fit in smoothly.
ECE 369 Prof
Does anyone else have Nak-sung Hyun as their ECE 369 Prof this semester? I don't know much about him but I thought Prof. Kulkarni was the professor for all sections of this class. I saw that he is a post doctoral fellow, so is it safe to assume that we get the same assignments and tests as Kulkarni's section?
How do you guys study for weekly math recitation quizzes?
Just curious as to what has worked for other people so I have an idea of what to do next sem! Thank you!
My mom tried making bread for the holidays and asked if I wanted to design the top 🚂🥖
CSR 342 Attendance?
Is in-person attendance required for the class? I have Heo if anyone has taken it with him
God entered inside of my body, as a Ghost body! My same size! this is Baptism of The Holy Ghost
its december 27-2022, and all three of my cars is broken down
Similarity between MA261 and MA262?
If there is similarity what topics/concepts are carried over into MA262?
Help me
Selling Purdue class textbooks with little to no use to anyone interested. Willing to negotiate on prices. DM me directly if interested.
High gpa but no Dean’s List?
I have a 3.95 this semester and cumulative (freshman here) took 17 credit hours in psychology, my academic standing is “good academic standing” and I don’t see the extra note and never got an email. Is this an error?
Should I retake ME 308
Im not too sure on what i should so i need some advice. I was doing decent in fluids throughout the semester up until the final exam. I completely bombed it which resulted in me getting a D in the class. For some background I am a junior in ME and my schedule for next semester is: - ME 375 - ME 30801 - ME 363 - ME 300 - ME 354
Finding Apartment Roommates
Should I retake Purdue University?
For context I got a degree in chemical engineering in May 2022, and I got a full time job within a month after that but honestly my C in ChemE 205 really just doesn’t sit well with me and I think I should just redo the entire thing to get a B instead, thoughts?
Chemistry test out
Hi I’m trying to test out of chemistry 115 and 116. I don’t really know how this works. Should I just take the test out exam or the CLEP Exam.Also, when is the deadline to register for the test out exam.
Is my schedule too light?
ABE 22600 Biotechnology Laboratory I ABE 29000 Sophomore Seminar AD 39500 History of Design **(Fall 2021 and after only)** AGRY 12500 Environmental Science and Conservation AGRY 28500 World Crop Adaptation and Distribution AGRY 29000 Introduction to Environmental Science AMST 31000 Invention, Innovation, Design AMST 32500 Sports, Technology and Innovation ANSC 10200 Intro to Animal Agriculture ANTH 21000 Technology and Culture ASEC 35500 Controversial Science and Media in the Public Sphere ASM 23600 Environmental Systems Management BCHM 10000 Intro to Biochemistry BCM 10001 Introduction to Construction Management BIOL 12100 Biology I: Ecology, Diversity, & Behavior BIOL 31200 Great Issues in Genomics and Society  **(Fall 2015 and earlier only)** BTNY 20100 Plants and Civilization BTNY 21100 Plants and the Environment BTNY 28500 Plants and Civilization CE 35500 Engineering Environmental Sustainability **(Fall 2021 and after only)** CGT 17208 User Experience Design Studio I: Fundamentals **(Fall 2022 and after only)** CM 10000 Introduction to Construction COM 25100 Intro to Electronic Mass Media COM 25100 Communication, Information and Society CS 10100 Digital Literacy EAPS 10000 Planet Earth EAPS 10400 Oceanography EAPS 10600 Geosciences in the Cinema EAPS 11300 Introduction to Environmental Science EAPS 12000 Introduction to Geography EAPS 12500 Environmental Science and Conservation EAPS 12900 Earth System Dynamics EAPS 20000 Water World: Processes and Challenges in Global Hydrology EEE 35500 Engineering Environmental Sustainability **(Fall 2020 and after only)** ENGL 22300 Literature and Technology ENGL 22600 Narrative Medicine ENGL 23400 Ecological Literature ENGR 20100 Engineering in Global Context **(Summer 2016 and earlier only, course renumbered to ENGR 31000)** ENGR 27920 Sophomore Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) **(Fall 2020 only, course prefix changed to VIP)** ENGR 31000 Engineering in Global Context **(Fall 2016 and after only, course renumbered from ENGR 20100)**  ENGR 37920 Junior Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) **(Fall 2020 only, course prefix changed to VIP)** ENGR 47920 Senior Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) **(Fall 2020 only, course prefix changed to VIP)** ENTM 10500 Insects: Friends & Foe ENTM 12800 Investigating Forensic Science ENTM 21800 Intro to Forensic Science **(Fall 2014 and earlier only)** EPCS 10100 Engineering Projects in Community Service EPCS 10200 Engineering Projects in Community Service EPCS 11100 First Year Participation in EPICS I EPCS 12100 First Year Participation in EPICS I EPCS 20100 Engineering Projects in Community Service EPCS 20200 Engineering Projects in Community Service EPCS 30100 Engineering Projects in Community Service EPCS 30200 Engineering Projects in Community Service EPCS 40100 Engineering Projects in Community Service EPCS 40200 Engineering Projects in Community Service FNR 10300 Intro to Environmental Conservation FNR 12500 Environmental Science and Conservation FNR 22310 Introduction to Environmental Policy FNR 23000 World Forests and Society FNR 24000 Wildlife in America FS 16100 Science of Food HIST 30305 Food in Modern America HIST 30605 Technology And War In U.S. History  HIST 31305 Medical Devices and Innovation HIST 31405 Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics (STEM) And Gender HIST 33205 The Nuclear Age HIST 33300 Science & Society in Western Civilization I HIST 33400 Science & Society in Western Civilization II HIST 35000 Science & Society in the Twentieth Century World HIST 35205 Death, Disease and Medicine in Twentieth-Century American History HIST 36305 The History of Medicine and Public Health HIST 38001 History of U. S. Agriculture HIST 38400 History of Aviation HIST 38700 History of the Space Age HONR 19901 The Evolution of Ideas  **(Fall 2018 and earlier ONLY)** HONR 46000 Technological Justice **(Fall 2022 and after only)** HORT 12100 Medicine in the Garden HORT 30600 History of Horticulture HSCI 20100 Principles of Public Health Science HSCI 20200 Essentials of Environmental, Occupational, & Radiological Health Sciences IT 22600 Biotechnical Lab I LA 16100 Land and Society ME 29000 Global Engineering Professional Seminar NRES 12500 Environmental Science and Conservation NRES 29000 Introduction to Environmental Science NUTR 39800 Culture & Food of France PHIL 20700 Ethics for Technology, Engineering, and Design PHIL 20800 Ethics of Data Science **(Fall 2022 and after only)** PHIL 22100 Introduction to Philosophy of Science PHIL 27000 Biomedical Ethics POL 22300 Introduction to Environmental Policy POL 23700 Modern Weapons and International Relations PUBH 20200 Health in the Time of Pandemics: An Introduction **(Fall 2020 and after only)** SA 10202 Culture & Food of France SLHS 11500 Introduction to Communicative Disorders SLHS 21500 Exploring Audiology & Hearing Science SLHS 30900 Language Development SOC 33500 Political Sociology **(Fall 2021 and after only)** STAT 11300 Statistics and Society SYS 30000 It’s a Complex World: Addressing Global Challenges SYS 35000 Systems Theories and Approaches **(** **Summer 2021 and earlier only)** SYS 40000 Systems Praxis **(Fall 2021 and after only)** TECH 12000 Technology and the Individual  **(Fall 2013 and after only)** VIP 17911 First Year Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) I **(Fall 2021 and after only)** VIP 17920 First Year Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) **(Fall 2021 and after only)** VIP 27920 Sophomore Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) **(Spring 2021 and after only)** VIP 37920 Junior Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) **(Spring 2021 and after only)** VIP 47920 Senior Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) **(Spring 2021 and after only)** YDAE 35500 Controversial Science and Media in the Public Sphere **(Summer 2019 and before only. Effective Fall 2019, YDAE is now ASEC)** AMST 10100 America and the World CLCS 23100 Survey of Latin Literature  **(Summer 2019 and earlier only)** CLCS 23700 Gender & Sexuality in Greek & Roman Antiquity  **(Summer 2019 and earlier only)** CLCS 33900 Literature and the Law  **(Summer 2019 and earlier only)** COM 20400 Critical Perspectives on Communication EDCI 20500 Exploring Teaching as a Career ENGL 10600 First Year Composition ENGL 10800 Accelerated First Year Composition ENGL 30400 Advanced Composition **(Fall 2021 and after only)** ENGL 38000 Issues in Rhetoric and Public Life **(Fall 2021 and after only)** HONR 19903 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Writing PHIL 26000 Philosophy & Law **(Summer 2023 and earlier only)** SCLA 10100 Transformative Texts: Critical Thinking & Communication I: Antiquity to Modernity SPAN 33000 Spanish And Latin American Cinema **(Summer 2020 and earlier only)** ANTH 20400 Intro to Bio Anthro and Human Evolution ASTR 26300 Descriptive Astronomy: The Solar System ASTR 26400 Descriptive Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies BIOL 11000 Fundamentals of Biology I BIOL 11100 Fundamentals of Biology II BIOL 11200 Fundamentals of Biology I BIOL 11300 Fundamentals of Biology II BIOL 12100 Biology I: Ecology, Diversity, & Behavior BIOL 13100 Biology II: Dev, Structure & Function of Organisms  **(Summer 2023 and earlier only)** BIOL 13500 First Year Biology Lab BIOL 14501 First year biol lab with neuro res project BIOL 14502 First year BIOL lab with Micro Res Project BIOL 14600 Introduction to Biology BIOL 20100 Human Anatomy and Physiology BIOL 20200 Human Anatomy and Physiology BIOL 20300 Human Anatomy and Physiology BIOL 20400 Human Anatomy and Physiology BIOL 20500 Biology for Elementary School Teachers BIOL 20600 Biology for Elementary School Teachers BIOL 30200 Human Design: Anatomy and Physiology BTNY 11000 Intro to Plant Science CHM 11100 General Chemistry CHM 11200 General Chemistry CHM 11500 General Chemistry CHM 11600 General Chemistry CHM 12500 Introduction to Chemistry CHM 12600 Introduction to Chemistry II CHM 12901 General Chemistry with Biological focus CHM 13600 General Chemistry Honors CHM 20000 Fundamentals of Chemistry  **(Summer 2023 and earlier only)** EAPS 10200 Earth Science for Elementary Education  **(Fall 2021 and earlier only)** EAPS 10500 The Planets EAPS 10900 The Dynamic Earth  **(Summer 2023 and earlier only)** EAPS 11100 Physical Geology EAPS 11200 Earth Through Time EAPS 11600 Earthquakes and Volcanoes EAPS 11700 Introduction to Atmospheric Science EAPS 12900 Earth System Dynamics EAPS 13800 Thunderstorms & Tornadoes EAPS 22100 Survey of Atmospheric Science EAPS 22500 Science of the Atmosphere EAPS 24300 Earth Materials I  **(Summer 2023 and earlier only)** EAPS 24400 Earth Materials II  **(Summer 2023 and earlier only)** EAPS 31201 Earth Systems Science for Elementary Teachers \*ENGR 16100 Honors Introduction to Innovation and the Physical Science of Engineering Design I (Both ENGR 16100 **AND** 16200 are required to meet **one** of the two SCI courses) \*ENGR 16200 Honors Introduction to Innovation and the Physical Science of Engineering Design II (Both ENGR 16100 **AND** 16200 are required to meet  **one** of the two SCI courses) ENTM 10500 Insects: Friends & Foe ENTM 20600 General Entomology ENTM 21000 Intro to Insect Behavior ENTM 22810 Forensic Investigation ENTM 22820 Forensic Analysis HORT 10100 Fundamentals of Horticulture NRES 23000 Survey of Meteorology NUTR 20200 Principles Of Food Preparation And Nutrition NUTR 30300 Essentials of Nutrition PHYS 15200 Mechanics PHYS 17200 Modern Mechanics PHYS 21400 Nature of Physics PHYS 21500 Physics for Elementary Education PHYS 21800 General Physics I PHYS 21900 General Physics II PHYS 22000 General Physics PHYS 22100 General Physics PHYS 23000 Physical Science for Elementary Education PHYS 24100 Electricity and Optics PHYS 27200 Electric and Magnetic Interactions SLHS 30600 Introduction to Phonetics  **(Prior to Fall 2018)** EDCI 22200 Knowing the World Through Mathematics **(Fall 2020 and after only)** MA 13800 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II  **(Fall 2013 and after only)** MA 15300 Algebra and Trigonometry I MA 15400 Algebra and Trigonometry II  **(Spring 2016 and earlier only)** MA 15555 Quantitative Reasoning MA 15800 Functions and Trigonometry MA 15910 Introduction to Calculus MA 16010 Applied Calculus I MA 16020 Applied Calculus II MA 16100 Plane Analytic Geometry and Calculus I MA 16200 Plane Analytic Geometry and Calculus II MA 16500 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I MA 16600 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II MA 17300 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II MA 17400 Multivariable Calculus MA 18100 Honors Calculus I MA 18200 Honors Calculus II MA 19000 Quantitative Reasoning MA 22000 Introduction to Calculus MA 22100 Calculus for Technology I MA 22200 Calculus for Technology II MA 22300 Introductory Analysis I MA 22400 Introductory Analysis II MA 23100 Calculus for the Life Sciences I MA 23200 Calculus for the Life Sciences II MA 26100 Multivariate Calculus MA 26200 Plane Analytic Geometry and Calculus II MA 26500 Linear Algebra MA 26600 Ordinary Differential Equations MA 27100 Several Variable Calculus MA 27101 Honors Multivariate Calculus MA 35100 Elementary Linear Algebra MA 36600 Ordinary Differential Equations PHIL 15000 Principles Of Logic COM 11400 Fundamentals of Speech Communication COM 21700 Science Writing and Presentations EDCI 49600 Student Teaching in the Elementary School **(Fall 2021 and after only)** EDCI 49800 Supervised Teaching **(Fall 2021 and after only)** EDPS 31500 Collaborative Leadership: Interpersonal Skills  **(Fall 2013 and after only)** EDPS 49800 Supervised Teaching- Special Education **(Fall 2021 and after only)** HDFS 45000 Supervised Teaching in Inclusive Programs for Young Children **(Fall 2021 and after only)** SCLA 10200 Transformative Texts: Critical Thinking & Communication II: Modern World AGR 20100 Communications Across Cultures  **(Fall 2013 and after only)** BIOL 11500 Biology Resource Seminar COM 25100 Intro to Electronic Mass Media COM 25100 Communication, Information and Society EDCI 27000 Intro to Educational Technology  **(Fall 2013 and after only)** EDPS 10500 Academic and Career Planning  **(Fall 2013 and after only)** ENGL 10600 First Year Composition ENGL 10800 Accelerated First Year Composition ENGL 30400 Advanced Composition **(Fall 2021 and after only)** ENGL 38000 Issues in Rhetoric and Public Life **(Fall 2021 and after only)** ENGR 13100 Transforming Ideas to Innovation I ENGR 13300 Transforming Ideas to Innovation – EPICS ENGR 14100 Honors Creativity & Innovation in Engineering Design I \*ENGR 16100 Honors Introduction to Innovation and the Physical Science of Engineering Design I (Both ENGR 16100 **AND** 16200 are required to meet **the IL requirement)** \*ENGR 16200 Honors Introduction to Innovation and the Physical Science of Engineering Design II (Both ENGR 16100 **AND** 16200 are required to meet **the IL requirement)** HONR 19903 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Writing ILS 17500 Information Strategies For Hospitality & Tourism Management **(Spring 2021 and after only)** MGMT 17500 Information Strategies for Management Students NUR 22301 Foundations of Research and Evidence-based Practice  **(Fall 2013 and after only)** PHIL 12000 Critical Thinking PHIL 26000 Philosophy & Law POL 30000 Introduction to Political Analysis PSY 10000 Intro to the Science and Fields of Psychology SCLA 10100 Transformative Texts: Critical Thinking & Communication I: Antiquity to Modernity STAT 11300 Statistics and Society STAT 30100 Elementary Statistical Methods TECH 12000 Technology and the Individual  **(Fall 2013 and after only)** AAS 27100 Intro to African American Studies AD 11300 Basic Drawings AD 11700 Photography I AD 12500 Intro to Interior Design AD 22600 History of Art to 1400 AD 22700 History of Art since 1400 AD 24200 Ceramics I AD 25100 History of Photography AD 25500 Art Appreciation AD 26500 Relief Printmaking AD 26600 Silkscreen Printmaking AD 27500 Beginning Sculpture AD 38300 Modern Art AD 38400 Contemporary Art AMST 31000 Invention, Innovation, Design AMST 32500 Sports, Technology and Innovation AMST 20100 Intro to American Studies AMST 25000 Introduction to American Protest Movements ANSC 33100 The Role of Horses in Human History, Culture and Society **(Summer 2022 and after only)** ARAB 10100 Standard Arabic Level I ARAB 10200 Standard Arabic Level II ARAB 20100 Standard Arabic Level III ARAB 20200 Standard Arabic Level IV ARAB 23900 Arab Women Writers **(Spring 2022 and after only)** ARAB 28000 Arabic Culture ARAB 30100 Standard Arabic Level V ARAB 30200 Standard Arabic Level VI ASAM 24000 Intro to Asian American Studies ASEC 30100 Building Intercultural Partnerships **(Spring 2022 and after only)** ASEC 33100 The Role of Horses in Human History, Culture and Society ASEC 35500 Controversial Science and Media in the Public Sphere ASL 10100 American Sign Language I ASL 10200 American Sign Language II ASL 20100 American Sign Language III ASL 20200 American Sign Language IV CHNS 10100 Chinese Level I CHNS 10200 Chinese Level II CHNS 20100 Chinese Level III CHNS 20200 Chinese Level IV CHNS 24100 Introduction to the Study of Chinese Literature CHNS 28000 Topics in Chinese Civilization and Culture CHNS 30100 Chinese Level V CHNS 30200 Chinese Level VI CHNS 33000 Introduction to Chinese Cinema CHNS 40100 Chinese Level VII CHNS 40200 Chinese Level VII CLCS 23010 Survey of Greek Literature in Translation CLCS 23100 Survey of Latin Literature CLCS 23200 Classical Roots of English Words CLCS 23300 Comparative Mythology CLCS 23500 Classical Mythology CLCS 23700 Gender & Sexuality in Greek & Roman Antiquity CLCS 23800 The Tragic Vision CLCS 23900 The Comic Vision CLCS 33900 Literature and the Law CLCS 38000 Alexander the Great & Hellenistic World CLCS 38500 Science, Medicine, and Magic In The Ancient West **(Fall 2022 and after only)** CMPL 26600 Intro to World Lit Beg - 1600 CMPL 26700 World Lit from 1700 to the present DANC 25000 Dance Appreciation DANC 37800 Survey of Concert Dance History **(Fall 2021 and after only)** EDST 20000 History & Philosophy of Education ENGL 11000 American Language And Culture For International Students I ENGL 20200 Engaging English ENGL 21700 Figures Of Myth And Legend I: Monsters ENGL 21800 Figures Of Myth And Legends II: Heroes And Villains ENGL 21900 Figures of Myth and Legend III ENGL 22500 Literature, Inequality, and Injustice ENGL 23000 Great Narrative Works ENGL 23700 Introduction to Poetry ENGL 23800 Intro to Fiction ENGL 24000 Survey Of The British Literature: From The Beginnings Through The Neoclassical Period ENGL 24100 Survey Of The British Literature: From The Rise Of Romanticism To The Modern Period ENGL 25000 Great American Books ENGL 26400 The Bible as Literature ENGL 26600 World Literature: From the Beginnings to 1700 A.D. ENGL 26700 World Lit from 1700 to the present ENGL 27600 Shakespeare on Film ENGL 28600 The Movies ENGL 32200 Word, Image, Media ENGL 35000 Survey Of American Literature From Its Beginnings To 1865 ENGL 35100 Survey Of American Literature From 1865 To The Post-World War II Period ENGL 36000 Gender and Literature ENGL 36500 Literature and Imperialism ENGL 36700 Mystery and Detective Fiction ENGL 37300 Science Fiction and Fantasy ENGL 38100 The British Novel ENGL 38200 The American Novel ENGL 38900 Literature for Children FR 10100 French Level I FR 10200 French Level II FR 10500 Accelerated Basic French **(Summer 2020 and after only)** FR 20100 French Level III FR 20200 French Level IV FR 20500 Accelerated Intermediate French **(Summer 2020 and after only)** FR 30100 French Level V FR 30200 French Level VI FR 33000 French Cinema FR 40100 French Level VII FR 40200 French Level VIII GER 10100 German Level I GER 10200 German Level II GER 10500 Accelerated Basic German **(Summer 2020 and after only)** GER 20100 German Level III GER 20200 German Level IV GER 20500 Accelerated Intermediate German **(Summer 2020 and after only)** GER 23000 German Literature in Translation GER 30100 German Level V GER 30200 German Level VI GER 33000 German Cinema GER 40100 German Level VII GER 40200 German Level VIII GREK 10100 Ancient Greek Level I GREK 10200 Ancient Greek Level II GREK 20100 Ancient Greek Level III GREK 20200 Ancient Greek Level IV GS 10000 American Language And Culture For International Students I  **(Fall 2015 and after only)** GSLA 30100 Theories of Global Studies HEBR 10100 Modern Hebrew Level I HEBR 10200 Modern Hebrew Level II HEBR 12100 Biblical Hebrew Level I HEBR 12200 Biblical Hebrew Level II HEBR 20100 Modern Hebrew Level III HEBR 20200 Modern Hebrew Level IV HEBR 22100 Biblical Hebrew Level III HEBR 22200 Biblical Hebrew Level IV HEBR 28000 Modern Israel HEBR 38000 Israel and the Modern World  **(Spring 2014 and after only)** HIST 10300 Intro to the Medieval World HIST 10400 Intro to the Modern World HIST 10500 Survey of Global World HIST 15100 American History to 1877 HIST 15200 United States since 1877 HIST 21000 The Making of Modern Africa HIST 21100 The Global Field: World Soccer and Global History HIST 23800 History of Russia from Medieval times to 1861 HIST 23900 History of Russia from 1861 to the Present HIST 24000 East Asia and Its Historic Tradition HIST 24100 East Asia in the Modern World HIST 24300 South Asian History and Civilizations HIST 24500 Middle East History and Culture HIST 24600 Modern Middle East and North Africa HIST 25000 U. S. Relations with the Middle East & No. Africa HIST 27100 Latin American History to 1824 HIST 27200 Latin American History from 1824 HIST 30000 Eve Of Destruction: Global Crises And World Organization In The 20th Century HIST 30305 Food in Modern America HIST 30400 America in the 1960s HIST 30505 The U. S. in the World 1898-present HIST 30605 Technology and War in U.S. History HIST 31005 The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1850-1877 HIST 31305 Medical Devices and Innovation HIST 31405 Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics (STEM) And Gender HIST 31505 American Beauty HIST 32300 German History HIST 32400 Modern France HIST 32900 History of Women in Modern Europe HIST 33205 The Nuclear Age HIST 33300 Science & Society in Western Civilization I HIST 33400 Science & Society in Western Civilization II HIST 33805 History of Human Rights HIST 34000 Modern China HIST 34100 History Of Africa South Of The Sahara HIST 34300 Traditional Japan HIST 34400 History of Modern Japan HIST 34901 The First World War HIST 35000 Science & Society in the Twentieth Century World HIST 35100 The Second World War HIST 35205 Death, Disease and Medicine in Twentieth-Century American History HIST 35400 Women in America to 1870 HIST 35500 History of American Military Affairs HIST 35900 Gender in East Asian History HIST 36305 The History of Medicine and Public Health HIST 37100 Society, Culture, and Rock and Roll HIST 37500 Women in America since 1870 HIST 37700 History and Culture of Native America HIST 38001 History of U. S. Agriculture HIST 38200 American Constitutional History HIST 38300 Recent American Constitutional History HIST 38400 History of Aviation HIST 38505 Media, Politics and Popular Culture HIST 38700 History of the Space Age HIST 39400 Environmental History of the United States HIST 39600 The Afro-American to 1865 HIST 39800 The Afro-American since 1865 HIST 41005 History of the American Presidency HIST 47005 Women and Health in America ITAL 10100 Italian Level I ITAL 10200 Italian Level II ITAL 10500 Accelerated Basic Italian ITAL 20100 Italian Level III ITAL 20200 Italian Level IV ITAL 20500 Accelerated Intermediate Italian ITAL 28000 Italian Culture & Civilization ITAL 28100 The Italian Renaissance ITAL 30100 Italian Level V ITAL 30200 Italian Level VI ITAL 33000 Italian Cinema ITAL 33300 The Spirit of Italian Comedy ITAL 38000 Italian Culture & Civilization JPNS 10100 Japanese Level I JPNS 10200 Japanese Level II JPNS 20100 Japanese Level III JPNS 20200 Japanese Level IV JPNS 30100 Japanese Level V JPNS 30200 Japanese Level VI JPNS 40100 Japanese Level VII JPNS 40200 Japanese Level VIII JWST 33000 Introduction to Jewish Studies LATN 10100 Latin Level I LATN 10200 Latin Level II LATN 20100 Latin Level III LATN 20200 Latin Level IV LATN 34300 Roman Oratory LATN 34400 Roman Epic LATN 34500 Roman Elegy LATN 34600 Roman Rhetoric LATN 34700 Roman Comedy LATN 44200 Roman Lyric Poetry LATN 44300 Roman Satire LATN 44400 Roman Philosophers LATN 44500 Roman Encyclopedists LATN 44600 Roman Historians LC 23900 Contemp. Foreign Women Writers in Translation LC 33300 The Middle Ages on Film MUS 11200 Fundamentals of Music **(Fall 2022 and after only)** MUS 13200 Music Theory I **(Fall 2022 and after only)** MUS 25000 Music Appreciation MUS 26100 Fundamentals of Music **(Summer 2022 and before only)** MUS 36100 Music Theory I **(Summer 2022 and before only)** MUS 37600 World Music MUS 37800 Jazz History PHIL 11000 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 11100 Ethics PHIL 11400 Global Moral Issues PHIL 20600 Philosophy of Religion PHIL 21900 Introduction to Existentialism PHIL 22300 Fate and Free Will PHIL 22500 Philosophy and Gender PHIL 23000 Religions of the East PHIL 23100 Religions of the West PHIL 24000 Social and Political Philosophy PHIL 24200 Philosophy, Culture, and the African-American Experience PHIL 27500 Philosophy of Art PHIL 28000 Ethics and Animals PHIL 29000 Environmental Ethics PHIL 30100 History of Ancient Philosophy PHIL 30200 History of Medieval Philosophy PHIL 30300 History of Modern Philosophy PHIL 30400 19th Century Philosophy PHIL 41100 Modern Ethical Theory PHIL 42400 Recent Ethical Theory PTGS 10100 Portuguese Level I PTGS 10200 Portuguese Level II PTGS 10500 Accelerated Portuguese PTGS 20100 Portuguese Level III PTGS 20200 Portuguese Level IV PTGS 30100  Portuguese Level V PTGS 30200  Portuguese Level VI REL 20000 Intro to study of religion REL 23000 Religions of the East REL 23100 Religions of the West RUSS 10100 Russian Level I RUSS 10200 Russian Level II RUSS 20100 Russian Level III RUSS 20200 Russian Level IV RUSS 28100 Post Soviet Experience RUSS 30100 Russian Level V RUSS 30200 Russian Level VI RUSS 33000 Russian and East European Cinema RUSS 40100 Russian Level VII RUSS 40200 Russian Level VIII SPAN 10100 Spanish Level I SPAN 10200 Spanish Level II SPAN 10500 Accelerated Basic Spanish **(Summer 2020 and after only)** SPAN 20100 Spanish Level III SPAN 20200 Spanish Level IV SPAN 20500 Accelerated Intermediate Spanish **(Summer 2020 and after only)** SPAN 23500 Spanish American Literature in Translation SPAN 30100 Spanish Level V SPAN 30200 Spanish Level VI SPAN 30500 Spanish For Heritage Speakers SPAN 30801 Advanced Spanish For Heritage Speakers SPAN 33000 Spanish And Latin American Cinema SPAN 40100 Spanish Level VII SPAN 40200 Spanish Level VIII THTR 20100 Theater Appreciation WGSS 28000 Intro to Women’s Studies YDAE 33100 The Role of Horses in Human History Culture and Society **(Summer 2019 and before only. Effective Fall 2019, YDAE is now ASEC)** YDAE 35500 Controversial Science and Media in the Public Sphere **(Summer 2019 and before only. Effective Fall 2019, YDAE is now ASEC)** AD 33900 Women Artists In The 20th Century **(Fall 2021 and after only)** AGEC 20300 Intro to Microeconomics for Food and Agribusiness AGEC 20400 Intro to Resource Economics and Environmental Policy AGEC 21700 Economics AGEC 25000 The Economic Geography of World Food and Resources AGR 20100 Communications Across Cultures **(Fall 2013 and after only)** AMST 21000 Sport in American Culture ANTH 10000 Intro to Anthropology ANTH 20100 Intro to Archaeological and World Prehistory ANTH 20300 Biological Basis of Human Social Behavior ANTH 20500 Human Cultural Diversity ANTH 23000 Gender Across Cultures ANTH 37900 Native American Culture CLCS 18100 Classical World Civilizations COM 21200 Approaches to the study of interpersonal communication COM 22400 Communicating in the Global Workplace ECON 21000 Principles of Economics ECON 25100 Microeconomics ECON 25200 Macroeconomics ECON 51400 Microeconomic Theory **(Summer 2021 and earlier only)** EDCI 28500 Multiculturalism in Education EDPS 23500 Learning and Motivation EDPS 26500 The Inclusive Classroom **(Summer 2020 and earlier only)** EDPS 31600 Collaborative Leadership: Cross-Cultural Settings EDST 20010 Educational Policies And Laws **(Summer 2020 and earlier only)** EDST 24800 Contemporary Issues in American Schools ENGL 22700 Intro to Linguistics ENGL 22800 Language and Social Identity  **(Spring 2021 and earlier only)** HDFS 20100 Introduction to Family Processes HDFS 21000 Intro to Human Development HDFS 28000 Diversity in Individual and Family Life HTM 37200 Global Tourism Geography LC 26100 Introduction to the Linguistic Study of Foreign Languages LING 20100 Intro to Linguistics POL 10100 American Government and Politics POL 12000 Introduction to Public Policy POL 13000 Introduction to International Relations POL 14100 Governments of the World POL 22200 Women, Politics, and Policy POL 22300 Introduction to Environmental Policy POL 23000 Introduction to the Study of Peace  **(Summer 2021 and earlier only)** POL 23100 Introduction to U. S. Foreign Policy POL 23500 International Relations Among Rich and Poor Nations POL 32600 Black Political Participation in America POL 32700 Global Green Politics POL 33500 China and the Challenge of Globalization POL 36000 Women and the Law POL 37200 Indiana Government & Politics PSY 12000 Elementary Psychology PSY 12300 Beyond Mental Health: The Science of Well-Being **(Fall 2022 and after only)** SCLA 20000 Cornerstones in Constitutional Law SLHS 22700 Intro to Linguistics SOC 10000 Intro to Sociology SOC 22000 Social Problems SOC 27500 Social Gerontology SOC 32600 Social Conflict and Criminal Justice SOC 34400 Environmental Sociology **(Fall 2021 and after only)** SOC 35200 Drugs, Culture, and Society SOC 37400 Medical Sociology **(Fall 2021 and after only)** SOC 42900 Sociology of Protest **(Fall 2021 and after only)** WGSS 28000 Intro to Women’s Studies WGSS 28200 Introduction to LGBT Studies WGSS 38000 Gender and Multiculturalism Idk if I should add more
.5 point / .07% off from the next letter grade, but my grade was not rounded up.
Restaurant Recommendations: where in Greater Lafayette would you suggest and why? List their price range and basic menu.
Anybody notice that Matt Frost invited only the white players and Edey for dinner?
Is This a Manageable Schedule?
Why isn’t wireless screen sharing available on most new computer monitors?
ECE classes rated by usefulness for job search
I have no internship experience and landed a FAANG level job as a hardware engineer. Here's a list of classes I took and how useful they were towards my job search. I am compE and the HWE I refer to here is digital design/verilog and not EE. Commentary is based on personal opinion of SWE/HWE career path, I have nothing against the classes or the professors (other than Bob Givan). FYE: CS159 - Intro level C, extremely important for everything down the line, take it seriously. MAxxx (Calc) - Some concepts are used in later classes, if you passed you are fine. Everything else like Chem, Phys, Bio, ENGR, ENGL whatever is BS ECE: ECE 20001/2: Intro concepts, some are pretty important to understand as a hardware engineer, rest is BS. If you plan on doing software this is completely useless. Unnecessarily hard imo. I found these classes to be a waste of my time. ECE 264: Follow up of CS159, very important, take it seriously. If you do not fully understand this class it will make your life much harder in ECE 368. Easy with Lu. ECE 20875: Very important, Python is used in hardware to generate test benches, overall very useful language. I use python the most for personal projects. Easy with David I. ECE 270: Fundamentals of digital design, extremely important if you want do become a hardware engineer. Good to know as SWE as well. Great lectures with Rick. ECE 362: Embedded C programming, this is a important build up for your senior design project if you take ECE 477. Most groups use the STM32 used in 362 one way or another in their projects. You can also pursue a career of embedded programming based on this class. Start your labs ahead of time or you will not finish. Medium difficulty with Rick, but consumes too much time. ECE 368: You will 100% be asked about data structures in any programming related job interviews. You will need to learn these concepts one way or another. As SWE this is your bread and butter. Hard and time consuming, depends on number of PAs they decide to give out. ECE 369: Complete BS with Givan, I'm happy he's no longer teaching it. Very easy A with Milind. Introduces some cool logical concepts, personally did not find very useful for the purpose of job search. ECE 301: Useless math BS, unnecessarily hard. ECE 302: Better than 301, still BS. ECE 337: You have to take this class if you want to do hardware. Medium difficulty with Johnson, very time consuming. Many interview questions based on this class. ECE 437: You have to take this class if you want to do hardware. Very hard and time consuming with Vijay. Tons of interview questions based on this class. ECE 39595 (C++): C++, and object oriented programming is the bread and butter for design verification roles in hardware, these roles are also typically offered to new grads. You should take this classes and build a good understanding of OOP concepts, this puts you ahead of others who has only taken 337/437. Also easy A. ECE 477: Senior design, wasn't super hard, basically a bigger version of 362 project for us. Time consuming. Great experience if you want to build a career in embedded. ECE 570: Great if you want to do AI, good python exercise. Rumored to be one of the easiest grad level ECE course. Most get A/B. ECE 29401/39401/49401: Total BS, Free A GPA Booster Electives: CSR 342: Took it online during summer, entire course is on quizlet. Free A. COM 320: Go to class, free A. EAPS 106: Watch movies, free A. HIST 152: If you know high school level US history, easy A Overall importance: HWE: Digital Design (270, 337, 437) > Programming (264, 368, 39595) > else SWE: Programming > else ​ No matter what, you will need to do quite some studying by yourself for job interviews. However, having a strong understanding of these classes will put you ahead by a mile.
How giving is the school of transfer scholarships?
PHYS 221
Are lectures recorded for this class, and how hard is it?
Schedule Difficulty
CS 240 Programming in C POL 101 American Government and Politics CS 182 Foundations of Computer Science MA 162 5 Credit Hour Calc II What should I be expecting/any advice on how to ensure I do well?
Would bars let me in with a paper ID?
basically title, I made the mistake of waiting too long to renew my license after turning 21 and I’ll have to go back to WL for the spring semester with only a paper license until my real one comes in. it’s really not that big of a deal but I’m curious if any bars would let me in with just the paper and puid (unfortunately I don’t have a passport which I know would be the easy solution but I’ve only ever traveled domestically)
CLEP Exam (BIO 110)
Can I just take the exam whenever and report it back to Purdue if the score is high enough? Or is there a more formal process that needs to happen?
Kinda need moral support. Applying here to do something I love and to get out of a toxic situation
UMich was toxic as hell bc of the shit I went through there Initially I applied to both universities for the fall 2021 application cycle as well as the UCs and other Midwest colleges. I chose umich mostly bc at the time I thought CS was what I wanted to do and bc of the costs of going in state for a top engineering school Well it was kinda a mistake, I kinda saw it coming shortly after I applied to umich but none of the pros that umich is known to have materialized in my case. Over there whenever my parents or sister came over I had to hide my pride flag in my dorm room so that they wouldn’t find out. Especially my sister because she always snitches to my parents about anything I do. And I couldn’t buy any pride merch or have stickers on my iPad without having to tear them off when family was nearby. I also was raised in a religious abusive cult and I still knew a lot of the members when I exited last year as a freshman, and I was always afraid of publically sharing my experience bc some of my friends would cut me off instantly and label me as a mentally ill or satanic person, and with family around the area too I would risk going through a lot of shit at home if they find out. Honestly it was terrifying and I couldn’t find any community there either without fearing for my safety and some of the people I tried to be friends with brushed and blew me off like an NPC. This contributed to severe depression I developed within the last year. I also learned that my dad conditioned me to choose CS based on signing me up for after school clubs and CS summer camps. Plus telling me I would be worth nothing to society if I didn’t do CS. I submitted my apps two weeks ago and I’m scared I won’t get to transfer here. I want to go here bc I know a lot of alumni and students here. I want to go here because of the aviation school plus like minded ppl that are interested in the same thing. And I am actually safe at West Lafayette, away from family, compared to Ann Arbor. I just need some moral support as I await my decision from the admissions board and daddy Daniels. Hopefully I get in.
MGMT minor classes
anyone has any recommendations on what electives to take for the minor or if you have taken any of these classes and have some insight? I'm between MGMT 35200, 31000, 44301, 44428, 30400.
IE tech electives
What’s a low stress IE 4-level or 5-level tech elective? Any easy graduate level classes? Has anyone taken any of the IE490 offered next semester?
How is this schedule
ECE 20002 w/ Gomez ECE 20875 w/ Qiu ECE 270 w/ Li ECE 368 w/ Koh ECE 39595SET POL 237 I had 264 w/ Koh already and liked him but it was very difficult and time consuming, I’m sure 368 will be worse. Should I drop the SET class because I’ve heard it’s the workload of a 3 credit class.
Join the Great Lakes Gaymers Discord Server!
CPT 2022 Professional Edition
Spring Move in Question
Do we have to sign up for a time to move back in for the spring like last year or...? Because I remember getting the move in form email a lot earlier last year.
Does anyone know how much a restricted residence parking permit costs?
I’m looking on the FAQs, the actual parking permit site, everything. And all of them are dancing around telling me the actual price. Can someone who has bought a restricted residence parking permit just give me a straight answer to how much they are? All I need is a dollar sign amount.
If you use D8, where do you buy?
[removed] [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/zxaet5)
Where to get Therapy near Purdue
I’m a junior at purdue and really think some sort of therapy would benefit me a lot, i tried calling caps recently and they essentially told me “if it’s not an emergency call back later” so I’m not really thinking that is the best resource. Does anyone have any recommendations for good, cheap, and nearby psychological help?
What do we do with furniture or other larger things after the spring semester ends?
Are there any recommended storage places?
BCHM 100
Has anyone taken BCHM 100? Is it super time consuming?
CLEP Exam for HUM Credit
Was wondering if anyone had experience taking Western Civilization 1/2 for HIST 103/4 Credit to use for their humanities gen ed requirement
Does anyone know when the CODO FYE's result release?
MA35100 Best Resources to study
taking ma351 this spring semester and would like to know the most useful resources to study for this class
God entered inside of my body, as a Ghost body! My same size! this is Baptism of The Holy Ghost
Scheduling a return time slot
My RA told me that we would receive emails about scheduling a time slot to come back to Purdue. He said it would activate our PUIDs. However, I have not received said email. Is this a thing we actually have to do, and if so, how?
Former Purdue football player formally charged with battery after Fortnite dispute
Deja Vu
Shouldn't Purdue also test for Chinese travelers? No hate but I just don't want to go through last two years again
CS 2nd Semester Schedule
How difficult is this schedule? CS 182 (3) CS 240 (3) MA 26500 (3) PHYS 27200 (4) EAPS 100 (3) HONR 19902 (1)
When are spring brightspace courses typically published?
GEARE for data science thoughts?
My advisor sent out an email saying GEARE is going to be available to college of science people now. I’m curious to hear what people think of the program, specifically as it applies to a data science major? Thanks :)
advice on these courses?
I'm a CompE 2nd year: \- ECE 2k2 (Gomez) \- ECE 270 (Li) \- ECE 20875 (Qiu) \- ECE 368 (Bagchi) \- ECE 369 (Kulkarni) Thanks in advance :)
shipped items over xmas break
Should I lock classes on my schedule even if I plan on CODOing?
Or should I wait until Jan 3rd?
Is there a repository for syllabi for past semesters?
I am trying to find the textbooks I need for some of my upcoming classes but the purdue course page won't give them. I am trying to get around this by finding the syllabi for those classes from last semester but am having no luck. If you know of a repository of syllabi or specifically where I can find copies of the syllabi for diff eq, ECE 2k1/2k7/264 or phys 272 and wouldn't mind sharing I would really appreciate it
FYE UGTA Training
Does anyone else not have access to the Brightspace yet? I know the email said to check the “All” tab but its not there for me.
How to stay focused ?
Thoughts on psy120??
not a psych major for reference and how easy is it, what professor would you recommend???
ENGR 131
how hard is this??? and can you take it if you’re not in FYE???
BME students
Hi i’m considering BME so if you’re in BME can you please tell me about it? just anything you think i should know about classes, jobs or anything helpful and you can dm me as well if you don’t wanna comment, thank you!
Will classes still open up? Two of mine that I need are still full!
Study abroad options without having to learn foreign language
Do they exist for engineering students?
loosing last few pounds hardest, because thats when it hurts, and you have to give up, what you dont want to
Does the BIOL111 lecture (w/ Sean Humphrey) require attendance?
CS 180 UTA
Does anyone know when CS 180 UTA application results are releasesd?
Any fun places around?
We don't have a car and we are stuck at WL. Are there any nice places to spend the rest of the break?
Anyone currently live in Valley Tower Lafayette?
Just wondering about rooms, pictures look nice on their website but wondering how consistent this is with reality. Any problems or issues?
C+ in Linear Algebra, will it impact choice of engineering major for TTM
If you get a C+ in Linear Algebra and are doing TTM from FYE for January 2023, will that hurt your chances of getting your first-choice major? GPA is 3.6 and had As in all other classes--brought in 59 hours of AP and dual credit due to earning 5/5s on AP exams. Chronologically a freshman, but will be a junior next semester in hours. Had a not-so-great TA for math
Microscope Repair Help
I recently moved my microscope up to my appartment but the light got bumped around in shipping and I’d rather not go through the trouble of repairing it myself, if anyone is familiar with any of the AmScope models please hmu. I’d be willing to pay 50$ or more depending on if its just a light replacement or full reinstall. If you have any suggestions or know any lab techs who’d be able to help please lmk!!
If West Lafayette was in Central Time, the world would be a better place.
Eastern time has got to go.
Semester Break
Does anyone know if it is possible to take a semester off and come back in the Summer or Fall?
what fun activities/places i can go with my friend around west lafayette during this winter season?