16 values
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `bob`, `alice`, `eric`, `peter`, `arnold` - People have different favorite sports: `tennis`, `baseball`, `swimming`, `basketball`, `soccer` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `ranch`, `colonial`, `victorian`, `modern`, `craftsman` - People own different car models: `bmw 3 series`, `honda civic`, `ford f150`, `tesla model 3`, `toyota camry` ## Clues: 1. Peter is in the fourth house. 2. The person in a ranch-style home and the person who owns a Tesla Model 3 are next to each other. 3. The person who loves soccer is somewhere to the left of the person in a modern-style house. 4. Eric is directly left of the person who owns a Honda Civic. 5. The person who loves basketball is the person who owns a BMW 3 Series. 6. The person who loves tennis is the person residing in a Victorian house. 7. There is one house between the person in a modern-style house and the person who owns a Tesla Model 3. 8. The person who loves swimming is in the fourth house. 9. The person who loves basketball is somewhere to the left of Alice. 10. Alice is directly left of Arnold. 11. The person who owns a Ford F-150 is in the third house. 12. The person in a Craftsman-style house is not in the second house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "FavoriteSport", "HouseStyle", "CarModel" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "basketball", "craftsman", "bmw 3 series" ], [ "2", "alice", "soccer", "colonial", "honda civic" ], [ "3", "arnold", "baseball", "modern", "ford f150" ], [ "4", "peter", "swimming", "ranch", "toyota camry" ], [ "5", "bob", "tennis", "victorian", "tesla model 3" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `bob`, `eric`, `peter`, `arnold`, `alice`, `carol` - Each person has a unique birthday month: `mar`, `may`, `sept`, `april`, `feb`, `jan` - Each person has a different level of education: `high school`, `doctorate`, `bachelor`, `associate`, `trade school`, `master` - The people keep different animals: `dog`, `bird`, `fish`, `cat`, `rabbit`, `horse` - People have different favorite sports: `basketball`, `baseball`, `swimming`, `soccer`, `volleyball`, `tennis` - Each person has a unique hobby: `painting`, `knitting`, `cooking`, `woodworking`, `gardening`, `photography` ## Clues: 1. The woodworking hobbyist is the rabbit owner. 2. The person with a bachelor's degree is not in the third house. 3. The person with a bachelor's degree is directly left of the person who loves cooking. 4. The person whose birthday is in April is somewhere to the right of Arnold. 5. Peter is in the second house. 6. The person who loves swimming is somewhere to the left of the person who loves soccer. 7. The person whose birthday is in May is somewhere to the right of the person who keeps horses. 8. The cat lover is the person with a high school diploma. 9. The person whose birthday is in March is the dog owner. 10. Eric is the photography enthusiast. 11. The person with an associate's degree is somewhere to the left of the fish enthusiast. 12. The person whose birthday is in April is somewhere to the right of the person who paints as a hobby. 13. The person with a doctorate is Bob. 14. The person who loves basketball is the fish enthusiast. 15. The person whose birthday is in September is somewhere to the left of the person who enjoys knitting. 16. The cat lover is not in the third house. 17. The fish enthusiast is the person whose birthday is in April. 18. Arnold is the person whose birthday is in February. 19. The person who attended trade school is the person who loves baseball. 20. The person who loves tennis is somewhere to the left of the person who attended trade school. 21. Bob is the person who paints as a hobby. 22. There are two houses between the person who enjoys gardening and the person whose birthday is in April. 23. The person who loves cooking is Carol. 24. The person who loves tennis is the person with a bachelor's degree. 25. The person whose birthday is in May is in the fifth house. 26. The person who loves volleyball is the dog owner.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Birthday", "Education", "Animal", "FavoriteSport", "Hobby" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "bob", "sept", "doctorate", "horse", "swimming", "painting" ], [ "2", "peter", "jan", "high school", "cat", "soccer", "knitting" ], [ "3", "alice", "mar", "associate", "dog", "volleyball", "gardening" ], [ "4", "arnold", "feb", "bachelor", "rabbit", "tennis", "woodworking" ], [ "5", "carol", "may", "trade school", "bird", "baseball", "cooking" ], [ "6", "eric", "april", "master", "fish", "basketball", "photography" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `peter`, `arnold`, `alice` - Each person has a unique birthday month: `april`, `jan`, `sept`, `feb` - Everyone has a favorite smoothie: `desert`, `cherry`, `watermelon`, `dragonfruit` - People have different heights: `tall`, `short`, `average`, `very short` - Everyone has something different for lunch: `grilled cheese`, `spaghetti`, `stew`, `pizza` ## Clues: 1. The person whose birthday is in February is the Desert smoothie lover. 2. The person who is very short is somewhere to the right of the person whose birthday is in January. 3. Arnold is somewhere to the right of the person who is very short. 4. Alice is the person who likes Cherry smoothies. 5. The Dragonfruit smoothie lover is somewhere to the right of the person whose birthday is in January. 6. The person who is short is Eric. 7. There are two houses between the person who loves the spaghetti eater and the Desert smoothie lover. 8. Arnold is the person whose birthday is in September. 9. There are two houses between the person who is short and the person who is tall. 10. The person who is a pizza lover is Arnold. 11. The person who loves eating grilled cheese is not in the fourth house. 12. The person who is short is not in the fourth house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Birthday", "Smoothie", "Height", "Food" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "jan", "watermelon", "short", "spaghetti" ], [ "2", "alice", "april", "cherry", "very short", "grilled cheese" ], [ "3", "arnold", "sept", "dragonfruit", "average", "pizza" ], [ "4", "peter", "feb", "desert", "tall", "stew" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `peter`, `eric`, `bob`, `alice` - People have different hair colors: `black`, `blonde`, `red`, `brown`, `gray` - People have different favorite book genres: `romance`, `science fiction`, `fantasy`, `mystery`, `biography` - Each person has a favorite drink: `water`, `root beer`, `milk`, `tea`, `coffee` - The people keep different animals: `cat`, `dog`, `bird`, `fish`, `horse` - Each person has a different type of pet: `dog`, `hamster`, `cat`, `fish`, `bird` ## Clues: 1. The root beer lover is the person who loves science fiction books. 2. The person who owns a dog is the person who has black hair. 3. The person who keeps horses is in the second house. 4. The dog owner is the person who likes milk. 5. The person who loves fantasy books is the person who likes milk. 6. Bob is directly left of the person who keeps horses. 7. The person who owns a dog is the person who loves romance books. 8. The root beer lover is somewhere to the left of the coffee drinker. 9. The person who loves biography books is the person who keeps a pet bird. 10. The person with a pet hamster and the person who has red hair are next to each other. 11. The person who loves fantasy books is somewhere to the left of the person who has brown hair. 12. The cat lover is directly left of the tea drinker. 13. The person with a pet hamster is somewhere to the left of the person who likes milk. 14. Peter is directly left of the bird keeper. 15. Arnold is the person with a pet hamster. 16. There are two houses between Arnold and the person who has blonde hair. 17. The root beer lover is directly left of Alice. 18. The person with an aquarium of fish is the tea drinker.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "HairColor", "BookGenre", "Drink", "Animal", "Pet" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "bob", "black", "romance", "water", "fish", "dog" ], [ "2", "arnold", "gray", "science fiction", "root beer", "horse", "hamster" ], [ "3", "alice", "red", "fantasy", "milk", "dog", "cat" ], [ "4", "peter", "brown", "biography", "coffee", "cat", "bird" ], [ "5", "eric", "blonde", "mystery", "tea", "bird", "fish" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `eric`, `bob`, `alice`, `arnold` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `ranch`, `craftsman`, `victorian`, `modern`, `colonial` - The people keep different animals: `bird`, `cat`, `horse`, `dog`, `fish` - The people are of nationalities: `norwegian`, `brit`, `swede`, `dane`, `german` ## Clues: 1. The person living in a colonial-style house is directly left of Bob. 2. The person residing in a Victorian house is Eric. 3. The person who keeps horses is somewhere to the left of the Norwegian. 4. There is one house between Alice and the British person. 5. The person who keeps horses is the Swedish person. 6. Alice is the person who keeps horses. 7. The person who keeps horses and the fish enthusiast are next to each other. 8. The person who keeps horses is somewhere to the right of the person in a modern-style house. 9. The person in a modern-style house is somewhere to the right of the cat lover. 10. The Swedish person is somewhere to the left of the British person. 11. Arnold is the German. 12. The person in a Craftsman-style house is the cat lover. 13. Peter is the bird keeper.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "HouseStyle", "Animal", "Nationality" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "craftsman", "cat", "german" ], [ "2", "peter", "modern", "bird", "dane" ], [ "3", "alice", "colonial", "horse", "swede" ], [ "4", "bob", "ranch", "fish", "norwegian" ], [ "5", "eric", "victorian", "dog", "brit" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `eric`, `arnold`, `peter`, `bob` - They all have a different favorite flower: `carnations`, `roses`, `lilies`, `tulips`, `daffodils` - Everyone has a different favorite cigar: `prince`, `pall mall`, `dunhill`, `blue master`, `blends` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `modern`, `ranch`, `victorian`, `colonial`, `craftsman` - People have different heights: `tall`, `very short`, `short`, `very tall`, `average` - People have different hair colors: `brown`, `gray`, `black`, `blonde`, `red` ## Clues: 1. The person who is very short is the Prince smoker. 2. The person who is very short is somewhere to the right of the person who has brown hair. 3. There is one house between the person who is short and the person who is tall. 4. Eric is in the fourth house. 5. The person who loves the rose bouquet and the person who has gray hair are next to each other. 6. The person who has red hair is the person who is very tall. 7. The person in a Craftsman-style house is Bob. 8. Bob is the person who has blonde hair. 9. The Dunhill smoker is Alice. 10. The person who loves the vase of tulips is Peter. 11. The person who has black hair is the person who loves a carnations arrangement. 12. The person who is short is in the first house. 13. The person who has red hair is the person residing in a Victorian house. 14. The person who has black hair is somewhere to the right of Arnold. 15. The person in a ranch-style home is somewhere to the right of the person who loves the rose bouquet. 16. The person residing in a Victorian house is the person partial to Pall Mall. 17. The person who loves a bouquet of daffodils is not in the third house. 18. The person who smokes Blue Master is the person who loves a carnations arrangement. 19. The person who loves a bouquet of daffodils is somewhere to the left of the person who smokes Blue Master. 20. The person who is short is the person who smokes many different blends. 21. The person in a modern-style house is the person who smokes Blue Master.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Flower", "Cigar", "HouseStyle", "Height", "HairColor" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "daffodils", "blends", "colonial", "short", "brown" ], [ "2", "bob", "roses", "prince", "craftsman", "very short", "blonde" ], [ "3", "alice", "lilies", "dunhill", "ranch", "tall", "gray" ], [ "4", "eric", "carnations", "blue master", "modern", "average", "black" ], [ "5", "peter", "tulips", "pall mall", "victorian", "very tall", "red" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `bob`, `peter`, `carol`, `eric`, `alice`, `arnold` - Each person has a different level of education: `doctorate`, `bachelor`, `master`, `trade school`, `high school`, `associate` - People have different favorite music genres: `jazz`, `country`, `pop`, `rock`, `hip hop`, `classical` - People own different car models: `tesla model 3`, `ford f150`, `toyota camry`, `chevrolet silverado`, `bmw 3 series`, `honda civic` - Each person has an occupation: `doctor`, `nurse`, `teacher`, `engineer`, `artist`, `lawyer` - Each person prefers a different type of vacation: `beach`, `city`, `camping`, `cultural`, `cruise`, `mountain` ## Clues: 1. The person who loves rock music is the person who is an engineer. 2. The person who owns a Chevrolet Silverado is somewhere to the right of Peter. 3. The person who likes going on cruises is directly left of the person who owns a BMW 3 Series. 4. The person who owns a Toyota Camry is not in the sixth house. 5. The person who likes going on cruises is the person with a master's degree. 6. The person who is an artist is in the third house. 7. The person with a high school diploma and the person with an associate's degree are next to each other. 8. The person who loves jazz music is in the sixth house. 9. Bob is somewhere to the left of the person who is a nurse. 10. The person who loves rock music is directly left of the person who enjoys camping trips. 11. The person who attended trade school is somewhere to the right of Arnold. 12. The person who likes going on cruises and the person with a high school diploma are next to each other. 13. The person with a high school diploma is directly left of the person who enjoys mountain retreats. 14. The person who loves pop music is directly left of the person who owns a Chevrolet Silverado. 15. Bob is the person who loves hip-hop music. 16. The person who owns a Chevrolet Silverado is somewhere to the right of the person who owns a Honda Civic. 17. The person who owns a Chevrolet Silverado is the person who likes going on cruises. 18. Bob is somewhere to the left of the person with a bachelor's degree. 19. Carol is the person with a high school diploma. 20. The person with a master's degree is the person who is an engineer. 21. The person who is a doctor is not in the fourth house. 22. The person who loves country music is Eric. 23. The person who is a lawyer is somewhere to the left of the person who loves hip-hop music. 24. The person who is a doctor is the person who owns a Ford F-150. 25. The person who attended trade school is the person who loves beach vacations. 26. The person who owns a Toyota Camry is somewhere to the right of the person who prefers city breaks. 27. The person who is a teacher is not in the fourth house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Education", "MusicGenre", "CarModel", "Occupation", "Vacation" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "peter", "doctorate", "pop", "honda civic", "teacher", "city" ], [ "2", "arnold", "master", "rock", "chevrolet silverado", "engineer", "cruise" ], [ "3", "carol", "high school", "classical", "bmw 3 series", "artist", "camping" ], [ "4", "eric", "associate", "country", "toyota camry", "lawyer", "mountain" ], [ "5", "bob", "trade school", "hip hop", "ford f150", "doctor", "beach" ], [ "6", "alice", "bachelor", "jazz", "tesla model 3", "nurse", "cultural" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `bob`, `peter`, `alice`, `arnold`, `eric` - Each person has a favorite drink: `water`, `tea`, `root beer`, `milk`, `coffee` - Everyone has something different for lunch: `stir fry`, `stew`, `pizza`, `spaghetti`, `grilled cheese` ## Clues: 1. The one who only drinks water is the person who is a pizza lover. 2. The tea drinker is the person who loves the spaghetti eater. 3. The person who loves the spaghetti eater is not in the second house. 4. Peter is in the third house. 5. Arnold is not in the second house. 6. The root beer lover is Eric. 7. Alice is somewhere to the right of Peter. 8. Alice is the person who loves the stew. 9. There is one house between the root beer lover and the person who loves eating grilled cheese. 10. The person who likes milk is somewhere to the right of the coffee drinker. 11. The tea drinker is Bob.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Drink", "Food" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "bob", "tea", "spaghetti" ], [ "2", "eric", "root beer", "stir fry" ], [ "3", "peter", "water", "pizza" ], [ "4", "arnold", "coffee", "grilled cheese" ], [ "5", "alice", "milk", "stew" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `eric`, `peter` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `ranch`, `victorian`, `colonial` - People have different favorite book genres: `romance`, `mystery`, `science fiction` - People use different phone models: `google pixel 6`, `iphone 13`, `samsung galaxy s21` - The mothers' names are: `aniya`, `holly`, `janelle` - Each person has a different type of pet: `dog`, `fish`, `cat` ## Clues: 1. The person whose mother's name is Aniya is the person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21. 2. The person who owns a dog is somewhere to the right of the person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21. 3. The person with an aquarium of fish is Arnold. 4. The person who uses an iPhone 13 is in the third house. 5. The person residing in a Victorian house is the person who loves mystery books. 6. The person who loves science fiction books is not in the first house. 7. Eric is the person residing in a Victorian house. 8. The person whose mother's name is Holly is the person in a ranch-style home. 9. Peter is in the first house. 10. The person who loves mystery books and the person who uses an iPhone 13 are next to each other.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "HouseStyle", "BookGenre", "PhoneModel", "Mother", "Pet" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "peter", "colonial", "romance", "samsung galaxy s21", "aniya", "cat" ], [ "2", "eric", "victorian", "mystery", "google pixel 6", "janelle", "dog" ], [ "3", "arnold", "ranch", "science fiction", "iphone 13", "holly", "fish" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `eric`, `arnold` - Each person has a different level of education: `bachelor`, `associate`, `high school` - Everyone has something different for lunch: `grilled cheese`, `spaghetti`, `pizza` - People have different hair colors: `blonde`, `brown`, `black` ## Clues: 1. Eric is the person who is a pizza lover. 2. The person with a bachelor's degree is not in the third house. 3. The person who loves the spaghetti eater is the person who has black hair. 4. The person with a bachelor's degree is not in the second house. 5. Peter is the person who has brown hair. 6. The person who has blonde hair is the person with an associate's degree. 7. The person who has brown hair is in the third house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Education", "Food", "HairColor" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "bachelor", "spaghetti", "black" ], [ "2", "eric", "associate", "pizza", "blonde" ], [ "3", "peter", "high school", "grilled cheese", "brown" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `peter`, `arnold` - Each person has an occupation: `teacher`, `engineer`, `doctor` - Each person has a unique birthday month: `april`, `sept`, `jan` - Everyone has something different for lunch: `spaghetti`, `grilled cheese`, `pizza` ## Clues: 1. The person whose birthday is in April is Eric. 2. The person who is a teacher is the person whose birthday is in September. 3. Peter is directly left of the person whose birthday is in September. 4. The person who loves the spaghetti eater is Arnold. 5. The person who loves eating grilled cheese is the person whose birthday is in January. 6. The person who is a teacher is directly left of the person who is an engineer.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Occupation", "Birthday", "Food" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "peter", "doctor", "jan", "grilled cheese" ], [ "2", "arnold", "teacher", "sept", "spaghetti" ], [ "3", "eric", "engineer", "april", "pizza" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `peter`, `arnold`, `eric` - The people keep different animals: `bird`, `horse`, `cat`, `fish` - Each person has an occupation: `doctor`, `engineer`, `artist`, `teacher` - The people are of nationalities: `brit`, `dane`, `swede`, `norwegian` - Each mother is accompanied by their child: `meredith`, `bella`, `fred`, `samantha` ## Clues: 1. The person who is an artist is the fish enthusiast. 2. The Norwegian is in the second house. 3. The bird keeper is the British person. 4. The person's child is named Bella is somewhere to the right of the person who is an artist. 5. The person who is an engineer is the cat lover. 6. The Norwegian is Arnold. 7. The cat lover is the person's child is named Samantha. 8. The person's child is named Fred is directly left of the bird keeper. 9. Eric is the person who is a doctor. 10. The cat lover is somewhere to the right of the British person. 11. Alice is the person who is an artist. 12. The person who is an artist is the Dane.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Animal", "Occupation", "Nationality", "Children" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "fish", "artist", "dane", "meredith" ], [ "2", "arnold", "horse", "teacher", "norwegian", "fred" ], [ "3", "eric", "bird", "doctor", "brit", "bella" ], [ "4", "peter", "cat", "engineer", "swede", "samantha" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `bob`, `eric`, `arnold`, `carol`, `peter`, `alice` - Everyone has a favorite smoothie: `dragonfruit`, `desert`, `watermelon`, `cherry`, `blueberry`, `lime` - Each person prefers a different type of vacation: `beach`, `camping`, `mountain`, `city`, `cruise`, `cultural` - Each person has a unique birthday month: `sept`, `feb`, `jan`, `april`, `mar`, `may` ## Clues: 1. The person who loves beach vacations is the person whose birthday is in February. 2. Carol is in the fourth house. 3. The person who likes going on cruises is not in the first house. 4. The person whose birthday is in March is somewhere to the right of Eric. 5. The person whose birthday is in September is in the sixth house. 6. The person whose birthday is in April is Bob. 7. The person who enjoys mountain retreats is Peter. 8. The person whose birthday is in April is not in the second house. 9. The person who loves beach vacations is directly left of the person whose birthday is in March. 10. The Dragonfruit smoothie lover is the person whose birthday is in January. 11. Eric is not in the second house. 12. The person who drinks Blueberry smoothies is the person who enjoys camping trips. 13. The Watermelon smoothie lover is the person who enjoys mountain retreats. 14. Alice is somewhere to the right of Arnold. 15. The person who goes on cultural tours is the person who drinks Lime smoothies. 16. There are two houses between the person who enjoys camping trips and the Watermelon smoothie lover. 17. The person who prefers city breaks is the Desert smoothie lover. 18. The person who likes Cherry smoothies is somewhere to the right of the person whose birthday is in January. 19. The person who drinks Lime smoothies is somewhere to the left of Bob.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Smoothie", "Vacation", "Birthday" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "lime", "cultural", "may" ], [ "2", "arnold", "dragonfruit", "cruise", "jan" ], [ "3", "bob", "blueberry", "camping", "april" ], [ "4", "carol", "cherry", "beach", "feb" ], [ "5", "alice", "desert", "city", "mar" ], [ "6", "peter", "watermelon", "mountain", "sept" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `peter`, `eric`, `bob`, `arnold` - Each person has an occupation: `teacher`, `doctor`, `lawyer`, `artist`, `engineer` - Each person has a different type of pet: `fish`, `hamster`, `bird`, `cat`, `dog` - Each person prefers a different type of vacation: `mountain`, `camping`, `cruise`, `city`, `beach` ## Clues: 1. Eric is in the fourth house. 2. The person who loves beach vacations is in the third house. 3. The person who is a teacher is in the second house. 4. The person who prefers city breaks is somewhere to the left of the person who owns a dog. 5. The person who is a doctor is the person who owns a dog. 6. The person with a pet hamster is Eric. 7. The person who has a cat is the person who is a lawyer. 8. Bob is the person who is an engineer. 9. Arnold is in the second house. 10. The person who enjoys mountain retreats is the person with an aquarium of fish. 11. The person who loves beach vacations is somewhere to the right of the person who enjoys camping trips. 12. Alice is the person who prefers city breaks.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Occupation", "Pet", "Vacation" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "lawyer", "cat", "city" ], [ "2", "arnold", "teacher", "bird", "camping" ], [ "3", "peter", "doctor", "dog", "beach" ], [ "4", "eric", "artist", "hamster", "cruise" ], [ "5", "bob", "engineer", "fish", "mountain" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `eric`, `peter`, `alice`, `bob`, `carol` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `craftsman`, `modern`, `victorian`, `ranch`, `mediterranean`, `colonial` - Each person has a different level of education: `associate`, `bachelor`, `trade school`, `doctorate`, `master`, `high school` - People have different favorite sports: `basketball`, `volleyball`, `tennis`, `baseball`, `swimming`, `soccer` - People have different hair colors: `black`, `blonde`, `auburn`, `brown`, `red`, `gray` - Each mother is accompanied by their child: `meredith`, `bella`, `fred`, `timothy`, `samantha`, `alice` ## Clues: 1. Alice is the person who has black hair. 2. The person with a bachelor's degree is somewhere to the right of the person who loves swimming. 3. There is one house between the person with a doctorate and the person who has blonde hair. 4. The person who loves baseball is not in the fourth house. 5. The person with a master's degree is somewhere to the right of the person who loves soccer. 6. The person who has brown hair is the person living in a colonial-style house. 7. The person in a modern-style house is the person with a bachelor's degree. 8. Eric is the person's child is named Samantha. 9. There is one house between Arnold and Bob. 10. The person who is the mother of Timothy is the person who loves tennis. 11. The person's child is named Alice is in the fifth house. 12. The person with a master's degree is the person who loves tennis. 13. Arnold is the person residing in a Victorian house. 14. The person who has blonde hair and the person living in a colonial-style house are next to each other. 15. Peter is somewhere to the left of the person who has black hair. 16. The person who has gray hair is not in the sixth house. 17. The person in a Craftsman-style house is the person who has red hair. 18. The person living in a colonial-style house is directly left of the person who attended trade school. 19. The person's child is named Fred and the person in a ranch-style home are next to each other. 20. The person who loves swimming is not in the fourth house. 21. The person with a high school diploma is somewhere to the left of the person living in a colonial-style house. 22. The person's child is named Bella is somewhere to the left of the person who loves swimming. 23. The person's child is named Meredith and the person's child is named Alice are next to each other. 24. The person who loves volleyball is the person's child is named Alice. 25. The person who has black hair is the person who attended trade school. 26. The person who attended trade school is somewhere to the left of the person in a modern-style house. 27. The person's child is named Bella is Carol.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "HouseStyle", "Education", "FavoriteSport", "HairColor", "Children" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "carol", "craftsman", "doctorate", "soccer", "red", "bella" ], [ "2", "arnold", "victorian", "high school", "swimming", "gray", "fred" ], [ "3", "peter", "ranch", "master", "tennis", "blonde", "timothy" ], [ "4", "bob", "colonial", "associate", "basketball", "brown", "meredith" ], [ "5", "alice", "mediterranean", "trade school", "volleyball", "black", "alice" ], [ "6", "eric", "modern", "bachelor", "baseball", "auburn", "samantha" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `carol`, `bob`, `peter`, `arnold`, `eric` - Everyone has something different for lunch: `stir fry`, `grilled cheese`, `stew`, `soup`, `spaghetti`, `pizza` - Each person has a favorite drink: `boba tea`, `coffee`, `water`, `root beer`, `milk`, `tea` ## Clues: 1. The person who loves the soup is the root beer lover. 2. The person who loves eating grilled cheese is in the first house. 3. The one who only drinks water is in the second house. 4. The person who loves the spaghetti eater is Carol. 5. Peter and the person who is a pizza lover are next to each other. 6. The tea drinker is the person who loves the spaghetti eater. 7. The person who is a pizza lover is in the sixth house. 8. The person who loves the stew is not in the third house. 9. The boba tea drinker is not in the sixth house. 10. Arnold is somewhere to the left of the one who only drinks water. 11. Eric is the person who loves the stew. 12. The person who loves eating grilled cheese is the person who likes milk. 13. There is one house between the person who loves the spaghetti eater and Bob. 14. The person who loves the soup is Peter.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Food", "Drink" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "grilled cheese", "milk" ], [ "2", "eric", "stew", "water" ], [ "3", "alice", "stir fry", "boba tea" ], [ "4", "carol", "spaghetti", "tea" ], [ "5", "peter", "soup", "root beer" ], [ "6", "bob", "pizza", "coffee" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `eric`, `bob`, `arnold`, `peter`, `carol` - People have different heights: `very tall`, `short`, `average`, `very short`, `super tall`, `tall` - The people are of nationalities: `norwegian`, `chinese`, `dane`, `german`, `brit`, `swede` ## Clues: 1. The Norwegian is directly left of the person who has an average height. 2. The Swedish person is Carol. 3. The Chinese is not in the fourth house. 4. Bob is somewhere to the right of the Norwegian. 5. Eric is the person who is short. 6. Bob is somewhere to the left of the German. 7. The person who is super tall is Carol. 8. Bob and Peter are next to each other. 9. The person who is tall is not in the fourth house. 10. Carol and the Chinese are next to each other. 11. The person who is short is directly left of Arnold. 12. Carol is not in the first house. 13. There are two houses between the person who is very tall and Alice. 14. The person who has an average height is Arnold. 15. The Dane is not in the third house. 16. There is one house between the person who is short and Bob.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Height", "Nationality" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "short", "norwegian" ], [ "2", "arnold", "average", "dane" ], [ "3", "bob", "very tall", "brit" ], [ "4", "peter", "very short", "german" ], [ "5", "carol", "super tall", "swede" ], [ "6", "alice", "tall", "chinese" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `arnold`, `alice`, `carol`, `bob`, `eric` - People use different phone models: `oneplus 9`, `xiaomi mi 11`, `google pixel 6`, `samsung galaxy s21`, `iphone 13`, `huawei p50` - Each person has a favorite color: `white`, `purple`, `red`, `yellow`, `green`, `blue` - Each mother is accompanied by their child: `fred`, `timothy`, `bella`, `alice`, `samantha`, `meredith` - People have different favorite music genres: `classical`, `jazz`, `pop`, `country`, `rock`, `hip hop` - The people are of nationalities: `brit`, `swede`, `chinese`, `german`, `dane`, `norwegian` ## Clues: 1. Arnold is somewhere to the left of the person who loves purple. 2. The person who uses an iPhone 13 is Eric. 3. The person's child is named Bella is in the third house. 4. The person's child is named Samantha is the person who loves yellow. 5. Peter is the person who loves yellow. 6. The person who loves rock music is the person's child is named Fred. 7. The person who uses an iPhone 13 is not in the third house. 8. Carol is directly left of the Swedish person. 9. Alice is somewhere to the left of the person who loves pop music. 10. There is one house between the German and the person who is the mother of Timothy. 11. The British person is the person who loves pop music. 12. The person who loves yellow is in the second house. 13. Bob is somewhere to the right of the person who loves country music. 14. The person whose favorite color is red is the person who uses a OnePlus 9. 15. There is one house between the person who uses a Xiaomi Mi 11 and the person's child is named Meredith. 16. The Swedish person is Bob. 17. The person who loves yellow is the person who loves pop music. 18. The Dane is the person who loves classical music. 19. The person who uses a Google Pixel 6 is the Chinese. 20. The person who loves blue is the person who uses a Google Pixel 6. 21. The person who loves white is somewhere to the left of the person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21. 22. The British person is somewhere to the right of the person's child is named Fred. 23. There are two houses between the person who loves pop music and the person who loves classical music. 24. The person who uses a OnePlus 9 is the person's child is named Meredith. 25. The person whose favorite color is red is the person who loves jazz music.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "PhoneModel", "Color", "Children", "MusicGenre", "Nationality" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "google pixel 6", "blue", "fred", "rock", "chinese" ], [ "2", "peter", "xiaomi mi 11", "yellow", "samantha", "pop", "brit" ], [ "3", "carol", "huawei p50", "white", "bella", "country", "german" ], [ "4", "bob", "oneplus 9", "red", "meredith", "jazz", "swede" ], [ "5", "arnold", "samsung galaxy s21", "green", "timothy", "classical", "dane" ], [ "6", "eric", "iphone 13", "purple", "alice", "hip hop", "norwegian" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `alice`, `arnold`, `eric` - They all have a different favorite flower: `roses`, `daffodils`, `lilies`, `carnations` - Everyone has a different favorite cigar: `prince`, `blue master`, `dunhill`, `pall mall` - Everyone has a favorite smoothie: `watermelon`, `dragonfruit`, `desert`, `cherry` - Each mother is accompanied by their child: `bella`, `samantha`, `meredith`, `fred` - Each person has a unique hobby: `photography`, `gardening`, `cooking`, `painting` ## Clues: 1. The person's child is named Fred is somewhere to the left of Alice. 2. The Prince smoker is the Dragonfruit smoothie lover. 3. The person who loves the rose bouquet is the person partial to Pall Mall. 4. The person who paints as a hobby and the person who likes Cherry smoothies are next to each other. 5. The person who loves the boquet of lilies is not in the second house. 6. The Dunhill smoker is somewhere to the left of the Prince smoker. 7. The person who loves a bouquet of daffodils is in the first house. 8. The person's child is named Samantha is directly left of Arnold. 9. The person who enjoys gardening is the person who loves a carnations arrangement. 10. The photography enthusiast is not in the third house. 11. The person who loves a bouquet of daffodils is the person who smokes Blue Master. 12. Eric is the Desert smoothie lover. 13. Arnold is directly left of Peter. 14. The person's child is named Meredith is directly left of the Prince smoker. 15. The person who loves the rose bouquet is not in the third house. 16. The person who paints as a hobby is the person's child is named Samantha. 17. The person partial to Pall Mall is the person who loves cooking.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Flower", "Cigar", "Smoothie", "Children", "Hobby" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "daffodils", "blue master", "desert", "samantha", "painting" ], [ "2", "arnold", "roses", "pall mall", "cherry", "fred", "cooking" ], [ "3", "peter", "carnations", "dunhill", "watermelon", "meredith", "gardening" ], [ "4", "alice", "lilies", "prince", "dragonfruit", "bella", "photography" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `bob`, `peter`, `arnold`, `alice`, `carol` - The people keep different animals: `fish`, `rabbit`, `bird`, `horse`, `dog`, `cat` - Each person has a unique hobby: `painting`, `woodworking`, `knitting`, `cooking`, `gardening`, `photography` - Each person has an occupation: `nurse`, `engineer`, `doctor`, `artist`, `teacher`, `lawyer` - People have different favorite book genres: `historical fiction`, `fantasy`, `biography`, `science fiction`, `romance`, `mystery` - The mothers' names are: `penny`, `kailyn`, `holly`, `aniya`, `sarah`, `janelle` ## Clues: 1. The dog owner is directly left of The person whose mother's name is Aniya. 2. There are two houses between The person whose mother's name is Aniya and the person who is a doctor. 3. The person who paints as a hobby is in the second house. 4. The person who loves romance books is in the third house. 5. There is one house between the person who is an artist and Peter. 6. The person whose mother's name is Sarah is the person who enjoys gardening. 7. The fish enthusiast is not in the sixth house. 8. Peter is not in the third house. 9. The person who loves fantasy books is somewhere to the right of the photography enthusiast. 10. The person who loves fantasy books is the bird keeper. 11. The rabbit owner is the person who loves mystery books. 12. The person whose mother's name is Kailyn is somewhere to the right of Eric. 13. The person who is a doctor is somewhere to the right of Carol. 14. Bob is the person who loves cooking. 15. The rabbit owner is not in the sixth house. 16. Carol is somewhere to the left of Arnold. 17. There is one house between the woodworking hobbyist and the person who loves biography books. 18. The person who loves science fiction books and Eric are next to each other. 19. The person who enjoys knitting is the person who is a lawyer. 20. The person who is a nurse is the dog owner. 21. The person who keeps horses is directly left of the person who is an engineer. 22. The person who is an artist is somewhere to the left of the person who enjoys knitting. 23. The person who loves cooking is somewhere to the left of Alice. 24. There are two houses between The person whose mother's name is Holly and the rabbit owner. 25. The person who is a lawyer is the person who keeps horses. 26. The woodworking hobbyist and The person whose mother's name is Janelle are next to each other. 27. The person whose mother's name is Penny is Eric.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Animal", "Hobby", "Occupation", "BookGenre", "Mother" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "carol", "dog", "photography", "nurse", "historical fiction", "holly" ], [ "2", "arnold", "fish", "painting", "artist", "science fiction", "aniya" ], [ "3", "eric", "horse", "knitting", "lawyer", "romance", "penny" ], [ "4", "peter", "rabbit", "woodworking", "engineer", "mystery", "kailyn" ], [ "5", "bob", "bird", "cooking", "doctor", "fantasy", "janelle" ], [ "6", "alice", "cat", "gardening", "teacher", "biography", "sarah" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `alice`, `peter`, `bob`, `eric` - Each person has a different type of pet: `hamster`, `dog`, `cat`, `fish`, `bird` - Everyone has a favorite smoothie: `dragonfruit`, `watermelon`, `lime`, `cherry`, `desert` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `victorian`, `modern`, `colonial`, `ranch`, `craftsman` - The mothers' names are: `aniya`, `janelle`, `holly`, `kailyn`, `penny` - People use different phone models: `huawei p50`, `oneplus 9`, `google pixel 6`, `iphone 13`, `samsung galaxy s21` ## Clues: 1. The person who uses a Google Pixel 6 is somewhere to the left of The person whose mother's name is Janelle. 2. The person in a modern-style house is Bob. 3. The person whose mother's name is Aniya is Eric. 4. The person in a modern-style house is somewhere to the right of The person whose mother's name is Penny. 5. The person whose mother's name is Kailyn is Arnold. 6. The person who owns a dog is in the first house. 7. Bob is not in the fourth house. 8. The person who drinks Lime smoothies is in the fifth house. 9. Alice is in the first house. 10. The person in a ranch-style home is not in the fifth house. 11. There is one house between the person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21 and the Desert smoothie lover. 12. There is one house between the person living in a colonial-style house and the person who keeps a pet bird. 13. The person in a modern-style house is somewhere to the right of the person who likes Cherry smoothies. 14. The person in a Craftsman-style house is directly left of the person with a pet hamster. 15. The person who uses a Huawei P50 is the person who drinks Lime smoothies. 16. The person who keeps a pet bird is the person in a modern-style house. 17. There are two houses between the person who has a cat and Eric. 18. The person who uses a OnePlus 9 is the Watermelon smoothie lover. 19. The person who uses a OnePlus 9 is the person living in a colonial-style house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Pet", "Smoothie", "HouseStyle", "Mother", "PhoneModel" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "dog", "watermelon", "colonial", "penny", "oneplus 9" ], [ "2", "arnold", "cat", "cherry", "ranch", "kailyn", "samsung galaxy s21" ], [ "3", "bob", "bird", "dragonfruit", "modern", "holly", "google pixel 6" ], [ "4", "peter", "fish", "desert", "craftsman", "janelle", "iphone 13" ], [ "5", "eric", "hamster", "lime", "victorian", "aniya", "huawei p50" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `alice`, `arnold`, `peter` - People have different hair colors: `blonde`, `red`, `brown`, `black` - Each mother is accompanied by their child: `samantha`, `fred`, `bella`, `meredith` - People have different heights: `very short`, `short`, `tall`, `average` - Each person has a unique hobby: `photography`, `painting`, `cooking`, `gardening` - Each person prefers a different type of vacation: `beach`, `mountain`, `city`, `cruise` ## Clues: 1. The person's child is named Fred is not in the third house. 2. The photography enthusiast is somewhere to the right of the person who has red hair. 3. The person who has an average height is not in the first house. 4. Alice is not in the second house. 5. There are two houses between the person who loves cooking and the person's child is named Meredith. 6. The person who paints as a hobby is in the second house. 7. The person who is short is the person's child is named Samantha. 8. Arnold is the person's child is named Meredith. 9. The person's child is named Meredith is somewhere to the right of the person who loves beach vacations. 10. The person who has brown hair is the person who paints as a hobby. 11. Peter and the person who enjoys mountain retreats are next to each other. 12. The person who likes going on cruises is the person who has black hair. 13. Eric is the person who has an average height. 14. The person who is very short is directly left of the person who has red hair. 15. The person who has blonde hair is in the fourth house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "HairColor", "Children", "Height", "Hobby", "Vacation" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "black", "samantha", "short", "cooking", "cruise" ], [ "2", "peter", "brown", "fred", "very short", "painting", "beach" ], [ "3", "eric", "red", "bella", "average", "gardening", "mountain" ], [ "4", "arnold", "blonde", "meredith", "tall", "photography", "city" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `peter`, `alice`, `eric` - People have different favorite music genres: `jazz`, `classical`, `rock`, `pop` - Each person has a favorite color: `red`, `green`, `white`, `yellow` - The people are of nationalities: `swede`, `norwegian`, `brit`, `dane` - Each person has an occupation: `artist`, `engineer`, `doctor`, `teacher` ## Clues: 1. The person who loves pop music is the Dane. 2. Alice is the person who is a teacher. 3. The person who loves yellow is somewhere to the right of the person who loves classical music. 4. The Norwegian is somewhere to the right of the person whose favorite color is green. 5. The person who loves yellow is somewhere to the left of the person whose favorite color is red. 6. The person who loves rock music is in the fourth house. 7. The Swedish person is the person who is an engineer. 8. Eric and the person whose favorite color is red are next to each other. 9. The Swedish person is somewhere to the right of the person who loves yellow. 10. The person who loves yellow is directly left of Peter. 11. Eric is the person who is an artist. 12. The person who is a teacher is in the fourth house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "MusicGenre", "Color", "Nationality", "Occupation" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "classical", "green", "brit", "doctor" ], [ "2", "eric", "pop", "yellow", "dane", "artist" ], [ "3", "peter", "jazz", "red", "swede", "engineer" ], [ "4", "alice", "rock", "white", "norwegian", "teacher" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `eric`, `arnold` - People have different favorite sports: `soccer`, `basketball`, `tennis` - People have different heights: `average`, `short`, `very short` - Each person has a unique birthday month: `jan`, `april`, `sept` - Each person has a favorite color: `yellow`, `white`, `red` - Each person has a unique hobby: `gardening`, `cooking`, `photography` ## Clues: 1. The person who loves soccer is the person who loves white. 2. The person whose favorite color is red is the person whose birthday is in January. 3. There is one house between the person who loves soccer and Eric. 4. The person whose birthday is in April is somewhere to the left of the person who enjoys gardening. 5. The person who has an average height is not in the first house. 6. The person who is very short is the person who loves basketball. 7. The person who loves yellow is somewhere to the right of the person who has an average height. 8. The person who loves tennis is the photography enthusiast. 9. Peter is the person who is short.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "FavoriteSport", "Height", "Birthday", "Color", "Hobby" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "peter", "soccer", "short", "april", "white", "cooking" ], [ "2", "arnold", "tennis", "average", "jan", "red", "photography" ], [ "3", "eric", "basketball", "very short", "sept", "yellow", "gardening" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `eric`, `arnold` - Everyone has a different favorite cigar: `pall mall`, `prince`, `blue master` - People own different car models: `ford f150`, `toyota camry`, `tesla model 3` ## Clues: 1. The person who smokes Blue Master is the person who owns a Tesla Model 3. 2. The person who smokes Blue Master is not in the third house. 3. Peter is in the first house. 4. Arnold is not in the third house. 5. The person partial to Pall Mall is not in the third house. 6. Peter is the person who owns a Toyota Camry.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Cigar", "CarModel" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "peter", "pall mall", "toyota camry" ], [ "2", "arnold", "blue master", "tesla model 3" ], [ "3", "eric", "prince", "ford f150" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `alice`, `eric`, `arnold` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `craftsman`, `ranch`, `victorian`, `colonial` - People have different heights: `short`, `very short`, `average`, `tall` - Everyone has a different favorite cigar: `blue master`, `prince`, `pall mall`, `dunhill` - The mothers' names are: `janelle`, `aniya`, `holly`, `kailyn` ## Clues: 1. The person living in a colonial-style house is The person whose mother's name is Janelle. 2. Arnold is the person who is very short. 3. There are two houses between Alice and the person partial to Pall Mall. 4. There are two houses between the person who has an average height and The person whose mother's name is Aniya. 5. The person residing in a Victorian house is in the second house. 6. The Dunhill smoker is directly left of the person who is very short. 7. Alice is directly left of The person whose mother's name is Kailyn. 8. Eric is in the third house. 9. Alice is the person who has an average height. 10. The Prince smoker is the person who is short. 11. The person in a Craftsman-style house is directly left of the person who smokes Blue Master.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "HouseStyle", "Height", "Cigar", "Mother" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "craftsman", "average", "dunhill", "holly" ], [ "2", "arnold", "victorian", "very short", "blue master", "kailyn" ], [ "3", "eric", "colonial", "short", "prince", "janelle" ], [ "4", "peter", "ranch", "tall", "pall mall", "aniya" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `arnold`, `alice`, `eric`, `carol`, `bob` - They all have a different favorite flower: `tulips`, `daffodils`, `iris`, `carnations`, `roses`, `lilies` - People own different car models: `chevrolet silverado`, `bmw 3 series`, `toyota camry`, `ford f150`, `tesla model 3`, `honda civic` ## Clues: 1. Arnold is directly left of the person who owns a Chevrolet Silverado. 2. The person who owns a Toyota Camry is not in the fourth house. 3. The person who loves the rose bouquet is in the fifth house. 4. The person who loves a bouquet of daffodils is not in the sixth house. 5. Peter is directly left of the person who owns a Ford F-150. 6. The person who loves the boquet of iris is somewhere to the left of the person who owns a Honda Civic. 7. Bob is the person who loves the vase of tulips. 8. Eric and the person who owns a Honda Civic are next to each other. 9. The person who owns a Tesla Model 3 is the person who loves the boquet of iris. 10. The person who loves the boquet of lilies is the person who owns a Ford F-150. 11. Eric is in the third house. 12. The person who owns a Toyota Camry is somewhere to the left of Alice. 13. Alice is not in the fourth house. 14. The person who loves the boquet of lilies is not in the sixth house. 15. The person who loves a carnations arrangement is in the second house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Flower", "CarModel" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "carol", "iris", "tesla model 3" ], [ "2", "peter", "carnations", "toyota camry" ], [ "3", "eric", "lilies", "ford f150" ], [ "4", "arnold", "daffodils", "honda civic" ], [ "5", "alice", "roses", "chevrolet silverado" ], [ "6", "bob", "tulips", "bmw 3 series" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `arnold`, `peter` - Each person has an occupation: `doctor`, `engineer`, `teacher` - Each person has a unique hobby: `photography`, `cooking`, `gardening` - The mothers' names are: `aniya`, `holly`, `janelle` - Each person has a favorite drink: `water`, `tea`, `milk` - Each person has a different level of education: `associate`, `bachelor`, `high school` ## Clues: 1. The person who enjoys gardening is the person who is an engineer. 2. The person who is a teacher is the tea drinker. 3. The person who enjoys gardening is directly left of the person with a high school diploma. 4. Peter is not in the first house. 5. The tea drinker is the person with a high school diploma. 6. The photography enthusiast is the person who likes milk. 7. The person whose mother's name is Holly is the one who only drinks water. 8. Peter is The person whose mother's name is Janelle. 9. The person with a high school diploma is Eric. 10. The person who enjoys gardening is the person with an associate's degree.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Occupation", "Hobby", "Mother", "Drink", "Education" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "engineer", "gardening", "holly", "water", "associate" ], [ "2", "eric", "teacher", "cooking", "aniya", "tea", "high school" ], [ "3", "peter", "doctor", "photography", "janelle", "milk", "bachelor" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `eric`, `arnold`, `bob`, `alice` - Everyone has a favorite smoothie: `cherry`, `desert`, `watermelon`, `lime`, `dragonfruit` - Each person has a different level of education: `high school`, `master`, `bachelor`, `doctorate`, `associate` - Each person has an occupation: `lawyer`, `teacher`, `doctor`, `engineer`, `artist` - They all have a different favorite flower: `roses`, `daffodils`, `lilies`, `tulips`, `carnations` - Each person has a unique birthday month: `feb`, `april`, `mar`, `sept`, `jan` ## Clues: 1. There is one house between the person whose birthday is in February and Peter. 2. The Dragonfruit smoothie lover is directly left of the person who drinks Lime smoothies. 3. The person with a high school diploma is not in the fourth house. 4. The person with a master's degree is somewhere to the left of the person whose birthday is in April. 5. The person who is a doctor is the person who loves the rose bouquet. 6. The person whose birthday is in January is the person with a bachelor's degree. 7. The person who loves a bouquet of daffodils and the Desert smoothie lover are next to each other. 8. The person who loves a bouquet of daffodils is Eric. 9. The Watermelon smoothie lover is the person with a doctorate. 10. The person who is a teacher is the person who loves a carnations arrangement. 11. The person who drinks Lime smoothies is directly left of the person who loves the vase of tulips. 12. The Desert smoothie lover is in the fifth house. 13. The person who loves a bouquet of daffodils is somewhere to the left of the person with an associate's degree. 14. Alice is the person with an associate's degree. 15. Bob is not in the second house. 16. The person who is a lawyer is in the fifth house. 17. The person who is an engineer is somewhere to the right of Peter. 18. The person who likes Cherry smoothies is directly left of the person who loves the boquet of lilies. 19. The Desert smoothie lover is the person whose birthday is in March. 20. The person who loves the rose bouquet and the person whose birthday is in April are next to each other. 21. The person whose birthday is in September is the person with a doctorate.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Smoothie", "Education", "Occupation", "Flower", "Birthday" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "bob", "dragonfruit", "master", "doctor", "roses", "feb" ], [ "2", "arnold", "lime", "high school", "teacher", "carnations", "april" ], [ "3", "peter", "watermelon", "doctorate", "artist", "tulips", "sept" ], [ "4", "eric", "cherry", "bachelor", "engineer", "daffodils", "jan" ], [ "5", "alice", "desert", "associate", "lawyer", "lilies", "mar" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `peter`, `eric`, `alice`, `bob` - People have different heights: `short`, `very short`, `tall`, `average`, `very tall` - The people keep different animals: `horse`, `dog`, `cat`, `fish`, `bird` - Each person has a favorite drink: `root beer`, `coffee`, `tea`, `milk`, `water` - Everyone has a different favorite cigar: `blue master`, `pall mall`, `blends`, `prince`, `dunhill` - The people are of nationalities: `brit`, `german`, `norwegian`, `dane`, `swede` ## Clues: 1. The tea drinker is Peter. 2. The person who likes milk is not in the first house. 3. The cat lover is Bob. 4. The person who smokes Blue Master is in the fourth house. 5. The Prince smoker is directly left of the one who only drinks water. 6. Bob is in the fifth house. 7. There is one house between the person who is short and the Norwegian. 8. The Norwegian is the bird keeper. 9. The person who likes milk is the person who has an average height. 10. The coffee drinker is the cat lover. 11. The person who is tall is not in the fifth house. 12. Alice is the Swedish person. 13. Arnold is directly left of the person who is short. 14. The person who is very tall and the Dunhill smoker are next to each other. 15. The German is the person who is very tall. 16. The person partial to Pall Mall is in the fifth house. 17. The tea drinker is directly left of the person partial to Pall Mall. 18. Arnold is the person who keeps horses. 19. The dog owner is not in the second house. 20. The Swedish person is directly left of the British person.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Height", "Animal", "Drink", "Cigar", "Nationality" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "very tall", "horse", "root beer", "prince", "german" ], [ "2", "alice", "short", "fish", "water", "dunhill", "swede" ], [ "3", "eric", "average", "dog", "milk", "blends", "brit" ], [ "4", "peter", "tall", "bird", "tea", "blue master", "norwegian" ], [ "5", "bob", "very short", "cat", "coffee", "pall mall", "dane" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `arnold`, `alice`, `eric` - Each mother is accompanied by their child: `bella`, `fred`, `samantha`, `meredith` - People have different favorite book genres: `romance`, `mystery`, `science fiction`, `fantasy` - Everyone has a favorite smoothie: `dragonfruit`, `watermelon`, `desert`, `cherry` - The mothers' names are: `janelle`, `aniya`, `holly`, `kailyn` - People have different favorite sports: `soccer`, `basketball`, `swimming`, `tennis` ## Clues: 1. The person who loves basketball is the person who loves fantasy books. 2. The person who loves swimming is in the second house. 3. The person who likes Cherry smoothies is the person who loves swimming. 4. The person's child is named Meredith is the person who loves swimming. 5. Eric is directly left of the person who loves mystery books. 6. Alice is the person's child is named Samantha. 7. Eric is not in the third house. 8. The person who loves fantasy books is directly left of the person's child is named Samantha. 9. The person's child is named Samantha is the Dragonfruit smoothie lover. 10. The person whose mother's name is Aniya is not in the first house. 11. The person whose mother's name is Aniya is the Watermelon smoothie lover. 12. The person who loves romance books is not in the first house. 13. The person who loves swimming is Arnold. 14. The person who loves tennis is somewhere to the right of The person whose mother's name is Janelle. 15. The person's child is named Bella is The person whose mother's name is Kailyn.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Children", "BookGenre", "Smoothie", "Mother", "FavoriteSport" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "bella", "science fiction", "desert", "kailyn", "soccer" ], [ "2", "arnold", "meredith", "mystery", "cherry", "janelle", "swimming" ], [ "3", "peter", "fred", "fantasy", "watermelon", "aniya", "basketball" ], [ "4", "alice", "samantha", "romance", "dragonfruit", "holly", "tennis" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `arnold`, `peter`, `bob`, `eric` - Each person has a favorite drink: `root beer`, `water`, `milk`, `tea`, `coffee` - Each person has a favorite color: `red`, `blue`, `yellow`, `white`, `green` - The people are of nationalities: `german`, `brit`, `dane`, `swede`, `norwegian` ## Clues: 1. The person whose favorite color is green is Bob. 2. The coffee drinker is the person who loves white. 3. The one who only drinks water and the person who likes milk are next to each other. 4. Bob is in the fourth house. 5. The one who only drinks water is the person who loves yellow. 6. Peter is the person who loves white. 7. There are two houses between Arnold and the person who loves blue. 8. The person who loves yellow is in the first house. 9. The person who loves yellow is the British person. 10. The Dane is directly left of Alice. 11. Arnold is directly left of the Swedish person. 12. The tea drinker is the German.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Drink", "Color", "Nationality" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "water", "yellow", "brit" ], [ "2", "arnold", "milk", "red", "norwegian" ], [ "3", "peter", "coffee", "white", "swede" ], [ "4", "bob", "root beer", "green", "dane" ], [ "5", "alice", "tea", "blue", "german" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `bob`, `alice`, `arnold`, `peter`, `carol`, `eric` - People have different favorite book genres: `historical fiction`, `science fiction`, `biography`, `fantasy`, `romance`, `mystery` - People own different car models: `chevrolet silverado`, `bmw 3 series`, `ford f150`, `tesla model 3`, `honda civic`, `toyota camry` - The people are of nationalities: `chinese`, `swede`, `brit`, `german`, `norwegian`, `dane` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `colonial`, `modern`, `victorian`, `ranch`, `craftsman`, `mediterranean` - Each person has a unique hobby: `photography`, `cooking`, `knitting`, `gardening`, `painting`, `woodworking` ## Clues: 1. The person who enjoys knitting is somewhere to the left of the person who loves historical fiction books. 2. The woodworking hobbyist is Eric. 3. Peter is directly left of the person residing in a Victorian house. 4. The person who loves historical fiction books is directly left of the Swedish person. 5. Alice is the person in a Mediterranean-style villa. 6. The person who owns a Ford F-150 and the person in a Craftsman-style house are next to each other. 7. Carol is not in the first house. 8. There are two houses between the person who owns a Ford F-150 and the person who owns a Honda Civic. 9. The Chinese is directly left of the person who paints as a hobby. 10. There is one house between the British person and the person in a modern-style house. 11. Arnold and the person who owns a Chevrolet Silverado are next to each other. 12. The person in a Craftsman-style house is Arnold. 13. The Dane is the person in a Craftsman-style house. 14. The person who enjoys gardening is not in the fourth house. 15. The person living in a colonial-style house is in the fifth house. 16. The person who owns a Tesla Model 3 is somewhere to the right of the person who loves biography books. 17. The person who loves biography books is the woodworking hobbyist. 18. The person who loves mystery books is in the first house. 19. The Norwegian is not in the third house. 20. The person residing in a Victorian house is the person who loves romance books. 21. Peter is not in the fifth house. 22. The person who loves fantasy books is the person who loves cooking. 23. The person who loves historical fiction books is Peter. 24. Bob is somewhere to the right of Carol. 25. The Chinese is the person who owns a Toyota Camry.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "BookGenre", "CarModel", "Nationality", "HouseStyle", "Hobby" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "mystery", "ford f150", "brit", "mediterranean", "knitting" ], [ "2", "arnold", "fantasy", "bmw 3 series", "dane", "craftsman", "cooking" ], [ "3", "peter", "historical fiction", "chevrolet silverado", "german", "modern", "gardening" ], [ "4", "carol", "romance", "honda civic", "swede", "victorian", "photography" ], [ "5", "eric", "biography", "toyota camry", "chinese", "colonial", "woodworking" ], [ "6", "bob", "science fiction", "tesla model 3", "norwegian", "ranch", "painting" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `peter`, `eric`, `carol`, `bob`, `alice` - Each person prefers a different type of vacation: `city`, `cruise`, `mountain`, `cultural`, `camping`, `beach` - Each person has a different type of pet: `cat`, `dog`, `fish`, `hamster`, `bird`, `rabbit` - People have different hair colors: `blonde`, `red`, `black`, `auburn`, `brown`, `gray` - Each person has a unique birthday month: `may`, `feb`, `mar`, `jan`, `april`, `sept` ## Clues: 1. The person who has auburn hair is the person who loves beach vacations. 2. The person who enjoys camping trips is the person whose birthday is in January. 3. The person who keeps a pet bird is not in the fifth house. 4. Alice is somewhere to the left of the person whose birthday is in May. 5. The person whose birthday is in September is in the fifth house. 6. Bob is somewhere to the right of Peter. 7. The person who has gray hair is somewhere to the right of the person who likes going on cruises. 8. Carol is the person whose birthday is in January. 9. The person who keeps a pet bird is the person who has black hair. 10. The person whose birthday is in February is the person who has brown hair. 11. The person who owns a dog is the person who has red hair. 12. Arnold is directly left of the person with a pet hamster. 13. Alice is directly left of the person whose birthday is in April. 14. The person who goes on cultural tours is directly left of Eric. 15. The person who owns a dog is somewhere to the left of the person who keeps a pet bird. 16. The person who goes on cultural tours is the person who has brown hair. 17. The person who has blonde hair is the person who enjoys camping trips. 18. The person who owns a rabbit is the person who has auburn hair. 19. The person who enjoys mountain retreats is not in the second house. 20. The person whose birthday is in April is directly left of Arnold. 21. The person whose birthday is in April is the person with an aquarium of fish.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Vacation", "Pet", "HairColor", "Birthday" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "cruise", "dog", "red", "mar" ], [ "2", "peter", "city", "fish", "gray", "april" ], [ "3", "arnold", "mountain", "bird", "black", "may" ], [ "4", "bob", "cultural", "hamster", "brown", "feb" ], [ "5", "eric", "beach", "rabbit", "auburn", "sept" ], [ "6", "carol", "camping", "cat", "blonde", "jan" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `peter`, `bob`, `alice`, `eric` - The people are of nationalities: `norwegian`, `german`, `brit`, `swede`, `dane` - Each person has a unique hobby: `gardening`, `photography`, `painting`, `knitting`, `cooking` ## Clues: 1. Alice and the Dane are next to each other. 2. The Norwegian is not in the fifth house. 3. Peter is not in the second house. 4. There is one house between the Swedish person and the person who enjoys knitting. 5. The Swedish person and Arnold are next to each other. 6. The German is Bob. 7. The person who enjoys knitting is in the fourth house. 8. Arnold is the British person. 9. The person who paints as a hobby is directly left of the person who enjoys gardening. 10. Bob is not in the third house. 11. Bob is somewhere to the left of the photography enthusiast. 12. The person who loves cooking and the person who paints as a hobby are next to each other.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Nationality", "Hobby" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "bob", "german", "cooking" ], [ "2", "eric", "swede", "painting" ], [ "3", "arnold", "brit", "gardening" ], [ "4", "alice", "norwegian", "knitting" ], [ "5", "peter", "dane", "photography" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `carol`, `eric`, `arnold`, `alice`, `bob`, `peter` - People own different car models: `toyota camry`, `bmw 3 series`, `ford f150`, `honda civic`, `chevrolet silverado`, `tesla model 3` - Everyone has something different for lunch: `stew`, `grilled cheese`, `stir fry`, `soup`, `spaghetti`, `pizza` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `modern`, `mediterranean`, `colonial`, `ranch`, `victorian`, `craftsman` - Each person has a different level of education: `master`, `associate`, `trade school`, `bachelor`, `doctorate`, `high school` - They all have a different favorite flower: `tulips`, `lilies`, `daffodils`, `iris`, `roses`, `carnations` ## Clues: 1. The person who loves the spaghetti eater is the person who loves the vase of tulips. 2. The person in a modern-style house is the person with a doctorate. 3. The person in a Craftsman-style house is the person with a master's degree. 4. Peter is the person with a high school diploma. 5. The person who loves stir fry is the person who loves the boquet of lilies. 6. The person in a ranch-style home is not in the fourth house. 7. The person who owns a BMW 3 Series is the person in a Mediterranean-style villa. 8. The person who loves the boquet of lilies and the person who owns a Toyota Camry are next to each other. 9. The person with an associate's degree is somewhere to the left of the person who loves the spaghetti eater. 10. The person who loves a carnations arrangement and the person who loves eating grilled cheese are next to each other. 11. The person in a modern-style house is the person who loves the spaghetti eater. 12. The person who loves the stew is in the second house. 13. The person with a master's degree is somewhere to the left of Carol. 14. The person living in a colonial-style house is not in the fourth house. 15. There is one house between the person who owns a Chevrolet Silverado and the person who is a pizza lover. 16. The person in a ranch-style home is the person who owns a Chevrolet Silverado. 17. The person with a bachelor's degree is somewhere to the left of the person who loves the vase of tulips. 18. There are two houses between the person in a Craftsman-style house and the person who loves a bouquet of daffodils. 19. Bob is in the third house. 20. Eric is the person who owns a BMW 3 Series. 21. The person residing in a Victorian house is the person who loves stir fry. 22. The person with a high school diploma is the person who owns a Honda Civic. 23. The person in a ranch-style home is the person who loves the rose bouquet. 24. Carol is directly left of the person in a Mediterranean-style villa. 25. The person in a modern-style house is the person who owns a Tesla Model 3. 26. The person with an associate's degree is somewhere to the right of the person who loves the stew. 27. Alice is the person who loves the stew.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "CarModel", "Food", "HouseStyle", "Education", "Flower" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "ford f150", "stir fry", "victorian", "bachelor", "lilies" ], [ "2", "alice", "toyota camry", "stew", "craftsman", "master", "carnations" ], [ "3", "bob", "chevrolet silverado", "grilled cheese", "ranch", "associate", "roses" ], [ "4", "carol", "tesla model 3", "spaghetti", "modern", "doctorate", "tulips" ], [ "5", "eric", "bmw 3 series", "pizza", "mediterranean", "trade school", "daffodils" ], [ "6", "peter", "honda civic", "soup", "colonial", "high school", "iris" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `alice`, `carol`, `bob`, `arnold`, `eric` - Each person has an occupation: `lawyer`, `teacher`, `nurse`, `doctor`, `artist`, `engineer` - The people keep different animals: `bird`, `fish`, `rabbit`, `dog`, `horse`, `cat` - The mothers' names are: `janelle`, `penny`, `holly`, `aniya`, `kailyn`, `sarah` - People have different hair colors: `brown`, `black`, `gray`, `red`, `blonde`, `auburn` ## Clues: 1. The cat lover is not in the third house. 2. The bird keeper is somewhere to the right of Arnold. 3. Eric is the person who has brown hair. 4. The person who is a teacher is The person whose mother's name is Sarah. 5. Arnold is the dog owner. 6. Bob and the dog owner are next to each other. 7. The person whose mother's name is Kailyn is directly left of the person who is an artist. 8. Peter is the rabbit owner. 9. The person whose mother's name is Holly is in the sixth house. 10. There is one house between the rabbit owner and Bob. 11. Bob is not in the fourth house. 12. The person who is a teacher is the person who has gray hair. 13. The person who has blonde hair is not in the first house. 14. There are two houses between The person whose mother's name is Aniya and The person whose mother's name is Penny. 15. Eric is the person who keeps horses. 16. The person who has red hair is the person who is a lawyer. 17. The person who is an engineer is somewhere to the left of The person whose mother's name is Penny. 18. Carol is in the sixth house. 19. The person whose mother's name is Kailyn is Bob. 20. Eric is the person who is a doctor. 21. The person who has red hair is directly left of the person who has auburn hair. 22. The person who has gray hair is somewhere to the left of The person whose mother's name is Kailyn. 23. The person who has auburn hair is the dog owner. 24. The person who has blonde hair is not in the sixth house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Occupation", "Animal", "Mother", "HairColor" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "peter", "teacher", "rabbit", "sarah", "gray" ], [ "2", "alice", "engineer", "cat", "aniya", "blonde" ], [ "3", "bob", "lawyer", "fish", "kailyn", "red" ], [ "4", "arnold", "artist", "dog", "janelle", "auburn" ], [ "5", "eric", "doctor", "horse", "penny", "brown" ], [ "6", "carol", "nurse", "bird", "holly", "black" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `arnold`, `eric` - People use different phone models: `google pixel 6`, `samsung galaxy s21`, `iphone 13` - People have different favorite music genres: `classical`, `pop`, `rock` ## Clues: 1. The person who loves rock music is in the first house. 2. The person who loves pop music is in the second house. 3. Peter is not in the first house. 4. The person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21 is not in the third house. 5. The person who loves rock music and the person who uses a Google Pixel 6 are next to each other. 6. Eric is the person who loves classical music.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "PhoneModel", "MusicGenre" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "samsung galaxy s21", "rock" ], [ "2", "peter", "google pixel 6", "pop" ], [ "3", "eric", "iphone 13", "classical" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `bob`, `peter`, `eric`, `arnold` - Each person has a unique hobby: `painting`, `gardening`, `photography`, `knitting`, `cooking` - People have different favorite book genres: `science fiction`, `fantasy`, `biography`, `romance`, `mystery` - Everyone has a different favorite cigar: `blue master`, `prince`, `blends`, `pall mall`, `dunhill` - Each person has a unique birthday month: `sept`, `april`, `mar`, `jan`, `feb` - The mothers' names are: `kailyn`, `janelle`, `penny`, `holly`, `aniya` ## Clues: 1. Alice is the person who loves fantasy books. 2. The person who loves biography books is somewhere to the right of the person who smokes Blue Master. 3. The person whose birthday is in September is The person whose mother's name is Janelle. 4. The person whose birthday is in January is directly left of the person whose birthday is in September. 5. The person who smokes many different blends is directly left of the person whose birthday is in February. 6. The photography enthusiast is the person whose birthday is in April. 7. The person whose birthday is in January is the person who paints as a hobby. 8. Bob and the person whose birthday is in September are next to each other. 9. The person whose birthday is in March is somewhere to the left of Eric. 10. The person whose mother's name is Aniya is Eric. 11. The Prince smoker is in the fourth house. 12. There are two houses between Arnold and the person who loves biography books. 13. There is one house between the person whose birthday is in April and the person who loves fantasy books. 14. The person partial to Pall Mall is Alice. 15. The person who loves science fiction books is directly left of the person whose birthday is in April. 16. The person who enjoys gardening is The person whose mother's name is Holly. 17. The person who loves romance books is somewhere to the right of Eric. 18. The person whose birthday is in February is the person who smokes Blue Master. 19. The person who enjoys knitting is directly left of the person whose birthday is in April. 20. The person who smokes Blue Master is directly left of The person whose mother's name is Kailyn.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Hobby", "BookGenre", "Cigar", "Birthday", "Mother" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "gardening", "mystery", "blends", "mar", "holly" ], [ "2", "eric", "knitting", "science fiction", "blue master", "feb", "aniya" ], [ "3", "peter", "photography", "romance", "dunhill", "april", "kailyn" ], [ "4", "bob", "painting", "biography", "prince", "jan", "penny" ], [ "5", "alice", "cooking", "fantasy", "pall mall", "sept", "janelle" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `bob`, `alice`, `peter`, `eric` - Each person has an occupation: `lawyer`, `artist`, `engineer`, `doctor`, `teacher` - Each person has a unique hobby: `cooking`, `knitting`, `photography`, `painting`, `gardening` - Each person has a different level of education: `bachelor`, `high school`, `master`, `associate`, `doctorate` ## Clues: 1. Peter is in the fourth house. 2. Peter is the person with a master's degree. 3. Alice is the photography enthusiast. 4. The person who enjoys gardening is not in the second house. 5. Arnold is directly left of the person who is an engineer. 6. The person who is an engineer is in the second house. 7. Alice is the person with an associate's degree. 8. The person who loves cooking is somewhere to the right of the person with an associate's degree. 9. The person who enjoys knitting is the person who is a teacher. 10. The person who enjoys gardening is Eric. 11. The person who is a teacher is in the fifth house. 12. The person who is an artist is the person with a high school diploma. 13. The person with a bachelor's degree is directly left of the person who is a lawyer.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Occupation", "Hobby", "Education" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "artist", "painting", "high school" ], [ "2", "alice", "engineer", "photography", "associate" ], [ "3", "eric", "doctor", "gardening", "bachelor" ], [ "4", "peter", "lawyer", "cooking", "master" ], [ "5", "bob", "teacher", "knitting", "doctorate" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `arnold`, `eric` - Each person has a unique hobby: `photography`, `cooking`, `gardening` - People have different favorite book genres: `mystery`, `science fiction`, `romance` - They all have a different favorite flower: `carnations`, `daffodils`, `lilies` - Each mother is accompanied by their child: `meredith`, `fred`, `bella` ## Clues: 1. Eric is in the first house. 2. The person who loves cooking is Arnold. 3. Eric is directly left of the person who loves mystery books. 4. The person who loves a carnations arrangement is the person's child is named Fred. 5. The person who loves a bouquet of daffodils is the person who enjoys gardening. 6. The person's child is named Bella is Peter. 7. The person who loves romance books is the photography enthusiast. 8. The person who loves the boquet of lilies is in the second house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Hobby", "BookGenre", "Flower", "Children" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "photography", "romance", "carnations", "fred" ], [ "2", "arnold", "cooking", "mystery", "lilies", "meredith" ], [ "3", "peter", "gardening", "science fiction", "daffodils", "bella" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `peter`, `alice`, `arnold` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `craftsman`, `victorian`, `ranch`, `colonial` - Each person prefers a different type of vacation: `beach`, `city`, `cruise`, `mountain` - Each person has a favorite color: `white`, `green`, `red`, `yellow` - Each person has a unique birthday month: `sept`, `jan`, `feb`, `april` - People have different heights: `tall`, `short`, `very short`, `average` ## Clues: 1. The person who is short is in the third house. 2. The person whose birthday is in September is not in the first house. 3. The person who is tall is not in the second house. 4. The person who prefers city breaks is somewhere to the right of the person whose birthday is in September. 5. The person whose favorite color is green is the person whose birthday is in January. 6. The person whose birthday is in April is the person who loves yellow. 7. The person living in a colonial-style house is directly left of the person whose birthday is in January. 8. The person who is very short is the person whose birthday is in April. 9. There are two houses between the person whose favorite color is red and Eric. 10. The person who enjoys mountain retreats is Arnold. 11. The person who likes going on cruises is the person whose birthday is in January. 12. There are two houses between the person who enjoys mountain retreats and the person in a Craftsman-style house. 13. Alice is not in the third house. 14. The person in a ranch-style home is the person whose birthday is in February.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "HouseStyle", "Vacation", "Color", "Birthday", "Height" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "ranch", "mountain", "red", "feb", "tall" ], [ "2", "alice", "colonial", "beach", "white", "sept", "average" ], [ "3", "peter", "victorian", "cruise", "green", "jan", "short" ], [ "4", "eric", "craftsman", "city", "yellow", "april", "very short" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `arnold`, `peter` - People own different car models: `ford f150`, `toyota camry`, `tesla model 3` - Each person has a favorite color: `red`, `white`, `yellow` - Each mother is accompanied by their child: `fred`, `bella`, `meredith` - People have different favorite music genres: `pop`, `classical`, `rock` - They all have a different favorite flower: `daffodils`, `lilies`, `carnations` ## Clues: 1. The person who loves rock music is the person who owns a Tesla Model 3. 2. The person who owns a Ford F-150 is directly left of the person who loves pop music. 3. The person who loves white is Arnold. 4. Eric is the person who owns a Tesla Model 3. 5. The person's child is named Bella is not in the second house. 6. The person who loves a carnations arrangement and the person whose favorite color is red are next to each other. 7. The person who loves rock music is the person's child is named Fred. 8. The person who loves the boquet of lilies is not in the first house. 9. The person who loves a carnations arrangement is in the second house. 10. The person who loves white is in the first house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "CarModel", "Color", "Children", "MusicGenre", "Flower" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "ford f150", "white", "bella", "classical", "daffodils" ], [ "2", "peter", "toyota camry", "yellow", "meredith", "pop", "carnations" ], [ "3", "eric", "tesla model 3", "red", "fred", "rock", "lilies" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `carol`, `alice`, `eric`, `peter`, `bob` - Each person has a favorite drink: `water`, `coffee`, `tea`, `root beer`, `milk`, `boba tea` - Each person has a favorite color: `yellow`, `green`, `purple`, `blue`, `red`, `white` - People use different phone models: `xiaomi mi 11`, `huawei p50`, `iphone 13`, `oneplus 9`, `google pixel 6`, `samsung galaxy s21` - Everyone has a different favorite cigar: `dunhill`, `yellow monster`, `prince`, `pall mall`, `blends`, `blue master` - Each person prefers a different type of vacation: `beach`, `mountain`, `city`, `cultural`, `camping`, `cruise` ## Clues: 1. Bob is somewhere to the right of the person who smokes many different blends. 2. The person who uses an iPhone 13 is directly left of the one who only drinks water. 3. The person who loves white is directly left of Carol. 4. The person whose favorite color is red is not in the fourth house. 5. The person who loves beach vacations is not in the sixth house. 6. There is one house between the coffee drinker and the boba tea drinker. 7. The person who smokes many different blends is somewhere to the left of the person whose favorite color is green. 8. Bob is directly left of the person who likes milk. 9. The person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21 is not in the first house. 10. The Dunhill smoker is directly left of the person who goes on cultural tours. 11. There are two houses between Arnold and Bob. 12. Bob is somewhere to the right of the boba tea drinker. 13. The person who uses a Huawei P50 is in the fifth house. 14. The person who uses a Xiaomi Mi 11 is somewhere to the right of Alice. 15. Peter is directly left of the one who only drinks water. 16. The person who uses a Google Pixel 6 is Alice. 17. The person who uses a Xiaomi Mi 11 is not in the sixth house. 18. The person whose favorite color is red is the Prince smoker. 19. The person who uses a Huawei P50 is the person who smokes Blue Master. 20. The person who loves purple is directly left of the person who prefers city breaks. 21. There are two houses between the person who loves blue and the Prince smoker. 22. The person who smokes Yellow Monster is the person who loves yellow. 23. There is one house between the person who likes going on cruises and the person partial to Pall Mall. 24. The person who uses a Huawei P50 is the person who enjoys camping trips. 25. Bob is in the fourth house. 26. The tea drinker is somewhere to the right of Alice. 27. The person partial to Pall Mall is the boba tea drinker.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Drink", "Color", "PhoneModel", "Cigar", "Vacation" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "coffee", "purple", "oneplus 9", "blends", "cruise" ], [ "2", "alice", "root beer", "green", "google pixel 6", "dunhill", "city" ], [ "3", "peter", "boba tea", "blue", "iphone 13", "pall mall", "cultural" ], [ "4", "bob", "water", "yellow", "xiaomi mi 11", "yellow monster", "beach" ], [ "5", "eric", "milk", "white", "huawei p50", "blue master", "camping" ], [ "6", "carol", "tea", "red", "samsung galaxy s21", "prince", "mountain" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `peter`, `arnold` - Each person has a favorite drink: `milk`, `water`, `tea` - Each mother is accompanied by their child: `meredith`, `fred`, `bella` ## Clues: 1. The one who only drinks water is Eric. 2. Eric is in the second house. 3. The person's child is named Bella is in the third house. 4. The person's child is named Fred is Arnold. 5. The tea drinker is Peter.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Drink", "Children" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "milk", "fred" ], [ "2", "eric", "water", "meredith" ], [ "3", "peter", "tea", "bella" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `alice`, `carol`, `bob`, `eric`, `peter` - People have different hair colors: `blonde`, `brown`, `auburn`, `gray`, `black`, `red` - People have different favorite book genres: `mystery`, `romance`, `historical fiction`, `biography`, `science fiction`, `fantasy` - The people are of nationalities: `german`, `brit`, `dane`, `norwegian`, `chinese`, `swede` ## Clues: 1. The person who loves romance books is not in the fourth house. 2. The person who loves mystery books is directly left of Eric. 3. The Dane is the person who has auburn hair. 4. The person who has brown hair is somewhere to the right of Arnold. 5. Peter is the person who loves mystery books. 6. The Swedish person is the person who loves historical fiction books. 7. There are two houses between the person who loves fantasy books and the person who has black hair. 8. The person who has blonde hair is in the second house. 9. Carol is the person who has gray hair. 10. The Norwegian is directly left of Peter. 11. The person who loves historical fiction books is in the third house. 12. The Chinese is not in the second house. 13. The Norwegian is somewhere to the left of the person who loves romance books. 14. The Dane is not in the fourth house. 15. The person who loves science fiction books is Alice. 16. There is one house between the person who loves historical fiction books and the British person. 17. Carol is the person who loves biography books. 18. Peter is not in the fifth house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "HairColor", "BookGenre", "Nationality" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "red", "fantasy", "norwegian" ], [ "2", "peter", "blonde", "mystery", "german" ], [ "3", "eric", "brown", "historical fiction", "swede" ], [ "4", "alice", "black", "science fiction", "chinese" ], [ "5", "carol", "gray", "biography", "brit" ], [ "6", "bob", "auburn", "romance", "dane" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `peter`, `arnold`, `alice` - The mothers' names are: `aniya`, `holly`, `janelle`, `kailyn` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `craftsman`, `ranch`, `victorian`, `colonial` - Each person has a different type of pet: `dog`, `fish`, `cat`, `bird` ## Clues: 1. Arnold is somewhere to the left of the person in a ranch-style home. 2. The person living in a colonial-style house is somewhere to the left of The person whose mother's name is Janelle. 3. The person who has a cat is the person in a Craftsman-style house. 4. The person in a Craftsman-style house is directly left of the person with an aquarium of fish. 5. The person whose mother's name is Aniya is in the third house. 6. The person who has a cat is Peter. 7. The person whose mother's name is Kailyn is in the first house. 8. The person living in a colonial-style house is The person whose mother's name is Aniya. 9. Alice is directly left of the person who keeps a pet bird. 10. The person who keeps a pet bird is in the fourth house. 11. The person who has a cat is in the first house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Mother", "HouseStyle", "Pet" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "peter", "kailyn", "craftsman", "cat" ], [ "2", "arnold", "holly", "victorian", "fish" ], [ "3", "alice", "aniya", "colonial", "dog" ], [ "4", "eric", "janelle", "ranch", "bird" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `peter`, `alice`, `bob`, `carol`, `arnold` - People have different favorite book genres: `fantasy`, `science fiction`, `romance`, `historical fiction`, `mystery`, `biography` - Each person has a different level of education: `doctorate`, `master`, `high school`, `associate`, `trade school`, `bachelor` - Each mother is accompanied by their child: `meredith`, `samantha`, `timothy`, `fred`, `alice`, `bella` - Each person has a unique birthday month: `april`, `sept`, `feb`, `mar`, `may`, `jan` ## Clues: 1. The person's child is named Fred is in the fourth house. 2. The person with a bachelor's degree is somewhere to the left of the person who loves fantasy books. 3. The person who loves romance books and the person with a doctorate are next to each other. 4. The person with a master's degree is Eric. 5. The person whose birthday is in September is Alice. 6. The person's child is named Samantha and the person with a doctorate are next to each other. 7. The person whose birthday is in September is the person who attended trade school. 8. The person whose birthday is in February is Bob. 9. The person who loves fantasy books is the person whose birthday is in March. 10. The person whose birthday is in May is the person's child is named Bella. 11. The person who loves fantasy books is the person with a doctorate. 12. The person who loves biography books is the person who is the mother of Timothy. 13. The person's child is named Fred and the person whose birthday is in January are next to each other. 14. The person who loves historical fiction books is somewhere to the right of the person whose birthday is in May. 15. Carol is somewhere to the right of the person with an associate's degree. 16. Peter is the person who loves historical fiction books. 17. The person who loves biography books is directly left of Alice. 18. The person with a high school diploma is somewhere to the left of the person who loves mystery books. 19. Eric is the person's child is named Samantha. 20. The person who is the mother of Timothy is the person with an associate's degree. 21. The person's child is named Alice is the person who attended trade school.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "BookGenre", "Education", "Children", "Birthday" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "science fiction", "high school", "bella", "may" ], [ "2", "bob", "biography", "associate", "timothy", "feb" ], [ "3", "alice", "mystery", "trade school", "alice", "sept" ], [ "4", "peter", "historical fiction", "bachelor", "fred", "april" ], [ "5", "eric", "romance", "master", "samantha", "jan" ], [ "6", "carol", "fantasy", "doctorate", "meredith", "mar" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `carol`, `alice`, `bob`, `eric`, `peter`, `arnold` - People have different favorite music genres: `country`, `hip hop`, `pop`, `rock`, `classical`, `jazz` - Each person has a unique birthday month: `april`, `feb`, `sept`, `jan`, `mar`, `may` - People use different phone models: `samsung galaxy s21`, `google pixel 6`, `iphone 13`, `xiaomi mi 11`, `oneplus 9`, `huawei p50` - The mothers' names are: `kailyn`, `aniya`, `penny`, `holly`, `janelle`, `sarah` - People have different favorite sports: `basketball`, `soccer`, `baseball`, `volleyball`, `swimming`, `tennis` ## Clues: 1. The person whose mother's name is Sarah is Carol. 2. There are two houses between the person whose birthday is in March and Eric. 3. The person who loves swimming is The person whose mother's name is Kailyn. 4. The person whose birthday is in May is somewhere to the left of the person who loves country music. 5. The person who loves country music is directly left of The person whose mother's name is Janelle. 6. The person who uses an iPhone 13 is in the first house. 7. The person who uses a OnePlus 9 is not in the third house. 8. The person whose birthday is in April is somewhere to the left of The person whose mother's name is Janelle. 9. The person whose birthday is in May is somewhere to the right of The person whose mother's name is Aniya. 10. The person whose birthday is in January is directly left of the person who loves pop music. 11. The person whose mother's name is Holly is the person who uses a Google Pixel 6. 12. The person whose mother's name is Aniya is the person who loves classical music. 13. The person whose birthday is in September is The person whose mother's name is Penny. 14. The person whose mother's name is Holly is the person who loves baseball. 15. Bob is somewhere to the left of the person who loves hip-hop music. 16. Alice and the person who loves rock music are next to each other. 17. The person whose birthday is in January is directly left of The person whose mother's name is Holly. 18. Alice is the person who loves basketball. 19. Arnold is in the second house. 20. Bob is the person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21. 21. The person who loves volleyball is the person who loves hip-hop music. 22. The person who uses a OnePlus 9 is the person who loves country music. 23. The person who loves soccer is not in the first house. 24. Eric and the person who uses a Huawei P50 are next to each other. 25. The person who loves baseball is in the second house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "MusicGenre", "Birthday", "PhoneModel", "Mother", "FavoriteSport" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "carol", "jazz", "jan", "iphone 13", "sarah", "tennis" ], [ "2", "arnold", "pop", "mar", "google pixel 6", "holly", "baseball" ], [ "3", "alice", "classical", "april", "xiaomi mi 11", "aniya", "basketball" ], [ "4", "bob", "rock", "may", "samsung galaxy s21", "kailyn", "swimming" ], [ "5", "eric", "country", "sept", "oneplus 9", "penny", "soccer" ], [ "6", "peter", "hip hop", "feb", "huawei p50", "janelle", "volleyball" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `alice`, `bob`, `carol`, `arnold`, `eric` - People have different hair colors: `blonde`, `gray`, `black`, `brown`, `auburn`, `red` - Each person has a different level of education: `trade school`, `associate`, `high school`, `doctorate`, `master`, `bachelor` - Each person prefers a different type of vacation: `cultural`, `camping`, `city`, `cruise`, `mountain`, `beach` ## Clues: 1. The person with an associate's degree is Alice. 2. The person who has brown hair is the person who attended trade school. 3. Carol is the person who likes going on cruises. 4. The person with a bachelor's degree and the person who has black hair are next to each other. 5. Eric is directly left of the person with an associate's degree. 6. The person who has auburn hair is the person who prefers city breaks. 7. The person who prefers city breaks is Alice. 8. The person who has blonde hair is the person who likes going on cruises. 9. Bob is the person with a high school diploma. 10. Eric is somewhere to the right of the person who enjoys camping trips. 11. The person who attended trade school is the person who goes on cultural tours. 12. The person with a high school diploma is the person who has gray hair. 13. The person who enjoys mountain retreats is the person with a high school diploma. 14. There is one house between the person with a bachelor's degree and the person with a high school diploma. 15. There is one house between the person who goes on cultural tours and the person who has auburn hair. 16. Peter is directly left of the person who has gray hair. 17. The person with a doctorate is somewhere to the left of Bob.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "HairColor", "Education", "Vacation" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "carol", "blonde", "bachelor", "cruise" ], [ "2", "peter", "black", "doctorate", "camping" ], [ "3", "bob", "gray", "high school", "mountain" ], [ "4", "arnold", "brown", "trade school", "cultural" ], [ "5", "eric", "red", "master", "beach" ], [ "6", "alice", "auburn", "associate", "city" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `peter`, `arnold`, `alice` - They all have a different favorite flower: `roses`, `carnations`, `daffodils`, `lilies` - People have different favorite music genres: `rock`, `jazz`, `classical`, `pop` - Everyone has a different favorite cigar: `blue master`, `prince`, `pall mall`, `dunhill` - Each person has a favorite color: `yellow`, `red`, `white`, `green` ## Clues: 1. The Prince smoker is the person who loves rock music. 2. The person who loves pop music is directly left of the Prince smoker. 3. The person who loves yellow is the person who loves a carnations arrangement. 4. The person who loves the boquet of lilies is somewhere to the left of the person partial to Pall Mall. 5. The person who loves a bouquet of daffodils is directly left of Arnold. 6. The person partial to Pall Mall is somewhere to the left of Alice. 7. The person who loves a carnations arrangement is Arnold. 8. Eric is the person who smokes Blue Master. 9. The person who loves classical music is the person whose favorite color is red. 10. The person whose favorite color is green is not in the second house. 11. The person who loves rock music is in the second house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Flower", "MusicGenre", "Cigar", "Color" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "lilies", "pop", "blue master", "green" ], [ "2", "peter", "daffodils", "rock", "prince", "white" ], [ "3", "arnold", "carnations", "jazz", "pall mall", "yellow" ], [ "4", "alice", "roses", "classical", "dunhill", "red" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `arnold`, `peter`, `alice`, `bob`, `carol` - The people keep different animals: `horse`, `fish`, `rabbit`, `bird`, `cat`, `dog` - Each person has an occupation: `doctor`, `lawyer`, `artist`, `teacher`, `engineer`, `nurse` - Everyone has something different for lunch: `grilled cheese`, `stir fry`, `soup`, `pizza`, `spaghetti`, `stew` ## Clues: 1. The person who is a nurse is not in the first house. 2. The person who is a doctor is somewhere to the left of the dog owner. 3. The person who is a lawyer is the bird keeper. 4. Alice is not in the sixth house. 5. Bob is the person who loves the soup. 6. Peter is the person who loves the spaghetti eater. 7. The person who is a pizza lover is the cat lover. 8. The rabbit owner is in the third house. 9. The person who keeps horses is in the fifth house. 10. The bird keeper is somewhere to the right of the dog owner. 11. Arnold is directly left of Alice. 12. The person who loves the stew is somewhere to the left of the person who loves eating grilled cheese. 13. The person who is an engineer is not in the fifth house. 14. The person who is an artist is in the third house. 15. Eric is directly left of the person who loves the stew. 16. The person who is a pizza lover is the person who is a nurse. 17. The person who loves the spaghetti eater is directly left of the rabbit owner.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Animal", "Occupation", "Food" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "bob", "fish", "doctor", "soup" ], [ "2", "peter", "dog", "engineer", "spaghetti" ], [ "3", "eric", "rabbit", "artist", "stir fry" ], [ "4", "arnold", "bird", "lawyer", "stew" ], [ "5", "alice", "horse", "teacher", "grilled cheese" ], [ "6", "carol", "cat", "nurse", "pizza" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `peter`, `arnold` - People have different favorite sports: `basketball`, `soccer`, `tennis` - Each person has a favorite color: `red`, `yellow`, `white` - Everyone has something different for lunch: `pizza`, `spaghetti`, `grilled cheese` - People use different phone models: `iphone 13`, `google pixel 6`, `samsung galaxy s21` - The people keep different animals: `cat`, `bird`, `horse` ## Clues: 1. Peter and Eric are next to each other. 2. The person who is a pizza lover and the person who uses an iPhone 13 are next to each other. 3. The person who uses an iPhone 13 is in the third house. 4. The person who loves tennis is the person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21. 5. The person who loves soccer is not in the first house. 6. The cat lover is somewhere to the left of the person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21. 7. The person whose favorite color is red is the person who loves the spaghetti eater. 8. The person who loves basketball is Peter. 9. The person who loves yellow is the person who uses an iPhone 13. 10. The person who loves eating grilled cheese is the bird keeper.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "FavoriteSport", "Color", "Food", "PhoneModel", "Animal" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "peter", "basketball", "red", "spaghetti", "google pixel 6", "cat" ], [ "2", "eric", "tennis", "white", "pizza", "samsung galaxy s21", "horse" ], [ "3", "arnold", "soccer", "yellow", "grilled cheese", "iphone 13", "bird" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `arnold`, `bob`, `eric`, `alice` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `victorian`, `craftsman`, `modern`, `ranch`, `colonial` - People use different phone models: `huawei p50`, `oneplus 9`, `iphone 13`, `samsung galaxy s21`, `google pixel 6` - The people are of nationalities: `swede`, `dane`, `german`, `brit`, `norwegian` ## Clues: 1. The person living in a colonial-style house is Arnold. 2. The person in a ranch-style home and the British person are next to each other. 3. Peter is directly left of the person who uses a OnePlus 9. 4. The person who uses an iPhone 13 is Alice. 5. The person who uses a Google Pixel 6 is directly left of the Norwegian. 6. The person who uses a Google Pixel 6 is not in the first house. 7. The person in a modern-style house is the Norwegian. 8. The Dane is somewhere to the left of the Norwegian. 9. Bob and the person residing in a Victorian house are next to each other. 10. Bob is directly left of the person who uses a Huawei P50. 11. The Swedish person is Alice. 12. Peter is somewhere to the left of Bob. 13. The person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21 is the person in a modern-style house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "HouseStyle", "PhoneModel", "Nationality" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "craftsman", "iphone 13", "swede" ], [ "2", "arnold", "colonial", "google pixel 6", "dane" ], [ "3", "peter", "modern", "samsung galaxy s21", "norwegian" ], [ "4", "bob", "ranch", "oneplus 9", "german" ], [ "5", "eric", "victorian", "huawei p50", "brit" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `peter`, `eric` - People have different heights: `average`, `short`, `very short` - Each person has a unique hobby: `gardening`, `photography`, `cooking` - Everyone has a favorite smoothie: `cherry`, `desert`, `watermelon` - Each person has a favorite drink: `tea`, `milk`, `water` ## Clues: 1. The person who enjoys gardening is Eric. 2. The photography enthusiast is the one who only drinks water. 3. Peter is directly left of the tea drinker. 4. The Watermelon smoothie lover is in the second house. 5. The tea drinker is somewhere to the left of the person who is short. 6. The person who is very short is the Desert smoothie lover. 7. The person who is short is Eric.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Height", "Hobby", "Smoothie", "Drink" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "peter", "very short", "photography", "desert", "water" ], [ "2", "arnold", "average", "cooking", "watermelon", "tea" ], [ "3", "eric", "short", "gardening", "cherry", "milk" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `eric`, `peter`, `arnold` - People have different favorite music genres: `classical`, `rock`, `jazz`, `pop` - Each mother is accompanied by their child: `samantha`, `fred`, `meredith`, `bella` - Each person has an occupation: `artist`, `engineer`, `doctor`, `teacher` - Each person has a favorite color: `green`, `white`, `red`, `yellow` ## Clues: 1. The person who is a doctor is not in the first house. 2. The person who loves pop music is Eric. 3. The person whose favorite color is green is the person's child is named Fred. 4. Eric is the person who is a teacher. 5. The person who loves yellow is directly left of the person who loves white. 6. The person who is a doctor is Peter. 7. Alice is directly left of the person who is a teacher. 8. The person who loves white is the person's child is named Bella. 9. The person who is a doctor is the person's child is named Samantha. 10. Eric is the person whose favorite color is green. 11. The person who loves classical music is directly left of the person whose favorite color is green. 12. The person who loves rock music is the person who is an engineer. 13. Arnold is somewhere to the right of the person who loves yellow.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "MusicGenre", "Children", "Occupation", "Color" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "classical", "meredith", "artist", "red" ], [ "2", "eric", "pop", "fred", "teacher", "green" ], [ "3", "peter", "jazz", "samantha", "doctor", "yellow" ], [ "4", "arnold", "rock", "bella", "engineer", "white" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `carol`, `peter`, `alice`, `bob`, `arnold`, `eric` - Each person prefers a different type of vacation: `cultural`, `camping`, `cruise`, `city`, `beach`, `mountain` - Each person has a favorite color: `blue`, `yellow`, `red`, `white`, `purple`, `green` - People use different phone models: `samsung galaxy s21`, `iphone 13`, `xiaomi mi 11`, `oneplus 9`, `huawei p50`, `google pixel 6` - Each person has an occupation: `teacher`, `doctor`, `engineer`, `nurse`, `lawyer`, `artist` ## Clues: 1. The person who uses a Google Pixel 6 is in the second house. 2. The person who uses a OnePlus 9 is the person who is a teacher. 3. The person who enjoys mountain retreats is Eric. 4. The person who likes going on cruises is directly left of the person who is a lawyer. 5. Eric is not in the fourth house. 6. The person who loves blue is not in the third house. 7. There are two houses between Bob and the person who uses a OnePlus 9. 8. The person who loves beach vacations is somewhere to the right of the person whose favorite color is green. 9. Carol is in the sixth house. 10. Alice is the person who goes on cultural tours. 11. The person who is a nurse is the person who enjoys camping trips. 12. The person who is a doctor is the person who likes going on cruises. 13. The person whose favorite color is green is not in the third house. 14. Peter is somewhere to the left of the person whose favorite color is green. 15. The person who loves blue is directly left of the person who is an artist. 16. The person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21 and the person who loves blue are next to each other. 17. The person who is an artist is somewhere to the left of the person who loves white. 18. The person who loves beach vacations is directly left of the person who uses an iPhone 13. 19. The person who prefers city breaks is the person who uses a Huawei P50. 20. The person who loves yellow is in the sixth house. 21. The person whose favorite color is red is somewhere to the right of the person who loves blue.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Vacation", "Color", "PhoneModel", "Occupation" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "bob", "cruise", "purple", "samsung galaxy s21", "doctor" ], [ "2", "eric", "mountain", "blue", "google pixel 6", "lawyer" ], [ "3", "peter", "city", "red", "huawei p50", "artist" ], [ "4", "alice", "cultural", "green", "oneplus 9", "teacher" ], [ "5", "arnold", "beach", "white", "xiaomi mi 11", "engineer" ], [ "6", "carol", "camping", "yellow", "iphone 13", "nurse" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `eric`, `peter` - People have different favorite music genres: `pop`, `rock`, `classical` - Each person prefers a different type of vacation: `beach`, `city`, `mountain` - Everyone has something different for lunch: `grilled cheese`, `spaghetti`, `pizza` ## Clues: 1. The person who loves beach vacations is the person who loves eating grilled cheese. 2. The person who loves rock music and Eric are next to each other. 3. Peter is not in the first house. 4. The person who prefers city breaks is somewhere to the left of the person who loves the spaghetti eater. 5. The person who loves pop music is in the third house. 6. The person who loves classical music is the person who enjoys mountain retreats.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "MusicGenre", "Vacation", "Food" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "rock", "city", "pizza" ], [ "2", "eric", "classical", "mountain", "spaghetti" ], [ "3", "peter", "pop", "beach", "grilled cheese" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `eric`, `peter` - Each person has a unique birthday month: `sept`, `jan`, `april` - People have different hair colors: `blonde`, `black`, `brown` - Each person has a favorite color: `white`, `yellow`, `red` - People have different heights: `average`, `very short`, `short` - People have different favorite book genres: `science fiction`, `mystery`, `romance` ## Clues: 1. The person who has blonde hair is somewhere to the left of the person who is short. 2. The person who is short is somewhere to the right of the person who loves white. 3. The person who loves romance books is the person whose favorite color is red. 4. Peter is the person who is short. 5. The person whose birthday is in September and the person who has black hair are next to each other. 6. The person whose birthday is in April is the person who loves science fiction books. 7. Eric is the person who is very short. 8. There is one house between the person who loves romance books and the person who is short. 9. The person whose favorite color is red is the person who has an average height. 10. The person whose birthday is in January is Eric.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Birthday", "HairColor", "Color", "Height", "BookGenre" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "sept", "blonde", "red", "average", "romance" ], [ "2", "eric", "jan", "black", "white", "very short", "mystery" ], [ "3", "peter", "april", "brown", "yellow", "short", "science fiction" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `eric`, `peter`, `alice` - Each person has a favorite drink: `coffee`, `tea`, `water`, `milk` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `craftsman`, `ranch`, `victorian`, `colonial` - Each person has a favorite color: `white`, `red`, `yellow`, `green` - People have different hair colors: `black`, `blonde`, `brown`, `red` ## Clues: 1. The person who has blonde hair and the person who has black hair are next to each other. 2. The person who has black hair is not in the second house. 3. The person who likes milk is Alice. 4. The person in a ranch-style home is not in the first house. 5. Eric and the person who loves yellow are next to each other. 6. The person whose favorite color is red is Eric. 7. The person who has black hair is somewhere to the right of the person who has blonde hair. 8. The person who has blonde hair is somewhere to the left of Arnold. 9. Eric is the person in a Craftsman-style house. 10. The person living in a colonial-style house is directly left of the coffee drinker. 11. The person who loves yellow is directly left of Peter. 12. The person whose favorite color is green is the person who has red hair. 13. The tea drinker is the person in a Craftsman-style house. 14. The person who loves white is somewhere to the left of Peter.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Drink", "HouseStyle", "Color", "HairColor" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "milk", "victorian", "white", "brown" ], [ "2", "eric", "tea", "craftsman", "red", "blonde" ], [ "3", "arnold", "water", "colonial", "yellow", "black" ], [ "4", "peter", "coffee", "ranch", "green", "red" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `arnold`, `bob`, `eric`, `peter` - People have different hair colors: `blonde`, `red`, `brown`, `gray`, `black` - People have different heights: `short`, `very tall`, `average`, `tall`, `very short` ## Clues: 1. The person who has brown hair is directly left of Peter. 2. There is one house between the person who is very short and the person who is very tall. 3. The person who has gray hair is not in the fifth house. 4. The person who has brown hair is the person who has an average height. 5. There are two houses between the person who has red hair and the person who is very tall. 6. The person who is very tall is somewhere to the right of the person who is very short. 7. The person who has an average height is somewhere to the left of Arnold. 8. There is one house between the person who is short and Bob. 9. The person who is very tall is the person who has black hair. 10. Eric is the person who is short.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "HairColor", "Height" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "red", "short" ], [ "2", "alice", "gray", "very short" ], [ "3", "bob", "brown", "average" ], [ "4", "peter", "black", "very tall" ], [ "5", "arnold", "blonde", "tall" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `arnold`, `peter` - People have different favorite sports: `basketball`, `tennis`, `soccer` - People use different phone models: `google pixel 6`, `samsung galaxy s21`, `iphone 13` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `colonial`, `ranch`, `victorian` - Everyone has a different favorite cigar: `pall mall`, `prince`, `blue master` - Each mother is accompanied by their child: `fred`, `meredith`, `bella` ## Clues: 1. The person who uses an iPhone 13 is the person partial to Pall Mall. 2. The person who smokes Blue Master is the person who loves soccer. 3. The person in a ranch-style home is not in the second house. 4. The person who loves tennis and the person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21 are next to each other. 5. Eric is the person who loves basketball. 6. The person's child is named Bella is the person in a ranch-style home. 7. The person who loves basketball is the person living in a colonial-style house. 8. The person's child is named Fred is the person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21. 9. The person partial to Pall Mall is the person living in a colonial-style house. 10. Arnold is in the second house. 11. The person who uses a Google Pixel 6 is not in the third house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "FavoriteSport", "PhoneModel", "HouseStyle", "Cigar", "Children" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "peter", "tennis", "google pixel 6", "ranch", "prince", "bella" ], [ "2", "arnold", "soccer", "samsung galaxy s21", "victorian", "blue master", "fred" ], [ "3", "eric", "basketball", "iphone 13", "colonial", "pall mall", "meredith" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `peter`, `alice`, `eric` - Each person has a unique birthday month: `feb`, `april`, `jan`, `sept` - Each person prefers a different type of vacation: `city`, `mountain`, `beach`, `cruise` - People have different favorite book genres: `mystery`, `romance`, `science fiction`, `fantasy` - The people are of nationalities: `brit`, `dane`, `norwegian`, `swede` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `craftsman`, `ranch`, `victorian`, `colonial` ## Clues: 1. The person whose birthday is in September is Eric. 2. Alice is the British person. 3. The person who prefers city breaks is the person residing in a Victorian house. 4. Arnold is the Swedish person. 5. Alice is in the first house. 6. The Swedish person is the person living in a colonial-style house. 7. The person in a Craftsman-style house is the person who loves beach vacations. 8. The person who loves mystery books is the person residing in a Victorian house. 9. The person who loves beach vacations is the person whose birthday is in April. 10. The Swedish person is directly left of the Dane. 11. Alice is the person whose birthday is in February. 12. The person who likes going on cruises is in the third house. 13. The person who loves romance books is in the first house. 14. The person who loves mystery books is not in the fourth house. 15. The person who loves science fiction books is Peter.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Birthday", "Vacation", "BookGenre", "Nationality", "HouseStyle" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "feb", "mountain", "romance", "brit", "ranch" ], [ "2", "eric", "sept", "city", "mystery", "norwegian", "victorian" ], [ "3", "arnold", "jan", "cruise", "fantasy", "swede", "colonial" ], [ "4", "peter", "april", "beach", "science fiction", "dane", "craftsman" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `peter`, `eric` - Each person has an occupation: `engineer`, `teacher`, `doctor` - Each person has a favorite color: `yellow`, `white`, `red` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `colonial`, `ranch`, `victorian` - The people keep different animals: `horse`, `bird`, `cat` ## Clues: 1. Peter is the bird keeper. 2. The bird keeper is somewhere to the right of the cat lover. 3. Peter is the person living in a colonial-style house. 4. There is one house between the cat lover and the person who is an engineer. 5. The person in a ranch-style home is somewhere to the right of Arnold. 6. The person who is a teacher is the bird keeper. 7. Arnold is directly left of the person whose favorite color is red. 8. The person who loves white is directly left of the person who is a teacher.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Occupation", "Color", "HouseStyle", "Animal" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "doctor", "white", "victorian", "cat" ], [ "2", "peter", "teacher", "red", "colonial", "bird" ], [ "3", "eric", "engineer", "yellow", "ranch", "horse" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `peter`, `arnold` - Each person prefers a different type of vacation: `beach`, `city`, `mountain` - People have different favorite music genres: `classical`, `pop`, `rock` - People have different hair colors: `black`, `brown`, `blonde` - People use different phone models: `iphone 13`, `google pixel 6`, `samsung galaxy s21` - Each person has a different level of education: `bachelor`, `high school`, `associate` ## Clues: 1. The person who uses an iPhone 13 is the person who loves beach vacations. 2. The person who enjoys mountain retreats is directly left of the person who loves pop music. 3. The person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21 is in the third house. 4. Eric is somewhere to the left of the person who loves beach vacations. 5. The person who uses a Google Pixel 6 and the person with a bachelor's degree are next to each other. 6. The person who prefers city breaks is Arnold. 7. The person who has black hair is directly left of the person with an associate's degree. 8. The person who has brown hair is somewhere to the left of the person who loves classical music.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Vacation", "MusicGenre", "HairColor", "PhoneModel", "Education" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "mountain", "rock", "brown", "google pixel 6", "high school" ], [ "2", "peter", "beach", "pop", "black", "iphone 13", "bachelor" ], [ "3", "arnold", "city", "classical", "blonde", "samsung galaxy s21", "associate" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `bob`, `eric`, `arnold`, `peter`, `alice` - Each person has a different level of education: `doctorate`, `associate`, `bachelor`, `master`, `high school` - People have different favorite music genres: `pop`, `classical`, `jazz`, `hip hop`, `rock` - Each person has a favorite color: `red`, `green`, `white`, `blue`, `yellow` ## Clues: 1. The person who loves classical music is directly left of the person who loves hip-hop music. 2. Alice is the person who loves classical music. 3. The person whose favorite color is green is the person with a bachelor's degree. 4. The person whose favorite color is green is not in the fourth house. 5. The person with a doctorate is the person who loves blue. 6. The person whose favorite color is red is in the fifth house. 7. The person with a high school diploma is the person who loves rock music. 8. The person with an associate's degree is in the fifth house. 9. The person with a high school diploma is not in the second house. 10. The person who loves blue is not in the first house. 11. Arnold is not in the second house. 12. Peter is directly left of Bob. 13. The person who loves white is in the second house. 14. The person with a doctorate is Eric. 15. Eric is the person who loves pop music.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Education", "MusicGenre", "Color" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "bachelor", "classical", "green" ], [ "2", "peter", "master", "hip hop", "white" ], [ "3", "bob", "high school", "rock", "yellow" ], [ "4", "eric", "doctorate", "pop", "blue" ], [ "5", "arnold", "associate", "jazz", "red" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `bob`, `eric`, `alice`, `arnold`, `peter`, `carol` - They all have a different favorite flower: `iris`, `daffodils`, `lilies`, `roses`, `carnations`, `tulips` - Each person has a different type of pet: `hamster`, `bird`, `fish`, `rabbit`, `dog`, `cat` - Each person has a unique hobby: `cooking`, `woodworking`, `painting`, `knitting`, `photography`, `gardening` ## Clues: 1. The person who loves the boquet of lilies is in the fourth house. 2. The person who loves cooking is somewhere to the left of Bob. 3. Alice is directly left of the person who loves a bouquet of daffodils. 4. Bob is the person who owns a rabbit. 5. The person who loves cooking and the person who keeps a pet bird are next to each other. 6. Eric is the person who keeps a pet bird. 7. The person who owns a rabbit is somewhere to the right of the person who paints as a hobby. 8. The person who loves the boquet of lilies is the person who owns a dog. 9. The person with an aquarium of fish is directly left of the person who enjoys knitting. 10. The person who keeps a pet bird is somewhere to the right of the person who loves the rose bouquet. 11. Arnold is the person with a pet hamster. 12. There is one house between the person who enjoys gardening and the person who loves a carnations arrangement. 13. The person who enjoys gardening is in the fourth house. 14. The person with an aquarium of fish is in the first house. 15. The person who has a cat is not in the fifth house. 16. The woodworking hobbyist is Peter. 17. The person with a pet hamster is the person who loves the vase of tulips. 18. The photography enthusiast is in the sixth house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Flower", "Pet", "Hobby" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "roses", "fish", "cooking" ], [ "2", "eric", "daffodils", "bird", "knitting" ], [ "3", "peter", "iris", "cat", "woodworking" ], [ "4", "carol", "lilies", "dog", "gardening" ], [ "5", "arnold", "tulips", "hamster", "painting" ], [ "6", "bob", "carnations", "rabbit", "photography" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `arnold`, `peter` - Each person has a different type of pet: `dog`, `fish`, `cat` - Everyone has a favorite smoothie: `cherry`, `watermelon`, `desert` - People have different favorite music genres: `rock`, `classical`, `pop` - People have different heights: `average`, `short`, `very short` - Everyone has something different for lunch: `spaghetti`, `grilled cheese`, `pizza` ## Clues: 1. The person who loves pop music and the person who is a pizza lover are next to each other. 2. Arnold is somewhere to the right of the person who is short. 3. The person who has a cat is Arnold. 4. The person with an aquarium of fish and the person who loves rock music are next to each other. 5. Peter is in the second house. 6. The person who is a pizza lover is Arnold. 7. The Watermelon smoothie lover is somewhere to the left of the person who loves rock music. 8. The person who loves classical music and the person who likes Cherry smoothies are next to each other. 9. The person who loves the spaghetti eater is directly left of the person who loves rock music. 10. The person who has an average height is somewhere to the right of the person who is very short. 11. The person who is short is somewhere to the left of the person who likes Cherry smoothies.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Pet", "Smoothie", "MusicGenre", "Height", "Food" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "dog", "watermelon", "classical", "short", "grilled cheese" ], [ "2", "peter", "fish", "cherry", "pop", "very short", "spaghetti" ], [ "3", "arnold", "cat", "desert", "rock", "average", "pizza" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `alice`, `arnold`, `eric`, `bob` - Each person has a unique birthday month: `jan`, `mar`, `sept`, `april`, `feb` - Everyone has a favorite smoothie: `lime`, `desert`, `cherry`, `dragonfruit`, `watermelon` ## Clues: 1. The Desert smoothie lover is directly left of the person who drinks Lime smoothies. 2. Arnold is somewhere to the right of the person who drinks Lime smoothies. 3. The person whose birthday is in March is in the second house. 4. The person whose birthday is in January is somewhere to the left of the Watermelon smoothie lover. 5. The person whose birthday is in February is Eric. 6. There are two houses between Peter and the person whose birthday is in September. 7. There are two houses between the person whose birthday is in March and Bob. 8. The Dragonfruit smoothie lover is not in the third house. 9. Alice is the Watermelon smoothie lover.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Birthday", "Smoothie" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "feb", "desert" ], [ "2", "peter", "mar", "lime" ], [ "3", "arnold", "jan", "cherry" ], [ "4", "alice", "april", "watermelon" ], [ "5", "bob", "sept", "dragonfruit" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `carol`, `bob`, `arnold`, `eric`, `peter` - They all have a different favorite flower: `lilies`, `carnations`, `daffodils`, `iris`, `tulips`, `roses` - Everyone has something different for lunch: `pizza`, `stew`, `grilled cheese`, `stir fry`, `spaghetti`, `soup` ## Clues: 1. There is one house between the person who is a pizza lover and the person who loves the vase of tulips. 2. Eric is the person who loves the rose bouquet. 3. Peter is the person who loves the soup. 4. The person who is a pizza lover is in the third house. 5. The person who loves stir fry is somewhere to the left of the person who loves the soup. 6. The person who loves the boquet of iris is directly left of the person who loves the soup. 7. Carol is not in the sixth house. 8. Alice is in the fifth house. 9. Bob is the person who loves the stew. 10. The person who loves the vase of tulips is somewhere to the right of Eric. 11. The person who loves stir fry is Arnold. 12. The person who loves a carnations arrangement is not in the sixth house. 13. The person who loves the spaghetti eater is the person who loves a bouquet of daffodils.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Flower", "Food" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "iris", "stir fry" ], [ "2", "peter", "carnations", "soup" ], [ "3", "eric", "roses", "pizza" ], [ "4", "carol", "daffodils", "spaghetti" ], [ "5", "alice", "tulips", "grilled cheese" ], [ "6", "bob", "lilies", "stew" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `peter`, `arnold`, `alice` - People own different car models: `honda civic`, `ford f150`, `tesla model 3`, `toyota camry` - Each person has a favorite color: `white`, `yellow`, `red`, `green` - Everyone has a different favorite cigar: `pall mall`, `blue master`, `dunhill`, `prince` ## Clues: 1. The Prince smoker is the person who loves white. 2. The person whose favorite color is red is in the first house. 3. The person who owns a Ford F-150 is somewhere to the left of Arnold. 4. Peter is the person who loves white. 5. The Prince smoker is somewhere to the left of the person who owns a Honda Civic. 6. The person whose favorite color is green is the person who owns a Tesla Model 3. 7. The person partial to Pall Mall is Alice. 8. The person who owns a Ford F-150 is the Prince smoker. 9. The person who owns a Tesla Model 3 is in the third house. 10. The Dunhill smoker is not in the third house. 11. Alice is the person who owns a Honda Civic.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "CarModel", "Color", "Cigar" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "toyota camry", "red", "dunhill" ], [ "2", "peter", "ford f150", "white", "prince" ], [ "3", "arnold", "tesla model 3", "green", "blue master" ], [ "4", "alice", "honda civic", "yellow", "pall mall" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `eric`, `bob`, `carol`, `arnold`, `alice` - Each person has a unique hobby: `gardening`, `painting`, `cooking`, `woodworking`, `knitting`, `photography` - Each person has a different type of pet: `rabbit`, `cat`, `fish`, `hamster`, `bird`, `dog` ## Clues: 1. The person who enjoys knitting is the person who owns a rabbit. 2. There are two houses between the photography enthusiast and Bob. 3. Arnold is in the fifth house. 4. The person who loves cooking is not in the fourth house. 5. The person who owns a dog and Arnold are next to each other. 6. The person who paints as a hobby is the person who keeps a pet bird. 7. The person who has a cat is the woodworking hobbyist. 8. The woodworking hobbyist is in the sixth house. 9. Peter and Arnold are next to each other. 10. There is one house between Alice and Arnold. 11. Bob is in the sixth house. 12. The person with an aquarium of fish is in the fifth house. 13. The person who paints as a hobby is directly left of Carol.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Hobby", "Pet" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "painting", "bird" ], [ "2", "carol", "knitting", "rabbit" ], [ "3", "alice", "photography", "hamster" ], [ "4", "peter", "gardening", "dog" ], [ "5", "arnold", "cooking", "fish" ], [ "6", "bob", "woodworking", "cat" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `peter`, `eric` - People own different car models: `toyota camry`, `ford f150`, `tesla model 3` - People have different heights: `very short`, `short`, `average` - Each person has a different level of education: `associate`, `bachelor`, `high school` ## Clues: 1. The person who owns a Tesla Model 3 is somewhere to the right of the person with a high school diploma. 2. The person with a high school diploma is directly left of Peter. 3. Eric is directly left of the person who is short. 4. The person who has an average height is directly left of the person who is very short. 5. The person who has an average height is the person who owns a Ford F-150. 6. The person with an associate's degree is Arnold.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "CarModel", "Height", "Education" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "ford f150", "average", "associate" ], [ "2", "eric", "toyota camry", "very short", "high school" ], [ "3", "peter", "tesla model 3", "short", "bachelor" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `eric`, `peter`, `bob`, `arnold` - Each person has a different level of education: `associate`, `high school`, `master`, `bachelor`, `doctorate` - Each person has a unique hobby: `cooking`, `knitting`, `gardening`, `painting`, `photography` ## Clues: 1. The person with a high school diploma is somewhere to the left of the person with a master's degree. 2. The person with a high school diploma is the photography enthusiast. 3. The person with a master's degree is not in the fourth house. 4. Eric is directly left of Peter. 5. The person who loves cooking is somewhere to the left of Alice. 6. The person with a doctorate is directly left of the photography enthusiast. 7. The person who paints as a hobby is the person with a bachelor's degree. 8. Alice is somewhere to the left of Peter. 9. The photography enthusiast is Eric. 10. Alice is somewhere to the left of the person who enjoys knitting. 11. Arnold is somewhere to the right of Eric.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Education", "Hobby" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "bob", "associate", "cooking" ], [ "2", "alice", "doctorate", "gardening" ], [ "3", "eric", "high school", "photography" ], [ "4", "peter", "bachelor", "painting" ], [ "5", "arnold", "master", "knitting" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `peter`, `arnold` - People use different phone models: `iphone 13`, `samsung galaxy s21`, `google pixel 6` - People have different favorite music genres: `classical`, `pop`, `rock` ## Clues: 1. The person who uses an iPhone 13 is in the third house. 2. Peter is not in the second house. 3. Eric is not in the second house. 4. Eric is the person who uses a Google Pixel 6. 5. The person who loves rock music is the person who uses a Google Pixel 6. 6. The person who loves pop music is somewhere to the right of the person who loves classical music.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "PhoneModel", "MusicGenre" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "google pixel 6", "rock" ], [ "2", "arnold", "samsung galaxy s21", "classical" ], [ "3", "peter", "iphone 13", "pop" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `peter`, `arnold`, `bob`, `carol`, `alice` - People have different favorite sports: `volleyball`, `tennis`, `swimming`, `baseball`, `soccer`, `basketball` - People have different favorite book genres: `fantasy`, `science fiction`, `historical fiction`, `biography`, `romance`, `mystery` - Each person prefers a different type of vacation: `camping`, `mountain`, `city`, `cultural`, `cruise`, `beach` - Each person has a different level of education: `bachelor`, `doctorate`, `high school`, `master`, `trade school`, `associate` ## Clues: 1. The person who loves basketball is in the fourth house. 2. There is one house between Eric and the person who attended trade school. 3. The person who loves volleyball is the person with a high school diploma. 4. Peter is the person who loves baseball. 5. The person who prefers city breaks is not in the third house. 6. The person with a doctorate is somewhere to the right of the person who loves swimming. 7. The person who enjoys mountain retreats is Alice. 8. The person who loves historical fiction books is the person who loves beach vacations. 9. The person with a doctorate is directly left of Carol. 10. The person who loves romance books is somewhere to the right of Eric. 11. Alice is the person who loves mystery books. 12. The person who loves soccer is the person who loves science fiction books. 13. The person who loves volleyball is the person who loves beach vacations. 14. The person with a bachelor's degree is not in the second house. 15. The person with an associate's degree and Arnold are next to each other. 16. The person with a high school diploma is somewhere to the right of Bob. 17. The person who loves fantasy books is not in the third house. 18. The person with a bachelor's degree is somewhere to the right of the person who prefers city breaks. 19. The person with a doctorate is the person who loves biography books. 20. The person who goes on cultural tours is the person who loves tennis. 21. The person who enjoys camping trips is not in the fourth house. 22. The person with a high school diploma is in the sixth house. 23. The person with an associate's degree is the person who enjoys mountain retreats.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "FavoriteSport", "BookGenre", "Vacation", "Education" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "soccer", "science fiction", "city", "master" ], [ "2", "alice", "swimming", "mystery", "mountain", "associate" ], [ "3", "arnold", "tennis", "romance", "cultural", "trade school" ], [ "4", "bob", "basketball", "fantasy", "cruise", "bachelor" ], [ "5", "peter", "baseball", "biography", "camping", "doctorate" ], [ "6", "carol", "volleyball", "historical fiction", "beach", "high school" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `arnold`, `eric`, `bob`, `peter`, `carol` - Each person has a different level of education: `master`, `high school`, `bachelor`, `trade school`, `doctorate`, `associate` - Everyone has something different for lunch: `stew`, `spaghetti`, `stir fry`, `soup`, `pizza`, `grilled cheese` - Each person has an occupation: `lawyer`, `engineer`, `doctor`, `nurse`, `teacher`, `artist` - Each person has a favorite color: `red`, `white`, `yellow`, `green`, `blue`, `purple` ## Clues: 1. The person with a bachelor's degree is somewhere to the left of Bob. 2. The person who is an artist is the person who loves eating grilled cheese. 3. The person with a master's degree is somewhere to the left of Bob. 4. The person who is a doctor is directly left of the person who loves purple. 5. The person who loves white is in the third house. 6. The person who is an artist is directly left of the person who is a pizza lover. 7. The person who loves the stew is the person whose favorite color is green. 8. The person who loves the spaghetti eater is directly left of the person who is a teacher. 9. The person who loves blue and the person who loves the spaghetti eater are next to each other. 10. Alice is the person who loves stir fry. 11. The person with a high school diploma is not in the sixth house. 12. The person with a high school diploma is not in the third house. 13. The person who is a nurse is the person who attended trade school. 14. The person who is a pizza lover is Peter. 15. The person who is an engineer is in the fourth house. 16. The person who attended trade school is the person whose favorite color is red. 17. The person who loves the soup is somewhere to the right of the person with a doctorate. 18. The person with a master's degree is somewhere to the right of the person who loves eating grilled cheese. 19. The person who loves the spaghetti eater is somewhere to the right of Arnold. 20. The person with a doctorate is Bob. 21. Eric is the person with a bachelor's degree. 22. The person whose favorite color is green is in the second house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Education", "Food", "Occupation", "Color" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "trade school", "stir fry", "nurse", "red" ], [ "2", "arnold", "high school", "stew", "lawyer", "green" ], [ "3", "eric", "bachelor", "grilled cheese", "artist", "white" ], [ "4", "peter", "master", "pizza", "engineer", "blue" ], [ "5", "bob", "doctorate", "spaghetti", "doctor", "yellow" ], [ "6", "carol", "associate", "soup", "teacher", "purple" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `arnold`, `carol`, `peter`, `eric`, `bob` - Each person has a different type of pet: `bird`, `fish`, `rabbit`, `dog`, `hamster`, `cat` - Each person has an occupation: `engineer`, `teacher`, `lawyer`, `nurse`, `doctor`, `artist` - They all have a different favorite flower: `roses`, `carnations`, `lilies`, `daffodils`, `tulips`, `iris` - The people keep different animals: `dog`, `rabbit`, `cat`, `bird`, `horse`, `fish` - People use different phone models: `google pixel 6`, `samsung galaxy s21`, `iphone 13`, `huawei p50`, `oneplus 9`, `xiaomi mi 11` ## Clues: 1. Eric is the person who is an artist. 2. The person who is an artist is somewhere to the right of the dog owner. 3. Bob is not in the fifth house. 4. The person who is an engineer is in the third house. 5. The cat lover is somewhere to the left of the rabbit owner. 6. The fish enthusiast is the person who has a cat. 7. Bob is directly left of the rabbit owner. 8. The person who uses an iPhone 13 is the person who is a teacher. 9. The person who loves the rose bouquet is directly left of the person who is an artist. 10. Arnold is the person who keeps a pet bird. 11. The person who owns a rabbit is not in the fourth house. 12. The person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21 is in the third house. 13. The person who is a lawyer is the person with an aquarium of fish. 14. The person who is a nurse is directly left of the rabbit owner. 15. The person who loves a carnations arrangement is directly left of the person who is a teacher. 16. Alice is the fish enthusiast. 17. The person who uses a Huawei P50 is the person who owns a dog. 18. The bird keeper is not in the second house. 19. The cat lover is in the third house. 20. There are two houses between the person who loves the vase of tulips and the rabbit owner. 21. There are two houses between Alice and the person with a pet hamster. 22. Peter is the person who uses a Xiaomi Mi 11. 23. The person who owns a rabbit is somewhere to the right of Carol. 24. The person who loves the boquet of iris is not in the sixth house. 25. The person who uses a Google Pixel 6 is somewhere to the left of the person who loves the boquet of lilies. 26. The bird keeper is directly left of the person who loves the boquet of lilies.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Pet", "Occupation", "Flower", "Animal", "PhoneModel" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "carol", "fish", "lawyer", "carnations", "dog", "google pixel 6" ], [ "2", "alice", "cat", "teacher", "tulips", "fish", "iphone 13" ], [ "3", "arnold", "bird", "engineer", "iris", "cat", "samsung galaxy s21" ], [ "4", "bob", "dog", "nurse", "roses", "bird", "huawei p50" ], [ "5", "eric", "hamster", "artist", "lilies", "rabbit", "oneplus 9" ], [ "6", "peter", "rabbit", "doctor", "daffodils", "horse", "xiaomi mi 11" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `eric`, `alice`, `peter`, `carol`, `bob` - Everyone has a different favorite cigar: `dunhill`, `blends`, `yellow monster`, `blue master`, `pall mall`, `prince` - People own different car models: `toyota camry`, `bmw 3 series`, `ford f150`, `chevrolet silverado`, `honda civic`, `tesla model 3` ## Clues: 1. The person who owns a Tesla Model 3 is somewhere to the left of the person who smokes Yellow Monster. 2. Arnold is somewhere to the left of the Prince smoker. 3. The person who smokes Blue Master is somewhere to the right of the person partial to Pall Mall. 4. The person who owns a BMW 3 Series is not in the fifth house. 5. The person who smokes many different blends and Carol are next to each other. 6. The person who owns a BMW 3 Series and Carol are next to each other. 7. Alice is the person who owns a Ford F-150. 8. Alice is somewhere to the left of Carol. 9. There is one house between Bob and the person who owns a Chevrolet Silverado. 10. The person who smokes Blue Master is somewhere to the left of Carol. 11. The Dunhill smoker is not in the fourth house. 12. Carol is not in the fifth house. 13. The person who owns a Toyota Camry is the person partial to Pall Mall. 14. The person who smokes Yellow Monster is the person who owns a Chevrolet Silverado. 15. Carol is directly left of Eric.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Cigar", "CarModel" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "pall mall", "toyota camry" ], [ "2", "alice", "blue master", "ford f150" ], [ "3", "bob", "blends", "bmw 3 series" ], [ "4", "carol", "prince", "tesla model 3" ], [ "5", "eric", "yellow monster", "chevrolet silverado" ], [ "6", "peter", "dunhill", "honda civic" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `peter`, `eric` - Each person has an occupation: `doctor`, `teacher`, `engineer` - Everyone has a different favorite cigar: `blue master`, `pall mall`, `prince` ## Clues: 1. The person partial to Pall Mall is Arnold. 2. Arnold is the person who is an engineer. 3. The Prince smoker is somewhere to the left of Peter. 4. The person who smokes Blue Master is in the second house. 5. The Prince smoker is the person who is a teacher.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Occupation", "Cigar" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "teacher", "prince" ], [ "2", "peter", "doctor", "blue master" ], [ "3", "arnold", "engineer", "pall mall" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `arnold`, `peter`, `eric` - People use different phone models: `iphone 13`, `samsung galaxy s21`, `oneplus 9`, `google pixel 6` - They all have a different favorite flower: `lilies`, `roses`, `daffodils`, `carnations` - People own different car models: `tesla model 3`, `honda civic`, `ford f150`, `toyota camry` ## Clues: 1. The person who owns a Honda Civic is not in the second house. 2. The person who owns a Honda Civic is the person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21. 3. The person who owns a Toyota Camry is somewhere to the right of the person who owns a Honda Civic. 4. The person who uses a Google Pixel 6 is somewhere to the left of the person who loves the rose bouquet. 5. Arnold is the person who uses a Google Pixel 6. 6. The person who uses a OnePlus 9 is the person who loves the boquet of lilies. 7. The person who uses a OnePlus 9 is somewhere to the right of the person who owns a Ford F-150. 8. The person who owns a Toyota Camry is Alice. 9. Peter is the person who loves a carnations arrangement. 10. The person who uses a OnePlus 9 is not in the fourth house. 11. The person who owns a Ford F-150 is not in the second house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "PhoneModel", "Flower", "CarModel" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "google pixel 6", "daffodils", "ford f150" ], [ "2", "eric", "oneplus 9", "lilies", "tesla model 3" ], [ "3", "peter", "samsung galaxy s21", "carnations", "honda civic" ], [ "4", "alice", "iphone 13", "roses", "toyota camry" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `arnold`, `peter`, `bob`, `eric` - Everyone has a favorite smoothie: `dragonfruit`, `lime`, `desert`, `cherry`, `watermelon` - People have different hair colors: `blonde`, `red`, `black`, `brown`, `gray` - Each person has a different type of pet: `bird`, `fish`, `dog`, `hamster`, `cat` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `ranch`, `modern`, `craftsman`, `victorian`, `colonial` - Everyone has something different for lunch: `grilled cheese`, `pizza`, `stew`, `spaghetti`, `stir fry` ## Clues: 1. The person who has blonde hair is not in the third house. 2. The person who owns a dog is directly left of Peter. 3. The Desert smoothie lover is the person residing in a Victorian house. 4. The person who loves stir fry is directly left of Alice. 5. The person who loves eating grilled cheese is the person with a pet hamster. 6. The person who likes Cherry smoothies is the person who loves stir fry. 7. There are two houses between the person in a Craftsman-style house and the person who has black hair. 8. Peter is not in the fifth house. 9. Arnold is the person who is a pizza lover. 10. Arnold is the person with an aquarium of fish. 11. The person who has red hair is the person in a modern-style house. 12. The person living in a colonial-style house is the person who has black hair. 13. The Desert smoothie lover is not in the third house. 14. The person who drinks Lime smoothies is the person who has blonde hair. 15. The Dragonfruit smoothie lover is the person with an aquarium of fish. 16. The person who has brown hair is not in the third house. 17. The person who owns a dog is somewhere to the right of the person who loves eating grilled cheese. 18. The person who loves eating grilled cheese is the person in a modern-style house. 19. The person who loves the stew is the person who keeps a pet bird. 20. The person in a modern-style house is Eric.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Smoothie", "HairColor", "Pet", "HouseStyle", "Food" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "watermelon", "red", "hamster", "modern", "grilled cheese" ], [ "2", "bob", "lime", "blonde", "dog", "craftsman", "spaghetti" ], [ "3", "peter", "cherry", "gray", "cat", "ranch", "stir fry" ], [ "4", "alice", "desert", "brown", "bird", "victorian", "stew" ], [ "5", "arnold", "dragonfruit", "black", "fish", "colonial", "pizza" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `arnold`, `peter` - Each person has a different level of education: `bachelor`, `high school`, `associate` - Everyone has something different for lunch: `pizza`, `spaghetti`, `grilled cheese` - Everyone has a favorite smoothie: `cherry`, `desert`, `watermelon` - Each person has a favorite drink: `tea`, `water`, `milk` - People have different favorite book genres: `science fiction`, `mystery`, `romance` ## Clues: 1. The person who likes milk is the Watermelon smoothie lover. 2. The person who likes Cherry smoothies is the person who loves eating grilled cheese. 3. The person who is a pizza lover is not in the third house. 4. The person who loves eating grilled cheese is directly left of the person who loves science fiction books. 5. Peter is the person who likes milk. 6. The person who likes Cherry smoothies is the person with an associate's degree. 7. The person with a bachelor's degree is not in the second house. 8. Arnold is not in the second house. 9. The tea drinker is somewhere to the right of the person who loves romance books. 10. The person who loves science fiction books is the tea drinker. 11. The tea drinker is Eric.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Education", "Food", "Smoothie", "Drink", "BookGenre" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "associate", "grilled cheese", "cherry", "water", "romance" ], [ "2", "eric", "high school", "pizza", "desert", "tea", "science fiction" ], [ "3", "peter", "bachelor", "spaghetti", "watermelon", "milk", "mystery" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `bob`, `eric`, `arnold`, `alice`, `peter` - People have different hair colors: `red`, `gray`, `blonde`, `black`, `brown` - People own different car models: `bmw 3 series`, `tesla model 3`, `ford f150`, `toyota camry`, `honda civic` - People have different favorite music genres: `pop`, `hip hop`, `classical`, `jazz`, `rock` - Everyone has a different favorite cigar: `dunhill`, `prince`, `blue master`, `blends`, `pall mall` - People use different phone models: `oneplus 9`, `samsung galaxy s21`, `iphone 13`, `google pixel 6`, `huawei p50` ## Clues: 1. Eric is somewhere to the right of the person who owns a Toyota Camry. 2. The person who has gray hair is Bob. 3. The person who loves hip-hop music is in the third house. 4. The person partial to Pall Mall is not in the third house. 5. The person who owns a Ford F-150 is the person who has black hair. 6. Eric is the person who loves jazz music. 7. Arnold is the person who loves classical music. 8. The person who has brown hair is the person who loves jazz music. 9. The person who uses a Huawei P50 is the person who loves hip-hop music. 10. The Prince smoker is Bob. 11. The person who loves classical music is the Dunhill smoker. 12. The person who has brown hair is directly left of Peter. 13. The person who smokes Blue Master is somewhere to the right of the Dunhill smoker. 14. The person who owns a Honda Civic is the person who loves rock music. 15. There are two houses between the person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21 and the person who has blonde hair. 16. The person who has brown hair is in the second house. 17. The person who uses a Google Pixel 6 is directly left of the person who owns a Tesla Model 3. 18. The person who uses an iPhone 13 is the person who loves classical music. 19. The Dunhill smoker is the person who has black hair.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "HairColor", "CarModel", "MusicGenre", "Cigar", "PhoneModel" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "bob", "gray", "toyota camry", "pop", "prince", "google pixel 6" ], [ "2", "eric", "brown", "tesla model 3", "jazz", "pall mall", "samsung galaxy s21" ], [ "3", "peter", "red", "bmw 3 series", "hip hop", "blends", "huawei p50" ], [ "4", "arnold", "black", "ford f150", "classical", "dunhill", "iphone 13" ], [ "5", "alice", "blonde", "honda civic", "rock", "blue master", "oneplus 9" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `eric`, `arnold` - They all have a different favorite flower: `lilies`, `carnations`, `daffodils` - The people keep different animals: `bird`, `cat`, `horse` - People have different hair colors: `brown`, `blonde`, `black` ## Clues: 1. The person who has black hair is not in the first house. 2. The cat lover is Peter. 3. The person who keeps horses is in the second house. 4. The person who loves a bouquet of daffodils is the person who has blonde hair. 5. The person who loves the boquet of lilies is the person who has black hair. 6. The person who has black hair is directly left of the person who has brown hair. 7. Arnold is the person who loves a bouquet of daffodils.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Flower", "Animal", "HairColor" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "daffodils", "bird", "blonde" ], [ "2", "eric", "lilies", "horse", "black" ], [ "3", "peter", "carnations", "cat", "brown" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `peter`, `alice`, `eric` - Each person has a favorite color: `red`, `white`, `green`, `yellow` - Each person has a different level of education: `associate`, `master`, `bachelor`, `high school` - Each person has a unique birthday month: `sept`, `feb`, `jan`, `april` - Each person has a favorite drink: `water`, `milk`, `tea`, `coffee` - Each person has a unique hobby: `cooking`, `photography`, `gardening`, `painting` ## Clues: 1. The person with an associate's degree is not in the third house. 2. Peter is somewhere to the left of Arnold. 3. The person whose favorite color is green is the person with an associate's degree. 4. There is one house between Peter and the person with a high school diploma. 5. Peter is directly left of the person who loves cooking. 6. The coffee drinker is the person whose birthday is in January. 7. The person who enjoys gardening is directly left of Eric. 8. The person who enjoys gardening is the person with a bachelor's degree. 9. The person who paints as a hobby is Arnold. 10. The person whose birthday is in September and the person who paints as a hobby are next to each other. 11. The person whose favorite color is red is directly left of the tea drinker. 12. The person who loves white is in the second house. 13. The person whose birthday is in September is directly left of the person whose birthday is in April. 14. The person whose birthday is in January is the photography enthusiast. 15. The one who only drinks water and Arnold are next to each other.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Color", "Education", "Birthday", "Drink", "Hobby" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "green", "associate", "jan", "coffee", "photography" ], [ "2", "peter", "white", "bachelor", "feb", "milk", "gardening" ], [ "3", "eric", "red", "master", "sept", "water", "cooking" ], [ "4", "arnold", "yellow", "high school", "april", "tea", "painting" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `peter`, `alice`, `arnold`, `bob` - People own different car models: `honda civic`, `bmw 3 series`, `tesla model 3`, `toyota camry`, `ford f150` - People have different favorite book genres: `romance`, `science fiction`, `fantasy`, `mystery`, `biography` ## Clues: 1. The person who loves fantasy books is somewhere to the left of the person who owns a Toyota Camry. 2. Eric is somewhere to the right of the person who owns a Toyota Camry. 3. The person who owns a Honda Civic is not in the first house. 4. Peter is somewhere to the right of Eric. 5. Arnold is the person who owns a Tesla Model 3. 6. The person who owns a Ford F-150 is Peter. 7. There are two houses between the person who owns a Tesla Model 3 and the person who loves mystery books. 8. Alice is the person who loves biography books. 9. The person who owns a BMW 3 Series is the person who loves science fiction books. 10. The person who loves fantasy books is not in the first house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "CarModel", "BookGenre" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "bob", "bmw 3 series", "science fiction" ], [ "2", "arnold", "tesla model 3", "fantasy" ], [ "3", "alice", "toyota camry", "biography" ], [ "4", "eric", "honda civic", "romance" ], [ "5", "peter", "ford f150", "mystery" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `peter`, `arnold`, `eric` - People use different phone models: `google pixel 6`, `oneplus 9`, `iphone 13`, `samsung galaxy s21` - Each person has a favorite color: `white`, `green`, `red`, `yellow` - They all have a different favorite flower: `carnations`, `roses`, `daffodils`, `lilies` - Each mother is accompanied by their child: `bella`, `samantha`, `fred`, `meredith` - The people are of nationalities: `swede`, `brit`, `dane`, `norwegian` ## Clues: 1. The person's child is named Fred is Alice. 2. Peter is in the fourth house. 3. The Norwegian is not in the first house. 4. The person who loves the rose bouquet is not in the fourth house. 5. The person who uses a Google Pixel 6 is in the first house. 6. Alice is the person whose favorite color is green. 7. The person whose favorite color is red is directly left of the person's child is named Bella. 8. The Dane is the person who loves white. 9. Eric is directly left of the person whose favorite color is red. 10. The person's child is named Meredith is the person who loves a carnations arrangement. 11. The person who uses an iPhone 13 is the British person. 12. The person who loves a bouquet of daffodils is in the third house. 13. The person who loves yellow is somewhere to the left of Peter. 14. The person who loves a bouquet of daffodils is the person who uses a OnePlus 9.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "PhoneModel", "Color", "Flower", "Children", "Nationality" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "google pixel 6", "green", "roses", "fred", "swede" ], [ "2", "eric", "iphone 13", "yellow", "carnations", "meredith", "brit" ], [ "3", "arnold", "oneplus 9", "red", "daffodils", "samantha", "norwegian" ], [ "4", "peter", "samsung galaxy s21", "white", "lilies", "bella", "dane" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `bob`, `peter`, `arnold`, `alice` - The people keep different animals: `fish`, `bird`, `cat`, `dog`, `horse` - People use different phone models: `google pixel 6`, `oneplus 9`, `samsung galaxy s21`, `iphone 13`, `huawei p50` - Everyone has a different favorite cigar: `pall mall`, `dunhill`, `prince`, `blends`, `blue master` - Each mother is accompanied by their child: `meredith`, `fred`, `samantha`, `bella`, `timothy` ## Clues: 1. The person's child is named Fred is Arnold. 2. The person who uses a Google Pixel 6 is the person's child is named Samantha. 3. The person who smokes Blue Master is the person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21. 4. The Prince smoker and the person's child is named Meredith are next to each other. 5. The person who is the mother of Timothy is not in the fourth house. 6. The cat lover is Alice. 7. Eric is somewhere to the right of the bird keeper. 8. The Prince smoker is the person's child is named Fred. 9. The fish enthusiast is in the second house. 10. The person who uses a OnePlus 9 is somewhere to the right of the person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21. 11. The person who uses a Google Pixel 6 is the person partial to Pall Mall. 12. The person's child is named Samantha is somewhere to the right of the person's child is named Fred. 13. Alice is the person who uses a Google Pixel 6. 14. The Dunhill smoker is not in the fourth house. 15. Arnold is somewhere to the left of the Dunhill smoker. 16. The person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21 is the bird keeper. 17. Peter is somewhere to the right of the person who uses a Huawei P50. 18. The person who uses a Huawei P50 is Bob. 19. The person who keeps horses is in the fourth house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Animal", "PhoneModel", "Cigar", "Children" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "dog", "iphone 13", "prince", "fred" ], [ "2", "bob", "fish", "huawei p50", "dunhill", "meredith" ], [ "3", "peter", "bird", "samsung galaxy s21", "blue master", "timothy" ], [ "4", "eric", "horse", "oneplus 9", "blends", "bella" ], [ "5", "alice", "cat", "google pixel 6", "pall mall", "samantha" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `eric`, `arnold`, `peter`, `bob` - Each person has a different type of pet: `fish`, `hamster`, `cat`, `bird`, `dog` - The mothers' names are: `holly`, `kailyn`, `aniya`, `janelle`, `penny` - People have different favorite sports: `tennis`, `soccer`, `swimming`, `basketball`, `baseball` - The people keep different animals: `bird`, `dog`, `horse`, `cat`, `fish` - Each person prefers a different type of vacation: `beach`, `camping`, `city`, `cruise`, `mountain` ## Clues: 1. The person whose mother's name is Penny is Bob. 2. The person who loves swimming is the person who owns a dog. 3. The dog owner and The person whose mother's name is Janelle are next to each other. 4. The fish enthusiast is directly left of the person who loves soccer. 5. The person who loves baseball is Alice. 6. The person who keeps horses is not in the fourth house. 7. The person who enjoys camping trips is in the third house. 8. Eric is the bird keeper. 9. Alice is the person who likes going on cruises. 10. The person who prefers city breaks is The person whose mother's name is Holly. 11. The fish enthusiast is not in the second house. 12. The fish enthusiast is Arnold. 13. The person whose mother's name is Janelle is the person who likes going on cruises. 14. The person with an aquarium of fish is Bob. 15. The person who prefers city breaks is directly left of the person who enjoys camping trips. 16. The person who loves tennis is somewhere to the left of the person who enjoys mountain retreats. 17. The person who has a cat is not in the fifth house. 18. The person whose mother's name is Kailyn is the bird keeper. 19. The person who keeps a pet bird is somewhere to the left of The person whose mother's name is Janelle. 20. The person who loves soccer is somewhere to the right of the person who loves swimming. 21. The person who enjoys mountain retreats is The person whose mother's name is Kailyn.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Pet", "Mother", "FavoriteSport", "Animal", "Vacation" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "dog", "aniya", "swimming", "fish", "beach" ], [ "2", "peter", "bird", "holly", "soccer", "horse", "city" ], [ "3", "bob", "fish", "penny", "tennis", "dog", "camping" ], [ "4", "alice", "cat", "janelle", "baseball", "cat", "cruise" ], [ "5", "eric", "hamster", "kailyn", "basketball", "bird", "mountain" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `alice`, `arnold`, `eric` - Each person has a different type of pet: `fish`, `bird`, `dog`, `cat` - Each person has a unique hobby: `gardening`, `photography`, `cooking`, `painting` ## Clues: 1. There is one house between the person who paints as a hobby and Peter. 2. Eric is not in the third house. 3. Eric is the person who paints as a hobby. 4. The person with an aquarium of fish is the photography enthusiast. 5. The person with an aquarium of fish is Peter. 6. The person who owns a dog is Arnold. 7. The person who has a cat is in the second house. 8. The person who owns a dog is somewhere to the right of the photography enthusiast. 9. The person who enjoys gardening is the person who owns a dog.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Pet", "Hobby" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "bird", "painting" ], [ "2", "alice", "cat", "cooking" ], [ "3", "peter", "fish", "photography" ], [ "4", "arnold", "dog", "gardening" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `peter`, `eric` - People own different car models: `tesla model 3`, `toyota camry`, `ford f150` - Each person has a unique birthday month: `april`, `jan`, `sept` - Each person has an occupation: `teacher`, `doctor`, `engineer` - Each person has a different level of education: `high school`, `associate`, `bachelor` - People have different hair colors: `blonde`, `brown`, `black` ## Clues: 1. The person who has black hair is in the second house. 2. The person who owns a Ford F-150 is Arnold. 3. The person who owns a Ford F-150 and Eric are next to each other. 4. The person whose birthday is in January is directly left of the person who has blonde hair. 5. The person who owns a Toyota Camry is the person who has blonde hair. 6. The person who has blonde hair is the person whose birthday is in September. 7. Peter is the person with a bachelor's degree. 8. The person with an associate's degree is not in the first house. 9. The person who owns a Toyota Camry is the person who is a teacher. 10. The person whose birthday is in January is the person who owns a Tesla Model 3. 11. The person whose birthday is in January is the person who is an engineer.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "CarModel", "Birthday", "Occupation", "Education", "HairColor" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "arnold", "ford f150", "april", "doctor", "high school", "brown" ], [ "2", "eric", "tesla model 3", "jan", "engineer", "associate", "black" ], [ "3", "peter", "toyota camry", "sept", "teacher", "bachelor", "blonde" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `bob`, `eric`, `peter`, `arnold`, `alice` - People use different phone models: `oneplus 9`, `samsung galaxy s21`, `iphone 13`, `huawei p50`, `google pixel 6` - Each person prefers a different type of vacation: `mountain`, `city`, `cruise`, `camping`, `beach` - Everyone has a favorite smoothie: `dragonfruit`, `lime`, `desert`, `watermelon`, `cherry` - Each person has an occupation: `lawyer`, `teacher`, `doctor`, `engineer`, `artist` ## Clues: 1. The person who uses a OnePlus 9 is somewhere to the left of Alice. 2. The person who is a teacher is the person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21. 3. The Dragonfruit smoothie lover is directly left of the Desert smoothie lover. 4. Arnold is the person who uses an iPhone 13. 5. The person who likes Cherry smoothies is the person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21. 6. The person who is a teacher is somewhere to the right of Bob. 7. The person who uses a Huawei P50 is somewhere to the right of the person who prefers city breaks. 8. The person who enjoys mountain retreats is the person who uses a OnePlus 9. 9. The person who is a doctor is the Watermelon smoothie lover. 10. The person who likes going on cruises is the person who drinks Lime smoothies. 11. Eric is in the second house. 12. The person who prefers city breaks is not in the fourth house. 13. The person who uses an iPhone 13 is somewhere to the left of the person who is a lawyer. 14. The Watermelon smoothie lover is not in the fourth house. 15. The person who enjoys camping trips is the person who is an artist. 16. The person who is a teacher is the person who prefers city breaks. 17. The person who is a doctor is Arnold.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "PhoneModel", "Vacation", "Smoothie", "Occupation" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "bob", "google pixel 6", "cruise", "lime", "engineer" ], [ "2", "eric", "samsung galaxy s21", "city", "cherry", "teacher" ], [ "3", "arnold", "iphone 13", "beach", "watermelon", "doctor" ], [ "4", "peter", "oneplus 9", "mountain", "dragonfruit", "lawyer" ], [ "5", "alice", "huawei p50", "camping", "desert", "artist" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `bob`, `peter`, `carol`, `arnold`, `eric`, `alice` - The people keep different animals: `dog`, `cat`, `bird`, `rabbit`, `fish`, `horse` - Each person has a unique hobby: `woodworking`, `knitting`, `cooking`, `gardening`, `photography`, `painting` ## Clues: 1. The person who enjoys gardening is directly left of the person who keeps horses. 2. The woodworking hobbyist is Eric. 3. Alice is not in the sixth house. 4. The bird keeper is in the first house. 5. The person who keeps horses is in the sixth house. 6. There are two houses between the bird keeper and the dog owner. 7. There is one house between the woodworking hobbyist and the cat lover. 8. The person who loves cooking is somewhere to the right of Peter. 9. Carol is somewhere to the right of the fish enthusiast. 10. Peter is the person who enjoys gardening. 11. Bob is directly left of the photography enthusiast. 12. The person who paints as a hobby is somewhere to the right of Carol.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Animal", "Hobby" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "bird", "woodworking" ], [ "2", "bob", "fish", "knitting" ], [ "3", "carol", "cat", "photography" ], [ "4", "alice", "dog", "painting" ], [ "5", "peter", "rabbit", "gardening" ], [ "6", "arnold", "horse", "cooking" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `alice`, `arnold`, `peter`, `bob`, `eric` - Everyone has a different favorite cigar: `blue master`, `pall mall`, `prince`, `blends`, `dunhill` - People use different phone models: `oneplus 9`, `huawei p50`, `google pixel 6`, `iphone 13`, `samsung galaxy s21` - Each person has a favorite color: `blue`, `red`, `white`, `yellow`, `green` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `colonial`, `victorian`, `ranch`, `modern`, `craftsman` - Everyone has something different for lunch: `stir fry`, `grilled cheese`, `spaghetti`, `stew`, `pizza` ## Clues: 1. The person who loves eating grilled cheese is somewhere to the left of the person who uses a Huawei P50. 2. The person who loves stir fry is not in the fourth house. 3. The person in a modern-style house is the person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21. 4. Peter is the person who loves stir fry. 5. The person who uses an iPhone 13 is the person who smokes many different blends. 6. The person whose favorite color is green is Arnold. 7. Peter is the person partial to Pall Mall. 8. The person who loves stir fry is the person in a Craftsman-style house. 9. The person who uses an iPhone 13 is in the second house. 10. The Dunhill smoker is the person living in a colonial-style house. 11. The person who is a pizza lover is the person in a ranch-style home. 12. The person in a ranch-style home is somewhere to the left of the person whose favorite color is green. 13. The person who is a pizza lover is not in the second house. 14. The person who loves the stew is in the third house. 15. The person whose favorite color is red is the person who is a pizza lover. 16. The person who smokes Blue Master is somewhere to the right of the person who uses an iPhone 13. 17. Alice is the person who loves the stew. 18. Bob is in the second house. 19. The person who loves white is the person who uses a Huawei P50. 20. The person who loves yellow is the person who loves eating grilled cheese. 21. The person who loves the stew is the person who uses a OnePlus 9.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Cigar", "PhoneModel", "Color", "HouseStyle", "Food" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "eric", "prince", "google pixel 6", "red", "ranch", "pizza" ], [ "2", "bob", "blends", "iphone 13", "yellow", "victorian", "grilled cheese" ], [ "3", "alice", "dunhill", "oneplus 9", "blue", "colonial", "stew" ], [ "4", "arnold", "blue master", "samsung galaxy s21", "green", "modern", "spaghetti" ], [ "5", "peter", "pall mall", "huawei p50", "white", "craftsman", "stir fry" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `arnold`, `alice`, `bob`, `peter` - People own different car models: `ford f150`, `tesla model 3`, `bmw 3 series`, `honda civic`, `toyota camry` - Everyone has a favorite smoothie: `desert`, `watermelon`, `lime`, `dragonfruit`, `cherry` - Each person has a favorite color: `green`, `red`, `white`, `yellow`, `blue` - The people are of nationalities: `dane`, `swede`, `norwegian`, `german`, `brit` - Each person has a unique birthday month: `april`, `jan`, `feb`, `sept`, `mar` ## Clues: 1. The person who owns a Tesla Model 3 is directly left of the person whose birthday is in January. 2. The Swedish person is directly left of the Watermelon smoothie lover. 3. The British person is in the third house. 4. The person who owns a Toyota Camry is somewhere to the right of the Dragonfruit smoothie lover. 5. Peter and the Norwegian are next to each other. 6. The person who owns a Tesla Model 3 is directly left of Arnold. 7. The person whose birthday is in February is the person who loves white. 8. The person whose favorite color is green is the British person. 9. The Norwegian is the person whose birthday is in September. 10. The person who owns a Tesla Model 3 is the Dane. 11. There is one house between the person who loves blue and the person who owns a Honda Civic. 12. The Desert smoothie lover is somewhere to the right of the person who loves white. 13. The person who owns a Honda Civic is the person who drinks Lime smoothies. 14. The person who owns a BMW 3 Series is in the third house. 15. Bob is the person who likes Cherry smoothies. 16. The person who owns a BMW 3 Series is directly left of the person whose favorite color is red. 17. The person whose favorite color is green is Peter. 18. Alice is in the fourth house. 19. The person whose birthday is in March is the British person. 20. The Desert smoothie lover is not in the second house.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "CarModel", "Smoothie", "Color", "Nationality", "Birthday" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "bob", "tesla model 3", "cherry", "white", "dane", "feb" ], [ "2", "arnold", "ford f150", "dragonfruit", "blue", "swede", "jan" ], [ "3", "peter", "bmw 3 series", "watermelon", "green", "brit", "mar" ], [ "4", "alice", "honda civic", "lime", "red", "norwegian", "sept" ], [ "5", "eric", "toyota camry", "desert", "yellow", "german", "april" ] ] }
There are 6 houses, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `peter`, `carol`, `bob`, `alice`, `arnold`, `eric` - Everyone has a favorite smoothie: `cherry`, `desert`, `blueberry`, `watermelon`, `lime`, `dragonfruit` - Each person has a favorite color: `green`, `red`, `white`, `purple`, `blue`, `yellow` - People have different favorite sports: `volleyball`, `soccer`, `tennis`, `basketball`, `swimming`, `baseball` - People have different favorite book genres: `science fiction`, `biography`, `romance`, `historical fiction`, `mystery`, `fantasy` - Everyone has a different favorite cigar: `pall mall`, `blue master`, `yellow monster`, `blends`, `dunhill`, `prince` ## Clues: 1. Alice is directly left of the person whose favorite color is green. 2. The person who loves baseball is the person who likes Cherry smoothies. 3. Alice is somewhere to the left of the person whose favorite color is red. 4. The Dunhill smoker is in the fifth house. 5. The person who loves volleyball is in the fifth house. 6. There is one house between the person who loves yellow and the Desert smoothie lover. 7. The person who loves tennis is somewhere to the right of the person who smokes Blue Master. 8. The person who drinks Lime smoothies is not in the third house. 9. The person who drinks Blueberry smoothies is directly left of the person who loves purple. 10. The person who loves swimming is the person partial to Pall Mall. 11. The person who loves tennis is in the third house. 12. The person who smokes many different blends is the person who loves mystery books. 13. Arnold is directly left of the person who loves soccer. 14. The person who loves fantasy books is the person partial to Pall Mall. 15. The person who loves historical fiction books is not in the fifth house. 16. The person who loves basketball is the person who loves mystery books. 17. The person who loves fantasy books is the Desert smoothie lover. 18. The person who loves soccer is the person who loves biography books. 19. The person who loves science fiction books is Alice. 20. The person who likes Cherry smoothies is Bob. 21. The person who loves swimming is somewhere to the right of the person who loves white. 22. Arnold is directly left of the Prince smoker. 23. Carol is the person whose favorite color is red. 24. There is one house between Peter and the person who loves biography books. 25. The Dragonfruit smoothie lover is the person who loves biography books.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Smoothie", "Color", "FavoriteSport", "BookGenre", "Cigar" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "bob", "cherry", "white", "baseball", "historical fiction", "blue master" ], [ "2", "eric", "blueberry", "yellow", "basketball", "mystery", "blends" ], [ "3", "alice", "watermelon", "purple", "tennis", "science fiction", "yellow monster" ], [ "4", "peter", "desert", "green", "swimming", "fantasy", "pall mall" ], [ "5", "arnold", "lime", "blue", "volleyball", "romance", "dunhill" ], [ "6", "carol", "dragonfruit", "red", "soccer", "biography", "prince" ] ] }
There are 3 houses, numbered 1 to 3 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `arnold`, `peter` - Each person lives in a different style of house: `ranch`, `colonial`, `victorian` - People use different phone models: `google pixel 6`, `iphone 13`, `samsung galaxy s21` - Everyone has a favorite smoothie: `watermelon`, `cherry`, `desert` - The people are of nationalities: `brit`, `dane`, `swede` ## Clues: 1. The person who uses a Samsung Galaxy S21 is the Watermelon smoothie lover. 2. Arnold is in the third house. 3. The person residing in a Victorian house is somewhere to the right of the Dane. 4. Peter is directly left of the British person. 5. The Watermelon smoothie lover is directly left of the person in a ranch-style home. 6. The Desert smoothie lover is somewhere to the right of Peter. 7. The person who likes Cherry smoothies is Arnold. 8. The person who uses an iPhone 13 is the British person.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "HouseStyle", "PhoneModel", "Smoothie", "Nationality" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "peter", "colonial", "samsung galaxy s21", "watermelon", "dane" ], [ "2", "eric", "ranch", "iphone 13", "desert", "brit" ], [ "3", "arnold", "victorian", "google pixel 6", "cherry", "swede" ] ] }
There are 5 houses, numbered 1 to 5 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `eric`, `arnold`, `bob`, `alice`, `peter` - Each mother is accompanied by their child: `bella`, `samantha`, `timothy`, `meredith`, `fred` - The mothers' names are: `janelle`, `kailyn`, `penny`, `aniya`, `holly` ## Clues: 1. Peter is The person whose mother's name is Holly. 2. The person whose mother's name is Kailyn is the person's child is named Fred. 3. The person whose mother's name is Aniya is not in the second house. 4. The person whose mother's name is Aniya is Bob. 5. The person's child is named Fred is in the third house. 6. The person who is the mother of Timothy is not in the first house. 7. Arnold is The person whose mother's name is Kailyn. 8. Eric is the person's child is named Bella. 9. The person whose mother's name is Holly is in the fifth house. 10. There is one house between The person whose mother's name is Janelle and The person whose mother's name is Kailyn. 11. There is one house between Eric and the person's child is named Samantha.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Children", "Mother" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "meredith", "janelle" ], [ "2", "eric", "bella", "penny" ], [ "3", "arnold", "fred", "kailyn" ], [ "4", "bob", "samantha", "aniya" ], [ "5", "peter", "timothy", "holly" ] ] }
There are 4 houses, numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, as seen from across the street. Each house is occupied by a different person. They have different characteristics: - Each person has a unique name: `arnold`, `alice`, `eric`, `peter` - Each mother is accompanied by their child: `samantha`, `bella`, `meredith`, `fred` - Everyone has a favorite smoothie: `dragonfruit`, `cherry`, `watermelon`, `desert` - People have different favorite sports: `tennis`, `soccer`, `basketball`, `swimming` - Each person has a unique hobby: `gardening`, `photography`, `painting`, `cooking` - People have different favorite book genres: `science fiction`, `fantasy`, `romance`, `mystery` ## Clues: 1. The Desert smoothie lover is not in the fourth house. 2. Alice is the person who loves swimming. 3. The person who loves mystery books is the person who loves tennis. 4. The person who loves cooking and the person who loves basketball are next to each other. 5. There is one house between the person who loves cooking and the person's child is named Fred. 6. The person's child is named Fred is Arnold. 7. The person who paints as a hobby is somewhere to the right of the person's child is named Fred. 8. There is one house between the person who likes Cherry smoothies and the person who loves romance books. 9. The person who loves fantasy books is the person's child is named Samantha. 10. The person's child is named Fred is not in the first house. 11. The person's child is named Meredith is the person who loves romance books. 12. Eric is the person who enjoys gardening. 13. The Dragonfruit smoothie lover is directly left of the person who loves soccer. 14. The person who loves science fiction books is the person who loves basketball.
{ "header": [ "House", "Name", "Children", "Smoothie", "FavoriteSport", "Hobby", "BookGenre" ], "rows": [ [ "1", "alice", "samantha", "desert", "swimming", "cooking", "fantasy" ], [ "2", "eric", "bella", "cherry", "basketball", "gardening", "science fiction" ], [ "3", "arnold", "fred", "dragonfruit", "tennis", "photography", "mystery" ], [ "4", "peter", "meredith", "watermelon", "soccer", "painting", "romance" ] ] }